Re: [Gimp-user] PS layer mode read incorectly in Gimp

2004-09-16 Thread Sven Neumann

Eric Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 So I'm loading this psd file in Gimp that my co-worker did, and I
 notice it looks funny because the top layer mode was interpreted
 wrong by the Gimp.  Here's the image.
 The top layer in this image is 'Soft Light' when loaded in
 Photoshop, but comes up 'Addition' under Gimp 2.0.4.  Of course, I
 can manually switch it to 'Soft Light' and it looks like what my
 co-worker probably intended.
 I notice this behavior under Gimp 2.0.4 (Win/Lin).  Under Gimp 2.1.4
 (Linux) it comes up as 'Overlay'.  It look alright as 'Overlay', but
 it still probably should be 'Soft Light'.
 Any ideas any one?  Should I bug report it?

Yes, please.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Thoughts about channels

2004-09-17 Thread Sven Neumann

Carol Spears [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  No I am not. You are confusing the two. I have read the script and I
  am pretty sure that what I said is correct. However that is not at all
  the point here.
 at this point a real german would back this up with documentation.
 i am the stupid american, you are the well-documented german.

Read the source. The script is extraordinarily simple. Bascially what
it does is to create a duplicate of the image, merge visible layers in
the duplicate, copy the result to the clipboard and delete the
duplicate.  It is thus not surprising that what ends up in the
clipboard is identical to the result of merging the visible layers on
the original image.

 i do not have time to go to that archives site to show everyone your
 rebel anti-perl website   stupid frames site.

So the Script-Fu megaperls site that I created back in 1997 was a
rebel anti-perl website? If I remember correctly all it did was
advertizing a couple of scripts that I wrote. I might be wrong but I
also think that at that point in time there wasn't even a GIMP Perl
binding available that I could have rebelled against.

Carol, I am not going to argue with you any longer. It should be
evident to whoever is still wasting his/her time with this thread that
your argumentation is flawed. Now, please accept that your behaviour
was wrong, apologize for it and let's forget about it. And please, try
to be less aggressive on this mailing-list. If you want to, you can
continue your pointless rants elsewhere but please let this list be a
friendly place where GIMP users and developers can exchange their
ideas and experiences and help each others.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] [OT] Some other app (was: gimp in one window)

2004-09-18 Thread Sven Neumann

Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Neither window managers nor applications have any FSCKING business
 screwing with window depth. If some such change gets made to the GIMP,
 I certainly hope it's optional.

I think you misunderstood what we are talking about here. Of course it
is the job of the window manager to deal with the z-order of windows.
After all it is a window manager. So if an application gives the
window manager the hint that a certain window should be treated
special (for example kept above another window or even above all
windows of the same application), then the window manager should
respect that hint. Of course the user can still configure his/her
window manager to ignore those hints or he/she could install a window
manager that ignores those hints by default. But it is certainly the
window managers business.

Some people seem to argue though that the application should try to
force a certain behaviour on the window manager. That is definitely
not a good idea. The application should give the window manager enough
information to do a good job but it should let the window manager
manage the windows.

BTW, the changes that you refer to have all been made already. Due to
the fact that the interpretation of the spec varies between window
managers, we have added some preference options to control what hints
are set. I would prefer though if the EWMH spec would have a window
type that would fit for the GIMP toolbox and dock windows. At the
moment there's UTILITY which comes closest. But have a look yourself:

It may make sense to make the dock windows transient for the toolbox.
Would probably be worth a try.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp 2.1.4 filepicker

2004-09-19 Thread Sven Neumann


 My main worry is that someone out there has introduced a filepicker
 I can't use.  See mail subject. My workflow is seriously hampered by
 it. It shows no folder icons. I can't type filenames in it. The two
 applications I use the most; Mozilla (Gtk2) and Gimp, are now using
 a filepicker I can't use. THAT is a major problem. Probably to more
 than me.

That could have been fixed as easily if only you would have asked

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] [OT] Some other app (was: gimp in one window)

2004-09-19 Thread Sven Neumann

Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This only works for sufficiently configurable window managers. Not all
 windows managers are sufficiently configurable. Which is why
 applications should be configurable to disable such hinting.

That is a redundant statement since, as we all know, the hints are
optional. I wonder what point you are trying to make.

At the moment the hints are not even enabled by default but I would
actually like to reconsider the defaults for 2.2. It would be nice to
get some feedback whether people are using the (toolbox-window-hint
utility) and/or (dock-window-hint utility) preferences and how well
they work or not work for them.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp 2.1.4 filepicker

2004-09-19 Thread Sven Neumann

David Neary [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 You may have tried to install the GIMP 2.1 into the same
 directory as the old GIMP, and this does not work. It's
 documented in the README file, which you read, of course. ;)

 I don't know how those errors manifest themselves, and I would
 have expected something more subtle than this, but however...

See my other response in this thread. The error that the original
poster was seeing when starting up GIMP is completely unrelated to the
installation prefix he has choosen. He simply forgot to run ldconfig.

 You can use the old 2.0 plug-ins by doing something like ln -s
 /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins ~/.gimp-2.1/plug-ins , but then you
 will not have all the bug-fixes and previews which have gone into
 the 2.1 series.

This won't work with 2.1.4 though since we accidentally broke the wire
protocol. It will work again with 2.1.5 (or current CVS).
 No, this isn't the case. Perhaps you are missing the icon themes,
 which are an optional but reccommended component for the GIMP?

He is missing at least one of the following:

- an icon theme that provides the icons
- the shared-mime-info package
- an entry in ~/.gtkrc-2.0 that tells gtk+ to use the icon theme
  (for example: gtk-icon-theme-name = gnome)

Alternatively upgrading to a recent GTK+-2.4 release would have fixed
the problem.

You should perhaps have mentioned that there's also Open Location in
the toolbox which offers an entry to paste URLs or filenames to.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] keybinding for File-Open Location [was: Gimp 2.1.4 filepicker]

2004-09-19 Thread Sven Neumann

David Neary [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  You should perhaps have mentioned that there's also Open
  Location in the toolbox which offers an entry to paste URLs or
  filenames to.
 Ah - I would have if I'd thought of it :)

While we are on it. The HIG suggests to use Ctrl-L as the default
keybinding for File-Open Location. I would like to follow this
suggestion but we already use Ctrl-L to bring up the Layers dialog.
Since that's a longstanding keybinding I am somewhat reluctant to
changing it. On the other hand it would be good to follow the HIG
advice here in order to be more consistent with other apps and also in
order to get people used to the otherwise hidden Ctrl-L feature in the
File Open dialog.

So what do our users think about this? What would be a good
alternative keybinding for the Layers dialog? Does it need one at all?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] keybinding for File-Open Location

2004-09-20 Thread Sven Neumann

Carol Spears [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 okay, an opinion from the other direction.

Thanks but we are not interested in your rants.

Carol, I am waiting for you to apologize. Could you please make a
choice and either apologize or leave this mailing-list.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] ANNOUNCE: GIMP 2.1.5 Development Release

2004-09-20 Thread Sven Neumann

a new development snapshot of GIMP 2.1 is now available from and it's mirrors:

This is an unstable development release. It certainly has bugs and
there are a number of unfinished hacks. We are nevertheless interested
in your feedback and would like you to file bug reports for crashes
and non-obvious problems.

Please note that you cannot install gimp-2.1 side-by-side with
gimp-2.0 into the same prefix. A number of files will clash, so please
use a separate prefix to install this development version! For
details, please read the file INSTALL.

Here's an overview of the changes since 2.1.4 was released:

- Ask the user to save the image when closing the last display.

- Restored compatibility of the wire protocol that was accidentally
  broken in 2.1.4.

- Added layer and mask actions to allow to create keybindings for them.

- Preview widget improvements:
   * let the preview expand with the plug-in dialog
   * added a navigation popup similar to the one in the image window
   * respect the selection and show how it will affect the filter
   * added API to draw to a GimpDrawablePreview from a GimpPixelRgn

- Added preview to more plug-ins: Cartoon, Apply Canvas, Photocopy,
  Motion Blur,

- Ported the Bumpmap plug-in preview to GimpDrawablePreview.

- Removed -u linker hacks from all Makefiles.


   Michael Natterer, Sven Neumann, David Odin, Manish Singh, Simon
   Budig, Nathan Summers, Alan Horkan, David Gowers, Bill Skaggs,
   Joao S. O. Bueno, Peter Kirchgessner

Happy GIMPing
Gimp-user mailing list
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] keybinding for File-Open Location [was: Gimp 2.1.4 filepicker]

2004-09-20 Thread Sven Neumann

Simon Budig [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I frequently use CTRL-L to bring the layers tab to the front, it is a
 handy shortcut.

