[Zope3-dev] Re: [Checkins] SVN: z3c.extfile/ initial import of the z3c.extfile package

2006-08-10 Thread Florent Guillaume

On 10 Aug 2006, at 18:28, Bernd Dorn wrote:

Log message for revision 69391:
  initial import of the z3c.extfile package

Does this package tie into the transaction manager? I couldn't see  
any reference to transactions.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
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Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: [Checkins] SVN: z3c.extfile/ initial import of the z3c.extfile package

2006-08-10 Thread Florent Guillaume

On 10 Aug 2006, at 19:39, Bernd Dorn wrote:

On 10.08.2006, at 19:09, Florent Guillaume wrote:

On 10 Aug 2006, at 18:28, Bernd Dorn wrote:

  initial import of the z3c.extfile package

Does this package tie into the transaction manager? I couldn't see  
any reference to transactions.

short answer - no

files are stored based on their sha digest, so it does not matter  
if the transaction fails after the file is saved, because we do not  
have to delete it immediatly.

concurrency is also possible, because when the file is commited, it  
is moved to its final location, if another process uploads the same  
file and the same file exists (hash), it gets silently deleted,  
because a file only has to exist one time on the system.

i plan to implement some kind of pack mechanism, which searches for  
such properties in the zodb and then deletes all files which are  
not used anymore

IMHO it would be better and more efficient to register a data manger  
with the transaction when a file operation is done, and cleanup when  
the transaction commits/aborts.

But then I'm not the one coding this :)


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: OT: pytz

2006-08-04 Thread Florent Guillaume

Stuart Bishop wrote:

Ignas Mikalajunas wrote:

Thanks. I'd seen localize() in the README but all the examples have an
explicit is_dst passed which I didn't want. I didn't realize that
without it it would guess the right one (except during the 1h ambiguous


The is_dst parameter is more like If it is ambiguous prefer DST,
even when calling localize without passing the parameter it will not
do any guessing as is_dst is set to False by default. If you want
localize to warn you about ambiguous time you should pass is_dst=None
which will raise an exception instead of assuming that you prefer non
DST times in ambiguous cases,

I've been wondering if making pytz work like this was a correct decision. It
seems that people who know enough to care about DST transition periods
generally work in UTC anyway

What makes you say that? Any application where datetimes are 
user-entered and user-visible will certainly *not* want to store them in 
UTC, as users will want dates displayed as they were entered (meaning 
holding their original timezone, even if the timezone is not displayed).

If my French user say this expires 15 aug 2006 at 16:00 I want them to 
see 15/08/2006 16:00 in the document metadata, even though it's stored 
as 2006-08-15T16:00:00+0200. If the document is exported to another 
system, I want the timezone kept.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: OT: pytz

2006-07-27 Thread Florent Guillaume

Marius Gedminas wrote:

On Mon, Jul 24, 2006 at 01:08:39AM +0200, Florent Guillaume wrote:

Sorry about the offtopic, but can anyone shed some light on this:

import pytz
from datetime import datetime
tz = pytz.timezone('Europe/Paris'); print datetime(2006, 7, 1,  

I expected 1 hour, not 9 minutes???

Read pytz/README.txt.  You're not supposed to pass tzinfo to datetime.
You're supposed to write

   tz = pytz.timezone('Europe/Paris')
   print tz.localize(datetime(2006, 7, 1))

As you can see, in summer the offset is 2 hours due to daylight savings.

Thanks. I'd seen localize() in the README but all the examples have an 
explicit is_dst passed which I didn't want. I didn't realize that 
without it it would guess the right one (except during the 1h ambiguous 


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: SVN: zope.testing/branches/stub-testSetUp_in_layer/src/zope/testing/testrunner Implement layer.testSetUp and layer.testTearDown support

2006-06-17 Thread Florent Guillaume

Stuart Bishop wrote:

Log message for revision 68689:
+def testSetUp(self):
+A layer may define a setup method to be called before each
+individual test.
+for layer in reversed(self.layers):
+if hasattr(layer, 'testSetUp'):

Ah cool, pretty useful thanks.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: SVN: Zope3/branches/3.3/ - fix for issue 517: intid might generate long instead of int which conflicts with btrees

2006-06-17 Thread Florent Guillaume

Christian Theune wrote:

Log message for revision 68700:
--- Zope3/branches/3.3/src/zope/app/intid/__init__.py   2006-06-17 03:29:43 UTC 
(rev 68699)
+++ Zope3/branches/3.3/src/zope/app/intid/__init__.py   2006-06-17 04:10:29 UTC 
(rev 68700)
@@ -47,7 +47,10 @@
-_v_nextid = None
+_v_nextid = None   
+# Used for testability of random function

+__randint__ = random.randint

You should avoid such __names__, they are supposed to be reserved. Here, 
__randint would have been quite enough I believe.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: IEndRequestEvent question

2006-06-07 Thread Florent Guillaume

Thierry FLORAC wrote:

On Tue, 2006-06-06 at 13:32 +0200, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

My goal is to use request annotations to reference several objects that
should be treated after the main request process is done, and then to
subscribe to this event to fire these final modifications (so that, for
example, IObjectModifiedEvent is not fired too many times). Is it the
good approach ?

Why are you concerned about IObjectModifiedEvent being fired too many times?

Thanks for your previous explanations : it's clear in my mind, now !

My first idea with this problem was to say : a content object can be
modified several times during a request execution, sometimes by other
content objects and not only by simple editing forms (which
automatically fire IObjectModifiedEvent), and I want some kind of
expensive application logic (for example, reindexing) to be applied only
once, when all modifications are done.
So the IEndRequestEvent was, to me, a good place to handle this kind of
methods ; but your previous explanation show that I was wrong.
I also thought about using some kind of request annotations or volatile
attributes, but as event handlers are fired synchronously, I thing that
I can't know if there are more modifications to come before the end of
the request or not.
In fact, I thing that what I should need is a kind of
IBeforeEndRequestEvent, an event which would be fired before the end
of the request, but when transactions and local utilities are still

Of course, any kind of complement would as always be very welcome...

You could use another publication object that subclasses the afterCall() 
method (the original one is in zope.app.publication.zopepublication, and is 
where the transaction is committed).

But the base one should really send an event there.
How about adding a IAfterCall publication event?


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: TALES PathExpr doesn't call old style classes

2006-05-24 Thread Florent Guillaume

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Hi there,

I've filed an issue in the collector outlining a problem with old style
classes and TALES traversal: http://www.zope.org/Collectors/Zope3-dev/635

In particular, I'm looking for comments on problem #2.

Well, following the mantra of explicit is better than implicit I'd rather 
have ZPT never call things magically, but I know that's not the problem at 
hand and it poses backward compat problems anyway... Too bad though.

For #2 I'd just do a check that type(C) is classobj, even though this 
doesn't take care of proxied old-style classes (who uses those anyway?).

BTW your comment in the patch about getattr(ob, '__call__', _marker) 
triggering acquisition isn't really true, as attributes starting with '_' 
are never looked up by an implicit acquisition wrapper (although you can 
still ask for them explicitely by using aq_acquire).


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Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: TALES PathExpr doesn't call old style classes

2006-05-24 Thread Florent Guillaume

On 25 May 2006, at 00:38, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
just to get this straight: I'm not going to discuss in this thread  
changes we might do to TALES in the future. I'm strictly concerned  
this release cycle, not a future one. That doesn't I won't be  

in discussing these matters in the future...

Are there really usecases where something can go wrong
if we use the proposed PEP?

Calling something that may or may not be callable can yield at  
least two

different exceptions: TypeError or AttributeError (on __call__). That
means we'd already have to catch two pretty common exceptions and
therefore eat exceptions that might occur inside the called routine.
This would make debugging very hard. It also isn't mentioned in the  

currently that TypeErrors and AttributeErrors would be eaten silently,
so we'd really be changing the behaviour.

There *is* a way to check whether the error resulted from the current
frame or a lower frame. Introspections like these have the tendency to
be or become hacks, but then again, we use frame inspections in other
places, too.

Yes, I was about to suggest using the standard PJE trick used  
elsewhere in Zope 3 (to check for deep ImportErrors), namely:

except (TypeError, AttributeError):
  if sys.exce_info()[2].tb_next is not None:
  # here we know the exception was not deep
  # so the object isn't callable


If no one objects, I will fix Zope 3's PathExpr to check for a  

method using getattr() (as documented in the collector issue,
http://www.zope.org/Collectors/Zope3-dev/635) and additionally check
whether the object might be an old style class, as suggested by  
We will have to result to different measures in Zope 2 anyways, for  



Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: __contains__ and acquisition problem?

2006-05-19 Thread Florent Guillaume

Jim, as the author of the Acquisition classes, could you comment on this?


