Re: [Mpls] Bus strike-escalate or give up?

2004-03-12 Thread Peter T Schmitz
EF: A long transit strike is NOT a winning strategy . . . Soon a choice will have to be made between escalation and surrender . . . Escalation would mean sympathy strikes, wildcats, disruption of traffic, maybe even a general strike. Most of this would be illegal. PS: Thank you for a most

Re: [Mpls] Recycling for plastic bags

2004-03-10 Thread Peter T Schmitz
List members: Are there any drop off sites left in south Minneapolis for recylable plastic bags? Uptown Cleaners and Rainbow used to collect them, but not now. I'd like to find out before I move to St. Paul next week.---Peter Schmitz CARAG REMINDERS: 1. Think a member has violated the

Re: [Mpls] Bus Strike/The Mayor

2004-03-09 Thread Peter T Schmitz
More fallout from the bus strike: Yesterday, for the weekly mental health group I facilitate at the drop-in center where I work, participation was about half of what it usually is with eight clients attending. During check-in, all but one participant mentioned how stressful the bus strike been.

Re: [Mpls] Recycling/ Periodicals

2004-02-07 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Listmembers: I'm getting rid of stacks of magazines before I move, New Yorker, Harpers, The Nation and Ad Busters mostly. All free of charge. Let me know if you're interested. --Peter Schmitz CARAG REMINDERS: 1. Think a member has violated the rules? Email the list manager at [EMAIL

Re: [Mpls] Johnson Lee Represents Me

2004-02-04 Thread Peter T Schmitz
I agree with Margaret Hastings that Natalie Johnson Lee would make an excellent candidate for Mayor. While I don't agree with every vote she casts, I think she has the interests of all citizens at heart, wheras our current Mayor is more eager to please Allina. Lisa McDonald, though considrably

Re: [Mpls] Johannesburg Times edit: R.T.'s scorecard- moving the city ahead smartly

2004-02-02 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Rybak's sharpest critics are on the left fringe, where he's vilified as a traitor to the progressive cause. HE HAS QUESTIONED WHO THE CITY'S NOISIEST BLACK ACTIVISTS REALLY REPRESENT . . . Has Rybak or The Johannesburg Times ever bothered to identify THE CITY'S NOISIEST WHITE ACTIVISTS and

Re: [Mpls] Council votes 9-3 to endorse Access concept

2004-02-01 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Eva Young: That statement by Rybak was total nonsense - and quite different that Rybak the candidate who ran on bringing fresh air to city hall. A vote against the proposal didn't mean council members wanted Allina out of the city, it just meant they felt the proposal wasn't in the best

Re: [Mpls] SpyZone Update

2004-02-01 Thread Peter T Schmitz
RB: Since the installation of the system, I have not gone downtown without making an attempt to conceal my appearance. I don’t think the screen-watchers are particularly interested in me (I’m boringly law-abiding), I’m just trying to protect my public anonymity to the best of my ability. In

Re: [Mpls] I-35W, Dean Isn't Green

2004-01-25 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Liz McLemore: : Dean Zimmerman announced yesterday at the Fifth District Green Party meeting that he is indeed planning to vote FOR the I-35W Access Project. (I was there.) This project does NOT include PRT: in fact, it may take us far afield of transportation alternatives like PRT, since it

Re: [Mpls] Bitter Cold and Full Homeless Shelters

2004-01-23 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Jan Del Calzo: Where is the collective will among our leaders - including political, religious and civic - to deal with a real life and death situation? We have bitterly cold weather and not enough room for the homeless. Yet every church has a basement that could be opened to shelter people?

Re: [Mpls] on thumpers

2004-01-20 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Great post, Paul. Does anyone out there know how often the city negotiates its contract with the Police Federation? Sounds like it's going to take a heck of a lot more than good intentions on the part of our elected officials and new Police Chief in order to reign in the thumpers. But it

Re: [Mpls] Hightlights of the Council Debate on McManus

2004-01-18 Thread Peter T Schmitz
TN: Schiff started talking about how the Mayor was creating the impression that police were out of control. Well, if you're a person of color, or economically disadvantaged, then yes, the police are out of control and you're not going to trust an insider. PS: Ever since council member Gary

