Re: Adding a New Email

2015-11-08 Thread WaltS48

On 11/08/2015 08:19 PM, Mike wrote:

When ever I try to add a new email address to SeaMonkey Mail the wizard
defaults to Newsgroup. When I do manage to get the email wizard to pop
up after creating my new account SeaMonkey Crashes. I've switched to
SeaMonkey 2.29 beta 1 to see if that would fix it, but the issue still

After creating a news account through clicking a news URL, the MailNews 
account wizard may be broken (the account type will always be News). To 
work around the problem, set the mail.server.serverX.valid pref (where X 
is the internal number of the corresponding news account) to true in 
about:config, or delete the invalid news account

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Re: RSS icon in URL bar

2015-11-12 Thread WaltS48

On 11/12/2015 04:12 PM, Ray_Net wrote:

WaltS48 wrote on 12/11/2015 20:22:

On 11/12/2015 10:39 AM, Ray_Net wrote:

Roger Fink wrote on 12/11/2015 03:15:

Does anyone know how to remove the RSS icon from the URL bar in
SeaMonkey? In Pale Moon you can set an about:config preference to
false, . This doesn't exist in 2.35, the version
I'm using, so I added it, but it doesn't do anything.

I never see an RSS icon in the URL bar ... I see just favicon if the
webmaster use it. And I like to see this beautiful feature.

You need to browse more. ;)

Try this site and look at the far right of the address bar.


Thanks for this url. I never notice this gadget :-)

There is a lot I don't notice until someone complains, then I go look, 
roll my eyes and go; "Really?"

Just browse! :)

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Re: RSS icon in URL bar

2015-11-12 Thread WaltS48

On 11/12/2015 10:39 AM, Ray_Net wrote:

Roger Fink wrote on 12/11/2015 03:15:

Does anyone know how to remove the RSS icon from the URL bar in
SeaMonkey? In Pale Moon you can set an about:config preference to
false, . This doesn't exist in 2.35, the version
I'm using, so I added it, but it doesn't do anything.

I never see an RSS icon in the URL bar ... I see just favicon if the
webmaster use it. And I like to see this beautiful feature.

You need to browse more. ;)

Try this site and look at the far right of the address bar.

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Re: Change in Adblock Plus

2015-11-14 Thread WaltS48

On 11/14/2015 08:49 PM, Ant wrote:

I do not have this problem.  If I left-click on the icon in my status
bar, I get a popup context menu that includes "Filter preferences".
Selecting that menu item, I get the Adblock Plus Filter Preferences
window.  At the top-right of the window is an Add Filter button, which
works for me.

Having created a new filter, I was later able to edit it.  I selected
the filter entry, right-clicked, selected Edit from the pull-down
context menu, and changed the new filter.

If none of this works for you, the problem might be caused by another
extension.  Disable all of your extensions except AdBlock Plus and try
again.  If it works then, enable your extensions one at a time, each
time trying to edit the filters until you fail.  That will isolate which
extension is causing the problem.

Since I have the same problem, I tried your ideas. None of them helped.
I even tried a brand new profile and installed ABP v2.6.11 from ABP's
web site. Same results. :(

I did notice when I try to add/edit filters, it goes to "Filter
subscriptions" tab and thinks I am searching as shown in my screen shot/capture. :(

Are we trying to add Filter Subscriptions, or create a Custom Filter?

Adding and deleting Filter Subscriptions works for me.

If I click the Custom filters tab and then click Add filter group, I get 
another group added to the list, which I can name if I want.

If I click Actions > Show/hide filters, I get another pane where I can 
click Add filter, clicking the Filter actions button also seems to work 
if I have a Filter rule selected. That is if there is a Filter group 
with Filter rules there, as I have for Exception Rules in SeaMonkey.

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Re: Warning of Registry Error - Call 800 - Blah Blah Blah !

2015-11-15 Thread WaltS48

On 11/15/2015 02:16 PM, DoctorBill wrote:

Every once in a while I get stuck in a "Warningregistry virus error..."

It stops everything on SM.
SM does not respond.   Can't get out.

Says I have to call some 800 number to get my computer back - big long
worded thing that repeats itself.

I have been able to get out only by repeated ALT-F4 and restarting
Windows (XP) and then after a while of that, by clicking on the icon
below and clicking "Close".  I can't remember exactly what I do, but
eventually it goes away.

Is this the "Extortion Virus" thing out of Russia I have heard about ?

What is the best way to get out of it ?
BTW - I can't find any FREE virus checkers that work in XP.  My computer
is too old to run the new Windows.


Time to buy a newer one? Goodwill has used computers at reasonable prices.

You could probably get one with Windows 7.

You could also (clears throat) switch to Linux.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: 2.39 and system hanging

2015-11-16 Thread WaltS48

On 11/15/2015 09:20 PM, Jonathan N. Little wrote:

WaltS48 wrote:

On 11/15/2015 07:26 PM, Edmund Wong wrote:


Is it just me, or does 2.39 hang a lot?  Especially with
getting email?   After clicking get messages, it'd download
the stuff, and then hang for about ten seconds or so and
then resume (after switching windows on me).  Like say
I am in the 3-pane message window.  I click on "Get Msgs".
It'd download the mail.  Then hang.  Once it resumes,
it jumps to some other browser window.

Mind you, this is with an old profile.  Guess I'll try
it with a new one.


I'm experiencing the same problems with everything I have connected to
the Internet for the last two days. Firefox, Thunderbird, Pan
Newsreader, VLC, SeaMonkey when I was running some tests. Even my
software management application won't connect to one repository.

Weren't you also complaining a popup malware problem? I just spent some
time clearing out a similar problem on a client's computer and is was
infected with shopperZ malware. Royal PITA to rid. Maybe your issue is
not SM.

Nope, that wasn't me.

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Re: Warning of Registry Error - Call 800 - Blah Blah Blah !

2015-11-15 Thread WaltS48

On 11/15/2015 04:42 PM, DoctorBill wrote:

WaltS48 wrote:

On 11/15/2015 02:16 PM, DoctorBill wrote:

Every once in a while I get stuck in a
"Warningregistry virus error..."

It stops everything on SM.
SM does not respond.   Can't get out.

Says I have to call some 800 number to get my
computer back - big long
worded thing that repeats itself.

I have been able to get out only by repeated
ALT-F4 and restarting
Windows (XP) and then after a while of that, by
clicking on the icon
below and clicking "Close".  I can't remember
exactly what I do, but
eventually it goes away.

Is this the "Extortion Virus" thing out of
Russia I have heard about ?

What is the best way to get out of it ?
BTW - I can't find any FREE virus checkers that
work in XP.  My computer
is too old to run the new Windows.


Time to buy a newer one? Goodwill has used
computers at reasonable prices.

You could probably get one with Windows 7.

You could also (clears throat) switch to Linux.

If someone with a used car asks a mechanic to fix a problem, how many
tell the client to go buy a newer car ?!  Big Help !

Probably the mechanic that can't fix the old car anymore, due to parts 
unavailability or other reasons.

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Re: 2.39 and system hanging

2015-11-15 Thread WaltS48

On 11/15/2015 07:26 PM, Edmund Wong wrote:


Is it just me, or does 2.39 hang a lot?  Especially with
getting email?   After clicking get messages, it'd download
the stuff, and then hang for about ten seconds or so and
then resume (after switching windows on me).  Like say
I am in the 3-pane message window.  I click on "Get Msgs".
It'd download the mail.  Then hang.  Once it resumes,
it jumps to some other browser window.

Mind you, this is with an old profile.  Guess I'll try
it with a new one.


I'm experiencing the same problems with everything I have connected to 
the Internet for the last two days. Firefox, Thunderbird, Pan 
Newsreader, VLC, SeaMonkey when I was running some tests. Even my 
software management application won't connect to one repository.

Verizon DSL account.

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Re: Mozilla removing Pocket (sort of) and other Firefox news

2015-11-12 Thread WaltS48

On 11/12/2015 01:31 PM, David E. Ross wrote:

On 11/10/2015 6:30 AM, WaltS48 wrote [in part]:

Mozilla plans to remove support for heavyweight themes in Firefox


Mozilla clarifies what the removal of full themes actually means -


Some light reading for those that may be interested.

What is the impact of this on SeaMonkey?  Will full themes no longer be
permitted for SeaMonkey?

Don't know to question #1 and #2.

What is the impact of this on Thunderbird.

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Re: Reading PDF docs in or outside SM

2015-11-05 Thread WaltS48

On 11/05/2015 04:11 AM, Daniel wrote:

I'm using my SM 2.39b1 on Win7 att, but I think the problem also exists
on my Linux SM as well.

The Australian Government has recently set up a single web site
( for a taxpayer/citizen/whatever to use to communicate with
all the various Government Departments and for them to be able to e-mail
me letters rather than actually sending them via Australia Post. The
Help screen list about 50-60 FAQ with answers and, of course, I cannot
see my problem there.

A lot of these documents have attachments, supposedly in pdf format, but
I've yet to be able to read a single one of these attachments. I thought
I had Adobe Reader as one of the SM extensions, but I don't and I've
looked through 200 of the 800 Extensions at but cannot find
the Adobe Acrobat/Reader extension listed.

However, when I'm in my profile on the site and select one of
the gov mail and click on one of the attachments, I get.

1.A Blank Browser tab with in
address bar

2.The Download Manager opens showing it is downloading, e.g.,
"d6zZmvam" (no 3 letter (e.g. *.pdf) subsection), which is file type
data:application/x-moz-playpreview;,application/pdf and the Download
Manager downloads 15bytes of 15bytes, and,

3.Eventually Adobe Reader XI (version 11.0.2) opens (outside SM) and
tells me "Adobe Reader could not open 'd6zZmvam' because it is either
not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for
example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly
decoded)." Note the file name, d6zZmvam, has no subsection.

Is there something I can do (apart from bitching to the Government!!
Somehow!!) so that I will be able to communicate with assorted Gov

You could try  scroll down to Browser 
Extensions and install the Development Version.

PDF's should open in a SeaMonkey tab, if they have a .pdf extension.

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Re: sm crashes... sometimes

2015-11-07 Thread WaltS48

On 11/06/2015 05:42 PM, rjkrjk wrote:

win7/64  sm2.38

have noticed lately that at various  websites, when I right click, the
screen will get a white overlay
and then SM becomes UN-useable, the mouse arrow goes to the
wait/processing circle as well

when attempting to get off the screen"seamonkey is not
responding"... message comes up via ms win7
it's not very many sites, it's occurred with just a few

here's the link to one of  the sites where this occurs


Well, since have two threads going on the same topic, and my reply was 
to Paul's post i the other thread, I'll re-post it here.

Loaded in 1.70s, with 50 Requests, and a size of 736.71KB using Firefox 
43.0b1 and the Network diagnostic developer tool.

Also loaded fast in my SeaMonkey 2.38, and I don't see the white overlay 
if I right click.

Hardware problem?

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Re: SeaMonkey 2.39b1 released

2015-11-03 Thread WaltS48

On 11/02/2015 08:08 PM, Edmund Wong wrote:


The SeaMonkey Project is pleased to announce the release of SeaMonkey

For a more complete list of changes in SeaMonkey 2.39b1, see the What's
New in SeaMonkey 2.39b1 section of the Release Notes [2], which also
contain a list of known issues and answers to frequently asked
questions. For a more general overview of the SeaMonkey project (and
screen shots!), visit

[1] -
[2] -

Short Beta test cycle?

I see a comm-release build in my RSS feed for comm-release Changelog.

