Re: [osg-users] Need help finding examples with osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector and osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor

2009-11-02 Thread Paul Melis
Nguyen Tien Dat wrote:
> Dear all,
> Which example in OpenSceneGraph 2.8.2 is using these classes?
22:36|me...@juggle2:~/c/osg/svn/trunk> grep LineSegmentIntersector
osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections intersections;
osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersection intersection =
osg::ref_ptr intersector =
osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections& intersections =
for(osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections::iterator itr =
osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersection& intersection = *itr;

osg::ref_ptr intersector = new
osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector(s, e);
osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector* lsi =
osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections& intersections =
for(osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections::iterator itr =
const osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersection& intersection = *itr;
osg::ref_ptr intersector = new
osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector(start, end);
osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections& intersections =
for(osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections::iterator itr =
osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersection& intersection = *itr;
osg::ref_ptr   intersector;
osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections  intersections;
examples/osgkdtree/raytrace.cpp:intersector = new
osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector(p, L);
osg::ref_ptr   intersector;
osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections  intersections;
examples/osgkdtree/raytrace.cpp:intersector = new
osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector(osg::Vec3f(), osg::Vec3f());

osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"Using LineSegmentIntersector"

Re: [osg-users] Intersect.

2009-08-25 Thread Paul Melis

Danny Lesnik wrote:
Thank you for your help. 

I think I understand now what LineSegmentIntersector is doing. 

What might be the correct approach to test wether bounding sphere intrsect with 
any other project?
That depends on how coarse/precise you want the intersections to be. 
Testing bounding spheres against each other is easy, but you might still 
need an acceleration structure to avoid testing every bounding sphere 
against every other (depending on the number of objects to test you will 

If you want to test a bounding sphere against a polygonal mesh then I'm 
not sure there is currently anything in OSG that will do that.

Depending on how much stuff you want to write yourself to do this with 
the classes OSG provides you might want to look at existing collision 
detection libraries.
For example, GIMPACT 
( might be of 
use for your case.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Intersect.

2009-08-25 Thread Paul Melis

Danny Lesnik wrote:


I'm trying to use intersect for primitive collision detection. 

I load one 3DS file into my scene and test whether this object has any intersections. The problem is following: Although ,there is only one object in my scene, I can clearly see that this object intersects with something. 
Now that I reread your post I'm wondering if you misunderstand the 
LineSegmentIntersector, which has nothing to do with collision 
detection, per se. The LineSegmentIntersector does not test objects 
against each other, it tests if the line segment you specify intersects 
any of the polygons in the model you test against. And as you are 
shooting the line straight through the center of your model's bounding 
sphere you are very likely to get intersections.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Intersect.

2009-08-25 Thread Paul Melis

Danny Lesnik wrote:
I just can't realize I have only one object its bs radius os 43. what is the object that I can intersect with on x =12,5? 

There supposed to be nothing. 

Thank you!
The only suggestion I have is to check out what is really going on by 
writing a small OSG app that shows both your model and the bounding 
sphere (using e.g. osg::Sphere and an osg::ShapeDrawable). Here, let me 
do it for you :)  (see attachement)

/* Show the bouding sphere for a given scenegraph
 * Paul E.C. Melis (,
 * August 2009
 * g++ -g -o ob osgbound.cpp -I ~/osg2.8/include/ -L ~/osg2.8/lib/ -losg -losgDB -losgViewer -losgUtil -losgGA -losgText


class UpdateBoundCallback : public osg::NodeCallback
UpdateBoundCallback(osg::Sphere* s)
sphere = s;

virtual void operator()(osg::Node *node, osg::NodeVisitor *nv)
osg::BoundingSphere bound = node->getBound();
sphere->set(, bound.radius());

osg::ref_ptr   sphere;

main(int argc, char *argv[])
osg::ref_ptr model;
osg::ref_ptr root;

if (--argc != 1)
return 0;

model = osgDB::readNodeFile(argv[1]);
root = new osg::Group;

osg::BoundingSphere bs = model->getBound();
osg::Sphere *sphere = new osg::Sphere(, bs.radius());
osg::ShapeDrawable *shape = new osg::ShapeDrawable(sphere);

model->setUpdateCallback(new UpdateBoundCallback(sphere));

osg::Geode *geode = new osg::Geode;

osg::PolygonMode *polymode = new osg::PolygonMode;
polymode->setMode(osg::PolygonMode::FRONT_AND_BACK, osg::PolygonMode::LINE);
geode->getOrCreateStateSet()->setAttributeAndModes(polymode, osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE|osg::StateAttribute::ON);

osgViewer::Viewer viewer;

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Intersect.

2009-08-25 Thread Paul Melis

Danny Lesnik wrote:
I'm trying to use intersect for primitive collision detection. 

I load one 3DS file into my scene and test whether this object has any intersections. The problem is following: Although ,there is only one object in my scene, I can clearly see that this object intersects with something. 

This is the code I'm using:

tankNode = osgDB::readNodeFile("c:\\3.3DS");
osg::Vec3d intersection;
osg::BoundingSphere bs = tankNode->getBound();
osg::Vec3 start = + osg::Vec3d(bs.radius(),0.0,0.0);
osg::Vec3 end = ; 

osg::ref_ptr lsi = new 
osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor iv(lsi.get());


  if (lsi->containsIntersections())
intersection = lsi->getIntersections().begin()->getWorldIntersectPoint();

While I'm running this code in debugger,the values are following: = (0,0,0);
bs.radius = 43.0

start = (43.0,0.0,0.0)

end= (0,0,0)

intersects = (12.5,0,0) and this is weird. Am I missing somthing?
It's not an unexpected result, actually. You shoot a line along the X 
axis, so any intersection you're going to find is going to be (value, 0, 
0) in this case.
Note that the bounding sphere is usually not very tight in OSG, so your 
model might easily be intersected at X=12.5.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-2.8.2 release candidate three tagged

2009-07-23 Thread Paul Melis

Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:

Hi Paul,

Right, that is what I originally suspected. So is there any point to 
the debug packages *in their current form*? 

Yes, they allow you to compile your own project in debug mode. They 
don't allow you to debug into the OSG itself, but otherwise they're 
required to get your own apps to compile and run in debug mode at all.

Don't you just ha^H^H love windows...

As 2.8.2 is probably released pretty soon it might be a good point in 
time to fix this?

I'm not sure what the pdb files were not included (or the debug info 
was not embedded into the DLLs), but I would expect someone interested 
in debugging into OSG would have no problem compiling OSG 
themselves... If they want to debug into it, it's probable that 
they'll need to make a fix somewhere... And compiling OSG is pretty 
painless nowadays.

But yes, we could either embed debug info or provide the pdb files 
(perhaps as a separate download for people who need it).

Providing the .pdb's as a separate package might be a nice option, yes

Is there any way to test for a given dll if there is debug 
information in it, e.g. with some MSVC tool?

The only way I've seen is when debugging the app in Visual Studio it 
will say in the output window " (no debug information)" or 
something like that. Then if you want to load the pdb file manually if 
you have it, you can go to the Modules window, right-click on the DLL 
and click "Load Symbols". Same thing when you're stopped at a 
breakpoint, in the Call Stack window you can right-click on the grayed 
out lines and click "Load Symbols".

I don't know of a standalone tool that will tell you if a DLL contains 
debug info.

See Laurens Voerman's reply for a step in the right direction

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-2.8.2 release candidate three tagged

2009-07-23 Thread Paul Melis

Laurens Voerman wrote:

Paul Melis wrote:

Jason Daly wrote:

Paul Melis wrote:
Okay, can you give me some pointers how to make it work then? I 
have VS8 sp1, have downloaded the corresponding debug package from 
the OSG website and have a really small test application that 
forces OSG to use some freed memory. If I build (in debug mode of 
course) and then run the test from VS with F5 it nicely catches 
the error, but in the stack trace none of the OSG dlls show any 

I think the problem is that OSG is using /Zi instead of /Z7, but at 
the same time, the .pdb files aren't being distributed in the packages.
Right, that is what I originally suspected. So is there any point to 
the debug packages *in their current form*? As 2.8.2 is probably 
released pretty soon it might be a good point in time to fix this?
My guess is that the extra size comes from optimizations being 
turned off (the default in Debug mode), but I don't make the 
packages, so I'm not sure.
Is there any way to test for a given dll if there is debug 
information in it, e.g. with some MSVC tool?


Hi Paul, 

Heeej :)

Does this help?

"%VCINSTALLDIR%\bin\dumpbin.exe" /PDBPATH:VERBOSE osg55-osgd.dll
Well, not really, as it merely seems to check if there is a .pdb file 
available that matches the given dll (which are not found for the dll's 
in the OSG debug package). However, the option /HEADERS produces more 
interesting results as it lists a "Debug directories", which for 
osg55-osgd.dll refers to a .pdb file 
d:\Prog\Libs\OpenSceneGraph\bin\osg55-osgd.pdb. So that's probably the 
location on the original  package creator's system (whoever that was). 
So this indeed seems to confirm that the dll's in the OSG VS8sp1 debug 
package on the website do not contain debug information for OSG itself, 
but can merely be used to build an application in debug mode.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-2.8.2 release candidate three tagged

2009-07-22 Thread Paul Melis

Jason Daly wrote:

Paul Melis wrote:
Okay, can you give me some pointers how to make it work then? I have 
VS8 sp1, have downloaded the corresponding debug package from the 
OSG website and have a really small test application that forces OSG 
to use some freed memory. If I build (in debug mode of course) and 
then run the test from VS with F5 it nicely catches the error, but 
in the stack trace none of the OSG dlls show any symbols...

I think the problem is that OSG is using /Zi instead of /Z7, but at 
the same time, the .pdb files aren't being distributed in the packages.
Right, that is what I originally suspected. So is there any point to the 
debug packages *in their current form*? As 2.8.2 is probably released 
pretty soon it might be a good point in time to fix this?
My guess is that the extra size comes from optimizations being turned 
off (the default in Debug mode), but I don't make the packages, so I'm 
not sure.
Is there any way to test for a given dll if there is debug information 
in it, e.g. with some MSVC tool?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] infitec stereo

2009-07-21 Thread Paul Melis
Garry Keltie wrote:
> Thanks for the info.
> I guess I was wondering... what if?
> The separation could be done in opengl... splitting each colour. I'm not sure 
> how glColor could specify more bits (up to what the card can handle) and then 
> how glColorMask could distinguish between the ranges if it were split.
Do you mean to generate the needed color spectra programmatically
instead of using Infitec filters in front of a projector? That is almost
certainly impossible, as the light spectrum of any conventional
projector is far too wide, regardless of which color you generate from
OpenGL. The Infitec filters provide very narrow color bands. See e.g.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-2.8.2 release candidate three tagged

2009-07-21 Thread Paul Melis

Paul Melis wrote:

Jason Daly wrote:

Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:

Well the name "old-style" might also mean that there are drawbacks 
to using that option... I wouldn't know if the only effect is that 
the debug information is embedded instead of in a separate file.
We develop with SCons (which uses the MSVC compiler on Windows), and 
we use the /Z7 option all the time, because it allows us to compile 
code in parallel without any worries of conflicts.  With the normal 
/Zi option, you get conflicts when two or more processes are trying 
to write to the .pdb file at the same time.

You can still make use of just-in-time and source-level debugging 
with the "old-style" debug info.  I do it all the time.  The only 
drawback that I know of is that the embedded debug info makes the 
final object (.exe or .dll) larger, and it might increase loading 
time a bit.
Okay, can you give me some pointers how to make it work then? I have 
VS8 sp1, have downloaded the corresponding debug package from the OSG 
website and have a really small test application that forces OSG to 
use some freed memory. If I build (in debug mode of course) and then 
run the test from VS with F5 it nicely catches the error, but in the 
stack trace none of the OSG dlls show any symbols...
Just noticed the line "Loaded '[...]\bin\osg55-osgd.dll', No symbols 
loaded." in the debug output in VS. The debug DLL is 5.4 Mb, while 
osg55-osg.dll from the release package is 1.8 Mb, suggesting that the 
debug DLL *does* contain extra information (I wouldn't expect that large 
a difference in code size alone).

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-2.8.2 release candidate three tagged

2009-07-21 Thread Paul Melis

Jason Daly wrote:

Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:

Well the name "old-style" might also mean that there are drawbacks to 
using that option... I wouldn't know if the only effect is that the 
debug information is embedded instead of in a separate file.
We develop with SCons (which uses the MSVC compiler on Windows), and 
we use the /Z7 option all the time, because it allows us to compile 
code in parallel without any worries of conflicts.  With the normal 
/Zi option, you get conflicts when two or more processes are trying to 
write to the .pdb file at the same time.

You can still make use of just-in-time and source-level debugging with 
the "old-style" debug info.  I do it all the time.  The only drawback 
that I know of is that the embedded debug info makes the final object 
(.exe or .dll) larger, and it might increase loading time a bit.
Okay, can you give me some pointers how to make it work then? I have VS8 
sp1, have downloaded the corresponding debug package from the OSG 
website and have a really small test application that forces OSG to use 
some freed memory. If I build (in debug mode of course) and then run the 
test from VS with F5 it nicely catches the error, but in the stack trace 
none of the OSG dlls show any symbols...

