Re: [Audyssey] physical cd's and PayPal accounts

2015-05-01 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi all,

I just wanted to chime in with a quick word regarding the warning on the 
website. We feel that the warning is clear, easy to understand and 
prominent enough to not be missed. It is in the original post on both 
this list and the forum, and on the website before you 
download the game. We feel that having you click a button to agree that 
you are 16 or older would not really serve any useful purpose since the 
warning is there in black and white so to speak. In short, we have done 
all that we can reasonably be expected to do to make people aware of the 
nature of the content in the game, and anything beyond that is up to the 

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
On 5/1/2015 10:07 PM, dark wrote:
@Desiry, in fairness to Jeremy his objection to the game is based on 
it's actual content and the motivation of it's characters, not just 
it's depictions of violence.

Jim kitchin's games are all clearly marked as adult, indeed they're in 
a separate part of his site from his other games and on 
they're listed as "Adult xxx"  with clear warnings in the description, 
 and yet actually we have still had a couple of complaints (though 
I have a sneaking suspicion those were from people who downloaded the 
games without reading what they were before hand).

As a side scroller, even as a side scroller with weapons and 
action,Psychostrike is rather more innocuous, sinse the area under 
scrutiny is the senselessness of the slaughterings and crimes 
involved, not intrinsically their depiction.

I'm not going to get into the debate again about this, but in fairness 
I can see why perhaps a more prominant warning on site might be 
useful, perhaps one contained in some of the links, eg list the game 
as "psycho strike game with extreme violence" or have a confirmation 
message box with the warning text somewhere rather than listing the 
game next to other innocuous titles like paladin of the sky and 
adventure at C:.

Once the warning is displayed however, what people do is their affair. 
Heck, I suffer genophobia and could not play one of jim Kitchin's 
adult games without extreme discomfort, but thanks to the warnings I 
have never had to, either deliberately or by accident, which is really 
all you can say.

All the best,

There is always more to know, more to see, more to learn. The world is 
vast and wondrous strange and there are more things benieth the stars 
than even the archmaesters of the citadel can dream.
- Original Message - From: "Desiree Oudinot" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2015 7:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] physical cd's and PayPal accounts

I'm trying to remember which game it is that I've played that makes 
you agree that you're over 18 each time you play it. That's going to 
bother me now. It's an audio game, I believe, and while I think 
that's overkill, maybe a similar thing could be put in place in this 
game as well.

I also have to ask this, why didn't anyone ever complain about the 
content in some of Jim Kitchen's sexually explicit games? Those games 
are free, are very small downloads, and are actually very easy to 
hide, because they're buried in a mess of other games inside a rather 
disorganized directory structure. No offense intended by saying that, 
I'm just stating a fact. But I apologize for being blunt.
Anyway, I would argue that children have probably downloaded these 
games, too, but I've never heard a peep about it.

Same with Slender, the Lost Vision. This game, if memory serves, was 
released shortly after the incident which Dark referenced in a 
previous message in which a girl was nearly killed because her 
friends thought they were going to please Slenderman. Again, this 
game is free, relatively small, and easy to access.
So why is Psycho Strike getting a bad rap when other questionable 
content has been released in the past? Maybe I just didn't hear about 
similar objections that were raised?

On 5/1/2015 11:54 AM, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Paul,

You raise some valid points. If a child is old enough to be
unsupervised on the internet then they are probably old enough to
decide for themselves weather or not to download a certain game or
view certain content. In such a case the best a site owner or game
developer can do is make appropriate warnings as to the content being

For example, most pornography sites have a page that pops up every
time the site is accessed letting the user know that the site contains
sexually explicit  content and the person entering must be at least
18. If they click the I agree button and enter the site knowing what
content is about to be viewed the legal responsibility becomes that of
the person doing the browsing not the site owner or owners.

With games there is usually a similar warning in pla

[Audyssey] Q9 Has a New Home

2015-07-23 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi all,

I just wanted to post a quick announcement to let you all know that Q9 
is moving. From today, the Q9 action game will no longer be sold from 
Blastbay Studios but will instead be available as part of the Leasey 
package ( Of course, all existing users can 
continue to play the game normally; all issued keys remain valid and can 
be reused if you format your PC or buy a new one.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall

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Re: [Audyssey] Q9 Has a New Home

2015-07-24 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi again,

Just wanted to follow up briefly and point those who have questions as 
to why I transferred the rights of Q9, to the topic under 
general game discussion. Hopefully I have managed to answer all the 
questions there.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
On 7/23/2015 4:17 PM, Philip Bennefall wrote:

Hi all,

I just wanted to post a quick announcement to let you all know that Q9 
is moving. From today, the Q9 action game will no longer be sold from 
Blastbay Studios but will instead be available as part of the Leasey 
package ( Of course, all existing users can 
continue to play the game normally; all issued keys remain valid and 
can be reused if you format your PC or buy a new one.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall

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Re: [Audyssey] support status of some games

2015-08-12 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi John,

For my part, I'm around in the sense that I read the list from time to 
time but I am not actively developing games. I will certainly do the 
occasional sideline project, but that's about it given my current workload.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall

On 8/12/2015 10:57 PM, john wrote:

Does anybody know if the following games are being supported anymore (supported 
means I can contact the developer about the game and get a likely and at least 
somewhat helpful response):
*blastbay titles
*old bpc titles (treasure hunt 3, tournament)
*Older draconis titles (alien outback, pinball, etc)
*all titles from lighttech interactive
*titles from l works (I know Liam's been almost unreachable)
*final conflict
*rail racer

If the devs of any of these games see this message, I'd really appreciate it if you could get in 
touch with me, especially if you fall somewhere in the middle between "yes" and 
"no" for support. Please note that if your games show up on this list its not me trying 
to be offensive - its because I'm uncertain of your status and would like to clarify if you're 
still actively developing, on the sidelines or completely uninvolved with the community.
Also, support does not mean you're updating your games or that you're even planning to - 
but it does mean you'd tell somebody something like "you're running a 64-bit os, 
you're out of luck" if they contacted you about it.

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Re: [Audyssey] bgt and file compression

2015-09-24 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi John,

Just a quick heads up to let you know that compression is coming; I have 
done some tinkering with both Zlib and LZMA. For data with high 
redundancy such as text, both of these work very well - LZMA scores 
higher when it comes to compression ratio but is also significantly 
slower than Zlib in my tests. Of course the compression level will be 
configurable, which should give you the ability to find a reasonable 
balance between compression ratio/speed. I can't say when the next 
official release will be out, but I can certainly give you some test 
binaries to play around with if you need this feature quickly since it's 
almost done anyway.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall

On 9/25/2015 1:55 AM, john wrote:

This is actually on the subject of gaming, or at least game development.

To anybody who has experience with such things, do you know of any way I can 
get usable compression of some sort running under bgt?

The specter of saving/loading games is moving closer and closer, and its 
starting to look like my save games may have to be rather large (we're talking 
several if not tens of megabytes). On the plus side they're probably also going 
to be easily compressible text (or something close to it, anyway), which leads 
to my posting this question.

I could probably write something to work with the command-line version of 
7-zip, but then I'd have to distribute that along with the game, which is 
something I really don't want to do. There's also the issue of several cmd 
windows popping up every time the user tries to save or load games (I'm not 
hacking, I swear. Those batch files really do have a reason to be running in 
the middle of your game).

I've gone looking for the docs for 7z.dll, but they seem to be nonexistent to 
anybody who doesn't know c/c++. This is very much a category that includes me.

I'd really love to use the 7-zip interface (specifically its included ppmd 
algorithm), as I suspect it'd be able to compress the aforementioned save file 
down to a couple hundred kb, which would be at least a bit more manageable.

In addition, there are also some potential bgt limitations coming into play 
here - specifically a really limited ability to work with binary files and a 
UTF-8 only string setup.

If anybody could pull me out of the fire on this one it'd be really appreciated 
- I'm just not creative enough to find a way to shrink saved games while 
maintaining all the needed information, so compression is looking like the 
best/only option currently available.


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Re: [Audyssey] bgt and file compression

2015-09-27 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi John,

I cannot really say with any certainty when the next release will be 
coming, as I work on it only in my spare time which is not nearly as 
plentiful as
it used to be. But I'm more than happy to send out test builds to those 
who are interested in a particular upcoming feature.

Regarding PPMD, I had a look but could not find any official SDK for it. 
I think I will stick with LZMA as it does well on general purpose data, 
and then
potentially extend it with more specific compression schemes later. 
However, the compression is meant to be rather simple and easy to use so 
I'm not looking

to implement all the possible options such as background threads etc.

If you want to try a build when it is available, feel free to drop me a 
line and I will keep you posted on progress.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
On 9/25/2015 2:45 AM, john wrote:

This sounds awesome.
You don't have to send me the update if its going to be coming out shortly,
though I am very much looking forward to it, and would be more than happy to
give it a test run (or several - I love playing with compression).
I would note though that you may also want to consider ppmd; its compression
ratio for text as compared to lzma/lzma2 can be substantially better
(possibly by an order of magnitude on some data). Also, do you know if LZMA
support will be able to work with multithreading?
For my particular case I'd probably end up going for maximum compression -
my current estimates place save files under certain circumstances at over
50mb each.

While on the subject of updates, are there any plans to improve on the
engine's ability to work with binary data? I've been running into several
instances for various projects in which support for working with raw data
would be handy, but everything in bgt seems to just convert to a UTF-8

From: "Philip Bennefall" 
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2015 20:05
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] bgt and file compression

Hi John,

Just a quick heads up to let you know that compression is coming; I have
done some tinkering with both Zlib and LZMA. For data with high
redundancy such as text, both of these work very well - LZMA scores
higher when it comes to compression ratio but is also significantly
slower than Zlib in my tests. Of course the compression level will be
configurable, which should give you the ability to find a reasonable
balance between compression ratio/speed. I can't say when the next
official release will be out, but I can certainly give you some test
binaries to play around with if you need this feature quickly since it's
almost done anyway.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall

On 9/25/2015 1:55 AM, john wrote:

This is actually on the subject of gaming, or at least game development.

To anybody who has experience with such things, do you know of any way I
can get usable compression of some sort running under bgt?

The specter of saving/loading games is moving closer and closer, and its
starting to look like my save games may have to be rather large (we're
talking several if not tens of megabytes). On the plus side they're
probably also going to be easily compressible text (or something close to
it, anyway), which leads to my posting this question.

I could probably write something to work with the command-line version of
7-zip, but then I'd have to distribute that along with the game, which is
something I really don't want to do. There's also the issue of several cmd
windows popping up every time the user tries to save or load games (I'm
not hacking, I swear. Those batch files really do have a reason to be
running in the middle of your game).

I've gone looking for the docs for 7z.dll, but they seem to be nonexistent
to anybody who doesn't know c/c++. This is very much a category that
includes me.

I'd really love to use the 7-zip interface (specifically its included ppmd
algorithm), as I suspect it'd be able to compress the aforementioned save
file down to a couple hundred kb, which would be at least a bit more

In addition, there are also some potential bgt limitations coming into
play here - specifically a really limited ability to work with binary
files and a UTF-8 only string setup.

If anybody could pull me out of the fire on this one it'd be really
appreciated - I'm just not creative enough to find a way to shrink saved
games while maintaining all the needed information, so compression is
looking like the best/only option currently available.


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Re: [Audyssey] BGT link

2015-11-04 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi guys,

The problem with the BGT installer is due to my web host. They got a 
false positive on their virus scanner and I am trying to get them to put 
it back. They have said that they will do so but are being incredibly 
slow. I will keep calling them. Thanks for your understanding!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall

On 11/4/2015 4:29 PM, john wrote:

I noticed this as well (after reading a post on
A temporary dropbox link is:
In the relatively near future, it will also be available through under the blastbay page.

From: "Milos Przic" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2015 9:47
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Subject: [Audyssey] BGT link

Hi all,
The link for downloading BGT on the website doesn't work. Can
someone send me the right one?
Thanks to all in advance, and best regards!
   Milos Przic
Twitter: MilosPrzic
Skype: Milosh-hs
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Re: [Audyssey] BGT link

2015-11-05 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi again,

The problem should now be resolved. Let me know if there are any other 
issues with the download!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
On 11/4/2015 7:48 PM, Philip Bennefall wrote:

Hi guys,

The problem with the BGT installer is due to my web host. They got a 
false positive on their virus scanner and I am trying to get them to 
put it back. They have said that they will do so but are being 
incredibly slow. I will keep calling them. Thanks for your understanding!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall

On 11/4/2015 4:29 PM, john wrote:

I noticed this as well (after reading a post on
A temporary dropbox link is:
In the relatively near future, it will also be available through under the blastbay page.

From: "Milos Przic" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2015 9:47
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Subject: [Audyssey] BGT link

Hi all,
The link for downloading BGT on the website doesn't 
work. Can

someone send me the right one?
Thanks to all in advance, and best regards!
   Milos Przic
Twitter: MilosPrzic
Skype: Milosh-hs
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Re: [Audyssey] Making a Character Jump In BGT

2016-01-06 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Gavin,

Assuming that you don't intend to let the user move in two dimensions 
(e.g. your map is only a 1d grid with left/right movement), you can 
implement jumping in a hacky way with a flag and a timer. BGT:ish 
pseudocode follows:

const int jump_limit_ms=200; // The amount of time the character must 
wait after landing before they can jump again.
const int jump_time_ms=800; // How long the character should stay in the 

timer jumptimer;
bool jumping=false;;
if(key_pressed(KEY_J) and jumping==false and 

play jump sound;

if(jumping and jumptimer.elapsed>=jump_time_ms)
play landing sound;

Of course, you'll want to wrap this into a more modular player class. 
This is just a very basic starting point from which you can build 
further. Remember that with this setup it is perfectly fine for the 
player to move in the air; you just have to check the jumping flag to 
see if anything special should happen if the player moves onto a 
particular tile while jumping.

Note that if you do want your character to be able to travel in 2 or 3 
dimensions (e.g. proper movement), the procedure is more involved. You 
will then need to move the character on the x and y and possibly z axis 
depending on how high and how far they jump.

Good luck!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall

On 1/6/2016 4:07 PM, Gavin Grundlingh wrote:
Thanks for the code snippet, John. The problem is that wait pauses 
execution of the entire script, so while I'm in the air, I wouldn't be 
able to move, shoot, or anything else.

On 1/6/2016 17:04, john wrote:

Note that in the below, wait means execute your timer.
height=1;//in the air
height=0;//on the ground
And now whenever it matters if the player is jumped, just check the 


From: "Gavin Grundlingh" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 9:54
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Making a Character Jump In BGT

Hi John,

Yes, I want to put the character back on the ground after the 700
milliseconds, but I don't know how to make that bit of code wait until
the jump timer is finished without using a second while loop, which will
break execution of the rest of my script.

On 1/6/2016 16:13, john wrote:

Are you putting the character back on the ground?

From: "Gavin Grundlingh" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 4:33
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Subject: [Audyssey] Making a Character Jump In BGT

Hi all,

I'm trying to make a character jump in BGT. I managed to make it 
stay in

the air for the specified amount of time, but I can't figure out how to
make it land after that time has elapsed. I'll paste a code fragment

if (key_pressed (KEY_J))
if (Jumper.elapsed >= 700)
Jumper.restart (); ();
} ();

I have a suspicion that I'm missing something stupidly logical to make
it work. Any feedback is appreciated.



