[Prototype-core] Re: Element wrapper draft notes

2008-08-21 Thread Ken Snyder

kangax wrote:

 I wanted to keep $W consistent with the rest of the library - be a
 simple shortcut for creating a new instance of NodeWrapper. Just like `
 $H` returns `new Hash` and $R returns `new ObjectRange`, $W should
 probably return `new NodeWrapper`. $W is also responsible for
 transforming string parameter into an actual element (via

 this.$W = function(element) {
   if (typeof element == 'string') {
 element = document.getElementById(element);
   return new Prototype.Node(element);

 Using such proxy helper ($W) also ensures NodeWrapper is always
 called as a constructor. There are less chances that a user will
 mistakenly call `NodeWrapper` as a function and pollute the global
 scope. It, therefore, allows us to get rid of this instanceof
 Prototype.Node check:

 new Prototype.Node('foo'); // returns a wrapper
 Prototype.Node('foo'); // boom! returns undefined and creates a global
 `source`/`raw` property
That makes sense.  I was just thinking where it might be confusing that:

$W('foo') instanceof Prototype.Node; // true

but seeing it written out like that does make sense.
 Good point about passing a wrapper into a wrapper : ) Would it make
 sense to return a wrapper itself or a clone of it? Would there ever
 be a need for a cloned wrapper?
The only case I can think of is when there is an item in memory with the 
same id as one on the page. I don't know how we would handle that case.  
Maybe the caching system could handle that somehow.
 As far as caching, I'm afraid that storing reference to a wrapper on a
 node itself could lead to circular references (which as we know leak
 in IE's JScript). Having a separate cache-table and map elements to
 wrappers by an element's id (or a custom property of an element) seems
 more appropriate.
What about this caching idea: http://gist.github.com/6609

 I also think that #update, #insert, #replace, etc. should allow to
 accept a wrapper (besides an element or a string):


 This should be as easy as giving wrapper `toElement`/`toHTML` methods
 (since `update`/`insert` delegate to those when available)
Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: Element wrapper draft notes

2008-08-20 Thread Ken Snyder

kangax wrote:
 If the node list returns 1 element then methods like $$
 (...).getValue() should return the value of that element.
 (this is how jQuery handles it)

 This could lead to ambiguity. We should probably discuss it more.
I agree that it is ambiguous.  I find the selector result object one of 
the most curious and confusing aspects of jQuery.  I like the 
functionality to deal with one element separate from the functionality 
to deal with multiple elements.  I like the concept of having methods 
like NodeListWrapper#addClassName() or NodeListWrapper#setAttribute(). 
Once you start trying to merge the functionality of $() and $$(), code 
becomes hard to follow. Furthermore, unless you use $$('#mydiv') instead 
of $('mydiv') there are few cases that it is safe to assume that the 
NodeListWrapper object contains only one item.

 I think $A should return a ListWrapper, maybe ListWrapper could be the
 $super for NodeListWrapper.
 ListWrapper would have methods of Array Additions and Enumerable

 Definitely a possibility if we stop extending Array.prototype.
 Otherwise, I don't see much usefulness in this. NodeListWrapper
 encapsulates an array of `NodeWrapper`s and its methods operate
 directly on those `NodeWrapper`. A custom `_each` and mixed-in
 Enumerable would take care of iteration. Am I missing something?

I think he means that it appears that the Enumerable mix-in concept is 
necessitated the fact that native Array objects can't inherit from 
Enumerable.  Consider this hierarchy assuming we use a ListWrapper 
instead of Array.prototype:

Enumerable (each, collect, inject, invoke, etc.)
+--ListWrapper (Enumerable + first, last, reduce, reverse, etc.)
   +--NodeListWrapper (ListWrapper + addClassName, setAttribute, etc.)
   +--ObjectRange (ListWrapper + overrides)
   +--Ajax.Responders (ListWrapper + register, unregister, dispatch)
+--Hash (Enumerable + get, set, keys, toQueryString, etc.)

- Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: Element wrapper draft notes

2008-08-20 Thread Ken Snyder
 I forked prototype, and started working on NodeWrapper/NodeListWrapper
 - http://github.com/kangax/prototype/tree/master/src/element.js
 Accompanying tests are there as well (although the test suite is far
 from being complete).

Exciting to see in code! What about adding caching instances and maybe even
using a double-duty constructor instead of Class.create?  See what I mean
- Ken Snyder
Prototype.Element = function(element) {
  if (this instanceof Prototype.Element) {
// constructor
element.__prototypeWrapper = this;
this.raw = element;
  } else {
// getInstance function
// allow element to be string, dom node, or Prototype.Element instance
element = (typeof element === 'string' ?
document.getElementById(element) : element);
if (element instanceof Prototype.Element) {
  return element;
if (element  element.__prototypeWrapper) {
  return element.__prototypeWrapper;
} else {
  return new Prototype.Element(element)

$W = Prototype.Element;

var myDiv = document.getElementById('someDiv');
var myWrappedDiv = $W('someDiv');
myWrappedDiv === $W(myDiv); // true
myWrappedDiv === $W(myWrappedDiv); // true
// although $W() is called 3 times, only one instance is created

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[Prototype-core] Re: Roadmap for 1.6.1 (My take)

2008-07-02 Thread Ken Snyder

Is avoiding document.write() for IE dom:loaded included in 1.6.1?  I 
think the core team concluded that doScroll was the way to go, but I'm 
not sure.

What about fixing String#escapeHTML for IE and WebKit?

What about enhancing Element#siblings to accept a selector? 

What are the thoughts on adding an Object.isEmpty or 
Object.hasProperties? (http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/10356)


- Ken

John-David Dalton wrote:
 I haven't seen the official roadmap for 1.6.1.
 So here is my take on it. was a bug fix release.
 I see 1.6.1 as an optimization and new feature/API release.

 I see things like:

   * Use of documentFragment (Huge IE boost in spots),
   * Use of _each instead of each in places were we can
   * Remove the event onunload mechanism for IE (I have a working
 prototype of it)
   * Avoiding wrapped methods internally (Element.method(element)
 instead of element.method())
   * Implement hasOwnProperty for Safari 2.0.4 (can finally use it in
 the rest of the code)
   * Make $H(...).include() work properly
   * Pass optional conditionals to methods like Element#show,
 Element#hide and others)
   * Optimize the Template class.
   * Make Element#getStyle automatically convert units to px and handle
 the inherit style.
   * Use of Dimensions class
   * Create various methods where needed:
   - Object.isNodeList()
   - Element#isOrphaned
   - Element#getNumericStyle [cssToNumber]

   * Ajax Fixes:
   - Network error fixes
   - Timeout added
   - Abort added
   - Detect when status 0 is allows (when its ftp or file

 I am sure I missed a few, but the good news is almost all of these
 listed features/modifications have already been programmed. We should
 be able to create the tickets and unit tests rather fast.

 Do yall have anything else to add?
 Here is a list of tickets currently marked to be addressed for 1.6.1
 (not nessesarily included in 1.6.1)

 - JDD



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[Prototype-core] Re: New method on Element

2008-06-30 Thread Ken Snyder

dobby wrote:

 The show, hide, toggle methods are great on the element object but it
 would also be nice to have a setVisisble(boolean) method. This allows
 you to set the visibility of an element depending on a Boolean
 expression. With the current api you have to if else this behavior.



 With the current api you would have to do something like this:

 }else {
FWIW, here are two other possibilities:

// ternary statement
$(myelement)[element.checked ? 'show' : 'hide']();

// custom Element method
  setVisible: function(element, visible) {
element = $(element);
return element[visible ? 'show' : 'hide']();


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[Prototype-core] Re: Capturing revert in draggable

2008-06-19 Thread Ken Snyder

Diodeus wrote:
 I've seen a few posts about this, but no answers.

 I would like to be able to call a function when a draggable revert
 occurs. What I'm trying to do is replace a photo with an icon on drag
 (which I've accomplished), but I need to swap it back if the revert

 I really, really wish there were an onRevert() option, but there
 isn't, so I guess I'll have to hack my own.


 I propose putting it as a beforeStart call in the Effect.Move

 Does this make sense?
Oh yes! I've copied and pasted that function many many times. I would 
like to see the callbacks beefed up with a custom event system that 
would allow something like this:

myDraggable.observe('revert', function(event) {
  if (myCriteria) {
event.stop(); // prevent the default revert effect

myDraggable.observe('revert', function(event) {
  // revert affect continues

Looking at Thomas's personal version of effects.js leads me to believe 
he has a vision for something like this ( 
http://script.aculo.us/thomas/effects.js )

- Ken

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[Prototype-core] Re: Prototype vs Ext

2008-06-17 Thread Ken Snyder
On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 5:42 PM, Franck PORCHER [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 In a few words, and in whatever spare time you Core guys might  have,  what
 is the  story behind these 2 frameworks, if any, how do they compare in the
 long run of javascript programming (if any kind of comparison was ever
 attempted), and how do you foresee the future of both.

 www / smartech / pf

A good friend of mine uses Ext because he writes applications that must work
with YUI, dojo, /and/ Prototype. Using Ext allows him to write code that
will work with any of those libraries.  He describes it as an abstraction
layer above a framework. As an abstraction, it makes sense that each Ext
feature would be limited by the library with the weakest implementation of
that particular feature.

- Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: IE onmouseleave

2008-06-10 Thread Ken Snyder

Alex K wrote:
 Hi Guys, I've suffered IE weird bug:

  this browser sends onmouseout events even if the mouse is actually
 within the scope of the element, this happens when the mouse is over
 the child element. There is a way to solve this, IE send the proper
 event with name 'mouseleave', so my code looks like:

 //one more weird IE bug
 var mouse_out_event_name =

 Just a thought that it can be handled by the lib to save time of other
It's been pretty tricky to properly add support for mouseenter and 
mouseleave into the Prototype event system.  There are a few patch 
attempts on the old trac system under this ticket: 
http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/8354 .

Until then, I use a short script that adds two functions 
Function#bindAsMouseEnter and Function#bindAsMouseLeave that work like 
Function#bindAsEventListener but change the function to only fire on 
mouseenter/mouseleave. Here is the demo and source: 

BTW, this is not a bug--it is desired behavior, but it is somewhat 
perplexing in most situations.

- Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: Improving String.strip performance

2008-05-14 Thread Ken Snyder

disccomp wrote:
 Please see this excellent breakdown of this function on cross-browser
 performance to better understand the available solutions.
Awesome analysis!

I wonder if trim12 might be improved by avoiding calling slice if there 
is no trailing white space:

function trim12 (str) {
var str = str.replace(/^\s\s*/, ''),
ws = /\s/,
i = str.length,
len = i;
while (ws.test(str.charAt(--i)));
return i + 1  len ? str.slice(0, i + 1) : str;

Also, you did not say it explicitly, but are you saying that /\s/.test() 
is faster than whitespace.indexOf() ?

- Ken

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[Prototype-core] Re: DOMContentLoaded for IE

2008-05-13 Thread Ken Snyder

Diego Perini wrote:

 I believe the last comment in the following related thread by
 liorean says something too (having a separate CSSLoaded event):

+1 for a separate CSSLoaded event.  I'm not seeing why dom:loaded should 
have to have anything to do with external files.  Not waiting for 
external files seems like the whole point of using dom:loaded as opposed 
to window onload.

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[Prototype-core] Re: String methods

2008-04-22 Thread Ken Snyder

braudes wrote:

 I notice that the String class doesn´t have some simple methods. So, I
 added these:

 ltrim: function() {
   var re = /\s*((\S+\s*)*)/;
   return this.replace(re, $1);

   rtrim: function() {
   var re = /((\s*\S+)*)\s*/;
   return this.replace(re, $1);

   trim: function() {
   return this.rtrim().ltrim();

   invert: function() {
   var len = this.length;
   var str = ;
   for (var i = len - 1; i  -1 ;i--){
   str += this.charAt(i);
   return str;
Trim is called strip in Prototype.

The others may be simple, but probably not used often enough for a place 
in the Core library.  And as Richard says, there are a bazillion 
variations of these types of functions.  Feel free to maintain a plugin 
and submit it to scripteka.com.

- Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: Ajax.Request.success() request abort bug? (FW: Ajax.Updater Question)

2008-04-05 Thread Ken Snyder

On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 11:48 PM, John-David Dalton

  This ticket here: http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/11434 mentions
  asolution for dropped connections in Firefox. It might work on other
  browsers as well. Basically they attach a callback to the onError
  native event handler of the transport.

Hmm... That may be another case to consider but I think that using
try-catch will yeild the same result as the transport.onerror handler.
 After researching and testing with ajax network errors (by unplugging
my network cable after request but before server response), I see the
scenarios below.

Requesting an HTTP(S) ajax url

Network error scenarios:
FF2 Win - throws exception
S3 Win - transport.status == 0
O9 - transport.status == 0
IE6/7 - transport.status == (one of the following)
  12002: Server timeout
  12029: Dropped connection
  12030: Dropped connection
  12031: Dropped connection
  12152: Connection closed by server

Requesting a file-based ajax url

Success: ALL BROWSERS - transport.status == 0
Failure: ALL BROWSERS - transport.status == 0

Additionally, Tobie mentioned WebKit can sometimes throw a -1004 error
for a network exception.  I don't know what case that would be.

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[Prototype-core] Re: Ajax.Request.success() request abort bug? (FW: Ajax.Updater Question)

2008-04-04 Thread Ken Snyder

On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 4:01 PM, Jon L. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Should it just be?
 return (status = 200  status  300);

  - Jon L.

status is zero for local ajax calls which are used for unit testing
and potentially used for offline development.  See my patch, which, as
you can see from tobie's comments, does not handle all situations in
all browsers.


- Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: Ajax.Request.success() request abort bug? (FW: Ajax.Updater Question)

2008-04-04 Thread Ken Snyder

On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 11:01 PM, John-David Dalton

  Also a different patch for solving the same problem.
  I check the window.location.href and the url of the ajax call to
  determin if its file or ftp protocol then allow zero or not.

Cool.  I like the comprehensive regex test!

One thing I'd like is to avoid an on0 callback.  I can't see the need
for a callback that would sometimes be triggered by a successful event
and sometimes be triggered by an error condition.  The other
consideration is that 0 (and lots of other unusual numbers) can be
thrown when there is a network exception such as dropped connection or
timeout--I think all failures to reach the server should return the
same code and trigger the same error across all exception types in all
browsers.  Am I making this more complicated than it needs to be? :D

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[Prototype-core] Re: Array.insert

2008-03-28 Thread Ken Snyder

koozdra wrote:
 Thanks for the quick reply.

 I ran some tests in ruby:

 array = [1,2,3,4]
 p array.insert(-3, 'one', 'two')
 array = [1,2,3,4]
 p array.insert(-1, 'one', 'two')
 array = [1,2,3,4]
 p array.insert(0, 'one', 'two')
 array = [1,2,3,4]
 p array.insert(1, 'one', 'two')
 array = [1,2,3,4]
 p array.insert(10, 'one', 'two')

 [1, 2, one, two, 3, 4]
 [1, 2, 3, 4, one, two]
 [one, two, 1, 2, 3, 4]
 [1, one, two, 2, 3, 4]
 [1, 2, 3, 4, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, one, two]

 when the index is negative and of greater length than the array, ruby
 throws an index out of bounds exception.
Based on that info, below is a revised method.  On FF2 it seems to behave the 
same as your Ruby examples.  I made an index of -5 in your example work the 
same as 0.

- Ken

Array.prototype.insert = function() {
  var args = $A(arguments), index = args.shift();
  index += index  0 ? this.length : 0;
  if (index  this.length || index  -1) 
throw new Error('Index out of bounds.');
  args = [this[index], 0].concat(args);
  Array.prototype.splice.apply(this, args);

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[Prototype-core] Re: Array.insert

2008-03-27 Thread Ken Snyder

koozdra wrote:
 I propose the addition of Array.insert(index, insertee [,...]).  This
 method would would be like Ruby's insert. Inserts the given values
 before the element with the given index
 - http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Array.html#M002195

 var a = ['a','b','c','d']

 a.insert(2, 33)
 -- ['a','b',33,'c','d']

 a.insert(3, 'one', 'two', 'three')
 --['a','b','c','one', 'two', 'three','d']

I always have mixed feelings about wrappers for Array#splice.  It is a 
very powerful method that needs no knock off, yet it is very hard to 
remember.  Anyhow, below is an academic stab at implementing your idea.  
My only question is what to do when the index is too low or too high.  
I'm not sure what Ruby does; the code below just defaults to 0 when the 
index is too low or too high.

- Ken Snyder

Array.prototype.insert = function() {
var args = $A(arguments), index = args.shift();
index = index  0 ? this[this.length - index] : index;
args = [(this[index] === undefined ? 0 : index), 0].concat(args);
Array.prototype.splice.apply(this, args);

var a = ['a','b','c','d'];
a.insert(2, 33);
// [a, b, 33, c, d]

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[Prototype-core] Re: Simple event delegation

2008-02-22 Thread Ken Snyder

Based on this thread, I created flexible Event delegation functions for 
attaching and removing delegation rules:


- Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: Simple event delegation

2008-02-22 Thread Ken Snyder

kangax wrote:
 take a look at my implementation [1] - it looks very much alike,
 except for the syntax : )


 - kangax

Cool!  So if I understand it correctly, register() has three differences 
from mine:
- register() registers all rules to the document
- register() caches the Selector objects (cool!)
- register() requires attaching one selector-handler pair at a time

So what is this protolicious?

I couldn't find any event delegation scripts on scripteka... is your 
script in protolicious only?

- Ken

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[Prototype-core] Re: How can I access the object when using each?

2008-02-12 Thread Ken Snyder

kojilab wrote:

 I have an object with a method I call run that iterates over some form
 I want to be able to execute a method of that object on each element.
 But when I use this in the function within the each() statement,
 obviously the this doesn't correspond to the object instance.
 Thanks for your help

 Code snippet:

 MyObject.prototype = {
   run: function(){
 this.formElements.each(function(el, index){
Try $A(this.formElements).each(...);

this.formElements might be a HTML node collection object and not an array.

- Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: readAttribute() differences IE and Firefox

2008-02-12 Thread Ken Snyder

John-David Dalton wrote:
 ticket + patch for the bug:
Spiffy use of clone. Won't the line /name|id/.test(name) catch 
attributes such as myid?  Would ['name', 'id'].include(name) be 
better? Or you could just add ^ and $.

- Ken

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[Prototype-core] Development Roadmap

2008-01-07 Thread Ken Snyder

What features are the authors considering in upcoming releases?  Or is 
public discussion of the Prototype/SAU roadmap limited due to factors 
such as competition with other frameworks?

Based on hints dropped in the lists, I can make a few guesses:

- Expand Prototype custom events to fire callbacks for Element methods 
such as update, setStyle, remove, replace, insert, wrap, writeAttribute, 
addClassName, removeClassName, scrollTo, etc.
- Add support for callback registration and multiple callbacks for SAU 
Effect events
- Streamline SAU Effects to all use Effect#Morph
- Add Prototype support for onmouseenter and onmouseleave
- Add intuitive Prototype methods for checkbox- and radio-group form 
elements (e.g. a method to get the value of the currently checked 
item(s) in based on a group name)

Can you confirm these and give us some insight?

Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: Development Roadmap

2008-01-07 Thread Ken Snyder

Mislav Marohnić wrote:

 - Expand Prototype custom events to fire callbacks for Element methods
 such as update, setStyle, remove, replace, insert, wrap,
 addClassName, removeClassName, scrollTo, etc.

 That is planned for the next major release. Based on how it performs, 
 it may be pushed further down the road. We'll see.
Awesome! I've always seen the value for consistently using the wrapper 
functions above (i.e. instead of using innerHTML, className, etc.) is 
the prospect of callbacks.

 - Add support for callback registration and multiple callbacks for SAU
 Effect events 

 Is the current model for callbacks in script.aculo.us 
 http://script.aculo.us too limiting? It would be better if you would 
 explain this request with an example.

// for example, attach callbacks at any point without having to compose 
a new function
var myeffect = Effect.Grow('mydiv', {afterFinish: mycallback1});
myeffect.observe('afterFinish', mycallback2);

// current approach (is this even correct? it is confusing)
var fn = myeffect.options.afterFinish;
myeffect.options.afterFinish = function() {
fn.apply(this, arguments);
mycallback2.apply(this, arguments)

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[Prototype-core] Re: Development Roadmap

2008-01-07 Thread Ken Snyder

Mislav Marohnić wrote:

 - Add Prototype support for onmouseenter and onmouseleave

 This is definitely useful to the majority of users. We are still 
 discussing if it's going to become core and in which version. 
 Meanwhile, read the very insightful article by Andrew about why 
 throwing the support for those events out was really a good idea (we 
 had the working implementations far before the 1.6 release): 
 (The key is revisiting the same problem with another approach, and 
 finally picking the best one)

I may not completely understand Andrew's argument, but I think the big 
counter argument is that most other frameworks already support these 
events. And with 10 lines extra for mouseenter/mouseleave and 20 lines 
extra for mousewheel, I'm not seeing the slippery slope to bloated code. 
Furthermore, it seems that browsers are slowly converging on standards 
compliance (although mouseenter/mouseleave has not been proposed as a 
standard afaik) which will eventually simplify or remove the extra code 
for these events.

- Ken

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[Prototype-core] Re: Development Roadmap

2008-01-07 Thread Ken Snyder

I periodically share Michael's feelings as well.  For me, those concerns 
would be eliminated if the authors did two things:
1. Publicly disclosed the enhancements they were /considering/ (not 
necessarily a formal roadmap)
2. Set up a thriving community for official and unofficial plugins

For example, I wouldn't mind at all if support for the 
mouseenter/mouseleave/mousewheel events were released as a tested and 
endorsed plugin.  Then those who were interested could use something 
they knew would work with current and future versions.

I find it unsatisfying that Prototype is used by so many developers 
worldwide including Rails and many major companies, yet finding good 
scripts is a Google hit-and-miss affair.

I know that months ago the authors created a private built-on-prototype 
list, but it either died or I got kicked off :)  Did that idea get killed?

- Pot-Stirrer Ken

Michael Peters wrote:
 Mislav Marohnić wrote:
 On Jan 7, 2008 9:25 PM, Ken Snyder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Some ideas
 are shared with the community while some are kept private for further
 discussions among core members. 

 Why the secrecy? This is an open source project after all.

 So, the reason we don't share the exact
 roadmap to Prototype 2.0 with the public is because even we don't know
 the roadmap yet, and we don't want to set expectations and then break them.

 Sounds an awful lot like the IE team's arguments about why they are so 
 with IE development. If you want me to invest my projects, my development time
 and that of my team (if I'm the decision maker) into prototype/SAU then why 
 give me the information and confidence that I need to make that decision.

 I understand not wanting to disappoint, but if you're open about the plans as
 well as the reasons for failure/delay I'm pretty sure the community will 


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[Prototype-core] Re: Development Roadmap

2008-01-07 Thread Ken Snyder

This is great. Kudos to Kangax for compiling it!

I'm probably dreaming too big, but it would be great if the code was 
submitted so that it could be hosted on the site and required unit tests 
to be certified for a certain Prototype version.  Plus demos on the 
site would be fantastic.  I really like the ratings system, last 
modified info and tagging system!

- Ken

Gareth Evans wrote:

 Prototype extensions library.

 maintained by Kangax

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[Prototype-core] Re: Development Roadmap

2008-01-07 Thread Ken Snyder

Mislav Marohnić wrote:

 - Add intuitive Prototype methods for checkbox- and radio-group form
 elements ( e.g. a method to get the value of the currently checked
 item(s) in based on a group name)

 Hmm, we have it for select boxes and multiple selects, why not radio 
 buttons/checkboxes? You could open up an enhancement ticket for this 
 request and propose an API for this. Or find a way to re-use the 
 existing (get/setValue) API?

Here is a brainstorm: http://pastie.caboo.se/136408
Is it intuitive, though?

I would have expected the whole serializing system to go by name instead 
of element. I think it is too late to change that because it would break 
the way some people are currently using $F(). But maybe the brainstorm 
above is a good approach?

- Ken

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[Prototype-core] Fwd: [prototype-core] Event#unloadCache not available in 1.6.0

2007-12-12 Thread Ken Snyder


 Original Message 
Subject:[prototype-core] Event#unloadCache not available in 1.6.0
Date:   Mon, 03 Dec 2007 15:07:03 -0700
From:   Ken Snyder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: prototype-core@googlegroups.com


Based on the above discussion on the rails-spinoffs list, I'm wondering 
if the prototype authors would consider making the destroyCache() 
functionality available as a public method like Event#unloadCache() was 
before 1.6.0.  Some consider this a compatibility issue and even a bug 
that should be fixed in 1.6.1.

What are your thoughts?

Thank you,

Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Event#unloadCache not available in 1.6.0

2007-12-03 Thread Ken Snyder


Based on the above discussion on the rails-spinoffs list, I'm wondering 
if the prototype authors would consider making the destroyCache() 
functionality available as a public method like Event#unloadCache() was 
before 1.6.0.  Some consider this a compatibility issue and even a bug 
that should be fixed in 1.6.1.

What are your thoughts?

Thank you,

Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: features request

2007-11-21 Thread Ken Snyder

On Nov 21, 2007 3:29 AM, tbela99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hello all the guys from the prototype core.

 I really adore what you're doing. it changed the way I was programming
 javascript for a while. anyway I have some features that will please
 me if they are incorporated in the prototype.js file.

 the first is the ability to dynamically load javascript and css into
 the page. ...

One thing to keep in mind is that using several http requests (even
when content is cached) instead of using one is a lot slower.

I use a script that combines js and css files on the server side and
serves the combined files out of a public cache directory.  You can
use firebug + yslow to compare the no-cache and prime-cache cases for
separate and combined files.

For developers, yes, keeping files separate and dependencies mapped
can be very quick.  That is why I keep a directory called global
where I keep lots of files with small snippets.  The snippets are
compiled into one file for global use.  In my environment, firebug +
yslow showed an enormous improvement with 1 http request instead of 12
http requests.  The primed-cache comparison also showed improvement.

- Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: Ticket 10030 - is Ajax.Request.success() broken?

2007-11-16 Thread Ken Snyder

Patch submitted:  http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/10191

- Changed Ajax.Request.respondToReadyState() to fire onSuccess for local 
files and on0 + onFailure for network errors
- Changed Ajax.Request.getStatus() to map IE error status codes to 0
- Changed Ajax.Request.success() to define success as a status between 
200 and 299

Seems to test fine.  Feed back is welcomed.

- Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: Ticket 10030 - is Ajax.Request.success() broken?

2007-11-14 Thread Ken Snyder

Tobie Langel wrote:
 Regarding the file protocol issue, that's easy:
 window.location.protocol is all you need as per SOP.

