Re: [osg-users] Trouble porting to vs2008, heap corruption

2009-12-10 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Stefan,

Commenting the line "_vertices->unref();" (line 276 in VertexGeometry.cpp),
seems to solve the problem for me. I think you do not need to unreference
_vertices manually.
Besides that, I got some weird behaviour with some examples using multiple
screens, calling _viewer->setUpViewOnSingleScreen(0) in the constructor of
sx::Scene seems to solve this.


On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 9:54 AM, Simon Hammett

> 2009/12/10 Chris 'Xenon' Hanson 
> On 12/10/2009 12:00 AM, Andreas Goebel wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > you get heap corruption on windows if (not only if, but if) you mix
>> > different system libraries, static runtime and dynamic runtime, or debug
>> > dlls and release dlls.
>>   You can get it that way too.
>> > Make really sure that your release build uses release libraries only,
>> > and vice versa.
>>   Usually the linker will yell and scream at you if you try to do this, so
>> it usually
>> doesn't happen accidentally and without the programmer knowing.
> No it doesn't, symbol mangling isn't different between debug/release
> builds.
> (though that might be a handy option)
> You won't get linker errors unless you've got methods or functions
> deffed in/out depending on your build config.
> Maybe we should add some funcs to the OSG libs, based on the config
> to stop beginners accidentally mixing builds.
> Mind you the error message from mixing release/builds is different
> from the OPs screen shot. It usually says something about a memory
> block not being in the heap.
> --
> ___
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Re: [osg-users] cannot load PNG image

2010-01-07 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Tufan,

Did you add the bin folder of the 3rdParty directory to your path ? Maybe
your program don't find the libpng13.dll.


On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 3:12 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay <> wrote:

> Hi Tufan,
>  Yes C:\Users\Tufan\Desktop\New Folder\OpenSceneGraph-2.8.2\bin is in my
>> path. I don't get any error messages I can load bmp image but cannot png. I
>> don't know why.
> The difference is that the BMP plugin does not need any additional DLLs
> (other than the plugin itself of course) but the PNG plugin does (something
> like libpng13.dll). So I suspect you don't have this DLL.
> This DLL is part of the 3rdParty dependencies, so you either have it
> already (if you compiled OSG from source) or you need to download the
> appropriate 3rdParty dependencies for your version of Visual Studio. See
> this page:
> You could then copy all the DLLs from your 3rdparty\bin folder to your
> OpenSceneGraph-2.8.2\bin folder so it will be found when osgDB loads the PNG
> plugin.
> Hope this helps,
> J-S
> --
> __
> Jean-Sebastien
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Re: [osg-users] cannot load PNG image

2010-01-07 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Which 3rdParty archive did you download and what is your VS version ? SP1 ?

What do you get when setting osg notify level to debug ? (


On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 3:26 PM, Tufan Taş  wrote:

> I have tried all of your comments add the path of plugins bin but not
> worked also I have previously downloaded 3rdparty dependencies coppied
> libpng13.dll into my osg bin but still not working. Do you have any more
> comments I am really stucked
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Re: [osg-users] cannot load PNG image

2010-01-07 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
mapNode  is it NULL ? Did you try  opening it with osgviewer.exe ? Maybe
sharing the file will help finding out.

On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 4:02 PM, Tufan Taş  wrote:

> The following is my code for the openflight mode. Am I missing something in
> the code? Only blue screen appears.
> osg::Node* mapNode;
> mapNode = osgDB::readNodeFile("C:\\Users\\Tufan\\Desktop\\buffs.flt");
> osg::Group* root = new osg::Group();
> root->addChild(mapNode);
> osgViewer::Viewer viewer;
> viewer.setSceneData( root );
> viewer.setUpViewInWindow(100, 100, 640, 480);
> Cheers,
> Tufan
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Re: [osg-users] OSG and streamed video

2010-01-11 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Eduardo,

ffmpeg plugin, as it is now, do not work "natively" with extensionless
files/urls, check the source code of the plugin for the list of supported
extensions :

supportsExtension("ffmpeg", "");
supportsExtension("flv","Flash video");
supportsExtension("ogg","Theora movie format");
supportsExtension("mpg","Mpeg movie format");
supportsExtension("mpv","Mpeg movie format");
supportsExtension("wmv","Windows Media Video format");
supportsExtension("mjpeg",  "Motion JPEG");
supportsExtension("mjpg",  "Motion JPEG");

One possible workaroud for extensionless urls, is to force using the ffmpeg
plugin when the extension ".ffmpeg" (or whatever) is appended to the url.
For this to be done, the function ReaderWriterFFmpeg::readImage should be
changed to allow reading osgDB::getNameLessExtension(filename) without
calling again readImage, because the function will always check if the
extension of the file is supported by the plugin.

If it seems ok for Robert and the others, maybe this could be applied to the
ffmpeg plugin.

Any thoughts?


On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 3:02 PM, Eduardo Pinheiro  wrote:

> Hi,
> I already had tried this version before and now i remember why i've passed
> again to 2.8.2 . The camera its not stable. It appears then not, then
> appears then not...
> Anyway i've tested the command osgmovie -e ffmpeg simple.mpg with the 2.8.2
> and it worked.
> But the streaming its still not working. Any idea?
> Thanks.
> ...
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Eduardo
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Re: [osg-users] Depth buffer for shadow mapping

2010-01-11 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Dominic,

AFAIK, the png plugin does not support writing depth image. Try the tiff
plugin in svn/trunk ; a recent submission made it write depth images, and it
works for me.


On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Dominic Stalder  wrote:

> Hi there
> I have the following RTT method:
>ref_ptr image = new Image;
>image->allocateImage(osgViewer->width(), osgViewer->height(), 1,
>// resets the size of the texture
>texture->setTextureSize(osgViewer->width(), osgViewer->height());
>// sets the clear mask the depth buffer
>// sets the clear color to white
>camera->setClearColor(Vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
>...matrices and viewport...
>// sets the reference frame to an absolute coordinate frame
>// sets the texture camera to render before rendering to the screen
>// sets the rendering target of the texture camera to the frame buffer
> object (FBO)
>// attaches the texture to the texture camera (important: samples
> mustn't be greater than zero)
>// buffer component, texture, level, face, mip map generation, samples,
> color samples
>camera->attach(Camera::COLOR_BUFFER, image.get(), 0, 0);
>// adds the node to the texture camera (this node will be rendered to
> the texture)
>// adds the texture camera to the root node
> If I write this image to file, it works great, I have my "balance" in the
> middle of the image --> see attachment color_buffer.png. Now I would like to
> write the depth buffer to the image (just for debugging, afterward I write
> it to the texture), so I change the following lines:
> image->allocateImage(osgViewer->width(), osgViewer->height(), 1, GL_RGBA,
> GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE); --> image->allocateImage(osgViewer->width(),
> osgViewer->height(), 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT);
> camera->attach(Camera::COLOR_BUFFER, image.get(), 0, 0); -->
> camera->attach(Camera::DEPTH_BUFFER, image.get(), 0, 0);
> After that I get the image depth_buffer.png, but this isn't correct, is it?
> The texture looks like this, is it correct?
>// creates the texture for the shadow map
>texShadowMap = new Texture2D;
>texShadowMap->setFilter(Texture2D::MIN_FILTER, Texture2D::LINEAR);
>texShadowMap->setFilter(Texture2D::MAG_FILTER, Texture2D::LINEAR);
>texShadowMap->setWrap(Texture2D::WRAP_S, Texture2D::CLAMP_TO_BORDER);
>texShadowMap->setWrap(Texture2D::WRAP_T, Texture2D::CLAMP_TO_BORDER);
>texShadowMap->setBorderColor(Vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
> What am I doing wrong in this function?
> Thanks a lot
> Dominic
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Re: [osg-users] [OT] Detecting the number of CPU cores

2010-01-12 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Sukender,

Maybe this can help :

otherwise, for windows systems, there is an environment variable that
contains this information NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS.


On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 4:26 PM, Sukender  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is there a way to easilly detect the number of CPU/cores available in a
> cross-platform way? Do you know a piece of code or lib that does it?
> Thanks.
> Sukender
> PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -
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Re: [osg-users] how to set camera perspective lookat

2010-01-13 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Rabbi,

rather, it should be :

camera->setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective(45.0, 1.0, 0.5, 1000);
camera->setViewMatrix(osg::Matrix::lookAt(Vec3(0, 0, 200), Vec3(0, 0, 0),
Vec3(0, 1, 0)));

It is the view matrix that controls the position and orientaion of the


On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 5:49 PM, Rabbi Robinson  wrote:

> Hi,
> I need to position my camera at certain location and look at another. Can
> someone tell me how to do that?
> I have the following code the it does not do what it's supposed to do
> camera->setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective(45.0, 1.0, 0.5, 1000);
> camera->setProjectionMatrix(osg::Matrix::lookAt(Vec3(0, 0, 200), Vec3(0, 0,
> 0), Vec3(0, 1, 0)));
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Rabbi
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Re: [osg-users] dependancies with Visual2005 SP2

2010-01-21 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Sebastien,

AFAIK, there is not (yet) a SP2 for VS 2005. Are you sure ?


On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Sebastien Nerig wrote:

> Hi,
> I am running on Visual 2008 SP2 with osg 2.8.2
> I have just downloaded osg binaries for visual 2005 SP1 and I have this
> message when I launch my app in debug mode :
> "The application failed to initialized properly (0xc0150002). Click on OK
> to terminate the application". Well I guess that does not work because I use
> Visual2005 SP2 et not SP1.
> After few research on this forum, I have read that my solution is to
> compile all osg library (and plugins) myself, so I did, and that works.
> My question is now about the dependancies. When I want to load a mesh (.ive
> file) I need zlib1d.dll, so I have donwloaded this library from VC2005 SP1
> dependancies. But I have the "could find plugin to read objects from file
> ...ive" message. The plugin was compiled and is present in
> osgPlugins-2.8.2/osgdb_ived.dll directory. I am pretty sure this error comes
> from an incompatibility with zlib1d.dll because the osg binary dependancies
> are also available on VC2005 SP1, and not on VC2005 SP2.
> What do you think ? and If I am right, how to get the VC2005 SP2
> dependancies ?
> Does any one had already this problem ?
> Thank you
> Cheers,
> Sebastien
> --
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Re: [osg-users] Image->setData(unsigned char* data,AllocationMode allocationMode);

2010-01-29 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Roman,

Have you tried just casting data to unsigned char* ?

data = new float[256*64*3];
f = fopen("data/transmittance.raw", "rb");
fread(data, 1, 256*64*3*sizeof(float), f);
osg::Image* image_Transmittance = new osg::Image;
image_Transmittance->setImage(64,16,1, GL_RGB16F_ARB, GL_RGB16F_ARB,
GL_FLOAT,(unsigned char*) data, osg::Image::USE_NEW_DELETE);


On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 2:46 PM, Roman Grigoriev wrote:

> Hi, J.P.
> Now I use this method and it works.
> data = new float[256*64*3];
>f = fopen("data/transmittance.raw", "rb");
>fread(data, 1, 256*64*3*sizeof(float), f);
>osg::Image* image_Transmittance = new osg::Image;
> GL_FLOAT,1);
> float* dataPtr = (float*)image_Transmittance->data();
> for(int i=0;i<256*64*3;i++)
>*dataPtr++ = data[i];
> And I simply want to use
>  image->setImage(64,16,1, GL_RGB16F_ARB, GL_RGB16F_ARB, GL_FLOAT, data,
> osg::Image::USE_NEW_DELETE);
> but it doesn't works. In osgprerender I found solution using first method
> when you have loops to copy data.
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Roman
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Re: [osg-users] Windows threadings issues + possible solution checked into svn/trunk, please test.

