Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: King Tony's Pedigree

2014-10-12 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 From what Maharishi said, anyone who attains CC is no longer going to be 
reincarnated, so, thus far, 17 people who report CC in the first study that 
Fred Travis did, and the (last I heard) 51 new people who report CC in the new 
study he's doing, are no longer sufficiently ignorant to reincarnate.


 Did I understand MMY correctly?

 Was MMY correct, regardless of my understanding?

 Are any of the 17 people in the first study or 51 people in teh 2nd study 
really in CC?




---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 MMY also said, "Reincarnation is for the ignorant", which is kind of specious 
IMHO since everybody is ignorant! (i.e. short of enlightenment), therefore, 
Reincarnation is for everybody.

---In,  wrote :

 On 10/1/2014 1:41 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 mailto:mjackson74@... wrote :
 Someone recently told me that Marshy referred to Nader as Ram reincarnated, is 
that true? 


 It's true that Marshy spoke astounding amounts of crap that, even if any of it 
was possible, he couldn't possibly have known about.
 But I never heard him actually say this one. Maybe I just nodded off during 
the "weight in gold" moment or the 96 hour introduction to his book of 
"discoveries" about human physiology.

 >Maharishi selected Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam because: "he loves the most"

There is some doubt that either of you ever heard or were in the presence of 
MMY to hear him speak, whether nodded or not. Go figure.
   >Maharishi selected 
 There is some doubt that either of you ever heard or were in the presence of 
MMY to hear him speak, whether nodded or not. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Fall Of Baghdad

2014-10-12 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Shrug. We have no idea what American Indian civilization would be like 500+ 
years later. 

 And certainly, ISIS is a primitive, violent group of thugs by modern standards.

 My only point is that you don't have to go very far back to see the same kind 
of behavior from the West, so the sense of smug superiority I get from some 
people is not particuarly supportable.

 Certainly, it's not terribly useful. We have to work with moderate Muslims to 
solve the issues, and the "we're so much better than the ragheads" attitude 
isn't helping any.



---In,  wrote :

 Sounds like you're justifying ISIS's  actions. True, that was typical of 
conquering armies in the past due to the practicality of waging war. However we 
consider our selves a *bit* more civilized today. We don't target innocent 
civilians, force them to convert and then kill them anyway, we don't steel 
supplies, we buy it if we don't bring it and we observe a uniform code of  
military conduct observed by almost all nations.  wrote:

   Christian Crusaders did the same thing, and don't fool yourself, if 
Americans ever "conquered" a country, we'd do the same thing too.

 Ask any American Indian tribe if you need examples.


---In,  wrote :

 They're supplied the same way Mohammed supplied his *army*. They just take 
whatever they want, wherever they go. Whether it's money from banks, food from 
stockpiles, or weapons, ammunition and transportation from Iraqi army bases. 
This is your Islamic *work ethic*. Real work is for mensches.

 On Saturday, October 11, 2014 2:18 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

 On 10/11/2014 2:42 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Something is wrong with the US generals' assessment of ISIS.  

 There is no good news coming out of the Middle East - the U.S. supports the 
Saudis who are Shite Muslims; and at the same time Iranians support the Shiite 
in Baghdad. But, the ISIS are Sunnis who hate everyone, Muslim and infidel 
alike. Then, there's Assad to deal with. The only bright spot over there is 
Israel, the only democracy in the whole Middle East. Go figure.
 How is it possible for the militants to continue fighting in Iraq and Syria 
with supposedly only 30,000 fighters?

 It appears that the militant rebels in or near Baghdad are self-sufficient to 
fight on their own without help from their Syrian headquarters.  So, that means 
they're getting food, supplies and ammunition within Baghdad itself.

 I wouldn't be surprised if a secret faction within the ISF is providing the 
weapons and ammunition to fight the loyal troopers of Iraq.

 "Without large numbers of American troops on the ground in Iraq, we lack the 
ability to choose targets, to rebuild the capacity of the Iraqi Army quickly 
and successfully, to constrain the Shiite government from pursuing a sectarian 
agenda. Without large numbers of troops in Syria, we are unable to distinguish 
between friend and foe, to train and direct non-Qaeda opposition forces, to 
address the humanitarian crisis, and to prepare for—and hasten—a world without 
Bashar Assad."
 'Only American ground troops can defeat the Islamic State'
 The Washington Free Beacon:
mailto:punditster@... mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 Our side is suffering serious defeats on the battlefield in Anbar province and 
Baghdad is ripe for infiltration. Then, it's a guerrilla war in the streets 
with up close and personal close range fighting.
 According to President Obama, it's a war against the Islamic State, but who 
are they? The goal is to roll back the IS in Iraq and contain it in Syria. 
Soon, Turkey will be pulled into the fight - the ISIS are at the gates today, 
tomorrow Istanbul and onwards to Rome.
 "With the outlying suburb of Abu Ghraib teetering on completely falling to 
ISIS, if the area comes under complete control of the Islamists, the Americans 
will be within easy range of ISIS artillery."
 'ISIS reaches Baghdad suburbs, US troops block the way to BGW Int'l Airport'





[FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
If that were true, they wouldn't be leveraging Maharishi's name for the 



---In,  wrote :

 An organizer asked me to post this. 


 Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.


 One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 

 Ask yourself on November 30th:


 1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 

 2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. 
If not, then don't. 

 That should always be the test. On the individual level. 


 For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch the 
recording afterwards:


[FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
But one man's cultish nonsense is another man's profoundly spiritual insight... 

 People assume that MMY could never do wrong, and so they always went with his 
program/project/practice _du jour_


 Others assume that when MMY came up something they perceived as off-the-wall, 
it meant he had gone off teh deep end.


 My own take is that MMY never had a clue when something was going to work or 
not until he tried it, and the stuff that "stuck" to the wall, is the stuff 
that he embraced as valid.

 In every case (stick-able or not) he had to find an intellectual reason for 
why he suggested something, and so he made something up to explain things. 
Sometimes those reasons sounded plausible and sometimes they didn't.

 Sometimes something he did turned out to be very good, even though he had no 
idea why it was very good.

 Example of this last: the Rajas and their golden crowns. Totally crazy, and 
yet, the schism that resulted occurred BEFORE his death and not after. By the 
time he died, everywhere in the world outside of India, the TM organization had 
already restructured itself to work with the new hierarchy of Those Who Wear 
Crowns, while those who couldn't deal with such craziness had already left.

 The result was an almost drama-less succession for Good King Tony (outside of 

 Brilliant... even though I'm  almost positive that MMY hadn't really thought 
of things that way.



---In,  wrote :

 From: [] On 
Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 3:36 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

 It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken 
the Movement.
 I have no such strategy. I just forward stuff that’s relevant to FFL. That 
includes stuff from Hagelin, Orme-Johnson, etc. I wish the movement well. I 
think it’s doing a lot of good in the world. But it will only thrive if it 
conducts itself with honesty and integrity and purges itself from cultish 
nonsense, much of which was introduced by MMY. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The Meditation Trust also offers TM teacher training these days, and implies 
that they are doing the work that MMY authorized them to do, despite him 
rescinding that authorization quite publicly and in completely explicit terms. 


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Sal says they do and their web presence speaks to it as well. But I will defer 
to Sal on this he is in a position to know.


 It's a good question, there are a few teaching in various places, The 
Meditation Trust is probably the best known as they were the guys who quit when 
Marshy put the price up so high it put them out of business. They have a few 
centres and hold courses in a country house where they teach the TMSP too. 

 The TM official are always taking legal action against them but there isn't 
much they can do as all the teachers were trained by Marshy. 

 I know people who go on their courses, they always tell me that I musn't 
mention it to people in the movement, which says it all about the TMO really. 
The same guy was telling me that someone asked him if it was true that people 
get brainwashed in the TMO, he said of course not. 

 Anyway, they seem to be doing well and actually making money out of it which 
is the TM teachers dream, but then they don't have to give half to the TMO. Bad 
feelings about that too I shouldn't wonder.

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 10:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
   Michael: note the highlighted part of my post below. A schism requires that 
the split off group has a coherent organization. I don't know if the initiators 
in England have this.


---In,  wrote :

 the Movement already split - don't forget the renegade initiators in England


 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 8:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
   Species, Corporations, Religions, Cults, as is the nature of change, always, 
if they persist, break apart or become extinct. A schism is always eventually 
in the cards for the TM movement. It is said shortly after his death, the 
followers of Buddha broke into some two dozen different sects. You can see how 
Christianity split over time. There seem to be fewer splits among Muslims, 
perhaps a reflection of the dark ferocity of their memes. The Mormons, barely a 
religion after 150 years, have split six times. And look at all the different 
Hindu flavours. It is almost a no-brainer prediction that the TM movement will 
at some point split. *Already there are many teachers in various countries 
teaching outside the movement purview.* 

 I would say that movements in which the participants are unable to think for 
themselves are likely to cohere together longer than those in which mental 
freedom and expression are given freer reign. Onward Lemmings!

 Rick does not have to do anything to weaken the movement, it will break 
naturally of its own accord, it is already frayed around the edges. While you 
might try to do something to arrest progress, eventually you will fail. That is 
the nature of evolution.

---In,  wrote :


 It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken 
the Movement.


---In,  wrote :

 An organizer asked me to post this. 


 Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.


 One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 

 Ask yourself on November 30th:


 1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 

 2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. 
If not, then don't. 

 That should always be the test. On the individual level. 


 For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch the 
recording afterwards:







[FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
What's interesting about your Sexy Sadie comment is that a while back you 
commented that you were quite amazed that any woman was claiming to have sex 
with MMY as your personal observation was that he had no sexuality to speak of. 

 Once it became clear that you could get specific people mad by referring  to 
the claims, you started to embrace them, without ever explaining why you came 
to change your mind about MMY's sexual activities or lack thereof.



---In,  wrote :

 From: feste37 
   This is just too silly for words. If the emphasis is on "assessing the 
content," why is it being promoted as being a message from MMY? The truth is 
that for some weird reason, Hammond is using this ploy to promote his own 
views. If he just gave a talk himself, no one would be interested. So he has 
hit on this ludicrous marketing ploy. As I commented earlier, I am astonished 
that anyone is taking this seriously. 


While I agree that the whole scenario is too silly for words, what does it say 
about the incredible gullibility and susceptibility of TMers *that* it's being 
taken seriously? 

In what other group would its members actually fall for this? 

What other group would proactively attempt to squelch it, as "Raja" (that's 
ludicrous in itself) Hagelin did? 

This is great theater. I hope *some* reporters actually attend, and write it up 
or do a TV bit about it. Can't you just imagine the headline/teaser? 

 Leaders Of TM Cult Freak Out Over Advice From Beyond The Grave 
Sent By Original "Sexy Sadie" Guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Duped into thinking you could fly?

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
When I learned the TM-Sidhis in 1984, I had to write out, in long-hand, a 
paragraph dictated to me over the phone from the TM-SIdhis course office, 
saying that I understood that the TM-Sidhis were for the development of 
consciousness, and that I understood that no-one was guaranteeing I was going 
to obtain any kind of special power. 

 Then I had to sign it, date it, and mail it back to them.

 THEN they would accept me on the TM-Sidhis course.


 Anyone who learned after doing that has no defensible way to sue on those 
grounds, I suspect, and of course, that was the point.



---In,  wrote :

 salyavin, let's put it this way: I was pretty coordinated as a sport playing 
kid and teen and that level of coordination hasn't deteriorated much in 50 
years. Also, I notice that I often feel graceful in my actions, even if it's 
something simply like walking. And definitely less mind chatter! 


 On Monday, October 13, 2014 8:37 AM, salyavin808  



---In,  wrote :

 salyavin, you're partially right. I learned because of the prediction that 
mind body coordination would improve. For me that prediction has been spot on. 
And my first "flight" was pretty powerful, leading me to think that some 
profound transformation was occurring. I've known I'm no St Joseph Cupertino so 
haven't minded about no actual levitation. 



 How do you know that your mind-body coordination has improved, anything in 
particular? I did it for ten years and can't say I noticed any changes anywhere!

 On Monday, October 13, 2014 1:32 AM, salyavin808  


 I think they should also be sued for encouraging littering!

 I tried one of these energy drinks once, never again. I was frothing at the 
mouth and babbling all night. Highly speedy. I can't believe they are legal for 
adults let alone children, and some people knock them back like I drink water!

 I think a class action suit against the TMO would be workable and lucrative 
because it's actually taught that the TMSP develops paranormal powers (the clue 
is in the name) and they even publish "scientific" lectures about how it works 
to entice the unwary into thinking there's a physical basis for it all. Given 
the amount of time I spent doing it when I could have been earning a decent 
crust, I would say that a round figure of £1 million ought to ease the pain of 
still being held to the ground by gravity. I might want an extra million to 
compensate me for the embarrassment of having to admit I fell for it too.

 Now we can watch the TB's claiming they only learnt for self improvement 
reasons and don;t care that they never developed any magical powers. Insert 
spluttering protests here:



---In,  wrote :

 Did you fall for the hype about being able to levitate?

 Are you angry about the cash you lost chasing that dream of flying?

 Do your friends and acquaintances now laugh at you for being so credulous?

 Good news! You may be entitled to compensation. 

 Energy drink "Red Bull" settled two class-action lawsuits this week, agreeing 
to pay $13 million because their famous slogan 'Red Bull gives you wings' isn't 
true. Anyone who bought a drink from January 1, 2002 to October 3, 2014 is 
eligible to receive a $10 cash payment - regardless of whether there was a 
receipt for proof.

 Here's one of the ads they ran. If people can now sue for such obviously 
idiotic claims it only goes to show what a dumbed-down society we are living in.






Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It's the same crew that accepts as valid the claim that MMY appeared to the 
woman in her dreams and begged her to publish her "tell all" book. 



---In,  wrote :

 Like I said before, it is Jerry Jarvis' stamp of approval that is giving this 
event legitimacy in the eyes of many old time TM'ers - not to mention the 
penchant of TM'ers to believe unbelievable bullshit - that helps too.


 From: feste37 
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 9:57 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
   This is just too silly for words. If the emphasis is on "assessing the 
content," why is it being promoted as being a message from MMY? The truth is 
that for some weird reason, Hammond is using this ploy to promote his own 
views. If he just gave a talk himself, no one would be interested. So he has 
hit on this ludicrous marketing ploy. As I commented earlier, I am astonished 
that anyone is taking this seriously. 


---In,  wrote :

 An organizer asked me to post this. 


 Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.


 One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 

 Ask yourself on November 30th:


 1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 

 2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. 
If not, then don't. 

 That should always be the test. On the individual level. 


 For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch the 
recording afterwards:




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
over the past 9 years, the DLF claims that they have taught 500,000 kids to 
meditate for free. 

 In 2012, all of 8,000 adults in the USA learned TM, paying some portion of the 
full fee while with kids, the lion's share of the fee went straight to the TM 
teachers. It's not a 50-50 thing as with the adult fee, but more like an 80-20 
or even 90-10 split, when kids are taught.


 This suggests that, unless you think that they're planning on huge revenues 20 
years from now from all the kids who learned TM at school, that teh TM 
organization exists primarily to teach TM, not to make money for its own sake.



---In,  wrote :

 From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

   I can't help but see the fact that what the Movement mainly uses TM for is 
to get more converts to make more money. They are not out there doing anything 
substantive to improve the quality of life for people - they promote TM to 
promote TM, not to do anything else. (from my point of view)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
You may be correct, but Raja Luis seems to be sincere and what little 
fact-checking I can do seems to corroborate other claims he has made. 

 For example, he says that the Peruvian government wants to extend the pilot 
project, where 30,000 students practice TM, to 250,000 and have existing school 
teachers trained as TM teacher so that they will teach TM instead of outsiders.

 I can't verify the second half, but the first half seems true:

 Enseñan meditación a 30,000 escolares
 Enseñan meditación a 30,000 escolares
 Son las tres de la tarde, suena el timbre y los alumnos de cuarto, quinto y 
sexto de primaria del colegio César Vallejo, en La Victoria, saben que es el 
momento de ...
 View on www.elperua...
 Preview by Yahoo 


 El Peruano is the official daily newspaper of the Peruvian government, so the 
first half checks out, at least.



---In,  wrote :

 I think Turq nailed it some time ago when he said the TMO has never wanted to 
have a group big enough to do what they claim it will because then the proof 
will be there - giant group of "yogic flyers" - no world peace - no more 


 I think they are making the same exhortation Marshy used to use to get people 
to "donate" for a 10,000 group. Since they have asked repeatedly for that 
number and nothing has ever come of it, they have to make it bigger, make the 
stakes and the promises bigger to get more donations. 


 And if they aren't hitting people up for money for the big groups now they 
will. Then they will continue to ask for money even tho the groups never 
materialize or come up with some other big project to replace this one without 
ever explaining what happened to the 50,000 for instant peace. Another 
misdirection technique they learned from the Fraud Master Marshy.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 10:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 You are being too kind - 

 Actually, I thought I was being successfully rather sarcastic!

 I thought it was a really good post, I gave it two stars.

 Not too shabby, especially as I've got a stinking cold.

 Maybe double-edged would be a better description than sarcastic.


 I was serious though, even though I don't believe in it I think it's good that 
it's being tested again and with so many that it will leave us in no doubt.  I 
can't imagine what the TMO will do when they don't have a leg to stand on 
regarding the Maharishi Effect. I know they'll just carry on regardless but 
they should take heed that we'll always be able to point to this and say "what 
about...". Unless it turns out they are right of course, in which case it'll be 
humble pie for the sceptics unless we're all too enlightened to care!



Re: [FairfieldLife] Chopra got it right!

2014-10-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
MMY said that the ethical, religious, exercise-full life-style of a law-abiding 
householder in any culture was enough to be counted as simultaneously 
practicing the other limbs of Yoga that weren't directly addressed by TM 


---In,  wrote :

 Too bad Marshy was a proven liar and his disciple Deepak, while making a load 
of money has become his very own brand of spiritual huckster


 From: wgm4u 
 Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2014 11:13 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Chopra got it right!
 Deepak Chopra: That’s one school of thought, but not what I learned. I had my 
spiritual apprenticeship with the Shankara- charya school in India, and my 
immediate mentor was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who brought Transcendental 
Meditation to the West. Maharishi was a disciple in turn of the Shankaracharya. 
That tradition goes back to the ninth century sage Adi Shankara. Their 
interpretation always has been that the eight limbs of yoga are practiced 
simultaneously. In that way it is similar to the Eightfold Path in Buddhism. 
The eight limbs are Niyama, Yama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, 
Dhyana, and Samadhi and are all actually combined into one discipline. Yama and 
Niyama are rules of social and personal conduct, so why not include them as 
things that you do? It’s about the internal shift in attitude that you have to 
make. Pratyahara and Pranayama are actually forms of Raja yoga, and therefore 
they are complementary to Asana. Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi are supposed to 
be the culmination of this practice, but all eight limbs are still part of your 
daily practice.

 Wgm says:  Even MMY says the same in his BG in the appendix on Yoga!  "All 
limbs were meant to be practiced 'simultaneously", many meditators have this 
confused, mostly because MMY himself said one thing and wrote another, see for 
yourself. (Gita Appendix/Yoga)







[FairfieldLife] Re: ISIS Now Has an Air Force

2014-10-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Aren't most of those so old that they are as dangerous for the handlers as for 
the intended targets? 



---In,  wrote :

 Good points Willy. 

Over 5000 bombs and artillery shells with Sarin and Mustard gas found - so far. 
Now owned by ISIS - the compassionate, the merciful. 

Apparently that constitutes a "Lie" for this "shill of the appeasers". 
That also is true for this"shill of the TMO". Once a shill - forever a shill.

Hail to such Great Enlightenment! 
Shill enlightenment.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Free Excerpt

2014-10-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Are you suggesting that people on this forum didn't already realize all these 



---In,  wrote :

 A little excerpt from a recent TM Free post:

 Fairfield residents have been dragging their feet around suicide prevention 
for years.  This is due not only to the American stigma around mental illness.  
It is also exacerbated by TM official and unofficial doctrine.  Just a few of 
them are:
 - Maharishi disapproved of Western psychotherapy.
 - If you saw a psychotherapist, you could be disqualified from attending a TM 
 - TM is supposed to make you emotionally healthy, therefore if you report 
emotional problems, you are making TM look bad.
 - People with emotional problems have been advised to do more asanas or learn 
the TM-Sidhis, rather than to seek professional help.
 - People with emotional problems have been told they are "unstressing" rather 
than being advised to seek professional help.
 - When people have had emotional problems (including hospitalizations and 
suicides), the TM organization has tended to hide the information or blame the 
person for being too emotionally unstable to begin with.
 - People with emotional problems have been misdiagnosed by TMers as being in 
higher states of consciousness.

[FairfieldLife] Re: ISIS Now Has an Air Force

2014-10-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
And now has to deal with them. 

 As I said, the aged WMDs are at least as dangerous to the handlers as to the 
intended targets.



---In,  wrote :

 Go read the NYT article. It is a very good piece of writing that discloses the 
testimony of numerous soldiers chemically exposed while trying to decommission 
some of those WMD's. Most of what was found was mustard gas but some was Sarin 
or VX gas. Many of the dual-mix chemicals in the canisters were leaking or 
simply sloshing around when picked up and carried. 

Barack Hussein Ebola withdrew our troops, including all those discovery and 
cleanup troops. As a consequence, ISIS now controls that territory.

Their liege-lord, the daimon known as Allah, is now controlling these  
warheads. Allahu Akbar. 

One Oath to rule them all, One Oath to find them,
 One Oath to join them all and in the darkness bind them

[FairfieldLife] Re: Consciousness Is The Ultimate Reality, was Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The way Maharishi explained the "illusion of Maya" is rather different than 
what a lot of people understand. 

 Consciousness is not an illusion, nor is what most people call "reality."

 The illusion is that there is a fundamental difference between them.


 This is the "veil of maya": a thin, non-existent membrane that separates the 
two which is merely an artifact of our perception of things based on having a 
nervous system. Full enlightenment is when you can full see on both sides of 
that non-existent veil.



---In,  wrote :

 This may be above my pay-grade, but if one is a transcendentalist/idealist, 
then belief in classic cause and effect is incompatible with that belief . . . 
or one has to significantly qualify what is meant by cause and effect.   Many 
folks who refer to them selves as transcendentalists/idealists are actually 
dualists, or simply rebranded materialists (I am not suggesting you are)

Regarding the 'illusion' - when you pick up an object, like an apple for 
example, what does your experience tell you?When I pick up an apple, I see 
it's color and shape, I feel the texture and if pressed with a fingernail - I 
can sense the sticky juice, I taste the tart sweetness . . . and I remember 
apple pies and so forth.  My experience of the apple is passionate and lively - 
Where is the illusion?  Toss in more awareness and all you get is more passion 
- there is no illusion.  'Illusion' is just India of old - we don't need no 
stinking illusion in the 21st century.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Consciousness Is The Ultimate Reality, was Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
So you're saying that an enlightened person loses the ability to descriminate 
between a flower and a duck? 

 Or loses the ability to name things because they see the fundamental unity in 
the diversity?



---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 The way Maharishi explained the "illusion of Maya" is rather different than 
what a lot of people understand. 

 Consciousness is not an illusion, nor is what most people call "reality."

 The illusion is that there is a fundamental difference between them.


 This is the "veil of maya": a thin, non-existent membrane that separates the 
two which is merely an artifact of our perception of things based on having a 
nervous system. Full enlightenment is when you can full see on both sides of 
that non-existent veil.

 I'll go along with that, except for the bit about seeing everything on both 
sides after enlightenment. 



---In,  wrote :

 This may be above my pay-grade, but if one is a transcendentalist/idealist, 
then belief in classic cause and effect is incompatible with that belief . . . 
or one has to significantly qualify what is meant by cause and effect.   Many 
folks who refer to them selves as transcendentalists/idealists are actually 
dualists, or simply rebranded materialists (I am not suggesting you are)

Regarding the 'illusion' - when you pick up an object, like an apple for 
example, what does your experience tell you?When I pick up an apple, I see 
it's color and shape, I feel the texture and if pressed with a fingernail - I 
can sense the sticky juice, I taste the tart sweetness . . . and I remember 
apple pies and so forth.  My experience of the apple is passionate and lively - 
Where is the illusion?  Toss in more awareness and all you get is more passion 
- there is no illusion.  'Illusion' is just India of old - we don't need no 
stinking illusion in the 21st century.

Re: [FairfieldLife] FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Oh wow. That makes me happy. 

 I sent her a query via the only email address I have and never got a response.

