Re: [Trisquel-users] How to make a home phone using VOIP?

2016-05-24 Thread mnaus
"Your friends need an ostel account too. To ensure your call security, ostel  
service cannot make calls to land lines or SIM card phone numbers on cellular  

It is something, but not a full solution. It is not practical for me to  
contact any person or business I may want to call and make sure they are set  
up with ostel first, before we can talk on the phone!

It looks useful if most of your friends and family have mobile phones, with  
data plans, who are willing to install the app, and sign up with ostel.

In my case, I already have some family and friends with flip phones without  
data plans, and some who use land line phones much more than their mobile  

The technology exists already. I could use Ooma, but I don't want to use  
non-free software.  If only there were a Libre Ooma!

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to make a home phone using VOIP?

2016-05-24 Thread mnaus

I will check out Ekiga, thanks.

Ultimately I am looking for a libre "Ooma" where I can hook up an actual  
phone and receive and send calls.

Comcast has some home phone option with a modem that has a jack for a phone.   
But, I am thinking about changing ISPs so that won't be a long-term solution.

Both Comcast and Ooma rely on hardware, so maybe that is necessary?

[Trisquel-users] How to make a home phone using VOIP?

2016-05-24 Thread mnaus
I want to make voice calls from my home computer using my internet  
connection. All the programs I've seen so far, appear to be designed for  
chat, or for use with a mobile phone, or they require both sides to  
communicate via their PCs. Two questions:

1.) What is a good program for voice from a PC. I don't need video. It would  
be nice if it could handle texting but that is not essential.

2.) How to solve any ISP privacy issues. I'm in the USA and I use Comcast.  
Can anyone recommend an alternative company/method.

I'm moving away from mobile phones gradually, and this would be a significant  
step for me.

Thank you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Envy 24 sound card issues.

2016-05-23 Thread mnaus

It is in the repositories. If you open synaptic with:
sudo synaptic
and search for envy you will see the packages to install

Re: [Trisquel-users] Strange Checksum-Problem with Acer Aspire V3 772G

2016-05-23 Thread mnaus

Simple question: Have you updated your system?:
sudo apt-get update
and then upgrade:
sudo apt-get upgrade

Re: [Trisquel-users] Buck up using rsync

2016-05-20 Thread mnaus
"I guess i can't change that path via shell, because the shell won't  
understand it due to the space characters. Right?"

You have three choices--that I'm familiar with:

1.) You can either put the whole thing in quotes:
sudo mv "/media/ra/TOURO Mobile 3.0" /media/ra/new-name

2.) You can insert spaces by 'escaping them' with the backslash '\'  For  
example, if the file was called "this is a file" you can write: this\ is\ a\  
file  Notice the backslash before each space. So we get:

sudo mv /media/ra/TOURO\ Mobile\ 3.0 /media/ra/new-name

3.) You can use auto-completion (usually the easiest):
sudo mv /media/ra/TOU and if now you hit the TAB key you will see:
/media/ra/TOURO\ Mobile\ 3.0

So really there are two approaches. Either put it all in " or escape the  
spaces with backslashes \
The difference between choice 2 and 3 is that you let auto-completion type  
the whole mess instead of you!  This is especially useful if you are  
manipulating long files like:

i3wm - How To 'Rice' Your Desktop (3_3)-ARKIwOlazKI.webm

I just type i3 hit TAB and that is it.

Escaping with backslashes is also for other unusual characters.  But why type  
all of that if you don't have to.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Buck up using rsync

2016-05-19 Thread mnaus
When you say, "change the name" are you referring to the mount point?  When  
you typed df and saw the mounted device is /dev/sdf1 it should also say where  
it is mounted to, like:

Filesystem Mounted On
/dev/sdf1  /media/ra

If that is the situation, are you trying to change /media/ra to another name?  
 I don't know what you mean by 'change the name'

Re: [Trisquel-users] Buck up using rsync

2016-05-19 Thread mnaus
"By the way, my external hard disk has space characters in its name and i  
can't change the name"

Do you mean that if you wanted the name to be "hard-disk-name" it is instead  
"hard disk name" ?

Where is the disk mounted?  Type this in a terminal to find out:

Where are you, in what directory, when you change the name?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where did LibreJS go?

2016-05-19 Thread mnaus

"1 yes, everything under ~ should belong to you
2 you ran it as root with sudo icecat"

Thank you. That makes sense.

I think I know what happened. Recently I've been trying alternate ways of  
starting a graphical session.  From a VT I Usually type:

sudo lightdm
Then when I open gnome-terminal in XFCE I see my regular user name.

Experimenting with the startxfce4 command, in a VT, I typed:
sudo startxfce4
Then, when I opened gnome-terminal, I saw I was logged in as root.  But I  
probably used icecat before opening gnome-terminal and discovering that I was  
logged in as root.

So I concluded I should use startxfce4 as a regular user:

Still, it is not clear to me why that would change my regular user's  
configuration files. It should just change root's configuration files. Also,  
I'm pretty sure I've experienced this problem before I've experimented with  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where did LibreJS go?

2016-05-19 Thread mnaus

"I'm not sure you're providing enough information."
You are right, sorry about that.

To disable and enable I click the button with three horizontal bars and  
choose "addons" Then I see my addons and there are five of them, which are:

GNU LibreJS 6.0.10  (re-installed as part of troubleshooting)
HTML5 Video Everywhere! 0.3.4
HTTPS-Everywhere 5.1.3.asyncbeta1
IceCat Home 1.0

The way I disabled LibreJS is choosing the button labeled "disable". There  
were two buttons previously "preferences" and "disable"; after re-installing  
LibreJS now I also have a third button "remove".

I started IceCat using a panel launcher in XFCE. I've used the launcher  
countless time successfully. When I tried loading IceCat as root and when I  
tried it as a new regular user, I ran IceCat by typing "icecat" in a  
terminalwhich gives me an idea!

EDIT: I tried starting IceCat for my regular user by typing "icecat" in a  
terminal. It started IceCat, but I noticed a message in the terminal  
regarding a permission problem for the sessionstore.js file in  

It turns out that file had owner and group as root. When I changed the owner  
and group of that file to my regular user, LibreJS reappeared!

I've since experimented with enabling/disabling LibreJS in icecat started in  
a terminal and icecat started from the panel launcher.  It all works.

My only questions now are:
1.) Should I have changed the owner/group from root?
2.) How do you imagine this happened?

[Trisquel-users] Where did LibreJS go?

