[CTRL] Mary Schiavo on 911

2002-05-29 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-

  On the morning of the attacks, just 3 minutes before the Pentagon was
struck, Mary Schiavo began a telephone interview with MSNBC's correspondent
Gregg Jarrett.  She was introduced as former Inspector General of the FAA,
which Jarrett then corrected to be NTSB, but which was actually DOT.  At any
rate, he introduced her also as an MSNBC aviation analyst, and asked her what
her thoughts were about what was unfolding in New York.

  She expressed extreme outrage by what had happened in New York,
explaining that aviation safety experts had relied on FBI risk and threat
assessments to construct their approaches to aviation safety, and that the
FBI had consistently declared that the risk of domestially-staged acts of
aviation terrorism was very low.

  Ms. Schiavo went on to say, And for that reason we did not put the
resources in to the kinds of security measures were are really capable of
doing in our aviation.  And this proves that over the past several years that
was a very complacent attitude and it was WRONG.  And this is literally going
to change everything about how we do aviation.

  Less than two minutes later, referring to what had occurred in New York,
Schiavo said, ... and this is SO outrageous particularly if the reports of a
warning are true.

  It would be helpful (!) to know what she'd heard about warnings, and her
remark adds to the growing body of information indicating that many were
forewarned that something was going to happen.  She continued, This has
absolutely shades of the Pan Am 103 tragedy where there were warnings - many
people discounted them - but at least the Embassy personnel got warnings for
that one.

  The conversation was abruptly cut off as Jarrett switched over to Jim
Miklaszewski at the Pentagon who was reporting that an explosion had just
occurred there.

  This former Inspector General of the DOT wrote a book Flying Blind, Flying
Safe in 1997.

  An excerpt from the publisher's comments:


Mary Schiavo, the former inspector General of the US Department of
Transportation, has written a scathing expose of the fraud, corruption,
waste, mismanagement, and dangerous negligence that runs rampant throughout
the aviation industry and its ineffectual policing organization, the FAA.

  In a speech before the National Air Disaster Alliance and Foundation (which
was originally given on September 29, 2001 and then revised and updated to
include commentary on aviation laws changed in November, 2001),  she says,



But then, Osama Bin Laden has previously resorted to this method as well. He
planned to bring down 12 U.S. airliners within 48 hours over the Pacific in
1995. He did a test run on a Philippine jetliner in 1994, and killed a
passenger and injured several others, but the plane managed to land.  He
would have to try something different the next time around.  He did, but he
followed the example of several previous terrorist attacks.  Documents seized
in that investigation revealed they intended to crash a plane into the CIA
building near Washington, D.C.

  Say again?  Documents seized in that investigation revealed they intended
to crash a plane into the CIA building near Washington, D.C.

  She goes on to say, In the events of September 11, while astonishing in
the numbers of casualties and the enormity of the devastation, neither the
modus operandi of the terrorists, nor crashing planes into buildings, were
new. In fact, these types of hijackings and the crashing of planes into
buildings, had been planned but thwarted on several previous occasions.

  Her speech - revised, updated and posted on December 7, 2001, is
fact-filled and fascinating, and punches broad holes in the lame excuses
given by the administration and other agencies who job it is to foresee such
disasters and to devise plans to prevent them.


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[CTRL] Scrambling jets issue raised several times before Pentagon hit

2002-05-29 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-

  Twenty minutes elapsed from the time I started taping news coverage on the
morning of Sept. 11th to when the Pentagon was hit.  Re-viewing the tape for
the first time in April, I was struck by how many times the issue of
not-scrambling-jets was raised.  Recently I took notes on the coverage.

  No fewer than four correspondents (NBC then MSNBC) addressed this issue,
while a fifth chimed in in agreement - all before the Pentagon was hit.

  At 9:19 AM taping began.  Jim Miklaszewski, reporting from the Pentagon,
was in the middle of discussing this issue, and I caught the tail end of a
sentence, the scrambling of any military jets.  If National Guard were to be
scrambled in that area, that would be on order of the governor.

  He explained that if jets were scrambled, there would be an issue of
misidentifying a pilot's intentions and then said, But so far the US
military and Pentagon officials are scrambling to get as much information as
they possibly can to determine what course of action, if any, the US military
would take.

  Well, at least they were scrambling for information...

  Katie Couric interrupted with the only intelligent comment I heard in that
20-minute span, But Mick they ARE describing this as a terrorist attack
right now

  Jim's response was that yes, according to very preliminary information,
some officials in the Pentagon were calling it an obvious terrorist attack,
and that the video of the WTC towers was a clear indication that it was not
an accident.

  Matt Lauer took the reigns and cut over to Bob Kerr, who was reporting from
the White House.  Kerr followed-up on what Jim Miklaszewski had been saying.
Of course the President has the authority to scramble military forces and
this is a case, obviously, in which retaliation, if indeed it proves to be a
terrorist incident, will be contemplated.  He added that the usual course of
events is for there to be an investigation, unless someone steps forward and
claims responsibility.

  Katie then cuts back to Jim Miklaszewski who says that their primary
concern is to prevent the public in the NY area from further attacks by air,
and,  According to intelligence officials, there were no firm indications
prior to this that anything LIKE this could have happened.

  Jim goes on to say, But in terms of scrambling the US military, it would
be for protection for the time being, and not necessarily even THINKING right
now about any kind of retaliation.

  At 9:23 AM, Katie asks Jim if he can explain what is in place in the event
of an attack like this.

  Jim responds that it is very difficult for the military to respond to
situations like this because they don't know who is behind it, and because
they are unclear if there are any other potential attacks like this one.

  (This begs the questions, of course, if they are unclear if more attacks
are on the way, what is the possible excuse for not scrambling jets?  It
seems that Jim was being fed some very confusion information.)

  Another excuse, apparently fed to Jim, was that these were open air spaces,
and that would somehow preclude the military from scrambling jets.  He
continues, ... and it's difficult for the US military to simply scramble
jets, and put them in the air, and then, according to officials here, 'And
then do WHAT?'

  He does then say, and mind you, he is at the Pentagon, THIS area, of
course, according to officials here, is obviously going to be declared
off-limits in terms of any air traffic.   He said that between 9:24 AM and
9:25 AM.  The Pentagon wasn't hit until 9:39 AM.

  Matt Lauer then gives his perspective, saying that if planes were hijacked
and carrying passengers, there really wasn't much the military could have
done.  He says the military can't shoot down a plane like that, and makes
note of the risk to the people on the ground in a place like Manhattan if
that were to be done.  Jim agrees with him.

  I switched channels from NBC to MSNBC in time to hear Andrea Mitchell
reporting that a top US official told her that they have early reports that
at least one of the planes had been a hijacked American Airlines plane en
route from Boston to Los Angeles.

  She added, This same official says that there was no terror alert other
than the usual world-wide caution.  They had no warnings on Bin Laden or
other types of terror alerts coming into our intelligence community.  We now
know this is not true, of course.

  Lester Holt asks her what the game plan is in a situation like this.  Her
response is that this is something the FBI would immediately respond to.  She
then goes on to describe the emergency response center created by Guliani at
great expense.

  Lester Holt later remarks, And one of the things we should point out is
that America is virtually DEFENSELESS to a maverick or a hijacked airplane.
He says that we primarily have Air National Guard protecting the coasts, but
that they are not geared up for an attack from within the United States.  

Re: [CTRL] Fight against the reinstatement of the Draft!

2002-05-28 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-

  For all our so-called fine  noble God-Inspired wars, you'll notice that we
are less free than ever before.  The cherished Constitution is ripped to
shreds.  If you want your relatives risking their lives for a Fascist
Corporate State then that's fine.  Lay your righteous indignation and
simplistic hot-button phraseology on THEM.

  If conspiracy theories offend you, I suggest you're in the wrong place.

In a message dated 5/28/02 10:51:13 AM Central Daylight Time,

 People who have yellow streaks running up their backs, as wide as
  highway stripes, should refrain from quoting our Founding Fathers. Why
  should my son or any parent's son or daughter answer their country's call
  and perhaps lose their lives while you sit on your sorry ass, conjuring
  up wild conspiracy theories for everything under the sun ?? So, pick up a
  rifle, mount the wall and  stand the watch like the rest of us have
  done...maybe you'll get to experience a little quot;virtual
  realityquot;.like a 5.56mm projectile @ 3200 fps.  Before
  you leave, visit a National Cemetery and ask those who repose there, if
  they will allow you to be placed in their  honored midst, should
  fate require it. Is there anything you would fight for ?  I'll
  guarantee you one thing.there won't be anymore trotting off to
  Canada and waiting for some bleeding heart to give you amnesty, after
  58,174 sons and daughters have died in your worthless stead. You can take
  that to the bank, pal !!!


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: Democrats.com Daily News for May 26, 2002

2002-05-27 Thread Sammark4



Yikes! One We Almost Missed! Operation Northwoods 2002? US Soldier Arrested
for Attempted Bombing of Florida Power Plant!


___DEMOCRATS.COMThe Aggressive Progressives__

Democrats.com is the largest independent community of Democrats.
We publish the only Democratic daily news service - and it's free!
Our members make it possible through generous contributions.
Please help by clicking below!

___.COMPOSITION__In This Issue___

Tipper Gore is Proud Al Won 'the Majority of Votes'

300 Protesters Greet Rehnquist in his Home Town

Justice Dept. Lawsuits in Florida Don't 'Pass the Smell Test'

Justice Dept. Investigation Screws Florida's African-American Voters One More Time

Global Idiot Bush Asks Brazilian President, 'Do You Have Blacks Too?'

Angolagate: Allegations about Bush's and Cheney's Part in Arms-for-Oil Scandal

Nearly Half of Americans Blame Bush for Inaction Before 911

On 911, Bush Went AWOL from the Air National Guard for the SECOND Time

FBI Informant Warned the FBI about Hani Hanjour Three Years Ago

FBI Headquarters Falsified the Moussaoui Field Report To Block Requests for Warrants

Senators Demand Answers from David Frasca, the Head of the FBI's 'Radical 
Fundamentalist Unit'

SMOKING GUN PART 3: John O'Neill: Was He a Casualty of the Bush Administration?

Did the FBI Search Boston's Copley Plaza Hotel on September 10?

Yikes! One We Almost Missed! Operation Northwoods 2002? US Soldier Arrested for 
Attempted Bombing of Florida Power Plant!

Why is the FBI Dragging Its Heels on the Anthrax Investigation?

The Saudis Sign a $3.8 Million PR Contract to Influence You!

How Republicans Destroyed the 4th Amendment and Created Big Brother

The Plot Thickens: Enron and Global Crossing Linked in Crooked Deal

Eric Alterman Joins the Blogging Class

__Tipper Gore is Proud Al Won 'the Majority of Votes'

Paula Zahn asked stupid and hostile questions (what did she mean that it's time for 
us all to grow up?), but Tipper Gore was great, especially on election 2000. I think 
that [Al] ran a terrific campaign, and I think most people don't probably give credit 
to the hundreds and hundreds of people who worked in states all over this nation in 
order to elect him, because he was the voice, the spokesperson for their point of 
view. And I am so proud of the way he ended the stalemate. I'm so proud of the way 
that he conceded and let the country go on and become healed and whole. And I'm so 
proud of the fact that he won the majority of votes in this country, because that says 
to me that everything that he talked about -- you know, civil rights and women's 
rights and inclusion and caring about the environment -- all of those things are the 
kinds of things that most of the American people cared about. And that's the direction 
they wanted to see the country go in. You go, Tipper!

__300 Protesters Greet Rehnquist in his Home Town

About 300 protesters, through posters, T-shirts, chants and interviews, blasted 
Rehnquist, who they say has used his position on the court to undermine the rights of 
racial minorities, women and the disabled, among others. One poster declared: 
'Rehnquist and the death penalty - both are cruel and unusual.' But for many in the 
demonstration, the biggest issue was their anger over the Supreme Court's key ruling 
in the disputed 2000 presidential election. Protesters also demonstrated for the same 
reasons against Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia when he spoke at Marquette 
University last year. 'I want the president to be voted in by the people, not by the 
courts,' said Derl Howe of Milwaukee. 'The people's right to vote has been stolen. He 
should have said this is not the business of the court.' The school had planned to 
hold an assembly for all students Friday, but [switched to an] invitation-only 
gathering - just like invitation-only selection of the President!

__Justice Dept. Lawsuits in Florida Don't 'Pass the Smell Test'

St. Pete Times reports, After an 18-month investigation, nearly 11,000 complaints, 
discussions with AG Bob Butterworth's office and even a review of the NAACP's 
complaint logs, the federal government has determined that only certain minority 
voters were wronged. They were Hispanics in Orange and Osceola counties and Haitians 
in Miami-Dade. Not a single word from Justice about Katherine Harris' flawed purged 
voter list [or] the high number of discarded 'overvotes' in areas with high 
concentrations of black voters, such as Jacksonville... 'It doesn't pass the smell 
test,' says state Democratic chairman Bob Poe. 'What is their political agenda? To 
make inroads and score points with non-Cuban Hispanics and Haitians.' Poe said he 
would contact members of the Senate Judiciary Committee... 

[CTRL] thomas.loc.gov down for four days or more so far

2002-05-27 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-

  I've been following HR 3598 for several weeks, trying to gauge the progress
of this mandatory military induction bill.  The site has been down for
several days.  If anyone has an update on the progress of the bill, or knows
where to get an update, or knows why thomas.loc.gov is down, please help.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Moon's speech embarrasses and humiliates some reporters

2002-05-27 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-


Moon Speech Raises Old Ghosts as the Times Turns 20

By Frank Ahrens
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, May 23, 2002; Page E01


During the sermon, he set the course for the Times' next 10 years: The
Washington Times is responsible to let the American people know about God.
Later, he added: The Washington Times will become the instrument in
spreading the truth about God to the world.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] China may impose high safety standards for cell phone radiation

2002-05-27 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-

(Is it anti-capitalistic to care about safety?)


China Cellphone Radiation Law Could Cost Billions
24 May, 2002 05:32 BST


The country is mulling strict standards that would cap handset radiation
emissions at half the levels allowed overseas, which the officials said could
cost the industry billions of dollars to adjust equipment.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: [the_octopus] Whitley Strieber Asks: Is the FBI Penetrated?

2002-05-26 Thread Sammark4


Here Whitley Strieber tries to make a case for a terrible few horrible people
in the FBI creating a situation where info flow is scrubbed.  I just love how
the middle guys are scapegoated here, as if the corruption doesn't work from
the top down - as if the whole system isn't corrupt.


Whitley Strieber Asks:
Is the FBI Penetrated?

Is the FBI Penetrated?
by Whitley Strieber


A terrifying and sobering group of news stories has appeared in recent days
that suggest that individuals within the FBI had prior knowledge of 9/11 and
suppressed it, both for personal gain and, in one case, possibly because of
connections to terrorist elements.

This is likely to be the worst single scandal in the history of the US
government. Hopefully, it will encourage Congress and the Administration to
carry out the radical reforms that we need to rehabilitate the dysfunctional
family that the FBI has become, and get rid of an apparently large number of
truly terrible human beings who have infested this essential element of US
government power. Some of these people are merely incompetent. But that
the case with all of them. Some of them are traitors.

I first became aware of the fact that something was wrong on September 13,
a friend who had been staying at the Copley Plaza Hotel in Boston on the
of September 10 and 11 told me that the FBI had cleared the hotel on the
morning of Monday, September 10, at about four AM, and had searched it.
the disaster, of course, they returned to Copley Plaza in search of bomb

The FBI's presence at the hotel on Monday was never reported, and apparently
known only to guests at the hotel. Nevertheless, it means that the FBI
certainly had, and was acting on, some sort of knowledge connected to the
September 11 attack on September 10. At the very least, the FBI agents who
at the Copley Plaza on Monday morning need to be found and called to testify
before the joint panel of Congress that is being convened to investigate

Now, a series of news stories, some of them reported in general news columns
and others in financial news, suggests that elements of the FBI not only
about 9/11 in advance, but that the institution as a whole was prevented
acting on what they knew by silence on the part of some agents and
of the proper flow of information to the organization's leadership by

There were two critical information flows that were interrupted, from
Minneapolis and Phoenix, and there is additional evidence that FBI agents
involved in stock profiteering off the disaster in the weeks before it

There has been a substantial amount of news coverage of the problems with
from Minneapolis and Phoenix, and I will discuss those shortly. Before I
to that issue, however, I would like to address some recent disclosures
stock market manipulations, and some that have gone unnoticed.

On Friday, May 24, a federal prosecutor alleged that a San Diego stock
who is accused of bribing an FBI agent to give him confidential government
information may have had prior knowledge of 9/11. According to assistant
States attorney Kenneth Breen, the adviser, Amr Ibrahim Elgindy, tried to
$300,000 worth of stock on September 10 and told his broker the market was
about to drop. Mr. Eglindy and four other people, including one current and
former FBI agent, were charged on Wednesday with using confidential
information to manipulate stock prices. Mr. Elgindy has recently moved
to a bank in Lebanon. So far, there is no hard evidence that Mr. Elgindy had
prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks, and, while Mr. Eglindy is active in
causes, there is no evidence linking him to terrorism. However, according to
the Los Angeles Times, his father, Ibrahim Elgindy, led a 1998 protest on
behalf of Muhammed Salah, whose assets were seized after he was linked to
radical Palestinian group Hamas.

After 9/11, there was evidence of profiteering in airline puts and calls
(options to purchase or sell stocks at a fixed price on a later date), but
was eventually discovered to be apparent coincidence. It is not clear,
that evidence of similar activities involving insurance stocks was innocent,
and, if this is being investigated, there is no public knowledge of it.

What has gone little remarked in the press was a dramatic spike in trade
on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the days prior to 9/11. (Futures
Magazine, Nov. 2001, Vol. 30, No. 14, p.12) This is where futures on the
and Standard and Poor's stock averages are traded, and would be a prime
of profiteers if anybody had extensive knowledge of 9/11. On September 7,
last trading day before 9/11, (Monday was a holiday) CME trading volume
to its highest point in months, ending a week of exceptionally 

[CTRL] Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [NA] W. Bush Blocking 9-11 Commission confirmed

2002-05-26 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-

  I think this is unfair and overblown.  I saw the segment on television
where she explained how she thought this had happened, and it was a very
credible explanation.  She has taken every step to correct this and has been
sincerely sorry about it all.  Ms. Goodwin must be a threat to someone for
this matter to be made into such a huge deal.  As always, good guys have to
walk the straight and narrow path in every aspect of their lives while bad
guys can get away with anything.  This is typical libel-ops IMO and I ain't
buying into it.

In a message dated 5/26/02 11:34:35 AM Central Daylight Time,

 May 26, 2002 NA (Network America) e-wire

  W. Bush Blocking 9-11 Commission – confirmed

  This is a short e-wire. . . . On this day, Sunday May 26, 2002, I
  arrived home after church to see David Broder of the Washington Post and
  Establishment House Presidential “historian” Doris Kearns Goodwin on
  NBC’s “Meet the Press” with Tim Russert.

  I put “historian” in quotes regarding Doris Kearns Goodwin because she
  has been nailed for plagiarism in her 1987 book, “The Fitzgeralds and
  the Kennedys.”  Her “credibility” problem would be serious for normal
  people, as her publisher, Simon  Shuster, paid out a money settlement
  to one of the people she plagiarized from – in 1987. That means she knew
  of the problem and covered it up for 15 years! Now that she’s been
  caught red-handed in public, she is expressing official mea culpas. She
  has pulled all the paperback copies of the book in existence so that all
  such copies can be destroyed – while she re-makes those portions of the
  book. Even so – she’s claiming it’s all a matter of “inadvertent
  research procedures” – after covering it up for 15 years after knowing
  her publishers paid a cash settlement to an aggrieved party! For a full
  report on her many back ups since she’s been publicly exposed on this
  plagiarism issue, see the Forbes Magazine article from 2-27-02 at


  Doris Kearns Goodwin’s worst offense is her constantly appearing as an
  Establishment mouthpiece to (objectively) falsify history through her
  personality / hero worship of such low-life scoundreals, traitors, and
  criminals – as her former boss, Lyndon Baines Johnson. But, as an
  establishment asset, even plagiarism doesn’t ruin her reputation as an
  “historian” – so she is constantly invited back to shows like “Meet the
  Press” to tell us what to think about history. Thankfully, years of
  selling her soul is catching up with her, and since the public exposure
  of her plagiarism, she’s really beginning to show her age, which will
  make her girlish cheerleading for sinister establishment figures – less

  The above is just one of those delicious sidebars that you may find
  tucked into any Network America e-wire --- but the real point of this
  e-wire – is that today’s “Meet the Press” provided the first hard
  evidence I’ve been able to latch onto from Establishment sources that W.
  Bush is adamantly BLOCKING any commission or investigation into 9-11.

  Surprisingly, Tim Russert asked a tremendous question. He said
  (paraphrase): “There is still controversy over whether FDR knew about
  Pearl Harbor in advance and let it happen to get us into World War II,
  and whether Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman in the assassination
  of President Kennedy. Obviously, even the conclusions reached by those
  commissions that were set up shortly after those events still haven’t
  satisfied some Americans. And still, after 8 months, we don’t have any
  investigative commission on the events of 9-11. There is momentum
  building in the Republican Party to set up an investigative commission
  on the 9-11 terror attacks – do you think we will eventually see a
  Congressional investigation?” (Remember, that was a paraphrase.)

  Then, David Broder said that he didn’t think there would be any
  commission if President W. Bush continued to oppose it. Broder then
  stated that he couldn’t understand why W. Bush has been so resistant to
  any kind of an official inquiry or investigation. --- Today’s “Meet the
  Press” transcript will give any interested party the exact wording and
  the exact quotes.

  This is the first time I have been able to grasp for sure such an
  admission from Establishment sources. The reason these admissions are
  valuable is because when even the establishment’s mouthpieces are
  admitting something so damaging to one of their boys – then we know it
  must be true.

  All the other sources I had seen  (although undoubtedly correct) had
  been from independent news sources like this e-wire (as opposed to
  controlled news sources like David Broder and the Washington Post). All
  the assertions about W. Bush blocking investigations and commissions 

[CTRL] Jared Israel (Emperor's Clothers) Radio Interview

2002-05-25 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-


What Really Happened On 9-11?
Jared Israel Interviewed by Mark Haim
KOPN 89.5 FM Evening Edition * 2 April 2002
This interview, the first of two, is in two parts. For part 1 click on Link
1. For part 2 click on Link 2.

