
2005-07-27 Thread Kerry Roach
We are new here, so I am interested in any help any of you might help with my kitty Bandy.
He was recently diagnoised with FeLV and FIV...He came down sick around the middle of June with a kidney here is what we have done and are doing now..
He had a temp of 106 so was in the hospital for 2 days and put on clavamox for 10 days..he responded at first but got sick again on July 4 with 105 temp and was admitted again to the hospital and put on baytril for 14 days with good response until July 15 which he relapsed again with 105 temp...More blood work was done and this is when the FIV and FeLV tests were done...and both were positive.. 
He is now on baytril and amoxicillin, interferon for 8 days now every other day, epogen every other day, tagamet twice daily, and oxazepam .1ml applied to inner ear for appetite stimulant..
His PCV has gone up 4 so that is improving with the help of the epogen..his appetite it good..
With all this, he still spiked a temp of 104.5 a few days ago and was given a dexamethasone shot and next day temp was back to normal.. We get SQ fluids every time we go for the epogen shot... He also gets nutri-cal 3x a day and another vitamin mixture with his interferon.
I was wondering if any of you might have tried any other antibiotics to combate these infections..or any other suggestions would be appreciated...He is a fighter so I want to give him the best chance possible to help him have a good quality of life...
I also don't understand these tests being positive as he is an indoor cat and hasn't been outside at all since 2001...He is 5 yrs old now..So I am a little confused about the FIV test being positive...
Thank so much,
Kerry and Bandy__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Bandy

2005-07-28 Thread Kerry Roach
Thanks so much for the replies..
Bandy seems to be doing ok right now and maybe the infection is finally clearing up..I hope..
He is eating and drinking good...He will even play some now...
Here are some of the blood test results as of last Sat.: PCV 26 up from 21
Total Protein is staying between 6 and 7.. the RBC is up to 4.22 now and it had been lower..
Please let me know if I can list any other results that might give you an idea about him.
His K and Na were both low but I am he is getting some K suppliments, too..
My vet has us on interferon every other day now for the next 3 wks...I have read that most keep their kitties on it daily..any suggestion on this would be appreciated, too..
He is living with 3 other cats as I have no way to separate them, but they are neg for FIV and one is FeLV + so I am going to give him interferon, too..He is healthy now and shows no signs of any illness...They are all on vitamins and a highly nutritional diet. The 2 older ones eat K/D as a preventitive mixed with Natures best.
Thanks again and any additional information is appreciated...
Kerry and Bandy and his buddies Lil Rascal, Buster and Whitey...__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Bandy's temp up again!

2005-07-28 Thread Kerry Roach
Bandy's temp was up again today to 104..he received another dex shot to hopefully bring it vet said she thinks it could be from the inflammation going on with both these diseases..He is still eating and drinking so that is the good thing..
As Nina suggested, we have gotten some doxycycline and are going to try see if it helps...I know it can cause some stomach upset in some...Does anyone have any info on that? He also received some pepcid to replace the tagamet. The cream that you put in the inner ear once a day.. 
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we will do the same..
Kerry and Bandy
		Yahoo! Mail 
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Re: Bandy Update

2005-07-31 Thread Kerry Roach
Good news on Saturday..I took Bandy for his blood test and the PCV was up to 31 and the TP was 7.5...Best of all, he did not have a temp..He is on 1/4 dox once a day and baytril once a day along with interferon, pepcid and his other supplements..I am adding them gradual to not cause a stomach upset..He is eating and drinking very good.. I hope to get him back to his normal weight and I guess so far he is on the right track..
Thank you all for your great input and your thoughts..
We will keep you posted and any other info is greatly appreciated..
Kerry R. and Bandy __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Bandy's temp up again

2005-08-01 Thread Kerry Roach
Both of those ideas are great and if we have a problem I will try them..
So far I have been feeding him right after pill time..and he is eating, I just hope
this continues..He hates to see me coming now as he seems to be feeling better
and knows it must be pill time...Guess this is why I haven't added too much to his food
as I don't want him to think it is going to taste bad then not eat...
I do add corn oil to it some, too..He likes salmon so I put a little corn oil on it..
I read in a vet manuel that I have to add 1 tsp of corn oil per day per degree of fever. Along with a high fat diet..because of the caloric increase due to the fever..__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Bramble can't eat - ideas please

2005-08-02 Thread Kerry Roach
I have tried clam juice on top of his favorite food as well..or little cottage cheese..
I have to agree with the a/d. I have had good results when someone is off food with the a/d.
Also, I have used with good results evap. milk. egg yolk and white karo syrup..
Hope he feels better soon.
Kerry and Bandy__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Bramble can't eat - ideas please

2005-08-02 Thread Kerry Roach
I forgot to mention that my Bandy is on oxazepam transdermal for appetite stimulant..It seems to be working good with no side effects.. He receives this twice daily..You might ask your vet about that...It really seems to work...
Kerry R.__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Bandy's temp

2005-08-03 Thread Kerry Roach
I took Bandy to get his shot on Tues. and his temp was up to 105.4 again..He will go several days without a temp, then it spikes again...He received another 1/2cc dex shot and it always lowers it..but we don't want to do that as to compromise his immune system further.
If it goes up again, we are going to use 1/4 baby aspirin..every 3 to 4 days..and no closer together...He started dox once a day on Sat. and is still on 1/2 baytril once a day along with interferon...and some other supplements...I have ordered TF so will start that when I get it..
My vet says that she thinks it has something to do with inflammation going on which causes his temp to go up off an on. Due to him having both FIV and FeLV...
If any of you know of anything that could help with this, we would appreciate the info. I don't know what else to ask her...
Thanks so much,
Kerry R. and Bandy__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Bandy's temp up again, Tues..

2005-08-04 Thread Kerry Roach
Bandy's temp is down for the I each time this happens, I do hope it is his turning point of it not going up again...
The infection and fever started middle of June..He got better then relapsed around July 4 with a high fever...His WBC count was normal then and PCV low around more antibiotics were added and he got better again only to relapse again on July 18 with an elevated WBC count and low PCV.. Since he has been on procrit, the PCV has gone up to 31..It went from 26 to 31 in one week and he is only getting 2 shots a week now..for at least 2 more weeks, then he will go to once a week..His temp has shot back up twice since July 25..and his vet tells me she thinks it is from the inflammation that goes on with his FIV and FeLV..I do understand to a point. He responds very rapidly to the 1/2cc of dex when it is elevated and it will stay down for several days..The dex is short acting, too...I don't know though... Each time though, I hope when it is down that it as I said is his turning point of it not going up again..He won't eat when it is elevated or not much anyway...She
 wants to put him on 1/4 baby aspirin every 3 to 4 days starting on to keep the inflammation down...Does anyone understand this? 
She did say that since he has responded so well to the procrit that we do know now that his bone marrow is producing RBC on its own..which is also a good sign...
I am going to request another WBC test when he does his next blood work..
Thank you for all your help,
Kerry R. and Bandy__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Bramble is worse

2005-08-07 Thread Kerry Roach
I hope Bramble is feeling somewhat better today. I don't know if you posted or someone else about your kitty having a hot head and ears with a normal rectal temp..I have a 14 yr old that does this all the time..It is his blood pressure...When it is elevated, his ears are red and his head is really hot...with a normal temp..You might ask about that..
Also, my Bandy is on oxazepam .1ml transdermal twice daily for an appetite stimulant..
Hope this is of some help..
We will keep you and Bramble in our prayers..
Kerry R. and Bandy
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Re: Bandy's temp

2005-08-11 Thread Kerry Roach
Bandy has still been having some temp. problems...It was 105.8 on Monday..and once again we gave him 1/2cc dex to bring it down...He responds very rapidly to it, and seems to feel so much better...His PCV was at 30, and he now going to get animal epogen injections twice weekly for maybe just 1 or 2 more weeks...He was getting human epogen, but they have received some of the other...I am going to start him on Transfer factor stress formula..
He had also gained 3oz...and is up to 6lbs. 12.5 oz. from 51/2lbs...
I don't know what to do about the temp going up and down...We don't want to continue to use the dex as I know it isn't good for him..
We are looking into something else if the temp goes back up...
I just don't understand alot of this..
He seems to be feeling very good the last couple of days so it remains a mystery to me..
Any info you could give us would be greatly appreciated...
I hope everyone's kitties are feeling good today and on the mend...
I am so glad the little kitty Georgie was found...I know the feeling there, too...
My best to all of you and your kitties,
Kerry R. and Bandy
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Bandy's anemia

2005-08-11 Thread Kerry Roach
Could Bandy's anemia be related to his original kidney infection? He doesn't have CRF and all kidney function test were normal..I was just wondering if that could have been a cause along with the possibility that he has FIA..
Any suggestions on any other tests that he should have, please let us know..
Thanks so much, 
Kerry R. and Bandy__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Bandy's temp

2005-08-11 Thread Kerry Roach
Thanks for the info...Bandy has gotten dex no more often than evry 3 or 4 days...and even gone as long a week a couple of times...I think in the last 6 wks. he has had maybe 7 or 8 injections.. I don't like it either but I thought since it was short acting and no more often than that, it might not be so harmful...since he does keep eating and drinking on his own and there are no lapses in that as long as the temp goes down...
I will check it out with his vet about the hot virus..and we are looking to go to a specialist, too.
He isn't on lysine...How much do you give?
I will keep you postedJulie, I do hope your Tator Tot is feeling better real soon...
Kerry and Bandy__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Bandy's temp

2005-08-12 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi, Bandy didn't seem to feel too good today...His temp was up to 104.2 and he did go almost 5 days without it going up to that...He did receive another dex inj. but it is cut down to 1/4cc now..hopefully to get him thru the
 weekend...he is eating and drinking alot...Bowels and kidneys are working fine...He doesn't have any eye or nose discharge..He never has..
I think we are going to get an appt. next week to an internal med specialist that I have used in the past...It is about 120 miles away and he won't like the ride, but he needs some answers because this temp thing could go on and on...
Thank you Julie and Michelle for your replies...
I did ask about the metacam and immuno-regulin...I have read about the metacam and it seems to be more for dogs and not so good for cats...Have you used it in your kitties before without any side effects? Also, the immuno-regulin, my vet has but she said she had never had very good result with it...I think it might be a good thing though..except for the temporary rise in the temp...I do hope we can get into the spec. next week..or asap...
I will check more on the lysine though, too...I think I am going to add some Vit. C tonight and maybe some CO Q10
Anyway, any other suggestions would be appreciated...A good thing is that he has gained 1 lb 71/2 oz. since this all started in middle of June...I think that is a good jump for a small kitty. I hope I can get another 1 lb on him...
I do hope your Tator Tot and Bramble are doing better today...
We will be thinking about you.
Kerry and Bandy
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Re: Bramble

2005-08-12 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi, hope Bramble is eating some more today..
I have used a feeding tube in the past...I had a kitty that hadlymphosarcoma, so she wasput on chemo monthly and had to have a tube which when they did the exploratory and found they couldn't remove the mass they just inserted it then...They usually only keep it a few months while they are recouping, but she had it the rest of her life...I would feed her 40ccs twice a day with her meds in it slowly in the tube...It is a very good way to medicate kitties that don't need the stress of giving meds all day long.. After she started feeling better, she started eating on her own and I just used it to give meds...She lived another 9 months and they seemed to be the happiest of her 13 yrs...She would clean the tube and never bothered it...They told me if she pulled it out don't worry, it would be ok...It was about 31/2 in long in her side and had a stopper in it...I know the chemo sounds bad, but kitties don't react like people or even dogs..They don't get sick from it...She
 would always come home feeling better...She even gained about 3 lbs after starting it...but that is a bad form of cancer in our kitties so even with chemo and supplements, they usually only live a yr or so...but do feel much better...
Good luck to you and Bramble..
kerry and Bandy__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Bandy's temp