2016-05-18 Thread mnaus
A couple of times I decided to disable and then enable LibreJS and now I  
can't get it back.  This happened once before and I solved it by reinstalling  
IceCat.  This time I tried running icecat as root and I also created a  
temporary regular user to run icecat.  LibreJS works with those other users.   
So I figured it is the settings, so I moved ~/.mozilla/icecat to ~/BAK.icecat  
and still LibreJS is missing.  Is there a better solution than either:

1.) Never disable LibreJS
2.) Or disable LibreJS and reinstall icecat to enable it again?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Manually starting X: virtual terminal switching issue

2016-05-17 Thread mnaus

How is:

sudo start lightdm

different than:

sudo lightdm

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where can I learn to do my own scripts?

2016-05-16 Thread mnaus

The second link I can download as a PDF, the first link only as an HTML

Re: [Trisquel-users] Manually starting X: virtual terminal switching issue

2016-05-16 Thread mnaus

Thanks. my /etc/default/grub file is the same except I have:


Instead of what is in the image you posted:

I'm not sure what the difference is?

Also, I don't know what the systemctl commands are for and I don't have that  
program installed by default.

My system does boot to a text console and VT7 is blank (lightdm and X are not  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where can I learn to do my own scripts?

2016-05-16 Thread mnaus
No. The file browser opens and in the bottom right there is a drop-down box  
which says HTML and if I save the file it is an HTML file.  With other  
people's links the drop-down box in the file browser says PDF and when I  
download the file it is a PDF file not an HTML file.

If you right click and choose "inspect element" your links are inside list  
tags  and  while SuperTramp's links for example are in paragraph tags

I'm not sure why that would make a difference.  Did you paste a list of links  
from somewhere rather than paste them one-by-one?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Manually starting X: virtual terminal switching issue

2016-05-16 Thread mnaus

Thanks for the suggestion. I had not heard of the service program.

I tried the "service lightdm start" and it loaded lightdm. When I choose a  
window manager and enter my password, the screen goes black and takes me back  
to the login screen. I tried a few window managers and it does the same thing  
with each.

After stopping this command with Ctrl-C I check the process list with ps -ef  
|grep lightdm and I see many processes (maybe 10) Some of these processes  
seem to be duplicates of other ones.

In general, I probably want to stick with systemd rather than SysV since this  
distribution is designed with systemd.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Manually starting X: virtual terminal switching issue

2016-05-16 Thread mnaus

Great suggestion! startxfce4 loads very fast!

For me the only drawback is that I often like to logout and switch between  
different window managers. So if I figure out a lightweight way to switch  
between window managers, then I will definitely use startxfce4 on a regular  

This is even faster than in the SysV days with startx. Cut out the display  
manager and things run very fast and smooth.  Thanks!

[Trisquel-users] Manually starting X: virtual terminal switching issue

2016-05-16 Thread mnaus
My desktop is configured to boot to a text-console. From there, when I want a  
GUI, I start X Windows by typing in VT1:

sudo lightdm

The GUI starts in VT7 but I remain with the black screen in VT1 so I must  
switch to VT7 manually with: Ctrl-Alt-F7
Now I am in VT7 and I see the greeter and I login. Then the screen goes black  
and I am back in VT1 so I must switch back to VT7 with: Ctrl-Alt-F7

Now I am logged in and I see my desktop and I remain in VT7 unless I logout.
If I logout from the XFCE menu the screen goes black and I am back in VT1 The  
greeter remains in VT7 until I stop the process in VT1

If I shutdown from the XFCE menu the machine shuts down and powers off.

My situation works, but I would like to fix it so I don't have to switch back  
with Ctrl-Alt-F7. This is more of a challenge than a necessity so please  
don't tell me just change to boot to GUI.  In the past, I don't remember  
which distro(s), I could type in startx and the GUI would start and I would  
automatically be in the correct VT with the GUI

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where can I learn to do my own scripts?

2016-05-16 Thread mnaus
The other links are probably links to links and yours are links directly to  
files. Still, I don't know why that should matter. My point was not that  
people here cannot access your PDF files, it was a question: why can I  
right-click with the other links but not with yours?

Yes, javascript is OK if it is free software. Some people, like myself, leave  
javascript off all the time. Now I know when it comes to PDF, I can enable  
javascript and run pdf.js.

I know that the point of LibreJS is to keep javascript enabled. But I find  
that LibreJS slows things down a lot when javascript is enabled.  I leave  
LibreJS enabled and javascript not enabled and if I go to a site and see it  
needs javascript, and if I really want to use that site, then I will enable  
javascript and see what LibreJS tells me.

With links to PDF files, I prefer to just right-click and download the PDF  
and then view with evince.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where can I learn to do my own scripts?

2016-05-16 Thread mnaus

"from experience mastering (comfortably) a trade usually takes 10 years."

Maybe, but you don't have to be a master bash script programmer to write some  
very effective scripts, or even to be a system administrator!  Mastery is  
necessary if you are doing very complex things.  Think of carpentry. You can  
make some very nice looking and functional furniture without being a master  
carpenter.  Want to make something complex, with inlays and carvings, then  
you need to be a master or artisan.

The basic principles of programming are the same in any language. One  
interesting thing about bash programming, is that you can write a script to  
run commands in the shell; Commands you could otherwise type in directly in a  
terminal.  Here is a trivial example:

cd /home/You

You need to know some things about the command line, like the need to make a  
file executable with:  chmod +x filename

And how to execute the file:  ./filename

There is an opportunity to learn more even with this simple example. Compare  
its output to the output you get by directly typing these commands in a  
terminal. Why is the listing not color when you run the script, but is in  
color when you run it directly in the terminal?

Bash scripting is a natural extension of using the command line (otherwise  
program in lisp or C or Java or Python or Perl or Ruby, etc...etc...).  So  
the first thing is to learn as much as you can about the command-line and get  
practice by using it often.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where can I learn to do my own scripts?

2016-05-16 Thread mnaus
Actually, I'm using the stock IceCat from Trisquel 7 on both my desktop and  
laptop and in both cases I have the problem.  I just diabled LibreJS and it  
does not matter. With javascript enabled it works, with it not enabled it  
does not work.

I tried with abrowser which has javascript enabled by default and it worked.  
I disabled javascript using about:config and it did not work. I re-enabled it  
and it did work.

So, I don't know what else to tell you. It seems that pdf.js requires  
javascript to view the file.

As I said, however, even though pdf.js can't display the file, it loads it so  
you can still right-click on the blank pdf.js viewer and can successfully  
download the pdf file.

