Re: school issues

2010-02-27 Thread Len Gerstel

On Feb 27, 2010, at 9:42 AM, Lawrence David Eden wrote:

Can connecting a Mac to my school's internet cause problems?

I was told by our tech person that connecting my old iMac at  
school will cause viruses.

I was wise enough not to argue the point, because the simple fact  
that they were concerned was all I needed to realize that I was  
going to lose any argument

I am hoping to re-open the issue at school.where can I find the  

Hopefully that is the phrasing they used. A computer can not cause a  
virus. An uninformed user can download and install one, but a  
computer that is not infected can not spontaneously cause one. Push  
for more educated users.

From the page:

Back in the days before OS X, the number of viruses which attacked  
Macintosh users totalled somewhere between about 60 and 80. Today,  
the number of viruses actively attacking OS X users is...NONE!  
However, this doesn't mean we should get complacent about checking  
incoming email attachments or web downloads, for two reasons.  
Firstly, there's no guarantee that we Mac users will continue to  
enjoy the status quo, but more importantly, the majority of the  
computing world use machines running MS Windows, for which an  
enormous quantity of viruses exist, so we must be vigilant in  
checking the files we pass on to our friends and colleagues etc.  
For example, if you're a wise person and you've turned MS Office's  
macro support off then you're not going to notice that virus which  
is hiding inside this month's edition of Extreme Ironing.doc which  
your friend sent you. If you then forward that document to a less  
wise person who has not turned off the macro support, then you have  
most likely just sent him a shiny new Pandora's Box with a sign  
saying Open this end!

And that is from the most widely used Mac antivirus program. Which is  
free because no one will pay for something that is not needed.

Also, a quick quote from Craig's LIst help page on spam and such:

We've set up our email servers to prevent virus/worm email  
relaying. As always, be wary of unknown attachments, and if you are  
a Windows user, keep your anti-virus software up-to-date.

You notice they specifically mention Windows. Even Craig's list knows  
we are safe.

My take is the same as Dan's. Ignorance and job security issues. I  
will see companies with 40-50 computers on a site with 2-3 full time  
techs. Ask Bruce what his ratio is for Mac support and you will see  
what we are talking about.

Try googling for Mac Viruses. When I did (with no ad blocking  
software) there were no sponsored links (ads) on the right. ie; No  
one thinks it is worth anything to pay google to direct them to their  
site when someone searches for them. You don't even get a link to Mac  
antivirus software, ClamXav, until the second page. Google for  
Windows virus and see how many companies are out there to make money  
off of that problem.

Here is Apple's page on the issue:


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Re: Ethernet connection not recognized in PowerMac G5

2010-02-27 Thread Len Gerstel

On Feb 27, 2010, at 2:34 PM, Goody2 wrote:

Then plugged the G5 in again and decided to jiggle the cable around.
Sure enough, when the plug is pulled outward (but still seated) it
disconnects.When pushed inward as far as possible there is no problem.
I tried the same maneuver with the second Ethernet port and had
similar results (second port slightly better). Also tried a different
cable; same story.

Are the 2 cables the same brand/ batch?

Might be a bad batch of plugs. Something in the mold when they were  

I would try a different brand of cable / batch of plugs.

Other thought. The actual contact wires inside the port might be  
compressed too much and not making contact. On port 1 (the worse of  
the 2) I would take a bent paperclip and VERY GENTLY try and pull/ 
bend the internal contacting wires out a little. That should get you  
good contacts.


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Re: Dongle for CAD/CAM

2010-03-06 Thread Len Gerstel

On Mar 6, 2010, at 1:23 PM, John Carmonne wrote:

The app is ViITUAL GIBBS 5.0  the dongle is a ADB unit also I can  
use it on a Griffin iMate, but I want to use it on my G5 PM it  
doesn't boot OS9 and the dongle needs to boot at start up. So I  
have to boot 9 to use it, I have plenty of dual boot OS9 Tiger  
machines, but I'd like to include the use of my PM G5s also, hence  
the need for a dongle crack.

Just to ask the most basic question. You say the extension needs to  
load at start up. Have you tried putting it in your classic OS folder  
so that when classic starts, it sees the dongle at startup?

Since the dongle will be seen when OS 9 starts up, and the app runs  
in classic, that may qualify as available at startup.


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Re: Setup Mac Mini G4 as print/fax server

2010-03-08 Thread Len Gerstel

On Mar 8, 2010, at 9:10 AM, Nestamicky wrote:

On 3/4/10 3:31 PM, John Carmonne wrote:
  I use Fax Stuff Pro for faxing from any app that can print and  
my main printer is a Cannon MP210 print and scan, cheap and very  
good quality.
Does this program allow you to fax through Ethernet, or must your  
hookup your modem?

Faxes, by definition, go over POTS (Plain Old Telephone System)  
lines. You can not fax directly via ethernet through the internet.  
However, since it appears that you want to send a computer generated  
document, that you you could print to pdf and email that.

You need to have a fax modem of some type, either directly attached  
to your computer or installed in a networked Print/fax/scan  
multifunction machine. I do not THINK, but may be wrong, that you can  
share the fax function of the Mini with an installed modem hooked to  
a POTS line over the network.


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Re: what internet browser to use.

2010-03-08 Thread Len Gerstel

On Mar 8, 2010, at 9:05 AM, Nestamicky wrote:

On 3/8/10 3:02 AM, Kris Tilford wrote:

If you're sticking with OS 9, you'll need to remember to manually set
the memory for each application. With 288MB you should be able to  

quite a bit more than the default amount to your browser, which will
speed things up considerably.

Could this be done with OS X, with the same advantages? If so, how?

Thank the deity of your choice. This is not needed in OS X. OS X  
dynamically manages memory for applications so you don't have to.  
That was one of the big selling points when it came out.


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Re: Upgrading a Sawtooth

2010-03-08 Thread Len Gerstel

On Mar 8, 2010, at 9:51 AM, ah...clem wrote:

On Mar 7, 4:45 pm, John Carmonne wrote:

 I think the 533 processor at $20.00 is a pretty good upgrade if  
it will produce a 33% improvement in speed. I agree that 1.25 GB  
of RAM is a good amount for most stuff. I use a lot of RAM on my  
CAD/CAM system due to rendering of the images in a zoomed fashion.  
If it's a nice clean machine and performs what you want to do and  
some more speed could make it  better then the processor is cheap  
enough IMHO. but I'm just remembering what that RAM you already  
have cost back in the day:-D

John Carmonne
Yorba Linda USA

john keeps pushing his idea of a processor upgrade.  makes me wonder
if he's the one trying to sell the 533.  ;o)

The one flaw here is that a 533 is from a Digital Audio with a 133MHz  
bus speed and different motherboard layout than a Sawtooth with a  
100MHz bus speed. In order to put that in a sawtooth (they have the  
same connector to the motherboard) you need to remove one of the  
onboard ATA connectors. Also, the 533 has a 4x multiplier  
(4x133MHz=533MHz) built into the processor, so in a Sawtooth, it will  
run at 400MHz (4 x 100MHz=400MHz).

Now, if you have a Uni-N revision 7 or above as reported by the  
utility linked to at this page: 


You can put in a dual processor from a Gigabit in your Sawtooth.  
Putting a dual 450 or 500 into your sawtooth will give you a big  
boost from your current processor. Heck, I am running Leopard on a  
Dual 533 DA.


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Re: Upgrading a Sawtooth

2010-03-08 Thread Len Gerstel

On Mar 8, 2010, at 4:50 PM, skinnie wrote:

Thanks all of you for the suggestions,but I'll try to make some things
clear :)


2) When I say it's slow,I don't mean it's horribly slow,but I know
this time it is a little slower than my ibook g3 800mhz,640mb ram,40gb
hdd was!
I think maybe due to the crappy ati card that I have on the powermac
doesn't support quartz extreme unlike the 32mb one on the ibook...and
the crappy seagate HDD that I have there..

The HD and video are pretty close between the iBook and the Sawtooth.  
Not enough for you to see a lot of difference. The ATI rage is slower  
than a 7500, but not a huge amount.

Most of the difference you are seeing is the processor. You have  
plenty of ram.

Since you are at 2 different places, the speed of your connection  
could be an issue. Schools tend to have high bandwidth connections to  
the net compared to home connections.

3)Processor upgrades cost a lot more,even that 533mhz...I pay about
35dollars of shipping to portugal,so I think 50 dollars for more
133mhz is not a really good option..
If I could live with a g3 800Mhz,I guess a G4  400Mhz could be just
good for internet..

Your computer may be able to use a dual G4 from a Gigabit Ethernet  
model which would double your speed and be about the same, if not  
faster than the iBook.

5)About pc flashed cards,what problems have you got?I've read in the
mac elite wiki,and there are lots of confirmed working 9700 reduced
roms and 9800...


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Re: Pros Cons of Stacking HDs

2010-03-10 Thread Len Gerstel

On Mar 10, 2010, at 4:09 PM, Bill Connelly wrote:

On Mar 10, 2010, at 3:49 PM, wrote:

I use flat angle brackets from the hardware store.  I can't remember
if I get the 1.5 or the 2.   Just get four of them, and screw them
onto the sides of the drives.   This will hold one drive above the
other with a gap depending on the size of bracket you bought.

The sleds provided by Apple, only allow about 1/4 between 2  
Seagate HDs (750GB and 500GB ones).

Just doesn't seem like enough ... especially considering the  
circuit board on the bottoms that are exposed.

I had 2 x 120GBs stacked using the apple bracket in my DA, along with  
320 and 500GB SATA drives single layered next to them. I had no  
issues with heat with either a 533 or 933 QS processor in there. When  
I put a dual 1.2GHz G4, THEN I had heat issues and ran with the door  


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Re: EDIT: A good and cheap video card

2010-03-29 Thread Len Gerstel

On Mar 29, 2010, at 12:04 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On Mar 28, 2010, at 5:02 PM, wrote:

OT.  How does one make the tiny URL links?

I use this great little Services app:

It puts the following services in your Services menu:

Shrink URL
Shrink URL and Copy
Shrink URL to Clipboard.

In any Services-aware app (which is pretty much all), select the  
URL, then select one of the three from the Services menu. It works  
as advertised. I use it ALL the time.

Also, and, the two I use, offer links that  
you can drag into your browsers toolbar (they work with Safari and  
Firefox). When you are on a page and you want to shorten the url,  
just click the link and it will provide you with the shortened (or  
cutened) url that you can copy and paste.

Please not that socuteurl is not for the diabetic or irony impaired.


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Re: Installing a MDD processor in a Quicksilver Power Mac

2010-04-04 Thread Len Gerstel

On Apr 4, 2010, at 11:02 AM, David Kendal wrote:

O hai.

I've got a 733MHz Quicksilver Power Mac G4, the 2001 edition. Can I
install a dual 1.25GHz processor from a Mirror Drive Door G4 along
with the heatsink from said MDD? Will the heatsink fit in the case?
I've found a pretty good deal on a processor card, and I want to know
if it will be a waste of money or not.

— David

Sorry, MDD processors will not fit in a QS or earlier, that is why it  
is a good deal. Your best stock Apple would be a dual 1GHz from  
another QS.


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Re: USB 2.0 with OS 9?

2010-04-19 Thread Len Gerstel

On Apr 19, 2010, at 3:52 PM, Gorka L Martinez Mezo wrote:

Did OS 9 support the USB 2.0 protocol? I would like to get a USB  
2.0 PCI card for a Beige G3 running 9.1 and some cards say they  
will run USB 2.0 only under OS X.


Sorry, no USB 2 drivers were ever written for OS 9. So the cards are  
correct, but they should still work at USB 1 speeds.


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Inappropriate Posts

2010-04-21 Thread Len Gerstel


A couple of quick notes from the list nannies / moderators.

Occasionally completely off topic posts make it to the G-List. Either  
by accident or on purpose. We react and act on them as we can. The  
best help that the members could be in this is to not post any  
replies to obvious off topic posts. We try and kill the thread as  
soon as we can, but sometimes the Google Groups system does not  
cooperate and allows additional posts through.

So again, if a completely off topic post gets through, DO NOT respond  
on list to them.

Also, attachments of any type are not allowed on the list. There are  
many reasons including, but not limited to:

There are still members on dial up that on a good day get only 21-24k  
download speeds. Have you ever had to download an unwanted attached  
file that takes 10 minutes to download?

Attachments can harbor viruses and malware. While most of us are  
pretty safe using Macs, some people read the list on windows machines  
and are, generally speaking, more vulnerable.

So, please, do not post any attachments to the list of any type.

Len Gerstel
List Nanny
G3-5 Mac list

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Re: Question about Tiger DVD Install Disc???

