Re: cannot ssh into a box with DHCP assigned IP address

2013-03-19 Thread Drew Tomlinson

On 2/20/2013 5:55 AM, Anton Shterenlikht wrote:

From Wed Feb 20 13:39:28 2013

>From: Fleuriot Damien 
>Subject: Re: cannot ssh into a box with DHCP assigned IP address
>Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2013 10:31:22 +0100
>On Feb 20, 2013, at 10:28 AM, Anton Shterenlikht 
>> I have a laptop with FreeBSD -current,
>> with ip address assigned via DHCP.
>> The laptop has neither a static ip address,
>> nor a domain.
>> I can ping the laptop fine, but cannot

I doubt that you can ping from as is private IP address space and is not routed across the 

>> ssh into it. The sshd is running, /etc/ssh/ssd_config
>> seems fine, /etc/hosts.allow is fine.
>> However, /etc/hosts is just the default:

While on the problem machine, can you ssh to localhost? ssh to the IP

yes to both

I would suspect the problem is in /etc/hosts.allow
 or /etc/hosts.deny,

The first non-comment line in /etc/hosts.allow is
ALL : ALL : allow

and I don't have /etc/hosts.deny:

root@zzz:~ # ls /etc/hosts*
/etc/hosts  /etc/hosts.equiv
root@zzz:~ #

or perhaps the subnet mask is incorrect.

Well.. what should it be?
I have on the problem box (ssh server):

wlan0: flags=8943 metric 0 mtu 1
 ether 00:21:5c:50:68:c3
 inet netmask 0xfc00 broadcast
 nd6 options=29
 media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/54Mbps mode 11g
 status: associated
 ssid eduroam channel 1 (2412 MHz 11g) bssid 00:3a:98:62:cd:a0
 country US authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy ON deftxkey UNDEF
 AES-CCM 2:128-bit AES-CCM 3:128-bit txpower 14 bmiss 10 scanvalid 450
 bgscan bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7 roam:rate 5
 protmode CTS wme roaming MANUAL

I'm trying to ssh from

I wonder, perhaps it somehow built into the
Eduroam wireless, provided by the University,
that the devices connected to it cannot be
accessible. They can only initiate outgoing
connections, but all incoming connections are
somehow blocked? Given that the majority of
the devices will be unsecured MS boxes, maybe
the university thought that this is wise idea
for safety. Perhaps I can investigate this
with my IT guys.

Or I might be talking complete nonsense here, not my area at all.

It is kind of "built in" as you say.  The Eduroam wireless network 
appears to be a private network sitting behind a NAT gateway.  Thus what 
happens when you access the Internet is that your laptop sends that 
request to the NAT gateway on the Eduroam network.  The NAT gateway 
strips off your private IP address and replaces it with a public IP 
address , marks the connection in its table, and sends it on it's way.  
Then when the answer comes back from the Internet, the NAT gateway 
strips off the public IP address and replaces with your private IP 
address, and sends it to your laptop.

While on the Eduroam network, go to  You will see 
that your IP is not  It will be a public IP address that 
Eduroam uses.

Bottom line is that the only way you could ssh to your laptop from the 
Internet is if you got the university to give you a public IP address 
and port and then they set up NAT and port forwarding on their network 
to point that public IP address to your laptop private IP address ssh port.

Since I doubt you will have much luck with that, I suspect the short 
answer is "you can't ssh to your laptop from the Internet when it's 
connected to your university network".

I'm sure this isn't the answer you wanted but hopefully this will save 
you some frustration.



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How To Get App To Start At Boot?

2013-03-19 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I installed Splunk which is not part of the ports tree.  It's a 
proprietary app that I downloaded and installed on it's own.  I start it 
with '/usr/local/splunk/bin/splunk start'.  It should also be stopped 
with '/usr/local/splunk/bin/splunk stop'.  In an attempt to automate it, 
I created this symlink in /usr/local/etc/rc.d:

lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel28 Mar  3 12:32 splunk -> 

However it's still not automatic.  I can run '/usr/local/etc/rc.d/splunk 
start' at the command line and that works.

What do I need to do to get this automated?



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Re: Current Way To Update Sources & Rebuild World/Kernel? -- SOLVED

2013-03-19 Thread Drew Tomlinson

On 3/17/2013 3:16 PM, Polytropon wrote:

On Sun, 17 Mar 2013 15:07:35 -0700, Drew Tomlinson wrote:

I've been away for a while.  In the past, the proper way to update a
system was to grab current sources via cvsup and then rebuild world and
kernel.  But now I see cvsup is no longer supported.

Correct. The new way to obtain sources is via Subversion.
The OS will hopefully soon get a csup equivalent (svnup)
so you don't need to install a port with heavy dependencies.

The handbook talks
about freebsd-update.  I do not want binary upgrades but is this the
tool to replace cvsup to update sources?

Basically freebsd-update updates the system binarily, as you
said. But it can also be used to only update sources. In order
to do this, edit /etc/freebsd-update.conf to contain the line
"Components src" (means: you remove all the other components
such as "world" and "kernel"). Then you proceed to reinstall
from source as known.

How do I use it to replace the
old way that went something like this:

cvsup sources
make buildworld
make buildkernel
make installkernel
make installworld

(I'm not sure I have that in the exact proper order but it was something
like that).

The exact proper order can be found in the comment header of
/usr/src/Makefile. You should stick to that order to avoid
problems. Also see the corresponding handbook section.

So is freebsd-update what I need?

As explained above - or make yourself familiar with SVN, which
is the CVSup / csup replacement.

Is there a page that describes the
steps to accomplish this?

See "man freebsd-update" and the comments in /etc/freebsd-update.conf
for details. Also see the Handbook's section about updating.

Thanks for the replies.  Using freebsd-update seemed the simplest method 
since it was already included.  Worked just fine for getting the 
sources.  And following the steps listed in comments in 
/usr/src/Makefile worked for building and installing the sources.



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Current Way To Update Sources & Rebuild World/Kernel?

2013-03-17 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I've been away for a while.  In the past, the proper way to update a 
system was to grab current sources via cvsup and then rebuild world and 
kernel.  But now I see cvsup is no longer supported.  The handbook talks 
about freebsd-update.  I do not want binary upgrades but is this the 
tool to replace cvsup to update sources?  How do I use it to replace the 
old way that went something like this:

cvsup sources
make buildworld
make buildkernel
make installkernel
make installworld

(I'm not sure I have that in the exact proper order but it was something 
like that).

So is freebsd-update what I need?  Is there a page that describes the 
steps to accomplish this?



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Re: Upgrade from 6.4 to 9.1?

2013-03-17 Thread Drew Tomlinson

On 3/16/2013 3:46 PM, Fbsd8 wrote:

Dan Nelson wrote:

In the last episode (Mar 16), Drew Tomlinson said:

I have an old system happily running 6.4 but am finding that it can no
longer download or build a ports index.  Thus I guess it's time to

What "gotchas" do I need to look out for?  In the past my upgrades have
always been simply downloading new source, reviewing kernel config 
and then rebuilding the system.  Any ports that didn't work after 
that I

would just rebuild as well.  However I've never waited this long to
upgrade.  Do I need to do anything different?

You won't be able to do a straight source build from 6.4 to 9.1; too 
low-level changes like Makefile syntax and compiler options have 
changed. If you are comfortable with temporarily disabling 
non-essential things that
fail to build, it is definitely possible to do a long jump to 9.1, 
but it'd

be safer to either hop from 6.4 -> (7-stable or 8-stable) -> 9 doing
buildkernels and buildworlds, or just do a binary upgrade of kernel 
and base

system to 9.1.

The best approach is to backup your user data and do a fresh install 
from 9.1 cdrom. You will bypass a bunch of headaches which may in the 
end force you to do a fresh install anyway. And it will save you a lot 
of compile time. It's alway a good feeling to know you have a pristine 
system when you start having problems.

Thanks for the suggestions.  I'll give these a try.



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Upgrade from 6.4 to 9.1?

2013-03-16 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I have an old system happily running 6.4 but am finding that it can no 
longer download or build a ports index.  Thus I guess it's time to upgrade.

What "gotchas" do I need to look out for?  In the past my upgrades have 
always been simply downloading new source, reviewing kernel config file, 
and then rebuilding the system.  Any ports that didn't work after that I 
would just rebuild as well.  However I've never waited this long to 
upgrade.  Do I need to do anything different?



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mpd5 up-script Example?

2012-01-10 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I've installed mpd5 and am using it to access a pptp VPN server at 
work.  I've got the config working but am trying to use the 'set iface 

How To Enable ls Color?

2012-01-08 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I've installed 9.0-RC3 amd64.  I'm trying to enable color output for 
ls.  I've issued the basic 'ls -Gla' but output is not colored.  Yet if 
I can get colorized output by providing color codes (echo 
^[[34mhello^[[37m produces a blue "hello") at the command line so I know 
my terminal is capable.

Is there some other secret?  This is a new install and I'm just trying 
to set things up.



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Re: ZFS Root Won't Mount - Unknown Filesystem

2012-01-07 Thread Drew Tomlinson

On 1/7/2012 8:39 AM, Warren Block wrote:

On Sat, 7 Jan 2012, Drew Tomlinson wrote:

Unfortunately because I can't figure out how to get a LiveCD type 
environment with sshd running, I can't copy and paste exact error 
messages or command outputs.

Martin Matuska's excellent mfsBSD can do that:

Thank you.  I will try this.



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Re: ZFS Root Won't Mount - Unknown Filesystem -- SOLVED

2012-01-07 Thread Drew Tomlinson

On 1/7/2012 8:29 AM, APseudoUtopia wrote:

On Sat, Jan 7, 2012 at 11:14 AM, Mark Felder  wrote:

Hi Drew,

I'm pretty sure you can't run a RAIDZ as your root pool. That's likely the
problem. Kind of sucks, I know :-(

You can use raidz1 as your root pool. I'm running it right now on my 9.0 system.

Drew: My first suggestion is to confirm that you added the proper
options in /boot/loader.conf. Mine looks like this:


Thank you for your reply.  This was my problem.  I had the 
zfs_load="YES" in /etc/rc.conf, not /boot/loader.conf.

In addition, zfs_enable="YES" in your /etc/rc.conf to automount the
other zfs filesystems, such as /usr, /var, or whichever ones you

Did you set the proper mountpoints on your zfs filesystems before
rebooting? As in, `zfs set mountpoint=legacy zroot` and `zfs set
mountpoint=/usr zroot/usr` and so on, for each for your file systems.

Yes, although I've read that 'zfs set mountpoint=/ zroot' is acceptable 
as well.  I set mine to "/" after trying to import pool with '-o 
altroot=/mnt' in LiveCD.  When mountpoint was "legacy", altroot didn't 
work right.  Opinions on "/" vs. "legacy"?

Thanks for your help.



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ZFS Root Won't Mount - Unknown Filesystem

2012-01-07 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I'm attempting a new install of 9.0-RC3 amd64.  My system has 4 500 GB 
drives.  Using this tutorial as a guide:

I created a boot and a freebsd-zfs partition on each drive.  Then I 
created a raid1z pool using all 4 drives.  I followed the rest of the 
tutorial exactly and ensured that I copied the zpool.cache to boot/zfs.

When I try to boot my new system, it all goes fine up until it's time to 
mount zfs:zroot.  It fails with an "error 2" "unknown filesystem" 
error.  I don't know if this means anything but at the mountfrom prompt, 
the system will not accept any keyboard input.  Same keyboard works fine 
when booted into LiveCD.

Unfortunately because I can't figure out how to get a LiveCD type 
environment with sshd running, I can't copy and paste exact error 
messages or command outputs.

I've searched and the two things that seem to be important are that 
there's a zpool.cache file and that the zfs partitions are correct.  A 
'gpart show -l' shows my partitions something close to this:

34 ada0GPT (456G)
34128 1   null (128K)
1622   disk0 (456G)

What have I done wrong and what do I need to do to get my zfs:zroot pool 
mounted as root?



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SSH Access To Live CD? (Was Re: FBSD-9.0-RC3 Disk 1 ISO Bootable?)

2012-01-06 Thread Drew Tomlinson

On 1/6/2012 12:07 PM, Al Plant wrote: wrote:

Al Plant  wrote:

I accessed the sshd from the new install screen as an option when
I loaded it on the test box. I had to set up the lan manually to
first get it up. Then you should be able to use ssh.

I take it you either arranged for ssh to accept a direct root login,
or added a non-root username.  Does the new installer do one of
these automatically, or is there more manual configuration involved?

BSD Installer asks if you want to install sshd and click yes. Later 
you can go to another box on the lan and use the user account to ssh 
into the new box and su to root. This feature has been on the installs 
for a while. I used it on sysinstall on 7.*.

OK, so you didn't actually install remotely via ssh.  You installed 
locally and let the installer configure sshd for your new install and it 
was available after you rebooted into your new install.

I'd like to actually be able to install via ssh.  Basically I'd like ssh 
access to the Live CD so I could partition my drives for zfs prior to 
installing.  And I'd like to do it from a computer that's connected to 
the web so I can read and copy/paste examples.



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2012-01-05 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I'm looking for a tool to allow junior admins to lookup and manage an 
ISC-DHCP server via a web interface.  Any recommendations?  Basically, 
they should be able to view lease information, create scopes, make 
reservations, etc.



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Re: Help Recovering FBSD 8 ZFS System

2012-01-04 Thread Drew Tomlinson

On 1/2/2012 2:37 PM, Daniel Staal wrote:
--As of January 2, 2012 2:14:55 PM -0800, Drew Tomlinson is alleged to 
have said:

Thanks.  I'll keep that in mind.  However in this case, the 
controller is

a SATA that's integrated into the motherboard.  Since two of 4 are
working, that would mean the controller is OK, right?  I guess I could
swap SATA cables for a test.

--As for the rest, it is mine.

Actually, typically one controller only runs two drives, IIRC.  So you 
could have one bad controller out of two.  If swapping cables helps, 
you may want to try getting a SATA card or something similar.  (If 
swapping cables means you can see the other two drives, a SATA card 
should mean you'll get all your data back.)

Thanks for that.  Tore into it today.  The unseen drive is dead.  
Doesn't even spin up and thus, the data and OS is gone.

But on the bright side, this is a perfect opportunity to install 9.0 RC3.



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Re: FBSD-9.0-RC3 Disk 1 ISO Bootable?

2012-01-04 Thread Drew Tomlinson

On 1/4/2012 8:01 PM, R Skinner wrote:

On 01/05/12 13:23, Drew Tomlinson wrote:
I downloaded FreeBSD-9.0-RC3-amd64-disc1.iso 
and burned the image to CD.  However the CD does not boot.  Just 
wanted to confirm that it is supposed to be bootable.

Also, is there a DVD version?  I don't have many CDs around my house 
but plenty of DVDs.  :)

Hi Drew, and welcome to FreeBSD.

How did you 'burn' the disc? As an iso image (in Windows) you can open 
any burning program and tell it to burn it as is; you don't need to 
extract any contents. This is the usual problem if it won't boot.

I used the Windows image burning tool on the one that didn't work.  
However I tried on another PC that had Nero Burning ROM.  That one 
worked.  Now I just wish the boot disk had an apparent way to enable ssh 
so I could install from another PC while browsing the web.




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FBSD-9.0-RC3 Disk 1 ISO Bootable?

2012-01-04 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I downloaded FreeBSD-9.0-RC3-amd64-disc1.iso 
and burned the image to CD.  However the CD does not boot.  Just wanted 
to confirm that it is supposed to be bootable.

Also, is there a DVD version?  I don't have many CDs around my house but 
plenty of DVDs.  :)



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Re: Help Recovering FBSD 8 ZFS System

2012-01-02 Thread Drew Tomlinson

On 1/2/2012 12:36 PM, Daniel Staal wrote:
--As of December 31, 2011 1:40:59 PM -0800, Drew Tomlinson is alleged 
to have said:

Thus it appears I am missing ad16 that I used to have.  My data zpool 

the bulk of my system with over 600 gig of files and things I'd like to
have back.  I thought that by creating a raidz1 I could avoid having to
back up the huge drive and avoid this grief.  However it appears I have
lost 2 disks at the same time.  :(

Any thoughts before I just give up on recovering my data pool?

Ouch.  All I can really say is 'Redundancy is not backup', but that's 
a bit trite...

Yes, I know redundancy doesn't protect against operator error and thus 
isn't a true backup.  However this is a personal system whose main 
function was to store DVDs, MP3s, photos, and the like.  I can recreate 
most of the content and have backups of the photos up until about a year 
ago (bad me).

The one thing you haven't mentioned trying that might be worth the 
attempt is trying the recovery from a 9.0 disk.  There has been work 
done on the ZFS system, and it's possible that something might work.   
But that's mostly just to be thorough...

I may try this.  However I suspect before anything can work, I have to 
get the missing disk(s) detected by the OS.  One (ad6) is detected but 
full of errors.  There is another that's not even seen.

As for what it was telling you: It was just saying it couldn't open 
the drives.  ;)  Which does bring up one other option: If you've got a 
different drive controller, you might try plugging the drives into 
it.  (In the hopes that it's the *controller* and not the drive that's 
gone bad. Unlikely, bit it *does* happen.)

Thanks.  I'll keep that in mind.  However in this case, the controller 
is a SATA that's integrated into the motherboard.  Since two of 4 are 
working, that would mean the controller is OK, right?  I guess I could 
swap SATA cables for a test.

(Depending on the value of the data pool, a good data recovery service 
might be able to do something as well.  But they'd have to be a very 
good service, and know what they were working with.)

And regarding my root pool, my system can't mount root and start.  What
do I need to do to boot from my degraded root pool.  Here's the current

# zpool status
   pool: root
  state: DEGRADED
status: One or more devices could not be opened.  Sufficient replicas
exist for
 the pool to continue functioning in a degraded state.
action: Attach the missing device and online it using 'zpool online'.
  scrub: none requested

0 0
   mirrorDEGRADED 0
0 0
 gptid/5b623854-6c46-11de-ae82-001b21361de7  ONLINE   0
0 0
 12032653780322685599UNAVAIL  0
0 0  was /dev/ad6p3

Do I just need to do a 'zpool detach root /dev/ad6p3' to remove it from
the pool and get it to boot?  And then once I replace the disk a 'zpool
attach root ' to fix?