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] infitec stereo

2009-07-21 Thread Paul Melis

Garry Keltie wrote:


Last weekend I had the pleasure of seeing Ice Age 3 in 3D. I highly recommend 
it not only for the animated hoot but the stereo effect is definitely the most 
comfortable I have seen in a cinema.

I'm wondering if anyone knows much about the method? Has quite a few pluses to it. It's pretty much done with wheels and filters in the cinema but it strikes me that unless its protected with patents, might be an attractive method, with a bit of work, for commodity (non quad buffering) graphics. 
BTW, in case you don't want to use quad-buffering you would still need 
to synchronize your image generation with the filter wheel. I suspect 
that might not even be that easy to accomplish. It would be easier (but 
not cheaper) to go for a quad-buffer setup with two projectors. Or, you 
could use a dual-output gfx card and set up your application to render 
over both outputs (xinerama style), using one eye  per output.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] infitec stereo

2009-07-21 Thread Paul Melis

Paul Melis wrote:

Garry Keltie wrote:
Last weekend I had the pleasure of seeing Ice Age 3 in 3D. I highly 
recommend it not only for the animated hoot but the stereo effect is 
definitely the most comfortable I have seen in a cinema.

I'm wondering if anyone knows much about the method? Has quite a few 
pluses to it. It's pretty much done with wheels and filters in the 
cinema but it strikes me that unless its protected with patents, 
might be an attractive method, with a bit of work, for commodity (non 
quad buffering) graphics.

A quick trawl fished up some links below.
Infitec has been around for some time now, I think I saw it at 
siggraph a couple of years ago. It is quite a nice method, but people 
seem to complain mostly about the slight differences in color between 
the eyes (due to the different spectra used). But the eye separation 
is much better than when using simple polarized glasses.

Interesting how Dolby 3D uses a filter wheel in front of the normal 
cinema projector. That makes it easy to 'augment' existing digital 
cinemas with 3D capabilities. But I guess you need quite a stable 
rotation to not get out of sync. You could always use two projectors 
and give them a filter each, to get a conventional passive stereo set.
Oh yeah, another advantage: at least you don't need a silver screen with 
infitec, as there's no polarization to preserve :)

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] infitec stereo

2009-07-21 Thread Paul Melis

Garry Keltie wrote:

Last weekend I had the pleasure of seeing Ice Age 3 in 3D. I highly recommend 
it not only for the animated hoot but the stereo effect is definitely the most 
comfortable I have seen in a cinema.

I'm wondering if anyone knows much about the method? Has quite a few pluses to it. It's pretty much done with wheels and filters in the cinema but it strikes me that unless its protected with patents, might be an attractive method, with a bit of work, for commodity (non quad buffering) graphics. 

A quick trawl fished up some links below.
Infitec has been around for some time now, I think I saw it at siggraph 
a couple of years ago. It is quite a nice method, but people seem to 
complain mostly about the slight differences in color between the eyes 
(due to the different spectra used). But the eye separation is much 
better than when using simple polarized glasses.

Interesting how Dolby 3D uses a filter wheel in front of the normal 
cinema projector. That makes it easy to 'augment' existing digital 
cinemas with 3D capabilities. But I guess you need quite a stable 
rotation to not get out of sync. You could always use two projectors and 
give them a filter each, to get a conventional passive stereo set.

I believe the Infitec stuff is cheaper than active stereo gear, but 
still not very cheap. I remember seeing somewhere that even the glasses 
were around E50,- per pair. I guess they didn't let you keep those after 
the movie? :)

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-2.8.2 release candidate three tagged

2009-07-17 Thread Paul Melis

Jason Daly wrote:

Paul Melis wrote:

A collegue and I where wondering some time ago if the binary windows 
packages provided on the website are usable for debugging. Even 
though there are separate release and debug distributions the debug 
ones (at least the VS8 ones) don't seem to contain any .pdb files. I 
remember him trying to debug some OSG application but he could not 
get any symbol info for the OSG dlls. I've been out of windows 
development for a long time so don't really have the overview 
anymore. Can you have debug information in .lib files on windows or 
are .pdb files always required?

You can have embedded debug info (pass /Z7 to the compiler instead of 
the usual /Zi).  I'm not sure if that's how the OSG debug packages 
work, but it is possible.
Interesting, VS9's cl.exe reports that /Z7 option as "enable old-style 
debug info". I guess progress isn't everything if you want integrated 
debug information :)

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-2.8.2 release candidate three tagged

2009-07-17 Thread Paul Melis

Robert Osfield wrote:

I have another OpenSceneGraph 2.8.2 release candidate for you, just a
couple fixes since 2.8.2-rc2:

# Build fixes for:

* Building of dicom plugin with ITK under Linux.

# Crash fixes to:

* crash during window destruction under Windows when using closing
a MFC based GraphicsWindow
* deadlock under Windows due threading issues with atomic
operations in Win32 Barrier implementation
* OpenFlight plugin not handling spaces at the end of option strings

You can grab the source code from:

source package :
svn tag: svn co

My plan is tag the the final OpenSceneGraph-2.8.2 release this week so
please pull down the source and test it on as many platforms and of
your own applications as possible so we can make sure we can catch as
many problems prior to going gold.
A collegue and I where wondering some time ago if the binary windows 
packages provided on the website are usable for debugging. Even though 
there are separate release and debug distributions the debug ones (at 
least the VS8 ones) don't seem to contain any .pdb files. I remember him 
trying to debug some OSG application but he could not get any symbol 
info for the OSG dlls. I've been out of windows development for a long 
time so don't really have the overview anymore. Can you have debug 
information in .lib files on windows or are .pdb files always required?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Getting System time, milliseconds

2009-07-17 Thread Paul Melis

J.P. Delport wrote:

For Linux, play with this:

#ifndef WIN32

/// High resolution timers for Linux.

#define NSEC_PER_SEC 10LL

inline uint64_t timespec_to_ns(const struct timespec *ts)
return ((uint64_t) ts->tv_sec * NSEC_PER_SEC) + ts->tv_nsec;

/// Returns nanoseconds since epoch.
inline uint64_t currentTimeNanoSec()
struct timespec timestamp_ts;
//clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, ×tamp_ts);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, ×tamp_ts);
return timespec_to_ns(×tamp_ts);

inline uint64_t clockResNanoSec()
struct timespec timestamp_ts;
//clock_getres(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, ×tamp_ts);
clock_getres(CLOCK_REALTIME, ×tamp_ts);
return timespec_to_ns(×tamp_ts);

#if 0
int main(void)
printf("%lld, %lld\n", currentTimeNanoSec(), clockResNanoSec());
printf("%lld, %lld\n", currentTimeNanoSec(), clockResNanoSec());
Interesting, I had compared different ways of doing timing on Linux some 
time ago and was certain that clock_gettime() didn't work for me.
But now I tested it again it at least seems to provide enough precision. 
Ah well, I'll probably never figure out what happened :)


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Getting System time, milliseconds

2009-07-17 Thread Paul Melis

Paul Melis wrote:

J.P. Delport wrote:

In OSG you could do something like:

osg::Timer *globalHighResTimer=osg::Timer::instance();
uint64_t currentTimeNanoSec()
osg::Timer_t timer_t=globalHighResTimer->tick();
return (uint64_t)(timer_t * 
globalHighResTimer->getSecondsPerTick() * 10);//timerTick * 
secondsPerTick * secondsToNanoSeconds

This is win32-specific code right? There's no way you're going to get 
nanosecond precision on e.g. Linux where gettimeofday() is used by 
Ok ok, it would give valid results on non-windows, but give a false 
sense of nanosecond precision. And the OP needed only milliseconds...

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Getting System time, milliseconds

2009-07-17 Thread Paul Melis

J.P. Delport wrote:

In OSG you could do something like:

osg::Timer *globalHighResTimer=osg::Timer::instance();
uint64_t currentTimeNanoSec()
osg::Timer_t timer_t=globalHighResTimer->tick();
return (uint64_t)(timer_t * 
globalHighResTimer->getSecondsPerTick() * 10);//timerTick * 
secondsPerTick * secondsToNanoSeconds

This is win32-specific code right? There's no way you're going to get 
nanosecond precision on e.g. Linux where gettimeofday() is used by 

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Getting System time, milliseconds

2009-07-17 Thread Paul Melis

Kelly Fields wrote:

Yes, sorry - I need millisecond precision.  So I need a number to be like "3.234 seconds" 
rather than "3 seconds"
But aren't those methods you used from the Delta3D API? Are you sure 
these methods are in OSG?


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Getting System time, milliseconds

2009-07-17 Thread Paul Melis

Robert Osfield wrote:

Is it just that you need to multiple the number of seconds my 1000 to
get milliseconds?  This does seem a bit of trivial answer so I do
wonder if your actually after something else.

I guess the OP wants millisecond precision?



On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 7:05 PM, Kelly Fields wrote:


I am new to Delta3d and have a question about getting system time (or local time - really 
any form of time).  I am accessing time, but even though the "seconds" is a 
float, it does not contain information for milliseconds.  How would I get that?

Here is my code...

dtUtil::DateTime time;
double winTime = time.GetTimeInSeconds();

Please help!!

Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgText Chopping Letters

2009-07-16 Thread Paul Melis
Mike Hall wrote:
> I have attached an image showing the issue.
Try increasing the resolution of the glyph textures, with
setFontResolution(). When you have a low resolution the artifacts will
stand out more.

I've done some hacking to dump the glyph textures that are actually
used. There's no obvious clipping going on there, they look spot on (see
attached files, and yes, they're upside down). So the clipping comes
from using texture coordinates that are slightly off, which might
explain why using an integer position might lead to better results
(although I don't really see a difference versus non-integer positions
myself). That's a bit of a shame though, having good glyph textures that
get mangled a bit somewhere in the process...


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] ffmpeg stdint on Windows?

2009-07-13 Thread Paul Melis

Garrett Potts wrote:

Honestly I have not read up on the C standard and only took what they 
said as being true.  They said they adhere to the C99 standard and 
they sent me a cut and past from the C99 standard that said variables 
are to be initialized to 0 but honestly can't remember if that is for 
static or non static or both. 

Looks like only static variables are zero-initialized:

ISO/IEC 9899:TC2 draft, section 6.7.8, item 10:
10 If an object that has automatic storage duration is not initialized 
explicitly, its value is
indeterminate. If an object that has static storage duration is not 
initialized explicitly,

— if it has pointer type, it is initialized to a null pointer;
— if it has arithmetic type, it is initialized to (positive or unsigned) 
— if it is an aggregate, every member is initialized (recursively) 
according to these rules;
— if it is a union, the first named member is initialized (recursively) 
according to these


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] ffmpeg stdint on Windows?

2009-07-13 Thread Paul Melis


Tanguy Fautre wrote:

A bit OT, but which part of the C standard says that all uninitialized 
variables shall default to 0? The only zero initialization guarantee 
of the C standard I know of is related to static variables (which MSVC 

I'm pretty sure even GCC doesn't zero-initialize variables by default, e.g.

13:31|p...@tabu:~/acgt/webservices-svn> cat t.c
int main()
int i;
printf("%d\n", i);
13:38|p...@tabu:~/acgt/webservices-svn> gcc -o t -std=c99 t.c
13:38|p...@tabu:~/acgt/webservices-svn> ./t

If what you say about FFmpeg expected C behaviour is true, it sounds 
to me that FFmpeg is relying on a non-standard extensions of GCC.

If you don’t mind, I’ll take your email as an opportunity to express 
my biggest complain about the FFmpeg project: its portability.

On the current situation of FFmpeg on Windows, IMHO the FFmpeg dev 
team has abslolutely no valid reasons for not making FFmpeg portable. 
In fact, it looks like they took several decisions with the sole 
purpose of making FFmpeg a GCC-only / MSVC-incompatible product. 
Reading their rant about MSVC on the official website tends to confirm 
that some of their choices are mainly motivated by anti-microsoft 
political reasons rather than technical.

From the FFMPEG FAQ (

4.3 Is Microsoft Visual C++ supported?

No. Microsoft Visual C++ is not compliant to the C99 standard and does 
not - among other things - support the inline assembly used in FFmpeg. 
If you wish to use MSVC++ for your project then you can link the MSVC++ 
code with libav* as long as you compile the latter with a working C 
compiler. For more information, see the Microsoft Visual C++ 
compatibility section in the FFmpeg documentation.

There have been efforts to make FFmpeg compatible with MSVC++ in the 
past. However, they have all been rejected as too intrusive, especially 
since MinGW does the job adequately. None of the core developers work 
with MSVC++ and thus this item is low priority. Should you find the 
silver bullet that solves this problem, feel free to shoot it at us.

We strongly recommend you to move over from MSVC++ to MinGW tools.

The second paragraph is interesting, as it suggests that people have at 
least tried in the past to get ffmpeg to be MSVC-compatible. But if they 
made the decision to use C99 (which does have some nice additions 
compared to the older C standards) then MSVC is indeed left in the rain :)

- They’ve chosen to rely on the C99 standard, which is not as widely 
as supported as C89 and C++98. GCC is the only widely-used compiler 
that comes close to having a full C99 support (followed by the Intel 
compiler), but even GCC is still missing several features 
( MSVC and Borland have little C99 

- They use the AT&T assembly syntax for x86/x86-64 assembly code 
instead of using the Intel assembly syntax or Intel intrinsics.

