CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2020 #21

2020-03-17 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy

On 3/17/2020 7:23 PM, silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com wrote:

Nebulizing is being suggested by Victor F. Cozzetto , and it was my 
first impulse to do so as well, but I have read others cautioning 
against nebulizing with anything in the presence of this virus, as it 
will tend to push the virus deeper??   Any thoughts?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2014 #282

2014-11-29 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy

On 11/29/2014 9:52 AM, silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com wrote:

Also if memory serves our body produces MSM.

Yes, the body does produce MSM, but the amount produced lessens from 
late puberty on,  none or almost none by senior years.  I take it every 
day.   Am shortly in severe pain when I don't.  Its a life saver.  It 
doesn't fix my arthritis.  When I stop taking it, which I try out from 
time to time, the pain comes back.  I'm not completely pain free with 
it, but do far better, and maintain my flexibility, keeping the joints 
from swelling and becoming rigid and distorted.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2014 #280

2014-11-27 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
MSM is produced from
DMSO, which is produced in a variety of ways - including as a byproduct 
of papermaking.  However, MSM is a sulphur compound, about 34% sulphur 
content.   The MSM however not only provides sulphur, but also makes 
sulphur more available to the body.  Many of us take it daily.Sara
Please be aware that MSM and Sulphur are not the same thing.  Sulphur 
is Sulphur and MSM is Methylsulfonylmethane a byproduct of 
papermaking, I believe. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2014 #248

2014-10-28 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy

Thinking of gelling ingredients - does anyone know how the elixa gel 
maker works - what ingredients, if any, it uses to make gel?  And I'm 
still interested in additional information on the elixa silver makers.  
Has anyone used them?   Thanks, Sara

I have no experience with any CS gel because I'm allergic to the 
gelling ingredients. Just a thought because I notice most people 
forget to consider adverse reactions to any product might be caused by 
allergy to so-called inactive ingredients.


CSJim Humble

2014-10-28 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
I don't like his religion either - and I think he could do a whole lot 
for a whole lot if he chose to give the research data, the specifics...  
which he really hasn't done.However, that being said, he HAS 
described the science of it.  And there are many bright minds out there 
who have verified what he has to say.  It is not bleach.  Simple 
chemistry will tell you that.  I seem to be highly sensitive to it, and 
never got over one drop at a  time - my herx reactions are intense, and 
that was all I could  tolerate.  I have put it on the back burner as  a 
must have first aid item, and in case of.  Some bright minds are 
saying that the combo of MMS and CS is the most efficient/effective way 
of treating ebola. Does Humble's non-humble archbishopry make me 
want to barf?  Absolutely!!  But that does not mean MMS is worthless?  
No.  My inner guides and my reading/study have told me it is an 
important thing to have available.  I only have a little, just enough 
for personal use, but one doesn't need a lot of it.

I must say it really angers me  when anyone - like Jim Humble - makes 
their product THE answer to the world's problems.  Certain brands of CS 
do the same thing.  And it feeds the feds' reactions to such 
products.BUT just because the feds say MMS is a fraud - as they say 
of CS, it doesn't mean it is so.   And it angers me when people take up 
that rhetoric, especially people who are benefitted by CS.

I will also say, in defense of Humble.  I think he's always had a 
non-humble attitude.  But his religiousity I think came as a way to 
protect his product from being made illegal and confiscated.  By 
declaring his company a church, and his distributors priests or 
ministers or whatever, and his product as a sacrament, he was trying to 
get around being completely shut down.  He wanted what he believes 
(therefore the church) is a miracle product to not be again confiscated 
by the feds.Prety out of the box thinking.I'm not sure how 
honest it is, although I think he has convinced himself it is a matter 
of faith and principle as much as a matter of science.  I'm not sure 
either how effective his defensive stance will be in the long run - in 
part because of his ego, and how his pompous attitude turns folks off.   
He's already defrocked and escommunicated one of his priests because 
he altered the teachings in some way from Humble's presentation.  What a 
drama.   Anyways, my 2 cents.  Sara

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

CSElixa generator

2014-10-16 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy

We have a quart sized Colloidal Master.   We like it, but are also
considering getting Elixa's 1 gallon generator.  Any feed back on this
system?  Also, has anyone tried their colloidal silver gel maker?
Thanks for any input.  Sara

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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2013-12-31 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
Some of us experience physical vibration as new waves of energy are 
coming into our experience of creation.
It can literally feel like each cell in our bodies is  manifesting a 
physical level of vibration.  It can get intense, but it is organic and 
transformational.  I'm not saying that is what you are experiencing - 
there could be many reasons and causes for a sensation of vibration. 
Some of them would be in need of remediation.  All I can suggest is 
giving yourself some quiet time to breathe and feel into your own 
center.  Even - probably especially - if it is a transformational 
experienced, it does not mean to ignore any feelings you have about the 
experience - nor to let the emotions override the experience.  Just 
notice, pay attention, breathe, and see what comes up.  Just a 
suggestion.  Sara

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSAllergies

2013-04-03 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
In general, I tend towards the whole food concept as better.  But when 
it comes to ascorbic acid, the complex with bioflavonoids does next to 
nothing for me, and actually seems to cause increased sinus issues.  
Ascorbic acid alone relieves the congestion, usually completely.  I 
don't understand the why of it, but it is what I experience, despite 
what my mind thinks ought to be...   Sara


It would be better to take vitamin C along with bioflavonoids, which 
include quercetin. In nature, there’s no such thing as plain ascorbic 
acid vitamin C. The FDA defined vitamin C as such, but the entire 
COMPLEX works much better. I have been giving quercetin and other 
bioflavonoids to my allergic dog and it’s really helped him.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSTooth infection

2013-03-14 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
Actually  supernumerary teeth are fairly common.  A few of us, not so 
common, have a complete full third set of teeth (2nd adult)!  It sounds 
like it could be convenient, and it would be if they could come through 
with any ease, but that usually is far from the case.  The old teeth try 
to stay in place, and put out new roots, down around the new teeth.  It 
turns into a tangled mess.  Then the old tooth starts to rot   
Choices are to have all the old teeth pulled before they become 
entangled with the new, and go toothless (dentures would damage the 
emerging teeth) for a year or two letting the new teeth come in; have 
the old ones pulled a few at a time to let the new ones have a chance of 
coming through - assuming their roots and nerves haven't been too 
severely damaged by the surgical removal of the old tooth;  of have the 
whole kaboodle, old and new removed, and replaced with dentures.   So 
far I'm doing the second choice above.  My grandmother had the same 
condition, and it wasn't recognized, led to sepsis that killed her.   So 
its an interesting scenario.  The dentist who first confirmed that I 
have this was an older Russian guy, who said that it was a fairly common 
condition among Russian peasant folk, particularly women. No, there are 
no (known) russian genetics in my family history - all Germanic.  At any 
rate, the Russian dentist said that I was the first one he had seen or 
heard of in this country, with the whole second set.  Since then, via 
the internet, I've heard of others.  But it does happen.  Sara


Well Edith -- you and Dan amaze me.  I've never heard of five wisdom 
teeth in one person -- and here we have two such persons on the list!! 
 Will wonders never cease!!


Re: CSsilver and DMSO for abcessed tooth

2013-01-21 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
For me, doing this with clove oil was the best success.It burns like 
you know what when you put it on, but then within seconds there is 
immediate relief from the pain - not gone, but down from Niagra Falls 
level pain to a little trickle presence of pain.  And it stopped the 
abscess completely within days.  I tried Oregano Oil first, because I 
had it on hand, had to order the clove oil.  Some relief but not cure, 
for me.  Since then I've discovered you can get the clove oil at your 
local Walgreen's, and probably other places, in the form of a toothache 
pain relief med called (I think) Red Cross.  They offer two different 
preparations, under same name.  One only helps with the pain, a 
traditional pain reliever present in all the other brands of dental pain 
relief.   The other is simply clove oil, sold in a little box with tiny 
balls of cotton and a tweezers, so you can dip the tiny balls of cotton 
into the oil and place them in the needed spot(s).   So if someone is in 
trouble now and doesn't want to wait for an online order of clove oil to 
arrive, you can try your local walgreen's (and/or other pharmacy - 
though I didn't find it at WalMart) for this First Aid dental rememdy.   
Clove oil is worth its weight in gold.  Sara
Here also is an excellent way to cure an abscessed tooth.  Take a 
small piece of cotton, wet it with saliva, put two drops of  Oregano 
Oil on it.  Place it on the gum at the root between the root and 
cheek.  Leave it on overnight.   Most of the time it will be gone in 
the morning.  If not, do it again..

On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 10:24 PM, Bob Banever bbane...@earthlink.net 
mailto:bbane...@earthlink.net wrote:

The best way to kill an infection in the root of a tooth is by
electricity.  All you need is a flashlight battery or at the most
a 6 volt lantern battery but NOT 9 volts… too strong and
dangerous.  Go to microelectricitygermkiller group on Yahoo for
instructions on how to make a Godzilla unit.  Very simple with
battery, wires, sponges and elastic bands.  Two 8 minute sessions
is all it takes.  Good luck.


*From:*mgperrault [mailto:mgperra...@aol.com
*Sent:* Sunday, January 20, 2013 5:35 PM
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com
*Subject:* Re: CSsilver and DMSO for abcessed tooth

On 1/20/2013 4:35 PM, JERRY PRENDERGAST wrote:

Anyone know if DMSO and homemade silver could help an abscessed
tooth and prevent a root canal? If so what would be the protocol
Thanks, Sandy

Seems like it would work, but havent had much success with that. 
On the other hand, DC zapping, godzilla style, using an

inexpensive lantern battery and sponges seems to work pretty
well.  Clove oil is pretty effective.  DMSO with clove and CS
might be worth an experiment.  An inexpensive laser shows
promise.  You can get a certain dye and use this with a laser and
this is supposed to be effective.   Ozone is said to work wonders,
but the problem is you cant breath it or it makes havoc with your
lungs.   I hold my breath, delivering the ozone through a small
tube.  But you would really have to work this out, and be consistent.


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Day Sutton

day.sut...@gmail.com mailto:day.sut...@gmail.com

Re: CSCS and RA, CG

2013-01-21 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
can you tell us how you do that...  what is your recipe and process??  
Thanks, Sara
I make our CG at home, so I know what is in it. I am saving up to buy 
a 6 inch 18guage 24k gold wire so I can make my own CG from scratch. 
Right now I use gold chloride and convert it to CG with maltodextrin 
and sodium carbonate. That makes my cost about a $1.00 per dose. Using 
the gold wire will bring the cost down to about $0.30 per dose.

*From:* bob Larson bobli...@att.net
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
*Sent:* Sunday, January 20, 2013 7:40 AM
*Subject:* CSCS and RA, CG

...CG is reputed to raise I.Q. while using it. notice anything?
beware purveyors of CG machines that never deliver anything unless 
forced (in my personal experience and that of many others), and then 
nothing worthwhile.  why the feds don't bust karl or at least shut him 
down is testimony to WHAT?
unfortunately much of the CG offered for sale is said to be made 
by chemical processes that can easily be done poorly and leave 
contaminants ... the CG made by electrical arc methods  is probably best?

*From:* James McDonald [mailto:kscma...@yahoo.com]
*Sent:* Sunday, January 20, 2013 2:17 AM
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
*Subject:* Re: CSCS and RA

We have been taking the CG for over 6 months now. Her RA has never
been better, I have a damaged spine and it only took 5 days for me
to notice a difference but took the wife almost two weeks to feel
a difference but she has! She can now stand up at work for the
whole day and come home and not collapse into bed! Her hips and
joints do not hurt like they used to, she tells me the pain level
is down about 85%. She is very happy also that there are no super
nasty side effects unlike big pharms drugs(death is one of the
listed side effects!).

Re: CSkerosene testimony pet and human

2012-12-29 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
My Amish friends use just a tiny dab of kerosene on the end of a q-tip 
to coat their tonsils or back of the throat when they feel an intense 
sore throat coming on.  It doesn't always work - seems to be most 
effective, strangely enough, with ones that test as strep.  Their doctor 
has suggested they not do it since its supposed to be toxic, but since 
he knows they're going to do it anyways, he sent some throat swabs home 
with them, asked them to use it before doing the kerosene and then come 
see him as soon as they could get to town.   The folks  that tested 
positive for strep prior to treatment were fairly frequently no longer 
testing positive on follow-up culture.  Its not fool proof, but with 
their difficulties in getting prompt transportation and such, it doesn't 
seem an unwise precaution to take.  Doctor just shakes his head, but he 
can't argue with my Amish friend's response that a whole lot of the 
medicines the docs give out are also toxic.  Sara

Am 28.12.2012 20:17, schrieb dAVId:
Consumption of the Lungs and Kindred Diseases, Treated and Cured by 
Kerosene ... - Charles Oscar Frye - Google Books 
david lubbock tx.

On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 1:00 PM, Marshall mdud...@king-cart.com 
mailto:mdud...@king-cart.com wrote:

This is an interesting site:


I would be very careful.  Most references list kerosene as being


On 12/28/2012 1:50 PM, vicki hood wrote:

Testimony please.  Kerosene for pets and people.  Did you use
it?  For what?  Your pets have healings?  Tumors?  Arthritus? 
Still use it?  I would like to know if it worked and what dosage

to try.  Oh, I can see and hear the wrath of big pharma.  I
believe in Gramma. Sincerely,  Muttmom Vicki Hood

Re: CSGuaifenesin/Fibromyalgia support link (was Cracked Brittle Nails)

2012-11-04 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
You can easily buy it by itself.  There are expensive brands, but also 
cheaper generic ones offered at various places.  You can get it in 
conjunction with a decongestant and or cough suppressant, maybe some 
other options, or just all by itself.  Sara

It's usually an ingredient in cough medicines.
Here's a link:
The site covers all sorts of information for fibromyalgia sufferers.

On 4/11/2012 8:44 AM, Jane MacRoss wrote:

What is Guaifenesin??  // Jane

Re: CSGuaifenesin/Fibromyalgia support link (was Cracked Brittle Nails)

2012-11-04 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
That is why I mentioned that you can get it in the plain version, and 
get it inexpensively in generic form.  I get mine for 4 bucks for a 
bottle of fifty caplets.  Getting pure powder, without the stuff used to 
bind it in caplet form, would be great, and perhaps even less 
expensive.  Just don't buy the namebrand kinds of pills - you'll pay 4 
to five times as much for them.   Sara
The trouble with getting it with a decongestant is that you could get 
an overdose of the other medications to get a high enough dose of the 
guai.  It's freely available in the US, and you could probably get it 
on its own from a compounding chemist in other countries.

Some people have it made into a cream and use it for painful muscle 

I made the powder into a cream originally with emu oil, later with 
coconut oil; I also added cs/dmso mix.  The initial oil/powder leaves 
a gritty element which the liquid seems to dissolve.


On 4/11/2012 9:01 PM, Sara Mandal-Joy wrote:
You can easily buy it by itself.  There are expensive brands, but 
also cheaper generic ones offered at various places.  You can get it 
in conjunction with a decongestant and or cough suppressant, maybe 
some other options, or just all by itself.  Sara

It's usually an ingredient in cough medicines.
Here's a link:
The site covers all sorts of information for fibromyalgia sufferers.

