Re: [Stripes-users] Empty requests parameters

2017-07-19 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi

Have you turned on logs ? Stripes can tell you everything it does, which
could help pinpoint the problem (binding/validation ? bean resolution ?



2017-07-19 13:00 GMT+02:00 MJ :

> Hello,
> Nothing special, a sample action bean like
> @UrlBinding(Bindings.LOGIN)
> public class LoginActionBean extends ActionBean {
> @DefaultHandler
> @HandlesEvent("connect")
> public Resolution connect() throws Exception {
>  return new ForwardResolution(Resolutions.HOME);
> }
> }
> I am using Glassfish 4 and Stripes 1.5.7, the problem is many request are
> empty parameters in entry point of ActionBean, and i can't understand what
> is wrong. NB: the some request work fine but sometimes server recive it
> with
> empty parameters (1/10 request failed).
> Thank you for your help.
> --
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Re: [Stripes-users] retrieve StripesFilter configuration outside of an Stripes request

2016-08-02 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Yes ServletContextAware suffers the same problem.

I think the best option right now, with the current codebase, is to
subclass StripesFilter and do whatever you need in init(). This way you are
quite sure the filter is there :P

A more "Stripey" way to handle this would be a proper initializer
component, like :

class MyStartupListener implements StripesStartupListener {

Stripes could scan for such component(s) and call it (them).



2016-08-02 15:09 GMT+02:00 Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez <>:

> Hi Rémi,
> indeed the init sequence problem is there, but the mbean is going to be
> called much fewer times than a regular intercepted URL. It doesn't matter
> too much if the mbean returns an empty map (people using the mbean would
> know the application is starting). Besides, at the time the MBean is going
> to be called most probably Stripes Filter has finished initializing anyways.
> The problem with the ServletContextListener equivalent is that you're not
> going to be sure if StripesFilter is configured/present or not at context
> init time. For instance, it is not on Stripes http test support classes and
> who knows on any given container. This same lifecycle problem also happens
> implementing ServletContextAware, so right now I've to check every time if
> the urlbindings have been grabbed or not. The CustomConfigurableComponent
> approach would allow solving this issue, and also allow further custom
> extensions of Stripes, by allowing one-off set-up tasks.
> By what I've seen from Stripes source code, it shouldn't be too
> complicated, after all the initialization is done, scan classes
> implementing that interface and calling their init(Configuration) methods.
> I can send a PR, but I fear I won't be able at least until mid-september
> (current workload + holidays).
> br,
> juan pablo
> On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 2:44 PM, VANKEISBELCK Remi <> wrote:
>> Hi again Juan Pablo,
>> Cool ! Glad to know it works.
>> Indeed, you still have a "init sequence" problem, but I guess that those
>> url bindings are irrelevant until the filter is up.
>> I mean, you get the actual result by invoking the MBean : it returns an
>> empty list of bindings if the filter is not ready yet.
>> There are probably other ways to do this without "polling", which you
>> will eventually do if you need to *wait* for those bindings in order to
>> trigger some other processing.
>> Stuff like the @CustomConfigurableComponent you talked about : some kind
>> of Stripes "ServletContextListener" equivalent, that could invoke another
>> service to do whatever needed on startup/destroy.
>> I also needed this in most of my apps, and I ended up using the JEE base
>> API, which feels mush less "integrated" and has some lifecycle issues...
>> Feel free to propose an enhancement :)
>> Cheers
>> Rémi
>> 2016-08-02 12:47 GMT+02:00 Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez <
>>> Hi Rémi,
>>> thanks for the tip! :-) Although my JMX MBean doesn't have access to the
>>> servlet context, it's also a Spring managed bean, so I've also made it
>>> ServletContextAware, which solves the access to the servletContext from the
>>> MBean.
>>> At the time of servletContext injection, the Stripes Filter hasn't
>>> initialized yet, so I just grab the reference to the servletContext there,
>>> and ended up with an action method in the lines of:
>>> public Map< String, Object > bindings() {
>>> if( !scannedConfiguration && servletContext != null ) {
>>> final StripesFilter sf = ( StripesFilter
>>> )servletContext.getAttribute( StripesFilter.class.getName() );
>>> if ( sf != null ) {
>>> grabUrlBindingsFrom( sf.getInstanceConfiguration() );
>>> scannedConfiguration = true;
>>> "Stripes Filter configuration readed" );
>>> } else {
>>> LOG.warn( "Stripes Filter not yet initialized" );
>>> }
>>> }
>>> return stripesUrlBindings;
>>> }
>>> best regards,
>>> juan pablo
>>> On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 7:21 PM, VANKEISBELCK Remi <> wrote:

Re: [Stripes-users] retrieve StripesFilter configuration outside of an Stripes request

2016-08-02 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi again Juan Pablo,

Cool ! Glad to know it works.

Indeed, you still have a "init sequence" problem, but I guess that those
url bindings are irrelevant until the filter is up.
I mean, you get the actual result by invoking the MBean : it returns an
empty list of bindings if the filter is not ready yet.

There are probably other ways to do this without "polling", which you will
eventually do if you need to *wait* for those bindings in order to trigger
some other processing.
Stuff like the @CustomConfigurableComponent you talked about : some kind of
Stripes "ServletContextListener" equivalent, that could invoke another
service to do whatever needed on startup/destroy.
I also needed this in most of my apps, and I ended up using the JEE base
API, which feels mush less "integrated" and has some lifecycle issues...

Feel free to propose an enhancement :)



2016-08-02 12:47 GMT+02:00 Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez <>:

> Hi Rémi,
> thanks for the tip! :-) Although my JMX MBean doesn't have access to the
> servlet context, it's also a Spring managed bean, so I've also made it
> ServletContextAware, which solves the access to the servletContext from the
> MBean.
> At the time of servletContext injection, the Stripes Filter hasn't
> initialized yet, so I just grab the reference to the servletContext there,
> and ended up with an action method in the lines of:
> public Map< String, Object > bindings() {
> if( !scannedConfiguration && servletContext != null ) {
> final StripesFilter sf = ( StripesFilter
> )servletContext.getAttribute( StripesFilter.class.getName() );
> if ( sf != null ) {
> grabUrlBindingsFrom( sf.getInstanceConfiguration() );
> scannedConfiguration = true;
> "Stripes Filter configuration readed" );
> } else {
> LOG.warn( "Stripes Filter not yet initialized" );
>     }
> }
> return stripesUrlBindings;
> }
> best regards,
> juan pablo
> On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 7:21 PM, VANKEISBELCK Remi <> wrote:
>> Hi again,
>> Ok, seems too complicated.
>> Another way maybe : use the StripesFilter instance that is bound to the
>> ServletContext. In net.sourceforge.stripes.controller.StripesFilter#init :
>> this.servletContext.setAttribute(StripesFilter.class.getName(), this);
>> So I guess that you can retrieve the filter's configuration by :
>> StripesFilter sf = (StripesFilter)servletContext.getAttribute(
>> StripesFilter.class.getName())
>> Configuration c = sf.getInstanceConfiguration();
>> Now for the multiple configs, I'm not aware of any docs, users, or even
>> use cases for the feature.
>> I don't see the need for a webapp with multiple runtime configs,
>> especially in Stripes which does everything once at startup time... I think
>> it's a relic from ancient ages where containers were not managing
>> classloader isolation very well...
>> If you find any use for this, please tell me, I'd like to know :P
>> HTH
>> Rémi
>> 2016-08-01 19:03 GMT+02:00 Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez <
>>> Hi Remi,
>>> quite there, but still not sure if there is a better way to do this.
>>> ConfigurableComponent is used on two separate places:
>>> - to instantiate core parts of Stripes (i.e. object factory, action bean
>>> resolver, property binder, context factory, etc.). Stripes only allows to
>>> have on of each one of those parts, so if I want to access there Stripes'
>>> configuration I have to replace one of those core, default classes with a
>>> custom one. Not very appealing. Also, at that stage, Stripes Configuration
>>> hasn't finished, so depending on which part you substitute, you may not
>>> have all the information you need from Stripes configuration.
>>> - to initialize Interceptors which also implement ConfigurableComponent.
>>> I went this way, hoping that I could declare an Interceptor without
>>> annotating it with @Intercepts (so it would be called only when
>>> initializated), but if the Interceptor isn't annotated, then it gets
>>> ignored. So I've ended up with an empty intercepts() method which get's
>>> called on every request, but at least I'm able to get the required
>>> configuration at init() time. Not the cleanest thing, but it gets things
>>> done. I also 

Re: [Stripes-users] retrieve StripesFilter configuration outside of an Stripes request

2016-08-01 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi again,

Ok, seems too complicated.

Another way maybe : use the StripesFilter instance that is bound to the
ServletContext. In net.sourceforge.stripes.controller.StripesFilter#init :

this.servletContext.setAttribute(StripesFilter.class.getName(), this);

So I guess that you can retrieve the filter's configuration by :

StripesFilter sf = (StripesFilter)servletContext.getAttribute(StripesFilter.
Configuration c = sf.getInstanceConfiguration();

Now for the multiple configs, I'm not aware of any docs, users, or even use
cases for the feature.
I don't see the need for a webapp with multiple runtime configs, especially
in Stripes which does everything once at startup time... I think it's a
relic from ancient ages where containers were not managing classloader
isolation very well...
If you find any use for this, please tell me, I'd like to know :P



2016-08-01 19:03 GMT+02:00 Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez <>:

> Hi Remi,
> quite there, but still not sure if there is a better way to do this.
> ConfigurableComponent is used on two separate places:
> - to instantiate core parts of Stripes (i.e. object factory, action bean
> resolver, property binder, context factory, etc.). Stripes only allows to
> have on of each one of those parts, so if I want to access there Stripes'
> configuration I have to replace one of those core, default classes with a
> custom one. Not very appealing. Also, at that stage, Stripes Configuration
> hasn't finished, so depending on which part you substitute, you may not
> have all the information you need from Stripes configuration.
> - to initialize Interceptors which also implement ConfigurableComponent. I
> went this way, hoping that I could declare an Interceptor without
> annotating it with @Intercepts (so it would be called only when
> initializated), but if the Interceptor isn't annotated, then it gets
> ignored. So I've ended up with an empty intercepts() method which get's
> called on every request, but at least I'm able to get the required
> configuration at init() time. Not the cleanest thing, but it gets things
> done. I also looked at ObjectPostProcessors, but they're instantiated too
> early to be able to have a look at url bindings.
> Ideally, to support this kind of use cases, it would be nice to have some
> sort of CustomConfigurableComponent (empty interface extending
> ConfigurableComponent) which Stripes could use to initialize all classes
> implementing it after it's done with the other ConfigurableComponents.
> Thoughts?
> Finally, just out of curiosity, regarding multiple configs: I've come
> accross some comments on StripesFilter saying that it's possible, is there
> any more documentation about this feature? I've had a quick look at
> StripesFilter code, so most probably are more comments or javadocs
> elsewhere.
> thanks in advance,
> juan pablo
> On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 3:09 PM, VANKEISBELCK Remi <> wrote:
>> Hi Juan Pablo,
>> Maybe keep the configuration it as a static field of a
>> @ConfigurableComponent ?
>> Note that it'll work only if you have one config. Stripes config allows
>> to do lots of fancy stuff that I personally never used, but who knows, that
>> door is open :P
>> Cheers
>> Rémi
>> 2016-07-28 14:27 GMT+02:00 Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez <
>>> Hi,
>>> we're currently developing some MBeans for some administrative tasks and
>>> we would like to expose all registered ActionBeans URLs through JMX.
>>> Obtaining them is easy, if you have a request routed through StripesFilter:
>>> Map< String, Object > stripesUrlBindings() {
>>> final Map< String, Object > stripesUrlBindings = new HashMap<>();
>>> if( StripesFilter.getConfiguration() != null &&
>>> StripesFilter.getConfiguration().getActionResolver() instanceof
>>> AnnotatedClassActionResolver ) {
>>> final AnnotatedClassActionResolver acar = (
>>> AnnotatedClassActionResolver
>>> )StripesFilter.getConfiguration().getActionResolver();
>>> final Map< String, Class< ? extends ActionBean > >
>>> stripesOriginalUrlBindings = acar.getUrlBindingFactory().getPathMap();
>>> for( final Map.Entry< String, Class< ? extends ActionBean >
>>> > entry : stripesOriginalUrlBindings.entrySet() ) {
>>> final Map< String, String > map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
>>> map.put( "actionbe

Re: [Stripes-users] retrieve StripesFilter configuration outside of an Stripes request

2016-07-28 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Juan Pablo,

Maybe keep the configuration it as a static field of a
@ConfigurableComponent ?

Note that it'll work only if you have one config. Stripes config allows to
do lots of fancy stuff that I personally never used, but who knows, that
door is open :P



2016-07-28 14:27 GMT+02:00 Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez <>:

> Hi,
> we're currently developing some MBeans for some administrative tasks and
> we would like to expose all registered ActionBeans URLs through JMX.
> Obtaining them is easy, if you have a request routed through StripesFilter:
> Map< String, Object > stripesUrlBindings() {
> final Map< String, Object > stripesUrlBindings = new HashMap<>();
> if( StripesFilter.getConfiguration() != null &&
> StripesFilter.getConfiguration().getActionResolver() instanceof
> AnnotatedClassActionResolver ) {
> final AnnotatedClassActionResolver acar = (
> AnnotatedClassActionResolver
> )StripesFilter.getConfiguration().getActionResolver();
> final Map< String, Class< ? extends ActionBean > >
> stripesOriginalUrlBindings = acar.getUrlBindingFactory().getPathMap();
> for( final Map.Entry< String, Class< ? extends ActionBean > >
> entry : stripesOriginalUrlBindings.entrySet() ) {
> final Map< String, String > map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
> map.put( "actionbean", entry.getValue().getCanonicalName()
> );
> stripesUrlBindings.put( "{[" + entry.getKey() +
> "],methods=[*]}", map );
> }
> }
> return stripesUrlBindings;
> }
> However, a JMX call is not going to be routed through the StripesFilter so
> StripesFilter.getConfiguration() yields null, and an error stating that the
> request hasn't been routed through Stripes is logged.
> any ideas on how to proceed?
> thanks in advance,
> juan pablo
> --
> ___
> Stripes-users mailing list
Stripes-users mailing list

[Stripes-users] Stripes 1.7.0-beta4 is out

2016-06-21 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi folks,

Stripes 1.7.0-beta4 is on its way to Maven Central. It's a minor bugfix


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[Stripes-users] 1.7.0-beta2 is out

2016-04-26 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Dear Stripers,

1.7.0-beta2 is on it way to maven central, and should be available in a few

It's a minor bugfix release.


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Re: [Stripes-users] new 1.7.0 beta?

2016-04-25 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Ok, there is a bug on master currently, we need to fix this before I can

Shouldn't take very long, stay tuned...



2016-04-25 14:35 GMT+02:00 VANKEISBELCK Remi <>:

> Hi Juan Pablo,
> I'll release a beta2 ASAP. I just noticed that webtests are broken on
> master, I have to understand why...
> Will keep you posted.
> Cheers
> Rémi
> 2016-04-22 11:46 GMT+02:00 Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez <
>> Hi,
>> we're using Stripes 1.7.0 beta1 for some of our ongoing developments, in
>> which we noticed issues #51 and #53. Now that the relevant PR have been
>> merged on master I was wondering if a new beta could be pushed to central?
>> O:-)
>> So far, aside from those issues, beta1 has been working nicely so we
>> wouldn't mind jump to beta2 as soon it is available. Souns reasonable?
>> thanks,
>> juan pablo
>> p.d.: as an aside,
>> points
>> to JIRA as the project's issue tracker but the project seems to be using
>> github for that now. Some OSS projects require an issue (either at JIRA or
>> at github) + a PR, some are fine with just a PR, others are sometimes fine
>> with e-mails.. Which / where is the appropiate way / you guys are more
>> comfortable to raise an issue for Stripes?
>> --
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>> ___
>> Stripes-users mailing list
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Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] new 1.7.0 beta?

2016-04-25 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Juan Pablo,

I'll release a beta2 ASAP. I just noticed that webtests are broken on
master, I have to understand why...

Will keep you posted.



2016-04-22 11:46 GMT+02:00 Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez <>:

> Hi,
> we're using Stripes 1.7.0 beta1 for some of our ongoing developments, in
> which we noticed issues #51 and #53. Now that the relevant PR have been
> merged on master I was wondering if a new beta could be pushed to central?
> O:-)
> So far, aside from those issues, beta1 has been working nicely so we
> wouldn't mind jump to beta2 as soon it is available. Souns reasonable?
> thanks,
> juan pablo
> p.d.: as an aside,
> points
> to JIRA as the project's issue tracker but the project seems to be using
> github for that now. Some OSS projects require an issue (either at JIRA or
> at github) + a PR, some are fine with just a PR, others are sometimes fine
> with e-mails.. Which / where is the appropiate way / you guys are more
> comfortable to raise an issue for Stripes?
> --
> Find and fix application performance issues faster with Applications
> Manager
> Applications Manager provides deep performance insights into multiple
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> reduces your MTTR. Get your free trial!
> ___
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[Stripes-users] Asynchronous Actions (beta)

2016-03-11 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Dear Stripers,

Asynchronous Actions are now available in master (1.7.0-SNAPSHOT).

I have also released a beta, so that you don't need to build yourself :


(I've just released, so it might take a few hours to propagate to Maven

For those who haven't followed the conversations on github, Async Actions
allow to write non-blocking/asynchronous event handlers, "a la Servlet3

The related wiki page (probably needs some improvements) :

The github ticket(s) : (tomcat bug)

There's a (simple) async action in the examples webapp :

As usual, feedback is most appreciated.


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Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] Stripes-users Digest, Vol 113, Issue 4

2016-01-26 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Ron,

Sending an email at the end of the task is even easier : you don't need
polling at all !

Simply submit a runnable with your webservice call and response handling
(send the email) to an ExecutorService from the action. This is "fire and
forget" : submission to the executor doesn't block. Then just return a
redirect to the action you want.

Stuff like :

public Resolution submitTaskAndProceed() {
  executorService.submit(new MyTask(this));
  return new RedirectResolution(MyActionAfterSubmitTask.class);

As you see the action can be an argument of the task, in case you need it.
I prefer to pass actual required data as it makes your task testable
outside of Stripes.

The whole point here is that your action bean is a regular one. It submits
a job to a thread pool, that's all.



2016-01-25 17:54 GMT+01:00 Ron King <>:

> The link that Joaquin describes is not quite what I want either. I want to
> allow the user to go ahead and
> continue to work, not wait one minute before they can go on. This seems to
> describe a scenario where a 'wait page' would be updated periodically, and
> I don't want the user to have to wait at all. Sending an email from within
> the action upon completion would work for me as far as notifying the user
> about their form submission.
> It appears to me that If I can get the response writer to write out my new
> page at the beginning of the submission, it would satisfy my requirement.
> How can I ensure that the writer is flushed?
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 3:00 AM, <
>> wrote:
>> Send Stripes-users mailing list submissions to
>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> than "Re: Contents of Stripes-users digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>>1. Re: Writing to response.writer is not working (Joaquin Valdez)
>>2. Re: Infinite loop issue on stripes layout components inside
>>   jsp tag (Zlatka Mihaylova)
>> --
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2016 11:41:57 -0700
>> From: Joaquin Valdez <>
>> Subject: Re: [Stripes-users] Writing to response.writer is not working
>> To:, Stripes Users List
>> <>
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Hi!
>> Is this the same idea as this:
>> ?
>> Joaquin
>> > On Jan 23, 2016, at 10:52 AM, VANKEISBELCK Remi <> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi again,
>> >
>> > Seems like a regular "long running job / polling" scenario. It can be
>> done with current Stripes version, even if it will be less performant if
>> your http client is really non blocking, but that's another story.
>> >
>> > So here's how I'd do this.
>> >
>> > 1/ Server side
>> >
>> > In the ActionBean, I'd submit a task to an executor service (a thread
>> pool) with that long running job that calls the webservice. This task
>> should update the back-end state in some way, so that you can do polling
>> and know when it's done.
>> > The same ActionBean can handle Ajax polling via another event method.
>> This one will be called from some JS code in your page.
>> >
>> > public class MyAction implements ActionBean {
>> >
>> >   public Resolution triggerLongRunningJob() {
>> > // retrieve Executor Service, from servlet context or custom
>> ActionBeanContext
>> > ExecutorService executorService = ... ;
>> > // submit task
>> > executorService.submit(new MyLongRunningTask(...);
>> > // return a redirect resolution to the "wait" screen
>> > return new Redirect

Re: [Stripes-users] Using an executor with Stripes, on Tomcat 8

2016-01-26 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
No there's no issue using an ExecutorService inside a container. Most
frameworks use their own thread pools today.

Just create it in an init context listener or something like this, and
shutdown it properly when the app closes.



2016-01-26 17:23 GMT+01:00 Ron King <>:

> Remi, from some of my reading, I'm getting the impression
> that one should be careful when using threads inside of a
> servlet container. How do you do this, can you elaborate?
> On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 9:23 AM, <
>> wrote:
>> Send Stripes-users mailing list submissions to
>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> than "Re: Contents of Stripes-users digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>>1. Re: Flushing a writer before the ActionBean has   completed
>>   (Ron King)
>> --
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 09:23:06 -0600
>> From: Ron King <>
>> Subject: Re: [Stripes-users] Flushing a writer before the ActionBean
>> has completed
>> To:
>> Message-ID:
>> <
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Thanks Remi, I'll give this some thought, this helps a lot.
>> Also, I did come up with a way to prompt the user at the beginning of the
>> submission.
>> I pop up a jquery-ui dialog box, instead of trying to use the response
>> writer
>> to write a new page.
>> On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 2:15 AM, <
>>> wrote:
>> > Send Stripes-users mailing list submissions to
>> >
>> >
>> > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>> >
>> > or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>> >
>> >
>> > You can reach the person managing the list at
>> >
>> >
>> > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> > than "Re: Contents of Stripes-users digest..."
>> >
>> >
>> > Today's Topics:
>> >
>> >1. Re: Stripes-users Digest, Vol 113, Issue 4 (VANKEISBELCK Remi)
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> >
>> > Message: 1
>> > Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 09:15:03 +0100
>> > From: VANKEISBELCK Remi <>
>> > Subject: Re: [Stripes-users] Stripes-users Digest, Vol 113, Issue 4
>> > To: Stripes Users List <>
>> > Message-ID:
>> > 

Re: [Stripes-users] Writing to response.writer is not working

2016-01-23 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi again,

Seems like a regular "long running job / polling" scenario. It can be done
with current Stripes version, even if it will be less performant if your
http client is really non blocking, but that's another story.

So here's how I'd do this.

1/ Server side

In the ActionBean, I'd submit a task to an executor service (a thread pool)
with that long running job that calls the webservice. This task should
update the back-end state in some way, so that you can do polling and know
when it's done.
The same ActionBean can handle Ajax polling via another event method. This
one will be called from some JS code in your page.

public class MyAction implements ActionBean {

  public Resolution triggerLongRunningJob() {
// retrieve Executor Service, from servlet context or custom
ExecutorService executorService = ... ;
// submit task
executorService.submit(new MyLongRunningTask(...);
// return a redirect resolution to the "wait" screen
return new RedirectResolution(getClass(), "displayWaitScreen")

  public Resolution displayWaitScreen() {
return new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/jsp/wait-screen.jsp");

  public Resolution poll() {
// find task completion status and return to the client
String jsonTaskCompletion = ... ;
return new StreamingResolution("application/json", jsonTaskCompletion);

  // the long running task code is in a Runnable
  private class MyLongRunningTask implements Runnable {
public void run() {
  // call the webservice and update internal state


2/ Client side

First you'll submit the form to the 'triggerLongRunningJob' event. This
will launch the background task and return directly.
Then, you'll send xhr requests to the 'poll' event, that will tell you what
to do next. If task has completed, then you'll probably change the location
of the browser in some way in order to display a "result" page of some sort
(ie use your data from the completed task and do whatever you need with it).



2016-01-23 17:05 GMT+01:00 Ron King :

> Hi everyone,
> I want to write an html page back to the user at the very beginning of an
> ActionBean submit method.
> The method calls a web service that takes around a minute to respond, and
> I want to put up a message
> before the web service finishes.
> I'm on Tomcat 8. I tried flushing the writer, but the page still doesn't
> display until after I return the
> Resolution from the submit method.
> Is there a way to make it write immediately?
> Regards,
> Ron
> --
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Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] Where does variable 'contacts' came from in the book about Stripes?

2015-12-23 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi

When you write this in EL :


It actually looks for a JavaBean property named "contacts" on an object
named "actionBean" bound to a JSP scope (here, request). In that case, it
ends up invoking "getContacts".



2015-12-23 18:10 GMT+01:00 Tika Spic :

> I'm currently only reading the book "Stripes: ...and Java web development
> is fun again".
> Since I'm not new to web development, I'm able to read this book without
> practicing in editor.
> I have spot a problem on page 47 in the following line:
> What is this reference "contacts"? It is not explicitly declared in the
> action bean. It does exist only in this method name:
> public List getContacts() {
> }
> So, was the "contacts" reference accidentally dropped from the code or
> Stripes perhaps uses implicit declarations according to some naming
> conventions, e.g. method naming? I believe that it was accidentally dropped,
> since in the first chapter a "date" reference was used in similar way, but
> now I'm not sure that there is not some kind of implicit declarations since
> Stripes forces convention over configuration.
> --
> ___
> Stripes-users mailing list
Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] Newbie

2015-12-22 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi

You are right that samples in the distribution should show how to lake the
best out of the fwk. Unfortunately, it's not always true in our case...