But what about http pages accessing files?  I was under the impression 
that this is the prime testing situation.

 Just discussed the other points with Andrew.

 To summarize:

 - file protocol should always return success.
 - previously mentioned non-standard status codes for IE should always
 return a status code of 0.
 - status code of 0 should trigger an onFailure callback (except
 obviously for the file protocol).
 - status code of 0 should trigger an on0 callback.
 - as the specs don't yet specify that an exception should be raised in
 case of a network error, we won't implement that for the moment. So a
 status code of 0 will not trigger an onException callback.

 You're welcomed to submit a patch.

Extremely helpful.
One question: We want the file protocol to always trigger onSuccess, but 
what status code should it return? 200?  I'm assuming we don't want 
files to trigger on0

I'll try to submit a patch this week.

- Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: Ticket 10030 - is Ajax.Request.success() broken?

2007-11-13 Thread Ken Snyder

Tobie Langel wrote:
 Some browsers - I can't remember witch - always return a status of 0
 for the file: protocol, others don't return a value at all in that
 case, hence this hack.

 We're going to be doing more work on Ajax for 1.6.1, but I'm not even
 sure there is a real solution ot his issue.


I think the trick here is to return a separate status code for files 
instead of zero.  I believe it is possible to handle all situations.

Here is the result of my research on status codes:

Calling HTTP(S) ajax url

Network error scenarios:
FF2 - throws exception
S3 - transport.status == 0
O9 - transport.status == 0
IE6/7 - transport.status == (one of the following)
  1223 : Client canceled request
  12002: Server timeout
  12029: Dropped connection
  12030: Dropped connection
  12031: Dropped connection
  12152: Connection closed by server

Calling file-based ajax url

Success: ALL BROWSERS - transport.status == 0
Failure: ALL BROWSERS - transport.status == 0

Note: for network errors on FF 1.x transport.status == 200 and no 
exception is thrown so the developer is left to see that the response is 
empty to know of a failure. I don't think there is a workaround.

So how can we know the difference between a network error and a 
file-based url call?--Both url and location.protocol give clues.

IMHO it is important that we properly route all these codes: file-based 
requests should always fire onSuccess (unless we can figure out how to 
detect a file-based failure) and any of the network error codes should 
throw onException.  Right now, we get all sorts of kooky callbacks 
such as on0 and on12029.

For more info and links to my sources, see the discussion from Sept:

- Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: Hiding a not-yet-rendered DOM node

2007-11-07 Thread Ken Snyder

Ignacio Coloma wrote:
 Hi, I know that prototype should be kept as simple as possible but
 this is a common use case IMHO.

 This is a technique to avoid the brief flash that happens when you
 want a DOM node hidden if the browser has javascript, but be shown if
 it does  not:
Why not use noscript?  What are the use cases?

- Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: JSON conversion isn't adequate

2007-09-25 Thread Ken Snyder

Andrew Red wrote:
 1. Date#toJSON returns a string, if evaluated, it won't become that
 same date again:

 I'd like to note that this unit test passes in IE and FF:
   testDate: function() {with(this) {
   var date = new Date();
   assert((eval('new Date(' + (date - 0) + ')') - 0) == (date - 

 I'd like to propose this method instead of the current one:
 Date#toJSON = function() {
   return '(new Date(' + (this - 0) + '))';
JSON has no special provision for storing dates.  They should be stored 
as strings.  Douglas Crockford's implementations uses ISO format with 
UTC time components.

 2. Also, Object.toJSON returns undefined if the argument is Element.
 However, it might return a script that re-creates the structure of
 their childern.(Like, using your ingenious DOM Bulider.)
What would a server do with the properties of a DOM Element?  There are 
loads of native JS objects that don't really have any value by 
themselves as JSON.  (e.g. window, Regexp objects, form objects, etc.)

 3. Number.NaN is not null, it's Number.NaN. The string 'Number.NaN'
 evaluates to this type and instance of JS object. 'null' evaluates to
 null instead, it also loses the original type of the Number object.

NaN is not in the JSON specifications either.  Null is the closest 
representation to NaN.

Prototype's toJSON methods must play nice with server-side 
interpreters.  AFAIK, client-server communication is the main use case 
for JSON.  Also consider that JSON is not eval'ed unless the regex 
detects that there are no illegal tokens such as function calls that 
would open up a script to hacking.

Also see:

- Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Ajax.Request.getStatus() new in 1.6

2007-09-12 Thread Ken Snyder

Tobie Langel wrote:
 So Tobie, how would you use the file protocol for an ajax request?
 It's mainly a backwards compatibility issue (plus it can be useful for
 testing purposes).

Looking at John Resig's jQuery, I see that the file protocol is 
considered.  However, it doesn't account for URLs which have links to 
static content as you mentioned might be used in testing.

httpSuccess: function( r ) {
try {
return !r.status  location.protocol == file: ||
( r.status = 200  r.status  300 ) || r.status == 304 ||
jQuery.browser.safari  r.status == undefined;
} catch(e){}
return false;

Below is an untested patch.  Is it in line with your vision of 
functionality?  It allows URLs to call local files, eliminates the on0 
callback and calls onSuccess for both local files and successful 
requests.  My question is: Is it possible to detect when local files 
fail to load?

- Ken Snyder

Index: ajax.js
--- ajax.js(revision 7468)
+++ ajax.js(working copy)
@@ -74,6 +74,9 @@
   request: function(url) {
 this.url = url;
+this.isLocalUrl = this.url.indexOf('file:') === 0 ||
+  (location.protocol == 'file:'  this.url.indexOf('://') == -1);
 this.method = this.options.method;
 var params = Object.clone(this.options.parameters);
@@ -162,24 +165,32 @@
   success: function() {
 var status = this.getStatus();
-return !status || (status = 200  status  300);
+return status == 304 || (status = 200  status  300) || 
(this.isLocalUrl  !status);
   getStatus: function() {
 try {
-  return this.transport.status || 0;
-} catch (e) { return 0 }
-  },
+  var status = this.transport.status;
+  if (this.isLocalUrl)
+return 200;
+  if ([1223, 12002, 12029, 12030, 12031, 12152].member(status))
+return 0;
+  return status;
+} catch(e) {
+  return 0;
+  }, 
   respondToReadyState: function(readyState) {
-var state = Ajax.Request.Events[readyState], response = new 
+var state = Ajax.Request.Events[readyState];
+var json = this.evalJSON();
 if (state == 'Complete') {
   try {
 this._complete = true;
-(this.options['on' + response.status]
+(this.options['on' + (this.getStatus() || 'Exception')]
  || this.options['on' + (this.success() ? 'Success' : 'Failure')]
- || Prototype.emptyFunction)(response, response.headerJSON);
+ || Prototype.emptyFunction)(this.transport, json);
   } catch (e) {

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[Prototype-core] Re: Ajax.Request.getStatus() new in 1.6

2007-09-10 Thread Ken Snyder

Tobie Langel wrote:
 So Tobie, how would you use the file protocol for an ajax request?
 It's mainly a backwards compatibility issue (plus it can be useful for
 testing purposes).
After some testing, I am seeing how using onNetworkError is not 
helpful since some network errors (such as dropping vpn connection) 
produce exceptions anyway.  It makes more sense if all network errors 
trigger the onException callback.

As far as local file support: Tobie, would the folllowing isLocalUrl 
test be sufficient to test if the file protocol is used?  I'm not real 
familiar with file protocol behavior, especially across OSs and Browsers.

I'm just thinking it would be best to submit a patch that addresses both 
issues since you mention that requesting local files looks like a 
network error due to transport.status = 0.

- Ken Snyder

Ajax.Request = Class.create(Ajax.Base, {
  request: function(url) {
this.url = url;

// we have a local request if:
//   the url begins with file OR
//   the window url begins with file and the url does not contain 
this.isLocalUrl = (this.url.indexOf('file') === 0 || (
  window.location.href.indexOf('file') === 0  
this.url.indexOf('://') == -1

this.method = this.options.method;

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[Prototype-core] Re: Ajax.Request.getStatus() new in 1.6

2007-09-07 Thread Ken Snyder

jdalton wrote:
 I like the idea of having one handle for those cryptic error codes.

 Would onNetworkError be different than onException ( does the
 onException get called as well??)
In my current implementation, a network error triggers onNetworkError, 
onLoaded, onComplete, then onFailure.  I find the onNetworkError to be 
important because the developer can stop sending ajax requests until the 
user indicates that a connection has been re-established.  Or, perhaps 
connection-testing ajax requests can be sent on a periodic basis.

Throwing an exception is fine as long as the exception is clearly 
distinguishable from other exceptions.  A custom onNetworkError callback 
seems more useful than having to test the exception.

So Tobie, how would you use the file protocol for an ajax request?  For 
including a client's local file with static content?  Is there any other 
indication that it is a local file other than the url having file* ?

- Ken

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[Prototype-core] Ajax.Request.getStatus() new in 1.6

2007-09-06 Thread Ken Snyder

I see that Sam added a new function to 1.6
svn--Ajax.Request.getStatus(). I'm curious because I just did some
research on status codes when the network connection is dropped and
wondered if any of you (especially Sam) have any additional insight.

