Re: [Zope3-dev] Simplify Skinning ready for review / work on Reducing the Amount of ZCML Directives

2006-02-21 Thread Dominik Huber

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Now that this proposal has been dealt with, I will turn my focus of
attention to Since my
initial announcement of the proposal I made some minor ammendments
regarding the 'content' directive. Please check them out and give me
feedback. I plan to start working on the implementation this week.

I like those simplifications, but  I have two little objections...

The factory directive particularly within the class directive is very 
convenient and I use them fairly often. So I would miss that shortcut, 
because it saves a few lines of replicated code :(

In addition the coupling of class/factory and class/implements is very 
concise and handy too, if you like to include 'external' packages into 
your application. In such a case I don't like to write an extra modul 
for the factory implementation and the class-implements-declaration. IMO 
this use case is focused to a component registration aspect and zcml 
would be the right place to cover it.

I would vote to leave at least the class/factory and class/implements 


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Simplify Skinning ready for review / work on Reducing the Amount of ZCML Directives

2006-02-22 Thread Dominik Huber

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:


I would vote to leave at least the class/factory and class/implements

The class/implements subdirective is debatable because putting an
interface on a class might be considered some sort of policy. So I don't
feel too strong about it.

Thanks :)

The class/factory case however is clearly about automation.
Yes, one aspect. This aspect is very important too. I love this 
automation and I'm probably not the only one. Look at Gary's statement 
"I'll miss class/factory,...".

As demonstrated in the proposal, the Python version with a simple utility 
directive is only two or so lines longer and essentially moves most of the 
information from ZCML to Python code.
The move from ZCML to Python is often better, but not always. I tried to 
sketch the use case *including a class from an external library into an 

My balance based on the attached example [1] summarizes the following:
A) Extensive today: 10 text-lines in zcml
B) Lazy today: 6 text-lines in zcml
C) Exentsive proposed: 1O text-lines in zcml, 8 text-lines in py-module
+ retyping the IFactory-import each time
D) Lazy proposed: 1O text-lines in zcml, 8 text-lines in py-module
+ retyping the IFactory-import each time

So, the proposed solution is about 3 times (*not* 3 lines ;) costlier 
than the laziest-manner.

It also reuses the well-known utility directive which makes registering 
factories very coherent: No matter whether they are custom or based on a 
callable like a factory from class, you just use the utility directive.

Coherence is one of the initial problems I state in the proposal so I
rather feel strongly about the class/factory case.
I really support coherence and less-magic attempts, but in this case the 
price is definitely to high and the intended simplification is fairly 

The class/factory and createObject-pattern was always understandable for 
the Newbies I've met during the mini-sprints. The whole 
component-architecture in particular the adapter- and utility-mechanism 
was much more magic for them.

Automation will stay a magic, but it enables often people to do things 
they don't fully (deeply) understand. IMO it's more important to offer 
coherent magics on a certain application-layer than to evangelise 
assembler or even quantum mechanics. As well there the magic will come 
back at a certain point on a deeper application level :)

Still a very strong -1 on removing class/factory.



A) Extensive today
Today I have to write one ZCML...:


 title="Agent Sydney Bristow"
 description="Sydney is an undercover agent working for the CIA"

B) Lazy today

or in the laziest manner (B): 



Remark: Afterward I can use the 
zope.component.createObject("external.library.SydneyBristow") to create

C) Extensive proposed
After the proposed change I have to do the following: 

additional module for example
from zope.component.factory import Factory
from external.library import SyndeyBristow

sydneyFactory = Factory(
   SyndeyBristow, # a callable, e.g. a class
   title=(u'Agent Sydney Bristow'),
   description=(u'Sydney is an undercover agent working for the CIA')

ZCML to register the class and the factory utility:




D) Lazy proposed  dito - 2 text lines

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] The Zope Software Certification Program and Common Repository Proposal

2006-02-22 Thread Dominik Huber

Stephan Richter wrote:

3.2. Layout

Packages in the Common Repository *must* have the following layout:

  ... setup files ...
... code ...
zscp/ [optional]
  PUBLICATION.cfg [optional]
  CERTIFICATIONS.xml [optional]
  RELEASES.xml [optional]


Hi Stephan,

Excuse my delay, but a had no time until today to dive into your 
proposal seriously. I like it very much. Today Roger and I discussed the 
proposal and we got stuck with the following problem:

Sometimes we we want provide beside the additional files on 
-level, for example a configure.zcml that registers the 
api:rootModule or the first api:bookchapter of the documentation 
hierarchy for the namespace package foo.

 repos/zscp-test/foo # [1]

Those files are fairly hard to handle if you like to arrange a new respository 
relying on such a namespace package and other package of the same namespace.

We propose to move those files in a dedicated named folder for example 
'configure' (like and ./tests/). All informations and 
registrations about the namespace should be located within this folder 


There are packages (foo.a, foo.b, foo.c) that exists physically in this
namespace-repository and there are packages (foo.x) that only uses the
namespace but exists in independent-tree of the repository or in a independent respository. 


The only dependency from foo.x to foo is that foo.x likes to register a 
api:bookchapter to the id foo.x. Therefore it requires the 
configure.zcml of foo.

Now should we create a new customer application. The project depends on 
a certain tags of the packages foo.a and foo.x. To provide a simple 
checkout mechanism for the developers it would be nice to arrange a new 
customer repository invoking those packages by svn:externals. If we have 
the separate namespace-related folder 'configure' it would be easy to do:

 -> svn:externals a url_to_foo.configure [2] 
 -> svn:externals a url_to_foo.a [3] 
 -> svn:externals x url_to_foo.x [4]

 .. code ..

Otherwise we must include the whole foo package:
-> you cannot access the foo package from a tag
-> cannot select dedicated packages out of the foo package.

Do you have an other solutions for this problem?

Another smaller question: Is it intended to provide nested namespaces such as 
repos/main/..? This pattern is convenient if 
a few packages are tied together by their release cycles.


[1] svn://
[2] ./foo/tags/foo-0.0.2/src/foo/configure
[3] ./foo/tags/foo-0.0.2/src/foo/a
[4] ./foo.x/tags/foo.x-0.0.1/src/foo/x

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] The Zope Software Certification Program and Common Repository Proposal

2006-02-23 Thread Dominik Huber

Stephan Richter wrote:

On Wednesday 22 February 2006 10:58, Dominik Huber wrote:

Do you have an other solutions for this problem?

Honestly, I had not thought about this case, but it is clearly a valid use 

What about this structure?

...configure stuff here...


What do you think? I think this is the right way to do it, since it is a very 
logical procedure to flatten the namespace tree.
We came up with the same solution first. But our problem appears within 
the following use case.

A few developers are sharing code on application level (not  package 
level!) for different dedicated customer projects. They have problems to 
setup identical dev-environments (packages with the same revisions 
etc.). So they want setup a dedicated application repository that brings 
different packages together using the svn:externals excessively. In the 
end developers should check-out this application repository (comparable 
to the Zope3/trunk) for joint development on application-level. The only 
way they could set the svn:externals-property using the above layout is 
the following:

  -> svn:externals: NAMESPACE url
  -> svn:externals: NAMESPACE/PACKAGE1 url
  -> svn:externals: NAMESPACE/PACKAGE2 url

This scheme will work, but we have the disadvantage that they still cannot 
share application-specific configurations of NAMESPACE for further customer 
projects because they cannot link repos/main/APPLICATION1/trunk/src/NAMESPACE 
via svn:externals.

The solution we came up was to put the '...configure stuff here...' *files* of 
the NAMESPACE not directly into the namespace itself, but in a dedicated 
*folder* for example 'configure':

  ...configure stuff here...

That way we can move the svn:externals to the NAMESPACE folder of the APPLICATION1 repository: 

-> svn:externals: configure url
-> svn:externals: PACKAGE1 url
-> svn:externals: PACKAGE2 url

This enables the developers to share this NAMESPACE configuration for further 
customer projects for example the following PROJECT01:

 -> svn:externals: NAMESPACE url*

*url = repos/main/APPLICATION1/trunk/src/NAMESPACE

Did you catch our purpose? We think that could simplify joint development. So 
we might include such a 'configure-folder' convention or 
'never-put-any-configure-stuff-inside-a-namespace' rule in the ZSCP and 


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] The Zope Software Certification Program and Common Repository Proposal

2006-02-23 Thread Dominik Huber

Benji York wrote:

Dominik Huber wrote:
We came up with the same solution first. But our problem appears 
within the following use case.

A few developers are sharing code on application level (not  package 
level!) for different dedicated customer projects. They have problems 
to setup identical dev-environments (packages with the same revisions 

I need to carefully reread your message and reply with more detail 
later, but I'll make a drive-by comment first. :)

Ultimately, reproducible developer buildouts can never be represented 
solely with Subversion (or likely any RCS).  If you've been able to 
structure your projects such that it works, that's great, but that use 
case shouldn't be a driving force behind the common repository layout.
Yes, I know that. I'm fully aware that our suggestion is kind of a 
workaround, but it works fairly good in pratice for a wide range of 

Packages are one story of development. Other stories are exemplary 
applications that depends on a certain set of packages. Such a set is an 
important fine tuning (-> matching revisions or tags etc.) in other 
words such a set is know-ledge about package combination that could be 
shared between different projects relying on the same exemplary 
application. It might minimize the barrier for new contributors and 
early adopters - IMO that's fairly important too. That's my driving force :)


Dominik Huber

Perse Engineering GmbH
Jurastrasse 9a
CH-5406 Baden

Telefon: ++41 44 586 6886

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Reducing the Amount of ZCML Directives ready for review

2006-03-17 Thread Dominik Huber

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

* class/implements and class/factory weren't removed -- yet. I guess
removing these might be a bit controversial. I'd therefore like to take
this opportunity to bring this topic up again and to give everyone a
chance to look at the proposal once again, before I start spending lots
of time on the implementation.
I'm -1 on moving  out of the class directive and I'm still -1 on removing 
the factory subdirective.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Reducing the Amount of ZCML Directives ready for review

2006-03-20 Thread Dominik Huber


I really appreciate your effort in all other cases, but in this case I 
think its not a simplification.

The today's arrangement of class subdirectives is not an evil at all.
We use all offered subdirectives (including implements and factory) 
heavily in our use cases.

IMO It's important that nested directives embrace things belonging 
together. This enhances
readability of the grouping and reduces redundant 
reference-informations. That's also a

very important aspect of usability.

I would be annoyed about the proposed changes.


Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Dominik Huber wrote:

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

* class/implements and class/factory weren't removed -- yet. I guess
removing these might be a bit controversial. I'd therefore like to take
this opportunity to bring this topic up again and to give everyone a
chance to look at the proposal once again, before I start spending lots
of time on the implementation.

I'm -1 on moving  out of the class directive

Why? With a top-level  directive, we get to deal with more
general cases (not only classes can implement interfaces, functions can
too). It will also let us get rid of the Five-specific five:implements
directive for which there seems to be no good reason to be in the five

With "Reducing the Amount of ZCML Directives" I'm looking mostly at
consolidation of the existing stuff.

It's ok to *introduce* a top-level , but not to *move*.

and I'm still -1 on removing the factory subdirective.

Would you care to explain why? I couldn't find a previous comment from
you on that.
[Zope3-dev] Simplify Skinning ready for review / work on Reducing the 
Amount of ZCML Directives 
Dominik Huber 
Dominik Huber

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Reducing the Amount of ZCML Directives ready for review

2006-03-21 Thread Dominik Huber

Tres Seaver wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Dominik Huber wrote:

I really appreciate your effort in all other cases, but in this case I
think its not a simplification.

At least in case of class/implements it is. I'm merging two directives,
class/implements and five:implements into one.

The case of class/factory is arguable, I admit. However, there I'm just
following the rule of a) defining things in Python and registering them in
ZCML and b) use more basic ZCML directives, less special ones.

That "rule" is somewhat debatable (the debate seems ongoing).

I think we could argue the following equally well:  if you find a
directive unuseful, *just don't use it*.  Register *new* directives
(perhaps in a new namespace, if you want to reuse the names) which do
your "simpler / cleaner" thing.

Deprecation is not always a reasonable model, given disagreement about
the value of the simplification.

+ 1
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Reducing the Amount of ZCML Directives ready for review

2006-03-21 Thread Dominik Huber

Lennart Regebro wrote:

On 3/20/06, Tres Seaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This doens't really make the number of statements smaller, and it
doesn't save very many lines of ZCML. But it *does* make it pretty
darn obvious what to do. Because you can't do much else.

Note again that this is not a proposal. I'm not saying we should do
this. I'm just saying that simplifying can be done in several ways,
and this would be one (not nessecarily good) way.

(In fact, I think I like this, but it can without any problems be made
into a separate product that adds this statement to ZCML, for
simplified product creation).

I like your focus to higher levels of usability.

level 1 -> ca basics: class, utility and adapter
|   implemented by

level 2 -> developer patterns: class, utility, adapter, view, factory, 
skin, layer etc.

|   implemented by
level n -> ...

As you pointed out the question of simplicity depends on a certain 
abstraction level (perspective).

It's important to provide different logical abstraction levels, because 
there are a lot of people interacting perfectly with a physical system 
on a certain abstraction level without knowing any implementation 
details on a deeper level [1].

Phillip's design principle ("There should be one-- and preferably only 
one --obvious way to do it.") is very important within a certain 
abstraction level [2], but if we apply this rule over all levels we will 
increase complexity for higher level use cases. IMO for a bunch of 
people that's pure-zope 3-anti-marketing :(


[1] Example:
Use case on level 2:
Register and invoke a factory:
It's necessary to have an API for the factory registering and 
-invocation, but it's not necessary at all to know that factories are 
implemented as utility.

Register a class:
It's important to register a class including its marker interfaces, its 
factory and its security declaration in simple way.

[2] Example:
The biggest violation of this principle is the adaption-mechansim 
itself: Neither the convenience function IFoo(context) nor the other 
API's provide uniform adapter artefacts (-> adapters providing location, 
location proxied adapters, security proxy around the context, security 
proxy around the adapter). This lack cannot be hidden properly on higher 
abstraction levels. This fact is leading to weird ZCML-directives.

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] help with directlyProvides

2006-05-07 Thread Dominik Huber

luis wrote:

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:


luis wrote:

are you sure? I tried with:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/Zope3/src $ python2.4
Python 2.4.2 (#1, Dec  4 2005, 15:28:38)
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
 >>> from import file
 >>> f = file.File()
 >>> f

 >>> import zope.interface
 >>> class IMarker(zope.interface.Interface):
...  """Marker interface"""
 >>> zope.interface.directlyProvides(f, IMarker)
 >>> list(zope.interface.directlyProvidedBy(f))
 >>> IMarker.providedBy(f)

yes.. that's why I say that it seems very strange... the call to
directlyProvides works as you show with your example, ... *but*, after you
add your file to a folder, something removes the IMarker interface (or it
doesn't get saved for some reason )

directlyProvides( f, IMarker )
if not IMarker.providedBy( f ):
raise Error
myfolder['f'] = f

if you put something like that in an Adding-Form, no exception is raised and
the object "f" is added to the container. so the directlyProvides does
work...but then, if you take a look at the object "f" in the zmi
introspector, you will see something like:

DirectlyProvided interfaces

so what I'm saying is not that directlyProvides doesnt work, but that
provided-list gets lost somewhere on the way into the database... (but if f
is  a Folder, then the provided-list is kept )

If there is a bug in the container framework my assumption would be that 
that the following part of code causes your problem. The regular 
container asserts IContained either by the directlyProvides mechanism if 
the item provides ILocation or else by a ContainedProxy. line 325:
   if not IContained.providedBy(object):
   if ILocation.providedBy(object):
   object, IContained,
   object = ContainedProxy(object)

First try to provide IContained to your File implementation using the 
following zcml entry:


That should solve the problem.

If yes, could you track down if the problem: Is it caused by the 
directlyProvided mechanism or by the ContainedProxy?

(If no, perhaps a persistency problem?)


Zope3-dev mailing list


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] What are zope.generic, z3c, ldapauth,

2006-07-07 Thread Dominik Huber
Excuse my abscence. I'm a little busy and cannot find the time to track 
the list daily.

Small summary of zope.generic:
it's a not-yet-fully-implemented, experimental prototype trying to find 
a high-level-usage pattern or framework for zope 3.

During the easter-sprint I decided to put the code into the zope 
repository. We came up with the name
zope.generic and Stephan told us it would be ok to put the stuff into a 
dotted-named top level package.

We are using this code within two customer projects. We like the main 
direction, but there is a lot stuff that has to be refactored (as usual)
and a lot of missing stuff that has to be implemented before we would 
announce anything. We plan the first alpha-release in december.


The zope.generic package should provide a higher level abstraction or 
usage of the ca.
It should empower people with a analytical and technical background 
(none- or fun-programmer) use the zope infrastructure.
Therefore the abstraction should allow to configurate components using a 
generic logical pattern, to reuse features and a way to extend the 
functionality with simple python function without knowing a lot about 
the whole ca.
The behavior of those components (logical pattern) should be abstract, 
but highly derived from object-orientation too, because the target 
audience is pretty comfortable with that model (-> comparable 
abstraction would be ZClasses or object-oriented Requirement Analysis).
The application domain should be composed individually, that means 
people should declare their own domain types rather than using a fix 
domain types (-> cms application -> document, news, event, etc.)
The domain types itself should be composed using generic sub-component 
and features.
Those features should be developed and implemented orthogonal and 
generic manner. Such a feature implements technical functionalitiy. For 
example there might be a document feature. You can enable the document 
feature for a certain domain type. Afterward this domain type should 
provide the feature. A feature requires some configuration of the 
underlying domain type or an instance and it provides a certain api by 
adaption. This configuration aspect should be solved generically using a 
memento pattern.
Simplify by automation (-> provide a complementary option to phillips 

Design Goals
After the experiences with tiks. We decided to base the implementation 
heavily on a marker interface pattern. That means there are only a few 
generic base implementation (such as Object, Contained, Container, 
Folder,...) that can be decorated by domain-specific 
marker-interfaces.We decided to provide a mechanism that declares the 
most important interface (key interface -> keyface). This keyface is an 
equivalent to class. The keyface can be used to look up the 
corresponding configurations of a marked component. Those configurations 
can be annotated directly to the object itself or might be provided by a 
corresponding information providers (utilities) globally. We introduced 
a new memento-implemenation called configuration. This is similar to 
annotation but it is using configuration interfaces as keys instead of 
id-string. Those configuration interfaces allows us to introspect 
annonations more efficiently and to implement any configuration with a 
generic base implementation.


