Re: [Flightgear-devel] status of aircraft carrier

2004-10-20 Thread Mathias Fröhlich
On Mittwoch 20 Oktober 2004 18:11, Vivian Meazza wrote:
> It would be easy to convert to X,Y,Z coordinates, if I knew the equations
> (I have suitable equations for ft to degrees lat/long) or, better, I could
> start in X,Y,Z.
Start with X/Y/Z ...



Mathias Fröhlich, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] status of aircraft carrier

2004-10-20 Thread Mathias Fröhlich
On Mittwoch 20 Oktober 2004 09:49, Vivian Meazza wrote:
> We calculated the output in geodetic terms (lat/long/alt) for submodels so
> that they could be displayed, and it's no problem to output in x,y,z
> aircraft terms. It didn't seem to be expensive computationally. Further,
> lat/long/alt was the easiest to get at for the aircraft location. I think
> that I'll need some help here with the necessary conversion factors. I'll
> look into it further.
The problem is that those values are in geodetic lat/lon. The underlying 
transform to an elliptical coordinate space is done in sgCartToGeod in 
SimGear/simgear/math/sg_geodesy.cxx. There is also a paper about this stuff 
floating around.
But it is sufficient to know that this transform is significantly more 
expensive than doing a scalar times vector.

> Do we need ground reactions as an intrinsic part of this code? Although I
> can see that it might represent an opportunity to improve the current
> situation.
I think so.
I cannot see a way to model the earths surface with different properties like 
runnway/grass/water with load factor. Moving and rotating triangles for the 
ac carriers deck, and special elements like the wires/catapults.

Ok, this can be put into the property tree as we have a structure broken out 
into scalar values. But I guess that this provides a huge overhead for that 
stuff. If you do serious computatiions with those values you will need to 
transform them back into structs/classes/whatever.

> Good, let's go for it.
Ok, yesterday evening I did that hierarchical boundingbox stuff. It looks very 
hackish at the moment and I first need to seperate out some stuff also in 
that experimental tree before I can send you what I have. I hope to get that 
done today evening ...

I can taxi on slopes and get all surfaces/lines in an ball aroung the 

So If you can think about, how we can inject our preliminary wire area into 
the scenegraph, we will be some step ahead.
I thought about using normal ssgLeafs for such a thing with some special 
information that this is a wire area stored in the UserData field of ssgBase.

Really, modelling individual wires with lines is also not a big deal.
So If we could inject individual wires every 5 meters on the whole KSFO runway 
(I am not a good pilot for testing ... :) we can start with that.

A word for testing if a wire is caught:
The hook (think of it as a line) has a position before the integration step. 
Past integration, it has a new position. The rectangle spanned by those two 
lines is the area where the hook was during that integration step.
If a wire line intersects this rectangle, we have cought that wire (when we 
assume for now and testing, that we catch every wire we touch).

> I'll get on with seeing if I can provide hook position - we would be well
> under way with that. I think this would be a worthwhile activity since we
> seem to have most of the bits almost in place.
Yep this hook position is also something we will need.
As I told, best in (double valued) cartesian coordinates relative to the 
earth's center.



Mathias Fröhlich, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] OpenRT (was: VBOs - performance test results)

2004-10-20 Thread Boris Koenig
But, hell - yes, it does look damn amazing:
taking into account that all this was created without
conventional 3D hardware - the videos are even more impressive.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] VBOs - performance test results

2004-10-20 Thread Ampere K. Hardraade
First of all, I'm not saying "let's switch to OpenRT now".  I am saying that 
if FlightGear's scenegraph ever requires a large restructure, it will be a 
good time to look at the feasibility of using OpenRT.

On October 20, 2004 11:50 pm, Boris Koenig wrote:
> nope, it wasn't required - after all it is supposed to be
> "software-raytracing" and not hardware, but I *assume* without
> a corresponding hardware board your CPU would probably be abused
> as a GPU - almost exclusively ...
No doubt.

> > The reason I brought the OpenRT topic up again is that (as far as I
> > understand) it can run on most people's desktop.
> yes, but I somehow doubt that there would remain much idle CPU time -
> you'd probably at least need a dual-processor board - but again, I'm
> *guessing*.
> Probably, they wouldn't start developing prototype hardware boards:
>> Now, if it can render a 350 million polygons model using a CPU that is 
>> than mine, then it should be able to handle FlightGear with ease.
> I am not so sure about that - in order to get representative data, one
> would need to have at least some simple tests available or maybe even a
> simple game that employs the software-based raytracing approach.
> On there are various games
> mentioned, even screenshots are shown - and even very promising
> divx-videos - but there doesn't seem to be a simple demo for personal
> evaluation !?
> This might be the case because all these videos seem to have been
> created using clusters of a dozen or even more 1 GHZ machines ...
Even if FlightGear were to utilize OpenRT, I highly doubt it will ever have to 
render more than several hundred thousands polygons at a time.

Just look at Oasen at :
Some numbers to frighten children: 
500.000 polygons heightfields 
> 1000 objects, ~30.000 polygons each 
level complexity: 15 Mio polygons 
138 dynamical lightsources, all of them casting dynamic shadows from all 
objects to all objects 

The numbers already give a hint that this "game" is made for stressing the 
graphic library to the limit, not for you and I to play.

> Doesn't sound that feasible to me :-/
> But that page is also where you can find the quote I mentioned:
>  "We are very much interested in evaluating new ways for computer
>  games and therefore like to cooperate with the gaming industry.
>  Thus if  you are in such a position, please send us an email! "
> Maybe they've got a mailing list ? Possibly they would provide you with
> more details if you contact them...
> But I doubt that it is the ultimate solution - there are certainly
> drawbacks, and it's not necessarily suited for any purpose, either.
> Otherwise it would probably already be a lot more popular !?
Well, I guess the answer to that question will remain unknown until someone 
decides to look more deeply into it.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] VBOs - performance test results

2004-10-20 Thread Boris Koenig
Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:
I'm afraid, you cannot expect people to purchase new hardware for an
open source game to work ;-)

Is new hardware really necessary?
nope, it wasn't required - after all it is supposed to be
"software-raytracing" and not hardware, but I *assume* without
a corresponding hardware board your CPU would probably be abused
as a GPU - almost exclusively ...
The reason I brought the OpenRT topic up again is that (as far as I 
understand) it can run on most people's desktop.
yes, but I somehow doubt that there would remain much idle CPU time -
you'd probably at least need a dual-processor board - but again, I'm
Probably, they wouldn't start developing prototype hardware boards:
...if the gains were not significant ?

Now, if it can render a 350 million polygons model using a CPU that is slower 
than mine, then it should be able to handle FlightGear with ease.
I am not so sure about that - in order to get representative data, one
would need to have at least some simple tests available or maybe even a
simple game that employs the software-based raytracing approach.
On there are various games
mentioned, even screenshots are shown - and even very promising
divx-videos - but there doesn't seem to be a simple demo for personal
evaluation !?
This might be the case because all these videos seem to have been
created using clusters of a dozen or even more 1 GHZ machines ...
Doesn't sound that feasible to me :-/
But that page is also where you can find the quote I mentioned:
"We are very much interested in evaluating new ways for computer
games and therefore like to cooperate with the gaming industry.
Thus if  you are in such a position, please send us an email! "
Maybe they've got a mailing list ? Possibly they would provide you with
more details if you contact them...
But I doubt that it is the ultimate solution - there are certainly
drawbacks, and it's not necessarily suited for any purpose, either.
Otherwise it would probably already be a lot more popular !?