The Calc example for instance is crappy, and we should rewrite it. It
doesn't even follow the "pre-action" pattern and allows access to JSPs.

Also, we have all samples in the same webapp. We should have separate
webapps for separate samples instead, would be less confusing
(dependencies, custom interceptors etc).

I'd recommend "bugzooky", as it shows indexed props, the s:form taglib,
post-and-redirect, and things like this. It's probably the most
comprehensive sample we have for "traditional" webapp dev (ie not Ajax).

There's no forum I know of, but the list is just the same. There ain't too
many people, so feel free to drop an email whenever you have a question.



2015-12-21 22:21 GMT+01:00 tika :

> >
> >
> > tika,
> > You've already gotten some great answers from other folks. I'll only add
> that you should also check out the Stripes example applications.  They are
> a
> great way to see easy to understand examples of real world use cases.
> Welcome to Stripes!
> >
> > -- Rick
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 9:02 AM, tika
>  wrote:Hi all.
> > I haven't been programming web apps for a long time and now I want to
> rework
> > one of my apps from Struts 1 to something else. It seems to me that,
> > compared to other web frameworks, Stripes seems to be appropriate for my
> > needs and flavour. My question is regarding the book about Stripes. It
> was
> > published in 2008 and I'm wondering what part of that book is still valid
> > for Stripes 1.6?
> > Second, I will also vote for JsonBuilderFactory as my favourite is genson
> > library.
> > Kind regards. Tika.
> >
> --
> Thank you all.
> Yes, I'm aware of the existence of the new book about Stripes but wanted
> some more info about "Stripes: ...and Java web development is fun again".
> I'm very glad to hear it is still valid. It says a lot about framework.
> Thank you for your tip Rick. I usually use to say that framework example
> applications can be considered as a best framework usage patterns so are
> something that should not be avoided.
> p.s.
> Is there some forum about Stripes?
> --
> ___
> Stripes-users mailing list
Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] OSGi + Stripes

2015-11-03 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Yann,

Stripes's classpath scanning has its ways. It does several tricks in order
to try to find the classes in the "CLASSPATH", but this is off the Java
spec, and therefore not guaranteed to work correctly everywhere. It depends
a lot on the environment that creates the app's class loaders...

How is your app packaged (ie where are the action bean classes) ?
What app server are you using ?



2015-11-02 20:27 GMT+01:00 Yann Bourdeau :

> Hi All,
> I’m trying to create a bundle in OSGi (Karaf 3,.0.3)  of a Stripes
> application. I’m not too much familiar with OSGi but i’m familiar with
> Stripes. I’m trying to run the calculator sample and everything is working
> fine except for the scanning of the action beans. The action bean do not
> seems to be found when scanned at the startup. Do I need to do something
> special to the package that contains the action beans. Like exporting it?
> Any help is welcome.
> thanks in advance.
> Yann Bourdeau, M.Ing.
> Senior Software Developer
> 438-499-4607
> --
> ___
> Stripes-users mailing list
Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] OSGi + Stripes

2015-11-03 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
I have absolutely zero knowledge of those OSGI servers, but as soon as they
manage class (re)loading etc, I guess that Stripes "Virtual File System"
gets confused.

This is one of the major issues today with Stripes IMHO, the VFS. We
already have regular JEE servers that we don't support, so I guess OSGI is
even worse :/

Classpath scanning is done by the class :

Maybe you could configure the logs to DEBUG for this logger and see what it
outputs ? This (plus an explanation of the "war" contents) would help to
understand where it fails.



2015-11-03 16:46 GMT+01:00 Yann Bourdeau <>:

> Hi Remi,
> Thanks for replying.
> I use Apache Karaf 3.0.3 on top of Apache Felix.
> I use the felix maven bundle creator in Maven. I have exported the package
> the contains the Action Bean. I have modified the class path ton include
> WEB-INF/classes (where if i’m not mistaken it is where the Action Bean
> package reside). I know that class loaders are modified by the OSGi
> container. Maybe it is not possible.
> thanks
> Le 3 nov. 2015 à 10:14, VANKEISBELCK Remi <> a écrit :
> Hi Yann,
> Stripes's classpath scanning has its ways. It does several tricks in order
> to try to find the classes in the "CLASSPATH", but this is off the Java
> spec, and therefore not guaranteed to work correctly everywhere. It depends
> a lot on the environment that creates the app's class loaders...
> How is your app packaged (ie where are the action bean classes) ?
> What app server are you using ?
> Cheers
> Rémi
> 2015-11-02 20:27 GMT+01:00 Yann Bourdeau <>:
>> Hi All,
>> I’m trying to create a bundle in OSGi (Karaf 3,.0.3)  of a
>> Stripes application. I’m not too much familiar with OSGi but i’m familiar
>> with Stripes. I’m trying to run the calculator sample and everything is
>> working fine except for the scanning of the action beans. The action bean
>> do not seems to be found when scanned at the startup. Do I need to do
>> something special to the package that contains the action beans. Like
>> exporting it? Any help is welcome.
>> thanks in advance.
>> Yann Bourdeau, M.Ing.
>> Senior Software Developer
>> 438-499-4607
>> --
>> ___
>> Stripes-users mailing list
> --
> ___
> Stripes-users mailing list
> Yann Bourdeau, M.Ing.
> Senior Software Developer
> 438-499-4607
Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] Integrate Hibernate or eBean with Stripes

2015-08-21 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi

Unfortunately there ain't no official Stripes/Hibernate plugin as far as
I know. We had Stripernate once but it doesn't seem to exist any more. We
discussed this on IRC recently and agreed it's a problem, the lack of such
integration layers...

We're typically in the case of someone who wants to persist data (everybody
or almost does) and we have no real answer for him. It's doable and many of
us rolled their own solution, but it's not available directly, as a plugin,
whereas it totally could (Stripernate).

Anyway, here's how it goes :
1/ setup the SessionFactory at init time (webapp listener or
load-on-startup servlet), configure the entity classes etc
2/ register Type Converter(s) and Formatters for Entity classes : those
will convert incoming HTTP params to Entity objects (we often refer to this
as hydratation of the Domain Objects)
3/ manage transactions (per request - OSIV, per DAO call, ...)
4/ integrate Validator to ValidationMetadataProvider

I think integrating another ORM would be pretty much similar.

1,2 and 3 are pretty easy to handle. 4 is another story.

Here's some code (from Woko if you want to
have a look :

(implementation of the persistence layer built on hibernate)


and their factories : those use the ObjectStore in 1/ in order to do the

(OSIV style, implemented as a Stripes Interceptor)


Again, this code is clearly not something you should need to worry about,
it is quite specific Stripes/Hb gluecode.

So I'd start with a built-in stack if I were you, be it Woko or another,
but with one single requirement : your UI code (ie controllers and views)
should not depend on the framework. If it's done correctly, persistence is
non-intrusive, and you should be able to replace the whole thing without
impacting the whole app. The code that depends on Hb is the Type Converters
and stuff, but again, this is transparent.

With Woko, and probably the other folks' frameworks too, you just write
annotated entities and have all the rest working directly (1,2,3, and 4).
Then you can write your ActionBeans and JSPs, with a persistence layer that
works ootb. You don't have to use *all* of those stacks, and they can serve
as a bootstrap for writing applicative code directly instead of plumbing.

You can even remove the dep on the fwk eventually, and implement the
persistence layer differently.



2015-08-21 2:27 GMT+02:00 parveen yadav

 Hi All,

 This is my first interaction with Stripes. The framework looks clean and
 simple. I come from Oracle Commerce(formally ATG) background and do not
 experience with any other frameworks at all. I am unable to find any step
 step guide to integrate Hibernate or EBean with stripes. The documentation
 (only for Hibernate) provided on the site is more for a experienced

 I am developing a portal related to real-estate. It will be really helpful
 if someone could help me out on integrating ebeans or hibernate with


 Stripes-users mailing list

Stripes-users mailing list

[Stripes-users] Static-typed Views in Stripes

2015-08-12 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi folks,

As I explained in a previous email, I'm trying to make Views statically
typed in Stripes, like Scala Templates are in Play2.

I think I have something quite cool, that I'd like to share with you.

Here's a draft of an article I wrote to explain all this :

To have a look at the sources and play with the test app (java8) :

git clone
cd ttt-stripes-quickstart
mvn jetty:run
= http://localhost:8080/

It ain't production-ready yet, and lacks IDE tooling (only an IDEA plugin
is available yet, and it lacks features such as refactoring, debugger etc),
but it's definitely promising.

A type-safe alternative to JSP. Finally.

Feedback/review most appreciated.


Stripes-users mailing list

[Stripes-users] Typed Text Templates with Stripes

2015-08-05 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi folks,

I have managed to wrap up a 0.1-beta release for those who want to try out
TTT templates with Stripes.

The whole TTT fwk (compiler, build tools, IDE plugin) is there :

The Stripes integration is here :

For the impatient, here's a TTT-style Calculator template,
adapted from the Stripes Examples.

I don't have much of the JSP tags ported yet (basically only s:form and
s:link), but it's easier than I thought. I hope to continue with this and
cover the whole features soon.

Tell me what you think.


Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] Typed Text Templates with Stripes

2015-08-05 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Nestor,

I don't know razor, but it doesn't seem to have the signature as first
class citizen, like TTT does.

new MyTemplate( myFoo, myBar ).render( out );

It's a huge difference. With TTT, if you change the signature of a
template, then the ActionBean(s) using it will not compile. Compare this to
using a jsp:forward, which ain't typesafe at all...

As for JSP/Scriptlets, I'm trying to stick to JSP subset just because this
way I can reuse JSP IDE tooling.

It's really cool to see the completion, error reporting etc at work without
actually coding anything, just associating .ttt files to JSP editor in

So I've managed to use only parts of the JSP syntax for my own needs. For
example, I use the JSP declaration (first code-like block in template,
the between %! and %) in order to declare the template's signature. So
this template :

  String foo;

has 1 arg 'foo' of type String. It compiles to an immutable class with one
constructor that accepts all defined arguments, and has a render() method :

new MyTemplate( hey there ).render( out );



2015-08-06 2:17 GMT+02:00 Nestor Hernandez

 Hey Remi. Looks good. Seems to try to emulate ASP. NET razor template.
 But, seems like you're intentionally breaking rules about the use of
 El 5/8/2015 19:00, VANKEISBELCK Remi escribió:

 Hi folks,

 I have managed to wrap up a 0.1-beta release for those who want to try
 out TTT templates with Stripes.

 The whole TTT fwk (compiler, build tools, IDE plugin) is there :

 The Stripes integration is here :

 For the impatient, here's a TTT-style Calculator template,
 adapted from the Stripes Examples.

 I don't have much of the JSP tags ported yet (basically only s:form and
 s:link), but it's easier than I thought. I hope to continue with this and
 cover the whole features soon.

 Tell me what you think.




 Stripes-users mailing list

Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] [Stripes-dev] Stripes 1.6 Released!

2015-07-24 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Cool ! Nice work fellows ! I thought we were pretty much dead ;P

Is there any kinda major changes page where we can see what's really
different compared to 1.x ? The processors etc... I've been away from the
IRC channel for a while, but I recall that the others (Ben and the gang)
had changed a few things like the lifecycle changes etc.

Aside from my daily job, I've been trying Play! recently and I've been
quite impressed. It has the strongest foundation I've seen, plus a ton of
neat little things.

Anyway, here' my wish list  for 2.0, inspired from Play! :
1/ Async, non-blocking support
2/ Dynamic action beans (ie that are resolved at run-time instead of
3/ Better flash scope (using cookies for example)
4/ Built-in JSON support
5/ Statically Typed templates
6/ Full Java config (probably already doable, not sure)
7/ Nested Validation (we do this already on 1.7 with Woko, but it's a bit
hackish) BeanValidatio JSR ?
8/ Hot reload (JavaRebel ?)

I have tried 1/ over the 1.7 codebase and it seemed impossible.
Same for 2/ : the concept of dynamic actions isn't compatible with the
current lifecycle...

Cheers !


2015-07-23 23:09 GMT+02:00 Rick Grashel

 Hi all,

 I wanted to take this opportunity to announce the formal release of
 Stripes v1.6.  For those who are running earlier versions of Stripes
 (v1.5.8 or earlier) or even earlier versions of 1.6-SNAPSHOT, there are
 significant improvements and defect fixes.  The list of items included in
 this release are at the following link:

 You can download the latest release from Github here:

 Or you can download it directly from Jenkins:

 The 1.6 release has been published to Sonatype repo, so it is available
 through Maven for inclusion in your POMs (thanks, Ben!).

 Planning for Stripes 2.0 is going to be underway.  If you have suggestions
 for improvements, fixes, or new features you'd like to see, please feel
 free to enter an issue request in JIRA (, post a message here
 (stripes-users, stripes-devel), or let us know on IRC (#stripes).  There
 have been some great suggestions already for things to help take Stripes
 2.0 into the future.  We'd love to hear your feedback.


 -- Rick


 Stripes-development mailing list

Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] Stripes-users Digest, Vol 107, Issue 4

2015-06-23 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
The excerpt from the doc is when you *cannot* use ranges.

The best practise for resuming downloads is range. There ain't no
alternative AFAIK in the HTTP protocol.

From the spec :

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) clients often encounter
   interrupted data transfers as a result of canceled requests or
   dropped connections.  When a client has stored a partial
   representation, it is desirable to request the remainder of that
   representation in a subsequent request rather than transfer the
   entire representation

And from the Stripes docs :

Reasons for enabling byte range serving:

   - Supporting resuming download managers

I'm pretty much sure that's what you want...



2015-06-23 1:17 GMT+02:00 Heather and Jon Turgeon

 Hi Remi, I did consider rangeSupport but I read this in the docs as a
 reason why not to use range support.

 The input to this StreamingResolution
 was created on-demand, and retrieving in byte ranges would redo this
 process for every byte range. 

 All my content is generated on demand, but my users often see failed
 downloads. I personally have only seen this when the internet connection is
 dropped (we are all on sailboats so our connections are either wifi or 3G).
 I guess my question is does anyone know the best practice for retrying
 dynamic content downloads? I am guessing it is something in my Javascript
 (I am using jquery and ajax to do the download) where I make sure the
 download was complete, if not try again for x numbers of times before
 giving up?

  Subject: Stripes-users Digest, Vol 107, Issue 4
  Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2015 12:00:53 +
  Send Stripes-users mailing list submissions to
  To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
  or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
  You can reach the person managing the list at
  When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
  than Re: Contents of Stripes-users digest...
  Today's Topics:
  1. Re: File downloads, not really sure how to phrase question
  (Nestor Hernandez)
  2. Re: File downloads, not really sure how to phrase question
  3. Re: File downloads, not really sure how to phrase question
  (Nestor Hernandez)
  Message: 1
  Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2015 11:39:56 -0500
  From: Nestor Hernandez
  Subject: Re: [Stripes-users] File downloads, not really sure how to
  phrase question
  To: Stripes Users List
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
  Hi Jon, I think your requirement has more to do with the way you manage
  your files than with Stripes.
  My advise that you split the file in multiple parts and then give option
  the user to download those parts
  A quick google for 'split file java' send me to
  Maybe you can adapt that code.
  El jun. 21, 2015 3:42 AM, Heather and Jon Turgeon escribi?:
  Hi all, my app builds files to download upon a user's request. Using
  StreamingResolution seems to work well most of the time. One problem I
  to be having is my site sort of supports users with internet connections
  that are frequently less than great (it is a site used by sailors
  in remote areas of the world). I think what I need to implement is some
  sort of multi-part with checksum for these downloads in order to get
  files to my users. Could someone point me in the right direction as to
  to go about this using Stripes? I am guessing something on the client end
  will also need to be written?
  Stripes-users mailing list
  -- next part --
  An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
  Message: 2
  Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2015 12:55:17 +0200
  Subject: Re: [Stripes-users] File downloads, not really sure how to
  phrase question
  To: Stripes Users List

Re: [Stripes-users] File downloads, not really sure how to phrase question

2015-06-22 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi

Have you considered using range support ?

It allows a client to specify a range of the resource to be fetched, so
that the resource can be downloaded in chunks.

Stripes does provide support for Ranges :

Most media players / download tools (even the browsers) implement ranges
client-side. For example, when you browser downloads a large file, the
download may be interrupted several times without you even noticing it. The
browser uses ranges to resume the download from where it last stopped.



2015-06-21 10:42 GMT+02:00 Heather and Jon Turgeon

 Hi all, my app builds files to download upon a user's request. Using
 StreamingResolution seems to work well most of the time. One problem I seem
 to be having is my site sort of supports users with internet connections
 that are frequently less than great (it is a site used by sailors cruising
 in remote areas of the world). I think what I need to implement is some
 sort of multi-part with checksum for these downloads in order to get these
 files to my users. Could someone point me in the right direction as to how
 to go about this using Stripes? I am guessing something on the client end
 will also need to be written?



 Stripes-users mailing list

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Re: [Stripes-users] CMS Integration with Stripes

2015-02-28 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
 you just get nice JSON back from any API call by adding
 “pretty=true” to the request URL.  This has proven to be invaluable while

 One important caveat is that to protect against CSRF attacks you will
 want to make sure that every single one of your API endpoints handles GET
 requests properly. Since Stripe does not really differentiate between GET
 and POST, you might accidentally allow people to make changes to your DB
 using a GET method.  We just limit the allowable methods via an annotation
 and an interceptor.

 Stripe is OK for REST API development; more modern frameworks like
 Dropwizard do make some things a bit easier though (btw, Dropwizard+Guice
 has a lot of the same feel as Stripe for development - though Stripe’s
 templating system is still pretty darned powerful and I haven’t really
 found an equivalent).


 On 28 Feb 2015, at 14:56 , Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez wrote:


 we've been in the same situation, and we've used the same double approach
 described by Remi: facing public, CMS-heavy sites using REST-like services
 provided by Stripes, whereas transactional applications are invoking CMS's
 services via its REST services.

 The only downside with this approach is that modern js frameworks are
 more prepared to use true/full/complete/you-name-it REST services (= a post
 on an URL is not the same as a GET), which is complex to achieve if using
 Stripes, as you'd have to make your ActionBeans aware of the http verb
 (maybe extending @URLBinding, @HandleEvent, etc. maybe with a new @Verb),
 and write your ActionBeanResolver, so it can understand all the previous.
 We felt we were going to modify too much Stripes internals, so we chose
 instead to make calls to some URLs managed by Stripes' apps which return
 some JSON.

 Btw, we'd love to hear if someone has tried any other approach to serve
 true REST services with Stripes.

 Lastly, another approach you could use is to try portofino ( It has CMS capabilities, it's
 Stripes-based, has user/roles, different kind of support service. The
 downsides: it's not widely known (we came across it looking for a CRUD
 generator). Note that we haven't used it on any real project yet, so we
 don't really know how it behaves, you'll have to try it for yourself and
 see if it fits your needs.

 juan pablo

 On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 12:36 PM, VANKEISBELCK Remi

 Btw, I've done something similar on a small app : we allow the site
 owner to change some of the pages using MCE or something. We also allow to
 upload images and reference them in those pages.

 It does the job for us and for what it's cost, didn't take long to hack.

 But it's pretty ugly, and we quickly fell into pretty complex layout
 issues and the like. The regular html tags (and the WYSIWYG over them)
 ain't powerful as what you'll find in some CMSs with templating etc.

 In short, the home-brew solution works for very simple pages in terms
 of formatting, or maybe for only fragments of a page that is laid out by an
 actual web designer :)



 2015-02-28 12:27 GMT+01:00 VANKEISBELCK Remi


 Interesting question :)

 I guess a fundamental indicator is the complexity of the CMS vs your
 own code. I mean, will the public facing website include only a small part
 of customization (a few new forms here and there, a few pages...) and most
 of the hits will be actually handled by the CMS ? Or is it the inverse ?
 Are your Stripes pages the main focus, and expose more features than the
 CMS ?

 Rewriting a full-blown CMS ain't easy, but I guess rewriting your app
 isn't either :P

 Apart from your 3 options, have you considered client-side,
 mashup-style integration ?

 I mean, I guess most of those CMSs provide ways to integrate 3rd party
 stuff within their UI, via plugins or the like.

 It depends on the architecture (authentication, cross-domain etc) but
 maybe you can integrate your heterogeneous apps via widgets that you put
 in your CMS and that access your Stripes services.
 I don't know Wordpress, but I'm pretty sure it has such capability. It
 certainly provides REST APIs that you can call from the browser in order to
 get the data you need from the CMS. Now you only need your Stripes app to
 do the same : expose REST-like services so that you can mix cross-apps
 widgets in the same page(s). Like display a GUI that is backed by a Stripes
 app inside a Wordpress page.

 Quick googling, and, as expected, it's plugin-based at its core :

 Ok, it's php, but it can definitely invoke your Stripes stuff, either
 directly from your Wordpress instance in php (server-to-server), or via
 Cross-Domain JS (browser-to-server). The second option involves only very
 little php : your plugin only has to include the JS you need from the
 Stripes app, and let it do the magic...

 You can also mix the two

Re: [Stripes-users] CMS Integration with Stripes

2015-02-28 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Btw, I've done something similar on a small app : we allow the site owner
to change some of the pages using MCE or something. We also allow to upload
images and reference them in those pages.

It does the job for us and for what it's cost, didn't take long to hack.

But it's pretty ugly, and we quickly fell into pretty complex layout issues
and the like. The regular html tags (and the WYSIWYG over them) ain't
powerful as what you'll find in some CMSs with templating etc.

In short, the home-brew solution works for very simple pages in terms of
formatting, or maybe for only fragments of a page that is laid out by an
actual web designer :)



2015-02-28 12:27 GMT+01:00 VANKEISBELCK Remi


 Interesting question :)

 I guess a fundamental indicator is the complexity of the CMS vs your own
 code. I mean, will the public facing website include only a small part of
 customization (a few new forms here and there, a few pages...) and most of
 the hits will be actually handled by the CMS ? Or is it the inverse ? Are
 your Stripes pages the main focus, and expose more features than the CMS ?

 Rewriting a full-blown CMS ain't easy, but I guess rewriting your app
 isn't either :P

 Apart from your 3 options, have you considered client-side, mashup-style
 integration ?

 I mean, I guess most of those CMSs provide ways to integrate 3rd party
 stuff within their UI, via plugins or the like.

 It depends on the architecture (authentication, cross-domain etc) but
 maybe you can integrate your heterogeneous apps via widgets that you put
 in your CMS and that access your Stripes services.
 I don't know Wordpress, but I'm pretty sure it has such capability. It
 certainly provides REST APIs that you can call from the browser in order to
 get the data you need from the CMS. Now you only need your Stripes app to
 do the same : expose REST-like services so that you can mix cross-apps
 widgets in the same page(s). Like display a GUI that is backed by a Stripes
 app inside a Wordpress page.

 Quick googling, and, as expected, it's plugin-based at its core :

 Ok, it's php, but it can definitely invoke your Stripes stuff, either
 directly from your Wordpress instance in php (server-to-server), or via
 Cross-Domain JS (browser-to-server). The second option involves only very
 little php : your plugin only has to include the JS you need from the
 Stripes app, and let it do the magic...

 You can also mix the two websites in some circumstances. Say you now have
 a Shop link in the CMS nav bar : this link can point to a Stripes app,
 provided you manage authentication.

 Tell us how it goes !



 2015-02-28 11:08 GMT+01:00 Paul Carter-Brown


 We have been using Stripes for the last 5 years and love the framework.
 The sites we have used it on are all transactional (think CRM) with
 back-end integration to other systems for customer profile management,
 account management etc.
 We also have a fairly static public facing web site using wordpress CMS
 that was created by our marketing agency. We now have a need to add a lot
 more transactional functionality to the public facing site for customers to
 buy goods and services, manage their accounts etc and the marketing team
 want to keep their ability to manage and change content on the site as they
 see fit without code/JSP changes. We now have to make a call on these
 possible options:

 1) Try and use PHP/Wordpress to do what we are so good at doing in
 Stripes. We are a Java shop and have lots of boiler plate code and
 framework around Stripes so thinking of now doing this all over again in
 PHP is scary

 2) Use a completely new Java web framework with a CMS and then find a way
 of adding our back end integration etc into that web framework. Thinking
 here of things like Drupal, HippoCMS, dotCMS etc

 3) Find a CMS with a tag library or similar that can be used on Stripes
 JSP's to pull in content served from the CMS to supplement whats being
 resented by the JSP. We then get to use Stripes and have all the
 integration done already (e.g. binding into domain models). We also get the
 benefit of giving marketing areas of the site where they are free to change
 images, text etc etc in a CMS with approval processes and ability to
 publish changes without any need for redeploys etc

 I really really want to find a good CMS for option (3). I'm sure my
 requirement is not unique (power of Stripes for transactional web sites but
 with a CMS for marketing to update parts of the site they control). Anyone
 out there with any suggestions?

 Thanks so much

 This email is subject to the disclaimer of Smile Communications at

 Dive into the World of Parallel Programming The Go Parallel Website

Re: [Stripes-users] CMS Integration with Stripes

2015-02-28 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi

Interesting question :)

I guess a fundamental indicator is the complexity of the CMS vs your own
code. I mean, will the public facing website include only a small part of
customization (a few new forms here and there, a few pages...) and most of
the hits will be actually handled by the CMS ? Or is it the inverse ? Are
your Stripes pages the main focus, and expose more features than the CMS ?

Rewriting a full-blown CMS ain't easy, but I guess rewriting your app isn't
either :P

Apart from your 3 options, have you considered client-side, mashup-style
integration ?

