[nysbirds-l] A disappointment and a surprise !

2017-10-20 Thread robert adamo
This afternoon I tried for the Nelson's Sparrows reported by Jody Lenin from Cedar Beach in Southold recently...without success. I did, however, have success in picking up some neat shells for grandson #4 to sketch while attending his art class. I also enjoyed an additional success while enroute to

[nysbirds-l] After 2 nights of favorable winds.....

2017-10-17 Thread robert adamo
In spite of a late start, I headed for the West End of JBSP, with a few planned stops enroute. RMSP, as with all my "ports of call" today, had, as their most numerous species, the ubiquitous E.Phoebe. I must have seen between 125 to 150 all told ! Prior to reaching the F.I.Hawkwatch, I had picked

[nysbirds-l] 2 unusual sightings

2017-09-28 Thread robert adamo
Spurred on by Derrick Rogers' Brown Booby (BRBO) reports, I got on my horse, and took part in the undesirable motor trip from Riverhead to Montauk during the "construction/service vehicle convoy" that dominates the road between 0600 & 1000 on any given work day ! Not finding the BRBO at the Star

[nysbirds-l] Good Gulls Almighty !

2017-09-21 Thread robert adamo
After a late start yesterday (like this post - sorry !) my "gut" opted for doing Smith Point Co. Pk., Mastic first, followed by a ride down Dune Rd. from the Post La. Bridge, Quogue, to Shinnicock Inlet, Hampton Bays. I, of course, was hoping for some windblown vagrants, which had decided to linger

[nysbirds-l] Having to head west...again !

2017-09-15 Thread robert adamo
At 0805 on 9/15, I received a distress call asking if I could deliver a much needed piece of clothing (youngest grandson Brady's church choir over-garment) to my daughter's home in Rockville Centre. After "doing my duty", I headed to Hempstead Lake State Park, only to find many Robins, and 1 Caroli

[nysbirds-l] Go east, young man, go east !

2017-09-14 Thread robert adamo
Having not seen a Buff-breasted Sandpiper this season on the sod fields, I decided to try yesteryear's best bet for finding migrating,fall "grass-pipers"...before the advent of sod farms ! If you were looking for Black-bellied or A.Golden Plovers, Whimbrel and Pectoral or Buff-breasted Sandpipers

[nysbirds-l] Go west young man, go west !

2017-09-12 Thread robert adamo
In spite of a not so favorable wind direction, and a late start, I still decided to try the RMSP Hawkwatch, and possibly, beyond ! Arriving at the p/lot of Field 5 at ~ 1030, the stroll along the boardwalk to the viewing platform was very quiet, with only one Merlin seen.Once there, I had the pleas

[nysbirds-l] 2 successful walks, each done by 2 different people with different styles...and goals !

2017-09-10 Thread robert adamo
My wife RuthAnn and I arrived at Parking Field 5, RMSP at ~ 1520. We started walking toward the lighthouse together, but soon parted. She has a fast pace, and wanted a good workout, while I walk slower than she does, even when there isn't many birds to admire ! When I finally reached the "Light", I

[nysbirds-l] 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls at Smith Point Park, Mastic, Suffolk Co.

2017-09-07 Thread robert adamo
This afternoon (9/7), after taking care of business in Patchouge, I routed myself back home by way of the above ocean location. Lounging in its parking lot, were ~ 100 gulls, made up of our area's 4 regular species. One of the lessers appeared to be in 1st winter plumage, with the 2nd bird, an adul

[nysbirds-l] Struck-out on shorebirds, but scored on raptors !

2017-09-05 Thread robert adamo
Finished "to do" list by 1550, arriving at the Doctors Path, Riverhead sod field by 1600. Did not find a single shorebird here, or at any other sod field, ranging as far to the west as Hulse Landing Rd., Wading River. Starting with the adult Peregrine found coursing over the D.P. field (possibly on

[nysbirds-l] Day late news - my bad ! No shorebirds, with Peregrines, Turkey Vultures and good company instead...even had 2 "lifers" !

2017-09-04 Thread robert adamo
On 9/3, responding to Tim Healy's current post re: Buff-breasted & Baird's Sandpipers at the Doctor's Path sod fields, I hustled out, only to find a group of 6 birders, with their optics fully engaged - not with the birds they had just seen, but rather trying to locate them again ! It seems that t

[nysbirds-l] 1st and 10 in Riverhead

2017-09-02 Thread robert adamo
Heading home after a short and very quiet shorebird outing in the "Golden Trapezium" area (Doctor's Path, Sound Ave, Route 105 and Northville Tpke) I did find a FOS Merlin perched in a snag overlooking the horse pasture on the s/s of Middle Rd., between Northville Tpke and Ostrander Ave. As I was

[nysbirds-l] Trolling for Shorebirds

2017-08-30 Thread robert adamo
Following up on yesterday's post by Sue Feustel , I arrived at Doctor's Path ~ 1230. After making my first pass of the "Golden Trapezium" (D's P, Sound Ave. Route 105 and Northville Tpke, I was only able to come up with 2 Black-bellied Plovers. Deciding to try D's P again, I came upon a young birdi

[nysbirds-l] Giving it a shot...and ending on a high !

