[Prototype-core] Re: Another magical IE bug, breaks Element.extend

2007-02-08 Thread Andrew Dupont

If setting the expando to a function, rather than a boolean, prevents
it from persisting when it should not, then that's fantastic.  It'd
also solve the similar problem where cloned nodes say they're extended
but are not.  Write a patch!


On Feb 8, 12:05 pm, Mislav Marohnić [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Two days ago I closed tickets #7497 and #7376. Both sample scripts exhibited
 the same behavior in IE: after some interaction they fail because
 Element.Method methods are invoked on an *extended* node, but still are not

 This took me a while to figure out (thanks Joe for Firebug Lite) - suppose
 you have a document:

   div id=test
     div id=ellyI'm magical!/div

 If you use $('elly') somewhere in your JavaScript then elly would get
 extended, right? Prototype sets the obscure property _extended to true.

 Now, suppose you do some string arithmetics after that to add some HTML:

   $('test').innerHTML += spanI'm a span!/span

 Notice the operator. This call rewrites content in test (including
 elly) and adds a SPAN to the end.

 But elly is still the same element, right? It remained unchanged? WRONG.

   $('elly')._extended // - true
   $('elly').show // - yeah, you wish. ALL added methods are lost

 So, method properties are gone, but _extended property remained.
 Element.extend() never re-applies Element.Method on the node because it
 thinks it is already extended.

 Workaround? Easy. When we extend a specific element, we shouldn't set
 _extended to a boolean true, but to some function:

   element._extended = Prototype.emptyFunction

 Now when all methods are wiped from the element, _extended property will
 be wiped, too, giving Element.extend() a chance to re-apply DOM extensions.


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[Prototype-core] Re: Proposed rewrite of $$/Selector

2007-02-13 Thread Andrew Dupont

Thanks for the compliments, guys.

Alex Russell's post on the subject (http://blog.dojotoolkit.org/
2007/02/04/dojoquery-a-css-query-engine-for-dojo) has stirred some
diplomatic talks.  It looks like Alex, John Resig, Jack Slocum, Dean
Edwards, and I are going to pitch in toward some sort of site where
all the different CSS-querying implementations can be benchmarked
against uniform, real-world examples.  I think this is a great idea
and can only make all our engines better.

I don't think this project has any sort of timetable, though, so when
I have a moment I'll clean up what I've got so far and submit a patch
so we can start discussing this.  And once Sam opens up branches I
think it'll be much easier to collaborate on this code.

I need to talk to you.


On Feb 5, 12:35 am, Christophe Porteneuve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I certainly concur with Mislav.  I've been looking at your code twice,
 and it looks pretty good to me.  I especially like the feature
 modularity thing.

 Yes, it weights twice as much as the current selector implementation,
 but then, its way faster, much more modular, and compressed JS is there
 for us anyhow.

 Submit the patch, and tickle Sam until he works with it :-)

 Christophe Porteneuve a.k.a. TDD
 [They] did not know it was impossible, so they did it. --Mark Twain

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[Prototype-core] Re: From rubyonrails-spinoffs: is Element.setStyle a resource hog?

2007-02-18 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Feb 18, 12:22 pm, Marius Feraru [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So, the only issue still standing in this paragraph is how to detect
 different versions. People [1] think the right choice is not browser
 detection, but object detection. This is a very weary subject, I don't
 really want to reiterate it.
 FWIW, I'll just say Prototype folks did the (almost) right thing by
 never-saying-never (to browser detection) and you have seen examples right
 in setStyle (kludging opacity with filter for all versions of MSIE, or
 choosing to replace full opacity - 1 - with 0.99 for all Geckos).
 Yes, it's a real PITA, but we really have to deal with all these annoying
 bugs. I'm sure there are better ways, we just have to discover them.
 So, please help us ;-)

We recognize this issue and are working on a better way to handle the
browser checks in Prototype.  Ticket #6800 [1] is our attempt to
standardize browser checks and remove redundancy. I expect Sam to
apply this patch soon, at which point we can change nasty stuff

 if (/Konqueror|KHTML|Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent))


 if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit)

I also think Mislav's patch (moving the browser checks from inside
the functions to outside) is a very important one. The patch itself
is outdated, but I think it's an issue we need to revisit.

 Depends on your purposes. Now that you mentioned ruby, AFAICT ruby folks
 don't give a rat's ass about performance (yet), they want to create an
 elegant programming language. Performance? Later on, they're still young.
 Maybe that is (should be) the case with Prototype too ;-)

The modus operandi for Prototype these days is to optimize after the
fact.  First we try to write elegant code; only then do we make
sacrifices in the name of optimization.  On the small scale, this
often means replacing Enumerables with ordinary for loops; on the
large scale, it means a total rewrite of $$ like the one that's
happening right now.

To illustrate: I'm not interested in making $$ the fastest selector
query engine on Earth.  To shave milliseconds off of DomQuery or
dojo.query would take far more lines of code than I'm willing to
write. I'm interested in making $$ *fast enough* that it's practical
to use on a regular basis. Performance is not our chief goal, but it
shouldn't be a deal-breaker.


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[Prototype-core] New branch for $$/Selector rewrite

2007-02-20 Thread Andrew Dupont

If you bleeding-edgers do an SVN update you'll notice that there's a
new selectors branch.  The version of selector.js contained therein is
another major advancement from the previous version (attached to patch
#7658).  Christophe's excellent code reviews and revisions have been
indispensible; now that this code is in SVN I hope all interested Core
team members will pitch in.

You'll notice that selector.js now has many, many more lines of code
than it did before. In the name of optimization I was forced to write
bare-bones versions of functions that exist elsewhere in the framework
(document.getElementsByClassName, Element.next/prev, etc.) so that I
can squeeze every possible millisecond out of the matching logic.
Until it's abundantly clear which are worthwhile and which are
extraneous, I'm simply writing code for every possible optimization I
can think of.  Happily, the benefits are being reaped in the
benchmarks: see the updated test page (http://andrewdupont.net/test/
double-dollar) for illustration.

I'd really like to go into more detail about all this, but my eyes
refuse to remain open. I might try to write more tomorrow morning.


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[Prototype-core] Re: Ajax.Request Breaks on Firefox

2007-02-23 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Feb 23, 4:37 pm, Colin Mollenhour [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Man this is getting annoying.. I wish json.org would change their code
 or Prototype would use $H().each in setRequestHeaders or both
 (preferable) would happen soon. This is popping up on Rails Spinoffs
 at least twice a day it seems.

I agree.  Mislav, can you work on a focused patch for this, as opposed
to the Object.prototype vaccine you'd proposed earlier?  It's got to
be worth it to get this issue off the mailing lists.


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[Prototype-core] Re: Hash.toQueryString changes

2007-03-02 Thread Andrew Dupont

#4 looks fine to me.

On #1 and #2: perhaps the answer is...

{ foo: undefined } = foo=
{ foo: null } = 

I don't know if this is useful or not, but it would allow you to
distinguish between these two cases, since null and undefined are
distinct values with different meanings.

I have no opinion on #3.  That's an edge case that makes my brain cry.


On Mar 2, 10:48 am, Mislav Marohnić [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'm combining Tobie's and mine Hash patches to see how they work out. These
 changes fix 3 bugs and remove some premature optimization from toQueryString
 method. Now, ticket #7494 by Skirch is about nested hash support - I like it
 and am thinking about rolling it in for the next release. There are a number
 of questions regarding all these changes, though. I'd like to sort out the

    1. undefined (or null) values are currently serialized as empty
    strings - should those key/value pairs be skipped instead?
    2. undefined (or null) values are currently skipped if they're inside
    an array value - should it be consistent with #1?
    3. should array values be flattened when serializing? (#7494 does
    4. should we support nested hashes?

 Same questions expressed in JS code:

    1. { foo:null } = foo=
    2. { foo:['a', null, 'b']} = foo=afoo=b; { foo:[null] } = foo=
    3. { foo:['a', ['b'], 'c']} = foo=afoo=[object]foo=c
    4. { foo:{bar:'baz'}} = foo[bar]=baz

 Remeber, the toQueryString is all about sending that data to the server. The
 result strings are also used inside Prototype to check if the form has been

 Please, state your opinions.


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[Prototype-core] Re: Hash.toQueryString changes

2007-03-15 Thread Andrew Dupont

You act as if the web isn't built upon conventions, even arbitrary

I think this is a POLS issue, only we disagree on which behavior is
least surprising.  But since Prototype is designed to go hand-in-hand
with Rails, and since JavaScript methods can be redefined at runtime,
I think the empty brackets convention is the way to go here.  If you
disagree (or if whatever server framework you use disagrees), you can
monkeypatch in your own serialization logic.


On Mar 15, 5:51 pm, Marius Feraru [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 Colin Mollenhour wrote:
  WTF!?!?!? This is the fifth time I have posted a reply to a thread via
  google groups and it says the post was successful and then it never
  shows up!!

 Sorry, web toys have this nasty habit of eating bytes :(
 Anyway, desktop apps have it too, especially when using bleeding edge
 releases, they always crash right in the moment when you really do NOT
 want them to crash :))

  Look, I installed and tested this on Rails (using
  CGIMethods.parse_query_parameters) just for this thread and it NEEDS
  brackets, ok?

 Sorry x2, proving that this occult bracket convention was inherited by the
 Web2.0 kings doesn't prove anything more than the fact that Rails folks
 inherited it from Web1.0 kings (PHP) :))

 (Which was already mentioned by Mislav, so you really wasted your time for
 this - sorry x3) ;-)

  If you think you're right, run a test and prove it.

 Try this echo service:



  I'd like to see tests on other platforms as well to see how brackets and
  numeric indexes are handled (PHP as arrays, Rails as hashes) but I'll
  leave that up to people on those platforms who give a damn (probably

 Hehe, now you reminded me that I wasted some time today too reading all the
 crap^Wstuff athttp://www.php.net/manual/en/language.variables.external.php
 trying to understand how does your PHP bracket convention really work.
 Look quite clear that if you want arrays, you have to apply some magic to
 HTML name attributes (adding []).

 So, if you are using this funky serialization engine for serializing your
 magic HTML forms (as Prototype currently tries to do), I'd say yes, it
 should do exactly what you expect.
 OTOH, as I said in my previous message, folks here seem to be trying making
 up some abstract serialization engine, so this discussion is bogus, as you
 don't want a perfect Form.serialize(), but just to apply some PHPism into
 this application/x-www-form-urlencoded serialization engine. Why don't you
 keep on using the same convention you already use in your HTML with this
 toy? It should work the same. For instance:



 Isn't it what you want?

 - --
 Marius Feraru


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[Prototype-core] Re: Hash.toQueryString changes

2007-03-15 Thread Andrew Dupont

Marius, I don't want you to stop participating on this list because of
a misunderstanding. Let me clarify what I'm saying.

Prototype is not solely for use with Rails, obviously.  I've spent the
last year using it completely outside of Rails.  I'm saying that when
in doubt I'd do what Rails does, espcially since Rails didn't just
pull it out of thin air. We *are* trying to implement a serialization
method compatible with application/x-www-form-urlencoded, but you
yourself concede that this falls outside the scope of the

Can we get a few more opinions on this issue?  I don't want this to be
decided only by the handful of people who've posted in this thread.


On Mar 15, 6:30 pm, Marius Feraru [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 Andrew Dupont wrote:
  You act as if the web isn't built upon conventions, even arbitrary ones.

 No idea how you got to this conclusion.

  I think this is a POLS issue, only we disagree on which behavior is least
  surprising.  But since Prototype is designed to go hand-in-hand with
  Rails, and since JavaScript methods can be redefined at runtime, I think
  the empty brackets convention is the way to go here.

 And this is really amazing, as it contradicts with what I heard about
 Prototype (as not being tied with Rails). I liked that, and tried to defend
 that. OFC, I may have heard it wrong, as I'm reading/using Prototype for
 just about a couple of days, so you all have my apologies for this

  If you disagree (or if whatever server framework you use disagrees), you
  can monkeypatch in your own serialization logic.

 It's not about one server framework or another, but merely about my yet
 another mistake to presume your were discussing about creating an
 application/x-www-form-urlencoded compatible serialization engine.