 If she responds further, please say hi.


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Why? Its enough for me to know your prediction/projection of her demise/ and 
or serious injury was dead wrong.


 Calm down gentlemen. I simply asked Judy to respond in some small way to 
whether she was okay and if she needed something from me as we here at FFL 
hadn't heard from her for a while. This was over two months ago. She responded 
with two words, "Don't worry." That is enough for me. If she needed my 
assistance in some way she would have asked for it. I am not sure her choice to 
stop posting here should be a platform for whether jyotish is valid or not. We 
can only deduce a couple of things from this small reply I got and those are: 
1) she appears to be alive 2) she can still type. For whatever reason she has 
taken a powder and good for her.  




[FairfieldLife] Re: Consciousness Is The Ultimate Reality, was Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Well, maybe, maybe not. 

 Pure consciousness during TM seems to be very closely aligned with EEG of the 
preliminary aspect of creativity found in non-meditation research on 
creativity, and the EEG found in really-long-term TMers (especially those 
participating in the Invincible America course) seems to be a further 
enhancement in the same direction.

 This goes along with the description of Yogic Flying as "creating onesself 
into the air" which some people interpret as describing teleportation, but I 
interpret along the above lines.

 The bottom line (other than providing physicists with a potentially 
interesting physical problem concerning floating around the room) is that 
TM-style Unity may well have physiological correlates entirely different than 
what like behind drug/illness-induced conditions described the same and these 
correlates, even/especially in the advanced people, may have benefits both for 
the person and the society (leaving aside ME issues).

 Imagine, if creativity really IS radically enhanced in people in Unity, what 
advances in science, technology, public policy and the arts might come from 
scientists/mathematicians/engineers/politicians/artists, not to mention, 
fathers and mothers, who happened to be fully enlightened


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 So you're saying that an enlightened person loses the ability to descriminate 
between a flower and a duck? 

 Or loses the ability to name things because they see the fundamental unity in 
the diversity?

 That reads like you've responded to the wrong post. What are you expecting as 
a reward for all this meditation?

 What I mean is that things don't change a whole bunch. Sure you get a bit more 
of something as well as what you've got now but it doesn't change what your 
senses are capable of perceiving. And this "fundamental unity" may just be a 
fancy name for a type of perceptive change similar to certain hallucinogenic 
states. I've experienced both, the TM one is nice but "fundamental" is 
stretching it as it isn't giving you any secret knowledge, just presenting what 
we all get a bit differently.


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 The way Maharishi explained the "illusion of Maya" is rather different than 
what a lot of people understand. 

 Consciousness is not an illusion, nor is what most people call "reality."

 The illusion is that there is a fundamental difference between them.


 This is the "veil of maya": a thin, non-existent membrane that separates the 
two which is merely an artifact of our perception of things based on having a 
nervous system. Full enlightenment is when you can full see on both sides of 
that non-existent veil.

 I'll go along with that, except for the bit about seeing everything on both 
sides after enlightenment. 



---In,  wrote :

 This may be above my pay-grade, but if one is a transcendentalist/idealist, 
then belief in classic cause and effect is incompatible with that belief . . . 
or one has to significantly qualify what is meant by cause and effect.   Many 
folks who refer to them selves as transcendentalists/idealists are actually 
dualists, or simply rebranded materialists (I am not suggesting you are)

Regarding the 'illusion' - when you pick up an object, like an apple for 
example, what does your experience tell you?When I pick up an apple, I see 
it's color and shape, I feel the texture and if pressed with a fingernail - I 
can sense the sticky juice, I taste the tart sweetness . . . and I remember 
apple pies and so forth.  My experience of the apple is passionate and lively - 
Where is the illusion?  Toss in more awareness and all you get is more passion 
- there is no illusion.  'Illusion' is just India of old - we don't need no 
stinking illusion in the 21st century.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The late Skip Alexander, who used to head the Psychology Dept at MUM, co-edited 
a book that examined post-maslow development. 

 He wrote the chapter on Vedic Psychology, and prominent  
mainstream-psychologists wrote chapters on post-Maslow, -post-Piagetian, etc., 

 _Higher Stages of Human Development_ -Alexander and Langer, ed.

 May still be in print.
[You can't have my autographed copy, sorry]


---In,  wrote :

 When thinking about why people value certain experiences and do certain 
activities, I like Maslow's hierarchy of needs as a guideline. IOW, once 
certain basic needs are met, then a person seeks to satisfy additional needs. 
Which might not be higher but which might simply involve activating more of the 
brain. Could it be that we're simply compelled by neural pathways in our brain 
that want to be activated? Or are we simply physical organisms seeking 
homeostatis all the time?

 Today is Mahalakshmi day. There's a big celebration in the Dome. I haven't 
decided whether I will go or not. Autumn has been so beautiful here. I feel 
happy enough just glancing up from the computer once and a while, out the 
window to the trees and the sky, walking to the post office, doing my everyday 

 I guess what I'm saying is that I don't need to go to the Dome and hopefully 
get blessings from Mahalakshmi in the form of more money and then feel happier. 
I am already feeling happy enough. Much much gratitude...  


 On Thursday, October 23, 2014 6:00 AM, "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

 From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 12:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness
   Well said Barry - and I agree with every word

It's NOT that I'm saying that seeking spiritual experiences ISN'T valuable. I'm 
just pointing out that almost no one in history has ever stepped up to the 
plate and made an objective, scientific case for what that value might be. 

Most teachers or seekers just *assume* that these experiences they have or 
claim to have had are valuable, but when called upon to do so, they can't 
really produce any strong arguments for WHY they are valuable, or WHAT that 
supposed value is. I'm suggesting that this oversight is epidemic in the world 
of "spiritual practices," the elephant in the room that no one ever talks 
about. The people promoting these practices just *assume* that these 
experiences they're having or seeking are *worth* having or seeking, and debate 
the supposedly best ways of achieving them. But I don't know of very many who 
have taken that "step back," beyond the assumption, and have tried to make a 
case for WHY they're so intent on achieving these things. What is it that they 
hope to "achieve," and WHY would others want to do so?

Answers such as, "Well, I want to have these experiences because Jim Flanegin 
said that I would be a low-vibe slime until I had them the way he has" do not 
count.  :-)  :-)  :-)

It's the same problem I see with religion in general. The people urging others 
to join their religions don't seem to ever offer any real-world, 
payoff-in-this-lifetime reasons for doing so. They just *assume* that there is 
a payoff, and try to bluff their way through without ever specifying what it 
is. Millions and millions of seekers over the ages, and almost none of them 
have ever come up with a real *value* for all this seeking they're devoting 
their lives to. I'm NOT suggesting that there isn't one, just pointing out that 
no one ever seems to talk about it if there is. 




 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 4:33 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness
   From: "Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 

From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

   From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
   The question for 'spiritually' oriented individuals would be, is there a way 
to construct a system that gives us these experiences of unboundedness that 
does not also wreak havoc with this gullibility weakness in the human nervous 

 But that would presuppose that there is an actual VALUE to these "experiences 
of unboundedness." That has not been established, merely assumed by centuries 
of religious fanatics trying to convince others that its value trumps 
everything else. 

I would suggest going back to the starting point and, if you want to invent a 
better system, make a case for these types of experience having a value in the 
first place. Most religions have never tried to do this. They just make 
declarations like Maharishi did, along the lines of "The purpose of life is to 
achieve these experiences of unboundedness," which then become dogma and ar

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]
A slight nit: 

 in the 40 years that Benson has been publishing his book he never, not even 
once, published a head-to-head study of TM vs his "Relaxation Response."

 In fact, the criticisms that were leveled against Keith Wallace's first study 
apply equally well to Benson's research.

 And so, for the past 40 years, comparisons of the effects of two different 
practices were made based on preliminary results of studies that wouldn't be 
published in today's journals.


 When the American Heart Association meditation practices, they compared all 
the research they could find on every practice, including Benson's Relaxation 

 Their conclusion was that only TM had sufficiently GOOD research with 
sufficiently CONSISTENT effects, to allow them to make a recommendation.

 All other practices were given a non-passing grade.


 Remember: that's 40 years of research coming out of HARVARD UNIVERSITY 
couldn't persuade the AHA to endorse Benson's Relaxation Response.


 So... to call Benson the "foremost meditation scientist" is pure BS.

 To say that "TM blew it" by alienating such a "great scientist" is another bit 
of BS.



---In,  wrote :

 Like you Share, I really did not pay attention to the selling points as I had 
had experiences prior to TM, I was just looking for an easy way to meditate, a 
natural consequence of being lazy.  

 The sell was there in the introductory and preparatory lectures and in 
available chart books supposedly showing benefits from the scientific side, but 
I ignored all that at the time. My first few meditations were really rotten, I 
almost quit right there. 

 But trying to sell TM to friends who are not really into this kind of thing 
proved more of a challenge. None of my friends ever learned, except for a 
couple, and they never finished the course. A few of my family learned, and 
they all quit too.

 I did discover that some of my friends who were teachers, when I criticised 
the quality of the scientific research on TM, would try really had to convince 
me the research was really true. About 1% of research on meditation in general 
is of good quality. Part of that seems to lie with the advertising mentality of 
the TMO.

 Dr. Lorin Roche wrote the following:

 The Relaxation Response is the term coined by Herbert Benson, M.D., in 1968 or 
so when looking at the physiological data he was getting from TM 
(Transcendental Meditation) meditators who were coming to his lab to be 


 Benson soon got tired of our relentless TM zealotry and the way we (TM 
teachers who were working for him) would sign official research documents with 
"Jai Guru Dev." As TM teachers, we wanted to take the results from his lab and 
instantly use them as part of our advertising and our public lectures. TM at 
the time had meditation centers in every major city in the United States, and 
teachers on most every college campus across the country. It was a hugely 
popular movement.


 But Benson needed to be able to "clone" TM, make it into a 
laboratory-standardized technique that could be replicated and measured at 
other labs. That's what science is. So he decided to de-mystify mantras, and he 
started telling people to just pick their own mantra, such as the word, "ONE." 
This scandalized the whole TM movement, but he had to do it. And truth be told, 
as far as I know, Benson in his 30 years or so of research on the physiology of 
meditation, publishing hundreds of scientific papers, is probably the greatest 
meditation scientist ever. I trust his findings.


 In the late 1960's and early 1970's, TM meditators were the guinea pigs of 
choice for scientists, because there were hundreds of thousands of them in the 
United States alone, and tens of thousands in other countries, their training 
was standardized, and they were so well trained that they could come into a 
medical lab and actually MEDITATE while the scientists stuck needles in their 
arms, electrodes on their heads, hands and hearts, and breathe into 
oxygen-consumption measuring masks. It's hard to find people like that! Think 
about it. Who in their right mind would take out part of their day to do such a 
thing? When I used to do this, in the 70's, it meant driving through ugly 
traffic to UCI Medical School, then going into a lab with a thousand rats in 
cages just a couple dozen feet away, the smell of ether in the air, and letting 
the guys in white coats poke me with huge needles and take blood samples while 
I meditated.


 TM blew it, by alienating one of the great scientists at work in the field, 
and by pushing bad science — publishing in their ads the results of trial 
studies. But the Buddhists, by comparison, played it very smart, and gradually 
came to be the favorite of physiological researchers. The Buddhists cheerfully 
cooperated with the needs of scientists, it is a match made in heaven because 
Buddhism is a very clin

[FairfieldLife] Re: Celebrating Enlightened Leadership

2014-10-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Any more info on that? 

---In,  wrote :

 Dilma Rousseff the TM practicing President has been re-elected! great news for 
projects in Brasil, including one she personally has helped to go forward.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More illegal aliens needed!

2014-10-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
You're aware that the rate of illegal voting  is down in the double digits for 
teh entire country, right? 

 In other words, there's less than 100 cases (probably far less) o f illegal 
voting documented.


 This could sway an incredibly close eletion at the national level, but would 
require advanced knowledge that the vote would be within a hundred votes or so 
in Florida. For any predictable result, there's no chance that the illegal 
voting has swayed any election more important than dog catcher, and that is 
being optimistic.


 IOW, you've traveled far into wingnut territory.



---In,  wrote :

 The Democrats are desperate for more illegal immigrants that will eventually 
vote for them. These undocumented Democrats will sway close races in their 
favor and eventually cause Major states to go Blue.

 This will be a great Victory for the Democrats, unfortunately not for America 
as it continues to grow the entitlement society we are becoming.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Schneider is certainly a true believer, but why do you call him a "jackass?" 


---In,  wrote :

 The fact that they had that jackass Bob Schneider, a cardiologist, doing a 
lecture on Vedic psychiatry which was primarily more Movement bullshit of think 
sweet thoughts, don't think negative thoughts, read Hindoo scriptures and do TM 
- that says what the Movement really thinks and is doing about TM suicides than 
the community meetings they are participating in ONLY to save face and put on a 
good show until they can get the people suffering from depression alone to tell 
them its their fault, their karma, they just aren't pure enough yet, so more TM 
Siddhi practice and some yagyas as well as a good big fat donation to the 
Movement will cure them. 


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 9:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form 
of mental illness


---In,  wrote :

 Oh no no no no Sal! Haven't you read Share's gushing posts about what a grand 
effort the TMO is officially putting forth to combat suicides in Fairfield??? 
They certainly don't need to admit TM isn't the cure for all things. They are 
doing all SORTS of fabulous things, all created and orchestrated by the 
magnificent TMO!!


 I'm sure we'll see whether what they offer officially is of any worth. Seems 
to me that if they break down the mystique of TM as the single greatest thing 
for human development then it will only be a matter of time before someone 
questions the validity of their position on the unified field of consciousness 
and all that that entails. Maybe they'll even start to wonder about the ME or 
yagya's, from small acorns can mighty oaks grow. Or the other way round of 
course! There is no excuse for continuing to preach an all encompassing world 
view without any evidence to back it up and still call it a science.

 Shorn of the religious hyperbole the TMO might become a more realistic school 
of thought and might do more good in the world when it isn't scaring off anyone 
who doesn't like the sight of crowns and ranks of chanting Hindoo boys and 
teaching astrology in schools.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 9:05 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness


---In,  wrote :

 salyavin808 asks:
 So, what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are they going to do 
about it? 
 Dateline Fairfield, Iowa. The meeting? It was one in a continuation of working 
meetings held about mental health in the community that have been ongoing for 
months now most every Tuesday going under the working banner of the Fairfield 
Mental Health Alliance. These are working meetings of people who are interested 
in being activley involved in helping with communal mental health. On 
alternating Tuesdays are working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays 
is the large group meeting where the committees bring their work. The larger 
meetings are very business like organized by agenda. A lot has been done 
[accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months to facilitate mental 
health in to the community. 
 The meetings are open to interested people who would be actively involved. 
They are not gripe sessions where people just hate, bitch and complain, but 
working meetings looking for action steps to work on and facilitate. Different 
aspects have been focused on and worked on within the ongoing previous meeting 
process. Last month before this last meeting the other night was the 
presentation and distribution of the campus guideline for psychological health 
treatment. That was a historic meeting and showed the work of a lot of people. 
 This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting down to 
the cultural things that may underlie meditator communal mental health. 
Everything came on to the table. It was really well facilitated.  Evidently it 
is now time in the process to really consider elements of our culture.  There 
were about 40 people around the room of various ages and rank in the community. 
The meeting had a cross-section representation of students, graduates of the 
whole school system, long-term community meditators, campus people, and 
movement leadership. 
  It was extremely well facilitated lasting within and hour or so such that 
everyone was asked to speak and participate in a series of rounds around the 
room where everyone was asked by the facilitator who ran the meeting to respond 
to particular questions in short and those comments were captured on whiteboard 
and poster boards by scribes in front of everyone to be kept and read through 
out the meeting. 
 Starting with a question something like, in only a few limited words and 
without statement what do y

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and HIV

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Unless, of course, it works, and works well.

 The webinar is supposed to be talking about new research. Apparently it has 
been accepted for publication but not yet published. I thought that many 
journals put an embargo on such discussions once teh research is accepted until 
such time as it is published, but perhaps this particular journal doesn't have 
that restriction.


 If it's just the findings indicated below, I don't see what the fuss is about 
as those are pretty much what you would expect the effects of TM to be in any 
severely stressed out population.
 Perhaps AIDS patients are so unhealthy overall that such improvements are 
extremely relevant to the community, or perhaps there's some new types of 
effects that will be revealed.

 Regardless, since the DLF teaches TM for free to the groups it caters to, I 
don't see how you can claim they're "a bunch of shameless sons of bitches" 
-they're not targeting the HIV sufferers, but other people, AND, the DLF is not 
paying full price for TM instruction, either.

 And HIV positive means someone has a viral infection. Even if a person is 
symptom-free, that doesn't mean that they have been cured of HIV and there's no 
possible way of reading any claim on the DLF website that I could find that 
says that TM cures HIV.






 HIV Our Foundation was established to 
ensure that any child in America who wants to learn and practice the 
Transcendental Meditation program ca...
 View on davidlynchfo... 
 Preview by Yahoo 



 Scientific research on HIV-positive individuals practicing TM has shown:
 51% decrease in HIV-related physical problems 43% increase in vitality 42% 
improvement in general health 27% decrease in perceived stress 22% improvement 
in emotional well being 38% reduction in anxiety 36% reduction in anger and 
hostility 39% decrease in depressive symptom

---In,  wrote :

 They aren't claiming TM will cure HIV, but they are edging too close for my 
comfort. Targeting the most vulnerable populations to garner donations from 
everyone stupid enough to believe their spiel. What a bunch of shameless sons 
of bitches."; 

 View on hiv.davidlynchfoundatio...
 Preview by Yahoo


[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and HIV

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Eh, so I watched the webinar. 

 Nothing new was discussed. Apparently the traditional embargo about research 
that is about to be published holds.

 Perhaps they scheduled things before they realized that, or perhaps some other 
issue dictated the timing.

 As it is, we really only learned that 

 1) Bobby Roth's brother is gay and is a TM teacher and that HE spearheaded the 
formation of the new HIV branch of the DLF;

 2) many people with HIV who have learned TM apparently are enthusiastic about 

 It IS significant in one sense though: it puts the DLF and by extension, the 
TM organization, squarely in the "it's ok if you are gay" camp, which is a huge 
change the stance the higher ups in the TMO has had for many decades, 

 They announced a project to have the DLF teach 10,000 people with HIV to 
meditation, which is also significant, and took a firm stance encouraging 
research on TM and HIV.

 Inspirational, I guess, but not earth-shattering.




---In,  wrote :

 Unless, of course, it works, and works well.

 The webinar is supposed to be talking about new research. Apparently it has 
been accepted for publication but not yet published. I thought that many 
journals put an embargo on such discussions once teh research is accepted until 
such time as it is published, but perhaps this particular journal doesn't have 
that restriction.


 If it's just the findings indicated below, I don't see what the fuss is about 
as those are pretty much what you would expect the effects of TM to be in any 
severely stressed out population.
 Perhaps AIDS patients are so unhealthy overall that such improvements are 
extremely relevant to the community, or perhaps there's some new types of 
effects that will be revealed.

 Regardless, since the DLF teaches TM for free to the groups it caters to, I 
don't see how you can claim they're "a bunch of shameless sons of bitches" 
-they're not targeting the HIV sufferers, but other people, AND, the DLF is not 
paying full price for TM instruction, either.

 And HIV positive means someone has a viral infection. Even if a person is 
symptom-free, that doesn't mean that they have been cured of HIV and there's no 
possible way of reading any claim on the DLF website that I could find that 
says that TM cures HIV.






 HIV Our Foundation was established to 
ensure that any child in America who wants to learn and practice the 
Transcendental Meditation program ca...

 View on davidlynchfo...
 Preview by Yahoo 




 Scientific research on HIV-positive individuals practicing TM has shown:
 51% decrease in HIV-related physical problems 43% increase in vitality 42% 
improvement in general health 27% decrease in perceived stress 22% improvement 
in emotional well being 38% reduction in anxiety 36% reduction in anger and 
hostility 39% decrease in depressive symptom

---In,  wrote :

 They aren't claiming TM will cure HIV, but they are edging too close for my 
comfort. Targeting the most vulnerable populations to garner donations from 
everyone stupid enough to believe their spiel. What a bunch of shameless sons 
of bitches."; 

 View on hiv.davidlynchfoundatio...
 Preview by Yahoo


[FairfieldLife] Re: How Maharishi got HIS title

2014-10-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]
And Maharishi has said that in response to reporters asking: "it was a title 
someone used about me and eventually it became kind of a [nick]name." 

 And yet, for many people, it seems an appropriate title, as well.


 Anoop Chandola: "What about this 'maharishi' who is with the Beatles? Is he 

 Swami Shantananda Saraswati, Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath: "Let me put it to 
you this way: He would be my first choice as my successor, but they won't allow 
it due to the caste laws."


 YYMV as to whether or not you think the guy named in Gurudev's will should 
have been named, but then you have to ask about Gurudev worthiness, as well.




---In,  wrote :

 All this nonsense of taking issue with the word used by organizations who deal 
with the arts to refer to their roster reminded me a a great story Maharishi 
used to tell about how he got his title/name Maharishi.

With all the careful parsing of words around here one would expect that the man 
chosen to be their authoritative master of all things spiritual would have 
gained his title through some profound process. At the very least one would 
assume that his own guru, the man who knew his spiritual progress best, would 
have been the one to give him the title "great rishi." But you would be wrong 
because Guru Dev went to his watery grave without giving Maharishi any title at 
all. He was known as Bal Bramachari Mahesh (which basically means he who 
represses any dhoti tents) and this was how he signed his name on early papers.

But then in South India a newpaperman came up with a catchy hook for his story 
about a guy from the North who had come to the South. By Maharishi's own 
account he referred to Mahesh as "a great Maharishi from the North" and Mr. 
Marketing himself, was off and running. He assumed the name the Newspaper gave 
him, which is a spiritual title usually given by one's master, from the 
newspaper. That's right,the same guy who came up with: New Police Dog Takes a 
Bite Out of Crime" and the provocative "Aren't you 'Sari' you Forgot Your 
Wife's Birthday" gave Maharishi his most important spiritual title.

Now I wonder how the World Teacher, got his special name...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's declining brain functioning

2014-10-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The logical conclusion is that, by Maharishi's theory, Maharishi wasn't 
perfectly enlightened. 

 Was there still question in your mind about this?

 I heard him talk about how the consciousness of the world wouldn't support the 
most refined states of consciousness and automatically assumed that he was 
giving everyone a subtle message about his own state of consciousness, but 
apparently many, many people refused to take the implications of MMY's 
statements seriously and made a mental exception for MMY and Gurudev.

 In fact, I pointed this implication out to a TM teacher and he explicitly said 
just that.


 You get the same thing with Christians asserting the divinity of Jesus in 
spite of him saying "There is none perfect; no, not one."



---In,  wrote :

 I was struck by the posted interview between the Aussie and the Maharishi 
through closed circuit TV where Maharishi was unable to field a question about 
whether or not he could actually fly by going into "you kids get off of my 
lawn" mode. What struck me because I have spent quite a bit of time around old 
people in the last few years and it seemed obvious that Maharishi was clearly 
suffering from the diminished capacity of age and very likely dementia. He was 
not well.

This observation only matters because at the heart of a lot of the premises in 
TM is that the state of consciousness in enlightenment transcends the 
functioning of the brain. This is the premise on which we have claims about 
witnessing deep sleep for example, and all the conjectural nonsense surrounding 
what happens after a "conscious" enlightened death. It is stated in different 
ways as a premise underneath many claims about how a person functions in 

We saw Maharishi, who in his salad days would have gigglingly swatted away such 
a direct question calling him on an outrageous claim, completely flummoxed and 
left with a broom in his hand chasing the local scamps out of his rutabaga 

How can it be that "consciousness development" can have an effect on the person 
after their brain stops functioning and rots, when it couldn't even weather the 
storm of old age for the supposedly most developed person, Maharishi himself? 
Apparently consciousness development has the same impact as imagination 
development when it comes  to being able to resist the ravages of age. Brain 
functioning trumps all imagination of it being otherwise. And the difference 
between Maharishi in old age and my own father can only be seen clearly in the 
zeros in their bank accounts. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's declining brain functioning

2014-10-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Who ever said that Maharishi's consciousness was functioning independently from 
his brain? 

 Maharishi made it clear ovr and over again that the state of a person's 
physiology dictated what kind of consciousness they had.

 As MMY's health declined towards the in, he had, as you pointed out, a 
diminished capacity to focus. and obviously became very forgetful, easily 
irritated, etc.