2017-08-28 Thread robert adamo
Because of a doctor's appointment in Garden City, I took my wife's car, a Prius, in order to use the HOV lane as a single occupant, but without switching-out my birding gear...grrr ! By the time I arrived back home in Riverhead, my wife and binocs/ scope were somewhere on the South Shore. So, buo

[nysbirds-l] BBQ at neighbors, with Nighthawk for dessert !

2017-08-16 Thread robert adamo
I haven't been out birding for a while, and therefore was wondering what species sighting would get me to sit down and post to this listserve once again ? In this case, I actually did guess correctly, with "form" carrying the day...north shore of L.I., mid-August , C.Nighthawk - yes ! At ~ 7:30 PM

[nysbirds-l] Correction of my last post from very early this A.M.

2017-07-11 Thread robert adamo
With thanks to John Gluth , who, in a gentle and humorous fashion, asked if I really heard a Chihuahuan Raven in Riverhead yesterday ? Of course, the correct scientific name should have been *Corvus corax...*probably should have started writing post earlier in the evening ! Cheers, Bob 😚 -- NYSb

[nysbirds-l] Important to a happy life: personal hygiene, continue to read, and don't forget to "taste the grape" !

2017-07-10 Thread robert adamo
Today, my first task was to keep a dental appointment in Jamesport. My 2nd scheduled stop was at the Riverhead Library, to return 4 books I had finished, and extend a 5th, that was due today. While enroute to the library, as I was passing Michael's Liquor Store, I remembered we were low on "whites"

[nysbirds-l] Jaeger species - no__ Gull species - yes (5)

2017-06-19 Thread robert adamo
Excited by today's earlier posts, and aided by an 1 & 1/2 hour break between setting tables up and serving dinner at a Riverhead Soup Kitchen, I bolted down to the Tiana Beach Area along Dune Rd., Hampton Bays in pursuit of a pelagic or two ! While striking out on that hunt, I did have a single, 3r

[nysbirds-l] Correction to today's earlier post of 12:41 AM

2017-05-23 Thread robert adamo
With thanks to Paul Sweet for bringing me "up to speed" re: the scientific name of Clapper Rail (per the 2014 AOU checklist supplement) which should read *Rallus crepitans.* Cheers, Bob -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsWELCOME.htm http://www.NortheastBirding.com/N

[nysbirds-l] Clapping for "Rallus longirostris" Clapping for

2017-05-22 Thread robert adamo
I spent the early afternoon (1200-1445 hours) patrolling Dune Rd., between the Post Lane Bridge, Quogue and Shinnicock Inlet, Hampton Bays. During this time I was able to pick up 4 common species as FOY birds, the highlight being 2 Clapper Rails, taking their time while crossing Dune Rd. (south to

[nysbirds-l] "The wrong one"

2017-05-16 Thread robert adamo
Birding was secondary to me today, but by 1530 I was on Sound Ave heading toward the Paul Stoutenburgh Preserve in Southold, where John Sep had found both male & female Summer Tanager, in the last couple of days. My spirit was encouraged by encountering a total of 5 Turkey Vultures while on that tr

[nysbirds-l] " Return of the TEV - i "

2017-05-12 Thread robert adamo
At 1700 hours, while motoring up from downtown Riverhead, I observed two sets of two Turkey Vultures roosting on two chimneys, located on two separate buildings ! The Roanoke Ave Elementary School chimney has been a favorite of up to 8-9 T.V's. at the same time throughout this past fall and winter.

[nysbirds-l] ELIAS Bird Walk at the Rocky Point DEC Property, followed by The Calverton Grasslands.

2017-05-10 Thread robert adamo
Starting with 8 birders, and ending with 2, we were blessed with a fine day to walk the woods and fields that make up the above locations. Our total for the day is at present, a tentative 52, with only 2, of the 4 promised tallies, received by the author. We had a somewhat disappointing 10 warble

[nysbirds-l] Late start - moderate middle - terrific finish !

2017-05-09 Thread robert adamo
Today, between 1130 & 1340, I was scouting out Area # 26, of the DEC Property in Rocky Point, in preparation to leading an ELIAS Bird Walk there tomorrow, starting at 0800. The non-optimal time certainly helped achieve the meager total of 18 bird species, but managed to pick up a few highlights.

[nysbirds-l] When in doubt, take the water route !