Link 1 (part 1)

Link 2 (part 2)

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[CTRL] Fwd: Democrats.com Daily News for May 25, 2002

2002-05-25 Thread Sammark4



___DEMOCRATS.COMThe Aggressive Progressives__

Democrats.com is the largest independent community of Democrats.
We publish the only Democratic daily news service - and it's free!
Our members make it possible through generous contributions.
Please help by clicking below!

___.COMPOSITION__In This Issue___

Way to Go! Student Protests Force Cancellation of Assembly for Chief InJustice 
Rehnquist at his Alma Mater

Democrats are Waking Up to Ashcroft's Cover-up of the Stolen Election

Democrats.com Expose' about Pentagon Airplane Crash Exercise Makes the Papers - in 

Bush  Co. Sued in Federal Court for 911 Negligence

Bush Ignored Warning from Osama to His Mom

Fortune Magazine Summarizes the Phoenix Memo

Minneapolis FBI Office Tried Desperately to Prevent 911 - But DC Bureaucrats Stopped 
Them Cold

FBI Warned the CIA Twice About Moussaoui

French Intelligence Told the FBI in August that Al-Qaeda Trained Moussaoui -- but the 
Bush-Ashcroft Axis of Incompetence Did Nothing

Brits Warned US of Al Qaeda Hijackings Starting in 1999 - Right up to August 2001

NY Post Reports FAA Withheld 911 Warning

Bush Missed 911 Warnings Because He Has ADD!

House Republicans Spit on the Graves of Gay 911 Victims

Incompetence and Right-Wing Ideology Blinded Ashcroft  Rumsfeld to Terrorism

Ashcroft Knew - His Sweeping Anti-Terror Measures Are a Fig Leaf to Cover His Naked 

Cheney's Winning Formula -- Secrecy Plus Fear Equals A Pliant Public

GOP Caught in Outrageous Dirty Tricks in Michigan

Texas Governor's 15-Year-Old Daughter is Supporting the Family

Rev. Sun Myung Moon Throws a 20th Anniversary Party of his Washington Times, Complete 
with an Hour-Long Messianic Rant

__Way to Go! Student Protests Force Cancellation of Assembly for Chief InJustice 
Rehnquist at his Alma Mater

AP writes, An assembly to honor Chief Justice William Rehnquist at his high school 
alma mater was canceled Friday because of a student protest. 'We did not feel it would 
be appropriate to invite him to receive an honor and then embarrass him here... We did 
not want to subject him to that sort of treatment,' Shorewood High School principal 
Rick Monroe said. Congratulations to the outstanding high school students who stood up 
for Democracy and the Rule of Law!

__Democrats are Waking Up to Ashcroft's Cover-up of the Stolen Election

On the morning after the Justice Dept announced vague plans to maybe someday sue 3 
Florida counties for election 2000 voter disenfranchisement, Democrats woke up feeling 
used. According to Salon, Florida Democratic Party spokesman Ryan Banfill warned that 
the lawsuits may be little more than 'window dressing to provide some political cover 
for the president and his brother,' Jeb, who is running for reelection as Florida 
governor this year... 'I saw yesterday they mentioned voter purges. Well, that means 
they should be looking at [Secretary of State] Katherine Harris. But the fact that her 
office is not part of this suit makes us think this may not go as far as it should. If 
they're talking about voter purges, they should be talking about a lot more than three 
counties,' Banfill said. EXACTLY - and they should be talking about CRIMINAL 
PROSECUTION of Jeb, Katherine, and Clay Roberts.

__Democrats.com Expose' about Pentagon Airplane Crash Exercise Makes the Papers - in 

The Mirror of London reports, Military chiefs were so convinced terrorists could fly 
a plane into the Pentagon that they planned for an attack. Almost 11 months before the 
September 11 suicide mission killed 189 people at America's defence headquarters, they 
carried out a detailed emergency exercise. US authorities have consistently claimed 
they had no idea al-Qaeda was thinking of crashing planes into buildings. President 
[sic] Bush insists no one ever had considered such a devastating attack. But a report 
reveals that between October 24 and 26 2000, military planners held an exercise to 
prepare for 'incidents including a passenger plane crashing into the Pentagon.' So 
far, Democrats.com is the only US publication to report this expose. When will the US 
media expose this Bush lie - and all of the others???

__Bush  Co. Sued in Federal Court for 911 Negligence

A San Francisco lawyer filed an ambitious federal lawsuit today on behalf of all 
American citizens against President [sic] Bush and six other officials for alleged 
dereliction of duty in failing to stop the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Stanley G. 
Hilton, a solo practitioner, filed the would-be class action lawsuit in U.S. District 
Court in San Francisco. The suit claims that Bush, VP Dick Cheney, Attorney General 

[CTRL] Fwd: Sailors Sprayed With Nerve Gas in Cold War Test, Pentagon Says

2002-05-24 Thread Sammark4



This article forwarded to you by BuzzFlash:

Sailors Sprayed With Nerve Gas in Cold War Test, Pentagon Says



May 24, 2002

Sailors Sprayed With Nerve Gas in Cold War Test, Pentagon Says

WASHINGTON, May 23 ? The Defense Department sprayed live nerve and biological agents 
on ships and sailors in cold war-era experiments to test the Navy's vulnerability to 
toxic warfare, the Pentagon revealed today.

The Pentagon documents made public today showed that six tests were carried out in the 
Pacific Ocean from 1964 to 1968. In the experiments, nerve or chemical agents were 
sprayed on a variety of ships and their crews to gauge how quickly the poisons could 
be detected and how rapidly they would disperse, as well as to test the effectiveness 
of protective gear and decontamination procedures in use at the time.

Hundreds of sailors exposed to the poisons in tests conducted in the 1960's could be 
eligible for health care benefits, and the Department of Veterans Affairs has already 
begun contacting those who participated in some of the experiments, known as Project 
Shipboard Hazard and Defense, or SHAD.

We are committed to helping every veteran who took part in these tests, said Anthony 
J. Principi, the secretary of veterans affairs. If we find any medical problems or 
disabilities we can attribute to Project SHAD, we'll ensure these veterans receive the 
benefits they deserve.

Of the six tests, three used sarin, a nerve agent, or VX, a nerve gas; one used 
staphylococcal enterotoxin B, known as SEB, a biological toxin; one used a simulant 
believed to be harmless but subsequently found to be dangerous; and one used a 
nonpoisonous simulant.

Michael Kilpatrick, a medical official in the office of the assistant secretary of 
defense for health affairs, said it was unclear whether sailors had been intentionally 
exposed to the germ and chemical agents without the benefit of protective masks and 
gear. Also uncertain, he said, was whether any had given their permission to become 
human guinea pigs in medical experiments with the deadly substances.

When you read the overarching plans for the testing, people were to be protected, he 
said in an interview. But when we get to individual reports, we do not see things 
like informed consent or individual protection. We don't have the records for what, if 
any, protection was given to people.

The implication, he said, is that in some cases sailors may have been exposed to the 
chemical and germ dangers.

To me, Dr. Kilpatrick added, the important thing now is that the Defense Department 
and veterans affairs are cooperating for the benefit of the veteran.

The Department of Veterans Affairs has notified 622 of about 4,300 military personnel, 
mostly from the Navy, identified as participants in Project SHAD. The process of 
identifying the veterans who participated in the program began in September 2000 under 
pressure from Representative Mike Thompson, Democrat of California, who was responding 
to claims by veterans that they had suffered health damage from the tests.

This information is significant since we now know that our military personnel were 
exposed to sarin gas and VX nerve agent, which are both highly lethal, and other 
agents that are known carcinogens, Mr. Thompson said.

While noting that the documents made public today by the Pentagon were the third 
installment of fact sheets on Project SHAD, bringing to 12 the number of tests that 
had been declassified, he demanded that the Defense Department release additional 
information on the 113 secret SHAD tests believed to have been planned.

It is only fair to inform service members, some of whom may not even know of their 
exposure, of the specific harmful agents used in SHAD tests, Mr. Thompson said.

Leonard A. Cole, an expert on biological weapons at Rutgers University who wrote 
Clouds of Secrecy, a book on the government's germ testing program, said the new 
disclosures were troubling but grimly logical.

They're important because they add to a whole pool of knowledge about what the 
military was doing, he said. But they don't shock me. We've known that the Army had 
exposed human subjects to biological agents, though always with permission.

If there was no informed consent, Dr. Cole added, that would be a big deal. I know 
of no large-scale testing on human subjects with chemical or biological weapons that 
was performed without some level of informed consent.

A number of the SHAD tests used harmless simulants that were meant to mimic and trace 
the dissemination of real agents. But others used deadly chemicals and germs.

One test, named Fearless Johnny, was carried out southwest of Honolulu during August 
and September of 1965. The George Eastman, a Navy cargo ship, was sprayed with VX 
nerve agent and a simulant to evaluate 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Terror Roadblock???

2002-05-24 Thread Sammark4

This is intense IMO.




FBI Lawyer Tells of Terror 'Roadblock'
Inquiry: In a bitter and detailed letter, the
Minneapolis official says the bureau failed to act on
its agents' suspicions in Moussaoui case.
Times Staff Writers

May 24 2002

WASHINGTON -- An FBI official in Minneapolis has
lashed out at bureau headquarters for putting up a
roadblock and failing to act aggressively enough in
pursuing suspicions in August surrounding flight
school student Zacarias Moussaoui, sources said

The detailed, sometimes bitter letter from Coleen
Rowley, an FBI lawyer, revealed that agents in her
office were reprimanded for seeking assistance from
the CIA in the case after they were dissatisfied with
the response from the FBI in Washington, according to
a government official familiar with the classified

Rowley's letter, sent Tuesday to FBI Director Robert
S. Mueller III and congressional intelligence
committee members, contained bureaucratic language
laced with outrage: When, in a desperate
eleventh-hour measure to bypass the FBI HQ roadblock,
the Minneapolis division undertook to directly notify
the CIA's counterterrorist center, FBI HQ personnel
chastised the Minneapolis agents for making the direct
notification without their approval.

Rowley also criticized officials at FBI headquarters
in Washington for rejecting Minnesota agents' request
for a secret search and surveillance of Moussaoui last
summer, weeks before the Sept. 11 hijackings. And she
accused Mueller and other senior officials of trying
to circle the wagons in their recent defense of the
bureau's performance.

Mueller, who sources said faced heated questioning
about the letter in a closed-door meeting with
lawmakers earlier this week, said Thursday he has
referred the matter to the Justice Department's
inspector general's office for investigation.

While I cannot comment on the specifics of the
letter, I am convinced that a different approach is
required toward counterintelligence operations,
Mueller said in a statement.

New strategies, new technologies, new analytical
capacities and a different culture make us an agency
that is changing post-9/11, he said. There is no
room after the attacks for the types of problems and
attitudes that could inhibit our efforts.

The FBI has come under swelling criticism in recent
weeks over its alleged failure to pick up on warning
signs before Sept. 11, including the suspicions of a
Phoenix FBI agent who warned in July that Middle
Eastern flight school students in Arizona might be
planning an attack. The Minneapolis letter is sure to
ratchet up that criticism even further.

Sen. Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.), ranking Republican on
the Senate Intelligence Committee, questioned Mueller
intensely about Rowley's letter in a closed briefing
Wednesday, and the senator was said to be very angry
about the FBI's failure to act, according to a
congressional source.

Moussaoui, a French citizen of Moroccan descent, was
taken into custody in Minneapolis in August on an
immigration violation after his instructors at a
flight training school thought he was acting
suspiciously. He wanted to learn how to fly 747s, a
jetliner far above his experience level, and he paid
the $8,000 fee in cash.

Agents with the FBI's Minneapolis field office wanted
approval to execute a search warrant and conduct
secret wiretaps under the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act, or FISA, which allows the government
to monitor suspected foreign agents or terrorists with
the approval of a secret court in Washington. But
officials at FBI headquarters turned down the request,
saying they did not have enough evidence to act. They
refused to pass the request along to the Justice
Department and the FISA court, and Moussaoui was not
conclusively linked to any terrorist plot before Sept.

But subsequent investigation after the attacks on the
World Trade Center and the Pentagon revealed evidence
that Moussaoui may have planned to be the 20th
hijacker had he not been taken into custody. A search
of his computer and his belongings turned up a flight
simulation program, along with information about
crop-dusters and other suspicious material, officials
said. That material led the Justice Department to warn
about possible attacks using crop-dusters to spread
biological agents.

Moussaoui was charged with conspiracy to commit murder
in the hijackings, and he is facing the death penalty
if convicted. After a defiant courtroom tirade several
weeks ago calling for the destruction of America, he
is now seeking to represent himself in court. His
trial is scheduled to begin in Alexandria, Va., this

The handling of the Moussaoui case before Sept. 11 has
stirred questions for months, but Rowley's letter
represents the first in-house attack and adds
significant new details to the public record.

In her detailed 13-page letter, 

[CTRL] Fight against the reinstatement of the Draft!

2002-05-24 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-

What You Can Do:
  Fill in the form below to send a petition to your U.S. Representative.


Fight against the reinstatement of the Draft!

Friends: Late last year, Rep. Nick Smith, (R-MI) has introduced a bill, H.R.
3598, which calls for the reinstatement of the draft. This bill must be
stopped; we ask you to sign our petition against its passage. We believe that
the government has no claim on your life, and certainly no right to force you
to fight in a war. The draft is immoral and - given the
high-tech/low-manpower nature of modern warfare requiring few but highly
skilled soldiers, completely unnecessary for national defense.

Rep. Smith’s bill to reinstate the draft flies in the face of liberty, and
all freedom-loving Americans should feel threatened by it. National
emergencies are the number one excuse for restricting liberty, but remember
the famous words of Benjamin Franklin; “They that can give up essential
liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor
safety.” Liberty is more than an abstract principle; it is a cause that must
be fought for every day, in times of peace and in times of war.

Accordingly, we oppose the adoption of Rep. Nick Smith's bill, HR 3598, to
reinstate the draft.

What You Can Do:
  Fill in the form below to send a petition to your U.S. Representative.

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2002-05-24 Thread Sammark4

(same story as Terror Roadblock subject header but worth repeating.)



BuzzFlash bets the shredders are working overtime at the White House and FBI 
headquarters tonight!


An FBI whistle-blower alleges FBI headquarters rewrote Minnesota agents' pre-Sept. 11 
request for surveillance and search warrants for terrorism defendant Zacarias 
Moussaoui and removed important information before rejecting them, government 
officials said Friday.

Agent Coleen Rowley wrote that the Minnesota agents became so frustrated by roadblocks 
erected by terrorism supervisors in Washington that they began to joke that FBI 
headquarters was becoming an unwitting accomplice to Osama bin Laden's efforts to 
attack the United States, the officials said.

The full article is the current headline story on BuzzFlash.com.

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---End Message---

[CTRL] Ruppert's FTW warned of website attack

2002-05-23 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-



LOS ANGELES, May 22, 2002, 5 PM PST – (FTW) This morning, FTW received word
from a prominent web investigation group that the From The Wilderness website
has been targeted for a Denial of Service (DOS) attack.

...They said that the code and setup was the most sophisticated they had ever
seen...they were impressed.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: [the_octopus] Mexico ATTACKS United States of America

2002-05-23 Thread Sammark4



INS confirms border incident with Mexico
By Bill McAllister
Denver Post Washington Bureau Chief

Wednesday, May 22, 2002 - WASHINGTON - Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., accused
the Mexican army Tuesday of staging a military incursion Friday night into
southern Arizona that ended with Mexican soldiers firing shots at a U.S.
Border Patrol vehicle.

Lori Haley, an Immigration and Naturalization spokeswoman, confirmed that an
incident occurred in a remote area near Ajo, Ariz.

A U.S. agent spotted three Mexican soldiers in a Mexican Humvee on U.S. soil
and was attempting to leave the area when the rear window of his vehicle was
apparently shattered by gunfire, she said. The agent was leaving the area
in an effort to avoid a confrontation with the Mexicans, she said.

Because of the seriousness of the incident Haley said, U.S. authorities
launched a formal investigation and are asking Mexican authorities to do the

The Mexican government previously has rejected Tancredo's charges that
Mexican police and military units frequently cross the border. Tancredo, who
leads a group of lawmakers opposed to liberalizing immigration laws, has
said U.S. officials believe the incursions are related to drug trafficking.

The Republican from Littleton said he fears gunplay between U.S. and Mexican
authorities unless officials stop the incursions. Unless we open our eyes
and recognize that what's happening along the U.S.-Mexico border is real,
one of our guys is going to get killed, he said.

The INS confirmed the incident, but Tancredo's version differed somewhat. He
said 10 soldiers were involved and the shot damaged more than the Border
Patrol's rear window. He also said the Mexicans came 10 miles into the U.S
before they were spotted.

Tancredo said U.S. agents believe the shots were fired because Mexican
authorities were pursuing drug dealers into the U.S.

They are saying they had interdicted a huge shipment of drugs, he said.
Therefore everyone was antsy.

But regardless of the circumstances, they had happy trigger fingers, he

The U.S. vehicle was clearly marked and should have been recognizable, he

The agent told him,  As far as I am concerned, that (incursion) should be
an act of war,'  Tancredo said.

On May 3, Tancredo wrote Mexican President Vicente Fox demanding that he
halt incursions by Mexican law enforcement officers into the U.S.

Fox didn't respond.


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[CTRL] Fwd: Here's What Bush Knew, A BuzzFlash Reader News Analysis

2002-05-23 Thread Sammark4



Here's What Bush Knew, A BuzzFlash Reader News Analysis



Here's What Bush Knew

by Susan DeSantis

May 23, 2002


So let me get this straight.

1. The Bush administration takes office and gives the Taliban $43 million while it's 
planning to attack them and take over for a planned pipeline.

2. While bin Laden is attacking our Embassies and military installations around the 
world, his family is contracting to repair the damage and has deep connections to 
Bush's father.

3. While Bush is telling Ca. they made their own bed and won't talk to state 
officials, he's talking to Enron in secret meetings, and is planning our energy policy 
with Cheney.


For all 19 very interesting pieces of information, including many links to sources, 
visit BuzzFlash:



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[CTRL] German protesters jeer Bush's visit to Europe

2002-05-23 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-


Posted on Thu, May. 23, 2002

German protesters jeer Bush's visit to Europe
Herald World Staff


BERLIN - Seeking support for U.S. policies that are unpopular across Europe,
President Bush was met by thousands of protesters Wednesday night as he
opened a four-country tour in Germany's capital.

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[CTRL] White House releases material on Enron contacts

2002-05-23 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-


Posted on Thu, May. 23, 2002

White House releases material on Enron contacts
New York Times Service


WASHINGTON - White House officials had more extensive contacts with Enron
executives in 2001 than previously disclosed, according to a document
released by the Bush administration Wednesday in response to a request for
information from a Senate committee.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Bush gets a lecture from Parliament President

2002-05-23 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-


Bush Tackles Terrorism, Trade in German Address
Speech Preceded by Policy Lecture From Parliament's President

By Dana Milbank
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, May 23, 2002; 1:26 PM


As Bush sat impassively, Thierse declared that we need coordinated action
to combat global warming, urging Bush to reconsider his opposition to the
Kyoto accord. Bush did not join in the applause that followed. Thierse then
scolded Bush's rejection of the International Criminal Court, saying Germany
hopes to be moving forward together with our American friends.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] priest and GHB, bishop, florida vote fraud, mail searches

2002-05-23 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-

  I read about this in detail in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.  It looks to
me as if they had a consensual sexual relationship 20 years ago - the
Archbishop and the 30 year old Paul Marcoux - and then Marcoux manipulated
the Arch out of his personal funds and then laid these accusations on him in
order to get more $ - which he did.  Looks like extortion to me.  Marcoux got
his 450K in 1998, and has violated the terms of the agreement by speaking
publicly about it.




In a message dated 5/23/02 7:57:47 PM Central Daylight Time,

 ABC: Wis. Bishop Settled Sex Claim - 5/23/02 - Milwaukee - Archbishop
  Weakland, who has adopted a zero tolerance policy toward abusive priests,
  agreed in 1998 to pay $450,000 to a man who accused him of sex assault,
  according to documents cited Thursday by ABC News. The report came a day
  after the Roman Catholic bishop of Lexington, Ky., temporarily stepped
  from his pastoral duties in the wake of a lawsuit filed by a man for
  sexual abuse.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Jeff Bridges J Larry Brown - Hunger Homeland Security

2002-05-23 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-


Homeland Security Doesn't Start with Hunger
Jeff Bridges and J. Larry Brown

  Seven thousand years after the world's first civilizations formed to
protect human populations against hunger, the wealthiest and most powerful
country in recorded history somehow finds itself unable to protect its own
people from the most basic scourge of our species. Putting it this way,
however, is not quite accurate. The 31 million Americans who go hungry, cut
down on meal sizes because they haven't enough money to buy food, or simply
have no idea where their next meal will come from, are not really the victims
of inability but the failure of political leadership.  After all, a nation
that has unequaled wealth, extensive administrative capacity, and produces
more than enough food for its people and much of the rest of the world,
doesn't let its most vulnerable citizens go hungry because it cannot do

  When one sees an equation like hunger and wealth, it typically stems from
dictatorship or civil strife. In the U.S., where neither is the case, what we
have is old-fashioned indifference on the part of national policy makers.
There exists no political payoff for ending hunger: no leader will be
punished if it continues, and none will be rewarded for helping to end it...
at least as things now stand. It was not always this way, not even in recent
history. In the 1960s, the nation responded to reports of widespread hunger
in the nation. President Richard Nixon and a Democratic Congress responded by
weaving a safety net to protect our people from hunger: the food stamp
program became national in scope, child nutrition programs like WIC and
school breakfast were instituted, and elderly feeding programs created to
guard against want during life's so-called golden years. A decade later
investigating physicians found that this leadership had made a difference;
where they had seen deprivation ten years earlier they now found filled
stomachs. Poverty still existed, to be sure, but the poor were fed.

  Since the 1980s, however, hunger has returned with a vengeance, the result
of small-minded policy changes that distributed wealth upward and hardship
downward. Since then no president, of either party, has even acknowledged the
suffering, let alone mobilized the country to address it. America has the
capacity to end hunger in six months if we could convince our leaders to do
so. Our nation has programs that work, and we have the administrative
structures already in place. What we need is resolve, in the form of $8 to $9
billion more annually, to see that the programs reach all in need Ð an
amount, by the way, that is less than one-tenth of one percent of our annual
budget. But it will take pressure to get Washington officials to stop
ignoring hunger or focusing on charity as an answer.

  They would not suggest defending the integrity of our national borders
through private charities, and neither should they subject the nutritional
well-being of our citizens to the vagaries of local handouts. Today, we have
thousands of charitable programs doing all they can to stem the growing tide
of hunger, and we commend their marvelous endurance and incredible
commitment. But to actually end hunger in America, all of us must now work
together to mobilize national leaders to pursue policies that protect our
families and children from this fully-preventable scourge.