I mean, I guess most of those CMSs provide ways to integrate 3rd party
stuff within their UI, via plugins or the like.

It depends on the architecture (authentication, cross-domain etc) but maybe
you can integrate your heterogeneous apps via widgets that you put in
your CMS and that access your Stripes services.
I don't know Wordpress, but I'm pretty sure it has such capability. It
certainly provides REST APIs that you can call from the browser in order to
get the data you need from the CMS. Now you only need your Stripes app to
do the same : expose REST-like services so that you can mix cross-apps
widgets in the same page(s). Like display a GUI that is backed by a Stripes
app inside a Wordpress page.

Quick googling, and, as expected, it's plugin-based at its core :

Ok, it's php, but it can definitely invoke your Stripes stuff, either
directly from your Wordpress instance in php (server-to-server), or via
Cross-Domain JS (browser-to-server). The second option involves only very
little php : your plugin only has to include the JS you need from the
Stripes app, and let it do the magic...

You can also mix the two websites in some circumstances. Say you now have a
Shop link in the CMS nav bar : this link can point to a Stripes app,
provided you manage authentication.

Tell us how it goes !



2015-02-28 11:08 GMT+01:00 Paul Carter-Brown


 We have been using Stripes for the last 5 years and love the framework.
 The sites we have used it on are all transactional (think CRM) with
 back-end integration to other systems for customer profile management,
 account management etc.
 We also have a fairly static public facing web site using wordpress CMS
 that was created by our marketing agency. We now have a need to add a lot
 more transactional functionality to the public facing site for customers to
 buy goods and services, manage their accounts etc and the marketing team
 want to keep their ability to manage and change content on the site as they
 see fit without code/JSP changes. We now have to make a call on these
 possible options:

 1) Try and use PHP/Wordpress to do what we are so good at doing in
 Stripes. We are a Java shop and have lots of boiler plate code and
 framework around Stripes so thinking of now doing this all over again in
 PHP is scary

 2) Use a completely new Java web framework with a CMS and then find a way
 of adding our back end integration etc into that web framework. Thinking
 here of things like Drupal, HippoCMS, dotCMS etc

 3) Find a CMS with a tag library or similar that can be used on Stripes
 JSP's to pull in content served from the CMS to supplement whats being
 resented by the JSP. We then get to use Stripes and have all the
 integration done already (e.g. binding into domain models). We also get the
 benefit of giving marketing areas of the site where they are free to change
 images, text etc etc in a CMS with approval processes and ability to
 publish changes without any need for redeploys etc

 I really really want to find a good CMS for option (3). I'm sure my
 requirement is not unique (power of Stripes for transactional web sites but
 with a CMS for marketing to update parts of the site they control). Anyone
 out there with any suggestions?

 Thanks so much

 This email is subject to the disclaimer of Smile Communications at

 Dive into the World of Parallel Programming The Go Parallel Website,
 by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your hub for
 things parallel software development, from weekly thought leadership blogs
 news, videos, case studies, tutorials and more. Take a look and join the
 conversation now.
 Stripes-users mailing list

Dive into the World of Parallel Programming The Go Parallel Website, sponsored
by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your hub for all
things parallel software development, from 

Re: [Stripes-users] Problem with Stripes:param

2015-02-27 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Glad it works.

Look at the sources : it probably forces request/response encoding by
calling  :



2015-02-27 13:15 GMT+01:00 Nahid Seidi

 Thank you everyone for your answers. I added the following in web.xml and
 it works now! But it's also weird to me how Spring MVC affects on encoding!




 On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 11:52 AM, Nahid Seidi

 Hi Gérald

 I'm using Resin. I guess I need to find out how to do the configuration
 you sent in resin.


 On Friday, February 27, 2015, Gérald Quintana


 If you're using Tomcat:

- Such a filter is provided by Tomcat:
- Or you can force Tomcat to use UTF-8 at the Connector level: 
Connector port=8080 *URIEncoding=UTF-8*/


 2015-02-27 11:07 GMT+01:00 VANKEISBELCK Remi


 I'd say Nestor is right. You app server is probably using platform

 You probably want this kind of filter :

 And configure it to use utf-8.



 2015-02-27 9:42 GMT+01:00 Nahid Seidi


 I already tried the encoding tag, but it doesn't work. As I said, I
 don't think the problem is with encoding because as you see in the first
 jsp I get 'fname' form an actionbean and then send that to another one.
 Since 'fname' is shown correctly in first jsp but not in second jsp so I
 don't think it is about encoding. I wonder if there is another way to pass
 parameters (fname, lname) to the other jsp using something other than
 stripes:param ?

 On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 1:11 AM, Rick Grashel


 I've never had a problem with encoding the contents of a parameter.
 Try again with this at the very top of your JSP or the very top of your
 stripes template:

 %@ page contentType=text/html; charset=UTF-8 %


 -- Rick

 On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 5:27 PM, Nahid Seidi


 I am sending some variables from stripes:param to another actionbean
 in order to show them in another jsp file. The problem is that if a
 variable has non-english characters like (ä,ö,...) stripes:param encode
 them to some wired format. I used ecoding tags in my jsp but doesn't 
 Since stripes:param is inside a stripes:link, could it be something with
 stripes:link? For example if 'fname' in first jsp has a character like 
 stripes converts it to some other characters when it shows it in second
 jsp! I don't think it's about encoding, because the characters are shown
 correctly in first jsp but when I pass them using stripes:param they're
 changed somehow!

 first jsp

 stripes:param name=fname 
 value=${array.getStudent().getFirstName() } /
 stripes:param name=lname 
 value=${array.getStudent().getLastName() } /

 @UrlBinding(/Student/editExcel.action)public class 
 StudentEditExcelAction implements ActionBean {
 private String fname;private String lname;
 @DefaultHandler@DontValidatepublic Resolution edit() {
 return forward(editExcel);}
 @DontValidatepublic Resolution loadStudent() {
 System.out.println(utbildare:  + school); //TODO delete this later
 return forward(editExcel);}

 second jsp

 table class=solid style=margin-top: 5px; padding: 5px; width:900px
 tr class=solid
 td class=solid
 tags:labeled label=Firstname:br /
 stripes:text name=fname/
 td class=solid
 tags:labeled label=Lastname:br /
 stripes:text name=lname/

 Dive into the World of Parallel Programming The Go Parallel Website,
 by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your
 hub for all
 things parallel software development, from weekly thought leadership
 blogs to
 news, videos, case studies, tutorials and more. Take a look and join
 conversation now.
 Stripes-users mailing

Re: [Stripes-users] Problem with Stripes:param

2015-02-27 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi

The servlet filter makes your app portable without any server config
required. I'd keep the filter if I were you.

That's why it's included in almost every framework out there. We could add
this as a core functionality into Stripes dispatching : it's easy, and
quite the recurrent feature.



2015-02-27 14:10 GMT+01:00 Nahid Seidi


 You're right! It works without doing any filter mapped.


 On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Rick Grashel wrote:


 Ah, good find by everyone that your server isn't in UTF-8.

 If you are using Resin, just put this in your resin configuration file:


 That should fix the issue without the need for a filter.

 -- Rick

 On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 6:15 AM, Nahid Seidi

 Thank you everyone for your answers. I added the following in web.xml
 and it works now! But it's also weird to me how Spring MVC affects on




 On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 11:52 AM, Nahid Seidi

 Hi Gérald

 I'm using Resin. I guess I need to find out how to do the configuration
 you sent in resin.


 On Friday, February 27, 2015, Gérald Quintana wrote:


 If you're using Tomcat:

- Such a filter is provided by Tomcat:
- Or you can force Tomcat to use UTF-8 at the Connector level: 
Connector port=8080 *URIEncoding=UTF-8*/


 2015-02-27 11:07 GMT+01:00 VANKEISBELCK Remi


 I'd say Nestor is right. You app server is probably using platform

 You probably want this kind of filter :

 And configure it to use utf-8.



 2015-02-27 9:42 GMT+01:00 Nahid Seidi


 I already tried the encoding tag, but it doesn't work. As I said, I
 don't think the problem is with encoding because as you see in the first
 jsp I get 'fname' form an actionbean and then send that to another one.
 Since 'fname' is shown correctly in first jsp but not in second jsp so I
 don't think it is about encoding. I wonder if there is another way to 
 parameters (fname, lname) to the other jsp using something other than
 stripes:param ?

 On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 1:11 AM, Rick Grashel


 I've never had a problem with encoding the contents of a
 parameter.  Try again with this at the very top of your JSP or the 
 very top
 of your stripes template:

 %@ page contentType=text/html; charset=UTF-8 %


 -- Rick

 On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 5:27 PM, Nahid Seidi


 I am sending some variables from stripes:param to another
 actionbean in order to show them in another jsp file. The problem is 
 if a variable has non-english characters like (ä,ö,...) stripes:param
 encode them to some wired format. I used ecoding tags in my jsp but 
 work. Since stripes:param is inside a stripes:link, could it be 
 with stripes:link? For example if 'fname' in first jsp has a 
 character like
 'ö' stripes converts it to some other characters when it shows it in 
 jsp! I don't think it's about encoding, because the characters are 
 correctly in first jsp but when I pass them using stripes:param 
 changed somehow!

 first jsp

 stripes:param name=fname 
 value=${array.getStudent().getFirstName() } /
 stripes:param name=lname 
 value=${array.getStudent().getLastName() } /

 @UrlBinding(/Student/editExcel.action)public class 
 StudentEditExcelAction implements ActionBean {
 private String fname;private String lname;
 @DefaultHandler@DontValidatepublic Resolution edit() {
 return forward(editExcel);}
 @DontValidatepublic Resolution loadStudent() {
 System.out.println(utbildare:  + school); //TODO delete this 
 return forward(editExcel);}

 second jsp

 table class=solid style=margin-top: 5px; padding: 5px; 
 tr class=solid
 td class=solid
 tags:labeled label=Firstname:br /
 stripes:text name=fname/
 td class=solid
 tags:labeled label=Lastname:br

Re: [Stripes-users] Problem with Stripes:param

2015-02-27 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi

I'd say Nestor is right. You app server is probably using platform locale.

You probably want this kind of filter :

And configure it to use utf-8.



2015-02-27 9:42 GMT+01:00 Nahid Seidi


 I already tried the encoding tag, but it doesn't work. As I said, I don't
 think the problem is with encoding because as you see in the first jsp I
 get 'fname' form an actionbean and then send that to another one. Since
 'fname' is shown correctly in first jsp but not in second jsp so I don't
 think it is about encoding. I wonder if there is another way to pass
 parameters (fname, lname) to the other jsp using something other than
 stripes:param ?

 On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 1:11 AM, Rick Grashel wrote:


 I've never had a problem with encoding the contents of a parameter.  Try
 again with this at the very top of your JSP or the very top of your stripes

 %@ page contentType=text/html; charset=UTF-8 %


 -- Rick

 On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 5:27 PM, Nahid Seidi


 I am sending some variables from stripes:param to another actionbean in
 order to show them in another jsp file. The problem is that if a variable
 has non-english characters like (ä,ö,...) stripes:param encode them to some
 wired format. I used ecoding tags in my jsp but doesn't work. Since
 stripes:param is inside a stripes:link, could it be something with
 stripes:link? For example if 'fname' in first jsp has a character like 'ö'
 stripes converts it to some other characters when it shows it in second
 jsp! I don't think it's about encoding, because the characters are shown
 correctly in first jsp but when I pass them using stripes:param they're
 changed somehow!

 first jsp

 stripes:param name=fname value=${array.getStudent().getFirstName() 
 } /
 stripes:param name=lname value=${array.getStudent().getLastName() 
 } /

 @UrlBinding(/Student/editExcel.action)public class StudentEditExcelAction 
 implements ActionBean {
 private String fname;private String lname;
 @DefaultHandler@DontValidatepublic Resolution edit() {
 return forward(editExcel);}
 @DontValidatepublic Resolution loadStudent() {
 System.out.println(utbildare:  + school); //TODO delete this later
 return forward(editExcel);}

 second jsp

 table class=solid style=margin-top: 5px; padding: 5px; width:900px
 tr class=solid
 td class=solid
 tags:labeled label=Firstname:br /
 stripes:text name=fname/
 td class=solid
 tags:labeled label=Lastname:br /
 stripes:text name=lname/

 Dive into the World of Parallel Programming The Go Parallel Website,
 by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your hub
 for all
 things parallel software development, from weekly thought leadership
 blogs to
 news, videos, case studies, tutorials and more. Take a look and join the
 conversation now.
 Stripes-users mailing list

 Dive into the World of Parallel Programming The Go Parallel Website,
 by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your hub
 for all
 things parallel software development, from weekly thought leadership
 blogs to
 news, videos, case studies, tutorials and more. Take a look and join the
 conversation now.
 Stripes-users mailing list

 Dive into the World of Parallel Programming The Go Parallel Website,
 by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your hub for
 things parallel software development, from weekly thought leadership blogs
 news, videos, case studies, tutorials and more. Take a look and join the
 conversation now.
 Stripes-users mailing list

Dive into the World 

Re: [Stripes-users] Preserving unbound values on save

2014-11-28 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi

Stripes doesn't set bean properties to null if no parameter is provided.
The value is left unchanged. The fields would be nulled-out if you pass an
empty request param :


So if you load the object with values, and if nothing is bound, then your
POJO contains the values that you've pulled out from the DB...



2014-11-27 1:30 GMT+01:00 Dave Roberge

 William Krick krick@... writes:

  This has to be a common problem.  Ideally, I'd like to have something
 where unbound members of the customer object are just left with their
 original values.  Short of maintaining two separate Customer objects,
 one for the screen and one for the database and juggling data back and
 forth between the two, is there a way to deal with this situation?

 Hey, I think this is what you're looking for,

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Download BIRT iHub F-Type - The Free Enterprise-Grade BIRT Server
from Actuate! Instantly Supercharge Your Business Reports and Dashboards
with Interactivity, Sharing, Native Excel Exports, App Integration  more
Get technology previously reserved for billion-dollar corporations, FREE
Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] Remove HTML from user input

2014-10-15 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi

I guess you can validate whatever you want by providing your own
ActionBeanPropertyBinder :

I think it can be done very easily by overriding a single method in there,
maybe :
java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)

If the value are is a String, then check for XSS, and sanitize the String
before setting the bean prop if needed.

When you output anything in JSP, you should be safe using jstl's c:out :
it escapes Xml by default.



2014-10-14 22:53 GMT+02:00 Adam Stokar

 Hi everyone,

 Does Stripes have an easy way to remove HTML from user input to prevent
 XSS attacks?  I've googled with no success.


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Comprehensive Server Monitoring with Site24x7.
Monitor 10 servers for $9/Month.
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Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] Stripes Wiki, JIRA, and Build have moved!

2014-10-08 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi folks,

The javadocs and sources are deployed into the maven repo when we release a
stable version.

Rick I wrote a small app that does just what you say : it pulls the javadoc
jars from central, explodes them and makes them available through an url...
I'm gonna try to find it.



2014-10-07 22:50 GMT+02:00 Rusty Wright

 It looks like the javadoc is in the maven repo; I have maven set up to
 download the sources and javadoc and it got both when I updated my pom to

 On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Rick Grashel wrote:

 Thanks for this.  I'm going to take a look at seeing how we can also
 explode the Javadoc and have it easily linked somewhere.  Doing this by
 hand every time we build seems to be a waste.

 -- Rick

 On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 3:06 PM, Rusty Wright

 The javadoc link points to the 1.5.7 javadoc.  I used the javadoc
 generator that's in eclipse to generate the following 1.5.8 javadocs.

 On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 12:39 PM, Rick Grashel

 Thanks, Rusty.

 I did update the release information on the new Wiki to reflect the
 current release.  That was one of the stale pieces of information that I


 -- Rick

 On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 2:06 PM, Rusty Wright

 Very nice; a big thanks to you.

 Question: did the previous site say that 1.5.8 had been released?  I
 only remember 1.5.7 mentioned on it.

 On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 4:15 PM, Rick Grashel

 Stripes Users,

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Re: [Stripes-users] Stripes Wiki, JIRA, and Build have moved!

2014-10-07 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Thanks ! Was about time :)



2014-10-07 3:28 GMT+02:00 Ben Gunter

 Indeed, this was pretty much all Rick's doing. Thanks for the effort!

 On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 7:50 PM, Samuel Santos wrote:

 Awesome job Rick!
 Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this.

 Samuel Santos

 On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 12:15 AM, Rick Grashel wrote:

 Stripes Users,

 I wanted to send a note out to everyone on the mailing list to inform you
 that due to some issues with our hosting provider, we have moved the
 Stripes JIRA, Confluence, and Jenkins sites for Stripes.  Github has and
 will remain unchanged.  Ben has repointed the DNS and it should be
 for everyone in the next couple of hours.

 Stripes JIRA and Confluence are now hosted free of charge by Atlassian
 using their OnDemand cloud service with a Free Open Source license.  This
 takes us to the latest version of both JIRA and Confluence.  We have
 migrated everything the best that we can.  There is a minor issue where
 attachments on JIRA issues did not come over, but I will be trying to
 those over in the coming days.

 The wiki pages have had to be recreated one-by-one as the version of
 Confluence that Stripes was on is too old to provide a stable migration
 path.  As a result, we did lose the history and original author
 of those pages.  If you were an author of one of those Wiki pages, I
 encourage you to sign up to the new Wiki, edit those pages, and give
 yourself credit!

 If you had a prior registered account on the old Stripes Wiki/JIRA, when
 you go to the new site and sign up using the *same* email address as
 before, it should link your old account without creating a duplicate
 account.  The Wiki/Confluence site is located at the normal URL
 (  There are hot links from the new Wiki to
 Stripes JIRA, Github, Jenkins, Javadoc, and IRC.  The Stripes builds have
 been moved Cloudbees who is (thankfully) providing free Jenkins build
 facilities for Stripes under their FOSS license.

 This migration has uncovered a lot of staleness in the Stripes wiki, and
 over the coming weeks, we will be working to renovate some of that.  If
 anybody is interested in making a Wiki contribution, please let me know.
 There can never be too many contributors.

 If anybody has questions, feel free to post them here or come to

 Thanks all!

 -- Rick (RickG on IRC)

 Slashdot TV.  Videos for Nerds.  Stuff that Matters.
 Stripes-users mailing list

 Slashdot TV.  Videos for Nerds.  Stuff that Matters.
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 Meet PCI DSS 3.0 Compliance Requirements with EventLog Analyzer
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Re: [Stripes-users] Stripes, Google Maps and KML

2014-09-30 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi

You don't need to overwrite stream(), just pass your string to
StreamingResolution's constructor (or a reader or input stream)...

Now for your google-specific problem, I have no idea.



2014-09-27 23:36 GMT+02:00 Heather and Jon Turgeon

 Hi all, my Stripes based mapping site is coming along nicely. (running on
 AWS) I do have a question if anyone has used a Stripes action to be the
 source of a KML for Google maps? So far I have the code written and the KML
 being created in an action but have been unable to get the placemarks to
 show up on the map (no placemarks are created). Here is the Javascript I use

 //Load the markers
 var kmlLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer({
  url: '../marker/KMLMarker.action'

 here is the end of the Stripes action, I am using the kmlframework library
 for creating the kml from hibernate objects

 return new StreamingResolution(text/kml) {
public void stream(HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {


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Re: [Stripes-users] [Stripes-dev] 1.5.8 released

2014-07-07 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
There's a JIRA list of all resolved issues for this milestone :



2014-07-07 22:05 GMT+02:00 Larry Meadors

 Is there a change list somewhere?

 On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 1:49 PM, VANKEISBELCK Remi wrote:

 Hi folks,

 After months of intense suspense, we have finally released 1.5.8 ! Yikes

 Changes have been pushed to 1.5.x (pom versions, release tag).
 The jar is already available in sonatype, and should be sync-ed with
 maven central in a few hours.

 Enjoy !


 Rémi, on behalf of the team

 PS : The website and downloads have NOT been updated. We welcome
 contributors for that painful things...

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Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] Stripes 1.5.8

2014-04-29 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Alessio, Stripers,

Yeah we've been trying to resolve a few pending issues, and we're close to
an 1.5.8. You can already try the 1.5.8-SNAPSHOT version in case you wanna
make user the upgrade doesn't introduce regressions.

There ain't no official release date though : releasing to maven is easy,
but the full monty is another story (publishing to, regenerating the
docs and updating the website, etc.), that's why it may take a little time
to prepare all this.

I'll send a separate email about 1.5.7-classloaderfix right now.



2014-04-29 9:32 GMT+02:00 Alessio Stalla

 Hi! I saw that a few tracked issues have been resolved lately and only a
 couple remain to be addressed in 1.5.8, so I'm starting to wonder: is there
 a plan for a release?

 Also, I see that a new artifact has been published to Maven Central
 (1.5.7-classloaderfix), what is that? Should we update our dependencies?

 *Alessio Stalla* | Software Architect
 M: +39 340 7824743 | T: +39 010 566441 | F: +39 010 8900455 |

 Via G. D'Annunzio, 2/51 | 16121 Genova (GE) | Italy

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[Stripes-users] Vulnerability in Stripes

2014-04-29 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi all,

Fellow Stripers have recently pointed out a pretty scary security flaw in
Stripes. Thanks a lot to them for the reports, we all owe you guys !

In short, it's about using Data Binding to manipulate the application's
ClassLoader, and allows an attacker to execute random code on the server,
or DoS it. Pretty bad stuff to say the least...

It's been discovered first in Struts, and applies to Stripes too. It
affects all released versions.
Some info :

If you use @StrictBinding+@Validate everywhere (which you should do anyway,
classLoader manipulation or not), then you're safe : binding to
getClass().getClassLoader() will be denied.

If you don't, then you don't expose your data only : you have this
classLoader manipulation problem too.

Ben has fixed this bug for 1.5.8-SNAPSHOT and 1.6.0-SNAPSHOT, so future
releases will be safe.

We have released a hotfix over 1.5.7 :


It's just a 1.5.7 rebuilt with Ben's fix for the classLoader issue. It is a
private, implementation fix (no API changed), so there should be no

We encourage everybody to upgrade ASAP.


Rémi - on behalf of the dev. team.
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Instantly run your Selenium tests across 300+ browser/OS combos.  Get 
unparalleled scalability from the best Selenium testing platform available.
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Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] URL bindings not always resolved

2014-03-10 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Grzegorz,

Sorry for the delay.

Do you mean the braces etc end up in the action attribute of the form tag
Does this happen randomly in a running application ?



2014-03-09 21:23 GMT+01:00 Grzegorz Krugły

 I hate bumping, but I'm really stuck with this one. Nothing obvious even
 though I've debugged a lot.
 Perhaps someone has an insight for the inner workings of UrlBindings and
 has an idea what might cause those {$event} and {params} to leak to the
 final HTML...

 W dniu 02.03.2014 12:30, Grzegorz Krugły pisze:
  I have a strange problem.
  I have an action with URL binding like this:
  public class AdminUserGroupAction extends AbstractDashboardAction {
  and I have a JSP form like this:
  s:form beanclass=pl.msi.el.action.AdminUserGroupAction
  In other words - it's as simple as it can be. Most of the time it works
  But once in a while strange thing happens -- in the HTML that goes to
  the browser, form's action is not /admin/userGroups, but...
  URL binding tokens get passed to HTML!
  Has any of You encountered such problem? What could I do? Trying to
  debug Stripes code, but am not that fluent in it.
  Best regards,

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Re: [Stripes-users] URL bindings not always resolved

2014-03-10 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
I've had a peek at the sources.

When using FormTag, the action attribute it computed by (in short)
replacing the placeholders in the @UrlBinding. The binding prototype is
used and the base url is built, including clean-URL params if any :


I have no idea why the placeholders (UrlBindingParameter instances in the
components list) don't get replaced in your case.

Thinking out loud :
- are the parameters (the ones that you need in your query) present in the
- do you have validation constraints ?

In order to help debugging, you can try to step in UrlBuilder. What I'd do
is either :

1/ toss a conditional breakpoint
in net/sourceforge/stripes/util/, that breaks when the
url variable contains a brace for example


2/ patch the source by adding stuff like :
if (url.contains({)) {
  throw new RuntimeException(shit happens);
and break on the throw new... line.

This way, you'll have the whole environment, stack, variables, and logs. Of
course, turn stripes logs to DEBUG before you do this.

One note though : I fail to understand how the {$event} param can be used
in a form's action. I mean, it is not known until the user presses a
submit, which happens *after* the action attribute gets generated...



2014-03-10 11:45 GMT+01:00 Grzegorz Krugły

 No, there's nothing fancy in the code, the request goes to ActionBean
 and it returns ForwardResolution to JSP.

 W dniu 10.03.2014 11:43, Marcus Kraßmann pisze:
  Maybe it happens when you call the JSP directly while it works when
 being called by an action bean?
  Am 10.03.2014 11:36 schrieb =?UTF-8?Q?Grzegorz_Krug=C5=82y?=

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Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] URL bindings not always resolved

2014-03-10 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Interesting, this means that defaultValue is set so index in

There are 3 affectations of this variable :
- 2
in net.sourceforge.stripes.controller.UrlBindingParameter#getDefaultValue
- 1 in the constructor
extends net.sourceforge.stripes.action.ActionBean, java.lang.String,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String)

Could you break in there ? The defaultValue should be null. My guess is
that you have index instead. Then the stack trace should tell how how it
got there.

I'm on Stripes' IRC for about an hour if you wanna join, would be easier to
debug together...



2014-03-10 14:16 GMT+01:00 Grzegorz Krugły

  I've tried debugging UrlBuilder now and have the direct cause of my
 problems caught.