Florent Guillaume wrote:

Could anybody shed some light on what's happening here:

  from Acquisition import Implicit

  class Impl(Implicit):
... pass

  class C(Implicit):
... def __getitem__(self, key):
... print 'getitem', key
... if key == 4:
... raise IndexError
... return key
... def __contains__(self, key):
... print 'contains', repr(key)
... return key == 5

The class by itself behaves as expected:

  c = C()
  5 in c
contains 5
  3 in c
contains 3

Let's put c in the context of i:

  i = Impl()
  i.c = c

Now why is the following happening? Why is __contains__ not used?

  3 in i.c # c.__of__(i)
getitem 0
getitem 1
getitem 2
getitem 3
  5 in i.c
getitem 0
getitem 1
getitem 2
getitem 3
getitem 4

Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: __contains__ and acquisition problem?

2006-05-19 Thread Florent Guillaume

On 19 May 2006, at 15:36, Jim Fulton wrote:

Florent Guillaume wrote:
Jim, as the author of the Acquisition classes, could you comment  
on this?

Uh, sure.  What does this have to do with Zope 3?

Well, I couldn't find a better list :)

Anyway, the acquisition wrapper implementation hasn't been updated  
to handle

many slots that were added in recent years, including __contains__.

Ok, thanks.


Could anybody shed some light on what's happening here:

  from Acquisition import Implicit

  class Impl(Implicit):
... pass

  class C(Implicit):
... def __getitem__(self, key):
... print 'getitem', key
... if key == 4:
... raise IndexError
... return key
... def __contains__(self, key):
... print 'contains', repr(key)
... return key == 5

The class by itself behaves as expected:

  c = C()
  5 in c
contains 5
  3 in c
contains 3

Let's put c in the context of i:

  i = Impl()
  i.c = c

Now why is the following happening? Why is __contains__ not used?

  3 in i.c # c.__of__(i)
getitem 0
getitem 1
getitem 2
getitem 3
  5 in i.c
getitem 0
getitem 1
getitem 2
getitem 3
getitem 4

Jim Fulton   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Python Powered!
CTO  (540) 361-1714http://www.python.org
Zope Corporation http://www.zope.com   http://www.zope.org

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[Zope3-dev] __contains__ and acquisition problem?

2006-05-12 Thread Florent Guillaume

Could anybody shed some light on what's happening here:

 from Acquisition import Implicit

 class Impl(Implicit):
... pass

 class C(Implicit):
... def __getitem__(self, key):
... print 'getitem', key
... if key == 4:
... raise IndexError
... return key
... def __contains__(self, key):
... print 'contains', repr(key)
... return key == 5

The class by itself behaves as expected:

 c = C()
 5 in c
contains 5
 3 in c
contains 3

Let's put c in the context of i:

 i = Impl()
 i.c = c

Now why is the following happening? Why is __contains__ not used?

 3 in i.c # c.__of__(i)
getitem 0
getitem 1
getitem 2
getitem 3
 5 in i.c
getitem 0
getitem 1
getitem 2
getitem 3
getitem 4

Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/wfmc/ Preparations for persistent WFMC,

2006-04-29 Thread Florent Guillaume

Adam Groszer wrote:

Log message for revision 67734:
  Preparations for persistent WFMC,
  as discussed at the SwissSprint

  U   Zope3/trunk/src/zope/wfmc/process.py
  U   Zope3/trunk/src/zope/wfmc/xpdl.py

Hi Adam,

Please keep in mind that discussion at a sprint does not replace 
discussion in the list, and that changes to Zope need to follow a 
proposal-based model. Could you detail what your plan is?


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: Reminder: Feature Freeze May 1

2006-04-24 Thread Florent Guillaume

Jim Fulton wrote:

Don't forget that the feature freeze for the June release is May 1!
That is only 10 days away!  New features should be check in in a
*stable* form by then.  While we won't necessarily do a beta release
then, anything checked in for the new release must be ready for a
beta release when it is checked into the trunk.

What's the ETA for merging the various branches? Yours in Z3, Phil's in Z2, 
maybe Five... ?

I'd rather have them sooner than later.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: Update: The browser:page compromise

2006-04-23 Thread Florent Guillaume

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
If people don't like the 'browser2' prefix, I'm open to other 
suggestions. For all I care, the three directives I suggested could be 
on the 'browser' namespace, only browser2:page and browser:page clash. 
So perhaps browser2:page should be named something else. I can't seem to 
come up with good alternatives, though.

I haven't looked closely, but can't we have one browser:page whose 
behaviour changes according to what attributes it has? If old attributes 
are provided, a deprecation message is sent but the old code is used. 
Otherwise the new behaviour is in effect.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Update: The browser:page compromise

2006-04-22 Thread Florent Guillaume

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Thanks to everyone who commented on the first versions of this proposal.
People seem to object changing the old directives. I respect that.

I've therefore changed the proposal to introduce *new* directives. See
http://dev.zope.org/Zope3/TheBrowserPageCompromise once again. 

If this will be the recommended way of doing things, I'd hate to have a 
browser2 forever or even for the next year. This is just ugly.

I'd prefer to user either a clean new prefix, or a new name in the 
browser namespace, for example browser:publish.

Note that
I'm not mentioning deprecation of the old directives which doesn't mean
I want to do it. Here is a poll:

* Should the old directives be deprecated? (I think so)


* When should that happen? (I'd say now, meaning Zope 3.3)

ASAP. Dynamic class generation sucks.

* When should they disappear? (I'd say in Zope 3.5)

1 year after deprecation as usual.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] container preconditions inheritance

2006-04-20 Thread Florent Guillaume
If I have a container interface IFoo with a __setitem__.precondition,  
and if IFoo inherits from IBar that also has one, shouldn't the  
inherited precondition also be checked by  

I don't see that in checkObject's code..


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: eggifying zc.resourcelibrary, zc.table and others

2006-04-05 Thread Florent Guillaume

Tres Seaver wrote:

* the setup.py I'll create will only work with setuptools installed;
is this a problem?

Not from us.  You'd maybe get even more warm fuzzies from people by
making it not require setuptools, but that limitation doesn't bother us.

Okay, good. Warm fuzzies are nice, but I won't worry too much about that.

There is some support for kickstarting an eggifying project.  E.g.:

  $ export ZSVN=svn+ssh://svn.zope.org/repos/main
  $ svn cp -m Eggify $ZSVN/productsupport/trunk/project-template \

Note that such a svn cp will make it quite painful to dump the repository 
later on using svadmin dump and then filtering the dump using svndumpfilter 
to keep only this package. (We've been bitten by that.)

I'd suggest doing instead a svn export of the project-template, then svn 
import as your new package.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: Doctests for IObjectModifiedEvent

2006-03-20 Thread Florent Guillaume

Sorry, I was on vacation.
Without a traceback I'm not sure what you really mean.
Anyway Stefan already answered.
You should also read

to get an understanding of how event dispatching works.


On 8 Mar 2006, at 21:18, Egon Frerich wrote:


I want to have doctests which document the correctness of an  
handler for
 an IObjectModifiedEvent. But the 'notify' triggers a TypeError,  

the handler 'takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)'. Two arguments are

I have searched the tests in zope.app.event. The Doctests do notify  

I don't see any handler for IObjectModifiedEvent (and a proof the
handler does it right).


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: Last chance to comment on Simplify skinning

2006-02-24 Thread Florent Guillaume

Benji York wrote:

Gary Poster wrote:
What if we still deprecated browser:layer but  kept a redefined 
version of browser:skin?  Then your zcml--



could become

 browser:skin component=.interfaces.ShanghaiSkin name=ShanghaiSkin /

Even though it's longer, I still like the interface/utility version.  I 
think it really helps the developer understand what's going on and that 
it's not magic.  The decreased brevity is of secondary concern to me.

Helping the developer understand what's happening is laudable, but that's 
ultimately the job of documentation. When line count reduction is as drastic 
as the above, I really don't have a problem with having shortcut ZCML 


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: One namespace for ZCML

2006-02-14 Thread Florent Guillaume

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Yet again looking for comments, this time at:

Let me add my -1 to this.

I'm all for reducing the number of namespaces in the standard directives, 
and reducing the number of directives too, but getting rid of namespaces, as 
others have pointed out, removes clean ways of extending ZCML for 
third-party frameworks.

For example CPS currently has a cps:upgradeStep directive:

  title=Upgrade catalog from Zope 2.7

  title=Clean catalog of broken objects
  source=3.3.4 destination=3.3.5

Now you could have a CpsUpgradeStep directive, but I hope everyone agrees 
that prefixing names is a poor man's way of doing namespaces.

You could also maybe provide the same info using two or three other standard 
directives, but that would be very inconvenient.

