Re: [Zope3-dev] One namespace for ZCML

2006-02-15 Thread Chris Withers

Stephan Richter wrote:

That said, there might still be a small percentage of cases where custom
directives are a valid tool. I can accept their being on the same namespace
as others. In fact, I would like it to be that way, reducing the amount of
dead chickens (namespace declarations).

I do not think namespace declarations are dead chickens. For me declaring a 
namespace in ZCML is the same as importing a package or module in Python. You 
would not want all functions and classes in Python live in one namespace, 
would you?

The more namespaces, the more needs to be learned, the more confusion. 
ZCML is not python, comparing the two isn't right.

I'm all for simpler and simpler zcml...


Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] One namespace for ZCML

2006-02-15 Thread Chris Withers

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

directives. I realize "somewhat" is fuzzy. Let me just say that I think ZCML
has failed when Plone will have its own ZCML directives...

There's a mailing list post from ages ago about going off and humping 
the leg of the next great thing. Plohn _will_ grow its own directives, 
simply because it can... you wait ;-)


Chris - feeling cynical tonight, sorry...

Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3 web root

2006-02-15 Thread Chris Withers

Martin Aspeli wrote:
I think that's certainly true for content-centric applications, which is 
what people seem to build the most of in Zope. But if you were storing 
80 million records of numbers and short strings that you needed to query 
across multiple dimensions, you'd probably put them in postgresql.

That depends. If the data is heirarchical, I'd stick with ZODB. IF I 
cared about seamless rollback I'd stick with ZODB. If I cared about a 
uniform storage for all data to do with a project, I'd stick with ZODB...

Zope 3 should really have a better story on SQL. Not replace the ZODB, 
but show how in your code you best deal with an RDBMS. I think that 
should leverage existing python APIs and ORM tools (I think there's a 
place for both SQL-style queries and ORM, depending on how much you need 
"ad-hoc" queries or at least complex, one-off representations of data, 
and how much you need one logical view of your data), but there should 
be patterns and integration layers (if needed) to show how to get data 
from an RDBMS into a view, how to make an edit form for that data, and 
how to integrate that with the rest of your probably content-centric 

Yup, not gonna argue with any of that, if only for integrating with 
legacy systems...


Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Re: tal:define="..." considered harmful?

2006-02-15 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Martijn Faassen said the following on 2006-02-15 18:27:

Aah, now I understand where the 'c' comes from. What about 'btal', 
browser tal?

ctal. Client TAL; I see no reason to restrict this to browsers. This has 
neat and exiting implications for non-browser clients that understand 
java-script, (ie. wxJS

And yes, I know that I am now making myself guilty of starting Yet 
Another Of Those Whatchawecallit Threads on a Zope-list. (*)


(*) though in reality it is really Martijn's fault. He started it by 
confusing the meaning of 'c' ;-)

-- ---
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Zope 3 web root

2006-02-15 Thread Jeff Shell
On 2/10/06, Shane Hathaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wade Leftwich wrote:
> > +1 from the standpoint of promoting corporate adoption, especially when
> > combined with first-class citizenship for RDBMS. (In the corporation I
> > work for, anyway.)
> Yes, RDBMS would become a first-class citizen.  New users would be able
> to write some page templates and SQL scripts on the filesystem and have
> them work with no extra effort.  I know I'd like that capability myself.

How? How "first class"? Does first class mean "supports SQLite level
features"? "MySQL"? Then what happens when you have people needing to
use real commercial databases who find a serious lack of support for
the features that they want or need? How would you tie that in?
Without offending those who just want to use SQLlite to store
comments? Would it be all manual SQL statements? Would the be through
an O-R layer? What about those (like my company) who have customers on
RDBMS and other storage systems that have complex data handling and
security requirements that go far beyond most O-R mappers (especially
those that appeal to those just wanting a web page to have comments?)
Would it be a pain in the ass to integrate a completely custom and
different data management layer in? Would it be easy?

"extra effort?"

This smells like Zope 2 development, but without the ZODB. Just a
bunch of little templates and scripts and SQL statements on the file
system. The best day in many of Bottlerocket's Zope 2 era RDBMS
applications was when we moved them away from both models. Being
neither an O-R mapper, nor just full of endless similar SQL statements
for basic CRUD stuff (but still using them, as methods on Python
classes usually, for custom queries).

Personally, I think that a Data Mapper layer that used zope.schema
would be very effective. This is essentially what we built in Zope 2,
using Formulator. Formulator ensured the data was in a clean / common
format and satisfied any constraints, and a very simple layer
generated SQL Methods on the fly based on the filtered down data that
came in / out. If we migrate any of those applications to Zope 3 and
keep the same data model, I easily see us doing it using zope.schema
and doing directlyProvides or something like that on what is produced.
It's not a situation that works for everyone. But it's one that works
for us and is adaptive to different storage solutions. Our
'enterprise' level data management works on a similar level, but with
a lot more transformations going on as data flows to / from its
sources (and that data management framework itself has no dependencies
on Zope, but a simple Gateway allows us to use it with Zope 2 while
letting Zope 2 acquire the page templates, authenticated user, etc).
Anyways, it's a scenario that I like because the data in these
situations is more important to me than whether it looks sorta-like a
Python object, yet the boring and repetitive operations are still
taken care of.

I agree that better integration with external data should be a
priority for Zope. But what does that mean? In theory, if something's
a Python object it should work with Zope 3 with relative ease... If
that's not the case, perhaps we need to look at how much work is
required to take some random Python object that may be created by some
random data access library and get it into a Zope 3 published web
page. If it kicks and screams and resists security and interfaces, or
what not, maybe we need to take a look at all of that.

If it doesn't kick and scream, we just need clear documentation that's
neither too short nor too wordy about what to do...  "I just installed
cElementTree and have an XML document that I've turned into a Python
object. How can I show that in Zope?"

>   However, I expect ZODB to continue to be the dominant platform for
> writing Zope applications, because ZODB is quite productive for writing
> abstract applications.

ZODB is also very productive in Zope 3 for writing concrete
applications. Now that our ZODB databases aren't polluted with a
mixture of business objects as well as scripts, icons, sql, templates,
etc, the ZODB is a joy to work with. It's very productive for writing
NEW applications. I see these other tutorials for every O-R backed
database and I'm thinking - "you're only creating a two column table
to do a to-do list... why do you even have an RDBMS? you're not
generating SQL directly and yay - it turns the todos into Python
booleans and strings! Well, uh, again, why even have an RDBMS?"

An application that I just completed would have actually been very
hard with an RDBMS (especially as data requirements changed - 'can we
have that field be in the leg?'). It would have taken me a lot longer
to implement if I had to keep switching my mind back and forth between
SQL and Python. THIS IS A HUGE ADVANTAGE! Why do we act like we're
embarrassed by the ZODB? With zc.catalog, schoolbell.relationships,
and vocabularies, I was able to make widgets that assign and remove

Re: [Zope3-dev] Zope 3 web root

2006-02-15 Thread Shane Hathaway

Jeff Shell wrote:

Personally, I think that the ZODB is a terrific asset that has
achieved a greater level of usability in Zope 3. At least, it has for
us,  now that we're no longer confused about whether the ZODB should
house our persistent objects, or if it should house our icons and
scripts and code and the RDBMS should be the store. I wouldn't want to
downplay this advantage.

No, we're still confused.  Templates and scripts are code.  Should they 
be in ZODB?  Grrr, I hope not.  I don't want to suffer that pain, fssync 
or no fssync.  I invented the CMF skins tool primarily to pull a lot of 
templates and scripts out of ZODB.  I invented Ape to pull them *all* 
out.  Now I'm having trouble convincing myself to use Zope 3 because the 
problem has to be solved somehow yet again!

I first thought fssync might solve the problem, but now I feel like it 
adds unnecessary complexity, similar to Ape.  External Editor is also a 
good idea, but it exposes only a single file at a time.  The web root 
idea is another possible solution.  I'm sure there are others (such as 
an NFS view into ZODB, which I also did once!)  Let's keep thinking for now.

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Last chance to comment on Simplify skinning

2006-02-15 Thread Philipp von Weitershausen
Hey Gary,

thanks for your feedback.

> I like many parts of it.  I didn't like the fact that the zcml ended
> up being longer.

Me neither :(.

> I didn't love that people had to start asking
> questions about interface types in order to register a skin.
> Interface types are a cost--another layer of abstraction, another
> potentially mind-blowing thing to explain.

Perhaps, perhaps not. I think the interface ZCML directive would be easy to
understand by itself ("Aha, so we register an interface. And we give it a
type, like, what kind of interface it is."), but I'm totally biased.

> You are already suggesting changing the zcml, and I'd like to see a
> compromise between the brevity of the current zcml and the conceptual
> clarity of your proposed changes.
> I tried to brainstorm, but didn't love what I came up with.  Maybe it
> can take us somewhere.  What if we still deprecated browser:layer but
> kept a redefined version of browser:skin?  Then your zcml--
> could become
>name="ShanghaiSkin" />
> The rest of your example would remain the same.

As you can imagine I'm a bit hesitant about having too many specialized ZCML
directives like browser:skin. But I definitely see your point. I have the
following compromise to suggest. The 'interface' directive is used for two

* Registering an interface as a utility. For that it will use the dotted name
of the interface.

* Optionally putting a type on an interface.

My suggestion is to add an optional 'name' parameter to it so that the
interface won't necessarily have to registere using its dotted name. Then we
can merge the 'interface' directive and the 'utility' directive from above
into one. It will basically have the same affect as your suggested
browser:skin directive and is only longer by the 'type' argument.

Other usecases I see for the extra 'name' argument: Content Types. For example:


So, this would be a very generic way of giving interfaces a type and name.
Generic means that it'd be used throughout Zope extensions and would therefore
provide a lot of consistency.

> It doesn't accomplish everything you set out to do, and that's a
> shame, but it feels like a compromise with a reasonable counter-
> argument: defining skins is a basic task often introduced early on
> with teaching Zope, and it's a shame to have to bloat the zcml and
> teach advanced topics too soon.
> I'd like to at least get the  zcml out of this story.

I know my compromise does everything except that :). I think it's still better
to keep consistency in the ZCML directives than having nicely sounding
directives whose way of working isn't really explained just by their names.


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Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3 web root

2006-02-15 Thread suresh

Max M wrote:

The problem is that all the people used to LAMP will come to Zope and 
think "Well I will need to think differently here. Thats a bother. I 
will use sql for everything like usual." And so we will get a lot of 
duplicated efforts and half-baked Zope developers, who will desperately 
try to use Zope for SQL development.

Let us not worry about the "half-baked developers" but instead think 
about how the ideas in Zope itself can benefit a larger community of 

Remember its the "Z Object Publishing Enviroment"?