The inability to play the pdf files with pdf.js is true for all the links  
here, not just Magic Banana's.  The difference is, on the other links I can  
right-click the link itself and download as a pdf. I don't have to left-click  
the link and start the pdf.js viewer.  With MB's links if I right-click, I am  
only given the option to download as HTML, not PDF.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where can I learn to do my own scripts?

2016-05-15 Thread mnaus
Excellent! Already I've learned more about commands I thought I knew well.  
Even though I solve the exercises, I see that your solution is always  

Aside from the clear advice you give here all the time, these slides prove  
what an excellent teacher you are. I've been a student in several Computer  
Science courses both undergraduate and graduate, so I know clear explanations  
of programming concepts when I see them!

Thank you Magic Banana!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where can I learn to do my own scripts?

2016-05-15 Thread mnaus
For the other links in this thread I could just right-click on the link and  
choose "save link as" and it saves as a pdf file.  For Magic's links this did  
not work for me.

Instead, click the link. If you use IceCat and have javascript enabled, the  
viewer will display the PDF and you can view or download using the viewer. If  
javascript is not enabled. The viewer loads, but the file is not displayed  
and the viewer's buttons don't work.  However, if you right click on the  
empty player and choose "save as", then you can save it as a pdf.

Will post again after I get a chance to look through these documents--so far  
they look great!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where can I learn to do my own scripts?

2016-05-15 Thread mnaus
the pdf file links aren't working for me.  They download as html files and  
when I open the html files with icecat I get a "server not found" message. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where can I learn to do my own scripts?

2016-05-15 Thread mnaus
The Linux Documentation Project  Great! Sometimes I forget about this  
excellent resource. Thank you for the reminder! 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Password Generator instead of a password manager

2016-05-15 Thread mnaus

I should mention that you can use this with file names containing spaces:

touch this\ is\ a\ test

creates an empty file called "this is a test"  there are three spaces and  
there are three '\' to escape them.

In the example: he*llo you replace '*' with '\*'

In the above example a ' ' is replaced with '\ '

You can see the shell do this automatically if after you created the file  
"this is a test" you list it with ls using autocompletion with the TAB key:

ls this[TAB]

Assuming you don't have any other files in the directory beginning with  
"this" you will see:

ls this\ is\ a\ test

Re: [Trisquel-users] Password Generator instead of a password manager

2016-05-15 Thread mnaus

Before I answer, I will tell you how I found the information.

other than echo and read and variable names and control structures like 'if',  
there are appear to be two programs used:

sha512sum | base64 -w 0

After reading the man page of both I saw at the end of the man page for  

   The full documentation for sha512sum is maintained as a Texinfo  
   If the info and sha512sum programs are properly installed at your  

   the command

  info coreutils 'sha512sum invocation'

   should give you access to the complete manual.

so I open a terminal and type:
info coreutils 'sha512sum invocation'

From this manual I found the answer.  Here is how you do that:

type ? to find out commands to navigate the manual

After you read about the sha commands you will see that they share the same  
syntax with md5.  So go back (use ? if you don't know how) and read the md5  
section and you will see this:

If FILE contains a
backslash or newline, the line is started with a backslash, and each
problematic character in the file name is escaped with a backslash,
making the output unambiguous even in the presence of arbitrary file

so if I have a file name like he*llo  it would be he\*llo if it was he\llo it  
becomes he\\llo

Re: [Trisquel-users] Buck up using rsync

2016-05-15 Thread mnaus

   -b, --backup
  With  this  option, preexisting destination files are renamed  
  each file is transferred or deleted.  You can control where   
  backup  file  goes  and what (if any) suffix gets appended  

  the --backup-dir and --suffix options.

  -From the man page for rsync

I think this just renames a copy of each destination file so they don't get  
overwritten by mistake.  If you have ever used Windows and download something  
more than once you get:

file file(1) file(2) file(3)

Or, using emacs it makes backups  with ~ :
file file~

But it is important that you RTFM or STFW  or you may lose your data!  Have  
you used this program before?  Why do you want to use this option?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Buck up using rsync

2016-05-15 Thread mnaus

"...with and without checking the make backup option?"

Are those the exact words used?  Could you post a screenshot?

Looks like there are a lot of answers from here:

Re: [Trisquel-users] i3 Window Manager

2016-05-15 Thread mnaus
Perfect!  All three of those work on my desktop.  Thank you! The ones with  
pactl that I listed above only work on my laptop.

For mute, this only turned the sound off, but I could not turn it back on!:  
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec amixer -q set Master toggle

Instead for mute this worked for me: bindsym XF86AudioMute exec amixer -q -D  
pulse set Master toggle

Re: [Trisquel-users] Do you support Santi to handle the project?

2016-05-14 Thread mnaus

"I'm trying to push the project forward to release it sooner."

This is my whole point.  You cannot push to make them release it sooner. You  
have no power, they will release it when they are ready.

"Just waiting for the new release to come out is easy."
Whew!  Awesome!  I'm glad you realize that it is easy.  Now you can wait like  
the rest of us and stop this annoying 'pushing'!

Re: [Trisquel-users] i3 Window Manager

2016-05-14 Thread mnaus
I like it.  It is really good for working with multiple windows without  
having to switch between them.  Lately I've used Trisquel and XFCE more, but  
I still have i3wm available to me when I feel it is especially suitable.

I like trying out different window managers. Next I will give ratpoison a  
shot. IMHO the utility of window managers vary by work flow.  How you do your  
computing will tell you which window manager is optimal for you at that point  
in time.  Still, a person usually spends most of their time in one window  
manager. Lately, for me that has been XFCE on my desktop computer and  
Trisquel on my laptop.

If I recall, one thing I disliked about i3wm is I couldn't get my desktop  
keyboard's media buttons to work (like volume control, for example) My laptop  
media buttons worked fine.  This could probably be fixed with a custom  
keybinding (to keys other than the multi-media keys)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Do you support Santi to handle the project?

2016-05-14 Thread mnaus

In the last post of the above thread, iscutwo says:

" took 7 months from Ubuntu 14.04 until Trisquel 7, and 11 months from  
Ubuntu 12.04 to Trisquel 6. So at that rate we would be waiting at least  
until early 2017. Let's hope not, but let's keep reasonable expectations. I'm  
excited to see what comes!" [my emphasis and strong tags]

Somebody should make a sticky which clears this all up.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Do you support Santi to handle the project?

2016-05-14 Thread mnaus

"...letting this project die?"

Why do you think it will "die"? Because the release of Trisquel 8 is  
happening 'too slowly'? Slow progress is not the same as no progress.