Maybe a simple zope 3 component doesn't need to provide extensions to ZCML 
using a namespace, but any *framwework* on top of it will quickly need them.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: Deploying WSGI Apps with Zope 3.2+

2006-01-26 Thread Florent Guillaume

Sidnei da Silva wrote:

On Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 06:30:02AM -0500, Jim Fulton wrote:
| Sidnei da Silva wrote:
| On Wed, Jan 25, 2006 at 05:28:14PM -0500, Jim Fulton wrote:
| | There are a bunch of issues to be resolved, like the fact that it's
| | not possible to access the initial ZConfig options object because it's
| | thrown away, so, in order of priority:
| | 
| | 1. It's not possible to find where the INSTANCE_HOME is.
| | 
| | Why is this necessary?

| So the config file for paste.deploy can be in INSTANCE_HOME/etc/paste.ini
| Hm. I don't have the time to think hard about this right now,

| but I suspect the model you are following isn't quite right.  Rather than
| implicitly looking for a paste file in a magic location, I suspect that you
| should name the paste file in your ZConfig file or possibly extend the 
| ZConfig
| schema with components that reproduce what's normally found in a paste 
| config
| file (app definitions, server definitions, etc.).  Of course, either of 
| these

| options requires updating the ZConfig schema which is a real pain, so I can
| understand why you wouldn't want to do that.

And you're right to the point.

My original intention was to put the config file location in the
ZConfig schema, but that's *wy* too painful right now.

I thought Tres had added to ZConfig the possibility to have arbitrary 
key/values for arbitrary additional products. Or was this only in the 
context of Zope 2 ?


OTOH, it does seem to work pretty reasonably right now to serve as a
prototype. I have other concerns than if the config file location is
magic or not at the moment. I mean, it's probably better that it's
hardcoded to 'INSTANCE/etc/paste.ini' than configurable at this
point. I don't think one would need *more than one* paste.deploy
configuration file anyway, so changing it's name would be pretty

I think we can slowly progress from here, solving the ZConfig problem,
then the server-type-always-takes-db-argument and eventually end up
with zope.paste in the main tree and having the default wsgi server be
configured using paste.deploy.

BTW, I've updated the README.txt to include a more extensive
description of how to use it right now:



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[Zope3-dev] Re: RFC: ZConfig and other formats for ZCML

2006-01-24 Thread Florent Guillaume

Dieter Maurer wrote:

What I like with ZConfig is its schemas and especially the
ability to define datatypes.

I hope that similar things can be achieved with ZCML.

Of course it can, ZCML is defined in terms of Zope 3 schemas.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: RFC: ZConfig and other formats for ZCML

2006-01-23 Thread Florent Guillaume

Sidnei da Silva wrote:

On Mon, Jan 23, 2006 at 04:26:05PM +0100, Lennart Regebro wrote:
| But
| yadayada

| xmas hohoho
| easter bunny
| /yadayada
| Where is the logic in that format? It starts out looking like

| somethingML, but then isn't.

I suspect ZConfig was designed after the apache config format. I also
suspect you haven't configured much Apache yourself.

Heh, I have always found apache's format quite braindead. I'm not even 
speaking of the semantics...

Why they didn't switch to pure XML with the move to Apache 2.0 still eludes me.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: small proposal: a monitor api on live requests

2006-01-21 Thread Florent Guillaume

Tarek Ziadé wrote:


Add somewhere a table that keeps infos about all live requests, like:

- the current state: receiving | processing
- additional infos:
receiving - amount to receive / amount received
processing - what's beeing done (_last_obj_traversed, etc..)

and a few apis to get these infos

this could be hooked in the publisher's request classes in
 `processInputs()`, where we get the stream from twisted IIRC

That's interesting, assuming we can put the right hooks in place.


Could slow down the publisher 

There's another risk to take into account: security. You'll have to find 
a way for the server to make sure it doesn't divulge sensitive 
information to the second thread querying it. The server should only 
give information to the second thread about any other thread that is 
trusted with that information.

One way to ensure this would be to have some token passed by the first 
thread to the server that would also have to be presented by the second 
thread, if it wants info back.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: full closure of group membership

2006-01-12 Thread Florent Guillaume

Gary Poster wrote:

Primary problem:
We frequently want to know the full closure of group membership.  The  
groups attribute of zope.security.interfaces.IGroupAwarePrincipal is  a 
list of groups to which the principal directly belongs.  The full  
closure--including the groups to which the principal's groups belong,  
for instance--must be calculated by any piece of code that needs it.

Secondary problem:
The description of  zope.security.interfaces.IGroupAwarePrincipal.groups 
does not  sufficiently clarify that it is *not* a full closure.

zope.security.interfaces.IGroupAwarePrincipal has been around for  
awhile, and probably should not be materially changed (i.e., to  
redefine or add an attribute).


1) Clarify the zope.security.interfaces.IGroupAwarePrincipal.groups  
description: change from

List of ids of groups the principal belongs to
List of ids of groups to which the principal directly belongs

2) Add an additional interface to zope.security.interfaces interface.

class IGroupClosureAwarePrincipal(IGroupAwarePrincipal):
allGroups = interface.Attribute(
'a readonly iterable of the full closure of the principal's  

3) Make the principals in zope.app.authentication implement  
IGroupClosureAwarePrincipal.  First cut of 'allGroups' would probably  
be to make it be a lazy property, returning a tuple of the full closure.

Some might be unhappy that allGroups is not a hook point, but a  
convenience: that is, it will be a full closure, not an opportunity  to 
be clever to redefine how group membership is calculated.

+1, a long time ago I suggested something similar because in the CPS 
framework of groups we need knowledge both of direct membership and 
transitive closure (we have a getGroups method that's the direct groups, 
and a getComputedGroups that's the transitive closure and is used for 
instance when we have groups of groups).

I'm still not using the zope 3 principal framework but at some point I 
know I'll need it in zope 3 too :)

Do you think your interfaces fit the need of computed groups? I'm not 
sure if the meaning of computed is clear but I can expand on that if 
it's not (for instance, it could be for the case where groups exist 
dynamically according to some computation on the prinicpal's properties).


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Mini-proposal: zope.app.authentication group events

2006-01-12 Thread Florent Guillaume

Gary Poster wrote:

On Jan 12, 2006, at 2:11 PM, Gary Poster wrote:

def IPrincipalAddedToGroup(interface.Inteface):
group = interface.Attribute('the group to which the principal  was 

principal = interface.Attribute('the principal added')

def IPrincipalRemovedFromGroup(interface.Inteface):
group = interface.Attribute('the group from which the principal  
was removed')

principal = interface.Attribute('the principal removed')

Small change: clarify that these are ids, and allow multiple  principals 
to be specified.

def IPrincipalAddedToGroup(interface.Inteface):
group_id = interface.Attribute('the id of the group to which the  
principal was added')
principal_ids = interface.Attribute('an iterable of one or more  ids 
of principals added')

def IPrincipalRemovedFromGroup(interface.Inteface):
group_id = interface.Attribute('the id of the group from which  the 
principal was removed')
principal_ids = interface.Attribute('an iterable of one or more  ids 
of principals removed')


But why the ids and not the objects themselves? Wouldn't it allow for 
more flexibility?


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Mini-proposal: member-aware group interface

2006-01-12 Thread Florent Guillaume

Gary Poster wrote:

We need to be able to iterate over the members of a group, given a  
group id.  With the interfaces in zope.security, the only way to do  
this is to iterate over all principals known to the system, check  their 
`groups` attribute, and if the group id is in the list then  include 
it.  This is obviously problematic.

If we constrain ourselves to the pluggable authentication utility in  
zope.app.authentication, we have some help, but it is pretty  
inconvenient and conceivably problematic.  The following (untested  
sketch of a) approach is a good try for the common case, but won't  
handle nested authentication utilities, and relies on an interface  not 
in an interfaces.py:

from zope import component
from zope.app.authentication import interfaces
import zope.app.authentication.groupfolder

group_id = 'foo'

auth = component.getUtility(interfaces.IPluggableAuthentication)
for name in auth.authenticatorPlugins:
plugin = component.queryUtility(
interfaces.IAuthenticatorPlugin, name, context=auth)
if zope.app.authentication.groupfolder.IGroupFolder.providedBy 

principals = plugin.getPrincipalsForGroup(group_id)
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError('Not Found')

Or something like that.  As I said, this doesn't even handle some of  
the more complex cases.  Whew!

Add a new interface to zope.security.interfaces:

class IMemberAwareGroup(IGroup):
members = interface.Attribute('an iterable of members of the  group')

Then make the groups that the zope.app.authentication.groupfolder  
plugin generates implement the new interface.

I think I'm for it, but in some cases even though groups may be able to 
list all their members it may (if they're dynamically computed) turn out 
to be a huge list. I guess in that case you could simply not advertise 
that the group implements the interface.


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Re: [Zope3-dev] testrunner layers

2005-12-21 Thread Florent Guillaume

On 21 Dec 2005, at 16:04, Jim Fulton wrote:

Florent Guillaume wrote:
I didn't find the info I was looking for in the unit tests and  
docs  for the testrunner:

How are layers defined?

This is definately a hole in the testrunner docs.

Are they just a class with a setUp and  tearDown classmethod?
Is it enough to provide a layer attribute in the layer class?

A layer attribute is not part of the api for layers.

Is  there
a use of a 'base' attribute or is it just the unit tests for  the
testrunners that have it (they are full of # Internal to   
samples. Not

part of layer API so it's hard to know).

