Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-01 Thread salyavin808


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 I kinda figured this would happen. I've always assumed that most of this 
complaining that they were driven away from FFL and forced to migrate to the 
Let Us Be Boring Together group was 1) mere posturing, and 2) a veritable case 
study in lack of self-knowledge. 


 They just made a pretense of stalking off in a snit and being persecuted, 
but anyone who has been watching the actual traffic here knows that the folks 
who left for the gentle speech group (and especially its founder) were some 
of the most volatile creators of vile-speak FFL has ever seen. 


 I always said they should be careful what they wish for. Without people to rag 
on they'll be bored shitless.


 My bet? They'll be back. (You'll notice that none of them seem to have 
actually unsubscribed from FFL.) They'll miss being able to get up on their 
high and might pulpits and dump on the people they don't like, and they've 
boxed themselves in on the new group so they can't do it there without being 
laughed out of Yahoo Group Town, so they'll do drive-bys on FFL just to get 
their rocks off by complaining about the people they feel superior to.


 Buck is just the first example of one of them doing that. There will be more...


 Why does Buck think he has to save us from ourselves? I can't imagine being so 
up myself that someone with a different opinion is out of hand and needs a 
higher power. Now he's got somewhere else to play that's so much better, why 
doesn't he just go?

 I reckon he'll miss us, or miss feeling superior about us.

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 3:28 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL
 Dear Yahoo-Groups Guideline Police: I have long pleaded for a higher power to 
come in here and help clean this place up. I welcome your arrival. Hopefully 
you can help us mediate and even help revive all that was once really good 
about FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group community. I am one of the longest 
surviving original members of this forum and well know its ways. I am actually 
on of the few  FFL member participants on the ground here in Fairfield, Iowa 
and I should be glad to be of administrative assistance for you if you need 
help controlling this out-of-hand group. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   


 Dear RD;  
 Good Point RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to save' 
people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who are otherwise 
comfortable having dealt with their own moral dissonances within their own 
community in their own terms to their own spiritual ends. Who are these 
neganauts to interfere with the internal affairs of others any way? It seems 
incredibly arrogant on their part to come in here and try to methodically 
disturb people's peace. It seems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to 
use such defamatory language the way they do. Having learned their own 
particular histories as they have related them on FFL through time then 
sympathetically when considering these guys as sources of anything spiritual 
they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that their abuse of the unguarded 
cultural openness of this community has allowed them to take over the flower 
that was FFL with their negativity and erode off our our more seasoned reasoned 
and experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 raunchydog wrote :
 Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of pushing 
buttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I usually respond to by 
making fun of you.  What I find funny is your delusion that inventing an 
offensive straw-man (offensive to any normal human being) in order to push 
true believer buttons will somehow expose and perhaps liberate them from 
TMO/MMY delusions. You never seem to get is how people respond to you is about 
your offensive behavior, period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are a 
narcissistic, self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your failed 
mission to wake up perceived cultists from *your* cult nightmare IS NOT 
WORKING. You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you have experienced in the 
past by projecting unresolved pain onto others.

Granted, implying the police ought to investigate you as a child abuser is a 
bridge too far. Let's just say you brought it on yourself and leave it at that.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread salyavin808

Excellent. I really felt for you sitting there all that time, I got to stroll 
about, wash the car, cook dinner and have a bath while all those divine 
revelations where going on, and all you got was a folding chair. But I'm glad 
they provided goats cheese as sustenance. It must have helped the recovery.

---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 OK so I went. got to hang out  with Jerry and Debbie a bit. That was a nice 
nostalgia buzz.

I got to ask George (the presenter) my most politely posed question about why 
this was the chosen method of transmission if it pretty much excluded anyone in 
the movement or any person not just inclined to take his word on faith alone 
from taking the message seriously. I listened to his answer. They served a nice 
little lunch and I met some old friends.

No boats are gunna rock over this, is my psychic prediction. He threw in about 
3 too many famous personal incarnations. A pressing of a vanity CD for a rich 

Did I mention the lunch? Even had goat cheese and some nice real fresh 

The Holy Tradition doesn't want us to be afraid about anything. They said so 
themselves through George.

Were you afraid before you heard that? I was a little afraid we would never get 
lunch cuz he talked for 3 hours straight. I took 9 pages of notes. When we did 
get to lunch finally, after pissing for almost 5 minutes (did the folks on the 
other side of death forget about aging bladders and enlarged prostates?) I was 
delighted to find that the mozzarella sandwiches has a pesto spread and some 
olive oil soaked sun dried tomatoes. I hoovered in two of them as well as a 
turkey one and then stuffed two more in my bag Rodney Dangerfield style for 
later. There was  a shit load of these little sandwiches because the movement 
told about 400 people who signed up that if they came something bad would 
happen. I didn't get the details, I just got some of their sandwiches.

I'm glad I had a chance to shake the guy's hand and see him try to get around 
my question up close. It wasn't exactly new information, but I wanted to give 
him every chance I could to provide a better bridge for those of us who don't 
hang out with Jesus and Jehova (who is Allah) and Guru Dev (who said we don't 
need to say Jai Guru Dev anymore) and Shankara (who wants this to be the last 
of the Shanks in India.) Services no longer needed.

There will be no more incarnations or masters coming to earth, now in the new 
spiritual democracy they will just come back as your friend and show you this 
tape of George talking and talking, and talking.

I mentioned the pesto right, because that really sets the whole thing off. You 
got yer mildly bland moz and the tart sun dried tom, and you need some herbal 
glue to link them and that is the aromatic pesto. It really is a must for this 
kind of sandwich. I wish I had made off with 5 more, they were slider sized and 
I could have slide that many down after the lecture easily.

No one merges with the absolute after death much to Maharishi's surprise. No 
one. He was sad that he had put his organization over his friends in the 
movement. (Wink, wink, nudge, nudge Mr. J)

If you close your eyes and experience your self as light then you can teach 
anything you want to help people turn within and know themselves, but if you 
teach TM, follow their rules. (Surprisingly Guru Dev doesn't think the puja is 
necessary anymore.

Crudite. They had snow peas and blanched asparagus done right, crisp and bright 
green like they had plunged them in ice water after blanching. Badass caterers. 
Wish I had hoovered up more of them. No browns spots on anything, just prime 
cut green delight done right. I have more of a reverence for good food over 
dead guys, could ya tell?

He had been Brighu who was also Maharishi's dad because in that incarnation 
Maharishi was his son. So he was both parlaying Maharishi's authority for all 
this, while sort of showing up as having been in a superior position to him at 
one time. Maharishi was John the Baptist and had a misunderstanding with Jesus 
on the game plan which they have patched up in the after life. They do a lot of 
walk and talk in the after life.
Heaven is a place where you rest. It doesn't seem like the enlightenment model 
fits in to the reality Maharishi discovered on the other side. We are not 
getting off any wheel of karma. We have a lot of talking to look forward to. 
And listening. A lot of talking and listening and he didn't even mention 
anything about the heavenly caterers, so I am not signing up yet. I need to see 
a menu.

No one has seen God over there.(this came out in the questions)

He was Plato and Pythagoras and Mark Twain (who would have NONE of this if you 
ask me)
He was a bunch of other famous people and ONE servant to a famous person. (nice 
humble touch but too little too late IMO)
There was a lot of discussion about who was who in the Bible through many 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I love that story as it is so contradictory... 

 I mean, periods of silence = talking out loud...

 In which spiritual tradition?



---In, wrote :


---In, LEnglish5@... wrote :

 So you think that Maharishi spoke through whathisname? 

 When people talked about Maharishi channeling Gurudev when he gave a lecture 
on Gurudev's behalf (at the request of the living guru, mind you), they didn't 
mean in the sense of a Western spiritual medium, as far as I know, but in the 
sense of having absorbed the message so well that it was like listening to the 
original speak.

 A subtle, but important distinction, I think.

 I know many in the TMO who firmly believe that Marshy channelled Guru Dev 
after he died. 

 The story goes that during his periods of silence TWO voices could be heard in 
M's room, one was the reesh and the other [shock horror] was SBS - unless he 
was talking to the pizza delivery guy about bringing him a newspaper and a 
movie next time.

 People love this stuff, it's a link between someone they like to think of as 
perfectly humble and someone they respect ultimately.  It's divine blessing for 
whatever Marshy said in his 12th Jan address. The rest of them thought that 
what he said was perfect anyway and would spend years justifying it and looking 
back to see why he was right.

 Maybe Marshy  could speak to us via George Hammond  every Jan 12th and we 
could start the fun again. I'll get my sleeping bag ready



---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 That talk was spiritually inspired. Worth taking note of,  -Buck 
 rick wrote : This is starting in a little while:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread salyavin808


---In, LEnglish5@... wrote :

 I love that story as it is so contradictory... 

 I mean, periods of silence = talking out loud...

 In which spiritual tradition?

 In the wibbly-wobbly world of TM organisation I guess 

 But people believe it and tell me. I don't make it up, honest! 

 I wonder how long it would take to sort out every contradiction in the TMO? 
Marshy didn't believe in re-incarnation - or so he frequently said - but there 
he was last night telling us about all his previous incarnations! One doesn't 
know what to think any more.




---In, wrote :


---In, LEnglish5@... wrote :

 So you think that Maharishi spoke through whathisname? 

 When people talked about Maharishi channeling Gurudev when he gave a lecture 
on Gurudev's behalf (at the request of the living guru, mind you), they didn't 
mean in the sense of a Western spiritual medium, as far as I know, but in the 
sense of having absorbed the message so well that it was like listening to the 
original speak.

 A subtle, but important distinction, I think.

 I know many in the TMO who firmly believe that Marshy channelled Guru Dev 
after he died. 

 The story goes that during his periods of silence TWO voices could be heard in 
M's room, one was the reesh and the other [shock horror] was SBS - unless he 
was talking to the pizza delivery guy about bringing him a newspaper and a 
movie next time.

 People love this stuff, it's a link between someone they like to think of as 
perfectly humble and someone they respect ultimately.  It's divine blessing for 
whatever Marshy said in his 12th Jan address. The rest of them thought that 
what he said was perfect anyway and would spend years justifying it and looking 
back to see why he was right.

 Maybe Marshy  could speak to us via George Hammond  every Jan 12th and we 
could start the fun again. I'll get my sleeping bag ready



---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 That talk was spiritually inspired. Worth taking note of,  -Buck 
 rick wrote : This is starting in a little while:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread salyavin808


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 You did such a good job of commenting on your notes, Curtis, that I thought 
I'd go back to one of mine.

 Early on, one of the things I noticed is that George was such a TB that he 
didn't seem to have any problem with how CREEPY one of the things he wants us 
to believe about Maharishi is. That is, that he spent two years after he'd 
figured out that he was dead but not a drop returned to the ocean like he'd 
expected to be STALKING his early students and looking over their shoulders 
at everything they were doing. To George, this is somehow comforting. To others 
brought up more on classic Tibetan tales of the angry ghost stage of the 
Bardo, it is a bit less so. 

 No wonder so many TMer get off on stalking. Like teacher, like student.


 Clearly the early teachers are feeling left out and reckon they could be doing 
a better job than the talentless zombies that are running things at the moment, 
they've all got so little charisma themselves they've had to buy it in from 
David Lynch!

 I think there should be a new/old movement with George at the helm and it 
would do well as he could channel Marshy and get back up from Allah and Jehovah 
where necessary. Talk about getting it straight from the horses mouth! No need 
for old tapes any more and the embarrassment of the Marshy channel. This is 
cutting edge spirituality.


 From: curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 3:48 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November
   OK so I went. got to hang out  with Jerry and Debbie a bit. That was a nice 
nostalgia buzz.

I got to ask George (the presenter) my most politely posed question about why 
this was the chosen method of transmission if it pretty much excluded anyone in 
the movement or any person not just inclined to take his word on faith alone 
from taking the message seriously. I listened to his answer. They served a nice 
little lunch and I met some old friends.

No boats are gunna rock over this, is my psychic prediction. He threw in about 
3 too many famous personal incarnations. A pressing of a vanity CD for a rich 

Did I mention the lunch? Even had goat cheese and some nice real fresh 

The Holy Tradition doesn't want us to be afraid about anything. They said so 
themselves through George.

Were you afraid before you heard that? I was a little afraid we would never get 
lunch cuz he talked for 3 hours straight. I took 9 pages of notes. When we did 
get to lunch finally, after pissing for almost 5 minutes (did the folks on the 
other side of death forget about aging bladders and enlarged prostates?) I was 
delighted to find that the mozzarella sandwiches has a pesto spread and some 
olive oil soaked sun dried tomatoes. I hoovered in two of them as well as a 
turkey one and then stuffed two more in my bag Rodney Dangerfield style for 
later. There was  a shit load of these little sandwiches because the movement 
told about 400 people who signed up that if they came something bad would 
happen. I didn't get the details, I just got some of their sandwiches.

I'm glad I had a chance to shake the guy's hand and see him try to get around 
my question up close. It wasn't exactly new information, but I wanted to give 
him every chance I could to provide a better bridge for those of us who don't 
hang out with Jesus and Jehova (who is Allah) and Guru Dev (who said we don't 
need to say Jai Guru Dev anymore) and Shankara (who wants this to be the last 
of the Shanks in India.) Services no longer needed.

There will be no more incarnations or masters coming to earth, now in the new 
spiritual democracy they will just come back as your friend and show you this 
tape of George talking and talking, and talking.

I mentioned the pesto right, because that really sets the whole thing off. You 
got yer mildly bland moz and the tart sun dried tom, and you need some herbal 
glue to link them and that is the aromatic pesto. It really is a must for this 
kind of sandwich. I wish I had made off with 5 more, they were slider sized and 
I could have slide that many down after the lecture easily.

No one merges with the absolute after death much to Maharishi's surprise. No 
one. He was sad that he had put his organization over his friends in the 
movement. (Wink, wink, nudge, nudge Mr. J)

If you close your eyes and experience your self as light then you can teach 
anything you want to help people turn within and know themselves, but if you 
teach TM, follow their rules. (Surprisingly Guru Dev doesn't think the puja is 
necessary anymore.

Crudite. They had snow peas and blanched asparagus done right, crisp and bright 
green like they had plunged them in ice water after blanching. Badass caterers. 
Wish I had hoovered up more of them. No browns spots on anything, just prime 
cut green delight done right. I have 

[FairfieldLife] File - FFL Acronyms

2014-12-01 Thread FairfieldLife

BC - Brahman Consciousness
BN - Bliss Ninny or Bliss Nazi
CC - Cosmic Consciousness
GC - God Consciousness
MMY - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
OTP - Off the Program - a phrase used in the TM movement meaning to do 
something (such as see another spiritual teacher) considered in violation of 
Maharishi's program.
POV - Point of View
SBS - Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, Maharishi's master
SCI – Science of Creative Intelligence
SOC - State of Consciousness
SSRS - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (Pundit-ji)
SV - Stpathya Ved (Vedic Architecture)
TB - True Believer (in TM doctrines)
TNB - True Non-Believer
TMO - The Transcendental Meditation organization
TTC – TM Teacher Training Course
UC - Unity Consciousness
WYMS - World Youth Meditation Society later changed to World Youth Movement 
for the Science of Creative Intelligence was founded by Peter Hübner in 
Germany, as a national TM outlet competing with SIMS, Students International 
Meditation Society
YMMV = Your Mileage may vary

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808

--In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

You did such a good job of commenting on your notes, Curtis, that I thought I'd 
go back to one of mine.

Early on, one of the things I noticed is that George was such a TB that he 
didn't seem to have any problem with how CREEPY one of the things he wants us 
to believe about Maharishi is. That is, that he spent two years after he'd 
figured out that he was dead but not a drop returned to the ocean like he'd 
expected to be STALKING his early students and looking over their shoulders 
at everything they were doing. To George, this is somehow comforting. To others 
brought up more on classic Tibetan tales of the angry ghost stage of the 
Bardo, it is a bit less so. 
No wonder so many TMer get off on stalking. Like teacher, like student.

Clearly the early teachers are feeling left out and reckon they could be doing 
a better job than the talentless zombies that are running things at the moment, 
they've all got so little charisma themselves they've had to buy it in from 
David Lynch!
I think there should be a new/old movement with George at the helm and it would 
do well as he could channel Marshy and get back up from Allah and Jehovah where 
necessary. Talk about getting it straight from the horses mouth! No need for 
old tapes any more and the embarrassment of the Marshy channel. This is cutting 
edge spirituality.

I think they ought to go *really* cutting edge and skip all this old-fashioned 
giving-lectures-to-people-in-meeting-rooms shit. THE MOVEMENT, as described by 
George, are clearly the spiritual rock stars of the universe, so *that's what 
they should be*. Skip the small shit, form a band, hire some roadies, and take 
their act directly to the stadiums. In America, because most people wouldn't 
give a shit about Maharishi and Guru Dev, the front man would clearly have to 
be Jesus:

This guy could be Jehovah / Allah:

And don't write this off as a bad idea without giving it some thought. After 
all, it's been done before:

  From: curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 3:48 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November
 OK so I went. got to hang out  with Jerry and Debbie a bit. That was a nice 
nostalgia buzz.

I got to ask George (the presenter) my most politely posed question about why 
this was the chosen method of transmission if it pretty much excluded anyone in 
the movement or any person not just inclined to take his word on faith alone 
from taking the message seriously. I listened to his answer. They served a nice 
little lunch and I met some old friends.

No boats are gunna rock over this, is my psychic prediction. He threw in about 
3 too many famous personal incarnations. A pressing of a vanity CD for a rich 

Did I mention the lunch? Even had goat cheese and some nice real fresh 

The Holy Tradition doesn't want us to be afraid about anything. They said so 
themselves through George.

Were you afraid before you heard that? I was a little afraid we would never get 
lunch cuz he talked for 3 hours straight. I took 9 pages of notes. When we did 
get to lunch finally, after pissing for almost 5 minutes (did the folks on the 
other side of death forget about aging bladders and enlarged prostates?) I was 
delighted to find that the mozzarella sandwiches has a pesto spread and some 
olive oil soaked sun dried tomatoes. I hoovered in two of them as well as a 
turkey one and then stuffed two more in my bag Rodney Dangerfield style for 
later. There was  a shit load of these little sandwiches because the movement 
told about 400 people who signed up that if they came something bad would 
happen. I didn't get the details, I just got some of their sandwiches.

I'm glad I had a chance to shake the guy's hand and see him try to get around 
my question up close. It wasn't exactly new information, but I wanted to give 
him every chance I could to provide a better bridge for those of us who don't 
hang out with Jesus and Jehova (who is Allah) and Guru Dev (who said we don't 
need to say Jai Guru Dev anymore) and Shankara (who wants this to be the last 
of the Shanks in India.) Services no longer needed.

There will be no more incarnations or masters coming to earth, now in the new 
spiritual democracy they will just come back as your friend and show you this 
tape of George talking and talking, and talking.

I mentioned the pesto right, because that really sets the whole thing off. You 
got yer mildly bland moz and the tart sun dried tom, and you need some herbal 
glue to link them and that is the aromatic pesto. It really is a must for this 
kind of sandwich. I wish I had made off with 5 more, they were slider sized and 
I could have slide that many down after the lecture easily.

No one merges with the absolute after death much to Maharishi's surprise. No 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread salyavin808


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: salyavin808
 --In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 You did such a good job of commenting on your notes, Curtis, that I thought 
I'd go back to one of mine.

 Early on, one of the things I noticed is that George was such a TB that he 
didn't seem to have any problem with how CREEPY one of the things he wants us 
to believe about Maharishi is. That is, that he spent two years after he'd 
figured out that he was dead but not a drop returned to the ocean like he'd 
expected to be STALKING his early students and looking over their shoulders 
at everything they were doing. To George, this is somehow comforting. To others 
brought up more on classic Tibetan tales of the angry ghost stage of the 
Bardo, it is a bit less so. 

 No wonder so many TMer get off on stalking. Like teacher, like student.


 Clearly the early teachers are feeling left out and reckon they could be doing 
a better job than the talentless zombies that are running things at the moment, 
they've all got so little charisma themselves they've had to buy it in from 
David Lynch!

 I think there should be a new/old movement with George at the helm and it 
would do well as he could channel Marshy and get back up from Allah and Jehovah 
where necessary. Talk about getting it straight from the horses mouth! No need 
for old tapes any more and the embarrassment of the Marshy channel. This is 
cutting edge spirituality.


 I think they ought to go *really* cutting edge and skip all this old-fashioned 
giving-lectures-to-people-in-meeting-rooms shit. THE MOVEMENT, as described by 
George, are clearly the spiritual rock stars of the universe, so *that's what 
they should be*. Skip the small shit, form a band, hire some roadies, and take 
their act directly to the stadiums. In America, because most people wouldn't 
give a shit about Maharishi and Guru Dev, the front man would clearly have to 
be Jesus:


 This guy could be Jehovah / Allah:


 And don't write this off as a bad idea without giving it some thought. After 
all, it's been done before:



 Cool! I'll be a roadie so I can get close to the source. Who would want to 
miss out? First album: All the old dudes.

 I think the heffalump deity on the left should play drums [Sorry Bhairitu] as 
he's got a natural advantage for doing triplets and tambourine work.




 From: curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 3:48 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November
   OK so I went. got to hang out  with Jerry and Debbie a bit. That was a nice 
nostalgia buzz.

I got to ask George (the presenter) my most politely posed question about why 
this was the chosen method of transmission if it pretty much excluded anyone in 
the movement or any person not just inclined to take his word on faith alone 
from taking the message seriously. I listened to his answer. They served a nice 
little lunch and I met some old friends.

No boats are gunna rock over this, is my psychic prediction. He threw in about 
3 too many famous personal incarnations. A pressing of a vanity CD for a rich 

Did I mention the lunch? Even had goat cheese and some nice real fresh 

The Holy Tradition doesn't want us to be afraid about anything. They said so 
themselves through George.

Were you afraid before you heard that? I was a little afraid we would never get 
lunch cuz he talked for 3 hours straight. I took 9 pages of notes. When we did 
get to lunch finally, after pissing for almost 5 minutes (did the folks on the 
other side of death forget about aging bladders and enlarged prostates?) I was 
delighted to find that the mozzarella sandwiches has a pesto spread and some 
olive oil soaked sun dried tomatoes. I hoovered in two of them as well as a 
turkey one and then stuffed two more in my bag Rodney Dangerfield style for 
later. There was  a shit load of these little sandwiches because the movement 
told about 400 people who signed up that if they came something bad would 
happen. I didn't get the details, I just got some of their sandwiches.

I'm glad I had a chance to shake the guy's hand and see him try to get around 
my question up close. It wasn't exactly new information, but I wanted to give 
him every chance I could to provide a better bridge for those of us who don't 
hang out with Jesus and Jehova (who is Allah) and Guru Dev (who said we don't 
need to say Jai Guru Dev anymore) and Shankara (who wants this to be the last 
of the Shanks in India.) Services no longer needed.

There will be no more incarnations or masters coming to earth, now in the new 
spiritual democracy they will just come back as your friend and show you this 
tape of George talking and talking, and talking.

I mentioned the pesto right, because that really sets the 

[FairfieldLife] Lightnin' therapy for RIA

2014-12-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Lightnin' Hopkins - The Complete Aladdin Recordings 
 Lightnin' Hopkins - The Complete Aladdin Recordings This is where it all started for 
Lightnin' Hopkins. These tracks were recorded from November 9th 1946 to 
February 25th 1948. This is the earliest of his ...
 View on www.yout... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] For those still interested in the Rosetta mission

2014-12-01 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
This is from my friend who works on this project for the ESA:
Rosetta continues into its full science phase

|   |
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| Rosetta continues into its full science phaseWith the Philae lander’s mission 
complete, Rosetta will now continue its own extraordinary exploration, orbiting 
Comet 67P/Churymov–Gerasimenko during the co... |
|  |
| View on | Preview by Yahoo |
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|   |

Re: [FairfieldLife] Hammond's Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
This guy is a self indulgent whacko. He was Marshy's daddy in a past life? What 
a bunch of bullshit.This guy has no credibility at all.

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 9:54 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Hammond's Live Stream | 30th November
Yes, yes this Hammond guy evidently is plugged in. A werkzeuge in the Western 
spiritual sense of spiritual medium. Quite different than just some entity 
spirit possession as channeling or someone else seeming to know someone's 
thoughts so well.   Listen to him through it all.   -Buck in the Dome

LEnglish5 wrote :

So you think that Maharishi spoke through whathisname?
When people talked about Maharishi channeling Gurudev when he gave a lecture on 
Gurudev's behalf (at the request of the living guru, mind you), they didn't 
mean in the sense of a Western spiritual medium, as far as I know, but in the 
sense of having absorbed the message so well that it was like listening to the 
original speak.
A subtle, but important distinction, I think.


Thattalk was spiritually inspired.

Worth taking note of,  -Buck

rick wrote :
This is starting in a little while:  
#yiv4950755688 #yiv4950755688 -- #yiv4950755688ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv4950755688 
#yiv4950755688ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv4950755688 
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0;}#yiv4950755688 #yiv4950755688ygrp-mkp #yiv4950755688ads 
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{padding:0 0;}#yiv4950755688 #yiv4950755688ygrp-mkp .yiv4950755688ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv4950755688 #yiv4950755688ygrp-mkp .yiv4950755688ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv4950755688 #yiv4950755688ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv4950755688ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv4950755688 
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{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv4950755688 #yiv4950755688activity span a 
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span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv4950755688 #yiv4950755688activity span 
.yiv4950755688underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv4950755688 
0;width:400px;}#yiv4950755688 .yiv4950755688attach div a 
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4px;}#yiv4950755688 .yiv4950755688bold 
.yiv4950755688bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv4950755688 dd.yiv4950755688last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv4950755688 dd.yiv4950755688last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv4950755688 
dd.yiv4950755688last p span.yiv4950755688yshortcuts 
{margin-right:0;}#yiv4950755688 div.yiv4950755688attach-table div div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv4950755688 div.yiv4950755688attach-table 
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div.yiv4950755688file-title a:active, #yiv4950755688 
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a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv4950755688 div.yiv4950755688photo-title a, 
#yiv4950755688 div.yiv4950755688photo-title a:active, #yiv4950755688 
div.yiv4950755688photo-title a:hover, #yiv4950755688 
div.yiv4950755688photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv4950755688 
div#yiv4950755688ygrp-mlmsg #yiv4950755688ygrp-msg p a 
.yiv4950755688green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv4950755688 .yiv4950755688MsoNormal 
{margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv4950755688 o {font-size:0;}#yiv4950755688 
#yiv4950755688photos div {float:left;width:72px;}#yiv4950755688 
#yiv4950755688photos div div {border:1px solid 
#yiv4950755688photos div label 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Introducing John Hagelin as the man who finished Einteins work is a case in 
Ha ha! That is an even better example - I should have thought of that one first.

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 2:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

but that doesn't mean he didn't do a lot in teaching meditation and 
popularising spiritual seeking

This is something that even M's critics sometimes say, and I disagree. He 
wasn't the only huckster from India trying to make a living hawking his 
country's esoteric blabber as ultimate knowledge. What he did that made him 
seem to eclipse the others was he got lucky. The Beatles fell for his Anton 
Mesmer routine and he got tremendous amounts of attention from the news media 
due to them. And we see that they were done with him in less than a year. 

True but he did popularise meditation. I sure wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't 
for him!
I'm just being charitable as like TM, I'm as aware as anyone here how the TMO 
turned out. I've seen the madness myself. Sat in the same room as it but I 
worked out what was going on and it never got it's claws into me. Not like it 
has poor old George Hammond.
TM still works I just don't think it's doing what was promised. While it's 
better than not doing it I shall continue.
Were it not for the Beatles, he would have been another long haired Indian 
vying for the attention of the gullible masses. He deserves no credit for 
popularizing meditation since he did it for total self serving purposes, 
which is I believe in direct contravention to any number of Hindu and Vedic 
admonishments to the contrary. 

Gullible masses or genuine seekers? Or does that end up as the same thing? I 
think there is a need or desire in everyone to go beyond what they are and 
experience something profound. We seem wired that way, I sure am I'm just 
re-evaluating what the experience means. 
And what did his teaching produce? Such men as George Hammond who are willing 
to stand in front of an audience and make a big ol' donkey of themselves 
spouting things that are obvious hallucinations and made up bullshit. Come on.
LOL, you've got me there. Marshy would have seen what was happening with his 
devotees and didn't stop it. Encouraged it too. Introducing John Hagelin as the 
man who finished Einteins work is a case in point. Without the idea that he was 
some sort of superman a lot of the TMO wouldn't have happened. It's easier to 
get people working hard growing the movement when they think it's divinely 
inspired. But at least we now know that Jehovah and Jesus approved. Phew!
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 4:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

I am going back and looking at this from the beginning - what a bunch of crap. 
I think this guy is using the I talked to Marshy deal as a platform to 
attract an audience to get 'em to listen to his off the wall beliefs.  Just 
another (sincere) huckster following in Marshy's footsteps who was himself as 
one of the most successful hucksters in the 20th century.

What if it was true and all these Gods did exist and had meetings together, 
would they actually accept Maharishi as one of their great representatives 
among mankind? To answer yes is to elevate him to the same historical standing 
as the others. I'm pretty sure that isn't going to happen worldwide, but that 
doesn't mean he didn't do a lot in teaching meditation and popularising 
spiritual seeking - at least at first . My worry is all the obvious profit 
making through selling of prayers and bullshit cult philosophy that the TMO 
does, I can't see Jehovah getting off on that. Or maybe he'd be pissed off that 
he didn't think of it first?
It is nice that the gods all get along with each other though. There's an old 
atheist saw that says You only believe in one of the thousands of gods, I just 
believe in one less than you Now we know that we can believe in all of them! 
The idea that they are all faces of the same thing must be wrong, and I always 
thought that was a good idea of Marshy's - very inclusive -  I see that Hammond 
forgot that part of his teaching. Surprised he wasn't reminded by the man 
But I can't help thinking they'd all be more at odds with each other.The 
eastern and western religions really were different, the old testament god was 
a total wanker, vindictive and merciless. And the eastern ones were all 
fundamentalist, caste based anti-feminist fatalists. When did it all change, 
how come they are like a big new age happy family? They'd be smiting each other 
as badly as they used to do us. I'm starting to smell a rat
If only he'd given the Scientologists 

[FairfieldLife] Hammond's Horseshit

2014-12-01 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
My friend Bill watched the entire video. For anyone who cares here is his 
synopsis, with a few of his comments. Bear in mind he is not only a long term 
TM'er he is a devout Christian too.
I watched the whole thing.  They showed Jerry Jarvis inthe audience at one 
point.  Lots of grey heads.  Here are the notes Itook:
He sums up the Old Testament as the prophetic approachof increasing belief 
didn't work out as well as Jehovah had hoped, so herecruited Jesus and 
Maharishi (as John the Baptist) to do the Jesusproject.  (unfortunately the 
whole OT prophesies the coming of Jesusand his suffering, so that doesn't make 

He says that Jesus' main message was You can overcomeyour fear of death 
through virtue.  You can become good enough, strongenough inside not to be 
afraid of death.  (There is a real continuity of the message in the NT,and it 
doesn't have anything to do with that.  That teaching was theteaching of the 
Pharisees and Saducees, which Jesus soundly denounced)
It was Paul that hijacked the movement and created the idea that the death 
ofChrist was a sacrifice that covered people's sins. (again, this is 
prophesiedin the OT and taught uniformly by all of the NT writers)So everyone 
gave up on this project except Mohammed. (A lotof this is just a who 
reincarnated as who, ear candy for those who are lookingfor it.)

