[videoblogging] Re: VideoBlogging Universe.

2005-07-15 Thread David Meade

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], ro9core [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The idiot who runs the site put up a note at the top of the page and
 also shows what feeds are being checked:

What do we have to do to make that list? :-)



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[videoblogging] Re: new videoblogging page

2005-07-15 Thread David Meade

 I finally decided, no. I'll blog about my videos as part of my regular
 weblog. And I'll create a page to showcase them. 

Nice Site! 

I've done something similar in that my video blogs are within my main
blog as well; but I implimented a TAG system and I tag any video blog
entries with [Video Blog] (and anything else relevent).

Then I can call up my archive page for my blog or for just Video Blogs.

for example:


(if you tack on feed=RSS2.0 to either of those you get the
appropriate RSS feed)

I also call out just my Audio blogs in this way.

In general I like this method (including video blogs in the main blog
- but having a method to filter the view) ... the only problem is I
get conflicted as to which feed to give people, my whole blog or just
my video blogs.

(if you check my site please forgive any formatting errors, I'm in the
middle of a rebuild)

- Dave



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[videoblogging] Re: rel=payment or 'Donate Link and vlogging'

2005-07-18 Thread David Meade

Yeah those encrypted paypal buttons use a little mini form with
'hidden' fields.

You probably wont be able to piece it together into one link because
it would become an HTTP_GET instead of a HTTP_POST as the form expects
(and I'm betting paypal checks for that).

What I would do, if I were you, is create a small page on your site
that thanks the viewer for clicking the pay-me button and has that
button to paypal .. then use rel=payment to point to that new page.

- Dave

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Jan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a question about this tag for you fine developers: my paypal
 is encrypted and doesn't appear to have a URL in the traditional
sense of 
 the word. Could be that I'm just too exhausted to see it. Do I need to 
 un-encrypt in order to use Paypal with rel=payment?
 See the bottom of the page at http://fauxpress.blogspot.com
 It isn't done alone.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Joshua Kinberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: videoblogging@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2005 9:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [videoblogging] rel=payment or 'Donate Link and vlogging'
 A couple things about rel=payment
  The payment URL can be *anything*.
  It could link to a Cafe Press store, your paypal page, an HTML page
  with your address so people can mail you a check, a page that links to
  books or DVDs through an Amazon Affilliate program, a URL formatted
  with a GET query so you can track the click through and record which
  blog entries bring in the cash, a link to a page where you can donate
  to a particular cause, campaign, or charity.
  This is entirely up to the author. It is completely open and flexible.
  And its fucking simple.
  Also note that rel=payment does not entail any restrictions on
  access to content. You can't use rel=payment to force someone to pay
  you first before being able to download something. rel=payment is an
  after the fact payment -- it is an optional transaction between viewer
  and creator.
  Some people would be happy to pay for content they enjoy or wish to
  support. Why not make it possible for them to do so?
  I think this is a good step for videoblogs, podcasts, and blogs in
  general, and would pave the way for a much needed XML namespace
  extension for RSS. Plus, if users are already adding rel=payment it
  will be dirt simple for blog software developers to implement this XML
  namespace as a plugin once that spec is fleshed out and agreed upon by
  the community at large.
  On 7/17/05, David Meade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I was just thinking about the rel=payment thing. I know some people
  are seeing this as a scary move toward sponsor inspired content,
and I
  understand that. However I wanted to share with you another possible
  idea ... I think this rel=payment would give us a change to really
  work as a group toward a goal in a way we just can't now except in
  moral support.
  bI think this has some serious power however to help us as vloggers
  start to do things we always talk about ... changing things!/b It
  would be great for a series of videos meant to accomplish something.
  Not all of your vids would have to have the same payment page - some
  could be callouts for your viewers to donate to some cause.
  For example suppose all the vloggers had a 'cause week' where we
  picked a cause, had a donation page agreed to, and for a week (or
  month or whatever) made relavent vlogs with rel=payment for the
  That's pretty freakin' cool.
  It also gives us a means to sort of ... campaign. If you are a
  politcal advicate talking about your canidate of choice your
  rel=payment for that video could be to his campaign fund for example.
  This really would give us the ability to leverage our numbers in a
  very real way toward actual real world solutions (which almost always
  require funds :-P )
  Normally, my audience is likely to be my 2 brothers, a few buddies
  from Purdue, and a coworker or two ... and none of them are gonna pay
  me anything :-P ... but I still think this is a really cool idea and
  I'll use it not only for it's fresh new-gizmo smell but also
gladly as
  a group effort draw my (and others) viewers into action.
  - Dave
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[videoblogging] Re: Vloggercon II

2005-07-20 Thread David Meade

There were talks once of having talks about talking about maybe having
it elsewhere ..

We could do it somewhere warmer ... or just 'new'. 

/ducks for cover

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Markus Sandy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i feel differently
 first, its' kinda short notice for this change
 lots of other events already planned for the fall (Burning Man, Podcast 
 Hotel, Web 2.0, Webzine 2005, MusicFest NW, etc)
 it would be hard not to overlap
 i agree that winter is a bear, but I don't follow the logic of your 
 other two points
 i think we should hold more meetthevlogger type events and try and get 
 even more people vlogging in time for vloggercon 2006
 andrew michael baron wrote:
 Speaking of conferences, this is not a whimsical thought - been 
 thinkin about it for awhile:
 I propose we move vloggercon up to this fall.
 The age old standard of annual conferences may work in some 
 industries, but this is moving too fast.
 Also, winter is not an optimum time to get to or be in NYC.
 We can handle it easily, time wise because we have such a larger 
 group now.
 Yahoo! Groups Links
 My name is Markus Sandy and I am app.etitio.us



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[videoblogging] Re: Vloggercon II

2005-07-20 Thread David Meade

 I don't really care where we have it honestly, 
 but don't fault the New Yorkers for the fact that there's a 
 lot of vloggers there and they're organized.

I'm not faulting anyone for anything and certianly not for having
numbers (I did after all say That being said I do recognize that
there are ALOT of vloggers out there - and it's fair to consider that,
I think.).

But 'planning' can be done remotely ... and should take into
consideration the masses who are traveling to attend. NYC isn't
inherently cheaper (in some cases its more expensive) ... and so other
places should be considered. 

 The other intrinsic advantage of NY
 (Chicago would probably fit here as well) is 
 that it's relatively easy to get around the city w/o renting a car, 
 which significantly lowers the cost and hassle of a trip. The West 
 Coast doesn't have that distinction unfortunately.

Yes, this is a valid 'pro' to put in the NYC column. (Chicago, as you
suspect, would also get this 'Pro' ... I've lived here - right
downtown - for 6 years and have yet to own a car. Public tranist here
is quite good.)

- Dave



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[videoblogging] Re: What a Concept!

2005-07-20 Thread David Meade

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Michael Sullivan
 How about we cut down on some of the needless noise here? 

amen. ALOT of this stuff lately is email material not mailing list

If it's not really for the group, take it offline people. My inbox
can only do so much. :P

Even alot of the stuff meant for the group ... is ... noise. I fear
for those looking for real info (newbies and what not)





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[videoblogging] Re: Vlogger += 1, my introduction

2005-07-21 Thread David Meade

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Chris Nolan.ca
 I thought I'd post a short little introduction. I am Chris
 Nolan.ca, and my site is http://ChrisNolan.ca/ - easy eh? 
 Since my website is home grown (I do all the coding
 myself) it has taken me a little while to get around to updating the
 system to handle enclosures but yesterday I finally did

Welcome Chris! Nice site you have there! My stuff is largely custom
built too so I can relate. 

 I hope this post hasn't been too much self promotion? I look
 forward to learning from all of you and being able to contribute to
 the group as well.

Nah, we like hearing about the new vloggers out there. :-)

I really liked the TFC posts, that's exciting. I havent had time to
read them fully yet, but I'll be catching up on them soon. (Is the
final product there?) Oh, and, your glowing eyes post is freaky/cool!
(yeah you should post the lightsaber ones :-))

Anyway - nice site / welcome.

- Dave





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[videoblogging] Re: New member Intro..

2005-07-22 Thread David Meade

Welcome Anshelto.

 This means anyone can make a video, publish it online, and share 
 their voice or story with billions of people! 
 Okay, you know all of this stuff already, but I just wanted you to 
 know that I get it too! 

Yup, it's pretty exciting when you stop and think about all the
potential out there.


That's pretty cool. Wont be long before all sorts of places are
asking for video submission like that. 

Rupert posted a cool link to channel 4
(http://www.channel4.com/fourdocs/) that you may be interested in
looking at. They are taking lil' documentaries from people - another
very cool site.

 and hoping to join a start up or even start my own company in
 this space. The more I know, the better I will be at evaluating new

I'd love to do that too. (who wouldn't) Again there is alot of
potential out there. 

Welcome aboard - and start vlogging! :-P

- Dave



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[videoblogging] Re: A content challenge to other vloggers

2005-07-22 Thread David Meade

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Chris Nolan.ca
 I just posted an entry entitled 'What happens in your neighbourhood at
 2 in the morning' ( http://chrisnolan.ca/archive/ID/525 ). I put out
 the challenge to others to show me what your neighbourhoods are like
 at that time of the day. 

Oooh this will be fun. I'll do it!

- Dave



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[videoblogging] Re: Mobile vlogging!

2005-07-25 Thread David Meade

 I haven't been able to get 3GP movies to slide in 
 easily alongside my

 But before settling on TA, I was wondering if other providers
 have leapfrogged them just yet.

I don't know of any services so I cant really answer your question,
but I've been thinking about this alot too lately, so please forgive
me as I ramble about it a bit:

For those with their own website (as opposed to just a blogger
account) ... hosting solutions that use cpanel (and probably most
others) let you set up an email address that will redirect to a perl
script, or even a php script.

There are some good examples in either language available out there on
how to parse the email and save off attachments ... but I'm not sure
I'm smart enough to tweak them out as needed (and my phone's video
service is extremely limited anyhow so I haven't bothered to try). 

 What would be awesome would be if some of the brilliant people out
there could make such a script that anybody could use on their site
(adjusting a few key setup variables). The email parser script could
 include a 'switch case' to decide how to do the actual update to the
 The individual vlogger would have to set a variable to indicate which
type of blog they use. The script could then have a sort of plug-in
ability for the various blog systems out there. One option for
blogger XLM-RPC, one for Wordpress, and one which just parses out the
data from the email and makes it available for home-grown-apps to
create their own plug-in to do the actual updating of the blog.

 If I ever get a decent video-messaging service I may revisit the code
myself ... but I make no claims of smartness.

- Dave



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[videoblogging] Re: Hello World!

2005-07-26 Thread David Meade

Welcome Sheldon!

Nice looking site. I havent had a chance to view your vids yet but I
will this week - I like geoCaching too, so I'm looking forward to
seeing those vlogs. :-)

Welcome to the group!
- Dave

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Sheldon Pineo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi! My name is Sheldon Pineo and I'm from the Great White North of
 Canada. I'm just starting to videoblog, and I'm loving every minute

 My latest topic is geocaching. I produce a video magazine called
 Icenrye's Geocaching Videozine. So far there has been 4 episodes
 and viewership is growing.

 So, where am I? My home page is http://www.icenrye.com This has
 links to my older stuff. My blog site is





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[videoblogging] Re: To buy Quicktime Pro or Not buy Quicktime Pro

2005-07-27 Thread David Meade

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, R. Kristiansen
 I agree, there are no timelines, no transitions, or titling tools in
 QT Pro. And still, I have managed to vlog for 7 months using QT pro
 99% of the time. So clearly, it IS possible to vlog with QT pro. 