 Anyway, hopefully no real harm done for you - besides Collin's headache -,
 I'll keep quiet from now on, as I'm not currently interested in Rails.

 Thank you all very much for supporting me and my deepest apologies for all
 my mistakes. Prototype was a great experience thanks to all of you.

 Best regards.
 - --
 Marius Feraru


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[Prototype-core] Re: $$() and :nth psuedo-elements

2007-03-17 Thread Andrew Dupont

This is what I came up with for the XPath version: http://pastie.caboo.se/47671

It's a direct port of the logic of parseNth (albeit not yet tested).
I'll look at yours and see if it makes more sense, though.


On Mar 17, 4:51 pm, Trevan Richins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Andrew Dupont wrote:
  This site might be useful:http://gallery.theopalgroup.com/selectoracle/

  I'd found that site as well, but it seems to get stuff wrong. If I ask
  it to explain ulli:nth-child(n+2), it replies with:

 Wow, I didn't notice that one.

 The parseNth code looks better.  I'm wondering, though, how you are
 going to convert it to Xpath?  This is what I came up 
 with:http://pastie.caboo.se/47653.  It is similar to the patch I submitted in
 the original bug but is slightly more condensed.

 It first reduces the selection to the elements that fit the bth item
 from groups of a.  Then, in the resulting selection, it grabs the
 elements that have a position (in this new selection, not the original
 one) that are = b/a (for a  0) or = b/a (for a  0).


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[Prototype-core] Re: CSS syntax for node creation?

2007-03-20 Thread Andrew Dupont

That's an interesting idea.

Parts of CSS3 parser could be reused. You could certainly use the
regexen we define to identify various CSS tokens.

My first thought was that combinators should not be allowed in that
syntax (i.e. new Element('div#mynode div.someClass'), but then I
suppose you could use such a syntax to mean create a div with a class
of 'someClass', then append it to the already-existing div with an id
of 'mynode'.  That could get pretty complicated pretty fast, though.

What do other people think?


On Mar 20, 3:31 pm, Colin Mollenhour [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just a thought, if a future version of prototype were to include a
 simple element creation method, what about using CSS syntax for
 specification of id and class? i.e.:

 var node = new Element('div#mynode.someClass');

 Could the new CSS3 parser be easily reused to implement this? I looked
 at it briefly but it's pretty complex :)

 Good idea or bad?

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[Prototype-core] Re: Form.serialize, Ajax.Request, Hash.toQueryString, .toQueryParams

2007-03-26 Thread Andrew Dupont

After a whole bunch of heated discussion about a subject that I had no
idea was so controversial, my inclination is to stick to a very spec-
compliant and unambitious Hash serializer for 1.5.1.

Those who need more out of their serialization (proper handling of
nested hashes, arrays, etc.) can write their own serialization logic.
They're not forced to use the default.  And down the road (1.6 and
beyond) we'll try to make the whole serialization system more modular
so you can plug your own in more easily.

Sam, do you have an opinion here? I know we delayed the final release
candidate because of this very issue.


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[Prototype-core] Re: Empty catch blocks

2007-04-01 Thread Andrew Dupont

I don't know much about the code in question, but I believe those
catch blocks are in place to intercept thrown exceptions that are
extraneous (i.e., can occur sporadically without changing the result
of the code or have no bearing on the result).  I can't be sure,
though, so let's take them one by one:

(1) Try.these.  I think the empty catch block is justified here. The
function is designed to envelop an arbitrary number of functions that
may or may not throw exceptions. So the developer is saying, I know
this may throw an exception, but I don't care about the details
thereof: just let me know if this works or not.

(2) Ajax.Responders.dispatch.  It looks like the catch block is in
place to ensure that every callback gets called.  Otherwise a previous
callback registered by someone else could throw an error and prevent
your callback from firing. Does anyone else in Core know more about

(3) Event.stopObserving. The empty catch block is encountered in IE
only.  My guess is that detachEvent throws an exception if the
specified observer doesn't exist on the element -- which
addEventListener does not, so Event.stopObserving normalizes the
behavior.  But this is just a theory.

Question for all: in each of these cases, if it's agreed that we need
to suppress the exception, can we re-throw it at a later time?  Or
find some other way to indicate that an exception has occurred?


On Apr 1, 3:33 pm, Ben Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've recently started using prototype 1.5 or a large project.  It's
 been a great experience so far.

 As I've been developing, I noticed that many times exceptions raised
 by errors in my code (such as, say, trying to use some property of a
 null object, etc.) would not show up in my javascript console (I am
 using Firebug).  More troubling were exceptions that the code
 explicitly threw that also mysteriously vanished.

 I just worked around this for a while by interspersing console.log
 statements at key places in the code I was working on, but I
 eventually became curious about why errors would sometimes appear and
 other times not.

 I looked more closely at prototype.js and found 3 empty catch blocks
 (Try.these, Ajax.Responders.dispatch, Event.stopObserving).  The one
 that was affecting me was in dispatch().  I found that
 Ajax.Request.dispatchException() invokes Responders.dispatch for
 onException callbacks, so I added

Ajax.Responders.register({ onException: function(req, e) { throw
 e; } });

 to my code, but the empty catch block in Ajax.Responders.dispatch()
 catches all exceptions raised by responders and discards them.  I
 tried editing dispatch() to always throw errors that it catches;
 afterwards exceptions successfully appear in my console.

 I'm using this workaround now:

   Ajax.Responders.register({ onException: function(req, e)
 { console.log(e); } });

 and it works well for me.

 I wanted to relate this experience to you because I feel that the
 empty catch block in dispatch() (I can't comment on the others),
 violates the principle of least surprise.  I expected (and perhaps I
 shouldn't have?) uncaught exceptions to show up in my console and stop
 execution since this is the default behavior.  Perhaps there are
 strong reasons for choosing to use an empty catch block in dispatch(),
 but if there are not I would suggest allowing exceptions raised by
 responders to be thrown, or at least to do something like this
 (admittedly ugly) compromise:

 dispatch: function(callback, request, transport, json) {
 var dispatched = false, exception = null;
 this.each(function(responder) {
   if (typeof responder[callback] == 'function') {
 try {
   responder[callback].apply(responder, [request, transport,
   dispatched = true;
 } catch (e) { exception = e; }
 if (!dispatched  exception  (callback == 'onException'))
 { throw exception; }

 Thanks for developing such a useful library.

 Best wishes,


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[Prototype-core] Re: Class.create() and method binding

2007-05-10 Thread Andrew Dupont

Dan Webb wrote:
  It's not a bad cause, I just think the solution is a performance eater.
  Imagine: the loop runs on every object instantiation. It wraps every
  function inside another and it needs $A for that. After that, every function
  call internally calls another, triggering $A one more time. To me it's a
  terrible waste considering the total number of objects and their respective
  instance method calls. And for what, solving event handling gotchas? Surely
  we could do some implicit binding only in places where it makes sense (for
  instance in the Event or Ajax modules for some operations).

 Yeah, your right on that point.  It was my main concern.  It could be
 streamlined a fair bit though (getting rid of $A would be fine) and I
 wondered how many classes that are created with Class.create() really
 get instantiated in a typical project.  I'm interested to see the
 impact it does have...I'll write some tests.  I think you're right
 though, it's probably not going to be worth the performance hit.
 Saying that, I use base.js quite a bit which wraps functions in quite
 a bit of code and I've not noticed the performance hit.

My objection is not the performance hit -- it's violation of POLS.
(Even though I do feel the pain this is meant to address.)

The refurbished system in the events branch corrects scope
automatically in IE, so that this refers to the element that
received the action. This means that calling

  Event.observe(someElement, 'click', foo);

(where foo is a function) would fire the event in someElement's scope,
but calling

  Event.observe(someElement, 'click', Foo.bar);

(where bar is a function) would fire the event in Foo's scope.

I think that events firing in class scope should remain opt-in,
whether through the existing `bind`:

  Event.observe(someElement, 'click', Foo.bar.bind(Foo));

or through an extra argument:

  Event.observe(someElement, 'click', Foo.bar, Foo);

I prefer the latter, since it'd deprecate the useCapture argument
(which won't work in IE, so we shouldn't expose it).

In JavaScript, context binds in execution scope, not definition scope
(though this will change for classes in ES4). I think we'd be stepping
into a minefield if we introduced new magic conventions for what
this means on any given line of code. It's hard enough to keep track
of already.


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[Prototype-core] Re: Class.create() and method binding

2007-05-10 Thread Andrew Dupont

 Would it? ;)

 The new Event code binds whatever it gets in IE to someElement. It doesn't
 know anything about Foo.

I wasn't being very clear -- sorry.  Those first two examples
illustrate what would happen if we implemented *both* the stuff in the
events branch as it is now *and* Dan's proposal to bind class methods

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[Prototype-core] Re: next(Number) slowdown in Internet Explorer (6,7)

2007-05-23 Thread Andrew Dupont

 With the latest prototype (1.5.1), the next() function (and probably
 also prev() and the rest of the navigation function) cause a
 tremendous slowdown in IE if they are used with the following syntax:
 next(Number). From what I saw in the code, that translates to a
 Selector with a '*' expression. Using next(null, 1) solves the
 slowdown problem.

This is troubling to me. I could've sworn I fixed this back when I
wrote the Selector code, but perhaps I just fixed it for the no-
arguments case and not the one-numeric-argument case. We'll address
this in 1.5.2.

 Also, since this might be related,
 getElementsByClassName is also very slow in this release.

Compared to which release? Care to post some benchmarks?


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[Prototype-core] Re: next(Number) slowdown in Internet Explorer (6,7)

2007-05-24 Thread Andrew Dupont

On May 24, 5:53 am, Mislav Marohnić [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Andrew, it doesn't matter - getElementsByClassName tends to extend EVERY
 node in the document! If that isn't slow I don't know what is.

No, it doesn't.  It extends only those nodes that match the class
name. I've personally spent quite a bit of energy to ensure that
getElementsByClassName performs as well as possible under the
circumstances, even in IE.

To the author: nothing has changed about the behavior of
getElementsByClassName since 1.5.0 final. It's *possibly* slower than
it was in 1.4 final (because of the cost of extending each node with
instance methods) -- but there have been some optimizations since 1.4,
too. If it seems slower to you in the future, try doing a side-by-side
comparison -- the Test.Unit framework packaged with the full source of
Prototype makes it easy to run benchmarks. That way we can get some
hard numbers.


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[Prototype-core] Re: Opera and Form.serialize

2007-06-03 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Jun 3, 9:06 am, Mislav Marohnić [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 That doesn't make any sense. element.form.serialize should work in
 FF andOpera because they support native DOM prototypes. It
 shouldn't work in IE because the form element is not DOM extended by
 Prototype. And now you're telling us it works in IE, but doesn't in Opera?

Nothing makes sense in the strange world of DOM level 0.

The only explanation I have is that it works in IE because Christoph's
script had previously done something with the form element (thus it
had already been extended) and Opera's form property is just borked.


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[Prototype-core] Re: $ function

2007-06-17 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Jun 17, 8:34 am, Mislav Marohnić [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Am I right when saying that this will fail if the ID was dynamically set (in
 other words, it was not an attribute in HTML source)?

Adam's test is correct -- even dynamically-set ID attributes will
still be picked up by readAttribute in IE.

As for the difference between $('*').detect and $('*[id=foo]'): the
second is much faster in IE. The first must past each element on the
page through Element.extend. The second will extend only the matched

I suggest using Element.down, since it always returns one node:

return $(document.body).down('*[id=foo]');


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[Prototype-core] Re: $ function

2007-06-18 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Jun 18, 2:01 am, Mislav Marohnić [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There are only 3 possible options we're facing:

1. Don't change the $ function, leave everything as-is;
2. Fix the issue in $ by using $$('*[id=foo]');
3. Don't fix the issue, throw error instead.

My vote is for #1. The $ function is intended to be a light wrapper
around document.getElementById. The impulse is noble to want to
correct IE's incorrect behavior (and Opera's emulation thereof), but I
think it's just a little too heavy.


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[Prototype-core] Re: $ function

2007-06-22 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Jun 21, 6:30 am, Rebecca Blyth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Finally, an aside on not having control over the HTML source:
 I ran into this issue when using the radio_button_tag helper method in
 Rails, which inconveniently used the name of the input as the id -
 unhelpful, as all the radio buttons in a group have the same name in
 order to group them.