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[Audyssey] Keyboard hooks Was Re: USA Games News

2011-11-01 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Thomas,

There is an easy solution to fix this problem. I use it in BGT with no 
difficulties. You want to install a low level keyhook in the process using 
SetWindowsHookEx, and inside the hook callback you simply let all the 
keyboard events through. What happens then is that, since Jaws installs a 
low level keyhook as well, my own takes priority which means that I get 
control before Jaws does, and I can thus make the decision whether the key 
is supposed to be allowed through or not rather than leaving that choice up 

Hope this helps you. And please do not! use the keyboard events from Win32, 
they are sluggish in comparison to Direct X and they have other issues like 
the automatic repeats and lack of certain keys without special work arounds 

Kind regards

Philip Bennefall

- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 3:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] USA Games News


Ah, that's still one of the issues I'm working on. When using Jaws for
speech output there is a keyboard trapping issue I've not found a good
way around yet. I did put the JFW demo to sleep and that seemed to
work, but even though it frees up the keyboard its not as responsive
as using say NVDA, because I think Jaws still tries to capture or trap
the keyboard in the background. It is pretty problematic right now. I
may have to switch over to standard keyboard events rather than using
DirectX to fix that issue.

However, as for ESpeak and Eloquence I don't think they fit well into
a game environment, but its whatever works. With newer versions of
Jaws like Jaws 12 there is plenty of RealSpeak Direct voices like Tom,
Karen, Jennifer, Daniel, etc so all the user has to do is download and
install a RealSpeak direct voice, set Jaws up to use that, and the
game will use the RealSpeak voices instead of Eloquence. So hopefully
it is things like that which will provide a better solution than just
ESpeak or Eloquence.


On 10/31/11, pitermach  wrote:

This news article made me curious about something.
Have you been able to work around the jaws keyboard trap issue? I guess
you understand what I mean. Even then I'm not sure how well you could
play a game like MOTA with it running, since it does make the keyboard
sort of sluggish in some parts (scraping in a sound editor for instance)
Over all though i'm glad things are progressing. Being a NVDA user
myself I really like using it as speech output in games. You could argue
how Espeak/eloquence fits into a mood of a game, but hey. What ever
works for someone just works.

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Re: [Audyssey] Keyboard hooks Was Re: USA Games News

2011-11-03 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Thomas,

This is a snippet of code from the BGT engine, with some specifics taken out 
so that you get a bare bones example that still works. Just be sure to 
always call uninstall_keyhook from your cleanup procedure.

HHOOK g_hKeyboardHook=NULL;
bool hooked=false;

LRESULT CALLBACK LowLevelKeyboardProc( int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM 
lParam )

   return CallNextHookEx( g_hKeyboardHook, nCode, wParam, lParam);

bool install_keyhook()
return false;
g_hKeyboardHook = SetWindowsHookEx( WH_KEYBOARD_LL,  LowLevelKeyboardProc, 
GetModuleHandle(NULL), 0 );

return false;
return true;

bool uninstall_keyhook()
return false;
UnhookWindowsHookEx( g_hKeyboardHook );
return true;

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2011 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Keyboard hooks Was Re: USA Games News

Hi Philip,

Would you mind sending me some example source code how to do this. I'm
clueless on how to set a low-level key hook, and it might save me time
and frustration researching this if you could just send me some source
code examples of how to do this.

As for the win32 keyboard events I know. They are slow and they suck
in any kind of fast action game so that would definitely not be my
first choice.  Fixing the problem with JFW and DirectInput is
definitely my goal here.


On 11/1/11, Philip Bennefall  wrote:

Hi Thomas,

There is an easy solution to fix this problem. I use it in BGT with no
difficulties. You want to install a low level keyhook in the process using
SetWindowsHookEx, and inside the hook callback you simply let all the
keyboard events through. What happens then is that, since Jaws installs a
low level keyhook as well, my own takes priority which means that I get
control before Jaws does, and I can thus make the decision whether the key
is supposed to be allowed through or not rather than leaving that choice 


Hope this helps you. And please do not! use the keyboard events from 
they are sluggish in comparison to Direct X and they have other issues 
the automatic repeats and lack of certain keys without special work 


Kind regards

Philip Bennefall

- Original Message -
From: "Thomas Ward" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 3:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] USA Games News


Ah, that's still one of the issues I'm working on. When using Jaws for
speech output there is a keyboard trapping issue I've not found a good
way around yet. I did put the JFW demo to sleep and that seemed to
work, but even though it frees up the keyboard its not as responsive
as using say NVDA, because I think Jaws still tries to capture or trap
the keyboard in the background. It is pretty problematic right now. I
may have to switch over to standard keyboard events rather than using
DirectX to fix that issue.

However, as for ESpeak and Eloquence I don't think they fit well into
a game environment, but its whatever works. With newer versions of
Jaws like Jaws 12 there is plenty of RealSpeak Direct voices like Tom,
Karen, Jennifer, Daniel, etc so all the user has to do is download and
install a RealSpeak direct voice, set Jaws up to use that, and the
game will use the RealSpeak voices instead of Eloquence. So hopefully
it is things like that which will provide a better solution than just
ESpeak or Eloquence.


On 10/31/11, pitermach  wrote:

This news article made me curious about something.
Have you been able to work around the jaws keyboard trap issue? I guess
you understand what I mean. Even then I'm not sure how well you could
play a game like MOTA with it running, since it does make the keyboard
sort of sluggish in some parts (scraping in a sound editor for instance)
Over all though i'm glad things are progressing. Being a NVDA user
myself I really like using it as speech output in games. You could argue
how Espeak/eloquence fits into a mood of a game, but hey. What ever
works for someone just works.

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[Audyssey] Perilous hearts audio demo!

2011-11-08 Thread Philip Bennefall
Hi folks!

After some requests, I have decided to release a much longer audio demo of my 
upcoming game Perilous Hearts. In this demo I explore the store at the start of 
the adventure where you can build up your inventory so to speak, and then I go 
on to complete levels 1 and 2. Note that if you do not want any plot or 
strategy spoilers, do not listen!

Also note that if you are offended or otherwise affected by the killing of 
little virtual monkeys, this may not be suitable for you either as I do end up 
killing quite a few of the little cuddly things. And oh how I enjoy it! Smirk.

I would very much appreciate everyones feedback on this. There's obviously lots 
more further ahead in the adventure, but this gives a much better introduction 
to the game than what I provided in my last speech.

The link is:


Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
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Re: [Audyssey] Perilous hearts audio demo!

2011-11-08 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi guys,

Thanks for all the nice comments! I spend a lot of time on my sound work so 
I'm really very glad that you're all liking that.

To answer Dark's question about the 2d aspect of the game, you can certainly 
jump up on branches without climbing on vines. It just depends on the height 
of the branch in question, and when it comes to the tree near the quicksand 
it is too high for you to jump directly. There are plenty of other trees 
with several low hanging branches though. There is also an upcoming level 
where you are making your way up a mountain, and there you have to jump from 
ledge to ledge quite a lot and without any vines.

Regarding items, yes you will definitely be getting things that help you 
along the way... Including friends who travel with you and who pack quite a 
powerful punch in their own right. You can choose when you do and when you 
do not want them to fight for you, so you might spare them until you get to 
the harder battles. I say no more. Smile.

And lastly, regarding the medkits I have to think about that one. The player 
makes quite a few sounds all the time so having those interrupted by 
constant breathing as you regenerate might get a bit tiresome. Usually one 
medkit boosts you one level, so if you are criticly injured and take one 
medkit you will go to severely injured, and after another one you will just 
be injured, then slightly injured, fair, great, and excellent.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "dark" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2011 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Perilous hearts audio demo!

Hi Philip.

Really nice demo, the ai of the creatures came across very well, though I do
have to wonder what you have against monkies, sinse you seemed to go on a
real killing spree there,  I wonder if the alpha monkey and his crew
from tarzan junior gave you a disturbed childhood? :D.

I wonder if melany was working on Monkey conservation? :D.

Seriously I do like the sound of the game, the sounds are exelent and the
gameplay looks fantastic, however I stil have a couple of questions and

Firstly, as regards the store. While I'm not asking for spoilers, I do hope
it's possible to pick up extra items such as amo for your guns later in the
game, sinse otherwise that could make things possibly more tricky than they
need to be. It'd be a real shame to get to the final boss or game challenge
and fail because you run out of bullits and can't get anymore.

Secondly, I was wondering about the 2D aspects of the game. As far as I
could gather, you couldn't jump onto ledges above you but needed a vine to
climb, which was identified by a vine swinging sound. At that point you were
up in the trees and could shoot down or presumably climbe higher if you
found another vine. How much however has been made of the ledge jumping?
could you for instance jump from tree to tree without the use of vines or
jump onto a treebranche directly from the ground, sinse I couldn't
particularly tell if there were any sounds to indicate branches above or to
either side of you.

If the game is extensively 2D as I hope you might want to think about the
indicator sounds for ledge endings or ledges above.

Lastly, speaking of indicators a regen sound for when a medikit is in effect
might be a good idea, sinse I couldn't tell when you were or were not
regenerating health, and if calculating how many kits to use at what time
this could be important to know. perhaps a slow calm breathing sound for
when the kit is in effect? That way if it gets to the end of regeneration
and health is not at exelent we can always use another kit, but with the way
things currently work it'd be a case of having to check health status many
times as in fact you did in the demo.

I'm really looking forward to the game. The sounds and music were great, and
even though i confess I'm not a huge fan of kidnapped girl plotlines I am
interested to see where the story goes.

All the best,


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[Audyssey] Perilous Hearts preorders?

2011-11-09 Thread Philip Bennefall
Hi all,

I'm really very happy with the response I received for the game audio demo of 
Perilous Hearts, and so I wanted to ask the community a question. Would you 
consider placing a preorder for this game if the possibility was there? I know 
that the history of game preorders has been rocky in this community, but the 
difference in my case would be that you would agree to a small contract before 
ordering that basically would say:

1. You get a slightly discounted rate when you preorder.

2. We give you a definite release date. If the game is not released on this 
exact date or earlier, within a 24 hour period, you are entitled to a full 

3. You would not have any kind of special privilege when it comes to requesting 
feature x, but I would certainly pay more attention to suggestions from 
preorder users provided that I personally thought they were good ones.

Naturally, if I went down this root I would put up a playable demo of the game 
at the same time as I made preordering available. This would not include all 
the cut scenes etc that the finished game will contain and it would still use 
Sapi, but the game play would stretch as far as level 2 which is where the real 
demo will also end.

The reason I am considering this is because the funds for the game are running 
out, and so I cannot justify spending a lot more money on it out of my own 
pocket. But if I had some money from preorders I would be able to invest that 
to make the game the best it can possibly be.

I would very much appreciate feedback on this.


Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
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Re: [Audyssey] Perilous Hearts preorders?

2011-11-09 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Michael,

I am thinking that the preorder price would be between 30 and 35 dollars, 
and the final game would sell for between 35 and 40. That's if I make it the 
size I have planned right now and if I can stay within my budget. I am still 
trying to decide on a reasonable release date, a date that's relatively 
close but still gives me a bit of leg room. Perhaps March?

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Michael Gauler" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2011 11:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Perilous Hearts preorders?

Hi Philip,
I don't have problems with a possible preorder of your game and I know how
to deal with SAPI, so even if not all things were spoken by humans, I
wouldn't have any problems with that.
I'd like to know two things, if you can answer (estimates are ok):
1. How much would the game be?
2. How far are you from a final release (weeks, months)?

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Re: [Audyssey] Perilous Hearts preorders?

2011-11-10 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Thomas,

yes, that makes sense. I could allow preorder users to play two more levels 
that are complete at this point, for instance. That would give a clear 
advantage when preordering, other than just the slightly reduced price.

On an unrelated note, did you receive the code snippet I sent you to install 
the keyboard hook?

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Perilous Hearts preorders?

Hi Philip,

Well, I for one trust you, and would probably be willing to pay for
the game as a preorder provided I have the funds to do so myself. With
Christmas around the corner I'm not sure how much I'd have to spend
right now on a game since I'm saving a little money for Christmas
gifts as well as pay the bills, buy food, etc.

The only point of disagreement I have with your plan below is you
mentioned providing a public demo for preorder customers. I feel if i
preorder I should get a license key or something that unlocks a little
more content besides just the two levels in the public demo. Content
could be the cutscenes, extra levels, but if I'm going to pay for the
game I just feel I should get something other than just the public
demo everyone else gets. Just my thoughts.


On 11/9/11, Philip Bennefall  wrote:

Hi all,

I'm really very happy with the response I received for the game audio demo
of Perilous Hearts, and so I wanted to ask the community a question. Would
you consider placing a preorder for this game if the possibility was 
I know that the history of game preorders has been rocky in this 

but the difference in my case would be that you would agree to a small
contract before ordering that basically would say:

1. You get a slightly discounted rate when you preorder.

2. We give you a definite release date. If the game is not released on 

exact date or earlier, within a 24 hour period, you are entitled to a full

3. You would not have any kind of special privilege when it comes to
requesting feature x, but I would certainly pay more attention to
suggestions from preorder users provided that I personally thought they 

good ones.

Naturally, if I went down this root I would put up a playable demo of the
game at the same time as I made preordering available. This would not
include all the cut scenes etc that the finished game will contain and it
would still use Sapi, but the game play would stretch as far as level 2
which is where the real demo will also end.

The reason I am considering this is because the funds for the game are
running out, and so I cannot justify spending a lot more money on it out 

my own pocket. But if I had some money from preorders I would be able to
invest that to make the game the best it can possibly be.

I would very much appreciate feedback on this.


Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
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[Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

2011-11-16 Thread Philip Bennefall
Hi all!

After nearly a year in development, version 1.1 of the BGT engine is now 
available for download! It features the largest set of changes yet in its 
release history, most of which are features requested by end users. It includes 
mouse support, screen reader support, a pathfinder to make it easier when 
adding artificial intelligence to your game, improved Sapi support where you 
are now able to enumerate and change voices, and tons more. The change log is a 
bit too long to paste in an email to the list, so I invite those who are 
curious to go grab the new installer and have a look!

Thanks to all of those who provided suggestions and ideas, bug reports and 
other general feedback over these two years. Without all of this, the BGT 
engine would not be what it is today. Thank you!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
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Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

2011-11-16 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Christina,

BGT is a development tool for those wanting to make an audio game. I use it 
to create Perilous Hearts, for instance.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Christina" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Is this a game or developer's tools?

- Original Message - 
From: "Philip Bennefall" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 11:51 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Hi all!

After nearly a year in development, version 1.1 of the BGT engine is now 
available for download! It features the largest set
of changes yet in its release history, most of which are features requested 
by end users. It includes mouse support, screen
reader support, a pathfinder to make it easier when adding artificial 
intelligence to your game, improved Sapi support where
you are now able to enumerate and change voices, and tons more. The change 
log is a bit too long to paste in an email to the
list, so I invite those who are curious to go grab the new installer and 
have a look!

Thanks to all of those who provided suggestions and ideas, bug reports and 
other general feedback over these two years.
Without all of this, the BGT engine would not be what it is today. Thank 

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
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Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

2011-11-16 Thread Philip Bennefall
Wow. That's an email to make my day if ever I saw one. Thanks man, for your 
support! While I haven't had any time to actually play any games at all 
lately, yours are at the top of my list of things to try. I have followed 
the discussions about your various titles with interest, you'll definitely 
hear from me once I sit down and play. Now which one to start with, I 
wonder? I am leaning towards killing zombies. Grin.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Jeremy Kaldobsky" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Even though I am not a BGT user myself, I already know this update is going 
to have a huge impact on the community!  I wasn't around before the days of 
BGT, but I see how it is twisted and woven in to almost every thread and 
game discussion.  All by its self, I believe BGT has won you a permanent 
legacy in the audio game community Philip, and I have yet to see anything 
that compares to it in terms of overall community long-term impact.  As 
cheesy as it may sound, creating something with the same level of importance 
is what I'm striving for myself.  I am absolutely positive I have not come 
close yet, but I will stick around until I do.