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Re: Solved Re: Reading PDF docs in or outside SM

2015-11-05 Thread WaltS48

On 11/05/2015 07:52 AM, Daniel wrote:

On 5/11/2015 11:15 PM, WaltS48 wrote:

On 11/05/2015 04:11 AM, Daniel wrote:

I'm using my SM 2.39b1 on Win7 att, but I think the problem also exists
on my Linux SM as well.

The Australian Government has recently set up a single web site
( for a taxpayer/citizen/whatever to use to communicate with
all the various Government Departments and for them to be able to e-mail
me letters rather than actually sending them via Australia Post. The
Help screen list about 50-60 FAQ with answers and, of course, I cannot
see my problem there.

A lot of these documents have attachments, supposedly in pdf format, but
I've yet to be able to read a single one of these attachments. I thought
I had Adobe Reader as one of the SM extensions, but I don't and I've
looked through 200 of the 800 Extensions at but cannot find
the Adobe Acrobat/Reader extension listed.

However, when I'm in my profile on the site and select one of
the gov mail and click on one of the attachments, I get.

1.A Blank Browser tab with

address bar

2.The Download Manager opens showing it is downloading, e.g.,
"d6zZmvam" (no 3 letter (e.g. *.pdf) subsection), which is file type
data:application/x-moz-playpreview;,application/pdf and the Download
Manager downloads 15bytes of 15bytes, and,

3.Eventually Adobe Reader XI (version 11.0.2) opens (outside SM) and
tells me "Adobe Reader could not open 'd6zZmvam' because it is either
not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for
example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly
decoded)." Note the file name, d6zZmvam, has no subsection.

Is there something I can do (apart from bitching to the Government!!
Somehow!!) so that I will be able to communicate with assorted Gov

You could try <> scroll down to Browser
Extensions and install the Development Version.

PDF's should open in a SeaMonkey tab, if they have a .pdf extension.

That, I think, is the problem, Walt,  the file name (e.g.
K206326391) doesn't have any filename extension.

Already had pdf viewer (pdf.js) installed, but I guess I've now got the
latest version, if nothing else!

Yeah!! Your making me install the latest version of PDF viewer must have
done something as I can now view at least some of the PDF docs  at
least all that I've tried, so thanks!!

Unfortunately, or fortunately for those that hate it, pdf.js isn't built 
into SeaMonkey like it is with Firefox.

I recommend bookmarking the github link and checking it periodically for 
new versions.

It is a WIP.

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Re: Your browser is not supported

2015-10-14 Thread WaltS48

On 10/14/2015 03:55 PM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:

Actually, both of you (EE and Gallagher) have indeed spoofed (faked)
Firefox 41.0 to be your user agent.  Your user agent strings are

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; rv:41.0)
Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0 SeaMonkey/2.38


Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/41.0 SeaMonkey/2.38

respectively.  That is how "Advertise Firefox compatibility" works.
I disabled that capability, so my user agent is

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101

without any mention of Firefox.

You're right, of course, but I'm sure neither of us made any special
effort to do so. Those are the default UA strings nowadays unless the
user intentionally disables "Advertise Firefox compatibility" as you have.

As for the OP "BL," his UA string also advertises Firefox compatibility:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/41.0 SeaMonkey/2.38

(same as mine), so he shouldn't be having a problem unless the web
designer is using a bad sniffer.

Maybe "BL" solved his problem, is busy and hasn't seen the replies, or 
just doesn't want to respond for some reason.

The  site works just fine in my SeaMonkey.

A link to the site "BL" is having the problem with would be helpful.

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Re: Unable to change Port setting for newsgorup server.

2015-10-16 Thread WaltS48

stan pierce wrote:

I've been told by my newsgroup server to use 443 for Port setting. I
change it and try to post to a newsgroup and it switches back to 119.
How do I get it to keep the 443? Thanks. Stan.

Did you change the Security Setting from None to SSL/TLS?
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Your browser is not supported

2015-10-16 Thread WaltS48

BL wrote:

WaltS48 wrote:

On 10/13/2015 08:38 PM, BL wrote:

Your Browser is reporting to be this version : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT
6.1; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0 SeaMonkey/2.38

Getting too old. Forgot how to make SeaMonkey act as Firefox
Thank you BL

Your browser's User Agent is already advertising Firefox compatibility.

What is the link to the site displaying that message

Here is the link:

There are other sites I find have problem with SeaMonkey. Important ones
are Wells Fargo, Computershare - When I try to log in they object for my
browser but usually open my account but not always.

How do I manage User agent? Is it in about:config?
Sorry for not responding earlier,
BL -thank you for your responses

That link works just fine in my SeaMonkey,

At Computershare, I get a pop-up informing me my browser is out of date 
and not supported. If I click the "x" in the upper right corner and 
dismiss the pop-up I can navigate to the Login page, but don't have any 
User ID to continue.

Maybe one of the suggestions in the other replies will help.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Spelling choice is not maintained

2015-10-16 Thread WaltS48

On 10/13/2015 12:17 PM, Ray_Net wrote:

Because SM did not maintain the spelling language from one mail to
another, but rely on:
"Edit" - "Preference" - "Appearance" - "Spelling" - "General" - "Language"
I put there "fr-classic"(the first choice)  and some time this is
changed by "fr-reform"(the last choice)

How can I have ONLY fr-classic positioned ?

Note 1:
I have the standard dictionary that came with my SM (English-US) who
give only one choice: English United States
but with the added french dictionary
"dictionnaires_francais-5.4.1-sm+tb+fx.xpi" we have:
- fr-classic
- fr-classic-reform
- fr-modern
- fr-reform
Note 2: I am under Windows7 Pro SP1 - UA is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT
6.1; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0 SeaMonkey/2.38

Wasn't that already discussed in this thread?

Each time I upgrade SM I got a new bug !!!

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Security Vulnerabilities fixed in SM 2.35 and SM 2.38

2015-10-20 Thread WaltS48

Hot off the mozillaZine forum.

Security Advisories for SeaMonkey — Mozilla - 

Thanks to rsx11m.

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Re: Spelling choice is not maintained

2015-10-16 Thread WaltS48

On 10/16/2015 03:06 PM, Ray_Net wrote:

WaltS48 wrote on 16/10/2015 15:14:

On 10/13/2015 12:17 PM, Ray_Net wrote:

Because SM did not maintain the spelling language from one mail to
another, but rely on:
"Edit" - "Preference" - "Appearance" - "Spelling" - "General" -
I put there "fr-classic"(the first choice)  and some time this is
changed by "fr-reform"(the last choice)

How can I have ONLY fr-classic positioned ?

Note 1:
I have the standard dictionary that came with my SM (English-US) who
give only one choice: English United States
but with the added french dictionary
"dictionnaires_francais-5.4.1-sm+tb+fx.xpi" we have:
- fr-classic
- fr-classic-reform
- fr-modern
- fr-reform
Note 2: I am under Windows7 Pro SP1 - UA is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT
6.1; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0 SeaMonkey/2.38

Wasn't that already discussed in this thread?

Each time I upgrade SM I got a new bug !!!


No, this is another problem.
In the bug you tell us, I said that the choice I made using the button
"Spell" was not maintained.
Now I have been told that's never the case, the maintain option
(default) is the one we select at:

"Edit" - "Preference" - "Appearance" - "Spelling" - "General" - "Language"

This info came from
"""Sorry, this behaviour has changed. New e-mail will always be spelled
using the dictionary nominated in the preferences, not in the last
dictionary used (see bug 1163395

So I put in preference "fr-classic" (a part of the french dictionary)
and SM decide to modify by itself to "fr-reform" (a part of the french
And I did not change the dictionary in the Browser.
Note: SM never modify it to English/United States who did not contain 4
parts as with the French dictionary.
So the maintain action works between English and French, but not between
the 4 part of the French dictionary.
"fr-classic" is not maintained and changed by SM to "fr-reform".

I see.

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Re: Fullscreen is disabled for YOUTUBE

2015-10-17 Thread WaltS48

On 10/17/2015 09:55 AM, Ed Mullen wrote:

Desiree wrote on 10/17/2015 7:50 AM:

On 10/12/2015 4:35 AM, WaltS48 wrote:

On 10/12/2015 10:22 AM, Desiree wrote:

So, SeaMonkey still cannot do full screen without a plugin.

An extension is not a plugin. They are two categories of Add-ons.

Since Mozilla is dropping support for NPAPI plugins (except for Flash)
at the end of 2016, it might be a good idea to get the terminology
straight to avoid confusion.

I know the difference.  Flash is a plugin and Mozilla is not getting rid
of it.  Why would anyone use HTML5 at youtube? It is horrible on IE 10,
Sea Monkey, Fx 41 and Pale Moon 25.7.  I force Flash for youtube videos.

HTML5 videos on Youtube render just fine for me using SM, Firefox, IE etc.

Same here, except you can't view them in full screen mode.

SeaMonkey needs an extension (not a plugin) to enable full screen mode.

With a few about:config tweaks I can even watch them in 1080p, but is my 
monitor 1080p capable.

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Re: Newsprovider neglected

2015-10-18 Thread WaltS48

On 10/18/2015 10:32 AM, wrote:

Dear Experts

Yesterday my pc (W7/64pro;Seamonkey 2.38) suddenly froze. Pressing the reset button 
has brought it back to life, but now there is another problem: Though my main 
news-provider is shown in the mail account pane (on the left of the 
screen), all my subscribed newsgroups are missing :-(!

On the other hand, all of them can be found in the folder *\mozilla\seamonkey\ 
profiles\$profile\news\$news-provider\, and all the respective files are not 

What can I do to convince Seamonkey not only to show the news-provider's name 
but also all subscribed newsproups?

Any help is really appreciated.

TIA, best regards


Maybe that profile has been corrupted.

I would rename it and restore my backup. If the backup profile works, I 
would delete the renamed profile.

If not, I would just delete the account and start over from scratch.

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Re: Support For NPAPI Plugins Ends Next Year

2015-10-14 Thread WaltS48

On 10/10/2015 11:55 AM, David E. Ross wrote:

Mozilla is ending support for NPAPI plugins by the end on 2016.

While the number of plugins I have is not as large as the number of
extensions, I consder every one of them important.  They are:
Adobe Acrobat (actually Adobe Reader, not the writer)

I have:

DivX Browser Plug-in
DivX® Web Player
IcedTea-Web Plugin (using IcedTea-Web 1.5 (1.5-1ubuntu1)) for Java
LibreOffice Plug-in
mplayerplug-in is now gecko-mediaplayer 1.0.8
QuickTime Plug-in 7.6.6
QuickTime Plug-in 7.6.9

All installed by my operating system on install, except for the 
LibreOffice Plug-in which I added later.

I use Flash, and when in my test user account, the mplayerplug-in 
because I don't have sound in VLC for some reason, and still want to 
listen to music from Casey's Classic Rock while testing Thunderbird 

Interesting times ahead.

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Re: SeaMoneky 2.38 is out of date

2015-10-19 Thread WaltS48

On 10/19/2015 11:34 AM, David E. Ross wrote:

On 10/19/2015 7:03 AM, Thee Chicago Wolf [MVP] wrote:

On Sun, 18 Oct 2015 22:59:31 -0400, Marisa Ciceran

Others have probably already reported this, so please forgive me if I am
being repetitive. Once again, JPMorgan Chase Bank (
does not recognize Seamonkey version  2.38. When I go to their Home
page, it states:

Please upgrade your browser.

Your browser is out of date. For a faster and more secure online
experience upgrade your browser to the most recent version. Click
here for a list of recommended browsers

Unlike prior occasions when this had happened, this time it lets me log
in anyway, but each times their system goes through a process of
verifying my PC as if it is "new" to their system. Any suggestions on
how to get rid of this nagging process?