2010-02-10 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Robert,

A build issue under Windows was introduced in
src/osgViewer/PixelBufferWin32.cpp : you forgot to replace NOTIFY by


On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 1:50 PM, Robert Osfield wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> > Hi Robert -- This change is generating warnings in several places. Here's
> an
> > example:
> >
> > 5>..\..\..\src\osg\State.cpp(296) : warning C4804: '>' : unsafe use of
> type
> > 'bool' in operation
> Thanks goodness for cross platform build, the warning does reveal a
> typo that gcc didn't pick up on.
> > I believe the macro should be simplified to:
> >
> > #define NOTIFY(level) if (isNotifyEnabled(level)) osg::notify(level)
> >
> > Is this what you intended?
> YES ;-)
> I did original use if (level isNotifyEnabled(level) as this is better encapsulated.  Alas with this
> change I didn't remove the level< as I should have, dumbo me.
> I've now fixed this and checked it into svn/trunk.
> Robert.
> ___
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Re: [osg-users] Build Osg with 64Bit (dependency)

2010-02-10 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Anders,

I  am also strugling to build OSG in 64 bits under Windows (MSVC9 SP1). For
the moment, I have these 3rdParty libs built in 64 bits :

- jpeg
- png
- tiff
- jasper
- zlib
- ffmpeg

The first 5 libs can be easily staticly built within the OpenCV project
using CMake (, the latter
(ffmpeg) can be found here

 If you don't have these libs yet,
let me know, I'll send them to you. If you succeeded in building some
others, please let me know.



On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Anders Backman  wrote:

> I will, in case I succeed :-)
> /A
> On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:27 AM, Torben Dannhauer <
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I haven't seen this, but it would be great if you post your prebuild
>> package on OSG website.
>> Thank you!
>> Cheers,
>> Torben
>> --
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> --
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Re: [osg-users] Build Osg with 64Bit (dependency)

2010-02-11 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Thanks for the hints. I confirm, it is quite easy to build freetype. The
distribution comes with visual 2008 project file, you need just to add x64
config and build !


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 8:13 PM, Anders Backman  wrote:

> it has been Collada that has caused most of my grief. Iconv seems to be one
> of the most introvert gcc projects on this planet.
> I was happy for a while when I found this:
> But it turned out, that it does not link with VisualStudio.
> Collada requires, part of boost, libxml2 and iconv.
> I found this link:
> <>Where iconv,
> libxml2, pcre and zlib is built with 64bit.
> So, that should now make the list just about complete. Building the part I
> need from boost in 64 bit should not cause problems I hope. jpeg, zlib, png
> can easily be built from code. I hope this goes for FreeType too, not there
> yet.
> This really was more of a mess than I anticipated.
> I heard that according to steam (which current connects to quite a few
> window pc:s around the world) that the number of 64bit installations (due to
> windows7) is increasing exponentially, so this means that we will soon leave
> the 32bit world of applications.
> Maybe we will be able to build these things without problem, just when all
> other platforms has moved over to 128 but ;-)
> /Anders
> On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 9:27 PM, Mourad Boufarguine <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Anders,
>> I  am also strugling to build OSG in 64 bits under Windows (MSVC9 SP1).
>> For the moment, I have these 3rdParty libs built in 64 bits :
>> - jpeg
>> - png
>> - tiff
>> - jasper
>> - zlib
>> - ffmpeg
>> The first 5 libs can be easily staticly built within the OpenCV project
>> using CMake (, the latter
>> (ffmpeg) can be found here
>> <> If you don't have these libs
>> yet, let me know, I'll send them to you. If you succeeded in building some
>> others, please let me know.
>> Regards,
>> Mourad
>> On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Anders Backman wrote:
>>> I will, in case I succeed :-)
>>> /A
>>> On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:27 AM, Torben Dannhauer <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I haven't seen this, but it would be great if you post your prebuild
>>>> package on OSG website.
>>>> Thank you!
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Torben
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Re: [osg-users] Please test svn/trunk for OpenThread/OpenSceneGraph

2010-02-18 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Robert,

Building in progress on Windows, MSVC9. Just one typo in Win32Mutex.cpp so


On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 10:43 PM, Robert Osfield

> Hi All,
> I've been beavering away for the last two weeks on addressing issues
> with DatabasePager performance and stability, and in the last week
> concentrating on the stability side clearing up a long standing but
> rather difficult to pin down crash.  Fixing the crash required
> refactoring osg::Observer class and that parts of osg::Referenced that
> it touches, as well as refactor of the way that recursive mutexes are
> setup in OpenThreads.  I don't have time to go into the details of all
> the changes, but in general they shouldn't affect the build or runtime
> of you application except for the better (hopefully :-)
> Given how many crucial parts of the OSG I've been refactoring there is
> quite a bit of scope for regressions in build across platforms and
> runtime.  I have tried by best to make the carefully with cross
> platform build and runtime in mind, but I'm not machine, I can make
> mistakes, so please assume that I might have and test thoroughly :-)
> If things go well I'll tag a 2.9.7 tomorrow, and then get back on the
> horse of merging more of the pending submissions.
> Thanks for your help,
> Robert.
> ___
> osg-users mailing list

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Re: [osg-users] svn trunk build broke

2010-02-22 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Robert,

Just a small typo correction for the last link in, I
think you meant
and not :)


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 5:11 PM, Robert Osfield wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 2:38 PM, Doug McCorkle  wrote:
> > Is this document somewhere where the community can see who has what
> > permissions where on the svn repository?
> I thought there was one of what was loosely termed osg-crew from a few
> years back, but I can't find any details on the present wiki so I've
> put up page from what I can remember from the top of my head, I know
> the list isn't complete, Jose Luis will have to added in the blanks.
> ___
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Re: [osg-users] Committing to SVN problem

2010-02-23 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Jose Luis,

What do you get in apache error log when Michael tries to commit to the


On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 11:39 AM, Jose Luis Hidalgo <> wrote:

> Hi Michel,
>  This is the config related to fbx, the user is taken from the wiki
> (so if you can log into the wiki, your password is correct):
> [osg:/OpenSceneGraph/trunk/src/osgPlugins/fbx*]
> * = r
> robert = rw
> mplatings= rw
> So... did I misspelled something?
> JL.
> On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 11:32 AM, Michael Platings 
> wrote:
> > On 22 February 2010 20:55, Robert Osfield 
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Michael Platings was also granted write permission to the new FBX
> plugin,
> >> but alas hasn't yet been able to successfully check anything in which
> has
> >> certainly held back maintenance of this new component.  Sorting this out
> is
> >> beyond my skill set.  Perhaps Michael and Jose Luis can explain what
> they've
> >> tried so far.
> >
> > If anyone has any idea how to resolve this I'd appreciate it. I'm using
> > TortoiseSVN on Windows XP. When trying to add a file I get the following
> > messages:
> >
> > Command: Commit
> > Adding: C:\OpenSceneGraph\src\osgPlugins\fbx\fbxMaterialToOsgStateSet.cpp
> > Error: Commit failed (details follow):
> > Error: Server sent unexpected return value (403 Forbidden) in response to
> > Error: request for
> > '/svn/osg/!svn/ver/10796/OpenSceneGraph/trunk/src/osgPlugins/fbx'
> > Finished!
> >
> > This happens both from my work computer and my home computer. Does anyone
> > have any idea what might be going wrong?
> > ___
> > osg-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
>  Jose L. Hidalgo Valiño (PpluX)
> ___
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Re: [osg-users] Committing to SVN problem

2010-02-23 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
You may clear the authetication data in tortoise (setting>Saved Data) and
try a commit, so it will ask you for the username/password.


On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 6:12 PM, Michael Platings wrote:

> Yes Update works fine.
> Your idea of checking out with full credentials sounds promising, but how
> do you do that? TortoiseSVN only asks for username/password when anonymous
> access is not permitted.
> ___
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Re: [osg-users] Committing to SVN problem

2010-02-23 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi JL,

What if you remove the asterisk at the end of the path in
==> [osg:/OpenSceneGraph/trunk/src/osgPlugins/fbx].


On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 11:39 AM, Jose Luis Hidalgo <> wrote:

> Hi Michel,
>  This is the config related to fbx, the user is taken from the wiki
> (so if you can log into the wiki, your password is correct):
> [osg:/OpenSceneGraph/trunk/src/osgPlugins/fbx*]
> * = r
> robert = rw
> mplatings= rw
> So... did I misspelled something?
> JL.
> On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 11:32 AM, Michael Platings 
> wrote:
> > On 22 February 2010 20:55, Robert Osfield 
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Michael Platings was also granted write permission to the new FBX
> plugin,
> >> but alas hasn't yet been able to successfully check anything in which
> has
> >> certainly held back maintenance of this new component.  Sorting this out
> is
> >> beyond my skill set.  Perhaps Michael and Jose Luis can explain what
> they've
> >> tried so far.
> >
> > If anyone has any idea how to resolve this I'd appreciate it. I'm using
> > TortoiseSVN on Windows XP. When trying to add a file I get the following
> > messages:
> >
> > Command: Commit
> > Adding: C:\OpenSceneGraph\src\osgPlugins\fbx\fbxMaterialToOsgStateSet.cpp
> > Error: Commit failed (details follow):
> > Error: Server sent unexpected return value (403 Forbidden) in response to
> > Error: request for
> > '/svn/osg/!svn/ver/10796/OpenSceneGraph/trunk/src/osgPlugins/fbx'
> > Finished!
> >
> > This happens both from my work computer and my home computer. Does anyone
> > have any idea what might be going wrong?
> > ___
> > osg-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
>  Jose L. Hidalgo Valiño (PpluX)
> ___
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Re: [osg-users] freetype fonts on Windows...

2010-02-23 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
did you add the folder containing the 3rdparty freetype dll to your path?

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 11:59 PM, Tueller, Shayne R Civ USAF AFMC 519
SMXS/MXDEC  wrote:

> It's in the same place as the other plugins. The other plugins appear to
> work fine. It's only with this one that things don't work.
> We'll look at the module load messages to see if that will clue us into
> what's going on...
> Thanks for the help,
> -Shayne
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Simon
> Hammett
> Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 3:43 PM
> To: OpenSceneGraph Users
> Subject: Re: [osg-users] freetype fonts on Windows...
> On 23 February 2010 22:23, Tueller, Shayne R Civ USAF AFMC 519 SMXS/MXDEC
>  wrote:
>We're having some issues with the OSG freetype font plugin? We're
> using VC++ 2008 on Windows and we're having trouble reading ttf files. We
> get the message "could not find plugin to read objects from file
> arial.ttf".
> The plugin is in the OSG solution but it doesn't seem to be getting
> registered. The plugin appears to build fine and the dll resides in the
> plugins directory.
>Can someone enlighten us on what we need to do to get the true type
> font plugin to work?
> Works fine for me. I don't think that osg does any magic about looking up a
> plugin directory.
> Is the plugin in an accessible place?
> It needs to be in any one of:
> The .exe directory,
> a directory in the PATH environment var, or the current directory
> Just look at the module load messages in the debug output window of VS to
> see of the plugin is being loaded. If it is then either the font file is
> buggered or your build of freetype is screwed up.
> --
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
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Re: [osg-users] Setting Camera Properties

2010-02-26 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Yashodhan,

Take a look at this link . It
explains the relationship between the real and virtual camera parameters.

Besides that, you may want to look at osgART.


