Re: [SLUG] LaTeX niggle.

2014-09-02 Thread Richard Ibbotson

Don't know if this helps but here it is anyway.

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[SLUG] Rusty Russell – Kernel Code Developer

2014-02-20 Thread Richard Ibbotson

Might interest someone out there.  I've re-written some of the 
magazine features that I've produced over the years.

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Re: [SLUG] Issues with Ubuntu 12.04 LTR

2014-02-07 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Friday 07 Feb 2014 21:06:21 Johannes Nielsen wrote:
 I have a Lenovo thinkpad with an Intel Core 2 Duo T5870 2.00 Ghz
 with a GM 45 Chipset with 8 Gig of DDR III Ram
 Since I installed 12.04 LTR my lappy has slowed down and there
 appears to be memory issues, I am not able to open as many tabs as
 I was in the previous release 11.04

See also

This probably doesn't help but it's a good idea to have them around.

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Re: [SLUG] Photographs and Archive

2014-02-01 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Saturday 01 Feb 2014 12:16:13 Patrick Elliott-Brennan wrote:
 Nice one, Richard.
 I like the layout and the text that appears on the images when you
 select one.

You don't get a lot of choice if you are a photographer and want to 
show your pictures on the net.  Due to either theft of pictures or 
people like Google assuming that they have a right to own your future.

There is full screen mode ?  Click FS on the bottom right.  That 
should help.  I had to close down Apache which I have always loved and 
switch to Lighttpd to get this to work on my AMD64 server with SATA 

Nice to know that somone likes it.

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[SLUG] Photographs and Archive

2014-01-31 Thread Richard Ibbotson

After some long weeks of some system administration it looks like I've 
been able to sort out my web server at last.  If you are interested 
have a browse.  Might entertain you for a few minutes.


Sheffield UK
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Re: [SLUG] Booting problem

2013-12-01 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Monday 02 December 2013 09:48:25 Heracles wrote:
 I recently had a problem and had to replace my motherboard and cpu.
 After the replacement the system would not boot. It came up with a
 console and the following:
 No such device:3c7c2249-34ed-484d-9e36-bd40223e1c34
 I thought that the number might be the old UUID of sda1 so I
 reinstalled the OS (Ubuntu 13.04) and allowed it to wipe and use
 all of sda as I keep my home drive on sdb.
 The numbers may have changed (I'm not sure as I only copied the
 latest set) but the machine still won't boot and comes up with the
 same error.

You might try this but I'm sure that someone else can come up with 
something better...

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[SLUG] Raspberry Pi

2013-11-19 Thread Richard Ibbotson

Might interest someone out there.  Interview I did with the Raspberry 
Pi team.

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Re: [SLUG] James Vasile Talks about Legal Aspects of Software Licences

2013-06-04 Thread Richard Ibbotson

We'll try that again shall we.  SoundCloud just closed me down.  I 
have to pay for extra space.  Try this instead.

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[SLUG] James Vasile Talks about Legal Aspects of Software Licences

2013-06-03 Thread Richard Ibbotson

I did this so that everyone could listen to it.  Not for me to prevent
it's distribution.  With that in mind I thought I should put it on

This is a presentation that we did back in April 2008.  This is a talk
given at Sheffield Hallam University some years ago about the subject of
open source software and legal aspects of the General Public Licence.
Replicating the success of free software.

The content of James' talk was something like the following. The Free
Software movement has proven itself in every imaginable way. We have
quality software on servers, desktops and in embedded systems. Free
Software is used in homes, offices, retail and in manufacturing.
Everywhere from back rooms to classrooms and boardrooms. We've spawned
new business models and changed the economics of old ones. The
challenges that are left will be met and soon.

Such has been the success of free software that we have spawned entire
other movements. From Creative Commons to open hardware to open
science, everybody wants to replicate Free Software's achievements in
new media. Even further, there are people fighting for values that,
while beloved in the Free Software world, are not protected by the
Free Software society. Values like privacy and data portability
between web services. Each of these attempts borrows from Free
Software's history. This talk looks at what is being taken, what is
being left, and why. It's an inquiry into the future, as we ask how to
nurture these nascent movements.

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[SLUG] Open Source News

2013-04-11 Thread Richard Ibbotson

I don't claim that this is anything amazing but if you are having one 
of those days when you are bored out of your mind this might help for 
a few minutes. Some of it is worth reading.

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Re: [SLUG] 20 years of using Linux at Home

2013-04-06 Thread Richard Ibbotson
  Well today pretty much marks 20 years since I've used Linux at

I started using Debian and RedHat Linux when I was at 
back in 1993.  Then I got into e-mail discussions with Richard 
Stevenson at Pegasus Mail in New Zealand.  By 95/96 I was helping to 
start the first UK LUG - - and then later - - which I still run.  The discussion with Richard 
Stevenson was about the fact that I would have to be nuts to suggest 
that a free desktop could exist on Linux.  But, as we all know.  Times 
have changed. I spent ten years writing for - - - .  Travelled 
round the world a few times doing that.

Just at the moment we seem to be experiencing a healthy FOSS 
environment with many versions of GNU/Linux and BSD out there.  It 
wasn't always like that.

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Re: [SLUG] Managing software across a cluster

2012-08-14 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Tuesday 14 August 2012 21:59:00 Steven Tucker wrote:
 I have just rolled out a Scientific Linux (Redhat clone) cluster of
 20 nodes plus controller that runs torque for batching and uses a
 lot of MPI. My problem is that I periodically get asked to include
 some library or program to help out with some ones research code,
 and often it is something that needs to be installed across all
 On my Mageia cluster I simply run urpmi parallel, issue the one
 command and it installs across all nodes. For those not familiar
 with urpmi parallel, it queries all the nodes asking what rpms are
 needed to install the given software (including all dependencies),
 it then downloads all the rpms to the machine running urpmi, it
 then pushes the appropriate rpms to each node and installs them.

If you don't get anywhere with this try subscribing to the Fermilab 
list and send mail to -  Linux Users -


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[SLUG] Re: blank desktop / window management

2012-08-13 Thread Richard Ibbotson

One of the things I do after an upgrade is ... 'sudo apt-get install 
smartpm'.  Then 'sudo smart update' and 'sudo smart upgrade'  finds 
various things that apt-get might not find.  After that I keep going 
around apt-get and smart commands to install everything.  I don't know 
if this is a Unity dependency that is missing but it might be.  If all 
else fails I install LXDE.  'sudo apt-get install lxde'.  This might 
not give you the desktop you want but you should be able to login and 
do some things.

This also worked fine for Ruediger Berlich...


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[SLUG] Re: Android phones

2012-05-28 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Monday 28 May 2012 22:29:53 Ben Donohue wrote:
 Anyone out there with Android able to sync with a Linux desktop?

Works for me.  See also


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[SLUG] Re: Australian distributor product page for Raspberry Pi

2012-03-01 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Thursday 01 March 2012 02:06:24 Patrick Elliott-Brennan wrote:
  More information:

These seem to selling at a greater rate than the original Asus EeePC 
701.  Thought I was imagining something until I saw this e-mail.

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[SLUG] Re: Raspberry Pi

2012-03-01 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Thursday 01 March 2012 16:20:15 Geoffrey Cowling wrote:
 Will Microsoft be able to lock this down?

In some ways this is a good question.  As far I understand it M$ 
attempts to lock down the Arm platform in Europe will fail due to EU 
law.  Not allowed to do what they want to do.  Might be that under 
U.S. law they can do something ?  Not sure about the latter.  Whatever 
else happens they will certainly use their marketing power to drive 
out GNU/Linux from the ARM CPU in the way that they did from the Asus 

Only Linux fans will know that Linux exists.  In the U.K. the Pi is 
aimed at the educational market.  Which is owned by Microsoft under 
direction from Whitehall.  Say n'more ?...  cough  Winduhs advert...

Best winduhs advert out there ;)

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[SLUG] Re: Alternatives to Gnome3

2011-11-13 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Saturday 12 Nov 2011 21:21:56 Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
 Can anyone recommend an alternative? Something simple and minimal
 without too much ugly. Sorry I can't stand tiling WMs either.

Before Gnome 3 came along I didn't like LXDE but I've started to use 
it.  I find that the Avant or Cairo dock in the bottom of the screen 
also helps.  Leafpad as a text editor and PC Man as a file manager.
XFCE can be good.  Thunar is a good file manager.  Lot of people out 
there don't like Gnome 3. 

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[SLUG] Re: Ubuntu 11.10

2011-10-18 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Tuesday 18 Oct 2011 13:31:59 Ken Foskey wrote: 
 A gear will appear near your name,  you can then select classic
 Gnome from the start up.
 Personally I have moved to XUbuntu and xfce.  Seems to work OK for
 me so far.  I did this by installing xubuntu and then using the
 gear wheel to select xfce.

I didn't like the LXDE desktop but I'm geting used to it.  Since I 
discovered the Cairo dock which is at the bottom of my screen.  Bit 
like Mac with a lightweight Gnome desktop.   I had to install 
Xscreensaver for the screensaver but it works for me.  I tell people 
to try them all.  You have to log out to try the next one.  Not hard 
to do.