Thanks for your time.

Personally, I'd do a 'zpool replace /dev/ad6p3 /dev/$NEWDRIVE', but 
the above should work as well.  What's odd though is that you can't 
boot from it as is: Degraded should be considered functional, and it 
should let you boot.  You mentioned updating the zpool to v15.  Did 
you update the boot block at the same time?  (Just checking the 
basics.)  It'd need to be able to read the updated zpool.

I assume I upgraded the boot block since I've had no trouble booting 
before the drive failures and the upgrade was a long time ago.

Thanks for your help.


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Help Recovering FBSD 8 ZFS System

2011-12-31 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I have a FBSD 8 system that won't boot.  Console messages suggest I lost 
my ad6 drive.

When I created the system, built root on a zfs mirror and a raidz1 pool 
for data.  I've managed to boot into an 8.2 Fixit shell and been able to 
mount root on /mnt/root.  However my raidz1 pool (data) can't be 
imported.  I'm *really* hoping there is some way to fix this.

From the fixit shell, here is what I get when I run 'zpool import':

# zpool import
  pool: data
id: 10923029512613632741
 state: UNAVAIL
status: The pool was last accessed by another system.
action: The pool cannot be imported due to damaged devices or data.

insufficient replicas
insufficient replicas

gptid/1be11998-6c47-11de-ae82-001b21361de7  ONLINE
ad6p4   UNAVAIL  cannot 

gptid/fc514567-6c46-11de-ae82-001b21361de7  ONLINE
gptid/0f45dd02-6c47-11de-ae82-001b21361de7  UNAVAIL  cannot 

However I'm not exactly sure what this is telling me other than 
something "bad".  I did capture this information when I upgraded to 
version 15:

# 11/26/2010 - DLT
# After upgrading to zpool v 15 and learning about upgrading zfs file 
# I decided to take a snapshot of disks. It's interesting in the zpool 

# commands, it shows different physical disks than what are currently shown.
# I don't know why.

ad6: 715404MB  at ata3-master UDMA100 SATA 3Gb/s
ad10: 476940MB  at ata5-master UDMA100 
SATA 3Gb/s

acd0: DVDR  at ata6-master UDMA100 SATA 1.5Gb/s
ad14: 476940MB  at ata7-master UDMA100 
SATA 3Gb/s
ad16: 476940MB  at ata8-master UDMA100 
SATA 3Gb/s

vm# zpool history data
History for 'data':
2009-07-12.08:56:22 zpool create data raidz1 ad8p4 ad6p4 ad12p2 ad14p2
2009-07-12.08:57:37 zfs create data/usr
2009-07-12.08:57:41 zfs create data/var
2009-07-12.08:57:59 zfs create data/home
2009-07-12.09:00:46 zfs set mountpoint=none data
2009-07-12.09:19:27 zfs set mountpoint=/usr data/usr
2009-07-12.09:19:37 zfs set mountpoint=/home data/home
2009-07-12.09:19:46 zfs set mountpoint=/var data/var
2009-07-12.10:00:29 zpool import -f data
2009-07-12.10:19:52 zpool import -f data
2009-07-12.10:35:33 zpool import -f data
2009-07-12.11:34:30 zpool import -f data
2009-07-15.13:02:10 zpool import -f data
2009-07-15.13:24:10 zpool import -f data
2009-07-17.12:48:39 zpool import -f data
2009-07-17.12:49:49 zpool upgrade data
2009-07-17.13:17:44 zpool import -f data
2009-07-17.13:48:19 zpool export data
2009-07-17.13:48:24 zpool import data
2009-07-22.16:05:37 zfs create data/archive
2009-07-22.16:07:15 zfs set mountpoint=/archive data/archive
2009-07-24.23:18:18 zfs create -V 9G data/test
2009-07-24.23:35:54 zfs destroy data/test
2010-06-05.16:39:26 zpool upgrade data
2010-07-05.06:20:09 zpool import -f data
2010-07-05.06:27:09 zfs set mountpoint=/mnt data
2010-11-28.07:39:01 zpool upgrade -a

From dmesg output, these are the drives as seen after booting to Fixit:

ad6: 715404MB  at ata3-master UDMA100 SATA 3Gb/s
ad10: 476940MB  at ata5-master UDMA100 
SATA 3Gb/s
ad14: 476940MB  at ata7-master UDMA100 
SATA 3Gb/s

Thus it appears I am missing ad16 that I used to have.  My data zpool 
was the bulk of my system with over 600 gig of files and things I'd like 
to have back.  I thought that by creating a raidz1 I could avoid having 
to back up the huge drive and avoid this grief.  However it appears I 
have lost 2 disks at the same time.  :(

Any thoughts before I just give up on recovering my data pool?

And regarding my root pool, my system can't mount root and start.  What 
do I need to do to boot from my degraded root pool.  Here's the current 

# zpool status
  pool: root
 state: DEGRADED
status: One or more devices could not be opened.  Sufficient replicas 
exist for

the pool to continue functioning in a degraded state.
action: Attach the missing device and online it using 'zpool online'.
 scrub: none requested

0 0 0
0 0 0
gptid/5b623854-6c46-11de-ae82-001b21361de7  ONLINE   
0 0 0
0 0 0  was /dev/ad6p3

Do I just need to do a 'zpool detach root /dev/ad6p3' to remove it from 
the pool and get it to boot?  And then once I replace the disk a 'zpool 
attach root ' to fix?

Thanks for your time.


Re: FreeBSD 8 LiveFS - How To Start SSHD?

2011-12-24 Thread Drew Tomlinson

On 12/24/2011 9:05 PM, Adam Vande More wrote:
On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 4:35 PM, Drew Tomlinson>> wrote:

I can do the "Configure the network connection", the  "setup login
shell for root", and the "Prepare SSH" part.  However the "Enable,
configure, and start sshd" part doesn't seem to apply and really
doesn't make sense.

Bottom line is that after running /mnt2/use/sbin/sshd, I can see
the process in ps output.  However when I attempt to connect to
sshd as root, my connection is immediately closed.

ssh -vv

Thank you.  That led me to know that my host.allow file wasn't right.  
Fixed that.  Now failing when keyboard-interactive packet is sent.  
Thinking it's the PermitRootLogin yes problem.  Have created a 
sshd_config file set to yes and used the -f /path/to/file switch when 
starting sshd.  Have also tried using -o 'PermitRootLogin yes' when 
starting.  Still not

Thanks for your help.


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Re: FreeBSD 8 LiveFS - How To Start SSHD?

2011-12-24 Thread Drew Tomlinson

On 12/24/2011 4:47 PM, Robert Bonomi wrote:

 From  Sat Dec 24 16:58:02 2011
Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2011 14:35:35 -0800
From: Drew Tomlinson
Subject: FreeBSD 8 LiveFS - How To Start SSHD?

I've lost a drive in my FBSD 8.? box.  I have a FBSD 8.1 LiveFS CD from
which I've booted.  I'd like to get sshd running so I can connect
remotely and have the ability to browse, copy/paste, etc. while I see
what I might be able to salvage before replacing my drive.

I've found these directions:

I can do the "Configure the network connection", the  "setup login shell
for root", and the "Prepare SSH" part.  However the "Enable, configure,
and start sshd" part doesn't seem to apply and really doesn't make sense.

Bottom line is that after running /mnt2/use/sbin/sshd, I can see the
process in ps output.  However when I attempt to connect to sshd as
root, my connection is immediately closed.  I'm thinking it's a
PermitRootLogin yes issue and I'm missing something but I've read and
re-read that section and verified that /etc/ssh/sshd_config contains
PermitRootLogin yes.

If it happens -before- getting the login prompt, it is *NOT* a PermitRootLogin
isssue.  If you get the login prompt, put in 'root', and are -then- cut off
it is a root login issue.

Immediate connect and disconnect points to an issue with the IP address
you're connecting from -- as sshd (or possibly tcpwrapper) sees it, that is.
could be "no reverse-DNS", or inconsistent forward/reverse.  Could be that
the address/domain is blocked in /etc/hosts.{deny,allow}

Thank you.  Seems I had to restart sshd to get it to read hosts.allow?  
I didn't think that would be the case but it worked.

Now I am having a PermitRootLogin issue because it's happening after the 
login prompt.  Another poster also suggested "ssh -vv" which I ran 
locally on the LiveFS machine and it confirm that the connection is 
closed after public key auth fails and it moves to keyboard-interactive.

Don't know what to try next.  Seems that I can only kill sshd by 
rebooting.  It ignores "kill -15" or "kill -9" commands.

Thanks for your help.


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FreeBSD 8 LiveFS - How To Start SSHD?

2011-12-24 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I've lost a drive in my FBSD 8.? box.  I have a FBSD 8.1 LiveFS CD from 
which I've booted.  I'd like to get sshd running so I can connect 
remotely and have the ability to browse, copy/paste, etc. while I see 
what I might be able to salvage before replacing my drive.

I've found these directions:

I can do the "Configure the network connection", the  "setup login shell 
for root", and the "Prepare SSH" part.  However the "Enable, configure, 
and start sshd" part doesn't seem to apply and really doesn't make sense.

Bottom line is that after running /mnt2/use/sbin/sshd, I can see the 
process in ps output.  However when I attempt to connect to sshd as 
root, my connection is immediately closed.  I'm thinking it's a 
PermitRootLogin yes issue and I'm missing something but I've read and 
re-read that section and verified that /etc/ssh/sshd_config contains 
PermitRootLogin yes.

Can anyone tell me how to get sshd running or point me to a better link?



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Re: How To Fix "Use of assignment to $[ is deprecated"

2011-10-16 Thread Drew Tomlinson
Thank you both.  Your suggestion to remove apache and apr before 
rebuilding seems to be working.



On 10/15/2011 8:09 PM, Drew Tomlinson wrote:
Somehow while trying to upgrade my ports, I got things out of whack.  
The final straw was that perl got upgraded from 5.8.9 to 5.12.4.  I've 
read the notes in UPDATING but they are not helping my situation.  
Finally, I just decided that a "portupgrade -af" would be in my best 
interest.  However now portupgrade complains that "Makefile possibly 
broken" and then give this more relevant error:

Use of assignment to $[ is deprecated at /usr/local/sbin/apxs line 86.

This seems to be the case for just about any port I try and fix.  I 
think this file is part of apache22 so I attempted to rebuild it.  It 
compiles fine but fails on the install portion with this output:

--->  Installing the new version via the port
===>  Installing for apache-2.2.21
===>   apache-2.2.21 depends on file: /usr/local/bin/perl5.12.4 - found
===>   apache-2.2.21 depends on shared library: expat.6 - found
===>   apache-2.2.21 depends on shared library: apr-1 - found
===>   apache-2.2.21 depends on shared library: pcre.0 - found
===>   apache-2.2.21 depends on shared library: iconv.3 - found
===>   Generating temporary packing list
Making install in srclib
Making install in os
Making install in unix
Making install in server
Making install in mpm
Making install in prefork
find: /usr/local/include/apr-1/apr.h: No such file or directory

And then includes "No such file or directory" for 2-3 screens of files.

How can I fix my system?



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How To Fix "Use of assignment to $[ is deprecated"

2011-10-15 Thread Drew Tomlinson
Somehow while trying to upgrade my ports, I got things out of whack.  
The final straw was that perl got upgraded from 5.8.9 to 5.12.4.  I've 
read the notes in UPDATING but they are not helping my situation.  
Finally, I just decided that a "portupgrade -af" would be in my best 
interest.  However now portupgrade complains that "Makefile possibly 
broken" and then give this more relevant error:

Use of assignment to $[ is deprecated at /usr/local/sbin/apxs line 86.

This seems to be the case for just about any port I try and fix.  I 
think this file is part of apache22 so I attempted to rebuild it.  It 
compiles fine but fails on the install portion with this output:

--->  Installing the new version via the port
===>  Installing for apache-2.2.21
===>   apache-2.2.21 depends on file: /usr/local/bin/perl5.12.4 - found
===>   apache-2.2.21 depends on shared library: expat.6 - found
===>   apache-2.2.21 depends on shared library: apr-1 - found
===>   apache-2.2.21 depends on shared library: pcre.0 - found
===>   apache-2.2.21 depends on shared library: iconv.3 - found
===>   Generating temporary packing list
Making install in srclib
Making install in os
Making install in unix
Making install in server
Making install in mpm
Making install in prefork
find: /usr/local/include/apr-1/apr.h: No such file or directory

And then includes "No such file or directory" for 2-3 screens of files.

How can I fix my system?



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Re: Help with Bind Weirdness & Logging

2011-08-05 Thread Drew Tomlinson

On 8/5/2011 10:55 AM, Jerry wrote:

On Fri, 05 Aug 2011 10:25:13 -0700
Drew Tomlinson articulated:

On 8/5/2011 9:40 AM, Mark Felder wrote:

On Fri, 05 Aug 2011 11:15:21 -0500, Drew Tomlinson

Just recently, I noticed that my server can't resolve for some
names.  The ones I've noticed are for Microsoft domains,
specifically and  For example:

What kind of firewall stuff are you doing? Is it possible you're
dropping the DNS
replies when they're TCP? This happens when the reply is a certain

Thanks Mark.  That may have something to do with it.  I upgraded my
wireless router to a Linksys E3000 a couple of days ago which is also
my "firewall".  This thing is a piece of crap!  Lots of weirdness
regarding port forwarding.  Some works.  Some doesn't.  Tech support
is worthless.  I'm going to take it back and exchange for another.
Hopefully a new one will work right.

Anyway, put my previous router/firewall back in place and now my DNS
server is able to resolve.  Thus the firewalling thing was likely the

Any ideas on how to get Bind logging going?

I have experience with both the E3200 and E4200 models. I have not
worked with an E3000 before though. In any case, they are both
Wireless-N routers. FreeBSD does not play well with "N" wireless
devices. In any case, have you tried doing a hard reset of the router
and then rebooting it and then you system?

In regards to tech support, at least in my experience with Linksys, if
you don't ask a specific question you are not going to get anywhere. I
have found e-mail support to be better or even the live support if
available. In any case, you can and I have requested a new support
representative and have received one. Sometimes it is just the
individual whom you are talking to cannot understand the question

Thank you Jerry.  In my case, the FreeBSD boxes are hard wired so I 
don't think this will be a problem.  I use the wireless for two Windows 
laptops, a Lexmark printer, and a Motorola Droid X.

My specific issues with the E3000 were that even though remote 
management was properly configured and enabled, I could not access it 
remotely via https.  I even tried disabling to SPI firewall with no 
success.  Also in the single port forwarding, I had enabled the 
predefined SMTP service to point to my FreeBSD box on my local LAN.  
This worked.  However I also enabled the predefined HTTP service to the 
same FreeBSD box and it wouldn't work.  Additionally, I tried to forward 
some other ports as well like PPTP and IMAP/IMAPS but those wouldn't 
forward either.  Using a packet sniffer on the PC on the Internet, I 
could see SYN packets leaving my PC but no ACKs returning.  This same PC 
had no problems accessing all defined services with the old router in place.

I had tried what I thought was a hard reset by pressing the reset button 
on the back of the e3000 and then reconfiguring.  No luck.  However I 
just read about a "30-30-30" reset on the DD-WRT wiki where you hold the 
reset for 30 sec, then power off for 30 sec, and then power on with 
reset pressed for another 30 sec.  I'll try that when I get home.  
Otherwise this thing is going back to the store!

Do you have any further suggestions?



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Re: Help with Bind Weirdness & Logging

2011-08-05 Thread Drew Tomlinson

On 8/5/2011 9:40 AM, Mark Felder wrote:
On Fri, 05 Aug 2011 11:15:21 -0500, Drew Tomlinson 
Just recently, I noticed that my server can't resolve for some 
names.  The ones I've noticed are for Microsoft domains, specifically and  For example:

What kind of firewall stuff are you doing? Is it possible you're 
dropping the DNS

replies when they're TCP? This happens when the reply is a certain size.

Thanks Mark.  That may have something to do with it.  I upgraded my 
wireless router to a Linksys E3000 a couple of days ago which is also my 
"firewall".  This thing is a piece of crap!  Lots of weirdness regarding 
port forwarding.  Some works.  Some doesn't.  Tech support is 
worthless.  I'm going to take it back and exchange for another.  
Hopefully a new one will work right.

Anyway, put my previous router/firewall back in place and now my DNS 
server is able to resolve.  Thus the firewalling thing was likely the 

Any ideas on how to get Bind logging going?



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Help with Bind Weirdness & Logging

2011-08-05 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I'm running bind 9.3.5 and have been running some version of Bind for 
years.  The  purpose of this server is to resolve for my home LAN and to 
do regular queries for things outside my LAN.