These two decisions alone mean that one would have to rewrite most of 
FFmpeg to get it compiling on any compiler that is not a GCC-clone. 
While there is nothing close to FFmpeg on the market (open or closed 
source), while I’m a huge supported of FFmpeg and related projects, 
such poor decisions are ridicule from a software engineering point of 
view and ultimately hurts FFmpeg.

Bottom line: I think the ffmpeg devs only care about Linux (and other 
unices). Windows folks are more used to having libraries available in 
binary form so it takes just one guy to build FFMPEG using MinGW and 
make it available for the rest to use.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Consistent lighting across different cameras

2009-07-07 Thread Paul Melis
Julian Looser wrote:
> Hi Ulrich,
>> (The model and lightsource are a shared graph, right?)
> Yes, that's right.
>> With regards to the different lighting, how is your model
>> tessellated?  If it's coarsely tessellated and/or you're using face
>> normals then the lighting calculation might only be done on the
>> corner vertices and interpolated from there.
> The model is a simple box with no further tessellation, and just face
> normals. However, the effect is the same with more complicated and
> higher-tessellated models. I think the detail of the model shouldn't
> effect the lighting in this case... all the cameras are looking at the
> same lit scene from the same point, just with slight offsets in the
> projection and view matrices. Other than possibly subtle differences
> in specular highlights, I wouldn't think the scene should be lit any
> differently in each of the views. I realise the lighting won't look
> great on a low-tessellated model, but I think it should be consistent.
> I figure it's like taking multiple photos and stitching them together
> into a panorama... the world doesn't get lit completely differently
> just because you turn left and right a bit. :-(
FYI, you probably got a good suggestion from Terry Welsh (try enabling
GL_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER), but his reply doesn't seem to have been
added to this thread...

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Consistent lighting across different cameras

2009-07-06 Thread Paul Melis

Julian Looser wrote:


I am using OSG in a multi-wall stereo rendering environment. We have 
three walls, and we render both a left and right eye view for each 
wall. To do this, in my application I create six osg::Cameras and 
update their projection and view matrices each frame based on 
head-tracking. I add the same subgraph under each camera, and I get a 
seamless 3D scene across the three walls. So far so good.

My problem is with lighting. Although the 3D geometry is rendered in 
the right place, it isn't lit correctly. For example, sometimes the 
left view might be much brighter than the center view, which in turn 
is brighter than the right view. This has me confused because all six 
cameras are rendering the exact same scene, and the light is part of 
the scene (rather than a head-light of the viewer for example).
Can you give more detail on the "sometimes"? Does that mean that the 
lighting varies over different runs of your software, or that the 
lighting is incosistent during a single run for some head positions? If 
the latter, it sounds like the head transformation isn't applied 
consistently to the light position. And is there some position for which 
the lighting does seem to be correct?


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-2.8.2 release candidate two tagged

2009-07-01 Thread Paul Melis

Robert Osfield wrote:

Hi All,

I’ve have now tagged the OpenScneGraph-2.8.2 release candidate 2, and
as very few problems were reported in testing of 2.8.2-rc1 there is
just a couples of changes required:

* fix of the parsing of ascii floating point numbers in plugins
and env var parsing so that it always uses the ‘.’ decimal place
convention, regardless of the OS/application set locales.
* workaround to threading issues in the
osgShadow::ParallelSplitShadowMap and osgShadow::ShadowVolume by
making osgshadow select SingleThreaded for these shadow techniques.

The source code to 2.8.2-rc2 can be found at:

source package :
svn tag: svn co

Please test this rc2 on as many platforms as you can get your hands
on.  If testing goes well we will move to a full release of 2.8.2 in
the next few days.
Just a quick note to say that there does not seem to be a check for 
poppler being installed during cmake configuration.
I was missing some of the headers (specifically the glib bindings), but 
cmake did not complain. Compilation then failed during building of the 
pdf plugin (this is with latest 2.8 svn, btw).

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG Forum 20 Second Search Wait

2009-06-11 Thread Paul Melis
Chris 'Xenon' Hanson wrote:
> Paul Melis wrote:
>> The message displayed is listed in the forum HTML code. It does not come
>> from the browser.
>   Yes, but it's a situation that occurs on the client-side that causes the 
> problem -- not
> a misconfiguration of the forum. That's why most users don't encounter it. It 
> could be
> caused by an aggressive pre-fetcher, either in the browser or a proxy.
Ah, that's what you meant. Sounds plausible indeed...


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG Forum 20 Second Search Wait

2009-06-11 Thread Paul Melis
Chris 'Xenon' Hanson wrote:
> Kawicki, Ryan H wrote:
>> Maybe something is wrong with my browser, but I am trying to search the
>> forum for a particular item.  Every time I try to move to the next page,
>> I keep getting the following statement: "For safety reasons the search
>> is only possible 1 times within 20 seconds. If this number was exceeded,
>> you must wait now "X" seconds, until you can implement the next search
>> procedure."
>> I just want to move to the next page within my current search.  Can
>> someone please look into this so that moving to new pages do not cause a
>> 20 second wait time penalty to incur?  Thanks.
>   I've seen this before on other forums, and it always turned out to be some 
> sort of
> configuration in the browser, not something on the forum's side.
The message displayed is listed in the forum HTML code. It does not come
from the browser.
>From the phpBB documentation

*General Search Settings


  User search flood interval: This value indicates the number of
  seconds that your users have to wait between consecutive searches.
  This value is checked independently for each user. All positive
  integers are valid values. If you want to disable checking for
  search intervals for users, set this value to "0".

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] how to deploy osg application

2009-06-10 Thread Paul Melis
Jason Daly wrote:
> Garrett Potts wrote:
>> Hello All:
>> I have used this in the past:
>> Should have a free download.  It helps to see how and what
>> dependency  DLL's load given an applicaiton or another DLL.  Try
>> running the app  agains osgviewer.exe and you should see the dll's
>> that are missing or  if none are missing it should help to see what
>> dll's are loaded within  the search path.
> Alena,
> The specific error message you posted indicates that you probably do
> have a mix of debug and release dependencies.  Dependency Walker
> (Garret's link above) is a good way to check.  If you run Dependency
> Walker on your app and look at the module list at the bottom, you
> should see either MSVCR80.DLL or MSVCR80D.DLL, but not both.
I think this exact same tool is included with VS, at least the more
recent versions. Somewhere under Common/Tools/bin/depends.exe I believe.
Saves a download..


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [vpb] a bug in vpb

2009-06-10 Thread Paul Melis


Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:

According to the "spec" I have here (ISO C++ 1998 draft) 
std::map::erase(it) should return void (and same for std::set).

The version I have is dated October 2008. Here's a link:

From here:

See page 838:

  iterator  erase(const_iterator position);
  size_type erase(const key_type& x);
  iterator  erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last);

So yeah, it was probably added later.
The inconsistency in void <-> iterator return type seems to have been 
marked as defect (DR 130) shortly after the previous C++ spec was 
published in 1998. DR 130 is dated March 1990:

The DR proposes to change erase() from returning void to returning an 

Anyways, the result is that some (all? I'm not sure) versions of gcc 
don't support the version that return an iterator, and return void 
instead. VC++ does. Does this mark the first time VC++ is more 
up-to-date than gcc with regards to standards? :-)
From what I can find about this is that Dinkumware STL (which is what 
VS is using) has chosen to return iterators for erase(). I guess you 
could say that any conforming code using erase() must ignore the return 
value, as it is prescribed to be void. An STL implementation that 
differs in return type will also work with conforming code, as the 
result value is ignored anyway. So perhaps it is code using Dinkumware 
STL (VS) that expects an iterator as result value that is non-conforming...


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Cygwin Compile Question OSG 2.8.1

2009-06-10 Thread Paul Melis

Christopher Wang wrote:

Sadly everyone else is using cygwin, so for compatibility sake I need to keep 
to that.
But doesn't that give you more than one reference to figure out how 
they compiled OSG with cygwin?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [vpb] a bug in vpb

2009-06-10 Thread Paul Melis

Paul Melis wrote:

Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:

Hi Ulrich,

You're right that what you (and Robert) note is an error (i.e. 
assigning an iterator from one container to an iterator from another 


I don't believe this is the problem.  The 'it = container.erase(it)' 
construct is correct.

It seems that according to the standard, it is, but some (many?) 
versions of gcc don't support it (perhaps it was added late in the 
standardization process or whatever). I've run across the same 
problem as Wang Rui - map::erase(iterator) returns void on some 
common compilers. So it's not portable code (by gcc's fault but 
According to the "spec" I have here (ISO C++ 1998 draft) 
std::map::erase(it) should return void (and same for std::set). Only 
for sequential containers (vector, list, deque) is an iterator 
returned in case of erase()ing. Makes sense too, as associative 
containers are usually not implemented as a simple list of elements, 
so returning the next item after the one just erased could be tricky.
Interestingly, the c0x draft I could find indeed lists 
std::map::erase(it) (and for set as well) as returning an interator.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Cygwin Compile Question OSG 2.8.1

2009-06-10 Thread Paul Melis

Christopher Wang wrote:

That didn't either.  Maybe I missing some step in the setup.

What I did was:

Ran Cygwin's setup.exe to install OpenGl, Cygwin, GCC, and several of the 
I unzipped the latest source (2.8.1) into /home/username/OpenSceneGraph-2.8.1
I made a folder /home/username/buildOSG
Did ccmake ../OpenSceneGraph-2.8.1
Did a configure
Fixed the OpenGL path to it pointed to the parent of the folder GL
Did another configure
Did a generate
Did a make

Then it fails about 15% on make!!  I ideas what step I'm missing?

Thank you!
In case you get tired of this and are not specifically tied to cygwin 
try MinGW. I've had more success with OSG and MinGW in the past...


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [vpb] a bug in vpb

2009-06-10 Thread Paul Melis

Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:

Hi Ulrich,

You're right that what you (and Robert) note is an error (i.e. 
assigning an iterator from one container to an iterator from another 


I don't believe this is the problem.  The 'it = container.erase(it)' 
construct is correct.

It seems that according to the standard, it is, but some (many?) 
versions of gcc don't support it (perhaps it was added late in the 
standardization process or whatever). I've run across the same problem 
as Wang Rui - map::erase(iterator) returns void on some common 
compilers. So it's not portable code (by gcc's fault but still...).
According to the "spec" I have here (ISO C++ 1998 draft) 
std::map::erase(it) should return void (and same for std::set). Only for 
sequential containers (vector, list, deque) is an iterator returned in 
case of erase()ing. Makes sense too, as associative containers are 
usually not implemented as a simple list of elements, so returning the 
next item after the one just erased could be tricky.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] build errors with 2.8.1

2009-06-04 Thread Paul Melis
John Kelso wrote:
> Hi,
> cmake 2.4-patch 8, that came with CentOS release 5.3.
> Our systems have been upgraded since my last OSG build, so I'll see if
> there's any relationship.  If I get stuck I'll mail again.
> Should I see if our system guy can install a newer cmake?
One thing cmake 2.6 has over 2.4 is that it seems to be smarter when it
comes to linking.
With 2.4 you get some kind of relinking stage when doing 'make install',
which doesn't occur with 2.6
I can't say anything about the other differences between 2.4 and 2.6

> Thanks again,
> John
> On Thu, 4 Jun 2009, Paul Melis wrote:
>> Ulrich Hertlein wrote:
>>> Hi John,
>>> On 4/6/09 7:24 PM, John Kelso wrote:
>>>> After downloading 2.8.1 and typing cmake, I got this error:
>>>> "The end of a CMakeLists file was reached with an IF statement that
>>>> was not
>>>> closed properly. Within the directory:
>>>> /usr/local/HEV-beta/apps/osg/osg-2.8.1/OpenSceneGraph/applications/osgversion
>>>> The arguments are: OSG_MAINTAINER"
>>>> Are all bets off from this point, or can this be safely ignored?
>>>> I plowed ahead anyway and the make died a horrible death. Before I
>>>> waste
>>>> time figuring out why, I'm wondering if I could get some advice about
>>>> the
>>>> relevance and importance of the cmake message.
>>> You're probably using a version of cmake that is too old (maybe 2.4?)
>> The toplevel CMakeLists.txt contains
>> IF(WIN32)
>> ELSE(WIN32)
>> so either these checks are not strict enough and your version of CMake
>> is screwing up, or something else is going on.
>> What version of CMake do you use?
>> Paul
>> ___
>> osg-users mailing list
> ___
> osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] build errors with 2.8.1

2009-06-04 Thread Paul Melis
Paul Melis wrote:
> Paul Melis wrote:
>> John Kelso wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> cmake 2.4-patch 8, that came with CentOS release 5.3.
>>> Our systems have been upgraded since my last OSG build, so I'll see if
>>> there's any relationship.  If I get stuck I'll mail again.
>>> Should I see if our system guy can install a newer cmake?
>> First, try this:
>> In applications/osgversion/CMakeLists.txt change ENDIF() to
>> That line looks fishy.
> If that solves it for you then I don't know how it ever got through the
> release candidate testing. The ENDIF() was introduced in rc4, and even
> that was followed by rc5. Perhaps it's only CMake 2.4 that stumbles over
> this.
> Checking...
> Indeed, no warning with 2.6, while 2.4 DOES warn (but continues with
> configuring).
Robert, I fixed this on the 2.8 branch (r10313).