Step 1: Define your Key Interfaces:

class IMeasuringSystem(IWebApplication):
   """Mark the measuring system application."""


class IOrder(Interface):
   """Mark an abstract order of the measuring-system."""

class IProductionOrder(IOrder):
   """Mark a production order of the measuring-system."""


class IProductionBatch(IOrder):
   """Mark a production batch of production order."""


Step 2: Define dedicated configuration interfaces if necessary:

class IMeasuringSystemConfiguration(Interface):
   """Input configuration of a messuringsystem."""

   data = TextLine(title=_(u'Data Directory'),
   description=_(u'Main data directory.'),

class IOrderConfiguration(Interface):
   """Abstract order."""

   aufnr = OrderID(title=_(u'Auftrag-Nr. (FAUF)'),
   description=_(u'Fertigungs-Auftrag-Nummer der Charge'))

class AnyBatchEvent(ObjectEvent):
   """Notify any batch event"""

Step 3: Implement dedicated handlers in python if necessary:

orderConfiguration = {'aufnr': u'9'}

def setup(context, *pos, **kws):
   # make the folder to a site
   # add an int id utility
   ensureCatalog(context, IOrderConfiguration, 
name=toDottedName(IMeasuringSystem), key=u'Catalog'

Re: [Zope3-dev] soap and ZSI 2.0 patch

2006-07-13 Thread Dominik Huber

Hi Pete

I'm very interested in that subject but I can't find any time at the 
moment. We have planned to use the ZSI to embed OPC-DAXML-Server in a 
customer-application based on Zope 3. So maybe I can give you some 
feedback in one or two month but I have to establish the essential know 
how first...


Pete Taylor wrote:

Hi all,
I recently had reason to check out and use the soap product for Zope3.
I needed it to work with the 3.2 HTTPRequest/Response api (setResult
instead of self._body or setBody), so I made the changes I saw .  I
also wanted/needed it to work with the ZSI 2.0rc2 that's out now, so I
updated that as well.

I've created a branch:


which has my updates to soap/  All the tests still run
just fine, and I used the extant documentation to build my SOAPView,
so it seems to need no changes either.  I think it was  just the
publisher.  This being my first actual contribution though, I was
wondering if someone could go over the in the branch, and
let me know if it looks alright, maybe offer suggestions if anything
doesn't make sense.

Thanks for any help!

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Weird error within __cmp__ method of KeyReferenceToPersistent

2006-07-27 Thread Dominik Huber


Today I got a weird error caused by the __cmp__ method of 
KeyReferenceToPersistent. Unfortunately I couldn't setup a dedicated 
environment to reproduce the error within a test :(. The only evidence 
is this traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "E:\workspace\\src\perse\generic\csv\", line 208, 
in __call__

 File "E:\workspace\\Zope3\src\zope\interface\", line 
535, in subscribers

 File "E:\workspace\\Zope3\src\zope\app\intid\", line 
165, in addIntIdSubscriber

 File "E:\workspace\\Zope3\src\zope\app\intid\", line 
112, in register

   if key in self.ids:
line 57, in __cmp__

   return cmp(
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'db'

I would propose the following fix, but I'm not aware about all possible 
impacts. Therefore I'm asking for supervision.

class KeyReferenceToPersistent(object):
   def _database_name(self):
   return self.object._p_jar.db().database_name
   except AttributeError:
   return ''

   def __cmp__(self, other):
   if self.key_type_id == other.key_type_id:
   return cmp(
   (self._database_name(),  self.object._p_oid),
   (other._database_name(), other.object._p_oid),

   return cmp(self.key_type_id, other.key_type_id)

If there are no objections, I'm going to commit the fix tomorrow.



Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Weird error within __cmp__ method of KeyReferenceToPersistent

2006-07-28 Thread Dominik Huber

Gary Poster wrote:

I object. :-)

Thanks for the feedback!
First, your change effectively adds _database_name to an unspoken 
interface for persistent IKeyReferences.  That's not a good idea.

Yup, I did not respect that point.
Second, the error you are getting is an error condition and should be 
raised as one.  Maybe a more helpful error would be an improvement.  
But your __cmp__ is somehow comparing against a persistent 
keyreference with an object that appears to have not yet been added to 
a connection (_p_jar)--something that should not have been able to 
happen with the default persistent adapter to keyreference.  

Yes, that was my opinion too. But the error happen anyhow...

Are you working with a custom keyreference adaptor anywhere?

In any case, shuffling over this problem as your change does would 
likely cause incorrect sorting/indexing in the intids btree, which 
would be very bad.  This is an error, and should be dealt with as one.
I tried this approach before. But how can I remove an incorrect 
sorting/indexing respecting the dict api without invoking the compare 

class IntIds(Persistent, Contained):
   def register(self, ob):
   if key in self.ids: # <- causing the comparision error
return self.ids[key]
  except SpecialCmpError:
# clean up incorrect sorting/indexing
uid = self.ids[key] # <- causing the comparision error too
del self.refs[uid]
del self.ids[key]

The error occurs after a savepoint.rollback. I can reproduce the error 
within the basic error story (-> see testcase). It happens if we compare 
a commited persistent object with a rollbacked persistent object.

The current implementation hurts the demeter's law. A fresh instance 
does not support the db attribute, even though the situation showed 
within the basic error story

   >>> from persistent import Persistent
   >>> p = Persistent()
   >>> p._p_jar.db().database_name
   Traceback (most recent call last):
   AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'db'

IMO the error should still be handled by KeyReferenceToPersistent 
__cmp__ method. What do you think about the following implementation 
respecting your first argument (unspoken interface extension):

class KeyReferenceToPersistent(object):
   def __cmp__(self, other):
   if self.key_type_id == other.key_type_id:
   return cmp(

   except AttributeError:
   # a transaction might be rollbacked
   self_db = getattr(self.object._p_jar, 'db', '')
   if self_db:
   self_db = self_db().database_name
   other_db = getattr(other.object._p_jar, 'db', '')
   if other_db:
   other_db = other_db().database_name

   return cmp(
   (self_db,  self.object._p_oid),
   (other_db, other.object._p_oid),

Gary, thank you very much for your support!


KeyReferenceToPersistent __cmp__ error

   >>> from ZODB.tests.util import DB
   >>> from zope import component
   >>> from import setSite
   >>> from import Folder, rootFolder
   >>> from import setup
   >>> import sys
   >>> import traceback
   >>> import transaction

Basic Error Story

We declare an persistent example class:

   >>> from persistent import Persistent
   >>> from import Contained
   >>> class P(Contained, Persistent):

   >>> p1 = P()

The instance does not have an associatet db yet that would be called by the
__cmp__ function:

   >>> p1._p_jar.db().database_name
   Traceback (most recent call last):
   AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'db'

This is not a reail problem because the KeyReferenceToPersistent asserts 
that the

db can be evaluated. Otherwise it raises the NotYet error:

   >>> from import 

   >>> keyref1 = KeyReferenceToPersistent(p1)
   Traceback (most recent call last):

For the further exploration we have to do a placeful setup:

   >>> setup.placefulSetUp()
   >>> db = DB()
   >>> conn =
   >>> root = conn.root()

   >>> root['top'] = top = rootFolder()
   >>> top.__name__ = 'top'
   >>> sm = setup.createSiteManager(top, True)
   >>> transaction.commit()
   >>> setSite(top)

An register the relevant adapters to IConnection and IKeyReference:

   >>> from ZODB.interfaces import IConnection
   >>> from persistent.interfaces import IPer

Re: [Zope3-dev] Weird error within __cmp__ method of KeyReferenceToPersistent

2006-08-02 Thread Dominik Huber

Hi Gary

Thanks for your inputs. I was also offline this days...

Gary Poster wrote:
Well, first of all, I suspect your situation, based on what I've seen 
so far, looks something like this:

- code creates obj P1
- code puts P1 in intids, with connection.
- code does something incorrect (either your code or code that you are 
relying on), probably involving a savepoint because of your discussion 
below, that keeps keyreference to P1 in intids BTree, but rolls back 
addition of P1 to connection.  Right now we have the bad data (a key 
reference to an object without a connection in the BTree), but we 
don't know about it yet.

- Now code creates obj P2.
- code tries to put P2 in intids.  If the BTree logic happens to make 
it compare against the bad keyreference to P1, you get the __cmp__ 
error.  This is a red herring for debugging: the problem has already 
occurred (see above).


Few more details:
There is a import handler which creates p1 , p2 to pn and sets those 
object to a certain folder. After each addition of a certain p an 
initializer subscriber listen to IObjectAddedEvent is invoked too. The 
error occurs sometimes during this initialization. In case of an error 
the creation and initialization of the error-prone p is rolled back by 
an Importer (compare the following code):

class Importer(object):
   def __call__(self, importhandelr)
  for d in import_reader:
   if not d[first].startswith('#'):
   savepoint = transaction.savepoint()
   data = dict([(key, value for key, value in 
   importhandler(data) # <- call importhandler 
which creates the p


   except Exception, e:
   savepoint.rollback() # clean up

I'm pretty sure your BTree is already bad by the time you get to the 
failing __cmp__.

The only way I know to fix it at this late stage in the story is 
drastic: you'll need to create a new BTree, iterate over the old one 
and add all the contents except for the broken keyreferences, and 
replace the old intid BTree with the new one.

I don't think that's appropriate error catching for the BTree code.  I 
think if you get the error you describe, you have a serious problem in 
"your" code (i.e., code that you've written or code that you're 
relying on in your stack, like Zope).  How--and when--to handle it is 
application policy, not something that should be in the base intids, I 

Yes, but the whole problem seems not so heavy:

1. If I restart the server no wrong intid entries are there.
2. If I patch the __cmp__ method of KeyReferenceToPersistent the 
proposed way it only runs right after a wrong p creation into the 
except. After another successful transaction commit I don't have any bad 
intids entries

IMO that points that somehow the persistent data are ok. That we only 
might have an 'old' volatile reference to a roled back intid somewhere, 
that causes the error ... My problem is that I cannot the error 
situation by a test case where intids are invoked. Probably it's a 
problem of the order of invoked subscribers listen to the object added 

The error occurs after a savepoint.rollback. I can reproduce the 
error within the basic error story (-> see testcase). It happens if 
we compare a commited persistent object with a rollbacked persistent 

The current implementation hurts the demeter's law. A fresh instance 
does not support the db attribute, even though the situation showed 
within the basic error story

   >>> from persistent import Persistent
   >>> p = Persistent()
   >>> p._p_jar.db().database_name
   Traceback (most recent call last):
   AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'db'

I remember knowing Demeter's law. ;-)  I should look it up, but I've 
already spent more time than I should have this morning.  The above 
behavior is expected.  The connection.add(obj) code in the persistent 
keyreference code gives the obj a _p_jar.

IMO the error should still be handled by KeyReferenceToPersistent 
__cmp__ method.

This is too late.  Anything at this stage in the game is going to be a 
dangerous cover-up of an already serious problem.
Demeter says only on references of an object 
are leading to pretty instable code.
We have this problem in the current implementation as shown in the test 
case. If we use rollback's we can produce an object state of a 
persistent that does not allow to lookup p._p_jar.db().database_name. 
That means the current implementation relies on an implicit interface 
assumption too.

  >>> transaction.commit()
  >>> savepoint = transaction.savepoint()
  >>> p2 = P()
  >>> p2.__parent__ = top
  >>> keyref2 = KeyReferenceToPersistent(p2)
  >>> cmp(keyref1, keyref2)
  >>> savepoint.rollback()
  >>> cmp(keyref1, keyr

[Zope3-dev] OrderedMultiSelectWidget problem reloaded

2006-11-23 Thread Dominik Huber

Dear form-framework experts/users,

Yesterday I applied the first time an editform to a schema containing a
'List' field of value_type 'Choice'.
The OrderedMultiSelectWidget is invoked by default. At the first glance
it works fine but by and by I discovered the following bugs/missfeatures:

- Does not invoke adapted contexts correctly (source versus context,
general problem of .utility.setUpEditWidgets())

- Does not take the _type attribute of the field into account (->

- Does not resolve vocabularies correctly in case of InputErrors
(probably -> overwrite _getFormValue of

- Does not differ choices in relation to the unique property of the
field (-> .browser.itemwidgets.OrderedMultiSelectWidget)
- Does not handle missing_value of sequences (->

- Does not respect the min_length and max_length property of the
underlying field like the sequence widget (-> disable buttons)

Afterwards I have seen that Adam reported already
OrderedMultiSelectWidget problems
This issue was deferred by Jim. I spent a few hour to track down the
problems on Zope 3.3.0 and produced the attached patch.

Are people interested to resume this issue or not? Are there any
objections in relation to the proposed patch?


Index: browser/
--- browser/ 71100)
+++ browser/ copy)
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
from import SimpleInputWidget, renderElement
from import IInputWidget, IDisplayWidget
from import ConversionError
+from import InputErrors
from import ViewPageTemplateFile

from import ZopeMessageFactory as _
@@ -144,7 +145,6 @@
"It may be inherited from the mix-in classes 

"or MultiDataHelper")

class SingleDataHelper(object):
"""Mix-in helper class for getting the term from the HTML form.

@@ -190,13 +190,14 @@
def _toFieldValue(self, input):
"""See SimpleInputWidget"""
if input is None:
-return []
-if not isinstance(input, list):
-input = [input]
-values = self.convertTokensToValues(input)
-except InvalidValue, e:
-raise ConversionError("Invalid value", e)
+values = []
+if not isinstance(input, list):
+input = [input]
+values = self.convertTokensToValues(input)
+except InvalidValue, e:
+raise ConversionError("Invalid value", e)

# All AbstractCollection fields have a `_type` attribute specifying
# the type of collection. Use it to generate the correct type,
@@ -209,7 +210,6 @@
return values

def _getDefault(self):
# Return the default value for this widget;
# may be overridden by subclasses.
@@ -487,6 +487,36 @@
"(no values)")
_displayItemForMissingValue = False

+def _getFormValue(self):
+"""Returns a value suitable for use in an HTML form."""
+if not self._renderedValueSet():
+if self.hasInput():
+# It's insane to use getInputValue this way. It can
+# cause _error to get set spuriously.  We'll work
+# around this by saving and restoring _error if
+# necessary.
+error = self._error
+value = self.getInputValue()
+except InputErrors:
+tokens = self.request.form.get(, 

+if isinstance(tokens, list):
[self.vocabulary.getTermByToken(token).value for token in tokens]

+elif not tokens:
+return []

+self._error = error
+value = self._getDefault()
+value = self._data
+return self._toFormValue(value)
def renderItems(self, value):
if value == self.context.missing_value:
values = []
@@ -519,7 +549,6 @@
return '\n'.join(items)

class MultiSelectWidget(ItemsMultiEditWidgetBase):
"""Provide a selection list for the list to be selected."""

@@ -539,27 +568,32 @@

template = V

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: reasonable syntax for multi-adaptation

2007-09-27 Thread Dominik Huber

Brandon Craig Rhodes wrote:

Tres Seaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Martijn Faassen wrote:

IFoo.adapt() for normal adaptation
IFoo.multiadapt() for multi adaptation

I'd rather have 'adapt' take *args for the contexts, and keywords
for extras (like name).

And you could make the "default=" another possible extra!  In which
case our proposals at the moment compare something like this:

  Utility?  IFoo()
  Single adaptation IFoo(a)
  ... with default  IFoo(a, default=y)
  Multi adaptation  IFoo(multi=(a,b))
  ... with default  IFoo(multi=(a,b), default=y)
  Named multi adapter   IFoo(multi=(a,b), name='z')
  ... with default  IFoo(multi=(a,b), name='z', default=y)

This syntax is pretty comfortable because you get code completion for 
free if you are using an ide (ex. eclipse pydev).

At the moment IFoo() invokes the factory of an object (if registered). 
IMO the current implementation is a miss-feature because you can't 
assign any parameters. I would prefer that IFoo() does look up the 
default utility and IFoo(name='z') the named one.

But this change could break existing code.

  Utility   IFoo.adapt()
  Single adaptation IFoo.adapt(a)
  ... with default  IFoo.adapt(a, default=y)
  Multi adaptation  IFoo.adapt(a,b)
  ... with default  IFoo.adapt(a,b, default=y)
  Named multi adapter   IFoo.adapt(a,b, name='z')
  ... with default  IFoo.adapt(a,b, name='z', default=y)

Well, I have to admit, yours are a lot prettier.  The word "adapt"
takes no more characters than my "multi", and parenthesis disappear!
And though I might quibble that "adapt()" would be better spelled
"utility()", there is a nice symmetry about your idea.

 - Both patterns make it explicit to anyone reading the code when a
   default value is being passed, which should vastly reduce surprise.


 - Mine feels more natural and Pythonic to people who, like PvW in his
   book, think of adaptation as being like casting.


