[Mpls] Re: Spring has sprung and so have the thugs

2004-04-21 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I'm with Barb on this one. I have only one thing to add -- another thing that creates criminals is untreated mental illness -- what is called the functional mentally ill. Not understanding the consequences of actions (impaired cognitive ability) and poor impulse control as hallmarks of many fo

[Mpls] Re: Tossing bottles/broken glass

2004-04-17 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Wizard, Since you are an admitted reformed litterer, I would be interested to know what turned you around. Just guessing -- was it home ownership? Barbara Nelson Burnsville Formerly Seward REMINDERS: 1. Think a member has violated the rules? Email the list manager at [EMAIL PROTECTED] before c

[Mpls] Cable Franchise & the Twins

2004-04-14 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Mark Dayton isn't in the best position to do anything about Victory not being picked up by local cable and dish companies, but maybe metro cities can do something. There must be something in their monopoly franchise contracts with each city that says something about maintaining an "adequate" level

[Mpls] Re: Tossing bottles/broken glass

2004-04-12 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
If you know that the perpetrators of crime are coming from the suburbs, do you happen to know what suburbs they are coming from & what the numbers are from each suburb? It seems to me that this might be a way to deal with them. When Hubert Humphrey was mayor his strategy was to "keep his finger

[Mpls] Bus strike -- business effects

2004-03-16 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I spent some time in a yarn shop yesterday talking to the owner about her traffic & she said the busiest time used to be people stopping on their way home from work. However, with the bus strike the number of people stopping has dramatically declined. She thinks that drive time has increased due

[Mpls] Re: Recycling for plastic bags

2004-03-11 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Byerly stores also are collection points. Not sure about Lunds, but they are owned by the same company. You could call the Lunds in Uptown to inquire -- Barbara Nelson Burnsville REMINDERS: 1. Think a member has violated the rules? Email the list manager at [EMAIL PROTECTED] before continuing

[Mpls] Re: Smelling the coffee and the bagels

2004-03-05 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
When I lived in Seward I asked someone from a Caribou chain why they didn't open over there. Turns out they have very strict economic guidelines, based mostly on disposable income of the residents. It must reach a certain level before they believe one of their stores is economically viable. Don'

[Mpls] Re: Council votes 9-3 to endorse Access concept

2004-02-01 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I think you might be surprised & see the suburban legislators supporting more transit. My impression from reading the local press since I moved out here two years ago is that a lot of people want transit on the major corridors & more Park & Ride lots -- the ones we have look full to me whenever

[Mpls] A thought on futility

2004-01-27 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
IMHO Andy Driscoll has got it about right. If you want to change the system and its results, here's another way to look at it. People typically misunderstand the strength of the system's compensating feedback loop. (If you poke it, it crushes you with its strength). Systems love to perpetuate th

[Mpls] It's the jobs, folks

2004-01-25 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
At the risk of being buried in protest, I want to support Dean Zimmermann's vote for the access project. Minneapolis needs jobs to stay in the city and people have to be able to get to them in a timely and safe manner. It is simply unrealistic to believe that all growth in Minneapolis jobs can be

Re: [Mpls] Eco-psycology

2004-01-22 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
The founders of our park system were believers in a Transcendentalist movement that swept the nation at that time. If I have it right, the idea was that every citizen should remain physically close to the natural world. By observing the natural cycles and inter-relatedness of the natural world,

[Mpls] RE: Hood Stores

2003-11-17 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I recently saw an ad in the newspaper for Simon Delivers. It clearly said you don't need Internet access -- just call the number and they will set you up. If delivery were the issue, why wouldn't this already be working? Disclaimer: I have never used Simon Delivers, so I have no idea about pric

Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-12 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Maybe we should just take Jennings at his word -- dealing with this was taking his time and attention away from the work he really wants to do -- close the achievement gap between poor & minority and white students. By withdrawing he can concentrate on that work, which is why he took the job in th

Re: [Mpls] Sad Day, any good memories?