Actor and longtime hunger activist Jeff Bridges now chairs an entertainment
industry initiative known as Hunger Free America (www.hungerfreeamerica.org).
Dr. Brown, Distinguished Scientist at Brandeis University's Heller Graduate
School, directs the National Center on Hunger and Poverty, a cosponsor of HFA.

[extra paragraphs breaks inserted by me  - Laura]

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] 53 min. discussion w/ruppert

2002-05-22 Thread Sammark4



good discussion
ruppert is excellent
civil and informative.


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2002-05-22 Thread Sammark4




Fort Stewart soldier jailed in Florida on $5 million bond

Police believe soldier tried to plant explosive device at power plant.

By Noelle Phillips
Savannah Morning News

Jacksonville, Fla., police arrested a Fort Stewart soldier Saturday after finding him 
armed, wearing black clothes and leaving a power plant where he allegedly left an 

Spc. Derek Lawrence Peterson, 27, is being held on a $5 million bond by the 
Jacksonville Sheriff's Office Department of Corrections. He has been charged with 
attempting to detonate an explosive device.

Peterson belongs to B Company, 1st Battalion, 64th Armor and has been stationed at 
Fort Stewart since March, said Dina McCain, a Fort Stewart spokeswoman.

McCain said she did not know whether Army investigators were involved with the case 
and referred all questions about it to Jacksonville police.

An officer with the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office stopped Peterson at 11:15 p.m. 
Saturday for speeding. The officer found Peterson wearing all black clothing and 
black, plastic pads on his knees and elbows, according to a sheriff's department 
report. He also had a pistol in a shoulder holster.

The officer recognized Peterson's black 2002 Chevrolet Silverado pickup because he had 
noticed it backed up to the Florida Power and Light station's main gate 30 minutes 
earlier as he drove to assist another officer.

The officer searched Peterson's truck and found a 12-inch knife, a six-inch knife, a 
12-gauge shotgun, shotgun shells, .45-caliber bullets, four ammo magazines, a six-volt 
battery, duct tape, speaker wire and plastic from an explosive device, the report said.

After being informed of his rights, wrote arresting officer D.F. Valiante, the 
suspect advised me that he was on the power plant property to practice recon tactics.

Police followed footprints on a dirt road at the power plant and found an explosive 
device underneath the power lines, the report said.

Peterson allegedly told police he had placed a Hoffman explosive device, equal in 
power to a half-stick of dynamite. He had planned to detonate the explosive but was 
worried that he would be injured in the blast, the report said. Instead, Peterson 
removed a six-volt battery and threw it into the woods.

A bomb squad disposed of the explosive.

Peterson's next court date is June 4. He is not allowed visitors at the jail, 
according to the corrections department.

Military reporter Noelle Phillips can be reached at phillips  savannahnow.com or 

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[CTRL] Fwd: Democrats.com Daily News for May 22, 2002

2002-05-22 Thread Sammark4


interesting - the web page that showed Pentagon MASCAL exercises including
responding to a downed plane hitting the Pentagon (in 2000) was scrubbed, and
then unscrubbed a few days later.  BUT the photos of the exercise remain
scrubbed.  See below, second article summary.


___DEMOCRATS.COMThe Aggressive Progressives__

Democrats.com is the largest independent community of Democrats.
We publish the only Democratic daily news service - and it's free!
Our members make it possible through generous contributions.
Please help by clicking below!

___.COMPOSITION__In This Issue___

Anti-Bush Protests

AT LAST!!! 18 Months Late, the Bush Administration Admits the Florida Election Was 

After the Democrats.com Expose', Rove, Rumsfeld  Rice Scrub the Pentagon Planning 
Page - and a Whole Government Web Site!

President Gore Would Have Heeded the Warning Signals that the Bush / Ashcroft Axis of 
Incompetence Ignored

Heads Should Roll - Starting With John Ashcroft

Bush Incompetence Hides Behind a Veil of Executive Privilege

'No Warnings' - Bush's Unforgiveable Lie

Meria Heller Interviews Lt. Mike Vreeland, Who Warned About 911

FBI Bureaucrats Put Phoenix Memo Into the 'Circular File' - Let's Do the Same With 
Their Careers!

Back in July 2001, Ashcroft Was Told to Fly Leased Aircraft for the Rest of His Term – 
As a Result of an FBI Threat Assessment

How Low Can They Go? Laura Bush (R-Phony) Calls Us 'Ghouls' for Wanting Answers

Dire New Terror Warnings Are Part of a Two-Pronged Political Strategy to Cover Bush's 

Is that a Yellow Dog Being Wagged -- or a Red / Green Dog?

Remember the OTHER Bush 911 Photo?

Madeleine Albright Says Team Bush Has 'Untreated Bipolar Disorder'

All Actions of Bush, Cheney, and Rice in 2001 were Driven by Oil

Bush Crony Capitalism Goes Global through the Carlyle Group

Hastert Vetted Murder and Torture in Columbia

Shrub's Latest Judicial Pick Would Scrap Miranda Rights!

Corporate Publishing Giant Rodale Seeks to Torpedo Freedom of Information on Internet 
by Making Article Links Illegal

__Anti-Bush Protests

On 5/22, protest Bush in Berlin. On 5/24, protest Chief Injustice Rehnquist in 
Milwaukee, WI. On 5/25, protest Bush's wars in San Francisco.

__AT LAST!!! 18 Months Late, the Bush Administration Admits the Florida Election Was 

Washington Post's Tom Edsall reports, The Justice Department disclosed yesterday it 
will file suit in three Florida counties charging voting rights violations in the 2000 
presidential election... [They] expect the counties and municipalities to admit 
wrongdoing and agree to take steps to prevent recurrences of problems in the 2002 
elections... Boyd said the allegations include improper purges of voter rolls, 
'disparate' treatment of minorities in the voting process, failures to provide 
required voter registration material in certain public places and inaccessible 
balloting for disabled voters. Boyd's announcement is the first formal action taken by 
the Bush administration to deal with the politically explosive controversies that 
surrounded the 2000 election in Florida. The suits would not seek to overturn the 
presidential election's results, which ultimately were decided by the U.S. Supreme 
Court. We demand CRIMINAL prosecutions of the thieves who Stole the Presidency!!!

__After the Democrats.com Expose', Rove, Rumsfeld  Rice Scrub the Pentagon Planning 
Page - and a Whole Government Web Site!

On 5-20-02, Democrats.com exposed Condi Rice's Big Lie that no one ever expected the 
Pentagon to be hit by a civilian airliner. According to the official government Web 
site of the Military District of Washington (www.mdw.army.mil), the Pentagon ITSELF 
planned in detail how it would respond to just such a scenario from October 24-26 
2000. And this was no low-level exercise, since it took place in the Office of the 
Secretaries of Defense conference room! Folks, we must have found something REALLY 
EXPLOSIVE - because not only did Rove  Rumsfeld  Rice scrub this article, they 
scrubbed the whole Military District of Washington Web site! Luckily, we kept a copy 
of the article (see below). Call your Representatives (202-224-3121) and the media and 
demand the truth about the Pentagon's civilian airline crash exercise in October 2000!

__President Gore Would Have Heeded the Warning Signals that the Bush / Ashcroft Axis 
of Incompetence Ignored

Aaron Marr Page wrote in January, If Bush's advisers hadn't been so instinctively 
dismissive of all things Clinton, they might have had a [terrorism policy within two 
months] of Bush's inauguration. [But the] only Middle East issue that the Bush 
administration apparently gave a damn about was Saddam Hussein...  And here's where we 

[CTRL] Caroline Kennedy Meets the Press... by Cheryl Seal

2002-05-22 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-


Cheryl's Daily Diatribe:
Tuesday, May 14, 2002

Caroline Kennedy Meets the Press and Soars above the Slings and Arrows of
Outrageous Russerts

  Caroline Kennedy must have felt like she'd wandered into a seedy bar
when she appeared on Meet the Press with Tim Russert and Bob Woodward on
May 12. Kennedy was part of a round table discussion that was supposed to
be devoted to a new version of Profiles in Courage for Our Time (the
original was, of course, by JFK) which she helped to edit and write. That she
would agree to go onto the same stage with Tim Russert shows incredible
optimism... or a strong stomach... or amazing stamina...or perhaps all of the
  What a contrast! The classy, self-possessed and unpretentious Caroline
on one hand, the pontificating, outrageously self-important and belligerent
Russert on the other. Russert, whose face seems to balloon more each week,
while his beetly brow grows more beetly, acted like some old barfly trying to
bait the other, less soused patrons of the joint into an argument or reduce
them to tears. Bob Woodward, off on the sidelines, reminded me of some washed
up has-been you find hiding in a dark corner of a bar, looking hunted and
guilty, lamenting his finer days and proffering lame excuses to those near
and dear as he sniffles into his beer. Alas, the guy who exposed Watergate
now he seems more interested in keeping buffoons like Russert appeased than
offering anything of worth to the field of journalism.
  Russert treated Kennedy badly — though in a snotty, passive-aggressive,
sneaky fashion. But everyone sees through this — after all, we all have at
least one dreaded relative who systematically sets out to ruin family
occasions in much the same way Russert operates. He asked Kennedy about one
of the people she had selected for a special award — one Dean Colhaven, a
Republican Mayor in Illinois who defended the right of Muslims to build a
mosque in his town. When she mentioned that Colhaven eventually lost his bid
for reelection, Russert broke in with snide satisfaction, Not just defeated,
but he came in a distant third. And then was sued by the very people he was
trying to help. You almost hear Russert thinking, Yeah, what a sucker! Nice
guys finish last. And all for a bunch of towel heads!
  The discussion, of course, was supposed to be about the Profiles in
Courage concept — Kennedy's concept...but Russert kept babbling on about
Nixon, as if by shoving Nixon into Kennedy's limelight he could somehow plump
up the Crook's image. At one point, Russert commented that from early on in
his career, so much of his political coverage had been fixated on...
There's a slight pause, and of course everyone — the audience, Caroline,
probably even the cameramen — all think he's going to say Kennedy, because,
Russert WAS a liberal Democrat back before he discovered he liked money more
than principles (one of Russert's actual statements was Integrity is for
paupers!). But it's a set up — Russert instead says John Kennedy AND
Richard Nixon. Equal billing for the leader and the loser. The idea being,
of course, to see Caroline's face fall and hear her stammer a confused reply.
But nope, Caroline remained collected throughout the ordeal, like Alice at
the Mad Hatter's tea party — even when Russert said, with old barfly cruelty,
So, Caroline, now that your father's gone, your uncle's gone, your mother's
gone, and your brother's gone, are you going to carry on the family torch?
With his tone, he may as well have said So, honey, now that your whole
family is DEAD, all of them DEAD, how does it feel?
  But Caroline seemed prepared for anything — who wouldn't be, knowing
anything about Russert, who is a step below Rush Limbaugh on the protozoan
food chain (at least Limbaugh doesn't pretend to be anything other than a
pontificating old rightwing windbag on the take from corpolitical patrons).
So, even when Russert brutally showed a photo of Jackie Kennedy taken during
her last year when illness had clearly taken its toll - a gesture that seemed
to stretch for some Kennedy bashing impact on the public or at least to wring
a few tears from his guest — Caroline remained poised and in doing so make
Russert's buffoonery stand out in stark relief.
  Instead of taking the Kennedys down a notch, as he so clearly was
trying to do, Russert succeeded only in making the viewer realize just how
many painful miles lie between Camelot and Crawford.

© 2002, Cheryl Seal
Cheryl may be contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[CTRL] Fwd: White House Admits Terror Warnings Used To Fend Off Criticism From The ...

2002-05-22 Thread Sammark4

In a message dated 5/22/02 4:08:43 PM Central Daylight Time,

 However, White House officials told reporters that the blunt warnings
 yesterday and Sunday do not reflect a dramatic increase in threatening
 information but rather a desire to fend off criticism from the Democrats.

see below for more


This article forwarded to you by BuzzFlash:

However, White House officials told reporters that the blunt warnings issued 
yesterday and Sunday do not reflect a dramatic increase in threatening information but 
rather a desire to fend off criticism from the Democrats.

(link at bottom)


U.S. issues new warnings on terror

White House tries to counter Bush's critics


Tuesday, May 21, 2002 ? Print Edition, Page A11

As U.S. officials continued to issue warnings yesterday about the possibility of 
attacks by suicide bombers and terrorists, the White House quietly acknowledged that 
the threats are not urgent and that they are partly motivated by political objectives.

FBI director Robert Mueller told an audience of lawyers that the United States is 
likely some day to experience Israel-style suicide bombings, while the Immigration and 
Naturalization Service warned that it is unable to keep track of potential terrorists 
holding student visas.

There will be another terrorist attack. We will not be able to stop it, Mr. Mueller 
told a gathering of prosecutors in Virginia. It's something we all live with.

However, White House officials told reporters that the blunt warnings issued yesterday 
and Sunday do not reflect a dramatic increase in threatening information but rather a 
desire to fend off criticism from the Democrats.

Last week, Democrats criticized the Republican administration for its failure to warn 
Americans about al-Qaeda terrorism in the months before the Sept. 11 attacks.

A senior administration official with knowledge of U.S. intelligence said yesterday 
that the new warnings, issued by Vice-President Dick Cheney on Sunday and by Mr. 
Mueller yesterday, are designed to give Americans better notice and to protect 
President George W. Bush against second-guessing in the event of another attack.

A top White House aide said that last week's criticism prompted a two-pronged 
political response: Mr. Bush accused Democrats of playing politics with the issue 
while his advisers reminded voters that the United States is still a target.

Although reports of communications among suspected al-Qaeda members have increased in 
recent weeks, the White House has not elevated its level of alert from code yellow 
and has no plan to do so, several officials said. Yellow means there is a significant 
risk of attack, a status that has remained unchanged since the colour code was 
established in mid-March.

In response to what you heard over the weekend, I would say [the threats are] 
relatively non-specific and we are watching it extremely closely, said 
Lieutenant-General Gregory Newbold, senior planning officer on the U.S. military's 
Joint Staff.

Nevertheless, the United States was rife with warnings yesterday that its buildings, 
borders and facilities are still vulnerable to terror attacks. Owners of apartment 
buildings were warned again to look out for suspicious tenants, and officials in 
Orlando, Fla., and New York City cautioned that their drinking-water systems are 
highly vulnerable.

According to The New York Times, thousands of foreigners have illegally obtained 
Social Security numbers, a form of identity fraud that would allow terrorists to live 
undetected within U.S. borders for long periods.

At the same time, the Immigration and Naturalization Service said in a 180-page report 
that its system of keeping track of student-visa holders is riddled with 
inaccuracies, gathered using procedures that are untimely and significantly flawed, 
and that the records of visa holders are incomplete and unreliable. Several of the 
Sept. 11 terrorists used student visas to enter the United States. The INS said its 
new, more secure computer system will not be ready by January, as originally scheduled.

Yesterday, members of the Senate intelligence committee reiterated Mr. Cheney's 
warnings about terror attacks in the future, while toning down his rhetoric by saying 
that such attacks could take place months or years from now.

I believe it's going to come, Republican Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama said. 
Now, whether you mean by imminent, is it going to happen today, tomorrow or two 
years? We're not sure.

Other officials and politicians said al-Qaeda is not the only Islamic terror group 
capable of launching attacks against the United States.

Our enemy is not al-Qaeda alone, Democratic Senator Bob Graham of Florida said. 
There are several international terrorist groups which have abilities, in some cases 
greater abilities, than al-Qaeda and a similar desire to attack the United 

[CTRL] John O'Neill had the Phoenix Memo

2002-05-22 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-

(You have to register and/or sign in to read this but the articles are free
for 30 days.)


Ashcroft Learned of Agent's Alert Just After 9/11 but Bush Was Not Told



  The Phoenix memorandum is one of two documents under heavy scrutiny by
Congressional investigators

... The memorandum was sent to counterterrorism offices in two cities — one
copy went to John O'Neill, then the top counterterrorism agent in the
F.B.I.'s New York office. Mr. O'Neill retired from the F.B.I. in late August.
He had just begun a job as the security chief of the World Trade Center when
he was killed in the attacks.

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[CTRL] NY Metro - Indepth story on John O'Neill

2002-05-22 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-


Wednesday, May 22, 2002


O'Neill Versus Osama


Most of the victims of the September 11 attack seemed tragically random --
they were just going to work.  Not John O'Neill. Until last August, he'd been
the FBI's top expert on Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, a lead investigator of
the USS Cole and African embassy bombings.  Leaving the Bureau in
frustration, he'd taken a job he thought of as retirement: World Trade Center
security chief. But when he died it became clear: His own life contained as
many mysteries as his enemy's.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] John O'Neill, FBI Hero, Got Word in July, Was Rebuffed, Retired In Anger

2002-05-22 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-



John O'Neill, FBI Hero, Got Word in July, Was Rebuffed, Retired In Anger

NY Times, Incredibly, Reports And Then Blows Huge Story

A Crucial Piece Of The Bush Scandal Puzzle?

In a stunning revelation, the New York Times has reported that among the two
FBI office counterterrorism chiefs who received the now famously neglected
Phoenix memorandum last July was none other than John O'Neill -- then the top
counterterrorist officer in the FBI's New York City's office, and the FBI's
leading expert on Osama bin Laden.

O'Neill knew perfectly well what Al Qaeda was up to, and had been knocking on
doors (and, at times, heads) for years to get his colleagues and superiors to
understand what he did.

The last straw came in July 2001, when (as he told the French authors
Guillaume Dasquié and Jean-Charles Brisard in an interview), O'Neill became
fully aware that the Bush administration, anxious over negotiations for a
Caspian Sea oil pipe line, had decided to back off of tracking bin Laden and
opposing the Taliban, lest it risk alienating powerful Saudi families.
Instead of going after the Taliban and bin Laden, the Bush Administration
decided to negotiate and try to buy off the Taliban and bin Laden.

Unfortunately for the Administration, the pipe-line negotiations broke down
in August.

And on September 11, bin Laden struck.

What no one has known until now is that at the very moment that O'Neill was
finally giving up, in July, he was being apprised of the Phoenix memorandum
-- a memo, it seems, that practically nobody inside the Bush Administration
was willing to treat seriously other than himself.

At the end of August, in disgust, O'Neill left the FBI to take what he
somewhat ruefully regarded as his retirement job --as head of security at
the World Trade Center.  There, on September 11, John O'Neill died at the
hands of his arch-enemy bin Laden's fiendish followers.

Connect the dots?  Well, duh!  O'Neill got the Phoenix message.  No one would
listen.  No one.  The Bushies had backed off bin Laden. So O'Neill changed
jobs -- and went on to die a martyr's death.  While all the people who
ignored him, on up the chain to the Oval Office, live on -- ghoulishly making
political hay out of his sacrifice and their own incompetence -- and, in a
sense, their own perfidy.

But here's the really amazing thing -- having unearthed this blockbuster, the
New York Times reporters David Johnston and Don Van Natta, Jr., simply bury
it in their story.

They report, incredibly, that O'Neill simply retired back in August --
ignoring the well-known background, leaving the dots unconnected!!

What did O'Neill know back in July?  Whom did he try to warn?  What happened
when he did so? What did his retirement -- and its tragic consequences --
have to do with his frustrated efforts to get Bush's people to listen to him
about the Phoenix memo, and/or about everything else he knew about Osama bin
Laden's clear and present danger to American lives?

Here are some questions that the Bush people don't want asked, by the New
York Times, by a National Board of Investigation, or by anyone else.

Who among ye Whores will have the guts to ask them -- and then have the
additional guts to find the answers?

If you can't be stirred by common decency or by human justice or by
old-fashioned professionalism, listen to this -- there's a Pulitzer Prize
here for someone with enough guts.

Just connect the dots -- and do some intelligent reporting.

In death, the hero John O'Neill may just turn out to be the central clue to
solving the Bush 9/11 scandal.

Which will still be cruel -- but at least might lead to justice.

© 2002 Media Whores Online.

Full Stories:

New York Times
New York Magazine

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Cynthia's Revenge

2002-05-22 Thread Sammark4


very funny - about a very non-funny situation



'No warnings'
Truth launches surprise attack on Bush and critics of McKinney


To comprehend the real hilarity of the current meltdown at 1600
Pennsylvania Ave., review (and relish) the very un-presidential
activities of the occupant during the last week.

First, there was this tidbit: Maximum Commandante Dick Cheney sends
out invitations to GOP loyalists for a June 19 dinner to honor
President-Figurehead W for, among other things, confronting and
fighting terrorism. Wrapping the administration in the flag and
castigating critics as treasonous is, of course, the favorite spin-
tactic of this hell-bent-on-authoritarianism administration.

That I got one of these invites (sorry, Dick, but our publisher won't
let me write off $25,000 for a table for 10 to my expense account)
shows just how utterly incompetent the administration is at assessing
friends and foes.

Among the perks for stuffing the GOP's pockets, the White House
promised some photos, including one of Bush on Air Force One Sept.

Without a doubt, that's raising campaign cash while standing on a
pile of corpses. The awful tastelessness of the gutter-level ploy
gagged even the docile, fearful-to-be-called-unpatriotic Democrats
and mainstream media.

Just as that rather tepid little bit of Bush smarminess was beginning
to subside, the really big, smelly chunk of merde hit the air-
circulating system.

Prior to Sept. 11, Bush had had warnings -- oh yes he had -- about a
terrorist threat. His mouthpiece, Ari Fleischer, had lied -- oh yes
he had and despicably so -- when shortly after 3,000 innocent people
died in the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks, the spokesman
proclaimed no warnings.

The press has acted as if this story smashed into their computers
with no warnings. But it's been there all along. The Los Angeles
Times' very savvy Washington reporter, Richard Serrano, reported
Sept. 20 -- nine days after the terrorist attack -- that FBI and CIA
officials were advised in August that as many as 200 terrorists were
slipping into this country and planning 'a major assault on the
United States.'

No one paid much attention to Serrano, because to have done so would
have risked the ire of the administration. As with other emperor-has-
no-clothes stories -- such as the suspicious activities of more than
a hundred of Israelis, dozens of whom were collared while trying to
penetrate federal facilities, reported by CL, Fox News, Salon.com,
among others -- most of the establishment suck-up press put on

Even after CBS broke the story mid-week that there had been credible
warnings of a terrorist attack, many in the press did their damnedest
to see no evil. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, for example, buried
a teensy report on page B4 of last Thursday's paper. The national
press was equally slow to react until the mounting howls of outrage
from Capitol Hill made reporting on the debacle unavoidable.