2005-08-13 Thread Kerry Roach

Thanks so much for the info Jenn...How much metacam drops did you use? I will get right on that least it might help until we can figure out what is really going on here..He seems to feel so normal and eats well when the temp is down.. This has been going on so long, and we are both so stressed by it..I want him to get better...He has no other outward signs of I said no runny nose, sneezing or eye discharge...everything seems to be working good, but there is something bad going on somewhere...
Thank you all for your help...
Hoping all your kitties are doing well today..
Kerry and Bandy__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Bandy's temp

2005-08-16 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi everyone,
I took Bandy in to the vet today and he had 106.2 temp again...Anyway, he got a dex injection and it always seems to help...When we got home, he went straight to the food bowl and had some dry and can...He has eaten again since then, too...he had only gained another ounce..but he is up to 6 lbs 13 lots better than 5.8...He is so tired though...I guess the temp keeps draining him and this one was alot higher than it usually gets...All I could do from Monday is get him to drink some and eat very little..
We do have an appt. with an internal med. specialist in Dallas next we are going to try to keep the temp down as best we can and keep him eating and all to make the trip...It is about 140 miles away from us, but maybe they can come up with something to help him...
Please keep him in your prayers...I hope they can find an easy solution to his illness..and all...
We will be thinking of all of you and your kitties and hope they are all doing well today..
Still being new here I only know a few so far, but I wish you all the best...
Grace, Bramble and Tater Tot...
Thanks for all of your support and are a great group..
Kerry and Bandy
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Re: bandy temp

2005-08-20 Thread Kerry Roach
He Had Normal Temp On Fri. Keep Your Fingers Crossed
That He Has Turned The Corner. He Is More Like Normal
Since Tues Nite. Kerry N Bandy
 Send Felvtalk mailing list submissions to
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 or, via email, send a message with subject or body
'help' to
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 When replying, please edit your Subject line so it
is more specific
 than Re: Contents of Felvtalk digest...
 Today's Topics:
1. Re: Mythic's itching and Bones' recovery
2. Re: Mythic's itching and Bones' recovery
3. Re: stress (catatonya)
4. Re: stress (Terri Durham-Stone)
5. CatCamp emergency (Kerry MacKenzie)

 Message: 1
 Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 12:12:03 -0500
 Subject: Re: Mythic's itching and Bones' recovery
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII;
delsp=yes; format=flowed
 What were your kitties symptoms?  Itchy skin, red
skin, watery eyse,  
 On Aug 19, 2005, at 2:52 AM, maimaipg wrote:
  I hope the new food works.  What I had to do with
Kitty was  
  eliminate every common food that might cause
allergies, especially  
  grains and poultry then gradually add them back in
foods with the  
  fewest preservatives possible.  It was difficult
because most cat  
  foods contain these, even the fish flavored ones. 
To make things  
  even worse she liked kibble and almost all kibble
(with the  
  exception of some veterinarian exclusionary diets
which she hated)  
  contain common allergians.  I found that Fast
Track for Felines  
  worked as well or better that vet bought
probiotics and was  
  considerably less expensive,
  Good luck to you and your little ones.
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 10:23 PM
  Subject: Re: Mythic's itching and Bones' recovery
  I did get them on better food this week, not been
enough days yet  
  to tell if it will help or not. he is also on his
third dose of  
  probiotics now, so hopefully that will kick in
soon. I'm not going  
  to medicate the wrist with anything for now. I
really think it may  
  be OK, and he is just a big baby, and twisted it
wrong jumping. He  
  is SUCH a big baby, just LOVES to be held and
petted. I just wish  
  he didn't feel the need to spray everything and
his diarrhea would  
  clear up now! Some feliway might help with the
spraying, but my  
  funds are SO low... it's just not a priority right
now. Getting the  
  intact female he was living with spayed might help
that too, come  
  to think of it.
  Adopt a cat from UCAT rescue:
  Adopt a FIV+ cat:
=== Message Truncated === 

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Re: My little man has gone to rainbow bridge

2005-08-21 Thread Kerry Roach
I am so sorry to hear about Bramble...Even though we are new here, I have grown to know quite a few in a short time and dear Bramble was one of them...I know you and he fought a long hard battle...and you had a connection with him...and he is at peace now...
Our thoughts and prayers are with you...
Kerry R. and Bandy
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Re: Tater Tot

2005-08-25 Thread Kerry Roach

I was so sorry to hear of his passing, but as we know he is still with you in spirit...And when you least expect it, there will be a tug on those apron will know he will always be with you. I know it is a very difficult time, but we do know they will all be waiting for us at the bridge...
You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Take care,
Kerry R. and Bandy__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Bandy's trip to the specialist

2005-08-25 Thread Kerry Roach
Just an update on what we have been doing for Bandy.
His temp still jumps up every 3 or 4 days...all the way to we went to a specialist to have everything checked.. This is what they did and what they have found so far..
CBC in house was done and one was sent out to another lab
Biochemistry: Feline comprehensive pending
Urinalysis: showed trace glucose in urine Specific gravity 1.020
FeLv and FIV ELISA were both positive
Bone marrow IFA for FeLV pending
Bone marrow IFA for FIV pending
Bone marrow aspirate cytology pending
Chest x-ray normal
Abdominal Ultrasound: no masses or nodules seen, Spleen, gall bladder, liver, urinary bladder, bowel,stomach, and  pancreas are all normal.. Kidneys are thickened and surface texture is irregular. They are symmetrical in size...Both have thickened and hyperechoic cortexes with fusion and blunting of the renal papillae..
There was no evidence of free fluid in the abdomen..
I think the concern here is of the kidneys being irregular, but they are working properly now..
Hemobartonella PCR pending ( to see if this is a contributing factor to his fever)
She saved some serum samples for ongoing testing if necessary...
I think we just about covered it all in one visit...since it was a very long trip for him to make..Actually, I think he did better than I did...He was a real trooper and did great...He even ate alittle bit on the way home and first thing he did when we got home instead of the litter box, it was the food and water bowl...
Anyway, I will post the results as I get them...
I think it is still a mystery to my vet here at home as well as the specialist...She was searching for cancer cells and enlarged lymph nodes and there were none...That is a positve thing, so all we can hope for is that the IFA tests are negative...I am going to keep hoping and praying that they are
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your kitties!!
Kerry R. and Bandy
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Special needs list

2005-08-25 Thread Kerry Roach
How do I add Bandy to the special needs list? We are searching to try to find the cause of his recurring fever..and hoping and praying he is negative on the IFA for FeLV and FIV.. 
Thank you so much,
Kerry and Bandy
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Re: your kitty Cloud

2005-08-29 Thread Kerry Roach
My kitty has been anemic recently, too...Like Nina said, about the hemobart...I am giving Bandy some doxy and he also receives procrit injections 2 times a week..It has brought his PCV back up to 31...You might ask your vet about procrit (epogen) injectionsThey seem to be working for Bandy...He also gets oxazepam transdermal for an appetite stimlulant...when he isn't eating very good, I give him some in his ear and that seems to work as well...
Good luck with Cloud..
Kerry and Bandy__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Bandy's test results

2005-08-31 Thread Kerry Roach
We had some bad news today...The IFA was positive for FeLV and FIV...His bone marrow is failing...It is not producing enough RBC. The WBC are was a little high, but not much.
We have stopped the epogen(procrit) injections for now...Since he does have enough erythropoietin he doesn't need that now unless the PCV goes to around 20...It was 26 today..
Also, he is still spiking a temp more on than off...but we have also had to stop the dex injections as it could be harmful to his pancreas so she put him on 5mg of pred daily which I know isn't a good thing, but it is the only thing we can use to bring down the fever...
Any more suggestions on the temp thing would be great...I don't know what else to do...
The specialist also said the fever is from inflammation caused from the I have to try to figure out a way to stop it using something natural if at all possible...
He hurt his leg a few days ago as he was playing and I think he over did it so now he won't walk on it much...
We are still on the same antibiotics until the PCR test comes back next week...
If any of you know anything we could do to help his bone marrow, I would really appreciate the info...I am waiting to get the papers in front of me as I don't understand all of this until I see the actual results in front of me...We did all this on the phone today...
I need some help trying to make a good protocol for him supplement wise..
I have read about the liver shake and am going to try that, but he likes fish best..(salmon)
I just don't know where to start or what to do first...I have searched on the list for any other kitties that might have symptoms like Bandy and I can't find I don't know if this is highly unusual or what...
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers...
Hoping all your kitties are doing good today.
Head butts to all!!
Kerry R. and Bandy__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Bandy's test results

2005-09-01 Thread Kerry Roach

Hi everyone,
I did ask about the metacam, and she saidnot to do it as it could cause him some gut bleeding maybe because of the steroids he has already had to take...She looked really paniced when I said it...
I will mix the liver shake, but he is so finicky and really only likes salmon. I will give it a shot though...he might eat some of it, I won't know unless I try...
I will look into the lyprinol, too..I haven't read anything about that...but they both seem to think his fever is related to inflammation from the diseases...I will look into the homeopathic things that Hideyo suggested as well..I don't know if our health food store here will have them, but they can order it for me..
I know I really need to start boosting him inbetween his regular meds with some supplements...I have a natural book that talks about a high powered vitamin formula for FeLV...and I am going to get the other things I need and mix that up..I am already giving him Vit E 400 weekly and some added bone meal and the missing link omega 3 fatty acids..
I try to get him to eat the benebac at least twice a week, too...have to sneak it in..I really don't want to mess up the taste of his food as I don't want him to go off it...or start thinking it is going to taste bad...That is why I wish I could find some salmon oil..I will try some cod liver oil, too...His internal spec. doesn't want him on too many oils though as something to do with this thing going on with his pancreas because of the dex..we can only use it again in an extreme emergency...
I did contact Darla and got a message from her today...I am going to get back in touch with her soon...
Bandy had a 103.5 temp on Tues, but today Wed...he was great...first time I have heard him purr in over 2 sometimes it seems as if he is re-bounding, but I don't know..
Guess we go one day at a time...
Thanks for all the info and I will check it all out..
Kerry R. and Bandy__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Bandy and supplements

2005-09-05 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi everyone,
Bandy is feeling ok for the past few days...just being a kitty...
I was wondering if any of you could suggest a good supplement protocol we could get on right now...I know he needs the immune boosters, but he needs something to help with the anemia, too..He is on duralactin now, too...I think it is a new product for chronic inflammation in cats so I am hoping this is going to help with the fever.. He is only getting a small amount right now as I don't want to upset his stomach...That is one thing we haven't had a problem with...He has only had his appetite stimulant once this week as he is eating good right now...
Anyway, I was just wanting some suggestions for any good supplements that I could put him on for now..
Head butts to all your kitties and hoping they are all feeling good today.
Kerry and Bandy
		 Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

Re: Sad News

2005-09-06 Thread Kerry Roach

Hi Julie,
I am sorry to hear about your kitties...I do understand as I have several on meds at this time and it can be overwhelming that's for sure...
I wanted to let you know that I had a kitty several yrs ago with an in-operable tumor on the back of her tongue...We put her on 20mg. of pred a day for the inflammation as she could not be force feed or medicated...I would hide the pills in her food and she would eat them..I think she had so much steroid that her appetite was always great..She lived another 3 yrs with this tumor...It was awful looking, too...She would sometimes choke and have a difficult time we did get some of the inflammation down she would even eat some dry food at times...It seems as if she just learned to cope with it the best way she could...She wasn't FeLV+ though so if your kitty is, I don't know about all the pred..I know the steroids are awful to use, but I guess sometimes we have to use them...
We have you in our thoughts and prayers.. 
Kerry and Bandy
		 Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

Re: Sad News

2005-09-08 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Julie,
I do hope you can get her to keep she will get some strength back..I also have the transdermal pred. for Bandy just in case we need it...I get my transdermals from Roadrunner Pharmacy in Phoenix...Have you tried the appetite stimulants? I didn't know if I missed that or not, but we use oxazepam transdermal and it works great on Bandy when his temp is up...
Good luck and we are praying for her..
Kerry and Bandy
		 Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

Re: Update on Princess Grace

2005-09-08 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Nina,
I was sorry to hear that Grace hasn't been feeling so good lately...I do hope she is doing better now. It could just be the thoughts of her having a long and healthy life...It does seem to help things when they don't know we are stressed about them feeling so rotten..and giving off those more positive thoughts and things I believe really work.. 
You both are in our thoughts and prayers.
Kerry and Bandy
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Re: Another emergency!! - at home oxygen tank?