This is not our call. Trisquel is not a democracy. It is Ruben's project.  If  
you are suggesting Santi help Ruben, that is Ruben's decision. If you are  
suggesting that Santi become the leader, that is ultimately Ruben's decision  
as well. It is Ruben's project. Ruben has to decide who, if anybody, his  
successor will be. It is for Ruben and Santi to decide what they want to do.  
It is not our decision, and Ruben is not asking for our advice.  So...I don't  
understand this thread!

If you simply cannot wait for Trisquel 8, nothing is stopping you from  
developing your own distro!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem with desktop background and items

2016-05-13 Thread mnaus
Then the only thing I can suggest to try at this point is creating a new user  
and seeing if things work as a new user. If it does, that will help  
troubleshoot what to do with your current user.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem with desktop background and items

2016-05-13 Thread mnaus
Before answering the following list of questions, have you tried the  

Create a new, regular, user.  Then log in as that new user.  Do you have the  
same problems as the new user?

Just to clarify the details of your system:

0.) "i have copied the home folder via deja dup to another computer with  
Trisquel mini that worked fine before"  Is that what you have done here?  You  
copied your home folder from another system to the one you are now having  
problems with?  What happens when you use the default home folder given for a  
new user?

1.) What version of Trisquel are you using? Is it Trisquel-Mini?  If so, what  

2.) Did you choose all the defaults at installation?  In other words, if I  
went through the installer on your hardware and accepted every single default  
choice would I get your exact setup?

3.) After installation, did you make any major system changes?  Are you using  
the same window manager?  What window manager is that?  You mentioned  
Openbox, is that the default, or did you add that?

4.) Are you using the same DE as the default? Was the default XFCE?

5. Has this installation worked before?  If so, what are some of the recent  
changes that you have made?

6.) Has everything worked since your last big change?

Basically, what changes have you made to the default Trisquel-Mini install?

Re: [Trisquel-users] fsf gets money from google?

2016-05-12 Thread mnaus

"Recipients cannot help being influenced by their donors"

You are trying to compare this issue with campaign reform and similar  
corruption issues.  But there are at least two big differences: ease of  
impeachment, and number of issues.

It is easier for politicians to break their promises to the people once they  
are elected, because they know that it is very hard to be impeached.  Also,  
everybody knows--people and politicians--that there are many issues  
representing many different groups of people.  Some issues will receive  
greater emphasis than others, it is unavoidable.  They can break promises on  
some issues, and offend some people and not others.  This makes these  
politician's vulnerable to bribery.

By contrast, it is impossible for the FSF to break its promise to its people  
since there is only a single issue shared by everybody.  Also, even if they  
did break their promise, the members can reject them immediately ('impeach'  
them) and join, or form, another organization.

In other words, any deviation from its single issue will be obvious and they  
would be universally censured.  It is like getting a drop of tomato sauce on  
a pure white t-shirt--you can't miss it.  If you have a complex t-shirt, with  
lots of colors and patterns, it is easier to hide a tiny stain.

But you are right about one thing, the FSF is doing some things for its  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman Talk

2016-05-11 Thread mnaus
For reference, the following is a transcript of Stallman's statements, from  
the above video, regarding why the goal of innovation should be less  
important than the goal of freedom.

"Freedom is more important than technical progress, more important than  
innovation. Our society puts too much emphasis on innovation as a goal. This  
is to take for granted that innovation is good for us. Well there are  
situations in which innovation is likely to be good for people, and that's  
where the people can freely choose which innovations to incorporate into  
their lives. Then they'll reject the ones that are bad and they'll keep the  
ones that are good for them. And yes, once in a while there will be a  
long-term bad side-effect that they won't notice, but you can't avoid that.  
You make decisions, you occasionally make mistakes. But if people have  
control over which innovations they use, at least they can avoid the  
innovations that are a pain in the neck.

But nowadays that is not the case, people don't have control over this.  
Innovations give companies that make nasty products a chance to change them  
and it's the companies that make sure  the innovations serve the companies'  
interests They don't have to serve the users' interests. For instance, Apple  
made a big innovation with the iPhone by designing it as a jail--that is  
putting in censorship of applications so that the users weren't free to  
install whatever application software that they wanted as [they could] in all  
previous operating systemsBut the point is, that was a big innovation. An  
innovation that was subsequently adopted by Microsoft. Democracy was once an  
innovation. Tyranny was once an innovation. Innovations can be good or bad,  
and we make a mistake by prizing innovation so much. so as far as i'm  
concerned innovation is secondary."

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman Talk

2016-05-11 Thread mnaus
So, believe it or not, I had not heard of Jaron Lanier until I watched this  
video.  According to the interviewer, Lanier says that FLOSS suffers from a  
lack of innovation.  Stallman's answer, in brief, is that our society places  
too much value on innovation. That innovations can be good or bad and what  
matters is that people have the freedom to discover and choose the good ones.  
 "Tyranny was once an innovation; Democracy was once an innovation" says  

Elsewhere I've heard Lanier, a Microsoft lackey, call FLOSS 'uncreative' and  
'boring'. Above all else, Lanier's life is devoted to not being bored (like a  
little child who can't stand it if they are bored even for a moment). So he  
immerses himself into cutting-edge technology and innovation.  He finds that  
exciting. It is more 'creative'. Like his devotion to collecting and playing  
rare musical instruments. He is a sell-out. He has sold out his genius in  
return for the key to a room of exciting toys to play with.  Thus his job at  

If you compare Lanier's life's work to that of Stallman's, you see a clear  
picture. Stallman has spent his life sacrificing to give us all freedom.  
Lanier has spent his life avoiding boredom. Stallman is a hero; Lanier is a  

Re: [Trisquel-users] fsf gets money from google?

2016-05-08 Thread mnaus
"In truth, there are selfish people religious and nonreligious. We all make  
ethical choices. It is profoundly cynical to say that people need to fear  
divine revenge for not being good. I do good things because I want to help  
people. Most people do too."

Beautifully said.

Re: [Trisquel-users] fsf gets money from google?

2016-05-08 Thread mnaus

Sounds reasonable.  Perhaps this supports that view:

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to convice others to use FOSS

2016-05-07 Thread mnaus
OK, now I see your point.  It is true that different people understand things  
in different ways.  It is reasonable to adapt the style of the message to  
your audience.  Just make sure you are adapting the style only!

I really like root_vegetable's point:
" Try explaining it to young people and children. If they can understand then  
you are probably being clear about it. Think about what they would say"

I'll add to this by saying, "think about what they would ask" about the  
'facts' you are giving them.