2003-09-12 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I saw Johnny Cash at the State too. The opening act was the Jayhawks & I thought they were awful. Apparently, I am the only one who thought so -- they are a big hit now. Johnny apparently saw the talent I couldn't. He gave an awesome performance. What I remember most is that I took my daught

Re: [Mpls] Longfellow Cub Rumor

2003-04-04 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I think Mork is on to something here. One of the things that always jumped out at me when I shopped at Cub @ 27th and Lake was the ambiance of being in a big city -- because of the heterogenousness (is that a word?) of the clientele. I mean, Cub ain't no Lund's. Entirely different shopping exper

Re: [Mpls] Counting crowds

2003-03-28 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Just to clarify, I am not against protesting and/or demonstrations. I don't want the police to arrest people in order to "pay" for the cost of the demonstration. I want police to arrest people for UNLAWFUL acts (not shouting, just for emphasis). If there is damage from these unlawful acts then t

[Mpls] Counting crowds

2003-03-27 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I agree with the snippet below. Demonstrators (on both sides) should pay for any extraordinary policing and/or clean up needs. All demonstrations should have permits. The same goes for rioters, looters, etc. Restitution is a venerable practice. Does anyone know what fines for demonstrations ha

[Mpls] Re: Toll roads and other user fees (was suburbs)

2003-03-24 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
This post may have been in jest (?) but actually, tolls are not that weird of an idea. A lot of communities all over the country do this with the funds generated usually used for roads/transit. Sometimes the tolls actually pay for the road they are collected on being built and maintained. It's a

[Mpls] Re: Boarding houses?

2003-03-02 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I used to own a duplex in Seward and the law -- as I understood it -- for the whole city (it does not exempt student housing whether it is near the U, or not) is that you cannot have more than 3 unrelated people in any one unit. As for boarding houses, there are still a few of them that are grandf

[Mpls] Re: Block E must be the Republican hangout in Minneapolis

2003-02-23 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
IF you assume that suburbanites are mostly Republican, I can tell you that I have overheard more than once people talking about Eat Street in South Minneapolis. The gist is -- a really fun place with atmosphere because of all the ethnic eateries, and lots of "normal" looking people on the streets

[Mpls] Let's have some GOOD news for a change

2003-02-20 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
What with cuts in LGA, homelessness, poor economy and everything else, I scoured the newspaper this morning looking for some good news. I challenge the rest of you to post some good stuff to the list over the next couple of days too. First of all, it looks like there are several developers intere

[Mpls] Re: protests

2003-02-16 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Some write of the local demonstration against war as if it were solely a Minneapolis event. I question that even the majority of the people marching came from Minneapolis. I think the majority were probably from the wider metro area, although the leadership probably reside in Minneapolis. Is it

[Mpls] Guthrie Allocation

2003-02-08 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I saw in this mornings paper that the Guthrie's allotment of state dollars was struck to the tune of $2 million. If I remember right, the total allotment was stated to be $3 million and $1 million had previously been diverted from the fund to another arts organization. Does anyone know what this

[Mpls] Re: NRP isn't so bad! Even at its worst NRP is better than Politiciansmaking decisions!

2003-02-07 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Jim, You write of council members who are in favor of concentration of poverty and discrimination against certain neighborhoods. Which council members are these? Is there a clear-cut difference on this issue amongst council members? If there is, why aren't you naming names? Barbara Nelson Burnsvi

Re: [Mpls] Starting a Dialogue with the suburbs (was Rationalizing government).

