Re: New FELV Positive- questions

2008-04-08 Thread Belinda Sauro
Hi Tonya, I don't think this is always the case, I had Bailey tested several times in his 11 years of life, at least 4 times and the tests were given years apart and he always tested a light positive. I know it's not scientifically proven, but I believe light positive means recent exposu

Re: re Foxy/ bad news

2008-04-03 Thread Belinda Sauro
Well this is the way I look at it, she will die without something being done, and as I said hemobatonella is VERY hard to diagnose, I know of several cats on the anemia list that were tested 4 or 5 times coming up negative but thankfully their mom insisted they get doxycycline, guess what t

Re: Ringworm

2008-04-03 Thread Belinda Sauro
Terrie, With shipping the ocheaper place is 34.+ change, at this place it is only 30.00 with shipping. -- Belinda happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties HostDesign4U.

Re: Ringworm

2008-04-03 Thread Belinda Sauro
Hi Terrie, You can buy it on line but if you don't need much maybe your vet will give you some, I got a small bottle from my vet. Cheapest price here: Another place:

Re: Another Important Question

2008-04-03 Thread Belinda Sauro
Yes that is my understanding also, she has the virus but it is dormant. I think it just means she carries the virus (not disease) but doesn't get sick. Gloria -- Belinda happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting &

Re: re Foxy/ bad news

2008-04-02 Thread Belinda Sauro
Sally, If it is al all possible find another vet who is more knowledgable in treating FeLV this vet is pretty clueless. An HCT of 10 is when a transfusion would be seriously considered not ruled out, that alone tells me this vet doesn't have the knowledge to help you. Bailey started wit

Re: re Foxy/ bad news

2008-04-02 Thread Belinda Sauro
I'm not sure what kind of vet you are seeing but 10 is when a transfusin is very much considered, it usually isn't done when the HCT is higher than that. 10- even too low for a transfusion. -- Belinda happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties HostDesi

Re: re Foxy/ bad news

2008-04-01 Thread Belinda Sauro
This may be too late already but what does your vet say is causing the anemia If he said it is the FeLV causing it RUN to another vet Is she getting doxycycline in case she has hemobartonella, something positives are prone to get and VERY hard to test for??? Bailey was anemic a

Re: New FELV Positive- questions

2008-03-29 Thread Belinda Sauro
Bailey was a light positive all his life, he was tested 4 different times throughout his life, the test always barely turned blue. Positive is positive from what I understand. I really do not like the whole "light positive" thing. It is confusing and difficult to understand - I still don

Re: test please ignore

2008-03-27 Thread Belinda Sauro
Gary, Looks like it is working, I got it. -- Belinda happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]

Re: newgirlexpected

2008-03-20 Thread Belinda Sauro
Oral cancers are very hard to detect and often aren't even found until a dental is done, I'm thinking it was probably there, but I am surprised the vet didn't find it when doing the dental. But then again sometimes even a dental doesn't expose them. It is one of the scarier ones to me. --

Is Cheesecake On The Horizan?!

2008-03-18 Thread Belinda Sauro
Just received this from * *newsletter, dare we hope???* * *Pilot Study Will Help Determine If New Cobra-Venom Drug Cures Feline Leukemia* For more than a year we’ve been waiting for the federal government to approve a license application to use a new cobra-venom based drug

Re: Bartonella

2008-03-18 Thread Belinda Sauro
Just to make sure no one gets confused, Haemobartonella and Bartonella are two very different diseases. I just don't want any new people to get confused about this: -- Belinda happiness is being owned by cats

Re: crf-Belinda

2008-03-11 Thread Belinda Sauro
What are his numbers, specifically his Creatinine, BUN, Phosphorus, Potassium, and his HCT, these are the important ones that tell you how well or not well he is doing? Get them from your vet, they can fax or give you a copy of his last blood work results, you paid for them they are yours

Re: + & - cats together

2008-03-03 Thread Belinda Sauro
Mine have never worn collars, and they too are all microchipped. I know all the pros but experienced a very big con with a break away collar. Mi Tu caught her paw between her neck and the collar and was struggling when I found her. That was the last collar any cat of mine wore. They are