2005-09-12 Thread Kerry Roach
thanks so much for the replies..My Lil Rascal made it home without the use of oxygen...His breathing was much better and now today (Monday) we are going to get him on the correct meds..I hope...He has hyperthyroidism so that doesn't help matters..
Anyway, I had a friend that had an oxygen tank and she brought it just in case..My vet said forme to just cover the carrier with towels so the air flow wouldn't be completly cut off and put the hose thru the side with some ice in a bowl for humidity and turn it on a low setting 1 or 1.5 just in case...I do think if I need to, I can enclose a carrier at home if another emergency arises with his least to do a breathing treatment or whatever he might need in a crunch..
When we got home though, he was very dehydrated as I think they must have took the fluids off too fast and didn't get enough back fast enough so he stayed at the water bowl all night and it was awful...I called my reg vet Sunday morning and took him in for 250 SQ fluids, as his temp was subnormal...then he stayed all afternoon on a heating pad and had a little O2 as well..he received another 250 fluids that afternoon and then I brought him home...He used the box then went on to pig out...I was so happy that he felt good enough to eat...I have seen him eat several times since..and drinking but not to the extent of hanging his head over the bowl as he did when we got home...anyway...My vet said they should have supplemented him with SQ fluids even though he had an IV, but they didn't and didn't even give him any potassium..We have done all of that now and hopefully can give him some quality time at home..He is Bandy's buddy..and Bandy has been with him since I got him home..
Lil Rascal is 15 (Oct. 31 will be 16) and never been sick in his life..So this is all very traumatic for him..Thanks again for all of your info..
Head butts to all our wonderful fur babies! 
Kerry, Bandy, Lil Rascal and the rest of the crew
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Re: Gracie

2005-09-18 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Nina,
I am so sorry to hear that little Gracie is having a bad time...Have you tried the appetite stimulant oxazepam transdermal...It does work good on Bandy...I also use the old formula sometimes of white karo syrup, egg yolk and can milk..also can add some high protein baby cereal to it if you want...have even added some nutrical to it at times...Also, in the past have used clam juice on top of some food...Some of my cats just don't like fishy things and others do..Chicken broth works sometimes, too...Lately to get Rascal to take his pills, I put them in some a/d and top it with baby food beef cause I can't pill him, he gets too stressed. If I think of anymore I will send them to you. I do hope she will rally soon. I know how it is when they won't eat...You and Gracie are in our thoughts and prayers...Like everyone has said, and I guess we all know this...just one day at a time..
Take care,
Kerry, Bandy, Little Rascal and the rest of the crew
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Re: Question about Euthanasia and my Grace

2005-09-22 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Nina,
I am so sorry to hear that Grace isn't responding...It is such a difficult decision to make, but like we all will know the time and the signs...maybe it is a sign that your regular vet isn't here until Fri...for you to keep giving her the treats...and maybe that will give her some strength to eat something...I don't know if this will help, but if you have some dex give her can relieve any pain/inflammation if she is having any...
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Grace.
Kerry and Bandy[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Send Felvtalk mailing list submissions toFelvtalk@felineleukemia.orgTo subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to[EMAIL PROTECTED]You can reach the person managing the list at[EMAIL PROTECTED]When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specificthan "Re: Contents of Felvtalk digest..."Today's Topics:1. Sulphur ([EMAIL PROTECTED])2. Re: Question about Euthanasia and my Grace (Rachel)3. Re: Question about Euthanasia and my Grace (Terri Brown)--Message: 1Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 15:29:29 EDTFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:
 SulphurTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgMessage-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"Yes please Hideyo - thanksJust out of interest - did you get the full thyroid test done or the basic test?Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy  Angel Bramble-- next part --An HTML attachment was scrubbed...URL: /pipermail/ 2Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 12:34:26 -0700 (PDT)From: Rachel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Re: Question about Euthanasia and my GraceTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgMessage-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"I made that decision with my Butch.It is very hard, but I firmly believe that when they have given up there is no need for
 anything to be dragged out. I almost wish people could have the option of euthanasia because I know some would take it.Butch was having trouble breathing and had lost weight from not eating. The vet I took him to was very nice and good with both of us.They didn't seem to have any problems and everything was over very quickly and peacefully.If this is the decision you make, it will be the right one for both of you, and you certainly have the thoughts  support from everyone here.RachelNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:My Beloved Group,First of all, I'm sorry I haven't been able to participate fully in the group this last couple of weeks. I love you all, but for the last couple of days, I haven't even been able bring myself to read the posts. I'm physically and emotionally exhausted by Grace and my last efforts to bring her back to health. Yesterday, I finally resigned myself to thinking of our time together as 'death bed
 vigil'. Those of you that know me, know that I pray all your babies are safe and healthy, and those that are losing, or have lost the battle; my love is with you. I don't know what I would have done without the love and support of this group. You have been a Godsend to me and my sweet fur angels.Yesterday morning Gracie "told" me she does not want to stay. Among other signs, I was syringe feeding her and she refused to swallow. I'm trying my best to make peace with her decision. I know you understand. She hasn't eaten on her own for a long time now and she's skin and bones. She spent a nice peaceful day, and I did my best to just "be with her". During the afternoon she made it clear that she didn't want to be sung to, or touched. It's so hard on me to watch her pull away. At one point, she seemed a bit agitated so I ground up a tiny bit of Valium and gave it to her in water. She was so relaxed she even did a stretch-semi
 roll out on the patio in the sun. She did something that startled me, and got my hopes up again. (I just can't stop believing in miracles). I was giving the dogs treats and she was laying on the couch. Well, we have this thing Grace and I. Whenever the dogs get treats she'd come bounding over the barrier and expect one too. When she saw me giving the dogs treats this afternoon, she jumped off the couch. I started to cry, because I thought, there's no way she's going to take a treat. I put one in front of her anyway and you could have knocked me over with a sigh. It took her a minute to decide to eat it, but she not only ate that one, but 3 more. Then she ate 3 or 4 pieces of kibble! My hopes were short lived though.I've been up with her most of the night. She still doesn't want my attention. She doesn't even want me to look at her, it's breaking my heart to say goodbye, and I guess it may be making it harder for her to go,
 although that is not my intention. It's not like I don't want her to leave her 

Re: positives and negatives

2005-11-02 Thread Kerry Roach
That is awful...I don't really know why people think all of this...My Bandy and Little Rascal (who just turned 16) and another that is 13 all live together and share everything...Bandy is FIV and FeLV +, but I wouldn't separate them for the world as they are all big buddies...The other 2 are Negative andall have been together for almost 5 yrs...I added a new kitty 2 yrs ago with them and he is negative as well...Just wanted to share this with everyone..
Head butts to all and hope everyone is well..
Kerry and Bandy
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Re: risk of contagion Q

2005-11-06 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi all,
We have been out of touch for awhile so I hope everyones kitties are doing ok..
Bandy is FeLV and FIV + and has lived with my other kitties since 2001. After finding out that Bandy had all of this back in the summer, I had all my others tested. My 16 yr old is negative for both and he is Bandy's best buddy...they clean each other and all the rest..I have one other that was + for Felv but shows no signs of maybe the test was false/postive..I will have him re-checked again later. So I just keep them all together as I have...
It is a little scary though, but I don't know either...Like I said mine (4 that are together) are fine.. My 16 yr old hasn't been vacinnated in probably 10 yrs or so either for Felv. 
Just wanted to share this with you..
Kerry and Bandy
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Bandy's latest

2005-11-06 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi all,
Hope you are all doing well these days...I have been sort of out of touch the last month.
Just wanted to give you all an update on my Bandy..
His last vet visit wasa few weeks ago and his PCV was holding at 27. He has gained another 4oz. so he is up to 7# 2oz. which is almost his top weight...He is looking good and eating well.
We are on interferon alpha daily and 1/2cc baytril still...I don't know how long he will have to be on that as he has been on it for months now..
I am alternating supplements too..I just want to make sure he keeps eating good so I just rotate things around for now...I give him Co Q 10, bone meal powder, bovine colostrum, Vit.E 400 weekly, omega fatty acids (missing link version), and astragalus. 
He went 2 weeks without the temp going up but then it jumped to 105.2 again so I give him .75mg of a dex pill.. then the temp will go back to normal...We still haven't figured out anything about that other than it is due to inflammation..He also gets a fill once daily for that which is for arthritis in cats...I still believe the fever is due to his previous leg injury in 2001 and has something to do with infection in the bone, but the vets don't know. I am going to try to get them to treat him as if he had a bone infection to see if that might not remedy the problem..
Any ideas on that would be appreciated...
My best to you all and your kittes,
Kerry and Bandy
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Re: need all your prayers - please

2005-11-07 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Hideyo,
I have been reading that you were having a problem with the animal control...I do understand..
Today in our local stated we were to only have no more than 3 dogs and 3 cats on our property in the city limits...So believe me I know what you feel...I wish they would understand that we give quality care to our animals and they are part of our family or in my case they are my family...
I am behind you 100% as I know the entire group is...
You are in my prayers...
Kerry and Bandy
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Re: risk of contagion Q

2005-11-07 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Kerry,
I have all my kitties together with Bandy and have since I took him in 2001...He wasn't tested then but since we found out in July about his Felv and Fiv, I couldn't separate them...The others tested neg..except 1 which was Felv + with no symptoms...They haven't been vaccinated inat least 10 yrs...and I didn't re-vaccinate them now either...I guess it is just a feeling that I go with, I don't know...I am not really worried about them getting FIV, but the Felv I don't know about either...I have a 2 yr old that is with him too and he is negative too and wasn't vaccinated until this summer...In my opinion if the kitty has a weakened immune system to begin with then maybe they will contract it, I still read about all of it, too and I just don't know what to believe...
Kerry and Bandy
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Re: Cricket's time

2005-11-09 Thread Kerry Roach
You can find Rescue Remedy at a health food store...I don't know if there is an easy way..
Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time.
Kerry and Bandy
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Re: Cricket and a feeding tube