 With time, I will make a bunch of screencasts documenting how I at
 least use QT pro. That's a project i've procrastinated for 6 months,

Oh man I would love to see those screencasts Raymond. I've thought
about QuickTime Pro a few times, but have never REALLY understood what
it was that I was buying! :-P 

Forgive me my ignorance, I'm a windows user who wanted to produce QT
movies ... and apple.com says QT Pro will do it ... so I've considered it.

But then everyone says it has no timeline, no titling, no transitions
... etc ... I'm just having a real hard time imagining how it manages
to do thoe 'other cool stuff' it can do ... whatever that is.

I haven't found any real good info online about it either ... maybe I
just am not getting it because I'm used to timeline / windows
environment - but if somone could vlog a) what QT Pro can do for you
as oppossed to say ulead's 'video studio 9' (which can save .mov
files) and b) how QT actually does what it does (the interface I
mean), I would be veary eager to see that vlog.

I need to get a new editor ... and I've wasted too much money now on
products that look better on the shelf than on the hard drive.

- Dave



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[videoblogging] [Hosting] Dymond Hosting

2005-07-27 Thread David Meade

Anyone know anything about Dymond Hosting (http://dymondhost.com/)
they have a hosting plan that is 300GB of bandwidth  5GB space for
$7.77/month which seems to beat most of the ones I've seen. 

I'm looking for a place to put just the videos/mp3s for my blog
entries (but not my actual website), so I'm not really concerned
about things like php/mysql/perl/applications/yadayada ...

but ... I don't want to shoot myself in the foot with a bad hoster. 

Anyone use them? Anyone know of a plan that beats it in the
bandwidth/price ratio?




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[videoblogging] Re: [RSS] Feed is too long?!

2005-08-01 Thread David Meade

Thanks guys ... I've fixed it. :-)

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Joshua Kinberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 RSS is not an archive format. 
 It is used to provide recent updates to your site.
 This often means that it contains something like 
 the most recent 15-30 entries on your weblog.

 As for the description elements, yes you can include the full text
 of your entries there.

Thanks, Josh. I knew it wasn't meant to archive ... I just ... failed
to make is something other than that :-P

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Clint Sharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Wow, dude. That feed is fucking huge. 
 I think you've missed the entire point of RSS.

So I've heard. :-P No, I haven't missed the entire point - my goal
was to allow for subscriptions ... I just implimented it poorly. 

 Have you used an RSS Aggregator? Check out Bloglines 

Yeah, I have and my feeds have always worked in them. My feed
validated ... I just failed to realize it wasnt required to provide a
fuller listing.

 RSS is a mechanism of distributing information about new updates to
a site (with the number of posts arbitrarily picked by the publisher, 

Sweet. The last part there was the part I was missing. I just
followed the structure as defined on the web how-to I had when
building my feed. Unfortunately it didnt say typically you should
limit the feed to 10-20 posts ... and so I didnt. :-P

 I limit mine to the last 20 posts, including 
 full text of the postings in the content:encoded tag.

Excellent thanks!



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[videoblogging] Re: help inserting windows media player onto blog site?

2005-08-01 Thread David Meade

Hi millie -

At your OurMedia page, you'll see a line of text just beneath your
media file that says This media file's URL: Link

The word 'Link' is a link directly to the media file.

Link to that address rather than the ourmedia page.

- Dave

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 make it so that when you click on the video it'll pop
 the window media player instead of going to the ourmedia website. 





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[videoblogging] Re: videoblogger presentations at apple stores - a short video conference

2005-08-04 Thread David Meade

A Chicago event is in the works so I'd love to join this, but I wont
be able to make that time sadly as it's during business hours.

- Dave

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Markus Sandy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There have been some great responses to the recent NYC and SF Meet the 
 Vloggers events.
 * Here is a post on the socialsoftwareblog:
 * NPR covered the event and recently interviewed Jay and Ryanne,
 Schlomo, Rene and others
 * An attendee has started vlogging: http://cirne.blogspot.com/
 (welcome Enric!)
 * An iLife marketing manager from Apple came to the SF presentation
 and spoke with Michael Verdi. Michael has sent a follow up email
 and received a reply indicating the presentation was terrific
 and that they are already exploring how this might be expanded
 to more stores.
 As several people are interested in these presentations, I have setup a 
 video conference to discuss this.
 I have reserved a room from 1pm-2pm PST = 4pm-5pm EDT today
 The agenda is to discuss how we might best coordinate apple store 
 presentations and interact with Apple.
 I hope Michael Verdi and Steve Garfield can attend as they have been 
 instrumental in setting up these events and have spoke with people from 
 I am cross-posting this to both the meetthevloggers and
videoblogging groups
 I realize this is somewhat short notice, but things are happening fast 
 these days as several folks have pointed out before.
 My name is Markus Sandy and I am app.etitio.us
 aim/ichat: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 skype: msandy



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[videoblogging] Re: It's Happening

2005-08-05 Thread David Meade

Actually these guys are how I discovered vlogging like a year ago -
maybe even more, I'm not sure. (Though I didnt start vlogging myself
back then).

They run http://www.vlog.com and I loved that site.

I purchased the software even (though I dont use it :-P). Sometime
after I found them but before I started vlogging ... I found all of
you. :-) And I'm thankful for that. :-P

Someday I will use the green screen that their software came with
however :-)

- Dave

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Jan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



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[videoblogging] Re: It's Happening

2005-08-05 Thread David Meade

It's a synthetic fabic ... I haven't actually tried using it yet (hehe).

It's all folded up and I havent messed with it really so I'm going off
of memory here, but as I recall: It's a little heavier than a bed
sheet and I don't really what it's made of but if feels very syntehic.

- Dave

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Jan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey, David,
 What was the greenscreen that came with their software - was it a
 / brick-and-mortar greenscreen / piece of fabric or what?
 It isn't done alone. Pay more.
 - Original Message - 
 From: David Meade [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: videoblogging@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 11:38 AM
 Subject: [videoblogging] Re: It's Happening
  Actually these guys are how I discovered vlogging like a year ago -
  maybe even more, I'm not sure. (Though I didnt start vlogging myself
  back then).
  They run http://www.vlog.com and I loved that site.
  I purchased the software even (though I dont use it :-P). Sometime
  after I found them but before I started vlogging ... I found all of
  you. :-) And I'm thankful for that. :-P
  Someday I will use the green screen that their software came with
  however :-)
  - Dave
  --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Jan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
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[videoblogging] Re: Bloggertwins

2005-08-05 Thread David Meade

Bah! Me and my twin are always saying we should do that show! 

Man I'm always lagging behind. :-P

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Pete Prodoehl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While it's not exactly a videoblog, check out what Cameron and Damien 
 Barrett (long time  influential bloggers) are up to at:
 They made a web site and video explaining why they want to be on The 
 Amazing Race. Hopefully the power of video can help them out here...
 videoblog for the future...



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[videoblogging] Re: I'm off to Germany!

2005-08-09 Thread David Meade

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Khoo, Joan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Its among thingy-er = many

I've always found that to be the case ...

pretty sure its am on thing er many though. Lord only knows how
many times I've been on a thing only to then realise it was in fact
... many things.

- Dave



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[videoblogging] Re: YouTube terms

2005-08-09 Thread David Meade

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Michael Verdi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But why would you live with giving away those rights to YouTube when 
 you can just upload via Ourmeida or Blip and just have them respect 
 the CC license?

well, ** I ** wouldn't - thus my concerns which started this thread
... but I can imagine some who would be fine with that ... /shrug

In the end, it will come down to what sort of value-add services
YouTube manages to bring that the cc-respecting solutions do not or
can not ... which I'm guessing wont be much - but who knows.



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[videoblogging] Re: MSM Dialogue

2005-08-09 Thread David Meade

A friend of mine had an interesting take on what will be the nail in
MSM's coffin ...


just thought I'd share. :-)

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Beth Agnew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Many of us vlog because we believe the medium to be a tool for change. 

 The historical precedent is strong. One voice, with the means of 
 production, and even limited distribution, can influence many. I 





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[videoblogging] Re: YouTube Concerns

2005-08-11 Thread David Meade

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 the third (!!) is a HTML snippet that allows you to 
 embed the video player on your website/blog 

Coolness. I just tested it out with some random vid and it worked
nicely. Looks very slick too.

 we have just changed the licensing agreement tonight so the
 user owns the rights to their videos.

(I'm not a lawyer) ... I didn't see any explicit 'you retain rights'
type thing, but I didn't see anything giving them away either - which
I believe means I get to keep them :-)

All in all the new terms wouldn't scare me away. :-)

- Dave





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[videoblogging] Re: Movie working or not?

2005-08-11 Thread David Meade

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, DrLinton Hutchinson
 On my site, Does the Howie mov load or not when you click on it - 
 Thanks in advance

Yup, it played ok for me.

- Dave



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[videoblogging] Re: It's Happening

2005-08-11 Thread David Meade

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, isteiner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi David (and all),
 I'm curious why you bought SeriousMagic but never used it,...Thanks.

Actually its pretty much because I fell into this yahoo! crowd before
I started vlogging - and my concept of what a vlog was changed from
the desk-bound style of vlog.com to the out-in-the-world style that
you see from so many of the vloggers in this group.

SeriousMagic has some pretty cool features (the teleprompter can be
great for lots of situations), and while you can import video from
places other than your desk/webcam ... studio-bound shots is where
SeriousMagic really shines, I think.

I keep telling myself that I should install it and play around with it
some more (I did really like the demo) ... but I like that vlogging is
taking me (and my viewers) out and about - away from my lil' apartment.

Also, I've come to want a more robust time-line orriented editing
environment. SeriousMagic does has some basic
clipping/trimming/importing ability ... but my preference is for a
timeline view.

- Dave



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[videoblogging] Re: Newbie

2005-08-14 Thread David Meade

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, duncan speakman
 i've been trying to get my 'alt' tags to be larger and 
 in a different colour for ages 

Are you talking about the alt attribute you have within Image tags and
the like, or have you asigned a CSS class called 'alt' ?



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[videoblogging] Re: Jason's Vlog

2005-08-14 Thread David Meade

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Joshua Kinberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 your stuff plays fine in FireANT.

I cant see these videos at all. Not on the webpage or in FireAnt. 
I'm gussing he's using a codec that the windows version of QT doesn't
have yet.

I'm gonna try to install QT7 beta and try again ... but I'm told
people who have paid for QT6 in windows will be unlikely to do this as
the QT7 beta will break a paid up QT6 install?

... I haven't paid for QT so I guess I can risk it.

... sigh ... I'm so gonna go buy a Mac today. :-P

- Dave



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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Serious Magic and Vlogit!

2005-09-26 Thread David Meade

You can view wmvs on mac (although some have told me that the wmv player for Mac is crap).

WMVs are not bad, it's just that the platform tries very hard to keep the user out of the guts of the video ... You can however, for example, download the WM Encoder tool and play around with the compression settings and even add scripting to open up certain urls at certain points in the video ... but nobody does this and those of us who have tried eventually end up shouting out some string of curses at Microsoft and giving up.

All that being said ... as a windows user I've had some really ugly experiences with quicktime too. It's basically arguing religion and people get all worked up over some ability that the other format probably can do (even if it normally / easily doesn't) or issue that each probaly has (provided you are usingthe right... or wrong ...OS).