That's somewhat brain-dead behavior on the part of Rails. I'd
encourage you to file a bug report on the ActionView component.


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[Prototype-core] Re: bracket notation

2007-06-22 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Jun 21, 2:35 pm, sed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not sure why this worked before, it must be related to the html/
 script being generated into the div from the ajax.updater rather than
 just being on the page.

Nope. It's sillier than that. Let's say you've got an element with an
ID of foo on the page:

var f = new String(foo);
$(f); //- null
document.getElementById('foo') //- [object HTMLElement]

This can be traced to JavaScript's bizarre String constructor --
`typeof f` returns object, not string. Looking at `f` in Firebug
will reveal ['f', 'o', 'o']. This is a crack in the object/primitive
duality of types like String and Number.

The $ function uses the typeof operator to figure out if the passed
argument is a string. Since it doesn't appear to be one, it doesn't
get run through document.getElementById.

You've found the solution already -- the new String call is


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[Prototype-core] Re: Template Class (documentation related)

2007-06-24 Thread Andrew Dupont

It's got nothing to do with luck. Arrays are implemented as a very
light veneer on top of Objects; the only real difference between them
is the literal syntax ([]) and the magic length property that counts
your numeric keys. (In fact, the numeric keys aren't really numbers,
since all object properties are coerced into strings.)

Considering that the Selector class uses Template strings with arrays,
I wouldn't call it improper, either. We can argue about whether it's
hacky or not, but it's a behavior that deserves to be documented.
Thanks for bringing this up, Jon; I'll put this on our documentation
to-do list.


On Jun 24, 9:36 pm, jdalton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I find using the object is easier to read, also looking at the source
 its really meant for objects to be used, you got lucky in that
 object['days'] is also the same syntax used by array[0]. That is why
 indexes would work for your array and not for the object and why the
 property 'days' would work for the object and not the array.

 I don't think the documentation should support improper usage. I would
 classify using an array instead of an object as hacky implementation.

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[Prototype-core] Re: Inheritance: your thoughts?

2007-06-25 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Jun 25, 4:41 am, Gareth Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is Base an option for the naming of the parent class?

I'd vote against it assiduously. It was my problem with Dean's
original naming as well. In a deep class structure (Organism  Animal
 Cat) it implies that the method being called is the *root* class's
method, not the parent class's method.

On Jun 25, 4:54 am, Kjell Bublitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, keep it lower-case and add an s so it reads better :)
 Cow-Class extends Animal (and) includes Eatable, Breadable ...

We can't; extends is a reserved word in JavaScript, just like

On Jun 25, 4:39 am, Kjell Bublitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please don't overuse the $ sign. It should be used for utilities and
 nothing else. Don't mix it in other areas, such as classes.

Not quite. It's popularly used for utility methods (in Prototype and
elsewhere) because it's:

  (a) short;
  (b) a valid character in identifiers;
  (c) obscure, reducing the chance of naming collision.

Also note its use in $break (and the deprecated $continue) as an
approximation of a reserved word.

On Jun 25, 4:05 am, DK [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, but JavaScript is different. The class is really a (function)
 object in JavaScript - it isn't common, but this makes JavaScript a
 very flexible language. We can't compare JavaScript in everything to
 other OO languages.

This isn't the point I'm making.

I question whether new Class makes sense as an equivalent to
Class.create. The new keyword connotes an instance in JavaScript
-- with its own scope and method chain. Not all things being *created*
are instances.

I've stated in our internal discussions that whatever we come up with
should *feel* like class-based inheritance, not prototypal inheritance
wearing a Groucho Marx mask. Both systems have their strengths and
weaknesses, which is why it's a good idea to keep them separate so
that you can choose according to your task. Mixing them up will just
confuse the hell out of people.


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[Prototype-core] Re: Inheritance: your thoughts?

2007-06-25 Thread Andrew Dupont

I agree with everything Mislav said and would adopt that syntax in a

My only concern is with the signature of Class.create and
Class.extend. I feel like having instance methods and class methods in
adjacent arguments can hurt the readability of the code. If you're
skimming a file you might miss the closing of one object literal and
the opening of another -- thus missing the transition from instance
methods to class methods. Then again, there are ways around that;
perhaps it's up to the individual developer to solve that problem.

On Jun 25, 9:48 am, Mislav Marohnić [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 You can't achieve this in JavaScript. Simply let it go.

I agree. Trying to emulate keywords with methods is hard enough;
trying to emulate them with magic property names is even harder. It
will lead to despair. Let's focus on solving the 80% problem in this
release; if we need to add bells and whistles later on, we can, but if
we put them in now we won't be able to remove them later.


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[Prototype-core] Re: Inheritance: your thoughts?

2007-06-25 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Jun 25, 11:29 am, Ken Snyder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'd also like to throw in the idea that we need to prove the final
 OO-design decisions with use cases.  We can write animal-sounds code all
 day long, but JavaScript is such a unique language, I think we ought to
 prove the design by creating some actual web-app Widgets that become
 quicker to write and become more maintainable and extensible by using OO

There are very few opportunities for inheritance in the Prototype
source code, but take a look at ajax.js in the inheritance branch; I
refactored it to use the new (proposed) syntax.

Perhaps someone could volunteer to convert a piece of Scriptaculous or
Rico just for illustration purposes?

On Jun 25, 2:30 pm, Mislav Marohnić [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I sincerely doubt that people will need properties or methods named
 superclass or subclasses in their code. But, maybe this feature is a bit
 too much. We just don't know what the possible use-cases can be.

After some thought, I'm in favor of keeping them the way they are.
Consider the built-in constructor property -- arguably an
implementation detail, but one that's worth exposing for
introspection. I'd want superclass and subclasses to *feel* like


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[Prototype-core] Re: document.getElementByClassName appends undefined elements

2007-07-02 Thread Andrew Dupont

 for(element in elements) {

That's the problem. Use elements#each [1] or a for loop with an index
to iterate through arrays. You can read more about this issue here


[1] http://prototypejs.org/api/enumerable/each

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[Prototype-core] Re: Syntax question

2007-07-04 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Jul 4, 1:52 pm, Vincent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I agree on the multiple declaration syntax, but in the cases above,
 those variables have already been declared earlier in the code and are
 simply assigned new values in the reported lines.

Yeah, it's a mistake, but it's an innocuous one. SpiderMonkey raises a
warning; other engines don't seem to care.

That said, this is the sort of syntax thing that I'll correct if I'm
writing a patch that touches that code anyway. So this'll eventually
get fixed.


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[Prototype-core] Re: : in '#myForm:myText' is not recognized when using CSS selector function

2007-07-11 Thread Andrew Dupont

Have you tried *[id='myForm:myName']? That ought to work, though it
wouldn't surprise me if it did not.

A colon is a valid character in ID attributes, so it should be
supported. Part of me thinks that the attribute selector approach (if
it works) would be sufficient -- but another part of me thinks we
should follow jQuery's lead here and just special-case the double-
escaped colon in all contexts.

(Out of curiosity, what happens when you try to target #myForm:myText
with a CSS selector? The use of the colon to denote pseudoclass would
seem to be a problem in CSS as well.)


On Jul 11, 10:43 am, kangax [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I stumbled upon a href='http://www.zachleat.com/web/2007/07/10/
 javascript-frameworks-and-jsf/'this page/a which compares how
 various JS frameworks interpret ':' inside a CSS selector function.
 I don't know if it's easy to implement, but would definitely be a good
 addition (as of now only jQuery understands such syntax).

 Do you think it's worth adding something like that?

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[Prototype-core] Re: prototype and js-packer

2007-08-07 Thread Andrew Dupont

No - that'd be incorrect in both cases. Semicolons are needed when a
line is ended with the closing brace of a function literal or object
literal, but not when a line is ended with the closing brace of a
control structure.


On Aug 7, 1:09 pm, Mislav Marohnić [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Looks OK. How does the rest of the core team feel about this?

 Do we need semicolons after:

1. conditional blocks,
2. function definitions (not function literals)?

 - Mislav

 On 8/6/07, jdalton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Repatched per Mislavs request:

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[Prototype-core] Re: Predefined custom events handled as 'dataavailable' (1.6.0_rc0)

2007-08-17 Thread Andrew Dupont

This is probably the most glaring flaw in RC0: any event types that
are not part of the DOM L2 Events spec, but are nonetheless honored by
one or more browsers, are handled incorrectly by Prototype as custom

We've got to figure out a way around this, even if it means we create
a whitelist of all known event types to work in modern browsers. The
convenience of handling both custom and standard events with the same
API shouldn't make it harder to (for instance) skate on the bleeding
edge of Web Forms 2.

I'll make sure we figure this out before RC1.


On Aug 17, 8:12 am, Wiktor Ihárosi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The new prototype is under heavy test and I find another intresting

 The modified observe method try to get the name of the passed
 eventName by getDOMEventName but this is limited to the well-known
 events. Any unknown event will handled as 'dataavailable'.

 This cause problems if you use predefined events, for example using
 fantastic repetitionmodel (webforms2 now) implementation by Weston
 Ruter which implements new Web Forms 2 events. But the problem is same
 if you use Opera9, it has native support for these events.

 Here is an example 

 Please check in Opera, and click on the Add Row button. You should see
 two alerts, but you will only one.

 Unfortunately I am not good at the event model, so I don't know what
 is the reason of the 'dataavailable', but my dirty hack is to return
 eventName is condition fail. It works for me. :)

 if (!Event.DOMEvents.include(eventName)) return eventName;
 instead of
 if (!Event.DOMEvents.include(eventName)) return dataavailable;

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[Prototype-core] Re: simulated DOMContentReady event

2007-08-31 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Aug 31, 2:12 am, Mislav Marohnić [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On 8/31/07, Jeff Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Let me see if I'm getting this correctly. You are saying that you need to
 inject content in the DOM received by XHR ... while the current page is
 still being loaded? That is strange to me.

No. He's talking about what you hint at in your second paragraph.

Imagine you've got a page with some inline code that assigns stuff to
DOMContentLoaded. Now imagine it's a fragment, not a full page, and
you're loading it via Ajax.

Jeff, my suggestion is to write your own Event.onReady function (or
something like it) that wraps around the 1.6 event code.


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[Prototype-core] Re: simulated DOMContentReady event

2007-09-01 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Sep 1, 5:18 pm, Nicolás Sanguinetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyway, the custom event solution seems tidy enough. What do the w3c
 specs say on xmlhttprequests and contentloaded, if anything?

They don't. Despite its name, the DOMContentLoaded event is not part
of any standard.

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[Prototype-core] Re: Opera contentLoaded gotcha with external stylesheets.

2007-09-05 Thread Andrew Dupont

That very blog post points to HTML5 work on the issue. If you're
brave, Mislav, you could ask for a spec clarification on the HTML5
mailing list.


On Sep 5, 10:20 am, Mislav Marohnić [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On 9/5/07, jdalton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I just saw a post on this Opera bug.
  I don't suggest a fix or anything just wanted to let you know:


 DOMContentLoaded should be standardized. Is there some effort by W3C or
 WHATWG anyone knows about?

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[Prototype-core] Re: :not() selector bugs

2007-09-26 Thread Andrew Dupont

The CSS2 and CSS3 specs disagree on this, annoyingly enough. [1] I'd
originally written :not to throw an exception on selectors with more
than one token, but then I saw the conflicting definitions and
relented. All the other major libraries seem to allow this confusing

Not being able to use the descendant combinator after a :not clause,
however, is a bug. Wiktor, feel free to report it; I'll try to fix it
before 1.6 final.


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/selector.html#q2

On Sep 26, 10:51 am, kangax [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From w3c specs (http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/CR-css3-selectors-2003/

 The negation pseudo-class is a functional notation taking a simple
 selector (excluding the negation pseudo-class itself and pseudo-
 elements) as an argument.