(All of this is a logical extension of Vedanta, but when youlook at the details 
it comes up as a self indulgent fantasy, a grand fiction, ahuge effort to pull 
things together.  This is the same kind of stuff Igot from Jerry Jarvis in my 
phone conversations with him.)  
Hammond gives the conclusion of the Committee -Jesus, Jehovah, Shankara, MMY, 
etc, about 10 people -  and this is thinlyveiled extrapolation of Hammond's 
knowledge of spiritual cosmology. This guy is very articulate, and seems like 
he is a very strong personality. Greatpotential as a new cult leader.  He says 
some people know him as a philosopher. So he has knowledge of Vedanta and the 
history of philosophy.

His talk addresses a lot of the problems that have beenobserved when people try 
to use Vedanta as a basis for living incommunity.  He talks a lot about how 
people become self absorbed, and theyfail to learn how to live harmoniously 
with each other.

He was picked for this role as spokesman for the Committee because he was 
MMY's father in a pervious live, his name was Brighu.  MMYwas annoyed with his 
father because he died and never came back to tell himthat he didn't merge with 
the absolute.  So it was out of a complaint ofhis parenting skills.  

So he asked him to do it to make up for making thismistake as a parent.  In 
previous lives he was also Joseph, son of Isaac,who was sold into Egypt.  He 
was Pythagoras, Plato, Jeremiah the prophet,Andrew the Apostle, Thomas Moore, 
Mark Twain.
(This is sounding like a new version of Claire Prophet).

Lets not try to tell stories any more. Jehovah had to admit that he liedto the 
Jews about cosmology, that the Judeo Christian tradition was just onegrand 
failed experiment.

Here is the consensus of the committee:
-lets not inspire anyone any more with false stories, lets just use 
rationalexplanations.  No person has ever merged with the absolute, this 
enticinggoal has never been experienced by anyone.

So no more rules, no more commandments, no more behavioralsuggestions.  No 
rules about sex.  It is neutral.  You bring toit any value you want.  You will 
not be punished for anything you do inthis life in the spiritual realm - you 
may have to deal with consequences fromothers, but not in the spiritual realm.

What is eternal?  Change is eternal.  Matter iseternal.  Our individual 
personalities are eternal.  He debunksMartin Luther's assertion that man must 
live by faith alone, as if this wasMartin Luther's idea.

So what are the messages from MMY and the committee?  MMY wants these 
messages to get out right away:
- fear is ignorance.  Never be afraid that anything canhappen to your eternal 
self.- to listen to Hammond's explanations about whattranscendence is and how 
he now says TM actually works.- there is no reason to be worried about ruining 
the purityof the teaching.  You don't have that power.   
All the leaders of the Holy Tradition agree now that all therules that they 
created about keeping the purity of the teaching are now gone,because they just 
created fear.  (No wonder Jerry Jarvis in on board withthis.)  These rules are 
now being used by people to intimidateothers.  It is better to have an 
adulterated teaching that is free of fearthan the current teaching.
- when you close your eyes and your mind is filled withlight, then you no 
longer need TM or any other technique
- What makes TM work?  Does the Puja give you enoughshakti to impart the 
technique?  No.  
This is what MMY taught, but the bottom line is this - ifyou go within with a 
person that is not afraid of going within, they learn tonot fear what is 
within, that is 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
salyavin, that wibbly-wobbly made me smile. As for reincarnation, it's not that 
Maharishi didn't believe in it. It's that 
he wanted to help people get out of that cycle.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 3:37 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, LEnglish5@... wrote :

I love that story as it is so contradictory...
I mean, periods of silence = talking out loud...
In which spiritual tradition?
In the wibbly-wobbly world of TM organisation I guess 
But people believe it and tell me. I don't make it up, honest! 
I wonder how long it would take to sort out every contradiction in the TMO? 
Marshy didn't believe in re-incarnation - or so he frequently said - but there 
he was last night telling us about all his previous incarnations! One doesn't 
know what to think any more.


---In, wrote :

---In, LEnglish5@... wrote :

So you think that Maharishi spoke through whathisname?
When people talked about Maharishi channeling Gurudev when he gave a lecture on 
Gurudev's behalf (at the request of the living guru, mind you), they didn't 
mean in the sense of a Western spiritual medium, as far as I know, but in the 
sense of having absorbed the message so well that it was like listening to the 
original speak.
A subtle, but important distinction, I think.
I know many in the TMO who firmly believe that Marshy channelled Guru Dev after 
he died. 
The story goes that during his periods of silence TWO voices could be heard in 
M's room, one was the reesh and the other [shock horror] was SBS - unless he 
was talking to the pizza delivery guy about bringing him a newspaper and a 
movie next time.
People love this stuff, it's a link between someone they like to think of as 
perfectly humble and someone they respect ultimately.  It's divine blessing for 
whatever Marshy said in his 12th Jan address. The rest of them thought that 
what he said was perfect anyway and would spend years justifying it and looking 
back to see why he was right.
Maybe Marshy  could speak to us via George Hammond  every Jan 12th and we could 
start the fun again. I'll get my sleeping bag ready


---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

Thattalk was spiritually inspired.

Worth taking note of,  -Buck

rick wrote :
This is starting in a little while:  
#yiv4602965376 #yiv4602965376 -- #yiv4602965376ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv4602965376 
#yiv4602965376ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv4602965376 
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0;}#yiv4602965376 #yiv4602965376ygrp-mkp #yiv4602965376ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv4602965376 #yiv4602965376ygrp-mkp .yiv4602965376ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv4602965376 #yiv4602965376ygrp-mkp .yiv4602965376ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv4602965376 #yiv4602965376ygrp-mkp .yiv4602965376ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv4602965376 #yiv4602965376ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv4602965376ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv4602965376 
#yiv4602965376ygrp-sponsor #yiv4602965376ygrp-lc #yiv4602965376hd {margin:10px 
#yiv4602965376ygrp-sponsor #yiv4602965376ygrp-lc .yiv4602965376ad 
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{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv4602965376 #yiv4602965376activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv4602965376 #yiv4602965376activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv4602965376 #yiv4602965376activity span 
.yiv4602965376underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv4602965376 
0;width:400px;}#yiv4602965376 .yiv4602965376attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv4602965376 .yiv4602965376attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv4602965376 .yiv4602965376attach label 
{display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv4602965376 .yiv4602965376attach label a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv4602965376 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv4602965376 .yiv4602965376bold 
.yiv4602965376bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv4602965376 dd.yiv4602965376last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv4602965376 dd.yiv4602965376last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv4602965376 
dd.yiv4602965376last p 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
salyavin, from your comments I wonder if you've ever NOT done your TM. What 

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

but that doesn't mean he didn't do a lot in teaching meditation and 
popularising spiritual seeking

This is something that even M's critics sometimes say, and I disagree. He 
wasn't the only huckster from India trying to make a living hawking his 
country's esoteric blabber as ultimate knowledge. What he did that made him 
seem to eclipse the others was he got lucky. The Beatles fell for his Anton 
Mesmer routine and he got tremendous amounts of attention from the news media 
due to them. And we see that they were done with him in less than a year. 

True but he did popularise meditation. I sure wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't 
for him!
I'm just being charitable as like TM, I'm as aware as anyone here how the TMO 
turned out. I've seen the madness myself. Sat in the same room as it but I 
worked out what was going on and it never got it's claws into me. Not like it 
has poor old George Hammond.
TM still works I just don't think it's doing what was promised. While it's 
better than not doing it I shall continue.
Were it not for the Beatles, he would have been another long haired Indian 
vying for the attention of the gullible masses. He deserves no credit for 
popularizing meditation since he did it for total self serving purposes, 
which is I believe in direct contravention to any number of Hindu and Vedic 
admonishments to the contrary. 

Gullible masses or genuine seekers? Or does that end up as the same thing? I 
think there is a need or desire in everyone to go beyond what they are and 
experience something profound. We seem wired that way, I sure am I'm just 
re-evaluating what the experience means. 
And what did his teaching produce? Such men as George Hammond who are willing 
to stand in front of an audience and make a big ol' donkey of themselves 
spouting things that are obvious hallucinations and made up bullshit. Come on.
LOL, you've got me there. Marshy would have seen what was happening with his 
devotees and didn't stop it. Encouraged it too. Introducing John Hagelin as the 
man who finished Einteins work is a case in point. Without the idea that he was 
some sort of superman a lot of the TMO wouldn't have happened. It's easier to 
get people working hard growing the movement when they think it's divinely 
inspired. But at least we now know that Jehovah and Jesus approved. Phew!
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 4:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

I am going back and looking at this from the beginning - what a bunch of crap. 
I think this guy is using the I talked to Marshy deal as a platform to 
attract an audience to get 'em to listen to his off the wall beliefs.  Just 
another (sincere) huckster following in Marshy's footsteps who was himself as 
one of the most successful hucksters in the 20th century.

What if it was true and all these Gods did exist and had meetings together, 
would they actually accept Maharishi as one of their great representatives 
among mankind? To answer yes is to elevate him to the same historical standing 
as the others. I'm pretty sure that isn't going to happen worldwide, but that 
doesn't mean he didn't do a lot in teaching meditation and popularising 
spiritual seeking - at least at first . My worry is all the obvious profit 
making through selling of prayers and bullshit cult philosophy that the TMO 
does, I can't see Jehovah getting off on that. Or maybe he'd be pissed off that 
he didn't think of it first?
It is nice that the gods all get along with each other though. There's an old 
atheist saw that says You only believe in one of the thousands of gods, I just 
believe in one less than you Now we know that we can believe in all of them! 
The idea that they are all faces of the same thing must be wrong, and I always 
thought that was a good idea of Marshy's - very inclusive -  I see that Hammond 
forgot that part of his teaching. Surprised he wasn't reminded by the man 
But I can't help thinking they'd all be more at odds with each other.The 
eastern and western religions really were different, the old testament god was 
a total wanker, vindictive and merciless. And the eastern ones were all 
fundamentalist, caste based anti-feminist fatalists. When did it all change, 
how come they are like a big new age happy family? They'd be smiting each other 
as badly as they used to do us. I'm starting to smell a rat
If only he'd given the Scientologists a message from Xenu. Then we'd know he 
was in touch with the Great Ones and 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/30/2014 8:28 PM, dhamiltony wrote:

Dear Yahoo-Groups Guideline Police: I have long pleaded for a
higher power to come in here and help clean this place up.

At the founding of this discussion group, Rick set up a rule that the 
posting of pornography would not be tolerated, either by text, images or 
links. This rule has been broken on numerous occasions in the past few 
days. If corrections are not taken, we must assume that the rule has 
been changed and we therefore deserve an explanation from the moderator.

Instead of calling the police, Buck, it would probably be better to 
appeal to the moderators to do their jobs and just send out a warning 
message to the perpetrators to remind them of their obligation when they 
signed the the group member agreement:

*FFL Guidelines:
//1) This group has long maintained a thoughtful and considerate tone. 
Please refrain from personal attacks, insults and excessive venting. 
Speak the truth that is sweet is a worthy aspiration. If angry, take 
some time to gain composure before writing or pushing the send button./*

/8) Posting of adult material, either text or photos, or links to such 
materials, is prohibited. Violation of this guideline may result in 
expulsion from the group./


I welcome your arrival. Hopefully you can help us mediate and even
help revive all that was once really good about FairfieldLife as a
Yahoo-group community. I am one of the longest surviving original
members of this forum and well know its ways. I am actually on of
the few  FFL member participants on the ground here in Fairfield,
Iowa and I should be glad to be of administrative assistance for
you if you need help controlling this out-of-hand group. -Buck in
Fairfield, Iowa

Maybe now is the time to remind all respondents that this is supposed to 
be a family-oriented forum. If the posting of objectionable material 
persists, the Yahoo Administrators may have cause to reclassify the FFL 
group as an adult site and give it  XXX rating. This would be very 
embarrassing, to say the least, and could result in further actions - it 
is unlawful to post adult material to a family-oriented Yahoo Group.

*Yahoo Groups Guidelines:*

/1) Don't violate the law. Members of Yahoo! communities are not above 
the law, so don't post anything that violates the laws of your country, 
state, province, or city. //

//2) Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups. Also 
not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or ranting. If 
you wouldn't say it in public or with a group of friends, don't post it./

Dear RD;

Good Point RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to 
save' people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who 
are otherwise comfortable having dealt with their own moral 
dissonances within their own community in their own terms to their own 
spiritual ends. Who are these neganauts to interfere with the internal 
affairs of others any way? It seems incredibly arrogant on their part 
to come in here and try to methodically disturb people's peace. It 
seems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to use such 
defamatory language the way they do. Having learned their own 
particular histories as they have related them on FFL through time 
then sympathetically when considering these guys as sources of 
anything spiritual they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that 
their abuse of the unguarded cultural openness of this community has 
allowed them to take over the flower that was FFL with their 
negativity and erode off our our more seasoned reasoned and 
experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

raunchydog wrote :

Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of 
pushing buttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I 
usually respond to by making fun of you.  What I find funny is your 
delusion that inventing an offensive straw-man (offensive to any 
normal human being) in order to push true believer buttons will 
somehow expose and perhaps liberate them from TMO/MMY delusions. You 
never seem to get is how people respond to you is about your offensive 
behavior, period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are a 
narcissistic, self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your 
failed mission to wake up perceived cultists from *your* cult 
nightmare IS NOT WORKING. You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you 
have experienced in the past by projecting unresolved pain onto others.

Granted, implying the police ought to investigate you as a child 
abuser is a bridge too far. Let's just say you brought it on yourself 
and leave it at that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick - Stop The Abuse, was, Words of Wisdom...

2014-12-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/30/2014 9:00 PM, Share Long wrote:

I remember two times when the camera zoomed in on Jerry in the 
audience. Once he had his eyes closed and once he looked like he was 
listening very intently.

/Jerry Jarvis was my initiator at the first SIMS course back in 1967. /

WRT Seraphita, I simply meant that you referred to me as the only 
woman left on FFL.

/Seraphita gender has not been established, and it matters not anyway - 
everyone should be offended at the recent graphic image posted by Salya 
- he should apologize to the entire group, if he has any sense of 
decency. Or, the moderators should post a warning to him at least that 
this kind of behavior will not be tolerated./

Hopefully I'll get a chance tomorrow to post my notes.

/At present this would probably be a waste of time and effort on FFL - 
you would probably make better use of your time by posting this 
information to The Peak or some other TM oriented Yahoo forum. This 
forum is no longer friendly to TMers - in fact, it is hostile.

You're much too good to be posting here, Share./

*From:* 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Sunday, November 30, 2014 8:28 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick - Stop The Abuse, was, Words of 

On 11/30/2014 8:00 PM, Share Long wrote:

 Richard, what about Seraphita?

I've got no problem with the Seraphita, Share.

It's some of the other informants that I have a problem with for posting
offensive comments to the group showing their gender bias and for
attempting to turn the forum into an discussion suitable only for
adults. I can ignore most of the abusive personal comments, but my
ex-wife in California has forbidden two of my minor grandchildren from
reading this site, due to the graphic nature of some of their comments
and posting of sexually explicit images and at times, perverted comments.

This is supposed to be a family-oriented site, not a place to post

Rick and Alex know I am in the right on this - I don't know why they are
ignoring my requests to stop the abuse. If Rick continues to ignore my
request to warn the offenders to desist, he will leave me with no other
recourse than to alert and forward to the Yahoo Administrators copies of
the offending posts along with a request that this forum be reclassified
as an adult only group.

All I am asking is a response and for the respondents to show some
common decency - seriously, is that too much to ask?

 Anyway, did you get a chance to listen to the George Hammond

No, but I am waiting for a full report from my initiator, Jerry Jarvis.


[FairfieldLife] Serial Liars, was Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/30/2014 11:35 PM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

*/In retrospect who he reminds me of the most in terms of the fluidity 
of his delivery and his seeming honest comfort with the outrageous 
stories he's telling is Carlos Castaneda. When I met him, he was 
exactly the same way -- so sure of himself and so fluid in the way he 
described don Juan and the magical things that went on around him 
that you felt you almost *had* to believe it.


/Other experiences I would place in this category would be firsthand 
witnessing of the siddhis.  Things like invisibility, true levitation 
(sitting or walking on air for long periods of time), etc.  I worked 
with a guy who did that stuff.  Big whoop.  I knew then and I know now 
that the ability to do these things has nothing whatsoever to do with 
whether one is enlightened or not.  But witnessing these phenomena is a 
real hoot, and much, much more./

From: Uncle Tantra
Subject: Re: Meditation that is Transcendental
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 2003-07-24 13:29:48 PST

*/Then later I learned more about Carlos. Turns out that there was 
strong evidence of him being a serial liar and psychopathic liar 
all of his life. It was a pattern that was already present long before 
he came to the US to study at UCLA. In gaining his original student 
status he'd lied about his original name, where he came from in South 
America, and failed to mention that he'd abandoned a wife and kid 
there. /*

Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

2014-12-01 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
salyavin, you posted a comment with the c word in it and you called Richard a 
crude name. How is my reading of those events obscured? And those were 
expressions of your opinion, not reality. I've expressed my opinions about 
Richard before. I recognize that he posts a lot and repeats a lot. BUT, I don't 
find the tone of his posts malicious. imo that's the essence of trollness. 

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:37 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

OMG, Richard, what happened to salyavin? He used to sound pretty even tempered 
and reasonable. Now he's saying vile stuff to you. And using the c word! Jeez...

What is it that obscures your view of reality Share? Even if you randomly read 
only 1% of Willy's posts you'll know he is a pointless troll whose only 
purpose here is to annoy people. How mature do you think that is?
This why he hasn't gone to play on Jim's site, because he's got nothing to say 
that isn't deliberately aggravating to someone, so who would want him? Unless 
Jim is playing a the enemy of my enemy is my friend game, he isn't going to 
want 300 dumb and predictable posts littering the place up every week. So we're 
stuck with him until someone starts a say nothing as many times as you like 
site. 10 years he's been doing it. At least!
The longer he stays as the only troll here the stupider he is going to look, so 
he's welcome to waste his life nagging at me, it bothers me not one jot.
  From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 1:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query
 On 11/30/2014 9:44 AM, Share Longwrote:


  dearRichard, I'll really miss you. Thank you for all thelaughter and 
knowledge and good you've brought into mylife. all the best always to you and 
Rita and your wholefamily,Share

Thanks. Maybe you should considersubscribing to The Peak.

  From:'Richard J. Williams' 
Sent:Monday, November 17, 2014 11:16 AM
Subject:Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

 On11/17/2014 9:58 AM, Share Long wrote:

  Richard, Itried this last night but didn'tnotice anything different. Maybe 
cuzI didn't sit up in bed when I didit? And I forgot to do it thismorning. 
Nonetheless, will soldieron, thanks again for posting.

Thetechnique may not work for justanyone. Apparently MMY dropped usingthis 
technique himself for somereason, but I found it quiteenjoyable. 

People usually think thoughts justbefore going to sleep but quite oftenthey are 
just random thinking withoutany direction. 

Until I was taught the NightTechnique by Satyanand, I usedanother technique 
that I developedmyself - you simply think of somethingpositive to look forward 
to the nextday and then slip into sleep. 

It works too, but not as well. Thereis something about the directed 
soundvibration than is a subtle relaxingfeeling with the bija mantra - LayaYoga 
while you sleep.

  From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@...[FairfieldLife]
Sent:Sunday, November 16,2014 8:20 AM
Subject:Re: [FairfieldLife]Lucid-dreaming query

 On 11/15/2014 5:22 PM,s3raphitawrote:

So last night I had alucidexperiencewhile dreaming(it's happeneda few 
timesbefore -alwaysinvoluntary asI've neverbothered tofollow 
thetechniquesrecommended bydevotees ofthisperception).At least Iassume it 
wasa lucid-dreamexperience - Isuppose onecould have anormal dreamwhich 
includedthe falsethought thatone was lucidwhen in factone wasn't (ifyou can 
followthatexplanation).What's more, Iwoke up (forreal), musedabout thedream for 
aminute, thenfell asleepagain andimmediatelywent back intothe same 
dreamlandscape inthe sameself-conscious,lucid state.Now I'd heard thatwhen in 
alucid dreamyou can alterthedreamscapeto suityourself. Soyou might findit 
amusing toflip over intobeing a Zeropilot on akamikazemission anddiving intothe 
GoldenDome inFairfield.Whateverfloats yourboat. Anyway,though I 
waslucidlyself-awarethat I wasindeeddreaming Icouldn'tchange 
thestorynarrationunfoldingbefore me sojust left thedream to runits 
coursewhileabsorbing thenovelexperience.Myquestion is:is there sometrick 
togetting thedream tochange to suityour whim oris it a caseof practicemakes 
perfect?Or maybe mostlucid dreamsare like mine?Or maybe mywill power 
isfeeblecompared withmy imaginativepower andothers have amore dominantwill?

Thetrick is topractice aLaya Yogatechnique welearned fromSatyanand: 

Whenyou are readyfor sleep youjust sit up inbed and thenlet your bijamantra 
rest atthe heartchakra for afew minutes.That way, thesubtlecurrents 
fromyourIstadevatawill permeateyour entirebeing whileyou sleep. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick - Stop The Abuse, was, Words of Wisdom...

2014-12-01 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Thanks, Richard and my hope is that you enjoy a group that sees all the 
goodness in you that I see. I did feel sad this morning when there were mainly 
a bunch of posts from turq and salyavin. So I took a peek at The Peak. My 
conclusion: the Hatfield and the McCoys are better together than apart! imho 
(-:  From: 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 6:32 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick - Stop The Abuse, was, Words of Wisdom...
 On 11/30/2014 9:00 PM, Share Long wrote:
     I remember two times when the camera zoomed in on Jerry in the audience. 
Once he had his eyes closed and once he looked like he was listening very 
 Jerry Jarvis was my initiator at the first SIMS course back in 1967. 
  WRT Seraphita, I simply meant that you referred to me as the only woman left 
on FFL. 
 Seraphita gender has not been established, and it matters not anyway - 
everyone should be offended at the recent graphic image posted by Salya - he 
should apologize to the entire group, if he has any sense of decency. Or, the 
moderators should post a warning to him at least that this kind of behavior 
will not be tolerated.
 Hopefully I'll get a chance tomorrow to post my notes. 
 At present this would probably be a waste of time and effort on FFL - you 
would probably make better use of your time by posting this information to The 
Peak or some other TM oriented Yahoo forum. This forum is no longer friendly to 
TMers - in fact, it is hostile. 
 You're much too good to be posting here, Share.

  From: 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 8:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rick - Stop The Abuse, was, Words of Wisdom...
    On 11/30/2014 8:00 PM, Share Long wrote:
  Richard, what about Seraphita? 
 I've got no problem with the Seraphita, Share.
 It's some of the other informants that I have a problem with for posting 
 offensive comments to the group showing their gender bias and for 
 attempting to turn the forum into an discussion suitable only for 
 adults. I can ignore most of the abusive personal comments, but my 
 ex-wife in California has forbidden two of my minor grandchildren from 
 reading this site, due to the graphic nature of some of their comments 
 and posting of sexually explicit images and at times, perverted comments.
 This is supposed to be a family-oriented site, not a place to post 
 Rick and Alex know I am in the right on this - I don't know why they are 
 ignoring my requests to stop the abuse. If Rick continues to ignore my 
 request to warn the offenders to desist, he will leave me with no other 
 recourse than to alert and forward to the Yahoo Administrators copies of 
 the offending posts along with a request that this forum be reclassified 
 as an adult only group.
 All I am asking is a response and for the respondents to show some 
 common decency - seriously, is that too much to ask?
  Anyway, did you get a chance to listen to the George Hammond 
 No, but I am waiting for a full report from my initiator, Jerry Jarvis.
  #yiv5482652930 #yiv5482652930 -- #yiv5482652930ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Dear Rick

2014-12-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/30/2014 11:41 PM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

*/I hear that Willy has *his* own porn site, and this is one of his 
favorite pics:  :-)/*

If Rick has any integrity, Barry Wright will be banned from posting to 
FFL for posting porn as text AND linked images. Rick?

*/Ah, but can you teach a prairie dog (or at the very least, a prairie 
dog...uh...lover) new tricks?  :-)/*

If Barry had any integrity, he would just apologize to the group and 
then dialog like a Gentleman. This is probably impossible for Barry, 
considering his present state of mind. Go figure.

*/Good point about his trolling standing out now that the other serial 
haters have moved on.../*

The only thing that stands out now is Barry's ego. The term /'Internet 
Troll'/ is frequently abused to slander opponents in heated debates and 
is frequently misapplied by those who are ignorant of Internet etiquette.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

2014-12-01 Thread salyavin808


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Salyavin, you posted a comment with the c word in it and you called Richard a 
crude name. How is my reading of those events obscured? And those were 
expressions of your opinion, not reality. I've expressed my opinions about 
Richard before. I recognize that he posts a lot and repeats a lot. BUT, I don't 
find the tone of his posts malicious. imo that's the essence of trollness. 


 You are funny. He doesn't engage, he has no opinion that he wants to talk 
about, he comes here just to piss people off, what else do you need to know? 
It's called trolling. Annoying people for your own amusement. If it makes him 
happy I'm happy to ignore him. 

 What I did do yesterday was point out how much he stands out now that the 
others have gone. I shall go back to ignoring him and he'll either leave or die 
of boredom by the end of the week. Actually, I don't suppose he will, he wants 
to piss in the well until no one else wants to visit this place. Some sort of 
childish last-man-standing sort of thing. Good luck to him if that's how he 
wants to waste his life.

 He should join Jim's group and see if he can rediscover his personality before 
it's too late. But actually conversing requires thinking and that takes effort. 
I doubt he'll bother.

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:37 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 OMG, Richard, what happened to salyavin? He used to sound pretty even tempered 
and reasonable. Now he's saying vile stuff to you. And using the c word! Jeez...


What is it that obscures your view of reality Share? Even if you randomly read 
only 1% of Willy's posts you'll know he is a pointless troll whose only 
purpose here is to annoy people. How mature do you think that is?

 This why he hasn't gone to play on Jim's site, because he's got nothing to say 
that isn't deliberately aggravating to someone, so who would want him? Unless 
Jim is playing a the enemy of my enemy is my friend game, he isn't going to 
want 300 dumb and predictable posts littering the place up every week. So we're 
stuck with him until someone starts a say nothing as many times as you like 
site. 10 years he's been doing it. At least!

 The longer he stays as the only troll here the stupider he is going to look, 
so he's welcome to waste his life nagging at me, it bothers me not one jot.
 From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 1:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query
 On 11/30/2014 9:44 AM, Share Long wrote:
   dear Richard, I'll really miss you. Thank you for all the laughter and 
knowledge and good you've brought into my life. all the best always to you and 
Rita and your whole family,

 Thanks. Maybe you should consider subscribing to The Peak.
 From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... mailto:punditster@... 
 Sent: Monday, November 17, 2014 11:16 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query
 On 11/17/2014 9:58 AM, Share Long wrote:

   Richard, I tried this last night but didn't notice anything different. Maybe 
cuz I didn't sit up in bed when I did it? And I forgot to do it this morning. 
Nonetheless, will soldier on, thanks again for posting.

 The technique may not work for just anyone. Apparently MMY dropped using this 
technique himself for some reason, but I found it quite enjoyable. 
 People usually think thoughts just before going to sleep but quite often they 
are just random thinking without any direction. 
 Until I was taught the Night Technique by Satyanand, I used another 
technique that I developed myself - you simply think of something positive to 
look forward to the next day and then slip into sleep. 
 It works too, but not as well. There is something about the directed sound 
vibration than is a subtle relaxing feeling with the bija mantra - Laya Yoga 
while you sleep.
 From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... mailto:punditster@... 
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 8:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query
 On 11/15/2014 5:22 PM, s3raphita wrote:

 So last night I had a lucid experience while dreaming (it's happened a few 
times before - always involuntary as I've never bothered to follow the 
techniques recommended by devotees of this perception). At least I assume it 
was a lucid-dream experience - I suppose one 

[FairfieldLife] Hagelin's Response

2014-12-01 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
My advanced psychic powers are enabling me to see that even now Little Johnnie 
Hagelin is composing a response to George Hammond's self indulgent 3 hour 
spiritual fantasy.
To All Recertified Governors of the TM Movement:
We, the leadership of the TM Movement are aware of the presentation of our good 
friend George Hammond. We feel that we must respond to certain points of his 
very nice presentation.
First, if you are a recertified Governor, it was not a good thing for you to be 
in that room. If you watched it online, that was not a good thing either. 

You should not have done such a thing. You have created some very bad karma for 
yourself. If you did so (and we have a list of names of those of you who were 
there) you would be well advised to take steps to mitigate such karma. 

The best way to alleviate this karma will be to make a donation to the 
Maharishi Yagya Programme, of which I am the head honcho. 

The donation needs to be at least $10,000, US. If you are a Recertified 
Governor of modest means, you can make monthly payments till the karma is paid 
If you were watching this broadcast and were not a recertified Governor and 
would one day like to become recertified, you will need to make a $20,000 
donation to the yagya programme.
As to our friend Mr. Hammond's words, be advised that you absolutely MUST do 
puja when teaching TM. 

In essence, everything Hammond said is nonsense, except for the part about 
there being no rules for sexual behavior. That one I do agree with.
I would write more, but we have a new batch of nubile female students coming on 
campus and I have to go make my selection, er, um I mean I need to go be a good 
ambassador to these lovely ladies.
So Jai Guru Dev and go ahead and make out those checks to the yagya programme!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 12/1/2014 1:24 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

*/I kinda figured this would happen. I've always assumed that most of 
this complaining that they were driven away from FFL and forced to 
migrate to the Let Us Be Boring Together group was 1) mere posturing, 
and 2) a veritable case study in lack of self-knowledge.


/Maybe they just want to be friends./

*/They just made a pretense of stalking off in a snit and being 
persecuted, but anyone who has been watching the actual traffic here 
knows that the folks who left for the gentle speech group (and 
especially its founder) were some of the most volatile creators of 
vile-speak FFL has ever seen./*

/Barry sounds kind of concerned about some friends starting their own 
discussion group without him. Go figure. /

*/My bet? They'll be back. /*

*//Barry seems to be running out of targets. My bet is that his next 
target will be Share and the other Barry. Maybe we should start a 
contest to see who can predict who Barry will attack next.

*/(You'll notice that none of them seem to have actually unsubscribed 
from FFL.) /*

Barry seems to be the only informant that has checked this out. Maybe 
Barry has a list. Go figure.

*/They'll miss being able to get up on their high and might pulpits 
and dump on the people they don't like, and they've boxed themselves 
in on the new group so they can't do it there without being laughed 
out of Yahoo Group Town, so they'll do drive-bys on FFL just to get 
their rocks off by complaining about the people they feel superior to.


OMG! Is Barry implying that someone doesn't like him?

*/Buck is just the first example of one of them doing that. There will 
be more.../*

So, how would Barry be knowing that Buck left and then came back to FFL?

