Re: [Resin-interest] 4.0.27 Pro, Ubuntu, mod-caucho - disable php handling for all but selected sites

2012-05-08 Thread Stargazer

On 07/05/2012 09:51, Stargazer wrote:

On 06/05/2012 21:20, Nikolaj wrote:
I would think you should look at your apache conf. First the request 
will go through Apache, which has to decide which handler will get 
the request.

Ummm... thanks but there's a bigger problem here - as I recall, Apache 
still serves the *.html, *.jpg etc from the sites whereas quercus 
handles the *.php. So how does apache know is 
actually on the disk under /www/quercus/ unless 
it's aware of the resin config?

This is how httpd.conf looks:
LoadModule caucho_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

ResinConfigServer localhost 6800
CauchoConfigCacheDirectory /tmp
CauchoStatus yes

I have to comment all those out in order to get the sites served by 
regular php.

It seems this question has also gone unanswered in the forums for a 
couple of months too:

On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 10:34 PM, Stargazer>> wrote:

I just installed resin to a server with > 100 php apps (your
typical mix
of drupal etc) intending for just a few to use Quercus as a test,
move the rest over in a managed way. What I find is all sites now
as resin as hijacked the *.php extension. Its pretty much a default
installation, all I did was attempt to fix this with commenting
out the
*.php servlet-mapping in app-default.xml but it had no effect.
What have
I missed please?

resin-interest mailing list <>

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resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] 4.0.27 Pro, Ubuntu, mod-caucho - disable php handling for all but selected sites

2012-05-07 Thread Stargazer

On 06/05/2012 21:20, Nikolaj wrote:
I would think you should look at your apache conf. First the request 
will go through Apache, which has to decide which handler will get the 

Ummm... thanks but there's a bigger problem here - as I recall, Apache 
still serves the *.html, *.jpg etc from the sites whereas quercus 
handles the *.php. So how does apache know is 
actually on the disk under /www/quercus/ unless it's 
aware of the resin config?

This is how httpd.conf looks:
LoadModule caucho_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

ResinConfigServer localhost 6800
CauchoConfigCacheDirectory /tmp
CauchoStatus yes

I have to comment all those out in order to get the sites served by 
regular php.

On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 10:34 PM, Stargazer <>> wrote:

I just installed resin to a server with > 100 php apps (your
typical mix
of drupal etc) intending for just a few to use Quercus as a test, then
move the rest over in a managed way. What I find is all sites now fail
as resin as hijacked the *.php extension. Its pretty much a default
installation, all I did was attempt to fix this with commenting
out the
*.php servlet-mapping in app-default.xml but it had no effect.
What have
I missed please?

resin-interest mailing list <>

resin-interest mailing list

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] 4.0.27 Pro, Ubuntu, mod-caucho - disable php handling for all but selected sites

2012-05-05 Thread Stargazer
I just installed resin to a server with > 100 php apps (your typical mix 
of drupal etc) intending for just a few to use Quercus as a test, then 
move the rest over in a managed way. What I find is all sites now fail 
as resin as hijacked the *.php extension. Its pretty much a default 
installation, all I did was attempt to fix this with commenting out the 
*.php servlet-mapping in app-default.xml but it had no effect. What have 
I missed please?

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Moved from 4.0.23 Pro to 4.0.27 Pro, now 2 servers clash listening to *:8080

2012-05-02 Thread Stargazer
On 01/05/2012 23:01, Scott Ferguson wrote:
> You can modify the resin.xml and add  elements for each server
> with your own property names. I think that would be the easiest.
I tried that before I even made the first posting. Yes, each server then 
does get its own IP but the dreaded "listening to *:8080" is still there 
for the resin instance itself, which for >1 is the root cause of this issue.
> You can also change the cluster-default.xml or make a new one of your
> own. The standard config is just intended to handle most simple
> configurations, not all sites.
Its *the* cluster-default.xml, i.e. singular, which I want to get away 
from - I know ours is a simple setup, but there are 2 clusters, one per 
resin instance, so if a change is needed to cluster-default.xml, I need 
a way to specify each one to be used when starting resin. I just want 
the whole setup to work like it did before really, when I used (and 
still am since I can't upgrade till this is fixed) " -server a" 
and " -server b". I'm actually looking forwards to this so I can 
then play with the excellent dynamic server and load balancing stuff I 
see you've added!

-- Carl

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Moved from 4.0.23 Pro to 4.0.27 Pro, now 2 servers clash listening to *:8080

2012-05-01 Thread Stargazer
On 01/05/2012 17:15, Scott Ferguson wrote:
> On 05/01/2012 02:17 AM, Stargazer wrote:
>> On 29/04/2012 11:44, Stargazer wrote:
>>> Using Ubuntu 64bit with mod_caucho behind Apache. The 4.0.23 config
>> Here's the same question put a much simpler way  - its answer will give
>> me a clue.
>> I just installed a fresh copy of Resin Pro 4.0.27 and started it with no
>> changes to any config files. The machine its on has the IP The
>> start up log shows "http listening to *:8080". What config change do I
>> need to make to get that to read "http listening to" please?
> You'll need to modify the cluster-default.xml. Look for the.
> I'll update it to add a http_address for the for the
> ext release.
Thanks. Is there a way to specify a different cluster-default.xml per 
resin instance the way described in the root, or should I just wait for 
the next version where I can see this will be easy now?

-- Carl

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Moved from 4.0.23 Pro to 4.0.27 Pro, now 2 servers clash listening to *:8080

2012-05-01 Thread Stargazer
On 29/04/2012 11:44, Stargazer wrote:
> Using Ubuntu 64bit with mod_caucho behind Apache. The 4.0.23 config
Here's the same question put a much simpler way  - its answer will give 
me a clue.
I just installed a fresh copy of Resin Pro 4.0.27 and started it with no 
changes to any config files. The machine its on has the IP The 
start up log shows "http listening to *:8080". What config change do I 
need to make to get that to read "http listening to" please?

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Moved from 4.0.23 Pro to 4.0.27 Pro, now 2 servers clash listening to *:8080

2012-04-29 Thread Stargazer
Using Ubuntu 64bit with mod_caucho behind Apache. The 4.0.23 config 
handled a simple 2  cluster + single server in each setup (servers "a" 
and "b"), which were started separately using start -server a 
-conf/resin/conf/resin-a.xml and the same for server b. There are 
dedicated IP's for each, so the 4.0.23 config looked like this:



I see when each resin instance starts the line "http listening to" appears in the 4.0.23 start up log, correctly 
applicable to each IP. I set up the 4.0.27 config as closely as I could 
to this and get the conflict message on whichever starts the second - 
the first having hogged *:8080. I also see the line "http listening to 
*:8080" in each instances start up log, I'm sure this is the real cause 
but I just couldn't find where to control that IP in the new config. I 
did see the port change when I made local copies of the properties files 
and used them, ie. with the http: entry, but nothing 
I did to either the web_servers or app_servers entries there affected 
the IP. Using the above 2  entries in the new config files also 
made no difference.
What am I missing please?

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Tried Pro 4.0.25 - had to revert back to Pro 4.0.23 due to "not a valid cluster IP"

2012-02-14 Thread Stargazer
Just doing the +1 thing ... this open bug stopped us dead as we're in 
the same situation:

Unless there were config changes required - I didn't make any, so if 
there are I'd like to know please.

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] 4.0.24 configuration notes

2011-11-22 Thread Stargazer
On 22-Nov-2011 09:43, Aaron Freeman wrote:
>>> I hope so. Since it's new, this is a great time for feedback
>> For the first time, Resin 4.0.24 doesn't work out of the box when added to
>> Eclipse as a new server.
>> I go through this process pain free for each new release, but now
>> immediately see the message "'default' is an unknown server in the
>> configuration file" and the server doesn't start.
>> To recreate, use Servers | New | Server | Resin 4.0 | (Create runtime
>> specifying the new Resin home) | Next | Finish (add apps as necessary) |
> try
>> to start the server.
>> In fact the 4.0.23 server is still present which I'm sticking with for
> now.
> I had a similar issue with 4.0.23 (though it was my fault), and by switching
> out:
>-conf "${resin.configuration.file}"
> with:
>-conf "/path/to/resin.xml"
> it went away.  I have always set that explicitly though and have never tried
> to figure out how ${resin.configuration.file} gets set.
> Not sure that helps much, but thought I would throw it out there as
> something to try.
Thanks. Still not right - the path was fully qualified anyway - but on a 
hunch I copied the 4 files from the 4.0.23-config (admin-users.xml, 
app-default.xml, resin.xml and health.xml) over the new ones and resin 
started. Theres something wrong in the newly generated config files 
themselves. I notice health.xml doesn't appear in the new set.
> Aaron
> ___
> resin-interest mailing list

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] 4.0.24 configuration notes

2011-11-22 Thread Stargazer
> I hope so. Since it's new, this is a great time for feedback
For the first time, Resin 4.0.24 doesn't work out of the box when added 
to Eclipse as a new server.
I go through this process pain free for each new release, but now 
immediately see the message "'default' is an unknown server in the 
configuration file" and the server doesn't start.

To recreate, use Servers | New | Server | Resin 4.0 | (Create runtime 
specifying the new Resin home) | Next | Finish (add apps as necessary) | 
try to start the server.
In fact the 4.0.23 server is still present which I'm sticking with for now.

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Using Google id's with Resin

2011-10-15 Thread Stargazer
On 25-Sep-2011 18:55, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:
> How are you getting the person's real name out of GAE's UserService?
> I don't see that.  Maybe this is just something you get with Android
> auth?
> The short answer is to use OpenID (and OAuth to get permission on
> extra fields).  But there is a problem with this - if you have a
> database full of google ids (not openids) there's no way to migrate.
> You can switch GAE to federated login and you'll get both the google
> id and openid, which will let you start populating your database when
> people log in, but to go full openid you'll have to do email matching
> with the accounts that haven't set their openid.  Messy.
Hi Jeff & list!

Thanks. This is something I have to do now. I was hoping for some 
example I can use, in our case there is nothing legacy at all, its an 
empty db. All I want is for users to visit the site, see one of those 
popup boxes you see where it asks you to login with Google, get 
authenticated and continue back to my Resin site as if they are logged 
into Google. I don't need any of the extra fields mentioned earlier - 
just the fact they are have a legit Google acc.

