[mou-net] Carver County Cinnamon Teal

2010-04-18 Thread John Cyrus
A male Cinnamon Teal was in a flooded corn field southeast of Norwood-Young America along Salem Ave. this morning.The quickest way to get here is to take Hwy 212 west until you get to Salem Ave and turn south. This field is just north of a small dairy farm that is on a small hill. Th

[mou-net] Carver County-Red-necked Grebes, gulls, and more

2010-04-11 Thread John Cyrus
The first pair of Red-necked Grebes were back on Assumption Lake this morning. They were associating with themselves away from the main pack of waterfowl on the lake, though there were a few ducks around them. Late waterfowl today were a single Common Goldeneye on Rapids Lake and a single Re

[mou-net] Carver County

2010-04-09 Thread John Cyrus
New arrivals this morning were Field and Swamp Sparrows at Carver Park and a Vesper Sparrow at Rapids Lake MVNWR. There were 9 Ruby-crowned and 5 Golden-crowned Kinglets at Carver Park and 2 Ruby-crowned Kinglets at Rapids Lake MVNWR. I did not climb down the bluff to check better habitat for

[mou-net] Carver County

2010-03-31 Thread John Cyrus
With many lakes now open, more waterfowl has moved into the area. Maria Lake and Assumption Lake had significant numbers of waterfowl, mainly Lesser Scaup, Ring-necked Duck, Canvasback, and Bufflehead. After striking out on finding Northern Pintail along 150th St. last week, I found one the

[mou-net] Carver County

2010-03-27 Thread John Cyrus
There were many more ducks along 150th St. this morning vs. yesterday, mainly more Canvasback, Redhead, and Lesser Scaup. The Greater White-fronted Geese were still there as well. At Carver Park, 2 Eastern Meadowlarks were back singing from their usual spots.A Golden-crowned Kinglet was alo

[mou-net] Carver County-few more arrivals

2010-03-24 Thread John Cyrus
A few more arrivals have shown up this week. Mon.- Eastern Meadowlark(2 there today) and Brown-headed Cowbird at Rapids Lake MVNWR Tues.- Song Sparrows Wed.- American Kestrel I found 8 Greater White-fronted Geese along 150th St. this morning. Again, there are probably more since I didn't find

[mou-net] Carver County-50 Greater White-fronted Geese Cty. Rd. 52

2010-03-21 Thread John Cyrus
There were 50 Greater White-fronted Geese(counted 51 1st time and 49 2nd) with ~240 Tundra Swans(increase from 192 on Friday) south of Cty. Rd. 52 between Cty. Rd. 51 and 33 just east of Assumption Lake. Some or all of the geese may be the same that Doug Kieser reported yesterday. Some of the fie

[mou-net] Carver County-Golden-crowned Kinglet and more Tundra Swans

2010-03-19 Thread John Cyrus
This afternoon there was a Golden-crowned Kinglet at Rapids Lake MVNWR. While I didn't get out early to check on early morning migration of Tundra Swans, I did find a total of 389 in 2 flooded fields, 1 along cty. rd. 51(near 182nd St.) and the other along cty. rd. 52. 15 flew in while I was obs

[mou-net] Carver County addition

2010-03-17 Thread John Cyrus
I meant to post this in the original message but the trail running north from the visitor's center at Rapids Lake MVNWR(just north of the old farm house) along the Minnesota River is flooded. The loop to the south is still water free, but I'm not sure if it will stay that way with the rising w

[mou-net] Carver County-Hundreds of Tundra Swans

2010-03-17 Thread John Cyrus
This morning at Rapids Lake MVNWR I estimated a total of 650 Tundra Swans flying over the refuge. I counted 470 in multiple flocks between 7:25 and 7:45 and another 180 in 2 flocks at around 8:30. There were also a couple hundred Canada Geese that flew over, 17 Cackling Geese(mixed calling wi

[mou-net] Carver County

2010-03-14 Thread John Cyrus
The first American Woodcock of the season was also calling and displaying at Carver Park early this morning. The only other migrants at the park were a few more Robins and 34 Red-winged Blackbird. A few of the swampy areas of Carver Park have thawed, but there was nothing in them. All the trails

[mou-net] Carver County 2009 Fall Migration Partial Summary (Long)