Has been around a while with ZSQL support and the net is littered with 
war stories about how people have burnt their fingers using Zope for SQL 
development. The mechanism of loading objects from the filesystem is 
going to set anybody back.

My 2 paise,


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Last chance to comment on Simplify skinning

2006-02-15 Thread Jeff Shell
On 2/15/06, Fred Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2/15/06, Paul Winkler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Only that I have the same question Martijn does:
> > Can I then override one of those resources and keep the other 34?
> Perhaps the resourceDirectory directive should just be sugar for a set
> of resource directives, one for each file in the directory?  That
> would allow individual overrides, and maintain the convenience.

I would prefer not. We've used resourceDirectory to support things
like webcams. The image(s) uploaded by the cams might not always be
there, but the containing path is. It's nice not having Zope start
complaining on startup about making a resource for something that
doesn't exist, and allows us to open up select file system points for
resource uploads without having to know details about their contents.
(We don't use this heavily, but it has been a nice advantage).

If it was sugar for a set of resource directives, this could easily
fail out on us, unless it was making 'resource' items all the time
whenever the directory's contents changed.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Last chance to comment on Simplify skinning

2006-02-15 Thread Philipp von Weitershausen
Jeff Shell wrote:
> > I find Zope 3's approach much simpler and much easier to explain than
> > the CMF's approach. In Zope 3 (especially with my proposed changes in
> > place), a layer is simply a label (read: marker interface) on the
> > request. When we now look up pages and resources (e.g. images), we take
> > the request into account and therefore inevitably that label. We will
> > only find pages and resources associated (read: registered) for this
> > label. Good news is that any page or resource can be associated for this
> > label, we just have to remember to do that in their ZCML directive.
> When you say "with my proposed changes in place", I don't understand
> how that differs from what currently exists, or what can exist. We at
> Bottlerocket started serious Zope 3 work with Zope 3.1. We've been
> defining skins and layers as Interfaces since that time. I didn't
> understand it entirely at first, but when I was debugging some issues
> that arose with a fix to multi-adapter lookup that came in Zope 3.2, I
> understood it more, and now it makes a lot of sense to me.


> So coming from that world, I'm not entirely sure I understand how your
> proposal is really different, except for this:
> In your proposal, 'Skins' are just gone as a separate concept - yes?
> What is now treated as a Layer can also be treated directly as a skin,
> yes?

Yes, you are right, that's basically the only change my proposal advocates (and
some minor details around it).

> Here's a situation from a recent application of mine. The comments and
> doc strings are verbatim. Notice that I leave a number of breadcrumbs
> behind about which is the skin and which is the layer::
> # Layer
> class KBase(IBrowserRequest):
> """ The ```` **Layer** """
> # Skin
> class KnowledgeBase(KBase, CMS, IDefaultBrowserLayer):
> """
> The Knowledge Base Skin. Uses the CMS layer, but **not** rotterdam.
> The Knowledge Base skin is very specialized and does not need as
> many
> generic features as the Content Management or default ZMI skins. The
> primary dependance on the CMS layer is to get its resources
> (javascript
> libraries, icons).
> """
> I assign most things in my application to the KBase layer. The
> KnowledgeBase Skin builds from three layers. Very early versions of
> this app did a mix of layers and skins in the bases used for
> ``KnowledgeBase``, but the skin it used brought in too many views that
> I didn't want interfering with things accidentally, so I went with the
> ``CMS`` layer instead so I'd get things from our CMS layer, but not
> get *everything* that was chosen for the *Content Management* skin.
> Does that make sense?
> If I understand your proposal correctly, the Layer and Skin above
> would both basically be the same thing, right?

Not necessarily. You're free to create whichever layer hierarchy suits you
best. At some point you can then say that a particular layer in that hierarchy
(typically one that combines a lot of other layers) becomes known under a
human-readable name. We then say it's a skin.

My proposal gives you the freedom to promote any layer to a skin. That means
you can also register views directly for a skin because it's just another
layer. You won't have to create a layer and then a skin based on that layer...

> The only thing that I don't understand right now is this concept of
> Interface Types. I don't have our Zope 3 book in front of me right
> now, so I'm not sure if it has anything helpful to say. But I'll just
> say that Interface Types have been an elusive concept for me, so far.

Interfaces mark objects. Like "This is a recipe" or "This is
attribute-annotatable". Interface types mark interfaces. Like "This is not
just some interface, it's an interface for content components" or "This is an
interface we use as a skin". When you got my book in front of you, look up the
beginning of Chapter 5.

Interfaces extend z.i.Interface. Interface types extend z.i.i.IInterface
(notice the double I) because they describe interfaces.


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Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Last chance to comment on Simplify skinning

2006-02-15 Thread Fred Drake
On 2/15/06, Jeff Shell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would prefer not. We've used resourceDirectory to support things
> like webcams. The image(s) uploaded by the cams might not always be
> there, but the containing path is. It's nice not having Zope start

Good point.

> If it was sugar for a set of resource directives, this could easily
> fail out on us, unless it was making 'resource' items all the time
> whenever the directory's contents changed.

Right.  In which case, another possibility would be to have a new
directive that really is just sugar as I described.  That would avoid
backward compatibility problems and make the intention clear.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.
"There is no wealth but life." --John Ruskin
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Last chance to comment on Simplify skinning

2006-02-15 Thread Gary Poster

On Feb 15, 2006, at 6:03 AM, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Hi there,

a while back I wrote a proposal on simplifying the skinning system
( I got a lot of useful
feedback which in turn made me update the proposal. Since then I  

heard much comments. I would like to start implementing it soon,
especially since the time schedule has been moved up one month. Please
speak up now if you got any remaining comments.

Silence is assent :).

I guess I'm +0 on your current proposal, and +1 on its goals.

I like many parts of it.  I didn't like the fact that the zcml ended  
up being longer.  I didn't love that people had to start asking  
questions about interface types in order to register a skin.   
Interface types are a cost--another layer of abstraction, another  
potentially mind-blowing thing to explain.

You are already suggesting changing the zcml, and I'd like to see a  
compromise between the brevity of the current zcml and the conceptual  
clarity of your proposed changes.

I tried to brainstorm, but didn't love what I came up with.  Maybe it  
can take us somewhere.  What if we still deprecated browser:layer but  
kept a redefined version of browser:skin?  Then your zcml--



could become

 name="ShanghaiSkin" />

The rest of your example would remain the same.

It doesn't accomplish everything you set out to do, and that's a  
shame, but it feels like a compromise with a reasonable counter- 
argument: defining skins is a basic task often introduced early on  
with teaching Zope, and it's a shame to have to bloat the zcml and  
teach advanced topics too soon.

I'd like to at least get the  zcml out of this story.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Zope 3 web root

2006-02-15 Thread Jeff Shell
On 2/10/06, Shane Hathaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chris Withers wrote:
> > I'd flip that, because I think you and Steve A would agree on one thing:
> > The use of an object database _should_ be a choice, not a requirement,
> > but it should also be the default ;-)
> Actually, I disagree--I don't want an object database to be the default.
>   An OODBMS is good complexity for some projects and bad complexity for
> others.  Let people first choose the thing they're familiar with (the
> filesystem), then make it easy for them to branch out toward an RDBMS or

This is frustrating to see. At least, in the concept of 'Zope' as the
full application server it is.

Others have brought up the concept of 'Bobo', and I would much rather
see that. There are situations where I don't want the ZODB. We have
our own data management layer for very very very very complex RDBMS
interactions. We have a Zope 2 gateway to this layer right now and
then acquisition and other wonderful tricks allow templates/scripts to
be picked up and applied to the resulting data. We want to move it to
Zope 3 to take advantage of the concept of Views and, most
importantly, have all of the templates on the file system. But we
really don't need all (or most) of Containers, Sized,
Catalog, and so on and so on and so on, really don't apply. I know
it's *possible* to not use all of that, but just *how* to do it, I
don't know.

A Zope that was basically zope.publisher, zope.component,
zope.interface, zope.schema, and tal/tales (and maybe 'transaction')
would be ideal.

Your idea terrifies and confuses me.

I think I just don't like this 'Newbie comes in and ...' talk. It's so
generalizing. These days, I find myself being THWARTED at many turns
by the magical special browser: ZCML directives that were to make life
easier for newbies. Yeah, they helped me in the beginning. And now I'm
pulling my hair out. Don't thwart me!

I'm not saying that helping new people is a bad thing. But why push
all of these new concepts on them AND seasoned developers like me?

Personally, I think that the ZODB is a terrific asset that has
achieved a greater level of usability in Zope 3. At least, it has for
us,  now that we're no longer confused about whether the ZODB should
house our persistent objects, or if it should house our icons and
scripts and code and the RDBMS should be the store. I wouldn't want to
downplay this advantage.

Anyways, I believe fervently that a totally pared down version of Zope
that was just the basic stuff as mentioned above (zope.publisher,
zope.component, etc) would be a good target. That's something I
understand. What you describe, I don't understand.

> Do you mean "_just_ an RDBMS if you so desire"?  We don't want to force
> people to use an ORM either.
> Flat files are everybody's land.  Our flavor of flat files will be
> engineered to ease the transition from flat files to a Python package.


This is sounding like the "but everyone just likes and wants PHP" talk.

Maybe it's my fault for never wanting, nor changing, a 'default page'
after installing an instance home, and I'm not the target audience.

We use the ZODB for data and storage and it's so wonderfully easy in
Zope 3 to keep all of that in the ZODB while all of the templates and
views are on the file system that I've never thought much about

- I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE EXPORT/IMPORT THOUGH! - (or fssync, but really
more for backups or data updates...)

And I guess we have the other odd requirement that we often don't have
just a single root, or a single view of any particular site root. For
our internal CMS customers, the public never sees anything close to
the content management screens. 'admin' is thought to be a separate
experience, even by our customers. But it's really just a different
skin on the exact same data. Not really a root at all. I guess it's my
fault for no longer really thinking in terms of "serving up pages,"
but rather "serving up your flight itinerary" or "serving up a list of
related articles and who wrote them."

I guess this is all kindof rambling. I just don't see any benefit to
me. I'd rather see any effort like this pick up the zope.bobo
branch/product or whatever it is right now and deliver a clean and
simple stripped down zope publisher that could run on WSGI and could
be used to show up all of those "but i can make a wiki in twenty
minutes" tutorials and have no dependence on storage of any kind.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Last chance to comment on Simplify skinning

2006-02-15 Thread Jeff Shell
On 2/15/06, Philipp von Weitershausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I find Zope 3's approach much simpler and much easier to explain than
> the CMF's approach. In Zope 3 (especially with my proposed changes in
> place), a layer is simply a label (read: marker interface) on the
> request. When we now look up pages and resources (e.g. images), we take
> the request into account and therefore inevitably that label. We will
> only find pages and resources associated (read: registered) for this
> label. Good news is that any page or resource can be associated for this
> label, we just have to remember to do that in their ZCML directive.