But let's talk about Cynthia McKinney for a minute. This is the fun

On March 25, the DeKalb congresswoman, who certainly isn't shy about
stating her mind (that's called understatement), gave an interview
on a Berkeley, Calif., radio station in which she raised two points.

First, she made this statement: We know there were numerous warnings
of the events to come on Sept. 11th. What did this administration
know and when did it know it, about the events of Sept. 11th? Who
else knew, and why did they not warn the innocent people of New York
who were needlessly murdered? What do they have to hide?

And she raised the issue that people close to the Bush administration
were poised to make a bundle off the war -- especially the Carlyle
Group, a sort of shadow government that is the perfect expression of
the military-industrial complex. Carlyle, McKinney commented, made
a quarter-billion bucks in one day recently by selling stock in its
subsidiary United Defense Industries, a scheme made possible by the
post-9-11 arms build-up.

And, yes, W's dad, former President George H.W. Bush, is busily
bellying up to the Carlyle feeding trough. And, yes, as Republican
Sen. John McCain and others have noted, there is an orgy of arms
profiteering going on -- some of it obvious (a Boeing deal that would
have gouged taxpayers for $20 billion to lease 100 tankers, then re-
gouged us when the company took the planes back) and some not so
obvious (the total cave-in to globalization).

What McKinney did not say was that W had allowed the Sept. 11 attack
to occur so that Dad and his billionaire buddies could profit. But by
putting the two thoughts in relatively close temporal proximity, she
all but hung a target on herself.

And, boy, did the critics have a mud-splattering orgy at McKinney's
expense! Bush spokesman Scott McLellan called her
comments ludicrous, baseless views. Georgia U.S. Sen. Zell Miller


2002-05-21 Thread Sammark4





The New York Times, in a breathless exclusive from unnamed government officials, 
once again dutifully does the P.R. work for the White House. They swallow an 
implausible story, tossed to them like a dog bone, fashioned to protect the 
President.  Of course, two BuzzFlash readers saw through it in a minute, and these 
readers aren't getting paid what New York Times transcriptionists (aka journalists) 
and editors earn.  We're sure of that.

Regarding: B.S. Alert. The New York Times Thinks This is Some Sort of Exclusive, But 
It's More of Protect the President Leaking: Ashcroft Learned of Agent's Alert Just 
After 9/11 but Bush Was Not Told


Dear Buzz:

So if I understand this correctly .

Two or three days after the attacks, Dale Watson, who was then assistant director for 
counterterrorism, brought the (Arizona) memorandum to the attention of Mr. Pickard, 
the acting director at the time, officials said. Mr. Pickard and several other agents 
then briefed Mr. Mueller and Mr. Aschroft on its existence, the officials said.

That means that every time Mueller  Ashcroft heard Ari or Shrub say that they had no 
prior knowledge or warning of 9/11, Mueller  Ashcroft just went along with it? For 8 


BuzzFlash Note:  So Ashcroft and Mueller would be concealing the memo then, from Bush 
and his staff.  Doesn't that mean that they are lacking in integrity?  Of course, the 
other option is that the unnamed government officals might be doing a little bit of 
prevaricating to the gullible New York Times.  Which is it?

Dear Buzzflash,

Shocking. Within a couple of days of the stunning news that Bush and his 
administration knew about a serious and impending terrorist threat planned within U.S. 
borders, almost every major media outlet, including the New York Times, CNN, and the 
Washington Post, seems to be concluding that Bush and his administration acted 
appropriately, and that the real culprit was a breakdown in communications among the 
intelligence community.

And what is the basis for this conclusion? Uncorroborated statements made by the Bush 

Huh?!? We're supposed to believe the Bush administration is telling us the truth NOW 
after it has been lying to the American public for eight months, after it (predictably 
and speciously) blamed Clinton for the attacks of 9/11? Come on. It's almost enough to 
make you want to stick your head up the media's collective ass so you can see what the 
hell they're seeing.

Let's get this straight: at this time, the only thing that we can conclude is that 
Bush and his administration actively lied to the American public regarding what they 
knew about the threat to the United States and when they knew it. If lying about an 
act of consensual sex is an impeachable offense, than lying about foreknowledge of 
terrorist acts certainly ought to be.

We don't have enough evidence to conclude that Bush and his administration acted 
appropriately. As on 9/11, the only thing we know about what Bush and his 
administration knew before 9/11 is what they tell us, and they have proven to be 
untrustworthy. Even if they finally are telling the truth now, they cannot be believed 
without independent confirmation.

We also don't have enough evidence to conclude that Bush and his adminstration looked 
the other way and allowed the terrorists to have their murderous way. Certainly, there 
are enough inconsistencies and odd facts to give rise to a suspicion that something 
sinister was afoot, but even the insipid opportunist George W. Bush deserves the 
benefit of the doubt, at least until it is established that he retired to his Crawford 
farn because it was surrounded by SAM sights to protect him from suicide terrorist 
airplane attacks (which I bet you it was).

Until we have real answers, we need to challenge the media and our representatives to 
really press Bush and his administration regarding the events leading up to 9/11. Just 
as the smoking gun Enron memos show that the media rushed to judgment several months 
ago when it concluded that Enron is a business scandal, not a political scandal 
(actually, it is a government corruption scandal), there is more information out there 
that must be considered.

Let me walk through some examples of lackadaisical reporting to illustrate how the 
major media outlets and our congressmen) are not doing (their jobs. These quotes come 
from a NYT article (http://www.nytimes.com/2002/05/21/national/21INQU.html)

But senior Bush administration officials said neither Mr. Ashcroft nor Mr. Mueller 
briefed President Bush and his national security staff until recently about the fears 
of an F.B.I. agent in Phoenix that members of Al Qaeda were training at American 
flight schools, though the two men began daily 

[CTRL] OKC Investigator Calls for Investgation on 9-11 Warnings

2002-05-21 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-


OKC Investigator Calls for Investgation on 9-11 Warnings
By Sierra Times
Published 05. 20. 02 at 20:20 Sierra Time


The information obtained from the computers hard drive in 1995 was part of
“Project Bojinka” and included extensive plans to carryout terrorist
operations against the United States. Project Bojinka included hijacking
commercial airliners in the U.S and then flying them into targets such as CIA

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] test only

2002-05-21 Thread Sammark4

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test only

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Bush Running Scared

2002-05-20 Thread Sammark4




Story Filed: Sunday, May 19, 2002 12:01 PM EST

NEW YORK, May 19, 2002 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- At a private
gathering of Republican senators last week, President George W. Bush
felt the need to talk tough -- at length -- behind closed doors. As a
vicious political war erupted on the Hill, ignited by what the
president may have known before September 11, one senator said
Bush was shaken, when he walked into the room, Newsweek reports in
the May 27 issue (on newsstands Mon., May 20).

(Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20020519/NYSU011 )

Several sources who were in the Mansfield Room of the Capitol
building last Thursday afternoon say the president held a jut-jawed,
disjointed discourse with a tinge of diatribe and a crescendo of
podium pounding, reports Chief Political Correspondent Howard
Fineman. He dismissed questions about his administration's counter-
terrorism actions -- or lack of them -- before Sept. 11 as mere
Democratic partisanship. I sniff some politics in the air, he

On the Middle East, Bush recounted a blunt Oval Office conversation
with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. He said he'd asked Sharon
if he really hated Yasir Arafat. Sharon answered yes, according to
the president. I looked him straight in the eye and said, 'Well, are
you going to kill him?' Sharon said no, to which the president said
he'd replied, That's good.

Now you guys really got me going, Bush said. He threatened to block
the entire defense bill if it contained money for the controversial
and costly Crusader artillery system. I mean it. I'll veto it, he
said tersely, glancing at Sen. Don Nickles of Oklahoma, where
Crusader would be build. Bush ended with an attack on North Korean
dictator Kim Jong Il. He's starving his own people, Bush said, and
imprisoning intellectuals in a Gulag the size of Austin. The
president called him a pygmy and compared him to a spoiled child
at a dinner table. Stunned senators didn't know quite what to make
of the performance as it ended. It was like in church, when the
sermon goes on too long and you're not sure what the point is, one
senator tells Newsweek. Nobody dared look at anybody else.

The White House's vaunted message discipline and internal unity
were falling apart under the strain of criticism. Privately, some
hardliners criticized press secretary Ari Fleischer for confirming
the basic substance of the Aug. 6 memo when it was first
reported. We should have piled up the sandbags and said, 'None of
your buisness, it's highly classified,' one insider grumbled. Others
criticized National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice's press
briefing. She wasn't ready for prime time, said one staffer.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Confess W, Confess!!!!

2002-05-20 Thread Sammark4


powerful article written by Larry Chin - OnLine Journal



All the desperate lies and spin don't change the fact that the Bush 
administration had foreknowledge of the Sept. 11 attacks
By Larry Chin
Online Journal Contributing Editor 
May 19, 2002—George W. Bush knew. And his administration knew. The 
transparently dishonest denials issued by the White House do not 
stand up to the slightest scrutiny. They are lying. A simple 
examination of existing information, gathered from reliable, open 
sources proves it.

Last night, Michael C. Ruppert of From The Wilderness was scheduled 
to present his case for Bush 9/11 foreknowledge before a national TV 
audience on Geraldo Rivera's Fox News program. At the last minutes, 
this live appearance was cancelled. Coincidence? Ruppert's 
appearance, which could have caused immeasurable damage to the 
administration, was allegedly prompted by breaking news from the 
White House suggesting imminent new terrorist attacks. Wag the 
dog? What desperate measures will this cabal resort to in order to 
remain in power? How many more lives will they take? 

Backed into a Corner at Every Turn

On May 15, Press Secretary and official White House liar Ari 
Fleischer nervously stuttered, The president did not receive 
information about the use of airplanes as missiles by suicide 
bombers. This was a new type of attack that was not foreseen.

This was followed by Condoleeza Rice, who repeated the spin: I don't 
think that anyone could have predicted that these people would take 
an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center. 

Bush himself issued a statement that he had no indication beforehand 
that terrorists would hijack jets and deliberately crash them.

The White House would have us believe that not a single individual in 
the entire US government, nor the entire Central Intelligence Agency, 
had knowledge about a method of terrorism that has been routine for 
more than 20 years. And that not a single person in the entire 
national security apparatus of the US had a shred of information on 
training camps in Iran (a hotspot of intense US intelligence focus 
for decades) devoted to this method of terrorism.

Yossef Bodansky is a director of the Task Force on Terrorism and 
Unconventional Warfare in the US House of Representatives, and the 
author of the book Bin Laden: The Man Who Targeted America. 
Bodansky is a Washington insider whose views are sought after, 
respected and broadly disseminated throughout the US government. 

In a well-publicized paper from 1993, he stated, The training of 
suicide pilots started in the Busher air base in Iran in the early 
1980s with some 90 Pilatus PC-7 aircraft purchased from Switzerland.

 According to a former trainee in Wakilibad (a base for the training 
of kamikaze pilots), one of the exercises included having an Islamic 
Jihad detachment seize (or hijack) a transport aircraft. Then trained 
air crews from among the terrorists would crash the airliner with its 
passengers into a selected objective, he wrote.

 The leading terrorists are known as 'Afghans,' having been trained 
with the mujahadeen in Pakistan. Some fought in Afghanistan. Muslim 
volunteers from several Arab and Asian countries were encouraged to 
come to Pakistan and join the Afghan Jihad. (Source: Target America: 
Terrorism in the US Today, 1993. Islamic Terrorism in the United 
States, National Security Caucus, 1996.)

The Bush administration would have us believe that a subject that was 
written about in books and discussed openly throughout Washington 
is unimaginable.

They would also have us believe that they, and their intelligence 
operatives, have been unaware of some of the most spectacular and 
horrific terrorist operations in recent history—many of them directed 
at the United States.


On December 29, 1994, four terrorists alleged to have ties to Osama 
bin Laden hijacked Air France Flight 8969, a flight from Algiers to 
Paris. They loaded the plane with explosives and filled it with extra 
fuel, with the intent of ramming it into the Eiffel Tower. Commandos 
stormed the plane and killed the hijackers. (Source: NBC News. 
September 30, 2001. Chris Hansen, The Lesson of Air France Flight 
A full seven years before September 11, an al-Qaeda suicide hijacking 
is partially executed and barely stopped by French intelligence. The 
Bush administration would have us believe that no one in the CIA had 
ever heard of such a thing.
Another suicide hijacking plot was discovered six years before 
September 11. Ramsey Youssef, the terrorist who masterminded the 1993 
bombing of the World Trade Center had detailed plans to hijack and 
crash commercial airliners into buildings in the US, and blow up 12 
US airliners during international flights over a two-day period. This 
plot, known as Operation Bojinka, was discovered by Philippine 

[CTRL] Non-Lethals Turned on Curio

2002-05-20 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-


The Konformist

Non-Lethals Turned on Curio
Alex Constantine


Note: For years now, Curio has posted documentation concerning ritual child
abuse - one of the most disgusting crimes imaginable - on the Net, and was
smeared for it, insulted, stressed by Dr. Michael Aquino's harassment
lawsuits. She is one of the most effective RA activists on the Web and now
she is under assault by unknowns with access to the DoD's classified
non-lethals. She has suffered long bouts of sleep deprivation so severe that
she lost her job and she is currently unemployed. Her health is in evident
decline. The idiots doing this are bereft of conscience.

My name is Diana Napolis aka Karen Curio Jones

My professional background includes being a child abuse juvenile court
investigator during 1990-1996 for a county agency. From the years 1996-2001 I
worked with the Family Court System monitoring visitations between parents
and children. Over the past 10 years I have researched satanic ritual crime
networks, mind control and the ritual abuse of children. I was never a victim
of this activity before but only a survivor/child advocate.

In 1995 began using the world-wide web to communicate information about my
research involving these horrendous activities perpetrated against children
and adults. I used an anonymous pseudonym to identify myself for safety
reasons. After an extensive search conducted by those whom I believe felt
threatened by the information I was providing, I was then stalked and
photographed. On Sept. 24, 2000 a peculiarly biased newspaper article was
written about me in my local newspaper. See my response:


In November 2000 I experienced someone making internal/psychic contact with
me. In March 2001, I experienced being abducted from my home via an unknown
technology. My life then drastically changed.

In approximately January 2001 a beeping sound began in my left ear and I was
continually monitored in some way. Due to lack of sleep I was unable to work
full time. I was then accessed by it. During the months of May and July 2001
changes were made to my body and internal structure. For a short time I
experienced these changes as potentially positive in nature.

I then experienced something akin to what I had been researching - a mind
control program of unknown origin that was installed in my mind. I heard low
chanting sounding music in the left hemisphere of my brain and heavenly
music in my right hemisphere. I was told I was in the Heaven and Hell
program. I began channeling a group of people or entities. I was subjected
to various tests and I was involved in a great deal of telepathic activity.

It appears that there were competing forces at work within me and a struggle
began involving extraterrestrial intelligences. I was told this and I
experienced it. I found that I was judged within their system and sentenced
to Hell within their computer system. My energy field changed and my heart
began behaving abnormally. My digestive system was impacted and I became
thinner and thinner. What I originally thought was positive contact quickly
became something else. I went to several hospitals trying to discover if
assistance could be provided. I discovered that the medical mainstream
community provided no answers or positive intervention.

As of August 13, 2001, my state of health has now deteriorated to a point
that it is difficult to function.

I was led to believe that there were a group of competing extraterrestrials
occupying the earth and they had somewhat different motivatons -- but perhaps
similar means to the end.

I believe that this poses a significant threat to our world and I would ask
all to reconsider what it really means to have alien contact. I urge all
parties of interest in this phenomena in any form or fashion to realize that
the human race is special because of the qualities which we can bring to our
service to others and grow as beings in the spirit of love, compassion,
strength and wisdom.

I believe that my state of health, which is deteriorating rapidly, is
directly related to technology of unknown origin which has impacted my system
and poses a threat to others.

If anyone experiences psychic phenomena of unknown phenomena, I would urge
all parties to not trust the message of the original contact. I have
discovered that high-tech virtual reality is being used and psychological
manipulation is used to try to take control of and destroy others. I also
experienced an extraction of my internal substances.

What's of particular concern about this is that in some of this imagery there
are real consequences if acted upon. It appears that there is a computer
program in which some of the ET's believe they are Gods and they are
collecting souls.

I consider this a grave threat to society and other people need to be

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[CTRL] Diana Napolis: Satanism and Ritual Abuse Archive

2002-05-20 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-


The following cases describe legal proceedings held in Juvenile, Family,
Civil and Criminal Courts around the world where there have been allegations
of Satanism or the use of Ritual to abuse others.

Any religion or organization can be used as a front to hide ritual abuse
activity, including Christianity, Buddhism, Shamanism, Hinduism, Masonry,
Mormonism, Pagan and Satanic religions; however, not all satanists commit
crimes and not all occultism is satanism. It is imperative that investigators
and professionals familiarize themselves with cross-cultural belief systems
so as not to target any particular group.

This archive was compiled by Diana Napolis aka Karen Jones. If there are any
corrections or updates that need to be made, please contact

Warning: Some of the following cases depict graphic, violent activity.

(see site for archive and links)

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Media, 9/11 Foreknowledge, And The Hidden Discovery

2002-05-20 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-


John Greenewald, Jr.
The Media, 9/11 Foreknowledge, And The Hidden Discovery
Mon May 20 15:46:09 2002

The Media, 9/11 Foreknowledge, And The Hidden Discovery

By John Greenewald, Jr.

NORTHRIDGE (BlackVault.com .:iTBV #1) - May 20th, 2002 - Websters Dictionary
defines 'coincidence' as, ''A sequence of events that although accidental
seems to have been planned or arranged.'' On September 11th, 2001, the day
that will live in all of our hearts forever, two many coincidences occurred
that truly cannot be ignored. And months after the American public was told
to ignore the 'conspiracy theories' surrounding this horrible event, the U.S.
Government admits that there was knowledge prior to 9/11 that the government
did not do enough about.

The Black Vault made a discovery in January that supported this once theory,
now fact, that government had some kind of 'hidden premonition' before
September 11th. This premonition was the research by the ''Congressional
Research Service'' or better known as the CRS branch of Congress, researching
the horrible threats and abilities of known terrorist organizations, focusing
on one primarily -- Al Qaeda.
The Al Qaeda organization was said in this report to be the number one
organization to watch out for. Their past and present of plotting against the
U.S. and/or U.S. interests abroad proved that this was a group we should not
forget about. The CRS conducted their research, and created a report
entitled, ''Terrorism: Near Eastern Groups and State Sponsors, 2001'' and was
published on the date of September 10th, 2001.

Just one day prior to the infamous day we will never forget! Was this a
coincidence, or a horrible 'conspiracy theory' just waiting to happen?

So The Black Vault took the information, created a small press release, and
forwarded it around in January of 2002. Who published this? Really, but a few
organizations, no major media, and no major news channels published the
piece. Was this newsworthy? Possibly, but the fact remains, the government
admits to some kind of prior knowledge, and this shred of evidence now
greatly supports this fact, months before an admittance.

Why does the media ignore such facts? The original article is backed by
documentation to support each and everything it says, but the media turns the
other way.

A headline just last week on MSNBC told of knowledge on the White House desk
'two days prior to 9/11'. IF ONLY THE MEDIA WOULD PAY ATTENTION! The Black
Vault sent an even more convincing report about a full-blown investigation
into Al Qaeda and like organizations, which was published only 'one day'
prior to 9/11.

In a world where media is more interested in the bottom dollar than actually
reporting the news, we should only expect such ignorance to topics that
deserve attention. This fact alone will take 'conspiracy theorists' to the
next level, and will be forced to add the fact the media is controlled, and
reports news only when Uncle Sam says they can report it.

Fact, fiction or is this a never-ending 'conspiracy theory'? Did the U.S.
Government know September 11th was going to happen? Possibly, but the fact
remains, the coincidences behind the events that unfolding are disturbing. I
think we can truly only leave with the words of next time, ''Pay

The September 10th report can be found at:


.:iTBV is a weekly column by The Black Vault website focusing on all sorts of
subjects. Websites are encouraged to forward this report/article to their
users, and keep all copyrights and links in tact.

© Copyright 2002 The Black Vault (http://www.blackvault.com)

A look into the past

The following was published on The Black Vault on January 21, 2002:

September 11th: The Hidden Premonition

By John Greenewald, Jr.

NORTHRIDGE (BlackVault) - A UFO seen seconds on video before the World Trade
Center attack, a face of a skull appearing of billows of black smoke arising
from the Twin Towers, all odd occurrences spread across the internet after
the attack on America, on September 11th of 2001. As the eye can be easily
tricked, with the mind quick to follow, one other odd occurrence happened
near this time, that can't as easily be dismissed. A report made by
Congressional Research Service (CRS) on Terrorism, with warnings on Osama Bin
Laden and his terrorist organization Al Qaeda. That point not too convincing,
the report date of this publication is, September 10th, 2001.

One day before the attacks that brought down these architectural wonders, the
CRS, a research department for Congress which is part of the Library of
Congress, issued, Terrorism: Near Eastern Groups and State Sponsors, 2001.
Dated September 10th, 2001, this report outlined in great detail all
terrorist organizations and their potential threat. Top of the list, of
course, was Al Qaeda.


[CTRL] 9/10/01 CRS Report for Congress

2002-05-20 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-


Terrorism: Near Eastern Groups and State Sponsors [42 Pages]

Terrorism: Near Eastern Groups and State Sponsors

Abstract: Signs continue to point to a decline in state sponsorship of
terrorism, as well as a rise in the scope of threat posed by the independent
network of exiled Saudi dissident Usama bin Ladin. During the 1980s and the
early 1990s, Iran and terrorist groups it sponsors were responsible for the
most politically significant acts of Middle Eastern terrorism. Although Iran
continues to actively sponsor terrorist groups, since 1997 some major
factions within Iran have sought to change Iran s image to that of a more
constructive force in the region. Pressured by international sanctions and
isolation, Sudan and Libya appear to have sharply reduced their support for
international terrorist groups, and Sudan has told the United States it wants
to work to achieve removal from the terrorism list.

Click here to download the document [2.4 mb]

CRS Report for Congress

Terrorism:  Near Eastern Groups and State Sponsors, 2001

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Diana Napolis - San Diego Tribune Article by Mark Sauer

2002-05-20 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-



A web of intrigue
The search for Curio leads cybersleuths down a twisted path

By Mark Sauer

September 24, 2000

Armed with a telephoto lens and a laptop computer with a hidden camera,
Michelle Devereaux headed south from San Francisco on a mission to find

Devereaux and her friend Barry camped out for hours at the computer lab in
SDSU' s Love Library, Curio' s favorite place for launching salvos in her
cyberspace campaign. Curio didn' t show.