To summarize the situation: when ajax calls encounter network errors,
FF2 throws an exception when reading transport.status; Opera 9 and
Safari 3 show transport.status = 0; IE6 and IE7 show transport.status =
12029 (or one of 5 other values).

I see the new getStatus() function now accounts for exceptions and
transport.status of 0 (O9, S3, FF2), and thus has an on0 callback.  I
propose adding IE support and changing the callback name to

Here is the code (I will submit a patch):

Ajax.Request = {
  success: function() {
var status = this.getStatus();
return status != 'NetworkError'  status = 200  status  300;

  getStatus: function() {
try {
  var status = this.transport.status;
  if ([0, 1223, 12002, 12029, 12030, 12031, 12152].include(status))
return 'NetworkError';
  return status;
} catch(e) {
  // allow callback functions to access properties without
generating an Exception
  this.transport = {};
  return 'NetworkError';

Network error scenarios:
FF - throws exception
IE6/7 - transport.status = 12029 (or other, see below)
S3 - transport.status = 0
O9 - transport.status = 0

IE status Error codes:
1223 : Client canceled request
12002: Server timeout
12029: Dropped connection
12030: Dropped connection
12031: Dropped connection
12152: Connection closed by server

Also of note is that FF 1.x returns a status of 200 on network errors
(no Exception), so the developer is left to see that the response is
empty to know of a failure.


- Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: Indiscriminate use of breaking into words function $w()

2007-09-03 Thread Ken Snyder

Andrew Red wrote:
 I notice a function which breaks a string into array of words ( $w() )
 is used along the code very indiscriminately just when a simple array
 would suffice.

I'm also new to the Ruby world.  It seems that the $w() function has an 
analogous %w() in Ruby and qw() in Perl so apparently the concept is 
quite widespread.  As you know, Ruby and Perl are pioneers of short 
function names and shorthand notation which can be quite foreign to 
those like you and I coming from other languages.

In many situations $w() does save a lot of space and makes things _more_ 
readable, so, for consistency, the idea is to use it everywhere within 
the framework.

- Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: simulated DOMContentReady event

2007-08-31 Thread Ken Snyder

Andrew Dupont wrote:
 Imagine you've got a page with some inline code that assigns stuff to
 DOMContentLoaded. Now imagine it's a fragment, not a full page, and
 you're loading it via Ajax.

 Jeff, my suggestion is to write your own Event.onReady function (or
 something like it) that wraps around the 1.6 event code.


If I remember correctly, this situation happens anytime a script 
fragment just before /body/html tries to attach a handler 
onDOMContentLoaded: the content registers as loaded before the script 
fragment can finish executing.

I found it essential that the wrapper account for situations where 
events are attached to onDOMContentLoaded after onDOMContentLoaded has 

- Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: string number check

2007-08-28 Thread Ken Snyder
Don't forget other forms such as -3000 +3000 and 3e4

An alternative to regexes:

function isNumeric(str) {
  return parseFloat(str) == str;

It will return true for strings that JS would automatically convert to a 

- Ken Snyder

Frederic Gaus wrote:
 Hi eggie

 eggie5 schrieb:
 How would I check if a string is a number?

 Please use the prototype-user ml for these questions. By the way, this 
 question is not even prototype-related - you can do this simply with 
 native JS-Functions:

 01122302.match(/[^0-9]/g) = true

 0.23232.match(/[^0-9]/g) = false

 0.23232.match(/[^0-9.,]/g) = true

 abc.match(/[^0-9]/g) = false




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[Prototype-core] Date prototype functions [BUMP]

2007-08-23 Thread Ken Snyder
Mislav Marohnic' wrote:
 Ken, these are nice and certainly useful, but I don't think most of 
 the people have a need for them. Most of the heavy-duty date/time 
 logic should be kept in your application (server-side). But I'll let 
 other core members speak for themselves.

 You're encouraged to keep maintaining this extensions and releasing 
 them open-source so people who do need them can benefit.
I understand and do plan to release a full-featured version as a 
plugin.  However, I'd like to submit the following idea for adding 47 
lines to core.  Again, I understand that it is probably outside of core 
functionality--it is unusual that an app needs date fields or date 
calculation on every page.  I'm just thinking that Prototype has no date 
functionality and if ever desired, this is a creative direction. 

The snippet below combines some date and date prototype methods along 
with Nicolas's suggested number prototype methods.  I also have a short 
strftime-like format function that I love, but it is short as in 50 more 
lines.  I'll submit this lean version as a patch once tested.

- Ken

(function() {
  var multipliers = {
year: 365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
month: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
week: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
day: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
hour: 60 * 60 * 1000,
minute: 60 * 1000,
second: 1000,
millisecond: 1
  for (var unit in multipliers) {
multipliers[unit + 's'] = multipliers[unit];
  for (unit in multipliers) {
Number.prototype[unit] = function() {
  return this * multipliers[unit];
  Object.extend(Date.prototype, {
succ: function() {
  return new Date(this.getTime() + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
add: function(number, unit) {
  this.setTime(this.getTime() + (number * multipliers[unit || 'day']));
  return this;
diff: function(dateObj, unit, allowDecimal) {
  dateObj = $D(dateObj);
  if (dateObj === null) return null;
  var ms = this.getTime() - dateObj.getTime();
  var unitDiff = ms / multipliers[unit || 'day'];
  return (allowDecimal ? unitDiff : Math.floor(unitDiff));
toJSON: function() {
  return '' + this.getFullYear() + '-' +
(this.getMonth() + 1).toPaddedString(2) + '-' +
this.getDate().toPaddedString(2) + 'T' +
this.getHours().toPaddedString(2) + ':' +
this.getMinutes().toPaddedString(2) + ':' +
this.getSeconds().toPaddedString(2) + '';
  Object.extend(Date, {
create: function(str) {
  if (str.constructor === Date) return str;
  var ms = Date.parse(str.replace('-', '/'));
  return isNaN(ms) ? null : new Date(ms);
$D = Date.create;
String.prototype.toDate = function() {
  return $D(this);

// example usage

// $D() is like $(): it can accept a string or a Date object yet always 
returns a Date object
$D('08/23/2007 00:00:00');

// Date.prototype.add() [chainable]
$D('August 23, 2007').add(5.months());

// Date.prototype.succ()
$R($D('Aug 23 2007'), $D('Aug 25 2007')).invoke('getTime');

// Date.prototype.diff()
$D('23 Aug 2007').diff('08-25-2007', 'hours'); // 48

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[Prototype-core] Date prototype functions [BUMP]

2007-08-22 Thread Ken Snyder
What is the feeling on adding functions to Date.prototype?  As mentioned 
in March (see message at bottom), adding Date.prototype.succ() would 
allow some helpful iterating.  I would suggest an optional argument to 
succ for time period and I also would like to throw out several more 
possible methods (below).

- Ken Snyder

// format
var d = new Date().format('%Y-%m-%d'); // 2007-08-17
// create(static)
Date.create('8-17-07').format('%Y-%m-%d'); // 2007-08-17
// add
var d = new Date().add(2, 'month').format('%Y-%m-%d'); // 2007-10-17
// diff
new Date().diff(d, 'month'); // 2
// succ
new Date().succ('year').format('%Y'); // 2008
// isEqual
new Date().isEqual('2007-08-17', 'day'); // true
// isBefore
new Date().isBefore('08-18-2007 7:00pm'); // true
// isAfter
new Date().isAfter('8/16/2007'); // true
// withinRange
new Date().withinRange('8/1/2007', '8-31-07'); // true
// daysInMonth (static)
Date.daysInMonth(2007, 2); // 28
// ISO (static property)
Date.create('8-17-2007').format(Date.ISO); // 2007-08-17 00:00:00

If the team is interested, I could refactor my current implementation 
for these functions and submit it as a patch for close review.  I 
understand users would probably want it lean and light if included at all.

2007-03-10 agrath wrote:

  This is a succ function for the date prototype and could be a worthy
  Date.prototype.succ = function(){
return new Date(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate()

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[Prototype-core] Re: 1.6 release; suggestion for templates

2007-08-20 Thread Ken Snyder

Andriy Mykhaylyuk wrote:
 Hello guys, thanx for update, and my congratulations, looks like a lot
 of people loves new updates.

 And I have a feature suggestion for templates system. That will be
 great if templates will support some sort of cycles with internal
 templates or table building. Something like gridview in ASP.NET for
 example. For a table builder it's good if we will have supported
 following templates : Row, AlternatingRow, Header, Footer, EmptyData.

 What do you think about ?

I agree that more robust templating isn't a good fit for core.  I had a
similar need and came up with a compiled template class that is made for
using a server-side html template to repeatedly generate content in
JavaScript.  Now that html5 embraces innerHTML, it is time to take
advantage of it's speed.

I have a piece of code in production that you can see here:
http://rafb.net/p/jxjGr139.html.  I'm working on making it more robust,
but it is completely extensible and would allow you to add simple
functions to give the table functionality you mention.  When I finish,
I'll do a full write-up on my web site.

- Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Date prototype functions

2007-08-17 Thread Ken Snyder

What is the feeling on adding functions to Date.prototype?  As mentioned 
in March (see message at bottom), adding Date.prototype.succ() would 
allow some helpful iterating.  I would suggest an optional argument to 
succ for time period and I also would like to throw out several more 
possible methods (below).

- Ken Snyder

// format
var d = new Date().format('%Y-%m-%d'); // 2007-08-17
// create(static)
Date.create('8-17-07').format('%Y-%m-%d'); // 2007-08-17
// add
var d = new Date().add(2, 'month').format('%Y-%m-%d'); // 2007-10-17
// diff
new Date().diff(d, 'month'); // 2
// succ
new Date().succ('year').format('%Y'); // 2008
// isEqual
new Date().isEqual('2007-08-17', 'day'); // true
// isBefore
new Date().isBefore('08-18-2007 7:00pm'); // true
// isAfter
new Date().isAfter('8/16/2007'); // true
// withinRange
new Date().withinRange('8/1/2007', '8-31-07'); // true
// daysInMonth (static)
Date.daysInMonth(2007, 2); // 28
// ISO (static property)
Date.create('8-17-2007').format(Date.ISO); // 2007-08-17 00:00:00

If the team is interested, I could refactor my current implementation 
for these functions and submit it as a patch for close review.  I 
understand users would probably want it lean and light if included at all.

2007-03-10 agrath wrote:

 This is a succ function for the date prototype and could be a worthy

 Date.prototype.succ = function(){
   return new Date(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate()


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[Prototype-core] Re: Enumerable.pluck()-like setter

2007-08-15 Thread Ken Snyder

Tom Gregory wrote:

 apply: function(iterator, attribute, value) {
 return this.map(function(item, index) {
item[attribute] = value;


I've run into a need for this as well.  I'd vote for including it under 
a name 'setAll' or 'setEach'. 

Or, what is the exact opposite of pluck? Pin? Place? Affix?  :P

- Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: RegExp#escape

2007-07-24 Thread Ken Snyder

Sam Stephenson wrote:
 Good idea.  Ruby has this, too, and I've missed it in JavaScript.   
 Could you submit a tested patch to trac?

Patch with tests are posted. (http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/9094)

- ken

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[Prototype-core] Re: Assigning an unique ID

2007-07-18 Thread Ken Snyder

Tobie Langel wrote:
 I'm also concerned about naming the method adequately. Sam suggested
 Element#denominate which looks nicer than (generate|assign)Id but
 which I fear could be confused with setting the name attribute. The
 only other option I came up with is Element#identify. Thoughts on this
 issue ?
 Also, I'm wondering whether the method should return the element - for
 chaining purposes and to follow the general pattern of the other DOM
 methods - or the generated id itself, which IMHO would proove more
 useful here. Again, what are your thoughts ?

 Thanks for your valuable input,

The function seems more useful if it returns the id.  I'd vote for the 
name Element#getId().  Then you can call the function and always get an 
id back regardless of whether the element has an id already.  I like 
Jeff Watkin's exact implementation.  I think that the namespacing idea 
is interesting but an edge case--creating groups of elements is as easy 
as creating a hash:

{group1: [el1, el2, el3], group2: [el4, el5, el6]}

- Ken

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[Prototype-core] Assigning an unique ID

2007-07-18 Thread Ken Snyder

Michael Peters wrote:
 Just some random thoughts: maybe putting it in String since it returns a 
 String.createUid()? Or maybe hanging it off of Prototype itself (seems like 
 would set a bad precedent for hanging tons of useful methods off of the
 Prototype namespace). In Perl land we have Data::UUID for stuff like this, so
 maybe we should introduce a Data namespace?
Having a general object utility is a good idea. And, as Ryan points out, 
a prefix can provide a simple convention for future access to elements 
without caching the ids.

Brainstorming in specifics, what about a method called 
Object#assignGuid?  After all, we are reading/writing a property of an 
object.  Below is Jeff's original function reincarnated.  I think it is 
simple and widely useful.

Object.assignGuid = function(object, prefix) {
  if (prefix === undefined) prefix = '__guid';
  if (!object.id) {
object.id = prefix + (arguments.callee.nextId++);
  return object.id;
Object.assignGuid.nextId = 0;

Then, if we wanted to cater to the high-use-case Element or 
Element.Method scenario:

Element.assignGuid = function(element, prefix) {
  return Object.assignGuid($(element), prefix);

- Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: Assigning an unique ID

2007-07-14 Thread Ken Snyder
Jeff Watkins wrote:
 Element.Methods.assignId = function(element) {
 element= $(element);
 if (!element.id)
 element.id= uniqeId_ + (arguments.callee._nextUniqueId++);
 return element.id;
+1 for such an addition.  It is especially useful for object 
hashing--being able to look up some data by element.  It looks like the 
YUI library uses a similar function called generateId() in their drag 
and drop, menus, treeviews and more.

- Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Inheritance: your thoughts?

2007-06-25 Thread Ken Snyder
Mislav Marohnic' wrote:

 In conclusion, my philosophy is:

 * no magic properties except initialize
 * keep the inheritance support code simple and short , otherwise
   it makes no sense in having it
 * leave room for users to make their own additions to the
   inheritance support code
 * no dollar-signs and underscores because they indicate bad design
   (exceptions from this rule are $super/$parent)
 * don't try to make defining of classes look like you're writing
   Ruby, it simply won't work.

This is EXACTLY how I feel--your whole post.  Much better than I could 
say it.  As far as the superchaining property, I like (1) $super, (2) 

+1 for simple and short support for inheritance in Prototype

I'd also like to throw in the idea that we need to prove the final 
OO-design decisions with use cases.  We can write animal-sounds code all 
day long, but JavaScript is such a unique language, I think we ought to 
prove the design by creating some actual web-app Widgets that become 
quicker to write and become more maintainable and extensible by using OO 

The need for advanced OO JavaScript is such an edge case right now--I 
think we need to prove its real-world value.

--Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: Inheritance: your thoughts?

2007-06-25 Thread Ken Snyder
Mislav Marohnic' wrote:
 On 6/25/07, *Andrew Dupont* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Perhaps someone could volunteer to convert a piece of Scriptaculous or
 Rico just for illustration purposes?

 Stuff in Prototype that benefits from inheritance:

 TimedObserver, PeriodicalExecuter, Form.Observer, 
 Form.Element.Observer, Form.EventObserver
 Observer class from event.js in the event branch
 Ajax.Request, Ajax.Updater, Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater and maybe other 
 (new) Ajax stuff
Yah, those use _inheritance_, but how much would they benefit from this 
new advanced inheritance?  How many of those methods would be 
shorter/more maintainable/more extensible by accessing this.$super et al?

Browsing those functions, I don't see much if any opportunities for 
improvement on those class methods.  Looking closely at the Ajax 
classes, for example, I see only one method (Ajax.Updater.initialize) 
that is actually superseding a parent method.  See below.

Aren't all the new OO patterns we are discussing dependent on child 
methods that supersede parent methods?  Maybe I'm mistaken.

I think that even just talking generally about how classes and functions 
would be rewritten would be helpful to assessing real-world value.


var Ajax = {
  getTransport: function() {...},
  activeRequestCount: 0

Ajax.Responders = {
  responders: [],
  _each: function(iterator) {...},
  register: function(responder) {...},
  unregister: function(responder) {...},
  dispatch: function(callback, request, transport, json) {...}

Object.extend(Ajax.Responders, Enumerable);


Ajax.Base = function() {...};
Ajax.Base.prototype = {
  setOptions: function(options) {...}

Ajax.Request = Class.create();
Ajax.Request.Events = [...];

Ajax.Request.prototype = Object.extend(new Ajax.Base(), {
  _complete: false,
  initialize: function(url, options) {...},
  request: function(url) {...},
  onStateChange: function() {...},
  setRequestHeaders: function() {...},
  success: function() {...},
  respondToReadyState: function(readyState) {...},
  getHeader: function(name) {...},
  evalJSON: function() {...},
  evalResponse: function() {...},
  dispatchException: function(exception) {...}

Ajax.Updater = Class.create();

Ajax.Request.prototype), {
  **initialize: function(container, url, options) {...},
  updateContent: function() {...}

Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater = Class.create();
Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater.prototype = Object.extend(new Ajax.Base(), {
  initialize: function(container, url, options) {...},
  start: function() {...},
  stop: function() {...},
  updateComplete: function(request) {...},
  onTimerEvent: function() {...}

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[Prototype-core] Small Documentation Request - Enumerable.invoke

2007-06-22 Thread Ken Snyder

Hi Team,

I just wanted to make a small documentation request for 
Enumerable.invoke.  I discovered it useful that invoke returns the 
processed array of items.  The docs specify that invoke returns an 
array, but it isn't clear that you can chain two invoke commands to call 
two methods in succession.  See examples below.