2003-02-03 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I think you are posing the right questions and a productive approach to engaging the suburbs in a dialogue about what is best for the region. This probably isn't the only way for sanity to prevail at the legislature as local aidcuts are made, but it certainly is an attractive way to begin. I fear

Re: [Mpls] Loppet big success

2003-02-02 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Kudos to all involved with this. In my view, this is a community-building effort, especially on the volunteer side of things. A question: If this is to become an annual event will it be timed to coincide with the end of St. Paul's Winter Carnival as it was this year? One could see this as a

[Mpls] Moving to the suburbs

2003-02-01 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Those of you who think that only "rich" people live in the suburbs may be surprised to learn that some people moved to the suburbs, or stay in the suburbs, to FIND affordable housing. They cannot afford a house in Minneapolis, although they would love to. It may also interest some of you to know

[Mpls] Re: How did Steve Cramer get the housing job with County Commissioners

2003-01-27 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I sat on a board with Steve Cramer when he was on the City council of what was the first SLR (supportive living residence) for the homeless. He was on the committee I chaired so I saw quite a bit of him. I also went with him to many corporations and foundations begging for money for a promising,

[Mpls] Re: Mpls Housing Issues

2003-01-24 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
The more I think about these properties, the more I believe that where there's a will, there's a way. For example, how about a little creative financing to make houses on these lots affordable? Here's one idea: The city could lend a prospective owner a reasonable portion of the downpayment requir

[Mpls] Re: Mpls Housing Issues

2003-01-24 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I can see why residents want market-rate housing in their neighborhoods. I would too. Why is it contradictory to have market-rate housing that is also "affordable"? When you wrote of affordable housing, you did not specify what you meant by affordable. The affordable housing they are building o

Re: [Mpls] Cameras for red-light runners

2003-01-05 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Don't we already have the kind of surveillence of places that are likely spots for violent crimes to be committed? I'm speaking, of course, about convenience stores. Sure, those places are private property, the cameras installed by owners/renters, but it's basically the same thing. We also have

[Mpls] Re: Pedestrian Killed

2003-01-04 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Did the good police lieutenant say anything about using technology to catch traffic scofflaws? I love the idea of having a camera take pictures of red-light runners and sending them the bill + photo in the mail. Fine with me if it gets sent to the holder of the vehicle's registration even if they

[Mpls] Re: Downtown Shopping

2002-12-20 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Went downtown for the Hollidazzle Parade and dinner with a friend, and it was marvelous. We were down in front of The Local and there were a number of people who came out of the pub when the first float appeared, so the crowd was about 4 deep on both sides of the street. The people in the parade

[Mpls] Re: Joint Violent Gang Initiative

2002-12-09 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
This is very interesting. What dept. does the Minnesota Gang Strike Force come out of -- is it the Dept. of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, or some other? May I ask if there is more purpose to these meetings than making an announcement and perhaps letting the community vent? Wh

Re: [Mpls] Real and Imagined Risks

2002-12-09 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Let's hear it for Gary Bowman. He's right on. The trouble with talking about landlords in general is that there are many scales of operation, both for- and non-profit, and many motivations for owning income property, hence a wide variance in operations and ultimately, in profitability. I'd be in

[Mpls] Re: Bad poetry contest about serious matters

2002-12-06 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
ODE TO METRO GOVERNMENT Minneapolis purists cries we hear, The biliousness is loud and clear. "You use our parks and then don't pay, For you we build the d*mn freeways. Suburbanites, we hate you all! Polluting with your traffic crawl. Fie on you! We take an oath -- We will contain your overgrowth.

[Mpls] Re: Gangs & Violence

2002-12-01 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I have to agree with Mike Hohmann. I have long supported the decriminalization of drugs. They tried it in Switzerland -- they gave free drugs to anyone who wanted them for as long as they wanted them. In the beginning addicts were lined up for the free drugs. Then, guess what happened? Drug us

Re: [Mpls] Gangs & Violence

2002-12-01 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Several list members have suggested that there be more enforcement of laws re the drug trade. One even suggests that there is a lawsuit in the making re public officials' neglect of enforcement of State laws and the Minneapolis Charter. Correct me if I'm wrong, but earlier this year wasn't there

Re: [Mpls] Gangs & Violence

2002-11-29 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Wizard -- Does your block club (if you have one) have any strategies for dealing with "the neighbors"? How about the neighborhood organization? In short, is there any support out there for those who must endure, close up, the social impact of gangs? Barbara Nelson Burnsville Once and future Minne