Just when Devereaux was about to give up, however, she spotted a trim,
middle-aged woman with longish brown hair sitting amid the forest of computer

Was it Curio? Devereaux had seen her once, even chatted with her briefly, on
a reconnaissance tour of the computer lab a month before. But she had to be

She dispatched Barry with the laptop camera to a vacant machine across from
their target with orders to start snapping surreptitiously. Then Devereaux
took out a monocular so she could get a long-range view of what the woman was
reading on her screen.


Devereaux hastily scribbled a note to Barry: It' s Curio! She' s reading an
e-mail I sent her last night! She handed the note to the student sitting
next to her: Would you please give this to that guy over there, the one with
the baseball cap that says ' Psycho' ?

The kid looked at her like she was crazy, but did as Devereaux requested.

A dozen or more people from San Diego to Washington State and beyond -- all
victims of Curio' s Internet missives -- had been trying to unmask the
notorious cyber crusader for nearly five years.

Now Devereaux had her in the cross hairs. But the photos wouldn' t be enough.
She hatched a plan:

Barry would wait out front with the telephoto lens. Devereaux would pick the
right moment and approach Curio; she' d get spooked, head for the parking lot
and Barry would photograph her license plate.

Then they' d have her.

It would have worked, too, if Barry hadn' t got bored waiting and gone back
inside for a soda.

Curio got away on that day last October. The photos of her from the secret
camera weren' t that clear; nobody recognized the woman staring at the SDSU
computer screen.

It would be another eight months before those who have railed against her
online, have sued her, have traded implied threats with her and reported her
to the police would get the answer to the question tormenting them:

Who is Curio and why is she saying such nasty things about us on the

Amid her many hundreds of Internet postings, Curio offers several glimpses
into her background.

In May 1997 she wrote that she had worked in many facets of the child-abuse
field for 10 years. She had seen all manner of atrocities committed against
children and witnessed all types of adult games played to avoid culpability.

Ten years earlier, Curio learned of a new form of child abuse. Having a
17-year personal background in the ' occult' has educated me about types of
individuals who walk this path.

My particular interest is in the subject of ritual abuse.

The words ritual abuse were often preceded by the word satanic in a
debate that raged across America for 15 years, from the early 1980s to mid-'

Certain psychotherapists and some police investigators and prosecutors
purported to have evidence of underground cults, satanic and otherwise, who
had taken control of day-care centers and were abusing preschoolers in blood

These supposedly involved animal -- and even human -- sacrifice, cannibalism,
torture and all manner of sexual abuse.

The ritual-abuse scare rocked the nation. The McMartin Pre-School case in
Manhattan Beach in the early ' 80s was followed by the Dale Akiki prosecution
in San Diego and scores of similar cases around the United States, Canada,
Britain and Australia. The media stories were endless.

Following the acquittals of the McMartin defendants and Akiki (who won more
than $3 million from local authorities in a civil lawsuit), the theory of a
satanic-ritual-abuse conspiracy was discredited by mental-health experts and
the co.

A 10-year investigation of satanic-ritual-abuse allegations by FBI Special
Agent Ken Lanning turned up virtually nothing. Yet certain people persist in
their belief in these heinous crimes against children. Curio claims to be
able to document 50 such cases worldwide.

In her zeal to protect young victims, Curio has posted extensive
information about notable individuals who worked hard over the years to
debunk the notion of satanic-ritual abuse.

Most of these people have stated their conclusions regarding ritual abuse in
public forums and have been questioned in open court, where no one is

But now they were being challenged -- libeled, in their words -- by someone
who operated at a distinct advantage. Curio 

[CTRL] Diana Napolis Responds to San Diego Tribune Article by Mark Sauer

2002-05-20 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-

(Diana Napolis aka Karen Curio Jones responds)


Ritual Abuse Victims Advocate Responds to Defamatory Article in the San Diego

January 1, 2001

Response by Karen Curio Jones to Mark Sauer's article, A Web of Intrigue
in the San Diego Union-Tribune, dated September 24, 2000

For the past several years I have been an advocate for victims of child
ritual abuse and have published information on the world-wide web in an
effort to educate the public about these disturbing crimes. I have posted
information under various pseudonyms in an attempt to protect myself from
physical retaliation, harassment, unfounded complaints to law enforcement or
other authorities, and frivolous lawsuits. See the Anti-SLAPP web page for an
explanation of California legislation to protect first amendment rights of
individuals sued in Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation, i.e.,
getting sued for speaking out.


Since 1998, I have published an archive of Family, Juvenile, Criminal and
Civil Court cases on the internet, which involve allegations of satanism and
ritual abuse (link to Satanism and Ritual Abuse). This information is taken
from appellate documents, news reports, and occasional private sources. Based
on this evidence, it seems reasonable to conclude that there is sufficient
information to warrant specialized training for law enforcement (which there
is in San Diego County), social services, and the mental health and medical
professions in order to effectively investigate and assess these complex
cases, as well as to provide treatment for the victims or perpetrators. Such
training must include critical analysis of the historical and psychological
data on cults and the traumatogenic effects of abuse.

On 9/24/2000, reporter Mark Sauer wrote an explicitly invasive and defamatory
article about this writer in the San Diego Union-Tribune entitled A Web of
Intrigue. His writing suggests support for individuals attempting to expose
the identity of private citizens who are exercising their right to anonymity
on the internet. In support of this article, Mr. Sauer quotes his associates,
Carol Hopkins, who founded an organization called the Justice Committee, and
Dr. Elizabeth Loftus from the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF). He
also quotes satanic cult leader Michael Aquino from the Temple of Set, and
Michelle Devereaux, a woman who used to think she was a victim of satanic

I have been researching the tactics used against people who speak out against
cult activity and against therapists who treat their victims. My research
suggests that there exists a calculated effort to silence victim advocates
through the use of manipulative set-ups, misinformation and intimidation. I
believe that Mr. Sauer's article is a result of these tactics. One can also
observe this activity on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list, where advocates of
abuse victims, including myself, have been the subject of rude, ad hominem
remarks such as kook nut crazy or demented. I believe the purpose of
this behavior is to drive off any serious opposition from the internet and to
discredit opponents. Maintaining my position against group assault from
supporters of VOCAL (Victims of Child Abuse Laws), the FMSF, various
satanists, and those promoting North American Man/Boy Love (NAMBLA) material
sometimes presents as a considerable challenge, but I've always considered it
a form of field investigation - to research the natives, so to speak.

Mr. Sauer quotes his associate, Ms. Carol Hopkins, as follows: Ms. Hopkins
accuses Curio...Her criticism of me on the internet was constant...She
accused me of protecting child molesters, claimed I don't believe child abuse
exists, insinuated I was a child molester. Curio was a big factor in my
decision to give up the Justice Committee.

Mr. Sauer fails to inform the reader that Ms. Hopkins has been publicly
criticized for her positions on child abuse matters in San Diego.

Ms. Hopkins was a member of a Grand Jury in San Diego, California in 1991-92
which criticized Child Protection Services and the District Attorney's
handling of child abuse cases (1). This Jury was composed primarily of lay
people with no training or expertise in child abuse investigations and argued
to dismantle CPS's existing objective, rational protocol for ritual abuse
investigations. The Grand Jury also advocated the positions of the False
Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) in their report -- four months after its
inception. (The FMSF appears to have an extraordinary interest in
discrediting ritual abuse cases and has never proven the existence of a
false memory syndrome, today or at that time). Another Grand Jury was
convened the next year and the subsequent 1992-93 Grand Jury report corrected
what they deemed to be misinformation by the previous 91-92 Grand Jury 

[CTRL] Alex Constantine on the Stalking of Curio Jones (Diana Napolis)

2002-05-20 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-


Stalking Curio Jones - An Open Letter to the San Diego Union-Tribune
By Alex Constantine

 The stalkers have arrived with bells on. Armed with a telephoto lens
and a laptop computer with a hidden camera, San Diego Union-Tribune reporter
Mark Sauer informs us, Michelle Devereaux headed south from San Francisco on
a mission to find Curio.1 Ms. Devereaux, a vociferous  member of the False
Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF), and Barry, a friend, camped out for hours
at the computer lab in San Diego State University's Love Library, patiently
waiting for Curio to arrive and log on at the library's computer lab.
Devereaux, 43, has, according to Sauer, a plethora of tattoos and body
piercings and an extraordinary knowledge of cyberspace after 20 years in the
computer business. She and her fellow cyber-sleuth hoped to catch Curio
in the act - not of a crime, mind, not even a misdemeanor, but of posting
documentation on organized child molestation and expressing opinions on the
same in the Internet's Usenet newsgroups, a public forum.

 What's up with that? In her zeal to protect 'young victims,' Sauer
explains, Curio has posted extensive information about notable individuals
who worked hard over the years to debunk the notion of satanic-ritual abuse.

 Among the notables targeted by Curio, count ...

DR. RALPH C. UNDERWAGER - Former director of the FMSF, forced to resign
in 1993 after it was widely reported that he'd opined in Paidika (Darling,
in Greek), a journal published by and for pedophiles, that they should
proclaim it God's will that adults engage in sex acts with children.
Nevertheless, he is often quoted in the media and has appeared as an expert
in over 100 child abuse trials. In 1988, a New York State court decision held
that Underwager was not qualified to render any opinion as to whether or not
[a child] was sexually molested. This was painfully clear on December 19,
1993, when the London Times reported his reference to unspecified scientific
evidence that demonstrated 60% of women sexually abused as children
reported that the experience had been GOOD for them. He contended the same
should be true for boys involved with pedophiles. Underwager blames
feminists for the current climate of rancor toward pedophiles because they
are jealous of men's ability to love other men or children and have
stirred up hysteria over pedophilia.2

 MICHAEL AQUINO - A former military intelligence officer with
top-security clearance at the Pentagon and the disgraced high priest of the
Temple of Set in San Francisco, a quasi-Satanic sect that dabbles in Nazi
occultism and invisibility, among other quack pursuits.

 In 1984-85, Curio wrote in one of her Internet postings, there were
reports of sexual-ritual abuse at Jubilation Daycare, operated by Barbara and
Sharon Orr in Fort Bragg, Northern California. This case was investigated by
Mendocino County Sheriff deputies. Eventually some 400 pages of reports were
submitted, but the DA declined to prosecute, resulting in no criminal charges
filed against the Orrs. Due to the fact they had a history of complaints
against their daycare center, some of which were upheld and one cited a child
experiencing unusual punishment, the Orrs ultimately surrendered their
childcare license in 1984. (The case is detailed in Treating Survivors of
Satanist Abuse, by Pamela Hudson, a therapist who provided counseling to
children allegedly abused at the daycare center.) Aquino was implicated in a
related scandal at the Presidio Army base, but the SFPD abandoned the probe
in August 1988. Michael Aquino insists there was no substance to the charges,
and the Pentagon dropped them. However, says Curio, the Army's public
position is in stark contrast to their actual stated position as described
in a transcript of the hearing on the motion to dismiss dated May 31, 1991.
He sued the Army in part because they refused to remove his name from the
titling block or amend their report stating he was the subject of an
investigation for sexual abuse and related crimes. The court document notes
that several members of the Army thought there was probable cause to 'Title'
Aquino with offenses of indecent acts with a child, sodomy, conspiracy,
kidnapping, and false swearing.3
 Aquino has twice attempted to sue ElectriCiti, Curio's ISP server, and
twice the case was tossed out of court, with prejudice.

 ELIZABETH LOFTUS - Another board member of the FMSF. Loftus's academic
interests have long fueled suspicions that the organization, which defends
accused child abusers and pedophiles in the courtroom and the press, is more
concerned with supporting the accused than ferreting out the facts. Before
she joined the FMSF, Loftus testified in 150 criminal cases, always on behalf
of defendants. Critics, she concedes, find her research to be highly
prejudicial.  (Mark Sauer, however, claims that Loftus is an

[CTRL] Michael Aquino, Man in Black by Alex Constantine

2002-05-20 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-


The Constantine Report

Michael Aquino, Man in Black

By Alex Constantine

The uncanny attraction of the Third Reich – Nazi Germany – lies in the fact
that it endorsed and practiced both dynamism and life-worship without
restraint and to a world-shaking degree of success.- Michael Aquino


To hear High Priest Michael Aquino tell it, his Temple of Set, a splinter
group of San Francisco’s Church of Satan, is no more sinister than the Order
of Woodcraft Chivalry. Setianism, he insists, is a legitimate and ethical
religion, incorporated as such in California in 1975 and enjoying since that
time full state and federal recognition as a religious institution. [M.
Aquino letter to A. Constantine, Sept. 27, 2000] Aquino denies any suggestion
of Satanism at the Temple of Set. The cult does not believe in ‘Satan’ -–
our mythology is ancient-Egyptian, after all. [Ibid.] But he has described
himself in Temple literature as the Anti-Christ and published essays on
Greater and Lesser Black Magic. [SF Chronicle, November 3, 1987, A-7]]
Don Webb, a priest in the Temple of Set, describes it as a Satanic
religion. The Setian, Webb writes, chooses as role model a ‘god against the
gods.’ We choose an archetype that corresponds with the disharmonizing part
of our own psyches…. This role model is the ‘Lord of this World,’ who is
rejected by the Right Hand Path as the Prince of Darkness. [in Webb’s The
Black Beyond Black: The Temple of Set.] Visitors to the Temple’s Web site
are met by a blazing white pentagram, and the Temple answering machine has
boasted that the caller has reached the only international Satanic religious
institution recognized by the government. [San Francisco Chronicle, June 24,
1994, p. D7] The decorated veteran of the Army’s 306th Psychological
Operations Battalion is obviously as skilled in the art of black propaganda
as he is black magic.

(Please visit website for full article - it was too long to copy here.)

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Proof that Bush and Cheney are Trying to Scare Us Away from Their Failures

2002-05-20 Thread Sammark4



San Francisco Chronicle

Chatter leaves alert system idling on yellow
Monday, May 20, 2002
©2002 San Francisco Chronicle

URL: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2002/05/20/MN149200.DTL

Condoleezza Rice was on the radio and TV Sunday morning asking us to remain 
vigilant. She said there are specific nonspecific threats, chatter in the system, 
spikes in activity indicating that al Qaeda may launch another terrorist operation.

So why was the terrorist threat level on the Web site of the Office of Homeland 
Security still stuck at yellow Sunday the way it has been for months? Attention, Tom 
Ridge, I am curious. Yellow?

Somehow I think most of the chatter in the system has been in Washington.

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[CTRL] Barry Crimmins - Fwd: Crimquips 5-20- '02

2002-05-20 Thread Sammark4


In a message dated 5/20/02 5:19:28 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Have you noticed how the risk of Al Qaeda attacks seems to increase
  exponentially whenever there is a risk of truth coming out about the
  Court-appointed Bush Administration?


Quips  Comments  5-20- '02

by Barry Crimmins


Far right-wing Colombian presidential candidate Álvaro Uribe is
promising that if elected he will double the size of the country's army
and police force as well as organize organize one million villagers to
serve as informants. You have to figure the main peasant organizing
tool will be the automatic weapons carried by all those soldiers and

Peasants who resist the allure of becoming informants will be organized
into mass graves.

Undaunted by its failure to help overthrow Hugo Chavez in Venezuela,
the New York Times soiled itself again yesterday by running a puff
piece about Uribe. But don't worry, after he kills several thousand
peasants, the Times will consider printing an apology.

What's more shocking? The fact that Bush knew something or the fact
that Bush knew anything?

Did you catch Ari Fleischer at Friday's White House press briefing? He
looked like he was auditioning for work as a tomato can on FOX's
Celebrity Boxing.

Court-appointed President Bush  threw a tantrum in the form of a
rambling speech before  Republican Senators at a private gathering last
Thursday. Bush, raging and incoherent,  caused the assembled senators
great discomfort and embarrassment. So if anyone ever says Bush never
accomplished anything remind them that he actually managed to make a
group that included Trent Lott, Jesse Helms and Orrin Hatch feel shame.

After hearing the speech several senators drafted legislation that
would make it illegal for Bush to ever speak extemporaneously again.

Bush's wigging out is reminiscent of when Ronald Reagan, upset about
Iran-Contra revelations, said, I have a bitter bile in my throat. To
which we responded, Oh no, his brain is leaking!.

Laura Bush came to W's defense concerning 9-11 saying that it was,
“very sad that people would play upon the victims’ families’ emotions,
or all Americans’ emotions.” She then resumed work on the American flag
bodysuit, featuring a special inlay of the flaming towers, she was
sewing for her husband.

In a speech meant to counter Jimmy Carter's recent conversion to sanity
concerning Cuba, Bush said a first step toward normal relations between
Havana and Washington would require certifiably free and fair
elections. If it happens in 2004 all Americans will owe Fidel Castro a
debt of gratitude.

In the Cuba speech, W  said the walls of oppression cannot stand when
the floodgates of information are opened -- which explains why he's so
damned hypervigilant about White House leaks.

Bush proposed a resumption of direct mail connections with Cuba in
hopes that at least some anthrax spores, created by the U.S. military
and proven lethal in domestic field tests, might find their way to the
island nation.

Bush's shamelessness is boundless. He lectures Cuba, speaking from a
stolen office in which he stonewalls vital information, is at the beck
and call of nefarious special interests and works as a cheesy hawker of
photos commemorating a disaster that might have been averted had he
half a brain, even a mild work ethic or a staff interested in doing
anything but furthering his corrupt regime's dastardly assault on
peace, environmental sanity and human rights. Yet he feels not an
inkling of embarrassment as he browbeats a country he's trying to
starve about how it can become moral enough to find its way into his
good graces. Trouble is, George W. Bush is neither good nor gracious.

The Bush defense is to claim that all they were expecting pre-911 were
old-fashioned hijackings so there was no need to warn the public about
them. Imagine if the weather service employed the same logic. We were
only expecting an ice storm, not a blizzard so we saw no need to issue
travel advisories.

If they don't stop letting Condaleezza Rice appear on television the
only person who is going to continue to believe she is an intellectual
will be W. But then to Bush's thinking, Adam Sandler is an

Why does Shadow Governor Cheney only speak in public when he wants to
remind us that nothing should be said in public?

Two TV appearances yesterday and Cheney still failed to disclose any
details of his Enrongy policy meetings of last year.

Dick Ignore that scam behind the curtain!Cheney.

In a Sunday FOX NEWS appearance Cheney said, I've got a real problem
with the suggestion that somehow my president had information and
failed to act upon it to prevent the attack of Sept. 11. Well at least
he finally admitted to whom Bush belongs.

The court-appointed veep maintains that Bush handled pre-911
intelligence properly. He performed his duties beautifully. He called
me right way and passed along the 


2002-05-20 Thread Sammark4



--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], johnehorne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
c/o Vreeland

I just cut  pasted so links may be wrong, but from this site:


 this link has a list of addresses  phone #'s



Subj: READ THIS!!! Some numbers to make your day

ABC abcnews.comABC News
47 West 66th Street New York, NY 10023212-456-David Westin 212-456-6200

Foreign Desk Editor: Chuck Lustig 212-456-2800

212-456-4297 Feedback mailto:netaudr@a...

Aish HaTorah Branches
Good Morning America
abcnews.go.com/onair/good...x.html147 Columbus
New York, NY 10023212-456-5900Charles Gibson: 212-456-5900
Diane Sawyer: 212-456-5900 212-456-5964Feedback mailto:gmaaolm@a...
Chabad Centers
Hillel Houses Nightline
abcnews.go.com/onair/nighhtml1717 DeSales
Street, NW Washington, DC 20036202-202-7000Anchor/Managing Editor:
Ted Koppel 202-222-7364 202-222-7976Feedback
abcnews.go.com/onair/Nigh...form.html and
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:ntline@a...
Young Israel Synagogues
NCSY Branches in USA This Week
abcnews.go.com/onair/thishtml1717 DeSales
Street, NW Washington, DC 20036202-222-7100Hosts:
Sam Donaldson 202-222-7090
Cokie Roberts 202-222-7259
George Stephanopoulos 212-854-6399
George Will 202-222-7375202-222-7074Feedback
B'nai Akiva Branches
Bnai Brith
20/20 abcnews.go.com/onair/2020...x.html147 Columbus Ave,
10th Floor
New York, NY 10023212-456-2020Anchors:
Barbara Waltrs: 212-456-7050
Connie Chung: 212-456-2020
Sam Donaldson: 212-222-7090
Jack Ford: 212-456-2020
Charles Gibson: 212-456-2020
Diane Sawyer: 212-456-2020212-456-2969Feedback mailto:2020@a...

World News Saturday/Sunday
7 West 66th Street, New York, NY 10023212-456-4083Sunday Anchor:
Carole Simpson: 212-456-4040
Saturday Anchors:
Aaron Brown: 212-456-4040
Elizabeth Vargas: 212-456-4083
Executive Producer:
Kathryn O'Hearn: 212-456-4040Feedback

World News This Morning47 West 66th Street, New York, NY
Juju Chang:212-456-4413
Senior Producer:
Penny Britell:212-456-4413212-456-3464

World News Tonight with Peter Jennings
West 66th Street, New York, NY 10023212-456-4040Anchor/Senior Editor:
Peter Jennings: 212-456-4040
Executive Producer:
Paul Slavin:212-456-4040Feedback
CBS News cbsnews.com/CBS News
524 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019212-975-4321CEO:
Mel Karmazin 212-975-4321
President/CEO of CBS Television:
Leslie Moonves:323-575-2345
CBS News President:
Andrew Heyward:212-975-7825
Foreign Editor:
Allen Alter: 212-975-3019212-975-7429Feedback
CBS Evening News with Dan Rather
cbsnews.com/now/section/0shtmlCBS News
524 West 57th Street, Studio 47
New York, NY 10019212-975-3691 (NY)
202-457-4385 (DC)Anchor/Managing Editor:
Dan Rather:212-975-6677
Executive Producer:
Al Ortiz 212-975-3691
Senior Producers:
Gavin Boyle: 212 975-7999
Wayne Nelson: 212-975-3691
Pat Shevlin: 212-975-3691212-975-1893Feedback
CBS Morning News
cbsnews.com/now/section/0shtmlCBS News
524 West 57th Street, Studio 47
New York, NY 10019212-975-2824Anchor:
Thalia Assuras:212-975-2824
Executive Producer:
Al Berman: 212-975-2824212-975-7133Feedback
CBS This Morning www.cbsnews.com524 West 57th Street, Studio 47
New York, NY 10019212-975-2824Anchors:
Mark McEwen: 212-975-7992
Julie Chen: 212-975-2824
Thalia Assuras: 212-975-2824
Executive producer:
Al Berman: 212-975-2824
News Coordinating producer:
Kevin Rochford: 212-975-2824212-975-2033 or 212-975-7133Feedback
CBS Weekend News www.cbsnews.com524 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019212-975-2086Anchor:
John Roberts: 212-975-
Executive Producer:
Lyne Bowens: 212-975-2258
Senior Producer:
Dick Jefferson:202-975-7266212-975-8990Feedback
Face the Nation
cbsnews.com/now/section/0...shtml2020 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036202-457-4481Anchor:
Bob Schieffer:202-457-4428
Executive Producer:
Carin Pratt:202-457-4481202-466-6237Feedback
48 Hours cbsnews.com/now/section/0shtml524 West
57th Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10019212-975-2888Anchor:
Dan Rather: 212-975-6677
Executive Producer:
Susan Zirinsky:212-975-4848212-975-5797Feedback
60 Minutes cbsnews.com/now/section/0shtml555 West
57th Street
New York, NY 10019212-975-2006 or 212-975-4321Correspondents:
Christiane Amanpour:212-975-2006
Ed Bradley: 212-975-8855
Steve Kroft:212-975-7494
Morley Safer:212-975-4936
Lesley Stahl: 212-975-8726
Mike Wallace: 212-975-2997
Executive Producer:
Don Hewitt:212-975-2867212-757-6975Feedback

[CTRL] Why Israel's 'seruvniks' say enough is enough

2002-05-20 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-


Why Israel's 'seruvniks' say enough is enough


The laywer representing Israeli conscripts who refuse to serve beyond the
1967 ceasefire lines explains why a growing number of soldiers are disobeying
orders, in order to protect the basic values on which Israel was founded.