The last thing you want to do is to convince them that this is all a bunch of  

These statements are not just directed at you albertoefg. They are for anyone  
reading this who want to spread the ideas of the Free Software Movement.

Thank you for creating this thread albertoefg!

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to convice others to use FOSS

2016-05-07 Thread mnaus

"I know you already like free software but this are for your comment"
Which comment?

Free software is software that has the four freedoms. If it is missing any of  
these four freedoms, it is not free.  Very simple.

The right to fair medical treatment or the rights regarding land ownership  
are not the same.  They may have some things in common, but they are not the  
same. The relationship of surveillance to free software is that with free  
software you can find out if you are being spied on. With proprietary  
software it is much harder, often impossible, to know.

It is very common for people to want to model all issues after the free  
software issues. To explain any injustice the way they would the injustice of  
non-free software.  These issues are not the same.  Similar, maybe.  But not  
the same.  Freedom in software is its own issue with its own unique  
challenges and we should treat it that way.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to convice others to use FOSS

2016-05-07 Thread mnaus
I have many times read Stallman's personal page on how he does his computing.  
He makes it clear that he is talking about his own personal choices and that  
he is not making any recommendations for others.  By contrast, in his  
speeches he is telling  others what he thinks they should do.

Bottom line, which is easier to argue with:

1.) All non-free programs are an injustice. Non-free software should not  


2.) Trisquel is better than Windows/MacOS?

Nobody has been able to effectively argue with me on point one. Meanwhile, I  
have read about a few people leaving Trisquel.  Not only did they leave, but  
they left frustrated and upset that it didn't work out.  They were  

I love Trisquel, I think it is awesome!  But it is not perfect.  It is  
constantly getting better, but it is not perfect.  It is software and  
software has bugs. The ideological issue about free software is an idea--it  
has no bugs!

Now this is all the ideal.  If you are talking to somebody that does not  
respond to ideas and they just want to 'try' it, then that is your only  
choice.  If you are talking to somebody that does respond to ideas, but you  
don't explain ideas well, have them watch a video lecture by rms!

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to convice others to use FOSS

2016-05-07 Thread mnaus

Well said.  Sad, but true.  It is the whole FUD thing over and over again.

I have family members--successful professionals with graduate degrees--that  
will trust me with valuable possessions of theirs, and that know I have  
training and experience with computers, yet if I suggest that I show them  
Trisquel in a way that won't affect their computers, they recoil with:

 "don't touch it, it is working!". "In fact, don't even stand near it or  
breathe near it or even talk about it--it doesn't like that. Don't mess with  
the monster and it won't mess with me!"

And they have a point!  They never know when the thing will crap out on them,  
so they better behave!  Change is dangerous. Just be happy you have a  
computer that works at all, they think. So when you suggest switching to  
Trisquel, you are suggesting they change their computing. They have been  
taught that change is bad when it comes to computers.

When you get somebody away from a cult you have to de-program them before you  
can do anything else.  Windows/MacOS users need to be de-programmed. They  
need to be shown the importance of their digital freedom.  Then they will  
want to switch to Trisquel without any convincing at all.

You will notice that Richard Stallman, who has more reason than anyone to  
show off GNU, chooses to talk about the ideology of the Free Software  
Movement, the situation people are in, and what is being done to them.  He  
could instead have seminars around the world where he actually boots up and  
demonstrates the GNU OS and shows why it works better than Windows/MacOS. He  
can say, "Try it, you'll like it!" After all, once they switch to Trisquel  
they will stay right?  They don't need any ideology, they only need Trisquel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to convice others to use FOSS

2016-05-06 Thread mnaus
If you are not committed to freedom, why should you sacrifice the hardware  
you have that has no free drivers?  Why should you give up program X that you  
need for work, that you like, that you know how to use, and with which you  
have created years worth of data that is in an incompatible format?  Why  
should you invest time to learn a new way of doing things if the old way  
works just fine?

The ultimate answer is: because freedom is worth it.  Period.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to convice others to use FOSS

2016-05-06 Thread mnaus
Fair enough. Applied to the strategy I suggested, you would help the person  
understand that her freedom is at stake. Explain to her that if she uses free  
software she can be free. Explain to her that sometimes her freedom will  
require a small sacrifice, for example a sacrifice of some convenience.

This approach is very different than, "Try it, you'll like it!". The problem  
with "Try it, you'll like it!" is that if they don't like it, they will  
regret having tried it and return to proprietary software.

If you say to her, "your freedom is at stake, you would be wise to switch to  
free software--for your own benefit, for your freedom."  Then, if Trisquel  
has some problem some day, her attitude will be, "How can I make this work,  
because my freedom is important".  Instead of, "I tried this because I  
thought it would be better than Windows or MacOS.  But I'm having too much  
problems, so Windows or MacOS really are better and I'm going back"

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to convice others to use FOSS

2016-05-06 Thread mnaus

Many of your specific ideas are excellent and I love your enthusiasm.

Your general approach of getting them interested first, by showing them the  
good things in free software, is reasonable. It sounds like a great way to  
get people started. I have followed this approach myself at one point. In  
fact, if free software required no sacrifices in convenience, then that  
approach might be good enough.

We want people to come to the free side and to stay on the free side.  People  
have to want to stay here in good weather or bad.  If they come here  
expecting good weather all the time, they will leave when they get some bad  
weather.  They need to come here because it is the ethical thing to do. Then  
there is a chance they will stay here even if it is inconvenient for them,  
and even if things don't go smoothly for them.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Maintaining Security and Avoiding Surveillance

2016-05-05 Thread mnaus

upvoted as well

Thorough, well organized, and well explained.  It is nice to have all of this  
information in one place.  I will definitely be returning here many times for  
guidance in making some of these changes.

Thank you! 

Re: [Trisquel-users] What are your favorite command-line programs?

2016-05-04 Thread mnaus

Just installed this.  Thank you!

Re: [Trisquel-users] What are your favorite command-line programs?

2016-05-02 Thread mnaus
I agree with everything you said.  Still, it does not explain why vi is  
installed by default and Emacs is not?

Re: [Trisquel-users] What are your favorite command-line programs?

2016-05-02 Thread mnaus
If you are going to have only one console-based editor it should be Emacs.  
The first thing I do after installing Trisquel is download and install Emacs.  
Why is it not installed by default on Trisquel?

As long as Emacs is not installed by default, you need to also know nano  
(although you don't need to know much since the commands are labelled right  
in front of you.).

If Emacs were installed by default, you wouldn't need to know how to use any  
other editor.