Layers are objects with setUp and tearDown methods and
__bases__, __module__, and __name__ attributes.  Classes
with class methods are a common and convenient
implementation approach.

In addition, a layer's tearDown method is allowed to raise
NotImplementedError to indicate that the layer doesn't support
tear down. This is actually documented in testrunner-layers-ntd.txt.

It is also a requirement that layers must be available for import
using their __module__ and __name__.

The __bases__ attribute indicates that a layer builds on other layers.
In that case, the base layers will be setUp before the layer and torn
down after the layer (assuming that the layer and base layers support
tear down.)

How does a test class reference a layer? Just by setting the  
layer  attribute to the dotted name of the class? Or to the class  

A test or test suite indicates it's layer through it's layer  

which must be either the dotted name of a layer or the layer itself.

Along what algorithm does the --layer directive match layers? Is  
it  an exact match, or a substring? A prefix? How does the base  
come into  play?

A regular expression match is used. This is documented in the
testrunner-layers.txt file, although that documentation doesn't make
clear whether a regular expression or substring match is used.
The options help does say that this is a regular expression.

Also, what's the intent behind no-tearDown layers?

To support layers that can't be torn down. :)

Most notably, changes made by ZCML can't be torn down.
See the layer defined in zope.app.functional for an example
of a ZCML-defined layer.

Contributions to the documentation would be welcome. In

- The command line help should provide a pointer to the
  text files. A lot of people haven't realized that there
  was extensive documentation for the test runner.
  (We should also apidoc bookify these files.)

- We need a chapter on writing layers.

- It would be good to clarify, where necessary
  in the text when regular expressions are used.

I won't have time to do this myself this year.

I'll write some doc when I get the hang of using layers (not this  
year either :)).


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: Certification: SupportingResidual InformationProtection in Zope 3

2005-12-18 Thread Florent Guillaume

Tres Seaver wrote:

A fairly drastic one, unfortunately -- catalog all role and permission
assignments and run a query as soon a user is removed.

CMF does this for local roles, and Jim is already on record as disliking

I am pleased with the *result*, which also allows the catalog to filter
normal content results efficiently based on the user's roles (the
original eason for the index).  OTOH, the *implementation* is grotty.

FYI in addition to the CMF 'allowedRolesAndUsers' index that Tres is 
alluding to her, in CPS we added an index 'localUsersWithRoles' exactly 
for the use case of being able to find quickly where someone (or some 
group) has a local role, to be able to remove it.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: rdb: Disappearing Connection

2005-12-13 Thread Florent Guillaume

Jim Washington wrote:
Spelunking a bit in the code, 
zope.app.rdb.ZopeDatabaseAdapter.isConnected() looks at whether 
_v_connection is present, not whether the connection is actually alive.  
If we fix this here, isConnected() perhaps should handle the case where 
the connection might be reaped by the back end db.

Frankly anything that uses _v_ attributes is asking for trouble because 
it relies on low level behaviour of the ZODB and persistence mechanisms. 
They can disappear at unpredictable times. Avoid them.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: RFC: undeprecate auto-message id translation

2005-12-06 Thread Florent Guillaume

Martijn Faassen wrote:

Current (deprecated) behavior of Zope 3

If a message id is defined in python, such as _(Foo), it gets 
translated by the page template engine automatically when it enters 
through a tal:content, tal:replace, or tal:attributes. No i18n:translate 
is needed.

My proposal is to recommend the use of i18n:translate for ZPT 
translation only, and let the ZPT engine automatically translate 
messages when they come from Python.



Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: RFC: undeprecate auto-message id translation

2005-12-06 Thread Florent Guillaume

Martijn Faassen wrote:
Zope 2.8 *is* actually interpolating and translating message ids 
correctly *without* i18n:translate already. I think that this is the 
same as Zope 3's (deprecated) behavior.

The problem is when 'structure' is used in TALES. If this isn't used, 
translations happen normally. If it is used, translations suddenly 
break, as do_insertStructure_tal is used instead of do_insertText_tal.

I can see that this makes sense if you structure in large pieces of 
HTML -- they won't have translations. It does however break a usecase 
where your message ids contain HTML. This isn't really clean, but very 
handy for translators sometimes, especially if they want to use HTML 
entities and the like. You can then use i18n:translate= explicitly on 
the structure, which will cause the *string* to be translated, without 
interpolation happening. This put me on the wrong track initially, not 
realizing the impact of 'structure' on the functioning of the TAL 

I agree that the use case of having translations containing HTML is 
important, and thus that we'll have to make sure do_insertStructure_tal 
also does correct interpolation when faced with a MessageID.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: Ajax in Zope 3

2005-12-06 Thread Florent Guillaume

Tarek Ziadé wrote:

Hi all,

Some UI works have been done lately around and in Zope 3.  I am thinking
about the work that has been done at Neckar sprint (Zope3.org website,
Viewlets, etc..),  and on projects like CPSSkins for Z3 at ECM.

I am planning to work on UI things as well, and on Ajax things in
particular, both for Zope 2 and Zope 3 applications, and trying to
choose the right Javascript toolkit for this.

Before starting it up, I was thinking that it would be nice if the whole
Z3 community would be using the same toolkit, and maybe, even integrate
it into Z3 itself.

This would allow developers to start some js things today under Z2/Five
and port them. This would also probably lead into a Z3 way to do ajax
and javascript things.

What people think ?

If this sounds like a good Idea, I would like to start a Z3 proposal on
this topic, and contribute on its integration in Z3.

Myself I absolutely love the approach taken by CrackAjax

I'm sure lots could be improved like improving python-javascript 
translation, allowing for explicit javascript when really needed, 
improving the testability, etc.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: zope.configuration and ImportErrors

2005-12-04 Thread Florent Guillaume

Florent Guillaume wrote:
Today it's very hard to debug ImportErrors raise inside modules  
referenced through a zcml directive, because the ImportError is  
swallowed an no traceback comes back to the user. Just a
  ConfigurationError: ('Invalid value for', 'class', Couldn't  import 
some.class, cannot import name somename)

which doesn't point anywhere useful.

I'd like to modify zope.configuration.config to something like:

mod = __import__(mname, *_import_chickens)
except ImportError, v:
+if sys.exc_info()[2].tb_next is not None:
+# ImportError was caused deeper
raise ConfigurationError, (
Couldn't import %s, %s % (mname, v)
), sys.exc_info()[2]

Instead of the simpler code that was there (this nice trick is by  PJE, 
and is used ).

Done: http://svn.zope.org/?rev=40527view=rev


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[Zope3-dev] Re: zope.configuration and ImportErrors

2005-12-02 Thread Florent Guillaume

Rocky Burt wrote:
Today it's very hard to debug ImportErrors raise inside modules  
referenced through a zcml directive, because the ImportError is  
swallowed an no traceback comes back to the user. Just a
  ConfigurationError: ('Invalid value for', 'class', Couldn't  import 
some.class, cannot import name somename)

which doesn't point anywhere useful.

I'd like to modify zope.configuration.config to something like:

mod = __import__(mname, *_import_chickens)
except ImportError, v:
+if sys.exc_info()[2].tb_next is not None:
+# ImportError was caused deeper
raise ConfigurationError, (
Couldn't import %s, %s % (mname, v)
), sys.exc_info()[2]

+1 for any fix.

+1 for this fix :)

Ok I'll try to check this in during the weekend.


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[Zope3-dev] Re: ObjectMover events

2005-12-01 Thread Florent Guillaume

Florent Guillaume wrote:
I dont' know if this affect the events itself but there is also a 
problem in the ObjectMover.

If you use the ObjectMover from copypastemove on IDependable 
(registered) objects, it's not possible to move a object because of 
the order the move process is implemented.

target[new_name] = obj
del container[orig_name]

Doh. I hadn't looked at that code.

if the ObjectAdded Event will add a dependency to the object we can't 
delete them in the container.

If this should be fixed, I'm not sure if the ObjectMover should copy
dependable objects, then the order should be:

del container[orig_name]
target[new_name] = obj

This means the events order in this usecase looks like:


Where the IObjectMovedEvent notifies about the sucessful move.
Anyway, add a object to a container where is at the same time in
a second container is a bad idea in my point of view.

I think ObjectMover doesn't care about events but it should. It should 
do whatever is necessary so that only one IObjectMovedEvent is 
generated. I'll look at that.

Actually the ObjectMover code is correct, it doesn't send the events you say 
it sends. I added a test for this:



Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: Contained events interface inheritance order

2005-11-30 Thread Florent Guillaume

On 30 Nov 2005, at 20:20, Tres Seaver wrote:

Florent Guillaume wrote:

On 30 Nov 2005, at 17:04, Jim Fulton wrote:

Florent Guillaume wrote:

On 30 Nov 2005, at 13:17, Jim Fulton wrote:

(Is there some reason for the urls you give to have spaces in  
It makes them harder to follow. It appears that this is a mac  

It's rather annoying.)

This is the delsp parameter of rfc3676, which apparently only   

Mail implements, I've no idea why the other mailers haven't
followed  suit.