2010-04-25 Thread Len Gerstel

On Apr 25, 2010, at 1:57 PM, Richard Gerome wrote:

At 12:10 PM -0400 4/25/2010, Richard Gerome wrote:
Just for safety sake as soon as I get my Ti Powerbook fixed I'm  
going to try and make some copies of it!!!

Making a backup of an installation CD/DVD is a good plan.

(I already have some friends trying) I think that's why that Jaguar  
disc went bad???

went bad?  Not sure what you mean.  I guess I could see a disc  
being damaged if the drive was foo, but other than that, making a  
copy does not damage a disc in any way.


   It didn't go bad from copying it, I was using it to reload Jaguar  
on all those Clamshells I was rebuilding and one day it stopped  
working... I didn't know why but I was thinking it used up all it's  
licenses??? That's when I got another Jaguar Disc and made 6 copies  
of it...

To get the snarky comment out of the way, How does it feel to be a  

Each Jaguar CD comes with a license to install on 1 Macintosh  
computer, unless you bought a family pack. Then it is for up to 5  
installs in one household, not for computers to be given away or sold.  
Apple does not enforce this license in as draconian way as MS, but a  
license is a license. By installing it on more than 1 computer, you  
are pirating Apple software.

That being said, there is no authorization or validation system for  
Mac OS installs, YET. If the CD stopped working, it was damaged in  
someway. A scratch, peanut butter on the surface or something similar.


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Re: OS 9

2010-04-26 Thread Len Gerstel

On Apr 26, 2010, at 7:37 PM, Fabian Fang wrote:

On Apr 26, 2010, at 4:24 PM, Lawrence David Eden wrote:

Some time ago someone gave a url for a net install of OS 9.  Could  
someone repost that url?

You could have found this by searching the G-Group Archives, or  
searching Apple Support, or reviewing your own thread of September  
9, 2009.

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Re: mp4 trouble

2010-04-27 Thread Len Gerstel

On Apr 27, 2010, at 11:28 AM, Dan wrote:

At 6:04 PM -0700 4/26/2010, John Carmonne wrote:
I've been making some mp4s with VisualHub and the sync of sound  
and video is about 5 to 8 seconds off. I've made some before and  
all were good.

The DVDs play properly.


The codecs in VLC seem better than Apple's, but still not great.

I found that for my system (DA Dual 533 running 10.5) that MPlayer  
actually is less processor intensive than VLC and runs a little  
smoother on low end hardware.


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Re: Overclocking a Rev A Beige Desktop that's been upgraded to a G4

2010-05-04 Thread Len Gerstel

On May 4, 2010, at 4:01 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On May 4, 2010, at 12:48 PM, deadwinter wrote:

I have a Rev.A Beige Desktop G3. maxed out in RAM, with the stock 4GB
HD.  I upgraded the CPU to a G4, so now it's up to 500MHz.  OS is
10.2.6.  Strangely, with the L2 cache enabled (I'm assuming that if I
ran the Sonnet enabler and I can see it in the System profiler it's
enabled), performance has not gotten much better.

Yup. You're not going to get a whole lot better.

 I am willing to
believe the real bottleneck is disk i/o,

The real bottleneck is probably a close thing between the 66 MHZ  
memory bus and the slow HDD.

 Upgrading the HDD will help a little, but the best visible  
performance enhancement would be to stick in a better video card,  
like a Radeon PCI card. When I stuck a Radeon 7000 into my Beige,  
the difference was quite noticeable.

How much effort do you want to put into this? If it is to tinker as a  
hobby, go for it. If it is for serious use, try and spring for an agp  
G4, which will be significantly faster.

That being said, the upgrade options are the following:

Radeon 7000 or original Mac Edition will give you the most speed up  

A faster/newer HD will help, but you are limited to 120GB without an  
add in card. And the drive MUST be partitioned with the first  
partition being 8GB or less and that has to have your 10.2 install. A  
pci ATA/133 or SATA card will get you around these limits. BTW, do  
you have enough free space on the disk. a 4GB disk with a 10.2  
install does not have a lot of extra room, you may be getting into a  
disk too full situation.

How is the speed for your processor set? Some G4s use the motherboard  
jumpers and some are set by the card that actually holds the G4 chip.

If it is the Motherboard jumpers, you can easily overclock it to  
533MHz. The beiges have a maximum multiplier of 8x the bus speed, so  
533 is the fastest you can go. If it is on the chip, I do not know  
how to overclock it.

If you have one of the early beiges, you can check the rated speed of  
the Grackle (IIRC) chip. This chip is rated at either 83 or 66MHz. If  
it is 66, stop here.

If it is 83, you MAY have a little room to play with. IF this is a  
toy and not a Mac you have to depend on proceed with caution. You may  
be able to overclock the motherboard bus speed to 83MHz, but you also  
need to have pc100 or faster ram, not pc66. Here are some instructions:


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Re: Overclocking a Rev A Beige Desktop that's been upgraded to a G4

2010-05-04 Thread Len Gerstel

On May 4, 2010, at 10:49 PM, deadwinter wrote with lots of snips:

On May 4, 5:27 pm, Len Gerstel wrote:

On May 4, 2010, at 12:48 PM, deadwinter wrote:

I have a Rev.A Beige Desktop G3. maxed out in RAM, with the stock  

HD.  I upgraded the CPU to a G4, so now it's up to 500MHz.  OS is
10.2.6.  Strangely, with the L2 cache enabled (I'm assuming that  
if I

ran the Sonnet enabler and I can see it in the System profiler it's
enabled), performance has not gotten much better.

How much effort do you want to put into this? If it is to tinker as a
hobby, go for it. If it is for serious use, try and spring for an agp
G4, which will be significantly faster.

That being said, the upgrade options are the following:

Radeon 7000 or original Mac Edition will give you the most speed up

A faster/newer HD will help, but you are limited to 120GB without an
add in card. And the drive MUST be partitioned with the first
partition being 8GB or less and that has to have your 10.2 install. A
pci ATA/133 or SATA card will get you around these limits. BTW, do
you have enough free space on the disk. a 4GB disk with a 10.2
install does not have a lot of extra room, you may be getting into a
disk too full situation.


Ah, but you see, Len, I have a plan that someone suggested earlier.
It involves XPostFacto, cloning the drive to a firewire drive, setting
the internal HD as a helper drive,  and a chicken.   This should
remove the 8GB issue.

That being said, the Radeon 700 seems like an easy thing to do.

Since the machine was free, and I've already spent (between CPU, ADB
KB/Mouse, RAM, etc) a fair bit on it, I'm just screwing around with it
at this point.

Never tried to go over 10.2 on my beiges. Does the boot drive need to  
be OS X? If so, and you replace the HD, you still need to stick to the  
8GB first partition, which your 4 gb drive does.

You may want to stock up on the chickens. Beiges are notoriously  
finicky when it comes to X.anything. Some work with no problems, some  
will never take any version  and I had one that I had to reinstall  
10.2 after ANY boot into 9, but classic worked fine.

And, yes, a pci Radeon will give you a pretty decent boost.


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2010-05-06 Thread Len Gerstel

On May 6, 2010, at 8:50 AM, John Carmonne wrote:

On May 5, 2010, at 3:49 PM, JOHN CARMONNE wrote:

On May 5, 2010, at 3:34 PM, Kris Tilford wrote:

On May 5, 2010, at 5:27 PM, JOHN CARMONNE wrote:

How do I check the firmware?

Look in System ProfilerPCI Cards and highlight the SeriTek/1V4  
card entry and look underneath at what is says for ROM Revision.

Also how is it updated if need be?

My card has which I believe is the version you should  
also have. Here's a download link:

Thanks Kris, I have 5.1.3 1V  Next catch 22 problem may be is  
that Firm Tek says that if I have Leopard that I need the firmware  
but leave it alone if I've got Tiger, Well you know
what I've got to say next. I have both Tiger and leopard on this  
machine. At the moment I'm transferring a large file via FireWire  
the the WD drive I guess after it's done I'll try to restart with  
the drive plugged in and on to see if it mounts.

I wonder what may be wrong here i have an extenal drive WD 1TB  
drive and I have a Firm Tek card in a G4 MDD Dual 1.25 and a card  
in a PM G5 Dual  2.7 I can't get the drive to mount on either  
machine. It mounts fine with the USB and FW 800 ports. Firmware  
doesn't seem to be an issue. Is there a possiblity of a bad drive?  
I have no other drives to test with. I have 2 Hitachi 2TB internals  
in the G5 2.7 on the card
and they work properly. Is there a test of some sort for this? I  
tried to start with the drive on and still it doesn't show. Non of  
my utilities see the drive either.

Sounds like either a bad Sata controller (or trace on the internal  
card) in the drive or bad sata cable.


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Re: Beige G3 not booting from CD!

2010-05-08 Thread Len Gerstel

On May 8, 2010, at 8:03 PM, Gus wrote:

It would be fair to say that I have the desktop 266 (not the tower) so
it takes those low profile simms.  I have the standard size simms in
it so I have the case off and top part slightly open so the simms
don't have any weight on them.

If you are careful and act like an adult I have a trick for you. What  
is keeping your beige from closing is the shroud over the power supply  

If you cut that shroud off, your system should close fine. That is  
where the acting like an adult comes in. Don't stick your finger into  
a moving fan.


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Re: Which is better?

2010-05-09 Thread Len Gerstel

On May 9, 2010, at 9:21 AM, Mark Sokolovsky wrote:

okay but the thing is... where can i download a benchmark program?


I normally use xBench for benchmarking


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Re: Beige G3 not booting from CD!

2010-05-09 Thread Len Gerstel

On May 9, 2010, at 11:49 AM, Manuel Marques wrote:

But the low-profile SIMMs are for the VRAM, correct? The RAM modules
are standard PC-66 low-density ones, right?

vram modules are different than simms. vrams are smaller and look like  
laptop memory.

The ram modules are standard pc-66 low density. HOWEVER, there were 2  
specs for some reason as to the size of the actual sticks. IIRC, they  
were either 1 1/4 or 1 and 1/2 tall. The taller ones would not fit  
in a desktop beige without removing the fan shroud and the shorter  
ones fit fine with the fan shroud on.


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All program word/character count question

2010-05-14 Thread Len Gerstel
This search primarily involves Mail (running 2.1.3 on 10.4.11), but I  
could use this in other applications.

Absolute best case scenario, I am looking for something that would do  
the following.

Highlight a block of text in a program. Right (or control) click on  
it and in the contextual menu would pop up either an option for word/  
char count or, ideally in my own little world, would immediately show  
that in the contextual menu.

Background, FWIW. I send my brother a LOT of texts relating to  
business. I find it infinitely easier to send an email from my  
computer than to use my cell. Many cell carriers offer this option,  
for example is for Verizon.

Sometimes I go over the 160 character limit and important stuff is  
cut off. When I think about it I launch Word and use that count, but  
I would love a contextual menu plug in.

I found CountChar at MacUpdate, but, alas, 10.5 only.

Any one have any ideas?


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Re: All program word/character count question

2010-05-14 Thread Len Gerstel

On May 14, 2010, at 11:59 AM, Fabian Fang wrote:

On May 14, 2010, at 8:17 AM, Len Gerstel wrote:

This search primarily involves Mail (running 2.1.3 on 10.4.11),  
but I could use this in other applications.

Absolute best case scenario, I am looking for something that would  
do the following.

Highlight a block of text in a program. Right (or control) click  
on it and in the contextual menu would pop up either an option for  
word/ char count or, ideally in my own little world, would  
immediately show that in the contextual menu.

Background, FWIW. I send my brother a LOT of texts relating to  
business. I find it infinitely easier to send an email from my  
computer than to use my cell. Many cell carriers offer this  
option, for example is for Verizon.

Sometimes I go over the 160 character limit and important stuff is  
cut off. When I think about it I launch Word and use that count,  
but I would love a contextual menu plug in.

I found CountChar at MacUpdate, but, alas, 10.5 only.

Any one have any ideas?

Check out WordService, a free OS X service from Devon  
Technologies,  that works in any application. The included  
'Statistics' service gives you word/character counts, and it comes  
with a bunch of other useful text manipulation services as well.



It works great for what it does. Much easier than firing up Word.  
Now, for lazy ol' me, if I could find the same thing that pops up  
when I right click instead of mousing ALL THE WAY to the menu bar  
life would be wonderful.


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Re: All program word/character count question

2010-05-14 Thread Len Gerstel

On May 14, 2010, at 3:40 PM, Doug McNutt wrote:

It works great for what it does. Much easier than firing up Word.   
Now, for lazy ol' me, if I could find the same thing that pops up   
when I right click instead of mousing ALL THE WAY to the menu bar   
life would be wonderful.

I typically use
pbpaste | wc
as a command in to count the words and characters on  
the clipboard. But Terminal is always open and ready on this machine.

It would be fairly easy to create an AppleScript application using  
do shell script which does that with the result that you could  
copy  or COMMAND C the text you're interested in and execute  
the script.

   man wc
for details.