 In UrlBuilder:472 there's a line

 if (baseUrl.equals(binding.toString())) {

 In my code baseUrl is /organization/{$event}/{schoolId}/{param1}
 and binding.toString() is /organization/{$event=index}/{schoolId}/{param1}

 Note the extra =index after {$event

 It causes the line 473 (baseUrl = binding.getPath();) to be skipped and
 after check at line 477 (if (binding.getPath().length()  baseUrl.length())
 {) the baseUrl with { and }s is returned.

 But if I hit refresh in the browser, the next time I debug the same code
 for the same page, baseUrl also has that $event=index part and everything
 works ok.

 W dniu 10.03.2014 13:16, VANKEISBELCK Remi pisze:

 I've had a peek at the sources.

  When using FormTag, the action attribute it computed by (in short)
 replacing the placeholders in the @UrlBinding. The binding prototype is
 used and the base url is built, including clean-URL params if any :


  I have no idea why the placeholders (UrlBindingParameter instances in
 the components list) don't get replaced in your case.

  Thinking out loud :
 - are the parameters (the ones that you need in your query) present in the
 - do you have validation constraints ?

  In order to help debugging, you can try to step in UrlBuilder. What I'd
 do is either :

  1/ toss a conditional breakpoint
 in net/sourceforge/stripes/util/, that breaks when the
 url variable contains a brace for example


  2/ patch the source by adding stuff like :
 if (url.contains({)) {
   throw new RuntimeException(shit happens);
 and break on the throw new... line.

  This way, you'll have the whole environment, stack, variables, and logs.
 Of course, turn stripes logs to DEBUG before you do this.

  One note though : I fail to understand how the {$event} param can be
 used in a form's action. I mean, it is not known until the user presses a
 submit, which happens *after* the action attribute gets generated...



 2014-03-10 11:45 GMT+01:00 Grzegorz Krugły

 No, there's nothing fancy in the code, the request goes to ActionBean
 and it returns ForwardResolution to JSP.

 W dniu 10.03.2014 11:43, Marcus Kraßmann pisze:
  Maybe it happens when you call the JSP directly while it works when
 being called by an action bean?
  Am 10.03.2014 11:36 schrieb =?UTF-8?Q?Grzegorz_Krug=C5=82y?=

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 Graph Databases is the definitive new guide to graph databases and their
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 this first edition is now available. Download your free book today!
 Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] URL bindings not always resolved

2014-03-10 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
BTW what version of Stripes are you using ? Where did you grab the sources
? I noticed differences in line numbers between yours and mine...



2014-03-10 17:48 GMT+01:00 VANKEISBELCK Remi

 Interesting, this means that defaultValue is set so index in

 There are 3 affectations of this variable :
 - 2
 in net.sourceforge.stripes.controller.UrlBindingParameter#getDefaultValue
 - 1 in the constructor
 extends net.sourceforge.stripes.action.ActionBean, java.lang.String,
 java.lang.String, java.lang.String)

 Could you break in there ? The defaultValue should be null. My guess is
 that you have index instead. Then the stack trace should tell how how it
 got there.

 I'm on Stripes' IRC for about an hour if you wanna join, would be easier
 to debug together...



 2014-03-10 14:16 GMT+01:00 Grzegorz Krugły

  I've tried debugging UrlBuilder now and have the direct cause of my
 problems caught.

 In UrlBuilder:472 there's a line

 if (baseUrl.equals(binding.toString())) {

 In my code baseUrl is /organization/{$event}/{schoolId}/{param1}
 and binding.toString() is /organization/{$event=index}/{schoolId}/{param1}

 Note the extra =index after {$event

 It causes the line 473 (baseUrl = binding.getPath();) to be skipped and
 after check at line 477 (if (binding.getPath().length()  baseUrl.length())
 {) the baseUrl with { and }s is returned.

 But if I hit refresh in the browser, the next time I debug the same
 code for the same page, baseUrl also has that $event=index part and
 everything works ok.

 W dniu 10.03.2014 13:16, VANKEISBELCK Remi pisze:

 I've had a peek at the sources.

  When using FormTag, the action attribute it computed by (in short)
 replacing the placeholders in the @UrlBinding. The binding prototype is
 used and the base url is built, including clean-URL params if any :


  I have no idea why the placeholders (UrlBindingParameter instances in
 the components list) don't get replaced in your case.

  Thinking out loud :
 - are the parameters (the ones that you need in your query) present in
 the FORM ?
 - do you have validation constraints ?

  In order to help debugging, you can try to step in UrlBuilder. What I'd
 do is either :

  1/ toss a conditional breakpoint
 in net/sourceforge/stripes/util/, that breaks when the
 url variable contains a brace for example


  2/ patch the source by adding stuff like :
 if (url.contains({)) {
   throw new RuntimeException(shit happens);
 and break on the throw new... line.

  This way, you'll have the whole environment, stack, variables, and
 logs. Of course, turn stripes logs to DEBUG before you do this.

  One note though : I fail to understand how the {$event} param can be
 used in a form's action. I mean, it is not known until the user presses a
 submit, which happens *after* the action attribute gets generated...



 2014-03-10 11:45 GMT+01:00 Grzegorz Krugły

 No, there's nothing fancy in the code, the request goes to ActionBean
 and it returns ForwardResolution to JSP.

 W dniu 10.03.2014 11:43, Marcus Kraßmann pisze:
  Maybe it happens when you call the JSP directly while it works when
 being called by an action bean?
  Am 10.03.2014 11:36 schrieb =?UTF-8?Q?Grzegorz_Krug=C5=82y?=

 Learn Graph Databases - Download FREE O'Reilly Book
 Graph Databases is the definitive new guide to graph databases and
 applications. Written by three acclaimed leaders in the field,
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 Learn Graph Databases - Download FREE O'Reilly Book
 Graph Databases is the definitive new guide to graph databases and their
 applications. Written by three acclaimed leaders in the field,
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 Learn Graph Databases - Download FREE O'Reilly Book
 Graph Databases is the definitive new guide to graph databases and their
 applications. Written by three acclaimed leaders in the field,
 this first edition is now available. Download your

Re: [Stripes-users] Error executing stripes quickstart archetype

2013-11-05 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Dan,

The archetype ain't in maven central :

According to the
there's a repo to use for this artefact, but it doesn't look like a m2 repo
at all (only a sf download).

I would suggest rebuilding locally : checkout the code and run mvn clean
install. This will install the archetype to your local repo, and you should
then be able to use it.



2013/11/4 Dan Kaplan

 I also get a different error when I try the command from the wiki on this

 $ mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeArtifactId=stripes-archetype-quickstart
 -DarchetypeGroupId=net.sourceforge -DarchetypeVersion=1.0 -DgroupId=myGroup
 -DartifactId=stripesTest -DarchetypeRepository=
 [INFO] Scanning for projects...
 [INFO] Building MirthResultsBrancher 1.0-SNAPSHOT
 [INFO] --- maven-archetype-plugin:2.2:create (default-cli) @
 MirthResultsBrancher ---
 [WARNING] This goal is deprecated. Please use mvn archetype:generate
 [INFO] Defaulting package to group ID: myGroup
 [INFO] Total time: 1.110s
 [INFO] Finished at: Mon Nov 04 10:55:30 PST 2013
 [INFO] Final Memory: 11M/309M
 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
 org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:2.2:create (default-cli) on
 project MirthResultsBrancher: Error creating from archetype:
 org.apache.maven.archetype.downloader.DownloadNotFoundException: Requested
 net.sourceforge:stripes-archetype-quickstart:jar:1.0 download does not
 exist. Failure to find net.sourceforge:stripes-archetype-quickstart:jar:1.0
 in was cached in
 the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update
 interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced
 [ERROR] Try downloading the file manually from the project website.
 [ERROR] Then, install it using the command:
 [ERROR] mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=net.sourceforge
 -DartifactId=stripes-archetype-quickstart -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar
 [ERROR] Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the
 file there:
 [ERROR] mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=net.sourceforge
 -DartifactId=stripes-archetype-quickstart -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar
 -Dfile=/path/to/file -Durl=[url] -DrepositoryId=[id]
 [ERROR] net.sourceforge:stripes-archetype-quickstart:jar:1.0
 [ERROR] from the specified remote repositories:
 [ERROR] central (,
 releases=true, snapshots=false),
 [ERROR] snapshots (,
 releases=true, snapshots=true)
 [ERROR] - [Help 1]
 [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the
 -e switch.
 [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
 [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions,
 please read the following articles:
 [ERROR] [Help 1]

 On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 10:54 AM, Dan Kaplan wrote:

 Here's my command line (sorry it's long, it's from my ide):

 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_34\bin\java -Xms256m
 -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -Xmx1024m -Dmaven.home=C:\apache-maven-3.0.4
 -Dfile.encoding=windows-1250 -classpath
 org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher --fail-fast --strict-checksums
 -DinteractiveMode=false -DgroupId=com.mirth.results.mirthresultsbrancher
 -DartifactId=MirthResultsBrancher -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT
 -DarchetypeArtifactId=stripes-archetype-quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=1.0

 This is the error: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
 org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:2.2:generate (default-cli)
 on project standalone-pom: The desired archetype does not exist
 (net.sourceforge:stripes-archetype-quickstart:1.0) - [Help 1]



 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained 

Re: [Stripes-users] Testing Multipart Form and FileBean with MockRoundtrip

2013-08-14 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Brandon,

Maybe write your own ActionBeanPropertyBinder for those tests ? One that
sets the FileBean even if nothing is posted, depending on your testing
context ?

Looks a bit heavyweight but I can't think of anything else yet...



2013/8/14 Brandon Goodin

 I am in a situation where I need to write a unit test for a stripes action
 and the action supports a multipart form with a required file upload. I
 don't see how it is possible to use the MockRoundtrip and test file uploads
 with FileBean. What is the proper way to test Actions that back a
 multipart-form with files being passed in the request?

 Pseudo-code of my action:

 public class MyAction ... {

 @Validate(required = true)
 private FileBean file;

 public Resolution upload() {

 public void setFile(FileBean file) {
 this.file = file;


 For now I have decided to move the required=true off of the file property
 and simply manually validate in the body of the upload handler. This allows
 me to manually set the FileBean on the Action in my unit test before I call
 the mockRoundTrip.execute(upload);

 Please let me know if I'm missing something obvious.

 Brandon Goodin

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[Stripes-users] Stripes Sample in WAS Liberty

2013-06-13 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi folks,

A colleague found this :

Not sure integration is appropriate for deploying a war, and really not
sure why one would need an app-server specific sample for that, but it's
always cool to see Stripes mentioned


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Re: [Stripes-users] Inject bean in overriden locale picker

2013-06-13 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Rob,

You can also use the Spring APIs directly and skip the annotation and

I mean, calling beanFactory.getBean(myBean) doesn't hurt if you do it
only there.

You can access the servletContext at init time :

So store a ref to your ApplicationContext (WebApplicationContext if I
remember well, it's been a while with Spring), and invoke getBean() when



2013/6/13 Freddy Daoud

 If you have the Stripes book, there are more details about this
 in the Dependency Injection with Spring section. In summary,
 you have to subclass the Stripes default locale picker factory,
 call the superclass method to create the object, and use
 SpringHelper.injectBeans( ) on the object before returning it.


 On Thu, Jun 13, 2013, at 07:24 AM, Rob GB wrote:

 Hi all,

 I created my own LocalePicker implementation, I just created a new
 class and mapped it in web.xml:

 !-- Override the default localepicker class --

 it works, however I have Spring integrated in my app, so I need to
 inject a Spring bean, I tried this:

 public class LocalePicker extends DefaultLocalePicker {
 MyBean myBean;

 protected void setMyBean(MyBean mybean) {
 this.myBean = myBean;

 It's not working, the myBean bean is properly created by Spring but I
 cannot inject it in my overriden default locale picker.

 Kindly advice, thanks.



 This email is sponsored by Windows:

 Build for Windows Store.



 Stripes-users mailing list





 This email is sponsored by Windows:

 Build for Windows Store.
 Stripes-users mailing list

This email is sponsored by Windows:

Build for Windows Store.
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Re: [Stripes-users] change status code of forward resolution

2013-06-04 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
I guess that's what you need :



2013/6/4 Chris Cheshire

 I am doing some location aware pages for a website where they are
 available only to specific countries. When they aren't available I'd like
 to forward to my restricted.jsp page with the status code set to forbidden

 How do I go about setting the status code?



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How ServiceNow helps IT people transform IT departments:
1. A cloud service to automate IT design, transition and operations
2. Dashboards that offer high-level views of enterprise services
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Re: [Stripes-users] TypeConverters and the declare type.

2013-03-16 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Robert,

If the declared type is

2013/3/16 Robert Nicholson

 I'm still new to stripes but last week I had an issue where it wasn't
 using the correct type convertor on a binding.

 So I  have a hibernate object that has an attribute represented as a
 varchar in the database and it's java type is a String

 However I wanted to filter based on a type of Enum.

 The code I saw seemed to go looking at the declared type of the attribute
 in order to figure out what kind of type converter should apply and so
 instead of end up with an Enum converter it arrives at a String converter.

 How can you override this behavior?

 My final solution was to do away with the Enum completely which means I
 had to display the value as Y N instead of True False

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Re: [Stripes-users] TypeConverters and the declare type.

2013-03-16 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Robert,

If the declared type is String the Stripes will bind to a String. If you
wanna use an enum in the bean you can just do that.

What do you mean by filter ?



2013/3/16 VANKEISBELCK Remi

 Hi Robert,

 If the declared type is

 2013/3/16 Robert Nicholson

 I'm still new to stripes but last week I had an issue where it wasn't
 using the correct type convertor on a binding.

 So I  have a hibernate object that has an attribute represented as a
 varchar in the database and it's java type is a String

 However I wanted to filter based on a type of Enum.

 The code I saw seemed to go looking at the declared type of the attribute
 in order to figure out what kind of type converter should apply and so
 instead of end up with an Enum converter it arrives at a String converter.

 How can you override this behavior?

 My final solution was to do away with the Enum completely which means I
 had to display the value as Y N instead of True False

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Re: [Stripes-users] Stripes UrlBinding - Parameter disappears on submit

2012-08-30 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Yeah, or use method=GET in the form ?

Clean URLs don't really make sense for POST requests anyway...



2012/8/30 Nathan Maves

 I think you should be using stripes:link and not the form tag.

 On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 8:52 PM, Derrick Chua
  I use URL bindings on all my actionbeans and some of them requires a
  parameter, e.g. /admin/users/123.
  Taking this URL as an example, in my actionbean I am able to get the
  parameter 123 and display user information fine. The same page allows
  changes to user information and this is where the problem comes in.
  On submitting the updated user information, the URL becomes /admin/users.
  This is a problem because calling context.getRequest().getRequestURL()
  returns me /admin/users instead of /admin/users/123.
  I reckon this to be due to the way the tag is written in the jsp:
  which resolves to
  form action=/admin/users method=post.../form
  The corresponding actionbean is coded and annotated as such:
  public class UserActionBean{
private long userId;
public long getUserId(){return userId;}
public void setUserId(long userId){this.userId=userId;}
  Has anyone encountered the same problem and managed to solve it?
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Re: [Stripes-users] problem with validation

2012-08-17 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
I haven't checked out deeply, but I guess those fields starting upper-cased
ain't no good.

Stripes relies on JavaBean conventions : the field name should start
lower-cased, so that getters/setters actually represent the name of the
field :

private String myField;
public String getMyField();
public void setMyField(String myField);

Two options :
1/ stick to the convention, and rename TahunTerbit to tahunTerbit (and all
other fields)
2/ move your @Validate annotation to the getter (getTahunTerbit)

Of course, 1/ is most recommended. It's common practice to start field
names lower case.



2012/8/17 Frans


 I am trying to put validation to form fields.

 Here is the link to the .java file :

 Here is the link to the :

 The problems are:
 1. minvalue and maxvalue for TahunTerbit are not working. I submit the
 form with
 value less then 1000 but didn't get error message
 2. I always get error message when I submit invalid number for TahunTerbit
 3. I submit the form without set a value for NamaPengarang field but
 didn't get
 error message.

 Why the minvalue and maxvalue do not working?
 Why I always get error message for TahunTerbit?
 Why I never get error message when NamaPengarang is empty?

 Thank you

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Re: [Stripes-users] Mapping Root of Web App to an Action using Dynamic Mappings

2012-05-15 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Christian,

Can't you just write an index.jsp file that forwards to your main action ?



2012/5/15 Cristian C


 Have you seen

 It does pretty much what your filter does and much more.
 My problem is that even with that, I Can't map /
 If I add a / I get startup errors.. It seems that once the app is
 initialized it tries to retrieve /,.. I really don't understand why yet
 but it causes a stack overflow.

 I can successfully map anything else to any stripes .action, but I can't
 map to any Dynamic mappings though.  I mapped index.html to category.action.

 I also figured the problem with the welcome-file thing.  It's appending
 the welcome file to all Dynamic Mappings/clean URL's.. so if I have
 /category/1  with the welcome file I get /category/1 + whatever the welcome
 file is. like /category/1index.html

 So I'm still totally out of ideas how to map / to an action mapped to
 Only @UrlBinding(/) worked but it invokes the bean unwantedly.. I wonder
 if this is a bug?..

 On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 4:01 PM, Grzegorz Krugły wrote:


 Live Security Virtual Conference
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 threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
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will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
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Re: [Stripes-users] URL not bound to actionbean in Tomcat6

2012-05-15 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Dawson,

Do you have a full stack trace ?



2012/5/15 Dawson Mossman

 We're currently using the Stripes framework on an active production
 lately we've been getting errors saying Caused by:
 Could not locate an
 ActionBean that is bound to the URL.  This seems to be happening when
  Tomcat 6 is
 loading new threads to service requests.  The strange thing is that the
  URL that
 the problem references does not exist and I have no idea where it's trying
  to load
 it from.  We've verified all files and done text searches on the server
  and there
 are no references to the URL or the action bean.

 Can you tell me:
 1 - What events trigger Stripes to bind all URL's that are configured
  to their
 action beans?  I know this happens when an app is deployed, but does
  it also occur
 during a thread load or pooling in Tomcat?  I know that the requested
  (target) URL
 is not the URL that's causing the problem, so there must be something
 triggering this besides the URL in the browser.

 2 - Do you have any idea where it would be getting the invalid URL
  from if it is
 not specified in any ActionBean classes?  The url it's trying to
  bind to an action
 bean is an old one that existed several months ago, but is no longer
  in the code.
 Is this cached somewhere within Tomcat?


 Live Security Virtual Conference
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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
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Re: [Stripes-users] Stripes, Twitter bootstrap validation errors

2012-03-26 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Rolf,

You can easily wrap this into a custom JSP tag if you want to stay DRY...



2012/3/26 Rolf

 alexis BOISSONNAT alexis.boissonnat@... writes:

  Hi Rolf,
  You can try something like that :
  div class=control-group
 ${empty(actionBean.context.validationErrors[YourInputName]) ? '' :
  Which will add the 'error' class if any error occurs on YourInputName.

 Hey Alex,

 Your suggestion works great, even though it is a bit verbose and

 Thanks a lot!

 Greets Rolf

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Re: [Stripes-users] auto

2012-03-09 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Joaquin,

What exactly are you thinking about ?
Widget-only tools like or a full stack a la rails ?



2012/3/9 Joaquin Valdez

 UI generation?  Is there such a thing for Stripes?

 Joaquin Valdez

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Re: [Stripes-users] auto

2012-03-09 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Yeah they've been busy apparently ! Last time I checked it wasn't that

Nope I haven't really used that myself, I only took it for a spin quite a
while ago, just to have a look...
They don't seem to integrate with the Stripes taglib. One could write the
necessary adaptors : metawidget is all about this, it basically grabs the
more metadata it can from your environment (domain models etc) and spits
out GUIs magically for the target platform.

I remember concluding it was a very interesting project but too complex for
what I need everyday. I mean, generating GUIs is a graal many have tried to
find, but in my own experience it's impossible to abstract a User Interface
completely : you will definitly need to put your hands in the dirt
eventually. There's no practical meta model for describing User Interfaces
as far as I know.
And anyways I'm always (even morethat usually) skeptical when something has
the word meta in it :)

Still, these tools can help a lot in terative development, they allow to
build faster on top of something solid. The only drawnback is when the
framework gets into your way and makes it harder to do what you want.

Metawidget is probably heavy stuff if you only target Stripes. It would
shine in a multi-platform environment where you need GUIs that run in
Swing, in a webapp etc. But this type of approach, as far as I know, has
always failed as well...

Write once run anywhere ain't happening yet in the GUI world...



2012/3/9 Grzegorz Krugły

 Wow, this metawidget stuff looks really nice. Remi, do you have any
 experience using it together with Stripes?

 W dniu 09.03.2012 10:17, VANKEISBELCK Remi pisze:
  Hi Joaquin,
  What exactly are you thinking about ?
  Widget-only tools like or a full stack a la
 rails ?

 Virtualization  Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
 Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing
 also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
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Virtualization  Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
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also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
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Re: [Stripes-users] auto

2012-03-09 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
I was thinking of write once (or more exactly *specify* once) and run
anywhere : Java, iPhone, Android, Web, Fash, you-name-it. There ain't even
no such thing as CSS in Swing :P

2012/3/9 Samuel Santos

 Hi all,

 Write once run anywhere ain't happening yet in the GUI world...

 I disagree.

 We have been using Media Queries, part of the so called Responsive
 Design, and have been quite successful with it.
 There is no GUI generated magically, just plain normal CSS at work. has some great examples of sites using it.


 Samuel Santos

 2012/3/9 VANKEISBELCK Remi

 Yeah they've been busy apparently ! Last time I checked it wasn't that

 Nope I haven't really used that myself, I only took it for a spin quite a
 while ago, just to have a look...
 They don't seem to integrate with the Stripes taglib. One could write the
 necessary adaptors : metawidget is all about this, it basically grabs the
 more metadata it can from your environment (domain models etc) and spits
 out GUIs magically for the target platform.

 I remember concluding it was a very interesting project but too complex
 for what I need everyday. I mean, generating GUIs is a graal many have
 tried to find, but in my own experience it's impossible to abstract a User
 Interface completely : you will definitly need to put your hands in the
 dirt eventually. There's no practical meta model for describing User
 Interfaces as far as I know.
 And anyways I'm always (even morethat usually) skeptical when something
 has the word meta in it :)

 Still, these tools can help a lot in terative development, they allow to
 build faster on top of something solid. The only drawnback is when the
 framework gets into your way and makes it harder to do what you want.

 Metawidget is probably heavy stuff if you only target Stripes. It would
 shine in a multi-platform environment where you need GUIs that run in
 Swing, in a webapp etc. But this type of approach, as far as I know, has
 always failed as well...

 Write once run anywhere ain't happening yet in the GUI world...



 2012/3/9 Grzegorz Krugły

 Wow, this metawidget stuff looks really nice. Remi, do you have any
 experience using it together with Stripes?

 W dniu 09.03.2012 10:17, VANKEISBELCK Remi pisze:
  Hi Joaquin,
  What exactly are you thinking about ?
  Widget-only tools like or a full stack a la
 rails ?

 Virtualization  Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
 Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing
 also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
 Stripes-users mailing list

 Virtualization  Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
 Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing
 also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
 Stripes-users mailing list

 Virtualization  Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
 Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing
 also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
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Virtualization  Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
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[Stripes-users] Fwd: auto

2012-03-09 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Sorry sent it to Samuel only...

-- Forwarded message --
Date: 2012/3/9
Subject: Re: [Stripes-users] auto
To: Samuel Santos

I disagree :)

Joaquim, if you want, have a look at Woko :
v1.x : (no longer maintained)
v2.0 : (will soon be relased, we're
in beta)

It's a home-made framework that I've been building with friends through the
years and that is getting quite cool.
It's full stack, with persistence (JPA), user profiling, UI generation, RPC
and more.

I didn't want to make an official announcement before we ship 2.0 (I will :
Woko is definitly built on Stripes), but I invite you to take the framework
for a spin if you want :

It still requires polishing (we're on it) but it's usable. Don't hesitate
to contact us :



2012/3/9 Samuel Santos

 Hi Joaquim,

 Stripes does not have such thing.


 Samuel Santos

 On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Joaquin Valdez 

 Hi Remi!

 I was thinking more along the lines of a full stack thing that worked
 with Stripes.


 On Mar 9, 2012, at 1:17 AM, VANKEISBELCK Remi wrote:

 Hi Joaquin,

 What exactly are you thinking about ?
 Widget-only tools like or a full stack a la rails



 2012/3/9 Joaquin Valdez

 UI generation?  Is there such a thing for Stripes?

  Joaquin Valdez

 Virtualization  Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
 Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing
 also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
 Stripes-users mailing list

 Virtualization  Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
 Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing
 also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
 Stripes-users mailing list

  Joaquin Valdez

 Virtualization  Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
 Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing
 also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
 Stripes-users mailing list

Virtualization  Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] ActionBean - JSP communication

2011-06-21 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Thomas,

As you've understood, Stripes has no intermediate object between
controller and view, as you can find in SpringMVC (ModelAndView), or
apparently the PHP framework you mention. You just handle it your way, all
you have is the action bean.

For simple cases, I guess that ${} is enough. See the
Calculator example.
In the end, we all end up with intermediate objects, we often even expose
domain objects directly to the views. You don't extract the properties of
your domain model into each action bean, instead you reference the domain
objects direcly in your JSPs :


So in case you feel complexity's getting beyond the acceptable limit, create
a POJO that holds the state you need in your views. That's just good design
I think (object were meant to be modular they said :P). It could (read
should) also encapsulate some of the logic you apparenly have in the
Resolutions at the moment, making your application independant of any third
pary framework, easily testable, etc etc. In the end, action beans should
contain the less code as possible, they're only a bridge between the web and
your own POJOs.