I publish WMVs at the moment (and make no claim of them being high quality or low file size). I've thought of publishing MOVs as well ... but with all my codecs installed and following all the instructions we've seen in this thread ... half the time my MOVs just flat out fail to export correctly and the other half the file size is no smaller than WMVs. (Note: I'm not saying QT can't do it better, I'm saying me as a fairly savy windows user can't seem tomake it do so). 

Eventually I'm gonna try again and find out what I did wrong, but if I ever do publish MOVs it will likely be along side WMVs as well.
On 9/26/05, BevSykes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm not exactly sure how WMV is the least friendly format in terms of sharing and colloboration.

It IS correct, though, isn't it, that if you have a Mac you can't view wmv files? Or is that not true?



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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Comment Response

2005-10-05 Thread David Meade

Many do. My system only sends the A new reply has been posted message to people who are registered users. :(

To combat this gap and allow for notifying guest users,I'm going to (hopefully this weekend) start publishing the RSS feed for the comments/replies themselves to any given topic. That way if a 'guest' comments and wants to be sure to be notified of any replies they can drag that feed into thier news reader. 

Yeah it forces the user to get on board with RSS ... but that day is coming with or without any DavidMeade.com initiatives :-P 

On 10/5/05, Anders Clerwall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
It's totally mindboggling that blog systems that allow replies tospecific comments don't do this automatically if you enter a valid 
e-mail address.On 10/4/05, Dooser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: That works. At least I know that if I leave you a comment and you reply, you'll let me know! :) 
 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Susan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Actually, when someone comments in my vlog, I get an email saying the 
  person commented.I then go to my vlog and post a reply to their  question, etc. there.Then I forward the email to them, and I say I  replied!Then the person has an email that says I replied, and the 
  perma-link to the original page is already in the email, since I am  forwarding it to them.






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Re: [videoblogging] videoblogs.com

2005-10-05 Thread David Meade

I don't know much about this site but it looks like it's just loading your page in a lower frame which should still register as the end user in your stats ... 

They are using a redirect in the lower frame, but unless they are doing somehting really funky like being some kind of http proxy (which I doubt) you should still see the stats.

If you can you see individual http-user-agents in your stats look for one with my name in it I sent a custom request to thier redirect page for your vlog- if you see it in your statsthen you should still be getting accurate stats from this site (although the annoyance of having a frame on your site you didnt put there is a whole other issue :-P)

- Dave

On 10/5/05, Josh Leo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 kinda pisses me off because the site wraps my vlog within it's site (and many other people on this list) people still get to see my vlog, but it is through thier page, and it does not register in my statsi like to have accuracy...any other people's thoughts about this?
-- Josh Leojoshleo.com


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Re: [videoblogging] Mid America Meet the Vloggers in Chicago!

2005-10-06 Thread David Meade

Woo Hoo!

My Kind of Town  
On 10/5/05, Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The Meet the Vloggers in Mid America is officially on Place: Chicago Apple Store (North Michigan Avenue)
Date: Saturday, November 19Time: 6:30pmPresenters: Josh Leo, David Meade, Richard Hall, Mason Dixon,  Nick Schmidt... I'm excited!... Richard-- Richard 






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Re: [videoblogging] Independent World Television

2005-10-07 Thread David Meade

Hmm. looks like a pretty cool site, Adam. Are you involved with the IWTproject?

I'm wondering things like will each program have an RSS feed so that I can download them in ant and watch them on my own schedule rather than a set programming schedule and how would each episode be licensed?

For example, the in brief video was really great ...if I wanted toinclude thatvidon my site or in my feed to help spread the word ... well I wouldn't normally want to do that unless it was stated somewhere that that right was granted. Or, once they are fully operational if a 30sec clip from one of their shows inspires me to action ... am I free to use that clip? etc etc

Anyway - looks awesome thanks for the link - will give it more thorough look this weekend.
- Dave

On 10/7/05, Adam Quirk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Americans, please watch this:
http://www.iwtnews.com/videoplayer/laura_flandersMost Americans (not you guys, of course) probably don't realize how much of the news they hear/see/read is dictated by the advertisers.I'm not sure if this applies as much to other countries, where the news channels are publicly owned entities and do not subsist on advertising revenues. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Here's some more links:IWTnews VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS Pamela de Maigret, journalist, film-maker and Republican activist:I think you have to ask the question, do we have free elections in this country? I don't think we do This is one more of those stories that Independent World Television needs to stick with. 
http://www.iwtnews.com/videoplayer/pamela_de_maigret Lewis Lapham, Harper's Editor
:Television media isn't set up to appreciate dissent. It's a consumer product like soap, packaged to sell the most units to the most people. 
http://www.iwtnews.com/videoplayer/lewis_lapham Laura Flanders, Air America Radio:The big issues of our time -- like global warming or peak oil -- are critical stories to the majority of people on the planet. And yet somehow they're not 'media friendly' because they don't have a hook this week, or a drama in Washington taking place around them. 
http://www.iwtnews.com/videoplayer/laura_flanders Juan Gonzalez, Democracy Now! co-host
:I think the creation of independent TV and broadcasting right now is at the heart of preserving democracy throughout the industrialized world. 
http://www.iwtnews.com/videoplayer/juan_gonzalezRobert McChesney, Free Press founder:Independent World Television can be one of the cornerstones of a democratic media system.
http://www.iwtnews.com/videoplayer/robert_w_mcchesney Linda Foley, Newspaper Guild President:There are pressures in the newsrooms to cut back, to cut corners on journalism, both in terms of personnel and in how stories are pursued. 
http://www.iwtnews.com/videoplayer/linda_foley Nicco Mele, EchoDitto CEO and Dean campaign webmaster
:Independent World Television is an exciting way to break out of the way the media conglomerates, intentionally or unintentionally, editorially control content
http://www.iwtnews.com/videoplayer/linda_foley Joanne St. Lewis, University of Ottawa:The television media has to stop simply choosing the same experts -- it's about moving to a broader body politic. 


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Re: [videoblogging] Fwd: [cc-info] CC in Review: Lawrence Lessig on Supporting the Commons

2005-10-07 Thread David Meade

cc anual fall fund raiser ... sounds like a great use for the rel=payment tag! :-)

The fund raiser page seems to be down atm, however.

a href="" href="http://creativecommons.org/support/">http://creativecommons.org/support/ rel=payment title=Support Creative Commons-- 






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Re: [videoblogging] Pete Prodoehl and Josh Kenberg

2005-10-07 Thread David Meade

If you want a web based aggrigator, check out MeFeedia.com. Peter Vandijck's got some good stuff going there.

I do really like that interface of the link you provided, but Ant's
huge value is it's downloading/syncing. Seems to make more sense
to request this sort of feature from MeFeedia which already lives on
the web ... IMHO.
On 10/7/05, aroundtheperimeter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
THIS IS WHAT I'M talking about!Can you make a web based fireant.Iknow you would still have to stream it (which I have no problem with). Look I know I'm ignorant on all the tech stuff, but this is what Imeant by web based fireant! Check out this google link:
http://www.google.com/reader/things/intro\\The fireant would be video instead of videoI just think that a web based site would be more user friendly.As
soon as google went to web based video and got rid of the googleviewer it became very easy to use.Listen I come here to learn andI'm just putting ideas out there.I love what you guys are doing!Have a great day.
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Re: [videoblogging] Go put Rocketboom in the new google reader

2005-10-07 Thread David Meade

I put my feed into it and it was very nice indeed. It even recognized my enclosure tags.

my feed:
On 10/7/05, aroundtheperimeter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I did a search on rocketboom and just text came up. could you imagineif a video came up!!! WOW THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!http://www.google.com/reader/lens/
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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Pete Prodoehl and Josh Kenberg

2005-10-08 Thread David Meade

On 10/7/05, aroundtheperimeter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Also to convince my friends to watch video it would be easier to tellthem to go to this link www.example.c then to tell them to downloadfireant.Just seems like people want instant gratification (you say
whatsa 2 minute download...on the Internet that's a long time as youknow). 
I'm not sure this is a valid point. Sure it may take 2 minutes to download FireAnt vs. loading a webpage

But that one time 2minute download can save you hours of *waiting* on videos to download/buffer/queue/whatever

The web is more intuative to the masses perhaps, but that will change
in the near future. People are going to move to wanting content
delivered via subscriptions instead of them having to go to the web to
see if there is something new or not (why waste my time when there
might not even be anything out there). 

Check out what Windows Vista is gonna do w/ RSS and it's common feeds
list. It's pretty cool - users will just need to click
subscribe on the webpage and all the other RSS aware apps like
FireAnt will just know about them. The user wont have to
copy/paste/setup etc...

There will always be a place for web based services, but in the
no-so-distant future the masses are gonna want content delivery to the
desktop, and thats what things like FireAnt allow.
-- http://www.DavidMeade.com






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Re: [videoblogging] re: The backend

2005-10-10 Thread David Meade

I'm actually using phpBB which I've heavily modified to both do vlog stuff and publish outside of the phpbb pages. Basically its just a mysql database and php pages, but I'm using the phpBB user/permission stuff.

I had to create the vlog/tag/rss features though.

- Dave
On 10/10/05, Nerissa (TheVideoQueen) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was wondering what people were using for the backend software for these video blogging sites? Thanks Kevin
Hi Kevin,

There's a variety out there. Free vlog sites provided by free video hosting companies here:

I use my web serivce but creating a regular webpage and linking to videos located on avariety of other server sources.

I also use blogger.com and link to videos on a commercial video host here:

Many vloggers who host their own videos on their own domains get them linked(or embedded with players) just by using HTML code. You can create html for your own videos for free here:

Best regards,
Nerissa Odenhttp://TheVideoQueen.com/blog.html
http://FreeVideoEditing.comWhere do Women get answers to their video questions?

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Re: [videoblogging] Multi-Linking Blip.tv and OurMedia Together

2005-10-10 Thread David Meade

Justin -

Interesting idea, but I for one would not want to use a link that requires the viewer to install software.

However this could probably be done on a server side solution - it could work alot like the tinyurl service except that the server has a 1-many rather than 1 to one map for urls it creates ... for example, maybe users sign up with a service and can then enter in a series of urls to be hidden behind one url with the service. Upon a request to that url theserver would then have to check http request header results or something to find the first / prefered available link in the set ... and then redirect the users browser to that url.

(maybe that wouldnt work...I dunno...just kinda thinking out loud)

On 10/10/05, Justin Chapweske [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So, if anyone is feeling adventurous, you can try out the  LinkGenerator  at (
http://swarmcast.net/toys/LinkGenerator), What happens if swarmcast goes down?The software itself doesn't rely on 
swarmcast.net itself once itinstalled.The 'swarmcast.net' part of the domain is simply ignored andthe source URL is whats actually used.As far as people that don't have Swarmcast installed, there are probably
some tricks we could do with image pings and _javascript_ to tell ifswarmcast.net was up before rendering the link.Just brain storming here, but in fact, you could even keep your links as
original (http://blip.tv/) links then patch them using a trickthat either Lucas Gonze or Gordon Mohr came up with for Magnet links.This patch code could ping 
swarmcast.net (or any other site) to makesure its up and only use the link if the site is actually working.This concept really has nothing to do with Swarmcast and could be usedfor any URLs, so for a vblogger with some _javascript_ skills, you could
dynamically figure out which URL to use for your videos.If I have some free time next weekend, perhaps I'll code something up.-Justin Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--
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Re: [videoblogging] Not a videoblog, a 'signlog'!

2005-10-11 Thread David Meade

Hi Brein -
Maybe you could partner with one of the hosting options that are poping up. A few of them are experimenting with ways to let users record the video directly from a webcam to the website (or upload one naturally). 

