Hardball Briefing for Friday, September 3

2010-09-03 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - will Democrats play Hardball?

To avoid disaster in November, Democrats are going to have to get tough, 
they're going to have to punch back, they're going to have to nail their 
opponents with the same hard shots the Republicans and Tea Partiers have been 
using against them. That means going negative. It means brutally pointed, 
devastating negative ads. As one strategist put it: anyone who spends money on 
a positive ad may as well give the money to charity. The Democrats are finally 
getting tough and that's our top story tonight.

Plus, what scares you? What's to fear if the Republicans grab control of 
Congress?  We'll take a look tonight at what Republicans themselves are saying 
about where they want to take the country.  

Also, we got a glimmer of good economic news this morning. The jobless rate 
ticked up a tenth of a point to 9.6 percent and 54,000 jobs were lost overall 
because temporary Census Bureau jobs came to an end. But the private sector 
added 67,000 jobs, higher than expected, and that offers some hope that things 
are getting better. We'll take an in-depth look at the numbers. 

Still, some Democrats have become worried about ending those Bush tax cuts for 
the wealthiest Americans. We'll look into that retreat.

And as if there already weren't enough reasons to be angry with BP, now the oil 
giant is saying if Congress prevents it from drilling in the Gulf, BP may not 
be able to pay for the damage it caused. Is anyone surprised? 

Finally, Chris will give you his thoughts tonight on the two people President 
Obama needs to turn his presidency around.  

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Hardball Briefing for Monday, August 30

2010-08-30 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - mind the gap.

There were tens of thousands at Glenn Beck's rally this weekend but when was 
the last time liberals got 100,000 people on the mall. President Obama's 
Inauguration? Why don't we see progressive creating events like this? It's this 
enthusiasm gap that has some smart people predicting that the Democrats could 
lose up to 60 House seats in November. MSNBC Political Analysts Richard Wolffe 
and Howard Fineman will tell us what Democrats can do to close the gap.  

And how did Presiden Obama lose control of his own narrative? He's been painted 
as a foreign-born, Muslim, socialist warmonger who coddles terrorists and is an 
enemy of American business. The Washington Post's Eugene Robinson and Mother 
Jones' David Corn will explain just how this narrative has taken hold and what 
the White House needs to do to change it.

Plus, another anti-Muslim incident occurred over the weekend at an Islamic 
Center construction site in Tennessee. After 9/11, President Bush was quick to 
speak out against any Muslim backlash and say Islam was a religion of peace. 
But are there any responsible Republicans willing to defend Islam today? The 
Southern Poverty Law Center's Mark Potok and the Islamic Center of 
Murfressboro's Dr. Essam Faphy will try answer that question.

Also, how's this for an interesting political twist: the 2010 political season 
that's been dubbed the year of the woman may actually result in a drop in the 
number of women serving in Congress for the first time in a generation. 
Bloomberg's Margaret Carlson and Politico's Jeane Cummings will give you their 

And finally, we'll end the program with a few thoughts on Glenn Beck's rally. 

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Hardball Briefing for Thursday, August 26

2010-08-26 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - Blowback

The debate over the planned Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan was always about 
more than a building. It's about the right of people to worship whatever and 
wherever they choose and it has always held the potential of metastasizing into 
anti-Muslim behavior. We're seeing that now in the attack on a Muslim cab 
driver in New York and in a Florida pastor's plan to burn Qu'ran's on September 
11. That pastor, Terry Jones, president of the Council on American-Islamic 
Relations Zead Ramadan and founder of The Agenda Project Erica Payner will join 
us at the top of the show. 

Plus, Democrats are beginning to feel a cold November wind. Politico reports 
today that Democrats are growing increasingly pessimistic about their chances 
of holding on to the House. Nate Silver from 538.com and Jonathan Martin of 
Politico will discuss that and whether the Democratic Senate majority may be in 
peril too.

Then, our strategists tell us what the Republicans can do to keep their 
momentum heading into November and what the Democrats need to do to turn it 
around. Todd Harris and Steve McMahon will break down the race to November.

Also, what can Brown do for you? Not much if you're Sarah Palin and the Brown 
in question is Senator Scott Brown. Palin rips the Massachusetts senator in 
tonight's Sideshow.

And, now that the former head of the Republican National Committee, Ken 
Mehlman, has announced that he's gay, we wonder how much longer can the GOP be 
seen as hostile to the gay community. Log Cabin Republicans executive director 
R. Clarke Cooper will analyze this one for us.