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[SLUG] Re: mobile broadband enabling

2011-10-07 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Friday 07 October 2011 08:47:49 james o'regan wrote:
  I have a netbook with mint  fodera, great.
 Just bought a new laptop that was configured with open suse,
 kubuntu  pardus; the shop couldn't enable mobile broadband.
  I live in the bush, i unfortunately have to be with telstra next
 g, phone  mobile broadband usb.
  I am really quite new to computers. Any advice would be

Lived in the bush myself.

for Mint and Kubuntu you can probably start with wicd and wi-fi radar.  
Use 'apt-cache search wicd' or 'apt-cache search wi-fi radar' for those 
in a terminal window.  You should be able to open a terminal by 
searching your desktop menu. Install with 'sudo apt-get install wicd'.  
You will be asked for the password that you used when you login to 
Mint or Kubuntu.  I know that doing things this way is an advanced 
topic for you but I'm trying to teach you something.  See also the 
software managment tools in the Mint and Kubuntu desktops.  These are 
point and click.  You should be able to understand them.   For 
openSuSE and Fedora you can use Yum in the terminal.  Such as 'yum 
search wicd'.   'yum install wicd'.  Also, in SuSE use YaST.  This 
will find and install software for you.  In all of these you can search 
for wi-fi or USB dongle.  You should find something useful with 

Meanwhile.  People on this list probably need to understand which USB 
dongle you are using.  You can do 'lsusb -v' and copy and paste the 
output to this list so that we can understand which USB hardware you 
are using.  I know this is an advanced subject for yourself but we 
have to understand a few things to help you.

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[SLUG] Re: mobile broadband enabling

2011-10-07 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Friday 07 October 2011 12:25:34 Jeremy Visser wrote:
 On 07/10/2011, at 19:11, Richard Ibbotson wrote:
  On Friday 07 October 2011 08:47:49 james o'regan wrote:
  I live in the bush, i unfortunately have to be with telstra next
  g, phone  mobile broadband usb.
  for Mint and Kubuntu you can probably start with wicd and wi-fi
  radar. Use 'apt-cache search wicd' or 'apt-cache search wi-fi
  radar' for those in a terminal window.
 Maybe I just fail at reading comprehension, but why does it seem
 that (a) your answer is completely irrelevant to the James'
 question (he's talking about USB mobile broadband, not WiFi), and
 (b) you are recommending non-standard WiFi–management tools that
 are in conflict with what comes with the distro (i.e.

I always find that if I'm using mobile broadband it's a good idea to 
install the wi-fi stuff as well.  There's a lot of USB drivers in the 
versions of Linux that he's using.  Should work.  Just the version of 
the USB hardware that might cause some issues but that should work.

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[SLUG] Re: updating SUSE

2011-08-30 Thread Richard Ibbotson

Most of it is on the openSuSE site

Search this site for further info.

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[SLUG] Re: Text to HTML?

2011-08-28 Thread Richard Ibbotson

Lyx -
Abiword -
LibreOffice -
txt2html -

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[SLUG] Re: Printer problem in Ubuntu

2011-06-16 Thread Richard Ibbotson
 On Thursday 16 June 2011 00:04:25 Heracles wrote:
  It is an HP P1005 Laserjet.
  As it worked in 11.04 loses the settings etc. each time it is
  restarted whereas 10.10 did not, I believe it is a problem in
  I'm considering going back to 10.10.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
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[SLUG] Re: Printer problem in Ubuntu

2011-06-16 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Thursday 16 June 2011 11:03:27 Heracles wrote:
 Thanks for the info. I have discovered that just downloading the
 required plugin each time I start the computer solves the problem
 for now. The info on the forums site is a few years out of date.
 The P1005 is supported out of the box now with a plugin from HP.
 This works in all distros EXCEPT Ubuntu 11.04 which finds it hard
 to retain the information between boots.

Yes.  That's an example of something that I've always seen since 
desktop Linux came along.  The bug or fault is discovered and fixed and 
then when the next version of Ubuntu or Debian or Fedora comes along 
it's put back in again.  Can't understand why the developers do that.  
Must be something to do with manpower and number of monkeys working on 
the wire ?  I don't like to complain if I get a desktop that mostly 
works :)

I would try and suggest Linux Mint or Trisquel but you'll probably be 
better of staying with Ubuntu.

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[SLUG] Re: Printer problem in Ubuntu

2011-06-15 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Wednesday 15 June 2011 08:20:32 Heracles wrote:
 I have this printer attached to my computer via USB. Using Ubuntu
 10.10 it worked fine.
 I have now installed 11.04 and the only way I can get it to work is
 to completely remove it each time I start my PC and reinstall it
 (including downloading a fresh copy of the drivers from HP). It
 will then work fine until my computer is restarted. Any clues
 would be appreciated.

Which printer is it ?

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[SLUG] Re: Email Client

2011-06-14 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Jam wrote:

, how do you disable muk? I've tried everything including 
*removing* all trace (which means kmail won't run) and all the disable 
switches I can find, but using these one has to start kmail twice, first 
time fails with nep-errors :-(

Open up settings from the KDE menu and find desktop search.  Deslect 
the Enable Muk box.  Easy to do.  If system settings isn't installed 
do 'sudo apt-get install systemsettings'.   

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[SLUG] Re: Email Client

2011-06-13 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Monday 13 June 2011 09:57:38 Jam wrote:
 IMHO thunderbird is completely unusable ...
 Try to reply to an issue (eg this one) when you get digest mail and
 you will get a deep and clear understanding of stress.
 kmail is pretty nice but has some show stoppers eg nepomuk
 (some utterley grotestque trash that holds your disk at 100% for

Switched off muk years ago.  The Debian KDE list and other lists were 
compaining about muk for a while.  Along with Microsoft.  Back in the 
days of winduhs I used to use Pegasus Mail but when the Linux desktop 
came along I switched to Kmail.  I've been fine with it since.

Of course, if you are a real/proper Linux advocate you will use Mutt 
;) hides under the table.  I use Alpine as a stand in if I can.

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[SLUG] Re: Can't Create Certificate

2011-06-04 Thread Richard Ibbotson
  Richard == Richard Ibbotson writes:
 Richard Hi Any one give me a clue what I'm doing wrong ?  I've
 done a Richard two day web search on this and nothing is
 working...  Debian Richard Squeeze Apache server

Peter Chubb wrote:
 Have you verified with CaCERT that the domain name is yours?  The
 certificate request has to include a common name that relates to
 one of the domains that CAcert knows you own.  On
 the RHS after you log in there's a place to `add

Yep... did that first.  I can see in my CaCERT panel that is verified.  Shouldn’t be any 
problem getting a certificate from CaCERT as far as I know.

I can't understand where I went wrong.

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[SLUG] Re: Can't Create Certificate

2011-06-04 Thread Richard Ibbotson

Peter Chubb wrote: 
 Do you mean you see in your
 domain list, or just ??? If you see
 the former there's something wrong.

It's definitely  I've just opened up my 
CaCERT page and checked it.  shrug.. can't understand why something 
went wrong...

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[SLUG] Can't Create Certificate

2011-06-03 Thread Richard Ibbotson

Any one give me a clue what I'm doing wrong ?  I've done a two day web 
search on this and nothing is working...  Debian Squeeze Apache 

trying to create a certificate in... /etc/apache2/ssl ...  with

openssl req -x509 -days 1825 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout hostkey.key -
nodes -out hostcert.pem

After doing this I copy into CA Cert and get the 

CommonName field was blank. This is usually caused by entering your 
own name when openssl prompt's you for 'YOUR NAME', or if you try to 
issue certificates for domains you haven't already verified, as such 
this process can't continue 

I've done 'rm hostcert.pem and hostkey.key' an endless number of times 
and run the openssl command again.  I get the same message every time.  
Is there an X509 certificate somewhere on the machine that needs to be 
removed as well ?  So, far I've tried .


as the common names.  None of these work.  Tried to have a chat to 
Marc Balmer (OpenBSD consultant) about this who said that the 
documentation might provide an answer.  Nothing in there.  All I can 
see for a common name is Internet Widgits Pty Ltd which is not what 
I entered on the command line.  I think I'll go and head butt a wall 
instead ;)  Lot easier than doing this :)

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[SLUG] Re: Virus Scanner

2011-04-03 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Sunday 03 April 2011 11:41:34 Chris Allen wrote:
 What is the current consensus on using a virus scanner for Linux
 (specifically Ubuntu 10.10)?
 When I last asked this (about 2 years ago) the general opinion was,
 waste of time, Linux did' need it
 If scanners are recommended now, which is the favourite?

I always scan e-mail both ways.  I send e-mail with Exim.  Clamav and 
other anti-virus software is installed.  My firewall has a proxy which 
scans downloading web pages for viruses and worms.  This does not slow 
down my network connection.  I don't know about Australia but in 
England it's considered to be criminal not to scan for viruses.  The 
legal stuff doesn't say that it is criminal but it implies that 
something is wrong if virus scanning software is not installed on a 
workstation or somewhere else...


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[SLUG] Re: Debian 6

2011-03-20 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Sunday 20 March 2011 06:53:01 Heracles wrote: 
 lspci shows the nic and so does iwconfig but ifconfig only shows
 the loopback interface. It does not even show the (100/1000Mb)
 ethernet interface.
 Ubuntu, SuSE and Fedora all show both.
 Am I missing something?

This is only speculation but... if the Debian people have moved 
towards kernels that are based on free software rather than stuff that 
just works then I'd say that the driver for your network card has 
been removed.  This is what I thought was going to happen when Debian 
6.0 was released.  GnewSense is now moving to Debian.  Richard 
Stallman uses GnewSense.

I could be wrong but this sounds like FSF intervention once again.

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[SLUG] Re: A Toshiba Computer.

2010-12-29 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Wednesday 29 December 2010 04:16:51 
 [I'm surprised at the reaction of some people on learning of my
 intentions. Some regard me as a mindless iconoclast (don't mind
 that), others give me a penny lecture on the superiority of
 Microsoft over everything (do mind that).]