Re: [Mpls] Our priorities are so screwed up

2004-01-18 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Now that we know Mayor Rybak can respond positively to public pressure from concerned citizens (e.g., the police chief appointment and discontinuing the shameful practice of counting shelter beds as affordable housing), lets put the pressure on him regarding no public subsidies for sports

Re: [Mpls] Restaurant recommendation

2004-01-09 Thread Peter T Schmitz
I'd like to recommend Kafe 421, International Cuisine served in Dinkytown, , 421 14th Avenuegreat food, attentive service and a most mellow atmosphere. It's without a doubt the best new Minneapolis restaurant to open in in 2003, although JP's, next door to the Jungle Theatre near Lake and

Re: [Mpls] Rybak's and McManus's Management Style: All Flash and No Substance?

2004-01-08 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Mark Anderson and Eva Young are wrong to suggest that police brutality, or thumperism, has gone down during Olson's tenure. REPORTS of brutality have certainly gone down, but that's only because with a gutted Citizen Review Authority that's only recently been resuscitated, a civilian abused by

Re: [Mpls] Police Response Time

2003-12-28 Thread Peter T Schmitz
DS: . . . thanks to our Republican Governor's and State House's tax cuts for the wealthy our police force is still over 100 officers short. PS: If the gunshots had been fired in Linden Hills, Kenwood, East Harriet, or Sam and Sylvia Kaplan's condo complex, instead of Ventura Village, I

Re: [Mpls] Response time/Containment zones

2003-12-28 Thread Peter T Schmitz
GR: Police response times are not simply based on the number of cops employed or the number of 911 calls. Some delays might be a result of the manner in which police officers are deployed. Take staff scheduling for an example. In theory, management bases staffing upon anticipated need and/or

Re: [Mpls] Diversity without dissent is meaningless

2003-12-26 Thread Peter T Schmitz
EF: Appointing an African-American chief would have the effect of weakening the anti-police brutality movement because an African-American chief would be much harder to criticize. PS: There's some truth in what you say, Ed. A few years ago, when some corporatists (centrist democrats of the

Re: [Mpls] A Forum at the Kaplan's

2003-12-26 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Jonathan, Sounds like you have a plan and can easily implement it without Ms. Hastings' assistance. Don't wait for her or anyone else, for heaven's sake! Go for it!!! I'll be cheering you on all the way. Please keep in mind, that there's more than one way to skin a cat. Serious social

Re: [Mpls] (no subject)

2003-12-25 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Thank you, Wizard, Barb and Andy for the holiday messages. And I'd like to extend my holiday greetings and best wishes to all on this list as well, especially to my sparring partners (you all know who you are), I've learned a lot from you and have the deepest respect for your

Re: [Mpls] Grow on Rybak, Down with Identity Politics

2003-12-24 Thread Peter T Schmitz
EY: Peter, I asked you to demonstrate how Sharon Lubinski was a racist - since you implied it in your post on this subject. Instead you ask me to prove she isn't a racist. So my challenge still stands - please give some examples of how Lubinski has treated minority residents poorly? If Rybak

Re: [Mpls] SSB, Campbell and Cherryhomes Drag Queens?

2003-12-24 Thread Peter T Schmitz
DS: in best humor from Hawthorne, Dyna Sluyter PS: My post was way funnier than your post !! Happy Holidays!Peter REMINDERS: 1. Think a member has violated the rules? Email the list manager at

Re: [Mpls] SSB, Campbell and Cherryhomes Drag Queens?

2003-12-23 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Carol Becker: And as for the debate about identity politics, I will say that women think differently, manage differently, and relate differently. These are scientific facts. In the movie 28 Days, there is a quote, The definition of insanity is repeating the same behavior over and over again

Re: [Mpls] McManus: Doing the Right Thing

2003-12-22 Thread Peter T Schmitz
WM: But in the end, we still got another straight, white male. Ho and then hum. I'm not impressed. This guy does not necessarily ever think outside his privilege. There appears to be no reason for him to do so, since his privilege has stood him in good stead, advanced his career, etc. No matter

Re: [Mpls] Grow on Rybak, Down with Identity Politics

2003-12-22 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Eva Young: Rybak should be pretty pleased with the Strib lately - since they've been doing nothing but Puff pieces on his choice for Chief. Peter Schmitz: One of the puff pieces on Rybak's choice that appeared in the Strib yesterday was written by Rochelle Olson, the same journalist who did