I read up on federated login and think that's it, Scott also mentioned a 
future Resin release would include this but I'm hoping for something 
quick now please.


-- Carl
> Jeff
> On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 9:45 AM, Stargazer  wrote:
>> We have a Resin powered JEE app and are expanding it to work with
>> Android. One of the cool things on Android is you know the user is
>> logged into a Google account. With the Google App Engine, you can do
>> more that just authenticate since they provide all the back end service
>> data. For example, if I created a simple App Engine app which asked for
>> the Google id and password, I could then say "Hi John" having pulled
>> John as the real username, rather than the email address.
>> So to expand we can either (gulp) lose Resin and move entirely to the
>> App Engine, which I really don't want to do, or replicate the
>> authentication system Google uses, as in the simple example above, to do
>> it on Resin (which is what I prefer). In other words I want to
>> authenticate a valid Google user using Resin but never see the password.
>> I see this issue as becoming more and more common, for example Google
>> just opened the API for Google+, and a great use case for us is to be
>> able to access a users circles from server side java.
>> So as usual its over to you smarts on this list for ideas, or
>> suggestions such as if I should be looking at some OpenId or whatever
>> based system I can roll in ;-) Sincere thanks...
>> ___
>> resin-interest mailing list
> ___
> resin-interest mailing list

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Using Google id's with Resin

2011-09-25 Thread Stargazer
On 25-Sep-2011 18:55, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:
> How are you getting the person's real name out of GAE's UserService?
> I don't see that.  Maybe this is just something you get with Android
> auth?

Could be, though where I got that from stongly suggests just being 
authed in a GAE app gives it to you: (From 13 min onwards)
> The short answer is to use OpenID (and OAuth to get permission on
> extra fields).  But there is a problem with this - if you have a
> database full of google ids (not openids) there's no way to migrate.
> You can switch GAE to federated login and you'll get both the google
> id and openid, which will let you start populating your database when
> people log in, but to go full openid you'll have to do email matching
> with the accounts that haven't set their openid.  Messy.
> Jeff
> On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 9:45 AM, Stargazer  wrote:
>> We have a Resin powered JEE app and are expanding it to work with
>> Android. One of the cool things on Android is you know the user is
>> logged into a Google account. With the Google App Engine, you can do
>> more that just authenticate since they provide all the back end service
>> data. For example, if I created a simple App Engine app which asked for
>> the Google id and password, I could then say "Hi John" having pulled
>> John as the real username, rather than the email address.
>> So to expand we can either (gulp) lose Resin and move entirely to the
>> App Engine, which I really don't want to do, or replicate the
>> authentication system Google uses, as in the simple example above, to do
>> it on Resin (which is what I prefer). In other words I want to
>> authenticate a valid Google user using Resin but never see the password.
>> I see this issue as becoming more and more common, for example Google
>> just opened the API for Google+, and a great use case for us is to be
>> able to access a users circles from server side java.
>> So as usual its over to you smarts on this list for ideas, or
>> suggestions such as if I should be looking at some OpenId or whatever
>> based system I can roll in ;-) Sincere thanks...
>> ___
>> resin-interest mailing list
> ___
> resin-interest mailing list

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Using Google id's with Resin

2011-09-25 Thread Stargazer
We have a Resin powered JEE app and are expanding it to work with 
Android. One of the cool things on Android is you know the user is 
logged into a Google account. With the Google App Engine, you can do 
more that just authenticate since they provide all the back end service 
data. For example, if I created a simple App Engine app which asked for 
the Google id and password, I could then say "Hi John" having pulled 
John as the real username, rather than the email address.

So to expand we can either (gulp) lose Resin and move entirely to the 
App Engine, which I really don't want to do, or replicate the 
authentication system Google uses, as in the simple example above, to do 
it on Resin (which is what I prefer). In other words I want to 
authenticate a valid Google user using Resin but never see the password.

I see this issue as becoming more and more common, for example Google 
just opened the API for Google+, and a great use case for us is to be 
able to access a users circles from server side java.

So as usual its over to you smarts on this list for ideas, or 
suggestions such as if I should be looking at some OpenId or whatever 
based system I can roll in ;-) Sincere thanks...

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Quick favour - show how to send mail using resins

2011-07-25 Thread Stargazer
On 24-Jul-2011 20:40, Olaf Krische wrote:
> As the document says there, a javax.mail.Session object is being stored
> in the jndi tree. So you fetch it from there and use it.
> And when you have it, you can create your mail objects and send them
> over a "transport".
> See also
Great, thanks!

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Quick favour - show how to send mail using resins

2011-07-24 Thread Stargazer
Hi - I get the config for resin mail, but could someone show how you 
send a simple message (from, to, subj, body) in the java servlet part 
which makes use of the mail config shown here please?

Also, is this asynchronous? Ideally I'd like to use this as part of some 
UI work, so would rather not have the user sit around waiting for the 
mail send to complete...


resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Anything change regarding mod_caucho from 4.0.5 to 4.0.6/4.0.7?

2011-01-24 Thread Stargazer
On 21-Jun-2010 22:16, Alex wrote:
>> I noticed similar behavior and fixed it by removing the resin root
>> webapp. Maybe handling of the root webapp changed in 4.0.6
>> Regards,
>> Peter
>> On Sun, 30 May 2010 22:28 +0100, "Stargazer"
>>   wrote:
>>> We run an Apache + resin config on RH Linux and its been stable for the
>>> past few releases. Right now we're on 4.0.5. When I went through the
>>> usual upgrade process on 4.0.5 ->  4.0.6 I found resin started "taking
>>> over" all the Apache sites, in other words the usual split between about
>>> half being served by resin and half by apache stopped - the resin ones
>>> were fine, whereas the Apache ones gave 404's.
> Sargazer,
> Can you post your resin configuration, related file structure, your request 
> and expected result.
> Thanks,
> Alex
I only just saw this and feel guilty so must respond. It's fixed - 
probably by virtue of everything being different. It's now Ubuntu and 
Resin Pro 3.0.14. Sorry, I'll pay more attention in future.

>> ___
>> resin-interest mailing list
> ___
> resin-interest mailing list

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Moving from Hibernate - which JPA?

2011-01-24 Thread Stargazer
Apologies for the basic nature of this question, but I am starting a new 
project and want the best (& most future proof) toolset I can get. So 
clearly I start with Resin (;-)) but I now find myself lost in a sea of 
competing JPA offerings, and I don't know much about them. I can only 
relate back to a project I did with Resin about a year ago in which I 
wired in Hibernate since I was familiar with it for other assignments. 
Now I'm starting fresh I see I could use it again - at least I'll be on 
familiar ground. The front end is GWT and I am particularly drawn to the 
new RequestFactory system since it's designed for JPA 
Whilst researching JPA systems I saw Eclipselink, which comes in the 
/lib folder with Resin 4.0.14. But is that how Resin implements JPA or 
is there a native way for which no external systems are needed? Googling 
"Resin JPA" throws up links to Amber - but these seem a couple years old 
now at aimed at Resin 3.1. My gut says Eclipselink will be well 
supported - how widespread is it in the field? And generally, does GWT + 
Eclipselink under Resin sound a good idea? Thanks...

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Access server id param within resin.xml

2010-10-01 Thread Stargazer
  On 01-Oct-2010 11:20, Daniel López wrote:
> With Resin 3.1.5, ${} is working for me.
Aha thanks.
This stuff is so hard to find. Even a search of ${resinHome}, hoping to 
show up a list of them all , on the main site shows up nothing.

> S!
> D.
> El 01/10/2010 1:32, Stargazer escribió:
>> When a server is started with the command line option "-server foo"
>> how can I access the variable holding "foo" within resin.xml?
>> I want to use it to define a set of conf dirs, like:
> ___
> resin-interest mailing list

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Access server id param within resin.xml

2010-09-30 Thread Stargazer
  When a server is started with the command line option "-server foo" 
how can I access the variable holding "foo" within resin.xml?
I want to use it to define a set of conf dirs, like:


resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Anything change regarding mod_caucho from 4.0.5 to 4.0.6/4.0.7?

2010-05-30 Thread Stargazer
We run an Apache + resin config on RH Linux and its been stable for the 
past few releases. Right now we're on 4.0.5. When I went through the 
usual upgrade process on 4.0.5 -> 4.0.6 I found resin started "taking 
over" all the Apache sites, in other words the usual split between about 
half being served by resin and half by apache stopped - the resin ones 
were fine, whereas the Apache ones gave 404's. I thought it was 
something I'd done at the time, so reverted to 4.0.5 and was fine until 
I just tried again with 4.0.7. It's behaving the same way. So unless 
I've forgotten something, it looks like without me pointing this out 
it's going to be like that from now on ... ?

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

2010-05-25 Thread Stargazer

On 25-May-2010 16:17, Yidong Fang wrote:


I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

- Yidong

Yidong Fang
Software Product Designer at Hewlett-Packard

Confirm that you know Yidong 

© 2010, LinkedIn Corporation

resin-interest mailing list

You want to connect to everyone on this list?
resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Implementing server-side push (not HTTP)

2010-04-25 Thread Stargazer
On 25-Apr-2010 06:28, Rick Mann wrote:
> Hi. I have a need to inform a client of changes to its data set. The client 
> is usually an iPhone, and I use Apple's Push Notifications to let it know 
> that it should query the server for new data.
I asked on this list about using Comet in this scenario some time ago 
and got no response. In my situation the client is Android but that's 
just standard JSE HTTP as far as Resin is concerned. I specifically am 
not using its webkit based webview component, nor AJAX.

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Caucho website security heads up

2010-04-14 Thread Stargazer is mighty secure indeed! 
Thought you guys would want to know as this is a link off your front page.

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Sending log4j logs to the web apps log folder

2010-04-01 Thread Stargazer
If I have an entry in like this

log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, Console, R

the logs from the webapp appear in $RESIN_HOME/log. Is there an entry I 
can use to get them to appear in the webapps WEB-INF/log without having 
to hard code the path please?