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TaxiDraw-0.2.2 released

2004-10-20 Thread Boris Koenig
David Luff wrote:
On 10/19/04 at 11:57 AM Chris Metzler wrote:
I think that your idea to put a taxiway designator in the 'xxx' (bet this
message gets flagged as spam now!) part of the record is an excellent one.
The downside of course is that it would require X-Plane itself to
understand it before it could be applied to the master dataset.
I am not sure whether there's much communication ongoing between
the two projects, anyway:
David, as you might remember I recently also had some talks with the
X-Plane folks because of the IVAO/VATSIM thing, Ben (the developer of
XSquawkBox) also functions as a contractor for general X-Plane
development, I am not sure whether I forwarded that particular eMail to
you where he explicitly mentioned how grateful the X-Plane community is
about various opensource tools that can (and are) also be used for
So, based on that and on the mail exchanges I've had with him so far I
am inclined to bet that he would probably not mind forwarding your
request/recommendation to Austin Meyers (the X-Plane author).
My impression is that the odds are looking good for such an inquiry ;-)
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] VBOs - performance test results

2004-10-20 Thread Ampere K. Hardraade
> I'm afraid, you cannot expect people to purchase new hardware for an
> open source game to work ;-)

Is new hardware really necessary?

The reason I brought the OpenRT topic up again is that (as far as I 
understand) it can run on most people's desktop.

Checking the 777's page:
It says: Currently, we use a *single AMD Opteron 1.8GHz CPU*. The machine is a 
dual-CPU. We currently get around 1-3 frames per second at 640x480 pixels on 
that setup, depending on the actual view. Some simple views run even faster, 
the 1-3 fps correspond to the images as shown above.

Now, if it can render a 350 million polygons model using a CPU that is slower 
than mine, then it should be able to handle FlightGear with ease.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] DeHavilland Beaver

2004-10-20 Thread Chris Metzler
On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 13:00:12 -0500
"Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Syd Adams just submitted a DeHavilland DHC-2 Beaver for inclusion in
> CVS.
> I've had a chance to take it for a spin and it is really nice.

It is a ton of fun.

Does the flight modelling seem right to you?  I went online and found
a page that gives stall speeds for the Beaver of 40-55 knots; but
in FG, the Beaver seems to stall for me below 80mph no matter what
flaps or power.


Chris Metzler   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(remove "snip-me." to email)

"As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I
have become civilized." - Chief Luther Standing Bear

Description: PGP signature
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TaxiDraw-0.2.2 released

2004-10-20 Thread Ampere K. Hardraade
On October 20, 2004 06:12 am, David Luff wrote:
> >I'm wondering whether we know what the X-Plane format really *is*.
> >Since the beginning of September, Robin Peel has been saying that a
> >new set of files are coming out "next weekend, September 18."  But he
> >also says that these files won't work at all with earlier versions
> >of X-Plane.  That may simply be because of the new information content
> >in fields that were basically dummy (see below) choking reads that
> >don't know how to handle them; but it made me wonder if there's a file
> >format change coming up.  At the very least, his comments about being
> >able to declare aprons separate from taxiways suggest a new record type.
> Well, I guess we'll find out eventually.  Converters are easy to write, if
> somewhat tedious.  The current X-Plane format contains a flag indicating
> whether to include runway distance remaining signs or not, so the change to
> it should be good for you in that respect.

May be it is time FlightGear should have its own file format?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] VBOs - performance test results

2004-10-20 Thread Boris Koenig
Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:
If we have to go through that much trouble to improve so little, we may as 
well as look into something more powerful... like OpenRT.
the last time we talked about that here it was not much more than a
"proof of concept"-thing ... it was definitely interesting, but if I
didn't understand anything wrong it is certainly not a feasible option
right now.
I'm afraid, you cannot expect people to purchase new hardware for an
open source game to work ;-)
As long as it doesn't replace existing 3D technologies or at least
offers a viable alternative, it's probably a bit early to consider
doing such a significant step.
But if I remember correctly the project's webpage had some requests
that gaming companies should contact them if they are interested,
so since the project is run by a German university I would not
mind introducing FlightGear to them, on the other hand I personally
understand that very request as an attempt to gain financial support
by cooperating with such companies, something that FG certainly cannot
provide, rather FG itself would probably benefit significantly if there
was some sound financial basis ...
just my 20 cents ;-)
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] View for a down facing camera

2004-10-20 Thread Jim Wilson
Birger Brunswiek said:

> I'm trying to create a new view which is supposed to be a camera
> fixed under the Cesna at the body. So far it looks like this:
>Camera View
>  true
>  0
>  0.2f
>  0
>  -1
>  0
> So far so good... now I'm trying to change the pitch and heading defaults
> of that camera. I've tried  and  but none of those
> seems to have any effect...
> What am I doing wrong?
> Birger

I'm not sure if this was answered or not...been out of the loop for while now.
 You needed to specify this as a "lookfrom" view type (similar to cockpit
view).  Then you sould be able to specify offsets (e.g. pitch-offset-deg,
heading-offset-deg) which will affect the direction of the camera.

As far as your question goes, my guess is you have misunderstood the purpose
of the eye path settings.  These just specify where in the property tree the
value for position or atitude of the camera (or eye) is stored.  In this case
you don't need that.  Just use from-model-idx number 0 as you have.  This
indicates the position and attitude data is retrieved from the same location
as the primary FDM's 3D Model Location (e.g. /orientation /position).

In other words, this camera "eye" location and atitude is the same as "fdm"
location and atitude, because it is attached to the aircraft.  You only need
some small adjustments to "offset" the camera from the origin of the FDM (and
3D Model).   The x/y/z-offset-m properties are for adjusting the location down
to the desired location below the aircraft.   Looks like you got that.  The
pitch/roll/heading-offset-deg are for making the camera point to a direction
different than the aircraft is pointing.   Straight down would be 90.0 (or
maybe -90.0) pitch-offset-deg.  Note, you will probably want to make that 89
degrees or some value not quite 90.0 because of the singularity issue that we
run into with the matrix methods.



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] VBOs - performance test results

2004-10-20 Thread Ampere K. Hardraade
If we have to go through that much trouble to improve so little, we may as 
well as look into something more powerful... like OpenRT.

Just my two cents.


On October 19, 2004 03:51 pm, Roman Grigoriev wrote:
> Frederic! If we have own scenegraph fully optimized to use VBO I think that
> it will be our future. If you want I can give you my shaders to test fgfs
> with it.
> But I think for people who use in fgfs ortophoto terrain it's the best
> thing Thanx in advance
> Bye
> > -Fred

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] [OT] Aviation weblog: Land and Hold Short

2004-10-20 Thread Boris Koenig
David Megginson wrote:
I have had little luck finding aviation weblogs (they're all about
rants about politics, would you then call the following: ?
(just kidding)
BTW: talking of healthy presidents: Pres. Bush Senior did even do a
parachute jump on his birthday this year, he talked about that on
Larry King Live, whereas Larry King himself wasn't allowed to jump
because of his health condition...
hype about technology, or complaints about
teenagers' social lives),
I am sure you could attract some readers here by talking about
the time when _you_ were a teenager ;-)
so a couple of weeks ago, I decided to start
my own.  So far, it's heavy on content on light on good looks, so it's
probably a fair reflection of its author.
lol, if you add some of that sort of humor to your weblog, you'll
certainly be able to maintain a steadily increasing reader community ;-)
It's just a couple of weeks ago that I stumbled across a weblog on, because of the IVAO/VATSIM discussion here on the list,
that particular blog is maintained by the author of the X-Plane
application that interfaces with IVATO/VATSIM networks - while his blog
was definitely political, too - it did make for some amusing reading :-)
If anyone here is interesting in taking a look, there are two ways to
get at it.  The best way to read it (or any weblog) is to add the RSS
syndication URL to your desktop or online blog reader:
I've noticed that you've provided this kind of "tutorial" on your
webpage, too - how about also recommending one or two decent RSS feed-
readers ? :-)
(Haven't yet used that functionality much myself)
Anyway, some of this makes really for some good reading:
So, if you intend to maintain that type of contents you could
certainly attract some interested readers, I think.
Probably not only for real pilots, but some of this would certainly
also be interesting for the flying FG community.
Also, you mentioned somewhere that you'd have collected some links
with "rules of thumb", how about providing some of these links in
one of your future blogs ?
And if I were you, I really wouldn't worry all that much about the
layout/design part: I didn't have any problems whatsoever reading
(all) pages - so it cannot be that bad ;-)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] status of aircraft carrier

2004-10-20 Thread Vivian Meazza
Norman Vine wrote:

> Sent: 20 October 2004 21:36
> To: FlightGear developers discussions
> Subject: RE: [Flightgear-devel] status of aircraft carrier
> Vivian Meazza writes:
> >
> > Norman Vine
> > >
> > > see SimGear / simgear / math / sg_geodesy
> > > void sgGeodToCart(double lat, double lon, double alt, double* xyz);
> > >
> >
> > Not brilliant though. In the
> > property tree Lat/Lon is in degrees, and altitude in ft, so that's a 2
> step
> > conversion.
> Well the Property Tree is designed for users whereas
> the 'C' code is primarily for developers.
> But isn't this what NASAL is for :-)

I'm doing it in C++ because I can reuse chunks of code that I wrote for
submodels (not keen on re-inventing wheels), but, yes I think Nasal would be
just as good for this task. I used that for quite a bit of the animation of
the Seafire/Spitfire. I don't know if one would be preferred over the other:
I'm happy to write code in either.



Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] segfault in AI code

2004-10-20 Thread David Culp
Just downloaded a fresh CVS FlightGear and found that the AI code is causing 
segfaults now.  I'll recompile and run it through gdb.  In the mean time 
beware that some aircraft that set up AI scenarios by default, like the T-38 
or the hunter-2tanks, are crashing the sim.


David Culp

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] status of aircraft carrier

2004-10-20 Thread Norman Vine
Vivian Meazza writes:
> Norman Vine
> > 
> > see SimGear / simgear / math / sg_geodesy
> > void sgGeodToCart(double lat, double lon, double alt, double* xyz);
> > 
> Not brilliant though. In the
> property tree Lat/Lon is in degrees, and altitude in ft, so that's a 2 step
> conversion. 

Well the Property Tree is designed for users whereas 
the 'C' code is primarily for developers.

But isn't this what NASAL is for :-)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] status of aircraft carrier

2004-10-20 Thread Vivian Meazza

> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:flightgear-devel-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Norman Vine
> Sent: 20 October 2004 09:32
> To: FlightGear developers discussions
> Subject: RE: [Flightgear-devel] status of aircraft carrier
> >
> > I would like to have those positions of the arrester wires not in
> lat/lon/alt
> > but rather than in earth centered coordinates (cartesian coordinates: x
> > towards lat/lon=0, z towards northpole). Just because we already have
> all
> > scenery values stored in this format. We have a scenery reference point
> and
> > relative to that, we have rotated vertices.
> < soapbox >
> Arrestor wires and all other Model 'features' should be an XYZ offset from
> the center point of the parent Model's Frame of reference
> FWIW using LLZ for anything except using user input / output is a step
> back to the 'dark ages' of the pre satelite era and the advances in
> Geodysey of the post Sputnik world.
> IMHO the FDMs should report in XYZ too, interestingly they all use it
> instead of LLZ internally, and this XYZ is what all FGFS location code
> should be based on :-)
> The list has heard me harp on this issue before and has rejected this
> revolutionary idea but this archaic way of representing position
> internally
> in FGFS is IMO a *major* PITA in an otherwise reasonably modern
> 'Round Earth' simulator.
> < /soapbox >
> > With those values we can cheap compute (double valued) positions of
> these
> > vertices. And then transform them, just by translation and rotation, to
> some
> > coordinate frame required for modelling the hook, gear ...
> This holds true for any othe properly 'located' object.

That reminds me of the 2 men in a hot air balloon. Flying early one morning
they got lost in the dawn mist, so the pilot turned down the burner and
descended until he could see a chap on the ground. 

"Where are we?" he asked. 

"You're in a balloon", the chap replied. 

On hearing this, the pilot turned up the burner and ascended, saying: "good,
that's sorted: we're just passing the Royal Military College of Science".

The second man in the balloon was very impressed but asked: "how do you know

"Easy" said the pilot "it's the only place in the area where the information
you get is totally accurate and totally bloody useless".

Unless that is, someone can tell me how to access the X,Y,Z co-ordinates of
a model, otherwise I'm going to have to do it in lat/long/alt.



Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] status of aircraft carrier

2004-10-20 Thread Vivian Meazza

Norman Vine
> Sent: 20 October 2004 18:08
> To: FlightGear developers discussions
> Subject: RE: [Flightgear-devel] status of aircraft carrier
> Vivian Meazza writes:
> >
> > It would be easy to convert to X,Y,Z coordinates, if I knew the
> equations
> see SimGear / simgear / math / sg_geodesy
> /**
>  * Convert a geodetic lat/lon/altitude to a cartesian point.
>  *
>  * @param lat (in) Latitude, in radians
>  * @param lon (in) Longitude, in radians
>  * @param alt (in) Altitude, in meters above the WGS84 ellipsoid
>  * @param xyz (out) Pointer to cartesian point.
>  */
> void sgGeodToCart(double lat, double lon, double alt, double* xyz);

Ta ever so, that's saved me hours of research. Not brilliant though. In the
property tree Lat/Lon is in degrees, and altitude in ft, so that's a 2 step

> > or, better, I could start in X,Y,Z.

I think this is a step too far right now. Conversion will do at this stage
of development.

Thanks again


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: DeHavilland Beaver

2004-10-20 Thread Melchior FRANZ
Ohh, and don't start it from 28R! 

  $ fgfs --aircraft=dhc2F --lon=-122.43695 --lat=37.60588 --heading=155

m.   :-)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: DeHavilland Beaver

2004-10-20 Thread Melchior FRANZ
* Melchior FRANZ -- Tuesday 19 October 2004 21:51:
> * Curtis L. Olson -- Tuesday 19 October 2004 20:00:
> > - It has a full animated 3d cockpit.
> Unfortunately, the ac3d/crease patch does only leave black holes where the
> instruments should be. Looks very nice without that patch, though.  ;-)

Here's a version that works with the crease patch. It's not thought to be
put into cvs, because the author probably has his own fix. (58kB)   compressed  uncompressed


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] [OT] Aviation weblog: Land and Hold Short

2004-10-20 Thread David Megginson
I have had little luck finding aviation weblogs (they're all about
rants about politics, hype about technology, or complaints about
teenagers' social lives), so a couple of weeks ago, I decided to start
my own.  So far, it's heavy on content on light on good looks, so it's
probably a fair reflection of its author.

If anyone here is interesting in taking a look, there are two ways to
get at it.  The best way to read it (or any weblog) is to add the RSS
syndication URL to your desktop or online blog reader:

That way, whenever there's a new posting, the headline and summary
will appear automatically.  If you don't have a blog reader or you
prefer the old bookmark-and-click approach, you can find a listing of
the weblog entries here:

The title, "Land and Hold Short", refers to a common operation at busy
airports where planes are using intersecting runways: a plane that's
landing (usually a small one) has to agree to come to a complete stop
before the intersection so that the other (often a big one) can land
or takeoff at the same time.  The title also represents the ideal of
blog writing -- land a good idea, and keep it short.  Unfortunately,
I'm not really accomplishing that yet (especially the short part), but
I'm practicing.

I plan on posting an entry about FlightGear once I'm getting enough
hits to make the publicity worthwhile.

All the best,



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] how to interface with flightgear

2004-10-20 Thread Jon S Berndt
On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 01:26:54 +0800
 "" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am working on a autopilot project and we need a flight simulator 
to prove 
our control method before use it on a real aircraft. Is there any 
interface to
get the attitude of aircraft from and send control data to 
flightgear.  I mean get
the altitude, rate, accelerate and so on from it and send rudder, 
aileron and throttle data to flightgear to control a aircraft. 
Out of curiousity, have you seen the facilities that JSBSim has to 
offer in the way of control systems (including autopilot)? Are you 
using Matlab?

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] how to interface with flightgear

2004-10-20 Thread Jonathan Polley
In the network area 
 there is a data structure defined in net_ctrls.hxx that contains the data you want, 
but I don't think that it is being filled in by any of the FDMs.