Of course it is a very useful shortcut and I use it a lot myself.
However if we want to try to coexist peacefully with other
applications, it would make sense to respect the fact that Ctrl-L is a
standard keybinding that should be bound to Open Location in all
applications. The question is thus if we can find a different
keybinding for the Layers dialog.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] keybinding for File-Open Location

2004-09-20 Thread Sven Neumann

oh well, I was under the impression that we could use some
well-established forms of communication here. One such thing is that
if someone feels insulted, he/she can ask for an apology, accept the
apology and the issue is settled. Obviously Carol refuses to do that
and I am pissed off about her behaviour. But I am not going to talk
about this here any longer. Instead I will simply ignore Carols
ignorance. I would however like to correct some of the wrong facts
that she's been spreading (again) in her last mail.

Carol Spears [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 another thing, the history of gimp is very cool.  what i would rather
 research is to find out if the Merge Visible plug-in was written for the
 tutorial i love so much on and not to prove one of the
 lead developers wrong.

Merge Visible is not a plug-in, it is a core feature.

 the fact that Sven did not use perl or have a clue about the plug-ins is
 not a bad fact.  just a fact.

I have used gimp-perl, of course. I don't use it a lot and I only once
wrote a script in gimp-perl. So I wouldn't call myself experienced
with gimp-perl. Claiming that I would have never used it, is however
simply wrong. But Carol will certainly call me a liar for saying this.

 actually, we should both apologize for not taking the time to research
 things.  the fact that i was online and explaining to someone quite
 recently (gimp-1.3) the reason that Copy Visible was not in the menus
 because it was a perl plug-in and at that time gimp-perl was waiting for
 gtk-perl bindings is nothing for me to apologize for.  i think it was
 nice that i was available to help someone with it.

As I explained earlier, Copy Visible is a Script-Fu script.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] keybinding for File-Open Location [was: Gimp 2.1.4 filepicker]

2004-09-20 Thread Sven Neumann

Geoffrey [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Well, rarely use keybindings.  That being said, I can see the need to
 'coexist,' but I really have a hard time understanding 'Open
 Location.' It sounds like I'm trying to open a web page.  Personally,
 I open files.

It is exactly for that purpose, to open a remote URL. It allows you to
enter for example; and
have GIMP (or rather the wget plug-in) download the image for you.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: Recording?

2004-09-22 Thread Sven Neumann

Calvin Spealman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Michael Wagner wrote:
  Is it possible to record actions to use them later on different images?
  Something like Script-Fu only without programming?
 Windows 3.x had something like this that worked for any Win32 application.
 it was actually very useful and kinda fun :-) I've missed it from time to
 time, and I wouldn't argue such a feature in the GIMP.

X11 had such a feature that worked for any GTK+ 1.2 application [1].
It was actually very useful and kinda fun :-) If someone would port it
to GTK+-2.x, that would probably be useful.


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Wide controls in the toolbars

2004-09-22 Thread Sven Neumann

Alexander Rabtchevich [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Are there any plans of fixing the bug
 in 2.2?

No. The bug is resolved and there's a comment explaining why.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] keybinding for File-Open Location [was: Gimp 2.1.4 filepicker]

2004-09-22 Thread Sven Neumann

Alan Horkan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The gimp already makes some alterations to the the File Chooser, how
 about altering it further to include a Location text entry box by
 default again and avoid the issue of the clashing Ctrl+L keybinding

 I believe Inkscape has already do so.

Yes, I saw that terrible hack. No thanks.

 It also is a remote possibility (but a possiblity nonetheless) that the
 default might be changed to include a Location text entry again, if the
 gimp developers were to add their opinion it might be more likely to

Yes, please. Go and add your opinion there.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Text tool

2004-09-23 Thread Sven Neumann

Michael Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I am trying to create web navigation buttons with text on it. Of course I am
 using TheGimp for it, but I have a problem:
 The button should have a total height of 16 pixels and so I start
 with an empty image of that height. Every time I use the text tool
 the resulting text looks really ugly. 

What version of GIMP are you using? Your image is in RGB mode, isn't it?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] automatic resize of open versus save dialogs: bug?

2004-09-23 Thread Sven Neumann

olivier ripoll [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I am wondering if it is worth opening a bug for this minor UI bug:
 I have noticed that with 2.1.5 open file dialog (and at least also
 2.1.4), the window is resized when the arrow-folding-widget (*) for
 file type (or is it for advanced options, I do not remember) is
 clicked/unfolded. This resize is fine. However when the options are
 folded back, the window does not resize back.
 On the other hand, the behaviour in the save as dialog is
 different. When the options are folded, the window resizes back to its
 original dimension. So I suspect this is not supposed to be this way
 for the open dialog.

This is a GTK+ problem which is not trivial to solve. Only dialogs
that are not resizable collapse when the expander is closed. If the
dialog is resizable, it will not automatically shrink with the
expander. So we have three choices here:

(1) Make the dialog not-resizable. This would suck since you couldn't
enlarge the dialog any longer to get a larger file list.

(2) Do what we've done and live with the dialog not folding back.

(3) Do what the GTK+ developers did for the Save dialog and implement
a custom resize behaviour for this dialog. This would add a lot of
ugly and hard to maintain code.

We have decided to go for solution (2). There isn't anything important
in the expander anyway. Most GIMP users will never have to use the
File Type selection; the automatic file-type detection should almost
always work good enough.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: Text tool

2004-09-23 Thread Sven Neumann

Michael Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 or Yep, these fonts should be perfect. But indeed, 16 pixels is a little 
 or troublesome to have nice text: I have tried with Nimbus and Vera, and 
 or the result is not satisfying...

 I tried Tahoma and Verdena and the result gets better...

The quality of the font becomes more important the smaller you render
it. Good fonts have hinting information that improve the rendering at
small sizes. If you get poor results for small font sizes, there are a
couple of possible reasons:

(1) The font sucks. This is very common as there are only few good
fonts and almost all of them are expensive.

(2) There's no hinting information for the particular font size you
are trying to use. Sometimes it helps to make the font slightly
larger or slightly smaller. Some fonts only have hints for
standard sizes like 10pt, 12pt, 17pt.

(3) Your font has hints but your version of the Freetype library
doesn't have the TrueType bytecode interpreter enabled. Due to
patent problems (see, many
distributions disable this code in the Freetype library. You won't
be able to use the hints embedded into the font then. Recent
versions of Freetype have a fairly good auto-hinter but for very
small sizes it can hardly compare to hints choosen by the font

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Curve and Alpha problem

2004-09-24 Thread Sven Neumann

Ivan Zenkov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 (define (spline)
   (let* ((a (cons-array 8 'byte)))
  (aset a 0 0 0)
  (aset a 1 85 20)
  (aset a 2 170 40)
  (aset a 3 255 60)
 (gimp-curves-spline text-layer 4 4 (spline))

Just for the record: This has been filed as bug #153635 and it has
now been fixed in both the stable and the development branch.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] extend fonts

2004-09-25 Thread Sven Neumann

ivan lópez  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 i've been using gimp 2.0.0 on macos x for a few months and i'm quite
 happy with it : )
 now i have run into troubles with some work i have to do. i need to
 edit an image that involves a font that's not included in the text
 options font popup menu. is there a way to add fonts that are on the
 system (ie in the font book application) to this menu?

Yes, see

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Wide controls in the toolbars

2004-09-25 Thread Sven Neumann

Joao S. O. Bueno Calligaris [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 all these values seem rather specific.

Values, what values?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] too many fonts

2004-09-25 Thread Sven Neumann

Szasz Pal [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Once I have installed a lot of fonts (1000+) from the internet.  My
 problem is it's very hard to manage them in gimp. Not only the list
 box scrolls and refresehs slowly, but I can find fonts very hardly.
 I was thinking if it would be possible to group fonts in categories,
 so I can choose which group to browse. For example all the fancy
 fonts would be in category 'Fancy', so when I'm developing some
 images for a buisness website, I don't need to see them. But when
 developing gfx for games, I could quickly change to the category

This has been suggested before and might even become implemented one
day. For now I suggest you use the search capabilities of the
treeview. Press Ctrl-F (or Ctrl-S if you are using emacs keybindings
with GTK+) to enter search mode. In GIMP-2.1 there's also a font entry
with completion in the text tool options.

 Also I liked very much the font dialog in gimp 1.2, in 2.0 is it
 still available, and if yes, how and where?

No, it isn't. It has however been suggested that the fonts should be
grouped by family and again, this might even become implemented one
day. All these requests are in Bugzilla.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] too many fonts

2004-09-25 Thread Sven Neumann

Szasz Pal [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 So I should wait patienty till somebody implements it ?-)

No, you could of course help with it. Perhaps you would like to
propose a better font selector, draw some mockups and put it up for
discussion? If we can make up a well-defined goal, that would make it
easier to implement it.