When you say "with my proposed changes in place", I don't understand
how that differs from what currently exists, or what can exist. We at
Bottlerocket started serious Zope 3 work with Zope 3.1. We've been
defining skins and layers as Interfaces since that time. I didn't
understand it entirely at first, but when I was debugging some issues
that arose with a fix to multi-adapter lookup that came in Zope 3.2, I
understood it more, and now it makes a lot of sense to me.

So coming from that world, I'm not entirely sure I understand how your
proposal is really different, except for this:

In your proposal, 'Skins' are just gone as a separate concept - yes?
What is now treated as a Layer can also be treated directly as a skin,

Here's a situation from a recent application of mine. The comments and
doc strings are verbatim. Notice that I leave a number of breadcrumbs
behind about which is the skin and which is the layer::

# Layer
class KBase(IBrowserRequest):
""" The ```` **Layer** """

# Skin
class KnowledgeBase(KBase, CMS, IDefaultBrowserLayer):
The Knowledge Base Skin. Uses the CMS layer, but **not** rotterdam.

The Knowledge Base skin is very specialized and does not need as many
generic features as the Content Management or default ZMI skins. The
primary dependance on the CMS layer is to get its resources (javascript
libraries, icons).

I assign most things in my application to the KBase layer. The
KnowledgeBase Skin builds from three layers. Very early versions of
this app did a mix of layers and skins in the bases used for
``KnowledgeBase``, but the skin it used brought in too many views that
I didn't want interfering with things accidentally, so I went with the
``CMS`` layer instead so I'd get things from our CMS layer, but not
get *everything* that was chosen for the *Content Management* skin.

Does that make sense?

If I understand your proposal correctly, the Layer and Skin above
would both basically be the same thing, right? The only thing that I
guess really differentiates them right now (in my application) is how
they're registered in ZCML. But they're each the same basic collection
of interfaces. ``KBase`` is shallow and dedicated to the browser
view/resource components in my application, ``KnowledgeBase`` is rich
and pulls in components from others.

The only thing that I don't understand right now is this concept of
Interface Types. I don't have our Zope 3 book in front of me right
now, so I'm not sure if it has anything helpful to say. But I'll just
say that Interface Types have been an elusive concept for me, so far.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: One namespace for ZCML

2006-02-15 Thread Tim Peters
[Sidnei da Silva]
>> Now whether that's that's the correct interpretation is up to the
>> original author (Tim Peters?) to clarify :)

[Fred Drake]
> I don't know if he's paying attention to this thread, but I'm fairly
> certain everyone at PythonLabs understood that to refer to namespaces.
>  If Tim would like to counter that, he's certainly free to do so, of
> course.  :-)

I was, of course, merely acting as a channel for Guido.  It wasn't my
job to understand or interpret, it was merely to put into words
Guido's essentially ineffable wisdom.  I'm not sure even God (let
alone Guido) knows what that stuff _means_, and there's been healthy
debate over interpretations ever since.

FWIW, I always thought "the namespace one" was talking about
namespaces, or _perhaps_ wooden shoes.  I'm certain it wasn't talking
about tulips, although certainty over interpretations has admittedly
been the cause of much human misery throughout history.  So if someone
_does_ think it's about tulips, best to smile and nod, then killfile
the moron :-)
Zope3-dev mailing list

RE: [Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3 web root

2006-02-15 Thread Shaun Cutts
> Max M wrote:
> > The problem is that all the people used to LAMP will come to Zope
> > think "Well I will need to think differently here. Thats a bother. I
> > will use sql for everything like usual." And so we will get a lot of
> > duplicated efforts and half-baked Zope developers, who will
> > try to use Zope for SQL development.
> Because of this concern, I'm putting this off for a while.  I think it
> addresses a major hole in Zope, but it also creates two ways to
> accomplish similar tasks without a clear division between the two
>   Note that the Python language, despite its philosophy, has at least
> two ways to accomplish things: with functions or with classes.  In
> case, two ways are definitely better than one, IMHO.
> But before Zope acquires a new way to create web sites, we need to
> better understand whether that's a burden Zope ought to bear.  It
> turn out that people who don't want ZODB really shouldn't use Zope at
> all.  I would find that conclusion disheartening, but maybe it's
> realistic.
> Shane

I think that the discussion about whether one could or should completely
replace ZODB with SQL is less important than providing good connections
to SQL while other things are done with ZODB. (After all -- python
provides functions and classes, but it never says: either develop only
with one or the other!)

In my application it is perfectly clear (for the moment at least:)) what
things are part of the UI/application interface (ZODB) and what things
are data that needs ACID transactions, write-ahead logging and ODBC

In general, many people who use relational databases do so for a good
reason. I once worked on a project where we had to rip out ObjectStore
after much frustration delay and expense for scalability reasons.

What I'm having to write myself in this project, would have liked to
have had, and perhaps wouldn't mind contributing to ZPL versions, are
containers that allow one to open a window on the SQL world rather

As it turns out, I've already done my object marshalling because our
system has a Twisted/spread interface as well, so I didn't need SQL
specific object marshalling (though a way of mapping annotations to DB
would have been nice, as I hadn't included that in DB design). Rather, I
just need containers that know that their contents live "out there
somewhere" in a transaction based system that is itself responsible for
object keys.

- Shaun

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3 web root

2006-02-15 Thread Shane Hathaway

Max M wrote:
The problem is that all the people used to LAMP will come to Zope and 
think "Well I will need to think differently here. Thats a bother. I 
will use sql for everything like usual." And so we will get a lot of 
duplicated efforts and half-baked Zope developers, who will desperately 
try to use Zope for SQL development.

Because of this concern, I'm putting this off for a while.  I think it 
addresses a major hole in Zope, but it also creates two ways to 
accomplish similar tasks without a clear division between the two ways. 
 Note that the Python language, despite its philosophy, has at least 
two ways to accomplish things: with functions or with classes.  In this 
case, two ways are definitely better than one, IMHO.

But before Zope acquires a new way to create web sites, we need to 
better understand whether that's a burden Zope ought to bear.  It could 
turn out that people who don't want ZODB really shouldn't use Zope at 
all.  I would find that conclusion disheartening, but maybe it's realistic.

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Swiss Easter Sprint - Announcement

2006-02-15 Thread Roger Ineichen
Swiss Easter Sprint

"Sorry for cross posting, I just will make sure that 
nobody feels like not invited and has a chance to 


The sprint starts on Saturday, April 8, at 9:00am and will end 
on Wednesday, April 12 in the afternoon. The official welcome 
activity will be at noon on April 8.


The workshop will be located in Cham. Cham is a Town near Zug, 
Switzerland. Yeah, Zug is a town and doesn't mean Zope User Group!


Zope 3 Strategy Workshop

The future of Zope 3 and its role for other frameworks

With the recent interest of the wider community in Zope 3, it is important
to define Zope 3 in light of this. Discussions could be held about what
should be the Zope 3 core, how can other development shape the core and how
Zope 3 can best support high-level frameworks, such as Cubed.

In previous sprints we have also worked on a new face for Zope 3, a new Web
site. This and other Zope 3 marketing material could be developed during the
sprint, making the event also interesting for non-developers. It would be
really great to have a Zope 3 "promotion" leam at the sprint.

This is a great opportunity for Zope 3 core developers and framework
builders to meet and have discussions. We will define more concrete topics
to work on and discuss as we come closer to the sprint date.

Zope 3 Core Development

We have recently seen and will see a lot of reorganization of the
core. However, a lot of the changes (with exception of Jim's adapter
registry rewrite) are cosmetic, leaving some tougher technical challenges
open. Since this sprint will be a true Zope 3 sprint, we could address some
really hard-core issues, like menues, new widget package, formlib work,
etc. The actual topics will depend on the participants, of course.

Zope 3 Experimentation

Recently, there have been several experimental packages under development,
like the boston skin and the WebDev package while others have been proposed
like Shane's Web root or indirection tool. While not directly usable in a
release, this research work is necessary to give Zope 3 the cutting edge in
the future.

You can register yourself on the sprint page at:

Or send me a mail if you don't have access for editing the Wiki-Page
and add yourself to the participant list.

Roger Ineichen
Projekt01 GmbH
Langackerstrasse 8
6330 Cham
phone +41 (0)41 781 01 78
mobile+41 (0)79 340 52 32
fax   +41 (0)41 781 00 78

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Last chance to comment on Simplify skinning

2006-02-15 Thread Fred Drake
On 2/15/06, Paul Winkler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Only that I have the same question Martijn does:
> Can I then override one of those resources and keep the other 34?

Perhaps the resourceDirectory directive should just be sugar for a set
of resource directives, one for each file in the directory?  That
would allow individual overrides, and maintain the convenience.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.
"There is no wealth but life." --John Ruskin
Zope3-dev mailing list

RE: [Zope3-dev] Re: One namespace for ZCML

2006-02-15 Thread Roger Ineichen
Hi Philipp

> Subject: Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: One namespace for ZCML
> Roger Ineichen wrote:
> > I'm interessted in a menu / menu item refactoring.
> > 
> > This means, we could get rid of the implicit magicly 
> > registred menus in other directives which ends in
> > unaccessible menu items and will offer a better 
> > accessible API. I will write a proposal later, but perhaps
> > I have to prototype first since this part is very complex
> > and used almost in every browser directive.
> Note that my other proposal, 
> ReducingTheAmountOfZCMLDirectives, mentions
> something like this in the end (it's not really part of the actual
> proposal anymore, just some random thoughts):
> """
> Many directives of the browser namespace support the registration of
> menu items in addition to registering the component in 
> question. Though
> this can be considered useful because it might save some 
> typing, keeping
> directives as simple as possible (on/off switches!) might be weighed
> higher. People are certainly intimidated by the length of some of the
> browser directives (such as browser:editform); by taking the menu
> functionality out, we could reduce many directives by two lines making
> them easier to understand by themselves (of course, we'll have to add
> another menu directive, but it'll only be 3 or so lines).
> """

Yes, I agree, 
that's also a good base for a menu simplyfication.

> If you got any further comments on this, I'd be happy to hear them. It
> doesn't *have* to be a proposal, but it would sure be nice :).

I think it's to complex it right now since I'm not sure at all if
my idea will work. Let me try to give a short overview.

- Merge the menu and menu item to one implementation

- the above will also allow to implement nested menus.
  Right now the implicit menu, registred in views, don't
  have a id itself. This means they are unuseful for nested
  menu registrations. 

- move menu registration out of the view directives,
  (like described in your proposal)

- Also refactor the IFactory concept. Use IFactory adapters
  on folders instead of IFactory utilities.

The last part IFactory adapters instead of IFactory utilities
depends on a application I wrote and was running in serious 
problems because of the slowdown which depends on IFactory utilies 
lookups. I'm not sure if somebody will agree on this, but I think
if I can profile the IFactory utility implementation and show
the slowdown, we have a better base for a proposal.