Just recently, I noticed that my server can't resolve for some names.  
The ones I've noticed are for Microsoft domains, specifically and  For example:

# dig

; <<>> DiG 9.3.5-P2 <<>>
;; global options:  printcmd
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

Yet if I ask my ISP's server, I get resolution:

# dig @

; <<>> DiG 9.3.5-P2 <<>> @
; (1 server found)
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 40919
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;  IN  A


;; Query time: 39 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Aug  5 09:02:56 2011
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 91

But for all other domains I've tried, DNS resolution works just fine 
from my server.  Here's an example:

# dig

; <<>> DiG 9.3.5-P2 <<>>
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 60582
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 5, AUTHORITY: 7, ADDITIONAL: 2

; IN  A

;; ANSWER SECTION:  21600   IN  A  21600   IN  A  21600   IN  A  21600   IN  A  21600   IN  A

;; AUTHORITY SECTION:  172800  IN  NS  172800  IN  NS  172800  IN  NS  172800  IN  NS  172800  IN  NS  172800  IN  NS  172800  IN  NS

;; ADDITIONAL SECTION:  172800  IN  A  172800  IN  A

;; Query time: 236 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Aug  5 09:05:32 2011
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 265

So to try and diagnose this, I investigated logging.  My 
/var/named/etc/namedb/named.conf file had this default logging section:

logging {
category default { default_syslog; default_debug; };
category security{ default_syslog; default_debug; };
category xfer-in { default_syslog; default_debug; };
category xfer-out{ default_syslog; default_debug; };
category notify  { default_syslog; default_debug; };
category update  { default_syslog; default_debug; };
category update-security { default_syslog; default_debug; };
category lame-servers{ default_syslog; default_debug; };

But I couldn't find any logging in any of my log files like 
/var/log/messages or /var/log/all.log and there were no files in 
/var/named/var/log.  I did some Googling, commented out the above, added 
the section below, and restarted named:

  channel simple_log {
file "/var/log/named.log" versions 3 size 5m;
severity warning;
print-time yes;
print-severity yes;
print-category yes;
  category default  { simple_log; };
  category network  { simple_log; };
  category queries  { simple_log; };
  category resolver { simple_log; };
  category general  { simple_log; };

This did create a log file called /var/named/var/log/named.log.  However 
I'm not getting much info in this log.  I only get this text upon restart:

05-Aug-2011 07:39:22.583 general: error: the working directory is not 

What must I do to get more detailed logging that might help diagnose 
this problem?  Or better yet, what is going on with my Bind installation? ;)



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Re: Regex Help For Procmail

2010-09-08 Thread Drew Tomlinson

 On 9/7/2010 5:50 PM, Robert Bonomi wrote:

 From  Mon Sep  6 12:46:59 2010
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 2010 10:46:47 -0700
From: Drew Tomlinson
Subject: Re: Regex Help For Procmail

   On 9/5/2010 4:02 PM, wrote:

Frank Shute   wrote:

Drew, try this:

* ^From:.*famous-smoke\.com

I think it's not catching it because the period isn't backslash
escaped ...

Unless there's some edge case that I'm not thinking of, adding a
backslash to escape a period will never convert a non-match into
a match.  An unescaped period in an RE matches any character,
including a period.  An escaped period matches only a period.

I have confirmed this.  I did add the backslash but procmail is still
not matching.

Adding the backslash _does_ better represent what the OP wants
to accomplish, but the lack of it is not the cause of the RE not
matching.  (I'm not sufficiently familiar with how procmail uses
REs to figure out what _is_ causing it not to match.)

True and thus I'll leave the backslash.  However I have no idea what
_is_ causing it not to match either. I'm stumped.

Chances are you're 'over-specifying' what you want.  take off the trailing
$, and maybe even the '>'

There's _something_ in the header that is not what you 'think' it is,
which is what is causing the problem.  the difficulty is -finding- what
that 'something' is.

 From whatever file procmail is dumping that message into, try using a
minimal text editor (something that is *NOT* language/charset aware,
delete everything _but_ that 'From: ' line, and then use that  as input
to 'od -xc' to see _exactly_ what's there.

Here is that output:

blacklamb> od -xc x
000  72466d6f203a46226d61756f20736d53
   F   r   o   m   :   "   F   a   m   o   u   s   S   m
020  6b6f20656853706f2022413c6e6e756f
   o   k   e   S   h   o   p   " <   A   n   n   o   u
040  636e40656d6569612e6c61666f6d7375
   n   c   e   @   e   m   a   i   l   .   f   a   m   o   u   s
060  732d6f6d656b632e6d6f0a3e
   -   s   m   o   k   e   .   c   o   m >  \n

And this procmail recipe does *not* match:

# Deliver other email to folder
* ^From:.*famous-smoke\.com
"${HOME}/Maildir/.Shopping/Famous Smoke/Email/"

Do you see anything I'm missing?



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Re: Regex Help For Procmail

2010-09-06 Thread Drew Tomlinson

 On 9/5/2010 2:32 PM, Glen Barber wrote:

On 9/5/10 12:33 PM, Drew Tomlinson wrote:

No, still not matching.  Basically, why doesn't this header:

From: "Famous Smoke Shop"

Match this procmail recipe:

* ^From:.*>$

Hmm.. I just noticed this - I don't think you need the trailing bracket (>).

What about this:

* ^From:.*famous-smoke\.com$

Note that I also escaped the period before 'com'.

I think I'd have to have the trailing bracket when specifying the "$" at 
the end.  However maybe the bracket is some special regex character and 
needs to be escaped?  I'm just going to remove the bracket and the $ and 
see what happens.  However I *would* like to understand.

Thanks for your help!


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Re: Regex Help For Procmail

2010-09-06 Thread Drew Tomlinson

 On 9/5/2010 4:02 PM, wrote:

Frank Shute  wrote:

Drew, try this:

* ^From:.*famous-smoke\.com

I think it's not catching it because the period isn't backslash
escaped ...

Unless there's some edge case that I'm not thinking of, adding a
backslash to escape a period will never convert a non-match into
a match.  An unescaped period in an RE matches any character,
including a period.  An escaped period matches only a period.

I have confirmed this.  I did add the backslash but procmail is still 
not matching.

Adding the backslash _does_ better represent what the OP wants
to accomplish, but the lack of it is not the cause of the RE not
matching.  (I'm not sufficiently familiar with how procmail uses
REs to figure out what _is_ causing it not to match.)

True and thus I'll leave the backslash.  However I have no idea what 
_is_ causing it not to match either. I'm stumped.



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Re: Regex Help For Procmail

2010-09-05 Thread Drew Tomlinson

 On 9/3/2010 2:12 PM, Drew Tomlinson wrote:

 Hi Glen,

Thank you for your reply.

On 9/3/2010 12:02 PM, Glen Barber wrote:

Hi Drew,

On 9/3/10 2:45 PM, Drew Tomlinson wrote:

  I use procmail for mail delivery and I'm trying to concoct the right
regex to match From: headers and deliver to a folder.  However mail is
sent from various addresses so I want to match all that end with
">".  Here's an example of a header:

From: "Famous Smoke Shop"

Because I also occasionally order, I don't want to catch mail from
anything that has the word "Orders" and "Famous" in the From field.
Thus here is my procmail recipe:

# Deliver order info to inbox

Is this supposed to be "match Famous OR Order"?  This currently matches
"Famous AND Order".

No, I want "Famous AND Order".

# Deliver other email to folder
"${HOME}/Maildir/.Shopping/Famous Smoke/Email/"

Going by your examples, you want to catch "Famous OR Order" and place
that in Maildir/new, and all other email from this address to go to

Try this:

# catch "famous" or "order"
* ^From:.*([Ff]amous|[Oo]rder).*>$

# catch everything else from this sender
* ^From:.*>$
"$HOME/Maildir/.Shopping/Famous Smoke/Email/"

According to my procmail log, the From: header does not match.  I would
expect the example From: header above to match the second regex and be
delivered to the specified folder. Where is my error?

If my assumption above is incorrect, could you paste a snippet from your
procmail log and point out what should be matching so we can have a
specific example?

This is the actual log entry from the example I used in this email:

From  Fri Sep  3 10:11:08 2010
 Subject: Another Must-Attend Event at Famous!
  Folder: /home//Maildir/new/1283533874.95147_0.blacklamb. 

procmail: [95164] Fri Sep  3 10:13:05 2010
procmail: Assigning "NL=
procmail: Assigning "LOG=

procmail: No match on "^From:.[Ff]amous.*[Oo]rder.*>$"
procmail: No match on "^From:.*>$"
procmail: Assigning "VERBOSE=OFF"

I think my problem is that I was missing a "space" between "*" and 
"^From:".  Your example shows a space and a reply from Brent Bloxam 
suggests this is the problem as well.  I don't quite understand the 
difference between the two but have made the change and I'll see if it 
works.  I'm also going to hit Google and see if I can understand.

No, still not matching.  Basically, why doesn't this header:

From: "Famous Smoke Shop" 

Match this procmail recipe:

* ^From:.*>$
"${HOME}/Maildir/.Shopping/Famous Smoke/Email/"

From my procmail log:

procmail: No match on "^From:.*>$"



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Re: Regex Help For Procmail

2010-09-03 Thread Drew Tomlinson

 Hi Glen,

Thank you for your reply.

On 9/3/2010 12:02 PM, Glen Barber wrote:

Hi Drew,

On 9/3/10 2:45 PM, Drew Tomlinson wrote:

  I use procmail for mail delivery and I'm trying to concoct the right
regex to match From: headers and deliver to a folder.  However mail is
sent from various addresses so I want to match all that end with
">".  Here's an example of a header:

From: "Famous Smoke Shop"

Because I also occasionally order, I don't want to catch mail from
anything that has the word "Orders" and "Famous" in the From field.
Thus here is my procmail recipe:

# Deliver order info to inbox

Is this supposed to be "match Famous OR Order"?  This currently matches
"Famous AND Order".

No, I want "Famous AND Order".

# Deliver other email to folder
"${HOME}/Maildir/.Shopping/Famous Smoke/Email/"

Going by your examples, you want to catch "Famous OR Order" and place
that in Maildir/new, and all other email from this address to go to

Try this:

# catch "famous" or "order"
* ^From:.*([Ff]amous|[Oo]rder).*>$

# catch everything else from this sender
* ^From:.*>$
"$HOME/Maildir/.Shopping/Famous Smoke/Email/"

According to my procmail log, the From: header does not match.  I would
expect the example From: header above to match the second regex and be
delivered to the specified folder. Where is my error?

If my assumption above is incorrect, could you paste a snippet from your
procmail log and point out what should be matching so we can have a
specific example?

This is the actual log entry from the example I used in this email:

From  Fri Sep  3 10:11:08 2010
 Subject: Another Must-Attend Event at Famous!
  Folder: /home//Maildir/new/1283533874.95147_0.blacklamb. 8161
procmail: [95164] Fri Sep  3 10:13:05 2010
procmail: Assigning "NL=
procmail: Assigning "LOG=

procmail: No match on "^From:.[Ff]amous.*[Oo]rder.*>$"
procmail: No match on "^From:.*>$"
procmail: Assigning "VERBOSE=OFF"

I think my problem is that I was missing a "space" between "*" and 
"^From:".  Your example shows a space and a reply from Brent Bloxam 
suggests this is the problem as well.  I don't quite understand the 
difference between the two but have made the change and I'll see if it 
works.  I'm also going to hit Google and see if I can understand.

Thanks again for your help!



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Regex Help For Procmail

2010-09-03 Thread Drew Tomlinson
 I use procmail for mail delivery and I'm trying to concoct the right 
regex to match From: headers and deliver to a folder.  However mail is 
sent from various addresses so I want to match all that end with 
">".  Here's an example of a header:

From: "Famous Smoke Shop"

Because I also occasionally order, I don't want to catch mail from 
anything that has the word "Orders" and "Famous" in the From field.  
Thus here is my procmail recipe:

# Deliver order info to inbox

# Deliver other email to folder
"${HOME}/Maildir/.Shopping/Famous Smoke/Email/"

According to my procmail log, the From: header does not match.  I would 
expect the example From: header above to match the second regex and be 
delivered to the specified folder. Where is my error?



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Re: Bash Script Help - File Names With Spaces

2010-08-17 Thread Drew Tomlinson

On 8/17/2010 8:22 AM, Chip Camden wrote:

Quoth Drew Tomlinson on Tuesday, 17 August 2010:

I have a collection of yearly top 100 Billboard mp3s in this format (all
one line - sorry if it wraps):

/archive/Multimedia/Audio/Music/Billboard Top USA Singles/1980-028 Kenny
Loggins - This Is It.mp3

I want to create symbolic links to the top 30 in 1966-1969 in another
directory for easy migration to a flash card. Thus I invoked 'find' to
get a list (again, all one line):

find -E "/archive/Multimedia/Audio/Music/Billboard Top USA Singles"
-regex '.*19[6-9][0-9]-0[0-2][0-9].*'

(OK, I know this will only return the top 29)

'find' returns the complete filename as above:

/archive/Multimedia/Audio/Music/Billboard Top USA Singles/1980-028 Kenny
Loggins - This Is It.mp3

Then I attempt to use 'basename' to extract the file name to a variable
which I can later pass to 'ln'.  This seems to work:

basename "/archive/Multimedia/Audio/Music/Billboard Top USA
Singles/1980-028 Kenny Loggins - This Is It.mp3"

returns (all one line):

1980-028 Kenny Loggins - This Is It.mp3

which is what I would expect.  However using it with 'find' give me this
type of unexpected result:

for i in `find -E "/archive/Multimedia/Audio/Music/Billboard Top USA
Singles" -regex '.*19[6-9][0-9]-0[1-2][0-9].*'`; do basename "${i}";done


Why is this different? And more importantly, how can I capture the file
name to $i?


find -E ... | while read i; do; basename $i; done

When using back-ticks, all the output gets appended together,
space-separated.  Then 'for' can't tell the difference between a space in
a filename and a delimiter.  Using 'read' instead preserves line

Thanks for your reply.  I like this better than manipulating $IFS 
because then I don't have to set it back.



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Re: Bash Script Help - File Names With Spaces -- SOLVED

2010-08-17 Thread Drew Tomlinson

On 8/17/2010 7:47 AM, Drew Tomlinson wrote:
I have a collection of yearly top 100 Billboard mp3s in this format 
(all one line - sorry if it wraps):

/archive/Multimedia/Audio/Music/Billboard Top USA Singles/1980-028 
Kenny Loggins - This Is It.mp3

I want to create symbolic links to the top 30 in 1966-1969 in another 
directory for easy migration to a flash card. Thus I invoked 'find' to 
get a list (again, all one line):

find -E "/archive/Multimedia/Audio/Music/Billboard Top USA Singles" 
-regex '.*19[6-9][0-9]-0[0-2][0-9].*'

(OK, I know this will only return the top 29)

'find' returns the complete filename as above:

/archive/Multimedia/Audio/Music/Billboard Top USA Singles/1980-028 
Kenny Loggins - This Is It.mp3

Then I attempt to use 'basename' to extract the file name to a 
variable which I can later pass to 'ln'.  This seems to work:

basename "/archive/Multimedia/Audio/Music/Billboard Top USA 
Singles/1980-028 Kenny Loggins - This Is It.mp3"

returns (all one line):

1980-028 Kenny Loggins - This Is It.mp3

which is what I would expect.  However using it with 'find' give me 
this type of unexpected result:

for i in `find -E "/archive/Multimedia/Audio/Music/Billboard Top USA 
Singles" -regex '.*19[6-9][0-9]-0[1-2][0-9].*'`; do basename "${i}";done


Why is this different? And more importantly, how can I capture the 
file name to $i?

It finally occurred to me that I needed the shell to see a new line as 
the delimiter and not whitespace. Then a simple search revealed my answer:

IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")


Sorry for the noise.


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Bash Script Help - File Names With Spaces

2010-08-17 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I have a collection of yearly top 100 Billboard mp3s in this format (all 
one line - sorry if it wraps):

/archive/Multimedia/Audio/Music/Billboard Top USA Singles/1980-028 Kenny 
Loggins - This Is It.mp3

I want to create symbolic links to the top 30 in 1966-1969 in another 
directory for easy migration to a flash card. Thus I invoked 'find' to 
get a list (again, all one line):

find -E "/archive/Multimedia/Audio/Music/Billboard Top USA Singles" 
-regex '.*19[6-9][0-9]-0[0-2][0-9].*'

(OK, I know this will only return the top 29)

'find' returns the complete filename as above:

/archive/Multimedia/Audio/Music/Billboard Top USA Singles/1980-028 Kenny 
Loggins - This Is It.mp3

Then I attempt to use 'basename' to extract the file name to a variable 
which I can later pass to 'ln'.  This seems to work:

basename "/archive/Multimedia/Audio/Music/Billboard Top USA 
Singles/1980-028 Kenny Loggins - This Is It.mp3"

returns (all one line):

1980-028 Kenny Loggins - This Is It.mp3

which is what I would expect.  However using it with 'find' give me this 
type of unexpected result:

for i in `find -E "/archive/Multimedia/Audio/Music/Billboard Top USA 
Singles" -regex '.*19[6-9][0-9]-0[1-2][0-9].*'`; do basename "${i}";done


Why is this different? And more importantly, how can I capture the file 
name to $i?



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Re: Help With MPD as pptp client -- SOLVED

2010-05-26 Thread Drew Tomlinson

On 5/25/2010 11:02 AM, Drew Tomlinson wrote:
I'm trying to use mpd5 as a client to connect to a VPN server at work 
which has a routeable class B IP address.  It's a Cisco 3000 and 
Windows machines connect using the built-in Microsoft dialup 
networking client.

I can successfully connect with mpd5 and after manually manipulating 
the routing tables, I can connect to machines through the vpn.  But I 
can't understand how to configure mpd5 so that manual route 
intervention is not required.

Here is my mpd.conf which is based from the sample included with the 
port.  I have used "aaa.bbb.x.x" to represent my employer's IP addresses.

# $Id: mpd.conf.sample,v 1.46 2009/04/29 11:04:17 amotin Exp $

# configure mpd users
set user foo bar admin
set user foo1 bar1
# configure the console
set console self 5005
set console open
# configure the web server
set web self 5006
set web open

# Default configuration is "dialup"

load pptp_client

# PPTP client: only outgoing calls, auto reconnect,
# ipcp-negotiated address, one-sided authentication,
# default route points on ISP's end

create bundle static B1
#   set iface route default
set iface idle 0
set iface route aaa.bbb.0.0/16
set ipcp ranges

create link static L1 pptp
set link action bundle B1
set auth authname **
set auth password **
set link max-redial 0
set link mtu 1460
set link keep-alive 20 75
set pptp peer aaa.bbb.18.10
set pptp disable windowing

Here is my route table after starting mpd5:

vm# netstat -rn
Routing tables

DestinationGatewayFlagsRefs  Use  Netif 

default192.168.1.2UGS 9  3097494em0  link#6 UH  056291lo0
aaa.bbb.0.0/16 aaa.bbb.18.10  UGS 00ng0
aaa.bbb.18.10  link#8 UH  02ng0
aaa.bbb.206.150link#8 UHS 00lo0 link#2 U   2 12822383em0

I need my route table to look like this (or something equivalent):

vm# netstat -rn
Routing tables

DestinationGatewayFlagsRefs  Use  Netif 

default192.168.1.2UGS12  3099541em0  link#6 UH  056299lo0
aaa.bbb.0.0/16 aaa.bbb.18.10  UGS 0   12ng0
aaa.bbb.18.10   77em0
aaa.bbb.206.150link#8 UHS 00lo0 link#2 U   1 12822495em0

You'll see the main difference is that I have to route aaa.bbb.18.10 
out the default gateway of my LAN.