 Now what is simple selector (http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/CR-css3-
 selectors-2003/#simple-selectors-dfn) ?
 A simple selector is either a type selector, universal selector,
 attribute selector, ID selector, content selector, or pseudo-class.
 One pseudo-element may be appended to the last sequence of simple

 Looks like your 'a:not(a[rel$=nofollow]' is not quite a simple
 selector (but rather a combination of type and attribute ones)

 Besides, a:not(a[rel^=external]) doesn't make sense in the first place
 (just like div:not(div) which will never match) : )
 Why select a that are not a with some condition when you could
 just specify condition on its own. It will be tested against all a
 anyway: a:not([rel^=external])

 Hope this helps,

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[Prototype-core] Re: Getting patches reviewed and applied

2007-10-14 Thread Andrew Dupont

Historically the JS libraries haven't seen enough patch volume to
justify the process overhead. I feel like we're turning the corner
there, though; we should probably start following the Report 12
process for Prototype. What does the rest of Core think?

Any message that proposes a new feature is most welcome on this list,
so feel free to post here first if you want to gauge how well a patch
would be received.

I'm qualified to answer only the Prototype half of your question. I'll
let Thomas speak to the Scriptaculous half.


On Oct 13, 7:39 pm, Ryan McGeary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've got one prototype patch and one scriptaculous patch awaiting
 review from the core team.  I went through the process of getting them
 both reviewed and verified under the new Rails process, but I didn't
 realize the javascript spinoff teams didn't track Report 12.  It took
 a comment from Koz for me to realize this.

 What's the best way to receive feedback from the core team?  Does it
 make sense for prototype and scriptaculous to follow the same Report
 12 process that Rails is using?

 Add optional 'distance' and 'duration' options to 

 Add optional context argument to 


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[Prototype-core] Re: combinator selectors in Element#select

2007-10-17 Thread Andrew Dupont

I'm not crazy about it. Deviations from the CSS3 spec are troublesome
because they're not discoverable and they violate POLS. If we're going
to go down that slippery slope, selector.js will get even larger than
it already has.

The extended Enumerable#grep semantics in 1.6 make kangax's
alternative code shorter:

var matches = element.childElements().grep(new Selector('.foo'));

Anything that has a match method can now be used as a filter.


On Oct 17, 10:17 am, Mislav Marohnić [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On 10/17/07, kangax [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  In a nutshell, element.select('  foo') does not return the correct

 +1 for fixing it, regardless of the fact it may not be a valid selector ...
 it's a valid fragment of a selector.

 I want to be able to select immediate descendants this way. Do others feel
 the same?

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[Prototype-core] Re: Scripaculous 1.8 compressed?

2007-11-01 Thread Andrew Dupont

Prototype  script.aculo.us don't release official compressed
versions, but there are a few different people who make unofficial
compressed versions for each major release. I'm sure one will be
available shortly after the 1.6 final release (which will be soon).


On Nov 1, 8:25 pm, EGBlue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there an intention to release a compressed version of 1.6 RC1 and
 Thanks in advanced.

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[Prototype-core] Re: $super and Function.toString()

2007-11-11 Thread Andrew Dupont

There are other popular scripts that rely on this behavior, most
notably Dean Edwards's original base.js inheritance script.

It should also be noted that this behavior does not comply with
ECMA-262, which states that Function.prototype.toString shall return a
string that has the syntax of a function declaration. I'm sure it was
necessary to get a JS environment running on mobile devices, but the
point remains.

Prototype supports the major desktop browsers, but I don't think we
have any _official_ level of support for browsers on mobile devices.


On Nov 11, 3:57 pm, Mislav Marohnić [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Nov 11, 2007 10:16 PM, Artemy Tregoubenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  some time ago one of Opera developers warned in his blog
  against relying on function serialization. He said that mobile devices are
  limited in resources and thus may lack this functionality.

 Hi Artemy,

 Yeah, the $super argument is a hack. Class instances will misbehave if the
 JavaScript interpreter is unable to serialize functions. But this issue
 aside, can we expect the rest of the framework to work if the JS interpreter
 is limited?

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[Prototype-core] Re: features request

2007-11-22 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Nov 22, 10:29 am, Mislav Marohnić [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Because of the silence of other core members at the moment,

Keep in mind the western faction has been asleep, and it is a holiday
in America. ;-)

 it would be best
 for you to make a plug-in script that is included after Prototype library.
 Then you can share it on this ML with specific proposals what you think
 should be core functionality. Think it through, though; we are very picky
 about what gets included in the library.

This is a good way to proceed. Prototype 2.0 will place greater focus
on HTTP transports other than Ajax (embedded IFRAMEs, SCRIPT tags,
etc.). Until then it works best as a plugin.

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[Prototype-core] Re: Version 1.6 and XPath in Safari/WebKit 3

2007-11-27 Thread Andrew Dupont

The Selector class translates to XPath in browsers that support it.
Some of the Selector unit tests failed in Safari 3 -- seemingly because
WebKit doesn't correctly implement some XPath functions. If I recall,
the failures are related to the :first-of-type/:first-child
pseudoclasses (and their brethren).

Considering the JS engine performance gains that were made in Safari
3, I decided to disable the XPath translation in that browser for 1.6.
(The slow lane in Safari 3 is still pretty damned fast.) One of my
tasks for the release is to re-enable the XPath approach for
Safari 3, circumventing it only when necessary.

I've glossed over some implementation details of the Selector class,
so let me know if this doesn't make sense.


On Nov 27, 8:30 am, Mazdak Rezvani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All

 The SVN commit messages for Prototype 1.6 says that XPath is disabled
 in Safari 3 (Webkit 3) because of some problem. I wonder if you  can
 be more specific about what's broken with the WebKit 3 XPath? Also,
 has anyone checked to see if the release version still has this

 Thank you
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[Prototype-core] Re: Fwd: [prototype-core] Event#unloadCache not available in 1.6.0

2007-12-12 Thread Andrew Dupont

I think our official recommendation is that anyone who needs
Event.unloadCache should write it and make its contents the same as
that of destroyCache. The code duplication is small enough that it
doesn't bother me; anyone who's doing proactive GC probably has
written enough JS already that they won't mind an extra five lines.

I think we could've handled the 1.6 deprecations a bit better. Sorry
if they caught anyone by surprise.


On Dec 12, 12:50 pm, Ken Snyder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Original Message 
 Subject:[prototype-core] Event#unloadCache not available in 1.6.0
 Date:   Mon, 03 Dec 2007 15:07:03 -0700
 From:   Ken Snyder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: prototype-core@googlegroups.com


 Based on the above discussion on the rails-spinoffs list, I'm wondering
 if the prototype authors would consider making the destroyCache()
 functionality available as a public method like Event#unloadCache() was
 before 1.6.0.  Some consider this a compatibility issue and even a bug
 that should be fixed in 1.6.1.

 What are your thoughts?

 Thank you,

 Ken Snyder
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[Prototype-core] Re: New Element()

2008-01-11 Thread Andrew Dupont

I think he meant it as a workaround, not as a bug fix.

Thanks, David!


On Jan 10, 11:06 am, Mislav Marohnić [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 In other words, you eliminated the cache?
 We would rather fix the problem than lose the cache (and the speed increase
 it provides). You could first try and checkout the library from Subversion
 (described on prototypejs.org/contribute), create the build and open
 test/unit/dom.html in Mozilla. If there really are failing tests, open a new
 ticket in Trac and describe the issue there.

 I don't have the chance to test it today, but here are the Mozilla builds
 for those who might wish to test Prototype 

 Thank you for the bug report.

 - Mislav

 On Jan 10, 2008 4:18 PM, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  New Element('div', {'class': 'test'});

  throw an error with Mozilla 1.7.12 :

  Error : cache has no properties
  Source File : prototype.js
  Line : 1565

  I did something like this to make it work :

  (function() {
   var element = this.Element;
   this.Element = function(tagName, attributes) {
     attributes = attributes || { };
     tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
     var el=document.createElement(tagName);
     Object.keys(attributes).each(function (item) {
       el.writeAttribute(item, attributes[item]);
     return el;
   Object.extend(this.Element, element || { });
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[Prototype-core] Re: methodize parseInt parseFloat

2008-01-29 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Jan 29, 3:41 am, artemy tregoubenko [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Well, I'm using this one:
 Object.extend(String.prototype, {
         parseInt: parseInt.methodize(),
         parseFloat: parseFloat.methodize(),


Clever. :-)

In ECMAScript 4, parseInt and parseFloat are becoming static methods
on Number, not on String (i.e., Number.parseInt(3)). I could more
easily see adding String#toNumber, but it's not a must-have for me.
What do others think?

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[Prototype-core] Re: $_SESSION of PHP doesn't work with AJAX

2008-03-28 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Mar 27, 9:29 pm, Nouv Vitou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But if I have two different domains taiyocambodia.com and khmer-web.com.
 I would like to use the session to be used for both. How can I?

Can't do it with cookies. Track your sessions on the server-side.

Again let me suggest that this isn't the right list for you. This is
for discussion of the development of Prototype and is not for support
questions of any kind. I'd try a PHP mailing list (http://www.php.net/

Good luck,
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[Prototype-core] Re: Using GIT

2008-04-25 Thread Andrew Dupont


Those are the GitHub pages for Proto/Scripty, respectively. Those
pages have the repo URLs for each — or you can download tarballs from
there if you're not keen on git.

Everything else works the same way.


On Apr 25, 5:52 am, Richard Quadling [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Where do I point my git to get RubySpinoffs now? Or is git now only
 for prototype?

 I assume once I've got the spin offs, I am still using rake dist to
 build my version for testing?

 Richard Quadling
 Zend Certified Engineer :http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498r=213474731
 Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!
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[Prototype-core] Re: IE onmouseleave

2008-06-12 Thread Andrew Dupont

[1] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms536956(VS.85).aspx
[2] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms536910(VS.85).aspx

(Just pretend I included these in the original message.)

On Jun 12, 8:20 pm, Andrew Dupont [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jun 12, 5:46 am, Nick Stakenburg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've been saying this for some time but custom events seem to be used
  as an excuse not to implement this properly, like other frameworks
  have done. Of course it can be done with custom events but it's
  clearly not the best approach. Ah well, I guess this needs more time
  before others draw the same conclusion.

 Nick, I have no opinion on whether or not mouseenter/mouseleave should
 be rolled into core, but if they are I think they should be
 implemented as custom events, just like we implemented dom:loaded. I'm
 highly reluctant to give the former a special treatment that we didn't
 give the latter.

 As we discussed on GitHub, the solution is to enhance Element#fire so
 that one can tell a custom event not to bubble. In most browsers this
 is easy. In IE, as you noted, the fireEvent method gives no control
 over bubbling behavior. But IE also implements a bunch of proprietary
 events that nobody ever uses, and some of these are *by their nature*

 For instance, there's onpropertychange, which is IE-only and not
 part of any standard [1]. Just like we borrow ondataavailable for
 custom events, so can we borrow onpropertychange to get non-bubbling
 custom events. Some quick code confirms this works. I've set this as a
 to-do for 1.6.1.

 Fun fact: originally I'd wanted to use the onbounce event [2], which
 is one of three different events that IE reserves for MARQUEE
 elements. It does not bubble, but is cancelable, so it would've been
 _perfect_. Sadly, IE throws an error when you try to trigger an
 onbounce event on a non-MARQUEE element. I promise I'm not making
 this up.

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[Prototype-core] Re: lighthouse marked my ticket as spam

2008-09-01 Thread Andrew Dupont

I think this was during the one day that Lighthouse's spam
verification service went down and it was marking everything as spam.
Would you mind re-submitting the ticket? I can't seem to find a way to
un-mark it.


On Sep 1, 9:34 am, Ihárosi Wiktor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I reported a bug in May to the new lighthouse but it has been marked
 as spam. I didn't have too much time in summer, but I have check it
 again and it is still in spam status and I can't do anything with it.
 :( I changed my password, I logged in but I can't edit it. If I try to
 edit the ticket I got Invalid ticket comment. message.

 What should I do in this case?


 Thanks in advance!

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[Prototype-core] Re: Firefox 2.0.0.x Event.element()

2008-09-02 Thread Andrew Dupont

I believe we've fixed this since 1.6.0. Update to and see if
it still happens.


On Sep 2, 8:47 am, therutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Using prototype.js 1.6.0 and Firefox 2.0.0.x and Event.element()
 returns the wrong element. Instead of an HTMLImageElement it's
 returning the document. Looks like a general bug with these versions
 of Firefox, both PC and Mac.