On 4/11/2012 8:44 AM, Jane MacRoss wrote:

What is Guaifenesin??  // Jane

Re: Sugar was // Re: bladder, was Re: Dan / Re: CSThe book, Pain Free, by Pete Egoscue

2012-09-27 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy

Anything in a mix would be processed white stevia...

my body like those substitute sugars
it does best with just plain old sugar
or maple syrup or honey
but the stevia that stopped my detox was in the
electrolye balance emergen-c
no idea which one they used
but i had to throw the rest of the box out
i do good with all the other emergen-c's just not this one.
i do them when i come out of the fir sauna to replenish the minerals lost from

Maple Springs Farm
Farm Store - Maple Syrup, Custom Embroidery, Etched Glass, Shoo-fly pie, Funny
Cake Pie, Emu Oil, Dog Art Prints, Handmade Soap and More...
On-Line Cookbook

-- Original Message ---
From: Sara Mandal-Joysmjl...@wavewls.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thu, 27 Sep 2012 00:05:17 -0500
Subject: Re: Sugar was // Re: bladder, was Re: Dan / Re: CSThe book, Pain
Free, by Pete Egoscue

One thing to be aware of is that not all stevia is the same.  Many
of the products called stevia actually are full of other fillers
that are pretty nasty to most people with sensitive health issues.
  ANY white powdered stevia, including those that are pure stevia,
  has been highly chemically processed, and is NOT a pancreatic tonic,
  or any other kind of tonic.  It has no health benefits except for
eliminating the calories of sugar.It does not moderate blood
sugar, it does not effect the pancreas.  It does tend to increase
insulin just as sugar does - just the sweet taste on the taste buds
sets that reaction off.  BUT real stevia, the whole leaf or
powdered green/brown hard to dissolve stevia - this is used as a
pancreatic tonic, doesn't have the same insulin boost, as the whole
herb mediates the oversweet sensation, and does moderate blood
glucose levels.  In South America it is used as a primary treatment
for diabetes.   But, of course, things do work differently for
different people.  Just my two cents.  Sara

Interesting - it didn't suit my DH either - it is meant to be a
pancreatic tonic - maybe that's why it doesn't suit everyone?


just a fyi
stevia totally stops my body from detoxing
turns it off like a lightswitch
and drops my blood sugar
one of those things that yeah everyone else can eat
but not me!!!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions:mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devourmailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

--- End of Original Message ---

Re: Sugar was // Re: bladder, was Re: Dan / Re: CSThe book, Pain Free, by Pete Egoscue

2012-09-27 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
I went and checked the ingredients.  It is stevia extract - which is 
chemically processed, _and_ it also uses maltodextrin (made from corn) 
for sweetning.  Bad combo - but is what is used to spread stevia out in 
many supposedly stevia products.  I wouldn't touch anything with 
maltodextrin in it with a ten foot pole.  Sara

my body like those substitute sugars
it does best with just plain old sugar
or maple syrup or honey
but the stevia that stopped my detox was in the
electrolye balance emergen-c
no idea which one they used
but i had to throw the rest of the box out
i do good with all the other emergen-c's just not this one.
i do them when i come out of the fir sauna to replenish the minerals lost from

Maple Springs Farm
Farm Store - Maple Syrup, Custom Embroidery, Etched Glass, Shoo-fly pie, Funny
Cake Pie, Emu Oil, Dog Art Prints, Handmade Soap and More...
On-Line Cookbook

-- Original Message ---
From: Sara Mandal-Joysmjl...@wavewls.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thu, 27 Sep 2012 00:05:17 -0500
Subject: Re: Sugar was // Re: bladder, was Re: Dan / Re: CSThe book, Pain
Free, by Pete Egoscue

One thing to be aware of is that not all stevia is the same.  Many
of the products called stevia actually are full of other fillers
that are pretty nasty to most people with sensitive health issues.
  ANY white powdered stevia, including those that are pure stevia,
  has been highly chemically processed, and is NOT a pancreatic tonic,
  or any other kind of tonic.  It has no health benefits except for
eliminating the calories of sugar.It does not moderate blood
sugar, it does not effect the pancreas.  It does tend to increase
insulin just as sugar does - just the sweet taste on the taste buds
sets that reaction off.  BUT real stevia, the whole leaf or
powdered green/brown hard to dissolve stevia - this is used as a
pancreatic tonic, doesn't have the same insulin boost, as the whole
herb mediates the oversweet sensation, and does moderate blood
glucose levels.  In South America it is used as a primary treatment
for diabetes.   But, of course, things do work differently for
different people.  Just my two cents.  Sara

Interesting - it didn't suit my DH either - it is meant to be a
pancreatic tonic - maybe that's why it doesn't suit everyone?


just a fyi
stevia totally stops my body from detoxing
turns it off like a lightswitch
and drops my blood sugar
one of those things that yeah everyone else can eat
but not me!!!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions:mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devourmailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

--- End of Original Message ---

CSRe: Sugar was // Re: bladder,

2012-09-27 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
Many health food stores don't bother to carry the green/brown leaves or 
powder.  It has a licorice taste, and is harder to use in 
cooking/baking, though it is often a perfect addition to a cup of tea.  
I get mine from vitaglo, NOW brand.  Fairly inexpensive, certainly so 
compared to the cost of the processed stuff.   I'm sure you can get it 
bulk as well from a variety of herbal folks online.  Important thing is 
you're looking for something described as brown and/or green, and speaks 
of the leaves or powdered leaves, rather than extract.  And for those 
looking for the white/processed extract, make SURE it is pure stevia, or 
at least that you are comfortable with the other ingredients.   Some 
folks use erythritol (an alcohol sugar, used in any amount will give you 
the runs); most use maltodextrin - which to me is a poison.
particularly if the brand of stevia you are using says it is measures 
like sugar, you are looking at something that is only slightly stevia.  
Pure processed stevia extract has a sugar equivalency of one teaspoon 
stevia= one cup of sugar.   Sara

What's a good source of the real stevia?

On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 1:05 AM, Sara Mandal-Joy smjl...@wavewls.com 
mailto:smjl...@wavewls.com wrote:

... BUT real stevia, the whole leaf or powdered green/brown hard
to dissolve stevia - this is used as a pancreatic tonic, doesn't
have the same insulin boost, as the whole herb mediates the
oversweet sensation, and does moderate blood glucose levels.  In
South America it is used as a primary treatment for diabetes.

Re: CSRe: Sugar was // Re: bladder,

2012-09-27 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
Xylitol has some health benefits, used in moderation.  You have to be 
careful to get birch bark formulation and not the one made from corn - 
most brands don't tell you.  Ones that used to specify have largely 
changed and just left off the specification.  It is also an alcohol 
sugar, easily causing runs.  The reason it is considered a sugar 
substitute is that the body won't fully digest it.  However, what you 
don't digest results in the runs.  It will also raise blood sugar 
levels, even when it is not being fully digested - again, from the 
sweetness factor on the taste buds.  Xylitol is great for brushing your 
teeth, assuming you can find an authentic birch bark formulation.  It 
has specific other health based uses.  I wouldn't use it regularly as a 
sweetner.  Definately not as a sugar substitute.  Absolutely not as a 
sugar substitute in the levels our culture considers normal sugar/sweet 
consumption.  Sara
I've been following this thread and wondering why people are not using 
birch bark extract xylitol?


*From:* Sara Mandal-Joy smjl...@wavewls.com
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
*Sent:* Thu, September 27, 2012 9:48:57 AM
*Subject:* CSRe: Sugar was // Re: bladder,

Many health food stores don't bother to carry the green/brown leaves 
or powder.  It has a licorice taste, and is harder to use in 
cooking/baking, though it is often a perfect addition to a cup of 
tea.  I get mine from vitaglo, NOW brand.  Fairly inexpensive, 
certainly so compared to the cost of the processed stuff.   I'm sure 
you can get it bulk as well from a variety of herbal folks online.  
Important thing is you're looking for something described as brown 
and/or green, and speaks of the leaves or powdered leaves, rather than 
extract.  And for those looking for the white/processed extract, 
make SURE it is pure stevia, or at least that you are comfortable with 
the other ingredients.   Some folks use erythritol (an alcohol sugar, 
used in any amount will give you the runs); most use maltodextrin - 
which to me is a poison.particularly if the brand of stevia you 
are using says it is measures like sugar, you are looking at something 
that is only slightly stevia.  Pure processed stevia extract has a 
sugar equivalency of one teaspoon stevia= one cup of sugar.   Sara

What's a good source of the real stevia?

On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 1:05 AM, Sara Mandal-Joy smjl...@wavewls.com 
mailto:smjl...@wavewls.com wrote:

... BUT real stevia, the whole leaf or powdered green/brown
hard to dissolve stevia - this is used as a pancreatic tonic,
doesn't have the same insulin boost, as the whole herb mediates
the oversweet sensation, and does moderate blood glucose levels.
 In South America it is used as a primary treatment for diabetes.

Re: CS Stevia

2012-09-27 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
Just so you know, this product is not an extract of the unprocessed 
leaf.  It is processed stevia, the sweetner extracted from the leaf and 
then diluted.  To be simply an extract of the leaf it would be not a 
brownish green liquid, not clear, and would have a licorice taste.  How 
do I know?  I've tried it.  I've also made home extracts from the whole 
leaf.   Its a great sugar substitute, but is not giving you the health 
benefits of the whole herb stevia.  Sara
For some years now I have been using” SweetLeaf, SteviaClear”, getting 
it from iHerb. Contents;- Purified water;Stevia [leaf] extract. Am 
very satisfied with it.Have used the powder in the past,but found it 
to be bitter if a bit too much was used.

*From:* silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com 

*Sent:* Thursday, September 27, 2012 9:11 AM
*To:* silver-dig...@eskimo.com mailto:silver-dig...@eskimo.com
*Subject:* silver-digest Digest V2012 #354

Re: CS Stevia

2012-09-27 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
I'm saying if its clear its made with processed/refined stevia.  If it 
were made from the whole leaf it would have a brownish/greenish tinge, 
and would have a licorice flavor.  Sara

Sara what colour are you saying it is?
To be simply an extract of the leaf it would be not a brownish green 
liquid, not clear, 

- Original Message -
*From:* Sara Mandal-Joy mailto:smjl...@wavewls.com
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com
*Sent:* Friday, September 28, 2012 8:53 AM
*Subject:* Re: CS Stevia

Just so you know, this product is not an extract of the
unprocessed leaf.  It is processed stevia, the sweetner extracted
from the leaf and then diluted.  To be simply an extract of the
leaf it would be not a brownish green liquid, not clear, and would
have a licorice taste.  How do I know?  I've tried it.  I've also
made home extracts from the whole leaf.   Its a great sugar
substitute, but is not giving you the health benefits of the whole
herb stevia.  Sara

For some years now I have been using” SweetLeaf, SteviaClear”,
getting it from iHerb. Contents;- Purified water;Stevia [leaf]
extract. Am very satisfied with it.Have used the powder in the
past,but found it to be bitter if a bit too much was used.
*From:* silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com
*Sent:* Thursday, September 27, 2012 9:11 AM
*To:* silver-dig...@eskimo.com mailto:silver-dig...@eskimo.com
*Subject:* silver-digest Digest V2012 #354

No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com http://www.avg.com
Version: 2012.0.2221 / Virus Database: 2441/5294 - Release Date:

Re: Sugar was // Re: bladder, was Re: Dan / Re: CSThe book, Pain Free, by Pete Egoscue

2012-09-26 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
One thing to be aware of is that not all stevia is the same.  Many of 
the products called stevia actually are full of other fillers that are 
pretty nasty to most people with sensitive health issues.  ANY white 
powdered stevia, including those that are pure stevia, has been highly 
chemically processed, and is NOT a pancreatic tonic, or any other kind 
of tonic.  It has no health benefits except for eliminating the calories 
of sugar.It does not moderate blood sugar, it does not effect the 
pancreas.  It does tend to increase insulin just as sugar does - just 
the sweet taste on the taste buds sets that reaction off.  BUT real 
stevia, the whole leaf or powdered green/brown hard to dissolve stevia - 
this is used as a pancreatic tonic, doesn't have the same insulin boost, 
as the whole herb mediates the oversweet sensation, and does moderate 
blood glucose levels.  In South America it is used as a primary 
treatment for diabetes.   But, of course, things do work differently for 
different people.  Just my two cents.  Sara
Interesting - it didn't suit my DH either - it is meant to be a 
pancreatic tonic - maybe that's why it doesn't suit everyone?


just a fyi
stevia totally stops my body from detoxing
turns it off like a lightswitch
and drops my blood sugar
one of those things that yeah everyone else can eat
but not me!!!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSrebounding.

2012-09-25 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
If you do a search you'll find a ton of information, many articles, on 
both the benefits of rebounding, AND the dangers of rebounding on a mini 
tramp.  On a mini trampoline is a great way to damage your feet, 
ankles, and knees.  DON'T DO IT!!!  But there is no better excercise 
than rebounding on a good rebounder - the kind that usually cost at 
least 300 bucks and have the right kind of springs and material.  I'm 
not sure how the giant backyard ones measure in this equation - have no 
experience with them and haven't researched them.  Probably, almost 
certainly, better than the cheap minitramps.  But I'm sure there is a 
range of quality with them as well, some better absorbing and cushioning 
the stress of the landing than others.  Sara

Some time ago someone on this list gave information on a doctor who 
advises rebounding but NOT with a mini trampoline.  Do you or someone 
else have his name or the article?

Thanks Mary

Re: bladder, was Re: Dan / Re: CSThe book, Pain Free, by Pete Egoscue

2012-09-22 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
I wonder if you may have kidney stones.  Lemon juice actually helps to 
start dissolve these a bit.  Frequent juicing and drinking of raw lemons 
can actually eventually naturally dissolve some kidney stones entirely.  
But if it simply began to erode the surface, it would likely begin to 
attempt to pass, which would create painful spasms.  I've never had a 
more painful spasm than when my stones were trying to pass.  I'm not 
saying you do have kidney stones, just that that could be _a_ rational 
of what would be causing spasms after consuming lemon juice.  Sara

Jane MacRoss wrote:
Is the citrus well diluted with water? Is the drink hot or cold? Do 
you have bladder problems otherwise?

Thanks Jane.
Room temp or cold water, juice of 1 lemon in about a pint of water 
(estimate) with maple syrup. Or a little OJ, like 4 oz, cold. I have 
had the bladder spasms/cramps and ache and pain a couple other times 
this year, but didn't connect it to citrus until recently.

To strengthen the bladder condition you rub firmly across the top of 
the symphysis pubis from hip to hip, (the central bone at the base of 
the abdomen)  if you find any sore spots you concentrate on that 
area, this helps strengthen the bladder but it also indicates if 
there's a problem.

Thanks, I'll try that.

Do  you take Cranberry capsules?  Remember they strengthen the 
bladder walls and make them more resistent to infection.
I have had skin reactions (urticaria, pruritis, start of hives) from 
cranberry, so I don't use it.

I researched and read that citrus is a definite trigger for bladder 
spasms in some people. But I can't find what the actual mechansim is 
for citrus being a trigger of the spasms. I can manage it when it 
happens, but still would like to know..


