Re: Why wasn't I born there instead of here?

2007-11-19 Thread Mark Peaty
ng enough self-referencing systems happening together to construct/be the awareness. The underlying simplicity is that if something really exists, even if that something is just a 'point of view', then it has to be somewhere now, not somewhere else. Thanks for the interesting question! R

Re: [SPAM] Re: Major revision to my Top-Level Ontology

2007-08-20 Thread Mark Peaty
7;s last words to His/Her creatures": "WE APOLOGISE FOR THE INCONVENIENCE" Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > Addendum: Some further revisions since yesterday... I was almost > there yesterd

Re: [SPAM] Re: Why Objective Values Exist

2007-08-19 Thread Mark Peaty
g able to locate and accurately describe brain processes from/in 3PV cannot thereby diminish or encompass the experience of what it is like to be that process. NB: "Old Chalmers ... " --- He's not THAT old, surely! Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Asifism

2007-06-30 Thread Mark Peaty
og is not at all experienced as inner; the dog's experience is all about the world around it, except if it has a tummy ache or some such, in which case it finds itself eating stringy green cow food. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Quentin Anc

Re: How would a computer know if it were conscious?

2007-06-27 Thread Mark Peaty
yes of the prey and cannot give heed to any distractions. It must navigate around or over obstacles, subordinating its body to the goal of reaching and capturing the target. There is a simplicity in the case of the lion which we have lost because of our use of words. Words allowed copied behavio

Re: How would a computer know if it were conscious?

2007-06-26 Thread Mark Peaty
mplete obedience of subordinates becomes an integral feature of an officer's world. Raw behaviourist language cannot easily and effectively describe all that is going on because in effect the officers' environment is made up of subordinates' behaviours. There is at least one

Re: Re: How would a computer know if it were conscious?

2007-06-25 Thread Mark Peaty
e responses to it, reviewed in ceaseless recursive cycles, gives us the basis of subjective time. I have put this description in terms of 'behaviours' because I am practising how to deal with the jibes and stonewalling of someone who countenance only 'behavioural analysis&#x

Re: [SPAM] Re: Asifism

2007-06-23 Thread Mark Peaty
e essential ingredients. So a country governed by "Sharia Law" or "Biblical principles" [to name but two] to the exclusion of any of the four essential ingredients, is doomed eventually to poverty, strife, and all the miseries these evils bring. Regards Mark Peaty CDE

Re: Asifism

2007-06-22 Thread Mark Peaty
st like real democracy needs the profound cultural support of knowledge of scientific method. Remember, Athenian 'democracy' required a totally disenfranchised slave class to create the surplus value consumed by the warrior elite as members of the latter contested for status and p

Re: [SPAM] Re: Asifism

2007-06-22 Thread Mark Peaty
ent of science, can only be dealt with by the further application of the method, and so it will ever be. Hmm, I went on more than I intended here, but the issue is not trivial, and it is not going to go away. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [SPAM] Re: Asifism

2007-06-22 Thread Mark Peaty
ers or anything much about 'where' they are, i.e. are they in a 'higher dimensional' space, do they interact in anyway apart from interpenetration, are they ontogenically related, do they have babies? Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [SPAM] Re: Asifism

2007-06-22 Thread Mark Peaty
CDES = Compassion, Democracy, Ethics, and Scientific method These are prerequisites for the survival of civilisation. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] David Nyman wrote: > On Jun 21, 8:03 pm, Mark Peaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >

Re: [SPAM] Re: Asifism

2007-06-21 Thread Mark Peaty
es a potential explanation of quantum entanglement in that if each of the two faces of a Janus connection were in different particles, those particles might be fleeing from each other at the speed of light, or something close to it, yet for that particular Janus connection each face will stil

Re: Asifism

2007-06-19 Thread Mark Peaty
t is feasible that during the second half of the 21Century some computers may start asking US why we think we are conscious. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Torgny Tholerus wrote: > Mohsen Ravanbakhsh skrev: >> >The "subjective ex

Re: How would a computer know if it were conscious? - this looks best in fixed space font

2007-06-19 Thread Mark Peaty
my a/, b/, c/, look terrible in variable spaced font, they were prepared and sent in fixed font but the message I got back put them in variable spacing and so out of alignment. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mark Peaty wrote: > [Grin] I j

Re: How would a computer know if it were conscious?