Re: + & - cats together

2008-03-03 Thread Belinda Sauro
Yes, I had this happen, luckily two of my guys got on my porch and Bailey went in the neighbors yard and sat in her flower bed after pusing the screen out. They are now wedged in so they can't be pushed out. This was also the reason we ended up putting up the enclosure, once Bailey had a t

Re: crf-Belinda

2008-03-03 Thread Belinda Sauro
Hi Tonya, Fred gets, *Nutrived* which is a liquid for his slight anemia, he gets a potassium supplement (*potassium gluconate powder* that I put in capsules, he gets 4 a day) and he gets *phosphorus binders* because his phosphorus was too high, we've got it down again and he gets *Marrow

Re: more questions and thank you

2008-02-29 Thread Belinda Sauro
Dorothy, If your going to "quote" me maybe you should read my WHOLE email: the best place to get accurate info is from a vet who is knowledgable about FeLV and goes to continued education seminars, not the internet. I think that covers this statement: Have you ever heard of a library,

Re: more questions and thankyou

2008-02-28 Thread Belinda Sauro
All I'm saying is not all the information you find on the internet is accurate and if you think it is your in for a rude awakening. Your highlighted in yellow info is not correct. I'm speaking from experience, mine and many others on the list. My vet was fully aware of my situation, Bailey w

Re: more questions and thankyou

2008-02-28 Thread Belinda Sauro
Also inaccurate *Due to the extreme contagiousness* -- Belinda happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]

Re: more bad news

2008-02-28 Thread Belinda Sauro
Lynne, Still waiting for answers on the vet list. Some vets are afraid to use spiro and lasix togehter but I know many cats on the heart list who didn't benefit from lasix alone and are doing well being on both. Many advanced heart kitties have fluid biuld up and the spiro and lasix are

Re: more questions and thankyou

2008-02-28 Thread Belinda Sauro
This is why inaccurate information is so harmful, Dorthys info is wrong, it dries it dies, talk to any vet who is knowledgable about FeLV if you can find one, there aren't many even today it seems. Now I am worried. I have been taking good care of Buzz's dishes and washing my hands after

Re: more questions and thankyou

2008-02-28 Thread Belinda Sauro
Wherever you read this it is WRONG, it lives secondsif that, once it dries it dies. Don't believe anything you read on the internet, anyone can write anything they want and if you read it at Cornells website, ALOT of their information on FeLV is inaccurate too. Apparently the virus CAN live for

Re: more bad news

2008-02-27 Thread Belinda Sauro
Lynne, What is his lasix dose? Have you asked about being on spiro, darn I can't think of the name but it is used with lasix if lasix isn't doing the trick. I belong to a feline heart group and many cats are on it with lasix, it worked when lasix alone didn't. Is the fluid in his lungs

Re: more bad news

2008-02-27 Thread Belinda Sauro
Any vet that tells you this is a quack ... period he has FIP FIP can ONLY be diagnosed with an autopsy so Boo will not get treated now for what he really has, I hate vets that tell people that. There are many things that mimic FIP, but once the dreaded FIP word is mentioned the cat is

Re: BooBoo today

2008-02-20 Thread Belinda Sauro
Yaaa BooBoo, I hope he keeps feeling better and better ... -- Belinda happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]

Re: breathing issues

2008-02-18 Thread Belinda Sauro
Lynne, He is gasping for breathe because his anemia is likely getting worse, I would ask the Doc to put him on a fairly high dose of prednisolone, get the compounded version, it is a transdermal gel that gets rubbed on the inside of the ear. If his blood work tomorrow shows his HCT is l

Re: breathing difficulties

2008-02-18 Thread Belinda Sauro
I am referring to the vit b here: Fred is anemic with his CRF and the others just for GP, it can't hurt, any they don't need just gets peed out. -- Belinda happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] ht

Re: breathing difficulties

2008-02-18 Thread Belinda Sauro
Fred is anemic with his CRF and the others just for GP, it can't hurt, any they don't need just gets peed out. -- Belinda happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] ForYouByUs.