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Hibernate transactions

2010-03-30 Thread Stargazer
On 30-Mar-2010 18:03, Scott Ferguson wrote:
> Wesley Wu wrote:
>> Yes. One minor problem:
>> @PersistentContext should be @PersistentUnit.
>   would calling UserTransaction in your code be faster? Essentially,

I don't know about the finer details, but looking back on this now it's 
fixed it seems the example is really only half done. A fuller one 
showing not just how to read the db but how to update it would be more 
real-world and less frustrating for those making the switch.

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Hibernate transactions

2010-03-30 Thread Stargazer
On 30-Mar-2010 17:54, Wesley Wu wrote:
> Yes. One minor problem:
> @PersistentContext should be @PersistentUnit.
Great, works now. Thanks for your help!

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Hibernate transactions

2010-03-30 Thread Stargazer
On 30-Mar-2010 09:34, Wesley Wu wrote:
> To make set method auto translated into a UPDATE clause, the
> entitymanager should be opened after a transaction begins.
Sincere thanks again, hopefully this will all help others coming across 
it in the future.

If I understood you correctly I made those changes and now get
example.CourseServlet.emf : @PersistenceContext field must be assignable 
from EntityManager.

Heres the new full servlet:

package example;


import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.transaction.UserTransaction;

public class CourseServlet extends HttpServlet
   // Resin IoC will inject this
   EntityManagerFactory emf;

   private UserTransaction ut;

   public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse 
 throws IOException, ServletException
 PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();

 EntityManager em = null;
 try {
 em = emf.createEntityManager();
 CourseBean updateCourse = em.find(CourseBean.class, new 
 } catch (Exception e) {
 } finally {
 if (em != null && em.isOpen()) {

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Hibernate transactions

2010-03-30 Thread Stargazer
On 30-Mar-2010 06:42, Wesley Wu wrote:
>  try {
>  ut.begin();
>  CourseBean updateCourse = _manager.find(CourseBean.class, new
> Integer(1));
>  updateCourse.setCourse("Magic");
>  ut.commit();
>  } catch (Exception e) {
>  e.printStackTrace();
>  }
> will work.
> -Wesley
Thanks, but theres clearly something basic wrong here as that change 
made no difference. If I add

to persistence.xml I see in the console

Hibernate: select as id0_0_, coursebean0_.course as 
course0_0_, coursebean0_.teacher as teacher0_0_ from basic_courses 
coursebean0_ where
Hibernate: select as id0_0_, coursebean0_.course as 
course0_0_, coursebean0_.teacher as teacher0_0_ from basic_courses 
coursebean0_ where

But no attempt at a write. Single stepping the code proves the 
transaction is being executed.

> ___
> resin-interest mailing list

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Hibernate transactions

2010-03-29 Thread Stargazer

On 29-Mar-2010 17:48, Scott Ferguson wrote:

Wesley Wu wrote:

Not a version issue.

An entitymanager should not get transaction by itself. Transaction in
a modern java appserver should be XA or JTA transaciton.
An entitymanager will detect if there is a JTA transaction existing
and will join it if there is an open one.

You need to use an injected UserTransaction instance to do the
transaction stuff and leave the entitymanager do db stuff and the
entitymanager will participate in the transaction.


Also, if you absolutely need to use the EntityTransaction, you'd need to
grab the EntityManagerFactory, not the EntityManager. The EntityManager
is tied into the container's transaction manager.

The UserTransaction is registered with CanDI, by the way, so it's easy
to grab:

public class MyBean {
   @Inject UserTransaction _ut;


-- Scott
Ok thanks, I'm now sure the problem was me working from old Hibernate 
docs. But I'm still struggling.
Referring back to the example: 
<>It works perfectly as given, with 
resin 4.0.5. I added the UserTransaction and tried to make a change and 
commit but saw no difference in the db. Since the courses were listed 
I'm assuming everyting else is ok. What have I missed please? Heres the 
servlet in full:

package example;


import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.transaction.UserTransaction;

public class CourseServlet extends HttpServlet
  // Resin IoC will inject this
  private EntityManager _manager;

  private UserTransaction ut;

  public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse 

throws IOException, ServletException
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();

out.println("EntityManager = " + _manager + "");

CourseBean []course = new CourseBean[2];

course[0] = _manager.find(CourseBean.class, new Integer(1));
course[1] = _manager.find(CourseBean.class, new Integer(2));

out.println("Course Details");

for (int i = 0; i < course.length; i++) {
  out.println("course: " + course[i].getCourse() + "");
  out.println("teacher: " + course[i].getTeacher() + "");

CourseBean updateCourse = _manager.find(CourseBean.class, new 

try {
} catch (Exception e) {

2010/3/29 Stargazer


On 27-Mar-2010 01:10, Stargazer wrote:


Resin 4.0.5 - following works fine, but
I'd like to take it to the next level and persist something.
   EntityTransaction tx = _manager.getTransaction();
to the end of the file throws up

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Container-manager @PersistenceContext
may not use getTransaction.

What have I missed please?

resin-interest mailing list


Could anyone tell me if this worked in an earlier vrsion of resin please?
Its the first time I've tried hibernate with resin, and I can't tell if
its something I'm doing (or not doing!) here or related to an issue in

resin-interest mailing list


resin-interest mailing list


resin-interest mailing list


resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Hibernate transactions

2010-03-29 Thread Stargazer
On 27-Mar-2010 01:10, Stargazer wrote:
> Resin 4.0.5 - following works fine, but
> I'd like to take it to the next level and persist something.
> Adding
>   EntityTransaction tx = _manager.getTransaction();
>   tx.begin();
>   ...
> to the end of the file throws up
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Container-manager @PersistenceContext
> may not use getTransaction.
> What have I missed please?
> ___
> resin-interest mailing list
Could anyone tell me if this worked in an earlier vrsion of resin please?
Its the first time I've tried hibernate with resin, and I can't tell if 
its something I'm doing (or not doing!) here or related to an issue in 

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Hibernate transactions

2010-03-26 Thread Stargazer
Resin 4.0.5 - following works fine, but 
I'd like to take it to the next level and persist something.
 EntityTransaction tx = _manager.getTransaction();
to the end of the file throws up

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Container-manager @PersistenceContext 
may not use getTransaction.

What have I missed please?

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] resin 4.0.4 lacks of bin/ dir

2010-03-17 Thread Stargazer

On 04-Mar-2010 04:31, Emil Ong wrote:

That's fair.  I'll see if it can go back into the 4.0.5 distro.


On Thu, Mar 04, 2010 at 10:18:44AM +0800, smallufo wrote:

Well , for an application server , having a "bin/"  directory with some
start-up / shut-down scripts is natural / conventional for most developers...

2010/3/4 Emil Ong

 BTW, the command to run Resin with console output has changed to
 "java -jar lib/resin.jar console" if you're used to running it that way.

Upgrades/downgrades are simpler too for those longtime users who link 
the init.d/... startup script to the bin/ dir.

resin-interest mailing list

resin-interest mailing list

Internal Virus Database is out of date.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.5.426 / Virus Database: 270.14.97/2550 - Release Date: 12/07/09 


resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Resin 4.0.1 doesn't like Hibernate

2010-03-17 Thread Stargazer

On 17-Mar-2010 16:01, Stargazer wrote:

On 05-Aug-2009 00:14, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:

Resin 4.0.1 doesn't seem to work with Hibernate anymore

Related: If you follow this with Resin
4.0.4 and Hibernate 3.3.2, you get the "unknown @PersistenceContext"
error you mention.

resin-interest mailing list


The Amber demo doesn't look that healthy either!


 500 Servlet Exception


@PersistenceContext cannot find any persistence
contexts.  No JPA persistence-units have been deployed

com.caucho.config.ConfigException: example.CourseServlet._manager 
cannot find any persistence contexts.  No JPA persistence-units have been
at com.caucho.util.ThreadPool$PoolThread.runTasks(
at com.caucho.util.ThreadPool$

Resin/4.0.s100214 Server: ''
resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Resin 4.0.1 doesn't like Hibernate

2010-03-17 Thread Stargazer
On 05-Aug-2009 00:14, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:
> Resin 4.0.1 doesn't seem to work with Hibernate anymore
Related: If you follow this with Resin 
4.0.4 and Hibernate 3.3.2, you get the "unknown @PersistenceContext" 
error you mention.

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Comet without AJAX

2010-03-11 Thread Stargazer
Suppose I only had the regular J2SE http libraries but wanted to write a 
client for comet, very much like the example:, but as theres 
no browser the updates just get System.out.println'd out. Is this 
possible please? Thanks.

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Eclipse Plugin

2009-04-17 Thread Stargazer
Emil Ong wrote:
> Hi Aaron,
> The plugin is built on the WST/JST (Java webtools) framework, so you get
> all the goodies that come with that.  It also provides 3 different
> deployment mechanisms:
> 1) .war based
> 2) in place
> 3) new Resin 4.0 remote deploy
> Suggestions for other features are always welcome.
Maven, maven maven 
> Thanks,
> Emil
> On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 12:20:46PM -0500, Aaron Freeman wrote:
>> Emil,
>> What does the plug-in provide to us that setting up as a general 
>> application doesn't?  I haven't tried the plug-in so I am not aware of 
>> what it does?
>> Thanks,
>> Aaron
>>> Hi Scott,
>>> The Eclipse update site isn't up just yet, but will be with the new
>>> release, due out this week or early next.
>>> Emil
>>> On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 09:42:24PM -0700, Scott Hernandez wrote:
 I noticed there is an eclipse plugin in the svn tree
 (artifacts/eclipse) that has seen some recent checkins. The build
 instructions seem pretty straight forward and end with directions to
 post the update-site at When I point the
 eclipse updates to that address there is nothing. Is this something I
 can build from source? Will it be hosted there sometime soon? Is the
 plugin in usable form?

 Oh, and what do people use for an IDE btw?

 Thanks in advance,

 resin-interest mailing list
>>> Emil Ong
>>> Chief Evangelist
>>> Caucho Technology, Inc.
>>> Tel. (858) 456-0300
>>> Caucho: Reliable Open Source
>>> --> Resin: application server
>>> --> Quercus: PHP in Java
>>> --> Java CanDI: contexts and dependency injection
>>> ___
>>> resin-interest mailing list
>> ___
>> resin-interest mailing list
> Emil Ong
> Chief Evangelist
> Caucho Technology, Inc.
> Tel. (858) 456-0300
> Caucho: Reliable Open Source
> --> Resin: application server
> --> Quercus: PHP in Java
> --> Java CanDI: contexts and dependency injection
> ___
> resin-interest mailing list
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG - 
> Version: 8.0.238 / Virus Database: 270.11.55/2057 - Release Date: 04/13/09 
> 17:56:00

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Perf Issues

2009-03-23 Thread Stargazer
Thanks Rob, Jeff. Some excellent ideas to go on there.