Did you ever see a film called Se7en ?

the plot of the film is so like everything to do with Microsoft and 
winduhs Se7en that it's hard to tell the difference.

 1) Have never considered the 64-bit version of Ubuntu. Are there
 any caveats?

It's a lot nicer to use than it was when it first arrived.  Shouldn't 
be any problems.  Bazerick Beerkat 10.10 would seem to be good 

 2) There's a TV tuner in it (didn't ask for it, but it came
 anyhow). Will wiping Windows and installing Ubuntu affect this?

Uhhmm... dual boot might be useful ?  Not sure about the TV Card with 
Ubuntu.  Problem I have with this is that Tosh graphics didn't used to 
work with Linux.  But, that changed some years ago.  The TV card might 
still be winduhs centric.  Try booting from a live CD and run that 
before you do an installation ?  I'm supposing that you do wan to use 
the TV card.  What does it say in the winduhs control center about the 
TV card hardware ?  Post that here.

 3) Whilst trolling the Web, came across mention of a Toshset
 package, installation of which causes all Toshiba-related Ubuntu
 problems to evaporate. It's the result of someone
 reverse-engineering some Toshiba interfaces. Has anyone heard of

Sorry, no, not heard of that one.

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[SLUG] Re: Upgrade from 10.4 to 10.10

2010-11-24 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Wednesday 24 November 2010 12:37:13 wrote:
 Hello fellow users, I recently did an upgrade from Ubuntu 10.4 to
 10.10 The computer will not start. I get a flashing cursor in the
 top left corner. Can I recover the computer, or what is the best
 option ?

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[SLUG] Re: detecting hard drive failure ?

2010-11-12 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Friday 12 November 2010 04:45:17 Voytek Eymont wrote:
 this is a rolling storage for cameras, so we lost data that would
 soon be overwritten, anyhow
 but, what can I use to be notified should such a failure occur
 again ?

Can't think of anything other than occasional checks with the disks 
I've shown you.  Other than that a bash script scratches head.   
But, can't remember the script.  Looking through my bookshelf doesn't 
reveal anything either.  Something that does a umount and then does an 
fsck and then drop a log or send a script to an e-mail address ?  This 
might or might not be helpful.

Hope this helps.

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[SLUG] Re: detecting hard drive failure ?

2010-11-12 Thread Richard Ibbotson
  Can you use SMART?

Thinking was a bit fuzzy this morning.  I was thinking that you might 
be able to write a bash script using smartmon.  Any bash script would 
have to have something like this in it...

smartctl -d ata -H /dev/sdb

or whatever would be relevant.  Also some part of the script would 
send out a text file by e-mail or dump into /var/log with a cron job.
Of course, I'm supposing that Voytek is using a Linux or UNIX 
operating system.  

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[SLUG] Re: detecting hard drive failure ?

2010-11-11 Thread Richard Ibbotson
 - what sort of tests or whatever can I run before I pull the
 unit down ?
 - what sort of utility can I run to 'detect and notify' should
 such failure occurs again ?

You might try these... one of more of these should tell you

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[SLUG] Re: detecting hard drive failure ?

2010-11-11 Thread Richard Ibbotson
   - what sort of tests or whatever can I run before I pull the unit
  down ?
  - what sort of utility can I run to 'detect and notify' should
  such failure occurs again ?

You might try these... one of more of these should tell you 


 SystemRescueCd is a Linux system rescue disk available as a bootable 
CD-ROM or USB stick for administrating or repairing your system and 
data after a crash. It aims to provide an easy way to carry out admin 
tasks on your computer, such as creating and editing the hard disk 
partitions. It comes with a lot of linux software such as system tools 
(parted, partimage, fstools, ...) and basic tools (editors, midnight 
commander, network tools). It requires no installation. It can be used 
on linux servers, linux desktops or windows boxes. The kernel supports 
the important file systems (ext2/ext3/ext4, reiserfs, reiser4, btrfs, 
xfs, jfs, vfat, ntfs, iso9660), as well as network filesystems (samba 
and nfs). 

Trinity Rescue CD

 Trinity Rescue Kit or TRK is a free live Linux distribution that 
aims specifically at recovery and repair operations on Windows 
machines, but is equally usable for Linux recovery issues. Since 
version 3.4 it has an easy to use scrollable text menu that allows 
anyone who masters a keyboard and some English to perform maintenance 
and repair on a computer, ranging from password resetting over disk 
cleanup to virus scanning

Sometimes you can find that the Rescue CD doesn't load kernel modules 
if you are trying to rescue an Ubuntu system.  If you run into one of 
these you can try this

 Ubuntu-Rescue-Remix features a full command-line environment with 
up-to-date versions of the most powerful free/libre open-source data 
recovery software including GNU ddrescue, Photorec, The Sleuth Kit and 

Parted Magic can be good for some things.  Works in a snap ! ...

  The Parted Magic OS employs core programs of GParted and Parted to 
handle partitioning tasks with ease, while featuring other useful 
programs (e.g. Clonezilla, Partimage, TestDisk, Truecrypt, G4L, 
SuperGrubDisk, ddrescue, etc...) and an excellent set of documentation 
to benefit the user. An extensive collection of file system tools are 
also included, as Parted Magic supports the following: ext2, ext3, 
ext4, fat16, fat32, hfs, hfs+, jfs, linux-swap, ntfs, reiserfs, 
reiser4, and xfs.  

Clonezilla as mentioned above...

 You're probably familiar with the popular proprietary commercial 
package Norton Ghost®. The problem with these kind of software 
packages is that it takes a lot of time to massively clone systems to 
many computers. You've probably also heard of Symantec's solution to 
this problem, Symantec Ghost Corporate Edition® with multicasting. 
Well, now there is an OpenSource clone system (OCS) solution called 
Clonezilla with unicasting and multicasting! 

 SystemRescueCd is a Linux system rescue disk available as a bootable 
CD-ROM or USB stick for administrating or repairing your system and 
data after a crash. It aims to provide an easy way to carry out admin 
tasks on your computer, such as creating and editing the hard disk 
partitions. It comes with a lot of linux software such as system tools 
(parted, partimage, fstools, ...) and basic tools (editors, midnight 
commander, network tools). It requires no installation. It can be used 
on linux servers, linux desktops or windows boxes. The kernel supports 
the important file systems (ext2/ext3/ext4, reiserfs, reiser4, btrfs, 
xfs, jfs, vfat, ntfs, iso9660), as well as network filesystems (samba 
and nfs). 

Trinity Rescue CD

 Trinity Rescue Kit or TRK is a free live Linux distribution that 
aims specifically at recovery and repair operations on Windows 
machines, but is equally usable for Linux recovery issues. Since 
version 3.4 it has an easy to use scrollable text menu that allows 
anyone who masters a keyboard and some English to perform maintenance 
and repair on a computer, ranging from password resetting over disk 
cleanup to virus scanning

Sometimes you can find that the Rescue CD doesn't load kernel modules 
if you are trying to rescue an Ubuntu system.  If you run into one of 
these you can try this

 Ubuntu-Rescue-Remix features a full command-line environment with 
up-to-date versions of the most powerful free/libre open-source data 
recovery software including GNU ddrescue, Photorec, The Sleuth Kit and 

Parted Magic can be good for some things.  Works in a snap ! ...

  The Parted Magic OS employs core programs of GParted and Parted to 
handle partitioning tasks with ease, while featuring other useful 

[SLUG] Re: An apt-get question.

2010-10-24 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Sunday 24 October 2010 13:45:29 wrote:
 If I have an application that I wish to install --- a crossword
 compiler in this case and I have the download on the desktop ---
 it's a .tgz file --- is there an apt-get command 9or variation)
 that will install it?

apt-get install alien

Then... man alien ... or Google search.  Followed by

alien -d crossword.tgz    or
alien -d -i crossword.tgz

Or, if you did -d first and didn't install (more sensible)...

dpkg -i crossword_all.deb

Doing -d and -i together can lead to some issues sometimes.
Should work fine on Debian and Ubuntu.  If it doesn't work untar the 
tgz and tar again at crossword.tar.gz.  That should do it :)

This might or might not work for a compiler but it's worked for me a 
lot of times.  Sometimes it didn't.

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[SLUG] Re: On buying a laptop.

2010-10-14 Thread Richard Ibbotson

I'm afraid I gave up on filling public rubbish dumps.  If you can 
excuse me for putting it that way.  If I do need a laptop I go to Ebay 
and get hold of something like an IBM T40 or X40.  As long as it has 
2Gb of RAM.  Cost about $160.  Ebay also do a CD based manual for 
about $10.  How to service and rebuild an IBM laptop.  Easy to do.  
Easier than most car engines or gear boxes.

Other than that Advent or Dell.  I've burnt out several Advent 
laptops.   All of them were good.

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[SLUG] Re: Learning Linux

2010-09-22 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Wednesday 22 September 2010 07:53:01 Lee Isaacson wrote:

Oh... just about any...

But, just about any version of Ubuntu or Kubuntu or Fedora or openSuSE 
is easy to install and use.  Easier than winduhs.  You just need to 
make sure you have enough RAM in your machine.  A good graphics card 
also helps.  I like to use Nvidia.

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[SLUG] Re: Accounting and business software

2010-09-19 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Sunday 19 September 2010 14:59:11 elliott-brennan wrote:
 I'm looking for some recommendations in relation
 to accounts and client management software.

Also... apt-get install gnumed-client  .