If you could find such a service, you could probably convince them to provide the user with a little snippet of code they can use to include the video in a post on your site.

This would help with bandwidth and user-experience ... as well as limit the amount of modifcation you'd need/want to do to a CMS.

- Dave



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Re: [videoblogging] Re: how do you feel about video popping up in a new window?

2005-10-11 Thread David Meade

On 10/11/05, Richard Bennett-Forrest [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What I was referring to, is that HTML is structural and contextualmark up, and individual visual user agents (web browsers) are mostly
free to display HTML however they wish. The point being, publishersprovide the data, and the user (or browser) decides how to view it.

I'm not trying to beargumentative, butI'm still not sure I agree with this.Browsers are not really free to decide how it's displayed - they CAN yes but... they are supposed to adhere to a standard by the w3c.HTML/DHTML/_javascript_ ... they were all designed to let 
publishers layout and present information and interfaces. When one of the browsers would parse something in a way that wasn't standard - publishers went crazy (that was the whole browser wars of the mid-late 90s). 

XML is interface/layout free ... but HTML/CSS/DHTML/JS and the like are all very much about letting the publisher define how his information is presented.
Pop-ups arguably fly in the face of this, as they dictate a specificuser interface.

They simply open a new window. I realize this alters the 'user interface' ... but so doesa non-popups link. If I click a non-embeded link to a MOV file, the stuff I was reading goes away .. thats dictating how my interface works just as much.

From the other side, it also breaks standard user interfaceguidelines in that it isn't immediately obviously whether a hyperlink
will open in the same window, or in a pop-up window. Windows whichopen themselves are also bad UI.

Well I disagree in that last bit there. Bad UI is whatever is counter-intuitive for the user. 

here's an example. just before I started vlogging I was building out some test pages. I had a test page with a quicktime movie (it wasn't mine I was just testing my database stuff). I asked my co-worker to watch the video ... she opened the test page url and clicked the link. Quicktime took over, the web page vanished and the player was there. She audibly gasped and slammed the back button. She did this 3 more times before she closed the window and said fucking make it stop doing that.

So if a user base is expecting a popup and they dont get one that too is bad design. Granted that was a user test of one person ... but you get the idea. If the person had planned on reading the text blog below a post or the comments as the video loads ... and when they click the button that page vanishes, that's counter-intuitive.

But you are right that pop-upscan very easily the most annoying thing on the web. Using them effectively is tricky. To know what good ui is for a given application really requires a usability test with real users. 

I think that in the end people get used to the way their favorite websites work and either solution is ok if its done well.

- Dave






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Re: [videoblogging] how do you feel about video popping up in a new window?

2005-10-11 Thread David Meade

On 10/11/05, Pete Prodoehl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Some of us believe in user-centered design.

As do I. My point was that we dont get to say users perfer this because I do. I'm using a new window for my videos because my experience with USERS is that that is what they prefer. I have a small audience - maybe its just them, but my only point was that you may hate pop-ups you may love thembut the all the other users out there are a different thing.

If you think you have any control over what the user cando to transform the HTML you create before they see it, you are
completely wrong.

I dont recall saying I could. But I can define the default experience that is DavidMeade.com. Using the mark up languages DEFINED to do just that.

All we as publishers can do is provide what our feedback is telling us is the most intuitive design for a feature. On my site, thats using a pop-up for the media player. HTML/CSS/JS/DHTML are designed to give publishers the mark up tools to do that. They exist to let publishers do that.

If users want to override that ... fine what do I care?
 The web is meant to easily interconnect sets of data and let the user decide how to travese it ...
And let the user decide how to view it, and use it...

Use it yes. View it ... I still disagree. XML/RSS do that - thats raw data. HTML etc is MARK UP language ... its very use MARKS UP data to be displayed in a certain way (bullet lists, bolds, etc).

There are certainly tools and user options and programs which can override that, but web site designers dont provide pure data ... they MARK IT UP.

 but it's also meant to allow content publishers to easily make that data available in a manner *they
 the publisher* choose.Go ahead. Just know that you have no control over how it can betransformed or displayed. I've been telling print designers this foralmost 10 years now.

I wouldnt dream of trying to prevent it from being TRANSFORMED. But I CAN mark it up as I the publisher chose...I'm the one writing the marked up page.

I actually dont care how they display it, thats why I allow my content to be retrieved as pure data in xml.

- Dave






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Re: [videoblogging] last two hours....

2005-10-11 Thread David Meade

On 10/11/05, culturalfarmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Few vlogs communicate to me on any level justvisual babbling.It concerns me that so little thought goes into concept,
content, and craft.I LOVE the FUN, community, part of vlogging.

Well I try to observea very distinct difference between a vlog and a short-film/skit/episode that someone puts online.

Vlogs are all over the place as far as how much prep-work people put into them. If it's clear the vlogger put alot of effort into showing me some place or thing it then of course I'm very appriciative of that. If however they didn't, or its just a few shots of their cat ... I remember that a vlog is just a blog with moving picturesand not all are meant to inspire ...some of them are going to be more ordinary and author-centric (like those home movies you were talking about) and I appricate it for the invite into that little moment of their lives that it is.

Part of the fun for me is going back and forth a bit between these and trying to figure out where I most want my vlog to land.- Dave






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[videoblogging] WordPress Auto-enclosures fix

2005-10-18 Thread David Meade

FYI, for those of you who use wordpress and want to use it's automatic enclosure feature, but have found you cannot because your hosting service issues a redirect to the media file (most of them do this I believe), I've tweaked the code a bit to work with redirects.


The end location server of the media file needs to have it's mime types set up correctly, but other than that, this tweak has been working for me.-- http://www.DavidMeade.com



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Re: [videoblogging] Re: WordPress Auto-enclosures fix

2005-10-18 Thread David Meade

yeah if you hard code the enclosure field already, you're good to go.

But as of version 1.5 Wordpress will attempt to add those enclosure
fields for you by magic. When linking to a media file directly,
WordPress would realize it and add an enclosure automatically.
This attempt would always fail however if you were linking to a media
link that was really a 302 redirect.

With the tweaks however wordpress 1.5+ will be able to make sense of a 302 and correctly add the enclosure. 

Again, its not an issue if you're manually adding the enclosure
field. It may or may not be of any value, but I offer it here in
case someone has been trying to figure it out.

- Dave
On 10/18/05, wazman_au [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Funny, but I use Ourmedia and I don't seem to have a problem withthis. But then, I hand-code the enclosure field. Dunno if this makes adifference.iTunes gets our Wordpress RSS feed and the redirect issued by Ourmedia
doesn't seem to stop it from downloading the file. Don't know whateffect it might have on others who take the feed.Wazwww.crashtestkitchen.com--- In 
videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Lucas Gonze [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote: Are there still podcatchers which don't handle redirects?Thatseems insane.
 On 10/18/05, David Meade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   FYI, for those of you who use wordpress and want to use it's automatic  enclosure feature, but have found you cannot because your hosting
service  issues a redirect to the media file (most of them do this Ibelieve), I've  tweaked the code a bit to work with redirects.   
http://www.davidmeade.com/post/post.php?topicID=579   The end location server of the media file needs to have it's mimetypes set  up correctly, but other than that, this tweak has been working for me.
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Re: [videoblogging] Re: WordPress Auto-enclosures fix

2005-10-18 Thread David Meade

On 10/18/05, wazman_au [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Just on the point of hand-coding the feed:Since I'm doing this, is it possible for me to have one version of avideo at the website, another in the feed?
Yeah, if you want to control which media files are in the feed, you'll
want to manually enter them in the custom fields for the

The auto-enclosures that this fix speaks to will add an enclosure for
any media file you link to in your post -- I can easily imagine a few
cases where you might not want that ... but for instances of WordPress
that are very strict vlog/podcast format it can be a really nice
feature.-- http://www.DavidMeade.com



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Re: [videoblogging] Re: WordPress Auto-enclosures fix

2005-10-18 Thread David Meade

On 10/18/05, Steve Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Man this is vrey useful and of real value, cheers :) I encourage youto submit it to wordpress if you havent already.CheersSteve of Elbows
Thanks ... I cant really figure out how to contact them :-P -- http://www.DavidMeade.com






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Re: [videoblogging] embedding

2005-10-18 Thread David Meade

In windows the easiest way is to open the file in a player.

in Windows Media Player (for WMVs) you can then go to File-Properties
in QuickTime Player (for MOVs and others) you can hit cntrl-i

(There are ways to make WMVs display this information within the file
directory view but it's dependant on folder settings and may require
customizing the view, etc etc etc ... even then the info wont show up
for MOVs ... so the easiest way is to just play them and view the file
properties from the player in one of the two above methods.)
-- http://www.DavidMeade.com






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Re: [videoblogging] WordPress Auto-enclosures fix

2005-10-19 Thread David Meade

Well the code I wrote only follows one link, but I could modify it to follow up to two ...

In the meantime I'll see if I can figure out how to register for that trac website and send them what I have. :-)

 Dave-- http://www.DavidMeade.com 
On 10/19/05, Pete Prodoehl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Any chance you could feed your fix back to the WP folks?



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Re: [videoblogging] NYTimes article: An iPod Worth Keeping an Eye On

2005-10-19 Thread David Meade

Oh man another term coined: iPodvision
On 10/19/05, Jayme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
New York TimesOct 18, 2005An iPod Worth Keeping an Eye Onhttp://tinyurl.com/bvpm8
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Re: [videoblogging] this will blow your mind

2005-10-21 Thread David Meade

I think Andreas was talking about the fact that all of those video comments are going to have to be hosted by the blog owner ... the blogger would have to provide hosing / bandwidth for it all. :-(
Maybe someday there will be a flash plugin like that which sends comments to blip.tv or audioblog.com or something and still be that easy. :-P

It is however a really cool system.

- Dave-- http://www.DavidMeade.com 
On 10/21/05, Adam Quirk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
It worked pretty seamlessly for me. I just have a 2yr old notebook, nothing special, no cellar-servers.






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Re: [videoblogging] Ourmedia status (was: Weird OurMedia.org error message:)

2005-10-23 Thread David Meade

On 10/23/05, Jay dedman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
and my bias will be that dealing with .mov is always easier

*bangs head into desk*

I wish that were the case for me. Trying to author MOVs in Windows is for me about the ugliest computer experience I've had recently ... either it doesnt work at all, is 10x the file size (compared to wmvs), or is CRAPPY CRAPPY quality.

... I'm not sure how or if that relates ... but MOVs arent the default easy way unless you are on a mac, and WMVs aren't the root of all problems :-P

... sorry had to vent my MOV frustrations ...





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Re: [videoblogging] QuickTime (and anything else) can make small files

2005-10-23 Thread David Meade

That remark was made in a comparison to ther file types. The link
you sent is very nice quality and all .. but its half the size of what
we normall use on vlogs ... its appls and oranges.

The question/concern was about how files (for videos of the same
size/fps) have such dratmatically different file sizes / quailty
depending onthe filetype/compression.