Ken Snyder


$$('#windows div.close')

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[Prototype-core] Re: Small Documentation Request - Enumerable.invoke

2007-06-22 Thread Ken Snyder

Mislav Marohnić wrote:
 Thanks. It's not obvious to all, so I added one of your examples to 
 the doc.

Awesome! That was faster than approving a wiki edit :P

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[Prototype-core] Re: Hijack Browser Loading

2007-06-14 Thread Ken Snyder

 You are correct in your assumption of the functionality and
 unfortunately came to the same conclusion as me in that it can't be
 done.  I do like your idea of setting a cookie maybe once the page is
 loaded saving wether the browser has JS enabled.  Then my server side
 code could check that cookie on the next page request and serve up all
 the images if no JS or only the first tab's images if they have JS.

 The only other option I'm thinking of is wether I could use something
 like a noscript / block in an image src?  Is that valid
Ah yes!  I believe you can have any content in a noscript block.  Just 
keep the content to a minimum since ninety-someodd-percent people have 
javascript enabled.



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[Prototype-core] Re: Hijack Browser Loading

2007-06-13 Thread Ken Snyder

 Hey guys,

 I'm building a web app and am hoping to minimize the images loaded per
 page.  I like the way YouTube only loads the thumbnails of the images
 you can see and then waits till you scroll before loading any others.
 They do this by placing img / tags for the initial images and then
 use javascript to fill out the rest.  The only problem with this is
 someone without javascript won't see any of those additional images.
 So my question, and thought, was to do something like this:
This looks like a question for the Rails-Spinoffs group.

A simple unobtrusive approach would be to have a drawer of thumbnails 
with a link to view more images.  For JavaScript enabled browsers, 
simply override the functionality of that link to load a list of image 
locations from memory or by AJAX.

An image will be downloaded by the browser anytime 1) it parses an img 
with a src attribute, 2) an img node  with a src attribute is added to 
the DOM via JavaScript, or 3) any existing img has its src changed via 
JavaScript.  This should be standard across all browsers.

As a developer, you should be able to control when images are loaded by 
keeping these three in mind.  Note that browser image caching rules 
apply according to the HTTP headers sent with the image.

--Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: Hijack Browser Loading

2007-06-13 Thread Ken Snyder
 A simple unobtrusive approach would be to have a drawer of thumbnails
 with a link to view more images.  For JavaScript enabled browsers,
 simply override the functionality of that link to load a list of image
 locations from memory or by AJAX.

 The only problem with that is people without JavaScript don't see
 those additional images.  Let me explain a little more:  I have three
 tabs, and only one can be viewed at a time.  Therefore, I'd really
 only like the images to only be loaded in the first viewed tab,
 there's no since loading images in a tab people can't see.  Then when
 people click over to another tab those images are loaded.

 Make sense?
No.  I don't see how you can click over to another tab or load more 
images unless you use JavaScript and or provide a link that loads a new 
page with new images.  You can only control the loading of images by 
changing the URL or JavaScripting.

Maybe provide an example page?


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[Prototype-core] Re: Community Repository

2007-05-17 Thread Ken Snyder
Mislav Marohnic' wrote:
 On 5/17/07, *Ken Snyder* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Would the Prototype Core Team endorse an official repository

 Probably, but only with scripts and plugins actually *maintained* by 
 the Core team.


 I'm sure that we could find community resources for design,
 hosting, and
 maintaining an official repository.  What are the Core Team's

 Dunno. We obviously can't tell what the community can or can't do. But 
 we're always on the lookout for great Prototype-related stuff and 
 probably would support such project by linking and writing about it.

Awesome.  Thanks again for all your hard work!  I think I'll try out 
Ben's Wiki.

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[Prototype-core] Object.extend() with Multiple Sources

2007-05-04 Thread Ken Snyder

Has it ever been proposed to change Object.extend() to accept multiple 

For example, instead of:

Ajax.Request.prototype), {...}));

do the following:

Object.extend(Ajax.Updater.prototype, Ajax.Request.prototype, {...});

Here is a quick example rewrite:

Object.extend = function() {
  var sources = $A(arguments), destination = sources.shift();
  sources.each(function(source) {
for (var property in source) {
  destination[property] = source[property];
  return destination;

Would core be interested in such a patch, or is there some drawbacks I'm 
missing?  Too much overhead maybe?

-- Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] Re: adding $parent to Object.extend

2007-03-30 Thread Ken Snyder
Ryan Gahl wrote:
 You may find my blog entry from last week to be interesting here: 

 As I state in the entry, I borrow from Kevin Lindsey's inheritance 
 model, but have made it work quite nicely with prototype, and honestly 
 think it would fit nicely into the core (keep Object.extend as is but 
 add Object.inherit)

Very clever and exciting implementation!  +1 for adding this to core.  
It is simple, powerful, and more syntactically appealing than Dean 
Edward's Base.  It seems like a convention that Prototype could easily 

--Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] CSS syntax for node creation?

2007-03-20 Thread Ken Snyder

That would certainly be unique and powerful.  What would this 
hypothetical class allow?  Consider the following:

Create and Append at Position-- new Element('#content div#mynode.someClass')
Define Attributes-- new Element('[EMAIL PROTECTED]text]')
Create an Array of Nodes-- new Element('#address li.errors span')

The more I think about it, the more my brain hurts.  Not sure if that 
means it is a good idea or not :P


Colin Mollenhour wrote:
 Just a thought, if a future version of prototype were to include a
 simple element creation method, what about using CSS syntax for
 specification of id and class? i.e.:

 var node = new Element('div#mynode.someClass');

 Could the new CSS3 parser be easily reused to implement this? I looked
 at it briefly but it's pretty complex :)

 Good idea or bad?



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[Prototype-core] Re: Ajax.Request Breaks on Firefox

2007-02-23 Thread Ken Snyder

Andrew Dupont wrote:
 (I seem to recall there's an older version
 of Crockford's library that plays nice -- Mislav, do you know where to
 find it?)...
I posted an older version several weeks ago on ROR-spinoffs.  There are 
several versions of JSON that don't rely on Object.prototype; they 
create a JSON object with methods stringify and parse.  Pick your favorite:


Ken Snyder

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[Prototype-core] From rubyonrails-spinoffs: is Element.setStyle a resource hog?

2007-02-18 Thread Ken Snyder

Andrew Dupont wrote:
 I just submitted #7585: http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/7585

 This patch also serves as an example of how I'd like to overhaul
 Prototype's browser detection.
This looks beautiful.  Great work!

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[Prototype-core] More Event Handling Propositions

2007-02-08 Thread Ken Snyder

Colin Mollenhour wrote:
 But, I don't think the overhead of a bind call and the storage of an
 object with a function for EACH event observed is justifiable, just to
 have the convenience of:
 rather than:
Colin, your patch is superb.  Thanks!

I completely agree. Memory usage and speed far outweigh the syntactic 
sugar gained by returning an object.

I've been doing a lot of research on the subject of Event registration.  
It made me question: do we really need to detach listeners in IE on 
unload?  Unless anyone knows for sure, I plan to test.  It might make 
sens to turn off caching by default _if_ detaching IE listeners on 
unload is unnecessary.  Also, I think we can remove the try-catch blocks 
on lines 116 and 125 of your patch because exceptions should never be 
generated (see 
more testing...


P.S. Just to share my research, let me summarize the Event registry 
issues: (via http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_advanced.html and others)

1. In IE, this inside the attached function refers to window.
2. In IE, events always bubble.
3. The new W3C Event attribute eventListenerList is not yet 
implemented in any browser.
4. Legacy browsers (NS4,IE4,IE5/Mac) do not support multiple event 
5. Some browsers prefer keydown over keypress.
6. Safari will return text nodes as targets.

1. Prototype cleverly circumvents the first: Prototype provides 
Function.bindAsEventListener() and Event.element(event) to reliably find 
the target element.  I say clever because other solutions (such as 
attaching the function to the element: 
end up causing more problems than they solve.  Incidentally, I find that 
passing arguments to Function.bind() and Function.bindAsEventListener() 
often makes using Event.element() unnecessary.

2. Prototype solution: In both models Event.stop() stops bubbling if 

3. Prototype solution: To be addressed through caching (i.e. Colin's patch!)

4. Prototype solution: Do not support legacy browsers (hallelujah)

5. Prototype solution: Simple detection

6. Prototype solution: none.  Should we patch Event.element() with an 
additional line?

Event.element = function(event) {
  var target = event.target || event.srcElement;
  return target  target.nodeType == 3 ? target.parentNode : target;

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[Prototype-core] More Event Handling Propositions

2007-02-07 Thread Ken Snyder

Along with all this Event handling discussion, I'd like to throw in my 
ideas for a rewrite of Event.observe et al before I test and submit as a 
patch.  My proposed changes allow the traditional Event.stopObserving() 
and simplify some of the current messaging ideas.  Please provide feedback.

Consider this API:

var myHandle = Event.observe(myElement, 'click', myFunction);

// with support for the traditional Event.stopObserving()
Event.stopObserving(myElement, 'click', myFunction);

Draft suggestion below.  One thing I'm also considering is making the 
handle's stopObserving function remove its own entry from the 
Event.observers array, but that isn't technically necessary.