2017-05-07 Thread robert adamo
My main job this weekend was to help my wife (she, who was at the midpoint of a 9 day tour of duty babysitting our grandkids in Rockville Center. Before leaving for Riverhead at ~ 1530, I had my first migrant warbler of the season - a gorgeous N.Parula ! By taking the Ocean Parkway East, I was able

[nysbirds-l] Report of a single Evening Grosbeak

2017-05-05 Thread robert adamo
I received a call on Friday afternoon from a friend in Quogue re: a specie of bird she had never seen before. Pat Reindl is more a gardener than she is a birder, but through the years she has encountered a number of unfamiliar birds, which she has called me on...to our mutual benefit. Today's exerc

[nysbirds-l] "Bonnie rides", to and from Bohemia: Tax Day, 2017

2017-04-12 Thread robert adamo
Heading west, I had 2 Turkey Vultures circling over the LIE in Manorville. After finding out I had to give half of what I get from Uncle Sam to Cousin Mario, I decided to perk up by driving through the Calverton Grasslands on the way home. As I entered the property from Grumman Blvd, a Blue-gray G

[nysbirds-l] Gray day makes for vulture play !

2017-03-01 Thread robert adamo
Today was gray & overcast. I attended Mass* at noon (Ash Wednesday) and when leaving afterward, was greeted by ~ 20 Turkey Vultures (all but 5 in flight) gliding, turning, trying to stay in place, banking, wheeling - along with some interacting quite closely with their brethren..breaking off at th

[nysbirds-l] Roanoke Roosts Report # 6

2017-02-15 Thread robert adamo
Today, between ~ 1700 & 1740, there was a total of 49 Turkey Vultures resting at 2 of their regular haunts - the large spruce trees located at the north end of the Riverhead Firehouse on the e/s of Roanoke Ave, and the large pine tree in the rear of # 542 Roanoke Ave (1st house n/o the firehouse).

[nysbirds-l] Roanoke Roosts Report # 5

2017-02-03 Thread robert adamo
Today, arriving at the Roanoke Ave Elementary School's parking lot at ~ 1700, I found many Turkey Vultures in the spruces on the firehouse property, as well as 1 on the school's chimney, and a single bird in the Pine tree behind house # 542 Roanoke. As I started to count the birds (without going a

[nysbirds-l] Roanoke Roosts Report # 4

2017-02-02 Thread robert adamo
Upon arrival at ~ 1700, only 1 of the 4 spots the Turkey Vultures have been frequenting recently, held any birds (the large spruce trees located at the north end of the firehouse property). Viewing from the parking lot of the school, I found the lighting to be adequate, but as I started to count th

[nysbirds-l] Beginning & ending on Roanoke in Riverhead !

2017-02-01 Thread robert adamo
This afternoon, at ~ 1300, it was only natural (after finishing with a doctor's appointment, whose office is on Roanoke Ave) to check on the Turkey Vultures seen the last few days, a short distance down the road. Today, the only T.V's. seen were 11 birds roosting in a tall Pine tree located at the

[nysbirds-l] Addendum to last post

2017-02-01 Thread robert adamo
Sorry, in my haste I forgot to mention the Red-shouldered Hawk seen flying over Elton St., one block e/o Roanoke Ave. Cheers, Bob -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsWELCOME.htm http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsRULES.htm http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbird

[nysbirds-l] Turkey Vulture roost , same spot 3 days running...and possibly since last September !

2017-01-31 Thread robert adamo
This past Sunday Margaret Brace (oh she of Rufous Hummer fame) let me know of a T.V. roost she had just discovered in Riverhead. As she approached the intersection of Roanoke Ave & Elton St, she couldn't help but notice the birds in a large Spruce tree on the w/s of Roanoke. It was getting toward d

[nysbirds-l] No fun in getting just a "funny goose" !

2017-01-22 Thread robert adamo
Today, between church time and game time, I cruised the "Golden Trapezium", bordered by Doctors Path, Sound Ave, Route 105, and Northville Turnpike, Riverhead, Suffolk Co. From ~ 12:45 & 3 PM, this parcel, made up mostly of sod farms, held about 1400 to 1500 Canada Geese, with the majority of bird

[nysbirds-l] Thank heavens for a reliable end-game !

2017-01-19 Thread robert adamo
Once again I had free time to bird this afternoon, and found myself on the North Fork of L.I., heading east on Sound Ave, with thoughts of a Townsend's Solitaire repeat, a Black Vulture and some "good geese", flying around in my head ! After "striking out" on all 3 counts, I needed a boost, so I m

[nysbirds-l] With thanks for the "buddy system" - once again, a "win-win" !

2017-01-18 Thread robert adamo
Finding myself with a bit of free time early this afternoon, I headed down toward Dune Rd. where I birded between the Post La. Bridge, Quogue and Shinnicock Inlet, Hampton Bays, Suffolk, Co. The only birds of note were 5 separate, female-plumaged N.Harriers (3 hunting, while the other 2 were on th

[nysbirds-l] Don't see it on the west coast - go east, young man, go east !