Perhaps because it is really annoying?

Only because Mozilla doesn't implement that RFC :-). Otherwise  
you'd  be

able to see perfectly wrapped messages and non-broken URLs.

I don't think RFC 3676 intends to wrap URLs;  it is about signalling
soft line breaks, which aren't normally found within tokens:

- From http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3676.html, section 4.2

   Regardless of which technique is used, a generating agent  

   insert a space in an unnatural location, such as into a word (a
   sequence of printable characters, not containing spaces, in a
   language/coded character set in which spaces are common).  If  

   with such a word which exceeds 78 characters (but less than 998
   characters, the [SMTP] limit on line length), the agent SHOULD  

   the word as is and exceed the 78-character limit on line length.

Well I don't want to appear to defend Apple Mail too much here, but  
splitting a URL after a / can be seen as a natural location.

And in any case this wouldn't be a problem if Mozilla coders weren't  
lazy :-) (decoding rfc3676 (which is nearly 2 years old now) is  
trivial when you already do rfc2646 (format=flowed))

Or just buy a Mac ;)


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
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Re: Apple's mailer is annoying ( was Re: [Zope3-dev] Contained events interface inheritance order)

2005-11-30 Thread Florent Guillaume

On 30 Nov 2005, at 21:03, Jim Fulton wrote:

Florent Guillaume wrote:

On 30 Nov 2005, at 17:04, Jim Fulton wrote:

Florent Guillaume wrote:

On 30 Nov 2005, at 13:17, Jim Fulton wrote:

(Is there some reason for the urls you give to have spaces in  
It makes them harder to follow. It appears that this is a mac  

It's rather annoying.)

This is the delsp parameter of rfc3676, which apparently only   
Apple  Mail implements, I've no idea why the other mailers  
haven't  followed  suit.

Perhaps because it is really annoying?
Only because Mozilla doesn't implement that RFC :-). Otherwise  
you'd  be able to see perfectly wrapped messages and non-broken URLs.

I don't see how.  Here's an excerpt of the raw source of your message:

 From the archives I can find this was decided after:
but without motivation for this part. I'm still looking for the

There is no way for my mail client to know that

SimplifyObjectLifecycleAndLocationEvents should be clued together.
URLs often end in /s.  Implicitly joining text following a / is  

likely to lead to invalif URLs.

Actually in the raw source there's a space after the / and before the  
CRLF. When delsp=Yes (which is the case in the original headers Apple  
Mail sends), and when the line is deemed flowed (which is the case  
here because the line ends with a space), the lines should be joined  
and one space character removed.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
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Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Event fixes

2005-11-29 Thread Florent Guillaume


On 29 Nov 2005, at 08:27, Dominik Huber wrote:

Florent Guillaume wrote:

Excuse my insistence, but the only thing I *added* was a  
modification  event when you reorder the children of an ordered  
container. Before  attacking it, please undestand what I checked in.

Excuse the confusion of my mail. I was to tired yesterday. I try it  
another time :)

zope.app.container.contained.py,  line 594
def setitem(container, setitemf, name, object):
   if event:

But Dominik, before my modification, the code was:

if event:

Where `modified` is defined in zope.app.event.objectevent and does:

def modified(object, *descriptions):
notify(ObjectModifiedEvent(object, *descriptions))

So I didn't introduce a redundant event, it's always been there.

This method is called every time when an item is set to a  
container. Isn't it?
Therefore additionally to the object moved resp. object added event  
newly an container modified event is notified.

The second notification is kind of redundant information to the  
framework, because we can get all the information from the first  
event. The only problem - and there I'm with you - is that the  
subscription for handlers that applies to the container itself is  
cumbersome (- Use case A, for example modification handlers for  

The solution you have choosen to solve use case A brings two  
disadvantages to my applications:

1. I'm not able to make batchwise additions to a container and  
notify afterward a single modification event of the container  
anymore (Anology: Modification event within the form framework are  
notified by views (adapters) - The model itself notifies never an  
modification, because those events would be to granular (an event  
for each edited attribute)

2. For complex event proceeding of components I sometimes use a  
single handler that is registered to different events. This brings  
the advantage that you can bundle event-specific code within one  
handler (omit redundant and distributed logic - more  
understandable). Now the disadvantage is that  those handlers get  
invoked twice during the same logical transaction (once by moved  
event and right afterward by the modified event). This additional  
event is cluttering, because once the container modified event is  
notified to handle an additional container state (- Use case B,  
for example ordered containers) and once a only state that is  
already covered by the moved event. The container modified event  
covers two use cases (A and B), but is not able to model them  

These are two very valid use cases, and I believe they are answered  
by pre-setting __parent__ and __name__ on the object before adding/ 
moving/removing it -- again, code I didn't introduce. Please read the  
docstring for containedEvent() and uncontained().


Other solution would be...
Use Case A:... to dispatch the moved event using a similar  
mechanism like dispatchToSublocations-handler (- 
dispatchToParentHandler) without notifying a second modified event.

Use Cas B: as you proposed or modification descriptors

Mixture Use Case A and B: We could use modification descriptors to  
stuff the semantical lack of the container modified event, but  
then... ;)

I think I understand your intention. The only thing I realy  
defend  is the fact that we should not implement different  
approaches  (models of a containment hierarchy) using the same  
events, because  we have no change to differ those point of views  
within our event  handlers. Therefore it is very important that  
we notify only one  event (IObjectModifiedEvent.isOrExtends 
(event)), because we don't  have a chance to check for redundant  
event informations that  affects different logical systems.

I'm realy tired of this hick-hack-thread. IMO the correct way  
would  be a proposal for such a fundamental change.

I'm always for a good dicussion thread when things have to be  

But here I think there's a big misunderstanding.

I hope I could lighten the msiunderstanding a little bit.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Zope3-dev] zope.configuration and ImportErrors

2005-11-29 Thread Florent Guillaume
Today it's very hard to debug ImportErrors raise inside modules  
referenced through a zcml directive, because the ImportError is  
swallowed an no traceback comes back to the user. Just a
  ConfigurationError: ('Invalid value for', 'class', Couldn't  
import some.class, cannot import name somename)

which doesn't point anywhere useful.

I'd like to modify zope.configuration.config to something like:

mod = __import__(mname, *_import_chickens)
except ImportError, v:
+if sys.exc_info()[2].tb_next is not None:
+# ImportError was caused deeper
raise ConfigurationError, (
Couldn't import %s, %s % (mname, v)
), sys.exc_info()[2]

Instead of the simpler code that was there (this nice trick is by  
PJE, and is used ).

Also I need to fix zope.configuration.xmlconfig, today it has a bare  

self.context.begin(name, data, info)
if self.testing:
raise ZopeXMLConfigurationError, (
info, sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]
), sys.exc_info()[2]

Shouldn't it just catch ConfigurationError?

With both changes I get much nicer error report: just a traceback  
with the correct info.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: Event fixes

2005-11-28 Thread Florent Guillaume

Dominik Huber wrote:
The modification descriptiors were introduced by Uwe Ostermeier to 
handle the versioning and cataloging stuff. I'm not an expert in that 
field, but in my understanding the modification descriptors are more 
general and your case is a subset that could be handled with them. As a 
developer, I would still prefer one concept, because it's easier to 
adapt. Sufficiently fundamental cases are always a shaky discrimination 
to differ two concepts for future implementation decisions.

If you don't feel that containment boundaries are a sufficiently fundamental 
concept, then we have a strong disagreement. I stand by what I checked in.

And BTW with modification descriptions I couldn't write a simple adapter 
for this. I'd have to have a generic adapter for IObjectModifiedEvent, then 
iterate over all the descriptions and filter by hand. Yuck.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
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Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Event fixes

2005-11-28 Thread Florent Guillaume

On 28 Nov 2005, at 22:09, Dominik Huber wrote:

Florent Guillaume wrote:

On 28 Nov 2005, at 19:30, Dominik Huber wrote:

But at least the event notifications within the setitem function  
is  kind of redundant.
An add-, move- and remove- event is a part of the container   
framework. Therefore we can assume that the underlying container   
referenced by the event.object.__parent__ has changed too.

file: zope.app.container.contained.py:

def setitem(container, setitemf, name, object):
   if event:

If you don't have this container notification, then when you want  
to  know when a given container object is modified you have to  
listen to  all add, remove and move events, and then introspect  
their oldParent  and newParent. Doh.

The object event framework promises you that if there is  
something  happening to an object, you get notified of it  
directly. That's what  I'm doing here, I'm notifying that the  
container object was modified,  because it was.

If you have a problem with that event, then you should have a  
problem  with the whole concept of event dispatching to  
sublocations, which  are also redundant but which we want to  
make explicit nevertheless,  for the benefit of subscribers.

Dispatching does not mean redundant event information!

IMO, there are three use cases mixed up:
1. Notification if the *order* of container was changed.
2. Notification if the content of a container was *moved* (add- and  
move events).
3. Notification if the *content* of a container was changed  
(Mechansim to inform super (parent) objects)

Yes there are certainly several problems intertwinned.