 That only means he wasn't perfectly enlightened by his definition.


 Gurudev died from complications from food poisoning, so we can assume that HE 
wasn't "fully enlightened" according to MMY's definition, either.

 In fact, as I said, MMY's talk about how the consciousness of the world 
wouldn't support the most refined states of consciousness pretty much 
acknowledges (even if MMY wouldn't have admitted it to himself) that Gurudev 
couldn't have been perfectly enlightened.

 MMY was a human being. It's perfectly normal for human beings to hold 
contradictory beilefs simultaneously, even if they can't acknowledge the 


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :
 His health suffered, but this inflammatory nonsense from Curtis, is just that.

M: You don't get it because you were never around the guy. His diminished 
capacity was a shock to me. Trying to label it inflammatory nonsense doesn't 
make the problem go away. It isn't his poor health I am commenting on, it is 
his mental health. The guy was whipped. His brain was whipped. If his 
consciousness was independent from his brain functioning this should not be the 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 "What struck me because I have spent quite a bit of time around old people in 
the last few years and it seemed obvious that Maharishi was clearly suffering 
from the diminished capacity of age and very likely dementia. He was not well." 

 Um, have you ever actually spent hours at a time with each resident of a 
nursing home, as in worked there, changing diapers, serving meals, doing bed 
checks? I have, and the thing that clearly distinguishes Maharishi's response, 
from that of someone suffering from dementia, is that Maharishi, despite some 
irritability, retains his focus. The same cannot be said of nursing home 
patients, with dementia. 

 I don't think he retained any focus, it was awful to watch from my seat. He 
was rambling a lot in the last few years, and repeating himself. Not to mention 
making less sense than usual (I never thought he was much of a speaker) and his 
hands were shaking a lot too.

 The responses to this among my fellow workers at the academy were many and 
various. Denial that there was anything wrong was the principle one, beliefs 
that the amount of stress in the world has wearing him out (or similar attempts 
to fit it into the "knowledge" so that it wasn't a problem) came a close 
second. And a few were shocked but didn't say anything as any health problems 
would contradict everything he'd been telling everyone his whole life.

 I was angry, because I honestly thought that someone in his condition should 
not be allowed to appear like that in public without help or any sort of 
explanation, what were they thinking over in Vlodrop? I thought he should just 
be propped up in bed on a silk pillow with a big box of chocolates. Forced 
retirement and let the devotees run it on their own.



 Quite a stretch, from you, with a little cherry-picked "evidence" as garnish. 
Seems very similar to the sort of things you have been accusing Nabby of 
lately, doesn't it? I guess fairness only counts, when *you* are the target. 
---In,  wrote :

 I was struck by the posted interview between the Aussie and the Maharishi 
through closed circuit TV where Maharishi was unable to field a question about 
whether or not he could actually fly by going into "you kids get off of my 
lawn" mode. What struck me because I have spent quite a bit of time around old 
people in the last few years and it seemed obvious that Maharishi was clearly 
suffering from the diminished capacity of age and very likely dementia. He was 
not well.

This observation only matters because at the heart of a lot of the premises in 
TM is that the state of consciousness in enlightenment transcends the 
functioning of the brain. This is the premise on which we have claims about 
witnessing deep sleep for example, and all the conjectural nonsense surrounding 
what happens after a "conscious" enlightened death. It is stated in different 
ways as a premise underneath many claims about how a person functions in 

We saw Maharishi, who in his salad days would have gigglingly swatted away such 
a direct question calling him on an outrageous claim, completely flummoxed and 
left with a broom in his hand chasing the local scamps out of his rutabaga 

How can it be that "co

[FairfieldLife] Re: When meditation goes bad

2014-10-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I've chatted via email with the woman. A very nice person, trying to make sense 
of things. 



---In,  wrote :

 The Dark Night Project at Brown University has been investigating some common 
psychological issues that can arise with many people who set out on the 
meditation path. Common problems include those who enjoyed that sense of 
enhanced sensual awareness on a retreat but then found the sensory overload 
alarming in everyday life; disorienting experiences of depersonalization; and 
manic emotional states. As the effects can last for some years the 
neuroscientists at Brown University are trying to find out why some people find 
meditation plain sailing while others enter the "dark night".

 (The link is to the second of two transcripts but it deals more usefully with 
the problems that can arise following meditation than the first interview which 
is more background info.)

Re: [FairfieldLife] The More Proper Pronunciation of Maharishi

2014-11-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Professor Anoop Chandola: "What about that 'maharishi' who is with the Beatles? 
Is he legitimate?" 

 Swami Shantananda Saraswati, hand-picked successor to Swami Brahmanda 
Saraswati (first Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath in 165 years): "Let me put it to 
you this way: he would be my first choice as my successor, but they won't allow 
it due to the caste laws."


 You may think that MMY was a charlatan, but Gurudev's hand-picked successor 
did not.



---In,  wrote :

 Maharishi is a title he didn't deserve. I call him Mahesh Prasad Varmint.


 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, November 2, 2014 9:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The More Proper Pronunciation of Maharishi
 in Sanskrit it is more correctly said, 
 More properly this decidedly is Not pronounced, Mahahorsie

 Ignorant Americans and many westerners not knowing any better use a hard “s” 
which is too often flat or broad and wrong.
 The Vedic is a softer “s”.
 The Vedic 'r' is retroflex too, which is very unAmerican.
 However, the seemingly affected version that one may hear around the TM 
movement which sounds somewhat European is more correct.

 Now, as like with bija mantras and properly adjusted pronunciation it is also 
important how you use the mantra.  Yet as with the proper mantra but with 
improper pronunciation also no wonder people go crazy.  Care that you not 
mangle proper names in usage.  
 Jai Guru Dev,

Re: [FairfieldLife] early book on Maharishi

2014-11-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 According to James Dierke, the transformation in his school, where "Most of 
the students in our school have a family member who has been shot, who did the 
shooting, or who saw a shooting," was what led to him receiving the 2008 NASSP 
Middle School Principle of the Year award.


 According to this San Francisco article, despite there being 9 shootings in 
the neighborhood of the school in the month of December 2013 alone, the school 
was recently found to be "the happiest school in San Francisco":


 For THAT school at least, TM DID change their world.



---In,  wrote :

 Read it years ago - nothing to write home about - I am more interested in his 
first book, Meditations of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in which he states very 
clearly the mantras he gave out are the names of gods, Hindu gods no less. So 
much for the meaningless sounds. The only meaningless sounds that ever issued 
forth from his lying mouth were his statements of lifelong celibacy and his 
predictions of world change from everyone doing TM.


 From: "srijau@..." 
 Sent: Sunday, November 2, 2014 9:03 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] early book on Maharishi
   There exists an early book on Maharishi which it seems few people have been 
aware of. It contains information that contradicts recent accounts of Maharishi 
early life and the early movement and shows those accounts to be very 
superficial and biased .  It involves first hand accounts from  individuals in 




Re: [FairfieldLife] early book on Maharishi

2014-11-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I was responding to this: 

 The only meaningless sounds that ever issued forth from his lying mouth were 
his statements of lifelong celibacy and his predictions of world change from 
everyone doing TM.





---In,  wrote :

 Thanks for the information, Lawson, but we were talking about the Elsa 
Dragenmark book in this thread. According to Dragenmark, after the passing of 
SBS, the Mahesh Yogi went to the Upper Kashi so he could meditate in a cave for 
 The Way to Maharishi's Himalaya
 By Elsa Dragmark
 Privately published, 1971
 On 11/2/2014 10:30 PM, LEnglish5@... mailto:LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife] 


 According to James Dierke, the transformation in his school, where "Most of 
the students in our school have a family member who has been shot, who did the 
shooting, or who saw a shooting," was what led to him receiving the 2008 NASSP 
Middle School Principle of the Year award.

 According to this San Francisco article, despite there being 9 shootings in 
the neighborhood of the school in the month of December 2013 alone, the school 
was recently found to be "the happiest school in San Francisco":


 For THAT school at least, TM DID change their world.


 mailto:mjackson74@... wrote :
 Read it years ago - nothing to write home about - I am more interested in his 
first book, Meditations of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in which he states very 
clearly the mantras he gave out are the names of gods, Hindu gods no less. So 
much for the meaningless sounds. The only meaningless sounds that ever issued 
forth from his lying mouth were his statements of lifelong celibacy and his 
predictions of world change from everyone doing TM.

 From: "srijau@..." mailto:srijau@...  mailto:srijau@...
 Sent: Sunday, November 2, 2014 9:03 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] early book on Maharishi
   There exists an early book on Maharishi which it seems few people have been 
aware of. It contains information that contradicts recent accounts of Maharishi 
early life and the early movement and shows those accounts to be very 
superficial and biased .  It involves first hand accounts from  individuals in 



Re: [FairfieldLife] The More Proper Pronunciation of Maharishi

2014-11-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
As far as I can tell, the will had been placed with the proper authorities 6 
months before SBS died. The history that MJ quotes makes it sound like the will 
appeared from nowhere, but that isn't the case apparently. 

 And the main political objections came from the group that selected SBS 
originally becauseTHEY wanted to select SBS' successor, according to Professor 
Chandola. I assume that this is what his uncle told him.



---In,  wrote :

 Lawson, I'm a little curious: were there any politics involved in the choosing 
of a successor for Guru Dev?

 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, November 2, 2014 10:18 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The More Proper Pronunciation of Maharishi
   Professor Anoop Chandola: "What about that 'maharishi' who is with the 
Beatles? Is he legitimate?"

 Swami Shantananda Saraswati, hand-picked successor to Swami Brahmanda 
Saraswati (first Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath in 165 years): "Let me put it to 
you this way: he would be my first choice as my successor, but they won't allow 
it due to the caste laws."


 You may think that MMY was a charlatan, but Gurudev's hand-picked successor 
did not.



---In,  wrote :

 Maharishi is a title he didn't deserve. I call him Mahesh Prasad Varmint.


 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, November 2, 2014 9:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The More Proper Pronunciation of Maharishi
 in Sanskrit it is more correctly said, 
 More properly this decidedly is Not pronounced, Mahahorsie

 Ignorant Americans and many westerners not knowing any better use a hard “s” 
which is too often flat or broad and wrong.
 The Vedic is a softer “s”.
 The Vedic 'r' is retroflex too, which is very unAmerican.
 However, the seemingly affected version that one may hear around the TM 
movement which sounds somewhat European is more correct.

 Now, as like with bija mantras and properly adjusted pronunciation it is also 
important how you use the mantra.  Yet as with the proper mantra but with 
improper pronunciation also no wonder people go crazy.  Care that you not 
mangle proper names in usage.  
 Jai Guru Dev,



Re: [FairfieldLife] The More Proper Pronunciation of Maharishi

2014-11-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Every reference I can find to it online either says its "bogus" or that its 
not. Those that say it is bogus give no real reason for it other than "it must 
be." The ones that claim it isn't bogus claim it was filed in the proper way 
with the proper people months before SBS died. 

 Since I don't have anyway of getting to India and looking at the will myself, 
that's about as far as I can go with establishing its authenticity. To you have 
better ways?



---In,  wrote :

"As far as I can tell, the will had been placed with the proper authorities 6 
months before SBS died"

 According to who?

 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, November 3, 2014 2:42 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The More Proper Pronunciation of Maharishi
   As far as I can tell, the will had been placed with the proper authorities 6 
months before SBS died. The history that MJ quotes makes it sound like the will 
appeared from nowhere, but that isn't the case apparently.

 And the main political objections came from the group that selected SBS 
originally becauseTHEY wanted to select SBS' successor, according to Professor 
Chandola. I assume that this is what his uncle told him.



---In,  wrote :

 Lawson, I'm a little curious: were there any politics involved in the choosing 
of a successor for Guru Dev?

 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, November 2, 2014 10:18 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The More Proper Pronunciation of Maharishi
   Professor Anoop Chandola: "What about that 'maharishi' who is with the 
Beatles? Is he legitimate?"

 Swami Shantananda Saraswati, hand-picked successor to Swami Brahmanda 
Saraswati (first Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath in 165 years): "Let me put it to 
you this way: he would be my first choice as my successor, but they won't allow 
it due to the caste laws."


 You may think that MMY was a charlatan, but Gurudev's hand-picked successor 
did not.



---In,  wrote :

 Maharishi is a title he didn't deserve. I call him Mahesh Prasad Varmint.


 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, November 2, 2014 9:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The More Proper Pronunciation of Maharishi
 in Sanskrit it is more correctly said, 
 More properly this decidedly is Not pronounced, Mahahorsie

 Ignorant Americans and many westerners not knowing any better use a hard “s” 
which is too often flat or broad and wrong.
 The Vedic is a softer “s”.
 The Vedic 'r' is retroflex too, which is very unAmerican.
 However, the seemingly affected version that one may hear around the TM 
movement which sounds somewhat European is more correct.

 Now, as like with bija mantras and properly adjusted pronunciation it is also 
important how you use the mantra.  Yet as with the proper mantra but with 
improper pronunciation also no wonder people go crazy.  Care that you not 
mangle proper names in usage.  
 Jai Guru Dev,




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: He Came Out Of The Himalayas

2014-11-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I'm pretty sure he stayed much, much longer than 10 days. 



---In,  wrote :

 On 11/3/2014 10:09 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

 He kicked the kid outta her room -- >
 Get a grip, Edg - the Maharishi's visit with the Olson's in L.A. was just for 
ten days! 
 You seem to be in a clear case of cognitive dissonance: everyone knows you 
slept inside a TM Center for five years. It was good for Tina to be kicked out 
of her room so she wasn't so attached. If you had been kicked out, you might 
have gotten a life long before working for a cult for a decade and a half. Go 
 didn't never not hear about him fixing up a shack out back.
 You are mistaken. According to Helen Olson, "Maharishi, it seemed, would be 
with us from the tenth of May to the fifteenth of May. On Tuesday evening, may 
tenth,an announcement was made at the lecture hall that Maharishi would be 
staying at433 South Harvard Boulevard" (Olson 42-43). In her book "433" Helen 
describes a shack in her  garden out back where there was an old, unfinished 
children's playhouse which she offered to Maharishi as his "shrine room" for 
initiations - so they painted it and fixed it up with rugs and curtains.
 The 433 book is my source.
 When are you going to read it? You are supposed to read the book BEFORE you 
post your comments.
 Even back then, as a true believer, when I read the book, I was all like "What 
the fuck?  Take kid's room?"  
 Sounds like you are just unstressing.
 Shudda been a tell, but nope, I was polishing my blinkers and proud of it. >
 You suck as an informant.
 Work cited:
 Maharishi at 433: The Story of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's First Visit to the 
United States
 by Helena Olsen
 pp 72-73

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Scientist Reviews Three Types of Meditation

2014-11-11 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Eh, Fred has a PhD in Physiology and has published nearly 50 peer-reviewed 
studies on meditation. The fact that he doesn't have a neuroscience dept to run 
doesn't say anything about his research, but is only  about what classes are 
taught at MUM. 

 He's not a bogus scientist simply because he doesn't run a dept that teaches 
courses in his area of expertise.

 Head of a dept at a university is an administrative position, not a teaching 



---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 In regard to Orme-Jonhson, I was sitting near him once and the discussion he 
was having with someone had to do with data from the Maharishi Effect research. 
He mentioned that some other researchers wanted to see the raw data, and it 
seemed he was not going to give it to them, saying 'You know what they would do 
with it'. 

 We do indeed know, they'd have a look to see what the hell is going on and 
blow it out of the water if that's what it deserves. Not letting other 
researchers look at what it is you've done to reach your conclusions is the 
very essence of bad science because if it can't be checked there's no reason 
for anyone to believe it. Especially as it's in such a contentious area. 

 I do remember reading that they'd refused to hand over raw data before but 
could never find any evidence online, it would have helped in the many 
arguments I've had about the ME research over the years.


 Just checking the MUM website, the university does not have a neuroscience 
department. Fred Travis, for example, is a Professor of Maharishi Vedic 
Science, not a professor of a scientific discipline that are researching 
meditation at other universities.


 Professor of Maharishi Vedic Science? It's like they don't even want to be 
taken seriously.

 Vedic Astrology Research
 Vedic Astrology Research 
The thousands of individuals enjoying the benefits of the Jyotish and Yagya 
Programmes provide the best documentation of the Vedic Science of...

 View on maharishi-program...
 Preview by Yahoo 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Scientist Reviews Three Types of Meditation

2014-11-11 Thread [FairfieldLife]
That's a sticky question. In principle, scientists are supposed to make data 
available, but personality and agenda can get in the way. 

 A law or regulation was passed about a decade ago requiring that any 
researchers doing research funded by the NIH would have to make the raw data 
from such a study easily available to anyone who asked, presumably to address 
this very issue (personalities and agendas). The requirement also affects data 
in studies that never get published.

 That's why the TM researchers are REALLY conservative in asking for NIH 
funding, I believe.

 From the most realistic, albeit cynical, perspective, by the time affects have 
been documented over and over again via private pilot studies, published pilot 
studies, etc.,  to the point where  pro-TM researchers are pretty darned 
positive that large-scale studies are going to show that TM works well on some 
measure, they're willing to apply for NIH funding because they MUST be willing 
to show the data to anyone who asks.

 That's why the TM effects on blood pressure seem more robust than on any other 
topic. They were willing to ask for NIH funding, so they were already pretty 
darned sure what the outcome was going to be.

 The same reasons to be skeptical of  Big Pharma research apply to TM research 
is the take-away message -but everyone here already realizes that, I should 



---In,  wrote :

 Lawson, addressing the issue of raw data disclosure, do peer reviewed 
publications require this? If they do, then I assume Fred's research was fine 
in this regard. If they don't, then should they?  

 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 5:18 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Scientist Reviews Three Types of Meditation
   Eh, Fred has a PhD in Physiology and has published nearly 50 peer-reviewed 
studies on meditation. The fact that he doesn't have a neuroscience dept to run 
doesn't say anything about his research, but is only  about what classes are 
taught at MUM.

 He's not a bogus scientist simply because he doesn't run a dept that teaches 
courses in his area of expertise.

 Head of a dept at a university is an administrative position, not a teaching 




---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 In regard to Orme-Jonhson, I was sitting near him once and the discussion he 
was having with someone had to do with data from the Maharishi Effect research. 
He mentioned that some other researchers wanted to see the raw data, and it 
seemed he was not going to give it to them, saying 'You know what they would do 
with it'. 

 We do indeed know, they'd have a look to see what the hell is going on and 
blow it out of the water if that's what it deserves. Not letting other 
researchers look at what it is you've done to reach your conclusions is the 
very essence of bad science because if it can't be checked there's no reason 
for anyone to believe it. Especially as it's in such a contentious area. 

 I do remember reading that they'd refused to hand over raw data before but 
could never find any evidence online, it would have helped in the many 
arguments I've had about the ME research over the years.


 Just checking the MUM website, the university does not have a neuroscience 
department. Fred Travis, for example, is a Professor of Maharishi Vedic 
Science, not a professor of a scientific discipline that are researching 
meditation at other universities.


 Professor of Maharishi Vedic Science? It's like they don't even want to be 
taken seriously.

 Vedic Astrology Research
 Vedic Astrology Research 
The thousands of individuals enjoying the benefits of the Jyotish and Yagya 
Programmes provide the best documentation of the Vedic Science of...

 View on maharishi-program...
 Preview by Yahoo 





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Scientist Reviews Three Types of Meditation

2014-11-11 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Well, research on TM enlightened people is still in its infancy. 

 If you take MMY's words at their most simple, he's saying that enlightened 
people are the most rigid people in teh world and can never change.

 Seeing how stress tends to make people more rigid, and less stress tends to 
make them less rigid, I don't think that MMY's words are being interpreted 
exactly the way he meant them.

 If he DID mean them the way everyone is hearing them, then perhaps he was 
wrong  -speaking about people living in isolated caves and monastic communities 
as though they are what everyone is like who is enlightened.

 Unlike many hear, I don't believe that enlightened people are perfect. They 
are lower-stressed and therefore less likely to make mistakes due to being 
lower stress, but not some font of perfect knowledge that can never be 
challenged or corrected.


---In,  wrote :

 Sounds like MMY, Share..
---In,  wrote :

 wgm, I heard from a TM teacher friend that Maharishi once said that if you 
have any habits you want to change, good to do so before CC. Because after CC, 
you'll simply witness them!


 From: wgm4u 
 Sent: Monday, November 10, 2014 6:01 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Scientist Reviews Three Types of Meditation
   Dr. Johnson says-"The TM technique allows your mind to easily and 
effortlessly settle inward, through quieter levels of thought, until you 
experience the most silent and peaceful level of your own awareness—pure 

I say-Yes, this is *eventually* true, but in practice it takes many years of 
dedicated practice to achieve this (pure consciousness) and some say even 
lifetimes of practice.

So what MMY teaches is correct, only, the devil (time) is in the details which 
MMY conveniently left out or perhaps didn't know himself. He apparently thought 
after a few years of TM all of your vices would magically disappear and your 
didn't even have to try to get rid of them..what a joke!



[FairfieldLife] Re: Established in Being, let anger take over

2014-09-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Eh. Obviously they didn't handle the interviewer well. 


---In,  wrote :

 Absolutely brilliant. I much needed reminder about how crazy cults can be. 
None of the sanitised videos carefully chosen for youtube, Oh no. Madness, 
megalomania and dangerous delusion straight from the horses mouth and who can 
deny it? 

 Loved the reaction from Bevan and king Tony at the end, imagine someone not 
treating the guru with the same level of grovelling respect that he's used to! 
Imagine someone actually asking questions!

 I wish I'd taped the weekly press conferences, I'd have a mass of lectures 
that would keep a whole conference of psychiatrists busy for years. Both Marshy 
and Hagelin ranting for hours. And no, I never liked it, I saw the nice old 
tapes when I was on courses and enjoyed the sentiment even if I raised my 
eyebrows at the physics, but I believed in the enlightenment.

 Getting to work with the movement gives you an unfiltered version of what they 
want people to think it's all about. And the Marshy channel was superb for 
that, absolutely bonkers and highly worrying if you like to think about things 
rather than just accept it all as dogma. Probably an unintentionally good way 
of sorting out the true believers from the merely curious.

 I think it was probably the "perfect man" course that switched me right off. 
I'd never encountered anything like it, absolutely no justification for the 
theories given and no awareness that you have to show the workings out when you 
are proposing a radical new idea. Of course, to the Reesh and the devoted it 
was all simply The Truth. And merely by virtue of the fact he'd said it too.

 Nice to be reminded of what it was all about. Glad I stayed sane unlike poor 
old Bevan

---In,  wrote :

 Wait for the MMY interview 30 seconds in.

 Maharishi Exposed
 Maharishi Exposed This feature is 
not available right now. Please try again later.

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Established in Being, let anger take over

2014-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Last I looked, Bevan's pay was inline with all other MUM faculty beside's 
Hagelin's: slave wages. 

 And Bevan Morris managed to get to India when he was 18(? 20?) on his own 
steam around the same time as the Beatles showed up, and MMY recognized his 
devotion to the cause from that moment on.



---In,  wrote :

 I concur with Edg that MMY seemed pretty grumpy.  I chalk that up to old age 
also. I concur with Fleet that the interviewer had an agenda that he was 
promoting, and had no interest in trying to present a balanced picture, and his 
derision was barely concealed. 

 I did enjoy seeing my old friend talking about YF.

 It seemed like a hack job.


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Not come across that video before - excellent!  Bevan Morris comes across as a 
one-man circle jerk. 
 And as for MMY's comment that "Australia is a slave of Britain" . . . has he 
ever met any Aussies? If I were to walk into an Australian pub here in London 
and repeat that line to the clientele they'd burst their sides laughing. 


 I have never watched Bevan on tape before, or at least I don't remember having 
watched him. I was watching pretty hard to figure him out from the little I 
could see. Mostly I was trying to see if he really believed in what he was 
saying. I was looking for some indicator of real belief and certitude that he 
might have about it all. I came away unsure if he sticks around because he is 
so invested and so important in the Movement or because it is all he's got. It 
can be really hard to be the front man for this kind of thing, this Movement 
that contends what it does and yet there is so little to show for it in terms 
of flyers and invincibility and world peace. It must make one doubtful, it must 
make one question one's faith, for faith is vital on some level here. Does 
Bevan get tired of it all or is the pay just too darn good to make a run for 
it? I don't know, but I'd like to have a chat with the man.