Do you have Edit > Preferences > Advanced > HTTP Networking >
Advertise Firefox Compatibility checked on? Sometimes it doesn't work
because the web site doesn't recognize Seamonkey even if it is up to
date. Just ignore the message.

- Thee Chicago Wolf [MVP]

I tried it with "Advertise Firefox compatibility" enabled; I usually
disable it.  I still get the "out of date" notice.  The problem is that
some Web servers not only sniff specifically for Firefox in the user
agent (UA) string but also reject UA strings that contain additional

Over and over again, Web developers have been told:

(1)  A properly designed Web site that follows the W3C specifications
should not require sniffing.

(2) If sniffing is nevertheless necessary, DO NOT sniff for Firefox.
Instead, sniff for Gecko.

These warnings need to be repeated to Chase Bank.

Fortunately, I do not bank there.  The four financial institutions where
I do Web transactions -- two credit unions, a commercial bank, and one
of the world's largest mutual fund groups -- all accept SeaMonkey as my
browser WITHOUT me enabling "Advertise Firefox compatibility".
Sometimes, when one of them updates their Web site and seem to reject
SeaMonkey, the problem is usually fixed by a combination of a phone call
and a postal letter their its CEO.

See my .

Could the site be looking at "Gecko/20100101" expecting "Gecko/20150923"?

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Re: Is 360 degrees YouTube videos supposed to work in SeaMonkey?

2015-10-08 Thread WaltS48

On 10/08/2015 12:06 PM, Ant wrote:

Example: even with HTML5
working. It didn't work in both of my Linux/Debian oldstable and Windows
XP Pro SP3 boxes. It works in Chrome though!

Thank you in advance. :)

This is a support group, not a works for me group, so I'll ask what 
troubleshooting steps have you taken before posting your query.

It didn't work in safe mode or a new profile?

WFM ;)

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Re: Fullscreen is disabled for YOUTUBE

2015-10-10 Thread WaltS48

On 10/10/2015 10:35 AM, Ray_Net wrote:

Could someone remember me what i can do to be able to view YouTube video
in FullScreen ?

My pc is under Windows 7 pro SP1
My UA is (the default for SM 2.38): Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1;
rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0 SeaMonkey/2.38

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Re: Fullscreen is disabled for YOUTUBE

2015-10-12 Thread WaltS48

Ray_Net wrote:

WaltS48 wrote on 12/10/2015 16:35:

On 10/12/2015 10:22 AM, Desiree wrote:

So, SeaMonkey still cannot do full screen without a plugin.

An extension is not a plugin. They are two categories of Add-ons.

Since Mozilla is dropping support for NPAPI plugins (except for Flash)
at the end of 2016, it might be a good idea to get the terminology
straight to avoid confusion.

How can I determine if one of my plugins are using NPAPI ?

Tools > Add-ons Manager > Plugins tab. Everything there is using NPAPI 
aka Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Support For NPAPI Plugins Ends Next Year

2015-10-12 Thread WaltS48

On 10/12/2015 04:21 AM, Ray_Net wrote:

Lemon Juice wrote on 12/10/2015 00:01:

On 2015-10-10 17:55, David E. Ross wrote:

Mozilla is ending support for NPAPI plugins by the end on 2016.

While the number of plugins I have is not as large as the number of
extensions, I consder every one of them important.  They are:
Adobe Acrobat (actually Adobe Reader, not the writer)

I also have Flash, but that apparently will be an exception to the
removal of NPAPI support.

Does anyone know how these plugins will be affected, specifically in
SeaMonkey?  What are the plugin developers doing about this?

I'm not a SeaMonkey developer but I also wish SM would not get rid of
plug-in support. The recent trend of all the major browsers extracting
features in the name of security is troubling. Most ordinary users
probably don't care about plug-ins but in a company a plug-in is often
the only way to implement communication between a web application and
custom software or hardware. For example, I know of a company that has
a web application which uses a fiscal printer to print receipts - the
communication is achieved with a java applet. Good luck doing that in

I suppose it's still too early to know what SM devs will do about it -
but if leaving the plug-in code does not mean any extra work or other
problems then I think it would be easy to persuade them to leave it as
it is :). However, I'm afraid even this will not be a good long term
solution because when all major browsers get rid of NPAPI then no
company will create plug-ins just for a small browser minority. But I
hope I will be proved wrong!

I have and Need : VASCO Card Reader Plugin for login to my bank site and
to my federal site.
If this plugin use the NAPI interface  it would cease to function
the Dec 31 2016 ?

Probably, so make your bank and federal site aware that plugin support 
will end, and they have until the end of 2016 to fix it so you don't 
need a plugin.

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Re: Fullscreen is disabled for YOUTUBE

2015-10-12 Thread WaltS48

On 10/12/2015 10:22 AM, Desiree wrote:

So, SeaMonkey still cannot do full screen without a plugin.

An extension is not a plugin. They are two categories of Add-ons.

Since Mozilla is dropping support for NPAPI plugins (except for Flash) 
at the end of 2016, it might be a good idea to get the terminology 
straight to avoid confusion.

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Re: Fullscreen is disabled for YOUTUBE

2015-10-12 Thread WaltS48

On 10/12/2015 01:08 PM, »Q« wrote:

In <>,
Ray_Net <> wrote:

WaltS48 wrote on 12/10/2015 16:35:

On 10/12/2015 10:22 AM, Desiree wrote:

So, SeaMonkey still cannot do full screen without a plugin.

An extension is not a plugin. They are two categories of Add-ons.

Since Mozilla is dropping support for NPAPI plugins (except for
Flash) at the end of 2016, it might be a good idea to get the
terminology straight to avoid confusion.

How can I determine if one of my plugins are using NPAPI ?

All of them are.  Mozilla doesn't support any plugin API other than

But extensions are not plugins.  Extensions don't use NPAPI.  (Walt
already pointed out that extensions and plugins are different things,
but I think it bears repeating.)

Ah hell, the damage has already been done for years.


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Re: Which version will support Windows 10

2015-10-13 Thread WaltS48

On 10/13/2015 10:42 AM, Ray_Net wrote:

Jonathan N. Little wrote on 13/10/2015 15:50:

stan pierce wrote:

W3BNR wrote:

On 10/11/2015 9:05 PM, stan pierce wrote:

I just downloaded 2.38. Is this the version that will support Windows
10? Stan.

Win 10 and SM 2.38 here.  No problems, at least that I'm aware of.

Well, I did it. Installed Windows 10.  I have one big problem. the
text of received mail is so tiny I can't read it. Sometimes when I move
the cursor around it gets a little larger. Any idea how to change this
and only this as everything else textwise is OK.

HTML formatted email with a style bad rule like font-size: 5px? It is
ALL email, or just some messages? "View >  Text Zoom > 100%" or CTRL+0.

I must say I am not impressed with Windows 10.

I just upgrade SM from 2.32 to 2.38 I am not under Windows10) and I have
seen that now the characters have a minder dimension.


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Re: Your browser is not supported

2015-10-13 Thread WaltS48

On 10/13/2015 08:38 PM, BL wrote:

Your Browser is reporting to be this version : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT
6.1; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0 SeaMonkey/2.38

Getting too old. Forgot how to make SeaMonkey act as Firefox
Thank you BL

Your browser's User Agent is already advertising Firefox compatibility.

What is the link to the site displaying that message?

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Re: SeaMonkey 2.39 beta GTK3 issues

2015-10-09 Thread WaltS48

On 10/09/2015 07:01 AM, Daniel wrote:

Thee Chicago Wolf [MVP] wrote:

On Thu, 8 Oct 2015 17:45:06 +1100, Daniel 

On 8/10/2015 5:42 PM, Daniel wrote:

On 8/10/2015 5:26 PM, Edmund Wong wrote:


Just wondering if anyone has encountered any issues with
the GTK3 built version of 2.39.

TB and Firefox backed out the necessary manifests[1] in order
to build with gtk3 and I'm wondering if it's necessary
for us to follow suite.


[1] -

Thank you,ewong, for reminding me to check for new betas!!

Hmm! Cannot see 2.39 listed on

Maybe here:

- Thee Chicago Wolf [MVP]

I thought nightly's were pre-alpha!

I thought Nightlies were alpha, aurora is beta, beta is release 
candidate and release usually ticks off a portion of users.

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Re: Emojicons support?

2015-10-09 Thread WaltS48

On 10/09/2015 02:35 AM, Ray_Net wrote:

Ant wrote on 09/10/2015 07:55:

On 10/4/2015 5:08 PM, David E. Ross wrote:

The difference between emojis and smilies is that emojis require the
user to have the appropriate fonts installed while the smilies are
automatically generated by the mail-news component of SeaMonkey and
Thunderbird.  In the sample of four emojis, note that the two middle
ones are not shown on my PC.  Instead, I see boxes with the hex codes
for them.

So, does that mean Thunderbird and SeaMonkey won't get them in their
future versions? :/

Did you feel that we need that ? Emoticons are not enough ?

He does, because his correspondents send him messages from their 
smartphones with emojis.

If his system has the appropriate fonts installed, SeaMonkey and 
Thunderbird may or may not show them.

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Re: Is there an Extension or Add-On for Bookmarks ?

2015-10-08 Thread WaltS48

On 10/08/2015 03:04 PM, DoctorBill wrote:

Jonathan N. Little wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

I am running 2.33.1.  Used to have 2.12
something and had a really nice
Bookmark set up (a toolbar).

After my HD died and I reloaded Windows XP and
this new SM 2.33.1 I
can't get the Bookmark Toolbar to work as well
as before.

"View > Show/Hide > Bookmarks Toolbar" enable
"Bookmarks > Manage Bookmarks" and select the
"Bookmarks Toolbar" and customize as you wish.

""Bookmarks > Manage Bookmarks" and select the "Bookmarks Toolbar" and
customize as you wish."

I do not see any "Bookmarks Toolbar" to select in the Manage Bookmarks
?  Am I wrong ?


Then it appears your profile is messed up.

Bookmarks Toolbar is one of the items in the Bookmarks Manager along 
with Bookmarks Menu and Unsorted Bookmarks.

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Re: How dead is SeaMonkey?

2015-07-08 Thread WaltS48

On 07/08/2015 09:01 AM, Daniel wrote:

On 8/07/2015 1:54 PM, »Q« wrote:

Paul Bergsagel wrote:

Does SeaMonkey benefit, in the long run, with such a rapid
update schedule?  If SeaMonkey adopted a less frequent update
schedule would the net benefits be greater than if SeaMonkey
continued with the current rapid update schedule?

Since the last SeaMonkey release, there have been over 40 MFSAs, many
of them critical.  IMO (and it's only that) if SM decided out of policy
*not* to issue security updates in a timely manner, that would mark
the death of the project.

Hear, Hear!! If I've got a safe, secure Suite, would I care if I only
got a Bells and Whistles update every six months or so?? Not a
problem. My SM looks and feels much the same as NC 4.7, or earlier.

(This being cross-posted reminds me I still waiting on the Mark
Cross-posts as Read bugzilla to be fixed, Bug 43278. Worked in NC up
till about 4.7 but then not.)

I don't recall cross-posts ever being marked as read, but I may not have 
been using NC back in 2000.

That would be nice to have.

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Re: Again SeaMonkey is fully unknown

2015-07-10 Thread WaltS48

On 07/10/2015 03:45 AM, Ray_Net wrote:

David E. Ross wrote on 10/07/2015 02:26:

-- How to feature-sniff instead of browser-sniff

How to feature-sniff for IE, Chrome, Safari and Opera ? Where there is
no gecko there :-)

Is a UA needed if the sites feature sniff?