2009-12-18 Thread John Cyrus
The following is a partial summary of my sightings from the 2009 fall season in eastern Carver County. I did not include all species, particularly waterfowl, as I feel the message is long as it is. If you are interested in those species I can send them to you. I did my best to keep accurate

[mou-net] Carver County Short-eared Owl

2009-11-15 Thread John Cyrus
A Short-eared Owl was perched in a marshy area north of Hwy 5. just west of the turnoff to Lake Waconia beach. This is the same area that I saw a Long-eared Owl perched a couple months ago. I also found an adult Thayer's Gull at Carver Park. He was on the lake that is north of the nature cen

[mou-net] Carver County Golden Eagle

2009-11-07 Thread John Cyrus
An adult Golden Eagle was at the Rapids Lake MVNWR this morning. When I first came upon him he was fairly low over the grassland of the refuge towards the hunters lot as you drive in towards the visitors center.He ascended following the grassland toward the northwest. I wonder if this is th

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-11-01 Thread John Cyrus
This morning I saw my first of season flock of Tundra Swans(42) flying east over Carver Park.It looked like they may have been coming in to land, as they were fairly low. Waterfowl this morning were Trumpeter Swan, Cackling Goose(1), Canada Geese, Gadwall, American Wigeon, Mallard, Redhead, B

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-10-25 Thread John Cyrus
Blackbirds were on the move this morning at Chaska Lake MVNWR.I estimated around 500 of mainly Red-winged in 2 large flocks flying low heading southwest. It looked like the flocks were coming in for the morning, as small numbers landed. 8 Rusty Blackbird landed near me, and I'm pretty su

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-10-18 Thread John Cyrus
Yesterday and today proved once again to be quite active. Even with the wind today, there was plenty of activity. It helps that there are many areas protected from the wind. Though there weren't any less common migrant sparrow today there were a lot of Junco, White-throated, and Fox Sparrow.

[mou-net] Carver County American Pipit and Magnolia Warbler

2009-10-16 Thread John Cyrus
This morning there was an American Pipit at Chevalle wetlands feeding along the side of the road(south of wetlands) and in the grass along the curb. I'm not sure what the late date for Magnolia Warbler is, but a female was at Chaska Lake MVNWR. She was following an Orange-crowned along the s

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-10-14 Thread John Cyrus
The past 2 days there have been great numbers of Golden-crowned Kinglet. At Chaska Lake MVNWR yesterday I counted 11 and at the Carver Park rec area(only that area) today there were 14.They were difficult to count, so there were probably a few more than I counted. Ruby-crowned were outnum

[mou-net] Carver County-2nd attempt

2009-10-10 Thread John Cyrus
I don't know what happened with that first message, so I'll try again. This morning in this early winter weather I was able to find 10 sparrow species including White-crowned, Harris's, and Lincoln's at Rapids Lake MVNWR and Carver Park. Add in an early American Tree Sparrow yesterday at Chaska L

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-10-10 Thread John Cyrus
This morning in this early winter weather I was able to find 10 sparrow species including White-crowned, Harris's _ Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free. http://clk.

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-10-04 Thread John Cyrus
This weekend has been active with pretty much what you would expect for this time of year. A significant number of Fox Sparrow have moved into the area with the highest number at Rapids Lake MVNWR on Friday. White-throated and Lincoln's Sparrow were the only other migrant sparrows over the we

[mou-net] Carver County-1 last burst

2009-09-26 Thread John Cyrus
Chaska Lake MVNWR was bustling with activity from 7:00 this morning to 10:30. Sadly, the end is near. I'm betting many of these will leave with this upcoming front. Migrant Count with general areas where some were located(Park-Chaska Athletic Park tree line and shrubs, Lake-Chaska Lake side f

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-09-25 Thread John Cyrus
I was able to squeeze in 2 hours of birding before the rain this morning. White-throated Sparrow made up the majority of migrants at Rapids Lake MVNWR. I also found a Fox Sparrow mixed in with a couple of White-throated near the visitors center. Migrants this morning were Orange-crowned(8

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-09-23 Thread John Cyrus
Warbler today at Carver Park were Yellow-rumped(10+), Palm(3), Orange-crowned(2), Black and White(2), Blackburnian(2), American Redstart(2), Common Yellowthroat(2), Tennessee(1), Nashville(1), Black-throated Green(1), Blackpoll(1) Warbler, and Northern Parula(1). Other migrants seen were Blue

