[SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin to suppress "Shuffle", "Repeat" and "Add to Playlist" Modes

2015-01-05 Thread sternenjaeger

If you don't use the "Shuffle", "Repeat" or "Add to Playlist" features
the corresponding buttons in the iOS und Android apps can be a bit
annoying (e. g. if other members of the household hit them
Personally i never use these modes, so i wrote a small plugin to get rid
of them. I post this here for the case that somebody else might like to
use it. 


- Unzip the attached file in your "Plugins" folder
- Activate the plugin in Settings -> Plugins
- Check the plugin configuration: You can enable/disable the
  "Shuffle","Repeat" and "Add to Playlist" modes separately

Please note that this is a "quick and dirty" thing i wrote for myself
during the christmas holidays. But it should work on any system:

It simply subscribes to the shuffle and repeat events of the playlist 
and resets the corresponding mode if the user has activated it.
For the addtracks and inserttracks events it sets the track to the first
track the user had inserted/added.

Shouldn't cause any trouble. But anyway: Use at your own risk.

|Filename: DisableShuffle.zip   |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17108|

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2015-01-06 Thread sternenjaeger

There is already a plugin for Bookmarks from KDF
(http://code.google.com/p/kdfplugins/downloads/list) , but this is
unmaintained now for a couple of years and doesn't work on newer players
(i. e. Radio or Touch).

I always wanted a feature like this because i listen a lot to radio
dramas / audio books and it's always a pain to find the position where
you stopped listening days ago.
So finally i decided to write a new plugin for a bookmarking feature.
Since there had been a couple of posts in this forum where users asked
for "audio bookmarks", i post it here - perhaps it can be useful for
others too.

The code is based on the "What was that tune?" plugin from mherger
- thanks for that really handy tool and all the other work you do for
the squeezebox system.

There are some distinct differences:

- "BookmarkHistory" only works with local music, not with internet
  streams (this is by design, as i use the album-id to identify the
  currently played album)
- It keeps track of the tracknumber and the position in a track of an
  album you listen to (independent of the player you use)
- Albums are automatically removed from the bookmark list when you
  reach the end of the last track (remember: this is for setting
  bookmarks, not for storing favourites)

It works automatically: 

- In the settings of the plugin you select the genres for which
  bookmarks should be used.
- If you play an album with a matching genre the plugin will keep
  track of the tracknumber and the position in the track while the album
  is played.
- The bookmarked albums are listed in the plugin menu (most recent at
  the top). Klicking on an album will load the album and start it at the
  bookmarked position.


- Unzip the attached file in your "Plugins" folder.
- Activate the plugin in Settings -> Plugins.
- Check the plugin configuration: The settings are self explanatory.
  You should at least define a value for the genre filter or the plugin
  will also be used for music albums (which presumably you don't want) .
  The filter is a list of comma separated keywords - only albums in
  which the genre contains one of the keywords are used for bookmarking.

Some notes and caveats: 

- Albums *need to be tagged with tracknumbers starting from 1
  ascending*, otherwise the plugin will jump to the wrong track.
- Rewind and next buttons wont work for bookmarked albums (because
  these also trigger the newsong event which then jumps back to the
  bookmarked position). You can, however, use the scroll bar.
- If a genre is dropped from the "List of genres" setting it may
  happen that bookmarks of albums with this genre are kept in the
  bookmark list, even if they are fully played.
- If you start an album from the "My Music" menu and you select the
  track that the bookmark is set to, the player will jump to the
  bookmarked position (if you select another track the track will play
  from the start and the plugin updates the bookmark.
- Because the plugin uses the album_id's to identify an album the
  bookmarks will be wiped when you perform a "Full rescan" of the

Please note that i am by no means an experienced squeezebox developer
and i usually don't write code in Perl, so expect some bugs. Anyway, i
have tested this with

- recent 7.9 nightly build server - but it should also work with older
- Radio, Receiver (and iPeng on an iPod touch) as clients
- iPeng, Squeezepad as controller apps on iPod and iPad, Squeeze
  Control on Android

and it works quite well for me.

|Filename: BookmarkHistory.zip  |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17119|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2015-01-07 Thread sternenjaeger

> Nice! This might become something quite a few people have been waiting 
> for: keep track of where you were in audiobooks, podcasts etc.
> Did you consider setting up a repository file on some web server to 
> allow installation through the plugin manager? This would simplify 
> installation a great deal.
I didn't plan to, because this is just a small leisure time thing i
wrote during christmas holidays. It was only when i finally had it ready
and saw that it was better working than i exptected, that i got the idea
to post it here. But sure, why not. 

I'll also try to implement you're other suggestions. Could take a couple
of days, now that i'am unfortunately back to work and spare time is
limited again.

sternenjaeger's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=57562
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2015-01-07 Thread sternenjaeger

> Yep. Me, for example! A big thumbs up to you, sternenjaeger!
Thank you! Getting feedback from two of the senior developers in the
squeezebox environment is something i hadn't expected.

> One thing I wonder about Did you register CLI commands for the
> plugin? Would there be a way to determine whether there's a bookmark for
> a certain album? I think I might like to try to play from a bookmark
> instead of from the first track whenever you play a whole album in iPeng
> and a bookmark is present.
No, this plugin is just a basic utility: It stores the bookmark
information (tracknumber and position in track) in a hash array in it's
preferences file.

The way it works is quite simpel: 

- The plugin menu lists the stored bookmarks. If the user clicks on a
  bookmark it issues a "playlistcontrol cmd:load" command, which starts
  the album at the tracknumber stored in the bookmark
- It subscribes to the "newsong" event that checks the album and
  tracknumber of the new song and - if there is a bookmark - it issues
  the "time" command to jump to the correct position (also stored in the
  bookmark hash entry).
- The "newsong" event also independently sets up a timer for a routine
  which queries the "songinfo" for all active players and creates or
  updates the bookmarks. This routine repeats the timer until no player
  is in status "playing" anymore

I'll try to continue working on it. But this is actually just my second
plugin (and the first was an even far more simpel thing), so i don't
think  i am the right man for the job. But we'll see...

> Also, it could be useful to register an entry for an album context menu
> which does exactly that.
Good idea, i give it a shot. Although: I find that getting into writing
code for the squeezeserver environment is not easy, even if you're used
to write code. I had trouble to find documentation and, coming more from
the Python/Java side, writing code in Perl for me feels like having to
wrestle with an alien beast.

Once again: Thanks to you and mherger for this friendly feedback. I am
using the squeezebox server for a couple of years now but just recently
got the idea to write code for it. Perhaps i should have started much
earlier - the open architecture of this server is like an invitation to
play around with it. But then: I already have more than enough
unfinished code in my day job ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2015-01-16 Thread sternenjaeger

Following the suggestion from mherger i have setup a repository for the
"Bookmark History" plugin. The URL of the repository is 



It still only works will local albums and it is only useful for albums
which are audio books or radio dramas - it releases you from the effort
of scrolling through an 2 hours long track to find the position where
you last stopped listening.
I tried to improve it a bit:

- Rewind button now works for bookmarked tracks of an album.
- I am using the file url now to keep track of the bookmarks, so they
  are no longer affected by rescans or changes in tags (this also means
  that the albums no longer need to have correct tag numbers. In this
  case the bookmark follows the given sort order of the squeezeserver).
- The plugin subscribes now to the playlist addtrack/loadtracks
  events. If you play an album which has a bookmark from "My music" it
  will look through the playlist and (hopefully ;) ) jump to the
  bookmarked track and position in track. In other words: The bookmark
  positioning works not only from the menu of the plugin but also from
  the "regular" squeezeserver menus.

I am using it now for a couple of days and it's pretty useful for me 
Please let me know if you find errors or you have suggestions for new

sternenjaeger's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=57562
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2015-01-16 Thread sternenjaeger

rpress wrote: 
> I'm installing it now, but I'm getting this error:
> [15-01-16 12:31:17.1139] Slim::Utils::PluginManager::load (377) Warning:
> Couldn't call Plugins::BookmarkHistory::Plugin->initPlugin: Not a HASH
> reference at
> /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/BookmarkHistory/Plugin.pm
> line 906.
> Also, is there a way to select all generes, maybe like a wildcard "*"?

Sorry, my fault - i didn't test the repo on a fresh install. I need some
time to setup a seperate "clean" squeezeserver, but i think i got it
anyway. Could you try again please?

If you would like to use it for all album genres (just because i am
curious: Even for music?) you can leave the genre filter empty. But you
should not set the maximum number of bookmarks to high - they are stored
in the preferences file of the plugin as simple perl hashes. Could slow
down the server if you keep thousends of bookmarked tracks.

Please let me know if the fresh install works now (otherwise the repo
would be completely pointless ;) ).

sternenjaeger's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=57562
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2015-01-21 Thread sternenjaeger

rpress wrote: 
> Thanks, i didn't see these because i used an older perl version. The
> "Threshhold" setting should now work again.
> I also addded a context menu to the "Now Playing" track info with which
> you can restart an album which has a bookmark from the beginning (if you
> then stop playing it before the time defined in the "threshhold" setting
> this will also delete the bookmark)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2015-01-21 Thread sternenjaeger

Philip Meyer wrote: 
> 1. This bookmarks per-album, using the album id?

Yes, i am using the album-id as key for the bookmark entries. The plugin
does not require any tags, but it needs the album-id.

Using alternatively the track url (if the played track has no album id)
would be possible, but requires some code changes. At least it would
require a filter for discs paths (which another user has mentioned
above) or otherwise it would then also start to bookmark everything
(because the genre filter would not be possible if the track is not
stored in the database).
I think about it, but please don't hold your breath.

Philip Meyer wrote: 
> 2. Does it automatically start replay from the bookmarked point when
> playing anything that has a bookmark on the album, or only if selecting
> from the bookmarks list?

Yes. If you start an album from "My Music" it will look through the "Now
Playing" playlist and jump to the bookmarked track if it finds it in the
playlist. When the player starts to play this track it will move the
play position to the bookmarked position.
Reason for that is that the bookmark otherwise would depending on the
implementation either a) be reset to the beginning of the album or b) be
stuck at the position it has in the bookmarks menu.
Neither of that seemed to make sense, so i implemented it in a way that
it does not care whether you start an album from it's menu or "My

sternenjaeger's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=57562
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2015-01-21 Thread sternenjaeger

pippin wrote: 
> Still: any chance for a CLI command? Don't you already use that for the
> context menu?
> I haven't done plugin's but it think it's not overly complicated to add
> one.