Re: [Mpls] Rybak's choice

2003-12-21 Thread Peter T Schmitz
According to today's Star Tribune, Mayor Rybak's choice for police chief, William McManus, has across-the-board support among leaders from minority communities in Minneapolis. Needless to say, the Police Federation is not as enthusiastic. Natalie Johnson Lee and Don Samuels (our only two

Re: [Mpls] Rybak's Choice/Hard Times Cafe

2003-12-21 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Eva Young: Today's Strib says the minority communities are supportive of the McManus choice - though most of the supporters were members of the African American Community - Spike Moss and others. What's interesting is that it seems that there weren't any prominent members of the GLBT community

Re: [Mpls] Patriot act and chief candidates

2003-12-21 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Mayor Rybak: In one of the posts I read today someone asked about chief candidates and the patriot act. I told all five finalists that Minneapolis is a city that protects free speech, I have opposed the Patriot Act, have marched in anti war protests and Chief Olson and I have met with hundreds

Re: [Mpls] Strib take: Insiders don't make chief cut

2003-12-20 Thread Peter T Schmitz
WM: We would not be hiring either Gerold or Lubinski just because she's a woman, but because, as women, they have a different perspective, one that cannot be gained easily as a male, if at all. Lubinski, particularly, has a different perspective as a member of a minority group. They have a

Re: [Mpls] Strib take: Insiders don't make chief cut

2003-12-19 Thread Peter T Schmitz
While I believe I've been the Mayor's fiercest critic on this list and will continue to be so, I back him on his choice for Police Chief. Given the problems of brutality and racism among the rank and file of our police force it's imperative that we hire and outsider. Besides, didn't Lucy Gerold

Re: [Mpls] Homeless issues: keep your eye on the ball and X-mas Miracles

2003-12-18 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Thank you, David Brauer, for a fresh perspective on the homeless issue. Of course, you and Mark Snyder are right, we must hold to the fire the feet our County Board members. There's a chance I may be moving to NE Minneapolis in 2005. If I do, I''ll really start putting the pressure on Mark

Re: [Mpls] What Do Those Without Homes and their Advocates Want?

2003-12-16 Thread Peter T Schmitz
To address some of Jonathan Palmer's questions. What do those without homes and their advocates want.? 1) Clean, safe and affordable housing 2) Jobs 3) Treatment for medical, mental health, dental and chemical dependency problems 4) Three square meals Given that our local, state and federal

Re: [Mpls] What Do Those Without Homes and their Advocates

2003-12-16 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Mark Wilde says: I heard loud and clear what you want people in positions of authority to do for the homeless, but nowhere did you say what you want the homeless to do to help themselves. You want the government to provide jobs for all these people, as well as three meals a day and clean

Re: [Mpls] Bridge rods, the Mayor and Don Samuels

2003-12-12 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Margaret Hastings Reports: In fairness to Erik, he did post to me, but only to say that it is MNDOT that is putting in the bridge rods. (I already knew that) have my interview with MNDOT on film. Since that was not the point of my post to him.. I responded that he had not answered my

Re: [Mpls] RE: Don Samuels is NOT running for mayor '05

2003-12-10 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Margaret Hastings Reports: I got an off post comment that David Feldman no longer is with the mayor's office and the poster assumed I must have tried to contact him after he left. So, to avoid the issue getting lost in this sort of side issue: My e-mails to David Feldman were when he was in the

Re: [Mpls] RE: David Feldman and bridge rods/ Don Samuels is NOT running for mayor in'05

2003-12-10 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Margaret Hastings Reports: I got an off post comment that David Feldman no longer is with the mayor's office and the poster assumed I must have tried to contact him after he left. So, to avoid the issue getting lost in this sort of side issue: My e-mails to David Feldman were when he was in the

Re: [Mpls] My apologies, congratulations and thanks

2003-12-04 Thread Peter T Schmitz
First of all my apologies to Mayor Rybak for wrongfully accusing him of initiating the practice of counting shelter beds and mats as affordable housing. Thank you, Mayor Rybak, for changing this practice. Secondly, my most heartfelt congratulations to Scott Russell and Skyway News for coming out

Re: [Mpls] What Minneapolis Can Learn from Two Cities

2003-12-02 Thread Peter T Schmitz
I just got back from San Francisco and New York City and feel that Minneapolis can learn from both cities. In San Francisco where there's a tight race for mayor. The moderate republocrat Gavin Newsom, is having to relent on some of his more Draconian positions related to homelessness.