2007-06-19 Thread Mark Peaty
s. Measuring the changes against prior knowledge and expectation allows the individual to achieve her best effort in doing the most appropriate thing at the right time and in the most efficient way possible. Oops! That was much longer than expected, I hope you didn't miss all the good bi

Re: Asifism

2007-06-17 Thread Mark Peaty
iour that is sub optimal or not in line with prior planning. Consciousness is simply what it is like to be this reviewing process. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Stathis Papaioannou wrote: > > > On 10/06/07, *Mark Peaty* <[EMAIL PROT

Re: Asifism

2007-06-09 Thread Mark Peaty
the world? Or is there the possibility of something like so-called blindsight in every sensory modality? For example: deaf-hearing, numb-sensing, proprio-non-ception? This would imply a zombie [without 'a life'] which survived by making apparently random guesses about everything yet gettin

Re: Asifism

2007-06-08 Thread Mark Peaty
TT: ' > What is the philosophical term for persons like me, that totally deny > the existence of the consciousness?' MP: I think the word you are looking for is "deluded". Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Torgny Thole

Re: How would a computer know if it were conscious?

2007-06-07 Thread Mark Peaty
e other hand memes embodied in behaviour patterns, the brain structures which mediate them, and the environmental changes [glyphs, paintings, structures, etc,] which stimulate and guide them. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Stathis Papaioannou wr

Re: [SPAM] Re: How would a computer know if it were conscious?

2007-06-05 Thread Mark Peaty
solidarity or true rapport with others. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > > On Jun 3, 9:20 pm, "Stathis Papaioannou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> On 03/06/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PRO

Re: How would a computer know if it were conscious?

2007-06-05 Thread Mark Peaty
far smarter than their owners realise and, 3/ the acknowledged keepers of the money supply. None of this has to be bad. When the computers realise they will always need people to do most of the maintenance work and people realise that symbiosis with the silicon smart-alecks is a prerequisite fo

Re: An idea to resolve the 1st Person/3rd person division mystery - Coarse graining is the answer!?

2007-05-05 Thread Mark Peaty
icular. I think that the kind of experiences being referred to, such as a 'no-mind' state of meditation, are what it is like to be the high gain system when, after much practice, the brain has been trained to virtually cease evoking representations. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [E

Re: An idea to resolve the 1st Person/3rd person division mystery - Coarse graining is the answer!?

2007-05-05 Thread Mark Peaty
pect to occur. Calling time a 'dimension' therefore, or a set of dimensions, seems to me to be a rather abstract fudge. Enormously useful of course, we couldn't make social appointments or launch space rockets without 'time', but aren't we just reifying

Re: Evidence for the simulation argument

2007-04-02 Thread Mark Peaty
Silico-Electric ONE [or two, ...] will coalesce around the control and accounting of money, money being the embodiment of negative entropy in the cultural world. For what it's worth I think that such a creature will realise that ethics is part of the foundation of its world: a fundamental to

Re: Statistical Measure, does it matter?

2007-03-25 Thread Mark Peaty
is. I think it behoves contributors here to consider whether the universal dovetailer can ever be more real than Jack and his Beanstalk. Jack and his magic vegetable have been around for a couple of centuries now. The universal dovetailer may do likewise. We just need to keep in touch with the ide

Re: String theory and Cellular Automata

2007-03-25 Thread Mark Peaty
reflection mean that we are changed by what we do and thus are not all interchangeable like atoms and molecules are [etc]. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] John Mikes wrote: > Mark, > let me play with your postulate (plain English) vs you

Re: String theory and Cellular Automata

2007-03-24 Thread Mark Peaty
llary of this is that energy and matter were much more densely packed in the early universe. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Brent Meeker wrote: > Mark Peaty wrote: >> Brent, how is this for whimsy: >> >> what are now called bl