*From:* [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Monday, December 1, 2014 3:28 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

Dear Yahoo-Groups Guideline Police: I have long pleaded for a
higher power to come in here and help clean this place up. I
welcome your arrival. Hopefully you can help us mediate and even
help revive all that was once really good about FairfieldLife as a
Yahoo-group community. I am one of the longest surviving original
members of this forum and well know its ways. I am actually on of
the few  FFL member participants on the ground here in Fairfield,
Iowa and I should be glad to be of administrative assistance for
you if you need help controlling this out-of-hand group. -Buck in
Fairfield, Iowa

Dear RD;
Good Point RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to 
save' people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who 
are otherwise comfortable having dealt with their own moral 
dissonances within their own community in their own terms to their own 
spiritual ends. Who are these neganauts to interfere with the internal 
affairs of others any way? It seems incredibly arrogant on their part 
to come in here and try to methodically disturb people's peace. It 
seems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to use such 
defamatory language the way they do. Having learned their own 
particular histories as they have related them on FFL through time 
then sympathetically when considering these guys as sources of 
anything spiritual they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that 
their abuse of the unguarded cultural openness of this community has 
allowed them to take over the flower that was FFL with their 
negativity and erode off our our more seasoned reasoned and 
experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

raunchydog wrote :

Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of 
pushing buttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I 
usually respond to by making fun of you. What I find funny is your 
delusion that inventing an offensive straw-man (offensive to any 
normal human being) in order to push true believer buttons will 
somehow expose and perhaps liberate them from TMO/MMY delusions. You 
never seem to get is how people respond to you is about your offensive 
behavior, period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are a 
narcissistic, self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your 
failed mission to wake up perceived cultists from *your* cult 
nightmare IS NOT WORKING. You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you 
have experienced in the past by projecting unresolved pain onto others.

Granted, implying the police ought to investigate you as a child 
abuser is a bridge too far. Let's just say you brought it on yourself 
and leave it at that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hagelin's Response

2014-12-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
For sure, the upper echelon of the movement likely watched the whole thing, as 
it does have the potential to affect the bottom line and fragment the movement. 
For me, I saw about 30 seconds of the presentation and went to lunch, so I am 
just relying on what others here have said Hammond said. As soon as a spiritual 
leader dies, and sometimes even before, the nutters are free to take wing, and 
the fragmentation and disintegration of whatever that teacher taught begins 
among the followers. It is just the way it happens.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 My advanced psychic powers are enabling me to see that even now Little Johnnie 
Hagelin is composing a response to George Hammond's self indulgent 3 hour 
spiritual fantasy.

 To All Recertified Governors of the TM Movement:

 We, the leadership of the TM Movement are aware of the presentation of our 
good friend George Hammond. We feel that we must respond to certain points of 
his very nice presentation.

 First, if you are a recertified Governor, it was not a good thing for you to 
be in that room. If you watched it online, that was not a good thing either. 


 You should not have done such a thing. You have created some very bad karma 
for yourself. If you did so (and we have a list of names of those of you who 
were there) you would be well advised to take steps to mitigate such karma. 


 The best way to alleviate this karma will be to make a donation to the 
Maharishi Yagya Programme, of which I am the head honcho. 


 The donation needs to be at least $10,000, US. If you are a Recertified 
Governor of modest means, you can make monthly payments till the karma is paid 

 If you were watching this broadcast and were not a recertified Governor and 
would one day like to become recertified, you will need to make a $20,000 
donation to the yagya programme.

 As to our friend Mr. Hammond's words, be advised that you absolutely MUST do 
puja when teaching TM. 


 In essence, everything Hammond said is nonsense, except for the part about 
there being no rules for sexual behavior. That one I do agree with.

 I would write more, but we have a new batch of nubile female students coming 
on campus and I have to go make my selection, er, um I mean I need to go be a 
good ambassador to these lovely ladies.

 So Jai Guru Dev and go ahead and make out those checks to the yagya programme!

[FairfieldLife] Buck, is this true?

2014-12-01 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
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[FairfieldLife] Re: For those still interested in the Rosetta mission

2014-12-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It would have been a boon if the lander had landed upright and attached itself 
to the comet so when the comet approached the sun, it could measure the 
sublimation of gases from the surface instead of from afar, and measured other 
surface changes on site. I am not sure photography would have added much beyond 
the initial landing images, but out-gassing of a comet's tail has been 
photographed close up before from other spacecraft and this is something the 
Rosetta orbiter will do because it has a much better viewpoint.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 This is from my friend who works on this project for the ESA:

 Rosetta continues into its full science phase
 Rosetta continues into its full science phase
 With the Philae lander’s mission complete, Rosetta will now continue its own 
extraordinary exploration, orbiting Comet 67P/Churymov–Gerasimenko during the 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


[FairfieldLife] Re: Buck, is this true?

2014-12-01 Thread [FairfieldLife] The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic Are farmers saturating 
wheat crops with Monsanto's Roundup herbicide as a desiccant to facilitate a 
quicker harvest?
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In, wrote :

 The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it's not the gluten) | The Healthy Home 
 The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it's not the gluten) | T...
 The real reason you need to stop eating toxic wheat even if you don't 
currently have a wheat or gluten sensitivity.

 View on www.thehealthyhome...
 Preview by Yahoo



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread salyavin808


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Salyavin, from your comments I wonder if you've ever NOT done your TM. What 


 What happened is what happens. Minus the belief stage. Without that, what is 
it really? More, less or identical? There's only one way to find out.

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 but that doesn't mean he didn't do a lot in teaching meditation and 
popularising spiritual seeking 


 This is something that even M's critics sometimes say, and I disagree. He 
wasn't the only huckster from India trying to make a living hawking his 
country's esoteric blabber as ultimate knowledge. What he did that made him 
seem to eclipse the others was he got lucky. The Beatles fell for his Anton 
Mesmer routine and he got tremendous amounts of attention from the news media 
due to them. And we see that they were done with him in less than a year. 


 True but he did popularise meditation. I sure wouldn't be doing it if it 
wasn't for him!

 I'm just being charitable as like TM, I'm as aware as anyone here how the TMO 
turned out. I've seen the madness myself. Sat in the same room as it but I 
worked out what was going on and it never got it's claws into me. Not like it 
has poor old George Hammond.

 TM still works I just don't think it's doing what was promised. While it's 
better than not doing it I shall continue.

 Were it not for the Beatles, he would have been another long haired Indian 
vying for the attention of the gullible masses. He deserves no credit for 
popularizing meditation since he did it for total self serving purposes, 
which is I believe in direct contravention to any number of Hindu and Vedic 
admonishments to the contrary. 


 Gullible masses or genuine seekers? Or does that end up as the same thing? I 
think there is a need or desire in everyone to go beyond what they are and 
experience something profound. We seem wired that way, I sure am I'm just 
re-evaluating what the experience means. 

 And what did his teaching produce? Such men as George Hammond who are willing 
to stand in front of an audience and make a big ol' donkey of themselves 
spouting things that are obvious hallucinations and made up bullshit. Come on.

 LOL, you've got me there. Marshy would have seen what was happening with his 
devotees and didn't stop it. Encouraged it too. Introducing John Hagelin as the 
man who finished Einteins work is a case in point. Without the idea that he was 
some sort of superman a lot of the TMO wouldn't have happened. It's easier to 
get people working hard growing the movement when they think it's divinely 
inspired. But at least we now know that Jehovah and Jesus approved. Phew!

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 4:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 I am going back and looking at this from the beginning - what a bunch of crap. 
I think this guy is using the I talked to Marshy deal as a platform to 
attract an audience to get 'em to listen to his off the wall beliefs.  Just 
another (sincere) huckster following in Marshy's footsteps who was himself as 
one of the most successful hucksters in the 20th century.



What if it was true and all these Gods did exist and had meetings together, 
would they actually accept Maharishi as one of their great representatives 
among mankind? To answer yes is to elevate him to the same historical standing 
as the others. I'm pretty sure that isn't going to happen worldwide, but that 
doesn't mean he didn't do a lot in teaching meditation and popularising 
spiritual seeking - at least at first . My worry is all the obvious profit 
making through selling of prayers and bullshit cult philosophy that the TMO 
does, I can't see Jehovah getting off on that. Or maybe he'd be pissed off that 
he didn't think of it first?

 It is nice that the gods all get along with each other though. There's an old 
atheist saw that says You only believe in one of the thousands of gods, I just 
believe in one less than you Now we know that we can believe in all of them! 
The idea that they are all faces of the same thing must be wrong, and I always 
thought that was a good idea of Marshy's - very inclusive -  I see that Hammond 
forgot that part of his teaching. Surprised he wasn't reminded by the man 

 But I can't help thinking they'd all be more at odds with each other.The 
eastern and western religions really were different, the old testament god was 
a total wanker, vindictive and merciless. And the eastern ones were all 
fundamentalist, caste based anti-feminist fatalists. When did it 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hagelin's Response

2014-12-01 Thread salyavin808

 He said Jai Guru Dev at the end. You can tell he didn't really watch the 
presentation as we all know we don't have to do that any more.

 I wonder if anyone other than the top brass in the TMO actually watched it, 
and if they did I wonder what they thought. I think that even a hardened 
purusha would have a job believing that all the world's deities exist and are 
good friends with each other. And that they all speak through George Hammond. 
Especially with that song at the end.

 Try as I might I can't see anyone I know actually believing that Marshy would 
preach through someone other than King Tony. Because they really take his word 
as gospel just like they used to with the reesh. I bet it's that rather than 
the fact that he's dead that would stop them though.

 But I'm mailing in my yagya donation just in case

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 My advanced psychic powers are enabling me to see that even now Little Johnnie 
Hagelin is composing a response to George Hammond's self indulgent 3 hour 
spiritual fantasy.

 To All Recertified Governors of the TM Movement:

 We, the leadership of the TM Movement are aware of the presentation of our 
good friend George Hammond. We feel that we must respond to certain points of 
his very nice presentation.

 First, if you are a recertified Governor, it was not a good thing for you to 
be in that room. If you watched it online, that was not a good thing either. 


 You should not have done such a thing. You have created some very bad karma 
for yourself. If you did so (and we have a list of names of those of you who 
were there) you would be well advised to take steps to mitigate such karma. 


 The best way to alleviate this karma will be to make a donation to the 
Maharishi Yagya Programme, of which I am the head honcho. 


 The donation needs to be at least $10,000, US. If you are a Recertified 
Governor of modest means, you can make monthly payments till the karma is paid 

 If you were watching this broadcast and were not a recertified Governor and 
would one day like to become recertified, you will need to make a $20,000 
donation to the yagya programme.

 As to our friend Mr. Hammond's words, be advised that you absolutely MUST do 
puja when teaching TM. 


 In essence, everything Hammond said is nonsense, except for the part about 
there being no rules for sexual behavior. That one I do agree with.

 I would write more, but we have a new batch of nubile female students coming 
on campus and I have to go make my selection, er, um I mean I need to go be a 
good ambassador to these lovely ladies.

 So Jai Guru Dev and go ahead and make out those checks to the yagya programme!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hagelin's Response

2014-12-01 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808

He said Jai Guru Dev at the end. You can tell he didn't really watch the 
presentation as we all know we don't have to do that any more.
I wonder if anyone other than the top brass in the TMO actually watched it, and 
if they did I wonder what they thought. I think that even a hardened purusha 
would have a job believing that all the world's deities exist and are good 
friends with each other. And that they all speak through George Hammond. 
Especially with that song at the end.
Because many of you aren't around young kids and thus forced to watch the 
movies they like, I will explain that reference. He set it up at the beginning 
of the talk, when he did that riff about it not being necessary to believe all 
of this, even if a Big Blue Genie was saying it. Then at the end he did his 
rendition of the end of the Friend Like Me song from Aladdin, with the Big 
Blue Genie being performed and sung in that film by the late Robin Williams:
Aladdin - Friend Like Me [High Quality]

|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| Aladdin - Friend Like Me [High Quality] |
|  |
| View on | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |

Try as I might I can't see anyone I know actually believing that Marshy would 
preach through someone other than King Tony. Because they really take his word 
as gospel just like they used to with the reesh. I bet it's that rather than 
the fact that he's dead that would stop them though.
But I'm mailing in my yagya donation just in case

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

My advanced psychic powers are enabling me to see that even now Little Johnnie 
Hagelin is composing a response to George Hammond's self indulgent 3 hour 
spiritual fantasy.
To All Recertified Governors of the TM Movement:
We, the leadership of the TM Movement are aware of the presentation of our good 
friend George Hammond. We feel that we must respond to certain points of his 
very nice presentation.
First, if you are a recertified Governor, it was not a good thing for you to be 
in that room. If you watched it online, that was not a good thing either. 

You should not have done such a thing. You have created some very bad karma for 
yourself. If you did so (and we have a list of names of those of you who were 
there) you would be well advised to take steps to mitigate such karma. 

The best way to alleviate this karma will be to make a donation to the 
Maharishi Yagya Programme, of which I am the head honcho. 

The donation needs to be at least $10,000, US. If you are a Recertified 
Governor of modest means, you can make monthly payments till the karma is paid 
If you were watching this broadcast and were not a recertified Governor and 
would one day like to become recertified, you will need to make a $20,000 
donation to the yagya programme.
As to our friend Mr. Hammond's words, be advised that you absolutely MUST do 
puja when teaching TM. 

In essence, everything Hammond said is nonsense, except for the part about 
there being no rules for sexual behavior. That one I do agree with.
I would write more, but we have a new batch of nubile female students coming on 
campus and I have to go make my selection, er, um I mean I need to go be a good 
ambassador to these lovely ladies.
So Jai Guru Dev and go ahead and make out those checks to the yagya programme!
  #yiv7940852342 #yiv7940852342 -- #yiv7940852342ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv7940852342 
#yiv7940852342ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv7940852342 
#yiv7940852342ygrp-mkp #yiv7940852342hd 
0;}#yiv7940852342 #yiv7940852342ygrp-mkp #yiv7940852342ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv7940852342 #yiv7940852342ygrp-mkp .yiv7940852342ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv7940852342 #yiv7940852342ygrp-mkp .yiv7940852342ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv7940852342 #yiv7940852342ygrp-mkp .yiv7940852342ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv7940852342 #yiv7940852342ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv7940852342ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv7940852342 
#yiv7940852342ygrp-sponsor #yiv7940852342ygrp-lc #yiv7940852342hd {margin:10px 
#yiv7940852342ygrp-sponsor #yiv7940852342ygrp-lc .yiv7940852342ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv7940852342 #yiv7940852342actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv7940852342 
 #yiv7940852342activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv7940852342 
#yiv7940852342activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv7940852342 #yiv7940852342activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv7940852342 #yiv7940852342activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv7940852342 #yiv7940852342activity span 
.yiv7940852342underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv7940852342 

[FairfieldLife] Gender Bias, was Lucid-dreaming query

2014-12-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

OMG, Richard, what happened to salyavin? He used to sound pretty even 
tempered and reasonable. Now he's saying vile stuff to you. And using 
the c word! Jeez...

On 12/1/2014 1:37 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

What is it that obscures your view of reality Share?

/Probably what obscures her view is that you have not apologized for 
calling Share the c word. So, she appreciates my demand that you do 
so. It was very mean for you to do that, Salya. You know that I am right 
on this. It was mean and derogatory./ /Why don't you just man-up and 
apologize? //It's not complicated to admit you made a mistake and 
exhibited your gender bias./

Even if you randomly read only 1% of Willy's posts you'll know he is a 
pointless troll whose only purpose here is to annoy people. How 
mature do you think that is?

/Non sequitur./

This why he hasn't gone to play on Jim's site, because he's got 
nothing to say that isn't deliberately aggravating to someone, so who 
would want him? Unless Jim is playing a the enemy of my enemy is my 
friend game, he isn't going to want 300 dumb and predictable posts 
littering the place up every week. So we're stuck with him until 
someone starts a say nothing as many times as you like site. 10 
years he's been doing it. At least!

/Non sequitur./

The longer he stays as the only troll here the stupider he is going to 
look, so he's welcome to waste his life nagging at me, it bothers me 
not one jot.

/Non sequitur./ /Calling someone a troll makes assumptions about a 
writer's motives that are impossible to determine. The term troll is 
highly subjective, and some posts will look like trolling to some while 
seeming like meaningful contributions to others./

*From:* 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Sunday, November 30, 2014 1:06 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

On 11/30/2014 9:44 AM, Share Long wrote:

dear Richard, I'll really miss you. Thank you for all the
laughter and knowledge and good you've brought into my life. all
the best always to you and Rita and your whole family,

/Thanks. Maybe you should consider subscribing to The Peak./

*From:* 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@...
mailto:punditster@... [FairfieldLife]
*Sent:* Monday, November 17, 2014 11:16 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

On 11/17/2014 9:58 AM, Share Long wrote:

Richard, I tried this last night but didn't notice anything
different. Maybe cuz I didn't sit up in bed when I did it? And I
forgot to do it this morning. Nonetheless, will soldier on,
thanks again for posting.

/The technique may not work for just anyone. Apparently MMY
dropped using this technique himself for some reason, but I found
it quite enjoyable.

People usually think thoughts just before going to sleep but
quite often they are just random thinking without any direction.

Until I was taught the Night Technique by Satyanand, I used
another technique that I developed myself - you simply think of
something positive to look forward to the next day and then slip
into sleep.

It works too, but not as well. There is something about the
directed sound vibration than is a subtle relaxing feeling with
the bija mantra - Laya Yoga while you sleep./

*From:* 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@...
mailto:punditster@... [FairfieldLife]
*Sent:* Sunday, November 16, 2014 8:20 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

On 11/15/2014 5:22 PM, s3raphita wrote:

So last night I had a lucid experience while dreaming (it's
happened a few times before - always involuntary as I've never
bothered to follow the techniques recommended by devotees of
this perception). At least I assume it was a lucid-dream
experience - I suppose one could have a normal dream which
included the false thought that one was lucid when in fact one
wasn't (if you can follow that explanation). What's more, I
woke up (for real), mused about the dream for a minute, then
fell asleep again and immediately went back into the same dream
landscape in the same self-conscious, lucid state.
Now I'd heard that when in a lucid dream you can alter the

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

*/I kinda figured this would happen. I've always assumed that most of 
this complaining that they were driven away from FFL and forced to 
migrate to the Let Us Be Boring Together group was 1) mere posturing, 
and 2) a veritable case study in lack of self-knowledge.

*/They just made a pretense of stalking off in a snit and being 
persecuted, but anyone who has been watching the actual traffic here 
knows that the folks who left for the gentle speech group (and 
especially its founder) were some of the most volatile creators of 
vile-speak FFL has ever seen.


On 12/1/2014 2:01 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

I always said they should be careful what they wish for. Without 
people to rag on they'll be bored shitless.

It probably works both ways - if there were no female respondents on the 
forum, who would you show your gender bias to? It's not so much you made 
a mistake, but what is really surprising is the approval you seem to 
have earned for posting it. Why is it that Share and I are the only ones 
that see it as a gender bias?


*/My bet? They'll be back. (You'll notice that none of them seem to 
have actually unsubscribed from FFL.) They'll miss being able to get 
up on their high and might pulpits and dump on the people they don't 
like, and they've boxed themselves in on the new group so they can't 
do it there without being laughed out of Yahoo Group Town, so they'll 
do drive-bys on FFL just to get their rocks off by complaining about 
the people they feel superior to.

*/Buck is just the first example of one of them doing that. There will 
be more.../*

Why does Buck think he has to save us from ourselves? I can't imagine 
being so up myself that someone with a different opinion is out of 
hand and needs a higher power. Now he's got somewhere else to play 
that's so much better, why doesn't he just go?

/Non sequitur.//If you weren't so up yourself you would have 
apologized to the whole group for posting the c word. Why is that so 
difficult for you to understand? /

I reckon he'll miss us, or miss feeling superior about us.

/Non sequitur./

*From:* dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Monday, December 1, 2014 3:28 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

Dear Yahoo-Groups Guideline Police: I have long pleaded for a
higher power to come in here and help clean this place up. I
welcome your arrival. Hopefully you can help us mediate and even
help revive all that was once really good about FairfieldLife as a
Yahoo-group community. I am one of the longest surviving original
members of this forum and well know its ways. I am actually on of
the few  FFL member participants on the ground here in Fairfield,
Iowa and I should be glad to be of administrative assistance for
you if you need help controlling this out-of-hand group. -Buck in
Fairfield, Iowa

Dear RD;
Good Point RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to 
save' people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who 
are otherwise comfortable having dealt with their own moral 
dissonances within their own community in their own terms to their own 
spiritual ends. Who are these neganauts to interfere with the internal 
affairs of others any way? It seems incredibly arrogant on their part 
to come in here and try to methodically disturb people's peace. It 
seems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to use such 
defamatory language the way they do. Having learned their own 
particular histories as they have related them on FFL through time 
then sympathetically when considering these guys as sources of 
anything spiritual they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that 
their abuse of the unguarded cultural openness of this community has 
allowed them to take over the flower that was FFL with their 
negativity and erode off our our more seasoned reasoned and 
experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

raunchydog wrote :

Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of 
pushing buttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I 
usually respond to by making fun of you. What I find funny is your 
delusion that inventing an offensive straw-man (offensive to any 
normal human being) in order to push true believer buttons will 
somehow expose and perhaps liberate them from TMO/MMY delusions. You 
never seem to get is how people respond to you is about your offensive 
behavior, period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are a 
narcissistic, self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your 
failed mission to wake up perceived cultists from *your* cult 
nightmare IS NOT WORKING. You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you 
have experienced in the past by projecting unresolved pain onto 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hagelin's Response

2014-12-01 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Evidently Jerry J believes it

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 9:36 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hagelin's Response
He said Jai Guru Dev at the end. You can tell he didn't really watch the 
presentation as we all know we don't have to do that any more.
I wonder if anyone other than the top brass in the TMO actually watched it, and 
if they did I wonder what they thought. I think that even a hardened purusha 
would have a job believing that all the world's deities exist and are good 
friends with each other. And that they all speak through George Hammond. 
Especially with that song at the end.
Try as I might I can't see anyone I know actually believing that Marshy would 
preach through someone other than King Tony. Because they really take his word 
as gospel just like they used to with the reesh. I bet it's that rather than 
the fact that he's dead that would stop them though.
But I'm mailing in my yagya donation just in case

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

My advanced psychic powers are enabling me to see that even now Little Johnnie 
Hagelin is composing a response to George Hammond's self indulgent 3 hour 
spiritual fantasy.
To All Recertified Governors of the TM Movement:
We, the leadership of the TM Movement are aware of the presentation of our good 
friend George Hammond. We feel that we must respond to certain points of his 
very nice presentation.
First, if you are a recertified Governor, it was not a good thing for you to be 
in that room. If you watched it online, that was not a good thing either. 

You should not have done such a thing. You have created some very bad karma for 
yourself. If you did so (and we have a list of names of those of you who were 
there) you would be well advised to take steps to mitigate such karma. 

The best way to alleviate this karma will be to make a donation to the 
Maharishi Yagya Programme, of which I am the head honcho. 

The donation needs to be at least $10,000, US. If you are a Recertified 
Governor of modest means, you can make monthly payments till the karma is paid 
If you were watching this broadcast and were not a recertified Governor and 
would one day like to become recertified, you will need to make a $20,000 
donation to the yagya programme.
As to our friend Mr. Hammond's words, be advised that you absolutely MUST do 
puja when teaching TM. 

In essence, everything Hammond said is nonsense, except for the part about 
there being no rules for sexual behavior. That one I do agree with.
I would write more, but we have a new batch of nubile female students coming on 
campus and I have to go make my selection, er, um I mean I need to go be a good 
ambassador to these lovely ladies.
So Jai Guru Dev and go ahead and make out those checks to the yagya programme!
  #yiv7861659030 #yiv7861659030 -- #yiv7861659030ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv7861659030 
#yiv7861659030ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv7861659030 
#yiv7861659030ygrp-mkp #yiv7861659030hd 
0;}#yiv7861659030 #yiv7861659030ygrp-mkp #yiv7861659030ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv7861659030 #yiv7861659030ygrp-mkp .yiv7861659030ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv7861659030 #yiv7861659030ygrp-mkp .yiv7861659030ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv7861659030 #yiv7861659030ygrp-mkp .yiv7861659030ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv7861659030 #yiv7861659030ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv7861659030ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv7861659030 
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#yiv7861659030ygrp-sponsor #yiv7861659030ygrp-lc .yiv7861659030ad 
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{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv7861659030 #yiv7861659030activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv7861659030 #yiv7861659030activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv7861659030 #yiv7861659030activity span 
.yiv7861659030underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv7861659030 
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{text-decoration:none;}#yiv7861659030 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv7861659030 .yiv7861659030bold 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buck, is this true?

2014-12-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Son, this thread is completely off topic here. As much as you want to drag me 
back down in to the mud of this forum now with a side excursion like this one 
you are proposing to take in the place of the serious discussion of spiritual 
things like FFL could have, I feel to pass on this one so as not to further 
dilute the soup of what could be substantial discussion on FFL otherwise. Go 
away to some nutrition forum for you answer to this question and don't waste 
the time of people on FFL. 
 The trigger of the smoking gun:
 Roundup/GMO's significantly disrupts the functioning of beneficial bacteria in 
the gut and contributes to permeability of the intestinal wall and consequent 
expression of autoimmune disease symptoms - See more at:
 PS, Italians generally have a different threshold of allergic reaction in 
their guts. It is a cultural thing. Americans are too damned antiseptic in the 
way they raise their kids now and hence culture over-reactivity in immune 
systems to too many things now,

 -Buck [after morning meditation] out standing in his fields feeding livestock 
near Fairfield, Iowa

mjackson74@... wrote :

 The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it's not the gluten) | The Healthy Home 
 The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it's not the gluten) | T...
 The real reason you need to stop eating toxic wheat even if you don't 
currently have a wheat or gluten sensitivity.

 View on www.thehealthyhome...
 Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Buck, is this true?

2014-12-01 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
First, Alex posted a reply that shows the allegation is false, apparently put 
out there by opponents of GMO's.
Second, I have asked you farming questions before since you are a farmer and 
you had no problem talking about crops, crop yields, organic vs. GMO all right 
there in Iowa. How this is an attempt to drag you in the mud is beyond me.
Third, I think you need serious mental counseling. I lay your obvious mental 
aberrations off on the years you have been a TM, TMSP and TMO junkie. How's 
that for bringing this thread back to the spiritual?

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 10:28 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Buck, is this true?
    Son, this thread is completely offtopic here. As much as you want to drag 
me back down in to the mud ofthis forum now with a side excursion like this one 
you are proposing totake in the place of the serious discussion of spiritual 
things likeFFL could have, I feel to pass on this one so as not to further 
dilutethe soup of what could be substantial discussion on FFL otherwise. Go 
away to some nutrition forum for you answer to this question and don'twaste the 
time of people on FFL. 

Thetrigger of the smoking gun:Roundup/GMO's significantly disrupts the 
functioning of beneficial bacteria in thegut and contributes to permeability of 
the intestinal wall andconsequent expression of autoimmune disease symptoms - 
See more 
PS, Italians generally have a differentthreshold of allergic reaction in their 
guts. It is a culturalthing. Americans are too damned antiseptic in the way 
they raisetheir kids now and hence culture over-reactivity in immune systems 
totoo many things now,
-Buck [after morning meditation] out standing in his fields feedinglivestock 
near Fairfield, Iowa

mjackson74@... wrote :

The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it's not the gluten) | The Healthy Home 
|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it's not the gluten) | T...The real reason 
you need to stop eating toxic wheat even if you don't currently have a wheat or 
gluten sensitivity. |
|  |
| View on www.thehealthyhome... | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |

    #yiv9595242862 #yiv9595242862 -- #yiv9595242862ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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[FairfieldLife] Posting the C Word, was Lucid-dreaming query

2014-12-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, you posted a comment with the c word in it and you called 
Richard a crude name. How is my reading of those events obscured? And 
those were expressions of your /opinion/, not reality. I've expressed 
my opinions about Richard before. I recognize that he posts a lot and 
repeats a lot. BUT, I don't find the tone of his posts malicious. imo 
that's the essence of trollness.

On 12/1/2014 7:05 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

You are funny. He doesn't engage, he has no opinion that he wants to 
talk about, he comes here just to piss people off, what else do you 
need to know? It's called trolling. Annoying people for your own 
amusement. If it makes him happy I'm happy to ignore him.

/Non sequitur. //Why can't you just apologize to Share and the other 
women on the forum for posting a gender biased cartoon? It's a very ugly 
thing to do on a public forum./

What I did do yesterday was point out how much he stands out now that 
the others have gone. I shall go back to ignoring him and he'll either 
leave or die of boredom by the end of the week. Actually, I don't 
suppose he will, he wants to piss in the well until no one else wants 
to visit this place. Some sort of childish last-man-standing sort of 
thing. Good luck to him if that's how he wants to waste his life.

/Non sequitur. All you have to do is address the fact that you posted 
the c word to Share and explain why you did. It doesn't make you look 
any better to try and discredit me. /

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Buck, is this true?

2014-12-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 12/1/2014 9:36 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:

First, Alex posted a reply that shows the allegation is false, 
apparently put out there by opponents of GMO's.

Second, I have asked you farming questions before since you are a 
farmer and you had no problem talking about crops, crop yields, 
organic vs. GMO all right there in Iowa. How this is an attempt to 
drag you in the mud is beyond me.

/Maybe because Buck thinks you are prejudiced against some Iowa farmers 
that do TM./

Third, I think you need serious mental counseling. I lay your obvious 
mental aberrations off on the years you have been a TM, TMSP and TMO 
junkie. How's that for bringing this thread back to the spiritual?

/Prejudice is a judgment toward people or a person or group based on 
their religion, race, place of birth, nationality, gender, social class, 
age, disability, sexuality, language, or other personal characteristics. /

*From:* [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Monday, December 1, 2014 10:28 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Buck, is this true?

Son, this thread is completely off topic here. As much as you want to 
drag me back down in to the mud of this forum now with a side 
excursion like this one you are proposing to take in the place of the 
serious discussion of spiritual things like FFL could have, I feel to 
pass on this one so as not to further dilute the soup of what could be 
substantial discussion on FFL otherwise. Go away to some nutrition 
forum for you answer to this question and don't waste the time of 
people on FFL.

The trigger of the smoking gun:
Roundup/GMO's significantly disrupts the functioning of beneficial 
bacteria in the gut and contributes to permeability of the intestinal 
wall and consequent expression of autoimmune disease symptoms - See 
more at: 

PS, Italians generally have a different threshold of allergic reaction 
in their guts. It is a cultural thing. Americans are too damned 
antiseptic in the way they raise their kids now and hence culture 
over-reactivity in immune systems to too many things now,

-Buck [after morning meditation] out standing in his fields feeding 
livestock near Fairfield, Iowa

mjackson74@... wrote :

The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it's not the gluten) | The Healthy 
Home Economist 


The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it's not the gluten) | T... 

The real reason you need to stop eating toxic wheat even if you don't 
currently have a wheat or gluten sensitivity.

View on www.thehealthyhome...

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

2014-12-01 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
salyavin, ok, we have different definitions of troll. And we have different 
preferences wrt FFL posts. I often enjoy your posts and I often enjoy Richard's 
posts. And I think we all are responsible for what happens here.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 7:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, you posted a comment with the c word in it and you called Richard a 
crude name. How is my reading of those events obscured? And those were 
expressions of your opinion, not reality. I've expressed my opinions about 
Richard before. I recognize that he posts a lot and repeats a lot. BUT, I don't 
find the tone of his posts malicious. imo that's the essence of trollness. 

You are funny. He doesn't engage, he has no opinion that he wants to talk 
about, he comes here just to piss people off, what else do you need to know? 
It's called trolling. Annoying people for your own amusement. If it makes him 
happy I'm happy to ignore him. 
What I did do yesterday was point out how much he stands out now that the 
others have gone. I shall go back to ignoring him and he'll either leave or die 
of boredom by the end of the week. Actually, I don't suppose he will, he wants 
to piss in the well until no one else wants to visit this place. Some sort of 
childish last-man-standing sort of thing. Good luck to him if that's how he 
wants to waste his life.
He should join Jim's group and see if he can rediscover his personality before 
it's too late. But actually conversing requires thinking and that takes effort. 
I doubt he'll bother.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:37 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

OMG, Richard, what happened to salyavin? He used to sound pretty even tempered 
and reasonable. Now he's saying vile stuff to you. And using the c word! Jeez...