Anyway, one thing is sure : the use of request attributes doesn't really
help, as you still don't know what request attrs are set by which event
handler. Go for the POJO :)

Note that it won't solve the what property can I use in this view ?
problem : you still have to ensure that properties you access in your views
are ready, and this can depend on the event handler used. AFAIK only good
engineering can save you there, as there's no strong way I know that can
enforce that.



2011/6/20 Thomas Menke


 coming from the PHP world I am starting to get practice with Stripes.
 And I wonder how to best communicate between JSP and my ActionBean. In
 PHP I liked to use smarty. There one just saves all the data the
 template needs into a large HashMap und the template will work with this
 map, after the lifetime of what was comparable to the ActionBean already
 exceeded its lifetime.

 I noticed that I can get the same behaviour with JSP by using
 getContext().getRequest().setAttribute(name, someObject);
 That works very well, but I doesn't feel like I am supposed to do
 this. Am I? Is this a suitable approach? Or are there good reasons to
 keep hands away from this?

 The other way is obviously to have some getter-methods on my ActionBean
 that I call from the JSP file. That is what I used most of the time. But
 sometime I want to calculate values for the JSP in my event handler.
 Thus I have to save them in a property of the ActionBean and introduce a
 getter method for them. That works well for small ActionBeans, but with
 a rising number of event handlers within one action bean I easily loose
 the overview which property I introduced for which event handler.

 Another approach that I have seen is creating a POJO for each and every
 jsp page with all properties for that JSP page. Then this object is
 saved as a property of the actionBean and it is worked with from JSP
 (additionally this may save a little memory because only the properties
 that are actually needed by the current JSP need to be allocated).

 What would you say is best practice and why?

 Thank you,


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Re: [Stripes-users] Strange introspection issue after upgrade to 1.5.2

2011-05-05 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi John,

In order to narrow down the search, have you tried the 1.5.2 webapp in your
previous app server etc. ?

That way you could know if Stripes is the problem, or if it's your app



2011/5/4 Newman, John W

  No sir, just the core jar .. we’re not really doing anything too wild..
 if anything the object hierarchy we have is a bit weird due to jaxb
 generation.  But these same classes have always worked just fine.  Now after
 1.5.2 it works fine .. for a while then something happens to disturb it.


 one minute says java.lang.Short

 Same class, same field, next minute says java.lang.Serializable.

 We are not doing any crazy class reloading on the fly or anything like
 that.  I know bean introspection is cached somewhere, but as far as I know
 there is no background thread going on updating those results as they should
 never change.

 Our class hierarchy is a bit wild like I said.

 public class TheBindingTarget extends AbstractCompositeKeyEntity {

private Short id;   // initially this is detected as Short, at some
 point it changes to Serializable.

public Short getID()  { return this.ID; }

public void setID(Short id)  { this.ID = id; }

 // other fields, not important


 public abstract class AbstractCompositeKeyEntity extends
 AbstractEntityShort {

// overrides for equals and hashcode for a 3 part business key (ID,
 version, revision)


 public abstract class AbstractEntityPK extends Serializable  implements
 EntityPK {

// equals and hashcode for 1 part key, ID


 public interface EntityPK extends Serializable extends Serializable  {

PK getID();

void setID(PK id);


 The uppercase of “ID” comes from jaxb generated classes, which come from
 someone else’s xsd that I cannot control.  I don’t think the case is an
 issue however.  Given the nature of that hierarchy with generics and all
 that, I can understand how the “get type” code could be slightly thrown off
 for this case given the complexity going on in there.  However, it should be
 giving the same result every time – not changing from one minute to the next


 *From:* Samuel Santos []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, May 04, 2011 11:35 AM
 *To:* Stripes Users List
 *Subject:* Re: [Stripes-users] Strange introspection issue after upgrade
 to 1.5.2

 Hi John,

 Do you use any Stripes extension/plugin?


 Samuel Santos

  On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 3:24 PM, Newman, John W


 We’ve been using jdk5 / jboss4.22 / stripes 1.5 in production, stable for a
 long time now.   We’ve decided it’s about time to do some upgrades to jdk6 /
 jboss 5.  The classpath scanner in stripes 1.5 does not work on jboss 5,
 which was fixed in 1.5.2 as a result of

 Ok so in addition to jdk / jboss upgrade, we have to upgrade stripes.jar.
 Not a big deal.  Everything has gone smoothly, except for one remaining
 issue that is about as bizarre as it gets.  The application starts up and
 runs fine.  But, if you leave it sit idle for a period of time, say ~30
 minutes, sometimes, the bean introspection results will somehow change.
 This doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me, but it’s what we’re seeing.

 After startup, DefaultActionBeanPropertyBinder says this one field is of
 type java.lang.Short (which it is), it will take a value and bind into that
 no problem.  You can click around all you want and everything is good.  Now,
 ~30 minutes of idle time go by, all of a sudden
 DefaultActionBeanPropertyBinder now decides to say this same field is of
 type java.lang.Serializable, foolishly tries to do new
 Serializable(“value”); and fails.  I can’t explain why that result would
 change over time.

 Might we be running into a regression that came from the changes in  also in 1.5.2 ?
 That’s the only thing I’m seeing related to introspection.  Because this is
 such a weird issue, I’m not even sure if it’s stripes related.  We are
 working on narrowing it down and continuing to research, but I thought I’d
 ask here first.  Unfortunately I can’t run 1.5 in jboss5, but we are trying
 1.5.2 in jboss4 right now (I suspect this will still show the issue).

   Is there any reasonable explanation for that change causing the result to
 say “java.lang.Short” one minute, and “java.lang.Serializable” the next?
  Has anyone else ran into this?

 Thanks in advance for any ideas.


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Re: [Stripes-users] plugin strategies?

2011-04-20 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Will, folks,

 That said, I don't agree with the plugins concept at all.

To be honest, I also think a clean dependency mechanism + some centralized
docs would be enough.
Anyway, it's a nice to have, as it allows beginners to have no ramp up.
Simply list plugins, install them, it adds the deps, classes and updates
your web.xml.
Even if many Stripers won't probably use it once they are used to the
framerwork, consider it a selling feature.

 If those are included then, regardless of original intent, users will
think that these are first class citizens of Stripes, and that the
 there is some obligation for the maintainer of Stripes core to maintain
these as well.

Well, everything is subjective, but clearly some of the extensions will be
first class citizens. Think about what's already in the core and will be
moved (e.g. Spring integration). Now, I've never said that ALL extensions
should be included to the main repo and built along with the framework. I
think every extension, once it gets popular, stable etc., turns into a good
candidate for integration into the offficial extensions of the framework.

 There's also the issue of code segregation, IP rights, and commit access.

Yep, but on the other hand it ensures that all parts are consistent when new
versions are released, that they have the same license, and that they are
managed by the same group of developers. Last, it could drag new coders into
the framework. And again, it doesn't mean that evey extension has to be
there, just the ones that have been approved by the community. You can still
write your separate, third party extension if you want, and distribute it
the way you want.

In short, think about how life would be if Spring's codebase contained only
core container, and everything else (JDBC, JMS, ...) was scattered around
the web... Different builds, different policies of maven sync, different
websites... admin drag you said ?

That's the way all projects handle scalability of the codebase : they split
stuff into modules.
I guess Stripes is now at that point, and it's a good sign.

 There's no reason to repaint the whole thing or re-engineer it from the
ground up [...]

Not sure you talk about the modularization of the build here.
If you do, c'mon... the build already exists, there's nothing to do. I'd say
half a day work, not a class file touched, only a few moves...
From the ground up ???

 There's always stuff to do. Leverage the processes in place [...]

That's exactly what I'm trying to do :)



2011/4/20 Will Hartung

 I'm not going to copy the entire thread, and I'm not responding to any one
 in particular.

 Not being a maven fan, even I can agree with the conversion to Maven. The
 primary reason is that Maven has become a de facto portable project meta
 data that all of the IDEs support well, and makes IDE integration reasonably
 simple. The secondary reason is that someone has gracefully volunteered to
 undertake the entire process finishing and rounding out the process, and
 once complete, the ongoing maintenance should be minor and simple to keep
 up, at least until Maven 4 comes out and they break backward compatibility
 Yet Again.

 That said, I don't agree with the plugins concept at all.

 Stripes is already pretty plugin friendly and whatever burden there is in
 terms of creating an add on to Stripes is likely minor compared to the work
 on the add on functionality itself. I don't think folks are saying yea, I'd
 like to add that to Stripes, but it's just Too Hard. Implementing an
 interface and adding a line or two to web.xml -- not really arduous. Even I
 have done it, and if you know anything about my history with Stripes, that's
 saying something.

 I see no motivation to make Stripes a plugin framework with some default
 modules. It's that already, effectively. It's just that this concept doesn't
 boil to the top when it comes to implementing Stripes. It pretty much works
 out of the box with minimal configuration. That's a feature. In contrast to
 something like Spring or JBoss, which is all modules of all kinds and all
 generic metadata that you have to master to get Hello World running. It's
 a mostly terrible experience, especially for a new person.

 I also don't agree with moving the popular Stripes Stuff in to the Stripes
 source tree.

 If those are included then, regardless of original intent, users will think
 that these are first class citizens of Stripes, and that the there is some
 obligation for the maintainer of Stripes core to maintain these as well.
 Basically that makes this free code for stripes, but it's free as in free
 like a puppy. Ben has enough to do just to keep up with bug fixes and such
 without adding traffic and questions and clutter to the core system stuff
 that he's not going to be responsible for.

 There's also the issue of code segregation, IP rights, and commit access.
 Since each module would, ostensibly, have a different owner and it's easy to

Re: [Stripes-users] plugin strategies?

2011-04-20 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
2011/4/20 Will Hartung

 My only concern is that the community can decide whatever it wants, but
 most of the time its Ben who gets to do the work. And voting to get more
 puppies for Ben to take care of isn't really fair to him. That's why I
 resist the inclusion of some of the existing external pieces in to the
 responsibility of the current maintainer.

Well, I get your point, even if it's a little off topic I think. You raise
an issue, but it already exists. Having the official extensions in the
codebase won't change the fundamental problem (Ben commiting 99% of the
And again, I never said that *everything* has to end up in a common source
control. I just think that some of the extensions (parts that are in the
core and need externalization - e.g. Spring integration, or other stuff
likes StripesSecurity) have their place there.
Now for new extensions, stuff that is marginal etc, a separate project is
fine for me. That's just how it should be.

 It's admin drag on the end users/developers, but not the Stripes dev
 team. Does it make Stripes harder to use?

Definitly. Some folks I know recently spent half a day setting up
Stripes/Hibernate/Security. IMHO, that's 3 and a half hours too much ! This
should be as simple as adding a dep to your pom (or if you push it like
Morten does, to type a command or two). And that's what approved
extensions mean to me : stuff that solves a common problem and has been
approved by the community.
From then, I see no problem in shipping these extensions along the framework
(again, like everybody does).

As you mentioned if there is some core mechanism (either in the runtime or
 in the build) that makes integration of 3rd party modules easier and more
 consistent, AND those changes are straightforward and suitable for a 1.x
 release, then that may well be a good plan. That makes Stripes more puppy
 friendly but without the need to actually take them home.

That's exactly my point. As usual, you said it with better words :P


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Re: [Stripes-users] plugin strategies?

2011-04-19 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
   the master branch);
   3. Allow developers to create plugins / extensions under Stripes
   organization or fork their plugins.

 However, I'm not sure that we should do any change before Stripes 1.6.
 I miss ObjectPostProcessor so much that I rather prefer to release 1.6
 first and then make the changes.

 What do you think?


 Samuel Santos

 On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 10:47 PM, VANKEISBELCK Remi r...@rvkb.comwrote:

  Hey Ben,

 First things first, what about :
 1/ full maven build (yeah, drop ant for good), with refactoring of the
 source folders etc.
 2/ integrate all  extensions to the main build (as submodules) -
 Stripersist / Stripes security for starters

 3/ ask plugin devs to submit doc for their plugins, to be integrated to
 the main wiki

 I know you're not a maven freak, but really, 2 separate builds is
 awkward, and having a standard build would help a lot for third party
 integration. I really think a small source layout refactoring and dropping
 all the build.xml stuff wouldn't hurt.

 I'm ok to do this on 1.5.x and trunk whenever you want.



 2011/4/18 Ben Gunter

 I just chimed in on the LinkedIn discussion, though there's not much to
 my response. Basically, I'd like to see a clear plan for what you want to
 do. Then we can discuss how to execute the plan.

 On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 9:01 PM, Morten Matras

 Hi George

 In the Stripesframework linked in group there is an ongoing discussion
 regarding this topic.

 There seems to be a consensus regarding your ideas. Currently we're
 waiting for Ben / Tim to give their opinion before stepping forward with
 some action.




 2011/4/14 George Clark

 Hi all,

I enjoy Stripes in my personal time.  Unfortunately, at the office
 we're using Grails.  I'm wondering if any of you have thought about or
 implemented a grails-type plugin solution in your dev environments?

There are a few things I enjoy about Grails and one of them is
 their plugin strategy.  It can be messy at times but I feel we've 
 it well and it's become pretty valuable.   An example might be something
 off-the-shelf like an Acegi authentication plugin.  It can be installed
 through maven, and it's controllers, configuration and WEB-INF resources 
 merged into the main application.

But I suppose the real benefit is if you're in charge of five or
 six applications in different repositories and want to share more than 
 taglibs.  For instance, we have a system that consumes events from 
 applications and makes decisions to notify people of said events.   We've
 built a plugin that provides beans to create such events, controllers to 
 as an interface to the queued data, and controllers that provide views to
 allow humans to inspect the app directly complete with images, css and
 javascript.  It appears as a complete application structure:
 controllers/views/jars/assests, etc.

Any person creating a new webapp merely adds
 event-monitoring-plugin in their pom and now they've met the corporate 
 interface for monitoring and reporting.  Occasionally the plugin is 
 and we can simply change the value in the pom and rebuild the 
 I'm feeling like if we were doing this is stripes I would be copying 
 resources into every application and they would live within that
 applications resources.

I suppose I could do something at build time where I unzip a
 package over-top of main application code which adds controllers and adds
 resources to WEB-INF.  Maybe I could also make it smart enough to modify 
 ActionResolver.Packages list.   Or, maybe I just need to think about this
 differently altogether!

What kinds of processes/solutions do you use when wanting to share
 this kind of code?


 Benefiting from Server Virtualization: Beyond Initial Workload
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   Morten Matras
   Blob Communication ApS
   Svendsagervej 42
   DK-5240 Odense NØ
   P: (+45) 36 96 07 06

 Benefiting from Server Virtualization: Beyond Initial Workload
 Consolidation -- Increasing the use of server virtualization is a top
 priority.Virtualization can reduce costs

Re: [Stripes-users] plugin strategies?

2011-04-18 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hey Ben,

First things first, what about :
1/ full maven build (yeah, drop ant for good), with refactoring of the
source folders etc.
2/ integrate all de facto standard extensions to the main build (as
submodules) - Stripersist / Stripes security for starters
3/ ask plugin devs to submit doc for their plugins, to be integrated to the
main wiki

I know you're not a maven freak, but really, 2 separate builds is awkward,
and having a standard build would help a lot for third party integration. I
really think a small source layout refactoring and dropping all the
build.xml stuff wouldn't hurt.

I'm ok to do this on 1.5.x and trunk whenever you want.



2011/4/18 Ben Gunter

 I just chimed in on the LinkedIn discussion, though there's not much to my
 response. Basically, I'd like to see a clear plan for what you want to do.
 Then we can discuss how to execute the plan.

 On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 9:01 PM, Morten Matras morten.mat...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi George

 In the Stripesframework linked in group there is an ongoing discussion
 regarding this topic.

 There seems to be a consensus regarding your ideas. Currently we're
 waiting for Ben / Tim to give their opinion before stepping forward with
 some action.




 2011/4/14 George Clark

 Hi all,

I enjoy Stripes in my personal time.  Unfortunately, at the office
 we're using Grails.  I'm wondering if any of you have thought about or
 implemented a grails-type plugin solution in your dev environments?

There are a few things I enjoy about Grails and one of them is their
 plugin strategy.  It can be messy at times but I feel we've leveraged it
 well and it's become pretty valuable.   An example might be something
 off-the-shelf like an Acegi authentication plugin.  It can be installed
 through maven, and it's controllers, configuration and WEB-INF resources are
 merged into the main application.

But I suppose the real benefit is if you're in charge of five or six
 applications in different repositories and want to share more than just
 taglibs.  For instance, we have a system that consumes events from running
 applications and makes decisions to notify people of said events.   We've
 built a plugin that provides beans to create such events, controllers to act
 as an interface to the queued data, and controllers that provide views to
 allow humans to inspect the app directly complete with images, css and
 javascript.  It appears as a complete application structure:
 controllers/views/jars/assests, etc.

Any person creating a new webapp merely adds event-monitoring-plugin
 in their pom and now they've met the corporate web interface for monitoring
 and reporting.  Occasionally the plugin is upgraded and we can simply change
 the value in the pom and rebuild the application.  I'm feeling like if we
 were doing this is stripes I would be copying these resources into every
 application and they would live within that applications resources.

I suppose I could do something at build time where I unzip a package
 over-top of main application code which adds controllers and adds resources
 to WEB-INF.  Maybe I could also make it smart enough to modify the
 ActionResolver.Packages list.   Or, maybe I just need to think about this
 differently altogether!

What kinds of processes/solutions do you use when wanting to share
 this kind of code?


 Benefiting from Server Virtualization: Beyond Initial Workload
 Consolidation -- Increasing the use of server virtualization is a top
 priority.Virtualization can reduce costs, simplify management, and
 application availability and disaster protection. Learn more about
 the value of server virtualization.
 Stripes-users mailing list

   Morten Matras
   Blob Communication ApS
   Svendsagervej 42
   DK-5240 Odense NØ
   P: (+45) 36 96 07 06

 Benefiting from Server Virtualization: Beyond Initial Workload
 Consolidation -- Increasing the use of server virtualization is a top
 priority.Virtualization can reduce costs, simplify management, and improve
 application availability and disaster protection. Learn more about
 the value of server virtualization.
 Stripes-users mailing list

 Benefiting from Server Virtualization: 

Re: [Stripes-users] Time for TimeZones and Sharing!

2011-03-21 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi folks,

I'd even go further : make EVERYTHING request-scoped. Not only
TypeConverters, but also ActionBean resolution and Validation.

If you look at the current ActionBeanResolver, it's all static. One should
be able to write dynamic resolvers if he wants to. The whole path thing in
ActionResolver makes it very clumsy at the moment. Same goes for

After all, everything that occurs in Stripes should occur when serving a
request, therefore the request (or action bean conctext) should be available


Remi - ThreadLocal-based RequestInterceptor is what I'm doing for now, but
clearly, it sucks.

2011/3/20 Will Hartung


 TimeZones suck!

 Working on a project that's deployed on GAE.

 GAE only works on UTC. That's the default TimeZone, and everything done
 within the running image is done at UTC.

 Specifically, Date parsing and display default to UTC.

 This is not so good when you're doing a local app, in my case PST/PDT.

 I chatted with the gang on IRC about ways around this and how to work with
 it. Through various attempts I settled on using a custom TypeConverter and
 Formatter for dates hard code to my time zone. (I'll pause while Ben mops up
 whatever beverage he has just spewed over his expensive computer equipment
 and his antique mahogany desk overlooking the tranquil rustic harbor from
 his hillside, panoramic window).

 The change was simple, but it brought up other issues.

 Basically, this technique works great, if you're limited to a single time
 zone. But not so much if you want a flexible time zone (like say a user

 The problem centers around the fact that the TypeConverters and Formatters
 have no context whatsoever. They have no access to the StripesContext or the
 Session or anything else.

 The s:text  tag also has no way to specify a time zone, and the
 Formatters have no way to have a TZ passed to them even if we added a
 parameter to s:text. Also, the TZ on s:text would only affect rendering, not
 parsing, so it's inelegant at best anyway.

 So, simply, I'd like to suggest in Stripes 2.0 that the formatters and type
 converters be given some kind of access to the current request. Then they
 can leverage the Session or some other piece of information tied to the
 request itself.

 We can hack around this currently with something like a ThreadLocal, but
 that's something I think is kind of distasteful.

 I suggest it for S2.0 simply because I don't think it could be done without
 breaking all of the current TCs and Formatters, and that shouldn't be done
 in a 1.x release. A touch rude.

 We could maintain the old TCs and Formatters and create an extended TC
 and Formatter and dispatch internally, but that's kind of nasty in a these
 have been deprecated forever why are they still here kind of way. But
 that's a different discussion.

 I guess we could instead add a WantsContext interface and if we see that,
 then call a setContext method on the TC/Formatter. That way new TCs can
 broadcast that they want it, and old TCs work just peachy. Perhaps that's
 not so nasty bad that we could do that right now (I haven't looked at how
 much of the StripesContext is available at this phase of the processing, I'm
 just blindly assuming it's handy).

 Anyway, fuel for the fire.

 Share and Enjoy!


 Will Hartung

 Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
 A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
 for your organization - today and in the future.
 Stripes-users mailing list

Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
for your organization - today and in the future.
Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] Index Properties + Null Values

2011-03-15 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Even more : if you know in advance that you have 7 props, then why using a
list, and not 7 distinct properties ?



2011/3/15 Poitras Christian

 Maybe a better solution is to provide default values as empty/null strings
 in the action bean's property.

 So if your property look like
 private ListString messages;

 Try adding an initialisation method like
 public void populateDefaultMessages() {
messages = new ArrayListString();
for (int i = 0; i  7; i++) {
 In your JSP, use indexed input fields like stripes:textarea

 Remember that empty textarea will be replaced by null (default behaviour).
 But I think you will still have an array of 7 elements.


 -Message d'origine-
 De : Iwao AVE! []
 Envoyé : March-15-11 3:09 AM
 À : Stripes Users List
 Objet : Re: [Stripes-users] Index Properties + Null Values


 TypeConverter is for converting each value.
 You need to write a custom ActionBeanPropertyBinder.
 I wouldn't call it an easy way, but take a look at the default
 implementation (DefaultActionBeanPropertyBinder) and see if you could
 extend/override the default behavior.


 2011/3/15 samuel baudouin
  Hi Adam!
  I would try converters : simply implement TypeConverterString and
  bind it to the entities you are trying to retrieve.
  I'd be interested to know how it worked!
  On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 2:29 PM, Adam Stokar wrote:
  Thanks for the quick response Iwao.  Seems like the binding is what I am
  talking about then.  Is there an easy way to override the default
  On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 1:59 AM, Iwao AVE! wrote:
  Hi Adam,
  Try specifying the index of each textarea explicitly.
  Mon: stripes:textarea name=messages[0] /
  Tue: stripes:textarea name=messages[1] /
  Wed: stripes:textarea name=messages[2] /
  FYI, all 7 values are submitted by the browser unless the form element
  is disabled.
  The difference is how these values are bound by Stripes.
  Hope this helps,
  2011/3/15 Adam Stokar
   Hi All,
   I am trying to submit a form with for a user's weekly hours.
   At the top of the form, there is a textarea for each day of the week
   a message.  The message is optional.
   My intention is to submit the form and get 7 values, 1 for each
   regardless of whether the textarea is blank or not.  Currently, if i
   have a
   message on Mon, Tues, and Thurs, I am only seeing 3 Strings in my
   since Wed, Fri, Sat and Sun are all null when submitted.  Is there a
   guarantee I submit 7 String values regardless of if the textarea have
   message or not?
   Thanks in advance,

 Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
 A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
 for your organization - today and in the future.
 Stripes-users mailing list

 Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
 A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
 for your organization - today and in the future.
 Stripes-users mailing list

Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
for your organization - today and in the future.
Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] ValidateNestedProperties on more than one level

2011-03-10 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Samuel,

Apparently, you're right : @ValidateNestedProperties references @Validate,
not @ValidateNestedProperties again...

If this can help you, I have a workaround. I'm using a custom
NestedValidationMetadataProvider in Woko, that allows you to write
validation annotations inside your POJOs, and have Stripes use them. Stuff
like this :

class MyAction implements ActionBean {
  MyClass myProp


class MyClass {
  String foo

The basic idea is that when an action bean property's marked with an empty
@ValidateNestedProperties, the NestedMetadataValidationProvider recurses
into the property and applies it's validation info.
With the example above, request parameter '' has to be provided.

Of course, the provider can recurse to any depth, which means you can even
write this :

class MyClass {
  MyOtherClass other

class MyOtherClass {
  String bar

Last, the metadata provider will favor the run-time type of the property.
You can even write this :

class MyAction implements ActionBean {
  Object prop

Then the validation metadata provider will (if prop ain't null of course)
get the runtime type of the instance referenced by 'prop' and introspect for
validation errors.

I tend to think this behavior should be standard in Stripes. Yeah, I know,
you shouldn't have dependencies of your Domain Model on Stripes, it's
But I often have collaborators to my actions that are not part of the
domain model. They're UI objects. And I don't always know the runtime type
of the action's properties (hey, inheritance...).
So I'd like to annotate whatever class I want with @Validate, and if it's
reachable by the action bean at request processing time, then have Stripes
validate everything. Feels natural, doesn't it ?

Last, this nested validation metadata provider allows for better
factorization the validation logic : you can delegate to action
collaborators, and the validation rules will depend on the objects
referenced by your action bean.