1. A subtype of IObjectModifiedEvent could make sense, because only  
the state of the container changed.
(Here is our dispute wether we implement such an event as subtype  
or be the general object modified event and modification descriptors.)

Yes that's where I thought our dispute was all along. I appreciate  
your point of view here, even though I don't agree with it. We'd want  
external opinions. Jim appeared to say that the subtype-based  
approach had merit, and that the description-based approach had merit  
too but wasn't adequately worked out.

2. A subtype of IObjectModifiedEvent is cluttering because of  
redundant modification events. The modification is caused by the  
Regularly the dispatching related to the containment hierarchy  
tries to emulate an information flow from *parent - child*,  
because children should be informed if the location information has  
been changed. But the other way around you need *never* a  
notification, because the container is aware of changes related to  
the container framework! Here an more adequat solution would be an  
internal container framework event that derives from IObjectEvent  
but not from IObjectModifiedEvent, because otherwise we would  
notify the same modification using two redundant modification events.

Here you lost me. I changed the type of event sent to a subclass of  
what it was before. Before, it was IObjectModifiedEvent. So all  
you're saying applies to code that's been there *forever*. Yes, there  
are multiple events dispatched for a single operation. It's always  
been like that.

Please reread my checkin:

There was already code before that sent an event about the container.  
That I didn't add.

3.  IMO you are introducing something like a  
dispatchToParentLocations information flow from *child - parent*

I didn't introduce any fundamental concept, I only specialized an event.

similar to the dispatchToSublocations (*parent - child* ). I like  
this idea, but I would generalize it: It might be interesting for  
parents to be informed if the state of a containment has changed.

def dispatchToParentLocations(object, event):
   parents = IParents(object, None)
   if parents is not None:
   for parent in parents :
   for ignored in zapi.subscribers((parent, event), None):
   pass # They do work in the adapter fetch


But then we would have the problem, that we could not differ child- 
parent and parent-child handlers...

Florent, excuse my insistence, but I'm afraid that we mess up the  
notification mechanism.

Excuse my insistence, but the only thing I *added* was a modification  
event when you reorder the children of an ordered container. Before  
attacking it, please undestand what I checked in.

I think I understand your intention. The only thing I realy defend  
is the fact that we should not implement different approaches  
(models of a containment hierarchy) using the same events, because  
we have no change

[Zope3-dev] Re: Event fixes

2005-11-25 Thread Florent Guillaume

Stephan Richter wrote:

On Thursday 24 November 2005 07:13, Florent Guillaume wrote:

I'd like to do a few simple fixes to events in Zope 3.2 before it's
too late:

- Add the source to IObjectCopiedEvent, per
I believe I received a +1 on this

- Make OrderedContainer.updateOrder send an IObjectModifiedEvent.
Today when you change the order no event at all is fired, this is wrong.

Eek, +1 definitely.

- Finally I'd like to make all containers send a specific subclass
instead of just an IObjectModifiedEvent (I propose naming it
IContainerModifiedEvent), because it makes it possible to isolate
change to an object that only affect the 'containment' aspect of it.
Subscribers can then have specific optimizations, for instance a
catalog would want to isolate this because it only affects
containment boundaries and not the content of the object. (This is
a concrete use case BTW, in CPS's event model we have this
distinction and it's useful.)


This shouldn't affect existing subscribers at all, because they'd be
subscribing to IObjectModifiedEvent and this would still match.


Please give me your opinion on this quickly, unless you're too busy
flaming :)

So, +1 for the proposal.

I've checked in all that.

I didn't follow Dominik's suggestion of using IModificationDescription 
because I feel this a case sufficiently fundamental that we really want a 


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: Reunite Zope 2 and Zope 3 in the source code repository

2005-11-24 Thread Florent Guillaume

Stephan Richter wrote:

On Thursday 24 November 2005 00:41, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

At least no one is expecting to make such big changes by yourself. Being
stubborn and refusing to do further contributions, be they large or small,
isn't going to get us anywhere. The people who are so far backing up this
proposal have nothing but support to offer and you know that.

I am as stubborn refusing this proposal as you are pushing it. Right now there 
are more -1 votes than +1 votes.

My vote is a +1 too.

Maybe it is time retract the proposal? 
Furthermore, I have yet to see contributions for Zope 3 from people using 
Five. We are not even getting bug reports.

Maybe because the small part of Zope 3 they use through Five is well tested?

Frankly if someone refactors Zope 3 and this causes tests breakage in Zope 2 
or Five tests, a Zope 2 or a Five developer will be happy to fix them very 
quickly, and there's a 50% chance that it will reveal something missed in 
the Zope 3 tests.

Also I've seen some comments that the Zope 3 base will become polluted, 
that's nonsense, there will always be pure packages of Zope 3 out there 
without the Zope 2 part. Remember this is a proposal about merging 
repositories only, so that lots of time is not wasted setting up sandboxes, 
merging stuff left and right, and running tests in some forgotten area that 
also matters.

And if Zope 3 developers don't want to run the Zope 2 tests because they're 
costly in time, it's trivial to do so.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope3-dev] Event fixes

2005-11-24 Thread Florent Guillaume
I'd like to do a few simple fixes to events in Zope 3.2 before it's  
too late:

- Add the source to IObjectCopiedEvent, per
I believe I received a +1 on this

- Make OrderedContainer.updateOrder send an IObjectModifiedEvent.  
Today when you change the order no event at all is fired, this is wrong.

- Finally I'd like to make all containers send a specific subclass  
instead of just an IObjectModifiedEvent (I propose naming it  
IContainerModifiedEvent), because it makes it possible to isolate  
change to an object that only affect the 'containment' aspect of it.  
Subscribers can then have specific optimizations, for instance a  
catalog would want to isolate this because it only affects  
containment boundaries and not the content of the object. (This is  
a concrete use case BTW, in CPS's event model we have this  
distinction and it's useful.)

This shouldn't affect existing subscribers at all, because they'd be  
subscribing to IObjectModifiedEvent and this would still match.

Please give me your opinion on this quickly, unless you're too busy  
flaming :)


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Zope3-dev] Re: branched Zope 2.9

2005-11-13 Thread Florent Guillaume

[Reply-To and Followup-To zope-dev]

Andreas Jung wrote:

Anyway if we want to go further we need to schedule bug days. One per
week, or something like that. Otherwise nobody will set aside the time to
discuss, investigate and fix the current bugs.

Right, right, but there must be enough people to fix bugs...the last 
bugs days we had were not sooo successful. 

Then let's try again :)

There is no way to enforce 
contributors to fix bugs. Speaking for myself I look at bugs from time 
to time and see what I can fix. There are bunch of bugs where you don't 
know if it is a bug or a feature...it's basically a question of having  

But having specific days set aside is still a good incentive.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope3-dev] Object event dispatching in Zope

2005-11-09 Thread Florent Guillaume
I've posted a blog entry about object event dispatching which tries  
to details that complex process:

Also on Monday I posted an entry detailing how these object events  
can be used through Five in Zope 2.9:

Comments welcome.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of RD
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Zope3-dev] _notifyOfCopyTo

2005-09-26 Thread Florent Guillaume
Zope 2, when it copies/moves an object, calls ob._notifyOfCopyTo to  
allow it to veto the copy *before* it is done if it doesn't like the  
destination container.

In Zope 3, is it worthwhile to have a kind of ObjectWillBeCopied/ 
Added event for that, or do you guys feel that this kind of vetoing  
should be done by simply subscribing to ObjectAddedEvent or one of  
its friends?

I'm asking because I'm in the middle of converting Zope 2's OFS  
spaghettis to cleaner event-based code (and deprecating things like  
_notifyOfCopyTo and _postCopy).


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Zope3-dev] event before delete

2005-09-26 Thread Florent Guillaume
More generally, there's a difference in philosophy between Zope 2 and
Zope 3 here:

- Zope 2 calls manage_beforeDelete *before* the removal,
- Zope 3 sends IObjectRemovedEvent *after* the removal.

This will make some porting / compatibility more difficult. I may add an
IObjectWillBeRemovedEvent in Five for that, but maybe it makes sense to
have it in pure Zope 3 ?


Florent Guillaume  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Zope 2, when it copies/moves an object, calls ob._notifyOfCopyTo to  
 allow it to veto the copy *before* it is done if it doesn't like the  
 destination container.
 In Zope 3, is it worthwhile to have a kind of ObjectWillBeCopied/ 
 Added event for that, or do you guys feel that this kind of vetoing  
 should be done by simply subscribing to ObjectAddedEvent or one of  
 its friends?
 I'm asking because I'm in the middle of converting Zope 2's OFS  
 spaghettis to cleaner event-based code (and deprecating things like  
 _notifyOfCopyTo and _postCopy).

Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: RFC: Rename principal to participant

2005-09-16 Thread Florent Guillaume

Steve Alexander wrote:

Interesting. It looks to me like you're calling a User object what the
CMF calls a Member.