 Is there a way to write a font-selector plugin for gimp? So by using
 this plugin people could have an alternative font selector?

No, there isn't and it wouldn't be feasible to add such an interface.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] ANNOUNCE: GIMP 2.0.5

2004-09-26 Thread Sven Neumann

GIMP version 2.0.5 is now available from

The mirrors should already have the new source tarballs, so please use

Binary packages will soon be available from your favorite distributor
(debian sid has it already).

This is a bug-fix release in the stable GIMP 2.0 series. It is one of
the last, if not the last, 2.0 release before GIMP 2.2 hits the road.
A number of bugs have been fixed since GIMP 2.0.4. Here's a detailed
list of improvements:

- added sanity checks for misconfigured filesystem encodings (#149464,
- don't expose unnecessary information in Postscript files we generate
- improved behaviour of Shear tool (#149467)
- fixed labels in CMYK color-picker (#150213)
- removed non-functional button from Device Status dialog (#150177)
- fixed parsing of SVG transform attributes
- guard against bogus logical screen dimensions in GIF images (#151053)
- fixed use of global context for stroke operations (#150716)
- avoid stack overflows when bucket-filling complex regions (#151124)
- fixes to the composite code (#149429, #147013)
- fixed run-with-last-vals mode for vpropagate plug-in (#151308)
- respect the global-brush setting when stroking
- fixed popup menu positioning (#152662)
- fixed handling of QuickMask color (#152937)
- fixed bounding box problems when opening Postscript files (#152829)
- fixed undo memory calculation for paint operations (#153035)
- work around file-descriptor leak in Pango (#143542, #148997)
- made menu entry translatable (#153456)
- use the global gradient for the airbrush and pencil tools (#153584)
- fixed PDB call gimp-curves-spline (#153635)
- fixed projection when undoing floating_sel_to_layer (#149558)

Thanks to all the people who have helped us to improve GIMP 2.0
further. This includes the developers who sent patches but also all
the users who submitted useful bug reports. Please keep up the good

Happy GIMPing, Sven
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: help needed with GIMP 2.2

2004-10-11 Thread Sven Neumann

olivier ripoll [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 When using the render plugins (any render plugin), try the following:
 start with a blank image. apply a render plugin. undo (- back to the
 blank image). repeat the filter (ctrl-f). All of the plugin will
 regenerate the same image (which is fine). All except IFS compose. It
 does nothing. Reshow2 will work, but not repeat.

I cannot reproduce this here. IFS Compose does correctly repeat with
the last used settings.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] refract or equivalents?

2004-10-11 Thread Sven Neumann

Carol Spears [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 there is a template and many things to help at

 it is probably as simple as changing a few calls and does not even need
 extensive gtk experience.  i think that if you fit the old stuff into
 the new template there, it will all make sense and easily work after

The plug-in template is an example of how to setup the build for a
large-scale plug-in with lots of source and data files. It would be
overkill to use the plug-in template for this simple plug-in.

Looking at will definitely help.
Including the file gimpcompat.h will also help while porting the
plug-in to the GIMP 2.0 API.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Text tool problem

2004-10-14 Thread Sven Neumann

Balas Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have just started to use Gimp 2.0.5, under Mandrake Linux 10.0. I
 have a really serious problem with the text tool.

 If I do the following:

 1. Start Gimp
 2. Create a new image
 3. Select the text tool
 4. Click on the new image
 5. Start typing any text

 Both the image window and Gimp closes without any warning after the
 first 1 to 3 letters. The text I type do not appear in the word
 processing window.

It would probably help to start gimp from an xterm (or whatever
terminal emulator you prefer) and check if there's any output on the

I guess that your problem is a somewhat broken font that causes
problems with the libraries that handle fonts for GIMP. Does this
happen with whatever font you choose? What versions of freetype and
fontconfig are you using?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Prob compiling 2.1.5

2004-09-27 Thread Sven Neumann

Eric Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 gimpstock.c:303: error: `stock_anchor_16' undeclared here (not in a function)
 gimpstock.c:303: error: initializer element is not constant

gdk-pixbuf-csource is not working correctly, probably because the
gdk-pixbuf modules file wasn't installed. Check if
${sysconfdir}/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders exists and if so, if the
pixbuf loaders referenced there do actually exist.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] new transparency entry

2004-09-28 Thread Sven Neumann

Eric Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Can we add (copy over) the 'Keep transparency' checkbox from the
 layer dialog as a menu entry?  Here: Layer - Transparency - Keep

Have a look at menus/ in a recent CVS HEAD checkout
or in 2.1.5. There's a commented out Layer Properties menu that has
this and some other entries. We haven't yet figured out how useful
these would be in the menu. Some feedback could be helpful.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] disk space

2004-09-28 Thread Sven Neumann

Tom Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm installing gimp-2.0.4 and run out of disk during 'make'.
 How much space will I need for a successful install?

Depends a lot on the compiler you are using. gcc-3.3 for example blows
up the GIMP source tree up to approx. 650MB. gcc-3.4 let's you get
away with less than 300MB.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Relative-move pixel distance?

2004-09-28 Thread Sven Neumann

Brandon Kuczenski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Recently upgraded to GIMP 2.0.4 on both Windows and Linux platforms.
 IIRC, when I was moving a selection in GIMP 1.x, the distance moved
 since mouse-1 was last clicked used to show up on the status bar.
 Now, that value *does* show up on the status bar, but only *while*
 the mouse is *actually* moving, meaning when I am trying to get
 something to just the right position, it only flashes for an
 instant, making it very hard to see.

This is a known bug in GIMP 2.0 which has so far only been fixed in
the development branch. We will start doing pre-releases for 2.2
soon so perhaps you want to try the development version.
 As a related topic -- is it possible in GIMP to create an array of
 selections?  Like, select something and copy it, and then paste n of
 them down in a line (or as a floating selection), spaced exactly x
 pixels apart?  Such a feature would be extremely cool.

This could be implemented quite easily as a script.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp Features Suggestion

2004-09-30 Thread Sven Neumann


 In future versions of GIMP, I'd love to see a filter or series of
 filters, that would help the user (especially the beginner) to turn
 digital photos into 'hand-drawn' images. I realize that with some
 talent and experience, a good GIMP user can already do this, but I
 am just thinking in terms of a feature that would strike a non-GIMP
 user, and possibly make them want to at least try the software. Just
 a thought.

There are such filters already. Did you try the filters in the
Artistic category, especially Gimpressionist?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Text effects in GIMP 2.0

2004-10-03 Thread Sven Neumann

David McClamrock [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In GIMP 1.2 (or even 1.0, with which I started), it was easy to 
 produce a beveled text effect: just insert text, leave it 
 selected, and apply a starburst (spherical), 
 foreground-to-background gradient. Only the text itself was 
 selected, not the box around it.

GIMP 1.2 used to create text as a floating selection. A lot of users
found this very inconvenient since they prefer text to reside on a
dedicated layer. The GIMP 2.0 text tool creates a text layer. This has
the advantage that the text stays editable (unless you apply an effect
to it) and that you don't need to deal with floating selections which
are considered annoying to work with.

 In GIMP 2.0 (on Mandrakelinux 10.0, from RPM package
 gimp2_0-2.0.0-2mdk), I'm not finding it obvious how to do the same
 thing. The selection includes not only the text itself but the
 surrounding box, and the gradient likewise covers the entire box,
 which I don't want.

You can call Alpha to Selection to create a selection from the text.

 Are there some settings I can change to make GIMP 2.0 (otherwise a
 definite improvement over 1.2) work more like GIMP 1.2 in these

No, you can't. We could consider to add an option to have the text
tool create a floating selection but I am not yet convinced that this
would be useful enough to warrant the coding effort and the extra
check button in the text tool options.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Converting 24 bit to 16 bit

2004-10-04 Thread Sven Neumann

Karl Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm doing a bootsplash images so I need to convert a 24bit image
 into 16 bit is there a way of doing this

There used to be a GIMP plug-in for doing bootsplash images. Not sure
if it creates the output the format that you are looking for.

Otherwise, if you wanted to write a simple plug-in for this, doing the
conversion is simple, just call this for every pixel:

#define PIXEL_RGB16(r,g,b) r)  0xF8)  8) | \
(((g)  0xFC)  3) | \
(((b)  0xF8)  3))

This assumes that 16bit means RGB565 (5 bits red, 6 bits green, 5 bits
blue), but that's typically what it means.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Poor print quality with GIMP on Linux

2004-10-05 Thread Sven Neumann

Shawn Willden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Any ideas what I can do to fix this?  I have the GIMP's Image/Output
 Settings set to all the defaults (Image Type: Photograph, Output:
 Type Color, all the parameters on the Adjust Output dialog to
 1.000).  I'm careful to ensure that I don't have to do any scaling
 from the print dialog, either...  Scaling is set to 100.0%.