That probably works fine. I am just trying to be EXTREMELY lazy on  
this. With WordService installed all you do is highlight the text,  
then go to (Application name menu, ie: Mail) -Services-Statistics  
and it pops up with the counts. And on my DA, that runs a LOT faster  
than an Applescript.


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Re: BW G3 - G4 Upgrade Revisited.

2010-05-22 Thread Len Gerstel

On May 22, 2010, at 7:24 PM, Gus wrote:

I was directed to a web site that pointed out that you had to hobble
the bus speed on the G3 in order to use the Yikes G4 processor in

Please cite the site. Both are 100MHz machines. The only upgrades to  
the BW that hobble the bus speed are the very fast (800-1GHz) G3s,  
iirc. Once you update the firmware to accept a G4, it should almost be  
a drop in.

In light of this it would make more sense to either:

Put the entire Yikes MotherBoard in the G3.

I don't think it is a drop in.


Skip the whole upgrade process and invest in a low cost G4 computer
all together.

There are many G4s available for $120 and under on eBay, and better  
deals can be had on the swap list. I just saw a 1.25GHz Mirror Drive  
Door on ebay for $120 shipped.

I noticed the Yikes didn't have a ADB Bus so I would have to replace
my keyboard and mouse (which I really like).  But I can learn to live

Basically, any USB KB and Mouse will work with a G4 Mac. I am  
currently using (please forgive me) a Dell KB and MS wireless mouse  
with my DA. No issues at all.


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Re: Cube speed

2010-05-23 Thread Len Gerstel

On May 23, 2010, at 11:38 AM, JOHN CARMONNE wrote:

On May 23, 2010, at 8:18 AM, Mac User #330250 wrote:

John, I don't know anything about cubes, but the CPU modules get  
 clock speed by multiplying the bus speed so 133 x 4 = 533. If you  
use it

 with a 100MHz bus then it will operate at 400MHz!

Will the cube take a dual? I have a spare dual 450MHz.

Where does the Bus speed come from? The logic board or the Daughter  
card? Also i have a 500 cube with a 100 Bus speed
So your saying that 5x100= 500.  What is determining the multipier  
in my Cube 500? I'm getting confused with all the things
I'm reading, I'd hate to go to all the work to install a processor  
just to find out it's slower that the old one:-) I would think some
of the AGP cards from the towers would work in a Cube but maybe  
that's why they get so much for the aftermarket ones.

The bus speed is set by the motherboard. The multiplier is set on the  
processor card.

In some systems, there are ways of changing the bus speed, I do not  
know about the cube. There are also ways of changing the multiplier on  
some stock Apple cards. HOWEVER, both these involve circuit board  
level soldering and are not for the feint hearted.

I am not real familiar with the cube, but because of heat issues, I  
would not mess with these.

IMNSHO, your best bet is to stay with either a genuine Apple processor  
designed for the cube, or an aftermarket one designed for it.


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Re: XLR8 Velocity MPe dual G4 500Mhz CPU upgrade

2010-05-25 Thread Len Gerstel

On May 25, 2010, at 11:53 AM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On May 25, 2010, at 8:26 AM, Larry Stotler wrote:

Found this on eBay recently: 

Kinda pricy, but an interesting upgrade I think I've seen before.
Does anyone have any experience with this?  Under OS @ or Linux?

Look more closely, this is NOT for a BW, but is a processor slot  
upgrade for the *Beige* G3's.

It has dip switches. BW and Yikes all used the same zif socket.  
MIGHT, MAYBE, POSSIBLY be used with a lower multiplier (7.5x in a  
beige, 5x in a BW or Yikes) to keep the processors at 500MHz IF the  
processors are rated for 100MHz bus.

Also, there are physical issues that may be problems.

wondering how well the BW was able to run 2 processors compared to
say a dual processor G4 system?

You have two 500MHZ processors choked down by a 40 MHz bus. (iirc,  
maybe it' a 50 MHZ, it's been a long time since I looked at the  
beige specs...)

Beiges have a 66MHz bus. Standard upgrades ran up to a single 533MHz G4.

It's fast but not nearly as fast as it's specs would indicate.

The standard supported OSX on that one, 10.2 won't take too much  
advantage of the dual processors, so one will be idling almost all  
the timethe multiprocessor code in OSX didn't start to reach  
maturity until 10.4.

There were some multiprocessor aware apps for 9. But all in all, even  
if you get this for 1/2 of asking, you can get a nice fast dual G4 QS  
or MDD which will smoke a BW with this.

For the asking price, you are in G5 territory.

All in all, nice for the collector, but not for real work.


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Re: viewing earlier internet sites no longer in existence

2010-06-02 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jun 2, 2010, at 1:31 PM, M. Worgan, J. wrote:

Is there still a site that takes you to old sites that used to be  
on the internet but are no longer there - that takes you to older  
copies of the internet?  Like going back in time by viewing stored  
copies of what was on the internet some years ago?

The Wayback machine is at


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Re: Oxford 924 Bridge Board Drive Size limitation

2010-06-07 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jun 5, 3:41 pm, Peter Haas wrote:
 On Jun 5, 2010, at 11:03 AM, Len Gerstel wrote:

  I just grabbed from OWC's Garage sale a Mercury Elite Pro AL  
  Firewire 800/400/USB 2.0 dual drive enclosure. It has the Oxford  
  924 chipset. The specs say it supports drives up to 1TB.

 This just means the chip set has no practical maximum, and it  
 supports 1 TB, or 1.5 TB or even 2 TB.

Got the answer early this morning (before 6AM Eastern) from OWC's tech

As I suspected, they just never tested with anything larger than 1TB,
so no guarantees. They did not say it wouldn't work so I am guessing
there are no real issues.


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Re: 10.5 on a G4 400 MHZ Sawtooth

2010-06-07 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jun 7, 2010, at 9:16 AM, John Carmonne wrote:

Post a system profiler screen shot please.

John Carmonne
Yorba Linda USA
Sent from my MBP

Uh, no. Posting attachments is not allowed on the list. Posting  
somewhere like fliker and posting the link is perfectly fine.

Len Gerstel
List Nanny G3-5 Mac list

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Re: Safari 5

2010-06-08 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jun 8, 2010, at 11:25 AM, Fabian Fang wrote:

Because of recent threads about Safari on the G-Group, it may be of  
interest to note that Apple released Safari 5 yesterday:

Even more important, they also released 4.1 for those of us running  


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Re: Safari 4.1

2010-06-08 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jun 8, 2010, at 8:54 PM, hosemonkey wrote:

Where can I download a copy of Safari 4.1?

Easiest way is through Software Update in the Apple Menu.

or go to:


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Re: Will PowerPC be forever obsolete?

2010-06-14 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jun 14, 2010, at 2:15 PM, ah...clem wrote:

On Jun 10, 4:17 am, Kris Tilford wrote:

I'm not certain if this article will enable 4GB RAM for you, but I
suspect it will, if this is possible? Instead of reducing the memory,
as the title of this article references, you'd be increasing it  

Note about RAM module sizes.
Sizes are in hex:
1000 = 256mb
2000 = 512mb
4000 = 1gb
... and so forth.

i had never heard of PC133 sticks larger than 512MB, and THAT would be
the insurmountable roadblock to shoe-horning  4GB of RAM into a
sawtooth, 'cuz there's still only four RAM slots.  BUT, searching the
Dell site, i find that there was indeed a PowerEdge 2500 server, and
it did in fact use 1GB PC133 memory sticks!!!

. . . upgradable to a maximum of 4 GB by installing combinations of
64-, 128-, 256-, 512-MB, or 1-GB registered PC-133 SDRAM memory module
pairs in the six memory module sockets on the system board.

this is big news to me, because as Kris points out in the link above,
it is possible to modify the NVRAM to allow the computer to address
4GB of memory.  now the real relevant question becomes, how and where
to get a hold of some of these 1GB PC133 sticks without trolling
dumpsters for old Dell servers?

Easily and cheaply found on eBay. I just sold 8 1GB sticks for $30  

Problem is that registered sticks are keyed differently than regular  
SD ram stick and will not fit in the slot. Even if you physically  
modify the slot, the contacts will not line up. So they can not work  
in a Mac.


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Re: Will PowerPC be forever obsolete?

2010-06-14 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jun 14, 2010, at 3:24 PM, ah...clem wrote:

On Jun 14, 2:24 pm, Len Gerstel wrote:

. . . how and where
to get a hold of some of these 1GB PC133 sticks without trolling
dumpsters for old Dell servers?

Easily and cheaply found on eBay. I just sold 8 1GB sticks for $30

Problem is that registered sticks are keyed differently than regular
SD ram stick and will not fit in the slot. Even if you physically
modify the slot, the contacts will not line up. So they can not work
in a Mac.


hmm  i never think of ebay anymore, because i've been burned once
too many times, but . . .

1GB PC133 SDRAM APPLE or DESKTOPs Non ECC UnBuff 168Pin 

Well, they offer a full refund if for any reason you are unhappy.

From the item description:



Present discussion excepted, no one I know has ever gotten a 1GB  
stick to work in a Mac with PC133 ram.

They also say:

PC133 SDRAM / 168 Pin / Non ECC - UnBuffered / LOW DENSITY

Why are they mentioning 512MB per slot?

My personal opinion is that if anyone had gotten these to work in out  
Macs to get past the 1.5 or 2gb limit, it would be all over the net  
and these lists.

Go for it and report the results back to the list. Just test it by  
itself and also with the other slots filled with 512MB sticks to see  
if you can break the 1.5 or 2gb limit.


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Re: Will PowerPC be forever obsolete?

2010-06-14 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jun 14, 2010, at 4:21 PM, ah...clem wrote:

On Jun 14, 2:24 pm, Len Gerstel wrote:

Problem is that registered sticks are keyed differently than regular
SD ram stick and will not fit in the slot. Even if you physically
modify the slot, the contacts will not line up. So they can not work
in a Mac.


also found RAM pulled from a Dell PowerEdge 2500 Server on ebay, and
it IS ECC and registered

2GB 2x 1GB PC133 Dell Poweredge 2500 2550 Memory RAM 

so if Mark actually used RAM pulled from a DPE2500, that would be the
reason he had/has so many glitches. ;O)

Not to mention the destruction of the memory slots by forcing in  
memory that will not fit.


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Re: Apple Store closed for update

2010-06-15 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jun 15, 2010, at 6:56 AM, Wallace Adrian D'Alessio wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 9:45 AM, Ted Treen wrote:
 Looks like new toys coming...
 2.4 GHz Mini with HDMI. And user friendly RAM slot.

Plus a little better graphics, NVidia 320m. But also a $100 price bump.

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Re: New unibody Mac Mini (was Re: Apple Store closed for update)

2010-06-15 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jun 15, 2010, at 2:43 PM, Peter Haas wrote:

On Jun 15, 2010, at 11:27 AM, James Therrault wrote:

...and probably a slow 5,400 rpm drive...

Undoubtedly true.

One way to conserve unit power is to dumb-down the HD from 7200 to  
5400 rpm, and from 16 MB cache to 4 MB cache.

And to reduce heat.

And, all this policy essentially does, to the end-user, is to  
increase the effective cost of a Mac, that is, the cost to get a  
Mac which one REALLY wants v. the cost of a Mac which Apple EXPECTS  
us to make-do with.

The Mini has always been a price point Mac. Yes, compromises are made  
to hit that point and that is the decision the end user needs to  
make. Yes, Apple could offer the mini with a 320GB SSD and 8GB of  
ram, but not at the same price.

Is it any wonder that the OSx86 crowd is operating Snow machines  
which cost one-fourth, yet deliver four-times the performance?

In the same form factor as the mini?


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Re: New unibody Mac Mini (was Re: Apple Store closed for update)

2010-06-15 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jun 15, 2010, at 11:37 AM, Chance Reecher wrote:

Dan wrote:
I'm disappointed.  IMO, this seems to be yet-another overpriced  
Mini that goes into the why bother category.  It should be a  
fast machine, but then it's got older i/o technology, circa  
2005ish, bolted on.

Only one Firewire port.
The 4 USB ports are probably again all the same bus.


No USB 3.
You can't use I/O as an argument against the Mini when the iMacs  
have _less._

But the iMacs were not just refreshed. It would have been the perfect  
time to offer an i/o upgrade. The Firewire is 800, not too shabby.

No Blu-ray.
Adding Blu-ray to the mini would be pointless, as there is no  
playback software available for OS X.

Wouldn't that be a good way to introduce it? Since the mini now has  
an hdmi port it would make sense to introduce it.
There was a comment on slashdot about this. Basically it says Apple  
looks ahead a few years and they think blu-ray is dead end, streaming  
is the way to go in the future.

Can't tell - is there a wi-fi antenna port?   If not, how does the  
signal escape that pretty all metal enclosure?

