[ANNOUNCE] LyX 2.0.5

2012-11-12 Thread rgheck

We are pleased to announce the release of LyX 2.0.5. This is the fifth
maintenance release in the 2.0.x series.

LyX 2.0.5 is the result of on-going efforts to make our stable version
even more reliable and stable. We have fixed a number of bugs and made
a number of improvements. These are detailed below. We encourage all
LyX users to upgrade to this version.

LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing based
on the structure of your documents and not simply their appearance. It is
released under a Free and Open Source Software license.

You can download LyX 2.0.5 from http://www.lyx.org/Download/.

If you think you found a bug in LyX 2.0.5, either e-mail the LyX
developers' mailing list (lyx-devel  lists.lyx.org), or open a bug
report at http://www.lyx.org/trac/wiki/BugTrackerHome.

If you have trouble using LyX or have a question, consult the
documentation that comes with LyX and the LyX wiki, which lives at
http://wiki.lyx.org/. If you can't find the answer there, e-mail the LyX
users' list (lyx-users at lists.lyx.org).

We hope you enjoy using LyX 2.0.5.

The LyX team.

What's new in LyX 2.0.5

The View>Source widget now allows you to select the backend to display,
e.g., LaTeX or XHTML, rather than the output format. The previous choice
really made no sense: You didn't see a PDF there if you chose one of the
PDF output formats, but rather LaTeX. This solves some long-standing issues
with View>Source.

There has been an important change in how the "language" lfun works.
  - "language " now toggles between languages
(status quo ante LyX 2.0.2)
  - "language  set" sets to language 
(meaning of "language " as of LyX 2.0.2)
  - "language [reset]" resets to the document language.
  - Menu functions are unchanged.

What's new

** Updates:


- Add explicit dvilualatex output format.

- Add support for some IPA diacritics.

- Enclose underlined \ref{} commands in \mbox{} to protect them when
  using the package soul in place of (or together with) ulem.


- The polyglossia/XeTeX language commands are now supported (bug 8212).

- It is now recognized if syncTeX is used (bug 8217).


- Reset only the top-level counter when starting the appendix.

- Show backends, not formats, in menu View->Source (bug #7652).

- Allow native LyX format to be shown in menu View->Source.

- Implementation of spell check of current selection (bug #2511).

- Add property list entries for high resolution display on Mac.

- Semantic change of the "language" lfun (bug 8175):
  - "language " now toggles between languages
(status quo ante LyX 2.0.2)
  - "language  set" sets to language 
(meaning of "language " as of LyX 2.0.2)
  - "language [reset]" resets to the document language.
  - Menu functions are unchanged.


- Updated French, German, Interlingua, Italian, Nynorsk, Polish,
  Slovak, Spanish, Swedish and Ukrainian user interface localizations.

- New Spanish example files europeCV.lyx and modernCV.lyx.

- Updated Spanish translation of the LyX manuals.

- Updated french translation of the linguistics manual.

- Updated information about literate programming (noweb).

** Bug fixes:


- Fix assertion when start of appendix is in ERT (bug 8271).

- Do not output empty language switch commands (bug 8216).

- Do not let the master document interfere when a child is compiled 

  (bug 8000).

- When using Turkish language, use the xkeyval package to avoid
  incompatibilities (bug 2005).

- Do not ignore polyglossia commands in partial source preview (bug 8209).

- Show enabled child-only branches content in source preview (bug 8001).

- Export correct language change commands if document contains different
  CJK languages (bug 8215).

- Fix encoding problems in hyperlink name field (bug 8357).

- Fix bug that Elsevier documents became uncompilable when using 
refstyle for


- Fixed the layout and template file for scientific articles published 
by the

  American Psychological Association (APA) (bug 8187).

- Write correct DTD for MathML (bug 8160).

- Make the ~ char in Basque, Estonian and Galician non-active (bug 8265).

- Embrace babel settings to \makeatletter ... \makeatother if they contain
  an @ glyph.

- Improve the external file monitor. LyX should now also honor changes in
  graphics that are included via ERT or generated via knitr (bug 8336).

- Fix LaTeX errors with right-to-left text when using XeTeX/Polyglossia
  (part of bug 8251).

- Fix brackets direction in Hebrew documents when using XeTeX/Polyglossia
  and in Arabic documents on plain text output (part of bug 8251).

- Fix bracket output with RTL languages (bug 8278).

- Fix babel call with Arabic (arabi).

- Fix suppression of language package.

- Fix forward search with the Okular viewer. If 

Re: Layout for changing font within a paragraph?

2012-05-04 Thread rgheck

On 05/04/2012 01:46 PM, James Sutherland wrote:

FYI, I found a solution using "InsetLayout"

InsetLayout "Flex:Revision"

  LyXType charstyle

  MultiPar true

  LatexName textcolor

  LatexParam {red}

  LatexType Command


Color Red



This forces you to use "Text Style" to modify the text, but works fine.
That's the difference between Layout and InsetLayout: The former is 
paragraph level; the latter is word level.

There's a proposal to put some kind of combo box on the toolbar to allow 
easier access to these things.

By the way, you don't need the quotes around "Flex:Revision".


Re: Update text

2010-04-20 Thread rgheck

On 04/20/2010 11:18 AM, Shirley Ong wrote:

Hi all,

Can someone show me how I can update text using Lyx or Tex code? 
Basically, what I want is similar to the Bookmark + cross reference 
features in MS Word. For example, I create a bookmark with text 
"update me". Then I create a cross reference somewhere else in the 
document. The cross reference also shows "update me". When I change 
the bookmark text to "you are updated" and select to update the whole 
document, the cross referenced text now shows "you are updated".

Just put a label: Insert>Label, with whatever text you want. Then put a 
cross reference to the label where you want. Change the label and the 
cross-ref will change, too, automatically, though of course all the 
labels have to have different names.

If you don't want the label to show in output, just put it in a note 
(Insert>Note>LyX Note). You can put the label in a note, too, if you 
really don't want it to be output.


Re: Formatting numbered equations

2010-04-19 Thread rgheck

On 04/19/2010 04:57 PM, Marshall Feldman wrote:

Here's an example of what the CMS is talking about:

"The meal consisted of soup, salad, and macaroni and cheese."

Of course, the better known case is the panda, who eats, shoots and leaves.


Re: Formatting numbered equations

2010-04-19 Thread rgheck

On 04/19/2010 02:25 PM, Marshall Feldman wrote:


I have several questions regarding numbered equations:

  1. How does one add punctuation to numbered equations?
  2. How does one make the equations be part of a paragraph that begins
 before and continues after them?
  3. How does one continue a numbered equation across multiple lines?

That's a lot of questions. ;-)

For example:

Three of the most often quoted elementary mathematical
   equations are

   2 + 2 = 4(1),
   C = 2 x pi x r  (2), and
   A = (1/2) b x h   (3).

   As you can see, Equation 2 is the most complex.


In the above example, I can't figure out how to add the commas, 
period, and conjunction adjacent to the equation numbers.

If you're using an equation array or something of the sort to format 
this, then you cannot add punctuation after the labels. There simply 
isn't any way to do this, so far as I know, not unless you define (or 
find) your own environments that allow it. An option is to turn on the 
"fleqn" option by putting "fleqn" in the Options field under 
Document>Settings>Document Class>Custom. This moves the numbers to the 
left, and then you can add the text in the usual way. Alternatively, 
change your syntax. "These are three...:".

Also notice that the sentence beginning with "As" is part of the 
paragraph beginning with "Three." I can't get Lyx to format them 
right. The sentence beginning with "Three" is indented because it 
starts a paragraph. When I add anything after an equation number, LyX 
automatically treats it as a new paragraph. So in the above example, 
the line beginning with "As you can" is treated as the start of a new 
paragraph and indented.

I'm not sure I fully understand this, but compare the two paragraphs in 
the attached document. In the second case, where the paragraph is 
indented, there is a return after the formula. If you put the cursor at 
the beginning of "what" and backspace, you will delete that return.

Regarding my third question, I have a long equation that should span 
multiple lines. Instead, LyX keeps it on one line that runs off the 
right side of the page, when it should look like:

   5 = 1 + 5 = 2 + 3 = 3 + 2 = 4 + 1 = 10/2
  = 50/10 = 100/20   (4)

Thanks for your help.

You'll have to use something like the gather environment, or maybe an 
align environment, to format this correctly. Example in the file, again.


#LyX 1.6.6svn created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
\lyxformat 345
\textclass paper
\use_default_options false
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\font_roman times
\font_sans helvet
\font_typewriter courier
\font_default_family default
\font_sc false
\font_osf false
\font_sf_scale 100
\font_tt_scale 100

\graphics default
\paperfontsize 11
\spacing single
\use_hyperref false
\papersize letterpaper
\use_geometry false
\use_amsmath 1
\use_esint 0
\cite_engine natbib_authoryear
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\leftmargin 1in
\topmargin 1in
\rightmargin 1in
\bottommargin 1in
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip smallskip
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle plain
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false
\author "" 
\author "" 


\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula \begin{gather}


 and now more
\begin_inset Formula \begin{gather}



\begin_layout Standard
what happened? Uh oh.
\begin_inset Formula \[


Let's fix that.
\begin_inset Formula \begin{align*}
a & =b=c=d=e=f=g=h=i=j=k=l\\
 & =m=n=o=p=q=r=s=t=u=v=w\\
 & =x=y=z=0=1=2=3=4=5=6=7=8=9=0\end{align*}


Much better.


Re: Theoreme Enumeration by subsection

2010-04-17 Thread rgheck

On 04/17/2010 04:42 PM, iustifico wrote:

Am 17.04.2010 um 20:45 schrieb Philiрp Rеichmuth:


Am Sat, 17 Apr 2010 19:54:05 +0200 schrieb iustifico:

I am using "book (KOMA-script)" as documentclass and I want to
enumerate my propositions, definitions etc. by subsection, like this:

I. Section
I.1 Subsection
Definition I.1.1
Proposition I.1.2

You can use the chngcntr package to control which counters get reset when
and where. For example in my preamble I use


for continuous numbering of footnotes across chapter boundaries.

So you could use something like \counterwithin*{defn}{subsection} etc.,
substituting "defn" for the names of all the environments whose counter you
want to redefine.

When I do
in the preamble of Lyx, it tells me definition is not a counter. I assume, that e.g. 
propositions or  definitions have a "counter variable".

But how do I get their names?


The counters are shared with theorem, lemma, etc. I think what you want is:
See the theorems-std.inc or theorems-ams.inc file for how the theorem 
environments are defined.

By the way, I don't know why it didn't occur to me before, but the 
attached is a module for this. It's the obvious adaptation of the the 
"Theorems by Section" module. Put it in your LyX user directory (e.g., 
~/.lyx/layouts/ on Linux), reconfigure LyX, and it will appear under 
Document>Settings>Modules. Select it, and your theorems will be numbered 
by subsection.


#\DeclareLyXModule{Theorems (Numbered by Subsection)}
#Numbers theorems and the like by subsection (i.e., the counter is reset at
#each subsection start).
#Requires: theorems-std | theorems-ams
#Excludes: theorems-chap theorems-sec

# Author: Richard Heck 
# Tweaked by Paul Rubin  June '09 (added theoremstyle)

Format 11

Counter theorem
Within subsection

Style Theorem

Re: Theoreme Enumeration by subsection

2010-04-17 Thread rgheck

On 04/17/2010 02:45 PM, Philiрp Rеichmuth wrote:

Am Sat, 17 Apr 2010 19:54:05 +0200 schrieb iustifico:

I am using "book (KOMA-script)" as documentclass and I want to
enumerate my propositions, definitions etc. by subsection, like this:

I. Section
 I.1 Subsection
 Definition I.1.1
 Proposition I.1.2

You can use the chngcntr package to control which counters get reset when
and where.

Good suggestion. The koma-script packages may have options to control 
this, too, but I don't know. Check the koma-script documentation.


Re: grammar check?

2010-04-17 Thread rgheck

On 04/17/2010 11:44 AM, Marcelo Acuña wrote:

It is in schedule a grammar check in future versions of lyx?

No. If there is a good open source one, it could perhaps be linked into 
LyX, if someone wanted to do that work.