This would also solve some namespace problems we have with
the content type name registration.

Note; nested menus are implemented since more then a half year.
But they are not useable with the existing menu items which are
registered inculded in the view directives. Because in the view
directive registred menus are only "menu items" which are not 

Roger Ineichen

> Philipp
> ___
> Zope3-dev mailing list
> Unsub: 

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3 web root

2006-02-15 Thread Gary Poster

On Feb 15, 2006, at 4:21 PM, Lennart Regebro wrote:

On 2/15/06, Max M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Remember its the "Z Object Publishing Enviroment"?

Hear, hear!


(Which, to be clear, does not mean we shouldn't encourage people  
making it easier to use SQL in Zope.  But our strength and heritage  
is as an OPE.)

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3 web root

2006-02-15 Thread Lennart Regebro
On 2/15/06, Max M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Remember its the "Z Object Publishing Enviroment"?

Hear, hear!

Lennart Regebro, Nuxeo
CPS Content Management
Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3 web root

2006-02-15 Thread Max M

Dario Lopez-Kästen wrote:

Sidnei da Silva said the following on 2006-02-14 12:15:

On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 08:17:04AM +0100, Dario Lopez-Kästen wrote:
| Shaun Cutts said the following on 2006-02-14 07:37:
| I have seriously considered trying out Django and similar tools to 
see | if they would fit better with the kind of applications I need to 
do, but | I really like the power that Zope as a platform offers, even 
in Zope 2.

Then comes a question. Did anyone try reusing parts of Django inside
Zope 3?

I just would like it to be easier to work with Zope and {CMF or it's 
successors} when data is not inside the ZODB.

The problem is that all the people used to LAMP will come to Zope and 
think "Well I will need to think differently here. Thats a bother. I 
will use sql for everything like usual." And so we will get a lot of 
duplicated efforts and half-baked Zope developers, who will desperately 
try to use Zope for SQL development.

Remember its the "Z Object Publishing Enviroment"?


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3 web root

2006-02-15 Thread Velko Ivanov


I was thinking a lot about the proposed Zope3 web root, and the 
mentioned RDBMS first class citizenship.

I'd like to backup an usecase and propose a somewhat different approach ..

First of all, having the ZODB optional and mountable IMHO is a great 
thing, because it is not always needed, or even usable - imagine for 
example lots of accounting or statistical data, stored in millions of 
rows in a RDBMS, several years old, and presented using charts and grids.
Moreover, I would and do design brand new Zope3 applications using SQL 
storage, not the ZODB, even when the storage is local to the filesystem 
(sqlite), just because I firmly believe, that the place for data is in 
the RDB, not in the ODB. Also because I couldn't find easy and effective 
enough way to get 20 objects out of 10 pieces in an ordered set, 
starting with number 27897 for example, but that's another story and may 
be entirely my fault as I didn't care to look very hard.
But I know a lot of tasks, which the ZODB is much better suited for, 
especially if it did had that shiny little tool, capable of not only 
analyzing and displaying a stored object, but also changing it - it 
could spare me many minutes worth of restarting and waiting Zope to boot 
each day. It is on my todo list, you know, I just need some spare time. 
And the proposed indirection analyzer tool could spare some 2 months 
full of curiosity and curses as I slowly made my way trough let's say 
about 20% of that rapidly-changing-worst-documented-in-the-world big 
picture (not talking about Zope2, sorry guys, but although the more I 
learn, the more I love Zope3, it's not easy at all).

Anyway, one of the strongest arguments against that web root in the 
filesystem is the Apache - why do we need Zope3 to serve files and 
directories out of the filesystem, and have those config files there, 
when we have a very sophisticated and solid tool, which does that more 
than fine and also a lot more, and more effectively than we can ever 
dream of with an interpreted language?
You know, it wasn't the very next question that I asked myself, although 
it is so obvious, but eventually I got to it - well, why do we need 
Zope3 to parse HTTP requests while it generally and historically proved 
exists proxied behind this very tool, which is so much capable of 
parsing HTTP, and is also so flexible?
Zope3 uses it's integrated twisted server to do everything about parsing 
protocols, but as I already said, we can't even dream of reaching the 
effectiveness of a heavy duty pure C/C++ HTTP machine which has decades 
of development and fine tuning behind, by using an interpreted language.
And remembering the statement from it's own documentation, that Zope 
doesn't care much about what is in front, as long as it supplies the 
right object, then why not just mod_zope it ?
And guess what .. There is that fundamental truth about Internet - it 
doesn't matter what idea just came to you, it is already there.
Turns out that somebody is already doing it at .
So why not making it at least a bit more official and feature-complete? 
For example - capable of rendering page templates directly from the 
filesystem and mounting ZODBs ..
Integrating with existing and proved solutions seems a lot more natural 
and trouble-proof, than doubling them and Apache has a lot that could be 
used in Zope.

Velko Ivanov
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Re: tal:define="..." considered harmful?

2006-02-15 Thread Jean-Marc Orliaguet

Martijn Faassen wrote:

if it doesn't slow things down or add features that are not really 
needed, I think it's fine, but maybe an explanation would be good as

to what it does?

It basically does the same thing as ctal does, except less (no
tal:repeat for instance, though I did have a simple tal:define), and it
isn't going anywhere. I dabbled with it a few years ago as I thought it
was an interesting idea and I just wanted to play a bit with javascript.

It had unit tests, and the regex stuff that I was referring to may be
interesting - it ports the regexes from Zope's TALES to Javascript so
that the parsing of tales expressions works the same.

This is the module that has the regex bits, ported directly, if I 
recall correctly, from Zope's python code:

OK I see, it's the variable substitution;

string:${name}/${address} ..

the question is what this is not better computed in the model. If it's 
just for presentation it's fine (e.g. adding a colon between two fields),

but then one could (even should) write:

...: ...

but if the data is supposed to be a URL or something meaningful for the 
entire application then there's a problem, because it's the template 
that creates the data and the rest of the application has strictly no 
access to it (at least in the MVC model where the view observes the 
model and not the opposite).


I really think that the best way to add features is to create a
sample applications and see what's missing in the language or what
feels unnatural or too complicated to achieve, but basically if a
missing feature forces you to move the logic to the data model, it is
definitely not a missing feature. I believe that ZPT is too much of a
scripting language.

Sure. I'm not sure whether the regexes are useful, just would be nice if
they didn't go to waste after all. :)

also I think that one namespace is enough (no "context/title", 
"request/user"), but use "title" and "user" instead ... extra

namespaces in a template are a sign that the view has not done a good
job at preparing a data structure for the template to render it.

Hm. If I'm rendering a bunch of records to a HTML table, say, I'd 
prefer my records to be in a list, and the records themselves give 
access to further details.

More in general, it's possible that some template will receive two 
sets of data that's quite separate from each other. I like namespaces 
then too. You can of course always argue that such a template should 
be factored into multiple smaller ones, though the question remains 
how they'd each receive only their data and not the rest.



what I mean it that the structures can always be merged before they are 
passed to the template, then the data can be organized as:

data = {
 items: [ ...],
 people: [],
 somemoredata: {}

ZPT does a mapping between several data structures (context, request, 
view ...) and the variables with the same name in TAL, which results in 
several namespaces. Such variables are very platform-dependent and a 
templating language basically needs only one data structure to do the 

regards /JM
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Last chance to comment on Simplify skinning

2006-02-15 Thread Paul Winkler
On Wed, Feb 15, 2006 at 12:44:36PM -0500, Benji York wrote:
> Paul Winkler wrote:
> >I have to explicitly register every one of my skin's 35 resources?
> If the 35 resources (files) are in the same directory you can use the 
> resource directory ZCML directive.  Or am I missing something?

Only that I have the same question Martijn does:
Can I then override one of those resources and keep the other 34?


Paul Winkler
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Last chance to comment on Simplify skinning

2006-02-15 Thread Benji York

Paul Winkler wrote:

I have to explicitly register every one of my skin's 35 resources?

If the 35 resources (files) are in the same directory you can use the 
resource directory ZCML directive.  Or am I missing something?

Benji York
Senior Software Engineer
Zope Corporation
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Re: tal:define="..." considered harmful?

2006-02-15 Thread Martijn Faassen

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:

Balazs Ree wrote:

On Wed, 15 Feb 2006 16:41:36 +0100 Martijn Faassen wrote:

Are you interested in recovering some of there Zope TAL based
regex stuff from Sapling? I'd be happy to merge it in. ctal
doesn't appear to have this yet.

I must have a look, of course any enhancement would be great - and
since the main user at the moment is Jean-Marc, I would be
interested in his opinion.

if it doesn't slow things down or add features that are not really 
needed, I think it's fine, but maybe an explanation would be good as

to what it does?

It basically does the same thing as ctal does, except less (no
tal:repeat for instance, though I did have a simple tal:define), and it
isn't going anywhere. I dabbled with it a few years ago as I thought it
was an interesting idea and I just wanted to play a bit with javascript.

It had unit tests, and the regex stuff that I was referring to may be
interesting - it ports the regexes from Zope's TALES to Javascript so
that the parsing of tales expressions works the same.

This is the module that has the regex bits, ported directly, if I recall 
correctly, from Zope's python code:


I really think that the best way to add features is to create a
sample applications and see what's missing in the language or what
feels unnatural or too complicated to achieve, but basically if a
missing feature forces you to move the logic to the data model, it is
definitely not a missing feature. I believe that ZPT is too much of a
scripting language.

Sure. I'm not sure whether the regexes are useful, just would be nice if
they didn't go to waste after all. :)

also I think that one namespace is enough (no "context/title", 
"request/user"), but use "title" and "user" instead ... extra

namespaces in a template are a sign that the view has not done a good
job at preparing a data structure for the template to render it.

Hm. If I'm rendering a bunch of records to a HTML table, say, I'd prefer 
my records to be in a list, and the records themselves give access to 
further details.

More in general, it's possible that some template will receive two sets 
of data that's quite separate from each other. I like namespaces then 
too. You can of course always argue that such a template should be 
factored into multiple smaller ones, though the question remains how 
they'd each receive only their data and not the rest.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Re: tal:define="..." considered harmful?

2006-02-15 Thread Martijn Faassen

Balazs Ree wrote:

On Wed, 15 Feb 2006 16:41:36 +0100 Martijn Faassen wrote:

Are you interested in recovering some of there Zope TAL based regex stuff

from Sapling? I'd be happy to merge it in. ctal doesn't appear to have
this yet. 