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSThe book, Pain Free, by Pete Egoscue

2012-09-18 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
YES YES YES YES...  it has given me back my life.  It does take time and 
consistency - during acute phases of dealing with my injury I was 
spending 1 and a half hours a day doing these poses/exercises.  That 
went on for maybe a month, then down to about 40 minutes.  Now I do a 
maintenance 20 minutes usually every day, though I skip from time to 
time.  Everyone I have spoken to who has given this a serious try has 
been significantly helped.  WELL worth your time and effort.  I started 
with the book from the library, but bought one very quickly, and have 
had to replace a few times when it didn't return after being lent out.  
I believe every home should have one of this book.   Sara

On 9/18/2012 1:07 PM, Deborah Gerard wrote:
I have osteoarthritis in my neck. I have been searching for some 
natural help and am not finding anything. Has anyone had any 
experience with the book Pain Free, by Pete Egoscue?

Thanks in advance,

Re: CSPsoriasis

2012-08-16 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
It may be a similar cure, but my son had horrendous P for all his 
childhood years.  Not even the super strong prescription shampoos helped 
a bit.  When I started to look into kefir for our diets, I found that 
some folks were using kefir whey (drained off finished kefir, leaving 
behind a soft cheese) as a hair rinse to treat a variety of scalp 
conditions.  I tried it for my son, and he has had a clear scalp ever 
since.  I just mix about a cup of the drained whey in a quart of warmish 
water, and pour it on after completing the shampoo.  I rub it through 
his scalp and hair and let it sit a few minutes before a final water 
rinse.  It leaves his hair shiny and manageable, too.  I  wash his hair 
with just homemade soap, which if you've tried you know it can leave 
your hair a little tough and stringy.   But with the whey rinse no 
conditioner is needed, and his hair is in great shape, along with his scalp.

I got rid of mine with brewer's yeast. I was taking it to improve my 
hair and nails and lo and behold the P went away. That was over 40 
years ago and it has never returned.


- Original Message -
*From:* Lena Guyot mailto:drumr...@stny.rr.com
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com
*Sent:* Thursday, August 16, 2012 8:31 AM
*Subject:* Re: CSPsoriasis

Forgot to mention, I tried CMO for 3 months, with no noticeable
benefits to any of my auto-immune things (but I'm a Lymie). P is
an elusive thing, So leave no stone unturned; something might be
the magic answer!  L
On Aug 16, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Marshalee Hallett wrote:

Re: CSMRI Question/ rotator cuff injury---

2012-07-25 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
I was able to heal myself of both a rotator cuff problem and achilles 
tendonitis, at different times, with a book called Pain Free, using 
various pose type exercises to realign things correctly.  Takes a bit of 
time investment, especially for the first few weeks, but afterwards 
takes about 15 minutes a day of maintenance work for overall body 
alignment.  Worth taking a look at it.   Sara

Hi Tara,
I'm coming in on this thread in the middle, but with a sprained knee 
ligament and Lyme-cause achilles tendonitis, I'm interested in your 
algae. Is this any particular kind of blue-green algae? I've been 
doing shark cartilage which seemed to help to a point and I use 
DMSO/Aloe which helps a lot, but the issues don't go completely away 
and stay that way.

Be well,
On Jul 24, 2012, at 8:02 PM, 123 456 wrote:

Beef or Bufalo bone stew would help a lot too.
Also that B/G algae I keep reminding everyone about.
Releases your own natural stem cells o your body repairsitelf faster.
I did the same thing a few years ago not to mention tearing my knee.
I have horses, sometimes I ride, sometimes I fall.
Hurt like H--ll but it healed in record time with that algae.
Take care,

On 7/24/12, zzekel...@aol.com mailto:zzekel...@aol.com 
zzekel...@aol.com mailto:zzekel...@aol.com wrote:

In a message dated 7/24/2012 2:26:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
ptf2...@bellsouth.net mailto:ptf2...@bellsouth.net writes:

To see  if I have a tear to my rotator cuff and/or to my pectoral
muscle.  I  don't know what other tests they could do to look at these
problems.   Exrays will not do.

Find an  acupuncturist-Lois

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSMRI Question/ rotator cuff injury---

2012-07-25 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy

This is the book I was referring to.


As you can see, there a number of different books by the same fellow.  I 
like this one best, because it lets you start with where your specific 
problem area is, and then you can branch out into any other areas of 
concern you find/notice, and go on to a maintenance program for overall 
wellbeing.   The fellow also has a website, I think you can even order a 
specific program just for you, if you've got the bucks and are so 
inclined.  For me, the simple book works fine.   I've passed on three 
copies to friends already, not returned, and am on my fourth copy.
You can also get it through many libraries - I started there, and 
quickly realized this is something I wanted my own copy of.  In fact, I 
think every home should have one.   Sara

I'm interested in the book 'Pain FRee', who is the author?  Thanks,  Kathy

- Original Message -
*From:* Sara Mandal-Joy mailto:smjl...@wavewls.com
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com
*Sent:* Wednesday, July 25, 2012 6:13 AM
*Subject:* Re: CSMRI Question/ rotator cuff injury---

I was able to heal myself of both a rotator cuff problem and
achilles tendonitis, at different times, with a book called Pain
Free, using various pose type exercises to realign things
correctly.  Takes a bit of time investment, especially for the
first few weeks, but afterwards takes about 15 minutes a day of
maintenance work for overall body alignment.  Worth taking a look
at it.   Sara

Hi Tara,
I'm coming in on this thread in the middle, but with a sprained
knee ligament and Lyme-cause achilles tendonitis, I'm interested
in your algae. Is this any particular kind of blue-green algae?
I've been doing shark cartilage which seemed to help to a point
and I use DMSO/Aloe which helps a lot, but the issues don't go
completely away and stay that way.

Be well,
On Jul 24, 2012, at 8:02 PM, 123 456 wrote:

Beef or Bufalo bone stew would help a lot too.
Also that B/G algae I keep reminding everyone about.
Releases your own natural stem cells o your body repairsitelf
I did the same thing a few years ago not to mention tearing my knee.
I have horses, sometimes I ride, sometimes I fall.
Hurt like H--ll but it healed in record time with that algae.
Take care,

On 7/24/12, zzekel...@aol.com mailto:zzekel...@aol.com
zzekel...@aol.com mailto:zzekel...@aol.com wrote:

In a message dated 7/24/2012 2:26:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
ptf2...@bellsouth.net mailto:ptf2...@bellsouth.net writes:

To see  if I have a tear to my rotator cuff and/or to my pectoral
muscle.  I  don't know what other tests they could do to look
at these
problems.   Exrays will not do.

Find an  acupuncturist-Lois

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSMRI Question/ rotator cuff injury---

2012-07-25 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy

On 7/25/2012 9:53 AM, Lena Guyot wrote:
I hate when these things think they can settle in to make a career in 
our bodies!

Thanks and be well,
I sure agree with you on that!!   I do still find that though these 
excercises/stretches have completely returned my functionality, that the 
same places still do have some vulnerability for me, too.  If I don't 
keep up with the maintenance work, that is Likewise, be 
well   Sara

Re: CSWarning on computer virus from our local Tampa Bay News

2012-07-08 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
Not really...  they have more of a reputation for reporting what the 
highest bidder asks them to report.  Truly.  Do the research.

They have a reputation for accuracy.

LIBERAL:  Not limited to or by established,
traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes,
views, or dogmas; free from bigotry. Favoring
proposals for reform,  open to new ideas for
progress,  tolerant of the ideas  behavior
of others; broad-minded.
  American Heritage Dictionary
Yes, that's me -- at least I try to be!

-Original Message-
*From:* Jane MacRoss [mailto:highfie...@internode.on.net]
*Sent:* Saturday, July 07, 2012 9:56 PM
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
*Subject:* Re: CSWarning on computer virus from our local Tampa Bay News

What might be more trustworthy?

- Original Message -
*From:* glendajma...@aol.com mailto:glendajma...@aol.com
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com
*Sent:* Sunday, July 08, 2012 10:11 AM
*Subject:* Re: CSWarning on computer virus from our local Tampa
Bay News

snopes is run by a husband and wife team, thats it!! if you trust

-Original Message-
From: slickpicker slickpic...@cox.net mailto:slickpic...@cox.net
To: silver-list silver-list@eskimo.com
Cc: Judy Knowlton judydownma...@roadrunner.com
Sent: Sat, Jul 7, 2012 2:29 pm
Subject: RE: CSWarning on computer virus from our local Tampa Bay

I am always astonished when I read outrageous comments about a competent
government employee.

LOL - thanks for providing some levity to this usually-serious forum.

 Judy Knowltonjudydownma...@roadrunner.com  
mailto:judydownma...@roadrunner.com  wrote:

I am always astonished when I read outrageous
comments about a competent government employee.
Politics seems to make us forget our ability to
use logic and common sense!
Anyway, checking Snopes.com -- a trusted
website -- gives this information.  It is TRUE



-Original Message-
From:glendajma...@aol.com  mailto:glendajma...@aol.com
[mailto:glendajma...@aol.com  mailto:glendajma...@aol.com?]
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2012 2:03 PM
To:silver-list@eskimo.com  mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CSWarning on computer virus from our
local Tampa Bay News

this is just a ploy from holder and his  cronies
including obummer to gain access to your ip
address, and your system at a later date. Do not
believe a word they say, about not comprising your
computer. Why would they care about a virus?
unless they are the virus???

-Original Message-
From: Dianne Francedianne_fra...@hotmail.com  
To: silver-listsilver-list@eskimo.com  mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thu, Jul 5, 2012 8:53 am
Subject: CSWarning on computer virus from our
local Tampa Bay News

I don't know how many of you watch the news but
this morning our local channel 13 news gave a
warning out of Washington that there is a bad
virus the FBI has had contained but for some
reason the block will be lifted and if you haven't
checked to see if your computer is infected by
Monday you are going to have serious computer
problems.  They gave the following web site and
I've copied it and the page that comes up when
you go to the site.  Mine thankfully was green.
If it turns red there is a problem and there is
another web site at the bottom that you will have
go to that fixes the problem I think.  I did not
see the program personally but my husband did and
wrote the site down for me.

To check for virus to go:


DNS Changer Check-Up

   DNS Resolution = GREEN

   Your computer appears to be looking up IP
addresses correctly!

   Had your computer been infected with DNS
changer malware you would have seen a red
background. Please note, however, that if your ISP
is redirecting DNS traffic for its customers you
would have reached this site even though you are
infected. For additional information regarding the
DNS changer malware, please visit the FBI's
website at:

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:http://www.silverlist.org  



No list cops was: Re: CSThe chemistry of Maple syrup and sodium bicarbonate

2012-06-20 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
Alan, you are not the list owner here.  This list is a place where many 
folks are friends.  Lengthy personal correspondence usually doesn't 
happen here, but  unless Mike steps in and calls a halt to any 
particular exchange, it is up to us each as individuals to decide what 
to share here.  In that light, you have every right to name your 
preference that personal comments not fill this list.  But your 
statement below is an instruction, not a stated preference.  Mike has an 
amazing tolerance for a lot on this list, including quite a quilt of 
windows into many different approaches to health - something else some 
people would like/prefer not to have happening here.  And personal 
greetings and requests are at times part of the community's fabric.  He 
has also provided us with the off topic list for broader excursions into 
info not specifically regarding cs.  But he sets the tone here, and its 
well established.  The one thing he has never well tolerated is anyone 
playing list cop.  I'm not trying to be a cop here either, just to 
inform you that that has been the history here, and that it is much 
appreciated by many of us here.  And it is my personal preference that 
the list continue to be managed in that way.Sara

Please take these personal comments off list, thanks

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSFibromyalgia (FM)

2012-06-19 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
Have you tried LDN (low dose naltrexone)?  Many folks with FM have found 
at least some relief with this medication.


FM is discussed in this forum every couple of years.  My wife has it and is
in pain most of the time.

Do any of you know of any modern breakthroughs in ways to cure it or at
least slow its progression?  It seems most discussions of FM are for ways to
reduce the effects (e.g. mask the pain, various stretching exercises, diet
restrictions), but very little is said about actually curing it or
preventing it in the first place.  CS/EIS doesn't seem to help (included to
keep on topic!).

Thanks for your help,
Steve Y.

-Original Message-
From: silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com [mailto:silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com]
On Behalf Of Dan Nave
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2012 2:22 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CSCS: Gelatin in bulk

For those of you who take this type of bulk gelatin, which type seems
to work best?

Is there any difference between the two types of gelatin as to taste
and/or effectiveness?


On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 9:59 AM, Harold MacDonaldhar...@telus.net  wrote:

I have been getting bulk gelatin from  Great Lakes Gelatin Company


it] for a fair length of time now and am well satisfied with their


The one I get is O-Bloom Gelatin Hydrolysate Type B Lot # 144

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions:mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devourmailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSour Flower Essence conversation

2012-05-24 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
Um, I'm not worried about my own search engine picking up my own 
information.  I'm not thrilled about everybody else's search engines 
being able to have access to what I have expressed.  And, unfortunately, 
even lists that are closed, specified to not be harvested in any 
search, still manage to be found - sometimes by enthusiastic but 
ill-informed members thinking they offering a service to the world by 
pasting what they consider important health (or other) information onto 
other sites.Sara
duckduckgo does not harvest their customers information. it is the 
seach engine that I use.

Elizabeth Williams
belzi...@hotmail.com mailto:belzi...@hotmail.com

From: gaiac...@gmail.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CSour Flower Essence conversation
Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 09:37:39 -0500

Bizarre, huh?  Although—who do I turn to for info?  Google.  Yet I 
thought private lists were, well, private.



*From:*Jane MacRoss [mailto:highfie...@internode.on.net]

Unless you specify to stop google it has access to everything  everyone

Re: CSour Flower Essence conversation

2012-05-24 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
Again, I'm not worried about what _my_ search engine is coming up with.  
Anything written on the web is still accessible to all the other search 
engines.  Sara

I use IXquick which bills itself as the most private search engine on 
the web.  I have been very happy with them.


*From:*Sara Mandal-Joy [mailto:smjl...@wavewls.com]
*Sent:* Thursday, May 24, 2012 11:01 AM
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
*Subject:* Re: CSour Flower Essence conversation

Um, I'm not worried about my own search engine picking up my own 
information.  I'm not thrilled about everybody else's search engines 
being able to have access to what I have expressed.  And, 
unfortunately, even lists that are closed, specified to not be 
harvested in any search, still manage to be found - sometimes by 
enthusiastic but ill-informed members thinking they offering a service 
to the world by pasting what they consider important health (or other) 
information onto other sites.Sara

duckduckgo does not harvest their customers information. it is the 
seach engine that I use.

Elizabeth Williams
belzi...@hotmail.com mailto:belzi...@hotmail.com

From: gaiac...@gmail.com mailto:gaiac...@gmail.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CSour Flower Essence conversation
Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 09:37:39 -0500

Bizarre, huh?  Although---who do I turn to for info?  Google.  Yet I 
thought private lists were, well, private.



*From:*Jane MacRoss [mailto:highfie...@internode.on.net]

Unless you specify to stop google it has access to everything  everyone

No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com http://www.avg.com
Version: 2012.0.2176 / Virus Database: 2425/5019 - Release Date: 05/24/12

Re: CS[List Owner] Mike Monett

2012-05-15 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
Yes, thank you Mike.Holding space for your health and 

On 5/15/2012 8:38 AM, MaryAnn Helland wrote:
Thank you, Mike.  Good to hear from you, and sending prayers for 
speedy healing from your health issues.