2005-11-09 Thread Kerry Roach
I had a kitty that had an inoperable tumor back in 1997 and we inserted the feeding tube...She had it the rest of her life...She had chemo for 5 months once a month and I had to feed her until she was able to eat on her own again..They usually leave them in no longer than a few months, but they decided that she did so well with it they just left it...She lived another 10 months and I must say, they seemed to be very happy times for her...She even would clean the tube after awile...They also told me not to worry if she pulled it out, that the hole would seal up somehow...We never faced that...But I am so glad you are giving it a try...They put my kitties in when they went in to find out that her tumor was inoperable...
Feel free to email me if you would like to ask something as to what all I did..It is a great way to give meds too...with small amounts of a/d...She was started on 20cc of a/d several times a day...
Good luck and I really hope this works for you lil Cricket..
Kerry and Bandy
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Bandy's latest blood work

2005-12-18 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi everyone,  I know it has been awhile since we were here, but I do try to read some when I can..  I do hope everyone's kitties are doing well..  Bandy went to the vet last Monday for his PCV and it was an amazing 32...He is still spiking a fever, but not as often or as bad...I do give him 1/2 of .75mg dex and it goes down quickly...He has gone as long as 2 weeks without spiking a temp or a bad one anyway..  I still have him on interferon and baytril 1/2cc.. He is getting lots of supplements..I added extra folic acid about 3 wks ago for the they said that would be what would get him eventually...But so far we are hanging in there...  My Lil Rascal, the one with the heart failure is also doing ok for the moment on lasix...  Thanks to all of you for your on going support! You all are a great group! I have learned alot here and will continue I'm sure..  I read a post
 the other day, but don't remember who it was that had a kitty with lymphoma that was doing chemo..I also had a kitty taking the same drug and all in 1997..she lived another 9 months and quite happily.. If you see this post, let me know if you need any info on what we did and I will be happy to add it..  Take care,  Merry Christmas to all  Kerry, Bandy and Lil Rascal and all the crew__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Bandy's latest blood work

2005-12-29 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi everyone,  Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and your kitties are doing good.  Bandy's last blood work was in Oct..PCV 27 and weight week before Christmas it was 32 and weight was 8.2#...His vet couldn't believe it...and I was a little nervous about having this done...I do go by his nose, too...and it is still very pink...When his PCV got down to 20, his nose was almost I keep check on the pads, nose and ears..  I sprinkle on all his meals...some of an 800 mcg. pill of folic acid...I buy the Solaray brand at the health food store...I am giving him Co Q 10 once daily..He gets some pet tince supplement mixed with his interferon daily...and on occasion I give him an extra 1cc dose of it...I do give him bovine colostrum on all food, too..I also have some other immune stimulants that I got from all 3 of the mushrooms are in it along with green tea and Vit. E..I add omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty
 acids in salmon oil to 1 meal a day..Some other supplements I sorta rotate cause I can't give him all of it at once...I just try to make sure he eats well and so far he still is...He like dry food though and that makes it hard sometimes to get all his supplements in him...I just let him eat though..   If I hadn't had all these tests run and a bone marrow biopsy, I wouldn't believe any of it to be true...I still don't understand all the retic counts and all that...but they told me the anemia would be his worst enemy..  Anyway, if I think of anything else, I will post that as well..  Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your kitties...  Happy New Year!  Kerry and Bandy
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Anemia -- Arlo

2005-12-29 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi,  I have read your post and thought I would send you the info on what I am doing for Bandy who is Felv and FIV+.   He has anemia due to the Felv..  I am giving him Folic acid with every meal...I sprinkle it on his food so it is really hard to tell how much he is getting..I bought the Soloray 800mcg. at the health food store..  I also give him something similiar to pet tinic once a day with his interferon..He has been on interferon since July daily...Some days I give him an extra dose of the pet tinic supplement..He gets Co Q 10 once a day, and some other immune stimulants.  He receives some omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids in salmon oil.  His PCV was 27 and weight 7.1 # in Oct.  His PCV was 32 and weight 8.2 # in Dec..  We were really pleased with the increase...I don't really know what is working..  He also had procrit injections back in July and Aug. but we stopped
 them late in Aug..due to the possibility of him creating antibodies to it...We were going to hold off on that until later if we need it again...  I have researched all the supplements that I think might benefit Bandy with his condition...So I do sorta alternate some of them as we can't give them everything..  I would suggest the interferon. Also, the omega interferon is suppose to be good for anemia...We may try that if Bandy's conditon (PCV) goes down..  If I can be of any help, please don't hesitate to let me know..  Hope your kitty is doing well today.  Kerry and Bandy
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Re: Bailey is anemic

2006-01-04 Thread Kerry Roach
  Hi Belinda,  I haven't posted Bandy's anemia problems at the yahoo group yet, but I have read alot of things at that group..They have some really good info on anemia just in case you haven't checked it out yet...They have alot of posts and info on epogen...  I hope this will help...  You 2 are in our prayers,  Kerry and Bandy
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Re: Bailey is anemic

2006-01-06 Thread Kerry Roach
  Hi Belinda,  I read your post at the anemia group...I am going to try to tell you what we gave Bandy at first..  We used a terumo syringe with the orange needle, I think it was 25 is a 1cc syringe..he weighed about 6# then and we gave him.07cc. The first mark on it is .1 so that isn't very much. (little more than 1/2 of one tenth of a cc) I hope I am making sense of this.. His first bottle whichwas 1cc total was $133. So it lasted quite awhile...I think he received 14 shots with 1cc.. I would have to go back to get his records to see how many we gave him...he may have received 3 in a week more than once..I think it had to be every 3 to 4 days...for a week or 2 with weekly checkings of his PCV...His amazingly went up in 2 wks..My vet said she had one other kitty that took almost 9 wks to see a big change...of just 2 to 3 points...Bandy's went to as high as 35 after about 3 wks then
 sorta just has been staying in the 20's until his last check up.. when he did reach 30 we cut back to 2x a week then once a week until we stopped the end of Aug..  I'm sorry if I have totally confused is hard to explain...I will be going out to Bandy's vets next week so I will look at his records to see exactly what we did..  Our best to you and Bailey,  Kerry and Bandy
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Re: Have epogen for Fu - what to do next?

2006-01-07 Thread Kerry Roach
  Hi Bonnie,  I also have a 19 yr old...His name is Inky...He has been healthy his entire life and only been to the vet a few times...Oddly enough, he had 2 hematomas on the same ear that he had to have surgery for over the yrs...Other than that, all has been well until this past year...I think he has some hyper t going on or IBD not sure...He has a great appetite and still runs about the house...He can see and hear well, too...So I think instead of just trying to fix it myself without a vet or check up...I am going to take him to the vet in the next week or so...He has lost weight this past yr even though he has a great appetite...I think I should give him the chance, too...There might be an easy answer...So I agree with Michelle, you should give your Fu that chance as well...Bandy didn't have any problems with the epogen, but he is 5 and no other problems...I don't know about the adverse reactions since he is 19..  I also
 gave tapazol to Little Rascal who is hyper t...and it made him sick so we stopped it...He is very thin, too..and has congestive heart failure...I have him on supplements and lasix..He is 16..  I hope the folic acid is working for Fu..I think it helped Bandy and I give it to Inky and Little Rascal, too..  Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Fu..  Kerry, Bandy and Little Rascal
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Re: Vitamin C for leukemia?

2006-01-08 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi,   My Bandy has anemia...and is Felv and FIV+. I have given him alot of things since I don't really know what is working...I know something must be though.  I really try to make sure he gets Co Q10 once a day..10mg..and for sure on all meals bovine colostrum. It is a very good immune stimulant that someone told me about at the FIV group...The CoQ10 helps with oxygen utilization as my heart kitty needs this too...I buy supplement from have some really good ones that have met most of Bandy's needs..  I give him folic acid which I bought at the health food store..800mcg...I sprinkle it on his 1 capsule will last all day...You don't want to over do it so I figure since 2 other kitties eat with Bandy, they are all getting some...His PCV was up this last time. He had been on folic acid about 2 weeks prior to his last blood work..  I am going to start him on
 DMG tablets next see if that won't help, too..I forget who told me about it. It supports the immune system, promotes oxygen utilization, improves cardio function, supports liver function and supports ocular health...Since I have a heart kitty, too...I try to keep the supplements that will benefit both of them...They are best buddies (eat and sleep together) I had Little Rascal checked, too when I found out about Bandy's 2 viruses and Lil Rascal is negative for both...So who knows about all that either...  Hope this helps some,  Good luck with your kitty,  kerry and bandy
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Re: Thoughts for Ewok

2006-01-09 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Jen,  I am so sorry to hear that little Ewok isn't doing well...I would have to agree with Michelle on this one...My City Kitty that had lymphoma was on 40 mg. of pred a day for the rest of her life...She did have chemo for 6 months with great response...but it got to a point that we had to stop it because of her blood counts going too low..I can't remember exactly why...But we did continue the pred..20mg twice a day..I would for sure try the dex, too...It will perk them up more rapidly...and not to worry about the diabetes at this point..I have used winstrol, too...for appetite stimulant...  The essiac tea is very good...My Mom had lymphoma and she drank it every day...2 times...Shark cartliage shrinks tumors as well...We used the brand benefinYou could crush some up for Ewok, but I don't really know how long it takes to work..  I wish you the best of luck with him...  I would try the dex though..  Our
 prayers are with you,  Kerry and Bandy
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Re: Bad news about Starman - OT (long)

2006-01-18 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Nina,  I have read some post about Starman and he sounds like a great kitty...Remember that I didn't find out about Bandy being FIV+ until last summer and he has lived with my others since 2001...they are all neg...So I would have to agree with what Tonya said about giving him a chance...Maybe in some time he will get use to your others and they will get use to him once he is neutered...  I give Bandy bovine colostrum as suggested by someone on the FIV list...I put it on all of his meals..I think I have listed all the other supplements that I give him...I try to give him what will help for both the FIV and Felv...  Best wishes to you and Starman,  kerry and bandy
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Bandy's test

2006-01-19 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Michelle,  Yes, Bandy tested positive for both back in Aug...He was tested twice on ELISA and then IFA bone marrow...She told me she searched for cancer cells and other things and found nothing else..The anemia is caused from the Felv...She said the FIV would probably never cause him a problem...She said the thing that would be his worst enemy would be the anemia...I don't understand all about it.. The hemobart test was negative...I have read alot at the anemia group but haven't posted his results there yet...When she did the sonogram, she said his kidneys were not formed right either or something wasn't right about them...His kidney values are normal though..He does have a low potassium, but I give him Tumil-K on occasion...He goes for another PCV test in I will keep my fingers crossed that his PCV is still up around 30 or at least in the high 20's...He is still spiking a temp every 8 to 14 days...last Fri it was I give him
 some dex and it goes down...  I don't know if the bone marrow can be false positive...That is the reason we did it because the ELISA can be.. What do you know about that? Could he revert back to negative after all this time with the supplements? I have heard of some doing that..  Should I have him re-tested?   Let me know what you think about all of this...  Kerry and Bandy
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Re: Bailey update - pathologist report