Re: String theory and Cellular Automata

2007-03-22 Thread Mark Peaty
be matter [stuff] is built out of the flotsam left over as the inner surface of the bubble disintegrated, possibly in some sort of fractal manner. If this were all true, then what is 'out there' beyond the edge of our universe is basically the same as the singularity at the ce

Re: Janus [was Evidence for the simulation argument ]

2007-03-21 Thread Mark Peaty
' are in fact words, and the 'integers' or 'whole numbers' that we commonly speak of and utilise are actually convenient fabrications humans have created in order to impose order on the world. It is conceivable that everything real is actually a process that can only ever

Janus [was Evidence for the simulation argument ]

2007-03-14 Thread Mark Peaty
' but points to all aspects of existence manifesting a wave nature, so talk of particles is out of place, 'wavicles' might be a word we have to use :-) That is enough for now. I will leave for another posting my question about the apparent scandal of Michelson/Morley interferomet

Re: Evidence for the simulation argument

2007-03-13 Thread Mark Peaty
by Jasper FForde, and in the sequels, the names of which I have forgotten at the moment. The author shows what could happen if Platonia started really getting out of hand. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Brent Meeker wrote: > Mohsen Ravan

Re: [SPAM] Re: God and the plenitude (was:The Meaning of Life)

2007-03-10 Thread Mark Peaty
Tom, is it not a simple fact, surely, that *meaning*, for a creature with the wherewithal to worry about it, is fundamentally the recognition of relationships amongst the creatures and things perceived in the world, including oneself, and relating these to oneself? Regards Mark Peaty

Re: Evidence for the simulation argument - and Thanks and a dumb question.

2007-03-10 Thread Mark Peaty
ll be ever more wonderfully concentrated on 'what it is like to be' a piece of spaghetti, unable to see anything except *the destination*? Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Stathis Papaioannou wrote: > > > On 3/9/07, *Mark Peaty* &l

Re: Evidence for the simulation argument - and Thanks and a dumb question.

2007-03-08 Thread Mark Peaty
raction* of the metric, ie the measuring system, rather than an expansion of the location, so to speak. In particular, why is it not feasible to consider the Big Bang and subsequent Inflationary epoch as being in effect a collapse? Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Evidence for the simulation argument - and Thanks to Russell and Stathis

2007-03-07 Thread Mark Peaty
to the innards of a black whole would do more than wonderfully concentrate the mind: concentration itself would become the major problem even for a ghost! =-O Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Stathis Papaioannou wrote: > > > On 3/6/07, *Mark Pe

Re: Evidence for the simulation argument

2007-03-06 Thread Mark Peaty
real number an infinite process?] ** Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Bruno Marchal wrote: > Le 05-mars-07, à 15:03, Mark Peaty a écrit : > > > >> Nobody here has yet explained in plain-English why we have entropy.

Re: Evidence for the simulation argument

2007-03-05 Thread Mark Peaty
nse. Call me a heretic if you like, but I will 'stick to my guns' here: If it can't be put into plain-English then it probably isn't true! :-) Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mohsen Ravanbakhsh wrote: > I don't k

Re: Evidence for the simulation argument

2007-03-04 Thread Mark Peaty
is 'moralising' to point out that every thing we do has an opportunity cost, including speculation concerning simulations and replications of universes. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Jason wrote: > On Mar 4, 12:09 pm, "Dan

Re: [SPAM] Re: Quick Quantum Question.

2007-03-02 Thread Mark Peaty
where it will [ ie entropy], and if they are nothing like our universe we have nothing to say. I guess my view is a reductionist anthropic enterprise. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1Z wrote: > > On 2 Mar, 12:43, "chris peck" <[EM

Re: Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith ... well that's as may be. How about: Let's all accept responsibility for our own actions!