Re: Subject: CSmicrowave food: hard-boiled vibrations

2012-05-14 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
Mike Monet - there is NO place on this forum for YOUR behavior - your 
accusations of a known and beloved member here.I don't know where 
owner Mike is at the moment - he'd usually step in when such an 
egregious accusation was being made.   You need to back up though.
You may not agree with Marshall - you don't have to, that is your 
choice.  But your accusations are way out of line.  There are dynamics 
going on you have no understanding of, so you accuse Marshall of lies.  
If you could only see how much your own narrow mind is LYING to 
YOU.But whether or not you choose to look at that, it is not 
accepted behavior on this list to egregiously accuse someone with whom 
you disagree of lying and faking.  Until owner Mike gets back in gear - 
and I will write him privately, in the case he is just too busy to keep 
up with the list at the moment - I would encourage all of us to simply 
block Mike Monet, or at the very least, to no longer respond to him in 
any way, at least until such time as he shows a willingness to back off 
his accusational stance.Sara

Marshallmdud...@king-cart.com  wrote:

You are welcome to your opinion.  But it is uncalled for to say I have
faked any data.  Nothing could be further from the truth. I may have
misinterpreted data, misunderstood data, but I have NEVER faked data,
and never would.  I am outraged by your unfounded accusations which have
no basis in fact at all. Ad hokem attacks are against the ground rules
here, and totally uncalled for.
Which unit do you have? They make a number of units.  Mine is a Hack DR
4000. which cost around $5,000 when I bought it.

Have you even run such experiments with your unit, or are you assuming
that it would not give similar results and not even running the tests
similar to what the Catholic Church did when they refused to look
through Galileo's telescope because they knew it could not be true?

   There is no mistake Marshall. What you are doing is deliberate.

   You know  how a spectrophotometer works. You have had access  to one
   long enough.

   The only  way you can change the spectrum of distilled  water  is to
   put something in it. Ions, atoms, molecules, or any kind of physical

   It does not work on thoughts, emotions, prayer, or  any non-physical
   thing. It does not work on coils of copper wire.

   If you  are presenting data and claiming it is the  result  of these
   things, then you are faking the data.

   There is no place in this forum for that behavior.

   Mike Monett

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions:mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devourmailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: Cooking was // Re: CSRemoving Silver Tarnish

2012-05-11 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
I did do that, years ago, with result that I will never use a microwave 
in my home.  I used a total of twelve plants, to make sure it wasn't a 
fluke.  All conditions the same.  Used peanuts, which I use for testing 
many things, as to various garden supplements and such.   All water was 
filtered tap water which had then sat out for twelve hours to evaporate 
the chlorine, which is problematic for plants, under any conditions.
There was no discernible difference between the peanuts watered with 
plain water and those with stove boiled (and then cooled to equal temp 
to the plain water).  They all thrived.  The peanuts watered with 
microwaved (and then cooled) water were slow to germinate, were 
sickly/spindly looking as they did come up, and within two weeks of 
continued watering (when dry - same as the others) they were all three 
dead.  You may not understand what it is doing to you, or why it is 
doing it to you, but it IS harmful to living growing things.  I have to 
wonder if eating almost entirely microwaved food is part of what is 
causing your ill health.  I wish you well.  Genuinely.Sara
You need to repeat the test using plain water as a control, microwaved 
water as the variable, and stove heated water as the other control. 
Let us know what you find out. Thanks, Mike Monett --

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com


2012-05-11 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
The fellow who runs this list, another Mike, has had mold problems 
himself, I believe, and may have some suggestions for you, Mike 
Monett.You could write him at listowner address??  He doesn't seem 
to have been active here in recent days.Another source for help 
might be  writing to the following woman ing...@bioethika.com, or 
checking out her websites.  She recovered from a mold problem.  I think 
first step was moving, actually.   She has many unusual perceptions and 
methodologies, and does sell some of the herbal products she found 
worked for her, but wants to help folks with mold exposure get well, and 
shares her ideas freely.   Sara

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

CStoo many periods.....

2012-05-10 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy

On 5/10/2012 7:09 PM, Mike Monett wrote:

Your keyboard is using too many periods per sentence. Pretty soon you won't
have any left.
Mike, I realize you may be trying to throw a bit of humor into things, 
but it feels like one more example of your needing to be the one 
pronouncing what is right or true for everyone else.  Some of us LOVE 
creative freeflow writing, with a zillion periods Some of us 
have experience with and nonordinary understanding about many things 
that your way of thinking does not seem to allow for, and needs to rail 
against.  You are not the deciding voice of what is truth.  No one can 
be that for any other, no matter how many facts you believe you 
rationally can capture and logically present.   Just let folks be, 
maybe???Maybe if you listened to more of what others have to say, 
just listen, as if you were watching a movie, rather than bombasting 
about what they have to say and how it differs from what you _know_ to 
be true;;you might even find yourself noticing and perhaps 
hearing from more of your own self, your own being, stuff that usually 
gets shut down by your all-knowing all-certain mind...   

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CStooth problems- can EIS help?

2012-04-27 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy

I would choose losing the tooth over a root canal any day!

Re: CSarthritis MSM DMSO

2012-04-21 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
My garden cream  - what I use on my hands, under my gardening gloves, 
to make it possible for me to keep gardening, is a cream made of coconut 
oil, dmso, and msm.  It doesn't fully dissolve, at least not in the 
concentrations of dmso I have tried so far, so the cream is sandy in 
texture, but rubbing it in finishes the dissolving process.  Heat might 
as well, but I don't want to heat the coconut oil, and not sure what 
effect that would have on dmso either.  Not really wanting to try that.  
But it works fine this way.  Coconut oil alone helps some, when I've run 
out of the good stuff - but doesn't fully keep the pain and swelling 
at bay.  But the dmso and msm do - basically keep me from being 
crippled.  I also use the msm orally, but find the topical use right on 
the worst area (hands, when exposed to soil/water while gardening) is 
extremely helpful.  Sara
I find the taste so horrible my a large jar never diminishes.  I have 
been wondering more and more about putting it in DMSO and simply 
applying it topically.


On 21/04/2012 6:50 PM, Jane MacRoss wrote:
Sorry Carol - I missed this! I put a teaspoon in 2L water (a quart) 
otherwise DH can taste it - but more than that is recommended I think


Re: CSarthritis-- May I interrupt for a question?

2012-04-20 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
You should know that that prescription is not universally effective - 
it works for some folks, others not at all.
Certainly worth a serious try.  But be aware your mileage may vary.  
Some folks actually use hot red peppers to lessen their pain - I'm one 
of those.I religiously did the complete night-shade avoidance diet, 
with no benefit whatsoever.   So different strokes for different folks - 
for those it does work, it seems to work well, and be easily testable by 
trying a minor inclusion at some point after symptoms have initially 
improved.  You'll be able to tell if you are one who will be helped by 
this diet or not.   Sara

Thanks for your input, I guess I'm at that point where I am going to 
have to get serious about the diet, I love all the night=shade veggies 
and (ahem) cheddar cheese.  To get out of this misery, I'm ready to do 
anything. Thanks...Kathy

- Original Message -
*From:* Judy Knowlton mailto:judydownma...@roadrunner.com
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com
*Sent:* Friday, April 20, 2012 10:36 AM
*Subject:* RE: CSarthritis-- May I interrupt for a question?

I must admit I've been glossing over (deleting) arthritis emails here
because I've been pain-free for so long. Can I assume you've
covered the
basic foods to avoid like the night-shades (potatoes, tomatoes,
green peppers,
eggplant, paprika ... and  (ahem) cheddar cheese?)
And drinking sufficient water? I figure half my pound weight is
the number of ounces
to drink each day.  I put a splash of apple cider vinegar in each
8 ounces.
If I change this regimen, my ankles, knees, etc. start talking
back. I'm 76.
-Original Message-
*From:* Maple Springs Farm [mailto:i...@maplesprings.com]
*Sent:* Friday, April 20, 2012 11:22 AM
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
*Subject:* Re: CSarthritis

i just ordered some msm (powdered form)
i'm dying to try it...
i've been reading a lot of good things about it
how much do you put in jane?
and what brand do you use?

Maple Springs Farm
Farm Store - Maple Syrup, Custom Embroidery, Etched Glass,
Shoo-fly pie, Funny
Cake Pie, Emu Oil, Dog Art Prints, Handmade Soap and More...
http://www.maplesprings.com http://www.maplesprings.com/
On-Line Cookbook
http://www.maplespringsfarm.com http://www.maplespringsfarm.com/

*-- Original Message ---*
From: Jane MacRoss highfie...@internode.on.net
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 10:51:07 +1000
Subject: Re: CSarthritis

 I did too until DH begged for respite!  Now I put MSM in the
water  he just looks at me

 *From:* Guyot Léna mailto:drumr...@stny.rr.com

 Right! Lemons metabolize as alkaline. I drink water with
fresh lemon juice all the time. L

 On Apr 19, 2012, at 1:13 AM, Jane MacRoss wrote:

 Oranges may give you arthritic pain - lemons wont 

*--- End of Original Message ---*

Re: CSarthritis

2012-04-18 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
I wouldn't use any bottled or canned lemon juice, no matter if organic.  
It has to be heated to be bottled/canned, and that is what turns it from 
a healthy food to the opposite.  Sara
I use fresh and organic if avalable. Costco has a organic lemon juice 
from Italy that is reasonably priced. I use probably about a teaspoon 
in 8 ounces -I never measure. Eough  taste, but not enough to make me 
pucker. DO NOT USE something like Real Lemon it has toxic 
preservatives. I drink at least one large glass in the morning and try 
to sip it all day too. It alkalizes the body, which reduces inflammation.


- Original Message -
*From:* Alan Jones mailto:alanmjo...@gmail.com
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com
*Sent:* Tuesday, April 17, 2012 6:42 AM
*Subject:* Re: CSarthritis

Interesting.  Fresh?  How much?


On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 8:38 AM, Gayla Roberts aera...@gmail.com
mailto:aera...@gmail.com wrote:

I take lemon juice in my water all day. That has reduced
arthritis pain by 80%.

Re: CSarthritis CMO mussels with green lips

2012-04-17 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
I've just ordered it there, too - and it is only 12 bucks for  100 gms 
right now - on sale, and shipping on two bags is only 5 bucks.  Some 
won't like that it is bulk powder - you need to fill your own capsules.  
But it is less expensive that way. Http://www.vitaglo.com  carries two 
different brands of it, though I can't see on the label what percent is 
actually cetyl myristoleate.  Those are pills - capsules I think.   Sara

For those having trouble finding cetyl myristoleate I got mine at 
www.beyondacentury.net http://www.beyondacentury.net which is now a 
.com.  I just checked and they still have it on their webpage.


Re: CSRe: [Crock_Lakhovsky] This may be the THING!

2012-04-11 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
Wow, after all he has freely given to this list, this statement is sure 
snarky and uncalled for Sara
Nice 'advertisement' for your new capacity as consultant and of course 
for your company's testing labs.  Funny, no mention of cost.

/---Original Message---/
 I am currently available for consultations in both Lyme and Morgellon.
 I am able to conduct screening tests for Lyme including cytokines that
 indicate current infection. 

 Please feel free to forward this email to any lists of individuals.

Re: CSColloidal Silver Eliminating Anthrax and Malaria

2012-03-19 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
Not everyone can tolerate MMS though...  I can't, not even at smallest 
dilutions   Sara
Of course MMS cures malaria in an hour or two.  Don't know anything 
reported to work better.


On 3/17/2012 3:30 PM, David AuBuchon wrote:
I heard Dr. Gordon in an interview say he knew of work that showed 
disappointing results with CS and malaria.  But then there is also 
ALBs brands (ASAP, etc) which they wrote a paper where 54 out of 54 
malaria cases in Africa recovered in a handful of days.  They are 
HVAC process - mostly particles.

I didnt watch the video, but can someone tell us whether or not they 
are talking about ABL products?


On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 11:28 AM, Sara Mandal-Joy 
smjl...@wavewls.com mailto:smjl...@wavewls.com wrote:

I'm not set up for watching youtube on this system (computer
doesn't belong to me).  but I contracted malaria in Papua New
Guinea, where I was born - my dad was a missionary there. 
Anyways, I had recurrent shakes, episodes where I was freezing

and shaking, throughout my life.  Never knew what it was, till I
tried to give blood, and they told me I couldn't due to malaria. 
Since I began using cs regularly I have never had the shakes again.

So it seems likely there is something to this...   Sara

Colloidal Silver Eliminating Anthrax and Malaria - 1/2

1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JongSudd0uc


Colloidal Silver Eliminating Anthrax and Malaria - 2/2

2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKpfcuK0BAo

Re: MSM / Re: CSColloidal Silver Eliminating Anthrax and Malaria

2012-03-19 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
I was referring to MMS.  Jane later clarified that she was referring to 
MSM.  I do fine with MSM - in fact rely on it fairly heavily.  Sara
Whoa! Are you referring to MMS or MSM? Two completely different 
things; just want to be clear what you're saying as these two get 
typoed often.

Be well,
On Mar 19, 2012, at 6:13 PM, Jane MacRoss wrote:

So glad to hear someone else say this - everyone just looks at me and 
says Aw that's because you're SO toxic!!   when I complain about 
taking MSM!

- Original Message -
*From:*Sara Mandal-Joy mailto:smjl...@wavewls.com

Not everyone can tolerate MMS though...  I can't, not even at
smallest dilutions   Sara

Re: CSColloidal Silver Eliminating Anthrax and Malaria

2012-03-17 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
I'm not set up for watching youtube on this system (computer doesn't 
belong to me).  but I contracted malaria in Papua New Guinea, where I 
was born - my dad was a missionary there.  Anyways, I had recurrent 
shakes, episodes where I was freezing and shaking, throughout my 
life.  Never knew what it was, till I tried to give blood, and they told 
me I couldn't due to malaria.  Since I began using cs regularly I have 
never had the shakes again.

So it seems likely there is something to this...   Sara

Colloidal Silver Eliminating Anthrax and Malaria - 1/2

1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JongSudd0uc


Colloidal Silver Eliminating Anthrax and Malaria - 2/2

2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKpfcuK0BAo

Re: CScough

2012-02-13 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
Something that works surprisingly well with a cough is cayanne pepper - 
dried and powdered.   I take about a teaspoon of it, mix it in a bit of 
cold orange juice,  and sip it down through a straw, so the fluid 
reaches the back of the throat and goes down, coating it.  I've also 
used various lukewarm teas.  You do feel the heat from the pepper, the 
burning sensation, but there is a tremendous AHHH within seconds, when 
the urge to cough is just gone.  Feels particularly wonderful when 
you've been coughing for awhile - like when it starts up when I'm out 
back, or away from home in the car.  It relieves the coughing urge and 
brings relief to the rawness of the throat.
We've gotten rather addicted to the stuff, carrying around a little 
bottle to take a swig from time to time throughout the day - and the 
cough has been long gone now.  Cayanne is wonderful stuff!!  Sara

On 2/13/2012 6:34 PM, Dianne France wrote:
I am open to suggestions to try to get rid of an aggravating cough 
(day/night).  I'm pretty sure it is allergy
and have been using salt in the netti pot at night and it will hold me 
until about 4AM and then the drip from
the nasal cavity starts and I start coughing.  I'm not congested and 
have started taking some allergy meds.
It hasn't stopped the cough.  Is it safe to mix a few drops of DMSO 
with the salt water to try to penetrate
the phylum coming from the sinus?  Honey and cinnamon seems to help 
for short periods but then I have

something in the sinus that starts up again.