What do I need to change or add in my mpd.conf to get the desired 
routing table?

For the archives:

I was able to accomplish manipulation of the routing tables with 
scripts.  See 'set iface up-script' in mpd5 docs for more info.

HTH someone.


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Re: named - Is It Possible to Forward Requests for One Domain to Another Server?

2010-05-25 Thread Drew Tomlinson

On 5/25/2010 4:58 PM, Thomas Keusch wrote:

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 04:30:04PM -0700, Drew Tomlinson wrote:

Hi Drew,


In my home network, I have named running to resolve machines on my LAN.
It is also configured to forward requests to my ISP for all other queries.

On another machine in my LAN, I used mpd to create a vpn connection to
my work and set appropriate routes so that any machine on my LAN can
access any machine at my work over the vpn (using mpd's nat function).
This works when accessing via the IP address.  Now I'm trying to get DNS
resolution for machines at work.

Is there some way I can tell named to request DNS info for my work
domain from my work's DNS server available over the vpn?  Does this make

Yes, it makes sense. What you're looking for is a "forward" type zone in
named.conf, like

zone "" {
type forward;
forward only;
forwarders { ip_of_work_dns_server; };

I'm not sure if I got the syntax 100% right.

Also consider that this might interfere with the setup of the VPN, if
you're using DNS names in the configuration, as named will not be able
to resolve hosts in "" without being able to reach

Hi Thomas,

Thank you for your reply. That was what I needed.


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named - Is It Possible to Forward Requests for One Domain to Another Server?

2010-05-25 Thread Drew Tomlinson
In my home network, I have named running to resolve machines on my LAN.  
It is also configured to forward requests to my ISP for all other queries.

On another machine in my LAN, I used mpd to create a vpn connection to 
my work and set appropriate routes so that any machine on my LAN can 
access any machine at my work over the vpn (using mpd's nat function).  
This works when accessing via the IP address.  Now I'm trying to get DNS 
resolution for machines at work.

Is there some way I can tell named to request DNS info for my work 
domain from my work's DNS server available over the vpn?  Does this make 



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Re: Help With MPD as pptp client

2010-05-25 Thread Drew Tomlinson

On 5/25/2010 11:59 AM, Mark wrote:

--- On Tue, 5/25/10, Drew Tomlinson  wrote:


From: Drew Tomlinson
Subject: Help With MPD as pptp client
Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 1:02 PM
I'm trying to use mpd5 as a client to
connect to a VPN server at work which has a routeable class
B IP address.  It's a Cisco 3000 and Windows machines
connect using the built-in Microsoft dialup networking

I can successfully connect with mpd5 and after manually
manipulating the routing tables, I can connect to machines
through the vpn.  But I can't understand how to
configure mpd5 so that manual route intervention is not

Here is my mpd.conf which is based from the sample included
with the port.  I have used "aaa.bbb.x.x" to represent
my employer's IP addresses.

# $Id: mpd.conf.sample,v 1.46 2009/04/29 11:04:17 amotin
Exp $

 # configure mpd users
 set user foo bar admin
 set user foo1 bar1
 # configure the console
 set console self
 set console open
 # configure the web server
 set web self 5006
 set web open

# Default configuration is "dialup"

 load pptp_client

# PPTP client: only outgoing calls, auto reconnect,
# ipcp-negotiated address, one-sided authentication,
# default route points on ISP's end

 create bundle static B1
#   set iface route default
 set iface idle 0
 set iface route aaa.bbb.0.0/16
 set ipcp ranges

 create link static L1 pptp
 set link action bundle B1
 set auth authname **
 set auth password **
 set link max-redial 0
 set link mtu 1460
 set link keep-alive 20 75
 set pptp peer aaa.bbb.18.10
 set pptp disable windowing

Here is my route table after starting mpd5:

vm# netstat -rn
Routing tables

 Use  Netif Expire
  9  3097494em0  link#6 
aaa.bbb.0.0/16 aaa.bbb.18.10 
aaa.bbb.18.10  link#8   
   lo0 link#2   
  2 12822383em0

I need my route table to look like this (or something

vm# netstat -rn
Routing tables

 Use  Netif Expire
 12  3099541em0  link#6 
aaa.bbb.0.0/16 aaa.bbb.18.10 
0   12 
   lo0 link#2   
  1 12822495em0

You'll see the main difference is that I have to route
aaa.bbb.18.10 out the default gateway of my LAN.

What do I need to change or add in my mpd.conf to get the
desired routing table?


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Comment out   "set iface route aaa.bbb.0.0/16" and see if it works. I use mpd 
without this setting, it routes it to the default without a setting.

Yeah, thanks for your reply but that line creates this entry:

aaa.bbb.0.0/16 aaa.bbb.18.10

which I do need.  Basically I somehow need to say route all 
aaa.bbb.0.0/16 except aaa.bbb.18.10.  I don't know how to accomplish this.

The good news is that after my manual fixes, the tunnel works.



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Help With MPD as pptp client

2010-05-25 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I'm trying to use mpd5 as a client to connect to a VPN server at work 
which has a routeable class B IP address.  It's a Cisco 3000 and Windows 
machines connect using the built-in Microsoft dialup networking client.

I can successfully connect with mpd5 and after manually manipulating the 
routing tables, I can connect to machines through the vpn.  But I can't 
understand how to configure mpd5 so that manual route intervention is 
not required.

Here is my mpd.conf which is based from the sample included with the 
port.  I have used "aaa.bbb.x.x" to represent my employer's IP addresses.

# $Id: mpd.conf.sample,v 1.46 2009/04/29 11:04:17 amotin Exp $

# configure mpd users
set user foo bar admin
set user foo1 bar1
# configure the console
set console self 5005
set console open
# configure the web server
set web self 5006
set web open

# Default configuration is "dialup"

load pptp_client

# PPTP client: only outgoing calls, auto reconnect,
# ipcp-negotiated address, one-sided authentication,
# default route points on ISP's end

create bundle static B1
#   set iface route default
set iface idle 0
set iface route aaa.bbb.0.0/16
set ipcp ranges

create link static L1 pptp
set link action bundle B1
set auth authname **
set auth password **
set link max-redial 0
set link mtu 1460
set link keep-alive 20 75
set pptp peer aaa.bbb.18.10
set pptp disable windowing

Here is my route table after starting mpd5:

vm# netstat -rn
Routing tables

DestinationGatewayFlagsRefs  Use  Netif Expire
default192.168.1.2UGS 9  3097494em0  link#6 UH  056291lo0
aaa.bbb.0.0/16 aaa.bbb.18.10  UGS 00ng0
aaa.bbb.18.10  link#8 UH  02ng0
aaa.bbb.206.150link#8 UHS 00lo0 link#2 U   2 12822383em0

I need my route table to look like this (or something equivalent):

vm# netstat -rn
Routing tables

DestinationGatewayFlagsRefs  Use  Netif Expire
default192.168.1.2UGS12  3099541em0  link#6 UH  056299lo0
aaa.bbb.0.0/16 aaa.bbb.18.10  UGS 0   12ng0
aaa.bbb.18.10   77em0
aaa.bbb.206.150link#8 UHS 00lo0 link#2 U   1 12822495em0

You'll see the main difference is that I have to route aaa.bbb.18.10 out 
the default gateway of my LAN.

What do I need to change or add in my mpd.conf to get the desired 
routing table?


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Re: Help With pptpclient Setup

2010-05-19 Thread Drew Tomlinson

On 5/19/2010 10:14 AM, Adam Vande More wrote:

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 10:59 AM, Drew Tomlinsonwrote:


I'm using FBSD 8.0-STABLE and trying to connect to a Cisco VPN at work.
  Windows PCs connect with the basic Microsoft dial-up networking client.
  Thus I assume pptpclient is my answer for FBSD.


I would think GRE would be the answer here.

Thanks for your reply.  However I do not see how to pass my 
username/password to the Cisco VPN in either of those 2 links.

FWIW, I've found more detailed logs that suggest I'm making the initial 
connection and being authenticated.  I just don't understand what has to 
happen next.  Here's my log:

May 19 10:00:43 vm ppp[89700]: Phase: Using interface: tun0
May 19 10:00:43 vm ppp[89700]: Phase: deflink: Created in closed state
May 19 10:00:43 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: PPP Started (direct mode).
May 19 10:00:43 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: bundle: Establish
May 19 10:00:43 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: deflink: closed -> opening
May 19 10:00:43 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Connected!
May 19 10:00:43 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: deflink: opening -> carrier
May 19 10:00:44 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: deflink: /dev/pts/5: CD detected
May 19 10:00:44 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: deflink: carrier -> lcp
May 19 10:00:45 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: bundle: Authenticate
May 19 10:00:45 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: deflink: his = CHAP 0x81, 
mine = none

May 19 10:00:45 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: Chap Input: CHALLENGE (16 bytes)
May 19 10:00:45 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: Chap Output: RESPONSE (username)
May 19 10:00:45 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: Chap Input: CHALLENGE (16 bytes)
May 19 10:00:45 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: Chap Output: RESPONSE (username)
May 19 10:00:45 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: Chap Input: SUCCESS 

May 19 10:00:45 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: deflink: lcp -> open
May 19 10:00:45 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: bundle: Network
May 19 10:02:53 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: Signal 15, terminate.
May 19 10:02:53 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: Signal 15, terminate.
May 19 10:03:08 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: bundle: Terminate
May 19 10:03:08 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: deflink: open -> lcp
May 19 10:03:23 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Disconnected!
May 19 10:03:23 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Connect time: 160 
secs: 513 octets in, 5886370561 octets out
May 19 10:03:23 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: deflink: 16 packets in, 
9795297 packets out
May 19 10:03:23 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase:  total 36789819 bytes/sec, 
peak 52339780 bytes/sec on Wed May 19 10:02:43 2010

May 19 10:03:23 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: deflink: lcp -> closed
May 19 10:03:23 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: bundle: Dead
May 19 10:03:23 vm ppp[89700]: tun0: Phase: PPP Terminated (normal).
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Help With pptpclient Setup

2010-05-19 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I'm using FBSD 8.0-STABLE and trying to connect to a Cisco VPN at work.  
Windows PCs connect with the basic Microsoft dial-up networking client.  
Thus I assume pptpclient is my answer for FBSD.

My work network is a class B but it's used as 254 class C networks.  The 
vpn server address is part of that class B network.  The VPN server 
gives me a class C address.  Let's use these addresses as an example: is the VPN server is the IP address my client will be given is my entire work network.

I've followed examples at and  My ppp.conf 
file looks like this:

  set log Phase Chat LCP IPCP CCP tun command
  ident user-ppp VERSION (built COMPILATIONDATE)

 set authname myusername
 set authkey mypassword
 set timeout 0
 set ifaddr 0 0
 alias enable yes

/var/log/message shows this when trying to make a connection:

May 19 08:50:34 vm pptp[89300]: anon log[main:pptp.c:314]: The 
synchronous pptp option is NOT activated
May 19 08:50:34 vm pptp[89305]: anon log[ctrlp_rep:pptp_ctrl.c:251]: 
Sent control packet type is 1 'Start-Control-Connection-Request'
May 19 08:50:34 vm pptp[89305]: anon log[ctrlp_disp:pptp_ctrl.c:739]: 
Received Start Control Connection Reply
May 19 08:50:34 vm pptp[89305]: anon log[ctrlp_disp:pptp_ctrl.c:773]: 
Client connection established.
May 19 08:50:35 vm pptp[89305]: anon log[ctrlp_rep:pptp_ctrl.c:251]: 
Sent control packet type is 7 'Outgoing-Call-Request'
May 19 08:50:35 vm pptp[89305]: anon log[ctrlp_disp:pptp_ctrl.c:858]: 
Received Outgoing Call Reply.
May 19 08:50:35 vm pptp[89305]: anon log[ctrlp_disp:pptp_ctrl.c:897]: 
Outgoing call established (call ID 0, peer's call ID 34636).

May 19 08:50:36 vm kernel: tun0: link state changed to UP
May 19 08:50:36 vm ppp[89300]: tun0: Warning: The alias command is 
May 19 08:51:35 vm pptp[89305]: anon log[logecho:pptp_ctrl.c:677]: Echo 
Request received.
May 19 08:51:35 vm pptp[89305]: anon log[ctrlp_rep:pptp_ctrl.c:251]: 
Sent control packet type is 6 'Echo-Reply'

The above lasts for a minute or two and then:

May 19 08:52:56 vm pptp[89305]: anon 
log[pptp_read_some:pptp_ctrl.c:551]: read error: Operation timed out
May 19 08:52:56 vm pptp[89305]: anon 
log[callmgr_main:pptp_callmgr.c:258]: Closing connection (shutdown)
May 19 08:52:56 vm pptp[89305]: anon 
log[pptp_send_ctrl_packet:pptp_ctrl.c:622]: write error: Broken pipe
May 19 08:52:56 vm pptp[89305]: anon 
log[call_callback:pptp_callmgr.c:79]: Closing connection (call state)
May 19 08:52:56 vm pptp[89305]: anon 
log[pptp_read_some:pptp_ctrl.c:551]: read error: Bad file descriptor
May 19 08:52:56 vm ppp[89300]: tun0: Warning: deflink: Unable to set 
physical to speed 0
May 19 08:52:56 vm ppp[89300]: tun0: Warning: deflink: Unable to set 
physical to speed 0
May 19 08:52:56 vm ppp[89300]: tun0: Warning: deflink: tcsetattr: Unable 
to restore device settings

May 19 08:52:56 vm kernel: tun0: link state changed to DOWN
May 19 08:52:56 vm kernel: pid 89305 (pptp), uid 0: exited on signal 11 
(core dumped)

Before core dump above, route table shows:

# netstat -rn
Routing tables

DestinationGatewayFlagsRefs  Use  Netif Expire
default192.168.1.2UGS 8  2203286em0  link#6 UH  044531lo0  link#7 UHS 0   176240   tun0  UGS 00   tun0 UHS 00lo0 link#2 U   6 10627552em0 UHS 00lo0

And ifconfig shows tun0 as:

tun0: flags=8051 metric 0 mtu 1498
inet --> netmask 0x
Opened by PID 89300

So what am I doing wrong?  I suspect routing is an issue.  Wouldn't I 
need a route that points all traffic to tun0 but another 
route that specifically sends to my default gateway of  And if so, how do I properly specify that in my ppp.conf?



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Re: 'at' command syntax

2010-04-30 Thread Drew Tomlinson

On 4/30/2010 10:11 AM, Allie Daneman wrote:

Read the man page...that should shed light on the issue.

Sent from my electronic slavery device.


I've read the man page over and over.

Thanks for your reply.

I started there but guess I am dense.  However Thomas' post told me that 
I have to use 'echo' or 'cat' and the pipe to feed 'at' from the command 
line.  I wasn't grasping that I had to do it in this manner.


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'at' command syntax

2010-04-30 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I'm am unable to figure out the proper syntax of the 'at' command.  I've 
read the man page over and over.  I've attempted Google searches but 
there is a lot of  'at' in the world.  Can someone please point out 
what's wrong with this syntax?

at noon '/usr/local/bin/curl -u user:pass -d status="New products added 
to catalog. Check out the demo videos! -";'

I've tried various ways of specifying time but always get "at: 
incomplete time".  However if I just enter 'at noon', then I am in an 
interactive mode where I can paste the command, end with ctrl-D, and my 
job gets scheduled.  What am I missing?


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email address on google through this link

2010-04-27 Thread Drew White

My email address is showing up in google from this thread, I get a lot of
spam at this email address... Is there anything we can do about this?
Perhaps turning off people's email address showing in these threads is
possible.. Thank You - Trying to clean up.


Drew White

Drew White
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Re: On an iMac

2010-04-03 Thread Drew Tomlinson

GUILLE Larrazabal wrote:

Dears Sirs: I would like  to ask you,  wether I can install this OS on a Imac 
with Intel Core 2 duo 2,66 Proccesor, so that I can have this OS running.

Another question I have is also I can install this FreeBSD on a Laptop,for 
example a HP Pavillion running  Window 7.
I will be grateful if you can tell me what to do.Thank you very much.

Your answers are here:


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vim Keybindings

2009-10-31 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I'm experiencing an annoying problem with vim on FBSD 8 that I don't 
have on FBSD 7.  Whenever I start vim, if I press the down arrow as the 
first key, it deletes the first line of my file and enters insert mode.  
All the other keys work fine and even the down arrow works fine after 
the first press.

I've searched for help but haven't turned up anything relevant.  Any 
ideas on what I can check?


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Re: Regex Help - Greedy vs. Non-Greedy

2009-09-09 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Drew Tomlinson wrote:

Daniel Bye wrote:

On Wed, Sep 09, 2009 at 09:15:25AM -0700, Drew Tomlinson wrote:

I'm trying to do a search and replace in vim.  I have lines like this:
http://site2/dir/;LastName, FirstName;Phone;
http://site3/dir/;LastName, FirstName;

I'm want to match "http:*" and stop matching at the first ";".  My 
basic regex is:


But it's matching *all* the semi-colons.  Thus I've Googled and 
tried various incatations to try and make my regex "non-greedy" but 
I can't seem to come up with the correct combination.