I must have a look, of course any enhancement would be great - and since
the main user at the moment is Jean-Marc, I would be interested in his

Okay - I don't have a lot of time so I'd need to find first it to do 
work on this, but I'm quite excited that TAL in javascript is making a 
comeback, and it'd be nice if that old code of mine could serve a 
purpose in the future. :)

'ctal' is a somewhat confusing name by the way, you'd think it
was TAL implemented in C, another interesting project I've dabbled with on
and off in the past.
I agree but if we change the name we should do it right now. What name

(prefix) would you suggest? Only thing, it needs to be different from
"tal" (since it must allow mixing the two namespaces in the same page) and
I personally would also be against "jtal". "ctal" was meant to stand for
"client tal" but indeed it might not be the finest choice.

Aah, now I understand where the 'c' comes from. What about 'btal', 
browser tal?



Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Last chance to comment on Simplify skinning

2006-02-15 Thread Paul Winkler
On Wed, Feb 15, 2006 at 03:39:02PM +0100, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
> > Maybe I mean something different. I just want a folder in which I can
> > drop all the files I want to customize (I love to customize), without
> > registering something.
> That's not how it works in Zope 3, at least not right now and not by
> default. My proposal doesn't isn't addressing this.
> Shane has expressed an interesting idea that goes into the "I just drop
> my stuff in here" direction, but I'm frankly missing some important
> points in this idea yet. It might be interesting to develop it further,
> though. For now, however, we have to explicitly register everything. I
> consider that a good thing.

I think it's an important use case, though.

In CMF, annoying and limited as it was, installing a skin was a one-time
job.  Adding or removing resources in that skin was trivial.

> I think you don't care for the wrong reasons. You want your CMF
> experience duplicated. Perhaps you're not as bothered as I was with the
> CMF's limitations, but it sured annoyed me as hell having to create a
> new layer for every product I wrote for CMF.

Yes, I didn't like that either. Neither do I like the current system.
I have to explicitly register every one of my skin's 35 resources?
This is a significant burden.  I do that a lot more often than I create
new products.

I think what we're angling for is some way to register everything in a
certain directory as resources with one directive.


Paul Winkler
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Re: tal:define="..." considered harmful?

2006-02-15 Thread Jean-Marc Orliaguet

Balazs Ree wrote:

On Wed, 15 Feb 2006 16:41:36 +0100 Martijn Faassen wrote:

A separate svn project would be nice. I'm sure z3lab is open; it's also
welcome under the z3 base on codespeak.

I will then check it in to one of those; seriously, I can't decide which
location would be more proper as a home. The z3base seems more generic to
me, however the other ajax stuff is already in z3lab. (except AZAX, which
has the "kukit" part stored on codespeak.)

I am facing the same decision at where to bring in the "jsonserver"
(a.k.a. json-rpc) product which would be a complete zope2-zope3 product


sure, whatever

Are you interested in recovering some of there Zope TAL based regex stuff
from Sapling? I'd be happy to merge it in. ctal doesn't appear to have
this yet. 

I must have a look, of course any enhancement would be great - and since
the main user at the moment is Jean-Marc, I would be interested in his


if it doesn't slow things down or add features that are not really 
needed, I think it's fine, but maybe an explanation would be good as to 
what it does?

BTW one enhancement that I was thinking of was the ctal:attributes="..." 
stuff, I find the i18n:attributes="..." approach more intutive since it 
is possible to write code as if it was HTML first, insert the variables 
where they should be and then specify afterwards which attributes are to 
be replaced:


instead of:


(which removes an indirection)

the ZPT tal:attributes=... syntax forces me to think to much

but that's just a personal opinion

I really think that the best way to add features is to create a sample 
applications and see what's missing in the language or what feels 
unnatural or too complicated to achieve, but basically if a missing 
feature forces you to move the logic to the data model, it is definitely 
not a missing feature. I believe that ZPT is too much of a scripting 

also I think that one namespace is enough (no "context/title", 
"request/user"), but use "title" and "user" instead ... extra namespaces 
in a template are a sign that the view has not done a good job at 
preparing a data structure for the template to render it.

'ctal' is a somewhat confusing name by the way, you'd think it
was TAL implemented in C, another interesting project I've dabbled with on
and off in the past.

I agree but if we change the name we should do it right now. What name
(prefix) would you suggest? Only thing, it needs to be different from
"tal" (since it must allow mixing the two namespaces in the same page) and
I personally would also be against "jtal". "ctal" was meant to stand for
"client tal" but indeed it might not be the finest choice.


that's what I guessed too, do I win something ? :-)


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: tal:define="..." considered harmful?

2006-02-15 Thread Jean-Marc Orliaguet

Benji York wrote:

Martijn Faassen wrote:

Right, that was my motivation too - I googled around for 
javascript-based templating languages but realized there wasn't 
really anything. Of course XSLT can be used this way too, but TAL is 
kinda neat too. Still, I couldn't think of much practical use for 
this. Perhaps in this AJAXy world this has changed.

Personally I'm very excited about ctal (and like the name too).  
Getting data objects from the server and feeding them to templates on 
the client seems like a nice way to do AJAXy things.

yep, you can also use TAL (ZPT) to create CTAL templates; that's the 
reason why I think the namespace is ctal:... and not tal:..., otherwise 
it could as well have been called tal:... and the template be stored in 
a string.

then there are different usage patterns,
personally I download the template from the server when the page is 
getting initialized (using asynchronous Ajax.request) and I store the 
source in a javascript variable in a widget class. To render the 
template I apply the transformation whenever the data changes. It makes 
it possible to refresh widgets, otherwise you'd have to refresh the page 
or redo an Ajax.request.

here is the part of the code that does the rendering:

render: function(data) {
 if (this.source) {
   var node = document.createElement("div");
   node.innerHTML = this.source;
   ctal.process_ctal(node, data);
   var old_html = this.widget.innerHTML;
   var new_html = node.innerHTML;
   if (new_html != old_html) {
 this.widget.innerHTML = node.innerHTML;

the performance is quite fine actually, but since this is event-driven I 
should first check that the data really has been changed before firing a 
"modified" event, to avoid rendering the template for nothing.

I think 'ctal' is fine too. (client tal)

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: Re: tal:define="..." considered harmful?

2006-02-15 Thread Balazs Ree
On Wed, 15 Feb 2006 16:41:36 +0100 Martijn Faassen wrote:
> A separate svn project would be nice. I'm sure z3lab is open; it's also
> welcome under the z3 base on codespeak.

I will then check it in to one of those; seriously, I can't decide which
location would be more proper as a home. The z3base seems more generic to
me, however the other ajax stuff is already in z3lab. (except AZAX, which
has the "kukit" part stored on codespeak.)

I am facing the same decision at where to bring in the "jsonserver"
(a.k.a. json-rpc) product which would be a complete zope2-zope3 product

> Are you interested in recovering some of there Zope TAL based regex stuff
> from Sapling? I'd be happy to merge it in. ctal doesn't appear to have
> this yet. 

I must have a look, of course any enhancement would be great - and since
the main user at the moment is Jean-Marc, I would be interested in his

> 'ctal' is a somewhat confusing name by the way, you'd think it
> was TAL implemented in C, another interesting project I've dabbled with on
> and off in the past.

I agree but if we change the name we should do it right now. What name
(prefix) would you suggest? Only thing, it needs to be different from
"tal" (since it must allow mixing the two namespaces in the same page) and
I personally would also be against "jtal". "ctal" was meant to stand for
"client tal" but indeed it might not be the finest choice.

Balazs Ree

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: tal:define="..." considered harmful?

2006-02-15 Thread Benji York

Martijn Faassen wrote:
Right, that was my motivation too - I googled around for 
javascript-based templating languages but realized there wasn't really 
anything. Of course XSLT can be used this way too, but TAL is kinda neat 
too. Still, I couldn't think of much practical use for this. Perhaps in 
this AJAXy world this has changed.

Personally I'm very excited about ctal (and like the name too).  Getting 
data objects from the server and feeding them to templates on the client 
seems like a nice way to do AJAXy things.

Benji York
Senior Software Engineer
Zope Corporation
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope-dev] Pluggins vs Application Definition

2006-02-15 Thread Benji York

Chris Withers wrote:

maybe time to merge zope-dev and zope3-dev?


They're still different enough that most traffic on one is not 
interesting to the majority of subscribers to the other.

Benji York
Senior Software Engineer
Zope Corporation
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] One namespace for ZCML

2006-02-15 Thread Martijn Faassen

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Martijn Faassen wrote:


* a way to register an XSLT renderer.

* registering XML importers and exporters.

These two immediately triggered "adapter" in my mind :).

XSLT renderer may be a view, that's how we use them now. I think it's a 
candidate for a fairly easy transition to Zope 3 style concepts, in fact.

There are subtleties with XML importers that don't really map to 
adapters directly, at least not in a simple way - you want to register 
different importers for certain XML tags.


It's important, though, that we do try to
find a good match between the Zope 3 ways of doing things and the
historical baggage. In Zope 3 we have developed a nice way of looking at
things and fit them into very simple concepts. It should be preserved.

Sure, but I want my silva namespace so I don't pollute the Zope 3 space. 
:) Same reason I'm happy with the five namespace.

Btw, I find it a bit scary that you're trying to replace an install
method with a lot of ZCML directives. I'm not sure I would welcome a
procedure expressed through configuration. It seems like some of these
problems are better tucked away using a deployment framework like
GenericSetup. But then again, I'm not really familiar with Silva and
that thing.

Silva's '' does a lot of stuff that really should be 
declaration, not procedure. Registering metadata sets for content types, 
registering views, etc, etc. Then extensions to Silva also do the same 
thing. GenericSetup would make sense for some of it, but I suspect 
fairly little, except of course that right now lots of Silva's 
configuration, often unnecessarily, ends up in the ZODB.


I put in a smiley, but I'm serious about the underlying problem of
exposing a lot of long dotted names into Python modules into ZCML.

No worries, I got the tone of the message. However, to every satire
there's a true core message, as you're pointing out yourself. I too am
concerned, but I also think that because dotted names actually have a
meaning, they might be handier in the end than cryptic short forms.

And then there's also the point of intrinsic information of a component
that we're currently putting into ZCML but are starting to put into
Python. I has already reduced the amount of dotted names necessary.

Yes, I saw that point of yours in another thread replying to me there, 
and I think that's a very good point. Anyway, in my attitude to ZCML I'm 
for piecemeal evolution right now - I don't think ruthless refactoring 
is really necessary, but we can get quite ruthless on certain directives 
or attributes of certain directives.

I wonder whether we can do things to make this look simpler. If the
dotted names were not hiding in attributes but in element content, we
could come up with some kind of XML vocabulary for them, even. :)

At least it would give you the possibility to define and use XML
entities for them :). Seriously, though, I wouldn't be sure of my vote
for a system like that. As said, dotted names have a meaningful
background (Python import paths). Abbreviations most likely don't. I
rather build something that makes sense than one that relies on too many
naming conventions...