 I found that same problem and a fix in a site about Rails.

 From line: 3775

 element: function(event) {
   //var node = Event.extend(event).target;
   //return Element.extend(node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE ?
 node.parentNode : node);
   event = Event.extend(event);
   var ct, node = event.target, t = event.type;

   /* get correct target for Firefox */
   if(ct = event.currentTarget){
     var tagName = ct.tagName.toUpperCase();
     if((tagName == 'IMG'  /^(load|error)$/.test(t)) ||
       (tagName == 'INPUT'  ct.type == 'radio'  t == 'click'))
         node = ct;
   return Element.extend(node  node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE ?
 node.parentNode : node);


 Don't know if this has been covered elsewhere, but I think it should.
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[Prototype-core] Re: status: Where we're at

2008-09-22 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Sep 22, 7:16 pm, Valentin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I didn't hijacked anyone's thread. This is about the upcoming
 so what I posted is directly related. The purpose of a JS library is
 to 1) provide compatibility among browsers using the same code 2)
 reduce the time the programmer has to spent to do certain tasks.

 Also in today's day IE7 has BY FAR the highest market share, and also
 the object tag is the XHTML requirement to presenting Java
 applications, flash objects, and the like which, now, more than ever,
 appear on Web 2.0 pages. If Prototype can't hadle these two things
 than it is missing it's point, and it's users.

 I'm not talking here about a pet problem, but about some fundamental
 facts. Your most basic function doesn't work on the most used browser
 with one of the most common tags in XHTML (that are called in JS
 events). Therefore you are building a house on a crappy foundation,
 and it will fall. You want to make this about me submitting or not
 submitting a bug? Really I already told you what is wrong, how to
 recreate it, so any developer of the ones that have read this topic
 could have taken the time to fix it instead of replying back 3 pages
 long of messages on how I should have done this.

Stop for a second. Read back over this thread.

You reported the problem; someone asked for a test case. You posted
the test case (thanks for that; a lot of people don't bother). kangax
noted that the problem is not in extending the OBJECT tag, it's in
calling the update method, because I'm guessing OBJECT nodes don't
have an innerHTML property in the IE DOM.

You keep expressing disbelief at how nobody else has encountered this
before. That should tell you one of two things: either your scenario
isn't as commonplace as you think it is; or others have encountered
this problem and found it too big to solve in JavaScript.

Internet Explorer doesn't handle OBJECT tags right [1]; it thinks
they're all ActiveX controls because that's all the element was for
when Microsoft introduced it. There's no way around this. (This is the
reason why, for instance, people use SWFObject [2] to insert Flash
content without using invalid markup.) Prototype aside... if you think
you're going to get the OBJECT tag to work the XHTML way in IE7,
you're sorely mistaken.

Prototype isn't our product; it's our side project. We ask that bug
reports and test cases be filed through the proper channels because it
ensures they won't get missed. The less time we spend copying and
pasting from Google Groups into our bug tracker... the more time we
spend writing code. If that makes us seem anal to you, then I'm OK
with that.


[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ig/2002AprJun/0865.html
[2] http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/

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[Prototype-core] Re: Official (or unofficial) compressed version of Prototype 1.6?

2008-10-03 Thread Andrew Dupont

Google's version is gzipped. Prototype 1.6, when gzipped, is only 28K
over the wire. And with Google's content distribution network and
proper cache settings, it'll be downloaded only once. This is what
people should be using if they want a compressed version.


If they want a self-hosted compressed version, and can't use gzip,
then they should use JDD's protopacked distribution.


On Oct 3, 7:23 am, Tom Gregory [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Isn't that what I said?  The advantage from Google is not compression,  
 but caching (if multiple sites use it).

 There was talk at one point of releasing an official compressed  
 version so Google could use it.  I don't remember the outcome of that  


 On Oct 3, 2008, at 5:04 AM, Yanick wrote:

  Hi Tom,
  The Prototype version hosted by Google seems not to be compressed. I
  haven't look deep, but if it loads this URL
  then it is not compressed.


  On Oct 3, 12:22 am, Tom Gregory [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  There is also the Google-hosted version.  It's not compressed, but if
  your users visit other sites that also access the URL, it'll be  
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[Prototype-core] Re: Bug : Object.isNumber() and Hash.toQueryString()

2008-10-08 Thread Andrew Dupont

I shall end the shitstorm here and now.

To quote the rhino book:

Once we've created a string object S [through `new String`], what can
we do with it? Nothing that we cannot do with the corresponding
primitive string value. If we use the `typeof` operator, it tells us
that S is indeed an object, and not a string value, but except for
that case, we'll find that we can't normally distinguish between a
primitive string and the String object.

The same applies to Number and Boolean.

In other words, the purpose of the wrapper objects around primitives
is to drive framework authors insane, since they evade introspection:
they walk, talk, eat, and swim like ducks; ask them what they are,
though, and they'll claim to be ostriches.

The reason you've seen such skepticism from kangax in this thread is
because he probably can't think of a single case in which it's
_useful_ to use the wrapper objects instead of the primitives they
wrap. Nor can I. But, hell, if people want it, it's easy enough:

Object.isString = function(object) {
  return object.valueOf  typeof object.valueOf() === string;

Object.isNumber = function(object) {
  return object.valueOf  typeof object.valueOf() === number;

The `valueOf` method will return the primitive behind the wrapper
object. And this will avoid the cross-frame issues we had with

We'll put this into the queue for either or 1.6.1, even though
it makes my head hurt.

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[Prototype-core] Re: Bug : Object.isNumber() and Hash.toQueryString()

2008-10-08 Thread Andrew Dupont

No, you were completely right — either it should support both the
primitive and the wrapper _or_ we need to document why it does not. I
was prepared to say we'd do the latter, since I didn't want to deal
with the differences between the two, but it turns out there _are_ no
differences, save for the `typeof` problem.

If the fix weren't so simple I'd have pushed back hard.


On Oct 8, 2:15 pm, Tom Gregory [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 8, 2008, at 11:29 AM, Andrew Dupont wrote:

  I shall end the shitstorm here and now.
  ... he probably can't think of a single case in which it's
  _useful_ to use the wrapper objects instead of the primitives they

 Honestly, I can't either.  I don't see any reason to use the object  
 wrappers in the first place, and would thus never encounter the issue.  
 (I would go a step further, and suggest use of the object wrappers to  
 be less-good design because of the extra code required to use 'em.)

 At a higher level, the question I wanted to raise is the balance  
 between principles of good design (e.g. POLS) and requiring a use case  
 to be common enough before any changes are made--because there should  
 be a balance; one view is not always correct.  That wasn't the  
 discussion I was hearing; that's why I joined the conversation.

 I'll try and shut up now.  =)


 “Always be the worst guy in every band you’re in. If you’re the best  
 guy there, you need to be in a different band. And I think that works  
 for almost everything that’s out there as well.” ~Pat Metheny  (h/t  
 Pragmatic Thinking  Learning: Refactor your wetware)
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[Prototype-core] Re: Prototype.js ( breaks Firebug (1.2.1) Options allegedly.

2008-10-14 Thread Andrew Dupont

Only in the sense that Prototype seems not to be safe to use inside a
Firefox extension. But even that isn't clear. I posted in the thread
to try to cut through the hearsay and speculation. Thanks, Richard.


On Oct 14, 8:49 am, Richard Quadling [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 There's been this recent thread in the FireBug Google Group 

 Is there any real issue here?

 Richard Quadling
 Zend Certified Engineer :http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498r=213474731
 Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!
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[Prototype-core] Re: Contributing to the Prototype Documentation

2008-10-15 Thread Andrew Dupont

Write up your proposed additions in a text file, create a ticket on
Lighthouse, and attach your additions as a patch.



On Oct 13, 1:08 pm, ijayasin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was wondering how people could contribute to the Prototype

 One part of the documentation that has room for improvement is
 Element.insert. In fact, if I were to contribute to the documentation,
 this is the first place I'd start. :)

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[Prototype-core] Re: Style Guide for rewrite branch

2008-11-13 Thread Andrew Dupont

Here's what this would look like when genericized into an imaginary
API: http://gist.github.com/24571

A couple of things:

(1) I'm altogether in favor of this new approach, but it will result
in less implicit organization of code. A reader of the code will
likely find it harder to scan for the specific method they're looking
for. We'll probably have to address this by marking code sections
with comments.

(2) Also, it now becomes less clear where a PDoc block would go.
Technically, it would go at the bottom, where the external API is
created, but that'd separate it from the logic of the function and
would therefore make it more likely for the code and the docs to get
out of sync.

(Perhaps PDoc blocks can be used to demarcate, thereby solving both of
these problems.)

(3) Simple capability/quirk checks, as in the String#escapeHTML
example, can go directly into the conditional. More complex checks,
like the kind kangax has been working on, will need to be wrapped in
anonymous functions and distilled into booleans. I'd prefer these
booleans to have the naming conventions of constants (e.g.,
recognized easily in the code.


On Nov 13, 6:28 am, T.J. Crowder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Tobie,

  I'm actually interested in the pattern, not in the actual code.

 Yeah, just wanted to make sure we were looking at the right code

  I investigated a bit more re the typos you mentioned. It happens to be
  an issue with gist which... escaped some of the strings.


 So stating the obvious:  The basics are:

 1. Use named functions for each variant.

 2. Define the functions up front.

 3. Test proactive, in an appropriate order, and use the first one that
 works correctly.


 -- T.J.
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[Prototype-core] Re: Style Guide for rewrite branch

2008-11-16 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Nov 16, 1:58 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Here is my take,

 I'm also altogether with this incoming pattern.
 PDoc blocks could indeed demarcate those sections, and be used to
 provide (browser|feature)-specific technical documentation.
 My proposal is the following (http://gist.github.com/25421)

I like it.

One nitpick: only one implementation of a particular method needs to
be PDoc'd, since we're documenting the public API and don't need to
inform the user about the internal differences between
implementations. We'd still have comments explaining what those
differences are, but they wouldn't be PDoc comments.

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[Prototype-core] Prototype in 10 steps... what are they?

2008-11-17 Thread Andrew Dupont

I'm thinking about how we can flatten the learning curve. If you were
to teach someone how to use Prototype in 10 incremental steps, what
would they be?

I've got only nine so far, but here they are:

1. Master the $ Function
2. Use instance methods to perform common tasks on elements
3. Master event observing
4. Push the envelope with Ajax
5. Use Enumerable to manage collections
6. Use Prototype's helper methods on built-in objects
7. Treat functions like first-class objects
8. Have your mind blown by custom events
9. Write class-based JavaScript

Can you add a tenth to this list? Or do you have a completely
different list? Let's hear it.

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[Prototype-core] Re: Prototype in 10 steps... what are they?

2008-11-18 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Nov 18, 4:11 am, T.J. Crowder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That list falls neatly into two categories:  Basic techniques not
 requiring *too* much in terms of conceptual understanding (the first
 five items), then more conceptual (and powerful) stuff (the last five
 items).  I probably would have put Enumerable lower down except that
 it goes well with the basic techniques group.

Yeah, that's the hard part. I think $$ and Enumerable go together
because so many novice use cases for Enumerable will involve filtering
DOM result sets. So I'd be inclined to move $$ to #5.

 Nit-picking, Treat functions like first-class objects sounds as
 though they aren't, but we're treating them like they are.  I'd say
 the focus should be on the student learning that in JavaScript,
 functions *are* first-class objects.  It's one of the most powerful
 concepts in the language.

The phrasing assumes that the user probably hasn't come from a
language where functions _are_ first-class objects; that's all that
was intended.

Thanks for your feedback, everyone.

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[Prototype-core] New Element.Layout API

2009-01-16 Thread Andrew Dupont

I've just committed a couple large API additions in a layout branch
in our Git repository:


It's still very preliminary, but Element.Layout is meant to like a
lazy-loading, memoized subclass of Hash. It gives measurements and
offsets of practically any aspect an element's layout box. It's lazy-
loading because some of these computations are costly and shouldn't be
done unless strictly necessary.