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Re: When will SeaMonkey give an update on the homepage?

2015-07-07 Thread WaltS48

On 07/07/2015 08:51 PM, Mike wrote:

When will SeaMonkey give an update on the homepage about the situation?
There has not been an update since March, and to potential users it
looks like the project is dead. I've heard there has been some issues
with trying to build new versions recently (don't know what the issue is
exactly) but not updating the homepage about the issue is a potential

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Re: SeaMonky Suite

2015-07-08 Thread WaltS48

On 07/08/2015 08:27 PM, Ed Mullen wrote:

S Slicer wrote on 7/8/2015 3:54 PM:

I stated with Netscape years and years ago, and when it ended switched
to SeaMonkey.  I have tried other browsers and e-mail programs, but
SeaMonkey remains my all-time favorite.

A BIG thank you to all who currently and previously have worked on the
SeaMonkey Project!


A big thank you to all the big thankers for your donations.

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Re: 2.35 expected by?

2015-08-26 Thread WaltS48

On 08/25/2015 03:59 PM, Ruediger Lahl wrote:

*WaltS48* wrote:

On 08/23/2015 02:05 PM, Ronnie wrote:

When might we see the release of 2.35?


When it is ready.

Its actually nominated for the Vaporware Awards 2020.

On life support at a US VA hospital infected with MRSA. ;)

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Re: SeaMonkey 2.35 release notes

2015-09-04 Thread WaltS48

On 09/04/2015 01:18 AM, David E. Ross wrote:

On 9/3/2015 6:10 PM, WaltS48 wrote:

On 09/03/2015 08:44 PM, David E. Ross wrote:

On 9/3/2015 12:18 PM, EE wrote:

In the SM 2.35 release notes, it says:
After creating a news account through clicking a news URL, the MailNews
account wizard may be broken (the account type will always be News). To
work around the problem, set the mail.server.serverX.valid pref (where X
is the internal number of the corresponding news account) to true in

There is no setting for "mail.server.serverX.valid" in about:config, for
either mail or newsgroups.  Why would you not just change
"mail.server.serverX.type" from nntp to pop3 (or imap)?

This is a 15-year-old bug, #41133.  See
<>, especially comment

And SeaMonkey 2.35 is affected? Last comment was made 2013-01-13.

I think the Mail-News component is affected, thus affecting both
SeaMonkey and Thunderbird.  The bug report was never closed.

So, if I enter the address in Firefox with Thunderbird open, and no 
mozilla news server configured it should create it like it does in 
SeaMonkey. Confirmed that SM 2.35 is still affected BTW.

I will test that later today

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Re: SeaMonkey 2.35 release notes

2015-09-04 Thread WaltS48

On 09/04/2015 08:33 AM, WaltS48 wrote:

On 09/04/2015 01:18 AM, David E. Ross wrote:

On 9/3/2015 6:10 PM, WaltS48 wrote:

On 09/03/2015 08:44 PM, David E. Ross wrote:

On 9/3/2015 12:18 PM, EE wrote:

In the SM 2.35 release notes, it says:
After creating a news account through clicking a news URL, the
account wizard may be broken (the account type will always be
News). To
work around the problem, set the mail.server.serverX.valid pref
(where X
is the internal number of the corresponding news account) to true in

There is no setting for "mail.server.serverX.valid" in
about:config, for
either mail or newsgroups.  Why would you not just change
"mail.server.serverX.type" from nntp to pop3 (or imap)?

This is a 15-year-old bug, #41133.  See
<>, especially

And SeaMonkey 2.35 is affected? Last comment was made 2013-01-13.

I think the Mail-News component is affected, thus affecting both
SeaMonkey and Thunderbird.  The bug report was never closed.

So, if I enter the address in Firefox with Thunderbird open, and no
mozilla news server configured it should create it like it does in
SeaMonkey. Confirmed that SM 2.35 is still affected BTW.

I will test that later today

Tested with Firefox 40.0.3 (new profile) and Thunderbird 38.2.0 (new 
profile). Both installed from my Software Management application.

Clicking the link in Comment 0 opens a Launch Application dialog box and 
doesn't create a newsgroup account in Thunderbird. Same with the link in 
Comment 8.

I only see the problem in SeaMonkey.

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Re: SeaMonkey 2.35!

2015-09-06 Thread WaltS48

On 09/06/2015 06:45 PM, Brian Mailman wrote:

humptydumpty wrote:

Edmund Wong wrote:

Dear All,

I'm just so stoked. (This isn't a normal release post as it's just way
to special.)

It is with great privilege and joy that I can announce to the world, the
SeaMonkey Project has just RELEASED SeaMonkey 2.35.

SeaMonkey 2.33.1 was released in March.  It's now September.  Yes, you
have all suffered the worries of vulnerabilities.  But worry no longer
for the *actual* release of SeaMonkey 2.35 has been pushed to the
server. Win32, Linux and OSX64!

The SeaMonkey Project team wishes to thank EVERYONE for their patience
with us while we get back into the flow.  While we aren't actually
'flowing' (right now, limping), we are determined to get things back
to normal, now that we KNOW we can get things done.

So update your copy now!

PS: SeaMonkey 2.38b1 is the next release.

I'm stoked also because the issue regarding the viewing of binary files
in newsgroups has been fixed in this version. Running SM 2.35 on a
Windows 10 system.

Thanks to the team for their great work.

What issue regarding the viewing of binary files in newsgroups?


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Re: Crash in my Windows XP Pro SP3 box with foreign characters. Re: SeaMonkey 2.35!

2015-09-06 Thread WaltS48

On 09/06/2015 07:21 PM, Ant wrote:

in a new SM profile with its defaults and no third party extensions.

in safe mode with the new profile.

According to those links it is a known problem: Bug 1200021, reported
for Firefox 40 and Firefox 38esr.

I think I figured out the pattern of my crashes. It is happening when
there are foreign languages' characters like on , ,
etc. Is there a way to block these foreign characters to avoid crashes?
It's not like I can read them. :(

for a crash dump with a brand new profile and in safe mode. :(

And you don't believe the bug report listed in that crash report?

[1200021 – crash in 

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Re: SM 2.35 (Mac) still crashing when compating IMAP folders

2015-09-08 Thread WaltS48

On 09/08/2015 11:50 AM, Gabriel wrote:


I waited this new release hoping it would fix the IMAP crashes, but ...
it still do it!

My build:
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:38.0)
Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0 SeaMonkey/2.35
Build identifier: 20150825183433

After a crash, a lot of folders have to be rebuilt, cause the messages
are messed up. And I have 6 IMAP accounts with about 50 folders in them,
it's really annoying.

Can someone tell me when this problem will be solved?
I tried some preferences tuning I read about in older threads with no
positive result :(



What is the crash ID from about:crashes?

Is there a bug filed?

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Re: News Videos Loading

2015-09-02 Thread WaltS48

On 09/02/2015 02:24 PM, Cecil Bankston wrote:

EE wrote:

Brian Mailman wrote:

I like to open CNN first thing, read the headlines of
the stories I want to read later and right-click on them.  "Open New
Tab" I pick.  Then I read the stories I've selected.

Problem is, CNN doesn't believe the readers know how to read and that
they want to watch videos.  I don't.  I want to read the stories.

I wind up with a cacophony of videos, and I have to find them one by one
before I can find peace.

Is there a way of shutting down the videos unless/until I want to see



What is that site using to send the videos?  Is it a plugin or HTML5? If
a plugin is being used, you could set up Plugins Click-to-Play, mark the
plugins as "Ask to Activate", and you should get placeholders that have
to be cleared before any can load and play.  If it is HTML5, you may
have to set up Flashblock 1.5.19a1 and set it to block HTML5.  It has to
be converted to install in SeaMonkey.  You have to get that version of
Flashblock from Mozdev.
The converter is here:

Several pages start playing a video as soon as the page loads.  I
installed the converted Flashblock, as suggested, then found this
statement in the Flashblock details: "Flashblock does not work with
Javascript disabled or with NoScript installed."  I have NoScript
installed as a vital security measure, and indeed the Flashblock didn't
work.  Is there any other means of preventing immediate playing of
videos in pages such as this:

I haven't been following whether or not SeaMonkey is going to get the 
audio indicators and muting of tabs that Firefox is currently testing in 
a development version. No guarantee that Firefox will.

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Re: SeaMonkey 2.35 release notes

2015-09-03 Thread WaltS48

On 09/03/2015 08:44 PM, David E. Ross wrote:

On 9/3/2015 12:18 PM, EE wrote:

In the SM 2.35 release notes, it says:
After creating a news account through clicking a news URL, the MailNews
account wizard may be broken (the account type will always be News). To
work around the problem, set the mail.server.serverX.valid pref (where X
is the internal number of the corresponding news account) to true in

There is no setting for "mail.server.serverX.valid" in about:config, for
either mail or newsgroups.  Why would you not just change
"mail.server.serverX.type" from nntp to pop3 (or imap)?

This is a 15-year-old bug, #41133.  See
, especially comment

And SeaMonkey 2.35 is affected? Last comment was made 2013-01-13.

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Re: Update server problem?

2015-09-08 Thread WaltS48

On 09/08/2015 12:27 PM, wrote:

Seamonkey told me I needed to install a security update.
When I tried to allow it, the update server never connects.

I searched for a solution but came up empty.

Can anyone give me a clue?


Depending on your operating system and language, download and install 
the full version.

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Re: Maximize this vid?

2015-09-10 Thread WaltS48

On 09/10/2015 06:17 AM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

Can anyone figure out how to play this video in full screen, or
nearly-full screen? I really hate peering through that keyhole.

The FS button at lower left seems not to work, even on (ahem) the other
browser from Redmond...

Lower left?

Anyway, the button also doesn't work in Firefox versions 40.0.3, 41.0b8 
and 43.0a1, or my SeaMonkey 2.35.

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Re: Adobe Flash Settings page hangs in Seamonkey 2.35

2015-09-14 Thread WaltS48

On 09/14/2015 06:53 PM, Cruz, Jaime wrote:

Ubuntu Linux Trusty, 64-bit.  Works just fine with the latest Firefox;
hangs up and never loads under Seamonkey 2.35:

So if you set the settings for it in Firefox, won't they be the same in 
SeaMonkey? The Flash plugin is shared between the two since it is 
installed at the OS level, and not in the apps.

BTW the link doesn't open in any of my Firefox versions, even in safe 
mode, or SM 2.35 with a test profile. Hangs on "Connecting to" after taking forever on "Transferring data 
from "".

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Re: Adobe Flash Settings page hangs in Seamonkey 2.35

2015-09-16 Thread WaltS48

On 09/15/2015 08:15 PM, Cruz, Jaime wrote:

On 09/15/2015 10:17 AM, WaltS48 wrote:

Hardware extraction layer?

I've been using Hulu (not Hulu Plus) on Linux for years, and don't
recall installing anything.

Maybe your distro included it by default?  Latest versions of Ubuntu and
Mint did not, so I had to install it separately.

My distro is Linux Mint 17.2.

While looking through my Software Manager application for something 
else, I came across adobe-flash-properties-gtk and 
adobe-flash-properties-kde both not installed. Both packages provide a 
control panel for the Flash plugin.

Not installing them, but maybe you want to have a look.

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Re: test

2015-09-11 Thread WaltS48

On 09/11/2015 06:16 AM, Daniel wrote:

On 11/09/2015 9:43 AM, Les Cargilll wrote:


Fail!! Should have gone to mozilla.test .

While you are auditioning to be Chris Ilias replacement could you and 
others stop cross posting OT DST? and other posts.