Re: [FairfieldLife] thoughts on samskaras and enlightenment - CC to UC

2014-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
MIndfulness and concentrative practices disrupt the Default Mode Network of the 
brain, which is highly involved with self-referral processing and 

 In fact, long-term practices lead to a new style of functioning of the nervous 
system where the original functioning of the DMN, complete with relaxed, 
mind-wandering alpha, starts to become a thing of the past.

 TM, on the other hand, enhances the functioning of the DMN and enhances the 
brain circuits associated with sense-of-self.

 Which is better?

 Research will furnish answers, I am sure, but in the meantime, anyone who says 
that TM leads to the same place as mindfulness and concentration is full of 



---In,  wrote :

 My experience has been that  "I" don't exist.  It just seems that "I" go 
through the week as someone just doing something. And it's not weird at all.  
Like you say it may be a little difficult to fathom intellectually especially 
if some people have had few experiences even of  transcending.  It's just at 
some point you no longer "come out" of meditation and it's not "spaciness" 
either an issue that David Frawely has tackled in some of his writings about 
"false" enlightenment.  Just do some grounding things and if the experience 
remains it isn't spaciness.
 On 09/17/2014 08:47 AM, fleetwood_macncheese@... 
mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   It is an automatic process, Richard. The Self begins to witness in every 
moment, so that rather than having any attention, on giving up anything, it 
actually becomes impossible to be attached to anything. This can't be 
understood in the waking state. Once a person lives in freedom, a person can 
tackle any situation successfully. Life becomes as simple as we want it to be. 
Attachment is impossible, so even the most joyful and the most painful moments 
will pass. Contrary to what the rational mind may think, the witness 
capability, is not some sort of anesthetic. As Ann and I were discussing, life 
is so visceral, sensual and alive within itself, that even the witness revels 
in fullness. Everything is uncovered and seen for what it is. The inside and 
outside are balanced. Attachment, and its consequent delusion, are impossible, 
in a life lived in eternal freedom. No need whatsoever, to think about 
non-attachment. It is automatic, after awhile.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why MMY's Bhagavad Gita will never be a classic.

2014-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Vernon Katz was the translator and had no part in the commentary, according to 

 In fact, in a video, Vernon says that he would argue with MMY about MMY's 
choice of words for the translation that overrode Veron's carefully devised 
scholarly translation, but in the battle of unveiled glances, MMY always won.



---In,  wrote :

 Except, as we've heard here many a time, it really wasn't his commentary.  He 
just approved but gave no credit to the scholar who wrote it.
 So it goes in the big business of cults.
 On 09/17/2014 03:19 PM, fleetwood_macncheese@... 
mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   I wasn't there, with Shiva, or Parvati, during that discussion, and I just 
wouldn't take an interpretation, on face value, from a third party. I liked 
MMY's commentary - but I admit not having read any appreciable amount of it, in 
years. Perhaps I will pick it up again. PS Anyone can write a commentary. 
Whether or not people consider it authoritative, is a personal matter, and not 
given to supposed edicts, from you, or anyone else. 

 ---In, wrote :
 Who is limiting their horizon, here? For decades I thought Mahesh Yogi's 
commentary was the be all and end all of Bhagavad Gita commentaries.
 Because the movement said so.
 Ignorance is Bliss.

 Lord Shiva's discourse to Goddess Parvati..."Sri Guru Gita" explains who is 
qualified and who is not.

 It is clear from this scripture where Mahesh Yogi stood.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why MMY's Bhagavad Gita will never be a classic.

2014-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Vernon Katz was translator and transcriber, not commentator. 

 And MMY would insist that a different word be used in the translation and Katz 
had to oblige, so even the translation was strictly to MMY's specification even 
though Katz did all the original  translating.



---In,  wrote :

 I am quite sure it is Maharishi's voice, his thoughts, and his truths, though 
he had someone else expand, and assemble his ideas, for him.  All big business 
is the same. ;-)

---In,  wrote :

 Except, as we've heard here many a time, it really wasn't his commentary.  He 
just approved but gave no credit to the scholar who wrote it.
 So it goes in the big business of cults.
 On 09/17/2014 03:19 PM, fleetwood_macncheese@... 
mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   I wasn't there, with Shiva, or Parvati, during that discussion, and I just 
wouldn't take an interpretation, on face value, from a third party. I liked 
MMY's commentary - but I admit not having read any appreciable amount of it, in 
years. Perhaps I will pick it up again. PS Anyone can write a commentary. 
Whether or not people consider it authoritative, is a personal matter, and not 
given to supposed edicts, from you, or anyone else. 

 ---In, wrote :
 Who is limiting their horizon, here? For decades I thought Mahesh Yogi's 
commentary was the be all and end all of Bhagavad Gita commentaries.
 Because the movement said so.
 Ignorance is Bliss.

 Lord Shiva's discourse to Goddess Parvati..."Sri Guru Gita" explains who is 
qualified and who is not.

 It is clear from this scripture where Mahesh Yogi stood.


Re: [FairfieldLife] thoughts on samskaras and enlightenment - CC to UC

2014-09-18 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Up until now, all you could go by, as a meditation instructor was the 
*context* of the answers: how did the student learn in the first place? Hence 
MMY's extreme insistence on perfect adherence to his teaching methodology.


 Now, these days, you can look at how the brain is behaving, based on EEG and 
various imaging technologies, and see that there are indeed differences between 
people who learn TM, and people who learn mindfulness or samatha practices.

 I'm not making things up about mindfulness resetting the default mode network 
in a way that disrupts sense-of-self. That's a pretty normal interpretation of 
things based on what mindfulness researchers are saying.

 Nor am I making up the fact that "mind-wandering" (which is how MMY describes 
TM) is considered to be tied in with sense-of-self. That's what non-TM 
researchers say about it. In fact, here's a review article talking about the 
science of mind-wandering:

 Towards a Neuroscience of Mind-Wandering 
 Towards a Neuroscience of Mind-Wandering Mind 
wandering is among the most robust and permanent expressions of human conscious 
awareness, classically regarded by philosophers, clinicians a...
 View on journal.frontie... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 MW serves “self” functions As detailed in the context of strategy B1, there 
are theoretical (Gallagher, 2000), neuroanatomical (Gusnard, 2005; Northoff et 
al., 2006), and intuitive grounds to claim that MW is a self related cognitive 
function, which serves to create and maintain an integrated, meaningful sense 
of self out of various aspects of self-related information and cognition."  



 and of course, the longer you practice mindfulness, the more pronounced the 
change in how the DMN operates, and along with that, the greater the reduction 
of sense-of-self.

 A good thing or a bad thing?

 Shrug. Research will say what it says.



---In,  wrote :

Research will furnish answers, I am sure, but in the meantime, anyone who says 
that TM leads to the same place as mindfulness and concentration is full of 

M: You bring up a valid point about the difference between subjective 
experience and research. I guess the next question would be to get behind the 
terms we are using like "mindfulness" which is not taught in the same fixed way 
TM is. Are you confident that you know what I am doing under the umbrella of 
the term mindfulness and that it is the same thing as what was studied by other 
people who took completely different paths to their practice? 

I am also open to the realiy that I will never experience mindfulness without 
my long association with the conditioning of my TM practice.

I once "checked" the mindfulness practice of a friend to see if I could discern 
any differences in the answers he gave from checking TM. I couldn't. When he 
described his practice as we would do in 3 days checking I couldn't figure out 
how we might determine if his internal experience was different from TM 
people's. The language is too imprecise to make these distinctions. 

I don't know if the distinctions discovered in the research on particular types 
of mindfulness practices apply to mine. So without standardization I am left to 
draw my own conclusions from what I experience. TM and mindfulness practice 
lead me to a similar internal experience. YMMV and I agree that research will 
help us sort out the differences in brain states.

But it is gunna take a while for the very young science of neuroscience as a 
whole to describe what these states mean with close to the same confidence you 
and most TM affiliated researchers put behind your theories. I think your 
confidence in your interpretation comes from TM triumphalist bias. Time will 

---In,  wrote :

 MIndfulness and concentrative practices disrupt the Default Mode Network of 
the brain, which is highly involved with self-referral processing and 

 In fact, long-term practices lead to a new style of functioning of the nervous 
system where the original functioning of the DMN, complete with relaxed, 
mind-wandering alpha, starts to become a thing of the past.

 TM, on the other hand, enhances the functioning of the DMN and enhances the 
brain circuits associated with sense-of-self.

 Which is better?

 Research will furnish answers, I am sure, but in the meantime, anyone who says 
that TM leads to the same place as mindfulness and concentration is full of 



---In,  wrote :

 My experience has been that  "I" don't exist.  It just seems that "I" go 
through the week 

[FairfieldLife] Gut bacteria as devas?

2014-09-24 Thread [FairfieldLife] Do gut 
bacteria rule our minds? 

 People laugh at MMY's lecture on devas and where they consume soma and yet...


 The gut microbiome is apparently quite influential...






[FairfieldLife] Re: World and Personal Protection Mantra

2014-09-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Great, and when is his organization going to be able to train enough meditation 
teachers to each al 45 million school-age kids in Brazil? 

 MMY never claimed that TM was the absolute best thing for everyone, 
everywhere, but when it comes to distributing meditation education on  a scale 
of millions or even billions of people, I don't think there is any comparison.

---In,  wrote :

 After decades of the TMO mantra, which "has no meaning" I was given this Datta 
Raksha mantra from Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji. Upon meditating with 
it,  a sense of peace flowed through me that I had never experienced.

 It has meaning which which appears at the end of the video.

 Datta Raksha Mantra chanted by Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji
 Datta Raksha Mantra chanted by Sri Ganapathy Sachchi... Sri Swamiji's gift of Dattatreya 
Raksha Mantra for Universal Peace and Personal Protection. 27 repetitions set 
to video images. Meaning of mantra at the end ...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Success in Latin America

2014-09-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
All that was claimed about 8,000 (or 7,000) yogic flyers is that they would 
have the same effect as 1% of the world doing TM. 

 Maharishi specifically claimed that 1% of a society doing TM would be 
sufficient to cause measurable changes in the entire society.

 I think you are forgetting that his "Program to Create World Peace" required 
the creation of:

 1) 1 or more permanent groups of Yogic Flyers sufficient in size to affect the 
whole world;

 2) 1 or more permanent groups of Yogic Flyers sufficient to affect a given 
country, in every country;

 3) 1 or more permanent groups of Yogic Flyers sufficient to affect a given 
city, in every large city.



 This would be sufficient to bring about the end to terrorism and so on and 
create a climate for irreversible progress for the world, but that isn't the 
same as there being no negativity. That's "Heaven on Earth," and the above is 
merely the first in a long line of things that he said needed to occur for that 
to happen.



---In,  wrote :

 these things are true, and if not, blame the BBC - otherwise, wise up and 
realize you are defending a dead horse (the TMO)


 From: danfriedman2002 
 Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2014 8:06 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Success in Latin America


---In,  wrote :

 Well, just scanning the headlines this morning I see that:

 A drug lord who was arrested has been set free

 A tourist boat capsizes in Paraguay

 Brazil refuses to join a pact with other Latin countries to end deforestation

 A Mexican federal congressman who was kidnapped has been found dead

 Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands are fighting over who should have the 
stuffed body of a giant tortoise

 Seems like those 8,000 plus flyers Raja Luis loves to brag about just aren't 
getting the job done!

Dear Missing:

Quoting headlines will not add anything to your diminished credibility. 

You were doing better with Wikipedia. 

Try to find out something that is true. That is something done on your own.

Not on a computer.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Eh, anyone who thinks that the Movement is in MORE trouble than it was when 
Maharishi died is blind. The reduction in the TM fee, combined with the good 
press from teh DLF, the celebrity endorsements, the [slight] nod from the 
American Heart Association, and the ongoing phenomenal successes with PTSD, all 
comnbine tp put the TMO in a much better position, financially, and PR-wise, 
than it has been in since the Merv Giffith days. 



---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 you sycophants can mock all you like - you are just trying to avoid the 
obvious - the Movement is a mess and Hagelin is running scared that this 
Hammond guy's event with Jerry Jarvis's support will seriously damage the 
Movement's attempt to sanitize its image and make everyone think its all 
vanilla ice cream. 


 The fact that Jarvis has been a Movement straight arrow all these years and 
never walked away from Marshy even when the old geezer tossed Jarvis aside and 
marginalized his position in the TMO, and Jerry now stands behind Hammond's 
assertion that he is communicating directly with Marshy spells real trouble for 
the Movement.


We're not "mocking".

Quick, lock up your daughters!

The Music Man - Trouble... right here in River City!
 The Music Man - Trouble... right here in River City! My favorite clip from my favorite 
musical of all time... don't even talk of remakes. Here Robert Preston, as con 
man par excellence "Professor Harold Hill&...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 From: danfriedman2002 
 Sent: Friday, September 26, 2014 11:24 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Jerry email to John sent on Sunday


---In,  wrote :

 PS bawee reads all posts if simply to keep a tally of how many times his name 
comes up.  

 Nailed it! 
 - signed woo woo boy
Eddie Holman Hey There Lonely Girl
 Eddie Holman Hey There Lonely Girl 
Soultry Sounds From Eddie Holman

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Barry, omniscient as he is, since he doesn't read my posts, knows that I 
posted something about my personal experiences with Guru Dev, recently, and it 
completely blows his mind. He cannot cope with the fact that I am enlightened, 
either. Both facts blow away his world view so completely, it turns him into a 
jealous, raving lunatic. Sucks to be him. :-) The worst part about it, imo, is 
that the guy travels the world, yet his mind is stuck in this tiny little 
closet of prejudices, stories, and fantasies, missing out on the real world, 
completely. Sigh.

 I offer a collective "sigh" as well. Shall we also offer pity? If bawee isn't 
the one experiencing the woo woo then it is damnable woo woo and something to 
be scoffed at. But as long as he's the one nipping through portals and watching 
enlightened, afro-haired gurus hovering and surrounded in bliss-filled golden 
light then it's great. It's so great, in fact, that he will look down on us 
poor wretches who have failed to 'grok' it all and who, apparently, don't have 
the spiritual cojones to be worthy of such experiences. I mean, all you can do 
is laugh and feel a small tweak of empathy for the guy. I mean it.
 PS bawee reads all posts if simply to keep a tally of how many times his name 
comes up. There's nothing like a true narcissist to have to read all there is 
to read about themselves.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
What revenue? 

 The David Lynch Foundation is in charge of teaching TM in the public schools. 
The cost, last time they broke it down, was $300 per student. That's roughly 
the portion of the standard TM instruction fee that TM tachers normally get for 
teaching students.

 Hagelin gets $42K per year from the DLF as the president. 

 Bobby Roth gets $53K as executive director and another $63K for "services," 
presumably TM initiation fees for going and teaching billionaires and hollywood 
celebs TM -about 130 per year, apparently.


 Hagelin also gets $36K as CEO of the Maharishi Foundation, USA



 Hagelin's main source of income is from MUM, where he gets paid more than any 
other faculty member for his multiple roles as professor and think-tank 



 If anyone is making money from the TM org, it isn't showing up in the IRS 
forms, that's for sure.



---In,  wrote :

 I would've told "George" to kindly fuck off - End of story. He is a 
self-promoter, who could've just as easily passed on the results of his 
"talks", in print, or posted them on Youtube. Instead, he gets the soap opera 
going, for a Big Reveal in November.  

 Anyone waiting for the results, 1) Needs to get their head examined, and 2) 
Needs to get a life. Pricks like this are a great test for anyone considering 
themselves in the Here and Now, but unfortunately after any self examination by 
those exposed to such a person, the prick remains a prick. 
---In,  wrote :

 The whole thing is absolutely hilarious. Just when you think the Movement 
can't provide any entertainment, here they go with their own bona fide Three 
Ring Circus. 


 The first thing that's amusing to me is the "Private and Confidential for 
Certified Governors" and here it is for all to see, thanks to Brother Rick, a 
fact that I am sue will endear Rick to Nabby even more than he is already. 

 I would love to have seen Hagelin dealing with some of these folks who have 
had "special messages" from Marshy.

 I can only guess, but I expect its a good guess to assume that Jerry's status 
in the Movement is over with as a result of his support of this "event." 
 I'm also guessing but I bet anything the Movement will have some kind of spies 
at the event taking names.

 I also noticed Hagelin's reference to the "delicate" programs the Movement has 
with government and schools and so on. He and the other "leaders" are scared 
shitless this event is going to cut in on their revenue.


 Can't wait to see the next chapter in this new Three Ring Circus. Kudos to 
Rick for providing this week's entertainment.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Friday, September 26, 2014 3:30 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

 Sounds like it's going to be a fun conference! Keep it coming. 

 You can see the fear in John Hagelin's letter though, he's right to distance 
themselves from this stuff, if the general public hears about it they'd think 
the TMO was barking. But then they keep a lot of the rest of it hidden too for 
that very reason. The website looks most corporate these days, no mention of 
levitation or world peace creation there.

 On a scale, I wonder what level of impossibility John Hagelin has TM core 
beliefs at compared to Marshy being channeled? I haven't seen a "physics of 
life after death" video yet so maybe he doesn't believe in it. Marshy did so it 
ought to fit into the unified field chart somewhere.

 When did it stop making sense for you?


---In,  wrote :

 This was sent to me by a friend. I’m not “in the loop” on any of this. Just 
passing it along.
 Jerry Jarvis sent this to John Hagelin the day before John posted his thing 
(Sunday), along with a cover note asking John to consider it and then to call 
Jerry. John responded, and told Jerry he'd consider it. But he never called 
Jerry to discuss before he sent out his message on Monday to the Certified 

 Compare the two documents.  Jerry's point is to show people the info and let 
them decide for themselves. 

From: George Hammond 
Sent: Sep 21, 2014 11:25 AM 
Subject: The Concerns Expressed to You 

 Dear Jerry,


 In light of the concern some of your friends are kindly expressing on your 
behalf, I'd like to emphasize a few things we've already discussed:


 1) The Explanations Maharishi wants me to convey are designed to dispel the 
fears many of his teachers have developed.  These are not in any way designed 
to make

[FairfieldLife] Re: AoL vs. TM?

2014-09-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Perhaps, but if you check out the actual research, organization, website, etc., 
there seems to be far less activity for AoL than for TM. 

 I'm not aware of any current presidents or deputy prime ministers of major 
countries (Brazil, Colombia, UK, and maybe India?) or former such (Mozambique 
and possibly one or two other African nations) that acknowledge that AoL was/is 
important to them.


---In,  wrote :

 Is it perchance so, that AoL is way more popular nowadays
than TM?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Iowa Suicide Rate

2014-10-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Here are the conclusions you could draw from this: 

 1) TM makes you more likely to commit suicide



 2) people who do TM who decide to go live in Fairfield, Iowa, tend to 
self-medicate using TM, rather than seeking professional help for thigns that 
TM doesn't affect.




 3) both of the above.


 There's no way to tell which conclusion is correct.



---In,  wrote :

 people would like to know how Fairfield rates compare to other communities. 
Fairfield’s rate is indeed higher than the national average, which is 12.3 
cases per population of 100,000, per year (as of 2011, the latest stats 


 In Jefferson County, the rate is 19.83 cases per 100,000 as of 2014 (based on 
20 suicides in 6 years with a county population of 16,810.) James Moore is 
correct in saying that the high suicides rate is a community-wide issue.


 As Matthew and James have pointed out in the comments, around a quarter of the 
20 people who have died by suicide practiced TM. However, this does not mean, 
as James said, that suicide among TM practitioners is half the national 


 On the contrary, the rate is actually higher than that of the county, because 
roughly 3,000 of the county’s nearly 17,000 practice TM. Assuming 5 of the 
residents who died by suicide were part of the meditating community of 3,000 in 
the past 6 years, the rate would be 27.75 cases per 100,000, which is more than 
double the national average.

 From the author of this piece, in the comments section:[772000562838922]&action_type_map=[%22og.likes%22]&action_ref_map=[]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Iowa Suicide Rate

2014-10-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Who says that the ego is destroyed or weakened or you are taken out of it or 
whatever with TM? 


 Part of the issue is that we try to conflate Freud's terminology with 
Maharishi's and part of the issue is that we tend to assume that all meditation 
practices have the same effect, so the fact that mindfulness practices tend to 
weaken the functionality of the parts of the brain having to do with 
sense-of-self, combined with the interpretation of some very popular Buddhist 
sects that sense-of-self is evil, leads to all sorts of confusion.


 TM practice strengthens "sense of self." Samadhi, or pure consciousness, 
during TM, also happens to be the point where the relaxed mind-wandering 
activity of the brain associated in Western science with "sense of self" 
happens to be greatest.


 When Fred Travis interviewed the people reporting CC for at least a year 
continuously, his interview question was:

 "Describe your self."

 The people in CC responded along these lines, none of which suggest 
destruction of ego, in the sense that Freud would have understood, I believe:

 L1: We ordinarily think my self as this age; this color of hair; these hobbies 
. . . my experience is that my Self is a lot larger than that. It's 
immeasurably vast. . . on a physical level. It is not just restricted to this 
physical environment
 L2: It's the ‘‘I am-ness.’’ It's my Being. There's just a channel underneath 
that's just underlying everything. It's my essence there and it just doesn't 
stop where I stop. . . by ‘‘I,’’ I mean this 5 ft. 2 person that moves around 
here and there
 L3: I look out and see this beautiful divine Intelligence. . . you could say 
in the sky, in the tree, but really being expressed through these things. . . 
and these are my Self
 L4: I experience myself as being without edges or content. . . beyond the 
universe. . . all-pervading, and being absolutely thrilled, absolutely 
delighted with every motion that my body makes. With everything that my eyes 
see, my ears hear, my nose smells. There's a delight in the sense that I am 
able to penetrate that. My consciousness, my intelligence pervades everything I 
see, feel and think
 L5: When I say ’’I’’ that's the Self. There's a quality that is so pervasive 
about the Self that I'm quite sure that the ‘‘I’’ is the same ‘‘I’’ as everyone 
else's ‘‘I.’’ Not in terms of what follows right after. I am tall, I am short, 
I am fat, I am this, I am that. But the ‘‘I’’ part. The ‘‘I am’’ part is the 
same ‘‘I am’’ for you and me





---In,  wrote :

 Actually you can. If TM takes you out of the ego, the sense of personal self, 
and if it works every time (i.e., you transcend at least once during a 
sitting), then in 40 years of meditation with some residence courses thrown in, 
you commit suicide some 30,000 times. If TM goes the distance (which some 
doubt), then eventually the suicide will be permanent. It won't be permanent in 
CC because ego is still in the centre of the active part of life in that 
experience. You need BC to catapult the ego to the periphery of life where it 
basically is on a short leash and can't run the show. 

 Physical suicide results if TM dredges up something the ego can't deal with, 
and is more likely to occur in a 'see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil' 
oppressive environment where help is unavailable by design.

---In,  wrote :

 Here are the conclusions you could draw from this: 

 1) TM makes you more likely to commit suicide

 2) people who do TM who decide to go live in Fairfield, Iowa, tend to 
self-medicate using TM, rather than seeking professional help for thi[ng]s that 
TM doesn't affect.

 3) both of the above.

 There's no way to tell which conclusion is correct.


[FairfieldLife] Re: My take on "Waking Up" by Sam Harris

2014-10-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Fred Travis published research on enlightened people. 

 This review paper looks at the research:

 Transcendental experiences during meditation practice - Travis - 2013 - Annals 
of the New York Academy of Sciences - Wiley Online Library 
 Transcendental experiences during meditation practice - Travis - 2013 - Annals 
of the New Yor... 1 
Shear, J. 2006. The Experience of Meditation: Experts Introduce the Major 
Traditions. Princeton, NJ: The Infinity Foundation. 2 Travis, F. & J. Shear. 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



 Fred is doing new research on people in CC and will be using more 
sophisticated EEG analysis, and possibly other measures as well.




---In,  wrote :

 "5. Neurologically speaking, banishing the self must equate to a certain level 
of unscheduled tinkering with neurotransmitters and receptors, just because we 
can modulate the potentials of our conscious experience doesn't mean that those 
states are fidelitous to some input from our external, or physical realities."


 For a "realized Self" to be invariant, consistent in all circumstances, beyond 
pain and suffering, "fire cannot wet it, fire cannot burn it", independent of 
waking sleeping and dreaming, etc, it seems reasonable that it should be 
invariant to significant shifts in serotonin, dopamine, and other 
neurotransmitter levels and receptivity. To what extent are classical states 
described in traditional texts, as well as contemporary non-dual and no-self 
states dependent upon brain function and levels of neurotransmitters, etc?


