Re: [Audyssey] If you click on Blind software, it will tell you that it's for sale.

2013-05-16 Thread Pitermach
It's talking about the domain, not the company. Or at least that's what 
I think.
That's kind of interesting that he's holding onto the domain rather than 
just letting it expire, they aren't all that expensive by themselves so 
i'm not sure what he could gain from this.

On 2013-05-16 17:57, Ron Kolesar wrote:

Hi to all. For the heck of it, I went out to
Don't know what Juston wants for the web site. But if you go to
It will tell you that it is up for sale. Only serious offers will be 
excepted. Thought that all would like to know about this.

Nowthe big question, who has what Juston would want for the web page? HTH
Ron and current Leader Dog boz who states that a service dog beats a 
cane paws down any day of the week.

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Re: [Audyssey] My First Impressions of Change Reaction 2 for Windows

2013-04-30 Thread Pitermach
FF20 can finally play MP3's, because mozilla finally lets you use the 
windows media codecs for html5 audio and video. The thing is it's turned 
off by default and you need to turn it on in about:config, which is not 
somewhere any, especially not advanced computer users, will look (the 
only way I found out about it was through a tech news site).
That said I think just linking to the file will be much easier in the 
long run if you want to support as many browsers, because sadly every 
browser supports different files. Chrome does everything, FF normally 
only does ogg and wav, but safari and IE don't do ogg, only mp3, which 
isn't playable in firefox 19 and older... quite a pain to get something 
that works everywhere.
I'd most likely end up streaming the file anyway... but I think you 
should give people choice in this matter.

On 2013-04-29 22:08, Draconis wrote:

Glad you have it working, Kelly.

On an aside, we are not using Java for the audio player, just HTML. There is a 
problem with some Firefox configurations, and with old versions of Internet 
Explorer, since IE is horrible about standards and keeping up with the times. 
We're working on fixing the Firefox issue, but not much we can do for old 
versions of IE.

The reason that many places don't use MP3 downloads much any more is because, 
for most, they are inconvenient. I, personally, hate sites that still make me 
download an MP3 that I just want to listen to in the browser. Imagine if 
YouTube did this for videos!

The VI community, in general, is one of the last groups to move, fighting all 
along the way, with technology as it changes. This is a partial reason why we 
see issues like the recent BSC situation with games that become obsolete. At 
some point, we have to draw a line in the sand and say, we just can't support 
those who choose to lag behind.

That being said, we're doing everything we can to support as wide a group as 
possible. We wanted to drop XP support with the new game engine, but decided 
not to for now. However, we won't hang on to it forever. We've gotten emails 
from those upset we're not supporting Windows 98 anymore. We just can't.

We'll continue to do our best to make as many gamers happy as we can.

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Re: [Audyssey] News from Blastbay Studios, and a call for opinions

2013-04-29 Thread Pitermach

Answers below your questions:

On 2013-04-29 21:19, Philip Bennefall wrote:

Hi all,

I am slowly but surely nearing the finish line for my current game 
project, and before I release it I would like to ask the community at 
large some questions. Your input will greatly help me when deciding 
what to spend time on before release. Below are four questions that I 
would very much appreciate your answers to:

1. Would you like the ability to order the game on CD? This would cost 
something like 10 dollars extra including worldwide shipping.
No, not really. It would take the CD for ever to arrive, so getting 
the game via download is much better... and faster.
2. How much does the size of the game matter when it comes to the 
downloadable version? Is something like 300 MB too large? 
Not at all. Many audio games are this large (like papa sangre), some 
are even bigger (the inquisitor is about 600MB). Plus, a lot of other 
stuff is getting this big like the new voices, wheather vocalizer, 
ivona or what ever are into the 2 or 300's. Most mainstream games are 
this big as well (take the injustice demo, which offers only a very, 
very small ammmount of content from the game, which is 500MB). The 
only time I could see this being a problem is for people on mobile 
internet which more often than not is capped, but personally I always 
wait until I come back home to download this large files.
3. In what format would you prefer to have the manual? Narrated inside 
the game, available in text format, or both?

Don't really have a prefrence there, either way is fine.
4. If the game contained cheat codes and you had to beat it in order 
to unlock them, would you want the ability to buy them for something 
like 5 dollars without having to earn them? This applies to other 
unlockable content, as well.
I'd probably just try and unlock everything myself... that said I do 
know people that might end up buying it instead.
I do not have a set release date for the game yet, but it will be 
available in the not too distant future. The game that I am refering 
to is not Perilous Hearts, but is actually something even larger and, 
in my opinion, far superior. The state of Perilous Hearts is currently 
not 100% certain, but I am confident that you'll enjoy this game just 
as much and hopefully a whole lot more. I cannot give any definite 
information about the game at present, except that it is a mix between 
arcade and adventure with a boatload of action thrown on top.

Thanks in advance for reading, and taking the time to respond to my 

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall

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Re: [Audyssey] Is Closing

2013-04-18 Thread Pitermach
I pretty much agree with what you and thomas said. Unfortunately it 
appears that the contact form on the site is broken. It doesn't help 
that Justin is a very private man (I'm not aware if he has a facebook or 
twitter profile that we could reach him), which is a real shame since it 
would be a good idea to contact him.
I'll say the way he worded his email did sound like he's just going to 
release everything for free, but sadly that's not happening... at least 
not through his website.

On 2013-04-18 18:43, dark wrote:

Hi Tom.

You said it yourself, it's because! he's not offering support or 
continuance of the software in the future that makes this different 
from a closing down sale. also, I feel he is bein greedy because he is 
not considdering the fact that unlike when any other shop closes, you 
won't be able to get the stuff anywhere else in the future, 
compatibility not withstanding. While I appreciate that he hasn't the 
time to continue writing and supporting software, he could at least 
give the tools to leave something to posterity rather than as he 
appears to be squeezing as much prophit out of the situation on a 
short term basis and not giving a dam about anyone else further down 
the line. Indeed, if i! had put work into making such a great bunch of 
games as Justin, I'd myself prefer people were free to play them in 
the future rather than just trying to grab quick cash.

A great example of this is Eamon. in the year 2001, the Eamon users 
club shut down since nobody had written anything new for the system 
either freeware or commercial in 7 years, but it was all collected 
onto the website. Now, 12 years later, frank is rewriting the system 
into Eamon deluxe, and the full source code is available, meaning that 
people like me who never had original systems back in the 80's are 
still very free to play eamon adventures, even on a completely 
different os to what they were built on.

We've seen examples of this in the accessible games community with Dan 
Zingaro, Terraformers, Self destruct, savage  gammet and indeed the pb 
games, so there is plenty of pressident.

I do agree asking Justin's opinion might be a good idea on this, but 
if he maintains his view, then it wouldn't surprise me if people do! 
distribute the bundle of the bsc software after the company has shut 
down just to give everyone the chance to play such classics, even if 
mucking about with vb compatibility is needed thanks to microsoft's 
scummy update practices.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] BSC Games shutting down, and reactions…

2013-04-18 Thread Pitermach
I completely miss the point of the message. It's not a matter of people 
wanting it for free, it's the problem of the games not being available, 
at all, after may. That ,and if people already bought the games already, 
then how would you explain why paying $75, for all of his software, 
probably 90% of which people don't want, and paying for the games they 
already bought again is OK?
Also his message did clearly state that Blind software is closing for 
ever. I'd say it's really unlikely he'll be returning to them - not if 
he's just planning to kill the website and pretty much everything else.
As far as piracy goes, donno if you can call distributing software which 
is for all intents and purposes unavailable through legal ways piracy.

On 2013-04-18 21:10, Draconis wrote:

Hi all,

BSC was a pioneer in the early days of accessible audio games for modern 
platforms. There are a handful of companies and developers without whom the 
industry would not exist as it does today, and Justin is one of those.

I'm disappointed, but not really surprised, to see some of the sentiments being 
batted around on list. Essentially, like always, everyone wants something for 
nothing, and never mind the time, effort or trouble that Justin put into the 
games over the past dozen years, whether or not he has released anything new 
recently. The shortsightedness of the community is to its detriment.

Kids won't be kids forever. Perhaps Justin is reserving the right to return to 
creating and/or updating these games eventually, when his kids are grown. 
Perhaps he just wants to be fairly compensated for the hours he spent 
developing them in the first place. Whatever his reasons or movations, I have 
no doubt that some of you will pirate the heck out of these games without a 
thought to their creator.

Should Activision give away the Infocom collection for free? Should Nintendo 
allow anyone to make clones of NES or SNES cartridges of the old Super Mario 
Brothers Games? Maybe Paramount should give up the rights to Star Trek the Next 
Generation, after all, they aren't making that series anymore.

Rather than calling justin greedy for giving folks the chance to do the right, 
legal, and ethical thing and purchase games they may want before their gone for 
a ridiculously reduced price, you should all be thanking him for the hours of 
entertainment and enjoyment he brought to you over the years.

Personally, I'd like to thank Justin for paving the way for developers like me 
to do what we love. I don't think it is him who is being greedy.

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Re: [Audyssey] Is Closing

2013-04-17 Thread Pitermach
here's what I just posted in the form of an audioboo, which I think I 
should throw out here as well... I don't have the $75 myself. The BSC 
games, I think, were a big part of what made audiogames are today, and 
that we should preserve them for newcomers to the audiogame idea and let 
those that legally bought the games be able to play them on new 
computers they might own. SO I think we should all throw something like 
$5 and eventually I think we can get the $75 we need. Then someone with 
the server space can host everything. Now I realise this isn't exactly 
right and why people didn't do this with, say, the NVDA vocalizer driver 
which is still available for purchase, but considering all of these 
games are just going to disappear completely in mid May I seriously 
think we should do this. It does look like no one I know currently has 
the money to do this on his/her own, and if no one takes advantage of 
the offer, the games will just disappear. And even though there are 
cracks for the newer games (might as well admit it since bs will close), 
the older editions of pipe and troup, and the word games don't have one, 
neither does the software so that will just leave them unplayable for 
many people.

On 2013-04-17 18:18, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Bryan,

I know. I don't have the $75 right now or I would buy it and then
share the key generator with everyone who can't afford it so that we
could keep those games alive. Hopefully someone somewhere will share
the key gen so those of us who can't whip out the $75 in the next
month can continue to play Pipe and troopenum without letting them go


On 4/17/13, Bryan Peterson wrote:

Especially since not everybody wo owns those games will be able to pay 75
dollars for the unlock code geerator. Guess I won't be putting those gaes on

my new computer, whenever it is that I end up getting one. Disappointing
since they were pretty much the first audio games I ever played and evennow

I enjoy them.

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Re: [Audyssey] Rail Racer 2 info

2013-04-16 Thread Pitermach

That's good to know. However, personally I think you should not use this 
agressive of a DRM. It's good to know we can get new keys if need be, 
but it's still somewhat of a choar and personally I'm really against a 
per-machine licensing scheme. If you'd like it to be online activated, 
OK. Then let a key be able to register, say, 3 machines, and let someone 
deactivate any of their computers when needed. In the passed year, I 
would have had to get at least 3 new keys for this reason because A, my 
PC died and I moved, and then I was going through upgrades for windows 
8, first the release preview, then the final build which both wiped 
everything off my drive. Now microsoft is moving to a yearly update 
cycle, and if people are going to be upgrading to new windows versions 
it will just get really annoying having to request new keys every time.

On 2013-04-15 22:45, Che Martin wrote:

  Hi all,
   Sorry it took so long for me to respond to this thread, I don't check this
list much anymore, and I've been very busy coding the sequel to RR as well
as our new cribbage online game.
   First of all, I would like to point out some absolute BS that sean posted
so we can clear up his mis information.

   Sean wrote:

don't hold your breath.
I own a coppy but am unsure if I should write che off as bad or not.
it was 1 key for  each system which made a licence file.
that server was not always up and people coppied them,  che then made
basically everyone have to buy the game again to get another key.
I never got the game by paying as I tested it so I am not going to go
and get a crack for it.

   End quote

   This is total crap all around from sean, as usual.
   I don't like flaming folks on public lists, but frankly sean's posts are
for the most part a detriment to our little community, he is full of bad
info, complains about the accessible games out there all the time, and is a
crap beta tester that just wants a free game without any useful feedback.
   I've taken a lot of hits from sean on this list regarding the software I
work very hard on with his half baked opinions, and kept mum about it, but
I'm sick and tired of it, as I am sure every other developer is that have
been knocked by him.
   I think sean is probably a good dude, honestly think he doesn't mean to
mis lead folks, and he does have some technical info that is correct some of
the time about technology, but reader beware when reading his posts..
   If any other developers out there care to get my appraisel of his beta
testing skills before you bring him on board for your projects, email me off
   Now to respond to his email:
   Folks that got in touch with me and needed new keys were provided them as
soon as I could get to there request, I've sent out tons of extra keys to
folks, and have frankly been more than generous about it, even though a lot
of those folks were lying and sharing the keys with friends, but that is the
nature of this small market, everybody wants to have fun, but a lot don't
want to pay for it.
   Ask those that bought RR 1 and needed new keys while the game was still
being supported, as far as I know, nobody was turned away.
   I've been pretty mum about RR 2 development, to avoid getting swampped
with questions from folks before it was ready.
   We have been testing it for a  few months now and adding new stuff, making
it compatible with modern systems, compatible with all major screenreaders,
new sounds, new control systems etc.
   This is not a trivial task, and has taken many months of development time,
but I feel the results will be well worth it.
   A new demo will be released as I finish RR 2, allowing folks to create and
play user created tracks all they want, they just won't be able to play
official tracks to earn money, nor play on line until they purchase a
   The folks that are currently beta testing purchased a new license for
$39.95, which will be the price of the sequel.  They of course will get all
upgrades as new versions come out.
 Those that purchased RR 1 will receive a discount on the purchase of
RR2, at this point I haven't decided how much that discount will be, but
will update the list as we near final.
   Some folks will feel this isn't fair, that they should get rr 2 for free
if they purchased rr 1, as it is basically an updated version of the
original game with new content, I can completely understand this stance, but
this is the same model used in main stream games, you don't get a free
version of madden football 2012 if you bought 2011. The developers feel the
purchase price is worth the extra content, and I agree with them, many won't
concur with this purchase model, and that is fine.
   Again, I will update the list about rr2 with more details as we get closer
to release.
   I will be checking the list for any responses to this email, and I ask
that folks please respect the subject line and not change topic without
changing the subject. This is one major reason I rarely 

Re: [Audyssey] unable to run Rail Racer Demo on windows8

2013-04-16 Thread Pitermach
I've seen a lot of conflicting info on this. I read an MS article that 
said implisitly Win8 won't run .net 1 apps and that you need to contact 
the application vendor so they get it up to date, but the link to the 
.net package thomas posted a few days back works just fine, apart from 
the program compatibility assistant popping up to say it has known 
issues. But I was able to install it and play rail racer on windows 8 
with no problems.

On 2013-04-16 17:19, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Dallas,

Thanks for the information. I wasn't aware of this info before, but now I am.


On 4/16/13, Dallas O'Brien wrote:

hi all,
to those who say you can run framework 1.1 on 7 and 8, i refer you to this
and also i would point towards this text, coming from another
microsoft page for 1.1

System requirements
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 Service
Pack 1 for Itanium-based Systems, Windows Server 2003 x64 editions,
Windows Server 2008 Datacenter, Windows Server 2008 Enterprise,
Windows Server 2008 for Itanium-based Systems, Windows Server 2008
Standard, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows
Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Starter,
Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows XP, Windows XP Professional x64

nowhere in all that, does it say windows 7, nore especially windows 8,
is supported. as tom has said, these are old framework versions now,
and newer operating systems don't support it. so if you've managed to
install it, i don't know how, but its not supported, and may in fact
end up causing trouble on your systems.

looking forwards to a modern RR, that i can run once more!

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Re: [Audyssey] Windows Games was Moderator Message

2013-04-01 Thread Pitermach
unfortunately I gotta say this is a good moment to say not exactly. And 
I Don't mean the XP games either.
Although the vista and seven games are very much playable, the ports of 
solitaire and minesweeper that you can get on windows 8 devices are 
competely inaccessible. So they took a step back there.