Sure - or to say it otherwise: a wish from the developer of my most used
IOS app is a command ;)

I just wanted to get the code a bit more stable and set up a proper test
environment before i start to work on that. 
You're right, adding the CLI commands does not look to difficult. I'll
play around with them and then send you a suggestion. Could take a
couple of days  because of my dayjob.

And if i may ask for a favour: During development i had some trouble
with an iPod Touch (4G) which i even sometimes crashed when issuing CLI
commands at the wrong time (e. g. set the position in track before the
track actually started playing). Half of the players in my home are IOS
devices and the current code looks quite stable to me. But if you see
that i do something wrong which causes trouble for iPeng, please let me


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2015-01-22 Thread sternenjaeger

Philip Meyer wrote: 
> Would the bookmarks get deleted when the source file no longer exists,
> eg. if music is removed during a rescan, or when trying to play a file
> that doesn't exist anymore?

After a rescan: yes (for both "New and changed" and "Clear library"
scans). Also if an automatic rescan is triggered.
Deleting the file will only delete the bookmark if you have "Automatic
Rescan" activated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2015-03-04 Thread sternenjaeger

Rheinländer wrote: 
> Thanks a lot for supplying this plugin.
You're welcome!

Rheinländer wrote: 
> Would it be possible to provide a feature that allows one to manually
> delete bookmarks? 
Thanks for the improved icon. I've no idea whether these are cached by
the server or the clients, but it should turn up eventually.

As for a "Remove bookmark" feature: I have not yet been able to
implement a context menu for the "One click to play" type of menu
entries i am using.
But i added it to the "Now playing " context menu. 

I just uploaded an update to the repository which includes this context
menu and some other new features:

1) New context menus entries for "Now Playing", "Album Info" and "Track

If the displayed album has a bookmark i add two context menu entries:

- "Remove bookmark": Removes the bookmark. If the album is in the
  current playlist of the player, it is removed from there (to prevent
  that it is immediately created again if still playing the album)
- "Start album from beginning": Resets the bookmark to the start of
  the first track of the album and replaces the current playlist with
  the album

2) I now reorder the menu (most recently listened at the top) only when
no client is playing. 

3) One new feature which i find useful:

I added a "Prebook" feature. If an album has no bookmark i add the entry
"Add bookmark to listen later" to the context menus "Now Playing",
"Album/Track info". 

This creates a bookmark for the beginning of the first track of the
album. These "prebooked" bookmarks are listed at the bottom of the
bookmark list (if you use the default sorting).
Once you listen to the album the "prebooked" bookmark becomes a real one
and it is listed at the top.

The idea is that if you really would like to listen to the critically
acclaimed three hour long feature about the sound of the night breeze in
the sahara desert, but at this moment you're more in the mood for a
crime story, you can "prebook" the bookmark to remind you that you
should listen to this sometime later.
Of course you can also remove such preboooked bookmarks with the context

@Pippin: I now started to implement some CLI commands. I'll let you know
once i got something usable ready.

sternenjaeger's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=57562
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Shuffle and Random lock

2015-03-06 Thread sternenjaeger

For a similar reason (a household member who manages to hit the shuffle
button accidently and then complains that my server messes up the
movements of a beethoven symphony) i have written a plugin to prevent
the shuffle mode. See here:


I now have a repo for another plugin, so i just added the
"DisableShuffle" Plugin to this to make the installation easier. Should
turn up in the list of "Third Party Plugins" in next days.

If you want to use it please have a look in it's settings menu after you
installed it. There are three configurable options (Default is "No", so
without changing the settings the plugin does nothing):

- Disable Shuffle
- Disable Repeat Mode
- Disable "Add to Playlist"

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2021-01-29 Thread sternenjaeger

hoewer wrote: 
> I'm not sure wether this thread is still active, but I added my log -
> just in case sternenjaeger is still watching.

Yes i am still here. I had a brief look through the log and i am pretty
sure it is the same problem that Mr. Floppy had with his installation
and which was resolved with an updated version of the squeezebox server
for his Synology NAS.

The log entried are pretty similar. Firstly there is the "no url for
row:{}" message which indicates that the plugin does not get the URL of
the currently played track after the playback is started and additionaly
the same strange waitingToPlay=1 value in the answer to the status

Would it be possible for you to install the same version of the
squeezebox server that solved the problem for Mr. Floppy and see if this
also works for you?

sternenjaeger's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=57562
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Squeeze Display for Android

2012-10-11 Thread sternenjaeger

I just installed "Squeeze Display" and this was one of the most
complicated software installation i ever did:

1) I bought a cheap chinese tablet pc (Odys Loox) and installed "Squeeze
Display" on it

3) I installed a DOS Emulator (based on DosBox) and on this a copy of my
all-time favourite peace of software. It's called El-Fish
(en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El-Fish) from the russion company Animatek.
This is a beautiful old DOS Program which i bought in the early nineties
that displays a simulated aquarium.

4) I rooted the tablet and installed an SSH daemon.

5) I removed the case, ripped of a few unnecessary parts like touch
screen layer, battery etc. and installed display and board in a picture

5) I am not familiar with Android so i searched for  Android commands to
control applications (/system/bin/am) and to control the standby mode
remotely (/system/bin/input keyevent).
Then i wrote a bash script which controls the tablet by sending commands
to the SSH shell on the tablet. It uses the Squeezeserver CLI (via the
netcat command) to switch to "Squeeze Display" whenever a new album is
played and goes back to El-Fish after a time. It also puts the tablet
after some time into sleep mode when no album is played because this
saves a couple of watts power consumption.

Now i am listening to one of my favourite peaces of music, the
"Nocturnes" by Frédéric Chopin, played by the wonderful Elisabeth
Leonskaja. It's awesome - the quiet music, the virtual fish tank and the
app from Erland that displays photographs of the pianist.

Thank's a lot to Erland for this and all the other software you wrote
for the Squeezebox environment.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2019-03-25 Thread sternenjaeger

pettifoggery wrote: 
> Hello,
> Everything working just fine. That was until I added an audiobook with a
> single large file. The file is 1.3gb and +32 hours long. I've
> double-checked that the audiobook is tagged correctly and tweaked every
> option in the plugin's setting but still the plugin will not bookmark
> this audiobook. Is this a problem with the plugin or a bug in /
> limitation of Squeezebox?

I think this is an issue with the file size or encoding. The longest
track i have in my library is somewhat smaller (0,5GB with app. 7h
playtime) and the bookmarking works fine with that. I don't see any
reason why the plugin should not be able to handle longer files.

Please try to jump in the track a few times using the web interface or
one of the iOS/Android apps (i.e from the beginning to near the end or
somewhere in between) with just a few seconds delay between each jump.
Does your client execute the jumps? If you here stuttering or the client
does jump to the wring position or not at all then the plugin can't work
(because it does the same - it sends a command to the server to change
the played position to the one it has stored in it's settings.

sternenjaeger's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=57562
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2019-03-25 Thread sternenjaeger

pettifoggery wrote: 
> I've added another 20+ hour test file. I can jump back and forth within
> both files without issue. I noticed that the newer file also has a
> wildly inaccurate duration: listed as both 35791:23 (menu) and as
> 596:31:17 (player) rather than the expected 22hrs 45mins 17 seconds. All
> my shorter files ( 5 - 10 hours) work just fine.

Thanks for the tests - I'll create some longer mp3's with audacity and
will try to replicate the issue.

sternenjaeger's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=57562
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2019-03-25 Thread sternenjaeger

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Try
> 18 hours, 12 minutes and 14 seconds = 65534 seconds
> and
> 18 hours, 12 minutes and 17 seconds = 65537 seconds

May i ask why you suspect the integer size as the cause? I'am by no
means a perl expert but from what i've read perl skalars should always
be big enough for at least 32bit integers.

Anyway: This is a bit weird. I created an mp3 file with app. 22h length
and on my systems the bookmarks work fine. The server shows the same
weird track length 35791:23 min. which would be ~ 25 days, but
bookmarking this track work without a problem

@pettifoggery: Could you tell me if the problem is a) that the plugin
does not create any bookmarks at all (i. e. you don't see an entry in
the menu of the bookmarks plugin) or if the bookmark exists but the
playback does not jump to the bookmarked position.
If a): Waht happens if you create a bookmark manually (with the context
If b): What happens if you select the bookmark from the menu? Does the
playback resume from start?

Also: Please look up settings --> Information -> Logitech Media Server

What are the values listed there? Especially "Platform Architecture" and
"Perl Version"

Also it would be usefu if you could tell me the settings of the
bookmarks plugin. At least for "Precision of Bookmarks in Seconds" and
"Threshold für bookmarks"

sternenjaeger's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=57562
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2019-07-03 Thread sternenjaeger

Sorry for the awfully late answer - I do get notifications for Updates
in this thread but i seem to have overlooked them. And i have been
really busy the last couple of months, so i didn't look at the forum.

I had a look through the logfile you uploaded a couple of message
before. At first glance i think the problem is here:


[19-07-02 08:59:20.6202] Plugins::BookmarkHistory::Plugin::playlistCallback 
(1356) no url for row:{}

Since you just tried it again: Do you still had set the Loglevel to
"Debug". If yes, could you please upload the server log again?
I am a bit puzzled. The Warning message above says that the plugin is
unable to retrieve the current playlist of the client. This is a basic
LMS command, i am sure it works in all server versions. I'll see what i
can do

sternenjaeger's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=57562
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2019-07-03 Thread sternenjaeger

Mr. Floppy wrote: 
> Hi,
> here the complete log. I create some new bookmarks and try to start it.
> So the error must be inside.

Yes. Same problem as in your previous log. I can't see a reason for
that. What you could do if you feel comfortable with editing code:

Edit the file Plugin.pm - on your server it should be located here: 
Have a look at line 1321. You should see the following statements:


if (!$request) {
$log->warn("request failed. result is:" . 