Agreed; this needs to be thought through carefully. We don't want to 
replace dotted names with a lot of shorter stuff you need to memorize 
anyway, either. It needs to be somehow predictable, and perhaps dotted 
names are the best we can do, if we can at least get rid of some of them 
and move it into Python. It's just an interesting area to think about.

I just think having to declare 3 to 5 different
namespaces on the top of the file of which some have no apparent
meaning or distinction seems like clutter to me.

Some indeed have no apparent meaning and distinction; I think
zcml:condition could be safely folded into Zope's namespace. When I see
apidoc or wfmc I can identify what is involved, though - possibly they
can still be eliminated but they definitely have meaning to me.

In the documentlibrary, so far we've only used two namespaces, zope and
browser. In schooltool, more namespace happen: apidoc, wfmc, i18n and
zcml. I think eliminating the 'zcml' namespace would get us down to 2 or
less declarations for most .zcml files.

I think the 'zcml' namespace should be separate from the 'zope' one
because 'zcml' is meta-ish whereas 'zope' is about actual and factual
directives. I would rather see 'meta' directives folded into 'zcml'
(like I propose in the proposal).

zope:include and friends are meta-ish too though. Moving those into a 
separate namespace would suddenly grow the amount of namespaces necessary.

Perhaps folding the meta namespace (+ zcml) into zope is actually 
something we can explore. The meta namespace should be a fairly solid 
XML vocabulary after all.

Note that I absolutely see the necessity for namespace declarations. For
example, I would like to see ZPT require the declaration of TAL, METAL
I18N n

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Last chance to comment on Simplify skinning

2006-02-15 Thread Martijn Faassen

Tonico Strasser wrote:

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:


See, now I even explained this to a "template programmer", though I
don't think he'd care.

Maybe I mean something different. I just want a folder in which I can 
drop all the files I want to customize (I love to customize), without 
registering something. Is this a layer? You're right, I don't care :)

I know this is on a side track from the simplify skinning discussion, but:

I think it'd be nice to have something that allowed you to register at 
least resources in a directory that still keeps intact the overriding 
capabilities that you'd have if you were to register a single resource.

The current directive to register a directory of resources makes it easy 
to register a whole bunch of them in one go, but, unless I'm mistaken, 
makes it hard to override just *one* later (in another skin or 
override), as in fact the directory it registered directly.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: tal:define="..." considered harmful?

2006-02-15 Thread Martijn Faassen

Balazs Ree wrote:

On Mon, 13 Feb 2006 18:59:32 +0100 Martijn Faassen wrote:

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:

I've being working on integrating Balazs Ree's CTAL interpreter recently
(added tests, fixes, etc.). CTAL is the equivalent of TAL but for

I just googled around for this, and couldn't find it, but I'm intrigued.
Any link?

I made it some time ago just as an experiment, I was interested in having
the equivalent of TAL on the client side. The implementation is far from
complete but it's actually usable. If you are interested, best to check it
out from the link Jean-Marc gave in the other mail (and I indeed might put
it up somewhere in svn on its own).  

A separate svn project would be nice. I'm sure z3lab is open; it's also 
welcome under the z3 base on codespeak.

I think the main advantage is that if someone already knows TAL can
generate html from a template and raw data on the client side (which
is one of the tipical AJAX usage patterns) without the need to learn
another method or write dom manipulation in javascript.

Right, that was my motivation too - I googled around for 
javascript-based templating languages but realized there wasn't really 
anything. Of course XSLT can be used this way too, but TAL is kinda neat 
too. Still, I couldn't think of much practical use for this. Perhaps in 
this AJAXy world this has changed.

Are you interested in recovering some of there Zope TAL based regex 
stuff from Sapling? I'd be happy to merge it in. ctal doesn't appear to 
have this yet. 'ctal' is a somewhat confusing name by the way, you'd 
think it was TAL implemented in C, another interesting project I've 
dabbled with on and off in the past.

We had an CVS to SVN conversion earlier this week, so sapling's source 
code is now here:

(check it out with: svn co sapling)

It has tests and everything. :)


Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: One namespace for ZCML

2006-02-15 Thread Philipp von Weitershausen
Stephan Richter wrote:
>>I realize that and I think at least the concern was valid. As for the
>>solution, I rather prefer the convenience (which reads for me as
>>"automation" when it get rids of dead chicken direcives) to be in Python.
> But I think this is exactely the problem. Convenience is often geared towards 
> non-technical people, like designers and integrators. For them to touch or 
> write Python code is horrifying.

I don't think designers will have to touch Python. I don't even think
they will often touch ZCML. The designers I hired never had to...

> One of the goals of ZCML was to address this audience and day: Look
> add, edit or change this and that directive and you are good to go.
> It was also one of the reasons XML was chosen.

I think ZCML is addressing people who build packages, people who make
applications out of these packages and people who deploy those
applications. I think in all three cases we can assume enough experience
with Zope and Python to expect them to enter, say, a dotted name. And,
of course, these people typically overlap.

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] One namespace for ZCML

2006-02-15 Thread Philipp von Weitershausen
Martijn Faassen wrote:
>> I would really like to hear what kind of directives you imagine for
>> Silva here (and what you mean by "new ways to configure components").
> The following are candidates, though note I haven't thought this through
> deeply for any of them:
> * a way to register a Silva content object.
> * a way to register a content object version.
> * a way to register a Silva metadata set.
> * registering directory views (could go into CMF, though Silva is not
> using it directly now)


> * registering a silva service into the Silva root
> * configuring which objects can be addable.
> * setting up zope 2 permission/role mapping in Silva root.
> * setting up the zope 2 catalog indexes.

I guess most of these fall under the "registering something that isn't a
utility or adapter" category which is fine. Though I wouldn't be
surprised some of those registrations could be boiled down to simpler,
Zope-3-style things like menu items or utilities. Oh wait, you mention
that yourself :).

> * a way to register an XSLT renderer.
> * registering XML importers and exporters.

These two immediately triggered "adapter" in my mind :).

> I think some, or even all, of these can probably turn *eventually* into
> Zope 3-style approaches directly - probably services will become some
> sort of local utilities, and directory views will become Zope 3 view,
> XSLT another, and the importers/exporters will become some sort of
> adapters, addables menus.
> The emphasis is on eventually, as I certainly expect it to be useful in
> a transition phase to clean out Silva's current grotty and
> replace it with ZCML that doesn't require significant refactorings of
> Silva yet. Replacing this stuff with native Zope 3 components is
> generally a major task.

I agree on the eventuality. It's important, though, that we do try to
find a good match between the Zope 3 ways of doing things and the
historical baggage. In Zope 3 we have developed a nice way of looking at
things and fit them into very simple concepts. It should be preserved.

Btw, I find it a bit scary that you're trying to replace an install
method with a lot of ZCML directives. I'm not sure I would welcome a
procedure expressed through configuration. It seems like some of these
problems are better tucked away using a deployment framework like
GenericSetup. But then again, I'm not really familiar with Silva and
that thing.

>>> Sometimes a new, short directive is a lot easier to
>>> remember than to remember and 3
>>> directives. Having to remember (or worse, look up) long dotted names is
>>> extremely common in ZCML and I consider it at least as big a problem as
>>> having to learn directives.
>> I agree. Many of these long dotted names belong into Python, though.
>>> Let's use abstraction and naming things where it makes sense.
>>> Heh, perhaps we need to go the other way and add a namespace directive
>>> for long dotted names instead. :)
>> -1.
> I put in a smiley, but I'm serious about the underlying problem of
> exposing a lot of long dotted names into Python modules into ZCML.

No worries, I got the tone of the message. However, to every satire
there's a true core message, as you're pointing out yourself. I too am
concerned, but I also think that because dotted names actually have a
meaning, they might be handier in the end than cryptic short forms.

And then there's also the point of intrinsic information of a component
that we're currently putting into ZCML but are starting to put into
Python. I has already reduced the amount of dotted names necessary.

> I wonder whether we can do things to make this look simpler. If the
> dotted names were not hiding in attributes but in element content, we
> could come up with some kind of XML vocabulary for them, even. :)

At least it would give you the possibility to define and use XML
entities for them :). Seriously, though, I wouldn't be sure of my vote
for a system like that. As said, dotted names have a meaningful
background (Python import paths). Abbreviations most likely don't. I
rather build something that makes sense than one that relies on too many
naming conventions...

 That said, there might still be a small percentage of cases where
 directives are a valid tool. I can accept their being on the same
 namespace as
 others. In fact, I would like it to be that way, reducing the amount of
 dead chickens (namespace declarations).
>>> Namespace declarations are not dead chickens. They're things that the
>>> XML language requires. Indentation and colons are not dead chickens in
>>> Python either. *particular* namespace declarations may be unnecessary -
>>> but not dead chickens, just perhaps the wrong solution.
>> Yeah, sorry, bad wording. I just think having to declare 3 to 5 different
>> namespaces on the top of the file of which some have no appa

[Zope3-dev] Re: Last chance to comment on Simplify skinning

2006-02-15 Thread Philipp von Weitershausen
Tonico Strasser wrote:
>>> In CMF things are very easy to understand, because a layer is simply a
>>> folder. I can explain that in five minutes to a template programmer.
>> Why does the template programmer need to know about layers?
> Because in CMF, if you want to customize or create a skin, you need to
> know about the so called "layers".

But we aren't in the CMF :).

Seriously, you are right about the fact that you need to know about
layers when you want to work with skins. Let's just be clear on the
actors' names: template programmer isn't necessarily the same as a skin

A template author just writes a page template and isn't necessarily
concerned how and where it is going to be registered. Most of the time,
it is fine to register browser pages (incl. template-based ones) for the
default layer. That is a huge difference to the CMF where everything
lives in a very specific layer (which I find annoying and complicated)
and that layer has to be registered in a skin (which most CMF product's will automatically do...).

Now, the skin customizer might write some templates to actually perform
some customization first, but his job description really is about
setting up the layer(s) and registering one of them as a skin. For that
you need to know about layers, yes. But not when you only want to author
a template.

>>> Maybe this sounds a bit NAIVE, but would it be possible to make it like
>>> in CMF?
>> The CMF approach is very limiting. The fact that a layer equals a
>> physical location (a folder) led to every CMF-based product coming up
>> with its own layer -- because there is no way to put stuff into existing
>> layers, not even the default layer. Layers as they are in Zope 3 have
>> stopped this senseless layer proliferation.
>> I find Zope 3's approach much simpler and much easier to explain than
>> the CMF's approach. In Zope 3 (especially with my proposed changes in
>> place), a layer is simply a label (read: marker interface) on the
>> request. When we now look up pages and resources (e.g. images), we take
>> the request into account and therefore inevitably that label. We will
>> only find pages and resources associated (read: registered) for this
>> label. Good news is that any page or resource can be associated for this
>> label, we just have to remember to do that in their ZCML directive.
>> See, now I even explained this to a "template programmer", though I
>> don't think he'd care.
> Maybe I mean something different. I just want a folder in which I can
> drop all the files I want to customize (I love to customize), without
> registering something.