Anyway, in case you're interested :

I'd be happy to have the community feedback on this btw...




2011/3/10 samuel baudouin

 Hi all!

 I was wondering : is it possible to do nested validation to more than one

 Lets say I want to validate the name of an Account contained in a WebModel,
 for instance : getWebModel().getAccount().getName()

 I know the annotation @ValidateNestedProperties makes it possible to
 validate one level , but apparently it is impossible to go deeper...

 I think i ll fall back to validation methods but that would have been nice,

 Any idea?

 Samuel Baudouin

 Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
 A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
 for your organization - today and in the future.
 Stripes-users mailing list

Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
for your organization - today and in the future.
Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] ValidateNestedProperties on more than one level

2011-03-10 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
 but what?



 On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 7:08 PM, VANKEISBELCK Remi wrote:
  Hi Samuel,
  Apparently, you're right : @ValidateNestedProperties references
  not @ValidateNestedProperties again...
  If this can help you, I have a workaround. I'm using a custom
  NestedValidationMetadataProvider in Woko, that allows you to write
  validation annotations inside your POJOs, and have Stripes use them.
  like this :
  class MyAction implements ActionBean {
MyClass myProp
  class MyClass {
String foo
  The basic idea is that when an action bean property's marked with an
  @ValidateNestedProperties, the NestedMetadataValidationProvider recurses
  into the property and applies it's validation info.
  With the example above, request parameter '' has to be
  Of course, the provider can recurse to any depth, which means you can
  write this :
  class MyClass {
MyOtherClass other
  class MyOtherClass {
String bar
  Last, the metadata provider will favor the run-time type of the property.
  You can even write this :
  class MyAction implements ActionBean {
Object prop
  Then the validation metadata provider will (if prop ain't null of course)
  get the runtime type of the instance referenced by 'prop' and introspect
  validation errors.
  I tend to think this behavior should be standard in Stripes. Yeah, I
  you shouldn't have dependencies of your Domain Model on Stripes, it's
  But I often have collaborators to my actions that are not part of the
  domain model. They're UI objects. And I don't always know the runtime
  of the action's properties (hey, inheritance...).
  So I'd like to annotate whatever class I want with @Validate, and if it's
  reachable by the action bean at request processing time, then have
  validate everything. Feels natural, doesn't it ?
  Last, this nested validation metadata provider allows for better
  factorization the validation logic : you can delegate to action
  collaborators, and the validation rules will depend on the objects
  referenced by your action bean.
  Anyway, in case you're interested :
  I'd be happy to have the community feedback on this btw...
  2011/3/10 samuel baudouin
  Hi all!
  I was wondering : is it possible to do nested validation to more than
  Lets say I want to validate the name of an Account contained in a
  for instance : getWebModel().getAccount().getName()
  I know the annotation @ValidateNestedProperties makes it possible to
  validate one level , but apparently it is impossible to go deeper...
  I think i ll fall back to validation methods but that would have been
  nice, no?
  Any idea?
  Samuel Baudouin
  Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
  A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
  for your organization - today and in the future.
  Stripes-users mailing list

 Samuel Baudouin

Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
for your organization - today and in the future.
Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] ValidateNestedProperties on more than one level

2011-03-10 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Even easier :)

Still, doesn't address the dynamic aspect of the problem.



2011/3/10 samuel baudouin

 Remi, thanks for those precisions!
 But it seems like Stripes beats us again!

 Ben, thanks for that!
 Sometimes the most obvious is not what we think about in the first place!

 Cheers all,


 On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 9:36 PM, Ben Gunter wrote:
  Properties can be nested as deeply as you need them to be. Nested field
  names are separated by dots. For your example, you'd use:
  @ValidateNestedProperties(@Validate(, ...))
  private WebModel webModel;
  On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 5:48 AM, samuel baudouin
  Hi all!
  I was wondering : is it possible to do nested validation to more than
  Lets say I want to validate the name of an Account contained in a
  for instance : getWebModel().getAccount().getName()
  I know the annotation @ValidateNestedProperties makes it possible to
  validate one level , but apparently it is impossible to go deeper...
  I think i ll fall back to validation methods but that would have been
  nice, no?
  Any idea?
  Samuel Baudouin
  Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
  A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
  for your organization - today and in the future.
  Stripes-users mailing list

 Samuel Baudouin

 Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
 A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
 for your organization - today and in the future.
 Stripes-users mailing list

Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
for your organization - today and in the future.
Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] re quest/response scoping

2011-03-03 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi folks,

This has already been discussed on the mailing list (not so long ago).

The debate is open, and ultimately it's a personal preference : some prefer
method parameters a la Spring, others favor properties.

I think there is no answer here : both methods have their pros and cons, and
will drive the design of your actions.

In all honesty (and in my humble opinion of course, and yes I'm bias :P ),
the Spring way looks theoretically better, but in practise Stripes wins
hands down. Just because you have one class less to write (the model). In
Stripes the model (from Spring) is the bean. This makes the
controller/view duet very smooth :

class MyAction ... {

  MyObject myObject

  Resolution doIt() {
return new ForwardResolution(/WEB-INF/jsp/doIt.jsp

doIt.jsp :


I fail to see how it could be more clear and concise. Spring has an
additional indirection here that, IMO, ain't KISS at all !

Now when it comes to complex actions (with many event handlers and bound
props), it can become tedious (hard to share validation rules, properties
etc). But a common good practise in Stripes is just to divide and conqueer
: split your beans into smaller ones. If they get too big, you probably have
a design problem (just like for regular POJOs).

I think the current design in Stripes is good, but we could also imagine to
have parameters instead of props (or both) enabled. And let the user
choose, depending on the situation. Feel free to send a patch :)



2011/3/3 Jeppe Cramon

 Hi Tony

 I agree IF Stripes would allow you to supply parameters for Action Methods,
 like Spring MVC or JERSEY (REST), that would mean a good cleanup and better


 *It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary
 depends upon him not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair*

 On 03/03/2011, at 10.53, Tony Drago wrote:

 Nikolaos Giannopoulos wrote:

 Encapsulation in OO IMHO pertains to the class as a whole not the method

 level.  If you want to encapsulate at the method level then your going

 to have a hard time not allowing someone to access and affect other

 attributes of the class (e.g. other attributes) as even if you mark

 attributes as private any method of the class can alter it.

 Perhaps you might be used to defining classes that should ideally be

 further refactored into multiple classes.  Not sure - but if you could

 provide some more complex examples then we could examine specifics and

 dispense with theory or generalized statements (from my side as well)  ;-)

 Thanks for the response. You asked for a specific example, so here you

 An action bean which creates and deletes users. IMO, these two actions
 belong to the same bean, but in the case of add we need all the User
 properties, but in the case of delete we only need the id. In Spring the
 controller would look like this:

 class MyController {

public String deleteUser(Integer userId) {

return redirect:/listUsers;

public ModelAndView addUser(User user) {

return new ModelAndView(/showUser, user);

 In Stripes the action would look like this:

 class MyActionBean extends BaseActionBean {

private Integer userId;
private User user;

Resolution deleteUser() {

return new RedirectResolution(/listUsers.jsp);

Resolution addUser() {

return new ForwardResolution(/showUser.jsp);

 From a readability point of view I much prefer the Spring MVC code because

 can tell without looking at the method body, what parameters are used by
 each handler/event. In the case of Stripes, I have to read the body of each
 method to figure out whether userId/User are used as request parameters or
 view model by each event.

 I feel like the Stripes approach is poorly encapsulated because

 - public getters/setters must be defined for userId and User, but these
 should only be accessible to the event handler that needs them
 - the view model produced by a handler also must have public
 getters/setters, but this model should really only be visible to the view
 - there is no way to prevent one handler/view from attempting to access
 parameters or view data intended only for use by another handler in the

 Again, I'm not attempting to prove that SpringMVC is better than Stripes,
 the question of interest is whether Stripes encourages bad practice from an
 OO point-of-view?

 (Incidentally, a nice side-effect of SpringMVC's approach is that there's
 need to write boilerplate getters/setters for the request parameters,
 I guess I could eliminate these by writing my Stripes action beans in


Re: [Stripes-users] Spring + Mockito

2011-02-22 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Marcus,

Not sure I understand what you're trying to do...

Why do you have to wrap the mock ?



2011/2/22 Marcus Kraßmann

 Hi Stripes Users,

 Currently I want to test an action bean. It gets a Spring bean (service
 class) injected via the @SpringBean annotation. Now I want this service to
 be mocked with Mockito. My current solution works like this:

 I have an interface LoginService and a real implementation
 LoginServiceImpl annotated with @Service annotation. In my test classpath,
 I also have an implementation called MockitoLoginService which uses the
 decorator pattern. It has the following static (!) field:

  public static final LoginService mock = mock(LoginService.class);

 The login method derived from the interface looks like this:

  public User login(String username, String password) throws LoginException
return mock.login(username, password);

 This enables me to configure the mocked service from my unit test by
 configuring the mock constant:

 anyString())).thenReturn(new User());

 Why did I make the field static? Well, when executing LoginActionBean with
 MockRoundtrip, a new Spring context is created. If mock was an instance
 field, it would also be newly created for the action bean, so I cannot
 configure the mock object of the MockitoLoginService that was injected into
 my unit test. By using a static field, this problem is solved.

 Now the bad thing: By using this static field, I lose all thread safety
 that the real implementation provides. Test cases must be executed one after
 another - not really what I want.

 What I really want is that Stripes uses the same Spring context as the unit
 tests, or vice versa. I already use some Spring test annotations and
 implement ApplicationContextAware in my unit tests. This way, I have access
 to the used Spring context. But when configuring and starting the
 StripesFilter, a new WebApplicationContext is created and used. This one
 exists side by side to the context used by the unit tests.

 Has anyone an idea how to let use Stripes the same Spring context that us
 ised while executing the unit tests?

 Best regards,

 Index, Search  Analyze Logs and other IT data in Real-Time with Splunk
 Collect, index and harness all the fast moving IT data generated by your
 applications, servers and devices whether physical, virtual or in the
 Deliver compliance at lower cost and gain new business insights.
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 Stripes-users mailing list

Index, Search  Analyze Logs and other IT data in Real-Time with Splunk 
Collect, index and harness all the fast moving IT data generated by your 
applications, servers and devices whether physical, virtual or in the cloud.
Deliver compliance at lower cost and gain new business insights. 
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Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] Spring + Mockito

2011-02-22 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Yeah your first attempt makes much more sense than this static field :)

One thing though, what do you mean by injecting into JUnit ?

From what I understood, you want to configure the mock object *prior* to
performing a mock round trip, don't you ?



2011/2/22 Marcus Kraßmann

 Hi Remi,

 Thanks for your reply. Actually I have to wrap it because MockRoundtrip
 uses another Spring ApplicationContext than JUnit itself. Fact is that if I
 inject LoginService into JUnit (which is configured to be a singleton
 instance of MockitoLoginService), then it is another instance than the one
 that is injected into my action bean.

 Surely I could write a simple mock object that behaves the way I want
 without Mockito. But by using Mockito, I can configure my test stubs very
 easily without writing much code. At least in theory.

 If that still does not help to clearify my problem:
 My first try was to declare a Mockito stub as Spring bean by declaring this
 in my applicationContext.xml:

bean id=loginService class=org.mockito.Mockito
 factory-method=mock scope=singleton
constructor-arg value=service.LoginService /

 This _should_ work fine, but is doesn't. The service is created twice, once
 when starting up my JUnit tests, and the second time when the StripesFilter
 is initialized in my test fixture. So if I configure a mocked LoginService
 in JUnit, I configure another object than the one used by MockRoundtrip.

 Hope that this helps to understand the issue. I know that this is quite
 advanced stuff. I just hope that someone else hat at least a similar issue
 and knows a fine solution for the two Spring contexts problem :-)

 Best regards,

 - Ursprüngliche Mail -
 An: Stripes Users List
 CC: Marcus Kraßmann
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 22. Februar 2011 13:38:36
 Betreff: Re: [Stripes-users] Spring + Mockito

 Hi Marcus,

 Not sure I understand what you're trying to do...

 Why do you have to wrap the mock ?



 2011/2/22 Marcus Kraßmann 

 Hi Stripes Users,

 Currently I want to test an action bean. It gets a Spring bean (service
 class) injected via the @SpringBean annotation. Now I want this service to
 be mocked with Mockito. My current solution works like this:

 I have an interface LoginService and a real implementation
 LoginServiceImpl annotated with @Service annotation. In my test classpath,
 I also have an implementation called MockitoLoginService which uses the
 decorator pattern. It has the following static (!) field:

 public static final LoginService mock = mock(LoginService.class);

 The login method derived from the interface looks like this:

 public User login(String username, String password) throws LoginException {
 return mock.login(username, password);

 This enables me to configure the mocked service from my unit test by
 configuring the mock constant:

 anyString())).thenReturn(new User());

 Why did I make the field static? Well, when executing LoginActionBean with
 MockRoundtrip, a new Spring context is created. If mock was an instance
 field, it would also be newly created for the action bean, so I cannot
 configure the mock object of the MockitoLoginService that was injected into
 my unit test. By using a static field, this problem is solved.

 Now the bad thing: By using this static field, I lose all thread safety
 that the real implementation provides. Test cases must be executed one after
 another - not really what I want.

 What I really want is that Stripes uses the same Spring context as the unit
 tests, or vice versa. I already use some Spring test annotations and
 implement ApplicationContextAware in my unit tests. This way, I have access
 to the used Spring context. But when configuring and starting the
 StripesFilter, a new WebApplicationContext is created and used. This one
 exists side by side to the context used by the unit tests.

 Has anyone an idea how to let use Stripes the same Spring context that us
 ised while executing the unit tests?

 Best regards,

 Index, Search  Analyze Logs and other IT data in Real-Time with Splunk
 Collect, index and harness all the fast moving IT data generated by your
 applications, servers and devices whether physical, virtual or in the
 Deliver compliance at lower cost and gain new business insights.
 Free Software Download:
 Stripes-users mailing list

 Index, Search  Analyze Logs and other IT data in Real-Time with Splunk

Re: [Stripes-users] Spring + Mockito

2011-02-22 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Btw, what about :

// create the Spring context for our test
ApplicationContext appCtx = createSpringAppCtx()
// play with the mockito bean
LoginService ls = (LoginService)appCtx.getBean(...)
// create a mock servlet context, without the Spring context loader
MockServletContext ctx = createMockServletContextWithoutSpring()
// add Spring to the servlet context
// and now do the roundtrip
MockRoundtrip trip  = new MockRoundtrip(ctx, MyAction.class)




2011/2/22 VANKEISBELCK Remi

 Yeah your first attempt makes much more sense than this static field :)

 One thing though, what do you mean by injecting into JUnit ?

 From what I understood, you want to configure the mock object *prior* to
 performing a mock round trip, don't you ?



 2011/2/22 Marcus Kraßmann

 Hi Remi,

 Thanks for your reply. Actually I have to wrap it because MockRoundtrip
 uses another Spring ApplicationContext than JUnit itself. Fact is that if I
 inject LoginService into JUnit (which is configured to be a singleton
 instance of MockitoLoginService), then it is another instance than the one
 that is injected into my action bean.

 Surely I could write a simple mock object that behaves the way I want
 without Mockito. But by using Mockito, I can configure my test stubs very
 easily without writing much code. At least in theory.

 If that still does not help to clearify my problem:
 My first try was to declare a Mockito stub as Spring bean by declaring
 this in my applicationContext.xml:

bean id=loginService class=org.mockito.Mockito
 factory-method=mock scope=singleton
constructor-arg value=service.LoginService /

 This _should_ work fine, but is doesn't. The service is created twice,
 once when starting up my JUnit tests, and the second time when the
 StripesFilter is initialized in my test fixture. So if I configure a mocked
 LoginService in JUnit, I configure another object than the one used by

 Hope that this helps to understand the issue. I know that this is quite
 advanced stuff. I just hope that someone else hat at least a similar issue
 and knows a fine solution for the two Spring contexts problem :-)

 Best regards,

 - Ursprüngliche Mail -
 An: Stripes Users List
 CC: Marcus Kraßmann
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 22. Februar 2011 13:38:36
 Betreff: Re: [Stripes-users] Spring + Mockito

 Hi Marcus,

 Not sure I understand what you're trying to do...

 Why do you have to wrap the mock ?



 2011/2/22 Marcus Kraßmann 

 Hi Stripes Users,

 Currently I want to test an action bean. It gets a Spring bean (service
 class) injected via the @SpringBean annotation. Now I want this service to
 be mocked with Mockito. My current solution works like this:

 I have an interface LoginService and a real implementation
 LoginServiceImpl annotated with @Service annotation. In my test classpath,
 I also have an implementation called MockitoLoginService which uses the
 decorator pattern. It has the following static (!) field:

 public static final LoginService mock = mock(LoginService.class);

 The login method derived from the interface looks like this:

 public User login(String username, String password) throws LoginException
 return mock.login(username, password);

 This enables me to configure the mocked service from my unit test by
 configuring the mock constant:

 anyString())).thenReturn(new User());

 Why did I make the field static? Well, when executing LoginActionBean with
 MockRoundtrip, a new Spring context is created. If mock was an instance
 field, it would also be newly created for the action bean, so I cannot
 configure the mock object of the MockitoLoginService that was injected into
 my unit test. By using a static field, this problem is solved.

 Now the bad thing: By using this static field, I lose all thread safety
 that the real implementation provides. Test cases must be executed one after
 another - not really what I want.

 What I really want is that Stripes uses the same Spring context as the
 unit tests, or vice versa. I already use some Spring test annotations and
 implement ApplicationContextAware in my unit tests. This way, I have access
 to the used Spring context. But when configuring and starting the
 StripesFilter, a new WebApplicationContext is created and used. This one
 exists side by side to the context used by the unit tests.

 Has anyone an idea how to let use Stripes the same Spring context that us
 ised while executing the unit tests?

 Best regards,

 Index, Search  Analyze Logs and other IT data in Real-Time with Splunk

Re: [Stripes-users] Solved: Spring + Mockito

2011-02-22 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
I had no idea you could do this kind of Spring/JUnit integration. Looks
cool. It probably has a way to tell it to use some supplied
ApplicationContext though, instead of creating one itself... Like injecting
the bean factory itself (??? :P)



2011/2/22 Marcus Kraßmann

 Well, my test case looks like this:

 @TestExecutionListeners( { DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener.class,
 @ContextConfiguration(locations = classpath:test-context.xml)
 public class LogoutActionBeanTest {

private LoginService loginService;

public void validCredentials() throws Exception {
MockHttpSession session = new MockHttpSession(CTX);
when(loginService.login(anyString(), anyString())).thenReturn(new

MockRoundtrip trip = new MockRoundtrip(CTX, LoginActionBean.class,
trip.setParameter(username, username);
trip.setParameter(password, testpass);


 Here I let Spring fill in the mocked LoginService. This is what I called
 inject into JUnit.

 Now the solution:
 Instead of using @Autowired to get an instance of my mocked bean, I created
 the following method in my test fixture:

 protected T T getBean(String beanname, ClassT clazz) {

 This way I can retrieve the Spring bean instance used by Stripes, within my
 unit test. Not a perfect solution as there are still two Spring contexts,
 but it is good enough :-)

 Best regards,

 - Ursprüngliche Mail -
 An: Stripes Users List
 CC: Marcus Kraßmann
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 22. Februar 2011 14:33:02
 Betreff: Re: [Stripes-users] Spring + Mockito

 Yeah your first attempt makes much more sense than this static field :)

 One thing though, what do you mean by injecting into JUnit ?

 From what I understood, you want to configure the mock object *prior* to
 performing a mock round trip, don't you ?



 2011/2/22 Marcus Kraßmann 

 Hi Remi,

 Thanks for your reply. Actually I have to wrap it because MockRoundtrip
 uses another Spring ApplicationContext than JUnit itself. Fact is that if I
 inject LoginService into JUnit (which is configured to be a singleton
 instance of MockitoLoginService), then it is another instance than the one
 that is injected into my action bean.

 Surely I could write a simple mock object that behaves the way I want
 without Mockito. But by using Mockito, I can configure my test stubs very
 easily without writing much code. At least in theory.

 If that still does not help to clearify my problem:
 My first try was to declare a Mockito stub as Spring bean by declaring this
 in my applicationContext.xml:

 bean id=loginService class=org.mockito.Mockito factory-method=mock
 constructor-arg value=service.LoginService /

 This _should_ work fine, but is doesn't. The service is created twice, once
 when starting up my JUnit tests, and the second time when the StripesFilter
 is initialized in my test fixture. So if I configure a mocked LoginService
 in JUnit, I configure another object than the one used by MockRoundtrip.

 Hope that this helps to understand the issue. I know that this is quite
 advanced stuff. I just hope that someone else hat at least a similar issue
 and knows a fine solution for the two Spring contexts problem :-)

 Best regards,

 - Ursprüngliche Mail -
 An: Stripes Users List 
 CC: Marcus Kraßmann 
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 22. Februar 2011 13:38:36
 Betreff: Re: [Stripes-users] Spring + Mockito

 Hi Marcus,

 Not sure I understand what you're trying to do...

 Why do you have to wrap the mock ?



 2011/2/22 Marcus Kraßmann 

 Hi Stripes Users,

 Currently I want to test an action bean. It gets a Spring bean (service
 class) injected via the @SpringBean annotation. Now I want this service to
 be mocked with Mockito. My current solution works like this:

 I have an interface LoginService and a real implementation
 LoginServiceImpl annotated with @Service annotation. In my test classpath,
 I also have an implementation called MockitoLoginService which uses the
 decorator pattern. It has the following static (!) field:

 public static final LoginService mock = mock(LoginService.class);

 The login method derived from the interface looks like this:

 public User login(String username, String password) throws LoginException {
 return mock.login(username, password);

 This enables me to configure the mocked service from my unit test

Re: [Stripes-users] Spring + Mockito

2011-02-22 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
H, then do it the other way maybe ?
Let Stripes create a real WebApplicationContext (in MockServletContext,
using Spring's loader) and use it before you roundtrip :

// create stripes mock context (loads spring via context listener)
MockServletContext ctx = createMockServletContextWithSpring()
// get hold of the mocked service
WebApplicationContext springCtx =
LoginService mockitoLoginService = (LoginService)springCtx.getBean(...)
// And later, perform the roundtrip (will inject the mock service)...
MockRoundtrip trip = new MockRoundtrip(ctx, MyAction.class)

Ok, it doesn't solve your problem, rather it's a workaround. Still, I find
it more concise and simple than all those annotations : you see what's done
reading the code, there's no magic :P

Anyway, good luck :)



2011/2/22 Marcus Kraßmann

 Hi Remi,


 I also had this idea some weeks ago. I cannot surely remember the reason
 why I dropped it, but I think that I was not able to convert the
 ApplicationContext used by JUnit to a WebApplicationContext that is needed
 for the whole servlet thing. So your approach fails IIRC.

 Maybe someday I will review the whole thing and find a way to make your
 approach work. That would be the best way: Using the Spring test context
 in Stripes.

 Best wishes,

 - Ursprüngliche Mail -
 An: Stripes Users List
 CC: Marcus Kraßmann
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 22. Februar 2011 14:44:04
 Betreff: Re: [Stripes-users] Spring + Mockito

 Btw, what about :

 // create the Spring context for our test
 ApplicationContext appCtx = createSpringAppCtx()
 // play with the mockito bean
 LoginService ls = (LoginService)appCtx.getBean(...)
 // create a mock servlet context, without the Spring context loader
 MockServletContext ctx = createMockServletContextWithoutSpring()
 // add Spring to the servlet context

 // and now do the roundtrip
 MockRoundtrip trip = new MockRoundtrip(ctx, MyAction.class)




 2011/2/22 VANKEISBELCK Remi 

 Yeah your first attempt makes much more sense than this static field :)

 One thing though, what do you mean by injecting into JUnit ?

 From what I understood, you want to configure the mock object *prior* to
 performing a mock round trip, don't you ?



 2011/2/22 Marcus Kraßmann 

 Hi Remi,

 Thanks for your reply. Actually I have to wrap it because MockRoundtrip
 uses another Spring ApplicationContext than JUnit itself. Fact is that if I
 inject LoginService into JUnit (which is configured to be a singleton
 instance of MockitoLoginService), then it is another instance than the one
 that is injected into my action bean.

 Surely I could write a simple mock object that behaves the way I want
 without Mockito. But by using Mockito, I can configure my test stubs very
 easily without writing much code. At least in theory.

 If that still does not help to clearify my problem:
 My first try was to declare a Mockito stub as Spring bean by declaring this
 in my applicationContext.xml:

 bean id=loginService class=org.mockito.Mockito factory-method=mock
 constructor-arg value=service.LoginService /

 This _should_ work fine, but is doesn't. The service is created twice, once
 when starting up my JUnit tests, and the second time when the StripesFilter
 is initialized in my test fixture. So if I configure a mocked LoginService
 in JUnit, I configure another object than the one used by MockRoundtrip.

 Hope that this helps to understand the issue. I know that this is quite
 advanced stuff. I just hope that someone else hat at least a similar issue
 and knows a fine solution for the two Spring contexts problem :-)

 Best regards,

 - Ursprüngliche Mail -
 An: Stripes Users List 
 CC: Marcus Kraßmann 
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 22. Februar 2011 13:38:36
 Betreff: Re: [Stripes-users] Spring + Mockito

 Hi Marcus,

 Not sure I understand what you're trying to do...

 Why do you have to wrap the mock ?