Jonathan Polley

On Wednesday, October 20, 2004, at 12:34PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I am working on a autopilot project and we need a flight simulator to prove 
>our control method before use it on a real aircraft. Is there any interface to
>get the attitude of aircraft from and send control data to flightgear.  I mean get
>the altitude, rate, accelerate and so on from it and send rudder, elevator,
>aileron and throttle data to flightgear to control a aircraft. Thanks
>Flightgear-devel mailing list

Of COURSE they can do that.  They're engineers!

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] how to interface with flightgear

2004-10-20 Thread Steven Beeckman
I am working on a autopilot project and we need a flight simulator to prove 
our control method before use it on a real aircraft. Is there any interface to
get the attitude of aircraft from and send control data to flightgear.  I mean get
the altitude, rate, accelerate and so on from it and send rudder, elevator,
aileron and throttle data to flightgear to control a aircraft. Thanks

you can use the properties tree. If you look in the source code there 
are examples of how to access the telnet server of FlightGear using 
several programming languages like C, java, perl, python, ...(in utils/ 
I think).
Some properties are (you can find them in the File->Browse Internal 
Properties menu):

The previous properties were all in double format and can be read or set 
(through a .get() or .set() method/function, see in the source code).
The following are floats:

There are dozens more, you can find them all if you click File->Browse 
Internal Properties while running FlightGear. A list of all properties 
does not exist at the moment, that is, not with all the properties: 
these are the ones I intend to use to test my own autopilot code (feel 
free to contact me).

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] how to interface with flightgear

2004-10-20 Thread
I am working on a autopilot project and we need a flight simulator to prove 
our control method before use it on a real aircraft. Is there any interface to
get the attitude of aircraft from and send control data to flightgear.  I mean get
the altitude, rate, accelerate and so on from it and send rudder, elevator,
aileron and throttle data to flightgear to control a aircraft. Thanks

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] status of aircraft carrier

2004-10-20 Thread Norman Vine
Vivian Meazza writes:
> It would be easy to convert to X,Y,Z coordinates, if I knew the equations 

see SimGear / simgear / math / sg_geodesy

 * Convert a geodetic lat/lon/altitude to a cartesian point.
 * @param lat (in) Latitude, in radians
 * @param lon (in) Longitude, in radians
 * @param alt (in) Altitude, in meters above the WGS84 ellipsoid
 * @param xyz (out) Pointer to cartesian point.
void sgGeodToCart(double lat, double lon, double alt, double* xyz);

> or, better, I could start in X,Y,Z.  


Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] status of aircraft carrier

2004-10-20 Thread Vivian Meazza
Norman Vine wrote:

> Sent: 20 October 2004 16:41
> To: FlightGear developers discussions
> Subject: RE: [Flightgear-devel] status of aircraft carrier
> Vivian Meazza writes:
> >
> > Norman Vine wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > < soapbox >
> > >
> > > FWIW using LLZ for anything except using user input / output is a step
> > > back to the 'dark ages' of the pre satelite era and the advances in
> > > Geodysey of the post Sputnik world.
> > >
> > > < /soapbox >
> >
> > Unless that is, someone can tell me how to access the X,Y,Z co-ordinates
> of
> > a model, otherwise I'm going to have to do it in lat/long/alt.
> You are talking about user input / output right ?
> Which can all go thru a translation unit.

At the moment it goes like this, (and it's working).

I take the LLZ coordinates of the aircraft, (because that's all I can get
right now), and the offset (feet) of the hook bill in its lowered position.

I take the roll, pitch, and azimuth of the aircraft and use them to
transform the offsets.

I convert the output to degrees lat and long which, together with altitude
is added to the original LLZ data to find the current position of the hook
in LLZ terms.

It would be easy to convert to X,Y,Z coordinates, if I knew the equations (I
have suitable equations for ft to degrees lat/long) or, better, I could
start in X,Y,Z.  

> I realize that Columbus came centuries after Hipparchus and
> that Sputnik was only several decades ago :-)

Hmm ... Colombus ... well us Royal Navy chaps are a mite conservative. If it
was good enough for Nelson ... no point in hurrying things :-)



Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] status of aircraft carrier

2004-10-20 Thread Norman Vine
Vivian Meazza writes:
> Norman Vine wrote:
> > 
> > < soapbox >
> > 
> > FWIW using LLZ for anything except using user input / output is a step
> > back to the 'dark ages' of the pre satelite era and the advances in
> > Geodysey of the post Sputnik world.
> >
> > < /soapbox >
> Unless that is, someone can tell me how to access the X,Y,Z co-ordinates of
> a model, otherwise I'm going to have to do it in lat/long/alt.

You are talking about user input / output right ?
Which can all go thru a translation unit.  

I realize that Columbus came centuries after Hipparchus and 
that Sputnik was only several decades ago :-)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] status of aircraft carrier

2004-10-20 Thread Vivian Meazza
Norman Vine wrote:

> Sent: 20 October 2004 09:32
> To: FlightGear developers discussions
> Subject: RE: [Flightgear-devel] status of aircraft carrier
> >
> > I would like to have those positions of the arrester wires not in
> lat/lon/alt
> > but rather than in earth centered coordinates (cartesian coordinates: x
> > towards lat/lon=0, z towards northpole). Just because we already have
> all
> > scenery values stored in this format. We have a scenery reference point
> and
> > relative to that, we have rotated vertices.
> < soapbox >
> Arrestor wires and all other Model 'features' should be an XYZ offset from
> the center point of the parent Model's Frame of reference
> FWIW using LLZ for anything except using user input / output is a step
> back to the 'dark ages' of the pre satelite era and the advances in
> Geodysey of the post Sputnik world.
> IMHO the FDMs should report in XYZ too, interestingly they all use it
> instead of LLZ internally, and this XYZ is what all FGFS location code
> should be based on :-)
> The list has heard me harp on this issue before and has rejected this
> revolutionary idea but this archaic way of representing position
> internally
> in FGFS is IMO a *major* PITA in an otherwise reasonably modern
> 'Round Earth' simulator.
> < /soapbox >
> > With those values we can cheap compute (double valued) positions of
> these
> > vertices. And then transform them, just by translation and rotation, to
> some
> > coordinate frame required for modelling the hook, gear ...
> This holds true for any othe properly 'located' object.

That reminds me of the 2 men in a hot air balloon. Flying early one morning
they got lost in the dawn mist, so the pilot turned down the burner and
descended until he could see a chap on the ground. 

"Where are we?" he asked. 

"You're in a balloon", the chap replied. 

On hearing this, the pilot turned up the burner and ascended, saying: "good,
that's sorted: we're just passing the Royal Military College of Science".

The second man in the balloon was very impressed but asked: "how do you know

"Easy" said the pilot "it's the only place in the area where the information
you get is totally accurate and totally bloody useless".

Unless that is, someone can tell me how to access the X,Y,Z co-ordinates of
a model, otherwise I'm going to have to do it in lat/long/alt.



Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Submodels

2004-10-20 Thread Vivian Meazza
Melchior FRANZ wrote:

> Sent: 20 October 2004 14:39
> Subject: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Submodels
> [cvs, sticky attributes]
> * Melchior FRANZ -- Wednesday 20 October 2004 15:21:
> > You can bring all files back to HEAD with the -A option. If you use the
> -C
> > option as well, then even your locally changed filea are saved away
> > (.#foo.cxx.1.123) and overwritten by the HEAD files.
>$ cvs up -A
>$ cvs up -AC
> Of course, you can easily check if you have anything sticky around. List
> all
> files with sticky attributes:
>$ for i in `find -name Entries`; do egrep -v "/$" $i|egrep -v "^D$";
> done
> and find all directories with sticky attibutes (tags):
>$  find|grep CVS/Tag
> Happy hunting! :-)

Nice if it were that easy! I use -A often as I go back and forth in cvs.

Thanks for all the suggestions and help.

I'm still trying!


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Submodels

2004-10-20 Thread Roy Vegard Ovesen
On Wednesday 20 October 2004 15:09, Vivian Meazza wrote:
> > Try to run Flightgear with --log-level=info and look for these lines:
> >
> > Reading instruments from
> > data/Aircraft/Generic/generic-instrumentation.xml Adding subsystem
> > instrumentation
> > Reading systems from data/Aircraft/Generic/generic-systems.xml
> > Adding subsystem systems
> >
> > This is what you should get. If you get something like: "No
> > instrumentation
> > model specified for this model!" or "Failed to load instrumentation
> > model: ",
> > then something is wrong, obviously.
> What is likely to be wrong?

