RE: [ZION] Education

2002-09-24 Thread larry . jackson
Steven Montgomery: John Redelfs: >Tell me, when does a recession become a depression? We are in a depression now. ___ A recession is when it happens to your neighbor. A depression is when it happens to you. [grin] Larry Jackson <[EMAIL PRO

RE: [ZION] Looking for Software

2002-09-25 Thread Larry Jackson
Enjoy, Larry Jackson / /// ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at /// ///

RE: [ZION] Looking for Software

2002-09-25 Thread larry . jackson
John Redelfs: Thanks Larry. I knew it had to be their somewhere. But I was having fits trying to find it. ___ You're welcome. Actually, I'm kind of hoping they run out of CDs and make a new one that goes through 2002. [grin] Larry Jackson <[EM

RE: [ZION] War on Iraq

2002-09-26 Thread larry . jackson
that one of the tools to be used would be disinformation. Was it General Patton who was responsible for giving the Germans a first-hand lesson in that during World War II? It is quite an effective tool, though frustrating for those who are trying to find the truth. Larry Jackson <[EM

RE: [ZION] John Pratt performance art

2002-09-26 Thread larry . jackson
they'll talk your head off. Larry Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: http://dl.www.juno.

RE: [ZION] War on Iraq

2002-09-28 Thread larry . jackson
those circumstances causes a very interesting feeling to one, such as I, who is accustomed to the freedoms of the US of A. Larry Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet acce

RE: [ZION] War on Iraq

2002-09-29 Thread larry . jackson
ho is coming and going, that's ok, but it is an inefficient way to do it. But, that's just me. Larry Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for l

RE: [ZION] Rumour about the scriptures

2002-09-29 Thread larry . jackson
deplete, with the distribution center being given priority on the ones that are still left. After all, it has been over 20 years now since they came out. And to think I still see even older copies at Church on Sunday. Some members have really missed out. L

RE: [ZION] Rumour about the scriptures

2002-09-29 Thread larry . jackson
there. :-) Larry Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: http://dl.www.juno.

RE: [ZION] Exit Visas

2002-09-30 Thread Larry Jackson
destination airport. Most of them call it an entry tax or an airport tax. And you usually won't get a receipt, but there is no paperwork, either. [grin] Larry Jackson / /// ZION LIST CHARTER: Please

RE: [ZION] Ivory Coast - who goes?

2002-10-01 Thread Larry Jackson
n the newspaper, so it may not actually be true. :-) Larry Jackson / /// ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at /// ///

RE: [ZION] Tariffs and War

2002-10-03 Thread Larry Jackson
Minus 40 degrees F, minus 40 degrees C. In Canada, who would even notice the difference, eh? Larry Jackson ___ -ELF-: Bunny Boots refer to a particular arctic boot manufactured for the US military, being white, and rated to -40o F St Stephan: Won't work -- the Canadians

[ZION] Temperature [Tariffs and War]

2002-10-03 Thread larry . jackson
between -40C and -40F, IMO. Larry Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ Marc Schindler: Medicine Hat, which is nearby (servicemen from the area go to the Brooks Ward of the Medicine Hat Stake), says it has a 40/40 climate, and that's what they mean -- either +40 or -40,

[ZION] Wallpaper

2002-10-03 Thread larry . jackson
John, You mentioned wallpaper at your site in the pub directory. (rockwell_lighthouse.jpg) My computer said the directory is empty. Is it still there, or am I too late? Larry Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___

RE: [ZION] Wallpaper

2002-10-04 Thread Larry Jackson
Got it. Thanks. Wow! Sort of like right outside your front window? When you move south, I guess there will there be a vacancy there? Larry Jackson ___ John Redelfs I deleted it, but for you I will put it back. Check again. --JWR

RE: [ZION] To act or to be acted upon

2002-10-04 Thread larry . jackson
are two reasons. First, it is not free. Our agency came at a terrible price. Second, the term is not in the scriptures. The word agency shows up six times. In one of those places, the words moral agency are used. But those are just my opinions. L

RE: [ZION] Civil Disobedience

2002-10-05 Thread larry . jackson
certain restrictions, to for the Church to hold services in that country.) On the other hand, I recall a time in the Book of Mormon where the people were not allowed to pray, so their leaders told them to pray in their hearts secretly, until the time came that they were free again. Larry