Probably something better out there but this might help for a start.

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[SLUG] Evil on the Internet

2010-09-15 Thread Richard Ibbotson

A meeting we had last week.  Might interest someone out there.  This 
is a short summary with a YouTube video.

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[SLUG] Re: Travelling Overeseas - USB Modems

2010-09-05 Thread Richard Ibbotson

 Rick Phillips writes: 
  Are USB 3G modems a reasonable alternative?  If so, what would
  members recommend?

Plenty of pay for Wi-Fi out there.  Such as British Telecom, Belgacom 
in Belgium,  Deutsch Telecom in Germany and so on. For a USB based 
broadband service you might try 3 at about $12 to $25 per month...

In England BT Openworld might be easier.  You buy a prepaid card and 
enter your ID and password when you are near a Wi-Fi hotspot.  Lot 
easier and might be better for you.  Other than that try -

If you need some help when you are over here send me some e-mail.

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[SLUG] Is the Internet Filter Australia's Berlin Wall

2010-09-02 Thread Richard Ibbotson

I'm not sure if you should take anything too seriously on this site 
but there are times when it makes for interesting reading. The above 
seems to be a good read.  

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[SLUG] Windows Applications Making GRUB 2 Unbootable

2010-08-29 Thread Richard Ibbotson

Colin Watson would like to hear from you.  ...

  If you find that running Windows makes a GRUB 2-based system 
unbootable (Debian bug, Ubuntu bug), then I'd like to hear from you. 
This is a bug in which some proprietary Windows-based software 
overwrites particular sectors in the gap between the master boot 
record and the first partition, sometimes called the embedding area. 
GRUB Legacy and GRUB 2 both normally use this part of the disk to 
store one of their key components: GRUB Legacy calls this component 
Stage 1.5, while GRUB 2 calls it the core image (comparison). However, 
Stage 1.5 is less useful than the core image (for example, the latter 
provides a rescue shell which can be used to recover from some 
problems), and is therefore rather smaller: somewhere around 10KB vs. 
24KB for the common case of ext[234] on plain block devices. It seems 
that the Windows-based software writes to a sector which is after the 
end of Stage 1.5, but before the end of the core image. This is why 
the problem appears to be new with GRUB 2. 

e-mail address on the page above.

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[SLUG] Re: Using a DNS with Dynamic IP

2010-08-29 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Sunday 29 August 2010 15:03:25 Nick Andrew wrote:
 For public servers there are plenty of reasonably priced services
 including virtual server, web hosting, Amazon EC2, dedicated
 server, colocation etc etc. And those are only some of the
 self-managed infrastructure options. You can get free blogs, free
 forums, for code hosting there's SourceForge and Google Code and
 Github and Gitorious (and more).

Example of dynamic DNS service if you want it

Some others out there.  This is what I use with a static IP for...

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[SLUG] Re: A distro which recognises Wi-fi on Asus eee 1005p?

2010-08-04 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Wednesday 04 August 2010 22:57:20 Jon Jermey wrote:
 I'm trying to get Linux running from an SD card boot on an Asus eee
 1005p but every distro I have tried so far fails to recognise the
 Wi-Fi (Atheros). Wired connections are working. Does anyone know
 of a distro which recognises wireless out of the box on this
 specific model or, failing that, a reliable set of instructions to
 get one working?

My 1005HA works fine on Ubuntu 10.04.  Might be that the drivers for 
your hardware aren't out there yet.

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[SLUG] Re: A distro which recognises Wi-fi on Asus eee 1005p?

2010-08-04 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Thursday 05 August 2010 00:54:07 Adrian Chadd wrote: 
 I have one of these very-recent atheros chipset Eeepc laptops and
 it works fine. Just need to remember to recompile it every time
 the kernel is updated.

Been through that a few times with my EeePC 701 and 1005HA.  More 
recently with Ubuntu 10.04 I find that my 1005HA works fine.

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[SLUG] Re: Samsung Galaxy S i9000

2010-07-18 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Sunday 18 July 2010 12:01:28 Daryl Thompson wrote:
 i am looking at Android powered mobiles and was wondering has any
 one synchronised the Samsung Galaxy S i9000 with Linux ubuntu as
 yet and if there was any problems

My Samsung GT-I5700 works fine with this.  Just have to remember to 
click on mount the device on the phone desktop.  Yes, I know that it's 
a different phone but manufacturers tend to stick to a certain way of 
doing things when they have found that things work.  I am presently 
working on upgrading this to Android 2.1

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[SLUG] Re: WordPress, PHP ... Re: Ubuntu 10.04

2010-06-30 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Wednesday 30 June 2010 06:08:42 justin randell wrote: 
 this looks like a wordpress code/mysql issue to me:
  some basic things - do you have APC enabled for php? if you don't,
 apt-get install php5-apc, restart apache, and you'll get immediate
 performance gains.

Hmmm Google search... ubuntu 10.04 php5-apc ...

Installed that.

 i'm not a wordpress dev, so i don't know if they have any devel
 modules that can give you info about that sort of stuff, but i'd
 look for one and see what it tells you. does wordpress have any
 basic, built-in caching you could turn on?

Tried installing wp-super-cache yesterday.  Logs show that the blog 
was attacked about 90 minutes later and it went offline.   I don't know 
what that's about.  Deleting wp-super-cache brought the site back up.   
I'll have a go at wp-cache next.
 if you control all the moving parts, i'd suggest pushing the
 compression further up|down the stack (depending on how you look at
 it) to apache by using mod_deflate, rather than using php. you'll
 want compression for your static files as well, and this is the
 simplest and most cpu efficient way to get it.

Running 'sudo a2enmod deflate' reveals that it's already running.   
It's already faster than it was.

Thanks for everyone's help :)

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[SLUG] Re: WordPress, PHP ... Re: Ubuntu 10.04

2010-06-30 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Wednesday 30 June 2010 13:50:01 Jeff Waugh wrote:
 I hope you mean the 'php-apc' package, rather than php-fpm.


 wp-cache is unmaintained, wp-super-cache was forked from it and is
 kept up to date by the creator of WordPress MU. There's no point
 using wp-cache, and it is highly unlikely that there is a direct
 relationship between attacked and wp-super-cache.

Hmm... Suhosin log/Syslog in the Apache box says the word attacked.  
From my router which is what the Apache box is plugged into. shrug.  

  Jun 30 11:33:49 sleepypenguin suhosin[14273]: ALERT - zend_mm_head 
corrupted at 0xb3d80d2c (attacker 'Your Router', file 

  Running 'sudo a2enmod deflate' reveals that it's already running.
  It's already faster than it was.
 Doesn't mean it's active.

Module deflate already enabled.  Running ?  Not sure about that.

 Use '' to find out useful tidbits about how your
 blog is operating.

AH !  Thanks for that !  Was hoping that something like that might 
Your web server [] is working fine. 
Your blog page took 13.12 seconds to fetch. Your web server might be 
No, just nor caching properly (I Think).
Your robots.txt file prevents GoogleBot from fetching This may harm your search 
engine rankings. 
Good :)

Your blog is not indexed by Google. 

powered by

Your blog is not indexed by Bing. 
More good news :)
Your blog seems slow. It took 11.75 seconds to generate the page. 
Yes, slightly embarrassing.  Installing wp-cache or wp-super-cache 
works for a while but then the whole thing goes offline.  Don't know 
why.  Should work with Wordpress 3.0.  Can't think why it does that.
Jeff, Thanks very much :)

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[SLUG] Re: WordPress, PHP ... Re: Ubuntu 10.04

2010-06-30 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Wednesday 30 June 2010 14:27:34  Richard Ibbotson wrote:
 On Wednesday 30 June 2010 13:50:01 Jeff Waugh wrote:
  I hope you mean the 'php-apc' package, rather than php-fpm.
  wp-cache is unmaintained, wp-super-cache was forked from it and
  is kept up to date by the creator of WordPress MU. There's no
  point using wp-cache, and it is highly unlikely that there is a
  direct relationship between attacked and wp-super-cache.
 Hmm... Suhosin log/Syslog in the Apache box says the word
 attacked. From my router which is what the Apache box is plugged
 into. shrug. ...
   Jun 30 11:33:49 sleepypenguin suhosin[14273]: ALERT -
 zend_mm_head corrupted at 0xb3d80d2c (attacker 'Your Router', file


 Be Careful Enabling CompressionIf you enable WP Super Cache 
Compression and your server already has compression enabled or doesn’t 
support it then you will get a lovely blank page of death or just a 
lot of garbage printed on the screen. Use with caution.Something 
seriously wrong is obviously happening when compression is enabled. 
Despite what the people say, WP Super Cache isn’t very super. In my 
opinion it is a complicated version of WP-Cache with only slightly 
better performance. With numerous reports of blank pages of death, I 
am hesitant to install this plugin on an actual blog. On top of it all 
this plugin doesn’t seem to play nice with others. Improper 
configuration and/or a bad plugin combination can lead to a drastic 
decrease your performance. It is sad but true. 

Might explain something ?  The blank page of death.  Anything is 
better than the blue screen of death ;)

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[SLUG] Re: WordPress, PHP ... Re: Ubuntu 10.04

2010-06-29 Thread Richard Ibbotson

I think this one died a while ago but after some months I have finally 
been able to get my Wordpress blog running again

Finally sorted it out with 'apt-get install wordpress' which most 
likely installed a configuration file that I didn't know about.  After I 
disabled a couple of incompatible plugins that Wordpress 3.0 didn't 
like the content of the pages came back up again.  Wordpress is 
installed from the source from the Wordpress site.