Rob Lockstone wrote:
> I just looked in resin 3.1.x's bin/ file and it sets the  
> stack size to 1Meg:
> #
> # Default stack size.  The 1m is a good tradeoff between stack size and
> # allowing more threads.  The default stack size doesn't allow enough
> # threads for several operating systems.
> #
> I don't know what Fedora 7's default stack size is or what stack size  
> is being set by whatever program you're using when you're not using  
> resin, but on a 1G machine, depending on how big your java heap is, it  
> might not take very many threads to eat up whatever "native" memory  
> you have left (keeping in mind that you're using that same memory pool  
> for everything else that's running).
> Rob
> On Mar 22, 2009, at 11:58, Jeff Schnitzer wrote:
>> There are profiling/memory allocation tracking tools for C and
>> Linux... if you're seeing what looks like a memory leak, it might be
>> worth looking into.  They're quite a bit more complicated than the
>> equivalent java tools but years ago in another life I got a lot of
>> mileage out of Rational Purify, which has a free trial version.
>> Jeff
>> On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 10:03 AM, Rob Lockstone   
>> wrote:
>>> On Mar 22, 2009, at 04:29, Stargazer wrote:
>>>> Rob Lockstone wrote:
>>>>> On Mar 21, 2009, at 14:59, Stargazer wrote:
>>>>>> Adam Allgaier wrote:
>>>>>>> I would plug jconsole into your resin instance and watch what's
>>>>>>> happening to the JVM memory.  Could be loose open threads (and
>>>>>>> large thread size) that grows over time and eats up free memory.
>>>>>>> Restarting would kill all the threads and free the memory.
>>>>>>> jconsole.html
>>>>>>> Adam
>>>>>> Thanks, but as I'd hoped I'd made clear Resin itself shows flat
>>>>>> memory
>>>>>> use, whether using jconsole, jprofiler, /resin-admin or any of the
>>>>>> other
>>>>>> jvmti tools I've used to try to fix this. The memory consumption
>>>>>> occurs
>>>>>> outside java.
>>>>> I don't know about Ronan's problem, but yours sounds like non-java-
>>>>> heap memory or "native" memory is being exhausted. In my  
>>>>> experience,
>>>>> the biggest consumers of that are threads and graphic operations.
>>>>> Depending on the system you're running on, your default stack size
>>>>> could be quite large. Have you tried setting your stack size to a
>>>>> much
>>>>> smaller value via -Xss? Unless you're doing a lot of heavy  
>>>>> recursion,
>>>>> the chance that you'll need a large stack is fairly remote. On our
>>>>> (very busy) Windows boxes, we use a stack size of 128K (-Xss128K).
>>>>> Keep in mind that on a 32-bit system (not sure what you're running
>>>>> on), you have only 2G of addressable memory per process. So if you
>>>>> define a larg(ish) java heap, you have only 2G - YourHeapSize to  
>>>>> use
>>>>> for allocating memory for threads and other non-java operations,  
>>>>> such
>>>>> as some graphics operations.
>>>>> Rob
>>>> How come this doesn't happen when I move the non-resin stuff (i.e.  
>>>> the
>>>> PHP apps) to another server? Its Linux Fed 7, dual core, 1G Ram/4G
>>>> swap.
>>>> What I'm really asking is how can you be sure its not mod_caucho?  
>>>> Btw
>>>> there are no graphics operations involved, and the PHP apps are all
>>>> popular packages like Joomla and Pligg, so if the

Re: [Resin-interest] Perf Issues

2009-03-22 Thread Stargazer
Rob Lockstone wrote:
> On Mar 21, 2009, at 14:59, Stargazer wrote:
>> Adam Allgaier wrote:
>>> I would plug jconsole into your resin instance and watch what's  
>>> happening to the JVM memory.  Could be loose open threads (and  
>>> large thread size) that grows over time and eats up free memory.   
>>> Restarting would kill all the threads and free the memory.
>>> Adam
>> Thanks, but as I'd hoped I'd made clear Resin itself shows flat memory
>> use, whether using jconsole, jprofiler, /resin-admin or any of the  
>> other
>> jvmti tools I've used to try to fix this. The memory consumption  
>> occurs
>> outside java.
> I don't know about Ronan's problem, but yours sounds like non-java- 
> heap memory or "native" memory is being exhausted. In my experience,  
> the biggest consumers of that are threads and graphic operations.  
> Depending on the system you're running on, your default stack size  
> could be quite large. Have you tried setting your stack size to a much  
> smaller value via -Xss? Unless you're doing a lot of heavy recursion,  
> the chance that you'll need a large stack is fairly remote. On our  
> (very busy) Windows boxes, we use a stack size of 128K (-Xss128K).  
> Keep in mind that on a 32-bit system (not sure what you're running  
> on), you have only 2G of addressable memory per process. So if you  
> define a larg(ish) java heap, you have only 2G - YourHeapSize to use  
> for allocating memory for threads and other non-java operations, such  
> as some graphics operations.
> Rob
How come this doesn't happen when I move the non-resin stuff (i.e. the 
PHP apps) to another server? Its Linux Fed 7, dual core, 1G Ram/4G swap.
What I'm really asking is how can you be sure its not mod_caucho? Btw 
there are no graphics operations involved, and the PHP apps are all 
popular packages like Joomla and Pligg, so if these were at fault I'm 
sure the users would be screaming in their forums about it.
>>> - Original Message 
>>> From: Stargazer 
>>> To: General Discussion for the Resin application server 
>>> >>   
>>> Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2009 4:39:56 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [Resin-interest] Perf Issues
>>> Ronan Lucio wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> We have had a perf issue.
>>>> Our servers have 4Gb RAM. It has just Resin and Apache installed.
>>>> The problem is, when I start Resin, the whole server uses about  
>>>> 2.5 Gb RAM
>>>> After that memory usage keep growing til it reachs the 4Gb RAM,  
>>>> use swap
>>>> and so on.
>>>> After few hours the application start getting slow.
>>>> Analyzing the server sources, it's using so low CPU, load about  
>>>> 1... I
>>>> see none overload evidence, except for RAM memory.
>>>> So I just restart Resin and/or Apache and application gets fast  
>>>> again,
>>>> but few ours later it will raise the same issue.
>>> I have been suffering from exactly those symptoms for years.
>>> Do your httpd processes consume all the swap, with top showing some  
>>> at
>>> 450Mb? (default httpd.conf values)  I.e does restarting apache alone,
>>> and not resin, cause the swap to drop back down to normal until the  
>>> next
>>> slow growth starts it all again?
>>> That is my pattern. So when I profile resin theres no unusual growth
>>> even through the whole server is effectiviley dead until restart.  
>>> Given
>>> that, whos to blame? Could mod_caucho somehow be at fault even though
>>> resin itself is ok?
>>> I have another identical server running a couple of PHP CMS apps, no
>>> resin or java in sight - because of this problem actually. The plan  
>>> is
>>> to move everything over when stable but these have become too  
>>> critical
>>> to play with. Their typical httpd swap use is 25Mb, and its the  
>>> default
>>> httpd.conf. I would dearly love to know what the httpd on the failing
>>> server thinks it needs to hold onto 450Mb for, without tweaking there
>>> could 

Re: [Resin-interest] Perf Issues

2009-03-21 Thread Stargazer
Adam Allgaier wrote:
> I would plug jconsole into your resin instance and watch what's happening to 
> the JVM memory.  Could be loose open threads (and large thread size) that 
> grows over time and eats up free memory.  Restarting would kill all the 
> threads and free the memory.
> Adam
Thanks, but as I'd hoped I'd made clear Resin itself shows flat memory 
use, whether using jconsole, jprofiler, /resin-admin or any of the other 
jvmti tools I've used to try to fix this. The memory consumption occurs 
outside java.
> - Original Message 
> From: Stargazer 
> To: General Discussion for the Resin application server 
> Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2009 4:39:56 AM
> Subject: Re: [Resin-interest] Perf Issues
> Ronan Lucio wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We have had a perf issue.
>> Our servers have 4Gb RAM. It has just Resin and Apache installed.
>> The problem is, when I start Resin, the whole server uses about 2.5 Gb RAM
>> After that memory usage keep growing til it reachs the 4Gb RAM, use swap
>> and so on.
>> After few hours the application start getting slow.
>> Analyzing the server sources, it's using so low CPU, load about 1... I
>> see none overload evidence, except for RAM memory.
>> So I just restart Resin and/or Apache and application gets fast again,
>> but few ours later it will raise the same issue.
> I have been suffering from exactly those symptoms for years.
> Do your httpd processes consume all the swap, with top showing some at 
> 450Mb? (default httpd.conf values)  I.e does restarting apache alone, 
> and not resin, cause the swap to drop back down to normal until the next 
> slow growth starts it all again?
> That is my pattern. So when I profile resin theres no unusual growth 
> even through the whole server is effectiviley dead until restart. Given 
> that, whos to blame? Could mod_caucho somehow be at fault even though 
> resin itself is ok?
> I have another identical server running a couple of PHP CMS apps, no 
> resin or java in sight - because of this problem actually. The plan is 
> to move everything over when stable but these have become too critical 
> to play with. Their typical httpd swap use is 25Mb, and its the default 
> httpd.conf. I would dearly love to know what the httpd on the failing 
> server thinks it needs to hold onto 450Mb for, without tweaking there 
> could be 20 of these. There are other non-quercus PHP apps running on 
> that server btw.
> My "solution" is to kill child httpd processes at a far quicker rate 
> than you'd normally want, and it works of sorts:
> StartServers   8
> MinSpareServers5
> MaxSpareServers   20
> ServerLimit  256
> MaxClients   256
> MaxRequestsPerChild  96
> StartServers 2
> MaxClients 150
> MinSpareThreads 25
> MaxSpareThreads 75
> ThreadsPerChild 25
> MaxRequestsPerChild  96
>> This problem usually happens on peaks hours.
>> So we upgraded RAM memory to 8Gb with a PAE kernel.
>> Although it doesn't reach the 8G RAM, slow moments gots for frequent. It
>> seems to work worse that way (8Gb + PAE kernel).
>> The question is:
>> Is there everyone having the same issue with Resin (3.1.6)?
>> My doubt if such problem resides either on Resin or on my application.
> All versions prior to 3.1.6, and currently with 3.2.1 Pro
>> Thanks,
>> Ronan
>> ___
>> resin-interest mailing list
>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>> Checked by AVG - 
>> Version: 8.0.238 / Virus Database: 270.11.21/2014 - Release Date: 03/20/09 
>> 06:59:00
> ___
> resin-interest mailing list
> ___
> resin-interest mailing list
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG - 
> Version: 8.0.238 / Virus Database: 270.11.22/2015 - Release Date: 03/20/09 
> 19:01:00