If you get "No instrumentation ..." then FG is not parsing the instrument 
configuration file at all. If you get "Failed to load ..." then parsing has 
failed. I think that one of these two might be the reason for your problems. 
Either the config files never get parsed, or parsing of them fails. I would 
try to use a debugger to step through the code to see exactly what is 

Roy Vegard Ovesen

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: Submodels

2004-10-20 Thread Melchior FRANZ
[cvs, sticky attributes]

* Melchior FRANZ -- Wednesday 20 October 2004 15:21:
> You can bring all files back to HEAD with the -A option. If you use the -C
> option as well, then even your locally changed filea are saved away
> (.#foo.cxx.1.123) and overwritten by the HEAD files. 

   $ cvs up -A
   $ cvs up -AC

Of course, you can easily check if you have anything sticky around. List all
files with sticky attributes:

   $ for i in `find -name Entries`; do egrep -v "/$" $i|egrep -v "^D$"; done

and find all directories with sticky attibutes (tags):

   $  find|grep CVS/Tag

Happy hunting! :-)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: Submodels

2004-10-20 Thread Melchior FRANZ
* Roy Vegard Ovesen -- Wednesday 20 October 2004 14:31:
> I also updated from CVS this morning and all instruments still work, here. I 
> guess that if all instruments and all systems in every aircraft were broken 
> then a whole lot of other people would have noticed too.

Indeed! I'm running the very last version from cvs (HEAD), too, and I didn't
notice broken instruments, neither in the Hunter nor anywhere else.

I assume that you updated to HEAD already. People new to cvs are easily fooled
by "sticky" attributes. If you have once updated to a certain branch/tag, date,
or revision date, then cvs keeps this information and doesn't update the
concerned files any more -- without noticing you!

   $ cvs up -rRELEASE_0_9_6
   $ cvs up -D'2 days ago'
   $ cvs up -r1.123 foo.cxx

You can bring all files back to HEAD with the -A option. If you use the -C
option as well, then even your locally changed filea are saved away
(.#foo.cxx.1.123) and overwritten by the HEAD files. If unsure, make a copy
of the whole directory first ("cp -a FlightGear FlightGear~").

Or maybe it's something completely different ...


Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Submodels

2004-10-20 Thread Vivian Meazza
Roy Vegard Ovesen:

> Sent: 20 October 2004 13:31
> To: FlightGear developers discussions
> Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Submodels
> On Wednesday 20 October 2004 12:03, Vivian Meazza wrote:
> >
> > I have checked the path - I'm was the downloaded cvs data from 1522
> Monday.
> > I have re-downloaded cvs data and source this morning and recompiled.
> >
> > I've changed the hunter to use the generic files - it already has custom
> > electrics and instrumentation - still the altimeter, ASI, climb-rate and
> > turn and slip don't work. Hsi and directional gyro work, but they take
> > their input from the 'wrong' place. In the property browser all the
> > instrument values are undefined.
> >
> > The P51d instruments also don't work, in fact all the instruments I have
> > tested don't work. I suspect the instruments generically don't work.
> >
> > Can you reconfirm that all the hunter/seahawk/P51 instruments work for
> you?
> > And did you change anything in the hunter files?
> I also updated from CVS this morning and all instruments still work, here.
> I
> guess that if all instruments and all systems in every aircraft were
> broken
> then a whole lot of other people would have noticed too.

That's the info I need: it's still got to be a local problem. Path looks the
likely candidate. Everything looks like it's in the right place.

> I have not changed anything in the hunter or any other aircraft.
> Try to run Flightgear with --log-level=info and look for these lines:
> Reading instruments from data/Aircraft/Generic/generic-instrumentation.xml
> Adding subsystem instrumentation
> Reading systems from data/Aircraft/Generic/generic-systems.xml
> Adding subsystem systems
> This is what you should get. If you get something like: "No
> instrumentation
> model specified for this model!" or "Failed to load instrumentation model:
> ",
> then something is wrong, obviously.

What is likely to be wrong?
> When Flightgear is running try to browse to this property:
> /sim/instrumentation/path
> It should contain "data/Aircraft/Generic/generic-instrumentation.xml" if
> you
> are using the generic configuration, or if you are using a custom made
> configuration it should of course contain the path to that file.
> >
> > I've gone back to cvs update as of 15 Oct: all the aircraft work
> correctly.
> > I conclude that this problem is caused by your new code. Unless you can
> > confirm that the instruments work in all models in your location, or
> tell
> > me exactly what I have to do to correct the situation, I strongly
> suggest
> > that whatever has been done, be undone.
> I understand that you are frustrated, but IMHO the ability to configure
> instrumentation and systems is an improvement. I also think that going
> back
> to them being hardcoded is a step in the wrong direction.

I agree, it's definitely the right way forward, I'll keep on trying. It's
only frustrating because I have been looking at the problem at the
individual aircraft level, and I don't think that the problem lies there. It
must be a more general problem. And it's going to be a "duh!!" when I get



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Submodels

2004-10-20 Thread Roy Vegard Ovesen
On Wednesday 20 October 2004 12:03, Vivian Meazza wrote:
> I have checked the path - I'm was the downloaded cvs data from 1522 Monday.
> I have re-downloaded cvs data and source this morning and recompiled.
> I've changed the hunter to use the generic files - it already has custom
> electrics and instrumentation - still the altimeter, ASI, climb-rate and
> turn and slip don't work. Hsi and directional gyro work, but they take
> their input from the 'wrong' place. In the property browser all the
> instrument values are undefined.
> The P51d instruments also don't work, in fact all the instruments I have
> tested don't work. I suspect the instruments generically don't work.
> Can you reconfirm that all the hunter/seahawk/P51 instruments work for you?
> And did you change anything in the hunter files?

I also updated from CVS this morning and all instruments still work, here. I 
guess that if all instruments and all systems in every aircraft were broken 
then a whole lot of other people would have noticed too.

I have not changed anything in the hunter or any other aircraft.

Try to run Flightgear with --log-level=info and look for these lines:

Reading instruments from data/Aircraft/Generic/generic-instrumentation.xml
Adding subsystem instrumentation
Reading systems from data/Aircraft/Generic/generic-systems.xml
Adding subsystem systems

This is what you should get. If you get something like: "No instrumentation 
model specified for this model!" or "Failed to load instrumentation model: ", 
then something is wrong, obviously.

When Flightgear is running try to browse to this property:
It should contain "data/Aircraft/Generic/generic-instrumentation.xml" if you 
are using the generic configuration, or if you are using a custom made 
configuration it should of course contain the path to that file.

> I've gone back to cvs update as of 15 Oct: all the aircraft work correctly.
> I conclude that this problem is caused by your new code. Unless you can
> confirm that the instruments work in all models in your location, or tell
> me exactly what I have to do to correct the situation, I strongly suggest
> that whatever has been done, be undone.

I understand that you are frustrated, but IMHO the ability to configure 
instrumentation and systems is an improvement. I also think that going back 
to them being hardcoded is a step in the wrong direction.

Roy Vegard Ovesen

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] RE: Flightgear-devel Digest, Vol 18, Issue 53

2004-10-20 Thread Erik Hofman
> When I run fgfs to replay a data file which I saved, I got the following error:

Could you provide all the command line options used to save the flight
and which where used to replay the flight.

Also, did you make sure --fdm=null was specified?