What is it that obscures your view of reality Share? Even if you randomly read 
only 1% of Willy's posts you'll know he is a pointless troll whose only 
purpose here is to annoy people. How mature do you think that is?
This why he hasn't gone to play on Jim's site, because he's got nothing to say 
that isn't deliberately aggravating to someone, so who would want him? Unless 
Jim is playing a the enemy of my enemy is my friend game, he isn't going to 
want 300 dumb and predictable posts littering the place up every week. So we're 
stuck with him until someone starts a say nothing as many times as you like 
site. 10 years he's been doing it. At least!
The longer he stays as the only troll here the stupider he is going to look, so 
he's welcome to waste his life nagging at me, it bothers me not one jot.
  From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 1:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query
 On 11/30/2014 9:44 AM, Share Longwrote:


  dearRichard, I'll really miss you. Thank you for all thelaughter and 
knowledge and good you've brought into mylife. all the best always to you and 
Rita and your wholefamily,Share

Thanks. Maybe you should considersubscribing to The Peak.

  From:'Richard J. Williams' 
Sent:Monday, November 17, 2014 11:16 AM
Subject:Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

 On11/17/2014 9:58 AM, Share Long wrote:

  Richard, Itried this last night but didn'tnotice anything different. Maybe 
cuzI didn't sit up in bed when I didit? And I forgot to do it thismorning. 
Nonetheless, will soldieron, thanks again for posting.

Thetechnique may not work for justanyone. Apparently MMY dropped usingthis 
technique himself for somereason, but I found it quiteenjoyable. 

People usually think thoughts justbefore going to sleep but quite oftenthey are 
just random thinking withoutany direction. 

Until I was taught the NightTechnique by Satyanand, I usedanother technique 
that I developedmyself - you simply think of somethingpositive to look forward 
to the nextday and then slip into sleep. 

It works too, but not as well. Thereis something about the directed 
soundvibration than is a subtle relaxingfeeling with the bija mantra - LayaYoga 
while you sleep.

  From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@...[FairfieldLife]
Sent:Sunday, November 16,2014 8:20 AM
Subject:Re: [FairfieldLife]Lucid-dreaming query

 On 11/15/2014 5:22 PM,s3raphitawrote:

So last night I had alucidexperiencewhile dreaming(it's happeneda few 
timesbefore -alwaysinvoluntary asI've neverbothered tofollow 
thetechniquesrecommended bydevotees 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread 'Rick Archer' [FairfieldLife]
Great write-up Curtis. Would have been interesting to get Jerry’s take on all 
this after the show. Is he buying it? Taking it with a grain of salt, or some 


From: [] 
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 8:49 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November



OK so I went. got to hang out  with Jerry and Debbie a bit. That was a nice 
nostalgia buzz.

I got to ask George (the presenter) my most politely posed question about why 
this was the chosen method of transmission if it pretty much excluded anyone in 
the movement or any person not just inclined to take his word on faith alone 
from taking the message seriously. I listened to his answer. They served a nice 
little lunch and I met some old friends.

No boats are gunna rock over this, is my psychic prediction. He threw in about 
3 too many famous personal incarnations. A pressing of a vanity CD for a rich 

Did I mention the lunch? Even had goat cheese and some nice real fresh 

The Holy Tradition doesn't want us to be afraid about anything. They said so 
themselves through George.

Were you afraid before you heard that? I was a little afraid we would never get 
lunch cuz he talked for 3 hours straight. I took 9 pages of notes. When we did 
get to lunch finally, after pissing for almost 5 minutes (did the folks on the 
other side of death forget about aging bladders and enlarged prostates?) I was 
delighted to find that the mozzarella sandwiches has a pesto spread and some 
olive oil soaked sun dried tomatoes. I hoovered in two of them as well as a 
turkey one and then stuffed two more in my bag Rodney Dangerfield style for 
later. There was  a shit load of these little sandwiches because the movement 
told about 400 people who signed up that if they came something bad would 
happen. I didn't get the details, I just got some of their sandwiches.

I'm glad I had a chance to shake the guy's hand and see him try to get around 
my question up close. It wasn't exactly new information, but I wanted to give 
him every chance I could to provide a better bridge for those of us who don't 
hang out with Jesus and Jehova (who is Allah) and Guru Dev (who said we don't 
need to say Jai Guru Dev anymore) and Shankara (who wants this to be the last 
of the Shanks in India.) Services no longer needed.

There will be no more incarnations or masters coming to earth, now in the new 
spiritual democracy they will just come back as your friend and show you this 
tape of George talking and talking, and talking.

I mentioned the pesto right, because that really sets the whole thing off. You 
got yer mildly bland moz and the tart sun dried tom, and you need some herbal 
glue to link them and that is the aromatic pesto. It really is a must for this 
kind of sandwich. I wish I had made off with 5 more, they were slider sized and 
I could have slide that many down after the lecture easily.

No one merges with the absolute after death much to Maharishi's surprise. No 
one. He was sad that he had put his organization over his friends in the 
movement. (Wink, wink, nudge, nudge Mr. J)

If you close your eyes and experience your self as light then you can teach 
anything you want to help people turn within and know themselves, but if you 
teach TM, follow their rules. (Surprisingly Guru Dev doesn't think the puja is 
necessary anymore.

Crudite. They had snow peas and blanched asparagus done right, crisp and bright 
green like they had plunged them in ice water after blanching. Badass caterers. 
Wish I had hoovered up more of them. No browns spots on anything, just prime 
cut green delight done right. I have more of a reverence for good food over 
dead guys, could ya tell?

He had been Brighu who was also Maharishi's dad because in that incarnation 
Maharishi was his son. So he was both parlaying Maharishi's authority for all 
this, while sort of showing up as having been in a superior position to him at 
one time. Maharishi was John the Baptist and had a misunderstanding with Jesus 
on the game plan which they have patched up in the after life. They do a lot of 
walk and talk in the after life.
Heaven is a place where you rest. It doesn't seem like the enlightenment model 
fits in to the reality Maharishi discovered on the other side. We are not 
getting off any wheel of karma. We have a lot of talking to look forward to. 
And listening. A lot of talking and listening and he didn't even mention 
anything about the heavenly caterers, so I am not signing up yet. I need to see 
a menu.

No one has seen God over there.(this came out in the questions)

He was Plato and Pythagoras and Mark Twain (who would have NONE of this if you 
ask me)
He was a bunch of other famous people and ONE servant to a famous person. (nice 
humble touch but too little too late IMO)
There was a lot of discussion about who was who in the Bible through many 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buck, is this true?

2014-12-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
There might be something to this. I have a container of an herbicide in the 
basement that contains glycophosate. Interesting that Roundup has less of it, 
but also has another ingredient that is perhaps synergistic with glycophosate. 
The chemical interferes with a key enzyme that allows plants to grow.

 Research on skeletons from the last 10,000 years have show that as man moved 
from hunter gather society to agriculture, all the modern diseases began to 
show up in the remains, and for a while human stature dropped an average of 6 
inches, so perhaps the effect of glycophosate is in addition to gluten 
sensitivity. Supposedly only about 25% of the human population is fully adapted 
to ingestion of wheat.

 This paper was published one year ago:

Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases II: Celiac sprue and gluten intolerance 
 Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases II: Celiac ... Interdiscip Toxicol. Dec 
2013; 6(4): 159–184. Published online Dec 2013. doi:  10.2478/intox-2013-0026 
PMCID: PMC3945755 Glyphosate, pathways t...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 A further discussion: The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic Are farmers saturating 
wheat crops with Monsanto's Roundup herbicide as a desiccant to facilitate a 
quicker harvest?
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it's not the gluten) | The Healthy Home 
 The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it's not the gluten) | T...
 The real reason you need to stop eating toxic wheat even if you don't 
currently have a wheat or gluten sensitivity.

 View on www.thehealthyhome...
 Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
salyavin, huh?! You had written to MJ that you continue doing TM because it's 
better than not doing it. So I was simply asking what happened when you didn't 
do it.

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 8:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, from your comments I wonder if you've ever NOT done your TM. What 

What happened is what happens. Minus the belief stage. Without that, what is it 
really? More, less or identical? There's only one way to find out.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

but that doesn't mean he didn't do a lot in teaching meditation and 
popularising spiritual seeking

This is something that even M's critics sometimes say, and I disagree. He 
wasn't the only huckster from India trying to make a living hawking his 
country's esoteric blabber as ultimate knowledge. What he did that made him 
seem to eclipse the others was he got lucky. The Beatles fell for his Anton 
Mesmer routine and he got tremendous amounts of attention from the news media 
due to them. And we see that they were done with him in less than a year. 

True but he did popularise meditation. I sure wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't 
for him!
I'm just being charitable as like TM, I'm as aware as anyone here how the TMO 
turned out. I've seen the madness myself. Sat in the same room as it but I 
worked out what was going on and it never got it's claws into me. Not like it 
has poor old George Hammond.
TM still works I just don't think it's doing what was promised. While it's 
better than not doing it I shall continue.
Were it not for the Beatles, he would have been another long haired Indian 
vying for the attention of the gullible masses. He deserves no credit for 
popularizing meditation since he did it for total self serving purposes, 
which is I believe in direct contravention to any number of Hindu and Vedic 
admonishments to the contrary. 

Gullible masses or genuine seekers? Or does that end up as the same thing? I 
think there is a need or desire in everyone to go beyond what they are and 
experience something profound. We seem wired that way, I sure am I'm just 
re-evaluating what the experience means. 
And what did his teaching produce? Such men as George Hammond who are willing 
to stand in front of an audience and make a big ol' donkey of themselves 
spouting things that are obvious hallucinations and made up bullshit. Come on.
LOL, you've got me there. Marshy would have seen what was happening with his 
devotees and didn't stop it. Encouraged it too. Introducing John Hagelin as the 
man who finished Einteins work is a case in point. Without the idea that he was 
some sort of superman a lot of the TMO wouldn't have happened. It's easier to 
get people working hard growing the movement when they think it's divinely 
inspired. But at least we now know that Jehovah and Jesus approved. Phew!
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 4:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

I am going back and looking at this from the beginning - what a bunch of crap. 
I think this guy is using the I talked to Marshy deal as a platform to 
attract an audience to get 'em to listen to his off the wall beliefs.  Just 
another (sincere) huckster following in Marshy's footsteps who was himself as 
one of the most successful hucksters in the 20th century.

What if it was true and all these Gods did exist and had meetings together, 
would they actually accept Maharishi as one of their great representatives 
among mankind? To answer yes is to elevate him to the same historical standing 
as the others. I'm pretty sure that isn't going to happen worldwide, but that 
doesn't mean he didn't do a lot in teaching meditation and popularising 
spiritual seeking - at least at first . My worry is all the obvious profit 
making through selling of prayers and bullshit cult philosophy that the TMO 
does, I can't see Jehovah getting off on that. Or maybe he'd be pissed off that 
he didn't think of it first?
It is nice that the gods all get along with each other though. There's an old 
atheist saw that says You only believe in one of the thousands of gods, I just 
believe in one less than you Now we know that we can believe in all of them! 
The idea that they are all faces of the same thing must be wrong, and I always 
thought that was a good idea of Marshy's - very inclusive -  I see that Hammond 
forgot that part of his teaching. Surprised he wasn't reminded by the man 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Buck, is this true?

2014-12-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, and in a communal way things now are evolving in a nice and kind way over 
on the parallel spiritual alternative of FFL at The_Peak community:

---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 12/1/2014 9:36 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
How this is an attempt to drag you in the mud is beyond me.

 Maybe because Buck thinks you are prejudiced against some Iowa farmers that do 

 then comes the FFL ad hominem: 
 Third, I think you need serious mental counseling. I lay your obvious mental 
aberrations off on the years you have been a TM, TMSP and TMO junkie. How's 
that for bringing this thread back to the spiritual?

 Prejudice is a judgment toward people or a person or group based on their 
religion, race, place of birth, nationality, gender, social class, age, 
disability, sexuality, language, or other personal characteristics.
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 10:28 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Buck, is this true?
   Son, this thread is completely off topic here. As much as you want to drag 
me back down in to the mud of this forum now with a side excursion like this 
one you are proposing to take in the place of the serious discussion of 
spiritual things like FFL could have, I feel to pass on this one so as not to 
further dilute the soup of what could be substantial discussion on FFL 
otherwise. Go away to some nutrition forum for you answer to this question and 
don't waste the time of people on FFL. 


 The trigger of the smoking gun:
 Roundup/GMO's significantly disrupts the functioning of beneficial bacteria in 
the gut and contributes to permeability of the intestinal wall and consequent 
expression of autoimmune disease symptoms - See more at:

 PS, Italians generally have a different threshold of allergic reaction in 
their guts. It is a cultural thing. Americans are too damned antiseptic in the 
way they raise their kids now and hence culture over-reactivity in immune 
systems to too many things now,
 -Buck [after morning meditation] out standing in his fields feeding livestock 
near Fairfield, Iowa
 mjackson74@... wrote :

 The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it's not the gluten) | The Healthy Home 
 The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it's not the gluten) | T... The real reason 
you need to stop eating toxic wheat even if you don't currently have a wheat or 
gluten sensitivity.

 View on www.thehealthyhome...
 Preview by Yahoo




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
My friend Bill sent Jerry an e-mail asking him that very question (does he buy 
it or not) - I'll let you know if JJ replies.

  From: 'Rick Archer' [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 11:00 AM
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November
    Great write-up Curtis. Would have been interesting to get Jerry’s take on 
all this after the show. Is he buying it? Taking it with a grain of salt, or 
some pesto?  

From: [] 
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 8:49 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November    OK so I went. got 
to hang out  with Jerry and Debbie a bit. That was a nice nostalgia buzz.

I got to ask George (the presenter) my most politely posed question about why 
this was the chosen method of transmission if it pretty much excluded anyone in 
the movement or any person not just inclined to take his word on faith alone 
from taking the message seriously. I listened to his answer. They served a nice 
little lunch and I met some old friends.

No boats are gunna rock over this, is my psychic prediction. He threw in about 
3 too many famous personal incarnations. A pressing of a vanity CD for a rich 

Did I mention the lunch? Even had goat cheese and some nice real fresh 

The Holy Tradition doesn't want us to be afraid about anything. They said so 
themselves through George.

Were you afraid before you heard that? I was a little afraid we would never get 
lunch cuz he talked for 3 hours straight. I took 9 pages of notes. When we did 
get to lunch finally, after pissing for almost 5 minutes (did the folks on the 
other side of death forget about aging bladders and enlarged prostates?) I was 
delighted to find that the mozzarella sandwiches has a pesto spread and some 
olive oil soaked sun dried tomatoes. I hoovered in two of them as well as a 
turkey one and then stuffed two more in my bag Rodney Dangerfield style for 
later. There was  a shit load of these little sandwiches because the movement 
told about 400 people who signed up that if they came something bad would 
happen. I didn't get the details, I just got some of their sandwiches.

I'm glad I had a chance to shake the guy's hand and see him try to get around 
my question up close. It wasn't exactly new information, but I wanted to give 
him every chance I could to provide a better bridge for those of us who don't 
hang out with Jesus and Jehova (who is Allah) and Guru Dev (who said we don't 
need to say Jai Guru Dev anymore) and Shankara (who wants this to be the last 
of the Shanks in India.) Services no longer needed.

There will be no more incarnations or masters coming to earth, now in the new 
spiritual democracy they will just come back as your friend and show you this 
tape of George talking and talking, and talking.

I mentioned the pesto right, because that really sets the whole thing off. You 
got yer mildly bland moz and the tart sun dried tom, and you need some herbal 
glue to link them and that is the aromatic pesto. It really is a must for this 
kind of sandwich. I wish I had made off with 5 more, they were slider sized and 
I could have slide that many down after the lecture easily.

No one merges with the absolute after death much to Maharishi's surprise. No 
one. He was sad that he had put his organization over his friends in the 
movement. (Wink, wink, nudge, nudge Mr. J)

If you close your eyes and experience your self as light then you can teach 
anything you want to help people turn within and know themselves, but if you 
teach TM, follow their rules. (Surprisingly Guru Dev doesn't think the puja is 
necessary anymore.

Crudite. They had snow peas and blanched asparagus done right, crisp and bright 
green like they had plunged them in ice water after blanching. Badass caterers. 
Wish I had hoovered up more of them. No browns spots on anything, just prime 
cut green delight done right. I have more of a reverence for good food over 
dead guys, could ya tell?

He had been Brighu who was also Maharishi's dad because in that incarnation 
Maharishi was his son. So he was both parlaying Maharishi's authority for all 
this, while sort of showing up as having been in a superior position to him at 
one time. Maharishi was John the Baptist and had a misunderstanding with Jesus 
on the game plan which they have patched up in the after life. They do a lot of 
walk and talk in the after life.
Heaven is a place where you rest. It doesn't seem like the enlightenment model 
fits in to the reality Maharishi discovered on the other side. We are not 
getting off any wheel of karma. We have a lot of talking to look forward to. 
And listening. A lot of talking and listening and he didn't even mention 
anything about the heavenly caterers, so I am not signing up yet. I need to see 
a menu.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Buck, is this true?

2014-12-01 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
You mean that being concerned about the food we eat is not a form of 
chopping wood and carrying water? Go figure.

On 12/01/2014 07:28 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Son, this thread is completely off topic here. As much as you want to 
drag me back down in to the mud of this forum now with a side 
excursion like this one you are proposing to take in the place of the 
serious discussion of spiritual things like FFL could have, I feel to 
pass on this one so as not to further dilute the soup of what could be 
substantial discussion on FFL otherwise. Go away to some nutrition 
forum for you answer to this question and don't waste the time of 
people on FFL.

The trigger of the smoking gun:

Roundup/GMO's significantly disrupts the functioning of beneficial 
bacteria in the gut and contributes to permeability of the intestinal 
wall and consequent expression of autoimmune disease symptoms - See 
more at: 

PS, Italians generally have a different threshold of allergic reaction 
in their guts. It is a cultural thing. Americans are too damned 
antiseptic in the way they raise their kids now and hence culture 
over-reactivity in immune systems to too many things now,

-Buck [after morning meditation] out standing in his fields feeding 
livestock near Fairfield, Iowa

mjackson74@... wrote :

The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it's not the gluten) | The Healthy 
Home Economist 


The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it's not the gluten) | T... 

The real reason you need to stop eating toxic wheat even if you don't 
currently have a wheat or gluten sensitivity.

View on www.thehealthyhome...

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Seems to me the point of  this thing was brought out in the beginning of 
his talk: consoling aging boomers who did TM not to fear death.

On 11/30/2014 06:48 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

OK so I went. got to hang out  with Jerry and Debbie a bit. That was a 
nice nostalgia buzz.

I got to ask George (the presenter) my most politely posed question 
about why this was the chosen method of transmission if it pretty much 
excluded anyone in the movement or any person not just inclined to 
take his word on faith alone from taking the message seriously. I 
listened to his answer. They served a nice little lunch and I met some 
old friends.

No boats are gunna rock over this, is my psychic prediction. He threw 
in about 3 too many famous personal incarnations. A pressing of a 
vanity CD for a rich guy?

Did I mention the lunch? Even had goat cheese and some nice real fresh 

The Holy Tradition doesn't want us to be afraid about anything. They 
said so themselves through George.

Were you afraid before you heard that? I was a little afraid we would 
never get lunch cuz he talked for 3 hours straight. I took 9 pages of 
notes. When we did get to lunch finally, after pissing for almost 5 
minutes (did the folks on the other side of death forget about aging 
bladders and enlarged prostates?) I was delighted to find that the 
mozzarella sandwiches has a pesto spread and some olive oil soaked sun 
dried tomatoes. I hoovered in two of them as well as a turkey one and 
then stuffed two more in my bag Rodney Dangerfield style for later. 
There was  a shit load of these little sandwiches because the movement 
told about 400 people who signed up that if they came something bad 
would happen. I didn't get the details, I just got some of their 

I'm glad I had a chance to shake the guy's hand and see him try to get 
around my question up close. It wasn't exactly new information, but I 
wanted to give him every chance I could to provide a better bridge for 
those of us who don't hang out with Jesus and Jehova (who is Allah) 
and Guru Dev (who said we don't need to say Jai Guru Dev anymore) and 
Shankara (who wants this to be the last of the Shanks in India.) 
Services no longer needed.

There will be no more incarnations or masters coming to earth, now in 
the new spiritual democracy they will just come back as your friend 
and show you this tape of George talking and talking, and talking.

I mentioned the pesto right, because that really sets the whole thing 
off. You got yer mildly bland moz and the tart sun dried tom, and you 
need some herbal glue to link them and that is the aromatic pesto. It 
really is a must for this kind of sandwich. I wish I had made off with 
5 more, they were slider sized and I could have slide that many down 
after the lecture easily.

No one merges with the absolute after death much to Maharishi's 
surprise. No one. He was sad that he had put his organization over his 
friends in the movement. (Wink, wink, nudge, nudge Mr. J)

If you close your eyes and experience your self as light then you can 
teach anything you want to help people turn within and know 
themselves, but if you teach TM, follow their rules. (Surprisingly 
Guru Dev doesn't think the puja is necessary anymore.

Crudite. They had snow peas and blanched asparagus done right, crisp 
and bright green like they had plunged them in ice water after 
blanching. Badass caterers. Wish I had hoovered up more of them. No 
browns spots on anything, just prime cut green delight done right. I 
have more of a reverence for good food over dead guys, could ya tell?

He had been Brighu who was also Maharishi's dad because in that 
incarnation Maharishi was his son. So he was both parlaying 
Maharishi's authority for all this, while sort of showing up as having 
been in a superior position to him at one time. Maharishi was John the 
Baptist and had a misunderstanding with Jesus on the game plan which 
they have patched up in the after life. They do a lot of walk and talk 
in the after life.
Heaven is a place where you rest. It doesn't seem like the 
enlightenment model fits in to the reality Maharishi discovered on 
the other side. We are not getting off any wheel of karma. We have a 
lot of talking to look forward to. And listening. A lot of talking and 
listening and he didn't even mention anything about the heavenly 
caterers, so I am not signing up yet. I need to see a menu.

No one has seen God over there.(this came out in the questions)

He was Plato and Pythagoras and Mark Twain (who would have NONE of 
this if you ask me)
He was a bunch of other famous people and ONE servant to a famous 
person. (nice humble touch but too little too late IMO)
There was a lot of discussion about who was who in the Bible through 
many incarnations.

Many, many incarnations.
I reallly had to pee.

So after lunch I go back for something sweet and they had some very 
nice blackberries which are 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Buck, is this true?

2014-12-01 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Now that I have heard what Hammond said, I find it even greater evidence of his 
either being crazy or at least really a whacko given the fact that he 
petitioned the Movement to allow him to make this presentation in the Dome - 
can you imagine him doing this in the Dome in Fairfield?

  From: Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 12:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Buck, is this true?
 You mean that being concerned about the food we eat is not a form of 
chopping wood and carrying water?  Go figure.
 On 12/01/2014 07:28 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

    Son, this thread is completely off topic here. As much as you want to drag 
me back down in to the mud of this forum now with a side excursion like this 
one you are proposing to take in the place of the serious discussion of 
spiritual things like  FFL could have, I feel to pass on this one so as not to 
further dilute the soup of what could be substantial discussion on FFL  
otherwise. Go away to some nutrition forum for you answer to this question and 
don't waste the time of people on FFL.  
  The trigger of the smoking gun: Roundup/GMO's significantly disrupts the 
functioning of beneficial bacteria in the gut and contributes to permeability 
of the intestinal wall and consequent expression of autoimmune disease symptoms 
- See more 
  PS, Italians generally have a different threshold of allergic reaction in 
their guts. It is a cultural thing. Americans are too damned antiseptic in the 
way they raise their kids now and hence culture over-reactivity in immune 
systems to  too many things now, 
  -Buck [after morning meditation] out standing in his fields feeding livestock 
near Fairfield, Iowa 
 mjackson74@... wrote :
  The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it's not the gluten) | The Healthy Home 
|     |
|     ||     |     |     |     |     |
|   The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it's not the gluten) | T... The real reason 
you need to stop eating toxic wheat even if you don't currently have a wheat or 
gluten sensitivity.|
|  View on www.thehealthyhome...  |  Preview by Yahoo  |
|     |

  #yiv0731069682 #yiv0731069682 -- #yiv0731069682ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv0731069682 
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{text-decoration:none;}#yiv0731069682 div.yiv0731069682attach-table 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread salyavin808


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Salyavin, huh?! You had written to MJ that you continue doing TM because it's 
better than not doing it. So I was simply asking what happened when you didn't 
do it.


 Oh right, every question is a chance to give the answer I've already prepared 

 What happens is, the feeling of TM-ness wears off. If you miss it it's telling 
you to start again. If not then maybe it's time to do something else.

 I know about 3 effective techniques - and am learning another off a friend 
soon - what you need is the self instinct tto know when a particular type will 
have most benefit depending on how you feel at the time.

 Onwards and upwards.

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 8:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Salyavin, from your comments I wonder if you've ever NOT done your TM. What 


 What happened is what happens. Minus the belief stage. Without that, what is 
it really? More, less or identical? There's only one way to find out.

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 but that doesn't mean he didn't do a lot in teaching meditation and 
popularising spiritual seeking 


 This is something that even M's critics sometimes say, and I disagree. He 
wasn't the only huckster from India trying to make a living hawking his 
country's esoteric blabber as ultimate knowledge. What he did that made him 
seem to eclipse the others was he got lucky. The Beatles fell for his Anton 
Mesmer routine and he got tremendous amounts of attention from the news media 
due to them. And we see that they were done with him in less than a year. 


 True but he did popularise meditation. I sure wouldn't be doing it if it 
wasn't for him!

 I'm just being charitable as like TM, I'm as aware as anyone here how the TMO 
turned out. I've seen the madness myself. Sat in the same room as it but I 
worked out what was going on and it never got it's claws into me. Not like it 
has poor old George Hammond.

 TM still works I just don't think it's doing what was promised. While it's 
better than not doing it I shall continue.

 Were it not for the Beatles, he would have been another long haired Indian 
vying for the attention of the gullible masses. He deserves no credit for 
popularizing meditation since he did it for total self serving purposes, 
which is I believe in direct contravention to any number of Hindu and Vedic 
admonishments to the contrary. 


 Gullible masses or genuine seekers? Or does that end up as the same thing? I 
think there is a need or desire in everyone to go beyond what they are and 
experience something profound. We seem wired that way, I sure am I'm just 
re-evaluating what the experience means. 

 And what did his teaching produce? Such men as George Hammond who are willing 
to stand in front of an audience and make a big ol' donkey of themselves 
spouting things that are obvious hallucinations and made up bullshit. Come on.

 LOL, you've got me there. Marshy would have seen what was happening with his 
devotees and didn't stop it. Encouraged it too. Introducing John Hagelin as the 
man who finished Einteins work is a case in point. Without the idea that he was 
some sort of superman a lot of the TMO wouldn't have happened. It's easier to 
get people working hard growing the movement when they think it's divinely 
inspired. But at least we now know that Jehovah and Jesus approved. Phew!

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 4:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 I am going back and looking at this from the beginning - what a bunch of crap. 
I think this guy is using the I talked to Marshy deal as a platform to 
attract an audience to get 'em to listen to his off the wall beliefs.  Just 
another (sincere) huckster following in Marshy's footsteps who was himself as 
one of the most successful hucksters in the 20th century.



What if it was true and all these Gods did exist and had meetings together, 
would they actually accept Maharishi as one of their great representatives 
among mankind? To answer yes is to elevate him to the same historical standing 
as the others. I'm pretty sure that isn't going to happen worldwide, but that 
doesn't mean he didn't do a lot in teaching meditation and popularising 
spiritual seeking - at least at first . My worry is all the obvious profit 
making through selling of prayers and bullshit cult 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hammond's Horseshit

2014-12-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
And he stood up the entire 3 hours. Started looking tad tired by the end.  
Curtis's food summary was terrific, the best part it seems.  Wish I had some of 

 So, when Hammond kept looking to his right,w as he supposed to be communing 
with the invisible big guys?

 Despite my concern for Hammond's mental health status, I do have to say that 
about 25 years ago I had a dream somewhat similar to the one Hammond mentioned. 
 In mine,  MMY appeared to me as a small child-sized figure  (as he did in 
Hammond's).  I approached him and as I put my arms around him, he grew to his 
normal height (as he did in Hammond's).  An image that has stayed with me. An 

 Also, from reading about Hammond it seems he has written several books over 
the years on exactly the kind of things he was mentioning -rational idealism, 
the lack of a God, atoms and physics -all sorts of things that seemed to come 
out in the presentation as the ideas of The Movement men like Shankar, Jehovah 
etc.  So it looks as if all their ideas are of the same flavor as Hammond's.   
They agree with him!! Or he has been in touch with the guys all along, his 
whole life:)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

2014-12-01 Thread salyavin808


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Salyavin, ok, we have different definitions of troll. And we have different 
preferences wrt FFL posts. I often enjoy your posts and I often enjoy Richard's 
posts. And I think we all are responsible for what happens here.

I'm not responsible for anyone else. If they can't cope with life and have to 
troll on here I just ignore them (apart from the occasional prod so they waste 
even more time)

 What's your definition of troll if it differs from everyone elses? 


 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 7:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Salyavin, you posted a comment with the c word in it and you called Richard a 
crude name. How is my reading of those events obscured? And those were 
expressions of your opinion, not reality. I've expressed my opinions about 
Richard before. I recognize that he posts a lot and repeats a lot. BUT, I don't 
find the tone of his posts malicious. imo that's the essence of trollness. 


 You are funny. He doesn't engage, he has no opinion that he wants to talk 
about, he comes here just to piss people off, what else do you need to know? 
It's called trolling. Annoying people for your own amusement. If it makes him 
happy I'm happy to ignore him. 

 What I did do yesterday was point out how much he stands out now that the 
others have gone. I shall go back to ignoring him and he'll either leave or die 
of boredom by the end of the week. Actually, I don't suppose he will, he wants 
to piss in the well until no one else wants to visit this place. Some sort of 
childish last-man-standing sort of thing. Good luck to him if that's how he 
wants to waste his life.

 He should join Jim's group and see if he can rediscover his personality before 
it's too late. But actually conversing requires thinking and that takes effort. 
I doubt he'll bother.

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:37 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 OMG, Richard, what happened to salyavin? He used to sound pretty even tempered 
and reasonable. Now he's saying vile stuff to you. And using the c word! Jeez...


What is it that obscures your view of reality Share? Even if you randomly read 
only 1% of Willy's posts you'll know he is a pointless troll whose only 
purpose here is to annoy people. How mature do you think that is?

 This why he hasn't gone to play on Jim's site, because he's got nothing to say 
that isn't deliberately aggravating to someone, so who would want him? Unless 
Jim is playing a the enemy of my enemy is my friend game, he isn't going to 
want 300 dumb and predictable posts littering the place up every week. So we're 
stuck with him until someone starts a say nothing as many times as you like 
site. 10 years he's been doing it. At least!