Sure.  Does the CMF have any users who aren't members?

The theory is a bit hazy but the practice is quite clear: in CMF all 
participants are members. The Member object is just a wrapping around the 
standard User object created during authentication. This wrapping is useful 
for annotations (email, last_login_time) and other indirections so that 
Member properties storage is actually dealt with by another tool (the 
MemberData tool).


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Timezones

2005-09-08 Thread Florent Guillaume
I'm seeing lots of discussion about timezone handling, but I'm afraid I 
haven't quite grasped the problem, and why an additional module pytz is 
needed in addition to the standard datetime, if everyone uses UTC? Is 
standard python datetime buggy?

Could someone do a short writeup of what's at stake and what's recommended?



Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: Proposed widget/schema work for the Rivah sprint (Thursday and Friday this week)

2005-09-07 Thread Florent Guillaume

Jim Fulton wrote:

I think that sources are different than initial value.  I really don't
see any role that initial value has in an object specification.

A schema is a specification for an object that provides the schema.
An initial value doesn't constrain or specify the object.  If anything,
it constrains applications that create the object, but in a rather unclear

But a schema is useful for more than specifying the values of an object. 
All notions of schemas I've encountered (CPS Schemas, XML Schemas, 
Archetypes) use the schema to constrain or validate an existing object, yes, 
but also to create new objects from scratch (even in the absence of 
widgets). Being able to specify initial values is quite important there.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: Drop-in rich (JS/CSS-dependent) view components: Please review (was Re: Resource Library Proposal)

2005-09-07 Thread Florent Guillaume

Gary Poster wrote:
 On Aug 31, 2005, at 3:55 PM, Benji York wrote:
 I've added a proposal for Zope 3.2.  Read at http://www.zope.org/

 WARNING: zope.org exhibiting some serious caching strangeness, so
 please comment on the list instead of the wiki.

Benji posted this last week and we don't have any feedback yet.  We  
would really like some, even if it is to ask us to clarify what the  
heck it is about.  Some of our other code that we want to contribute  
depends on this.

This is very interesting and very needed, big +1.

How does the code do the insertion inside the generated browser HTML? Does 
the ZPT replace=resource_library:my-lib trigger all this? I'd expected to 
see a browser:something directive to specify that, conceptually you could do 
the insertion in other outputs beside HTML.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: Proposed widget/schema work for the Rivah sprint (Thursday and Friday this week)

2005-09-07 Thread Florent Guillaume

Jim Fulton wrote:
But a schema is useful for more than specifying the values of an 
object. All notions of schemas I've encountered (CPS Schemas, XML 
Schemas, Archetypes) use the schema to constrain or validate an 
existing object, yes, but also to create new objects from scratch 
(even in the absence of widgets). Being able to specify initial values 
is quite important there.

It's not clear to me that XML schemas specify this.  I'm quite skeptical
than they do.  (They have this mysterious initial value thing that
I can't make any sense of.)  I can't believe that XML schemas deal
with the history of a document, which would seem necessary to give
inital value, as we mean it, any meaning.

http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-0/#OccurrenceConstraints (2.2.1) says:

  Default values of both attributes and elements are declared using the
  'default' attribute, although this attribute has a slightly different
  consequence in each case. When an attribute is declared with a default
  value, the value of the attribute is whatever value appears as the
  attribute's value in an instance document; if the attribute does not
  appear in the instance document, the schema processor provides the
  attribute with a value equal to that of the 'default' attribute. Note
  that default values for attributes only make sense if the attributes
  themselves are optional, and so it is an error to specify both a
  default value and anything other than a value of 'optional' for 'use'.

An instance document is comparable to our object, it is what is being 
validated/filled by the processor.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: RDFLib and Zope 3

2005-09-01 Thread Florent Guillaume

Gary Poster wrote:

On Aug 23, 2005, at 8:07 PM, Michel Pelletier wrote:

On Tue, 2005-08-23 at 18:04 -0400, Gary Poster wrote:

The relationship between ZODB content objects, their int id as
provided by the pertinent intid utility, and a (theoretical)
corresponding RDF URI is what I'm having a hard time not making hacky
in my mind.  I'll think about it some more.

They might not be that hacky, this might be the wrong direction to  take
but URI's don't have to be visually meaningful, blank nodes, for
example, are usually just '_:' concatenated to a random opaque string.
If the URI were 'zope:' (maybe path/to/intid/util:)  that
would work just as well, it would also be trival to transform into a
feasible join key if the URI was also a URL that looked up, instead of
some network resource, an intid.

Actually being able to trivially transform an intid to an rdflib URI
might be something to think about.  Thinking about it more, the  current
Zemantic uses the physical path of the object as the rdf:about= URI
when an object adds itself, because honestly I could think of no other
URI in Zope.  This is obviously wrong, but I didn't have a better  answer
in paris.  Why not use the `intid` plus some URI sugar?  If the URI  and
the intid can be easily converted from one to the other then that  should
solve the whole problem, no?

Here's another way to work with intids that I think could work:

In rdflib in some backends like IOMemory, and internal id is found for a 
subject (or predicate or object) to use in the internal storage 
datastructures. rdflib uses some randid() for that.

I propose that instead of calling randid(), it called self.assignid(subject) 
which would be pluggable. By default this would be the default randid, but 
you could allow Zope to create a graph with an assignid that assigned ids 
based on the intid service.

Then if a subject or object passed to rdflib is an integer instead of a URI, 
it would be used directly. In effect you'd give access to the internal ids.

(There are more details to solve (assignid needs to check for collisions 
sometimes), but I think that's a good starting point).


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: file objects and formlib

2005-09-01 Thread Florent Guillaume

Martijn Faassen wrote: [quotes reordered]
  - for an add form, if something goes wrong and the form is redisplayed 
with some validation errors, the uploaded file information is lost. This 
is bad because for a required file field, it requires multiple uploads 
where one should suffice, and for a non-required file field, it's even 
worse, as a user would have no motivation to re-upload the same file 
after validation failure and redisplay of the form, resulting in no file 
being uploaded at all.

 I've already solved [this] problem by storing
 files in a session temporarily. This isn't efficient, but I *also*
 developed something that will lick that problem and that I'll present in
 a lightning talk at the Plone conference.

Yes that's a generic HTTP problem, and you *have* to use some kind of 
session to deal with it. There's no way around.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: XML header and TAL interpretor

2005-09-01 Thread Florent Guillaume

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Julien Anguenot wrote:

I got a problem with the standard macros use and the XML header.

I've a view defined like the one below :

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?

 body metal:use-macro=context/@@standard_macros/page
   !-- content --

And there, I got the following error when Zope's trying to render it :
   (`macroName`, `mode`), self.position)
METALError: macro u'context/@@standard_macros/page' has incompatible
mode 'html', at line 6, column 3

If I remove the xml header the error disappears.

It sucks, don't it?

Has anyone tried removing the macro mode check (in 
TALIntepreter.do_userMacro)? What would break?
At least I think it wouldn't be a problem to allow inclusing of a XML macro 
in an HTML slot (or maybe the other way round -- I guess one of them works, 
as one is always stricter than the other).


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: Florent's O-R blog entry

2005-08-29 Thread Florent Guillaume

Hi folks,

I've just returned from vacation, I'll read your numerous emails and  
try to provided detailed answers ASAP :)


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Zope3-dev] Re: SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/testing/dochttp.py only append ... line to cleaned redirect test if there is a non-empty

2005-08-10 Thread Florent Guillaume

Modified: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/testing/dochttp.py
--- Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/testing/dochttp.py 2005-08-09 18:33:26 UTC (rev 
+++ Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/testing/dochttp.py 2005-08-09 20:00:55 UTC (rev 
@@ -129,13 +129,15 @@
 print '   print http(r'
 print '  ...', '\n  ... '.join(request.lines())+')'
 if response.code in (301, 302, 303) and clean_redirects:
+content_length = None
 if response.headers:
 for i in range(len(response.headers)):
 h, v = response.headers[i]
 if h == Content-Length:
+content_length = int(v.strip())

No need to strip(), int() does that by itself.


 response.headers[i] = (h, ...)
 lines = response.header_lines()
-if lines:
+if lines and content_length:
 lines = response.lines()

Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: security frustrations

2005-08-09 Thread Florent Guillaume
Does it work to just set __parent__ to the container? Or does the 
zopesecuritypolicy require more accurate context?


Martijn Faassen wrote:

Hi there,

In working with Zope 3 to build an application, I repeatedly run into 
the following situation:

* user gets a local role on a container

* object is created

* after object creation but before the object is added,
  various things are done to the object.

* authorization error: user cannot access various attributes.

Now, the user would've had access to this after the object is added to 
the container, as then the role would've been acquired. In this latest 
the container the object is added to is actually *dependent* on the 
state of the object, though. Besides, sometimes one wants to mess with 
object attributes *before* adding it and thus getting it, say, cataloged.