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Perf Issues

2009-03-21 Thread Stargazer
Ronan Lucio wrote:
> Hi,
> We have had a perf issue.
> Our servers have 4Gb RAM. It has just Resin and Apache installed.
> The problem is, when I start Resin, the whole server uses about 2.5 Gb RAM
> After that memory usage keep growing til it reachs the 4Gb RAM, use swap
> and so on.
> After few hours the application start getting slow.
> Analyzing the server sources, it's using so low CPU, load about 1... I
> see none overload evidence, except for RAM memory.
> So I just restart Resin and/or Apache and application gets fast again,
> but few ours later it will raise the same issue.
I have been suffering from exactly those symptoms for years.
Do your httpd processes consume all the swap, with top showing some at 
450Mb? (default httpd.conf values)  I.e does restarting apache alone, 
and not resin, cause the swap to drop back down to normal until the next 
slow growth starts it all again?

That is my pattern. So when I profile resin theres no unusual growth 
even through the whole server is effectiviley dead until restart. Given 
that, whos to blame? Could mod_caucho somehow be at fault even though 
resin itself is ok?

I have another identical server running a couple of PHP CMS apps, no 
resin or java in sight - because of this problem actually. The plan is 
to move everything over when stable but these have become too critical 
to play with. Their typical httpd swap use is 25Mb, and its the default 
httpd.conf. I would dearly love to know what the httpd on the failing 
server thinks it needs to hold onto 450Mb for, without tweaking there 
could be 20 of these. There are other non-quercus PHP apps running on 
that server btw.

My "solution" is to kill child httpd processes at a far quicker rate 
than you'd normally want, and it works of sorts:

StartServers   8
MaxSpareServers   20
ServerLimit  256
MaxClients   256
MaxRequestsPerChild  96

StartServers 2
MaxClients 150
MinSpareThreads 25
MaxSpareThreads 75
ThreadsPerChild 25
MaxRequestsPerChild  96

> This problem usually happens on peaks hours.
> So we upgraded RAM memory to 8Gb with a PAE kernel.
> Although it doesn't reach the 8G RAM, slow moments gots for frequent. It
> seems to work worse that way (8Gb + PAE kernel).
> The question is:
> Is there everyone having the same issue with Resin (3.1.6)?
> My doubt if such problem resides either on Resin or on my application.
All versions prior to 3.1.6, and currently with 3.2.1 Pro
> Thanks,
> Ronan
> ___
> resin-interest mailing list
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG - 
> Version: 8.0.238 / Virus Database: 270.11.21/2014 - Release Date: 03/20/09 
> 06:59:00

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Why Apache?

2009-03-10 Thread Stargazer
I would dearly love to ditch Apache!
The answer for us is our dedicated hoster uses Plesk, so as there are 
other users/apps on it who use the Plesk PHP panel for their regular 
admin we have to keep that.

> After watching a few of these threads about people using mod_caucho with
> Apache, it dawned on me to ask an open-ended question:  
> Why use Apache at all?  
> I am sure there are good reasons for it out there, so I am just curious what
> the use-case is for using Apache plus Resin instead of using just Resin?
> ___
> resin-interest mailing list
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG - 
> Version: 8.0.237 / Virus Database: 270.11.9/1992 - Release Date: 03/09/09 
> 19:20:00

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] [OT] The Resin Linked In group is open for anyone interested in Resin

2009-03-06 Thread Stargazer
Those with a Linked In account might find this interesting:

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] reverse proxy support like ProxyPass in apache?

2009-02-19 Thread Stargazer
Daniel López wrote:
> Quite simple: you just need to have mod_proxy* enabled in your Apache 
> instalation and then add something like...
> ProxyPass /appx http://resin_host:resin_port/appx
> ProxyPassReverse /appx http://resin_host:resin_port/appx
I am experiencing server memory leaks in my http child processes. I 
can't nail these down and they have been present for literally years, 
always using mod_caucho. I fix them by limiting the requests they serve 
in apaches httpd.conf - not ideal. Now I'm not pointing the finger here, 
far from it, but this approach is excellent as another test for me to 
perform. Sincere thanks...!

I'd need to do all the virtual hosts plus their webapps -  defined as 
such in both apache and resin. Your example suggests just webapps? Also 
SSL? Does this impact resins sticky session handling? Performance? 
Basically, there must be some downside or there would be no need for 
mod_caucho at all. Plus my infamous bug could have been sidestepped 6 
months earlier than it took :-(

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] reverse proxy support like ProxyPass in apache?

2009-02-19 Thread Stargazer
Daniel López wrote:
> we 
> have always used mod_proxy to communicate with the backoffice Resin 
> instances, instead of mod_caucho.
OOI, Is that hard to do?

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Quercus with Joomla and Apache mod_rewrite

2009-02-04 Thread Stargazer
Scott Ferguson wrote:
> On Feb 2, 2009, at 1:51 AM, Stargazer wrote:
>> I'm trying to move an existing Joomla site to Quercus. On the current
>> system I have set "search engine friendly URLs" on and this strips the
>> ugly params out. I guess its handled by Apache using a module or the
>> .htaccess file. In any case, when I run the same setup under Quercus
>> (again with the Apache + mod_caucho setup) it seems these URL's don't
>> get converted, so the site right now is full of broken links. Its a
>> shame because some pages do work, and the content is there meaning the
>> db is ok, the compilation and cache is ok and it runs 3x faster ;-) So
>> any tips on how I can get Resin + Quercus to do what the current setup
>> is doing with respect to these URL rewrites please?
> You should use Resin's  rules.  There's an example  
> at   
> The full docs are at
> If you can post Joomla's recommended mod_rewrite rules, we can help  
> convert them to .
> -- Scott
Thanks, well since you asked here it is:

# @version $Id: htaccess.txt 10492 2008-07-02 06:38:28Z ircmaxell $
# @package Joomla
# @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights 
# @license GNU/GPL
# Joomla! is Free Software

# The line just below this section: 'Options +FollowSymLinks' may cause 
# with some server configurations.  It is required for use of 
mod_rewrite, but may already
# be set by your server administrator in a way that dissallows changing 
it in
# your .htaccess file.  If using it causes your server to error out, 
comment it out (add # to
# beginning of line), reload your site in your browser and test your sef 
url's.  If they work,
# it has been set by your server administrator and you do not need it 
set here.

##  Can be commented out if causes errors, see notes above.
Options +FollowSymLinks

#  mod_rewrite in use

RewriteEngine On

## Begin - Rewrite rules to block out some common exploits
## If you experience problems on your site block out the operations 
listed below
## This attempts to block the most common type of exploit `attempts` to 
# Block out any script trying to set a mosConfig value through the URL
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} mosConfig_[a-zA-Z_]{1,21}(=|\%3D) [OR]
# Block out any script trying to base64_encode crap to send via URL
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} base64_encode.*\(.*\) [OR]
# Block out any script that includes a 

[Resin-interest] Quercus with Joomla and Apache mod_rewrite

2009-02-02 Thread Stargazer
I'm trying to move an existing Joomla site to Quercus. On the current 
system I have set "search engine friendly URLs" on and this strips the 
ugly params out. I guess its handled by Apache using a module or the 
.htaccess file. In any case, when I run the same setup under Quercus 
(again with the Apache + mod_caucho setup) it seems these URL's don't 
get converted, so the site right now is full of broken links. Its a 
shame because some pages do work, and the content is there meaning the 
db is ok, the compilation and cache is ok and it runs 3x faster ;-) So 
any tips on how I can get Resin + Quercus to do what the current setup 
is doing with respect to these URL rewrites please?

Resin 3.2.1 Pro / RH Fed7

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Webbeans is dead

2009-01-28 Thread Stargazer

No wonder you guys have such a hard time keeping up!

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Which version?

2009-01-25 Thread Stargazer
Scott Ferguson wrote:
> On Jan 25, 2009, at 7:01 AM, Stargazer wrote:
>> Which would you use for best Quercus performance? If bugs are fixed in
>> Quercus, and applied to the 3.2.x line, are they to be fixed in future
>> 3.1.x stable releases?
Ok so theres a dilemma here. We know 4.0 won't be stable until at least 
the summer, but you don't advise anyone to use anything other than 
stable in production environments. It seems a waste to see all these 
Quercus fixes but never really be able to use them for 6 months. 
Couldn't you consider one last stable 3.2.x release, with these latest 
Quercus fixes, just for this reason?
> For Quercus, you really need to use the latest version, because the  
> number of bug fixes and new functions is so large.
> -- Scott
>> ___
>> resin-interest mailing list
> ___
> resin-interest mailing list
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG - 
> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.10.13/1914 - Release Date: 24/01/2009 
> 20:40

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Which version?

2009-01-25 Thread Stargazer
The resin downloads page currently has 3.2.1 (dev), 3.1.8 (stable) and 
4.0 (snapshot).
I understand 3.1.8 is the stable version so what is the point of 3.2.1 
now 4.0 is present?
Will the 3.2.x line ever get to stable before 4.0 is released?
Which would you use for best Quercus performance? If bugs are fixed in 
Quercus, and applied to the 3.2.x line, are they to be fixed in future 
3.1.x stable releases?

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] resin 3.2.1 , mod_caucho seems not working ???