 The longer he stays as the only troll here the stupider he is going to look, 
so he's welcome to waste his life nagging at me, it bothers me not one jot.
 From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 1:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query
 On 11/30/2014 9:44 AM, Share Long wrote:
   dear Richard, I'll really miss you. Thank you for all the laughter and 
knowledge and good you've brought into my life. all the best always to you and 
Rita and your whole family,

 Thanks. Maybe you should consider subscribing to The Peak.
 From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... mailto:punditster@... 
 Sent: Monday, November 17, 2014 11:16 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query
 On 11/17/2014 9:58 AM, Share Long wrote:

   Richard, I tried this last night but didn't notice anything different. Maybe 
cuz I didn't sit up in bed when I did it? And I forgot to do it this morning. 
Nonetheless, will soldier on, thanks again for posting.

 The technique may not work for just anyone. Apparently MMY dropped using this 
technique himself for some reason, but I found it quite enjoyable. 
 People usually think thoughts just before going to sleep but quite often they 
are just random thinking without any direction. 
 Until I was taught the Night Technique by Satyanand, I used another 
technique that I developed myself - you simply think of something positive to 
look forward to the next day and then slip into sleep. 
 It works too, but not as well. There is something about the directed sound 
vibration than is 

[FairfieldLife] India ranks fourth

2014-12-01 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
India is the fourth largest source of unauthorized immigrants in 
America, behind Mexico, El Salvador, and Guatemala.

[FairfieldLife] Mice with half human brains are smarter

2014-12-01 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Which makes us wonder about the humans with half mice brains.

[FairfieldLife] More On The C Word, was Lucid-dreaming query

2014-12-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 12/1/2014 9:53 AM, Share Long wrote:

salyavin, ok, we have different definitions of troll.

Troll - /A person who sends duplicitous messages to get angry responses./

For example, posting to a good looking meditator gal on a spiritual 
discussion a cartoon of Lord Buddha saying /Try not to be a cunt./

And we have different preferences wrt FFL posts. I often enjoy your 
posts and I often enjoy Richard's posts. And I think we all are 
responsible for what happens here.

Let's blame it all on Rick Archer - he started this forum. Gawd! What a 

*From:* salyavin808
*Sent:* Monday, December 1, 2014 7:05 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, you posted a comment with the c word in it and you called 
Richard a crude name. How is my reading of those events obscured? And 
those were expressions of your /opinion/, not reality. I've expressed 
my opinions about Richard before. I recognize that he posts a lot and 
repeats a lot. BUT, I don't find the tone of his posts malicious. imo 
that's the essence of trollness.

You are funny. He doesn't engage, he has no opinion that he wants to 
talk about, he comes here just to piss people off, what else do you 
need to know? It's called trolling. Annoying people for your own 
amusement. If it makes him happy I'm happy to ignore him.

What I did do yesterday was point out how much he stands out now that 
the others have gone. I shall go back to ignoring him and he'll either 
leave or die of boredom by the end of the week. Actually, I don't 
suppose he will, he wants to piss in the well until no one else wants 
to visit this place. Some sort of childish last-man-standing sort of 
thing. Good luck to him if that's how he wants to waste his life.

He should join Jim's group and see if he can rediscover his 
personality before it's too late. But actually conversing requires 
thinking and that takes effort. I doubt he'll bother.

*From:* salyavin808
*Sent:* Monday, December 1, 2014 1:37 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

OMG, Richard, what happened to salyavin? He used to sound pretty even 
tempered and reasonable. Now he's saying vile stuff to you. And using 
the c word! Jeez...

What is it that obscures your view of reality Share? Even if you 
randomly read only 1% of Willy's posts you'll know he is a pointless 
troll whose only purpose here is to annoy people. How mature do you 
think that is?

This why he hasn't gone to play on Jim's site, because he's got 
nothing to say that isn't deliberately aggravating to someone, so who 
would want him? Unless Jim is playing a the enemy of my enemy is my 
friend game, he isn't going to want 300 dumb and predictable posts 
littering the place up every week. So we're stuck with him until 
someone starts a say nothing as many times as you like site. 10 
years he's been doing it. At least!

The longer he stays as the only troll here the stupider he is going to 
look, so he's welcome to waste his life nagging at me, it bothers me 
not one jot.

*From:* 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Sunday, November 30, 2014 1:06 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

On 11/30/2014 9:44 AM, Share Long wrote:

dear Richard, I'll really miss you. Thank you for all the
laughter and knowledge and good you've brought into my life. all
the best always to you and Rita and your whole family,

/Thanks. Maybe you should consider subscribing to The Peak./

*From:* 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@...
mailto:punditster@... [FairfieldLife]
*Sent:* Monday, November 17, 2014 11:16 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

On 11/17/2014 9:58 AM, Share Long wrote:

Richard, I tried this last night but didn't notice anything
different. Maybe cuz I didn't sit up in bed when I did it? And I
forgot to do it this morning. Nonetheless, will soldier on,
thanks again for posting.

/The technique may not work for just anyone. Apparently MMY
dropped using this technique himself for some reason, but I found
it quite enjoyable.

People usually think thoughts just before going to 

[FairfieldLife] Old Geezers, was Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 12/1/2014 1:36 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/You did such a good job of commenting on your notes, Curtis, that I 
thought I'd go back to one of mine.


Yeah, Barry, but Curtis is educated, can sing and looks real good, and 
probably attracts hundreds of chicks - while you are dumb, and sound and 
look like an old lonely geezer!


*/Early on, one of the things I noticed is that George was such a TB 
that he didn't seem to have any problem with how CREEPY one of the 
things he wants us to believe about Maharishi is. That is, that he 
spent two years after he'd figured out that he was dead but not a 
drop returned to the ocean like he'd expected to be STALKING his 
early students and looking over their shoulders at everything they 
were doing. To George, this is somehow comforting. To others brought 
up more on classic Tibetan tales of the angry ghost stage of the 
Bardo, it is a bit less so. /*

*/No wonder so many TMer get off on stalking. Like teacher, like 

*From:* [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Monday, December 1, 2014 3:48 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

OK so I went. got to hang out  with Jerry and Debbie a bit. That was a 
nice nostalgia buzz.

I got to ask George (the presenter) my most politely posed question 
about why this was the chosen method of transmission if it pretty much 
excluded anyone in the movement or any person not just inclined to 
take his word on faith alone from taking the message seriously. I 
listened to his answer. They served a nice little lunch and I met some 
old friends.

No boats are gunna rock over this, is my psychic prediction. He threw 
in about 3 too many famous personal incarnations. A pressing of a 
vanity CD for a rich guy?

Did I mention the lunch? Even had goat cheese and some nice real fresh 

The Holy Tradition doesn't want us to be afraid about anything. They 
said so themselves through George.

Were you afraid before you heard that? I was a little afraid we would 
never get lunch cuz he talked for 3 hours straight. I took 9 pages of 
notes. When we did get to lunch finally, after pissing for almost 5 
minutes (did the folks on the other side of death forget about aging 
bladders and enlarged prostates?) I was delighted to find that the 
mozzarella sandwiches has a pesto spread and some olive oil soaked sun 
dried tomatoes. I hoovered in two of them as well as a turkey one and 
then stuffed two more in my bag Rodney Dangerfield style for later. 
There was a shit load of these little sandwiches because the movement 
told about 400 people who signed up that if they came something bad 
would happen. I didn't get the details, I just got some of their 

I'm glad I had a chance to shake the guy's hand and see him try to get 
around my question up close. It wasn't exactly new information, but I 
wanted to give him every chance I could to provide a better bridge for 
those of us who don't hang out with Jesus and Jehova (who is Allah) 
and Guru Dev (who said we don't need to say Jai Guru Dev anymore) and 
Shankara (who wants this to be the last of the Shanks in India.) 
Services no longer needed.

There will be no more incarnations or masters coming to earth, now in 
the new spiritual democracy they will just come back as your friend 
and show you this tape of George talking and talking, and talking.

I mentioned the pesto right, because that really sets the whole thing 
off. You got yer mildly bland moz and the tart sun dried tom, and you 
need some herbal glue to link them and that is the aromatic pesto. It 
really is a must for this kind of sandwich. I wish I had made off with 
5 more, they were slider sized and I could have slide that many down 
after the lecture easily.

No one merges with the absolute after death much to Maharishi's 
surprise. No one. He was sad that he had put his organization over his 
friends in the movement. (Wink, wink, nudge, nudge Mr. J)

If you close your eyes and experience your self as light then you can 
teach anything you want to help people turn within and know 
themselves, but if you teach TM, follow their rules. (Surprisingly 
Guru Dev doesn't think the puja is necessary anymore.

Crudite. They had snow peas and blanched asparagus done right, crisp 
and bright green like they had plunged them in ice water after 
blanching. Badass caterers. Wish I had hoovered up more of them. No 
browns spots on anything, just prime cut green delight done right. I 
have more of a reverence for good food over dead guys, could ya tell?

He had been Brighu who was also Maharishi's dad because in that 
incarnation Maharishi was his son. So he was both parlaying 
Maharishi's authority for all this, while sort of showing up as having 
been in a superior position to him at one time. Maharishi was 

Re: [FairfieldLife] More On The C Word, was Lucid-dreaming query

2014-12-01 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Gawd, Richard, are you sure salyavin posted that to me?! I missed that bit. 
Benefit of scanning (-:
I'm blaming it on the jyotish chart of FFL. Ooo, I'd love someone to do a 
jyotish chart of The Peak.

  From: 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 11:27 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] More On The C Word, was Lucid-dreaming query
 On 12/1/2014 9:53 AM, Share Long wrote:
     salyavin, ok, we have different definitions of troll.
 Troll - A person who sends duplicitous messages to get angry responses. 
 For example, posting to a good looking meditator gal on a spiritual discussion 
a cartoon of Lord Buddha saying Try not to be a cunt.
 And we have different preferences wrt FFL posts. I often enjoy your posts 
and I often enjoy Richard's posts. And I think we all are responsible for what 
happens here. 
 Let's blame it all on Rick Archer - he started this forum. Gawd! What a 

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 7:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query
 ---In, sharelong60@... wrote :
   Salyavin, you posted a comment with the c word in it and you called Richard 
a crude name. How is my reading of those events obscured? And those were 
expressions of your opinion, not reality. I've expressed my opinions about 
Richard before. I recognize that he posts a lot and repeats a lot. BUT, I don't 
find the tone of his posts malicious.  imo that's the essence of trollness. 
  You are funny. He doesn't engage, he has no opinion that he wants to talk 
about, he comes here just to piss people off, what else do you need to know? 
It's called  trolling. Annoying people for your own amusement. If it makes him 
happy I'm happy to ignore him.  
  What I did do yesterday was point out how much he stands out now that the 
others have gone. I shall go back to ignoring him and he'll either leave or die 
of boredom  by the end of the week. Actually, I don't suppose he will, he wants 
to piss in the well until no one else wants to visit this place. Some sort of 
childish last-man-standing sort of thing. Good luck to him if that's how he 
wants to waste his life. 
  He should join Jim's group and see if he can rediscover his personality 
before it's too late. But actually conversing requires thinking and that takes  
effort. I doubt he'll bother.  
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:37 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query
 ---In, sharelong60@... wrote :
   OMG, Richard, what happened to salyavin? He used to sound pretty even  
tempered and reasonable. Now he's saying vile stuff to you.  And using the c 
word! Jeez...
  What is it that obscures your view of reality Share? Even if you  randomly 
read only 1% of Willy's posts you'll know he is a pointless  troll whose only 
purpose here is to annoy people. How mature do you think that is? 
  This why he hasn't gone to play on Jim's site, because he's got nothing to  
say that isn't deliberately aggravating to someone, so who would want  him? 
Unless Jim is playing a the enemy of my enemy is my friend game, he isn't 
going to want 300 dumb and predictable posts littering the  place up every 
week. So we're stuck with him until someone starts a say  nothing as many 
times as you like site. 10 years he's been doing it. At least! 
  The longer he stays as the only troll here the stupider he is  going to look, 
so he's welcome to waste his life nagging at me,  it bothers me not one jot. 
  From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... 
 Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 1:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query
   On 11/30/2014 9:44 AM, Share Long wrote:
     dearRichard, I'll really miss you. Thank you for all the laughter and  
knowledge and good you've brought into my life. all the  best always to you and 
Rita and your whole family, Share

 Thanks. Maybe you should consider subscribing to The Peak.
  From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@...[FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, November 17, 2014 11:16 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query
   On11/17/2014 9:58 AM, Share Long wrote:
    Richard, I tried this last night but didn't notice  anything different. 
Maybe cuz I didn't sit up in bed when I did  it? And I forgot to do it this 
morning. Nonetheless,  will soldier on, thanks again for posting.
 Thetechnique may not work for just anyone. Apparently MMY dropped using  this 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

2014-12-01 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
salyavin, a troll for me is someone who writes with a malicious tone. I don't 
get that from Richard's posts.

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 11:18 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, ok, we have different definitions of troll. And we have different 
preferences wrt FFL posts. I often enjoy your posts and I often enjoy Richard's 
posts. And I think we all are responsible for what happens here.
I'm not responsible for anyone else. If they can't cope with life and have to 
troll on here I just ignore them (apart from the occasional prod so they waste 
even more time)
What's your definition of troll if it differs from everyone elses? 

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 7:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, you posted a comment with the c word in it and you called Richard a 
crude name. How is my reading of those events obscured? And those were 
expressions of your opinion, not reality. I've expressed my opinions about 
Richard before. I recognize that he posts a lot and repeats a lot. BUT, I don't 
find the tone of his posts malicious. imo that's the essence of trollness. 

You are funny. He doesn't engage, he has no opinion that he wants to talk 
about, he comes here just to piss people off, what else do you need to know? 
It's called trolling. Annoying people for your own amusement. If it makes him 
happy I'm happy to ignore him. 
What I did do yesterday was point out how much he stands out now that the 
others have gone. I shall go back to ignoring him and he'll either leave or die 
of boredom by the end of the week. Actually, I don't suppose he will, he wants 
to piss in the well until no one else wants to visit this place. Some sort of 
childish last-man-standing sort of thing. Good luck to him if that's how he 
wants to waste his life.
He should join Jim's group and see if he can rediscover his personality before 
it's too late. But actually conversing requires thinking and that takes effort. 
I doubt he'll bother.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:37 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

OMG, Richard, what happened to salyavin? He used to sound pretty even tempered 
and reasonable. Now he's saying vile stuff to you. And using the c word! Jeez...

What is it that obscures your view of reality Share? Even if you randomly read 
only 1% of Willy's posts you'll know he is a pointless troll whose only 
purpose here is to annoy people. How mature do you think that is?
This why he hasn't gone to play on Jim's site, because he's got nothing to say 
that isn't deliberately aggravating to someone, so who would want him? Unless 
Jim is playing a the enemy of my enemy is my friend game, he isn't going to 
want 300 dumb and predictable posts littering the place up every week. So we're 
stuck with him until someone starts a say nothing as many times as you like 
site. 10 years he's been doing it. At least!
The longer he stays as the only troll here the stupider he is going to look, so 
he's welcome to waste his life nagging at me, it bothers me not one jot.
  From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 1:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query
 On 11/30/2014 9:44 AM, Share Longwrote:


  dearRichard, I'll really miss you. Thank you for all thelaughter and 
knowledge and good you've brought into mylife. all the best always to you and 
Rita and your wholefamily,Share

Thanks. Maybe you should considersubscribing to The Peak.

  From:'Richard J. Williams' 
Sent:Monday, November 17, 2014 11:16 AM
Subject:Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

 On11/17/2014 9:58 AM, Share Long wrote:

  Richard, Itried this last night but didn'tnotice anything different. Maybe 
cuzI didn't sit up in bed when I didit? And I forgot to do it thismorning. 
Nonetheless, will soldieron, thanks again for posting.

Thetechnique may not work for justanyone. Apparently MMY dropped usingthis 
technique himself for somereason, but I found it quiteenjoyable. 

People usually think thoughts justbefore going to sleep but quite oftenthey are 
just random thinking withoutany direction. 

Until I was taught the NightTechnique by Satyanand, I usedanother technique 
that I developedmyself - you simply think of somethingpositive to look forward 
to the nextday and then slip into sleep. 

It works 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mice with half human brains are smarter

2014-12-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
These scientists may be violating the ethics code for experimentation since 
they're using human cells to reproduce on mice, which are nonhuman entities.  
Remember the Island of Dr. Moreau?

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 Which makes us wonder about the humans with half mice brains.

Re: [FairfieldLife] More On The C Word, was Lucid-dreaming query

2014-12-01 Thread salyavin808


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Gawd, Richard, are you sure salyavin posted that to me?! I missed that bit. 
Benefit of scanning (-:

 Of course I didn't post it to to you. This is Willy trolling. Trying to start 
arguments and piss people off on the net.  He's a shit stirrer and he thinks 
it's funny. He's using you to try and piss me off. That's what trolling is. 

 I'm blaming it on the jyotish chart of FFL. 

 Why not blame it on the fact Willy is a tosser with too much time on his hands?

 Ooo, I'd love someone to do a jyotish chart of The Peak.



 From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 11:27 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] More On The C Word, was Lucid-dreaming query
 On 12/1/2014 9:53 AM, Share Long wrote:

   salyavin, ok, we have different definitions of troll. 

 Troll - A person who sends duplicitous messages to get angry responses. 
 For example, posting to a good looking meditator gal on a spiritual discussion 
a cartoon of Lord Buddha saying Try not to be a cunt.
  And we have different preferences wrt FFL posts. I often enjoy your posts 
  and I often enjoy Richard's posts. And I think we all are responsible for 
  what happens here.

 Let's blame it all on Rick Archer - he started this forum. Gawd! What a 
 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 7:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... wrote :
 Salyavin, you posted a comment with the c word in it and you called Richard a 
crude name. How is my reading of those events obscured? And those were 
expressions of your opinion, not reality. I've expressed my opinions about 
Richard before. I recognize that he posts a lot and repeats a lot. BUT, I don't 
find the tone of his posts malicious. imo that's the essence of trollness. 


 You are funny. He doesn't engage, he has no opinion that he wants to talk 
about, he comes here just to piss people off, what else do you need to know? 
It's called trolling. Annoying people for your own amusement. If it makes him 
happy I'm happy to ignore him. 
 What I did do yesterday was point out how much he stands out now that the 
others have gone. I shall go back to ignoring him and he'll either leave or die 
of boredom by the end of the week. Actually, I don't suppose he will, he wants 
to piss in the well until no one else wants to visit this place. Some sort of 
childish last-man-standing sort of thing. Good luck to him if that's how he 
wants to waste his life.
 He should join Jim's group and see if he can rediscover his personality before 
it's too late. But actually conversing requires thinking and that takes effort. 
I doubt he'll bother.
 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:37 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... wrote :
 OMG, Richard, what happened to salyavin? He used to sound pretty even tempered 
and reasonable. Now he's saying vile stuff to you. And using the c word! Jeez...


 What is it that obscures your view of reality Share? Even if you randomly read 
only 1% of Willy's posts you'll know he is a pointless troll whose only 
purpose here is to annoy people. How mature do you think that is?
 This why he hasn't gone to play on Jim's site, because he's got nothing to say 
that isn't deliberately aggravating to someone, so who would want him? Unless 
Jim is playing a the enemy of my enemy is my friend game, he isn't going to 
want 300 dumb and predictable posts littering the place up every week. So we're 
stuck with him until someone starts a say nothing as many times as you like 
site. 10 years he's been doing it. At least!
 The longer he stays as the only troll here the stupider he is going to look, 
so he's welcome to waste his life nagging at me, it bothers me not one jot.
 From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 1:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query
   On 11/30/2014 9:44 AM, Share Long wrote:
   dear Richard, I'll really miss you. Thank you for all the laughter and 
knowledge and good you've brought into my life. all the best always to you and 
Rita and your whole 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 12/01/2014 12:07 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Excellent. I really felt for you sitting there all that time, I got to 
stroll about, wash the car, cook dinner and have a bath while all 
those divine revelations where going on, and all you got was a folding 
chair. But I'm glad they provided goats cheese as sustenance. It must 
have helped the recovery.

I just sent it to Audials where I could put in pee breaks. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] More On The C Word, was Lucid-dreaming query

2014-12-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 12/1/2014 11:30 AM, Share Long wrote:

Gawd, Richard, are you sure salyavin posted that to me?! I missed that 
bit. Benefit of scanning (-:

/Apparently this character Salya has got a gender bias. He would feel 
really stooopid if Judy was still around. But, since she isn't around 
anymore acting like a moderator, these perps think they can get away 
with anything, I guess./

I'm blaming it on the jyotish chart of FFL. Ooo, I'd love someone to 
do a jyotish chart of The Peak.

/The Peak is where it's happening now - but most of the informants here 
won't  be allowed in. They can read the messages but they can't post. 
Does anyone want to wager that Barry will copy and paste from The Peak 
to FFL and try to start an argument? How much would anyone be willing to 
wager? Yes, I have a PayPal account. /

Re: [FairfieldLife] More On The C Word, was Lucid-dreaming query

2014-12-01 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
salyavin, I'm sorry. I was 99.9% sure that you hadn't posted it to me. I wasn't 
at all upset with you. And I was pretty sure it was just Richard's zany sense 
of humor. 
Between FFL, the_peak and my FB group, it's a good thing I'm retired (-:

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 11:49 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] More On The C Word, was Lucid-dreaming query

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Gawd, Richard, are you sure salyavin posted that to me?! I missed that bit. 
Benefit of scanning (-:
Of course I didn't post it to to you. This is Willy trolling. Trying to start 
arguments and piss people off on the net.  He's a shit stirrer and he thinks 
it's funny. He's using you to try and piss me off. That's what trolling is. 
I'm blaming it on the jyotish chart of FFL. 
Why not blame it on the fact Willy is a tosser with too much time on his hands?
Ooo, I'd love someone to do a jyotish chart of The Peak.

  From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 11:27 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] More On The C Word, was Lucid-dreaming query
On 12/1/2014 9:53 AM, Share Long wrote:

  salyavin, ok, wehave different definitions of troll. 

Troll - A person who sends duplicitousmessages to get angry responses. 

For example, posting to a good looking meditator gal on aspiritual discussion a 
cartoon of Lord Buddha saying Try notto be a cunt.

And we havedifferent preferences wrt FFL posts. I often enjoyyour posts and I 
often enjoy Richard's posts. And Ithink we all are responsible for what happens 

Let's blame it all on Rick Archer - he startedthis forum. Gawd! What a 

Sent:Monday, December 1, 2014 7:05 AM
Subject:Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query


---In,sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin,you posted a comment with the cword in it and you called Richarda 
crude name. How is my reading ofthose events obscured? And thosewere 
expressions of your opinion,not reality. I've expressed myopinions about 
Richard before. Irecognize that he posts a lot andrepeats a lot. BUT, I don't 
findthe tone of his posts malicious.imo that's the essence oftrollness. 

Youare funny. He doesn't engage, hehas no opinion that he wants totalk about, 
he comes here justto piss people off, what else doyou need to know? It's 
calledtrolling. Annoying people foryour own amusement. If it makeshim happy I'm 
happy to ignorehim. 
WhatI did do yesterday was point outhow much he stands out now thatthe others 
have gone. I shall goback to ignoring him and he'lleither leave or die of 
boredomby the end of the week.Actually, I don't suppose hewill, he wants to 
piss in thewell until no one else wants tovisit this place. Some sort 
ofchildish last-man-standing sortof thing. Good luck to him ifthat's how he 
wants to waste hislife.
Heshould join Jim's group and seeif he can rediscover hispersonality before 
it's toolate. But actually conversingrequires thinking and that takeseffort. I 
doubt he'll bother.
Sent:Monday, December 1, 20141:37 AM
Subject:Re: [FairfieldLife]Lucid-dreaming query,sharelong60@...wrote :

OMG,Richard, whathappened tosalyavin? Heused to soundpretty eventempered 
andreasonable.Now he'ssaying vilestuff to you.And using thec word!Jeez...

Whatis it thatobscures yourview ofreality Share?Even if yourandomly readonly 1% 
ofWilly's postsyou'll know heis a pointlesstroll whoseonly purposehere is 
toannoy people.How mature doyou think thatis?
Thiswhy he hasn'tgone to playon Jim's site,because he'sgot nothing tosay that 
isn'tdeliberatelyaggravating tosomeone, sowho would wanthim? UnlessJim is 
playinga the enemyof my enemy ismy friendgame, he isn'tgoing to want300 dumb 
andpredictablepostslittering theplace up everyweek. So we'restuck with himuntil 
someonestarts a saynothing asmany times asyou likesite. 10years he'sbeen 
doing it.At least!
Thelonger hestays as theonly trollhere thestupider he isgoing to look,so 
he'swelcome towaste his lifenagging at me,it bothers menot one jot.
  From: 'Richard J. 
Sent:Sunday,November 30,2014 1:06 PM

 On11/30/20149:44 AM, ShareLongwrote:

  dearRichard,I'll reallymiss you.Thank you forall thelaughter andknowledge 
andgood you'vebrought intomylife. all thebest always toyou and Ritaand your 

Thanks.Maybe youshouldconsidersubscribing toThe Peak.

  From:'Richard J.Williams' 

Re: [FairfieldLife] More On The C Word, was Lucid-dreaming query

2014-12-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Gawd, Richard, are you sure salyavin posted that to me?! I missed that 
bit. Benefit of scanning (-:

On 12/1/2014 11:49 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Of course I didn't post it to to you.

/You fukin' liar - who did you post it for, Barry Wright?/

This is Willy trolling. Trying to start arguments and piss people off 
on the net.  He's a shit stirrer and he thinks it's funny. He's using 
you to try and piss me off. That's what trolling is. HE'S USING YOU.

/Just cut the bullshit and tell us why you have a gender bias!/

I'm blaming it on the jyotish chart of FFL.

Why not blame it on the fact Willy is a tosser with too much time on 
his hands?

/For Gawd's sake! Will you please stop being a cunt, Sally? Thank 
you.//I tried six time to get you to talk about Rotherham and you refuse 
to discuss what was going on in your own back yard (no pun intended).

Go figure./

Ooo, I'd love someone to do a jyotish chart of The Peak.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

2014-12-01 Thread salyavin808


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Salyavin, a troll for me is someone who writes with a malicious tone. I don't 
get that from Richard's posts.


 OK, maybe someone should spend a week doing to you what he does to everyone 
else. But I couldn't see the point of wasting my time like that. Go figure.

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 11:18 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Salyavin, ok, we have different definitions of troll. And we have different 
preferences wrt FFL posts. I often enjoy your posts and I often enjoy Richard's 
posts. And I think we all are responsible for what happens here.

I'm not responsible for anyone else. If they can't cope with life and have to 
troll on here I just ignore them (apart from the occasional prod so they waste 
even more time)

 What's your definition of troll if it differs from everyone elses? 


 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 7:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Salyavin, you posted a comment with the c word in it and you called Richard a 
crude name. How is my reading of those events obscured? And those were 
expressions of your opinion, not reality. I've expressed my opinions about 
Richard before. I recognize that he posts a lot and repeats a lot. BUT, I don't 
find the tone of his posts malicious. imo that's the essence of trollness. 


 You are funny. He doesn't engage, he has no opinion that he wants to talk 
about, he comes here just to piss people off, what else do you need to know? 
It's called trolling. Annoying people for your own amusement. If it makes him 
happy I'm happy to ignore him. 

 What I did do yesterday was point out how much he stands out now that the 
others have gone. I shall go back to ignoring him and he'll either leave or die 
of boredom by the end of the week. Actually, I don't suppose he will, he wants 
to piss in the well until no one else wants to visit this place. Some sort of 
childish last-man-standing sort of thing. Good luck to him if that's how he 
wants to waste his life.

 He should join Jim's group and see if he can rediscover his personality before 
it's too late. But actually conversing requires thinking and that takes effort. 
I doubt he'll bother.

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:37 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 OMG, Richard, what happened to salyavin? He used to sound pretty even tempered 
and reasonable. Now he's saying vile stuff to you. And using the c word! Jeez...


What is it that obscures your view of reality Share? Even if you randomly read 
only 1% of Willy's posts you'll know he is a pointless troll whose only 
purpose here is to annoy people. How mature do you think that is?

 This why he hasn't gone to play on Jim's site, because he's got nothing to say 
that isn't deliberately aggravating to someone, so who would want him? Unless 
Jim is playing a the enemy of my enemy is my friend game, he isn't going to 
want 300 dumb and predictable posts littering the place up every week. So we're 
stuck with him until someone starts a say nothing as many times as you like 
site. 10 years he's been doing it. At least!

 The longer he stays as the only troll here the stupider he is going to look, 
so he's welcome to waste his life nagging at me, it bothers me not one jot.
 From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 1:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query
 On 11/30/2014 9:44 AM, Share Long wrote:
   dear Richard, I'll really miss you. Thank you for all the laughter and 
knowledge and good you've brought into my life. all the best always to you and 
Rita and your whole family,

 Thanks. Maybe you should consider subscribing to The Peak.
 From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... mailto:punditster@... 
 Sent: Monday, November 17, 2014 11:16 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query
 On 11/17/2014 9:58 AM, Share Long wrote:

   Richard, I tried this last night but didn't notice anything different. Maybe 
cuz I didn't sit up in bed when I did it? And I forgot to do it this morning. 
Nonetheless, will soldier on, thanks again for posting.

 The technique may not work for just anyone. Apparently MMY 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-01 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I predict that your prediction here is 100% accurate.

  From: TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 2:24 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL
    I kinda figured this would happen. I've always assumed that most of this 
complaining that they were driven away from FFL and forced to migrate to the 
Let Us Be Boring Together group was 1) mere posturing, and 2) a veritable case 
study in lack of self-knowledge. 

They just made a pretense of stalking off in a snit and being persecuted, but 
anyone who has been watching the actual traffic here knows that the folks who 
left for the gentle speech group (and especially its founder) were some of 
the most volatile creators of vile-speak FFL has ever seen. 

My bet? They'll be back. (You'll notice that none of them seem to have actually 
unsubscribed from FFL.) They'll miss being able to get up on their high and 
might pulpits and dump on the people they don't like, and they've boxed 
themselves in on the new group so they can't do it there without being laughed 
out of Yahoo Group Town, so they'll do drive-bys on FFL just to get their 
rocks off by complaining about the people they feel superior to.

Buck is just the first example of one of them doing that. There will be more...


 From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 3:28 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL
DearYahoo-Groups Guideline Police: I have long pleaded for a higherpower to 
come in here and help clean this place up. I welcome yourarrival. Hopefully you 
can help us mediate and even help revive all thatwas once really good about 
FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group community. I am one of the longest surviving 
original members of this forum and well knowits ways. I am actually on of the 
few  FFL member participants on the ground here in Fairfield, Iowa and I should 
beglad to be of administrative assistance for you if you need helpcontrolling 
this out-of-hand group. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  

Dear RD;  GoodPoint RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to 
save'people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who 
areotherwise comfortable having dealt with their own moral dissonanceswithin 
their own community in their own terms to their own spiritualends. Who are 
these neganauts to interfere with the internal affairsof others any way? It 
seems incredibly arrogant on their part tocome in here and try to methodically 
disturb people's peace. Itseems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to 
use such defamatorylanguage the way they do. Having learned their own 
particularhistories as they have related them on FFL through time 
thensympathetically when considering these guys as sources of anything 
spiritual they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that their abuse ofthe 
unguarded cultural openness of this community has allowed them totake over the 
flower that was FFL with their negativity and erode off our our more seasoned 
reasoned and experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa
raunchydog wrote :
Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of 
pushingbuttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I usually 
respondto by making fun of you.  What I find funny is your delusion 
thatinventing an offensive straw-man (offensive to any normal human being)in 
order to push true believer buttons will somehow expose and perhapsliberate 
them from TMO/MMY delusions. You never seem to get is how people respond to you 
is about your offensive behavior,period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are 
a narcissistic,self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your failed 
mission towake up perceived cultists from *your* cult nightmare IS NOT 
WORKING.You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you have experienced in 
thepast by projecting unresolved pain onto others.

