Re: [osg-users] About vpbmaster problem

2011-05-17 Thread Torben Dannhauer
Hi GuiYe,

do you want a smooth elevation transition from area with DEM to area without 

Then you have several possibilities:
a) modify your DEM sources to a image format, and at the border of your DEM 
region blend the gray values smoothly into the null value

b) modify your viewer to perform runtime elevation modifikation to create a 
smooth transition

c) Modify osgdem to create the transition.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-17 Thread Luca Vezzadini

So, looks like we have a decision, cool!
To summarize, if I've got it right, for every texture map in the material we 
will find a description string like the following (assuming we use the | as a 
Diffuse|Unit_0|c:\program files\whatever\file.png|80

- the first field is the texture map name followed by a | sign;
- the second field is the map file name, followed by a | sign
- the third field is the blend amount (in the [0-100] range)

Any additional parameter that might be needed by the specific channel would 
just be an additional field (and it would be up to the parser to know its 
meaning of course).

Is that right? 

Note that I would avoid the = and just use the | to separate all fields; 
this makes it easier to tokenize the string (I'm lazy...).

About bump, as far as I know Max allows you to create for that channel a map of 
type normal and therefore you should be able to distinguish between regular 
bump mapping and normal mapping. Actually Max allows even to specify what space 
to use for the normal map (tangent, local, screen...) so maybe we could even 
add that extra param in the description string.

Anything we can do here to help on this, apart from testing? Can't wait to give 
it a try...


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Re: [osg-users] About vpbmaster problem

2011-05-17 Thread GuiYe

Thank you very much for your reply!

Yes,I want to do a smooth elevation transition from area with DEM to area 
without DEM.

About this possibility:
a) modify your DEM sources to a image format, and at the border of your DEM 
region blend the gray values smoothly into the null value

Can you give me more information?The dem.tif is some of ASTER 30m Data.How I 
should do ?

Thank you !


At 2011-05-17 14:21:40,Torben Dannhauer wrote:

Hi GuiYe,

do you want a smooth elevation transition from area with DEM to area without 

Then you have several possibilities:
a) modify your DEM sources to a image format, and at the border of your DEM 
region blend the gray values smoothly into the null value

b) modify your viewer to perform runtime elevation modifikation to create a 
smooth transition

c) Modify osgdem to create the transition.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] picking to select an object

2011-05-17 Thread Robert Osfield
HI Camile,

You simply need to walk back from of the end of the
Intersection::nodePath to the first group, of which ever one you wan
to use.

If you want to see an example of highlighitng picked items have a look
at the osgkeyboard mouse.


On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 11:24 PM, camille matan wrote:
 I want to select an object after a picking.
 I found how to do picking but i don't know how to get the group that 
 corresponds to the picked zone.
 My scene is composed of simple shapes (shapedrawable, geodes and group).
 I want to get the first group in the hierarchy.


 #ifndef _picking_h
 #define _picking_h

 #include osg/MatrixTransform
 #include osg/ShapeDrawable
 #include osg/PolygonMode
 #include osgUtil/LineSegmentIntersector

 #include includer.h
 #include animation.h
 #include rotate.h
 #include dove.h

 class PickHandler : public osgGA::GUIEventHandler
    osg::Node* getOrCreateSelectionBox()
        if ( !_selectionBox )
            osg::ref_ptrosg::Geode geode = new osg::Geode;
            geode-addDrawable(new osg::ShapeDrawable(new 
 osg::Box(osg::Vec3(), 1.0f)) );

            _selectionBox = new osg::MatrixTransform;
            _selectionBox-setNodeMask( 0x1 );
            _selectionBox-addChild( geode.get() );

            osg::StateSet* ss = _selectionBox-getOrCreateStateSet();
            ss-setMode( GL_LIGHTING, osg::StateAttribute::OFF );
            ss-setAttributeAndModes( new 
 osg::PolygonMode(osg::PolygonMode::FRONT_AND_BACK, osg::PolygonMode::LINE) );
        return _selectionBox.get();

    virtual bool handle( const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter ea, 
 osgGA::GUIActionAdapter aa )
        if ( ea.getEventType()!=osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::RELEASE ||
 ea.getButton()!=osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON ||
 !(ea.getModKeyMask()osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::MODKEY_CTRL) )
            return false;

        osgViewer::Viewer* viewer = dynamic_castosgViewer::Viewer*(aa);
        if ( viewer )
            osg::ref_ptrosgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector intersector = new 
 osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector(osgUtil::Intersector::WINDOW, ea.getX(), 
            osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor iv( intersector.get() );
            iv.setTraversalMask( ~0x1 );
            viewer-getCamera()-accept( iv );

            if ( intersector-containsIntersections() )
                const osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersection result 
    //                const osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersection 
 result =*(intersector-getIntersections().begin());
                osg::BoundingBox bb = result.drawable-getBound();
                osg::Vec3 worldCenter = * 
 bb.yMax()-bb.yMin(), bb.zMax()-bb.zMin()) * 
 osg::Matrix::translate(worldCenter) );
        return false;

    osg::ref_ptrosg::MatrixTransform _selectionBox;


 i think that I do something like that :
 osg::Node = result.drawable-getParent();
 osg::Nodepath = result.nodepath;
 but i want finally a osg::Group.