2011-11-19 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
Since Thrive stars (and was created by) someone who was being groomed to 
run Proctor and Gamble, I was a bit hesitant to watch it or give it any 
weight.  However, after someone pointed me in the direction of a free 
U-tube version, I decided to watch it.  It is profound, and important, 
and well worth watching.
I watched it for free, since I wasn't going to put out 5 bucks on 
http://www.thrivemovement.com to rent it, when I wasn't sure I was 
genuinely interested in seeing it.  It is worth the 5 bucks.  In fact, 
after seeing it for free I'm buying multiple copies (at 20 bucks each) 
to share with friends.  The U tube freebies keep being posted and then 
removed by the system, but new people keep uploading it
again, varying the name enough to get it up there.  The preview is 
always up, but if you search on Thrive you will find it appearing.  
The full movie is two hours and 8 minutes - that should help you find 
the right thing regardless of what it is being called to get it on the 
site.  Once you find one watch it soon or it will be gone.  It is well 
worth the money.  Not discouraging anyone from renting and/or buying 
it.  BUT it is important to see regardless.  Sara

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSrhumatoid arthritis

2011-10-30 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
I've heard the diet path helps many. Didn't seem to make much of a 
difference for me. In fact, hot red peppers were part of my relief - 
topically. MSM and DMSO have pretty well relieved my problems though. Sara

On 10/30/2011 7:02 AM, PTFerrance wrote:

My Aunt had it and when she took all offending foods out of her diet 
the symptoms went away. When she would slip up and eat something she 
shouldn’t she would know because it would flare up. For her 
nightshades and dairy were the worst.


*From:*Kathy Tankersley [mailto:babychicks...@gmail.com]
*Sent:* Sunday, October 30, 2011 8:52 AM
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
*Subject:* CSrhumatoid arthritis

I have a very good friend that has rhumatoid arthritis, and I was 
wondering if anyone on the llist has had/or does have it and what 
treatment worked for you? Thanks, Kathy

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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CScolloidal silver for cataracts?/any suggestions/

2011-10-30 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
Does he have specific dietary info available?  See a smattering of 
articles that may touch on a variety of such issues, but nothing that 
presents his diet ...   Sara

On 10/30/2011 10:20 AM, sol wrote:

I recommend you read about diabetes and cataracts here:
Ray Peat's ideas about diabetes are totally opposite to what you will 
read in conventional medicine or from the ADA, etc. But worth 
exploring, as his diet is really easy and also cheap to implement.
I have been following his eating ideas for over 6 months now, and my 
blood sugars are stable.
Take a look in particular at the article on fish oils, and the 
articles on diabetes, and there is one that speciifically mentions 


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CScolloidal silver for cataracts?/any suggestions/

2011-10-30 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
Thanks for the input...  I'm up for change, but something about this 
plan doesn't seem to resonate for me.  Not sure what or why - its not 
cuz it bucks traditional wisdom - I'm all for that!  But it doesn't seem 
to be what I'm looking for - have a sense of there being something I'm 
about to find that makes clear a new way of eating.  For now I go one 
bite to another, sensing/hearing what my body wants or needs in that 
moment.  And regret it when I don't listen.  But it makes shopping 
difficult, not to mention stocking up on basics - when what is basic 
keeps changing.  Have a sense there is a system out there that will work 
for me, that I could use in my preparations, that would work perhaps not 
quite as well as what I'm doing now, but perhaps would also help me more 
clearly understand the why of what I'm drawn to now.So anyways your 
post caught my eye.  Thanks for the input.


On 10/30/2011 2:23 PM, sol wrote:

Sara Mandal-Joy wrote:
Does he have specific dietary info available?  See a smattering of 
articles that may touch on a variety of such issues, but nothing that 
presents his diet ...   Sara
So far as I know, Peat has never written any actual eating guidelines, 
nor condensed his ideas into a diet, so people have extrapolated 
from his articles, radio interviews, and from what he has written to 
various individuals who have consulted with him.
Here is one such compiled list. I really do not know how accurate it 
is. I keep reading and keep listening to his interviews to try to get 
as close as I can to his way of eating. Bottom line is lists like that 
below help, but I prefer to also keep referring to his own words and 
writings. Plus I still can't do some parts of his recommendations due 
to my own allergies, in part, but also due to some foods being simply 
totally unavailable where I live.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSGreen Walnut Hull /Osage Orange in upstate NY

2011-10-21 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
Some folks call the osage orange a thorn apple, or hedge apple.  Maybe 
you know the tree by another name.  Sara

On 10/21/2011 8:06 AM, zzekel...@aol.com wrote:
In a message dated 10/20/2011 11:35:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
drumr...@stny.rr.com writes:

No Osage Orange in upstate NY that I know of, and fortunately, I
was raised identifying trees so walnut is easy to spot. Thanks. L

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSGreen Walnut Hull /Osage Orange in upstate NY

2011-10-21 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
Well, different parts of the country call things different names.  
Around here, the osage orange tree is called a thorn apple.  That is 
what is.

On 10/21/2011 9:11 AM, polo wrote:
No, it was never known as a thorn apple. That nickname goes to a 
poisonous weed that is also known as jimeson weed or more properly 
datura stramonium.


- Original Message - From: Sara Mandal-Joy 

To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 8:57 AM
Subject: Re: CSGreen Walnut Hull /Osage Orange in upstate NY

Some folks call the osage orange a thorn apple, or hedge apple.  
Maybe you know the tree by another name.  Sara

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSGreen Walnut Hull /Osage Orange in upstate NY

2011-10-21 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy

What a fun idea!  S

On 10/21/2011 10:33 AM, Guyot Léna wrote:
In upstate NY, thorn-apples are low shrubby trees with 1.5 thorns. 
They tend to take over abandoned pasture land and few creatures will 
eat them. The only use I've found: a winter branch, sprayed with white 
or silver paint, makes a fun winter holiday tree if you put gum-drops 
on each thorn and place branch in a sturdy vase. A great scout project. L

On Oct 21, 2011, at 11:23 AM, Sara Mandal-Joy wrote:

Well, different parts of the country call things different 
names.Around here, the osage orange tree is called a thorn apple.That 
is what is.

On 10/21/2011 9:11 AM, polo wrote:
No, it was never known as a thorn apple. That nickname goes to a 
poisonous weed that is also known as jimeson weed or more properly 
datura stramonium.


- Original Message - From: Sara Mandal-Joy 
smjl...@wavewls.com mailto:smjl...@wavewls.com

To: silver-list@eskimo.com mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 8:57 AM
Subject: Re: CSGreen Walnut Hull /Osage Orange in upstate NY

Some folks call the osage orange a thorn apple, or hedge apple.Maybe 
you know the tree by another name.Sara

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSSmart Meter and Chem Trail

2011-10-20 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
That is not definitive.  We have a smart meter on our water.  The old 
meter is still there and is running.  The new meter doesn't even have a 
dial - it is all directly transmitted data, no local readout.  Sara

On 10/20/2011 9:14 PM, Gene Wolfe wrote:
Melly, go out and look at the meter. If it has clock like circles, it 
is not a smart meter. If it has numbers, it is smart.

On 10/20/2011 8:56 PM, Melly Bag wrote:
I am rather confused.  I called Pedernales our electric utility co. 
here in Kyle, Texas, to find out if we have a smart meter installed.  
I was told that they read our electricity electronically.  They asked 
for my address and phone number then said, no i don't have a smart 
meter and asked if i wanted one.  I said, hell no!   How can they 
read my electricity consumption electronically if i don't have a 
smart meter, is that possible at all?

Chemtrail is back here in our area since end of September. Ugh!!!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSSmart Meter and Chem Trail

2011-10-20 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
I don't know - but that is how it was explained to us.  It apparently 
has a way to measure the water, without having a dial that puts out the 
number.  The old dial wasn't disconnected, but they made sure to tell us 
not to count on the old dial, since it would no longer be being checked 
or recalibrated by them.  So we have no way of checking the data they 
are invisibly receiving in their computers.  Sara

On 10/20/2011 10:14 PM, PTFerrance wrote:

Hi Sara, As far as I know if the old meter is still running it has to have
water going through it.  That's what makes the dials move.  So my question
is what is the new meter recording?

-Original Message-
From: Sara Mandal-Joy [mailto:smjl...@wavewls.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 10:50 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CSSmart Meter and Chem Trail

That is not definitive.  We have a smart meter on our water.  The old
meter is still there and is running.  The new meter doesn't even have a
dial - it is all directly transmitted data, no local readout.  Sara

On 10/20/2011 9:14 PM, Gene Wolfe wrote:

Melly, go out and look at the meter. If it has clock like circles, it
is not a smart meter. If it has numbers, it is smart.

On 10/20/2011 8:56 PM, Melly Bag wrote:

I am rather confused.  I called Pedernales our electric utility co.
here in Kyle, Texas, to find out if we have a smart meter installed.
I was told that they read our electricity electronically.  They asked
for my address and phone number then said, no i don't have a smart
meter and asked if i wanted one.  I said, hell no!   How can they
read my electricity consumption electronically if i don't have a
smart meter, is that possible at all?
Chemtrail is back here in our area since end of September. Ugh!!!

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Re: CSGetting Rid of Lipomas

2011-09-29 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
I seem to be susceptible to lipomas, had a couple big ones removed when 
they became painful.  But since then I've discovered that I can fairly 
quickly shrink and ultimately (within a month or so) get rid of them 
entirely simply by rubbing DMSO into the spot a couple times a day.  It 
consistently works.  No longer have any lipomas - including the ones I 
had had since childhood.  Sara

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Re: CSGetting Rid of Lipomas

2011-09-29 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy

It is 90%, right out of the bottle.  Sara

On 9/29/2011 11:37 AM, Alan Jones wrote:
Interesting!  I wonder if this would work on my dog?  What 
concentration DMSO do you use?


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Re: CSOT - lymphatics

2011-09-17 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 a rebounder is great in that situation.  For actual exercise, jumping, 
lifting feet off the rebounder kind of movement you need an expensive 
rebounder, not the cheapie kinds, or you can damage your feet and 
knees.  But, for moving lymphatics all you need to do is sit on the 
rebounder and let your body move enough for a gentle rocking.  It is 
effective for moving lymph.  An even better alternative is getting one 
of the bigger outdoor trampolines, and sit on it while a friend jumps. Sara

On 9/16/2011 10:09 PM, PTFerrance wrote:

I know the best way to move lymphatics is to exercise but for someone 
who cannot do that very well does anyone have any alternative 
suggestions.  I know someone in this situation and would like to be 
able to offer some suggestions.



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Re: CSOT - lymphatics

2011-09-17 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 It certainly would be worth a try.  As some have said, even if you 
can't actually jump in a way that you are lifting your feet off the mat, 
just bouncing lightly in place is very helpful. Its been very important 
for my health.  Sara

On 9/17/2011 7:08 PM, Smitty wrote:

I know someone with lymphedema.
Would a rebounder help  ?

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Re: CSsun burn

2011-09-16 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 I use cold pressed coconut oil - does wonders.  Stops the pain almost 
immediately, and heals much more quickly.  I just rub it into the skin - 
most will be absorbed, so you won't be all sticky.  Sara

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Re: CSrechargeable batteries

2011-09-11 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 They work great in an mp3 player, if you're only interested in a short 
listening period.  Also work great in a remote - which takes little energy.

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Re: CSrechargeable batteries

2011-09-11 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 Well, some remotes will use AA batteries,and draw very little energy.  
Or you could use them in a flashlight that takes that size, for short 
trips outdoors, or keep the flashlight in that container, for an outage 
time.  Wall clocks often use AA, and use next to no energy.  I used a 
drained battery in ours last time it stopped - was last spring.  Its 
still running.   Ultimately, there are toxins in the things (in all 
batteries in fact, both rechargeables and regular), and once they won't 
hold a charge any longer at all, need to be turned in to a place dealing 
with hazardous recyclables. Sara

On 9/11/2011 4:57 PM, PTFerrance wrote:

These are AA batteries.  Far to large for an mp3 player.  I have probably
about 30 of them.

-Original Message-
From: Sara Mandal-Joy [mailto:smjl...@wavewls.com]
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2011 4:02 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CSrechargeable batteries

   They work great in an mp3 player, if you're only interested in a short
listening period.  Also work great in a remote - which takes little energy.

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Re: CSMiniCell Design Considerations

2011-09-10 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 Our Tynergy batteries and charger work well - our batteries get a huge 
workout - going through one or two AAA batteries every day.  Our initial 
pack is still doing pretty well over a year later.  They don't keep 
going as long as they did at first, and definately not as long as a 
nonrechargeable.  But they still recharge and hold the charge for 
lengthy periods (misplaced one and found it months later in a backpack, 
still ready to go).We are getting ready to purchase a second pack of 
these, not to replace the ones we have, but for a backup for when they 
are needed.  We'll keep using what we have now, even once they'll only 
work an hour or two (they are still averaging 6 for now), for the times 
when that is sufficient.   We would have gone through probably at least 
500 regular batteries in this time period.  The rechargeables have been 
a huge savings, and we've been extremely satisfied with their 
functioning.  I had tried other kinds of rechargeables, before we found 
the Tynergy, and were nowhere near as satisfied.  Different problems for 
different kinds, but basically they just didn't really work for us.  
Tynergy has.  And, no, I'm not a salesperson, have no connection with 
the company other than as a consumer of the product.  Sara

On 9/10/2011 9:09 PM, Jonathan B. Britten wrote:
I second that comment.   It's an impressive project and I hope it 

One point regarding cost:  9V batteries aren't cheap.   I just 
purchased a charger and batteries from a company called Tynergy; 
 these are on Amazon and eBay both.  It has good ratings on Amazon.

If you put together a low-cost kit, including Tynergy batteries might 
be a good idea.

I have no connection to the company.

Thanks for your interesting post.

On 2011/09/11, at 5:13, gaiac...@gmail.com mailto:gaiac...@gmail.com 

Wow Mike.  What a wonderful plan you have.  I'm so impressed.  It 
seems you've thought of everything for our single, hurried mom.  I 
know so many women in that same situation, and when you start saying 
'here's this electric device you can build--or, here's a $150 device 
you can buy they just go oh, I don't have the money and I have zero 
idea how to build anything.
So if you make it simple and easy enough we can get them into the 
hands of all these families.

Great, great idea.  You have a big heart with a lot of compassion.
/---Original Message---/
  Here are some of the design considerations for the  MiniCell version
  of the SilverCell process:
  My main  concern  is  a single mom with hungry  kids  to  feed. They
  probably go to DayCare or Kindergarten, where cold and flu pathogens
  rapidly spread,  and the kids bring these germs home. So  the mother
  is constantly bathed in a sea of germs at home.

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2011-07-20 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy

 the quick hot air drying time tells me that a high heat is used
Would have to ask their supplier for specifics, but that would be my 


On 7/19/2011 9:31 PM, jaxi wrote:


This sounds like it meets the not a lot of heat used standard ... ??