[Mpls] Gangs & Violence

2002-11-28 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I'm a bit surprised that there hasn't been much discussion of this topic on the list in the wake of Tyesha Edwards death. First of all, let me thank the police and praise them for their outstanding work in this case. Now, it will be time to watch the courts and see what happens to the alleged per

[Mpls] Re: ridiculous spell-check fun

2002-11-21 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I'm all for fun with names or words of any sort. I had the same results you had with these additions from my spellchecker (Netscape): Zerby = Zebra Biernat = Burnt Rybak = Rebook, Rebate with one addition: ;-) Brauer = Briar, Bracer, Braver, Bragger, Barer, Barber, Barker, barter, barrier, browse

Re: [Mpls] Supportive Housing Stuff and NRP

2002-11-19 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the original goal of the NRP was to maintain/upgrade the housing stock in Minneapolis and to prevent further deterioration. Hence the requirement that 50% of the funds be spent on housing. I know in Seward part of the money was used to buy blighted property

[Mpls] Police

2002-11-11 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
There has been so much negativity re the police on the List, I thought I would just point out how they captured the Eagan rapist in North Minneapolis this weekend and send out a great big 'atta boy/girl. Good work all around, nary a shot fired and collaboration with the neighbors. WTG. Barbara Ne

[Mpls] Re: Development in Mpls.

2002-11-11 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Great post, Mike. Will any of these machinations help move the development at 53rd and Lyndale forward, or are they going to be too late for that? What's your guesstimate of the time elapsed before these new, affordable-housing-friendly rules are in effect? Barbara Nelson Burnsville Once and Futu

Re: [Mpls] City-subsidized groceries

2002-11-10 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
That Cub was in my former neighborhood, and I couldn't agree with you more -- I could not STAND to shop there it was so dirty and picked over at all times of the day. However, the Rainbow across the street is a great deal better, plus you could get smaller packages -- a must for a single like me.

Re: [Mpls] Re: Name the downtown library after a donor

2002-11-06 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I think it would be great if some of the sports stars, who are role models to the young people in the area, and who make those big-buck salaries, either as a group or as individuals made major donations to the Minneapolis Library Building Fund. Just think of the wonderful message that would send

[Mpls] Re: garages

2002-10-14 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Jim Mork writes: Minneapolis streets are WAY too narrow for the two-sided parking which is the norm. I beg to differ. Have you ever been in a European city? Those streets were built for horse-drawn carriages and yet they manage to be two-way. However, don't stick your arm out the window, it mi

[Mpls] Re: Re:Mentally ill in crisis & police

2002-10-09 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I would question whether or not hospital emergency rooms are equipped to deal with the mentally ill in crisis. I read an article about this in the paper a few months ago. Granted, hospital personnel don't shoot people, but they don't necessarily know how to treat a mental health crisis either.

Re: [Mpls] Twins

2002-10-07 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Speaking of the handicapped and the current or new Twins' stadium: Something should be done about those who are handicapped and not in wheelchairs. I have a friend who is 74, never misses a Twins game -- a HUGE fan. Several times I have offered to take her to a Twins game and she has always fou

[Mpls] Re: Flakes in Minneapolis

2002-10-07 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I saw some on the windshield at 9:30 a.m. on 35W. There oughtta be a law against this -- it's too early! Barbara Nelson Burnsville Once and future Minneapolitan -- Barbara Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] "True friends stab you in the front." --Oscar Wilde ___ Min

Re: [Mpls] The Suburbs honored in Minneapolis

2002-09-30 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Now that is a very cool idea! Why not have a Minneapolis walk-of-fame in front of the Hard Rock Cafe on Block E? Since we are the music center of the Midwest and have lots of musicians that have gone global, I think we have plenty to toot our horn about. (How's that for a metaphor?) It would