 2011/2/22 Marcus Kraßmann 

 Hi Stripes Users,

 Currently I want to test an action bean. It gets a Spring bean (service
 class) injected via the @SpringBean annotation. Now I want this service to
 be mocked with Mockito. My current solution works like this:

 I have an interface LoginService and a real implementation
 LoginServiceImpl annotated with @Service annotation. In my test classpath,
 I also have an implementation called MockitoLoginService which uses

Re: [Stripes-users] Still seeing ConcurrentModificationException

2011-02-11 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi folks,

Just had a look, the stack seems to show some code that ain't in Stripes (at
least not in the 1.5.x branch at the time I write this email). Found this in
the stack trace :


My guess is that you're using a modified action resolver (probably from
JRebel) which attempts to reload the beans while incoming requests trigger
bean class lookups at the same time. Hence the concurrent modification
exception : request handling thread is iterating over UrlBindingFactory's
classCache map at the same time JRebel's action resolver changes the map

Stripes is supposed to scan for action beans once and only once, before
being ready to handle requests, so using unsynchronized maps interlally in
UrlBindingFactory is good design. Otoh, it doesn't offer thread-safe action

To fix the problem, we could synchronize access to the maps, or use

Yee (or anybody willing to see this fixed), you can demo the problem by
writing a unit test that accesses UrlBindingFactory concurrently (via
several threads). Then, you can fix by synchronizing where appropriate.
Last, we need to see what's the performance penalty.

IMHO this ain't a critical bug at all : stop using your browser while JRebel
does the reload and you won't have any exception, and anyway JRebel ain't no
production software as far as I know, so it's only a minor hassle. Still, if
you want to give it a shot : this would be a better design that allow to
write really reloadable action resolvers :P



2011/2/11 samuel baudouin

 Hi all, Yee

 From your stack and your code, it seems that the problem comes from
 one of the Stripes class...
 When this exception occurs is it always at the same point? Is the
 stack always the same?

 While I never encountered the problem, here is a way that could help you :
 You could use a load tester program such as JMeter (don't forget to
 make it share the session across the different virtual users).
 It would probably not reproduce the problem but would certainly make
 your life easy when testing with/without the different components.

 On your IDE, you could then set up an exception breakpoint on that
 ConcurrentModificationException and when raised pause the whole JVM
 (ie pause all the threads -- see breakpoint properties in Eclipse).
 From here, you can see where the different threads are at, and
 hopefully see where the double modifications is done.

 You would probably need to have the sources of Stripes and JRebel
 attached to your project (not in your project but just as a source
 lookup for Eclipse) in order to browse to the different classes.

 I know this is a bit of a bazooka to kill a fly, but this kind of
 random exception could be particularly tricky to pin point.
 If you have the time, the necessity, and most importantly not found a
 work around, this is how you could go...


 On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 3:37 AM, Samuel Santos wrote:
  Hi Yee and Nikolaos,
  We do not use JRebel and have come across the same issue several times,
  it's surely a Stripes issue.
  While we get the exception logged, it's transparent to the client, the
  application does not crash and the client never sees an error.
  This issue is very rare and only happens when you open multiple tabs at
  as Yee pointed out.
  Samuel Santos
  On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 3:00 PM, Nikolaos Giannopoulos wrote:
  Well then... turn off JRebel and attempt to reproduce the bug... if you
  can't then it isn't Stripes.  Right?
  I know its tempting to keep JRebel engaged all the time and I recall the
  time I hit a bug in JRebel and thought it was one in Stripes... it took
  me a long time to consider simply turning off JRebel... but if you
  already suspect JRebel then flip it off and attempt to reproduce.
  Yee wrote:
   Hi Nokolaos,
   The bug has already been reported to JRebel. Stripes plugin for JRebel
   created by third party, so it could take a while for it to be fixed.
   My concern here is to ascertain whether
   error is
   a bug in Stripes - or caused by the bug in JRebel.
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   Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] Still seeing ConcurrentModificationException

2011-02-11 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Nikolaos, folks,

Ah, the reloadable Action Resolver, I knew it.

I guess they have the same issues with hibernate, spring, and all these
stateful frameworks. Must be quite a challenge to have a fully reloadable
JEE app these days !! Statefulness...

Anyway, I agree that trying to sync just for that is quite useless, and
risky. I've learnt that threading is always more complex that you think...

Maybe it should just be part of the JRebel/Stripes docs ? I mean, I don't
use JRebel myself (nor any other reloadable action resolver btw, even if the
idea is quite cool - who said hot-deployed groovy beans ???) so I'm not
concerned, but apparently it caused a few headaches to some of you !



2011/2/12 Nikolaos Giannopoulos


 Your assessment is quite detailed and appears to be very thorough on
 multiple levels.

 Yes.  JRebel adds it own class and many months ago I had a wild time
 tracing an issue when the UrlBindingFactory singleton code was converted to
 using an instance variable.  Indeed this class exists in the JRebel Stripes

 In addition, you are also correct JRebel is not to be used in Production so
 this issue then becomes less critical and affects development environments
 (which doesn't mean it isn't huge it just means you won't be affected in

 And as far as multiple threads are concerned... that could explain why we
 don't see it as we use TestNG and disable parallel threads... not because we
 want to but because we had some issues with singletons in unit tests in the

 As such, making a change to Stripes to increase synchronization is NOT
 something that can be justified IMO.

 But that is my 2 cents ;-)

 Great assessment!



 Hi folks,

  Just had a look, the stack seems to show some code that ain't in Stripes
 (at least not in the 1.5.x branch at the time I write this email). Found
 this in the stack trace :


  My guess is that you're using a modified action resolver (probably from
 JRebel) which attempts to reload the beans while incoming requests trigger
 bean class lookups at the same time. Hence the concurrent modification
 exception : request handling thread is iterating over UrlBindingFactory's
 classCache map at the same time JRebel's action resolver changes the map

  Stripes is supposed to scan for action beans once and only once, before
 being ready to handle requests, so using unsynchronized maps interlally in
 UrlBindingFactory is good design. Otoh, it doesn't offer thread-safe action

  To fix the problem, we could synchronize access to the maps, or use

  Yee (or anybody willing to see this fixed), you can demo the problem by
 writing a unit test that accesses UrlBindingFactory concurrently (via
 several threads). Then, you can fix by synchronizing where appropriate.
 Last, we need to see what's the performance penalty.

  IMHO this ain't a critical bug at all : stop using your browser while
 JRebel does the reload and you won't have any exception, and anyway JRebel
 ain't no production software as far as I know, so it's only a minor hassle.
 Still, if you want to give it a shot : this would be a better design that
 allow to write really reloadable action resolvers :P



 2011/2/11 samuel baudouin

 Hi all, Yee

 From your stack and your code, it seems that the problem comes from
 one of the Stripes class...
 When this exception occurs is it always at the same point? Is the
 stack always the same?

 While I never encountered the problem, here is a way that could help you :
 You could use a load tester program such as JMeter (don't forget to
 make it share the session across the different virtual users).
 It would probably not reproduce the problem but would certainly make
 your life easy when testing with/without the different components.

 On your IDE, you could then set up an exception breakpoint on that
 ConcurrentModificationException and when raised pause the whole JVM
 (ie pause all the threads -- see breakpoint properties in Eclipse).
 From here, you can see where the different threads are at, and
 hopefully see where the double modifications is done.

 You would probably need to have the sources of Stripes and JRebel
 attached to your project (not in your project but just as a source
 lookup for Eclipse) in order to browse to the different classes.

 I know this is a bit of a bazooka to kill a fly, but this kind of
 random exception could be particularly tricky to pin point.
 If you have the time, the necessity, and most importantly not found a
 work around, this is how you could go...


 On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 3:37 AM, Samuel Santos wrote:
  Hi Yee and Nikolaos,
  We do not use JRebel and have come across the same issue

Re: [Stripes-users] View component inclusion

2011-01-04 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi

Correct if I'm wrong, you have action beans that generate page fragments (as
HTML I guess), that you want to be able to invoke over HTTP (AJAX update),
and also as parts of a more global page ?

If yes, I guess that what you need is just a regular action that generates
the fragment  : it'll respond to HTTP requests, and you can server-side
include it in any JSP using jsp:include :

class MyAction implements ActionBean {
  String prop1; // and other props

  Resolution display() {
return new ForwardResolution(/WEB-INF/my-partial-html.jsp);

Via HTTP (outputs the fragment only) :

Inside a .jsp :

  divjsp:include page=/myPartial.action//div




2011/1/4 Jonathan


 Yes you're right its a kind of useActionBean but as written in the best
 practices wiki page
 ( Prefer
 pre-actions over stripes:useActionBean ... /.
 What I want to do is to include the pre-action forward resolution in a jsp.
 If I
 do that with the useActionBeanTag (s:useActionBean
 beanclass=test.TestUseActionBean event=view executeResolution=true
 alwaysExecuteEvent=true var=myAb/ with TestUseActionBean handler
 a ForwardResolution to test-uab.jsp) it avoids the main jsp rendering and
 show the test-uab.jsp

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to consolidate database storage, standardize their database environment, and, 
should the need arise, upgrade to a full multi-node Oracle RAC database 
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Re: [Stripes-users] View component inclusion

2011-01-04 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Not sure I understand. You say you can't do this :

my.jsp :
  jsp:include page=/partial.action/
  jsp:include page=/partial.action/


I think I've done this already... strange.

As you say, Stripes does bind stuff to the request, but each include is
isolated (it behaves like a full the request/response cycle).

So unless your main controller action (the one handling the incoming http
request) is the same as the one you include in the view (that would be quite
weird :P), and you access this main controller after inclusions (like
${}), I can't see an issue here.

Am I missing something ?



2011/1/4 Jonathan

 This seems to be the solution to first order, but Stripes keeps some
 informations in the request (the action bean, the name of the event) that
 prevents this method to function (event name conflict in some cases,
 to make multiple inclusions of same action bean since it's cached).
 Based on feedback from the mailing list I think there is no right way to
 that. I think the use of the JSTL tag c:import/ is the closest answer to
 I'm looking to do. An other solution : implementing a special include tag
 wrap request to avoid conflicts between parameters and attributes of the
 request and those of the include request.

 Thank you all for your help

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without downtime or disruption
Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] View component inclusion

2011-01-04 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Yeah sure, but it can be solved easily by storing the variable before
inclusion, ans using this in the main page. You should have no problems
inside the fragments, as Stripes will override the request atrribute when
executing the included event.

I was more wondering if the jsp:include didn't behave as expected when
including a Stripes action. I'm sure I've done this already without any



2011/1/4 Ben Gunter

 I think what Jonathan is saying is correct, though I've never personally
 been troubled by it. Stripes stuffs the current ActionBean -- the one that
 is handling the request -- into request scope under the key actionBean.
 (Of course you know that.) So if you're in a JSP that was forwarded from an
 ActionBean and you jsp:include a request to a different ActionBean, then
 ${actionBean} before the include is different from ${actionBean} after the


 On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 8:39 AM, VANKEISBELCK Remi wrote:

 Not sure I understand. You say you can't do this :

 my.jsp :
   jsp:include page=/partial.action/
   jsp:include page=/partial.action/


 I think I've done this already... strange.

 As you say, Stripes does bind stuff to the request, but each include is
 isolated (it behaves like a full the request/response cycle).

 So unless your main controller action (the one handling the incoming http
 request) is the same as the one you include in the view (that would be quite
 weird :P), and you access this main controller after inclusions (like
 ${}), I can't see an issue here.

 Am I missing something ?



 2011/1/4 Jonathan

 This seems to be the solution to first order, but Stripes keeps some
 informations in the request (the action bean, the name of the event) that
 prevents this method to function (event name conflict in some cases,
 to make multiple inclusions of same action bean since it's cached).
 Based on feedback from the mailing list I think there is no right way
 to do
 that. I think the use of the JSTL tag c:import/ is the closest answer
 to what
 I'm looking to do. An other solution : implementing a special include tag
 wrap request to avoid conflicts between parameters and attributes of the
 request and those of the include request.

 Thank you all for your help

Learn how Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) One Node allows customers
to consolidate database storage, standardize their database environment, and, 
should the need arise, upgrade to a full multi-node Oracle RAC database 
without downtime or disruption
Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] View component inclusion

2011-01-04 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
And btw the various actions are also stored using the class name if I
remember well... so you can find your beans in the request scope when you
have more than one.



2011/1/4 VANKEISBELCK Remi

 Yeah sure, but it can be solved easily by storing the variable before
 inclusion, ans using this in the main page. You should have no problems
 inside the fragments, as Stripes will override the request atrribute when
 executing the included event.

 I was more wondering if the jsp:include didn't behave as expected when
 including a Stripes action. I'm sure I've done this already without any



 2011/1/4 Ben Gunter

 I think what Jonathan is saying is correct, though I've never personally
 been troubled by it. Stripes stuffs the current ActionBean -- the one that
 is handling the request -- into request scope under the key actionBean.
 (Of course you know that.) So if you're in a JSP that was forwarded from an
 ActionBean and you jsp:include a request to a different ActionBean, then
 ${actionBean} before the include is different from ${actionBean} after the


 On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 8:39 AM, VANKEISBELCK Remi wrote:

 Not sure I understand. You say you can't do this :

 my.jsp :
   jsp:include page=/partial.action/
   jsp:include page=/partial.action/


 I think I've done this already... strange.

 As you say, Stripes does bind stuff to the request, but each include is
 isolated (it behaves like a full the request/response cycle).

 So unless your main controller action (the one handling the incoming http
 request) is the same as the one you include in the view (that would be quite
 weird :P), and you access this main controller after inclusions (like
 ${}), I can't see an issue here.

 Am I missing something ?



 2011/1/4 Jonathan

 This seems to be the solution to first order, but Stripes keeps some
 informations in the request (the action bean, the name of the event)
 prevents this method to function (event name conflict in some cases,
 to make multiple inclusions of same action bean since it's cached).
 Based on feedback from the mailing list I think there is no right way
 to do
 that. I think the use of the JSTL tag c:import/ is the closest answer
 to what
 I'm looking to do. An other solution : implementing a special include
 tag that
 wrap request to avoid conflicts between parameters and attributes of the
 request and those of the include request.

 Thank you all for your help

Learn how Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) One Node allows customers
to consolidate database storage, standardize their database environment, and, 
should the need arise, upgrade to a full multi-node Oracle RAC database 
without downtime or disruption
Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] Stripes and Groovy

2010-12-21 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi folks,

Well, it's more an intro to Groovy than a real Groovy/Stripes integration...
I think that back in the days someone had written a real ActionBeanResolver
for Groovy, using GroovyClassLoader, that allowed hot class reload etc. It
really leveraged some of the groovy features, not just allowed to write
beans in another language (that finally compiles to Java bytecode).

Otoh, as Stripes heavily relies on static type info to do the binding etc,
using Groovy with Stripes doesn't totally pay off. Of course, you'll have
all the sugar of Groovy (and don't make me wrong, I use it a lot and love
it), but you'll be limited to the static world because of Stripe's nature.
If you want more dynamic stuff to happen, you'll probably have to write your
own property binder and a few other things...

I already did some work on this (using dynamic obejcts - no classes - and
NoSQLs in the back end). The idea was driven by CouchDb : when I saw this I
really was impressed, those guys have invented a really different way to
tackle webapps (with CouchApp etc). I even ended up with a MapPropertyBinder
that binds request params on... maps :)

This causes several, very high level issues (binding, validation, etc), but
is definitly interesting. I don't really know if Stripes would fit well in
this scenario. If anyone has ideas on the subject, I'd be happy to hear them



2010/12/21 Freddy Daoud

 Hi Søren,

 I found the article in my archives and posted it here:


 On Tue, 21 Dec 2010 11:02:02 +0100, Søren Pedersen said:
  Hi guys
  I have read something about using Stripes and Groovy together and have
  some references around the web, but I can't seem to find a How-to
  There is a reference to an article on DZone by Freddy, but it points to
  Can anybody help?

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Lotusphere 2011
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to the next level, and enter the era of Social Business.
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Re: [Stripes-users] Stripes and Groovy

2010-12-21 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi

Yes I understand : I hate to write Java code, so I'm Groovy-ing whenever I
can as well :)

If you use maven, you have almost nothing to do in order to integrate groovy
compilation : there's the gmaven plugin that does it all. It hooks in the
maven lifecycle to do the mixed java/groovy compilation for you. I'm using
it a lot, works great overall.

You just need to define the dep to groovy and configure gmaven plugin, like
this :



2010/12/21 Søren Pedersen

 Hi Freddy and Remi

 Thanks alot for the article, Freddy.
 Will try it out :)

 I am looking into this to see if we can use the syntactically sugar from
 Groovy. I understand what you are saying, Remi and I guess there might be
 more to it than just compile the action bean with Groovy. But anyway, we
 will play with it a little and see what happens.

 Thanks alot



 Den 21/12/2010 13.16 skrev VANKEISBELCK Remi

 Hi folks,

 Well, it's more an intro to Groovy than a real Groovy/Stripes
 integration... I think that back in the days someone had written a real
 ActionBeanResolver for Groovy, using GroovyClassLoader, that allowed hot
 class reload etc. It really leveraged some of the groovy features, not just
 allowed to write beans in another language (that finally compiles to Java

 Otoh, as Stripes heavily relies on static type info to do the binding etc,
 using Groovy with Stripes doesn't totally pay off. Of course, you'll have
 all the sugar of Groovy (and don't make me wrong, I use it a lot and love
 it), but you'll be limited to the static world because of Stripe's nature.
 If you want more dynamic stuff to happen, you'll probably have to write
 your own property binder and a few other things...

 I already did some work on this (using dynamic obejcts - no classes - and
 NoSQLs in the back end). The idea was driven by CouchDb : when I saw this I
 really was impressed, those guys have invented a really different way to
 tackle webapps (with CouchApp etc). I even ended up with a MapPropertyBinder
 that binds request params on... maps :)

 This causes several, very high level issues (binding, validation, etc), but
 is definitly interesting. I don't really know if Stripes would fit well in
 this scenario. If anyone has ideas on the subject, I'd be happy to hear them



 2010/12/21 Freddy Daoud

  Hi Søren,
  I found the article in my archives and posted it here:

 Lotusphere 2011
 Register now for Lotusphere 2011 and learn how
 to connect the dots, take your collaborative environment
 to the next level, and enter the era of Social Business.
 Stripes-users mailing list

Lotusphere 2011
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to connect the dots, take your collaborative environment
to the next level, and enter the era of Social Business.
Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] Preventing multiple form submission

2010-11-17 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi there,

I think this has been already discussed in the past on this list. Several
solutions have been discussed, mainly using a token mechanism + interceptor.

I don't have time yet to dig for info, but for sure this is something I'd
like to have as a core feature if possible. This is clearly a recurrent



2010/11/16 Pakin

 Hi Nikolaos,

 have you used the transaction token mechanism in Struts? A similar
 should solve your problem. It would be really easy to implement. If you
 don't know what I am talking about, let me know and I will explain further.



 Nikolaos Giannopoulos wrote:
  Just wondering how others elegantly solve this situation:
  1) User is editing a form and fills it out and clicks submit button
  2) Form gets successfully processed on the server however before a
  response is returned the user hits the stop button, their internet
  connection drops, etc...
  4) User clicks on submit again and tries to re-submit the same
  Now, this would be trivial if there was a unique piece of information in
  the content being posted however lets assume someone posting some blog /
  news content wherein there is really no unique info (e.g. although it
  may be rare there is nothing wrong with 2 people say posting the same
  content with the same title).
  I was thinking to tag the users session with the last successfully
  submitted Stripes _sourcePage field and direct the user to the view
  handler if they are trying to do an edit and the _sourcePagematches.
  Beautiful is writing same markup. Internet Explorer 9 supports
  standards for HTML5, CSS3, SVG 1.1,  ECMAScript5, and DOM L2  L3.
  Spend less time writing and  rewriting code and more time creating great
  experiences on the web. Be a part of the beta today
  Stripes-users mailing list

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the stripes-users mailing list archive at

 Beautiful is writing same markup. Internet Explorer 9 supports
 standards for HTML5, CSS3, SVG 1.1,  ECMAScript5, and DOM L2  L3.
 Spend less time writing and  rewriting code and more time creating great
 experiences on the web. Be a part of the beta today
 Stripes-users mailing list

Beautiful is writing same markup. Internet Explorer 9 supports
standards for HTML5, CSS3, SVG 1.1,  ECMAScript5, and DOM L2  L3.
Spend less time writing and  rewriting code and more time creating great
experiences on the web. Be a part of the beta today
Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] Maven convention

2010-11-11 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Thanks for the offering mate !

The Stripes mvn build is almost good now. There's just this ugly test module
(as you could see it yourself), but apart from that most of it works
perfect. I mean, we gen the taglib descriptors etc, sign the jars etc...
There are a few glitches, but overall, it works fine.

We're just waiting for Ben's green light before a directory structure
refactoring, and it'll be perfect...

He won't be long now : he managed to change all the version numbers etc
yesterday, deploy to central (yes yes !!)...
I think he's beginning his love affair with maven, but he won't say it yet



2010/11/10 Nathan Maves

 For what it is worth I can personally tell you that we (
 team are working hard to achieve this same goal.  We now have around 6
 sub maven project along with the core maven project.  It has really
 helped us deliver faster and more stable releases.  It has also
 allowed us to engage more people from the community to help with
 development.  I would love to see the Stripes community follow suit.

 Just last week I was trying to find where the unit tests for Stripes
 were located.  To my surprise they are not in the core module.  I also
 just spent a few minutes trying to find the maven page on the website,
 which I have found in the past, and I can't seem to find it again.  I
 would love to see something as simple as

 For those that are still using Ant you really just need to give it a
 try.  I honestly have never seen someone who gives maven a try for
 their build process ever go back to Ant.  For a product who believes
 in convention over configuration I really think it is a perfect fit
 for Stripes.

 I am offering up any help or advice that you may need from myself or
 the MyBatis team.


 On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 7:05 AM, Joaquin Valdez wrote:
  Thanks Ben!
  On Nov 10, 2010, at 5:54 AM, Ben Gunter wrote:
  Thanks. That's exactly what I did, and it must have worked!
  On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 5:35 AM, VANKEISBELCK Remi
  Not sure it's not too late, but anyway...
  The gpg thing is in the maven build if I remember well, there's a maven
 plugin for that. You just need pgp on the build machine, with a pubkey that
 you have distributed on the PGP network... then mvn clean deploy -Prelease
 if I'm right : this pushes everything on sonatype's repo.
  Then, on sonatype, just close the staging request and release.
  2010/11/10 Ben Gunter
  I'm working on releasing 1.5.4 now, but I can't promise I'll get it
 done tonight. There's some stuff involved I've never done, like GPG signing
 the artifacts and getting them synced to central through Sonatype. If I
 screw something up, the release will be delayed.
  On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 9:09 PM, Nikolaos Giannopoulos wrote:
  I am very much in favour of Maven on any project to the point that I
 have been very vocal about Stripes and Maven support.
  However, I would agree with Ben that for 1.5.4 that we just keep
 things as they are.  In fact, I think 1.5.4 has stewed long enough and
 should be officially released as we are approaching a year since the release
 of 1.5.3.  As I have mentioned a number of times perception is key in
 software IMHO and a release of 1.5.4 trumps internal project changes - at
 least for me.
  Speaking of which:
  Ben:  Any idea when 1.5.4 will be released?  It contains a lot of key
 fixes and it has baked long enough?  No???
  Samuel Santos wrote:
  Consider this as an excuse to optimize our code structure ;)
  Samuel Santos
  On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 2:04 PM, Ben Gunter
  This is something we can consider after the release of 1.5.4. I
 didn't feel the need to add a Maven build in the first place, and I surely
 don't like the idea of having to move stuff all around to accommodate it so
 there will be resistance.
  On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 11:17 AM, VANKEISBELCK Remi
  Hi Nathan,
  In order to keep the current tooling (ant, ide settings, scripts,
 etc) working, and to get the first maven build working smoothly without
 being intrusive, it has been agreed that nothing had to be changed.
  Now that it works, I already talked about some refactoring of the
 folders to allow less config in poms, and more importantly, to allow tests
 to be in the same module than the core code.
  For the moment, due to the folder layout that was imposed, I had to
 create a specific module for the unit tests. This means that the core module
 is built (and deployed if you do mvn deploy) even when tests fail. It only
 has to compile to get installed

Re: [Stripes-users] [Stripes-dev] Stripes 1.5.4 released

2010-11-10 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Thanks dude !



2010/11/10 Ben Gunter

 It's available from Sourceforge now, and it should sync to Maven central
 soon. Here's a list of changes since 1.5.3:


 The Next 800 Companies to Lead America's Growth: New Video Whitepaper
 David G. Thomson, author of the best-selling book Blueprint to a
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business during the next growth cycle. Listen Now!
Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] Maven convention

2010-11-10 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Not sure it's not too late, but anyway...

The gpg thing is in the maven build if I remember well, there's a maven
plugin for that. You just need pgp on the build machine, with a pubkey that
you have distributed on the PGP network... then mvn clean deploy -Prelease
if I'm right : this pushes everything on sonatype's repo.
Then, on sonatype, just close the staging request and release.



2010/11/10 Ben Gunter

 I'm working on releasing 1.5.4 now, but I can't promise I'll get it done
 tonight. There's some stuff involved I've never done, like GPG signing the
 artifacts and getting them synced to central through Sonatype. If I screw
 something up, the release will be delayed.


 On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 9:09 PM, Nikolaos Giannopoulos wrote:


 I am very much in favour of Maven on any project to the point that I have
 been very vocal about Stripes and Maven support.