Maybe through the Apple logo on top?

or the bottom?

They moved the power supply inside,,, so now there will be heat  
issues in enclosed spaces.
I highly doubt Apple would've moved it inside if it caused heat  

Naw, Apple has never designed a computer with physical issues before.  
Road Apples anyone? Upgrade a 9500's ram?

Why couldn't they have used all that extra space to provide better  
quality i/o?  You know, the things that PCs have had available for  
a few years now!

Then there's the SD slot -- ON THE BACK of the machine.  So you  
have to pick up your computer, and turn it around - with cables  
attached - to plug in your camera card??  WTF!  DItto for the  
four USB ports.  IF they had all that space available,,, why  
couldn't they put the SD, FW and a USB port on the front
That is stupid. I hated fumbling around on the back of my mini to  
plug in flash drives and other USB devices.

Agreed on both the current and previous.

Overall, for me the only drawback on the refurb 2.26MHz I just got  
delivered yesterday compared to these is the graphics chip. Overall,  
I think I got the better deal at $499. Even with these becoming  
refurbs in 2 months at $599.

Yes, I knew a refresh was coming soon according to Macrumours. But I  
was able to splurge now and could not guarantee the funds would not  
be diverted to something else.


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Re: Improper Put Away? for USB Modem???

2010-06-15 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jun 15, 2010, at 3:29 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On Jun 15, 2010, at 12:07 PM, James Therrault wrote:

Have you tried loading this device as a different user on the  

Not sure what you mean by different user as I'm the only one  
that has used this machine since purchasing it and reloading  
system software then (about three years ago).

Go to System Preferences Accounts. create a test user, making them  
an Administrator. Log of, then on as the new user, and try  
installing the software as the new user.

This is an elementary step in determining if an issue resides in  
the system side of things (if the new user has the same problems,  
it's a system or hardware issue, if not it's a prefs or other local  
file issue with the old user.)

On every Mac I set up, i ALWAYS set up an Emergency account with a  
simple (to me) password for just this type of testing. A couple of  
times it has saved me a lot of time trouble shooting.


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Re: New unibody Mac Mini (was Re: Apple Store closed for update)

2010-06-15 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jun 15, 2010, at 4:50 PM, Peter Haas wrote:

On Jun 15, 2010, at 12:25 PM, Len Gerstel wrote:

Is it any wonder that the OSx86 crowd is operating Snow machines  
which cost one-fourth, yet deliver four-times the performance?

In the same form factor as the mini?

Of course not.

But who, in reality, really cares about form factor.

A famous quote

No wireless. Less space than a Nomad. Lame.

This is referring to the Nomad MP3 player compared to the first iPod.  
You see how many Nomads are out there today. Pure specs killed that  
Apple attempt at an MP3 player called the iPod.

Form factor and user interface do matter to a lot of people. The  
noise and heat generated by my DA with Dual processors (both Apple  
dual 533s and OWC 1.2s is significantly higher than the mini with an  
external dual HD enclosure. Since my computer room is right next to  
the kids bedrooms and I use it mostly at night when they are asleep,  
the form factor (and resultant noise) played a part in my decision to  
get the mini.

A generic Dell box built by the lowest bidder will have better specs,  
but how much is Dell spending on OS development? Remember, Apple is a  
software company. The hardware is just the (officially) only way to  
run the software.

One usually cares about price/performance.

That is why there is everything from the Minis to the dual quad core  
pros. And most of the comparisons I have seen over the last couple of  
years place most Macs not too far off of equivalent quality name  
brand windows boxes. Sometimes cheaper, sometimes more, but almost  
always within a reasonable amount.

Ask Bruce how many boxes of band aids he has used over the years  
working on various low cost (but brand name) windows boxes compared  
to Macs.


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Re: Burn .mkv file to DVD

2010-06-23 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jun 23, 2010, at 10:01 AM, John Carmonne wrote:

Hi All

I have a movie that's a .mkv file  4.46 GBs I want to burn it to a  
DVD but I can't get Toast 10 to see it as an image I also tried  
Toast 8 and 6 still no cigar. Is this spometing I can do?

John Carmonne

.mkv is not an image file, it is a data file like .avi or .mpg. Have  
you tried burning it as you burn those?

Is this for a DVD player or another computer? If DVD, can it  
play .mkv format?


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Re: CD Music

2010-06-24 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jun 24, 2010, at 1:01 PM, gifutiger wrote:

Greetings G-Group

I know that this might be the incorrect place to post this question
but I'm hopping that someone can point me to the correct location.

I have some music that is in MP3 and MP4 format however my family room
CD/DVD player is a Toshiba SD-6109C.
Yeah it's at least 25 years old and it doesn't recognize CD's that are
encoded MP3 or MP4 so I'd like to convert the songs to what ever
format that was used a long time ago. Or even the format that is
currently in use for the Music industry. As the Toshiba will play CD's
that we purchase today, so my question is:

What format does the music industry use and what application can I
use to convert the songs that I have.

Of course I'd like to find an application the is free.

iTunes. From iTunes Help:

To create an audio CD:

Select the playlist containing the songs you want to burn to the  
CD; make sure the songs you want to include have a checkmark beside  
Insert a blank disk and click Burn Disc (at the bottom of the  
iTunes window).

Select Audio CD as the Disc Format.
Choose your options:
When you burn a CD, iTunes automatically adjusts the recording  
speed to the blank CD’s rating. However, if your blank CD is rated  
for a slower speed than the maximum speed of your drive, or if you  
experience problems creating CDs, you may want to change the CD  
recording speed to match the CD’s rating by choosing an option from  
the Preferred Speed pop-up menu.
To change the length of the silence between songs, choose an option  
from the Gap Between Songs pop-up menu.
To have all the songs on the CD play at the same volume, select Use  
Sound Check.
CD players in some vehicles can display information stored on CDs;  
select Include CD Text to use this option.

Click Burn.

This will make a music CD that will play in any CD player that will  
play burned CDs.


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Re: CD Music

2010-06-24 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jun 24, 2010, at 4:26 PM, gifutiger wrote:

Tried the iTunes, got a lot of CD's that will play in my Saturn VUE,
but so will the CD's that have the songs in MP4 format, and on a lot
fewer disks.

Thanks for your input and if you have any other ideas let me know.

San Jose, Ca

If the Burned as Music CDs  (a bit over an hour of music fits on one)  
play in your Saturn, but not on your player, it is a problem with the  
player or media. Some old players do not like recordable CDs. While  
they may have been in the original spec for CDs, many players could  
not handle them.

Since you know you can burn a music CD that works, there are 2  

1) A different brand of blank CDs MAY work, but don't buy 100 at a time.

2) Most likely, you will need to replace your CD player with  
something newer.


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Re: CD Music

2010-06-24 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jun 24, 2010, at 4:51 PM, Kris Tilford wrote:

On Jun 24, 2010, at 3:30 PM, gifutiger wrote:

That's what I'm thinking, I burned the CD's using iTunes, but I used
CD -R blank disk and it may be that the Toshiba just won't read -R
What would you recommend as a substitute for the -R disk?

This sounds like you're burning music onto DVD discs rather than CD  
discs? You can't play any DVD discs in any music CD player. The  
term -R (pronounced minus R) is a DVD term, so if you're using  
-R DVDs, get some regular CDs, also called CDR (pronounced C-D- 
R see-dee-are, for Compact Disc Recordable). As Bruce said, some  
older music players have trouble with any CDR discs (meaning home  
recorded CDRs, as opposed to OEM retail manufactured CDs).

There was a format war here also. There were CD+R and CD-R. Most  
disks nowadays are -R.

You may be able to find a small pack of +R and try that, But I think  
you will wind up burning through more money trying various brands  
hoping to find one that works than a new CD player would be.


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Re: Modem DOCSIS speeds

2010-07-07 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jul 7, 2010, at 4:44 PM, Dan wrote:

At 1:14 PM -0700 7/7/2010, John Carmonne wrote:
I'm having a discussion with my son who just got hooked up with  
Charter in northern Nevada and the lady at the cable company told  
him the speed he bought is 25 Mbps and she told him he had to have  
a double throw down modem for this and of coarse for a fee they  
will provide it. So I told him about a Zoom modem I could get at  
Fry's for $55.00. well he bought a Motorola at Best Buy for $95.00,

If you own the modem, they'll point to (blame) it every time - and  
you'll continue to pay for service while exchanging the modem by  
mail with whatever company and at whatever costs to you - perhaps  
weeks of downtime.  In my experience, myself, and various friends  
and clients across the country -- it NEVER pays to own your modem.   

Emphasize the above paragraph from Dan. Star it, memorize it and  
chisel it in stone.

ANY tech support call will start with--Is there anything in the  
chain that is not ours? If there is something not theirs, they will  
want proof that it works before they even got to the Level 1 tech  
questions like is it plugged in?

The hassles your son will go through are not worth the minimal  
savings he would get by owning his own modem. Not to mention what  
happens after the first lightning strike takes out the $25 power  
strip/ surge protector he got from BB and everything connected to  
it. With a rental, you just take it to the cable company and they  
swap it out. With his own, well, another schlep to BB and another  
$95, unless he took them up on their protection racket ^H^H^H^H^H^H  


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Re: Attatch PDF to mail PITA

2010-07-09 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jul 9, 2010, at 11:54 AM, john CARMONNE wrote:

Hi All

As of late I've been having trouble attaching PDF files to an  
Email, When I attach or drag a PDF to the message it blows open on  
the page. I don't want that, I want the file to be in PDF form. The  
only way I can stop this is to Zip it. I'm sure I have a setting or  
something wrong. Any one have the same problem?

John Carmonne
Yorba Linda USA
Sent from my TiBook 500

Mail displays 1 page pdfs instead of the icon in the outgoing  
messages because it can and it thinks you want to see it. It is still  
sending it as an attached pdf.

I send many multi-pdf emails. Frequently 1 multipage pdf and a few  
single page ones in the same email. Mail displays all the single page  
ones in the outgoing email and a pdf icon for the multipage. The  
recipient still gets them all as pdfs.

One of those features that fails Bruce Tognazzini's user interface  
tests (


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Re: Attatch PDF to mail PITA

2010-07-09 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jul 9, 2010, at 12:23 PM, john CARMONNE wrote:

On Jul 9, 2010, at 9:08 AM, Len Gerstel wrote:

On Jul 9, 2010, at 11:54 AM, john CARMONNE wrote:

Hi All

As of late I've been having trouble attaching PDF files to an  
Email, When I attach or drag a PDF to the message it blows open  
on the page. I don't want that, I want the file to be in PDF  
form. The only way I can stop this is to Zip it. I'm sure I have  
a setting or something wrong. Any one have the same problem?

John Carmonne
Yorba Linda USA
Sent from my TiBook 500

Mail displays 1 page pdfs instead of the icon in the outgoing  
messages because it can and it thinks you want to see it. It is  
still sending it as an attached pdf.

I send many multi-pdf emails. Frequently 1 multipage pdf and a few  
single page ones in the same email. Mail displays all the single  
page ones in the outgoing email and a pdf icon for the multipage.  
The recipient still gets them all as pdfs.

 I have tried sending them to myself and as the recipient when I  
open the mail the PDF blows open. I don't want every one in the  
next cubicle to see the PDF until the recipient does. This seems to  
be a new occurrence. Also I think it's mostly on my MBP 10.6.4.

It is the default Mail way of doing things and I can not see a way to  
turn it off in 10.4. The only kludge I can think of is to add a bunch  
of blank lines at the end to make it a 2 page pdf. Then it will show  
up as the icon.

That will at least save you the zip kludge workaround.


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Re: Attatch PDF to mail PITA

2010-07-09 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jul 9, 2010, at 12:35 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On Jul 9, 2010, at 9:23 AM, john CARMONNE wrote:

I don't want every one in the next cubicle to see the PDF until  
the recipient does. This seems to be a new occurrence. Also I  
think it's mostly on my MBP 10.6.4.

I recall seeing PDF's in earlier versions of Mail, but it may be a  
10.6 thing.

10.4 and 10.5 also. Don't remember earlier.


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Nanny note Re: plain text please

2010-07-18 Thread Len Gerstel
Folks, per the official Low End Mac Email List FAQs:

 Don't send styled text or HTML files; only send plain text. Styled text may 
 or may not come through as an attachment, but it is very difficult to read 
 with a plain text email client. Google Groups will accept styled text and 
 attachments, and this can result in garbled digests.

On a similar vein:

 Never send attachments to the list. An attachment may contain a virus, may be 
 in a format others cannot use, may not make it through some mail gateways, 
 makes the message bigger, and could bog down both the list server and the 
 mail server.
   • Many of today's email programs send styled text attachments by 
 default. Please turn HTML and other styled text off when posting to our lists 
 (see #3). (Note that PGP.sig files and v-cards are attachments.)
   • Instead of sending an attachment to the list, offer to email it 
 directly to those who request it.
   • Low End Mac lists used to be explicitly set to reject any and all 
 attachments. We can't do that with Google Groups.