In other words, I can do something like this...

var foo = $('foo');
var layout = foo.getLayout();

var width = layout.get('width'); // 144 (or some other number)
var marginBoxWidth = layout.get('margin-box-width'); // 164 (content +
padding + border + margin)

Behind the scenes, it determined the width (i.e., the content box
width) by taking the offsetWidth property from the element (which is
the width of the element's border box) and subtracting the computed
padding and border widths on both sides. When it did this, it cached
the values for many other measurements, like border-box-width,
padding-left, padding-right, and so on. If any of these values are
requested directly, no further computation is necessary.

Furthermore, when we ask for the margin-box-width (i.e., the space
the element truly commands), it knows it needs to fetch margin-left
and margin-right, but the values of all other properties are already

(A caveat: because of the caching, an Element.Layout object should be
treated like a snapshot of an element's dimensions. When the
dimensions of an object change, you ought to grab a new instance of

Take a look at the code and tell me what you think. The API is far
from complete, naturally, but it'd be great to know if people think
this is the right idea.

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[Prototype-core] Re: Permission denied error from 'rake doc'

2009-04-03 Thread Andrew Dupont

T.J., are you sure you're running the latest code? Do a git submodule
update from the root Prototype directory. Those sound like issues I
had run into, and fixed, several weeks ago.

Meanwhile, I'll fire up my Windows VM and see what happens when I try
to generate docs from there.


On Apr 2, 6:17 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:
 Hi again,

 Thought I'd give this a try on the Ubuntu lab machine I'd just built,
 in hopes that the permissions problem is Windows-specific.  I got
 further, it can read the temp file, but then it runs into a problem in
 the PDoc Runner where it can't find the file ajax/ajax:

 * * * *
 t...@lab06:~/projects/prototype$ rake doc
 (in /home/tjc/projects/prototype)

     Parsing source files: /tmp/pdoc20090402-6276-fmbqy1-0.
     Parsing completed in 81.040395 seconds.

     Generating documentation to: /home/tjc/projects/prototype/doc.
     Rendering: ajax_section.html
 rake aborted!
 No such file or directory - ajax/ajax
 (See full trace by running task with --trace)
 * * * *

 (Rakefile:74 is the PDoc Runner call.)  I'm guessing it's meant to be
 in the doc subdirectory, but looking there, there is no subdirectory
 called ajax.  There is, however, one called Ajax (with a capital

 * * * *
 t...@lab06:~/projects/prototype$ ls -lA doc
 total 44
 drwxr-xr-x 2 tjc tjc  4096 2009-04-02 12:01 Ajax
 -rw-r--r-- 1 tjc tjc 21681 2009-04-02 12:01 ajax_section.html
 -rw-r--r-- 1 tjc tjc 12309 2009-04-02 12:01 index.html
 * * * *

 Some kind of case sensitivity problem?  I wonder if this has only been
 used successfully on Windows (if even there?), Mac OS X, and the like
 that don't (by default) have case-sensitive file systems...

 -- T.J.

 On Apr 2, 10:08 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:


  Can anyone build the docs other than Tobie and Andrew?  If so, do you
  have any idea what's going on?  I really want to close the large
  number of doc tickets on my plate, but there's no point in doing the
  work if the patches are just going to sit there unused (like this one
  [1]), that's just a waste of time, and none of us have time to waste.
  I'm about to hit a phase of a project where I won't have time to do
  this, so I was trying to clean them up before that.


  Thanks in advance,

  -- T.J.

  On Mar 31, 4:00 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

   Hi Andrew,

   Thanks for the help.  Yeah, it is weird, isn't it? :-)  And yet we
   have permission to delete it (apparently, as it does get deleted).

Are you logged in as an administrator?

   I am indeed, and that file is being created in the temp directory
   associated with my account, which in theory I'd be able to read/write
   to regardless.  Early on, as a test, I created a different directory
   with a short path with no spaces and that I have full control
   permissions to and pointed TEMP/TMP at it instead.  The directory got
   used, but I got the same result.

   -- T.J. :-)

   On Mar 31, 6:23 am, Andrew Dupont goo...@andrewdupont.net wrote:

Christ, that's weird. It's saying you don't have permission to read
the temporary file we create to build a concatenated version of
Prototype with documentation comments included. The whole point of the
temporary-file approach is to avoid permissions issues.

Are you logged in as an administrator?


On Mar 30, 5:51 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

 Hi all,

 I have a bunch of doc tickets I'd like to resolve (not to mention this
 ticket[1] discussed here[2] that I've posted a patch for, but seems to
 be waiting for someone to check that the doc stuff doesn't get broken
 by blank lines), but 'rake doc' doesn't work on my system.  'rake
 dist' and 'rake test' both do.


 I've installed Ruby, git, rake, etc., cloned the repo, built the
 submodules, etc., and again dist and test work.  But I haven't
 manually installed anything specific for PDoc -- it'd be a great
 answer if it were just that I was missing out something.

 I'd like to get the doc stuff working so I can test my doc changes
 locally before posting patches.  I know nothing about Ruby or rake.
 Anyone have any idea what's going on here and how to resolve this?
 * * * *
 C:\Projects\prototyperake doc --trace
 (in C:/Projects/prototype)
 ** Invoke doc (first_time)
 ** Invoke doc:build (first_time)
 ** Invoke doc:require (first_time)
 ** Execute doc:require
 ** Execute doc:build
 rake aborted!
 Permission denied - C:/DOCUME~1/tjc/LOCALS~1/Temp/pdoc.3196.0

[Prototype-core] Re: Permission denied error from 'rake doc'

2009-04-03 Thread Andrew Dupont


Had local changes to my PDoc checkout that I had not pushed back to
the repo. Fixed now.

git pull  git submodule update

...should do the trick.


On Apr 3, 9:28 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:
 Hi Richard,

  I'm really stumped here. I wonder if the lack of a ...

 I'd leave it until Andrew's had a chance to take a look.

 -- T.J. :-)

 On Apr 3, 3:21 pm, Richard Quadling rquadl...@googlemail.com wrote:

  2009/4/3 T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com:


   I think I've found the problem.
        File.utime(timestamp, timestamp, filename)
   is trying to amend the time on the open file.
   I commented this line and it worked.

   Yup, that lets me get past that point as well.  Andrew said he'd be
   working on this in his Windows VM soon, so hopefully that gives him a
   leg up.

   rake aborted!
   undefined method `signature' for #Documentation::InstanceProperty

   Yup, here too.  Probably a different problem.

   -- T.J.

  I'm really stumped here. I wonder if the lack of a ...

  headerJSON: function() {

  is causing it. I tried temporarily adding one to response.js, but it
  didn't make a diff.

  Richard Quadling
  Zend Certified Engineer :http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498r=213474731
  Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!
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[Prototype-core] Re: Permission denied error from 'rake doc'

2009-04-03 Thread Andrew Dupont

OK, once I commented out that File.utime line, things went smoothly.
There was an error in the rendering stage that I had to correct
(something that was showing up with BlueCloth but not with RDiscount)
— so do a git pull once again. Then the docs will build.

The line that needs commenting out is a bug in Sprockets that I've
passed along to Sam, so expect a fix for that sometime soon.

T.J., let me know if you have any further problems.


On Apr 3, 11:22 am, Andrew Dupont goo...@andrewdupont.net wrote:

 Had local changes to my PDoc checkout that I had not pushed back to
 the repo. Fixed now.

 git pull  git submodule update

 ...should do the trick.


 On Apr 3, 9:28 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

  Hi Richard,

   I'm really stumped here. I wonder if the lack of a ...

  I'd leave it until Andrew's had a chance to take a look.

  -- T.J. :-)

  On Apr 3, 3:21 pm, Richard Quadling rquadl...@googlemail.com wrote:

   2009/4/3 T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com:


I think I've found the problem.
     File.utime(timestamp, timestamp, filename)
is trying to amend the time on the open file.
I commented this line and it worked.

Yup, that lets me get past that point as well.  Andrew said he'd be
working on this in his Windows VM soon, so hopefully that gives him a
leg up.

rake aborted!
undefined method `signature' for #Documentation::InstanceProperty

Yup, here too.  Probably a different problem.

-- T.J.

   I'm really stumped here. I wonder if the lack of a ...

   headerJSON: function() {

   is causing it. I tried temporarily adding one to response.js, but it
   didn't make a diff.

   Richard Quadling
   Zend Certified Engineer :http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498r=213474731
   Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!
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[Prototype-core] Re: Permission denied error from 'rake doc'

2009-04-07 Thread Andrew Dupont

OK, fixed it. This was caused by a recent commit to PDoc that fixed
one problem but introduced another.


On Apr 7, 5:44 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:
 Thanks Richard.  I've opened ticket #647[1] for it, just to track it.
 I don't think this needs to get in the way of the doc tickets I'm
 trying to clean up.


 -- T.J.

 On Apr 7, 11:15 am, Richard Quadling rquadl...@googlemail.com wrote:

  2009/4/7 Richard Quadling rquadl...@googlemail.com:

   2009/4/7 Richard Quadling rquadl...@googlemail.com:
   2009/4/7 T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com:

   Thanks.  With the latest, on Windows if I also comment out the atime
   line, building the docs goes through to completion.  However, the
   generated doc seems to have issues:  For instance, if I go into
   index.html, then choose Language Section from the menu, if I click
   on $A on the Utilities line on the page, I get a 404 for language

   Can anyone build the docs without having that problem?  I just need to
   know whether it's an issue with my setup.


   -- T.J.

   On Apr 3, 10:41 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:
   Hi Andrew,

   Thanks.  With the latest, on Windows if I also comment out the atime
   line, building the docs goes through to completion.  However, the
   generated doc seems to have issues:  For instance, if I go into
   index.html, then choose Language Section from the menu, if I click
   on $A on the Utilities line on the page, I get a 404 for language

   Haven't had a chance to try Ubuntu yet.

   -- T.J.

   On Apr 3, 6:56 pm, Andrew Dupont goo...@andrewdupont.net wrote:

OK, once I commented out that File.utime line, things went 
There was an error in the rendering stage that I had to correct
(something that was showing up with BlueCloth but not with RDiscount)
— so do a git pull once again. Then the docs will build.

The line that needs commenting out is a bug in Sprockets that I've
passed along to Sam, so expect a fix for that sometime soon.

T.J., let me know if you have any further problems.


On Apr 3, 11:22 am, Andrew Dupont goo...@andrewdupont.net wrote:


 Had local changes to my PDoc checkout that I had not pushed back to
 the repo. Fixed now.

 git pull  git submodule update

 ...should do the trick.


 On Apr 3, 9:28 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

  Hi Richard,

   I'm really stumped here. I wonder if the lack of a ...

  I'd leave it until Andrew's had a chance to take a look.

  -- T.J. :-)

  On Apr 3, 3:21 pm, Richard Quadling rquadl...@googlemail.com 

   2009/4/3 T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com:


I think I've found the problem.
     File.utime(timestamp, timestamp, filename)
is trying to amend the time on the open file.
I commented this line and it worked.

Yup, that lets me get past that point as well.  Andrew said 
he'd be
working on this in his Windows VM soon, so hopefully that 
gives him a
leg up.

rake aborted!
undefined method `signature' for 

Yup, here too.  Probably a different problem.

-- T.J.

   I'm really stumped here. I wonder if the lack of a ...

   headerJSON: function() {

   is causing it. I tried temporarily adding one to response.js, 
   but it
   didn't make a diff.

   Richard Quadling
   Zend Certified Engineer 
   Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!

   Please hold, your call will be answered shortly.
   Richard Quadling
   Zend Certified Engineer :http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498r=213474731
   Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!

   [07/04/2009 10:26:41] [D:\Personal
   Files\Downloads\Software\Programming\Javascript\Prototype\master] []
  rake doc
   (in D:/Personal
   rm -rf D:/Personal

      Parsing source files: C:/DOCUME~1/RichardQ/LOCALS~1/Temp/pdoc.2796.0.
      Parsing completed in 51.437 seconds.

      Generating documentation to: D:/Personal
      Documentation generated in 566.789 seconds.

        Sections:            3
        Utilities:           7
        Namespaces:          34
        Mixins:              1
        Classes:             23
        Constructor methods: 11
        Constants:           0

[Prototype-core] Re: Permission denied error from 'rake doc'

2009-04-08 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Apr 8, 2:26 am, Richard Quadling rquadl...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Having refreshed my prototype checkout (along with the submodules),
 the sprockets issue is still present.