 Thank !

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Re: [osg-users] How to get position of sub-drawable object from PositionAttitudeTransform

2011-05-17 Thread Nan WANG
anybody knows that?

osg::Node* findNamedNode(const std::string searchName, osg::Node* currNode)?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] osgexport for blender?

2011-05-17 Thread issam boughanmi
sorry but it doesn't work  :( 

even with the simple default blender cube
no file is exported !!!

and for more complex objects i got a crash

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Re: [osg-users] osgText::Text character spacing

2011-05-17 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Thirston,

On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 10:55 PM, Thorsten Brehm wrote:
 thanks for looking into the txf font issue. Your patch fixed the issue for
 me - thanks resolving this so quickly!

Good to hear things working better again.

 I got one report though, saying the txf font is still slightly larger than
 it used to be - so some of our text labels don't fit any longer. I haven't
 been able to see/compare this myself though. I'll try that in a few days.

Text sizing will be a little different as I there were bugs in the way
that 2D and 3D
text was sized, while now the two are consistent, and different
resolutions of the
glyphs don't affect the results.   These bug fixes will lead to changes in sizes
which is difficult to avoid - the new sizing should be more accurate
to what size
is actually requested, but this doesn't help you if the original coder
has adjusted the
sizing to account for the previous sizing.

I guess the best way to handle it would be to adjust the sizing depending
upon OSG version, or simply reduce the label sizing so that the new text labels
are correct w.r.t OSG svn/trunk.  The later approach would lead to labels that
are too small but if the difference isn't significant you might be
able to get away
with this.

I'll be releasing the next dev release this week and I really don't want OSG-3.0
to be too far out, so shoudl be out in time for the next rev of
OpenFlight unless
this is imminent.  What is the schedule for the next OpenFlight release?

 And btw: we've been presenting FlightGear at LinuxTag/Berlin last week. We
 were busy all days, so people obviously really liked our little flight-sim
 setup - with 10 TFT displays driven by a single system with 5 graphics
 We used another smaller setup to show stereoscopic (anaglyphic) view - both
 proved to be real eye catchers. A number of people specifically asked which
 graphics engine enabled this. So, thanks to you - and everyone else here
 contributing to osg!

10 displays, that's impressive number to be driven by a single machine.  What
is the framerate like?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] About vpbmaster problem

2011-05-17 Thread Torben Dannhauer

You use  ASTER data? Am I right that ASTER is public available? I played 2 
years ago with the ASTER data as it was initially released. It has great 
resolution, but it had also lots of artefacts. Do you use raw or somehow 
corrected ASTER data? - As you can see, I'm on the never ending quest for 
public available DEM and texture data :)

Well, in the DEM raster data, some value represents zero meters elevation. To 
achieve a smooth transition, you should blend at the border of your source 
images from your original value to that null value.

In a geotiff, this would be a blending of the grey value (which represents the 
elevation). You can perform this blending in a graphical software like gimp. 
Your blending zone has to be a frame at the border of your DEM region. You 
have to blend from the original elevation value to the 0 meters elevation value 
 -for example with a alpha value ramp (inside your blending zone 100% elevation 
and 0% 0-meters-color, at the outer border of your DEM-Data 0% elevation and 
100% 0-meters-color)

Sorry for that bad explanation.. :)


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Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-17 Thread Luca Vezzadini

vezza wrote:
 About bump, as far as I know Max allows you to create for that channel a map 
 of type normal and therefore you should be able to distinguish between 
 regular bump mapping and normal mapping. Actually Max allows even to specify 
 what space to use for the normal map (tangent, local, screen...) so maybe we 
 could even add that extra param in the description string.

I've made a few tests with the current (trunk) version of the exporter and I'd 
say it doesn't handle the normal maps for now. In Max, to use a normal map you 
don't assign directly a bitmap to the bump channel, you first create the map of 
type normal, then assign the bit map to it. So there is an extra texture node 
to go through. I guess the exporter could be extended to check if the bump 
texture is not a bitmap in which case it could try to interpret is as a normal 
map. No idea how to do it though as I don't know the max SDK ... :(


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Re: [osg-users] Integer vertex attribute issue. Repro included.

2011-05-17 Thread Fred Smith

robertosfield wrote:
 I didn't even realize there was a glVertexAttribIPointer... so yes
 this does sound like it will be the issue.  Either
 osg::Geometry::drawImplementation or osg::State will need to be
 adapted to detect the use of the interger array and use the
 glVertexAttribIPointer.  Feel free to dive into the code and add this

I actually didn't know this either.
OK I'm going to look at the code, I think I should be able to make this change.


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Re: [osg-users] FrameBufferObject problems on OSG 2.9.11

2011-05-17 Thread Fred Smith
Hi Robert,

I have a serious, massive memory leak in the trunk (updated this morning at 
around 10am UK time). I haven't tried with previous releases yet.

The following code leaks memory in a very important manner. Put this code 
within a while (true) { testLeak(); } block and you should see memory usage 
climbing fast. I'm testing on a Windows XP 32-bit system. I tried multiple 
Nvidia driver versions, just to be sure I had the same results.

void testLeak()
osg::ref_ptrosgViewer::Viewer viewer = new osgViewer::Viewer();

osg::ref_ptrosg::DisplaySettings ds = new osg::DisplaySettings();

osg::ref_ptrosg::GraphicsContext::Traits traits = new 

traits-width = 64;
traits-height = 64;
traits-pbuffer = true;

// This probably is the offending line
osg::ref_ptrosg::GraphicsContext gc = 

This problem is making my life difficult at the moment as I do not have a 
reliable way of doing a large amount of RTT.