Mr. Bennefall, keep up the great work and prepare yourself for probably a 
hundred ecstatic responses to the news of your new release.  :D  And keep 
the bar really high so I have to climb a while before getting up there with 
you sir.

Hi all!

After nearly a year in development, version 1.1 of the BGT
engine is now available for download! It features the
largest set of changes yet in its release history, most of
which are features requested by end users. It includes mouse
support, screen reader support, a pathfinder to make it
easier when adding artificial intelligence to your game,
improved Sapi support where you are now able to enumerate
and change voices, and tons more. The change log is a bit
too long to paste in an email to the list, so I invite those
who are curious to go grab the new installer and have a

Thanks to all of those who provided suggestions and ideas,
bug reports and other general feedback over these two years.
Without all of this, the BGT engine would not be what it is
today. Thank you!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall 

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

2011-11-16 Thread Philip Bennefall
I am assuming that the question is which screen readers are supported by 
BGT? Currently it supports Jaws, Window Eyes, System Access, and NVDA.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Brandon Misch" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Hey with screen readers does but support? just curious.

On Nov 16, 2011, at 12:28 PM, Philip Bennefall wrote:

Wow. That's an email to make my day if ever I saw one. Thanks man, for 
your support! While I haven't had any time to actually play any games at 
all lately, yours are at the top of my list of things to try. I have 
followed the discussions about your various titles with interest, you'll 
definitely hear from me once I sit down and play. Now which one to start 
with, I wonder? I am leaning towards killing zombies. Grin.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - From: "Jeremy Kaldobsky" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Even though I am not a BGT user myself, I already know this update is 
going to have a huge impact on the community!  I wasn't around before the 
days of BGT, but I see how it is twisted and woven in to almost every 
thread and game discussion.  All by its self, I believe BGT has won you a 
permanent legacy in the audio game community Philip, and I have yet to see 
anything that compares to it in terms of overall community long-term 
impact.  As cheesy as it may sound, creating something with the same level 
of importance is what I'm striving for myself.  I am absolutely positive I 
have not come close yet, but I will stick around until I do.

Mr. Bennefall, keep up the great work and prepare yourself for probably a 
hundred ecstatic responses to the news of your new release.  :D  And keep 
the bar really high so I have to climb a while before getting up there 
with you sir.

Hi all!

After nearly a year in development, version 1.1 of the BGT
engine is now available for download! It features the
largest set of changes yet in its release history, most of
which are features requested by end users. It includes mouse
support, screen reader support, a pathfinder to make it
easier when adding artificial intelligence to your game,
improved Sapi support where you are now able to enumerate
and change voices, and tons more. The change log is a bit
too long to paste in an email to the list, so I invite those
who are curious to go grab the new installer and have a

Thanks to all of those who provided suggestions and ideas,
bug reports and other general feedback over these two years.
Without all of this, the BGT engine would not be what it is
today. Thank you!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall

Gamers mailing list __
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Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

2011-11-16 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Dark,

I'm pleased to hear of your prioritizing dilemma! Smirk. Nah but seriously, 
I'm really glad you like the new stuff. There is indeed a new tutorial about 
pathfinding in particular, written by a good friend of mine. He did an 
excellent job with it, in my opinion. It's found in the tutorials section 
along with the others. While it's not quite for beginners, meaning you do 
need to know the language a bit before attempting to work with it, it still 
explains things from the ground up.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "dark" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Hi Philip this is great!

When my phd is done, i'll start on bgt, so it's awsome to here about the
changelog. I'm especially pleased with the sapi changes, sinse eventually
I'd love to write an rpg probably using sapi, though of course being as I
won't even start coding for another 10 months or so, there will probably be
major changes too :D.

Just one question, have you updated any of the tutorials yet? I've been
reading through the textual ones just to wrap my brain around some of the
concepts (and have to actually resist the urge to start playing sinse I know
if I start I won't stop), but with these pathfinder ai to output
considdering that several of these sound pretty major changes and ones I'll
want to use myself in games, it'd be nice to have them explained at a newby
level with as much care as the rest of the tutorial.

All the best,

- Original Message - 
From: "Philip Bennefall" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 4:51 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Hi all!

After nearly a year in development, version 1.1 of the BGT engine is now
available for download! It features the largest set of changes yet in its
release history, most of which are features requested by end users. It
includes mouse support, screen reader support, a pathfinder to make it
easier when adding artificial intelligence to your game, improved Sapi
support where you are now able to enumerate and change voices, and tons
more. The change log is a bit too long to paste in an email to the list,
so I invite those who are curious to go grab the new installer and have a

Thanks to all of those who provided suggestions and ideas, bug reports and
other general feedback over these two years. Without all of this, the BGT
engine would not be what it is today. Thank you!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
Gamers mailing list __
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Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

2011-11-16 Thread Philip Bennefall
Perilous Hearts is indeed the next project I intend to complete. Though 
since I want to make it commercial, it would not be such a hot idea to 
release the source code. Grin.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "william lomas" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 8:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

periless hearts then soon?
can we look at that code by the way since i guess it uses the new path 
finding AI?

On Nov 16, 2011, at 7:13 PM, Philip Bennefall wrote:

Hi Dark,

I'm pleased to hear of your prioritizing dilemma! Smirk. Nah but 
seriously, I'm really glad you like the new stuff. There is indeed a new 
tutorial about pathfinding in particular, written by a good friend of 
mine. He did an excellent job with it, in my opinion. It's found in the 
tutorials section along with the others. While it's not quite for 
beginners, meaning you do need to know the language a bit before 
attempting to work with it, it still explains things from the ground up.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - From: "dark" 
To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Hi Philip this is great!

When my phd is done, i'll start on bgt, so it's awsome to here about the
changelog. I'm especially pleased with the sapi changes, sinse eventually
I'd love to write an rpg probably using sapi, though of course being as I
won't even start coding for another 10 months or so, there will probably 

major changes too :D.

Just one question, have you updated any of the tutorials yet? I've been
reading through the textual ones just to wrap my brain around some of the
concepts (and have to actually resist the urge to start playing sinse I 

if I start I won't stop), but with these pathfinder ai to output
considdering that several of these sound pretty major changes and ones 
want to use myself in games, it'd be nice to have them explained at a 

level with as much care as the rest of the tutorial.

All the best,

- Original Message - From: "Philip Bennefall" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 4:51 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Hi all!

After nearly a year in development, version 1.1 of the BGT engine is now
available for download! It features the largest set of changes yet in its
release history, most of which are features requested by end users. It
includes mouse support, screen reader support, a pathfinder to make it
easier when adding artificial intelligence to your game, improved Sapi
support where you are now able to enumerate and change voices, and tons
more. The change log is a bit too long to paste in an email to the list,
so I invite those who are curious to go grab the new installer and have a

Thanks to all of those who provided suggestions and ideas, bug reports 

other general feedback over these two years. Without all of this, the BGT
engine would not be what it is today. Thank you!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
Gamers mailing list __
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please send E-mail to

Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

2011-11-16 Thread Philip Bennefall
Yes, I am still debating with myself as to whether I will end up taking 
preorders but if I do, it'll happen quite soon.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "william lomas" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 8:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

ah no smile i meant pre-orders for that soon?
fair point, fair point re releasing the source code

On Nov 16, 2011, at 7:32 PM, Philip Bennefall wrote:

Perilous Hearts is indeed the next project I intend to complete. Though 
since I want to make it commercial, it would not be such a hot idea to 
release the source code. Grin.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - From: "william lomas" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 8:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

periless hearts then soon?
can we look at that code by the way since i guess it uses the new path 
finding AI?

On Nov 16, 2011, at 7:13 PM, Philip Bennefall wrote:

Hi Dark,

I'm pleased to hear of your prioritizing dilemma! Smirk. Nah but 
seriously, I'm really glad you like the new stuff. There is indeed a new 
tutorial about pathfinding in particular, written by a good friend of 
mine. He did an excellent job with it, in my opinion. It's found in the 
tutorials section along with the others. While it's not quite for 
beginners, meaning you do need to know the language a bit before 
attempting to work with it, it still explains things from the ground up.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - From: "dark" 
To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Hi Philip this is great!

When my phd is done, i'll start on bgt, so it's awsome to here about the
changelog. I'm especially pleased with the sapi changes, sinse eventually
I'd love to write an rpg probably using sapi, though of course being as I
won't even start coding for another 10 months or so, there will probably 

major changes too :D.

Just one question, have you updated any of the tutorials yet? I've been
reading through the textual ones just to wrap my brain around some of the
concepts (and have to actually resist the urge to start playing sinse I 

if I start I won't stop), but with these pathfinder ai to output
considdering that several of these sound pretty major changes and ones 
want to use myself in games, it'd be nice to have them explained at a 

level with as much care as the rest of the tutorial.

All the best,

- Original Message - From: "Philip Bennefall" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 4:51 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Hi all!

After nearly a year in development, version 1.1 of the BGT engine is now
available for download! It features the largest set of changes yet in 

release history, most of which are features requested by end users. It
includes mouse support, screen reader support, a pathfinder to make it
easier when adding artificial intelligence to your game, improved Sapi
support where you are now able to enumerate and change voices, and tons
more. The change log is a bit too long to paste in an email to the list,
so I invite those who are curious to go grab the new installer and have 


Thanks to all of those who provided suggestions and ideas, bug reports 
other general feedback over these two years. Without all of this, the 

engine would not be what it is today. Thank you!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
Gamers mailing list __
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please send E-mail to

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You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at

Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

2011-11-16 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hello Kai,

I have plans to implement joystick support, for sure. It just didn't make it 
into this release, because I felt that it needed to be released as quickly 
as possible due to the many bugfixes, and of course also the new features 
that people were waiting for. It'll happen though, don't worry. Now that I 
have a check for updates option in the program group, I will be able to 
release smaller updates more frequently rather than one huge release once or 
twice a year.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Kai" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Greetings Philip.

I note that you decided not to implement game controller support in this
release a feature I'd been waiting for since I purchased BGT at 1.0. Were
the plans shelved, or will it make an appearance in a future release?

----- Original Message - 
From: "Philip Bennefall" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 9:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

I am assuming that the question is which screen readers are supported by
BGT? Currently it supports Jaws, Window Eyes, System Access, and NVDA.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Brandon Misch" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Hey with screen readers does but support? just curious.

On Nov 16, 2011, at 12:28 PM, Philip Bennefall wrote:

Wow. That's an email to make my day if ever I saw one. Thanks man, for
your support! While I haven't had any time to actually play any games at
all lately, yours are at the top of my list of things to try. I have
followed the discussions about your various titles with interest, you'll
definitely hear from me once I sit down and play. Now which one to start
with, I wonder? I am leaning towards killing zombies. Grin.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - From: "Jeremy Kaldobsky"

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Even though I am not a BGT user myself, I already know this update is
going to have a huge impact on the community!  I wasn't around before the
days of BGT, but I see how it is twisted and woven in to almost every
thread and game discussion.  All by its self, I believe BGT has won you a
permanent legacy in the audio game community Philip, and I have yet to
see anything that compares to it in terms of overall community long-term
impact.  As cheesy as it may sound, creating something with the same
level of importance is what I'm striving for myself.  I am absolutely
positive I have not come close yet, but I will stick around until I do.

Mr. Bennefall, keep up the great work and prepare yourself for probably a
hundred ecstatic responses to the news of your new release.  :D  And keep
the bar really high so I have to climb a while before getting up there
with you sir.

Hi all!

After nearly a year in development, version 1.1 of the BGT
engine is now available for download! It features the
largest set of changes yet in its release history, most of
which are features requested by end users. It includes mouse
support, screen reader support, a pathfinder to make it
easier when adding artificial intelligence to your game,
improved Sapi support where you are now able to enumerate
and change voices, and tons more. The change log is a bit
too long to paste in an email to the list, so I invite those
who are curious to go grab the new installer and have a

Thanks to all of those who provided suggestions and ideas,
bug reports and other general feedback over these two years.
Without all of this, the BGT engine would not be what it is
today. Thank you!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall

Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the
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If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
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please send E-mail 

Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

2011-11-16 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Shane,

Thanks for the offer! Though doesn't Dolphin want you to sign a 
non-disclosure agreement to use the dll? Or am I getting mixed up with some 
other screen reader? I would also need to find some sort of API 
documentation, and a license for redistribution if available?

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Shane Davidson" 

To: ; "'Gamers Discussion list'" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 9:29 PM
Subject: RE: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

I can provide the dolapi.dll file we use in twitmonger if that will help in
supporting dolphin/supernova.
Take care.
-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Philip Bennefall
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 12:46 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

I am assuming that the question is which screen readers are supported by
BGT? Currently it supports Jaws, Window Eyes, System Access, and NVDA.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message -
From: "Brandon Misch" 
To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Hey with screen readers does but support? just curious.

On Nov 16, 2011, at 12:28 PM, Philip Bennefall wrote:

Wow. That's an email to make my day if ever I saw one. Thanks man, for
your support! While I haven't had any time to actually play any games at
all lately, yours are at the top of my list of things to try. I have
followed the discussions about your various titles with interest, you'll
definitely hear from me once I sit down and play. Now which one to start
with, I wonder? I am leaning towards killing zombies. Grin.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - From: "Jeremy Kaldobsky"

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Even though I am not a BGT user myself, I already know this update is
going to have a huge impact on the community!  I wasn't around before the
days of BGT, but I see how it is twisted and woven in to almost every
thread and game discussion.  All by its self, I believe BGT has won you a
permanent legacy in the audio game community Philip, and I have yet to see

anything that compares to it in terms of overall community long-term
impact.  As cheesy as it may sound, creating something with the same level

of importance is what I'm striving for myself.  I am absolutely positive I

have not come close yet, but I will stick around until I do.

Mr. Bennefall, keep up the great work and prepare yourself for probably a
hundred ecstatic responses to the news of your new release.  :D  And keep
the bar really high so I have to climb a while before getting up there
with you sir.

Hi all!

After nearly a year in development, version 1.1 of the BGT
engine is now available for download! It features the
largest set of changes yet in its release history, most of
which are features requested by end users. It includes mouse
support, screen reader support, a pathfinder to make it
easier when adding artificial intelligence to your game,
improved Sapi support where you are now able to enumerate
and change voices, and tons more. The change log is a bit
too long to paste in an email to the list, so I invite those
who are curious to go grab the new installer and have a

Thanks to all of those who provided suggestions and ideas,
bug reports and other general feedback over these two years.
Without all of this, the BGT engine would not be what it is
today. Thank you!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall

Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the
please send E-mail to

Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
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All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
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Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

2011-11-16 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Bryan,

Look up the functions called screen_reader_speak, screen_reader_is_running 
etc, under references/foundation layer/function reference/user_interaction.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Bryan Mckinnish" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 10:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

I downloaded bgt 1.1. I have a question though.
I can't find how to use the screen reader support in the help file.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
Bryan Mckinnish
On 11/16/2011 4:38 PM, Shane Davidson wrote:

it was in the accessible_output module that we used, witch is open source,
so you'd think you wouldn't have to.
Get ahold of me off list and I can see what we can find.
-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Philip Bennefall
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 3:45 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Hi Shane,

Thanks for the offer! Though doesn't Dolphin want you to sign a
non-disclosure agreement to use the dll? Or am I getting mixed up with 

other screen reader? I would also need to find some sort of API
documentation, and a license for redistribution if available?