 Stated differently, can and does an exalted self (driven by non-standard 
levels of neurotransmitters and brain function) become misinterpreted as a 
realized Self?

 Is it a "cake-and-eat-it-too" phenomenon to measure and attempt to validate 
alternative / higher states of consciousness with physiological and brain 
measurement technology -- while also assuming  / claiming such states survive  
bodily death? Separating brain function from deemed permanent (eternal) states 
of awareness seems a necessary first step for any discussion of post physical 
body death of  "realized" beings.

 As well as associated states: to what extent are deep and intense bhakti  
experiences and modes driven by high serotonin levels (as well as other beyond 
2-3 standard deviation levels of other neurotransmitters and other critical 
brain chemicals)?

 And /or great "realizations" about the nature of the universe, as well as 
intense bliss, driven by high dopamine levels, etc.







[FairfieldLife] Re: My take on "Waking Up" by Sam Harris

2014-10-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
"He did not even mention CC in his conclusion (above) either."


Er, talk about selective quoting. There's no conclusion section, but the 
discussion section, which you only partially quote, actually starts out talking 
about the integration of transcendental experiences with waking, dreaming and 
sleeping (CC). To suggest that he doesn't mention it when its the first line of 
the first paragraph, is, well, overtly deceptive: 


 Brain patterns that defined transcendental experiences during TM practice and 
the integration of transcendental experiences with waking, dreaming, and 
sleeping were mainly found in frontal brain areas. This suggests that frontal 
circuits may play a critical role in transcendental experiences and the growth 
of higher states of consciousness. These states could be called higher states 
in that (1) the subject/object relationship is different in these states 
compared to waking, sleeping, and dreaming; (2) the sense of self is more 
expanded in these states; and (3) the physiological patterns are distinct from 
those during waking, dreaming, and sleeping.

 The development of higher states may be an extension of the developmental 
trajectory that began as a toddler and continued into adulthood, supporting the 
emergence of adult abstract reasoning. Brain development begins in posterior 
sensory areas, which myelinate by age four. Posterior areas process sensory 
experiences and create the concrete present. Activity in posterior areas are 
associated with the first two stages of cognitive development described by 
Piaget—the sensorimotor and preoperational stages.[53] 
The corpus callosum, which connects the left and right hemispheres, myelinates 
from age 7 to age 10. Now the dominant level of awareness de-embeds from 
sensory experience and reintegrates at the level of concrete operations—the 
ability to think about the objects that you see. The last brain circuits to 
myelinate are connections with frontal executive areas. These circuits begin to 
myelinate around age 12 and end around age 25.[54] 
With frontal myelination, the dominant level of awareness de-embeds from 
thinking and reintegrates at the level of formal operations—the ability to 
think about thinking. Now the teenager can see consequences; they can generate 
different reasons to explain observations.

 Language learning is considered the engine for the development of abstract 
adult thinking. Language provides a symbolic system to represent objects and so 
allows a child to mentally manipulate concrete objects.[55] 
However, we can become stuck in our words and concepts. To develop beyond 
language-based thinking, we need a technique to transcend language and enable 
the experience of pure (content-free) consciousness underlying the changing 
activity of thinking and feeling. The experience of Transcendental 
Consciousness transcends language and provides a platform for experiencing the 
world more with repect to inner abstract structures and less with respect to 
outer, changing concrete objects. This experience of Transcendental 
Consciousness is not a luxury and should not be isolated to a few individuals 
transcending during meditation practice. Rather, the experience of 
Transcendental Consciousness should be available to everyone to allow them to 
realize their full human birthright.



---In,  wrote :

 But CC really isn't enlightenment, it's just 'glorified ignorance' as M said. 
You get inner wakefulness and silence along with a deluded mind. So this paper 
is not about enlightened people. It's about people who have a certain degree of 
opening to spiritual experience, but far short of the goal. Fred's problem is 
he does not have access to currently used state-of-the-art equipment in the 
study of consciousness, and even if he did, he probably would not be allowed by 
the TMO to use it (fMRI for example), and he is probably under some other 
research restrictions as well, as he likely would be booted if he published any 
negative results. 

 Fred: 'The experience of Transcendental Consciousness transcends language and 
provides a platform for experiencing the world more with re[s]pect to inner 
abstract structures and less with respect to outer, changing concrete objects. 
This experience of Transcendental Consciousness is not a luxury and should not 
be isolated to a few individuals transcending during meditation practice. 
Rather, the experience of Transcendental Consciousness should be available to 
everyone to allow them to realize their full human birthright.'

 He did not even mention CC in his conclusion (above) either.

---In,  wrote :

 Fred Travis published research on enlig

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Iowa Suicide Rate

2014-10-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Spiritual and Material Values

 "Every experience has its level of physiology, and so unbounded awareness has 
its own level of physiology which can be measured. Every aspect of life is 
integrated and connected with every other phase. When we talk of scientific 
measurements, it does not take away from the spiritual experience. We are not 
responsible for those times when spiritual experience was thought of as 
metaphysical. Everything is physical. Consciousness is the product of the 
functioning of the brain. Talking of scientific measurements is no damage to 
that wholeness of life which is present everywhere and which begins to be lived 
when the physiology is taking on a particular form. This is our understanding 
about spirituality: it is not on the level of faith --it is on the level of 
blood and bone and flesh and activity. It is measurable."

 -Maharishi Mahesh Yogi





 Does no-one read my posts? I try to keep them to a minimum these days...

 Here's a mainstream review article on mind-wandering that I already linked to:

 Towards a Neuroscience of Mind-Wandering 
 Towards a Neuroscience of Mind-Wandering Mind 
wandering is among the most robust and permanent expressions of human conscious 
awareness, classically regarded by philosophers, clinicians a...
 View on journal.frontie... 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 From the abstract:

 "...classically regarded by philosophers, clinicians, and scientists as a core 
element of an intact sense of self."

 Further in"

 "MW serves “self” functions
 As detailed in the context of strategy B1, there are theoretical (Gallagher, 
neuroanatomical (Gusnard, 2005; 
Northoff et al., 2006, and 
intuitive grounds to claim that MW is a self-related cognitive function, which 
serves to create and maintain an integrated, meaningful sense of self out of 
various aspects of self-related information and cognition. Northoff et al. 
(2006), for 
instance, conceptualizes MW as a “psychological baseline,” a form of continuous 
self-referential processing which is evident during non-task conditions and 
which ultimately forms our subjective experience of a “continuous stream of 
subjective experience” or “phenomenal time” where past, present, and future are 
no longer divided but integrated."



 Maharishi has always (in my memory) described TM as mind-wandering, allowing 
the mind to wander in the direction of greatest happiness, which he described 
as pure consciousness, pure self-referral consciousness, so his descriptions of 
the process of TM allowing the mind to settle down into its state of least 
excitation, while saying that that is pure self-referral consciousness, is 
supported by Western scientific concepts of self.

 Several studies published over the years have examined the physiological 
functioning of someone reporting pure consciousness during TM.

 The very concept of using science to study meditation and spirituality was 
proposed by Maharishi back as early as 1957. By 1959, _Hermit in My House_ 
described his students building a dark-room shack in the backyard of the 
Olson's house so they could photograph TMers in an attempt to catch "subtle 
glow" from meditator's faces. That never worked out, but the scientific 
research program on studying the physiology of meditation has been ongoing ever 
since, especially with the publication of R Keith Wallace's PhD research in 
Science in 1970.

 I quoted Maharishi's take on researching meditation at the start of this 



 Research on pure consciousness during TM, and so on:


 Electrophysiologic characteristics of ... [Psychosom Med. 1984 May-Jun] - 
PubMed - NCBI 
 Electrophysiologic characteristics of ... [Psychosom Med. 1984 May-Jun] - 
PubMed - ...  PubMed comprises more 
than 23 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science 
journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content 
from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



 Autonomic patterns during respiratory suspe... [Psychophysiology. 1997] - 
PubMed - NCBI 
 Autonomic patterns during respiratory suspe... [Psychophysiology. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: My take on "Waking Up" by Sam Harris

2014-10-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I should also add that the criteria for being included in the studies that Fred 
did was having witnessing sleep for a year. 

 THere were several people interviewed who responded in a way that suggested to 
me (and to Fred also, from what he has said) that they were in GC or UC, but 
there weren't enough people in each possible sub-group (CC/GC/UC) to do a 
detailed analysis of what the physiological correlates were for each category 
of "enlightened response" to the interviewer's request to "Describe your self." 
Here's examples of the various kinds of responses that Fred got. Does it seem 
like anyone might be in GC or UC rather than CC?

 L1: We ordinarily think my self as this age; this color of hair; these hobbies 
. . . my experience is that my Self is a lot larger than that. It's 
immeasurably vast. . . on a physical level. It is not just restricted to this 
physical environment
 L2: It's the ‘‘I am-ness.’’ It's my Being. There's just a channel underneath 
that's just underlying everything. It's my essence there and it just doesn't 
stop where I stop. . . by ‘‘I,’’ I mean this 5 ft. 2 person that moves around 
here and there
 L3: I look out and see this beautiful divine Intelligence. . . you could say 
in the sky, in the tree, but really being expressed through these things. . . 
and these are my Self
 L4: I experience myself as being without edges or content. . . beyond the 
universe. . . all-pervading, and being absolutely thrilled, absolutely 
delighted with every motion that my body makes. With everything that my eyes 
see, my ears hear, my nose smells. There's a delight in the sense that I am 
able to penetrate that. My consciousness, my intelligence pervades everything I 
see, feel and think
 L5: When I say ’’I’’ that's the Self. There's a quality that is so pervasive 
about the Self that I'm quite sure that the ‘‘I’’ is the same ‘‘I’’ as everyone 
else's ‘‘I.’’ Not in terms of what follows right after. I am tall, I am short, 
I am fat, I am this, I am that. But the ‘‘I’’ part. The ‘‘I am’’ part is the 
same ‘‘I am’’ for you and me



---In,  wrote :

 But CC really isn't enlightenment, it's just 'glorified ignorance' as M said. 
You get inner wakefulness and silence along with a deluded mind. So this paper 
is not about enlightened people. It's about people who have a certain degree of 
opening to spiritual experience, but far short of the goal. Fred's problem is 
he does not have access to currently used state-of-the-art equipment in the 
study of consciousness, and even if he did, he probably would not be allowed by 
the TMO to use it (fMRI for example), and he is probably under some other 
research restrictions as well, as he likely would be booted if he published any 
negative results. 

 Fred: 'The experience of Transcendental Consciousness transcends language and 
provides a platform for experiencing the world more with re[s]pect to inner 
abstract structures and less with respect to outer, changing concrete objects. 
This experience of Transcendental Consciousness is not a luxury and should not 
be isolated to a few individuals transcending during meditation practice. 
Rather, the experience of Transcendental Consciousness should be available to 
everyone to allow them to realize their full human birthright.'

 He did not even mention CC in his conclusion (above) either.

---In,  wrote :

 Fred Travis published research on enlightened people. 

 This review paper looks at the research:

 Transcendental experiences during meditation practice - Travis - 2013 - Annals 
of the New York Academy of Sciences - Wiley Online Library 
 Transcendental experiences during meditation practice - Travis - 2013 - Annals 
of the New Yor... 1 
Shear, J. 2006. The Experience of Meditation: Experts Introduce the Major 
Traditions. Princeton, NJ: The Infinity Foundation. 2 Travis, F. & J. Shear.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



 Fred is doing new research on people in CC and will be using more 
sophisticated EEG analysis, and possibly other measures as well.





[FairfieldLife] Re: My take on "Waking Up" by Sam Harris

2014-10-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 If the formatting was wrong, here's what the interview responses were like 
from the enlightened test subjects to the question "Describe your self":

 L1: We ordinarily think my self as this age; this color of hair; these hobbies 
. . . my experience is that my Self is a lot larger than that. It's 
immeasurably vast. . . on a physical level. It is not just restricted to this 
physical environment
 L2: It's the ‘‘I am-ness.’’ It's my Being. There's just a channel underneath 
that's just underlying everything. It's my essence there and it just doesn't 
stop where I stop. . . by ‘‘I,’’ I mean this 5 ft. 2 person that moves around 
here and there
 L3: I look out and see this beautiful divine Intelligence. . . you could say 
in the sky, in the tree, but really being expressed through these things. . . 
and these are my Self
 L4: I experience myself as being without edges or content. . . beyond the 
universe. . . all-pervading, and being absolutely thrilled, absolutely 
delighted with every motion that my body makes. With everything that my eyes 
see, my ears hear, my nose smells. There's a delight in the sense that I am 
able to penetrate that. My consciousness, my intelligence pervades everything I 
see, feel and think
 L5: When I say ’’I’’ that's the Self. There's a quality that is so pervasive 
about the Self that I'm quite sure that the ‘‘I’’ is the same ‘‘I’’ as everyone 
else's ‘‘I.’’ Not in terms of what follows right after. I am tall, I am short, 
I am fat, I am this, I am that. But the ‘‘I’’ part. The ‘‘I am’’ part is the 
same ‘‘I am’’ for you and me

---In,  wrote :

 But CC really isn't enlightenment, it's just 'glorified ignorance' as M said. 
You get inner wakefulness and silence along with a deluded mind. So this paper 
is not about enlightened people. It's about people who have a certain degree of 
opening to spiritual experience, but far short of the goal. Fred's problem is 
he does not have access to currently used state-of-the-art equipment in the 
study of consciousness, and even if he did, he probably would not be allowed by 
the TMO to use it (fMRI for example), and he is probably under some other 
research restrictions as well, as he likely would be booted if he published any 
negative results. 

 Fred: 'The experience of Transcendental Consciousness transcends language and 
provides a platform for experiencing the world more with re[s]pect to inner 
abstract structures and less with respect to outer, changing concrete objects. 
This experience of Transcendental Consciousness is not a luxury and should not 
be isolated to a few individuals transcending during meditation practice. 
Rather, the experience of Transcendental Consciousness should be available to 
everyone to allow them to realize their full human birthright.'

 He did not even mention CC in his conclusion (above) either.

---In,  wrote :

 Fred Travis published research on enlightened people. 

 This review paper looks at the research:

 Transcendental experiences during meditation practice - Travis - 2013 - Annals 
of the New York Academy of Sciences - Wiley Online Library 
 Transcendental experiences during meditation practice - Travis - 2013 - Annals 
of the New Yor... 1 
Shear, J. 2006. The Experience of Meditation: Experts Introduce the Major 
Traditions. Princeton, NJ: The Infinity Foundation. 2 Travis, F. & J. Shear.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



 Fred is doing new research on people in CC and will be using more 
sophisticated EEG analysis, and possibly other measures as well.






Re: [FairfieldLife] Tinfoil hat time!

2014-10-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I  believe there is a blood test for ebola. 


---In,  wrote :

 The key word in this quiz is "MIGHT" have ebola.
 We don't know who has the ebola virus, you can't screen for it - until they 
show symptoms of being infected. And, you can't get the ebola virus from 
someone who shows no symptoms. The real problem is that it is the immediate 
family members that most often becomes infected when the symptoms do show up, 
and that's when the whole family gets exposed and then infected -  and from 
there it's an exponential pandemic spreading around.
 On 10/1/2014 11:31 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]"
 Sent: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 6:17 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Tinfoil hat time!
 Richard sounds really scared!  Go figger.
 On 10/01/2014 04:30 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Richard, conspiracy, terrorism or neither, we now have Patient Zero in the 
US. Forget Alaska! Yahoo had the following article on page 1 this morning:
 Topten things you need to do NOW to protect yourself from an uncontrolled 
Ebola outbreak

 Top ten things you need to do NOW to protect yourself fr... Top ten things you 
need to do NOW to protect yourself from an uncontrolled Ebola outbreak

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


 On Tuesday, September 30, 2014 11:15 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... 
mailto:punditster@... [FairfieldLife]" wrote:
 On 9/30/2014 7:46 PM, Share Long sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Bhairitu,I never thought of PTSD in the context of such events. But of 
course it makes perfect sense. Plus, spin meisters can use any situation, such 
as the ebola outbreak, to engender fear in people.

 The current Ebola "conspiracy" story is probably being perpetrated by the same 
group that spun the 9/11 WTC conspiracy story. But, if the WTC was a 
conspiracy, then the Ebola conspiracy may be true as well, in which case we 
should probably move to Alaska where there are no people or tall buildings.

 On Tuesday, September 30, 2014 10:48 AM, "Bhairitu noozguru@... 
mailto:noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" wrote:
 To me 9-11 appears to be the first "Shock and Awe" operation for the "endless 
war" campaign.  It gave much of the public PTSD.  Recently I witnessed a much 
smaller version of that with the recent earthquake we had here.  People were 
"out-of-sorts" for days.
 I'm amused at the reactions I'm getting here and after all you started this 
this thread.  :-D 








Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My take on "Waking Up" by Sam Harris

2014-10-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Witnessing sleep isn't directly correlated with "wandering mind.:" 

 The EEG pattern and general location of active brain centers during pure 
consciousness is similar to normal mind wandering except the EEG is a bit 
slower, far more coherent and the power in the EEG frequencies that are 
associated with active thinking and perception are lower.

 As Maharishi sez, the mind has been allowed to wander towards its level of 
least excitation.




---In,  wrote :

 Turquoise said: "...And someone should add that "witnessing sleep" may not 
mean shit.  ... Such as that there is a subset of patients who complain that 
they "Never fall asleep." ... When hooked up to machines to monitor their 
physiology during sleep, these folks *are*, in fact, experiencing all of the 
classic cycles of sleep, along with their accompanying REM or lack of REM 

 Of the four stages of Non-REM sleep, in Stage 1, upon wakening, one may feel 
as if he or she has not slept. In Stage 2, muscles relax, we lose consciousness 
of the environment, etc as a preparation for deep sleep. This is not yet deep 
sleep and a sense of inner wakefulness in Stage 2 is more likely than in deep 

 Stages 3 and 4 are the deep sleep states. However, as we age, Stages 3 and 4 
become less, often significantly. 

 Stage 1 and 2 of Non REM sleep are more conducive of the experience of being 
awake / conscious (though not necessarily of the environment). Those past 50  
and / or with sleep disorders that reduce or eliminate stage 3 and 4 stage non 
REM sleep may be more likely to experience "witnessing sleep". 

 Reduction or elimination of Stage 3 and 4 Non REM sleep is not a good thing. A 
strong Stage 3 and 4 sleep architecture is important for many sleep and waking 
functions. Lack of sleep (not exclusively stage 3 and 4, however, however weak 
stage 3 and 4 negatively affect other sleep stages) contributes to lower 
proficiency in most cognitive functions, including memory consolidation and 
working memory. Working memory is a highly critical factor in intelligence and 
performance across a wide span of activities. Lack of adequate sleep also 
contributes to attention disorders, including the tendency of the mind to 
wander, not being able to sustain attention on a focussed task. 

 Sparaig points out that the study shows positive correlation of witnessing 
sleep with wandering mind -- which raises the question of whether (one of many 
possible hypotheses and models ) the states experienced by the subjects are due 
to reduced quality of sleep (poor stage 3 and 4 sleep architectured) resulting 
in attention deficits, reduced working memory capacity, and subsequent 
reduction of applied intelligence .  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My take on "Waking Up" by Sam Harris

2014-10-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The subjects self-reported having pure consciousness at all times, including 
witnessing sleep, as i understand it. 

 And the measures included EEG, not just interview questions.


---In,  wrote :

 Lenglish" " I should also add that the criteria for being included in the 
studies that Fred did was having witnessing sleep for a year."

 What was the measurement / validation criteria for witnessing sleep?

 The validity and usefulness of the studies findings correlate with the degree 
of "witnessing sleep" validation, with simply self-reporting being on the low 
end of the scale. 

 Problems with self-reporting are extensive.  Among them, words and concepts 
mean different things to different people. Two people have the same experience 
may rate themselves differently (Yes vs No) due to differences in how they 
interpret "witnessing sleep". Second, in a sub-culture that places value and 
status on witnessing sleep, a "me too", "look at me" phenomenon may arise when 
asked if one witnesses sleep. Third, related to the above, may be wish 
fulfillment -- the mind takes strands of experience that may relate to 
witnessing sleep and weaves a satisfying interpretation such that one actual 
believes they are witnessing sleep when in fact they are not. Fourth, subjects 
often try to please researchers  telling them what they think the researchers 
want to hear. Many other weaknesses.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My take on "Waking Up" by Sam Harris

2014-10-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Did you miss that this was a review paper, not a study? 

 and the very definition of CC is "the integration of transcendental 
experiences with waking, dreaming, and sleeping" so the fact that he doesn't 
use CC should be taken that he is talking to a mainstream audience, rather than 
some group of TMers.




---In,  wrote :

 The discussion is the conclusion, the typical end of any scientific paper. If 
this section is missing, what was the point of the paper? This part of the 
paper tells the reader what the researcher considers the conclusion drawn from 
the results of the study, often suggesting further lines of research etc.  The 
words 'cosmic consciousness' nor its abbreviation 'CC' does not appear in this 
summing up of the research, though these terms appear appears prominently 
earlier in the paper; the abbreviation CC does not appear in the paper. That is 
rather curious. For the reader not familiar with this terminology, the 
connexion might not be drawn. I have had awareness during sleep as the result 
of medications (a long time ago), awareness during sleep might have other 
causes, so I think Fred down peddled the result in not making more of it at the 
end. While awareness during sleep is a common phenomenon in spiritual 
traditions it is so far not a standard way of describing consciousness in 
scientific circles. Perhaps Fred is not trying to push the envelope here. But 
not re-mentioning CC as one of the points of the paper and only mentioning it 
as an 'integration of transcendental experiences' kind of dilutes the effect of 
states of consciousness he seems to be promoting in the paper.

 I do not consider any of the states of consciousness as states of 
consciousness. Consciousness is mysterious and it is integral, always the same, 
Fred is describing states of the mind, which seem to be the results of the 
functioning of the brain. Consciousness, while we all know it is there, has no 
scientific definition, and you cannot define states of something which is 
undefined. Consciousness is the one undefined and undefinable value of human 
experience, and I think it will remain outside the purview of research. But we 
will find out a lot about the brain and its functioning. What Fred is 
researching is the contents of consciousness, the variable aspects of 
experience. If consciousness is absolute, it cannot have variable states. The 
nature of absolute does not really come into experience clearly until BC; until 
then you have 'reflections' of various states of mind in consciousness. And as 
I said, Fred probably has his hands tied, since at least while at MUM under the 
eye of the TMO, he cannot come to too many conclusions that contradict movement 

 All the research you cite is a prequel to CC, mostly a foretelling of CC, 
hinting at CC, so it does not have much relevance to enlightenment, as even UC 
is unfinished business in the enlightenment realm. And once that business is 
over, everything is back where you started. Much Ado about Nothing. There have 
been people who have gone from WC to BC in a flash, so all the intermediate 
stuff is technically not necessary because enlightenment does not reveal 
anything that was not already present in WC, although in practice one seems to 
need to 'do stuff' to come to realisation. All that that happens is certain 
mistaken thoughts we have about life, go away, finally. And then life goes on, 
as it always had.

 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 9:49 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My take on "Waking Up" by Sam Harris
   "He did not even mention CC in his conclusion (above) either."


Er, talk about selective quoting. There's no conclusion section, but the 
discussion section, which you only partially quote, actually starts out talking 
about the integration of transcendental experiences with waking, dreaming and 
sleeping (CC). To suggest that he doesn't mention it when its the first line of 
the first paragraph, is, well, overtly deceptive: 


 Brain patterns that defined transcendental experiences during TM practice and 
the integration of transcendental experiences with waking, dreaming, and 
sleeping were mainly found in frontal brain areas. This suggests that frontal 
circuits may play a critical role in transcendental experiences and the growth 
of higher states of consciousness. These states could be called higher states 
in that (1) the subject/object relationship is different in these states 
compared to waking, sleeping, and dreaming; (2) the sense of self is more 
expanded in these states; and (3) the physiological patterns are distinct from 
those during waking, dreaming, and sleeping.

 The development of higher states may be an extension of the developmental 
trajectory that began as a toddler and continued into adulthood, supporting the 
emergence of adult abstract reas

[FairfieldLife] Research on Cosmic Consciousness... more detail

2014-10-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The criteria the Fred used to find his subjects in CC was that they had to have 
continuous integration of transcendental experiences (TE) with waking and 
sleeping for at least 1 year.  The "Cont-TE" group. 

 Two other groups were chosen as well: people who intended to learn TM but had 
not yet started and had rare (less than 1 per year -the "Rare-TE" group) 
transcendental experiences, and people who had been practicing TM for a while, 
but did not report frequent transcendental experiences outside of meditation 
(between 1 and 10 TE per year -the "Occas-TE" group).