Sometimes you will find yourself in vi by accident. So at the very least  
everybody should know how to exit it!

(type first a ':' then 'q' and then '!' and hit 'Enter')

That is like preferring Spanish to English, but at least knowing a view key  
words of English anyway, like "help" or "don't shoot" :p

Re: [Trisquel-users] Creating email reminders from a calendar program ala google calendar

2016-05-01 Thread mnaus

I guess I can't edit my post if it is the first post of a thread?

Using the code tags put in the annoying "[at] and [dot]"  So let us see if  
this works. Here is the full command:

pal --mail -r 1 -c 0 | sendemail -f -t -u  
"Today's schedule" -s -o tls=yes -xu myusername -xp  

[Trisquel-users] Creating email reminders from a calendar program ala google calendar

2016-05-01 Thread mnaus
So I am trying to completely divest myself of all things Google.  One major  
feature I depend on, however, is email reminders from google calendar.  For  
some odd reason I have not found a libre program to do this (it must be out  
there, but I've yet to find it). For the moment I am using a calendar program  
called "pal" and it has the ability to send to email with the following  

pal --mail -r 1 -c 0 | sendemail -f -t -u  
"Today's schedule" -s -o tls=yes -xu myusername -xp  


Format output so sendemail can understand it. Send me the first reminder, and  
don't print a calendar

pal --mail -r 1 -c0

pipe output to sendemail so I can email it to myself.
| sendemail

key to options:
-f from email -t to email -u subject line -s smtp server and port -o  
name/value for authentication tls=yes -xu username -xp password

This works!  However, because sendemail is receiving piped input, it can't  
prompt for a password and I have to use a plain-text password in the above  

I would like to set this up as a cron job, but I don't want to store a  
plain-text password.

One final point: The program pal says that --mail is used with sendmail.  I  
couldn't figure out sendmail so easily, so I used sendemail instead. I don't  
know if sendmail could do this better?

1.) How can I do this in a way that secures the password?
2.) Is there something simpler?
3.) Could sendmail do this better than sendemail

Re: [Trisquel-users] What are your favorite command-line programs?

2016-05-01 Thread mnaus

Trying to use GUI programs whenever possible is perfectly reasonable.

It has been an off-and-on project of mine over the years to develop a large  
enough repertoire of CLI programs so I could in theory go without X Windows.  
Obviously, for things like presentation software, or pictures, or videos,  
etc... I'll need to fire up X Windows.

As for aesthetics, I actually like ncurses and the like.  It reminds me of a  
bygone era of monochrome CRTs and 5.25" floppies and even the dreaded DOS!

The most important reason I like CLI programs, however, is I often find them  
clean and fast and more robust.

The reason for this thread, from my point-of-view, is that many times people  
suggest interesting alternatives I would not discover on my own.  For  
example, you kindly recommended elinks in a thread where I mentioned lynx.  
This is not something I would have looked for, however, since I'm happy  
enough with lynx. Still, I immediately installed it on your recommendation  
and I'm glad I have a more user-friendly alternative. Thanks again!

Dare I ask what you mean by "commit messages"?

Re: [Trisquel-users] What are your favorite command-line programs?

2016-04-30 Thread mnaus
I've been intending to try ratpoison this weekend.  One concern I had was  
regarding the browser. Of course I could use lynx, but a browser is one of  
the most important GUI programs I use.  I might as well not even run X  

So now that you mention Conkeror, I am excited to try it all out.

I used i3wm and liked the whole tiling concept.  I've used a lot of window  
managers over the last 14 years--it is almost a hobby!

I love keybindings so I will probably like Ratpoison.  Besides since you are  
so thrilled with it, you mention it at every turn, I might as well try it and  
get it over with! :-)

[Trisquel-users] What are your favorite command-line programs?

2016-04-30 Thread mnaus
Following on this thread:

I thought it would be interesting to hear specifically about what CLI  
programs people like.

editor: emacs

terminal: gnome-terminal

text-browser: lynx

email: alpine, mutt

package management: apt

wireless: wicd

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does Richard Stallman have a protégé?

2016-04-29 Thread mnaus

"The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated"
-Mark Twain

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does Richard Stallman have a protégé?

2016-04-29 Thread mnaus

I agree

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does Richard Stallman have a protégé?

2016-04-29 Thread mnaus

"Like a brother in aRMS?"

*Groan*  :-)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquelize other non-Free GNU/Linux distributions

2016-04-28 Thread mnaus

Here is an idea:

Let's wait to talk about this until after Trisquel 8 is released.

If anybody agrees with your script idea, it should still be done after  
Trisquel 8 is released.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Penguin Adelie GNU / Linux Laptop

2016-04-28 Thread mnaus

Spy untu yu  lol, well done!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquelize other non-Free GNU/Linux distributions

2016-04-28 Thread mnaus

Is it easy to go from Windows to Ubuntu?
Is it easy to go from MacOS to Ubuntu?

It is just as easy to go from Slackware to Fedora.

It is just as easy to go from Ubuntu to Trisquel.

In all cases you download, put on DVD, and install.

What is the problem???

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquelize other non-Free GNU/Linux distributions

2016-04-28 Thread mnaus

OK, I understand what the OP really wants.

Ubuntu 16.04 came out and the OP does not want to wait for Trisquel 8


Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquelize other non-Free GNU/Linux distributions

2016-04-28 Thread mnaus
I understand exactly what you are saying.  You want to make it very very easy  
for an Ubuntu user to switch to Trisquel. They don't even have to think about  
the decision, all they have to do is hit a button (run a script).

But what happens next?  If they like Trisquel as much as Ubuntu, they will  
like free software.  If they don't like Trisquel as much, they won't like  
free software.  This is backwards.  First they must believe in free software.  
Then, they must make a commitment to use Free software (not because it is  
easy to do, but because it is the right thing to do). Then they will be  
willing to make sacrifices for it.

Since Windows and MacOS don't have a script that converts them to Ubuntu,  
these Ubuntu users had to install Ubuntu directly.  They already know how to  
install directly. If they are not willing to install Trisquel directly, they  
are certainly not ready for Trisquel.

It is not a question of getting more people to know about Trisquel. What is  
really needed is more advertising about the Free Software Movement and its  
emphasis on values.  Stallman is great, but we need about 1,000 more people  
like him and some commercials, billboards, movies, books etc... We need to  
get the word out.  We could do the same with Trisquel, but without the Free  
Software values, it is pointless.  Someone who cares about free software will  
look for Trisquel (i.e. they will already be reading and they will  
find Trisquel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquelize other non-Free GNU/Linux distributions

2016-04-27 Thread mnaus
Be specific. What exactly do you want to do when you say "trisquelize"?  What  
is Ubtu?