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message -
From: "Shane Davidson"
To:; "'Gamers Discussion list'"
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 9:29 PM
Subject: RE: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

I can provide the dolapi.dll file we use in twitmonger if that will help 

supporting dolphin/supernova.
Take care.
-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Philip Bennefall
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 12:46 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

I am assuming that the question is which screen readers are supported by
BGT? Currently it supports Jaws, Window Eyes, System Access, and NVDA.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message -
From: "Brandon Misch"
To:; "Gamers Discussion list"
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Hey with screen readers does but support? just curious.

On Nov 16, 2011, at 12:28 PM, Philip Bennefall wrote:

Wow. That's an email to make my day if ever I saw one. Thanks man, for
your support! While I haven't had any time to actually play any games at
all lately, yours are at the top of my list of things to try. I have
followed the discussions about your various titles with interest, you'll
definitely hear from me once I sit down and play. Now which one to start
with, I wonder? I am leaning towards killing zombies. Grin.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - From: "Jeremy Kaldobsky"

To:; "Gamers Discussion list"
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Even though I am not a BGT user myself, I already know this update is
going to have a huge impact on the community!  I wasn't around before the
days of BGT, but I see how it is twisted and woven in to almost every
thread and game discussion.  All by its self, I believe BGT has won you a
permanent legacy in the audio game community Philip, and I have yet to 

anything that compares to it in terms of overall community long-term
impact.  As cheesy as it may sound, creating something with the same 
of importance is what I'm striving for myself.  I am absolutely positive 

have not come close yet, but I will stick around until I do.

Mr. Bennefall, keep up the great work and prepare yourself for probably a
hundred ecstatic responses to the news of your new release.  :D  And keep
the bar really high so I have to climb a while before getting up there
with you sir.

Hi all!

After nearly a year in development, version 1.1 of the BGT
engine is now available for download! It features the
largest set of changes yet in its release history, most of
which are features requested by end users. It includes mouse
support, screen reader support, a pathfinder to make it
easier when adding artificial intelligence to your game,
improved Sapi support where you are now able to enumerate
and change voices, and tons more. The change log is a bit
too long to paste in an email to the list, so I invite those
who are curious to go grab the new installer and have a

Thanks to all of those who provided suggestions and ideas,
bug reports and other general feedback over these two years.
Without all of this, the BGT engine would not be what it is
today. Thank you!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall

Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
You can make chang

Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

2011-11-16 Thread Philip Bennefall
BGT can be found at where you will also find order 
information and pricing. There are a few licenses to choose from, depending 
on what you want to do with the engine.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "lenron brown" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 2:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

how much is bgt and where can i download it

On 11/16/11, dark  wrote:

Hi Philip.

When bgt was first released I began examining the program and language, 

quickly realized that the only way to get good at it would be to treat it
like learning an instrument or a new sport, spend some time every day

currently, I'm already! doing that with my phd thesis, and indeed with my
singing, and the last thing I would want is a situation where I make a 

hearted attempt on bgt and give up when really it'd just take a litle more
time and patience to learn, hence my decision.

Even if (as seems likely), I'll be heading off to music school when I've
done my phd I should stil have more time, and certainly the demands of
singing and performing aren't the same as those of working in a very
academic subject like philosophy.

so the real point of this is to say, I look forward to having a play with
the thing, and I'm glad there are tutorials available.

Ai was one thing I haven't yet got a conception of in computer terms, but
sinse I'd like to eventually develope a game with a complex combat system,
it's something I'm going to have to master.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message -
From: "Philip Bennefall" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 7:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Hi Dark,

I'm pleased to hear of your prioritizing dilemma! Smirk. Nah but
seriously, I'm really glad you like the new stuff. There is indeed a new
tutorial about pathfinding in particular, written by a good friend of
mine. He did an excellent job with it, in my opinion. It's found in the
tutorials section along with the others. While it's not quite for
beginners, meaning you do need to know the language a bit before
attempting to work with it, it still explains things from the ground up.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message -
From: "dark" 
To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Hi Philip this is great!

When my phd is done, i'll start on bgt, so it's awsome to here about the
changelog. I'm especially pleased with the sapi changes, sinse eventually
I'd love to write an rpg probably using sapi, though of course being as I
won't even start coding for another 10 months or so, there will probably
major changes too :D.

Just one question, have you updated any of the tutorials yet? I've been
reading through the textual ones just to wrap my brain around some of the
concepts (and have to actually resist the urge to start playing sinse I
if I start I won't stop), but with these pathfinder ai to output
considdering that several of these sound pretty major changes and ones
want to use myself in games, it'd be nice to have them explained at a
level with as much care as the rest of the tutorial.

All the best,

- Original Message -
From: "Philip Bennefall" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 4:51 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Hi all!

After nearly a year in development, version 1.1 of the BGT engine is now
available for download! It features the largest set of changes yet in 

release history, most of which are features requested by end users. It
includes mouse support, screen reader support, a pathfinder to make it
easier when adding artificial intelligence to your game, improved Sapi
support where you are now able to enumerate and change voices, and tons
more. The change log is a bit too long to paste in an email to the list,
so I invite those who are curious to go grab the new installer and have 


Thanks to all of those who provided suggestions and ideas, bug reports
other general feedback over these two years. Without all of this, the 

engine would not be what it is today. Thank you!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the
please send E-mail

Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

2011-11-17 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hey Chris,

We don't have a mailing list, but there is a pretty active forum that you 
are more than welcome to join. When you've signed up, please drop me a line 
with your username so I can approve the registration directly. I have 
limited it due to the huge number of spam bots that came over for a pint.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Christopher Bartlett" 

To: "'Gamers Discussion list'" 
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 1:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.1 Released!

Is there a list for BGT development, or rather people developing games with
BGT.  I have some questions, but I'm not sure that Audyssey is the
appropriate place for programming issues/questions as they would not be of
general interest.

And Jeremy, holy crap dude!  Your ambitions are amazing and let me know when
you set up your kick starter campaign, because I'll be a contributor.

Sorry, that just wouldn't stay in.

Chris Bartlett

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[Audyssey] More BGT news

2011-11-19 Thread Philip Bennefall
Hi all,

First, let me say thanks once again to all of those who sent me so much 
positive feedback over the last few days since I released BGT 1.1. This kind of 
stuff is what makes my work interesting, and worthwhile.

Now, I just wanted to write and tell you that revision 2 of the engine is 
available. The reason I'm mentioning it on list is because it contains a 
feature that many of you have been wanting for a long time, namely the ability 
to read and write in the registry. I have made a settings class which wraps 
this up quite nicely, and prevents script kids from tampering with keys and 
values that do not concern them.

And as usual, the revision also contains a number of bugfixes reported by users.

The next major feature that will see the light of day is joystick support. I 
have started working on this and am making good progress. So stay tuned for 

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
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Re: [Audyssey] More BGT news

2011-11-20 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Willem,

The reason is mainly for convenience. Certainly you can store settings in 
encrypted files, and this is indeed possible in BGT already, but some people 
were a bit confused as to how to extract and interpret data again etc. 
Serialization, basically. The settings object gives you a much more 
convenient method for doing this, and it was something that a lot of people 
had requested. I confine the registry access to a games subkey, so it is not 
possible to damage unrelated data from other programs. While this certainly 
doesn't solve the general problem of serialization and larger quantities of 
data should still be stored in files, this does provide a quick and easy 
solution to store simple configuration settings.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Willem Venter" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2011 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] More BGT news

Hi. Why would you need to store things in the registry? Settings can
be saved in a file and if you want data not to be altered you could
encrypt that file, so what advantage is there to using the registry?
Even though important keys are protected many problems can still be
caused if keys are not removed with uninstallation and searching the
registry can become slow if it is filled with erroneous data.

On 11/20/11, Kai  wrote:

Use the "check for Updates" link in your BGT Start Menu entry.


- Original Message -
From: "shaun everiss" 
To: "Philip Bennefall" ; "Gamers Discussion list"

Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2011 10:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] More BGT news

where is rev2, I can only get v1.1 installer.
At 02:40 a.m. 20/11/2011 +0100, you wrote:

Hi all,

First, let me say thanks once again to all of those who sent me so much
positive feedback over the last few days since I released BGT 1.1. This
kind of stuff is what makes my work interesting, and worthwhile.

Now, I just wanted to write and tell you that revision 2 of the engine is
available. The reason I'm mentioning it on list is because it contains a
feature that many of you have been wanting for a long time, namely the
ability to read and write in the registry. I have made a settings class
which wraps this up quite nicely, and prevents script kids from tampering
with keys and values that do not concern them.

And as usual, the revision also contains a number of bugfixes reported by

The next major feature that will see the light of day is joystick 

I have started working on this and am making good progress. So stay tuned
for that!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
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All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
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Re: [Audyssey] More BGT news

2011-11-20 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Willem,

Yes, all the BGT settings are confined to a games subkey inside the software 
key, either in local machine or current user. Naturally, user priveleges 
dictate whether writing to local machine is allowed in the first place.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Willem Venter" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2011 8:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] More BGT news

Hi Philip.
If someone is unwilling or unable to master how serialization works,
I'm not sure I trust them with my registry. Would all bgt settings be
in some central place?

On 11/20/11, Dennis Towne  wrote:


What good reasons do you have for encrypting a configuration file?  I
figure there must be some, but it personally makes no sense to me.

In my opinion, a user should be able to edit the application config
file as easily as possible (which usually means plain text with
limited markup or straight text key-value pairs.)  Further, they
should be able to simply delete the file, or paste ten thousand lines
of garbage into it if they wish, and the application should still
start up and do its best to use defaults and ignore stuff it doesn't

If you're encrypting the file to store passwords, you're doing it
wrong.  Passwords should always be stored as a salt/hash data pair.

Dennis Towne

Alter Aeon MUD

On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 2:11 PM, Philip Bennefall 

Hi Willem,

The reason is mainly for convenience. Certainly you can store settings in
encrypted files, and this is indeed possible in BGT already, but some
were a bit confused as to how to extract and interpret data again etc.
Serialization, basically. The settings object gives you a much more
convenient method for doing this, and it was something that a lot of
had requested. I confine the registry access to a games subkey, so it is
possible to damage unrelated data from other programs. While this
doesn't solve the general problem of serialization and larger quantities
data should still be stored in files, this does provide a quick and easy
solution to store simple configuration settings.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - From: "Willem Venter" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2011 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] More BGT news

Hi. Why would you need to store things in the registry? Settings can
be saved in a file and if you want data not to be altered you could
encrypt that file, so what advantage is there to using the registry?
Even though important keys are protected many problems can still be
caused if keys are not removed with uninstallation and searching the
registry can become slow if it is filled with erroneous data.

On 11/20/11, Kai  wrote:

Use the "check for Updates" link in your BGT Start Menu entry.


- Original Message -
From: "shaun everiss" 
To: "Philip Bennefall" ; "Gamers Discussion list"

Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2011 10:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] More BGT news

where is rev2, I can only get v1.1 installer.
At 02:40 a.m. 20/11/2011 +0100, you wrote:

Hi all,

First, let me say thanks once again to all of those who sent me so 
positive feedback over the last few days since I released BGT 1.1. 

kind of stuff is what makes my work interesting, and worthwhile.

Now, I just wanted to write and tell you that revision 2 of the engine
available. The reason I'm mentioning it on list is because it contains
feature that many of you have been wanting for a long time, namely the
ability to read and write in the registry. I have made a settings 

which wraps this up quite nicely, and prevents script kids from
with keys and values that do not concern them.

And as usual, the revision also contains a number of bugfixes reported

The next major feature that will see the light of day is joystick

I have started working on this and am making good progress. So stay
for that!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
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Re: [Audyssey] More BGT news

2011-11-20 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Dennis,

Oh, let me clarify. When I say settings data, I mean things that I allow the 
user to change inside the game that I do not want them to change by hand. I 
definitely do not store passwords this way but as you say, with a hash. 
Mainly, though, I use this method to store levels in data files as well as 
sound effects. If I were storing data that I wanted the user to be able to 
modify manually, I'd use ini files or something similar.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Dennis Towne" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2011 8:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] More BGT news


What good reasons do you have for encrypting a configuration file?  I
figure there must be some, but it personally makes no sense to me.

In my opinion, a user should be able to edit the application config
file as easily as possible (which usually means plain text with
limited markup or straight text key-value pairs.)  Further, they
should be able to simply delete the file, or paste ten thousand lines
of garbage into it if they wish, and the application should still
start up and do its best to use defaults and ignore stuff it doesn't

If you're encrypting the file to store passwords, you're doing it
wrong.  Passwords should always be stored as a salt/hash data pair.

Dennis Towne

Alter Aeon MUD

On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 2:11 PM, Philip Bennefall  

Hi Willem,

The reason is mainly for convenience. Certainly you can store settings in
encrypted files, and this is indeed possible in BGT already, but some 

were a bit confused as to how to extract and interpret data again etc.
Serialization, basically. The settings object gives you a much more
convenient method for doing this, and it was something that a lot of 
had requested. I confine the registry access to a games subkey, so it is 
possible to damage unrelated data from other programs. While this 
doesn't solve the general problem of serialization and larger quantities 

data should still be stored in files, this does provide a quick and easy
solution to store simple configuration settings.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - From: "Willem Venter" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2011 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] More BGT news

Hi. Why would you need to store things in the registry? Settings can
be saved in a file and if you want data not to be altered you could
encrypt that file, so what advantage is there to using the registry?
Even though important keys are protected many problems can still be
caused if keys are not removed with uninstallation and searching the
registry can become slow if it is filled with erroneous data.

On 11/20/11, Kai  wrote:

Use the "check for Updates" link in your BGT Start Menu entry.


- Original Message -
From: "shaun everiss" 
To: "Philip Bennefall" ; "Gamers Discussion list"

Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2011 10:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] More BGT news

where is rev2, I can only get v1.1 installer.
At 02:40 a.m. 20/11/2011 +0100, you wrote:

Hi all,

First, let me say thanks once again to all of those who sent me so much
positive feedback over the last few days since I released BGT 1.1. This
kind of stuff is what makes my work interesting, and worthwhile.

Now, I just wanted to write and tell you that revision 2 of the engine
available. The reason I'm mentioning it on list is because it contains 

feature that many of you have been wanting for a long time, namely the
ability to read and write in the registry. I have made a settings class
which wraps this up quite nicely, and prevents script kids from
with keys and values that do not concern them.

And as usual, the revision also contains a number of bugfixes reported

The next major feature that will see the light of day is joystick

I have started working on this and am making good progress. So stay
for that!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
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Re: [Audyssey] More BGT news

2011-11-20 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Willem,

This was actually something I had clearly in mind when building the wrapper. 
For the reason you mention, I have put much stricter limits on size of key 
and value names, and of the stored data itself than Microsoft does. As 
recommended by the article at:

I limited the size of each value to 2048 bytes, and encouraged users to save 
anything larger to a file. Similarly, I limited the length of key and value 
names to about half of the true limitation set by Microsoft.

So while I agree completely with yours and Dennis's points, I feel that it 
is my responsibility as the developer of this engine to include features 
that people request, as long as they are reasonable and related to games in 
one way or another. Naturally users are still free to utilize files 
exclusively; the registry is just one more option.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Willem Venter" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2011 3:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] More BGT news

Hi Thomas.
While I hear what you say about ease of use of the built in functions
of dot net for serializing and writing to the registry, sometimes
reading a file gives valuable insight to a problem and altering
something doesn't require a hex editor or custom loader for your file.

In my opinion the registry has no functionality that you can't
duplicate by using a file. Philip could even have emulated
registry-like behavior by using a file. The larger the registry
becomes, the longer it takes to find something in it.