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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, August 25

2010-08-25 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Leading of tonight: The Power of Palin

Primary day turned out to be another bad day for Washington insiders, including 
Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski. If unknown Joe Miller bests Murkowski in her 
re-election bid, he'll have one person to thank: Sarah Palin. If you believe 
Sarah Palin isn't still a huge force in American politics you're making a big 
mistake. Her approval rating among Republican voters is the envy of the field 
and she has a clear path to the presidential nomination if she wants it. Mother 
Jones' David Corn and MSNBC Political Analyst Pat Buchanan will analyze what 
Palin's big wins last night mean for her political future. 

Plus, last night on this program we heard Rick Lazio dishonestly call Imam 
Feisal Abdul Rauf a terrorist sympathizer. Tonight we go over the claims made 
by opponents of the planned mosque near Ground Zero and see whether there's any 
merit to them. Former New York Governor George Pataki and MSNBC political 
analyst Eugene Robinson will join us in our fact-finding mission.

In tonight's Sideshow, Nevada Republican Senate hopeful Sharron Angle channels 
Michelle Bachmann's famous appearance on Hardball and agrees that there are 
homegrown enemies working in the House and the Senate.  

Also, Glenn Beck is getting ready to host their pro-constitution rally on the 
anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s I have a speech dream this weekend. 
Beck says the event is non-political, but is that possible when Sarah Palin is 
a headline speaker? Salon's Joan Walsh and Princeton Professor Melissa 
Harris-Lacewell will tell us what we should expect to see Saturday and what we 
should make of all this.

Also, today marks the one-year anniversary of Ted Kennedy's passing. The Boston 
Globe's Peter Cannellos, author of The Last Lion a look at the fall and rise 
of Ted Kennedy, helps us examine the late senator's legacy and how his absence 
has impacted the Obama Presidency.  

And we finish tonight with a tip of the hat to New York Mayor Michael 
Bloomberg, who made the case for religious freedom in a speech last night when 
so many people seem to prefer name-calling.

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Hardball Briefing for Thursday, August 19

2010-08-19 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - coming home.

After seven long years and over 4,400 casualties, Operation Iraqi Freedom is 
over. NBC's Richard Engel was embedded with the last combat brigade to leave 
Iraq. He'll report live from Kuwait and then we'll ask the Washington Post's 
David Ignatius what's next for the American military.

Next, a new stunning poll reveals that nearly one in five Americans, including 
31 percent of Republicans, believe President Obama is a Muslim. Pres. Obama 
wrote about his firm faith in Christianity in his memoir, Audacity of Hope, 
and talked about his faith during the 2008 presidential campaign. So why have 
the misconceptions about the President's religion grown since he took office? 
We'll ask Time Magazine's Mark Halperin and NYU's Irshad Manji to weigh in.  

Plus, Dr. Laura show sparked a controversy on her radio show after repeatedly 
using the n-word. While the under-fire talk show host is quitting, Sarah Palin 
suggested that under fire radio talk show host Dr. Laura shouldn't retreat, but 
reload and that Dr. Laura's critics were trampling on her constitutional 
rights. Time Magazine Washington Correspondent Jay Newton-Small and the New 
York Daily News' Errol Lewis will break down Palin's strategy here.

Also, a new documentary by filmmaker Harry Shearer investigates whether the 
Army Corps of Engineers added to the damage in New Orleans brought by Hurricane 
Katrina. He'll join us tonight.

And finally, a few thoughts from guest host Michael Smerconish about an 
American hero who helped save the Capitol on 9/11, and why he's not getting a 
fair shake from the country that owes him so much.

Want more Hardball updates and breaking political news? Follow producer Brooke 
Brower on Twitter -- www.twitter.com/brookebrower. 

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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, August 18

2010-08-18 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - the Coming Wave?

The prospects for Democrats in November just got dimmer. Charlie Cook of the 
Cook Political Report revised his House forecast for the midterms, predicting a 
Republican net gain between 35 and 45 seats. The GOP only needs 39 pickups to 
take control of the house for the first time since 2006. Cook and the 
Washington Post's Chris Cillizza will break down the grim news for Democrats.

Plus, the planned Glenn Beck-Sarah Palin rally on the steps of the Lincoln 
Memorial is drawing the ire of black leaders. The conservative rally is slated 
for August 28th, the 47th anniversary of Reverend Martin Luther King's I Have 
a Dream speech and civil rights leaders are anything but happy about it. The 
Reverend Al Sharpton will tell us why he's angry.

Then, one day after Rod Blagojevich was convicted on only one of 24 charges 
against him, we're finding out the one reason - or person - why the ex-Illinois 
governor isn't going behind bars for a very long time. The Chicago Sun Times' 
Carol Marin and Politico's Josh Gerstein will give us the latest. 