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] build errors with 2.8.1

2009-06-04 Thread Paul Melis
Paul Melis wrote:
> John Kelso wrote:
>> Hi,
>> cmake 2.4-patch 8, that came with CentOS release 5.3.
>> Our systems have been upgraded since my last OSG build, so I'll see if
>> there's any relationship.  If I get stuck I'll mail again.
>> Should I see if our system guy can install a newer cmake?
> First, try this:
> In applications/osgversion/CMakeLists.txt change ENDIF() to
> That line looks fishy.
If that solves it for you then I don't know how it ever got through the
release candidate testing. The ENDIF() was introduced in rc4, and even
that was followed by rc5. Perhaps it's only CMake 2.4 that stumbles over


Indeed, no warning with 2.6, while 2.4 DOES warn (but continues with

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] build errors with 2.8.1

2009-06-04 Thread Paul Melis
John Kelso wrote:
> Hi,
> cmake 2.4-patch 8, that came with CentOS release 5.3.
> Our systems have been upgraded since my last OSG build, so I'll see if
> there's any relationship.  If I get stuck I'll mail again.
> Should I see if our system guy can install a newer cmake?
First, try this:

In applications/osgversion/CMakeLists.txt change ENDIF() to
That line looks fishy.


> Thanks again,
> John
> On Thu, 4 Jun 2009, Paul Melis wrote:
>> Ulrich Hertlein wrote:
>>> Hi John,
>>> On 4/6/09 7:24 PM, John Kelso wrote:
>>>> After downloading 2.8.1 and typing cmake, I got this error:
>>>> "The end of a CMakeLists file was reached with an IF statement that
>>>> was not
>>>> closed properly. Within the directory:
>>>> /usr/local/HEV-beta/apps/osg/osg-2.8.1/OpenSceneGraph/applications/osgversion
>>>> The arguments are: OSG_MAINTAINER"
>>>> Are all bets off from this point, or can this be safely ignored?
>>>> I plowed ahead anyway and the make died a horrible death. Before I
>>>> waste
>>>> time figuring out why, I'm wondering if I could get some advice about
>>>> the
>>>> relevance and importance of the cmake message.
>>> You're probably using a version of cmake that is too old (maybe 2.4?)
>> The toplevel CMakeLists.txt contains
>> IF(WIN32)
>> ELSE(WIN32)
>> so either these checks are not strict enough and your version of CMake
>> is screwing up, or something else is going on.
>> What version of CMake do you use?
>> Paul
>> ___
>> osg-users mailing list
> ___
> osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] build errors with 2.8.1

2009-06-04 Thread Paul Melis
Ulrich Hertlein wrote:
> Hi John,
> On 4/6/09 7:24 PM, John Kelso wrote:
>> After downloading 2.8.1 and typing cmake, I got this error:
>> "The end of a CMakeLists file was reached with an IF statement that
>> was not
>> closed properly. Within the directory:
>> /usr/local/HEV-beta/apps/osg/osg-2.8.1/OpenSceneGraph/applications/osgversion
>> The arguments are: OSG_MAINTAINER"
>> Are all bets off from this point, or can this be safely ignored?
>> I plowed ahead anyway and the make died a horrible death. Before I waste
>> time figuring out why, I'm wondering if I could get some advice about
>> the
>> relevance and importance of the cmake message.
> You're probably using a version of cmake that is too old (maybe 2.4?)
The toplevel CMakeLists.txt contains


so either these checks are not strict enough and your version of CMake
is screwing up, or something else is going on.
What version of CMake do you use?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] memory leak in osg::StateSet::merge() ?

2009-06-04 Thread Paul Melis


John Kelso wrote:

Hi Robert,

I must admit I used a pretty simplistic method.  While running my app 
I run

"top" in another window and look at the process' virtual memory size.

When running without the merge the virtual memory size never changes.  

running with the merge, the size steadily increases.  After about 16,000
merges my malloc's fail and the process crashes.

I too looked at the merge code and didn't see anything obvious.

I have the feeling that I'm doing something fundamentally wrong that 
will be
embarrassingly obvious in hindsight, but for now has me stumped.  I'm 

for the "Ah ha" moment to strike.

If you can suggest any tests to run, or have any other suggestions, it 

be appreciated.
Try using valgrind's massif. It makes snapshots of a program's heap 
allocation during its lifetime and
can report for each snapshot where the memory was allocated. Here's an 

14:40|p...@tabu:~/cppexamples> cat osg_leak.cpp
// example leaky program
// g++ -o oll osg_leak.cpp -I ~/osg2.8/include/ -L ~/osg2.8/lib/ -losg 

int main()
   osg::Group* group;
   for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
   group = new osg::Group;
14:40|p...@tabu:~/cppexamples> g++ -g -o leak osg_leak.cpp -I 
~/osg2.8/include/ -L ~/osg2.8/lib/ -losg -losgDB

14:40|p...@tabu:~/cppexamples> valgrind --tool=massif ./leak
14:41|p...@tabu:~/cppexamples> ls -ltr
-rw---  1 paul paul 14848 Jun  4 14:41 massif.out.11415
14:41|p...@tabu:~/cppexamples> ms_print massif.out.11415
# actual output contains much more, including a nice graph

# of memory consumption over time ;-)

 ntime(i) total(B)   useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B)

79 47,051,074   21,761,128   18,959,969 
87.13% (18,959,969B) (heap allocation functions) malloc/new/new[], 
--alloc-fns, etc.

->66.17% (14,400,000B) 0x80486BD: main (osg_leak.cpp:7)
->12.87% (2,800,336B) 0x4378576: OpenThreads::Mutex::Mutex() 
->03.68% (800,008B) 0x41C83C4: osg::Referenced::Referenced(bool) 

->02.56% (557,370B) in 21 places, all below massif's threshold (01.00%)
->01.85% (402,255B) 0x92F65C: (within /usr/lib/

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Access vertices and faces after load the model

2009-05-29 Thread Paul Melis

Thrall, Bryan wrote:

Paul Martz wrote on Thursday, May 28, 2009 4:50 PM:

You use a NodeVisitor to walk your scene graph and look for Geodes,
then iterate over the Drawables that are attached to the Geodes, using
dynamic_cast to access the Drawable as a Geometry.

Even better, I notice osg::Drawable has asGeometry(), which is cheaper
than dynamic_cast<> :)
Wow, I wasn't expecting the difference to be this large, as virtual 
function calls aren't completely free either:

16:51|p...@tabu:~> cat t.cpp
// g++ -o t t.cpp -I ~/osg2.8/include/ -L ~/osg2.8/lib/ -losg -losgDB

timediff(struct timeval t0, struct timeval t1)
   return 1000 * (t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec) + (t1.tv_usec - t0.tv_usec) / 


int main()
   osg::Group* cow = (osg::Group*)osgDB::readNodeFile("cow.osg");
   osg::Geode* geode = (osg::Geode*)cow->getChild(0);
   osg::Drawable *draw = geode->getDrawable(0);

   boolisgeom = true;
   int i;
   struct timeval  t0, t1, t2;
   const int   N = 10;

   gettimeofday(&t0, NULL);
   for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
   isgeom = isgeom && (draw->asGeometry() != NULL);

   gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
   for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
   isgeom = isgeom && (dynamic_cast(draw) != NULL);

   gettimeofday(&t2, NULL);

   printf("%d\n", isgeom);  // need to use isgeom, as otherwise it 
might be optimized away

   printf("asGeometry(): %.3f ms\n", timediff(t0, t1));
   printf("dynamic_cast<>(): %.3f ms\n", timediff(t1, t2));
16:52|p...@tabu:~> g++ -o t t.cpp -I ~/osg2.8/include/ -L ~/osg2.8/lib/ 
-losg -losgDB

16:52|p...@tabu:~> ./t
asGeometry(): 1.181 ms
dynamic_cast<>(): 3.945 ms
16:52|p...@tabu:~> g++ -O3 -o t t.cpp -I ~/osg2.8/include/ -L 
~/osg2.8/lib/ -losg -losgDB

16:52|p...@tabu:~> ./t
asGeometry(): 0.839 ms
dynamic_cast<>(): 3.611 ms

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] memory leak problem

2009-05-29 Thread Paul Melis

Andoni Mujika wrote:

Hi Robert,

Sorry for not being very precise. I also tried osg::ref_ptr<>. Now, 
the code looks like this:

osg::ref_ptr m_geom;
/m_geom = (osg::Vec3Array*) ((dynamic_cast// 

the memory grows and grows...
Are you developing on Linux? If so, you might want to give valgrind a 
try and specifically its 'massif' tool. This allows you to track memory 
usage during a programs run and can (in principle) provide you with 
information where all the memory you're seeing was allocated.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Attack the PrimitiveSet

2009-05-28 Thread Paul Melis


Maxime BOUCHER wrote:

For anyone who would read this thread an d reproduce the same, don't.
It seems the DrawArrayLengths contains a single number representing in a way I 
don't understand the primitives EVEN IF you can access the primitives the same 
way than for a DrawElementsUthing.
It's not that hard to understand. Take, for example, the cow.osg sample 
file (check the file in a text editor). There's a Geometry node in there 
with 1 primitive set, which is a DrawArrayLengths. The type of this 
primitive set is TRIANGLE_STRIP, so it defines multiple triangle strips. 
The numbers (3, 3, 10, 14, 5, 5) represent the number of vertices 
user *per triangle strip*. So the DrawArrayLengths defines a triangle 
strip of 3 vertices (i.e. a single triangle), and then another strip of 
3 vertices, etc. The vertices are simply used in order from the vertex 
array. So the first triangle strip is defined with vertices 0, 1 and 2; 
the second triangle strip by vertices 3, 4 and 5, etc.

In total, the DrawArrayLengths primitive set defines 984 triangle strips.

   Geometry {
 DataVariance DYNAMIC
 useDisplayList TRUE
 Primitives 1
   DrawArrayLengths TRIANGLE_STRIP 0 984
 VertexArray 7772
   4.76334 -1.36791 3.02949
   4.85496 -1.36297 3.09889
   4.73514 -1.38955 3.08412
   4.92619 0.143477 2.29847
   4.98236 0.0975301 2.31196
   4.94471 0.136714 2.27932

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Attack the PrimitiveSet

2009-05-27 Thread Paul Melis

Maxime BOUCHER wrote:

Thanks for replying!

Paul Melis wrote:
What kind of PrimitiveSet do you want to erase elements from? E.g. all 
DrawElementsXXX classes derive from std::vector, so you should be able 
to use the methods from vector on those.

OK, it's interesting.
I mainly work on DrawArrayLength. What can I do with it?

From :

class OSG_EXPORT DrawArrayLengths : public PrimitiveSet, public 


where VectorGLsizei is (basically) std::vector. So you can just do

osg::DrawArrayLengths *arr = new osg::DrawArrayLengths();
arr->erase(arr->begin()+10, arr->begin()+20);


What exactly do you mean "attacking", are you trying to remove primitive from primitive sets. 
Indices are deprecated and they are not encouraged to be used anymore. The "dirty" way is the 
"classical" way.

Yes, I want to remove primitives removing their indices.
Can I ask you since which version indices are deprecated?
Have you an example of the dirty way? I don't get what you mean.
With "indices" do you mean OpenGL indices here (as in drawing primitives 
by index), or do you mean indices in the DrawArrayLengths array? Rabbi 
means the former is generally not recommended for performance reasons. 
The latter is something completely different and is no problem.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Attack the PrimitiveSet

2009-05-27 Thread Paul Melis


Maxime BOUCHER wrote:

 I'm currently attacking the primitives of my scene and I would like to remove 
some of them from my one of my PrimitiveSets.


Isn't there a way to do a classical remove method like the one from the 
std::vector (for example) ?
What kind of PrimitiveSet do you want to erase elements from? E.g. all 
DrawElementsXXX classes derive from std::vector, so you should be able 
to use the methods from vector on those.


 A very ugly and heavy solution would be to copy the existing one but the 
indices I want to remove . As I say, it's very ugly and as I want to remove a 
lot of primitives it would quickly become very heavy.

Thank you!


Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Test post, very strange

2009-05-27 Thread Paul Melis
Robert Osfield wrote:
> On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 5:22 AM, Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
>  wrote:
>>  I'm posting to see if this message shows up.
>>  Oddly, a message I've tried to send to the list three times over the past 
>> few weeks,
>> refuses to appear here. But my other replies seem to show up.
>>  Is there any sort of content-based filtering that might be eating my 
>> message?
> There isn't any content based filtering.  The only filtering done
> presently is the rejection of email addresses that aren't subscribed
> to the osg-users list.
> Some mail clients silently don't display your own posts, perhaps this
> is something that is happening.
Note that there is also a mailman setting to specify if you want to
receive your own post or not.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-2.8.1 release candidate five tagged

2009-05-19 Thread Paul Melis

Paul Melis wrote:


Regarding rev 10233:


  Also changed
  typedef char value_type;
  typedef signed char value_type;

  In the case of a simple "char", SWIG assumes a string.
  Using "signed char" instead of "char" does not change
  the behaviour of the class."