Re: [Mpls] Mayor Counts Shelter Beds (Mats) As Affordable Housing

2003-12-01 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Perhaps R.T. Rybak is on a journey similar to Norm Coleman's. Don't be surprised if he seeks the Republican nomination for the Senate when Mark Dayton's current term expires in '06. Whatever the case, this is another slap in the face to homeless people delievered by our current mayor. Even his

Re: [Mpls] Literacy rankings across America

2003-11-10 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Carol Becker says: For folks who don't know, the library system is going through an extremely painful process of laying off about 25% of its staff, a much greater retrenchment than any of the other municipal services that have had to reduce staff. So this trend is not going in the way that we

Re: [Mpls] That would be Overheard at a lunar eclipse party

2003-11-09 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Will Ken run as a DFLer, Independent, Green, Republican or . . .? He certainly sounds like someone I could support. Can he build a deep and broad enough coalition that includes the homeless community, environmentalists, communities of color, the mental health community, library activists, as

Re: [Mpls] Who Speaks for White People?

2003-11-03 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Eric Oines writes: You are all missing the point. White people defining Black leadership is stupid, just as Black people defining white leadership is stupid. I think what Booker T is saying, if I may, is that this whole Black leadership thing ends up being a way to pidgeon-hole people of color

Re: [Mpls] Mayor Rybak Will Speak!!!!!!!!

2003-10-20 Thread Peter T Schmitz
I just learned from the Southwest Journal that Mayor Rybak will be the guest speaker for St John The Baptist Episcopal Church, next Sunday, October 26, 9 and 11am. Topic: The Role of Faith in Public Life. Mayor Rybak better be careful, otherwise his buddies, Doug Grow and Councilmember Don

Re: [Mpls] Good Knee-Grow/Bad Knee-Grow and Doug Grow

2003-10-19 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Doug Grow reveals his skewed perceptions regarding community leadership. Once again the The Johannesburg Times' token liberal columnist instructs us on the differences between a good knee-grow (City Council Member Don Samuels) and a bad

Re: [Mpls] Save the Parkway! Whatever happened to the Suburban World?

2003-10-07 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Doug Grow writes a good piece about the Parkway Theatre today (that almost makes me forgive him for the egregious tripe he wrote last week regarding the NAACP). Alas, this neighborhood theatre may be the victim of market forces and indifference from City Hall as well as its own neighborhood.

Re: [Mpls] Lessons from Lucille's

2003-10-04 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Victoria, You asks some very good questions and I don't claim to have any of the answers. I can only speculate that given the current recession operating a restaurant these days is a very courageous and risky undertaking. In fact, other restaurant owners have told me they're barely getting by,

Re: [Mpls] Doug Grow on Mpls NAACP infighting

2003-10-01 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Thank you, Doug Grow, for separating the good Negroes from the bad Negroes.---Peter Schmitz CARAG REMINDERS: 1. Think a member has violated the rules? Email the list manager at [EMAIL PROTECTED] before continuing it on the list. 2. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious

Re: [Mpls] Thank you, Susan!

2003-09-28 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Michelle Gross says: Thank you, Susan Maricle, for setting up the gathering at Lucille's Kitchen today. I stopped by to get takeout and just to meet folks. The food was terrific and the company was even better. The fact that Susan drove all the way from Bruno, MN to be there makes her

Re: [Mpls] Mpls] If Voters Reject You, Get Appointed!

2003-09-23 Thread Peter T Schmitz
I agree with David. While I disagree with Wizard Marks more often than not, I have every reason to believe that she'd be an excellent addition to the library board. The first comments on this thread posted about her were every bit as unfair as Ms. Mark's comments about former councilmember

Re: [Mpls] City Attorney Threatens Life Imprisonment for Peeling Paint While 3 Die in Tenement Fire

2003-09-22 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Dyna says: On the other side of town 3 innocent lives were needlessly lost in a tenement fire this weekend. The landlord has a long and troubled history of housing code violations. But said landlord still has rental licenses granted by our not so fair city. Peter responds: When R.T. Rybak