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-09-20 Thread John Cyrus
Warblers at Carver Park this morning were Tennessee(7), Nashville(10), Black and White(2), Blackburnian, Blackpoll, Blackpoll/Bay-breasted(thought I saw the coloring on flanks but wasn't able to observe it long enough to be sure), Wilson's Warbler, Northern Parula, American Redstart, Common Yell

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-09-18 Thread John Cyrus
It was a fairly active morning at Rapids Lake MVNWR especially compared to last Friday. I found 12 warbler species, the highlight being a Connecticut Warbler. Other warblers for the morning were 7 Nashville, 2 Tennessee, 2 Orange-crowned, 2 Yellow, 1 Yellow-rumped, 1 Bay-breasted, 1 Black and

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-09-16 Thread John Cyrus
Birds were fairly scarce this morning at Carver Park. I noticed only a few scattered warblers. I was able to id 3 Nashville, 1 Cape May, 1 Black-throated Green, and 1 Canada. There were a couple I couldn't id in the tree tops. The only vireo species I saw were 2 Philadelphia while the onl

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-09-13 Thread John Cyrus
All my complaining about not seeing any different Vireos finally paid off as today there were 3(possibly 4) Blue-headed Vireo at Carver Park. Warblers this morning were 6 Nashville, 4 Ovenbird, 3 Tennessee, 3 American Redstart, 3 Black and White, 2 Magnolia, 2 Blackburnian, 2 Wilson's, 1 Black-thro

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-09-12 Thread John Cyrus
Chaska Lake MVNWR was fairly active with the most warbler I have seen all week. Warbler this morning were many Commn Yellowthroat, 7 Wilson's, 5 Nashville, 4 Tennesee, 2 Black and White, Black-throated Green, Yellow Warbler, American Redstart, Ovenbird, and Northern Waterthrush. There were st

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-09-09 Thread John Cyrus
This morning at Carver Park I had my first of fall Winter Wren(first of the year actually) as well as a surprise Wood Thrush(haven't seen any since spring). There was also another(or the same from 2 weeks ago) Red-breasted Nuthatch at the park. There were several vocal Least Flycatchers, but

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-09-04 Thread John Cyrus
Rapids Lake MVNWR still only had scattered migrants. There were fewer Tennessee Warbler around, so that really cut down on warbler numbers. There were still a few vocal Warbling Vireo along with a singing Yellow-throated and a couple quiet Red-eyed, but I have yet to find any Philadelphia or Bl

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-09-02 Thread John Cyrus
Just as migration was picking up, it has slowed back down. If it weren't for the healthy number of Tennessee Warbler at Carver Park this morning, it would have seemed really quiet.Other than that there were 5 Wilson's, 4 Nashville Warbler, fairly common Redstart, and a few Yellowthroat. Y

[mou-net] Carver County migrants

2009-08-26 Thread John Cyrus
Migrants at Carver Park this morning were 11 Tennessee, 4 Nashville, 2 Black and White, Chestnut-sided, Black-throated Green, and Mourning Warbler. The only other migrant I noticed at the park were some Franklin's Gull. _ Windows

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-08-22 Thread John Cyrus
Friday night at around sunset there was a Long-eared Owl perched in a tree on the north side of hwy. 5 just east of Waconia.This morning there were a few scattered warblers at Rapids Lake MVNWR including Blue-winged, Tennessee, Nashville, and Pine Warbler. The Great Horned Owl was callin

[mou-net] Carver County-Golden-winged Warbler

2009-08-14 Thread John Cyrus
There were 3 Golden-winged Warbler at Carver Park this morning, 2 juvenile and 1 adult. The only other signs of migration were larger flocks of Pelican and Cormorant. I suppose the low number of Yellow Warbler is a sign of migration as well. There are still quite a few Redstarts around, mainly

[mou-net] Mute Swan still present

2009-08-12 Thread John Cyrus
The Mute Swan is still on Rapids Lake of the MVNWR. I was asked when I first posted about it if there is an easier way to get a look at the lake instead of bushwhacking through grasses and reeds on the southeast side of the lake. It is possible to get a more distant view of the lake from the

[mou-net] Carver County-Nashville Warbler

2009-08-01 Thread John Cyrus
The first migrant warbler of the fall was a bold Nashville Warbler at Rapids Lake MVNWR this morning. There was a Mute Swan on Rapids Lake. The ranger there told me it had been on the lake earlier in the week as well. There are exposed mudflats now on the south and southeast side of the lak