Re: Access LyX version number from within a document

2010-04-17 Thread rgheck

On 04/16/2010 07:44 AM, nore...@augrime.net wrote:


I would like to "stamp" documents with the version number of LyX which 
produces them, i.e. a PDF should contain something like this:

"This document was produced with LyX"

Is this currently possible?

I've just added this facility to LyX 2.0, via InsetInfo. To enter it, 
use the mini buffer and enter:

info-insert lyx version


Re: windows update error in document (conversion back from PDF to LYX)

2010-04-15 Thread rgheck

On 04/15/2010 04:06 AM, katrine wex wrote:

Hey there,
My computer decided to do a windows update last night, and when i oppened the 
computer this morning my lyx documents said format error, plus the newest file 
seems to be lost.
However i have the newest saved as PDF any chance you can convert this back to 
LYX, because theres alot of formulas and stuff so it'll take forever to 
I really hope you guys can help me!

There's no way to convert PDF to LyX. You can extract the plain text 
from the file, which will help some, but you won't get the formulas in a 
form LyX can use them.

That said, it's a little unclear how a Windows update could cause errors 
in the LyX document format. Can you post one of those files here, or 
send it to me?


Re: Elseartice on Lyx

2010-04-14 Thread rgheck

On 04/13/2010 02:11 PM, Bruno Cocciaro wrote:

Hello all,

I am very new on Lyx (and on Latex too), I hope anyone may help me.

I use Win 7, Lyx 1.6.5, MixTex 2.8.
Opening the template elsearticle and trying to view the dvi (same problems if I 
ask for the pdf or for the ps) I always obtain this:


I wasn't able to read the size data for this font,

so I will ignore the font specification.

Apparently, you are missing the info for this font. I'm not sure why the 
elsearticle template wants it, but you can try installing it however 
MikTeX allows you to do that.


Re: new google docs interface, with wave backend. (collaboration trends)

2010-04-13 Thread rgheck

On 04/13/2010 01:34 PM, Charles de Miramon wrote:

rgheck wrote:


It'd be nice to hear precisely what people would want that version
control does not provide. I have a hard time myself seeing why it is any
more than an "isn't that cool" feature for two people simultaneously to
edit a single document. I.e., fun, but hardly revolutionary as far as
actual productivity goes, at least for the sort of work most LyX users
actually do.

After using LyX for a long time. What I would like is a possibility to
manage the life cycle of an article.
My paper starts as a working paper, and handout and maybe a beamer
presentation, then a long version, a short version, a version formatted for
X, proofs, printed version, my additions and corrections to the printed
version, a version for an online repository, bits and pieces discarded from
the article that I want to keep with it, etc.

For this kind of thing, VC is precisely what you want, I think, i.e., a 
record of the evolution of your document, the ability to rewind to older 
versions, see a record of your changes, etc.


Re: Subscript in a chemical symbol and lyx formula

2010-04-13 Thread rgheck

On 04/13/2010 12:25 PM, YURENA MENDOZA wrote:

I want to put a subscript in a chemical symbol using the mhchem package, for
example CO2pc. On the other hand, Can I put into by the same way as I enter
in a paragraph (using a box in lyx to introduce lyx code) in a Lyx formula?

In formulas, you can just enter raw LaTeX if you like. E.g., you can 
type "\hello{hi}", and that is precisely what you will see. If you had 
in your preamble:

Then you'd get the output you expect.

Note that you do need to be careful about whether the brackets are 
escaped, i.e., whether the LaTeX is: {, or \{. LyX displays "argument 
brackets" in red, and "delimiter brackets" in blue. To get the former, 
you type \{, ironically enough, though you will get them automatically 
immediately after a command.


Re: Subscript in a chemical symbol and lyx formula

2010-04-13 Thread rgheck

On 04/13/2010 12:25 PM, YURENA MENDOZA wrote:

I want to put a subscript in a chemical symbol using the mhchem package, for
example CO2pc. On the other hand, Can I put into by the same way as I enter
in a paragraph (using a box in lyx to introduce lyx code) in a Lyx formula?

In formulas, you can just enter raw LaTeX if you like. E.g., you can 
type "\hello{hi}", and that is precisely what you will see. If you had 
in your preamble:

Then you'd get the output you expect.

Note that you do need to be careful about whether the brackets are 
escaped, i.e., whether the LaTeX is: {, or \{. LyX displays "argument 
brackets" in red, and "delimiter brackets" in blue. To get the former, 
you type \{, ironically enough, though you will get them automatically 
immediately after a command.


Re: new google docs interface, with wave backend. (collaboration trends)

2010-04-13 Thread rgheck

On 04/13/2010 10:43 AM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

rgheck wrote:

It'd be nice to hear precisely what people would want that version
control does not provide. I have a hard time myself seeing why it is any
more than an "isn't that cool" feature for two people simultaneously to
edit a single document. I.e., fun, but hardly revolutionary as far as
actual productivity goes, at least for the sort of work most LyX users
actually do. There's no doubt that LyXs' VC support could be improved,
and it has been in some significant ways for 2.0, so we'd happily hear
suggestions about that, too.

I also think that VC probably provides all you need for collaboration
(although a closer integration of VC, comparision and CT would be cool).

For me, a main obstacle is the lack of a suitable web service. My Faculty does
not provide svn or other VC repositories, and I did not find a suitable
service on the web yet, where I can savely store my data in such a way that
only selected people can access it. But maybe I just didn't search long

I looked into some of this a while ago, and there aren't great options 
for the sort of thing we're discussing: I.e., not programming, and not 
open to everyone's eyes. Brown, as it happens, does provide such a 
facility, though I haven't yet found the time even to move our website 
code over there.

Have you asked the IS people if they'd think about supporting svn on 
their servers?


Re: insert custom layout

2010-04-13 Thread rgheck

On 04/13/2010 06:12 AM, Guenter Milde wrote:

The problem occured also in the dinbrief class. It's solved by
defining two styles. From dinbrief.layout::

   # dinbrief's \phone has 2 args, area and number. We define an empty
   # command that can be set by the Area_Code style


   # dinbrief's \phone has 2 args, area and number,
   # define both as distinct styles

   Style "Area code"
CopyStyle   DinBrief
LabelString "Vorwahl:"
LatexName   "renewcommand{\areacode}"

   Style Telephone
CopyStyle   DinBrief
LabelString "Telefon:"
LatexName   phone
LatexParam  {\areacode}

It should be possible to adapt this technique to liuthesis if the ERT
hack is too hackish.

That's impressive, but pretty hackish itself! Perhaps for 2.1 I'll try 
to get actual multi-argument commands working.


Re: new google docs interface, with wave backend. (collaboration trends)

2010-04-13 Thread rgheck

On 04/13/2010 06:31 AM, Jose Quesada wrote:

Thanks Sam,

That's good to know.
But I think the point here is that if all other tools do collaboration,
sooner or later LyX should offer something along the lines. Maybe builnding
on top of mercurial vcs (good multiplatform support, python) and sites such
as bitbucket would be a way to implement this.

It'd be nice to hear precisely what people would want that version 
control does not provide. I have a hard time myself seeing why it is any 
more than an "isn't that cool" feature for two people simultaneously to 
edit a single document. I.e., fun, but hardly revolutionary as far as 
actual productivity goes, at least for the sort of work most LyX users 
actually do. There's no doubt that LyXs' VC support could be improved, 
and it has been in some significant ways for 2.0, so we'd happily hear 
suggestions about that, too.


Re: como evitar espacios en blanco entre párraf os

2010-04-12 Thread rgheck

On 04/12/2010 05:27 PM, Andrés Becerra Sandoval wrote:

2010/4/12 José Miguel Canino:

Estoy usando Lyx para redactar mi tesis en la que aparecen bastantes

Con  cierta frecuencia el espacio entre párrafo y parrafo se expande  y
quedan espacios en blanco que no consigo eliminar.

Aunque he estudiado un poco las distintas opciones para colocar las figuras
así como las posibles maneras de saltar de página no logro incluir en una
página los párrafos que en teoría deberían caber en la misma si no fuera por
los espacios que deja en blanco.

Alguien me podría indicar una manera de hacerlo?
Jose M.


Jose M,

You should really try to write in english, in spanish only few people
can help you!

And, no offense intended, the language of this list is English. There's 
a French list, and of course others can always be started. The English 
doesn't have to be great, just readable.

If I understand, and my Spanish is terrible, was the problem that the 
space between paragraphs varies? If so, then of course LaTeX does that 
on purpose, and if there are a lot of floats, you can see this kind of 
thing quite often.


Re: insert custom layout

2010-04-12 Thread rgheck

On 04/10/2010 06:24 PM, Julien Rioux wrote:

Sajjad  writes:

then i choose the Title Environment and set the title of the thesis work
and then i select the author and put my name there.

By the way, there is a problem here because liuthesis redefines \title
to take 2 arguments:

"You must always provide both a Swedish (first argument) and an English
title (second argument), \title{Svensk titel}{English Title}."

but LyX will output \title{YOUR TITLE} no matter what (i.e., only 1 argument).

A workaround is to write your Swedish title like usual and then, at the end
of the line, insert a TeX box and write "}{English title" inside it (with the

This is a hack, but I am not sure how you would do this elegantly in LyX.

There isn't at present any good way to do this. Multi-argument commands 
aren't directly supported. I've been thinking about this for a while, 
but haven't done anything.


Re: insert custom layout

2010-04-09 Thread rgheck

On 04/08/2010 03:29 PM, Sajjad wrote:

On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 4:24 AM, Julien Riouxwrote:


On 07/04/2010 7:08 PM, Sajjad wrote:


6. The liuthesis.layout file contain the following:

#% Do not delete this line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass{liuthesis}


If that's all you have in there, this is not sufficient. As suggested, a
good starting point for you would be to copy the book.layout file.


If it not then , i did copy the contents of book.layout and put it into the

What should i do now? Any reference ?


Yes. Do this:

If that is what you did, I don't know what the matter is. If you start LyX
from a console you might get useful information for debugging.


You probably have an error somewhere in the layout file.


Re: interesting narrowing feature in a text editor

2010-04-09 Thread rgheck

On 04/09/2010 03:49 AM, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:

On 04/09/2010 07:31 AM, Jose Quesada wrote:
What I would like to know is... is this narrowing feature interesting 

people here?


Or is it just me who thinks that it would improve workflow and
reduce mental load?

Not just you. The good thing with LyX is that you can navigate easily 
from paragraph to paragraph with the keyboard. But in order to make 
that feature really useful without being forced to use the mouse, you 
would also need shortcuts for navigating between sections.

In case it's interesting, I'll file an enhancement
request. Doesn't sound terribly difficult to implement, but I may be

Should not be terribly hard indeed. All the code for scrolling 
settings is in BufferView class if you want to experiment.

The other thing I've considered, along these lines, is the ability to 
collapse sections, a la the ability to collapse for loops, functions, 
etc, in any decent programming editor. That would in some ways serve a 
very similar purpose, especially if you could just hit "Collapse All" 
and then use the outliner to uncollapse what you actually wanted to 
edit. Little triangles at the side, like in QtCreator, would work too.


Re: Question: making a custom Koma report with colors

2010-04-09 Thread rgheck

On 04/08/2010 05:52 PM, Néstor wrote:

Hi all,

I'm trying to make a document with some colors, and it's a report, so
I took a look at the Customization Manual of Lyx (chapter 5), and
based my new style in Koma report.

I have created a new sty file, named myreport.sty, and a new layout,
including both scrreprt (for Koma report) and my own style,

Everything loads correctly when generating a PDF, and if myreport.sty
is empty, I get no errors (and no improvements, just a normal Koma

The question is: now, what do I have to write in myreport.sty to
change, for instance, the document's title's color to Blue?


Look at the komascript documentation, which you can find here:
There's a lot of it, so you may have to search. But one of the nice 
things about those classes is that they provide a lot of "hooks" for you 
to change things, without having to get deep into the LaTeX internals. 
As for changing the color of the title, I do not know, as I have never 
had to do anything like that.


Re: LaTeX Linebreaking Question

2010-04-08 Thread rgheck

On 04/08/2010 09:48 AM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

rgheck wrote:

I need to refer to a book entitled "The Semantics/Pragmatics
Distinction". I'd like to inform LaTeX that it is OK to break after the
slash, but without a hyphen. How?