On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 1:02 PM, Yashodhan Nevatia <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I am pretty new to OSG, and have been trying to create an application that
> uses OSG for Augmented Reality. I am using OSG 2.8.1.
> In order for the augmented reality to be rendered properly, I need to set
> up the OSG camera with parameters for the human eye (the application uses an
> optical see through screen to display the augmented information, the
> background/reality is observed through the display).
> I am setting the position and orientation as the view matrix, this seems to
> work fine.
> What I am having some trouble with is setting up the projection matrix. As
> far as I know, this is where I have to include the internal parameters of
> the camera being modeled.
> For a simple set up this includes the focal distances (along the axes of
> the image plane) and the center of the image plane, and is described by the
> matrix:
> fx   0cx
> 0fy   cy
> 001
> If anyone could help me out here, it would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Yashodhan
> --
> Yashodhan Nevatia
> Systems Engineer
> Space Applications Services
> Leuvensesteenweg 325
> B-1932 Zaventem
> Belgium
> Tel:  +32 (0)2-721.54.84
> Fax:  +32 (0)2-721.54.44
> URL:
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Setting Camera Properties

2010-03-01 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Yashodhan,

Since you see the objects in the right place, I think the problem is not the
camera pose. Can you send some screenshots so we can understand the problem
? Do you use osgART ? if not, how did you setup the HUD containing the video


On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 5:10 PM, Yashodhan Nevatia <> wrote:

> Hi Mourad, all,
> Thanks a lot for the information. I took a look at the links, and it sort
> of helped.
> At the moment I can see the objects in the correct place (shaded faces,
> wireframe), however any textures are not displayed correctly.
> I am using the Single Point Active Alignment Method developed at the
> Technische Universitat Munich to solve for the camera parameters.
> Thank you,
> Yashodhan
> ----- Original Message -
> From: "Mourad Boufarguine" 
> To: "OpenSceneGraph Users" 
> Cc: "Rares Ambrus" 
> Sent: Friday, February 26, 2010 1:51:19 PM GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin /
> Bern / Rome / Stockholm / Vienna
> Subject: Re: [osg-users] Setting Camera Properties
> Hi Yashodhan,
> Take a look at this link
> .
> It explains the relationship between the real and virtual camera parameters.
> Besides that, you may want to look at osgART.
> Mourad
> On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 1:02 PM, Yashodhan Nevatia <
> > wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am pretty new to OSG, and have been trying to create an application that
> uses OSG for Augmented Reality. I am using OSG 2.8.1.
> In order for the augmented reality to be rendered properly, I need to set
> up the OSG camera with parameters for the human eye (the application uses an
> optical see through screen to display the augmented information, the
> background/reality is observed through the display).
> I am setting the position and orientation as the view matrix, this seems to
> work fine.
> What I am having some trouble with is setting up the projection matrix. As
> far as I know, this is where I have to include the internal parameters of
> the camera being modeled.
> For a simple set up this includes the focal distances (along the axes of
> the image plane) and the center of the image plane, and is described by the
> matrix:
> fx 0 cx
> 0 fy cy
> 0 0 1
> If anyone could help me out here, it would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Yashodhan
> --
> Yashodhan Nevatia
> Systems Engineer
> Space Applications Services
> Leuvensesteenweg 325
> B-1932 Zaventem
> Belgium
> Tel: +32 (0)2-721.54.84
> Fax: +32 (0)2-721.54.44
> URL:
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
> --
> Yashodhan Nevatia
> Systems Engineer
> Space Applications Services
> Leuvensesteenweg 325
> B-1932 Zaventem
> Belgium
> Tel:  +32 (0)2-721.54.84
> Fax:  +32 (0)2-721.54.44
> URL:
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] linking errors for building JP2 plugin

2010-03-02 Thread Mourad Boufarguine

It seems like you built libjasper with "Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)"
setting. Rather, you need to build it using the "Debug multithreaded DLL
(/MDd)" setting. (In Project Properties, C/C++, Code Generation, Runtime


On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 10:51 PM, zhenlong li  wrote:

> Dear all,
> Below is the linking error message when I tried to build the jp2 plugin
> with OSG-2.8.0 within VC++ 2005.
> I guess there is just something wrong with the setting of VC, but not sure.
> Please help if you know anything about those errors. Thanks!
> Linking...
> LIBCMTD.lib(crt0dat.obj) : error LNK2005: __amsg_exit already defined in
> MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)
> LIBCMTD.lib(crt0dat.obj) : error LNK2005: __initterm_e already defined in
> MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)
> LIBCMTD.lib(invarg.obj) : error LNK2005: __invalid_parameter already
> defined in MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)
> LIBCMTD.lib(tidtable.obj) : error LNK2005: __encode_pointer already defined
> in MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)
> LIBCMTD.lib(tidtable.obj) : error LNK2005: __encoded_null already defined
> in MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)
> LIBCMTD.lib(tidtable.obj) : error LNK2005: __decode_pointer already defined
> in MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)
> LIBCMTD.lib(dbgheap.obj) : error LNK2005: _malloc already defined in
> MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)
> LIBCMTD.lib(dbgheap.obj) : error LNK2005: __malloc_dbg already defined in
> MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)
> LIBCMTD.lib(dbgheap.obj) : error LNK2005: _realloc already defined in
> MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)
> LIBCMTD.lib(dbgheap.obj) : error LNK2005: _free already defined in
> MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)
> LIBCMTD.lib(dbgheap.obj) : error LNK2005: __free_dbg already defined in
> MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)
> LIBCMTD.lib(dbgheap.obj) : error LNK2005: __CrtSetCheckCount already
> defined in MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)
> LIBCMTD.lib(mlock.obj) : error LNK2005: __lock already defined in
> MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)
> LIBCMTD.lib(mlock.obj) : error LNK2005: __unlock already defined in
> MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)
> LIBCMTD.lib(crt0init.obj) : error LNK2005: ___xi_a already defined in
> MSVCRTD.lib(cinitexe.obj)
> LIBCMTD.lib(crt0init.obj) : error LNK2005: ___xi_z already defined in
> MSVCRTD.lib(cinitexe.obj)
> LIBCMTD.lib(crt0init.obj) : error LNK2005: ___xc_a already defined in
> MSVCRTD.lib(cinitexe.obj)
> LIBCMTD.lib(crt0init.obj) : error LNK2005: ___xc_z already defined in
> MSVCRTD.lib(cinitexe.obj)
> LIBCMTD.lib(hooks.obj) : error LNK2005: "void __cdecl terminate(void)"
> (?terminate@@YAXXZ) already defined in MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)
> LIBCMTD.lib(winxfltr.obj) : error LNK2005: ___CppXcptFilter already defined
> in MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)
> LIBCMTD.lib(dbghook.obj) : error LNK2005: __crt_debugger_hook already
> defined in MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)
> LIBCMTD.lib(sprintf.obj) : error LNK2005: _sprintf already defined in
> MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)
> LIBCMTD.lib(vsprintf.obj) : error LNK2005: _vsprintf already defined in
> MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)
> LIBCMTD.lib(atox.obj) : error LNK2005: _atoi already defined in
> MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)
> LIBCMTD.lib(dbgrptw.obj) : error LNK2005: __CrtDbgReportW already defined
> in MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)
> LIBCMTD.lib(_file.obj) : error LNK2005: ___iob_func already defined in
> MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)
> LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'MSVCRTD' conflicts with use of other
> libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
> LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'LIBCMTD' conflicts with use of other
> libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
> LIBCMTD.lib(crt0.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main
> referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup
> C:\osg\OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0\bin\Debug\..\osgPlugins-2.8.0\osgdb_jp2d.dll :
> fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] (no subject)

2010-03-03 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi John,

Is there a reason why you write libcollada14dom2l-d.dll with an "L" rather
than a 1 ?


On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 7:29 PM, Montgomery, John T. <> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I am trying, for the first time, to export a Blender model into OSG -
> specifically, present3D.
> I have compiled OSG debug version with Collada,
> Exported a DAE from Blender 'eye.dae'.
> Run this in the standard plain vanilla way for present3D - within a
> slide/layer:
>Eye Modelled in Blender
>  scale="1.0">images/eye.dae
> Run with:
> C:\2010-02-22_OSG\bin\present3Dd.exe C:\dropbox\tutorial\eye.p3d
> (Some of the) console debug output:
> SlideShowConstructor::addModel(images/eye.dae)
> readNode(images/eye.dae)
> itr='C:\2010-02-22_OSG\bin'
> FindFileInPath() : trying
> C:\2010-02-22_OSG\bin\osgPlugins-2.9.7\osgdb_daed.dll ...
> FindFileInPath() : USING
> C:\2010-02-22_OSG\bin\osgPlugins-2.9.7\osgdb_daed.dll
> DynamicLibrary::failed loading "osgPlugins-2.9.7/osgdb_daed.dll"
> No valid object found for images/eye.dae
> Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "images/eye.dae".
> end of SlideShowConstructor::addModel(images/eye.dae)
> In the running application, a dialogue reports.
> "This application has failed to start because libcollada14dom2l-d.dll was
> not found.  Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
> ( Technically, the application isn't installed, I didn't build 'INSTALL'.
>  Does this matter? )
> The dll is in the folder
> C:\2010-02-22_OSG\bin\osgPlugins-2.9.7\osgdb_daed.dll,  however,
> libcollada14dom2l-d.dll is in
> C:\OSG_dev\collada \dom\build\vc9-1.4-d\libcollada14dom21-d.dll  (miles
> away)
> This directory \collada\ is at the same level, *but not inside* the OSG
> 3rdParty dependencies folder.
> I have an environmental variable COLLADA_DIR= C:\OSG_dev\collada
> Also, have C:\OSG_dev\collada \dom\build\vc9-1.4-d\ in PATH variable.
> I tried copying the DLL to C:\2010-02-22_OSG\bin\osgPlugins-2.9.7 - but,
> didn't help.
> The minimal slide contains two things, and I don't think is the cause of
> the problem:
> 1.  The title which displays and handles as normal,
> 2. The DAE model (not) - which of course doesn't appear.
> I would be grateful for any ideas what might be going wrong here, please?
> :-)
> John Montgomery, Glassel, Scotland.
> The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No
> SC013683.
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] JP2 plugin compilation

2010-03-03 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Glad it helped!


On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 4:35 PM, zhenlong li  wrote:

> Thanks, Mourad. Exactly as what you said, with "Debug multithreaded DLL
> (/MDd)", the errors are all gone.
> best,
> Zhenlong
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] How to programmatically clear trackball manipulator's mouse queue

2010-03-19 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Mike,

You need just to set the "throw" flag of the trackball manipulator to false.
See setAllowThrow method.


On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 8:24 PM, Mike Greene  wrote:

> I have some source code where I use a trackballmanipulator to rotate a
> terrain. If I drag the mouse I can set the terrain spinning. How do I
> programatically stop this (i.e., without clicking the mouse again)? I tried
> setting Manipulator->setRotation(last_saved_angles), which does reset it ,
> but it looks like the previous dragging motion queues up lots of mouse
> events that then continue to rotate the terrain on subsequent render loops.
> Mike Greene
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] First attempt to compile OSG under Win64bit with Visual Studio 64bit

2010-03-22 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Nick,

Are you sure you have installed 64 bits compiler and tools ? By default,
they are not installed even on 64 bits windows.


On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 1:48 PM, Trajce (Nick) Nikolov <> wrote:

> Hi Community,
> I am strugling with this. It is my first attempt to do it. First, I am
> Any clue?
> -Nick
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] getting the render of a camera and set ting it as an another object´s texture

2010-03-24 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi David,

Take a look at osgprerender example, it is what you are looking for.


On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 2:35 PM, David Martín wrote:

> Hi,
> i´ve got an application with a osgViewer::Viewer* for the rendering. i´d
> like to know if is possible to grab the render image of that viewer and set
> it up as an another object´s texture
> i know how to set a texture for an object, so what i´d like to know is how
> to access the color buffer target of the viewer´s camera
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> David
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] osgAnimation precision

2010-03-25 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Cedric,

Your chages broke the build of osgAnimation on VS 2008. I get this error :

1>..\..\..\OpenSceneGraph\src\osgAnimation\Animation.cpp(129) : error C2666:
'fmod' : 3 overloads have similar conversions
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
9.0\VC\include\math.h(561): could be 'long double fmod(long double,long
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
9.0\VC\include\math.h(513): or   'float fmod(float,float)'
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
9.0\VC\include\math.h(120): or   'double fmod(double,double)'
1>while trying to match the argument list '(double, float)'

Line 129 of Animation.cpp :

t = fmod(t, (float)_duration);

Getting rid of the cast of _duration into float seems to solve the problem.


On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 7:01 PM, Cedric Pinson

>  Hi,
> I did a changes in osgAnimation to use double for time computation, i did
> not change the time function in EaseMotion yet.
> Could you have a try and tell me if it helps ?
> Cheers,
> Cedric
>   --
> Provide OpenGL services around OpenSceneGraph and more
> +33 659 598 614 Cedric Pinson 
>   On Tue, 2010-03-23 at 15:12 +, Garrett Cope wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed that osgAnimation::animation::update uses floating point precision 
> rather than double for it's calculations.
> Was there a reason for this choice? I'm experiencing a noticeable loss of 
> precision in my animations at this point.
> Thanks for your help,
> Jamie
> --
> Read this topic online 
> here:
> ___
> osg-users mailing 
> listosg-us...@lists.openscenegraph.org
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
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Re: [osg-users] How to force FFMPEG plugin

2010-04-16 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Mike,

You should preload ffmpeg plugin before reading the movie file :

std::string libName =


On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 8:41 PM, Mike Wozniewski  wrote:

> Does anyone know how to force the use of the ffmpeg plugin instead of xine.
> I know that this is possible on the commandline, eg:
> osgmovie -e ffmpeg
> But I'd like to do this in code, eg:
>  osg::Image* image = osgDB::readImageFile(path);
>  osg::ImageStream* imagestream = dynamic_cast(image);
> I can't seem to find how the osgmovie example uses this extension
> argument...
> Any pointers would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Mike Wozniewski
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Header files with no file type? (no .h)

2010-04-18 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Nick,

You can enable syntax highlighting for extensionless headers :
, look
for "extensionless".