Re: breathing difficulties

2008-02-18 Thread Belinda Sauro
Here is a pictorial, this is closer to how I do it but I do it from the front, but basically the same. Always be calm and not stressed when pilling, Boo will pick it up if you are feeling stressed and it will affect him. -- Belinda happi

Re: breathing difficulties

2008-02-18 Thread Belinda Sauro
Lynne, I'm sorry the doxy is so hard to administer, I wouldn't worry about the injections though, just get a small needle, insulin size, I get them from my local pharmacy. I give all my guys a vitamin b once a week and none notice the needle at all, some do notice the vit b going in beca

Information About Interferon

2008-02-18 Thread Belinda Sauro
Here is just some information I found on interferon and it's uses: *Uses of Interferon* # # The primary use of interferon in veterinary medicine has been as a supplement in the treatment of the non-cancerous feline leuk

Re: Boo & medicine

2008-02-17 Thread Belinda Sauro
I seem to remember my vet telling me the diluted interferon is only good for three months. A three month supply cost me $30.00 if I remember, it's been a long time ago. Your vet should only dilute a three month supply at one time. -- Belinda happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-K

Re: Boo & medicine

2008-02-17 Thread Belinda Sauro
I'm glad Boo is on the doxy, but a week is not long enough, it should be for a 3 or 4 week minimum. The taste is disgusting, can you get the pill form, you could put the pill in a pill pocket or empty capsule and he wouldn't even taste it. All of my cats hate liquid meds, I never get th

Re: coughing

2008-02-10 Thread Belinda Sauro
Laurie, That's good news for Lucy, amlodapine is the preferred drug for high blood pressure, this is what Fred gets for his high BP, it got high again and we double his dose, then it got high again so we added benazapril and it is good for now. His kidney values did go up after adding th

Re: coughing

2008-02-10 Thread Belinda Sauro
Sometimes it is, he doesn't gobble his food though, I try to make sure they get food several times a day, 4 or 5 times a day. Is the vomit undigested food? If yes, is he gobbling his food? -- Belinda happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties HostDesign

Re: coughing

2008-02-10 Thread Belinda Sauro
Hi Laurie, Why would they take her off the meds? Joey will be on them for the rest of his life. He hasn't had to increase them because his HCM is progressing slowly, his thickening is about the same but his arotic value has dilated slightly more so there is progression. He is failry ac

Re: coughing

2008-02-10 Thread Belinda Sauro
Hi Laurie, Joey has never coughed, it is the panting he did but only when he was 5 months old and then put on the heart meds stoppd that but he looked very unhealthy. When he was checked a year later he was taken off the meds and given a clean bill of health for the heart disease. He rea

Re: coughing

2008-02-10 Thread Belinda Sauro
When Joey was about 5 months old he panted after playing, I took him to the vet and he sent me to a specialty place. They did lots of tests and said he was early HCM, this was in Missouri. Moved back her and a year later had him rechecked, he was on medication for his supposed heart disease

Re: coughing

2008-02-10 Thread Belinda Sauro
Laurie, This really got my curiosity, my Joey has episodes where his purr sounds wet, rumbly and his breathing too, is how I would described it to my vet. She has checked his lungs when he is having one of these episodes and says his lungs are clear, that it is contained to his sinuses

Re: BooBoo is home!!

2008-02-09 Thread Belinda Sauro
Lynne, Somethings you can do for anemia are vitamin B and get some nutrived to supplement him with. Fred is anemic from his kidney disease and he get all of that plus a vitamin B shot once a week. I buy the nutrived here:

Re: Overjoyed

2008-02-08 Thread Belinda Sauro
Great news Michelle!! Yaa Minstrel!! -- Belinda happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]

Re: new cat

2008-02-05 Thread Belinda Sauro
Welcome Lynne, Bailey was positive when I found him at 5 months of age, he passed in May 2006, five days after turning 11 years old, he was never sick except for the last 6 months. -- Belinda happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties HostDesign4U.