On 11/21/11, Thomas Ward  wrote:

Hi Dark,

I do see how editing an ini or conf file could help in a situation as
you describe. Howver, on the other hand it is more simple to serialize
the settings and save them to a file or just send the settings to the
registry. Modern programming languages like C# .Net, Visual Basic
.Net, and Java all have fairly simple methods for serializing objects
which makes saving and restoring a program's state very straight
forward and easy. That's principly why I don't use an ini or conf file


On 11/20/11, dark  wrote:

As an interesting fact, in a couple of low vision access games I've
editing a conf file is actually a great way around mucking about with
options menues, sinse I can just read it in Hal.

The most extreme form of this is in the game Rocks n diamonds, which has
about 8 pages! of options, the learning of which could be a nightmare,
particularly as there are some really useful options buried in the list,
such as the ability to set scroll delay to zero so that the screen 

around the characters' position, rather than the character running all
the screen (an obscure idea but brilliant for field of vision trouble).

Obviously this doesn't apply to audio games where presumably all the
settings will be accessible anyhow.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] More BGT news

2011-11-21 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Willem,

I can insert a limit of, say, 100 values for each game. Each value can be at 
most 2048 bytes in length, which would mean that a script writer could not 
store more than 200 kb in the registry. Would this solve the problem for 

I think though that no matter  how you look at it, badly written code can 
always cause more or less serious issues. I have screen reader support in 
the engine where you can interrupt and stop the speech, and if someone wrote 
an infinite loop accidentally that kept stopping the speech it might be hard 
to shut that program down. Does this mean we should not have screen reader 
support? You can also delete files with the file_delete function. Again, 
something else that could be abused. There just comes a point where you need 
to decide whether or not you trust the writer of the game enough to subject 
your computer to their code, which is true of any game or software 
application. It is hard for me as the engine designer to prevent people 
from, intentionally or unintentionally, writing code that may be harmful in 
one way or another. But I will certainly do as much as I possibly can to 
make it more unlikely to occur, including limiting registry access if people 
feel it is necessary.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Willem Venter" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2011 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] More BGT news

Hi thomas. Many games are just scripts you run, so there is no
installer or uninstaller.
While I'm not sure if there is a limmit on how many keys a game may
create, not having one is dangerous. Just imagine a program going into
an infinite loop while writing values to the registry on each
iteration. This can happen by writing while instead of if.

It would be totally reliant on the developer to provide an installer
that knows how to remove every key their bgt script created, where as
a settings file harms noone even if  it is a few MB. The registry is
something that needs to be used with lots of care, even though it is
easy to do.

On 11/21/11, Thomas Ward  wrote:

Hi Willem,

Which are all valid points. However, as Philip mentioned he has put
restrictions in BGT to keep novis BGT developers from dumping 100
2048 KB of values into the registry So it sounds like Philip is aware
of the issues and is taking steps to minimize any risk of someone over
using and abusing the registry as you described.

As far as removing keys I haven't looked but it stands to reason if
BGT can create registry keys and set registry values that there should
be wrapper functions for deleting them as well. In C++ the functions
to do this is RegDeleteKeyEx and RegDeleteValueEx. If BGT has wrapper
functions for those registry functions someone can add an option to
delete keys prior to the uninstallation of the game.


On 11/21/11, Willem Venter  wrote:

Philip, I understand your decision to include it completely, though I
still can't say I agree. Still if your paying customers request it, it
is understandable.

Kai, I did not question registry support because it was redundant. I
questioned it because Microsoft's prinsipals from which they built the
registry is flawed and dangerous. This could lead to unhappy users of
bgt games where someone for example decided to (accidentally?) dump
100 2048 kb values into a registry that usually has a size < 10mb.
This would have an effect on the whole operating system of the user.
There is also no way to control the automatic removal of these keys if
a user deletes the bgt script. To my mind it just didn't seem worth
the extra effort for no gain and a big risk.

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Re: [Audyssey] More BGT news

2011-11-21 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Willem,

I have now added this limitation. A user cannot write more than 100 values 
to the registry for a given product, and each of these values can be no 
larger than 2048 bytes.

I think this is all I can do in terms of precautions. The rest just comes 
down to whether you trust a particular script writer's competence enough to 
run his or her code.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Willem Venter" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] More BGT news

Hi philip. Yes imposing the limmit of 100 values is a solution. I also
think you should warn users of a script about a script accessing the
registry as I would still not like keys floating around in my registry
from games I tried once.

I understand what you mean about the delete file command, but it is
harder to accidentally delete the wrong file. My concern is less for
malicious people and more for working with something they don't really
understand. A file is simple and localized to your script while the
registry is not. Even for your screen reader example, restarting the
system would still allow the screen reader to work, where many keys in
the registry would permanently slow down the system, even if they are
later removed.

Thank you.

On 11/21/11, Philip Bennefall  wrote:

Hi Willem,

I can insert a limit of, say, 100 values for each game. Each value can be 

most 2048 bytes in length, which would mean that a script writer could not
store more than 200 kb in the registry. Would this solve the problem for

I think though that no matter  how you look at it, badly written code can
always cause more or less serious issues. I have screen reader support in
the engine where you can interrupt and stop the speech, and if someone 
an infinite loop accidentally that kept stopping the speech it might be 

to shut that program down. Does this mean we should not have screen reader
support? You can also delete files with the file_delete function. Again,
something else that could be abused. There just comes a point where you 
to decide whether or not you trust the writer of the game enough to 

your computer to their code, which is true of any game or software
application. It is hard for me as the engine designer to prevent people
from, intentionally or unintentionally, writing code that may be harmful 

one way or another. But I will certainly do as much as I possibly can to
make it more unlikely to occur, including limiting registry access if 

feel it is necessary.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message -
From: "Willem Venter" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2011 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] More BGT news

Hi thomas. Many games are just scripts you run, so there is no
installer or uninstaller.
While I'm not sure if there is a limmit on how many keys a game may
create, not having one is dangerous. Just imagine a program going into
an infinite loop while writing values to the registry on each
iteration. This can happen by writing while instead of if.

It would be totally reliant on the developer to provide an installer
that knows how to remove every key their bgt script created, where as
a settings file harms noone even if  it is a few MB. The registry is
something that needs to be used with lots of care, even though it is
easy to do.

On 11/21/11, Thomas Ward  wrote:

Hi Willem,

Which are all valid points. However, as Philip mentioned he has put
restrictions in BGT to keep novis BGT developers from dumping 100
2048 KB of values into the registry So it sounds like Philip is aware
of the issues and is taking steps to minimize any risk of someone over
using and abusing the registry as you described.

As far as removing keys I haven't looked but it stands to reason if
BGT can create registry keys and set registry values that there should
be wrapper functions for deleting them as well. In C++ the functions
to do this is RegDeleteKeyEx and RegDeleteValueEx. If BGT has wrapper
functions for those registry functions someone can add an option to
delete keys prior to the uninstallation of the game.


On 11/21/11, Willem Venter  wrote:

Philip, I understand your decision to include it completely, though I
still can't say I agree. Still if your paying customers request it, it
is understandable.

Kai, I did not question registry support because it was redundant. I
questioned it because Microsoft's prinsipals from which they built the
registry is flawed and dangerous. This could lead to unhappy users of
bgt games where someone for example decided to (accidentally?) dump
100 2048 kb values into a registry that usually has a size < 10mb.
This would have an effect on the whole operating system of the user.
There is also no way to control the automatic removal of these keys if
a user deletes the

Re: [Audyssey] More BGT news

2011-11-22 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Thomas,

Okay, it is now set to 50. Do remember though that the 100 kb figure only 
holds true in an extreme case. Most people will not write anywhere near 2048 
bytes per value, and so even in the unlikely event that they do use 50 
values they are probably not going to get near the 100 kb limit anyway.

And to answer your earlyer question, certainly there are functions to delete 
not only values but also the entire tree of keys that BGT creates in the 

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 1:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] More BGT news

Hi Philip,

I agree. A lot comes down to trust. I can't help but feel like this
entire situation has been blown way out of proportion. If someone is
that concerned a BGT script or a game written in BGT will blow up
their registry don't install it. Its that simple.

As for the issue of 100 values I'd personally limit it to 50. Anything
more than 50 values for any kind of program is overkill, and should be
serialized and written to a file. That's the one thing I do agree with
Willem on that we should restrict the amount of values a BGT game
developer could potentially use by sticking to recommended standards.
Using 200 KB of space just seems like overkill to me and 100 KB is


On 11/21/11, Philip Bennefall  wrote:

Hi Willem,

I have now added this limitation. A user cannot write more than 100 values
to the registry for a given product, and each of these values can be no
larger than 2048 bytes.

I think this is all I can do in terms of precautions. The rest just comes
down to whether you trust a particular script writer's competence enough 

run his or her code.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall 

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[Audyssey] My decision on Perilous Hearts preorders, and a surprise!

2011-11-23 Thread Philip Bennefall
Hi all!

After very careful concideration and a lot of debating with myself back and 
forth, I have finally decided not to accept preorders for the game. For a 
product like BGT it is okay, because the point at which the product can be 
considered finished is a lot more vague. With a game like Perilous Hearts, 
however, I want to spend as much time as is needed in order to make the game 
the very best that it can be, and therefore I don't want to set a deadline even 
if it is far in the future as, while i'll certainly release something by that 
date to honor my contract, I may not release what I wanted personally. So for 
this reason, I have decided not to do it.

However, to thank all of those who gave me support, I have decided to release a 
concept demo of the game to wet your apetite even further. This concept demo 
contains the first two levels of the game, as well as the store. It can be 
found at:

It still uses Microsoft Sapi, but the final production certainly will not. So I 
hope you can live with it for the time being!

For those of you who feel the game is worth it, I would be very happy to accept 
donations for its development. I do not have a special donation page for the 
game, however my other website has such a page which allows you 
to send money to Blastbay Studios. So while the receipt will say BanterBay 
donation, I will know that the donation is for Perilous Hearts rather than 
Banterbay. This page is available at:

The money goes into the same PayPal account as I use when buying resources for 
the game, so you can be sure it goes to the right place.

Let me know what you think of the game, report problems and, above all, have 

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
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Re: [Audyssey] My decision on Perilous Hearts preorders, and a surprise!

2011-11-24 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Thomas,

Unfortunately the donations do not work that way. They are purely for 
support purposes, rather than part of a future game sale. I would have to 
start taking manual orders in order to accomplish that, calculating how much 
each person had paid in advance and then sending them an invoice, wait for 
payment and then finally generate a key by hand. The automatic ordering 
system handles all this for me behind the scenes with fixed prices, so I'll 
have to stick to that. Donations are if you want to help fund the game's 
development etc independent of actual product sales.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2011 4:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] My decision on Perilous Hearts preorders, and a 

Hi Philip,

Well, for what its worth I strongly feel you are making the right
decision here. Not taking preorders until you are ready to sell the
game or have it the way you want it will save you a lot of stress and
headaches in the long run. As you pointed out you might be able to
release a product on a specific date, but as you pointed out it won't
necessarily turn out exactly the way you personally want it too
because you may wind up cutting corners, rush certain aspects,
whatever to meet your deadline which isn't what we the customers want
to see happen to such a promising game. So I say take as long as you
need. :D

Now, I've got a question. If I donated say $10 or $15 towards the
development of the game would those donations count towards a purchase
of the game such as $10 or $15 off the retail price?


On 11/23/11, Philip Bennefall  wrote:

Hi all!

After very careful concideration and a lot of debating with myself back 

forth, I have finally decided not to accept preorders for the game. For a
product like BGT it is okay, because the point at which the product can be
considered finished is a lot more vague. With a game like Perilous Hearts,
however, I want to spend as much time as is needed in order to make the 

the very best that it can be, and therefore I don't want to set a deadline
even if it is far in the future as, while i'll certainly release something
by that date to honor my contract, I may not release what I wanted
personally. So for this reason, I have decided not to do it.

However, to thank all of those who gave me support, I have decided to
release a concept demo of the game to wet your apetite even further. This
concept demo contains the first two levels of the game, as well as the
store. It can be found at:

It still uses Microsoft Sapi, but the final production certainly will not.
So I hope you can live with it for the time being!

For those of you who feel the game is worth it, I would be very happy to
accept donations for its development. I do not have a special donation 

for the game, however my other website has such a page which
allows you to send money to Blastbay Studios. So while the receipt will 

BanterBay donation, I will know that the donation is for Perilous Hearts
rather than Banterbay. This page is available at:

The money goes into the same PayPal account as I use when buying resources
for the game, so you can be sure it goes to the right place.

Let me know what you think of the game, report problems and, above all, 


Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
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Re: [Audyssey] My decision on Perilous Hearts preorders, and a surprise!

2011-11-24 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Will,

This was something I considered very carefully before I made my decision, 
and concluded that the worry and frustration caused by having the obligation 
hanging over my head on such a project far outweighs the financial benefit 
that preorders would provide. Therefore, I decided to take the middle road. 
If people want to be sure the game gets as much attention as possible, they 
can still help to make that happen.

As for the game working on Mac, if it's a virtual machine that you're 
running then I'm not surprised. The game requires a fair amount of 
processing power and so I doubt whether it'll work well on a netbook either 
unless it is a high-end type.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "william lomas" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2011 6:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] My decision on Perilous Hearts preorders, and a 

as i said on the forum though at audio

while i appreciate the demo, remember the first reason you asked for 
pre-orders. you needed to fund the game, and how can you be guaranteed a 
funding source from donations? at least with pre-orders you were guaranteed 
a certain amount. sighted people have to wait when they order a title, and 
so should we why should we as blind gamers expect it out at 1 a.m. on the 10 
of october or something? i respect your decision but now if the project did 
get shelved as no funding to continue it you had a guaranteed funding source 
from the pre-orders with donations on top for good measure so you may have 
as we say here in the UK to use a saying, shot yourself in the foot. NOt 
annoyed delighted to have downloaded demo to try under fusion on the iMac 
but just be careful as the whole point of this pre-order thing was to be 
guaranteed at least say 40 USD from each person so ten of those 400 dollars 
how do you know you'd even get that in donations?

On Nov 24, 2011, at 3:52 AM, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Lori,

As to why Daniel came up by default I'm guessing that's the voice you
have set up as the default in the Windows control panel. The game
simply gets the default SAPI voice, rate, pitch, volume, etc and loads
the default voice using those settings.


On 11/23/11, Lori Duncan  wrote:

Hi Philip, I have just tried out the game demo and the first thing which
totally threw me was that when the game loaded and the main menu came up,
instead of the gastly Mike I got the sappi Daniel voice that I use when I
play the palace punch-up game, any idea why this could be?

Now onto the game.  I saved my adventure a few times and stood for a 
enjoying the background ambience, then got attacked by something, a 

I think, who wasn't too happy with me being there.  I struggled to change
weapons quickly enough so as a result poor Jim met an untimely end. 

a lot to get the hang of, and playing this at midnight my time probably
isn't the best time to learn things.  Anyway I'm very impressed by the
sounds, and just wondered if you could maybe add in a key which lets you
change weapons fast, maybe the w key to switch between them?  Thanks and
great work as always, from Lori.

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Re: [Audyssey] Perilous hearts and remaining friends command

2011-11-24 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Milos,

Oh you will most certainly have friends in the game. You already do, in 
fact, just not in the concept demo. Grin.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Milos Przic" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2011 10:45 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] Perilous hearts and remaining friends command

Hi all, hello Philip,
If I understand well, you are still not able to have someone to fight 
alongside you in the game. Why do we have the f key for checking the 
remaining friends?