The new tutorial you made fot 3ivx/MOV is really good and I'm still
gonna try some new stuff ... but doing as it describes makes a .MOV
files that is twice as large file size than the WMV of the same
thing. (the Mov did have better quality ... but so much so as to
warrant twice the file size, IMHO).
On 10/23/05, Verdi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Oct 23, 2005, at 6:31 PM, Gena wrote: I couldn't use .mov because of the file size - too large for dial-up.This, for some unknown reason, is an often repeated and completelyuntrue criticism of QuickTime.By enforcing a limit on the bit rate,
you can make anything small enough for dialup - QuickTime, WindowsMedia, Flash, Real - whatever.The only limit is how crappy of afile you are willing to post.Here's a version of one of my videoblogs compressed to stream on a
56k modem.URL: http://www.michaelverdi.com/video/dialup.mov I bring this up because I see Windows users site this often as acriticism of QuickTime.
--VerdiURL: http://michaelverdi.com/ URL: http://freevlog.org/ URL: http://node101.org/
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Re: [videoblogging] QuickTime (and anything else) can make small files

2005-10-23 Thread David Meade

On 10/23/05, David Meade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The new tutorial you made fot 3ivx/MOV is really good and I'm still
gonna try some new stuff ... but doing as it describes makes a .MOV
files that is twice as large file size than the WMV of the same
thing. (the Mov did have better quality ... but so much so as to
warrant twice the file size, IMHO).

That was supposed to be not so much so as to warrant =P





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Re: [videoblogging] QuickTime (and anything else) can make small files

2005-10-24 Thread David Meade

using 3ivx as per Verid's new tutorial video, my MOV files are fully twice the filesize as my WMV files.

The MOVs are slightly better quality ... but not so much so as to be worth 2x the file size IMHO. I mean I'm still gonna have to find a way to do it as I want to be on the iPod ... but I just cant seem to get a MOV to a simialr (and quite good)quality/filesize ratio as I can for my WMVs.

On 10/24/05, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Mon, 24 Oct 2005 04:16:39 +0200, Jake Ludington[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote: The more accurate criticism is at comparable bitrates, WMV targeted for dial-up users looks better than MOV. This is one of the many reasons Apple adopted MP4 as their alternate standard.
MOV isn't a codec, so it's hard to know what you're comparing. I can saythat using 3ivx you will get a much crisper image at very low bitrates(like 20KB/s) compared to WMV.- Andreas--URL:
http://www.solitude.dk/Commentary on media, communication, culture and technology. Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--Fair play? Video games influencing politics. Click and talk back!
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Re: [videoblogging] QuickTime (and anything else) can make small files

2005-10-24 Thread David Meade

ok maybe I should have been clearer ...

When I limit the bit rate when publishing quicktime/3ivx such that I get a filesize at about the same size as the WMV, the MOV version looks far far worse.

On 10/24/05, Verdi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sorry David,I'm getting really frustrated by these responses.The only reasonthe tutorial you followed produced a file twice as big as your WMV
file is because it was encoded at twice the bit rate.It has nothingto do with quicktime or 3ivx.If you want to do an experiment youhave to have a control.In this case it would be the file size orthe quality.I'm almost finished compressing some videos that are
the same size but different quality. As Andreas has said, you can'tcompare apples to oranges.--VerdiURL: http://michaelverdi.com/ URL: 
http://freevlog.org/ URL: http://node101.org/ On Oct 24, 2005, at 1:06 AM, David Meade wrote: using 3ivx as per Verid's new tutorial video, my MOV files are
 fully twice the filesize as my WMV files. Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--Most low income households are not online. Help bridge the digital divide today!
Yahoo! Groups Links* To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
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Re: [videoblogging] QuickTime (and anything else) can make small files

2005-10-24 Thread David Meade

On 10/24/05, Verdi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
If you want to do an experiment youhave to have a control.In this case it would be the file size or
the quality.

That's what I was trying to say ... the result I was talking about produced two files that seemed to have about the same quality. Yes I could see a difference, and yes the MOV was better ... but not very much- they were close enough to my eye to count them as of like quality ... andthe MOVwas twice the file size. Now granted 'quality' is largely subjective, so I did try to make them the same filesize ...

When I tried (perhaps poorly) to alter the 3ivx settings to create a file size that was about the same as the WMV ... the MOV file was complete crap - not even close.

I'm not saying it cant be done - I'm just saying that so far I have been unable to create a quality/filesize ratio MOV that is similar, equal to,or better than the WMVs ... and with the tutorial settings I can get *much* smaller files for what my eye is willing to call similar quality by using WMVs.

However, I'm still tweaking with settings in an attempt to find the QT magic.

On 10/24/05, andrew michael baron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

This usually works for me. But if you want to drastically alter the quality/file size within this frame work, just tweak the max and min one step.

Thanks, Andrew I havent played around with those sliders much (it's hard to remember what all I've tried at this point but I'll give it a shot again this week.)





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Re: [videoblogging] Re: iPod reviews ( Mefeedia question)

2005-10-25 Thread David Meade

On 10/25/05, Bill Streeter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Also if anyone wants to let me know how my stuff looks on their ipodlet me know. I'm pretty sure that it's going to be a while before I
get one of my own. I just got a g4 ipod last winter.

According to FedEx mine is waiting for me at home!! I'll check out your vlog once I get it all set up. It's looking like it will be a while before I mange to get an ipod friendly vlog myself.

- Dave



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Re: [videoblogging] PC Video Edititing Software

2005-10-25 Thread David Meade

On 10/25/05, Christopher Bergeron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've been thinking about Vegas Movie Studio from Sonybut 

I purchased this last night and wish I hadnt. I got the platnum edition even ... says it will open AVIs ... but it of course doesnt tell you that it cant import AVI files that are taken from a digital still camera unless you go buy some other piece of software (which is a jpegmotion codec).

I'm VERY frustrated with editors. Vegas looks GREAT ... but it cant read in AVIs from my camera!!?!? freebee software can do that and it cant.

I'm (not kidding here) on editor 8 or 9 ... perhaps 10 ... and havent yet got one I like / that works.

As Andeas points out, you can export to avi in MovieMaker .. but if you want more tracks in your editor you'll have to use something else.

- Dave



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Re: [videoblogging] QuickTime (and anything else) can make small files

2005-10-25 Thread David Meade

 On 10/25/05, Verdi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The point of this discussion, for me, was to point out what I feel is an often repeated and unfair criticism of
 QuickTime, by Windows users. Namely, you can't make  QuickTime clips as small as Windows Media. [is wrong]
 On 10/24/05, Frank Carver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I know so little about producing Quicktime files that I have so far been unable to do so
I hear ya (both of ya)... I haven't ever claimed it cant be done, I've only ever claimed *I* cant seem to get it done. Perhaps a more fair criticism is that given the tools available to some windows users it's difficult to the point of not worth trying to get it done. (That is until the ipod made it a geeks must have :-P ... now it's very worth trying.)

The bottom line is that each of Windows and MAC has a push button simple and free way to make movies. Each can have the settings custom defined (yes even a WMV can) ... and each (as we have now seen) can make roughly equivilent quaily/filesize movies ... 

However - for the record - one unfair critism I hear from MAC users all the time is that Quicktime is *SO* much easier to use and friendly than WMV - and my blood boils about every time I hear it.

I dont want to type out 3 pages of troubles but for me ... I've tried roughly 8 (yes EIGHT) different movie editors (that have apparently worked for others) and spent well over $300 on them and each has in its own unique way F'd up the quicktime export process in some extremely frustrating way, or simply wouldnt run correctly. I've spent another $30 bucks on QT pro, another $20 on 3ivx (so that I can try to have them at these smaller file sizes) ... and still ... I dont' have a solution that actually works for me - ATM, I'm having to use up to 3 different software packages and then spending WAY WAY WAY too much time creating intermidate files to port into Quicktime Pro. (You can claim that this is the nature of crappy windows boxes, but 'buy a mac' shouldn't really be the 'this is how you make a quicktime' answer if it's being championed as the vloggers format of choice due to its ease of use.)

I'm not saying QT is worse (and I'm not saying its better) ... but have a little pitty on the poor windows users; besides the fact that some of us just cant get the tools to behave, most users most aren't codec-gurus and have no idea what those options you tell us to set actually do ... so when the only tutorials available for such a painful windows experience produce files that dont seem all *that* much better in quality really but are twice the filesize ... well thats why you get the windows folks saying WMV are often smaller. :-P

I realize the WMV viewer experience can apparently be crappy on a MAC but the QT creation process on a PC is (or at least CAN be) pretty crappy too. 
(And I realize my experience with quicktime may be to the extreme side of unlucky ... but hey ... it's mine.)

- Dave





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Re: [videoblogging] PC Video Edititing Software

2005-10-25 Thread David Meade

On 10/25/05, Pete Prodoehl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I assume your camera saves AVI files using Motion-JPEG (M-JPEG) right?On my Mac I can import AVI files using Motion-JPEG just fine into
iMovie, and this is without QuickTime Pro. If you're using Windows,well, I don't have a solution... but would QuickTime Pro help in yourcase? (Or do you have it already?)

Yeah M-JPEG, and no QT Pro wont help. I have QT Pro and can open them in QT no prblem. They'd open in movie maker before that no problem. They have in fact opened in every free/cheap software app I have no problem...

but for some reason Sony Vegas doesnt have a codec available to it in order to open the files.

Their support page says if you want to use digitial still camera footage you are required to go buy a third party codec package. ... very upsetting. It looks like such a nice program but its completely useless to me now.

I could open them in QT (or ANYTHING ELSE .. how can sony be so dumb in their 'professional editor') ... and then save them as something else ... and then import them into vegas ... but then I'd no doubthave to save them as somethine else again and re-import them back into quicktime ... there just has to be a way to do this that wont take 13 hours per 3 minute video. :-P

background:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/message/25175





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Re: [videoblogging] Re: iPod reviews ( Mefeedia question)

2005-10-25 Thread David Meade

On 10/25/05, Bill Streeter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Also if anyone wants to let me know how my stuff looks on their ipodlet me know. IYour vlog looks great on the iPod bill! I've got a short vlog up of my iPod playing one of your vlogs if you want to take a look. Sadly my lil' digicam didnt focus very well on the iPod screen ... but trust me it looks great :-)
- Dave-- http://www.DavidMeade.com



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Re: [videoblogging] One Click buttons

2005-10-26 Thread David Meade

On 10/26/05, Markus Sandy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
works ok for me on mac and win xp on firefox
Hmm...doesnt work for me. I'm running winxp and firefox too. I click it and it pops up the open with? dialog ... itunes is already selected. I click ok and then the contents of that .pcast file just pop up in notepad. 

Happens on all three of the winXP machines I've tried.
On 10/26/05, Mike Hudack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
David, have you tried the one-click buttons on blip?We use thepcast:// protocol instead of the .pcast file.

Yes, I've tried that too, but unfortunately it doesnt work for me either. At home (winXP/firefox) it says something like pcast is not a registered protocol (or something) and here at work (winXP/ie) it is just a broken page.

Marcus, what version of itunes do you have installed on the winXP box?
- Dave-- http://www.DavidMeade.com 





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Re: [videoblogging] Re: One Click buttons

2005-10-26 Thread David Meade

On 10/26/05, Susan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Here's the itunes link I have on my page:
http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=82308530(course the id number is my itunes podcast feed id)

Yeah the apple.com links work like a charm, but only those people who are listed in the itunes directory will be able to provide such a link.

- Dave



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Re: [videoblogging] Re: One Click buttons

2005-10-26 Thread David Meade

On 10/26/05, Susan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Why not make an  a href  link, with text, to your feedburner feed,then explain to the person in a few words how to drag it into itunes
and drop it where it says podcasts?Easy cheesy. a href = "" href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/david-blah">http://feeds.feedburner.com/david-blah video podcast feed  /a 
 br  Click and hold on the link above, br  Drag it into iTunes, br  and drop it on top of Podcasts.
hehe yeah I'll probably end up doing something like that. 