2008-11-01 Thread Stargazer
smallufo wrote:
> When I try to connect to , the JSPs are
> not compiled , the jsp source is leaked.
> I have to connect to to see it compiled.
Sounds like ?

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] 3.2 experience?

2008-10-29 Thread Stargazer
Emil Ong wrote:
> Resin 3.2.1 is our latest release in the 3.2 branch, which is our
> development branch.  This branch still undergoes our extensive release
> testing, but has many changes which have not been quite as vetted Resin
> 3.1 in production use.
> If you are using 3.2.0 or 3.2.1, what have your experiences been?
> Are you using it in production? is a complete show stopper here, 
so I'm afraid I can't answer these questions as we've not been able to 
use any version of resin later than 3.1.6.

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Resin 3.2.1 release notes

2008-10-21 Thread Stargazer
One tiny point - currently the download page points the pro .zip to 
3.2.1 but the pro tgz is still at 3.2.0.

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Websphere?

2008-06-28 Thread Stargazer
Rob Lockstone wrote:
> Who told you? IBM?
> Please do everyone a favor and never patronize IBM for anything, ever. 
> IBM is a company which no longer deserves to exist.
> Although not directly relevant, please see this excellent article on 
> "I, Cringely" about IBM. I can speak from personal experience that 
> everything in that article is true. Oh, and their hardware is also 
> pretty crappy/expensive.
> I repeat, do not purchase or commit to IBM for anything. There, now 
> you can never say you have not been warned.
Its true - people nowadays get fired for buying IBM ;-)

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Change TimeZone

2008-06-06 Thread Stargazer
Laurent MAGNIEZ wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using Resin3.0.18 under Debian.
> All the dates in my application are staggered by one hour, since the 
> transition to summer time.
Use this in resin.conf:

> I explain : when i launch Resin, i can see in log :
> Starting Resin on Fri, 16 May 2008 16:44:16 +0100 (GMT+01:00)
> For all my other servers, TimeZone is +0200 (CEST) and it works fine.
> How can i specify the TimeZone ?
> Thanks for any help
> Laurent MAGNIEZ
> ___
> resin-interest mailing list

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] How to set memory values?

2008-05-15 Thread Stargazer
Jay Ballinger wrote:
> You're setting these in the resin config file and not on the 
> command-line call, right?
> + jay
Yup ;-)
To clarify further, when you set them too low all that happens is resin 
restarts more often as the watchdog sees the java oom, rather than
linux just grabbing the swap.
> Stargazer wrote:
>> I have a RH server with 750mb ram. Its serving about 30 hosts, split 
>> between php (quercus) and jsp. As its not doing
>> anything else, just the usual email etc, I want to allocate 500mb to 
>> resin (3.1.6 but this subject is pretty generic). I tried Xms512m, 
>> -Xmx512m but the system still goes into swap (and eventually uses it all 
>> so dies). Even -Xms256m, -Xmx256m does it too. Of course I could set 
>> these really low and might get away with it, but I'm really looking for 
>> the best values for my config which won't swap and won't waste ram by 
>> setting them too low, and by extension apply this login for any amount 
>> of ram in the server. Are there any other params I should modify too 
>> please? Thanks.
>> ___
>> resin-interest mailing list
> ___
> resin-interest mailing list

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] How to set memory values?

2008-05-15 Thread Stargazer
I have a RH server with 750mb ram. Its serving about 30 hosts, split 
between php (quercus) and jsp. As its not doing
anything else, just the usual email etc, I want to allocate 500mb to 
resin (3.1.6 but this subject is pretty generic). I tried Xms512m, 
-Xmx512m but the system still goes into swap (and eventually uses it all 
so dies). Even -Xms256m, -Xmx256m does it too. Of course I could set 
these really low and might get away with it, but I'm really looking for 
the best values for my config which won't swap and won't waste ram by 
setting them too low, and by extension apply this login for any amount 
of ram in the server. Are there any other params I should modify too 
please? Thanks.

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] s080430: java:comp/env/jdbc/xxx' is an unknown bean

2008-05-03 Thread Stargazer
Not seen this with earlier snapshots. In resin.conf:





which includes

SELECT password FROM licensees WHERE licensee=? AND active='Y'
SELECT licensee FROM licensees WHERE cookie=?
UPDATE licensees SET cookie=? WHERE licensee=?
SELECT role FROM licenseeroles WHERE licensee=?


has worked fine before but now starting up resin gives:

03-May-2008 10:38:38 RESIN 3.1.5 
javax.sql.DataSource: '
java:comp/env/jdbc/xxx' is an unknown bean.

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Blank Welcome Pages

2008-04-20 Thread Stargazer
Scott Ferguson wrote:
> On Apr 19, 2008, at 3:40 AM, Stargazer wrote:
>> Charles Lyons wrote:
>>>> Has anyone else seen anything like this or know what might be  
>>>> causing
>>>> it?
>>> I can't help you but to add weight to this, I have a similar and  
>>> frequent
>>> problem in 3.1.5 GPL which is an issue each time I restart the  
>>> container.
>> I too can confirm random blank pages are seen, across several sites,  
>> and
>> after several days uptime.
>> I'd put this down to heavy use of external RSS content, and somehow  
>> the
>> external RSS containing dodgy data, but now you've pointed it out it
>> does seem
>> I am experiencing the same thing as you. This is an Apache +  
>> mod_caucho
>> setup if thats useful.
> Are you seeing this for cached pages or is this a mapping issue like  
> Charles is seeing?  Does /caucho-status show anything odd when this  
> situation occurs?
> -- Scott
As I hinted, I didn't suspect this could be a resin bug until now so 
I'll report back with those details should it happen again.
>> ___
>> resin-interest mailing list
> ___
> resin-interest mailing list

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Blank Welcome Pages

2008-04-19 Thread Stargazer
Charles Lyons wrote:
>> Has anyone else seen anything like this or know what might be causing
>> it?
> I can't help you but to add weight to this, I have a similar and frequent 
> problem in 3.1.5 GPL which is an issue each time I restart the container.
I too can confirm random blank pages are seen, across several sites, and 
after several days uptime.
I'd put this down to heavy use of external RSS content, and somehow the 
external RSS containing dodgy data, but now you've pointed it out it 
does seem
I am experiencing the same thing as you. This is an Apache + mod_caucho 
setup if thats useful.

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] resin-pro-3.1.s080331 / Openx / java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 12

2008-04-07 Thread Stargazer
Stargazer wrote:
> Scott Ferguson wrote:
>> On Apr 6, 2008, at 2:23 PM, Stargazer wrote:
>>> beta 2.5.66, a  java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 12 is thrown
I have more information - I just ran up a Drupal 6.1 installation and 
saw the same exception, java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 12.
So on a hunch I went back to resin-pro-3.1.s080320 and both it and the 
openx install are fine!

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] resin-pro-3.1.s080331 / Openx / java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 12

2008-04-07 Thread Stargazer
Scott Ferguson wrote:
> On Apr 6, 2008, at 2:23 PM, Stargazer wrote:
>> On first installation of openx, either the production version 2.4.4 or
>> beta 2.5.66, a  java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 12 is thrown
>> immediately. It seems at one point Openads worked as there is a  
>> mention
>> of it here:, but making the
>> change mentioned there didn't fix the startup problem.
> Do you have the full stack trace?  Tracking down issues related to 3rd  
> party software is more difficult than just fixing a Quercus bug since  
> we need to install, reproduce, etc.  So for something like an  
> ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException, which should point to the Quercus bug  
> directly, it's far more efficient to file the bug with the stack trace.
> -- Scott
Sure, here you go, from the browser as described:

500 Servlet Exception

[show] java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 12

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 12
at com.caucho.quercus.env.Env.setErrorHandler(
at com.caucho.quercus.env.Var.callMethod(
at _quercus._init__php.execute(www/openx/
at com.caucho.quercus.env.Env.include(
at com.caucho.quercus.env.Env.includeOnce(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at com.caucho.util.ThreadPool$Item.runTasks(
at com.caucho.util.ThreadPool$

>> ___
>> resin-interest mailing list
> ___
> resin-interest mailing list

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] resin-pro-3.1.s080331 / Mantis / com.caucho.quercus.QuercusRuntimeException: 'compress_handler' is an unknown function.

2008-04-06 Thread Stargazer
This happens when trying a new install of Mantis 1.1.1. This must have 
worked in the past as it is mentioned here:

Incidentally the change described there is redundant as the current 
Mantis release has fixed the problem it addressed.

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] resin-pro-3.1.s080331 / Openx / java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 12

2008-04-06 Thread Stargazer
On first installation of openx, either the production version 2.4.4 or 
beta 2.5.66, a  java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 12 is thrown 
immediately. It seems at one point Openads worked as there is a mention 
of it here:, but making the 
change mentioned there didn't fix the startup problem.

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Quercus: Online docs incomplete in crucial area

2008-03-09 Thread Stargazer
Crucial for me right now anyway ;-)
The section under "JNDI DataSource ... WEB-INF/resin-web.xml" has 
malformed xml for the  tag.
Any chance of a fuller example please?

The problem is I'm trying to associate a MySQL Pligg db on a different 
server to the one resin 3.1.5 is running on. All my attempts to patch 
things by updating the relevant *.php files stil result in 
"localhost:3306" references in the error messages, when I really want to 
use (and see) "" there. Nothing I am doing seems to prevent 
it from looking at localhost.

The comment above the paragraph I mentioned seems strange too - it 
suggests a db config there will override anything in the php scripts, 
which is pretty much what I want. Does this really mean the params 
defined in the php scripts are irrelevant?

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Facing problems after resin upgrade to 3.1.3

2008-03-04 Thread Stargazer
stargazer wrote:
> Hi, This project of ours which was running fine in resin2.x is giving us
> problems after moving to 3.1.3. We are stuck with this error message &
> stacktrace.. Any tips/ideas on why this exception occurs would be helpful !!
> If anyone has faced this exception while deploying their app on resin 3.1.3,
> please help us out :) We are using 
> axis 1.2
> java 5.0
> resin 3.1.3
> maven 1.2
> Thanks !
Are you sure this mail list is big enough for the both of us ;-) ???