Now I just have to work out why it is that web pages are so slow to 
download from this box.  Not sure what that's about.  DNS configuration 
seems to be okay and there is 2 Megabits of bandwidth on my home line.  
Shouldn't be any problems.

Thanks for everyone's helpful comments.

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[SLUG] Re: WordPress, PHP ... Re: Ubuntu 10.04

2010-06-29 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Tuesday 29 June 2010 22:31:03 Michael Chesterton wrote:
 Both google and yahoo have firefox plugins that might help diagnose
 the problem. One is called yslow (I think that's yahoo's) and
 googles is speed test toolbar or something obscure like that.
 Does the page wait for a few seconds on a blank screen and then
 download quickly, or does it start downloading straight away but

Kind of a bit of both.  I can hear the box grinding trying to deliver 
a web page and then for about 5 or 15 seconds something is happening.  
Doesn't matter where I download the page from or which operating 
system I use to view the site.  Same result.  There is 1Gb of RAM in 
the box which should be enough for a machine that delivers about two 
web pages a week.

Kind of wait for seconds and then download slowly.  Annoying problem.

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[SLUG] Re: WordPress, PHP ... Re: Ubuntu 10.04

2010-06-29 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Wednesday 30 June 2010 00:25:24 Mike Lampard wrote:
 I'd suggest the WP-Cache or WP-Super-Cache plugins, which
 precompile the php to html so the server doesn't have to recompile
 the pages on each access. The GZIP-Output wordpress plugin is also

I'll try those.  Meanwhile I've been hacking the DNS and bind9 
configuration.  Looks like it might have taken a second or two off the 
download time.  More like downloading a web page from planet earth 
rather than the moon :)

I think I can get back to writing something now.  Must remember to 
include a cricket section.

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[SLUG] Re: WordPress sessions [Was: WordPress, PHP]

2010-05-09 Thread Richard Ibbotson
  This usually leads to client-server style databases or things
  like memcachedb in redundant configuration.
 This is the exact problem I came across recently when developing a
 Wordpress extension. Coming from Drupal land I thought sessions
 would be stored in the DB out of the box. But alas there is more
 code to write... though I haven't looked if an appropriate plugin

Yes.. was thinking something like that when I compared Drupal and 
Wordpress on my own Apache box.  I did 11 years in heavy engineering 
where I found out that the world revolves around all kinds of cleverly 
designed engineering projects and software.  Just have to learn to 
live with what's out there.  

At least thanks to the open source software developers we have a 
choice now.  Wasn't like that back in 1995 when I did a B.Sc. in 
Chemistry and Geology.  Let's see there wuz winduhs 95 and winduhs 
95 and winduhs 95 Oh !  and  winduhs 3.11.  Just for a change.  
Wouldn't like to repeat some of the conversations I had with some of 
the lecturers holds head

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Re: [SLUG] Re: WordPress, PHP ... Re: Ubuntu 10.04

2010-05-08 Thread Richard Ibbotson
  That is not the case, however, certainly not with WordPress 2.9
 (and I'm pretty sure, all the way back to 2.7 and earlier)... in
 normal operation, there should be *no* warnings whatsoever running
 WordPress core.

 The second last log line, and inaccuracy of line 27 (given that
 call is on line 18 in WordPress 2.9), seem suspicious to me...
 sounds like Richard has something else running on every request?
 Notably session_start is not called in the WordPress codebase.

Not that I'm aware of.

 Richard, you haven't turned on WP_DEBUG in wp-config.php, have you?
 (That would explain at least some of the notices and warnings...)

No. It's running in the way that it's supposed to.  Can't think where 
I've gone wrong.  I think I might have to re-install Wordpress.  Can't 
see any other way that I can fix it.

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[SLUG] Re: WordPress sessions [Was: WordPress, PHP]

2010-05-08 Thread Richard Ibbotson
 Most likely both... on top of that, consider WordPress's relative
 age, ease of installation / configuration (particularly on shared
 hosting platforms where the user has no control over the system),
 and desire to support older system components.
 An interesting question though, for which I'm sure there's more
 historical background (and rationale for not switching to PHP
 session handling in later versions)... I'll ask around and find
 out more. :-)

Would be interesting to find out more :)

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[SLUG] Re: WordPress sessions [Was: WordPress, PHP]

2010-05-08 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hmmm...  Wordpress 3 beta 2 upgrade looks like a re-install to me 
:)  ..

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[SLUG] Re: Ubuntu 10.04

2010-05-03 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Del wrote...

 PHP 5.3 includes a lot of fairly forward-looking changes that were
 originally slated for PHP 6. The justification for doing that's
 been argued about quite a bit in the PHP community.

Oh.. that's what's going on.  I know Derick Rethans reasonably well.  
I should have asked him a few questions.  Must get in touch with 

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[SLUG] Re: WordPress, PHP ... Re: Ubuntu 10.04

2010-05-03 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Justin Randell wrote

 given that the current stable ubuntu, the coming stable debian and
 redhat, and stable just about everyting-else in linux land
 will/does ship php 5.3, maybe a patch set will develop?

I was thinking that this might happen.  Given that things move along 
quickly in the PHP and Ubuntu communities.  I've got Squeeze on a 
workstation next to me.  Be interesting to have a look in there and 
see what's happening.
 can i interest you in a drupal 7 blog? works like a charm on php
 5.3 ;-)

Got it on my Apache box.  I'll have to play around with it this week 
and see what it does.

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[SLUG] Re: WordPress, PHP ... Re: Ubuntu 10.04

2010-05-02 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Jeff Waugh wrote...

 WordPress 3.0 is going to rock (and indeed, already is, if you're
 comfy running pre-release).

Yes.  Looks like it should be good.
  Shame the PHP stuff in Lurid Lynx 10.04 isn't quite there just
  yet.  Maybe an update in a few weeks for Ubuntu.
 Seems fine here. I've been running it for a couple of months on
 production servers [1] for WordPress, PHP, MySQL, etc., and
 they're running swimmingly. Quite a few problems were shaken out
 of the PHP 5.3 stack before release, such as the requirement to
 update APC in the repo, etc.

Looking into /etc/mysql/my.cnf just now.  The upgrade might have 
changed something in there without my knowledge.
 [1] If you don't test before release, particularly with an LTS, it
 is much harder to say but X doesn't work! with a straight face.

Uhhmm.. I wouldn't like to say that about *any* software :)

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[SLUG] Re: WordPress, PHP ... Re: Ubuntu 10.04

2010-05-02 Thread Richard Ibbotson
 WordPress 3.0 is going to rock (and indeed, already is, if you're
 comfy running pre-release).

Right, following your helpful words I have upgraded to 3.0 beta 1.  
Seems to work fine.  Wordpress database upgrade went fine.   However, 
looking in to my.cnf and php.ini I can't see anything wrong.  Doing 
'sudo find / -name php.ini'  finds  /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
and /etc/php5/cli/php.ini.  Isn't that wrong ?  Can't think there 
should be two php.ini files in there.  Looking at

I can see that the page and the background are there.  But, no written 
content of pictures.  shrug  Don't know what to do about that.

 Seems fine here. I've been running it for a couple of months on
 production servers [1] for WordPress, PHP, MySQL, etc., and
 they're running swimmingly. Quite a few problems were shaken out
 of the PHP 5.3 stack before release, such as the requirement to
 update APC in the repo, etc.

After doing the Wordpress upgrade I'd go back to Ubuntu 10.04 and have 
a look around in there.

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[SLUG] Re: WordPress, PHP ... Re: Ubuntu 10.04

2010-05-02 Thread Richard Ibbotson

 Probably a theme issue. Make sure that you have the freshest
 version of your theme, and then start looking at your error.log -
 you're very likely to find indicative errors in there.

Checked the Flora Relief theme.  Seems to be up to date.  Tried to use 
some other themes.  Same result.  The error.log reveals something but 
I'm not quite sure what it's telling me..