> Running Main Loop
> ===  
> Updating time
>   Current Unix calendar time = 1098302223  warp = 28320
>   Current GMT = 10/20/2004 19:57:3
>   Current Unix calendar time = 1098302223  warp = 28320
>   Current GMT = 10/20/2004 19:57:3
>   Current Julian Date = 2.4533e+06
>   COURSE: GMT = 9/20/104 19:57:03
>   March 21 noon (GMT) = 1079870400
>   Time since 3/21/104 GMT = 213.331
>   days = 213  hours = 19.9508  lon = 0  lst = 22.1508
>   COURSE: GMT = 9/20/104 19:57:03
>   March 21 noon (GMT) = 1079870400
>   Time since 3/21/104 GMT = 213.331
>   days = 213  hours = 19.9508  lon = 122.357  lst = 13.9937
>   Current lon=0.00 Sidereal Time = 21.9033
>   gst => 141.925
>   Current LOCAL Sidereal Time = 13.7461 (13.7679) (diff = -0.247568)
> Elapsed time interval is = 4226000, previous remainder is = 6073
> --> Frame rate is = 3
> Model iterations needed = 507, new remainder = 7073
> interpolate(): lookup error, x to small = -5.16431
> interpolate(): lookup error, x to small = -2.16431
> Updating adjusted fog parameters.
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Linker problems solved

2004-10-20 Thread Luca Masera
I've downloaded the patched files in CVS. They are updated late in the morning (for 
me) but I've
downloaded the files about two hours before. However now the things works right.

Thanks, Luca

Libero ADSL: navighi gratis a 1.2 Mega, senza canone e costi di attivazione. 
Abbonati subito su 

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] RE: Flightgear-devel Digest, Vol 18, Issue 53

2004-10-20 Thread walterwang
When I run fgfs to replay a data file which I saved, I got the following error:

Running Main Loop
Updating time
  Current Unix calendar time = 1098302223  warp = 28320
  Current GMT = 10/20/2004 19:57:3
  Current Unix calendar time = 1098302223  warp = 28320
  Current GMT = 10/20/2004 19:57:3
  Current Julian Date = 2.4533e+06
  COURSE: GMT = 9/20/104 19:57:03
  March 21 noon (GMT) = 1079870400
  Time since 3/21/104 GMT = 213.331
  days = 213  hours = 19.9508  lon = 0  lst = 22.1508
  COURSE: GMT = 9/20/104 19:57:03
  March 21 noon (GMT) = 1079870400
  Time since 3/21/104 GMT = 213.331
  days = 213  hours = 19.9508  lon = 122.357  lst = 13.9937
  Current lon=0.00 Sidereal Time = 21.9033
  gst => 141.925
  Current LOCAL Sidereal Time = 13.7461 (13.7679) (diff = -0.247568)
Elapsed time interval is = 4226000, previous remainder is = 6073
--> Frame rate is = 3
Model iterations needed = 507, new remainder = 7073
interpolate(): lookup error, x to small = -5.16431
interpolate(): lookup error, x to small = -2.16431
Updating adjusted fog parameters.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Does any one know why this happened and how to debug it?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 6:55 PM
Subject: Flightgear-devel Digest, Vol 18, Issue 53

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Flightgear-devel digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: TaxiDraw-0.2.2 released (David Luff)
   2. Linker problems with CVS version (Luca Masera)
   3. RE: Submodels (Vivian Meazza)
   4. kr_87 linker problems solved: was an error in
  "instrument_mgr.cxx" (Luca Masera)
   5. Re: TaxiDraw-0.2.2 released (David Luff)
   6. Re: kr_87 linker problems solved: was an error in
  "instrument_mgr.cxx" (Frederic Bouvier)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2004 10:43:57 +0100
From: "David Luff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] TaxiDraw-0.2.2 released
To: "FlightGear developers discussions"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

On 10/19/04 at 11:57 AM Chris Metzler wrote:
>Finally, I'm wondering how you're going to handle conflicts between future
>X-Plane data releases, and changes that people have sent to you.  For
>example, suppose an FG user sends some changes to an airport to you; and
>suppose some X-Plane user sends some changes to the same airport to Robin
>Peel (or the DAFIF changes for that airport).  The next X-Plane dataset
>contains the changes that Robin Peel received, which are different from
>the ones you have.  How would that get resolved?  Go with theirs?  Go with
>ours?  Contact the person who sent you changes to review the situation and

Well, in a way this is no different from before, in that several folk could
have separately sent Robin submissions for the same airport during the same
data cycle.  There's really no way round this - at least the airport in
question should end up with some taxiways at the end of the day.  I shall
endeavour to get them sent on to him as soon as possible once he's back in
communication in order to minimise the chance of this.  FWIW, don't bother
doing KOXR, KGYY, KDPA or KCPU or you'll be duplicating my work.

At the end of the day, I figured that maintaining some sort of diff to the
master database was the only way that TaxiDraw users would get to see their
stuff in FlightGear in the near future, especially given that regenerating
the scenery oneself is somewhat non-trivial, and requires some extremely
large downloads.  I guess we'll see how it works out in time.

Cheers - Dave  

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Message: 2
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2004 11:59:23 +0200
From: "Luca Masera" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Flightgear-devel] Linker problems with CVS version
To: "flightgear-devel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Hi everyone,

I've downloaded the CVS patches to update my version of FlightGear.
They compile but I've a lot of problems from the linker. They are:

kr_87.obj : error LNK2005: "public: __thiscall FGKR_87::FGKR_87(class SGProperty

Re: [Flightgear-devel] kr_87 linker problems solved: was an error in "instrument_mgr.cxx"

2004-10-20 Thread Frederic Bouvier
Selon Luca Masera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I've solved the linker error in the kr_87 object. It's an error in the file
> instrument_mgr.cxx into the
> include list, caused by the include of a the file kr_87.cxx instead of
> kr_87.hxx.
> The other problems still remain.

It's already fixed in CVS.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] kr_87 linker problems solved: was an error in "instrument_mgr.cxx"

2004-10-20 Thread Luca Masera
I've solved the linker error in the kr_87 object. It's an error in the file 
instrument_mgr.cxx into the
include list, caused by the include of a the file kr_87.cxx instead of kr_87.hxx.
The other problems still remain.

Bye, Luce

Libero ADSL: navighi gratis a 1.2 Mega, senza canone e costi di attivazione. 
Abbonati subito su 

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TaxiDraw-0.2.2 released

2004-10-20 Thread David Luff

On 10/19/04 at 11:57 AM Chris Metzler wrote:

>I'm wondering whether we know what the X-Plane format really *is*.
>Since the beginning of September, Robin Peel has been saying that a
>new set of files are coming out "next weekend, September 18."  But he
>also says that these files won't work at all with earlier versions
>of X-Plane.  That may simply be because of the new information content
>in fields that were basically dummy (see below) choking reads that
>don't know how to handle them; but it made me wonder if there's a file
>format change coming up.  At the very least, his comments about being
>able to declare aprons separate from taxiways suggest a new record type.

Well, I guess we'll find out eventually.  Converters are easy to write, if
somewhat tedious.  The current X-Plane format contains a flag indicating
whether to include runway distance remaining signs or not, so the change to
it should be good for you in that respect.

>On a related note, since the X-Plane files are apparently going to support
>this soon, is there any possibility of being able to "label" taxiways with
>identifiers (e.g. "taxiway A")?  I know that right now, we don't do
>anything with that information; but we might in the future, with sign
>placement or ground control instructions or whatever, and if people have
>that information and the opportunity to add it to the database, we might
>as well, rather than having to go back and add it later.  Something
>along these lines (re: taxiways and aprons):

I think that your idea to put a taxiway designator in the 'xxx' (bet this
message gets flagged as spam now!) part of the record is an excellent one.
The downside of course is that it would require X-Plane itself to
understand it before it could be applied to the master dataset.  On the
other hand, genapts could be made to understand it as an extension to the
default format.  And if as you say the X-Plane format is likely to contain
it soon then that's excellent.

What I suggest is that the TaxiDraw project file be allowed to keep extra
information such as this, perhaps in xml format.  Then, when exporting one
can simply export the information relevant at the time for the format
exported to.  One could possible generate the airport signage directly from
the TaxiDraw project files, or maybe by exporting the extra data into the
X-Plane data as an extension that genapts understands.  Once X-Plane format
officially includes it, it can be exported from the TaxiDraw project files
into whatever format it uses to understand it.

Some of the other issues you bring up in the archived post you mention are
similar to those that Paul Surgeon brings up in this thread - I'll think
about it and reply again.