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Facing problems after resin upgrade to 3.1.3

2008-03-04 Thread stargazer

Hi, This project of ours which was running fine in resin2.x is giving us
problems after moving to 3.1.3. We are stuck with this error message &
stacktrace.. Any tips/ideas on why this exception occurs would be helpful !!
If anyone has faced this exception while deploying their app on resin 3.1.3,
please help us out :) We are using 
axis 1.2
java 5.0
resin 3.1.3
maven 1.2 

Thanks !
View this message in context:
Sent from the Resin mailing list archive at

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Resin 3.1.5 & Pligg

2008-03-01 Thread Stargazer
Mo DeJong wrote:
>> The Pligg verbosity I mentioned in the last
>> few snapshots its still present, which is a
>> shame as we can't go live with such enourmous
>> logfiles being generated. Is there some way I
>> can turn it off?
> Hello Stargazer
> It turns out this problem was caused by Pligg's
> use of error_log() to write to a file in the cache
> directory. I fixed the problem and closed the bug
> report, but the fix won't be available until the
> next snapshot release. What you could do until then
> is change the Pligg code in ez_sql_core.php on line
> 348. You can replace the error_log() call with
> a call to file_put_contents() with the append option.
> Like so:
> - error_log ( serialize($result_cache), 3,
> $cache_file);
> + file_put_contents( $cache_file,
> serialize($result_cache), FILE_APPEND);
> I hope that helps
It did, fixed as you described, thanks!
> Mo
> ___
> resin-interest mailing list

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Resin 3.1.5 & Pligg

2008-02-27 Thread Stargazer
Scott Ferguson wrote:
> Do you see the same thing when you clean out the WEB-INF/work?  The  
> errors look like a corrupted work directory.
> -- Scott 
Aha! Correct for the exceptions - all gone now, yup, it was the same 
site as the earlier snapshots, thanks.
Verbosity still present. It would be tolerable if this was the 
occasional few lines of debug, but the production site is too busy to go 
with it as things stand.

Incidentally I also cleaned up the Drupal 6 test in the same way and 
haven't seen any exceptions since either.

As there is no verbosity in with Drupal it really smells like theres 
been an "if Pligg then debug=max" line left in there somewhere...
> On Feb 27, 2008, at 3:00 PM, Stargazer wrote:
>> The Pligg verbosity I mentioned in the last few snapshots its still
>> present, which is a shame as we can't go live with such enourmous
>> logfiles being generated. Is there some way I can turn it off?
>> Here is a sample and a few exceptions I noticed immediately, all  
>> with a
>> default Pligg site and just a visit to its main page:
>> y";i:0;s:3:"def";s:0:"";s:4:"name";s:13:"category_name";s:4:"type";s: 
>> 6:"string"
>> s:7:"numeric";i:0;s:12:"multiple_key";i:0;s:8:"zerofill";i:0;s: 
>> 10:"max_length";
>> :0;s:5:"table";s:16:"pligg_categories";}i:2;O:8:"stdClass":13:{s: 
>> 8:"not_null";i
>> 1;s:11:"primary_key";i:0;s:8:"unsigned";i:0;s:4:"blob";i:0;s: 
>> 10:"unique_key";i:
>> ;s:3:"def";s:0:"";s:4:"name";s:18:"category_safe_name";s:4:"type";s: 
>> 6:"string";
>> :7:"numeric";i:0;s:12:"multiple_key";i:0;s:8:"zerofill";i:0;s: 
>> 10:"max_length";i
>> 0;s:5:"table";s:16:"pligg_categories";}i:3;O:8:"stdClass":13:{s: 
>> 8:"not_null";i:
>> ;s:11:"primary_key";i:0;s:8:"unsigned";i:0;s:4:"blob";i:0;s: 
>> 10:"unique_key";i:0
>> s:3:"def";s:0:"";s:4:"name";s:13:"category_lang";s:4:"type";s: 
>> 6:"string";s:7:"n
>> meric";i:0;s:12:"multiple_key";i:0;s:8:"zerofill";i:0;s: 
>> 10:"max_length";i:0;s:5
>> "table";s:16:"pligg_categories";}}s:11:"last_result";a:2:{i:0;O: 
>> 8:"stdClass":4:
>> s:18:"category_safe_name";s:3:"all";s:13:"category_name";s:3:"all";s: 
>> 13:"catego
>> y_lang";s:2:"en";s:11:"category_id";s:1:"0";}i:1;O:8:"stdClass":4:{s: 
>> 18:"catego
>> y_safe_name";s:5:"pligg";s:13:"category_name";s:5:"pligg";s: 
>> 13:"category_lang";
>> :2:"en";s:11:"category_id";s:1:"1";}}s:8:"num_rows";i:2;s: 
>> 12:"return_value";i:2
>> }
>> 7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5 Compiling _quercus/_libs/ 
>> 7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5 Compiling _quercus/_modules/ 
>> _modules_0init__php
>> java
>> 7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5 Compiling _quercus/_modules/ 
>> _modules_0libs__php
>> java
>> 7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:  
>> _quercus/_modul
>> s/_modules_0libs__php$fun_module_db_add_field
>> 7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at  
>> java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructo
>> s0(Native Method)
>> 7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at  
>> java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredCon
>> tructors(
>> 7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at  
>> java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Class
>> java:2699)
>> 7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at  
>> java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Class.ja
>> a:326)
>> 7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at  
>> java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.jav
>> :308)
>> 7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at  
>> .createPage(
>> 7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at  
>> .access$200(
>> 7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at  
>> $
>> 7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 R

[Resin-interest] Resin 3.1.5 & Pligg

2008-02-27 Thread Stargazer
The Pligg verbosity I mentioned in the last few snapshots its still 
present, which is a shame as we can't go live with such enourmous 
logfiles being generated. Is there some way I can turn it off?

Here is a sample and a few exceptions I noticed immediately, all with a 
default Pligg site and just a visit to its main page:

7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5 Compiling _quercus/_libs/
7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5 Compiling _quercus/_modules/_modules_0init__php
7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5 Compiling _quercus/_modules/_modules_0libs__php
7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: _quercus/_modul
7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructo
s0(Native Method)
7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredCon
7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Class
7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Class.ja
7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.jav
7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at
7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at
7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at
7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at com.caucho.util.ThreadPool$Item.runTa
7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at com.caucho.util.ThreadPool$
7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at

7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5 Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: _q
ercus._modules._modules_0libs__php$fun_module_db_add_field [
 class file length mismatch]
7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at com.caucho.loader.DynamicClassLoader.
7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at com.caucho.loader.DynamicClassLoader.
7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at com.caucho.loader.DynamicClassLoader.
7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at com.caucho.loader.DynamicClassLoader.
7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassIntern
7-Feb-2008 22:53:28 RESIN 3.1.5... 11 more

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] resin-pro-3.1.s080211 and Drupal 6.0

2008-02-24 Thread Stargazer
Stargazer wrote:
> The install worked fine and the resulting site is ok too. I noticed this 
These comments apply also to snapshot resin-pro-3.1.s080223 as well as 
the singling out of Pligg for ultra verbose logging.

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] resin-pro-3.1.s080211 and Drupal 6.0

2008-02-14 Thread Stargazer
The install worked fine and the resulting site is ok too. I noticed this 
in the logs though:

[23:47:43.062] {http--8080-4} java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
[23:47:43.078] {http--8080-4} java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
[23:47:43.093] {http--8080-4} java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
[23:48:08.828] {http--8080-4} java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 

Repeated many times.

Also this

[23:43:35.421] {resin-20} java.lang.ClassFormatError: Truncated class file
[23:43:35.421] {resin-20}   at 
java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
[23:43:35.421] {resin-20}   at 
java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
[23:43:35.421] {resin-20}   at 
java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
[23:43:35.421] {resin-20}   at Source)
[23:43:35.421] {resin-20}   at 
[23:43:35.421] {resin-20}   at 
[23:43:35.421] {resin-20}   at 
[23:43:35.421] {resin-20}   at 
[23:43:35.421] {resin-20}   at 
[23:43:35.421] {resin-20}   at 
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
[23:43:35.421] {resin-20}   at 
java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
[23:43:35.421] {resin-20}   at 
java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(Unknown Source)
[23:43:35.421] {resin-20}   at 
java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Unknown Source)
[23:43:35.421] {resin-20}   at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Unknown 
[23:43:35.421] {resin-20}   at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown 
[23:43:35.421] {resin-20}   at
[23:43:35.421] {resin-20}   at$200(
[23:43:35.421] {resin-20}   at$
[23:43:35.421] {resin-20}   at 
[23:43:35.421] {resin-20}   at 
[23:43:35.421] {resin-20}   at Source)

And finally is there an answer to the clean URLs problem (probably just 
some regex needed) because the default install does fail the "clean 
URLs" test and the solution provided at 
assumes drupal is using the apache mod. Clean URLs are essential imo for 
Google to index any kind of CMS.

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] 2008-02-11 snapshot - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: _quercus/_libs/_utf8/_mbstring/_core__php$fun_utf8_strpos

2008-02-11 Thread Stargazer
Pligg/PHP: Just loading a default site and clicking around threw this up 
(the PHP verbosity is still present too):

[22:50:22.484] {resin-16} java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16}   at 
java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16}   at 
java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(Unknown Source)
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16}   at 
java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Unknown Source)
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16}   at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Unknown 
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16}   at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown 
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16}   at
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16}   at$200(
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16}   at$
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16}   at 
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16}   at 
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16}   at Source)
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16} Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 
[ class file length mismatch]
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16}   at 
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16}   at 
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16}   at 
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16}   at 
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16}   at 
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16}   ... 11 more
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16} Caused by: class file 
length mismatch
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16}   at 
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16}   at 
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16}   at 
[22:50:22.484] {resin-16}   ... 15 more

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Snapshot s080125 breaks for 's.