2017-01-10 Thread robert adamo
Today I finally got a chance to try for the Townsend's Solitaire. Arriving at North Sea Rd., Southold at 1145, I found Kathleen Coyle parked at # 1525. When I asked if she had seen the bird, she just pointed and said "there it is"...3 very, sweet words ! The bird was resting mid-span on the power l

[nysbirds-l] 5 Turkey Vultures/ Downtown Riverhead

2016-12-08 Thread robert adamo
On Thursday morning I saw the above birds flying over St.John the Evangelist R.C. Church's Cemetery. Now I know this specie has a very keen sense of smell, but, I ask you. Cheers, Bob -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding

[nysbirds-l] Rufous Hummingbird at Aquebogue

2016-12-05 Thread robert adamo
I had single bird at feeder between ~ 1215 & 1320. Per owner, both hummers seen earlier in AM, but not sure if she and/or another birder saw both birds. Of note, as I was leaving, a lone Turkey Vulture drifted over this most productive of properties ! Could this, once again, be the elusive "Loneso

[nysbirds-l] Addendum to previous post

2016-12-03 Thread robert adamo
I neglected to include that anyone wanting further information re: today's birds, can contact me off line - and also for homeowner's protocol for getting to see birds. Bob -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsRULES http:

[nysbirds-l] 2nd Hummingbird at Aquebogue feeder

2016-12-03 Thread robert adamo
This afternoon at ~ 4 PM, while looking at the now confirmed Rufous Hummingbird (per Margaret B., homeowner, re: John S's confirming photo of tail feathers) with her, she had a very quick snatch of a fleeting bird whose "jizz" made her think "hummer". We now were on high alert, and it didn't take v

[nysbirds-l] Chores can convert to contentment !

2016-12-01 Thread robert adamo
This morning my drive to the supermarket in Riverhead was made more palatable by spotting a single Turkey Vulture circling overhead...could it have been "Lonesome George", the solitary T.V. that has been reported from this area of eastern L.I. for the past couple of years ? This afternoon. I heade

Re: [nysbirds-l] ? selasphorus sp. hummingbird (Rufous or Allen's)

2016-11-30 Thread robert adamo
> American Museum of Natural History > > Central Park West at 79th Street > > New York, NY 10024 > > > > Tel: 212 769 5780 <(212)%20769-5780> > > Cell: 718 757 5941 <(718)%20757-5941> > > From: on behalf of robert > adamo > Reply-To: robert ad

[nysbirds-l] ? selasphorus sp. hummingbird (Rufous or Allen's)

2016-11-27 Thread robert adamo
Without again obtaining a discernible "tell-tale tail" photo, and in the full knowledge of the extremely low odds of the Aquebogue bird being an Allen's, after further perusing yesterday's, as well as today's, shots, it seems the bill is too long for a Rufous, plus it appears to be slightly de-curv

[nysbirds-l] "Bracing for a possible disappointment...."

2016-11-26 Thread robert adamo
In spite of my recent "under-whelming" birding fortunes, due to the hospitality of Margaret & Keith B. of Aquebogue, I was able to see and photograph the ?rufous/allen's selasphorus sp. hummingbird that, since the middle of this past October, has been fortifying itself at their sugar-feeder, as wel

[nysbirds-l] A belated report

2016-11-17 Thread robert adamo
Forgetting to do this yesterday, combined with no reports by others on them today, I now (do I hear a drum-roll) submit the 4 Snow Geese found in a flock of ~ 600 Canadas in the triangular field formed by the confluence of Sound Ave, Northville Tpke and Route 105, in n/e Riverhead. The Snow Geese c

[nysbirds-l] I ask you...where is the justice ?

2016-11-05 Thread robert adamo
This afternoon at ~ 1545, circling over the Supreme Court Complex on Griffing Ave in downtown Riverhead, were 26 Turkey Vultures slowly making their way south to north...without even a lone "Black" tagging along ! Cheers, Bob -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsWELCO

[nysbirds-l] Peregrine Falcon near Goldsmith's Inlet, Cutchogue

2016-10-12 Thread robert adamo
Today, at ~ 1 P.M., Bev Prentice Robertson watched as the above dove at, and scattered, a mixed flock of ~ 200 gulls (mostly laughing & ring billed) which had been loafing on the beach. Cheers, Bob -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirdi

[nysbirds-l] The day after....

2016-10-11 Thread robert adamo
The combination of an A.M. dental appointment and chores kept me from birding until after 1:00 PM. today ! Dune Rd, from the Quogue Bridge to Shinnicock Inlet seemed to be the most efficient choice, considering the time left in the day.The only addition for me to this season's species was the White

[nysbirds-l] Being late, at times, can turn out great !