On 2013-04-01 17:48, Cara Quinn wrote:

Agreed! I'm not a Windows user but I sure appreciate the fact that MS is 
listening or at least starting to. This is really, really important.

I know inaccessibility is absurdly frustrating for us but we really do need to 
be careful of negative attitudes and sentiments because what you pay attention 
to becomes more prevalent. So rather than focus on what we may not have, it's 
really important to focus on what we actually want, and do this in a way that 
helps this along.

I.E. rather than greet accessibility with negativity, show some appreciation as 
well as helping the process to continue forward…

I could elaborate on this, as many here can, but I just wanted to share my 
agreement. So glad the Win games are finally playable out of the box! I hope 
this goes even further!


Cara :)
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On Mar 31, 2013, at 10:00 PM, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Mama,

Couldn't have put it better myself. I think people should just
appreciate the fact Microsoft actually listened for a change and made
many of their card games accessible to a V.I. user instead of being so

On 3/31/13, MamaPeach wrote:

People should just appreciate that they are accessible, whether they are
into playing them or not. Blind people sit around and belly ache because
things are not accessible to us, and when they are accessible, they belly
ache then too. Developers are damned if they do, and damned if they don't.
Some people may actually enjoy them.

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Re: [Audyssey] New Playable Game for iPhone

2013-03-19 Thread Pitermach
can't figure it out. I open it, but I don't see any buttons. I just get 
a weird looping sound and nothing else.

On 2013-03-19 03:03, Ken The PionEar wrote:

This is not for the faint of heart, so if you're not a real hard-core game 
hunter it might not be for you.
It's a game called Sphere, by Jerik. It's a bit tricky getting it to start, 
because you can't use Voiceover at all. However, if you do get it going you'll 
know it because you'll hear the level generation sound.
the game has only two buttons: start and create. The create button is locked 
until you complete the sixth level, so if you press it you'll get a click and 
that's all. However, if start is the one you press, the music will change and 
the level up sound will play.
The game is, visually, in landscape mode. However, as far as audio goes it's 
easiest just to play in portrait mode--otherwise you'll find that down is left 
and up is right.
Even if you won't want to try completing levels, you can do things with the 
sphere. try bouncing it off the walls without hearing the spark sound. Hold it 
still for ten seconds and hear it explode. Stretch it, spin it, slam it around. 
It's a stress ball! Sighted players get the added benefit of watching it all, 
including the sphere being riddled with cracks the closer it is to exploding, 
but that's not necessary.
The real challenge and fun is the puzzle itself. the first level or two are so 
easy that, as you bounce around, you'll probably complete them by mistake. You 
might even complete the third level on accident, but after that you'll really 
have to put on your thinking caps.
The idea of the game is that there is a sequence of walls you have to touch 
with the ball, and in the right order, kind of like a code buster game. You can 
touch the sphere and drag it around, but that takes time. It's a lot easier to 
touch outside of the sphere and push it away. You'll really have to be careful 
though, because it can go quite fast. Touching the sphere, by the way, sounds 
quite different from touching anywhere else in the field. The field sound stays 
constant, while the sphere sound changes for every level or so.
You won't know, unless your ears are better than mine, if you've touched the 
right wall. You will know if you got the first one or more right though, 
because when you touch a wrong one after getting some right, you'll hear a 
buzzing sound and have to start from scratch. Once you complete the level, 
you'll be taken to a much harder one. The first level only has four or five 
walls to hit, but the number increases rapidly.
A hypothetical example: You start on level 1. You hit the bottom, and nothing 
happens. You hit the side, and nothing happens. You hit the top, and you hear 
the spark-like buzz. Wrong move. Wanting to see if hitting the bottom was 
needed, you hit the side, then the top. you get the buzz, so you know that the 
right side is the first wall of the sequence. Of course, you can hit fifty 
walls before that, and it won't count against you. The sequence is only 
recorded once you hit the first correct wall.
Walls can be hit more than once. I'm on level 4, and it goes something like: 
top, left, bottom, left...
I haven't completed it yet, but you get the picture I hope.
Jerik has a facebook page. Tonight I'm going to write on his wall and tell him 
how much I love this game, and ask him to improve it some. I'll ask that the 
ball bouncing sounds never climb the scale unless it's part of a sequence--or 
maybe that we get completely different sounds. I'll ask for accessible buttons 
at the beginning, or perhaps audio cues all the way through. Who knows how far 
the dev will go toward making it more accessible for us, but even if not at 
all, it's quite playable.
So you think games like Robo-e are hard? Well, they are--but this is even 
harder... way harder... but quite fun, even just to mess around with. It's free 
for now, so hit the app store and pick it up before the price returns to normal.
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Re: [Audyssey] Press Your Luck

2013-02-17 Thread Pitermach

Hi Jim,
Maybe you should put in Trivia questions. You already have the code and 
a huge database of different questions to do it. THat, and having 
compute rplayers would probably be my only ideas. Other than that, great 

On 2013-02-17 17:24, Jim Kitchen wrote:

Hi Dark,

Since I didn't want to have trivia questions in my Press Your Luck 
game, I went with rolling the dice.  You can keep the first or second 
roll or take the third.  It rolls from 1 to 9.



I remember when I used to peek and poke.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA

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Re: [Audyssey] You Don't Know Jack for iOS

2013-02-06 Thread Pitermach
Implementing native VO accessibility isn't as easy as you might think, 
especially if you're dealing with as different platforms as iOS and 
Android, and you wrote an engine to support both without having to 
rewrite your code.
iOS and Android have their own UI kits and accessibility API's. On 
android, developers can use the OS's TTS features, on iOS they need to 
get an external synth like Acapela or Flight to support it. There are 
however cross platform libraries to support graphics, audio and input, 
but because they are cross platform they have their own way of 
displaying the interface. If jellyvision wanted to do what you're 
suggesting here, they'd have to write the interface with native iOS 
widgits, which wouldn't make a difference for sighted people and would 
have added development time and cost them more money.

On 2013-02-06 06:17, Dakotah Rickard wrote:

I was definitely disappointed, as though I have never watched the
show, the game was recommended to me by a friend. I thought the ads
were funny though, so I didn't delete it right away.

It's really sad how many games are not accessible, despite the fact
that Voiceover is such an accessible product and the app development
kit highly supports it.

The only thing I cdan say is that it is disrespectful and lazy. I also
find that it is often the bigger companies and more well-known
concepts and apps that are as inaccessible as they are. Not that there
aren't independent apps which lack accessibility, but consider the
majority of big name apps. Many of them are inaccessible, and it's
frankly disgusting to me that, despite the many features and
encouragements to make an app useable by the blind community, there
are still those who, either through laziness, ignorance, or those who
are lacking in insight or foresightstill don't develop accessibly.

I know that this is a rant, but frankly I'm not entirely certain that
it shouldn't be. Why, I ask myself, is this game inaccessible? It
doesn't, in my opinion, or under what meager knowledge I possess, need
to be inaccessible. The same experience could be had under a more
accessible regime.

If only I could, and if someone else wants to do this they have my
blessing, full support, and voluntary time, I would start an
organization whose purpose, at least in the beginning, to provide
reasonable information on accessibility. Too long has the blind
community been divided, without organized leadership in the field of
gaming. Why, this list might be a haven, a breeding ground for such an
organization, but it is not. For far too long have we responded
greedily or with jaded cynnicism to those very few stodgy
organizations who feel they are giving their blind members justice and
fair representation while failing to hear them out in matters like

You Don't Know Jack is one game, one app which, though fun, is
relatively unimportant in the scheme of things. However, why, in its
relative unimportance, is it fully inaccessible on one of the most
accessible platforms to date?

The answer is simple, almost staggeringly so. The answer is because we
have allowed inaccessibility to continue. We say This app is
inaccessible. The developer may or may not care, but how do they fix
it? We are uninformed as to the methods of development, the facets
which make such apps inaccessible. If only I could, I would set us on
the path to knowledge. Perhaps rather than saying, This doesn't
work, we should consider asking Why does this app not work for us?

I hope this message gets through, as it's rather long, and I do
appologize for its being more than a little off-topic at times, but
it's important, and I hope it passes inspection, as I feel it may hold
the key, or perhaps the tap, to a greater understanding and therefore
a better future.

Dakotah Rickard

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[Audyssey] BSC games under Windows 8

2013-02-01 Thread Pitermach

Hello all,
Before throwing this at Justin, I thought I'd go ask here first if 
anyone has gotten this error, and if yes, if you were able to fix it. I 
tested with pipe2 and troopanum 2, and both crashed. I registered 
dx8vb.dll, but it didn't seem to help.

This is the error I get:

Pipe 2.0
Error 432: File name or class name not found during Automation operation 
while loading file gameIntro.


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Re: [Audyssey] What happens with Jeremy?

2013-01-24 Thread Pitermach
Not at all. I don't remember if this even came up on Audyssey, but he's 
working on a campaign scripting engine for Swamp, and came out with a 
new version of it 2 days ago, the audio games topic already has 11 pages 
after a month (not really surprising), and that's where the discussion 
is taking place.

On 2013-01-24 12:35, Milos Przic wrote:

Hi all,
I haven't hurd from Jeremy Kaldobsky for ages. I wrote to him a few days ago 
but he is nowhere to be seen. Is everything ok with him, or may be he is 
disappointed that we don't discuss so much about his games as we used to before?
   Miloš Pržic
skype: Milosh-hs

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Re: [Audyssey] game acquisition

2013-01-20 Thread Pitermach
Well, JAWS is the only screen reader  that has this problem. Anyway, 
open Rail racer, then hit jaws+F2. Now, from this list, for jaws 11 and 
lower, open configuration manager. for jaws 12 or newer, open the 
settings center. It will ask you to create a new configuration for 
gameengine, just press enter. Now, if you're running jaws 11 or earlier, 
go to the set options menu, advanced, and check the 2 sleep mode boxes. 
For jaws 12 and newer just use the search box to find the setting 
pertaining to sleep mode. When you're done just alt+F4, say yes to save, 
and you should be good.

On 2013-01-20 08:46, Thomas Ward wrote:

Kim, depending on what version of Jaws you have to put Jaws to sleep
bring up the configuration manager or settings manager with insert+6,
and then  check the proper checkbox to put Jaws to sleep. then, save
the configuration for Rail Racer. Its really not that difficult to do
although I haven't done this in a while since I am now a NVDA user.

All the same I feel you shouldn't blame Rail Racer for your own
inexperience with Jaws. Knowing how to put your screen reader to sleep
is your responsibility the game and its developer shouldn't be held
accountable for your lack of knowledge. I'm sorry if I sound a bit
rude here, I'm not trying to be, but it just sounds like you are
blaming your problems on Rail Racer when your issue is a lack of
experience with Jaws. :D


On 1/20/13, Kim Friedman wrote:

Hi, I thought I'd have a try at getting a couple of games so I bought
Mississippi and the Rail Racer game at Blind Adrenaline. I made a folder
in my documents folder for user keys, passwords, etc. I am able to make
the Mississippi game work, but figure I can work with someone on it. I
here it's a sort of monopoly game on steroids, but that rail racer game
has got me frustrated. For one thing, in order to run it, you have to
put your screen reader into sleep mode. Jaws (my screen reader, doesn't
seem to have rail racer as an application and I don't know how to enable
sleep mode for it. If Jaws does sleep, is it a sure thing the game will
work for me? Anyhow, I can definitely use help from anyone who happens
to have the game. I'm getting a bit frustrated with it and feel as if I
shouldn't have gbought the thing. Regards, Kim Friedman.

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Re: [Audyssey] The Dragon Answers Questions

2013-01-16 Thread Pitermach

I think I'll have to agree with Dark and Thomas here. This may be in 
part due to how iOS and non iOS users think. For one thing Apple doesn't 
allow trials in the app store, so if a developer wants to release a demo 
they either need to release the entire app with an in-app purchase to 
unlock everything, or make 2 separate builds which adds to development 
time. People are more likely to buy iOS apps than Android ones, because 
all iPhones are the same, so they know the app will run. Weather it will 
be useful in the long run is a different story (Gotta love google play's 
refund policy, helped me not waste money on inaccessible apps). I 
actually had this problem with an iOS game, mainly kings corner. Can't 
remember how much it was exactly, I think about 2 or 3 euros. The 
description sounded interesting enough, but after I tried the game I got 
hopelessly confused, and never came back to it after trying ot 3 or 4 
times. Lost cities was an oposite, where the description mentioned 
similarities to solitaire. I took the plunge and find myself very 
adicted to the game.
Speaking of Draconis titles, Back when monkey business was the only game 
which didn't have a demo, the trailer sounded freaking amazing. 
Eventually I was able to get my mom to hae a friend in the US buy the 
game, and I wasn't quite as interested. The navigation features were 
rather lacking, and the game had some pretty annoying bugs like the 
slowdown problem which would slowly get worse as you played the game. 
This wasn't something you could figure out by reading the manual or 
listening to the trailer.

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[Audyssey] Angel gift - Robjoy looking for voice actresses

2012-12-23 Thread Pitermach
This project is going to come out soon, (2-3 days), and at the last 
moment the actress that was supposed to do it canceled. As you can see 
from the script, the idea is rather unique, so we would appreciate help. 
The game is being created by robjoy, who used to be one of the members 
of Light tech interactive.

Original message follows:

December draws near, everyone cuddles up in a comfortable chair as 
winter rules outside and wishes for a new audio game. I'm very well 
aware of that, thus work has begun to create a Christmas game.
Unfortunately, I'm short on Voice Actresses, thus I'd like to ask for 
your help.
I need a voice actress to record around 50-60 lines of text, which may 
change slightly (max. 10 additional lines).
You can contact me by replying here, or drop me a mail at (rob dot mail 
at freemail dot hu). (please replace dot with . and at with the [ a-t ] 
sign, respectively.) We can do the rest via Teamtalk, Skype, Zello, etc.

Here are the requirements:
I'm looking for a high-pitched voice. The sort of pitch where everyone 
screams, [wow], that's cute, when you watch anime. smile
Microphone quality: Stereo is not required, however extremely low 
quality microphones would ruin the game atmosphere. If you are not sure 
about this, please reply here.
The person has to be really expressive, as there are lines that should 
be in various moods: worry, pleasure, powerful/commanding, hurt, etc.
No child voices, please. The character is young, but young-adult, rather 
than 10 year old. If upon hearing your voice this is not obvious, we can 
make exceptions smile

Accent: Any English accent is accepted.
What you will get in return.
As this project is going to be free, sadly I will not be able to provide 
payment, but...
Depending on the games success, the approval of the Audio Gaming 
community! We still remember and love great voice talents, such as Dark, 

I will be behind you with hints and advice, during the whole recording 
session, if needed. You are going to receive a full explanation of your 
character, moods and also technical support if required.

A fantastic soundscape that reacts to your every move.
Music that support you in every way, urging your character, along with 
the gamers to make your character's dream come true!

You will be the first who receives the game, before the official release!
Regardless of the success of the game, my humble gratitude.
If you happen to not meet the requirements in any way, please, please 
spread the word as best as you can. Every second counts!

The script is located here

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Re: [Audyssey] GMA Lunar lander

2012-12-12 Thread Pitermach

David doesn't seem to be using NVDA which unlike all previous screen 
reader API's needs its DLL in the game folder. Just take 
NVDAControllerClient.dll out of BGT or any other application that uses 
it, put it in GMA lander's folder and you're good. Someone should 
probably tell David that he needs to bundle the DLL in the game though...

On 2012-12-12 05:12, Dallas O'Brien wrote:

hi guys, seem to be having a problem with this game. the screen reader
output does not appear to be working for me. i'm using nvda. not sure
if this is a problem with it and nvda alone, or all screen readers.
but throught i'd put this out there to see if anybody has some ideas.

On 12/12/2012, Phil Vlasak wrote:

Hi Ron,
I didn't save the web site but I googled,
Apollo 11 transcript.
I edited out the commentary leaving only Buzz reading of altitude and
velocity up to the end where I added a few important observations.