This method for doing RTT using a separate pbuffer context is subject to a 
memory leak. The other method using an ASBOLUTE_RF slave camera is also causing 
some troubles. I am working on a repro to illustrate the latter. I would 
appreciate any feedback on the above mentioned issue.


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Re: [osg-users] FrameBufferObject problems on OSG 2.9.11

2011-05-17 Thread Fred Smith
Hi Robert,

I am a bit puzzled as the second problem I am having at the moment yields a 
very different behavior when isolated out in a small repro.

This time I get an assertion.

Attached is a modified osggeometry.cpp file that triggers the assertion I'm 
talking about. The assertion is raised when addSlave() is called.

This issue might be by design, though. Not sure.

osg::Camera *createRTTCamera(osgViewer::Viewer viewer)
osg::ref_ptrosg::Camera slaveCamera = new osg::Camera();

slaveCamera-setClearColor(osg::Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1)); // initialize alpha 
to 1

osg::Matrixd projMatrix;
projMatrix.makeOrtho(0.0, (double)1, 0.0, (double)1, -1.0, 1.0);


osg::ref_ptrosg::Viewport viewport = new osg::Viewport(0, 0, 64, 64);

osg::Matrixd viewMatrix;



osg::ref_ptrosg::Camera masterCamera = viewer.getCamera();

return slaveCamera;

void testRTTCamera(osgViewer::Viewer viewer)
int oldNodeMask = viewer.getCamera()-getNodeMask();


osg::ref_ptrosg::Camera camera = createRTTCamera(viewer);
viewer.addSlave(camera.get(), false);



void main(void)
osgViewer::Viewer viewer;

viewer.setUpViewInWindow(10, 10, 640, 480);

// add model to viewer.
viewer.setSceneData( root );


// Call this method to test the problem mentioned in the current message, 
i.e. the slave camera issue. An assertion is raised when addSlave() is called. 

// Use this code to test the problem mentioned in my previous thread, eg. 
the pbuffer leak issue. Memory usage will skyrocket
//while (true)
//  testLeak();;


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/* OpenSceneGraph example, osggeometry.
*  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
*  of this software and associated documentation files (the Software), to deal
*  in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
*  to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
*  copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
*  furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

#include osg/Geode
#include osg/Geometry
#include osg/GraphicsContext
#include osg/Material
#include osg/Vec3
#include osg/MatrixTransform
#include osg/Texture2D
#include osg/PolygonStipple
#include osg/TriangleFunctor
#include osg/io_utils

#include osgDB/ReadFile
#include osgDB/WriteFile

#include osgGA/TrackballManipulator

#include osgViewer/Viewer

#include osg/Math

#include iostream

// This demo illustrates how to create the various different types of geometry that
// the osg::Geometry class can represent.  This demo uses the OpenGL red book diagram of different 
// OpenGL Primitives as a template for all the equivalent OpenSceneGraph Primitives.  The OpenSceneGraph 
// wraps OpenGL very thinly and therefore uses all the same enum and naming conventions. The coordinate data is also 
// wrapped around OpenGL's vertex arrays and draw arrays/elements calls.  Familiarity with
// OpenGL will help you understand the osg::Geometry class which encapsulate all this, or if you
// havn't learned OpenGL yet, learning osg::Geometry will help you understand how OpenGL
// works!

// The osg::Geometry class is a subclass of osg::Drawable base class, so is an object that provides
// a draw method for drawing objects in 

Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-17 Thread Thomas Hogarth
Hi Guys

Been following this with interest. Having a method to know what map type is
in what texture unit will be great. Regarding the normal mapping, is there
any chance of getting the exporter to also generate tangent vectors (either
from max or using osgUtils). Would be ace if you could also specify the
channel to bind and the name to use in the shader e.g.

channels 6 and 7 with names osg_tangent, osg_binormal

Or do people feel tangents should always be generated at runtime?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-17 Thread Luca Vezzadini

Farshid Lashkari wrote:
 The description would be added to the osg::StateSet object. Our use of the 
 word material is referring to the Max material object.

Mmm... StateSet does not derive from osg::Node so it does not have the 
DescriptionList member... So are you planning to extend the StateSet class, its 
serializer and so on? Or did I miss something?...


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Re: [osg-users] osgShadow and nested RTT-cams

2011-05-17 Thread Paul Martz

On 5/16/2011 12:55 PM, Paul Martz wrote:

So I always recommended using Slaves cameras

instead of Nested cams because they have their own CullVisitors. If I would
design this today, instead of CullVisitor I would probably use RenderStage to
index view resources.

Understood. This is ViewerBase::RenderingTraversals, where it calls
renderer-cull(). That's implemented internally with SceneView::cull().

Wojtek, in your experience, have you found that using multiple slave Cameras in 
this way causes StandardShadowMap (for example) to do a shadow map creation pass 
once for each slave Camera? There are multiple shadow map creation render passes 
done per frame, in other words.