Re: [Mpls] Housing codes

2003-09-22 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Terrell Brown says: I think there is often a difference between a code violation and unsafe conditions. Take Dyna's peeling paint. Now I haven't personally inspected Dyna's peeling paint, but I have seen peeling paint that isn't really a hazard. Peeling paint may not be pleasing to the eyes

Re: [Mpls] Star Tribune article - Teacher's Journal

2003-09-20 Thread Peter T Schmitz
David Brauer writes: My point was that I listen to those who been in the system, rather than those motivated by ideological axe-grinding but not first-hand MPS experience. Given they have been there as front-liners, teachers should certainly be listened to. Peter Schmitz responds: Thank you,

Re: [Mpls] Re: [Mpls]The Poor, The New Police Chief and Voting Patterns

2003-09-20 Thread Peter T Schmitz
The New Police Chief: After reading about John Ashcroft's visit to Minneapolis yesterday (attended by Robert Olson, our current Police Chief), I feel that Mayor Rybak and his screening committee ought to ask each candidate whether they support Patriot Acts I and II. Voting Patterns: Wizard, I

Re: [Mpls] City Pages Article on Police Chief Search

2003-09-19 Thread Peter T Schmitz
David Shove says: I think ALL the Mpls cops should be required to live in Mpls as a condition of employment by Mpls. If they want to live in Edina, let them cop in Edina. Why pay to be colonized by absentee-living cops? No residence, no job. Peter Schmitz responds: I agree, but as long as cops

Re: [Mpls] Johnson Lee has day in court

2003-09-16 Thread Peter T Schmitz
With all do respenct: Big deal At least Rochelle Olson didn't write the article.Peter Schmitz CARAG REMINDERS: 1. Think a member has violated the rules? Email the list manager at [EMAIL PROTECTED] before continuing it on the list. 2. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious

Re: [Mpls] Johnson Lee has day in court

2003-09-16 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Barb Lickness says: I still ask just who was it that called Rochelle Olson in the first place on this story? I highly doubt it was the police officer or the innocent bystander so that leaves ...? I don't think Rochelle was sitting in city hall waitin for the days list of traffic tickets to

Re: [Mpls] New Chief, residency incentives and consultants

2003-09-14 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Both Wizard and Michelle have made a good case for their position. I, myself, am not going to say hire from the inside or hire from the outside, though, given the city's current serious budget crunch, the Mayor may have at least a little explaining to do if he ends up hiring someone from the

Re: [Mpls] response to Tamir general post.

2003-09-09 Thread Peter T Schmitz
I believe Tamir and Carly both have good points. Again, I'm not a parent, but I am a product of both parochial and public schooling. First of all, Minneapolis teachers, like any other working folks, have a right to decent, safe and comfortable working conditions, just as their students have a

Re: [Mpls] MPS Budget;Crack

2003-09-08 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Jim Mork says: Crack:NOT The Problem Last year, the DEA seized more pounds of meth than either cocaine or marijuana here. And the worst thing about these private homes with meth-labls is that once they shut DOWN the meth-lab, they have to get special environmental cleanup to make the home

Re: [Mpls] Schools and substance abuse

2003-09-06 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Perhaps Doug Mann or Barb Lickness can enlighten me since I'm not a parent. Do Minneapolis public schools allow pop and candy machines in their buildings in order to increase revenues? I've also read about high fat foods like pizza and freedom fries being sold at extra cost in school cafeterias.

Re: [Mpls] Violating the list charter--my bad, too!

2003-09-02 Thread Peter T Schmitz
It was not my purpose to start a discussion about presidential politics, but to call attention to how our LOCAL MINNEAPOLIS newspaper covers the news, both local (i.e., Councilmember Johnson Lee's traffic citation which was actually non-news) and national (why our LOCAL MINNEAPOLIS paper chooses

Re: [Mpls] Re: Is the Startribune still the Johannesburg Times?, Double Standard, Restorative Justice--Reality Check

2003-09-01 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Is the Startribune still the Johannesburg Times? Yes. In addition the August 16th story regarding Natalie Lee Johnson's traffic citation, which appeared on the front page of the Metro Section while an article about alleged evidence tampering by the City Attorney's office appeared two pages later

Re: [Mpls] Re: Is the Startribune still the Johannesburg Times?, Double Standard, Restorative Justice--Reality Check

2003-09-01 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Jim Bernstein writes: YES, Mosley Braun, Sharpton and Kucinich do have much, much less name recognition than Edwards, Dean, and Kerrey in national polls! Moreover, they have never been more than either an asterisk or 1% in any national poll. Even in their home states, the candidacies of

Re: [Mpls] Fw: What do you folks care about?