On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 11:03 PM, Nick Schultz wrote:

> Sorry if this seems like a noob question, but why do all of the header
> files in the codebase not have a '.h' filetype? The reason I ask is because
> it seems that Visual Studio won't highlight any syntax, or provide any of
> its features while viewing these header files (probably because they don't
> have a .h associated to it).  Is there a way to have VS highlight syntax in
> these header files that aren't a .h filetype?
> Thanks
> Nick
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] FBX Plugin

2010-04-19 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Dario,

You can find osganimationviewer in the examples folder.


On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 7:55 PM, Dario Minieri  wrote:

> Hi,
> I have the same problem with some simple model from Cinema 4D. The FBX
> contains all animation takes but I see no movement with osgviewer. I'm using
> OSG 2.8.3 with, obviously, FBX support (SDK 2010-2).
> You talking about an osgAnimationViewer, but I have only the osgViewer in
> my binary dir.
> You have foud some solution?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Dario
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Windows VS2010 build errors -SVN -11354

2010-04-21 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Martin,

I just submitted a patch for this on the submission mail list. (thread
: [osg-submissions]
floating point depth buffer example and changing FBOs)


On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 5:44 PM, Martin Naylor

>  Hi,
> I am having a few errors in building the latest SVN.
> Error  9  error C2065: 'GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F' : undeclared
> identifier
> D:\Coding\OSG\OpenSceneGraphx64\examples\osgfpdepth\osgfpdepth.cpp
> 151 1example_osgfpdepth
> Error  10   error C2065: 'GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F_NV' :
> undeclared identifier
> D:\Coding\OSG\OpenSceneGraphx64\examples\osgfpdepth\osgfpdepth.cpp
> 153 1example_osgfpdepth
> Error  14   error C2065: 'GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F' : undeclared
> identifier
> D:\Coding\OSG\OpenSceneGraphx64\examples\osgfpdepth\osgfpdepth.cpp
> 766 1example_osgfpdepth
> Error  15   error C2065: 'GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F_NV' :
> undeclared identifier
> D:\Coding\OSG\OpenSceneGraphx64\examples\osgfpdepth\osgfpdepth.cpp
> 768 1example_osgfpdepth
> Do i need to download to download the extensions file or am I missing
> something with example, such as a requirement for Nvidia SDK?
> Also while testing VS2010 it doesn’t be appearing to copying the dll and
> .exe files to the bin folder, its creating a debug and release folder within
> the bin folder as reported earlier by someone else on the list.
> I would look at CMake but I don’t have a clue which file to start looking
> at, have tried the latest build of cmake but that still does the same.
> Can anyone give me some clues or pointers on where to look in cmake or
> where the files are copied or locations are defined? I will give it a go at
> figuring out?
> Thanks
> Martin.
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPPU] Can't compile svn version of osgPPU against osg 2.8.3

2010-04-21 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Allen,

You are using the svn of the 2.8 branch (stable release). The trunk is a
developer release (at the end of the web page). To get svn trunk of osg,
check this link :


On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 9:54 PM, Allen Saucier wrote:

> Gentlemen, thank you.
> Now I understand.  But, I still have an issue.  I downloaded osg 2.8.3 from
> the Osg website
> as shown in the attached pic 1.  I used the svn link as shown.  Is this
> link the "trunk" of osg 2.8.3?  Or a branch?  i can not tell.
> I did the same with osgPPU. pic 2
> >From my perspective as an end-user, I do not seen anything that tells me
> that there is a branch version that is different from a trunk version.  I
> have been "assuming" this entire time that both the svn versions of osg and
> osgPPU are the two version which are compatible with each other, as Art has
> been telling me.  And I have used the svn versions as listed on each website
> with no success.
> I am still missing something.  Can you please clear up my confusion?
> thanks,
> Allen
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> Attachments:
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
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Re: [osg-users] build errors VS2010 osgdb

2010-04-22 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Martin,

I think you meant to say osgAnimation serializer and not osgDB.
Anyway, this is because std::*::size_type is generally different in 32bits
and 64bits platforms. See this thread for more information about the issue
I'll submit a fix for the osgAnimation serializer to osg-submission.


On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 8:43 PM, Martin Naylor

>  Hi all,
> Just having some build errors from the I forget to mention yesterday
> trunk(64bit windows).
> 76>Animation.cpp(197): error C2593: 'operator <<' is ambiguous
> 76>
> D:\Coding\OSG\OpenSceneGraphx64\include\osgDB/OutputStream(97): could be
> 'osgDB::OutputStream &osgDB::OutputStream::operator <<(double)'
> 76>
> D:\Coding\OSG\OpenSceneGraphx64\include\osgDB/OutputStream(96): or
> 'osgDB::OutputStream &osgDB::OutputStream::operator <<(float)'
> 76>
> D:\Coding\OSG\OpenSceneGraphx64\include\osgDB/OutputStream(95): or
> 'osgDB::OutputStream &osgDB::OutputStream::operator <<(unsigned long)'
> 76>
> D:\Coding\OSG\OpenSceneGraphx64\include\osgDB/OutputStream(94): or
> 'osgDB::OutputStream &osgDB::OutputStream::operator <<(long)'
> 76>
> D:\Coding\OSG\OpenSceneGraphx64\include\osgDB/OutputStream(93): or
> 'osgDB::OutputStream &osgDB::OutputStream::operator <<(unsigned int)'
> 76>
>  D:\Coding\OSG\OpenSceneGraphx64\include\osgDB/OutputStream(92):
> or   'osgDB::OutputStream &osgDB::OutputStream::operator <<(int)'
> 76>
> D:\Coding\OSG\OpenSceneGraphx64\include\osgDB/OutputStream(91): or
> 'osgDB::OutputStream &osgDB::OutputStream::operator <<(unsigned short)'
> 76>
> D:\Coding\OSG\OpenSceneGraphx64\include\osgDB/OutputStream(90): or
> 'osgDB::OutputStream &osgDB::OutputStream::operator <<(short)'
> 76>
> D:\Coding\OSG\OpenSceneGraphx64\include\osgDB/OutputStream(89): or
> 'osgDB::OutputStream &osgDB::OutputStream::operator <<(unsigned char)'
> 76>
> D:\Coding\OSG\OpenSceneGraphx64\include\osgDB/OutputStream(88): or
> 'osgDB::OutputStream &osgDB::OutputStream::operator <<(char)'
> 76>
> D:\Coding\OSG\OpenSceneGraphx64\include\osgDB/OutputStream(87): or
> 'osgDB::OutputStream &osgDB::OutputStream::operator <<(bool)'
> 76>  while trying to match the argument list '(osgDB::OutputStream,
> unsigned __int64)'
> Does it need another outputstream defined ? or the compiler just fussy J?
> Martin.
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Re: [osg-users] how to setup a simple camera?

2010-04-28 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Claus,

You can setup your camera view matrix using :

or viewer.getCamera()->setViewMatrixAsLookAt(eye, center, up)

The second one is a good start. For the meaning of the parameters eye,
center and up, ask your friend (google ^^) about gluLookAt.

Hope this helps,

On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 7:29 PM, Claus Thaler wrote:

> Hi,
> did nobody ever had this kind of problem? You won't tell me, that you all
> use the default TrackballManipulator, don't you? I kindly ask for help - or
> links, topics or threads that help.
> kindly,
> Claus
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Re: [osg-users] Download Not Working

2009-07-26 Thread Mourad Boufarguine

I also have the same problem under windows and tortoise. I need to make a
dozen of updates to get the whole trunk.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] create a image

2009-07-29 Thread Mourad Boufarguine

And for the second question, yes, you can use 16 bits per channel.
GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE means 8 bits per channel, so GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT is for 16


2009/7/29 Martin Großer 

>  Year! That is right. I feel awful about this mistake.
> First I try GL_FLOAT and I forget to change the value from 1 to 255.
> Thanks for your help.
> Martin
> Am 29.07.2009 11:39, schrieb David Spilling:
> Martin,
> I think you want this:
> data[i] = 255;//red
> David
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Re: [osg-users] create a image

2009-07-29 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Rather I would do this :

const long size = width*height*3;
unsigned short* data = (unsigned short*)calloc(size, sizeof(unsigned

for(long i=0; i < size ; i+= 3)
data[i] =  65535;//red
data[i+1] = 0;//green
data[i+2] = 0;//blue

// image
osg::ref_ptr image = new osg::Image;
image->allocateImage(width, height, 1, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT);
image->setImage(width, height, 1, GL_RGB, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT,
(unsigned char*)data, osg::Image::NO_DELETE);

osgDB::writeImageFile(*image, "*/home/*.../test.jpg");


2009/7/29 Martin Großer 

>  Hello Mourad,
> ok, I can change it to GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT and I can change the internal
> pixel format to GL_RGB16, but the data value is a pointer to a unsigned
> char.  Unsigned char is also 8 bit and not 16 bit?
> Here the changed version:
> const long size = width*height*3;
> unsigned char* data = (unsigned char*)calloc(size, sizeof(unsigned short));
> for(long i=0; i < size ; i+= 3)
> {
> data[i] =  65535;//red
> data[i+1] = 0;//green
> data[i+2] = 0;//blue
> }
> // image
> osg::ref_ptr image = new osg::Image;
> image->allocateImage(width, height, 1, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT);
> image->setOrigin(osg::Image::BOTTOM_LEFT);
> image->setImage(width, height, 1, GL_RGB16, GL_RGB16, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT,
> data, osg::Image::NO_DELETE);
> osgDB::writeImageFile(*image, "*/home/*.../test.jpg");
> What type is possible for the data value? And what happens when I use
> GL_FLOAT? There are 32 bits?
> My main problem is, I don't understand the data value.
> Cheers,
> Martin
> Am 29.07.2009 13:25, schrieb Mourad Boufarguine:
> Martin,
> And for the second question, yes, you can use 16 bits per channel.
> GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE means 8 bits per channel, so GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT is for 16
> bits.
> Mourad
> 2009/7/29 Martin Großer 
>>  Year! That is right. I feel awful about this mistake.
>> First I try GL_FLOAT and I forget to change the value from 1 to 255.
>> Thanks for your help.
>> Martin
>> Am 29.07.2009 11:39, schrieb David Spilling:
>>  Martin,
>> I think you want this:
>> data[i] = 255;//red
>> David
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Re: [osg-users] PositionAttitudeTransform - rotation and translation

2009-10-23 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Ash,

You can use MatrixTransform instead of PositionAttitudeTransform. Then you
have access to the transform matrix.



On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 5:34 PM, Ash Pat  wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using PositionAttitudeTransform to add multiple instances of a geometry
> node. It appears that the rotation and translation are specified with
> separate methods, setAttitude() and setPosition() respectively. Is that
> correct?
> Can it somehow be done with a single matrix like in homogeneous
> coordinates?
> Thanks in advance,
> Regards,
> AP
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Re: [osg-users] PositionAttitudeTransform - rotation and translation

2009-10-23 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Ash,
The OSG matrices are treated as row-major matrices (unlike OpenGL). So, you
should write :

osg::Matrixd mat;
mat.set ( 1, 0, 0, 0
 0, 1, 0, 0,
 0, 0, 1, 0,
 0, 20, 0, 1 );

to get a rigid translation. The second matrix isn't a rotation matrix, for a
rotation around the z axis, you should have something like :

osg::Matrixd mat;
mat.set ( cos(alpha), sin(alpha), 0, 0
 -sin(alpha), cos(alpha), 0, 0,
 0, 0, 1, 0,
 0, 0, 0, 1 );

Hope this helps,

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 10:28 PM, Ash Pat  wrote:

> Hi,
> So I tried the MatrixTransform but it seems to skew the geometry.
> When I tried a matrix shown below, I was expecting a simple rigid body
> translation. But instead I got a display with massive extents.
> osg::Matrixd mat;
> mat.set ( 1, 0, 0, 0
>  0, 1, 0, 20,
>  0, 0, 1, 0,
>  0, 0, 0, 1 );
> Then I tried the following to get some rigid body rotation. What I'm seeing
> is almost like a rotation with a shear.
> osg::Matrixd mat;
> mat2.set ( 1, 1.57, 0, 0,
>0, 1,  0, 0,
>0, 0,  1, 0,
>0, 0,  0, 1 );
> What am I doing wrong?
> Thanks,
> Regards,
> Ash
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Re: [osg-users] OpenGL error 'out of memory'

2009-11-10 Thread Mourad Boufarguine

I have the same problem as Cory. I am using svn/trunk. My last tests were
using rev 10710 approx (i am not sure).
My config is : Seven 64bits (OSG compiled in 32bits), 4GB of RAM, 2 x GTX280
Nvidia cards. I didn't have this problem before.