It seems like slave Cameras are really designed more for multiple displays, in 
which case you *do* want a shadow map created for each slave camera (so that 
it's generated and resident on the per-display GPU). But if the application uses 
slave Cameras rendering to a single window, the shadow map would still get 
generated multiple times per frame -- once per slave Camera -- which is undesirable.

It seems like what we really want for shadow map creation is something that 
creates the shadow map once per frame#/GC pair. As far as I can tell, merely 
using slave Cameras doesn't achieve this. If I'm wrong about how 
StandardShadowMap works in the presence of multiple slave Cameras, please 
correct me.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] FrameBufferObject problems on OSG 2.9.11

2011-05-17 Thread Fred Smith
Same issues with OSG 2.9.10.

Any idea about what's going on?


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Re: [osg-users] osgexport for blender?

2011-05-17 Thread Damyon Wiese
Yep - it's not real stable right now.

But I got the unit tests up and running on my copy now - (1 out of 5 passes) so 
I'll work on fixing them and post a new version. 

I also noticed when it's run from blender it saves the file to Scene.osg in the 
current directory regardless of the file you tell it. You may have seen that 
and thought you got no output with the default cube.

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Re: [osg-users] FrameBufferObject problems on OSG 2.9.11

2011-05-17 Thread Stephan Maximilian Huber
Am 17.05.11 14:44, schrieb Fred Smith:
 Hi Robert,
 I am a bit puzzled as the second problem I am having at the moment yields a 
 very different behavior when isolated out in a small repro.
 This time I get an assertion.
 Attached is a modified osggeometry.cpp file that triggers the assertion I'm 
 talking about. The assertion is raised when addSlave() is called.
 This issue might be by design, though. Not sure.
 osg::Camera *createRTTCamera(osgViewer::Viewer viewer)
   osg::ref_ptrosg::Camera slaveCamera = new osg::Camera();
   slaveCamera-setClearColor(osg::Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1)); // initialize alpha 
 to 1
   osg::Matrixd projMatrix;
   projMatrix.makeOrtho(0.0, (double)1, 0.0, (double)1, -1.0, 1.0);
   osg::ref_ptrosg::Viewport viewport = new osg::Viewport(0, 0, 64, 64);
   osg::Matrixd viewMatrix;
   osg::ref_ptrosg::Camera masterCamera = viewer.getCamera();
   return slaveCamera;

This will certainly lead to a crash, as slaveCamera gets deconstructed,
as the correpsonding ref_ptr goes out of scope. Try

return slaveCamera.release()

or change the signature of the function to

osg::ref_ptrosg::Camera createRTTCamera(osgViewer::Viewer viewer)


Can't comment much on the memory-leak issue, though.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] FrameBufferObject problems on OSG 2.9.11

2011-05-17 Thread Fred Smith

Thanks Stephan, you actually replied to my original message. I have since 
edited it and suggested to concentrate on the leak issue. The other issue I 
have is still under investigation and yes, the code I had originally posted 
(too fast) to illustrate the second issue was incorrect ;)

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] About vpbmaster problem

2011-05-17 Thread GuiYe

Thank you!

How about strm 90m DEM? Do you make terrain in earth as I do?


At 2011-05-17 17:35:48,Torben Dannhauer wrote:


You use  ASTER data? Am I right that ASTER is public available? I played 2 
years ago with the ASTER data as it was initially released. It has great 
resolution, but it had also lots of artefacts. Do you use raw or somehow 
corrected ASTER data? - As you can see, I'm on the never ending quest for 
public available DEM and texture data :)

Well, in the DEM raster data, some value represents zero meters elevation. To 
achieve a smooth transition, you should blend at the border of your source 
images from your original value to that null value.

In a geotiff, this would be a blending of the grey value (which represents the 
elevation). You can perform this blending in a graphical software like gimp. 
Your blending zone has to be a frame at the border of your DEM region. You 
have to blend from the original elevation value to the 0 meters elevation 
value  -for example with a alpha value ramp (inside your blending zone 100% 
elevation and 0% 0-meters-color, at the outer border of your DEM-Data 0% 
elevation and 100% 0-meters-color)

Sorry for that bad explanation.. :)


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] 3ds repeating textures problem

2011-05-17 Thread jOan
Hello Sami,

This should be corrected by this just posted submission:

*file lib3ds_material.c*
static void
initialize_texture_map(Lib3dsTextureMap *map) {
*map-flags = 0x00;*
map-percent = 1.0f;
map-scale[0] = 1.0f;
map-scale[1] = 1.0f;


Joan Abadie

2011/5/16 Sami Moisio


 I have been investigating the problem a bit and i thought i'd clarify it a
 little bit just in case someone with a little more knowledge might get
 interested :)
 I have been using Blender to create 3ds files and then importing them to
 osg using the importer. I have been creating the repeating textures to the
 models by scaling the UV coordinates past 1 and that has been working
 before. I have been trying to get the repeat from blender to work in the osg
 but it's not working. So previously the way it worked was to scale the UV
 coordinates. Now however the UV coordinates aren't repeating over 1. So does
 anyone know if there has been a change in the 3ds importer regarding the
 texture repeat? Changing from repeat to clamp? Tried to do a search but i
 didn't find anything on it yet.