Dominik Huber

Perse Engineering GmbH
Alte Landstrasse 6
CH-4658 Däniken

Telefon +41 56 500 01 40
Direkt +41 56 500 01 41
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: reasonable syntax for multi-adaptation

2007-09-27 Thread Dominik Huber

Marius Gedminas wrote:

On Wed, Sep 26, 2007 at 09:09:37PM -0400, Tres Seaver wrote:

Why does the caller care?  She just wants an object which will provide
the 'IFoo' contract on behalf of the passed context.  If 'x' is capable
of providing 'IFoo' without help, then failing (or worse, returning a
less-specific factory result) when calling 'getAdapter' is the Wrong
Thing (a "least surprise" violation, if nothing else).

FWIW it was a big surprise to me when I discovered that IFoo(x) has
different semantics from getAdapter(x, IFoo).

That's true. I spent hours debugging errors related to the adaption 
mechanism. The different api's and its differing lookup mechanism is 
only one piece in the collection of obscurities. Other pieces are caused 
by different frameworks that using the underlying adaption mechanism: 
One problem is that sometimes implemented or adapted objects got treated 
in different way (ex. form-framework: it's modified event notification). 
Another problem is that an adapted context might not locatable if its 
adapter does not implement ILocation or does not get location proxied 
implicitly (ex. local/global security).

All those examples and solutions are based on assumptions about 
implementations and that is causing the adaption-voodoo.

Lookup by interfaces and therefore the adaption asserts a higher logical 
abstraction layer which should encapsulate such implementation details 
(like adaption-, localisation- and lookup-mechanism) in a *reasonable* 
way. If code that relies on this abstraction has to differ the 
underlying mechanism and the kind of the result, it is *necessary* to 
provide an api that covers those needs - IOW why should the caller care 
or make voodoo if he gets what he wants?

It would be great, if we could handle other adaption-derivations by the 
proposed unified, reasonable adaption-api too.

Example using the IFoo()-syntax:

Single adaptation IFoo(a)
... with default  IFoo(a, default=y)
... assert location   IFoo(a, default=y, locate=True)
... no conform-call   IFoo(a, default=y, coform=False)
... force adaptionIFoo(a, default=y, force_adaption=True)
... explicit context  IFoo(a, context=specific_context)

Multi adaptation  IFoo(multi=(a,b))
... with default  IFoo(multi=(a,b), default=y)
Named multi adapter   IFoo(multi=(a,b), name='z')
... with default  IFoo(multi=(a,b), name='z', default=y)
... assert location   IFoo(multi=(a,b), default=y, locate=True)

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Form framework, adapters and pau

2005-04-04 Thread Dominik Huber
A few months ago the following code block was removed in, and (revision 29418):

   def _setUpWidgets(self):
   adapted = self.schema(self.context)
   if adapted is not self.context:
   if not ILocation.providedBy(adapted):
   adapted = LocationProxy(adapted)
   adapted.__parent__ = self.context
   self.adapted = adapted
   setUpEditWidgets(self, self.schema, source=self.adapted,
As a consequence each trusted adapter class should now implement 
ILocation that the TrustedAdapterFactory can set the location of adapter 
instances correctly. Otherwise, only the global authentication is 
involved and the edit view fails if any local principal tries to edit a 
certain field (security.canWrite(source, name) in 
line 207).

I would like to revert those changes. IMO a framework like the form 
framework knows the context (location) and adapts that context to a 
certain schema. If the following procedures depends on location 
information, the framework itself should pass such informations in a 
smart way. It's an unnecessary  
expense  to force all schema 
adapters to implement ILocation:

- The solution using the location proxy seems fairly famillar
 compared with the container framework and containment that does not
 provide ILocation.
- An adapter that implements more than one interface cannot be registered
 with the implicit adapts and implements informations.
- A regular schema does not extend ILocation therefore it is not obvious to
 write an adapter implementing ILocation.
Any objections?
Dominik Huber

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Form framework, adapters and pau

2005-04-04 Thread Dominik Huber
Jim Fulton wrote:

Dominik Huber wrote:
A few months ago the following code block was removed in, and (revision 29418):

   def _setUpWidgets(self):
   adapted = self.schema(self.context)
   if adapted is not self.context:
   if not ILocation.providedBy(adapted):
   adapted = LocationProxy(adapted)
   adapted.__parent__ = self.context
   self.adapted = adapted
   setUpEditWidgets(self, self.schema, source=self.adapted,
As a consequence each trusted adapter class should now implement 

One could, as an alternative, use an non-trusted adapter
that is public and rely on the underlying object protection.
We can only use trusted adapters for our use case.
> that the TrustedAdapterFactory can set the location of adapter
instances correctly. Otherwise, only the global authentication is 
involved and the edit view fails if any local principal tries to edit 
a certain field (security.canWrite(source, name) in line 207).

I would like to revert those changes. IMO a framework like the form 
framework knows the context (location) and adapts that context to a 
certain schema. If the following procedures depends on location 
information, the framework itself should pass such informations in a 
smart way. It's an unnecessary 
 to force all schema adapters to 
implement ILocation:

- The solution using the location proxy seems fairly famillar
 compared with the container framework and containment that does not
 provide ILocation.

Except that the object being location proxied is already security
proxied.  Location proxies were not designed to proxy security-proxied
I cannot assess this location-proxied securtiy proxy issue. Therefor I 
have a question about the order of containment proxies:
1. contained proxy > security proxy > component
2. security proxy > contained proxy > component
So far I thought a component is created and proxied by their factory, 
afterwards it is contained proxied by the container if it does not 
provide ILocation. Therefor my statemets bases of 1.

So for me it is not very obvious what the difference should be between 
location proxied containement and location proxied trusted adapters:
location proxy > security proxy > trusted adapter

The form framework does not work using trusted adapters which do not 
provide ILocation in combination with the local authentication 
information. This raises an Unauthorized exception if a local principal 
with enough privileges tries to access the edit view. (Reason: Because 
the unlocatable adapter invoke the global authentication only).

We have three oportunities:
a) status quo
b) location proxy or simalar derivates
c) extend security.canWrite(obj, name, context=None)
d) ...
Roger removed the location proxy code because at that time the security 
information get lost using location proxies (Reason multiple security 
proxies: security proxy > location proxy > security proxy > trusted 
adapter). Afterward Garret fixed the proxy method of the Checker class. 
Since that time proxied object will be only proxied if their were not 
already proxied before (location proxy > security proxy > trusted adapter)

- An adapter that implements more than one interface cannot be 
 with the implicit adapts and implements informations.

- A regular schema does not extend ILocation therefore it is not 
obvious to
 write an adapter implementing ILocation.

If you answers the last two reasons with True then follows IMO a) is a bug.
So we have to choose an other implementation alternative
b),  c) or d) would be ok for me.
Any objections?

Yes. :)
Why not simply use an untrusted public adapter?
Use case:
We have within the site 's' an extendable containerish component 'f' 
(Class Fasade) that should fasade its containment . Inside 'f' we can 
put any component for example component 'any' (Class Any) providing 
'IAny'.The IWriteContainer declaration of 's' requires the permission 
'zope.ManageContent'. The IWriteContainer declaration of 'any' requires 
a dedicated permission for example 'zope.ManageInside'.

Now we should provide an edit-view for 'f' that invokes the contained 
component 'any'. The edit-view should be accessable for local principal 
of s which have the 'zope.ManageContent' permission.

Our design goal tries to satify the following two targets:
- demeter's law (No direct access to 'any').
- different permission between inside and outside 'f'
So we decided to access 'any' on the location of 'f' using an 
AnyForFasade adapter.
IMO this adapter must be trusted to hide inside permission of 'any'.

Dominik Huber

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Form framework, adapters and pau

2005-04-06 Thread Dominik Huber
Jim Fulton wrote:
My main objection is that it seem too implicit to me.
My objection is that we would be doing something for the adapter
that it should have done for itself.  With this change every adapter
that doesn't provide ILocation will get proxied even if the adapter
is actually public.
I'm willing to give in on this though.
If y'all want to change this back, I'll go along as
long as it doesn't break things. :)
Cool, I'm going to revert tomorrow (Excuse my discussion absence, I was 
out of the office yesterday.)

Should I write an extra test for this change?
If yes, where should I place this test for best (dependencies)
Dominik Huber

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Form framework, adapters and pau

2005-04-06 Thread Dominik Huber
Jim Fulton wrote:
Here's an alternate proposal:
Let's put the proxying in the trusted adapter factory.
Let's make the trusted adapter factory add the proxy
if the adapter doesn't set ILocation. Then the form code
stays clean and other code will benefit.  This would become
part of the definition of trusted adapters.
If there are no objections, let's do it this way.
It's a positive convergence from adapters and content components.
- 1
It might be a trap too, because developers must be aware of the pretty 
implicit differnces between trusted and unstrusted adapters. In cases 
where unstrusted adapters require a dedicated permission the editview 
has still to proxy those adapters to procede correctly. Would it be 
possible to deprecate the unstrusted adapters or proxy them to?

Then we have to build location proxies most of the time. Is that not a 
performance issue?

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Form framework, adapters and pau

2005-04-08 Thread Dominik Huber
Jim Fulton wrote:
- 1
It might be a trap too, because developers must be aware of the 
pretty implicit differnces between trusted and unstrusted adapters.

We just need to make this explicit.
We already "implicitly" set __parent__ in the trusted adapter
factory. I suggest we make this explicit.  If you ask for a trusted
adapter, then we'll set __parent__ on the adapter to the adapted object,
adding a location proxy, if necessary.
How can I ask for trusted adapters explicitly inside a framework such as 
edit view?

If we adapt a context to a certain schema (given by the schema attibute 
of the editform directive) we have no chance today to ask explicitly for 
a trusted adapter but rather we get either an untrusted or a trusted 
one. So if we don't like to end up in the status-quo-bug we have still 
to handle unlocatable untrusted adapters someway.

where unstrusted adapters require a dedicated permission the editview 
has still to proxy those adapters to procede correctly. Would it be 
possible to deprecate the unstrusted adapters or proxy them to?

I would strongly discourage the use of untrusted adapters that
require a permission other than zope.Public.
Then we should not allow to set the permission attribute in the adapter 
directive ;)
But I use the permission attribute registering multiadapters (views) all 
the time, what's the problem there? I'm not aware of any problems.
The zope.Public permission is within all our use cases no alternative.

In general, adapters are rarely accessed from untrustes code
and are rarely security proxied.  I would not want to location
proxy them in general.
But my problem is the implicite behavior of the adapter interfaces. IMO 
we still end up in code like the following
adapter = IAnyInterface(context)
if not ILocation.providedBy(adapter):
   locatable_adapter = LocationProxy(adapter)
   locatable_adapter.__parent__ = context.__parent__
   locatable_adapter.__name__ =  context.__name__
   locatable_adapter = adapter

IMO all permission related stuff is possibly location sensitive stuff, 
therefore the 'real' criteria must be this permission issue and not the 

IMO the optimum of explicitness would be reached using only a location 
helper function such as assertLocation(). We should resign our plans to 
modify the trusted adapter factory using location proxies if not 
ILocation is provided by the adapter, because those arrangements do not 
solve the problem really, as long as we have to differ adapters in 
relation to their location behavior.

from import assertLocation
locatable_adapter = assertLocation( IAnyInterface(context))
Then we have to build location proxies most of the time. Is that not 
a performance issue?

Yes, we don't want to do this most of the time.  It makes sense IMO,
to use them for trusted adapters, but I consider trusted adapters to
be a fairly specialized (and useful) tool.
That would be strengthen the location helper function, too.
I try to collect + and -:
location helper function:
+ Performance: We don't have to build location proxies all the time
+ Explicitness: Excplicit in relation to the location issue after adaption
0 Developer: Have to be aware of the location issue
assert a location to all trusted adapters:
0 Performace: Ok because only the trusted adapters are affected
- Explicitness: Implicit in relation to the location issue after adaption
0 Developer: Have to be aware of the location issue
assert a location to all trusted adapters:
- Performance: Diffinitaly an overhead
+ Explicitness: Excplicit in relation to the location issue after adaption
+ Developer: Can forget about the location issue

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Form framework, adapters and pau

2005-04-08 Thread Dominik Huber
Dominik Huber wrote:
I try to collect + and -:
location helper function:
+ Performance: We don't have to build location proxies all the time
+ Explicitness: Excplicit in relation to the location issue after 
0 Developer: Have to be aware of the location issue

assert a location to all trusted adapters:
0 Performace: Ok because only the trusted adapters are affected
- Explicitness: Implicit in relation to the location issue after adaption
0 Developer: Have to be aware of the location issue

assert a location to all trusted adapters:
- Performance: Diffinitaly an overhead
+ Explicitness: Excplicit in relation to the location issue after 
+ Developer: Can forget about the location issue

assert a location to all adapters:
- Performance: Diffinitaly an overhead
+ Explicitness: Excplicit in relation to the location issue after adaption
+ Developer: Can forget about the location issue
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Form framework, adapters and pau

2005-04-08 Thread Dominik Huber
Jim Fulton wrote:
Whether something is trusted or not is an implementation decision of the
But if developer 'A' writes a framework such as the form framework, he 
does not implement the adapter himself. The adapters are implemented by 
others within different application for example developer 'X' and 'Y'.

So the code of 'A' adapts something:
   >>> adapted = ISomething(context)
   >>> doLocationSensitiveStuff(adapted)
'A' is not able to influence the implementations of 'X' and 'Y' 
ISomething-adapters. If 'X' or 'Y' does register an 
none-public-untrusted adapter 'A's framework will fail.

So 'A' has to force anyway all adapters to be locatable, if he wants 
handle this bug situation:

   >>> locatetable_adapted = assertLocation(ISomething(context), context)
   >>> doLocationSensitiveStuff(locatetable_adapted)
I thougth, you (Jim) wanted to ban such dedicated location proxy stuff 
out of the code. Therefore you proposed the trusted adapter factory 
solution. My exclusive objection is that we don't get rid of specific 
location assertions within frameworks unless we make all adapters locatable.

So are you agreeing with the proposal to add location proxies
in the adapter factory and not in the form machinery?
No. IMO we can not solve the problem correctly doing the location 
proxies inside the trusted adapter factory, because their might be a few 
untrusted adapters that requires a dedicated permission, too. So we have 
to do the proxying inside the trusted adapter factory and inside the 
form machinery and that's kind of pointless to me.

location helper function:
+ Performance: We don't have to build location proxies all the time
+ Explicitness: Excplicit in relation to the location issue after 
0 Developer: Have to be aware of the location issue

assert a location to all trusted adapters:
0 Performace: Ok because only the trusted adapters are affected
- Explicitness: Implicit in relation to the location issue after 

This doesn't make any sense to me.
If a programmers uses the trusted adapter facility, they do so exlicitly.
The trusted adapter facility is documented to provide location.
The mail before I asked you (Jim):
How can I ask for trusted adapters explicitly inside a framework such as 
edit view?
Your answer: You can't.

May that's the key for our mutual misunderstanding (and of course my 
english) :)

assert a location to all adapters:
- Performance: Diffinitaly an overhead
+ Explicitness: Excplicit in relation to the location issue after 

No, this is very implicit.  It messes with *all* adapters, which is
way too intrusive.
IMO the mess starts when I don't know what I'm going to get *extra* out 
of an adapter call, for example

   >>> adapted = ISomething(context)
and I have to introspect the result set before I can proceed because I 
might get an location for free ;)
In all those cases where ISomething does not extend ILocation, it's 
pretty implicit to asume to have gotten a locatin too, except their 
would be the absolute rule and single exception ILocation is provided in 
any case.

If we like to solve such a problem explicitly without such absolute 
commitments, we have to invent beside the existing Multi*For*Adapters 
the Multi*Provides*Adapters:

   >>> something_with_location = zapi.queryMultiProvideAdapter(context, 
(ISomething, ILocation))
   >>> something_with_location = 
zapi.queryMultiForAndProvideAdapter((context,), (ISomething, ILocation))

IMO such a solution would be explicit with no bad aftertaste, but it 
will probably break a few basic registry implementations.

Keep in mind too that proxies suck.  They are deep magic, like 
Like metaclasses, they provide a powerful tool to solve extra hard 
but they should be used sparingly.
YUP! Because the location proxying within the trusted adapter factory 
does not solve all my problems and I have still to go with dedicated 
framework solutions like proposed in the form machinery. I would suggest 
to straiten for dedicated framework solutions only and offer a helper 
function only.

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Form framework, adapters and pau

2005-04-08 Thread Dominik Huber
Jim Fulton wrote:
OK, here's an alternate proposal:
  If the permission attribute is used in the adapter directive and the
  permission is not zope.Public, then:
If the adapter doesn't provide ILocation, we location proxy it and
set the parent.
If the adapter does provide ILocation and it's __parent__ is None,
we set the __parent__.
  This will be accomplished with a custom factory.
Does this make you happy? :)
Yes, cool  ;)
Can I help anything or are you going to implement that code
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Wiki permissions and PAU [Zope3-dev] Form framework, adapters and pau

2005-04-13 Thread Dominik Huber
Paolo Invernizzi wrote:
I've a problem with the wiki that I can't resolve... Zope3 trunk current.
I've added a PAU to 
http://eye:8080/++etc++site/default/@@contents.html with a 
PrincipalFolder and some principals.

I've activated the "No Challenge if Authenticated" and the "Zope Realm 

I've also granted some principals in http://eye:8080/@@grant.html some 
principal of the folder with the Site Manager role.

While everything is working pretty well, the principal can login, 
administer the site etc,etc I've a problem...

I added a Wiki. While the principal can access single pages, the 
search in http://eye:8080/the_wiki/@@search.html, see the contents in 
http://eye:8080/the_wiki/@@contents.html, if cannot access the Table 
of contents http://eye:8080/the_wiki/@@toc.html (You are not authorized).
That's an artefact of the problem we dicussed currently in [Zope3-dev] 
Form framework, adapters and pau thread.