- Original Message -
From: Ron Kolesar
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] GMA Lunar lander

Now wheredid you pick that up at? GRIN.
Only a true fellow space nut would find that.
Now I wonder how much my huge mureal of Neal A Armstrong and Buss will be

I don't have enough wall space so I can't have it framed.
I have the Challenger from January 28th,1986.
Would love to find the columbia crew poster from January 16 2003 to
February 1st, 2003.
Thanks for the story.

Ron and current Leader Dog boz who states
that a service dog beats a cane paws down any day of the week.
-Original Message-
From: Phil Vlasak
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 2:31 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] GMA Lunar lander

Hi Ron,
In the GMA lander the amount of fuel is the variable.
Easy landing on the moon gives you 9 seconds,
Moderate 7 seconds,
and hard, 5 seconds.
I usually wait until 200 to start firing and then try to keep the
around 10 or less.
Here is the Apollo eleven landing transcript.
altitude, feet per second
700 feet, 21
600 feet, down at 19
540 feet, down at 15
400 feet, down at 9
350 feet, down at 4
330, down a three and a half
300 feet,  down 3 and a half.
270  feet, down 1 and a half.
250 feet, down at 2 and a half,
220 feet,  down at 3 and a half,
200 feet, 4 and a half down,
160 feet, 6 and a half down,
120 feet, 5 and a half down,
100 feet, 3 and a half down,
75 feet. And it's looking good. Down a half,
60 feet, down 2 and a half.
40 feet, down 2 and a half. Picking up some dust.
30 feet, 2 and a half down.
20 feet, down a half.
5 feet, probe Contact Light
lunar contact,
Engine Stop.

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[Audyssey] rocket lander, was: Re: student computer setup

2012-12-11 Thread Pitermach

Hi there,
Is that game available now? I know GMA cards is thanks to someone on the 
GMA talk list, but seeing I'm not and I'm really interested in this (you 
can thank the window-eyes lunar lander game for that, this just sounds 
like an awesome step forward), could anyone post a link here?

On 2012-12-11 12:53, Phil Vlasak wrote:

Hi Shaun,
From GMA, David's card games, and his rocket lander that are in beta. 
like to call it Lunar Lander but it also allows you to land on Mars, 
Earth and other places.
Star Trek 2000, is now free In which you command four Federation Star 
On my site, PCS games,For a Harry Potter fan, the demo of Sarah and 
the Castle of W and W allows you to play on the ground floor and 
basement for free.

My Super Dog Egg Hunt is free  even though it says demo.
And finally many people like to play my Pacman Talks on the one free 
level as the layout of the game is the same, with the ghosts getting 
faster on the paid levels.


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Re: [Audyssey] Xbox controllers on a computer

2012-10-29 Thread Pitermach
You sadly can't get the dongles anymore. But then you can get wired xbox 
controllers and they aren't tat expensive and are USB based.
Ron, have fun using a xBox controller with older games. The controllers 
are different from your usual design (like the analog triggers at the 
bottom), and have been designed for xInput, which is a newer standard. 
Direct input based games do work with xInput, but you won't have force 
feedback, and won't be able to use the bottom triggers... And I do 
believe we explained some time back that the fact TDV and Pipe don't 
support both sticks is a programming, not joystick issue. Munawar would 
need to get his joystick support fixed.

On 10/29/2012 6:49 PM, Ron Kolesar wrote:

If you can get one?
Please see if the first hand to ear flight simulator Three D Velocity 
will work.
also, would the hand to ear games from Blind softwar like version two 
of pipe called blast chamber work.
I have two Logitech f510 duel stick gamepads and I can not get either 
one of them to work.

I'm looking for something else that hopefully will
1. work with the hand to ear gaming and sim world for we blind gamers.
2.will have force feedback and will untie me from the keyboard.
I can be reached at
If you do get a device and the xbox controller works.
Which one do you have?
A huge huge thanks.

Ron and current Leader Dog boz who states
that a service dog beats a cane paws down any day of the week.
-Original Message- From: Keith
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 2:02 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] Xbox controllers on a computer

Hi, I know that PC users can use the Xbox controllers on their 
computers if

they use an adapter/dongle.  Where can I pick up one of these dongles?



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Re: [Audyssey] Text Verses TTS Output

2012-10-18 Thread Pitermach
One problem with text output on the mac is, as far as I heard, VO's 
terminal handling is terrible. I don't know the specifics, but one thing 
I do remember is that any new text coming in interrupts anything that 
was being spoken before. I can see this being pretty annoying in a game 
with multiple AI players or online multiplayer.
For most games I definitely prefer a normal interface, though one 
exception is final conflict (I played it with menus off, and trek 2000 
in command mode). But for everything else Option 2 is better IMO.

On 10/17/2012 11:18 PM, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hello Zack,

  That is a perfectly understandable position. The RS Games client is a
good application and I actually was thinking of using it as a template
for what I have in mind. The games would be written in Python 2.7.3,
use Pygame for the game API, and some sort of Python wrapper for
speech output.

All of that sounds good, but I'm also something of a shell user
myself. I love text based applications and while I have nothing
against using TTS output per say I'd prefer just using my screen
reader to read things. Especially, since on Linux not everyone is as
tied to the GUI as Windows and Mac users are.

For example, if I wanted to I could install Linux with Speakup and do
everything I wanted from the console read/write e-mails in Alpine,
browse the web in Links, write documents in Nano, play music with
mpg123, and so on. I wouldn't have to install a graphical interface if
I didn't want to, and there are plenty of VI Linux users that actually
run Linux without a GUI at all. That's in part where I am coming from

By developing a cross-platform graphical application with a window,
ading text to speech support, etc those console users would have to
install and run a GUI just to play those games. While it wouldn't kill
them to do so I guess its the principle of the thing.  A plain text
user interface would probably work for everyone unless certain screen
readers can't handle running games in a terminal window.

  Still you have a point. The average user doesn't know beans about how
to use the command-line interface of their OS of choice and the more
seemless and easy we can make the product the better. :D

However, if you mean by native Mac application as in C or C++ no can
do. I don't own a Mac so can't build native Mac applications. It will
have to be written in a runtime language like Python rather than a
native language like C++.


On 10/17/12, Zachary Kline wrote:

Hi Tom,
Speaking personally, I would rather see a game more closely tied to the Mac
interface, and that would mean using mac TTS voices. One has to consider how
easy it would be for an average user to run a program in a command line
environment. Granted, there are ways to make this process relatively simple,
but a native application would be ideal. I take as my model the RS Games
client, which runs natively on Mac at least.
Hope this helps,

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Re: [Audyssey] Smugglers 5 now accessible

2012-10-11 Thread Pitermach
The shop screen is a pretty nice mess if you're using NVDA or JFW. I bet 
it works a lot better with hal because the game works better with it in 
general. I can't help saying that I really miss the list boxes from S3 
in this area a lot. I may have to contact Neil and see if he could do 
anything here so the screen contents aren't as scattered as they are now.

On 10/11/2012 9:06 PM, dark wrote:
Funny darren, I've not had problems with the prechice screen at all, 
it looks the same as athe one in four which was quite useable once you 
got the knack.

There were a couple of wonky interface elements, particularly with 
ghost ships appearing but I'll contact niels about those.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - From: Darren Harris

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Smugglers 5 now accessible

Yay this works! Although the purchase screans for ships and equipment 

be better and pirate hideouts etc, it's definitely a step in the right

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of dark
Sent: 11 October 2012 16:01
Subject: [Audyssey] Smugglers 5 now accessible


good news!

niels has now finished the patch for smugglers 5 that fixes the combat
problem. Get the patch at
and just run it to have your copy of the game updated.

it works on the demo or the full versions, so you can now try the 
demo too!

And for anyone who wants to download the demo, find it at

Also note that if you buy the game you can get all four! previous 

games, plus the addon for s3 and I believe s2 for just 2.5 usd! which is
pretty fantastic even taking into account eh fact that unfortunately 
s2 has

unlabled images of ship parts meaning it's not completely doable with a
screen reader (I don't know about s1).

So enjoy! and please support niels by buying the game. The reason he 

include the compatibility mode for empires and dungeons 2 was that not
enough people showed interest, so now is the chance to make a real
difference! if you ever wanted complex accessible games, here they are!

Beware the grue!

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Re: [Audyssey] miriani playerbase

2012-09-28 Thread Pitermach

Oh yeah, I remember working on that soundpack with you. Good times.
Anyway, they got a lot of stuff going for it. A nice codebase, a pretty 
huge world, and at one point there were some really cool events which 
developed the story (the wormhole aliens anyone?). The problem is 
they're not running it very well. For those who haven't played miriani 
but tried Alter aeon, imagine getting to a high level, learning a lot of 
spells, and then someone would come along, ruin your day and you'd 
literally have to start from square 1, which if you didn't have money 
wouldn't even be possible.

On 9/28/2012 9:07 AM, Valiant8086 wrote:

You've got the idea. that is why I quit playing. I had a pretty nifty 
soundpack going there too that I no longer support because I can't 
bother playing it. It's a neat game, but opt-in pvp has me totally 

Sent with Thunderbird 14 Portable
On 9/12/2012 12:26 AM, dark wrote:

Hi Nick.

I know myself that even though there is a lot I'd like to try in 
miriani, ship to ship combat, fighting the aliens etc, the constant 
unregulated pvp where anyone can blow you up at any time puts me off 
entirely, sinse I just am not interested in a game like that, and I 
don't want to risk all my progress and equip ment being destroyed by 
some high level player who was having a bad day.

I have met several miriani players who made progress in the game, but 
left because they got sick of this aspect of things, indeed to my 
mind nothing is more! liekly to put new players off than being killed 
by anyone of a higher level.

so, while I'm not sure if this is a reason for the decline, if 
miriani changed their policy and made player killing an opt in system 
the way it is on alteraeon, methinks they would get a lot more 
interest,  starting with myself.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - From: Nick Helms
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 3:37 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] miriani playerbase

Hello all,
Althoguh I don't play miriani anymore, I periodicly look at their
website, just  to stay in touch with what's happening
ingame(announcements, ingame news, etc). More recently, I've
discovered that the number of players connected at any given time has
dropped from the mid 50s to usualy somewhere in the mid-30s and
sometimes even lower. I'm curious to know if there are any outstanding
reasons for this decline?

Nick Helms

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Re: [Audyssey] Mortal Kombat online tournament tomorrow or Sunday. anyone interested?

2012-09-01 Thread Pitermach
I'd join, but the problem is 8PM eastern is like 2 in the morning. 
Considering I'm starting school this week I'd rather not stay up that 
late, especially seeing the TV's down stairs... and I can't plug in 
headphones into it.

On 9/1/2012 4:28 AM, Yohandy wrote:
We can do this on either platform. What do you guys say? no money or 
anything like that on the line, just bragging rights and a little fun. 
I'll try to get some of my friends involved. I don't know many people 
on xbox though, so if 360 wins, then it'll most likely be people from 
this community and maybe someone on my friends list will want to play, 
not sure. I'll hold the tourney on whichever platform gets more votes 
from now till tomorrow evening. I'm thinking of having it at 8PM 
Eastern. whenever we have these they're usually lots of fun, so feel 
fre to join! just let me know on here if you're interested and I'll 
start counting votes. if we don't get enough people, then I'll hold 
the tourney on Sunday, same time. the plan is to try and get the room 
maxed out, which we've never done. feel free to contact me here or 
privately with your answer, and if possible include a windows live or 
skype username to make setting things up a lot easier.

I've been a Bing Rewards member for 6 months. In that time, I've won 
several $5 amazon gift cards, Microsoft Points, etc, simply by 
browsing the web. The best, not to mention easiest rewards program 
I've ever tried. If you wish to check it out, please follow this link. 

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Re: [Audyssey] Windows 8 Metro interface, and gaming.

2012-08-23 Thread Pitermach

Hi Tom,
I do agree about the start screen and partially agree about metro/modern 
UI as it's now called because microsoft had to change its name, however 
I do like some of the new windows 8 features. Narrator works very well 
with Metro apps since it's implying a Mac OS style of navigation, and 
nvda isn't quite there yet. On a tablet Narrator offers full touchscreen 
access which is very similar to iOS.
As far as the windows store, apps have an accessibility rating that gets 
displayed if you have a screen reader running. Developers can mark that 
their apps have been tested again screen readers and it will be indicated.
As far as games, the xBox live app is just awesome. You can do things 
you'd expect with your account like order games to your xBox, or even 
control it, view your achievments and so on, and you get the same kind 
of access to Windows games as well, which is really cool. Lastly, if 
you're one of those people who doesn't like the start screen, you can 
get classic shell which can restore your usual start menu, and it works 
great with Screen Readers. Not to mention the other smaller things like 
UIA being a lot quicker and moer stable and the new voices, if you get 
passed the annoying start screen Windows 8 is great.

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Re: [Audyssey] X-Wheel

2012-08-18 Thread Pitermach

What else can we expect in 2.0, or do you wanna keep it a secret?
On 8/18/2012 7:18 AM, Damien C. Pendleton wrote:

Hi John,
Shoot. I'm surprised I forgot to include that in the release.
I have just added it in the code and therefore it should be available 
in version 2.0 which I am currently working on.


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Re: [Audyssey] USB headset problem

2012-07-14 Thread Pitermach
Is there a device in your sound settings called communication 
headphones? Mine has this on an HP laptop. What it does is as soon as 
you play audio through it, only that audio will get rooted to what ever 
your default device and everything else is directed away. In my case if 
I have headphones plugged in and something used this device,  all my 
windows sounds and what ever else would  go to my laptop's speakers.

On 2012-07-14 16:09, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Lori,

What happens when you reboot? The reason I am asking is I also have a
set of USB headphones, and I'm quite familiar with the problem you
describe below. Usually rebooting the computer with the headphones
plugged in resolves the problem.

Interesting enough, though, I seem to have the opposite problem  here.
If I'm listening to a book or movie in Windows Media Player the sound
of the book or movie will come out of the USB headphones, but my
screen reader, NVDA, will still be talking out of the laptop speakers.
Its a strange problem, and one I still haven't figured out quite yet.
So far the only resolution to the problem I've found is simply to
shutdown and reboot Windows with the headphones plugged in and then
NVDA and everything else works as they are suppose to.

BTW, I'm running Windows 7 here on my laptop so the issue isn't just
specific to Windows XP. Although, my desktop is running XP SP3, and I
haven't seen this problem on the desktop. Just my laptop running Win


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Re: [Audyssey] x wheel unlocking problem

2012-07-07 Thread Pitermach
The problem is actually with the AudioForm. You can only controlC/V if 
you use the left control. HTH

On 2012-07-06 16:19, Damien C. Pendleton wrote:

Hi Allan,
There is actually a copy paste feature. It works fine on my end.
Email me privately and I'll see what I can dig out. It must be a rare 
and deep rooted bug because looking at my code yields no possible 
methods as to how this could go wrong, so I'll have to take you 
through it step by step to try and reproduce the issue.


- Original Message - From: Allan Thompson

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2012 3:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] x wheel unlocking problem

Ok, it must have been a glitch. I exited the game, restarted, input 
my info and it worked first time.

Still a copy and paste feature would be a good idea, if it was possible.

The truth will set you free
Jesus Christ of Nazareth 33A.D.
 - Original Message -  From: Allan Thompson
 To: gamers discussion list
 Sent: Friday, July 06, 2012 10:18 AM
 Subject: [Audyssey] x wheel unlocking problem

 I am having trouble registering my game.
 The biggest problem is that I can't cut and paste my unlock number. 
I am doing it manually and somehow it isn't working, despite my best 
efforts to do it exactly as I copied it off the web page.

 Does anyone else have this problem?
 Below is an error I got while trying to use the registration form 
after a number of attempts.