RE: [ZION] Civil Disobedience

2002-10-05 Thread larry . jackson
out in SL between the Ambassador and the First Presidency. I do not know if Elder Packer assisted in those meetings or not. The limit is 25. Larry Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers

[ZION] Helps for Leaders

2002-10-06 Thread larry . jackson
Well, I must say, my wife and I have never had temple recommends renewed electronically via satellite before. Now, if we can just get that other stuff done the prophet asked us to do ... [smile] Larry Jackson <[EMAIL PROTEC

[ZION] Scripture-L (was War in Iraq)

2002-10-08 Thread Larry Jackson
Steven Montgomery: Can you tell me how to subscribe to Scripture-L? ___ Send to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply to the confirmation message. Larry Jackson / /// ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at

[ZION] Favorite Conference Addresses

2002-10-08 Thread larry . jackson
en and given specifically for the personal benefit of the person who gave the talk, even though the counsel was excellent for all members. Larry Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE

RE: [ZION] media sources: The Atlantic Monthly

2002-10-09 Thread larry . jackson
based on a crewman whose story has not been corroborated. Larry Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE softwa

RE: [ZION] media sources: The Atlantic Monthly

2002-10-10 Thread larry . jackson
sed on first reports. Conclusions are much safer jumped to after additional information is gathered and consumed, IMO. However, I would be the first to admit that this method is decidedly less exciting. Larry Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___

RE: [ZION] media sources: The Atlantic Monthly

2002-10-10 Thread larry . jackson
Marc Schindler: > ... I have the highest of respect for The Economist > (you may have noticed) ___ The thought had crossed my mind. [grin] Larry Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> GET INTERNET ACCE

RE: [ZION] War With Saddam

2002-10-13 Thread larry . jackson
t two weeks than I have had trouble with viruses in my entire experience with computers. If the terrorists are now using Java, I may never survive this war. Oddly and sadly enough, this may even turn out to be a true problem, rather than just the humor it is intended to be at present. Larry Ja

RE: [ZION] Hindsight

2002-10-14 Thread larry . jackson
d any of those other countries planning to do so. On the other hand, terrorism is in every country and among every people. If we are going to cut to the chase, Satan is the one we're after. Larry Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> __

RE: [ZION] Hindsight

2002-10-15 Thread Larry Jackson
John Redelfs: After careful consideration, Larry Jackson wrote: >I don't think we're after him because of September 11th. I >think we're after him because our president believes he >plans to obtain a nuclear weapon and use it against us. > >I haven't n

RE: [ZION] High Priests have money -- not

2002-10-23 Thread Larry Jackson
an further assure you that stake president is not a high calling. And while I'm here, I would also add that high priest is not a higher office in the Melchizedek Priesthood, just a different office, with specialized (and temporary) responsibilities. Larry Jackson [

RE: [ZION] High Priests have money -- not

2002-10-23 Thread Larry Jackson
ained in Church callings serve to benefit them in their work, as well. But not all of them are well-paid "money guys". I know several who served while living under the poverty level. And we know what those unwritten rules are, because they are actually written down and posted at J

RE: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread larry . jackson
alone a SP. ___ Nice thought. Not true. And I think you may have a real hangup with the word pre$tige. But, that's just my own personal opinion, and I will have another nice day again tomorrow, thank you. Poor as I am in the things of this world. Larry Jackson [

RE: [ZION] High Priest

2002-10-23 Thread larry . jackson
hurch. He holds those keys until he is released (usually by leaving this mortal sphere for a far better place). Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per month! Visit www.jun

RE: [ZION] Irregardless, the term is regardless

2002-10-18 Thread larry . jackson
Jon Spencer: Dictionaries are simply compendiums of common usage; they are not authoritative, unless you are playing Scrabble. "Ain't" is in the dictionary. So what? ___ Yeah, and you can't even use it in Scrabble, 'cause of the 'postrophe. L

RE: [ZION] High priests

2002-10-22 Thread Larry Jackson
inside the wrist to check for a pulse. Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per month! Visit

RE: [ZION] Voting and parties

2002-10-22 Thread Larry Jackson
will be interesting. The state supreme court has upheld all of this as lawful and constitutional under state law. Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per month!