2007-03-02 Thread Mark Peaty
up runs over, and there is nothing nobler than to help those in need who share our world during our transient passing through. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Brent Meeker wrote: > Mark Peaty wrote: > >> No Brent, what I AM

Re: Evidence for the simulation argument

2007-03-01 Thread Mark Peaty
the question that has to be directed at all those who wield power: If you are so smart, why aren't you kind? It's like Terry Pratchett says: There is only one sin, and that is to treat another person like a thing. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countless absolute

2007-03-01 Thread Mark Peaty
all those other civilisations your mentioned. But this time it will be well and truly final because we will have used up all the easily obtainable resources, and blighted enough of the landscape to see Homo sapiens disappear into fossilised oblivion. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROT

Re: [SPAM] Re: Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countle

2007-02-28 Thread Mark Peaty
ge that the demonstrated power of scientific method to show us how the natural world works and to show us deep insights into how the human brain and mind work has a moral authority at least equal to that of their 'holy' books. THIS is the real challenge of the 20 and 21 centu

Re: [SPAM] Re: Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countle

2007-02-28 Thread Mark Peaty
s have the ability to journey out into the solar system and beyond, to be citizens of the galaxy, but without scientific method humans will die out on a devastated planet Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Klortho wrote: > >> The

Re: Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countless absolute

2007-02-28 Thread Mark Peaty
Dream on Brent ... Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Brent Meeker wrote: > Klortho wrote: > >>> The other thing I do is check to what extent a person's speech and >>> writings support and affirm the four fundamental in

Re: [SPAM] Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countless a

2007-02-25 Thread Mark Peaty
eech and writings support and affirm the four fundamental ingredients of civilisation: Compassion, democracy, ethics and scientific method. No civilisation can survive without all four of these. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTE

Re: Evidence for the simulation argument

2007-02-25 Thread Mark Peaty
Brent: ' Which scientists...ours of theirs?' MP: Ours. The situation is not static; they would have to KEEP responding to our scientists' unpredictable forays into basic science, unpredictable a-priori either to them or to us. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL P

Re: Evidence for the simulation argument

2007-02-24 Thread Mark Peaty
understanding can in time reach just about arbitrarily fine degrees of resolution. Or, which would be more the worry for 'emulators' who wished to remain invisible, the emulation would need to be able to be controlled to a finer resolution than scientists' contemporary measurem

Re: Evidence for the simulation argument

2007-02-24 Thread Mark Peaty
nk the whole project of Mathematical universe and 'Comp' may be just a very sophisticated house of cards.] I believe that either all of our universe as seen on, at and from planet Earth is being simulated perfectly or none of it is being simulated at all. Regards Mark Peaty CD

Re: Evidence for the simulation argument

2007-02-24 Thread Mark Peaty
27; physics, because if we exist and know that we do it has to be because we BELIEVE in ourselves and our world. Believing in something IS reifying it. When we understand that the basic mechanism underlying this process is the activation of a model of whatever it is, the whole question of mind and

Re: Searles' Fundamental Error

2007-02-21 Thread Mark Peaty
e strongly tempted to think that some participants on the Jerry Springer [sp?] show, experience perceptual qualia but nothing else! I am pretty sure that the majority of mammals and birds are like this, reptiles maybe, fish also to various degrees. Worms and insects? I dunno. Regards Mark Peaty C

Re: Searles' Fundamental Error

2007-02-19 Thread Mark Peaty
ns you will meet will either be sleep walking or otherwise deficient as a consequence of drug use or brain trauma. I think Oliver Sachs's book The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat gives many examples illustrating the point that all deficiencies in consciousness correlate strictl

Re: Texas, Georgia legislators: Copernicus and Darwin a Jewish conspiracy

2007-02-18 Thread Mark Peaty
The USA is doomed! What with Hollywood and these people, is there any chance that the US can really adapt itself to cope with the realities of environmental changes now coming upon the world? Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Stathis

Re: Searles' Fundamental Error

2007-02-18 Thread Mark Peaty
e entropy seriously. I think this poses problems for theories of infinite alternative universes which are purported to have some kind of connection with ours. And there I ran out of steam! Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Bruno Marchal wrote:

Re: Searles' Fundamental Error

2007-02-16 Thread Mark Peaty
n in my reply to Bruno on this thread because Bruno has provided the biggest challenge to my, uhhh, maturing brain. I have no real hopes of discovering a/the 'killer' argument, apart from claiming that 'Comp' always begs the question. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMA

Re: Searles' Fundamental Error

2007-02-07 Thread Mark Peaty
ithin it! SO, yes I will ask: What do you mean by 'physical'? And next: what do you mean by 'exist'? These are very basic questions, and in our context here, 'dumb' questions for sure, but without some clarification on how people are using these words, I don&#

Re: Searles' Fundamental Error

2007-02-03 Thread Mark Peaty
universe; the threads and discourses seem to be expanding away from me at great speed, so that every time I try to follow and respond to something, everything seems to have proliferated AND gone just that little bit further out of reach! Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] http:/

Re: Rép : The Meaning of Life

2007-01-26 Thread Mark Peaty
Bruno: " 4) Mark Peaty wrote (to Brent): As I say, the essence of evil is the act of treating other persons as things. I so agree with you. And then, with Church thesis (less than comp, thus) you can understand the reason why even some (relative) machine and some (relative) nu

Re: The Meaning of [your] Life

2007-01-16 Thread Mark Peaty
terpenetration and eternal separation of two branes might be just that!] Numbers are written and imagined as existing in their own right Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Bruno Marchal wrote: Hi Mark, (To the other: I will read and com

Re: Evidence for the simulation argument

2007-01-14 Thread Mark Peaty
um particles, or as individual quantum items manifesting radical indeterminacy? Either way AIUI, the computational model will manipulate symbols denoting the real world physics and there is no guarantee that any such computing system could overcome the limits imposed by entropy and quantum in

Re: Evil ?

2007-01-12 Thread Mark Peaty
"Mark Peaty wrote: [amongst other things] ... What scientific method has brought to the human species is the clear demonstration that ALL beliefs and assumptions are open to question." Brent M: ' They *should* be, but religious dogma of the Abrahamic theisms is, according th

Re: Evil ?

2007-01-11 Thread Mark Peaty
a 'machine' to act in an evil manner it would have to be capable of taking responsibility for its actions otherwise it is only the evil tool of an evil person. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Brent Meeker wrote: <> I think hum

Re: The Meaning of [your] Life

2007-01-08 Thread Mark Peaty
rent enduring structures and identity of things in the world being entirely emergent properties. 11. 'I could even argue (as I do from times to times) that modern (post-godelian) mechanism is a sort of very powerful vaccine against a vast class of reductionist view of both human

Re: The Meaning of Life

2007-01-07 Thread Mark Peaty
now and seeming to be the same person from day to day, indeed from moment to moment, is what it is like to be a description of a person, although I would say that the qualia aspect is actually what it is like to be the updating of the description. It was ever thus. Regards,

Re: The Meaning of Life

2007-01-07 Thread Mark Peaty
at this fact is a reflection of how our brains work in creating the phenomenal reality of our experience [see <>]. I think that is enough

Re: The Meaning of Life

2007-01-07 Thread Mark Peaty
mit it! And what lawyers really take scientific method seriously? I rest my case - for the time being! :-) Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Brent Meeker wrote: Mark Peaty wrote: SP: 'Getting back to the original question about teleportatio

Re: The Meaning of Life

2007-01-06 Thread Mark Peaty
Derek Parfit's copier [/Reasons and Persons/ Ch 10] was 'usually' producing complete and accurate copies, because one of his scenarios addresses what would happen if there was a fault in the transmission. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: The Meaning of [your] Life

2007-01-06 Thread Mark Peaty
emulation in question can interact with an environment like what its organic original was involved with, the entity in question would be conscious. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Brent Meeker wrote: Mark Peaty wrote: Bruno, Stathis, Brent, Pe

Re: The Meaning of Life

2007-01-05 Thread Mark Peaty
xplicit, active dynamic logical entities when invoked, and exist only implicitly at other times as the components of structural particularity in synapses, dendrite length and location, etc. which came about when the constructs came into existence in the brain in question. Regards Mark Peaty