 Call stack size: 17

 File: C:\Program Files\BGT\include\form.bgt
 Line: 3224 (1)
 Function: void control::move_word_right()

 File: C:\Program Files\BGT\include\form.bgt
 Line: 2096 (1)
 Function: void control::check()

 File: C:\Program Files\BGT\include\form.bgt
 Line: 1574 (1)
 Function: void audio_form::check(int)

 File: C:\Program Files\BGT\include\form.bgt
 Line: 498 (2)
 Function: void audio_form::monitor()

 File: E:\apps\X-Wheel\include\interface.bgt
 Line: 62 (1)
 Function: void user_level::show_reg_form(bool arg0 = false)

 File: E:\apps\X-Wheel\include\interface.bgt
 Line: 170 (1)
 Function: void user_level::validate_reg()

 File: E:\apps\X-Wheel\include\interface.bgt
 Line: 158 (1)
 Function: void user_level::check_reg_form()

 File: E:\apps\X-Wheel\include\interface.bgt
 Line: 63 (1)
 Function: void user_level::show_reg_form(bool arg0 = false)

 File: E:\apps\X-Wheel\include\interface.bgt
 Line: 170 (1)
 Function: void user_level::validate_reg()

 File: E:\apps\X-Wheel\include\interface.bgt
 Line: 158 (1)
 Function: void user_level::check_reg_form()

 File: E:\apps\X-Wheel\include\interface.bgt
 Line: 63 (1)
 Function: void user_level::show_reg_form(bool arg0 = false)

 File: E:\apps\X-Wheel\include\interface.bgt
 Line: 170 (1)
 Function: void user_level::validate_reg()

 File: E:\apps\X-Wheel\include\interface.bgt
 Line: 158 (1)
 Function: void user_level::check_reg_form()

 File: E:\apps\X-Wheel\include\interface.bgt
 Line: 63 (1)
 Function: void user_level::show_reg_form(bool arg0 = false)

 File: E:\apps\X-Wheel\include\menu.bgt
 Line: 280 (2)
 Function: void register()

 File: E:\apps\X-Wheel\include\menu.bgt
 Line: 58 (1)
 Function: void initialise_menu(string arg0 = )

 File: E:\apps\X-Wheel\x-wheel.bgt
 Line: 22 (2)
 Function: void main()

 The truth will set you free
 Jesus Christ of Nazareth 33A.D.
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Re: [Audyssey] X-Sight Interactive announces the release of X-Wheel

2012-07-05 Thread Pitermach
This game is cool and I'm really liking it. I'll probably be buying this 
momentarily. For now, some ideas.
Firstly you forgot to include the dll needed to work with NVDA, and I 
believe system access, in the installer. For anyone having issues you 
can just put it from any other game into the xWheel directory and it 
will work.
Also, I do think the interface could work much better. When it's your 
turn, I think you should just be able to press enter to spin or just hit 
a voul to buy it, and pressing s could let you solve, while pressing the 
arrow keys would let you review the puzzle, maybe even replace the blank 
spaces with a click sound to speed things up. Pressing tab could show 
the scoreboard and puzzle info. Right now, the audio form looks 
rather... Weird and it's just slow at times.
Lastly I do think the crowd could react a little more, maybe some booing 
when you get a letter wrong, some cheering and things like that for 
getting higher values on the wheel and winning big. If you need sound 
help I'll gladly give a hand.

Now then... off to buy this thing!
On 2012-07-05 19:30, Damien C. Pendleton wrote:

Welcome to X-Wheel, a spinoff of the popular TV game show Wheel of Fortune!
Put on your thinking caps as you face a challenging mixture of luck and skill 
in the hot seat of our virtual television studios inside your computer. Your 
team mate is ready, the host has set up his gear, the cameramen are poised for 
action, and the viewers and spectators are anxiously awaiting your arrival. 
After all, you have to spin it in order to win it!

X-Wheel includes:

* Two normal rounds and two intense rounds of game play.
* Play against an intelligent computer opponent.
* Online scoreboards to compete with other winners.
* Local scoreboard to track your own progress and that of local users.
* 12 category banks totaling over 2300 puzzles.
* Choose from either Microsoft SAPI or one of four supported screen readers as 
your host.
* Microsoft SAPI settings are totally customisable.
* High quality sound effects and music.
* All the excitement of the original Wheel of Fortune plus a few extras.

System Requirements:

* A PC running Microsoft Windows XP or later
* 512MB ram
* 1.6GHZ processor
* A screen reader or Microsoft Sapi 5.1 or later for spoken output
* DirectX 8 or later
* A DirectX compatible sound card with speakers or headphones

The game is priced at $19.95 USD with an initial release discount of 25%, 
making a new total of $14.95 USD!

If the game is well received we will add other features such as online game 
play, difficulty levels, user customisable puzzles and a few extra options. 
This upgrade will be free of charge.

To find out more, please visit our website at and 
navigate to the Games page!

Happy spinning!

Kind regards,
Damien Pendleton
Head of X-Sight Interactive
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[Audyssey] Dragonflame engine public alpha 1 released!

2012-07-03 Thread Pitermach

Hi everyone,
For those who don't follow the audiogames forum, Ghorthalon from 
dragonapps and Erion from Lighttech interactive have finished the first 
public alpha of dragonflame, a free audiogame development engine. It is, 
as I've already said, an Alpha, so there might be bugs, and the majority 
of functionality hasn't been implemented. That having been said, though, 
it's already very stable and capable. You would probably be able to 
create games such as scape scate, black square, super liam or judgment 
day. 2 example games are included showcasing different functionality. 
The engine is based off of Lua, which is a very easy to pick up language 
for basic style syntags (what I mean is, it's closer to VB6 than to 
C++)... which still isn't a good explonation, but what I'm trying to say 
is, it's not hard to learn. :)

You can get it from

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp Update.

2012-06-26 Thread Pitermach

so... How did I miss like 5 version notifications. How weird...
On 6/26/2012 10:58 AM, Ryan Conroy wrote:

Hi guys,

There's a new Swamp update.. If you go to Jeremy's websight, you'll find two 
files. One is the full download for Swamp 2.6, but then he found a bug that he 
fixed, so there's a patch for Swamp 2.6 to 2.6B.
Hope I got all that.. If I didn't, I'm sorry.


53 Year Old Mom Looks 33
The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried
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Re: [Audyssey] Fwd: Recording of the Road To Rage multiplayer

2012-06-16 Thread Pitermach
It's some dubstep track we downloaded... I don't think you'll have any 
problems. Not from me or Ghorthalon, anyway. :)

On 6/16/2012 12:34 AM, Scott Chesworth wrote:

Sounds like something that's going to be immense fun when the server
has a few more people sneaking around man, can't wait for the public

Erm, random question, where's the theme tune from? Couple of days back
I wrote something that sounds very similar stylistically. To be clear,
I'm not accusing anyone of steeling, I'm worrying that I seem to have
ripped somebody off without knowing about it and can't use this tune
for anything now LOL.


On 6/15/12,  wrote:

 Original Message 
Subject:Recording of the Road To Rage multiplayer
Date:   Fri, 15 Jun 2012 19:12:01 +0200
From:   Kevin (Ghorthalon)


As the people on the forum have already seen, Peter and I
have recorded outselves playing my new FPS in multiplayer mode. This
recording is already about a week or two old, so quiet a bit has changed
already. Still though, this should give a great idea of what the game will
sound like, when you get to play the public beta.
And when that comes out, I'm subscribing to the list myself. :P

Anyways, the link is:

Have fun and enjoy the recording!

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Re: [Audyssey] you don't know jack question

2012-06-16 Thread Pitermach

The problem with most of these is because of the installer, which is a 
16-bit application. That's why it breaks under x64. What you need to do 
is install them under XP or a 32-bit system, and then just copy the 
whole installation folder over. There are 2 executables, one for 16-bit, 
and one for 32. Just insert  the CD, run the 32-bit EXE, and it will all 

I have done this for YDKJ 3 if you need me to upload it.

On 6/16/2012 7:54 PM, steve cullen wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I have a truck load of you don't know jack games here.

Unfortunately they won't work with my windows seven system does any one know
how to make these games work?

Thank you all very much for any help.


Steve Cullen

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[Audyssey] Fwd: Recording of the Road To Rage multiplayer

2012-06-15 Thread Pitermach

 Original Message 
Subject:Recording of the Road To Rage multiplayer
Date:   Fri, 15 Jun 2012 19:12:01 +0200
From:   Kevin (Ghorthalon) W.


As the people on the forum have already seen, Peter and I
have recorded outselves playing my new FPS in multiplayer mode. This
recording is already about a week or two old, so quiet a bit has changed
already. Still though, this should give a great idea of what the game will
sound like, when you get to play the public beta.
And when that comes out, I'm subscribing to the list myself. :P

Anyways, the link is:

Have fun and enjoy the recording!

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Re: [Audyssey] games we always come back too?

2012-06-10 Thread Pitermach
it's really weird, because in some places it's called alien outback, but 
then in the intro the name is, in fact, said as aliens in the outback. 
My guess is Josh thought it sounded better, so he changed it in some 
parts, but apparently not everywhere.

On 2012-06-10 00:59, Ron Kolesar wrote:

Hey Charles, you ask a great question.
Because you're not the only one who'd like to know the answer to this 
curious question.

I've always known it asAliens In The Outback.
So maybe someone can educate us all.

Ron and current Leader Dog boz who states
that a service dog beats a cane paws down any day of the week.
-Original Message- From: Charles Rivard
Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2012 4:42 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] games we always come back too?

The acronym is AITO, which stands for Aliens In The Outback.  However, 
desktop icon and the user's guide refer to, as you say, Alien 
Outback.  So,

with this in mind, does anyone on the list recall where Aliens in the
Outback came from, as well as the acronym, AITO?  Just curious.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - From: Ben
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2012 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] games we always come back too?

As I have and probably end up correcting everyone on this list in the
future, its not aliens in the outback its alien outback

-Original Message-
[] On

Behalf Of Ron Kolesar
Sent: 09 June 2012 19:59
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] games we always come back too?

Hi Darren, from Ron and Leader dog now white to gray haired lab 
Leader dog

I'll test pretty much anything I see that's new and interests me as a 

gammer and simmer.
I have and enjoy
Blast Chamber since I was a beta tester for it.
then hunter and Troopanum from now known Blind software.
Their address is
Then there's aliens in the outback.
then Tenpin alley of course.
Then there's the first ever hand to ear millitary side of the flying 
Three D Velocity from Then for the civilian side 
of the

flying coin, there's Microsoft's Flight simulator version ten.
Better known as fsx.
Version eleven is suppose to be coming out simetime this year.
But to make fsx fully blind friendly, go and take a look at a program 

It's Your plane.
It is a company out of Canada.
their address is
There is a small bridge like program that you can down load the zip 
copy and

install for free and or make a donation to.
To get around the donation message, just reboot your machine.
You'll need to install the three programs in the following order.
1. FSX.
3. IYP.
I have been using a couple of audio programs both for realistic sounding
weather and realistic sounding sound effects for airplanes and 
vehicles and

such while on the ground.
but that's another huge story. GRIN.
For those who want to play online.
Check out.
So that's my two cents on this subject.

Ron and current Leader Dog boz who states that a service dog beats a 

paws down any day of the week.
-Original Message-
From: Darren Harris
Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2012 2:38 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] games we always come back too?

hi all,

well i don't know if this type of thread will generate any interest 
but i

thought that i would throw this out there.

there are games out there, either online or stand alone that keep us 
back whether it be on a constant basis or whether we play them for a 

put them down, then pick them up after a break.

so i was just wondering what games for you fall into this category 
and why?

list as many games as you like. i'll start.

well right now i'm going to mention 1 game just to get this started. the
game i am going to mention is core exiles, which can be found at

i have been playing this game now on and off since november 2009. i
personally love it. the reasons why are the same reasons that keep me 

back. in no particular order:

1. completely persistent. the game does not end in any way, shape or 
there's no rounds, no reset, you can keep playing and expanding as 
you wish.
2. no right or wrong way to play. in this game there are just so many 
you can take! each obviously has it's own plus and minus sides but 
the point
is that you can build your character and go down any pathway that you 

3. progression through reward. this is a game that keeps you wanting to
play. even after nearly 3 years of playing with the same account i 
unlocked every single piece of technology currently available in the 
4. awesome community. people care about each other on the game. i'll 
you an example, because i hadn't been on the game in a few 

Re: [Audyssey] Asking a huge favor for those who own the Logitech f510 gamepad.

2012-05-18 Thread Pitermach
Not all games will recognize both sticks, in my experience. For example, 
as you've already said all the BSC titles don't, but, for instance, top 
speed 3 seems to recognize it just fine.
Also when you're playing older games I'd strongly suggest flipping the 
switch to direct input (the left option), because direct input emulation 
under xInput doesn't work with everything like the bottom triggers being 
analog or force feedback. The buttons do change their numbers though, so 
you may need to remap when you do this. That having been said I'd just 
suggest you talk to Munawar about it so he can check how TDV handles the 
right analog.

On 5/18/2012 1:59 AM, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Ron,

You can reverse the left and right joysticks in the Windows control 
panel. You can make the right stick the default or the left stick. 
That way you can test both with your games. :D

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[Audyssey] zero sight: extended operations released

2012-05-18 Thread Pitermach

Subject says it all. This game is awesome and it just got even cooler.

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Re: [Audyssey] Asking a huge favor for those who own the Logitech f510 gamepad.

2012-05-17 Thread Pitermach
Are you sure this issue occurs only in TDV? Have you actually tried it 
with any other games?

On 5/17/2012 3:09 AM, Ron Kolesar wrote:

Hi to all.
This letter is for those who use the Logitech f510 duel stick gamepad.
I would deeply appreciate it if you would down load the demo for the 
Three D Velocity hand to ear flight simulator.

Please test out the right hand stick.
I need to know the following.
When you pull the right hand stick forward or away from you, does it 
increase the speed like it's suppose to do?

If it does not, I'd like to know.
If it does, I'd appreciate knowing this as well.
Then pull then right hand stick to the left.
It should only turn your aircraft to the left.
I'd appreciate it if it does turn your aircraft to the left.
Also, when you pull the right hand stick to the left, does it turn 
your aircraft to the left or does it increase the speed.
For some reason, my increases the speed when I pull the right hand 
stick to the left and it shouldn't be doing this.

A huge huge thanks to all in advance.
A frustrated gamer who's looking for a USB handheld device for gaming 
once again.

Ron and current Leader Dog boz who states
that a service dog beats a cane paws down any day of the week.

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[Audyssey] Voice acting help needed

2012-05-15 Thread Pitermach

Hi all. This message will be rather long, hopefully it'll go through.
Ghorthalon from Dragonapps has been working on an accessible online fps 
for a while now. Unlike swamp, however it is more PVP oriented. It's 
nearly complete and you can hear a demo here:
Now, to make it personalized we need your help in getting voices in. 
Considering how many awesome people helped with swamp, hopefully you can 
give us all a hand again!

Original message follows with all the details:
Hey everyone,
For those of you that don't know, I'm working on an FPS that's being 
discussed Here and Here.
As I mentioned in those topics, I need voice submissions for the game. 
These will be the in-game voices you can use as your character, besides 
the text chat, like in Swamp.
I will paste the list of phrases I need, along with some hints and notes 
about the recordings. Don't be afraid to do one! In fact, I'd be happy 
if you tried. smile

Should you have any questions, let me know! smile
Warning: I might need to ask for multiple recordings, as I may have 
forgotten something. However, I think it's pretty unlikely. smile

Here goes!
You need to record each phrase 5 times. This is for randomize sakes. 
Upon playing a voice command in my game, it will randomize them to make 
it feel a bit more natural. smile
Very important! Please make sure you get the best out of your 
microphone, and environment. Be in a quiet as possible room, and remove 
anything that might make your microphone sound bad. This is serious! 
Otherwise, your voice might need to be rejected.
Rejection is no problem, you can always try again. Just understand that 
I want to have the best possible quality in the game, and this includes 
Please be as lively as possible while recording. And if it may involve 
screaming, so be it. big_smile Don't feel bad, the result will make it 
Try to emote everything as good as you can. For example, when you say 
I'm hit!, make it sound serious.
Accents are absolutely no problem. Talk in your normal accent, just like 
you normally would.
Results can be sent via Mail to, and I'll get back 
to you.
Please send me the whole recording session. This being you start 
recording, begin acting, then stop. Try not to stop after each 
recording. Don't worry, no one will ever hear your outtakes, and I won't 
judge you either. big_smile This just makes it much easier for me.
Remember your microphone position, the room you were in, and the 
recording settings in case I need more recordings from you. smile
That's pretty much it! Now start warming up, here comes the list. 
big_smile It might be a bit long. But hey, it'll be fun!
Your name. Doesn't need to be your real name, just how you'd like to 
appear in the game voice pack list.