  A semi-structured interview and two measures of TE were used to substantiate 
subjects’ self-reports of inner experiences. 

  The two measures had been developed by non-TMers to measure frequency of 
transcendental experiences in the general population: Hood’s M-Scale from 
[Hood, R.W., 1975. The construction and preliminary validation of a measure of 
reported mystical experience. Journal of Scientific Study Religion 14, 29-41] 
and Baruss’s Physical-Transcendent Scale from [Baruss, E., Moore, R.J., 1992. 
Measurement of beliefs about consciousness and reality. Psychology Reports 71, 

 Group means for M-Scale were: 
 Rare-TE:/18.19 +/-6.47; 
 Occas-TE:/39.59 +/-3.15; 
 Cont-TE:/60.79 +/-0.61. 

 Group means for the Physical-Transcendent Scale were: 
 Rare-TE:/35.79 +/-5.21; 
 Occas-TE:/61.49 +/-4.71; 
 Cont-TE:/84.19 +/-2.96. 


 Various EEG and other physical measures were done as well as interview 




 The results were reported in two different papers:













Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Research on Cosmic Consciousness... more detail

2014-10-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Maharishi suggested that the question "where does the 'enlightened man' go when 
he dies?" is simply a misunderstanding. 

 Once Self is realized, there is no "going."


 Unity is where this situation is directly perceived, but even for someone in 
CC, the question no longer makes sense, as you suggest.


 Also, while the research papers don't make it clear, I'm told that people who 
report witnessing sleep also report Witnessing during anesthesia as well.



---In,  wrote :

 On 10/3/2014 10:12 AM, fleetwood_macncheese@... 
mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   BINGO!!! Yes, it is our eternal self, that lives beyond time and space.

 Some more minor comments: 
 According to MMY, the "Self" is eternal and transcendental to time and space; 
the "self" lives inside time and space and the senses. The individual self is 
an appearance only - a product of the senses. If appearances derived through 
one sensory channel appear contradictory, it is natural to appeal to other 
senses for corroboration. The question is, how do we decide between conflicting 
 The transcendentalists who arranged the Upanishads agree that we must 
transcend the world of sense perception in order to know and understand the 
world of perception. They all agreed that the indescribable material world is 
of a self-contradictory nature and that if you want to remove the 
contradictions you have to transcend the world.
 Otherwise, a person is just using common sense: thinking that the world of 
objects is the only existence, that there is nothing beyond or transcendental 
to the senses. 
 mailto:martyboi@... wrote :
 I'm not sure what CC is, but if it includes witnessing sleep I don't think any 
physiological state could stop it.

  I think it should continue under anesthesia or even drunkenness. Should 
continue, even when the body "drops" too.  


[FairfieldLife] Re: Research on Cosmic Consciousness... more detail

2014-10-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
In order for perception to be perception, there must be a physical nervous 

 Even for universal consciousness to be "aware of" things (even of Itself), 
there must be structure --some kind of physiology, even if it is "made of" 
Universal Consciousness with no defining characteristics besides being 
Universal Consciousness.

 Recall though, that Maharishi's words were that "wholeness of life" comes to 
be appreciated when the nervous system "takes on a certain form" (from memory).

 The wholeness of life (brahm) exists whether we appreciate it or not.

 Our appreciation of this wholeness without duality is _samadhi_ and _samadhi_ 
can occur *because* our nervous system has taken on a certain form (supporting 
PC or CC or GC or UC, depending).



---In,  wrote :


 Mac said: 
 "Just as it says in the Gita, about pure consciousness being unable to be 
influenced or destroyed, yes, the witness of pure awareness, continues, through 
any permutation of awareness the mind is in - sleep, dreaming, intoxicated, 

 "BINGO!!! Yes, it is our eternal self, that lives beyond time and space."


 What is the role of the brain in Samadhi and higher states? Sparaig recently 
quoted MMY:  
 "Every experience has its level of physiology, and so unbounded awareness has 
its own level of physiology which can be measured. … Everything is physical. 
Consciousness is the product of the functioning of the brain."

 This implies or opens the door to a model that Samadhi and higher states are 
achieved via neuroplasticity of the brain -- "culturing" and "refining" it in 
ways as to enable Samadhi, eventually on permanent basis. That is, the brain is 
"optimized" via new neural connections, long-term potentiation (persistent 
increase in synaptic strength following high-frequency stimulation of a 
chemical synapse) across existing neural pathways, changes in activation 
potential of long cascades of neurons, modification of mix, availability and 
persistence of neurotransmitters (NT), changes in NT receptors, etc. Which is a 
fascinating prospect.

 And might imply a genetic propensity towards Samadhi in some populations or 
families relative to others. That is, while everyone could culture Samadhi via 
systematic neuroplasticity methods, some may have a genetic head start -- the 
brain is already has some requisite pre-wiring.  

 However, if Samadhi is brain dependent, then established Samadhi would not be 
sustained upon death of the body.  And may not persevere with large changes to 
brain chemistry or structural changes from accidents or disease such as 

 And cessation of Samadhi at death would be inconsistent with significant 
portions of traditional literature, which in turn would then tend to place all 
statements in traditional literature in question.

 On the other hand, if Samadhi is not brain dependent, then what are 
physiological / brain research on meditation / yoga measuring? And why would 
the body or brain matter in modalities to culture Samadhi?  

 These questions keep me awake at night.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

2014-10-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Having a conversation about TM right now with a friend in Brazil. 

 The point I made to him seems relevant.


 TM has two ways of affecting people (hopefully for the good):

 1) rest during TM may make some condition better;

 2) the growing stability of the relaxed EEG trait outside of TM may tend to 
slow the progression of some problem.


 If a person's problems aren't affected in any way by the above, then there's 
no obvious way that TM would help their specific problem, personality or 



---In,  wrote :

 You make good points, although TM folks haven’t been persecuted the way Jews 
have, so anti-semitism is a touchier issue, as racism would be too. As with all 
such things, there’s no clear-cut demarkation. No absolute right or wrong. Hard 
to judge wisely, especially with my drive-by style of moderating. But again to 
your point, imagine a White Supremacist were in here spewing outrageous 
nastiness on a regular basis. I think most all would agree that he should be 
banned. So it’s a matter of degree, and when someone moves a bit too far in 
that direction, in my opinion, he should be warned and if he ignores the 
warning, banned.
 From: [] On 
Behalf Of Duveyoung
Sent: Friday, October 3, 2014 11:36 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Rick: about your rule

 H, Rick -- not sure but seems to me there's been plenty of anti-religion 
to go around -- not just against the Jews.  If someone says TM is of the devil 
etc. with ALL CAPS etcwill you give equal warnings?

Free speech allows the negativity addicts to expose themselves for what they 
are, see?  

Don't get me wrongly -- I'd toss out about half of the folks posting here 
regularly for their vile trolling and personal attacks.  But that's just me as 
if it were Edg's Party.

If you were throwing an actual real world party and these folks showed up, I'd 
never come to one of your parties again.  But now that they're here, lemonade 
can be made by pointing out that these broken psyches were never helped by TM 
-- a strong warning to any who are being sucked into the promised-heavens.  

Imagine if you'd attended a 1st lecture and Nabby and Willy were there saying, 
"I'm a long time TMer!" -- would you have started?  Ugh, huh?  Oh, maybe YOU 
would, but not meI'd judge the technique by the results.

Of course, if your party were "the ideal conversation pit" with everyone being 
civil, informed, logical -- I wouldn't be allowed, because I love to scream.  


[FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco

2014-10-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Many people like to bash TM, and want to prevent its use anywhere for any 

 And yet...

 This opinion piece came out in January of this year:


 Meditation transforms roughest San Francisco schools 



 The company whose data is cited proudly talks about it:



 When certain people claim that any ole meditation can do the same, and 
probably better, and then work to make sure that TM can't be used in any public 
school, one has to wonder about them, just a tad...



[FairfieldLife] David Lynch: BULL****!!!

2014-10-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
David Lynch: Transcendental Meditation Helps Schools // SiriusXM 
 David Lynch: Transcendental Meditation Helps Schools // ... Sign Up for a Free SiriusXM Trial: Connect with SiriusXM Online Visit the SiriusXM 
Website: Follow Si...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco

2014-10-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The oped and research are from January of this year. Are you saying that TM was 
banned from Visitacion Valley Middle School AFTER it was found to be the 
happiest school in San Francisco? 

 BTW, if TM is just so plain awful, what is your explanation for the survey 

 Ongoing indoctrination via the 15 minutes morning and evening Quiet Time 



---In,  wrote :

 that was before they got kicked out of two or three schools in SF - I have 
been in touch recently with the lady who spearheaded the effort to get them 
booted - she shared with me some of the Movement's skullduggery on all fronts 
there - maybe I'll share it when I get time one day.


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, October 3, 2014 4:31 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco
   Many people like to bash TM, and want to prevent its use anywhere for any 

 And yet...

 This opinion piece came out in January of this year:


 Meditation transforms roughest San Francisco schools 



 The company whose data is cited proudly talks about it:



 When certain people claim that any ole meditation can do the same, and 
probably better, and then work to make sure that TM can't be used in any public 
school, one has to wonder about them, just a tad...





Re: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco

2014-10-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Your logic is STILL weak. 


 It is possible, that for SOME people, TM is counter-indicated, for example, 
with "relaxation induced anxiety" -but that can happen with any relaxation 
practice, not just TM.

 Other groups might be counter-indicated as well, but there's no peer-reviewed 
research showing just which groups to worry about.

 Even with the statistics provided, that there is a 2x greater chance of a TMer 
committing suicide in Fairfield, than in the general population, that isn't 
saying as much as you suggest.

 In the article I cited earlier, 1 or 2 people every 2 years were found to have 
serous problems from long-periods of meditation at a single yoga retreat which 
housed 90 people or thereabouts.

 The 3000 TMers all presumably practice TM far more than the average outside of 
Fairfield, but that's 30x as many people as on that yogic retreat, and the 
statistic was from 6 years, not 2.


 Even on the most notorious TM retreat in history, where the Beatles stayed, 
there were no reported deaths or burnouts, despite having dozens, if not 
hundreds, of reporters hanging around to catch all the gossip.

 Mia Farrow went on to a 45+ year career as a TM teacher, + getting a PhD in 
Sanskrit from UC Berkley, and the Beatles wrote a song about how she meditated 
too much while they were there.



---In,  wrote :

 ask the TM'ers who get so mentally/emotionally screwed up they want to commit 


 From: "Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 11:35 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco
   MJ, as Mr. Spock might say, "Your logic is weak." For your last sentence one 
could substitute breathing for TM: if breathing is so good, why are so many 
breather's lives so screwed up?

 And OTOH, if TM is supposedly so bad, why is it good for so many people, 
including people who have suffered great traumas?


 On Saturday, October 4, 2014 6:11 AM, "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

 I didn't say it was banned from Visticon Valley - there were at least 2 
schools where TM was booted this year, after January. You are obsessed with and 
inordinately charmed by any "research" coming from the Movement. I am not, 
especially since most of it upon anything more than a cursory examination 
proves to be either bogus or deeply flawed. If  TM is so good, why are so many 
TM'ers lives so screwed up? 


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 2:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco
   The oped and research are from January of this year. Are you saying that TM 
was banned from Visitacion Valley Middle School AFTER it was found to be the 
happiest school in San Francisco?

 BTW, if TM is just so plain awful, what is your explanation for the survey 

 Ongoing indoctrination via the 15 minutes morning and evening Quiet Time 



---In,  wrote :

 that was before they got kicked out of two or three schools in SF - I have 
been in touch recently with the lady who spearheaded the effort to get them 
booted - she shared with me some of the Movement's skullduggery on all fronts 
there - maybe I'll share it when I get time one day.


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, October 3, 2014 4:31 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco
   Many people like to bash TM, and want to prevent its use anywhere for any 

 And yet...

 This opinion piece came out in January of this year:


 Meditation transforms roughest San Francisco schools 



 The company whose data is cited proudly talks about it:



 When certain people claim that any ole meditation can do the same, and 
probably better, and then work to make sure that TM can't be used in any public 
school, one has to wonder about them, just a tad...









Re: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco

2014-10-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]
TM was "booted?" Or do you mean that teh program never actually started? 

 The DLF has limited funds and will quite cheerfully go to the next school on 
the list (Rio de Janeiro put all 1000 of its schools on the list a few years 
ago) rather than fight.


---In,  wrote :

 I didn't say it was banned from Visticon Valley - there were at least 2 
schools where TM was booted this year, after January. You are obsessed with and 
inordinately charmed by any "research" coming from the Movement. I am not, 
especially since most of it upon anything more than a cursory examination 
proves to be either bogus or deeply flawed. If  TM is so good, why are so many 
TM'ers lives so screwed up? 


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 2:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco
   The oped and research are from January of this year. Are you saying that TM 
was banned from Visitacion Valley Middle School AFTER it was found to be the 
happiest school in San Francisco?

 BTW, if TM is just so plain awful, what is your explanation for the survey 

 Ongoing indoctrination via the 15 minutes morning and evening Quiet Time 



---In,  wrote :

 that was before they got kicked out of two or three schools in SF - I have 
been in touch recently with the lady who spearheaded the effort to get them 
booted - she shared with me some of the Movement's skullduggery on all fronts 
there - maybe I'll share it when I get time one day.


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, October 3, 2014 4:31 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco
   Many people like to bash TM, and want to prevent its use anywhere for any 

 And yet...

 This opinion piece came out in January of this year:


 Meditation transforms roughest San Francisco schools 



 The company whose data is cited proudly talks about it:



 When certain people claim that any ole meditation can do the same, and 
probably better, and then work to make sure that TM can't be used in any public 
school, one has to wonder about them, just a tad...






[FairfieldLife] Re: Research on Cosmic Consciousness... more detail

2014-10-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]
To summarize (and probably oversimplify) Fred's research: 

 Samadhi is where a healthy brain is not doing anything, but is still alert. In 
more detail, during PC during TM, the connectivity of the default mode network 
(the part of the brain that activates when you're not trying to DO something) 
becomes very enhanced, while the "doing" aspect of the activity of the brain 
becomes less.

 This has the effect of enhancing connectivity between the parts of the brain 
that have to do with "sense of self."

 Along with this, the person's reaction to stressful situations becomes less 

 Outside of meditation, as these connections become stronger, the meditator 
starts to notice the emergence of a strong, uninvolved sense of self. As these 
connections become even stronger, the sense of self becomes permanent in the 
sense that it is present at all times, whether waking, dreaming or sleeping.

 By this point, one no longer sees temporary things like beliefs and emotions 
as being the "true" self.

 Along with this, the person's reaction to stressful situations becomes less 


 As the connections become even stronger, the person's reaction to stressful 
situations becomes less intense.

  Rinse and repeat.


 GC and UC seem to be enhancements of this situation but don't just involve 
connections within the frontal lobes, but with the rest of the brain as well. 
In UC, I'm guessing, not only are the connections very strong bertween the 
frontal lobes (sense of self) and the rest of the brain, but the "doing"  
aspect of electrical activity of the brain has become very much a harmonic 
sitting on top of the "sense of self" lower alpha frequencies.

 In a very real, physical, measurable, sense, all perception and activity are 
now harmonic fluctuations of the "sense of self" highly coherent alpha EEG.

 Everything is simply fluctuations of Self, as MMY says.



---In,  wrote :

 There does appear to be a physiological correlate to Samahdi, and the 
permanent witnessing, though it must be more comprehensive than anything 
western medicine recognizes, because the effect perpetuates, in an unaltered 
state, no matter what the relative awareness is doing. There are other side 
effects, too, as I seem to be getting *younger*, and stronger, as the years go 
by. Several people have remarked on the difference.

---In,  wrote :


 Mac said: 
 "Just as it says in the Gita, about pure consciousness being unable to be 
influenced or destroyed, yes, the witness of pure awareness, continues, through 
any permutation of awareness the mind is in - sleep, dreaming, intoxicated, 

 "BINGO!!! Yes, it is our eternal self, that lives beyond time and space."


 What is the role of the brain in Samadhi and higher states? Sparaig recently 
quoted MMY:  
 "Every experience has its level of physiology, and so unbounded awareness has 
its own level of physiology which can be measured. … Everything is physical. 
Consciousness is the product of the functioning of the brain."

 This implies or opens the door to a model that Samadhi and higher states are 
achieved via neuroplasticity of the brain -- "culturing" and "refining" it in 
ways as to enable Samadhi, eventually on permanent basis. That is, the brain is 
"optimized" via new neural connections, long-term potentiation (persistent 
increase in synaptic strength following high-frequency stimulation of a 
chemical synapse) across existing neural pathways, changes in activation 
potential of long cascades of neurons, modification of mix, availability and 
persistence of neurotransmitters (NT), changes in NT receptors, etc. Which is a 
fascinating prospect.

 And might imply a genetic propensity towards Samadhi in some populations or 
families relative to others. That is, while everyone could culture Samadhi via 
systematic neuroplasticity methods, some may have a genetic head start -- the 
brain is already has some requisite pre-wiring.  

 However, if Samadhi is brain dependent, then established Samadhi would not be 
sustained upon death of the body.  And may not persevere with large changes to 
brain chemistry or structural changes from accidents or disease such as 

 And cessation of Samadhi at death would be inconsistent with significant 
portions of traditional literature, which in turn would then tend to place all 
statements in traditional literature in question.

 On the other hand, if Samadhi is not brain dependent, then what are 
physiological / brain research on meditation / yoga measuring? And why would 
the body or brain matter in modalities to culture Samadhi?  

 These questions keep me awake at night.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco

2014-10-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]
How would the DLF QUiet Time program "steal furniture?" 

 A regular school teacher already employed by the school learns to ring a bell 
at the start and end of the Quiet TIme period. TM teachers don't teach at Quiet 
Time schools, but at the local TM center or at someone's home. Checking is also 
done at someone's home or at the local TM center. QT is just that 15 minutes at 
the start and end of the school day where students are told to sit quietly and 
not talk to each other.

 What opportunity would anyone from teh DLF or the local group that manages the 
quiet time program have to walk off with furniture?

 Why would they do so in the first place?

 [visions of aTM teacher ending his or her non-existent presnce for 15 minutes 
by grabbing a desk that a student is sitting in and running with it to the 
parking lot]
Someone is having fun with you, I suspect.


---In,  wrote :

 they did get kicked out of two schools in the same district - when I get time 
I'll tell you which ones if you like - they stole some furniture according to 
someone I know at one school too - yeah let 'em sue me for slander and libel 
over that!


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 1:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco
   TM was "booted?" Or do you mean that teh program never actually started?

 The DLF has limited funds and will quite cheerfully go to the next school on 
the list (Rio de Janeiro put all 1000 of its schools on the list a few years 
ago) rather than fight.


---In,  wrote :

 I didn't say it was banned from Visticon Valley - there were at least 2 
schools where TM was booted this year, after January. You are obsessed with and 
inordinately charmed by any "research" coming from the Movement. I am not, 
especially since most of it upon anything more than a cursory examination 
proves to be either bogus or deeply flawed. If  TM is so good, why are so many 
TM'ers lives so screwed up? 


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 2:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco
   The oped and research are from January of this year. Are you saying that TM 
was banned from Visitacion Valley Middle School AFTER it was found to be the 
happiest school in San Francisco?

 BTW, if TM is just so plain awful, what is your explanation for the survey 

 Ongoing indoctrination via the 15 minutes morning and evening Quiet Time 



---In,  wrote :

 that was before they got kicked out of two or three schools in SF - I have 
been in touch recently with the lady who spearheaded the effort to get them 
booted - she shared with me some of the Movement's skullduggery on all fronts 
there - maybe I'll share it when I get time one day.


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, October 3, 2014 4:31 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco
   Many people like to bash TM, and want to prevent its use anywhere for any 

 And yet...

 This opinion piece came out in January of this year:


 Meditation transforms roughest San Francisco schools 



 The company whose data is cited proudly talks about it:



 When certain people claim that any ole meditation can do the same, and 
probably better, and then work to make sure that TM can't be used in any public 
school, one has to wonder about them, just a tad...







Re: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco

2014-10-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]
That's radically different than the QT descriptions I have read about. 

 Do you have proof of this besides what you heard someone say someone 
complained about?



---In,  wrote :

 your assertions on this point are all incorrect - there were TM teachers at at 
least one school everyday. The pujas were done on site and that was one of the 
problems. When the TM'ers moved in, they had their own mail slot in the office 
of the school, and they requested new couches in their room, a room mind you 
that they completely papered over, all doors and windows covered with opaque 
paper so no one could see in. 


 They got the couches and when after a few months this lady and her supporters 
got their asses kicked out, the day after they left, school personnel went into 
the room to unpaper it - correct they didn't even bother to take it down - and 
lo and behold the new couches were gone.

 Now in the interest of fairness,  maybe the school principle had gifted the 
couches to the TM'ers and maybe the TM'ers having had their brains all turned 
to mush from too many years of doing TMSP just THOUGHT the couches belonged to 
them and it was an honest mistake. I don't know but the couches were gone. 


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 2:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco
   How would the DLF QUiet Time program "steal furniture?"

 A regular school teacher already employed by the school learns to ring a bell 
at the start and end of the Quiet TIme period. TM teachers don't teach at Quiet 
Time schools, but at the local TM center or at someone's home. Checking is also 
done at someone's home or at the local TM center. QT is just that 15 minutes at 
the start and end of the school day where students are told to sit quietly and 
not talk to each other.

 What opportunity would anyone from teh DLF or the local group that manages the 
quiet time program have to walk off with furniture?

 Why would they do so in the first place?

 [visions of aTM teacher ending his or her non-existent presnce for 15 minutes 
by grabbing a desk that a student is sitting in and running with it to the 
parking lot]
Someone is having fun with you, I suspect.


---In,  wrote :

 they did get kicked out of two schools in the same district - when I get time 
I'll tell you which ones if you like - they stole some furniture according to 
someone I know at one school too - yeah let 'em sue me for slander and libel 
over that!


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 1:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco
   TM was "booted?" Or do you mean that teh program never actually started?

 The DLF has limited funds and will quite cheerfully go to the next school on 
the list (Rio de Janeiro put all 1000 of its schools on the list a few years 
ago) rather than fight.


---In,  wrote :

 I didn't say it was banned from Visticon Valley - there were at least 2 
schools where TM was booted this year, after January. You are obsessed with and 
inordinately charmed by any "research" coming from the Movement. I am not, 
especially since most of it upon anything more than a cursory examination 
proves to be either bogus or deeply flawed. If  TM is so good, why are so many 
TM'ers lives so screwed up? 


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2014 2:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco
   The oped and research are from January of this year. Are you saying that TM 
was banned from Visitacion Valley Middle School AFTER it was found to be the 
happiest school in San Francisco?

 BTW, if TM is just so plain awful, what is your explanation for the survey 

 Ongoing indoctrination via the 15 minutes morning and evening Quiet Time 



---In,  wrote :

 that was before they got kicked out of two or three schools in SF - I have 
been in touch recently with the lady who spearheaded the effort to get them 
booted - she shared with me some of the Movement's skullduggery on all fronts 
there - maybe I'll share it when I get time one day.


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, October 3, 2014 4:31 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco
   Many people like to bash TM, and want to prevent its use anywhere for any 

 And yet...

 This opinion piece came out in January of this year:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Confusion about Samâdhi and Liberation

2014-10-05 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Perhaps I've misunderstood, perhaps you have, or perhaps Shankara is simply 



---In,  wrote :


 Lawson sez:
 L: In order for perception to be perception, there must be a physical nervous 
 This is contradicted by the Vedanta and Yoga darshana-s, which both assert the 
casual priority of the subtle body (sukhma sharira). That means there is 
preservation and continuity of a subtle nervous system of prana-nadis in a 
subtle body in the subtle realms. 
 L: Even for universal consciousness to be "aware of" things (even of Itself), 
there must be structure -- some kind of physiology, even if it is "made of" 
Universal Consciousness with no defining characteristics besides being 
Universal Consciousness. 
 L: aware of” things (even of itself) 
 Shankara follows the Upanishads in defining the Self as self-luminous 
(svayamjyotish) & (âtmâ svayam chaitanya jyotis.svabhâvatâ). “Seeing” is the 
very nature of the Self. It does not require another luminosity to manifest it 
- any more than the Sun requires another light to illuminate it. It is 
awareness itself and doesn’t require reflexivity to make it evident. 
 L: … with no defining characteristics 
 This means no structure whatsoever and therefore no possible distinction 
between perceiver, perception and perceived. That means there can be no 
functioning  physiology which can produce any experience at all. 
 L: Our appreciation of this wholeness without duality is Samadhi  and  Samadhi 
 can occur *because* our nervous system has taken on a certain form (supporting 
PC or CC or GC or UC, depending).
 Shankara never says realization of Brahman (Brahmajñâna) or the Self (Atman) 
depends upon or is associated with the cultivation of nirvikalpa samâdhi 
(non-conceptual absorption) in meditative union. In fact, he denies that yogic 
cessation or suspension of mental activity (citta.vritti.nirodha) is or can be 
a means to liberation/moksha. (Brhadaranyaka Upanishad Bhasya 1.4.7)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Research on Cosmic Consciousness... more detail

2014-10-05 Thread [FairfieldLife]
CC doesn't depend on awareness of the outside world, only on self-awareness. 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 Does "cosmic" consciousness still work when you are under an anaesthetic?