2006-01-24 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Belinda,   It does sound like a good report for Bailey..I just wanted you to know what Bandy's cytology report said...I don't think I have ever posted it here.  Cytologic Diagnosis: Severe erythroid hypoplasia with normal myeloid maturation; megakaryocytes present with normal maturation...  I still haven't understood all of this, and I need to go post it at the anemia group as those people really seem to know alot about all of this...  One other thing the oncologist said was that kitties with Felv frequently develope severe anemias with no evidence of regeneration..and she was surprised that his PCV was as high as it was or is.. but that the marrow suppression is often worsened by co-infection with FIV..She advised at that time for us to discontinue epogen injections because of delayed anemia due to antibodies of the human recombinant epogen that cross react with feline erythropoietin. It is reversible when
 epogen is stopped if caught early enough...That is really all I know as we were staying off epogen for now until his PCV goes back down to around 20..So far it has been good, but I am not sure why.. I think Bandy was on epogen around 5 to 6 wks...His PCV went from around 20 to 38 then dropped to 23 when we saw the specialist...but has since gone up again without the epogen..He was on 5 mg of pred daily for a few weeks and now I just give him .75mg of dex when his temp goes up...and no other steroids at this point...  Now that you have said that about the pred, I am wondering if I shouldn't start Bandy on pred again..He goes for blood work again the first of Feb...I will discuss it for sure with his vet..  I also had a kitty with a tumor on her tongue that was on 20mg. of pred daily for 3yrs...She had a great appetite but her skin did get rather thin after all that pred..The pred kept the inflammation down enough that she could eat and not get choked... 
 Anyway, good luck with Bailey and hope you get his bottom cleared up...  You are in our thoughts,  Kerry and Bandy
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Re: DMG tablets - Kerry

2006-01-24 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Wendy,  Yes, I have them, but I still haven't started Bandy on them yet..I am thinking about doing it now...Just been afraid to add too much stuff all at once as I do want him to continue to eat well..  The ones I got are by vetri-science Vetri-DMG 125mg. 1 tablet daily.  Someone else told me to try this, so I think I will see if it makes a difference as he goes for blood work the first of Feb..  Kerry and Bandy
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Re: L J

2006-01-24 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi,   I have Bandy on interferon since last July daily..I think it has helped him alot..  I also would recommend bovine colostrum...I mix it in his food..and it has no taste..I talked with a lady at the FIV group that used as much as 6000mg./day...I use around 1000mg daily...Anyway, hope this helps...  I see that you are from VA...I have good friends that live around the Courtland area..Very pretty country..  Kerry and Bandy
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2006-01-24 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi,  Are you from the Dallas area? Bandy's internal med specialist is in Dallas..We are about 120 miles away from there...He goes to the Animal Diagnostic Clinic..  Just wondering..  Kerry and Bandy
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Re: Wendy

2006-01-25 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi,  We are in Stephenville. Bandy's clinic is off 35 E exit Trinity Mills. I had to take him to their Plano office for the bone marrow and all the other tests as they were opening a new clinic there..His doctor was on the first rotation for 2 months at that clinic. So the Plano clinic was about 145 miles for us. I haven't had to take him back to Dallas yet, but if heever needs a blood transfusion, I am sure that is where we will go..  They do have another office in Mesquite. The clinic in Dallas is a fairly new facility that has all sorts of specialists, and the Dallas Veterinary Surgical Clinic is there, too.  I went to the Animal Diagnostic Clinic with my lymphoma kitty back in 1997. I really liked the doctor so I had my vet here to refer us to her again...  The clinic in Plano is off 121 and Custer Rd...  I would highly recommend them..I think they are great.. 
 Kerry and Bandy
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Bandy has an eye infection

2006-01-29 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi everyone,  Bandy has a horrible eye infection of some sort...On Sunday, I found it running and his temp was up again...He just had dex on Thurs. so the temp shouldn't have come up this I gave him another dex which brought the temp down, but his eye was nearly stuck shut...I cleaned it then put some gentamycin in isn't running now, but is all cloudy...Have any of you experienced this? I am going to call his vet and take him in on Monday asap...the light seems to hurt it...I have another eye med that has a steroid in it, but I am not sure if I should switch at this point or even put anymore of the other in there until he sees the doctor..  Please let me know if you have any other suggestions..and if I should supplement him with something else now...  Thanks so much,  Kerry and Bandy
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Re: Bandy has an eye infection

2006-01-30 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi all,  We got in just before lunch today...She said I did the right thing with the other eye drops that I have which contains dex as well...I think I said that I gave him a dex for his temp, too..anyway, the temp is down and no runny eye today...The odd thing about it all was that his eye was cloudy...the colored part kept gettting more cloudy as the day went on Sunday...Light seemed to really hurt him..  The doctor said that he didn't have a rupture or any sort of abrasion...she put some drops in it and looked at it with a black light then she looked at it really good with the other instrument...Today the cloudiness has fallen to the lower part of the is inside the eye ball...she called it fibrigin, I think...due to his Felv and FIV.. On Sunday, it wouldn't even dilate and she said that is why he didn't want to be in the light because it was causing him pain...  So he is on the antibiotic/steroid drops 3x a day for 10
 days then we re-check...He seems to feel better today...I am going to add the lysin tohis supplements...I thought I should have done that along time ago, but I guess I thoughtit only helped stomatitis..I did some more reading and remembered that you all and Nina had told me about using it...  Anyway, I will keep you posted and once again, thank you all for your prayers and your help..Don't know what we would do without this group...You are great!!  Kerry and Bandy
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Re: Prednisone question

2006-02-04 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Michelle,  My 19 yr old Inky is on pred for possible IBD..My vet wanted me to start him at 10mg a day for 3 weeks then taper to 5mg for another 3 wks...but I have started him on 5mg a day...He was vomiting and had the bouts of runny stool and straining...He hasn't seen the vet though as he has never been sick his entire life so I didn't want to stress him out if we can get it under control this far so good...his stools have firmed up and doesn't seem to be straining...I am also going to do the ground turkey or chicken, too..Right now he is on sci diet I/D topped with a little tuna so he will eat the pill..I don't think it will hurt to leave yours on the pred at a low dose...I was told and have read that it may take a low dose to keep them regular.. You just have to find that right dose as you taper down.  I did have a kitty on 20 mg of pred for 3 she had a tumor on the back side of her tongue and the pred was the only thing that would
 keep the inflammation down enough for her to eat...I think it helped to shrink it some for quite awhile because she lived over 3 yrs with it...she was even able to eat dry food again and not choke..  Her skin did get very thin as people do when on long term steroids...but other than that, she didn't have any other problems..Bandy's doctor treated this kitties grandmother with high doses of pred for the rest of her life as she had lymphoma and after chemo was finished she remained on 20 mg of pred for 9 months...  Those of the only cases I have had to use such high doses of pred..I didn't like it either, but it seemed to give them a good quality of life for quite awhile..  Kerry and Bandy
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Re: Bandy has an eye infection

2006-02-04 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Michelle,  I mix the lysine in Bandy's food. Right now he is eating fancy feast salmon or some other fishy flavor or Salmon Science Diet..I top it with low sodium tuna since Little Rascal eats with him and has a heart condtion...I have to keep it low sodium because of Lil Rascal..and he eats his meds better with it topped with tuna...  I mix the lysine, bovine colostrum, Co Q 10 and folic acid in every meal..I try to feed them 3 meals this way for sure and sometimes 4..Lil Rascal also gets a cardio supp in some of his meals, but sometimes, they just won't eat it so I have to switch around..If I add some corn oil to it and make it a little slushy, they eat it well...  So it is hard to really tell how much lysine Bandy gets, but I use 2- 500mg pills a day mixed in these meals...they both have been eating good for now..  Can you put some lysine in the water bowl? I was wondering if that would be ok to do..I do know that
 Bandy and his 2 buddies should all benefit from all the supplements..Like I mentioned, I just have to try to watch the sodium since Lil Rascal is on lasix for congestive heart failure.  Bandy's eye seems to be doing ok, but I sure don't like that spot that is in it..or whatever it is...I take him back to the vet in a week or so, but he is still on eye drops with dex in it until then...  Kerry and Bandy
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Bandy's other buddy - Buster Felv+

2006-02-08 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi everyone,  Bandy's other buddy--- Buster was diag. with Felv last summer when I had them all checked...I have had him since birth and he will be 14 on March 30.  He hasn't shown any symptoms at all. This last week he seems to be having some problems with his back legs...and just notacting up to par...So I am taking him for blood work on Thurs...I am worried that it could be lymphoma, kidneys or anemia...  He has lost a little weight lately, too...He still eats good and drinks good...No other signs except I am concerned because he doesn't have the bright pink nose or gums that he should...I also have him on the supplements along with Bandy...I don't know how he got the Felv because he was vaccinated yrs ago before Bandy came to us..He also has always lived in the house since about the age of 2..  Anyway, just wanted you to know..and we will let you know how things turn out on Thurs...Keep Buster in your prayers that his
 blood work is good..  Head butts to all,  Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal
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2006-02-10 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi all,   I am behind on reading, but I did see a post about epogen somewhere..Anyway, Bandy had epogen injections for around 5 to 6 wks, I think...We stopped them with no problem when his PCV elevated so he wouldn't develope antibodies to it..His internal med specialist suggested it at the time, too.. If we need to at some point, we can start the injections again...If a reaction occurs, I was told that we could stop them and it would reverse itself..I still don't know alot about it, but I am learning..  Hope this helps,  Kerry and Bandy
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Re: Bandy's other buddy - Buster Felv+

2006-02-10 Thread Kerry Roach
Thank you all for your prayers for Buster...I had to go out of town for the day so I left him with the vet over night...So here is all I know at this point when she called me last night...  His PCV was 21..not so good.  Liver enzymes were elevated and white count was low.  Kidney functions were good and so was the thyroid panel..all that is a relief since he is almost 14..  She seems to think that it could be pancreatitis...I think he is coming home with baytril and pred for now along with some other supplements that I need to add..Also a change in diet, I bet...  He is losing his hearing, too..He did seem to enjoy the ride today unlike my others...He hasn't even really acted sick, just didn't look right to me...  She did say she was going to give him adequan for his hip problem to see if that would help it some...He may have jumped down and hurt that some way..It might not have anything to do with all
 this other...  Any suggestions on a good liver diet would be appreciated..I don't have any experience with this problem at all..  I will post his test results later today when I get them..  Head butts to all,  Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal
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Buster update

2006-02-11 Thread Kerry Roach
Buster isn't doing well at all today...I did get him to eat a little on his own Fri..and drink some water..He went to the box a couple of times, but is very wobbly..  I got his meds down him early this morning, but now he won't eat at all...I tried to feed him some of the same thing I did yesterday and he licked the juice then almost immediately threw up...then I tried a/d, but he wouldn't touch it...I know I have to get something in him, but he is very hard to deal with like that..It really stresses him out..I did give him some pepcid and appetite stimulant transdermal.  I guess Bandy knows he isn't feeling well because I have never seen Bandy clean him and now I have seen this twice today...Bandy is staying right with him..  Any suggestions on what I should do since he threw up, I don't know what to do..I did get a little water in him but not much...I didn't know if I should try to force feed him or not since he threw up..  I
 will post his blood work later...I do know that his WBC is very low and so is the PCV. All liver tests are elevated and all others are normal..Keep him in your prayers..  Kerry, Bandy and Buster
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Re: Buster update