\slash, or in LyX: Insert>  Special Character>  Breakable Slash

I usually use the following redefinition of the slash macro in the preamble:


Contrary to the original (which is defined in the LaTeX kernel), this one
allows also hyphenations after the slash, as in Semantics/Pragma-tics


Thanks to you and to the others who replied.


LaTeX Linebreaking Question

2010-04-08 Thread rgheck

I need to refer to a book entitled "The Semantics/Pragmatics 
Distinction". I'd like to inform LaTeX that it is OK to break after the 
slash, but without a hyphen. How?


Re: insert custom layout

2010-04-07 Thread rgheck

On 04/06/2010 04:27 PM, Sajjad wrote:


In most of the report writing i used the report class. The university that i
am studying in have own class and i want to import it into LyX's document
class by importing custom layout. The custom layout accepts only one .layout 
where as the my university 'liuthesis' contains several .tex file.

Since liuthesis is a document class, it is provided as a .cls file, 
liuthesis.cls. The .tex files that are provided with it are examples, 
documentation, and the like, and have nothing to do with layout.

What you will need to be able to use liuthesis with LyX is a file 
liuthesis.layout. Since liuthesis is based upon book, you can get 
started simply by copying book.layout to liuthesis.layout and changing 
the second line to:

This will not give you access in LyX to the special constructs of 
liuthesis, but it will get you started. You should then be able to 
import the .tex files provided as examples.


Re: Track Changes with Word

2010-04-06 Thread rgheck

On 04/06/2010 05:36 PM, Jack Desert wrote:

I am helping someone edit their book that is currently in Microsoft Word 
format. I imported it into LyX to work on it.


Plenty of people here would like to know how you managed this.

What is a good way for me to give feedback? Can I track changes and at least 
export a pdf that highlights my changes?


Yes: Document>Change Tracking>Show C

Or can I put LyX notes in my copy and print out somehow and have the notes show 

Greyed out notes will show, and of course you can define custom notes or 
use margin pars, or whatever seems to work.


Re: Lyx HTML conversion problem - while using polynom package

2010-04-06 Thread rgheck

On 04/06/2010 01:30 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

rgheck schrieb:

Perhaps you should read to the end of the message before replying. I 
said this myself. And anyone reading this with any degree of charity 
at all would have realized that what was meant here was: do with the 
current version of elyxer.

Richard, please don't overreact. Requesting a feature from developers 
_for the next version_ is not a wrong advice. I mean in an Ubuntu 
forum you would also get the advice to open a LyX enhancement request 
when LyX is not supporting a certain feature.

Had he simply made that suggestion, I wouldn't have reacted at all. As I 
said, I made the same suggestion and conceded that, at present, LyX's 
output is no better off. So please explain why it was necessary for 
Guenter to preface the remark with "WRONG" in capital letters and how 
that was supposed to be taken?


Re: Lyx HTML conversion problem - while using polynom package

2010-04-06 Thread rgheck

On 04/06/2010 05:19 AM, Guenter Milde wrote:

On 2010-04-05, rgheck wrote:

If you're using elyxer, then there is not really anything you can do.

WRONG: you can ask the elyxer developer whether support for these
constructs, providing sample input (and preferabely expected output).

Perhaps you should read to the end of the message before replying. I 
said this myself. And anyone reading this with any degree of charity at 
all would have realized that what was meant here was: do with the 
current version of elyxer.

elyxer's math support is pretty basic;

but steadily improving (and for this depends on user feedback).


Which is irrelevant to the user's question.

Or instead of uninstalling elyxer, define htlatex as an alternative HMTL converter 
in Tools>Settings.

Perhaps you should try this yourself before giving such advice. (Perhaps 
you do not understand how the converter chain works.)


Re: Lyx HTML conversion problem - while using polynom package

2010-04-05 Thread rgheck

On 04/05/2010 01:14 PM, baqijan1 wrote:

When I use polynom package in lyx. The html output does not show that parts
where macros from polynom package is used. For example, if I have something lik


When I convert lyxt to pdf, there is no problem. Only html does not work. I
assume, it should convert these instances to images, which it does not.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Since, I am stuck at this and can't
move on.

Is this LyX 1.6.x or the alpha release of 2.0? Either way, what HTML 
converter are you using? It sounds as if it is either elyxer or, if 
you're in 2.0, then LyX's native XHTML output.

If you're using elyxer, then there is not really anything you can do. 
elyxer's math support is pretty basic; it doesn't even support all of 
the constructs that are available in LyX. It certainly does not support 
arbitrary packages, such as polynom. You might therefore want to 
uninstall elyxer (I'm sorry, but that is what you would have to do), 
reconfigure LyX, and try using htlatex, which has its own issues but 
handles math better, since it does it all via images. (Of course, that 
can lead to scaling problems, etc, but at least you get decent output.)

If you are using 2.0, then you will run into the same problem right now, 
since XHTML support is not yet complete. Eventually, however, LyX will 
do precisely what you suggest: If it encounters something that it 
doesn't understand, then it will output an image. There's nothing 
stopping elyxer from doing the same, of course, so it that is what you 
are using then you might want to report the issue to the elyxer developer.


Re: Insert word count at end of the document

2010-04-04 Thread rgheck

On 04/04/2010 03:16 PM, Kevin Li wrote:


Is there a way to make the word count automatically appear at the end of the
document (perhaps like a variable)?

Not really. I suppose that the Info inset could be adapted to this 
purpose---it's basically used to display things LyX knows about---but at 
present it isn't.


Re: References style

2010-04-03 Thread rgheck

On 04/03/2010 11:23 AM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

On 4/3/2010 11:15 AM, rgheck wrote:

On 04/03/2010 10:54 AM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:



in ERT early in the document.

Or put it in the preamble, where it won't clutter the text.

Doesn't seem to work in the preamble -- I think something (not sure 
what) loads or is processed after the preamble and asserts the 
standard heading format at that point.

Hmm. Perhaps this is done at the beginning of the document.


Re: things that I miss in lyx

2010-04-03 Thread rgheck

On 04/03/2010 11:27 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am Saturday 03 April 2010 15:13:22 schrieb rgheck:

On 04/03/2010 02:27 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Just wondering:

Would the following be difficult to implement in Lyx or to use it via
enter>file>   'external material' ?



Collect files related to a LaTeX job in a single directory.

The Perl script parses a LaTeX file recursively, scanning all child
files, and collects details of any included and other data files. These
component files, are then all put into a single directory (thus
“flattening” the document’s directory tree).

The author is Cengiz Gunay.

This looks like something that one would call as part of the converter


and how could I do it?

Define a new format, ltxpak, and then declare texdirflatten as a 
latex-->ltxpak converter. With appropriate arguments, of course. This 
all gets done under Tools>Preferences>File Handling.

There is a complication, namely, that everything is going to happen here 
in LyX's temporary directory. So what I think will happen is that 
texdirflatten will create its directory at e.g.

and now the question is: How do we export this? i.e., copy it to the 
original file location? Answer: We define a "copier", and tell it to 
copy this directory to the original document directory. Have a look at 
the ext_copy.py copier that is used with the LaTeX-->HTML converters. 
You may be able to use that, or at least to adapt it to your purposes.

Copiers, etc, are all discussed in the Customization manual.


Re: References style

2010-04-03 Thread rgheck

On 04/03/2010 10:54 AM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

On 4/1/2010 11:32 AM, Carlos Ramirez wrote:

Does anyone know how to center and un-bold the "References" title using
bibtext ?



in ERT early in the document.

Or put it in the preamble, where it won't clutter the text.

also how to avoid the blank page after the references is inserted ?

I don't think this is a general phenomenon.  It probably is a function 
either of the document class you are using or something specific in 
your file.  If I write a short test file using the article class, 
insert a BibTeX bibliography, and add some text after the 
bibliography, the extra text occurs on the same page as the 
bibliography (with a little extra vertical space separating them.

In some classes, chapters always start on an odd page, and the 
references are formatted in such classes as an unnumbered chapter usually.


Re: Offer... for technical writing

2010-04-03 Thread rgheck

On 04/02/2010 07:54 PM, Frederick Noronha wrote:

Dear all: I am a journalist and writer, and a heavy user of Lyx.
Please let me know if you need any help (volunteering, without fee) to
help write or edit Lyx help files for users. I am not a techie, but
understand the software ... with guidance I could do it. My English
skills are near-native speaker level. FN

Thanks for the offer. My first suggestion would be to describe to the 
LyX documentation list. It's low volume, but issues relating to the docs 
tend to get discussed there.

Generally, though, the documentation is written by whoever has the 
initiative to do it. So if there's something you think isn't clear, 
could be better explained, or just isn't included, then try to do better 
and post your changes to the docs list. The maintainer of the relevant 
manual will then discuss them with you. For the tutorial, user's guide, 
and math manual, that's Uwe Stohr; for the customization and additional 
features manuals (I think), that's me. Others don't have a dedicated 

Hint: Use change tracking when you make these sorts of changes, so it's 
easy for us to identify them.


Re: things that I miss in lyx

2010-04-03 Thread rgheck

On 04/03/2010 02:27 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Just wondering:

Would the following be difficult to implement in Lyx or to use it via
enter>file>  'external material' ?



Collect files related to a LaTeX job in a single directory.

The Perl script parses a LaTeX file recursively, scanning all child files, and
collects details of any included and other data files. These component files,
are then all put into a single directory (thus “flattening” the document’s
directory tree).

The author is Cengiz Gunay.

This looks like something that one would call as part of the converter 


Re: Footnote location

2010-04-02 Thread rgheck

On 04/02/2010 05:23 AM, Sandro Portmann wrote:


I'm writing a longer work for my history studies, but the footnotes come right 
after the text. How can I manage, that between the main text and the footnote 
comes a space from about 1cm? I'm writing my document in article style.


Put something like this in your preamble:

|   \setlength{\skip\footins}{2cm}


Re: fail running Lyx

2010-03-31 Thread rgheck

On 03/31/2010 06:36 PM, Eugenio Raliuga wrote:

I have installed Lyx from synaptic in Ubuntu 9.10
but when I want to run it the next window appears

Could not launch application
Failed to execute child process "/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.TJ9571/lyxsocket" (No such
file or directory)

Anyone could give me a hint or better a way to solve this problem?


Hmm. Can you try starting LyX from a terminal, via "lyx -dbg all"?


Re: double quotes

2010-03-31 Thread rgheck

On 03/31/2010 06:10 PM, Rodrigo Fresneda wrote:

Hi lyx-users,

whenever I use double quotes "  in lyx,   I get  instead the expression
\textquotedbl{} in the plain latex file. Strangely enough, lyx does not
translate \textquotedbl{} to "  if I attempt to import the tex file.
This behavior does not affect latex compilation, but it does strain my
collaborations with scientific workplace users.
Why doesn't lyx simply export " to "?

You are talking about the " character, which is not a double quote at 
all. Rather, it is the "inch" character, or something of the sort. 
Still, you are right that \textquotedbl ought to be imported as ", since 
the impossible ideal is to have roundtrip export and import. I'd suggest 
you file a bug about this at

Click on "Report New Bug".


Re: 64bit Lyx 1.6.4 cannot view postscript

2010-03-31 Thread rgheck

On 03/31/2010 04:18 PM, george legge wrote:

On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 1:19 AM, rgheck  wrote:



The first step towards debugging this is to see if dvips will run from
outside LyX. So (i) export your LyX file to LaTeX; (ii) run the following,
from within the directory where that file now is:
latex newfile1.tex

dvips -t a4 -o newfile1.ps newfile1.dvi
Do you get the same error?


Thank you for that quick response to my problem.
Yes, I started  a new file (newfile5) in LyX and followed your instructions.
I got essentially the same error, running outside LyX:

This is dvips(k) 5.98 Copyright 2009 Radical Eye Software (
dvips: ! Couldn't find header file tex.pro.
Note that an absolute path or a relative path with .. are denied in -R2

What is the next step in debugging?

I don't know myself. Let me try to bring Uwe in here. He knows more 
about this kind of thing. Or JMarc?


Re: 64bit Lyx 1.6.4 cannot view postscript

2010-03-31 Thread rgheck

Sorry to top-post, but this is a long message.