Only the global authentication is invoked, because  the trusted 
WikiPageHierarchyAdapter does not implement ILocation. Therefore your 
user does not 'exists' during the authentication and that is leading to 
this failure.

Temporary workaround: zwiki\ line 73, derive 
WikiPageHierarchyAdapter from Location

from import Location
class WikiPageHierarchyAdapter(Location):
We' ve planed to fix that problem correctly:
Dominik Huber
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Form framework, adapters and pau

2005-04-14 Thread Dominik Huber
Jim Fulton wrote:
Dominik Huber wrote:
Jim Fulton wrote:
OK, here's an alternate proposal:
  If the permission attribute is used in the adapter directive and the
  permission is not zope.Public, then:
If the adapter doesn't provide ILocation, we location proxy it and
set the parent.
If the adapter does provide ILocation and it's __parent__ is None,
we set the __parent__.
  This will be accomplished with a custom factory.
Does this make you happy? :)

Yes, cool  ;)
Can I help anything or are you going to implement that code

I don't think I'll have time to do this soon.  Will this be for
3.1 or 3.2?  Is it a feature or a bug fix? :)
I fixed that issue within the branch 
Jim, could you take a look at that please. Thank you very much in advance!

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Form framework, adapters and pau

2005-04-20 Thread Dominik Huber
Excuse me late response I was busy that weekend...
Jim Fulton wrote:
I fixed that issue within the branch 
Jim, could you take a look at that please. Thank you very much in 

We should *only* add the location if the adapter requires a permission 
than zope public.  Key rereferences don't require a permission and 
should not
be location proxied. Doing so makes them unpicklable.

We're going to need to fix the trusted adapter factory to do this 
I suggest we create a new kind of trusted adapter factory, perhaps
"LocatingTrustedAdapter" factory that adds the location. This should
only be used when the adapter directive specified a permission other
than zope.Public. Otherwise, the original trusted adapter factory should
be used.
May be I do not understand the problem correctly:
IMO the permission declaration within the adapter directive has nothing 
to do
with the permission declaration wihtin the class directive that mus be 
used if
trusted adapters are invoked.

Example KeyReference Adapter:

So, during the registration of an trusted adapter  factory (
permission declaration of the possible adapter instances (
adapter factories within the adapter directive processing..

All the same I implemented your sugestion. The following question appears:
- How should we handle NullAdapters correctly?
IMO this solution is pretty implicit and I do not like it at all.
We should find a way to check the permission of the adapter instances 
inside a single trusted adapter factory:

class IntelligentTrustedAdapterFactory(TrustedAdapterFactoryMixin):
   def _customize(self, adapter, context):
   p = ProxyFactory(adapter)
   checker = getChecker(p)
   if checker is CheckerPublic:
   return adapter
  return assertLocation(adapter, context)
- performance
- in the key refernce example it would be an dedicated checker. how 
could I guess if such an checker is Public?

Of course, you should revert the change to key references.
P.S. Please make sure source lines are 79 characters or less in 
lengnth. :)
Thank you for the comments!
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Form framework, adapters and pau

2005-04-20 Thread Dominik Huber
Jim Fulton wrote:
Dominik Huber wrote:
Excuse me late response I was busy that weekend...
Jim Fulton wrote:
I fixed that issue within the branch 
Jim, could you take a look at that please. Thank you very much in 

We should *only* add the location if the adapter requires a 
permission other
than zope public.  Key rereferences don't require a permission and 
should not
be location proxied. Doing so makes them unpicklable.

We're going to need to fix the trusted adapter factory to do this 
I suggest we create a new kind of trusted adapter factory, perhaps
"LocatingTrustedAdapter" factory that adds the location. This should
only be used when the adapter directive specified a permission other
than zope.Public. Otherwise, the original trusted adapter factory 
be used.

May be I do not understand the problem correctly:
IMO the permission declaration within the adapter directive has 
nothing to do
with the permission declaration wihtin the class directive that mus 
be used if
trusted adapters are invoked.
Example KeyReference Adapter:

That's odd.  I didn't notice the class directive.  I don't know why the
class directive is being used here. This is one of those rare cases where
we have to make the security declaration on the adapter class. (In this
case, it's because the adapters are pickled, which is also unusual.)
It is not generally the case that you need to use separate security
declarations with trusted adapters.
I declare those additional class directive all the time if I'm using 
trusted adapters.
IMO this kind of registration is the common pattern

For example stephan richter uses this pattern within the wiki:
permission declaration of the possible adapter instances (
adapter factories within the adapter directive processing..
So, during the registration of an trusted adapter  factory 

No, you can't do so implicitly.  You can know about the permission
used if a non-public permission was supplied.  If a non-public permission
is supplied, then it is reasonable to add the location. Otherwise, you 
not try to guess.
But the permission declaration within the adapter directive defines the 
permission that is nessecary to invoke the adapter factory.
It's implict to asume that the  instance by a certain factory desires 
the same permissions like the invocationg of the factory.

- How should we handle NullAdapters correctly?
All the same I implemented your sugestion. The following question 

What do you mean by NullAdapters?  Are you talking about factories that
return None?
Id so, then, obviously, you should not proxy None.
No, 'NullAdapter' are parameterless factories, for example x = IX()
IMO this solution is pretty implicit and I do not like it at all.

What solution?  If you are talking about my suggestion to
add a location to any adapter for whoch a non-public permission
is specified, then I consider this far less impleicit than what you
had before.  It doesn't guess. If it knows a permission is required,
it adds a location.
Yes, the current solution in the branch.
We should find a way to check the permission of the adapter instances 
inside a single trusted adapter factory:

class IntelligentTrustedAdapterFactory(TrustedAdapterFactoryMixin):
   def _customize(self, adapter, context):
   p = ProxyFactory(adapter)
   checker = getChecker(p)
   if checker is CheckerPublic:
   return adapter
  return assertLocation(adapter, context)
- performance
- in the key refernce example it would be an dedicated checker. how 
could I guess if such an checker is Public?

This is just too much magic.  It has too many rules and
is too slow.
BTW, we are not just taking about trusted adapters.  We are talking about
*any* adapter for which a non-public permission is required.
Yes, thats clear.
We have two cases:
1. untrusted
2. trusted
1. if we register an untrusted adapter using the adapter directive we 
can make an correlation between adapter factory permission and
adapter instance: if I have no permission to invoke the factory, I 
should not be able to use its instances.

2. if we register a trusted adapter this correlation breaks because the 
adapter instance itself might have highly differented security-permission

So 1 is easy to handle in the adapter directive, but 2 not. The 
suggestion above tries to respect your requirments, but also allow to use.
the registration pattern 

The current solution in the branch is not able to handle 2. correctly.
Stephan's zwiki example:
- The adapter directive has no permission (which is ok, because he 
doesn't need to protect the invocation of the adapter factory itself).
- In that case the locating trusted adapter factory is not invoked 
within the registration.
- Therefore the adapter instance will not 

Re: [Zope3-dev] Form framework, adapters and pau

2005-04-20 Thread Dominik Huber
Jim Fulton wrote:
It is not generally the case that you need to use separate security
declarations with trusted adapters.
I declare those additional class directive all the time if I'm using 
trusted adapters.
IMO this kind of registration is the common pattern

For example stephan richter uses this pattern within the wiki:

This isn't a pattern I've used.  I think that there are
lots of other, and perhaps better ways to do things.
We have the use case that we adapt a lot of additional functionalities 
to a pretty stupid content.
Each additional functionality has differentiated permission-sets 
comparable to regular content objects. For example different permissions 
for reading and setting attributes of the provided interface.

So at the moment I do not see any another possibility to set those 
permissions than using an additional 

All 'bugs' related to this issue (that I'm aware of) including the 
zwiki-bug that was reported uses the above pattern and breaks.
The reason for my branch was to solve this kind problem :)

But the permission declaration within the adapter directive defines 
the permission that is nessecary to invoke the adapter factory.
> It's implict to asume that the  instance by a certain factory desires
> the same permissions like the invocationg of the factory.
> It's implict to asume that the  instance by a certain factory desires
> the same permissions like the invocationg of the factory.
You missunderstand.  The permission is not the permission to
to create the adapter. It's the permission necessary to use
the provided interface on the adapter.
Ok, missleading naming _protectedFactory within the adapter handler ;)
But what happens in the following case?
1. the resulting adapter requires any.Permission
2. the resulting adapter requires the permission defined by 
IMO case 2. happens (experimental verification only, I do not understand 
all magics within _protectedFactory).
The status-quo is pretty implicit too. I looking forward to explain such 
stuff to newbies ;)

- How should we handle NullAdapters correctly?
All the same I implemented your sugestion. The following question 

What do you mean by NullAdapters?  Are you talking about factories that
return None?
Id so, then, obviously, you should not proxy None.
No, 'NullAdapter' are parameterless factories, for example x = IX()
OK, so these cannot be locations.
Yup, that my interpretation too. So those null adapters are global 
object with or without dedicated permission
that can't be invoke by any local principal. What's the use cases for 
such object?

IMO this solution is pretty implicit and I do not like it at all.
What solution?  If you are talking about my suggestion to
add a location to any adapter for whoch a non-public permission
is specified, then I consider this far less impleicit than what you
had before.  It doesn't guess. If it knows a permission is required,
it adds a location.
Yes, the current solution in the branch.

OK, I'll take a look at that.
Excuse me, but under those circumstances I have to retract my solution. 
IMO it will be not that what you are looking for... :(

2. if we register a trusted adapter this correlation breaks because 
the adapter instance itself might have highly differented 
(compare In a complex situation like this, I suggest it's better to have people
make their adapters locations in Python.
It might more complex than a single permission, but its every day life. 
I only try to simplify independently if its complex or not :)

So 1 is easy to handle in the adapter directive, but 2 not. The 
suggestion above tries to respect your requirments, but also allow to 
the registration pattern 

The current solution in the branch is not able to handle 2. correctly.
Stephan's zwiki example:
- The adapter directive has no permission (which is ok, because he 
doesn't need to protect the invocation of the adapter factory itself).
- In that case the locating trusted adapter factory is not invoked 
within the registration.
- Therefore the adapter instance will not have any location.
- Therefore we can't invoke the local authentication.

My suggestion:
IMO the intid and keyrefernce stuff is an exceptional case. Nobody 
else using the zope framework tries to memorize adapters persistently.
The problem is that we were being too intrusive.
Most adapters are never security proxied. We shouldn't implicitly
add location proxies. We should only add them if we know we need them.
Maybe I was focused to much to the existing implementation.
We location proxy the trusted adapters only if they get protected by 
adapter factory.

if an protected object is adapted:
 we assert a location (if no location is provided we use location proxy)
 we only set the __parent__ attribute if it is None
Everyone is aware that adapters regularly are very transient.
If somebody needs a pickable adapter he should be aware that those 
adapter must provide ILocation

Re: [Zope3-dev] Form framework, adapters and pau

2005-04-20 Thread Dominik Huber
Jim Fulton wrote:
It is not generally the case that you need to use separate security
declarations with trusted adapters.
I declare those additional class directive all the time if I'm 
using trusted adapters.
IMO this kind of registration is the common pattern

For example stephan richter uses this pattern within the wiki:

This isn't a pattern I've used.  I think that there are
lots of other, and perhaps better ways to do things.
We have the use case that we adapt a lot of additional 
functionalities to a pretty stupid content.
Each additional functionality has differentiated permission-sets 
comparable to regular content objects. For example different 
permissions for reading and setting attributes of the provided 
Sure, but I would use different adapters to different functions.
How can you handle the set and read aspects of a schema-based interface 
in two different adapters? The permission is not a discriminator within 
the adapter directive.
That's a bureaucratic solution ;)

So at the moment I do not see any another possibility to set those 
permissions than using an additional 

All 'bugs' related to this issue (that I'm aware of) including the 
zwiki-bug that was reported uses the above pattern and breaks.
The reason for my branch was to solve this kind problem :)
But your original fix caused other problems.
Only if somebody is memorizing (and pickle) adapters. Please be honest, 
that's not the most ordinary application.
(at least there were definitely more application using the above pattern. ;)

But the permission declaration within the adapter directive defines 
the permission that is nessecary to invoke the adapter factory.
> It's implict to asume that the  instance by a certain factory desires
> the same permissions like the invocationg of the factory.
> It's implict to asume that the  instance by a certain factory desires
> the same permissions like the invocationg of the factory.
You missunderstand.  The permission is not the permission to
to create the adapter. It's the permission necessary to use
the provided interface on the adapter.
Ok, missleading naming _protectedFactory within the adapter handler ;)
But what happens in the following case?
1. the resulting adapter requires any.Permission
If the permission is other than zope.Public, it gets a location.
This can be a documented feature of the directive.
2. the resulting adapter requires the permission defined by 
IMO case 2. happens (experimental verification only, I do not 
understand all magics within _protectedFactory).
The status-quo is pretty implicit too. I looking forward to explain 
such stuff to newbies ;)
In this case, the designer needs to do one of:
- Make their adapter class a location
- Factor their adapter into separate adapters that each
  do one thing and need a single permission.
We missed us.
Question: What should the precedence be if I use the sample zwiki 
registration (modified example above)?

At the moment (trunk) the permission attribute of the 
(experimental verification only).

Here's what I want:
  The adapter directive grows a new feature.  If the adapter directive 
  a permission directive with a permission other than zope.Public and the
  adapter adapts one or more objects, then we provide a factory that:

  - Adds a location proxy if it doesn't provide ILocation, and
  - Sets the __parent__ if the existing value is not None
Dis you implement this?
I tried to implement your solution [Revision 30053], but then I noticed 
the following problems:

1. no permission (None) and zope.Public within a trusted adapter 
registration provokes different behavior (example below 

2. the zwiki bug and my related implementations bugs still exists, 
because regularly folks that registering trusted adapters using  

any permission within 

Therefore I reverted 'your' solution back to the first implementation 
[Revision 30059, 30060]. I assumed that it will be less evil
to do without two different trusted adapters factories (regular 
(zope.Public and None) and the locating one (other permission)).
+ we can fix the zwiki bug and related implementations bugs easily
+ we can omit the unclear permission-precedence if the 
o the untrusted adapters with no location get only location-proxied if 
permission is not None or zope.Public
- we have to derive the KeyReferenceToPersistent adapter from Location 
to omit the pickle error

Just now I added some optimization [30067]:
Trusted adapters get regularly only protected if the adapted object is 
protected. Therefore we can omit the location proxy in cases where the 
trusted adapters get not protected.
I wrote an other adapter factory 
(PartiallyLocatingTrustedAdapterFactory) which is only using location 
proxies if the adapter is protected and does not provide ILocation.
If ILocation is provided the parent is still set if None.

Within the current branch there are the three adapter factories:
- PartiallyL

Re: [Zope3-dev] Form framework, adapters and pau

2005-04-20 Thread Dominik Huber
I tried to implement your solution [Revision 30053], but then I 
noticed the following problems:

1. no permission (None) and zope.Public within a trusted adapter 
registration provokes different behavior (example below 

2. the zwiki bug and my related implementations bugs still exists, 
because regularly folks that registering trusted adapters using  

any permission within 

Therefore I reverted 'your' solution back to the first implementation 
[Revision 30059, 30060]. I assumed that it will be less evil
to do without two different trusted adapters factories (regular 
(zope.Public and None) and the locating one (other permission)).
+ we can fix the zwiki bug and related implementations bugs easily
+ we can omit the unclear permission-precedence if the 
o the untrusted adapters with no location get only location-proxied if 
permission is not None or zope.Public
- we have to derive the KeyReferenceToPersistent adapter from Location 
to omit the pickle error

Just now I added some optimization [30067]:
Trusted adapters get regularly only protected if the adapted object is 
protected. Therefore we can omit the location proxy in cases where the 
trusted adapters get not protected.
I wrote an other adapter factory 
(PartiallyLocatingTrustedAdapterFactory) which is only using location 
proxies if the adapter is protected and does not provide ILocation.
If ILocation is provided the parent is still set if None.
And this that solves the KeyRefernceToPersistent problem too. [revison  

Within the current branch there are the three adapter factories:
- PartiallyLocatingTrustedAdapterFactory
- LocatingTrustedAdapterFactory
- TrustedAdapterFactory
You can easily switch them within adapter() directive handler and look 
for the optimum.

After all I would prefer the current solution. But I know the decision 
is up to you.

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Multi Interface Types Registration

2005-04-25 Thread Dominik Huber
Hi Stephan,
Is there a specific reason why only one interface type is directly 
provided per interface?
If two types are registered for one interface the first type is chucked 
out of the interface during the registration of the second,
but the first stays still registered within the utitlity service.
Bug or Feature?

IMO multi-typed interfaces would make sense. Would you have any 
objections if I change the code the following way:

module:, line 78
75if iface_type is not None:
76if not iface_type.extends(IInterface):
77raise TypeError(iface_type, "is not an interface type")
78directlyProvides(interface, iface_type, 

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] site.zcml (ftesting.zcml) extension

2005-04-25 Thread Dominik Huber
We should have an application/framework-level hook within the site.zcml 
that is processed before *-configure.zcml are invoked.

Problem: A framework package 'b.x' registers a dedicated menu 'b_views'. 
A package 'a.x' using 'b.x' should be able to register menu items 
refering 'b_views'. The initialisation will fail because 'a.x' is loaded 
before 'b.x' and therefore  'a.x' cant register any view to 'b_views' 
because the menu does not exists yet.