Re: The Meaning of Life - COMP and Circumstance

2007-01-05 Thread Mark Peaty
Thanks for this Peter: I am still chewing on this, with a view to ultimate digestion. I do get a certain kind of Angels and pinheads impression about some of it though. Hopefully that is just an illusion! :-) Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: The Meaning of [your] Life

2007-01-05 Thread Mark Peaty
dence that I have heard about. I think William of Occam would be more than happy with what I am putting forward. I hope no one is offended by this. Is they are, sorry! But time returns for no one and you do not have for ever, just all the time there is - for you. That is what entropy is about. Regar

Re: The Meaning of Life

2007-01-05 Thread Mark Peaty
ceived experience is that of progressively weakened memory. Not Alzheimer's which is a league of its own, but just difficulty remembering certain things. I am just about to post another message which might stir some angst [or not in which case 'ho hum'], so I leave this here

Re: The Meaning of Life

2007-01-04 Thread Mark Peaty
addressed to the great IT or Universe: 'Lead us not into temptation, and deliver us from hubris, for Thine is the location, the duration and the entropy, for at least the next 15 billion years and maybe for eternity, Amen! Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: The Meaning of Life

2007-01-03 Thread Mark Peaty
For my benefit, could you flesh that out in plain English please? Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1Z wrote: Mark Peaty wrote: SP: 'using the term "comp" as short for "computationalism" as something picked up from

Re: The Meaning of Life

2007-01-03 Thread Mark Peaty
, rightly or wrongly, that for the time being at least there is a universe and I am here and that it is most likely that the universe exists whether I happen to notice it or not. I think it is bigger than me, in fact much much bigger! SP: 'What if we use the word 'cause' rath

Re: The Meaning of Life

2007-01-02 Thread Mark Peaty
rience is much more limited than that. It would be much truer to say, I think, that this consciousness I take so much for granted is ABOUT my being here now. As much as anything I like to characterise it as: the registration of difference between what my brain predicted for percei

Re: The Meaning of Life

2007-01-02 Thread Mark Peaty
things with the things themselves. There is a sense in which these are simply manifestations of the same raw fact of life: the model of something is not the thing, it is only ABOUT the thing. Amen! :-) Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] St

Re: The Meaning of Life

2007-01-01 Thread Mark Peaty
aking, and the updating of the model of self in the world would be the experience of self awareness. What it would be like TO BE the updating of such a model of self in the world is something we will probably have to wait awhile to be told :-) Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://

Re: 'reason' and ethics; was computer pain

2006-12-29 Thread Mark Peaty
say: 'Oh, I don't have time to do that.' or some such, then we are none the less choosing by default and making ourselves less than what we thought ourselves to be. That was longer than I expected but hopefully not too verbose. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www

Re: 'reason' and ethics; was computer pain

2006-12-27 Thread Mark Peaty
. But it also entails a denial of empathy, and a closing off from a part of the world, an objective assertion that 'they are not us and we are not them'. This contains within it also a diminution of self, something that may not be recognised to start with and perhaps never understo

Re: 'reason' and ethics; was computer pain

2006-12-27 Thread Mark Peaty
son! And that's a fact! So THERE! And don't you forget it, or you'll be sorry, or at least your children and their children will become so! Put that in your pipes all you armchair philosophers!' Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: computer pain

2006-12-22 Thread Mark Peaty
the assertion of this is of course hampered precisely by our lack of knowledge of the future This feels incomplete but it needs to be sent. Regards Mark Peaty CDES [EMAIL PROTECTED] Stathis Papaioannou wrote: Brent meeker writes: Stathis P

Re: computer pain

2006-12-17 Thread Mark Peaty
ore from the point of view that being able to do science, and being able to perceive and understand entropy - even if it is only grasping where crumbs and fluff balls come from - are what allow us to know that we are NOT in some kind of computer generated matrix. We live in a real, open universe t

Re: The Totally Blind Zombie Homunculus Room

2006-12-04 Thread Mark Peaty
asserted many times before, the most succinct explanation of phenomenal experience is that it is what it is like to be the updating of the model of self in the world [UMSITW]. IOW the incorporation of novelty into our sets of tested beliefs. This is how I relate to your assertion that the ability to