2008-02-09 Thread Stargazer
Scott Ferguson wrote:
> It's probably already caught by our regression tests, but I've added  
> a bug report at just in case.
> The current snapshots do have a large number of regression failures.
This is fixed in resin-pro-3.1.s080208, thanks.
> By the way, we should probably add your suggested configuration  
> somewhere like the wiki.  I'm not sure what title we should give it,  
> though.
It strikes me that its the reliance on the physical directory name in 
the  construct which is causing the problem. It mixes the 
found dir name on disk with the contents of its particuar host.xml. 
Using my  way everything is defined in the found xml 
files, no matter where they exist in the subdir tree, because I put the 
 tag in the def for http://localhost webapps in 
resin.conf, i.e. "/". So what would be perfect would be the 
 functionality but honouring everything in the located 
file, as in this example (as a useful side effect is the files can have 
any name too, which helps manage many hosts easier as I usually stick 
the hostname in the xml filename):


Lets me use http://localhost:8080/ and


Does the same for http://localhost:8080/ etc

> -- Scott
> On Jan 26, 2008, at 10:31 AM, Stargazer wrote:
>> Note - this worked for previous snapshots, it just been broken now.
>> We find it useful to develop sites locally, stage them, then move them
>> to production when ready. For local
>> development we fire up resin and configure them such that their url is
>> conveniently available after
>> http://localhost:8080, for example http://localhost:8080/,
>> http://localhost:8080/ etc.
>> Then when moved to staging they become
>> and finally production  
>> is as
>> expected.
>> The advantage with this is it is always clear where you are from the
>> url: you can have all 3 open at once. The
>> configuration for this has always been easy too, using this syntax:
>>   ...
>> This means that all we needed was the relevant *.xml file for each  
>> host
>> anywhere under our conf/hostconf dir.
>> When the  directive was introduced I was sure this  
>> meant we
>> could do the same thing but without
>> the restarts, but this isn't exactly the case. Sure, I can create a
>> localhost folder and stick host.xml in it for my
>> example as above, and access it with
>> http://localhost:8080/, but the definition of is  
>> within
>> the host.xml file, so I have no way to do the same for as I  
>> have
>> using the  style.
>> I could edit my local hosts file and add aliases but that means  
>> there is
>> extra (unnecessary) config and you can't tell
>> from the url where you are if at any time could really be
>> pointing to
>> Unless there is a way of doing this I'd really appreciate the
>>  functionality not to be dropped please.
>> The pligg verbose logging I reported is still present in this  
>> snapshot.
>> One other small point I'm sure you'd like to address before  
>> 3.1.15 : its
>> now 2008 but the snapshot still announces itself
>> as copyright 1998-2007 ;-)
>> ___
>> resin-interest mailing list
> ___
> resin-interest mailing list

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] resin-pro-3.1.s080208: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: _quercus/_libs/_utils_, _php$fun_safeAddSlashes

2008-02-09 Thread Stargazer
Running Pligg on this snapshot gives the same verbosity as mentioned 
before, in amongst which i noticed:

[14:13:45.500] {resin-17} java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17}   at 
ve Method)
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17}   at 
s(Unknown Source)
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17}   at 
java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Unknown Sourc
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17}   at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Unknown 
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17}   at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown 
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17}   at
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17}   at
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17}   at$Compil
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17}   at 
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17}   at 
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17}   at Source)
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17} Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 
_libs._utils__php$fun_safeAddSlashes [ class file 
length mis
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17}   at 
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17}   at 
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17}   at 
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17}   at 
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17}   at 
wn Source)
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17}   ... 11 more
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17} Caused by: class file 
length mism
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17}   at 
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17}   at 
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17}   at 
[14:13:45.500] {resin-17}   ... 15 more
[14:13:45.609] {http--8080-2} java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] resin-pro-3.1.s080208 startup exception if /tmp/caucho/qa is missing on clean install

2008-02-09 Thread Stargazer
This is an obvious glitch with this snapshot I'd like to raise for 

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Snapshot s080125 breaks for 's.

2008-01-26 Thread Stargazer
Note - this worked for previous snapshots, it just been broken now.
We find it useful to develop sites locally, stage them, then move them 
to production when ready. For local
development we fire up resin and configure them such that their url is 
conveniently available after
http://localhost:8080, for example http://localhost:8080/, 
http://localhost:8080/ etc.
Then when moved to staging they become and finally production is as 
The advantage with this is it is always clear where you are from the 
url: you can have all 3 open at once. The
configuration for this has always been easy too, using this syntax:





This means that all we needed was the relevant *.xml file for each host 
anywhere under our conf/hostconf dir.
When the  directive was introduced I was sure this meant we 
could do the same thing but without
the restarts, but this isn't exactly the case. Sure, I can create a 
localhost folder and stick host.xml in it for my example as above, and access it with 
http://localhost:8080/, but the definition of is within
the host.xml file, so I have no way to do the same for as I have 
using the  style.
I could edit my local hosts file and add aliases but that means there is 
extra (unnecessary) config and you can't tell
from the url where you are if at any time could really be 
pointing to

Unless there is a way of doing this I'd really appreciate the 
 functionality not to be dropped please.

The pligg verbose logging I reported is still present in this snapshot.

One other small point I'm sure you'd like to address before 3.1.15 : its 
now 2008 but the snapshot still announces itself
as copyright 1998-2007 ;-)

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] NPE at com.caucho.quercus.lib.db.JdbcConnectionResource$TableKey.equals(

2008-01-12 Thread Stargazer
Emil Ong wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 01, 2008 at 02:51:37PM +0000, Stargazer wrote:
>> Following 
>> (note the first line is wrong, it should be > xmlns="";>) with resin 3.1.4a (on XP) and you get
>>   500 Servlet Exception
>> ||
>> java.lang.NullPointerException
>>  at 
>> com.caucho.quercus.lib.db.JdbcConnectionResource$TableKey.equals(
>>  at com.caucho.util.LruCache.get(
>>  at 
>> com.caucho.quercus.lib.db.JdbcConnectionResource.getTableMetaData(
>>  at 
>> com.caucho.quercus.lib.db.MysqlModule.mysql_fetch_field(
> That looks like a bug.  I filed it here:
> I've also fixed the namespace issue in the docs.
> Thanks for the report!
> Emil
This seems to be fixed in Snapshot s080111 - great! The only problem 
with it right now is the enourmous amount of logging caused by just 
navigating the site, it seems each page visit generates screenfulls of 
PHP traffic (logging? compilation?) in the resin log. Is this easy to 
disable? Heres what the start looks like:

12-Jan-2008 11:40:45 RESIN 3.1.4 

> Emil Ong
> Chief Evangelist
> Caucho Technology, Inc.
> Tel. (858) 456-0300
> Caucho: Reliable Open Source
> --> Resin: application server
> --> Quercus: PHP in Java
> --> Hessian Web Services
> ___
> resin-interest mailing list

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] NPE at com.caucho.quercus.lib.db.JdbcConnectionResource$TableKey.equals(

2008-01-01 Thread Stargazer
Stargazer wrote:
> Following 
I ought to add that I'm sure its not  my setup as the instructions for 
MediaWiki on that page work perfectly. Also, the Pligg setup page does 
seem to work and the npe only appears once the main app starts.

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] Memory leak in

2008-01-01 Thread Stargazer
Sam wrote:
>> We are using Resin 3.1.4 with Apache 1.3.39. If is
>> active in httpd.conf and Resin is running, httpd processes become
>> utilizing more and more RAM (each one getting about and more than 100
>> Megs for Virtual and Resident memory values). When mod_causho is not
>> active, Apache does not use more than 30 Megs for each of the both RAM
>> numbers. The same behaviour was for Resin 3.1.3.
>> Did anybody else have the same issue? How cant it be fixed? I don't
>> mind debugging, if I can get described how it can be
>> done.
> There is a bugtrack entry for this:
> (fixed for 3.1.5)
> -- Sam
> ___
> resin-interest mailing list
Would this fix also apply to apache 2.0.54?

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] NPE at com.caucho.quercus.lib.db.JdbcConnectionResource$TableKey.equals(

2008-01-01 Thread Stargazer
(note the first line is wrong, it should be";>) with resin 3.1.4a (on XP) and you get

  500 Servlet Exception


at com.caucho.util.LruCache.get(

Anyone any ideas please?

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Hierarchical roles

2007-07-24 Thread Stargazer
Has anyone any tips on how to extend the default role based 
authentication system to handle a tree-style setup, where child roles 
inherit the constraints of their parents while still allowing their own 
fine tuning please?

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Command line Quercus?

2007-06-14 Thread Stargazer
Theres more to php than webapps. Some systems use it from cron, e.g. to 
suck in rss feeds as in "php import_rss.php". This relies on the fact 
that php from the command line invokes php. Whats the equivalent under 
quercus please?

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] HELP: caucho-status duplicate hosts!

2007-03-29 Thread Stargazer
Adam Allgaier wrote:
> That did the trick!  Really appreciate your expertise.  Your steak is on the 
> way
Is this being looked at by Caucho (please)?

resin-interest mailing list

Re: [Resin-interest] MediaWiki under Quercus on 64 bit CPU

2007-02-06 Thread Stargazer
Stargazer wrote:
> Just raising this in case it wasn't known:
> PHP 5.0.x is buggy on your 64-bit system; you must upgrade to PHP 5.1.x 
> or higher. ABORTING. ( for details) -1
> MediaWiki 1.9.0, Resin 3.1.0
Er, any news on if this will be fixed in the next release?
I'm planning to install PHP based wiki and will hold back for a while if 
so, otherwise choose another.

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] MediaWiki under Quercus on 64 bit CPU

2007-01-24 Thread Stargazer
Just raising this in case it wasn't known:
PHP 5.0.x is buggy on your 64-bit system; you must upgrade to PHP 5.1.x 
or higher. ABORTING. ( for details) -1

MediaWiki 1.9.0, Resin 3.1.0

resin-interest mailing list

[Resin-interest] Using resin for selected PHP apps

2007-01-11 Thread Stargazer
I'm on a dedicated RH Linux server which has been preconfigured with 
Plesk and a few PHP apps. I installed resin and changed Apache to use 
mod_caucho. All was fine until I upgraded to resin 3.1, using the 
default config resin and my webapps were fine, but all the existing PHP 
stuff broke - all *.php files were directed to resin. So, I changed 
resins config to basically tell it not to serve PHP, I think I just 
needed to comment 2 lines in the end. But resin serving PHP is too 
useful to ignore, so I'd like to keep this setup but reactivate resins 
PHP for some specific web apps. For instance, how would I add a new web 
app, install Drupal into it and with my setup activate resins PHP 
handler please?

resin-interest mailing list