2003-08-28 Thread Peter T Schmitz
David Brauer says: Vicki Heller, in her genuine grief, declares that because cops (you know, the force that's been trimmed despite rising crime) won't return her calls,'black on black' crime doesn't matter much in Minneapolis. Others quickly chime in that she is correct, without bringing any

Re: [Mpls] City Pages and Double Standards

2003-08-27 Thread Peter T Schmitz
List members. check out today's City Pages. There's an excellent article by G.R. Anderson regarding Councilmembers Don Samuels and Natalie Johnson Lee. Regarding double standards: As long as police operations in Minneapolis are based on the military occupation model (which is inevitable given

Re: [Mpls] Are you a leader, or a follower?

2003-08-27 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Thank you, Victoria, for the excellent epigram from GBS, as well as the update regarding your friend and caretaker. Victoria's distinct impression regarding black on black crime, I'm sorry to say, is correct. Our indifference to the attack on her friend reminds me of some gentle and

Re: [Mpls] Airport strategy, Peeling Paint

2003-08-22 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Though I've been critical of Mayor Rybak myself, and will continue to hold his feet to the fire, I must say I agree with Terrell Brown 100% on this one. Airport noise was one of the issues the brought down the previous Mayor, and at least this one is doing a halfway decent job of keeping one of

Re: [Mpls] At Home On the Island: Homeless Containment

2003-08-21 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Jim Mork correctly asserts that people often resort to accusations of PC when their debating skills are challenged. People also resort to non sequiturs. Consider Wizard Mark's posting yesterday in regard to my concerns about Senator Linda Berglin: Peter: Yes, Senator Berglin has done a lot of

Re: [Mpls] Senator Berglin's Crime

2003-08-20 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Jim states: Yes, Peter should look at real work and compare Linda to ANYONE! Health care, Senior Care, Affordable Housing, Environment, I know of NO ONE who hasdone more for poor people. Peter responds: Yes, Senator Berglin has done a lot of good work on behalf of seniors, poor people and

Re: [Mpls] At Home On the Island: Homeless Containment

2003-08-20 Thread Peter T Schmitz
David Brauer says: Let the discussion continue! Peter Schmitz responds: You bet First of all, anyone who knows Margaret Hastings appreciates her aggressive activism on behalf of homeless people as well as her hard-earned cynicism. Activists have as much right to be aggressive and cynical

Re: [Mpls] Senator Berglin's Crime

2003-08-19 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Jim Graham says: Linda Berglin is one of the most prominent LIBERAL politicians in the State of Minnesota. Linda has told me that she feels we need to put more of the criminal predators in prison, and if necessary keep them there. She said it is cheaper in taxpayer dollars to do so. Even if you

Re: [Mpls] send 'em off to the military?

2003-08-19 Thread Peter T Schmitz
M.G. Stinnett responds to Thomas T. Thai regarding sending offenders to the miliarly: Please, no. Once upon a time it was customary for a judge to offer a 'troubled youth a choice: jail time or military service. And, it did work for a lot of young men--but times have changed and so has the nature

Re: [Mpls] A few points re: police v. Johnson Lee

2003-08-17 Thread Peter T Schmitz
David Brauer says: I was only referring to Wizard's notion that the Strib had overplayed this story, and make the point that interesting things rank high in public attention, not just important things. Peter Schmitz responds: David, correct me if I'm wrong, but as a professional journalist

Re: [Mpls] Police

2003-08-16 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Since people on this list are already familiar with my opinions regarding the Minneapolis Police, I won't comment about them for this particular thread. At this point we ought to be questioning the ethics of the Star Tribune and its reporter, Rochelle Olson. Back when R.T. Rybak was a candidate

Re: [Mpls] A few points re: police v. Johnson Lee

2003-08-16 Thread Peter T Schmitz
David Brauer says: To the criticism that the Strib is making a mountain out of a molehill... this list has spent countless bytes debating unisex bathrooms. 'Nuff said. Peter responds: Inane threads on this list (and I, myself, had nothing to say about the unisex bathrooms) do not justify