Greetings. - Example: Hi!
Salutations. - Example: Seeya! Bye bye!
Taunts before kill. Can be anything you want.
Taunts after kill. Can be anything you want.
Cover. - Example: I'll cover you.
Help. - Example: I need some help over here!
Push. - Example: Go! Go, go!
Wait. - Example: Wait here.
Found (singular) 5 Female, 5 male. - Example: I found her! I found him!
Found (Plural) - Example: I found them!
Got him. - Example: I got him!
Over there! - Example: Over there!
Ready. - Example: I'm ready!
Warning. - Example: Watch out!
Compliment to someone else. - Example: nicely done!
Complement in general. - Example: Awesome!
Negative compliment to someone else. - Example: You suck!
Negative complement in general. - Example: This sucks!
Follow. - Example: Follow me!
Captured flag. - example: Got the flag!
Won Last Man Standing winning taunt. - example: I'm the true last man 

Enemy down. - Example: Enemy down!
Friendly down. - Example: We lost someone!
Same team. - Example: Same team, same team!
Attack. - Example: Own them, own them!
Stop action. - Example: Stop! Drop what you're doing!
Confirmation. - Example: Let's do that.
Decline. - Example: No, I don't think so.
Surprise. - Example: What the hell!
I'm hit! . - Example: I'm hit!
Someone else's hit. - Example: Someone's getting shot over here!

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Re: [Audyssey] Help getting Draconesentertainment games to run.

2012-05-08 Thread Pitermach
that does sound like a good idea, providing you can properly identify 
x86 and x64 and register the dll's. Which, I'm guessing, isn't hard with 
inosetup or what ever you're using

On 5/8/2012 6:05 PM, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Ben,

Sure. I was thinking of doing that anyway since it would save me and 
everyone else the trouble of installing dx7vb.dll manually.

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Re: [Audyssey] Audyssey babble report for April 2012

2012-05-03 Thread Pitermach
You know you're really fitting into the community when you join, and hit 
second place after less than a week. Nice work Paulette!

On 5/1/2012 11:09 AM, Jim Kitchen wrote:

102 people posted 1142 messages.

125 From, Thomas Ward. 96 From, Paulette Vickery. 62 From, Charles 
Rivard. 60 From, dark. 50 From, Jeremy Kaldobsky. 40 From, shaun 
everiss. 36 From, bpeterson2000. 35 From, john. 33 From, michael 
barnes. 32 From, MamaPeach. 30 From, Damien Pendleton. 29 From, Ken. 
26 From, Phil Vlasak. 23 From, william lomas. 21 From, Ben. 20 From, 
Jim Kitchen. 19 From, Dakotah Rickard. 19 From, Johnny Tai. 19 From, 
Nicole Valicia Thompson-Andrews. 15 From, Ian McNamara. 15 From, 
Richard Sherman. 14 From, Lisa Hayes. 13 From, Trouble. 12 From, 
Michael Taboada. 12 From, Nikola Stojsic \(NS studios\). 12 From, 
Philip Bennefall. 11 From, Mike Maslo. 10 From, Clement Chou. 10 From, 
Dallas O'Brien. 10 From, enes. 10 From, Keith S.. 10 From, steve 
cullen. 9 From, joseph weakland. 9 From, Milos Przic. 8 From, 
Christopher Bartlett. 8 From, Lori Duncan. 8 From, Ron Kolesar. 8 
From, Ryan Strunk. 7 From, fred olver. 7 From, Orin. 6 From, Brandon 
Peters. 6 From, Desiree Oudinot. 6 From, Kevin Andrews. 5 From, Cara 
Quinn. 5 From, Kelly Sapergia. 5 From, Matheus Rheine. 5 From, Paul 
Lemm. 4 From, Oriol Gómez. 4 From, QuentinC. 4 From, ryan chou. 4 
From, Scott Chesworth. 4 From, simon dowling. 4 From, Stephen. 4 From, 
Tom Randall. 4 From, Wil James. 3 From, dan cook. 3 From, Gabriele 
Battaglia. 3 From, Jess Varnell. 3 From, Kai. 3 From, Karl Belanger. 3 
From, keroro. 3 From, Michael Feir. 3 From, Ryan Conroy. 3 From, 
Sylvester Thomas. 3 From, Valiant8086. 2 From, Che. 2 From, Christina. 
2 From, Dennis Towne. 2 From, Eleanor Robinson. 2 From, Ivan Cardenas. 
2 From, Jacob Kruger. 2 From, lindsay_cowell. 2 From, mattias. 2 From, 
Shane Davidson. 2 From, Shiny protector. 2 From, Sid. 2 From, Yohandy. 
1 From, Curt Taubert. 1 From, Darren Duff. 1 From, Darren Harris. 1 
From, Gamers List Guidelines Robot. 1 From, Greg Steel. 1 From, 
Harmony Neil. 1 From, Hayden Presley. 1 From, James Howard. 1 From, 
jason. 1 From, Karl Belannger. 1 From, Kim Friedman. 1 From, Kirk 
Norman. 1 From, lenron brown. 1 From, matheus. 1 From, Mich. 1 From, 
Pitermach. 1 From, Richard ( 1 From, Rick. 1 From, Ron 
hopkins. 1 From, Ron Schamerhorn. 1 From, Shard Workshop. 1 From, 
Steady Goh. 1 From, stootle. 1 From, Valiant8086. 1 From, Zachary Kline.

Archive file size 3715716 bytes

Kitchen's Inc, for games that are up to 110 percent funner to play.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] swamp 2.2 thoughts

2012-05-02 Thread Pitermach
...Well, I seriously doubt you'd be able to have a swamp page on 
wikipedia, just because of how strict they are in considering articles 
good quality.
There are, however, wiki systems you can host on your site as well as 
wiki hosting providers (I think wikia is one of them), which will give 
you the wikipedia like layout, except you'll have full control over what 
ends up there.

On 5/2/2012 2:57 AM, Jeremy Kaldobsky wrote:

Good idea!  Does anyone have any experience adding actual wikipedia pages?  I 
see no reason we couldn't set up a Swamp one.

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Re: [Audyssey] Something wrong with the swamp speaker test

2012-05-02 Thread Pitermach
Well, what's happening is unlike most speaker tests this one actually 
doesn't start and end on the extreme ends of the channels, so it starts 
somewhere in the slight left and ends in the near right, rather than 
doing it the conventional way.

On 5/2/2012 4:23 PM, Jeremy Kaldobsky wrote:

Stephen, does the actual game work correctly though?

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Re: [Audyssey] Game Help, Please

2012-04-02 Thread Pitermach

Maybe that person is running JAWS, and they don't quit or put it to 
sleep before playing the game? That seems to cause issues with most games.

On 3/31/2012 11:54 PM, MamaPeach wrote:

Hi Gamers,
A friend of mine is having a problem with a couple of games. We both 
have installed the two games, River Raiders and Top Speed 3. I am able 
to use the games just fine. He, on the other hand, for some crazy 
reason, can't click on a menu option to start the games or anything. 
Any idea why this is happening to him. We both are running Windows 7, 
64 bit machines. Like I said, both games work perfectly for me, but he 
can't even get past the main menus on either game. Please, any help 
would be appreciated.

Mama Peach

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Re: [Audyssey] strange audio problems, help to fix if possible please.

2012-03-29 Thread Pitermach
What I'd suggest you do is turn down the hardware acceleration. A value 
of about 30 is ok, though you can set it to 0 to turn it off completely 
if it is indeed  a hardware issue.

On 3/28/2012 6:29 AM, goshawk on horseback wrote:

hello all,
am hoping someone out there can give me some help, to hopefully sort out a 
couple of strange, but rather irritating audio problems that I am having, 
mainly with some VI audio games.
the first, is that on some games, I get no sound at all. I have run the directX 
diagnostic tool, and think I have found where this problem may be, as when 
testing the sound, it is fine, until it gets to sounds coming through a 
hardware buffer, then the sound won't play. the annoying thing is, that the 
program doesn't give any ideas of how to fix this problem.
the second, is that in some other games, and in winamp also, the very beginning of a sound doesn't 
get played, or if it is very short, the whole sound. for example, a menu item that should say 
new game will come out like ame
I hope I have explained that clearly.
machine is running XP pro sp3, has a core(TM)2 duo CPU, with 3gb memory, and 
the usual standard built in realtec soundcard.


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[Audyssey] Can this please stop? was Monopoly

2012-03-15 Thread Pitermach
I can't remember the moderator address, so I'm just throwing it out like 
this, but can this Monopoly thread get closed? It went wy OT and 
it's generating a lot of annoying traffic.

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[Audyssey] F510 opinion

2012-03-10 Thread Pitermach
So, I've decided I want to grab a gamepad. Now, I know a bunch of you 
have the Logitech F510 and, it seems I can get one with no major issues.
To those of you that did get it, do you think it's actually good? I'm 
not planning to use it exclusively with audio games though that will 
also happen, but Also I think I'll be using it for emulators and PC 
games like Shank for instance.

Awaiting your replies.
Take care,

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Re: [Audyssey] bug in auto pilot in final conflict?

2012-03-05 Thread Pitermach
I think what he's referring to are some missing sound files. When the 
game switched from Kate to Karen, some files didn't get recorded at all, 
so when they get played things break left right and center. I believe 
they were referring to the cardassian and romulan space. At least, I 
remember when the autopilot was heading toward romulan space and you 
checked its status it'd break.

On 3/5/2012 4:30 AM, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Simon,

No. I have never seen that particular bug. Can you give me specific
instructions on how to reproduce the bug?

On 3/4/12, goshawk on  wrote:

hello all,
is anyone else getting an unhandled exeption bug when trying to use the auto
pilot feature in startrek final conflict?


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Re: [Audyssey] A game site for all.

2012-02-28 Thread Pitermach
I seem to recall they basically archive everything under 10MB, but even 
then sometimes some stuff still doesn't get archived and you won't be 
able to get it, even though it's under 10MB.

On 2/28/2012 7:37 PM, Shadow Dragon wrote:
Actually you can download the games. I have no idea how they maintain 
enough server space to keep full web archives like this, but yeah, 
they're literal replicas of older websites, downloads and everything 
else included.

From: Ben
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 11:13 AM
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] A game site for all.

That's common knowledge really, but thanks for the page info.  I 
don't think

you can actually download the games there though, but I could be wrong.

-Original Message-
[] On

Behalf Of michael barnes
Sent: 28 February 2012 17:31
Subject: [Audyssey] A game site for all.

Hello, I just recieved a website where you can download the different 

So here is the site address.

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT: why not?

2012-02-10 Thread Pitermach
Well, you should probably change the play into a looping play. I don't 
remember the function off the top of my head, but that's what you need 
to do, and it should be before the while loop.

On 2/10/2012 4:52 PM, Il primo cittadino wrote:

Hi Hayden and all.
Now the scripts works but the sound is a bit buzzing and it has a 
small gap each time it finishes and starts again.

The scripts goes like this:

void main()
show_game_window(Suono 1.0);
sound suono;
int vol=0; int pan=0; int pic=100;
suono.volume=vol; suono.pan=pan; suono.pitch=pic;
 if (key_down(KEY_LEFT)==true)
 if (key_down(KEY_RIGHT)==true)
 if (key_down(KEY_DOWN)==true)
 if (key_down(KEY_UP)==true)
 suono.pan=pan; suono.pitch=pic;

Is there a way to get the sound more smooth?

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Re: [Audyssey] What has happen to audio games website?

2012-01-27 Thread Pitermach
It does seem to be down. Sounds like someone deleted a crutial php file 
which effectively broke the entire site. You can, however, get to the 
forum if you wish by going to

On 2012-01-27 10:02, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Dark,

For what its worth I was on earlier, maybe two or three
hours ago, and it was working just fine.

On 1/27/12,  wrote:

Hmmm, that is indeed strange.

Hopefully it'll sort itself out soon.

Beware the grue#!


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Re: [Audyssey] game speech

2012-01-24 Thread Pitermach
Personally I'm the opposite as far as eloquence goes. Its UK accent just 
sounds wrong to me for some reason. The interesting part though is that 
I totally think the reverse with eSpeak. I like its UK accent but can't 
stand the US one.
As far as the more natural voices, my favourites would probably be 
neospeech Paul, acapela Peter and Ivona Geraint (that one came out a 
week ago or so, so it's quite new).

Oh and yes, I also prefer human speech verses TTS

On 2012-01-24 08:00, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Bryan,

Oh, I like the U.K. version of Eloquence as well. I like to leave it
set on Justin because I think he sounds better than Reed.

I also agree I can put up with almost any SAPI voice for menus and
things like that, but not for cutscenes and game commentary. One of
the things that bothers me about the wrestling game I'm working on is

Right now any time you perform a move SAPI acts as a ring side
commintator. Ok, it works, but I can't get into it. I'd prefer a human
to actually call out the moves rather than SAPI.


On 1/23/12, BRYAN  wrote:

Interestingly enough I prefer the UK English version of the Elloquence
synthesizer. I don't know, I  just could never stand the American one.
But as far as synthes in games go I'm pretty set in my ways. Sapi for
status info is fine, but never, and I mean never, should synthes be
used for actual characters unless, and that being the key word, they
happen to be robot or computer characters. To be qite frank tat's
probably the biggest reason I can never manage to maintain my interest
in the Sarah game.

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[Audyssey] RIP lWorks

2012-01-23 Thread Pitermach
This was just posted: Really saddened about this, super egg hunt plus 
was turning out to  be quite interesting.

For over ten years I have been writing computer games for the visually 
impaired. during that time I have met a lot of great people who have 
enjoyed what I do. I'm proud to saythat I produced some excelent games 
that people enjoy to this day. However, my work and personal commitments 
keep me from being able to put the time in that is required to continue 

As of now I will no longer be producing any future titles. All the 
current games on will still be supported and I will honor 
requests for unlock codes. People may still purchase games if they 
haven't done so already, but there will be no updates or work done.

I feel honored to have met so many wonderful people and to have been 
able to give back to a wonderful community who has been extremely 
appreciative and supportive of my games. Thank you. Your support has 
meant a lot to me over the years. Most of all, thank you for enjoying my 
games. if people didn't play them, I would have never wanted to continue 
to make them.

Liam Erven

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Re: [Audyssey] Chillingham sequel.

2012-01-19 Thread Pitermach

Nope, they didn't.   Bavisoft's quiet and unresponsive as usual

On 2012-01-19 13:56, michael barnes wrote:

Does anyone knows if Bavisoft has release the second part to Chillingham?
I just got done with the first one and I would like to find out what 

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Re: [Audyssey] Friday's Out of Sight events

2012-01-18 Thread Pitermach
Might as well take the time also to say why I don't think so many people 
personally attend. Those are just my thoughts, not everyone else, obviously.

Since you're just using some kind of voice chat client, you'd need to 
probably track your progress, which may actually require you to make a 
text file or something and update as stuff happens, while also trying to 
follow along... I personally wouldn't find that enjoyable. Might as well 
meat up with a few friends on Teamtalk, make a private game on RS or the 
Playroom and just play that and still talk. It'd be quite fun too.
Also, not everyone is confortable with voice chat. english may not be 
the first language for some people and it took me like 2 years to get 
over the barrier myself.
And lastly, looking at the times, 8PM eastern probably is fine for 
everyone in the states, but for me, being in GMT+1 (an hour ahead from 
the UK) I'd have to basically wake up in the middle of the night and 
play until early morning. I think I'd rather sleep instead if you don't 
mind, especially if I have school the next day.

on 2012-01-18 10:55, shaun everiss wrote:

Charles, there is no link to actually view these.
And to be honest, these messages just look like spammy spam.
I usually delete them when opened.
I never asked for them.
I just get them.
At 11:15 a.m. 13/01/2012 -0600, you wrote:

I have a thought I want to put out there before listing the events:

I've seen messages on this list that indicate that people want more 
online games, yet nobody attends these games I post about.  What's up 
with that?  These games are great opportunities to have fun online, 
and they are team participation, which is another feature that I have 
seen people posting that they would like to see more of.  If you want 
these features available, folks, here they are!  Come join the fun.