Edit these to:


  # if (!$request) {
$log->warn("request failed. result is:" . 
  # return;
  # }

Restat the server and then try again to play a bookmark. In the logfile
you should then see message similar to these:


  [19-07-03 17:33:44.5595] Plugins::BookmarkHistory::Plugin::playlistCallback 
(1322) request failed. result is:{
  can_seek => 1,
  "digital_volume_control" => 1,
  duration => "68.623",
  "mixer bass" => 0,
  "mixer treble"   => 0,
  "mixer volume"   => 30,
  mode => "play",
  player_connected => 1,
  player_ip=> "",
  player_name  => "Ankleide",
  "playlist mode"  => "off",
  "playlist repeat"=> 0,
  "playlist shuffle"   => 0,
  playlist_cur_index   => 0,
  playlist_loop=> [
  # tied Tie::IxHash
  album_id => 112_547,
  genre => "H\xF6rspiel - Krimiserie",
  id => 913_601,
  "playlist index" => 0,
  title => "37 - 2 - Hei\xDFer Sonntagmorgen",
  url => 
  # tied Tie::IxHash
  album_id => 112_547,
  genre => "H\xF6rspiel - Krimiserie",
  id => 913_602,
  "playlist index" => 1,
  title => "38 - 2 - Hei\xDFer Sonntagmorgen",
  url => 
  # tied Tie::IxHash
  album_id => 112_547,
  genre => "H\xF6rspiel - Krimiserie",
  id => 913_603,
  "playlist index" => 2,
  title => "39 - 2 - Hei\xDFer Sonntagmorgen",
  url => 


  playlist_timestamp   => "1562168024.53996",
  playlist_tracks  => 33,
  power=> 1,
  rate => 1,
  seq_no   => 0,
  showBriefly  => [
  "Aktueller Titel (1 von 33) ",
  "37 - 2 - Hei\xDFer Sonntagmorgen",
  signalstrength   => 87,
  "time"   => 0,
  waitingToPlay=> 1,

If you don't mind then please upload the server log once more. Sorry for
the trouble but i am not able to replicate this error on my server.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2019-07-04 Thread sternenjaeger

Mr. Floppy wrote: 
> 27634

Thanks - that helped. You're player doesn't return the playlist but
anwers with "waitingToPlay=> 1". According to the documentation this
means "A flag telling whether the player isn't actually playing, but
still waiting for data or something."
I never experienced that - even on my backup server which is just some
small raspberry pi compatible thing with no horsepower at all. Also not
with remote streams like Spotify.

Is it possible that this server and/or the network connection between
player and server is really slow? IMHO you should also experience a
delay between selecting an album or a playlist and the time the player
actually starts playing. Or does playback start instantaneously?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2019-07-04 Thread sternenjaeger

Mr. Floppy wrote: 
> Edit: It plays direct at the beginning with no delay.

I _think_ i know what happens there: The player has not yet received 
the full playlist but starts to play anyway. Unfortunately the callback
of my plugin needs to loop through the playlist to find out if it
contains a bookmarked track.
This will need some changes in the callback functions of the plugin. May
take a while - i really don't have a lot of time available. And i need
to test this, because of possible side effects.

What you could try: Limit the maximum playlist size in the server
settings to a really low value (i. e. 10) - My guess is that the
bookmarks then work. But i could be wrong.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2019-07-09 Thread sternenjaeger

Mr. Floppy wrote: 
> If you need someone to test, give me a beta repository link (if you can
> create that) and I can check your new bookmark if its available. 

I was not successful in trying to reproduce your problem. I asked in the
dev subforum and Michael suspects network issues or transcoding delays
as causes.
You tried it with regular mp3 files, right? If yes did you change the
servers transcoding or bitrate limiting settings?

Anyway: If the playback really starts immediately after you press "play"
then i doubt that this is caused by network issues or the delay caused
by transcoding.

I added an additional timer. This retriggers the scan of the current
playlist of the client when the client does not return it in the first
call. I have no idea if this resolves your problem. If you want you can
give it a try.
Add the following repository:


You then should get the new version 1.2.17 - Please let me know if the
plugin now works for you. If not additional logs would be helpful.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2019-07-11 Thread sternenjaeger

Thanks for the update & no worries: Since i consider this plugin
"feature complete" it requires only very little maintanance. So it's
good if from time to time i have to get my hands dirty with the code
before i start to forget everything about it :->

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Qobuz.com streaming plugin

2015-06-24 Thread sternenjaeger

I have two suggestions for very small code changes. Please feel free to
ignore this post if you think these are not useful for others.

1) Currently the favorites are sorted by first name, last name. I
noticed that the IOS Qobuz app sorts by last name, first name (but still
displays first name, last name), which IMHO is better.

I would suggest to remove the "sort" command when listing the favorites
(Pugin.pm, row 523). The favorites are then listed in the same order as
in the Qobuz app.

2) I think an option to suppress "samples" completely in search results
would be useful. Either as a new option or always when "Play samples" is
not set.

Example: If you search for "Keith Jarrett" you mainly get results which
are not playable. 
The reason for that is that Qobuz misses the ECM catalogue, which is the
label where most of his records are published. Same is true for audio
books / audio dramas (search for "Hörspiel") which makes finding the
available ones difficult.

I patched line 730 ff. in Plugin.pm to 


if ( $album->{released_at} > time  || (!$album->{streamable} && 
!$prefs->get('playSamples')) ) {

and i think the results are more useful.

As always - thanks for you continuous support!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2015-07-17 Thread sternenjaeger

quadronado wrote: 
> Nice plugin, but it stopped working with my 7.9. When I go to the
> settings I get "404 Not Found:
> plugins/Extensions/settings/plugins/BookmarkHistory/settings.html". 
> ...
> Is this a known issue and is there a solution?
> Thank you.

Sorry, didn't notice that on my system.
I am on holiday right now and will fix this around last week of july.

Michael: I will also then move the repo away from google code and send
you the new link.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2015-07-28 Thread sternenjaeger

I removed the bug mentioned above and checked the plugin against the
latest nightly build of 7.9. I also changed the repository URL because
google code is shutting down.

If you add 



to the list of additional repositories and restart your server it should
work again (Please remove the old repository
"http://bookmarkhistory.googlecode.com/svn/repo.xml"; if it is in you're
list of repositories).

But i'll also ask Michael to update the URL in the server repository
list, so it should update automatically anyway in a couple of days.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2015-08-01 Thread sternenjaeger

@flo72: Thanks - that is exactly the scenario i wrote this plugin for.
Only in my case i am the kid :-)

@ChrisNY: Thanks!

No, leaving the genre filter empty should not affect the server
performance. What could have an effect is the maximum number and the
precision of the bookmarks. You can set both values in the settings of
the plugin.

So if you see an impact on you're servers performance, just reduce the
value for "Number of albums to remember". The plugin then will
automatically drop bookmarks if this threshhold is reached (oldest
bookmarks first). 

On my system (a rather smallish virtual server with 1 cpu core and 1GB
memory) i normally have ~100 bookmarks with a 2 seconds precision and i
can't notice any additional load at all.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2015-08-02 Thread sternenjaeger

pippin wrote: 
> Btw: any news on CLI/JSON/RPC commands?

I didn't have much free time (*) during the last months due to my day
job. But things are looking much better now and this week i started to
play around with "addDispatch"

My plan is to have something available in a couple of weeks for at least
the following functions of the plugin:

List existing bookmarks
Query if an album has a bookmark
Set an album as pre-bookmarked
Remove bookmark

(*) i. e. i didn't want to spend the sparse free time also in front of a

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2015-08-14 Thread sternenjaeger

I just uploaded version 1.1.12 of the plugin which fixes an issue that
sometimes an existing bookmark was not updated correctly:

If you played an album, then paused the album and later pressed "Play"
again (and no other player was doing anything), it could happen that the
bookmark got "stuck" at the position where you paused the album.
The reason is that the subroutine which activates the tracker only
subscribed to the "newsong" event. I now also subscribe to "playlist
pause" to handle the situation described above.

@Pippin: The plugin also now has some CLI commands. I will PM you the

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2015-08-20 Thread sternenjaeger

d6jg wrote: 
> Does it work with non local stuff such as BBC iPlayer on demand?

No, only local files. Allowing these bookmarks for remote tracks is
something i am occasionally working on, but it won't be ready in near

Concerning your question about sources for audio books: That's a huge
topic and of course entirely depends on the language/s you're speaking.
I am sure there are forums discussing this topic for  every language /
culture. Perhaps google can give better answers than this forum.

Totally IMHO a wonderful audio book in english language is "Harry
Potter" read by Stephen Fry. But of course this will require more than a
hundred hours of your lifetime.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2015-08-23 Thread sternenjaeger

mikk64 wrote: 
> first, when i start playing an album, often, if not always, it doesn't
> start from the first track (for me it's tagged "01"), but i need to go
> back in the playlist and start playing the numeber one...

If there is a bookmark for an album, that is the expected behaviour. The
plugin works like a bookmark in a real book (these things made from
paper). It jumps to the track and position in track where you last
stopped listening.
I wrote this plugin for audio books and radio dramas (because these are
sometimes are _very_ long and contain dozens of tracks, which makes it
difficult to remember the track and position in track where you last
stopped listening).

Is there really no existing plugin that would be better suited for this
"Listen Later" function you want? 
If so, i could perhaps add an option that suppresses the jump to the
bookmarked position. Then this plugin then could also used to "Listen

Would take a wile, though. At the moment i am trying to implement a
feature that makes it possible to bookmark remote tracks and this will
need some more time until it is ready for release.

mikk64 wrote: 
> second, at the end of the last track it doesn't delete the album from
> the bookmarks list...maybe it used to do it at the beginning (i don't
> remeber well..), but i managed around something and so now it doesn't
> work anymore...

That's strange. Could you check the version number of the plugin? It
should be 1.1.12. In previous versions there was a bug that prevented
the bookmark from being updated, when you just paused the album  for a
while and didn't play something else in between.
Could also happen if you set the "threshhold" value to large. The
bookmark is removed if you're this number of seconds away from the end
of the last track of an album.

mikk64 wrote: 
> third, when i have activated smart mix option "don't stop the music",
> the new songs added by that, are added to the bookmark playlist to, i
> mean all the album...one playde and the album stay in the list after
> that played...