 Milos Przic
skype: Milosh-hs

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Re: [Audyssey] Problem with Perilous Parts startup

2011-11-24 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Alfredo,

Another person had the same issue on the forum, and the 
problem in his case was the default Sapi voice he was using. Try setting it 
to something that you know works well with 32 bit applications. You see, the 
game tries to use your default voice and if that's not possible, it will not 
work as expected.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Alfredo_The_Music_maker" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2011 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Problem with Perilous Parts startup

Hello all,
I am not sure if anybody has encountered a similar bug, but it seems to
me that the game will not load after pressing the enter key on the logo
Here are my system details: Windows 7 Home Edition 64-bit, running NVDA
as my primary screen reader. I am running this on a desktop computer.
Anybody who has had the same problem, and found a way to resolve it,
could you come forward? That would be greatly appreciated.
P. S. Happy Thanksgiving

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Re: [Audyssey] Problem with Perilous Parts startup

2011-11-24 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Thomas,

Ah, thanks for clearing that up. I haven't yet made the switch to 7, though 
it'll most likely happen the next time I reformat this machine. Therefore, 
while I have plenty of testers who run 7, I have no first hand experience of 
the OS whatsoever so pieces of information like this are invaluable to me 
when helping customers.

Sapi aside, what do you personally think of the game? I hope I am not 
treading dangerously close to Mota grounds. I made a concious effort to 
avoid that as a matter of fact, so that we would not compete... Even though 
I like competition. Smile.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2011 12:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Problem with Perilous Parts startup

Hi Philip,

Actually, it seems that only 64-bit voices works with Perilous Harts
on 64-bit versions of Windows 7. I noticed if I forced a 32-bit voice
like Acapela Heather using the 32-bit control panel as default
Perilous Harts crashed. However, if I set a 64-bit voice such as
Microsoft Anna as default no problems at all. This problem isn't
unusual with SAPI enabled applications on Windows 7.


On 11/24/11, Philip Bennefall  wrote:

Hi Alfredo,

Another person had the same issue on the forum, and the
problem in his case was the default Sapi voice he was using. Try setting 
to something that you know works well with 32 bit applications. You see, 
game tries to use your default voice and if that's not possible, it will 

work as expected.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall 

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Re: [Audyssey] Perilous Hearts hero playthrough.

2011-11-25 Thread Philip Bennefall
Impressive! Getting through level 1 without murdering a single one of God's 
creatures. Smirk. Now can you do it without getting hurt to boot?

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Yohandy" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2011 11:27 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Perilous Hearts hero playthrough.

This is only level 1. You'll find out why once you take a listen. Philip
you did an amazing job on this game, and I can't wait to check it out once
it's out! C'mon man, give us at least levels 1 through 10 for the concept
demo will ya? hahahaha

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Re: [Audyssey] Perilous Hearts hero playthrough.

2011-11-25 Thread Philip Bennefall
Oh yes, adding cheat protection is a relatively trivial task. You just 
associate a hash or crc with each value you want to protect, and then you 
can immediately detect if a given variable has been tampered with and take 
appropriate action. Crash the game, play a message, create 10 lions right in 
your location, etc etc. There are already some easter eggs in the game, 
though of course I took them out for the demo. Smirk.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Yohandy" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2011 12:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Perilous Hearts hero playthrough.

I've already done so, however I didn't keep the recording due to the fact it
took a year for a bore to get killed for that particular playthrough, and it
would've been quite boring to listen to haha. I hope the final game has cool
trophies and unlockables. I wanna do insane difficult things no one in their
right mind would try. Also Philip, I just thought of something. Have you
encrypted the game's data once it's loaded into memory? Reason I ask is,
some people in the community have been using cheating programs to edit game
values in realtime. there's a Q9 cheat file floating around as a matter of
fact. This is very bad if you're considering adding scoreboards, trophies
etc, as people will just lock in the values and get just about anything
without earning it.

- Original Message - 
From: "Philip Bennefall" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2011 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Perilous Hearts hero playthrough.

Impressive! Getting through level 1 without murdering a single one of
God's creatures. Smirk. Now can you do it without getting hurt to boot?

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Yohandy" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2011 11:27 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Perilous Hearts hero playthrough.

This is only level 1. You'll find out why once you take a listen.
you did an amazing job on this game, and I can't wait to check it out once
it's out! C'mon man, give us at least levels 1 through 10 for the concept
demo will ya? hahahaha

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[Audyssey] BGT competition - any interest?

2011-12-26 Thread Philip Bennefall
Hi all,

I wanted to see whether there is an interest among the existing or potentially 
interested users of the BGT engine, in a competition that I am thinking of 
arranging. It would go under thane name "The BGT Month Marathon", and the 
objective would be to create an audio game within one month. The public would 
then vote on a few aspects of each game such as sound quality, stability, 
playability, innovation, etc. All of these scores would be added up to form the 
final score for each game, and the one with the highest over-all score would 
win. The contestants would of course be able to vote as well, on anything other 
than their own creation. The prise would be a free license of BGT Pro Unlimited.

So why am I holding this competition, and giving away a prise worth 400 
dollars? For one simple reason. I want to encourage the use of the BGT engine 
to create new and exciting games. If we can bring some fun into the creation 
process as well, then all the better!

Now, I wanted to see what you all think of this idea? I have not planned out 
all of the details yet, nor am I 100 % certain that I will go ahead with the 
competition. However, if the interest is great enough, then I'll definitely run 
with it. If you are interested, please also specify whether you would 
participate if we went ahead. If I get 4 or more interested participants, then 
I will be certain to get rolling as early as January.

Thanks for reading and let me know your thoughts!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
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[Audyssey] Competition time was Re: BGT competition - any interest?

2011-12-27 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi guys,

I've been thinking about the duration of the competition as well as the time 
it might potentially take for new people to familiarize themselves with the 
engine, and have come up with the following.

What about having the competition last for 2 months, starting on February 
first? This would mean that those who wanted to learn more about the engine 
had plenty of time to do so before the contest begins, and that those who 
are less familiar with programming in general would have a bit longer to 
complete the task. But when it comes down to it, the competition probably is 
not suitable for those who know nothing about either BGT or programming in 
general. But there's not much I can do about that. This is just one way in 
which I want to, A, encourage the use of the BGT engine by a greater number 
of people and, B, get some exciting new games published.

Let me know what you think of these suggestions.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Jeremy Kaldobsky" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT competition - any interest?

Fair enough.  I think everyone would have a very different amount of time 
that they would find ideal.  No matter how long the contest would be set 
for, some people will find it either too long or too short.  Hopefully it 
would be set though, to where the most people were happy.

Hi Jeremy and list,

wow, I think you think too much in your own terms here
Jeremy. We all know that your programming speed is lightning
fast and I certainly can imagine that you wouldn't know on
what to spend three months when programming a new game.

But most of us never programmed something and most of us
never used BGT yet, so we really would need some time to get
into it before we could release a fully featured game. If
these games shell be somewhat innovative, as bugfree as
possible and with good sound quality, most of use would get
an idea ready in one month, but no complete game.

You also have to account for private life, regular jobs,
school work etc. There very well will be some people here
who just can't work on this game every day, least of all
hours a day to get it ready in just one month. If I would
participate in such a competion, I'd not be willing to set
everything else aside for it. If I have other appointments
or things I want to do instead, I want to be able to do it
without risking to not meet the deadline.

And, if you put such a preasure on people, most likely the
games won't be as good as when there was enough time to do

So, this one month deadline might be alright for
experienced programmers like yourself, but certainly not for
people who want to try there first game and need some time
to learn BGT first. And the truth is, most of us are no
experienced programmers.

So, if this competion runs maybe for three momths instead
of one, I certainly will think about participating. But I
won't expose myself to the preasure I'll be under when it's
just one month.

Best regards

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Re: [Audyssey] Competition time was Re: BGT competition - any interest?

2011-12-27 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Sarah,

Oh, let me clarify what I meant. My intention was certainly not to 
discourage people, but rather just to explain why I had chosen the 
particular duration. If someone is completely new to programming, then it 
may not be possible for them to enter a competition of this kind immediately 
before they have at least a fundamental grasp of the concepts. How long this 
takes is very different from person to person, and so if I took that into 
account it would be nearly impossible to fix a deadline. So what I meant to 
say was basically that in order to participate, you should have at least a 
basic understanding of either BGT, or general programming. That would allow 
you to pick up the tool and hopefully make something interesting within the 
time frame. So in short, my intention was not to come across as negative or 
discouraging in any way but merely to explain my thinking behind the 
duration of the competition.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Sarah Haake" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 4:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Competition time was Re: BGT competition - any 

^Hi Philip,

I must say that I don't completely understand what you really want with
this competition.

First you say that you want to encourage more people to use BGT to make
new games, then you say that this is nothing for complete beginners.

Well, everyone here who knows about game programming already does that
and brings games to us, no matter if they use BGT or not. So, if you
don't want to encourage newcomers with this competition, who else? You
don't need to encourage people who already know about programming to do
so, they do it already. So, what is the point here?

Btw, I think to say something like this isn't for newcomers does
discourage people, but not encourage anyone. I myself am not completely
new to programing itself, but new to game programming. But after what
you just wrote, I wouldn't be very encouraged to participate in this

Best regards

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT competition - any interest?

2011-12-28 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Scott,

This is exactly what I had planned on doing, though perhaps I wasn't clear 
enough in my original post. Here's a short quote:

"The public would then vote on a few aspects of each game such as sound 
quality, stability, playability, innovation, etc. All of these scores would 
be added up to form the final score for each game, and the one with the 
highest over-all score would win. The contestants would of course be able to 
vote as well, on anything other than their own creation."

I haven't decided on the exact criteria yet, but certainly the ones listed 
above plus perhaps one or two more.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Chesworth" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT competition - any interest?

Whether there'd be enough interest (or indeed time in Philip's
schedule) to justify such a framework is debatable, but how about

People vote by rating games out of 10 on different aspects, as in a
score of 10 is "this is killer", a score of 5 is "it ticks the boxes"
and a score of 1 is "meh, not so much". A few categories that would
apply across the board to most genre of games I can think of would be
originality, replayability, sound design, stability (you'd need a
catchier title for that one), and perhaps round it off with a very
generalised "overall, how awesome is this game" question. That way,
the categories combine to make it fairer. A Bop IT clone might recieve
low marks from most people for originality, but there's room for an
inovative genius to step up to the mark with a Bop IT clone that turns
out to be totally addictive and they'll get the credit they deserve
for replayability. Similarly, games that are great can shine even with
bad sound design, or awesome sound design can still stand out as what
it is even if the gaming experience ends up being a bit drab. I
suggested the overall awesomeness category because, for me at least,
there have been games I've loved or gone back to time and again but I
can't always explain why.

It'd be a balancing act, but with the scores being made public, I
think there could be a fair system here.


On 12/28/11, Thomas Ward  wrote:

Hi Chris,

That was basically my concern as well. How do you judge between say a
new clone of BopIt and say a modern remake of Castlevania or something
like that. The games are so completely different in design, different
genres, etc that there needs to be some criteria here for submissions
I think.


On 12/28/11, Christopher Bartlett  wrote:

I am likely to participate, but I have two concerns.

1.  The free version does not allow for mouse control, which is one of 

current innovation tools we are seeing in games such as RailRacer and
I'm not willing to spend $99 to participate in a contest more effectively
having access to these controls.

2.  I think it will be difficult to judge different game types against 
another.  What criteria will you use?  How will you define innovative, 

how will completely different game genres be comparable?

Chris Bartlett

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT competition - any interest?

2011-12-28 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Chris,

To answer your questions in order:

1. As you might have guessed, the main reason for limiting certain features 
to specific license types of the engine is to provide people with an 
insentive to upgrade. If I just gave everything away in the demo, the 
commercial versions would offer very little in terms of advantages other 
than compiling and, in the case of pro, selling games. It works rather well 
when people are buying the engine normally, but in the case of this 
competition I can see how it might present a problem if you want to exploit 
a certain feature to make the game stand out. Still, I'm not sure how I 
could rectify that without compromising the security of my regular licenses. 
There was a suggestion earlier in the discussion about making a timed 
competition specific license, but the problem there was that a timed trial 
is relatively easy to bypass and once that has been done, my sales are 
toast. Have you any other suggestions?

2. Luckily for me, I don't actually have to define what innovation means 
technically. Instead I set up a poll once all the games have been published, 
and let the public vote on each one of these aspects of a game on a scale of 
either 1 to 5 or 1 to 10. That way I merely have to decide on a set of good 
criteria, and then let the forces of mankind do the rest. Convenient! Grins.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Christopher Bartlett" 

To: "'Gamers Discussion list'" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 4:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT competition - any interest?

I am likely to participate, but I have two concerns.

1.  The free version does not allow for mouse control, which is one of the
current innovation tools we are seeing in games such as RailRacer and Swamp.
I'm not willing to spend $99 to participate in a contest more effectively by
having access to these controls.

2.  I think it will be difficult to judge different game types against one
another.  What criteria will you use?  How will you define innovative, and
how will completely different game genres be comparable?

Chris Bartlett

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Jim Kitchen
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 7:22 AM
To: Philip Bennefall
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT competition - any interest?

Hi Philip,

I will not be participating in the game creation contest only because I have
always programmed in Basic, but it sounds like a great idea.  Maybe a
compromise and make the contest for 2 months.



I like Visual Basic 6.0 because I can not C.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] Competition time was Re: BGT competition - anyinterest?

2011-12-28 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Sarah,

Oh, you bet. If this first competition works out well, you can be sure 
there'll be another one. Some people have suggested that I make it a yearly 
event and, who knows, it may come to that. I certainly would not be 
complaining if the interest is that high! And this, of course, is why I 
posted the question before deciding whether to go ahead or not, to try to 
determine how many likely participants I would be getting. And judging by 
the responses I've received, we're rolling!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Sarah Haake" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 11:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Competition time was Re: BGT competition - 

Hi Philip,

ok, now I understand better what you mean. You're right, people who
learn programming from scratch will probably need different amounts of
time for that. Some will get it in just a few weeks, others maybe need
months to feel comfortable with the comcept.

Since you have to set some form of deadline, it really would be
difficult to satisfy everyone.

But maybe you could do more than one such competition? Then everyone who
don't feels comfortable enough to enter the first one could take the
time to get into things and maybe participate in the next competition.
If you would make sure that there will be more opportunities, I'm sure
more people would feel encouraged to take a look at programming, so they
can get out a cool game later.

Best regards

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT competition - Types of Games

2011-12-28 Thread Philip Bennefall

Good afternoon there,

BGT can definitely be used to design any type of game. BGT is basically a 
set of modules (I guess you could call them), all wrapped into a scripting 
engine that allows you to use everything from sounds to timers to networking 
to text-to-speech to artificial intelligence and lots more, in a very high 
level language. The language itself, AngelScript, is very similar in syntax 
to languages such as C++ but takes some of the low level work out of your 
hands. For instance, you don't have to manage memory or clean up any 
resources that you may use. In other words, BGT is a framework that you can 
use to build pretty much any game imagineable.

As for the types of games that are prefered in the competition, there are no 
specific requirements. I personally am not the one who decides what game is 
the best, I leave that up to a public vote. After the deadline, all the 
games will be made available for the public to test, and then they can vote 
on a few separate aspects of each game such as innovation, sound quality, 
replay value, and a few others. Therefore, whether I personally do or do not 
like a particular genre is of no consequence; it all comes down to what the 
community enjoys. But to speak for myself as a gamer, I certainly wouldn't 
mind testing out a new board game if it was made available to me.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Loravara" 

To: "'Gamers Discussion list'" 
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 12:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT competition - Types of Games

Good Afternoon,

The possible BGT competition has me thinking, and I have two very general

First, can BGT be used to design any type of game?  For instance, card game
to aircraft simulator?  If not, what limitations should I be aware of?  (I
intend to do more research this weekend, but I wanted a general assessment
of the tool's capabilities.)