On 03/30/2010 11:50 PM, george legge wrote:

Hello to you all  --  This is my first message to the list.

I have the 64bit version of Lyx 1.6.4 running on 64bit SUSE 11.1 together
with Texlive.

Lyx would not convert to pdf until I installed kdegraphics3-pdf and


Are you sure that LyX would not convert to PDF? This sounds like...

Without those packages, it seems the 64bit installation does not have a
version of kpdf (information off the web).

  Fine, I can now view as pdf and print that. I can also view as dvi; but
that's as far as it goes.

...what it wouldn't do is View>PDF. Would File>Export>PDF work? Whether 
kpdf (or any other pdf viewer) is installed should be irrelevant to 
LyX's export capabilities, though it is of course relevant to its 
viewing capabilities.

I cannot view as postscript. I get a window with an error message:

An error occurred whilst running dvips -t a4 -o 'newfile1.ps'

  In the terminal window, I get the same error message followed by:

This is dvips(k) 5.98 Copyright 2009 Radical Eye Software (

dvips: ! Couldn't find header file tex.pro

Note that an absolute path or a relative path with .. are denied in -R2

Error: Cannot convert file.

The first step towards debugging this is to see if dvips will run from 
outside LyX. So (i) export your LyX file to LaTeX; (ii) run the 
following, from within the directory where that file now is:

latex newfile1.tex
dvips -t a4 -o newfile1.ps newfile1.dvi
Do you get the same error?


Re: Include file

2010-03-30 Thread rgheck

On 03/30/2010 12:58 PM, Sajjad wrote:


It has to be merged as a single pdf file and front front pages are in the
Miicrosoft Office Word format.

So after merging all  the front and title pages to the main report , it must
be compiled as a single pdf file.


Then this option

One option is to create them in OpenOffice or something, as these often are
supposed to have a very particular format. Then print them and put them on
the front. If you have to adjust page numbers in the LyX file, that is
fairly easy to do.


will work. Just substitute Word for OpenOffice.


Re: Include file

2010-03-30 Thread rgheck

On 03/30/2010 11:53 AM, Sajjad wrote:

Hello forum,

I have written the thesis in a single .lyx file.

Now to comply with  the university standard i have to include front page,
the title page and then the main report that i have written.

Any hint how to do  that from LyX interface ?

What format do you have those pages in? Or is the question how to create 

One option is to create them in OpenOffice or something, as these often 
are supposed to have a very particular format. Then print them and put 
them on the front. If you have to adjust page numbers in the LyX file, 
that is fairly easy to do.


Re: Compiling LyX on Ubuntu/Debian (was Badly needly for lyx 1.6.4 under ubuntu 8.04)

2010-03-30 Thread rgheck

On 03/30/2010 03:50 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

I followed your instructions and got at point 4 an error, which I posted
there. What went wrong?


Wei-Dong Lian  wrote:

Hi everyone,

I would like to know if there is a solution to install lyx 1.64 or
even higher version under ubuntu 8.04.



Hello Weidong,
Here is a short Howto that I wrote for compiling LyX and using GNU Stow
to keep it out of the way of your existing LyX installation.


  Compiling LyX on Ubuntu or Debian

  And using GNU Stow

Getting the tools

1. y...@yourmachine:~$ sudo apt-get build-dep lyx
2. y...@yourmachine:~$ sudo apt-get install stow
3. y...@yourmachine:~$ sudo apt-get install automake
4. y...@yourmachine:~$ sudo atp-get install autoconf

This should get most or all of what you need. There may be a
substantial download if you have no building tools already installed.

Getting LyX

You want the "source code".

Download the source tarball from  http://www.lyx.org/Download. The
downloaded file will be named lyx-1.6.5.tar.gz.

Local directory

1. y...@yourmachine:~$ mkdir local
2. y...@yourmachine:~$ mv lyx-1.6.5.tar.gz ./local
(Note: the tarball may be downloaded to some special directory,
usually either Desktop or Downloads. You may need to adjust the
above command line accordingly)
3. y...@yourmachine:~$ cd local
4. y...@yourmachine:~$ tar xovzf lyx-1.6.5.tar.gz
This will create a new sub-directory under ~/local and will unpack
the source files for lyx.
4. y...@yourmachine:~$ cd lyx-1.6.5


1. y...@yourmachine:~$ ./autogen.sh
Check the output - if it says something is missing, then use
apt-get to install it.
2. y...@yourmachine:~$ ./configure --with-version-suffix=165
We give it a different suffix so that it doesn't conflict with your
existing LyX installation. You can use both the new version and the
previously installed version.

Check the output - if it says something is missing, then install
using apt-get. Repeat items 1 and 2.
3. y...@yourmachine:~$ make
Depending on your machine, this may take some time. If there is an
error, then read the output. You probably need to use apt-get to
install some new piece of software.
4. y...@yourmachine:~$ sudo make install prefix=/usr/local/stow/lyx165

wolfgang:/home/wolfgang# make install prefix=/usr/local/stow/lyx165
make: *** Keine Regel, um »install« zu erstellen.  Schluss.
(no rule to produce 'install'. end)

ps: I used su instead of sudo.

Unless you are compiling from your home directory, which isn't really a 
good idea, then you need to get into the directory where the sources 
live, which in these instructions would be ~/local/lyx165.


Re: Badly needly for lyx 1.6.4 under ubuntu 8.04

2010-03-29 Thread rgheck

On 03/29/2010 06:22 PM, Wei-Dong Lian wrote:

On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 8:27 PM, rgheck  wrote:

On 03/29/2010 02:17 PM, Wei-Dong Lian wrote:

Hi everyone,

I would like to know if there is a solution to install lyx 1.64 or
even higher version under ubuntu 8.04.
By default, lyx 1.5.3 is installed in ubuntu 8.04, to be honest, I began
with lyx1.6.4, so now all of my old lyx documents could not be opened. In
addition, in the new version of lyx after 1.64 they really added more
features, easy to use. So if any suggestion will be appreciated.

I assume you could compile 1.6.4 yourself? This is not that hard to do, as
long as you can install the various dependencies.


Thanks for your suggestions, I am afraid it is not that easy to install
these various dependencies.
It is more complex, I need to install many packages and remove many packages
to satisfy the decencies between packages.
I added one source list of lyx 1.64 of ubuntu9.10 to my source list,  and I
tried the command 'sudo aptitude install lyx', it got several solutions to
install lyx 1.64, but it seemed that I will remove nearly all of packages in
my ubuntu 8.04 and install new packages. so I did not dare to try that, it
may harm my current system. If someone had experienced a successful case
like this, please give me some suggestions, thanks in advance. And also any
other solution will be welcomed.

I don't think this is what people were suggesting at all. Trying to 
install packages from the 9.10 directories to an 8.04 install is 
definitely not going to work, for exactly the reason you see.

The dependencies you need to compile LyX should not be that bad, just a 
bunch of -devel or -dev packages, which are often not very large. Did 
you try that suggestion? If so, what happened?


Re: Badly needly for lyx 1.6.4 under ubuntu 8.04

2010-03-29 Thread rgheck

On 03/29/2010 06:22 PM, Wei-Dong Lian wrote:

On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 8:27 PM, rgheck  wrote:


On 03/29/2010 02:17 PM, Wei-Dong Lian wrote:


Hi everyone,

I would like to know if there is a solution to install lyx 1.64 or
even higher version under ubuntu 8.04.
By default, lyx 1.5.3 is installed in ubuntu 8.04, to be honest, I began
with lyx1.6.4, so now all of my old lyx documents could not be opened. In
addition, in the new version of lyx after 1.64 they really added more
features, easy to use. So if any suggestion will be appreciated.


I assume you could compile 1.6.4 yourself? This is not that hard to do, as
long as you can install the various dependencies.



Thanks for your suggestions, I am afraid it is not that easy to install
these various dependencies.
It is more complex, I need to install many packages and remove many packages
to satisfy the decencies between packages.
I added one source list of lyx 1.64 of ubuntu9.10 to my source list,  and I
tried the command 'sudo aptitude install lyx', it got several solutions to
install lyx 1.64, but it seemed that I will remove nearly all of packages in
my ubuntu 8.04 and install new packages. so I did not dare to try that, it
may harm my current system. If someone had experienced a successful case
like this, please give me some suggestions, thanks in advance. And also any
other solution will be welcomed.

I don't think this is what people were suggesting at all. Trying to 
install packages from the 9.10 directories to an 8.04 install is 
definitely not going to work, for exactly the reason you see.

The dependencies you need to compile LyX should not be that bad, just a 
bunch of -devel or -dev packages, which are often not very large. Did 
you try that suggestion? If so, what happened?


Re: Badly needly for lyx 1.6.4 under ubuntu 8.04

2010-03-29 Thread rgheck

On 03/29/2010 02:17 PM, Wei-Dong Lian wrote:

Hi everyone,

I would like to know if there is a solution to install lyx 1.64 or
even higher version under ubuntu 8.04.
By default, lyx 1.5.3 is installed in ubuntu 8.04, to be honest, I began
with lyx1.6.4, so now all of my old lyx documents could not be opened. In
addition, in the new version of lyx after 1.64 they really added more useful
features, easy to use. So if any suggestion will be appreciated.

I assume you could compile 1.6.4 yourself? This is not that hard to do, 
as long as you can install the various dependencies.


Re: writer2latex Packages under Ubuntu

2010-03-29 Thread rgheck

On 03/29/2010 01:38 PM, Tim Wescott wrote:
Ubuntu lists not one, but _two_ writer2latex packages: writer2latex, 
and openoffice.org-writer2latex.

Anyone know whazzup?  Is one free-standing, the other a plugin?

Yes, exactly.

Do I need just one, both, the first if I install the second, but not 
the other way around?

If you want just to export from OOo, install the plugin. If you want to 
do it from the command line, install that one.


Re: Convert Almost Anything To LaTeX

2010-03-29 Thread rgheck

On 03/29/2010 01:23 PM, Steve Litt wrote:

On Monday 29 March 2010 11:34:49 rgheck wrote:

So I couldn't get PyODConverter to work---I kept getting an error about
not connecting to my running OpenOffice instance---but then I found
  UnoConv: http://dag.wieers.com/home-made/unoconv/
I can't get the LaTeX export option to work there, but one could use
this to convert from DOC (or anything else OOo can import) to ODT and
then use writer2latex to convert ODT to LaTeX.



Hi Richard,

In the conversion to OO, does unoconv preserve styles, or does it just convert
each application of each style to equivalent fingerpainting?

In the conversion from OO to LaTeX, have you found a way to have the
conversion preserve styles, or does it just convert each application of each
style to equivalent fingerpainting?

If a way is found to preserve style application all the way through the
conversion, that's a huge win, or as VP Biden would say, "a big bleepin deal!"

I know that writer2latex (which exists standalone and as as an OOo 
extension) will preserve at least some styling, such as section 
headings. What else it will do, I don't know. But it is under active 
development and so requests could be made. But I would guess there are 
some limits here. Getting something to convert OOo styles to LaTeX 
styles (commands or environments) would be non-trivial.


Re: Convert Almost Anything To LaTeX

2010-03-29 Thread rgheck

On 03/29/2010 01:19 PM, Steve Litt wrote:

On Monday 29 March 2010 12:27:54 Liviu Andronic wrote:

On 3/29/10, rgheck  wrote:

connecting to my running OpenOffice instance---but then I found UnoConv:

There is a second possibility to convert anything that OpenOffice can
chew: jodconverter. From the description:
"JODConverter, the Java OpenDocument Converter, leverages OpenOffice.org to
provide import/export filters for various office formats including
  OpenDocument and Microsoft Office.

This package provides a command-line frontend."

Would it make sense to provide menu entries in LyX for these two
  converters? Liviu

I'd tend to answer "no". As years go by, tons of converters are going to come
and go. Tons of formats are going to come and go. If interfaces to all these
converters and formats are put in LyX, LyX will become big and bloated, and
that will give bugs more places to hide. My suggestion would be to put
converter interfaces in a separate executable that outputs either LyX or
LaTeX, and maybe have that callable from LyX.