Transforming char to signed char obviously changes the behaviour, as 
you can no longer store values in same range anymore. E.g.

14:37|me...@juggle2:~/c/osg/svn/branches-2.8> cat
int main()
   osg::Vec3b  col;
   col.x() = 255;
   printf("%d\n", col.x());
14:37|me...@juggle2:~/c/osg/svn/branches-2.8> g++ -o t -I 

14:37|me...@juggle2:~/c/osg/svn/branches-2.8> ./t
Arrghh, I can tell I didn't have much sleep last night. With type char 
(instead of signed char) the result printed would also have been -1.

Never mind...

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-2.8.1 release candidate five tagged

2009-05-19 Thread Paul Melis

Paul Melis wrote:


Regarding rev 10233:


  Also changed
  typedef char value_type;
  typedef signed char value_type;

  In the case of a simple "char", SWIG assumes a string.
  Using "signed char" instead of "char" does not change
  the behaviour of the class."

Transforming char to signed char obviously changes the behaviour, as 
you can no longer store values in same range anymore. E.g.

14:37|me...@juggle2:~/c/osg/svn/branches-2.8> cat
int main()
   osg::Vec3b  col;
   col.x() = 255;
   printf("%d\n", col.x());
14:37|me...@juggle2:~/c/osg/svn/branches-2.8> g++ -o t -I 

14:37|me...@juggle2:~/c/osg/svn/branches-2.8> ./t

This seems like a bad idea, as I suspect people are more likely to use 
Vec3b for storing colors values, instead of values in the -127..128 
I would suggest reverting the change and make Vec?b store char's once 
Hmm, there's a Vec4ub class, but not a Vec3ub one. So perhaps it would 
be more appropriate to add a Vec3ub to store 0..255 values as an 


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-2.8.1 release candidate five tagged

2009-05-19 Thread Paul Melis


Regarding rev 10233:


  Also changed
  typedef char value_type;
  typedef signed char value_type;

  In the case of a simple "char", SWIG assumes a string.
  Using "signed char" instead of "char" does not change
  the behaviour of the class."

Transforming char to signed char obviously changes the behaviour, as you 
can no longer store values in same range anymore. E.g.

14:37|me...@juggle2:~/c/osg/svn/branches-2.8> cat
int main()
   osg::Vec3b  col;
   col.x() = 255;
   printf("%d\n", col.x());
14:37|me...@juggle2:~/c/osg/svn/branches-2.8> g++ -o t -I 

14:37|me...@juggle2:~/c/osg/svn/branches-2.8> ./t

This seems like a bad idea, as I suspect people are more likely to use 
Vec3b for storing colors values, instead of values in the -127..128 range.

I would suggest reverting the change and make Vec?b store char's once more.


Robert Osfield wrote:

Hi All,

I've just tagged another release candidate, this time we've hit
2.8.1-rc5.  Fingers crossed this will be our latest rc and we can
quickly move on to tagging 2.8.1 and get some new binaries posted.

Source Code: ¶

source package :
svn tag: svn co

Could users please test out this latest rc5 this afternoon/evening and
if things look good on the major platforms I'll tag 2.8.1 tomorrow

Thanks for your assistance,
osg-users mailing list


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [forum] All Forum Users, PLEASE READ IT!

2009-05-08 Thread Paul Melis
Don't let this slip into something childish, please.

If the main problem here is that it is expected of mailing list/forum
users to have some form of name by which they can be addressed I
personally couldn't give a hoot if it is their real full name, first
name only, a completely fake name, some goofy nickname or whatever. And
this is a graphics community after all, so people actually have a habit
of using goofy nicknames.

Paul wrote:
> Ridiculous Indeed! Agreed!  How can anyone say I was being un-civil?
> Quoting Paul Melis :
>> Robert Osfield wrote:
>>> Hi Ed,
>>> You don't seem to have the threads on this topic.  The names are key
>>> to tracking who's saying what over time.  If you can't do this then
>>> you can properly hold a conservation.   If you are in crowded room and
>>> you wish to address someone you don't just shout out to everybody, you
>>> specifically address who you want to talk to, you need a name to do.
>>> Also when someones says something in this crowded room and you don't
>>> know who said it how are you to reply?  How are you to remember what
>>> they've said previously or what you've said to them previously.  Once
>>> you loose names you loose a fundamental part of how communication
>>> works, it breaks down.
>>> This is what are trying to do is stopping communication breaking down,
>>> prevent it from becoming too difficult to us to use.
>>> And please don't go adopting a name that takes the mikey.  If you
>>> can't be civil then it only take me a minute to unsubscribe you.
>> WTF? Are you now threatening to unsubscribe people because they choose
>> to go by a first name and e-mail address only, while otherwise being
>> civil in their communications??
>> This is getting ridiculous...
>> Paul
>> ___
>> osg-users mailing list
> ___
> osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [forum] All Forum Users, PLEASE READ IT!

2009-05-08 Thread Paul Melis
Robert Osfield wrote:
> Hi Ed,
> You don't seem to have the threads on this topic.  The names are key
> to tracking who's saying what over time.  If you can't do this then
> you can properly hold a conservation.   If you are in crowded room and
> you wish to address someone you don't just shout out to everybody, you
> specifically address who you want to talk to, you need a name to do.
> Also when someones says something in this crowded room and you don't
> know who said it how are you to reply?  How are you to remember what
> they've said previously or what you've said to them previously.  Once
> you loose names you loose a fundamental part of how communication
> works, it breaks down.
> This is what are trying to do is stopping communication breaking down,
> prevent it from becoming too difficult to us to use.
> And please don't go adopting a name that takes the mikey.  If you
> can't be civil then it only take me a minute to unsubscribe you.
WTF? Are you now threatening to unsubscribe people because they choose
to go by a first name and e-mail address only, while otherwise being
civil in their communications??

This is getting ridiculous...

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Time to remove Christer Wigren??

2009-04-28 Thread Paul Melis

Philip Taylor wrote:


The OSG list server is still bouncing emails to Christer Wigren which result
in an automated response stating that he no longer works for the Swedish
Defence Agency.

Any chance of getting his name /email address removed from the list server?
I'm sure the SDA would also appreciate the removal.

Ditto from me, I've got dozens of bounce mails myself

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] ray tracing using OSG

2009-04-14 Thread Paul Melis

ami guru wrote:

Hello Forum,

I was wondering if there is anyone have done ray tracing using OSG.
I once made a very quick and dirty example that merely uses OSG's 
KD-tree support to do ray tracing.

See this thread:


So far i have got from the forum Jean-Sébastien Guay did his Masters 

on that domain and it would be really nice
if he provide the link to the report, at least it would be a starting 
point for me.

What do you think Jean?


osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Virtual Planet Builder

2009-03-31 Thread Paul Melis wrote:

Step 2 says make a copy of "Make/dependencies".  Where is

Did you see this page?

The build instructions there seem to be very recent (March 2009)...


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:osg-users-] On Behalf Of Paul Melis
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 8:57 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Virtual Planet Builder wrote:


I thought I would take a look at virtual planet builder, but I'm
having difficulty figuring out how to build osgdem. Step 2 on the
"osgdem Quick Step by Step Guide" seems like it might be out of


Any help would be appreciated.


To increase the chances of getting an answer, please specify *exactly*
what you find is out of date...


osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Virtual Planet Builder

2009-03-31 Thread Paul Melis wrote:


I thought I would take a look at virtual planet builder, but I’m 
having difficulty figuring out how to build osgdem. Step 2 on the 
“osgdem Quick Step by Step Guide” seems like it might be out of date. 
Any help would be appreciated.

To increase the chances of getting an answer, please specify *exactly* 
what you find is out of date...


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Performing zooming and other navigations on geocentricvirtual earch?

2009-03-24 Thread Paul Melis

Paul Martz wrote:

Zooming merely changes the field of view without changing the view

Think of a photographer changing lenses on a camera without changing 
his physical location. You change the projection matrix to change the 
field of view, not the modelview matrix.

But that's *your* definition of zooming...

No, it's the computer graphics industry definition of "zoom", as defined by
Foley and Van Dam, the Real-Time Rendering book, and the OpenGL red book.
It's a word that has its root in photography, which shares the same
definition. Zooming magnifies an image; it does not affect the view

Words mean things. Programming is a very precise activity and we should
select our words carefully when describing what we are trying to do. I would
be doing the OP a disservice if I did not correct his usage and inform him.
Sorry for yapping about this, I'm having a bad day (and can't really 
figure out what is the real issue in my head...)

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Performing zooming and other navigations on geocentricvirtual earch?

2009-03-24 Thread Paul Melis

Paul Martz wrote:

(Posting this for about the 1000th time...)

Zooming merely changes the field of view without changing the view position.
Think of a photographer changing lenses on a camera without changing his
physical location. You change the projection matrix to change the field of
view, not the modelview matrix.

But that's *your* definition of zooming...

If you want to move the view position closer to a location, or further away
from a location, then you would change the modelview matrix (Camera view)
for that.
Which is what the OP asks about (he does not ask about the projection 

Paul (#2)

See the OpenGL red book.

Paul Martz
Skew Matrix Software LLC
+1 303 859 9466

-Original Message-
Subject: [osg-users] Performing zooming and other navigations on
geocentricvirtual earch?


I have created geocentric(spherical) virtual earth and wanted to do navigate
around the earth using keyboard including zooming-in and out.  As I m new
to OSG I want to understand dat could it be done by setting
viewmatrixAsLookAt of  views' cameramanipulator? Plz get me some ideas how
it can be done???

Thank you.

Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [Fwd: Mesa and gldirect]

2009-03-24 Thread Paul Melis

Cory Riddell wrote:

J.P. Delport wrote:

What always bothers me is the whole multiple window, multiple context
thing. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've always thought DirectX caters
more for the single fullscreen 3D window case (games?). Is this not
why CAD apps favour OpenGL? If DX can't do multiple windows/contexts
nicely the wrapper won't be able to fix this. For specific cases the
wrapper might be OK.

I don't believe multiple windows/contexts is a problem anymore (was it

I think CAD apps traditionally favored OpenGL simply because of their
history. Way back (when SGI was relevant), the only place to get decent
graphics performance was on very expensive Unix workstations. These
days, the best performing graphics cards are for Windows and they are
relatively inexpensive. I think that's why some CAD packages are
dropping OpenGL support (Autodesk- I'm looking at you).
Are they dropping OpenGL support for their 3D modeling packages as well 
(especially Maya)? Or just the autocad stuff?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [vpb] osgdem issue

2009-03-23 Thread Paul Melis

labrosse wrote:

Ok, I'm compiling OSG, and I'll try to install VPB. I know your stuff.

No, you dont' ;-)

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [vpb] osgdem issue

2009-03-23 Thread Paul Melis

labrosse wrote:

I think the OpenGL is supported by my VM, as the osg examples run correctly. 
But how do I do to test OpenGL ?

Thanks you for your help, I try to install OSG and VPB on my host machine.
You do not need to be root for that, btw. A normal user account should 
be enough...

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [vpb] osgdem issue

2009-03-23 Thread Paul Melis

labrosse wrote:


I work with OSG 2.6.1, GDAL 1.5.3 and VirtualPlanetBuilder r924 (compatible with OSG 2.6.1) on a virtual machine (fedora 10) to use osgdem. 

Do you mean virtual machine as in image running with VMWare?


All compile correctly, but when I want to use osgdem with this command for 
example :

osgdem -d ps_height_1k.tif -t ps_texture_1k.tif -o out.ive

I get this error, and I don't know what to do. I tried with the last version of 
OSG and VPB and I obtain the same error.

Here is my error :


-d ps_height_1k.tif
-t ps_texture_1k.tif
-o out.ive
Adding terrainTile
DataSet::_run() 0 0
DataSet::assignDestinationCoordinateSystem() : assigning first source file as 
the destination coordinate system
started DataSet::createDestination(30)
DataSet::assignDestinationCoordinateSystem() : assigning first source file as 
the destination coordinate system
AR=1.00 C1=1 R1=1
Time for _destinationGraph->computeMaximumSourceResolution() = 0.013825
Time for createDestinationGraph 0.080615
Time for after_computeNeighbours 0.029995
Time for consolodateRequiredResolutions 0.03
Time for after_reproject 0.000576
Time for after_sort 0.000568
completed DataSet::createDestination(30)
There are 2 contributing source files:
Error: Unable to open display ":0.0".
Error: Unable to open display ":0.0".
Error: Unable to create graphis context, problem with running osgViewer-2.6.1, 
cannot run compression.

Precisions :  - I connect to my Virtual machine with a console (ssh -X 
  - I think what the third error is blocking.

Sorry about my English.

Best Regards.