--Ken Snyder

Object.extend(Event, {
// the cache of observers
observers: [],
// replacements for observe, stopObserving, unloadCache with 
enhanced functionality
observe: function( element, event, observer, useCapture ) {
element = $(element);
useCapture = useCapture || false;
element[Event._addFnName](Event._eventName(event), observer, 
var handle = {
event: event,
observer: observer,
useCapture: useCapture,
stopObserving = function() {
try { 
element[Event._removeFnName](Event._eventName(event), observer, 
useCapture); } catch(e) {}
return handle;
stopObserving: function( element, event, observer, useCapture ) {
element = $(element);
useCapture = useCapture || false;
Event._stopObservations(function(handle) {
return handle.element==element  handle.event==event  
handle.observer==observer  handle.useCapture==useCapture;
unloadCache: function() {
Event.observers = null;
// New methods
// New method: cancel all the observers associated with a particular 
element for a particular event
stopObservingElementEvent: function( element, event ) {
element = $(element);
Event._stopObservations(function(handle) {
return handle.element==element  handle.event==event;
// New method: cancel all the observers associated with a particular 
stopObservingElement: function( element ) {
element = $(element);
Event._stopObservations(function(handle) {
return handle.element==element;
// internal function to cancel one or more observers
_stopObservations: function(partitioner) {
var handles = Event.observers.partition(partitioner);
if( handles[0].length ) {
Event.observers = handles[1];
// pre-define cross-browser function and event naming
if( window.addEventListener ) {
Event._addFnName = 'addEventListener';
Event._removeFnName = 'removeEventListener';
if( navigator.appVersion.match(/Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/) )
Event._eventName = function(name) { return name=='keypress' ? 
'keydown' : name; };
} else {
Event._eventName = function(name) { return name; };
} else if( window.attachEvent ) {
Event._addFnName = 'attachEvent';
Event._removeFnName = 'detachEvent';   
Event._eventName = function(name) { return 'on'+name; };
// garbage collect for IE
window.addEventListener('onunload', Event.unloadCache);

- Browser capability is detected only once
- Has a simpler API
- Gives a simple way to cancel all observers for a particular element or 
element-event combination
- It is simple to cache all observers associated with a particular 
widget and stop all with widgetHandles.invoke('stopObserving');
- It is easily extendable (i.e. new methods such as 
Event.isObservedElement() and Event.isObservedElementEvent())

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[Prototype-core] Re: More Event Handling Propositions

2007-02-07 Thread Ken Snyder

Ken Snyder wrote:
 Along with all this Event handling discussion, I'd like to throw in my 
 ideas for a rewrite of Event.observe et al before I test and submit as a 
 patch.  My proposed changes allow the traditional Event.stopObserving() 
 and simplify some of the current messaging ideas.  Please provide feedback.
Colin, thanks for pointing out that my observer array will slow things 
down in many cases. I really like your implementation, especially the 
way you keep a different EventCache object.  One thing I wonder, though, 
if like you said your function returns an index--an array index could be 
problematic, but why not use an object as a cache?  Consider the draft 


Object.extend(Event, {
  // the cache of observers
  observers: {},
  // the current position in our cache
  cacheIdx: 0,
  // added return of cacheIdx to allow Event.stopObserving(idx)
  observe: function( element, event, observer, useCapture ) {
element = $(element);
useCapture = useCapture || false;
element[this._addFnName](this._eventName(event), observer, useCapture);
this.observers[this.cacheIdx] = [element, event, observer, useCapture];
return cacheIdx;
  stopObserving: function( element, event, observer, useCapture ) {
if( typeof arguments[0]=='number' ) {
} else {
  element = $(element);
  useCapture = useCapture || false;
  element[this._removeFnName](this._eventName(event), observer, 
  // The current implementation seems not to clear the cache like this
  for( idx in this.observers ) {
if( this.observers[idx][0]==element 
  this.observers[idx][3]==useCapture) {
  delete this.observers[idx];
  unloadCache: function() {
for( idx in this.observers ) {
  // New methods
  // function that actually detaches the event and clears from cache
  _cancel: function(idx) {
var handle = this.observers[idx];
try {
handle.observer, handle.useCapture);
  delete this.observers[idx];
} catch(e) {}
  // New method: cancel all the observers associated with a particular 
element for a particular event
  stopObservingElementEvent: function( element, event ) {
element = $(element);
for( idx in this.observers ) {
  if( this.observers[idx][0]==element  this.observers[idx][1]==event )
  // New method: cancel all the observers associated with a particular 
  stopObservingElement: function( element ) {
element = $(element);
for( idx in this.observers ) {
  if( this.observers[idx][0]==element )
// cross-browser function and event naming
if( window.addEventListener ) {
  Event._addFnName = 'addEventListener';
  Event._removeFnName = 'removeEventListener';
  if( navigator.appVersion.match(/Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/) )
Event._eventName = function(name) { return name=='keypress' ? 
'keydown' : name; };
  } else {
Event._eventName = function(name) { return name; };
} else if( window.attachEvent ) {
  Event._addFnName = 'attachEvent';
  Event._removeFnName = 'detachEvent';  
  Event._eventName = function(name) { return 'on'+name; };
  // garbage collect for IE
  window.attachEvent('onunload', Event.unloadCache);

Using an indexed object as a cache even opens up the possibility of 
using my original API suggestion:
  observe: function( element, event, observer, useCapture ) {
element = $(element);
useCapture = useCapture || false;
element[this._addFnName](this._eventName(event), observer, useCapture);
this.observers[this.cacheIdx] = [element, event, observer, useCapture];
return { cancel: function() { Event._cancel(cacheIdx); } };
  stopObserving: function( element, event, observer, useCapture ) {
if( typeof arguments[0]=='object'  arguments[0].cancel ) {
} else {

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[Prototype-core] Re: Ajax Request Fails in Prototype Release 1.5 When also loading json.js

2007-02-07 Thread Ken Snyder

NL wrote:
 When loading both Prototype Release 1.5 and the The open source code
 of a JSON parser and JSON stringifier library (http://www.json.org/

 I tried this on Firefox (Mac)

 I haven't looked at the reason but have  a feeling this may impact
 other libraries as well.
Yes, the www.json.org implementation has some funky stuff.  For one, in 
the current version (2007-01-10), Object.prototype.toJSONString will 
cause problems with lots of other JS code (anything that iterates 
objects with for-in).  Here is an implementation based on a previous 
json.org implementation.  There are lots of other flavors out there too.

Copyright (c) 2005 JSON.org

The global object JSON contains two methods.

JSON.encode(value) takes a JavaScript value and produces a JSON text.
The value must not be cyclical.

JSON.decode(text) takes a JSON text and produces a JavaScript value. 
It will
return false if there is an error.
var JSON = function () {
var m = {
  '\b': '\\b',
  '\t': '\\t',
  '\n': '\\n',
  '\f': '\\f',
  '\r': '\\r',
  '' : '\\',
  '\\': ''
  s = {
  'boolean': function (x) {
return String(x);
  number: function (x) {
return isFinite(x) ? String(x) : 'null';
  string: function (x) {
if (/[\\\x00-\x1f]/.test(x)) {
x = x.replace(/([\x00-\x1f\\])/g, function(a, b) {
  var c = m[b];
  if (c) {
  return c;
  c = b.charCodeAt();
  return '\\u00' +
  Math.floor(c / 16).toString(16) +
  (c % 16).toString(16);
return '' + x + '';
  object: function (x) {
if (x) {
var a = [], b, f, i, l, v;
if (x instanceof Array) {
  a[0] = '[';
  l = x.length;
  for (i = 0; i  l; i += 1) {
  v = x[i];
  f = s[typeof v];
  if (f) {
v = f(v);
if (typeof v == 'string') {
if (b) {
  a[a.length] = ',';
a[a.length] = v;
b = true;
  a[a.length] = ']';
// Addition by Ken Snyder
} else if (x instanceof HTMLElement || x==window || x==opener) {
// End Addition
} else if (x instanceof Object) {
  a[0] = '{';
  for (i in x) {
  v = x[i];
  f = s[typeof v];
  if (f) {
v = f(v);
if (typeof v == 'string') {
if (b) {
  a[a.length] = ',';
a.push(s.string(i), ':', v);
b = true;
  a[a.length] = '}';
} else {
return a.join('');
return 'null';
return {
//  copyright: '(c)2005 JSON.org',
//  license: 'http://www.JSON.org/license.html',
Stringify a JavaScript value, producing a JSON text.
  encode: function (v) {
  var f = s[typeof v];
  if (f) {
v = f(v);
if (typeof v == 'string') {
return v;
  return null;
Parse a JSON text, producing a JavaScript value.
It returns false if there is a syntax error.
  decode: function (text) {
  try {
return !(/[^,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]/.test(
  text.replace(/(\\.|[^\\])*/g, ''))) 
eval('(' + text + ')');
  } catch (e) {
return false;
// optional compatibility with stringify/parse:
JSON.stringify = JSON.encode;
JSON.parse = JSON.decode;

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