There's actually not much cost with adding such interfaces, except that, 
in 1.6.x, the Import and Export menu can become kind of crowded, as more 
and more options become available. But making the options available 
involve adds almost nothing to LyX, except the memory to store a few 


Re: Convert Almost Anything To LaTeX

2010-03-29 Thread rgheck

On 03/29/2010 12:27 PM, Liviu Andronic wrote:

On 3/29/10, rgheck  wrote:

connecting to my running OpenOffice instance---but then I found UnoConv:


There is a second possibility to convert anything that OpenOffice can
chew: jodconverter. From the description:
"JODConverter, the Java OpenDocument Converter, leverages OpenOffice.org to
provide import/export filters for various office formats including OpenDocument
and Microsoft Office.

This package provides a command-line frontend."

Would it make sense to provide menu entries in LyX for these two converters?


If we can get them working reliably.


Convert Almost Anything To LaTeX

2010-03-29 Thread rgheck

So I couldn't get PyODConverter to work---I kept getting an error about 
not connecting to my running OpenOffice instance---but then I found UnoConv:

I can't get the LaTeX export option to work there, but one could use 
this to convert from DOC (or anything else OOo can import) to ODT and 
then use writer2latex to convert ODT to LaTeX.


Re: Importing doc documents

2010-03-29 Thread rgheck

On 03/28/2010 10:37 PM, Paul Rubin wrote:

Tim Wescott  writes:


rgheck wrote:

OpenOffice will also save in LaTeX format. I have used it often
myself, but with old WordPerfect files, and you are right of course
that the output file could use some cleaning up. Much of this can be
done with a script, such as the exceedingly trivial sed script attached.

My version of OpenOffice -- 3.1, on Ubuntu 9.10, did not seem to have
this capability, either as a "save as" or "export to".


Haven't used it myself, but you might try http://writer2latex.sourceforge.net/.

Exactly. On Fedora, this is in the openoffice.org-writer2latex package. 
Once it is installed, you can Export to LaTeX.

But what I described has already been done:
Unfortunately, I can't yet get it to work


Re: Letters floating- Low quality

2010-03-29 Thread rgheck

On 03/29/2010 08:08 AM, YURENA MENDOZA wrote:

Hello, when my work is transfered  to pdf the quality of the letters in the
pdf (version 8) is very low specially letters of the  floating. What can I
do? In addition I can only choose between three kind of letter: time roman,
sans-serif and typewriter, which package can I install, which is its actual
name? Because I have read that the "lmodern" contains several types of
letters but I dont know which lmodern package I should download.

You are right that this is a font issue. Look under 
Document>Settings>Fonts, and see if you do not have more options under 


Re: Importing doc documents

2010-03-27 Thread rgheck

On 03/27/2010 02:41 PM, Claudio Beccari wrote:

Dear all,
those using LyX or direct LaTeX (pdflatex) often need to convert 
sources in MS Word .doc format into .lix format.
On Linux platforms there are at least AbiWord and Kword that can open 
doc files and save them in various other formats, .tex included. 
Unfortunately the LaTeX file thus obtained is pittyful.

OpenOffice will also save in LaTeX format. I have used it often myself, 
but with old WordPerfect files, and you are right of course that the 
output file could use some cleaning up. Much of this can be done with a 
script, such as the exceedingly trivial sed script attached.

>From the wiki page of LyX it is possible to download of a 
Word2LyXMacro that works well for on Windows platformas, but I did not 
succeed to make it work on a Mac with MSOffice2004. On Windows the 
macro performs very well and the LyX code produced allows LyX to view 
the file without problems and possibly to save it in .lyx format, of 
course but also in a pretty good LaTeX format, which in general 
requires just a few minor adjustments, for language, input encoding, 
output font encoding, font usage (Latin Modern would be a better 
default then EC if the pdflatex option is selected), and few other 
small things.
Somewhere on the package description for the Debian/Ubuntu package the 
wv software is suggested; apparently this software has so many 
dependencies that even on a Ubuntu platform it's difficult to compile 
and install it, even if the wv libraries are already installed.
I would kindly suggest to examine the possibility of integrating into 
LyX the necessary code to open, read, edit  a .doc file on any LyX 
implementation (Linux, Mac, Windows), so as to be able to save it in 
.lyx format. Any user can reopen the .lyx file and do with it anything 
LyX is capable of.

I have thought for a while about writing some sort of doc2tex script 
using OpenOffice. You could use PyUno to run OpenOffice headless, import 
the doc file and then export it as LaTeX. Then one could try to do some 
cleanup and, optionally, pass the resulting file to tex2lyx. But I 
haven't found the time or willpower to mess with PyUno. Still, I don't 
think it would be very hard for someone who knew a bit of Java.



Re: Dimension too large

2010-03-25 Thread rgheck

On 03/25/2010 10:54 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Am 25.03.2010 23:49, schrieb Marcelo Acuña:

  I have a koma-script book in US letter page.
  When I try to go to A5 size I get this error when run latex:

Dimension too large.

Very strange. Do you have a _small_ LyX example file?

A5 is a small page. I'd suspect a float too large to fit.


Re: Layout file not usable

2010-03-25 Thread rgheck

On 03/25/2010 05:53 AM, Guenter Milde wrote:

On 2010-03-24, rgheck wrote:

On 03/24/2010 12:17 PM, Tim Wescott wrote:

Guenter Milde wrote:

You might file an enhancement/bug report to ask for disabling
not-supported templates (or a warning) similar to what is done if you
select a non-supported document class under Document>Settings.

I don't think this is very easy to do. Templates are just files, and
what shows them is just a file browser. We can't ask the file browser
not to show files that don't have associated LaTeX classes.

Then, we could consider grouping templates in sub-directories like e.g.

   templates/ # standard document classes
   templates/texlive  # document classes in texlive
   templates/other/   # "exotic" document classes

or in every template clearly state in a LyX-Note the required LaTeX
documentclass (and its home URL).

Exotic is in the eye of the beholder, I'm afraid, and what's standard 
varies from TeX distribution to TeX distribution. There's really no 
telling what someone might have installed. The issue here, or so it 
seems to me, is just a simple confusion about what LyX provides, how it 
relates to LaTeX, and what LaTeX provides. The fact that the dialog that 
pops up when you don't have the document class is so confusing doesn't 
help. But this, I believe, is now resolved in trunk.


Re: Interline Space

2010-03-25 Thread rgheck

On 03/25/2010 07:28 AM, YURENA MENDOZA wrote:

Hi, I have a problem with Lyx and the spaces between paragraphs. For some
reason despite the fact that I have selected the optional of "default" in
space between paragraphs there are paragraphs that appear with a greater
space between them. What could be due to?

Are there strange things about the pages where this happens? LaTeX will 
sometimes stretch the space between paragraphs, if that is necessary due 
to page breaking issues.


Re: Fwd: Re: things that I miss in lyx

2010-03-25 Thread rgheck

On 03/25/2010 06:20 AM, Guenter Milde wrote:

On 2010-03-23, Trevor Jenkins wrote:

On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 5:08 AM, Steve Litt  wrote:

On Monday 22 March 2010 17:43:10 Julio Rojas wrote:

I'm thinking the best way to address the difficulty of new environments and
character styles might be to start a public collection of them. ...

Don't we already have that with the CTAN archive? Why create a
separate LyX one when the LaTeX part of CTAN already exists?

Because CTAN contains the *LaTeX* packages/classes while for using
them in LyX, we need *in addition to them* also LyX modules/layouts.

This need for definitions on both, LyX and LaTeX levels is a main
reason why creating/editing LyX layouts is such a complex task.
(And also the base for much frustation for people with either a just a
LyX layout or just a LaTeX class or package.)

That said, beamer includes a LyX layout, and I would expect that many 
other classes would be happy to include layouts, too, if someone 
provided one. Alternatively, or additionally, we could ask the CTAN 
folks to create a place for LyX layouts, rather than hosting them on our 
own server.


Re: things that I miss in lyx

2010-03-25 Thread rgheck

On 03/25/2010 06:14 AM, Guenter Milde wrote:

On 2010-03-23, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Considering the amount of time I had to spend in documents which did not run
through LyX smoothly it had to do with references containing some characters
which bothered the program. I realize that this is not Lyx's fault, but it
would be nice to have a feature (or an external prg) checking for those

A generic error reporting for all programs called by LyX would be a great
help indeed.

For the "Unicode in bibtex database problem", the solution might be to
use a unicode aware processor, e.g.

 * CrossTeX_, a backwards-compatible, improved bibtex
   re-implementation in Python (including HTML export).
   (development stalled since 2 years)

  * Pybtex_,a drop-in replacement for BibTeX written in Python.

   * BibTeX styles&  (experimental) pythonic style API.
   * Database in BibTeX, BibTeXML and YAML formats.
   * full Unicode support.
   * Write to TeX, HTML and plain text.

.. _CrossTeX: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/people/egs/crosstex/
.. _Pybtex:   http://pybtex.sourceforge.net/

You can also use biber with biblatex: 


Re: Opening LyX-2.0 Files in LyX-1.6.5

2010-03-24 Thread rgheck

On 03/24/2010 06:55 PM, Jack Desert wrote:

I found myself wanting to open the same document sometimes in LyX 2.0
and sometimes in LyX 1.6.5. Oh sure, a LyX 1.6.5 document opens fine
in LyX 2.0, but I ran into an error when trying open a LyX 2.0
document in LyX 1.6.5.

So I did a little experimentation. I copied the LyX 2.0 lyx/lib/lyx2lyx
folder into the LyX 1.6.5 lyx/lib/ directory. Then recompiled LyX 1.6.5.
Voilá. Now I can open the same file with either version of LyX. Am I
violating any taboo here? Does this void the LyX warranty?

This is normal. The lyx2lyx script shipped with 1.6.5 converts PRIOR 
formats to the 1.6 format and vice versa. The version of lyx2lyx 
presently in trunk will convert *any* (existing) format to any other 
(existing) format. Since it's a self-contained python script, you can 
indeed do precisely what you've done.


Re: Layout file not usable

2010-03-24 Thread rgheck

On 03/24/2010 12:17 PM, Tim Wescott wrote:

Guenter Milde wrote:

On 22.03.10, Tim Wescott wrote:

Guenter Milde wrote:
You will need to install more of texlive than just the basics 
(which are

auto-installed as a LyX dependency).

I think I have a handle on this, but it sure changes the meaning of
"create from template" away from "oh look at all these handy,
helpful templates!"  Something more like "Oh look at this ready-made

You might file an enhancement/bug report to ask for disabling
not-supported templates (or a warning) similar to what is done if you
select a non-supported document class under Document>Settings.

I don't think this is very easy to do. Templates are just files, and 
what shows them is just a file browser. We can't ask the file browser 
not to show files that don't have associated LaTeX classes.

If you have enough disk-space and a fast internet connection, you can
also consider installing the full texlive suite (I don't remember the
name of the meta package just now).
I generally don't start filing enhancement/bug reports on software 
until I've had at least a little bit of mileage with it.  As an 
absolute newbie it's an even bet between whether my problems stem from 
a real issue with the software or from my own ignorance.

I think this may be an exception, though -- it certainly would be 
helpful for everyone, and far less confusing for newbies, to do this.  
And you _do_ want newbies to have a positive experience, lest they run 
screaming back to their nice, comfortable WSIWYG editor, and fail to 
lend their support to your community.

What do you mean here by "do this"? Do you mean, "install the full 
texlive suite"? If so, then, first, LyX has no control over this. It's a 
packaging question and, on Linux, that means that each distribution gets 
to decide for itself what LyX's dependencies are. Similarly, the Windows 
and Mac packagers decide about this on their platforms. Second, it's 
arguable that LaTeX shouldn't be a dependency of LyX at all. Helge 
Hafting, who often posts here, frequently points out that LyX can be 
used as an editor without LaTeX. You might want to install it that way, 
for example, on a netbook that had minimal disk space so you could work 
on LyX files on your netbook. You wouldn't be able to view them as pdf 
or whatever, but you don't always need to do that. Third, even if we do 
want LaTeX to be a dependency, you really don't want to install 
absolutely every package that texlive makes available. That is a huge 
number of packages. And, finally, I don't know what texlive includes 
these days, but until not very long ago, some of the templates LyX ships 
were for use with document classes that weren't available at all through 
texlive. You have to go get them yourself if you want to use them. 
That's in the nature of an extensible system like LaTeX.