2016-10-10 Thread robert adamo
Extending my recent trend of getting a late start on the day's birding (Monday's destination being the Robert Moses Hawkwatch) I found myself heading south on the R. M. Parkway, just a hair north of the first bridge, when I saw a Rough-legged Hawk.This was a light morph * bird, and the earliest I h

[nysbirds-l] Subject-line of my post dated 10/6/16

2016-10-06 Thread robert adamo
Should have ended with the words...towels in your car. Bob -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsRULES http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsSubscribeConfigurationLeave.htm ARCHIVES: 1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysb

[nysbirds-l] Tale of a "greedy" birder : why you should always carry a jug of water & a roll of paper

2016-10-05 Thread robert adamo
Wednesday morning, while again getting a late start, the "lure of the west" prevailed, although unlike Tuesday AM, I decided to start this day at Hempstead Lake State Park. Within a few minutes of my arrival, Ed B.(not sure of the spelling) showed up, and we proceeded to bird together. Ed had visit

[nysbirds-l] Go west old man, go west !

2016-10-04 Thread robert adamo
Although I had a late start on Tuesday, I still decided to head out for Robert Moses State Park. Once on the barrier beach, and before reaching Parking Lot # 2, a Dark-eyed Junco flew across the road (first of the season for me) ! There were only 12 gulls in the p/lot, including one 3rd Winter, Le

[nysbirds-l] From the woods, to the bay...a nice half-day !

2016-10-03 Thread robert adamo
On Monday, I walked the trail around the "Ice Pond", at the Quogue Wildlife Refuge. Bird activity was subdued, with the highlight being a Yellow-billed Cuckoo. I only connected with one, small, mixed flock, from which I was able to ID single Black-throated Green & Pine Warblers, in addition to 2 Bl

[nysbirds-l] Icterus spurius

2016-10-02 Thread robert adamo
Did a quick bit of birding between 3:30-5:00 PM (without leaving the car) at Iron Pier Town Beach, Mattituck Inlet, and the North Fork Preserve, with the only noteworthy specie being the Orchard Oriole seen at the last location. Cheers, Bob -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.co

[nysbirds-l] Who needs a field guide ?

2016-09-30 Thread robert adamo
At mid-morning on Friday, my tour of babysitting in Rockville Centre was done, allowing me to head home to Riverhead, by way of Jones Beach, Robert Moses and Captree State Parks...which, even with the rain, was most satisfying.Starting with a Peregrine and a Merlin before even reaching the official

[nysbirds-l] "There's no joy in N.Y.' ville tonight" !

2016-09-25 Thread robert adamo
Early Sunday afternoon I made a wrong choice, when I opted to stay indoors to watch the undefeated N.Y.Giants (2-0) take on the underdog Washington Redskins, rather than taking to the outdoors on this gorgeous Fall day to do some birding ! I hope I didn't "jinx the G'ints"...whose record now stands

[nysbirds-l] Watching Nighthawks through the prism of a wine glass: with thoughts of Jim Clinton Sr.

2016-09-23 Thread robert adamo
The weather tonight was perfect for my wife and I to enjoy our wine, while seated in the outdoor area of the restaurant at the Great Rock Public Golf Course in Wading River. This large, terraced, stone patio overlooks the 1st & !8th holes, and especially when the Sun is "fading fast", is a choice s

[nysbirds-l] Pursuing positive posts - yes x 2 !

2016-09-02 Thread robert adamo
Today, between ~ 2 & 4 PM, I followed up on two recent posts in the Riverhead area. Arriving at the sod field located at the intersection of Sound Ave & Osborne Ave, Baiting Hollow, I found 59 Golden Plovers, 77 Killdeers, a ton of E.Starlings and 1 A.Robin. The two tractor /mowers busily cutting t

[nysbirds-l] EPCAL to the rescue !

2016-07-09 Thread robert adamo
Due to the time restraint of just a few hours to bird starting from the Riverhead area, when Dave Larsen (a long-time, local birding friend who now lives in Virginia, picked me up, Epcal seemed the best choice for avian action ! Stopping first at the "radar station" opposite the Calverton Grasslan

[nysbirds-l] 16 "Anhinga's" taking some sun on McGann-Mercy High School's Softball Field in Riverhead !

2016-06-15 Thread robert adamo
Today, at ~ 0900, while turning into the entrance of Saddle Lakes Condos, on the n/s/o Middle Rd. (where we live) out of the corner of my eye, I saw a # of large, dark birds with outstretched wings, standing in the infield of the above school, located at the s/w/c/o Ostrander Ave & Middle Rd. By t

[nysbirds-l] Yellow-billed Cuckoos frolicking at Bethpage State Park

2016-05-10 Thread robert adamo
Per Willie Becker, he has just observed a pair copulating, as well as having Blackburian, Blue-winged and other warbler species...just feeding This busy location is near the power line, reached from the trail leading from the e/s of the main p/lot. Cheers, Bob -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www

[nysbirds-l] Fwd: A day that wouldn't quit !