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2011-07-19 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 Um, not in my experience.  If the label does not specifically say 
cold pressed than it isn't.  There are all kinds of word tricks used 
to make it seem as though it is the special kind, when its not.  And 
some companies that say they are cold pressed even, need to be studied 
further, as some of them do the first press as a cold press, but then 
use a heated (low heat, but heat) process for finishing.  Those that do 
that, and still label it as cold press, believe they are completely 
natural and healthful, believe that killing off the enzymes in the oil 
is a good thing, making the oil last longer than it would otherwise.  So 
be careful, do your research.  don't just buy something from your 
favorite market because it has cold pressed on the label - find out 
what they mean by that.  Sara

On 7/19/2011 2:40 AM, Hanneke wrote:
I don't know about this company of course, but Extra in the  label 
usually means cold pressed virgin coconut oil..

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2011-07-19 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 I have used and enjoyed TT, but if you read their detailed processing 
info, they do use heating, and believe it is healthful/good to kill all 
natural enzymes in the processing.  Sara

On 7/19/2011 5:28 PM, Gene Wolfe wrote:
We use Tropical Traditions, and it says it is organic and cold 
pressed. It is also not expensive when purchased online.


On 7/19/2011 4:43 PM, Lisa wrote:

That being said, what are some of the name brands that people are buying
that are reputable, cold pressed, extra virgin and reasonably priced? 

bought it before but now want to make sure going forward I get the right


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2011-07-19 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 There are a few - do a google on cold pressed virgin coconut oil no 
heat or chemicals used in processing   You'll find there are several 
companies.  TT on the other hand congratulates themselves on the use of 
heat in their processing, and go on at length as to why their product is 
a superior one because of this.  I have enjoyed and found benefit from 
their product, but I personally prefer to use one that has no heat or 
chemicals used in the processing.  I'm not going to specify any one 
product as _the_ best one - don't have enough statistics to do that.  
Just letting you know that if you prefer to go with an unheated product, 
there are a few to choose from.  Prices and shipping costs vary.  By the 
way, from my experience, the ones using heat in the processing work as 
well for me as the unheated ones for topical use.  And of course for 
cooking.  For that which I ingest, for specific health benefits, I find 
the unheated ones to be highly preferable, better results.  Sara

On 7/19/2011 6:36 PM, jaxi wrote:

So Sara - who doesn't use heat?  That's what I am not clear on.


On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 5:45 PM, Sara Mandal-Joy smjl...@wavewls.com 
mailto:smjl...@wavewls.com wrote:

 I have used and enjoyed TT, but if you read their detailed
processing info, they do use heating, and believe it is
healthful/good to kill all natural enzymes in the processing.  Sara

On 7/19/2011 5:28 PM, Gene Wolfe wrote:

We use Tropical Traditions, and it says it is organic and cold
pressed. It is also not expensive when purchased online.


On 7/19/2011 4:43 PM, Lisa wrote:

That being said, what are some of the name brands that
people are buying
that are reputable, cold pressed, extra virgin and
reasonably priced? I've
bought it before but now want to make sure going forward I
get the right


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2011-07-19 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 No, I haven't.  It sounds like it likely doesn't use enzyme killing 
heat (assuming the low heat used for dehydrating is actually remaining 
in the raw food levels) in their processing.  But they don't 
specifically say that they don't use heat in the final steps and/or 
canning process.  I'd have to write them and get more specifics before 
giving this one a try.  It sounds intriguing though.   Sara

On 7/19/2011 7:25 PM, jaxi wrote:

have you tried this one?

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Re: CSslap tear

2011-07-19 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 Have you seen the No Pain book, by Pete Ergoscue (sp?) I think the 
author is.  Actually he has a whole series of various books, but the no 
pain one goes through and lists by body area of pain/disfunction, 
various poses and exercises you can do to realign everything, which 
allows natural healing to occur.  It took care of an achilles heal 
problem for me, and a related knee injury (became misaligned from misuse 
to accomodate for the problem in the heal).  After that was fixed, I 
experimented with other chronic problem areas for me, including a 
rotator cuff issue.  His prescribed exercises took care of the problem 
for me.  These don't actually heal the injury, but realign the 
muscles/bones/ligaments, etc - which allows the body to heal itself.

I believe every home should have a copy of this book.  Sara

On 7/19/2011 6:56 PM, cat4...@aol.com wrote:

I have lurked on this list for a long time and learned a lot.
There is so much combined knowledge that I hope someone might have an 
answer to my question.

I have posted my MRI findings below

1..linear partial intrasubstance tears of the supraspinatus
portion of the rotator cuffl
2..prominent middle glenohumearal ligament  and smallanterior
superior labrum consistant with Buford complex
3.. There is a slap tear involving the superior labrum at the
biceps anchor and posterior to the biceps anchor.
No paralabel cyst is seen
Awful big words. Of course the doctor wants to do surgery and cut
the biceps tendon. He said they don't repair them for people over
50 because it does not heal.Something I want to avoid if at all
I also read somewhere that rotators can heal without surgery. Not
sure about the Labral Tear of the biceps tendon.He says surgery is
the only option for that.
But I have proven them wrong so many times before and am hoping to
be able to do it again

Any input would be greatly appreciated
Thank you kindly

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2011-07-19 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 All I can tell you is that coconut oil heated in processing does not 
work nearly as well for me as unheated.  I had nearly given up on it 
when using TT, other than loving the taste, and it helping with appetite 
control, and some assistance with surface skin issues.  But it did not 
offer the other benefits I was looking for, particularly for my son's 
neurological conditions.  Using various of the unheated virgin cold 
pressed coconut oil, has made a difference between night and day.  It is 
anecdotal, and I can't tell you what it is that is making the 
difference.  But if lauric acid is not disabled by the heat, then it is 
not the lauric acid (alone) that is making the difference.  There is 
more to the picture.


On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 9:00 PM, Melly Bag tita_...@yahoo.com 
mailto:tita_...@yahoo.com wrote:

What we are after in coconut oil is the Lauric Acid.  Heat WILL
NOT kill or disable lauric acid.

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Re: CSFwd: 'Ole Bob's Colloidal Silver Book

2011-07-11 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy

 me too..  Sara

On 7/11/2011 1:34 AM, Dr. Matthias Weisser wrote:

A also would like one.

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Re: CSProbiotics

2011-03-12 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 I make my own kefir.  Can't do better than that, from my perception.   

On 3/12/2011 3:30 PM, SJY wrote:

Anyone have experience and recommendations for probiotics?  
Specifically, brands that have at least 10 strains of friendly 
bacteria with a strength of at least 10 billion bacteria, and time 
released so they make it to the intestines without being destroyed in 
the stomach.  Decent shelf life (stabilized) also.  For example 
OurHealthCo-op Probiotics 16.


Steve Y.

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Re: CSgluten/celiac intolerance

2011-02-19 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 I don't well tolerate regular or raw milk products.  I do tolerate 
butter, cream, sour cream and some cheeses.  But I do fine with kefir 
(or yogurt also, but I prefer kefir).

Once the milk has been cultured I can digest it.  Sara

On 2/19/2011 6:49 AM, PT Ferrance wrote:
And I'm allergic to whey.  Don't drink milk anymore but haven't yet 
been able to give up cheese or sour cream! :-)  I'm working on it 
though.  In FL (and I believe all the USA) milk must be pasteurized 
(even organic) so unless you have your own cow raw milk is out of the 


*From:* Tad Winiecki winie...@pacifier.com
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
*Sent:* Sat, February 19, 2011 2:00:40 AM
*Subject:* Re: CSgluten/celiac intolerance

I wasn't clear enough, I can't give up dairy.  Or I am not willing 
since my joints do better with it.  But the Dr. J article implicates 
casein, which is not present in the whey, so I would think someone 
could still eat whey.  Dr. Mercola has an entry on how good whey is in 
relation to exercise, muscle building, and weight control, if from 
healthy grassfed animals and with low temperature processing.  I guess 
with allergies some people are bothered by casein and some by lactose.


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Re: CSgluten/celiac intolerance

2011-02-19 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 Also, stir some cinnamon into your kefir - see if that makes a 
difference.  It does for some.  Sara

On 2/19/2011 1:13 PM, PT Ferrance wrote:
I have read that lemon juice and water or vinegar and water before a 
meal will help prevent blood sugar spikes.  Have you tried it?


*From:* sol sol...@sweetwaterhsa.com
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
*Sent:* Sat, February 19, 2011 1:46:57 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSgluten/celiac intolerance

I could never drink whey I hated all the brands I tried, and many flat 
out made me so nauseous or gave me diarrhea.

Kefir I finally am able to tolerate in that regard, but, now that 
blood glucose is an issue for me, I find I simply cannot drink it 
(even 4 oz)without a big spike to my blood sugar. In fact it spikes my 
blood sugar to such an extent (yes, even well aged kefir (4-5 days 
old) that I no longer believe the fermenting removes much, if an, 
significant amount of the lactose.

I am checked my blood sugar before drinking kefir, 1 hr. after, and 2 
hours after. It was very disappointing, as I can no longer drink whole 
milk because of the blood sugar spike it causes, and I was hoping 
kefir would not do the same thing, but it sure does.

P.S. should this topic be moved to the OT list?

Sara Mandal-Joy wrote:
  I don't well tolerate regular or raw milk products.  I do tolerate 
butter, cream, sour cream and some cheeses.  But I do fine with kefir 
(or yogurt also, but I prefer kefir).

 Once the milk has been cultured I can digest it.  Sara

 On 2/19/2011 6:49 AM, PT Ferrance wrote:
 And I'm allergic to whey.  Don't drink milk anymore but haven't yet 
been able to give up cheese or sour cream! :-)  I'm working on it though.

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Re: CSgluten/celiac intolerance

2011-02-19 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 I take about a teaspoon of cinnamon _with_ the food substance I am 
concerned about.  I'm not sure capsules give you enough.  I also add a 
cinnamon stick to each pot of tea, along with some stevia leaves.  These 
do balance things out for me.  Sara

On 2/19/2011 9:30 PM, sol wrote:

Sara Mandal-Joy wrote:
 Also, stir some cinnamon into your kefir - see if that makes a 
difference.  It does for some.  Sara

I am taking cinnamon and it doesn't seem to be doing anything yet, but 
it's only been a week. Any idea how long it takes to work?

Taking other supplements to improve blood sugar control also, but so 
far the only thing that works is just to not eat any fast acting 
carbs, or any sugar.


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Re: CSQuestion abou Xylito and CS

2011-02-02 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 Most xylitol today is made from corn, not from tree inner bark.  
Unless the maker specifies the source as being the tree bark, assume it 
is from corn.  I use xylitol myself, and for medicinal use it is great.  
I would not use it as a sugar substitute as eating it in any amount will 
cause digestive upset and likely diarhea in many folks.  It can throw 
your whole digestive track off.  It is a sugar alcohol, and definately 
acts like one, despite its genuine health benefits.  But use it with 
caution in terms of a regular part of your diet.  Sara

On 2/2/2011 8:15 AM, Tel Tofflemire wrote:
*Kenny, Go to  _www.emeraldforrest.com 
http://www.emeraldforrest.com_   They are the best price for 
xy**litol, sweetener low in calories, and tastes great, Sweden  has 
used it for many years, I have used it for over 13 years. It is such a 
good product all natural and made from tree inner bark. They use it in 
Dental applications, Nose Spray, Diet Sweets, Gum, Candy, lost of stuff.*

Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

*From:* Kenny laguna anugal_...@hotmail.com
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
*Sent:* Tue, February 1, 2011 4:12:04 PM
*Subject:* CSQuestion abou Xylito and CS

Hi everyone!

Can somebody please tell me exactly what Xylitol is, and how much to 
mix with 10ppm CS for sinus infections? Also how much of the mixture 
to use?

Thank you so much!

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Re: CSGatorade substitute

2011-01-03 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 Um, Marshall - Truvia is not stevia.  It has a little processed stevia 
in it, but is primarily a sugar alcohol - the bulk of it.  For folks who 
react to sugar alcohols, it is important to know the difference.  A tiny 
pinch of plain processed stevia would work, or a bit of honey, or some 
plain stevia leaves/powder (in its natural state).  But I wouldn't 
suggest anyone use truvia.  just my two cents.  Sara

OSweeten to taste, sugar if you want, or stevia (Truvia) if you don't.

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Re: CSquestion skin cancer cure

2010-12-11 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 I think it depends on your face how deep/broad an area is involved.  I 
have used black salve on my face on small lesions.  And had no problem 
with scarring.
I think I would hesitate on a larger area, but it would still seem 
preferable to some of the alternatives, in my perception.  There is a 
company that sells a combo of salves, one the black salve for treatment, 
followed by a healing herbal ointment that helps to prevent scarring and 
assist in healing.  I don't know how well that works, but if I were 
going to work on a broader area on my face, I'd probably go with 
anything that might help prevent scarring.  Sara

On 12/11/2010 8:57 PM, Rusty wrote:

?I've seen it mentioned that you should not use the Black Salve on the face
since it leaves a scar.

Is there something else that can be used on the face and where would it get

I have tried Essiac cream...but it did nothing.


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Re: CSquestion skin cancer cure

2010-12-11 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 Oh..   I think I have read that it is best to avoid the eye area, with 
the black salve.
I had a cancerous lesion on my lower eyelid that I did have surgically 
removed, because I didn't want to get that close to my eye with the 
black salve.  Good luck deciding what to do!   I wouldn't worry about 
the dime size - may be on the borderline of what size you could safely 
do without scarring. But not sure how close you want to get to the eye.  
Maybe others have some experience?   Sara

On 12/11/2010 9:38 PM, Rusty wrote:

?Sorry for the ? at the beginning of my messages...I get them since I
upgraded to IE 9.

It's about the size of a dime...I am scheduled to have it cut out (which I
am trying to prevent)

I went to my homeopathic doctor to try to get help and was told just get the
surgery done...big help.

It's beside the corner of the eye.  The surgeon told me that he's never done
it...but there is a chance that he could knick something that runs from the
ear to above the eye and if that would happen, it would paralyze the upper
part of my face.

- Original Message -
From: Sara Mandal-Joysmjl...@wavewls.com
Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2010 8:28 PM
Subject: Re: CSquestion skin cancer cure

   I think it depends on your face how deep/broad an area is involved.  I
have used black salve on my face on small lesions.  And had no problem
with scarring.
I think I would hesitate on a larger area, but it would still seem
preferable to some of the alternatives, in my perception.  There is a
company that sells a combo of salves, one the black salve for treatment,
followed by a healing herbal ointment that helps to prevent scarring and
assist in healing.  I don't know how well that works, but if I were
going to work on a broader area on my face, I'd probably go with
anything that might help prevent scarring.  Sara

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   Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


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Re: CSRe: Psoriasis?

2010-12-05 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 Um, no, I was talking about straining the finished kefir, not 
separating the kefir from the grains.  I use a plastic strainer to do 
that and it takes seconds to do.  I am refering to then separating the 
finished kefir, which does take hours or even weeks if you are looking 
for a harder cheese.   Sara

On 12/5/2010 3:00 AM, s...@emotap.com wrote:

Hi Sara,
Instead of having to wait hours for your kefir to drain from the
handkerchiefs or sackcloth, try using a nylon strainer.