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-07-24 Thread John Cyrus
It took 30 minutes of waiting at Assumption Lake, but 2 adult Red-necked Grebes with a closely trailing chick finally appeared from behind the reeds. Its a tough place to view especially the later it gets into summer. The chick is about 1/3-2/5 the size of the adult(not sure how old this makes hi

[mou-net] notes from Carver County

2009-07-11 Thread John Cyrus
While there hasn't been anything that unusual over the past couple weeks in Carver County, there was a Pine Siskin in some pines in northwest Chaska the other day. This was the 1st I have seen since early May. Back in June there were 3 Henslow's Sparrows at Carver Park, but yesterday it was back

[mou-net] Trail correction

2009-06-14 Thread John Cyrus
The correct trail for the location of the Louisiana Waterthrush was the Lower Hell's Gate Trail. I never saw a sign saying I had left Wolf Creek Trail and did not have a trail map with me. The quickest way would be to park at the picnic area and take the Quarry Loop and Spur Trail from there th

[mou-net] Banning State Park(Pine County)- Louisiana Waterthrush and what a great morning

2009-06-13 Thread John Cyrus
I was finally able to see the Louisiana Waterthrush at Banning State Park in Pine County instead of just hearing him. In past years I have heard him along the Kettle River but have not seen him.He was singing and had the bright pink legs which make him quite obvious.He was located near

[mou-net] Red-necked Grebe nests

2009-06-05 Thread John Cyrus
There were 4 occupied Red-necked Grebe nests on Assumption Lake in Carver County this morning and possibly a 5th. While I was watching, the adults on 2 of the nests traded places. One of the pairs made their call as they were switching. There were no other Grebe species on the lake, but the

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-06-03 Thread John Cyrus
I checked Rapids Lake for the previously reported Hooded Warbler but did not find it nor was the Western Grebe on the lake. There was still a Tennessee Warbler hanging around. It may have been the same from this past weekend as it was in the same tree. I also found/refound a very cooperative

[mou-net] Carver County-Western Grebe

2009-05-30 Thread John Cyrus
A single Western Grebe was on the northwestern end of Rapids Lake of the MVNWR early this morning.It was fairly close to the shore but could only be seen from a hunting trail on the west side of the lake. 1 very difficult to see Prothonotary Warbler was at the 2nd outflow channel on the far n

[mou-net] Carver County-Cerulean Warblers

2009-05-26 Thread John Cyrus
I found 2 Cerulean Warblers at Carver Park this morning. One was at the same location its been the past couple years northwest of the nature center between Crosby Lake and Stone Lake. The 2nd was easier to see about 1/2 mile east-northeast of the nature center. He was closer to the trail out

[mou-net] Opinions on photo

2009-05-22 Thread John Cyrus
While I was looking through photos that I had taken at Assumption Lake today, I noticed one that hadn't caught my eye before. I was leaning(now heavily leaning after a 2nd opinion) towards an Eared Grebe. I am looking for a few more opinions before I report(or not) it as an Eared Grebe. Than

[mou-net] Carver County Red-necked Grebes

2009-05-22 Thread John Cyrus
There were 8 Red-necked Grebes on Assumption Lake in rural Carver County late this morning. 2 were building a nest of what looked like reeds and other plants floating on the water at the edge of standing reeds. Birds early this morning along a trail in northern Chaska were Yellow, Tennessee, Blac

[mou-net] Carver County-Both Cuckoos(Yellow-billed heard only)

2009-05-21 Thread John Cyrus
I went to Rapids Lake, MVNWR today hoping to find 2 birds, a Prothonotary Warbler and a Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Unfortunately I did not see either, though I did hear the Yellow-billed Cuckoo in a similar area as the last 2 years atop the bluff west of Rapids Lake. The Black-billed Cuckoo was i

[mou-net] Carver County-past few days

2009-05-17 Thread John Cyrus
In yesterdays cold wind, birding was slow while I was out in the morning. I only managed 8 warbler species. I was probably out too early. The most unusual sparrow of the morning was a Harris's. That evening I stopped at Purgatory Creek in Eden Prairie(Hennepin Cty.). There was a flock of