Granted, implyingthe police ought to investigate you as a child abuser is a 
bridge toofar. Let's just say you brought it on yourself and leave it at that.  

 #yiv3903992892 #yiv3903992892 -- #yiv3903992892ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv3903992892 
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{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv3903992892 #yiv3903992892ygrp-sponsor 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hammond's Horseshit

2014-12-01 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
So did Marshy tell you that you wuz his grandaddy in that dream?

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 12:15 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hammond's Horseshit
    And he stood up the entire 3 hours. Started looking tad tired by the end.  
Curtis's food summary was terrific, the best part it seems.  Wish I had some of 
So, when Hammond kept looking to his right,w as he supposed to be communing 
with the invisible big guys?

Despite my concern for Hammond's mental health status, I do have to say that 
about 25 years ago I had a dream somewhat similar to the one Hammond mentioned. 
 In mine,  MMY appeared to me as a small child-sized figure  (as he did in 
Hammond's).  I approached him and as I put my arms around him, he grew to his 
normal height (as he did in Hammond's).  An image that has stayed with me. An 
Also, from reading about Hammond it seems he has written several books over the 
years on exactly the kind of things he was mentioning -rational idealism, the 
lack of a God, atoms and physics -all sorts of things that seemed to come out 
in the presentation as the ideas of The Movement men like Shankar, Jehovah etc. 
 So it looks as if all their ideas are of the same flavor as Hammond's.   They 
agree with him!! Or he has been in touch with the guys all along, his whole 
life:)  #yiv4064736809 #yiv4064736809 -- #yiv4064736809ygrp-mkp {border:1px 
solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv4064736809 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
So you switch around and do whatever you feel in the moment, you don't just do 
TM twice a day like a good TM lad?

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 12:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, huh?! You had written to MJ that you continue doing TM because it's 
better than not doing it. So I was simply asking what happened when you didn't 
do it.

Oh right, every question is a chance to give the answer I've already prepared 
What happens is, the feeling of TM-ness wears off. If you miss it it's telling 
you to start again. If not then maybe it's time to do something else.
I know about 3 effective techniques - and am learning another off a friend soon 
- what you need is the self instinct tto know when a particular type will have 
most benefit depending on how you feel at the time.
Onwards and upwards.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 8:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, from your comments I wonder if you've ever NOT done your TM. What 

What happened is what happens. Minus the belief stage. Without that, what is it 
really? More, less or identical? There's only one way to find out.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

but that doesn't mean he didn't do a lot in teaching meditation and 
popularising spiritual seeking

This is something that even M's critics sometimes say, and I disagree. He 
wasn't the only huckster from India trying to make a living hawking his 
country's esoteric blabber as ultimate knowledge. What he did that made him 
seem to eclipse the others was he got lucky. The Beatles fell for his Anton 
Mesmer routine and he got tremendous amounts of attention from the news media 
due to them. And we see that they were done with him in less than a year. 

True but he did popularise meditation. I sure wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't 
for him!
I'm just being charitable as like TM, I'm as aware as anyone here how the TMO 
turned out. I've seen the madness myself. Sat in the same room as it but I 
worked out what was going on and it never got it's claws into me. Not like it 
has poor old George Hammond.
TM still works I just don't think it's doing what was promised. While it's 
better than not doing it I shall continue.
Were it not for the Beatles, he would have been another long haired Indian 
vying for the attention of the gullible masses. He deserves no credit for 
popularizing meditation since he did it for total self serving purposes, 
which is I believe in direct contravention to any number of Hindu and Vedic 
admonishments to the contrary. 

Gullible masses or genuine seekers? Or does that end up as the same thing? I 
think there is a need or desire in everyone to go beyond what they are and 
experience something profound. We seem wired that way, I sure am I'm just 
re-evaluating what the experience means. 
And what did his teaching produce? Such men as George Hammond who are willing 
to stand in front of an audience and make a big ol' donkey of themselves 
spouting things that are obvious hallucinations and made up bullshit. Come on.
LOL, you've got me there. Marshy would have seen what was happening with his 
devotees and didn't stop it. Encouraged it too. Introducing John Hagelin as the 
man who finished Einteins work is a case in point. Without the idea that he was 
some sort of superman a lot of the TMO wouldn't have happened. It's easier to 
get people working hard growing the movement when they think it's divinely 
inspired. But at least we now know that Jehovah and Jesus approved. Phew!
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 4:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

I am going back and looking at this from the beginning - what a bunch of crap. 
I think this guy is using the I talked to Marshy deal as a platform to 
attract an audience to get 'em to listen to his off the wall beliefs.  Just 
another (sincere) huckster following in Marshy's footsteps who was himself as 
one of the most successful hucksters in the 20th century.

What if it was true and all these Gods did exist and had meetings together, 
would they actually accept Maharishi as one of their great representatives 
among mankind? To answer yes is to elevate him to the same historical standing 
as the others. I'm pretty sure that isn't going to happen 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Do you like Audials alright?

  From: Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 12:51 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November
 On 12/01/2014 12:07 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
  Excellent. I really felt for you sitting there all that time, I got to stroll 
about, wash the car, cook dinner and have a bath while all those divine 
revelations where going on, and all you got was a folding chair. But I'm glad 
they provided goats cheese as sustenance. It must have helped the recovery.
 I just sent it to Audials where I could put in pee breaks.  :-) 
  #yiv8300804539 #yiv8300804539 -- #yiv8300804539ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv8300804539 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] More On The C Word, was Lucid-dreaming query

2014-12-01 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
what exactly is a tosser other than being like Willy?

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 12:49 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] More On The C Word, was Lucid-dreaming query

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Gawd, Richard, are you sure salyavin posted that to me?! I missed that bit. 
Benefit of scanning (-:
Of course I didn't post it to to you. This is Willy trolling. Trying to start 
arguments and piss people off on the net.  He's a shit stirrer and he thinks 
it's funny. He's using you to try and piss me off. That's what trolling is. 
I'm blaming it on the jyotish chart of FFL. 
Why not blame it on the fact Willy is a tosser with too much time on his hands?
Ooo, I'd love someone to do a jyotish chart of The Peak.

  From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 11:27 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] More On The C Word, was Lucid-dreaming query
On 12/1/2014 9:53 AM, Share Long wrote:

  salyavin, ok, wehave different definitions of troll. 

Troll - A person who sends duplicitousmessages to get angry responses. 

For example, posting to a good looking meditator gal on aspiritual discussion a 
cartoon of Lord Buddha saying Try notto be a cunt.

And we havedifferent preferences wrt FFL posts. I often enjoyyour posts and I 
often enjoy Richard's posts. And Ithink we all are responsible for what happens 

Let's blame it all on Rick Archer - he startedthis forum. Gawd! What a 

Sent:Monday, December 1, 2014 7:05 AM
Subject:Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query


---In,sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin,you posted a comment with the cword in it and you called Richarda 
crude name. How is my reading ofthose events obscured? And thosewere 
expressions of your opinion,not reality. I've expressed myopinions about 
Richard before. Irecognize that he posts a lot andrepeats a lot. BUT, I don't 
findthe tone of his posts malicious.imo that's the essence oftrollness. 

Youare funny. He doesn't engage, hehas no opinion that he wants totalk about, 
he comes here justto piss people off, what else doyou need to know? It's 
calledtrolling. Annoying people foryour own amusement. If it makeshim happy I'm 
happy to ignorehim. 
WhatI did do yesterday was point outhow much he stands out now thatthe others 
have gone. I shall goback to ignoring him and he'lleither leave or die of 
boredomby the end of the week.Actually, I don't suppose hewill, he wants to 
piss in thewell until no one else wants tovisit this place. Some sort 
ofchildish last-man-standing sortof thing. Good luck to him ifthat's how he 
wants to waste hislife.
Heshould join Jim's group and seeif he can rediscover hispersonality before 
it's toolate. But actually conversingrequires thinking and that takeseffort. I 
doubt he'll bother.
Sent:Monday, December 1, 20141:37 AM
Subject:Re: [FairfieldLife]Lucid-dreaming query,sharelong60@...wrote :

OMG,Richard, whathappened tosalyavin? Heused to soundpretty eventempered 
andreasonable.Now he'ssaying vilestuff to you.And using thec word!Jeez...

Whatis it thatobscures yourview ofreality Share?Even if yourandomly readonly 1% 
ofWilly's postsyou'll know heis a pointlesstroll whoseonly purposehere is 
toannoy people.How mature doyou think thatis?
Thiswhy he hasn'tgone to playon Jim's site,because he'sgot nothing tosay that 
isn'tdeliberatelyaggravating tosomeone, sowho would wanthim? UnlessJim is 
playinga the enemyof my enemy ismy friendgame, he isn'tgoing to want300 dumb 
andpredictablepostslittering theplace up everyweek. So we'restuck with himuntil 
someonestarts a saynothing asmany times asyou likesite. 10years he'sbeen 
doing it.At least!
Thelonger hestays as theonly trollhere thestupider he isgoing to look,so 
he'swelcome towaste his lifenagging at me,it bothers menot one jot.
  From: 'Richard J. 
Sent:Sunday,November 30,2014 1:06 PM

 On11/30/20149:44 AM, ShareLongwrote:

  dearRichard,I'll reallymiss you.Thank you forall thelaughter andknowledge 
andgood you'vebrought intomylife. all thebest always toyou and Ritaand your 

Thanks.Maybe youshouldconsidersubscribing toThe Peak.

  From:'Richard J.Williams' 
Sent:Monday,November 17,2014 11:16 AM

 On11/17/20149:58 AM, ShareLong wrote:

  Richard,Itried thislast night 

Re: [FairfieldLife] More On The C Word, was Lucid-dreaming query

2014-12-01 Thread salyavin808


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 what exactly is a tosser other than being like Willy?

Ah, time for your monthly English lesson MJ, always to help you blend in like a 
native when you visit these fair shores.

 A Tosser is someone who masturbates a lot - suitable for males only for 
hopefully obvious reasons, sensitive souls may object to a video link

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 12:49 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] More On The C Word, was Lucid-dreaming query


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Gawd, Richard, are you sure salyavin posted that to me?! I missed that bit. 
Benefit of scanning (-:

 Of course I didn't post it to to you. This is Willy trolling. Trying to start 
arguments and piss people off on the net.  He's a shit stirrer and he thinks 
it's funny. He's using you to try and piss me off. That's what trolling is. 

 I'm blaming it on the jyotish chart of FFL. 

 Why not blame it on the fact Willy is a tosser with too much time on his hands?

 Ooo, I'd love someone to do a jyotish chart of The Peak.



 From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 11:27 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] More On The C Word, was Lucid-dreaming query
 On 12/1/2014 9:53 AM, Share Long wrote:

   salyavin, ok, we have different definitions of troll. 

 Troll - A person who sends duplicitous messages to get angry responses. 
 For example, posting to a good looking meditator gal on a spiritual discussion 
a cartoon of Lord Buddha saying Try not to be a cunt.
  And we have different preferences wrt FFL posts. I often enjoy your posts 
  and I often enjoy Richard's posts. And I think we all are responsible for 
  what happens here.

 Let's blame it all on Rick Archer - he started this forum. Gawd! What a 
 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 7:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... wrote :
 Salyavin, you posted a comment with the c word in it and you called Richard a 
crude name. How is my reading of those events obscured? And those were 
expressions of your opinion, not reality. I've expressed my opinions about 
Richard before. I recognize that he posts a lot and repeats a lot. BUT, I don't 
find the tone of his posts malicious. imo that's the essence of trollness. 


 You are funny. He doesn't engage, he has no opinion that he wants to talk 
about, he comes here just to piss people off, what else do you need to know? 
It's called trolling. Annoying people for your own amusement. If it makes him 
happy I'm happy to ignore him. 
 What I did do yesterday was point out how much he stands out now that the 
others have gone. I shall go back to ignoring him and he'll either leave or die 
of boredom by the end of the week. Actually, I don't suppose he will, he wants 
to piss in the well until no one else wants to visit this place. Some sort of 
childish last-man-standing sort of thing. Good luck to him if that's how he 
wants to waste his life.
 He should join Jim's group and see if he can rediscover his personality before 
it's too late. But actually conversing requires thinking and that takes effort. 
I doubt he'll bother.
 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:37 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... wrote :
 OMG, Richard, what happened to salyavin? He used to sound pretty even tempered 
and reasonable. Now he's saying vile stuff to you. And using the c word! Jeez...


 What is it that obscures your view of reality Share? Even if you randomly read 
only 1% of Willy's posts you'll know he is a pointless troll whose only 
purpose here is to annoy people. How mature do you think that is?
 This why he hasn't gone to play on Jim's site, because he's got nothing to say 
that isn't deliberately aggravating to someone, so who would want him? Unless 
Jim is playing a the enemy of my enemy is my friend game, he isn't going to 
want 300 dumb and predictable posts littering the place up every week. So we're 
stuck with him until someone starts a say nothing as many times as you like 
site. 10 years he's been doing it. At least!
 The longer he stays as the only troll here the stupider he is going to 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread salyavin808


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 So you switch around and do whatever you feel in the moment, you don't just do 
TM twice a day like a good TM lad?

 Sometimes I do go recklessly of the programme yes. But certain situations 
require particular solutions. For instance, I was down the beach for the 
sunrise on saturday and after I'd got my photo I thought I'd have a meddy on a 
bench before doing some Crimbo shopping. I tried TM but was a bit tired and it 
didn't settle at all, so I did this mindful technique I picked up and had what 
I can only describe as a vision of my eternal soul.

 At least that's what others would call it, I go along with that as it sounds 
cool. The point is, if I'd stuck with 20 mins of TM I wouldn't have enjoyed it 
as I'm well aware of how it goes if you just aren't in the mood. The TMO 
describe it as unstressing that you have to go through but give me a wild and 
peaceful trip instead of uncomfortableness that can be avoided. 

 There's more than one way to cook a goose!


 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 12:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Salyavin, huh?! You had written to MJ that you continue doing TM because it's 
better than not doing it. So I was simply asking what happened when you didn't 
do it.


 Oh right, every question is a chance to give the answer I've already prepared 

 What happens is, the feeling of TM-ness wears off. If you miss it it's telling 
you to start again. If not then maybe it's time to do something else.

 I know about 3 effective techniques - and am learning another off a friend 
soon - what you need is the self instinct tto know when a particular type will 
have most benefit depending on how you feel at the time.

 Onwards and upwards.

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 8:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Salyavin, from your comments I wonder if you've ever NOT done your TM. What 


 What happened is what happens. Minus the belief stage. Without that, what is 
it really? More, less or identical? There's only one way to find out.

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 but that doesn't mean he didn't do a lot in teaching meditation and 
popularising spiritual seeking 


 This is something that even M's critics sometimes say, and I disagree. He 
wasn't the only huckster from India trying to make a living hawking his 
country's esoteric blabber as ultimate knowledge. What he did that made him 
seem to eclipse the others was he got lucky. The Beatles fell for his Anton 
Mesmer routine and he got tremendous amounts of attention from the news media 
due to them. And we see that they were done with him in less than a year. 


 True but he did popularise meditation. I sure wouldn't be doing it if it 
wasn't for him!

 I'm just being charitable as like TM, I'm as aware as anyone here how the TMO 
turned out. I've seen the madness myself. Sat in the same room as it but I 
worked out what was going on and it never got it's claws into me. Not like it 
has poor old George Hammond.

 TM still works I just don't think it's doing what was promised. While it's 
better than not doing it I shall continue.

 Were it not for the Beatles, he would have been another long haired Indian 
vying for the attention of the gullible masses. He deserves no credit for 
popularizing meditation since he did it for total self serving purposes, 
which is I believe in direct contravention to any number of Hindu and Vedic 
admonishments to the contrary. 


 Gullible masses or genuine seekers? Or does that end up as the same thing? I 
think there is a need or desire in everyone to go beyond what they are and 
experience something profound. We seem wired that way, I sure am I'm just 
re-evaluating what the experience means. 

 And what did his teaching produce? Such men as George Hammond who are willing 
to stand in front of an audience and make a big ol' donkey of themselves 
spouting things that are obvious hallucinations and made up bullshit. Come on.

 LOL, you've got me there. Marshy would have seen what was happening with his 
devotees and didn't stop it. Encouraged it too. Introducing John Hagelin as the 
man who finished Einteins work is a case in point. Without the idea that he was 
some sort of superman a lot of the TMO wouldn't have happened. It's easier to 
get people working hard growing the movement when 

Re: [FairfieldLife] More On The C Word, was Lucid-dreaming query

2014-12-01 Thread salyavin808


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :
 Salyavin, I'm sorry. I was 99.9% sure that you hadn't posted it to me. I 
wasn't at all upset with you. And I was pretty sure it was just Richard's zany 
sense of humor. 

 No need to apologise, I know how he works and the joke was for everyone's 
enjoyment. It cracked me up, such a marvellously incongruous punchline.

 Between FFL, the_peak and my FB group, it's a good thing I'm retired (-:


 The net can be a full time job if you aren't careful. If only there was money 
in chatrooms

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 11:49 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] More On The C Word, was Lucid-dreaming query


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Gawd, Richard, are you sure salyavin posted that to me?! I missed that bit. 
Benefit of scanning (-:

 Of course I didn't post it to to you. This is Willy trolling. Trying to start 
arguments and piss people off on the net.  He's a shit stirrer and he thinks 
it's funny. He's using you to try and piss me off. That's what trolling is. 

 I'm blaming it on the jyotish chart of FFL. 

 Why not blame it on the fact Willy is a tosser with too much time on his hands?

 Ooo, I'd love someone to do a jyotish chart of The Peak.



 From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 11:27 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] More On The C Word, was Lucid-dreaming query
 On 12/1/2014 9:53 AM, Share Long wrote:

   salyavin, ok, we have different definitions of troll. 

 Troll - A person who sends duplicitous messages to get angry responses. 
 For example, posting to a good looking meditator gal on a spiritual discussion 
a cartoon of Lord Buddha saying Try not to be a cunt.
  And we have different preferences wrt FFL posts. I often enjoy your posts 
  and I often enjoy Richard's posts. And I think we all are responsible for 
  what happens here.

 Let's blame it all on Rick Archer - he started this forum. Gawd! What a 
 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 7:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... wrote :
 Salyavin, you posted a comment with the c word in it and you called Richard a 
crude name. How is my reading of those events obscured? And those were 
expressions of your opinion, not reality. I've expressed my opinions about 
Richard before. I recognize that he posts a lot and repeats a lot. BUT, I don't 
find the tone of his posts malicious. imo that's the essence of trollness. 


 You are funny. He doesn't engage, he has no opinion that he wants to talk 
about, he comes here just to piss people off, what else do you need to know? 
It's called trolling. Annoying people for your own amusement. If it makes him 
happy I'm happy to ignore him. 
 What I did do yesterday was point out how much he stands out now that the 
others have gone. I shall go back to ignoring him and he'll either leave or die 
of boredom by the end of the week. Actually, I don't suppose he will, he wants 
to piss in the well until no one else wants to visit this place. Some sort of 
childish last-man-standing sort of thing. Good luck to him if that's how he 
wants to waste his life.
 He should join Jim's group and see if he can rediscover his personality before 
it's too late. But actually conversing requires thinking and that takes effort. 
I doubt he'll bother.
 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:37 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... wrote :
 OMG, Richard, what happened to salyavin? He used to sound pretty even tempered 
and reasonable. Now he's saying vile stuff to you. And using the c word! Jeez...


 What is it that obscures your view of reality Share? Even if you randomly read 
only 1% of Willy's posts you'll know he is a pointless troll whose only 
purpose here is to annoy people. How mature do you think that is?
 This why he hasn't gone to play on Jim's site, because he's got nothing to say 
that isn't deliberately aggravating to someone, so who would want him? Unless 
Jim is playing a the enemy of my enemy is my friend game, he isn't going to 
want 300 dumb and predictable posts littering the place up every week. So we're 
stuck with him until someone 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Excellent parallel and analysis.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 I will have to agree with sincere huckster. 


 In retrospect who he reminds me of the most in terms of the fluidity of his 
delivery and his seeming honest comfort with the outrageous stories he's 
telling is Carlos Castaneda. When I met him, he was exactly the same way -- so 
sure of himself and so fluid in the way he described don Juan and the magical 
things that went on around him that you felt you almost *had* to believe it. 


 Then later I learned more about Carlos. Turns out that there was strong 
evidence of him being a serial liar and psychopathic liar all of his life. 
It was a pattern that was already present long before he came to the US to 
study at UCLA. In gaining his original student status he'd lied about his 
original name, where he came from in South America, and failed to mention that 
he'd abandoned a wife and kid there. 


 Later, it seems that he'd taken this same...uh...less-than-truthful approach 
first to his research as an antrhopologist and later to being a big, 
best-selling New Age author. At first he took *other people's stories* and 
claimed that they were his own, and then later he began making them up 
entirely. But the thing is, in person he was so fluid and natural-sounding when 
*telling* these stories -- either in person or in his writing -- that he 
convinced people to believe them. 


 What I think is going on with George Hammond is that he is not very clueful 
about the workings of his own mind. He falls into altered states of 
consciousness in which his dreaming mind becomes active as it is processing 
weird stuff he's read about all day about Western religions and the stuff he's 
interested in. In that partially-awake dreaming state, his mind introduces 
other characters because of his fear of death, his desire to see loved ones 
like his sister and Maharishi again, and his desire to be special and 
important and the center of all cosmic action. So he lays there for a while, 
indulging these quasi-dreaming states, and then tells stories about them to 
anyone who will listen, insisting that they are real visions. And, as with 
Castaneda, every time he tells the story it becomes more natural and more fluid 
for him, and he himself becomes more convinced it was real. This becomes a 
self-reinforcing cycle, because every time he tells the stories a few people go 
Wow and that increases his self-importance. 


 Anyway, that's my take on it all. Entertaining, but in the end he *really* 
doesn't have the charisma he would need to attract a younger audience, one that 
is not on death's door and panicking about it like the audience he was talking 
to yesterday. THOSE are the people who will believe him and flock to him, 
because his spiel is meant to convince them that 1) they are important and at 
the center of great events, 2) they are eternal and will never die, and 3) 
they're part of a big Movement of Woo Woo guys (did you notice there were no 
gals) who are officially The Biggest, Baddest Spiritual Movers The Planet Has 
Ever Seen. 


 From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 9:38 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November
 I am going back and looking at this from the beginning - what a bunch of crap. 
I think this guy is using the I talked to Marshy deal as a platform to 
attract an audience to get 'em to listen to his off the wall beliefs.  Just 
another (sincere) huckster following in Marshy's footsteps who was himself as 
one of the most successful hucksters in the 20th century.



 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 3:19 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November


---In, noozguru@... wrote :


 Everyone is merged with the absolute, the process of enlightenment is 
realizing it.  The absolute is all that is and  everything else is just an 
 This is where I go wrong. I'm utterly convinced it's the other way round!




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I mostly use Simple Screen Recorder on Linux.  It can record a full 
screen with few frame drops.  It would probably drop none if I built an 
even newer Linux box.  The networks keep trying to flummox Audials but 
they don't care about Linux.  Audials just finds the small video window 
and they don't recommend trying to record at full screen.  I got it to 
record stuff on my Windows machine while I am working on my Linux box 
which I use most the time.

On 12/01/2014 10:43 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Do you like Audials alright?

*From:* Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Monday, December 1, 2014 12:51 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

On 12/01/2014 12:07 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Excellent. I really felt for you sitting there all that time, I got 
to stroll about, wash the car, cook dinner and have a bath while all 
those divine revelations where going on, and all you got was a 
folding chair. But I'm glad they provided goats cheese as sustenance. 
It must have helped the recovery.

I just sent it to Audials where I could put in pee breaks. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-01 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
According to the number of posts downloaded this morning on FFL The 
Peak has had little effect. And I took a peek at The Peak and Willy 
has set up shop there already. Go figure.

On 12/01/2014 12:01 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

*/I kinda figured this would happen. I've always assumed that most of 
this complaining that they were driven away from FFL and forced to 
migrate to the Let Us Be Boring Together group was 1) mere posturing, 
and 2) a veritable case study in lack of self-knowledge.

*/They just made a pretense of stalking off in a snit and being 
persecuted, but anyone who has been watching the actual traffic here 
knows that the folks who left for the gentle speech group (and 
especially its founder) were some of the most volatile creators of 
vile-speak FFL has ever seen.


I always said they should be careful what they wish for. Without 
people to rag on they'll be bored shitless.

*/My bet? They'll be back. (You'll notice that none of them seem to 
have actually unsubscribed from FFL.) They'll miss being able to get 
up on their high and might pulpits and dump on the people they don't 
like, and they've boxed themselves in on the new group so they can't 
do it there without being laughed out of Yahoo Group Town, so they'll 
do drive-bys on FFL just to get their rocks off by complaining about 
the people they feel superior to.

*/Buck is just the first example of one of them doing that. There will 
be more.../*

Why does Buck think he has to save us from ourselves? I can't imagine 
being so up myself that someone with a different opinion is out of 
hand and needs a higher power. Now he's got somewhere else to play 
that's so much better, why doesn't he just go?

I reckon he'll miss us, or miss feeling superior about us.

*From:* dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Monday, December 1, 2014 3:28 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

Dear Yahoo-Groups Guideline Police: I have long pleaded for a
higher power to come in here and help clean this place up. I
welcome your arrival. Hopefully you can help us mediate and even
help revive all that was once really good about FairfieldLife as a
Yahoo-group community. I am one of the longest surviving original
members of this forum and well know its ways. I am actually on of
the few  FFL member participants on the ground here in Fairfield,
Iowa and I should be glad to be of administrative assistance for
you if you need help controlling this out-of-hand group. -Buck in
Fairfield, Iowa

Dear RD;
Good Point RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to 
save' people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who 
are otherwise comfortable having dealt with their own moral 
dissonances within their own community in their own terms to their own 
spiritual ends. Who are these neganauts to interfere with the internal 
affairs of others any way? It seems incredibly arrogant on their part 
to come in here and try to methodically disturb people's peace. It 
seems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to use such 
defamatory language the way they do. Having learned their own 
particular histories as they have related them on FFL through time 
then sympathetically when considering these guys as sources of 
anything spiritual they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that 
their abuse of the unguarded cultural openness of this community has 
allowed them to take over the flower that was FFL with their 
negativity and erode off our our more seasoned reasoned and 
experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

raunchydog wrote :

Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of 
pushing buttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I 
usually respond to by making fun of you. What I find funny is your 
delusion that inventing an offensive straw-man (offensive to any 
normal human being) in order to push true believer buttons will 
somehow expose and perhaps liberate them from TMO/MMY delusions. You 
never seem to get is how people respond to you is about your offensive 
behavior, period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are a 
narcissistic, self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your 
failed mission to wake up perceived cultists from *your* cult 
nightmare IS NOT WORKING. You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you 
have experienced in the past by projecting unresolved pain onto others.

Granted, implying the police ought to investigate you as a child 
abuser is a bridge too far. Let's just say you brought it on yourself 
and leave it at that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-01 Thread salyavin808


---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 According to the number of posts downloaded this morning on FFL The Peak has 
had little effect.  And I took a peek at The Peak and Willy has set up shop 
there already. Go figure.
Seems lonely around here without any crop circle and UFO reports. I even went 
to The Examiner to look for a face on Mars but they haven't found any this 



 On 12/01/2014 12:01 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 I kinda figured this would happen. I've always assumed that most of this 
complaining that they were driven away from FFL and forced to migrate to the 
Let Us Be Boring Together group was 1) mere posturing, and 2) a veritable case 
study in lack of self-knowledge. 
 They just made a pretense of stalking off in a snit and being persecuted, 
but anyone who has been watching the actual traffic here knows that the folks 
who left for the gentle speech group (and especially its founder) were some 
of the most volatile creators of vile-speak FFL has ever seen. 

 I always said they should be careful what they wish for. Without people to rag 
on they'll be bored shitless.


 My bet? They'll be back. (You'll notice that none of them seem to have 
actually unsubscribed from FFL.) They'll miss being able to get up on their 
high and might pulpits and dump on the people they don't like, and they've 
boxed themselves in on the new group so they can't do it there without being 
laughed out of Yahoo Group Town, so they'll do drive-bys on FFL just to get 
their rocks off by complaining about the people they feel superior to.
 Buck is just the first example of one of them doing that. There will be more...

 Why does Buck think he has to save us from ourselves? I can't imagine being so 
up myself that someone with a different opinion is out of hand and needs a 
higher power. Now he's got somewhere else to play that's so much better, why 
doesn't he just go?
 I reckon he'll miss us, or miss feeling superior about us.

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife] 
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 3:28 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL
   Dear Yahoo-Groups Guideline Police: I have long pleaded for a higher power 
to come in here and help clean this place up. I welcome your arrival. Hopefully 
you can help us mediate and even help revive all that was once really good 
about FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group community. I am one of the longest 
surviving original members of this forum and well know its ways. I am actually 
on of the few  FFL member participants on the ground here in Fairfield, Iowa 
and I should be glad to be of administrative assistance for you if you need 
help controlling this out-of-hand group. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 Dear RD;  
 Good Point RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to save' 
people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who are otherwise 
comfortable having dealt with their own moral dissonances within their own 
community in their own terms to their own spiritual ends. Who are these 
neganauts to interfere with the internal affairs of others any way? It seems 
incredibly arrogant on their part to come in here and try to methodically 
disturb people's peace. It seems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to 
use such defamatory language the way they do. Having learned their own 
particular histories as they have related them on FFL through time then 
sympathetically when considering these guys as sources of anything spiritual 
they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that their abuse of the unguarded 
cultural openness of this community has allowed them to take over the flower 
that was FFL with their negativity and erode off our our more seasoned reasoned 
and experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa
 raunchydog wrote :
 Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of pushing 
buttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I usually respond to by 
making fun of you.  What I find funny is your delusion that inventing an 
offensive straw-man (offensive to any normal human being) in order to push 
true believer buttons will somehow expose and perhaps liberate them from 
TMO/MMY delusions. You never seem to get is how people respond to you is about 
your offensive behavior, period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are a 
narcissistic, self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your failed 
mission to wake up perceived cultists from *your* cult nightmare IS NOT 
WORKING. You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you have experienced in the 
past by projecting unresolved pain onto others.

Re: [FairfieldLife] More On The C Word, was Lucid-dreaming query

2014-12-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 12/1/2014 12:41 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:

what exactly is a tosser other than being like Willy?

/Let's see if I can explain this to you in real simple terms: Tossing 
is what batchelor guys like you do when then don't have a girlfriend, a 
wife or can't afford a hooker. //Does that make sense?/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I didn't make it all the way thru the video - did Hammond mention the George 
Burns / John Denver project and if it was considered a success or not?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
salyavin, one of my very favorite bits from Geo Hammond was when he said that 
the bottom line is teaching people how to turn within, that TM is a subset of 
turning within. 