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Re: CSRe: Psoriasis?

2010-12-05 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 Yes, it is called leban, and is delicious.  Longer you let it drain 
the firmer/harder it gets.  Can press it for a hard cheese.  I like it 
as a fairly soft cream cheese.  You can flavor it as you like - our 
favorite is with bits of onion and hot pepper, but a sweet cream cheese 
with cinnamon and stevia is also really good.  Sara

On 12/5/2010 3:44 PM, s...@emotap.com wrote:

Gotcha!  I misunderstood.  I have never done that.  Is that how you make
your own cream cheese?
From: Sara Mandal-Joy
   Um, no, I was talking about straining the finished kefir, not
separating the kefir from the grains.  I use a plastic strainer to do
that and it takes seconds to do.  I am refering to then separating the
finished kefir, which does take hours or even weeks if you are looking
for a harder cheese.   Sara

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   Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


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Re: CSBlack Salve Psoriasis?

2010-12-04 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 I healed my son's psoriasis using kefir whey as a hair rinse - I'd 
shampoo first (using homemade soap) and rinse well, then pour a quart of 
whey diluted with warm water - about a cup of kefir to 3 cups water - 
over his hair, rub it in to the scalp.  It took a couple weeks to fully 
clear up, but did.  Nothing else I tried, including intensive 
prescriptions, worked.   Worth a try.  Kefir is easy to make and to 
separate.  The resulting cream cheese is delicious, leaving the whey for 
treatment.  Sara

On 12/4/2010 2:01 PM, dingyun...@att.net wrote:
How effective for psoriasis?  Did you see any clients get 
improvement?  My son has terrible psoriasis his forehead/scalps/neck.  

*/@yahoo.com/* wrote:

From: Tel Tofflemire telt...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: CSBlack Salve  skin cancer cure
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Friday, December 3, 2010, 1:14 PM

*To: Mr. Bob Larson *
*Bob, Black salve does not go after much of anything other than
Cancer, but it works on Psoriasis, some kinds of moles and warts,
and skin tags.  I get the best results with my home made Cooked
Black salve using 4 cancer fighting Herbs on Skin Cancer, and
Moles, *Psoriasis, Some warts too.*
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

*From:* bob Larson bobl...@cablespeed.com
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
*Sent:* Fri, December 3, 2010 9:02:02 AM
*Subject:* RE: CSBlack Salve  skin cancer cure

from what i've read, no... it's somehow selective and only attacks
cancer cells.

*From:* Day Sutton [mailto:day.sut...@gmail.com]
*Sent:* Thursday, December 02, 2010 6:31 AM
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
*Subject:* Re: CSBlack Salve  skin cancer cure

Will this work on age spots also ?

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 11:27 PM, Bob Banever

PT - The shelf life is at least several years.  In fact,
if the salve dries out you can add some water to make it
like it was originally.  As far as I know, it doesn't lose
it's potency over time.

- Original Message -
*From:* PT Ferrance


*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com


*Sent:* Wednesday, December 01, 2010 5:37 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSBlack Salve  skin cancer cure

Hi Tel,
What is the shelf life on the black salve?

*From:* Tel Tofflemire telt...@yahoo.com

*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com

*Sent:* Wed, December 1, 2010 6:11:30 PM
*Subject:* CSBlack Salve  skin cancer cure

You should consider Black Salve, many on this list
have used it and it does get rid of Skin Cancer for
nearly everyone.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

*From:* A. Reid Harvey reidhar...@hotmail.com

*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com

*Sent:* Wed, December 1, 2010 9:57:24 AM
*Subject:* CSCS and skin cancer


PLEASE don't act as if this request for observations
is too much out of left field!  On occasion I believe
that skin cancer is showing up, on my left forearm,
where I was frequently sunburned, when I was a lot
younger. In an attempt at a remedy for this I've
saturated a gauze pad with *concentrated colloidal
silver,* then taped this down, over the effected area.
The skin cancer, as I believe it to be, manifests
itself as black marks, and these go away overnight,
after I tape down the CS gauze pads.

The *concentrated CS* has been either the Mexican made
product Microdyn 

CSRe: Psoriasis?

2010-12-04 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 There is no much actual kefir left in the whey, after separating it.  
You could use the whole kefir, without separating it, I'm guessing, 
though it might be hard to rinse out.  It is the whey, dripped out, 
leaving all the thicker creamy particles
behind, that is the medicinal aspect.I drain the kefir in a large 
plastic funnel - the size used for pouring oil into a car.  I use two 
cotton handkerchiefs, or one large cotton/sackcloth kitchen towel folded 
in four - prefer the handkerchiefs, easier to rinse out.  I line the 
funnel with these, and pour the finished kefir in.  After a few hours 
most of the whey will have dripped out and be useable.  Some folks like 
the cream cheese at that consistency, others gather the draining cloth 
into a ball and hang it till it reaches the consistency they desire, or 
even press it for a hard cheese.  I never go to all that trouble.  We 
love it as a soft cream cheese, and get plenty of medicinal whey this 
way.  I am guessing you could use it as a body rinse, for skin problems 
elsewhere - perhaps even just add it to the bathwater and let them have 
a good soak?  Oh, one thing you should be aware of if you try this on 
the scalp, that as you are first working the whey into the hair, it is 
good to cover the eyes with a washcloth or something, as the whey can sting
if it gets in the eyes.  After working it in and rinsing, it leaves hair 
shiny and soft as well.  I don't have scalp problems, but also use this 
as a hair rinse because it works so well.  Sara

On 12/4/2010 3:04 PM, Lisa wrote:

Now this is interesting :o)

So are you taking the kefir, letting it hang and then squeeze it more for
the cheese and using the whey which would then have a lot of the kefir in it
(just not in chunks/yogurt softness stuff -- to put it in some way)? Since
it cleared up his scalp (I'm assuming that since you say you used it as a
hair rinse and not a body rinse) -- why wouldn't it clear up body patches

Brilliant...I wonder if it would help with my kid's eczema?!?!


-Original Message-
From: Sara Mandal-Joy [mailto:smjl...@wavewls.com]
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 3:23 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CSBlack Salve  Psoriasis?

   I healed my son's psoriasis using kefir whey as a hair rinse - I'd
shampoo first (using homemade soap) and rinse well, then pour a quart of
whey diluted with warm water - about a cup of kefir to 3 cups water -
over his hair, rub it in to the scalp.  It took a couple weeks to fully
clear up, but did.  Nothing else I tried, including intensive
prescriptions, worked.   Worth a try.  Kefir is easy to make and to
separate.  The resulting cream cheese is delicious, leaving the whey for
treatment.  Sara

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   Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


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Re: CSHome-made soap

2010-12-04 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 I first used a recipe I found in Dr. Hulda Clark's books. She actually 
suggested using borax water for shampoo, but gave the recipe for lye 
soap as well. You can probably find that recipe online, just search on 
Dr. Clark's lye soap recipe. Most of her material is now out there on 
the web. I later found a slightly different recipe/method - don't 
remember where I found it, but like it very well. It has a higher lard 
amount I believe than the Clark recipe I used, makes a softer soap. It 
also gives more detailed instructions than the Clark recipe. I'll paste 
in what I use - think I got this one on the web as well, just saved the 
text in a document. Wish I had kept the site to credit the author, but 
forgot to include it in my saved doc. You can probably find numerous 
other recipes as well online, just searching on lye soap recipe.

Anyways, here is what I use now, with thanks to the unknown author.


1 can (12 oz or 340 grams) Lewis Red Devil 100% lye

21 1/2 oz (605 gms) ice cold or part frozen distilled water

5 lbs, 7 1/3 oz (2.48 kg) lard or all vegetable shortening.


1 ea, 1-2 quart Pyrex or oven ware bowl

1 ea, 4-6 quart plastic bowl or stainless or cast iron pot

1 ea, plastic, wooden or stainless big spoon

1 ea, shallow cardboard box lined with plastic trash bag(I use a 
designated dishwashing pan lined with a plastic trash bag.)

Rubber gloves

Canning pot (for water bath if you use plastic reaction bowl)


Prepare the lye water by freezing 1/2 of the water into ice cubes. Put 
the ice cubes and the rest of the water into the 1 to 2 quart bowl. 
Using the stirring spoon (known to soap makers as the crutch), pour 
lye slowly into the ice and water, stirring until the lye is all 
dissolved. Take great care with the lye, it is very caustic and will 
burn the skin and eyes! Any splatters must be washed off immediately 
with lots of water!

Cover the solution to keep out air and allow to cool (or warm up ) to 
about 85 degrees F.

Melt the fat in the 4-6 quart bowl or pot. Don't use aluminum or 
galvanized bowls! Plastic ware can be heated in the water bath.

When the fat is melted, cool it down to 95 degrees F. Prepare the box 
with it’s plastic trash bag lining, so the fresh liquid soap can't leak 

When all is ready, begin to stir the liquid fat in a clockwise direction 
while pouring the lye water into it in a thin steam (pencil size or 
thinner) until it is all added. Crutch (stir) the mix vigorously, using 
“S” pattern or use a hand blender alternating with a circular pattern 
until the mix begins to cool and thicken.

At this point do NOT stop or the mix may separate!

First the soap will be murky, then creamy, then like heavy cream and 
finally, like hot cooked pudding and will show traces when you dribble a 
stream from the crutch onto the surface. This process can take from 10 
minutes to 45 minutes, depending on the temperature, weather and purity 
of your ingredients. Stir vigorously but patiently! With hand blender 
stir time is cut to 1/10 of the regular time.

When your trace does not sink back into the surface, the soap is ready 
to pour into the lined box. Wear rubber gloves and treat the raw soap 
like you treated the lye water. Wash off all splatters immediately. Have 
10% vinegar and water and a sponge to neutralize splatters.

After 3-5 hours the soap may be cut into bars with a table knife, NOT a 
sharp knife. Allow the soap to cure in the box for about a week before 
breaking it up and handling it, and another month before using it.

The old farm ladies carefully tasted the fresh soap with the tip of 
their tongues for the sharp bite of unreacted lye, as I do today.

The soap from this recipe makes a bath and facial soap, and if you want 
old fashioned Grandma’s Lye Soap, use less fat; about 5 lbs 5 oz 
instead of the original amount called for in the recipe. Allow this soap 
to mature in open air for six months.

On 12/4/2010 10:00 PM, Harold MacDonald wrote:
Sara,I would like to get a good recipe for home-made soap,could you 
point me to where you got yours?


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Re: CSThe difference between Egoscue editions?

2010-10-22 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 This is also the one I have.Hard copy or paperwork would be the 
same.  There are _many_ other books (by the same author) focused on some 
of the same practices.  One for sports folks, one for women, one for 
folks at the computer a lot.  Also many other things, dvd's and such.   
The newest book is something like Health through Motion - which has 
kind of an overview of his system about how we can keep our body 
structure in alignment to begin with, to prevent problems.  I'd be 
tempted to take a look at that one, through the library.  But the one 
listed below is the first aid one - the one I think every home should 
have.  It breaks things down by area of pain - which exercises are 
needed to deal with that issue.  It tells you everything is 
interconnected, and its not unusual to fix one area by finding a 
source problem elsewhere to work on - I've been traveling through the 
book in fact, with greatly improved flexibility and function in my whole 
body as a result.  But when you sprain your ankle you need to know with 
immediacy what to do about that before you address anything else - and 
this book provides that information.  It also, at the end, has a 
synopsis of a healthy overall maintenance program, which is supposed to 
take about twenty minutes a day (closer to half an hour from my 
experience).  At any rate, this book is well worth having.  A friend of 
mine who has more money than do I got a personalized set of exercises  
rather than reading through the book.  There is a website (just search 
on the author's name) where such can be ordered.  She sent them a video 
of herself standing or moving in ways they suggested, and they were able 
to tell her not only which things to do with her immediate focus of 
pain, but what the causal issues in her structure were and how to 
address them.   That might be worth the cost if you've got the bucks, 
but basically you figure that out as you go with the book as well.   
When you fix one area you may notice something else isn't quite right 
- something you really hadn't focused on as a problem - they tend to 
creep up on you, and then when your body develops a secondary injury 
caused by trying to cope with the first misalignment issue, that area is 
screaming so there is no way to notice or address the underlying issue.  
Once the screaming area is realigned, the original problem area (if 
there was one) tends to start to complain  - its functionality is no 
longer being carried out by distorting the function and alignment of the 
area that had been obviously injured.   So at any rate you figure this 
out as you go,   and the book gives fairly good info about what 
interconnected areas could be also involved in what you initially 
perceive to be the primary injury.   Sara

On 10/22/2010 10:50 AM, s...@emotap.com wrote:


I think this is the most popular one.  This is the one I have.



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CSPlantar fascitis

2010-10-10 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 There is a book called Pain Free that has various 
poses/exercises/stretches for pain in different body locations. Plantar 
fascitis is specifically addressed. It helped my partner overcome 
several years of severe pain (and significant disability) from this 
condition, which nothing had helped up to that point. This set of 
exercises work to realign everything in the body mechanics, the muscles, 
ligaments, tendons, nerves, bone structure, etc. Often the actual place 
of immediate pain, once relieved through the exercises, lets one begin 
to notice other alignment problem areas that actually had been either 
causing or reacting to the first area of pain. My partner is now working 
on his hips and shoulders, after having successfully addressed his 
plantar fascitis and then some misalignment issues with his knees. It 
takes a commitment of time, daily, but the improvement is amazing. Using 
this system, originally to address an achilles tear, and the bad knee 
that followed (from walking improperly from the heel problem), then hips 
and shoulders, I've recovered a flexibility I had over twenty years ago. 
I hadn't even realized how much I had lost till I ran into significant 
problems I couldn't ignore any longer. This system is well worth looking 
into. Initially I got the Pain Free book through the library. Soon 
realized how important it was for me, and bought me own copy, and soon a 
designated copy for my partner as well. I think every home needs one of 
these books. The author - Pete Ergoscue (sp?) used/developed this system 
to heal himself from extreme damage. He's written many books, including 
specialty ones for people who do a lot of time at a computer, one for 
women, one for sports folks, etc. But I like the Pain Free one best 
because it tells you where to start for a specific kind/area of pain. He 
also has a website you can google for where there all kinds of things to 
buy - including dvds and such or personalized prescriptive exercise sets 
(after sending them photos/videos to work with). I haven't been much 
interested in all of those - the simple book works for me. Check it out. 

On 10/10/2010 11:17 AM, Lisa wrote:

So are you saying that using oil of cloves rubbed on one’s foot for 
plantar fasciitis will help relieve the pain (with the possibility of 
a brief bout of painful urination)? Anything else you used 
specifically for the PF? My Mom is suffering from this and I feel 
helpless with the inability to help her…


*From:* rans...@atmc.net [mailto:rans...@atmc.net]
*Sent:* Saturday, October 09, 2010 8:28 PM
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
*Subject:* RE: CSDMSO

He said that a DR at his school researched DMSO and concluded that 
pain relief was due to DMSO killing nerves. He said don't let DMSO 
even come near you.

Typical scare tactic crap from the white coated priests. I have been 
rubbing DMSO on my right foot for weeks to both relieve pain and 
accelerate healing. It was actually not very effective for my severe 
plantar fasciitis but the pain sure came back after the DMSO wore off 
and truth be told it never did too much to relieve this pain. If this 
were true then you would end up with a numb spot.