If Scaling is set to 100%, then you are actually asking to have the
image scaled so that it fits 100% of the printable area. You probably
want to hit the Use Original Image Size button to get the image
printed with the image resolution.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] ANNOUNCE: GIMP 2.1.6 Development Release

2004-10-05 Thread Sven Neumann

a new development snapshot of GIMP 2.1 is now available from and it's mirrors:

Actually we wanted to have the first pre-release for 2.2 out by now
but there are still a couple of minor API and UI changes that need to
be done. So this is another development snapshot on the road to GIMP
2.2. Hopefully the next release will be called 2.2-pre1 then.

This also means that we need to freeze the UI, translatable strings
and the APIs very soon now. So if you have any patches pending, make
sure you tell us about it. We will soon have to reject further changes
for 2.2. I still hope that we will at least be very close to the 2.2
release by the end of this month.

Please note that you cannot install gimp-2.1 side-by-side with
gimp-2.0 into the same prefix. A number of files will clash, so please
use a separate prefix to install this development version! For
details, please read the file INSTALL.

Here's an overview of the changes since 2.1.6 was released:

Overview of Changes in GIMP 2.1.6

- Added more drawable previews (Color Exchange, DOG, Deinterlace,
  Engrave, Oilify, Ripple, Shift).

- Added new preview widget that shows a scaled view of the full
  drawable. Use it for Apply Lens, Blinds, Channel Mixer, Destripe,
  Emboss, Illusion, Map Color, Max RGB, Plasma, Polar, Solid Noise,
  Supernova, Whirl and Pinch.

- Added Open as Layer functionality to the menus.

- Implemented the recent-file-spec for shared storage of a list of
  recently used files (really URIs).

- Cleaned up plug-in procedure handling. Added the possibility to let
  plug-ins and scripts run using a private GimpContext.

- Added multi-line text entries for Script-Fu and Gimp-Python.

- Cleaned up PDB API for brushes, gradients, palettes and patterns.
  Deprecated lots of functions and added saner replacements. Added
  gimp-context-* PDB namespace with replacements for some of the
  deprecated stuff.

- Let GimpView handle pixbuf previews. Added a (themable) drop shadow
  to image-file previews.

- Cleaned up the dbbrowser and plugindetails code and GUI and factored
  out common code. Renamed both executables and menu entries.

- Made tools cancelable with Escape.

- Let GimpDialog add a help button to give easier access to the help pages.


   Michael Natterer, Sven Neumann, David Odin, Maurits Rijk, Dave Neary,
   Manish Singh, Robert Oegren, Kevin Cozens, Kevin Turner, Dov Grobgeld,
   Joao S. O. Bueno,  Michael Schumacher, Jonathan Levi, Daniel Egger

Happy GIMPing
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Poor print quality with GIMP on Linux

2004-10-05 Thread Sven Neumann

Shawn Willden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 As Sven pointed out in private e-mail, I misstated here.  That's
 what I get from going from memory.  My goal is to avoid scaling (and
 the quality reduction that may occur), so what I've been doing is
 using the Use Original Image Size button and verifying that the
 Scaling is the right number of PPI (in PPI mode, not Percent

 I have been seeing the blurriness without scaling up to the full
 size of the page, as would happen if Scaling was really at 100%.

I have no idea what is causing your problems then. I have been told
that the gimp-print drivers would create superb printouts. Perhaps you
should ask your question on the gimp-print mailing-list. They should
know better. The gimp-print project has it's homepage at

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: [Gimp-announce] ANNOUNCE: GIMP 2.1.6 Development Release

2004-10-05 Thread Sven Neumann

Sven Neumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Here's an overview of the changes since 2.1.6 was released:

That should read since 2.1.5 was released, of course.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Poor print quality with GIMP on Linux

2004-10-05 Thread Sven Neumann

Shawn Willden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 (I hope you don't mind if I post this back to the list, Sven)

I replied to the list (and to you) so the discussion has been on-list
all the time...

 Well, I didn't post there because I'm not using the gimp-print
 drivers.  The gimp-print drives don't support my printer, so I'm
 using the hpijs driver from HP.  My assumption was that the print
 dialog and whatever it generates to send to the drivers is on the
 gimp application side, rather than on the gimp-print side, which I
 believe is only drivers.  Is this not correct?

The plug-in that ships with GIMP has been written by the gimp-print
developers and it uses libgimpprint. So you are using the gimp-print
drivers. I do not know exactly what the plug-in is doing in case of
your setup. The gimp-print folks should know better.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] help needed with GIMP 2.2

2004-10-06 Thread Sven Neumann

Nonexistent Entity [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Wed, 06 Oct 2004 17:13:43 +0200, Sven Neumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 (5) As always we need people testing the pre-releases that we will
 start to roll out soon.

 I'd like to be able to test a binary release for Win32 if there are
 any  plans about it.

We don't do any binary release, ever. But if someone wants to build a
binary of gimp-2.2-preX for Win32 and share it, we'd welcome that.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: [Gimp-developer] help needed with GIMP 2.2

2004-10-06 Thread Sven Neumann

Simon Budig [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 (3) It would be nice to see a chapter added to the API reference that
 deals with changes between GIMP 2.0 and GIMP 2.2 and how to port a
 plug-in. I am willing to collect the list of changes and such but
 I'd like to get some help with this.

 Compile me a list and I'll do it. I also need some advice on where to
 put this in the devel-docs.

I'd like to see something similar to  Of course
it doesn't need to be as comprehensive. The GTK+ developers also
started with a smaller chapter...

I am not really sure where to put this since we have a bunch of API
manuals. Probably best to put it to the libgimp manual since that's
what most plug-in authors will look at and libgimp/libgimpui is using
the other libraries. So it could just become a new chapter in

Now let's try to collect a list of changes. It is probably a good idea
to talk about GTK+-2.4 and to point to Then there
are a couple of new widgets that we introduced:

- GimpIntComboBox replaces the gimp_int_option_menu_new() constructor.
- GimpFrame can help to make plug-in dialogs HIG-conform.
- GimpColorHexEntry is the fancy color entry used in the color selector.
- GimpCellRendererToggle is what we use for example in the Layers
  dialogs to draw the eye toggle button.
- GimpPreviewArea is a GtkPreview replacement that also deals with all
  image types GIMP knows about and can render a checkerboard to
  visualize transparency.
- GimpPreview is an abstract base class only and is used by the new
  GimpDrawablePreview and GimpAspectPreview (in libgimpui).

Besides the new previews, libgimpui has a couple of other additions:

- gimppixbuf.h provides an easy way to get image and drawable
  thumbnails as GdkPixbufs.
- gimimagecombobox.h and gimpdrawablecombobox.h have replacements for
  the now deprecated functions in gimpmenu.h.
- gimpprogress.h deals with the new GimpProgress API, the
  GimpProgressBar widget hides this complexity from the plug-in author.

libgimp has seen an API cleanup as well. Quite a lot of the
brush/gradient/pattern/palette functions have been deprecated and new
saner APIs have been added. The GimpContext namespace is completely
new and gimp_context_push/pop should definitely be mentioned. It is
especially useful for script developers.

The best way to list all new functions is to grep for the word Since
in the .c files. We've marked all new functions with Since: GIMP 2.2.

Prototypes of deprecated functions are in GIMP_DISABLE_DEPRECATED
guards. It would certainly be nice to explain how to use this define
to write clean code that uses only the new APIs. Would probably be
good to also mention the --pdb-compat-mode command-line option.

That should be more than enough to get you started...

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] OSX: Gimp2 crashes when changing font

2004-10-08 Thread Sven Neumann

ben powers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 (gimp-2.0:710): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: file gobject.c: line 1561
 (g_object_ref): assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed

 ** (gimp-2.0:710): CRITICAL **: file pango-engine.c: line 68
(_pango_engine_shape_shape): assertion `PANGO_IS_FONT (font)'
 /Applications/ fatal error:
 file shape.c: line 75 (pango_shape): assertion failed:
 (glyphs-num_glyphs  0)

That will be difficult to debug. It looks like a broken font but it
could as well be a different problem. Do you have some experience
using a debugger? You would also need versions of glib, pango and gimp
with debugging symbols. You could then use the --g-fatal-warnings
command-line option and force gimp to crash on the first critical
warning. Using the debugger you could then tell us more precisely
what's going on here.

 Since the error is in pango it seems, it might be worth it to note
 that I am using pango 1.4.0 I will attempt to update to 1.4.1.

My guess is that the problem is not in Pango but in the FreeType
library. What's the version of FreeType that you are using?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Web page buttons

2004-10-08 Thread Sven Neumann

Michael Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have to create a larger list of web page buttons with the gimp.
 The do have a similiar design, the only thing different from button
 to button is its label and therefore the generated width.