I just wondered if the problem was just me ... because if its not just me, otherfolks who have a one-click button on their site may be using a system that doesnt work for lots of people.- Dave

-- http://www.DavidMeade.com 



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Re: [videoblogging] Re: One Click buttons

2005-10-26 Thread David Meade

On 10/26/05, Brad Webb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I wonder if maybe the difference is between fresh installations ofiTunes versus upgrades.Maybe an upgrade to the version with
podcasting support didn't properly register the handler, while afresh installation would?This, I think, is the correct call. We've got the .pcast method down pat 
http://www.vsocial.com/rss/pcaster.php , but I couldn't get it tojust work on my machine (iTunes 6.0). I've been upgrading since 4.0,pre-podcasts, and .pcast is not associated on my machine.

Well, this would make sense, however I'm new to the world of iTunes/iPod ... I just got it last night.

I suppose I might have had iTunes installed earlier and not even really noticed ... it has been bundled with QuickTime for at least a few versions I think ... but I dont think I've ever had anything prior to 6.0 at the earliest.

- Dave





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Re: [videoblogging] One more attempt...a simple request...please

2005-10-26 Thread David Meade

Hey Lynn ... Sorry I havent had time to check today, but FYI I'll take a look at them tonight.

- Dave
On 10/26/05, Lynn Lane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello fellow vloggers.I posted this earlier but didn't get one response. I've only had myvlog up for short time but am now up to full speed
of putting at least one video up day. I would love to get somefeedback from some of you letting me know what you think about it, ifit's interesting at all etc. I have one focus for the most partthroughout this current series of videos but it is going to depart
soon into various other subjects and styles. I've just been playingaround with some footage and putting some videos up.vlog: http://docmaker.blogspot.comThanks for those who can help with some feedback.
LynnLynn LaneCoal River Pictures/SKILLZ DVD Magazinewebsite: www.CoalRiverPictures.comemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
vlog: http://docmaker.blogspot.comfeed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/docmakerComing Soon:
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Re: [videoblogging] One more attempt...a simple request...please

2005-10-26 Thread David Meade

I really liked the vlog, Lynn!

The vlogs left me hoping for another episode to dive deeper into the lives of whoever that episide was interviewing. 

Cant wait to see the next theme you go after.

- DaveOn 10/26/05, Lynn Lane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello fellow vloggers.I posted this earlier but didn't get one response. I've only had myvlog up for short time but am now up to full speedof putting at least one video up day. I would love to get some
feedback from some of you letting me know what you think about it, ifit's interesting at all etc. I have one focus for the most partthroughout this current series of videos but it is going to departsoon into various other subjects and styles. I've just been playing
around with some footage and putting some videos up.vlog: http://docmaker.blogspot.comThanks for those who can help with some feedback.LynnLynn Lane
Coal River Pictures/SKILLZ DVD Magazinewebsite: www.CoalRiverPictures.comemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]vlog: 
http://docmaker.blogspot.comfeed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/docmakerComing Soon:www.Vlogumentarian.com
www.VlogReporter.comAIVF/IDARing 8 MemberNYC Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--Most low income households are not online. Help bridge the digital divide today!
Yahoo! Groups Links* To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging/* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
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Re: [videoblogging] MP4 H.264

2005-10-26 Thread David Meade

I can view this file in windows just fine.I'm using winXP and have QT 7 Pro installed on this pcOn 10/26/05, andrew michael baron 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I'm in limbo on the H264/MP4 files (Steve).
I recieved a copy of a the new Vegas app last month which isrecomended for making PSP files, but its Windows only. Also, there issome controversoty over using the new Mp4 H264 file format on PSPright now because its not backwards compatible and the new PSP
firmware 2.0 does not support all of the 3rd party apps that werebuilt up during the run of 1.So a lot of people are telling me that they cant play the new H264version because they will not upgrade the firmware.
Also, I was hoping that there would be a solution with h264 MP4 thatwould work cross platform, but the files that I was creating wereaparently not working on PSP or any Windows players.Here is the last file I made:
http://rocketboom.com/video/rb_05_oct_21.mp4It's H264 and I wish this file would work in Quicktime, Ipod, PSP andon Windows.
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Re: [videoblogging] no enclosures

2005-10-26 Thread David Meade
Josh ... I figured it out ... your MIME mention got me thinking and I
checked something...

It's the MP3 you have as an enclosure in your latest post.  the
Blip.TV server is returning it's content type as


instead of:


When feed burner goes to check the content type isn't not matching
what it should be.  The good news is this is an easy fix ... The
blip.tv servers were doing the same thing for WMVs not too long ago
and they fixed it for me inside of a day.

I'd email Mike and ask him about it and in the meantime maybe remove
reference to the MP3.

- Dave

On 10/26/05, Josh Leo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have had a working feed since march, i have 3 other working feedburner 
 feeds, but all of a sudden this morning , I discovered the my feed had no 
 enclosures. It worked fine last night, no changes were made. I tried 
 resyncing, I tried republishing my video blog, but nothing is happening.

  the feedburner support mentioned a MIME problem on one of my posts from 
 april that is on the archive...but that is not the problem, it worked fine 
 before, and i host all my stuff on blip now...and like i said...it worked 

  anyone got any ideas as to what the heck is going on?!  Im kinda pissed that 
 my subscribers get nothing/error

 Josh Leo


 Fireant   Use


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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Public Eye - West Coast RocketBoom Clone

2005-10-27 Thread David Meade

I'm sure this wouldnt matter to those that champion the use of links within videos ...

but would that break ipod compatability of the video? (they
obviously wouldnt be able to follow the links, but I mean would the
video no longer even play on an iPod if I were to experiment with this
in-video linking?)On 10/27/05, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Thu, 27 Oct 2005 05:08:21 +0200, Verdi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: As we've been collectively defining videoblogging by practicing it for a while now it seems to me that
 the highly granular, hyper-texty video that Andreas holds in high regard is only a small part of videoblogging - and it's not the main part.But it's the most interesting part. :o)- Andreas
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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Testing Google to Yahoo, part deux

2005-10-27 Thread David Meade
If you guys haven't tried it already, check out a gmail account set to
receive the individual emails from this group.

I was sceptical at first, but it does very very well.  It groups
emails of the same thread together and has lots of ah ... why didn't
anyone think of that before type of space saving tools for this sort
of thing.

- Dave

On 10/27/05, Bill Streeter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yeah, Damn you're right. That sucks!! The Google group interface is
 much better at reading this group than yahoo's...

 Bill Streeter

 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Irish Hermit [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  It appears that if you post to this group in Google, it does not
  up in Yahoo.  I'm going to create a poll to ask folks if they read
  this group through Google or Yahoo.  Just curious.
  All the best,

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Re: [videoblogging] no enclosures

2005-10-27 Thread David Meade
Doh. Sorry if I mis-spoke.  I wrote up a lil test page where I can
enter a url and it returns the headers of that file or of the 302
behind it ... perhaps in my rush to check the MIME after hearing it as
a possible cause I neglected to click the follow 302 button I

I thought I was checking the 302 but its possible that I didn't.  If I
messed up, sorry for mis-speaking.  I just saw 'text' and shouted

It seems that removing the mp3 helped though, so if blip.tv's
content-type was right all along (as it apparently was) then it seems
feedburner must die if you have more than on per post.

- Dave

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Testing Google to Yahoo, part deux

2005-10-27 Thread David Meade

I never did the beta and I was able to get an account.On 10/27/05, Brett Gaylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
A couple of years ago everyone was sending me invitations to join the
beta, but i flaked on them, and now you can't get an account...On 27-Oct-05, at 3:28 PM, David Meade wrote:  If you guys haven't tried it already, check out a gmail account set to
 receive the individual emails from this group.  I was sceptical at first, but it does very very well. It groups emails of the same thread together and has lots of ah ... why didn't anyone think of that before type of space saving tools for this sort
 of thing.  - Dave http://www.davidmeade.com

Brett Gaylor







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Re: [videoblogging] Re: blip.tv stats

2005-10-27 Thread David Meade
You mean you want link previously published to be valid but redirect
to another location?  Sure you can do that.  How to do it would depend
on the webserver setup ... but most can set up a redirect pretty

On 10/27/05, Bill Streeter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This brings up another question. That is somewhat related I think...
 Is there a way to redirect a request for a media file that I host to
 the page that the media file is posted on without breaking the RSS
 feed? I've been getting a lot of people linking directly to my video
 files and would like to at least make people aware that there is a
 larger site that they could find other things of like interest. I do
 put an ID in my videos with the URL but it would be nice to redirect
 them to the larger site somehow. I host the site on my own rented
 web space and not a third party service.

 Bill Streeter

 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Mike Hudack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hey Enric,
  I'm not sure why you saw such a sudden increase in iTunes
  but we've generally been seeing an increase in iTunes
  across the videos served by blip.  One thing of note that
  with you, specifically, I think, is getting linked to by Marc
  Canter.  I'm not sure if that could make a difference (in that he
  have brought you a different demographic which uses a different
  of aggregation tools).
  I'm guessing that people are finding your vlog on delicious the
  way they find anything else, but in this case it's probably
  linking to the video file directly from delicious.  Your blip
  reflect requests to the video itself -- not your blog. means that someone clicked a link on a Web page that
  being served from their own computer. This could be a Web-based
  aggregator running locally.
  On Oct 27, 2005, at 1:51 PM, Enric wrote:
   This may of been covered before, but I'll raise it anyhow :)
   I've been watching the stats blip.tv stats on a recent vlog I
 put up (
   http://enric.blip.tv/file/3082 ) and my iTunes views surpassed
   others in the Browser category (as of this posting):
   Browser Views   Sites   Users   Referers
   iTunes  44  43  1   1
   Firefox 37  29  3   10
   Internet Explorer   16  10  2   4
   Safari  8   8   1   3
   6   1   1   1
   FireANT 4   4   1   1
   Java3   1   1   1
   BlogBridge  3   2   1   1
   iPodder 3   3   1   1
   Doppler 2   1   1   1
   (Hopefully the table alignment above doesn't get screwed up.)
   I'm wondering how people are finding out about my feeds on
 iTunes. On
   prior entries iTunes had a minor position in the Browsers stats
   Also under Referer, I'm getting some views from del.icio.us and
   from  How are people finding my vlog in del.icio.us?
 Is it
   from my tags (gaberivera, marccanter, wordpress, memeorandum,
   geekdinner, donhopkins)?  And is the view from mean
   someone local at blip.tv viewed the video off the server?
   Any other information on the meaning of the stats area of
   be good.

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Testing Google to Yahoo, part deux

2005-10-27 Thread David Meade
On 10/27/05, Bill Streeter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ... And yeah I did think about setting up another Gmail account for
 this group--but the big issue with that is having to log out of one
 gmail account and logging into another to read the group. The Google
 groups interface is almost as nice as gmail and I can do it all from
 one Google account.

Well if you really wanted to give it a shot you could try using your
existing account and setting up a filter to apply a lable to all
mideoblog messages (which apparently is like moving them to a folder).

I dont really know how well that would work though as I haven't triedit myself.


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[videoblogging] CNN/AP article totally missed it

2005-10-28 Thread David Meade

CNN has an article about the video iPod and I found it expectidly
lacking of knowledge about whats going on with video/internet today:
studios, television networks and other content providers must determine
whether there's money to be made in Apple's latest online venture
without cannibalizing their existing businesses.

While waiting for the number of
titles to grow, iPod owners can fill their players with home movies and
other video, provided their software can encode the video in a
supported format (H.264 or MPEG-4 video) and other specifications.