It is almost never appropriate to send the same message to two mailing lists or 
newsgroups. Please don’t do it. Or, if you must, make sure you set the 
Followup-To and Reply-To fields to ensure that replies go only to one, not to 

xposted to m.test and Followup-To set to m.test

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Re: Adobe Flash Settings page hangs in Seamonkey 2.35

2015-09-15 Thread WaltS48

On 09/14/2015 11:12 PM, Cruz, Jaime wrote:

On 09/14/2015 09:03 PM, Arnie Goetchius wrote:

WaltS48 wrote:

On 09/14/2015 06:53 PM, Cruz, Jaime wrote:

Ubuntu Linux Trusty, 64-bit.  Works just fine with the latest Firefox;
hangs up and never loads under Seamonkey 2.35:

So if you set the settings for it in Firefox, won't they be the same in
SeaMonkey? The Flash plugin is shared between the two since it is
installed at
the OS level, and not in the apps.

BTW the link doesn't open in any of my Firefox versions, even in safe
mode, or
SM 2.35 with a test profile. Hangs on "Connecting to"
after taking forever on "Transferring data from "".

Same here

I found an easier way to accomplish the same thing.  Exit all instances
of Seamonkey, then delete the .adobe/Flash_Player folder.  Get back into
Seamonkey and everything has been reset.

In case anyone is interested, I installed the hardware extraction layer
that allows you to play Hulu videos under Linux.  I couldn't get the
page to work even after I installed the software until I deleted that
folder which seems to be the easiest and fastest way to delete all the
old settings.  Now I can watch Hulu under Linux (and I THINK Amazon
videos work too).

Oddly enough, the pepper flash player in the Linux version of Chrome
will NOT work. You need the original npapi plug-in version of Flash that
works in Seamonkey or Firefox.

Hardware extraction layer?

I've been using Hulu (not Hulu Plus) on Linux for years, and don't 
recall installing anything.

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Re: Mozilla FTP access - Seamonkey archives

2015-09-28 Thread WaltS48

On 09/28/2015 03:47 PM, User wrote:

I've been trying to access Mozilla FTP server for downloading slightly
versions of Seamonkeys for testing. But it appears to be unresponsive or

Can anyone confirm if the above FTP URL works for them or have the same

ftp://ftp no longer works.

"Action: The ftp protocol on is being turned off.
Timing: Wednesday, 5th August 2015."

REF: [Product Delivery Migration: What is changing, when it’s changing 
and the impacts | Mozilla 


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Re: user agent confusion

2015-09-29 Thread WaltS48

On 09/29/2015 10:11 AM, David H. Durgee wrote:

I see that the user agent string for SM 2.38 still lists FireFox 36 in
it.  I had thought that SM 2.38 was based on FireFox 38 ESR, am I
confused?  Should the user agent string be corrected?

SeaMonkey 2.38 is based on Gecko 41.0 as indicated in these UA:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0 

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0 

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 
Firefox/41.0 SeaMonkey/2.38

I don't see anything to correct.

I am asking as I normally use PrefBar to present a pure FireFox user
agent string to deal with websites that don't properly assess browser
capabilities and simply sniff the user agent.  I want the string to as
accurately as possible reflect the browser's capabilities to minimize
the errors the websites might make based upon that content.


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Re: Can't Open SM (NEW TOPIC)

2015-09-30 Thread WaltS48

On 09/30/2015 05:45 AM, Daniel wrote:

On 30/09/2015 2:21 AM, Larry S. wrote:

-Is there somewhere else my question can be directed?  This information
-is very technical and not helping me understand why I cannot open Sea
-Monkey after installing.

-Thank you,

Christina, your User Agent information, Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1;
WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0 SeaMonkey/2.38, indicates to
me that you are able to use SM 2.38.

Unless Larry S. is Christine, that is his UA you are seeing, and message 
you are replying to.

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Re: Each time I upgrade SM I got a new bug !!!

2015-09-30 Thread WaltS48

On 09/30/2015 05:09 PM, Ray_Net wrote:

WaltS48 wrote on 30/09/2015 18:36:

On 09/30/2015 11:53 AM, Ray_Net wrote:

I just upgraded from SM 2.32 to SM 2.38.

I have, as always, installed the French dictionary for spelling purposes
Some times in SM 2.32 I complained because the Spelling language switch
by itself to English - But this occurred rarely. Habitually when i
switch to French, next time french spelling is positioned, if a switch
to English, next time English spelling is positioned. THAT WAS PERFECT.

NOW with SM 2.38 i can switch to french, next time English is ALWAYS

What should i do to permit SM spelling choice working as before ? (in
other words maintaining my choice)

Install the French version of SeaMonkey?

That will not cure my problem, because I believe that in that case if a
switch to English spelling, next time the French spelling will be

Doesn't that make sense? The default spell checker will always be default.

So you want to make the French spell checker the default in your current 
English version?

Have you tried Edit > Preferences > Appearance > Spelling, and setting 
the French spell checker there?

I take it you don't use "Spellcheck As You Type".

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Re: Each time I upgrade SM I got a new bug !!!

2015-09-30 Thread WaltS48

Ray_Net wrote:

WaltS48 wrote on 30/09/2015 23:41:

On 09/30/2015 05:09 PM, Ray_Net wrote:

WaltS48 wrote on 30/09/2015 18:36:

On 09/30/2015 11:53 AM, Ray_Net wrote:

I just upgraded from SM 2.32 to SM 2.38.

I have, as always, installed the French dictionary for spelling
Some times in SM 2.32 I complained because the Spelling language
by itself to English - But this occurred rarely. Habitually when i
switch to French, next time french spelling is positioned, if a switch
to English, next time English spelling is positioned. THAT WAS

NOW with SM 2.38 i can switch to french, next time English is ALWAYS

What should i do to permit SM spelling choice working as before ? (in
other words maintaining my choice)

Install the French version of SeaMonkey?

That will not cure my problem, because I believe that in that case if a
switch to English spelling, next time the French spelling will be

Doesn't that make sense? The default spell checker will always be

So you want to make the French spell checker the default in your
current English version?

NO, I will not that - because the problem is the same.
I just will what I had with SM 2.32 - The last choice was remembered.
I just agree that the default is used when i Start SM - not when I write
another mail . My last choice is gone !

Have you tried Edit > Preferences > Appearance > Spelling, and setting
the French spell checker there?

Yes, I tested it - Same problem but my previous choice is ALWAYS reset
to this "default" French in that case

I take it you don't use "Spellcheck As You Type".

I don"t understand your sentence - I have "Spellcheck As You Type".

If you disable "Spellcheck As You Type" and select Edit > Check Spelling 
(CTRL+Shift+P) can't you switch between dictionaries?

Well, I see Phillip left a bug list in another reply. So, do not despair.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: A quick bug report...

2015-10-01 Thread WaltS48

Daniel wrote:

On 30/09/2015 10:52 PM, John Sipos wrote:

Dear Too Whom...

  Doesn't happen every time, but unpredictably, when in UNREAD
MODE, clicking
on an email to view it, a moment or so later it will vanish.  It's
still there,
only you need to click, ALL for it to show up in the list.

  I've been addicted to Sea Monkey and it's predecessor for
zillion 463
trillion years.  Thank you for creating and maintaining such a great
life tool.

John, if changing the setting to "ALL" fixes the problem, why do you
then change it from "ALL"?? Or are you suggesting it is, sometimes,
being changed on its own??

I think he is saying that the message disappears from the Thread Pane 
when he has it selected, and is reading it in the Message Pane after 
being marked as read.

Couldn't reproduce in my SeaMonkey.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: A quick bug report...

2015-10-01 Thread WaltS48

John Sipos wrote:

Dear Too Whom...

 Doesn't happen every time, but unpredictably, when in UNREAD MODE,
clicking on an email to view it, a moment or so later it will vanish.
It's still there, only you need to click, ALL for it to show up in the list.

 I've been addicted to Sea Monkey and it's predecessor for zillion
463 trillion years.  Thank you for creating and maintaining such a great
life tool.

Thanks for making your message easy to read! :)

Bug reports should be filed at 

Before filing a bug report, you should restart SeaMonkey in safe mode 
and see if an extension is causing the problem.

Help > Restart with Add-ons Disabled

Report back with your findings.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: OSX 10.7.5 FIPS master password hasn't worked since SM 2.30

2015-10-03 Thread WaltS48

On 10/03/2015 06:40 PM, Robert Wyatt wrote:

I'm realizing that I wasn't terribly clear in my question.

SM 2.30 will not let me clear the password.

Every version since is broken: they don't recognize that a password has already 
been set and won't let me set one. When I try to check mail, it hangs until I 
force quit the app.

So after every upgrade, I downgrade back to 2.30 and keep using it.

I'm happy to test a build.


You aren't using the Remember Passwords extension are you?

The Remember Passwords add-on breaks password handling. Please disable or 
uninstall this add-on using the Add-ons Manager.

[SeaMonkey 2.38 Release 

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Re: A quick bug report...

2015-10-02 Thread WaltS48

Daniel wrote:

On 2/10/2015 12:08 AM, WaltS48 wrote:

Daniel wrote:

On 30/09/2015 10:52 PM, John Sipos wrote:

Dear Too Whom...

  Doesn't happen every time, but unpredictably, when in UNREAD
MODE, clicking
on an email to view it, a moment or so later it will vanish.  It's
still there,
only you need to click, ALL for it to show up in the list.

  I've been addicted to Sea Monkey and it's predecessor for
zillion 463
trillion years.  Thank you for creating and maintaining such a great
life tool.

John, if changing the setting to "ALL" fixes the problem, why do you
then change it from "ALL"?? Or are you suggesting it is, sometimes,
being changed on its own??

I think he is saying that the message disappears from the Thread Pane
when he has it selected, and is reading it in the Message Pane after
being marked as read.

Couldn't reproduce in my SeaMonkey.

I seem to recall a setting, somewhere, which would mark a read message
disappear (be marked as read) five seconds after it was clicked on. This
seems to be the situation that John is experiencing.

Maybe I should file a bug report?

Your message was marked as read after 5 seconds, as per my setting and 
still appears in the Thread Pane with View Unread selected, until I 
select another newsgroup and return to this newsgroup.

The way Thunderbird and SeaMonkey have always worked for Mail, 
Newsgroups and Feeds as I seem to recall.

Can't find any setting that makes it disappear from the Thread Pane.

Since it is an intermittent problem for the OP, he has a problem, and 
hasn't responded to my support message asking him to restart in safe 
mode and report back.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Each time I upgrade SM I got a new bug !!!

2015-09-30 Thread WaltS48

On 09/30/2015 11:53 AM, Ray_Net wrote:

I just upgraded from SM 2.32 to SM 2.38.

I have, as always, installed the French dictionary for spelling purposes
Some times in SM 2.32 I complained because the Spelling language switch
by itself to English - But this occurred rarely. Habitually when i
switch to French, next time french spelling is positioned, if a switch
to English, next time English spelling is positioned. THAT WAS PERFECT.

NOW with SM 2.38 i can switch to french, next time English is ALWAYS

What should i do to permit SM spelling choice working as before ? (in
other words maintaining my choice)

Install the French version of SeaMonkey?

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Re: Each time I upgrade SM I got a new bug !!!

2015-09-30 Thread WaltS48

On 09/30/2015 12:41 PM, Carlson, Christine M wrote:

Please delete me from this mail...this thread is annoying and I wanted to get 
help and did not receive!

Delete yourself from the mailing list here 
. Just follow the 
instructions on that page and stop replying by email to the other posters.

You did not post a topic requesting help, but hijacked another thread.