And second, what types of games would you like to see?  Before you answer,
let me tell you a bit about me and my constraints.  I am highly unlikely to
build a first-person shooter, or any standard arcade style game.  There are
likely others who know far more about designing such games than I do.  What
I bring to the table is extensive knowledge of board and card games, as well
as role-playing games.  It seems likely that for a competition I'd start
with something like a board or card game, because these are somewhat more
static, while a role-playing game would be very dynamic.  Are there
particular board or card games you'd love to play, games that are not
represented at all in the blindness community at the moment?  For instance,
I used to love playing Risk, and I've never seen an accessible Risk game.
Similarly, there are tons of unusual games published every year, from
Carcassonne to Ticket to Ride, Dominion to Qwarriors.  If you don't know of
a specific game you'd like to see, is there a type of game that might
interest you: a dice game, kingdom building game, card game, etc.?

And with all that in mind, will BGT allow me to design games that can be
played over the Internet, so that players can play against one another, or
should I aim for a game where you play against the computer?

Many thanks for any input you can offer.


-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Scott Chesworth
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 9:21 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT competition - any interest?

Whether there'd be enough interest (or indeed time in Philip's
schedule) to justify such a framework is debatable, but how about

People vote by rating games out of 10 on different aspects, as in a
score of 10 is "this is killer", a score of 5 is "it ticks the boxes"
and a score of 1 is "meh, not so much". A few categories that would
apply across the board to most genre of games I can think of would be
originality, replayability, sound design, stability (you'd need a
catchier title for that one), and perhaps round it off with a very
generalised "overall, how awesome is this game" question. That way,
the categories combine to make it fairer. A Bop IT clone might recieve
low marks from most people for originality, but there's room for an
inovative genius to step up to the mark with a Bop IT clone that turns
out to be totally addictive and they'll get the credit they deserve
for replayability. Similarly, games that are great can shine even with
bad sound design, or awesome sound design can still stand out as what
it is even if the gaming experience ends up being a bit drab. I
suggested the overall awesomeness category because, for me at least,
there have been games I've loved or gone back to time and again but I
can't always explain why.

It'd be a balancing act, but with the scor

[Audyssey] BGT 25 % discount!

2012-01-02 Thread Philip Bennefall
Hi all,

>From January 3, 2012 to January 10, 2012, BGT Pro Single and BGT Pro Unlimited 
>are enjoying a discount of 25 %! This means that they are now selling for 
>74.95 USD, and 299.95 USD respectively. This is a rare chance you should not 
>miss! If you are interested in this offer, why not have a peak at 
> to learn more!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
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Re: [Audyssey] BGT 25 % discount!

2012-01-02 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Chris,

No, Pro Single and Pro Unlimited are identical in their set of features. The 
purpose of having two pro versions is to give people an easier start by not 
forcing them to fork out 400 dollars before they know whether they can 
create games that sell. That's why we have the demo for experimentation, 
lite for those who just want to compile things and get some more features, 
and pro single/pro unlimited who want to go commercial with the full feature 

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Christopher Bartlett" 

To: ; "'Gamers Discussion list'" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 3:05 AM
Subject: RE: [Audyssey] BGT 25 % discount!

Other than the ability to license multiple commercial titles, are there any
features in the full license that aren't available in the single license?

Christopher Bartlett

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT 25 % discount!

2012-01-02 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Chris,

Oh no, no offense taken in the slightest. You raised some perfectly 
legitimate questions and I hope I answered them at least semi 
satisfactorily. Smile.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Christopher Bartlett" 

To: ; "'Gamers Discussion list'" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 4:02 AM
Subject: RE: [Audyssey] BGT 25 % discount!

Yes, I applaud your pricing model as it allows people to go as far as they
like for a reasonable investment.  Please don't take any of my commentary on
the contest thread to contradict my positive response to your software and
marketing plan.

Chris Bartlett

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Philip Bennefall
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2012 9:14 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT 25 % discount!

Hi Chris,

No, Pro Single and Pro Unlimited are identical in their set of features. The

purpose of having two pro versions is to give people an easier start by not
forcing them to fork out 400 dollars before they know whether they can
create games that sell. That's why we have the demo for experimentation,
lite for those who just want to compile things and get some more features,
and pro single/pro unlimited who want to go commercial with the full feature


Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Christopher Bartlett" 

To: ; "'Gamers Discussion list'" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 3:05 AM
Subject: RE: [Audyssey] BGT 25 % discount!

Other than the ability to license multiple commercial titles, are there any
features in the full license that aren't available in the single license?

Christopher Bartlett

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT 25 % discount!

2012-01-02 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Bryan,

Yes, if you own Lite and want to upgrade to Pro Single, right now you would 
only pay 54.95 USD. However, this is not supported in the automatic ordering 
system so anyone who wants to take advantage of this has to email me 
directly and I will send a PayPal money request.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Bryan Peterson" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 4:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT 25 % discount!

So what if you already own BGT Light and wanted to purchase, say the Pro
Single License? Would the two discounts stack?
Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
- Original Message - 
From: "Philip Bennefall" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2012 8:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT 25 % discount!

Hi Chris,

Oh no, no offense taken in the slightest. You raised some perfectly
legitimate questions and I hope I answered them at least semi
satisfactorily. Smile.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Christopher Bartlett" 

To: ; "'Gamers Discussion list'"

Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 4:02 AM
Subject: RE: [Audyssey] BGT 25 % discount!

Yes, I applaud your pricing model as it allows people to go as far as they
like for a reasonable investment.  Please don't take any of my commentary
the contest thread to contradict my positive response to your software and
marketing plan.

Chris Bartlett

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Philip Bennefall
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2012 9:14 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT 25 % discount!

Hi Chris,

No, Pro Single and Pro Unlimited are identical in their set of features.

purpose of having two pro versions is to give people an easier start by
forcing them to fork out 400 dollars before they know whether they can
create games that sell. That's why we have the demo for experimentation,
lite for those who just want to compile things and get some more features,
and pro single/pro unlimited who want to go commercial with the full


Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Christopher Bartlett" 

To: ; "'Gamers Discussion list'"

Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 3:05 AM
Subject: RE: [Audyssey] BGT 25 % discount!

Other than the ability to license multiple commercial titles, are there
features in the full license that aren't available in the single license?

Christopher Bartlett

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[Audyssey] Important BGT upgrade

2012-01-13 Thread Philip Bennefall
Hi all,

Generally I try not to send out emails to the list for smaller revisions of 
BGT, but in this case I think an exception is called for as there are some 
pretty serious bugfixes in the latest version that has just been released. 
Anyone who is using BGT should download the latest build as soon as possible 
and recompile any existing games with it, especially if the game uses Sapi. 
This version also brings some general performance improvements, so is a vital 
upgrade for all users.

In this release, I have also done some important internal work. To cut a long 
story short I have separated the engine into two components, the main BGT 
executable which can run and compile games, and then a dedicated binary that 
merely runs precompiled byte code. This is the first step on the path to making 
BGT game executables a lot more compact. I have sponsored the developer of 
AngelScript to separate the script compiler from the virtual machine, and when 
this is done I will be able to take advantage of that with this new design to 
decrease the size of game executables by several hundred kb. In other words, 
precompiled games will exclude an enormous amount of code that is only needed 
when running scripts from source. The AngelScript change is scheduled to be 
completed at some point in March, at which time I will put out a new revision 
where you should see this drastic change in size.

But for now, please grab this latest version to take advantage of the bugfixes 
and performance improvements. Thank you!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
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Re: [Audyssey] BGT manual.

2012-12-19 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hello Gabriel,

You can search in a given topic as well. In Jaws, the hotkey is CTRL+F. I am 
not sure if other screen readers use the same one. Then, you get a search 
field and you can do exactly what you describe. In short, use the index to 
search for topics, and use the screen reader's searching capabilities to 
find things inside a topic.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Gabriel Battaglia (Kriyaban)" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT manual.

Hi Liam and thanks for answer.
Consider this morning's case, for instance: I didn't remember the operator 
to obtain the left over of a division, which is %=. If I
had the stright document I would search for "%=" instead of going throw the 
language tutorial, paragraph by paragraph.


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Re: [Audyssey] BGT: pakaging file in the executable.

2012-12-20 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Gabriel,

This functionality is available in the Pro Single and Pro Unlimited versions 
of BGT. In Lite, you will need to distribute your sounds folder along with 
your game executable.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Gabriel Battaglia (Kriyaban)" 

To: "Gamers Audissey Mailinglist" 
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2012 4:38 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] BGT: pakaging file in the executable.

Hi Philip and all.

I bought the lite version of BGT and, if I've understood well, the Pack_file 
object is not available to this version of BGT.
My question is, how to distribute my executable within their audio files? 
When I try to execute the EXE file I've compiled in a
different position or machine from their original one, the sounds are not 


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Re: [Audyssey] Pirate Memory Game and Q9.

2013-02-04 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hello Eleni,

For whatever reason, the message you mention has never come through to me. 
Could you please resend it? Did you email it to I am 
more than happy to send you your registration information back.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Eleni" 

Sent: Monday, February 04, 2013 7:27 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Pirate Memory Game and Q9.

Hello. I'm looking for a link to download the Pirate Memory Game from
Klango. I had it on my xp laptop but unfortunately I didn't keep the set up
file so I could download the game on my new Windows 7 laptop. I looked on
audiogames but also that link is broken. If possible, please someone give me
the set up, or give me a working link.

Also, I tried to contact the blastbay site, as well as Philip directly in
order to resend me my registration info on Q9, but I had no answer. If
someone knows anything about that site, please I'd like to know what's going

Thanks very much in advance,


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Re: [Audyssey] Questions about BGT Competition

2013-03-06 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Thomas,

Thank you for the interest! I do plan to run another BGT competition, 
provided I can reach an acceptable compromise regarding the issue of code 
reuse that was discussed on the forum a while back. The good 
thing about allowing unlimited code reuse is that people who are already 
experienced with the engine and have collected a lot of utility classes and 
the like, will be able to make a significantly larger and more complex game 
in the timespan of the competition. But this is also the major argument 
against allowing this. If people are to compete on equal grounds, it makes 
sense to restrict the amount of permissible preexisting code to a level that 
makes it as fair as possible for everyone while not reinventing the wheel. 
In the discussion, there were voices both for and against. If I can reach a 
decision regarding this that most people find acceptable, then there's no 
doubt I'll be running another competition (probably within a month or two).

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2013 5:04 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Questions about BGT Competition

Hi all,

I suppose this question is mainly for Philip, but I figured most of
you might be interested in discussing this too so thought I'd ask this
publicly on list.

Over the last couple of months or so I've been playing around with
BGT, and I am strongly considering purchasing it for my own game
development. However, I remember a couple of months ago Philip
mentioning possibly running another BGT competition. If so I don't
want to pay for BGT only to find out that he is running a competition
and I had a chance to win a copy for free.. So will there be a BGT
competition this year, and if so when?


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[Audyssey] BGT Version 1.3 Released!

2013-04-24 Thread Philip Bennefall
blem where erronious warning messages could be triggered if the 
initialization of the global variables failed (thanks Damien).
* Fixed a bug in the sound_pool include class which made it try to reload a 
sound that came back within earshot, from the currently used storage rather 
than the storage that was active when the sound was initially loaded (thanks 
* Fixed a bug in the dynamic_menu include class which would cause the intro 
message not to be heard if the auto_speak_first parameter was true and the 
first item used an output different from the intro message (thanks Aaron).
* Fixed a bug in the audio_form include class in the get_list_count method 
where the maximum index was being returned rather than the number of items 
as described in the documentation (Thanks Damien).
* Fixed several multiline input field bugs in the audio_form include class 
(Thanks Damien).
* Updated the language tutorial with information about the new behavior of 
automatic default constructors, and about how to assign values to class 
properties directly in their declaration.

* Added a serialization tutorial.
* Documented the string object.
* Added four missing overloaded operators to the list in the language 
tutorial (opPreInc, opPreDec, opPostInc and opPostDec).
* Added a note to the number_to_hex_string documentation regarding the fact 
that it produces lowercase results (thanks Jordan).
* Added a list of command line options available in the BGT engine (see 
appendix g).
* Updated the documentation for the profiler to explain the differences when 
profiling debug versus release builds.
* Failed to document the new array methods mentioned in the change log for 
version 1.2 revision 1 (thanks Marc).
* Failed to document the new get_size method mentioned in the change log for 
version 1.2 revision 1 (thanks Damien).
* Failed to document the sound_is_playing method in the sound_pool include 
class(Thanks Lukás).
* Failed to document several methods of the dynamic_menu class (Thanks 
* Fixed an error in one of the examples in the language tutorial to do with 
integer calculations.

* Fixed a few typos in the html code in the documentation (thanks Nikola).

Thanks to all of those who use the engine on a regular basis and help me 
improve it by your constant stream of feedback, constructive critisism and 

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall 

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[Audyssey] BGT quick note

2013-04-24 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi once again,

With my usual good fortune, I discoverd just a couple of hours after release 
that I used the wrong compiler settings. This resulted in the binary size 
being much greater than it needed to be. If you download the installer 
again, you will get the proper version. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall 

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.3 Released!

2013-04-24 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Ron,

It stands for Blastbay Game Toolkit. Better to be descriptive, I figured. 

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Ron Kolesar" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 10:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT Version 1.3 Released!

Please excuse me.
But what does BGT stand for?

Ron and current Leader Dog boz who states
"that a service dog beats a cane paws down any day of the week." 

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[Audyssey] News from Blastbay Studios, and a call for opinions

2013-04-29 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi all,

I am slowly but surely nearing the finish line for my current game project, 
and before I release it I would like to ask the community at large some 
questions. Your input will greatly help me when deciding what to spend time 
on before release. Below are four questions that I would very much 
appreciate your answers to:

1. Would you like the ability to order the game on CD? This would cost 
something like 10 dollars extra including worldwide shipping.

2. How much does the size of the game matter when it comes to the 
downloadable version? Is something like 300 MB too large?

3. In what format would you prefer to have the manual? Narrated inside the 
game, available in text format, or both?

4. If the game contained cheat codes and you had to beat it in order to 
unlock them, would you want the ability to buy them for something like 5 
dollars without having to earn them? This applies to other unlockable 
content, as well.

I do not have a set release date for the game yet, but it will be available 
in the not too distant future. The game that I am refering to is not 
Perilous Hearts, but is actually something even larger and, in my opinion, 
far superior. The state of Perilous Hearts is currently not 100% certain, 
but I am confident that you'll enjoy this game just as much and hopefully a 
whole lot more. I cannot give any definite information about the game at 
present, except that it is a mix between arcade and adventure with a 
boatload of action thrown on top.

Thanks in advance for reading, and taking the time to respond to my 

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall 

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Re: [Audyssey] News from Blastbay Studios, and a call for opinions

2013-04-29 Thread Philip Bennefall
Hi Brian, and thanks for your input! Regarding Perilous Hearts, my first 
goal is to finish this new game and then, depending on how my university 
schedule turns out, I will see how much time I am able to dedicate to 
finishing Perilous Hearts. Naturally I will always keep people up to date 
when I make decisions of this nature.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Bryan Peterson" 

To: ; "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 9:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] News from Blastbay Studios, and a call for opinions

As for ordering the game on CD I don't see the need for that. As for
cheat codes I like having to beat the game in order to get them. As for
the download size I have a fairly fast connection somost downloads don't
take very long. I'm looking forward to this game but I also hope to see
PH in the future since we got that concept demo.
On 4/29/2013 1:19 PM, Philip Bennefall wrote:

Hi all,

I am slowly but surely nearing the finish line for my current game
project, and before I release it I would like to ask the community at
large some questions. Your input will greatly help me when deciding
what to spend time on before release. Below are four questions that I
would very much appreciate your answers to:

1. Would you like the ability to order the game on CD? This would cost
something like 10 dollars extra including worldwide shipping.