Re: [Trisquel-users] New York Wants To Know: Have You Been Texting And Driving?

2016-04-27 Thread mnaus
Stallman discussed this on his personal site back on 4/22/16:

"The idea of a tool to determine whether a driver's phone was used for text  
messaging at the time of an accident is fine in principle, but it is almost  
impossible in practice unless it snoops on a lot more than that.  I get the  
impression Android Auto is based on using proprietary software to restrict  

He links to this article:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquelize other non-Free GNU/Linux distributions

2016-04-27 Thread mnaus
I agree. If the distro cared about becoming free software, you would not need  
such a script--they would do it themselves.  If they do not care enough, then  
they will have respositories containing non-free software.  This would make  
them ineligible to become an FSF sanctioned officially free distro.

We couldn't help them if we wanted to.  They have to want to change. It is  
not as though they have never heard of free software! Now if you are asking  
why don't we create a free version of a particular distro, the answer is we  
did!  We took Ubuntu and cleaned it of all the non-free software.  Why would  
we want to do that again?  We could use that time making this distro even  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Who legally owns the Trisquel or 'Asociacion Trisquel'?

2016-04-27 Thread mnaus

I am also not a lawyer or an accountant.

I agree that paying salaries to employees that run a non-profit is no  
problem.  If one of those employee's is the owner (and probably also either  
the President or CEO), there is nothing wrong.

The only potential problem is if the salary is unreasonable.  The basis for  
choosing a salary is the same as in a for profit business. It is based on  
what the employee can do for the company--what their labor is worth.  If the  
salary is greater than or equal to the surplus, then the whole surplus should  
go to the salary.  If the salary is less than the surplus and the salary is  
then increased to absorb the surplus, that could be a problem (again, if the  
previous salary has already been determined and if the surplus is more than a  
reasonable raise).

For example let us say that a 1,000,000 salary is appropriate: last year you  
pay yourself 50,000 and the surplus is then 0.  Next year you pay yourself  
100,000 and the surplus is then 0. Next year you pay yourself 500,000 and the  
surplus is again 0.  And so on.  When the surplus is 1,000,001 then the  
salary is 1,000,000 and the surplus is 1.  If next year the surplus is  
3,000,000, then after the 1,000,000 salary is deducted as an expense, the  
surplus is 2,000,000

In other words, the employee (whether owner or not) should get an appropriate  
salary or be willing to work for less.  I could see the argument that the  
owner should not be allowed to make that decision as he/she is biased.   
However, in the USA we have the IRS and you do not want to mess with them!   
They are incredibly powerful.  They can throw you in jail if you evade income  
taxes.  This means the owner's income is known and others would sue the owner  
for fraud if he/she could not justify the salary they are taking.

More often than not, an owner/founder of a non-profit is doing the work  
because they love the cause and will tend to pay themselves less than they  
deserve (perhaps a reason why somebody other than the owner should determine  
his/her salary!)

In this case, clearly Ruben was taking a big pay cut to work on Trisquel.  
$500/month if Ruben spends 2 hours per day on the project then he is paying  
himself less than $10/hour.  A good programmer should make at least 5-10  
times that much. Even if he took the whole 8,000 it would be much less than  
he should get paid. If he was doing it for the money he would need to get  
paid much much more.

So, Thank you Ruben!!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icons on the bottom panel -- remove?

2016-04-26 Thread mnaus

"Yes sir!"

Thank you sir. It is nice of you to return the favor.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icons on the bottom panel -- remove?

2016-04-26 Thread mnaus

No, that is from the mailing list. They send it automatically, unfortunately.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icons on the bottom panel -- remove?

2016-04-26 Thread mnaus

stop posting email addresses

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icons on the bottom panel -- remove?

2016-04-26 Thread mnaus

Where did you cut and paste the quote from?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icons on the bottom panel -- remove?

2016-04-25 Thread mnaus
Hold down the ALT key and right-click on the icon. a tiny menu will pop up  
where you can choose to move or delete the icon.  Many people, myself  
included, have found this design unnecessarily confusing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Bitcoin, OpenBazaar and Minifree/libiquity

2016-04-25 Thread mnaus
Really looking forward to using Taler.  I think they said 2016.  Does anybody  
know of a narrower time frame (i.e. summer, fall, month X, etc...)?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-25 Thread mnaus
What I was referring to was the state of the drive before installation.
From what you are telling me, it sounds like the drive was brand new with  
nothing on it.  Then the installer formated, installed a file system, etc...

Well we did make progress.  The live CD has a non-empty /proc directory and  
it works.  My system has a non-empty /proc directory and it works.  Your HD  
has an empty /proc directory and it doesn't work.

Fixing that may or may not solve the whole problem.  But I think it is a  
strong clue.  I'm going to STFW and give more experienced people a chance to  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-25 Thread mnaus

"The /proc/ folder on the hard drive is completely empty."

That doesn't sound good.  Did you format the drive?  What file system did you  
put on it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-25 Thread mnaus
This file: lsmod.txt  is it from the hard drive install, or the LiveCD?  My  
guess is that it is from the LiveCD, since you can't run commands so easily  
when you are in the hard drive installation.  When you use the LiveCD and  
mount the hard drive, navigate the hard drive and find the file /proc/modules  
 and post a copy of it here.  Then we can compare it to lsmod.txt and see  
where they differ.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Windows and Ubuntu Might Become the Same Thing?

2016-04-25 Thread mnaus
A new thread was created in the troll hole for this.  I encourage you to  
resume the discussion there:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Windows and Ubuntu Might Become the Same Thing?

2016-04-25 Thread mnaus
"Skepticism  is generally any questioning attitude towards unempirical  
knowledge or opinions/beliefs stated as facts"


I agree with your main point, root_vegetable.  Your use of the term  
"skeptics" in a disparaging way, however, is both incorrect and ironic.  You,  
and several people here with similar views are expressing their skepticism  
toward many of these bullshit ideas.

Maybe you mean "charlatans" or "pseudo-scientists".  Not "skeptics" as that  
disparages yourself.  You are skeptical of ideas without a scientific basis.   
See the skeptics society and/or read the wikipedia article posted above.

I'm just trying to make sure you point our indignation in the right  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-25 Thread mnaus
Well, the last line of dmesg says it can't mount some removable media.  Do  
you have a USB device attached?