If you intend to post a topic requesting help for your problem, read 
this first.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: JPG's Not Displaying

2015-09-23 Thread WaltS48

Tom Pamin wrote:

EE wrote:

Tom Pamin wrote:

When JPG photos are attached to emails I read using my roadrunner
webmail site, they do not display. I only see a small red x instead of
the photo. These photos display fine using IE. Is there a setting to
change in SM?

If they are attachments, can you not detach them and view them as normal

Even when I save the attached images to my PC, I still just get the
small red x.

In your systems image viewer, or SeaMonkey?

No problems viewing emails with images in my Verizon Web Mail interface, 
or viewing saved images in the SeaMonkey browser for me.

It appears the attached image I sent myself from this email account 
requires a download from my Web Mail interface and opening in my image 
viewer or the browser, but SeaMonkey Mail & Newsgroups client displays 
it just fine.

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0 

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Is SeaMonkey/2.12.1 compatible with Windows 10 ?

2015-09-23 Thread WaltS48

On 09/23/2015 06:38 PM, EE wrote:

Mason83 wrote:

On 23/09/2015 22:48, Robert Kaiser wrote:

Any versions below 2.35 are not maintained and have grave publicly
disclosed security issues.

Even 2.35 may be at risk. It is based on Firefox 38, right?

Some advisories for Firefox 39, 40, and 41 may apply to SM.

For example:


It is using Firefox 38esr, so presumably the security is up to date at

Until 38.3.0 is released?

[Security Advisories for Firefox ESR — 

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Re: add ons

2015-08-28 Thread WaltS48

On 08/28/2015 04:53 PM, S Slicer wrote:

I can easily see how to enable and disable add ons, but is there a way
to permanently delete an add on?

Which add-ons?

Extensions - Yes, there should be a Remove button to the right of the 
Enable/Disable button.

Appearance - Same as above.
Plugins - There is no Remove button next to the Ask to 
activate/Always activate/Never activate button. They have to be removed 
at the operating system level, usually by uninstalling the plugin or 
program that installed the plugin.

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Re: buttons are painted!

2015-11-27 Thread WaltS48

On 11/27/2015 11:36 AM, Rick Merrill wrote:

Sm2.39, win 10 (from win 8), Dell 5000, long time user of seamonkey...

When I first launch Sm the windows appear but the icons of buttons
do not appear until I mouse over them!  What's up with that?



Gremlins! It could also be an extension or theme problem.

Do you use a theme other than the default?

Does the same problem occur in safe mode?

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Re: My global newsgroup filters fail to remove spammers' posts?

2015-12-07 Thread WaltS48

On 12/07/2015 03:53 AM, Ant wrote:


I am seeing a lot of annoying recent spammers' posts like from (Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty). I told SeaMonkey
v2.39's message filters to delete (don't show) them when I read the
newsgroups: ... But they are still
showing up. Am I doing this wrong/incorrectly?

Thank you in advance. :)

For those kinds of messages I use 'Match any of the following' and 
'Subject contains', then select words, or parts of words from the 
subject that are not likely to be in any legitimate message.

Linux Mint 17.2 "Rafaela" | KDE 4.14.2 | Thunderbird 45.0a1 (Daily)
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Re: From:

2015-12-07 Thread WaltS48

WaltS48 wrote:

OldGuy wrote:

Am I going crazy or what?  Don't answer that!  I already know.

On one PC when I Compose a post I select a From: and it is editable.
I am not talking about selectable, I mean editable.

On another PC I cannot edit it.

Sometimes I want to change the fake eMail address for fun.

I really do not want to set up other profiles if that is a suggestion.

How do I make that From: field editable.

You restart the misbehaving SeaMonkey in safe mode to see if an
extension is causing the problem.

I can edit my From: when composing in SeaMonkey, but not in Thunderbird.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: My global newsgroup filters fail to remove spammers' posts?

2015-12-08 Thread WaltS48

On 12/08/2015 12:02 AM, Ant wrote:

I am seeing a lot of annoying recent spammers' posts like from (Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty). I told SeaMonkey
v2.39's message filters to delete (don't show) them when I read the
newsgroups: ... But they are still
showing up. Am I doing this wrong/incorrectly?

For those kinds of messages I use 'Match any of the following' and
'Subject contains', then select words, or parts of words from the
subject that are not likely to be in any legitimate message.

So e-mail addresses won't work? It is always the same address. :(

If the address is always the same, maybe you should change the filter 
from "contains' to "is".

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Re: Chrome URLs for SeaMonkey

2015-12-08 Thread WaltS48

On 12/08/2015 02:07 PM, EE wrote:

Is there any up-to-date site that lists all the chrome URLs for
SeaMonkey? The only ones I could find are hopelessly out of date. There
are a few that must be different now, since the old ones are broken. I
have been searching, but I cannot find any updated chrome URL list.

Trying to use DOM Inspector did not get me anywhere either.  I tried
opening the Data Manager in a tab, then looking at it from File >
Inspect Chrome Document, and all I got was
"chrome://navigator/content/navigator.xul".  Not helpful for trying to
find the interfaces for specific data handling.

Here is one I found scanning old posts using Quick Filter in Thunderbird.

You might be able to figure out the rest from there. I'll try to find 
the other one I saw and post it, if I find it.

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Re: Chrome URLs for SeaMonkey

2015-12-08 Thread WaltS48

On 12/08/2015 02:07 PM, EE wrote:

Is there any up-to-date site that lists all the chrome URLs for
SeaMonkey? The only ones I could find are hopelessly out of date. There
are a few that must be different now, since the old ones are broken. I
have been searching, but I cannot find any updated chrome URL list.

Trying to use DOM Inspector did not get me anywhere either.  I tried
opening the Data Manager in a tab, then looking at it from File >
Inspect Chrome Document, and all I got was
"chrome://navigator/content/navigator.xul".  Not helpful for trying to
find the interfaces for specific data handling.

Don't know if any of these under the Firefox heading help.

The password manager one looks familiar.

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Re: Browser Popups Kill

2015-12-02 Thread WaltS48

On 12/02/2015 02:27 PM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

EE wrote:

I can tell you what I do to stop the nuisances.  In about:config, I did
these settings:

dom.disable_window_onbeforeunload -> true
   - stop popups triggered when you try to leave a page

I had high hopes for this one, but it doesn't seem to stop the annoying
"Are you sure you want to leave" prompts. Do you have anything for that

Click "Yes" and leave.

That's what I did when I started writing a comment on Facebook, and 
decided not to finish it, clicked the back button on my browser and was 

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Re: Future of Thunderbird / Seamonkey mail module

2015-12-03 Thread WaltS48

On 12/03/2015 05:12 AM, Mason83 wrote:

Mozilla Wants To Split Off Its Thunderbird Email/Chat Client, Says Mitchell 
Baker Memo

Old news.

New news.

These discussions are at a very early stage. Finding the right solution 
requires some effort. This is Mozilla focusing on a more forward looking path, 
one aimed at longer term stability rather than continuing the status quo.

What does it all mean for SeaMonkey? Someone should ask Ms. Baker.

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Re: From:

2015-12-06 Thread WaltS48

OldGuy wrote:

Am I going crazy or what?  Don't answer that!  I already know.

On one PC when I Compose a post I select a From: and it is editable.
I am not talking about selectable, I mean editable.

On another PC I cannot edit it.

Sometimes I want to change the fake eMail address for fun.

I really do not want to set up other profiles if that is a suggestion.

How do I make that From: field editable.

You restart the misbehaving SeaMonkey in safe mode to see if an 
extension is causing the problem.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Chrome URLs for SeaMonkey

2015-12-08 Thread WaltS48

On 12/08/2015 04:44 PM, Lee wrote:

On 12/8/15, WaltS48 <> wrote:

On 12/08/2015 02:07 PM, EE wrote:

Is there any up-to-date site that lists all the chrome URLs for
SeaMonkey? The only ones I could find are hopelessly out of date. There
are a few that must be different now, since the old ones are broken. I
have been searching, but I cannot find any updated chrome URL list.

Trying to use DOM Inspector did not get me anywhere either.  I tried
opening the Data Manager in a tab, then looking at it from File >
Inspect Chrome Document, and all I got was
"chrome://navigator/content/navigator.xul".  Not helpful for trying to
find the interfaces for specific data handling.

Here is one I found scanning old posts using Quick Filter in Thunderbird.

You might be able to figure out the rest from there. I'll try to find
the other one I saw and post it, if I find it.

If you're up for some trial & error, unpack omni.ja, search for .xul
files and try them out.

For example, I'm on Windows, so I used 7Zip to unpack
   C:\Program Files (x86)\SeaMonkey\omni.ja
into c:\temp\sm.   Open a dos window and
   cd \temp\sm
   dir *.xul /s
and a couple of minutes playing around got me these:









I'm not, but EE might be up for some exploration.

I believe he already knows the only information I could provide.

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Re: My global newsgroup filters fail to remove spammers' posts?

2015-12-09 Thread WaltS48

On 12/09/2015 04:15 PM, chicagofan wrote:

Ant wrote:

I am seeing a lot of annoying recent spammers' posts like from (Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty). I told
v2.39's message filters to delete (don't show) them when I read the
newsgroups: ... But they are still
showing up. Am I doing this wrong/incorrectly?

For those kinds of messages I use 'Match any of the following' and
'Subject contains', then select words, or parts of words from the
subject that are not likely to be in any legitimate message.

So e-mail addresses won't work? It is always the same address. :(

If the address is always the same, maybe you should change the filter
from "contains' to "is".

OK, I'll try that later assuming the spammer is still posting like
crazy. I would assume "contains" would match
Thanks. :)

Are you seeing these in this newsgroup?   I'm wondering what is keeping
me from seeing them, if that is the case.  :)

He did post an image of the problem, and no it isn't this newsgroup. It 
is a.c.hardware.

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Re: My global newsgroup filters fail to remove spammers' posts?

2015-12-09 Thread WaltS48

On 12/08/2015 01:37 PM, Ant wrote:

I am seeing a lot of annoying recent spammers' posts like from (Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty). I told SeaMonkey
v2.39's message filters to delete (don't show) them when I read the
newsgroups: ... But they are still
showing up. Am I doing this wrong/incorrectly?

For those kinds of messages I use 'Match any of the following' and
'Subject contains', then select words, or parts of words from the
subject that are not likely to be in any legitimate message.

So e-mail addresses won't work? It is always the same address. :(

If the address is always the same, maybe you should change the filter
from "contains' to "is".

OK, I'll try that later assuming the spammer is still posting like
crazy. I would assume "contains" would match
Thanks. :)

Use "is", not "contains".

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Re: Facebook Videos Won't Play

2015-12-10 Thread WaltS48

On 12/10/2015 06:09 AM, Tom Pamin wrote:

Lately videos like this won't play on Facebook. I've updated to the
latest Flash Player. The videos do play on IE. How do I fix this?

Works for me, and now I'm hungry.

Tells me content not available right now.

Using SeaMonkey 2.39.

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Re: Blocked images in email

2015-12-29 Thread WaltS48

On 12/29/2015 01:52 PM, Ed Mullen wrote:

A Williams wrote on 12/29/2015 1:13 PM:

Ed Mullen wrote:

I receive a periodic HTML email newsletter from my investment advisor's
firm.  I used to see the graphics but no longer can, not even in old
emails going back to 2013.  I only see empty boxes.

The person sending the newsletter uses and the images
reside on their server. The email itself comes from a different mail

Oddly, in Thunderbird I see the images.

I can't figure out why SM is blocking them and TB is not.  Any help
greatly appreciated.

Edit -> Preferences -> Mail & Newsgroups -> Message Display
"Block images and other content from remote sources"

would be my guess.