... {snip}...

Though watching home movies is fun, the promise of commercial content will interest a lot more people. But there's no indication when more TV shows or even movies might arrive on an iPod near you.

In the meantime, there's always music.

um ... in the meantime there are countless video blogs out there people!!! :-P

- Dave-- http://www.DavidMeade.com





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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Video Ipod Defective anyone else having problems

2005-10-30 Thread David Meade

Someone commented on my blog that they had weird white-screen crashes ...

I've had one white-screen moment but it resolved quickly enough that I discounted it.

- Dave
On 10/30/05, Steve Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>From your description of problem I cant really guess what part of youripod is malfunctioning, but its certainly not supposed to do that. Ihave heard that Apple may have relaxed their returns policy somewhatfor the new ipods, they dont want to create bad publicity by being
nasty with the returns policy, and over here in the UK some ipod Nanoscreen problems got a lot of bad press recently.Its always possible that there are some inherent design flaws in anyproduct, time will tell if there are above average unreliability
issues with any aspect of the new ipods.Theres no inhrent reason why adding video fucntionality to the ipodshould have decreased reliability, unless they made a mistake in thedesign somewhere.If you were happy with the video ipod before the fault developed, I
would sek to get a replacement and would not expect to pay any sillycharges. Do you ahve an apple store near you or did ou get it mailorder or from another retailer?Steve of Elbows--- In 
videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Jay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Just bought one of the new video ipods worked great for a couple ofdays and screen just started going white I reset worked for awhile same problem came.I
got it to finally come on again attempted to reistall software computer went throughproccess of doing so ipod lied there in total blackness.Finished reinstall and back to atotal white screen.
 I think this whole video Ipod thing is real cool and there may besome potential with the whole vlogging community at $300-400 bucks is main stream publicgoing to watch video on these video Ipods.When mine worked I thought it was pretty cool
I am still under the 14 day return time so i can get my money back minus 10%stocking feewhich is BS. I am ranting just checking if got a lemon or apple created anothernewton or simlar flash
 in the pan product.I love my Macs.thankls for any feed back. Jay Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.superioreducationaltelevision.org
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Re: [videoblogging] iTunes Feed Trouble?!?!

2005-10-30 Thread David Meade

Hmm thats odd.

The iTunes link wont update. But when there is a problem with the
feed I ususally see it fail almost immediately. This tries for
quite a while before it fails.

When I did the Advanced-Subscribe to podcast with your feedburner
address it worked ... for a while ... and then started doing the same

Now when I try to update the podcast that was manually added it's doing the same thing.

I don't know how iTunes works behind the scene but feels like it's trying to connect/resolve something it cant.

very odd.

- Dave
http://www.davidmeade.comOn 10/30/05, LeanBackVids.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:iTunes started giving me an error yesterday.It says that my feed
does not seem to be a valid Podcast URL.The weird part is that this had been working for months... and if Isubscribe to a new podcast using the same feed URL it works.I noticed this yesterday, but didn't realize the extent of the problem
until seeing our FeedBurner numbers lose all but 7 of its iTunes readers.Any ideas how to fix this?We may have lost a third of my readers ifit requires them to add it again.FeedBurner Feed:
http://feeds.feedburner.com/leanbackvidsValid Feed:http://feedvalidator.org/check.cgi?url=""
iTunes 1-Click Works:http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=74843625-Matt---
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[videoblogging] iTunes Channel Image

2005-10-30 Thread David Meade

Can anyone give me any advice as to why the following image isn't
working as my iTunes channel image? It's 300x300 at 72dpi (I'm
pretty sure anyway) per the specifications ... but my podcast page
shows a broken image.


Thanks in advance,
 - Dave-- http://www.DavidMeade.com





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Re: [videoblogging] iTunes Channel Image

2005-10-30 Thread David Meade

Ah thanks. :-)On 10/30/05, Ted Tagami [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If your feed is less than a week old or so it takes awhile for the
image to appear. My image was broken for about 48-60 hours or so before
it appeared.On 10/30/05, David Meade 

Can anyone give me any advice as to why the following image isn't
working as my iTunes channel image? It's 300x300 at 72dpi (I'm
pretty sure anyway) per the specifications ... but my podcast page
shows a broken image.


Thanks in advance,
 - Dave-- http://www.DavidMeade.com







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-- Ted Tagamitagami.comU N I V E R S U S



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[videoblogging] 'Chicago Protest' or 'Sudden Need for Camera'

2005-11-02 Thread David Meade
So I was walking back to the office from lunch today when I was cut
off by a mass of people in a marching protest down the middle of busy
Chicago streets.

Immediately of course I thought cool, this would make a great vlog. 
I noticed they were surrounded by an army of police to protect them so
I thought, clearly they have all the permits required to do this'. 
Nobody was going to dramatically get carted away by the police ... and
that made me wonder: Is this rather large showing going to get
completely ignored by the mass media just because they couldn't show
clips of somebody getting tossed in a wagon?!

I reached for my camera but didn't have it.  So I ran back to the
office grabbed my camera and ran back out to find them again.

I was on lunch hour and couldn't hang out to interview or anything. 
But I just kept thinking nobody is going to see this because they did
it the right way ... that doesn't seem fair.

... so I taped some of it.  (Nobody is gonna see it now either, but at
least the could :-P )

I don't claim this video to be of any great importance, but I had fun
filming and releasing it knowing it would be completely ignored by the
news.  :-P  And so I offer it up if you're interested in seeing that
sort of thing.  ( http://www.DavidMeade.com )

If you watch it, I apologize if I sound out of breath, but I was ...
out of breath.  Had some running to do to catch up with them.  I'll
not make the mistake of leaving the camera at the office again.

(This protest was to encourage the impeachment of Bush.  While I admit
to smiling alot while watching them, my urge to video and share it was
not driven by their message but by my belief that because they
followed all the rules - and thus weren't going to get in trouble - it
would be completely ignored by the mass media.  I would have done the
same thing had they been on the other side of the political fence.)

- Dave


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Re: [videoblogging] free, easy, private, blogging service?

2005-11-02 Thread David Meade
Yahoo's 360 service does that.  You can set just about anything to:
 a) private
 b) Just Friends
 c) friends  friend of friends
 c) public

On 11/2/05, jonny goldstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to make a blog that is not viewable to the general public--that I can 
 give people I want
 to have access the password so they can check it out.

 Anything that is simple and free like blogger, but that supports what I want?

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: help please

2005-11-03 Thread David Meade
On 11/3/05, Pete Prodoehl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 David Meade wrote:
  I dunno I have a hard time with the You're stealing this content
  argument if you are in fact providing a feed on your site.  A feed is
  MEANT to allow people to take and reassemble content.

 I think where we hit a gray area, is in the republishing of the content.
 If I publish everything in your RSS feed, but wrap ads around it, are
 you still cool with it?

 I mean, should I take each episode of Rocketboom and put it on a page of
 my site surrounded with a dozen banner ads? ;)

 Should I take your content (via RSS) remove all the ads that make you
 money, and replace them with ads that make me money and they publish that?

Well in these cases the republishing would be violating the CC license
I have.  So I would have a problem with it. (unless I specifically
released a site to do so).  But just the pure republishing of feed
data within the the license ... no, I wouldn't have a problem with

I didn't really see any adverts on that page.

It just seems to me that if you are actively providing a feed, you are
actively PERMITTING the syndication of content.  You cant then say
Well I didn't want YOU to click on my feed button ... but others are
ok to do so. and expect to win any legal case.

If a person just takes my feed and follows the the spirit of the CC
license then, no I wouldn't have a problem with it.

I guess my thoughts are no harm no foul ... If you made a feed ...
it's going to feed things.  So long as those things don't use it for
commercial purposes and break your cc license ... GREAT - your feed is
doing exactly what you must have expected it to do.


- Dave

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Sony release PSP media manager and mention video blogs

2005-11-03 Thread David Meade
My brother just installed the PSP software and as long as you have an
uptoday version of quicktime will read/transcode/transfer my MOVs.  He
really likes the software so far.

As for the rootkit thing...
Yeah.  It's not a rootkit in that its not really being used to elevate
anyones privledges ... but it is in that it's a hidden application
that even the sys Admins likely cant see or uninstall that runs with
very high privledges.

And I think you hit the nail on the head with Bad taste ... but
probably not evil read on it ...

Still i think Sony will have to reconsider hiding software from the
system owners / administrators to avoid a PR nightmare.

On 11/3/05, Steve Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OK I ran the rootkit detection tool that was used by the security dude
 to find the Sony DRM cloaking thing, and its not on my system.

 Reading a bit more, this stuff appears to be getting onto Windows
 systems via about 20 music CD titles that use this silly protection
 system. It does not affect the Sony software Im talking about, so
 thankfully its not a reason for PSP owners to avoid this product.
 However it does leave a bad taste in the mouth and a stain on Sony's
 reputation, but its an isue that only tends to gt the attention of a
 small percentage of the population.

 Steve of Elbows

  --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, David Meade [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   On 11/3/05, Pete Prodoehl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Make sure it doesn't contain one of those Sony rootkits that
 will kill
your PC if you try to remove it...
   no kidding.  for those wanting more info on that:

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Re: [videoblogging] What do you guys think about Blogtelevision.net

2005-11-04 Thread David Meade
On 11/4/05, Lucas Gonze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 can you be precise about what the problem is, so that other
 videoblog aggregators can avoid making you feel badly treated?

Well if my videos were up there I'd be upset because they present the
content as if they are the site of origin.

My CC license requires attribution.

I get a nice warm fuzzy felling from services like MeFeedia, BlipTV,
and application-based aggrigators like FireAnt, and iTunes because
they say the video is from (and link back to) DavidMeade.com.

Some even (like MeFeedia) direct the viewer to my site should they
want to leave comments.

For me I'd want my syndication to be done such that the work is
clearly linked back to my site, preferably comments would link back,
it should support my rel=payment (hehe), and idealy offer me some way
to opt out.  For example the feed has the email address of the
managing editor .. how difficult would it be to set up a system where
if that email address send a remove request then the associated feed
would be removed?

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: RSS enclosures with Feedburner

2005-11-04 Thread David Meade
I think the mime types are ok ... here's an example from the site:

The URL:

 A 302 redirect to:

which returns:
 Type: video/quicktime
 Status Code: HTTP/1.1 200 OK

On 11/4/05, Rick Klau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, havilahland33 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I'm having trouble getting Feedburner to recognize all of my media
  enclosures.  It seems to be only recognizing my MP files and not my
  H.264 files.  I tried the rss through ourmedia, but it seems to
  direct you to the archive and not the direct videos themselves.

 My guess is that this is a byproduct of your fileserver not
 identifying the mimetype as a media file, but as text/html. Our
 users run into this periodically, Jessie from our support group
 provides some additional info here:


 If your hosting provider can properly identify the mimetype, our
 Smartcast service will properly set the enclosure and you'll be all

 Hope this helps. Feel free to follow-up with our support team at



 Rick Klau
 VP, Business Development
 FeedBurner - http://www.feedburner.com
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 office: 312.756.0022 x2012
 direct: 312.239-0727
 cell: 630.362.8911

 Don't miss FeedBurner in Booth #221 at the Portable Media Expo and
 Podcasting Conference on November 11-12 in Ontario, California.
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Re: [videoblogging] Re: RSS enclosures with Feedburner

2005-11-05 Thread David Meade
On 11/5/05, havilahland33 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you.  I guess the biggest problem then is that vlogdir.com
 doesn't recognize these H.264 files of mine for some reason even
 though they seem to be mime type.  Any clues?