[mou-net] Carver County-slow birding to start then a nice end

2009-05-12 Thread John Cyrus
Began the morning at Carver Park Reserve where, while quiet(at times eerily so), I did manage to find some migrants. Warblers were scattered. Most of the Yellow-rumped were gone, so I didn't have those to fill the void. Still a few Ruby-crowned Kinglets, though. I finished with a quick stop

[mou-net] Carver County-American Pipits

2009-05-09 Thread John Cyrus
A flock of 11 American Pipits were feeding in a field near Assumption Lake in rural Carver County this morning. Songbirds were fairly sparse. I did find 11 warbler species including a Black-throated Green, but they were scattered(all at Carver Park and a few species at other locations thro

[mou-net] Carver County-Henslow's Sparrow still present+12 Warbler Species

2009-05-07 Thread John Cyrus
The Henslow's Sparrow was still present and singing from a similar location at Carver Park Reserve at 6:30 this morning. The number of species of warbler has increased, but Yellow-rumped are still the most numerous. Yellow-rumped, Orange-crowned, Palm, Black and White, Tennessee, Nashville, Yel

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-05-03 Thread John Cyrus
Birds I saw today that I did not see yesterday at Carver Park were Gray-Cheeked, Swainson's Thrush, Black and White Warbler, and a pair of Cooper's Hawk. I noticed a few more Gnatcatchers as well. Late yesterday at Chaska Lake, I found a single Canvasback and Lesser Scaup. There were very few

[mou-net] Carver County-Henslow's Sparrow

2009-05-02 Thread John Cyrus
After intitially hearing the song of a Henslow's Sparrow, I was able to locate him in some low grass near the area he has been in past years at Carver Park. There is a new trail mowed that heads northwest from the main trail as you are heading west towards Cty Rd. 11 from the nature center.

[mou-net] Carver County-Palm and Black and White Warblers

2009-04-25 Thread John Cyrus
At Carver Park this morning, there were 2 Palm Warblers and 1 Black and White Warbler along with some Yellow-rumped(didn't see as many as earlier in the week). Last night at the Chevalle wetlands in Chaska there was a Least and Solitary Sandpiper with a few more Lesser Yellowlegs. There was al

[mou-net] Carver County-Lark Sparrow

2009-04-22 Thread John Cyrus
The first Lark Sparrow of the season was feeding on the yard of the old farmhouse at the Rapids Lake MVNWR(right behind the visitors center).There was also a Sandhill Crane that flew over heading towards Louisville Swamp. _ Windo

[mou-net] Carver County Yellow-headed Blackbird

2009-04-21 Thread John Cyrus
A Yellow-headed Blackbird was calling and chasing away Red-winged Blackbirds from reeds at the Chevalle neighborhood wetlands in Chaska this evening. Besides that there were 3 Lesser Yellowlegs, 1 Greater Yellowlegs, 1 Wilson's Snipe, and Killdeer along with the usual waterfowl that have been

[mou-net] Carver County-some shorebirds and other migrants

2009-04-19 Thread John Cyrus
Slowly but surely migrants are making their way into the area. 2 expected birds missed yesterday were Fox and White-throated Sparrows. New shorebirds for the spring to the area for me were Greater, Lesser Yellowlegs, and Pectoral Sandpiper. At Carver Park, I counted 21 Yellow-rumped Warblers,

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-04-10 Thread John Cyrus
These strong north winds are definitely not helping to speed up migration. I decided to check out Assumption Lake and Lake Maria in rural Carver County to see if I could find any increased variety. Lake Maria was fairly quiet except for a small number of Trumpeter Swans and a Wood Duck. As

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-04-04 Thread John Cyrus
While there was nothing that unusual to be seen this morning, I did find that the 1st Osprey has returned to its stand at Carver Park. Otherwise I saw about what I expected. A pair of Trumpeter Swans were trumpeting about the park and a Brown Creeper made himself easily seen. 2 Eastern Mead

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-03-25 Thread John Cyrus
While there is still no great numbers of waterfowl that I have found in eastern Carver County, I was able to find a little more variety at the Chevalle wetlands in Chaska. Today's birds included Canada Geese, Mallard, Hooded Merganser, Ring-necked Duck, Redhead, Green-winged Teal, Common Gold

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-03-16 Thread John Cyrus
Just a few spring birds to report from Carver County.At the Chevalle neighborhood wetlands in Chaska, I found 1 Cackling Goose in with about 35 Canada Geese and a few Mallard. There were also 2 Killdeer and a couple Red-winged Blackbirds. Most of the wetlands are still ice-covered. A br

[mou-net] Carver County

2009-02-14 Thread John Cyrus
This morning at my parent's feeders in Chaska there was a Northern Flicker along with 2 Pine Siskins. At the feeders at the Rapids Lake MVNWR there were about a dozen Common Redpolls. John _ Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync.