Strangely, I don't have the same problem with another config : XP 64bits
(OSG in 32bits), 12GB, Quadro 2700M Nvidia card.


On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 3:39 PM, Glenn Waldron  wrote:

> You can monitor gfx mem usage with this tool:
> Glenn Waldron : Pelican Mapping : :
> +1.703.652.4791
> On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 9:36 AM, Cory Riddell  wrote:
>>  Nope. Running an ATI FireGL V7700 card.
>> What are some of the legitimate reasons that OpenGL may be unable to
>> allocate memory? Is it likely to be video memory or some other type of
>> memory?
>> Cory
>> Kim Bale wrote:
>> Hi Cory,
>> Are you using frame buffer objects and an nvidia card?
>> Try running the osgprerender example and see if you get the same
>> error. If you do it's a nvidia driver bug. I've come this a number of
>> times and whilst there are legitimate reasons for getting the error in
>> my case it's always been a driver bug.
>> Kim.
>> 2009/11/10 Cory Riddell :
>>  When I render my scene, I'm getting this in the log:
>>   Warning: detected OpenGL error 'out of memory' after RenderBin::draw(,)
>>  This is on a Windows XP machine with 4GB of RAM. I suspect it isn't
>> complaining about running out of that memory though. Is it video RAM
>> that I have run out of?
>> Cory
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Re: [osg-users] Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "*.jpg"

2009-11-19 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi James,

It is most probably a side-by-side problem. If you are using the precompiled
binairies provided here ,
make sure you have installed SP1 for VS2005. These binairies are compiled
using VS 2005 SP1. To be sure, you can use the dependency walker ( to check the side-by-side configuration of


On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 11:56 PM, James Adkison ARA/CFD wrote:

>  This is my first time building OSG and everything went well in Linux but
> I am having a problem in Windows.
> Building: OSG 2.8.2
> OS: Windows XP
> Compiler: Visual Studio 2005 Professional
> The build seems to go through okay and I do have the osgdb_jpeg.dll in the
> plugins directory but I still get the warning when loading a JPEG texture.
> I also built the osgd_png.dll and those textures are loading without any
> problems.
> Any help pointing me in the right direction is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> James
> ___
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[osg-users] Image update in ImageStream objects

2009-11-20 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi All,

When using an ImageStream object (using ffmpeg, gif, quicktime... plugins
for instance), is there a way to "catch" the image uptade event without
messing with the plugins source code ? I am willing to apply image
processing algorithms on video streams and I want to "intercept" new images
to do the processing only on new images.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Does anybody know how to include OSGViewer using MFC?

2009-11-22 Thread Mourad Boufarguine

There is an example called osgViewerMFC that may help you. You need to check
the "BUILD_MFC_EXAMPLE" option in CMake.

On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 7:28 AM, SoDong Jang  wrote:

> I`m trying to make a very simple CAD program but, all examples aren`t based
> on MFC...
> I`ve seen the example called OSGMFC, but,, I couldn`t find an OSGViewer.
> As u see, I don`t know even the first thing of OSG.
> I want to follow sb`s achievement.
> BUT NO EXAMPLES.. help me...
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Re: [osg-users] broken osgconv.exe

2009-11-23 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Ted,

You can use the Dependency Walker ( to
check the version number of the runtime, the dependencies were compiled

I just tried it with the zlib and png dlls contained in "VisualStudio 9
(2008) SP1" prebuild dependencies (, and
I found that the release versions were compiled with the 9.0.30729 runtime,
which is actually "2008 SP1". The debug version, though, was compiled with
the 9.0.21022 runtime , which is the "2008" runtime. The zlib is used in
both ive and gz plugins. I don't see  how you get the message about the 2005
runtime dependency. Double check in the "output" window of VS that the zlib
and png dlls that are actually loaded are the good ones.


On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 1:21 AM, ted morris  wrote:

> credist_x86 VisualStudio 2005 (v8) runtimes
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] broken osgconv.exe

2009-11-25 Thread Mourad Boufarguine

I downloaded the osg precompiled package you are using
and I checked that indeed, the osgdb_ive.dll depends on a zlib1.dll that was
compiled with VS 2005 SP1 (which is weird). I presume it is also the case of
libpng, curl and tiff.

So, to move on, you have to recompile osg from the sources using the vc90
dependencies, or install the VC++ 2005 redistribuable packages (there are
two if my memory serves me right ), I think you didn't install the 2005 *SP1
* redistribuable package


On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 9:03 PM, ted morris wrote:

> Yes, I think I resolved finding the 3rdparty dependencies. But for some
> reason, the osgdb_xxx pluggins listed in the last e-mail:
> osgdb_gz
> osgdb_curl
> osgdb_ive
> osgdb_png
> osgdb_tiff
> osgdb_tiffd
> dependencywalker shows that these pluggin dlls are still looking for
> MSVCR80.DLL  *and* MSVCR90.DLL
> And the other pluggins can't find MSVCR90.DLL.
> bizarre.
> thanks,
> t
> Well, I tried and opened up the pluggins.
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 7:24 PM, Mourad Boufarguine <> wrote:
>>  Hi Ted,
>> You can use the Dependency Walker ( to
>> check the version number of the runtime, the dependencies were compiled
>> against.
>> I just tried it with the zlib and png dlls contained in "VisualStudio 9
>> (2008) SP1" prebuild dependencies (
>> and I found that the release versions were compiled with the 9.0.30729
>> runtime, which is actually "2008 SP1". The debug version, though, was
>> compiled with the 9.0.21022 runtime , which is the "2008" runtime. The zlib
>> is used in both ive and gz plugins. I don't see  how you get the message
>> about the 2005 runtime dependency. Double check in the "output" window of VS
>> that the zlib and png dlls that are actually loaded are the good ones.
>> Regards,
>> Mourad
>> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 1:21 AM, ted morris <> wrote:
>>> credist_x86 VisualStudio 2005 (v8) runtimes
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Re: [osg-users] Image update in ImageStream objects

2009-11-25 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Thank you Robert, this helped me.


On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Robert Osfield wrote:

> HI Mourad,
> On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 5:51 PM, Mourad Boufarguine
> wrote:
> > When using an ImageStream object (using ffmpeg, gif, quicktime... plugins
> > for instance), is there a way to "catch" the image uptade event without
> > messing with the plugins source code ? I am willing to apply image
> > processing algorithms on video streams and I want to "intercept" new
> images
> > to do the processing only on new images.
> There is no callback mechanism for catching calls to dirty();
> Perhaps you could use an update callback that checks on each new frame
> whether the modifiedCount has changed since the last frame and then do
> your image processing then.
> Or just move the image processing down onto the GPU, the GPU is far
> better for doing image processing than the CPU so you'd likely gain in
> performance.
> Robert.
> ___
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Re: [osg-users] Webcam image as texture using OpenCV ‏

2010-06-17 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Charlie,

> I am looking a way to use the image grabbed from a webcam using OpenCV and
> then use that image as a texture in a osg app.
> Taking the osgmovie example, I already tried to create a subclass of the
> ImageStream class but Im a little lost trying to do it this way so far I
> already know how to convert an IplImage to an osg::Image and I'm able to
> take ONE image from the webcam this way, but now I have no idea in how to do
> update the image every 1/30 second to create the live stream.
You need to call the method "dirty()" whenever a new frame is grabbed to
tell osg to update the texture associated with the osg::image object.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Human 3d model animation/motion

2010-07-07 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Sanat,

A quick answer to the 3rd point :

On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 2:04 PM, Sanat Talmaki wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to create a scene in which I want to add 3d models of humans
> and control their motion through keyboard and/or automated.
> However I am having trouble starting off as I'm not sure what exactly to
> do. This is what I've done so far:
> 1) I looked at the DOF node and tutorial and figured that I would need a
> human model with DOF nodes at the hands and legs linkages. I looked at
> but was not sure if this was the way to go to
> obtain 3d human models with DOF nodes in them.
> 2) So far the models of other vehiclces I'm using in my scene are composed
> of a number of .lwo files that I link using PAT nodes and can move each part
> individually. But I believe that with models having DOF nodes, I would get a
> single file but with those nodes specified in them. Is my understanding
> correct ?
> 3) I tried to convert a .flt model to .osg from the tutorials dataset using
> osgconv but got this message:
> C:\tools\OpenSceneGraph-2.8.2_Release\bin>osgconv.exe
>  C:\Users\Sanat\Desktop\CE
> M_Res_Software\OSG
> Code\NPS_Tutorials_src\NPS_Data\Models\t72-tank\t72-tank_des.
> flt C:\Users\Sanat\Desktop\CEM_Res_Software\OSG
> Code\NPS_Tutorials_src\NPS_Data\
> Models\t72-tank\tank.osg
> Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file
> "C:\Users\Sanat\Desktop
> \CEM_Res_Software\OSG".
> Error no data loaded.
The spaces in your paths are causing the problem. try this :

osgconv.exe  "C:\Users\Sanat\Desktop\CE
flt" "C:\Users\Sanat\Desktop\CEM_Res_Software\OSG

> So I was hoping to get some pointers as to how I can proceed ? (I have my
> 3d scene ready but just finding it hard to figure out how to get a human
> model to move)
> Thanks
> Regards,
> Sanat

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Camera intrinsics

2010-07-28 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Ricky,

This link may help you :

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] parameters

2010-08-09 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Ricky,

I think this link may be of interest to you :


On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 3:14 AM, Ricky Flintoff wrote:

> Hi,
> I am a little confused now. I was wondering if I can do this now:
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Ricky
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Re: [osg-users] Can we used OSG for ES 2.0 project on linux??

2010-08-25 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
> I am getting this error.
> /OpenSceneGraph-2.9.8/src/osgQt/__/__/include/osgQt/moc_QGraphicsViewAdapter.cxx:11:2:
> error: #error "The header file 'QGraphicsViewAdapter' doesn't include
> ."
 Hi Rakesh,

This problem concerns the cmake file src/osgQt/CmakeLists.txt. This was
solved in revison 11634.
You can just replace it with the file in the svn trunk.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] newbie help

2010-10-19 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Gerry,

It seems like you need to adjust your view matrix in order to see the new
scene. If you have a camera manipulator, it can do it for you by calling
home(). Hitting the space bar should do the same thing.


On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 5:47 PM, Gerry Danza  wrote:

> Hi,
> I am really a newbie and got a bit lost on this problem
> I have everything running fine if i load a osg file but after that
> when i add dynamically a new Node  for example a simple line this never
> shows in  the display.
> I add the new entities in a Update callback .
> I have tried to follow the render stage but got lost .
> I suppose there is some kind of flag i have to set to ask for a rebuild of
> the object or scenegraph but found nothing in the docs and even reading the
> headers.
> I have also set a DrawCallback on my new geod and it never gets called
> Any tip on what to look at
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> gerry
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Re: [osg-users] newbie help

2010-10-19 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Did you try pushing the space bar?


On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 11:00 PM, Gerry Danza  wrote:

> Hi,
> thanks for your help but this is not the case
> I am able to manupilate the view and see the space where the new objects
> should be
> I have even loaded a new osg model while running the app and even this
> model does not show up , the same model is visible if loaded  at application
> startup
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Gerry
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Re: [osg-users] Disable the Mouse default event in osg

2010-10-29 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Lalit,

If i comment the manipulator then data is not displaying.

When you don't use a camera manipulator, you should take care of the the
view matrix of the viewer.
You can use something like

viewer.getCamera()->setViewMatrixAsLookAt(eye, center, up);

For more information about this function, google gluLookAt.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] 3D GUI Icon

2010-11-09 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Matt,

The osghud example should be a better starting point for you.


On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 8:34 PM, Matt Caron  wrote:

> I found a solution for this task using a HUD:
> Although I do still have an issue.  I am using the Cessna.osg model in the
> HUD but when I do
> Code:
> myPlaneTrans->setStateSet(hudStateSet);
> hudStateSet->setMode(GL_DEPTH_TEST, osg::StateAttribute::OFF);
> many of the triangles in the Cessna model are not rendered, or are rendered
> black.  Unfortunately if I don't use that setMode() method, the Cessna
> sometimes appears behind other objects - so it seems I really need
> GL_DEPTH_TEST off, but I don't know why the Cessna mesh is being rendered
> incorrectly.
> Thanks.
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Re: [osg-users] Blending two textures manualy

2010-11-16 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Aitor,

osg::Image::getColor takes texture coords, ie in range 0.0..1.0.