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

So you switch around and do whatever you feel in the moment, you don't just do 
TM twice a day like a good TM lad?
Sometimes I do go recklessly of the programme yes. But certain situations 
require particular solutions. For instance, I was down the beach for the 
sunrise on saturday and after I'd got my photo I thought I'd have a meddy on a 
bench before doing some Crimbo shopping. I tried TM but was a bit tired and it 
didn't settle at all, so I did this mindful technique I picked up and had what 
I can only describe as a vision of my eternal soul.
At least that's what others would call it, I go along with that as it sounds 
cool. The point is, if I'd stuck with 20 mins of TM I wouldn't have enjoyed it 
as I'm well aware of how it goes if you just aren't in the mood. The TMO 
describe it as unstressing that you have to go through but give me a wild and 
peaceful trip instead of uncomfortableness that can be avoided. 
There's more than one way to cook a goose!

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 12:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, huh?! You had written to MJ that you continue doing TM because it's 
better than not doing it. So I was simply asking what happened when you didn't 
do it.

Oh right, every question is a chance to give the answer I've already prepared 
What happens is, the feeling of TM-ness wears off. If you miss it it's telling 
you to start again. If not then maybe it's time to do something else.
I know about 3 effective techniques - and am learning another off a friend soon 
- what you need is the self instinct tto know when a particular type will have 
most benefit depending on how you feel at the time.
Onwards and upwards.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 8:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, from your comments I wonder if you've ever NOT done your TM. What 

What happened is what happens. Minus the belief stage. Without that, what is it 
really? More, less or identical? There's only one way to find out.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

but that doesn't mean he didn't do a lot in teaching meditation and 
popularising spiritual seeking

This is something that even M's critics sometimes say, and I disagree. He 
wasn't the only huckster from India trying to make a living hawking his 
country's esoteric blabber as ultimate knowledge. What he did that made him 
seem to eclipse the others was he got lucky. The Beatles fell for his Anton 
Mesmer routine and he got tremendous amounts of attention from the news media 
due to them. And we see that they were done with him in less than a year. 

True but he did popularise meditation. I sure wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't 
for him!
I'm just being charitable as like TM, I'm as aware as anyone here how the TMO 
turned out. I've seen the madness myself. Sat in the same room as it but I 
worked out what was going on and it never got it's claws into me. Not like it 
has poor old George Hammond.
TM still works I just don't think it's doing what was promised. While it's 
better than not doing it I shall continue.
Were it not for the Beatles, he would have been another long haired Indian 
vying for the attention of the gullible masses. He deserves no credit for 
popularizing meditation since he did it for total self serving purposes, 
which is I believe in direct contravention to any number of Hindu and Vedic 
admonishments to the contrary. 

Gullible masses or genuine seekers? Or does that end up as the same thing? I 
think there is a need or desire in everyone to go beyond what they are and 
experience something profound. We seem wired that way, I sure am I'm just 
re-evaluating what the experience means. 
And what did his teaching produce? Such men as George Hammond who are willing 
to stand in front of an audience and make a big ol' donkey of themselves 
spouting things that are obvious hallucinations and made up bullshit. Come on.
LOL, you've got me there. Marshy would have seen what was happening with his 
devotees and 

[FairfieldLife] George critique from the perspective of the movement

2014-12-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I was so punch drunk last night from the Bataan Claims March I could only 
generate something flip. Thanks to anyone who enjoyed it and said so. I want to 
write two more posts about the day, one from the perspective of the Maharishi 
epistemology and one from my own.  

Maharishi's system had checks and balances. Like our US gov, he tried to create 
a trifecta of, personal experience, scriptural verification, a master's 
interpretation of that connection and sometimes, when it was convenient, 
scientific verification. (Or at least the appearance of that.) Although it is 
obvious that this system has the major flaw that the deck is stacked in the 
Guru's hands, it was Maharishi's party and when I was in TM, that was just fine 
with me. But even he, self confident to the grandiose as he was, never said:F 
the scriptures I am DA MAN. He paid lip service to a system that doesn't allow 
someone to step up and bypass the whole Vedic teaching and what his own guru 
taught to declare that there is a new sheriff in town. Maharishi then went 
ahead and did what he wanted like selling mantras for cash which is a violation 
of tradition and scripture, but he upheld the principle of following tradition 
while ignoring the inconvenient parts that limited cash flow. (Young biddies 
needs they fine new saris and chains before dey gets on dem private planes.)

George's message was a contradiction to the fundamental principles of 
Maharishi's system. It contradicted specific claims about the nature of reality 
that Maharishi explicitly taught. He had to paint it all as Maharishi himself 
realizing that he had been wrong to sell it. Maharishi's spiritual crisis after 
death was George saying, Maharishi was not the master we thought he was. He was 
a part of a team, and the whole team, (who George now conveniently represents) 
says THIS now. Maharishi never tried to speak with the combined authority of 
Guru Dev, Jehovah (who is Allah and not a personal aspect of God as Maharishi 
taught, but a dude like George) Jesus, Shankara (who was Vyasa's reincarnation 
contrary to Vedic scriptures and Maharishi) and each with a specific message to 
their people, through George.

I find this whole thing fascinating on so many levels. Seeing it through the 
mindset of my past TM is as interesting as seeing it though my own POV now as a 
philosophical exercise.

Because Maharishi did not have one guy who he trusted to be a replacement, he 
set up a committee. And this was another level of checks and balances that he 
put in place to keep one rich guy from going off the rails and pulling a 
George (patent pending) Pulling a George is attempting to elevate one's 
subjective experience beyond that, to usurp the whole philosophical system and 
turn it on its head. It is a variation of the pulling a 
Carlson (patent applied for and rejected) which is to claim to be in a state 
of consciousness that is on a par with your living guru and therefor capable of 
improving his system. The lesson here is to wait till your Guru is dead 
before busting either of these moves. 

Challenges like this to the movement's authority are bell weather. I was in a 
room with people who had FLOWN the F in to this event. I drove 10 minutes which 
is how it was possible for me. The discontent with the movement is the huge gap 
that will allow Georges to rise up bearing gifts of sandwiches and grandiose 
claims. I suspect that the perfect storm of his mental state and finances will 
be hard to duplicate. He dropped some cash on this. Well under 10 grand 
probably but more than 5. I'll bet his charming family (who checked me in) will 
think it was worth it if dad will now STFU finally! (can you imagine the dinner 
table discussion rolled eyes)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Ahh, Sal, you reply is rich with fodder for further discussion! For starters 
what the heck is Crimbo shopping? I hope it has nothing to do with tossing or 
tossering or whatever the verb is that comes out of the noun tosser.
You also reveal that you don't think TM is appropriate in all situations! What 
TM blasphemy that is! Do your friends from Skelmersdale know you believe that?
Also, I am fairly sure Share was not aware that your good experiences may come 
from a mix of TM and other techniques when she was attempting to tweak my 
nose some time ago asking me why I felt TM was no good when you obviously have 
good experiences with TM - but now we know you have good experiences from TM 
and other techniques.
This poses a dilemma for all TB'er governors. If they were asked How come Sal 
has such good experiences with TM plus other stuff and I just unstress all the 
time? what would that poor governor say?

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 2:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

So you switch around and do whatever you feel in the moment, you don't just do 
TM twice a day like a good TM lad?
Sometimes I do go recklessly of the programme yes. But certain situations 
require particular solutions. For instance, I was down the beach for the 
sunrise on saturday and after I'd got my photo I thought I'd have a meddy on a 
bench before doing some Crimbo shopping. I tried TM but was a bit tired and it 
didn't settle at all, so I did this mindful technique I picked up and had what 
I can only describe as a vision of my eternal soul.
At least that's what others would call it, I go along with that as it sounds 
cool. The point is, if I'd stuck with 20 mins of TM I wouldn't have enjoyed it 
as I'm well aware of how it goes if you just aren't in the mood. The TMO 
describe it as unstressing that you have to go through but give me a wild and 
peaceful trip instead of uncomfortableness that can be avoided. 
There's more than one way to cook a goose!

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 12:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, huh?! You had written to MJ that you continue doing TM because it's 
better than not doing it. So I was simply asking what happened when you didn't 
do it.

Oh right, every question is a chance to give the answer I've already prepared 
What happens is, the feeling of TM-ness wears off. If you miss it it's telling 
you to start again. If not then maybe it's time to do something else.
I know about 3 effective techniques - and am learning another off a friend soon 
- what you need is the self instinct tto know when a particular type will have 
most benefit depending on how you feel at the time.
Onwards and upwards.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 8:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, from your comments I wonder if you've ever NOT done your TM. What 

What happened is what happens. Minus the belief stage. Without that, what is it 
really? More, less or identical? There's only one way to find out.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

but that doesn't mean he didn't do a lot in teaching meditation and 
popularising spiritual seeking

This is something that even M's critics sometimes say, and I disagree. He 
wasn't the only huckster from India trying to make a living hawking his 
country's esoteric blabber as ultimate knowledge. What he did that made him 
seem to eclipse the others was he got lucky. The Beatles fell for his Anton 
Mesmer routine and he got tremendous amounts of attention from the news media 
due to them. And we see that they were done with him in less than a year. 

True but he did popularise meditation. I sure wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't 
for him!
I'm just being charitable as like TM, I'm as aware as anyone here how the TMO 
turned out. I've seen the madness myself. Sat in the same room as it but I 
worked out what was going on and it never got it's claws into me. Not like it 
has poor old George Hammond.
TM still works I just don't think it's doing what was promised. While it's 
better than not doing it I shall continue.
Were it not for the Beatles, he would have been another long haired Indian 
vying for the attention of the gullible masses. He deserves no credit for 
popularizing meditation since he did 

Re: [FairfieldLife] George critique from the perspective of the movement

2014-12-01 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
So what was the atmosphere like after? Were the people receptive or did they 
think he was full of vedic baloney?

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 3:18 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] George critique from the perspective of the movement
     I was so punch drunk last night from the Bataan Claims March I could only 
generate something flip. Thanks to anyone who enjoyed it and said so. I want to 
write two more posts about the day, one from the perspective of the Maharishi 
epistemology and one from my own.  

Maharishi's system had checks and balances. Like our US gov, he tried to create 
a trifecta of, personal experience, scriptural verification, a master's 
interpretation of that connection and sometimes, when it was convenient, 
scientific verification. (Or at least the appearance of that.) Although it is 
obvious that this system has the major flaw that the deck is stacked in the 
Guru's hands, it was Maharishi's party and when I was in TM, that was just fine 
with me. But even he, self confident to the grandiose as he was, never said:F 
the scriptures I am DA MAN. He paid lip service to a system that doesn't allow 
someone to step up and bypass the whole Vedic teaching and what his own guru 
taught to declare that there is a new sheriff in town. Maharishi then went 
ahead and did what he wanted like selling mantras for cash which is a violation 
of tradition and scripture, but he upheld the principle of following tradition 
while ignoring the inconvenient parts that limited cash flow. (Young biddies 
needs they fine new saris and chains before dey gets on dem private planes.)

George's message was a contradiction to the fundamental principles of 
Maharishi's system. It contradicted specific claims about the nature of reality 
that Maharishi explicitly taught. He had to paint it all as Maharishi himself 
realizing that he had been wrong to sell it. Maharishi's spiritual crisis after 
death was George saying, Maharishi was not the master we thought he was. He was 
a part of a team, and the whole team, (who George now conveniently represents) 
says THIS now. Maharishi never tried to speak with the combined authority of 
Guru Dev, Jehovah (who is Allah and not a personal aspect of God as Maharishi 
taught, but a dude like George) Jesus, Shankara (who was Vyasa's reincarnation 
contrary to Vedic scriptures and Maharishi) and each with a specific message to 
their people, through George.

I find this whole thing fascinating on so many levels. Seeing it through the 
mindset of my past TM is as interesting as seeing it though my own POV now as a 
philosophical exercise.

Because Maharishi did not have one guy who he trusted to be a replacement, he 
set up a committee. And this was another level of checks and balances that he 
put in place to keep one rich guy from going off the rails and pulling a 
George (patent pending) Pulling a George is attempting to elevate one's 
subjective experience beyond that, to usurp the whole philosophical system and 
turn it on its head. It is a variation of the pulling a 
Carlson (patent applied for and rejected) which is to claim to be in a state 
of consciousness that is on a par with your living guru and therefor capable of 
improving his system. The lesson here is to wait till your Guru is dead 
before busting either of these moves. 

Challenges like this to the movement's authority are bell weather. I was in a 
room with people who had FLOWN the F in to this event. I drove 10 minutes which 
is how it was possible for me. The discontent with the movement is the huge gap 
that will allow Georges to rise up bearing gifts of sandwiches and grandiose 
claims. I suspect that the perfect storm of his mental state and finances will 
be hard to duplicate. He dropped some cash on this. Well under 10 grand 
probably but more than 5. I'll bet his charming family (who checked me in) will 
think it was worth it if dad will now STFU finally! (can you imagine the dinner 
table discussion rolled eyes)

!--#yiv9743387077 #yiv9743387077ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
MJ, I remember asking why you spoke so negatively about TM since you reported 
yourself having good experiences. Jeez!

  From: Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 2:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November
    Ahh, Sal, you reply is rich with fodder for further discussion! For 
starters what the heck is Crimbo shopping? I hope it has nothing to do with 
tossing or tossering or whatever the verb is that comes out of the noun tosser.
You also reveal that you don't think TM is appropriate in all situations! What 
TM blasphemy that is! Do your friends from Skelmersdale know you believe that?
Also, I am fairly sure Share was not aware that your good experiences may come 
from a mix of TM and other techniques when she was attempting to tweak my 
nose some time ago asking me why I felt TM was no good when you obviously have 
good experiences with TM - but now we know you have good experiences from TM 
and other techniques.
This poses a dilemma for all TB'er governors. If they were asked How come Sal 
has such good experiences with TM plus other stuff and I just unstress all the 
time? what would that poor governor say?


 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 2:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

So you switch around and do whatever you feel in the moment, you don't just do 
TM twice a day like a good TM lad?
Sometimes I do go recklessly of the programme yes. But certain situations 
require particular solutions. For instance, I was down the beach for the 
sunrise on saturday and after I'd got my photo I thought I'd have a meddy on a 
bench before doing some Crimbo shopping. I tried TM but was a bit tired and it 
didn't settle at all, so I did this mindful technique I picked up and had what 
I can only describe as a vision of my eternal soul.
At least that's what others would call it, I go along with that as it sounds 
cool. The point is, if I'd stuck with 20 mins of TM I wouldn't have enjoyed it 
as I'm well aware of how it goes if you just aren't in the mood. The TMO 
describe it as unstressing that you have to go through but give me a wild and 
peaceful trip instead of uncomfortableness that can be avoided. 
There's more than one way to cook a goose!

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 12:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, huh?! You had written to MJ that you continue doing TM because it's 
better than not doing it. So I was simply asking what happened when you didn't 
do it.

Oh right, every question is a chance to give the answer I've already prepared 
What happens is, the feeling of TM-ness wears off. If you miss it it's telling 
you to start again. If not then maybe it's time to do something else.
I know about 3 effective techniques - and am learning another off a friend soon 
- what you need is the self instinct tto know when a particular type will have 
most benefit depending on how you feel at the time.
Onwards and upwards.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 8:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, from your comments I wonder if you've ever NOT done your TM. What 

What happened is what happens. Minus the belief stage. Without that, what is it 
really? More, less or identical? There's only one way to find out.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

but that doesn't mean he didn't do a lot in teaching meditation and 
popularising spiritual seeking

This is something that even M's critics sometimes say, and I disagree. He 
wasn't the only huckster from India trying to make a living hawking his 
country's esoteric blabber as ultimate knowledge. What he did that made him 
seem to eclipse the others was he got lucky. The Beatles fell for his Anton 
Mesmer routine and he got tremendous amounts of attention from the news media 
due to them. And we see that they were done with him in less than a year. 

True but he did popularise meditation. I sure wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't 
for him!
I'm just being charitable as like TM, I'm as aware as anyone here how the TMO 
turned out. I've seen the madness myself. Sat in the same room as it but I 
worked out what was 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread salyavin808


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Salyavin, one of my very favorite bits from Geo Hammond was when he said that 
the bottom line is teaching people how to turn within, that TM is a subset of 
turning within. 


 I learned this one mindfulness technique that seems so innocuous that anyone 
who'd been steeped in TM lore would dismiss it as rubbish and say that it 
couldn't possibly lead to anything, unlike TM because that involves magic 
mantras and puja and evading the conscious mind blah, blah. But I did it when I 
was standing up on a train simply because there was a crap view out of the 
window and it blew my mind in no small way, like there was a waterfall of sweet 
light streaming through me.

 I know it all sounds hideously cheesy but the thing is, I realised how it was 
working while it was happening and it was so simple I hadn't even thought it 
might compare to TM in that way, makes the effortlessness of TM seem like 
playing chess. I started laughing at my discovery that I got from a library 

 There was a point to this post that was relevant to your comment but I got 
carried away with the memory Turning within! Yes, he's right but there are 
so many ways of doing it that I wonder if anyone knows them all. Or even how 
effective they are for different people, or if some should be avoided by 
different people. So I'm not sure I'd recommend my approach to a newbie TMer 
because it's hard to explain. It's the sort of thing you have to find your own 
way through.

 So the bottom line for me is not being too dogmatic about it whichever type 
you do, but don't create confusion in the minds of the unenlightened.

 Damn, I'm rambling and there's something good on TV.

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 So you switch around and do whatever you feel in the moment, you don't just do 
TM twice a day like a good TM lad?

 Sometimes I do go recklessly of the programme yes. But certain situations 
require particular solutions. For instance, I was down the beach for the 
sunrise on saturday and after I'd got my photo I thought I'd have a meddy on a 
bench before doing some Crimbo shopping. I tried TM but was a bit tired and it 
didn't settle at all, so I did this mindful technique I picked up and had what 
I can only describe as a vision of my eternal soul.

 At least that's what others would call it, I go along with that as it sounds 
cool. The point is, if I'd stuck with 20 mins of TM I wouldn't have enjoyed it 
as I'm well aware of how it goes if you just aren't in the mood. The TMO 
describe it as unstressing that you have to go through but give me a wild and 
peaceful trip instead of uncomfortableness that can be avoided. 

 There's more than one way to cook a goose!


 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 12:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Salyavin, huh?! You had written to MJ that you continue doing TM because it's 
better than not doing it. So I was simply asking what happened when you didn't 
do it.


 Oh right, every question is a chance to give the answer I've already prepared 

 What happens is, the feeling of TM-ness wears off. If you miss it it's telling 
you to start again. If not then maybe it's time to do something else.

 I know about 3 effective techniques - and am learning another off a friend 
soon - what you need is the self instinct tto know when a particular type will 
have most benefit depending on how you feel at the time.

 Onwards and upwards.

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 8:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Salyavin, from your comments I wonder if you've ever NOT done your TM. What 


 What happened is what happens. Minus the belief stage. Without that, what is 
it really? More, less or identical? There's only one way to find out.

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 but that doesn't mean he didn't do a lot in teaching meditation and 
popularising spiritual seeking 


 This is something that even M's critics sometimes say, and I disagree. He 
wasn't the only huckster from India trying to make a living hawking his 
country's esoteric blabber as ultimate knowledge. What he did that made 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
You also addressed Sal having reported good exps from TM and asked how I 
accounted for that.

  From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 3:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November
    MJ, I remember asking why you spoke so negatively about TM since you 
reported yourself having good experiences. Jeez!


 From: Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 2:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November
    Ahh, Sal, you reply is rich with fodder for further discussion! For 
starters what the heck is Crimbo shopping? I hope it has nothing to do with 
tossing or tossering or whatever the verb is that comes out of the noun tosser.
You also reveal that you don't think TM is appropriate in all situations! What 
TM blasphemy that is! Do your friends from Skelmersdale know you believe that?
Also, I am fairly sure Share was not aware that your good experiences may come 
from a mix of TM and other techniques when she was attempting to tweak my 
nose some time ago asking me why I felt TM was no good when you obviously have 
good experiences with TM - but now we know you have good experiences from TM 
and other techniques.
This poses a dilemma for all TB'er governors. If they were asked How come Sal 
has such good experiences with TM plus other stuff and I just unstress all the 
time? what would that poor governor say?


 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 2:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

So you switch around and do whatever you feel in the moment, you don't just do 
TM twice a day like a good TM lad?
Sometimes I do go recklessly of the programme yes. But certain situations 
require particular solutions. For instance, I was down the beach for the 
sunrise on saturday and after I'd got my photo I thought I'd have a meddy on a 
bench before doing some Crimbo shopping. I tried TM but was a bit tired and it 
didn't settle at all, so I did this mindful technique I picked up and had what 
I can only describe as a vision of my eternal soul.
At least that's what others would call it, I go along with that as it sounds 
cool. The point is, if I'd stuck with 20 mins of TM I wouldn't have enjoyed it 
as I'm well aware of how it goes if you just aren't in the mood. The TMO 
describe it as unstressing that you have to go through but give me a wild and 
peaceful trip instead of uncomfortableness that can be avoided. 
There's more than one way to cook a goose!

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 12:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, huh?! You had written to MJ that you continue doing TM because it's 
better than not doing it. So I was simply asking what happened when you didn't 
do it.

Oh right, every question is a chance to give the answer I've already prepared 
What happens is, the feeling of TM-ness wears off. If you miss it it's telling 
you to start again. If not then maybe it's time to do something else.
I know about 3 effective techniques - and am learning another off a friend soon 
- what you need is the self instinct tto know when a particular type will have 
most benefit depending on how you feel at the time.
Onwards and upwards.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 8:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, from your comments I wonder if you've ever NOT done your TM. What 

What happened is what happens. Minus the belief stage. Without that, what is it 
really? More, less or identical? There's only one way to find out.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

but that doesn't mean he didn't do a lot in teaching meditation and 
popularising spiritual seeking

This is something that even M's critics sometimes say, and I disagree. He 
wasn't the only huckster from India trying to make a living hawking his 
country's esoteric blabber as ultimate knowledge. What he did that made him 
seem to eclipse the others was he got lucky. The Beatles fell for his Anton 
Mesmer routine and he got tremendous amounts of 

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: The TRUTH about Ferguson!

2014-12-01 Thread wleed3 [FairfieldLife]



Overturned cars in flames, the sound of
gunfire echoing throughout the city, black thugs silhouetted by
street fires as they broke and entered and looted-the lynch mob
finally got its chance in Ferguson last week.  

The script had been set for days.  All that
was required for cameras to roll was the grand jury report. The
mob had been irritated at the delay.  There was a sense of relief
when the verdict came down. The mob would have been disappointed
if the grand jury had held Darren Wilson guilty. 

As the mob set the city on fire and hunted
for whites to attack, Barack Obama appeared on split screen to
own the riot.  Issuing a perfunctory call for the rule of law, he
then fanned the flames by talking about the deep distrust
between law enforcement and communities of color. 

Ferguson wasn't about police brutality, and
the President knows it. If he wanted a teachable moment this was
his opportunity. He could have talked about how blacks are 13% of
the population in America and over 50% of homicide victims; how
91 % of these victims are murdered by other blacks and how,
therefore, communities of color are dependent on a police
presence for survival.  He could have talked about how one
quarter of the members of the grand jury that chose not to indict
Officer Wilson were black. He could even have attacked the racist
assumption that blacks will naturally react with mindless
violence to decisions like this one; and that they alone of all
American minority groups will be exempt from censure when they

There are many ways a truly post racial
President could have spoken truth to the power of the mob that
exploded in violence in Ferguson.  But instead Barack Obama
enabled it as his racist advisor on racial affairs, Al Sharpton,
swooped into Ferguson to pour gasoline on the flames. 

What happened Monday night is the latest
example of the disturbing reality we have been facing as a nation
since the civil rights movement was transformed into a lynch mob
under the leadership of Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.   

With my co-author John Perazzo I have written
about these racial extortionists and the damage they've done to
America's social fabric (with African Americans their chief
victim) in Black Skin Privilege and the American Dream. 

This pamphlet explains why lynch mobs such as
the one in Ferguson have become an enduring feature of American
life. I will send you a copy today for a donation of $50 or more,
and use your contribution to get copies of Black Skin Privilege
and the American Dream into the hands of politicians, members of
the media and opinion makers across the country.  

Black Skin Privilege and the American Dream
uses crime statistics to tell the hard truths about race in
America today.  It shows how, like the racial injustice against
blacks in the past, the racial injustice that is today enforced
on behalf of blacks has damaged them as well as the country as a
whole. It has empowered malice and sown resentment and ensured
that racial conflict continues half a century after the 1964
Civil Rights Acts broke down racial barriers.  

Please help me get the truth about Ferguson
into public view. Send your tax-deductible contribution of $50 or
more to the Freedom Center and I'll send you Black Skin
Privilege and the American Dreamand use your donation to get
this pamphlet into the hands of people who need to hear the
truths about why lynch mobs are allowed to operate freely in our
country today. 

Thank you in advance for your continued


David Horowitz

P.S. People who need to hear the truth about
Ferguson --- and I'm counting on you to help the Freedom Center
put that into motion. Please follow this link to make an
emergency donation of $50 or more today. 

The David Horowitz Freedom Center, a
501(c)(3) organization.  All donations are tax-deductible.

© Copyright 2014,

This message was intended for:
You were added to the system December 1, 2014.
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[FairfieldLife] George critique from my own POV

2014-12-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I am a brain guy. I think we need to get to the bottom of how it functions 
before we can even start to make claims beyond what it produces and dealing 
with worlds like what happens after we die and the brain rots away. (or gets 
burned away before it rots.) From what I could tell with Maharishi, he was not 
exempt from his brain function slowing down with age and it affecting who he 
was. Fundamentally, he changed as he grew older just like everyone else. The 
brain is my God.

So let's look at what the brain is capable of. Some patients who have a certain 
kind of stroke in a specific part of their brain go physically blind. It is 
mechanical, the brain cannot process what the optic nerve brings in, or it is 
the optic nerve itself that goes out, I don't know, but they can't see. Oddly, 
their brain immediately creates such a compelling replica of sensory 
experience, that the person is incapable of distinguishing this self generated 
experience from that of seeing the outer world. It takes doctors some time and 
many proof tests to convince these patients that this world their brain has 
cooked up, does not exist outside their mind. They cannot tell. And like in so 
many other cases of our brain's limitations they are incensed at first  to be 
challenged on this fundamental distinction. It is really hard to accept this 
harsh truth about our fallibility.

Because the mind is always creating what we call our perceptions out of the 
flimsy sensory data of our world, this is not a new thing really. What is new 
is that it is capable of it without any outside reference point.

I don't have to doubt that George was in a waking state when he had the 
experience of talking with Maharishi and others for a prolonged period of 
time. This is what the brain does for us to see a plate as a plate. What is 
different is that we don't have to go to the theory that it really was an 
external Maharishi that he was talking with in such detail. This is not even 
rare. We are Olympic level mis-percievers and worse analyzers of our 
limitations. We think we are great at fundamental things that we really suck 
at. Like distinguishing fact from fantasy in altered brain states. Totally suck 
at this.

Let's look at what bought this on. Barry was on to something with his 
connection of fear of death. George's sister had died, completely out of the 
blue, no warning, It was a total shock. I know someone who just went through 
something similar and had a mental breakdown. When he went to the doctor for 
some relief, the doctor explained to him what happens to the brain under 
extreme stress and shock. In a phrase: it F's up. All bets are off for what can 
happen when your brain goes through this. The normal processing functions are 
plunged into malfunctions.

You can have extended conversations with dead people. Whatever the brain can 
find to alleviate the stress, it will do. In his case he became almost 
catatonic and incapable of working for a while. His brain just said, F it all 
peace out. He was not a flakey person. He was a working professional just like 
George. His brain just had enough and it quit.

George's experience is not unheard of, doctors know all about it. What is 
unique is that he had a belief system that supported his taking it at face 
value instead of saying,  I am in trouble and need help.

Despite the unattractive qualities inherent in the grandiosity of his claims, I 
feel for the guy, I really do.

As I told George, there is nothing in what he said that requires us to assume 
that is coming from special people on the other side. Any of us could have come 
up with every claim he made. And you would think that a committee of this 
caliber could come up with ONE thing that none of us could have spouted. One 
thing. Big like cure for cancer, or small like a new compound that gets those 
shitty labels off of stuff we buy without leaving that sticky crap on them 
better than that nasty Goo Gone Hell, I would settle for a prediction on all 
of today's horse races with all the winnings going to charity.  There was none 
of that. It all spilled out in its chaotic glory from a brain in crisis
I sensed his fragility when I spoke with him personally at the very end. I was 
not looking at a representative of the badasses who brought us the not so holy 
tradition, or Christianity or even a mind like Plato's. I was interacting with 
a man in crises, holding it together for his family and business, but so far 
off the rails that the cascading fallout from this public event will haunt his 
family for a long time. Seeing his earnest daughters at the event reminded me 
who was gunna bear the brunt if Dad goes down for the count. There is a sad 
bravery in how he was trying to manage this event in his brain.

If one hand puts him up as the king of this world and the next, and the other 
option is to consider that this is a man who, like so many others, is facing a 
neurological challenge, I know which I am betting 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Ok, I don't remember but I believe you. What did you say?

  From: Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 2:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November
    You also addressed Sal having reported good exps from TM and asked how I 
accounted for that.


 From: Share Long [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 3:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November
    MJ, I remember asking why you spoke so negatively about TM since you 
reported yourself having good experiences. Jeez!


 From: Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 2:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November
    Ahh, Sal, you reply is rich with fodder for further discussion! For 
starters what the heck is Crimbo shopping? I hope it has nothing to do with 
tossing or tossering or whatever the verb is that comes out of the noun tosser.
You also reveal that you don't think TM is appropriate in all situations! What 
TM blasphemy that is! Do your friends from Skelmersdale know you believe that?
Also, I am fairly sure Share was not aware that your good experiences may come 
from a mix of TM and other techniques when she was attempting to tweak my 
nose some time ago asking me why I felt TM was no good when you obviously have 
good experiences with TM - but now we know you have good experiences from TM 
and other techniques.
This poses a dilemma for all TB'er governors. If they were asked How come Sal 
has such good experiences with TM plus other stuff and I just unstress all the 
time? what would that poor governor say?


 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 2:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

So you switch around and do whatever you feel in the moment, you don't just do 
TM twice a day like a good TM lad?
Sometimes I do go recklessly of the programme yes. But certain situations 
require particular solutions. For instance, I was down the beach for the 
sunrise on saturday and after I'd got my photo I thought I'd have a meddy on a 
bench before doing some Crimbo shopping. I tried TM but was a bit tired and it 
didn't settle at all, so I did this mindful technique I picked up and had what 
I can only describe as a vision of my eternal soul.
At least that's what others would call it, I go along with that as it sounds 
cool. The point is, if I'd stuck with 20 mins of TM I wouldn't have enjoyed it 
as I'm well aware of how it goes if you just aren't in the mood. The TMO 
describe it as unstressing that you have to go through but give me a wild and 
peaceful trip instead of uncomfortableness that can be avoided. 
There's more than one way to cook a goose!

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 12:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, huh?! You had written to MJ that you continue doing TM because it's 
better than not doing it. So I was simply asking what happened when you didn't 
do it.

Oh right, every question is a chance to give the answer I've already prepared 
What happens is, the feeling of TM-ness wears off. If you miss it it's telling 
you to start again. If not then maybe it's time to do something else.
I know about 3 effective techniques - and am learning another off a friend soon 
- what you need is the self instinct tto know when a particular type will have 
most benefit depending on how you feel at the time.
Onwards and upwards.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 8:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, from your comments I wonder if you've ever NOT done your TM. What 

What happened is what happens. Minus the belief stage. Without that, what is it 
really? More, less or identical? There's only one way to find out.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

but that doesn't mean he didn't do a lot in teaching meditation and 
popularising spiritual seeking

This is something that 

[FairfieldLife] Richard and Share

2014-12-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Maybe you should take this conversation over to the_Peak. We would prefer to 
discuss something more important here.