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Re: [Audyssey] swamp 1.9

2012-01-17 Thread Pitermach
Another bug I've noticed is the zombies not panning properly a lot. When 
you turn, they'll just stay where they were. Seems to happen almost 
consistently when they're close... Usually you need to take a few steps 
back to get the growls to pan right.

On 2012-01-17 10:44, Jeremy Kaldobsky wrote:

The points are currently broken and I'm working on fixing them.  I think the 
points actually work but are just not showing up properly, but I still need to 
do more work to be sure.

Even after upgrading your health, 100% will still be the maximum.  It will just 
increase your maximum health points.

I am planning to add a feature allowing people to customize a few of the game's 
sounds.  Foot steps for other players are one of the things on this list.

I've taken the testing server down for a while as I work on some of the bugs.

Hi Jeremy,

Two bugs to report at this time.

1. Problem with the point system for upgrading stats. After
leveling up, the
points were there. I allocated them, went on a mission, and
when I came back
all the stat levels were back to zero. Did this twice. They
also got removed
when I left the game and came back. One time, the game said
I had 10 points,
I used 2 before the game said I had no more. When I leveled
up, it said I
had 11, but could only allocate 1 of these points.

2. I put a point into health. Hearing my health at
something with a long
decimal point in it seemed strange. But the bug is that my
health max never
increased. It only got to 100% and never went over that.

Also, many have requested the following. Is it possible to
put in a toggle
for the footsteps? Sometimes it is hard to hear the zombies
over the other
players footsteps. Especially around the bridge and safe
zone where multiple
people collect.

Thank you. And thanks for a great game.


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Re: [Audyssey] Great Trek 2000 Battle

2012-01-15 Thread Pitermach
I would really love an accessible bridge commander ish kind of game. 
What comes pretty close is begin. Though that's a text game, it is 
oriented on a singl ship, with the possibility of ordering ally's around 
as well. It works rather like Bridge commander's quick battle. You 
select the rase you want to be with, the race of your enemies, then you 
can set up the field with room for up to 50 ships, with each ahving 
differences. The races not only determin what ships are available but 
also may change how well other Captains follow your orders, since, for 
instance, Orions being pirates are far more likely to disregard what you 
Once I set up myself and a fleet of 3 other ships against a couple 
klingons and a starbase. The ladder is just massive with 5000 of them 
and inormous power generation and shielding... But the only weapon being 
8 disruptor banks, which if fired at once are devastating but it's easy 
to stay out of range and torpedo the thing to a life support failure.
Well, one of my ships, for some reason flew right passed it... It 
promptly lost its shielding, and 3 turns later, life support. So it 
caried on o n its last heading at warp 5, away from the battle... While 
I thought it was very sad, it also made me realize just how realistic 
this game actually is.

On 2012-01-15 15:32, Michael Gauler wrote:
I forgot something, something not talked about in canon Star Trek (TV 
shows and movies) and that is quantum slipstream, shown only in the 
season four finale of Voyager and another episode in the fifth season.
That would technically still be wormhole like in Armada  and Armada 
II, allthough user created mods exist, you cannot realice them, 
because all wormhole objects in the games are jump points, where you 
are at point a, select your point b and jump to it. And this kind of 
tech is allways a special weapon, meaning that it is not standard.

And if we are talking about a ship simulator, then we should do 
something like Bridge commander, but then it should be possible to 
allow the users to create their own ship modifications, at least for a 
free battle mode. You still could create campaign missions and expand 
your game after initial release with new missions and put something in 
like the quickbattle of Bridge Commander.

Or you could give users access to more aspects of your game.
Remember Star Trek Eliteforce and Elite Force II?
Both were based on Quake 3, and besides mission scripting the user 
could create their own maps and could also alter some more things like 
game menus and weapons if you had the source code to several compiled 
files you were allowed to recompile, since you did not alter the main 
EXE files.
The Armada titles allowed you to create multiplayer and singleplayer 
maps, but no missions (scripted missions), and I am not sure if Legacy 
allows it either.
The only thing I know is that most Legacy fans are encouraged to 
download an over 1 GB big universal Legacy modification called Legacy 
Ultimate Universe to add more game modes, more ships, improoved 
models/textures, better music and sounds, before gameply becomes 
worthwhile, according to fans...
In either case, if we go for a ship sim, we should have it as open as 
possible, even if it is not open in mission mode, but I'd like the 
idea of creating my own missions...
If we were going for strathegy, then I'd say not to hold back when it 
comes to non scripted maps where it's free for all as you like.
Even if Dauntless was not a federation ship, I'd like to use her, or 
to be able to command the ship of the borg queen for once in an 
accessible game...

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Re: [Audyssey] stuck in Bokura again.

2012-01-12 Thread Pitermach


Are you sure you killed all robots, even the ones that ambush you when 
you activate the console in the 3rd room? You also need to pick up 
everything, well, unless something gets destroyed, the robots that shoot 
the slower but more damaging rockets drop grenades, those can be blown 
up, but if  you can pick them up you can use them. Sadly when you enter 
a room you can't backtrack, but as long as everything's dead, you should 
be  able to press enter on the thing and it will open. At the end there 
will be a room with a password. If you want it, read ahead, if not... 


the password is robot
On 2012-01-11 16:21, Yohandy wrote:
  this I can't figure out. stage 6-3. I killed all robots, pulled 
levers, and gotten all keys. even so, I still can't open the last 
door. some japanese text come up when I click it, and when I dismiss 
it nothing happens. also this odd thing happened when I was in stage 
6-1 I think. I lost on that stage a couple times, then when I tried 
replaying it some japanese text came up, then 6-2 got unlocked. 
however I couldn't really unlock all the doors, so I had to go back to 
6-1 and replay it properly to get the keys. only then was I able to 
unlock doors for 6-2. wonder if I broke the game somehow and that's 
why I can't progress in 6-3? lol. any of this make sense to anyone?

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Re: [Audyssey] Looking for info.

2012-01-09 Thread Pitermach
Hi, no offense but this is the 3rd message about this in a span of less 
than a week. If you didn't get the answer the first time, it frequently 
means there's no change, and if you're not sure it came through, you can 
look in the audyssey archive.

On 2012-01-08 22:07, michael barnes wrote:

I am looking for information on Starbase Orion for the iOS.  I know 
that a couple of months ago someone had said that the developers was 
working on making the game more blind friendly.

So I was just wondering if the accessibility has been added to the game?

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Re: [Audyssey] Fw: Eamon Deluxe Update-12-27-2011

2011-12-30 Thread Pitermach

The reason screen readers actually used video intercept was back in the 
early 90's when windows and Office were taking off, there were no 
standardized Access API's. By the time those got developped the 
developers didn't really change well, most of them at least.
Taking JAWS and NVDA as an example, list views have a determined size 
for each column, which may sometimes result in things being shortened 
on-screen. Regardless of that NVDA always reads the whole thing, while 
jaws will just read the abbreviated version and end with dot dot dot, 
making a blind person have to hopefully find an option to make it larger 
and if not... just dealing with it as is.
Something similar happens in notepad. NVDA always has access to the 
whole edit field, so the window doesn't have to be maximized or 
anything. With JAWS, frequently a not maximized window will either 
result in just the desktop icons or some other window being read with 
mixed portions of actual text, and even if it's maximized, a baloon may 
again cause that kind of thing to happen.
However I think supernova is the one that really just uses the video 
intercept the most. I had problems in really large desktops of 200+ 
icons where if I Just got out of what it could see it'd just say no 
focus detected, same in a start menu, if scrolling is unchecked 
eventually you'll just exit its visibility and hear, start no selection 
as long as you're in that area.

I didn't have so many issues with NVDA or window-eyes.

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Re: [Audyssey] What does API stand for?

2011-12-29 Thread Pitermach
API stands for application programming interface. Software provides 
API's for other programs to request information or have them perform 
actions. For example, SAPI is an API for microsoft's speech standard. 
Programs can request it to speak text, get the list of voices, etc. Each 
screen reader also provides an API which allows a developer to have it 
directly speak text. In the case of flight simulator, an API may allow 
one to get data about the aircraft and surroundings like Altitude, 
heading and speed, weather conditions, flip switches and so on.
If the developers stick to standard controls as they did for now, that's 
half the problem taken care of. For accessing all the readouts, since 
hhalf the keyboard will be already taken, I think a layered aproach akin 
to what tdv does will be our best bet. We;'d need access to things like 
the auto pilot controls and it would be nice if the ATC popups would 
actually say what they contain. Speech recognition would also be an 
option, but I never had that great of a success with it, hence why I 
have issues with IYP, so being able to drive the simulator with keyboard 
and standard ontrols would be greatly appreciated.

On 2011-12-29 02:00, Ron Kolesar wrote:

To my fellow gamers.
I would like to know what API stands for.
I've been hearing quite a bit about this abbreviation and would like 
to learn  more about it.
I would like to share this info that makes games blind friendly with 
the new up coming microsoft flight simulator up grade.
So what would you as fellow blind gamers or in this case a simulator 
for the blind want in the sim?
I'm trying to educate the sighted members on the beta team that we the 
blind also enjoy the art of flight.
Many Many thanks for educating not only this blind gamer but the 
sighted members of flight simulator beta team to make fs blind 

   Ron and current Leader Dog boz who states that a service dog 
beats a cane hands down any day of the week.

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Re: [Audyssey] Silver Sword not quite accessible

2011-12-14 Thread pitermach
well, cool. so, 5 bucks wasted. That's life for ya, though I guess I 
could ahve spent them on something more accessible and useful

On 12/14/2011 8:01 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:

Hi All,
I thought I should post to let you guys know the situation with Silver Sword as 
I understand it currently. I've been in touch with the developer and have to 
say that the app isn't really accessible after all.
The biggest part we're missing is the map. Since we can't read that, traveling 
becomes an exercise in guesswork, which quickly becomes tedious. Similarly, 
combat is also troublesome, since the results aren't all that easy to read. 
Without easy access to both these features the game is unplayable, despite 
mostly labeled buttons.
Sorry to have to say this, but I'm not sure what  we can do in this instance, 
and neither is the developer.
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Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

2011-12-12 Thread pitermach
Guess I'll need to dust off my toc skills and ask for a key replacement 
then... Wow. 2012 is looking to so totally be full of releases like PH, 
zero sight, and now this thing.

On 12/12/2011 8:41 PM, dark wrote:

Wow John.

This is way more than I expected would be in the game, I knew he was 
making more units and multiplayer, but the other stuff is amazing! it 
sounds like time of conflict will end up as more than just a modern 
warfare sim, it'll end up as a platform for all sorts of sim games 
too, which would be fantastic!

Great news indeed, and this certainly explains what happened with time 
of conflict and why we haven't seen the new release as yet.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - From: john

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp map editor posted

2011-12-12 Thread pitermach
Are we also going to have an accessible map editor? I do think it'd be a 
good idea, reminds me how I played around with Agrip's Quake map maker. 
I even thought I lost my map which I made, only to discover it 
circulating on a very busy server. Good times indeed.

On 12/12/2011 8:36 PM, Jeremy Kaldobsky wrote:

Your post reminded me of the file I uploaded last night.  For those who might 
not know, the game's map editor is terribly inaccessible.  Because a few people 
have asked for it and seem to have some sighted friends or relatives to help 
them use it, I took a few minutes to zip it up along with 2 example maps.  I 
almost didn't post this yet because I intended to record myself walking through 
the editor's features and to explain the specific things that must be done in 
order for the maps to work with Swamp.  After ending this morning's shift and 4 
hours of sleep, I've been called in to work a triple shift and I know it won't 
be anytime soon that I can have the walk through recorded.  For anyone 
adventurous enough, and who has sighted assistance, here is the map editor.

The other thing I planned to do was to send along a modified version of Swamp 
that would let you actually play your custom maps so you could test how they 
were coming together.  So on top of everything else that seems crazy with me 
posting this editor, I'm letting you all know that you won't even be able to 
play your custom maps yet!  Haha!

As soon as I get time though, that's the first thing I'll post, and I'll try to 
get a recording done to explain things.  Eventually, having a few volunteers to 
work on maps could be a good time saver for me.  I'd type more but I have to 

We all appreciate that you're busy.
Nobody, I think, could hold a
tremendously busy schedule against you. I know I don't.

Dakotah Rickard

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Re: [Audyssey] suggestion for phil from pcs games about superdogs bone hunt

2011-12-11 Thread pitermach

Ah, people not paying attention...
Anyway, it's not a commercial game, it's just the engine is. Basically 
the GMA game engine was apparently made to make exclusively paid games. 
It's all prepared for that with the registration system and everything. 
It also has a built in demo mode which, among any other restrictions the 
developer may add himself, limits you to a single level as Thomas said.
So the only way to get it to work would be supershot style, where the 
game is free, but you'd still have to email the developer with your user 
code, get a key in return and unlock it. You wouldn't pay, sure, but 
it'd get annoying quickly, both for you and the developer.

On 12/11/2011 10:33 AM, Alfredo_The_Music_maker wrote:

Why is Super Dog not listed as a commercial product?

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Re: [Audyssey] Poll: playroom on iPhone or on mac

2011-12-01 Thread pitermach
Although I am planning to get a MAC, for now, iPhone would probably work 
better for me and many people. If you are planning to actually charge, I 
suggest you only charge for the mobile iOS version, since MACS are also 
fully functional computers and it'd get a little unfair if someone 
doesn't have access to windows.

On 12/1/2011 2:38 PM, QuentinC wrote:

Hello listers,

I'm getting more and more demand to have an iPhone or a mac version of 
the playroom. I'm going to you to have your opinion about that.
IF you are interested, please let me know ! Depending on your answers, 
there will be followings or not. In other words if nobody give a 
response, then I will conclude that nobody is interested and therefore 
will definitely give up the idea.

1.  Are you interested on a iPhone or mac version of the playroom ? 
why or why not ? If you would have to choose between the two but not 
both in the same time, whould you choose a mac or an iPhone version ? 
why ?

2. Considering that I don't have any apple machine myself, I will 
probably need to let such an application developped by a third partie. 
It will therefore certainly not be free. How much would you be ready 
to pay for that application ?
The money whould be ideally shared between the developper of the 
application and a participation on server maintenance, in the best 
case 50-50, and in all case I wont ahve a direct control on the 
produced application.

N.B. To not leave any doubts on that
subject, the windows version will remain free as long as donations are 
sufficient to keep the server up.

Please be constructive and complete in your responses. If you just say 
It'd be cool without any argumentation, please avoid posting.

Thank you in advance for your answers.

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Re: [Audyssey] what other old dos games would people like to see ported to the iPhone

2011-11-30 Thread pitermach
I'd just  love to see some of the old pcs stuff get ported. It'd make 
Phil more money if anything if he solled the pack of all the 20 what 
ever games for $5. Since the iPhone is popular amung blind users, and 
the games are simple enough. Later down the road there could be 
potential for gamecenter integration for stuff like scoreboards for 
breakout, or multiplayer for the card club and monopoly, but we're 
getting ahead of ourselves here. Smile

On 11/30/2011 3:18 PM, darren harris wrote:

I'd love to see elite ported over, duke nukem to name a few.

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Re: [Audyssey] games for windows mobile

2011-11-24 Thread pitermach
I'd suggest you go to, that's your best bet. Liam also 
written an archery game, but that's no longer available... I do have it 
though if you're still interested. Also there's ken downey's Phraze 
madness, I don't have the URL on hand though.