 In any case there seems to be a problem with UV mapping.

 Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] FrameBufferObject problems on OSG 2.9.11

2011-05-17 Thread Fred Smith

The second issue I had was that by design OSG doesn't assume the bounding box 
of a drawable should be recalculated when setting a computeBoundingBoxCallback 
up on the object.

In other words I was expecting Drawable::_boundingBoxComputed to be set back to 
false when setting the callback. Shouldn't this be done?


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[osg-users] Performace issue with nVidia 400 series

2011-05-17 Thread Michael Rohn

we have a performance problem with the nVidia 400 series.

But first:

Our software is a 3D physics simulation. We use ODE for the physics. Qt is 
responsible for the 2D GUI and OSG handles the 3D visualisation. 

I changed my graphics-card from a nVidia 9600GT to a nVidia GTX460 (768mb of 
RAM). After this the performance goes down. It is roughly half of the FPS.

I found this statement in the wikipedia:

 OpenGL Problems

It has been reported by users as well as developers [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] 
[18] [19] [20] that nVidia 400-series cards have severe performance problems 
with 3D content-creation applications such as Autodesk Maya and 3ds Max, 
Blender, Rhinoceros 3D—as well as some OpenGL games—to the extent that video 
cards two generations older routinely outperform 400-series in such 
applications and games. The problem, which affects any OpenGL application using 
textures, involves accessing framebuffer contents or storing data on the GPU. 
So far, one customer using an OpenGL based application got a response from 
nVidia support indicating that the behavior is expected in the GeForce 400 line 
of cards, and no software update is available to improve the performance of the 
hardware.[21]. The problem can be worked around with a hack by using a CUDA 
memory copy to access the buffer object.

Here is the link:

Is there a known issue? I searched the board but I had no success.

The problem is also present on a nVidia GTX480.

Some details from our software:

OSG: 2.8.3 / 2.8.4 and 2.9.14 (I tested all these versions)
Qt: 4.6.3 (SDK 2010.04)
ODE: 0.11

build with minGW (from the Qt SDK)
running under Win7 64bit

nVidia driver: 270.61

Did I miss anything?


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-17 Thread Farshid Lashkari
Hi Luca,

On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 4:29 AM, Luca Vezzadini luca.vezzad...@gmail.comwrote:

 I've made a few tests with the current (trunk) version of the exporter and
 I'd say it doesn't handle the normal maps for now. In Max, to use a normal
 map you don't assign directly a bitmap to the bump channel, you first create
 the map of type normal, then assign the bit map to it. So there is an
 extra texture node to go through. I guess the exporter could be extended to
 check if the bump texture is not a bitmap in which case it could try to
 interpret is as a normal map. No idea how to do it though as I don't know
 the max SDK ... :(

It should export if you enable unknown maps in the export options. However,
this seems to force the normal map to 256x256. I'll see about adding direct
support for normal maps.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-17 Thread Farshid Lashkari
Hi Luca,

On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 6:12 AM, Luca Vezzadini luca.vezzad...@gmail.comwrote:

 Mmm... StateSet does not derive from osg::Node so it does not have the
 DescriptionList member... So are you planning to extend the StateSet class,
 its serializer and so on? Or did I miss something?...

You are absolutely right! I had mistakenly assumed that the description list
was supported by all osg::Object derived classes. Well, that puts a big dent
in our plans :(

Does anybody know if the new meta-data system will support all osg::Object
derived classes?

One option would be to put the description string in the name of the
stateset object. Another option would be to use the user data field, but
that would require a custom serializer.

Let me know if you have another idea.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-17 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Farshid, Luca,

You are absolutely right! I had mistakenly assumed that the description
list was supported by all osg::Object derived classes. Well, that puts a
big dent in our plans :(

Argh, I had made the same assumption.

Does anybody know if the new meta-data system will support all
osg::Object derived classes?

I think so, since it will essentially supersede the UserData. I think 
that's why we made the wrong assumption above.

One option would be to put the description string in the name of the
stateset object. Another option would be to use the user data field, but
that would require a custom serializer.

In the name, that would make a really long name!

In the UserData might be a good idea if we can think of a way to make it 
readable for anyone. I guess it would also limit us to using the new 
formats (osgt, osgb, osgx) and not the old ones (osg, ive).

Let me know if you have another idea.

Nope, not for now... I'll keep thinking about it though.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgShadow and nested RTT-cams

2011-05-17 Thread Wojciech Lewandowski


On 5/16/2011 12:55 PM, Paul Martz wrote:

So I always recommended using Slaves cameras
instead of Nested cams because they have their own CullVisitors. If I 
design this today, instead of CullVisitor I would probably use 
RenderStage to

index view resources.

Understood. This is ViewerBase::RenderingTraversals, where it calls
renderer-cull(). That's implemented internally with SceneView::cull().

Wojtek, in your experience, have you found that using multiple slave 
Cameras in this way causes StandardShadowMap (for example) to do a shadow 
map creation pass once for each slave Camera? There are multiple shadow 
map creation render passes done per frame, in other words.

Yes. It does. However StandardShadowMap is not intended for wide use in 
practice. This class is a direct equivalent of ShadowMap. It is fully 
functional, so can be used as a replacement of ShadowMap, but its main role 
is to lay foundation for View Dependent Shadow Techniques derived from it.