Next, White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel spent the last three days on the 
phone trying to calm angry Democrats who say they were blindsided when 
President Obama weighed in on the proposed mosque in lower Manhattan. MSNBC 
Political Analyst and the Washington Post's Eugene Robinson will analyze the 
political consequences of the President's words.

And finally, what does Nevada Senate candidate Sharron Angle have in common 
with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin? Find out in 
tonight's Sideshow.

Want more Hardball updates and breaking political news? Follow producer Brooke 
Brower on Twitter -- www.twitter.com/brookebrower. 

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Hardball Briefing for Monday, August 9

2010-08-09 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - Daily constitutional.

John Boehner became the latest Republican to say that Congress should consider 
changing the 14th Amendment to revoke birthright citizenship. On Meet the 
Press yesterday the would-be Speaker of the House joined a long list of 
prominent Republicans - including Tim Pawlenty, Mitch McConnell, John Kyl and 
Lindsey Graham - to oppose the amendment. Just how far are Republicans willing 
to go with this? Former Oklahoma Congressman Ernest Istook will give us his 

Plus, House members are locked in a showdown over a $26 billion bill designed 
to prevent teacher layoffs.  Democrats say they're saving jobs but Republicans 
say Nancy Pelosi wants to spend more money we don't have.  Rep. Chris Van 
Hollen (D-MD) and Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) will debate this one.

Also, everyone knows what the First Lady did last week. While Mr. Obama 
celebrated his birthday back home in Chicago, Mrs. Obama was vacationing 
overseas in Spain. Politicos are now saying that the vacation was a bad idea 
and that Michelle should be hitting the campaign trail. Former Press Secretary 
for the Clinton White House, Dee Dee Myers and the Washington Post's Nia-Malika 
Henderson will tell us what the First Lady should be doing.

And a recent poll revealed that if strongly opinionated voters showed up to the 
polls, the Republicans would easily win back the House. Can Democrats avoid a 
nightmarish November by closing the enthusiasm gap and getting more of their 
supporters to the polls? Vanity Fair's Todd Purdum and the Politico's Jonathan 
Martin will break down whether this is possible or simply easier said than done.

Want more Hardball updates and breaking political news? Follow producer Brooke 
Brower on Twitter -- www.twitter.com/brookebrower. 

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Hardball Briefing for Thursday, July 22

2010-07-22 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Leading off tonight: the President is calling.

The Shirley Sherrod story has pushed everything the White House would prefer to 
talk about - Wall Street reform, jobless benefits passing, Elena Kagan clearing 
the Senate judiciary committee - to the back burner.  The story that just won't 
go away took another turn this morning. Sherrod told The Today Show's Matt 
Lauer that she wanted a phone call from President Obama and a few hours later, 
she got it. Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) and former Congressman Kweisi Mfume will 
discuss whether the White House can put this episode behind them or if 
Sherrod's story will just keep on going.

Plus, today marks a forgettable anniversary. It's been one year since President 
Obama weighed in on the arrest of Henry Louis Gates, turning a small story into 
a media maelstrom. Former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown and Philadelphia 
talk show host Steve Collins break down the media's obsession with stories that 
combine race and politics.  

Sarah Palin still wants to know how that hopey changey thing is workin' out 
for ya? Until someone from the GOP steps up to the plate, Palin inches one day 
closer to becoming the Republican nominee. And now, could Newt Gingrich latch 
on as her running mate? Politico's Roger Simon and the Washington Post's Dan 
Balz play hardball.

That hopey changey thing isn't working for some on the left either. The 
netroots pulled out all the stops for Barack Obama in 2008 but now they're 
among those most disappointed in him. MSNBC Political Analyst Karen Finney and 
Managing Editor of OpenLeft.com Chris Bowers join us to discuss why some of the 
left can't get no satisfaction.

We'll check in with NBC's Charles Hadlock from Venice, LA and find out how the 
tropical depression hovering in the Atlantic will affect the oil spill cleanup.

And finally, Republican Senate candidate Ken Buck learned an old lesson: you 
don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind, you don't pull the 
mask off the old Lone Ranger and you don't make fun of a woman's shoes. That's 
in tonight's Sideshow. 

Want more Hardball updates and breaking political news? Follow producer Brooke 
Brower on Twitter -- www.twitter.com/brookebrower. 

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Hardball Briefing for Monday, June 12

2010-07-12 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - could Republicans take back the House?