Yes, it may well be that in combination with other plugins, which also
manipulate the playlist of a player, there can be weird side effects.
Same could perhaps happen with shuffle mode, append to playlist etc.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2015-08-24 Thread sternenjaeger

mikk64 wrote: 
> Anyway, it did that "random jump" also with album that i've never listen
> yet...that's the strange part of this behaviour...
> I've installed the last one (1.1.12) and also "disable shuffle" plugin,
> as you say, (1.0.1)...for the last one, i left the checks where they
> were...is it right?

It works fine with "disable shuffle". I also use them both constantly
I am pretty sure that the plugin only "jumps" when you play an album
that has a bookmark. So it could (see below) also be related to your
"Threshold"=0 setting (because this sets the bookmark immediatly after
you start playing an album).

Please first set Threshold=15 and Precision=2

If you then think that there is no bookmark for an album but you still
see the "jump", please do the following:
1) Make a mental note of the album
2) Pause the album *immediatly * (i. e. in the first 15 seconds) after
it starts playing
3) Look through the bookmark list in the plugins menu

If you can't find a bookmark for this album there, then this is a "real"
bug. Please post again and i will tell you what to do next (I would need
some debugging info).

mikk64 wrote: 
> I left this one to zero...maybe is it better to change it?

Thanks, that did put me on the right track. I can reproduce this error
when i set the "Threshold" value to zero.
The threshold value should have at least twice the value of "Precision".
I would recommend something like 2 for precision and at least 15 for

If you don't want to listen for this 15s until a bookmark is created,
you can also use the "Prebook" feature of the plugin (i now updated the
text in the first post of this thread to reflect the new features. See
there to see how to "prebook" a bookmark).

I will provide an autocorrection for these values in the next version
(And correct the stupid spelling error of "threshold" ;)).

Also i do think now that an additional "Listen later" function is a good
idea, especially if i manage to implement bookmarks for remote albums. 
Since this won't be to complicated i will implement this feature already
in the next version. Due to lack of time this will need another week or

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2015-09-05 Thread sternenjaeger

I uploaded version 1.2.1 of the plugin to the repo. This version
contains some bugfixes and a couple of new features:





I added a feature to "freeze" a bookmark with the "Now playing" context
menu. If you mark a bookmark as "frozen" it is no longer updated when
you play the album. It is also not deleted when the last track of an
album is played. Useful if you like to listen to audio books before
falling asleep.
You can both "freeze" und "unfreeze" a bookmark from the context menu.


I added the option to show an additional menu after selecting a bookmark
(Setting: "Show additional menu before playing a bookmark"). If you
check this option clicking on a bookmark does no longer immediately
start playing the album. Instead you will get a menu with the following

- Play
- Freeze/Unfreeze bookmark
- Start album from beginning
- Remove bookmark


The plugin can now also set bookmarks for remote tracks. Please note
that these bookmarks are managed differently from the ones for local

They are not set automatically, so the genre filter does not apply to
them. If you want to bookmark a remote track, album or playlist then
click in the "Now Playing" context menu on "Add bookmark for current
The plugin then saves the current playlist. By default settings it will
load and start this playlist immediatly - unfortunately this will cause
a few seconds for rebuffering. 
Reloading the playlist is necessary (otherwise i would not be able to
track the progress of the playlist).

If you prefer to set the bookmark immediatly before you want to stop
listening you can uncheck the box "Continue playing after adding a
bookmark" in the settings. The plugin will then empty the current
playlist after it saved the bookmark.

The bookmarks for remote tracks are always named like the album that is
currently played. The associated saved playlist is removed automatically
when the bookmark is removed.

Please note that these bookmarks are only tracked if you start the
playback from the bookmark menu. 

And of course jumping to the correct position in the track requires the
stream to be seekable. On my system the plugin works for Spotify und the
- thanks to philippe_44 - recently revived youtube plugin, but not for

These new feature required some substantial changes in the code. I have
tested these quite a lot, but i am sure there are still some bugs left.
Please let me know if you find issues.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2016-01-24 Thread sternenjaeger

scoobydoob wrote: 
> Hi,
> I've been using ipeng on an old 3rd gen 8gb iPod Touch for a while. It's
> version 2.0.16 on the last available ios upgrade ...4.2.1
> It works great, but every few hours it drops out of the ipeng app and
> back to the homescreen.

I also experience this problem with two iPods (3G 32GB). I use these for
two really nice looking docking stations that i bought when you could
get them really cheap (after Apple phased out the dock connector).

When using the playback feature iPeng crashes at irregular intervals.
Sometimes iPeng keeps running, but playback stops working and i have to
restart iPeng. Never posted it here because i knew that it would be
impossible for Pippin to do something about that anyway.

But recently i exchanged one iPod with a 4G model i had lying around and
i think this works more reliably. I use it now for two weeks or so and
it keeps working even after hours of playing.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Qobuz.com streaming plugin

2016-02-16 Thread sternenjaeger

hsmeets wrote: 
> is Qobuz changing software/api's behind the screens and I (or we) see
> some effects from this?
> When I search via the plugin for 'Frans Bruggen' it returns 0 albums and
> artists. 
> Huib

Works for me - if i search for "Frans Bruggen" i get a list of albums of
the (dutch?) conductor Frans Brüggen.
Both in iPeng and webinterface. Looks the same as the list returned by
the qobuz app

But i don't get results if the "filter search results" function (in the
settings of the plugin) is activated. I normally keep this filter
deactivated - IMHO the Qobuz search function has much improved during
the last two years or so.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2022-01-09 Thread sternenjaeger

duedeldu wrote: 
> Sometimes the players starts playback automaticly after powering on.
> This destroys my bookmarks, because the amp is powered off. No one hears
> anything, but my SB Touch (or other players) plays the last bookmark til
> its end.
> All my squeezeboxes are set to "stop on power off / do not continue".

I don't see any reason how the plugin could be the cause. The only
situation where it issues a "play" command is when you select a bookmark
in the plugins menu.
In my own installation i also have two players which are normally
powered down completely (A receiver which only gets power when the
amplifier it is connected to is turned on and a bedside radio which i
shut down with a script when it's idling). These clients don't start
playing by themselves after they get power.

duedeldu wrote: 
> This behaviour only occurs on bookmarked albums.

Are you sure? How do you notice that if the amplifier is not turned on?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Qobuz.com streaming plugin

2018-08-15 Thread sternenjaeger

mherger wrote: 
> > 
> Please give 1.320 a try. It should give you access to the booklets in 
> the web UI and select mobile apps (iPeng, SqueezePad, OrangeSqueeze). 

Yeah! - Thank you (again :-> ) This is a small but really useful update.
Having to search for the booklets in the qobuz app was tedious.

I also noted that it is now possible to seek in tracks (which allows to
use my bookmarks plugin for audio books / dramas).

Qobuz is IMHO a much better service than i. e. Spotify if one prefers
classical music and jazz. It is comforting to know that you're still
supporting this plugin while also having to maintain spotty.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2018-02-18 Thread sternenjaeger

majones wrote: 
> I'm wondering whether there is a preferred way of stopping playing an
> audiobook so that the bookmark is assured? 

No, that should not be necessary. I am also pretty sure that this is not
caused by a software bug - i use this plugin every single day and i
would have noticed that.
Are you sure that you are using correct settings? Please have a look at
the settings menu of the plugin. Is the "Threshold" small enough - the
tracks of the audio books need to have twice the length of the
"Threshold" setting, otherwise no bookmark will be set. You can also use
"0" as value for "Threshold".

Do the audio books have a matching value in their GENRE Tag? Bookmarks
are only created if the album genre of the currently played album is one
of the values defined in the settings.

You can also check this in the menu of the plugin - There should be an
entry for the audio book you are currently listening to, otherwise no
bookmark has been created automatically.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2018-02-18 Thread sternenjaeger

I think i also tested it with "Resume at power on" but i am not sure.
I'll try this in the next days, but i don't think that this is the

majones wrote: 
> The LMS webpage shows that each device picks up at a time corresponding
> to when the last device stopped, but despite that one of my Radios
> sometimes starts back at the beginning of the chapter even though LMS
> shows it to be at the correct time. 

That rings a bell. I had the same problem with a radio which insisted on
connecting to the wrong access point (I need several access points in my
home due to the construction of the building). With a poor wifi
reception this radio had all kinds of weird behavior.

So perhaps this would be a good and not to time consuming next test:
Start the playback on the radio. Then, while it is playing, try to
remote control it via browser or an Android/ iPhone / Windows app.
Repeatedly  change tracks and the position in track. The radio should
follow this commands immediately. If it doesn't, then this is a network
/ wifi isssue.

Or try to connect the radio via ethernet to you're network. 

The plugin does nothing different. It registers itself to events like
"newsong" which is triggered when the playback of a new track starts and
then issues CLI commands like "time" which changes the play position in
the currently played track. So it should be completely player

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2018-02-19 Thread sternenjaeger

I am no expert, but i guess yes. Especially with unstable wifi
conditions. If you are experiencing issues with the synced players when
you quickly change tracks und the position in the track (i.e. from the
start to near of the end of a longer track) then trying to play
bookmarked albums will inevitably havve issues (because the plugin does
the same to get to the bookmarked position in an album).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2018-02-20 Thread sternenjaeger

majones wrote: 
> The handover between players is puzzling me. If I'm playing a particular
> bookmarked audio on my Boom and power it off via the LMS menu, then I
> click via LMS on a powered-off Radio whose last state was playing a
> different bookmarked audio, the Radio starts playing (without my
> powering it) the item my Boom was playing from the point at which the
> Boom stopped. 

If you are using the bookmark menu in the LMS web interface and you do
not refresh the page in your browser then this is true. It is a side
effect of the reordering of the menu. The last played album is sorted at
the top of the list. To keep the menu as consistent as possible i do the
reordering only if no player is playing a bookmarked track. 
But if you are using the web interface and you do not refresh the page,
the list you see in your browser will have the wrong order. I am pretty
sure the same could be said about any menu item in the web interface. If
the item list changes for whatever reason (Rescan etc.) and you do not
refresh the page then clicking on an entry will do something different.

Please note that you don't need the bookmark menu for that - if the
player still has it's playlist then you can just press "Play" - the
player will jump to the bookmarked position.
I use this all the time, with iPeng on an old iPad as a bathroom player:
This player has a 400 Tracks long Playlist, each track is an episode of
a swiss radio show. I just use the pause and play buttons.

The mechanism i use is quite simple: The menu is just a list of the
bookmarked albums - Clicking on an entry simply starts the playback of
the album.It makes no difference if you start the album from the
bookmarks menu or from "My music".