Michael Sfard
Sunday May 19, 2002

It is said that in the first few years of the Israeli occupation of the West
Bank and Gaza Strip, no one seriously thought of holding on to these
territories forever. It was at the time widely assumed, that these newly
conquered lands were to be handed back to the Arabs as part of a peace
agreement. I don't remember those days.

(please visit site for full aricle)

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: Bush Moves To Create An Imperial Presidency

2002-05-20 Thread Sammark4



Bush Moves To Create An Imperial Presidency, Or Is It The Dictatorship He Has Pined 


From the Detroit News

Bush out to beef up presidency
Critics claim office is more potent now than at any time in recent history.

By Bill Straub / Scripps Howard News Service

Bill Clark / Scripps Howard News Service

  WASHINGTON -- It's not a bad job considering it comes with a rent-free mansion and 
door-to-door limousine service, but President Bush maintains that the position he 
holds as the leader of the free world should come with an additional perk -- power.
   Bush says the inherent powers of the presidency have eroded to an unsettling degree 
over the past 30 years and he is moving to reclaim the lost prerogatives of the 
nation's highest office. He has drawn a distinct line that he has suggested no one 
dare cross.
   I have an obligation to make sure that the presidency remains robust and that the 
legislative branch doesn't end up running the executive branch, Bush said.
   Ari Fleischer, the president's press secretary, said presidential powers have been 
diminished in multiple ways as part of a long-standing, gradual process. The 
president has little say in how the nation's budget is devised and constraints exist 
over how he uses the military.
   Congress also has placed restrictions on the president in military matters with the 
War Powers Resolution of 1973, Fleischer said. And the spate of congressional 
investigations into administration activities, particularly during the Clinton era, 
which involved the sharing, the yielding of information by the executive branch to 
the Congress, has tended to weaken the office.
   Critics counter that the administration's effort is nothing more than a thinly 
veiled power grab and that the office of the president is more potent now than at any 
time in recent memory. Bruce Fein, a former Justice Department official who worked in 
several Republican administrations, said the United States has never had a more 
imperial presidency, at least since (President Franklin D.) Roosevelt during his 
conduct of World War II.
   What the president is claiming is legally and historically absurd and politically 
stupid, Fein said.
   Mark Racicot, appointed by Bush to be chairman of the Republican National 
Committee, said the time has come for the president to reclaim lost authority because 
the ability of the president to carry on communications and get unvarnished advice 
has eroded over a period of time.
   Fein said that while it's appropriate to cite national security at times, it's 
ridiculous to claim that anyone will be inhibited by his or her communications with 
the president if the information is made public.
   He (Bush) hasn't pointed to a single case, Fein said. I've been around this town 
a long time, almost 30 years, and I've never encountered one individual who told me 
he's not going to the Oval Office unless he's promised confidentiality. It's the 
biggest hoax in the world. Why he's making up all this stuff is utterly and completely 

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[CTRL] Petition Demanding Investigation and Impeachment of Bush

2002-05-19 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-


Petition Demanding Investigation and Impeachment of the Illegitimately
Elected Bush and Cheney for Dereliction of Duties in Woefully Failing to
Protect the American Public from the September 11th Terrorist Attacks

To the United States Congress:

Even the conservative mainstream press has reported that:

1. A classified memo written by a Phoenix FBI agent last summer urged the
bureau to investigate a number of Middle Eastern men enrolled in American
flight schools, citing Bin Laden as someone who could organize such flight

2. Last August, shortly after the arrest of accused Bin Laden terrorist
Zacarias Moussaoui, a Minneapolis FBI agent on the case wrote in notes that
Moussaoui was the kind of person who might “fly something into the World
Trade Center.”

3. A French investigating judge and terrorist hunter had presented the FBI
information weeks before September 11th warning that Moussaoui was a
dangerous Islamic extremist.

Despite these warnings to Bush and Cheney and their intelligence experts,
Bush and Cheney did little to protect the American public from the
devastating terrorist attacks on September 11th.

Bush and Cheney who were elected to office through illegitimate means,
including the wrongful purging of African Americans from the voter rolls in
Florida, have now demonstrated that they are either incompetent slackers or
that they intentionally chose to ignore these warnings for their own
political advantages.

We, citizens and voters of the United States of America, hereby demand that
the United States Congress fully investigate and impeach the illegitimate
Bush and Cheney for their dereliction of duties in woefully failing to
protect the American public from the September 11th terrorist attacks.


The Undersigned

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Mike Ruppert Live on FOX With Gerlado Saturday 5-18

2002-05-18 Thread Sammark4


Ruppert live on FOX tonight

Title: Mike Ruppert Live on FOX With Gerlado Saturday 5-18

I will be live during the Geraldo Rivera show tomorrow on Fox News between 6-7 PM Pacific time. You can find it on the Fox News Channel.


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---End Message---

Re: [CTRL] child abuse UK, Law, Vatican coverup, predator priest, Carlson, Po...

2002-05-18 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-

Excellent, helpful news clips.  Thanks so much.

In a message dated 5/18/02 8:41:40 PM Central Daylight Time,

 From Lynne Moss-Sharmann Police Search West Country Garden After Child Abuse
  Court Case  Ananova  5/15/02 - Police are carrying out investigations in
  garden of a West Country home in the wake of a major sexual abuse court
  which saw eight people sentenced to lengthy jail terms. Officers have been
  working at the premises since Monday, their investigations concealed by a
  tent. The new inquiries follow an allegation made by a complainant from the
  original inquiry, said a police spokesman. During the court case in 1998,
  venue of which cannot be given because of a legal order, the eight
  defendants, who included grandparents and their children, were found guilty
  of 78 charges.

  Aide admits Law made molester priest a vicar - by Tom Mashberg and Eric
  Convey 5/18/02 A high-ranking Archdiocese of Boston official has
  acknowledged under oath that Bernard Cardinal Law promoted a priest in the
  mid-1990s even though the cleric had admitted to child molestationAnd
  confirmed that a total of 85 archdiocesan priests - 70 living and 15 dead -
  have been hit with credible allegations of child abuse since the
  more than half of them multiple times.


  Records: Vatican knew of scandal coverup in 1973 - by Jack Sullivan - 5/16/
  Previously sealed records in the case of defrocked pedophile priest James

  Porter show Catholic church officials - including Pope Paul VI, Humberto
  Cardinal Medeiros and top aides to Richard Cardinal Cushing - knew of and
  took part in the coverup of cleric sexual abuse as far back as 1964. It is
  believed to be the first time records show Vatican officials were aware as
  long as 30 years ago that priests were molesting children and bishops were
  shuffling the pedophiles around the country and covering up their acts. It
  also is the first time involvement by the Boston archdiocese under Cushing
  has been documented.

  Records: Church let loose predator priest - by Eric Convey and Tom Mashberg
  5/17/02 The Archdiocese of Boston turned former priest Paul J. Mahan loose
  on the public in the mid-1990s after he had been diagnosed as a

  and a ``threat to adolescent males,'' according to documents released
  yesterday. In a sign of just how sick therpists deemed Mahan, doctors at
  Luke Institute in Suitland, Md., expelled him as hopeless in 1995 - kicking
  him out of a hospital that has specialized in treating clergy with severe
  sexual disorders.

  From Lynne Moss Sharman Robber loses appeal By Julio Gomes - The
  Chronicle-Journal  5/16/02 A Thunder Bay man who has been described as an
  institutionalized career criminal has lost his appeal of a 1992 bank
  robbery conviction and a 17-year prison sentence.Carlson, who has spent
  most of his adult life in jail, has repeatedly claimed his criminal
  was the result of brainwashing experiments he suffered while in prison
  between 1968 and 1974.

  Files show church leaders knew of abuse for decades - 05/17/2002 By
  Levitz - Journal Staff Writer Providence - Newly released documents in New
  England's watershed case of sexual abuse by clergymen show that church
  officials as high-ranking as the late Cardinal Humberto Medeiros knew
  ago that now-defrocked Fall River priest James Porter had been accused of
  molestation. Hundreds of pages of personnel files on Porter, which the
  Herald obtained through a court order in U.S. District Court in Boston,
  indicate that bishops failed to act on early warnings that sexual abuse by
  priests was becoming a problem, the Rev. Thomas Doyle, a priest and canon
  lawyer who formerly worked at the Vatican Embassy in Washington, D.C. said
  yesterday. The files show that Porter himself wrote to Pope Paul VI in the
  1970s, alluding to troubles that had plagued him in North Attleboro and
  followed him to Fall River. He admitted to abusing scores of children while
  he was a priest.

  Toxic Secrets - Fluoride  the A-Bomb Program During the ultra-secret
  Manhattan Project, a report was commissioned to assess the effect of
  on humans. That report was classified secret for reasons of national
  security. Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 5, #3 (April-May 1998). PO
  Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia. [EMAIL PROTECTED] Telephone:
  (0)7 5442 9280; Fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381 


2002-05-18 Thread Sammark4



All of a sudden -- surprise, surprise -- as revelations come out revealing Bush's 
negligence, inattentiveness, and incompetence as he took a month-long vacation in 
Texas just before September 11th, well, lo-and-behold administration claims that 
there is chatter indicating a big Al-Qaeda attack.

In Grand Hypocrisy Party politics, timing is everything.  Of course, on Sunday we will 
hear Dick Cheney braying like a donkey that Democrats are risking facilitating 
terrorists if they investigate the Bush administration 9/11 terrorists.  If experience 
is any guide, it will be enough to send the Democrats back into their corners, afraid 
to show any profiles in courage.

U.S. Intercepting Messages Hinting at a New Attack
Sat May 18, 2:52 PM ET

WASHINGTON, May 18 American intelligence agencies have intercepted a vague yet 
troubling series of communications among Al Qaeda operatives over the last few months 
indicating that the terrorist organization is trying to carry out an operation as big 
as or bigger than the Sept. 11 attacks, according to intelligence and law enforcement 

? A Vatican Lawyer Says Bishops Should Not Reveal Abuse Claims
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But just as last summer's threats left counterterrorism analysts guessing about Al 
Qaeda's intentions, and believing that the attack might be carried out overseas, the 
new interceptions are so general that they have left President Bush (news - web sites) 
and his counterterrorism team in the dark about the time, place or method of what some 
officials refer to as a second-wave attack. As a result, the government is essentially 
limited to taking broad defensive measures.

It's again not specific not specific as to time, not specific as to place, one 
senior administration official said.

BuzzFlash Note: In short, the information is vague and useless, except to provide some 
cowardly cover for Bush.

For more on this story and others, come on over to http://www.buzzflash.com

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Whitehouse censorship of ISI question

2002-05-17 Thread Sammark4


re difference in White House briefing on text vs audio - in text they left
out the reference to the ISI in a question to Condi Rice.


I have sent the following out to as many news desks  journalists  forums
as I can find, but if you find this as interesting as I do, please do the
same. I would grately appreciate it if you tell me anything, so I can
monitor the story (if it actually takes off)


Condoleezza Rice's press briefing is now online on the whitehouse web site
(www.whitehouse.gov) in both text and audio formats.

TEXT: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/05/20020516-13.html
AUDIO: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/05/20020516-13.a.ram

In the text version there is an interesting omission.

21 paragraphs from bottom:

Q Dr. Rice, are you aware of the reports at the time that -- was in
Washington on September 11th, and on September 10th, $100,000 was wired to
Pakistan to this group here in this area? While he was here meeting with you
or anybody in the administration?

DR. RICE: I have not seen that report, and he was certainly not meeting with

The two dashes are normally included in transcripts to indicate a pause, but
Dr Rice clealy understands the question that is being asked, hence her

This excerpt is at 31:20 in the audio. Here, it is clear that the journalist
asks ... at the time that ISI chief was in Washington.

ISI is the Pakistani intelligence service.

Its chief Lt-Gen Mahmud Ahmad

The question relates to this story, reported initially in the times of India

India helped FBI trace ISI-terrorist links

12 October 2001

NEW DELHI: While the Pakistani Inter Services Public Relations claimed that
former ISI director-general Lt-Gen Mahmud Ahmad sought retirement after
being superseded on Monday, the truth is more shocking.

Top sources confirmed here on Tuesday, that the general lost his job because
of the evidence India produced to show his links to one of the suicide
bombers that wrecked the World Trade Centre. The US authorities sought his
removal after confirming the fact that $100,000 were wired to WTC hijacker
Mohammed Atta from Pakistan by Ahmad Umar Sheikh at the instance of Gen

[continued at]


The omission in the transcript is clearly intentional as the words ISI
chief are extremely audible, yet have been reported as simply dashes. Dr
Rice should certainly be aware of the allegations surrounding Mahmud Ahmad,
given her role as National Security Advisor, and her response simply serves
to brush off any further questions.

I find this omission very interesting. I believe that it warrants further
investigation which is why I am forwarding this for your attention.


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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Very interesting link concerning pre-knowledge

2002-05-17 Thread Sammark4


The 1999 Library of Congress document describing possible use of planes as



This is:



A Report Prepared under an Interagency Agreement

by the Federal Research Division,

Library of Congress

September 1999


It is very detailed about al-Qaida  the following section is extremely
pertinent given the administrations claims that planes being flown into
buildings was unthinkable before 9-11

Suicide bomber(s) belonging to al-Qaida's Martyrdom Battalion could
crash-land an aircraft packed with high explosives (C-4 and semtex) into the
Pentagon, the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or the
White House. Ramzi  Yousef had planned to do this against the CIA
headquarters. In addition, both al-Qaida and Yousef were linked to a plot to
assassinate President Clinton during his visit to the Philippines in early

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[CTRL] Fwd: Dianne Feinstein Blasts Cheney and Fleischer

2002-05-17 Thread Sammark4



Dianne Feinstein is fighting back!

Here is part of a news release she issued today:

I am very surprised by the tone of the comments by White House spokesman Ari 
Fleischer regarding concerns I raised last summer about a possible terrorist attack on 
our nation and the need to reorganize our counter-terrorism and homeland defense 
efforts to try to head off a possible calamity.

In the wake of the September 11th attacks, the issue is too important to our nation to 
engage in the kind of politics Mr. Fleischer is practicing. I, for one, do not believe 
that any of our nation's leadership had specific information last summer to know when 
and what kind of attack to anticipate.

What I said last July on CNN was that I was deeply concerned as to whether our house 
was in order to prevent a terrorist attack. My work on the Intelligence Committee and 
as chair of the Technology and Terrorism Subcommittee had given me a sense of 
foreboding for some time. I had no specific data leading to a possible attack.

In fact, I was so concerned that I contacted Vice President Cheney's office that same 
month to urge that he restructure our counter-terrorism and homeland defense programs 
to ensure better accountability and prevent important intelligence information from 
slipping through the cracks.

Despite repeated efforts by myself and staff, the White House did not address my 
request. I followed this up last September 2001 before the attacks and was told by 
'Scooter' Libby that it might be another six months before he would be able to review 
the material. I told him I did not believe we had six months to wait.

For more of the news release and the latest on the 9/ll Bush betrayal,
come on over to http://www.buzzflash.com

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[CTRL] test

2002-05-15 Thread Sammark4

-Caveat Lector-


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: Sirhan Bishara Sirhan

2002-01-11 Thread sammark4

-Caveat Lector-


--- End forwarded message ---

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: Military maneuvers scare residents in East St. Louis

2001-12-05 Thread sammark4

-Caveat Lector-


Military maneuvers scare residents in East St. Louis

December 4, 2001 10:01 PM

Donn Johnson

East St. Louis (KMOV) -- Military attack helicopters in the sky over
East St.
Louis Monday night caught thousands of residents off guard. The
were part of the ongoing mission aimed at keeping American troops
ready. The maneuvers surprised and frightened some residents because
no one
told them it was coming.

About nine special operations choppers from Fort Campbell, Kent.,
appeared in
the night sky right around 9 p.m. They looked like helicopters on a
mission, which is exactly what they were doing, hovering and darting
homes and buildings. For some residents, it was a very scary

The flying war machines are part of the 160th Special Ops from Fort
They dashed up here to East St. Louis to simulate quick movements
needed to
approach an urban war zone.

We saw a similar operation 10 years ago in downtown St. Louis, but
who knew
on the same day the nation went under another terrorist alert, a
force would descend on East St. Louis, even in training? Well, the
certainly knew and the administration knew. The problem is no one
bothered to
tell the citizens.

We were unable to reach East St. Louis Mayor Debra Powell to ask her
Monday's exercise. It's unclear whether citizens are required to be
told the
military is operating in their neighborhood, but given recent events,
seems like it is the proper thing to do.

Incidentally, Monday was a makeup day. The original maneuver was
for November 28 and 29, but it was rained out.
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Re: [CTRL] hempseed oil question

1999-12-20 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/19/1999 11:36:50 PM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Best all 'round "superfood" oil is hempseed oil.

Is it available?  I don't think I've seen it in the catalogues or health food

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] GLOBAL WTO internet debate

1999-12-16 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/16/1999 2:38:12 PM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Get your voice heard - go to www.commonwealthvoices.org

  Multiple attempts to access either of the two debates received "Connection
Timed Out."  If that should happen to many of us over time, I'd say we have a
new conspiracy on our hands.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Unmasking Sybil - MPD

1999-12-16 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/16/1999 8:07:58 PM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 "There is=20
  strong evidence that [the worst abuse in the book] could not have=20
  happened," says Peter J. Swales, the historian who first identified
  as Sybil.

Strong evidence to prove a negative?  Yeah, sure.
Children are tortured all the time.  It's commonplace.  welcome to
planet Earth
If 40,000 have been diagnosed MPD (DID) in North America alone, that
probably covers about 10% of the real number.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Last Circle Inaccessible

1999-11-14 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

Thank you, K!

 It is in the archives and also on the web page the archived posts refer
 A HREF="http://www.lycaeum.org/books/books/last_circle/1.htm"The Last
Circle - Introduction  Chapter 1/A


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Last Circle Inaccessible

1999-11-13 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

The e-book "The Last Circle" which covers:  the Octopus, Wackenhut,
Inslaw, drug/arms ops, biotechnology and discusses Ted Gunderson, Robert
Booth Nichols and Michael Riconosciuto and others, is not accessible.

Several people died investigating these subjects, and the author, Carol
Marshall, was in danger as well.  The editor felt at risk for putting the
book on the web.  He noted it had been prominent on the web until 1996 when
it disappeared.  He put it up in 1997 and it has remained there.  I quoted
from it in late September/early October here, as it pertained to former FBI
SAC Ted Gunderson.

Three of us have tried the hyperlink and the address, from AOL and
Netscape.  The page begins to load and then the "Unknown Host" error takes
over. http://www.tdbooks.com/ebooks/lastcircle/toc.html

If anyone needs access to the book, the editor can be reached at:  jA
written to him to let him know that though the sites may still be up, it
doesn't help if they can't be accessed.

I'd taken a lot of heat for posting those Ted Gunderson quotes (not here
on CTRL), so I'm concerned why the book is suddenly inaccessible.  If anyone
can access the pages, please let me know.  I accessed them just last week to
send the hyperlink to someone.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] TOP SECRET FBI Pimp Files (fwd)

1999-11-11 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/11/1999 9:12:00 AM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Mind you, I'm not condoning these activities (which are
  horrendous), but Clinton certainly didn't invent them. Hoover might
  have gotten them from Caesar, Nero, or Calligula. And Bush
  certainly used them during the Regan era.

Clinton certainly did not invent them.  I suspect he isn't a patsy,
though, mostly because of Yugoslavia.  An acquaintance told me long ago that
you just don't get to be Prez anymore unless you're part of the Big Game.  I
suspect she's right.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Neil/ abuse arrrests and convictions

1999-11-09 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/06/1999 7:40:15 PM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 see "Archive of News Reports and Ritual Murder Cases and Appellate
  Documentation of Ritual and Satanic Cases at: http://members.tripod.com
  /~Curio_5_/ra.htm for numerous cases. This page may be triggering for
  survivors of abuse.

  Source for this quote is below: "..58% of the ritual abuse cases in the
  Finkelhor (1988) study that went to trial resulted in convictions. In the
  Kelly (1992b) study, convictions were obtained in 80% of the ritual and
  sexual abuse cases combined." "convictions were obtained in 11% of all
  child abuse cases studied by Bottoms et al. (1991; 1993)."

  "Cultural and Economic Barriers to Protecting Children from Ritual Abuse
  Mind Control,"  Catherine Gould, Ph.D. Dec. 1995,
  http://members.tripod .com/~Curio_5_/gould.html Here are some quotes:

Neil,  I couldn't get to either of these sites -- the error says there is
no DNS entry.  Could you send the links instead?  Thanks for your help.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Skeptic News - Friday #3/CS

1999-11-07 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/07/1999 8:55:42 AM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 5 Nov 99, at 20:55, Ric Carter wrote:

   # Expert warns against superbug 'epidemic' (BBC) A potentially fatal
 superbug which is resistant to many antibiotics has reached "epidemic"
 levels in UK hospitals, according to a public health official.