It seems like slave Cameras are really designed more for multiple 
displays, in which case you *do* want a shadow map created for each slave 
camera (so that it's generated and resident on the per-display GPU). But 
if the application uses slave Cameras rendering to a single window, the 
shadow map would still get generated multiple times per frame -- once per 
slave Camera -- which is undesirable.

And thats the goal for View Dependent techniques which optimize shadow map 
resolution by adjusting shadow projection to part of the scene visible per 
view. So each view will need a different shadow map. These classes were 
designed to work in multi screen / multi threaded configurations.  But they 
would also work for RTT Slave cameras.

It seems like what we really want for shadow map creation is something 
that creates the shadow map once per frame#/GC pair. As far as I can tell, 
merely using slave Cameras doesn't achieve this. If I'm wrong about how 
StandardShadowMap works in the presence of multiple slave Cameras, please 
correct me.

In case of MinimalShadowMap or LispSM techniques even if views share GC 
there is an assumption they use different view/projection matrices so Shadow 
maps for each of them should be created anyway.


osg-users mailing list 

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Performace issue with nVidia 400 series

2011-05-17 Thread Jason Daly

On 05/17/2011 11:36 AM, Michael Rohn wrote:

Is there a known issue? I searched the board but I had no success.

The problem is also present on a nVidia GTX480.

Look at the links on the Wikipedia page (especially the link to the 
OpenGL forum discussion).  I haven't seen any official statement on the 
issue from nVidia, but the conjecture on the forums seems to be that 
it's a deliberate throttling of performance to create a product line 
separation between the GeForce gamer cards and the Quadro 
professional cards (Quadro cards are priced many times higher than the 
comparable GeForce product).  Traditionally, games haven't needed quick 
pixel readback as much as other applications (GPU-heaving computational 
or scientific applications), so nVidia seems to be making it a 
professional feature and charging a premium for it.

As the article mentions, you can get around it using CUDA code (and 
possibly OpenCL code as well), although that's obviously not a real 
solution.  There seems to have been a bit of an uproar about this, so it 
remains to be seen if nVidia will address this issue or not.  I suspect 
if enough people jump ship and start buying AMD cards, they might give 
it more attention.


osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] vrml plugin for 2.9.14

2011-05-17 Thread Keith Parkins

Hi all,

I was playing around with the dev release 2.9.14 on Windows (not the
latest svn) and had to play around with some build files to get it to
compile. I'm no guru on cmake by any stretch, but to compile the plugin I
had to edit one of the cmake files. First though, I downloaded openvrml
0.17.12 and used my existing boost build (1.44.0 the plugin readme says
to use an older version of boost, but I think this version works too). I
noticed that cmake wanted to find openvrml _antlr and _regex libraries,
but both are no longer used in openvrml. I commented out the following
lines in  src/osgPlugins/vrml/CMakeLists.txt:

#NAMES antlr.lib
#NAMES antlrd.lib
#NAMES regex.lib
#NAMES regexd.lib



Then I was able to run cmake without a problem.

The last thing I had to do was to set one of the use/build macros
defined in the openvrml library file openvrml-config.h. You need
to choose either OPENVRML_USE_DLL or OPENVRML_USE_LIB depending on
whether you are linking to dynamic or static libs. In VisualStudio, you
just open up the properties window, find the Preprocessor menu under
Configuration Properties-C/C++. Then click Preprocessor Definitions

I didn't notice any mention of this in the osg-users list, so I thought
I'd send this out in case anyone else had this problem. If there is a
cleaner solution that I missed, please do correct me.


Keith ParkinsU of R Center for Visual Science
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-17 Thread Luca Vezzadini
I have no idea about the new metadata stuff. But if that doesn't work, wouldn't 
it be easier to just move the description stuff from Node to Object? The name 
is already in the Object class, having the description there too would make a 
lot of sense anyway. And I don't this this would be a major refactor, right? Of 
course we need Robert's buy-in for this.

For sure I would avoid using the name to encode all that info, that would 
really be ugly. I'd rather go back to the idea of predefined mapping among map 
channels and texture units...


Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Transformation nodes with shaders

2011-05-17 Thread SkullCheck
Hi Robert,

Thanks for the tips and I set the UseModelViewAndProjectionUniforms
flag on the Viewer-Camera-GraphicsContext-State object. However
when I do this then absolutely nothing shows up on screen. Basically
what I've had to do is manually append the view matrix onto each
light's model transformation each frame and that gives the expected
transformation. I'm not really sure why the OSG way isn't working but
will have to debug it later.


On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 9:50 AM, Robert Osfield wrote:
 Hi Chris,

 On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 9:45 AM, SkullCheck wrote:
 I've dug into the OSG source code a bit and found the following:

 - special osg_* uniforms are maintained in the State class, the ones
 of interest are osg_ModelViewProjectionMatrix, osg_Vertex, etc

 This are drop in replacements for the traditional gl_ variables that
 are provided in
 OpenGL 2.x's GLSL.  These replaements are required for GL3+ (with backwards
 compatibility) and GLES 2 as neither provide the gl_ varaibles.  For a
 GL 2.x app
 it's safe to just target the gl_ variables.