bWarning/b:  Directive 'magic_quotes_gpc' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 
and greater in bUnknown/b on line b0/bbr /
[Sun May 02 16:16:38 2010] [error] [client] PHP Deprecated:  
Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in /var/www/blog/wp-
settings.php on line 27, referer: http://sl
[Sun May 02 16:16:38 2010] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  
session_start() [a href='function.session-start'function.session-
start/a]: Cannot send session cache limiter - h
br /
bWarning/b:  Directive 'register_long_arrays' is deprecated in PHP 
5.3 and greater in bUnknown/b on line b0/bbr /
br /
bWarning/b:  Directive 'magic_quotes_gpc' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 
and greater in bUnknown/b on line b0/bbr /
[Sun May 02 16:17:14 2010] [error] [client] PHP Deprecated:  
Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in /var/www/blog/wp-
settings.php on line 27, referer: http://sl
[Sun May 02 16:17:14 2010] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  
session_start() [a href='function.session-start'function.session-
start/a]: Cannot send session cache limiter - h
[Sun May 02 16:17:29 2010] [error] [client] PHP Deprecated:  
Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in /var/www/blog/wp-
settings.php on line 27, referer: http://sl
[Sun May 02 16:17:29 2010] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  
session_start() [a href='function.session-start'function.session-
start/a]: Cannot send session cache limiter - h
[Sun May 02 16:17:47 2010] [error] [client] PHP Deprecated:  
Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in /var/www/blog/wp-
settings.php on line 27, referer: http://sl
[Sun May 02 16:17:47 2010] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  
session_start() [a href='function.session-start'function.session-
start/a]: Cannot send session cache limiter - h
[Sun May 02 16:17:55 2010] [error] [client] PHP Deprecated:  
Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in /var/www/blog/wp-
settings.php on line 27, referer: http://sl
[Sun May 02 16:17:55 2010] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  
session_start() [a href='function.session-start'function.session-
start/a]: Cannot send session cache limiter - h
[Sun May 02 16:18:03 2010] [error] [client] PHP Deprecated:  
Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in /var/www/blog/wp-
settings.php on line 27, referer: http://sl
[Sun May 02 16:18:03 2010] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  
session_start() [a href='function.session-start'function.session-
start/a]: Cannot send session cache limiter - h
br /
bWarning/b:  Directive 'register_long_arrays' is deprecated in PHP 
5.3 and greater in bUnknown/b on line b0/bbr /
br /
bWarning/b:  Directive 'magic_quotes_gpc' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 
and greater in bUnknown/b on line b0/bbr /
[Sun May 02 16:25:43 2010] [error] [client] PHP Deprecated:  
Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in /var/www/blog/wp-
settings.php on line 27, referer: http://sl
[Sun May 02 16:25:43 2010] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  
session_start() [a href='function.session-start'function.session-
start/a]: Cannot send session cache limiter - h
[Sun May 02 16:25:57 2010] [error] [client] PHP Deprecated:  
Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in /var/www/blog/wp-
settings.php on line 27, referer: http://sl
[Sun May 02 16:25:57 2010] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  
session_start() [a href='function.session-start'function.session-
start/a]: Cannot send session cache limiter - h
[Sun May 02 16:26:08 2010] [error] [client] PHP Deprecated:  
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[Sun May 02 16:26:08 2010] [error] [client] PHP Deprecated:  
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[Sun May 02 16:26:08 2010] [error] [client] PHP Deprecated:  
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[Sun May 02 16:26:08 2010] [error] [client] PHP Deprecated:  
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[Sun May 02 16:26:08 2010] [error] [client] PHP Deprecated:  
Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in /var/www/blog/wp-
settings.php on 

[SLUG] Re: WordPress, PHP ... Re: Ubuntu 10.04

2010-05-02 Thread Richard Ibbotson

 i guess the wordpress devs would have read this:
 and just decided that people using 5.3 can just deal with those
 warnings in their logs on every, single, request.

Was hoping someone was going to give me a simple answer.  I've always 
thought that a good way to learn was by making mistakes.  As long as 
it's on my own Apache box and not somewhere else.

I just have to hope that I can find a way to fix my own Wordpress 
installation.  I was thinking I wouldn't have to re-install from 
scratch but I might have to do that anyway.

Thanks very much :)

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[SLUG] Re: Ubuntu 10.4

2010-04-30 Thread Richard Ibbotson

 Josh Smith wrote:
  It was released this morning. First to update or install, please
  report results :)

My Ubuntu server seems to be working fine after the upgrade.  Also, my 
Ubuntu desktop in my kitchen.  However, I now find that my Wordpress 
2.9.2 blog postings have disappeared.

any suggestions about how to fix this greatly appreciated.  Can't find 
an answer with a Google search.

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[SLUG] Re: Ubuntu 10.4

2010-04-30 Thread Richard Ibbotson
   any suggestions about how to fix this greatly appreciated.  Can't
  find an answer with a Google search.
 i don't mess with wordpress much, but lucid ships php 5.3 by
 default, and a lot of php webapps (and plugins for those) haven't
 bee thoroughly vetted to run smoothly on php 5.3.

I thought it might be something like that.

 try googling for wordpress 5.3 issues, and maybe throw in the names
 of any plugins you have installed.

I'll try that.
 i know at work we'll be avoiding lucid until we start doing more
 Drupal 7 work, because while drupal 6 core is 99% ok with php 5.3,
 contributed modules are a lucky dip.

Yes.  Good idea.  I was thinking that on my own Apache box it wouldn't 
matter a lot.  Mostly used for experimental stuff anyway.  Drupal 7 
seems to be a bit of a mess just now but better than it was a few 
months ago.  Hopefully Wordpress 3 might be usable when it is released 
 another option is to pin you php5-* packages to a karmic

Might consider that as well.

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[SLUG] Re: Asus EeePC 1005HA

2010-02-21 Thread Richard Ibbotson
 A quick tidbit for anyone who has acquired one of these delightful
  netbooks: Asus has shipped a few BIOS updates, the most recent of
  which has improved my wifi performance/reliability considerably.
  Recommended update.

How did you get your machine to install the BIOS update.  I've found 
the part about ALT + F2 to start it but can't get the machine to find 
the USB stick.  Do I have to format the USB stick as FAT16 or is just 
any old file system going to work ?

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[SLUG] Re: Joomla

2010-02-21 Thread Richard Ibbotson

 How do I get a copy of Joomla installed on Ubuntu 9.10? I have
 downloaded the file package ffom their site, but it is in zip
  format and gunzip says unknown suffix --ignored and does nothing

You need to install unzip and p7zip

sudo apt-get install p7zip-full rar arj lha unzip

Should do it.  

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[SLUG] Re: Asus EeePC 1005HA

2010-02-19 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Jeff Waugh wrote:

 2. Are you still happy

Very much so.

+1 on that :)

 3. How has the battery life stood up over the 6m.
 4. What sort of battery life are you getting (esp. now after 6 

Early days yet, but the battery life on this thing is INSANE. I loved 
not having to cart around a power cable during, even 
with heavy web/email usage.

I couldn't get over the fact that I could use it all the way up to 
Manchester airport on the train and on the flight to Fosdem and in 
Brussels for some hours after I arrived.  Ran for eight hours on that 
day from a full charge.  I got the 2Gb RAM upgrade from Ebay for not 
much.  New batteries don't cost a lot either.

 6. How has the build quality stood up

Thus far, awesome. It's the new seashell style from Asus, so it's 
much sleeker than the plasticky early versions.

The only thing I didn't like was the shiny case that attracts finger 
prints.  Mine has a protection cover which you can get hold of from 

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[SLUG] Re: Netbooks .... Again (7 months on) Are you still happy?

2010-02-18 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Peter Chubb wrote:

I bought an Acer Aspire One a year ago, and am still happy.  In fact
I'm typing this on it now!  Main problems are:
-- slow SSD
-- when the laptop is clsoed you can't see the power LED, so 
can't tell if it's suspended, on, or off.
-- cover is a fingerprint magnet.

Nice hardware. I've had to work on a few of these for some people who 
bought into the Linpus black hole of hell where some updates or video 
streaming doesn't work on older models.  Deleting Linpus and 
installing Ubuntu Netbook Remix fixed that one.

Dell Minis are nice.  So are the Samsung netbooks.  Resist the 
temptation to spend large piles of money.  Plenty of nice netbook 
hardware out there.  I still have my EeePC 701 which has done some 
airports and some more.   I now have an EeePC 1005HA which I used to 
write a Fosdem report for issue 85 of -  Using 
that I edited 200 photographs from my Nikon camera in one hour.  

Happy ?  Yeh... you bet... only happier when watching England v 
Australia playing test match cricket or eating roo sarnies.  

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[SLUG] Re: Netbooks .... Again (7 months on) Are you still happy?

2010-02-18 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Peter Chubb wrote:

I bought an Acer Aspire One a year ago, and am still happy.  In fact
I'm typing this on it now!  Main problems are:
-- slow SSD
-- when the laptop is clsoed you can't see the power LED, so 
can't tell if it's suspended, on, or off.
-- cover is a fingerprint magnet.

Nice hardware. I've had to work on a few of these for some people who 
bought into the Linpus black hole of hell where some updates or video 
streaming doesn't work on older models.  Deleting Linpus and 
installing Ubuntu Netbook Remix fixed that one.

Dell Minis are nice.  So are the Samsung netbooks.  Resist the 
temptation to spend large piles of money.  Plenty of nice netbook 
hardware out there.  I still have my EeePC 701 which has done some 
airports and some more.   I now have an EeePC 1005HA which I used to 
write a Fosdem report for issue 85 of -  Using 
that I edited 200 photographs from my Nikon camera in one hour.  

Happy ?  Yeh... you bet... only happier when watching England v 
Australia playing test match cricket or eating roo sarnies.  

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[SLUG] Fosdem

2010-02-15 Thread Richard Ibbotson

In the past we have had visits to Fosdem by some people from 
Australia.  This year the streets of Brussels were empty of our 
Australian friends.   With this in mind you might like to have a look 

Probably the best of the whole bunch was Andrew Tanenbaum talking 
about Minix 3 and Richard Clayton talking about Evil on the 
Internet.   You shouldn't miss that one.  You can get hold of the 
slides here...

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Re: [SLUG] Fosdem

2010-02-15 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Monday 15 February 2010 12:44:20 Ken Foskey wrote:
 On Mon, 2010-02-15 at 11:08 +, Richard Ibbotson wrote:
  Probably the best of the whole bunch was Andrew Tanenbaum talking
  about Minix 3
 Wasn't he the one that did the talk in LinuxConf 2006?  I remember
  a rant about kernel programming that pretty much fell flat to a
  linux audience.

If I remember rightly that is correct.  The crowd loved it last time.  
This time it drew some loud applause as well.  Can't keep a good man 
down ?

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[SLUG] Re: Earliest open source?

2010-02-14 Thread Richard Ibbotson

 What's the earliest reference to open source anyone knows?  I found
 this in a 1965 paper:
 The Multics system will be published when it is operating
 substantially, and will therefore be available for
  implementation on any equipment with suitable characteristics. 