  And Prudy tells me that Colloidal Silver has just been declared
  useless and illegal and will no longer be sold in health food stores,

  If you don't already know how to make it, I would research it on the
  web NOW and get those directions down before they all disappear--
  that is, if they haven't vanished already.


snoOwl,  I owe you a great debt of gratitude for posting here long ago
that it is possible to make CS at home.
There is a most excellent email list specifically for CS -- how to make
it, how to judge results, etc.  Here's some list info:

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

List maintainer: Mike Devour [EMAIL PROTECTED]


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] ALERT! Articles a Must Read for Survivors

1999-11-01 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

ALERT for survivors of satanic ritual abuse and/or their advocates:

Please read the two articles in the SMARTNEWS Nov. 99 Newsletter that
pertain to a potentially SERIOUS survivor internet/support forum safety
issue.  They are listed as "Article 1" and "Article 2" in the newsletter, and
begin about 1/3 of the way down on the web page, right after the "Cult
Information" article.

The two articles (combined) give information pertaining to MTC (More Than
Conquerers), MCF (Mind Control Forum) and a person named CD (Carrie Dawn).
The articles express the opinions of the authors:  Sharry Walls (Article 1)
and Kathleen Sullivan (Article 2).  Kathleen Sullivan is president of

 A HREF="http://members.aol.com/smartnews/page/Sample-Issue-29.htm"SMARTNEWS
's Issue #29 - Nov. '99/A

The allegations made in these articles are extremely serious.  Please
read and alert others!


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [MC] (Farley to Kasten) Re: Questions only an Insider of ...

1999-11-01 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/01/1999 7:21:17 PM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 There is more to the story and some serious public policy debating which
  ought to go on, no doubt, but not in this venue and not in response to
  Kasten's chaff.

  I thank Wes Thomas and sonic.net for allowing me to respond. What I would
  to those who are using this list in the hopes of finding redress for
  perceived activities which may have been used against them and their minds
  proceed with caution. It would serve all of you well to determine factually
  and via the public record who it is that you are confiding in and allowing
  stimulate and organize you into a class of victims who may indeed have
  something very important to share, but not with her and the people for whom
  she works. Find out who they are and have been, FIRST!

Good advice.  I am interested in any information re Kathy Kasten.  She
gleefully and publicly boasted of having remote-viewed a MindControl list
member whom she disliked (without his consent, of course).  She told the list
that they could email her privately for the details.  So much for her
examining other people's ethics.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Activists Arrested For Food Distribution

1999-10-26 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

Title: Two Food Not Bombs Activists Arrested For Serving Free Food
Date: 20-OCT-1999
Author: San Francisco FNB
Source: The A-Infos News Service  http://www.ainfos.ca/
Type of article: Press release
Reference: http://www.foodnotbombs.org

The San Francisco City Government has apparently decided to resume
aggressive enforcement of the 1989 Court Order against FNB [ Food Not
Bombs ]. Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] confirm receipt of this press


Food Not Bombs Voicemail: + 1-415-675-9928

Two Food Not Bombs Activists Arrested For Serving Free Food.

San Francisco- Police arrested two Food Not Bombs activists, Oct. 20th
at 6pm in United Nations Plaza.  FNB volunteers were distributing free
food to low-income and no-income people in the plaza when the police
arrived. The police surrounded the food and prevented homeless people
from getting
bread and hot soup.

Food Not Bombs is a non-violent direct action group that shares free
food to poor and hungry people around the world.  FNB groups collect
donated food and prepare meals in volunteers' kitchens.  The meals are
shared in public spaces to draw attention to the crisis of homelessness
while an enormous
amount of money and resources goes to military investment.

In San Francisco, Food Not Bombs has experienced police harassment and
political repression from the City government.  FNB has shared hundreds
of thousands of vegetarian meals with poor and hungry people since
1988.  Over the years we have been arrested at least 1,000 times.  In
the last elections, the current administration of Mayor Willie Brown
promised voters that he would cease arresting FNB members. Homelessness
is the central issue in the upcoming mayoral elections; with this
increasing harassment, Mayor Brown is demonstrating his approach.

The arrest of the two food servers tonight, October 20th, is a clear
indication of the basic disrespect of human and civil rights in San

An account from two eyewitnesses who were also serving food:

FNB volunteers Jeff and Sasha were handcuffed together and arrested for
serving food to hungry people without a permit after Officer Banta told
them to stop serving and they continued. The large amount of soup and
bread still remaining was also carted off by the police. People who were
there to eat questioned the police on why the servers were being
arrested, and the police said "for serving food without a permit." (The
permit in question is no longer issued by the city, and has been used
for years as a political
tool for selective enforcement.) As legal observers, they took down the
officers' names in order to contact their supervisors and file
complaints about the ridiculousness of arresting people for serving free

FNB members were able to serve food for ten minutes before police
officers came to arrest us. There were about eight cops there, none of
whom seemed to know why they were there or understand the situation. The
police were roundly disrespectful to the community being served as well
as the food
servers, but their anger was met with a calm and nonviolent response.
The police confiscated and photographed the soup and bread as evidence
after arresting the servers.

Food Not Bombs is continuing to build community support to end the
political harassment of those who support the homeless community, and to
make criminalization of poor people unacceptable.  FNB will not reduce
or restrict our servings, and we will not compromise our advocacy of the
people who are under constant attack by the government of San Francisco.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Flag Burning Essay

1999-10-26 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/26/1999 5:37:07 PM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Americans who don't appreciate the flag don't appreciate this nation.
  And those who appreciate this nation appreciate the American flag.
  Those who fought, fought for that flag.
  Those who died, died for that flag.
  And those who love America, love that flag.
  And defend it.

Much ado about a symbol.  Maybe those experimented on by our country's
black ops agencies don't see it that way.  Maybe the whistleblowers who get
ruined or killed trying to stand up for what is right don't see it that way.
Maybe those whose families are homeless because jobs have been exported to
benefit Corporate Amerika don't see it that way.  Maybe those who care that
presidents and candidates have been killed by our flag-waving American
government don't see it that way, either.  A little more substance and a lot
less hokey symbolism would be appreciated.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] More on Hanoi Jane

1999-10-25 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/25/1999 2:43:06 PM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Most of you've probably already seen this by now.only
  addition I
  might add to these sentiments is to remember the satisfaction of relieving
  myself into the  urinal at some airbase or another where "zaps" of Hanoi
  face had been applied.

I guess people have forgotten that a President was killed to get us into
this dirty war, and a candidate was killed in '68 and the President elected
took four years to get us out in which time he escalated the action with his
own secret war.
I certainly don't think the blood of our soldiers is on Jane Fonda's
head, but my countrymen sure jump at a chance to find a scapegoat.  THAT'S
the real shame.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Vaccine links/question/Dave

1999-10-24 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/23/1999 12:36:35 PM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Persons who think for themselves and question authority will readily
  discover that vaccination is an extremely PROFITABLE industry, and that the
  practice of vaccination is EXTREMELY QUESTIONABLE in terms of RISKS vs
  unproveable supposed benefits.

I suppose it goes without saying that the same goes for our pets?  My
state has no philosophical objection clause for rabies shots.  I don't look
forward to watching my pets' health decline.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] People Who Have Died After Being on the Art Bell Show

1999-10-24 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/23/1999 12:47:42 PM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 And of course the beloved Father Malichi, a real Catholic exorcist. He
  predicted a meteor would hit the earth.

Malachi Martin died after being on Bell's show?  How very sad.  Do you think
any of this implicates Bell?  I've never listened to him and don't know if
he's considered reliable and safe or not.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] No posts for 18.5 hours?

1999-10-23 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/23/1999 1:24:21 PM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The last post I got yesterday from CTRL was at 5:03 pm, the first one I got
 after that was 11:30 am this morning. That seems like an unusually long
 between posts. I just want to make sure that I didn't miss a bunch of stuff.

I'm confused, too.  Two posts I sent last night haven't shown up yet.  It
must just be server delays/problems.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Gunderson and Art Bell

1999-10-23 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

My apologies if this is a rehash of news and information that I have
missed on the list.
 FYI  I've been looking for information about Ted Gunderson recently
because he is an alleged advocate for survivors of satanic ritual abuse and I
have a vested interest in the subject.
 I am recently questioning his motivation based on information I read in
the ebook "The Last Circle", then from some survivors who have come forward
to say they had bad experiences with him.
On the Konformist website, there is an explanation for why Art Bell left
his radio program abruptly.  It seems that Ted Gunderson was involved in
passing along information that Bell was a child molester, that he'd been
arrested in Nevada, and had tried to convince authorities to drop the case.
According to Robalini (Konformist) this information is not true.  Bell is
suing Gunderson.  Robalini has been subpoenaed to give testimony in Bell's
suit against another radio program host (David Oates) who relayed the same
information re: Bell.
There is a website with a letter purportedly written by Oates where he
says he is willing to give a public apology to Bell and also hopes Bell will
drop his $60 million suit against him.
Bell's son does have a molestation suit going against a substitute

 A HREF="http://www.konformist.com/1999/artbella.htm"The Konformist - Art
Bell Explains Why He Lef.../A

The broadcast in question originated from WWCR on Dec. 9, 1997. The
alleged statements were made during an interview by talk show host David
Hinkson and former FBI agent Ted Gunderson. Fox claims Gunderson told
Hinkson that Bell had been indicted for child molestation in Nevada and
had asked authorities to cover up the evidence and dismiss the
indictment. Listeners were invited to contact Bell about the indictment.
Bell says he was so harassed that he decided to quit. ``When people
continue to call you things like a child molester, you're not in any
particular frame of mind but defend yourself,'' he says. Fox says, ``It
is a fair characterization to suggest that Hinkson was egged on by
Gunderson, and there was some form of instigation taking place'' when
the allegations were made. Fox says it was ``absolutely shocking'' that
a person hosting a radio program would hear this kind of attack without
knowing its validity and not end the discussion.

 A HREF="http://www.konformist.com/1999/artbell.htm"The Konformist - Art
Bell To Subpoena Konform.../A


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Tavistock / Bill Hicks

1999-10-22 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/22/1999 8:11:02 AM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You're not the only one.  I've wondered the same thing.  Hicks' sudden
  death followed his NBC censorship fracas by only a few weeks.  It is as if
  he was spotted as a loose cannon, someone who could not be counted on to
  alter his material (he talked about Waco, among other things) on national
  tv, so in a preemptive strike he was gotten rid of before he could make a
  lot more trouble later--and be a lot more difficult to get rid of once he
  had crossed over from night clubs to tv.

  Mack White

Mack, I'm so glad I'm not the only one.  It occurred to me right then
when I saw the A  E program.  I didn't have a clue that Hicks had talked
about the Waco issue until a recent web search.
The web site I cited in my previous post has a Waco video for sale.  The
desscription reads:

 "Six years later and this topic is hotter than ever.  Join Bill and
Kevin for an entertaining half hour as they sneak past DPS check points and
join the press pool on the 7th day of the Siege.  Write me and I'll add a
homemade documentary the tank flame thrower footage came from."

   Caption:  "At Austin Access several Branch Davidian survivors still
try to tell their side of the story."


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Tavistock / Bill Hicks

1999-10-21 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/21/1999 4:46:30 PM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Alex Constantine, who was on this list for a few months, is supposed to be
  writing a book about the mysterious deaths of rock musicians.  Has anyone
  heard from Alex since last May?  He seems to have disappeared from all the
  newsgroups he used to frequent.

  Alex, if you're listening, get in touch and let us know how the book is

  Linda Minor

I hope Alex will throw a comedian into the mix as well.  Bill Hicks --
dead of pancreatic cancer at age 32.  He did a great
"USA-as-a-totalitarian-government" routine and that's just the tip of the
iceberg.  I first saw him on HBO from the Palladium Theatre in London.
His theory was that life is Just a Ride.  You can approach it with either
fear or love.  Near the end of the show, he remarks that every now and then,
someone comes along to remind us of this and what do we do?  We KILL those
people.  The picture of Bill fades out and we see a gun, then hear a gunshot.
 Fade back in to the picture of Bill, and you see him falling dead on the
I looked for him after that and the next time I saw him referred to on
television, it was on A  E.  It was a post-mortem -- maybe two years later.
Letterman, for one, expressed his regrets at not having Bill on the show more
often.  Bill wouldn't alter his material for Letterman so he was rejected.
I'm the only one I know of who is suspicious about Bill's death.  The
pancreatic cancer reminded me of what Jack Ruby alleged -- that he had been
injected with liver cancer cells.

 A HREF="http://www.eden.com/sacredcow/Hicksw.html"The Bill Hicks Page/A


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Re: [CTRL] Jon Benet Ramsey

1999-10-16 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/16/1999 8:43:01 PM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I am quite surprised that I have seen little of this case mentioned here in
  the last couple of days what with the grand jury being dismissed with no
  findings.  It was a topic of discussion for some time but now apparently
  ceased to be of importance to us.

Oh, I've done little else these last days but re-read up on this case and
discuss it in other forums.  It is a terribly important case.  Unfortunately,
I have not been successful in drumming up much interest, though I've been
doling out info and pushing to the point of sheer rudeness.
It is completely impossible to overestimate the importance of this case.
It's hugely pivotal.  I would have hoped our society was no so terribly
unhealthy that the powers-that-be would not have resigned themselves to
surrendering "some of their own" being that there is such an intense
spotlight focused here.
The arrogance in the cover-up of this crime is truly shocking.  The depth
of the protection of these military/industrial complex drones, as well as the
cover-up itself, are near in their breadth to the JFK assassination!  It's
 I've been deeply moved by the heroic efforts of former Detective Arndt
in trying to get her info out.  She was interviewed on Good Morning America a
few weeks back and she has a chilling story to tell.  She was the first
detective on the scene.  She has been scapegoated and criticized and nearly
personally broken over this case.  As long as she remained on the force, she
was unable to speak publicly.  She received so much criticism, was never
allowed to defend herself, and was never defended by anyone on the force in
the face of lies told about her, that she now has a lawsuit pending against
the police department.  She has resigned and is speaking out.  Please look
over the transcripts of the show.
 A HREF="http://www.jameson245.com/dcf/documents/19.html""ARNDT GMA



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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Smokers Fired

1999-10-11 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/11/1999 3:32:09 PM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 We'd be better off to get rid of the busybodies and bigots who want
  to control what people do on their own time to their own bodies.

  The difference between your statement and that of good German
  citizens who said "Good, get rid of the Jews" is only one of degree.

  "Every reform is only a mask under cover of which
  a more terrible reform, which dares not name
  itself, advances." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Better yet, why don't we have all those we suspect of ingesting a high
fat content in their diet followed and prosecuted?  A bad diet contributes to
ALL kinds of disease and makes MY insurance rates go up!  We'll just develop
The Fast Food Intelligence Agency.
 Yeah, we'll develop monitors to be worn on the skin that sound an alarm
when the fat intake exceeds 30 grams in one day!  Anything to keep those
insurance premiums down..
 Smokers can play this game, too.


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Re: [CTRL] Shape Shifting

1999-10-09 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/09/1999 3:48:04 AM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Thanks Samantha, that was very good.. So are you saying therefore that the
  reptile thing is just a fabrication in order to keep the ritualists hidden?
  and I presume also that ritual abuse does happen..


 Yes, Peter.  I think the reptilian thing is an add-on as an attempt to
discredit the rest, which is real.  Satanic ritual abuse is real.  It's been
around for generations.  Governmental association with cults is fairly new.
Cults have been able to provide black operators with great data on how to
create multiple personalities in children and therefore, classic Manchurian
Candidate types.
According to some researchers (and survivors) the marriage between
intelligence and cults has provided a trade-off:  techniques (and children
provided for experimentation) in exchange for protection from prosecution and
protection from media intrusion.  If CIA and Mafia are two sides of a coin,
satanic cults have become the most recent third side.   Recent meaning since
the early 1960's, according to some, earlier according to others.


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Re: [CTRL] Shape Shifting

1999-10-09 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/09/1999 7:07:15 PM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I think the reptilian thing is an add-on as an attempt to
  discredit the rest, which is real.

  No, samantha - I've done tons of independent research, and have not read
  one of Ikes books - yet I come to the conclusion - that a humanoid
  reptilian species walks on the earth and under it.

You know, I could even buy the prospect of a reptilian race below the
earth, especially since I heard the theory that when the comet hit the earth
long ago, some dinosaur species survived underground and then evolved.
Then tell me they're evil, that they eat children, that they walk above
ground projecting holographic images of humans, get elected to the Senate
(Robert Byrd -- alleged by Cathy O'Brien),  appointed as Secretary of State
(Madeline Albright) etc etc etc and then I'll want to know the price of that
bridge you're trying to sell me.
 People who murder, torture and maim children for power are cold-blooded
alright, and reptilians are cold-blooded animals.  It is a mildy creative
disinformation package to sell to the public, but I ain't buying it.


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Re: [CTRL] JFK Sought END of Federal Reserve

1999-10-09 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/09/1999 5:56:42 PM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 President JFK's Executive order 0, never since repealed or overridden by
  any subsequent president, would have led to the end of the Federal Reserve
  Bank, due to the fact it authorized the U.S. government to create it's own
  money BACKED BY SILVER; the gone but NOT forgotten paper money called

I'm confused.  It was never repealed or overridden but it is not in
place?  So it is "law" and we're not following it?  Also, can anyone help to
verify the order 0?  Or tell us where we might find verification?  Many
thanks if you can.


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Re: [CTRL] Shape Shifting

1999-10-08 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

I know little about Icke, and from my distance, there is a third
alternative to why he may be doing this that wasn't mentioned:  maybe *he* is
part of a disinformation campaign.

The writer states that multiples have perfect photographic memory.  This
is not true!  Even for multiples with a degree of photgraphic memory, the
person doesn't always have access to the memories of other personalities at
will.  Forgetfulness is more common with mutliples than with the non-multiple
population.  Blanket statements like this are wrong!

The author states that his friend Patti may not be a good judge if AW is
telling the truth.  Why?  A survivor can peg a phoney a lot faster than a
non-survivor!  A person with a PhD in archeology can peg a phoney claiming to
be one faster than a lay person.  Knowledge, familiarity, experience.  Same
principle applies.

I've been studying survivor issues for more than ten years.  I've met at
least a hundred survivors, both in person and on-line.  NEVER ONCE did I hear
the "reptilian thing" until reading Cathy O'Brien  Mark Phillips' book.  NOT
Think about it -- the worst and most secret thing evil people do is to
perform heinous rituals, take lives, torture children.  They don't want the
general population to KNOW this, or if they KNOW it, to believe it!  For it
to have power, it must be kept secret!

Well, survivors are breaking memory boundaries left and right.  The
secret is out.  Now all that's left is to discredit their stories.  Easy
enough.  Tell the full truth about what survivors have experienced but add
EVEN ONE piece of phoney, wild, totally weird info into the mix, and wham!
NONE of the survivors are believed again.

In all the books I've read on or about survivors of satanic ritual abuse
(by psychiatrists, therapists or survivors themselves) , and from all the
survivors I've met in person or on-line, NEVER ONCE has there been an
allegation of the "reptilian thing" . until you get to "Trance-formation
of America" by Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien.

Read the book for yourselves -- borrow a copy from someone -- anything.
Ask yourself this question:  Exactly HOW did Mark Phillips make the
transition from the aloof-disinterested-disdainful businessman who knew Cathy
from contact with her former husband (and thought she was an unattractive
hick/airhead type) to the

Even when I had no reason whatsoever to doubt the book's veracity -- even
before I read Cathy's account -- that transition didn't gel with me one bit.
Something deifinitely ain't right there, in my opinion.

Much of Cathy's story rings true, and I think highly of her from what I
know.  I also feel deep compassion for her personally.  I think she's an
unwitting part of a disinformation ploy.  Mark was her rescuer.  He saved her
from what she perceived as certain death.  Of course she would bond with him!

The rescuer scenario is played out effectively and often with children
victims of satanic ritual abuse.  It is impossible for a child NOT to bond
with the person who rescues them from torture and death, even though that
person is, in reality, just part of the overall mind-game.

If the "rescuer" is part of the perpetrator op, then the perps control
the entire life of the victim, and the whole flow of information.  It is a
sick and dastardly thing to do to a survivor.  But then, satanic/intelligence
operatives have never been known for their overwhelming kindness 


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Re: [CTRL] Arrest of cancer and AIDS researcher Hulda Clark

1999-10-08 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/08/1999 11:20:13 AM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The charges against Dr. Clark were filed August 16, 1993.
  According to court paperwork, charges of unlawful practice
  of medicine in Indiana constitute "not being duly licensed,
  did, unlawfully practice medicine by: (1) holding herself out
  to the public as being engaged in : (A) the diagnosis,
  treatment, correction, or prevention of diseases and ailments
  of human beings; (B) the suggestion, recommendation or
  prescription or administration of a form of treatment;
  (C) the prevention of any physical, mental, or functional ailment or defect
  of any person."

Sounds to me like any vitamin or supplement manufacturer could be charged
with these, too.


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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: What Was Really / Ramsey Clark

1999-10-07 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/07/1999 4:11:39 AM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 George Bush was brought up before a war crimes tribunal. You didn't know
  about that either, right? Get the book by Ramsey Clark.

I've read two disturbing things about Ramsey Clark in the last few
months.  One that he publicly opposed a new trial for James Earl Ray re the
Martin Luther King assassination, and most recently, that as Johnson's
Attorney General, he led the attack on Jim Garrison's New Orleans
invesitgation of the JFK assassination.
I'm left wondering how many "good guys" may be bad guys playing the good
cop/bad cop game?  It seems to me if you control the bad guys and have posers
leading protests, you control the entire flow of information from beginning
to end.
The posers would provide relief for genuine protesters and become a focal
point for them, thereby distracting them from forming genuine protesting
 How effective are these protest-advocacy groups?  Are men like Ramsey
Clark and others potential posers put in place to keep protesting/advocacy
intensity to a minimum?  I wonder the same about Oliver Stone.
How risky was it for him to make "JFK?"  Polls have shown that nearly 95%
of Americans didn't buy the lone-gunman theory anyway.  Yet, appealing to the
rebellious among us, Stone went on to make that "McMartin" movie which
denigrated the accuracy of the children's stories and focused ridicule on the
therapists and parents in the case.
 Is Stone in place to earn trust as a vocal rebel so that he can spend
his credibility dollars to debunk the REAL issues the bad guys don't want us
knowing about?
 Can a man like Ramsey Clark be the real thing as he opposes US policy in
Iraq and Kosovo, etc., if he feeds into the assassination-illusion game?
Sure, the attack on Garrison was more than thirty years ago, but the MLK
statements were much more recent.  I've yet to hear Clark recant his stand on
either issue.  If anyone has info to the contrary, please let me know.  *I*
don't want to be caught in a web created solely by the conspirators
themselves.  By definition, we're made ineffectual if that happens.
It also occurs to me that if posers are leading the protests, they're
collecting information on *us* as dissidents while they gleefully mislead us.
 We can't walk a straight line to the truth when we're caught in a circle.