That's not how it works in Zope 3, at least not right now and not by
default. My proposal doesn't isn't addressing this.

Shane has expressed an interesting idea that goes into the "I just drop
my stuff in here" direction, but I'm frankly missing some important
points in this idea yet. It might be interesting to develop it further,
though. For now, however, we have to explicitly register everything. I
consider that a good thing.

> Is this a layer?

A layer is a marker interface on the request (Zope 3 definition).

> You're right, I don't care :)

I think you don't care for the wrong reasons. You want your CMF
experience duplicated. Perhaps you're not as bothered as I was with the
CMF's limitations, but it sured annoyed me as hell having to create a
new layer for every product I wrote for CMF.

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: Last chance to comment on Simplify skinning

2006-02-15 Thread Tonico Strasser

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

In CMF things are very easy to understand, because a layer is simply a
folder. I can explain that in five minutes to a template programmer.

Why does the template programmer need to know about layers?

Because in CMF, if you want to customize or create a skin, you need to 
know about the so called "layers".

Maybe this sounds a bit NAIVE, but would it be possible to make it like
in CMF?

The CMF approach is very limiting. The fact that a layer equals a
physical location (a folder) led to every CMF-based product coming up
with its own layer -- because there is no way to put stuff into existing
layers, not even the default layer. Layers as they are in Zope 3 have
stopped this senseless layer proliferation.

I find Zope 3's approach much simpler and much easier to explain than
the CMF's approach. In Zope 3 (especially with my proposed changes in
place), a layer is simply a label (read: marker interface) on the
request. When we now look up pages and resources (e.g. images), we take
the request into account and therefore inevitably that label. We will
only find pages and resources associated (read: registered) for this
label. Good news is that any page or resource can be associated for this
label, we just have to remember to do that in their ZCML directive.

See, now I even explained this to a "template programmer", though I
don't think he'd care.

Maybe I mean something different. I just want a folder in which I can 
drop all the files I want to customize (I love to customize), without 
registering something. Is this a layer? You're right, I don't care :)


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] One namespace for ZCML

2006-02-15 Thread Martijn Faassen

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Martijn Faassen wrote:


Moreover, sometimes a package introduces new ways to configure
components. Five does so, for instance, and Silva will too eventually.

I would really like to hear what kind of directives you imagine for Silva here
(and what you mean by "new ways to configure components").

The following are candidates, though note I haven't thought this through 
deeply for any of them:

* a way to register a Silva content object.

* a way to register a content object version.

* a way to register a Silva metadata set.

* registering directory views (could go into CMF, though Silva is not 
using it directly now)

* a way to register an XSLT renderer.

* registering XML importers and exporters.

* registering a silva service into the Silva root

* configuring which objects can be addable.

* setting up zope 2 permission/role mapping in Silva root.

* setting up the zope 2 catalog indexes.

I think some, or even all, of these can probably turn *eventually* into 
Zope 3-style approaches directly - probably services will become some 
sort of local utilities, and directory views will become Zope 3 view, 
XSLT another, and the importers/exporters will become some sort of 
adapters, addables menus.

The emphasis is on eventually, as I certainly expect it to be useful in 
a transition phase to clean out Silva's current grotty and 
replace it with ZCML that doesn't require significant refactorings of 
Silva yet. Replacing this stuff with native Zope 3 components is 
generally a major task.

I expect a very similar story applies to CMF, and again to CMF-based 
systems like Plone.

Sometimes a new, short directive is a lot easier to
remember than to remember and 3
directives. Having to remember (or worse, look up) long dotted names is
extremely common in ZCML and I consider it at least as big a problem as
having to learn directives.

I agree. Many of these long dotted names belong into Python, though.

Let's use abstraction and naming things where it makes sense.

Heh, perhaps we need to go the other way and add a namespace directive
for long dotted names instead. :)


I put in a smiley, but I'm serious about the underlying problem of 
exposing a lot of long dotted names into Python modules into ZCML. I 
wonder whether we can do things to make this look simpler. If the dotted 
names were not hiding in attributes but in element content, we could 
come up with some kind of XML vocabulary for them, even. :)

That said, there might still be a small percentage of cases where custom
directives are a valid tool. I can accept their being on the same
namespace as
others. In fact, I would like it to be that way, reducing the amount of
dead chickens (namespace declarations).

Namespace declarations are not dead chickens. They're things that the
XML language requires. Indentation and colons are not dead chickens in
Python either. *particular* namespace declarations may be unnecessary -
but not dead chickens, just perhaps the wrong solution.

Yeah, sorry, bad wording. I just think having to declare 3 to 5 different
namespaces on the top of the file of which some have no apparent meaning or
distinction seems like clutter to me.

Some indeed have no apparent meaning and distinction; I think 
zcml:condition could be safely folded into Zope's namespace. When I see 
apidoc or wfmc I can identify what is involved, though - possibly they 
can still be eliminated but they definitely have meaning to me.

In the documentlibrary, so far we've only used two namespaces, zope and 
browser. In schooltool, more namespace happen: apidoc, wfmc, i18n and 
zcml. I think eliminating the 'zcml' namespace would get us down to 2 
or less declarations for most .zcml files.

Note that I absolutely see the necessity for namespace declarations. For
example, I would like to see ZPT require the declaration of TAL, METAL and
I18N namespaces. Note that there the entire namespace story is different.
There they are used for what I think namespaces are intended, separating
several XML models (e.g. the HTML model from the additional TAL/METAL/I18N

I think Zope 3 extensions extend the Zope 3 XML model. They're less 
different than combining XHTML with TAL, but I still see a core 
vocabulary with potentially arbitrary extensions.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: Reducing the amount of ZCML directives

2006-02-15 Thread Lennart Regebro
On 2/15/06, Philipp von Weitershausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Among other things, yes. The idea isn't mine though, it was Jim's and is
> already in-place as of Zope 3.2/2.9.

Oh, I missed that, I thought it was planned for 3.3. :-)

Lennart Regebro, Nuxeo
CPS Content Management
Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: One namespace for ZCML

2006-02-15 Thread Stephan Richter
On Wednesday 15 February 2006 07:59, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
> I realize that and I think at least the concern was valid. As for the
> solution, I rather prefer the convenience (which reads for me as
> "automation" when it get rids of dead chicken direcives) to be in Python.

But I think this is exactely the problem. Convenience is often geared towards 
non-technical people, like designers and integrators. For them to touch or 
write Python code is horrifying. One of the goals of ZCML was to address this 
audience and day: Look add, edit or change this and that directive and you 
are good to go. It was also one of the reasons XML was chosen.

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: One namespace for ZCML

2006-02-15 Thread Philipp von Weitershausen
Tres Seaver wrote:
>>>- Many of the objected-to directives exist precisely because people
>>>did not want to type the much more verbose equivalents which were
>>>the original, "cleaner" spellings.
>>Or perhaps people just thought that people wouldn't want to type in some
>>extra stuff. Because I think they do if it helps them remember and
>>understand better.

The origin of the "dead chicken" meme, was Guido (and others) who
objected to the mistake-prone typing required by the earliest set of
directievs we had;  Guido called them "dead chickens".
>>>If you see any dead chicken around the corner in my Reducing the amount
>>>fo ZCML directives proposal, please let me know in detail.
> I'm just trying to point out that we added "convenience" directives in
> order to address earlier usability complaints about the (theoretically
> cleaner) original directive set.

I realize that and I think at least the concern was valid. As for the
solution, I rather prefer the convenience (which reads for me as
"automation" when it get rids of dead chicken direcives) to be in Python.

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: Reducing the amount of ZCML directives

2006-02-15 Thread Philipp von Weitershausen
Lennart Regebro wrote:
> I think I agree. This to me makes sense. If it were nameless (are
> there nameless utilities) you could then get off with just   component=".alias.sydneyFactory" /> which is then the on/off switch we
> mentioned earlier. And an adapter should be registered the same way
>  and what it adapts
> between should be a part of the python-code with an adapts(ISomething)
> declaration, just like implements(ISomethingelse), which I think you
> suggested in your "ZCML does doo much" blog, right?

Among other things, yes. The idea isn't mine though, it was Jim's and is
already in-place as of Zope 3.2/2.9.

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] One namespace for ZCML

2006-02-15 Thread Philipp von Weitershausen
Jeff Shell wrote:
> I still HATE magical ZCML. But I still think ZCML is a good thing and
> should be modularized. Simplified - yes. Modular (namespaces) - yes.

That seems to be the core message of most of the feedback I got. I'll be
happy to hear more detailed suggestions on what should be simplified
and/or modularized. Of course, I also have a few of my own, some of them
are already listed at the bottom of the other proposal...

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: Last chance to comment on Simplify skinning

2006-02-15 Thread Philipp von Weitershausen
Dear Tonico,

thanks for your input.

> In CMF things are very easy to understand, because a layer is simply a
> folder. I can explain that in five minutes to a template programmer.

Why does the template programmer need to know about layers?

> Maybe this sounds a bit NAIVE, but would it be possible to make it like
> in CMF?

The CMF approach is very limiting. The fact that a layer equals a
physical location (a folder) led to every CMF-based product coming up
with its own layer -- because there is no way to put stuff into existing
layers, not even the default layer. Layers as they are in Zope 3 have
stopped this senseless layer proliferation.

I find Zope 3's approach much simpler and much easier to explain than
the CMF's approach. In Zope 3 (especially with my proposed changes in
place), a layer is simply a label (read: marker interface) on the
request. When we now look up pages and resources (e.g. images), we take
the request into account and therefore inevitably that label. We will
only find pages and resources associated (read: registered) for this
label. Good news is that any page or resource can be associated for this
label, we just have to remember to do that in their ZCML directive.

See, now I even explained this to a "template programmer", though I
don't think he'd care.

> Use case: Integrate an existing application into my Web site, e.g. a forum.
> 1. Create a folder for the customized forum skin
> $ mkdir forum-skin
> 2. Register this folder
>  path="forum-skin"
> ...
> />
> 3. Customize everything from original forum skin
> $ cd forum-skin
> $ cp $ORIGINAL_FORUM_SKIN/*.pt .
> $ vi *
> This is oversimplified, I know :)

Yes. It's also limiting.

> Another note: when I see this I feel a cold shudder:
>  name="zope3logo.gif"
> file="shanghailogo.gif"
> type=".interfaces.ShanghaiSkin"
> />
> Quite a lot of typing for one GIF!?

Registering resources explicitly gives us the ability to easily override
resources. That'll allow us to change logos, icons, etc. with just one
ZCML directive. In fact, the ability to override is *the* foremost use
case for registering stuff explicitly at all.