How can I write a regex that stops matching at the first semi-colon?

Tested in vi, not vim:



Thanks for your reply.  I tried it in vim (or more specifically, gvim 
7.2) and your example matches all semi-colons.  However in vi, it does 
stop at the first semi-colon as you say.

Can anyone please explain the difference?



Never mind.  My mistake.  The above does work in gvim.  I had a "." 
(dot) after http:.

Thanks Mel & Dan!



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Re: Regex Help - Greedy vs. Non-Greedy

2009-09-09 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Daniel Bye wrote:

On Wed, Sep 09, 2009 at 09:15:25AM -0700, Drew Tomlinson wrote:

I'm trying to do a search and replace in vim.  I have lines like this:
http://site2/dir/;LastName, FirstName;Phone;
http://site3/dir/;LastName, FirstName;

I'm want to match "http:*" and stop matching at the first ";".  My basic 
regex is:


But it's matching *all* the semi-colons.  Thus I've Googled and tried 
various incatations to try and make my regex "non-greedy" but I can't 
seem to come up with the correct combination.

How can I write a regex that stops matching at the first semi-colon?

Tested in vi, not vim:



Thanks for your reply.  I tried it in vim (or more specifically, gvim 
7.2) and your example matches all semi-colons.  However in vi, it does 
stop at the first semi-colon as you say.

Can anyone please explain the difference?



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Regex Help - Greedy vs. Non-Greedy

2009-09-09 Thread Drew Tomlinson

I'm trying to do a search and replace in vim.  I have lines like this:
http://site2/dir/;LastName, FirstName;Phone;
http://site3/dir/;LastName, FirstName;

I'm want to match "http:*" and stop matching at the first ";".  My basic 
regex is:


But it's matching *all* the semi-colons.  Thus I've Googled and tried 
various incatations to try and make my regex "non-greedy" but I can't 
seem to come up with the correct combination.

How can I write a regex that stops matching at the first semi-colon?



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Re: OpenVPN Client

2009-07-26 Thread Drew Tomlinson
> Sat Jul 25 16:20:21 2009 WARNING: potential route subnet conflict between 
> local LAN [] and remote VPN 
> []

You can't use the same address space for multiple networks.  In other
words, you can't use for both the VPN and your internal
network unless you are bridging the two (i.e., making it one network).

So the simple answer is to change the client machine's network to
something other than if you can.  Otherwise you're either
going to have to work out bridging or subnetting both sides which will
get complicated in a hurry.



> Sat Jul 25 16:20:21 2009 /sbin/route add -net 
> route: writing to routing socket: File exists
> add net gateway route already in table
> Sat Jul 25 16:20:21 2009 ERROR: FreeBSD route add command failed: external 
> program exited with error status: 1
> Sat Jul 25 16:20:21 2009 Initialization Sequence Completed
> Sat Jul 25 16:20:30 2009 event_wait : Interrupted system call (code=4)
> Sat Jul 25 16:20:30 2009 TCP/UDP: Closing socket
> Sat Jul 25 16:20:30 2009 Closing TUN/TAP interface
> Sat Jul 25 16:20:30 2009 SIGINT[hard,] received, process exiting

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How to Benchmark zpool?

2009-07-24 Thread Drew Tomlinson

I'm familiar with testing read speed of regular hard drive like this:

dd if=/dev/daX of=/dev/null bs=65536

How would I go about testing the read speed of a version 13 zfs raid1z 



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Re: Attempting ZFS Only Install of 7.2

2009-07-17 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Scot Hetzel wrote:

2009/7/17 Drew Tomlinson :

4. Install FreeBSD from copy of install CD to ZFS. I used sysinstall with
options (Install Root and Media Type)

I am stuck at this point.  I have my zpool mounted at /zpool in the FixIt
environment.  Then I exit FixIt and choose  "Custom" from sysinstall.  I set
appropriate  "Options".  Next I select my distributions.  Finally I hit
"Commit" but systinstall complains that I haven't labeled any disks.  What
step am I missing?

Just follow these steps to install FreeBSD from the Fixit environment:

Thanks.  I followed those steps to get the system installed and the rest 
of the steps in Andrey's post.

I had one more issue before I got a full working system.  I had to add:


to /boot/loader.conf.  Without that line, I got some error telling me to 
try 'set vfs.root.mountfrom.options=rw' and it left me at a "mountfrom>" 
prompt.  But unfortunately, my USB keyboard didn't work at that prompt.  
Thus I rebooted from FixIt and added the line above.  One more reboot 
and voila!  ZFS on Root.

Thanks for all the help,


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Re: Attempting ZFS Only Install of 7.2

2009-07-17 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Andrey V. Elsukov wrote:

Jason Garrett wrote:
Top Post, I know... but has anyone on @current tried a full on ZFS on 


Both Drew and I have both tried the guide at 

link now :( )

I get as far as the message I detailed before using parts from another
guide. I am hoping for both of us, that someone here knows even a little

I installed 8.0-BETA1 on ZFS 2 days ago. It works. I did following steps:

1. Boot from bootable USB-flash (Minimal FreeBSD installation with 
copy of install CD).
I can't figure out how to create bootable USB from Windows.  Do not have 
FBSD system with USB to create.  Thus I have booted from DVD made from 

2. Create partitions
# gpart show ad0
=>   34  312581741  ad0  GPT  (149G)
 342561  freebsd-boot  (128K)
29041943042  freebsd-swap  (2.0G)
4194594  2516582403  freebsd-zfs  (120G)
  255852834   56728941   - free -  (27G)

3. Create zpool and filesystem hierarchy

4. Install FreeBSD from copy of install CD to ZFS. I used sysinstall 
with custom

options (Install Root and Media Type)

I am stuck at this point.  I have my zpool mounted at /zpool in the 
FixIt environment.  Then I exit FixIt and choose  "Custom" from 
sysinstall.  I set appropriate  "Options".  Next I select my 
distributions.  Finally I hit "Commit" but systinstall complains that I 
haven't labeled any disks.  What step am I missing?



5. Create /etc/fstab, /etc/rc.conf, /etc/src.conf, /boot/loader.conf

6. Install ZFS aware /boot/loader

7. Create zpool.cache

8. Install ZFS boot:
# gpart bootcode -b /zroot/boot/pmbr ad0
# gpart bootcode -p /zroot/boot/gptzfsboot -i 1 ad0

9. Change mount points for zroot pool and reboot.

It's all.

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Re: Attempting ZFS Only Install of 7.2

2009-07-17 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Jason Garrett wrote:

>snip everything that don't matter

8. Install ZFS boot:
# gpart bootcode -b /zroot/boot/pmbr ad0
# gpart bootcode -p /zroot/boot/gptzfsboot -i 1 ad0

9. Change mount points for zroot pool and reboot.


Step 8 was CRUCIAL to the setup. All along, following the guides, I 
was doing this. The ONLY difference was after I built the loader with 
LOADER_ZFS_SUPPORT=YES I did this step from /mnt2/boot/pmbr and 
/mnt2/boot/gptzfsboot. One guide even had me do this first. This is 
the one thing that made it work. I am now happy to be testing 
8.0-BETA1 on my machine.

Congratulations!  Now I have new hope.  :)  Hopefully I will get some 
time this weekend to try again.



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Re: Attempting ZFS Only Install of 7.2

2009-07-16 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Jason Garrett wrote:

On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 18:09, Drew Tomlinson <>> wrote:

Jason Garrett wrote:

On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 13:30, Drew Tomlinson>
<>>> wrote:

   Jason Garrett wrote:


   I see you tried the zpool import and export, but did you
   perform `mkdir /boot/zfs` directly before `zpool export
   && zpool import tank` ?

   I just have to ask because I did not see that
specified, and
   you mention not being able to find zpool.cache.
/boot/zfs is
   where zpool.cache hides out.

   Yes I did.  However I figured out my problem.  I was
chrooted into
   /dist and the zpool.cache was being written to /boot/zfs
(as you
   mention).  But because of the chroot, when I checked
/boot/zfs, I
   was *really* checking /dist/boot/zfs.  Thus my problem.  :)

   However I'm still having difficulty.  I suspect I don't have a
   /boot/loader that supports zfs filesystems as I just boot
to the
   'OK" prompt.  An 'lsdev' only shows BIOS devices but I've seen
   posts on the Net that indicate I should have zfs devices listed
   there too if I have a proper /boot/loader.  I've used the
one from
   both 7.2-RELEASE.iso and 8.0-BETA1.iso but no luck.  Do you
   of any way I can confirm or deny my suspicion?

I am in the same spot you are now. I started the process
yesterday but had to quit because it got too late. Apparently
the few who have written these guides have gotten it to work,
but that still eludes me. I'll post back if I get it working
or have any new developments.

Well you're doing better than me.  I've been at this for about 10
days off and on.  :)



Ok, now a few days later and still frustrated. Basically I narrowed my 
install down to one drive, divided up with gpt. I used a few sections 
from - specifially the 
section on installing the sources from /dist/8.0-BETA1 as well as 
rebuilding the loader as this guide says.

I actually got it to load the kernel, goes through that ok. As soon as 
it tries to mount the root filesystem, it hangs with the following 
messages. (Won't respond to the keyboard anymore)


Trying to mount root from zfs:zroot
If you have invalid mount options, reboot, and first try the following 
from the loader prompt:

set vfs.root.mountfrom.options=rw (did this,no luck.. also 
switched to an /etc/fstab layout, still no go)

and then remove the invalid mount options from /etc/fstab.

Loader Variables:
vfs.root.mountfrom.options=rw,noatime (this is from the /etc/fstab 


Then it describes some specifications on how to use the :.

I just don't get how some are getting this working, yet it comes so 
hard for others.

Drew, I hope you have had better luck than I. I may just give up until 
it is a viable solution.

No, you're still doing better than me.  Thanks for the 
ZFSOnRootWithZFSboot <>  
link.  I have basically tried rebuilding the loader as described in that 
guide but did it with 7.2 sources.  It didn't work.

My next step is to try with the sources on 8.0-BETA1 DVD iso but every 
time I download the image and attempt to burn with Nero on a Windows 
machine, I am notified by Nero of some error in the image and am offered 
the opportunity to fix or ignore.  I don't understand the error but will 
probably just "ignore" and see if I get a boot.  Nero also thinks it's a 
CD and not DVD.  I don't know if that will be an issue or not.

I too have been considering giving up but I'm actually learning so much 
about the boot process and how to install FBSD that I kind of enjoy it.  
I've always relied on sysinstall in the past and then done interesting 
tricks after install to get my filesystems laid out as I want.

Good luck,


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Re: Attempting ZFS Only Install of 7.2

2009-07-13 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Jason Garrett wrote:

On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 13:30, Drew Tomlinson <>> wrote:

Jason Garrett wrote:


I see you tried the zpool import and export, but did you
perform `mkdir /boot/zfs` directly before `zpool export tank
&& zpool import tank` ?

I just have to ask because I did not see that specified, and
you mention not being able to find zpool.cache. /boot/zfs is
where zpool.cache hides out.

Yes I did.  However I figured out my problem.  I was chrooted into
/dist and the zpool.cache was being written to /boot/zfs (as you
mention).  But because of the chroot, when I checked /boot/zfs, I
was *really* checking /dist/boot/zfs.  Thus my problem.  :)

However I'm still having difficulty.  I suspect I don't have a
/boot/loader that supports zfs filesystems as I just boot to the
'OK" prompt.  An 'lsdev' only shows BIOS devices but I've seen
posts on the Net that indicate I should have zfs devices listed
there too if I have a proper /boot/loader.  I've used the one from
both 7.2-RELEASE.iso and 8.0-BETA1.iso but no luck.  Do you know
of any way I can confirm or deny my suspicion?

I am in the same spot you are now. I started the process yesterday but 
had to quit because it got too late. Apparently the few who have 
written these guides have gotten it to work, but that still eludes me. 
I'll post back if I get it working or have any new developments.

Well you're doing better than me.  I've been at this for about 10 days 
off and on.  :)



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Re: Attempting ZFS Only Install of 7.2

2009-07-13 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Jason Garrett wrote:


I see you tried the zpool import and export, but did you perform 
`mkdir /boot/zfs` directly before `zpool export tank && zpool import 
tank` ?

I just have to ask because I did not see that specified, and you 
mention not being able to find zpool.cache. /boot/zfs is where 
zpool.cache hides out.
Yes I did.  However I figured out my problem.  I was chrooted into /dist 
and the zpool.cache was being written to /boot/zfs (as you mention).  
But because of the chroot, when I checked /boot/zfs, I was *really* 
checking /dist/boot/zfs.  Thus my problem.  :)

However I'm still having difficulty.  I suspect I don't have a 
/boot/loader that supports zfs filesystems as I just boot to the 'OK" 
prompt.  An 'lsdev' only shows BIOS devices but I've seen posts on the 
Net that indicate I should have zfs devices listed there too if I have a 
proper /boot/loader.  I've used the one from both 7.2-RELEASE.iso and 
8.0-BETA1.iso but no luck.  Do you know of any way I can confirm or deny 
my suspicion?



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Attempting ZFS Only Install of 7.2

2009-07-10 Thread Drew Tomlinson

I'm following guides at:

If I understand correctly, only the first link is about setting up ZFS 
using gptzfsboot and not a UFS partition so I used it as my primary guide.

I've gone through the steps below but can't do the one to copy 
zpool.cache to my zpool(s).  Although the 'zpool import' and 'zpool 
export' succeed, I can not find zpool.cache (not even using 'find / 
-iname zpool.cache' anywhere to copy.  I've tried rebooting once after 
skipping this step and got stuck at the boot prompt.  Upon rebooting 
with the LiveDVD and entering FixIt, I did not have any zpools anymore.  
Not knowing what else to do, I started over from creating zpools.

And now I'm here again.  The only step left is to copy zpool.cache and I 
can't.  What must I do to ensure that my zpools will survive reboot?

I've included my exact steps below for reference.

My system has 4 drives.  I booted from the LiveDVD, entered the FixIt 
shell, and partitioned them as follows using gpart:

ad6 - 750 GB
ad6p1 - 128KB freebsd-boot
ad6p2 - 512MB freebsd-zfs
ad6p3 - 512MB freebsd-swap
ad6p4 - 465GB freebsd-zfs
ad6p5 - 233GB freebsd-ufs

ad8 - 500 GB
ad8p1 - 128KB freebsd-boot
ad8p2 - 512MB freebsd-zfs
ad8p3 - 512MB freebsd-swap
ad8p4 - 465GB freebsd-zfs

ad12 - 500 GB
ad12p1 - 1024MB freebsd-swap
ad12p2 - 465GB freebsd-zfs

ad14 - 500 GB
ad14p1 - 1024MB freebsd-swap
ad14p2 - 465GB freebsd-zfs

I used gptzfsboot from the 8.1-Beta1 iso and used a USB key mounted at 
/tmp/da0 to copy it to the system.  Basically I did:

gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /tmp/da0/gptzfsboot -i 1 ad6
gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /tmp/da0/gptzfsboot -i 1 ad8

Next I chrooted into /dist to make a "more normal for me" environment.  
To get a good environment I performed these commands:

1. chroot /dist
2. mount -t devfs devfs /dev
3. mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp
4. set -o emacs

Next I created two zpools:

kldload zfs.ko
zpool create root mirror /dev/ad6p1 /dev/ad8p1
zpool create data raid1z /dev/ad6p4 /dev/ad8p4 /dev/ad12p2 /dev/ad14p2

Because /root exists, the root zpool was mounted there.  However /data 
doesn't exist and can't be created because FixIt is a read-only file 
system and thus the error.  But in both cases, the zpool was created.

Now to unmount zfs:root from /root:

zfs umount root

To stop zfs automounting for now, I set mount properties on the two zpools:

zfs set mountpoint=none root
zfs set mountpoint=none data

Next I created zfs filesystems for usr and var:

zfs create data/usr
zfs create data/var

I mounted my destination filesystems under /mnt as so:

mount -t zfs root /mnt
mkdir /mnt/usr
mkdir /mnt/var
mount -t zfs data/usr /mnt/usr
mount -t zfs data/var /mnt/var

Next, copy contets of LiveDVD system to destination filesystems:

cd /
cp -Rv bin boot etc lib libexec root sbin tmp usr var /mnt
(Note: I excluded 'rescue' because on the LiveDVD it's 478MB and thus, 
too large for my 512MB root filesystem.  I don't know why it's so big on 
the LiveDVD because its only around 7MB on a running 7.2 system I 
checked. I'm excluding and hoping my next 'make world' resolves this.)

mkdir /mnt/dev

Create/edit /mnt/boot/loader.conf as follows:


And now I'm at the part where I'm stuck at copying the zpool.cache 
file.  Help?



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Re: FixIt CD Tool Availability - SOLVED

2009-07-10 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Michel Talon wrote:

Drew Tomlinson wrote:
The command 'gmirror label root ad8a ad6a' does not return an error but 
no device is created in /dev/mirror

The command 'zpool create data  raid1z ad14d ad12d ad8d ad6d' gives me 
an error about the ZFS library being unavailable.

Are these tools supposed to work when using the Fix It CD?  If not, does 
7.2-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso have these tools?

One can load kernel modules from the fixit cdrom, but as far as i
remember this requires some manipulations.

What i do is, from the fixit prompt:
chroot /mnt2
to go to the full system available on the cdrom under /mnt2. But then 
required things are missing, so i do further:

mount -t devfs devfs /dev
because access to /dev is frequently required, and for commodity
set -o emacs
(to have shell history and editing)
export PAGER=more
(to be able to access man pages)
After that one has a more or less standard environment. Sometimes one
needs a writable filesystem, for example for accessing internet
(dhclient, resolv.conf, etc.) 
mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp

does that.

It would be nice to have a shell script on the fixit cdrom doing similar
things automatically when one accesses fixit.

In your case i suspect appropriate kernel modules were not loaded
and commands failed silently.