The plugin itself constantly monitors all active players. If a player
starts the playback of a bookmarked song it looks through the playlist
of the player and moves the playback to the track of the bookmark (if it
is in the current playlist - otherwise it does nothing). After the
player starts playing the bookmarked track it moves the play position to
the bookmarked position in the track.

As a side note: Powering a Radio or Boom on and off isn't really useful.
AFAIK the power button of the web interface does not much more then to
turn the display on and off.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2018-02-22 Thread sternenjaeger

majones wrote: 
> I think I have the solution in two parts. Firstly I'm playing MPEG-4
> audio files which LMS transcodes to FLAC for my Boom players but leaves
> as MPEG-4 for my Radios. The problem is that LMS appears to be incapable
> of specifying a MPEG-4 time jump for the Radios, so they start at the
> beginning of the track or where they last remembered a pause. The
> solution is to disable native MPEG-4, so LMS takes control of everything
> and correctly specifies the timing via a FLAC stream. Secondly, I think
> it's better to stop rather than pause the devices, because I suspect the
> pickup point after "stop" is definitely provided by LMS that works
> across all devices whereas pause may allow a device to decide where it
> wishes to restart a track.

Thanks for the update - i was beginning to wonder if this could be an
odd bug that i overlooked. 

As a side note if other users are reading this: You could experience the
same issue if you use bookmarks for remote playlists.The plugin that
provides the service must provide the possibility to change the position
in the currently played track. 
Since most users would use Spotify i tested Michaels Spotty Plugin with
some audio books - works fine. But other services dont, like Qobuz
(Unfortunately, because this is the one i am using :) )

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2021-03-29 Thread sternenjaeger

mikk64 wrote: 
> do you have any idea why? do you need more information about this
> problem?

Sorry, no idea. I doubt that this has anything to do with the plugin -
the code i user to generate the menus is basic standard stuff. 
What do you use to control these Chromecast-things? A web browser or one
of the Android/iOS apps? 

Are you able to play the album by browsing to it with the standard menus
of your squeezeserver? If you play it from there, does the playback
position jump to the bookmark?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] An appeal - and a short story about Audible

2021-10-21 Thread sternenjaeger

castalla wrote: 
> The big problem with using lms and mp3 files is there isn't an
> intuitive/easy way to bookmark.  She tried with the bookmark plugin but
> it quickly descended into chaos and frustration.

I wrote the bookmark plugin, but mainly for personal reasons: I could
not find any other multiroom audio solution that has this feature. I use
it every day and it works pretty reliable for me.
If you could explain the problems you are having with it, i could try to
improve it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] An appeal - and a short story about Audible

2021-10-22 Thread sternenjaeger

cpd73 wrote: 
> This is a bug in Material, which I fixed last night for the next
> release. When you click on a bookmark it will start playback and switch
> to now-playing.

Thanks! i noticed that myself but always thought that this was an error
on my side (but couldn't find a solution)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] An appeal - and a short story about Audible

2021-10-22 Thread sternenjaeger

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I just tried the bookmarks plugin and have a quick tip. Make sure you
> add the genres you want to be bookmarked automatically in settings. If
> you don't then every track will be bookmarked and leave you very
> confused [emoji3]

Thanks for the hint. This is so because there is no "spoken word" flag
in the metadata of mp3 tags and the genre values are of course language
dependant. Otherwise the plugin would do nothing after the install
before you define the genres in the settings.
Which perhaps would have been a better default behaviour. I will change

For now i updated the description text of the plugin. Perhaps this also
helps to avoid confusion if somebody installs the plugin and does not
look in the settings.

A few more notes:

I am aware that my plugin could be useful for people with disabilities
and also to build a device for children, who then just need to press a
button (see below).

@All: Please let me know if there are things which i can approve or if
you find bugs (i am not an experienced developer for the squeezeserver.
I wrote the plugin simply because there wasn't an existing one and i
needed it because i listen to a lot of radio plays).

I put some work in the plugin to make it also usable for streaming
services, because these days you can find a lot of audio books on
Spotify, Qobuz etc., but none of the native apps of the streaming
services (with the exception of Audible which is unusable on a
squeezebox anyway) have a bookmark feature.

With a Squeezebox Radio you can assign playlists to the six buttons left
and right from the display. When using remote files you need to manually
once when you first start the playlist (with the context menu). I never
found a way to do this automatically in the plugin, because there is no
genre information for remote tracks. And i presume nobody wants
automatic bookmarks for music albums :-)
I _love_ this device more than any other electronic item in my

If you have some scripting knowledge or you like to build things
yourself there are two other usecases for the plugin:

1) If you use a Squeebox Radio or Boom you can also use the KidsPlay
plugin to get a "Sleeping aid" setup, where you just need to press a
single button by adding macros for the Preset-Buttons (On the Radio
these are the buttons left and right from the screen).

I described this here:

You can start a bookmarked playlist without even looking at the radio:
* Create a playlist from local files and/or albums from streaming
services (There are a lot of audio books on Spotify, Qobuz etc.)
* Create macros for 2 buttons as described in the thread mentioned

The first button starts the playback and sets a sleep timer. The second
button "freezes" the bookmark at the current position.
So you start the playback with the button, fast forward to the position
where you fall asleep in the last night and then you press the second
button to update the bookmark and freeze it again.

When you are just listening you can also press the second button when
you notice that the sleep timer kicks in (The volume fades out). This
will reset the timer and update the bookmark.

2) And if you built a squeezebox yourself with Philippes remarkable
ESP32 implementation of Squeezelite or an raspberry pi with
PiCorePlayer, you can add buttons for your device as well with Pippins
SqueezeButtonPi tool (which also allows to execute CLI commands by
button presses).

I tried it with a Pi Zero and the headphone amp from Pimoroni (which has
a tiny display and 4 buttons) and it works. But i never got around to
build an actual device - it is one thing to cobble together some
hardware + software and scripts and it is another thing to build an
actual good looking device with a case :->

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2021-11-12 Thread sternenjaeger

loz2103 wrote: 
> The issue in the log seems to be this entry:
> [21-11-12 11:06:16.2432]
> Plugins::BookmarkHistory::Plugin::newsongCallback (1561) Trigger for
> newsong exists but is to old (to be expected when you press play after
> reconnect). client:Slim::Player::SqueezePlay=ARRAY(0x562e311cefd0) time:
> 1636715176 trigger value:1636714536 request:playlist newsong
> url:file://

I dont think that this message is related to the problem. This would
only be relevant if the delay between the time when you pressed the
button to start the playback and the time when it actually starts is ~60
seconds or more.

Could you set the debug level for the plugin to info and then create a
bookmark and try to start the playback from the bookmark menu. If
possible repeat this for 2-3 times with a bit of a pause in between.

You can PM me the logfile or upload it here and i will have a look.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2021-11-12 Thread sternenjaeger

loz2103 wrote: 
> that meant to say, how do you set the debug level?

With the web interface: Settings -> Advanced -> Logging -> look for
"plugin.bookmarkHistory" and set the level in the drop down to "Info"

Don't restart the server after setting the level or it will be reset to
"Error". Then download the complete log by clicking on "Information".
After you got the log set the level back to "Error" or restart the

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2021-11-12 Thread sternenjaeger

I got the log. The problem is the same as two other users had before:
The squeezeserver starts the playback before it has finished building
the playlist. And this prevents my plugin from jumping to the bookmarked

In their case it was caused by the squeezeserver build for their
Synology NAS. This could be solved by switching to a different build for
the Synology.

At the time i couldn't reproduce the error - but i will setup a
squeezeserver based on Ubuntu 17.10 server and see if this installation
will also show this weird behaviour.

My guess is that this is caused by the rather outdated Ubuntu 17.10

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2021-11-12 Thread sternenjaeger

Now this is weird. I installed a squeezeserver in a new Ubuntu Server
17.10 installation and ... the plugin works without a problem.
You are now the third user with this problem and i am not able to
reproduce it. The important rows in the log are:

> [21-11-12 17:03:21.5215]
> Plugins::BookmarkHistory::Plugin::playlistCallback (1322) request
> failed. result is:{
> can_seek => 1,
> "digital_volume_control" => 1,
> duration => "26.644",
> ...
> "time" => 0,
> *waitingToPlay => 1*,
> }
> [21-11-12 17:03:21.5224]
> Plugins::BookmarkHistory::Plugin::playlistCallback (1327)
> currentindex=0
> [21-11-12 17:03:21.5236]
> Plugins::BookmarkHistory::Plugin::playlistCallback (1356) *no url for
> row:{}*

Michael suspected network issues at the time (waitingToPlay=1 indicates
that the server has send data to the player but the player has not yet
started playing).

Does this problem occur only with the radio or also with other clients?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2021-11-14 Thread sternenjaeger

loz2103 wrote: 
> I've tried this now with two separate radios (using both wifi and
> ethernet connections) and with a touch. Same result for all.

Could you install a temporary second squeezeserver on a windows computer
or a machine with a more recent linux and try it with that? As long as i
don't find a way to reproduce the problem i really have no idea how to
fix it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Qobuz.com streaming plugin

2020-01-21 Thread sternenjaeger

I upgraded to version 1.9 today to check out this really cool
integration to "My music" feature.
Audio works fine for me - at least for MP3's (I only have the standard

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LMS 8.0.0 and AutoRescan Plugin

2020-02-23 Thread sternenjaeger

mherger wrote: 
> If this is a 3rd party plugin, then the author might need to update his
> repository file. Many files have a maxVerion of 7.x. Sometimes you can 
> cheat LMS into accepting it by modifying the value in the 
> InstalledPlugins folder (see Settings/Information about where to find
> it).

I am also still using this plugin and yes, it works fine with the
squeezeserver 8 if you change the max version number in the install.xml

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LMS 8.0.0 and AutoRescan Plugin

2020-02-24 Thread sternenjaeger

schiff1108 wrote: 
> Good to hear. But have no clue what to do. 
> The plugin is not showing up anymore in the list of 3rd party plugins.

Here are some hints - but you will need to do this manually, so be

1) Locate the plugin files on your squeezeserver. On my system (Debian
Linux) this is the directory:


(If you already uninstalled the plugin and thee files are no longer
there you can still download them from github:


2) Copy the files in this directory  to another directory (i. e. your
home directory) and create another copy somewhere as a backup

3) If the plugin still shows as "installed" in the squeezeer settings,
uninstall it. 