On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 1:05 PM, Aitor Ardanza  wrote:

> Hi,
> I still have the same problem ... I do not know how to fix it!
> I attached the program code ..
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Aitor
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Re: [osg-users] Use OSG with QT

2010-11-29 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Cosimo,

> Meanwhile, are there other possibilities to implement OSG 2.8.2 with Qt?
Yes, take a look at osgviewerQT example.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Use OSG with QT

2010-11-30 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
> I tried the example I uploaded but I have the following message of error:
> > OsgViewerQt.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public:
> virtual int __thiscall OsgViewerQt::qt_metacall(enum
> QMetaObject::Call,int,void * *)" (?qt_metac...@osgviewerqt
> @@uaehw4c...@qmetaobject@@hpa...@z)
> > OsgViewerQt.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public:
> virtual void * __thiscall OsgViewerQt::qt_metacast(char const *)"
> (?qt_metac...@osgviewerqt@@uaepax...@z)
> > OsgViewerQt.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public:
> virtual struct QMetaObject const * __thiscall
> OsgViewerQt::metaObject(void)const " (?metaobj...@osgviewerqt
> @@UBEPBUQMetaObject@@XZ)
> > OsgViewerQt.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public:
> static struct QMetaObject const OsgViewerQt::staticMetaObject"
> (?staticmetaobj...@osgviewerqt@@2UQMetaObject@@B)
> how can I fix this?

This is rather a Qt issue.
You need to move the OsgViewerQt class declaration to a header file, and
"moc" it.

These links should help you :

To make your life easier with VS and Qt, you may want to install
QtVSAddin (


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Re: [osg-users] osgCal does not build - where is PerContextProgram::getUniformLocation( string ) method ?

2010-12-08 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Wojciech,

This change was introduced in rev 11952. This new static function in
osg/Uniform should help you to get the (unsigned int) id out of the (string)
name :

static unsigned int getNameID(const std::string& name);


2010/12/8 Wojciech Lewandowski 

>   Hi Guys,
> The title says it all. We use osgCal and it does not compile anymore.
> Compiler  does not find Program::PerContextProgram::getUniformLocation(
> const std::string & ) while compiling HardwareMesh.cpp. Problem appeared
> with trunk change revision 11942:
> Where
> Program::PerContextProgram::getUniformLocation( const std::string & )
> was replaced with:
> Program:: PerContextProgram::getUniformLocation( unsigned int )
> I tried to look at modified PerContextProgram to figure out how to get
> uniform location knowing only uniform name but I was not able to come up
> with reasonable idea. Can anyone help me ?
> Ideally we could possible retrofit PerProgramContext with a method that
> would accept  string name ? It does not mean reverting all the code that was
> changed recently I would only want to have another version of
> PerContextProgram::getUniformLocation( int ) with string parameter so that
> osgCall still compile.
> Cheers,
> Wojtek Lewandowski
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Re: [osg-users] How to set camera focal length

2010-12-09 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Igor,

Take a look at this website :

you can find how to compute the projection matrix parameters of an opengl
camera (fovy and aspect ratio)  out of a real camera intrinsic parameters
(focal lengths and focal point).


On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 10:54 AM, Igor Galochkin  wrote:

> Hi,
> Just to understand how setProjectionMatrix works, say, I need to set
> X-Focal length of viewer's camera to 1000 and Y-Focal length to 600.
> Also i need the Camera to be translated by x by 0.5 to the right and y by
> 0.7 down.
> What matrix m should i pass to viewer.getCamera()->setProjection(m) to
> achieve that? Or should I use some other function?
> ...
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Igor
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Re: [osg-users] How to set camera focal length

2010-12-10 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Igor,

> But i still can't set up the position and rotation of the viewer's camera.
> this->_viewer.getCamera()->setReferenceFrame(::osg::Transform::ABSOLUTE_RF);
> this->_viewer.getCamera()->setViewMatrix(::osg::Matrix::translate(0.5, 0.3,
> 0.1));
> this does nothing.
> My guess is becase i also have to call:
> ::osg::ref_ptr< ::osgGA::KeySwitchMatrixManipulator> keyswitchManipulator =
> new ::osgGA::KeySwitchMatrixManipulator;
> keyswitchManipulator->addMatrixManipulator( '1', "Trackball", new
> ::osgGA::TrackballManipulator() );
> this->_viewer.setCameraManipulator( keyswitchManipulator.get() );
> or the offscreen capture doesn't render the scene, just an empty
> background. It looks like viewer needs a camera manipulator or it won't
> render the scene.
> Is it at all possible to move the camera programmatically after a camera
> manipulator has been set for the viewer? Or can i avoid creating a camera
> manipulator?

Well, it seems like the cameramanipulator is causing this. To define
manually a view matrix for the camera viewer, you need eigther not to use a
camera manipulator or to set the second parameter of
Viewer::setCameraManipulator (resetPosition)  to false.

Be aware that in case you don't define a camera manipulator, calling
Viewer::run() will automatically add a TrackballManipulator. In this case,
just replace the Vewer::run() call by the rendering loop :


Another possible issue is the view matrix itself. If you don't see the
scene, it is generally due to a wrong view Matrix.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [ANN] New book published - OpenSceneGraph 3.0 Beginner's Guide

2010-12-22 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Good news !!

Just bought it! It will be of a great help to our trainees and to me as well
Keep up the good work !

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osg question

2010-12-24 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 9:44 PM, Michael W. Hall  wrote:

> I get the following error when I run osgversion to see if it is working:
> osgversion: error while loading shared libraries: cannot
> open shared object file: No such file or directory
> The file does exist in /usr/local/lib64.  I am using the latest version
> from svn.  I have had this before and fixed it, now I can't remember how
> I used to fix it.  Thanks for any help.
> Michael

Hi Michael,

The current SO number of svn/trunk is 70 (since rev 12056, committed last
wednesday). If you really got the latest svn, a full rebuilt should solve
your problem.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [build] Can't compile own project as release build

2010-12-24 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 11:52 AM, Heiko Thiel <> wrote:

> Hi,
> since some SVN versions i'm not anymore able to compile my project as
> release build. Debug build works without problems.
> I get following error by VS 2010:
> > Fehler2   error LNK2001: Nicht aufgelöstes externes Symbol
> ""public: virtual void __thiscall osg::BufferData::releaseGLObjects(class
> osg::State *)const " (?releaseglobje...@bufferdata@osg@@ubexpavst...@2@@Z)".
> C:\Users\SunBlack\Desktop\GP\build\main.obj Towerdefense
> > Fehler1   error LNK2001: Nicht aufgelöstes externes Symbol
> ""public: virtual void __thiscall
> osg::BufferData::resizeGLObjectBuffers(unsigned int)"
> (?resizeglobjectbuff...@bufferdata@osg@@ua...@z)".
> C:\Users\SunBlack\Desktop\GP\build\main.obj Towerdefense
> >
> Interesting is: Notepad++ found "releaseglobje...@bufferdata" in osgd.lib
> and osgrd.lib, but not in osg.lib and osgr.lib. Any idea why?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Heiko

Hi Heiko,

These two methods were added two weeks ago to BufferData in svn/trunk. The
only reason I can think of, is that you didn't build release osg libs
recently, or you are linking to an old osg.lib. Check your linker paths.
Maybe a clean build can help you.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [build] Can't compile own project as release build

2010-12-24 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 2:41 PM, Heiko Thiel  wrote:

> You are right. It looks like a mistaken by me. I had compile osg two times:
> Debug and RelWithDbgInfo. I had think, that Debug creates "osgd.lib" and
> RelWithDbgInfo "osg.lib" with additional debug files (pdm and so on). But it
> seems RelWithDbgInfo is not that, what I have expected, so I must compile
> RelWithDbgInfo and Release to get libs for both versions.

Indeed, RelWithDbgInfo creates osgrd.lib not osg.lib.
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Modify texture data on runtime

2010-12-26 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
On Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 6:42 PM, Vicent Marti  wrote:

> Hello fine gentlemen,
> I'm trying to render a dynamic texture, whose pixels are manually
> modified during runtime. I'm assigning the texture like this:
>   osg::Texture2D* texture = new osg::Texture2D(img);
>   texture->setDataVariance(osg::Object::DYNAMIC);
>   osg::StateSet* state = geom->getOrCreateStateSet();
>   state->setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, texture, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
> where 'geom' is my geometry object, and 'img' is an osg::Image I've
> allocated manually, and which I plan to modify during runtime. The
> problem I'm having is that my 'geom' object is using the initial Image
> (the image as it was when assigning the TextureAttribute). Even if I
> modify the pixels in the Image, using img->data(), the rendered
> texture is not updated.
> What am I doing wrong? Is there a more optimal way to manually access
> the pixels of the rendered texture at runtime?
> Cheers,
> Vicent Marti
Hi Vincent,

Make sure to call img->dirty() after modifying the pixels in the image, in
order to update the texture with the new data.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] [Error] osgConv animation1.fbx to converted.fbx

2011-01-07 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Jerome,

What version of osg are you using ?
I also have some problems with the fbx writer in svn trunk. When reading and
writing a fbx file, the animation disappears. Maybe, the writer do not
handle (yet) osgAnimation.


On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Jerome Karim wrote:

> Hello,
> I intend to use the osgdb_fbx plugin to convert some osg files to fbx
> formats. I was stacked with the following problem: I am unable to convert
> with osgConv an fbx animation to another file with the same format.
> the command line is
> Code:
> osgConv animation.fbx converted.fbx
> the produced file is corrupted and does not correspond to the source
> animation !!!
> thank you for helping me to fix this problem
> --
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Re: [osg-users] (no subject)

2011-01-12 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Robert,

Could you remove him from the mailing list ? he have sent dozens of mails
like this.


> If want to disable subscription or unsubscribe then simply follow the
> list to the mailing list admin page - it's appended to all posts (see
> above you post even had all the info you need).
> Robert.
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Could not find plugin to read object from the file..

2011-01-13 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Karthik,

Did you build osg yourself ? are there osgdb_png(d).dll and
osgdb_jpeg(d).dll in /bin/osgPlugins-2.9.6 ? are the
png, jpeg and zlib dlls in your path ?


On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Karthik Gowda wrote:

> Hi All,
> Im using OSG 2.9.6 plugins for FLightGear 2.0. I'm able to build the code
> successfully, but when i run my exe, it gives me the warning saying that
> "Could not find plugin to read object from the file". It is unable to load
> the images in png and jpeg formats.
> I tried to find the solution in some fourm ,its says that some lib are
> missing, but for these particular formats which lib we should look upon..?
> I hav attached the snapshot of the error/warnings I get.
> Could anyone help me out...
> ...
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Karthik
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Re: [osg-users] How to build OSG using Eclipse CDT on Linux *in debug mode*?

2011-01-23 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Enzo,

In cmake-gui, set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Debug.