For the archives, the above works.  I don't know what I did wrong the 
first day I tried.  However after walking away for a few days and then 
starting over, the commands above gave me a functional FixIt 
environment.  Thanks!



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Re: FixIt CD Tool Availability

2009-07-06 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Michel Talon wrote:

Drew Tomlinson wrote:
The command 'gmirror label root ad8a ad6a' does not return an error but 
no device is created in /dev/mirror

The command 'zpool create data  raid1z ad14d ad12d ad8d ad6d' gives me 
an error about the ZFS library being unavailable.

Are these tools supposed to work when using the Fix It CD?  If not, does 
7.2-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso have these tools?

One can load kernel modules from the fixit cdrom, but as far as i
remember this requires some manipulations.

What i do is, from the fixit prompt:
chroot /mnt2
to go to the full system available on the cdrom under /mnt2. But then 
required things are missing, so i do further:

mount -t devfs devfs /dev
because access to /dev is frequently required, and for commodity
set -o emacs
(to have shell history and editing)
export PAGER=more
(to be able to access man pages)
After that one has a more or less standard environment. Sometimes one
needs a writable filesystem, for example for accessing internet
(dhclient, resolv.conf, etc.) 
mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp

does that.

Thank you for your reply.  I performed the steps you suggested above.  
However I am still stuck.  After the above, my chrooted /dev did not 
have any device nodes so I must have done something wrong.  I have also 
tried booting the DVD but the issues are the same.  I guess the guide at 
is missing something required for 7.2.

It would be nice to have a shell script on the fixit cdrom doing similar
things automatically when one accesses fixit.

In your case i suspect appropriate kernel modules were not loaded
and commands failed silently.

I have performed several Gentoo Linux installtions from its LiveCD so I 
understand the concept of running a system from CD to prepare hard 
drives and install.  However I am missing some piece to make FreeBSDs 
LiveCD a functional environment.

I'm getting frustrated...  :)

Thanks again for your help,


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FixIt CD Tool Availability

2009-07-04 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I've booted from 7.2-RELEASE-amd64-livefs.iso and am trying to use 
gmirror and zfs.

The command 'gmirror label root ad8a ad6a' does not return an error but 
no device is created in /dev/mirror

The command 'zpool create data  raid1z ad14d ad12d ad8d ad6d' gives me 
an error about the ZFS library being unavailable.

Are these tools supposed to work when using the Fix It CD?  If not, does 
7.2-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso have these tools?



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Re: Fix It CD, bsdlabel, and /dev?

2009-07-03 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Wojciech Puchar wrote:
However /dev/ad6s1a and /dev/ad8s1a do not exist. I do have entries 
as /dev/ad6a and/dev/ad8a but gmirror doesn't like those. What must 
I do

the get them to show after I've labeled?

If you have /dev/ad[68]a, it indicates that you haven't created a
slice on those disks, instead you created one partition (a) on
each of the disks.

there is completely NO REASON to create slices at all, unless you want 
to use windoze on the same drive.

i don't have slices on any of my FreeBSD systems

I must admit I am confused by slices and partitions.  I only want to use 
FreeBSD on this box.  It has 4 drives detected as follows:

ad6 - 750 GB
ad8 - 500 GB
ad12 - 500 GB
ad14 - 500 GB

My thought is to break the disks up as so:

a: 500M
b: 500M
d: 465G
e: 225G (rest of drive)

a: 500M
b: 500M
d: 465G (rest of drive)

b: 1000M
d: 465G (rest of drive)

b: 1000M
d: 465G (rest of drive)

Then to install, I want to use gmirror and zfs as so:

/ - mirror ad6a and ad8a

swap - all the b: partitions (if that's the right term) for a total of 3 
GB swap.

zfs - make a raid1z zpool with ad6d, ad8d, ad12d, and ad14d.  in this 
pool I will create /usr and /var

ad6e will just be extra space for some other use.

So does my plan make sense?  And if so, how can I best accomplish it?



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Re: Fix It CD, bsdlabel, and /dev?

2009-07-03 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Polytropon wrote:

On Fri, 03 Jul 2009 12:05:13 -0700, Drew Tomlinson  
Next I used bsdlabel 
and created 500M a: partitions on two of the drives (ad6 & ad8).  

There is no colon after the partition letter. The colon
is used to refer (or change) to the 1st DOS diskette drive. :-)

I'm not sure what you mean here.  I showed it as "a:" as that's how 
bsdlabel reports it when displaying the label 'bsdlabel ad6' for example.

However /dev/ad6s1a and /dev/ad8s1a do not exist. I do have entries such 
as /dev/ad6a and/dev/ad8a but gmirror doesn't like those. What must I do 
the get them to show after I've labeled?

If you have /dev/ad[68]a, it indicates that you haven't created a
slice on those disks, instead you created one partition (a) on
each of the disks.
I think this was part of my problem.  For example, I did 'bsdlabel ad6' 
instead of 'bsdlabel ad6s1'.  Now I have entries such as /dev/ad6s1a and 
/dev/ad8s1a after using 'bsdlabel -e '.

However now I use 'gmirror label root /dev/ad[68]s1a' as in the guide.  
No error is reported at the command line but /dev/mirror/root is not 
created either.  Any ideas?



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Fix It CD, bsdlabel, and /dev?

2009-07-03 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Sorry for the poor subject.  Thanks for reading.

I'm using this page as a guide but am at the console so I'm just using 
the Fix It CD:

I'm attempting to install FBSD 7.2 64bit  on a fresh machine.  The 
machine has 3 500G drives and 1 750G drive.  I'm trying to mirror root 
with gmirror.  Following the examples, I've used fdisk to create one 
slice for each drive that uses the entire disk.  Next I used bsdlabel 
and created 500M a: partitions on two of the drives (ad6 & ad8).  
However /dev/ad6s1a and /dev/ad8s1a do not exist. I do have entries such 
as /dev/ad6a and/dev/ad8a but gmirror doesn't like those. What must I do 
the get them to show after I've labeled?



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OpenSSL Base vs. OpenSSL Port?

2009-06-16 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I had been running 6.2 with openssl base for quite a while. Then I 
attempted to implement the dkim-filter port which required using openssl 
to generate keys.  That's when I noticed that openssl is broken on my 
machine.  See this example:

# openssl genrsa -out rsa.private 1024
Error configuring OpenSSL
28086:error:260AB089:engine routines:ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string:invalid cmd 
28086:error:0E07406D:configuration file 
routines:CONF_modules_load:module initialization 
value=openssl_engines, retcode=-1

So I thought rebuilding world might fix it and while I was at it, I 
upgraded to 6.4 but still have the same problem.

Next I tried installing openssl from ports.  This openssl seems to work:

# /usr/local/bin/openssl genrsa -out rsa.private 1024
Generating RSA private key, 1024 bit long modulus
e is 65537 (0x10001)

But now I am unclear as to what state my system is in.  What is the 
preferred method for using openssl from ports vs. using openssl base.  I 
don't really care which I use but want to avoid trouble with multiple 
versions of openssl and/or ports compiled against the wrong version.  
I've been Googling all day but can not find a clear guide.

Specifically, what should I have in my /etc/make.conf and what 
portupgrade command should I use to ensure things are build against the 
correct openssl?  I've seen things like OPENSSL_OVERWRITE_BASE=yes, 
portupgrade -rf openssl but remain confused.



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Re: Help With rc.d Script -- SOLVED

2009-06-11 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Paul Schmehl wrote:
--On June 10, 2009 7:09:17 PM -0700 Drew Tomlinson 

All I want to do is create a script within the rc.d framework that 

"/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl start" when the system boots and
"/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl stop" when the system shuts down.

Following the examples in the guide mentioned above, here is my 

at that file:

# !/bin/sh
# PROVIDE: urchin
# KEYWORD: shutdown
# Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to enable urchin:
# urchin_enable="YES" (bool):   Set to "NO" by default.
#   Set it to "YES" to enable urchin.
. /etc/rc.subr
command="/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl "
eval "${rcvar}=\${${rcvar}:-'NO'}"
load_rc_config $name
run_rc_command "$1"

I have also ensured that 'urchin_enable="YES"' is in /etc/rc.conf.
However when I run the rc.d script, the urchinctl appears to run but
doesn't like whatever arguments that are passed.  See this output:

urchin# ./urchin-server start
Starting urchin.

Usage: urchinctl [-v] [-h] [-e] [-s|-w] [-p port] action

I'm sure I'm missing some simple concept.  I'd really appreciate a 

in the right direction.

Where is urchin located?  /usr/local/bin?  /usr/local/bin/urchin/bin?
Or somewhere else?  Is urchinctl a shell or perl script?

There is no actual "urchin" as far as I know.  The control file is
/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl.  It is a executable file:

urchin# file /usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl
/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386,
version 1 (FreeBSD), statically linked, stripped

After running "/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl start", I have these
related processes:

urchin# ps acux | grep urchin
root70937  0.0  0.0  3184  1996  ??  Ss7:00PM   0:00.01
nobody  70938  0.0  0.0  3184  2000  ??  I 7:00PM   0:00.00
nobody  70939  0.0  0.0  3184  2000  ??  I 7:00PM   0:00.00
nobody  70940  0.0  0.0  3184  2000  ??  I 7:00PM   0:00.00
nobody  70941  0.0  0.0  3184  2000  ??  I 7:00PM   0:00.00
nobody  70942  0.0  0.0  3184  2000  ??  I 7:00PM   0:00.00
nobody  70944  0.0  0.0  1460   720  ??  Ss7:00PM   0:00.03 urchind
nobody  70946  0.0  0.0  1332   668  ??  Is7:00PM   0:00.51 urchind

And conversely, "/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl stop" removes all of
the above processes.

In your script command is path_to_urchinctl.  rc.subr will look for a 
process named urchinctl and a pidfile named  It appears 
that neither will be found, so the script can't stop or restart the 
processes, because it doesn't know the pid and therefore the process 
that it needs to kill.  That doesn't explain why it won't start the 
processes though.  I *think* you need to name the script urchin rather 
than urchin-server, but I can't test that.

The rc script name does not seem to matter.

To fix the pid problem, rc.subr offers some optional statements that, 
with the proper arguments, can overcome the problem.  You'll have to 
read man rc.subr and test it to figure out what works, but here's an 
example that might work:


The problem here is that urchinctl does not write a pid file by default 
and I can't figure out how to make it do so.

However in reading man rc.subr, I found argument_cmd that works for me.  
By setting argument_cmd, I can override the default methods called by 
run_rc_command.  Thus I set these three lines:

start_cmd="/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl start"
stop_cmd="/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl stop"
status_cmd="/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl status"

Originally, I used "$1" instead of start, stop, and status.  However 
this had the effect of making "restart" restart twice, once for the 
start method and once for the stop method because 
"/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl restart" was being run each time.

If that does work, your script should at least be able to report the 
status (running or not).  

I also had to set the procname variable to make the status method 
available.  In my case, it didn't matter to what it was set as the 
urchinctl command handled the actual status reporting.

I'm assuming that, because root is running the lowest numbered 
process, killing that process will kill all the children as well.
Killing the root process killed all the urchinwebd processes but left 
the urchind processes hanging around.  But no matter, I got things working.

Thanks for your help!


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Re: Help With rc.d Script

2009-06-10 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Paul Schmehl wrote:
--On June 10, 2009 6:12:23 PM -0700 Drew Tomlinson 

I installed a software named "urchin" on my FBSD 7.2 box.
Unfortunately, it didn't come with an rc.d script to automate startup
and shutdown.  And even more unfortunately, I can't seem to get my head
around the concepts in "Practical rc.d scripting in BSD"

This is the command that starts the app:


And here are the options:

Usage: urchinctl [-v] [-h] [-e] [-s|-w] [-p port] action
  -v  prints out the version of urchinctl
  -h  prints out this information
  -e  activates encryption (SSL) in the webserver
  -s  performs the action on the Urchin scheduler ONLY
  -w  performs the action on the Urchin webserver ONLY
  -p  specifies the port for the webserver to listen on

  action is either: start, stop, restart, or status

  start:   starts the webserver and scheduler
  stop:stops the webserver and scheduler
  restart: stops and then starts the webserver and scheduler
  status:  prints out whether the webserver and scheduler are 

   By default, the action is performed on both the webserver and the
   schedulers unless the -s or -w options are specified

All I want to do is create a script within the rc.d framework that runs
"/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl start" when the system boots and
"/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl stop" when the system shuts down.

Following the examples in the guide mentioned above, here is my attempt
at that file:

# !/bin/sh
# PROVIDE: urchin
# KEYWORD: shutdown
# Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to enable urchin:
# urchin_enable="YES" (bool):   Set to "NO" by default.
#   Set it to "YES" to enable urchin.
. /etc/rc.subr
command="/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl "
eval "${rcvar}=\${${rcvar}:-'NO'}"
load_rc_config $name
run_rc_command "$1"

I have also ensured that 'urchin_enable="YES"' is in /etc/rc.conf.
However when I run the rc.d script, the urchinctl appears to run but
doesn't like whatever arguments that are passed.  See this output:

urchin# ./urchin-server start
Starting urchin.

Usage: urchinctl [-v] [-h] [-e] [-s|-w] [-p port] action

I'm sure I'm missing some simple concept.  I'd really appreciate a kick
in the right direction.

Where is urchin located?  /usr/local/bin?  /usr/local/bin/urchin/bin?  
Or somewhere else?  Is urchinctl a shell or perl script?
There is no actual "urchin" as far as I know.  The control file is 
/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl.  It is a executable file:

urchin# file /usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl
/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, 
version 1 (FreeBSD), statically linked, stripped

After running "/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl start", I have these 
related processes:

urchin# ps acux | grep urchin
root70937  0.0  0.0  3184  1996  ??  Ss7:00PM   0:00.01 urchinwebd
nobody  70938  0.0  0.0  3184  2000  ??  I 7:00PM   0:00.00 urchinwebd
nobody  70939  0.0  0.0  3184  2000  ??  I 7:00PM   0:00.00 urchinwebd
nobody  70940  0.0  0.0  3184  2000  ??  I 7:00PM   0:00.00 urchinwebd
nobody  70941  0.0  0.0  3184  2000  ??  I 7:00PM   0:00.00 urchinwebd
nobody  70942  0.0  0.0  3184  2000  ??  I 7:00PM   0:00.00 urchinwebd
nobody  70944  0.0  0.0  1460   720  ??  Ss7:00PM   0:00.03 urchind
nobody  70946  0.0  0.0  1332   668  ??  Is7:00PM   0:00.51 urchind

And conversely, "/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl stop" removes all of 
the above processes.



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Re: Help With rc.d Script

2009-06-10 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Mel Flynn wrote:

On Wednesday 10 June 2009 17:12:23 Drew Tomlinson wrote:

I installed a software named "urchin" on my FBSD 7.2 box.
Unfortunately, it didn't come with an rc.d script to automate startup
and shutdown.  And even more unfortunately, I can't seem to get my head
around the concepts in "Practical rc.d scripting in BSD"

This is the command that starts the app:


And here are the options:

Usage: urchinctl [-v] [-h] [-e] [-s|-w] [-p port] action
  -v  prints out the version of urchinctl
  -h  prints out this information
  -e  activates encryption (SSL) in the webserver
  -s  performs the action on the Urchin scheduler ONLY
  -w  performs the action on the Urchin webserver ONLY
  -p  specifies the port for the webserver to listen on

  action is either: start, stop, restart, or status

  start:   starts the webserver and scheduler
  stop:stops the webserver and scheduler
  restart: stops and then starts the webserver and scheduler
  status:  prints out whether the webserver and scheduler are running

   By default, the action is performed on both the webserver and the
   schedulers unless the -s or -w options are specified

All I want to do is create a script within the rc.d framework that runs
"/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl start" when the system boots and
"/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl stop" when the system shuts down.

Following the examples in the guide mentioned above, here is my attempt
at that file:

# PROVIDE: urchin
# KEYWORD: shutdown
# Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to enable urchin:
# urchin_enable="YES" (bool):   Set to "NO" by default.
#   Set it to "YES" to enable urchin.
. /etc/rc.subr
command="/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl "

: ${name}_enable="NO"


load_rc_config $name
run_rc_command "$1"

I think the above would work, but didn't test it.
I appreciate your help and added those lines.  However it seems it 
didn't help.

urchin# ./urchin-server status
urchin_args=status: not found
urchin is not running.

However it is running:

urchin# /usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl status
Urchin webserver is running
Urchin MASTER scheduler is running
Urchin SLAVE scheduler is running

Any other suggestions?



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Help With rc.d Script

2009-06-10 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I installed a software named "urchin" on my FBSD 7.2 box.  
Unfortunately, it didn't come with an rc.d script to automate startup 
and shutdown.  And even more unfortunately, I can't seem to get my head 
around the concepts in "Practical rc.d scripting in BSD" 

This is the command that starts the app:


And here are the options:

Usage: urchinctl [-v] [-h] [-e] [-s|-w] [-p port] action
 -v  prints out the version of urchinctl
 -h  prints out this information
 -e  activates encryption (SSL) in the webserver
 -s  performs the action on the Urchin scheduler ONLY
 -w  performs the action on the Urchin webserver ONLY
 -p  specifies the port for the webserver to listen on

 action is either: start, stop, restart, or status

 start:   starts the webserver and scheduler
 stop:stops the webserver and scheduler
 restart: stops and then starts the webserver and scheduler
 status:  prints out whether the webserver and scheduler are running

  By default, the action is performed on both the webserver and the
  schedulers unless the -s or -w options are specified

All I want to do is create a script within the rc.d framework that runs 
"/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl start" when the system boots and 
"/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl stop" when the system shuts down.

Following the examples in the guide mentioned above, here is my attempt 
at that file:

# PROVIDE: urchin
# KEYWORD: shutdown
# Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to enable urchin:
# urchin_enable="YES" (bool):   Set to "NO" by default.
#   Set it to "YES" to enable urchin.
. /etc/rc.subr
command="/usr/local/urchin/bin/urchinctl "
eval "${rcvar}=\${${rcvar}:-'NO'}"
load_rc_config $name
run_rc_command "$1"

I have also ensured that 'urchin_enable="YES"' is in /etc/rc.conf.  
However when I run the rc.d script, the urchinctl appears to run but 
doesn't like whatever arguments that are passed.  See this output:

urchin# ./urchin-server start
Starting urchin.