[mou-net] Carver County- Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

2008-12-25 Thread John Cyrus
After nearly a 2 week absence, the juvenile Yellow-bellied Sapsucker returned to my parents suet feeder in Chaska. A total of 5 woodpecker species fed in their yard today, including a pair of Pileated that they have seen daily for the past week(female more often than male). Also in their yard

[mou] Carver County

2008-11-02 Thread John Cyrus
With the year drawing to a close, there are fewer birds to be found. At the Chevalle wetlands in Chaska there have not been many ducks at all this past month. Over the weekend, there were just the usual Canada Geese, Mallard, Hooded Merganser, and Pied-billed Grebe. There was still a Killdee

[mou] Carver County

2008-10-21 Thread John Cyrus
This morning at Rapids Lake MVNWR, I saw a Northern Shrike near the visitors center. He chattered a bit as he was being harrassed by some robins. Sparrows for the morning were Song, Swamp, Fox(quite numerous), Savannah(numerous in one area), Lincoln's, Vesper, American Tree(several), and Jun

[mou] Ross's Goose still present/Carver County

2008-10-18 Thread John Cyrus
The Ross's Goose was still at the Eden Lake Elementary ball fields at 5:30 this evening. Unfortunately as I was driving off, there was a 3 year old that started chasing the Canada Geese. They didn't seem interested in flying, so maybe they'll hang around for the night. Carver Park Reserve

[mou] Carver County

2008-10-11 Thread John Cyrus
Migration is winding down at Carver Park. Juncos now outnumber other sparrows. There seemed to be less White-throated Sparrows around and only a few more Fox Sparrows compared to last week. There were still Yellow-rumped, Orange-crowned, and Nashville Warbler but not many. A few Ruby-cro

[mou] Carver County

2008-10-04 Thread John Cyrus
Carver Park this morning had pretty much what you would expect this time of year. First of fall Fox and White-crowned Sparrows were at the park. Many more Juncos have arrived, and lots more White-throated Sparrows have returned. Besides those there were: Yellow-rumped, Orange-crowned, Palm,

[mou] Carver County

2008-09-27 Thread John Cyrus
This morning there was a flock of around 30 Tundra Swans that flew low heading southeast over Carver Park. Some birds at Carver Park: Yellow-rumped Warbler-12 Orange-crowned Warbler-9 Tennessee Warbler-4 Nashville Warbler-2 Ruby-crowned Kinglet-7 Golden-crowned Kinglet-1 Blue-headed Vireo-2 Re

[mou] Carver County

2008-09-20 Thread John Cyrus
Today was probably my last out by dawn morning until next spring. I decided to go back to Carver Park Reserve to compare it to earlier in the week. It was noticeably less active, partly because of there being less Tennessee and Nashville Warblers. The only Vireo species I saw was 2 indivi

[mou] Carver County

2008-09-17 Thread John Cyrus
It was a beautiful morning at Carver Park Reserve with quite a bit of variety. Warblers ordered by abundance Tennessee Nashville Yellow-rumped Palm Ovenbird Common Yellowthroat American Redstart Yellow Black and White Wilson's Cape May Northern Parula Pine Sparrows seen were Song, Chipping,

[mou] Purgatory Creek, Eden Prairie

2008-09-16 Thread John Cyrus
On the paths surrounding the wetland and towards the creek there were Nashville, Magnolia, Wilson's Warbler, Am. Redstart, and Northern Parula. Also, the MOU website seems to be down. I was not able to access it last night or today.

[mou] Carver County

2008-09-14 Thread John Cyrus
better view. We had 12 species of warbler, but only 1 vireo(yellow-throated) and no migrating thrush. The highlight was 9 Wilson's Snipe at the Chevalle neighborhood wetlands and a family of River Otter(It's not a bird but it was a highlight) at Rapids Lake MVNWR.