Proposed solution: package includes named *-app.zcml will be invoked 
before the regular *-configure.zcml package includes (Compare example 
site.zcml below)

Any objections?
example site.zcml:";>

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Multi Interface Types Registration

2005-04-25 Thread Dominik Huber
Stephan Richter wrote:
IMO multi-typed interfaces would make sense. Would you have any
objections if I change the code the following way:
module:, line 78
75if iface_type is not None:
76if not iface_type.extends(IInterface):
77raise TypeError(iface_type, "is not an interface type")
78directlyProvides(interface, iface_type,

I would like to see a use case first. Once we can agree that the use case is 
really necessary, this change will be fine.

It's not just a matter of use case, it's also a matter of potentially 
unintended misconfiguration and side effects:
The directly-provide-implementation decision allows multi-typed 
interfaces on python level. As soon
the interface directive is invoked manipulation on python level will be 
'removed' by a single type
information. Such behavior complicates the live of developer knowing the 
interface package only.

Use case: Typing interfaces within orthogonal application domains:
-> CMS-Domain -> IContentType, IEventType, ...
-> Business-Domain -> IAnyBusinessDomainType
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] site.zcml (ftesting.zcml) extension

2005-04-25 Thread Dominik Huber
Stephan Richter wrote:
On Monday 25 April 2005 09:03, Dominik Huber wrote:

Problem: A framework package 'b.x' registers a dedicated menu 'b_views'.
A package 'a.x' using 'b.x' should be able to register menu items
refering 'b_views'. The initialisation will fail because 'a.x' is loaded
before 'b.x' and therefore  'a.x' cant register any view to 'b_views'
because the menu does not exists yet.

I am pretty sure we had a solution for this problem already. I think you 
simply do:

' which is proceeded before all 
Other application/framework may need similar kind of configurations for 
establishing theirs meta-application-level.

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] site.zcml (ftesting.zcml) extension

2005-04-25 Thread Dominik Huber
Shane Hathaway wrote:
Dominik Huber wrote:

We should have an application/framework-level hook within the site.zcml
that is processed before *-configure.zcml are invoked.
Problem: A framework package 'b.x' registers a dedicated menu 'b_views'.
A package 'a.x' using 'b.x' should be able to register menu items
refering 'b_views'. The initialisation will fail because 'a.x' is loaded
before 'b.x' and therefore  'a.x' cant register any view to 'b_views'
because the menu does not exists yet.
Proposed solution: package includes named *-app.zcml will be invoked
before the regular *-configure.zcml package includes (Compare example
site.zcml below)
Any objections?

That might be a reasonable band-aid.  However, directives ought to have
no load-time dependencies on other directives.  The configuration
directives should defer any interconnections and registration until the
whole configuration is loaded.

In principle +1, but their are still cases where that idealism will break.
Zope solves that problem using the direct include  that is processed before the others *-configure.zcml.

It's the old dispute between holism and reductionism.
In the modern system theory it is the differentiation between heap and 
In that respect we need a way to register *parallel* systems 
(applications or frameworks) including

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] site.zcml (ftesting.zcml) extension

2005-04-25 Thread Dominik Huber
Stephan Richter wrote:
On Monday 25 April 2005 10:52, Roger Ineichen wrote:

The alphabtice order of configure.zcml like Stephan proposed
is one solution. But I like a more explicit solution for this
like Dominik proposed with a additional application level
for 3rd party packages.

I did not propose to have alphabetical order. I said to write in 


This used to work. 

(Use case extension: There is a third package 'c' or even more (that the 
usecase of frameworks).)

Yes, I'm fully aware that your example works, but the solution is also a 
'hack', because it simulates
the application/framework-level inside a-configure.zcml. Therefore all 
the time when a new package is added
that is depending on the framework 'a' we have to modifiy 
a-configure.zcml. So if we like to use any automated
deployment tools such as zpkg we can not only move package-includes from 
a skel folder to the live-package-includes,
but also we have modify them accordingly.

This is the only thing I really do not like about the proposed solution.
I really do not want to add yet another layer, because it 
will never end.

I'm going with you that we should add additional layers deliberately, 
but the bigger evil than a new, abstraction layer is to
simulate such a level within the deeper ones.

This layer is justifiable at the moment because the zope application 
already uses such a layer itself
(direct include of within the site.zcml).


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Form framework, adapters and pau

2005-04-25 Thread Dominik Huber
Jim Fulton wrote:
So at the moment I do not see any another possibility to set those 
permissions than using an additional 

All 'bugs' related to this issue (that I'm aware of) including the 
zwiki-bug that was reported uses the above pattern and breaks.
The reason for my branch was to solve this kind problem :)
But your original fix caused other problems.
Only if somebody is memorizing (and pickle) adapters. Please be 
honest, that's not the most ordinary application.
(at least there were definitely more application using the above 
pattern. ;)
This isn't about the the specific pickling problem.  It's about
the unexpected problems from implicitly proxying something.
Proxies are a technology that should be used only when necessary.
This whole discussion is about providing the convenience of
not having to subclass Location in an adapter class when an adapter
is going to be security proxied.  While I think this convenience has
value, the value does not justify always adding the location proxy.
Yes and No. It's convience, but it's also fact that security lookups do 
need a location (unless zope.Public)
to invoke local security settings correctly.

So, we have two cases:
1. the developer is *fully aware* of the security and adapter machinery.
2. the developer is *not aware* of the security and adapter machinery.
Today dev 2  is going to struggle and he will have a hard time to find 
the bug.
The current branch prevents that dev 2 struggles. Dev 1 might be 
disturbed by an implicit location proxy, but he is able to handle the 
problem deriving his adapter class from ILocation.

2. the resulting adapter requires the permission defined by 
IMO case 2. happens (experimental verification only, I do not 
understand all magics within _protectedFactory).
The status-quo is pretty implicit too. I looking forward to explain 
such stuff to newbies ;)

In this case, the designer needs to do one of:
- Make their adapter class a location
- Factor their adapter into separate adapters that each
  do one thing and need a single permission.

I just thought of another alternative in the case of single adapters.
The adapter directive lets you name multiple factories in the factory
attribute.  You could list the location proxy constructor as a factory
in the ZCML:
Here, we are *explicitly* saying that we want to combine
an aplication factory with a location proxy.
This works for the example above.
-1 That's might be *to much explicitness* for dev 1 and complecates the 
adapter directive too.

We missed us.
Question: What should the precedence be if I use the sample zwiki 
registration (modified example above)?

At the moment (trunk) the permission attribute of the 
(experimental verification only).

I couldn't tell you what the precedence should be because I didn't
anticipate that someone would do both.
Here's what I want:
  The adapter directive grows a new feature.  If the adapter 
directive has
  a permission directive with a permission other than zope.Public 
and the
  adapter adapts one or more objects, then we provide a factory that:

  - Adds a location proxy if it doesn't provide ILocation, and
  - Sets the __parent__ if the existing value is not None
Dis you implement this?

I tried to implement your solution [Revision 30053], but then I 
noticed the following problems:

1. no permission (None) and zope.Public within a trusted adapter 
registration provokes different behavior (example below 

OK, sounds like a bug.
2. the zwiki bug and my related implementations bugs still exists, 
because regularly folks that registering trusted adapters using  

any permission within 

Therefore I reverted 'your' solution back to the first implementation 
[Revision 30059, 30060].

That's not acceptable
I assumed that it will be less evil
to do without two different trusted adapters factories (regular 
(zope.Public and None) and the locating one (other permission)).
+ we can fix the zwiki bug and related implementations bugs easily
+ we can omit the unclear permission-precedence if the 
o the untrusted adapters with no location get only location-proxied 
if permission is not None or zope.Public
- we have to derive the KeyReferenceToPersistent adapter from 
Location to omit the pickle error

I didn't follow all of that...
Just now I added some optimization [30067]:
Trusted adapters get regularly only protected if the adapted object 
is protected. Therefore we can omit the location proxy in cases where 
the trusted adapters get not protected.
I wrote an other adapter factory 
(PartiallyLocatingTrustedAdapterFactory) which is only using location 
proxies if the adapter is protected and does not provide ILocation.
If ILocation is provided the parent is still set if None.

OK, this is an imporovement.
Within the current branch there are the three adapter factories:
- PartiallyLocatingTrustedAdapterFactory
- LocatingTrustedAdapterFactory
- TrustedAdapterFactory
You can easily switch them with

Re: [Zope3-dev] Form framework, adapters and pau

2005-04-25 Thread Dominik Huber
Jim Fulton wrote:
Dominik Huber wrote:
Jim Fulton wrote:
Here are 2 other alternatives to consider:
1. Add a "locate" option to the adapter directive, which
   defaults to false.  If true (locate="1"), then a location
   proxy is always added to the adapter.

-1 That's might be *to much explicitness* for dev

I really don't think so.
> 1 and complecates the
adapter directive too.

Actually, I think it simplifies it a little.  It separates trusted-ness
from location-ness.
2. Option 1 but default to true if a non-public permission is
These alternatives are explicit and hande the case where
permissions are declared in a separate directive.

In both sugestions the problem is not solved, that the public 
permission declaration within the adapter directive cannot be adapted 
to all  trusted adapters, because the 'valid' security-declartations 
might be registered within an addional 
I think you are mistaken.  If you declare permissions in a class
directive, you'd use a locate attribute in the adapter
directive, as in:


In this case you'd get the location even though the adapter
directive doesn't specify a permission. 
Ok, I'm mistaken. That would be also fine with me.
The only thing we have to do additionaly is to look for potential bugs 
like the zwiki example.

Which alternativ do you prefer? I have time on  wednesday to implement 
your selection within the branch.

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Form framework, adapters and pau

2005-05-19 Thread Dominik Huber
(This mail seems to be lost some where so I take another try.)
Hi Jim,
I cleaned up the locatableadapters-branch, but I did not implement an 
additonal locate attribute to the adapter directive yet, because it's
pretty tricky to separate trusted-ness from location-ness.

I already raised the question what the precedence should be if the 

Question: What should the precedence be if I use the sample zwiki 
registration (modified example above)?

At the moment (trunk) the permission attribute of the 
(experimental verification only).

I couldn't tell you what the precedence should be because I didn't
anticipate that someone would do both.

The precedence is  

Therefore we can't use the permission attribute of the 

Given the above precedence fact, I cannot imagine a way how to resolve 
your (Jim's) requirement 
'trusted-public-adapters-should-not-be-location-proxied' and the 
requirement within a local authentication any permission unless 
zope.Public does require location-ness.

For that reason I sugest to stay with the current implementation of the 
branch (30225) and cancel the locate-extension.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Extend addform and addwizard directive

2005-05-19 Thread Dominik Huber
I would like to add an additional 'content_factory_id' attribute to the 
addform- addwizard directive in order that utility based factories can 
be invoked within the adding view. See diff for details.

Any objections?
Dominik Huber

---   (revision 30417)
+++   (working copy)
@@ -179,6 +179,12 @@
+content_factory_id = Id(
+title=u"Content factory id",
+description=u"A factory id to create new content objects",
+required = False,
 arguments = Tokens(
--- 30417)
+++ copy)
@@ -177,6 +177,7 @@
 # default add form information
 description = None
+content_factory_id = None
 content_factory = None
 arguments = None
 keyword_arguments = None
@@ -252,9 +253,14 @@
 self.set_after_add = leftover
+def _handle_content_factory(self):
+if self.content_factory is None:
+self.content_factory = self.content_factory_id
 def __call__(self):
@@ -338,6 +344,7 @@
 def __call__(self):
 all_fields = self.fields
 leftover = []
---  (revision 30417)
+++  (working copy)
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 import sys
 from import zapi
+from zope.component.interfaces import IFactory
 from zope.event import notify
 from zope.interface import Interface
@@ -133,7 +134,20 @@
 def nextURL(self):
 return self.context.nextURL()
+# helper for factory resp. content_factory handling
+def _getFactory(self):
+# get factory or factory id
+factory = self.__dict__.get('_factory_or_id', self._factory_or_id)
+if type(factory) is str: # factory id
+return zapi.getUtility(IFactory, factory, self.context)
+return factory
+def _setFactory(self, value):
+self.__dict__['_factory_or_id'] = value
 def AddViewFactory(name, schema, label, permission, layer,
template, default_template, bases, for_,
fields, content_factory, arguments,
@@ -146,7 +160,8 @@
 class_.schema = schema
 class_.label = label
 class_.fieldNames = fields
-class_._factory = content_factory
+class_._factory_or_id = content_factory
+class_._factory = property(_getFactory, _setFactory)
 class_._arguments = arguments
 class_._keyword_arguments = keyword_arguments
 class_._set_before_add = set_before_add
--- 30417)
+++ copy)
@@ -20,7 +20,10 @@
 import sys
 from import zapi
+from zope.component.interfaces import IFactory
 from zope.event import notify
+from zope.interface import Interface
 from import ObjectCreatedEvent
 from import setUpWidgets
 from import WidgetsError, IInputWidget
@@ -108,6 +111,21 @@
 return False
+# helper for factory resp. content_factory handling
+def _getFactory(self):
+# get factory or factory id
+factory = self.__dict__.get('_factory_or_id', self._factory_or_id)
+if type(factory) is str: # factory id
+return zapi.getUtility(IFactory, factory, self.context)
+return factory
+def _setFactory(self, value):
+self.__dict__['_factory_or_id'] = value
 # XXX: Needs unittest
 def AddWizardViewFactory(
 name, schema, permission, layer, panes, fields,
@@ -120,7 +138,8 @@
 class_.schema = schema
 class_.panes = panes
 class_.fieldNames = fields
-class_._factory = content_factory
+class_._factory_or_id = content_factory
+class_._factory = property(_getFactory, _setFactory)
 class_._arguments = arguments or []
 class_._keyword_arguments = keyword_arguments or []
 class_._set_before_add = set_before_add or []
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Form framework, adapters and pau

2005-05-19 Thread Dominik Huber
Jim Fulton wrote:
I already raised the question what the precedence should be if the 
OK, I'll anser that.  If a permission is used in an adapter directive,
it takes precedence over declarations made in a class directive.
(In the future, I'd like to change the way security declarations work
so that, perhaps, they are set on a name-by-name basis.  So then,
declarations for names in other interfaces wouldb't be lost when
making a declaration for an adapter to a particular interface.)
Excuse me wasting your time, I was wrong.
I think the current proposal is:
1. provide an explicit locate attribute.  This should be steaightforard.
2. if a non-public permission was specified, then behave as if a locate
   attribute was used.  This seems straightforward too.
Yes, I'm  still aware of that proposal.
It's implemented now. So, after all I would be ready now to check in :)
I don't see what the problem is.
After your adjustment I think it's only a 'little' problem if the 

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Zope3 and LocalFS functionality

2005-06-06 Thread Dominik Huber

H Jansen wrote:

I have build a very useful website in Zope2 in which I used the LocalFS
product for web access to my local file system. New to Zope3 I'm looking
for similar functionality.

I'd like to hear if anyone has dealt with this issue before in Zope3?
How should I go about it, will I have to go deep and start writing the
thing from scratch ... :sad:


Within the tiks svn-repository we have such a local file system 


- add local directory utility (Local Directory Utility) to a site
 with the name 'xy'
- switch to the content area
- add file system directory manager (FS Directory Manager)
 select directory 'xy'
- you can add and remove new files and directories

Dominik Huber

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Zope3 and LocalFS functionality

2005-06-06 Thread Dominik Huber

H Jansen wrote:

Thanks so much to point me to the serverasset package. However,
after installing the serverasset package and (re)starting Zope, I cannot
access de server through the browser anymore (something goes wrong
apparently in the startup...). As with the zwiki package (which works
fine) I've installed (an exact copy: cp -a serverasset) the serveraccess
directory as


directory. Like zwiki, I've also added a serverasset-configure.zcml file
that reads

in the


directory. It does not work for me... Am I still doing something wrong?


tiks is the base package. so you should try:

(don't forget the within tiks)

but there might be dependencies to other tiks packages (at least to .i18n, 

IMO the best (easiest) way for a first impression would be copying the whole 
tiks package to

and all its package includes 
to /X3-3.0.0/instance/etc/package-includes

Dominik Huber

(p.s. attention their is a bug using the fs directory manager in 
combination with the intid utility.)

On Mon, 2005-06-06 at 10:49, Dominik Huber wrote:

H Jansen wrote:

I have build a very useful website in Zope2 in which I used the LocalFS
product for web access to my local file system. New to Zope3 I'm looking
for similar functionality.

I'd like to hear if anyone has dealt with this issue before in Zope3?
How should I go about it, will I have to go deep and start writing the
thing from scratch ... :sad:


Within the tiks svn-repository we have such a local file system 


- add local directory utility (Local Directory Utility) to a site
 with the name 'xy'
- switch to the content area
- add file system directory manager (FS Directory Manager)
 select directory 'xy'
- you can add and remove new files and directories

Dominik Huber

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/intid/ Revert changes to IIntIdsSet interface.

2005-06-09 Thread Dominik Huber

Florent Guillaume wrote:

Log message for revision 30706:
 Revert changes to IIntIdsSet interface.

Could you expand a bit in the checkin message on the motivations behind
your changes?

I discussed with Jim a problem raised by the intid utility during 
registration of objects that can not be adapted to IKeyReference.
We want to change the subscribers to not attempt a register/unregister 
if they can't get a key reference.

I misunderstood Jim's implementation suggestion and changed the 
IIntIdsSet interface spuriously. This change I reverted back today.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: Make subdirective support sequence/items widgets

2005-06-27 Thread Dominik Huber

Cool, thanks!

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

I have implemented these changes on a branch because they break API 
backward compabatility on CustomSequenceWidgetFactory. Before I merge 
these changes, I would like to hear your comments, especially from 
people who are heavily involved into forms (Roger, Garret, ...?). 
Given no objections, I can merge anytime. The branch is ready.

Do you merge before 3.1 or after 3.1?