 Where do I need to start? I don't want to create each if it

GIMP ships with scripts to generate buttons for web pages. I suggest
you start by looking at those scripts. You should be able to modify
them to suit your needs.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: [Gimp-developer] Re: building gimp-2.0.5 on Solaris 8

2004-10-04 Thread Sven Neumann

Kenneth Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi - I'm trying to build gimp-2.0.5 on Solaris 8 with gtk+-2.4.10
 and I'm encountering problem with the gfig plugin not compiling.

 The compile error is enclosed.

 Also, I noticed gfig-stock.c is including 

   #include images/gfig-stock-pixbufs.h
 which is an empty file.

The file is generated, so if it is empty, something is wrong with your
build setup. You probably got an error earlier that you didn't notice.

The file is generated using gdk-pixbuf-csource and the common cause of
this problem is that the pixbuf loader modules aren't installed
correctly. There should be a gdk-pixbuf.loaders file in the sysconf
directory of your gtk+ installation that points to the installed
pixbuf modules.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] help needed with GIMP 2.2

2004-10-06 Thread Sven Neumann

we are getting closer to the 2.2 release but there's still a lot of
things that need to be done. This mail will focus on stuff that should
be done for GIMP 2.2 but doesn't need any programming skills. For that
reason I am also addressing the gimp-user list here. We are looking
for contributions on the following tasks:

(1) We will probably want to have a press-release to announce GIMP
2.2. This is a rather large task but it can be split up into a
couple of smaller things:

- Collect a list of changes since GIMP 2.0. This should focus on
  user-visible changes.

- Collect screenshots of the development version. We can first use
  those for and pick
  some nice ones for the press release then.

- Prepare a list of recipients for the press release.

- Actually write it and prepare a HTML and a PDF version of it.

(2) Review and complete the API reference manuals. This will probably
need some programming skills but some simple proof-reading would
already help a lot. We have tried to keep the API reference
manuals uptodate during development. We did however often only add
stubs. What's missing here is at least some short introductions
into all the new sections that have been added.

I will try to upload an uptodate snapshot of the docs at later today. It would be very
nice if we could find a volunteer who could help us to improve the
docs for 2.2. If you are interested, please let me know.

(3) It would be nice to see a chapter added to the API reference that
deals with changes between GIMP 2.0 and GIMP 2.2 and how to port a
plug-in. I am willing to collect the list of changes and such but
I'd like to get some help with this.

(4) As you already know, the gimp-help project is looking for more
contributors. The more help content we can get written for 2.2,
the better.

(5) As always we need people testing the pre-releases that we will
start to roll out soon.

There's certainly things I forgot. Please tell me about them.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GdkPixbuf problem

2004-10-21 Thread Sven Neumann

Matthew H. Plough [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 , the GDK developer's documentation specifies the bits-per-sample
 property as follows:

 The number of bits per sample.

 Allowed values: [1,16]

 Default value: 8

 However, I get the following error when I try to allocate a pixbuf
 with 16 bits per sample in Windows 2000:

 (rawtools:372): GdkPixbuf-CRITICAL **: file gdk-pixbuf.c: line 261
 ew): assertion `bits_per_sample == 8' failed

 Is this a known issue?  If so, when will it be fixed?

This is known. GdkPixbuf does only support 8 bits per color channel.
This is however completely off-topic here since GdkPixbuf if not
developed or maintained by the GIMP developers. Please check, product gtk+, and file an enhancement request if
there isn't one already.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] window sreenshot not working: window larger than screen

2004-10-21 Thread Sven Neumann

Neil Zanella [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have a very large window. Under fvwm2 window manager
 ( this window occupies two virtual screens. So some of
 the image is offscreen. When I try to capture the image with GIMP
 2.0 's screenshot feature the resulting screenshot is chopped off
 (i.e. there is no offscreen image, alas). What can I do?

You can try to use xwd to take the screenshot. GIMP can load images in
the xwd file format.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Copy from Gimp to OpenOffice Draw

2004-10-21 Thread Sven Neumann

Dave Neary [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Quoting Owen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Brion Vibber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Gimp 2.0 doesn't support copying image data to the X11 clipboard. Gimp
  2.1 does (so 2.2 will), though I don't know if it'll work with
  OpenOffice -- X11 clipboard interoperability for non-text data is
  pretty spotty in general.

 I have tried it with 2.1.7 and that function is not available.

 I guess we would need to find out what mime types OO accepts for X11 clipboard
 drops, if any. 2.1.7 offers several file formats (including png) from copys.
 This works great for Abiword. We also offer SVG drops of curves and paths,
 which works nicely with Inkscape.

You can find out by defining DEBUG_DND in app/widgets/gimpdnd.c. The
#define is there already, just uncomment it. IIRC, it's not working
because of a bug in OpenOffice. Perhaps someone should report it.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] ANNOUNCE: gimp-data-extras 2.0.1

2004-10-23 Thread Sven Neumann

a new gimp-data-extras tarball is available from

and from the mirrors (

This is a maintainance release of the gimp-data-extras package. The
package contains a collection of additional data files for The GIMP
2.0.  It adds a couple of brushes and patterns to the set of files
that are already shipped with the GIMP tarball.

The only change since version 2.0.0 is that three patterns have been
readded that were missing from the previous release tarball (bug

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Adobe Illustrator like Paintbrush?

2004-10-24 Thread Sven Neumann

Asif Lodhi [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 You can get smooth curves in Gimp also by using the Path tool -
 though it's a bit too cumbersome when it comes to sketching.

You can also import the paths you've drawn in Inkscape or Sodipodi and
have them stroked in GIMP. GIMP 2.0 imports paths from SVG files.


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: smart resize

2004-10-25 Thread Sven Neumann


 Another similar pages talking about filtering (demo and/or code) just
 in case someone wants to get deeper:

Perhaps you could add these links to our Wiki?


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Installing plug-ins

2004-10-26 Thread Sven Neumann

Carol Spears [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 actually, i was wrong.  the cvs version of gimp is now installing
 things into ~/.gimp-2.0/ i guess until the plug-ins catch up with
 the version numbers.

GIMP 2.2 will be using the ~/.gimp-2.2 directory.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] curve and level file formats

2004-10-26 Thread Sven Neumann

Todd Zickler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'd like to be able to adjust the color curves and/or color levels
 in one image and then batch process (open-apply-save) a large number
 of additional images using the same transformation(s).

 When adjusting the color levels and curves, there is the option of
 saving (and loading) levels and curves from files.  I have two

 1. What is the format of the levels file and the curves file? (I'd
 like to write my own C or Matlab code to read the Gimp level/curve
 files and compute the associated transformation.)

Have a look at the files. It becomes rather obvious once you know what
-1 stands for an undefined curve point.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] 2.0.5 and digital photos

2004-10-27 Thread Sven Neumann

Carol Spears [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 to the best of my knowledge, gimp still does not use exif
 information.  while it is perhaps not the best software to introduce
 a newbie to jpegtran is a commandline doey that will do that for

If the camera actually saves the orientation info in the exif data,
then I suggest to use exiftran. It is more convenient to use than

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] python-fu grid plugin

2004-10-28 Thread Sven Neumann

Joao S. O. Bueno Calligaris [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I managed to fix it.
 I attached a patch to bug #156750 -

 The plug-in was just ignoring the alpha parameter passed in the calls, 
 letting in grabage in it's place. So, sometimes the call would work, 
 sometimes don't.

The fact that the script passes garbage is not exactly the fault of
the plug-in. Colors passed via the PDB do actually have an alpha
channel. But since this is a seldomly used feature and since the grid
API is documented to use the opacity values, your fix seems like the
right thing to do.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] color corrections lost when saving file

2004-10-29 Thread Sven Neumann

John Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 When I make a change (to a .PNG) using the levels tool and then
 attempt to save the file as a jpeg, the corrections are lost IF I
 attempt a compression adjustment. If I just accept whatever the save
 dialog suggests, no problem.  To get around this I have had to save
 the newly corrected image ,close and re-open the file (now with the
 correction) . After this I can change the jpeg compression for the
 corrected image.

Huh? I am not sure if I can follow your description but my guess is
that you didn't confirm the Levels tool adjustments by clicking OK in
the Levels tool dialog. You should do that before saving the result.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] [Fwd: How to introduce greek letters]

2004-11-01 Thread Sven Neumann

Miguel Ortiz Lombarda [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've somehow solved this myself by:

 1. Opening the 'map character' application (gnome menu)
 2. Selecting the Standard Symbols L font
 3. Choosing whatever letter I want and copy it
 4. Opening in Gimp the text tool
 5. Selecting the Standard Symbols L font
 6. Pasting the copied letter

 This is much more complicated than it used to be.

How did you use to do it?