Fabien Labrosse

Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Insert custom Open GL code

2009-03-23 Thread Paul Melis

Claudio Arduino wrote:

i Need to insert custom OpenGl code like this:

glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
glVertex3i(0, 2000,0);

See the osgteapotexample (as suggested in the FAQ on the OSG website)

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] transforming normals

2009-03-20 Thread Paul Melis

Paul Melis wrote:

Can Hosgor wrote:
I'm writing a simple nodevisitor to compute the lightmap of a given 
node. This nodevisitor treats transforms and geodes specially, so 
that each vertex in the geometry is multiplied with the most recent 
transform matrix in order to obtain world coordinates. So far the 
above code works well except that i don't know how to transform the 
normals. Can I obtain the normal matrix directly from the 
transformation matrix, if so how?   
If M is your transformation matrix then (M^-1)^T transforms your 
normals (that's the transposed inverse of M).
You might have to rescale your normals so they become unit length again, 
after using the above matrix

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] transforming normals

2009-03-20 Thread Paul Melis

Can Hosgor wrote:
I'm writing a simple nodevisitor to compute the lightmap of a given node. This nodevisitor treats transforms and geodes specially, so that each vertex in the geometry is multiplied with the most recent transform matrix in order to obtain world coordinates. So far the above code works well except that i don't know how to transform the normals. Can I obtain the normal matrix directly from the transformation matrix, if so how? 
If M is your transformation matrix then (M^-1)^T transforms your normals 
(that's the transposed inverse of M).

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osg::Operation lags

2009-03-20 Thread Paul Melis

Hi Robert,

Robert Osfield wrote:
I have never seen problems like yours when using 
OperationThread/Operatons, but on a second review I see that your 
OpenThread never sleeps, it just churns away as effectively a spin 
lock on the CPU. If your machine doesn't have sufficient cores to 
handle a thead using 100% of the CPU core then you'll get frame stalls 
like you have.
More general, is what follows a good summary of how to use an 
osg::Operation (looking at the osgtext example for reference)? You 
subclass it and implement your action in the call operator. Then you add 
an instance of the operation class to a separate thread (starting it so 
it calls the operation in the background), plus you add the same 
instance to a osgViewer::Viewer instance. The only argument to the call 
operator is used to distinguish who makes a call on the operation and 
therefore what action you need to take. Is that a good summary?

Ignoring having to call yield once in a while, is the below test roughly 
the way to do it (I used the osgtext example as a second source)? Is the 
mutex in the call operator necessary?

Doh, lots of question marks above :)

// g++ -g -o op operation.cpp -I ~/osg2.8/include/ -L ~/osg2.8/lib/ 
-losg -losgDB -losgViewer


class UpdateOperation : public osg::Operation
   Operation("UpdateOperation", true)

   virtual void operator() (osg::Object* callingObject)
   OpenThreads::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
   printf("operator(): obj = 0x%08x\n", callingObject);

   virtual void release()

   OpenThreads::Mutex  _mutex;

   osg::ref_ptr updateOperation = new UpdateOperation();

   osgViewer::Viewer viewer;

   osg::ref_ptr operationThread = new 




osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenCL: democracy for GPU computing?

2009-03-20 Thread Paul Melis

Martin Beckett wrote:
Following OpenGL3 I'm not holding my breath for a standard developed by Khronos. 
It was actually developed by Apple, who submitted it to the Khronos 
Group (although they probably fiddled with the original spec, of course).

The bit about OpenCL not just being for GPUs but also for CPUs and Cell worries 
me - it sounds like a 'grand plan' - it supports manufacturers extentions so if 
you have an OpenCL app that needs Nvidia extentions why not just use Cuda?
Finally are there any real competitors to Nvidia in this space? Are you about 
to run heavy weight physics simualtions on an embedded Intel chipset?
Would you rather be forced to always use NVidia's stuff through Cuda 
than possibly have the option of using a different backend through OpenCL?
Only time will tell if there are going to be serious competitors, of 

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Units in an IVE File

2009-03-19 Thread Paul Melis

Geoff wrote:

I am having a little bit of an issue with some of my files. I have a
database that is in FLT format. I can load it into my program, and it
takes a while, but when I query the height at a given x,y location, I
get the proper values.

Now, i have taken this file and converted it using the osgconv.exe
into an IVE file for better performance. This works well when loading
it into my viewer, but when I try and query the height at a given x,y,
the values I get back are erratic and not remotely close to what i am
looking for.

is there some way that the units in the ive could be getting messed up
(or does it even have a notion of units) and if not, what do I need to
do to make sure the number that I get returned is in Feet?
The openflight plugin seems to support a number of options related to 
units and conversion (see below).

Perhaps osgconv -O noUnitsConversion file.flt file.ive is what you want...


>osgconv --formats


Plugin /home/paul/osg2.6/lib/osgPlugins-2.6.1/
   ReaderWriter : FLT Reader/Writer
   extensions : .fltOpenFlight 

   options: billboardCenter Import option
   options: clampToEdge Import option
   options: convertToFeet   Import option
   options: convertToInches Import option
   options: convertToKilometers Import option
   options: convertToMeters Import option
   options: convertToNauticalMiles  Import option
   options: dofAnimationImport option
   options: keepExternalReferences  Import option
   options: lighting=   Export 
option: Specifies a default enable/disable state for lighting, for Nodes 
in the exported scene graph that don't set it explicitly. By default, 
the exporter assumes lighting is enabled (GL_LIGHTING ON). Set this to 
either ON or OFF. Example: "lighting=OFF".

   options: noTextureAlphaForTransparancyBinningImport option
   options: noUnitsConversion   Import option
   options: preserveFaceImport option
   options: preserveObject  Import option
   options: readObjectRecordDataImport option
   options: stripTextureFilePathExport 
option: If present in the Options string, the exporter strips the path 
from texture file names, and writes only the texture file name to the 
FLT Texture Palette. By default, the exporter doesn't strip the path, 
and the name written to the Texture Palette is taken directly from the 
osg::Image object referenced by the osg::Texture2D StateAttribute.
   options: tempDir=   Export 
option: Specifies the directory to use for creation of temporary files. 
If not specified, the directory is taken from the file name. If the file 
doesn't contain a path, the current working directory is used. 
Applications should set this to the name of their app-specific temp 
directory. If the path contains spaces, use double quotes to ensure 
correct parsing. Examples: "tempDir=/tmp", "tempDir="C:\My Temp Dir".
   options: units=   Export 
option: Specifies the contents of the Units field of the OpenFliht 
header record. Valid values include INCHES, FEET, METERS, KILOMETERS, 
and NATICAL_MILES. Default is METERS. Example: "units=METERS".
   options: validateExport 
option: If present in the Options string, the plugin does not write an 
OpenFlight file. Instead, it returns an indication of the scene graph's 
suitability for OpenFlight export.
   options: version=   Export 
option: Specifies the version of the output OpenFlight file. Supported 
values include 15.7, 15.8, and 16.1. Default is 16.1. Example: 

   ReaderWriter : ATTR Image Attribute Reader/Writer
   extensions : .attr   OpenFlight texture attribute format

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgText::readFontFile returns NULL on valid argument

2009-03-18 Thread Paul Melis

Jesper D. Thomsen wrote:

Hi all, I have a rather strange problem.

I'm using osgText in my project, but I'm getting null as return from 
this method:

osgText::Font* t_font = osgText::readFontFile("fonts/arial.ttf");

If you set the environment variable OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL to DEBUG (tip: run 
in a dos box) you should be able to see in which locations the font file 
is being searched

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Forum users rare uses signatures, which is a pain tracking who's who

2009-03-18 Thread Paul Melis


Art Tevs wrote:
hmm, yes it seems there are no In-Reply-To header tag, when a message is sent through the forum. But I has never recieved any threading issue with the message, since my mail client is able to thread them by the subject. You are first who raised this issue ;), maybe your mail client has to be setted up properly, 
Actually, I use thunderbird and have specifically disabled 
threading-by-subject, as it simply does not work well enough and I have 
too many other mailboxes besides OSG where threading-by-subject would 
lead to incorrect results. I'm not going to enable it globally (and 
there doesn't seem to be a way in thunderbird to enable 
thread-by-subject for a single mailbox).  It happens quite frequently 
that a new thread is started with a subject that matches an older 
thread. With threading-by-subject the new messages will end up in the 
existing (unrelated) thread and therefore in the wrong place. Using the 
in-reply-to headers is the only reliable way to thread, although a few 
heuristics could probably help here.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Forum users rare uses signatures, which is a pain tracking who's who

2009-03-18 Thread Paul Melis
OT: why are all the posts in this thread coming from the forum not 
threading correctly? It seems the mails don't have an in-reply-to 
header. Was this always the case for posts coming from the forum?


Art Tevs wrote:

Hi Robert,

I've registered for you, you should recieve an activation mail. Please change the password as soon as you activated your account. If you would like to have different name, then let me know, I change it. As soon as you have activated this, I will give you admin/moderator rights, so that you are can perform moderation tasks whenever you like. 

As to the Name issue, you are right, we should have some kind of First Last 
Name approach, however I am not sure if everybody would like this, because 
maybe somebody do like staying anonymous. I have already let users with strange 
names knows, that their account will be deactivated if they do not change their 
real name. Let's see what happens in the next days.


Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Forum users rare uses signatures, which is a pain tracking who's who

2009-03-18 Thread Paul Melis

Art Tevs wrote:

Hi folks,

I've setted up a "Rule"-page describing the etiquette of forum/mailing list use. I have 

Hmmm, the rules page seems unaccessible (just like the rest of the forum):

*Warning*: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect 
]: Host 
'' is blocked because of many connection errors; 
unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' in 
*/var/www/* on line *48*

*Warning*: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link 
resource in 
*/var/www/* on line *330*

*Warning*: mysql_errno(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link 
resource in 
*/var/www/* on line *331*

phpBB : *Critical Error*

Could not connect to the database

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Forum users rare uses signatures, which is a pain tracking who's who

2009-03-17 Thread Paul Melis

Art Tevs wrote:

Hi Robert, all.

I think adding another approval system to let users approve that they have to follow some 
kind of etiquette  wouldn't have big success. Users would just click on  "Yes, I 
agree" as soon as they see that button. Hence, I am not sure if this is needed at 

All this kind of forcing correct real name wouldn't however change the way how users are posting. I think there is even a difference in the way of posting between forum and mailing list users from the psychological point of view. eMail feels like they are slower and not editable and hence communication is get more informative. Forums are faster in use and postings could be edited and hence the discussion there becames often a chat like and therefor users forget to add signatures or even to say "Hello".  

I definitely agree with this observation. Forums are more "chat-like".
So, the problem of etiquette is hard to solve, because it depends only on the users. As for the using real names, I think I could write some kind of a system for the admins/moderators to manage users with non-informative real names. 
As you say, the problem of etiquette is hard to solve and I don't think 
much will change. I personally have more problems with folks that post 
to the list (either directly or through the forum) and seem to demand an 
immediate answer from somebody than with posts that don't have a 
signature. The latter is more annoying when there's also no e-mail 
address for that poster due to him/her posting through the forum.

Perhaps we should see the forum<->list gateway as an experiment and 
shouldn't be afraid to sever the link when it turns out that the two 
forms of community are not compatible enough...

The problem with the email addresses used as sender's email (default is hard to solve without making some changes also to the 
mailing list itself, which is not doable for me. What I could try is to change 
email header in the way, so that it looks like it was sent from the mail of the 
user, however using default's forum email in the header. However, I am not sure 
how mailman (osg's mailing list software) would react on this, because this is 
actually a way how spammers handle.
Robert didn't mention this "problem" in his original mail and as such 
might not have high priority. It was merely something I noticed and 
occassionaly run into, but we've got to remember that this is not 
something the forum users are responsible for. It's merely a technical 
thingy due to the way the forum gateway works.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Multithreading crash due toosgDb::Registry::instance()

2009-03-17 Thread Paul Melis

Robert Osfield wrote:
2009/3/17 Schmidt, Richard >

Could you explain what the above document is all about...
I just read it an it describes a pattern where you use a mutex to guard 
access to the singleton's _instance value, but in such a way that the 
mutex is only needed when _instance == NULL, i.e.

class Singleton
   static Singleton *instance (void)
// First check
if (instance_ == 0)
  // Ensure serialization (guard constructor acquires lock_).
 Guard guard (lock_);
 // Double check.
 if (instance_ == 0)
  instance_ = new Singleton;
return instance_;
// guard destructor releases lock_.
   static Mutex lock_;
   static Singleton *instance_;

This should give you thread-safe access to Singleton->instance() at all 
times combined with correct initialization.

Quite neat actually,
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] RecordCameraPathHandler where is the saved_animation.path file?

2009-03-16 Thread Paul Melis
Paul Melis wrote:
> Felix Ilbring wrote:
>> thanks Paul
>> the thing ist, that the recording works. it starts with 'z' and stops with 
>> 'Z' afterwards it plays the scene again and again.
>> console promts:
>> Recording camera Path.
>> Writing camera file: ETC.path
>> AnimationPath Completet in XXX
>> so i guess it is the right viewer, but the file is nowhere to be found.. 
> Hmm, and you can't locate it using a search in the file explorer?
> Another tool you could use is this one
> ( which
> allows you to trace file activity of a process (read/write/create/etc).
Also, the RecordCameraPathHandler doesn't check if it can actually
create the output file, so there might be some reason it isn't writable.
You did try to create the file manually I hope to rule out that possibility?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] RecordCameraPathHandler where is the saved_animation.path file?