On 11/23/2011 10:19 PM, mattias wrote:

exist any?

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Re: [Audyssey] Creating IPhone Games

2011-11-24 Thread pitermach
I do not believe iOS comes with Python. You could in theory install it, 
but for that,you'd need a jailbroken device and a ssh server installed 
on it to get into the Shell. Then I'm not sure how you could handle the 
touch screen as input, and the fact it's limited hardware.
The 3gs runs an arm processor that can do 800MHZ but is underclocked to 
600, with 256MB of RAM.
The apple A4 is 1ghz but again underclocked to 800, on the iPhone4 with 
512MB of ram, but only 256 on the iPod4.
Finally, the apple A5, the newest one, is a dual core 1GHZ, with 1gb of 
RAM both for iPhone4s and iPad2. the iPods hadn't been updated for it 
though, only reducing the prices in 2011 and adding a white colored version.

On 11/22/2011 6:12 PM, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Jacob,

Interesting. Do you know if iOS 5 comes with PyGame for game
development or just a stock Python runtime/interpreter? If so that
might be the easiest way to write and port games to the iPhone as
Python and PyGame is a pretty simple combo compared to other game
programming solutions. Plus its very cross-platform making it easy to
create games for multiple operating systems.

As for beginning with Python I have mixed feelings on that subject. As
you know I'm a pretty die-hard C/C++ developer so from my perspective
C++ is the ideal programming language for me personally, and I've
never really taken to Python myself. However, to be fair to Python it
is probably the easiest place for a new game developer to start
programming. because it takes a lot of the complexity out of
programming such as data typing your variables, don't have to worry
about pointers, don't have to worry about terminating every statement
with a semi-colon, etc. Basically, all the things newby programmers
seem to have troubles with. Unfortunately, my feeling is if newby
programmers don't get use to data typing their variables, terminating
statements, using opening and closing braces, doing this or that,
they'll still have troubles with it whenever they want to try another
language like Java, C#, C/C++, Perl, whatever. Its a good idea to get
grounded in standard programming conventions earlyh on, but I've
personally found a language like Python rather lax in teaching those
conventions because in Python the aim is ease of use not teaching
standard programming conventions. However, Python is a great language
for quickly prototyping a game or application, and it is so portable
its easy to write apps for Windows, Linux, Mac, some smart phones, etc
as Python has a huge list of supported platforms and operating
systems. Its really replacing Java as the language of choice for
cross-platform development these days. So starting out with Python as
a beginner language is a trade off between features and standard


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Re: [Audyssey] New app is coming for the blind gamers.

2011-11-17 Thread pitermach

This one part of your message... see below

On 11/14/2011 11:30 PM, michael barnes wrote:

But however if apple does not release the app it will still b availble 
to any one that wants it.
And the great thing about this you will not have to jailbreak your IOS 

I don't see how you're going to pool that off. The only way I can think 
of is if your app is a web app where you can go to a site with safari 
and then add to home screen. Otherwise you'd have to generate custom app 
files for anyone that's interested, which first of all I don't think is 
legal, and secondly would require some doing from you, and the guy 
that's actually doing the developing and would be more trouble than its 
But as long as you're not using some kind of really custom API's, you 
shouldn't have problems getting the app into the App Store.

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[Audyssey] A sound tap test of sorts: SSF4AE as Ryu

2011-11-16 Thread pitermach
So, this is what morning does to you. You wake up with no school, and 
then get bored with life so decide to own a bunch of dudes in Street 
I figured I got this sound tap program, let's give it a real life test. 
I did have a small issue with one of its features I couldn't turn off, 
so it kind of crackled in places and may have thrown a fight out of the 
timeline due to me having to join the file afterwards. Thankfully the 
actual gameplay is intact though.
I'm not a hardcore player so probably didn't do as much things as I 
could have (generally avoiding attacks would come to mind), but it did 
have some interesting stuff happen, including an accidental press of 
player 2's start button resulting in a 1-sided fight, to me trying to 
end it all epically and nearly dying in the process.

To listen, go to my blog at
and look in the first post. Note that I used html5's built-in audio 
player, so I'm not sure if, say, IE7 would work with this. If there's a 
need I can always send the link to the file directly.


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Re: [Audyssey] Possible MOTA Features

2011-11-10 Thread pitermach

If you go for screen reader support, then I'd then suggest you do the 
strings in external lng files, so we could avoid the cheating part. I 
see how this could help, since in Poland I also know many people who 
don't play a lot of audio games, simply because they don't know English. 
it would also help in pronouncing numbers, since in Polish (and i'm sure 
in other languages) the way numbers over 99 aren't just pronounced by 
slapping a hundred at the end of them, so letting the screen reader 
handle that would certainly sound considerably better.
As for my actual vote though, I'd rather stick to heather, it just seems 
more natural this way and helps get into the atmosphere of the game. 
I'd have to agree with what bryan said about using eloquence.

On 11/10/2011 7:52 PM, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi everyone,

As I mentioned a few days back in the USA Games general news letter
the Genesis 3D Engine is getting a major work over in v1.2, and I now
have access to some additional features that weren't available when I
ported Mysteries of the Ancients to C++ a year ago. Which brings up a
question I thought I'd throw out to you, the customers, as this would
drastically effect the final version of the game.

One of the new features in v1.2 of the engine is direct screen reader
support. I was wondering if you are in favor of using the direct
screen reader support in Mysteries of the Ancients v1.0, or if you'd
rather keep the Acapela Heather speech clips present in beta 22?

The reason I am asking is I know there were quite a number of
complaints over the past few months about being able to change the
voice, speech rate, speech volume, etc and by using direct screen
reader support you could do this easily. It would also make it easier
for me to update an develop the game as I wouldn't have to relie upon
wav files for speech output. On the downside I have already agreed to
help people like Blind Games Brazil to have them convert the game to
Portuguese and I'd feel as though I was cheating them by changing
development of the speech output at this point. Any
thoughts/suggestions here?


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Re: [Audyssey] require cheat codes and key bord commands for GMA tank commander

2011-11-08 Thread pitermach

For your first request:
Just read the manual or press f1 in the game.
But.. why? If you never played the game before (sounds like it) there'd 
be no challenge if you just turned on cheats and roared your way through 
the 6 levels with unlimited ammo and invisibility. Trust me when I say 
it's not as rewarding. I just used to cheat my way through and just 
follow walkthroughs, but I do that only in extreme cases of stuckyness 
now, and it's certainly more enjoyable.. especially seeing how limited 
the AG market is.

On 11/8/2011 11:37 AM, austin pinto wrote:

hi all i am going to start gma tank commander today and i require all
the cheat codes and key bord commands to play the game

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Re: [Audyssey] USA Games News

2011-11-02 Thread pitermach
This reminds me when I read about Hins releasing an sdk for the sense 
note takers. To get it though, you first have to send them  a message 
that you want it. Then they'll ask you some questions to check that you 
have the required C knowledge to program for the device, and if they 
deem you do, they'll finally send you the sdk and the documentations. 
Call me crazy, but isn't that a little overkill. Just because they built 
an overlay on Windows Mobile for their interface and programs doesn't 
mean you should go through that kind of testing.

On 2011-11-02 04:21, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Dark,

Well, I just talked to Dolphin support today and while they don't have
any issue with me using the API it apparently is under a NDA type
license. Therefore they are going to send me some forms to fill out
including a non-disclosure agreement before I get to see the
documentation, headers, and libraries. So, yeah, they are treating
this API like top secret information. Personally, I'm not so sure what
Dolphin is worried about.

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Re: [Audyssey] USA Games News

2011-10-31 Thread pitermach

This news article made me curious about something.
Have you been able to work around the jaws keyboard trap issue? I guess 
you understand what I mean. Even then I'm not sure how well you could 
play a game like MOTA with it running, since it does make the keyboard 
sort of sluggish in some parts (scraping in a sound editor for instance)
Over all though i'm glad things are progressing. Being a NVDA user 
myself I really like using it as speech output in games. You could argue 
how Espeak/eloquence fits into a mood of a game, but hey. What ever 
works for someone just works.

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Re: [Audyssey] Running Older Games on Windows 7

2011-10-28 Thread pitermach
...But doesn't vmware have an auto install feature? I believe it works 
with win2k and up. Unless that's only in vmware workstation?

On 2011-10-28 07:59, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Michael,

Yes and no. You can not use the screen reader on the host operating
system to install a guest operating system like XP into a virtual
machine. That said, its not impossible to setup a virtual machine on
your own.

One way you could do this is if you have a full retail copy of XP you
can script the install. A lot of people aren't aware from Windows 95
on the Windows setup can use an unintended install script in order to
run an unintended install. If you boot the install cd into the XP
command prompt you can pass it the setup command with various switches
and the path to the install script and from there on it will install
itself. So if you are creating a virtual machine put the script in a
shared location, bring up the unintended installer on the cd install,
and pass it the setup command with your install options and let it

However, as this is rather technical,takes some documentation which I
don't really have the time to document here, the best option is still
to get someone sighted to create the master virtual machine image
which you can easily backup and restore as needed from that point.


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Re: [Audyssey] Game sound emulator.

2011-10-26 Thread pitermach
Well, for just sound effects windows should cut it, but when it comes to 
fm music one is vdms.. Wasn't able to get it working though.

On 2011-10-26 19:17, michael barnes wrote:

Hey, I was wondering if their are any sound blaster emulators out their.
The reason I was asking is because it would be great to have those old 
dos sounds when I play my dos games.

If anyone knows of any please let me know.

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Re: [Audyssey] Game sound emulator.

2011-10-26 Thread pitermach
Oh. Those actually use the pc speaker, and today's CPU's are going way 
too fast, which results in some pretty nasty results. For those you'd 
need something like cpukiller to throttle it down.

On 2011-10-26 20:46, michael barnes wrote:

The dos games that I'm talking about are the speech friendly games.
Such as Destination Mars and other games like that.

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Re: [Audyssey] Good news for all gamers!

2011-10-19 Thread pitermach

Hi dark,
I believe the problems are because of his email provider blocking out 
potentially risky attachments. Wouldn't be a first, I'm 100% sure google 
does it, and since you can't even run a program in system access's file 
manager, it'd come as no surprise that they'd be stripping messages off 
of potentially dangerous files like executables or compressed archives.
Maybe Richard could use something like dropbox, or he could temporarly 
change the file's extension to something like to .txt or something, 
that'd most likely get it through the filters, and accessing them 
afterwards wouldn't be a problem since the binary content would be intact.

On 2011-10-19 15:34, dark wrote:

Hi Michael.

That is good news regarding richard's dos games, however Michael, zip 
files would indeed be the best way of passing them around.

To access zip files, just try 7zip from

all you need to do is right click or similar on the file in windows 
explorer, select the 7zip item you want such as extract here to get 
everything from the zip folder in your current location, or extract to 
which will create a new folder with the contents of the zip archive in 

7zip is a very easy to use program and should make access anything 
zipped far easier, pluss this then means that if Richard or anyone 
else wants to send aroung games this should make them fairly easy.

Beware the grue!

- Ori

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Re: [Audyssey] Good news for all gamers!

2011-10-19 Thread pitermach
That's some really nice news. I'm all for that kind of thing. I've quite 
successfully got a stable website up that will not be going down or 
anything, and I'd gladly offer to host the games there.
I may be able to receive the attachments via an an email address that 
shouldn't block it as well.

On 2011-10-19 14:43, michael barnes wrote:
Hey, everyone for the last few days I have been talking to Richard L. 
De Steno the creator of great games such as Destination Mars and Run 
For President.
He told me that his games are freeware so if any of us would like to 
pass out his games that is fine.  Here is the email I recieve below.


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Re: [Audyssey] Runing dos box with screen reader.

2011-10-09 Thread pitermach
Well, I was able to do that in vmware with help of a friend who wrote a 
fake braile n' speak in python that used espeak.
The problem is it was running on COM8, and while for screen readers you 
could force the installer to go to com8 for the synth, dosbox's config 
only will accept com1-4. It's really sad, since running it in vmware 
doesn't really work well - no FM emulation for soundblaster, so you're 
not going to be playing midis on it, pc speaker emulation, thanks to 
microsoft, also doesn't work on newer OS's, etc. Dosbox doesn't have 
those issues and it's faster overall, and if an application is going too 
fast you can actually slow it down, which you can't do with vmware. I 
wonder though since both dosbox and espeak are open source, wouldn't 
there be a way to incorporate the espeak dll into it and emulate the 
serial port internaly? This could also possibly allow for cross-platform 
support since espeak is both on windows, linux and mac.. so

On 2011-10-09 09:32, shaun everiss wrote:
its a pitty we couldn't have something that simulates a serial port, 
then have something like espeak, or sapi or even nvda be routed to 
that port, sapi would be real good.

but what would you need for that I wander.

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[Audyssey] the x hour of xHour, aka, it's gone?

2011-08-15 Thread pitermach
So, 2 months ago I bought xhour, then some time later the PC I got it 
for died. I went to the vgz website to reinstall it and request the key, 
and what do I see. Well, everything except xHour.
I'm wondering if anyone knows what happened, and will vip release it as 
free or will it just go into the void of things never heard of again?

Take care,
Peter Mahach

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Re: [Audyssey] USA Games Website Status

2011-06-30 Thread Pitermach
I also noticed that sites that are on Dreamhost experience frequent 
downtime. If you heard of q-audio which is a site made by the developer of 
Qwitter for uploading audio to tweets, it will frequently go down for no 
apparent reason rendering all the links dead.
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 5:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] USA Games Website Status


Well, like I said I didn't have any say in the matter. Dreamhost was
subcontracted for a number of Skynet's accounts and their monumental
screw up not only effected me but a number of other Skynet's clients.
Needless to say after the screw up Skynet no longer subcontracts with
Dreamhost, and many of the accounts, including USA Games, are now
safely back on Skynet's personal machines and not subcontracted out to
Dreamhost. I've made it very clear if anything like this happens again
USA Games is walking and locating someone else. This situation is
beyond screw up and in competence on Dreamhost's part.


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Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Voice Output

2011-06-26 Thread Pitermach
I'd personally really love to see Heather return because she seems to be a 
better voice than Tom, to me anyway. And it fits more with a female 
character, though judging by what people already wrote in the thread i'm in 
the minority here that think so... heck, i'm even the first one  to say so. 
As  for thae rte, it's fine for me, but for a new user it may be slightly 
too fast.
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2011 1:28 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] MOTA Voice Output

Hi all,

As I am now in the process of finalizing things in Mysteries of the
Ancients for 1.0 release candidate 1 I would like to get your input on
a few issues I have set aside until now. One of these issues is the
matter of speech output for the game.

As you all know back around beta 18 I rerecorded all the speech clips
using Scansoft Tom's voice. Some have pointed out that the speech rate
is way too fast for them, and they want me to rerecord the speech
clips at a slower rate. I would certainly do so if I could figure out
what is a comfortable speech rate for the majority of players out
there. Its a bit hard for me to personally judge that is I tend to
listen to speech at a faster rate anyway. However, I'd be willing to
give it a try if people are still interested in me slowing the speech
rate down.

Others are just unhappy of the fact that I switched voices let alone
speech rate. I gather quite a lot of you liked Acapella Heather, and
many of you would rather see her return to the final release rather
than Scansoft Tom. Again this is certainly doable if this is what the
majority of you want. Either way I'm going to have to rerecord and
update some voice clips.

Finally, there is a third group asking for Sapi 5 support in the game.
While I'm not completely against the idea I'd like to point out that
doing so would require quite a bit of time rewriting all of the speech
code to use Sapi 5 rather than prerecorded speech as the game wasn't
developed with Sapi output in mind. Though, it is possible.

My concerns with Sapi are this. First, that not everyone owns a high
quality Sapi TTS voice, and therefore some users wouldn't have the
same quality of experience as some of us with better voices like the
ATT, Scansoft, or Cepstral voices to use.Second, I'm working with
Blind Games Brazil and others to make Mysteries of the Ancients
available to foreign non-English speaking markets. Its just easier to
do that when someone can record the necessary speech clips, and drop
them in the speech folder.  Finally, last but not least, after we are
done with the Windows release I'm going to pport the game to Mac OS
and Linux and it will be easier if the game isn't tied to anything
platform specific like Sapi 5.