 Does anyone know a simpler solution?

gucharmap can install a GTK+ input module which you can then use from
the right-click menu in the GIMP text editor.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] ANNOUNCE: GIMP 2.2-pre1 (the Halloween Release)

2004-11-01 Thread Sven Neumann

we are glad to announce the availability of the first pre-release for
GIMP 2.2. More than half a year after GIMP 2.0 saw the light of day,
we are now close to finish work on it's successor, GIMP 2.2. You can
download a first pre-release from and it's mirrors:

This preview should have all the features that 2.2.0 will have.
However since this code hasn't seen a lot of testing yet there are
certainly bugs. If you find any, make sure you report them at (after checking that it isn't reported already).

The GIMP Wiki has a list of changes from GIMP 2.0 to GIMP 2.2:

Please do not install this pre-releae of GIMP 2.2 into the same prefix
as GIMP 2.0. It would overwrite most of the GIMP 2.0 installation. To
install in parallel to 2.0, please use a different prefix which is not
in your default library search path. If you wish to replace GIMP 2.0
with this pre-release, then please remove the GIMP 2.0 installation
before installing this software. For detailed installation
instructions, see the file INSTALL.

The GIMP 2.2 plug-in API is fully backward compatible to GIMP 2.0.
Plug-ins for GIMP 2.0 should continue to work and don't need to be
recompiled. We do however hope that plug-in authors will update their
plug-ins for GIMP 2.2 and adapt the GUI and API changes we did with
this version.

It might turn out that we have to do some late changes to the newly
added API before the final 2.2.0 release, so don't consider the API
strictly frozen yet. The API is however guaranteed to be backward
compatible (source and binary) with the GIMP 2.0 API. If you find that
your 2.0 plug-in breaks when used with the GIMP 2.2 libraries, or if
you cannot compile a GIMP 2.0 plug-in against the GIMP 2.2 header
files, please report that as a bug.

Overview of Changes since GIMP 2.1.7

- Added more plug-in previews (Displace, Color To Alpha, Newsprint)
  and ported existing previews to the new widgets (Glass Tiles).

- Added preview to WMF loader plug-in.

- Added Retinex plug-in for color normalization.

- Added plug-in to load and save raw image data (_not_ the raw format
  used by some digital cameras)

- Added a GUI to configure controller modules.

- Let lots of core dialogs remember their last values and add
  shortcuts to run with the last values w/o opening the dialog.

- Added new PDB API for drawable tranformations.

- Register all libgimp enums to allow language bindings such as
  Script-Fu to access them using GType introspection.

- Improved how we attach user-visible strings to enums registered with
  the type system. Added API to access these strings to libgimpbase.

- Cleanups to the new GFig GUI (still work in progress).

- HIGification of the ImageMap plug-in.

- Cleaned up dialogs code.

- Added Auto Whitebalance menu item.

- Redid Scale and Resize dialogs.

- Added code to migrate user settings from ~/.gimp-2.0.

- lots of bug fixes.


   Michael Natterer, Sven Neumann, David Odin, Manish Singh, Kevin Cozens,
   Joao S. O. Bueno, Geert Jordaens, Yeti, Karine Proot, yvind Kols,
   Simon Budig

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] new tutorials and previews

2004-11-02 Thread Sven Neumann

Alan Horkan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I thought you could already set your own custom splash screen by replacing
 the existing splash screen graphic?  What is different about how it is
 done now?

With former versions you had to have superuser priviledges in order to
replace the systemwide GIMP splash. With GIMP 2.2 any user can have
it's own splash.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] how to set border to 0 when printing from gimp?

2004-11-02 Thread Sven Neumann

Nagy Gabor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The result is that it will be printed at 318.5 dpi, with top and bottom
 borders at 1.27 cm. That's about three times more border than the size
 CUPS has used.

 And the problem is that I cannot set it to be lower.

 I can write smaller numbers in the Position - Top for example, but the
 original 1,27 will replace my numbers.

 Why is this?

 Why does gimp not let me set a smaller margin?

Because the PPD file you use specifies the non-printable margin this
way. If you want a more detailed answer, you better ask on the
gimp-print mailing-list though. These folks develop the print plug-in
as well as the underlying infrastructure.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: ANNOUNCE: GIMP 2.2-pre1 (the Halloween Release)

2004-11-03 Thread Sven Neumann

olivier ripoll [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I had not noticed this before, but when I compare gimp 2.0 and 2.2
 preferences, it seems I can't find anymore the following two options:
 enable tearoff menus checkbox and open recent menu size. They used
 to be in the interface category, in a menus box.

We removed these options since we found them not to be important
enough to clutter the already very overloaded preference dialog. This
change has been announced on the mailing list and we gave people time
to complain.

 How can I access these preferences now? Do I have to go in the text
 config files?

Yes. See the gimprc manpage for details.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] ANNOUNCE: GIMP 2.0.6

2004-11-03 Thread Sven Neumann
GIMP version 2.0.6 is now available from

Please use one of the mirrors listed at

This is a bug-fix release in the stable 2.0 series. This is a bugfix
release in the stable GIMP 2.0 series. It fixes a couple of smaller
problems and a crash that occurred with Pango-1.2 (but not with newer
versions of Pango). This is the last release in the GIMP 2.0, tree
which will be obsoleted by GIMP 2.2 very soon. A pre-release for GIMP
2.2 is already available for you to test.

Here's a detailed list of fixes since version 2.0.5:

- fixed gimp_file_load_thumbnail()
- fixed gimp_displays_reconnect() (#154638)
- initialize tool options with default values before deserializiation (#120832)
- let the BMP loader deal better with broken BMP files (#15540)
- fixed help-browser crashes on missing images (#138275)
- fixed opacity handling in grid plug-in (#156750)
- fixed text tool crashes with Pango 1.2 (#154144)

Happy GIMPing, Sven
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: ANNOUNCE: GIMP 2.2-pre1 (the Halloween Release)

2004-11-03 Thread Sven Neumann

olivier ripoll [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 May I suggest that it could be added to the 2.2 final Changelog ?

I don't intend to write such a document.

 By the way, this preference was not migrated from my 2.0 profile
 when I first launched gimp 2.2.

I don't see why it shouldn't have been migrated. Migration here
basically means copying the user directory over. Unless we made
incompatible changes to the gimprc format (which I am not aware of),
all values that you changed from the defaults in 2.0 should be used in
2.2. Perhaps have a look at the gimprc files to see if it's there?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Crop with ratio

2004-11-03 Thread Sven Neumann

Jeff Stephens [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 you can configure the rectangle select tool to be a fixed aspect
 ratio.  Then pop up the crop tool and pick from selection

Just choose Image-Crop Image or Layer-Crop Layer which will crop to
the size of the selection w/o the need to switch tools.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] wrong ftp-mirror

2004-11-03 Thread Sven Neumann

Laszlo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Just a little report:
 The latest available gimp version is v1.1
 I think this ftp server not mirroring the gimp source correctly. It
 should be removing the mirroring list OR contact the right ftp-admin.

Please report such problems using Bugzilla (product gimp-web).

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] analogs tools between gimp and photoshop

2004-11-03 Thread Sven Neumann

Alan Horkan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If you can set them up with a good Thumbnail browser it will help
 ease the pain of the gimp not having one built in (Photoshop has had
 a thubmnail browser since Photoshop version 7.0).

Having a thumbnail browser is installed definitely a good idea but why
on earth would one want to have one in GIMP when there are dozens of
good file managers and image browsers out there that integrate nicely
with GIMP? Where's the pain you are talking about? What would be the
advantage of having an inferiour thumbnail browser in GIMP when you
have the choice of lots of full-featured and well maintained ones?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] First impression of 2.2pre1

2004-11-04 Thread Sven Neumann

Laszlo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The new filechooser is really slow the *first* time. I think its a gtk

Are you using the gnome-vfs backend? That's the major source of
slowdown in the file chooser.

 When I browse my images the thumbnail generate automatically, where
 can I disable it?

You can set the filesize limit for thumbnailing to 0 in the
preferences dialog. But I wonder why you would want to do that.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] First impression of 2.2pre1

2004-11-04 Thread Sven Neumann

Carol Spears [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Wed, Nov 03, 2004 at 11:27:10PM +0100, Laszlo wrote:
 The new filechooser is really slow the *first* time. I think its a gtk
 i mentioned that the filechoose is really really slow.  i blamed gtk,
 specifically (as i was corrected) it is the gui-manager.  and it is slow
 the second, third and more times 

Carol, you are confusing things here. The fact that the file-chooser
appears somewhat slow is not at all related to GtkUiManager. The
ui-manager is what is delays creation of image windows.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: ANNOUNCE: GIMP 2.2-pre1 (the Halloween Release)

2004-11-04 Thread Sven Neumann

olivier ripoll [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Suspecting that my old gimprc could have been corrupted for some
 reason, I have done the following steps:

You certainly did this from a console window and watched for any
output that might help to isolate the problem, didn't you?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: ANNOUNCE: GIMP 2.2-pre1 (the Halloween Release)

2004-11-04 Thread Sven Neumann

olivier ripoll [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 No, I am too dumb, was too tired and went to bed. But I will do it
 this weekend (or tonight if I have time) and report ASAP.