RE: [ZION] High Priest

2002-10-24 Thread larry . jackson
;re welcome. It came from the Handbook, which I don't think has changed in this regard. Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per month

RE: [ZION] High Priest

2002-10-24 Thread larry . jackson
always preferred to look in the Handbook beforehand, so that I would already know the answer. But that was just my particular style. It works just as well either way. The problems often come when somebody doesn't look. [sm

RE: [ZION] Calling of Stake Presidents

2002-10-24 Thread larry . jackson
ter in the new calling. He did. And so did the man who was actually sustained. And then there are some of the callings I have had. The Lord does have a sense of humor. Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinu

RE: [ZION] Who is the House of Israel?

2002-10-27 Thread larry . jackson
, and sometimes they are not. Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per month! Visit / ///

RE: [ZION] aurora borealis spotting

2002-10-30 Thread Larry Jackson
it "doing it differently than before." You should feel right at home. Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today O

RE: [ZION] Chicken gas

2002-10-31 Thread Larry Jackson
asture and right next door to a large chicken farm, in Oklahoma near the Arkansas state line. I wonder sometimes how she managed to stand it. I know I couldn't have... ___ It's an acquired taste, er, smell. Larry Jack

RE: [ZION] Imagine that!

2002-10-31 Thread Larry Jackson
Jim Cobabe: Since I'm already independently wealthy, ... I was wondering--where exactly is Lagos? ___ Nigeria. Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.9

RE: [ZION] Guns, Germs and Steel

2002-11-02 Thread larry . jackson
What is a SWAG? I don't recognize the acronymn. --JWR Scientific wild- _ _ _ guess. There are other meanings, as well, but that's the primary one in most common use. Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9

RE: [ZION] Guns, Germs and Steel

2002-11-02 Thread larry . jackson
Larry Jackson: >Scientific wild- _ _ _ guess. > >There are other meanings, as well, but that's the primary >one in most common use. Paul Osborne: Ha ha ha ah. I didn't think you had in you Larry. ___ Well, facts is facts, no? Besides, it's SNAFU that e

RE: [ZION] Guns, Germs and Steel

2002-11-04 Thread Larry Jackson
cant replies, Do you want someone who can shovel it or not? Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per m

RE: [ZION] Fwd: Confidential Trustee Needed

2002-11-09 Thread larry . jackson
se include the name of the bank and the account number? [grin] Thanks, Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per month! Vis

RE: [ZION] New stake in France

2002-11-10 Thread larry . jackson
Marc Schindler: Only in France would two chefs be part of a stake presidency! ___ And what a fine presidency it must be! Wonderful news for the saints in the Toulouse area. Have you heard anything more about land for a temple in the area of Paris? Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED

RE: [ZION] Answer to life

2002-11-10 Thread larry . jackson
It's that flying dozer you really need to watch out for. And bring a towel. [grin] Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Marc Schindler: > Precise-a-mundo, ol' fish. > Gary Smith wrote: >> Ahh, that's true. But what is the question >>> >&g

[ZION] Flying Lessons (was Taliban in Pakistan)

2002-11-10 Thread larry . jackson
Marc Schindler: Very good! Another week in Moose Jaw for our boy genius :-) Larry Jackson: I think he'll enjoy his fortnight with the Moose Javians. Marc: My cousin's husband ... is tired of rotary wing and wants to switch to fixed wing. Larry: I work for a place that modifie

RE: [ZION] Flying Lessons

2002-11-12 Thread larry . jackson
ic controller to really understand it, although I might try to tell it some day if I should happen to feel in top writing form. Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per m

RE: [ZION] Answer to life

2002-11-12 Thread larry . jackson
oth sides, pretending all the while to be amoebas, thus bringing both science and math to new lows. Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per month! Visit www

RE: [ZION] Magnetic Personality

2002-11-12 Thread larry . jackson
ut it a few months ago on the radio and reading about it in the paper. Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per month! Visit

RE: [ZION] Answer to life

2002-11-13 Thread larry . jackson
Well, in this case, splitting the long way just results in an even more tangled mess. Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Marc Schindler: What did you do to pretend to be an amoeba? Split in two? Larry Jackson wrote: > Stephen Beecroft: > > > Naturally. It involved cutting various s