2006-02-12 Thread Kerry Roach
Thanks, Belinda.I do have the milk thistle, but what is the other you mentioned..and where do I get it...Yesterday morning when he threw up just the liquid, it had the milk thistle in the rest of the day I was trying to get him to eat anything...I thought it might be ok to leave off the supps and just try to get him to eat something..I tried everything...he would only take a bite or 2 of any of it.. I did finally get him to drink some chicken broth with alittle meat in it..He also finally started going to the water bowl on his own..he has always drank alot of water so I was getting concerned about that until he started going on his own..He did make it to the litter box a few times, too..but he is so wobbly and just tires out really easy..He has lost so much weight in the last week. This all came on so sudden. Rapid weight loss and all of it...I do hope he will eat some more today..I did read that we should stay away from fishy things and oily
 foods...So I am going to try turkey, chicken, eggs and cottage cheese for now in hopes that he will get some strength back...  Another thing that shocked bad as he feels, he went to the scratching post and looked as if he was going to tear it up..Guess that is a good thing..  Anyway, please keep him in your prayers...This is going to be a tough one, I'm afraid,  Kerry, Bandy and Buster
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Re: Buster update

2006-02-12 Thread Kerry Roach
I will ask his vet on Monday about those 2 drugs..  I haven't seen him drink today, but he did go alot in the box so I figure he must be drinking something...I gave him some more chicken broth with some chicken in it..I used the broth from noodle soup since it was more salty. I will make him some tonight just to see if he will drink some more...I may go ahead and try salmon...even if I have to get some and grill it...He won't touch any type of cat food..they do have dry food out so I don't know if he has eaten of that either..I haven't tried k/d can yet so I may give that one a try, too..He use to eat it all the time..until Bandy got sick that is all I fed them...and now they get a big variety.  He is so pale...I worry about that alot.. I figure right now it is most important that I get him to eat give him some strength..and just get his meds in him...  I have added Bandy's appetite transdermal and pepcid transdermal to see if
 that won't help him, too..  Thanks for the info and I will keep you posted..  Kerry, Bandy, and Buster
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Re: Smokey

2006-02-16 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi,  I have been dealing with Bandy's fever problem since last July. That is when I found out he was FIV and Felv+. It would and still does shoot to 105.6 or even 106...I now have some pill form of dexamethasone .75mg...I give him half of one of those and it will keep it down for about a week or sometimes a few days longer than that...  He is on interferon daily since last July..and many other supplements that I rotate around...I give him at times some anti-inflammatory supplements, but they just don't keep the fever down...Both his vets say it is due to inflammation caused from the diseases...I can tell by looking at him now when it is up without even taking it...I usually take it though...I have an ear thermometer which registers close to the rectal one...He is and has been on baytril 1/2 dose since last July as well...They say that is ok, but it seems like a very long time for antibiotics...  I give him bovine colostrum
 and lysine daily in every meal...His interferon is mixed with liqui-tinic (pet tinic) too..  His internal med spec. didn't like the fact that we were using dex so much, but back then it was injections weekly and much stronger...cause over use can cause him to become a diabetic...but since we lowered the dose I am hoping it won't...I don't like to see him feel so rotten with the fever so I am going to take that chance...When he doesn't have a temp, he is as normal as the next kitty and you wouldn't even know he had all this stuff going on with him.  Hope this helps,  Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal
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Re: Rudy - Gone

2006-02-16 Thread Kerry Roach
I am so sorry to hear about your loss of little Rudy...She will always be with you in spirit..  You are in our thoughts and prayers,  Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal
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Re: Buster update

2006-02-16 Thread Kerry Roach
Please keep Buster in your thoughts and prayers today... more blood work..  He is eating some now...grilled chicken liver and mashed potatoes..We even ordered his meds in liver flavor since he doesn't like pills, I had my vet call the compounding pharmacy and get it in liquid they over nighted it to me and now maybe that will make it much easier to medicate him without all the stress..  Thanks so much,  Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal
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Re: Smokey

2006-02-17 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Cindy,  I have been going thru this with Bandy since last June when he was first diagnosed with a kidney infection..He would repsond to antibiotics then the fever would come back...We would do more meds then same over again and again...So we finally tested him and he was positive for FIV and Felv...We started the interferon in July, and he has been on it daily ever since with no adverse reactions to it..they gave me syringes frozen with interferon so I thaw 1 out a day and add 1/2 cc liqui tinic(pet tinic). He had anemia so we gave him procrit (epogen) injections for 5 to 6 wks..good results on that..  Anyway, with the fever all they keep telling me is that it is due to inflammation from the viruses..I still don't understand it..the only thing that will bring it down is dexamethasone..Ask your vet to give you some dex in pill form to use at home when the temp rises...I use 1/2 of a .75mg. pill when Bandy has a temp..It is the only thing that you
 can really use in a kitty.. even baby aspirin isn't really safe.. I also have used oxazepam transdermal for appetite stimulant...He finally eats some now when he has a temp. without the stimulant as I think he is just use to it..When I give him the dex, the temp will be back in the normal range within 6 drops as quick as it goes up..I think his highest was 106.2..I watched him suffer for 5 days with over 105 back last Sept during Labor day weekend cause I couldn't get in touch with his I had some dex and just gave it to him...He responded well so the next week I told his vet and she wrote us a prescription..I still have about 9 pills out of 30 from last I haven't really given him that many in my opinion and am not going to worry about the chance of him becoming a diabetic..his quality of life is much better now...He also gained from 5 lbs 8 oz. to almost 8 lbs now..  The knowledge of this group is amazing, and they have helped us
 tremendously..  I do hope you get some results for your Smokey..Feel free to email me...Bandy's history is quite a long one, and we have tried just about everything..I get as many supplements in him as I can.  Keep us posted,  Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal
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Buster's blood work

2006-02-17 Thread Kerry Roach
Buster went for another PCV and total protein on Thurs...His PCV was about the same around 21, but the total protein is around 5 now..So his vet upped the pred to 20mg a day..divided..Does anyone know why the total protein would be dropping or so low? He seems to feel much better and is eating on his own now...I saw himgo eat some dry food Thurs. before I took him to the vet..He ate some i/d wet food, too..  Here is his blood work from last week:  ALB 3.5 (2.2-4.4 G/DL)  ***ALP +169 (10-90 U/L)  ***ALT +763 (20-100 U/L)  ***AMY +1255 (300-1100 U/L)  TBIL 0.6 (0.1-0.6 MG/DL)  BUN 20 (10-30MG/DL)  CA+++ 9.4 (8.0-11.8 MG/DL)  PHOS 3.6 ( 3.4-8.5MG/DL)  CRE 1.0 (0.3-2.1MG/DL)  GLU 102 (70-150 MG/DL)  NA+ 145 (142-164 MMO/L)  K+ 4.6 (3.7-5.8 MMO/L)  TP 7.4 (5.4-8.2 G/DL)  GLOB 3.9 (1.5-5.7 G/DL) 
 Feline Hematology (CBC)  ***WBC -3.59 (5.0-18.0 m/mm3)  *** RBC -3.14 (4.09.0 m/mm3)  *** MCV +69.4 (35.5-55.0 fl)  *** HCT -21.7 (24.0-45.0 %)  ***MCHC -25.3 (28.0-40.0 g/dl)  ***RDW +14.1 (8.0-12.0)  *** Hb -5.5 (9.5-15.0 g/dl)  ***PLT  ***MPV +7.8 (4.0-7.0 fl)  Feline thyroid profile  T4 1.7 (1.5-4.8 UG/DL)  Diagnosis: anemia  Rule out : Hepatic Failure and/or hepatitisHe is on baytril and pred 20mg daily...He received another B-vitamin injection today.  Any help with all this blood work would be appreciated..I did leave off some of the CBC as it was all in the normal range.. He goes back for another blood test next Tues..  Thanks so much,  Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal
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Re: Please pray for Ginger!

2006-02-19 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Michelle,  Hope the tests work out and you find the cause of Ginger not feeling well..  You are in our thoughts and prayers.. Keep us posted..  Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal
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Re: Praying for Ginger

2006-02-22 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Michelle,  I hope Ginger is feeling better today...I know how you feel as we are searching for answers for my Buster right now, too..Still watching his protein level and PCV.  We will keep you and Ginger in our thoughts and prayers..for a speedy recovery..  Take care,  Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal
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Re: Ginger is gone

2006-02-22 Thread Kerry Roach
Michelle, I am so sad to hear about your little Ginger...She must have been a wonderful kitty, and you gave her the gift of freedom and a good life...I know that no words can make it better, but you will remember the good times you had together..and that one day you will be re-united again...  You are in our thoughts and prayers,  Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal
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Bandy and Buster updates

2006-03-03 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi everyone,  Bandy has been sick the last week or so...the temp has been spiking every 2 or 3 days so I am having to give him dex more than once weekly...So yesterday I took him in as he seemed to be having a problem with his other eye similiar as the last time..  He has an ulcer on it from injury or well, not sure so he is on drops.. He seemed to be hurting all over so he got an adequan shot for possible inflammation in his leg..After we got home from the vet, he seemed to feel much better...He also got a B vit injection. We checked his PCV while there and it is 25 down from 27 in Dec...but we are really pleased that it is holding in the 20's. His total protein was 7.2 which is also good..  Buster isn't doing well today either...His last blood work was good though..I posted it awhile back..PCV was up to 27, I think...He is eating very good and drinking as usual..I am concerned now as the lymph nodes or something is so swollen in his neck that I
 have a call in to the vet now...They are the size of grapes..Anyone know anything about this...I am concerned that he could have lymphoma...He is on 20 mg of pred a day...and I have put him back on baytril...He doesn't seem to have a temp though...I just noticed this on Thurs when I got back from the doctor with Bandy..He has an appt on Sat. morning...Now that he feels better, he is so hard to medicate..He fights it all the way...and I really hate to stress him out, but I know he needs his meds.He won't eat them in his I don't know what to do...other than just do it..then we both get stressed..Guess you all have been there so any suggestions on making this easier would be appreciated..  Hoping all your kitties are doing well today...Thank you all for your support..  Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal
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Re: Bandy and Immuno-Regulin

2006-03-03 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Nina,  No we haven't used immuno-regulin...His vet doesn't seem to like to use it..She told me that she hadn't had good results with it so I really haven't pushed the issue with it..  His temp has been spiking alot the last week so she told me yesterday to keep using the dex as needed to keep the temp down..He usually gets 1/2 pill weekly, but the last 2 wks, it has been going to over 104.5 every 2 to 3 finally Thurs morning I gave him a whole pill..When we saw the vet on Thurs afternoon, it was 100.5..and he seems to be doing ok far...I think this past leg injury has really caused him some problems over the last 6 months so that may be why the fever keeps going up and down...Nobody seems to know...I still find that really strange...  What exactly is the immuno-regulin suppose to do? I will go read some more on it, too..I think I printed some info out on it last yr so it is probably in Bandy's records..If I remember,
 there is info about it here, too, right?? Hope all your babies are doing well these days..  Best regards to you and your furr-babies,  Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal
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Re: Bandy and Buster updates

2006-03-06 Thread Kerry Roach
Well, Bandy seems to be holding his own with this new eye infection..We can't give him the eye meds with the dex in it since he has an ulcer on that eye so I am using the non-steroid drops which seem to work much slower...I do hope we can get on the other soon as it does seem to work much faster...  I have asked my vet about giving him immuno-regulin, sub Q, but since I have read Michelle's post, I am not so sure either...She didn't want to stress him so much by doing it IV so I don't know what to do..She did want me to find out all of your protocols so we can study it first..I will look thru the archives to see what is there, but if any of you have some suggestions for us, we would appreciate it..  Buster isn't doing so well right now...She aspirated the lymph node and sent it to an oncologist, I think...She didn't seem to think it was lymphoma since no other nodes seemed to be enlarged just the ones in his neck...He is eating some, but not much..He will
 drink chicken broth and eat a/d..I gave him a little fancy feast and he did nibble at it some...He is drinking and using the box, but seems to tire out really quick..He will still come to me and get in my lap...He justs wants to lay there. He is just staying in his bed next to Bandy. Buster is on baytril and 20mg pred a day still for now...He doesn't have a temp any other thoughts on all of this would be appreciated...I don't know what to do..  Our best to all of you and your furr-babies...  Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal
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Buster update and needed prayers