On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 3:50 PM, Enzo Miopalmo wrote:

> Hi,
> I used cmake-gui to generate Eclipse CDT4 makefiles. No problem then
> building OSG and running the osggeometry sample.
> However, whenever I try to debug a sample (I place a breakpoint in main(),
> then click Debug) Eclipse says "No source code is available for main()".
> Apparently, this might be because I am not compiling OSG in debug mode.
> Some people say this error might happen if you don't specify "-g -O0" in the
> compiler options.
> Again the sample runs just fine, and I can see gdb is correctly doing its
> work in the Eclipse tool windows.
> My question is the following:
> When I right-click the "OpenSceneGraph@binaries" node and select
> Properties, I see no "Build configurations", typically Release and Debug. I
> guess Build Configurations are reserved for native Eclipse CDT projects, not
> makefile projects.
> So - where shall I specify compiler options in Eclipse CDT for makefiles
> projects, in order for the build to be a "debug" build?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Enzo
> --
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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Trouble trying to integrate Osg in a Wpf Application using HwndHost

2011-01-25 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 11:39 AM, Chris Corn wrote:

> Hi,
> It's been 3 days that I'm trying to integrate Osg inside a Wpf Application.
> I would like to integrate an osgviewer using a class that extends HwndHost
> (defined in System.Windows.Runtime.InteropServices) as shown in an article
> attached to a Forum Topic about WPF (see Ref)
> Rapidly: I wrote the BuildWindowCore implementation but I'm getting a
> SEHException every time that I try to create the Graphic Context:
> Code:
> virtual HandleRef BuildWindowCore(HandleRef hwndParent) override {
> RECT DrawingCanvas;
> HWND WindowHandle =
> CreateWindowEx(0,_className, _windowName, _dwStyle, 0, 0, 100, 100, (HWND)
> hwndParent.Handle.ToPointer(), 0, _hInstance, 0 );
> GetWindowRect(WindowHandle, &DrawingCanvas);
> osg::ref_ptr windata = new
> osgViewer::GraphicsWindowWin32::WindowData(WindowHandle);
> osg::ref_ptr traits = new
> osg::GraphicsContext::Traits;
> // Setup Graphic Context
> traits->x = 0;
> traits->y = 0;
> traits->width = DrawingCanvas.right - DrawingCanvas.left;
> traits->height = DrawingCanvas.bottom -;
> traits->windowDecoration = false;
> traits->doubleBuffer = true;
> traits->sharedContext = 0;
> traits->inheritedWindowData = windata;
> // Pixel Format Descriptor
> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
> 24, 0, 0, PFD_MAIN_PLANE, 0, 0, 0, 0
> };
> // Get the device context for the Win32 handle to the control
> HDC hdc = ::GetDC(WindowHandle);
> // Set the pixel format on the device context
> int pixelFormatIndex = ::ChoosePixelFormat(hdc, &pixelFormat);
> ::SetPixelFormat(hdc, pixelFormatIndex, &pixelFormat)
> // Create an Open Scene Graph graphics context
> osg::ref_ptr gc =
> osg::GraphicsContext::createGraphicsContext(traits);
> return HandleRef(this, IntPtr(WindowHandle));
> }
> Do you have some ideas on how solve my problem?
> Am I doing something wrong?
> Thank you!
> Have a nice day!,
> Chris
> Ref: forum openscenegraph, viewtopic with t=3279
> (sorry but I cant submit links now)
> --
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Hi Chris,

Well, we have a running WPF based application that includes an osg viewer.
Here is how we did that : (i am no WPF coder, so i can't be very specific
about it) :

- in the WPF side, we created a subclass of System.Windows.Window.
In Window_Loaded method, we get a handle of the window like this :
IntPtr winPtr = new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle;
this handle will be used to initialize the osg viewer.

- We created a simple wrapper dll with a simple C interface that manages an
osg viewer.
our C interface has create/destroy/frame/loadmodel methods.

- this wrapper dll is loaded in the WPF application with a DllImport
statement per method in the C interface.

- back to the wpf side, in Window_Loaded method, we pass the handle of the
window to the create function in the wrapper dll. This function creates an
osg graphic context as you already have and create an osgViewer object using
that context.

- Still in the wpf side, we have a Paint method in which we call the frame
method of the wrapper dll that simply call the frame method of the viewer.
Make sure to add this to the ctor of the window :

CompositionTarget.Rendering += Paint;

I hope this will help you.
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Linker error during execution

2011-01-27 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Mukund,

Could you send your vcproj file ?


On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 10:06 PM, Mukund Keshav  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> i tried executing the very first tutorial provided in the OSG website(basic
> geometry.cpp). Well i got this error:(a link error)
>  error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp___CrtDbgReportW referenced
> in function "public: __thiscall std::_Vector_const_iterator osg::Vec3f,class std::allocator
> >::_Vector_const_iterator osg::Vec3f> >(class osg::Vec3f *,class std::_Container_base_secure const *)"
> (??0?$_Vector_const_iterator@VVec3f@osg@@V?$allocator@VVec3f@osg@@@std@
> @@std@@QAE@PAVVec3f@osg@@PBV_Container_base_secure@1@@Z)
> The error looks pretty scary. im not sure what is wrong. i ran few other
> programs, and it was fine. im not sure what this one meant though.
> i have linked the following libraries:
> osgd.lib
> osgDBd.lib
> osgViewerd.lib
> osgTextd.lib
> osgUtild.lib
> OpenThreadsd.lib
> Can anyone please provide some suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Mukund
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Re: [osg-users] Linker error during execution

2011-01-28 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Mukund,

I do not see the vcproj file. I think it is a problem in the config rather
than in the code itself.


On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 12:49 PM, Mukund Keshav  wrote:

> Hi Mourad,
> Thanks for the reply. i have attached the project file and the source file.
> ...
> Hi Shayne
> >>Unless you're debugging into OSG code, I would not use the debug
> libraries.
> Well i am very new to OSG. im still looking into the classes. So i am still
> executing in the debug mode.
> Thanks,
> Mukund
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Re: [osg-users] Getting Started - VS2010

2011-11-21 Thread Mourad Boufarguine

On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 12:03 AM, Markus Kahl
> Hey,
> I've actually downloaded those pre-compiled binaries and have tried it with
> those all the time.
> I want to do something on my own and start working with one of the examples
> the basis.
> Regards,
> Markus
> 2011/11/20 Chris 'Xenon' Hanson 

Did you download the 32- or 64bit packages?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Getting Started - VS2010

2011-11-21 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 3:24 PM, Markus Kahl
> Hey,
> I've downloaded the 64-bit binaries (3.0.1).
> Regards,
> Markus

But you are compiling your program in 32bit. So, either download the
32bit packages or build your program in 64bit.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] VS2010 64bit compile problem

2012-01-04 Thread Mourad Boufarguine

On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 10:52 AM, Peter Bako  wrote:
> Hi,
> I get errors, when I try to compile my project on visual studio for 64bit 
> platform. Before on ANYCPU configurations I had no problems. The error which 
> I get is
>  variable "WINGDIAPI" is not a type name
> c:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\windows\v7.0a\include\gl\gl.h

This error usually means that you need to #include  before

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Installation Problems.VS10 - unresolved external symbol

2012-01-12 Thread Mourad Boufarguine

Are you building your project in 64bit too ?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [ANN] MS Kinect - official drivers available

2011-02-10 Thread Mourad Boufarguine

I came across an OpenNI middleware called FAAST (Flexible Action and
Articulated Skeleton Toolkit) which includes a custom VRPN server to stream
the user's skeleton over a network (wich can be integrated into an osg
application using osgVRPN nodekit). It also emulate keyboard and mouse input
triggered by body posture and specific gestures.

Currently available for Windows only. Source code and linux port to be
published in "the near future".

I did not try it (yet), just wanted to share it.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] How to change a texture in a imported OSG file?

2011-02-17 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Almir,

You can open the osg file with a text editor and check the texture unit. Can
you also check if it is a Texture2D or TextureRectangle ?


On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 3:43 AM, Almir Brazil  wrote:

> Hi hybr!
> I can feel that I'm getting close.
> I've done all what you say..  the project compile sucessfully, but I'm
> getting a black texture replacing my original static texture.
> I tried all first 8 texture units, as you say.
> I know that the imagestream is playing, because I can see the 'resize'
> messages in console.
> Did I forget something?
> (code attached below).
> Thanks,
> Almir
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Re: [osg-users] How to change a texture in a imported OSG file?

2011-02-22 Thread Mourad Boufarguine

>  That's working!!! Finally!  :D
> I installed the ffmpeg plugin and loaded the movie with .mov.ffmpeg
> extension.  As you said before, the code is correct...  only a plugin
> problem.
> Only the audio is not playing... but that's no much important.
> Thanks again!
Hi Almir,

Glad it helped.
I think you can't get audio from ffmpeg plugin out of the box (although it
already contains an audio decoder). I think you need to implement an
osg::AudioSink to produce the sound. I found this thread that talks about an
implementation of AudioSink (using SDL) used with the ffmpeg plugin :

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [build] OSGbin 2.9.9 v. 2.9.11

2011-02-23 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Neil,

I can't see what is your problem ? OSG contains the core libraries and
nodekits ( Openthreads, osg, osgDB, osgGA, osgFX, osgViewer, etc...) wich
will give the versioned dlls in bin folder (osg71-osg.dll --> osg library ;
osg71-osgGA.dll --> osgGA library ; etc ...) and plugins for loading/writing
files. These plugins are in a osgPlugins-2.9.11 folder, and are like this
osgdb_xx.dll. osgdb_osg.dll is the plugin for loading osg files and is
different from the osg71-osg.dll.
 which is the osg library.


On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 11:20 PM, Neil Neilson  wrote:

> Hi Tim
> At least I am not the only one to run into this.
> From the SVN today and CMake Configure/Generate and VS10 ALL BUILD
> the recent changes were built and no errors.
> I renamed C:\OpenSceneGraph to C:\OpenSceneGraph-xx
> Build INSTALL:  Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped
> This made a new C:\OpenSceneGraph
> the bin still has the osg71- and without the xxx.dlls
> Neil
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Re: [osg-users] How to do a videostreaming

2011-02-24 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Nagore,

You can get prebuilt ffpmeg libs for Windows here

Your question is not clear : do you want to read and render video streams in
osg or do you want to stream osg rendered frames over network ?

The first can be done using ffmpeg or directshow plugins (look at osgmovie
example or at osgviewer --movie).
The last is not implemented in osg, and you have to code it yourself using
for example ffmpeg libs and/or Live555 libs.


On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 8:55 AM, Nagore Barrena  wrote:

>  Hi,
> First, thank you for yours help!
> I have some problems to compile FFmpeg in Windows. I'm going to try with
> directshow.
> Do you know any example of stream with dshow in OSG?
> Thanks in advance!
> Cheers,
> Nagore
> --
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Re: [osg-users] How to do a videostreaming

2011-02-24 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
> My case is the second one. I want to stream osg rendered frames over
> network.
> So, I have to install ffmpeg libs. But, Must I install Live555? Or if I use
> ffmpeg it will be enought? What is your recomendation?

Ok, it is more clear now.
Well, it should be possible to use only ffmpeg, but I think it is difficult
with Windows :)
FFmpeg distrib contains a streaming server application (ffserver). I didn't
hear of someone who succedded to build and make ffserver work on a Windows
machine. I didn't also find a Windows port of this program.

Anyways, the big steps to stream rendered frames, is to encode them (using
ffmpeg) and then stream them (ussing ffserver or Live555).
Encoding the frames is not difficult to do. At least you should be able to
save the rendered frames in a video file following the output-example.c
sample shipped with ffmpeg sources ( At the osg
part, you can do reder-to-texture to get the raw rendered frames.

The streaming part is more challenging. If you manage to make ffserver work,
it would be straightforward. all you need to do would be to write the output
of the encoded frames into a ffserver feed (like in this
Otherwise, you can use live555 for streaming. The problem with that is there
is no concrete documentation on ffmpeg/live555 integration, but, it is
feasable. The main difficulty is to choose a working combination of a ffmpeg
encoder and a live555 streaming container and to configure them accordingly.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Michael Platings

2011-03-09 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Josue,

Just a quick note. When using osg::ref_ptr, you should test for
escena.valid() to know whether the file was loaded or not.
 if (!escena.valid()){
   cout<<"No estoy leyendo"< wrote:

> hi again, well, the osg is running now, i can compile osg priyects, but i
> still have probles with FBX. this is my code:
> // Inclusi'on de cabeceras de OSG necesarias
> #include 
> #include 
> #include 
> #include 
> #include 
> //#include 
> #include 
> using namespace std;
> int main()
> {
> //  osgViewer "pruba.fbx";
> // Carga/creaci'on y configuraci'on de la escena
>//osg::Group* node = new osg::Group();
>//osg::Node* node=new osg::Node();
>cout<<"letrero 1"//osg::Node* escena = osgDB::readNodeFile("create.fbx");
>if (!escena){
>cout<<"No estoy leyendo"//osgDB::writeNodeFile(*escena.get(), "copfbx.osg");
>//osg::Node* escena = osgDB::readNodeFile("cow.osg");
>cout<<"letrero 1" view->getCamera()->getViewport()->width();
> // Creaci'on y configuraci'on del visor
>osgViewer::Viewer visor;
> // Corrida del ciclo para el recorrido (actualizaci'on y dibujo) de la
> escena
> }
> how you can see, it's not reading the fbx files. how is the problem now?
> --
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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] FBX load problems

2011-03-09 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Josue,

When using osg::ref_ptr, you should test for escena.valid() to know whether
the file was loaded or not.
 if (!escena.valid()){

   cout<<"No estoy leyendo"< wrote:

> Hi, for some reason I do not understand i can load fbx files, this is my
> code
> ...
> // Inclusi'on de cabeceras de OSG necesarias
> #include 
> #include 
> #include 
> #include 
> #include 
> //#include 
> #include 
> using namespace std;
> int main()
> {
> //  osgViewer "pruba.fbx";
> // Carga/creaci'on y configuraci'on de la escena
>//osg::Group* node = new osg::Group();
>//osg::Node* node=new osg::Node();
>cout<<"letrero 1"osg::Node* escena = osgDB::readNodeFile("Samuel.fbx");
>if (!escena){
>cout<<"No estoy leyendo"//osgDB::writeNodeFile(*escena.get(), "copfbx.osg");
>//osg::Node* escena = osgDB::readNodeFile("cow.osg");
>cout<<"letrero 1" view->getCamera()->getViewport()->width();
> // Creaci'on y configuraci'on del visor
>osgViewer::Viewer visor;
> // Corrida del ciclo para el recorrido (actualizaci'on y dibujo) de la
> escena
> }
> when enter in the if, it is verifiest that the node "escena" has been
> loaded with the fbx file, but does not. what can be the problem?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Josue
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osg-submissions] Android Development Plans

2011-03-10 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi all,

I gave osg android port a try on Windows using cygwin, and it worked like a
charm (only a tiny problem with osgViewer, when cross compiling for android
using cygwin, the windows path in osgViewer/CMakeLists.txt is used rather
than the android one, fix attached).
For the moment I only compiled all the osg libs and plugins that don't rely
on a 3rdParty lib. I will let you know when I succeed to build an app for my
nexus S :) (the test apk Jorge sent, works for me)

Thanks for your efforts.