So please abide by these rules. Not following them may result in your being 
placed on moderated status or your messages not getting through.

Len Gerstel
List Nanny

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Re: Plain text format

2010-07-20 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jul 20, 2010, at 10:59 AM, James Therrault wrote:

OTOH, I understand exactly what Dan stated when he uses Lucida as a  
display font but the actual output when mailed defaults to Courier  
which is the plain text.

There is no internet wide official default plain text font. Many  
devices default to courier or other monospace font, but there is no  
official default. All that is sent in plain text is the 7 bit (or 8)  
ASCII code for the individual letter. The receiving device sets the  
font or other output formatting.

The receiving device can be set to output the ASCII code as Lucida,  
Courier, Zapf Chancery, Braille, punched paper tape, 80 column  
Hollerith cards, a ticker tape machine (yes, someone has kludged one  
to print out emails sent to it) or to speak each character.


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Re: G4 Power Mac M5183 up grades!!!

2010-07-26 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jul 26, 2010, at 4:49 PM, nestamicky wrote:

On 7/26/2010 1:12 PM, Peter Haas wrote:

750 GB PATA drives were available for a while at many retailers.
What, can someone please say, are the difference(s) between ATA and  

Very overly simplified:

ATA drives in the beginning were all Parallel ATA. There were no  
other options so the parallel was not stated most of the time.  
Parallel means 8 data lines working in unison.

Serial ATA (SATA) drives came on the market and there needed to be a  
way to distinguish between original ATA drives and the new spec. So  
they added the originally implied P(arallel) to the beginning of ATA.  
Serial is the 8 data bits going one after the other.


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2010-07-30 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jul 30, 2010, at 12:37 PM, Mac User #330250 wrote:

--  Original message  --
Subject: G4 IDENTITY
Date:Freitag 30 Juli 2010N
From:george monroe

hello all;
if i look up my G4 on the web it comes up as a gigabit/ethernet.
the system profiler calls it a agp.

to make it more interesting it doesnt have the adc jack where an  
agp should

and it has a nvidia card instead of the ati rage

any thoughts?


Where do you look it up on the web?

System Profiler should give you something like PowerMac3,1 or  
PowerMac3,3 or

If your G4 has an AGP graphics card, but no ADC power connector on  
the system
board and maybe the graphics card doesn't feature an ADC connector  
(bear in
mind that an AGP graphcis card with ADC connector will most likely  
anyhow, only the monitor doesn't get the additional power), then it  
cannot be

a Gigabit Ethernet. It is propably an AGP Graphics

The M5183 is actually a Digital Audio. That is what mine is marked  
and it was a 533MHz model.

466MHz was the entry level. The higher models came with an nVidia  
GeForce 2 or 3, and they could be ordered on the lower end machines,  
or be an aftermarket add on card. No ADC implies that it is an  
aftermarket card.


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Re: will DA processor fit in Gigabit?

2010-08-06 Thread Len Gerstel

On Aug 6, 2010, at 10:12 AM, Geke wrote:

I just got a Gigabit with a Sonnet Encore ST/G4 1GHz processor upgrade
Now I want to swap that Sonnet with the 466MHz cpu in my Digital
Audio, but before I do that, I wanted to check two things here:

1. How tricky is it to put the DA's CPU into the Gigabit? The CPU is
the same, but I read that the location of the CPU card on machines
previous to the digital audio would require some modifications to the
(The other way I can manage; I have the Sonnet instructions for
putting in the Encore.)

2 Main considerations.

1) I think with the DA Card (I know with a QS card) you have to  
remove one of the 2 IDE connectors on the motherboard to get it to  
fit. We are talking board level soldering.

2) The DA has a 133MHz bus speed and the gigabit has a 100MHz. The  
466 has a 3.5 x multiplier so if you do the work above you will

only have a 350MHz machine.

2. What do I gain by this swap? I mean, the DA is a bit newer and
faster, but is it worth it, or should I just switch to the Gigabit?

Between the faster bus speed and 4 x AGP, yes, switch.

- I have already tried the DA's video card in the Gigabit and it works
OK; does it make a big difference that the DA is AGPx4 and the Gigabit

If the card can take advantage of it, yes it does.

- The RAM in both computers is PC-133

Good, it is swappable

- Does the slower ATA bus speed of the Gigabit make a big difference
in actual practice?

AFAIK, the ATA drive interfaces are the same. There is a faster  
motherboard bus speed on the DAs (133 vs 100) and that DOES make a  


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Re: will DA processor fit in Gigabit?

2010-08-10 Thread Len Gerstel

On Aug 10, 2010, at 4:54 PM, Geke wrote:

To finish off this thread (at least the title topic) and for the
-The Digital Audio's 466MHz does fit -- as is -- into the Gigabit. So
no soldering needed there, it's not even too tight.

Did not know that. My warning was based upon QS processors and my  
memory said they were the same size. After 20 it is all down hill, I  
I've been going down that hill for over 30 years.

However, I can't get the Sonnet card to work in the DA.

REALLY stupid question. Some G4 upgrades are mhz specific. ie, they  
will only work in 100 OR 133 MHz bus machines. Do you know that this  
will work in either?


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Re: New install of OS 10.4 on G5 iMac

2010-09-09 Thread Len Gerstel

On Sep 9, 2010, at 9:46 AM, Iamanamma wrote:

You're using a machine specific install disk you need a Retail  
Universal disk.

John Carmonne

John:  Are you serious?  The install disks are keyed to a specific
iMac serial number?  I bought all 4 of my PowerPC G5 iMacs at the same
time.  I have two different sets of iMac G5 disks that I have tried,
and neither one is working.

Are they all the same model/processor speed?  I think some machine  
specific disks are that specific.

No, they are not tied to a machine's serial number.


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Re: Power Macintosh G3/266 tabletop

2010-09-26 Thread Len Gerstel

On Sep 26, 2010, at 10:10 AM, John Markowitz wrote:

 On Sep 26, 2010, at 6:45 AM, Paul Cefola wrote:
 I have some questions regarding a Power Mac G3/266 machine.  Is this the 
 correct group to ask the questions to?
 Welcome Paul
 I think the PCI PowerMacs group is the one you want. But try this till some 
 one barks.
 John M

Um, this is the G3-5 list. Poster has a G3-266 desktop. So perfectly on topic 


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Re: Mail address export import

2010-09-28 Thread Len Gerstel

On Sep 28, 2010, at 4:01 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On Sep 28, 2010, at 11:54 AM, John Markowitz wrote:

If you open the Previous Recipients window, the contents should  
change when you switch between those inboxes...if this is the  

This does change, I've never noticed this window before. I'm now  
thinking there's a way to copy these to the other boxes? If so do  
they duplicate or just add new?
It's not going to kill me to try some of this, I keep everything  
backed up.

This is puzzling. I have 4 email accounts set up on my system, and  
this behavior is NOT replicated (10.6.4) The list is always the  
same, and includes recipients from all accounts.

Now the only difference I could think of is that my accounts are  
all set up as IMAP accounts...

Nope, I have all 7 set up as POP with all recipients from all  
accounts in the to: field as I type.


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Re: Video card advice for MDD and/or Digital Audio

2010-10-06 Thread Len Gerstel

On Oct 6, 2010, at 12:14 PM, Dan Knight, wrote:


I have two production machines here at Low End Mac headquarters - a
dual 1 GHz Mirror Drive Door with 2 GB of RAM and a Rage 128 Pro video
card running Tiger and a Digital Audio upgraded with 1.25 GB of RAM, a
dual 1.6 GHz CPU, and Radeon 9000 Pro graphics (swapped from the MDD)
running Leopard.

My thinking: Although the MDD has more RAM, the faster CPU and better
video card make the Digital Audio the better choice for Leopard. I
don't do anything that really taxes the graphics (no gaming), but I
recently picked up a 22 Apple Cinema Display for a song. It's an ADC
monitor, so I'm limited to Apple AGP video cards with ADC support.

I'm looking for suggestions for a better video card that's also very
affordable. This would also let me swap the Radeon 9000 back to the

I have been running 9600's in my DAs. One with 64mb and 1 with 128mb  
of ram. Not as affordable as the 7500, but significantly faster. And  
if you have a lot of windows open or icons on the desktop, the speed  
is noticeable.


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Re: Where is Flash 10.1

2010-10-21 Thread Len Gerstel

On Oct 21, 2010, at 9:36 AM, Richard Gerome wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Cliff Rediger

I'm running 10.4.11 on G4 Mini

Every time Firefox updates it tells me I must update Flash Player NOW.
So I download and install Flash Player 10.1
but where does it go?

   I have the same problem too, I downloaded it a few times and I  
can not find it anywhere???

Do you mean you can't find the installer to run? Or are you looking  
for an actual Flash Player program?

If the former, in Firefox go to Tools-Downloads then right click on  
the Install Flash Player.dmg to show it in Finder

If the latter, there is no program, it is (I think) a plug in deep in  
the bowels of the system that allows your browser to run Flash apps.  
After you run the installer, go to:

and that page will tell you what version of flash is installed.


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Re: capture still pics from movies

2010-12-04 Thread Len Gerstel

On Dec 4, 2010, at 10:24 AM, John Carmonne wrote:

I would like to capture still pics from .wmv files that dump into  
my iPhoto library from my digital Olympus camera. I can freeze the  
shot I want and click the pic to remove the control strip but as  
soon as I move the mouse to use a capture command the control panel  
reappears. I'm not finding an answer in iPhoto help. I'm using  
iPhoto '09. I'm hoping for a simple method to do this. Anyone else  
do this?

John Carmonne
Yorba Linda USA
Sent from my MBP

Have you tried using the old school command-shift-4 partial screen  
capture command? command shift 3 captures the whole screen, but 4  
brings up cross hairs that allow you to only capture part of the screen.


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Re: capture still pics from movies

2010-12-04 Thread Len Gerstel

On Dec 4, 2010, at 11:43 AM, John Carmonne wrote:

On Dec 4, 2010, at 7:39 AM, Len Gerstel wrote:

On Dec 4, 2010, at 10:24 AM, John Carmonne wrote:

I would like to capture still pics from .wmv files that dump into  
my iPhoto library from my digital Olympus camera. I can freeze  
the shot I want and click the pic to remove the control strip but  
as soon as I move the mouse to use a capture command the control  
panel reappears. I'm not finding an answer in iPhoto help. I'm  
using iPhoto '09. I'm hoping for a simple method to do this.  
Anyone else do this?

John Carmonne
Yorba Linda USA
Sent from my MBP

Have you tried using the old school command-shift-4 partial screen  
capture command? command shift 3 captures the whole screen, but 4  
brings up cross hairs that allow you to only capture part of the  

The command shift 4 will work fine but as soon as I move the mouse  
the control panel reappears in the picture. I need to get the  
picture without the panel in it.

Then there is the 2 step. command shift 3 takes the whole screen  
without moving the mouse, then edit the resulting file.

Or, open the movie in VLC or Mplayer and screen shot it from there.

Sorry, don't use iPhoto so can't really help with that.


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Nanny note Re: 2 Questions

2010-12-04 Thread Len Gerstel

I know it is very small, and probably part of your sig, but please do not send 
any attachments to the list. 

Len Gerstel
List Nanny

On Dec 4, 2010, at 6:52 PM, John Carmonne wrote:

 On Dec 4, 2010, at 3:25 PM, Stephen Conrad wrote:
 One, what do you think of these? Just saw the ad and was curious
 Firewire-to-USB Adapters - - Get 
 Firewire-to-USB Adapters Cheap! 
 Also, is there any way to check a USB Thumb Drive or Hub to see if it has 
 any issues?
 Don't try to plug a USB stick into one of the FW/USB adaptors it will fry 
 your thumb drive pronto' I found out the hard way, ruined two 8GB Ativa 
 drives. A $82.00 lesson.
 John Carmonne
 Yorba Linda CA
 92886 USA
 My avatar 2.jpg-- 
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 those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on Power 
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Re: Nanny note Re: 2 Questions

2010-12-05 Thread Len Gerstel
OK folks a few things.

My apologies to John. That was supposed to have gone to him off list. Sorry.

Attachments are not allowed on any Low End Mac mailing list. No exceptions for 
sigs, screen shots of a problem, cute kitty cats, viruses from a windows pc or 
any thing else. NO attachments.

As to overly long sigs. The LEM guide to netiquette at:


Signature lines

• Signature blocks (sigs) are considered personal expression as long as 
the poster's name comes between the body of the message and the sig.
• Please keep your signature concise. Six lines or less is best. Ten or 
more is excessive.
• Many email clients wrap text at 80 characters or less (sometimes as 
little as 72); check that your signature doesn't wrap badly because of this.
• Taglines should be clearly separated from the body of the email and 
should come after your name.
• Avoid vulgar and offensive taglines.