2006-03-06 Thread Kerry Roach
I had to take Buster back to the doctor today as he wouldn't eat and was very out of it.  He did have some temp today of 102.5 which isn't bad. He just wouldn't eat or drink today so I thought it best to take him back. He received 2 antibiotic injections and a dex injection. He also got 200cc of fluids...So maybe some of this will help. He still won't eat so I gave him some transdermal appetite stimulant. They did a PCV and total protein...PCV was 20 but total protein was 4.0 which isn't good...She is going to call on Tues to see if they have checked the side she sent on Sat..and try to hurry them up with that..The node on the left side seems to be smaller while the other one is the larger and still about the size of a grape..All other abdominal nodes seem to be regular size when she checked them..My kitty that had lymphoma had large abdominal nodes and not the neck ones so maybe with any luck we are dealling with a bad infection of
 some sort...  Please everyone pray for my Buster..He is my baby of my older kitties...He will be 14 on March 30..  I will suggest the immuno-regulin for 2 treatments like Michelle suggested.   Thanks so much,  Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal
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Angel Buster

2006-03-07 Thread Kerry Roach
Just wanted you all to know that Buster passed away today. He had a very rough night as he just didn't respond to any of the meds that we gave him on Monday.. He was breathing more rapid and harder all thru the night...So this morning when the vet called to give me the results of the aspirate, I told her I was going to bring him in for a breathing treatment and to have her check his lungs...Things just really progressed so fast, I haven't ever seen anything like it. It hadn't even been 14 or so hours that he was jumping in my lap and scratching his post. He was still drinking water, but I couldn't get him to eat anything and I tried it all...That was a first for him as he never went off his food, but was hardly ever sick in his 13 yrs 11months other than an occasional sinus infection.. We made the appt. to go to Dallas, but it is a long drive and with the type of lymphoma he had, it would have been so hard on him...the drive and the tests...I wanted him to have
 his dignity..and he did...I went back to see him after he had been in the oxygen cage for an hour or so...He was having some difficulty, but not as much as before...He looked at me and the vet tech opened the cage so I could see him and pet him...then he started breathing harder...I asked her if he was starting to die and she said yes...So I picked him up and took him in the exam room...I put him in my lap as I did several times a day, the way he liked to sit with me and told him it was ok, that I was there and he would be ok..He took about 3 more breaths and passed away...He was waiting for me to return, and I will always believe that..He wanted me with him so I am glad that I didn't put him thru anything else...I believe he was ready..He was my "Rock", my tough kitty that has helped me get thru all my other's illnesses...As you all know, how difficult this is to write.  I am going to miss him so I am sure Bandy and Lil Rascal will, too.. 
 Thankyou all for your thoughts and prayers,  Kerry, Bandy, Lil Rascal and Angel Buster  
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Re: Angel Buster

2006-03-09 Thread Kerry Roach
I want to thank you all for your kind words and prayers...Most of all I want to thank you all for always being here with advice and understanding..It means a great deal to me to know there are such wonderful people out there that really understand what each of us must go through. We have all been there, and it never is an easy thing to deal with no matter what we do..  I buried Buster today, and I think Bandy and Lil Rascal are missing him as much as I am right now...It isn't easy to go into their room and not have Buster come jump in my lap..He was the only one that did that.  Anyway, once again I want to thank you all for everything..I do hope all your furr-babies are doing well today and will be with you for a long time.. I know I don't have to tell any of you this, but treasure each day and/or moment you have with them..  My best regards to you all,  Kerry, Bandy, Lil Rascal and Angel Buster
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Re: Angel Stinky

2006-03-14 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Cindy,  I am so sorry about Stinky. I know exactly how you feel as Buster has been gone a week today..It is very lonely when I go to see Bandy and Lil Rascal and Buster isn't there to greet me.. All I do know is that they are no longer in any pain and playing at the bridge. I keep telling myself that I have to be strong for the others that need me.  We will remember all the good times that we had with them..  My thoughts and prayers are with you,  Kerry, Bandy, Lil Rascal and Angel Buster
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Angel Lil Rascal

2006-03-30 Thread Kerry Roach
I just wanted to let you all know that I lost Lil Rascal on Wed. around 3am. His heart failure had gotten worse in the last several days and the meds just were not working anymore...We changed heart meds last week, and I thought they were helping, but I think his kidneys were shutting down at this point...He fought a great battle since last Sept.. so I wouldn't trade the last 61/2 months with him for anything..I think he had more good days than bad ones for the most part...and seemed to enjoy his life...He was always sort of a stand offish kitty, but we became very good friends in these last few months...He would even jump up on my lapnow something he had never done in all the 16 yrs 5 months that I had him...  I had just seen him around 1am and went back to check on him around 3 so that is when I found him...He had just passed. I left him covered with a towel for a little bit as I had to go find a box. When I returned, Bandy was laying
 beside him so I left him there for about an hour..I guess they understand...Now I don't know what I am going to do for Bandy as he has lost both of his best friends in the last 3 wks..and is all alone now...I don't have anyone else to put with him..He is the only FIV+ Felv+ kitty that I have now..  Anyway, I know Lil Rascal wasn't Felv+, but if he could be added to the CLS I would appreciate it...or let me know where he could be added..  Thank you all for your support for Lil Rascal all the way back to when we needed the oxygen cage...You all mean alot to me...I hope all your kitties are doing well today and we will keep you all in our prayers..  Kerry, Bandy, Inky, Angel Buster and Angel Lil Rascal
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Re: Important

2006-04-09 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Belinda,  I hope you and your furkids are doing well..If you could, I would like for you to add Lil Rascal to the CLS as he passed away on March 29..I know he wasn't Felv+, but he was Bandy's and Buster's best friend.. He lived 61/2 months longer than anyone expected with severe congestive heart failure..He was a trooper all the way...  Thank you so much,  Kerry, Bandy, Inky, Angel Buster and Angel Lil Rascal
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CLS question for Belinda

2006-04-23 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Belinda,  I just wondered if my dog could be added to the CLS..I lost Snoopy on Thursday, April 20. He grew up with Buster and Lil Rascal..He would have been 11 on May 7. He suffered a stroke last Sat a week ago...I still have his sisters Buffy and Muffy..I raised the 3 on the bottle as their mom passed away 45 min after their birth..This was so warning signs...and after just losing my 2 kitties, well, you all know how it is...  Just wondered if he could be added since he was their friend..  Thank you so much,   Kerry, Bandy and Inky
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Bandy has ringworm on his nose

2006-04-26 Thread Kerry Roach
Bandy has been losing his hair between his eyes the last couple of I took him to the doctor Tues. and under the black light it showed to be green..She put him on the oral meds for it and a topical one, too..I am afraid of the oral med as it can alter the bone marrow. I don't know how he got it as I have never had any with it..  Is it because his system is so weak? We are still dealing with the anterior uveitis, too..It seems that it is going to be the chronic form and he will have to have meds for it the rest of his life...But now ringworm...I checked the archives looking for some info..But if any of you have any more suggestions about these meds he is on, please let me know...The oral med is for 40 days...that seems like a long time on such a strong med...  Thanks for your help,  Kerry, Bandy, Inky, and Angels Buster, Lil Rascal and Snoopy
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Re: Bandy has ringworm on his nose

2006-04-26 Thread Kerry Roach
The oral med is fulvicin 62.5mg/ml and he gets 1cc daily for 40 days.  The topical med is conofite every 12 hrs on the affected area..  I know the fulvicin can be toxic to a kitty or their bone marrow..I didn't know that at the time, but his vet said he needed the oral med to help it heal faster, I guess...  We are going back to the vet today as I think he is going blind because of the other problem...He doesn't seem to be able to see very well if any at all...I can't get him interested in his string or any toys..He won't get out of his bed so I took his food to him...He ate only a small amount today..I don't know what to do...I will post again when we get back from the vet later tonight...  thanks to all..  I hope everyones furbabies are doing well today..  Kerry and Bandy
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Re: Bandy has ringworm on his nose

2006-04-26 Thread Kerry Roach
I took Bandy back to the doctor today, and he can't see..I don't know if we can reverse his blindness or not. She mixed some other drops that have about 5 things in it...I don't remember what it iscalled...I take him back in a week...He has no depth perception. I did take his food to him so he ate some, but won't drink water as I just don't think he can see the bowl...I hope when he gets thirsty, he will try..I know he doesn't know what to do.  I did talk to her about the ringworm meds and we won't leave him on the oral for the 30 days if we don't have to...I am so afraid of that...She didn't do blood work this time.  I posted what they were in an earlier post. I have used goldenseal once before on a stray cat, but have never dealt with it in my we haven't ever had ringworm before...this is probably due to his weakened immune system anyway from the Felv and FIV..and he has been on pred for almost a month which I am
 weaning him off it right now...He doesn't need it in my opinion, and I think it contributed to the ringworm..  Any other help would be appreciated..  Thanks to you all for your help, you are the greatest..  Kerry and Bandy  
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Re: Bandy has ringworm on his nose

2006-04-28 Thread Kerry Roach
Thank you all for your replies..I went to the vet yesterday and asked her to please make Bandy an appt. with an eye specialist in Dallas...We aren't getting any where with what we are doing so I believe he needs the specialist to figure out what is really going on here...I asked her to give him something else, and she called in a prescription of prednisolone drops...It was almost like immediate relief for him..I have given him 2 treatments so far and he seems to be able to get around some now..I even got him to play with his string...I think he could sort of see it..He was very cautious walking around, but at least he did it...I got him to scratch on his post, too..I was scratching on it and he went to it...  They also told me the other day that if I didn't give him the oral meds for the ringworm, that he would get it all over his body..I haven't ever heard of that..and I think that stuff was making him feel sick I didn't give him any on
 thursday..What do you all know about that?? fulvicin is what it is...It is strong stuff...I am using the topical conofite that she prescribed..It seems to be helping..I have some goldenseal in the fridge, but I don't know if it is too old to use and if I should use it with the prescription med..I can get some more if I should use both..  Bottom line, I think, about his that we need a specialist to try to save his eyes and quit messing around with it..I just hope and pray that I haven't waited too long..They would clear up then it would start all over again...I know he probably has the chronic form of anterior uveitis, and we can deal with that..I just need to know for sure what to it can result in glaucoma...she did that test on Wed and his ocular pressure wasn't elevated yet..I also found out if there is a fungal infection going on with the eye that the steroid drops aren't good for I guess that test would have to be done by a really the steroid drops are the only ones that will work for his condition...  I hope I haven't confused everyone going back and worth with all this..It is alot for my little guy to handle all at once...  We are thinking ofall of you and your furbabies..I hope they are all doing well today..and our prayers go out to you that have lost one..  thanks once again,  Kerry, Bandy, Inky and Angels Buster, Lil Rascal and Snoopy
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Bandy is going blind