URGENT : I need adopted soon or I must go to heaven

2008-01-04 Thread Belinda Sauro
    This kitty is URGENTLY needing help anyone have any contacts Contact Information Posted by:

Re: EVO Coupon

2008-01-03 Thread Belinda Sauro
Carolyn, You have to remove yourself same as you subscribed yourself, you can do that here: Go down to where it says unsubscribe at the bottom and follow the instructions. -- Belinda happiness is being owned by

Re: OT - Cute pics of foster kittens

2008-01-03 Thread Belinda Sauro
Absolutely adorable!!! -- Belinda happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design] http://H

Re: Prayers Please

2008-01-01 Thread Belinda Sauro
I know I've said this a million times ... but syringe feeding as stressful as it is won't kill her, not eating or getting enough food and by that I mean at least a can a day will. period. -- Belinda happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties Post Adoptable F

Tidy cat clumping litter DANGER

2007-12-27 Thread Belinda Sauro
Just got this on one of my other lists: From: casey Subject: Danger in Cat Litter Container Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2007 10:35:04 -0500 Message: A friend of ours on another cat group just lost one of her kitties in a tragic accident. Her mom has written a message about what happened that she want

Re: OT: sick 6 mo kitten follow-up

2007-12-27 Thread Belinda Sauro
Smart vet I've always gotten the 18 and they are pretty huge compared tot the 20's!! -- Belinda happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens FeLV Candlelight Service

Re: OT: sick 6 mo kitten follow-up

2007-12-27 Thread Belinda Sauro
Caroline, Fred gets fluids everyday and I bet your vet gave you those monster size 18 gauge needles called kitty harpoons on the CRF site. You can order size 20 gauge terumo needles from, I order Fred's here. They ar

Re: OT .. Re: FELV- cat, throwing up....input/suggestions?

2007-11-26 Thread Belinda Sauro
Hi MC, Many vets do prescribe the 1/4 tab as a starting dose but if I read that the starting dose is between a 1/8 and 1/4 tab, I always start with the lower dose. My vet started Fred with a 1/8 dose back when he needed it, since we've got his phosphorus down he hasn't needed it. Every o

Re: OT .. Re: FELV- cat, throwing up....input/suggestions?

2007-11-26 Thread Belinda Sauro
Pepcid can be hard on the tummy too if too much is given, the starting dose is usually 1/8 of a pill every other day, CRF cats get this fairly regularly since most develope tummy acid sooner or later as the CRF progresses. Thankfully Fred hasn't needed this yet. If you can get him to eat

Re: detailed video of seizure

2007-11-19 Thread Belinda Sauro
Michael, I didn't even have to finish reading what you wrote because I think you meant this email for Susan, opps I forgot she is a friend of yours. I was not attacking you in any way I simply stated a fact Dan Rather was fired for putting a story on that was false and made up without che

Re: detailed video of seizure

2007-11-19 Thread Belinda Sauro
Hi Jim, I wrote a month or so ago about the emergency fund and never heard back from you. I hope your OK. Susan Duboise is starting trouble on the list again, of which I mistakenly fell victim to as well as others. Some wondered if it wasn't a good idea to remove or at least moderate

Re: detailed video of seizure

2007-11-19 Thread Belinda Sauro
OH really how about the high and mighty Dan Rather getting fired over a story that was completely fabricated, come on open your eyes the news is very baised about what they report and they love to twist things to be the way they want them to be ... regardless of people's feelings for Susan OR

Re: Kelly Saveika hearing..........

2007-11-19 Thread Belinda Sauro
Susan, Well we have these problems here too and when AC raids a house and it is on the news they show actual footage of the inside to back up what they are saying. Since this wasn't done in this case I have to have reservations that AC was probably exaggerating what they actually saw,

Kelley from Belinda

2007-11-19 Thread Belinda Sauro
Kelley, My sincerest apologies for jumping to conclusions, I was completely fooled by a hoarder once and it is a very delicate subject for me. I should have known with Susan telling the story it probably wasn't true, I did view the video and like I said in my email that was taken with a

Re: Kelly Saveika hearing..........