Now in Zope 2 this is:

* normal as everything needs to be acquisition wrapped

* not a problem as filesystem code is trusted

In Zope 3, filesystem code is not trusted, and now this actually bites 
me more than it ever did in Zope 2.

This is frustrating. I can hack around it by sprinkling 
removeSecuritProxy throughout the codebase, but that's certainly not 
pretty. Zope 3 is usually very nice about context not being dependent on 
location (I see now why getSite() is very nice), but the security case 
is an exception.

I don't have a concrete proposal about what should be done. I guess the 
paradox is that on the one hand I *want* acquisition of role information 
from the container (as the security model this application has is quite 
involved), and on the other hand I keep getting bitten by it.

My problem is only with zopesecuritypolicy. At first I thought about 
implementing my own security policy for this application, but this got 
quickly very hairy, so I decided to stick to Zope's.

I guess this also ties in to Steve Alexander's ongoing campaign against 
location (as opposed to site) dependence in Zope 3. Maybe he has a 
better idea how to resolve this...



Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Zope3-dev] Re: Problem with zope.app.security._protections for tests

2005-08-08 Thread Florent Guillaume

Fred Drake wrote:

On 8/8/05, Gary Poster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

lol.  eek.  yuck. :-)

Yep.  Not sure what the best way to avoid this would be, either.

Make a fake zope.app.security._protections module in sys.__modules__ ?

(The solution to a yuck *can* be a super-yuck!)


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/wfmc/process.py Developed nicer, human-readable representations of several classes. Hope

2005-07-29 Thread Florent Guillaume
Stephan Richter  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Log message for revision 37434:
   Developed nicer, human-readable representations of several classes. Hope 
   you like it! :-)


BTW I tend to use
   ... %r ... % foo.__name__
instead of
   ... '%s' ... % foo.__name__
though, just for the cases where the name is Unicode...
(I've been bitten before by UnicodeDecodeError displaying objects reprs or
tracebacks or things like that.)


 --- Zope3/trunk/src/zope/wfmc/process.py  2005-07-26 20:22:04 UTC (rev 
 +++ Zope3/trunk/src/zope/wfmc/process.py  2005-07-26 20:29:49 UTC (rev 
 @@ -162,6 +162,10 @@
  self.outgoing += (transition,)
  self.outgoing = self.transition_outgoing
 +def __repr__(self):
 +return ActivityDefinition '%s' %self.__name__

Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope3-dev] interaction between LocationProxy and IIntId utility

2005-07-08 Thread Florent Guillaume
Benji York  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jim Fulton wrote:
  We don't want to *require* objects to provide ILocation.
  I don't know what the right answer is here. I'll think about it. I'd 
  love some good suggestions.
 Perhaps an ILocation adapter that would keep the __name__ and __parent__ 
 information in a separate place (attribute annotations, or a BTree 
 So, instead of things getting proxied when they don't provide ILocation, 
 they would instead be adapted.

I was about to propose that too, just do object = IContained(object) and
let adapters do what's needed. That may be too naive, I don't know...


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] ILocation vs IContained

2005-07-08 Thread Florent Guillaume
I'm having a hard time grasping the reasons why we have both  
ILocation and IContained.

class IContained(ILocation):
Objects contained in containers.

But ILocation provides a __parent__ already, which seems to imply  
that it's contained in it. No?

What use case makes us differentiate between the two?


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/intid/ Revert changes to IIntIdsSet interface.

2005-06-09 Thread Florent Guillaume
Hi Dominik,

Dominik Huber  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Log message for revision 30706:
   Revert changes to IIntIdsSet interface.

Could you expand a bit in the checkin message on the motivations behind
your changes?


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
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Re: [Zope3-dev] zope\app\container\contained.py

2005-05-31 Thread Florent Guillaume
E. Frerich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   line 545 of zope\app\container\contained.py contains a testcase 
   setitem(container, container.__setitem__, 'hello ' + chr(200),
   item) which should give back a traceback: Traceback (most
   recent call last):
   TypeError: name not unicode or ascii string
   but the name parameter is correct:
max=unicode('hello ' + chr(200))
  That shouldn't work. You're running with a non-default system default
 Oh - what is a non-default system default? The naked Python has 
 'ascii' as default but you can customize the default for a Python site.

Yes but this is highly unadvised. It's more a band-aid for lazy apps
than anything else.

 So my Python site has the default encoding 'cp1252'. All applications
 - not only Zope 3 - use this encoding.

Which means that all your applications are written with an implicit
assumption about the default system encoding. And they will break on
platforms with a different choice.

 IMO Zope 3 should accept other default encodings.

Zope has to be conservative so that it knows it can run everywhere.

 And then this test is not helpful.

It ensures that Zope works with minimal standard python settings.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
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Re: [Zope3-dev] Missing ObjectContentModifiedEvent

2005-05-31 Thread Florent Guillaume
Jim Fulton  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Based on the discussion so far, I'm convinced that something like this
 would be useful, at least as an optional feature, as you suggest.
 I suggest we generalize this a bit.  I suggest that the ObjectModified
 event could accept one or more modification descriptions (hints?).
 Some examples:
ObjectModifiedEvent(obj, IObjectFile)
 This says that we modified the objects file data.  Note that
 an interface is an acceptable description.  In fact, we
 might allow pretty muich anything as a description.
ObjectModifiedEvent(obj, IObjectFile,
Attributes(IZopeDublinCore, 'title', 'description'),
 This says we modified the file data and the DC title and description.

That looks good to me. Especially because, using interfaces, we could
theoretically express more than just a set of attributes that have
changed on an object. I'm thinking of:

- having the interface itself add semantics to what a subscriber could
  want to do about the change (i.e., it could recognize IZopeDublinCore and
  decide to delay its work),

- having the interface express more complex object structure than just a
  set of attributes (I'm thinking about XML Schema-derived / XForms
  interfaces, where you can represent deep structures).

That's all science-fiction of course.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Re: Dicts for faster membership testing

2005-04-25 Thread Florent Guillaume
Stephan Richter  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Friday 22 April 2005 10:32, Dmitry Vasiliev wrote:
  Old code (with lists):
  [29.604110019569525, 29.467640440335295, 29.480704670565679]
  New code (with dicts):
  [29.188246830253565, 29.027186136785541, 29.018876700809741]
 A 1% increase; not bad. Definitely noticable for large apps.

Hm I'd have said: A 1% increase, never worth the bother, will be drowned
in other noise anyway.

However in this case I agree that using dicts for membership testing
*is* good practice.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope3-dev] release numbering

2005-04-20 Thread Florent Guillaume
Martijn Faassen  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The only non-standard part left in the release name if we drop the 
 double 3 is the X. The X is a bit of a bother and will get us into 
 trouble anyway eventually if a Zope 3 proper is ever released, as I 
 can't see how we'd avoid situations where we'd have to say: Zope 3.1 is 
 actually Zope X3.4 + Zope 2 compatibility extensions 0.7, which sounds 
 less than ideal. I personally wouldn't mind if we just dropped the X.

Yes, IMHO it'd be simpler to rename Zope X3.4 to Zope 3.4, and when the
real Zope-3-with-Zope-2-compatibility arrives, either call it 3.6 or
whatever is the current numbering, if it makes sense to have it in the
same branch (which I understand may not be the case), or simply go to
Zope 4.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/doc/security/SecurityTarget.txt - removed rst document in favor of latex

2005-04-20 Thread Florent Guillaume
Gh  Why oh why ? The document is now totally unreadable, except
by reading a generated .ps or .pdf. That's not the way to go for
documentation :(


PS: also the add/remove should be in the same svn changeset.

Christian Theune  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Log message for revision 30036:
- removed rst document in favor of latex
   D   Zope3/trunk/doc/security/SecurityTarget.txt

Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
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[Zope3-dev] Persistent schemas

2005-04-07 Thread Florent Guillaume
Stephan Richter  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wednesday 06 April 2005 16:52, Dieter Maurer wrote:
  For new projects, you should investigate the new options.
  Product development will get much simpler with Zope3 technology
  (and its schemas and views). Currently, there is no TTW
  (Through The Web) development in Zope3 land, but that is planned.
  In about 2 to 4 years, we may have new ZClass like
  functionality implemented with Zope3 technology.
  And I am quite confident that the old ZClasses will live til
 Note that I prototyped such functionality a couple years ago. One could 
 TTW (Persistent) schemas and then declare a Content Component Definition 
 based on this schema. People could then create instances of those content 
 components. The Content Component Definition utility took care of doing all 
 the security and basic menu/view setup. One can then write views and adapters 
 for the content component to give it functionality.
 Unfortunately, persistent schemas got broken at some point, so the code is 
 that useful anymore. I really need to get together with Jim and force him to 
 fix the problem with me, since I constantly forget what the problem is. ;-)

I'll need to work on persistent schemas very soon. Could someone recap
what the problem is ? ISTR that there was a problem with the way the are
cached by the interface machinery, and maybe a pickling problem. Does
someone have a bit more details (without going into great lengths, I'll
be looking at it in any case).


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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