No need for you to look into this any further.  I've just fixed the
problem in CVS.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: ANNOUNCE: GIMP 2.2-pre1 (the Halloween Release)

2004-11-04 Thread Sven Neumann

olivier ripoll [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 the error message is :

 GIMP: Error while parsing '/home/olive/.gimp-2.2/pluginrc' in line 20:
 unexpected number `3', expected string constant - fatal parse error

That is entirely unrelated and has been taken care of already.
pluginrc isn't any longer copied during the migration process.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] image scale (2.2) - missing print size

2004-11-06 Thread Sven Neumann

Eric Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Will the 'print size width/height' fields be returning to the Scale
 Image dialog?

Uh, oh. The new dialog has been proposed here months ago. Why didn't
anyone complain earlier? We are in string and UI freeze now :( That
said, we could of course still do changes but I find it very
disappointing that these issues come up so late.


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] image scale (2.2) - missing print size

2004-11-06 Thread Sven Neumann

Eric Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Will the 'print size width/height' fields be returning to the Scale
 Image dialog?

Would it perhaps be better to also remove the Resolution entries from
the Scale dialog and add a new dialog Image-Change Print Size ? The
fact that you had to use the Scale dialog for changing the resolution
has always been a source of confusion. Perhaps a different dialog
would be a good way to solve that problem w/o ending up with a
cluttered Scale dialog again?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] renaming the gimp

2004-11-08 Thread Sven Neumann

Kevin Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Before modern day liberals in France and their ilk have any ground
 to stand on at all, maybe they might consider helping us for a
 change, rather than selling weapons to Saddam Hussein for use on his
 countrymen and neighbors.

Perhaps you should remember who supported Saddam in the first place
and helped him to become the despot he was (or even established him in
this position). It isn't all that simple as you put it.

Anyway, this is completely offtopic here. If you want to reply to
this, please do so off-list.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] change brush size

2004-11-08 Thread Sven Neumann

Oscar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've a question: it's possible quickly change the brush size in the
 pencil or paintbrush mode?

You can create yourself a scalable brush by clicking on the New
button in the Brushes dialog. A Brush editor window will appear that
allows you to edit several parameters of the brush. GIMP 2.2 gives you
more options here and it also allows you to bind keys to the brush
properties. So you could easily set it up so that for example ''
decreases brush size and '' increases it. Or you could bind it to a
mouse controller so that you can modify the size of the current brush
using a modifier (Shift/Control/Alt/...) and the mouse wheel.

In GIMP 2.2 we also include some experimental input controller modules
that allow you to use other input devices like for example MIDI
devices.  So if you have a MIDI keyboard, you could map all sorts of
GIMP functions to it :)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] change brush size

2004-11-08 Thread Sven Neumann

Oscar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 allows you to edit several parameters of the brush. GIMP 2.2 gives you
 more options here and it also allows you to bind keys to the brush
 properties. So you could easily set it up so that for example ''
 decreases brush size and '' increases it. Or you could bind it to a

 Fantastic!!! I'm trying just Gimp 2.2 (my compliments!)

 If I can suggest a thing, I would put one slide bar in the
 options. Even if I prefer to use the short key!

Of course there's a slider in the Brush editor. But since that
available in GIMP 2.0 already, I didn't mention it explicitely.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] New layer dialog pop-up

2004-11-08 Thread Sven Neumann

Laszlo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Can I configure Gimp2.2 to disable the new layer pop-up dialog?
 I think it's more annoying as usable.

 What can I set in this popup?:
 - the layer's name (just a double-click on the layer's name )
 - the layer color (90% of case, I think its transparent. If somebody
 want other color, its just a dragdrop from the colors icon)

Well, I don't think transparent is the common case. That was the main
reason for changing this. The other one is consistency but see my
comment below.

 In the version 2.2 I see a good progress the eliminate all the pop-ups
 and simplify it (if can't eliminate it). The measure tool its a good
 example of it.

 If can't be changed by user, can we return the 2.0's way? (just a click,
 and there is a new layer).

Shift-click to suppress the dialog. This is consistent with a lot of
other places where you can Shift-click to skip the dialog and reuse
the last-used values.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] change brush size

2004-11-08 Thread Sven Neumann

Nonexistent Entity [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Of course there's a slider in the Brush editor. But since that
 available in GIMP 2.0 already, I didn't mention it explicitely.

 But having a Brush Size slider in Tool Options would be absolutely
 great  (especially when painting with stylus without wheel and not
 wanting to  reach for the keyboard). Having to open separate Brush
 editor (or keep it  open) is not really convenient for changing
 essential property. This would  eliminate much confusion for

Just add the brush editor to your default docks setup and you are
done. I don't think replicating user interface elements that belong to
a different dialog is a good idea. It would only clutter the already
crowded user interface even more.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] image scale (2.2) - missing print size

2004-11-08 Thread Sven Neumann

Nonexistent Entity [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Does that make any sense? Is Print Size a good name for the dialog
 and it's menu entry?

 That'd be logical, It'd probably be nice located under File menu
 closer to  other print options.

Since it's not a file operation, it would not be very logical to put
it there. IMHO it should be located in the Image menu close to Scale
Image and Canvas Size.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] image scale (2.2) - missing print size

2004-11-09 Thread Sven Neumann

Eric Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 So you'll also be moving Resolution from Scale Image, correct?

No. The resolution entries would stay in the Scale Image dialog.  I
said the plan was to not change the Scale Image dialog at all and add
an additional dialog to set the Print Size.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] image scale (2.2) - missing print size

2004-11-09 Thread Sven Neumann

Eric Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Would this new 'Print Size' dialog have its own 'Resolution' setting?

Am I really that bad at describing things? The only thing you can
configure in Print Size would be the resolution. There would be two
entries to set the resolution (horziontal and vertical) and two
entries to choose the print dimensions (width and height). Changing
the print width or height will only affect the resolution, nothing

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to get rid of OK Cancel Reset images on buttons?

2004-11-10 Thread Sven Neumann

Nonexistent Entity [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 These images annoy me very much, how can I get rid of them or at least
 change them? (withoout compiling Gimp, through themes)

Install a different GTK+ theme.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Tiff, and .jpeg issue

2004-11-11 Thread Sven Neumann

Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 When shooting, via my Nikon Coolpix 950 digital camera, I set the
 setting for picture resolution to FINE, Then to HI HI setting is
 .tiff Non-compression.

 However, there seems to be a problem when loading the .jpeg (fine)
 into Gimp it shows a size of 22.2 x 16.7 inches, when loaded the
 .tiff file, it shows a size of 5.3 x 4.00 inches.

Where's the problem? It appears that your camera is setting a
different print resolution for the different formats. That is somewhat
unusal but since the print resolution is just some meta information I
don't see any problem with that. The only thing that counts here is
the number of pixels your image has.

 and I get a error message:

 {{{ DSCN0505.TIF: unknown field with tag 34665 (0x8769) encountered }}}

Which isn't an error but just an informative message telling you that
the camera is using some proprietary TIFF tags that GIMP and libtiff
don't recognize. So there might be some information there that is
being lost when you open the file in GIMP and save it again.

 And shouldn't the .tiff file be allot bigger than the fine .jpeg file???

Well, isn't it? Looking at the print size doesn't make any sense since
it depends on the print resolution that is being set. Instead, check
out how many pixels there are.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] palette mapping (again)

2004-11-11 Thread Sven Neumann

Fernando Sancho [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm using Gimp-2.2-pre1 and find that now gimp allows to map with a
 palette with more than 256 colors.

There are only 256 color indices in your image so what good would
using a larger palette do?

 I have to test that feature from a python-fu script but the only
 result i get is a gimp crash.

 This is the output

 (dbbrowser:12220): LibGimp-WARNING **: dbbrowser: gimp_flush(): error:
 Broken pipe

As mentioned in the file INSTALL, you should have uninstalled GIMP 2.0
instead of just installing GIMP 2.2 over it. dbbbrowser shouldn't be
there. That doesn't explain the crash though.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: How to get rid of OK Cancel Reset images on buttons?

2004-11-11 Thread Sven Neumann


 Which seems to work, but I guess there will be some case in which it
 will not. The only hope is that with all the GTK+ widget reorg, they
 pass the GNOME part that handles menus and buttons (or whatever way
 they do it which allows to have such option in the GNOME config), and
 can be set via some kind of boolean options like GtkMenu::have_icons
 and GtkButtons::have_icons. It will probably make integration with
 other OSes better (some have no icons in buttons or in both) without
 putting the heavy weight in the theme, as well just making some other
 users happy in general, btw.