 I'm guessing not. 

The jury may be out on this one, because of a somewhat scary phenomenon called 
"anesthesia awareness." (

 Sounds hideous, but I think that in order to be sure we should get a volunteer 
in claimed "cosmic" cosnciousness to go under the knife. Just for the science 
of course...












[FairfieldLife] Re: Confusion about Samâdhi and Liberation

2014-10-05 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Do you mean this? 

 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Shankara Bhashya translated by Swami Madhavananda
 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Shankara Bhashya translated by Swami Madhavananda
 Internet Archive BookReader - Brihadaranyaka Upanishad - Shankara Bhashya 
translated by Swami Madhavananda The BookReader requires JavaScript to be 
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

 And the definition of "physical" in Shankara's time, and "physical" these days 
is radically different.






---In,  wrote :


 Lawson sez:
 L: In order for perception to be perception, there must be a physical nervous 
 This is contradicted by the Vedanta and Yoga darshana-s, which both assert the 
casual priority of the subtle body (sukhma sharira). That means there is 
preservation and continuity of a subtle nervous system of prana-nadis in a 
subtle body in the subtle realms. 
 L: Even for universal consciousness to be "aware of" things (even of Itself), 
there must be structure -- some kind of physiology, even if it is "made of" 
Universal Consciousness with no defining characteristics besides being 
Universal Consciousness. 
 L: aware of” things (even of itself) 
 Shankara follows the Upanishads in defining the Self as self-luminous 
(svayamjyotish) & (âtmâ svayam chaitanya jyotis.svabhâvatâ). “Seeing” is the 
very nature of the Self. It does not require another luminosity to manifest it 
- any more than the Sun requires another light to illuminate it. It is 
awareness itself and doesn’t require reflexivity to make it evident. 
 L: … with no defining characteristics 
 This means no structure whatsoever and therefore no possible distinction 
between perceiver, perception and perceived. That means there can be no 
functioning  physiology which can produce any experience at all. 
 L: Our appreciation of this wholeness without duality is Samadhi  and  Samadhi 
 can occur *because* our nervous system has taken on a certain form (supporting 
PC or CC or GC or UC, depending).
 Shankara never says realization of Brahman (Brahmajñâna) or the Self (Atman) 
depends upon or is associated with the cultivation of nirvikalpa samâdhi 
(non-conceptual absorption) in meditative union. In fact, he denies that yogic 
cessation or suspension of mental activity (citta.vritti.nirodha) is or can be 
a means to liberation/moksha. (Brhadaranyaka Upanishad Bhasya 1.4.7)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Truth -- the bitterness untouched by TM

2014-10-08 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Bankers aren't as invested in war as he thinks. They make MORE money during 
peacetime, these days. 

 Other that that, he's pretty much spot-on, I suspect.



---In,  wrote :

 If you don't agree with every single word of this guy's rant, YOU'RE FUCKED UP 

Ken O'Keefe Dares To Say What Others Do Not
 Ken O'Keefe Dares To Say What Others Do Not Ken O'Keefe, lays it out perfectly 
on dinosaur mainstream media, calling out the fraud. Must see, must share! 

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Truth -- the bitterness untouched by TM

2014-10-08 Thread [FairfieldLife]
He also seems to think that Zionism is the root of all evil. I assume that goes 
back to his paranoia about bankers. 




---In,  wrote :

 If you don't agree with every single word of this guy's rant, YOU'RE FUCKED UP 

Ken O'Keefe Dares To Say What Others Do Not
 Ken O'Keefe Dares To Say What Others Do Not Ken O'Keefe, lays it out perfectly 
on dinosaur mainstream media, calling out the fraud. Must see, must share! 

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Stephen Collins Admits to Molesting Underage Girl

2014-10-08 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Perhaps TM and TMSP DID help him, but TM is an anti-stress practice. There's no 
reason (other than Maharishi's most extreme rhetoric) to assume that, in any 
finite amount of time (at least), it will affect non-stress-related behavioral 
and health-related issues. 


 Now, you can make the case that virtually every dysfunctional behavior is 
stress-related to a certain extent, but obviously in Collin's case, TM and  
TMSP weren't sufficient to change his behavior.

 After 40 years of TM and 30 years of TMSP, I've found that some of my issues 
havent' been handled adequately either.

 OTOH, I've tried western-style therapy and medication for 20 years also, and 
still have problems.



---In,  wrote :

 The thing is, both Collins and the TMO have hyped his practice of TM and TMSP 
as that which keeps him on a even keel in the entertainment world - they make 
big claims for his practice doing all kinds of stuff for him.


 From: "Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 11:01 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Stephen Collins Admits to Molesting Underage Girl
   Michael, certainly I have been exposed to the TMO more than most people. 
I've been in FF for 26 years and lived on campus for the first 14 of those 
years. I earned both an MA in SCI and an MS in psychology from MUM. During that 
time I took relationship workshops because I realized that I needed specific 
knowledge about successfully navigating that often complicated area of life.

 In large part I left campus 12 years ago because I realized that I had 
"issues" and that I needed to deal with them with expert help. Maybe I'm just 
more practical than Stephen Collins! But in almost 40 years, I have only missed 
between 5 and 10 meditations. And that was due to illness or traveling. And 
includes the 7 years when I did not have contact with MUM or the TMO. I did my 
TMSP at home. 


 We don't really know any details about Stephen's TMSP practice. Thus to draw 
conclusions is not really useful.


 I see the TMO as part of a world that is constantly evolving. And recently, I 
see the TMO itself evolving. 


 Take the best and leave the rest!

 On Wednesday, October 8, 2014 9:45 AM, "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Perhaps that TM is a technique that can be of great benefit to some, and, on 
its own, not to others.

 I agree that may be true for some, the problem is that the Old Fraud and his 
organization, the Movement have always make outrageous unsupportable claims for 
the efficacy and benefits of of TM for EVERYONE. This gives people who know 
nothing about TM unreasonable expectations and sets them up for disappointment 
on many levels. 

 If one reads and listens to the hype about TM and TMSP the existence of a 
mental/emotional state that would lead one to be a child molester should not be 
possible in someone who has done TMSP for decades. Yet it happens. If the TMO 
billed TM for what it actually is, instead of what they claim for it, I would 
never say a word. 


 It is the fraud, the lies and the misuse of people that makes the TMO a 
fundamentally corrupt and disgusting organization. 


 And the meditation itself is mediocre - it is not the superlative better than 
any other technique, superior to all others the Movement does and Marshy did 
claim that it is.


 From: "Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 10:18 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Stephen Collins Admits to Molesting Underage Girl
   Good day lurking reporters, yes Stephen Collins, who has molested children, 
has been a TM advocate. So too has Father Gabriel Mejia been a TM advocate. And 
he has rescued hundreds of Columbian street children with TM central to his 

 What reasonable conclusions can be drawn from these opposite stories? Perhaps 
that TM is a technique that can be of great benefit to some, and, on its own, 
not to others.

 From my own experience I'd say that TM is necessary for full psychological 
development. But in some cases, it is not sufficient. Nor is TM sufficient to 
heal a toothache. Or a broken finger. Or a floundering marriage. 


 Again, in my own experience, I'd say TM is perfect for preparing the ground 
for healing. And I think of it as my only spiritual practice. What I do to deal 
with my Attachment Disorder, those I think of as my healing modalities. They 
are complementary to my TM practice. But they could never replace it. 


 On Wednesday, October 8, 2014 2:04 AM, "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

 From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Tuesday, October 7, 2014 9:59 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Stephen Collins Admits to Molesting Underage Girl
   And where ar

Re: [FairfieldLife] Stephen Collins 40 year banana

2014-10-09 Thread [FairfieldLife]
What evidence do you hve the Collins had access to ANY of the kids taught TM 
through the DLF? 

 I've seen no publicity photos of him in schools.


 And how old is Collins?

 When I was 21, I was dating 16-year-olds. Their parents were quite aware of 
our age difference, and were pleased that, immature as I was (to be dating a 
16-year-old at 21) I was still obviously a nice guy, unlike their last 
boyfriend (the fact that her step brother had "gotten her cherry" when they 
were about 12 and ended up marrying the eldest sister (Jack Mormons, what can 
you say?) probably had something to do with relieved attitude that she was 
bringing home a nice boy--me--even if I was too old -at least I wasn't her 
older step-brother, who apparently had eyes on the younger sister also).



---In,  wrote :

 From: "srijau@..." 
   the Stephen Collins incidents are 20 to 40 years ago, so he definitely could 
have grown quite a large banana with TM long since.
Also we don't really know the truth from a therapy session tape, as any man who 
has been married could well imagine what weird things you might say, for 
whatever reason, especially an actor or other creative person, when at odds 
with the aggrieved female mind.


Oh My God. There really IS such a thing as a TM True Believer so lost in his 
Believerism that he's willing to try to distract from child molestation by 
invoking misogyny.

For the record, "srijau," the problem is NOT with how large Stephen Collins' 
banana is, but where he chose to stick it (an underaged girl), and the fact 
that his efforts for the David Lynch Foundation gave him unfettered access to 
hundreds of similarly-aged girls. Even "male minds" should be able to get that. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Stephen Collins 40 year banana

2014-10-09 Thread [FairfieldLife]
OK, reading up on things, he's 8 years older than me, so an incident that 
happened 42 years ago would have made him in his mid-20s. Also, the incident 
was not with a 16-year-old he was dating with parent's knowledge, but with an 

 That's pedaphilia, not merely dating a girl that's too young for him.

 It's interesting that the press is NOT calling it pedaphilia.





---In,  wrote :

 What evidence do you hve the Collins had access to ANY of the kids taught TM 
through the DLF? 

 I've seen no publicity photos of him in schools.


 And how old is Collins?

 When I was 21, I was dating 16-year-olds. Their parents were quite aware of 
our age difference, and were pleased that, immature as I was (to be dating a 
16-year-old at 21) I was still obviously a nice guy, unlike their last 
boyfriend (the fact that her step brother had "gotten her cherry" when they 
were about 12 and ended up marrying the eldest sister (Jack Mormons, what can 
you say?) probably had something to do with relieved attitude that she was 
bringing home a nice boy--me--even if I was too old -at least I wasn't her 
older step-brother, who apparently had eyes on the younger sister also).



---In,  wrote :

 From: "srijau@..." 
   the Stephen Collins incidents are 20 to 40 years ago, so he definitely could 
have grown quite a large banana with TM long since.
Also we don't really know the truth from a therapy session tape, as any man who 
has been married could well imagine what weird things you might say, for 
whatever reason, especially an actor or other creative person, when at odds 
with the aggrieved female mind.


Oh My God. There really IS such a thing as a TM True Believer so lost in his 
Believerism that he's willing to try to distract from child molestation by 
invoking misogyny.

For the record, "srijau," the problem is NOT with how large Stephen Collins' 
banana is, but where he chose to stick it (an underaged girl), and the fact 
that his efforts for the David Lynch Foundation gave him unfettered access to 
hundreds of similarly-aged girls. Even "male minds" should be able to get that. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Stephen Collins 40 year banana

2014-10-09 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 My original point stands, however: I've seen no evidence that he's been 
anywhere near any kid taught TM through the DLF.



---In,  wrote :

 That's what acting like a knee-jerk TM defender will get you, Lawson. You look 
like a complete ass. And not for the first time.

 Congratulations on having destroyed any hint of objectivity and ethics you 
might have ever imagined you had w.r.t. to things TM. 


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, October 9, 2014 10:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Stephen Collins 40 year banana
   OK, reading up on things, he's 8 years older than me, so an incident that 
happened 42 years ago would have made him in his mid-20s. Also, the incident 
was not with a 16-year-old he was dating with parent's knowledge, but with an 

 That's pedaphilia, not merely dating a girl that's too young for him.

 It's interesting that the press is NOT calling it pedaphilia.




 ---In,  wrote :

 What evidence do you hve the Collins had access to ANY of the kids taught TM 
through the DLF? 

 I've seen no publicity photos of him in schools.


 And how old is Collins?

 When I was 21, I was dating 16-year-olds. Their parents were quite aware of 
our age difference, and were pleased that, immature as I was (to be dating a 
16-year-old at 21) I was still obviously a nice guy, unlike their last 
boyfriend (the fact that her step brother had "gotten her cherry" when they 
were about 12 and ended up marrying the eldest sister (Jack Mormons, what can 
you say?) probably had something to do with relieved attitude that she was 
bringing home a nice boy--me--even if I was too old -at least I wasn't her 
older step-brother, who apparently had eyes on the younger sister also).



---In,  wrote :

 From: "srijau@..." 
   the Stephen Collins incidents are 20 to 40 years ago, so he definitely could 
have grown quite a large banana with TM long since.
Also we don't really know the truth from a therapy session tape, as any man who 
has been married could well imagine what weird things you might say, for 
whatever reason, especially an actor or other creative person, when at odds 
with the aggrieved female mind.


Oh My God. There really IS such a thing as a TM True Believer so lost in his 
Believerism that he's willing to try to distract from child molestation by 
invoking misogyny.

For the record, "srijau," the problem is NOT with how large Stephen Collins' 
banana is, but where he chose to stick it (an underaged girl), and the fact 
that his efforts for the David Lynch Foundation gave him unfettered access to 
hundreds of similarly-aged girls. Even "male minds" should be able to get that. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Stephen Collins 40 year banana

2014-10-09 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Collins didn't violate statutory rape laws with a consenting 16-year-old with 
the tacit approval of their parents. 

 11-year-olds and 16-year-olds are slightly different.


 And my point still stands:

 I have seen no evidence that Collins ever went anywhere near any child taught 
TM via the DLF.



---In,  wrote :

As I said, congratulations on having destroyed any hint of objectivity and 
ethics you might have ever imagined you had w.r.t. to things TM. Are we 
supposed to believe that someone who was willing to violate statutory rape laws 
*himself* is going to see anything wrong with a TM luminary doing the same 


 Boy, the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree when it comes to Maharishi's 
students emulating his lack of ethical standards with regard to sex. 

 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, October 9, 2014 10:36 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Stephen Collins 40 year banana

 My original point stands, however: I've seen no evidence that he's been 
anywhere near any kid taught TM through the DLF.



---In,  wrote :

 That's what acting like a knee-jerk TM defender will get you, Lawson. You look 
like a complete ass. And not for the first time.

 Congratulations on having destroyed any hint of objectivity and ethics you 
might have ever imagined you had w.r.t. to things TM. 


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, October 9, 2014 10:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Stephen Collins 40 year banana
   OK, reading up on things, he's 8 years older than me, so an incident that 
happened 42 years ago would have made him in his mid-20s. Also, the incident 
was not with a 16-year-old he was dating with parent's knowledge, but with an 

 That's pedaphilia, not merely dating a girl that's too young for him.

 It's interesting that the press is NOT calling it pedaphilia.




 ---In,  wrote :

 What evidence do you hve the Collins had access to ANY of the kids taught TM 
through the DLF? 

 I've seen no publicity photos of him in schools.


 And how old is Collins?

 When I was 21, I was dating 16-year-olds. Their parents were quite aware of 
our age difference, and were pleased that, immature as I was (to be dating a 
16-year-old at 21) I was still obviously a nice guy, unlike their last 
boyfriend (the fact that her step brother had "gotten her cherry" when they 
were about 12 and ended up marrying the eldest sister (Jack Mormons, what can 
you say?) probably had something to do with relieved attitude that she was 
bringing home a nice boy--me--even if I was too old -at least I wasn't her 
older step-brother, who apparently had eyes on the younger sister also).



---In,  wrote :

 From: "srijau@..." 
   the Stephen Collins incidents are 20 to 40 years ago, so he definitely could 
have grown quite a large banana with TM long since.
Also we don't really know the truth from a therapy session tape, as any man who 
has been married could well imagine what weird things you might say, for 
whatever reason, especially an actor or other creative person, when at odds 
with the aggrieved female mind.


Oh My God. There really IS such a thing as a TM True Believer so lost in his 
Believerism that he's willing to try to distract from child molestation by 
invoking misogyny.

For the record, "srijau," the problem is NOT with how large Stephen Collins' 
banana is, but where he chose to stick it (an underaged girl), and the fact 
that his efforts for the David Lynch Foundation gave him unfettered access to 
hundreds of similarly-aged girls. Even "male minds" should be able to get that. 





Re: 399652Re: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco

2014-10-09 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 It's not like he tried to hide it, either is not hard to find:


 Executive Team | Center for Wellness and Achievement in Education 
 Executive Team | Center for Wellness and Achievement in Education Your description
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



 Jeff Rice, Director of Operations
 Mr. Rice has been a business leader and consultant for more than 20 years, 
specializing in organizational development. He brings his knowledge of 
successful start-up models in the high tech industry to our developing 
organization. Mr. Rice also served as a volunteer on several previous 
initiatives to reduce violence and improve academic performance in Northern 
California schools through the use of meditation-based stress management.



---In,  wrote :

 TM tears itself down - like Barry once said here, if TM was all its cracked up 
to be, they wouldn't have to lie to sell it. This goon you are praising didn't 
even have the balls to give his own name.


 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, October 9, 2014 4:53 PM
 Subject: Re: 399652Re: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco
   Thank you very much for this program! San Francisco is an amazing city and 
everything helps keep it that way. Please do not be overly concerned by some 
self-centered people here, just out to tear down TM, more in keeping with their 
unsuccessful lives.


---In,  wrote :

 I am the Director of Operations for the school meditation project in San 
Francisco that uses TM, where the students were found to be the happiest in the 
city. I would like to try and correct some misunderstandings that may have 
occurred as a result of certain comments made here recently. 

  1. There is a post that suggest we 'stole' couches from a one of the high 
schools we worked in. 

 This is incorrect. We purchase used couches from outside sources, specifically 
for the Quiet Time program. We own them.
 2. That the windows and doors in the rooms we used at a high school were 
papered over so that no one could see in, and that the school had to remove the 
papering after we left.
 A single door to a small room was partially papered only during training 
sessions to reduce the distraction from other students walking by during 
passing period. This paper was taken down each day, and was not remaining after 
the meditation training staff left the school.
 3. That we had been kicked out of at least 2 schools in SF since Jan of this 
 One school decided to discontinue the Quiet Time program at the end of the 
spring semester due primarily to a vote from faculty regarding time 
constraints. There are many schools throughout CA and nationally requesting the 
program, so we only work with those that are able to fit it into their 
schedule. After providing this to 7,000 students, teachers, parents and 
administrators for the last 7 years, we have had over a 90% program 
satisfaction rating. An extremely small minority of parents, teachers and 
administrators have had issues with the program, usually because of biases or 
 4. That most of the research referenced by the TM organization is "either 
bogus or deeply flawed"
 There are over 100 studies on TM published in reputable, peer reviewed 
scientific journals indicating various positive mental and physical health 
effects. Research has been done at Stanford, Harvard, University of California 
and other reputable institutions. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has 
funded over 24M worth of research into TM and heart health. In order to be 
published in peer reviewed journals or to be funded by the NIH, rigorous 
assessment is performed by highly experienced scientists. If the research was 
bogus or deeply flawed, the research would not be funded or published. 



[FairfieldLife] Sara Palin's Crazy Clown Time...

2014-10-09 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I don't know which is more bizarre:

 Palin Clan Brawl: Seven Amazing Moments Revealed By The Police Report 
 Palin Clan Brawl: Seven Amazing Moments Reveal... 
It may have been the fight of the decade, at least in Alaska. And on Thursday, 
many of its salacious details were laid bare when Anchorage police finally 
released t...
 View on talkingpoint... 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 David Lynch - Crazy Clown Time (Official Video) 
 David Lynch - Crazy Clown Time (Official Video) The self-directed video for "Crazy 
Clown Time," the new single from the multi-talented director and songwriter 
David Lynch. David Lynch 'Crazy Clown T...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Adi Shankara

2014-10-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Maharishi believed that Shankara lived 2000+ years ago also, and yet, virtually 
every modern historian puts him in the 8th Century C.E., so talking about his 
commentary on the Gita being "the oldest extant commentary for two millenia," 
is, well, being like Maharishi: playing a bit fast with the historical record. 

 Nothing wrong with that when dealing with mystical things, but nothing 
particularly right about it either.




---In,  wrote :

 Neti sez: 
 What did Adi Shankara say was the fastest method to Liberation in this Kali 
 Well Neti, you can’t even get a straight answer to a simple question.
 You might note the comments upon your question. Not one of them quotes 
Shankara directly because they only know about his tradition. No one here reads 
him. That even includes Shankara’s Gita commentary – the oldest extant 
commentary for two millenia.
 In his various commentaries, Shankara did not talk about yugas. Adi Shankara 
talked about the reality expounded by the Upanishads, the Brahma Sutras and the 
Gita. That reality is defined as Brahman (literally "The Vast" or "Vastness"). 
Shankara emphasized the Upanishadic definition of Brahman - satyam, jñânam, 
anantam. Since “what is” gets reiterated by Shankara as satyam (reality or 
"isness"), jñânam (awareness) and anantam (limitlessness), his task was to 
demonstrate what ignorance (avidya) actually is and how it seems to result in 
the appearance (mithya) of an independent cosmos of cause and effect. Along 
with that focus, he worked extensively to refute the idea that the performance 
of Vedic rites was necessary or even accessory to the realization of BrahmÂtman.
 One variance to note is that when the Gita does talk about the “ages” of 
Brahma and the universal manifestation, Shankara does comment – all the while 
following the verses of the text. As expected, he points to the imperishable 
(aksharam) as the supreme Brahman beyond time. He then amplifies the Gita 
instructions for attaining that reality which is also known as the supreme 
person (param purusham) who reposes in the sun as Hiranyagarbha, sustainer of 
the sense-powers of all beings in the local universe. He calls that entity 
adhi-daivatam, the divine being and adhi-yajñah (the being of the sacrifice) 
and specifically calls him Vishnu, the pervader.

[FairfieldLife] Whoever heard of Fairfield, Iowa?

2014-10-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Everyone goes on and on about how good TM marketing is, but seriously, as with 
all other things TM, there's no real coordinated effort to promote TM. It's all 
done piecemeal. A professional big-city PR firm could have a field day 
encouraging people to move to Fairfield as an indirect advertisement of TM, for 



 Oprah did a TV show about it called "America's most unusual town”:

 America's Most Unusual Town
 America's Most Unusual Town
 Oprah spends the day in Fairfield, Iowa, one of the safest, greenest and most 
unusual communities in America. It's the last place you'd expect to find two 
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



 Smithsonian Magazine named it one of [the 20 best small towns to visit in 2013:

 History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places | Smithsonian

 History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places | Smithsonian
 Smithsonian Continue to our site » ADVERTISEMENT 
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 Preview by Yahoo 


 Mother Earth News named it one of 12 Great Places You've Never Heard Of:

 12 Great Places: Fairfield, Iowa
 12 Great Places: Fairfield, Iowa
 Don’t overlook Fairfield, Iowa — this small town has thrived since embracing 
sustainability and adopting ancient Indian principles.
 View on www.mothere...
 Preview by Yahoo 



 BuzzFeed named it one of 11 Coolest Small Cities It’s Time To Road Trip To:

 11 Coolest Small Cities It's Time To Road Trip To
 11 Coolest Small Cities It's Time To Road Trip To
 In case you've been planning that quintessential summer road trip! Check out 
America's awesome hidden gems, and stay refreshed with Fuze flavor ch...
 View on www.buzzfee...
 Preview by Yahoo 




[FairfieldLife] Re: (399652) The Happiest school in San Francisco

2014-10-11 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Of course, MMY never advocated "renouncing wealth." 