 - the updating of these uniforms during draw traversal must be enabled
 by calling State::setUseModelViewAndProjectionUniforms(true)
  I'm not quite sure where to set this though since States are used in
 multiple places, I've tried the following:

    osgViewer::Viewer * viewer = new osgViewer::Viewer;
    osgViewer::Renderer * renderer = dynamic_castosgViewer::Renderer
    osgUtil::SceneView * sceneView = renderer-getSceneView(0); // Do
 this also for 2nd sceneview
    sceneView-setActiveUniforms( osgUtil::SceneView::ALL_UNIFORMS );

 The osg::State object is held by the GraphicsContext, you don't need
 to go chasing
 up internal implementation details like SceneView.

 If you have just one master camera that maintains the only one
 graphics context the code is simply:

   osg::State* state = viewer.getCamera()-getGraphicsContext()-getState();

 For the GL3 and GLES2 profiles the OSG automaitcally

 - Modify the shader source to use the special osg_* built-in uniforms:

    osg::ref_ptrosg::State state = new osg::State;
    state-convertVertexShaderSourceToOsgBuiltIns( srcString );

   (Couldn't osg::State::convertVertexShaderSourceToOsgBuiltIns() be a
 static method or free function?)

 This method is called when required, you never need to call it
 yourself.  This method is purely there
 to help with backwards compatibility between GL 2.x and GL3/GLES2 apps.

 But when I do this, then nothing appears. What am I doing wrong or are
 there other things I should be doing?

 It does sound rather like you might be putting too much effort in, you
 may well be able to
 just use the standard gl_ built-ins.

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-17 Thread Farshid Lashkari
Hi Luca, Jean-Sébastien

On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Luca Vezzadini

 I have no idea about the new metadata stuff. But if that doesn't work,
 wouldn't it be easier to just move the description stuff from Node to
 Object? The name is already in the Object class, having the description
 there too would make a lot of sense anyway. And I don't this this would be a
 major refactor, right? Of course we need Robert's buy-in for this.

If the new meta-data system is going to support all osg::Object derived
classes, then all we need to do is just wait until it is complete. I think
the bigger issue is being able to support older versions of osg and older
formats like .osg/.ive.

How about adding all the material descriptions to the root node of the
model? Each material would have a separate entry in the description list of
the node. This would require no changes to osg and would support the older
model formats.

We would just need to add the material name to the description string.

# osgmaxexp material info
Material Name

# Maps
Diffuse 0 images/diffuse.jpg 100
Bump 1 images/bump.jpg 80

Does this seem like an acceptable solution?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-17 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Farshid,

If the new meta-data system is going to support all osg::Object derived
classes, then all we need to do is just wait until it is complete. I
think the bigger issue is being able to support older versions of osg
and older formats like .osg/.ive.


How about adding all the material descriptions to the root node of the
model? Each material would have a separate entry in the description list
of the node. This would require no changes to osg and would support the
older model formats.

I would prefer to add it to the description string of the node(s) on 
which a material is applied, since a model might have multiple materials 
on different nodes... i.e. your way would work if the model was made 
using a texture atlas so the same texture applies to the whole model, 
but if that isn't the case and multiple textures need to be applied to 
different parts of the model then we can't just put the material at the 
root node...

We would just need to add the material name to the description string.

# osgmaxexp material info
Material Name

# Maps
Diffuse 0 images/diffuse.jpg 100
Bump 1 images/bump.jpg 80

Does this seem like an acceptable solution?

The format seems fine to me. Your separator is space, which seems more 
readable to me than the vertical bar we were discussing before, but it 
means parsers will have to handle the case where the filename is quoted 
and has spaces in it. Plus do any map names have spaces in them? In your 
list in a previous post, there was Specular Level that has a space... 
If you output it as Specular_Level for example, that's perfect I think.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-17 Thread Farshid Lashkari
Hi Jean-Sébastien,

On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 4:16 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:

 I would prefer to add it to the description string of the node(s) on which
 a material is applied, since a model might have multiple materials on
 different nodes... i.e. your way would work if the model was made using a
 texture atlas so the same texture applies to the whole model, but if that
 isn't the case and multiple textures need to be applied to different parts
 of the model then we can't just put the material at the root node...

The exporter applies the material statesets to the osg::Drawable object,
which does not support description strings. I can add the description to the
parent osg::Geode. However, keep in mind that the geode can contain multiple
drawables, where each drawable has a unique material applied. So you could
still have multiple descriptions applied to the geode. So would you prefer
adding the descriptions to the geode or root node?

 The format seems fine to me. Your separator is space, which seems more
 readable to me than the vertical bar we were discussing before, but it means
 parsers will have to handle the case where the filename is quoted and has
 spaces in it. Plus do any map names have spaces in them? In your list in a
 previous post, there was Specular Level that has a space... If you output
 it as Specular_Level for example, that's perfect I think.

Actually, I've decided on using the tab character. This should avoid
conflicts with filenames and seems more readable to me.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-17 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Farshid,

The exporter applies the material statesets to the osg::Drawable object,
which does not support description strings. I can add the description to
the parent osg::Geode. However, keep in mind that the geode can contain
multiple drawables, where each drawable has a unique material applied.
So you could still have multiple descriptions applied to the geode. So
would you prefer adding the descriptions to the geode or root node?