Re: [Mpls] Protecting cabdrivers

2003-08-14 Thread Peter T Schmitz
According to today's Star Tribune article, Cabbies Call For City's Help, the president of the cabdrivers association asked city leaders to subsidize surveillance cameras for taxi cabs. Mayor Rybak evidently responded that public money wouldn't be provided for private businesses. PLEASE correct

Re: [Mpls] Subsidizing cabdrivers

2003-08-14 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Terrell writes: The cab drivers are independent business people, they own and lease their cabs. I don't think the city should be in the business of providing subsidies to businesses. Tragic as it is, we occasionally see someone murdered while at work. Do we send subsidies to every type of

Re: [Mpls] Responds to own emails

2003-08-14 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Mark Snyder: I've found I usually get answers to my questions for either the Mayor or my CM by asking them directly (politely helps too) and not by trying to shame them through a public forum. Peter Schmitz: On July 15 David Brauer, in a most polite and non-shaming manner, posed four

Re: [Mpls] Sabri Interest in Felien/Pulse Peter McLaughlin Accountability

2003-07-30 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Jim Graham wrote: Both Ed Felien and Peter McLaughlin were not shy about writing to the List when they ran for office. They answered personally when they felt slighted while running against each other, so I expect them to each answer personally what many might consider slanderous charges.

Re: [Mpls] Politicians versus leaders

2003-07-24 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Margaret Hastings says: So, along with waiting for a response about the CEPD appointments, I continue to wait for a response [from Mayor Rybak] on the above issue. [criminalization of homelessness] Peter Schmitz suggests: How about writing a great big check either to the Mayor himself or the DFL

Re: [Mpls] Re: Gentrification? Indeed!

2003-07-24 Thread Peter T Schmitz
MJ, If you should have another run in with the Minneapolis Police tell them you have an aunt, sister, brother or whatever working in Mayor Rybak's office. Maybe that'll stop them. What's happining in the West Bank really concerns me because if I don't get off work in the Seward neighborhood

Re: [Mpls] Westbank crime situation

2003-07-23 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Last fall, a resident of one of the West Bank high rises, for folks living on fixed or low incomes, told me that he was mugged in front of his building in the middle of the afternoon. When he called the police one officer spent all of two or three minutes with him, despite the fact that he was

Re: [Mpls] City Pages Article entitled Bum-B-Gone

2003-07-18 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Margaret Hastings asks: Again, Mayor you have a response to this expensive effort to keep pushing people who are homeless away from the only refuge they can sometimes find? Karen Collier responds: Why should he. This is a state issue and paid with state funds. I'm sure they're

Re: [Mpls] Mayor bashing - Minneapolis Mosaic

2003-07-18 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Mark Wilde responds to Peter Schmitz's posting from last night:: You may not like his policies, or his methods. But there is no way you can argue that he does not care. The Mayor doesn't need me to defend him, but I will point out one thing that he does well: Get people excited about the arts.

Re: [Mpls] City Pages Article entitled Bum-B-Gone

2003-07-17 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Margaret Hastings asks: Again, Mayor you have a response to this expensive effort to keep pushing people who are homeless away from the only refuge they can sometimes find? Peter chimes in: Don't hold your breath waiting for a response from Mayor Rybak, Margaret. While he can write

Re: [Mpls] Appointments

2003-07-14 Thread Peter T Schmitz
At the last DFL caucus for endorsing a candidate for Minneapolis mayor, candidate Rybak had his supporters holding up TARGET signs when incumbant SSB delivered her speech. I wonder what kind of signs citizens can display if the current Mayor should deliver a speech at the next DFL caucus. Here

Re: [Mpls] Best Book Stores

2003-07-14 Thread Peter T Schmitz
There's also May Day Books on the West Bank of U of M where I can get Ad Busters, and Once Upon A Crime at 604 W 26, near Lyndale, where I picked up all the Easy Rawlings mysteries published so far (beautifully written by Walter Mosley). I've also appreciated the used bookstores in Uptown: Magers

Re: [Mpls] Disappointing Mayor Memorial

2003-07-13 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Great commentary today by Margaret Hastings, Jim Mork and David Shove Regarding Steve Brandt's article in the Star Tribune, I appreciated the last paragraph where Barb Allivato, union president for development employees, questions the dubious merit of the two appointments when their