[Mpls] Re: Clare House: Today's Strib, 394 Vacant 1 BR Apartments $500-$699

2002-09-29 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
What do you mean by ambulance accessible, Wizard? Isn't that a basic requirement for all housing? And, if it isn't why isn't it? Isn't that why we have parking restrictions in the winter -- so that all buildings in the city are accessible to emergency vehicles? I thought I read somewhere that

Re: [Mpls] Top 10 Things for Kids < 3 in Mpls

2002-09-26 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I agree, you have to think regionally. Surprised no one mentioned this so far. Take your kids to the Minnesota Zoo. The place is absolutely lousy with kids and their moms all year 'round, but especially in the winter. Savvy families buy a membership and then whenever the kids get restless, pop

[Mpls] [Fwd: Fw: re: please read carefully!]

2002-09-09 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Sorry about this. Barbara --- Begin Message --- -- Forwarded message -- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 19:07:55 EDT Subject: re: please read carefully! This was sent to me by a good friend--some of you may get duplicates on it, but better safe than sorry. I

Re: [Mpls] Mpls Issues

2002-09-07 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
What the voters said was that they didn't want the city to spend more than $10 million on getting a new stadium. That's not the same as not wanting a stadium built in Minneapolis, if a stadium is going to be built somewhere. As RT said last night, (paraphrasing) it will be millions less expensive

Re: [Mpls] City Reorganization (aka McKinsey)- long one

2002-08-31 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Fianally got a chance to read your post. Good job -- comprehensive too. Just one thing, Mike. Having been involved in a change effort inside a 5,000 employee government agency (actually, leading it, along with the top bureaucratic management as well as the politically appointed head of the agen

Re: [Mpls] Stadium responses

2002-08-31 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I want to endorse everything Dean Carlson says in his post, with one addition. I would put a sunset on the 11-county sales tax. Barbara Nelson Burnsville Once and future Minneapolitan ___ Minneapolis Issues Forum - A Civil City Civic Discussion - Mn E-Democrac

Re: [Mpls] Still unclear on MRPB HQ purchase pros/cons for City

2002-08-29 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Peter, I think you reached the right conclusion. My posts pointed out the questionable nature of the analysis the Park Board used to justify its purchase. There was no rebuttal of the points that I made. While I questioned assumptions and methodology, other posters pointed out the specific nume

[Mpls] What a concept!

2002-08-28 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I tell you, having recently moved to a suburb from Minneapolis, it's tough to get used to the city services out here. Can you believe this? I recently had a new furnace and AC installed. A few days afterward I got a note from the installer saying I should call "this number" to schedule an inspe

[Mpls] Re: Bob Fine editorial

2002-08-25 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Having looked at the financial analysis given to the board, it is my opinion that it is methodologically flawed. The standard, widely accepted, way to evaluate alternative uses of money in the future is to use a Discounted Cash Flow analysis and to look at the Net Present Value to see if it is

Re: [Mpls] Dopey water "protection" scheme

2002-08-21 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I saw a piece on the vulnerability of our local water supply (specifically they mentioned Mpls., St. Paul and New Brighton) on some local TV station (can't remember which one) and, as I recall, it said that Mpls. water is tested 98 times per minute to make sure it is okay and if it isn't there is

[Mpls] Re: Park Board Digs

2002-08-20 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Jason Goray writes: > What I want is greater accountability and transparency > from any who make decisions for the public or have > positions of power. I expect policy makers to make > decisions that are well reasoned, consider all facts > available, are in the public interest, and do not > contai

Re: [Mpls] Mental Illness (this is a city issue)

2002-08-19 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Have to second (or is it third) this posting. Mental illness is a city issue, and not only among the homeless. Awareness of mental illness is a huge problem, as evidenced in the police behavior over the past year, but also in many of our daily lives. Folks just don't know how to recognize it an

Re: [Mpls] Park Board overrides mayor's veto

2002-08-15 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I'm trying hard to find a way to respect the decision the Park Board made to over ride Mayor Rybak's veto. What I'm interested in knowing is whether or not the Park Board asked for a new finanical analysis after it was pointed out on the list by Mike Hohmann that their first report did not use a