2009-03-16 Thread Paul Melis
Felix Ilbring wrote:
> thanks Paul
> the thing ist, that the recording works. it starts with 'z' and stops with 
> 'Z' afterwards it plays the scene again and again.
> console promts:
> Recording camera Path.
> Writing camera file: ETC.path
> AnimationPath Completet in XXX
> so i guess it is the right viewer, but the file is nowhere to be found.. 
Hmm, and you can't locate it using a search in the file explorer?
Another tool you could use is this one
( which
allows you to trace file activity of a process (read/write/create/etc).

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] RecordCameraPathHandler where is the saved_animation.path file?

2009-03-16 Thread Paul Melis

Felix Ilbring wrote:

Hi Robert

I have done it. I put it to 

new osgViewer::RecordCameraPathHandler("C:\\ETC.path");

but it was never there.
Note that you need to add the handler to the correct osgViewer::View and 
also have to use the 'z' key to start recording...

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Forum users rare uses signatures, which is a pain tracking who's who

2009-03-16 Thread Paul Melis

Robert Osfield wrote:
With the advent of 
 developed ably by Art Tevs we have a 
great new avenue for users to choice whether they prefer forum or 
mailing list for support... which is great but... for mailing list 
users the posts from forum members have become rather impersonal, with 
all too cryptic usernames, something that can happen with emails too 
but is happening far more readily with forum members.   Once postings 
starting loose who they are from they also loose the self regulating 
and personal nature to them, and it makes bad tempered posts more 
likely, either at original source, or in response. 
Another thing with the forum is that all senders have the same e-mail 
(, so in effect you can't send somebody a personal 
reply without first lookup up their real e-mail address on the forum. 
CC-ing them is also not possible. I assume the forum<->list gateway uses 
the From: name to match up a post on the list with a user on the forum?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] "openscenegraph-all-2.8.0-win32-x86-vc90sp1-Debug.tar.gz" decompression is error!

2009-03-16 Thread Paul Melis

xh wrote:


The file indeed seems to be corrupt:

16:01|p...@tabu:~> gzip -t 

gzip: openscenegraph-all-2.8.0-win32-x86-vc90sp1-Debug.tar.gz: 
unexpected end of file

"openscenegraph-all-2.8.0-win32-x86-vc90sp1-Debug.tar.gz" decompression is 
Are you this?

Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] VBOs not actually used?

2009-03-12 Thread Paul Melis

Thrall, Bryan wrote:

Paul Melis wrote on Thursday, March 12, 2009 9:33 AM:



While trying to debug a collegue's code that uses a dynamically


color array on a Geometry that uses VBOs I'm getting confused about


support in OSG 2.8.
Given the attached simple .osg file (a single colored quad, flagged to
not use display lists, but to use VBOs) I can see with an OpenGL


(bugle) that no VBO is actually used on my nvidia FX5200 system. The
quad is simply drawn using glVertex() and friends. Are there


to when VBOs can be used? And, if so, is there a way to have OSG


complain when a request for VBOs can not be satisfied?

Similarly, the attached c++ test case is more in line with our


code. It uses a color array that is updated each frame. The array is
flagged as dirty with a call to dirty(), but here also, no VBOs seem


get used.


PS glxinfo reports GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object is supported, OpenGL
version is 2.1.0 NVIDIA 96.43.01

Binding PER_PRIMITIVE forces OSG out of fast path rendering, so I don't
think it can use VBOs. Using OVERALL or PER_VERTEX instead allowed VBOs
on my system.

DANG! That's it, thanks...


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] VBOs not actually used?

2009-03-12 Thread Paul Melis

Paul Melis wrote:

Paul Melis wrote:
Similarly, the attached c++ test case is more in line with our 
original code. It uses a color array that is updated each frame. The 
array is flagged as dirty with a call to dirty(), but here also, no 
VBOs seem to get used.
Forgot to mention that the original symptom we had was that the 
dirty() call on the color array did not update the rendering. There 
are fairly recent posts on osg-users that suggest that that call 
should be enough, but we could not get it to work, hence the 
simplified test case.
And to rule out that the opengl tracer is at fault here I just tried a 
very simple VBO example ( and 
when run the call trace indeed show relevant OpenGL VBO calls...


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] VBOs not actually used?

2009-03-12 Thread Paul Melis

Paul Melis wrote:
Similarly, the attached c++ test case is more in line with our 
original code. It uses a color array that is updated each frame. The 
array is flagged as dirty with a call to dirty(), but here also, no 
VBOs seem to get used.
Forgot to mention that the original symptom we had was that the dirty() 
call on the color array did not update the rendering. There are fairly 
recent posts on osg-users that suggest that that call should be enough, 
but we could not get it to work, hence the simplified test case.

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] VBOs not actually used?

2009-03-12 Thread Paul Melis


While trying to debug a collegue's code that uses a dynamically updated 
color array on a Geometry that uses VBOs I'm getting confused about VBO 
support in OSG 2.8.
Given the attached simple .osg file (a single colored quad, flagged to 
not use display lists, but to use VBOs) I can see with an OpenGL tracer 
(bugle) that no VBO is actually used on my nvidia FX5200 system. The 
quad is simply drawn using glVertex() and friends. Are there limitations 
to when VBOs can be used? And, if so, is there a way to have OSG loudly 
complain when a request for VBOs can not be satisfied?

Similarly, the attached c++ test case is more in line with our original 
code. It uses a color array that is updated each frame. The array is 
flagged as dirty with a call to dirty(), but here also, no VBOs seem to 
get used.


PS glxinfo reports GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object is supported, OpenGL 
version is 2.1.0 NVIDIA 96.43.01
Geode {
  nodeMask 0x
  cullingActive TRUE
  num_drawables 1
  Geometry {
useDisplayList FALSE
useVertexBufferObjects TRUE
PrimitiveSets 1
  DrawArrays QUADS 0 4
VertexArray Vec3Array 4
  0 0 0
  0 1 0
  1 1 0
  1 0 0
NormalArray Vec3Array 1
  0 0 1
ColorBinding PER_VERTEX
ColorArray Vec4Array 4
  1 0 0 1
  1 0 0 1
  1 0 0 1
  1 0 0 1
// g++ -o vbo vbo.cpp -I ~/osg2.8/include/ -L ~/osg2.8/lib -losg -losgViewer

int main()
osg::Vec3Array *verts = new osg::Vec3Array;
verts->push_back(osg::Vec3(0, 0, 0));
verts->push_back(osg::Vec3(0, 0, 1));
verts->push_back(osg::Vec3(1, 0, 1));
verts->push_back(osg::Vec3(1, 0, 0));

osg::Vec4Array *colors = new osg::Vec4Array;

osg::Vec3Array *normals = new osg::Vec3Array;
normals->push_back(osg::Vec3(0, -1, 0));

osg::Geometry *geom = new osg::Geometry;

geom->addPrimitiveSet(new osg::DrawArrays(osg::PrimitiveSet::QUADS, 0, 4));

osg::Geode* geode = new osg::Geode;

osgViewer::Viewer viewer;

viewer.setCameraManipulator(new osgGA::TrackballManipulator());


int frame = 0;
while (!viewer.done())

colors->at(0) = osg::Vec4(0,(frame%250)/250.0,0,1);
colors->at(1) = osg::Vec4(0,(frame%250)/250.0,0,1);
colors->at(2) = osg::Vec4(0,(frame%250)/250.0,0,1);
colors->at(3) = osg::Vec4(0,(frame%250)/250.0,0,1);

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Bug in RenderBin (?)

2009-03-12 Thread Paul Melis

Robert Osfield wrote:

Hi David,

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 10:46 AM, David Callu  wrote:

What about the case of register two prototype with the same name. There are
any warning message for the user.
I fix this like that

There is only ever supposed to be one prototype per binName, and the
std::map ensures this is the case.  If you attach
two different bins under the same binName then the first will be
replaced by the second one and the first one will automatically be
What was the use case for the bin names again? I mean, as there are 
already bin numbers that uniquely identify a bin are the names merely 


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Bug in RenderBin (?)

2009-03-12 Thread Paul Melis

Paul Melis wrote:

Robert Osfield wrote:

HI David & Christof et. al,

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 10:13 AM, David Callu  wrote:

What is smells fishy is the use of "proto->className()" to identify the
renderBin prototype to remove in removeRenderBinPrototype();

Well spotted David, the addRenderBinPrototype() correctly uses
binName, while the removeRenderBinProtoype() attempts to use the
className() as it's binName.  The later is definitely a bug, and one
that is easy to fix...

Instead, in "void RenderBin::removeRenderBinPrototype(RenderBin* 
proto)" we

need something like this

void RenderBin::removeRenderBinPrototype(const std::string & binName,
RenderBin* proto)
RenderBinPrototypeList* list = renderBinPrototypeList();
if (list && proto)
RenderBinPrototypeList::iterator itr = list->find(binName);
if (itr != list->end()) list->erase(itr);

Thought ?

There is no need to use the binName, one just needs to search for the
pointer in the map by hand, and remove it.
But as the RenderBin instances are still stored *by name* in 
addRenderBinPrototype() doesn't this mean that one of the two 
instances is lost when the second one is added?

Or is that intended?

Oops, never mind, the names are different of course...



I'm just tested the following code and it looks to be working properly :

void RenderBin::removeRenderBinPrototype(RenderBin* proto)
RenderBinPrototypeList* list = renderBinPrototypeList();
if (list && proto)
for(RenderBinPrototypeList::iterator itr = list->begin();
itr != list->end();
if (itr->second == proto)

I've attached the modified file.  Christof could you test this and let
me know how you get on.  If things look fine I'll check the changes
into svn/trunk and OSG-2.8 branch.


osg-users mailing list 


osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Bug in RenderBin (?)

2009-03-12 Thread Paul Melis

Robert Osfield wrote:

HI David & Christof et. al,

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 10:13 AM, David Callu  wrote:

What is smells fishy is the use of "proto->className()" to identify the
renderBin prototype to remove in removeRenderBinPrototype();

Well spotted David, the addRenderBinPrototype() correctly uses
binName, while the removeRenderBinProtoype() attempts to use the
className() as it's binName.  The later is definitely a bug, and one
that is easy to fix...


Instead, in "void RenderBin::removeRenderBinPrototype(RenderBin* proto)" we
need something like this

void RenderBin::removeRenderBinPrototype(const std::string & binName,
RenderBin* proto)
RenderBinPrototypeList* list = renderBinPrototypeList();
if (list && proto)
RenderBinPrototypeList::iterator itr = list->find(binName);
if (itr != list->end()) list->erase(itr);

Thought ?

There is no need to use the binName, one just needs to search for the
pointer in the map by hand, and remove it.
But as the RenderBin instances are still stored *by name* in 
addRenderBinPrototype() doesn't this mean that one of the two instances 
is lost when the second one is added?

Or is that intended?


I'm just tested the following code and it looks to be working properly :

void RenderBin::removeRenderBinPrototype(RenderBin* proto)
RenderBinPrototypeList* list = renderBinPrototypeList();
if (list && proto)
for(RenderBinPrototypeList::iterator itr = list->begin();
itr != list->end();
if (itr->second == proto)

I've attached the modified file.  Christof could you test this and let
me know how you get on.  If things look fine I'll check the changes
into svn/trunk and OSG-2.8 branch.


osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Bug in RenderBin (?)

2009-03-12 Thread Paul Melis

Christof Krüger wrote:

I'm using the current 2.8.0 stable release. I used the 'Browse Source' to check 
the current trunk version of RenderBin.cpp and I see no change since.

The actual crash occurs later in static object destruction when 
s_renderBinPrototypeList is destructed itself. I don't understand enough of osg 
to know what's exactly wrong. However, the s_registerDepthSortedBinProxy 
doesn't release the object it created and this looks very suspicious to me.
The fact that two different instances of RenderBin get registered under 
the same name indeed smells fishy :)

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Bug in RenderBin (?)

2009-03-12 Thread Paul Melis

Christof Krüger wrote:


I'm new to OpenSceneGraph and not sure if I get everything right. I get crashes 
with Visual Studio 2005 static build after the main function returns. The crash 
occurs while the static s_renderBinPrototypeList is destructed.

While debugging, I have found something suspicious:  There are two RegisterRenderBinProxy instances 
in RenderBin.cpp, one with the name "RenderBin" and one with "DepthSortedBin". 
They both add the corresponding entries to the s_renderBinPrototypeList correctly before main() 

However, the s_registerDepthSortedBinProxy removes the wrong entry in s_renderBinPrototypeList 
afterwards. This happens because the proxy class calls removeRenderBinPrototype which uses 
proto->className to find the entry to erase from the s_renderBinPrototypeList map. Remember that the 
destructor of s_registerDepthSortedBinProxy should remove the "DepthSortedBin" entry. 
Unfortunately, proto->className equals "RenderBin" in both cases.

When s_registerRenderBinProxy tries to delete the "RenderBin" entry later, it 
fails because it is already deleted. Then, s_renderBinPrototypeList still contains the 
DepthSortedBin entry which was never deleted.

What OSG version are you using?