BTW, Oil of Cloves DID work, and I discovered it is much more potent 
at going through the skin and subsequently through the body than DMSO. 
Only problem is that the first urination after application was 
painful, burning urethra, but that quickly subsided.


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Re: CS[List Owner]Archive listing on web site...

2010-08-29 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
Hi Mike - I too have no problem with eskimo.  I imagine you are the one 
with most of the headaches.
And I much appreciate your not taking the easy route.  Important 
information, including whole lists, not just certain posts or threads, 
can just disappear, without notice, when the big group folks decide 
something is not appropriate, sometimes because some federal 
protective folks are unhappy with alternative health methods, and 
needle yahoo (or google or...) into compliance with their stance.  I 
know you're not just paranoid about this one  - I've experienced it.   Sara

Hi Mike, I personally see no problem with eskimo at all.  The few glitches 
there have been are IMO completely acceptable and indeed, I didn't even notice 
them!  I am very laid back about these things and it never bothers me if there 
are slight hiccups.  Far, far too much more in this world to worry about little 
things like that.  Thanks for all your endeavours on our behalf.  dee


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 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


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List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSTurpentine

2010-07-09 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
I haven't, but my Amish friends use turpentine and/or kerosene (if they 
don't have turpentine on hand at the moment) to deal with sore throats - 
they take a q-tip, dip it in the turpentine, and swab it on the back of 
the throat.  Often stops both infections and viruses in their tracks.  Sara

Yes, it's turpentine, plain old turpentine that you buy in a hardware store.
It is by far the most effective thing I've ever done but it is most
certainly not without drawbacks and undesirable effects. Most of those are
from the extreme die-off of pathogens.

I always thought turpentine was NOT good for the body.
Farmers have used it as a de-wormer, I believe.
Has anyone on the list used it besides Daddybob ?


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Re: CSBurns

2010-07-04 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
my son's night care provider saved our house from burning when he picked 
up a flaming (hot oil, was covered, heating up for popcorn - when I took 
the lid off it exploded) cast iron pan in his bare hands
and ran it out of the house.  The burns were extremely severe on his 
hands and worse on his arms, where the flames were jumping up directly 
on his skin.  He should have gone to the ER, would have been put in the 
burn unit, but wouldn't.  Doesn't have insurance.  It was the most 
severe kind of burn, totally numb
for first hours.  First he soaked them in ice water (to stop the ongoing 
deep tissue burning).  I finally convinced him to use cs with ice.  He 
kept them immersed for the first four hours.  As the feeling began to 
return he couldn't tolerate the ice, so just used the cs.  I wanted to 
coat them with antibiotic creme, but he couldn't tolerate anything like 
that, so we just kept spraying it with cs - which was very soothing.  First
couple days were round the clock spraying and immersions in cs.   They 
healed amazingly well.   There was/is some scarring, but these severe 
burns were within two weeks basically healed.   Doctor later told me 
that they use a silver ointment in the burn unit - it is standard 
treatment, for both healing, preventing infection, and soothing.   Mike 
couldn't have tolerated the ointment, but good old homemade cs was sure 
a godsend.   Sara

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Re: CSBurns

2010-07-04 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
In Mike's case, you could see the tissue continuing to burn from the 
scorched flesh, literally see the burn
progressing in the deep flesh.  No way in his case would we have put him 
near anything warm.  For a lesser burn, perhaps.   But not for a severe 
one.  It took the ice water immersion to stop the progression.  Sara

 I also would try to keep the
burn near the heat and would not pour cold water on it (IF I had no remedy
or CS is what I would do to lessen the blistering and pain, it is an old
wise cooks remedy for burns.  Like heals like sort of thing. 

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 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


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Re: CSPFOA Free Cookware

2010-05-14 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
I'm not spending much time at the computer these days, so haven't kept 
up with much of this thread.
Someone else may have mentioned it, but had you thought of cast iron?  
Used extensively or at high
heat, you will get iron in your food (which for some can be a good 
thing, for others not, especially if they are exclusively using cast 
iron cookware), but for a breakfast fry pan nothing can beat cast iron, 
it is well proofed.  It's natural (proofed) nonstick finish remains for 
nearly forever, though I routinely
reproof mine about once a year.  You can get them super cheap at 
rummage/garage sales, and even
at a decent price new.   Don't worry if it is old and rusted.  Set up a 
bonfire and sit your pot in it,
burn it clean.  Oil the whole thing, inside and out, and reproof.  
Directions will be on the pan if you
buy it new - some come proofed.  Or look it up on the internet.  On a 
good proofed pan you don't
need oil, though some like to use it - or, if they are having bacon, fry 
that first and then fry the eggs in the bacon fat, just for the flavor - 
if you don't mind the calories.  Only drawback is it takes longer to heat
up than any other fry pan I can think of.  Good thing though is that 
with a good cover, once the pan is
hot enough to cook an egg, you can turn off the burner, cover the pan 
and there is plenty stored heat
in the cast iron to finish cooking your egg.  Wouldn't work for bacon - 
that would need extended heat,
but works great for eggs.  For me that is a huge win - I get involved in 
something else while the egg
is cooking, and though I have an internal timer set, the egg can get 
more done than I like it on occasion, if heat is left on.  This way it 
always turns out perfect!   Sara
Well, Teflon is made with PFOA as the solvent I believe, to dissolve 
the PTFE into a form that can be coated onto a pot or pan.  The pan is 
then heated to some high temperature to cook off the PFOA (into the 
atmosphere), leaving behind the PTFE non-stick coating, which, as you 
indicate, is very inert up to about 600 degrees.  I believe the 
problem with Teflon is that not ALL the PFOA is gone and cooking 
continues to release small amounts of it into the air of your 
kitchen.  Also, over time, some of the less durable Teflon coatings 
tend to wear off into your food, especially if you use metal 
implements.  Anyway, I believe the Hydrolon coating on the Ecolutions 
cookware is supposed to be water based so manufacture does less damage 
to the environment when they cook/finish the product, and there is 
zero danger of releasing PFOA into your home air.  Of course, I have 
also read that at this point, we all have PFOA in our blood stream 
even if we don't use Teflon cookware because so much of it has already 
been released into the environment.

Anyway, there are probably other, better choices for PFOA free 
non-stick cookware, like ScanPan which is ceramic over aluminum, but 
those cost 80 to 100 dollars for a small frying pan and my penurious 
instincts simply will not allow me to spend that much for a small 
frying pan, even though I probably waste twice that on occasion on 
totally useless gadgets (just spent $100 to have the rear seat cup 
holder in my Legacy station wagon replaced - go figure!)

- Original Message - From: Ode Coyote 

To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 7:09 AM
Subject: Re: CSPFOA Free Cookware

  Unless you heat teflon up to around 600 degrees F which makes your 
food into smoking charcoal, it's about as inert to everything as 
anything gets.

You may as well worry about eating silica sand.
No more picnics at the beach, ya know.


At 03:36 PM 5/13/2010 -0400, you wrote:


Does anybody know if being PFOA free makes this non-stick cookware 
safe to use:


My wife wants me to evaluate it because it is inexpensive and we 
currently have no non-stick cookware (use stainless steel with 
aluminum core instead).
I have researched it, but only come up with the fact that their 
process is water based rather than POFA based, which is supposed to 
eliminate the main problem with Teflon cookware.  Because it is 
water based they call it Hydrolon (clever, huh?).  I assume the 
non-stick material is still a fluorocarbon solid called PTFE, 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polytetrafluoroethylene) but I have 
not been able to verify this (but what else would it be?).  If so, 
that would still be of concern as the material dispersed into your 
food over time, would it not?


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Re: CScatnip as mosquito repellant// other stuff too.

2010-05-12 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy

zzekel...@aol.com wrote:
In a message dated 5/12/2010 1:04:28 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
wsims21...@aol.com writes:

Can anyone tell me, is catnip oil actually being used as a
mosquito repellant?  If so, how is it applied?

I use it - I do it several ways.  The more elaborate way is to pick a 
bunch of it, stuff it into a jar
and cover with vodka, let sit for 4-6 weeks.  Then strain and put into a 
spray bottle, can spray direct
on your skin, or onto your hand and then across your face.  Can spray 
onto your clothes, or onto
a hankie that you tuck into a pocket.  I find this very effective.  If I 
am sweating a lot - as I often am
out in the garden - I'll take along a few fresh leaves from the catnip, 
tucked into a pocket.  I'll chew
a leaf a bit, and then rub the chewed leaf on my bare skin.   Works very 
well.  Oh, when you make
the tincture, some folks add drops of various essential oils to the mix 
after straining it - like lavender,  citronella, sage, rosemary.   Skip 
any you don't like.   Or just go with catnip - what I generally do. 

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Re: CSSilver for astmatics

2010-04-18 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy

Del wrote:
Because it contains honey, it has very few of the DMSO undesirable 
side effects.

It is 70% DMSO, 30% distilled water, plus the honey.
Del - DMSO if great.  I use it myself topically, and have occasionally 
used it along with CS in my
nebulizer - although it seems to set off a kidney discomfort when I use 
it that way - not from topical use.  Not sure why - perhaps it was 
loosening the kidney stones that have begun to be released.  But because 
there was direct correlation between kidney pain and nebulizing with the 
DMSO (as opposed to just the CS, which does not cause the discomfort), I 
am hesitatant to try it again.  It did help the asthma, better than the 
CS alone.  I may give it another try one of these days.   BUT I would 
never use a DMSO with honey in nebulizer.Getting honey into your 
lungs sounds like disaster!   Sara

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Re: CSChronic Ankle Pain after break

2010-04-06 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
There is a book called Pain Free, by an author with a name something 
like Pete Ergoscue (sp?).
This was a fellow who was badly injured in war, and taught his body how 
to realign itself to preinjury
status.  He has several books, but this one focuses on various problem 
areas, tells you how to do various poses and minimal exertion exercises 
that brings one's neuromusculature structure in that area back into 
alignment.  I had an achilles injury last spring, and things went from 
bad to worse, ultimately everything was getting skewed trying to make up 
for the injured heel.  I was beginning to think I was going to be 
permanently disabled.  This book took care of the problems, and have 
continued to use for other chronic problem areas (my shoulder and such), 
and a maintenance set of exercises, about 15 minutes a day, that keeps 
things aligned overall.  I couldn't afford a chiropractor, but I got 
this book from the library, and later purchased one of my own.  Its 
worth looking into.   Sara

Any suggestions?



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Re: drinking quart of water, and argryia cure, was Re: CSkidney stones Herbal Tea Cure

2010-03-21 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
I too have trouble glugging water, or any liquids, that quickly - and 
can get nauseus, and even develop
chills from doing so - it throws something out of balance, I consider it 
being water-drunk.  But I got about half the quart down in one 
sitting, then sipped the rest as I could tolerate it.  It worked for me.


out of personal curiosity, how fast did you drink the quart of water?


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Re: CSkidney stones Herbal Tea Cure

2010-03-21 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
I don't understand either, but it did work - and seems to be an 
important part of what makes it work.
Only about 67 % of folks using just lemon juice and water are able to 
drop the stones in next day or two, while 84 % of the folks using the 
lemon juice with olive oil are able to release their stones in next day 
or two (after one, two, or three doses).I have used grapefruit juice 
with olive oil - larger amounts than used for the kidney remedy - for 
liver cleanse.  Has to be preceeded by large doses of epsom salts to 
relax the ducts.  Epsom salts not needed with the kidney cleanse. 

Lemon juice and olive oil mixed is specifically for the liver/gallbladder.

The lemon juice may have helped for the kidney stones, but I don't
see how the olive oil helped for them.


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Re: CSkidney stones Herbal Tea Cure

2010-03-20 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
Thanks Tel.  Do you know the specific product name?  I tried to find it 
on the site mentioned and couldn't find it.  Can you tell me what herbs 
are in it?  I did find relief, for this time, with the 2 ounces of fresh 
squeezed lemon juice mixed with 2 ounces of olive oil, glugged it down.  
Hard to keep it down, cuz I was already so nauseated, just from the 
waves of pain.  But I did keep it down, and within a couple hours the 
pain had lessened.  Did another dose before bedtime (each dose followed 
by a quart of water), and was close to better by next morning.  Last 
four hours in bed even slept straight through - first time in over a 
week.   Next afternoon, 24 hours after the first dose, passed 20 some 
stones in my urine.  They could have been larger ones that broke I 
guess, but I as freaked to see all of these in the bowl.  There has been 
some slight urgency a few times since, probably a leftover from the 
inflammation.  But am basically good as new  Well worth a try for anyone 
in severe pain.  From what I've read it doesn't work for everybody or 
every stone type, but works for most people - about 85 % of the time.  
The coke/asparagus combo works for about 94%.  

However, I don't want to make a habit out of guzzling lemon juice with 
olive oil, and it seems once you've had one (or more) of these, its only 
a matter of time before you go through it again.   So I want to be doing 
something less intense on a regular basis to hopefully prevent any more 
stones from forming.
So want to look into your tea.  Just couldn't find it on linked page.  
Thanks, Sara
Hey you people with Kidney stones, I make a Kidney-Liver cleanse that 
will cost only $10.00 plus same day shipping, and you would only use a 
fraction of the tea to rid the stones, plus clean the organs.
I have used it with 100 % success for 10 years or more. It is made 
with 4 different herbs, and does taste good too.
Just add boiling water and let steep until safe to drink, then sip, 
You should start passing stones the 1st day.

Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

*From:* Sara Mandal-Joy smjl...@wavewls.com
*To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
*Sent:* Wed, March 17, 2010 3:45:30 PM
*Subject:* CSkidney stones

I'm having trouble with a kidney stone.  Other than plenty of water, 
wondering what folks have tried
(successfully hopefully) as a folk remedy, to help dissolve and 
release the stone.  I've been doing some research, and folks have 
mentioned such things as drinking apple cider vinegar; drinking 2 oz 
of fresh squeezed lemon juice stirred into 2 oz of olive oil;  
guzzling 6(!) cokes followed by 8 ounces of smooshed
asparagus; and drinking 3 doses of a quart of water added to a cup of 
lemon concentrate.  (total 3 quarts of water, 3 cups of lemon 
concentrate.  I don't drink coke, but if it could relieve this pain 
I'd do it on a one
time basis.  Think I'm going to try the lemon juice/olive oil combo 
first.  Have any of these remedies worked for anyone else?  Thanks, Sara

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CSkidney stones

2010-03-17 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
I'm having trouble with a kidney stone.  Other than plenty of water, 
wondering what folks have tried
(successfully hopefully) as a folk remedy, to help dissolve and 
release the stone.  I've been doing some research, and folks have 
mentioned such things as drinking apple cider vinegar; drinking 2 oz of 
fresh squeezed lemon juice stirred into 2 oz of olive oil;  guzzling 
6(!) cokes followed by 8 ounces of smooshed
asparagus; and drinking 3 doses of a quart of water added to a cup of 
lemon concentrate.  (total 3 quarts of water, 3 cups of lemon 
concentrate.  I don't drink coke, but if it could relieve this pain I'd 
do it on a one
time basis.  Think I'm going to try the lemon juice/olive oil combo 
first.  Have any of these remedies worked for anyone else?   Thanks, Sara

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