 In fact, he carefully marketed TM as a technique for householders -people for 
whom wealth was important because they were interested in physical comfort, 
raising kids in a comfortable and safe environment, etc.

 According to theory, the excesses of amassing wealth for its own sake would 
tend to fade with TM practice, being a symptom of a stressed out nervous system 
(even the amassing of wealth for its own sake is arguably a stressful thing, 
making wealth-obession a stress-related illness that TM should help fix 


---In,  wrote :  



Re: 399652Re: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco

2014-10-11 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Actually, the NIH is pretty cash-strapped these days and the competition is 
very fierce for research grants, especially in a non-mainstream field like TM. 
And $24 million to study TM isn't the same as $200,000, or $800,000.  




 TM researchers are very aware of this, and while privately funded TM pilot 
studies still get published (the pilot studies on PTSD in Uganda were paid for 
by teh DLF, for example), when TM researchers go after public funding, they are 
REALLY careful in how they design the studies. Only the best designs with the 
most plausible rationale are going to get the money, and since the data from 
NIH-funded studies, by law, must be made easily available to the public, even 
if the study never gets published, there's very strong incentive to ONLY use 
NIH grants for studies where TM researchers are pretty darned positive that TM 
will shine.

 Here's an example of a proposed design for a new TM study:

 Design and rationale of a comparative ef... [Contemp Clin Trials. 2014] - 
PubMed - NCBI 
 Design and rationale of a comparative ef... [Contemp Clin Trials. 2014] - 
PubMed - NCBI PubMed comprises more 
than 23 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science 
journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content 
from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 It will be pretty cool if that study gets funded by the NIH. Of course, I 
expect TM to do well in treating PTSD, so I am most interested in seeing the 
results of the genetic analysis component of the study. That is the new darling 
for TM research, as it could be done for any kind of study--psychological, 
neurological, cardio, pure consciousness, enlightenment--anything.

 It is a very 21st Century thing to suspect that there are genetic and 
epigentic factors that influence how people respond to therapies, including TM.

 For example, is there a genetic or measurable epigenetic component for why 
some people show breath suspension during pure consciousness while others 
don't? Likewise with experience of "bliss" during TM?
  [I've never had "bliss" the way David Lynch describes, even as the aftermath 
of what I believe are pure consciousness episodes, and yet he says that every 
meditation period is extremely blissful]

 What about Yogic Flying and other TM-SIdhis practice? Is hopping during Yogic 
Flying predictable on a genetic/epigenetic level? Does YF influence things 
epigenetically in a measurable way? 

 [any experience or activity almost certainly creates an epigenetic change, so 
"measurable" needs to be inserted here]

 Could epigenetic testing help guide recommendations to make TM and Yogic 
Flying more effective? Could it be used to augment/replace Ayurvedic 

 Those are questions that could occupy researchers for another 100 years, even 
if TM research suddenly became even more popular than mindfulness studies.



 [By the way, "genital washing" in South Africa might be a REALLY important 
issue. STDs are rampant throughout Africa due to various social and hygiene 
issues.  Would you object to an $800,000 study on ways to improve health 
education to help fight the spread of Ebola, even if said study was simply 
about finding more effective ways of convincing people to wash their hands?]

---In,  wrote :

 Address what I said to him. How is that stupid? I showed quite clearly that he 
is a liar. The NIH hands out money to just about anyone who can write a grant 
proposal. You might even be able to get a few million to study why TM'er are 
more predisposed to become slavish minded dumbasses later in life. But in the 
final analysis society will be better off studying the way South Africans wash 
their balls than bullshit studies on TM's weak and non-existent "benefits" - 
most of TM's modern benefits are lining the TMO's pockets. 


 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 9:29 PM
 Subject: Re: 399652Re: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco

 Did you become this stupid because you stopped your practice of TM and the 

 You brain is addled by TM, but not in the way you think.

 Try something.  I don't know what.  But try to develop an interest other than 

 You are sinking into utter idiocy.

 P.S.  Try looking back at some of your more early posts.  Occasionally you had 
something interesting to say.

 A funny thing happened on the way to forum.  But in your case, it's just no so 


---In,  wrote :

 One more note, Mr. Nameless Director of Operations, your assertion on funding 
by the NIH -  "to be funded by the NIH, rigorous ass

Re: 399652Re: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco

2014-10-11 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Different meditation traditions have different interpretations of what mantras 
are, and how they should be used. 

 While I don't have access to either book, I've been able to read excerpts 
through and google books:

 Ritual and Mantras: Rules without Meaning
 Ritual and Mantras: Rules without Meaning
 Ritual and Mantras: Rules without Meaning [Frits Staal] on *FREE* 
shipping on qualifying offers. Rituals and Mantras: Rules without Me...
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Understanding Mantras
 Understanding Mantras
 Understanding Mantras [Harvey P. Alper] on *FREE* shipping on 
qualifying offers. Understanding Mantras explores the origin, nature, function, 
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Maharishi's take on how mantras are meaningless is quite traditional--for some 
people. It's utter nonsense for others, and that is why there is confusion 
about whether or not Maharishi is "telling the truth" about mantras. There's 
MANY different traditions, and probably sub-traditions within the traditions.

 Likewise, keeping a mantra as a mental thing never to be written down or 
spoken aloud appears to be traditional as well--for SOME traditions, and again, 
there's variations there as well.


 Best to think of TM as its own tradition with its own rules, rather than 
trying to justify every little thing that MMY said. Afterall, MMY himself 
implied that much of what he taught was via intuition (and/or trial and error).

 By all accounts, the early courses on the TM-SIdhis were substantially 
different than how they are taught now, for example.



---In,  wrote :

 The biggest problem with TM is though it tried to be secular it is not secular 
enough.  Maharishi goofed by saying that the mantras are meaningless sounds.  
They are "attributed" to the Hindu pantheon but are really just sounds.  The 
pantheon itself is made up as analogies to forces in nature.  It just so 
happens that those sounds work well and may be better than others. Even my 
tantra guru thought they were arrived at by trial and error.  And as I have 
mentioned many a time beej mantras can be used by anyone and it doesn't take a 
puja to activate them.  It's long mantras like the Advanced Technique that 
required special handling.
 On 10/11/2014 05:16 AM, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Address what I said to him. How is that stupid? I showed quite clearly that 
he is a liar. The NIH hands out money to just about anyone who can write a 
grant proposal. You might even be able to get a few million to study why TM'er 
are more predisposed to become slavish minded dumbasses later in life. But in 
the final analysis society will be better off studying the way South Africans 
wash their balls than bullshit studies on TM's weak and non-existent "benefits" 
- most of TM's modern benefits are lining the TMO's pockets. 

 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 9:29 PM
 Subject: Re: 399652Re: [FairfieldLife] The Happiest school in San Francisco
 Did you become this stupid because you stopped your practice of TM and the 
 You brain is addled by TM, but not in the way you think.
 Try something.  I don't know what.  But try to develop an interest other than 
 You are sinking into utter idiocy.
 P.S.  Try looking back at some of your more early posts.  Occasionally you had 
something interesting to say.
 A funny thing happened on the way to forum.  But in your case, it's just no so 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Fall Of Baghdad

2014-10-11 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Christian Crusaders did the same thing, and don't fool yourself, if Americans 
ever "conquered" a country, we'd do the same thing too. 

 Ask any American Indian tribe if you need examples.


---In,  wrote :

 They're supplied the same way Mohammed supplied his *army*. They just take 
whatever they want, wherever they go. Whether it's money from banks, food from 
stockpiles, or weapons, ammunition and transportation from Iraqi army bases. 
This is your Islamic *work ethic*. Real work is for mensches.

 On Saturday, October 11, 2014 2:18 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

 On 10/11/2014 2:42 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Something is wrong with the US generals' assessment of ISIS.  

 There is no good news coming out of the Middle East - the U.S. supports the 
Saudis who are Shite Muslims; and at the same time Iranians support the Shiite 
in Baghdad. But, the ISIS are Sunnis who hate everyone, Muslim and infidel 
alike. Then, there's Assad to deal with. The only bright spot over there is 
Israel, the only democracy in the whole Middle East. Go figure.
 How is it possible for the militants to continue fighting in Iraq and Syria 
with supposedly only 30,000 fighters?

 It appears that the militant rebels in or near Baghdad are self-sufficient to 
fight on their own without help from their Syrian headquarters.  So, that means 
they're getting food, supplies and ammunition within Baghdad itself.

 I wouldn't be surprised if a secret faction within the ISF is providing the 
weapons and ammunition to fight the loyal troopers of Iraq.

 "Without large numbers of American troops on the ground in Iraq, we lack the 
ability to choose targets, to rebuild the capacity of the Iraqi Army quickly 
and successfully, to constrain the Shiite government from pursuing a sectarian 
agenda. Without large numbers of troops in Syria, we are unable to distinguish 
between friend and foe, to train and direct non-Qaeda opposition forces, to 
address the humanitarian crisis, and to prepare for—and hasten—a world without 
Bashar Assad."
 'Only American ground troops can defeat the Islamic State'
 The Washington Free Beacon:
mailto:punditster@... mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 Our side is suffering serious defeats on the battlefield in Anbar province and 
Baghdad is ripe for infiltration. Then, it's a guerrilla war in the streets 
with up close and personal close range fighting.
 According to President Obama, it's a war against the Islamic State, but who 
are they? The goal is to roll back the IS in Iraq and contain it in Syria. 
Soon, Turkey will be pulled into the fight - the ISIS are at the gates today, 
tomorrow Istanbul and onwards to Rome.
 "With the outlying suburb of Abu Ghraib teetering on completely falling to 
ISIS, if the area comes under complete control of the Islamists, the Americans 
will be within easy range of ISIS artillery."
 'ISIS reaches Baghdad suburbs, US troops block the way to BGW Int'l Airport'




[FairfieldLife] Brazilian TM project for 45 million school kids edging closer to reality?

2014-06-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]


 A little award ceremony for the Brazilian congressman, Alex Canziania 
Silveira,  who proposed the project and apparently has managed to get it 
approved. The fact that he and his wife are willing to be seen in public 
amongst Those Who Wear Gold Crowns™ is suggestive... either that he's a total 
loon, or that he's gained enough political capital to push the proposal through 
-impossible to say which for sure at this point.


 It will be interesting to see if progresses to the implementation stage. 

 Logically, the first place it would be implemented is the City of Rio de 
Janeiro, which has already gone on record officially asking the David Lynch 
Foundation to provide free TM instruction to all 1 million students in the Rio 
school system.

 If THAT happens, then the rest of it might also.






Re: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: FP's Situation Report: WH backing away from airstrikes for now; Baghdad's fight against ISIS online; Few details on the Benghazi suspect captured; An FP report sparks a UN inv

2014-06-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 The article is written by Dick (I know where the WMDs are) Cheney.

 Need I say more?



---In,  wrote :

 The problem with air strikes is collateral damage. And, drones can't be used 
for sustained attack like war planes can. 
 Sure you can strike a column of Sunni insurgents forming a convoy on the 
highway or out in the open, but once they get into the towns and villages and 
Baghdad itself, you've got a grappling situation. That's when you need the 
Special Forces to move in. 
 Apparently there are over 5,000 personnel to evacuate from Baghdad and a 
protection force of just 250 U.S. soldiers. That's not nearly enough to guard 
such a large embassy compound - the evacuation may have already started. If the 
Americans don't get safely there's going to be hell to pay in Washington D.C.
 "The fall of the Iraqi cities of Fallujah, Tikrit, Mosul and Tel Afar, and the 
establishment of terrorist safe havens across a large swath of the Arab world, 
present a strategic threat to the security of the United States. Mr. Obama's 
actions—before and after ISIS's recent advances in Iraq—have the effect of 
increasing that threat."
 'The Collapsing Obama Doctrine'
 Wall Street Journal: 
 On 6/18/2014 7:29 AM, wleed3 WLeed3@... mailto:WLeed3@... [FairfieldLife] 



[FairfieldLife] Re: What would a cool spiritual teaching be like?

2014-06-20 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 That's just "not cool," Judy, as it automatically casts dispersions on Unc's 
way of doing things.


 You gotta add an "Unc exception" to that.


---In,  wrote :

 My contribution:

* It respects other traditions and beliefs. One may disagree with the teachings 
of other spiritual traditions, but one refrains from criticizing or mocking the 
teachers, teachings, or practitioners.of those traditions. It's considered 
extremely low-vibe to do so and not at all reflective of or conducive to one's 
spiritual growth. The terms "cult," "cultist," and "cult apologist" are not to 
be used under any circumstances. 

---In,  wrote :

 Work for the week finished, I thought I'd sit in this canalside cafe and rap a 
bit about some of the attributes I think would be refreshing to find in a 
spiritual trip. It's NOT that I'm looking for one, you understand. It's just 
that it struck me as a fun idea to write about some of the things I'd *like* to 
find, as opposed to what I often *do* find. 

* It's free. That is, all teaching is either supported by the people doing it, 
or by donations that are actually donations. No one would ever be pressured to 
contribute, whether it be for talks, or instruction. People who are trying to 
lay a spiritual trip on others should pay their audiences for the privilege, 
not vice-versa.

* It's fun. This is one of the most important criteria I would look for in a 
spiritual trip. If the people participating in it don't look like they're 
having FUN, what possible interest could it have for me? The very concept of 
FUN should be respected as what it is -- an indicator that you're doing 
something right, spiritually. 

* Teachers as fellow travelers. Your teacher or teacher can be your friend or 
fellow seeker. There is no sense of distance between teacher and student. You 
hang out together and talk freely to each other, as equals. No ranks, no 
hierarchy -- either stated or encouraged wordlessly by the way that students 
interact with the teacher or teachers. No hierarchy for the students, either -- 
no "belt rankings" that allow them to think they're on a higher level than 
others around them. 

* No sacrosanct dogma. Oh, of course the trip can have theories about How The 
World Works, and present them. But IMO these theories should be presented *as* 
theories, not truth, or no-God forbid, Truth. 

* Everything is fair game for questions. The students have the right to 
challenge anything the teacher or teachers say. Anything. No saying is "holy" 
in the sense that it becomes "sacred" and thus exempt from questioning. No 
claim has the right to be accepted if someone asks for it to be documented. 

* No cult roles or sex roles. The students should not be encouraged (verbally 
or nonverbally) to act a certain way or dress a certain way. One of the coolest 
things ever said about the Rama students came from the staff of the Bodhi Tree 
Bookstore in L.A. They'd seen *everything*, because the seekers from every 
tradition ever known all came to buy books at their store. And they'd grown 
adept at "nailing" which path any customer followed, just by watching them. It 
became a kind of game for them, and they rarely missed. The only students they 
couldn't "nail" were the folks who studied with Rama, because they were all 
different. In a similar vein, there should ideally be no perceived status 
associated with one's sex -- men and women should be treated pretty much the 

* No restrictions on thinking or action. No "Thou shalt not see other 
teachers." See who you bloody want. No "Thou shalt not read Off The Program 
books." There should be no "program" to be off of. People should be encouraged 
to treat their curiosity about other spiritual teachers or teachings as what it 
is -- a desire to learn more. 

* Parties. Really. Too many spiritual trips have gatherings that can only be 
described as SERIOUS. They're gathering to meditate together, or chant 
together, or hear a dharma talk together, or have a "celebration" that isn't 
one. My ideal spiritual trip would be more like the better days of the Rama 
trip -- we'd go out to movies, to dinner, to places of power, and to discos. 
We'd actually (Buck, look away) DANCE. And we'd have actual parties, at which 
the only spiritual objective was to have FUN. It gives more of a community 
feeling to the community. 

* Road Trips. Every so often, the entire group would just Get The Fuck Out Of 
Dodge, and take their act on the road. It could be a day trip to a nearby place 
of worship or power, or longer trips overnight to cool places. Taking the group 
consciousness out of its normal (and thus ignored) environment can do wonders 
for sparking spiritual experience. 

* No shakti myths. Even if the teacher or teachers have some phwam! and can 
shift other people's states of attention and get them high, IMO this ability is 
better presented as a form of recognition rather 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Unofficial Group Meditations in Fairfield

2014-06-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]
While mos people here appear to believe that your stance on the TM-Sidhis makes 
perfect sense, I'm actually kind of bewildered... 

 Why on Earth haven't you and your wife become Sidhas?

 Is it really that difficult to believe that engaging in a mental process which 
leads to [more or less] spontaneous physical activity might actually stabilize 
pure consciousness during activity?

 The published research on EEG during the TM-Sidhis (not just during Yogic 
Flying) certainly supports Maharishi's claims on the topic, TM-SIdhis 
instruction can be virtually free if you are able to qualify for the available 
scholarships, there's a huge need for TM teachers right now if you speak 
languages like Spanish, Portuguese or any major African language.

 The David Lynch Foundation has potential contracts with refugee organizations 
that may require many 10's of thousands of new TM teachers.

 What keeps you from learning?


---In,  wrote :

 Hi Folks. My spouse and I are visiting FF in a couple of weeks. We both were 
involved in the TM movement throughout the 80's to about 1994 (in Fairfield 
from about 1989-1994), but have had zero involvement with the movement since 
then. We have continued with TM (not the sidhis) over the past 20 years as we 
raised a family, ran a business, and such. 


 Anyway, we are now at that time when family are on their own and we're 
thinking of what's next for us. From what we've read about Fairfield, it seems 
that it might be worth checking out (thus our upcoming visit). 


 My question for anyone here who might have some information: Is there any 
'unofficial' group meditation program (TM) in Fairfield on a regular basis? 
We're assuming that 1) because we have no-one to recommend us (which at least 
was the way it used to be way back when) and 2) because we are both TM teachers 
who don't practice the sidhis, we will never be allowed to join any 'official' 
movement group meditations. Also, for many years we have been practicing 40 
minutes of TM twice a day (not 20 minutes).

 Any information or leads would be appreciated.

 Since I found this group a week ago, I've been browsing here and there. There 
seems to be quite a range of opinions about TM/the movement/the politics, etc. 
(to put it mildly...:).  We left all of that many years ago so we have no 
interest in those conversations, but we appreciate what Maharishi gave us and 
are very happy with TM.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unofficial Group Meditations in Fairfield

2014-06-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]
As I pointed out, the EEG research on the TM-SIdhis shows that it has the same 
effects on EEG as TM does, but more-so, so if  you think that the EEG effects 
of TM practice are beneficial, it makes sense that you should be thinking that 
the EEG effects of practicing the TM-Sidhis might be beneficial as well. 


 That's only common sense, right?



---In,  wrote :

 I would say they have plain old common sense. 

 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, June 23, 2014 12:19 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unofficial Group Meditations in Fairfield
   While mos people here appear to believe that your stance on the TM-Sidhis 
makes perfect sense, I'm actually kind of bewildered...

 Why on Earth haven't you and your wife become Sidhas?

 Is it really that difficult to believe that engaging in a mental process which 
leads to [more or less] spontaneous physical activity might actually stabilize 
pure consciousness during activity?

 The published research on EEG during the TM-Sidhis (not just during Yogic 
Flying) certainly supports Maharishi's claims on the topic, TM-SIdhis 
instruction can be virtually free if you are able to qualify for the available 
scholarships, there's a huge need for TM teachers right now if you speak 
languages like Spanish, Portuguese or any major African language.

 The David Lynch Foundation has potential contracts with refugee organizations 
that may require many 10's of thousands of new TM teachers.

 What keeps you from learning?


---In,  wrote :

 Hi Folks. My spouse and I are visiting FF in a couple of weeks. We both were 
involved in the TM movement throughout the 80's to about 1994 (in Fairfield 
from about 1989-1994), but have had zero involvement with the movement since 
then. We have continued with TM (not the sidhis) over the past 20 years as we 
raised a family, ran a business, and such. 


 Anyway, we are now at that time when family are on their own and we're 
thinking of what's next for us. From what we've read about Fairfield, it seems 
that it might be worth checking out (thus our upcoming visit). 


 My question for anyone here who might have some information: Is there any 
'unofficial' group meditation program (TM) in Fairfield on a regular basis? 
We're assuming that 1) because we have no-one to recommend us (which at least 
was the way it used to be way back when) and 2) because we are both TM teachers 
who don't practice the sidhis, we will never be allowed to join any 'official' 
movement group meditations. Also, for many years we have been practicing 40 
minutes of TM twice a day (not 20 minutes).

 Any information or leads would be appreciated.

 Since I found this group a week ago, I've been browsing here and there. There 
seems to be quite a range of opinions about TM/the movement/the politics, etc. 
(to put it mildly...:).  We left all of that many years ago so we have no 
interest in those conversations, but we appreciate what Maharishi gave us and 
are very happy with TM.





[FairfieldLife] Re: UK Schools finally enter the 19th century!

2014-06-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]
When was the teaching of creationism banned in all public schools in the USA? 



---In,  wrote :

 Hard to believe they've only just done this now...

 Teaching Creationism As Science Now Banned In All UK Public Schools
 Teaching Creationism As Science Now Banned In All ...
 By George Dvorsky   In what's being heralded as a secular triumph, the UK 
government has banned the teaching of creationism as science in all existing...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Re: How to tell if you are awakened...

2014-06-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
21 ways to tell if you're special: 

 1) you're like me.

 2) you're like me.

 3) you're like me.

 4) you're like me.


 21) you're like me.

---In,  wrote :




[FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry Says So

2014-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Well, Saddam Hussein obviously can't be blamed for how violent Iraq was, 

 You CAN blame the Brits (?) for inventing the country in the first place, but 
they liked to merge tribes into countries in a way that kept them warring with 
each other rather than rebelling against the Brits, so that's nothing new.



---In,  wrote :

 "The leaders of a country are not to be blamed for conditions in his country, 
or for decisions that affect other countries," Jarvis patiently explained. "The 
people determine the atmosphere of their nation, while the leaders are mere 

 Quote from Jerry Jarvis from the article I just posted.


[FairfieldLife] Re: The dark knight of the soul

2014-06-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
My response: 

 Different practices have different effects. Most practices have the effect of  
fragmenting how the brain operates, as can be seen in the title of this 2010 
 "Reduced functional connectivity between cortical sources in five meditation
 traditions detected with lagged coherence using EEG tomography"

 From the abstract:

 "The globally reduced functional interdependence between brain regions in 
meditation suggests that interaction between the self process functions is 
minimized, and that constraints on the self process by other processes are 
minimized, thereby leading to the subjective experience of non-involvement, 
detachment and letting go, as well as of all-oneness and dissolution of ego 
borders during meditation."

 In other words, these practices reduce "sense of self," which is celebrated as 
a good thing by many sects of Buddhism, which take the self s being Bad, Very 

 On the other hand, certain forms of meditation lead to the exact opposite 
effect, a higher level of integration of various "cortical sources, *most 
especially* those having to do with sense of self.

 Transcendental Meditation, for example, has the exact opposite effect on EEG 
patterns in almost every respect when compared to  mindfulness and 
concentration practices, and the very nature of "enlightenment," as defined 
within TM-theory, has to do with first strengthening sense-of-self, and 
eventually integrating that sense with the overall activity of the brain.
 Transcendental experiences during meditation practice


 While one can practice TM for too much, and "too much" is different for 
different people (for certain psychological disorders, "any at all" might be 
"too much"), the radical differences in how the brain operates during TM as 
compared to virtually all other meditation practices, suggests that a 
one-size-fits-all approach to explaining any observed adverse effects due to 
meditation is doomed to failure.




 For many Buddhists, TM's effect of strengthening "sense of self" during and 
after practice is repugnant, even appalling: the very opposite of spirituality.


 For TMers, practices that have the  effect reducing connectivity and 
sense-of-self  are considered to be damaging the nervous system on a subtle 
level, and are literally anti-enlightenment.




 Any attempt to conflate possible ill-effects from various practices without 
examining what the practices are actually meant to do, is doomed from the 
start. The very nature of the two approaches to spirituality are so opposed to 
each other, that fundamentally, what one approach calls "best" the other calls 



---In,  wrote :

 The Dark Knight of the Soul
 The Dark Knight of the Soul
 For some, meditation has become more curse than cure. Willoughby Britton wants 
to know why.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


 I am just reading this now and I have heard her talk before.  Sounds quite 
interesting.  I will admit that I had a very negative reaction (trying) to 
watch Jim Carrey's speech to the yellow hat crowd.  I got 7 minutes into his 
talk and I started to feel sick so I shut it off.  I then spent a few days just 
being overly emotional about my past in TM and it brought up bad feelings.  It 
did not linger but my reactions caught me quite by surprise. Britton's work is 
about this experience and more.  

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