I think Geode is closer to the real intent than the root... Does the 
exporter give unique names to the Drawables? If so, then the description 
strings added to the Geode could say that Drawable named A has this 
material, Drawable named B has this material, and so on.

This same scheme could be used at the root of the model, sure, but that 
would be much messier as lots of information would be at the same place. 
In the Geodes, at least it's just a small set of information (for the 
Geode's Drawables) that needs to be there.

I agree it's not ideal... But until the metadata system on osg::Object 
lands (and for formats that won't support metadata), it's better than 
putting it on the root of the model IMHO.

Actually, I've decided on using the tab character. This should avoid
conflicts with filenames and seems more readable to me.

Hmm, are you adamant on that? I personally don't like tabs, to the point 
that I configure all my editors to insert spaces instead of tabs when I 
press the Tab key... Plus, it can happen that the length of a token is 1 
less than the tab length, and then your tab looks like a space visually, 
so you have to check it's really a tab... Tabs are unambiguous for the 
machine but seem ambiguous for humans to me.

If you really want tab it's ok, as the strings will most of the time not 
be edited by hand, but space is just as readable and less ambiguous 
(visually) I think, apart for the filename issue. I tend to prefer 
things that are unambiguous to humans, even if it means more trouble to 


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgDB ifstream / ofstream conflict

2011-05-17 Thread Andrew Cunningham
Hi Vincent,
 I have been using Visual Studio 2010 and fstreams  and OSG DLLs with no issues 
at all. The only possibility is you are compiling with incompatible compiler 
options between OSG and your other library. All files must be compiled /MD(d) 
and of course compiled with Visual Studio 2010.

Make sure to include fstream not fstream.h etc

You have not found a bug in Visual Studio 2010, I can guarantee that.


Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Problem about DEM generation

2011-05-17 Thread ijustfu
Dear all,
 I use VPB to generate a dem with texture. It shows following error. 
Anybody can help me?

C:\OSGCode282\3rdParty_x86\bingdal_translate Beijing-XBL.tif texture16k.tif
Input file size is 4104, 4200
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
C:\OSGCode282\3rdParty_x86\bingdaladdo -r average texture16k.tif 2 4 8 16 32
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
C:\OSGCode282\3rdParty_x86\bingdal_translate DEMsub3005Geo.tif DEM16k.tif
Input file size is 4109, 4318
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
C:\OSGCode282\3rdParty_x86\bingdaladdo -r average DEM16k.tif 2 4 8 16 32
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
C:\OSGCode282\3rdParty_x86\binosgdem --xx 10 --yy 10 -t texture16k.tif --xx 10
--yy 10 -d DEM16k.tif -l 8 -v 0.1 -o puget.ive -a pegout.osga
Warning: archive option -a is temporarily disabled, building with archive.
--xx 10
--yy 10
-t texture16k.tif
loaded layer texture16k.tif
--xx 10
--yy 10
-d DEM16k.tif
loaded layer DEM16k.tif
-o puget.ive
Adding terrainTile
DataSet::_run() 0 0
DataSet::assignDestinationCoordinateSystem() : assigning first source file as th
e destination coordinate system
started DataSet::createDestination(8)
Time for after_reproject 0.04
DataSet::assignDestinationCoordinateSystem() : assigning first source file as th
e destination coordinate system
AR=1.050864 C1=1 R1=1
Time for _destinationGraph-computeMaximumSourceResolution() = 0.009105
Time for createDestinationGraph 0.060909
Time for after_computeNeighbours 0.005470
completed DataSet::createDestination(8)
There are 2 contributing source files:
PixelBufferWin32::init(), Error: some wgl extensions not supported
Windows Error #127: [Screen #0] ChooseMatchingPixelFormat() - wglChoosePixelForm
atARB extension not found, trying GDI. Reason: can not find the program。
Rendering in software: pixelFormatIndex 1
Windows Error #2000: Win32WindowingSystem::OpenGLContext() - Unable to restore c
urrent OpenGL rendering context. Reason: invalid pixel format。
Need to create output task directory = puget_root_L0_X0_Y0
   Directory already created
Task output directory = puget_root_L0_X0_Y0\
started DataSet::writeDestination(puget.ive)
_readRow 1
   reading tile level=0 X=0 Y=0
imageName =
DestinationTile::readFrom(SetName=, FileName=texture16k.tif)
DestinationTile::readFrom(SetName=, FileName=DEM16k.tif)
_equalizeRow 1
   equalizing tile level=0 X=0 Y=0
_writeRow 1
DestinationTile::createStateSet() - DataSet::MIP_MAPPING_IMAGERY
Compressed image
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'Invalid enumeration' at 
   writeNodeFile = 0 X=0 Y=0 filename=puget.ive
vpb::access(puget.ive, W_OK)=0
_readRow 1
   reading tile level=1 X=0 Y=0
imageName =
DestinationTile::readFrom(SetName=, FileName=texture16k.tif)
DestinationTile::readFrom(SetName=, FileName=DEM16k.tif)
_equalizeRow 1
   equalizing tile level=1 X=0 Y=0
_writeRow 1
   _taskOutputDirectory= puget_root_L0_X0_Y0\
DestinationTile::createStateSet() - DataSet::MIP_MAPPING_IMAGERY
Compressed image
Caught exception.
osg-users mailing list