Ball's still in Sam's court on that one. If it doesn't get fixed soon
I'll ask him for commit access to the Sprockets repo so I can fix it

 As the file is unique, what benefit does setting the timestamp have?

 For windows, this will be updated automatically anyway.

At that point in the Sprockets code, it doesn't know that it's writing
to a tempfile. It could be writing to a file that already exists.

 Though it is VERY VERY slow. I can build our PHP manual from DocBook
 XML to CHM in about the same time. And that contains over 8,500 pages
 from a single 23MB XML file (which is first concatenated from over
 12,500 XML files).

Yeah, PDoc is slow. We think it's because there's an obscenely large
number of objects being created during the parsing phase — and the
fact that they're all kept around during the generation phase. (Time
to generate grows exponentially — when I switch the task to process
only, say, the Ajax files, it takes _far_ less time.) At some point,
Tobie and I will change PDoc to include an intermediate stage that
takes the objects from the parsing phase and converts them into
lightweight objects that have only the information we need.

Fun fact: it takes less time to generate docs for Prototype within my
Windows VM (in VMWare Fusion, 512MB RAM) than it does in OS X (2GB

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[Prototype-core] Re: Form.serialize additional functionality ...

2009-04-16 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Apr 16, 10:44 am, mr_justin gro...@jperkins.otherinbox.com wrote:
 Has the topic ever came up to add the ability to serialize elements of
 a form just but only within a certain container element?

Not as such, no. But we've had thoughts to make the serialization
logic itself pluggable. The last time we broached this topic, there
were heated exchanges about key/value pair serialization, and whether
the conventions popularized by Rails and PHP were justifiable

Not quite what you're talking about (which I do think is too
esoteric), but should make your thing easier. No idea when we'll get
around to that, though. ;-)

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[Prototype-core] Re: Prototype-Base Overlay and Best Practices

2009-06-04 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Jun 4, 2009, at 8:36 PM, Luisgo wrote:

 1. Is there a better way to handle callback definition? See lines

You've got the right idea here. I'd use `Prototype.emptyFunction`  
instead because there's no reason to define more than one empty  
function, but this is of negligible importance.

 2. Is there a better way of referring to body? See line 33.

`$(document.body)` would be more concise. Works in all browsers I'm  
aware of.

 3. Is there a better way of injecting callbacks into functions so I
 don't have to clutter methods like on and off? See lines 81, 91,
 98, 108.

You seem reluctant to keep them on the `settings` object — why? Only  
difference is that you'd call `this.settings.onBeforeOpen()` instead.  
Scope would be preserved.

A _different_ approach to callbacks would be to use custom events — to  
fire modal:opened:before and modal:opened:after (etc.) — but there  
are pros and cons for each.

 4. Is there a way to use prototype classes that take an element as
 extensions to such element? Meaning, I would like to be able apply a
 click observer to the instance of the class directly. Something

  `modal.observe(click, someHandler)`

 and have that passed to the element to which the class is applied to.
 In the class: `this.element` or in this example `modal.element`

No, but if you wanted that sort of thing, you could write your own  
`observe` method which passed all its arguments to  

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[Prototype-core] Re: Style Issues in new API Docs

2009-09-15 Thread Andrew Dupont
On Sep 13, 2009, at 5:24 PM, T.J. Crowder wrote:

 This is already fixed in the latest trunk and so will be fixed quite
 soon the next time the docs are re-generated from the source.

In fact, I re-generated the docs earlier today.


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[Prototype-core] Function.EMPTY and Function.K

2009-09-24 Thread Andrew Dupont

Unless anyone has serious objections, or has a better idea, I'm going
to add these as aliases of `Prototype.emptyFunction` and
`Prototype.K`, respectively. They belong better there, since in theory
the `Prototype` namespace is for internal stuff, not for stuff that
has value to end-user developers.

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[Prototype-core] Re: Memory Leak in IE

2009-10-01 Thread Andrew Dupont

We've talked about doing this before, but there are a couple problems.

First, we can't do what you're suggesting for Element#remove — the  
function returns the removed element, which may then be appended  
somewhere else in the document. If the element is going to be  
discarded, then one ought to remove its listeners; but if it will be  
reused, the user would expect those listeners to remain. I'm not sure  
how to get around this.

We have also talked about removing event listeners on an  
Element#update call, but are hesitant to do so automatically for  
performance reasons. But we may yet implement this.


On Sep 30, 2009, at 6:26 AM, kef wrote:


 I am currently working on an AJAX application (prototype 1.6.1). As
 usual, it runs very well on Chrome and Firefox but we encounter
 difficulties, particularly with Internet Explorer 6.

 After much research, it appears that the problem is related to the
 memory leak. In fact, i reload only some parts of page. (I keep
 always the header and footer) so a large part of the memory used is
 never released.

 I found a solution partially responsive to my needs but it involves
 changing the core prototype. Prior to Ajax call, I clean all events on
 elements will be replaced (like _destroyCache during the unload of

 There may be a cleaner solution but I have not found.

 My changes here:
   remove: function (element) (
 / / Begin Fix
 if (element = $ (element))
 element.stopObserving (false, true);
 / / End Fix
 element.parentNode.removeChild (element);
 return element;

   stopObserving function (element, eventName, handler) (
 element = $ (element);

 / / Begin Fix
 if (handler === true) (
 for (var i = 0, length = CACHE.length; i length; i + +)
 if (CACHE [i]. descendantOf
  CACHE   [i]. DescendantOf (element)) (
 Event.stopObserving (CACHE [i], eventName);
 CACHE [i] = undefined;
 CACHE = CACHE.reject (Object.isUndefined);
 / / End Fix

 In view of the evolution of AJAX and implementation of Internet
 Explorer browsers, I think it may be advisable to incorporate a
 equivalent system in core of prototype.

 Regards, Franck


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[Prototype-core] Re: Function.EMPTY and Function.K

2009-10-14 Thread Andrew Dupont

Weighing in again, decades after starting the thread.

First, I'm fine with calling it Function.IDENTITY instead of Function.K.

On Sep 25, 2009, at 1:26 AM, T.J. Crowder wrote:

 Make sense.  Shouldn't that be Function.empty and Function.k, though,
 to follow our naming rules?  And perhaps Function.k should have a more
 meaningful name.

I'm very much in favor of all-caps, or at least initial caps, to  
indicate that these are constants. We don't do this consistently in  
the framework so far, but I'd like it to match stuff like  
Event.KEY_ESC. I think the capitalization will also help distinguish  
it from String#empty and Array#empty, as was mentioned elsewhere.  
(Aside: I'm also in favor of renaming those methods to `isEmpty` for  

What do people think about the capitalization?


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[Prototype-core] Re: Function.EMPTY and Function.K

2009-10-15 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Oct 15, 2009, at 4:22 AM, T.J. Crowder wrote:

 Hey Andrew,

 Aren't all functions constants, in that sense?  Function.EMPTY isn't
 more or less constant than Element.extend.

Function.IDENTITY and Function.EMPTY are never called directly,  
though. They're canonical functions.

Meh, if I'm the only one who thinks of them that way, I'll shut up.  
But I want to hear from more people.


 -- T.J. ;-)

 On Oct 15, 1:08 am, Andrew Dupont goo...@andrewdupont.net wrote:
 Weighing in again, decades after starting the thread.

 First, I'm fine with calling it Function.IDENTITY instead of  

 On Sep 25, 2009, at 1:26 AM, T.J. Crowder wrote:

 Make sense.  Shouldn't that be Function.empty and Function.k,  
 to follow our naming rules?  And perhaps Function.k should have a  
 meaningful name.

 I'm very much in favor of all-caps, or at least initial caps, to
 indicate that these are constants. We don't do this consistently in
 the framework so far, but I'd like it to match stuff like
 Event.KEY_ESC. I think the capitalization will also help distinguish
 it from String#empty and Array#empty, as was mentioned elsewhere.
 (Aside: I'm also in favor of renaming those methods to `isEmpty` for

 What do people think about the capitalization?


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[Prototype-core] Element.Layout class coming in 1.7. Need feedback!

2009-11-02 Thread Andrew Dupont

Yes, the Element.Layout class is imminent. In fact, it's already here.
Take a look:


I've posted layout code before; this is the same code with a couple
more refinement passes. You can read the included PDoc comments to get
an idea of how it works. You can inspect it more closely by grabbing
the layout branch in the GitHub repository.

I've tested in Firefox 3.5, Safari 4, and IE 6-8. All the unit tests
pass. But the unit tests are incomplete. So I need a little help.

Can you guys let me know of any specific layout/measurement quirks
you've encountered? Anything that's a bit obscure? Anything which
Prototype 1.6 doesn't measure properly (with Element#getStyle and

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[Prototype-core] Re: Element.classNames()

2009-11-03 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Nov 3, 2009, at 3:54 AM, Richard Quadling wrote:
 According to [1], you will get a string back, not an array of strings.

Nope — that's the notation for returning an array of strings.

 Can you supply an example page?

I second this request.

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Re: [Prototype-core] Ajax.Request Interface

2009-12-11 Thread Andrew Dupont
Thanks, Joran. We have plans to start from scratch with Ajax in  
Prototype 2.0; I think our ideas are mostly along the same lines as  

I also want to fix some of the annoyances of the current API,  
hopefully for 1.7.


On Dec 11, 2009, at 7:07 AM, Joran Greef wrote:


 The interface of the Ajax.Request object has a few problems:

 1. Too many implicit defaults (Accept, Content-Type, charset etc).
 2. Does not model the interface of HTTP.
 3. 'requestHeaders' are provided as an option, 'encoding' as an
 option, 'contentType' as an option, when 'encoding' should be
 specified as 'charset' as part of the 'Content-Type' header which
 should be a subset of 'requestHeaders'.
 4. If the request headers are provided as 'requestHeaders' then the
 request body needs to be provided as 'requestBody' not as 'postBody'.
 REST concepts such as method, uri, headers, parameters, representation
 should not be fused (e.g. 'XMLHttpRequest' which fuses the content
 type and the protocol, or 'postBody' which fuses the method and the
 5. 'requestHeaders' smells.
 6. For method overriding, the 'X-Http-Method-Override' header would be
 better than the '_method' parameter.
 7. It's not memorable. One has to keep looking up the Ajax options in
 the documentation (and where things get implicit, in the

 Here's a better (and more memorable) interface:

 Http.get/set/unset(uri, options) where 'options' has the following
 properties: 'headers', 'parameters', 'representation', onSuccess,
 'onTimeout', 'onFailure', and where the response object passed to the
 callbacks has the following properties: 'status', 'headers',

 Http.delete can't be used as 'delete' is a reserved word. Http.set
 does a POST with the 'X-Http-Method-Override' header set to 'PUT' so
 as to be idempotent where the server supports PUT. Http.unset does a
 POST with the 'X-Http-Method-Override' header set to 'DELETE'.

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[Prototype-core] Re: getters/setters and patches

2010-02-17 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Feb 8, 12:22 pm, Clint Priest cpri...@warpmail.net wrote:
 I've been playing with getters and setters lately, namely the get
 XXX() { } and set XXX(value) { } format and I've noticed that
 prototype 1.6.1 doesn't play well with them.

What doesn't work, specifically? I have a couple ideas, but haven't

 I'd be happy to write a patch for it, don't want to duplicate effort.
 Also based on the contribute page of prototypejs.org it mentions
 git://github.com/sstephenson/prototype.git but that doesn't look like
 its had any development there.

How do you mean? It's an active repo.

 What can I do to pitch in and help?  I have some other .wrap()
 functionality I've written to add features to prototype that would be
 useful to patch in possibly.

Patches are always accepted. Submit enhancements to our Lighthouse
tracker (https://prototype.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8886-prototype/


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Re: [Prototype-core] Any intention of providing a function.throttle?

2010-04-23 Thread Andrew Dupont
I like this. I don't particularly care what we call it.

Too late for 1.7, naturally, but perhaps 1.7.1 or 1.8...