On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 5:37 PM, Robert Osfield wrote:

> Hi Rafa, Jorge and all ;-)
> On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Rafa Gaitan 
> wrote:
> > Finally Jorge and me have finished a first approach to build OSG under
> > Android using the android NDK.
> >
> > Attached you will find all required code and cmake modifications (They
> > are based on a previous submissions I sent last week).
> Many thanks for your efforts.  I have now merged and checked in
> changes to OpenSceneGraph svn/trunk.  I haven't tested the Android
> build at all yet, only the normal Linux build side.
> Would it be possible for you to put up a documentation page on the
> wiki to show how to set up to build the OSG on Android?
> Thanks,
> Robert.
> ___
> osg-submissions mailing list
# FIXME: For OS X, need flag for Framework or dylib

SET(LIB_NAME osgViewer)

SET(HEADER_PATH ${OpenSceneGraph_SOURCE_DIR}/include/${LIB_NAME})



# Enable workaround for OpenGL driver issues when used in 
multithreaded/multiscreen with NVidia drivers on Windows XP 
# For example: osgviewer dumptruck.osg was showing total garbage (screen 
looked like shattered, splashed hedgehog) 
# There were also serious issues with render to texture cameras.
# Workaround repeats makeCurrentContext call as it was found that this 
causes the problems to dissapear.
you have NVidia board and drivers earlier than 177.92 ver" OFF)



for graphics window creation, options only IOS.")
type for graphics window creation, options Carbon, Cocoa or X11.")

type for graphics window creation.")
for graphics window creation. options only X11")

SET_PROPERTY(SOURCE ${HEADER_PATH}/api/Cocoa/GraphicsHandleCocoa 
SET_PROPERTY(SOURCE ${HEADER_PATH}/api/Cocoa/GraphicsWindowCocoa 
SET_PROPERTY(SOURCE ${HEADER_PATH}/api/Cocoa/PixelBufferCocoa 

Re: [osg-users] fbx animation

2011-03-23 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Josue,

take a look at osganimationviewer example.


On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 5:48 PM, Josue Hernandez  wrote:

> Hi, everybody:
> anyone know how to activate an animation. fbx?
> ...
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Josue
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Methods definition problem passing 2.8.3 -> 2.9.12

2011-03-31 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Dario,

i think this was discussed here


On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 2:54 PM, Dario Minieri  wrote:

> Hi,
> I was trying  to compile some of my  projects based on OSG 2.8.3 using
> 2.9.12. I'm getting these errors:
> Rend.cpp: In constructor 'GfxRenderer::GfxRenderer(osg::Camera*)':
> Rend.cpp:58: error: 'setTargetFrameRate' was not declared in this scope
> Rend.cpp:59: error: 'setMinimumTimeAvailableForGLCompileAndDeletePerFrame'
> was not declared in this scope.
> I'm not able to find those methods, seems  to haven't been simply
> moved...perhaps renamed in another way and moved?
> Can anyone give me any suggestions?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Dario
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] how to change the page content ?

2011-04-08 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Maxim,

You should email the server admin to get a wiki account.


2011/4/8 Maxim Gammer 

> Hi all.
> how to change the page
> content?
> ..
> how to get username / password
> pageвикилогин
> ?
> (reference ( does not
> work))
> --
> Maxim Gammer
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] how to change the page content ?

2011-04-08 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Thank you.
> But the page "Create a Wiki user account" does not work: (
> (
yeh, i saw that. it used to work. Jose Luis is the only one that can help,
he doesn't read regularily the mailing list, so send him an email.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgDB ifstream / ofstream conflict

2011-04-20 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Vincent,

On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 4:36 PM, Vincent Bourdier  wrote:

> 2>TsLib_MDdNET2010.lib(IwPoly.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: void
> __thiscall std::basic_ifstream
> >::close(void)" (?close@?$basic_ifstream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ)
> already defined in osgDBd.lib(osg65-osgDBd.dll)
> 2>TsLib_MDdNET2010.lib(IwBrepData.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: void
> __thiscall std::basic_ifstream
> >::close(void)" (?close@?$basic_ifstream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ)
> already defined in osgDBd.lib(osg65-osgDBd.dll)

It seems like a static/dynamic c++ runtime conflict. Check if osg and
TsLib_MDdNET2010 are linked against the same type of c++ runtime (both with
/MTd flag or both with /MDd flag)

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] OSG fbx 2012.1 compile issue

2011-06-15 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Aitor,

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Aitor Ardanza wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to compile OSG SVN with FBX 2012.1
> on Win7 x64 using Visual Studio 2008.
> FBX-Include: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/FBX/FbxSdk/2012.1/include
> FBX-lib: C:/Program
> Files/Autodesk/FBX/FbxSdk/2012.1/lib/vs2008/x86/fbxsdk-2012.1.lib
> FBX-libd: C:/Program
> Files/Autodesk/FBX/FbxSdk/2012.1/lib/vs2008/x86/fbxsdk-2012.1d.lib
You are linking 32bit FBX librairies to 64bit OSG ;)

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] OSG fbx 2012.1 compile issue

2011-06-15 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 12:08 PM, Aitor Ardanza wrote:

> But I want to maintain 32bit system and I'm compiling OSG with Win32
> system...

>I'm trying to compile OSG SVN with FBX 2012.1
>on Win7 x64 using Visual Studio 2008.

Sorry, i thought you are building osg in 64bit.

> FBX-lib: C:/Program
> FBX-libd: C:/Program

Those are the shared fbx libs, is this on purpose ? Personnally, i use the
static ones, fbxsdk-2012.1-md.lib and fbxsdk-2012.1-mdd.lib .

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [build] Compile error in Plugins dicom on Win 64bit

2011-06-15 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Bob,

I am not familiar with DCMTK. I am going just to make some general comments.

1>osgDB.lib(osg77-osgDB.dll) : error LNK2005: "public: void __cdecl
> std::basic_ifstream >::`vbase
> destructor'(void)" (??_D?$basic_ifstream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QEAAXXZ)
> already defined in dcmimgle.lib(didispfn.obj)
> 1>osgDB.lib(osg77-osgDB.dll) : error LNK2005: "public: __cdecl
> std::basic_ifstream
> >::basic_ifstream >(char const
> *,int,int)" (??0?$basic_ifstream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QEAA@PEBDHH@Z)
> already defined in dcmimgle.lib(didispfn.obj)
> 1> Creating library
> D:/CMake_Build/OSG/lib/osgPlugins-2.9.16/osgdb_dicom.lib and object
> D:/CMake_Build/OSG/lib/osgPlugins-2.9.16/osgdb_dicom.exp
> 1>D:\CMake_Build\OSG\bin\osgPlugins-2.9.16\osgdb_dicom.dll : fatal error
> LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found
This usually mean that you are mixing code linked with shared C runtime
(osg) with code linked to static C runtime. I think you should rebuild dcmtk
libs with shared runtime (/MD msvc flag instead of /MT)

> Code:
> error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL': value '0'
> doesn't match value '2' in ReaderWriterDICOM.obj
And this means that you are mixing release and debug code. To build debug
dicom plugin, you need to use the debug dcmtk libraries.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] ffmpeg plugin

2011-07-07 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 1:58 AM, He, Yefei  wrote:

> Hi, Folks,
>It's been a while since I updated my OSG files. Today I checked out the
> latest SVN release and tried to use CMake to configure for Visual Studio
> 2010 64-bit build. I downloaded the 64-bit FFMPEG packages (from July 4th
> 2011) and filled in all the relevant fields in the OSG CMake settings. I did
> not see any error message regarding FFMPEG when I generated the solution and
> project files. However, afterwards I noticed that the ffmpeg plugin project
> was missing. The project file was not generated at all and of course not
> included in the OSG solution file. Could there be anything that I did wrong?
> Or was it related to the recent issues with FFMPEG?
Hi Yafei,

Make sure CMake did actually find FFMpeg headers and libs. I don't think it
does in windows, so you'll have to set them manually.
If CMake doesn't find FFMpeg headers or libs, the ffmpeg plugin won't be
added to the generated VS solution.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgAndroidExampleGLES1 crashed

2011-07-08 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Anurag,

AFAIK Android emulator does not support OpenGL ES, so the Android osg
examples won't run on it.

Le 8 juil. 2011 17:08, "anurag mairal"  a écrit :
> Sir I have build osg on android with osg3.0.0
> tried to run example program osgAndroidExampleGLES1 on emulator get error
> "application stopped unexpectedly, please try again".
> Can you please tell me what may be the problem?
> Thanks,
> Anurag
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG for Android

2011-08-08 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
2011/8/8 Héctor Martínez 

> Hi Jorge,
> ** **
> thank you for your response! You were right, it works with command line.
> But now I have new problems:
> ** **
> **-  **It doesn´t find some plugins (jpg, png… etc).
> **-  **When trying to build the solution I get this error:
> 2>InitializeBuildStatus:
> 2>  Touching "Win32\Debug\ndk\ndk.unsuccessfulbuild".
> 2>CustomBuild:
> 2>  The system cannot find the path specified.
> 2>  Generating Android-OpenSceneGraph
> 2>C:\Program Files
> (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(151,5): error
> MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 3.
> 2>
> 2>Build FAILED
> ** **
> Any ideas about what’s wrong?
> ** **
> Thank you.
> ** **
> Cheers,
> ** **
> Héctor

Hi Hector,

You can't use Visual Studio to build OSG for android. You need to choose
"Unix Makefile" as generator in CMake gui.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG for Android

2011-08-10 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Hector,

2011/8/10 Héctor Martínez 

> Thank you for the response. I am having some problems with the MINGW/MSYS
> make. Here is the problem:
You have to use Cygwin not MinGW/MSYS on windows to develop with android

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG for Android

2011-08-11 Thread Mourad Boufarguine
Hi Hector,

2011/8/11 Héctor Martínez 

> Thank you Mourad and Jorge.
> ** **
> I have never used CygWin and I am trying to follow those instructions:
> ** **

Those are for building OSG with cygwin to be used on a PC.

> ** **
> But it is a bit messy for me. Mourad, it seems like you have successfully
> compiled OSG for Android in Windows. Could you please give me a quick guide
> or some tips?
> **

1/ install Cygwin ^^ , make sure to install gcc , g++, make, ... (a full
install may be helpful).

Please note that, although we won't be compiling osg with cygwin's g++ , it
needs to be installed in order for cmake to get over compiler checks at the
beginning of configuration. (and other packages may be also needed)

2/ in cmake gui, set the sources and binairies folders, hit configure and
choose "Unix Makefiles" as generator

3/ Check "OSG_BUILD_PLATFORM_ANDROID" and hit configure

4/ Set (if not set) ANDROID_NDK path

5/ Configure your build whether you want GLES1 or GLES2 following these
instructions :

6/ Configure and Generate

7/ open Cygwin batch, cd to binaires dir, and "make"

> Héctor
> ** **
> Cheers,
osg-users mailing list

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