2016-05-08 Thread robert adamo
-- Forwarded message -- From: robert adamo Date: Mon, May 9, 2016 at 12:11 AM Subject: A day that wouldn't quit ! To: NY BIRDS Since Friday, I have been babysitting 3 of my 4 grandsons in Rockville Centre, and while mostly house-bound, did manage to see a FOY male Sc

[nysbirds-l] A day that wouldn't quit !

2016-05-08 Thread robert adamo
Since Friday, I have been babysitting 3 of my 4 grandsons in Rockville Centre, and while mostly house-bound, did manage to see a FOY male Scarlet Tanager yesterday, which also qualified as a FEOTLRW, aka "first ever out the living room window" ! I took that, combined with a few early hours at Hemps

[nysbirds-l] A (5) Swallow Day in May...gloves needed by some "seniors" !

2016-05-05 Thread robert adamo
Once again, on a Thursday morning, I found myself at Hempstead Lake State Park, taking part in the weekly bird-walk sponsored by the South Shore Audubon Society. This morning's meander drew a large crowd of approximately 25 "happy campers", who were made even happier as the walk progressed. While t

[nysbirds-l] Work first, then play...makes for a great day !

2016-05-01 Thread robert adamo
Today, Earth Day was celebrated at the Quogue Wildlife Refuge, where the weather encouraged participants to wear short-sleeved shirts, or even just T-shirts ! The Eastern L.I.Audubon Society was one of the sponsoring organizations (under the leadership of the QWR) and had the fun task of leading th

[nysbirds-l] Better Riverhead than Ithaca !

2016-04-30 Thread robert adamo
Sorry this post is late...blame it on yesterday's 5 AM rise, combined with a lot of walking ! I tried for the Swainson's Warbler at Central Park from mid-morning to early afternoon, only to come up "a day late and a dollar short" ! Birding was slow, by C. Pk's standards, with the highlights for

[nysbirds-l] Wilson's a no....but yes on the other two !

2016-04-24 Thread robert adamo
Responding to Gail Benson & Tom Burke's posting of 4/23, I spent ~ 2 hours on Dune Rd, Hampton Bays today looking for the Wilson's Plover, which they had found in a flock of Dunlins, just w/o the Ponquogue Bridge. I found John Gluth on the scene, and while we didn't find *Charadrius wilsonia, *Joh

[nysbirds-l] Birding "Party" at H.L.S.P. (STOP) Attended by 23, with an abrupt extension to V.S.S.P. (STOP) Good time had by all !

2016-04-21 Thread robert adamo
After speaking with Ed Brecher at Jones Beach recently, I knew where I would be by 0800, come Thursday morning - and I wasn't disappointed ! The scene resembled the start of a field trip at the Annual Meeting of the New York State Ornithology Association, with the horde assembling, greeting frie

[nysbirds-l] A day of firsts! x 2

2016-04-20 Thread robert adamo
I forgot to include the following: After leaving H.L.S.P. I made my very first visit to the Norman J. Levy Park & Preserve on E.Merrick Rd., Merrick, after seeing a post on this list-serve awhile back re: the colony of Monk Parakeets that resides there...it's simply the largest M.P. colony that I

[nysbirds-l] A day of firsts !

2016-04-20 Thread robert adamo
En-route from Riverhead to my FOY visit to Hempstead Lake State Park, via the Ocean Parkway, I did not see the Upland Sandpiper...nor did I see it on the return trip. At H.L.S.P., I did find a FOY Palm Warbler, FOY Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and FOY Hermit Thrush. My best "first" of the day was meeting

[nysbirds-l] Today wasn't mean, it was just lean !

2016-04-18 Thread robert adamo
A planned early morning trip into Hempstead Lake State Park had to be postponed and instead, I started at the D.E.C.property in Rocky Point. This was my FOY visit to this normally busy venue, but today proved to be just a bit too early in the season. After ~ 1 & 1/2 hours, my total sightings consis

[nysbirds-l] The striking beauty of high breeding plumage !

2016-04-16 Thread robert adamo
This morning's priority was to finally see, or hear, the continuing Hooded Warbler at the Quogue Wildlife Refuge...a quest which still remains unfulfilled ! Upon arrival at the refuge, I met fellow ELIAS members Sally Newbert & Suzi Stewart, who were leaving, after not seeing the warbler, but were

[nysbirds-l] Finding Quality in "The Quogues"

2016-04-15 Thread robert adamo
A short outing of ~ 2 hours this afternoon, first to Quogue and then to East Quogue, produced a batting average of 666 - not bad for an "old-timer" ! After missing on the Hooded Warbler re-found yesterday by Mike Higgiston at the Quogue Wildlife Refuge, I did see the active Great-horned Owl nest,

[nysbirds-l] Upland Sandpiper...yes, plus some other nice birds !