Robert Gibbs is now saying publicly what a lot of Democrats have been saying 
privately: that the Democrats could lose the House in November. We also now 
know that the White House strategy: keep moving forward, not back to failed 
Republican policies. Can that work in the face of high unemployment and a 
growing deficit? Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Rep. 
Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) joins us for our top story tonight. 

Next, a debate that has exploded on the left in magazines and blogs in the past 
week. On one side: President Obama has let progressives down. On the other 
side: get over it, he's doing all he can. We'll get into that one with The 
Nation's Eric Alterman, and Neera Tanden from the Center for American Progress. 

Also, the politics of jobs: do unemployment benefits make people lazy? That's 
the argument many Republicans are making in the fight over extending benefits 
for people who have been out of work for a long time. Heritage Foundation 
economist James Sherk and former NYC Public Advocate Mark Green will be with us 
to discuss the pros and cons of support for the unemployed. 

And when it comes to the Senate, the Democrats may have received a break from a 
most unlikely source: the Tea Party. As many as five Senate seats that should 
have been easy Republican wins are now up for grabs because the Tea Partiers 
have sent the GOP careening to the right. Politico's Roger Simon and MSNBC 
Senior Political Analyst Mark Halperin will give us the latest on the Tea 
Party's antics. 

And we'll finish tonight with something a lot less sexy than Lindsay Lohan's 
latest court appearance or Mel Gibson's latest outrage... but a lot more 

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Hardball Briefing for Monday, June 14

2010-06-14 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Leading off tonight: it's day 56. 

It has now been eight weeks since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded in the 
Gulf, and President Obama's reputation for handling a crisis has become 
collateral damage. He needs to demonstrate command and control. The President 
is in the Gulf region today and tomorrow, and is expected to make a speech to 
the nation tomorrow night. A much anticipated meeting with BP CEO Tony Hayward 
is scheduled for Wednesday. We'll go to NBC News Chief White House 
Correspondent and Political Director Chuck Todd and former President and CEO of 
Shell Oil John Hoffmeister for the latest on the political and environmental 
damage caused by the spill.

The one good thing that might come out of this tragedy is that Americans might 
finally admit that it's time to wean ourselves off our addiction to oil. But 
not everyone agrees. Former Senators Trent Lott (R-MS) and John Breaux (D-LA) 
will be joining us for a discussion on the future of offshore drilling in the 

Plus, the forgotten war: Afghanistan. NBC's Richard Engel was with American 
troops when they came under fire this weekend and filed an unforgettable 
report. War correspondent and author of the book War, Sebastian Junger will 
be help us understand these scenes from the battle. 

Also, Roger Simon of Politico and Newsweek will be on set to talk about his 
recent interview with President Obama. MSNBC Political Analyst Howard Fineman 
will be joining in the discussion. 

Finally, a candid camera moment. We'll show you what happened when a couple of 
students working for a right-wing website ambushed a Democratic Congressman. 
Don't miss the Sideshow.

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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, June 9

2010-06-09 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Leading off tonight: winners and losers. 

So who's feeling good tonight after yesterday's voting? Blanche Lincoln, who 
beat an attack from the left, and was endorsed by Bill Clinton, or how about 
Senate majority leader Harry Reid, who will now be running against Tea Party 
extremist Sharron Angle in November. Sarah Palin must be happy too, with 3 out 
of the 4 candidates she endorsed winning last night. Who's not feeling so good? 
The unions and progressives who targeted Lincoln, and the Nevada GOP, who may 
have given Harry Reid the only lifeline he has left. John Harris, 
Editor-in-Chief of Politico, and John Heilmann, New York Magazine and author of 
Game Change, will help us take stock of last night's results. 

Last night's other top story is all the women who won! Meg Whitman, Carly 
Fiorina, Sharon Angle, Nikki Haley ... plus Lincoln. The question is: Can they 
win in the fall. We'll talk to Joan Walsh of Salon, and MSNBC Political Analyst 
Michelle Bernard about the yesterday's surge of girl power in politics. 

Next, How much oil is really leaking? BP says it's capturing 15,000 of barrels 
of oil a day, but we still don't have a read on how much is actually going into 
the gulf.  Is it possible BP just doesn't want to know and doesn't want us to 
know? We'll first talk to John Hofmeister, former President and CEO of Shell 
Oil, and then go to Michael Papantonio, a lawyer representing families in 
lawsuits against BP, about what's going on in Florida. 

Plus, Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capeheart will talk to us about why 
President Obama can't show anger.

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Hardball Briefing for Monday, June 7th

2010-06-07 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Leading off tonight - it's Day 49.