Re: things that I miss in lyx

2010-03-23 Thread rgheck

On 03/23/2010 09:43 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Considering the amount of time I had to spend in documents which did not run
through LyX smoothly it had to do with references containing some characters
which bothered the program. I realize that this is not Lyx's fault, but it
would be nice to have a feature (or an external prg) checking for those

I am often searching in a data bank such as medline for references which I
enter into Jabref, my reference manager. Exporting it into the lyx document
is easy, just a click on the lyx icon in Jabref, but finding the bothering
reference(s) after trying to export the pdf file is in my hands often very
time consuming and frustrating.

I'd suggest reporting this to the JabRef folks. Perhaps they should have 
an option to save in something other than UTF-8, and even to convert 
illegal characters to LaTeX equivalents.


Re: things that I miss in lyx

2010-03-23 Thread rgheck

On 03/23/2010 05:22 AM, Guenter Milde wrote:

On 2010-03-22, rgheck wrote:

As he said, this is highly non-trivial. And the better the website, the
harder it is, since a good website will use semantic markup that is
styled by CSS. Then what do you do?

Of course transform semantic markup to semantic markup.  This implies
that the website uses "really good" markup (text with HTML markup
indicating its logical structure), not CSS-styled  and  soups.

The difficulty is that HTML is very limited in what it is capable of 
marking, for the simple reason that there aren't very many tags. LyX 
character styles, for example, would almost uniformly correspond to 
"span", except for the handful of obvious exceptions. That, it seems to 
me, is why "use div and span for everything" has become almost the norm. 
See e.g. elyxer's HTML output. LyX's is more flexible, because it is 
specifiable in the layout. But the problem remains.


Re: Fwd: Re: things that I miss in lyx

2010-03-23 Thread rgheck

On 03/22/2010 10:52 PM, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:

It would appear that on Mar 22, Julio Rojas did say:


The only feature I miss is a layout editor. I don't know how easy
would it be to program one, but that would be one good addition.

Don't know much about that... I just use LyX, I don't really understand it
very well, so I'm not grasping the advantages of this "feature" ?

I would recommend learning about layouts, as that is where the real 
power of LyX lies.

The second one I miss, mostly because I'm not a native English speaker,
is online spell checking, but that is coming in 2.0.

Oh Gawd no! That is if I understand you to mean that it will check my
spelling as I type, and interrupt my creative flow to inform me that it
thinks I misspelled something.

It will do this if you turn on continuous spell-checking. It won't if 
you don't.

{or even worse silently replacing
misspelled or unknown words with what it thinks is the best matching
replacement word}


It will not do this.


Re: Fwd: Re: things that I miss in lyx

2010-03-22 Thread rgheck

On 03/22/2010 05:43 PM, Julio Rojas wrote:

The only feature I miss is a layout editor. I don't know how easy
would it be to program one, but that would be one good addition.

This has been discussed often, and I don't know how hard it would be, 
either. I actually suspect that getting something basic working wouldn't 
take much work at all. By basic, I mean: Something that would look like 
a database editor, with lots of combo boxes, text boxes, and the like, 
where you could choose things for the various legal tags. It would load 
a layout file for you, and then you could choose stuff to modify. When 
you were done, it would write the file out. The reading code is of 
course there. The writing code is not. Most of the work would go into 
defining the options, which ones are allowed in which cases, etc. I'm 
not even sure what sort of data structure one would want to use for that.

As a bonus, though this would be a *bit* harder, LyX could show you what 
your new style would look like. Even this wouldn't be too hard, though, 
because of "embeddable work areas", such as will be used in the advanced 
search and replace feature. These are little windows that work exactly 
like document windows, except that they don't represent the contents of 
documents. The display one would presumably be marked read-only and show 
some standard example text.


Re: things that I miss in lyx

2010-03-22 Thread rgheck

On 03/22/2010 06:50 AM, Olivier Ripoll wrote:

Jose Quesada wrote:

7. the rest of the world operates on rich text/html. LyX doesn't 

integration is poor, copy-pasting from/to web loses formatting)

That is the most annoying "feature" I've seen appearing in 10 years. 
When using software offering this "feature", I now must paste to a 
text editor, then copy it from here and finally paste to the target 
document (I'm not talking about LyX here).

I know this problem! I see it all the time when I try to paste from 
Firefox into Thunderbird, e.g.


Re: things that I miss in lyx

2010-03-22 Thread rgheck

On 03/21/2010 10:14 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Am 21.03.2010 22:12, schrieb Jose Quesada:

  2. sentence autocapitalization

Hmm. Most of us hate that.

Let me try to motivate this feature.
1- It's trivial to implement it, and then make it optional.

Indeed, we should let the users decide. Please open an enhancement 
report in our bug tracking system.

It is important to remember that this sort of feature is not cost-free, 
even if it can be turned off. It complicates the code and therefore 
makes maintenance more difficult.


Re: things that I miss in lyx

2010-03-22 Thread rgheck

On 03/22/2010 05:30 AM, Trevor Jenkins wrote:

On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 9:12 PM, Jose Quesada  wrote:

Let me try to motivate this feature.
1- It's trivial to implement it, and then make it optional.
2- The only way to check whether you have missed a capital is by loading all
your lyx files on a text editor that supports regex and painfully check
results of \.\s+[a-z] one by one. Not efficient.
3- I hate to do keyboard combos. they are bad for rsi and slower overall.
Autocapitalization would save thousands of those a month.

What's wrong with pressing the Shift key as you type? That way you
have complete control of where capitalisation occurs. Those word
processors where it is enable by default make a piss poor attempt at.
And your regex hits things that are *not* sentence starts, e. g. this
example, which includes abbreviations e. g. like e. g.

Which is one of the major problems with autocaps. Yes, you can have some 
list of exceptions, but then you need a list of exceptions to the 

say copy-paste from browsers. keeping basic formatting (headings, bold)
would be good., but I bet this is non-trivial. Running some html parser on
clipboard contents, then convert html to lyx... then paste.

I don't do that in LyX but I've seen OpenOffice.org make a real hash
of pasting HTMLised text on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.

As he said, this is highly non-trivial. And the better the website, the 
harder it is, since a good website will use semantic markup that is 
styled by CSS. Then what do you do?


Re: view pdf file in acrobat

2010-03-20 Thread rgheck

On 03/20/2010 10:06 PM, Nusret BALCI wrote:

Until today, when I clicked on the view button, the pdf output used to be
opened in acrobat, which is my default viewer. Today I installed KDE just
for casual use, and now pdf files are opened in Okular when I click on the
Lyx view button in the toolbar. Outside LyX, this does not happen (in Gnome:
haven't checked KDE yet at all). Is there a way I can configure this?
Thank you for your help in advance.


Tools>Preferences>File Formats. Choose PDF.


Re: things that I miss in lyx

2010-03-20 Thread rgheck

On 03/20/2010 09:23 PM, Jose Quesada wrote:

Hi all,

In no special order, things that I miss in lyx...


All of this is personal, but...

1. incremental search


Do you mean F3?

2. sentence autocapitalization


Hmm. Most of us hate that.

3. grammar check (not crucial)



4. search highlight occurences


You could file an enhancement request for this.

5. bold, color background on outline. A way for the eyes to fixate landmarks
in long outlines.


I'm not sure what you mean here.

6. edit history (go back to last edits). We seem to have only one step back?


You can go back a very long way.

7. the rest of the world operates on rich text/html. LyX doesn't (clipboard
integration is poor, copy-pasting from/to web loses formatting)

I'm not sure which rest of the world you have in mind, but I agree that 
LyX's external clipboard handling could be improved. We generally use 
plaintext for this, because no-one has cared enough to change it since 
it was implemented eons ago.

8. 'pasted from' and url for every paste from the web (onenote uses this and
it's damn inspired)


Don't understand this either.


Re: roman numbering & enumeration in Lyx

2010-03-20 Thread rgheck

On 03/20/2010 09:57 AM, Lolom wrote:


I write a dissertation with the class of document "Report" of Lyx and I
encounter some issue :

First, I would like to change the numbering of chapter in roman type (I,
II,...). Do you know if it's possible ?

The number is printed using the "\thechapter" macro. If you look in 
report.cls, you will find this line:

\renewcommand \thechapter {...@arabic\c@chapter}
So we just need to do:
in the preamble.

And I also would like to enumerate some things in the same line.
Like a)...   b)...
And not a)...
Do you have an idea how to do that ?

I think the paralist package supports this. LyX does not have native 
support for it, though, so this will be ERT.


Re: I can´t to compile lyx

2010-03-17 Thread rgheck

On 03/17/2010 07:48 PM, Marcelo Acuña wrote:

Ok. But, previous to ./configure I run make clean and

get same error.

Maybe not everything is cleaned.

Please manually remove the following *_moc.cpp files:
.. Etc.

And all other files ending with _moc.cpp in the
src/frontends/qt4/ directory.

If you open one of these files you'll see the following:

#error "This file was generated using the moc from 4.5.1.
#error "cannot be used with the include files from this
version of Qt."
#error "(The moc has changed too much.)"

Which is probably the error message you get.


Yes! This is the error message.


Try make clean && make distclean, or even try a fresh checkout.


Re: I can´t to compile lyx

2010-03-17 Thread rgheck

On 03/17/2010 07:14 PM, Pavel Sanda wrote:

Marcelo Acu?a wrote:

  I can´t to compile lyx 1.6.5 with qt 4.6.2.
  How I can solve it?

by fixing it? :)
seriously, when you dont report the exact error there is no way how to help.

I can compile branch with Qt 4.6.2, so it isn't 4.6.2. What's the gcc 
version? And, as Pavel said, what's the error?


Re: Faster access to character styles

2010-03-13 Thread rgheck

On 03/13/2010 10:50 AM, Steve Litt wrote:

Hi all,

I'd like to suggest something be done to provide faster access to character
style selection. Right now every time you use a character style you must click
Edit->Text_style and then select the character style from a list that includes
other junk like Caps and the like.


There is Alt-E+S, to get to that menu. That's what I usually do.

If you have specific character styles you use a lot, you can also define 
keyboard shortcuts for them. Given LyX's ability to do long key 
sequences, you could define lots of these.

I'd like to suggest either an always-there text style dropdown similar to the
current environment dropdown, or a toolbar icon that brings up a character
style list (without extraneous stuff like Caps and Custom and all that stuff).


Feel free to file and enhancement request. Or, better yet, to code it.


Re: How to tell Lyx to use a different Tex installation?

2010-03-11 Thread rgheck

On 03/11/2010 10:58 AM, Stefano Franchi wrote:

Suppose I have two complete TeX installation trees:

1. /usr/share/texlive/*

2. /usr/local/texlive/2009/*

Is there any way to tell Lyx to switch from (1) to (2) (and back)? Reading the
manuals proved unhelpful. Perhaps I am looking in the wrong places?

You could give the complete path in the LaTex-->DVI converter settings, 
I think.


Re: How can I edit the LaTeX code?

2010-03-10 Thread rgheck

On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 12:36 PM, Chaka Ben  wrote:

Hello Lyx-Users,

I am a total newbie to LyX from Germany. I really appreciate the ability of LyX 
as an WYSIWYG-Program and the possibility to see how LyX converts inputs to the 

But is there a possibility to change the LaTeX-Code within LyX? If not, how do 
you change the LaTeX-Code if necessary?

This is not possible. You can enter raw LaTeX code where you need it 
using Insert>TeX Code. And if you want to make large scale 
changes---say, some search and replace on the LaTeX---then you can 
export to LaTeX, do what you need to do, and then import the result back 
into LyX. But the results may not always be what you expect. All of this 
is because LyX's own internal format is not LaTeX. (Look at a LyX file 
in a text editor to see what I mean.) And that is because LyX is not 
*just* a front-end to LaTeX. It can also create DocBook files, and LyX 
2.0 will be able to export HTML natively. So in a sense LyX aims to be 


Re: Problems with the TOC

2010-03-05 Thread rgheck

On 03/05/2010 02:00 PM, Daniele_P wrote:

Dear LyX users,

I am writing a essay in LyX and have a problem with the document class
“Book” and the buitl-in option to create the TOC.

In particular, when I introduce the TOC LyX automatically adds the titles of
the chapters also at the top of each page (actually with an interval of 1
page, let's say the odd pages).