Usage: urchinctl [-v] [-h] [-e] [-s|-w] [-p port] action

I'm sure I'm missing some simple concept.  I'd really appreciate a kick 
in the right direction.



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Re: Errors Installing ca_root_nss Port

2009-05-24 Thread Drew Tomlinson
Drew Tomlinson wrote:
> I'm using FBSD 6x.  It's been a while since I upgraded ports.  One of
> the ports to upgrade is curl from 7.18.0 to 7.19.4.  It wants to pull
> in security/ca_root_nss.  This port gets a bunch of errors when
> attempting to install.  Here is an example:
> Error configuring OpenSSL
> 40358:error:260AB089:engine routines:ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string:invalid
> cmd
> name:/usr/src/secure/lib/libcrypto/../../../crypto/openssl/crypto/engine/eng_ctrl.c:318:
> 40358:error:0E07406D:configuration file
> routines:CONF_modules_load:module initialization
> error:/usr/src/secure/lib/libcrypto/../../../crypto/openssl/crypto/conf/conf_mod.c:234:module=engines,
> value=openssl_engines, retcode=-1
> I had been using openssl from the base system but tried installing
> from ports (0.9.8k) to see if it helped.  It did not.  Should I leave
> or remove openssl from ports?  If I leave it, is there anything I need
> to do so it does not conflict with the base system?
> And regarding ca_root_nss, what must I do to get that installed?
I'm still having this problem and can't find a solution anywhere.  And
now I need to install php5-curl which also needs ca_root_nss.  Any ideas?



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Errors Installing ca_root_nss Port

2009-05-13 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I'm using FBSD 6x.  It's been a while since I upgraded ports.  One of 
the ports to upgrade is curl from 7.18.0 to 7.19.4.  It wants to pull in 
security/ca_root_nss.  This port gets a bunch of errors when attempting 
to install.  Here is an example:

Error configuring OpenSSL
40358:error:260AB089:engine routines:ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string:invalid cmd 
40358:error:0E07406D:configuration file 
routines:CONF_modules_load:module initialization 
value=openssl_engines, retcode=-1

I had been using openssl from the base system but tried installing from 
ports (0.9.8k) to see if it helped.  It did not.  Should I leave or 
remove openssl from ports?  If I leave it, is there anything I need to 
do so it does not conflict with the base system?

And regarding ca_root_nss, what must I do to get that installed?



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Re: What Is Needed For SimpleXML Support in PHP?

2009-03-15 Thread Drew Tomlinson
Michael Powell wrote:
> Bill Moran wrote:
>> Drew Tomlinson  wrote:
>>> I have php5-5.2.9 installed on my FBSD 6.3 system.  I am attempting to
>>> use a php script that fails with:
>>> Call to undefined function simplexml_load_string()
>>> Googling suggests that this function is part of the PHP software and is
>>> installed by default unless built with the "--disable-simplexml"
>>> configure option.
>>> On my system, almost everything including PHP has been installed using
>>> portupgrade.  I searched the ports and found one named php5-simplexml so
>>> I installed it and tried the script again.  It still failed with the
>>> same error.
>>> More Googling and I found that "php -m" will show which modules are
>>> available.  Here's that output:
>>> blacklamb> php -m
>>> [PHP Modules]
>>> ...
>>> SimpleXML
>>> ...
>>> Thus it appears that SimpleXML is available.
>>> Can anyone tell me what I'm missing?  I'm lost.
>> Details?
>> My guess is that this is a web script that you're running via a browser,
>> and you didn't restart Apache after installing simplexml.  Apache seems
>> to cache the list of installed PHP modules.
> This is what I first thought when I saw this. It also may matter that 
> because simplexml depends on xml and iconv and 
> may need to be before in 
> extensions.ini

Yes, specifically I was attempting to use a WordPress plugin.  And
although I was sure I had restarted Apache since installing
php5-simplexml, I tried again.  The resolved the error.

I will now sit in the corner wearing my dunce cap.



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What Is Needed For SimpleXML Support in PHP?

2009-03-15 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I have php5-5.2.9 installed on my FBSD 6.3 system.  I am attempting to
use a php script that fails with:

Call to undefined function simplexml_load_string()

Googling suggests that this function is part of the PHP software and is
installed by default unless built with the "--disable-simplexml"
configure option.

On my system, almost everything including PHP has been installed using
portupgrade.  I searched the ports and found one named php5-simplexml so
I installed it and tried the script again.  It still failed with the
same error.

More Googling and I found that "php -m" will show which modules are
available.  Here's that output:

blacklamb> php -m
[PHP Modules]

Thus it appears that SimpleXML is available.

Can anyone tell me what I'm missing?  I'm lost.



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Re: omshell how to use

2008-12-10 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I am not an expert nor have I even used this software in question.  

Pieter Donche wrote:

To use omshell for changing dhcpd.conf, one needs to use a TSIG key.

Did the following:
# dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-MD5 -b 512 -n HOST omapi_key

This appears to be an MD5 encrypted key.

responded with:

and created the files:
-rw---   1 root   admin118 Dec 10 15:42 Komapi_key.+157+18443.key
-rw---   1 root   admin156 Dec 10 15:42 

# cat Komapi_key.+157+18443.private
Private-key-format: v1.2
Algorithm: 157 (HMAC_MD5)

Bits: AAA=

# vi /usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf
and added the statements

key omapi_key {
algorithm HMAC-MD5;

omapi-key omapi_key;

Then I started dhcpd,  but it immediatly complains :
Starting dhcpd
/usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf: line 10: invalid base 64 character 10

This seems to want a base64 encrypted key. 


/usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf: line 12: Expecting a parameter or declaration

What exactly does one have to specify on the 'secret' line ??
The manual for omshell or dnssec-keygen don't have examples...

Please a real life example with all the relevant information ...

Sorry, I don't have any examples.  However I suggest re-reading the docs 
and looking for specifics on key encryption.  That might be the "key" to 
your success.  :)



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Re: Regular Expression Help

2008-12-01 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Matthew Seaman wrote:

Drew Tomlinson wrote:

Matthew Seaman wrote:

% perl -p -e 's/cn=([^ ,]+) ([^,]+),/cn=$2 $1,/' < foo.txt 

I still don't really understand *why* the above works but I'm trying 
to pick it apart now.

The RE breaks down like this:

/cn=([^ ,]+) ([^,]+),/
cn= Match literal text 'cn='
   (capture #1 begin
[^ ,]   Character class: anything that is not space or 

 +  At least one of the above
  ) end capture #1
Match a literal space
(   capture #2 begin
 [^,]   Character class: anything that is not a comma
 +  At least one of the above
  ) end capture #2
   ,Match literal comma

Thank you for that.  You've shown me a new way to look at things.  
Instead of worrying about what I want to match, determine what marks the 
beginning and end of what I want to match and use negated character 
classes to find those end points.  I think my regex writing has just 
gotten better.  :)



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Re: Regular Expression Help

2008-11-30 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Matthew Seaman wrote:

Drew Tomlinson wrote:
I'm attempting to take an ldiff file and flip first/last name order.  
However I can not figure out how to match hyphenated last names.  In 
vim, my current search/replace string is:

%s/cn=\(\w\+\-*\) \(\w\+\),/cn=\2 \1,/gc

This will match:

cn=Smith Joe,

and replace it with:

cn=Joe Smith,

But it will not match:

cn=Smith-Brown Joe,

nor replace it with:

cn=Joe Smith-Brown,

I've tried various incantations of escaping and quantifying yet I can 
not figure out how to do what I want.

Well, assuming that none of the surnames contain ',' and that the 
first ' '
(space) is always the delimiter between the surname and that anything 

is forenames ...
% cat foo.txt cn=Smith Joe,
cn=Smith-Brown Joe,
% perl -p -e 's/cn=([^ ,]+) ([^,]+),/cn=$2 $1,/' < foo.txt cn=Joe Smith,
cn=Joe Smith-Brown,

ie. you need a s/// command that understands negated character 
classes.  I
think sed(1) and vi(1) will do that, but I haven't time to look up the 

syntax.  Perl, of course, just does the job for me.

Thank you for your reply.  The particular editor I was attempting to use 
is vim 7.1.315.  However it doesn't like the above string so I tried you 
perl example verbatim.  It works and even handles such lines as:

cn=Smith-Brown Joe & Jane,


cn=Joe & Jane Smith-Brown,

which I hadn't considered.

I still don't really understand *why* the above works but I'm trying to 
pick it apart now.

Thanks to you and the others for the replies.



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Regular Expression Help

2008-11-30 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I'm attempting to take an ldiff file and flip first/last name order.  
However I can not figure out how to match hyphenated last names.  In 
vim, my current search/replace string is:

%s/cn=\(\w\+\-*\) \(\w\+\),/cn=\2 \1,/gc

This will match:

cn=Smith Joe,

and replace it with:

cn=Joe Smith,

But it will not match:

cn=Smith-Brown Joe,

nor replace it with:

cn=Joe Smith-Brown,

I've tried various incantations of escaping and quantifying yet I can 
not figure out how to do what I want.

Please show me my error.



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Re: FBSD 7.1 & kern.maxdsiz

2008-11-19 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 06:43:27AM -0800, Drew Tomlinson wrote:

Mel wrote:

On Wednesday 19 November 2008 15:06:54 Drew Tomlinson wrote:

Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 04:10:55PM -0800, Drew Tomlinson wrote:

Polytropon wrote:

On Tue, 18 Nov 2008 15:34:32 -0800, Drew Tomlinson   


The Urchin installation docs [...]
contain a note for FreeBSD users waring of a "hard coded process
datasiz limit of 500 MB" and instruct on to set
"kern.maxdsiz="1073741824"" in /boot/loader.conf.  However FBSD 7.1
doesn't appear to have this sysctl.  How can I do the equivalent of
this in FBSD 7.1?

Exactly, it is *not* a sysctl setting. It's a loader tunable, as
I learned from this list some time ago. Don't search to find
it in the sysctl list, you won't find it there. :-)

In FreeBSD 7 you should be able to set this setting using
the file /boot/loader.conf. I think I had this setting on a
FreeBSD 5 machine, I'll go and check.

Thanks for your reply.  I guess I expected to be able to view it via
sysctl even though I understood it could only be changed with a reboot.
Is there some way to view the current setting?

Through sysctl.

OK, what am I missing?

urchin# sysctl -a | grep maxdsiz
compat.ia32.maxdsiz: 536870912
compat.linux32.maxdsiz: 536870912

limits -H. Some loader tuneables aren't exported to sysctl.

$ limits -Hd
Resource limits (current):
  datasize   786432 kB

$ grep maxdsiz /boot/loader.conf
Thanks for the explanation!  As pointed out by Pieter de Goeje, the  
default size in FBSD 7 amd 64 is 32 GB, confirmed with the limits  
command above.  Thus datasize does not appear to be my problem.  I'm  
shooting in the dark here as Urchin software support is non-existent.   
Are there any other tuneables related to datasize that I might try  

It would help greatly if you could explain what the problem is that
you're trying to track down?

I understand I'm asking for "magic".  I do not know the problem.  My 
employer's Internet group purchased a software called "Urchin" which 
appears to be a standalone version of Google Analytics for web site 
reporting.  I have been tasked with installing this software.  Supported 
OSs are Linux, FreeBSD, and Windows.  I chose FreeBSD 7 as I've been 
using it for my home network for years.  However I will be the first to 
admit that I do not really understand the internals.  I am just grateful 
that others that do understand have provided and support this OS for me.  :)

The Urchin software reports a "failed to allocate memory" error.  The 
sparse Urchin documentation noted above says this error is a known issue 
with FreeBSD and that kern.maxdsiz needs to be set at 1 GB to avoid.  
Because of help from the list, I learned that the default size in 64 bit 
FBSD is 32 GB.  Thus I didn't think this is my issue and was seeking any 
ideas of what else to look at that might be similar.  Mel gave me a 
great nudge that if Urchin is a 32 bit binary (which it is), then it is 
limited by compat.ia32.maxdsiz which is 500 MB by default.  I have set 
this to 1GB and so far, there have not been any further memory errors.

Many thanks to everyone for his/her help!



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Re: FBSD 7.1 & kern.maxdsiz

2008-11-19 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Mel wrote:

On Wednesday 19 November 2008 16:05:33 Mel wrote:

On Wednesday 19 November 2008 15:43:27 Drew Tomlinson wrote:

Thanks for the explanation!  As pointed out by Pieter de Goeje, the
default size in FBSD 7 amd 64 is 32 GB, confirmed with the limits
command above.  Thus datasize does not appear to be my problem.  I'm
shooting in the dark here as Urchin software support is non-existent.
Are there any other tuneables related to datasize that I might try

If the soft limit is set to 'unlimitied' for the user running the program,
then it is not a datasize problem. You may simply be out of memory. Can you
track using top(1) how far the software gets and what the memory usage is
at around the time it crashes?

But of course, if this binary runs in 32-bit mode, this applies:
compat.ia32.maxdsiz: 536870912

I'll bet this is it!!!  Thanks.  I'll check it out.


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Re: FBSD 7.1 & kern.maxdsiz

2008-11-19 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Mel wrote:

On Wednesday 19 November 2008 15:06:54 Drew Tomlinson wrote:

Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 04:10:55PM -0800, Drew Tomlinson wrote:

Polytropon wrote:

On Tue, 18 Nov 2008 15:34:32 -0800, Drew Tomlinson 


The Urchin installation docs [...]
contain a note for FreeBSD users waring of a "hard coded process
datasiz limit of 500 MB" and instruct on to set
"kern.maxdsiz="1073741824"" in /boot/loader.conf.  However FBSD 7.1
doesn't appear to have this sysctl.  How can I do the equivalent of
this in FBSD 7.1?

Exactly, it is *not* a sysctl setting. It's a loader tunable, as
I learned from this list some time ago. Don't search to find
it in the sysctl list, you won't find it there. :-)

In FreeBSD 7 you should be able to set this setting using
the file /boot/loader.conf. I think I had this setting on a
FreeBSD 5 machine, I'll go and check.

Thanks for your reply.  I guess I expected to be able to view it via
sysctl even though I understood it could only be changed with a reboot.
Is there some way to view the current setting?

Through sysctl.

OK, what am I missing?

urchin# sysctl -a | grep maxdsiz
compat.ia32.maxdsiz: 536870912
compat.linux32.maxdsiz: 536870912

limits -H. Some loader tuneables aren't exported to sysctl.

$ limits -Hd
Resource limits (current):
  datasize   786432 kB

$ grep maxdsiz /boot/loader.conf

Thanks for the explanation!  As pointed out by Pieter de Goeje, the 
default size in FBSD 7 amd 64 is 32 GB, confirmed with the limits 
command above.  Thus datasize does not appear to be my problem.  I'm 
shooting in the dark here as Urchin software support is non-existent.  
Are there any other tuneables related to datasize that I might try 



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Re: FBSD 7.1 & kern.maxdsiz

2008-11-19 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Pieter de Goeje wrote:

On Wednesday 19 November 2008, Drew Tomlinson wrote:

I installed FBSD 7.1-PRERELEASE amd64 version on an Intel Core2Duo box
with 4 GB of RAM.  The main purpose of this box is to run the Urchin web
analysis software from Google.  The Urchin installation docs
nd_Linux)) contain a note for FreeBSD users waring of a "hard coded process
datasiz limit of 500 MB" and instruct on to set "kern.maxdsiz="1073741824""
in /boot/loader.conf.  However FBSD 7.1 doesn't appear to have this
sysctl.  How can I do the equivalent of this in FBSD 7.1?



I don't think you need to increase the datasize on 64bit FreeBSD. It seems 
that the default datasize is really large: 32GB

You can check using the 'limits' command.

Thank you.  You are correct.

urchin> limits -Hd
Resource limits (current):
 datasize 33554432 kB

I guess I need to look elsewhere to resolve my problem.



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Re: FBSD 7.1 & kern.maxdsiz

2008-11-19 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 04:10:55PM -0800, Drew Tomlinson wrote:

Polytropon wrote:

On Tue, 18 Nov 2008 15:34:32 -0800, Drew Tomlinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The Urchin installation docs [...]
contain a note for FreeBSD users waring of a "hard coded process 
datasiz limit of 500 MB" and instruct on to set 
"kern.maxdsiz="1073741824"" in /boot/loader.conf.  However FBSD 7.1 
doesn't appear to have this sysctl.  How can I do the equivalent of 
this in FBSD 7.1?

Exactly, it is *not* a sysctl setting. It's a loader tunable, as
I learned from this list some time ago. Don't search to find
it in the sysctl list, you won't find it there. :-)

In FreeBSD 7 you should be able to set this setting using
the file /boot/loader.conf. I think I had this setting on a
FreeBSD 5 machine, I'll go and check.
Thanks for your reply.  I guess I expected to be able to view it via  
sysctl even though I understood it could only be changed with a reboot.   
Is there some way to view the current setting?

Through sysctl.

OK, what am I missing?

urchin# sysctl -a | grep maxdsiz
compat.ia32.maxdsiz: 536870912
compat.linux32.maxdsiz: 536870912

I do not see one named 'kern.maxdsiz'.



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Re: FBSD 7.1 & kern.maxdsiz

2008-11-18 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Polytropon wrote:

On Tue, 18 Nov 2008 15:34:32 -0800, Drew Tomlinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The Urchin installation docs [...]
contain a note for FreeBSD users waring of a "hard coded process datasiz 
limit of 500 MB" and instruct on to set "kern.maxdsiz="1073741824"" in 
/boot/loader.conf.  However FBSD 7.1 doesn't appear to have this 
sysctl.  How can I do the equivalent of this in FBSD 7.1?