Good guess but that was the first thing I checked.  It's unchecked. ;-)

Edit > Preferences > Privacy & Security > Images > Image Acceptance Policy

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Re: New mail account is always newsgroup

2016-01-06 Thread WaltS48

On 01/06/2016 06:28 PM, Mark B wrote:

Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Carbon, Win 7, SM 2.39

I have 2 IMAP email accounts and 1 Newsgroup account.  When I try to 
create a new email account, (edit/Mail & Newsgroup Account 
settings/(highlight email account) add account, the second window 
always asks for 'Newsgroup Server', instead of asking me if I want to 
create a new email or newsgroup account.

Is there some about:config setting that won't let me create a new 
email account?


Mark Berger

Known issue since 2009.
After creating a news account through clicking a news URL, the 
MailNews account wizard may be broken (the account type will always be 
News). To work around the problem, set the mail.server.serverX.valid 
pref (where X is the internal number of the corresponding news 
account) to true in about:config, or delete the invalid news account 

Release Notes 

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Re: support

2015-12-31 Thread WaltS48

On 12/31/2015 09:27 AM, pedro wrote:

When we sail with SeaMonkey it does not come pre-configured to browse computers 
in Brazil. Why does it happen? The community could change this? It is a safe 
and fast browser, but the setup is difficult. Windows 7 does not allow the 
SeaMonkey work properly.

Are you using the Portuguese (Portugal) version from 

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Re: Which SeaMonkey ?

2016-01-01 Thread WaltS48

On 01/01/2016 12:36 PM, Paul in Houston, TX wrote:

Mason83 wrote:

On 01/01/2016 07:06, Paul in Houston, TX wrote:

I will stick with 2.26.1 as long as it keeps working.
I have no need or desire for the latest.

No need? How about not being owned by a rogue website?


I've been on the web since 1991.  I don't run any virus shields or
active anything.  I don't click on everything that I see.
Have never gotten any vir-mal-troj's.
I scan my comps every few weeks with various scanners.
Nothing yet.

Does being exposed to those security vulnerabilities mean that your are 
going to get anything, or just that others could use your computer 
without your knowledge, and it wouldn't show up on any scans.

Would a "RSA Signature Forgery in NSS" fixed in SeaMonkey 2.29.1 show up 
on a scan?

Would any exploits of the over 100 security vulnerabilities fixed since 
2.26.1 was released?

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Re: Hidden Content of an Incoming Message

2015-12-21 Thread WaltS48

On 12/21/2015 03:24 PM, Frog wrote:

WaltS48 wrote:

On 12/21/2015 12:04 PM, Frog wrote:

In addition to my problem of line wrapping outgoing, I now am missing
the capability to show hidden content of an incoming message.  How do I
turn on the option to see the hidden content of a message?

What is your setting for 'Block images and other contentfrom remote
sources' under Edit > Preferences > Mail & Newsgroups > Message Display?

Remove the check mark if there is one.

I removed the check mark as suggested. This change did not re-establish
the capability I had previously.  I did have an area on incoming mail
(at the right side of the window and on the same level with the
to/from/time information)gave me the option to open hidden parts of a
message.  Messages now show up with blanks all over the
message...requiring me to click them individually to make them open. Why
did this capability disappear and how do I get it back?

Thanks for helping me with this subject.


Well, read Richard's reply and heed his advice about showing that 
content by default is unwise.

Maybe your Image Acceptance Policy settings under Privacy & Security > 
Images in Preferences.

Contrary to Richard's advice I have 'Load all images' selected.

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Re: Post Downloads

2015-12-19 Thread WaltS48

OldGu wrote:

Is it me or are only newsgroup post header all that is initially
downloaded?  I see a big delay sometimes to see the post contents.

Is there a way to force downloading of the post contents when SeaMonkey
is opened?   Or ???

Post headers are all that is initially downloaded for newsgroup posts.

To download the contents, select the account, click 'View settings for 
this account', click 'Synchronization and Storage', click 'Select 
newsgroups for offline use...', expand the account name and select the 
groups you are interested in from the list.

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Re: Profile Icon

2015-12-19 Thread WaltS48

On 12/19/2015 10:24 AM, OldGuy wrote:

So now I have two profiles but have to start SeaMonkey and go thru
manually switching profiles.
Someone suggested having two Mail icons, one for each profile.

How do I create these icons?
Is there some command line switch that selects the profile name?

Sigh, the proofreader was afk.

Those should be ~/seamonkey -mail -p (profile a) and ~/seamonkey -mail 
-p (profile b)

Here is a list of command line arguments you can use with SeaMonkey.

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Re: Request for restoration of feature - separate components menu items

2015-12-19 Thread WaltS48

Bret Busby wrote:

On 18/12/2015, WaltS48 <> wrote:

On 12/18/2015 03:52 AM, Daniel wrote:

On 18/12/2015 4:36 PM, Bret Busby wrote:


I am using Seamonkey on UbuntuMATE 15.10 .

The only menu option that appears for SeaMonkey in this installation
(on both of two separate computers), is "Mozilla build of Seamonkey".

In previously used SeaMonkey  (2.2x) on Debian 6, three separate menu
options were displayed in the menu (Applications -> Internet);
something like "Seamonkey Compose New Message", Seamonkey Mail and
NewsGroups", and, Seamonkey web browser", which allowed a user to
access the new message composer, or, the Mail and News Groups
component (to examine previously sent messages, and, for other uses),
or, the web browser component, without having to load the web browser
component (thence restoring the last previous saved session, if the
web browser component is configured to restart with the last session).

I do not know whether the developers read the messages on this list,
but I am wondering whether it would be possible to restore the
functionality, of having those three separate menu options, so that a
user like me, can chose to simply open the Compose New Message
component, without having to reload the last session of the web

Thank you in anticipation.

Bret, I'm using my Win7 SeaMonkey tonight, and have never seen "the menu
(Applications -> Internet)", so can only assume that is a UbuntuMate

However, in my installation, under "Window", I see that I can open and
change to any of five windows (Browser, Mail & News, Composer,
Addressbook and IRC). Do you not see this, or is this not what you are
referring to?? Maybe Ubuntu has modified SeaMonkey!

I think the question is could the SeaMonkey developers fix SeaMonkey so
his operating systems Application launcher shows the three items under
the Internet heading like it did in Debian.

AIUI Ubuntu doesn't even offer SeaMonkey anymore.

Users that want it for Ubuntu have to add a 3rd party repository called

UbuntuUpdates - PPA: Ubuntuzilla -

Or install from The SeaMonkey® Project -
<> which AFAIK doesn't add the
functionality. I don't see the items in my Application > Internet Menu.

I thought I had SM installed through my software manager, but it appears
I don't. IIRC when I did have it installed from a repo there were menu
items for launching the browser or mail, but not just the compose window.

I am thinking now, that I may have been mistaken - I think that the
three separate menu entries to which I refer, were for the iceape
suite, which was a Debian version of Seamonkey, which was similar to,
but not exactly the same as, Seamonkey.

FWIW I just installed the Ubuntuzilla PPA and SeaMonkey from it.

I only see Mozilla Build of SeaMonkey in my Applications > Internet menu

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Re: Request for restoration of feature - separate components menu items

2015-12-18 Thread WaltS48

On 12/18/2015 03:52 AM, Daniel wrote:

On 18/12/2015 4:36 PM, Bret Busby wrote:


I am using Seamonkey on UbuntuMATE 15.10 .

The only menu option that appears for SeaMonkey in this installation
(on both of two separate computers), is "Mozilla build of Seamonkey".

In previously used SeaMonkey  (2.2x) on Debian 6, three separate menu
options were displayed in the menu (Applications -> Internet);
something like "Seamonkey Compose New Message", Seamonkey Mail and
NewsGroups", and, Seamonkey web browser", which allowed a user to
access the new message composer, or, the Mail and News Groups
component (to examine previously sent messages, and, for other uses),
or, the web browser component, without having to load the web browser
component (thence restoring the last previous saved session, if the
web browser component is configured to restart with the last session).

I do not know whether the developers read the messages on this list,
but I am wondering whether it would be possible to restore the
functionality, of having those three separate menu options, so that a
user like me, can chose to simply open the Compose New Message
component, without having to reload the last session of the web

Thank you in anticipation.

Bret, I'm using my Win7 SeaMonkey tonight, and have never seen "the menu
(Applications -> Internet)", so can only assume that is a UbuntuMate

However, in my installation, under "Window", I see that I can open and
change to any of five windows (Browser, Mail & News, Composer,
Addressbook and IRC). Do you not see this, or is this not what you are
referring to?? Maybe Ubuntu has modified SeaMonkey!

I think the question is could the SeaMonkey developers fix SeaMonkey so 
his operating systems Application launcher shows the three items under 
the Internet heading like it did in Debian.

AIUI Ubuntu doesn't even offer SeaMonkey anymore.

Users that want it for Ubuntu have to add a 3rd party repository called 

UbuntuUpdates - PPA: Ubuntuzilla - 

Or install from The SeaMonkey® Project - 
 which AFAIK doesn't add the 
functionality. I don't see the items in my Application > Internet Menu.

I thought I had SM installed through my software manager, but it appears 
I don't. IIRC when I did have it installed from a repo there were menu 
items for launching the browser or mail, but not just the compose window.

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Re: Request for restoration of feature - separate components menu items

2015-12-18 Thread WaltS48

On 12/18/2015 08:23 AM, WaltS48 wrote:

On 12/18/2015 03:52 AM, Daniel wrote:

On 18/12/2015 4:36 PM, Bret Busby wrote:


I am using Seamonkey on UbuntuMATE 15.10 .

The only menu option that appears for SeaMonkey in this installation
(on both of two separate computers), is "Mozilla build of Seamonkey".

In previously used SeaMonkey  (2.2x) on Debian 6, three separate menu
options were displayed in the menu (Applications -> Internet);
something like "Seamonkey Compose New Message", Seamonkey Mail and
NewsGroups", and, Seamonkey web browser", which allowed a user to
access the new message composer, or, the Mail and News Groups
component (to examine previously sent messages, and, for other uses),
or, the web browser component, without having to load the web browser
component (thence restoring the last previous saved session, if the
web browser component is configured to restart with the last session).

I do not know whether the developers read the messages on this list,
but I am wondering whether it would be possible to restore the
functionality, of having those three separate menu options, so that a
user like me, can chose to simply open the Compose New Message
component, without having to reload the last session of the web

Thank you in anticipation.

Bret, I'm using my Win7 SeaMonkey tonight, and have never seen "the menu
(Applications -> Internet)", so can only assume that is a UbuntuMate

However, in my installation, under "Window", I see that I can open and
change to any of five windows (Browser, Mail & News, Composer,
Addressbook and IRC). Do you not see this, or is this not what you are
referring to?? Maybe Ubuntu has modified SeaMonkey!

I think the question is could the SeaMonkey developers fix SeaMonkey so
his operating systems Application launcher shows the three items under
the Internet heading like it did in Debian.

AIUI Ubuntu doesn't even offer SeaMonkey anymore.

Users that want it for Ubuntu have to add a 3rd party repository called

UbuntuUpdates - PPA: Ubuntuzilla -

Or install from The SeaMonkey® Project -
<> which AFAIK doesn't add the
functionality. I don't see the items in my Application > Internet Menu.

I thought I had SM installed through my software manager, but it appears
I don't. IIRC when I did have it installed from a repo there were menu
items for launching the browser or mail, but not just the compose window.

Ah, just checked and it appears I have to add the Ubuntuzilla PPA if I 
want to install from my systems software manager.