This would be actually nice if the whole title fit into the page.. Indeed,
the titles of some chapters are quite long and LyX keeps writing them in one
single, with the result that in the pdf format, only part of the title fits
into the page.

Do you have any clues about how to tell LyX not to report the title of the
paraghraph at the top of the pages along the document?

The page style can be changed under Document>Settings>Page Layout, but 
there is another option. Where you have begun a chapter, put the cursor 
at the beginning of the line. Then do Insert>Short Title. The short 
title is used for the page heading.


Re: Bibtex question. How do I insert scans of covers.

2010-03-03 Thread rgheck

On 03/03/2010 12:22 PM, mario wrote:


I have a new question on bibtex/biblatex.

How do I do when a bibliographic item refers to another one:

[1] -- Author, Title, in [2]

[2]--  BlaBla, edited by Joe Doe

This is what the crossref field is for. Put the key of the other entry, 

  author = {Richard Heck and Robert May},
  title = {Frege's Contribution to Philosophy of Language},
  pages = {3--39},
  crossref = {LeporeSmith:PhilLang},
  owner = {rgheck},
  timestamp = {2008.06.18}


Re: Branches…

2010-03-02 Thread rgheck

On 03/02/2010 10:07 AM, jezZiFeR wrote:
What I mean is, just disabling the main text, not the branches in it. 
That´s why the way to add a branch for the main text would be a little 
difficult, as every separated part of the  main text, beween the 
branches, would have to be nested in a branch. I would like to have 
the possibility to just enable output only for the different branches 
in the document.

Yes, I understood what you meant, and what the problem was. But the 
issue is the same: If you're disabling the main text, presumably you 
want to disable footnotes in the main text, too, right? Well, branches 
in the main text are just like footnotes in the main text, conceptually.


Re: References not numbering correctly

2010-03-01 Thread rgheck

On 03/01/2010 08:50 AM, timswait wrote:

I've written my thesis with LyX, and it's I've been really impressed by it,
I've got everything the way I want it except for one little thing that I
just can't get to work.
My document's laid out with a ToC, List of Figures, List of Tables and then
the main body of the text. My problem is with reference numbering. I want
the reference numbering to start at number 1 with the first reference in the
main body of the text. The problem is that since some of my Table and Figure
captions also contain references, and since these captions are listed in the
Lists at the front of the document the numbering starts with them, so the
first reference in the main body of the text is number 14! There must be
some way I can make it start the numbering at the start of the main body,
but I can't work it out.

What you have to do, if I remember correctly, is use the "short title" 
option in any caption where you have a reference. I.e., go to such a 
caption, then hit Insert>Short Title, then put whatever you want to 
appear in the TOC/LoF/LoT, etc.


Re: Outlines fallback plan

2010-02-26 Thread rgheck

On 02/26/2010 12:13 PM, Steve Litt wrote:

Hi all,

I'm sure it won't come to this, but if nobody else does the outline mode
improvement I'll have to do it.

We'd welcome it. It may not be that bad, and we can help you clean up 
the code.

Could someone please tell me the source files encompassing the current outline
functionality, as well as the source files implementing an input box with
buttons and a text box? Basically the change involves the addition of a couple
buttons and a text box.

The outliner is in GuiToc.{h,cpp} and TocWidget.{h,cpp}, both in 
src/frontends/qt4/. You probably need to deal with TocWidget more.

The easiest way to add the buttons is to load src/frontends/ui/TocUi.ui 
into QtDesigner and put them in. Note that, if you're going to have them 
add sections, they should only be active when we're in that mode. To get 
them to do what you want, see such routines as on_MoveDownTB_clicked(). 
You'll presumably need to do a series of things: Create a new paragraph 
(you are already in one); type out the section stuff; break the 
paragraph again (since you may have been in the middle of a paragraph); 
then set the layout.

The text box could just be a QInputDialog, such as is used in the 
askForText routine in GuiAlert. Or maybe you could just call askForText. 
But you may want to allow the user to choose what kind of section to 
create, and that would be more complex. You could also just create what 
"makes sense" at that point and then the user can change it if it isn't 


PS Obviously, future questions should go to devel.

Re: text-mode macros?

2010-02-26 Thread rgheck

On 02/26/2010 04:26 AM, Guenter Milde wrote:

On 2010-02-25, rgheck wrote:

On 02/25/2010 10:13 AM, Manoj Rajagopalan wrote:

 I use math-macros in lyx but I was wondering if there is any way to
achieve macros in text-mode.

There's a bug about this, an enhancement request. So no.

While there is no direct analogon to math-macros, you can define text
macros as custom insets in *.layout or *.module files.

I'm not sure what you mean. What the bug requests is something akin to 
math macros. I'm not sure how using custom insets helps.


Re: text-mode macros?

2010-02-25 Thread rgheck
On 02/25/2010 10:13 AM, Manoj Rajagopalan wrote:
> Hi users,
> I use math-macros in lyx but I was wondering if there is any way to 
> achieve macros in text-mode. 
There's a bug about this, an enhancement request. So no.

> A use-case that I frequently encounter is to use 
> either "Eqn." or "equation" in front of equation-reference numbers when 
> cross-referencing depending on which journal I am submitting my paper to. 
> Right now, I am achieving this with branches for each journal that modify ERT 
> definitions of a new latex command (eg. \newcommand{\eq}{Eqn.})
In this case, you can use the "formatted ref" feature and then use the
facilities provided by prettyref to do this.


Re: Export latex - any way to inline bibtex formatted refs? [YES!]

2010-02-24 Thread rgheck

On 02/24/2010 02:54 PM, Manoj Rajagopalan wrote:

Hi Richard, Ehud (and other lyx users),

Based on Richard's suggestions below, I have worked out a way to inline the


2. How and when is a copier invoked? For exporting latex with inline
bibliography, I will need to:
(1) generate the latex file from lyx,
(2) run latex on this file to generate the .aux file,
(3) run bibtex on the .aux file,
(4) replace the bibtex bibliography command with the .bbl file text as
you mentioned.

The first two are easy. We define a new format, say ltx2, and define a
LyX-->ltx2 converter, with the "needaux" extra flag set. (See
Customization, section 3.3.) The last is of course what your python
script will do. The third will probably also have to be done from your
python script, though this shouldn't be very difficult. You might also
want to suggest a new flag, bibtex, that would cause LyX to run bibtex
as well as latex. This would be useful in other situations, I am sure.


I created a new output format like you mentioned in
Tools->Preferences->File handling->File formats and then created a new
converter definition in Tools->Preferences->File handling->Converters
providing the command:

 python/IncludeBib.py $$i $$o

   I got the file IncludeBib.py from the log for issue #4624 in trac:


I can now choose File->Export->ltx2 and I get my .tex file with references
inlined. Since the IncludeBib.py takes care of running latex to get the .aux
I didn't need the "needaux" flag. I get a status-bar message saying
conversion failed but the .tex is created just fine so this issue can be
lived with.

I'm in the process of creating a FAQ item that I intend to post on the wiki,
with screenshots.

This is common enough that we should think about including this in LyX. 
Can you post this message to #4624?


Re: Lyx 2.0

2010-02-24 Thread rgheck

On 02/24/2010 02:39 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:

If there's a switch to turn off continuous checking I'll have no issues;

Of course there will be.


Re: Lyx 2.0

2010-02-24 Thread rgheck

On 02/24/2010 02:26 PM, Stefano Franchi wrote:

On 02/24/10, rgheck  wrote:

On 02/24/2010 12:26 PM, Rob Oakes wrote:

PS, Can anyone comment on the new table code?  I've noticed quite a bit of
discussion on the developer list about it and I've been scared to update
to the newest sources.  (I suppose this illustrates the folly of using a
piece of alpha software in a production environment ... )

If you're using this for production purposes, then I'd not update for a
bit. Abdel has done some major re-working of some very basic parts of
the GUI, and, as he said, a period of instability is to be expected.


I understand there is no release date for Lyx 2.0. But is there a tentative
date for a version of Lyx that includes continuous spelling? Or will it come
with version 2.0?

It'll be in 2.0, and I guess we're hoping for a late spring/early summer 
release. But don't quote me.


Re: Lyx 2.0

2010-02-24 Thread rgheck

On 02/24/2010 12:26 PM, Rob Oakes wrote:

PS, Can anyone comment on the new table code?  I've noticed quite a bit of
discussion on the developer list about it and I've been scared to update to
the newest sources.  (I suppose this illustrates the folly of using a piece
of alpha software in a production environment ... )

If you're using this for production purposes, then I'd not update for a 
bit. Abdel has done some major re-working of some very basic parts of 
the GUI, and, as he said, a period of instability is to be expected.


Re: problem installing lyx

2010-02-24 Thread rgheck

On 02/24/2010 05:33 AM, franck.me...@orange-ftgroup.com wrote:


I have installed Lyx (last version 1.6) on a Miktex 2.8 version and 
Lyx is unable to find any document class (see below the copy of the 

I tried the lyx installation twice.

Miktex'installation doesn't seem to be wrong.

Do you know where should be the problem?

Do I have to register on the mailing list to receive an answer? (I 'm 
not currently registered )

No, not if I reply privately.

The first thing to try is Tools>Reconfigure. The next is to look at the 
mailing list archives. This issue comes up all the time. Just two days 
ago, if I remember right.


Re: Automatically open child documents when loading master

2010-02-18 Thread rgheck

On 02/18/2010 01:46 PM, Heiner Peter Jansen wrote:

Hello fellow LyX users,

I think in an older version of LyX (running on Kubuntu 08.04, I think) I could
use Ctrl+PgDown to cycle through child documents after loading a master
document. It would automatically open the child documents in new tabs.

This behavior seems to have changed (currently using LyX 1.6.4 on Kubuntu 9.10).
Using Ctrl+PgDown only switches opened (as in "visible") tabs. Is there a way to
have LyX show/open all referenced child documents upon loading the master? Using
the View-menu to open them all individually is very cumbersome and I have more
then 8 child documents (so I can't use Alt+V + NUM to access them quickly).


I think you'd need to file an enhancement request for this.


Re: Newbie questions: templates -> Document Settings -> ?

2010-02-09 Thread rgheck

On 02/09/2010 01:28 AM, Marshall Feldman wrote:


As a newbie to Lyx, I'm almost there in understanding how to use LyX 
and have a few basic questions. Here's what I think I know:

Hello from down the way at Brown.

1. Templates are just LyX documents saved in the place where templates 

Right. Think of them as examples you can customize.

2. Document classes are types of documents (books, articles, etc.)

3. But document classes are not just types of documents. They also can 
come in multiple versions for each document type. (E.g., there can be 
a dozen or more versions of an "article.") The distinction between the 
different versions are largely stylistic, although they also can 
reflect content. For example, a Springer article has a "Conjecture" 
style, but most other article styles do not make conjectures.

Yes, and this makes more sense when you realize that LyX's document 
classes map more or less onto LaTeX class files. The mapping isn't 
perfect, because a LyX d.c. map actually map to a class file plus one or 
more packages.

4. Modules yet a lower level of granularity, and individual modules 
may correspond to individual styles.

Yes, and again you can think of modules as mapping to LaTeX packages, 
though again that isn't exactly right.

I hope this understanding is correct. Even so, I still can't 
completely connect the dots. Here are two things I still don't 

1. I'm writing a conference paper. LyX has a few 
conference/proceedings templates, but none suit my needs. Several 
document classes could work for me, but they're not complete. For 
example, a conference paper should list the conference, location, 
etc., and most likely this information should have a distinct style. 
How should one handle this? By adding a style to the document class? 
(How?) By manually adjusting the appearance of text?

Here it is crucial to remember that LyX knows nothing about the 
appearance of output. What it knows is how to "translate" a LyX document 
into LaTeX. It is LaTeX that then controls output. That's the sense in 
which LyX is a "frontend to LaTeX" (though also to other things). So in 
any case where you want to do a lot of customization, you have to think 
first in terms of LaTeX.