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: Make subdirective support sequence/items widgets

2005-06-29 Thread Dominik Huber

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Actually, I'm not entirely satisfied with the implementation yet. It 
still doesn't work sufficiently with subwidgets of sequence widgets.

I'm not sure if I use the sequence widgets correctly. Two days ago I 
used the sequence widget the second time (The first time I used them 
within X3.0. Everything seems to be equal except that the 
CustomWidgetFactory cannot used for custom sequence widgets anymore 
(->CustomSequenceWidgetFactory)). Are there other ways sequence widgets 
should be used?
class IFoo(Interface:
   attribute1 = TextLine()
   attribute2 = TextLine()
   attribute3 = TextLine()

class IFoos(Interface):
 foos = Tuple(title=_( default=(),  value_type=Object(schema=IFoo))
from import CustomWidgetFactory, CustomSequenceWidgetFactory
from import ObjectWidget, SequenceWidget
from app import Foo

foo_widget = CustomWidgetFactory(ObjectWidget, Foo)
foos_widget = CustomSequenceWidgetFactory(SequenceWidget, foo_widget)



What exactly doesn't work sufficiently with subwidgets in your opinion?
IMO, it woud be cool if there is a way to hide and order the fields of 
the subwidgets.

So, I will likely merge after 3.1, but possibly on both 3.1 branch and 
the trunk. I consider this a bugfix.

This example pattern does not work anymore with the current trunk, but 
with your branch.
It would be better if you could merge before 3.1, because IMO this seems 
to be a bug too.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] local-utility location and registration

2005-07-04 Thread Dominik Huber

Garanin Michael wrote:


My app setup code do follow step:
1) create simple AppSite (as ISite) in top
2) create local-utility object, 
for example PAU = PluggableAuthentication()
3) AppSite['PAU'] = PAU 
4) registration the PAU in AppSite/++etc++site/default.

In other words: local-utility object location in top/mysite, but
registration in top/mysite/++etc++site/default.
Q: It's work, but is it legal?

IMO it makes sense that the default site folder is invoked if a local 
utility is added to a site.

We use the following helper function for the local utility additon and 

from import zapi
from import INameChooser
from import ActiveStatus
from import ISite
from import UtilityRegistration

def addLocalUtility(site, name, iface, utility, package='default'):
   """Add a utility to a site

   The utility is added to the package and activated.
   This assumes the site has already a Utility Service.
   # preconditions
   if not ISite.providedBy(site):
   raise TypeError('ISite required.')

   # get site manager and site management folder
   sitemanager = site.getSiteManager()
   default = sitemanager[package]

   # add utility to site management folder
   chooser = INameChooser(default)
   folder_name = chooser.chooseName(utility.__name__, utility)
   default[folder_name] = utility

   # create service registration
   path = zapi.getPath(utility)
   registration = UtilityRegistration(name, iface, utility)
   key = default.registrationManager.addRegistration(registration)
   zapi.traverse(default.registrationManager, key).status = ActiveStatus 

   return zapi.traverse(sitemanager, path)


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] local-utility location and registration

2005-07-04 Thread Dominik Huber

Garanin Michael wrote:

Ok, but my setup code very like your code with little difference:
- your code: default[folder_name] = utility
- my code: site[folder_name] = utility  (my question: is it legal?)
As result i have url "MySite/PAU/USERS" instead
"MySite/++etc++site/default/PAU/USERS". And it is works.

Ok, finally I got it :)
You try to register a 'content' component within the utility registry. 
Certainly the registered component
does not have to live directly inside site folder in order to get 
invoked by the utility mechanism (compare global registrations), but it 
was a design goal of  zope 3 to divide content- and software space (-> 
convention). In that respect it would a more adequate solution putting 
your pau regularly into the site manager and adding an additional 
content component or view that allows to manage the pau-utility within 
the content space.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] #316 : Looking for windows users

2005-07-25 Thread Dominik Huber

Julien Anguenot wrote:

Hash: SHA1


Could someone try to launch the tests with a Zope3 checkout under
Windows this way ? :

$ python bin/test -vpu --dir src\\zope\\

E:\dev\zope3_trunk>python test -vpu --dir src\\zope\\

Configuration file found.
Running UNIT tests at level 1
Running UNIT tests from E:\dev\zope3_trunk
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "", line 27, in ?
 File "E:\dev\zope3_trunk\src\zope\app\testing\", line 1170, in 

 File "E:\dev\zope3_trunk\src\zope\app\testing\", line 799, in main
   files = find_tests(module_filter)
 File "E:\dev\zope3_trunk\src\zope\app\testing\", line 584, in 

   d = find_test_dir(d)
 File "E:\dev\zope3_trunk\src\zope\app\testing\", line 576, in 

   raise ValueError("%s does not exist!" % dir)
ValueError: src\\zope\\ does not exist!


E:\dev\zope3_trunk>python test -vpu --dir src\zope\

Configuration file found.
Running UNIT tests at level 1
Running UNIT tests from E:\dev\zope3_trunk
3904/5574 ( 70.0%): test_merge_conflict 

diff3 doesn't work, diff3 tests disabled
5572/5574 (100.0%): toxml 
(zope.xmlpickle.xmlpickle)   -

Ran 5574 tests in 106.754s


Just to check if this bug still exists with the trunk or not.

- --
Julien Anguenot | Nuxeo R&D (Paris, France)
CPS Platform :
Zope3 / ECM   :
mail: anguenot at; tel: +33 (0) 6 72 57 57 66
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -

Zope3-dev mailing list

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] #316 : Looking for windows users

2005-07-25 Thread Dominik Huber

Julien Anguenot wrote:

Is it supposed to work with the double \ ('\\') on windows ?

The error reported was different on this issue but seems to be related

I don't know. I never used it with double '\' before.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] PAU trouble

2005-08-03 Thread Dominik Huber

Velko Ivanov wrote:

My bigger problem is that when I grant zope.Manager to an user in the 
principals folder, it somehow doesn't get all permitions. I can still 
manage the site and do everything, except use DA connections 
(psycopgDA ones to be specific, I didn't check Gadfly), which require . Even when I grant the 'Use database connections' 
permission explicitly, the user is still unable to use psycopgDA. The 
etc/principals.zcml user with zope.Manage role is able to use the DA.

I never used DA connections, but I think that artefact might be caused 
by a more general problem: If adapters are not locatable only the global 
authentication can be invoked. Therefore local principals its privilege 
are not included. Provide ILocation by those adapters, use the 
'locatalbe' attribute of the adapter directive (-> location proxied) or 
set the permission explicitly to zope.Public.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] PAU trouble

2005-08-04 Thread Dominik Huber

Velko Ivanov wrote:

Dominik Huber wrote:

Provide ILocation by those adapters, use the
'locatalbe' attribute of the adapter directive (-> location proxied) 
or set the permission explicitly to zope.Public.

Thanks for the reply

PsycopgAdapter inherits ZopeDatabaseAdapter, which provides ILocation 
via IContained. No  directives are used in the configuration 
file, zope.Public is the least acceptable workaround.

There is a confusion between zope adapter and database adapter. Database 
adapters are regularly implemented as local utility (DA utility). 
Therefore a database adapter does provide IContained. The DA utitlity 
has to be invoked in your application somehow and that invocation 
*might* be happen with a zope adapter.

If such an potential zope adapter does not provide Location (or 
locatable=True within its adapter directive) the local authentication 
cannot be invoked because its context cannot be evaluated (None 
locations are global).

Whitout knowing further details about DA's, SessionCredentialsPlugin, 
etc your problem smells like a global/local-muddle. Maybe you could use 
the 'ZopeBasicRealm' and the 'No Challange if Authenticated' credential 
plugin to narrow the bug source. I use this configuration with different 
authenticator plugins and local/global principals.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: security frustrations

2005-08-10 Thread Dominik Huber

Florent Guillaume wrote:

Does it work to just set __parent__ to the container? Or does the 
zopesecuritypolicy require more accurate context?

Yes, the unset location is the problem, why  the local security cannot 
be looked up.

Martijn Faassen wrote:

Benji York wrote:

Martijn Faassen wrote:

* after object creation but before the object is added,
  various things are done to the object.

 > * authorization error: user cannot access various attributes.

If these things are done by subscribers, would using trusted 
subscribers help?

I guess it could; I've used a trusted adapter in a few places to get 
around security concerns.

However, not everything is done by subscribers. I have a little 
workflow system that in some cases can create new versions of objects, 
for instance.

My frustration is more that one has to do *something* special than 
that there aren't any solutions. Knowing to use trusted subscribers 
and having to design ones application around them would be another 
thing one would need to know to 'please' the security system. I know 
of course that security is hard, so maybe there's no way than to just 
bite the bullet... 

A year ago we wrote a little initializer framework 
(svn:// that offers a 
possible *general* way to initialize components. A inializer subscribers 
is hooked in using the ObjectAddedEvent. At that time the component is 
already located within its parent and all intialisation actions can be 
performed (including utility registration etc.):

- Offers class- or adapter-based inialisation ( -> ClassInializer, -> 
- Takes inheritence during initialisation (reversed rmo) of classes and 
adapters into account
- Offers initalisation data handling using keyword arguments and a 
signature specifying those arugments

- Supports the form framework (-> add form, add wizard)

General Subscriber Hook-Problem:
- Those subscribers are not ordered. So I can imagine a scenario that 
other subscribers like to 'use' the object before it is initialized 
correctly (-> For example catalog indexes and unpolished object). So far 
we had no concerns with that fact.

(Addform example:
Its only a conceptual exampe for the tiks.typing resp. tiks.system 
framework that is basing on generic implementation that gets 
typed/classified only by a marker interface. But there you will see how 
you can handle the inialisation including addforms and addwizards:


If you (or anybody else) are interessest to use or to extend the 
framework, we could move the package to the zope repos too.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] problems with

2005-08-24 Thread Dominik Huber

Adam Groszer wrote:

I'm having problems with using .

I have an interface:
class ISzerep(Interface):
   name = TextLine(
   title=u"Szerep nev",
   description=u"Szerep nev",
   szemelyek = List(
   title=u"Hozzarendelt szemelyek",
   description=u"Hozzarendelt szemelyek",

If I add a simple add (or edit) form:
everything goes well, an OrderedMultiSelectWidget is displayed in the
browser by default for the *szemelyek* field.

If I modify the addform configuration by adding the :

You cannot register the widget class directly, but you have to provide a 
specific widget factory.

Example within your browser directory:

from import CustomWidgetFactory
from import OrderedMultiSelectWidget

szerepek_widget_factory = CustomWidgetFactory(OrderedMultiSelectWidget)

Example registration within the configure.zcml:



Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] problems with

2005-08-30 Thread Dominik Huber

Excuse my delay, I was out of office last week...

A month ago, I got an error while using a sequence widget factory
referenced by the widget subdirective of an editform. I used the package of philips branch and that solved my problem:



Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Should major for-reaching changes be made for purposes of style?

2005-09-01 Thread Dominik Huber

Jim Fulton wrote:

A change in style, if applied everywhere can lead to massive
code changes.  This can have serious downsides.  If people
are working on branches, where most new work should be done,
then  merging is made more difficult.  People who read the checkins
have a lot of extra code to review for a small benefit.
(I don't read the checkins regularly myself and really *really*
*REALLY* appreciate the efforts of folks that do and don't
want to make their job harder.)

OTOH, consistent style is beneficial. :)

I'm interested in hearing what people think about this in general.
Should we make far reaching code changes to enforce a consistent
style?  Or should we update style when making other changes?
I tend to do the later.  I think that the developers of Python
prefer that changes like this be made more gradually. They've
been burned by mass changes in the past.


Consistent style is very important and IMO it's great that some 
code-cleaner look after 'none-stylish' code.
It might just a problem of timing that code-refactorer and code-cleaner 
don't hurts each other.
Perhaps we just have to separate cleaning and merging periods more 


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Security mechanism finds permissions for Built-in principals, but not custom principals.

2005-09-19 Thread Dominik Huber

Hi Alec

Your derivative of principalfolder is a local authentication. Therefore it can 
be only invoked if a location can be computed and the pricipalfolder can be 
found starting from it.

Content objects are regularly locatable but adapters not. To force locations to 
adapters you can derive them from Location or set the 
adapter-directive-attribute `locate` to True, that they get location-proxied if 


Alec Munro wrote:

Well, it's gotten worse.

I've been trying to narrow this down, and so far, haven't come up with
anything promising. I'm now using the built in principal folder, and
the associated principals, not ones of my own. My current failing test
case boils down to:

from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.schema import TextLine

from import IAnnotatable

class ISomeContent(Interface):
   text_content = TextLine(

   title = u"Text Content",
   description = u"Some Text Content for testing")
class ISomeContentAttributable(IAnnotatable):

   """An object that can contain some content"""







   label="Some Content"
   menu="zmi_views" title="Some Content"
from zope.interface import implements
from interfaces import ISomeContent

KEY = "somecontent.perm_tests"

class SomeContent(object):
   text_content = u"apple"
   def __init__(self, context):

   self.context = context

So there's the code, if I change myproject.View to zope.View,
everything works. I can grant myproject.View on the object itself, to
the appropriate principal, and I will get an Unauthorized error. Yet
if I change it to zope.View, it works.

Any ideas?


Alec munro

On 9/16/05, Alec Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi All,

I have created my own principal source, as a bare derivative of principalfolder.
My principals can log in, and are generally effective.

However, there seems to be some lacking to them. Whenever I access any
of a certain bunch of annotation adapters, I get a silent abort. That
is, it prints abort on the command line, but no more information. My
own personal experience is that these tend to be permission errors, so
I assume it is something like that.

What is especially odd is that I can assign the required permission to
zope.anybody, and I am able to access the adapters. Doing a heavy
sequence of print-based debugging, I found out that the error seems to
occur during a sequence of calls to my adapters __getattr__ method.
This method, in the case of my adapters, looks up the key in a
mapping, and raises an attribute error if it is not there. In each
case, the error occurs after it looks for a number of keys that aren't
there, a long sequence of "__parent__", and "__conform__". These occur
when I attempt to access a property of the adapter (any property).
They also occur even when it works, such as if I'm using zope.anybody,
so I don't think it is the calls themself that are causing there

My impression is that the calls are related to zopes security
machinery, and that for some reason they end up being executed in a
place where they are unable to find the correct principal.

I'm sure you need more information, but I'm not sure what would be helpful.


Alec Munro

Zope3-dev mailing list

fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: zope3 website report?

2005-10-12 Thread Dominik Huber

Stephan Richter wrote:

On Tuesday 11 October 2005 12:41, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

If anyone here really needs WYSIWYG, please make a point, but I doubt that 
there will be one...

It's a top priority for Jim. Uwe and I agreed we would prefer ReST.

I would definitely prefer ReST too.

fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: Content Providers and Viewlets

2005-10-17 Thread Dominik Huber

Hi Stephan,
I just looked at the examples. I like the current implementation much 
more, because a viewlet is adapted to its original context (-> complex 
example) and content providers (or viewlet managers) can render itself. 
Those changes are providing a better encapsulation and a more ca-like 
comprehension. Cool - Thank you very much!

IMO it is very important to provide a standardized way to handle 
complex, formbased views properly (-> prefix like nested widgets) and to 
sketch the difference between widgets and viewlets out.

fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: Content Providers and Viewlets

2005-10-18 Thread Dominik Huber

Gary Poster wrote:


and to sketch the difference between widgets and viewlets out.

The zope.widget package in the branch is currently in disrepair, but  
the intent is for widgets to be subviews.  The subview package  
actually grew out of the widget work.  This won't be ready for 3.2.

I personally don't think that I want default widget look-up to  
require (context, request, view), as opposed to the current (context,  
request), so I'd be in favor of widget interfaces extending the  
subview interfaces, not the contentprovider interface.  If for some  
reason someone wanted a widget system with lookups based on  
contentprovider then that could be an additional layer, still using  
all of the (context, request)-based code.

I thought the anology would be between widget -> viewlet and not widget 
-> content provider.

I read your subview readme. IMO the composition pattern of subviews you 
proposed is very interesting too. Comparing the lookup signatures...

subview -> (context,  request)
content provider -> (context, request, view)
viewlet -> (context, request, view, manager)

... the current viewlet implementation lacks of this pattern, because it 
use different adaptions for content providers and viewlets. Looking from 
this composite subview perspective, the view and manager parameters of 
viewlets brings some redundant informations. In my understanding this 
signature was choosen to gain a bigger presentation flexibility. Maybe 
we could use a pattern like the lookup of named templates (formlib) to 
decouple presentation of subviews, but using similar signature for 
content providers and viewlets.

fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] hurry.query in Zope 3.2?

2005-10-31 Thread Dominik Huber

Martijn Faassen wrote:


Martijn Faassen wrote:

Would there be any interest in merging hurry.query into Zope 3.2?

Apparently not, or at least people are lacking in time, which is 
understandable as I do too. :) I'll try in more advance for Zope 3.3. 
We find it very useful here at Infrae, but of course it works just 
fine as a stand-alone library too.

Lacking in time
I just read the query.txt and I would appreciate this package.

fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] How to provide some default utilities for sub-site

2005-11-04 Thread Dominik Huber

Hi Adam
You need location information (-> __parent__) for this setup. Regularly 
the object knows that information not until its addition to a container. 
Subscribe to ObjectAdded event and do the same setup within the handler 
and it will work.