Re: [Mpls] BOYCOTT MARKET BAR-B-QUE (The e-mail)

2003-07-12 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Britt says: Finally, those who profess to want to know the whole story before drawing any conclusions should hope for a lawsuit. Peter says: This goes for our city as well as Market Bar-B-Que. Now that our current Mayor and City Council gutted the Civilian Review Authority, directing

Re: [Mpls] BOYCOTT MARKET BAR-B-QUE (The e-mail)

2003-07-12 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Peter writes: Being a white racist in Minnesota means never having to say you're sorry because you can always call people in the South racist. David responds:I could just as glibly say being a guilt-ridden white person in Minnesota means never having to prove your case. Both my statement

Re: [Mpls] Old Minneapolis

2003-07-10 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Riverview Theatre, at 38th Street and 42nd Avenue, has been operating for at least fifty-five years. It's one of my absolute favorites along with the Parkway Theatre between 48th and 49th on Chicago. Peter Schmitz CARAG TEMPORARY REMINDER: 1. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious

Re: [Mpls] RE: Hollywood Theater

2003-07-08 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Jon, You're absolutely right about Greek To Me. Thank you, and my apologies for such a glaring omission. BTW, The Heights Theater is gorgeous, and I loved seeing 2001: A Space Odyssey there. I hope the restoration of The Hollywood Theater will start a successful trend. I've always been

Re: [Mpls] July 4th in the Northside and Coming to a Bridge Near You

2003-07-06 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Dyna says: About now I hear the citizens of some of the city's wealthier neighborhoods snickering. These hookers don't bother with condoms, and you wealthy taxpayers get to pay for their AIDS treatment... Peter says: I'm not sure if CARAG qualifies as one of the wealthier neighborhoods, but

Re: [Mpls] Coming to a bridge near you

2003-07-05 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Thanks for the update, Margaret. It'd be nice to believe that our Mayor and City Council would never consider repeating such a despictable act of violence against homeless people, but given that they currently allow rogue cops to beat and harrass this population I'm not so sure. As many human

Re: [Mpls] Schiff

2003-07-01 Thread Peter T Schmitz
Jim writes: Anybody else think there's something a little oneSIDED when Democrats talk politics at the memorial of a political scientist and get a backlash. Or a DFL council member notes the passing of a leading racist and is threatened with a backlash. Yet a major party of the RIGHT does one

Re: [Mpls] Library scenarios: I vote for Plan D

2003-06-29 Thread Peter T Schmitz
So far, Wizard Marks has the best proposal regarding Library scenarios. I didn't respond to David's call earlier because none of the 3 plans appealed to me. I really like the idea of keeping all the branch libraries open, with the possible exception of the Walker due to all the expenses incurred

Re: [Mpls] Tasteless, classless, Councilmember Gary Schiff

2003-06-29 Thread Peter T Schmitz
On Sun, 29 Jun 2003 15:35:04 -0500 Terrell Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Just returned from today's parade. I've seen a lot of things at parades, but Gary Schiff's sign saying Good Bye Strom Thurman was totally without taste or class. I would expect better. The other side of the same sign

Re: [Mpls] Brutality issue comes up in Olson's job review

2003-06-26 Thread Peter T Schmitz
It appears there was a lot of phoney posturing from on all sides during Wednesday's evaluation of Police Chief Robert Olson and the Open House that Mayor Rybak hosted afterwards for some dubious activists. Rybak and four members of the City Council give token mention to brutality during Police

Re: [Mpls] yuppies

2003-06-25 Thread Peter T Schmitz
My understanding of YUPPIE: I first heard the term in 1981, pertaining to Young Urban Professionals. They're generally depicted as white men and women with more disposable income than the rest of society, living in quaint gentrified apartments, condos or old homes in the city. They generally

Re: [Mpls] Crime Containment on Franklin Avenue/ Need a rest? Break a law!

2003-06-24 Thread Peter T Schmitz
WM: I don't think every cop out there is dumb as a bucket of hair. Peter: I never said any cop out there was dumb as a bucket of hair or whatever. The fact is, women and men in prostitution, whether they are forced into it or not, are vulnerable to blackmail by rogue cops as long as

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