Yes.  This fits in with everything that I have read and seen for the 
past 30 years.  I suppose that it might sound strange to anyone else 
but even back in 1974 when I was working next to one of the first ICL 
commercial computers here in Sheffield there were people around me 
talking about ideas that are like open source software of the present 

Many open source ideas have come and gone.   The present day version 
is probably the purest version (maybe).   Uuuhhmmm Linux ?  Yeh.. 
it's a word I thought up back in 1982 when I was in the Royal Air 
Force after I found out that UNIX was in need of something better.  
Why it took Linus 13 years to write the code for the word I had 
invented when I worked on the Nimrod re-fuelling protect I do not 

Sadly, we lost some of our friends from Oz while I was working on this 
:(  We still miss them now (lest we forget?)

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[SLUG] Re: IE on Ubunto

2010-02-02 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Tuesday 02 February 2010 10:13:01 Chris Allen wrote:
 Is there a simple solution (cheap) to this dilemma?

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Re: [SLUG] Re: IE on Ubunto

2010-02-02 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Tuesday 02 February 2010 10:46:18 James Polley wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 11:25 PM, Richard Ibbotson wrote:
  On Tuesday 02 February 2010 10:13:01 Chris Allen wrote:
  Is there a simple solution (cheap) to this dilemma?
 Supports IE 5, 5.5 and 6. Last updated 6th Feb 2008.
 It worked for me last time I needed this, but that would have been
 some time in 2007 when IE6 was state-of-the-art.

Yes.  I'm afraid I'm biased in the direction of the GNU/Linux desktop.  
I'm not ignorant of the latest software but can't think why I would 
want to use grot (winduhs) on my desktop :)

I know that the latest version of Internet Exploder is said to be more 
standards compliant but I can't think of a use for it on my own 
desktop.  I suppose Chris will use whatever he wants to use as do most 

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[SLUG] Re: Mini-itx Smoothwall

2009-12-06 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Sunday 06 Dec 2009 03:45:08 Jake Anderson wrote:
 Meijer, Luke wrote:
  I want to build a mini-itx box for smoothwall 3.0

 If your not absolutely set on smoothwall take a look at pfsense,
  same roots and, any itx machine should have enough juice to run it
  well and its based on newer BSD's so you should have fewer
  hardware concerns (other than a KVM virtual machine I haven't
  found anything it wont run on) lots of nice addons too.

pfSense is excellent.  If you can't work it out m0n0wall is also very 
good.  Both of them better than Smoothwall.  IP Cop is also good...

If you absolutely have to use GNU/Linux and iptables then IP Cop is 
really good for a lot of things.  For hardware I use

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Re: [SLUG] 64-bit Karmic Koala or not?

2009-11-19 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Thursday 19 Nov 2009 05:23:33 Amos Shapira wrote:
 I'm going to get a new desktop at work and was wondering whether
  it's worth moving to 64-bit.
 What's the collective wisdom/experience on the list? Is it worth
 moving to 64-bit or should I stay away?

Works for me for the past two years with Ubuntu and Debian and 
openSuSE.  I use these because it's easy to install Nvidia drivers.

 I'd also like to move my home desktop to 64 bit when I get around
  to buy extra RAM (it's 2Gb now).

 2 Gb works fine.  No need to upgrade.  I'm running Gnome and KDE 4.3 
and AWN together on the same desktop.  

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[SLUG] Re: 64-bit Karmic Koala or not?

2009-11-19 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Thursday 19 Nov 2009 11:21:28 Amos Shapira wrote: 
 The work desktop will come with an on-board Intel chip, which as
  far as I followed should be supported using open-source drivers.
 Do you use Skype and Flash? Any issues with them?

No.  On Ubuntu which is the easiest to use with Flash and Skype...

apt-get install flashplugin-installer skype

You have to add this to /etc/apt/sources.list

# Medibuntu
deb karmic free non-free

and then run 'apt-get update'

 Yes, I'm sure 2Gb will be enough for 64 bit but until I start
 installing amount of memory which requires 64 bit I'm not sure
  what's the benefit (a little more speed? I just use it for
  browsing, skype, email and ssh).

I don't get any grinding noises from my SATA drive.  It's quick 
enough.  You could put 4Gb into it to future proof it a bit more.  I 
don't like to lift the lid of a PC once I've built it.  Except for 
once every six months I'll run a vacuum cleaner around the inside of 
it and check the CPU fans and PSU.  Good idea to look at those.  I 
used to build PCs and servers for IBM and Compaq.

 Thanks for the input, much appreciated.


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[SLUG] Re: 64-bit Karmic Koala or not?

2009-11-19 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Friday 20 Nov 2009 01:06:44 Jake Anderson wrote:
 Watch out running a vacuum cleaner around inside a PC, they can
  make *loads* of static.

After ten years without a hitch there shouldn't be a problem.  Depends 
what you are standing on :)   I did most of a degree in physics.  For 
that I had to study surface effects on electric fields as part of it.  
Then there's the fact that static charge moves around different 
materials in different ways.

How do I know that ?  Well, back in 1974 when I worked at a large 
industrial company in Sheffield known as Thos. W. Ward we had the 
original ICL business computer in the room above me where I worked.  
Cobol in its later stages was largely written here but other work was 
done in other places.  At that time concepts like electric charge on a 
planetary body or a building were known about but not too well 
understood.  We had large cabinets full of TTL packages.  State of the 
art computing.   500 integrated circuit components per board.  50 or 
100 boards per cabinet.  I tried to explain to the RD people who were 
working on it that every time there was a large bang that the cabinet 
blew up that it was the static charge on the building.  I was told to 
f ***.  We were working inside the original British Steel prefab 
steel building.  I have been working with this kind of thing since I 
was eight years old.  I understood this effect better than anyone else 
when I was fourteen years old.  It was something like the 1980's 
before any University anywhere acknowledged that I was right.  Even 
then the discovery was attributed to a Dr or Professor of something 
even though I knew about it back in the 70's.

In the present day if someone asks me how to fix something I always say 
something like   'It it wiv a 'ammer mate !.  Works for me;) 

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[SLUG] Skype

2009-11-04 Thread Richard Ibbotson

Some interesting news for people who spend a lot of time making long 
distance phone calls...

  Digium, makers of Asterisk telephony solutions, and VoIP provider 
Skype have announced a one-year development period for a Skype plugin 
to the free telephony service.  The proprietary Asterisk plugin 
provides Skype users with not only SkypeIn and SkypeOut to friends 
worldwide but also in other PSTN and mobile networks. 

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[SLUG] Re: Asus 1000hd - excessive HD noise

2009-10-11 Thread Richard Ibbotson
 Havent used my Netbook for a few weeks. Booted up last night and
 installed 94 updates. Now whenever I use streaming media (
  shoutcast in Exaile or Youtube in Firefox) The HD clicks like

There was something like EXT3 daemon issues or many versions of the 
same desktop search software running at the same time.  At the command 
line type 'top'.  See if there are multiple processes running in 
there.   Find and kill the process with something like 'ps ax | grep 
[name of process]'  Or, for SSH  ps ax | grep ssh.  If SSH is 
process ID 5678 then you type 'kill 5678' to kill it.

 Ideas please.

Could be something else but the above seems like a good place to start 

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[SLUG] Linux Saves Aussie Electrical Grid

2009-10-11 Thread Richard Ibbotson

 QUICK THINKING open sourcerers might have saved an Australian power 
supply system after its electrical grid control room network got 
infected with a virus.

Winduhs ... my friend for life

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[SLUG] Re: Linux Saves Aussie Electrical Grid

2009-10-11 Thread Richard Ibbotson
 Had they kept their OS and anti-virus up to date, they would have
  had some protection against what felled their systems.


 However, considering that they were using Windows as X terminals
  for Solaris servers, one wonders why they weren't using Linux.

I was wondering the same thing :)  An EDS consultant I know is also 
thinking the same way.

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[SLUG] Re: Dreamweaver clone for Linux ?

2009-09-17 Thread Richard Ibbotson
 At the time Drupal had a vague plan to move to a decent database
  layer to reduce SQL injection attacks, but nothing more.

Just got back from Drupalcon in Paris.  Have a look at

the sound is a bit rough but you should get something out of it.  
Drupal 7 is something different compared with previous attempts.  DB 
layer issues fixed and PHP pass algorithm now in use.

I suppose this doesn't plug all the holes but it's a step in the right 
direction :)

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[SLUG] Re: Asus Eee PC 900

2009-09-12 Thread Richard Ibbotson
  Are people running versions of Linux on this or similar computers
  that they've been able to install easily while keeping Windows?
 I do not know that because I don't have Eeepc. Having said that
 though, why not give Eeebuntu ( a go? It's
 specifically designed for Eeepc. Or even Xubuntu

I've been using Eeebuntu on my 701 for months.  It's excellent.  All 
of those drivers and other stuff that doesn't exist for other netbooks 
just installs into your EeePC.  Works first time you boot.

Just got hold of a new 1005HA.  Turns out that the ethernet and Wi-Fi 
drivers for these only exist as a backport until November when Manic 
Koala 9.10 comes along.  Used the backported drivers after the 
installation and deleting XP.  Works fine for me with ordinary Jaunty 
Jackoffalot 9.04 :)

(better not mention the cricket)

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[SLUG] Re: Asus Eee PC 900

2009-09-12 Thread Richard Ibbotson

The one that I've been using for writing for magazines and travelling 
with my 701 is...

Netbook remix or the standard version is just great.  See also Crunch 
Bang Linux - - great for netbooks.