LaTeX will allow you to declare new commands and environments, which 
will include information about how they are to be displayed in the 
output. Once you know what you want to do as far as the LaTeX goes, then 
you can create a layout file that will tell LyX about it. I.e., you'd 
have something like:

Style Location
LaTeXType command
LaTeXName location
\newcommand\location{...LaTeX Stuff Here...}
...More stuff to tell LyX how to display it
in a module, or in a new document class extending an old one if you 
prefer. The LaTeX part is where the real work is. The LyX stuff can 
actually be left at default, if you want. It won't look fancy, but it 
will work.

2. I'd like to design a template for a working paper series. The cover 
page would have a few graphics, a title, author, date, institutional 
affiliation, and contact information. The first following right page 
would have a title, abstract, and keywords. The second even page would 
start the actual paper. It would have a title, abstract, and author, 
followed by the text itself. What's the best way to do this?

This is a LaTeX issue again. So if you want to do this, you will need to 
learn a good bit of LaTeX.

3. How do the various templates and document classes know when to 
insert a page break? In other words, how do they control front and 
back matter?

This is all done through the magic of LaTeX. LaTeX knows that certain 
commands (\title, \author, etc) belong to the front matter, and in most 
classes these commands do not actually output anything. They just define 
certain variables to store the title, author, etc. Only when the command 
\maketitle is the title page output, and its format is defined by the 
document class. (LyX issues \maketitle when you stop doing things it 
thinks go in the front matter, i.e., for which the InTitle flag is 
true.) You can see this for yourself by putting the author before the 
title. This is bad form, but it won't affect output. I.e.,

\title{My Title}
\author{John B. Author}
\author{John B. Author}
\title{My Title}
do the same thing.

Can the user customize or override this?

Hence, the answer to this is "yes, but doing so means modifying the 
LaTeX document class file".


Re: uiucthesis layout help

2010-02-08 Thread rgheck

On 02/08/2010 10:26 AM, Stephen Anthony wrote:

rgheck wrote:

On 02/07/2010 02:14 PM, Stephen Anthony wrote:
I am new to LATEX/LYX, and I am interested in trying it out for my 
thesis. I have found the LATEX style and class for my thesis 
(http://physics.illinois.edu/grad/thesis-templates.asp). They appear 
to be appropriately installed, I can see them both in MiKTeX 2.8 and 
they also appear in LYX in Tools:TeX Information.

Where I seem to be running into problems is with the Layout file. I 
have tried following the instructions in Help:Customization 
regarding creating a new layout file, and haven't managed to get it 
to work. When I go to Document:Settings:Document Class, uiucthesis 
does not appear. When I try "Local Layout" there, it tells me 
"Unable to read local layout file". Can someone either generate a 
layout for me from the uiucthesis2009 class/style provided, or help 
me figure out how to do that properly myself?

Can you post the layout file you have so far?

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this

# \DeclareLATEXClass[uiucthesis,book]{uiucthesis}

I'd do just:
# \DeclareLATEXClass[book]{UIUC Thesis Class}
to start. You can add the other back if you need to do so. It may also 
need to be:

# \DeclareLATEXClass[book,uiucthesis]{UIUC Thesis Class}
in that order. I'm not sure.

# UIUC Thesis textclass definition file.

# Author :

# Transposed by

# Heavily modifed and enhanced by serveral developers.




Format 11

The format line MUST be the first non-empty, non-comment line.

Input stdclass.inc

Input numreport.inc

Sides 2

PageStyle Headings

NoStyle Abstract

Style Bibliography

TopSep 4

LabelString "Bibliography"


Series Bold

Size Huge



The rest looks as if it should be OK. Make sure you have put this in the 
right place, namely, in the layouts/ subdirectory of your user 
directory, whose location you can find in Help>About LyX. Then do 


Re: uiucthesis layout help

2010-02-07 Thread rgheck

On 02/07/2010 02:14 PM, Stephen Anthony wrote:
I am new to LATEX/LYX, and I am interested in trying it out for my 
thesis. I have found the LATEX style and class for my thesis 
(http://physics.illinois.edu/grad/thesis-templates.asp). They appear 
to be appropriately installed, I can see them both in MiKTeX 2.8 and 
they also appear in LYX in Tools:TeX Information.

Where I seem to be running into problems is with the Layout file. I 
have tried following the instructions in Help:Customization regarding 
creating a new layout file, and haven't managed to get it to work. 
When I go to Document:Settings:Document Class, uiucthesis does not 
appear. When I try "Local Layout" there, it tells me "Unable to read 
local layout file". Can someone either generate a layout for me from 
the uiucthesis2009 class/style provided, or help me figure out how to 
do that properly myself?

Can you post the layout file you have so far?


Re: Removing Copyright information from the bottom of a layout file

2010-02-05 Thread rgheck

On 02/05/2010 12:43 AM, John Adams wrote:


I was trying to use the siggraph layout to prepare a report for my class. I
am trying to remove the Copyright information present at the bottom of the
generated pdf but can't find any associated text in the editor. Can someone
please tell me how to achieve this?

I'm not sure exactly what copyright information this involves, since I 
don't know the siggraph class. But that line is presumably generated by 
the acmsiggraph.cls file itself. To remove it, you'd have to edit that file.


Re: Saving Preferences

2010-02-04 Thread rgheck

On 02/04/2010 04:30 AM, Barak Sh wrote:

Hello fellow LyX users,

I would like to save a backup of my preferences (especially keyboard
shortcuts), so that I can instantly load them when (re)installing or
How can this be done?
I'm using LyX 1.6.4 on Windows 7.

Find you LyX user directory by looking at Help>About. Copy the entire 
directory somewhere else. This will include the preferences file and 
lots of other things.


Re: Lyx problem printing

2010-02-02 Thread rgheck

On 02/02/2010 11:11 AM, Dean Chandler wrote:

I am brand new to lyx/latex/tex.

I installed lyx 1.61  under Ubuntu 8.04, using the Ubuntu backports 
repository. When I tried to print the tutorial, I got the following 

Lyx: Cannot convert file
An error occurred whilst running python -tt 
'/usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx' -cbig

Have you ever had LyX installed before? If not, this is very odd indeed. 
The lyx2lyx script is called only to convert files from older versions 
of LyX to the current format, and the Tutorial surely ought to be in the 
current format. You might want to uninstall and then reinstall, on the 
theory that maybe something was corrupted.


Re: Editing equations as latex rather than graphically.

2010-02-01 Thread rgheck

On 02/01/2010 05:42 PM, Tommaso Cucinotta wrote:

rgheck wrote:
One question: isn't it possible to handle this case like the other 
external-material objects ?

I mean, imagine you define another kind of external-material object, 
the "External Equation" type (e.g., a '*.eq' file), imagine you 
associate a text editor to such a type, and imagine you define a set 
of filters which just invoke externally LaTeX for computing the .eps 
of the file for both preview and print purposes. This way, for 
example, clicking on the image of the equation, would pop-up the 
external text editor on the .eq file, and after exiting it would be 
updated on the screen.

Wouldn't you achieve exactly what this user is looking for ?
In fact, the attached patch achieves such behaviour easily. If you 
have a ".eq" file with a contents such as:

   U = \frac{C}{T}

then you can do Insert->File->External Material->[Equation (LaTeX)], 
then select your .eq file. Now, if you have "Instant Preview" enabled 
in preferences, you can see the formatted equation on the screen. 
Furthermore, right-click on it and select "External Editor" and you 
can edit it with emacs.
The difference w.r.t. an ERT block is that you can see the formatted 
result on the screen (but editing through an external editor is not as 
comfortable as a collapsable inset).

Was kind of a learning excercise -- just in case anyone finds such 
patch useful (btw, I find the built-in LyX WYSIWYG/M equation editor 

I think you should post this to devel and commit it. In the case of very 
complex equations, which would basically be nothing but ERT, it could be 
very useful. LyX can handle it, of course, but perhaps not with the 
kinds of comments and so forth one might want. I'm sure there are some 
people in this sort of predicament.

I hate to be greedy here, but does this handle math macros defined 
earlier in the document? That would be a good addition, if not. And it 
would, as it happens, allow me to use exactly this script for exporting 
little math images during XHTML output (if someone wanted a given 
equation to be output that way).


Re: Editing equations as latex rather than graphically.

2010-02-01 Thread rgheck

On 02/01/2010 03:44 PM, Tommaso Cucinotta wrote:

rgheck wrote:

Ah yes, I did that in an equation and it is almost exactly what I want
- just need to be able to edit the text. Without looking at the code,
it doesn't look like you'd have to do much to make it editable. I
might have a go some time.
It's harder than you think, in the general case, because *reading* 
the LaTeX back is not trivial. In the math case, however, it isn't so 
hard, and it'd be easier to do it in the editing pane. All you have 
to do is have a special mode where LyX displays the raw LaTeX, which 
it knows how to generate. This would be kind of like the "preview" 
mode, where it displays a little picture. Switching back to "LyX" 
mode would then read the LaTeX---LyX knows how to do this in the math 
case---and display the LyX form.

One question: isn't it possible to handle this case like the other 
external-material objects ?

I mean, imagine you define another kind of external-material object, 
the "External Equation" type (e.g., a '*.eq' file), imagine you 
associate a text editor to such a type, and imagine you define a set 
of filters which just invoke externally LaTeX for computing the .eps 
of the file for both preview and print purposes. This way, for 
example, clicking on the image of the equation, would pop-up the 
external text editor on the .eq file, and after exiting it would be 
updated on the screen.

Wouldn't you achieve exactly what this user is looking for ?

I think this might be useful in some cases, assuming you just included 
the LaTeX, rather than an image. But my thought was that it should 
actually be fairly easy to switch back and forth between LaTeX mode and 
LyX mode, which many people might like. And then you can do this right 
inside LyX.


Re: Editing equations as latex rather than graphically.

2010-02-01 Thread rgheck

On 02/01/2010 02:29 PM, Tim Hutt wrote:

On 1 February 2010 19:22, rgheck  wrote:

Try View>Source if you want to *see* the LaTeX.

Ah yes, I did that in an equation and it is almost exactly what I want
- just need to be able to edit the text. Without looking at the code,
it doesn't look like you'd have to do much to make it editable. I
might have a go some time.

It's harder than you think, in the general case, because *reading* the 
LaTeX back is not trivial. In the math case, however, it isn't so hard, 
and it'd be easier to do it in the editing pane. All you have to do is 
have a special mode where LyX displays the raw LaTeX, which it knows how 
to generate. This would be kind of like the "preview" mode, where it 
displays a little picture. Switching back to "LyX" mode would then read 
the LaTeX---LyX knows how to do this in the math case---and display the 
LyX form.


Re: Editing equations as latex rather than graphically.

2010-02-01 Thread rgheck

On 02/01/2010 01:54 PM, Tim Hutt wrote:

Hi, I've searched but I can't find an answer: Is it possible to edit
the source latex code of equations rather than edit the equations in a
graphical way? I much prefer this method for equations and in my mind
it is one of the things that makes latex superior to for example, MS

This is possible. First, you can enter LaTeX code at the keyboard, and 
then LyX will display it as "graphical". So just type Ctrl-M to enter 
math mode and then start typing:

2^x + \sqrt 3 = \frac ...
Anything LyX doesn't understand it will display as raw commands.

If this isn't a feature I'd suggest something like CTRL-clicking on an
equation (also accessible by right-click->Edit Source) shows you the
source of the equation and lets you edit it.

Try View>Source if you want to *see* the LaTeX. There is no provision 
for editing it directly. However, if you really want to edit LaTeX, try 
this. Highlight just the *inside* of a math inset. Now exit it and 
paste. You should get the raw LaTeX code. Edit it. Now highlight it and 
hit Ctrl-M again.

The request for "roundtrip" LaTeX editing is longstanding and difficult 
to implement. But the math case is special and actually wouldn't be that 
hard to do. As the workaround just given shows, LyX can essentially do 
this already. So you might file this special case, of math, as an 
enhancement request here: http://www.lyx.org/trac/wiki/BugTrackerHome.


Re: Don't understand LaTeX Error

2010-01-30 Thread rgheck

On 01/25/2010 12:52 PM, Matthias Schmidt wrote:

yes, I didn't think about the table of contents, ok.

But I would like to understand, what is happening there:
I get the LaTeX error only with "\citet{GieslerG1990}" but not with
"\cite{GieslerG1990}". Why doesn't Lyx accept this one citation style
but the other one is ok?


I'm afraid I don't know the answer to that.


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