4) Edit the file install.xml. Change the lines:


Squeezebox Server



Squeezebox Server

5) Locate the folder for local plugins on your system. In my case this


6) Create a folder named "AutoRescan" in this directoy

7) Copy the plugin files in this directory and restart the server

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LMS 8.0.0 and AutoRescan Plugin

2020-02-28 Thread sternenjaeger

schiff1108 wrote: 
> Note: I do use pCP.

With pCP this will require additional work, since PiCorePlayer runs
entirely in RAM. So most things you change are not persistant, i. e.
changes in files won't survice a restart.

Perhaps better ask this in the corresponding threads for PiCorePlayer,
either here

(for Version 5) 


(for version 6)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2020-03-06 Thread sternenjaeger

Shozzer wrote: 
> I have switched to LMS 8.00 and can't seem to be able to install this
> plugin. Does it need updating to allow this and can this be considered
> please - I will really miss this plugin!

It should work just fine both with the "official" 8.0 release and the
current nightlies. I am using it all the time with a current 8.0 nightly

Could you describe your system and the details of the problem you are
experiencing? If you have a look in Server settings -> Logitech media
server status - what are the lines between "Logitech Media Server
Status" and "Library Statistics" (i. e operating system, platform, perl
version etc.)?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2020-03-07 Thread sternenjaeger

Shozzer wrote: 
> My web browser comes up with a warning that I could be about to be
> scammed!

Looks like a false positive of your virus scanner / security software.
What kind of virus scanner are you using? 

If you are using something like Norton, McAffee,Eset etc. you could try
to disable the virus scanner for the time you are trying to install the
plugin - your computer will still be protected because then the internal
scanner of Windows 10 will automatically be activated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2020-03-07 Thread sternenjaeger

Aha - then i assume the hoster i am using (bplaced.net) is blocked by
the infamous "Great British Firewall".

I don't live in the UK, so i don't know a lot about these weird internet
filters. I assume it is possible to disable the filtering or to put a
domain (in this case: bplaced.net) in an exception list.

What happens if you try to access http://bplaced.net ? Are you able to
access the website?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2020-03-08 Thread sternenjaeger

Shozzer wrote: 
> Unfortunately access is denied.

I found a website that checks if a domain is censored by the UK internet
filters (http://www.blocked.org.uk). For the hoster i a am using the
result ist:

1 active block
BT-Light 08 March, 2020 at 11:12

BT Light is the suggested settings for account owners that choose
filters. It includes Dating, Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco, Pornography, Hate
and Self-harm, Obscene and Tasteless

This is ridiculous. BPlaced is a small but reputable austrian hosting
I contacted their support and they have already answered that they
requested a delisting.

Could you check again in a week or two if you are able to access
http://bplaced.net with a browser? Then i will let them know if the
delisting request had been successful. 

In the meantime what you could do is to add bplaced.net to the exception
list of the censorship filters for your bt account. According to bt.com
this should not be difficult:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2020-03-11 Thread sternenjaeger

Shozzer wrote: 
> We do indeed have BT Parents Controls active. I whitelisted the site and
> have been able to install the plugin. Thanks for the help - I'm glad to
> have this one working again!

I got a notification today that the domain of the hoster i am using has
been delisted from the "BT Parents Controls" filters.

It yould be nice if you or anybody else who is using the "BT Parents
Controls" filters could check wether you now can access
http://bplaced.net in a browser to check that the delisting had been

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2020-03-12 Thread sternenjaeger

Thanks to both of you!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2020-04-13 Thread sternenjaeger

danco wrote: 
> But I don't see that option.I am running Mac OS 10.15.4 (Catalina), LMS
> 7.9.2, but my Squeezebox is a very old one, Squeezebox 2, I think. I can
> see the Bookmarks plugin, with its options for the additional menu up
> and running, but no Add Bookmark option anywhere, even with a local
> track.

You are right - i never noticed that because i only use iPeng to control
the single "old style" player i own. I try to suppress the context menu
in situations where it is not useful. The older players seem to return
less information than the SqueezeOS based players, so i need to refine
that code a bit.

In the meantime: If you control your player with one of the smartphone
apps you will get the context menu there.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2020-04-22 Thread sternenjaeger

danco wrote: 
> So that means I do understand what the contextual menu is.
> But I don't see that option.I am running Mac OS 10.15.4 (Catalina), LMS
> 7.9.2, but my Squeezebox is a very old one, Squeezebox 2, I think. I can
> see the Bookmarks plugin, with its options for the additional menu up
> and running, but no Add Bookmark option anywhere, even with a local
> track.

Sorry, took a while - the fix was easy but then i had no time to test
it. The context menu should now also be visible on older players (At
least i can see them on my Boom).
I also restrict the context menu to the currently played track (i. e. it
is suppressed for other tracks in the playlist). This should work on all

Another small improvement: In the previous version the plugin always
created it's own playlist if you bookmarked a remote track. I now
changed that so that, if you are playing a saved playlist, the bookmark
will always be created for this playlist.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugins not yet ready for 8.0

2020-05-04 Thread sternenjaeger

ButC wrote: 
> l'm using AutoRescan and LocalPlayer but haven't made the switch to 8.0.
> It'll be hard to get in contact with Triode, I guess. Is there anyone
> that uses either of these two with 8.0 and can verify that they work?

AutoRescan is from Stuart Hickinbottom - but he hasn't visited this
forum for quite some time. As a workaround for me i patched the
install.xml file and moved it to the local plugins folder of my
installation - it still works fine.
See here:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Qobuz.com streaming plugin

2020-05-07 Thread sternenjaeger

Seeking in tracks from Qobuz works fine with my Boom - at least if i
control it with the web interface or iPeng / Squeezeplay etc.

But i noticed that seeking does not work when i use the buttons on the
device or the remote. I usually don't control the Boom with its buttons
because it's hidden under a desk, but i just looked it up in the manual
and sure enough: A long press on the "<<" or ">>" buttons should seek in
track. But at least in my installation it doesn't (or i am to stupid to
press a button...). Neither for remote tracks or local tracks. I tried
mp3's and flacs, on a 8.0 and 7.9 server.

With "listen 1" i see commands like 


00%%%%% ir 7689a05f 50725.101  

when long  pressing the buttons, but they don't do anything. Previous
track / Next track work fine.

But this could of courde be a hickup of my installation - as i said: I
have rarely ever used the controls on the Boom.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Qobuz.com streaming plugin

2020-05-08 Thread sternenjaeger

mherger wrote: 
> > Do you have the SongScanner plugin enabled?

Sorry - my bad. As as said: I havn't used the buttons on the Boom for
years. So: Seeking in Qobuz works fine for me on the Boom, both with 7.9
and 8.0, on the device itself and with control apps.
Everything else would also surprise me, because then my bookmark plugin
wouldn't work on the Boom and i am sure i would have noticed that.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Qobuz.com streaming plugin

2014-02-06 Thread sternenjaeger

Is it possible that something concerning the flac streaming went wrong
with the update to 1.111?

I noticed that suddenly i can't stream flac files anymore (when i change
the setting to mp3 streams it works). On a squeezebox receiver all i got
was a strange "barking" sound every couple of seconds. An iPod (iPeng
Playback) stayed completely silent.

As an example: On the right side of the web interface an album (with
flac streaming enabled) is now displayed while playing as:

Bach, J.S.: Italian Concerto, etc.
Alfred Brendel
32, mp3

I reverted to an backup of the server with version 1.100 of the plugin
and disabled automatic updates. Now playback works without any problem.
The same album is displayed as:

Bach, J.S.: Italian Concerto, etc.
Alfred Brendel
75, flc

I then updated only the plugin (the server is hosted as a virtual
machine so it's easy to change things and revert back to a snapshot if
they don't work),  and the problem occured again. 
So i don't think it's my setup that is causing the problem.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Qobuz.com streaming plugin

2014-02-07 Thread sternenjaeger

mherger wrote: 
> > As an example: On the right side of the web interface an album (with
> > flac streaming enabled) is now displayed while playing as:
> >
> > Bach, J.S.: Italian Concerto, etc.
> > Alfred Brendel
> > 32, mp3
> Could you please check the file's URL? What extension is it using?
> -- 
> Michael

I updated to youre current release (1.113): Flac playback works again
and this file is correctly displayed as "75, flc". 

Many thanks for you're work - it always amazes me that years after the
management decided "Oh let's focus on producing iPad Keyboards, that's
at least a product we do understand" the squeezebox server keeps getting
better and better because a small group of software engineers refuse to
simply let it die.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Qobuz.com streaming plugin

2014-03-29 Thread sternenjaeger

mherger wrote: 
> > Heh... I already implemented this. But it's only available while a
> track 
> is playing: bring up its context menu, pick "On Qobuz..." and you can 
> manage your favorites from there.

I have used this to build up my favourites list. But it is a bit awkward
to use, especially if one is browsing through the albums while listening
to another. You have to stop the music you are currently listening to be
able to add another album/artist to the favourites (and it takes quite a
few clicks until you get there)

It would be a very nice addition if one could add an album/an artist to
the favourites via the context menu while looking at search results.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Qobuz.com streaming plugin

2014-03-29 Thread sternenjaeger

And another thing: I sometimes have the problem that while playing an
album some tracks are skipped after a minute of playing. Yesterday i
noticed that these are albums where some or all of the tracks are not
available for streaming. Qobuz then lets you listen to the first minute
and then skips to the next track.

Example is this album: http://player.qobuz.com/#!/album/0073145232592

Eight tracks but from 2,7 and 8 you only get the first minute.

I had a look at the qobuz API
and it looks to me as if they are having a flag there to indicate
whether the track is available for streaming: 


  "id": 3453569,
  "title": "Iron",
  "track_number": 1,
  "media_number": 1,
  "duration": 189,
  "streamable": true,
  "purchasable": true,


Would it be possible to filter search results to  "streamable"==true?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2016-08-19 Thread sternenjaeger

d6jg wrote: 
> Pippin. Just two quick questions.
> Is the swipe left "lyrics" still worthwhile? I thought the song lyrics
> plugin has been defunct for some time? 