Adam Groszer wrote:

I'd like to provide some default utilities for my sub-site.
As I checked there is the nice ensureUtility method but as it turns
out it failes with

 Module, line 339, in __init__
   'WorkflowUtility', WorkflowUtility, 'wfu')
 Module, line 66, in ensureUtility
   name, **kw
 Module, line 74, in addConfigureUtility
   utility_name = addUtility(root_folder, utility_type, utility_factory, **kw)
 Module, line 83, in addUtility
   package = getSiteManagerDefault(root_folder)
 Module, line 105, in getSiteManagerDefault
   package = traverse(root_folder, package_name)
 Module, line 96, in traverse
   return traverser.traverse(path, request=request)
 Module, line 120, in traverse
   curr = IPhysicallyLocatable(self.context).getRoot()
 Module, line 90, in getRoot
   raise TypeError("Not enough context to determine location root")
TypeError: Not enough context to determine location root

when it checks the existence of the utility it uses
 sm = root_folder.getSiteManager()
but when it wants to add the non existing utility
 package = getSiteManagerDefault(root_folder)
which in turn wants to traverse like this
 package_name = '/++etc++site/default'
 package = traverse(root_folder, package_name)

Is there any way to easily solve the task?

Excerpt from

class IApplication(IReadContainer, IPossibleSite, IAttributeAnnotatable):

class Application(Persistent, SampleContainer, SiteManagerContainer):

   def __init__(self):

   sm = LocalSiteManager(self)


   ensureUtility(self, IWorkflowUtility,

   'WorkflowUtility', WorkflowUtility, 'wfu')


Dominik Huber

Perse Engineering GmbH
Jurastrasse 9a
CH-5406 Baden

Telefon: ++41 56 534 7730

fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] How to provide some default utilities for sub-site

2005-11-04 Thread Dominik Huber

Hi Adam

First you have to assert that you object (obj) provides ISite. Then I 
would use the following attachted helper function `addLocalUtility` to 
add the your utiltiy. Least,  you could use multi-subscriber for events 
providing IObjectEvent, then you don't have to check for IApplication. 
Putting all together you get the following (unproved) registration and code:


def App_boot(obj, event):
   if not ISite.providedBy(obj): 

   helper.addLocalUtility(obj, 'wfu', 'WorkflowUtility', WorkflowUtility())


Adam Groszer wrote:

Hello Dominik,

I tried it using a subscriber.


def App_boot(event):
   # precondition
   obj = event.object
   if not IApplication.providedBy(obj):
   ensureUtility(obj, IWorkflowProcessRepository, 
   'WorkflowProcessRepository', WorkflowProcessRepository, '')
   ensureUtility(obj, IWorkflowUtility, 
   'WorkflowUtility', WorkflowUtility, 'wfu')  

It works, but it adds the utilities to the global site manager :-(
If the behavior is OK this way, then why do I have to pass the
root_folder? I don't really get it.

If I start to go my own way and copy+modify the

def getSiteManagerDefault(root_folder):
   sm = root_folder.getSiteManager()
   #default = zapi.traverse(folder.getSiteManager(), 'default')
   #package_name = '/++etc++site/default'
   #package = traverse(root_folder, package_name)
   package_name = 'default'
   package = traverse(sm, package_name)
   return package

then it is working. The 2 utilities land in the local site manager.

Friday, November 4, 2005, 12:48:57 PM, you wrote:


Hi Adam
You need location information (-> __parent__) for this setup. Regularly
the object knows that information not until its addition to a container.
Subscribe to ObjectAdded event and do the same setup within the handler
and it will work.




Adam Groszer wrote:


I'd like to provide some default utilities for my sub-site.
As I checked there is the nice ensureUtility method but as it turns
out it failes with

Module, line 339, in __init__
  'WorkflowUtility', WorkflowUtility, 'wfu')
Module, line 66, in ensureUtility
  name, **kw
Module, line 74, in addConfigureUtility
  utility_name = addUtility(root_folder, utility_type, utility_factory, **kw)
Module, line 83, in addUtility
  package = getSiteManagerDefault(root_folder)
Module, line 105, in getSiteManagerDefault
  package = traverse(root_folder, package_name)
Module, line 96, in traverse
  return traverser.traverse(path, request=request)
Module, line 120, in traverse
  curr = IPhysicallyLocatable(self.context).getRoot()
Module, line 90, in getRoot
  raise TypeError("Not enough context to determine location root")
TypeError: Not enough context to determine location root

when it checks the existence of the utility it uses
sm = root_folder.getSiteManager()
but when it wants to add the non existing utility
package = getSiteManagerDefault(root_folder)
which in turn wants to traverse like this
package_name = '/++etc++site/default'
package = traverse(root_folder, package_name)

Is there any way to easily solve the task?

Excerpt from

class IApplication(IReadContainer, IPossibleSite, IAttributeAnnotatable):

class Application(Persistent, SampleContainer, SiteManagerContainer):

  def __init__(self):

  sm = LocalSiteManager(self)


  ensureUtility(self, IWorkflowUtility,

  'WorkflowUtility', WorkflowUtility, 'wfu')



Dominik Huber

Perse Engineering GmbH
Jurastrasse 9a
CH-5406 Baden

Telefon: ++41 56 534 7730

# Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Projekt01 GmbH and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: CustomWidgetFactory and widgets having different __init__ signature

2005-11-15 Thread Dominik Huber

Adam Groszer wrote:

As I'm digging through to fix the
CustomWidgetFactory collector issue, I found the following:

IWidget has no __init__ defined

class Widget(object):
   def __init__(self, context, request):

class ItemsWidgetBase(TranslationHook, SimpleInputWidget):
   def __init__(self, field, vocabulary, request):

class ItemsEditWidgetBase(SingleDataHelper, ItemsWidgetBase):
   def __init__(self, field, vocabulary, request):

class ObjectWidget(BrowserWidget, InputWidget):
   def __init__(self, context, request, factory, **kw):
class SequenceWidget(BrowserWidget, InputWidget):

   def __init__(self, context, field, request, subwidget=None):

class SequenceDisplayWidget(DisplayWidget):
   def __init__(self, context, field, request, subwidget=None):

class SourceDisplayWidget(
   def __init__(self, field, source, request):

class SourceInputWidget(
   def __init__(self, field, source, request):

class SourceSelectWidget(
   def __init__(self, field, source, request):

CustomWidgetFactory fails on these different signatures. This affects
the ZCML . Simple widgets
will work, widgets with different signatures of course not.

class CustomWidgetFactory(object):
   def __call__(self, context, request):
class CustomSequenceWidgetFactory(object):
   def __call__(self, context, field, request):

In fact, CustomSequenceWidgetFactory violates the IViewFactory
interface with the different __call__ signature. That causes
setUpWidget to fail. I'm wondering if this worked for anyone anytime.

No, the widget stuff was broken long time ago. Phillip did some fixes 
within a branch, but this branch got deleted during the last repository 
cleaned up.

I'm not shure which change the widget-refactoring will bring, that was 
the reason why I never was digging deeper. 

Now I'm stuck a little bit. How does a good solution look like?

My half-baked solution was up to today for Itemswidgets (which caused
the error for me) to mark it with a different interface and look for
that in CustomWidgetFactory and pass different arguments.
Now I'm not so sure that this is the right one.

The current solution does not covers ObjectWidgets. My solutions are 
half-baked too, but maybe we can collect them to get an overview (see 
attached file).

The problem can be split in two parts:
1. __call__ with different signatures
2. creation/customization of widgets using the setattr(instance, name, 

from zope.component.interfaces import IViewFactory
from zope.interface import implements
from zope.schema.interfaces import IChoice, ICollection

class CustomWidgetFactory(object):
"""Custom Widget Factory."""

def __init__(self, widget_factory, *args, **kw):
self._widget_factory = widget_factory
self.args = args = kw

def _create(self, args):
instance = self._widget_factory(*args)
for name, value in
setattr(instance, name, value)
return instance

def __call__(self, context, request):
return self._create((context, request) + self.args)

class CustomSequenceWidgetFactory(CustomWidgetFactory):
"""Custom sequence widget factory."""

def __call__(self, context, request):
if not ICollection.providedBy(context):
raise TypeError, "Provided field does not provide ICollection."
args = (context, context.value_type, request) + self.args
return self._create(args)

class CustomVocabularyWidgetFactory(CustomWidgetFactory):
"""Custom vocabulary widget factory."""

def __call__(self, context, request):
if not IChoice.providedBy(context):
raise TypeError, "Provided field does not provide ICollection."
args = (context, context.vocabulary, request) + self.args
return self._create(args)

class TemplateWidgetFactory(CustomWidgetFactory):
"""The view kw attribute is called like a ViewPageTemplateFile."""

def _create(self, args):
instance = self._widget_factory(*args)
for name, value in
if name is 'view':
setattr(instance, name, value(instance, instance.request))
setattr(instance, name, value)
return instance

class TemplateSequenceWidgetFactory(CustomSequenceWidgetFactory):
"""The view kw attribute is called like a ViewPageTemplateFile."""

def _create(self, args):
instance = self._widget_factory(*args)
for name, value in
if name is 'view':
setattr(instance, name, value(instance, instance.request))
setattr(instance, name, value)
return instance

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: CustomWidgetFactory and widgets having different __init__ signature

2005-11-17 Thread Dominik Huber

Hi Adam

DH> Are you fixing issue 451? Otherwise, I could do it this weekend.
Anyway I can't do it directly, because I don't have SVN access.
I think I'll sit here, so if you need any help...

Thanks for your inputs! I will do that this weekend.
fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: CustomWidgetFactory and widgets having different __init__ signature

2005-11-17 Thread Dominik Huber

Johan Carlsson wrote:

Anywhere I can read up on what's happening with this issue/bug?

NotYetError ;)
I have to dig into the subject this weekend, but I have to sort the 
partial solutions first.

fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] guidelines?

2005-11-21 Thread Dominik Huber

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:

OK, so to summarize this  thread:

- files are empty

One ore two years ago garett raised a similar issue too. IMO (Excuse me, 
I could not find the mail) then we decided to import the 
within from interfaces import *

fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: CustomWidgetFactory and widgets having different __init__ signature

2005-11-22 Thread Dominik Huber

Johan Carlsson wrote:

Anywhere I can read up on what's happening with this issue/bug?

- The class attribute of the widget-directive can handle a custom 
factory or a widget class.
- The __call__ method of custom widget factory 
  invokes collection, choice and regular fields correctly (respection 
specific signatures)
- Custom widget sequence factory 
( is

 deprecated because it does not satisfy the IViewFactory interface.
 Use the CustomWidgetFactory instead.

fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: CustomWidgetFactory and widgets having different __init__ signature

2005-11-22 Thread Dominik Huber

Johan Carlsson wrote:

Dominik Huber wrote:

Johan Carlsson wrote:

Anywhere I can read up on what's happening with this issue/bug?

- The class attribute of the widget-directive can handle a custom 
factory or a widget class.
- The __call__ method of custom widget factory 
  invokes collection, choice and regular fields correctly (respection 
specific signatures)
- Custom widget sequence factory 
( is

 deprecated because it does not satisfy the IViewFactory interface.
 Use the CustomWidgetFactory instead.

This is in the trunk right?


Dominik Huber

Perse Engineering GmbH
Jurastrasse 9a
CH-5406 Baden

Telefon: ++41 56 534 7730

fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] guidelines?

2005-11-22 Thread Dominik Huber

Martijn Faassen wrote:

I don't think using any of these patterns is a big style problem (I'm 
much less opinionated about this than about code in; it's 
hard to recommend a single practice, so perhaps we shouldn't.



fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: Reunite Zope 2 and Zope 3 in the source code repository

2005-11-23 Thread Dominik Huber

Stephan Richter wrote:

This may raise the contribution bar too high.

IMO that 's the most important point.

I' m -1, too.


fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: Reunite Zope 2 and Zope 3 in the source coderepository

2005-11-24 Thread Dominik Huber

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Really, I'm quite tired of trench wars like Zope 2 vs. Zope 3. Like Martijn 
said, we need
to come together, not apart. I'm starting to get the feeling that some Zope 3 
rather see Zope 2 die than embrace some of its experience and community. 

At the moment Zope 2 depends from Zope 3. I'm fully aware that Zope 2 is 
a major user of the technology now and actively want to evolve towards 
Zope 3. So I'm aware that we have to cooperate some way. But I'm not 
shure, if such a fully reunite is the right step.

It's possible to move *important and long term* packages from the Zope 2 
to Zope 3 repository and support them at that place, because we already 
have that dependency. But and that's my point, there is really no clue 
bringing *everything* into Zope 3.

Total reunite is never a winning strategy because it increases 
complexity of a system. IMO we already reached a critical level of 
complexity within Zope 3. The winning strategy would be to select 
important parts and push off the needless.

Such a partial reunite strategy was never intended to be a war Zope 2 
vs. Zope 3. It's just a question of the personal resources.


fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: Reunite Zope 2 and Zope 3 in the source code repository

2005-11-24 Thread Dominik Huber

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Stephan Richter wrote:

I will always vote -1 on such a move. I just simply punishes all those early
adopters of Zope 3 and throw it in their face. Great appreciation!

You know I can turn this around and say that by focusing all development on 
Zope 3, the
Zope development team left Zope 2 out there to die in its old ways of doing 
despite the fact that some sort of transition capabilities were promised for a 
long time
(maybe I needed to remind of you of this...). A rewrite from scratch is always 
easy, but
dealing with the transition and deprecations is the hard work which is now left 
up to
people who were early adopters of Zope *2* and hoping for that promised 
transition. Great

Philipp, I can't take that answer for bare, you are supporting the 
hick-hack too. Both parts had the opportunity to choose their strategies 
(Marketing/Business/Short term versus Technology/Long term). All 
strategies have cons and pros:

1. The spliting of the zope-community started when different frameworks 
like Plone, Silva etc. were pushed. We could observe in Switzerland two 
parties: the 'framework' developers and other zope developers. The 
latter regonized that all those frameworks can never be frameworks for a 
broad adoption in different fields and therefore they will never be a 
satisfying technical solution for envolving (long run) business domains.

2. At that time some people started to support Zope 3, because they 
recognized the true potential of  Zope 3 and they assessed that only 
Zope 3 is able to hold the technological long term assurance and is able 
to hold the community together on a fundamental framework layer (Sharing 
packages and code). Some decided to go this 'idealistic' way and it was 
a trip through the desert (and the others had a nice time to make 
business ;)

3. This year we wanted to re-embrace the Zope-Community in Switzerland 
introducing the new technology (One of our idealistic targets). 
Therefore we organized 9 Zope 3-Mini-Sprints to close the gap between 
Zope 2 and Zope 3 developers. But - and that is an empiric fact and not 
an assumption - most of the established Zope 2 developers gave a shit 
about Zope 3: They never visited such a sprint or they stayed 
consequently in their waiting position until Zope 3 is 
finished/stable/usable. Most of the participants were customside 
'framework' super users/developers that were interested in the new 
technology, because they were kind of tired of the 'framework' marketing 

4. Now the Zope 3 framework is stable and all people discover the fruits 
on the tree...
Zope 3 dudes will enjoy their paradise, because they have a product that 
fullfills the marketing fairy-tales much better. The others have to make 
efforts to close up and fill the gap.

In the end the amount of work is constant even though there were 
different ways (strategies). Are you physicist, aren't you? ;)


fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Event fixes

2005-11-24 Thread Dominik Huber

Florent Guillaume wrote:

I'd like to do a few simple fixes to events in Zope 3.2 before it's  
too late:

- Add the source to IObjectCopiedEvent, per
I believe I received a +1 on this

- Make OrderedContainer.updateOrder send an IObjectModifiedEvent.  
Today when you change the order no event at all is fired, this is wrong.


- Finally I'd like to make all containers send a specific subclass  
instead of just an IObjectModifiedEvent (I propose naming it  
IContainerModifiedEvent), because it makes it possible to isolate  
change to an object that only affect the 'containment' aspect of it.  
Subscribers can then have specific optimizations, for instance a  
catalog would want to isolate this because it only affects  
containment boundaries and not the "content" of the object. (This is  
a concrete use case BTW, in CPS's event model we have this  
distinction and it's useful.)

The IModificationDescription ( tries to achive 
a similar thing. There was a modification desciription for 
attributes(.objectevent.Attributes). During the isar-sprint we introduce 
a modification description for sequences (.objectevent.Sequence).

(IMO we should prevent an explosion of event subclasses.)

fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Event fixes

2005-11-25 Thread Dominik Huber

Florent Guillaume wrote:

I didn't follow Dominik's suggestion of using IModificationDescription 
because I feel this a case sufficiently fundamental that we really 
want a subclass.

Excuse my intervention...

The modification descriptiors were introduced by Uwe Ostermeier to 
handle the versioning and cataloging stuff. I'm not an expert in that 
field, but in my understanding the modification descriptors are more 
general and your case is a subset that could be handled with them. As a 
developer, I would still prefer one concept, because it's easier to 
adapt. Sufficiently fundamental cases are always a shaky discrimination 
to differ two concepts for future implementation decisions.

fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Event fixes

2005-11-28 Thread Dominik Huber

Florent Guillaume wrote:

Dominik Huber wrote:

The modification descriptiors were introduced by Uwe Ostermeier to 
handle the versioning and cataloging stuff. I'm not an expert in that 
field, but in my understanding the modification descriptors are more 
general and your case is a subset that could be handled with them. As 
a developer, I would still prefer one concept, because it's easier to 
adapt. Sufficiently fundamental cases are always a shaky 
discrimination to differ two concepts for future implementation 

If you don't feel that containment boundaries are a sufficiently 
fundamental concept, then we have a strong disagreement. 

An object modified event consumer such as a versioning or cataloging 
tool should handle modifications. In that respect the handling of 
ordered contaiment  isn't more fundamental than handling of other 
ordered sequences and all use cases covered by modification descriptors 

I stand by what I checked in.

IMO such a design decision would require a proposal :)

And BTW with "modification descriptions" I couldn't write a simple 
adapter for this. I'd have to have a generic adapter for 
IObjectModifiedEvent, then iterate over all the descriptions and 
filter by hand. Yuck.