2007-11-19 Thread Belinda Sauro
I don't know what the circumstances are here because although the Animal control film made accusations they never really showed the inside of the house and since they are seizing the animals I don't expect them to say anything nice. The animals I saw on the film didn't look sick or undern

Interferon Question

2007-11-14 Thread Belinda Sauro
Got this from a friend, anyone know or heard anything about this?? I have a feline interferon question. If you don't know the answer, would you mind asking the group? I followed the prophylactic regimen recommended in studies for asymptomatic felv+ cats, which is every day for five d

Re: How's Bailey & Other Stuff some of it OT?

2006-03-30 Thread Belinda Sauro
PS. Got the cobra thing all squared away and the HR department talked the insurance into letting them cover us for this month so that is hopefully no longer an issue. -- Belinda Happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties ... Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats

Re: How's Bailey & Other Stuff some of it OT?

2006-03-30 Thread Belinda Sauro
Wendy, No I thought about it but I decided I just wanted to get it over with, I have researched all the different options and with the one other that only involves minor surgery by just removing the affected areas, if they don't get it all I may end up getting the hysterectomy anyway and I

Re: OT - Humiliating experience with my cat

2006-03-30 Thread Belinda Sauro
Usually when they back up and spray it does mean marking. I had a male cat of mine years ago mark my boots one day while I was sitting on the couch. -- Belinda Happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties ... Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens http://

Re: OT - Prayers/answers needed for Pepper

2006-03-30 Thread Belinda Sauro
Better yet, flush floss down the toilet, I have a few that on occasion get in the trash. -- Belinda Happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties ... Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens FeLV Candle Light Service

Re: OT - Prayers/answers needed for Pepper

2006-03-29 Thread Belinda Sauro
Nina, Have they looked for a blockage or maybe AJ ate something that is wrapped around her intestines?? -- Belinda Happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties ... Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens FeLV Candle Light Ser

Re: How's Bailey & Other Stuff some of it OT?

2006-03-29 Thread Belinda Sauro
Hi Nina & All, Bailey is doing better his bloodwork continues to be good, just did one yesterday and his HCT is at 41%. he is still lethargic but I've been weaning him to a lower dose of pred and now he is getting 10mgs, down from 20mgs two and a half weeks ago, and next week we go to

Special story about how special this FeLV+ in particular and all cats in general are ... enjoy

2006-03-29 Thread Belinda Sauro
EVERY CAT IS SPECIAL by Larry McCarley       That particular night we were not sure what we had seen, or indeed if we had seen anything.       At first he seemed more shadow than substance, allowing us only the occasional glimpse.  But there definitely was something out there, and that some

Re: Add Tad to the CLS

2006-03-28 Thread Belinda Sauro
Hi Gloria, Sorry to hear about Tad, so sad when this happens. I have added him to the service, is there a date and a friends name? -- Belinda Happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties ... Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens http://adopt.bemikitties

Re: to everyone

2006-03-17 Thread Belinda Sauro
MC, I sure hope you're feeling better and healing up OK, burns are especially painful. -- Belinda Happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties ... Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens FeLV Candle Light Service http://www.b

Re: New to group, Stella

2006-03-17 Thread Belinda Sauro
Elysa, I buy my folic acid at he is the specific one I buy: they are capsules and I put one in his food every 2 or 3 days, the vitamin B complex I use has 400mcg so I don't use it on the days Bailey gets that. Poor Bailey has

Re: New to group, Stella

2006-03-17 Thread Belinda Sauro
Tell your vet my positive Bailey's anemia is bone marrow related and he went from his lowest HCT of 15% to his current HCT of 40% in 8 weeks on epogen and prednisolone. It saved his life for sure, he is welcome to call and speak with my vet, her name is Dr. Carlson, phone 253-863-2258, she's g

Re: New to the group, Interferon omega?

2006-03-15 Thread Belinda Sauro
PS. Forgot anemia group address: -- Belinda Happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties ... Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens FeLV Candle Light Service

Re: New to the group, Interferon omega?