 However, I would agree with Ben that for 1.5.4 that we just keep things as
 they are.  In fact, I think 1.5.4 has stewed long enough and should be
 officially released as we are approaching a year since the release of
 1.5.3.  As I have mentioned a number of times perception is key in
 software IMHO and a release of 1.5.4 trumps internal project changes - at
 least for me.

 Speaking of which:

 Ben:  Any idea when 1.5.4 will be released?  It contains a lot of key
 fixes and it has baked long enough?  No???


 Samuel Santos wrote:


 Consider this as an excuse to optimize our code structure ;)


 Samuel Santos

 On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 2:04 PM, Ben Gunter wrote:

 This is something we can consider after the release of 1.5.4. I didn't
 feel the need to add a Maven build in the first place, and I surely don't
 like the idea of having to move stuff all around to accommodate it so there
 will be resistance.


 On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 11:17 AM, VANKEISBELCK Remi r...@rvkb.comwrote:

 Hi Nathan,

 In order to keep the current tooling (ant, ide settings, scripts, etc)
 working, and to get the first maven build working smoothly without being
 intrusive, it has been agreed that nothing had to be changed.

 Now that it works, I already talked about some refactoring of the
 folders to allow less config in poms, and more importantly, to allow tests
 to be in the same module than the core code.

 For the moment, due to the folder layout that was imposed, I had to
 create a specific module for the unit tests. This means that the core 
 is built (and deployed if you do mvn deploy) even when tests fail. It only
 has to compile to get installed/deployed into maven repos. That sucks (not
 that word again...) a lot, and IMHO is the main reason to so some small

 Ben ? Have you thought about it a little ? Would you mind if I do some
 small surgery in 1.5.x and trunk so that we have the tests in the core
 module ?



 2010/10/31 Nathan Maves

 Just curious if anyone has thought to migrate the current layout of the
 stripes code to use more Maven conventions?


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Re: [Stripes-users] [JIRA] Created: (STS-779) Release 1.5.4 (also to Maven Repo)]

2010-11-09 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Let's go. It's been too long already. And if this layout thing actually
turns out to be a disaster, well, we'll fix and re-release.

The release process (apart from the whole website/news etc) is really
straightforward with maven now, I don't see no showstopper.

If anyone thinks we should wait, please speak up !



2010/11/9 Nikolaos Giannopoulos

  Thought those on the use mailing list might want to voice their


  Original Message   Subject: [Stripes-dev] [JIRA] Created:
 (STS-779) Release 1.5.4 (also to Maven Repo)  Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2010
 19:52:13 -0600 (CST)  From: Nikolaos (JIRA)  Reply-To:
 Stripes Development List

 Release 1.5.4 (also to Maven Repo)

  Key: STS-779
  Project: Stripes
   Issue Type: Task
 Affects Versions: Release 1.5.4
 Reporter: Nikolaos

 Ben Gunter wrote on 10/5/2010:

  The layout tags in 1.5.3 and earlier buffer virtually everything in memory 
  before dumping it all out at once. I've modified the tags to stream 
  directly to output instead, but it required a major overhaul so I'd like to 
  have it tested thoroughly before I release 1.5.4. From the perspective of 
  the Stripes developer, layouts should work almost exactly the same.


  I have lots of crazy test cases that work great. I just wanted people to 
  drop in a snapshot where they're running 1.5.3 and make sure everything 
  still works.

 The issues that I personally had w/ nested layouts in 1.5.4 Snapshot have 
 been resolved with this fix.  I believe in asides others have echoed this 

 Can we now move forward to officially release 1.5.4 (also to Maven Repo)
 We can always delay this release but to what end?  There will always be 
 another release to pack in more fixes or features.

 Who in the Stripes community agrees / disagrees?


 This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
 If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
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 The Next 800 Companies to Lead America's Growth: New Video Whitepaper
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business during the next growth cycle. Listen Now!
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Re: [Stripes-users] [JIRA] Created: (STS-779) Release 1.5.4 (also to Maven Repo)]

2010-11-09 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi

The question is about the nested layouts feature that Ben included weeks
ago. Remember ? He even asked for testing at that time... Not sure I
remember you whining people sending anything concrete, like test cases. At
least no such thing got commited in our webtests... anyway.

I have been talking with Ben about it and he said that according to him the
nested layouts feature is ready unless someone has a problem with it. Since
no one has a problem, and since it was the feature we waited for in order to
release, I suggested to go for it. We're not gonna spend months with this
Many people is waiting for 1.5.4 to be officially released. If you're not,
well, just stick to 1.5.3. Also, many people have tried out the
1.5.4-SNAPSHOT version. So I don't think there's any reason to panic here...

Now for the if it has a problem we'll release again : that's what every
software does, isn't it ? I mean, there are bugs, we fix them, we release...
Moreover, now that releasing into maven central is a one-command operation
or almost, I don't see the problem. Even a critical issue (which doesn't
seem to be the case for now) would not really serious : just rollback and
keep 1.5.3 in the meantime we fix the bug.
Don't make me wrong : I don't say it's classy to release with a blocker. But
it ain't classy to wait forever either, and again, 1.5.4 has already been
out for a while as a SNAPSHOT so it should be tested the best we can...
Sometimes, you just need balls :P

Anyway, unless you guys have a problem with the layouts thing, I don't see
why you complain. No layout problem found ? Well, let's go. That was my



2010/11/9 gshegosh

  W dniu 09.11.2010 22:29, Nikolaos Giannopoulos pisze:

 What is the issue you have with the 1.5.4 release going live?

 Personally I have no issue with 1.5.4 release going live since it works
 splendidly for me on Glassfish 3 even with my quirky CMS stuff based on

 What I have disagree with is the approach that Remi seems to be supporting:

 And if this layout thing actually turns out to be a disaster, well, we'll
 fix and re-release.

 In my opinion, either the feature is working, or it's out of the release.
 I'm not current with the state of layout tags modifications, if they are
 confirmed to be working, let 1.5.4 be released; I based my previous post on
 that single sentence which could suggest they are NOT fully confirmed to be

 The Next 800 Companies to Lead America's Growth: New Video Whitepaper
 David G. Thomson, author of the best-selling book Blueprint to a
 Billion shares his insights and actions to help propel your
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Re: [Stripes-users] CryptoUtils standalone

2010-11-08 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Keith,

Sorry for the late reply.

What exactly are you trying to reuse ?

I'm just trying to understand. Stripes is supposed to handle the Web MVC
part : if your application's logic is written in its tier, then it should
not depend on Stripes. Your action beans usually just invoke your biz logic,
that should be written in an independent module.

If you depend directly on CryptoUtils, then your best option is probably to
fork that one single class for your standalone app and re-implement the
methods you use so that they don't call StripesFilter. Using MockRoundtrip
in a standalone app seems odd.

Last, if you have a refactoring proposal for the class (to make the crypto
feature independant of Stripes) that's worth it, we'll surely consider the



2010/11/4 Keith


 We have a stripes web application.

 We now wish to re-use some of the functionality of the web application in a
 standalone java program without re-writing the code.

 The problem we are facing is that the web-application uses the CryptoUtils
 class to encrypt/ decript some values.

 When this is run from a standalone program we get the error below.

 Is it possible to use the CryptoUtil in standalone mode, perhaps by Mocking
 certain objects, or injecting a Configuration instance.


 ERROR: net.sourceforge.stripes.controller.StripesFilter -
 net.sourceforge.stripes.exception.StripesRuntimeException: Something is
 to access the current Stripes configuration but the current request was
 routed through the StripesFilter! As a result the appropriate Configuration
 object cannot be located. Please take a look at the exact URL in your
 browser's address bar and ensure that any requests to that URL will be
 through the StripesFilter according to the filter mappings in your web.xml.


 The Next 800 Companies to Lead America's Growth: New Video Whitepaper
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Re: [Stripes-users] Maven convention

2010-10-31 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Nathan,

In order to keep the current tooling (ant, ide settings, scripts, etc)
working, and to get the first maven build working smoothly without being
intrusive, it has been agreed that nothing had to be changed.

Now that it works, I already talked about some refactoring of the folders to
allow less config in poms, and more importantly, to allow tests to be in the
same module than the core code.

For the moment, due to the folder layout that was imposed, I had to create a
specific module for the unit tests. This means that the core module is built
(and deployed if you do mvn deploy) even when tests fail. It only has to
compile to get installed/deployed into maven repos. That sucks (not that
word again...) a lot, and IMHO is the main reason to so some small

Ben ? Have you thought about it a little ? Would you mind if I do some small
surgery in 1.5.x and trunk so that we have the tests in the core module ?



2010/10/31 Nathan Maves

 Just curious if anyone has thought to migrate the current layout of the
 stripes code to use more Maven conventions?


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Re: [Stripes-users] Source forge description: It's stripey and itdoesn't suck

2010-10-29 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Stripes: because other frameworks sucks


Remi - what ?
Nokia and ATT present the 2010 Calling All Innovators-North America contest
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Re: [Stripes-users] Source forge description: It's stripey and itdoesn't suck

2010-10-29 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Yeah, love that one.



2010/10/29 Stone, Timothy

 Been passively following this thread… and I just want to defend the use of
 the word “suck.”

 While seemingly “unprofessional” it is not without precedent: the Macintosh
 text editor BBEdit uses “It doesn’t suck.”

 Why not twist Freddy’s title a bit: “Stripes: because Java web development
 doesn’t have to suck.”



 *From:* VANKEISBELCK Remi []
 *Sent:* Friday, October 29, 2010 12:49 PM

 *To:* Stripes Users List
 *Subject:* Re: [Stripes-users] Source forge description: It's stripey and
 itdoesn't suck

 Stripes: because other frameworks sucks


 Remi - what ?



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Nokia and ATT present the 2010 Calling All Innovators-North America contest
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Re: [Stripes-users] Source forge description: It's stripey and it doesn't suck

2010-10-28 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Souvenirs, souvenirs... To be honest I someimes miss those endless threads
on TSS, was quite funny over there at the time. Now it's just advertisement
and ohter bullshit.


Remi - and Rolf...

2010/10/28 Freddy Daoud

  On the source forge page of Stripes I see the text:
  Source forge description: It's stripey and it doesn't suck
  I don't know what 'stripey' is, but I think 'suck' is really
  language for a serious product as The Stripes Framework...

 Back in 2005, TheServerSide was the forum for many a web framework
 animated flame war. People were finally realizing that Struts
 was asking way too much work from the developer and doing way too
 little work for the developer in return--others knew it all along--
 and Tim Fennell's intelligent and insightful comments were signed
 with a link to Stripes and the caption: Because web development
 doesn't have to suck. This caught my eye because it was a bold

 Now, 2010 closing out, TSS is still the (a) site for animated
 flame wars, Struts has been replaced by JSF which is just as bad,
 but it takes a Spring vs Java EE thread; just your run-of-the-mill
 here's my new framework post doesn't make people waste their
 time anymore. Stripes has matured and perhaps, Karen, you are
 right, we shouldn't use 'suck' in our tagline.

 So, after all the brou-ha-ha-ha-ha of getting Stripes back
 into action, let's hear suggestions for a new, catchy, witty,
 smart, attractive tagline.

 Don't ask for mine, I've already used it for a book title ;)


 Nokia and ATT present the 2010 Calling All Innovators-North America
 Create new apps  games for the Nokia N8 for consumers in  U.S. and Canada
 $10 million total in prizes - $4M cash, 500 devices, nearly $6M in
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 Stripes-users mailing list

Nokia and ATT present the 2010 Calling All Innovators-North America contest
Create new apps  games for the Nokia N8 for consumers in  U.S. and Canada
$10 million total in prizes - $4M cash, 500 devices, nearly $6M in marketing
Develop with Nokia Qt SDK, Web Runtime, or Java and Publish to Ovi Store
Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] Stripes and GWT

2010-10-27 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi

You don't need to declare a mapping for the Stripes dispatcher servlet : DMF
embeds its own.

Since DMF only responds to pseudo 404, I think that you only need the GWT
servlet mapped in web.xml (and DMF, mapped to /* of course). This way, if a
request maps gwt then it'll be handled by the GWT servlet, otherwise if it
matches an action url binding, then DMF will handle it.



2010/10/26 Oscar Westra van Holthe - Kind

 On 25-10-2010 at 12:01, farouk alhassan wrote:
  Can the DynamicMappingFilter not be mapped to the DispatcherServlet like

 It can, but this is really just a no-op. The DynamicMappingFilter only does
 something when the unfiltered request returns a 404 error. And when that
 happens, it already lets the DispatcherServlet handle the request.

 So in this setup, you can just as well leave it out.

  Am not an expert in Servlet API so this may not be correct

 Although correct, this does have the effect of mapping everything except
 to Stripes. If that is intended, setup the DynamicMappingFilter to filter
 and remove the DispatcherServlet as it's already used implicitly.

 If you want the two separate URL spaces, remove the DynamicMappingFilter
 map the DispatcherServlet to /stripes instead.


   ,-_  Oscar Westra van Holthe - Kind
  /() )
  (__ (  If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise,
 =/  ()  we don't believe in it at all.  -- Noam Chomsky



 Nokia and ATT present the 2010 Calling All Innovators-North America
 Create new apps  games for the Nokia N8 for consumers in  U.S. and Canada
 $10 million total in prizes - $4M cash, 500 devices, nearly $6M in
 Develop with Nokia Qt SDK, Web Runtime, or Java and Publish to Ovi Store
 Stripes-users mailing list

Nokia and ATT present the 2010 Calling All Innovators-North America contest
Create new apps  games for the Nokia N8 for consumers in  U.S. and Canada
$10 million total in prizes - $4M cash, 500 devices, nearly $6M in marketing
Develop with Nokia Qt SDK, Web Runtime, or Java and Publish to Ovi Store
Stripes-users mailing list

Re: [Stripes-users] CleanUrl bug from 1.5.1+ when using MockRoundtrip

2010-10-26 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Yes, please do.



2010/10/26 Nathan Maves

 Should I put in a JIRA for this issue?

 On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 10:15 AM, VANKEISBELCK Remi wrote:

 Hi Nathan,

 Just had a quick look to your test. Refactored to :

 The two test methods that use a string url for the binding work fine. The
 one using the beanclass doesn't work...

 As a workaround for now, you can use stringified urls in your tests. I'll
 try to understand what's going on as soon as I have a moment.



 2010/10/20 Nathan Maves

 Sure thing Remi.  The following example fails because the id is null.




 import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.ActionBean;
 import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.ActionBeanContext;
 import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.DefaultHandler;
 import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.Resolution;
 import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.UrlBinding;

 public class TestAction implements ActionBean {
ActionBeanContext context;

Integer id;

public Resolution bar() {

return null;

public Integer getId() {
return id;

public void setId(Integer id) { = id;

public void setContext(ActionBeanContext context) {
this.context = context;

public ActionBeanContext getContext() {
return this.context;



 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Map;
 import net.sourceforge.stripes.controller.DispatcherServlet;
 import net.sourceforge.stripes.controller.StripesFilter;
 import net.sourceforge.stripes.mock.MockRoundtrip;
 import net.sourceforge.stripes.mock.MockServletContext;
 import org.junit.Before;
 import org.junit.Test;

 import static org.junit.Assert.*;

 public class ParameterTestAction {
MockServletContext context;

public void setup() {
context = new MockServletContext(test);

// Add the Stripes Filter
MapString,String filterParams = new
context.addFilter(StripesFilter.class, StripesFilter,

// Add the Stripes Dispatcher
 StripesDispatcher, null);

public void testParameter() throws Exception {
final Integer id = 2;
MockRoundtrip trip = new MockRoundtrip(context,
trip.setParameter(id, id.toString());

TestAction action = trip.getActionBean(TestAction.class);
assertEquals(id, action.getId());


 On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 2:56 AM, VANKEISBELCK Remi
  Haven't looked yet, but the log might be normal.
  Could you post a test case that reproduces your bug ? This way I'll
 have a
  closer look if you want.
  2010/10/20 Nathan Maves
  Just tested this with logging on 1.5.3.  It looks like there is an
  issue with the {$event} binding but I am not sure that is really an
  issue or not.
  Let me know if there is anything else I can do on my end to help out.
  Here is the log for 1.5.3
   INFO 2010-10-19 21:46:10,991
  Stripes Initialization Complete. Version: 1.5.3, Build: 1.5.3
  DEBUG 2010-10-19 21:46:11,844
  net.sourceforge.stripes.util.Log.debug(): LocalePicker selected
  locale: en_US
  DEBUG 2010-10-19 21:46:11,844
  net.sourceforge.stripes.util.Log.debug(): LocalePicker did not pick a
  character encoding, using default: UTF-8
  DEBUG 2010-10-19 21:46:11,848
  net.sourceforge.stripes.util.Log.debug(): Matched
  /admin/product/{$event}/{} to
   INFO 2010-10-19 21:46:11,858
  Expression validation will be performed using:
  DEBUG 2010-10-19 21:46:11,859
  net.sourceforge.stripes.util.Log.debug(): Transitioning to lifecycle
  stage RequestInit
  DEBUG 2010-10-19 21:46:11,862
  net.sourceforge.stripes.util.Log.debug(): Transitioning to lifecycle
  stage ActionBeanResolution
  DEBUG 2010-10-19 21:46:11,863
  net.sourceforge.stripes.util.Log.debug(): Matched
  /admin/product/{$event}/{} to
  DEBUG 2010-10-19 21:46:11,866
  net.sourceforge.stripes.util.Log.debug(): Matched
  /admin/product/{$event}/{} to
  DEBUG 2010-10-19 21:46:11,871

Re: [Stripes-users] CleanUrl bug from 1.5.1+ when using MockRoundtrip

2010-10-20 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hi Nathan,

Just had a quick look to your test. Refactored to :

The two test methods that use a string url for the binding work fine. The
one using the beanclass doesn't work...

As a workaround for now, you can use stringified urls in your tests. I'll
try to understand what's going on as soon as I have a moment.



2010/10/20 Nathan Maves

 Sure thing Remi.  The following example fails because the id is null.




 import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.ActionBean;
 import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.ActionBeanContext;
 import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.DefaultHandler;
 import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.Resolution;
 import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.UrlBinding;

 public class TestAction implements ActionBean {
ActionBeanContext context;

Integer id;

public Resolution bar() {

return null;

public Integer getId() {
return id;

public void setId(Integer id) { = id;

public void setContext(ActionBeanContext context) {
this.context = context;

public ActionBeanContext getContext() {
return this.context;



 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Map;
 import net.sourceforge.stripes.controller.DispatcherServlet;
 import net.sourceforge.stripes.controller.StripesFilter;
 import net.sourceforge.stripes.mock.MockRoundtrip;
 import net.sourceforge.stripes.mock.MockServletContext;
 import org.junit.Before;
 import org.junit.Test;

 import static org.junit.Assert.*;

 public class ParameterTestAction {
MockServletContext context;

public void setup() {
context = new MockServletContext(test);

// Add the Stripes Filter
MapString,String filterParams = new
context.addFilter(StripesFilter.class, StripesFilter,

// Add the Stripes Dispatcher
 StripesDispatcher, null);

public void testParameter() throws Exception {
final Integer id = 2;
MockRoundtrip trip = new MockRoundtrip(context,
trip.setParameter(id, id.toString());

TestAction action = trip.getActionBean(TestAction.class);
assertEquals(id, action.getId());


 On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 2:56 AM, VANKEISBELCK Remi wrote:
  Haven't looked yet, but the log might be normal.
  Could you post a test case that reproduces your bug ? This way I'll have
  closer look if you want.
  2010/10/20 Nathan Maves
  Just tested this with logging on 1.5.3.  It looks like there is an
  issue with the {$event} binding but I am not sure that is really an
  issue or not.
  Let me know if there is anything else I can do on my end to help out.
  Here is the log for 1.5.3
   INFO 2010-10-19 21:46:10,991
  Stripes Initialization Complete. Version: 1.5.3, Build: 1.5.3
  DEBUG 2010-10-19 21:46:11,844
  net.sourceforge.stripes.util.Log.debug(): LocalePicker selected
  locale: en_US
  DEBUG 2010-10-19 21:46:11,844
  net.sourceforge.stripes.util.Log.debug(): LocalePicker did not pick a
  character encoding, using default: UTF-8
  DEBUG 2010-10-19 21:46:11,848
  net.sourceforge.stripes.util.Log.debug(): Matched
  /admin/product/{$event}/{} to
   INFO 2010-10-19 21:46:11,858
  Expression validation will be performed using:
  DEBUG 2010-10-19 21:46:11,859
  net.sourceforge.stripes.util.Log.debug(): Transitioning to lifecycle
  stage RequestInit
  DEBUG 2010-10-19 21:46:11,862
  net.sourceforge.stripes.util.Log.debug(): Transitioning to lifecycle
  stage ActionBeanResolution
  DEBUG 2010-10-19 21:46:11,863
  net.sourceforge.stripes.util.Log.debug(): Matched
  /admin/product/{$event}/{} to
  DEBUG 2010-10-19 21:46:11,866
  net.sourceforge.stripes.util.Log.debug(): Matched
  /admin/product/{$event}/{} to
  DEBUG 2010-10-19 21:46:11,871
  net.sourceforge.stripes.util.Log.debug(): Transitioning to lifecycle
  stage HandlerResolution
  DEBUG 2010-10-19 21:46:11,874
  net.sourceforge.stripes.util.Log.debug(): Resolved event: edit; will

Re: [Stripes-users] Stripes and Portlets

2010-10-18 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
iframe/ ?




2010/10/18 andres

 ... some bridge for portlets ...

 --- El *lun, 18/10/10, andres* escribió:

 De: andres

 Asunto: Re: [Stripes-users] Stripes and Portlets
 Para: Stripes Users List
 Fecha: lunes, 18 de octubre, 2010 16:19

 I dont want to do restructure of Stripes. I am looking for some layer or
 interfas for implement work with Stripes. I have application on Stripes,
 and i am not good about portlets.

 --- El *lun, 18/10/10, Oscar Westra van Holthe - Kind* escribió:

 De: Oscar Westra van Holthe - Kind
 Asunto: Re: [Stripes-users] Stripes and Portlets
 Para: Stripes Users List
 Fecha: lunes, 18 de octubre, 2010 15:54

 On 18-10-2010 at 15:28, Oscar Westra van Holthe - Kind wrote:
  To make Stripes work with portlets would require these steps:
  1. Convert the StripesFilter to a portlet filter.
  2. Convert the StripesDispatcher servlet to a portlet (it mainly handles
 lifecycle and lets other classes to the work, so this should be
  3. In the dispatcher portlet, store the Resolution obtained from the
 handling, so it can be used during the rendering phase.
  As an added bonus, you'll need to:
  - resolve redirects (impossible for portlets),
  - ensure that the Resolution instance can be infinitely reused,
  - be aware that rendering properties can and will be stored (and thus
by the portal server, making selecting the default handler trickier

 Oh, and Resolutions require a HttpServlet and HttpServletResponse, so
 need to create versions that wrap the corresponding portlet classes -- all
 three pairs of them:
 - ActionRequest/ActionResponse
 - RenderRequest/RenderResponse
 - ResourceRequest/ResourceResponse

 To add complexity, you'll need to detect when a Resolution actually
 a page or another resource (download, AJAX response, ...). The reason is
 pages are rendered, while all other Resolution results are handled
 to a dymanic image using a ResourceServingPortlet. You'll also need to
 provide a different tag to generate such resource URL's.

 All in all, I think it's easier to reuse Stripes' strengths such as the
 validators, population strategy, etc. and create a new lifecycle plus
 PortletBean and Resolution interfaces for it.


   /() ) Oscar Westra van Holthe - Kind
 (__ (
 =/  ()  A half truth is a whole lie.  -- Yiddish Proverb

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Re: [Stripes-users] Stripes and Portlets

2010-10-18 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Portlets ? Seriously ? Seriously... :P

I was joking with the iframe thing, even if it might be a simple option to
include some external content in a portlet, I don't know. The other option
(the Stripes rewrite) is even more hackish to me !
Anyway, iframes are everywhere. Crappy but damn useful if you ask me :P
Even Google has one on the front page...



2010/10/18 Oscar Westra van Holthe - Kind

 On 18-10-2010 at 16:40, Grzegorz Krugły wrote:
   iframe is the worst solution one could think of ;-)
  It's not even proper HTML 4.

 For some, the same thing can be said about portlets. And certainly the
 portlet specification (JSR 168) qualifies, as it doesn't support portlet
 specific non-inline CSS, dynamic images, file downloads, etc. (you'd need
 setup a separate servlet, which defeats the point of a portlet). It's not
 until the second specification (JSR 286) that portlets can be considered
 seriously, IMNSHO.


  /() ) Oscar Westra van Holthe - Kind
  (__ (
 =/  ()  A half truth is a whole lie.  -- Yiddish Proverb



 Download new Adobe(R) Flash(R) Builder(TM) 4
 The new Adobe(R) Flex(R) 4 and Flash(R) Builder(TM) 4 (formerly
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[Stripes-users] [OT] Rick A (was Re: Stripes and Portlets)

2010-10-18 Thread VANKEISBELCK Remi
Hu hu didn't know that was him... Love the hair :)



2010/10/18 Grzegorz Krugły

  W dniu 18.10.2010 16:53, VANKEISBELCK Remi pisze:
  Anyway, iframes are everywhere. Crappy but damn useful if you ask me :P

 So is Rick Astley ;-)

Download new Adobe(R) Flash(R) Builder(TM) 4
The new Adobe(R) Flex(R) 4 and Flash(R) Builder(TM) 4 (formerly 
Flex(R) Builder(TM)) enable the development of rich applications that run
across multiple browsers and platforms. Download your free trials today!
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