You could try to work a bit on your style of asking people to do you a
favor even though they don't owe you anything and then kindly ask the
GTK+ developers for such a setting.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Curving an image

2004-11-12 Thread Sven Neumann

Barton Bosch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Huh, I tried the Iwarp filter but it seems to be broken (GIMP 2.0.4
 from the FC2 rpm).

 It showed the layer in the preview window but regardless of any
 changes in parameters it didn't alter the image at all.  Did I miss
 something, is this a known problem or a mystery?

You missed the fact that you need to manipulate the preview by
clicking and dragging it. It isn't easily discoverable, I admit.
Patches to improve this or contributions to the help are of course


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Curving an image

2004-11-13 Thread Sven Neumann

Barton Bosch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 You're probably way ahead of me on this but wouldn't a larger preview
 window and an expanded UI (e.g., like the path tool) be great with
 Iwarp?  Maybe implementing it as a tool rather than a filter would be
 in order as well?

Sure, noone would disagree that the plug-in urgently needs some
love. But so far noone has taken responsibility for it. There are a
lot of plug-ins that are part of the distribution but are basically
unmaintained. We don't have enough developer resources to work on the
core and improve the ~ 200 plug-ins in the GIMP tree.

As I said already, if you want to contribute, please do so. You
wouldn't have to necessarily write code. The GIMP help team (the
people working on the user manual) are looking for contributors as
well as the GIMP web team.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Curving an image

2004-11-13 Thread Sven Neumann

Alan Horkan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If the cursor changed to a brush or something on mouseover of the
 preview it might help improve discovery.

It does that in GIMP 2.2.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] opening multiple images from kde

2004-11-14 Thread Sven Neumann

Gezim Hoxha [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Since gimp doesn't have an image viewer (no problem) I
 just use the kde (konqueror). I just selected the
 images I wanted to open then on one of them I right
 clicked and chose open with gimpbehold 10 sessions
 of gimp opened up. So is there an argument for gimp
 that says Ok if a gimp session is open, just use that
 session to open these images. I read the man pages
 and there was some session argument but no idea how to
 use it.

Konqueror should call gimp-remote instead of gimp. Actually if it
doesn't do that, that would be a bug in Konqueror that you should
report to the KDE developers. KDE is supposed to read the gimp.desktop
file that is installed by GIMP installs and this file explicitely asks
for gimp-remote to be used.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Inquire ?

2004-11-14 Thread Sven Neumann

David Neary [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The next version of the GIMP (out soon) will be 2.2, and will not
 use gegl. The following version 3.0 should include gegl, which is
 a graphics library which abstracts away things like bitdepth and
 colorspace from image representation. It is certain that gegl
 will have a floating point pixel mode (it does already), and
 probably that the GIMP will add an interface to use it, so
 version 3.0 will have 48 bit floating point RGB, 64 bit floating
 point RGBA, and may well have 128 bit floating point RGBA. 

Whether the next GIMP version will be called 3.0 remains to be the
seen. If we can remain backward compatible to the 2.0 API we will
probably choose 2.4 as the version number.

Whether the next GIMP version will be using GEGL also remains to be
seen. It strongly depends on whether we have some people who are
willing and capable to actively work on porting GIMP over to GEGL. At
the moment the main goals for GIMP 2.4 that I see is the addition of
color management that was planned for 2.2 but didn't make it in time
for the feature freeze. That's just my point of view though. The plans
for the time after 2.2 haven't been finalized yet.

 Is there anyone in the free world, that has done up a Mac OS X
 package ( installer ) for he Current version 2.2 ?

2.2 hasn't yet been released. There's a first pre-release available
and there's supposed to be another pre-release in the next couple of
days. GIMP 2.2.0 will wait for a GTK+ 2.4 release that includes the
GtkUIManager speedups. That is supposed to happen before the end of
this month.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Newbie question - plugins in windows xp

2004-11-16 Thread Sven Neumann

Scott Binns [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 So, my question now is, how do I build the plugin?  What
 configuration/tools do I need, and what steps to I follow to get the

You need a C compiler and you need the libgimp header files. GIMP
comes with a tool called gimptool that helps you to choose the right
compiler flags to locate the headers and to link with the GIMP
libraries. There's a Win32 version of gimptool but I am not sure if it
is part of the installer. However it should be available from

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Newbie question - plugins in windows xp

2004-11-16 Thread Sven Neumann

Matthew H. Plough [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

First of all, thank you to Carol for being so helpful on this issue.
I praise your willingness to help people out, and go beyond the call
of duty in providing useful information.  If you and Sven were not
high-ups, you would be banned for being trolls.
This is the best I can do for now since I have a ton of work.
Scott, I had a bit of trouble compiling plugins on Windows, but I have
a method that worked well for RawPhoto.  I have not been able to get
gimptool-2.0 to do anything but crash, but this method circumvents
First of all, you'll need a compiler.  Head over to and grab the Cygwin setup.  Run it, and install
for all users, and make the default text file type Unix (just for the
heck of it).  Choose a fast mirror -- works for me
-- and download some packages.  It might take some looking through the
list, but you'll need *at least*:
- gcc
- gcc-core
- g++
- binutils
- make
- pkgconfig
- mingw runtime
- gawk
(libs) -- get doc, devel, and runtime just to be safe
- atk
- freetype
- glib
- gtk+
- libiconv
- pango

You only need all this if you want to compile GIMP and all it's
dependencies from source. If you just want to compiler a GIMP plug-in
you need nothing but a C compiler (not necessarily gcc) and the
libgimp header file.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] problem to compile gimp 2.0.5 on Solaris 9

2004-11-16 Thread Sven Neumann

Luc Novals [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I can't acceed to recent archives on :
 and I don't know if there was a similar thread.

 I verified gimp requirement, and install libraries packages from :

 except for lib gtk2.2.4 (compiled on target host).

 GIMP compile error is about undeclared param logo_data in
 at line :
 pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_inline (-1, logo_data, FALSE, NULL);

 It seems that it wait for an header in gdk, but where ?
 (This declaration is also required to compile on others platforms)

The header is logo-pixbuf.h which is supposed to be generated in the
gimpressionist source directory. Try 'make logo-pixbuf.h' in the
gimpressionist directory.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Newbie question - plugins in windows xp

2004-11-16 Thread Sven Neumann

Michael Schumacher [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Some users reported that the gimptool executable doesn't work
 correctly. I don't think anyone invested much time in this, since
 everyone who seems to be able to compile gimp and plug-ins so far uses
 cygwin and/or mingw and thus thze gimptool bash script.

 I'm a bit surprised that it shouldn't take more to get plug-ins
 compiled - wouldn't they at least need gtk+ and/or glib?

Well, yes. You also need the GLib and GTK+ header files. These are
also available from

It would probably be nice if the installer for Win32 would at least
optionally install these header files as well as the gimptool
executable. I am not claiming that this would solve all problems but
at least it would give us a chance to find out what other measures
need to be taken.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp 2.2, First impressions

2004-11-16 Thread Sven Neumann

Jozsef Mak [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 One more thing, which is not related to this particular release of
 Gimp. Why is it that the dialogue boxes in Gimp are so large?

You could go to the Preferences dialog and select the Small theme. Did
you try that?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Version ?

2004-11-18 Thread Sven Neumann

Owen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The underlying library changed between 1.2 and the 2.0 series 

The underlying library? What would that be?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Request Tool

2004-11-18 Thread Sven Neumann

Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 When using clone tool, (under brushes )
 would like to see a square ( solid ) block of 5x5 and 10x10 pix

Why don't you choose a square brush of 5 or 10 pixels then? The clone
tool can be used with all available brushes.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Version ?

2004-11-18 Thread Sven Neumann

Owen Cook [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Just a simpletons understanding that 1.2 used gtk 1.2 and this last one
 uses gtk 2.2

Ah. I wasn't aware that the toolkit we use for the user interface is
considered the underlying library. I'd use that term for an image
manipulation library such as GEGL.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Version ?

2004-11-18 Thread Sven Neumann

Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Adding to this,
 there should be two groups,
 novice and expert. I know there allot of people whom
 would like to harness the full power of Gimp.
 without any flames.

Uh? Sorry if we appeared to be flaming but we weren't. I was only
curious. My apologies if I stepped on anyone's feet.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] sRGB

2004-11-19 Thread Sven Neumann

Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 How does one tell Gimp, to use sRGB color profile?
 when displaying images. ( gimp 2.0 )

The display routine assumes that the sRGB colorspace is being used. If
you want to use other color profiles for display, you can do so using
the Proof filter found in View-Display Filters. Yes, this is all
quite preliminary. Better color management support is scheduled for
GIMP 2.4.

Gimp-user mailing list

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