So as I currently see it I can either rerecord Scansoft Tom, restore
the original Acapela Heather clips, or I can record new ones using an
Ivona voice like Jenifer, Bryan, or Ashley, etc. Any thoughts or


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Re: [Audyssey] documentary about the donkey kong world champion

2011-06-26 Thread Pitermach

See, this is when I wish I was in the US. lol
- Original Message - 
From: Che

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2011 11:02 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] documentary about the donkey kong world champion

  Hey all.
 tonight on ESPN Classic, they will be airing the documentary The King of 
Kong about professional game players and the quest for the highest score 
ever on Donkey Kong.
  This may sound silly to some, but it has gotten very good reviews from 
most film critics.
  should be interesting, I haven't seen it yet myself, but from what I 
have read, its very well done.
it comes on at 9 eastern Sunday night June 26 on ESPN classic.   Not sure 
about other services, check your listings, but  if you have A T and T 
uverse, its channel 603.


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Re: [Audyssey] acefire patch

2011-06-23 Thread Pitermach
Hi, not to be rood or anything, but aren't those the kind of messages Damien 
wanted to avoid, IE, requests to fix this or that in an unsupported game?
- Original Message - 
From: Jack F

To: gamers
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 8:31 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] acefire patch

Hi Damien,
Although you included the acefire cheats as part of the acefire
package, it still doesn't allow me instant access to the cheat codes.
I actually had to downgrade to acefire 1.3 to use the cheat codes.
Before you completely take acefire down from the net, could you please
release a patch that will fix the game to recognize that the cheats
are now one of the core components of the package? Also in the dc doc,
you mentioned in the known issues section that there was a bug that
allowed cheating to be used. What kind of cheating were you talking
best regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Audio Support

2011-06-12 Thread Pitermach
The problem I see is why target linux instead of mac? Ok, you use ubuntu 
yourself, but then It's pretty clear that the mac community is really 
outnumbering the linux one. And we're not taking windows into consideration. 
I think what you should do is dich the linux version for now, get the 
windows one out there, and when you get a mac, work on the other platforms, 
since the bulk of the community are windows users anyway, so I don't get why 
worry about a handful of people...
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2011 10:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Audio Support

Hi Charles,

Yeah, I certainly understand that. I know that the audio, joystick
support, etc was much better in the Windows version of the G3D Engine,
and I even agree beta 19 seems like a step backward instead of
forward. The problem is that I want and need a completely
cross-platform solution that basically does what DirectX does that
will allow me to build  high quality games  for my OS, Linux, and
still be able to produce Windows versions for my customers as well.

That said, if Allegro doesn't pan out I'm just going to have to
compile a Windows specific version of MOTA for Windows, and forget it.
I'll be unhappy about having to maintain a version for an OS I no
longer use, but my customers will be happy at any rate.

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Re: [Audyssey] Temporal. Aprone's time traveling strategy game.

2011-06-12 Thread Pitermach
Hi Jeremy, I would be happy to help with sounds if you wish. I have helped 
with sounds before for RS games and damage extreme,  also I do some small 
audio projects privately (you'd have to look at my twitter for that). If 
you're interested contact me offlist and I'll see what I can come up with.
As for the game, I'm really liking it, though granted I suck at it (was just 
able to get out of the sell and am struggling with the guards, lol!
Could there be possibly an option for the automatic reading of messages? I 
think it'd be pretty useful.
- Original Message - 
From: Jeremy Kaldobsky

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2011 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Temporal. Aprone's time traveling strategy game.

Thanks guys!  Several audyssey posts have come in, so I won't respond to 
each one individually just because I know they'll end up as a big block of 
like 10 messages by me, all in a row.  I don't think anyone wants to read 
that many posts from me all in a row, Haha!

I'm very glad this game concept is being accepted with open arms!  I was 
considering tossing this little game into my pile of unfinished games, 
because I worried it would get the same reaction as my puzzle divided 
game.  I am happy to see my worries were unfounded!  As you all know, and 
have been kind enough not to point out, the game doesn't even have any 
sounds yet, lol.  I have that on my list of things to do, but it is 
actually quite a long list now thanks to many excellent suggestions coming 
in from the community.  I've had to prioritize the updates, so my first 
concern has been suggestions which help players understand the game 
environment around them.  If you're using an older version (anything below 
v1.0b) you might want to update just so you can hear the more detailed 
environment messages.  Next I believe I will work on the second mission, 
which I would have pushed back for later, but a lot of people finished the 
first and are begging for it.
My fault for making mission 1 too easy eh?  lol, just kidding.  Sooner or 
later though, I plan to add in sounds, which will hopefully raise both the 
quality of the game, and the immersion factor.  Thanks again guys!

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Re: [Audyssey] PCS e-mail back and clone wars episodes

2011-06-07 Thread Pitermach
From what me and a few international klango members have managed to sniff 
out is that You can't access it if you're not in the US, which was 
definitely confirmed after someone from India got in using a proxy. -  
Original Message - 
From: darren harris

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2011 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] PCS e-mail back and clone wars episodes

Hi tom,

I can't get to it using either. In ie I get 

unable to display page thing come up on firefox I get the connection has
timed out.

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Re: [Audyssey] Quiet.

2011-06-05 Thread Pitermach
lol charles... I've just realized it's quite correct. Though for me just as 
the audyssey list gone quiet, traffic on another rather low-traffic list 
jumped to some nice and high values, so I still got my many email 
notifications for a day, grin.
- Original Message - 
From: Charles Rivard

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2011 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Quiet.

One sure way to get a list busy is to say that it isn't.  (grin)  I'm 
working at trying to beat a Novag chess computer at the moment.

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[Audyssey] phraze madness on the pac mate

2011-06-03 Thread Pitermach
So I accidentally found out that there were a few different executables in the 
phraze madness directory, 1 for the pc and 2 for windows mobile. So I took the 
whole folder, placed it on my pm omni and pooled the wm5/6 executable up and... 
voyla. it worked like a charm, and it was pretty stable too. I'm just 
wondering, ken, why didn't you actually release a separate wm installer or even 
tell people about this quite neat trick?

Peter Mahach
skype (not very often): pitermach

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Re: [Audyssey] NVDA and VIP mud

2011-06-03 Thread Pitermach
NVDA now actually has a DLL, so David could consider supporting it directly, 
which would work better overall, though either way, I also thank for the 
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] NVDA and VIP mud

Hi Willem,

Thanks for this script. As it happens I also switched to NVDA 2011 as
my primary screen reader some time back, and I don't even have Jaws or
Window-Eyes 7.5 installed any more. So its nice to see more of these
scripts etc available to help improve the screen reader. Once you are
done testing it I highly recommend submitting it to the main NVDA
source repository so that the scripts make it into the main

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Re: [Audyssey] The First Trailer

2011-05-31 Thread Pitermach

hi there,
This is really looking to be very promicing, though one thing I'd like to 

Is JFW speech going to be the only method of speech output?
I do believe you're using the JFW API and I was wondering if you're also 
going to have support for sapi and other sr's in there? I'm actually a 
primarly window-eyes and nvda user, so figured I'd ask.
- Original Message - 
From: GreyMatter Info

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 3:52 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] The First Trailer

Hi Gamers,
For those of you already following @gmpupdates on twitter, this message is
old news. For those of you who haven't seen the link, though, this message
is to let you know that I've posted a first look at the mechanics of the 

yet unnamed boxing game. The demo, which lasts about 18 minutes, can be
found at the following link:
As always, if you have any questions, I can either be reached at or on twitter at

And don't forget, I do my best to keep on top of the official Grey Matter
Productions blog at
Thanks for listening, and enjoy!

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Re: [Audyssey] Hey Gamers

2011-05-23 Thread Pitermach

Anyone else think this is spam?
- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, May 23, 2011 6:13 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] Hey Gamers

hi Gamers i quit my job two weeks ago

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Re: [Audyssey] pcs games question?

2011-05-23 Thread Pitermach
Well... me and phil had talked about that back and forth like 2 years ago 
but nothing came of that, though he said he did have plans to release some 
of them. I was supposed to test them since he had some command prompt 
issues. I was able to run the demos quite successfully with nvda, sound and 
- Original Message - 
From: Shane Lowe

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2011 2:48 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] pcs games question?

Phill, have you ever consittered making your doss games accessible to 
windows? I've been wanting to play some of those games mensioned in 
audyssey mag.

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Re: [Audyssey] Hey Gamers

2011-05-23 Thread Pitermach
What? spam? Well... in a nutshell... spam is just unnecessary messages, and 
in the case of email you may get advertizing, and URL's like the one michael 
sent usually will take you to some frod site just waiting to send your 
Credit card data to a hacker who set it up.
So if someone didn't know that and saw that michael lost his job they could 
have went to that site, gave his/her CC details there, and then realizing 
that he/she got atad more than they bargained for.
- Original Message - 
From: fatih

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2011 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Hey Gamers

what's that?

From: Pitermach
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2011 11:01 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Hey Gamers

Anyone else think this is spam?
- Original Mes 

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Re: [Audyssey] pcs games question?

2011-05-23 Thread Pitermach
Hehe, we're starting the same discussion a 3rd time, but I think it's worth 
anyway, also, windows ports are never going to feel like the originals. I 
bet that if you port cops, it will be realtime, gtc style... and the 
shooting range will most likely turn into a left/right affair. Once again, 
not the same thing, if you ask me, waiting for the right moment to shoot was 
a much better way of doing it. And to this day I wonder how the space 
invaders game played like since I wasn't able to get a demo of it, ditto for 
the rainy-day games.
You know, this sucks. Sighted people are still able to get these old 90's 
dos games (either because they were abandoneware) or they are still 
purchaseable at a reduced price. For us, it's much harder. Ok, Jim actually 
offers all of his stuff, but I do believe PCS also played a large part in 
the history of audiogames and that people who weren't around then  should be 
able to enjoy it.
- Original Message - 
From: Matheus Rheine

Sent: Monday, May 23, 2011 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] pcs games question?

hi phil.
can you release the games that you're not planning to convert to windows
as abandonware so others can play and enjoy then?

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[Audyssey] Instructions was Re: pcs games question?

2011-05-23 Thread Pitermach

Here are the steps required to run the games. This should work with every 
screen reader around, though some work better than others. NVDA works the 
best if you ask me.
1. Go to programsaccessoriescommand prompt. this should open a dos style 
window. I recommend maximizing it by going to the system menu with alt space 
and selecting maximize.
2. Navigate to the game you'd like to play. to change drives, enter the 
drive's letter in uppercase followed by a colon, followed by enter. For 
directories, enter cd followed by the directory the game is in.
As an example, my copy of mobius mountain's demo is on the d drive in a 
folder called dg. Since the command prompt starts you off on C, I first have 
to enter D: (to get to the D drive, then cd dg\mobius97 to get to the actual 
3. To then start the game you enter its name, though it may frequently be 
shortened. Since The full name mobius mountain exceeded dos's 8-character 
limit and would over-all be long to type in, it had been shortened to 
And after that, the game begins. When asked for sound driver, You can use 
the default driver, or if available go down to windows sound and use that 
instead. Also for NVDA, there is a bug in the command prompt where it tries 
to move you in the screen although there's a menu, to get around that, just 
hit nvda+f2 before each arrow key to bypass.
Also, you can run the games from explorer, though that way you may 
frequently miss any good bye messages and so on. This is because Printing 
the message is done very quickly and after that the game closes, and seeing 
explorer's command prompt window is temporary it will close and you'll not 
see said message.
Finally, if you experience slowdown, changing the priority of the EXE 
(cmd.exe if you're using the command prompt or the game's name.exe if ran 
from explorer) using the task manager may help. To do that, hit 
ctrl+shift+esc to open the task manager, find the processes tab, locate the 
exe in the list, hit your applications key and you will see the priority 

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Re: [Audyssey] Instructions was Re: pcs games question?

2011-05-23 Thread Pitermach
actually, computers still have pc speakers. The culporate is yet again 
microsoft. In windows vista it's still handled via the hardware if its a 
desktop, but under windows 7 it's all handled by the soundcard using sign 
waves... and it just can't keep up with rapid tones. something like ten pin 
bowling works just fine, but a tone repeating every 10 MS just comes out as 
a click, no matter the frequency.

- Original Message - 
From: Phil Vlasak

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2011 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Instructions was Re: pcs games question?

Hi Karl,
I don't think today's computers have a pc speaker anymore.
That is why I have shooting range and breakout on my to do list for 

Other games that used the pc speaker extensively were
ten pin bowling and space invaders.
For those who haven't played the old DOS games,the only way we could hear 
a sound and hit the shot key was to have the pc speaker play targeting 
beeps because in DOS we had to stop the running of the game to play real 
sound effects such as the gun sounds.

We could specify the frequency of the beeps so in our DOS games we had 
low, medium, and high beep tones.
For an example, The beep tones played for tenth of a second and simulated 
you scanning the world in front of you from left to right.
First we played a series of low tone beeps to represent the background to 
the left of your target, then medium pitch beeps to represent the left 
side of the object or creature you were shooting at, then an even higher 
beep to represent the center of that creature or object, followed by more 
medium beeps to represent the right side of the target, then low tone 
beeps to represent the background to the right of the target.

This is not the same with windows, so now we can have the beeps as .wav 


- Original Message - 
From: Karl Belanger

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2011 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Instructions was Re: pcs games question?

For games which use the PC speaker, is there any way to fix them so the
beeps work properly? I'm thinking especially of breakout and the shooting

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Pitermach
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2011 9:42 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] Instructions was Re: pcs games question?

Here are the steps required to run the games. This should work with every
screen reader around, though some work better than others. NVDA works the
best if you ask me.
1. Go to programsaccessoriescommand prompt. this should open a dos 
window. I recommend maximizing it by going to the system menu with alt 

and selecting maximize.
2. Navigate to the game you'd like to play. to change drives, enter the
drive's letter in uppercase followed by a colon, followed by enter. For
directories, enter cd followed by the directory the game is in.
As an example, my copy of mobius mountain's demo is on the d drive in a
folder called dg. Since the command prompt starts you off on C, I first 
to enter D: (to get to the D drive, then cd dg\mobius97 to get to the 

3. To then start the game you enter its name, though it may frequently be
shortened. Since The full name mobius mountain exceeded dos's 8-character
limit and would over-all be long to type in, it had been shortened to
And after that, the game begins. When asked for sound driver, You can use
the default driver, or if available go down to windows sound and use that
instead. Also for NVDA, there is a bug in the command prompt where it 
to move you in the screen although there's a menu, to get around that, 

hit nvda+f2 before each arrow key to bypass.
Also, you can run the games from explorer, though that way you may
frequently miss any good bye messages and so on. This is because Printing
the message is done very quickly and after that the game closes, and 
explorer's command prompt window is temporary it will close and you'll 

see said message.
Finally, if you experience slowdown, changing the priority of the EXE
(cmd.exe if you're using the command prompt or the game's name.exe if ran
from explorer) using the task manager may help. To do that, hit
ctrl+shift+esc to open the task manager, find the processes tab, locate
exe in the list, hit your applications key and you will see the priority

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Re: [Audyssey] pcs games question?

2011-05-23 Thread Pitermach
well, from what I can remember it was different enough to savage gambit. 
being able to pit 2 pc's against each other was nice, but imho things like 
the far/medium/close distances made it unique enough.
- Original Message - 
From: Phil Vlasak

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2011 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] pcs games question?

Hi Dark,
That was one of the games I wasn't sure I wanted to convert.
I was thinking it was like the savage gambit.
As for breakout, we had a different format than the current games in that 
you are moved automatically from left to right and back again.

You hear the state of the bricks in front of you as you move across.
You can fire the ball from your gun.
When the ball hits it disintegrates and knocks out the brick.
Each layer of bricks makes a different sound.
As you knock out bricks, the frequency of the objects gets higher and you 
move faster left to right.


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