The thing is, you are saying the laptop works perfectly when run off the  
liveCD.  Let's compare the modules.  Use the LiveCD to access the  
/proc/modules file that is on the HD and post that here.  Then, while using  
the LiveCD, type: lsmod and post the content here.  We will then compare what  
modules are loaded in each case.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-25 Thread mnaus

Did you follow up on this post I made:

This person has a similar problem. It looks like modifying the initramfs may  
be a solution.  
same problem:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Windows and Ubuntu Might Become the Same Thing?

2016-04-25 Thread mnaus
Sometimes it only takes a 4th grade science project to debunk a  

" Emily Rosa, at 9 years of age, conceived and executed a study on  
therapeutic touch. With the help of Stephen Barrett from Quackwatch, and with  
the assistance of her mother, Linda Rosa, RN, Emily became the youngest  
research team member to have a paper accepted by the Journal of the American  
Medical Association (JAMA) for her part in a study of therapeutic touch,  
which debunked the claims of therapeutic touch practitioners."

P.S. I know I said I was only making the one post in this thread.  The key  
word was THIS thread--i.e. remotely resembling the topic of the OP: The  
Canonical/MS project.  This has gone so far away from the original topic, it  
has become a thread unto itself.  A thread that really belongs in "The Troll  
Hole" IMHO.  Don't get me wrong, I like a good discussion of scientific  
epistemology as much as the next person.  Normally, however, this forum is  
saved for helping people with technical problems.  If some of the veterans  
here are concerned with how this will all look to newcomers, and I think they  
are right to give that some consideration, then relegating this to the Troll  
Hole is really the appropriate way to go.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-24 Thread mnaus
What is revealing here is that your laptop works with Trisquel when using the  
Live CD!  In thinking methodically about what the difference is, I see it as  

1.) It is the difference in media, which you are examining now.  I agree that  
it is probably not the answer.

2.) The content of the install compared to what is on the Live CD.

In this second case, it may be that the install does not have the modules or  
drivers that are on the Live CD.  In other words, the install is not  
installing those modules/drivers even though they are available on the Live  

One solution in this case is probably to load the relevant modules/drivers  
manually.  To do that, you need to know what they are or have a method of  
finding out what they are.

My previous post with the link about initramfs may be your best bet since the  
symptoms that person was experiencing were similar to yours.

At this point I believe my experience has run out and I defer to the many  
people here that are more qualified than I am to address this!

The various recommendations I've made regarding testing have hopefully given  
you more information to present to those people.

Good luck, and if I think of anything else I will let you know.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-24 Thread mnaus
"I also plugged the SSD into another pc of mine, there everything worked as  
it should."

When you say that everything worked, do you mean that you could run your  
Trisquel install from the SSD but on your PC?  If not, then how did you test  
the SSD drive? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-24 Thread mnaus
Another alternative would be to install on a USB hard drive.  I've done that  
with Trisquel (as well as on my desktop and laptop).  If the OP has a usb HD  
or  usb thumb drive, that would be a worthwhile experiment.  Even if the OP  
doesn't have a thumb drive, you can buy one for less than $10

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-24 Thread mnaus
Also, I'd forgotten about replacing a hd in a laptop.  Even though I did it  
to a thinkpad back in 2004 along with changing the RAM.  Aside from the  
internal changes, I remember I added an external sound card and a bunch of  
other stuff.  In the end I would have been better off buying a new laptop!   
Although the thinkpad did work great for at least 5 more years.  It was still  
working well, but it got to the point where the processor was so old it fell  
below the minimum requirements of most new software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-24 Thread mnaus

Does that mean he can put back the original and try installing on it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-24 Thread mnaus

Then my recommendation was that he try that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-24 Thread mnaus

When you say, "I've switched the HDD to a new SSD"

What do you mean exactly?  This is a laptop correct?  So is the SSD running  
off USB?  What happens if you use the original HDD for the installation?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-24 Thread mnaus
This person has a similar problem. It looks like modifying the initramfs may  
be a solution.  
same problem:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-24 Thread mnaus

also, have you tried resetting the terminal by typing:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-24 Thread mnaus
When you are accessing the system using the live CD, what output do you get  
when you run dmesg and what can you find in the /var/log files

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-23 Thread mnaus
It wouldn't surprise me if you need to pass some parameter to GRUB.  That  
isn't something I know much about.

I have switched fonts in a virtual terminal before using setfont.

Make sure you are logged in the way you did before, and type:

setfont /usr/share/consolefonts/Lat7-Terminus28x14.psf

hit Enter

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-23 Thread mnaus

What happens if you try to start the GUI with:
sudo start lightdm
hit Enter
type in password
hit Enter

Then, if the screen is still black with white writing, try Ctrl-Alt-f7

Actually, maybe try Ctrl-Alt-f7 first and see if it is already started.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-23 Thread mnaus

I like onpon4's idea.
What happens if:
1.) you try to switch virtual terminals with Ctrl-Alt-F3 (or F1, F2, F4, F5,  
or F6)?

2.) You type in your username, hit Enter, then type in your password and hit  

Re: [Trisquel-users] What's your favorite not-so-famous application on Trisquel?

2016-04-23 Thread mnaus

On the lighter side:
GNUGo with cgoban: A Go playing engine with a GUI front end (cgoban).   
Although you can use GNUGo in ASCII mode if you prefer a text-based version  
use X11

More serious, but I am not sure how well known it is here (I had never heard  
of it before): i3 window manager  

Re: [Trisquel-users] New to Trisquel - No Gnome panel

2016-04-23 Thread mnaus
I agree. Over the years, when I wanted a lightweight setup I would use  
fluxbox or even window maker. Whenever I tried XFCE certain things didn't  
seem to work and the whole thing just didn't seem worth it.  In desperation,  
during some test one day, after trying many other WMs, I tried XFCE and it  
solved my problem. Now I use XFCE4 on my desktop all the time and so far I  
find it to be quite robust and as of now I have no complaints.

Like root_vegetable, I immediately configured XFCE to look like GNOME  
classic.  There was this annoying thing about getting panel objects, like the  
clock, to stay all the way to the right.  Then I found out there was a trick  
involving using a separator, and again all is well in Denmark!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Windows and Ubuntu Might Become the Same Thing?

2016-04-21 Thread mnaus

I will only make one post in this thread:

If I recall correctly, the argument was that this benefits MS Developers.   
How does it benefit Ubuntu?

I don't have an answer for that, and I'd love to hear yours.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Computer Hangs after waking from Suspend/Hibernate - How to locate pm-suspend.log ?

2016-04-20 Thread mnaus


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