Exactly, it is *not* a sysctl setting. It's a loader tunable, as
I learned from this list some time ago. Don't search to find
it in the sysctl list, you won't find it there. :-)

In FreeBSD 7 you should be able to set this setting using
the file /boot/loader.conf. I think I had this setting on a
FreeBSD 5 machine, I'll go and check.

Thanks for your reply.  I guess I expected to be able to view it via 
sysctl even though I understood it could only be changed with a reboot.  
Is there some way to view the current setting?



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FBSD 7.1 & kern.maxdsiz

2008-11-18 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I installed FBSD 7.1-PRERELEASE amd64 version on an Intel Core2Duo box 
with 4 GB of RAM.  The main purpose of this box is to run the Urchin web 
analysis software from Google.  The Urchin installation docs 
contain a note for FreeBSD users waring of a "hard coded process datasiz 
limit of 500 MB" and instruct on to set "kern.maxdsiz="1073741824"" in 
/boot/loader.conf.  However FBSD 7.1 doesn't appear to have this 
sysctl.  How can I do the equivalent of this in FBSD 7.1?



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Re: Question on creating a video server

2008-11-10 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

Hi All,

  OK, I'm just asking for opinions here on some application

  Like most people we have a nice big 21" TV set that will be
obsolete in Feb.  I have been thinking about replacing this with a
big screen TV set but the prices on them are still way, way
way out of my budget (I just can't see spending $500 for
a TV set, sorry)

  I can pick up really high quality, large, old-style
video monitors from a computer surplus place near here for
next to nothing.

  I'd like to setup a PC and put a HDTV tuner card in it
for over-the-air HDTV broadcasts, and use that as a TV.

  We also have a ton of DVD's and I'd like to rip these
to video files and put them on the PC.  Then when anyone
wants to watch a movie they just watch it off the PC.
I've already started doing this under Windows and it works
great - it's even better since I can remove all those
movie previews that the studio wants to force you to

  Has anyone done this with FreeBSD and open source
software, and has recommendations on what hardware to get
and what software works with it?

PREFERABLY cheap - since ultimately we likely will get
a big screen TV set once the prices fall.

I've read the thread and have to vote for a Linux install and MythTV.  
It will do everything you require rather well.  I started down the FBSD 
path for a PVR and quickly ran into trouble back in 2006.  From what I 
understand, it hasn't gotten much better due to the driver issues.  
Anyway, next I tried building MythTV on Fedora Core as it seemed to be a 
popular platform and Jerrod Wilson had a nice guide.  Being from the 
FBSD world where the ports system worked so well, I quickly found myself 
in "rpm hell", especially when Fedora Core didn't support my SCSI card 
at the time.  I found a nice home with Gentoo Linux as it's "portage" 
system is much like ports.

The biggest issue with OTA HDTV streams is that the processing power 
required to playback is pretty significant.  I used an Athlon XP 2800 
and it was barely adequate for HDTV.  I had to suffer occasional skips 
and pauses but it was still watchable.  I have since upgraded to a 
Athlon X2 3800 and the dual cores have really helped out.  One can 
playback while other system tasks are handled by the other core.  
Another issue is that HDTV is huge.  About 8 GB per hour.

However if you have the hardware around and want to give it a try, I 
suggest the HDHomerun tuner.  It's a network attached dual ATSC tuner 
that works well with both Windows and Linux for about $160 as I recall.  
MythTV supports it directly as well.  With that, a spare PC, and some 
drive space you could at least experiment.  And the beautiful part is 
that once you get your nice, new LCD,  you will have already built the 
PVR and will continue to enjoy commercial free television.

I'd be happy to answer any questions you have.  I love my MythTV build 
and wonder how I ever watched TV without it.



P.S.  I was born in 1965 and remember the way tv was as well.  :)
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Re: Confused About Linux Compatibility

2008-11-07 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Boris Samorodov wrote:

Drew Tomlinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


I am attempting to install a Linux RPM of Legato's Networker Backup
Client on FBSD 7.1  I do not know if this is possible but I hope so.

I have followed instructions in the Handbook and  I am at the point of installing
an appropriate linux_base port and linux_base-f8 seemed like the most
recent/reasonable.  However when I attempt to install, I get this

** Port marked as IGNORE: emulators/linux_base-f8:
   compat.linux.osrelease: 2.4.2 is not supported
** Listing the failed packages (-:ignored / *:skipped / !:failed)
   - emulators/linux_base-f8

Further Google searches suggest that compat.linux.osrelease is a
sysctl setting.  I've seen reference to setting it to 2.6.16 but also
that this is experimental.  I found but this leaves me confused as

Bottom line, what linux_base port should I install and do I need to
set this sysctl to something?  I'm confused...

Current default (i.e. well tested and supported) linux base port is
linux_base-fc4 with compat.linux.osrelease=2.4.2. This should be your
first try. If you get any further questions a better mailing list (to
look for additional information as well as asking questions) is

Thanks for your reply and the suggestion of [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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Re: Confused About Linux Compatibility

2008-11-07 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Eitan Adler wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Drew Tomlinson wrote:


Bottom line, what linux_base port should I install and do I need to set
this sysctl to something?  I'm confused...

If you have a recent 7-STABLE changing the linux kernel version to
2.6.16   and running -f8 should not be a problem.  If your running 6-*
or 7-RELEASE stick with linux base fc4.

Thank you for your reply.  I am running 7.1-PRERELEASE.  I plan to 
update to 7.1-RELEASE as soon as I can get to the console, probably 
within the next month or so.  Is 7.1-PRERELEASE recent enough for -f8?  
It was built Oct. 9th.  Is there any big advantage of -f8 over -fc4?  I 
guess I just *feel* like -f8 would be more "updated" and less hassle in 
the long run.  However I know that with software, newer isn't always 
better.  :)



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Confused About Linux Compatibility

2008-11-07 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I am attempting to install a Linux RPM of Legato's Networker Backup 
Client on FBSD 7.1  I do not know if this is possible but I hope so.  :)

I have followed instructions in the Handbook and  I am at the point of installing an 
appropriate linux_base port and linux_base-f8 seemed like the most 
recent/reasonable.  However when I attempt to install, I get this output:

** Port marked as IGNORE: emulators/linux_base-f8:
   compat.linux.osrelease: 2.4.2 is not supported
** Listing the failed packages (-:ignored / *:skipped / !:failed)
   - emulators/linux_base-f8

Further Google searches suggest that compat.linux.osrelease is a sysctl 
setting.  I've seen reference to setting it to 2.6.16 but also that this 
is experimental.  I found but this 
leaves me confused as well.

Bottom line, what linux_base port should I install and do I need to set 
this sysctl to something?  I'm confused...



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Re: Not Found - How to Get 32 bit Version?

2008-10-11 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Kris Kennaway wrote:

Boris Samorodov wrote:

Kris Kennaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Boris Samorodov wrote:

You can copy this file from 6-i386 as Kris has already said.
And it may be a good idea to file a PR about it since this is
definitely the port's bug (CCing to the port's maintainer).

I don't think it's a port bug, but it would be useful to have an
official way to install the i386 compat libraries on amd64.  This
should probably be a separate slave port.

The port installs both amd64 and i386 libraries (look at the port
pkg-plist.amd64). Isn't it an official way? Imho yes.

One library is missing. Isn't it a port bug? Well, imho, yes. ;-)

OK then :)


Thank you both!  I'll figure out how to file a proper PR.



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2008-10-10 Thread Drew Tomlinson
First, I must say I love the ports system!!!  It keeps me from suffering 
as I am now.  :)

Anyway, I'm attempting to install a web log analysis software from 
Google named "Urchin".  The installation docs say it's supported on FBSD 
6.2+.  As I am dedicating a machine to this software, I've performed a 
brand new install of 7.1-PRERELEASE.  I'm using the amd64 version on a 
Intel Core 2 Duo processor.

With help from the list, I overcame the first library issue by 
installing the compat6x libraries from ports.  Now the install script is 
complaining that "/libexec/ Shared object "" 
not found".  I used ldd on the executable the script is attempting to 
run and get this output: => not found (0x0) => /usr/local/lib32/compat/ (0x280be000) => /usr/local/lib32/compat/ (0x280d7000) => /usr/local/lib32/compat/ 
(0x280e8000) => /usr/local/lib32/compat/ (0x281be000) => /usr/local/lib32/compat/ (0x281d4000)

I did search my system and found /usr/local/lib/compat/  
I tried adding a symlink to /usr/local/lib32/compat but then received an 
"...unsupported layout..." error when attempting to run the executable:  
I assume that is because the library is a 64 bit 
version?  I've removed the symlink.

Assuming my assumptions are correct, how can I get a 32 bit version on my system?  Or if I'm wrong, what do I need?



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Re: How To Get

2008-10-09 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Wojciech Puchar wrote:


Thanks.  This worked.



On Thu, 9 Oct 2008, Drew Tomlinson wrote:

I am attempting to install a web analysis tool named "Urchin" from 
Google. Installation instructions are here: 

Urchin claims to run on FBSD 6.2+ which I took to mean version 6.2 or 
greater.  Since this is a brand new install, I installed FBSD 
7.1-PRERELEASE, assuming the actual release would not be too far off.

I'm following the install procedures which has me run a ./ 
script. This script fails, complaining about a missing  
I've Googled and found some reference that this has to do with 
installing compatibility libraries for FBSD 4.  Thus I've added 
"COMPAT4X= yes" and rebuilt and installed my world.  However I still 
do not have this file.

What do I need to do?



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How To Get

2008-10-09 Thread Drew Tomlinson
I am attempting to install a web analysis tool named "Urchin" from 
Google.  Installation instructions are here:

Urchin claims to run on FBSD 6.2+ which I took to mean version 6.2 or 
greater.  Since this is a brand new install, I installed FBSD 
7.1-PRERELEASE, assuming the actual release would not be too far off.

I'm following the install procedures which has me run a ./ 
script.  This script fails, complaining about a missing  I've 
Googled and found some reference that this has to do with installing 
compatibility libraries for FBSD 4.  Thus I've added "COMPAT4X= yes" and 
rebuilt and installed my world.  However I still do not have this file.

What do I need to do?



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Re: uptime 2 years!

2008-10-09 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Chad Marshall wrote:
Here's what I said to the last guy who says my skin is thin, just 
leave well enough alone and drop it please. Seems your skin is thin as 
well if you can't handle a little back talk :)

Well, I can always except critism. The problem is that I don't need 
rude responses for something I thought would be something to share for 
your organization, a success story of FreeBSD. Only for people to call 
me lazy and say "Big Deal". If it's not a big deal, than say nothing.  
Maybe you should put someone in charge of answering emails who aren't 
cocky and smug, some responses were nice and at least supportive.

I still believe in FreeBSD and it's a great OS. It's the nix I started 
and learned with  but I think your community is full of conceited, 
pompous asses,  the reason I don't like to associate with IT people. 
I'd rather not give money to someone who has to insult me. If you go 
to a restaurant and you get a rude waiter, what do you do? I don't go 
back or give them a crap tip.

Godwin's Law will be invoked soon...  :)'s_law
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Re: Video streaming with freeBSD

2008-08-10 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Steve Cole wrote:


I have just installed FreeBSD 4.11 with the intention of not only 
creating a file server but to allow for video streaming and recording 
with the aid of a TV card.

Lots of forums suggest many options to achieve this however to save 
alot of time with untested and not always proven methods. Could you 
please advise me if this indeed possible and secondly if you could 
recommend any possible tv cards compatible with your OS

I look forward to any help or assistance that you may offer.

Many Thanks

Steve C

If the main purpose of your box is to be a PVR, I suggest going with a 
Linux distribution and using MythTV (  While I am 
a fan of FreeBSD as a web/mail/etc. server, it did not meet my needs 
when attempting to build a PVR.  I found the Gentoo Linux distribution 
most comfortable for me because it uses a "portage" system similar to 
the "ports" system of FreeBSD.  Others I tried were package based and 
didn't always support my hardware.

Anyway, my two cents,


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Re: FreeBSD and Bacula

2008-07-03 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Ivaylo Bonev wrote:

Thu, 03 Jul 2008 20:30:00 +0300, Rodrigo Gonzalez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Ivaylo Bonev wrote:

I want to use FreeBSD 7.0 for Backup server. After little searching, my
decision was to use Bacula (because of Windows client). After
installation of latest version (Bacula 2.4.0) and active googling,
reading very carefuly Onlamp article of Bacula server on FreeBSD
( and
configuring File, Storage and Director files, I was astonished by the
fact that Bacula cannot start from provided scripts in
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ directory. No messages in log, no error 
messages in

console, ps aux| grep 'bacula' say nothing, nothing! I put
and after restart on console shows this error:
03-Jul 17:09 bacula-dir: ERROR TERMINATION at parse_conf.c:483
Config error: Could not find config Resource bacula-fd referenced on
line 30 :
 Client = bacula-fd

: line 30, col 20 of file /usr/local/etc/bacula-dir.conf
  Client = bacula-fd

All Bacula .conf files are attached. Is there a bug, or misconfigured
.conf files?

You have laptop-fd in your bacula-fd configuration, you dont have
bacula-fd (I think you've renamed the Client conf from samples).

Change bacula-fd with laptop-fd and should work

Thanks, it works now!
What is name convention for Windows derectories and files in 'File ='
'c:/new' or '/new'?

I use Bacula to backup files from Windows XP workstations in my home 
network.  Here is a snippet from my bacula-dir.conf for your reference:

FileSet {
 Name = "Bigdaddy Data Files"
 Enable VSS = yes
 Include {
   File = "c:\\Documents and Settings"
   File = "c:\\Elks"
   File = "c:\\EG Magicians Circle"

   Options {


 # Second "Include" is to really "Exclude" some wildcard options.  See 

 Include {

   Options {
 wild = "*[Tt]emp*"
 wild = "*[Uu][Ss][Ee][Rr]*\.[Dd][Aa][Tt].*"
 wild = "UsrClass\.dat.*"

 Exclude {


It's been a long time since I set that up so I probably won't be able to 
answer any specific questions off the top of my head.  However I hope my 
example will help you find your answers.



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Freebsd without swap?

2008-05-19 Thread Drew Sanford

I lost a hard drive in one of my machines here. Fortunately, the only 
thing on it was /tmp and a random storage partition I used as a dropoff 
point for backups before they get ftp'd to another machine. 
swap partition. So how dangerously am I living to run this machine 
without any swap until I get my hands on a replacement drive? Frankly, 
it doesn't eat into the swap much at all on regular basis. Thanks for 
the help.

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Re: FreeBSD & Linux distro

2008-02-21 Thread Drew Tomlinson

Heiko Wundram (Beenic) wrote:

Am Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2008 15:58:51 schrieb James Harrison:

8. Most extensive collection of third party software (over 18000 ) only
second to Debian.

Looking back at it, I'm surprised I didn't mention that.

Gentoo has over 24 thousand ebuilds, where an ebuild is their equivalent
of a port:

Err, don't confuse ebuilds with packages. A package is a piece of software 
(which is the equivalent of a port), whereas an ebuild is an install script 
for a specific version of a package. Normally, there's more than one version 
of a package (more than one ebuild) available for a package, which makes the 
ebuild count higher than the FreeBSD ports count, but the package count lower 
(somewhere above 12000).

This doesn't count slotted ebuilds: for example, Gentoo has just one gtk 
package, which contains several ebuilds for slot 12 which is gtk-1.2.x and 
several ebuilds for slot 20, which is gtk-2.x (different slots are treated as 
different packages by the system internally), whereas FreeBSD has a gtk12 and 
a gtk20 port, which installs the respective versions.

So, basically whatever numbers you take, they can't be compared directly 
anyway, but I guess that the number of ports is still higher than the Gentoo 
amortized package count would be.

And also be aware that many utilities included in the FreeBSD base 
system are ebuilds in the Gentoo world.  tcpdump and top are just two 
examples I can think of off the top of my head.



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Re: PHP cli segfaults

2008-02-19 Thread Drew Sanford

Peter wrote:

Drew Sanford wrote:
| Command line programs for php seem to segfault on a 7.0RC1 box (yes, I
| know, I should update to RC2) - for example:
| [EMAIL PROTECTED](~/bin)$ php -v
| PHP 5.2.5 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Feb  9 2008 13:03:20)
| Copyright (c) 1997-2007 The PHP Group
| Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Zend Technologies
| zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  php -v
| Any pointers? Just update and see if that fixes it? Thanks in advance.
| uname output:
| FreeBSD 7.0-RC1 FreeBSD 7.0-RC1 #0: Sat Feb  9
| 11:43:37 CST 2008

  Getting same thing, fresh install of 7.0 [cvsupped to rc2?], latest or
not latest portsnap, I found it was the '' extension that was
causing php to segfault - did portsnap update, and rebuilt all php
stuff, still does same thing - have not tried it for last several weeks,
so could be fixed by now...I did cvsup to latest sources...
my emails were subjected "apache coredump with 'mhash' php extension
enabled" - with mhash disabled, php works fine now.  Will try and
buildworld/reinstall php with the latest 7 sometime soon.


Good find Peter, I've got exactly the same system config at this point, 
and disabling mhash fixed it as well.

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Re: PHP cli segfaults

2008-02-18 Thread Drew Sanford

Bogdan Ćulibrk wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Drew Sanford wrote:
| Command line programs for php seem to segfault on a 7.0RC1 box (yes, I
| know, I should update to RC2) - for example:
| [EMAIL PROTECTED](~/bin)$ php -v
| PHP 5.2.5 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Feb  9 2008 13:03:20)
| Copyright (c) 1997-2007 The PHP Group
| Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Zend Technologies
| zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  php -v
| Any pointers? Just update and see if that fixes it? Thanks in advance.
| uname output:
| FreeBSD 7.0-RC1 FreeBSD 7.0-RC1 #0: Sat Feb  9
| 11:43:37 CST 2008

do you use precompiled port or you built your own?

Built from ports, as opposed to using a binary package, if that's what 
you're asking.

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