Both the netiquette guide and the full G Group FAQ are linked to from the 
Google Groups G List page. 

Len Gerstel
List Nanny

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Re: iTunes on Tiger

2010-12-16 Thread Len Gerstel

On Dec 16, 2010, at 10:25 AM, Dan wrote:

I've lost track. :\

iTunes 9.2.1... is this the last version of iTunes to support Tiger  
or is there another?  And the next release is 10.x, which is  
Leopard/SL only?

It's heck to get old, isn't it?
Just checked. Running Tiger and iTunes 9.2.1 and iTunes says that  
9.2.1 is the current version.

Apple says that for 10.(1.1 at least) OS 10.5 is required.

So as far as I can tell, yep, we are stuck at 9.2.1.


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Re: OK, I'll Try This Again. Locksmith Wanted (wifi).

2011-04-26 Thread Len Gerstel

On Apr 26, 2011, at 3:39 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On Apr 26, 2011, at 12:23 PM, wrote:

Just select the defaults of WPA2 and WPA (PSK), and TKIP  AES.

Choose a good passphrase mixing letters and numbers: Hey it's  

Macintoshes outside!

OTOH, use a passphrase which is a substring of an instance of a  

Research Corporation pseudo-random number generator output.

A single call to GRC's p-RNG will give you enough characters for:

1) the SSID,

2) the WPA passphrase, and

3) the router password.

All adding vastly more complexity without increasing the security  
one little bit. In fact, nonsense like this usually REDUCES  
security, because it guarantees that the password gets written down  

IMO, this is security theatre, not security.

I have relatively easy (1 and a half steps up from password but not  
a whole lot more) as the setup on my router. FWIW, I have that info  
taped to the top of my router at home. If someone is already inside  
my house with evil intent (bwwaahhahaha), having my router's password  
taped to it is the least of my worries.


And, no, it can not be seen from outside.

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Re: OK, I'll Try This Again. Locksmith Wanted (wifi).

2011-04-27 Thread Len Gerstel

On Apr 27, 2011, at 11:59 AM, wrote:

On Apr 26, 5:35 pm, Bruce Johnson

Hey look! 8-) it's sn0w1ng Macintoshes outside! is AS SECURE as  
RPG will generate, because while it's true that a truly random  
password string
is more secure against cracking, the passphrase chosen is secure  
enough. And

more importantly, I NEVER need to write it down

Far too many people fetishize long, random passwords as teh  
shizzle of
computer security, when they're not (and there's not a whole lot  
of evidence
that they've been all that good at preventing compromise in the  
first place, mainly

because of the human element).

Yep.   From my user perspective -- every time a system forces me to
have a long randomized password, it guarantees that I have written it
down on a little yellow sticky somewhere.If it forces me to change
passwords every few weeks, it triples the likelihood that the password
is scribbled down somewhere next to one of my desks.

And, to make this more topical, how much better of a password is:


as a password vs:


When someone hacks into the Sony Playstation Network and steals 77  
million, yes 77,000,000 user names, passwords, security questions,  
addresses, birth dates and possibly CC information. Not to mention  
all the other large scale hacks recently.

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Re: Car computer

2011-05-18 Thread Len Gerstel

On May 18, 2011, at 1:20 AM, Alexander Gomes wrote:

 I had a thought and a couple of questions.  I was thinking about putting a 
 computer into my car for music and gas mileage tracking, things of the like, 
 and I was wondering what you all might think of it?  I know my G4 has passive 
 cooling anyway, and changing the case and power supply would be the biggest 
 thing, but the easiest as soon as I find one that will fit.  I'm really 
 wondering what are the thermal limits of them?  How well do you think it will 

Issues are HD and space. A spinning HD probably won't last long in a mobile 
environment and a G4 tower takes a lot of space.

However, when the mini came out, there were numerous mods to get them into the 
DIN spot of the radio. Replace the HD with an SSD and (the hard part) get a 
small touch screen you have a full multimedia system and general purpose 
computer in your dash. 

Then again, a iPod touch will do the same thing and you can velcro it to the 

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Re: Stupified by Spotify

2011-07-22 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jul 22, 2011, at 10:32 AM, Isaac Smith wrote:

On Jul 19, 2011, at 4:22 PM, Dan wrote:

Anyone using Spotify?

It seems to have just opened up to everybody; that or I finally got  
my invite. So I'm using it as of about 5 minutes ago.

What's your experience?

Big snip

From the Harvard Business Review

Why I'm Not Going Near Spotify (and Why You Shouldn't Either)

Comparing Spotify to Netflix:

Simply put: the way we consume music is fundamentally different to  
the way we consume movies and TV.

Think about it. It is relatively rare to own a movie or TV series  
that you sit through and watch multiple times. Sure, there are some  
classics where that's the case, but most people watch a video once  
and that's it. Music is not like this. The same songs get listened to  
time and time again. We build playlists (custom CDs or even mix  
tapes, if you're old enough) around them. It's the very reason most  
people don't just listen to the radio


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Re: Poor Airport reception

2011-09-30 Thread Len Gerstel

On Sep 30, 2011, at 10:43 AM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On Sep 30, 2011, at 12:21 AM, QuoVadis wrote:

@Dan: If only I could get an Ethernet cable to the G4.. I've thought
about it, but it means drilling through three walls and the floor. I
don't know about houses in the US, but here in the Netherlands
drilling through the floor means drilling through almost a foot of

A foot of concrete, cris-crossed with mesh and rebar makes for a  
dandy RF shield, if it's grounded. Plumbing piping going through  
the floor often makes electrical contact with the reinforcing grid,  
and household grounds are often attached to the plumbing pipes. If  
electrical conduit is used it'd definitely grounded.

Try moving the G4 to different spots in the floor, you may have to  
live with it in a different place. A professor here had a weird  
'dead zone' in her house with her Airport setup….moving her  
computer 4 foot to one side or the other made for much better  

I had TERRIBLE wireless going to my Mac at home. Only 20 feet, but  
about the only way I could set everything up meant the signal was  
going through the plumbing/ HVAC stack.

I went back to using ethernet over powerline. Full bandwidth that I  
get from Comcast comes through over the home electrical lines.

Great solution with one main drawback. You are supposed to plug them  
straight into outlets, not into a surge protector. One VERY close  
lightning strike and I had to replace them due to them being blown  
out by the surge. No, I do not have a whole house surge protector.


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Re: Sad day...

2011-10-05 Thread Len Gerstel

On Oct 5, 2011, at 8:01 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

Reading the slashdot thread showed me a little easter egg I had never seen. The 
text of which applied to Steve Jobs as much as anyone in the ads.

Zoom the Text Edit icon to as large as you can, and you will see the following.

Dear Katie,

Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits.The rebels. The troublemakers. The round 
pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond 
of rules.  And they have no respect for the status quo. You can praise them, 
disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify them or vilify them. 
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things.

Take Care,
John Appleseed

You will be missed, Steve.

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Re: Disk image from SD card

2011-10-25 Thread Len Gerstel

On Oct 24, 2011, at 5:09 PM, John Carmonne wrote:

On Oct 22, 2011, at 3:09 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On Oct 22, 2011, at 2:48 PM, John Carmonne wrote:

On Oct 18, 2011, at 8:11 PM, John Carmonne wrote:

What's the fastest method to create a 8GB video image from an  
SDHC card from a video camera using a G4 1.25 machine? Toast or  
disk Utility? Does processor speed matter? Does max ram help?  
What adaptors work best?

Do you mean  a DVD? Or do you mean just copying the video file  
to disk?

I guess if I explain exactly what we're doing here with the  
creation of a disk image it may help. We need to quickly make disk  
images of some 8GB SDHC camera cards to be able to keep 8 cameras  
running continuously shooting training videos for a large retailer  
to be used as origination DVD's for their employees.

These images are then mounted on the desk top to be used in FCE to  
compile the finished DVD.. We get 30 mins of shooting on a card,  a  
G4 1.25 Mac with a USB 2.0 port and a 2.0 SD card reader it takes  
45 mins using Disk Utility or Toast 8 to make the image so that  
we can then put that card back in service at that point. So we have  
a camera down for more than 15 mins. In contrast a TiBook 1 GHz  
with a 2.0 USB card using a SD card reader takes 1:45 mins to make  
the same image. An iMac i5 Quad does the job in 14 mins but we need  
to use a laptop on site due to the lugging factor.

I need a way to make the image faster, 8GB's even 14 mins seems  
excessive?? I have a MacBook Pro that I just got a CalDigit Express  
34 USB 3.0 card for that I haven't had a chance to test yet. I also  
bought a LEXAR 3.0 SD card reader. I need to know if I'm on the  
right track or spinning my wheels.

Do you need the Disk images immediately? Or are you just trying to  
get the info off the cards to put the cards back into use?

Making a disk image does involve the processor and the rest of the  
system (from the ti book vs iMac speeds).

How about just doing a straight copy of the SDHC card into a folder,  
then making the image or importing the video later into FCP?

If this is for a large retailer, wouldn't the budget allow for a few  
more cards? Dealnews is showing class 10 cards at $10 for 8GB, $18  
for 16GB and $32 for 32GB cards. 

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Re: USB Modems any good?

2011-10-27 Thread Len Gerstel

On Oct 27, 2011, at 11:46 AM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On Oct 27, 2011, at 7:14 AM, Bill Connelly wrote:

On Oct 27, 2011, at 10:08 AM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On Oct 26, 2011, at 8:27 AM, Bill Connelly wrote:

I might be traveling to Ghana, and this is offered there: 

Wondering if a Macbook or other G4 would work well with it.

They explicitly state Mac compatibility, and in my experience  
most of these cellular broadband devices are mac compatible,  
although I don't know about G4's, though.

Its a cellular broadband device. Do they stream video at all well?

Well it depends on your connection but at their nominal data rate,  
they should work reasonably well. I've known several people who use  
skype regularly with such.

Uh, VERY IMPORTANT! Make sure you fully understand Data charges. If  
you are going to stream video, you are going to burn through that 3GB  
pretty quickly. How much per GB is it after the promo allotment? I  
have read WAY TOO many stories of people running up $1,000 bills  
after the promo allotment is gone over.


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Can I CCC a 10.4 from a G4 DA to a G5?

2011-11-04 Thread Len Gerstel
Everything I have read is that 10.X installs are monolithic. ie: they  
include everything needed for any machine that will run the OS.

I know G5s can run 10.5, but we still have classic apps that we run  
and I have not been able to get SheepShaver working. Remote  
desktopping into a G4 will be a later project.

It is a Dual 2.0 G5. I believe it is the 2004 dual 2.0 with pci-x  
slots. (at the price and speed bump from a DA dual 533 and a Sawtooth  
400, I am not being picky on which dual 2.0). My plan is to install  
the HD for the G5 into my DA (with a SATA card) and just clone my DA  
HD onto it. Yes, I know a fresh install is best, but I don't have the  
time or organization to do that here.

Any flaws?


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Re: Can I CCC a 10.4 from a G4 DA to a G5?

2011-11-04 Thread Len Gerstel

On Nov 4, 2011, at 1:11 PM, Valter Prahlad wrote:

Il giorno 4-11-2011 15:34, Len Gerstel ha scritto:

My plan is to install
the HD for the G5 into my DA (with a SATA card) and just clone my DA
HD onto it.

I had the same situation (OSX 10.4.11 from G4 DA to G5 2.7) some  
time ago,
asked about it and everybody said Go ahead, clone it! No problem  
at all.

And they were right. :-)

That is what I figured. I just wanted to make sure before I started  
playing with my new toy.

Only thing, if you have some app optimized for G4 processors (like
TenFourFox), you better swap it with the G5 version.

But at least I won't have to remember do I have a 7400 or 7410?

IMO, the fastest and simplest way to do this cloning, is thru Firewire
Target disk mode: just connect the two Macs with a Firewire cable,  
boot the

receiving (target) Mac holding down the T key, and do your cloning.
No need to move HDs around. :-)

Tough call. I like mucking around and straight to SATA will be faster  
than Firewire 400. I could show off how cool the 10 year old Target  
Disk Mode feature is, but the coolness will be lost on the people  
that will be around to see it.

I was mostly concerned about pci-x and the fan controls. I don't know  
if I am getting a hardware test disk with it.


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Re: Can I CCC a 10.4 from a G4 DA to a G5?

2011-11-04 Thread Len Gerstel

On Nov 4, 2011, at 4:12 PM, Valter Prahlad wrote:

Il giorno 4-11-2011 18:41, Len Gerstel ha scritto:

I was mostly concerned about pci-x and the fan controls. I don't know
if I am getting a hardware test disk with it.