If you want to save typing, you can have resource directories where you
dump anything you want to be available as a resource.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: One namespace for ZCML

2006-02-15 Thread Philipp von Weitershausen
Roger Ineichen wrote:
> I'm interessted in a menu / menu item refactoring.
> This means, we could get rid of the implicit magicly 
> registred menus in other directives which ends in
> unaccessible menu items and will offer a better 
> accessible API. I will write a proposal later, but perhaps
> I have to prototype first since this part is very complex
> and used almost in every browser directive.

Note that my other proposal, ReducingTheAmountOfZCMLDirectives, mentions
something like this in the end (it's not really part of the actual
proposal anymore, just some random thoughts):

Many directives of the browser namespace support the registration of
menu items in addition to registering the component in question. Though
this can be considered useful because it might save some typing, keeping
directives as simple as possible (on/off switches!) might be weighed
higher. People are certainly intimidated by the length of some of the
browser directives (such as browser:editform); by taking the menu
functionality out, we could reduce many directives by two lines making
them easier to understand by themselves (of course, we'll have to add
another menu directive, but it'll only be 3 or so lines).

If you got any further comments on this, I'd be happy to hear them. It
doesn't *have* to be a proposal, but it would sure be nice :).

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: Last chance to comment on Simplify skinning

2006-02-15 Thread Tonico Strasser

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Hi there,

a while back I wrote a proposal on simplifying the skinning system
( I got a lot of useful
feedback which in turn made me update the proposal. Since then I haven't
heard much comments. I would like to start implementing it soon,
especially since the time schedule has been moved up one month. Please
speak up now if you got any remaining comments.

Hi Philipp,

I really appreciate your efforts in simplifying skinning.


In CMF things are very easy to understand, because a layer is simply a 
folder. I can explain that in five minutes to a template programmer.

Maybe this sounds a bit NAIVE, but would it be possible to make it like 
in CMF?

Use case: Integrate an existing application into my Web site, e.g. a forum.

1. Create a folder for the customized forum skin

$ mkdir forum-skin

2. Register this folder

3. Customize everything from original forum skin

$ cd forum-skin
$ vi *

This is oversimplified, I know :)

Another note: when I see this I feel a cold shudder:

Quite a lot of typing for one GIF!?

Just my two cents.


Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope-dev] Pluggins vs Application Definition

2006-02-15 Thread Stephan Richter
On Wednesday 15 February 2006 07:20, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
> Chris Withers wrote:
> > [aside... hmmm, crossposting, maybe time to merge zope-dev and
> > zope3-dev? most stuff seems to be relevent to both nowadays]
> +10

Okay, I hope this would be ignored, but -1. I can still ignore many E-mails on 

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope-dev] Pluggins vs Application Definition

2006-02-15 Thread Philipp von Weitershausen
Chris Withers wrote:
> [aside... hmmm, crossposting, maybe time to merge zope-dev and
> zope3-dev? most stuff seems to be relevent to both nowadays]


You know, I once had a proposal. Uh, never mind :)

>> In Zope 3, we went with a more explicit installation mechanism,
>> in which people had to explicitly cause a package's ZCML files to be
>> loaded for it to be used.  We added a mechanism to make this easier,
>> by simply dropping a file into a special directory, package-includes,
>> so an installer wouldn't have to fool with pointy brackets.
> Personally, I hate package-includes. It creates a load of mess in a
> folder that is likely to need to have new tools written to look after it
> in the future :-/
> I'd really like to just see lines getting includes in site.zcml.

We had that once. We got rid of it because it made deployment harder.
With slugs you can just drop in an extra file without having to change
one. That makes automated installation easy.

> There is precedent for this, very good precedent in fact.
> Think of httpd.conf, and the module include lines at the top.
> I'm all for supporting having squillions of files all over the place,
> but I'd really like to see the default be one file, as with Apache.

Heh, that's actually a funny example because Debian has actually been
using modular config files for quite some time now (not only for
Apache). Especially module includes, module configurations and virtual
sites all rest in individual config files. Small tools (a2enmod,
a2ensite) help manage the files, though manual management isn't too hard

So, seems like not only are we the first ones to come up with a setup
like that, it's also used by a large

> Also, I wish there was some way to have a .zcml that is in the
> _software_ home, not the package home, that inlcuded all the "standard"
> bits so that when I upgrade my zope version, I don't have to worry about
> juggling all those files and wondering which ones are out of date and
> which ones have "new" versions...

You should "know" which ones you want in your instance anyways. I rather
have a very, very slim "standard" set of packages and make everything
else optional than provide everything else by default.

If the software home ZCML file (which essentially is includes too much, it's a pain to disable
things you don't like. It's trivial with package-includes.

>> If application users are not technically
>>   sophisticated, or, more importantly, not technically interested,
>>   they peobably would prefer to just drop something into a special
>>   directory and be done with it.
> Yup, /products, /plugins, etc, everything from Photoshop to Zope 2 has
> this concept ;-)

It's been giving us a lot of pain in Zope 2. I don't think anyone
seriously wants to go back. We *can* have a standardized location (by
convention), e.g. $INSTANCE_HOME/lib/python, but let's not make it a
mandatory one.

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Last chance to comment on Simplify skinning

2006-02-15 Thread Philipp von Weitershausen
Hi there,

a while back I wrote a proposal on simplifying the skinning system
( I got a lot of useful
feedback which in turn made me update the proposal. Since then I haven't
heard much comments. I would like to start implementing it soon,
especially since the time schedule has been moved up one month. Please
speak up now if you got any remaining comments.

Silence is assent :).


Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] My proposals on simplifying ZCML

2006-02-15 Thread Philipp von Weitershausen
Dear all,

thanks to everyone who commented my two proposals on simplifying ZCML.
Here are some updates:

Reducing the amount of ZCML directives

I've updated this proposal slightly. It now mentions the important
characteristics of ZCML directives and lists an additional risk pointed
out by Martijn. It also proposes to simplify the content/class
directive, something which I had forgotten to mention before.

Still look for comments at ...

One namespace for ZCML

There have a lot of negative comments on this (even though my initial
idea got several +1 on this list). I think the discussion was still
helpful. It definitely proved my point that we don't really have good
guidelines for managing ZCML namespaces. A lot of people also agreed
with me that we have too many namespaces. My proposal of removing all
namespaces was a bit too drastic, I guess.

I will create a new proposal that will "only" focus on:
* coming up with guidelines for creating and managing ZCML namespaces
* consolidating some unnecessary namespaces that we have today into one
* making ZCML a better citizen with other XML dialects

I'll welcome any suggestions if some of you have any...

Stay tuned :).


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Pluggins vs Application Definition

2006-02-15 Thread Chris Withers

Stephan Richter wrote:
This is interesting. I agree with Philipp though that a simple install tool 
would be better than one magic location. 

Indeed, but don't eggs already provide tools for this?

I think the ZCML slugs are very cool 

I think they suck, sorry... it's one of the first things I hit with Zope 
 3 over Christmas :-(

and if we have a tool (as "make" does now) 

Please god, not make...

that does this one step, then we 
effectively have drop-in packages.

No, drop in packages means you either use a package-manner like 
interface, like aptitude, a binary installer, or actually dropping a 
single file into a directory.



Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope-dev] Pluggins vs Application Definition

2006-02-15 Thread Chris Withers
[aside... hmmm, crossposting, maybe time to merge zope-dev and 
zope3-dev? most stuff seems to be relevent to both nowadays]

Jim Fulton wrote:

In Zope 3, we went with a more explicit installation mechanism,
in which people had to explicitly cause a package's ZCML files to be
loaded for it to be used.  We added a mechanism to make this easier,
by simply dropping a file into a special directory, package-includes,
so an installer wouldn't have to fool with pointy brackets.

Personally, I hate package-includes. It creates a load of mess in a 
folder that is likely to need to have new tools written to look after it 
in the future :-/

I'd really like to just see lines getting includes in site.zcml.

There is precedent for this, very good precedent in fact.
Think of httpd.conf, and the module include lines at the top.
I'm all for supporting having squillions of files all over the place, 
but I'd really like to see the default be one file, as with Apache.

Also, I wish there was some way to have a .zcml that is in the 
_software_ home, not the package home, that inlcuded all the "standard" 
bits so that when I upgrade my zope version, I don't have to worry about 
juggling all those files and wondering which ones are out of date and 
which ones have "new" versions...

- If the application is extensible, then application users
  will want to be able to extend the application by adding

This also applies particularly to framework applications like CMF...

If application users are not technically
  sophisticated, or, more importantly, not technically interested,
  they peobably would prefer to just drop something into a special
  directory and be done with it.

Yup, /products, /plugins, etc, everything from Photoshop to Zope 2 has 
this concept ;-)



Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting

Zope3-dev mailing list

RE: [Zope3-dev] Re: One namespace for ZCML

2006-02-15 Thread Roger Ineichen
Hi Philipp, hi Florent 

> I'm all for reducing the number of namespaces in the standard 
> directives, 
> and reducing the number of directives too, but getting rid of 
> namespaces, as 
> others have pointed out, removes clean ways of extending ZCML for 
> third-party frameworks.

> Maybe a simple zope 3 component doesn't need to provide 
> extensions to ZCML 
> using a namespace, but any *framwework* on top of it will 
> quickly need them.

Yes, that's exactly what we do in our libraries.

I'm Ok with simplyfie the zope 3 namespaces and use only one
namespace like , but not with removing the 
option to add custom namespaces.

I'm interessted in a menu / menu item refactoring.

This means, we could get rid of the implicit magicly 
registred menus in other directives which ends in
unaccessible menu items and will offer a better 
accessible API. I will write a proposal later, but perhaps
I have to prototype first since this part is very complex
and used almost in every browser directive.

Roger Ineichen

> Finally
> -- 
> Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of R&D
> +33 1 40 33 71 59   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ___
> Zope3-dev mailing list
> Unsub: 

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: One namespace for ZCML

2006-02-15 Thread Martin Aspeli

On Tue, 14 Feb 2006 13:48:42 -, Florent Guillaume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For example CPS currently has a cps:upgradeStep directive:

Interesting... we've been talking about doing something similar in Plone.



Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: Future of

2006-02-15 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Tue, 14 Feb 2006 14:08:07 -, Stephan Richter  

On Tuesday 14 February 2006 08:41, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Jim said that he wants to become smaller. I would welcome that.
Is it time for this to be thought about?

For various reasons, mostly personal ones, I would consider Zope
3.3/2.10 a good point for this to be done. If others agree, we should
get started, especially since we moved up the time frame 1 month.

I would not mind. I think most of the work will be investigating and
documenting the steps to be taken. Technically it is less of a  
challenge. On

the other hand, this release will see a lot of shake-up: ZCML directive
removal, adapter registry reimplementation, package location changes.

I'd prefer one larger shake than many largeish shakes in consequtive  
versions :-)



Zope3-dev mailing list