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Re: [CTRL] Medical Mafia, CIA Drugs

1999-10-01 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/30/1999 4:48:58 PM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Murder By Injection: The Medical Conspiracy Against America

  Click here to order
  by Eustace Mullins

  This book is a truly thorough account of the machinations underlying
  America's steadily deteriorating health, and is the result of some forty
  years of investigative research by the author Eustace Mullins.

Eustace Mullins also wrote, "The Curse of Canaan."  He used Biblical text
to show that those of dark skin are inherently evil.  He's an amazing
researcher with admirable internal logic, but he reminded me of Hitler in
that book.   I got a lot out of the book you mentioned above, but people like
Mr. Mullins really scare me, and with good reason.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Promis, William Hamilton, Michael Riconosciuto, Wackenhut, ...

1999-10-01 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/01/1999 2:16:00 AM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 After the jury hears tapes of Hayes discussing a $5,000 payoff
  for a prospective hit on his estranged son, the defendant responds that
  known all along he was talking to an FBI undercover, but had been stringing
  the Bureau along so he could develop evidence against them. When the CIA
  introduces affidavits disavowing any relationship with Hayes, he takes the
  stand to provide his cover name, "Charles Lawson," and an ID number.
  Following three hours of deliberation, the jury finds Hayes guilty, to the
  astonishment of nearly 100 supporters present. He says from his jail cell
  afterwards, while his attorney moves for a new trial, that he anticipates
  "assistance" from higher powers.

I'm reminded of a Vonnegut line:  "Be careful what you pretend to be, for
you ARE what you pretend to be."   If you're not part of a government
sanctioned sting operation, you can't go around stringing people along.  Of
course, the government is so corrupt that even if it's a "sanctioned op",
it's still probably illegal and unethical.  I wish somebody knew how we're
ever supposed to get out of this mess.  I think I had better just take up
knitting or something


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Re: [CTRL] Ted Gunderson / Quotes from The Last Circle / Part 1 of 5

1999-09-29 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

Enclosed are quotes from the e-book, "The Last Circle" by Carol Marshall,
 mostly as they pertain to Ted Gunderson, former FBI SAC, and advocate for
survivors of satanic ritual abuse.

To read the book and the "Editor's Note" (by Jeff Davis,) start here:

A HREF="http://www.tdbooks.com/ebooks/lastcircle/toc.html"The Last
Circle-Table Of Contents/A

Quotes are posted with the permission of the Editor.  The names/comments
inserted in [[double brackets]] were inserted by me for the purpose of
clarity.  Underlines are mine, but I doubt they'll show up.


begin quoting

I have in my possession five boxes of documents, obtained from a
convicted methamphetamine chemist [[Michael Riconosciuto]] whose closest
friends were a 20-year CIA operative [[Robert Booth Nichols]] and a former
FBI Senior-Agent-in-Charge of the Los Angeles and Washington D.C. bureaus
[[Ted Gunderson]]. The labyrinthine involvements of these people and their
corporate partners is revealed in this manuscript, along with information
obtained by Washington D.C. journalist Danny Casolaro prior to his death in


On an impulse, I picked up the phone and called Gunderson's telephone
number listed at the top of the attached resume. The resume was
impressive. He'd worked as SAC (Senior Special Agent in Charge) at Los
Angeles FBI headquarters, Washington D.C. headquarters and in Dallas,
Texas. It would be two years before I would grasp the significance of
the Dallas connection. After retiring from the FBI, he'd worked for F.
Lee Baily, Esq., then formed his own investigative agency in Los Angeles


Unknown to me at the time, I had taken a quantum leap in the direction
of the Octopus when I contacted Ted Gunderson. The mystery of the
Mariposa coverups would soon be divulged through an associate of his, a
former member of "The Company" in nearby Fresno, California.
He was a big, handsome man with an aging face and tossled silver hair. He
entirely unaware of his appearance or the appearnce of his home, but his
pale eyes were intelligent and probing. Intuitively, I knew he was more
than he appeared to be.
In the van, reviewing the documents, I wondered what relationship they
had to Mariposa County and why I was given the packet. The documents
were far ranging, beyond anything I had heretofore imagined. But within
days of my visit to Gunderson, I would be introduced to the Octopus.
The following morning, at 7:30 a.m., I received a collect call from a
man who identified himself as Michael Riconosciuto (pronounced
Riconoshooto). Riconosciuto, calling from the Pierce County jail in
Tacoma, Washington, said he had been informed by Gunderson that I was
investigating a corruption/drug ring in Mariposa County. For 45 minutes
Riconosciuto related the names of those in charge of methamphetamine
operations in Mariposa, Madera and Fresno counties.
I interrupted him [Michael Riconosciuto], wanting to know where HE fit into
the picture?

"Well, I served as Director of Research for the Wackenhut facility at
the Cabazon Indian reservation in Indio, California. In 1983/84 I
modified the PROMISE computer software to be used in law enforcement and
intelligence agencies worldwide. A man named Earl Brian was spearheading
a plan for worldwide use of the software, but essentially, the modified
software was being pirated from the owners, Bill and Nancy Hamilton."
In subsequent documents obtained from Michael's secret hiding place in
the California desert, I located documents which indicated Michael had
first been recruited into the CIA by Al Holbert.
Riconosciuto had been communicating regularly with
journalist Danny Casolaro prior to his death on August 10, 1991 when
Danny's nude body was found in the bathtub of room 517 of the Sheraton
Hotel in Martinsburg, West Virginia. His wrists had been slashed ten or
twelve times.
He [Danny Casolaro] told friends that he "had traced the Inslaw and related
stories back to a dirty CIA `Old Boy' network" that had begun working
together in the 1950's around the Albania covert operations. These men had
gotten into
the illegal gun and drug trade back then and had continued in that
business ever since.

Before his death, Danny had made plans to visit the Wackenhut
Corporation in Indio, California, and even considered naming his book,

Ted Gunderson was one of the few "cooperating" witnesses at Michael's
trial. Through his affidavit and testimony, Ted hoped to supply the
defense with needed corroboration of Michael's covert government
sanctioned activities. Unfortunately for Michael, Ted could not disclose
 numerous activities which had included Robert Booth Nichols. At one
time Gunderson, Nichols and Riconosciuto had been inseparable, like the
three musketeers. But, Nichols was currently under investigation by the
Los Angeles FBI for 

Re: [CTRL] Ted Gunderson / Quotes from The Last Circle / Part 2 of 5

1999-09-29 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

continued from Part 1

From "The Last Circle" by Carol Marshall

A HREF="http://www.tdbooks.com/ebooks/lastcircle/toc.html"The Last
Circle-Table Of Contents/A

Quotes are posted with the permission of the Editor.  The names/comments
inserted in [[double brackets]] were inserted by me for the purpose of
clarity.  Underlines are mine, but I doubt they'll show up.
begin quoting
[[Michael Riconosciuto:]]  "Now Ted Gunderson ..."

[[Author:]] "Mike, have you got any paperwork on that?"

[[Michael R.:]]  "Now, wait a minute. Gunderson was physically with me when
Wayne Reeder, Peter Zokosky and his wife and several of Wayne Reeder's
Bob Nichols and his wife, Harold Okimoto, George Pender, Deborah Pender,
Dill Pender, and myself were all together ..."

[[Author:]] " ... Where?"

[[Michael R.:]] " ... At Wayne Reeders country club, golf club, in Indio,
And Bob discussed openly in front of Ted Gunderson and myself and
everyone present bragged about Glenn Shockley and Jose Londono having
3,500 soldiers. It's now almost double that ..."

"What does that mean? What are the soldiers?"

Mike: "R.J. will know what it means."

"Alright. OK."
Casolaro's June - July (1991) phone bills told a story of their own.
Having followed Danny's investigative trail for three years, I had an
entire directory of phone numbers relating to his inquiries.
It was also apparent that Danny was riding a seesaw with Nichols and
Riconosciuto. He would talk to one, then the other, often on the same
day, back and forth for months. Then suddenly, he cut off Riconosciuto
and his calls to Nichols increased in frequency.

Other phone numbers matched those of Ted Gunderson, Alan Boyak, a lawyer
in Utah, Bo Gritz, Heinrich Rupp and Chuck Hayes, a self-professed (on
the Internet) CIA operative. Danny often called Hayes immediately after
he spoke with Nichols. Oddly, Hayes never came forward during the
official investigation of Danny's death to disclose the content of those
It is noteworthy that Danny Casolaro also contacted and interviewed
Allan Boyak shortly before his death. According to Ted Gunderson and
others who knew Danny, Boyak met with Casolaro in Washington D.C. and
provided him with a copy of a transcript of the meeting between himself
(Boyak), Riconosciuto, and Ted Gunderson, who at that time was
Riconosciuto's investigator.

I later obtained the same transcript from Gunderson's live-in partner,
J.M., and have related the contents of that explosive transcript in
Chapter 13.
"The FBI background check [conducted by Ted Gunderson] on Robert Booth
Nichols (born 1943 or 1944 he couldn't remember for sure) revealed that
he was `squeeky clean.' In fact, he had a Class I machine gun license.
"Three to four years ago, Boyack received an out of the blue telephone
call from Michael Riconosciuto. Michael identified himself as a former
employee of Robert Nichols. He also referenced Ted Gunderson as a
`mutual friend.' Boyak had only met Ted once very briefly when he was
pressing the L.A. FBI to look into the Nichols dope suspicions ..."

" ... Then in April 1991, Boyak received a phone call from Ted
Gunderson, informing him that `Michael was in trouble. He was caught in
a government frameup.'
One of the most surprising, and disturbing, documents I found in Michael
Riconosciuto's hidden files (see Chapter 9) was an envelope with a
notation on it, handwritten and signed by Ted Gunderson, which read as

"Michael: Raymond [Lavas] is arriving at LAX, 7:55 p.m., Air Canada via
flight 793 from Toronto. Will have to go through Customs. This will give
us another member for our drug/arms operation. Only problem [is] Raymond
will probably be using instead of selling. Sorry I didn't get to D.A.
office. I tried to call, but no answer. By the time I fought the traffic
to the bank and did my banking, it was too late Will be home tonight
(818) 8806238. T.G."

Raymond Lavas was Ted Gunderson's forensic expert when he worked for the
FBI. Lavas was in constant contact with Bobby Riconosciuto after Michael
was incarcerated. In fact, everyone was watching Michael and Bobby very
The transcript, originating from a series of tape recorded interviews
between Michael Riconosciuto, Ted Gunderson and Robert Booth Nichols at
Nichols' "007" apartment in Marina Del Ray, provided a window into the
entire drug scene in California from the early 1960's through the
1980's, mostly relating to methamphetamine operations in the Bay Area.
It had been typed by Ellen Nichols, Robert's wife.

Riconosciuto's relationship with Ted Gunderson dated back at least as
far as 1982. Michael and Nichols dated back to 1967. In reading the
transcript, it appeared that Gunderson and Nichols were interviewing
Riconosciuto for recruitment into a drug/sting operation.

Riconosciuto later verified that he was, in 

Re: [CTRL] Ted Gunderson / Quotes from The Last Circle / Part 3 of 5

1999-09-29 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

continued from Part 2

From "The Last Circle" by Carol Marshall

A HREF="http://www.tdbooks.com/ebooks/lastcircle/toc.html"The Last
Circle-Table Of Contents/A

Quotes are posted with the permission of the Editor.  The names/comments
inserted in [[double brackets]] were inserted by me for the purpose of
clarity.  Underlines are mine, but I doubt they'll show up.
begin quoting
Out of the Wackenhut/Cabazon endeavor grew a business partnership between
Nichols and Riconosciuto, both interested in developing new, hightech
submachine guns and powerful explosive devices that, like a nuclear
blast, could produce an electromagnetic pulse that could wipe out an
enemy's communicatins and electronics.

The secretive Nichols chatted with Casolaro frequently. Casolaro's July
phone bills indicated that he called Nichols fifteen times that month,
often in the wee hours of the morning. Several of those phone
conversations lasted for more than two hours. Before his death on August
10th, Danny Casolaro told his brother, Tony, and Bill Hamilton that
Nichols warned him that his investigations were risky.
According to FBI statements, Nichols is not a man whose warnings should
be taken lightly. In September 1987, Special Agent Thomas Gates of the
Los Angeles FBI had begun an investigation of the activities of Robert
Booth Nichols and his corporation, Meridian International Logistics,
through Japanese and Australian legal attaches abroad.

According to a subsequent deposition filed by Gates, the bureau
suspected Nichols of being involved in a $500 million stock fraud and of
maintaining ties to the Gambino crime family and organized crime in
Gates's deposition was part of a 1987 wiretapping on the phone of Eugene
Giaquinto, an official of the MCA entertainment corporation with reputed
MOB links. Nichols was one of the people whose calls the bureau
intercepted. According to the wiretap application, Nichols was allegedly
an international money launderer for money generated through narcotics
trafficking and organized crime activities.
Ted Gunderson submitted an affidavit on Nichols' behalf, stating that he
believed Gates HAD acted outside the scope of his employment when
investigating Nichols abroad, the suit was subsequently dismissed
through the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
While reading these documents, I couldn't help wondering why an "arms"
dealer [Nichols] , allegedly tied in with organized crime, wanted to fund the
exclusive training of physicians at a Japanese medical school?
Was this technology being developed with the authority of the U.S.
government, or independently? If Nichols' operations were in fact
government sanctioned, then it must have been frustrating for him to be
investigated by the FBI. The concept of the FBI inadvertently
investigating the CIA was ironic. And what had Danny Casolaro learned
about this technology?
I felt that time was of the essence in uncovering the nature of this
technology, so I pushed Riconosciuto to talk about it. "It looks like
Earl Brian, Sir Denis Kendall, Hercules Research, Wackenut, Zokosky and
Bob Nichols were all involved in the same biotechnological agenda ..."

Michael answered, "You got it."

I asked, "Are they connected, or are they all individually working on
their own projects?"

Michael: "Yes."


Michael: "Check out Bio-Rad Laboratories. Their international
headquarters are on half of the property that used to be the Hercules
plant, in Hercules, California. Do you understand what I'm saying?
BioRad makes the most toxic biological and radioactive compounds known
to man. And they're now located in the town of Hercules. BioRad
Industrial Park. That building of theirs, the headquarters, doesn't look
like much, but it goes 20 stories down into the ground. It's a huge
underground complex.

"See, BioRad was the flagship company, and then they [Earl Brian]
started InfoTech, and then they got mired in lawsuits and then Hadron
was formed to be a cutout parent corporation, you know, just to be a
firewall from law suits ..."

I asked, "What do they do at BioRad?"

"Well, they make the most hazardous biological and nuclear chemicals in
the world, for medical research."

"Who do they sell it to?"

"Well, front line researchers all over the world. BioRad is the single
source for this stuff ... actually Aldrich Chemical sells it, there's
about 100 companies, but BioRad is head and shoulder above all of them
by a factor of ten on many things like Cytotoxins."

I remembered reading about Cytotoxins in the Wackenhut/Cabazon
biological warfare letters to Dr. Harry Fair.

Michael responded hesitantly, "It would have been Hitler's wet dream.
It's selective to such a degree that it's awesome. With the appropriate
genetic material, you can wipe out whole segments of humanity. There's
no stopping it."

"I asked, "You mean you could 

Re: [CTRL] Ted Gunderson / Quotes from The Last Circle / Part 4 of 5

1999-09-29 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

continued from Part 3

From "The Last Circle" by Carol Marshall

A HREF="http://www.tdbooks.com/ebooks/lastcircle/toc.html"The Last
Circle-Table Of Contents/A

Quotes are posted with the permission of the Editor.  The names/comments
inserted in [[double brackets]] were inserted by me for the purpose of
clarity.  Underlines are mine, but I doubt they'll show up.
begin quoting

It was time to interview Robert Booth Nichols. I was communicating
regularly with Ted Gunderson and one day, on an impulse, I asked him for
Nichols's telephone number. Gunderson hesitated, then gave me the
telephone number of a "relative" of Nichols' in Los Angeles, stating
that he really couldn't give out Robert's home number without first
consulting him.
I didn't mention that Riconoscituo had stated Kendall was Nichols'
supervisor (CIA "handler"), or that J.M., Ted Gunderson's research
partner, had found a brochure in Ted's files advertising for Swedish
nurses at a medical research complex in Mexico. The brochure contained
both Gunderson's picture and Sir Denis Kendall's.
Nichols continued to lead the conversation towards Riconosciuto. Nichols
and Zokosky could not understand why Ted Gunderson testified for Michael
at his trial in Washington state. At a previous dinner party at Nichols'
apartment in Sherman Oaks, Ted reportedly told the two men that Michael
had loaned him (Gunderson) $60,000 for a joint business venture. Ted
still owed Michael the money.

It is noteworthy that Ted also supplied Robert Booth Nichols an
affidavit for HIS lawsuit against Thomas Gates.
I simply did not perceive Riconosciuto as a killer. Nevertheless, I asked
Nichols how Michael would kill me if he was in jail? Nichols said it
would be done by one of Michael's "drug flunkies." He said Riconosciuto
HAD worked for the government, and had been "rescued" by the FBI for
years. He added that Michael could get away with murder.

I wondered if the video had been tampered with. I asked Nichols where he
had obtained the original "uncut" version? He would not say. I had no
idea at that time that his F.I.D.C.O. partner, Clint Murchison, Jr.'s
[[friend of Ted Gunderson, according to his live-in partner, J.M.]] father
had had instant access to the Zapruder film immediately after the
assassination in Dallas, Texas.

Nichols studied me for the longest time, then walked over to the window
and lit a cigarette. He finally commented that the CIA can cover up
anything it wants, even a president's murder. He wanted to show me the
power of the Octopus. "Nothing is as it appears to be," he said.

Inwardly, I recalled a conversation with J.M., in which she
related a conversation she'd had with Ted after a dinner engagement with
Nichols. Nichols had reportedly stated to Ted that he headed a 200man
assassination team. Jackie had been too frightened to elaborate on this
conversation, but had pointed out that Nichols once worked in the
MKUltra (Manchurian Candidate) program during the Vietnam war. This
program was part of the "Phoenix Project." Interestingly, numerous
publications had mentioned that Earl Brian had also participated in the
Phoenix Project during the war.
Littman proceeded to issue a warning which I recorded in my notebook in
the car. It read as follows: "Littman warned me today to watch out.
Noone gets out of this alive. No one walks. If I cut them off, it would
be very dangerous."
That evening, I mentally reviewed the day's events. Nichols and Littman
were undoubtedly screwing with my head. The doctored Zapruder tape gave
them deniability. The information I had obtained at the meeting may or
may not have had value, but I knew one thing, the deaths surrounding
Riconosciuto and Nichols were real enough.

Behind the smoke and mirrors labyrnthe was a story, one they were
working very hard to conceal. I felt sure the corporate and government
connections were little more than "fronts" for large scale drug
Bobby Riconosciuto sat with Ted Gunderson and J.M. in her hotel suite
and ate pizza. When I called her, she said Ted had detained her at the
hotel, she couldn't get away. My husband and I finished our dinner and
drove to San Diego to see my mother.
"John, I've been straight with all of them. Every one of them. I have
never betrayed any of them, other than to provide you, as a journalist,
with some documents you requested ..."

He interrupted me, still speaking meticulously, ever so slowly. "You
cannot fool people like Michael and Bobby and Ted Gunderson. Michael
knew the meeting was going to take place. And it's not a good idea to go
back and tell him a story that something didn't happen when it did
Bobby confided that Michael had taperecorded the conversation in which
Littman had reported the contents of the Nichols meeting. Michael had
called a "friend," and had the friend patch 

Re: [CTRL] Error 404: File Not Found/Parascope

1999-09-28 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

Cany anybody help me on this?  I can hardly open anything at the
Paracsope site.  I can't even use the search.  I keep getting this:

Unable to open http://www.parascope.com/ds/documentslibrary/index.htm.
The site reports that the item you requested could not be found.

Not Found
The requested URL /ds/documentslibrary/index.htm was not found on this

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] What a Wonderful World by Carla Binion

1999-01-04 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

by Carla Binion

Ok, what is the GOP trying to pull?  They're kidding with this George W. for
president deal, right?  It's not just that George flunked when asked by a
reporter to name the leaders of four different countries.  (I can almost hear
strains of Dubya's theme song:  "Don't know much about history, don't know
much about geography...")  And, yes, I did personally know the names of the
four leaders.  It's that when he mentioned the coup in Pakistan, he said the
coup was a good thing because it would help bring stability to the region.
Whoa!  Warning, warning, danger, danger, CIA-speak!  Who did this guy's

It's a matter of public record that the CIA often sings the praises of one
miltary dictator or another for "bringing stability to a region."  This is
not a sentiment that most Americans in possession of all pertinent facts
would likely share -- not that we're allowed much say about it.  What gives
one pause is that the phrase "bringing stability to the region" (and ask
yourself: what average American routinely uses that phrase?) rolled off
Dubya's tongue so easily, as his lizard-brain reflexes took over when his
frontal lobe dropped the ball.  Those darting, reptilian eyes said it all as
the interview progressed.  The Dubya was stumped, but his programming did
kick in and sort of slop out for all the world to see.

The last thing we need is yet another affable, passive CIA stooge for
president.  Been there, done that.  Two recent Democratic presidents, Carter
and Clinton, have occasionally at least held their own on foreign affairs and
stood up to the intelligence services with independent opinions.  Carter made
a stab at cleaning up the CIA and resisted CIA policies in Iran, and Clinton
opened some intelligence files.  Neither was a total CIA doormat with a blank
check as Reagan and Bush were -- and as Shrub would likely be.

Another thing we don't need is yet another, shall we say, Quayle-like mind in
high political office.  We had one Dan Quayle near the presidency, and we all
knew right away that was a no go.  Why is it taking so long for Republicans
to see George W. isn't any more viable than Quayle was?  What more evidence
do they need -- Shrub's telling us in an interview that the "Kosovians" and
the "Grecians" are actually from America?  ("Don't know much about a science
book.  Don't know much about the French I took...")

We need to get a message to the GOP:  Save yourselves some time and money.
Do not back this racehorse.  Or, maybe we should just sit back and watch the
horse stumble as he gets closer to the finish line.  Unless the CIA plans to
fully rig the election, I can't imagine how George W. is confident he's going
to be our next president.  Maybe dad's friends at Langley have worked out
some deal with the "Kosoviogrecians" to have them show up in droves at the
ballot boxes.  Or maybe the Gore camp can alert the public to Dubya's obvious
flaws soon enough to reverse his mind boggling lead and prevent yet another
CIA presidency.  What a wonderful world it would be.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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