RE: [ZION] 7 Nukes in US Cities

2002-11-15 Thread Larry Jackson
form of confirmation. Finally, a search of the internet will show there are several different variations of this interview out there, similar in substance and differing in detail. It's the details that are important and that give the best clu

RE: [ZION] 7 Nukes in US Cities

2002-11-15 Thread larry . jackson
eaving the page active with an explanation of what happened, rather than just killing it as many online services do. Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per month! Vis

RE: [ZION] 7 nukes in U.S.,warns al-Qaida

2002-11-16 Thread larry . jackson
their pulling of the article. Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per month! Visit /

RE: [ZION] Hogwarts and all

2002-11-16 Thread larry . jackson
rst one just the same. But they probably would have had a hard time finding someone to play Hagrid who was twice as big. [grin] Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per mo

RE: [ZION] Coffee, Tea or Eternity

2002-11-18 Thread Larry Jackson
Jon Spencer: I use Dr. Pepper. ___ Dr. Pepper is out of network for me. And that's the trouble with POSs and HMOs and WOWs, etc. The help line gives a different answer everytime I call. [grin] Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROT

RE: [ZION] No Redelfs Citings?

2002-11-21 Thread Larry Jackson
t just the temporary lack of a Moderator in this Zion List thing. Second, elves shouldn't be red. Right, Till? Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per month! Vis

RE: [ZION] No Redelfs Citing?

2002-11-22 Thread larry . jackson
th side of the city. I do remember that it was in the middle of the night, 1 or 2 am. My bride and I were traveling from Missouri to Ohio that night. It was quite the trip. Hope John's is a little more sedate. Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] _

RE: [ZION] Can Anyone Become A Fully Qualified Member In Good Standing

2002-11-27 Thread larry . jackson
ward. Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per month! Visit // /// ZION LIST CHARTER

[ZION] Royal Flush (was Coffee, tea or eternity?)

2002-11-27 Thread larry . jackson
not Imperial ones [grin]) from the top of the overflow pipe in the tank. This will keep the toilet from continually running with water going down the overflow pipe, instead of shutting off as it should when the tank is full. Your upstairs bathroom toilet was made 16 years ago, BTW. Larry Jacks

RE: [ZION] Can Anyone Become A Fully Qualified Member In Good Standing

2002-11-28 Thread larry . jackson
be easier for them. And, since I don't have the whole story from anyone yet, none of this may apply at all. In any event, it would appear that your first decision to not be involved with this person was a very wise one. Don't let your guard down. Larry Jack

RE: [ZION] Toiletese (was Coffee, Tea, or Eternity)

2002-11-28 Thread larry . jackson
o sinks, and a bathtub clogged right now. Fortunately, we have one other set of plumbing that drains past wherever the clog is, but I'm afraid we are going to push it to a point where everything backs up. What a wonderful weekend for company. The turkey was good, though. Calmed everyon

RE: [ZION] Canada: Bush is an idiot

2002-11-30 Thread larry . jackson
Marc A. Schindler: Who watches the watchers? ___ We do. Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per month! Visit

RE: [ZION] LDS Writer Expects to Be Excommunicated

2002-12-01 Thread larry . jackson
this guy's paper. It's sad ... ___ Is there a link to the AP article (or others) or to the paper itself? It is sad, but there will be questions at work this week, and I would like to be up to speed on this. Thanks, Larry Jackson [

RE: [ZION] Comparing Rebellions

2002-12-02 Thread Larry Jackson
Gary Smith: ... Orson Scott Card's new book (recently banned from Deseret Book's shelves), ... ___ Are you referring to the new novel by Richard Paul Evans, or did Scott get one banned, also? Lar

RE: [ZION] Canada: Bush is an idiot

2002-12-02 Thread larry . jackson
Marc A. Schindler: Neither you nor Jim seem to want to respond to my direct requests to admit that you were wrong. Larry Jackson: Perhaps that is because they disagree with your assessment. Marc: No one has to be perfect -- we've all made mistakes in remembering or interpreting t

RE: [ZION] Canada: Bush is an idiot

2002-12-02 Thread larry . jackson
Stephen Beecroft: All Hail Marc Schindler, The Wise, Compassionate, and Darned-Near All-Knowing! ___ I don't know, Stephen. Do you think Marc will ever be able to forgive you for leaving in the "Darned-Near" part? [grin] Larry Jackson [

RE: [ZION] When a Girl Marries

2002-12-05 Thread larry . jackson
f the major networks, CBS, NBC, and ABC, as that one did for 19 years. That would be quite an accomplishment, almost as good as being on both the Red and the Blue Networks, don't you think? Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

RE: [ZION] The Two Towers Anticipation

2002-12-10 Thread Larry Jackson
you in to all three shows, or any parts of the three you wished to see. Popcorn was free at the theater. Sadly, there was no popcorn at stake conference that day. Larry Jackson Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access

RE: [ZION] Are any of you having problems?