For me this is an really useful feature which i use every day: Not for
song lyrics, because i prefer classical music, but as an easy way to
display additional information. I've put a copy of the text i usually
store in the COMMENT-Tag in there, so with a simple swipe to the left i
can read additional information (like conductor, orchestra, soloists or
a content description in case of radio shows). Much easier than having
to click through the context menus. I would be really sad to see this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2016-08-19 Thread sternenjaeger

d6jg wrote: 
> Can you explain further? Are you saying the comments tag will display
> there? If so I'd use it as well.
No, but since i do not need the lyrics i simply copy the content COMMENT
Tag to the UNSYNCEDLYRICS tag with an action in MP3Tag. This is done in
the same action group which moves the files to the file system of the
server, so it is no additional work.
Only disadvantage: In the Web-Interface the text ist displayed twice -
but i would recomend to keep the text in both tags anyway because
COMMENT is recognized by the wonderful full text search of 7.9.

I think this is not 100% following standards, AFAIK the unsynched lyrics
tag should be written in the form Language|Text, but iPeng displays it
The advantage is that you just need to copy and paste the text you wand
in there, you can read and scroll through it in iPeng really fast (even
with 100s of lines) and it is simpler than the context menu.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2016-08-20 Thread sternenjaeger

Webkemmi wrote: 
> Pippin,
> since updating to the latest version of iPeng 9, I have trouble browsing
> the Genres.
> A lot of Genres show an empty list on my iPad mini, my iPad Air 2 and my
> iPhone but not all Genres are affected!

I don't know whether it is related, but i had the same problem: Since an
update of iPeng some (not all genres) showed no albums and some only a

Yesterday i notices that this didn't happen with another squeezeserver.
I tried to figure out the differences in the settings. 

In the non working installation i had  "Browse Artists" set to "Use
single, configurable list of artists"


In the other server - which was looking fine in iPeng - this was set to
"Use two separate list..."


After i changed the setting in my main server also to ""Use two separate
list..." iPeng displayed all albums in a genre again immediately.

|Filename: Correct.jpg  |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20949|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2016-09-04 Thread sternenjaeger

vn30 wrote: 
> Hello,
> the bookmark plugin is truly outstanding! It has become indispensable
> for me!

Thanks! Good to see that it is also useful to others.

vn30 wrote: 
> Unfortunately, with me no context menu appears under Deezer and
> Spotify!
> I have tested with the web interface, Squeezecontrol and Orange
> Squeeze.

Yesterdays update was just to fix a (stupid) bug which prevented
scrolling back while playing a bookmarked album (the plugin caused an
immediate jump forward to the bookmarked position).
But this must have been like this for a year or so (i didn't notice it
because i fixed it on my installation, but unfortunately forgot to
upload the new version.

Despite of that version 1.2.2 is exactly the same as 1.2.1 - the
possibility to add a bookmark for the current playlist had already been
in 1.2.1.

I mainly use iPeng but i just had a look with Squeezecontrol and Orange
Squeeze and for me the "Now Playing" context menu entry works fine at
least with Qobuz and the Podcasts plugin. In theory it should be
independant of the remote service anyway.

The plugin hooks into two context menus:

a) The album info menu when you select the context menu for a local
album in "My music". Depending whether the album already is bookmarked
or not you can either "prebookmark" the album or remove an existing

b) The context menu for the "Now Playing" screen.This should also work
with remote services. So play an album from Deezer or Spotify, go to the
"Now playing" list of the currently played tracks and press the icon for
the context menu. You should find the menu entry "Add bookmark for
current Playlist"

This stores the current playlist in "Playlists" and adds a bookmark for
the playlist. In the options you can choose to switch to the newly
created playlist automatically. With remote services this can cause an
interruption due to rebuffering.
Note that this only works if the remote service allows repositioning
while playing (which Qobuz,  the one i am using, unfortunately does
not). But AFAIK this works with Spotify.

You're right that this context menu entry does not appear in the web
interface. I never noticed that.

Are you sure that you don't even see the menu entry with SqueezeControl
or OrangeSqueeze?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2016-09-08 Thread sternenjaeger

vn30 wrote: 
> I set the hook, or I click "prebookmark" on, nothing happens.

This is by design - The plugin then just adds a bookmark but does not
start playing. I implemented this to have a "Listen later"
functionality. You should find the bookmark at the bottom of the list of
bookmarks in the menu of the plugin.

vn30 wrote: 
> Yes,
> Bookmark the context menu for the "Now Playing" screen does not exist
> with Deezer and Spotify. The menu entry "Add bookmark for current
> playlist" missing with "Squeeze Control" and "Orange Squeeze".

Which plugin do you use for Spotify? The "official" one or the third
party plugin from Triode / Michael Herger?

It works at least with the third party one. I just tried this with
spotify (Sorry for the german screenshots - forgot to change the
language before taking them):

Go to "Now playing" and press the icon in the upper right to get to the
current playlist


Press the context menu icon for a title in the playlist 


Press "Add bookmark for current Playlist"


|Filename: sqctrl_spotify3.png  |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21049|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2016-10-27 Thread sternenjaeger

I uploaded Version 1.2.4 with a few bugfixes/ code cleanups and an
additional context menu to update a "frozen" bookmark.

The following is only useful for or people who like to listen to audio
books or radio plays before falling asleep and who use a Radio or Boom
as a bedside radio:

If you like you can  setup useful macro functions for the preset buttons
1 to 6 of these devices. 
You will need the "KidsPlay" plugin for that, but unfortunately the
repository for KidsPlay is gone. If you don't have it installed already,
you would need to install it manually. I have attached a copy of the
most recent version to this thread:


It still works fine with the 7.9 server. If you have never used it:
After installing it (by extracting it to the plugin folder of the
server) you will find a new menu in the player settings for Radio and
Booom devices. There you can assign CLI macros to the preset buttons of
these players.

Here is a short howto:

1) Create a playlist with audio books or plays - it does not really
matter how many tracks are in there or how long the tracks are, but keep
it smaller than the limit defined in the server settings (AFAIK thats
500 tracks by default)

2) Create a macro to play this playlist. Here i also added a sleep timer
(with "sleep 3600"), so playback will automatically stop after one

The following code uses "MyPlaylist" for the name of the playlist. Cange
this to the name of your playlist. Note: You need to replace any space
character in the name of your playlist with "%20"


power 1; 
  playlist clear;
  sleep 3600;
  playlistcontrol cmd:load playlist_name:MyPlaylist play_index:0

So with a single push of a button the Radio or Boom will play your
playlist for one hour (or whatever time you defined in the macro).

3) Define a macro for another button  which will freeze the bookmark for
the playlist. It will also create a bookmark if there isn't already one
and update an existing bookmark, even it is frozen:


show "line1:Freeze!" duration:2 centered:1;
  bookmarkhistory addcurrentplaying
  bookmarkhistory updatefrozen;
  bookmarkhistory freeze current;

If you push this button the bookmark is frozen at the current position.
In the next evening just fast foward to the position where you fell
asleep in the night before and push this button again (to update the
frozen bookmark). 

4) If you like, you can also add a macro to another button to unfreeze
the currently played bookmark:


show "line1:Unfreeze!" duration:2 centered:1;
  bookmarkhistory unfreeze current;

I defined the macros for the preset buttons 4-6 of my bedside radio:

4: Freeze Bookmark
5: Unfreeze Bookmark
6: Play playlist "Bedroom"

This allows me to operate the radio at bedtime without even having to
look at the display, which i find rather convinient.

Since there will only be a few people using this i didn't test it
extensively - at least it works in my setup. If you want to give it a
try please check that you are using version 1.2.4 of the plugin and  let
me know if if you find any bug.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2016-10-28 Thread sternenjaeger

pippin wrote: 
> Do you have documentation for your CLI commands?

Here is a description of the currently available commands. Please let me
know if you need any modifications. While writing this i noticed that
there are some "quirks" in the code (e. g. that i prefixed some return
values with an underscore or the awkward way the bookmark listing uses
to distinguish between bookmarks of albums and playlists). 
I'd be happy to implement any changes you want (Disclaimer: If my
limited knowledge of perl allows it...)

Most commands use two parameters: -idtype- and -id-

-idtype- must be either "albumid", "playlistid" or "current"

albumid-id- must contain an album-id
playlistid-id- must contain a playlist-id
current-id- is not used. The command referres to the
currently played track



_cliversionString with Version Number



_hasbookmark1 if the given album/playlist/currently
playing track has a bookmark, 0 otherwise
_isprebookmark  1 if the bookmark is "prebookmarked", 0
_isfrozen   1 if the bookmark is frozen, 0


Lists bookmarks similar like "songinfo" lists tracks


-index-: Start with entry
-quantity-: Number of entries that are returned 

Tagged Parameters:

tags: Defines the properties that are listed for each bookmark (like the
same parameter in songinfo)
Default is 'uelac'

The following tags may be used:

u = URL
e = Album-ID
l = Album title
a = Artist title
c = Cover-ID

extags: Defines additional properties of bookmarks that are listed
Default is 'pT'

The following tags may be used:

p: Prebookmarked
t: Timestamp of bookmark
T: Date of bookmark


countTotal number of bookmarks

Bookmarks are listed as a loop, sorted by the value defined in the
settings, starting with the entry number given in _index and listing
_quantity number of entries
Each result consists (depending on the values of tags and extags) of:

artistContains artist if the bookmark is a bookmarked
local album, empty otherwise
timestampdateDate of bookmark as returned by
timestampTimestamp of bookmark
album_idReturns the album-id if the bookmark references
an album
If the bookmarks references a playlist the returned string is
"playlist:PLAYLISTID" is where PLAYLISTID is the id of the playlist

urlURL of the bookmarked track in an album or
prebookmarked1 if the boookmark is "prebookmarked", 0
if it is a "real" bookmark
coveridCover-ID as used in the bookmarks
albumTitle of the album / playlist

Here is an example (as a JSON return value) for a bookmarked album:


"artist": "Lester Powell",
"timestampdate": "27/10/16",
"prebookmarked": "0",
"album_id": "81669",
"coverid": "f8809d8a",
"album": "Die Dame im Schnee"

and this is a bookmark for a playlist with remote tracks:


"album_id": "playlist:667651",
"prebookmarked": "0",
"coverid": "-278255736",
"album": "Die neuen Fälle - Fall 02: Professor van Dusen reitet das 
trojanische Pferd",
"artist": "Professor van Dusen",
"timestampdate": "06/09/16",
"url": "spotify:track:6gnvO84sHXDNfuOMn0IEIg"





dto. but also removes the playlist/album from the current playlist for
the given player


dto. but removes the playlist/album from the current playlist for all


Adds a "pre-bookmark" for the given album/playlist/currently playing


Adds a bookmark for the currently played playlist or album. A bookmark
for a playlist is added if the current playlist is a saved playlist (i.
e. if it has a playlist-id).
For remote tracks a saved playlist is created from the "currently
playling" playlist and the playback is switched to this playlist 
This may work or not - depending on wether the remote service allows


Updates a bookmark even if it is a "frozen" bookmark. Does nothing if
there is no bookmark


Freezes a bookmark if a

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2016-11-10 Thread sternenjaeger

Another update: 

I tried to improve the handling of bookmarks for playlists. Starting
from version 1.2.10 these should now be as reliable as bookmarks for

Previously i referenced playlists by their id, which often caused their
deletion after a rescan. The plugin now uses the name of the playlist
(aka the filename of the m3u file) to reference the bookmark. It also
notices when you change the name of a playlist and updates the bookmark

Please note that the version i uploaded a couple of days ago had a bug,
which caused playlist bookmarks to disappear after a server restart.
I did not notice that on my development system, because this only
occurred when the "fulltext-search" plugin is installed.