2006-03-15 Thread Belinda Sauro
Hi Elysa, I would go with the epogen first too, my Bailey is, or was anemic about 2 months ago although his anemia is bone marrow related. His lowest HCT was at 15% and this was AFTER starting the epogen, his HCT actually went down, this is common so don't panic if it actually goes lower

Re: Subject: Stinky

2006-03-10 Thread Belinda Sauro
I think diabetis is also a disease where they eat alot but lose weight, was she checked for that? -- Belinda Happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties ... Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens FeLV Candle Light Service http:

Re: Subject: Stinky

2006-03-10 Thread Belinda Sauro
Was the T4 and T3 thyriod test done? Many times only the T4 is done and it is missed. Ask your vet if he did both the T4 & T3 test. -- Belinda Happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties ... Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens http://adopt.bemikittie

Re: [felinelymphomacaregivers] Bailey Update

2006-03-08 Thread Belinda Sauro
Thanks Karen, hopefully the ultrasound will give us something to work with. -- Belinda Happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties ... Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens FeLV Candle Light Service

Re: [felinelymphomacaregivers] Bailey Update

2006-03-08 Thread Belinda Sauro
Now to make things even trickier, with all of Bailey's bloodwork being normal again, I just got the results of his iron test and he is low 41, with normal being 65 to 125??? Any ideas??? I've made an appointment for an ultrasound, originally had it for Tuesday but decided to try to get an e

Re: Bailey Update

2006-03-08 Thread Belinda Sauro
Susan, My vet did say it was hard to get, but the compounding pharmacy in town can get it and that's why I was able to. I asked them and they are only able to get it for local vets, so it is not the easiest thing to get. But for future reference if it comes up again, have your vet conta

Re: Angel Buster

2006-03-08 Thread Belinda Sauro
Kerry, I'm sorry Buster didn't make it. It is so hard losing them and you are right he was waiting for you to return, our kitties know what we can and can't handle. He wanted to be in Mommy arms when he left this world and knew you would be OK with that, it is a very special priviledge t

Re: Belinda Bailey Tabbs and Sandra

2006-03-08 Thread Belinda Sauro
Hi Sandra, I'm glad Tabbs seems to be holding his own and not getting any worse. Bailey has only been getting the interferon for about 3 weeks or so and I can't see any difference, but then there hasn't been any difference even though his bloodwork is now normal and good???!! Hope your

Re: Bailey Update

2006-03-08 Thread Belinda Sauro
Hi Susan, Thanks for the well wishes. Bailey is getting Winstrol, he has been getting that for almost a month and it has stopped the wasting from getting worse and my vet thinks his muscle mass is improving. -- Belinda Happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Bailey Update

2006-03-08 Thread Belinda Sauro
Bailey's bloodwork is very good, his anemia is pretty much resolved, his HCT went from his lowest of 15% up to now 40%, so he is no longer anemic. Physically however he is not improving, he is still not really gaining any significant weight (from 8.4 to 8.9.5 in a little over a month), he is s

Re: IMPORTANT - CLS Service Furkids

2006-03-07 Thread Belinda Sauro
Hi Sandra, Way behind on my email, I sure hope the epogen works, are you doing 3 doses a week? -- Belinda Happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties ... Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens FeLV Candle Light Service htt

Re: IMPORTANT - CLS Service Furkids

2006-03-03 Thread Belinda Sauro
Thanks Nina!! -- Belinda Happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties ... Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens FeLV Candle Light Service (affordable hosting & web design) http:

IMPORTANT - CLS Service Furkids

2006-03-03 Thread Belinda Sauro
Hi All, As you probably have noticed I have gotten waaay behind on the CLS service and would like to get it updated. I have about 300 emails in my inbox with all of the CLS kitties I missed mixed in them, so could everyone that has lost a furchild please resend them to me so I can ge

AOL's proposed email tax

2006-03-02 Thread Belinda Sauro
    Jim,   What do you think about signing an open letter to AOL disagreeing with their proposed email tax?  You can read about it here: >>> Since we are a democratic group, I think we need people to generally agree. And we probably need the list owner, James

Re: AOL belittles Internet advocates

2006-03-02 Thread Belinda Sauro
Yes I think that would be a good idea, how do we do that? -- Belinda Happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties ... Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens FeLV Candle Light Service

Re: Fwd: Tell AOL -- Hands Off My Internet!