My G5 (2,7 DP) is quite silent.
During normal operations, I can barely hear any noise. Just every  
now and

then, fans spin up for some seconds, then stop again.

Sorry for not clarifying. I am not referring to the standard fans. I  
have seen may posts on the G list regarding fans running at full  
speed and needing to be re-calibrated.


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Does the Radeon 9650 support dual monitors?

2011-11-07 Thread Len Gerstel

Seeing conflicting answers on the web, Mactracker and EveryMac.

My new G5 (dual 2.0, early 2005, pci model) has a Radeon 9650 card.  
Before I spring for an ADC to DVI adapter, just wanted to check here.

Does the Radeon 9650 support 2 displays? Not mirrored, but regular  


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Re: Does the Radeon 9650 support dual monitors?

2011-11-07 Thread Len Gerstel

On Nov 7, 2011, at 2:08 PM, Valter Prahlad wrote:

Il giorno 7-11-2011 19:21, Len Gerstel ha scritto:

My new G5 (dual 2.0, early 2005, pci model) has a Radeon 9650 card.
Before I spring for an ADC to DVI adapter, just wanted to check here.

Does the Radeon 9650 support 2 displays? Not mirrored, but regular

I have a G5 2.7 DP, Early 2005, with its Radeon 9650 card (dual DVI  

I confirm it drives two monitors beautifully. :-)

Why making a card with two display ports...
and not driving two monitors...? ;-)

I read ADC adapters could be espensive (in the past), though.

DOH!!. It helps if I actually look at the card as installed. 2 DVI  
ports. My mind was clouded with the view of the FX5200 in the other  
G5 I picked up for my coworker (dual 1.8 pci-x) that had a DVI and ADC.

I know that many older cards had 2 connectors that were for either/or  
but not both at 1 time. The Radeon 7000s were like that. DVI and VGA  
(and S-video), but IIRC, could only drive one monitor at a time.

Thanks all,

ps, Just finished cloning a Sawtooth to the Dual 1.8 and it booted  
fine with no issues.

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Re: 68 pin vs. 50 pin SCSI HD?

2011-12-10 Thread Len Gerstel

On Dec 10, 2011, at 7:54 PM, Barry Levine wrote:

 One of the 8GB SCSI HD's on my 8600 G3 is failing. Checking around eBay, I
 see 68 pin SCSI HD's for sale; and one can purchase an adapter to go to
 the mac 50 pin cable.
 I also noticed that there are many larger size 68 pin scsi HD's around
 than the 50 pin - are these 68 pin drives a bit more recent than the 50
 pin ones, and are they usable in my mac with the adapter?

68 pin is wide scsi. 16 bit data path vs the 50 pin's 8 bit. Drives might be 
slightly newer, but check the individual drives.

You may also want to look onto 80 pin SCA scsi. These are server drives and the 
sca adapters are also easy to get.. Generally more robust than the 50 and 68 
pin drives. Also hotter, larger capacity , noisier and faster than most 68 and 

Depending upon how much storage you need, the 73Gb SCA drives seem to be the 
sweet spot. 10k rpm drives are starting at  $20 shipped. You can ignore the 
tray that is included with many. That is what they used to install them in the 
server. Just remove the 4 screws and mount it in your Mac.

The one thing to be careful of is formatting. Many SCSI drives are not included 
in Apple's Drive SetUp program. There are hacks to get it to recognize 
non-supported drives. Or a 3rd party drive utility like LaCies will format 
most any SCSI drive.


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Re: Why I hate html mail reason #3455, and like Mail

2011-12-23 Thread Len Gerstel

On Dec 23, 2011, at 2:42 PM, Dan wrote:

At 11:34 AM -0700 12/23/2011, Bruce Johnson wrote:
No Apple hasn't outsourced their customer support to some unknown  


The geniuses at Chase Bank have hired a company to handle their  
email, that has in turn hired an ex-spammer to do the actual SMTP  
work.  So now all the phishes AND legit emails from Chase are being  
flagged by ClamXav!  Over the past week, we've received phishies  
for Chase that look, from the headers, legit, as they came out of  
the same SMTP servers!  The HTML is near perfect.  The only way you  
can tell they're phishies is that the urls are dotted ips instead  

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.

They are not the only bank that does that kind of stuff. I received a  
legitimate email from my bank (MT) that, doing the hover, showed  
that the link in it went to some third party tracking kind of site,  
but the shown address was I called to confirm that it was  
real. Then gave them Holy H*ll about the idiocy of preaching about  
online security and phishing education, then doing something like that.


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Re: bots

2011-12-23 Thread Len Gerstel

On Dec 23, 2011, at 3:31 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

I've been quite happy using ClamXAv on the UA systems (which by  
official policy MUST have AV software running on them, which is  
akin to requiring all employees to get a pap smear and prostate  
exam every year, no exceptions...;-) but my personal systems?

I have GOT to remember that analogy.

Haven't run any antivirus software on them in decades. Last virus I  
ever got on a mac was WDEF.

Yep, had that one. Given to me on a floppy from an Egghead computer  
store with other freeware and shareware for my Plus.

But I do miss Disinfectant. I could watch the credit animation for  


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Re: bots

2011-12-23 Thread Len Gerstel

On Dec 23, 2011, at 4:06 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On Dec 23, 2011, at 1:41 PM, Len Gerstel wrote:

I was such a complete rank newb that I didn't know how to eject  
disks, and resorted to Norton Disk Tools eject function, leaving  
ghost images of all these floppies up on the desktop.

Norton software that worked, I vaguely remember those days.

It was about 6 months later that I got my own first Mac, proudly  
paying $850 for a demo model Mac Plus at a computer store closeout  
sale, incidentally racking up my very first bit of credit card debt  
as well...ended up getting a add-on 800K external floppy some  
months later,

I guess about the same time I picked up my Plus with a 10MB external  
(from CMS, IIRC) when they were being discontinued for $1200 total.

then the harrowing and forbidden ordeals of cracking the case and  
upgrading it, first to 2.5 MB (clipping those resistor leads were  
literally more nerve-wracking than anything I've done since,  
including my wedding day.) and later to the staggering total of 4  
whole megabytes

I still have the Fluke Multimeter that I bought when I upgraded (newb  
that I was, $100 stick at a retail store) because you were supposed  
to check and reset the voltages after snipping the resistor. I  
eventually had that sucker up to 4mb with a MicroMat 16MHz 68030  
accelerator and a 40MB external.

Ahh, the heady days of MacUser, the inch-and-a-half thick tabloid- 
sized Computer Shopper and Byte Magazine...

Back in the day the computer mags were relevant and timely. Well  
worth the reads back then.


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Re: Are powermac g4 still useful?

2012-01-02 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jan 2, 2012, at 2:54 PM, JoeTaxpayer wrote:

Crazy? You'd be crazy only if it didn't do what you needed and made
you miserable. (Which certainly makes the case for most windows users,
but I digress.)

I still have my MDD G4s and they're very useful. They still rip DVDs,
browse the web, transcode video to work on my TiVo, and run iTunes to
load my iPod.
As long as it works, be happy.

By the way, have a plan for when it fails. At some point, the power
supply will die and you'll want to transfer files to a new machine. I
have 5 G4s in the house, 2 have died so far.

On Jan 2, 12:40 pm, gira93 wrote:

I'm writing this because a friend said i was crazy just because i
use such an old mac for the everyday use.

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Re: G5 quad

2012-01-14 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jan 14, 2012, at 11:23 AM, JohnV wrote:

Any reason why a late 2005 G5 quad would show a different serial  
number on the side label vs the system profile info screen?

I'm looking to buy.

Rough quick guess is a replaced motherboard. Is this a liquid cooled  
unit? With the reported problems it sounds like that happens semi often.

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Re: Question about exporting email addresses from Apple Mail app

2012-01-17 Thread Len Gerstel

On Jan 16, 2012, at 4:59 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On Jan 16, 2012, at 2:12 PM, Len Gerstel wrote:

My google fu is week here. Running Apple Mail 2.1.3 on 10.4.11,  
but have access to a 10.6 if that has a better answer.


Short of importing the whole 14,000 into AddressBook, then  
exporting them from there, are there any options? I already  
converted the .emlx files to an mbox, but am not having luck  
exporting from there.

geeky way to do it:

I R A Perl haxor, all nails must be hit with the perlhammer. It  
looks like the Email::Address CPAN module does what you want.

To install the module do (In terminal)

sudo cpan install Email::Address

And accept all the defaults...

Also the 'previous recipients' data might be exportable with some  
terminal hackery:

Thanks, and I bow to your HAXORness. I installed Perl and  
Email::Address as per the instructions, but my eyes glazed over  
pretty quickly.

After some more googling I came across 
Mail_Scripts which does it from address Book

I figured I would give it a shot. Selected 14,547 messages in Mail  
and selected Add Sender to Address Book, then let my dual 2.0 G5  
churn for a while. Address book deduped them, so left with 3,152  
cards. Then ran Export Addresses (Address Book) from the site above's  
scripts and let that churn.

Total time trying to find a one step solution from mail, both active,  
including searching, and computer churning was about 4.5-5 hours  
through all the variations I tried.

Total time once I accepted a 2 step solution going through Address  
Book, about 40 min. 10 of that was active, the rest churn time.


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Re: ATI Radeon 7000 Mac Version 32MB PCI video card not recognized on Sawtooth

2012-02-09 Thread Len Gerstel

On Feb 9, 2012, at 3:21 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On Feb 9, 2012, at 1:11 PM, Kris Tilford wrote:

This can't be a real Mac card because all the real Mac cards were  
identical and came with three ports, a DVI, a VGA, and an S-video.  
Since this card has only one port it's absolutely a PC card. If it  
has a PC ROM, you may need a PC to force-flash the initial starter  
Mac ROM. (Note, on PCs they call the card's firmware a BIOS  
instead of a ROM).

IIRC the very first Xserve's had a VGA-only PCI ATI card, ISTR it  
was a 32 mb 7000.

That is correct. I bought a bunch off a company that was modifying  
headless xServes to run headless in navy submarines. Genuine Apple  
PCI Radeon 7000 with VGA only.

Sold a bunch on the swap list and eBay.


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Re: ATI Radeon 7000 Mac Version 32MB PCI video card not recognized on Sawtooth

2012-02-09 Thread Len Gerstel

On Feb 9, 2012, at 3:35 PM, Kris Tilford wrote:

On Feb 9, 2012, at 2:21 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

IIRC the very first Xserve's had a VGA-only PCI ATI card, ISTR it  
was a 32 mb 7000.

I was unaware of this card, is it a half-height card or full size?

Full size. Looked just like the retail 7000, just had only a vga  
connector. It was mounted parallel to the main board on a riser I  


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Re: ATI Radeon 7000 Mac Version 32MB PCI video card not recognized on Sawtooth

2012-02-10 Thread Len Gerstel

On Feb 10, 2012, at 3:17 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On Feb 10, 2012, at 12:29 PM, Jesse wrote:

So does anyone have experience using this card in anything other than
the Xserve?

It SHOULD just work, as the only difference between this and a  
retail Radeon 7000, iirc, was the lack of the other ports. Have you  
tried it on a more modern monitor than the old 19 one? It's  
remotely possible it's putting out a signal that won't work on the  
monitor, but my suspicion is that it's a dead card.

Yes, they just work. At least as tested through 8.x, 9.x and 10.2  
in a beige and with no reports of problems from the 30 or so I sold  
on the swap list. They use the same drivers and deliver the same  
performance as the Mac specific retail cards, just without the DVI  
and S-Video ports.

If it is not working after all the standard easy fixes (pram and cuda  
reset, making sure you have the drivers installed) it is, in the  
immortal words of one of the great Doctors, Dead Jim (er, Jesse).


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Re: OS 8.6 submenu limit? Other questions.

2012-02-13 Thread Len Gerstel

On Feb 13, 2012, at 11:29 AM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On Feb 12, 2012, at 9:43 AM, Barry Levine wrote:

Lastly, I also have a hardware/software question that maybe  
someone will

Re the default Page Setup for a laserjet 2100M - it's ALWAYS US  
Small, and defaults back to that after a session is over.  I have  
not been
able to google up a way to make US Letter the default, and stay  
that way.

I believe that US Letter is the factory default, so setting the  
2100 back to factory default (check the manual) should fix that.

I seem to remember having a similar issue with one of my HPs (4ml,  
4m, 4000 or one of that era). The fix I remember was that you had to  
hold down either one of both of the Command or Control key when  
hitting OK  when closing the page setup dialog box.


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Re: ATI Radeon 7000 Mac Version 32MB PCI video card not recognized on Sawtooth

2012-02-23 Thread Len Gerstel

On Feb 23, 2012, at 10:04 AM, Jesse wrote:

After much doing (using a hybrid of methods), I was able to flash the
Radeon 7000 PCI graphics card to successfully work on the Mac --
currently I'm using v2.08 of the ROM and have noticed that neither QE
or Core Image are being supported. Will going up to v2.26 enable one
(or both) of those? As I mentioned earlier, the main reason I'm using
this card is to enable monitor rotation -- so basically whatever ROM
allows for that under 10.4.