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Converting large obj file with osgconv

2009-02-27 Thread Paul Melis

Crampman wrote:

Thanks for your quick replies,

My model contains 8,726,464 vertexes and 17,377,292 tris
That's not as much as I was expecting. I'm pretty sure I loaded models 
with similar sizes in OSG (which also took quite some time).

I would say check out Robert's suggestion first (disabling the tri stripper)

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Converting large obj file with osgconv

2009-02-27 Thread Paul Melis

Crampman wrote:

I'm using a 64 bit linux system, with 2GB of ram and ~10GB of swap.
The conversion failed after ~12 hours, and the obj model doesn't have 
any textures.
How much geometry is there in your model? The OSG .obj plugin isn't very 
efficient. But .obj is very easy to parse (although things like groups 
might make conversion slightly more difficult), so you could try to do 
it yourself and directly construct the necessary OSG objects from c++ 
while reading in the .obj file...


Marcin Prus a écrit :

do you have problem with not enough free memory or do you hit 2GB per 
32 bit process limit in MS Windows?

In second case, if you use Visual Studio, you can enable 
LARGEADDRESSAWARE linker flag for osgconv. As an addition you will 
need /3GB in boot.ini for 32 bit Windows XP. This will extend memory 
available for 32 bit process. Otherwise, you might consider using 
64bit OSG.

Also, you can try to do conversion in 2 steps, first with -O 
noTexturesInIVEFile and then convert resulting .ive into second one 
with textures inside. I used this approach some time ago and it 
worked for some of my large models.


Crampman pisze:


I'm having problems when I try to convert a lagre obj file (~600MB) 
into a ive file using  osgconv :  the conversion took ages and 
eventually failed after eating the whole swap.

Is there any solution or workaround ?


osg-users mailing list 

osg-users mailing list 

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Vec3d -> Vec3 bug under Linux ?

2009-02-26 Thread Paul Melis

Robert Osfield wrote:

Hi Vincent,

I can't work out exactly what to "bug" is in your instance, from the
contents of your email it sounds like windows and linux compilers are
evaluating the conversion of types in a different order and getting
different results, or that their is a compiler bug.

The fact that adding an explicit Vec3d() into your code suggests to me

Isn't that an explicit cast to Vec3f()? As osg::Vec3 defaults to Vec3f...


that it's not likely to be an OSG issue, rather a compile one.


On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 2:25 PM, Vincent Bourdier

Hi all,

I was thinking about posting in osg submission, but I don't have
nothing to submit.

I just had a little bug, solved now, but I thing this can be an
interessting point for OSG to notice.

To make a special geometry, I did a function returning a new vertex Array.

In the code, all was based on Vec3d, including the return data
(osg::ref_ptr )
Under windows, no problem for nothing.

Under Linux, 2 of the 9 Vec3d of the array were wrong, and not
constant (sometinme a wrong value, sometimes an other wrong value).

to solve the problem, I just use
vertices->push_back(osg::Vec3(ptA + decal - x*2.0 + z*1.5 + x*0.5 )))
 instead of
vertices->push_back(ptA + decal - x*2.0 + z*1.5 - x*0.5)

and now all is good.

Is there any unsafe conversion from Vec3d to vec3 ?

I solve the problem for my application, but maybe someone have any
explanation ... or maybe a bug is here... don't know..

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] PositionAttituteTransform vs MatrixTransform

2009-02-16 Thread Paul Melis
Cory Riddell wrote:
> Are these functionally equivalent? They seem like different ways of
> accomplishing the same thing. True?
MatrixTransform is more general, in that you can specify any 4x4 matrix
as your transform, specifically a matrix that can be a combination of
simpler transforms (e.g. translate, scale, rotate, scale, translate,
scale, rotate, etc). PAT's only provide a fixed sequence of
transformation operations.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] slight problem of image distortion with osgVolume

2009-02-13 Thread Paul Melis

David Michéa wrote:


for information : on the screen captures attached, you can see that the regular hexahedric volumes I have generated with my data are slightly distorted following the point of view. 

Just curious, what resolution is your volume data?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG build - xulrunner -nooby question

2009-02-12 Thread Paul Melis
Alasdair Campbell wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-02-12 at 12:55 -0500, Paul Speed wrote:
>> Alasdair Campbell wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2009-02-12 at 18:16 +0100, Paul Melis wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Alasdair Campbell wrote:
>>>>> Hi all, I am new to this list but was inspired to join the mailing list
>>>>> following your landmark release of 2.8.0 Congratulations to all
>>>> Welcome! A point of nettique though: please don't start a new subject by
>>>> replying to existing post, but simply make a new post to the list. In
>>>> this case you replied to a thread on memory leak detection on windows,
>>>> to which you post has nothing to add.
>>> Hi Paul, thank you for replying, but I have no idea what you are talking
>>> about with respect to nettique (sic). As sure as I am living, I did not
>>> reply to any post, and simply started a new thread. There is absolutely
>>> no reference to any other post in my email, well not that I can see?? Am
>>> I crazy, or what? Can anyone on this list support Paul's view, and if so
>>> explain what I did to offend.
>> How did you "start a new thread"?  What e-mail client are you using?
>> The message you submitted had as reference the following message IDs in 
>> its header:
>> <>
>> <>
>> <>
>> <>
>> <>
>> <>
>> <006c01c98d13$4f486790$edd936...@com>
>> <>
>> Which happen to be the message IDs from all of the messages in the 
>> "memory leak" thread.
>> So, it looks to all of us who use threaded e-mail clients that you 
>> simply had the last message in that thread selected and hit the "Reply" 
>> button.  Thus it looks like you are continuing that thread instead of 
>> starting a new one.
>> Unless your mail client is doing something very strange.
>> -Paul
> Oh my goodness, mea culpa. I did say I was newbie. I simply chose a
> message and changed the subject. This has worked for me on countless
> mailing lists without complaint. So sorry, please advise correct
> procedure for starting a new thread on this list. Sorry Paul M.
Don't worry about it ;-)

Paul M
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG build - xulrunner -nooby question

2009-02-12 Thread Paul Melis

Alasdair Campbell wrote:
> Hi all, I am new to this list but was inspired to join the mailing list
> following your landmark release of 2.8.0 Congratulations to all
Welcome! A point of nettique though: please don't start a new subject by
replying to existing post, but simply make a new post to the list. In
this case you replied to a thread on memory leak detection on windows,
to which you post has nothing to add.
> While I have been building OSG from way back, I have noticed a couple of
> unresolved dependancies with respect to xulrunner. Namely that OSG has a
> dependacy on xulrunner<=1.8.9, while the current version is 1.9
OSG's gecko plugin is meant to be used with xulrunner 1.8. There have
been API changes in 1.9 that make it incompatible with the current plugin.
> Also, I find a dependancy on xulrunner-js which does not exist on my
> system.
The package naming can be different among Linux distributions, so we
need to keep track of which distro uses which package name.
Note that the naming is probably 1.8-specific, as with 1.9 it seems to
be called libxul-...
>  OSG will build OK, but I wonder if I am losing out by not having
> these dependencies resolved. Any help would be gratefully recieved.
You probably don't have a gecko plugin as a result of not having XUL
1.8. Check your lib/osgPlugins-2.8.0 directory for a file.
If you don't have it it means you can't run, for example, the osgbrowser

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] memory leak false positives on Windows

2009-02-11 Thread Paul Melis

Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:

Hi Cory,

I don't think anybody has questioned the design of OSG.

Yes, Neil has said that perhaps we should consider "restructuring" to 
avoid the false positives. This comes down to changing the design.

I also agree with you that making code concessions to accommodate tools
is unfortunate, but it happens all the time.

Yes, the coding changes to accomodate tools. But the design will stay 
the same. It's the implementation that changes. That's what I was 
talking about.

On the other hand, I'd like to know if code that explicitly unloads
OSG would ever be accepted into the repository. I'm getting the sense
that it would be if it were sufficiently transparent, simple and

Yes, Robert said in this thread that he would accept something that 
unloads/unrefs all singletons / static objects, but it might be hard 
to get to all singletons since some exist in the implementation files 

(btw, has anyone compiled valgrind for Windows?)

valgrind is Linux only.

I suspect it's not Linux-specific, but more gcc/g++ specific, and so 
might be buildable on cygwin or mingw? If it is, then it might be 
usable for Windows executables...

"In particular Windows is not under consideration here because porting 
to it would require so many changes it would almost be a separate project."

There have been people that have run their windows executable under wine 
under valgrind (or should that be under valgrind under wine, hmmm :)).

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] packages questions

2009-02-11 Thread Paul Melis

Sukender wrote:

Hi Robert, hi all,

Sorry to push this topic up, but I think this may be important for the 2.8.0. I 
re-write in a shorter manner what was important in my post:
1. How Cygwin/MinGW/nmake packages are named (= the name of the compiler)?
2. Do Cygwin and MinGW have the same compiler and generate same binaries?
I'm fairly certain they generate different binaries. Cygwin executables 
are dependent on the cygwin runtime, while Mingw executables use the 
standard MSVC runtime. There does seem to be a mingw-compatibility 
option to cygwin (-mno-cygwin), which seems to remove the dependency of 
executables on the cygwin compatibility layer (cygwin1.dll). I think the 
library formats are also incompatible, although I seem to recall there 
are some tools to do conversions and such.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0-rc5 tagged, please test

2009-02-11 Thread Paul Melis

Paul Melis wrote:

Jose Luis Hidalgo wrote:

Hi Paul,

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:49 AM, Paul Melis  wrote:

BTW, I get 403 errors when trying to check out from the rc5 tag, 
each time

with slightly different error messages:
9:45|p...@tabu:~/c> svn co 

svn: PROPFIND request failed on
svn: PROPFIND of 

403 Forbidden (
9:45|p...@tabu:~/c> svn co 

svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/osg/!svn/vcc/default'
svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/osg/!svn/vcc/default': 403 Forbidden
9:45|p...@tabu:~/c> svn co 

svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/osg/!svn/vcc/default'
svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/osg/!svn/vcc/default': 403 Forbidden
9:45|p...@tabu:~/c> svn co 

svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/osg/!svn/bln/9758'
svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/osg/!svn/bln/9758': 403 Forbidden

Is this a server misconfiguration?

I've seen this before, are you behind a proxy?


Oh, and I've never had these kinds of errors before with OSG and SVN...
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0-rc5 tagged, please test

2009-02-11 Thread Paul Melis

Jose Luis Hidalgo wrote:

Hi Paul,

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:49 AM, Paul Melis  wrote:


BTW, I get 403 errors when trying to check out from the rc5 tag, each time
with slightly different error messages:
9:45|p...@tabu:~/c> svn co
svn: PROPFIND request failed on
svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/osg/OpenSceneGraph/tags/OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0-rc5':
403 Forbidden (
9:45|p...@tabu:~/c> svn co
svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/osg/!svn/vcc/default'
svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/osg/!svn/vcc/default': 403 Forbidden
9:45|p...@tabu:~/c> svn co
svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/osg/!svn/vcc/default'
svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/osg/!svn/vcc/default': 403 Forbidden
9:45|p...@tabu:~/c> svn co
svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/osg/!svn/bln/9758'
svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/osg/!svn/bln/9758': 403 Forbidden

Is this a server misconfiguration?

I've seen this before, are you behind a proxy?



osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0-rc5 tagged, please test

2009-02-11 Thread Paul Melis

Martin Beckett wrote:

SVN doesn't update any files when I switch from rc4 to rc5?
Complete revision 9758 is rc5 but no changes.

They are different:
9:46|p...@tabu:~/c> svn co -q 
9:48|p...@tabu:~/c> svn co -q 

9:50|p...@tabu:~/c> diff -ur --exclude=.svn rc4 rc5 | head -n 30
diff -ur --exclude=.svn rc4/CMakeLists.txt rc5/CMakeLists.txt
--- rc4/CMakeLists.txt  2009-02-11 09:44:00.0 +0100
+++ rc5/CMakeLists.txt  2009-02-11 09:45:29.0 +0100
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@

# set to 0 when not a release candidate, non zero means that any generated
# svn tags will be treated as release candidates of given number


@@ -293,13 +293,12 @@
diff -ur --exclude=.svn rc4/CMakeModules/FindCOLLADA.cmake 

--- rc4/CMakeModules/FindCOLLADA.cmake  2009-02-11 09:43:46.0 +0100
+++ rc5/CMakeModules/FindCOLLADA.cmake  2009-02-11 09:45:17.0 +0100

BTW, I get 403 errors when trying to check out from the rc5 tag, each 
time with slightly different error messages:
9:45|p...@tabu:~/c> svn co 
svn: PROPFIND request failed on 
svn: PROPFIND of 
'/svn/osg/OpenSceneGraph/tags/OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0-rc5': 403 Forbidden 
9:45|p...@tabu:~/c> svn co 

svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/osg/!svn/vcc/default'
svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/osg/!svn/vcc/default': 403 Forbidden 
9:45|p...@tabu:~/c> svn co 

svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/osg/!svn/vcc/default'
svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/osg/!svn/vcc/default': 403 Forbidden 
9:45|p...@tabu:~/c> svn co 

svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/osg/!svn/bln/9758'
svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/osg/!svn/bln/9758': 403 Forbidden 

Is this a server misconfiguration?


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