Re: [Mpls] Re: storm sewers

2002-08-03 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Tim Connolly said that he observed that the storm sewers in Phillips were all blocked with debris (not litter) along 26th Street -- and that they were "magically" clear as soon as he hit Whittier and westward. He also guessed that the storm sewers were clear in Seward and wondered if this was

[Mpls] Re: storm sewers

2002-08-03 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
If the storm sewers are debris free in Seward it is because when I lived there the residents who lived on the corners with the storm sewers cleaned the grates themselves. Many is the time when I was out walking in the rain and I would run across a resident with a rake unplugging a grate through s

[Mpls] Re: Lickness -> tickets -> rails

2002-08-01 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
When I worked at Mn/DOT, many moons ago, I was told that the research showed that the difference in traffic would be 2%. Everybody wants light rail to get drivers off the road, but it turns out that it is always other drivers, not themselves, who are expected to ride the rails. Barbara Nelson Bur

Re: [Mpls] mckinsey/city manager

2002-08-01 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Schapiro wrote: > < position of City Manager...?>> ... Barbara Nelson > > So, if others think it worthy of discussion, and as Lisa > McDonald notes, it would take a charter change, the question > is, how do we begin the conversation before proposing a > charter amendment? ... Dennis Scha

Re: [Mpls] Block E & the McKinsey Report

2002-07-31 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Does anyone know if there is any talk about creating the position of City Manager anywhere in the current governace structure? If we are the only city in the entire country that McKinsey found with a weak mayor-strong council WITHOUT a City Manager maybe we should take a look at other cities comp

Re: [Mpls] Mpls. on TV

2002-07-28 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
And homegrown corn too! Had some from the Thursday's Farmer's Market, super sweet, just picked, from Savage. Ambrosia! Barbara Nelson Burnsville (still shopping in Minneapolis) ___ Minneapolis Issues Forum - A Civil City Civic Discussion - Mn E-Democracy Po

Re: [Mpls] Lake Street and Crystal Balls.

2002-07-25 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Excuse my ignorance, but what, exactly, is a decked freeway? Does this turn them into tunnels? Is it just simply "putting a lid on top" of the freeways and then soil and sod? If this was done, who would own that space? Does it become the State's or would it belong to Minneapolis, or perhaps th

Re: [Mpls] Update to theft at Lake Nokomis

2002-07-17 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
To clarify my earlier post, I did not mean to imply that the Mpls Police are useless. Over the years I have had several positive experiences with them too. One thing I will say about Minneapolis police force: they have been unfailingly polite to me (a middle aged white person), unlike the St. P

Re: [Mpls] Theft at Lake Nokomis

2002-07-17 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
My son lived in a duplex near 24th and Clinton. The estranged husband of the woman upstairs threw a molotov cocktail on the front porch one night about 3 a.m. Fortunately, both my son and his roommate worked at bars and arrived home only about 1/2 hour before then and the roommate smelled smoke,

[Mpls] Re: Corporate Community Involvement

2002-07-12 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
JIM GRAHAM WROTE: I guess the Corporate Partners are only interested in the "Corporate Interests" south of 24th Street and be damned to the rest. You may be right about that, Jim, but there are other possibilities. Perhaps they realize the limitations of their perspective? Perhaps they see them

Re: [Mpls] Mpls news in the Pioneer Press

2002-07-10 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Hooray for this! I hope the Twins don't ink a deal with St. Paul and that the legislature gets the chance to improve last year's legislation so that a city (any city) doesn't have to bear the cost of a new ballpark all by its lonesome self. There is a good explanatory editorial in today's paper

Re: [Mpls] Library Board seeks higher director pay, flexibility

2002-07-03 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I second what Wizard said. Just as price is not based on cost + some percent profit (price is based on demand), salary is not based on "what it takes to survive". Salary is also based on demand. Barbara Nelson Burnsville once and future Sewardian ___ Minne