2016-04-15 Thread robert adamo
I must be living right, to have waited this long before trying, and still find this accommodating grassland-stalker ! With thanks to Joe Jannsen (a man I haven't met) whose posting yesterday got me "up and moving" ! At 1130 today, the Uppie was exactly where he said, "just e/o Oak Beach near pole #

[nysbirds-l] Food for the Soul served at the North Fork Preserve, Jamesport

2016-04-13 Thread robert adamo
I guess I'm talking lunch here, after the late start of 1140, arriving on station at about noon ! The weather was glorious, but the birds were few, and far between. Highlights were modest: 2 Red-tailed Hawks; 2 male Belted Kingfishers engaged in aerial combat; singing N.Cardinal, as well as Song S

[nysbirds-l] Enjoying 4 +'s today !

2016-04-06 Thread robert adamo
Tax Day found me in a hopeful mood while motoring toward Bohemia, and our accountant, after seeing a lone T.V. in Calverton (could it be "Lonesome George" of the last few years) and a Cooper's Hawk over the LIE in Yaphank. Good fortune continued, in that we owe less on one return, than we will be r

[nysbirds-l] Running up to Roanoke in pursuit of the trio of Barnacles !

2016-02-07 Thread robert adamo
Responding to Derek's early afternoon posting, as I approached Ground Zero no more than a hour afterward, the sickening sight of geese lifting off and flying away greeted me. As I started to scan the flock, small sections continued to take off, most heading north, with some leaving in an easterly d

[nysbirds-l] Looking for 2 species of Owls but finding just 1, plus a bathing, immature Peregrine Falcon

2016-01-26 Thread robert adamo
On Tuesday, a late start leaving Riverhead put me on Dune Rd., at the Post La. Bridge, by ~ 1500 hours. I haven't seen a Snowy Owl yet this season, and unfortunately, didn't change that status by day's end ! Traveling east as far as Shinnicock Inlet, I experienced few birds, with the peregrine enco

[nysbirds-l] No on gull - yes on "stand-in" !

2016-01-25 Thread robert adamo
Yesterday afternoon I tried for the Iceland Gull seen in the near past at Iron Pier Beach, Jamesport. While unsuccessful in this endeavor, I was thrilled to find at least (21) American Pipits feeding along the "wrack line" ! Cheers, Bob -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NY

[nysbirds-l] Good experiences while driving to, at, and returning home from a dental appointment in Jamesport.

2016-01-19 Thread robert adamo
While en-route to the above on Tuesday morning to have a tooth pulled, an old friend (Lonesome George the T.V.) was patrolling the Main Rd. in Aquebogue as I headed east, and then again, as I headed back west to my home in Riverhead. Also, happy to report an easy extraction ! Cheers, Bob -- NYSb

[nysbirds-l] Dune Rd., from Post La. Bridge to Shinnicock Inlet

2015-08-31 Thread robert adamo
Spent a couple of hours (late morning into early afternoon) driving the above during high tide, and not finding much. I counted 11 Great Egrets, with 3 of that total, plus a Snowy Egret, being on Lane Island. The only shorebirds seen were singles of Willet & Western Sandpiper. From start to finish

[nysbirds-l] Shorebirds - no _ Raptors - yes

2015-08-29 Thread robert adamo
This afternoon I opted for checking the sod farms again, starting at Doctors Path, Riverhead, and ending with the fields on Main Rd. (Rt.25) Peconic. All told, I looked over 11 of them, without seeing 1 shorebird...yes, that is correct, not even a single Killdeer ! On Oregon Rd., Cutchogue, I foun

[nysbirds-l] A.Golden Plover/ Mattituck

2015-08-25 Thread robert adamo
Thanks to Keith Cashman, I hightailed it out to the sod fields on Mill La., just n/o Sound Ave and saw the single A.Golden Plover he found earlier today. The bird, still in mostly alternate plumage, was in the e/s field, along with 14 Killdeers, with 2 more Killdeers in the w/s field. While passing

[nysbirds-l] Plovers no _ Flycatchers yes !

2015-08-23 Thread robert adamo
Between 2:30 and 4:45 on Sunday afternoon, I checked most of the sod farms from Riverhead to Cutchogue, with the only shorebirds found being the 6 Killdeers seen at the last stop of the day, the field located on Sound Ave, at the intersection of Osborne Ave, Riverhead. A quick drive into the North

[nysbirds-l] Avocet - no _ Baird's - yes !

2015-08-18 Thread robert adamo
Arriving at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge during high tide in the bay, Richard Haimes and I started at the n/end of the East Pond and walked the w/side to where the flats/mud stopped, allowing us to be able to scope most of the birds near The Ruarnt. There weren't many birds in attendance, with (3) S

[nysbirds-l] Turkey Vultures

2015-08-13 Thread robert adamo
This afternoon, while on a non-birding trip to Rocky Point, I came across 5 T.V's. on & over the sod field located in Wading River, at the intersection of Route 25 A & Hulse Landing Rd. Four of them were on the ground, clustered around a carcass (with only one actively feeding) while the fifth bird

[nysbirds-l] From the blue of water, to the blue of sky.