2006-04-29 Thread Kerry Roach
  I took Bandy to an eye specialist in Dallas on his sight has just been getting worse in the last week or so...They changed his meds and increased them to 4x a day..also put him on zithromax for 5 days...he goes back in 2 weeks for a re-check..The doctor did say that we might get some of his vision back, but I don't think he was really that hopeful...I can get him to play with his string, but I don't know if he sees the shadow or what...I am just glad he will do that...I am going to keep everything the same for him so he won't have any trouble finding anything...  Michelle, if you see this let me know if you have any more info on the anterior uveitis..the doctor did say, that he might have posterior, too...He said there was so much inflammation in there, he couldn't really tell...  Please pray for Bandy everyone...  Kerry and Bandy
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Re: Bandy is going blind

2006-04-30 Thread Kerry Roach
He is on oral pred now..and has been since the first of March when all this started..We were trying to wean him off it the last week and now the vet in Dallas said we need to stay on 2.5 mg daily..He said sometimes these kitties with FIV and Felv just can't be turned around..the disease progresses no matter how much you he is on the pred drops 4x a day and atropine 2x a day...He said he would probably be on this for along time..It is going to make the ringworm harder to get rid of, too..or take longer...I think the ringworm is getting better...  Thanks for your continued support and prayers,  Kerry and Bandy
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Re: Bandy has ringworm on his nose

2006-05-03 Thread Kerry Roach
Thanks for all your replies..  Jenn,  I am worried as my 19 yr old Inky now has it...He has a bad skin infection cause he scratches it all the time..I took him in the other day and they cleaned it all up good..she wanted me to put him on the oral fulvicin, too..I told her it made Bandy sick so I haven't given him anymore..I have given Inky 2 doses and not the full cc about 1/2.  He is very hard to medicate...She also put him on clavamox which I know he needs..He eats his pills in his food..He seems to feel good as he eats alot...I am worried that Inky will get it all that possible cause of him scratching all the time??? I don't know what to do for him..I don't want to make him sick or something...When he bends over to eat, I use a qtip with the topical ringworm med on it...spread it on there as best I can...Will that do the trick or what else can I do???  I think Bandy's is healing ok..but with all the eye meds he
 is getting right now...he is just very irritated and hates to see me coming...It is 4 or 5 times a day for something...  I must have spread it to Inky from Bandy before I knew what it was...they live in opposite ends of the house and have no contact..  This has made me a nervous wreck cause I have never dealt with it...I have washed all beds and their towels and bleached what I could.  Anymore help would be appreciated..  Head butts to all your furbabies...and looking for some good days..  Kerry, Bandy and Inky
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Re: Bailey

2006-05-09 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Belinda,  I was so sorry to hear about Bailey's passing...I know exactly how you feel..You know you did all you could for him and gave him the best life possible...Like you said, he if free from the pain and the felv..I am sure he will be meeting up with my Buster and Lil Rascal..  You are in our thoughts and prayers,  Take care,  Kerry, Bandy, Inky and Angels Buster, Lil Rascal and Snoopy
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Re: Kerry and Bandy

2006-05-09 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Wendy,   Sorry I haven't answered this as I haven't had a chance to even get on the computer..  Bandy's seems to be able to see a little now...the doctor upped his eye meds, but didn't give us much hope...we go back on Thurs for a re-check..It takes us a little over 2 hrs to get there...It is the Animal Opthamology Clinic located off Trinity Mills and the toll road..It is in the Veterinary Referral Center of North Texas...same place his internal med doctor is located...Have you ever been there?   Anyway, I guess the ringworm is getting better on BAndy and Inky...I am having a terrible time with Inky's as he won't quit scratching it...and he keeps it all bleeding..  I will let you know what they say on Thurs..  Kerry, Bandy and Inky and Angels Buster, Lil Rascal and Snoopy
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Re: Lysine question

2006-05-13 Thread Kerry Roach
I give Bandy at least 500mg of lysine sprinkled on all his meals...I divide it among several meals through out the day so he gets at least 500 daily and sometimes alittle more..His eye specialist said keep giving that to him as it is good for the eyes...I don't really know how much he eats of it, but I always put it on the food..In several books that I have, that is the recommended dosage daily. Hope this helps..  Kerry, Bandy, Inky and Angels Buster, Lil Rascal and Snoopy
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Re: My Sign from Bailey

2006-05-13 Thread Kerry Roach
Belinda,  That is wonderful that you received that sign from Bailey..He was a beautiful kitty..I hope you do get a copy of it from them...  Kerry, Bandy, Inky and Angels Buster, Lil Rascal and Snoopy
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Re: Prayers for Allie

2006-05-13 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi,  My Bandy has been spiking a temp now since last June...all the way up to first we were giving him dex injections weekly, but now I give him 1/2 of a .75mg dex pill and the temp will go down in a matter of 3 to 6 hrs..The dex injections were too strong and could cause diabetes so we decided to put him on a smaller dose of pills...He has gone as long as 2 wks without a temp...but usually it only stays down a week or 8 days...I can tell without even taking it anymore when it spikes...his head always gets really hot and his shoulders...I was advised against the metcam for long term, something to do with stomach irritation...anyway, we never have used it...I would suggest the dex pills and see how your kitty responds...My vets say it is due to inflammation because he is FIV and Felv+...I do know when Bandy gets the dex pills, he is like a new kitty again...and so far it hasn't failed us...I have been using the pills since last Sept...and I think he
 has only had 2 or 3 dex injections since then as usually we were at the vet when it was up and I got them to go ahead with the injection since they have been so far apart...  Hope this helps,  Kerry and Bandy
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Bandy's eye appt.

2006-05-13 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi everyone,  Just wanted to update you all on Bandy's eye appointment last Thursday..We finally have some good news..and the doctor was even shocked...His eyes have improved..So for the moment, he can see some..He isn't running into things or being as cautious as he was 2 wks ago...His eyes aren't cloudy right now either...So we are on a maintenance dose of the prednisolone acetate and atropine...He gets the pred drops twice daily and atropine once daily now...we do a re-check if all is well in July otherwise I am to call if there is any change between now and then...He will have to remain on the drops the rest of his life though and the dosage adjusted according to how he responds...He said the fibrin clots were gone, but he has some scarring on the retina due to all of this...It is just part of his disease or I guess that is the cause of it..They did a toxo test, but it was negative..I think he was checked for this last August, too. Anyway, I am happy
 that he can see some...He is now climbing on things again..but he can't judge distance too well...I watched him yesterday, and he was very cautious about getting down...I guess he will learn how to deal with all of this...I am thinking about getting some pads to put on the floor near where he climbs so he won't hurt himself again...He likes to climb so I don't want to take that away from him...  Anyway, head butts to all and hope your kitties are doing good today..  Kerry, Bandy, Inky and Angels Buster, Lil Rascal and Snoopy
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Treatment in Texas

2006-06-14 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi,  I have been away for awhile, but I did see this post..  My Bandy goes to the Animal Diagnostic Clinic in Dallas..Dr. Susan O'Neal an internal med specialist...I highly recommend her or anyone of their group..They are in the Veterinary Referral Center off the tollway and Trinity Mills..You have to be referred.They also have an office in Plano and Mesquite..  I recently used another internal med spec for my dog in Irving at the O'connor exit at the emergency 24 hr hospital..Dr. Scroggins..That was my first trip there, but it was a very good place..If you need the numbers, please let me know...  hope this helps,  Kerry and Bandy __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Bandy and the ringworm

2006-06-14 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi everyone,  We have been away for awhile, just too much going on with this ringworm and is all I can do to tend to all of that...  I am sorry for the losses some of you have had are always in our thoughts and prayers...  Anyway, bandy's entire face has ringworm on it and I have used almost the whole bottle of conofite...they said I am going to have to give him the fulvicin to get rid of it..I just hate that, but I may have no other choice. The eye drops with the pred in them are keeping it from going away faster..or that is what his eye spec said would happen..I try to keep it off the best I can with cotton balls then put the topical meds for the ringworm on there last with some other eye ointment to keep down infection..Inky (my 19yr old) had it, too, but I his has healed ok as it was on his back..and the hair has already come back...But Bandy is miserable...He has hurt his leg again due to climbing I
 guess..He is eating good and fever seems to be about the same..he gets that about every 7 to 9 I still give him 1/2 dex pill...and it goes away..  I forgot to mentiion I think a few weeks ago, we did a complete blood panel on Bandy and it was the first one since last Aug...His PCV was something must be working for that...he is making rbc so that is a positive thing for sure...  His eyes are clear and he can see some...the pupils don't move...they are stuck in a fixed position, but as long as he is on the pred drops, he should be able to see some..  He is eating good and playing some..  I still give him lysine from the pill on each meal with some folic acid and bovine colostrum...also Co Q10...He is on interferon same as since last Aug. and 1/2 cc baytril.  Please let me know if there is anything else I can try for the ringworm. I put some goldenseal on it too...I just don't know what else to
 do..I feel so bad for him as I know he hates all the meds for the ringworm..  Head butts to all your furr babies..and hoping everyone is doing well today..  Kerry, Bandy, Inky and Angels Buster, Little Rascal and Snoopy __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Bandy's treatment for fever

2006-06-14 Thread Kerry Roach
I am trying to catch up and saw a post about someone with an FIV and Felv+ with high fever..Bandy has both and we have been dealing with high fever for a year this month...I can just tell now when it is going I give him 1/2 of .75mg. dexamethasone pill..and if that doesn't bring it down within 3 or 4 hours i give the other 1/ will usually bring it down...then it will go back up again within a wk or 8 or 9 days...He is also on oral interferon daily since last July...It all seems to be working for him...The fever, they tell me is due to inflammation from his I still don't know...He always feels better within a few hours of giving the dex...also an injection will work much faster, but is alot stronger...and we save them for when it is really high or he is having other problems with his leg...or soreness from his past broken leg.  hope this helps,  Kerry and
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Re: Bandy and the ringworm

2006-06-17 Thread Kerry Roach
Thanks everyone for all the advice...Now I just need to figure out what to try...Belinda, I checked out those links. I may order from the petsbestrx...It sounded good, but I wish I knew someone that had tried it..  Right now Bandy is very sick..I took him to the vet on Thurs since he can't even stand up...She took an xray of both front and rear since they are both giving him a problem..He also had almost 105 temp..I think he has an infection somewhere..He won't eat or drink...I did get him to eat some baby food beef, maybe couple of teaspoons..and he will drink alittle water, but not much..they gave him some sub-q fluids. I think I am going to take him in again today. She gave him an adequan shot, dex shot and polyflex..I upped his baytril to the full dose, but I think he needs something else..  Michelle, I told her about the immuno-regulin and she is going to order it next week...I need to know all I can about it...and she
 asked me to find out from you guys, what dosages you used and anything else we might need to know.. I have read what it says here at the home page... .5cc IV twice weekly and then .5cc IV weekly until symptoms subside...Is that a good start or what did you use? Please let me know and I will let her know on Monday...I hope we haven't waited too long..I am really scared for him right now..  Thank you all again,  Kerry and Bandy 
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Please pray for Bandy

2006-06-17 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi guys,  I posted some of Bandy's troubles under the ringworm topic...He really is sick right now...the worst I have seen since all this started last June..I am hoping he will respond to some of the meds real soon..I don't know what to do for him..  He won't eat and drinks only a little...He can't get up at all...I stood him up but he is too weak to stand alone, cause of his leg hurting him.. I think he must have another infection somewhere or I really just don't know...but something is for sure not right..other than the leg problem...  Anyway, please pray for him.  Thank you,  Kerry and Bandy 
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