On Apr 23, 2010, at 10:15 AM, Mislav Marohnić wrote:

 On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 15:00, Titi Alailima tigreti...@gmail.com wrote:
 debounce is a technical term, and it refers to the very case that you are 
 trying to handle.
 Thanks, Titi, for the insightful explanation.
 Here is how I would implement a real throttle method:
   Function.prototype.throttle = function(t) {
 var timeout, scope, args, fn = this, tick = function() {
   fn.apply(scope, args)
   timeout = null
 return function() {
   scope = this
   args = arguments
   if (!timeout) timeout = setTimeout(tick, t)
 It's really just a twist on the original method in a way that it fires every 
 `t` milliseconds, and calls in-between do nothing except update the scope and 
 arguments. If the first argument is an event object, you definitely want the 
 last event object of the series rather than the first one.
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Re: [Prototype-core] Wish for Prototype 1.7 final: document.on(submit)

2010-04-23 Thread Andrew Dupont
I think jQuery figured out a solution for this — care to do some research, 


On Apr 23, 2010, at 12:45 PM, Mislav Marohnić wrote:

 The submit event doesn't bubble up in Internet Explorer after it originates 
 in a form. That makes it impossible to catch with event delegation:
   document.on(submit, function(e) { ... })
 Kangax wrote about a way we can detect even support without browser sniffing: 
 We have good custom events support, so we should be able to emulate submit 
 event bubbling in IE. There are a couple of approaches:
 1) Stick a real submit handler directly on each form and make it fire a 
 custom submit event on the form's parent:
 $$('form').invoke('observe', 'submit', ...)
 Pros: easy.
 Cons: doesn't work with dynamically created (or inserted) forms, making this 
 solution too brittle.
 2) Forms can be submitted in two ways: clicking/tapping one of the submit 
 buttons, or pressing Enter. Both of these events bubble, so we can detect 
 where the submit originated from and fire a custom event from there.
 Pros: works with dynamically created forms.
 Cons: potentially complex solution. Unnecessary observing of all clicks and 
 keypresses on the page?
 3) Observe when a form element gains focus with focusin event, then stick a 
 real submit handler to it which in turn fires the custom event.
 Pros: less complex than click/keypress.
 Cons: not sure if it's possible to submit a form without triggering a 
 focusin event first, but if it is then this solution is brittle.
 I'll do more testing later. But right now, what are your opinions? Do you 
 have any other ideas how we could hook into forms on the page and trigger 
 custom submit events?
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Re: [Prototype-core] measure surrounding size

2010-05-10 Thread Andrew Dupont
Tom, the margin-height key does the same thing.


On May 9, 2010, at 8:02 AM, Tom Nijns wrote:

 I love the new measure and layout features but like to see something
 When creating userinterfaces, I regulary need to know the surrounding
 height or width of an element in order to resize it correctly. Now I
 use my own function that aggregates padding, border and margin.
 Perhaps $(elm).measure('surrounding-height') could do the same.
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[Prototype-core] Re: CSS object standardisation.

2010-07-06 Thread Andrew Dupont
I can't say that we're considering adding this into core, but seems
like it would be an excellent plugin. I know I'd use it.


On Jul 6, 12:38 pm, John W. Long m...@johnwlong.com wrote:
 Yes please. Better support for CSS rules would be awesome.


 On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 6:23 AM, Richard Quadling rquadl...@gmail.com wrote:

  I use Prototype a lot and the one thing I find most useful is the
  level playing field it provides me.

  Prototype covers AJAX and HTML Elements very well in this regard.

  Are there any plans to do the same with CSS?

  Specifically in using JS to add/remove/alter CSS rules.

  Code likehttp://www.hunlock.com/blogs/Totally_Pwn_CSS_with_Javascript
  suggests that this code be a pretty simple task.



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Re: [Prototype-core] Re: Suggested alteration to PrototypeJS' Object.keys implementation.

2010-10-20 Thread Andrew Dupont
Well, this is the entire change; only unit tests are missing, and I think we 
can add those ourselves if need be. Thanks, Andy!

I think this is small enough that it can still make it into 1.7 (which we're 
days away from releasing), but others may disagree.


On Oct 20, 2010, at 4:05 PM, Tobie Langel wrote:

 Patch welcomed.
 On Oct 14, 10:45 pm, Andy E andyearns...@gmail.com wrote:
 I recently discovered that several compatibility implementations of
 Object.keys() on the web will throw an error for DOM objects in
 Internet Explorer 8 and lower.  This differs from the current browsers
 having a native implementation and how the ECMAScript 5th edition
 defines the behaviour of Object.keys.
 The problem lies with the hasOwnProperty() check, which is not a valid
 method on Internet Explorer DOM objects because they aren't instances
 of Object.  The fix is very simple; borrow  hasOwnProperty() from
 Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty() instead.  The fixed PrototypeJS
 implementation would be:
   function keys(object) {
 if (Type(object) !== OBJECT_TYPE) { throw new TypeError(); }
 var results = [];
 for (var property in object) {
   if (object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property)) {
 return results;
 I've outlined the issue in more detail on my 
 Andy E
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Re: [Prototype-core] Re: Suggested alteration to PrototypeJS' Object.keys implementation.

2010-10-22 Thread Andrew Dupont
This is great stuff. Due to its breadth, however, it will have to wait until, for which we've got a bunch of other ES5-compatibility fixes planned. 
If you and kangax think it would be worth getting the initially-proposed fix 
into 1.7, then I'll try my best to do so.


On Oct 22, 2010, at 5:41 AM, Andy E wrote:

 That's great work.  I've found myself on your blog a few times in the
 last few weeks, but I hadn't seen this.  I hope you don't mind, I used
 it to update the example on my blog to:
 (function () {
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
hasDontEnumBug = true,
DontEnums = [
DontEnumsLength = DontEnums.length;
for (var k in {toString:null})
hasDontEnumBug = false;
Object.keys = Object.keys || function (o) {
if (typeof o != object  typeof o != function || o ===
throw new TypeError(Object.keys called on a non-object);
var result = [];
for (var name in o) {
if (hasOwnProperty.call(o, name))
if (hasDontEnumBug) {
for (var i = 0; i  DontEnumsLength; i--) {
if (hasOwnProperty.call(o, DontEnums[i]))
return result;
 You may notice that I sacrificed one of your optimizations for
 brevity, I'm not sure the benefits would be noticeable in every day
 use.  A library like Prototype may benefit from such an optimization,
 by the way, I noticed that your implementation will have problems when
 walking the DontEnum properties in Internet Explorer - it looks like
 you copied and pasted the line of code from the for...in loop to your
 for loop but forgot to change the variable that was passed in to the
 iterator function.
iterator.call(context || iterator, prop, object[prop]); //
 References to `prop` should be `DontEnumProperties[i]`
 Or store DontEnumProperties[i] in a variable for a small optimization.
 On Oct 21, 9:48 pm, kangax kan...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Oct 21, 12:11 pm, Andy E andyearns...@gmail.com wrote:
 kangax: I was thinking the same earlier (about caching the
 hasOwnProperty), when I realized that my method incorrectly doesn't
 allow functions to be passed (not sure about Prototype's original
 one).  I've updated the function on my blog to:
 Object.keys = Object.keys || function (o) {
 if (typeof o != object  typeof o != function || o === null)
 throw new TypeError(Object.keys called on a non-object);
 var result = [], hop = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
 That's better, but nothing is stopping from taking it a step further,
 aliasing `hasOwnProperty` outside of the method.
 for (var name in o) {
 if (hop.call(o, name))
 return result;
 Regarding the DontEnum bug, you could work around that by checking
 them explicitly hasOwnProperty outside of the for...in loop.
 Exactly ;)
 See for example `Object.forIn()` that I experimented with a couple of
 years ago (wow, how time flies...) 
 Looking at the code now, I would simplify it slightly, but the idea
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Re: [Prototype-core] IE8: Out of stackspace error

2011-02-15 Thread Andrew Dupont
It doesn't sound like it's a JSON issue.

Can you set a breakpoint on the first line of _destroyCache and see what path 
it's taking through the code? That function shouldn't get anywhere near the 
call stack limit, so I suspect there's accidental infinite recursion happening 


On Feb 14, 2011, at 10:22 AM, Johan Arensman wrote:

 Hey all,
 I've updated the prototype version in my application from to 1.7. 
 Everything works just fine except for the fact that IE8 gives Out of 
 stackspace errors.
 The app dynamically loads several html pages / javascript files when you open 
 different 'modules'. After the 1.7 update this still works fine, no errors 
 but when I click a link to move to another page (so actually reload my page, 
 no ajax call) I get the Out of stackspace error.
 After some Googeling i found:
 with the same error but here it's caused by the JSON parser. I haven't used 
 the JSON object at all, and the pages that are loaded don't use any JSON 
 I've mailed with Tobie Langel to ask what the fix was for the JSON parser, 
 but he replied:
 Oh, sorry, looked at the bug report again.
 No, your issue wasn't fixed and the only way I can imagine having it
 fixed is to either stop using Prototype or not use native JSON in IE8.
 When I press debug, and take a look at the stacktrace I see that the 
 _destroyCache method is called and the out of stackspace error occurs when 
 stopObserving is called on the registry.
 Is this the cleanup routine from Prototype on unload?
 I'm totally lost on how to handle this and I really don't want to revert to
 Any tips are welcome!
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Re: [Prototype-core] JSON encoding inconsistencies with host objects

2011-03-05 Thread Andrew Dupont

On Mar 3, 2011, at 2:40 AM, andris wrote:
 The question is, should Prototype address it or is it a developers
 problem? Isn't the work of a JS library to smooth out these kind of
 inconsistencies - for example either falling back to a non native
 encoder with WebKit or forcing other browser to follow the same rules?

Falling back to a non-native encoder isn't an option; it would result in a 
_massive_ performance drop, an issue far more severe than the one you're 

Forcing other browsers to follow the same rules isn't an option; not only would 
it require us to do non-native JSON encoding for certain code paths, it would 
also require us to comb an object for any references to host objects to know 
whether or not we'd need to bypass the native encoder.

So it's got to be the developer's problem because there's nothing Prototype can 
do, even if we wanted to.


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Re: [Prototype-core] Playing with Google's Closure Compiler and got a message for Prototype

2011-05-17 Thread Andrew Dupont
I had to look it up, because that's part of Sizzle [1], but accessing that 
property does have a side effect, apparently. It makes the `selected` property 
work correctly when something is selected by default.

That strikes me as a spurious thing for GCC to warn about — you wouldn't 
typically expect property access to have side effects, but with getters/setters 
now in JavaScript, it'll become more and more common.


[1] https://github.com/jquery/sizzle/blob/master/sizzle.js#L598

On May 17, 2011, at 11:24 AM, Richard Quadling wrote:

 Using Google Maps API with Prototype. Playing putting it into Google
 Closure Compiler.
 Got a message  ...
 Number of warnings: 1
 JSC_USELESS_CODE: Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is
 there a bug? at line 4437 character 3 in prototype.js
 which is ...
   filters: {
   enabled: function(elem){
   return elem.disabled === false  elem.type !== 
   disabled: function(elem){
   return elem.disabled === true;
   checked: function(elem){
   return elem.checked === true;
   selected: function(elem){
   elem.parentNode.selectedIndex; //  line 4437
   return elem.selected === true;
   parent: function(elem){
   return !!elem.firstChild;
   empty: function(elem){
   return !elem.firstChild;
 It looks like they are right? From what I know, that statement isn't
 going to do anything.
 To see this in action...
 Go to http://closure-compiler.appspot.com/home and enter ...
 // ==ClosureCompiler==
 // @compilation_level SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS
 // @output_file_name default.js
 // @code_url 
 // @code_url 
 // ==/ClosureCompiler==
 as the code to optimize.
 Choose Simple from the list of optimizations.
 Click Compile and then look at the warnings tab on the right hand side.
 Richard Quadling
 Twitter : EE : Zend
 @RQuadling : e-e.com/M_248814.html : bit.ly/9O8vFY
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Re: [Prototype-core] Playing with Google's Closure Compiler and got a message for Prototype

2011-05-18 Thread Andrew Dupont

On May 18, 2011, at 3:22 AM, Richard Quadling wrote:

 OOI, the Sizzle code wraps the access in a condition. Should this be
 ported to Prototype?

We'll update to the latest version of Sizzle when we release

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