Cheers - Dave

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Submodels

2004-10-20 Thread Vivian Meazza

Roy Vegard Ovesen
> Sent: 20 October 2004 00:32
> To: FlightGear developers discussions
> Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Submodels
> On Tuesday 19 October 2004 19:42, Vivian Meazza wrote:
> > It's not obviously a path problem. My preferences.xml file was updated
> at
> > 15:22 yesterday, and has the right paths to the new generic files.
> However,
> > the properties relating to instruments are empty - hence broken
> instruments
> >
> > :-). But if they work for you, the problem must be local, so I'll keep
> >
> > looking. Since it's all the instruments the common factor is the
> electrical
> > supply, so I'll start there.
> I would suggest that you try to create custom systems and instrumentation
> configuration files for your aircraft. Use the generic ones as a start. I
> think that you should remove the GPS instrument ;-) and maybe the nav
> radios.

I have checked the path - I'm was the downloaded cvs data from 1522 Monday.
I have re-downloaded cvs data and source this morning and recompiled. 

I've changed the hunter to use the generic files - it already has custom
electrics and instrumentation - still the altimeter, ASI, climb-rate and
turn and slip don't work. Hsi and directional gyro work, but they take their
input from the 'wrong' place. In the property browser all the instrument
values are undefined.

The P51d instruments also don't work, in fact all the instruments I have
tested don't work. I suspect the instruments generically don't work.

Can you reconfirm that all the hunter/seahawk/P51 instruments work for you?
And did you change anything in the hunter files?

I've gone back to cvs update as of 15 Oct: all the aircraft work correctly.
I conclude that this problem is caused by your new code. Unless you can
confirm that the instruments work in all models in your location, or tell me
exactly what I have to do to correct the situation, I strongly suggest that
whatever has been done, be undone. 



P.S. I have wasted a day's work on this issue, and my teddy bear has now
been thrown out of the pram.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Linker problems with CVS version

2004-10-20 Thread Luca Masera
Hi everyone,

I've downloaded the CVS patches to update my version of FlightGear.
They compile but I've a lot of problems from the linker. They are:

kr_87.obj : error LNK2005: "public: __thiscall FGKR_87::FGKR_87(class SGPropertyNode 
*)" (??0FGKR_87@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@@@Z) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj
kr_87.obj : error LNK2005: "public: virtual __thiscall FGKR_87::~FGKR_87(void)" 
(??1FGKR_87@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj
kr_87.obj : error LNK2005: "public: virtual void __thiscall FGKR_87::init(void)" 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj
kr_87.obj : error LNK2005: "public: virtual void __thiscall FGKR_87::unbind(void)" 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj
kr_87.obj : error LNK2005: "public: int __thiscall FGKR_87::get_stby_freq(void)const " 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@QBEHXZ) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj
kr_87.obj : error LNK2005: "public: void __thiscall FGKR_87::search(void)" ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]@@QAEXXZ) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj
kr_87.obj : error LNK2005: "public: virtual void __thiscall FGKR_87::bind(void)" 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj
kr_87.obj : error LNK2005: "public: virtual void __thiscall FGKR_87::update(double)" 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj
kr_87.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: __thiscall FGKR_87::FGKR_87(class SGPropertyNode 
*)" (??0FGKR_87@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@@@Z) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj; second 
definition ignored
kr_87.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual __thiscall FGKR_87::~FGKR_87(void)" 
(??1FGKR_87@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj; second 
definition ignored
kr_87.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual void __thiscall FGKR_87::init(void)" 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj; second definition 
kr_87.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual void __thiscall FGKR_87::unbind(void)" 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj; second definition 
kr_87.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: int __thiscall FGKR_87::get_stby_freq(void)const 
" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@QBEHXZ) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj; second definition 
kr_87.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: void __thiscall FGKR_87::search(void)" ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]@@QAEXXZ) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj; second definition ignored
kr_87.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual void __thiscall FGKR_87::bind(void)" 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj; second definition 
kr_87.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual void __thiscall FGKR_87::update(double)" 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj; second 
definition ignored
   Creating library .\Release/FlightGear.lib and object .\Release/FlightGear.exp
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_anzg(void)" 
(?get_anzg@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readCard(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readCard@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_Ax(void)" 
(?get_Ax@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud_ladr.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_Ax(void)" 
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux18(void)" 
(?get_aux18@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux17(void)" 
(?get_aux17@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux16(void)" 
(?get_aux16@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux15(void)" 
(?get_aux15@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux14(void)" 
(?get_aux14@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux13(void)" 
(?get_aux13@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPrope

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TaxiDraw-0.2.2 released

2004-10-20 Thread David Luff

On 10/19/04 at 11:57 AM Chris Metzler wrote:
>Finally, I'm wondering how you're going to handle conflicts between future
>X-Plane data releases, and changes that people have sent to you.  For
>example, suppose an FG user sends some changes to an airport to you; and
>suppose some X-Plane user sends some changes to the same airport to Robin
>Peel (or the DAFIF changes for that airport).  The next X-Plane dataset
>contains the changes that Robin Peel received, which are different from
>the ones you have.  How would that get resolved?  Go with theirs?  Go with
>ours?  Contact the person who sent you changes to review the situation and

Well, in a way this is no different from before, in that several folk could
have separately sent Robin submissions for the same airport during the same
data cycle.  There's really no way round this - at least the airport in
question should end up with some taxiways at the end of the day.  I shall
endeavour to get them sent on to him as soon as possible once he's back in
communication in order to minimise the chance of this.  FWIW, don't bother
doing KOXR, KGYY, KDPA or KCPU or you'll be duplicating my work.

At the end of the day, I figured that maintaining some sort of diff to the
master database was the only way that TaxiDraw users would get to see their
stuff in FlightGear in the near future, especially given that regenerating
the scenery oneself is somewhat non-trivial, and requires some extremely
large downloads.  I guess we'll see how it works out in time.

Cheers - Dave  

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TaxiDraw-0.2.2 released

2004-10-20 Thread David Luff

On 10/19/04 at 8:41 PM Paul Surgeon wrote:
>I suggest that changes made override the "official" data until someone has
>chance to review the problem airport. We can't have people spending hours 
>building nice taxiways and then having the runways dancing around the
>every time there is an update.
>I know I would be a little upset if I've spent 100 hours building taxiways
>10% of them no longer line up with the runways 6 months down the line.

I don't think that this should be a big problem anymore.  I believe that
most of the runway shifting occured when he (Robin) moved over to the DAFIF
as the base data, and a lot of incorrectly user-positioned runways got
moved.  Of course, some correctly user positioned runways got moved to
incorrect DAFIF positions (like at Nottingham!).

However, if a shift of all runways at a given airport does now occur, it's
very easy to simply drag or rotate the taxiways en-masse to the new
position in TaxiDraw.  Simply draw a selection box round them all and do
it.  If some of the runways shift with respect to others then it implies
that they weren't layed out correctly to begin with, and that sort of thing
really needs sorting before starting on a Taxiway layout.

If using the USGS photos as a backdrop then keep in mind that a number of
runways have been built or extended since the photos were taken.

Cheers - Dave

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] status of aircraft carrier

2004-10-20 Thread Norman Vine
> I would like to have those positions of the arrester wires not in lat/lon/alt 
> but rather than in earth centered coordinates (cartesian coordinates: x 
> towards lat/lon=0, z towards northpole). Just because we already have all 
> scenery values stored in this format. We have a scenery reference point and 
> relative to that, we have rotated vertices.

< soapbox >
Arrestor wires and all other Model 'features' should be an XYZ offset from 
the center point of the parent Model's Frame of reference

FWIW using LLZ for anything except using user input / output is a step 
back to the 'dark ages' of the pre satelite era and the advances in 
Geodysey of the post Sputnik world.