Re: [Mpls] June Critical Mass

2002-07-01 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
It isn't illegal to drive slowly or to pull over -- for a few moments, not to park --  to sight-see on any road, except freeways, as far as I know.  We used to call people who did this "Sunday drivers".  Aggravating as it might be to those of us in a hurry to get somewhere, illegal it is not (exc

[Mpls] Pedestrians Crossing Busy, Wide Streets

2002-06-29 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Re the two posts about the potential problem of people crossing the revamped intersection at Nicollet and Lake: When I was in Rochester last week, I noticed that on a semaphore near the Mayo Clinic they have a different "walk/don't walk" signal. This one shows the seconds you have to cross the s

[Mpls] Water Quality

2002-06-29 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
A different take on water quality -- When I moved out to Burnsville after living in Minneapolis for 17 years I thought the water tasted terrible. The Culligan people I had out to test my water told me that Minneapolis has some of the best water in the state as far as part per million, and it is s

Re: [Mpls] DFL/School Board... 7 thoughts

2002-06-11 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Brian, Michael and Andy make good points about 1) the advantages of numbered seats, and 2) the advantages of mixing at-large representation with "alley" representation. What would it take to make these changes to the Mpls School Board? Barbara Nelson Burnsville (you can take the girl out of the c

[Mpls] Urban Wildlife

2002-06-08 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Today while walking around Lake of Isles I saw two muskies poke their heads out of the water momentarily. Beautiful! Coincidentally, it was right near the sign on the east side of the lake that says "there are muskelunge in these waters". No kidding. Barbara Nelson Burnsville, but still walking

Re: [Mpls] Public Art: who needs it?

2002-06-02 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Someone asked for people's favorite examples of public art in Minneapolis. Mine is the moving sculpture of the fish across from the north side of Lake Calhoun in front of the Lake Pointe Corporate Center. I believe this sculpture was originally comissioned for an Uptown Art Fair a few years back

Re: [Mpls] Re: Public Art

2002-05-31 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Why can't we just view the statue of Mary Richards as a current version of Americana -- much like Norman Rockwell's Saturday Evening Post covers were in their time? These, by the way, are now a traveling exhibit from New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art (one of the great museums and arbiters of

Re: [Mpls] Aquatennial Torchlight Parade around Powderhorn Park?

2002-05-17 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I think you're remembering the Aquatennial Parade past Loring Park -- the torchlight version. I, too, remember this growing up. We kids went with my Dad and my maternal Grandmother who lived downtown at the Minneapolis Club (she was the Executive Housekeeper -- this was back when women were not

Re: [Mpls] Kowalski's on Nicollet

2002-05-09 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Chris L Beckwith wrote: I guess the question is: > can a moderate-sized grocery store operate > profitably these days? This I don't know... > > Chris Beckwith > Ward 6 > > The Riverside Market in Seward is one such store that has been in existence for several decades and has a loyal clientele

[Mpls] Truth in Housing

2002-05-05 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I saw in Saturday's paper that the compromise was enacted by the City Council. I applaud them for the new law, which is much more reasonable than the old one was and manages to keep the critical pieces -- issues related to health and safety -- intact and enforceable. Also, switching the responsi

[Mpls] Re: Litter on Interstates and Highways

2002-05-03 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Mike, When I worked at Mn/DOT I asked this question and the answer was that it is not cost effective to have volunteers do the work. Moreover, this is one of the tasks that occupies the Mn/DOT workers who are occupied with snow removal in the winter. This is their summer work. The state-run "Ad

[Mpls] Legislative Strategy

2002-05-01 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Eva Young sez: Also, Minneapolis gets screwed in State Government because we have a one party strategy -- so when DFLers lose, Minneapolis loses. We need to break that -- the fate of our city shouldn't depend on the fate of the DFL. Barbara sez: AMEN to that!! Barbara Nelson Burnsville -- Bar