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[SLUG] Mini-notebook Sales Jump 398%

2009-08-26 Thread Richard Ibbotson

I don't know if this is true but here it is

I think this means that although some of this is the XP desktop a lot 
of it is GNU/Linux based ?

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[SLUG] Re: Mini-notebook Sales Jump 398%

2009-08-26 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Wednesday 26 Aug 2009 12:36:03 Morgan Storey wrote:
 Unfortunately from what I have read a lot of the manufacturers
 moved to XP on the slightly higher models, and models with larger
 disks, and a lot of those sales where XP machines. So much so that
 MS continued shipping XP and supporting it. They have now even made
 a cutdown version of 7 for netbooks. But it is progress, there are
 a heap of people out there using Linux on thei netbooks, the missus
 was already a convert and probably only bought her netbook cause
 she knew everything would just work with Linux.

Yes.  As part of the same discussion that I've had with a lot of 
people I found myself having a long chat to Mark Shuttleworth one day 
at an event in Brussels.  He agreed with me that you can't get hold of 
any real figures for desktop use of GNU/Linux.  

However, it seems to be that thanks to the netbook penetration of the 
commercial desktop market is starting to happen.  It's becoming 
acceptable and easy to use.  I even managed to get someone from SuSE 
in Nuremberg to agree with me about this.  As a side note:  Fujitsu 
are saying that they might have to lay off 1200 people in the UK due to 
lack of sales.

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[SLUG] Re: Fwd:SLUG meeting videos/slides?

2009-05-31 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Sunday 31 May 2009 10:45:52 Ken Wilson wrote:
 Michael Chesterton wrote:
  The videos are up, (thank you very much) they're in the 2008

Thanks for that.  Was hoping I might be able to watch Jeff give his 
talk :)

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Re: Fwd: [SLUG] SLUG meeting videos/slides? SYSADMINS:- LOOK AT VIDEO STORAGE

2009-05-31 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Sunday 31 May 2009 14:04:42 Jeff Waugh wrote:
 Looks like there's an ugly encoding issue going on... the audio
 seems fine, but the video goes nuts in mplayer (and gstreamer just
 seems to ignore the intermediate frames -- mplayer is valiantly
 trying to do something useful with them).

 What did you use to encode the videos?

Yeh.. I'm getting that.  Also get the same when I create my own videos 
from VHS-C tape.

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[SLUG] Re: Ubuntu 9.04 performance [Was: Sound in Ubuntu 9.04]

2009-05-19 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Tuesday 19 May 2009 00:55:18 Jeff Waugh wrote:
 The sluggishness is almost certainly related to the video driver
 performance regression in Ubuntu 9.04. There are some half-fixes
 which introduce new problems, but for most users I recommend going
 back to 8.10 for now. Easiest way around it, sadly.

My own domestic workstations are 4 Ghz AMD64 machines with 2Gb of RAM 
and an Nividia graphics card.  Built by me.  I used to build machines 
for IBM and Compaq. There is a slight glitch in the graphics from time 
to time but mostly it's okay.

I find these machines to be good for making videos and editing them.  
Kino or something similar Good for editing images from my Nikon 
digital SLR camera and of course the usual word processing and 
spreadsheets and e-mail (Kmail) and web pages.



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[SLUG] Re: GIMP (Was: Lenovo wins $150m NSW schools deal or April Fools joke?)

2009-05-19 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Tuesday 19 May 2009 00:21:41 Marghanita da Cruz wrote:
 With regard to Technical/Architectural drawing - I suspect there
 would be lots of shortcomings in the gimp apart from its printing
 capabilitybut my tech drawing and
 photography classes were too long ago, for me to comment on how the
 subject is taught today. But I don't think the Gimp is a
 particularly good drawing package.

Hmm... I tend to use Gimp for editing Nikon raw data files and then 
batch process afterwards with Phatch.  To do any graphics or drawing I 
prefer Inkscape.  

At least we made it to the point where there is now a choice of 
graphics packages on the Linux desktop :)

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[SLUG] Re: Proprietary colour names (was GIMP was...)

2009-05-19 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Tuesday 19 May 2009 08:32:33 Andrew Cowie wrote:
 As long as the graphics arts industry continue to use those names
 to identify, and the printing industry uses such names to
 distinguish the pile of coloured bottles on the shelf, then
 apparently there's nothing we can do. ie, we are free to come up
 with our own names for inks, release them freely, and manufacture
 said inks to our hearts content. But this doesn't do us the least
 bit of good until such time as such inks were widely available at
 printing houses as an alternative to the Pantone copyright ones.
 And that ain't about to happen.

 It's exasperating, but the names  mapping are their property. I
 think most people who need to would be happy to pay for access, but
 a) such a datapack would be non-redistributable, and in any case b)
 since people are used to getting it for free (in products whose
 vendors have already paid Pantone for a licence), people don't
 really get the idea that there's a cost to it.

 So maybe we need to go on a crusade to convince ink manufacturers
 to _also_ label their products with [some hypothetical set of
 redistributable] names, as well as Pantone ones.

Some further background information for people who might not know a 
lot about this

For further info use Google and search for Linux Pantone or similar.  
An add on Gtk+ application for Gimp and Inkscape might do the job.  As 
always, it comes back to some brave sole who wants to write the code 
and circulate the software :)  Someone has to do it.  See also..


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[SLUG] Re: microphone / skype / ubuntu 9.04 jaunty

2009-05-18 Thread Richard Ibbotson
  It's driving me nuts; i've spent the last couple of hours
  twiddling knobs like crazy and making repeated calls to the test

What I do after checking the sound levels with a gui based application 
is install another sound level controller.  Let's see..

sudo apt-cache search sound ...


Yes, I know it doesn't sound all that sensible but I found that after 
installing Jaunty Jackoffalot some things were missing.  I had to play 
around with apt-cache search for a while to find what I had missed.  
Don't know what this is about :)  Other than that it's a hardware 


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[SLUG] Re: GIMP (Was: Lenovo wins $150m NSW schools deal or April Fools joke?)

2009-05-18 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Monday 18 May 2009 12:54:34 elliott-brennan wrote:
 I've never been shown the difference (as in, here
 are examples of a photograph) and I don't know if
 most (the majority of) people would notice or care
 either way.

Due to the fact that most people are taught only simple concepts to do 
with a subjective concept like colour or colour analysis it can be 
difficult and confusing for people to discuss this kind of issue.

To get to be a professional photographer I had to take written exams 
which were all about colorimetry (Things like degrees kelvin and mired 
values and colour balance) and sensitometric analysis of (old 
fashioned) colour film emulsions

Since then I have taken a few degrees in pure sciences.  The clever 
bit comes when you finally match up sensitometric analysis and 
colorimetric related issues to your own subjective understanding of 
colour (color if you were trained by Kodak).   Most people can only 
manage to do this effectively (numerically as well as subjectively) 
after many years of working as a photographer or through the process 
of paint matching.

I find that while my own eyesight isn't very good due to having my face 
crushed when I was a child but in actual fact my eyesight is very good 
at judging colour balance which is a skill which was essential in old 
fashioned colour print production. Some people have brilliant eyesight 
but rotten colour judgement.  Vision and the optical nerve is a very 
long and tortuous subject to understand :)


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[SLUG] Re: GIMP (Was: Lenovo wins $150m NSW schools deal or April Fools joke?)

2009-05-18 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Monday 18 May 2009 14:56:54 elliott-brennan wrote:
 I agree about colour perception and the range of
 abilities people have. Similarly a (then)
 girlfriend's aunt insisted she could not tell the
 difference between stereo and mono. I ran a few
 tests for her. Despite the fact she could hear
 well enough in both ears she insisted she couldn't
 tell the difference (I think she was just a cranky
 old fart :))

Yeh... although I'm a well published photographer (not as much as 
some) who is supposed to be able to print his own colour photographs 
(as in the old fashioned version with film) the RAF put me through 
their stereo vision checks to see if they could move me over to their 
air side to analyse pictures of the things that they photograph from 
the sky.  70 m/m film.  I used to be an RAF photographer.  The RAF test 
showed that no part of my vision could possibly work at all !  laughs 
out loud.  What does this tell you about the RAF ?

In spite of this I can do a lot of Ju Jitsu and Aikido and judge 
distances very well.  On the other side of it my own colour vision 
would seem to be excellent.  Most people seem to balance around a 
slight red or blue shift.  I come out as slightly red.  A neutral 
photograph looks slightly warm to me.

Right... where's that free crack cocaine that comes with every Ubutnu 
(oh.. sorry Ubuntu) disk ?  Must get back to sniffing that ...


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Re: [SLUG] GIMP (Was: Lenovo wins $150m NSW schools deal or April Fools joke?)

2009-05-18 Thread Richard Ibbotson
On Monday 18 May 2009 13:45:48 Glen Turner wrote:
 Also lacking in GIMP and Inkscape is support for spot
 printing and multi-colour processes.  PANTONE is the most
 common of those process -- it is commonly used to print
 logos onto things.

Yes.  I've done a lot of work with old fashioned Letraset.

 In short, you wouldn't notice with photos, but if you're
 trying for a moderate level of graphics arts on paper then
 the lack of ability to describe all that the printer is
 capable of gets old pretty quickly. As a simple example,
 I had to ditch GIMP to get a sun rising effect on some
 PR material I was preparing.

Yes.  Gimp is much better than it was but some sort of Pantone colour 
integration would be good (eventually).  An open source version of 
that would need to be implemented.

 Similarly, the lack of PANTONE support sucks if you are
 printing stuff like your sporting club's logo onto water
 bottles or whatever. 

I agree :)


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