IMHO the FDMs should report in XYZ too, interestingly they all use it
instead of LLZ internally, and this XYZ is what all FGFS location code 
should be based on :-)

The list has heard me harp on this issue before and has rejected this 
revolutionary idea but this archaic way of representing position internally
in FGFS is IMO a *major* PITA in an otherwise reasonably modern 
'Round Earth' simulator.
< /soapbox >

> With those values we can cheap compute (double valued) positions of these 
> vertices. And then transform them, just by translation and rotation, to some 
> coordinate frame required for modelling the hook, gear ...

This holds true for any othe properly 'located' object.


"Give me a place to stand and I can draw the World"

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] status of aircraft carrier

2004-10-20 Thread Vivian Meazza

Mathias Fröhlich wrote:

> Sent: 20 October 2004 07:41
> To: FlightGear developers discussions
> Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] status of aircraft carrier
> On Dienstag 19 Oktober 2004 21:23, Vivian Meazza wrote:
> > > Hmm,
> > > I am not satisfied with anything which is only working on a per frame
> > > basis.
> > > Just because, if so, we will have different bevour of our physical
> models
> > > dependent of the frammerate.
> >
> > I think I put this bit badly. The geodetic output would be dependent on
> the
> > speed of an iteration loop. If we are only modeling an arrester wire
> > _surface_ it should suffice. I can generate some proof-of-principle code
> > for this quite readily, I think. I'll see what I can do.
> Ok, let's start now :)
> I would like to have those positions of the arrester wires not in
> lat/lon/alt
> but rather than in earth centered coordinates (cartesian coordinates: x
> towards lat/lon=0, z towards northpole). Just because we already have all
> scenery values stored in this format. We have a scenery reference point
> and
> relative to that, we have rotated vertices.
> With those values we can cheap compute (double valued) positions of these
> vertices. And then transform them, just by translation and rotation, to
> some
> coordinate frame required for modelling the hook, gear ...

We calculated the output in geodetic terms (lat/long/alt) for submodels so
that they could be displayed, and it's no problem to output in x,y,z
aircraft terms. It didn't seem to be expensive computationally. Further,
lat/long/alt was the easiest to get at for the aircraft location. I think
that I'll need some help here with the necessary conversion factors. I'll
look into it further. 

> If you use geodetic lat/lon, you need to transform the values to geodetic
> lat/lon/alt values which is expensive as such since this requires the use
> of
> an iteration method. And then transform those values back to that same
> flat
> coordinate space suitable for comuting ground reactions.
> For that backtransform, I can't think of anything not using those earth
> centered corrdinates.

Do we need ground reactions as an intrinsic part of this code? Although I
can see that it might represent an opportunity to improve the current

> So all together: if lat/lon/alt is omitted in those computations, we can
> get
> the same effect with less computations.

Yes, agreed.
> What I have here in my private tree, is code to have a small, per FDM
> instance, cache of ground tiles around the aircraft. With this one it is
> easy
> to taxi on slopes. Also if such arrester wires are stored there, it would
> be
> easy to compute the interactions with them.
> Intersections with those few triangles can then be done often per
> timestep,
> since there are only few triangles in that cache. The cache itself is at
> the
> moment filled on demand, whenever the FDM cannot find a triangle below the
> contact point, the scenegraph is queried for a new triangle.
> That works for our scenery, but for that simple plane modelling the
> arrester
> wires, this does not work, since we find a triangle from the scenery, we
> do
> never query the triangles modelling the wires.
> What I plan to do here, is to build up a cache of all triangles in the
> area of
> an aircraft. This is easy to do with the hierarchical boundingbox
> intersection routines from ssg*.
> Having that cache, then implement wires as geometry nodes in the scene
> graph,
> which will then show up in the cache if we are near them. Intersection
> with
> geometry nodes in that cache can be implemented using ssg routines.
> Coupling the results into a FDM is straight forward.


> This approach with that cache would also allow to implement this stuff
> together with FDM's in child processes or even different machines, like
> Curt
> was talking about some time ago.
> > My main conceptual difficulty is the compass alignment of the arrester
> wire
> > surface. If we test the hook position in geodetic terms, i.e. lat a <
> hook
> > pos < lat b etc. how do we account for the odd triangles at the corners?
> See above ...
> Use cartesian coordinates for that and then use ssg* for that.
> My head includes the solutions here :)
> Seriously, I have much of a concept here. So if we can work together, we
> might
> be faster :)

Good, let's go for it.

> > Good point. The probability of catching a wire given that the hook
> > intersects the wire surface is ... ? Some function of hook design,
> number
> > of wires, aircraft velocities, ship velocities ... some pure chance ...
> ?
> Yep, this kind of stuff. But not relevant at this stage of development...

Just teasing :-) - some arbitrary number related to number of wires in the
surface and aircraft type will do in due course: Buccaneers almost always
caught a wire, Gannets suffered from hook skip and often had to do a bolter.

> With that cache it would also be easy to model individual wires. If we
> have
> them determi

Re: [Flightgear-devel] status of aircraft carrier

2004-10-20 Thread Mathias Fröhlich
On Dienstag 19 Oktober 2004 21:23, Vivian Meazza wrote:
> > Hmm,
> > I am not satisfied with anything which is only working on a per frame
> > basis.
> > Just because, if so, we will have different bevour of our physical models
> > dependent of the frammerate.
> I think I put this bit badly. The geodetic output would be dependent on the
> speed of an iteration loop. If we are only modeling an arrester wire
> _surface_ it should suffice. I can generate some proof-of-principle code
> for this quite readily, I think. I'll see what I can do.
Ok, let's start now :)
I would like to have those positions of the arrester wires not in lat/lon/alt 
but rather than in earth centered coordinates (cartesian coordinates: x 
towards lat/lon=0, z towards northpole). Just because we already have all 
scenery values stored in this format. We have a scenery reference point and 
relative to that, we have rotated vertices.
With those values we can cheap compute (double valued) positions of these 
vertices. And then transform them, just by translation and rotation, to some 
coordinate frame required for modelling the hook, gear ...

If you use geodetic lat/lon, you need to transform the values to geodetic 
lat/lon/alt values which is expensive as such since this requires the use of 
an iteration method. And then transform those values back to that same flat 
coordinate space suitable for comuting ground reactions.
For that backtransform, I can't think of anything not using those earth 
centered corrdinates.

So all together: if lat/lon/alt is omitted in those computations, we can get 
the same effect with less computations.

What I have here in my private tree, is code to have a small, per FDM 
instance, cache of ground tiles around the aircraft. With this one it is easy 
to taxi on slopes. Also if such arrester wires are stored there, it would be 
easy to compute the interactions with them.
Intersections with those few triangles can then be done often per timestep, 
since there are only few triangles in that cache. The cache itself is at the 
moment filled on demand, whenever the FDM cannot find a triangle below the 
contact point, the scenegraph is queried for a new triangle.
That works for our scenery, but for that simple plane modelling the arrester 
wires, this does not work, since we find a triangle from the scenery, we do 
never query the triangles modelling the wires.

What I plan to do here, is to build up a cache of all triangles in the area of 
an aircraft. This is easy to do with the hierarchical boundingbox 
intersection routines from ssg*.
Having that cache, then implement wires as geometry nodes in the scene graph, 
which will then show up in the cache if we are near them. Intersection with 
geometry nodes in that cache can be implemented using ssg routines.
Coupling the results into a FDM is straight forward.

This approach with that cache would also allow to implement this stuff 
together with FDM's in child processes or even different machines, like Curt 
was talking about some time ago.

> My main conceptual difficulty is the compass alignment of the arrester wire
> surface. If we test the hook position in geodetic terms, i.e. lat a < hook
> pos < lat b etc. how do we account for the odd triangles at the corners?
See above ...
Use cartesian coordinates for that and then use ssg* for that.
My head includes the solutions here :)
Seriously, I have much of a concept here. So if we can work together, we might 
be faster :)

> Good point. The probability of catching a wire given that the hook
> intersects the wire surface is ... ? Some function of hook design, number
> of wires, aircraft velocities, ship velocities ... some pure chance ... ?
Yep, this kind of stuff. But not relevant at this stage of development...

With that cache it would also be easy to model individual wires. If we have 
them deterministically modelled, multiply with some catch propability.



Mathias Fröhlich, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Flightgear-devel mailing list