[mou] Carver County

2008-09-09 Thread John Cyrus
While there wasn't as much warbler variety, there is still a healthy amount of activity at Carver Park. Nashville Warbler-35+ Tennessee Warbler-15+ Ovenbird-8+ Common Yellowthroat-5+ Northern Waterthrush-2 Black and White Warbler-1 Wilson's Warbler-1 Yellow warbler-1 Blue-winged Warbler-1 T

[mou] Carver County-White-throated Sparrows have returned

2008-09-06 Thread John Cyrus
This morning at the Rapids Lake MVNWR there were 3-5 White-throated Sparrow in a thicket along the Minnesota River. New migrants to the refuge this weekend: Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Blue-headed Vireo, Philadelphia Vireo, and Swainson's Thrush. Warblers(not especially numerous) Am. Redsta

[mou] Carver County-Ruffed Grouse

2008-09-06 Thread John Cyrus
d. in Chaska last year, but I have never been able to find one along that rd. John Cyrus _ Get more out of the Web. Learn 10 hidden secrets of Windows Live. http://windowslive.com/connect/post/jamiethomson.spaces.live.com-Blo

[mou] Carver County-Still no significant wave

2008-09-03 Thread John Cyrus
shville Warbler. John Cyrus _ See how Windows connects the people, information, and fun that are part of your life. http://clk.atdmt.com/MRT/go/msnnkwxp1020093175mrt/direct/01/ -- next part -- An HTML attachme

[mou] Carver County

2008-08-30 Thread John Cyrus
At Rapids Lake, MVNWR there is still no big push of migrant warblers.There was a small wave near the visitors center. The Mourning Warblers were probably the highlight including a beautiful look at a male. There were also 2 Olive-sided Flycatchers in the area. Several small flocks of Co

[mou] Carver County-Some migrants

2008-08-27 Thread John Cyrus
At Carver Park Reserve this morning during the 3 hours between thunderstorms, I was able to find small numbers of warblers. Besides Redstart and Yellowthroat: Black and White Warbler-5 Chestnut-sided Warbler-4 Canada Warbler-4 Tennessee Warbler-3 Nashville Warbler-2 Northern Parula-1 Northern W

[mou] Carver County

2008-08-19 Thread John Cyrus
Some migrants at Carver Park Reserve this morning: 2 Northern Waterthrush, 2 Tennessee Warbler, 1 Magnolia Warbler, and 1 Black and White Warbler. The park was really quiet and finding what I did took some time. Each warbler was alone in a different location within the park. The Chevalle n

[mou] Carver County-Prothonotary Warblers

2008-08-16 Thread John Cyrus
There were 6 Prothonotary Warblers at the Rapids Lake Unit of MVNWR at 2 locations. There were 2 close to the area I found one back in May on the northwest side of Rapids Lake. There were 4 feeding and interacting along the trail that follows north along the Minnesota River from the visitors

[mou] Carver County

2008-08-09 Thread John Cyrus
2 new migrants were at Carver Park today, a Nashville Warbler and a Philadelphia Vireo. I saw what may be my last Blue-winged Warbler of the year. Hopefully I'll still see a couple more this year. Both the Bobolinks and the Henslow's Sparrow were gone from the area they have been for the

[mou] Carver County-Henslow's Sparrow still present

2008-07-26 Thread John Cyrus
The Henslow's Sparrow is still in the same location at Carver Park.I waited about 10 minutes before he began singing in view atop some tall grasses. He was a little further back from the trail this time. I mentioned in the past about the lack of Meadowlark. Today there were 10, 3 bein

[mou] Carver County

2008-07-19 Thread John Cyrus
There were no unusual sightings this morning. I was entertained by a family of 5 noisy Great Crested Flycatchers at the Rapids Lake MVNWR. Also at the refuge there were 2 Lark Sparrows, a Horned Lark, and a Willow Flycatcher. I saw a Turkey family(chicks were quite young) and a Ring-neck

[mou] Carver County

2008-07-12 Thread John Cyrus
I was not able to find the Henslow's Sparrow at Carver Park this morning. I did find both a Black-billed Cuckoo and American Woodcock along the Tamarack bog boardwalk. Also interesting at the park was a Great Horned Owl. There wasn't much shorebird activity at all at the Chevalle neighborho

[mou] Carver County

2008-07-06 Thread John Cyrus
I went to Carver Park this morning to see if the Henslow's Sparrow was still around. He was not. In his place were a greater number(around 15) of Bobolinks, male and female.One was doing a distraction display, so it is probably nesting nearby. Also in the same general area were a coupl