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Richard, your second paragraph about turq posting all the porn he wants just 
had me laughing my head off. Then laughing my head off at my own thought: can't 
 Obviously I've lost it, whatever it is (-:


 From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 3:07 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stop The Porn, was Fairfield and M. Effect
 On 12/1/2014 10:32 AM, Share Long wrote:
 turq, thanks for explaining. But would it be so awful if FFL was an adults 
only site?

 We are all adults here, Share, so it makes since to make this an adult site. 
 That way, Barry could post all the porn he wanted to - pornographic text 
messages, slang words for masturbation, pirated photos of rodents humping, 
photo-shopped images of transvestites, and even cartoons of Lord Buddha with 
gender bias captions using the c word. 
 I don't know what his problem is, he is after all the Uncle Tantra and the 
TurquoiseBee. Cognitive dissonance I guess. 
 Now he's trying to prove he's an offended prude and porn-free - as if he has 
never posted anything that would offend. Which is kind of weird, seeing as how 
seven FFL members just quit the group because of his smutty language. Go figure.
 But, you need to watch out - the last time Barry joked and chatted with a 
female on FFL, he reported her to Interpol and the Dutch police. Obviously he 
is monitoring our conversations.
 TurquoiseB wrote:
   Share, I'm going to take the trouble to explain something to you that it is 
possible you don't understand, being a relative newcomer to Fairfield Life. 
 Richard'spost to Rick saying that FFL is a porn site was *not* a joke, and 
*not* friendly, given events in the past. In that past, a disgruntled FFL 
poster, angered over something petty, stalked off in a snit and then posted 
some questionable sexually-explicit photos and/or text to FFL himself, and then 
went to Yahoo Administrators to blow the whistle and get them to declare FFL 
an Adult Only site. 
 As I understand it, Rick and Alex had to jump through hoops to get Yahoo to 
understand that this was an exercise in cyberterrorism by this disgruntled 
asshole, and allow FFL to remain at its current status.
 Richard made his post fully aware of this history, and thus fully aware of 
what he was trying to accomplish by calling FFL a porn site.
 If you didn't know this, it might have been possible for you to see Richard's 
actions as a joke. Now that you do, I don't see how you possibly can. He was 
attempting to use the charge that FFL was a porn site to possibly get the site 
either taken down or moved to a much more prohibitive status. He was being as 
much of a cyberterrorist as the original asshole was.  




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread salyavin808


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Ahh, Sal, your reply is rich with fodder for further discussion! 

 Oh good!

 For starters what the heck is Crimbo shopping? I hope it has nothing to do 
with tossing or tossering or whatever the verb is that comes out of the noun 

 You may know it as Christmas shopping, I prefer the term Crimbo, or Crimble, 
because it removes the last vestige of religion from what is basically a 
massive Pagan piss up and consumer greed frenzy. Some people still get all 
Nativity and Jesus about it but not me, even though I like the bible stories 
it's more an all-things-to-all-men festival.

 You also reveal that you don't think TM is appropriate in all situations! What 
TM blasphemy that is! Do your friends from Skelmersdale know you believe that?

 Shhh! Keep it down, they might read this.

 Seriously, I do tell them and there's a multitude of responses from blank 
ignoring to asking me what it's like. I've only had a few lectures about how 
mindfulness is rubbish compared to TM because blah, blah, concentrating blah, 
blah, only works because the mind gives up etc. But people who actually like 
you don't care what you do. As long as you don't do it on the dome, which I 
wouldn't anyway.

 One observation is that I only like it and get results because I've been doing 
TM for so long, and there's no way to prove otherwise but it's always said in a 
kind of you owe it to us way.

 I can't see the harm in discussing it but TM teachers would change the subject 
in a centre I think. I'd try it just to see but the local teachers don't like 
me much so I never go round LOL.

 Also, I am fairly sure Share was not aware that your good experiences may come 
from a mix of TM and other techniques when she was attempting to tweak my 
nose some time ago asking me why I felt TM was no good when you obviously have 
good experiences with TM - but now we know you have good experiences from TM 
and other techniques.

 This poses a dilemma for all TB'er governors. If they were asked How come Sal 
has such good experiences with TM plus other stuff and I just unstress all the 
time? what would that poor governor say?


 Like I say above I guess. They'd say: if he hadn't done TM for 20 years he 
wouldn't be having good mindful experiences. And then you can go on to explain 
the differences as discoursed incorrectly by Marshy in his why TM is best 
lecture and then introduce the Only have your feet in one boat at a timet 
anecdote and your home and dry! 


 I would have made a good TM teacher I think. I still remember the shpiell. I 
might do it and start a new career.

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 2:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 So you switch around and do whatever you feel in the moment, you don't just do 
TM twice a day like a good TM lad?

 Sometimes I do go recklessly of the programme yes. But certain situations 
require particular solutions. For instance, I was down the beach for the 
sunrise on saturday and after I'd got my photo I thought I'd have a meddy on a 
bench before doing some Crimbo shopping. I tried TM but was a bit tired and it 
didn't settle at all, so I did this mindful technique I picked up and had what 
I can only describe as a vision of my eternal soul.

 At least that's what others would call it, I go along with that as it sounds 
cool. The point is, if I'd stuck with 20 mins of TM I wouldn't have enjoyed it 
as I'm well aware of how it goes if you just aren't in the mood. The TMO 
describe it as unstressing that you have to go through but give me a wild and 
peaceful trip instead of uncomfortableness that can be avoided. 

 There's more than one way to cook a goose!


 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 12:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Salyavin, huh?! You had written to MJ that you continue doing TM because it's 
better than not doing it. So I was simply asking what happened when you didn't 
do it.


 Oh right, every question is a chance to give the answer I've already prepared 

 What happens is, the feeling of TM-ness wears off. If you miss it it's telling 
you to start again. If not then maybe it's time to do something else.

 I know about 3 effective techniques - and am learning another off a friend 
soon - what you need is the self instinct tto know when a particular type will 
have most benefit depending on how you feel at the time.

 Onwards and upwards.

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 8:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] George critique from the perspective of the movement

2014-12-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
--In, mjackson74@... wrote :
 So what was the atmosphere like after? Were the people receptive or did they 
think he was full of vedic baloney?

I couldn't get a read because I had run into an old friend from MIU and his 
wife and turned all my attention on them. People were freak'n exhausted. Many 
people had traveled a long way. I had some people tentatively asked me what I 
thought, not wanting to commit. When I articulated some of the issues I saw 
they agreed enthusiastically as if I had given their feelings the words they 
needed. Most of these people have not been articulating skepticism, which is 
what I pour over my cereal every morning. But I only talked with a few people 
and most were certainly not on my burn the whole F'er down POV. They had more 
skin in the game than I do. I did articulate my opinion to Jerry and his wife 
but I didn't get the feeling that they were buying anything I was saying. They 
have their own mysterious compass about all this, had traveled from Cali, and 
had a lot more than just skin in this game. They had their entire lives. I 
wasn't trying to piss on their parade. The message was very sympathetic to 
Jerry's situation with the movement. He heard it all through a lifetime of 
experiences I have no idea about.

I thought I felt a change in the room when George went through the improbable 
list of his own incarnations, but it might just have been me. Now in the 
questions period there was one that was interesting. He said that in his 
understanding people would progress through incarnations of better and better 
lives and states of development, and although he loved Mark Twain, that seemed 
like a big step from Brighu, Maharishi's dad! It was an excellent point and 
George danced around about judging what state anyone was in in their life. But 
we all knew, his incarnations sequence was not an upgrade parade!

I think most of the people had lived with so much ambiguity in their lives with 
their own maturity (we were a grey haired group) that they might not have to 
make the kind of clear judgement I am comfortable with. I think they will just 
pick out something they liked and forget the rest. There was a lack of 
interaction between all of us that was a bit of a disconnect. I think people 
were kind of processing it and were not ready to react. I feel more able to put 
my feelings down today better. I am probably not alone. 


 From: curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 3:18 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] George critique from the perspective of the movement
   I was so punch drunk last night from the Bataan Claims March I could only 
generate something flip. Thanks to anyone who enjoyed it and said so. I want to 
write two more posts about the day, one from the perspective of the Maharishi 
epistemology and one from my own.  

Maharishi's system had checks and balances. Like our US gov, he tried to create 
a trifecta of, personal experience, scriptural verification, a master's 
interpretation of that connection and sometimes, when it was convenient, 
scientific verification. (Or at least the appearance of that.) Although it is 
obvious that this system has the major flaw that the deck is stacked in the 
Guru's hands, it was Maharishi's party and when I was in TM, that was just fine 
with me. But even he, self confident to the grandiose as he was, never said:F 
the scriptures I am DA MAN. He paid lip service to a system that doesn't allow 
someone to step up and bypass the whole Vedic teaching and what his own guru 
taught to declare that there is a new sheriff in town. Maharishi then went 
ahead and did what he wanted like selling mantras for cash which is a violation 
of tradition and scripture, but he upheld the principle of following tradition 
while ignoring the inconvenient parts that limited cash flow. (Young biddies 
needs they fine new saris and chains before dey gets on dem private planes.)

George's message was a contradiction to the fundamental principles of 
Maharishi's system. It contradicted specific claims about the nature of reality 
that Maharishi explicitly taught. He had to paint it all as Maharishi himself 
realizing that he had been wrong to sell it. Maharishi's spiritual crisis after 
death was George saying, Maharishi was not the master we thought he was. He was 
a part of a team, and the whole team, (who George now conveniently represents) 
says THIS now. Maharishi never tried to speak with the combined authority of 
Guru Dev, Jehovah (who is Allah and not a personal aspect of God as Maharishi 
taught, but a dude like George) Jesus, Shankara (who was Vyasa's reincarnation 
contrary to Vedic scriptures and Maharishi) and each with a specific message to 
their people, through George.

I find this whole thing fascinating on so many levels. Seeing it through the 
mindset of my past TM is as interesting as 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Richard and Share

2014-12-01 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Xeno, Curtis has posted something very cool about the Hammond event. Why not 
focus on replying to that and simply ignore me and Richard? Wouldn't that be 
more logical?

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 3:33 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Richard and Share
    Maybe you should take this conversation over to the_Peak. We would prefer 
to discuss something more important here.

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Richard, your second paragraph about turq posting all the porn he wants just 
had me laughing my head off. Then laughing my head off at my own thought: can't 
wait!Obviously I've lost it, whatever it is (-:

  From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 3:07 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stop The Porn, was Fairfield and M. Effect
 On 12/1/2014 10:32 AM, Share Longwrote:


turq, thanksfor explaining. But would it be so awful if FFL was an adultsonly 

We are all adults here,Share, so it makes since to make this an adult site. 

That way, Barry could post all the porn he wanted to -pornographic text 
messages, slang words for masturbation,pirated photos of rodents humping, 
photo-shopped images oftransvestites, and even cartoons of Lord Buddha with 
gender biascaptions using the c word. 

I don't know what his problem is, he is after all the UncleTantra and the 
TurquoiseBee. Cognitive dissonance I guess. 

Now he's trying to prove he's an offended prude andporn-free - as if he has 
never posted anything that wouldoffend. Which is kind of weird, seeing as how 
seven FFL membersjust quit the group because of his smutty language. Gofigure.

But, you need to watch out - the lasttime Barry joked and chatted with a female 
on FFL,he reported her to Interpol and the Dutch police.Obviously he is 
monitoring our conversations.

TurquoiseB wrote:

 Share, I'm going to takethe trouble to explain something to youthat it is 
possible you don'tunderstand, being a relative newcomer toFairfield Life. 

Richard'spost to Rick saying that FFL is a pornsite was *not* a joke, and 
*not*friendly, given events in the past. Inthat past, a disgruntled FFL 
poster,angered over something petty, stalkedoff in a snit and then posted 
somequestionable sexually-explicit photosand/or text to FFL himself, and 
thenwent to Yahoo Administrators to blowthe whistle and get them to declare 
FFLan Adult Only site. 

As Iunderstand it, Rick and Alex had to jumpthrough hoops to get Yahoo to 
understandthat this was an exercise incyberterrorism by this 
disgruntledasshole, and allow FFL to remain at itscurrent status.

Richard made his postfully aware of this history, and thusfully aware of what 
he was trying toaccomplish by calling FFL a pornsite.
If you didn't knowthis, it might have been possible foryou to see Richard's 
actions as ajoke. Now that you do, I don't see howyou possibly can. He was 
attempting touse the charge that FFL was a pornsite to possibly get the site 
eithertaken down or moved to a much moreprohibitive status. He was being asmuch 
of a cyberterrorist as theoriginal asshole was.  

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Buck, is this true?

2014-12-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 12/1/2014 11:02 AM, Bhairitu wrote:

You mean that being concerned about the food we eat is not a form of 
chopping wood and carrying water?  Go figure.

/No, he means that being prejudiced against someone because of their 
religion leaves nothing to discuss, whether it is about the food a 
farmer eats, chopping water, hauling wood or conducting a roundup./

On 12/01/2014 07:28 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Son, this thread is completely off topic here. As much as you want to 
drag me back down in to the mud of this forum now with a side 
excursion like this one you are proposing to take in the place of the 
serious discussion of spiritual things like FFL could have, I feel to 
pass on this one so as not to further dilute the soup of what could 
be substantial discussion on FFL otherwise. Go away to some nutrition 
forum for you answer to this question and don't waste the time of 
people on FFL.

The trigger of the smoking gun:

Roundup/GMO's significantly disrupts the functioning of beneficial 
bacteria in the gut and contributes to permeability of the intestinal 
wall and consequent expression of autoimmune disease symptoms - See 
more at: 

PS, Italians generally have a different threshold of allergic 
reaction in their guts. It is a cultural thing. Americans are too 
damned antiseptic in the way they raise their kids now and hence 
culture over-reactivity in immune systems to too many things now,

-Buck [after morning meditation] out standing in his fields feeding 
livestock near Fairfield, Iowa

mjackson74@... wrote :

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[FairfieldLife] Re: George critique from my own POV

2014-12-01 Thread salyavin808

 Similar thing happened to David Icke. He was a successful footballer and TV 
commentator before he had a vision and started claiming to be the son of God 
and making his family wear turquoise track suits.

 Everyone laughed at him to his face, but I felt sorry for him, it was obvious 
he'd had some sort of breakdown. He had to build a belief system to explain it 
out of stuff he found in society, channellers and any mystic he ran into, and 
then he met someone who'd seen giant reptiles and the rest is history (and if 
it isn't you've got some eyebrow raising books to read).

 Icke's mind healed round his delusions and he functions without seeming 
baffled by it himself. Makes a lot of money too. I don't think George will 
though, it was just too out there to be credible. All these deities all being 
friends just sent me into an objectivity frenzy. There are nice fantasies and 
there is new age drivel and this went beyond what I could shrug off and I know 
people who channel Jesus!

 But I think you may have hit a nail on the head there Curtis, he the reason to 
ask the question and he had a belief system ready and waiting with sympathetic 
friends to encourage him.

 I think if I was close to him I would have been concerned, but to see it on TV 
I assumed he was aware and happy with what was going on and not just as a 
personal reality. He wanted us to receive it because he can't tell the 
difference. I didn't think to feel like he might be needing need help, but then 
you've got to feel like you do to need it don't you? You've awakened a humility 
in me. I just hope he's as happy with his new world as David Icke is with his.

---In, curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

 I am a brain guy. I think we need to get to the bottom of how it functions 
before we can even start to make claims beyond what it produces and dealing 
with worlds like what happens after we die and the brain rots away. (or gets 
burned away before it rots.) From what I could tell with Maharishi, he was not 
exempt from his brain function slowing down with age and it affecting who he 
was. Fundamentally, he changed as he grew older just like everyone else. The 
brain is my God.

So let's look at what the brain is capable of. Some patients who have a certain 
kind of stroke in a specific part of their brain go physically blind. It is 
mechanical, the brain cannot process what the optic nerve brings in, or it is 
the optic nerve itself that goes out, I don't know, but they can't see. Oddly, 
their brain immediately creates such a compelling replica of sensory 
experience, that the person is incapable of distinguishing this self generated 
experience from that of seeing the outer world. It takes doctors some time and 
many proof tests to convince these patients that this world their brain has 
cooked up, does not exist outside their mind. They cannot tell. And like in so 
many other cases of our brain's limitations they are incensed at first  to be 
challenged on this fundamental distinction. It is really hard to accept this 
harsh truth about our fallibility.

Because the mind is always creating what we call our perceptions out of the 
flimsy sensory data of our world, this is not a new thing really. What is new 
is that it is capable of it without any outside reference point.

I don't have to doubt that George was in a waking state when he had the 
experience of talking with Maharishi and others for a prolonged period of 
time. This is what the brain does for us to see a plate as a plate. What is 
different is that we don't have to go to the theory that it really was an 
external Maharishi that he was talking with in such detail. This is not even 
rare. We are Olympic level mis-percievers and worse analyzers of our 
limitations. We think we are great at fundamental things that we really suck 
at. Like distinguishing fact from fantasy in altered brain states. Totally suck 
at this.

Let's look at what bought this on. Barry was on to something with his 
connection of fear of death. George's sister had died, completely out of the 
blue, no warning, It was a total shock. I know someone who just went through 
something similar and had a mental breakdown. When he went to the doctor for 
some relief, the doctor explained to him what happens to the brain under 
extreme stress and shock. In a phrase: it F's up. All bets are off for what can 
happen when your brain goes through this. The normal processing functions are 
plunged into malfunctions.

You can have extended conversations with dead people. Whatever the brain can 
find to alleviate the stress, it will do. In his case he became almost 
catatonic and incapable of working for a while. His brain just said, F it all 
peace out. He was not a flakey person. He was a working professional just like 
George. His brain just had enough and it quit.

George's experience is not unheard of, doctors know all about it. What is 
unique is that he had a belief system that 

[FairfieldLife] Re: George critique from my own POV

2014-12-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Beautifully put, Curtis. And I agree totally.  To me George seems (via 
internet) a genuinely sincere person and he is responding to entirelyreal 
perceptions of his.  Like most people with hallucinations and other similar 
brain events, he probably has no way to know what is real real and what seems 
just as real but is only a  function of some neurological events over which he 
has no control.  And given the spiritual background and books over the last 
many years, it can be impossible to tease apart the healthy metaphysical and 
the wires gone awry.To me a tip off to this is that his ideas from his books 
sound awfully similar to the ideas from The Movement men he has been communing 
with. Yes this could happen to any of us. Given the right set of circumstances. 
 He seems like a really smart, good person - and as you said, a hug and some 
good help and understanding are what is needed.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 12/01/2014 12:32 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, one of my very favorite bits from Geo Hammond was when he 
said that the bottom line is teaching people how to turn within, that 
TM is a subset of turning within.

I learned this one mindfulness technique that seems so innocuous that 
anyone who'd been steeped in TM lore would dismiss it as rubbish and 
say that it couldn't possibly lead to anything, unlike TM because that 
involves magic mantras and puja and evading the conscious mind blah, 
blah. But I did it when I was standing up on a train simply because 
there was a crap view out of the window and it blew my mind in no 
small way, like there was a waterfall of sweet light streaming through me.

I know it all sounds hideously cheesy but the thing is, I realised how 
it was working while it was happening and it was so simple I hadn't 
even thought it might compare to TM in that way, makes the 
effortlessness of TM seem like playing chess. I started laughing at my 
discovery that I got from a library book.

There was a point to this post that was relevant to your comment but I 
got carried away with the memory Turning within! Yes, he's right 
but there are so many ways of doing it that I wonder if anyone knows 
them all. Or even how effective they are for different people, or if 
some should be avoided by different people. So I'm not sure I'd 
recommend my approach to a newbie TMer because it's hard to explain. 
It's the sort of thing you have to find your own way through.

So the bottom line for me is not being too dogmatic about it whichever 
type you do, but don't create confusion in the minds of the unenlightened.

Damn, I'm rambling and there's something good on TV.

OK, what's good on TV across the pond these days?  BTW, for Netflixers 
here Black Mirror has been added in the US WI.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Buck, is this true?

2014-12-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 12/1/2014 11:08 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:

Now that I have heard what Hammond said, I find it even greater 
evidence of his either being crazy or at least really a whacko given 
the fact that he petitioned the Movement to allow him to make this 
presentation in the Dome - can you imagine him doing this in the Dome 
in Fairfield?

/Why not - they let you in the dome and you sucked as a waiter and had a 
big pie-hole/.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
What book did you get the technique out of?

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 3:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, one of my very favorite bits from Geo Hammond was when he said that 
the bottom line is teaching people how to turn within, that TM is a subset of 
turning within. 

I learned this one mindfulness technique that seems so innocuous that anyone 
who'd been steeped in TM lore would dismiss it as rubbish and say that it 
couldn't possibly lead to anything, unlike TM because that involves magic 
mantras and puja and evading the conscious mind blah, blah. But I did it when I 
was standing up on a train simply because there was a crap view out of the 
window and it blew my mind in no small way, like there was a waterfall of sweet 
light streaming through me.
I know it all sounds hideously cheesy but the thing is, I realised how it was 
working while it was happening and it was so simple I hadn't even thought it 
might compare to TM in that way, makes the effortlessness of TM seem like 
playing chess. I started laughing at my discovery that I got from a library 
There was a point to this post that was relevant to your comment but I got 
carried away with the memory Turning within! Yes, he's right but there are 
so many ways of doing it that I wonder if anyone knows them all. Or even how 
effective they are for different people, or if some should be avoided by 
different people. So I'm not sure I'd recommend my approach to a newbie TMer 
because it's hard to explain. It's the sort of thing you have to find your own 
way through.
So the bottom line for me is not being too dogmatic about it whichever type you 
do, but don't create confusion in the minds of the unenlightened.
Damn, I'm rambling and there's something good on TV.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

So you switch around and do whatever you feel in the moment, you don't just do 
TM twice a day like a good TM lad?
Sometimes I do go recklessly of the programme yes. But certain situations 
require particular solutions. For instance, I was down the beach for the 
sunrise on saturday and after I'd got my photo I thought I'd have a meddy on a 
bench before doing some Crimbo shopping. I tried TM but was a bit tired and it 
didn't settle at all, so I did this mindful technique I picked up and had what 
I can only describe as a vision of my eternal soul.
At least that's what others would call it, I go along with that as it sounds 
cool. The point is, if I'd stuck with 20 mins of TM I wouldn't have enjoyed it 
as I'm well aware of how it goes if you just aren't in the mood. The TMO 
describe it as unstressing that you have to go through but give me a wild and 
peaceful trip instead of uncomfortableness that can be avoided. 
There's more than one way to cook a goose!

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 12:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, huh?! You had written to MJ that you continue doing TM because it's 
better than not doing it. So I was simply asking what happened when you didn't 
do it.

Oh right, every question is a chance to give the answer I've already prepared 
What happens is, the feeling of TM-ness wears off. If you miss it it's telling 
you to start again. If not then maybe it's time to do something else.
I know about 3 effective techniques - and am learning another off a friend soon 
- what you need is the self instinct tto know when a particular type will have 
most benefit depending on how you feel at the time.
Onwards and upwards.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 8:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, from your comments I wonder if you've ever NOT done your TM. What 

What happened is what happens. Minus the belief stage. Without that, what is it 
really? More, less or identical? There's only one way to find out.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 1:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

but that doesn't mean he didn't do a lot in teaching meditation and 
popularising spiritual seeking

This is something that even M's critics sometimes say, and I disagree. He 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query

2014-12-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 12/1/2014 11:40 AM, Share Long wrote:

salyavin, a troll for me is someone who writes with a malicious tone. 
I don't get that from Richard's posts.

/Troll - A person who sends duplicitous messages to get angry responses./

/Trolls are sometimes caricatured as socially inept. This is often due 
to the fundamental attribution error, as it is impossible to know the 
real traits of an individual solely from their online discourse. Indeed, 
since intentional trolls are alleged to knowingly flout social 
boundaries, it is difficult to typecast them as socially inept since 
they have arguably proven adept at their goal./

Re: [FairfieldLife] George critique from the perspective of the movement

2014-12-01 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I wish the question and answer part was on the video but it wasn't. Hard to 
believe that anyone could swallow any of this stuff from Hammond.
  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 4:41 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] George critique from the perspective of the 
    --In, mjackson74@... wrote :

So what was the atmosphere like after? Were the people receptive or did they 
think he was full of vedic baloney?

I couldn't get a read because I had run into an old friend from MIU and his 
wife and turned all my attention on them. People were freak'n exhausted. Many 
people had traveled a long way. I had some people tentatively asked me what I 
thought, not wanting to commit. When I articulated some of the issues I saw 
they agreed enthusiastically as if I had given their feelings the words they 
needed. Most of these people have not been articulating skepticism, which is 
what I pour over my cereal every morning. But I only talked with a few people 
and most were certainly not on my burn the whole F'er down POV. They had more 
skin in the game than I do. I did articulate my opinion to Jerry and his wife 
but I didn't get the feeling that they were buying anything I was saying. They 
have their own mysterious compass about all this, had traveled from Cali, and 
had a lot more than just skin in this game. They had their entire lives. I 
wasn't trying to piss on their parade. The message was very sympathetic to 
Jerry's situation with the movement. He heard it all through a lifetime of 
experiences I have no idea about.

I thought I felt a change in the room when George went through the improbable 
list of his own incarnations, but it might just have been me. Now in the 
questions period there was one that was interesting. He said that in his 
understanding people would progress through incarnations of better and better 
lives and states of development, and although he loved Mark Twain, that seemed 
like a big step from Brighu, Maharishi's dad! It was an excellent point and 
George danced around about judging what state anyone was in in their life. But 
we all knew, his incarnations sequence was not an upgrade parade!

I think most of the people had lived with so much ambiguity in their lives with 
their own maturity (we were a grey haired group) that they might not have to 
make the kind of clear judgement I am comfortable with. I think they will just 
pick out something they liked and forget the rest. There was a lack of 
interaction between all of us that was a bit of a disconnect. I think people 
were kind of processing it and were not ready to react. I feel more able to put 
my feelings down today better. I am probably not alone. 

  From: curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 3:18 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] George critique from the perspective of the movement
 I was so punch drunk last night from the Bataan Claims March I could only 
generate something flip. Thanks to anyone who enjoyed it and said so. I want to 
write two more posts about the day, one from the perspective of the Maharishi 
epistemology and one from my own.  

Maharishi's system had checks and balances. Like our US gov, he tried to create 
a trifecta of, personal experience, scriptural verification, a master's 
interpretation of that connection and sometimes, when it was convenient, 
scientific verification. (Or at least the appearance of that.) Although it is 
obvious that this system has the major flaw that the deck is stacked in the 
Guru's hands, it was Maharishi's party and when I was in TM, that was just fine 
with me. But even he, self confident to the grandiose as he was, never said:F 
the scriptures I am DA MAN. He paid lip service to a system that doesn't allow 
someone to step up and bypass the whole Vedic teaching and what his own guru 
taught to declare that there is a new sheriff in town. Maharishi then went 
ahead and did what he wanted like selling mantras for cash which is a violation 
of tradition and scripture, but he upheld the principle of following tradition 
while ignoring the inconvenient parts that limited cash flow. (Young biddies 
needs they fine new saris and chains before dey gets on dem private planes.)

George's message was a contradiction to the fundamental principles of 
Maharishi's system. It contradicted specific claims about the nature of reality 
that Maharishi explicitly taught. He had to paint it all as Maharishi himself 
realizing that he had been wrong to sell it. Maharishi's spiritual crisis after 
death was George saying, Maharishi was not the master we thought he was. He was 
a part of a team, and the whole team, (who George now conveniently represents) 
says THIS now. Maharishi never tried to speak with the combined authority of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

2014-12-01 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Sometimes I laugh like hell when I read your posts sometimes - a pagan piss up! 
I assume that means a lot of drinking alcohol, but I'm not sure. Sounds 
hilarious though to me. 

And I can't imagine why the local teachers don't like you though.

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 4:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

Ahh, Sal, your reply is rich with fodder for further discussion! 
Oh good!
For starters what the heck is Crimbo shopping? I hope it has nothing to do with 
tossing or tossering or whatever the verb is that comes out of the noun tosser.
You may know it as Christmas shopping, I prefer the term Crimbo, or Crimble, 
because it removes the last vestige of religion from what is basically a 
massive Pagan piss up and consumer greed frenzy. Some people still get all 
Nativity and Jesus about it but not me, even though I like the bible stories 
it's more an all-things-to-all-men festival.
You also reveal that you don't think TM is appropriate in all situations! What 
TM blasphemy that is! Do your friends from Skelmersdale know you believe that?
Shhh! Keep it down, they might read this.
Seriously, I do tell them and there's a multitude of responses from blank 
ignoring to asking me what it's like. I've only had a few lectures about how 
mindfulness is rubbish compared to TM because blah, blah, concentrating blah, 
blah, only works because the mind gives up etc. But people who actually like 
you don't care what you do. As long as you don't do it on the dome, which I 
wouldn't anyway.
One observation is that I only like it and get results because I've been doing 
TM for so long, and there's no way to prove otherwise but it's always said in a 
kind of you owe it to us way.
I can't see the harm in discussing it but TM teachers would change the subject 
in a centre I think. I'd try it just to see but the local teachers don't like 
me much so I never go round LOL.
Also, I am fairly sure Share was not aware that your good experiences may come 
from a mix of TM and other techniques when she was attempting to tweak my 
nose some time ago asking me why I felt TM was no good when you obviously have 
good experiences with TM - but now we know you have good experiences from TM 
and other techniques.
This poses a dilemma for all TB'er governors. If they were asked How come Sal 
has such good experiences with TM plus other stuff and I just unstress all the 
time? what would that poor governor say?

Like I say above I guess. They'd say: if he hadn't done TM for 20 years he 
wouldn't be having good mindful experiences. And then you can go on to explain 
the differences as discoursed incorrectly by Marshy in his why TM is best 
lecture and then introduce the Only have your feet in one boat at a timet 
anecdote and your home and dry! 

I would have made a good TM teacher I think. I still remember the shpiell. I 
might do it and start a new career.
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 2:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

So you switch around and do whatever you feel in the moment, you don't just do 
TM twice a day like a good TM lad?
Sometimes I do go recklessly of the programme yes. But certain situations 
require particular solutions. For instance, I was down the beach for the 
sunrise on saturday and after I'd got my photo I thought I'd have a meddy on a 
bench before doing some Crimbo shopping. I tried TM but was a bit tired and it 
didn't settle at all, so I did this mindful technique I picked up and had what 
I can only describe as a vision of my eternal soul.
At least that's what others would call it, I go along with that as it sounds 
cool. The point is, if I'd stuck with 20 mins of TM I wouldn't have enjoyed it 
as I'm well aware of how it goes if you just aren't in the mood. The TMO 
describe it as unstressing that you have to go through but give me a wild and 
peaceful trip instead of uncomfortableness that can be avoided. 
There's more than one way to cook a goose!

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 12:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Stream | 30th November

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Salyavin, huh?! You had written to MJ that you continue doing TM because it's 
better than not doing it. So I was simply asking what happened when you didn't 
do it.

Oh right, every question is a chance to give the answer I've already prepared 
What happens is, the feeling of TM-ness wears off. If you miss it it's telling 
you to start again. If not then maybe it's time to do something else.
I know about 3 effective techniques - and am 

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