2006-03-02 Thread Belinda Sauro
signed that too ... -- Belinda Happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties ... Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens FeLV Candle Light Service (affordable hosting & web design) h

Re: Fwd: AOL belittles Internet advocates

2006-03-02 Thread Belinda Sauro
Just signed it! -- Belinda Happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties ... Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens FeLV Candle Light Service (affordable hosting & web design) http

Re: Fwd: AOL belittles Internet advocates

2006-03-02 Thread Belinda Sauro
I have also heard something about an internet email tax from AOL on the TV. Not a good thing, this could lead to so many taxes and charges above and beyond what we already pay to surf the internet, where's that petition, I'll definately sign it!! -- Belinda Happiness is being owned by cats

Re: Brenda Smith

2006-03-02 Thread Belinda Sauro
Thank you Terri, I know her family will appreciate this. -- Belinda Happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties ... Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens FeLV Candle Light Service HostDesign4U.

Re: Brenda Smith

2006-03-02 Thread Belinda Sauro
Hi All, Brenda was indeed a heart transplant and was a longtime survivor. She has not been well for about 7 months and was going to the doctor but they were never able to find the reason for her not feeling well. Her heart was in great shape, Janine (her daughter) found out Saturday that

Re: a name for my sanctuary

2006-03-01 Thread Belinda Sauro
How about "Aymi's Banzai Feline Haven" ? -- Belinda Happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties ... Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens FeLV Candle Light Service (affordable

Brenda Smith

2006-03-01 Thread Belinda Sauro
Hi All, It is with deep sadness I must let you all know that Brenda Smith passed away this Monday. Brenda didn't post often so many of you may not be familar with her. She was a wonderful, loving member of this group for many, many years and recently adopted two positives Lovey and Mer

Re: Fwd: Paassht

2006-02-27 Thread Belinda Sauro
Becca, Hi, sorry Paassht has a mass in her intestines. There is atleast one kitty on the lymphoma list I'm on that is FeLV positive and is doing very well last I heard. And one named Samba that is past two years in remission and doing well. You can find the list below if you'd like to

Re: Kitty with sudden rear leg problems - Please add Pixie to the CLS

2006-02-27 Thread Belinda Sauro
Amy, Was bloodwork done, low potassium levels can cause back leg weakness. From what you described it did sound more like a saddle thormbosis (sp?), how was that ruled out? -- Belinda Happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties ... Post Adoptable FeLV/F

Re: Sandra open to all comments reply from Tabbs

2006-02-26 Thread Belinda Sauro
Hi Sandra,   I'm going to answer your vets specific questions: >>> Bailey's HCT was 19% when we got his bloodwork results on January 3rd, we started the epogen on January 6th and his HCT went down to 15% in a few weeks, but was at 23% when we last checked it on Feburary 5th, this is a dir

Re: Tabbs my Siamese in Spain to Belinda open to all comments please regarding l-lysine

2006-02-25 Thread Belinda Sauro
Marrisa, Bloodwork will tell you alot, is his anemia regenerative or non regenerative, what are his kidney values, does he have hemobartonella, a full CBC would tell you all of that? Once you know those answers then you can figure out what comes next. With his count that low though you m

Re: Tabbs my Siamese in Spain to Belinda open to all comments please regarding l-lysine

2006-02-25 Thread Belinda Sauro
Hi Sandra, My Bailey is FeLV+ and is anemic, his kidney's are perfect in fact all of his organs are in great shape. His anemia is due directly to the FeLV virus replicating in the bone marrow, and preventing the bone marrow from producing the red cells. He is diagnosed with myeloid

Re: Tabbs my Siamese in Spain to Belinda open to all comments please regarding l-lysine

2006-02-24 Thread Belinda Sauro
Sandra, How much epogen was/is he getting, as far as I know from what my vet say's and from experience with others going through the same thing, it should bring his count up. I do know that with some kitties the standard recomended dose was not strong enough. Cindi's cat on the anemia lis

Re: Tabbs my Siamese in Spain to Belinda open to all commentsplease regarding l-lysine (Gloria-question)

2006-02-24 Thread Belinda Sauro
Here is the search on the Yahoo spanish site: -- Belinda Happiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties ... Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens h

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