Well vlogdir is working ok.  It's your feed that has the problem.

Your very first .mov works but after that only your .mpg vids are
getting an enclosures (none of the .mov files are).  I don't know much
about feedburner (I dont use it myself), maybe someone here can offer
some feedburner advice.

I dont think the actual encoding will matter at all as far as the feed
goes.  I'm pretty sure it only matters that the file extension have an
appropriate mime-type on the hosting server.  Feedburner should then
add the enclosure and let the viewer worry about codecs. All of your
mime-types seem ok.

You can check that with the lil' test page I made if you want: 

For example your very first video is a .mov and returns
video/quicktime as the mime-type and your most recent is a .mov and
returns the same thing ... but for some reason it's not being

... odd.

I'll keep pondering ... but I have a feeling you may have to mess with
feedburner settings or something.

- Dave


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Re: [videoblogging] iTunes buttons

2005-11-06 Thread David Meade
If you're looking for a special 'look' you may have to create it
yourself.  Is there an example you can show us?  What text did you
want on the button?

- Dave

On 11/6/05, Brett Gaylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyone know where to find those fancy iTunes chicklets?  the ones that
 you can write your blog name on that are all apple-aqua-fancy?

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Re: [videoblogging] Embedding videos on external sites?

2005-11-08 Thread David Meade
hmm ... maybe you could get them to add a subscription button on their
page that lets their users subscribe to your feed.  I mean if their
viewers would enjoy them so much it seems like something they might
actually like to offer their users.  With that and your URL included
in the video ... might be ok.

If it were me, I'd like a link back to my site on any of the video
pages, and a way for thier audiance to subscribe to my videos that
they are enjoying so much.

- Dave

On 11/8/05, LeanBackVids.com [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Our recently released ski/snowboard vlog has been getting some good
 exposure from a single Northwest community site.  They get a fair
 number of visitors during the winter months and have asked me if they
 could embed our videos in their site.

 The good: exposure and more viewers of the videos.

 The bad: disconnected from our site and more importantly the ability
 to comment.

 These are not normal vlog watchers.  Most probably do not understand
 RSS, the appreciation of comments, etc.

 What do you guys think?  I guess it would be okay if we got more
 subscribers out of it, but are we better off having them just use text


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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Does size matter?

2005-11-08 Thread David Meade
I try to keep mine as small as possible just out of courtesy to
viewers who are syncing up a large list of feeds to portable devices
like the iPod or PSP.

Thankfully in most cases, those devices are now coming with very large
capacity.  The PSP however still has fairly limited storage – but none
the less people are using the new PSP media management software to
subscribe and sync up vlogs.

I think the best way to judge it is to have in mind a video quality
standard you want to maintain and then do everything you can on
filesize at that quality.

I'm still having a few troubles finding a nice middle ground.  20-25MB
seems pretty standard, I think … though I have gotten nice clips in
the 10-15 range …

- Dave

On 11/8/05, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The main thing is length not file size. You're not making a 30 minute tv
 show (you could, but it'd hardly be a blog). Personally I like 2 minutes
 stories, but as long as you keep each entry under 4-5 minutes..

 - Andreas

 On Tue, 08 Nov 2005 21:54:00 +0100, Share [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  hey jay,
  thanks for the fast answer.
  i am relieved to hear your response. (first episode is around 25Mb)
  yes we are using a free storage space but it's at ourmedia/archives
  which as of now doesn't seem to have limits.
  if anyone else has any other opinionsi'm all codec'd ears and eyes.
   Okay. trick question. but it's in regards to the size of the
   compressed mov file. does anyone have any recommended file sizes to
   stay within?
   Interested in hearing opinions on this in regards to the best
   codecs...and the overall size ideals.
  its changing.
  when i first started in 2004we tried to keep our videos under
  1MB. haha
  then it seemd like 20mb was okay.
  now id say you could do 100mb if youre really offering up something i
  want to watch.
  it all depends on your hosting.
  if youre on a free service...your just limited by their
  if youre using your own server, then you can do whatever you want to
  pay for.
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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Embedding videos on external sites?

2005-11-08 Thread David Meade
Is the linking something you could do in a saved 5 second vid that you
just copy past to the end of each new video? ... or will that mess up
the text tracks?

- Dave

On 11/8/05, andrew michael baron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's easy to do, it just take a long each time you do it:

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Does size matter?

2005-11-08 Thread David Meade
Yeah but consider PSP users who maybe have a gig.  Now consider how
many vlogs you subscribe to ... :-P

Not everyone who wants to take stuff handheld has a portable video
device with so much space.

It's changing ... but we're not in the world of everyone has more
space/bandwidth than they need just yet.  Some of us are lucky that
we do ... but there are plenty of people who still use dial up, let
along walk around with tens and tens of gigs in their pockets :-P

On 11/8/05, Enric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Markus Sandy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  lol - my wife has far more free space on her iPod than I do on my
  Powerbook's 100GB drive!
  i wish i could download from fireant, directly to the iPod (not stored
  on computer)

 I agree.  I'm having a hard time filling up my 60 gb. iPod.  And have
 no problem putting a video over 50 mb on it.

   -- Enric

  David Meade wrote:
  I try to keep mine as small as possible just out of courtesy to
  viewers who are syncing up a large list of feeds to portable devices
  like the iPod or PSP.
  My name is Markus Sandy and I am app.etitio.us
  aim/ichat: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  skype: msandy

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Re: [videoblogging] feeds?

2005-11-09 Thread David Meade
its loading up fine here.

On 11/9/05, Share [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i've gotten my vlog signed up with feedburner and i am wondering if i
 am doing something incorrectly.
 I've tried finding it in 'my yahoo' but it comes up as invalid xml...?

 if anyone can just check it for me that would be fantastic!  this
 whole feed thing is very new to me

 thanks yet again in advance.

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Re: [videoblogging] webcam delays?

2005-11-09 Thread David Meade
I noticed this too. I went out and got what I thought was a sweet
webcam ... and I couldnt for the life of me get the audio and video to
sync up.  It was great for applications where such things wouldnt be
noticed (like IM video chat or something) ... but sucked for vlogs.

I have had this issue with 2 web cams although they were both from Creative.

It may be better with some software packages than others.  what
software are you using to capture?

- Dave

On 11/9/05, Brett Gaylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to use a webcam to record videoblogs - I have a Creative
 Webcam Live installed on a Pentium II PC using WinXP.  I notice that
 there is a lag between the sound and video - the video is a couple of
 frames behind the sound.  Is this normal?  What can be done to reduce
 this?  Is it better/worse with certain webcams?


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Re: [videoblogging] Scripts to export movies to iTunes without QTPro

2005-11-09 Thread David Meade
Geeze I hope they build this ability into iTunes soon.  :-P  Would be
great if iTunes would convert QT readable movies for the iPod and
transfer them.

- Dave


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Re: [videoblogging] Re: feeds?

2005-11-09 Thread David Meade
I'm not sure about the yahoo thing, but I can tell you that my feed
which had been working in my yahoo 360 page just fine ... all the
sudden stopped working ...

could be a yahoo issue.

On 11/9/05, Share [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 thanks david.
 i don't know why it won't load in to myyahoo homepage?  i've tried
 every which way to 'add it' and it just comes up as invalid.

 it seems to work fine with feed demonbut is something wrong as to
 why it won't work with my yahoo?  do i need to put back the typepad
 feed info in to the blog?  (i took it out as per feedburner suggestion)


 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, David Meade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  its loading up fine here.

   i've gotten my vlog signed up with feedburner and i am wondering if i
   am doing something incorrectly.
   I've tried finding it in 'my yahoo' but it comes up as invalid xml...?
   if anyone can just check it for me that would be fantastic!  this
   whole feed thing is very new to me
   thanks yet again in advance.

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Re: [videoblogging] who sends the most emails to this group?

2005-11-09 Thread David Meade

Wahaha ... looks like I have a bit more work to do. 

You may be a vlogger if ... your gmail inbox is your new favorite internet site

:-DOn 11/9/05, Josh Leo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

looking at the google-groups backup group...i thought it woul dbe fun
to see who, out of all of us, is sending the most emails to everyone...

-1st place with 42 posts in the past 30 days - Pete Prodoehl
-in a close 2nd with 41 - Enric
-in 3rd, with 31 - Andreas

runners up: David Meade, and Steve Watkins

now for the all-time posters since june of this year:

1. Michael Sullivan - 447 posts
2. Markus Sandy - 339
3. Taylor/Kunga - 373

runners up: Andreas and Josh Kinberg

Well this has been this months instalment of who is filling my inbox

good night and good luck!
-- Josh Leojoshleo.com







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Re: [videoblogging] Re: who sends the most emails to this group?

2005-11-11 Thread David Meade
On 11/10/05, Josh Leo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yeah I wouldn't necesarily be proud...maybe just try to make is more
 signal to noise...

 There may be alot of noise here, but I'm not sure these statistics
necessarily speak to it.  It may to some degree ... but I dont think
its fair to equate large number of posts = poor quality posts.

It may be considered by some:
  large number of posts = large number of attempts to help / answer questions.

Unfortunately I doubt google lets you sort / count on actual noise.  :-P

... I dont think I send too much 'noise' ...


- Dave


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Re: [videoblogging] Approximating subscribers

2005-11-11 Thread David Meade

I created a system to track / estimate subscribers on my site. I
still consider it testing, but I think it works pretty good. I
dont use log files however.

Rather than parse log files, I wrote a few php functions that are
called each time the feed is acccessed. It then writes (or
updates) a record of the request to the databse. I have another
table of rules that the system checks these requests against to
determine how it should record/count the feed request.

You could do this with the raw logs though I would think ... so long as
you have a script that has read access to them. I'd assume you'd
have to read each line in and break it apart with greps.

I like my setup so far because its light weight but really
flexible. You'll probably want some logic other than just
IPs. (I've found that sometimes IP doesnt matter at all,
sometimes its the only thing that really matters.) Having
some table/list of rules lets you apply pretty good logic to whats
recorded and how it's counted; for example some user agents (such as
bloglines) include in their agent string the number of subscribers they
have for your feed. If the user-agent is a known bot, I
dont care what it's IP address is - I set its ip to Any (so that it
will match future requests by this bot) and set subscriber count = 0.

I record all sorts of stuff for each request, but the main fields I use
for 'counting' are http-user-agent, ip-address, timestamp, subscriber

I'm still tweaking my system, but I think it's fairly accurate. I
have a link on my site (that only I can see) that I can click to get
all the details of all currently counted subscribers ... and when I go
over it 9 times out of 10 it all looks pretty good. Once in a
while a new bot will pop up or something ... so I just go and adjust
the rules as needed to ensure it's appropriately taken care of.

... not sure if that helps or not ...
- Dave
On 11/11/05, Adam Quirk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does anyone know how to approximate subscribers like Feedburner does?I assume it counts each time a unique IP address accesses the feed.Anyone know how to do that with a raw log file?I use AW Stats, and there no way to determine who is accessing what from their interface.
Thanks knowledgebase,Adam







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Re: [videoblogging] Approximating subscribers

2005-11-11 Thread David Meade

On 11/11/05, andrew michael baron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
ps. the main reason why the formula for comparing these numbers is
complex of course centers around the fact that xml pages are often hit
when there is no update, which leads to xml hits with no html hits or
video downloads.True. But the system to estimate subscribers doesnt really need to know how often they download video...just that they are still checking for updates.
-- http://www.DavidMeade.com



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