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Re: Profile Icon

2015-12-19 Thread WaltS48

On 12/19/2015 10:24 AM, OldGuy wrote:

So now I have two profiles but have to start SeaMonkey and go thru
manually switching profiles.
Someone suggested having two Mail icons, one for each profile.

How do I create these icons?
Is there some command line switch that selects the profile name?

Sorry, I forget what operating system you use.

For my Linux I would create two desktop launchers with the command to 
open SeaMonkey with the -mail and -p switches and the profile name.

~/seamonkey - mail-p (profile a)

~/seamonkey - mail -p (profile b)

without the ()

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Re: Wrap text to fit window question.

2015-12-19 Thread WaltS48

Frog wrote:

I have searched and searched for a way to make messages automatically
wrap to 72 characters.  This seems to be happening more when I am
preparing a new message or when printing a message.  I have gone through
the Preferences (Mail and Newsgroups) area and they are all set
appropriately.  What am I missing?

Well, the setting for Mail & Newsgroups > Composition is for plain text 
messages. The same for Display.

So you should be good if you are only composing plain text messages.

I don't see any setting to set word wrap for HTML composition.

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Re: How do I see the certificate used for a TLS SMTP connection?

2015-12-21 Thread WaltS48

On 12/21/2015 04:27 AM, Mason83 wrote:

On 20/12/2015 19:04, WaltS48 wrote:

On 12/20/2015 12:31 PM, Mason83 wrote:

On 17/12/2015 20:19, Mason83 wrote:


It's easy to see the certificate used for HTTPS connections:
load the site, then CTRL+I => Security tab

But how do I see the certificate used for SMTP TLS connections?

I would think in the Authorities tab of Certificate Manager. ???

AFAICT, the Authorities tab lists CAs, not the final certificate in
the chain?

There are about 100 entries in that list, none of which appear to be
the certificate used for the two secure SMTP servers I use.

Select the Mail account > View settings for this account > Security >
Manage Certificates...

Same thing as Edit > Preferences > Privacy & Security > Certificates.

For example, I use, can you find what certificate SM
uses to authenticate the connection? And how any times you've used it
etc, like for an HTTPS connection?


I did not know or forgot you could do that. Can't help with the email one.

I would think if you had all the mail you ever sent in your Sent box. 
That would be how many times you have used it

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Re: Hidden Content of an Incoming Message

2015-12-21 Thread WaltS48

On 12/21/2015 12:04 PM, Frog wrote:

In addition to my problem of line wrapping outgoing, I now am missing
the capability to show hidden content of an incoming message.  How do I
turn on the option to see the hidden content of a message?

What is your setting for 'Block images and other contentfrom remote 
sources' under Edit > Preferences > Mail & Newsgroups > Message Display?

Remove the check mark if there is one.

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Re: How do I see the certificate used for a TLS SMTP connection?

2015-12-20 Thread WaltS48

On 12/20/2015 12:31 PM, Mason83 wrote:

On 17/12/2015 20:19, Mason83 wrote:


It's easy to see the certificate used for HTTPS connections:
load the site, then CTRL+I => Security tab

But how do I see the certificate used for SMTP TLS connections?

I would think in the Authorities tab of Certificate Manager. ???

Select the Mail account > View settings for this account > Security > 
Manage Certificates...

Is there a better newsgroup to ask this?


I duuno.

Happy Holidays!
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Re: seamonkey UI

2015-12-20 Thread WaltS48

On 12/20/2015 11:01 AM, Ray_Net wrote:

Paul Gheno wrote on 20/12/2015 08:56:

Hello Dear seamonkey support reader,

I've downloaded seamonkey for a while now, using it everyday.
One of the big issue I encounter is the UI itself.

-Top menu buttons are not efficient, not really intuitive
-tabs cannot be closed in a simple way
-seamonkey "modules" like IRC Chat, Email, etc ... are hidden. This
features should appear in a usefull and easy way

They are not hidden.
They are at the left bottom side of a SeaMonkey window.

Only if the user has the Status Bar enabled under View > Show/Hide.

and also under the drop-down menu "Window"


I never use tabs, because I hate tabs.

I always use tabs, they save me time opening each bookmark one by one.

They can be closed using the context menu, the "x" at the far end of the 
tab bar, or making an about:config change to a value of 1 for 
"browser.tabs.closeButtons" puts an "x" on email tabs, but not my 
browser tabs. Setting it to "0" didn't help, and a setting of "2" 
appears to hide the "x".

Glad I don't have to do any of that about:config stuff with Firefox and 

The topmenu is really clear - this is better than intuitive.

The top menu File, Edit, View... can be hidden the same way the Status 
bar appears to be hidden for the OP.

The Navigation bar can be configured to not show Text with the Icons, so 
Icons only may not be intuitive to some users.

There is a tool tip if the user hovers the mouse over the Icons.

If they don't see text they can right click in the toolbar and select 
"Settings for this toolbar" and change the settings.

You don't understand: Send, Address, Attach, Spell, Security, Save ???
Or GetMesgs, compose, Reply, ReplyAll, Forward, etc ???

Maybe they only see Icons without Text. :)

Happy Holidays!

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Re: Seamonkey 2.40?

2015-12-30 Thread WaltS48

On 12/29/2015 10:53 PM, Cruz, Jaime wrote:

Firefox 43 has been out for a bit, and has even gotten three point
upgrades but I haven't seen any mention of a Seamonkey update.  Is the
Build Engine broken again?

FWIW, I tested Thunderbird 38.5.1 on Linux yesterday, haven't seen a 
development build since Dec. 15th though.

I understand SeaMonkey is skipping 2.40 beta and are supposed to go to a 
2.40 release, but one of the developers was unavailable due to a medical 
problem and still a bit hobbled.

From IRC logs.

ewong   Mc I'm currently stalled on getting 2.40 released.. I'm very sorry.

Linux Mint 17.2 "Rafaela" | KDE 4.14.2 | Thunderbird 45.0a2 (Earlybird)
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Re: [linux 64bit No Updates Found] Re: SeaMonkey 2.39 released

2015-11-24 Thread WaltS48

On 11/24/2015 08:27 PM, NoOp wrote:

On 11/23/2015 10:06 PM, sean.nat...@invalid.knights.whosay.nee wrote:

WaltS48 wrote:

On 11/23/2015 05:41 PM, NoOp wrote:

On 11/22/2015 12:11 PM,

NoOp wrote:

On 11/8/2015 7:40 PM, Edmund Wong wrote:

Edmund Wong wrote:


The SeaMonkey Project is pleased to announce the release of SeaMonkey

For a more complete list of changes in SeaMonkey 2.39b1, see the
New in SeaMonkey 2.39 section of the Release Notes [2], which also
contain a list of known issues and answers to frequently asked
questions. For a more general overview of the SeaMonkey project (and
screen shots!), visit

I goofed up... again.  The above should say "For a complete list of
changes in SeaMonkey 2.39..."   C fail.

My apologies.


Current SeaMonkey linux 64bit version:

version 2.38
   You are currently on the release update channel.
   See a list of contributors to the Mozilla Project.
   Read the licensing information for this product.
   Read the release notes for this version.
   See the build configuration used for this version.
   User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:41.0)
Firefox/41.0 SeaMonkey/2.38
   Build identifier: 20150923193515

Checking for updates:

Help|Check for Updates
===> "No Updates Found" "There are not updates available. Please check
again later or enable SeaMonkey's automatic update checking."

Why "no updates found"?

editing error perchance? since the 64 bit linux version hit ubuntuzilla
ppa late on 11/12 or early 11/13?

Thanks for the response, but in this case ubuntuzilla has nothing to do
with update availability for builds *from* SeaMonkey.

But the 64-bit Linux build isn't from SeaMonkey. It is a contributed
build, and I don't recall it ever updating when I use "Check for Updates"

The 64-bit Linux version is all by its lonesome self in

All other versions are in
<> which is where
SeaMonkey looks for official updates.

precisely Walt... linux builds have never auto-updated (for me anyway)
NoOp, which is why i'm hitched to the ubuntuzilla ppa... that way it
automagically arrives with my weekly updates...

Thanks guys... yes I know where and how to get 64 and 32 bit linux
builds via SeaMonkey or repositories. My point is that when purposely
checking for updates, the response is "No Updates Found":

Help|Check for Updates
===> "No Updates Found" "There are not updates available. Please check
again later or enable SeaMonkey's automatic update checking."

Regardless of whether or not I need to download directly, my version
should let me know that a new version is available. Otherwise you might
at well just remove the "Check for Updates" option.

Note to Walt - I wasn't asking where to find the file to download:
 Linux/x86_64 .tar.bz2 (readme) (MD5 sum) (SHA1 sum)
works fine. I was asking why "Check for Updates" does not work.

Check for updates is not coded to look in 

Check for updates is coded to look for updates in 
where the Windows, Mac and Linux 32-bit versions are found.

SeaMonkey: Download & Releases - only has Windows, Mac 
and the 32-bit Linux versions.

It isn't an official SeaMonkey release. That's why.

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Re: Unsubscribe due to too many e-mails

2015-11-26 Thread WaltS48

On 11/26/2015 04:06 PM, George wrote:


Since I signed up for the site I am receiving many e-mails each day from
people I do not know.

Please let me know how I can unsubscribe in order to prevent all the

Thanking you in advance.

George Achilles

Go here; support-seamonkey Info Page - 

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and follow the instructions to 

Linux Mint 17.2 "Rafaela" | KDE 4.14.2 | Thunderbird 45.0a1 (Daily)
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Re: Unsubscribe due to too many e-mails

2015-11-27 Thread WaltS48

On 11/27/2015 07:41 PM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

Ray_Net wrote:

EE wrote on 27/11/2015 19:38:

George wrote:


Since I signed up for the site I am receiving many e-mails each day
people I do not know.

Please let me know how I can unsubscribe in order to prevent all the

Thanking you in advance.

George Achilles

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Stop putting your correct email address in your posts.  You can set up
a newsgroup account using a fake email address.

He did not post in a newsgroup, he post thru  SO he need to furnish his real
address; NO ?

But the point is that he need not go through the list. He can subscribe
to the newsgroup as you and I have done and munge his address to defeat
the spambots.

But now that they've got his address, he can look forward to a steady
stream of spam as they sell it to each other.

The point is everyone that signs up for the mailing list has the 
information to *Unsubscribe* on the sign up page. All they need to do is 
scroll down and read the whole damn page before clicking the *Subscribe* 
button. Then bookmark it for future reference.

I received a link to a member options page for both Mozilla mailing 
lists that I subscribe to, which also include an *Unsubscribe* section. 
I bookmarked both of those pages.

George has probably successfully unsubscribed from the list and we are 
spamming it for who knows how many other subscribers.

Apologies to them.

Linux Mint 17.2 "Rafaela" | KDE 4.14.2 | Thunderbird 45.0a1 (Daily)
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Re: buttons are painted!

2015-11-28 Thread WaltS48

On 11/28/2015 11:38 AM, Rick Merrill wrote:

On 11/28/2015 11:30 AM, Rick Merrill wrote:

On 11/27/2015 11:56 AM, WaltS48 wrote:

On 11/27/2015 11:36 AM, Rick Merrill wrote:

Sm2.39, win 10 (from win 8), Dell 5000, long time user of seamonkey...

When I first launch Sm the windows appear but the icons of buttons
do not appear until I mouse over them!  What's up with that?



Gremlins! It could also be an extension or theme problem.

Do you use a theme other than the default?

Does the same problem occur in safe mode?

I use "classic" view and "default" theme and extensions are Chatzilla
and DOM Inspector.

Probably residue from Win 8!-)

I never use safe mode :-(

Enabling "Modern" seems to solve the problem!  Thanks.

Interesting. Glad you found a solution that works for you.

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