[mou] rba Carver County-Henslow's Sparrow, Cerulean Warbler

2008-06-28 Thread John Cyrus
start, Yellowthroat(nest building), Eastern Kingbird, and Sedge Wren. John Cyrus _ Watch ?Cause Effect,? a show about real people making a real difference. Learn more. http://im.live.com/Messenger/IM/MTV/?source=text_watch

[mou] Carver/Sibley County

2008-06-21 Thread John Cyrus
Having completely misread Joel Claus' message, I headed out to Sibley County to find the Red-necked and Western Grebes. Instead of going to Sand Lake(or reading his directions for that matter), I headed out to Mud and Clear Lake. Those are both southwest of Winthrop or due south of Gibbon.

[mou] Carver County-Prothonotary Warbler

2008-05-20 Thread John Cyrus
I found a Prothonotary Warbler hopping between reeds and some low branches below a stand of trees on the northwest side of Rapids Lake(a small bay on the far end of the lake).He was singing as well. The only way to access the area is to follow a well used deer/hunting trail down the bluff

[mou] Carver County-Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Sca rlet Tanager, and lots of warblers‏

2008-05-13 Thread John Cyrus
This morning, again at the crack of dawn, I headed out to Chaska lake initially not realizing most of the area was flooded. Until I hit the flooded portion of the trai, there were more warblers there than I have ever seen there during the spring. Besides warblers there were Swainson's Thrush

[mou] Forget about it

2008-05-13 Thread John Cyrus
Forget about the id assistance. I had never seen a Parula with that distinct a band. Sorry John _ Get Free (PRODUCT) RED? Emoticons, Winks and Display Pics. http://joinred.spaces.live.com?ocid=TXT_HMTG_prodredemoticons_052008 --

[mou] Bird ID assistance

2008-05-13 Thread John Cyrus
I took a picture this morning of a bird I am unsure about. It is a warbler, and the closest bird it resembles is the Crescent-chested Warbler. If anyone is willing to take a look at the picture let me know. Unfortunately the quality isn't the greatest. John ___

[mou] Carver/Hennepin County

2008-05-12 Thread John Cyrus
Carver Park warblers: Yellow-rumped, Yellow, Blackpoll, Black-throated Green, Pine, Black and White, Tennessee, Blue-winged, Ovenbird, and American Redstart Warblers along Purgatory Creek: Yellow-rumped, Yellow, Nashville, Magnolia, and Orange-crowned There was a Gray-cheeked Thrush nearby as

[mou] Purgatory Creek, Eden Prairie-Pine Warbler, House Wren

2008-04-22 Thread John Cyrus
Spent a quick hour around Purgatory Creek. Didn't spend much time around the blind, though. Steve mentioned the 2 Common Terns. Besides those, there were also two Forster's Terns flying and calling over the wetlands. Along the trail just west of the creek as it runs out of the wetland tow

[mou] Carver County-Sandhill Crane

2008-04-19 Thread John Cyrus
This morning at Carver Park Reserve, there was a stained adult Sandhill Crane calling in clear view from the Tamarack Bog boardwalk. Luckily, I remembered my camara today. I viewed him from the southside of the boardwalk.As far as I could tell, he was alone. He was fairly close to the

[mou] Purgatory Creek-Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow(heard only)

2008-04-17 Thread John Cyrus
I went to the same area around the Purgatory Creek wetland this afternoon and did not locate the Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow visually after a 30 minute search. I did hear his song 1 time, but that was it.The song came from a swampier area today than yesterday, so I was unable to get any

[mou] Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow-Purgatory Creek, Eden Prairie, Henn. Cty

2008-04-16 Thread John Cyrus
A Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow was in the reeds on the southeast side of the Purgatory Creek wetlands(as the creek exits the wetlands towards Staring Lake). I visually id'd him by his gray median crown stripe. When I observed him he only made a few chips at me, but when I walked near the ar

[mou] Carver County

2008-04-15 Thread John Cyrus
This morning the wind was more of a bother to me than to the birds. Carver Park was fairly quiet, but the Osprey has returned to the stand as you turn onto the road leading to the nature center. Both Coopers and Sharp-shinned Hawks were in the area. Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Meadowlarks, Phoeb

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