Re: [Mpls] Why I can't move to Mpls

2002-05-01 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
When you're talking income for a disabled person, you're usually talking social security disability. The amount you get depends on your lifetime (thus far) wages. I'm not sure of the average, but my observation is the amount a person gets is usually under $1000/month, mostly around $800-900/mont

[Mpls] Mental Illness and Homelessness

2002-04-30 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I read in the paper this morning where President Bush has come out in support of the Domenici-Wellstone bill that would expand coverage of mental health benefits. This could make a great deal of difference in preventing homelessness. It also could go a long way in detering substance abuse. I do

Re: [Mpls] Mayor Rybak Lays Out Budget Principles

2002-04-30 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Kudos to RT for his approach to the upcoming budget. To quote Rodney King (in part), his success will depend on how well "we all get along". Given the Council's penchant for independence, as demonstrated in the recent police chief brouhaha this should make for entertaining viewing. One question

Re: [Mpls] Olson buyout erodes

2002-04-24 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Bob Velez wrote: > It is my > belief that when 'outsiders' are elected or appointed at these upper levels > as opposed to recruiting from within, the result is a bunch of > opportunitsts looking for a golden parachute rather than folks invested in > the success of whatever office or program that

Re: [Mpls] Official ICE OUT report - all lakes

2002-04-19 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
If I read Annie's chart correctly, the official ice out date for Calhoun was 4/15. That means that Terrell Brown is the only one to predict it accurately. Sorry for the confusion, but the Strib reported the ice out date as 4/14 and we had an eyewitness report that said the same. However, I said

[Mpls] Re: The ice IS out!

2002-04-14 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Well, . . . I guess we can take your word for it, Mike, unofficial as it is.  Especially because that makes me a winner.  ;-)  The winners (if Sunday is the date) are Mike, Mel Gregerson and myself.  I think there was something mentioned about the losers buying the winners a drink ...  So, if you

[Mpls] Ice Out Predictions

2002-04-12 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
FYI, here's a list of the predictions: 4-12 Jon Gorder 4-14 Mel Gregerson, Mike Hohmann, me 4-15 Lynnell Mickelson, Terrell Brown 4-17 Richard Carney 4-19 Dean Carlson 4-21 Craig Miller 4-23 Erik Riese We're going by the Park Board's criteria -- the ice is 50% gone -- and relying on the p

Re: [Mpls] Ice out prediction.

2002-04-11 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
We're talking Lake Calhoun. ___ Minneapolis Issues Forum - A Civil City Civic Discussion - Mn E-Democracy Post messages to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Digest option, and more: http://e-democracy.org/mpls

Re: [Mpls] Ice out prediction.

2002-04-11 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Just so everybody's got the same information, I have been informed off list by a librarian that: "Average ice-out dates for Minneapolis-area lakes is April 10-20, according to the April 6th, 1997 ed. of the Star Tribune." There is no prize -- but if those of us participating want to meet and buy

[Mpls] Ice-out Dates for City Lakes

2002-04-10 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
Does anyone know the average ice-out dates for the City's lakes? I have walked around Harriet, Lake of the Isles and Calhoun within the last week and the thin ice signs are out all over the place. It would be fun to have a pool to guess the correct date this year. Barbara Nelson Burnsville -- B

Re: [Mpls] Kiddos & Minneapolis

2002-04-05 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
I think this thread is great! I believe some of my fondness for Minneapolis stems from spending time downtown as a kid with my grandmother, who lived and worked at the Minneapolis Club. I thought her little apartment there was so cool, especially all the sirens that woke me up at night when I sl

Re: [Mpls] Affordable housing: another real-world Kingfield problem

2002-03-24 Thread Barbara L. Nelson
To me, the one part of this post that sticks out like a sore thumb is the following: "Our neighborhood board has housing guidelines requiring 30 percent of any new more-than-duplex development be rentable at 30% of MMI, 30 percent at 50% MMI, and the rest market rate. Otherwise, we don't recommen

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