2. How much does the size of the game matter when it comes to the
downloadable version? Is something like 300 MB too large?

3. In what format would you prefer to have the manual? Narrated inside
the game, available in text format, or both?

4. If the game contained cheat codes and you had to beat it in order
to unlock them, would you want the ability to buy them for something
like 5 dollars without having to earn them? This applies to other
unlockable content, as well.

I do not have a set release date for the game yet, but it will be
available in the not too distant future. The game that I am refering
to is not Perilous Hearts, but is actually something even larger and,
in my opinion, far superior. The state of Perilous Hearts is currently
not 100% certain, but I am confident that you'll enjoy this game just
as much and hopefully a whole lot more. I cannot give any definite
information about the game at present, except that it is a mix between
arcade and adventure with a boatload of action thrown on top.

Thanks in advance for reading, and taking the time to respond to my

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall

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To shave\a da face,
To cut-a da hair...

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-13 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Davy and others,

I wanted to stop by and briefly explain my current intentions for BGT. When
I started developing it in late 2009, I had absolutely no idea how it would
do financially. Now, 4 years down the line I can say that while sales have
been reasonable considering the number of potential developers in the blind
community, BGT is not and has never been something that I am going to get
rich from. I never figured I would, either, but the truth is that it simply
would not make sense for me to spend the amount of time and effort that
would be involved porting it to a new platform. I am certainly not
discounting Mac OS X/IOS as viable distribution channels. They are growing
every day and I target them in all the mainstream projects that I am
involved in at present. These other projects were written with cross
platform support in mind from the get-go, while BGT was written exclusively
for Windows. This means that BGT would require a major overhaul to be
portable to other platforms, and I do not feel that an investment on such a
scale would be viable at this point considering my current schedule.

Had I decided to create an audio game engine at this time, it would
certainly have been written with cross platform compatibility in mind from
the start. This is not the case with BGT, however, and I cannot spend much
more time and money developing it considering the sales figures it has been
generating thus far. This certainly does not mean that BGT is going to be
abandoned. Far from it. I still enjoy making games as a hobby from time to
time, and for that, it works very well for my needs. But I will not be
working on it full time as I did a year ago. So for those of you who have
been hoping for a cross platform BGT release, I am sorry I can't bring more
positive news. However I felt it was better to clearly announce my
intentions as opposed to staying silent and leaving users to wonder and

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall 

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-14 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Davy,

I just wanted to clarify briefly what issues I had when integrating XAudio2
with BGT. Initially, everything seemed to work flawlessly. But what I
noticed when trying it in a large scale project with a lot of sounds playing
simultaneously was that XAudio2 would sometimes cause lag before playing a
new sound. This was not a sound that had just been opened; it was a sound
that had been cloned from another previously existing instance. Therefore I
was able to exclude disk IO as the cause. At first I figured that it was
probably just my machine being sluggish, but it kept happening regularly. I
then wanted to make sure that it wasn't the fact that XAudio2 is virtualized
on Windows XP, so I tested it on several Windows 7 and Vista machines with
the same results. I then did a side by side comparison of DirectSound and
XAudio2, and DirectSound did not suffer from this problem on any of the
machines used for the test. This was done in late 2010, but I have not seen
any significant new releases of XAudio2 since then so I would presume that
the problem still exists. Important to note is that the lag usually does not
happen if you have just a few sounds playing at once. You need to reach
quantities of about 10 or 15 before it starts to become noticeable.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Davy Kager" 

To: "'Gamers Discussion list'" 
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Hi Thomas,

I have had no trouble with XAudio2.  That coupled with very low-level input 
handling using the Win32 API made for some awesome times.  Still, the 
disadvantage to such low-level work (I count XAudio2 as relatively low-level 
too), is that it takes more work to get things done - including more 
evaluation of your code to make sure it won't crash at run-time.  And the 
difference inr esponsiveness isn't too big anyway.  We're talking 
milliseconds here.  The one thing I did like about those components is that 
it was mostly event-driven.  I'm not a big fan of polling for input.
Unfortunately, I've read that Microsoft dropped XNA, so I wouldn't be 
surprised if XAudio2 is going too.  That's two abandoned audio systems in 
five years.

And really, OpenAL isn't so bad.  There are devices with hardware support 
(though I'm disabling that to ensure a uniform user experience).  And with 
the rise of Steam, being able to target Linux is a good thing.  Then there 
is the iOS thing, they use OpenAL too.  Joal is a great option for Java 
developers.  For iOS there is the excellent Object-AL.
Sadly Joal seems to have some issues acquiring the soundcard at times, but 
that's probably partly the fault of Windows and its drivers.  It's also a 
bit of a resource hog, it does a lot of memory copying that more low-level 
APIs avoid.  But hey, it does save you some resource managing.

DirectSound was great, and it's cool that it still works on modern systems, 
but just like with VB6 I'd strongly suggest new developers skip it 
altogether.  As you said the 3D part is very much broken unless you do your 
own tweaking (and even then), and to be fair the API really isn't that easy 
to use compared to XAudio2 or OpenAL.  The one nice thing is that you can 
easily script against it, but that's not too important for serious game 


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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-14 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Davy,

Initially when I started writing BGT, I figured that it would be best to 
begin with simple stereo and then go from there. But then I found out that 
DirectSound 3d is rather broken, and decided to go for XAudio2 instead. You 
know the rest of that story. So for this reason, BGT will not have 3d audio 
as long as it uses DirectSound and it doesn't seem viable to switch to 
XAudio2 at this point considering the issues I encountered. If I do switch 
to another sound system, I am not opposed to adding 3d audio as an option if 
people want to use it. Personally I prefer stereo, but of course this 
depends entirely on the types of games you want to make and other personal 

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Davy Kager" 

To: ; "'Gamers Discussion list'" 
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 2:35 PM
Subject: RE: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Hi Philip,

That is good to know!  My project had that many sounds loaded, but they 
weren't all playing at once.  I heard that BGT has no 3D sound support. 
In that case I fully agree that using DirectSound is the way to go for a 
Windows-only product.

By the way, I'm not criticizing BGT for not having 3D audio.  I've always 
found 3D to be very confusing.  In my OpenAL project I happily disable it 
first thing.


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Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-14 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Davy,

I just wanted to clarify briefly what issues I had when integrating XAudio2 
with BGT. Initially, everything seemed to work flawlessly. But what I 
noticed when trying it in a large scale project with a lot of sounds playing 
simultaneously was that XAudio2 would sometimes cause lag before playing a 
new sound. This was not a sound that had just been opened; it was a sound 
that had been cloned from another previously existing instance. Therefore I 
was able to exclude disk IO as the cause. At first I figured that it was 
probably just my machine being sluggish, but it kept happening regularly. I 
then wanted to make sure that it wasn't the fact that XAudio2 is virtualized 
on Windows XP, so I tested it on several Windows 7 and Vista machines with 
the same results. I then did a side by side comparison of DirectSound and 
XAudio2, and DirectSound did not suffer from this problem on any of the 
machines used for the test. This was done in late 2010, but I have not seen 
any significant new releases of XAudio2 since then so I would presume that 
the problem still exists. Important to note is that the lag usually does not 
happen if you have just a few sounds playing at once. You need to reach 
quantities of about 10 or 15 before it starts to become noticeable.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Davy Kager" 

To: "'Gamers Discussion list'" 
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Hi Thomas,

I have had no trouble with XAudio2.  That coupled with very low-level input 
handling using the Win32 API made for some awesome times.  Still, the 
disadvantage to such low-level work (I count XAudio2 as relatively low-level 
too), is that it takes more work to get things done - including more 
evaluation of your code to make sure it won't crash at run-time.  And the 
difference inr esponsiveness isn't too big anyway.  We're talking 
milliseconds here.  The one thing I did like about those components is that 
it was mostly event-driven.  I'm not a big fan of polling for input.
Unfortunately, I've read that Microsoft dropped XNA, so I wouldn't be 
surprised if XAudio2 is going too.  That's two abandoned audio systems in 
five years.

And really, OpenAL isn't so bad.  There are devices with hardware support 
(though I'm disabling that to ensure a uniform user experience).  And with 
the rise of Steam, being able to target Linux is a good thing.  Then there 
is the iOS thing, they use OpenAL too.  Joal is a great option for Java 
developers.  For iOS there is the excellent Object-AL.
Sadly Joal seems to have some issues acquiring the soundcard at times, but 
that's probably partly the fault of Windows and its drivers.  It's also a 
bit of a resource hog, it does a lot of memory copying that more low-level 
APIs avoid.  But hey, it does save you some resource managing.

DirectSound was great, and it's cool that it still works on modern systems, 
but just like with VB6 I'd strongly suggest new developers skip it 
altogether.  As you said the 3D part is very much broken unless you do your 
own tweaking (and even then), and to be fair the API really isn't that easy 
to use compared to XAudio2 or OpenAL.  The one nice thing is that you can 
easily script against it, but that's not too important for serious game 


-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2013 13:18
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Hi Davy,

Well, the problem with XAudio2 is that a number of developers have reported 
it is buggy. Philip was working on a version of BGT that uses XAudio2, and 
found out it caused some instabilities in BGT and removed
XAudio2 support for the time  being. So that is why BGT does not presently 
support XAudio2.

However, I agree for a multi-platform game there is no better option than 
OpenAL. You can use Joal for Java or write your own custom wrapper for the 
library for a decent cross-platform audio library that works on Mac, Linux, 
and Windows. Truth be told I am looking at using OpenAL as a replacement for 
DirectSound on Windows anyway just because the 3d audio is broken big time 
on DirectSound in Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1. Clearly I need 
something else other than DirectSound, and XAudio2 is rather up in the air 
at this point.

As far as license agreement stopping someone from reverse engineering code I 
just can not go with that option. To me that is like someone intentionally 
leaving their front door unlocked and than hanging a sign outside saying "do 
not enter." A person who respects you as a developer, has some decency, 
obviously won't reverse your code or pirate your software. However, sad to 
say a lot of people will not and it never h

Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

2013-12-14 Thread Philip Bennefall

Hi Davy and others,

I wanted to stop by and briefly explain my current intentions for BGT. When 
I started developing it in late 2009, I had absolutely no idea how it would 
do financially. Now, 4 years down the line I can say that while sales have 
been reasonable considering the number of potential developers in the blind 
community, BGT is not and has never been something that I am going to get 
rich from. I never figured I would, either, but the truth is that it simply 
would not make sense for me to spend the amount of time and effort that 
would be involved porting it to a new platform. I am certainly not 
discounting Mac OS X/IOS as viable distribution channels. They are growing 
every day and I target them in all the mainstream projects that I am 
involved in at present. These other projects were written with cross 
platform support in mind from the get-go, while BGT was written exclusively 
for Windows. This means that BGT would require a major overhaul to be 
portable to other platforms, and I do not feel that an investment on such a 
scale would be viable at this point considering my current schedule.

Had I decided to create an audio game engine at this time, it would 
certainly have been written with cross platform compatibility in mind from 
the start. This is not the case with BGT, however, and I cannot spend much 
more time and money developing it considering the sales figures it has been 
generating thus far. This certainly does not mean that BGT is going to be 
abandoned. Far from it. I still enjoy making games as a hobby from time to 
time, and for that, it works very well for my needs. But I will not be 
working on it full time as I did a year ago. So for those of you who have 
been hoping for a cross platform BGT release, I am sorry I can't bring more 
positive news. However I felt it was better to clearly announce my 
intentions as opposed to staying silent and leaving users to wonder and 

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - 
From: "Davy Kager" 

To: "'Gamers Discussion list'" 
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 5:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More


With all due respect, but you really don't want to pick up coding in VB6 
anymore.  PureBasic I wouldn't know, I haven't looked at it before.
With C++ (or Java) you really aren't coding from scratch.  OpenAL has a C 
API, Java has an OpenAL wrapper, and of course there's DirectSound and 
XAudio2 which have their respective APIs.  Oh, and Java's own sound API, 
which is good enough for basic stuff.  I'm not even going to try and list 
all the third-party options.  The one thing you will have to do yourself 
is resource management, but that is true for any language if you want to 
write efficient code that doesn't eat your system memory.  And in C++ 
you'll require external libraries, dynamic or static, to do certain 
things.  Java is a lot nicer in that regard, but as Thomas pointed out it 
takes less than a minute to get to the entire code-base of a project.

Also, I haven't actually tried BGT myself.  All I know about it comes from 
the website.  I'm not criticizing it, only trying to find out what it can 
and cannot do.


-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of shaun 

Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2013 00:04
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] BGT, Mac and More

Well davie, when danny and I were working on the deathmatch series danny 
found out we all did that there were limitations with bgt.

Sertain things need to be written a sertain way.
And the way  we were expanding the deathmatch series was just really going 
outside of bgt's limits.

deathmatch1 is not finnished to what it was going to be.
There are so many issues with bgt and its limits and we came on them with 
saving, arrays and a lot of other things that we have exhausted the 

It was never meant for really large games at least we think so.
The engine is good but there is a limit how much you can really do with 

Deathmatch1 was planned to have 10 missions or as many as we could put on.
however by mission 3 danny was running out of ideas and as it was there 
were so many issues by this time.
I can tell you we were going to have 4 missions but after all the issues 
danny has lost interest in that game and decided to end it as quickly  as 
Deathmatch2 started in pure basic but there are some issues to and so its 
visual basic 6.
If you know c++ davie and can code with it then I suggest you stay with it 
if you can.
I think danny and some others would like to learn but its a lot of work 
writing everything from scratch.
However if you do use it on a daily basis I'd stay with that then I would 
stay with it.

As for jawa, I do have java loaded.
I've never had much fun with games based on it though.
On th

[Audyssey] BGT For Mac and Linux

2013-12-14 Thread Philip Bennefall
Hey All,
There has been much recent discussion about making my PIECE OF SHIT software 
FUCKA! BGT is complete rip off! You are all too fucking stupid! Why would you 
pay for my shitty fucking software! It costs a fortune and you can only make 
shitty games with it! you can only make ANAL games like Liam's Hairy Butthole!

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY cjtutqajyg

2013-12-14 Thread Philip Bennefall

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY ikoshvidsd

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY hptwjnhhjc

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY ulnuatrbjl

2013-12-14 Thread Philip Bennefall

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY grludjxlab

2013-12-14 Thread Philip Bennefall

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY eehbtwbfcs

2013-12-14 Thread Philip Bennefall

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY exceeqkycq

2013-12-14 Thread Philip Bennefall

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY lnyuvvtthf

2013-12-14 Thread Philip Bennefall

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY ncivhiukyd

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY dljrjppdon

2013-12-14 Thread Philip Bennefall

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY yenhkbgfyj

2013-12-14 Thread Philip Bennefall

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY jnyxooocbx

2013-12-14 Thread Philip Bennefall

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY sghvygpozu

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY bulqdtmaxc

2013-12-14 Thread Philip Bennefall

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY hmcwiozink

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY cgkelhhvpv

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY jncfsisbgi

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY kukgsdofgp

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY bmymmnhdrs

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY gldxpoglmc

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY aocihssnly

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY ziypxiqhbj

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY bxifkvvppi

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY udsfdpkhrf

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY hxpwsbnbwy

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY dmfrspbtxx

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY dwzgeqrifs

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY ptoewdgqlb

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[Audyssey] WEDHESDAY WEBHESDAY wtaocejvmo

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