2002-12-11 Thread Larry Jackson
want? ;-) ___ No, no, Paul. We should be thankful he only fell down the stairs and that he did not fall off of the motorcycle while under significant forces of acceleration. Larry Jackson Sign Up for Juno Platinum Int

RE: [ZION] The latest from Iraq

2002-12-11 Thread larry . jackson
hile the U.S. made more copies for them. Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per month! Visit //

RE: [ZION] Banning motorcycles

2002-12-12 Thread larry . jackson
ib, they are probably ready to do me in right about now. Very truly yours, Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95

RE: [ZION] New guy

2002-12-16 Thread Larry Jackson
Who's on first. What's on second. New Guy must the name of the outfielder whose name I never got. Larry Jackson ___ George Cobabe: NO - that is wrong - the wrong one is Wright! THAT is right! Who&#


2002-12-17 Thread Larry Jackson
Gary Smith: Hm. First Tom Matkin claims to dislike LOTR, ... ___ There must be a disconnect somewhere. I know that Tom has a keen sense of humor, and I'm sure he enjoys laughing on the rug. That's the same thing up north as ROTFL is down south, right? Lar

RE: [ZION] Just finished reading....

2002-12-17 Thread Larry Jackson
have streaming internet feeds. Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per month! Visit // ///

RE: [ZION] The latest from Iraq

2002-12-17 Thread larry . jackson
aying just what I said. That you wish to ascribe special motives to the person running the copy center is your prerogative. That you feel the spokesman was not appropriate because the US didn't do it the way you think it would have been done in Canada is also your prerogative. Enjoy your

RE: [ZION] The latest from Iraq

2002-12-18 Thread larry . jackson
Marc Schindler: That was not my point at all. Please reread it. ... You are not criticizing what I wrote, but how you *read* it. ___ I'm not criticizing anything. You are ignoring my point and I am ignoring your bait. Spin on. Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROT

RE: [ZION] The latest from Iraq

2002-12-19 Thread Larry Jackson
'm sorry if I'm a little more simpleminded and can only focus on one thing at a time. It's an error I often make. Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access T

RE: [ZION] Constitutional Losses

2003-05-29 Thread Larry Jackson
hangs by a thread (or however it was really put), the correlation committee is going to have to put a lesson in the priesthood manual about the constitution if very many of them are going to know what it is we are even talking about. Larry Ja

RE: [ZION] Test

2003-06-01 Thread larry . jackson
;Well, that's one way of doing it." Regards, Larry Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] No trees were destroyed in the sending of this message. However, a significant number of electrons may have been inconvenienced. The best t

RE: [ZION] Test

2003-06-01 Thread Larry Jackson
Ronn! Blankenship: And, you know, the reason the plane bounced? It wasn't the pilot's fault, and it wasn't the co-pilot's fault, it was the asphalt . . . ___ But how could this be? The evidence was conc

RE: [ZION] Test

2003-06-03 Thread Larry Jackson
Till: That plane wouldn't have been Air France would it? ___ No, but I can't tell you who it was, sorry. Larry The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand! Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! Only

RE: [ZION] Test

2003-06-03 Thread Larry Jackson
>>Till: >> >>That plane wouldn't have been Air France would it? >> >>___ >> >>No, but I can't tell you who it was, sorry. >Till: > >I remember almost 40 years ago watching planes touch down >at the Montreal airport and all the Air France birds would >come bouncing in just like you d

RE: [ZION] lost and found

2003-06-05 Thread Larry Jackson
Scott McGee: Oh, good, you found my laptot. ___ Sorry, Scott. We had TaterTots for dinner last night, and that must have been one of the ones that fell into my son's lap, but never made it all the way to the floor to be squished. Larry Ja