2015-07-28 Thread robert adamo
At ~ 2:30 this afternoon, while floating in our Condo's pool, I observed a group of 7 Turkey Vultures slowly passing overhead. Cheers, Bob -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirdsRULES http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbir

[nysbirds-l] Barbequing & Birds

2015-07-25 Thread robert adamo
Yesterday, at ~ 6 PM, I was taking chicken off the grill, when I heard what sounded more like a Raven's call than that of an A. Crow. Looking around I saw neither species, but did see a Peregrine Falcon flying directly overhead ! Cheers, Bob -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.c

[nysbirds-l] My "no" helped bring about someone else's "yes" at the Calverton Grasslands !

2015-07-24 Thread robert adamo
Since 7/18, I have tried at least 4 X to get a photo of a perched E. Meadowlark, drenched in sunlight, and of course, with his head back, singing ! Arriving ~ 0830, and spending a little more than 3 hours Friday AM looking, I'm still without that photograph ! Although I saw ~ 8 Meadowlarks spread o

[nysbirds-l] At times, things are not what they seem to be...at least to some of us !

2015-07-19 Thread robert adamo
I want to thank both Paul Sweet and Shai Mitra for the quick course in Bird Anatomy, in response to my post of 7/18, when I incorrectly referred to the birds knee, rather than it's ankle...a mistake, I don't think I'll make again ! I also have the feeling, that by getting the correct terminology ou

[nysbirds-l] Calverton Grasslands, aka EPCAL, still L.I's. "Grasshopper Sparrow Central" !

2015-07-18 Thread robert adamo
After the-5 PM Mass on Saturday, I visited the above and saw the following: 1) At the S/W/end along the fence line, at the intersection of Line Rd. there were (4) Cedar Waxwings, a few Chipping Sparrows, and a single Grasshopper Sparrow. This is the 1st of this specie I can remember finding in thi

[nysbirds-l] A hummer of a breakfast + my "2 cents" !

2015-07-17 Thread robert adamo
Over breakfast, my doctor (Michael Dempsey) called with good news, and I in turn, was able to share my good news re: the Ruby-throated Hummingbird, who was having her breakfast around the patio, while we were talking ! And now for my "2 cents" concerning the ID question posed by the Arie Gilbert/P

[nysbirds-l] Correction to my post of 7/14/15 (at least I have this date correct)

2015-07-15 Thread robert adamo
The reason I couldn't find the complete date in 2009, was because it happened in 2008 ! Thanks to the many birders who responded to my queries, I now know it must have been between 5/18/08 and 5/24/08. Bruised, but not broken, Bob -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/NYSbirds

[nysbirds-l] Lusting for lobes !

2015-07-14 Thread robert adamo
On the 4th day, after this gorgeous female Red Phalarope was discovered by Bob Anderson this past Friday, I finally had time to try for the bird. A doctor's appointment chewed up half my morning, but once on the road, the only thoughts in my mind were meeting up with the phalarope, and not meeting

[nysbirds-l] A no, a yes, and a few, neat "happenings" !

2015-06-19 Thread robert adamo
I went to sleep last night dreaming of Sabine's Gull. I left the house this morning with the hope of seeing a Sabine's Gull on a day the temperature would be in the 80's, and without having to travel to the Niagara Frontier to see it ! During the ~ 4 hours I spent at Breezy Point, I did not get my

[nysbirds-l] Jilt by Stilt, x 2

2015-06-09 Thread robert adamo
Last Saturday I tried for the Black-necked Stilt (for all of about 15 minutes) at the Smith's Point Marina, on my way west to watch grandson # 3 play in a CYO basketball game...his team succeeded, mine didn't ! Today I tried again for the bird, with the same results, except I had a few more species

[nysbirds-l] "Basking" in Birds, Mammals, Fish...and Sunshine !

2015-06-02 Thread robert adamo
This past Sunday & Monday, ~ 40 intrepid birders sailed to "glory", out of Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, aboard the Brooklyn VI, a vessel that proved to be quite seaworthy ! This trip came to fruition, under the banner of See Life Paulagics, led by Paul Guris, Doug Gochfeld and Sean Sime. We left the

[nysbirds-l] Birding with an old birding buddy, up from Virginia for a family wedding...the best !

2015-05-29 Thread robert adamo
Dave Larsen was a "post-doc" working in the Chemistry Department at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, Camp Upton, Suffolk Co., when I first met him. He was a serious birder, and therefore, I was not surprised, when he chose to try for the Little Egret, to open up our day... knowing full well that

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