After getting help from Michael (@Michael: If you are following this
thread - thanks again for putting me on the right track!) i was able to
fix this.
Sorry for two updates in a short interval, but i wanted this bug to be
removed before it starts to confuse anyone.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2016-11-11 Thread sternenjaeger

pippin wrote: 
> I think I have to report another bug in the plugin.
> When the plugin is active the "repeat single track" mode no longer
> works.

Thanks! You are right. In the repeat=1 mode the newsong event is
triggered when the track repeats. This causes a jump to the last
bookmarked position (track duration minus treshold setting value). Will
be fixed with the next update.
I did not notice that because i never use the repeat modes (actually i
wrote another small plugin specifically to prevent them from being
(accidentally) activated) - so i never got the idea to see what happens
if i activate them :)

Please let me know if you need this now - otherwise i wait with the
upload for a couple of days to see if anything else comes up (and to do
some more testing with the various combinations of the repeat and
shuffle settings).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2016-11-11 Thread sternenjaeger

pippin wrote: 
> I think there are additional issues: I'm not sure whether "skip back",
> which is supposed to jump to the beginning of the track, still works
> correctly (I think it might have a similar problem), the same is true
> for jumping to the currently playing track in a current playlist, which
> is also supposed to jump to the beginning of the track.

This is partly by design. I wanted to always jump to the bookmarked
position if "newsong" hits the bookmarked track of an album/playlist.
But i do see your point - If the user "moves" in a playlist (with
buttons or by selecting a specific track in the current playlist) then
tracks should be started at their beginning. Well, my background is more
in backend development, so usually i don't have to care a lot about user
experience :)

Will take a couple of days - please skip the next lines if you're not
interested in the details:

My plugin subscribes to "playlist loadtracks/loadalbum/addtracks" events
and - if it finds a matching bookmark - issues a "playlist index"
command to move to the correct track. This then triggers "newsong" which
i use to move to the bookmarked position in track. 
If the user moves around in the playlist this also triggers newsong
events, so i need to implement a trigger mechanism, to be able to
distinguish between "newsong" events triggered by the user or by

Not a big deal but with all the possible combinations of
local/remote/albums/playlists/playmodes/button actions/slider actions i
want to be sure that i don't introduce new side effects.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2016-11-22 Thread sternenjaeger

To deal with the issues with the "skip back" button and the various
playlist modes Pippin mentioned, i implemented an additional trigger
This should enable the plugin to reliably differentiate between
"newsong" events of a user moving in the current playlist and those
issued by the plugin itself by jumping to the bookmarked track.

As a side effect it is now also possible to set the "Threshold" setting
to zero if you like. So:

When you move in the current playlist (e. g. by pressing "skip back",
clicking on the current track, selecting another track etc.) and

- you have a threshold value > 0 then the bookmark will be updated
  after the new track is played for this number of seconds
- you have a threshold value of 0 then the bookmark will be updated

Changelist for version 1.2.12:

- "skip back" button no longer jumps back to the bookmarked positions
- Clicking on the currently played track in the playlist now restarts
  the track from the beginning
- "Repeat track" mode now works
- Fixed bookmarks for playlists now work with all "Power On Resume"
  modes of the client
- If a repeat mode is activated for a client, the bookmark will not be
  deleted when the playback reaches the end of the last track of an
  album or playlist
- If you like you can now set "Threshold" and/or "Jump back" settings
  to "0"

Sorry that this took a while - lack of time. I tried to test the update
with local albums/playlists/remote tracks in various play modes, but as
always: Please let me know if you find any issues i missed.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2016-12-02 Thread sternenjaeger

Mr. Floppy wrote: 
> Looks like bookmark history will not work after last update to LMS 7.9.0
> - 1480516903.
> Issue:
> New played album are not showing inside Bookmark history. Try it with
> different albums.

Strange. I updated one server to the latest nightly - works fine on my
system. Are you sure that the albums have one of the genres you defined
in the settings value "List of genres for automatic bookmarks"?

Could you tell me the Perl version number of your system? You will find
it in:

Settings -> Information -> Logitech Media Server

which looks like this:

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.0 - 1480516903 @ Fri Dec 2
04:28:51 UTC 2016
Hostname: squeezeserver-devel
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
Operating system: Debian - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: i686-linux
Audio::Scan: 0.95
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite
Total Players Recognized: 1

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2016-12-02 Thread sternenjaeger

Mr. Floppy wrote: 
> Hi,
> Restart it after. Take a look at the server.log and saw first time
> this:
> [16-12-02 13:33:06.2402]
> Plugins::BookmarkHistory::NewsongTrigger::isActive (27) called without
> client

@Mr. Floppy, SMC:

Thanks for the info! At first i suspected an incompability with Perl
5.18, but with the error message you noted i was able to find the
Should be fixed with version 1.2.13 which i just uploaded.

As a workaround: After a server restart start to play an already
existing bookmark on each connected player. After that the automatic
creation of bookmarks should work again.

Or if you want to get the update faster please put 



in the list of additional repositories (Settings --> Plugins -->
Additional Repositories / Einstellungen --> Plugins --> Zusätzliche

It would be kind of you if you could then let me know if the fix worked.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2017-01-06 Thread sternenjaeger

Rheinländer wrote: 
> Hello,
> I have been using the plugin for quite some time now. It's really
> excellent :)
> However, I would like to ask if an additional feature might possibly be
> added: Player specific bookmarks
> My kids listen to audiobooks quite often. Sometimes they listen to the
> same audiobook in parallel, which gets confusing sometimes when one
> takes up at the position where the other left off. The ability to set
> player specific bookmarks might solve this. If enabled for a specific
> player, that player will only see or resume its own bookmarks. Perhaps
> it can be implemented as an extension to the ignore player setting.

Thanks - I see what i can do for a neighbor (i live in cologne). Will
take a couple of days, though. I already have an idea how to realize
this, but the current version seems to be working quite good and i want
to avoid regression bugs and side effects.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] New plugin for audio bookmarks

2017-01-12 Thread sternenjaeger

I uploaded version 1.2.16. This version should hopefully prevent any
further quarrels between kids listening to the same audio drama at the
same time :-)

There is a new option in the settings: "Players which keep their own

If you enter one or more players (separated by comma) in this option
then these players will keep their own bookmarks. So these players can
keep and track separate bookmarks for the same album.

Please note:

1) All existing bookmarks will no longer be visible for these clients
2) All other clients will see the same bookmarks as before
3) If you later remove a client from this list, the specific bookmarks
for this player will be deleted and the player will see the common
bookmarks for all players

I had to change the data structure for the bookmarks to implement this
feature. I tested the conversion on three separate servers and it worked
all the time. If you want to be really safe, you could take a backup of
the preferences file (bookmarkHistory.prefs) before restarting the
server after the update.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Qobuz.com streaming plugin

2017-04-13 Thread sternenjaeger

@Michael: I played around a bit with the code of the Qobuz plugin to see
if it is possible to allow repositioning the currently played track.

But i don't know how the protocol handlers of the squeezeserver really
work, so this could be complete nonsense. Anyway:
I found out that seeking the stream is - at least on my system -
possible with changing the code in ProtocolHandler.pm to


  sub canSeek { 1 }
  sub getSeekDataByPosition { undef }
  sub getSeekData {
my ( $class, $client, $song, $newtime ) = @_;

return {
sourceStreamOffset => ( 320_000 / 8 ) * $newtime,
timeOffset => $newtime,

(Obviously the fixed value for the bitrate is wrong - but i could not
figure out how to get the bitrate - at least "$song->bitrate()" seems to
return nothing.

If this a valid approach and does not contradict Qobuz terms of service,
it would be really kind of you if you could implement this properly in
the plugin code.
Otherwise please just ignore this post.

sternenjaeger's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=57562
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=97146

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Qobuz Squeezebox plugin - Artwork gone missing in favorites

2017-05-22 Thread sternenjaeger

I am having the same issue with the artwork with the server version
7.9.0 - 1488878280 @ Wed Mar 8 14:27:16 UTC 2017
It seems to work with a recent nightly. I upgraded my server to 7.9.1
and there i can't reproduce the problem. 

Strangely enough after reverting to the stable version the artwork still
worked for a short time (I presume because it was already cached?). A
day later the problem occurred again. 
Another upgrade to a recent nightly and the artwork was displayed fine

I uploaded a server log to your dropbox with debugging enabled for the
two modules you mentioned.

sternenjaeger's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=57562
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107427

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Qobuz.com streaming plugin

2017-05-29 Thread sternenjaeger

alepalep wrote: 
> I need your help, I use QUOBUZ with daphile/squeezelite ,and  from few
> days all the album covers have disappeared and replaced by a picture
> similar to a radio antenna
> do you the origin of this trouble?

Have a look at this thread:

You need to upgrade your server to a recent 7.9.1 nightly (at least
until Michael releases an official 7.9.1 version).

sternenjaeger's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=57562
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=97146

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