RE: [ZION] Gripe session

2003-07-02 Thread Larry Jackson
t; I prefer to be on good terms with all my fellow ward/branch > members, The gospel is still true. It is the people in the Church that aren't always so. That's why there is a difference between the gospel and

RE: [ZION] Samoa Temple

2003-07-11 Thread Larry Jackson
Jim Cobabe: I wept when I learned of this sad news. Is something amiss in the Church, that the Lord would allow one of his temples to be destroyed? ___ It is sad, but I seriously doubt anything unusual is amiss. I think there was a construction accident. Larry Jackson

RE: [ZION] Having One's Calling and Election Made Sure

2003-07-12 Thread larry . jackson
Stacy Smith: All right. Let's get practical. If one hasn't the temple marriage one wants I suppose it's fruitless to even try for anything like this. Larry Jackson: I believe it would take a successful temple marriage. Stacy: But if one were to eventually get that and

RE: [ZION] Magazine Subscriptions

2003-07-17 Thread larry . jackson
's it, except for the daily paper, which comes in handy for painting projects, extra packaging material, and as Ben Franklin suggested (if I owned a bird), the bottom of the birdcage. Larry Jackson The best thing to hit the i

RE: [ZION] Mars

2003-07-30 Thread larry . jackson
Utah was added to the United States flag, bringing the total number of stars on the flag to forty-five. I think I would hold out for the hailstorm John mentioned. (That might have been on lds-doctrine.) Larry Jackson The be

[ZION] MormonThinkers [was Kicked Off the FAIR List]

2003-08-14 Thread Larry Jackson
George Cobabe wrote: ZION was supposed to be discontinued in favor of MormonThinkers sometime ago, or so I understood. Obviously it did not completely happen. ___ This is news to me. Never heard of a list called MormonThinkers. John? Larry Jackson

RE: [ZION] West Nile virus

2003-08-19 Thread larry . jackson
you or anyone else who needed it during the Anthrax scare, a West Nile virus vaccine is only available to those who are in the test group, if there even is a test group yet. Larry Jackson The best thing to hit the internet in yea

RE: [ZION] The September Six Today

2003-08-20 Thread Larry Jackson
ut it. I would simply like to echo your comment about the difference between his experience and the experience of the others, which was quite noticeable in the article John quoted. There is much to say for listening to our priesthood leaders and being humble, no matter what the circumstances.

RE: [ZION] Temple Defilement

2003-08-21 Thread larry . jackson
resident of the Church to rededicate that area of the temple. Larry Jackson The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand! Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! Only $14.95/ month - visit www.

RE: [ZION] Witnessing Excommunications by Churches

2003-08-22 Thread larry . jackson
member is only excommunicated when needed and usually due to serious and willful violation of covenants. Larry Jackson The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand! Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! Only $14.95

RE: [ZION] Witnessing Excommunications by Churches

2003-08-24 Thread larry . jackson
excommunicated person is not. I have no idea if there is a record of what was said concerning Oliver Cowdery. I suppose there may be one, but I have not seen it. Larry Jackson The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno

RE: [ZION] Confusion in Gospel Doctrine Class

2003-09-08 Thread Larry Jackson
Stacy Smith: Are you suggesting that not all of Paul's "guidance" should be taken as from the Lord on these matters? ___ Of course not. I think it is perfectly alright for the sisters to speak at Church.

RE: [ZION] The Meaning of the Olive Press or the Winepress in Practical Terms

2003-09-08 Thread Larry Jackson
o it with an eye single to my glory--remembering unto the Father my body which was laid down for you, and my blood which was shed for the remission of your sins. That's a pretty good way to understand it, I think. Larry Jackson _

RE: [ZION] Confusion in Gospel Doctrine Class

2003-09-08 Thread Larry Jackson
iesthood leader, the stake president, who is also accountable to the Lord for what he does and does not do. These kinds of things make my problems and challenges seem quite simple. Larry Jackson The best thing to hit the inte

RE: [ZION] Concealed Carry

2003-09-09 Thread larry . jackson
John Redelfs: BUT I decided years ago that I would ... illegally whenever it pleased me. ___ I'm curious. How did you reconcile this with Article of Faith 12? Larry Jackson The best thing to hit the intern

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