OTOH,  it is pretty hard for versioning or cataloging tools to guess 
derived subtypes of IObjectModifiedEvent and handle them generically. 
So, we still have to introduce kind of a mechanism similar to the 
modification descriptors to decouple our components.

Perhaps the solution might be at least a mixture of both concepts. So we 
can derive subtypes *and* provide additionally modification descriptiors 
too. But then we would need - like Jim mentioned - a general strategy 
for modification descriptions..

1. Sequence modification description:
  a. Sequence(IOrderedContainer) without any keys.

2. Dedicated modification descripton for the container framework

3. Attributes modification description:
  a. Attributes(IOrderedContainer, 'updateOrder')
  b. Attributes(IEnumerableMapping, 'keys')

fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Event fixes

2005-11-28 Thread Dominik Huber

But at least the event notifications within the setitem function is kind 
of redundant.
An add-, move- and remove- event is a part of the container framework. 
Therefore we can assume that the underlying container referenced by the 
event.object.__parent__ has changed too.


def setitem(container, setitemf, name, object):
   if event:


fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Event fixes

2005-11-28 Thread Dominik Huber

Florent Guillaume wrote:

On 28 Nov 2005, at 19:30, Dominik Huber wrote:

But at least the event notifications within the setitem function is  
kind of redundant.
An add-, move- and remove- event is a part of the container  
framework. Therefore we can assume that the underlying container  
referenced by the event.object.__parent__ has changed too.


def setitem(container, setitemf, name, object):
   if event:

If you don't have this container notification, then when you want to  
know when a given container object is modified you have to listen to  
all add, remove and move events, and then introspect their oldParent  
and newParent. Doh.

The object event framework promises you that if there is something  
happening to an object, you get notified of it directly. That's what  
I'm doing here, I'm notifying that the container object was modified,  
because it was.

If you have a problem with that event, then you should have a problem  
with the whole concept of event dispatching to sublocations, which  
are also "redundant" but which we want to make explicit nevertheless,  
for the benefit of subscribers.

Dispatching does not mean redundant event information!

IMO, there are three use cases mixed up:
1. Notification if the *order* of container was changed.
2. Notification if the content of a container was *moved* (add- and move 
3. Notification if the *content* of a container was changed (Mechansim 
to inform super (parent) objects)

1. A subtype of IObjectModifiedEvent could make sense, because only the 
state of the container changed.
(Here is our dispute wether we implement such an event as subtype or be 
the general object modified event and modification descriptors.)

2. A subtype of IObjectModifiedEvent is cluttering because of redundant 
modification events. The modification is caused by the containment.
Regularly the dispatching related to the containment hierarchy tries to 
emulate an information flow from *parent -> child*, because children 
should be informed if the location information has been changed. But the 
other way around you need *never* a notification, because the container 
is aware of changes related to the container framework! Here an more 
adequat solution would be an internal container framework event that 
derives from IObjectEvent but not from IObjectModifiedEvent, because 
otherwise we would notify the same modification using two redundant 
modification events.

3.  IMO you are introducing something like a dispatchToParentLocations 
information flow from *child -> parent* similar to the 
dispatchToSublocations (*parent -> child* ). I like this idea, but I 
would generalize it: It might be interesting for parents to be informed 
if the state of a containment has changed.

def dispatchToParentLocations(object, event):
   parents = IParents(object, None)
   if parents is not None:
   for parent in parents :
   for ignored in zapi.subscribers((parent, event), None):
   pass # They do work in the adapter fetch


But then we would have the problem, that we could not differ 
child->parent and parent->child handlers...

Florent, excuse my insistence, but I'm afraid that we mess up the 
notification mechanism.
I think I understand your intention. The only thing I realy defend is 
the fact that we should not implement different approaches (models of a 
containment hierarchy) using the same events, because we have no change 
to differ those point of views within our event handlers. Therefore it 
is very important that we notify only one event 
(IObjectModifiedEvent.isOrExtends(event)), because we don't have a 
chance to check for redundant event informations that affects different 
logical systems.

I'm realy tired of this hick-hack-thread. IMO the correct way would be a 
proposal for such a fundamental change.



fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Event fixes

2005-11-28 Thread Dominik Huber

Florent Guillaume wrote:

Excuse my insistence, but the only thing I *added* was a modification  
event when you reorder the children of an ordered container. Before  
attacking it, please undestand what I checked in.

Excuse the confusion of my mail. I was to tired yesterday. I try it 
another time :),  line 594
def setitem(container, setitemf, name, object):
   if event:

This method is called every time when an item is set to a container. 
Isn't it?
Therefore additionally to the object moved resp. object added event 
newly an container modified event is notified.

The second notification is kind of redundant information to the 
framework, because we can get all the information from the first event. 
The only problem - and there I'm with you - is that the subscription for 
handlers that applies to the container itself is cumbersome (-> Use case 
A, for example modification handlers for containers).

The solution you have choosen to solve use case A brings two 
disadvantages to my applications:

1. I'm not able to make batchwise additions to a container and notify 
afterward a single modification event of the container anymore (Anology: 
Modification event within the form framework are notified by views 
(adapters) -> The model itself notifies never an modification, because 
those events would be to granular (an event for each edited attribute)

2. For complex event proceeding of components I sometimes use a single 
handler that is registered to different events. This brings the 
advantage that you can bundle event-specific code within one handler 
(omit redundant and distributed logic -> more understandable). Now the 
disadvantage is that  those handlers get invoked twice during the same 
logical transaction (once by moved event and right afterward by the 
modified event). This additional event is cluttering, because once the 
container modified event is notified to handle an additional container 
state (-> Use case B, for example ordered containers) and once a only 
state that is already covered by the moved event. The container modified 
event covers two use cases (A and B), but is not able to model them 

Other solution would be...
Use Case A:... to dispatch the moved event using a similar mechanism 
like dispatchToSublocations-handler (->dispatchToParentHandler) without 
notifying a second modified event.

Use Cas B: as you proposed or modification descriptors

Mixture Use Case A and B: We could use modification descriptors to stuff 
the semantical lack of the container modified event, but then... ;)

I think I understand your intention. The only thing I realy defend  
is the fact that we should not implement different approaches  
(models of a containment hierarchy) using the same events, because  
we have no change to differ those point of views within our event  
handlers. Therefore it is very important that we notify only one  
event (IObjectModifiedEvent.isOrExtends(event)), because we don't  
have a chance to check for redundant event informations that  affects 
different logical systems.

I'm realy tired of this hick-hack-thread. IMO the correct way would  
be a proposal for such a fundamental change.

I'm always for a good dicussion thread when things have to be explained.

But here I think there's a big misunderstanding.

I hope I could lighten the msiunderstanding a little bit.

fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Security Proxy/isinstance

2005-12-02 Thread Dominik Huber

Andres Freund wrote:


I'm working with the combination of Zope3 and sqlobjet over sqlos and 
discovered a problem (about SecurityProxy as i already asked about in 

Some code in sqlobject is using isinstance() to decide what to do. The 
problem is, that sometimes sqlobject gets securityProxied objects from 
Zope, which theoretically is no problem. But in praxis it uses 
isinstance and the SecurityProxy doesn't cooperate with that.

Now i searched a bit in the web and discovered, that according to 
it should be possible to make the Proxies a bit more transparent.

Did i understand that correctly? I dont understand to much about 
python and especially about zope, but i think, that should be the way 
to go, or am i mistaken?

After a short look at _zope_proxy_proxy.c i think that this shouldn't 
be too hard to implement (although i never touched the python c 
bindings before, so it not unlikely that I'm mistaken).

You can use zapi.isinstance ( orig. place). This 
function is useful because it works even if the instance is security 

fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: Simplify Skinning

2005-12-07 Thread Dominik Huber

Phillip's Proposal:
Furthermore, I propose to remove the |IDefaultLayer| interface. We've 
been using the |default| layer as a connotation of "always being 
available unless overridden by a more specific layer." However, this 
does not apply all the time: When the |default| layer is not included in 
a specific skin, nothing from the |default| layer will be found even 
though the ZCML statements suggest that it would always be available. I 
therefore propose to make the |default| skin layer an alias for 
|IBrowserRequest|. Anything registered for |default| will obviously 
always be available then, no matter what your skin layer looks like.

I really appreciate that I can disable all registrations if I do not 
derive a skin from the default layer. That's very important use case for 
us. We introduced a minimal layer that is providing only the most 
important functionality like traversers etc. Regularly we derive 
end-user skins from this minimal layer and then we register all views 
explicitly so that we have full controll over accessibility of information.

fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: Simplify Skinning

2005-12-07 Thread Dominik Huber

Martijn Faassen wrote:

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Looking for your comments at
This is a follow-up proposal from

I rather like having the *concept* skin to talk about. While 
implementation-wise things may become cleaner, being able to talk 
about a skin is I think a bit more clear than if you talk about skin 

Similarly, I think it's a useful concept to talk to a layout developer 
about 'layers' as a separate concept, to indicate to them that a layer 
is not something necessarily directly exposed to an end user. I think 
that this use case is less strong than the one for maintaining the 
word 'skin', though.

In various use cases, for instance Silva, there's a class of users 
that just wants to select from a list of skins installed for their 
site, and has no knowledge of how they're implemented. You don't want 
to show all layers to them.

It would therefore be nice to have a way to mark particular skin 
layers as actual skins you want to expose to end-users, not just as 
things useful as a building block. This is something we use the skin 
mechanism for now, and that facility would, if I understand it 
correctly, go away in this proposal.

+1 to all those


Zope3-dev mailing list

Dominik Huber

Perse Engineering GmbH
Jurastrasse 9a
CH-5406 Baden

Telefon: ++41 56 534 7730

fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: Simplify Skinning

2005-12-08 Thread Dominik Huber

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Thanks for the input so far, please revise it and let me know if
you see any other issues.

+1 I like it. Thank you!

Your connotation assertion here is incorrect. The default layer stands for:
"If the browser directive did not specify a layer, use the default layer." By
default, the Basic and thus Rotterdam skin incorporate that layer, but others
like Dominik and Garrett do not want to include that layer.

Right. I wonder if we should make the 'layer' argument mandatory then. Right 
now we have
the connotation "You can leave the layer argument out in which case Zope will 
use some
arbitrary layer that might or might not be in your skins and is boldly called 

I find the current optional layer argument ok. In our current pratice we 
allways use the default for the basic or general views of a package. 
This offers a simple way to configure a 
out-of-the-box-general-purpose-administration-skin like the Rotterdam 
whitout the drawback that such a general skin should have to know a 
dedicated layer itself. If we provide other dedicated layers we always 
do additional registrations to those layers.

A  fairly usefull pattern that becomes manifest in our pratice:
1. Layers for one or more features belonging together. For such a unit 
we define three different layers that

   covers the following aspects of an application:
 -> minimal_feature layer: Invisible functionality like traverser that 
should be there even if there is no ui

 -> user_feature layer: All views for general end-user usage
 -> admin_featur layer: Views for administration purposes.
(One example for a minimal layer tiks 

2. Those feature layers are used to compose the a custom skin afterwards.
-> pretty modular and clearly arranged whitout beeing to granular.

3. Because we still register to the default layer a general zmi like the 
rotterdam skin can be used too.
->this is cool, because everybody can use its favority general-purpose 
skin and it doesn't hurts his
brain to guess where he should configure something (compared to plone in 
hybrid zope2/plone applications)

Maybe we should introduce a minimal_zope_core and other important layers 
which might simplify such application for all parties.

fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: Simplify Skinning Redux

2005-12-12 Thread Dominik Huber

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

( yet another overhaul.

Basically, it now proposes to go one step further: Layers and skins will always 
be simple
interfaces extending IBrowserRequest. The only difference between skins and 
layers is
that only skins are registered as local utilities under a human readable name 
layers are plain old boring interfaces with no extra marker (it's not needed at 

Along with that we can get rid of the  and  
directives and simply reuse existing, much simpler directives from the standard 
Architecture ( and ). This is not only a good step 
reducing the ZCML directive proliferation, it's also a reflection of what's 
going on
under the hood. If we simplify under the hood, the Zope 3 developer should 
benefit from
that simplification as well. That's now happening.

The rest of the changes deal with small harmonizations that should make the 
of certain patterns easier (if they're always the same).


+1 in general, but two cosmetics-change-requests.

1. The brand *skin* and *layer* are fairly common and they are 
reflecting two logical uses cases. At a first glance the usage for a 
layer type is not given, but the layer concept is still interesting to 
build modular skins. The layer audience could be the developers which 
like to share layer specific informations. IMO an use case for an 
Browser Layer Names utility could be a corresponding 
online-documentation within the api-doc. I would suggest to register the 
layers like skins using a ILayerBrowserType interface:

2. I liked the naming ISkinType and ILayerType much more (instead of 
IBrowserSkinType/ IBrowserLayerType), because this browser-specific 
differentiation is already given by the package hierarchy and those 
ILongCamelCaseWordingsThatTriesToExplainEverything are hard to type and 
at the end they confuse newcomers even more than the simple ones. Please 
keep the naming also simple and stupid like the skinning simplification 
itself  :)

fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: Simplify Skinning Redux

2005-12-13 Thread Dominik Huber

Steve Alexander wrote:

Who will use these interfaces?  In what parts of the code will they be

I think these marker interfaces are used only in infrastructure code to
do with setting up layers and skins.  In this case, they will not be
typed often, and will not even be read often.  So, I think it is more
important that the name be clear than the name be short, so that it can
be understood quickly upon reading it.

As I mentioned,  the dotted name already provides some semantics. IMO does explicitly means that such a 
type is used for browser applications, otherwise it should be not  
within the browser package (unwritten convention).

want your layer interface to show up for TTW view registration, you'll need 
ILayerType so
that it shows up in the "Browser Layers" vocabulary and thus among the list of 
layer interfaces.

I strongly support this being an optional feature; a price you pay only
if you care about TTW stuff.

Me too.

That said, I still think that in the long term, local registration should not 
be done TTW.
So this optional notion of ILayerType might not be necessary in the future 
after all. For
filesystem-based development I don't find any compelling usage for it at all.

Me too.

I'm not a TTW-fan at all, but IMO it is important that such a framework 
supports potential use cases as long we don't get unacceptable 
drawbacks. I'm really not interested in the never-ending file versus ttw 
development debate ;)

fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Interface implementation declaration weight (was Re: View lookup changes in Zope 3.2?)

2005-12-14 Thread Dominik Huber

Gary Poster wrote:

I'm pretty sure there's a proposal on the wiki somewhere with Jim's  
full lookup algorithm that you want, but the iro for the pertinent  
object(s) usually gets me far enough.

That might be the proposal you mentioned


fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: Local Component Management Simplification

2006-02-02 Thread Dominik Huber

Stephan Richter wrote:

On Thursday 02 February 2006 07:38, Jim Fulton wrote:

Comments and questions are welcome.

I like the proposal in general. The big missing use case that is missing for 
me is the task of unregistering or reregistering a persistent component. 

I like the proposal too, but if we start to allow utilities within the 
content-space, this unregistering or reregistering should be highly 
transparent for end-user.
Therefore it might be still usefull to provide a marker interface such 
as ILocalUtility that can be triggered by little un/re-registering 
framework using the annotation of an utility to remember its 


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Z3 widgets overview

2006-02-03 Thread Dominik Huber

Adam Groszer wrote:


I had some time to finalize the widgets overview.
You can download it from here in various formats:


thanks, super!

Dominik Huber

Perse Engineering GmbH
Jurastrasse 9a
CH-5406 Baden

Telefon: ++41 56 534 7730

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: Local Component Management Simplification

2006-02-03 Thread Dominik Huber

Jim Fulton wrote:

I've updated the proposed APIs. I changed wording from "provide" to 
as "unprovide" doesn't make sense. (This also conglicts less with 
existing APIs.)

I like the new wording. Do you offer the new wording within the zapi 
too? That would be cool.



Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: Local Component Management Simplification

2006-02-03 Thread Dominik Huber

Jim Fulton wrote:

One issue with subscribers currently is that ZCML subscriber directives
can't be overridden.  We need a fix for this.

In my understanding this usecase is covered by the new implementation, 
isn't it?


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: Local Component Management Simplification

2006-02-03 Thread Dominik Huber

Jim Fulton wrote:

Dominik Huber wrote:

Jim Fulton wrote:

I've updated the proposed APIs. I changed wording from "provide" to 
as "unprovide" doesn't make sense. (This also conglicts less with 
existing APIs.)

I like the new wording. Do you offer the new wording within the zapi 

I'd prefer to get rid of zapi.  Back when we used context wrappers,
there were a lot more dead chickens in our code that zapi helped
to manage.  I personally never (well almost never) use zapi anymore.

I would say that, in general, indirection is bad.  In many cases,
indirection is also good.  It should only be used when the good of
a particular indirection significantly outweighs the bad.  IMO,
the benefits of zapi don't outweight it's inherent obfuscation.

+1, but then I have to change my question. Do you reflect the new 
wording within zope.component too?


and deprecate the old ones eventually


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: Local Component Management Simplification

2006-02-03 Thread Dominik Huber

Jim Fulton wrote:

Dominik Huber wrote:

Jim Fulton wrote:

One issue with subscribers currently is that ZCML subscriber directives
can't be overridden.  We need a fix for this.

In my understanding this usecase is covered by the new 
implementation, isn't it?

What new implementation?

The proposed interface IComponentRegistry says:

def unregisterSubscriptionAdapter(factory=None, adapts=None,  
provides=None, name=u''):

   """Register a subscriber factory
   This is the object used to compute the adapter. The
   factory can be None, in which case any factories
   registered to implement the given provided interface
   for the given required specifications with the given
   name are unregistered.
I thougt the planned component registry implementation covers that use 
case in principle, doesn't it?


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