Thanks folks!

You need to use a hack to get Quartz Extreme running on pci video  
card. I can not remember the name, maybe someone else can.

I used it on 10.2, but never needed it on any OS higher so I don't  
know if it works in 10.4.

I do not believe the pci 7000 supports core image, so you may be out  
of luck there.


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Re: g4 mdd getting louder?

2012-03-21 Thread Len Gerstel

On Mar 21, 2012, at 10:08 AM, rumble wrote:

thanks. i'll crack it open and see if i left a sweater in there.

On Mar 20, 5:32 pm, rumble wrote:

it seems to me that my old g4 mdd fan noise has gotten louder.

is there anything i can do to get it to quiet down again?


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Re: USB-Parallel cable: Driver for a G5?

2012-04-19 Thread Len Gerstel

On Apr 19, 2012, at 10:23 PM, Valter Prahlad wrote:

 I've switched to a G5 recently, but I still own an old LaserWriter Select
 360 I'd like to use with the G5 (OSX 10.4.11).
 The LW has LocalTalk (AppleTalk?), Serial and Parallel (Centronics)
 Of course the G5 has no LocalTalk port, so I thought of using an
 USB-Parallel cable I found somewhere (I have no idea where I got it or its
 Any idea?
 Any program or driver I can try?

If all else fails, PowerPrint supports Macs, and I am sure would have a 360 
specific driver.


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Re: Games for G3's?

2012-04-30 Thread Len Gerstel

On Apr 29, 2012, at 7:22 PM, Xion Dracari wrote:

well i still cant find the Right Codec/(and encoder settings to us
efor video!) but what games would everyone suggets for the Snow white
iMac (G3 600mhz 512MB Ram)

What type of game are you looking for?

If puzzles are your thing:

Myst Series
3 in Three (or is it Three in 3)

Shoot em ups?
Marathon series. Games are so good Microsoft bought the company  
(Bungee) to get Halo (and keep it for the original Xbox and away from  
the Mac)

Original Simms I think will work with your system (Yersinia you there?)

Yes, the requirements for these are well under your iMac, but they  
are very enjoyable.


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Mail error log

2012-05-03 Thread Len Gerstel

Running Mail 2.1.3 on a G5 with 10.4.11. Connecting to a POP server

I am having connection issues to my mail server, hosted by a small  
firm. I frequently get the connection issue (I am pretty sure that is  
it) icon when checking mail. The icon that is an exclamation point in  
a triangle inside a circle. It normally goes away the next time Mail  
autochecks for new mail, but right now it has been in this state for  
45 minutes.

I am looking for the error log that might give a hard reason for this  
(can't find server, too many connections-connection denied, whatever)  
to pass on to the hosting company, since I am probably the most tech  
literate customer.

The only Mail logs I can find are in /var/log/mail.log (and mail.log. 
0.gz through mail.log.4.gz). None of these have any entries for  
today, and the issue is going on right now.


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Re: On PPCs, HTML5 is a markup language for structuring and presenting content

2012-05-12 Thread Len Gerstel

On May 12, 2012, at 9:42 AM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On May 12, 2012, at 5:01 AM, skinnie wrote:

I used demeter, I don't know if supports html5, but if I go to it plays nice and uses about 10% cpu  
sometimes less!

A better way to see how compatible your browser is with HTML5 is here:

It will tell you directly what features are supported and which are  
not. I did not see TenFourFox in the test list, be interesting to  
see how it fares.

I am running the latest TenFourFox, 10.0.4. Got a score of 327 plus 9  
bonus points. I think I have the latest Safari, 4.1.3, that will run  
on 10.4 and that scored a 265 and 6 bonus points.

Looking at the what I think are the important stuff, TenFourFox seems  
to not pass the following major items.

Some audio codecs
About 1/2 of the form inputs (56/108)
No Microdata, whatever that is
Complete Security failure 0/15
Web GL 9/25 mostly for 3D context
Files (FileSystem API failed)
Local Multimedia Access the webcam failed
I don't have one so don't know if that is the reason  
for  failing, but isn't this a good thing to not give browsers direct  
access to webcams?

Web Notifications failed


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Re: On PPCs, HTML5 is a markup language for structuring and presenting content

2012-05-12 Thread Len Gerstel

On May 12, 2012, at 11:14 AM, Cameron Kaiser wrote:

I am running the latest TenFourFox, 10.0.4. Got a score of 327 plus 9
bonus points. I think I have the latest Safari, 4.1.3, that will run
on 10.4 and that scored a 265 and 6 bonus points.

Looking at the what I think are the important stuff, TenFourFox seems
to not pass the following major items.

Some audio codecs
About 1/2 of the form inputs (56/108)
No Microdata, whatever that is
Complete Security failure 0/15
Web GL 9/25 mostly for 3D context
Files (FileSystem API failed)
Local Multimedia Access the webcam failed
 I don't have one so don't know if that is the reason
for  failing, but isn't this a good thing to not give browsers direct
access to webcams?
Web Notifications failed

I don't mind constructive criticism, but the real Firefox doesn't  
have any
of these either (except WebGL, which Mozilla does not support on  
10.4 or
10.5), and neither do many other browsers. If people are going to  
features, comparing them against a realistic benchmark is always  


Please understand that the above was not meant as a criticism. It was  
simply a report on the test results for TenFourFox that Bruce  
wondered about. I did not even look at the test page results for  
other browsers,

Looking at the test results, TenFourFox holds its' own very well,  
even beating Safari 5.1 by a little and trouncing IE 9, which only  
scored 138. It even scores better than the beta of IE 10.


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Re: PM G4: Old CPU back in, no boot

2012-05-14 Thread Len Gerstel

On May 14, 2012, at 9:58 AM, Valter Prahlad wrote:

Today I took out the upgrade CPU, and I put back in the old,  
original Apple
667  MHz CPU (I applied thermal grease, connected the CPU fan wire,  

the PMU switch).

Problem is, the Mac doesn't boot anymore.
When I press the power button, it doesn't make any sound at all (no  
no beep), and the screen stays black. Fans are running, the power  
button is

lit, and that's it.

Any idea how to troubleshoot this?

Thanks in advance,

It sounds like it may be a bent pin on the old processor. I would  
double check tham.


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Mail 2.1.3 vs iPhone 4s problem

2012-05-16 Thread Len Gerstel

Relevant Hardware/software:

PowerMac G5 running 10.4.11 with Mail 2.1.3
iPhone 4s with latest updates.

My brother got an iPhone 4s for business. Most of the reason he went  
with it is the camera. I am working on getting him to be able to  
batch send the pics, but for now he sends them as individual picture  
messages to my email. I then select all the emails, click forward to  
make them one email with 10 photos and forward that to the  
appropriate people.

With his old, semi dumb phone, everything worked fine. Each photo was  
in the forwarded email at the proper size. With the iPhone, the first  
picture of the group that I select to forward is fine. The rest of  
the pictures are not in the email. Instead there is the proper size  
one of the first picture, then there are small thumbnails of the  
first picture equal in number to the number of pictures that were  
supposed to be forwarded.

I have checked and all the photos coming from the iPhone do have  
separate names. But in the forwarded email it shows one large of the  
first photo, then the thumbnails of the same photo and they all have  
the same the same (ie: a large picture of img_2496 then 9 thumbnail  
size pics of the same image, all also names img_2496)

Anyone seen this before or have any thoughts?

Len Gerstel

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Re: Mail 2.1.3 vs iPhone 4s problem

2012-05-17 Thread Len Gerstel

On May 16, 2012, at 3:39 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On May 16, 2012, at 11:37 AM, Len Gerstel wrote:

Relevant Hardware/software:

PowerMac G5 running 10.4.11 with Mail 2.1.3
iPhone 4s with latest updates.

My brother got an iPhone 4s for business. Most of the reason he  
went with it is the camera. I am working on getting him to be able  
to batch send the pics, but for now he sends them as individual  
picture messages to my email. I then select all the emails, click  
forward to make them one email with 10 photos and forward that to  
the appropriate people.

With his old, semi dumb phone, everything worked fine. Each photo  
was in the forwarded email at the proper size. With the iPhone,  
the first picture of the group that I select to forward is fine.  
The rest of the pictures are not in the email. Instead there is  
the proper size one of the first picture, then there are small  
thumbnails of the first picture equal in number to the number of  
pictures that were supposed to be forwarded.

I have checked and all the photos coming from the iPhone do have  
separate names. But in the forwarded email it shows one large of  
the first photo, then the thumbnails of the same photo and they  
all have the same the same (ie: a large picture of img_2496 then 9  
thumbnail size pics of the same image, all also names img_2496)

Anyone seen this before or have any thoughts?

Just tested this with my iMac (10.6) and iPad, Mail 4.5 does this  
as expected.

deleted Bruce's raw view info
You  might want to look at the 'raw' view of one that works and one  
that doesn't.

This persists through starting and stopping mail? Rebooting the Mac  
in safe mode to clear caches, or running Applejack?

I can send you some pics from my iPad if you want, test whether  
it's something weird with his phone?

Just ran the cache clearing from OnyX with no change.
This is from one that does not forward:

Content-Type: image/jpeg;
Content-ID: 1
Content-Disposition: attachment;
Content-Location: IMG_8419.jpg
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

This is from one that does.

Content-Type: image/jpeg;
Content-ID: 110923c.jpg
Content-Location: 110923c.jpg
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
x-opwv-mms-forwardable: yes

Well, I see the line that might make a difference:

x-opwv-mms-forwardable: yes

Goggling that comes up with only 6 hits, and none make much sense to me.

Now, is that from the iPhone, a coincidental Verizon change or what,  
that is the question. And, is it the cause and can it be changed?

Bruce, I will take you up on a couple of iPad photos to my gmail  
address, let me know if you need it.


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Re: Moderator's spam report for

2012-05-18 Thread Len Gerstel

On May 18, 2012, at 7:03 AM, wrote:

 This message is being sent to you because you are a moderator of the group 
 The following suspicious messages were sent to your group, but are being held 
 in your moderation queue because they are classified as likely spam messages.
 If you take no action, all the messages below will be discarded automatically 
 as spam.
 However, if you see any messages that are not spam below, you may approve 
 them individually by going to:
 Please do not mark this notification as spam; this is a service for group 
 moderators. If you do not wish to receive these notifications in the future, 
 you may change your preferences by going to:
 --- 1 of 1  ---
 From: Herwin Meyera
 Date: May 17 04:24PM +0200
 Am 17.05.12 15:44, schrieb JohnV:
  Memory:2 GB
  Bus Speed:900 MHz
  Boot ROM Version:5.1.8f7
 You should tell us of your graphicscard as well. I guess it hardly 
 depends on which GPU type and decoding abilities are provided.
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Re: Mail 2.1.3 vs iPhone 4s problem

2012-05-18 Thread Len Gerstel

On May 18, 2012, at 1:38 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On May 17, 2012, at 1:31 PM, Len Gerstel wrote:

Just ran the cache clearing from OnyX with no change.
This is from one that does not forward:

Content-Type: image/jpeg;
Content-ID: 1
Content-Disposition: attachment;
Content-Location: IMG_8419.jpg
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

This is from one that does.

Content-Type: image/jpeg;
Content-ID: 110923c.jpg
Content-Location: 110923c.jpg
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
x-opwv-mms-forwardable: yes

Well, I see the line that might make a difference:

x-opwv-mms-forwardable: yes

Goggling that comes up with only 6 hits, and none make much sense  
to me.

Now, is that from the iPhone, a coincidental Verizon change or  
what, that is the question. And, is it the cause and can it be  

Any x- mail header is a custom one, and any application that does  
not generate it, or know what to do with it explicitly, is supposed  
to ignore it; this is something Verizon added, I'll wager.

Betcha some are coming from him connected to a wifi network and  
some are coming from Verizona network; the iPhone will glom onto  
any available wifi to do any data related stuff if it can.

Bruce, I will take you up on a couple of iPad photos to my gmail  
address, let me know if you need it.

On their way! Hope it works, my iPad is a Wifi only model.

Gorgeous photos, thanks. Makes me want to get back out to the desert  
for a another trip.

They forwarded with no problems at all. I think I might have figured  
out the cause, but the solution without buying an app to batch photos  
may be beyond my abilities, unless I can jailbreak his phone and do  
low level programming.

Looking at the raw source on all the photos that forward properly,  
the information in the Content-ID between the  and  is the same as  
the name and content location. All the photos from the iPhone ones  
that do not forward correctly have the same Content-ID 1. That is  
probably borking Mail somehow.

Thanks again for the photos.


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