The good news is that BP now says it soon hopes to be able to siphon off 
20,000 barrels of oil a day. The bad news is that the actual amount of oil 
leaking out may be well above the government and BP's estimates. The Obama 
Administration announced today that BP will be paying billions in penalties, 
and also claims by those who have been put out of work by the disaster. 
Jefferson Parish President Steve Theriot and Executive Director of the Santa 
Rosa Island Authority Buck Lee will give us a report from the ground.

Plus, forget whether this could be Obama's Katrina. This is Dick Cheney's 
Katrina. After years of lax regulations and cozy relationships with government 
inspectors, the recipe for disaster can be traced all the way back to the Bush 
years. Mark Halperin of Time Magazine, and Richard Wolffe will have the latest 
on what this means for the White House and the nation.  

It's primary palooza tomorrow. Eleven states will go to the polls, including 
hotly contested races in Nevada, Arkansas, South Carolina and California. The 
results could also determine just how much the Tea Party helps or hurts the 
GOP. In California, Republicans will choose a candidate to go up against 
Barbara Boxer, and Jerry Brown is running for re-election as Governor. In 
Arkansas, two Democrats face each other in a Senate run-off. A sex scandal has 
become the big story surrounding the leading Republican gubernatorial candidate 
in South Carolina. Amy Walter, Editor-in-Chief of The Hotline, and Peter 
Beinart, The Daily Beast contributor and author of The Icarus Syndrome: A 
History of American Hubris, will give us a preview of which elections to 
watch. We'll also be talking to former Nevada GOP State Chair and Senatorial 
candidate Sue Lowden about the Nevada Primary, and find out how she'd beat 
Harry Reid.

Plus, would Sir Elton John play at Rush Limbaugh's wedding, even for a million 
bucks? Yes! Catch Sir Elton and El Rushbro in the Sideshow. 

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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, June 2

2010-06-02 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Leading off tonight - it's Day 44. 

The oil spill has spread to Mississippi, Alabama and Florida. Yesterday, BP 
announced their new Cut and Cap strategy, in response to the failure of Top 
Kill. Will Cut and Cap work? Or will another disappointment wash up on the 
Gulf coast? Florida Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL), and former New Orleans Port 
Authority Chairman Bernard Charbonnet will have the latest on the effects of 
BP's strategy. 

Next, is it time for a little American ingenuity? Maybe the creative juices 
should be flowing instead of oil. Is it time to solicit ideas from the 
brightest minds and imaginations on how to shut down this oil spill? 

Plus, Israel's commando raid of the humanitarian flotilla has turned into a 
diplomatic disaster. The violence that took place on the Turkish ship on Monday 
has strained relations with Turkey, and led to the detentions of over 100 
activists. We'll get the latest from NBC's Andrea Mitchell from Tel Aviv, and 
then Rep. Barney Frank (D- MA) will give us his thoughts on this diplomatic 

Also, a Politics Updat. Artur Davis's loss in Alabama, Obama speech in 
Pittsburgh at Carnegie Mellon, and why Senator Arlen Specter was on Air Force 
One and Sestak wasn't. Joan Walsh of Salon Magazine and Ken Blackwell of the 
Family Research Council and author of The Blueprint will be join the 

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Hardball Briefing for Friday, May 28th

2010-05-28 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, the latest on Top Kill! 

It's day 39 of the spill. It may be another 24 hours before BP can know for 
sure if Top Kill has been successful. BP is also looking into skimming the 
oil off the top of the water using specialized machinery, but has not made any 
decisions yet regarding what to do about the oil already on the surface. Eric 
Smith, Associate Director of Tulane Energy Institute, and former New Orleans 
Port Authority Chairman Bernard Charbonnet will both be joining us from New 
Orleans with the latest on the effort to stop the oil spill.

The Buck Stops Here!

President Obama landed in Grand Isle, Louisiana today, and received a briefing 
about the status of the oil spill and cleanup efforts. Can President Obama show 
the nation that he's in command of the situation? Chuck Todd, MSNBC News Chief 
White House Correspondent, and The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza will be 
joining us to discuss the politics of the crisis.  

Also, NBC has confirmed that former President Bill Clinton tried to convince 
Rep. Joe Sestak get out of the PA Senate race against Arlen Specter. David 
Gregory, Moderator of NBC's Meet The Press, and NBC's Andrea Mitchell will 
have the latest news.

Check out the Sideshow to find out how Rand Paul has managed to stir up yet 
another controversy- it looks like he wants to change the Constitution when it 
comes to children born to illegal immigrants. We'll bring you the tape.

And, we close tonight with some thoughts on the true meaning of Memorial Day.  

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Hardball Briefing for Thursday, May 27th

2010-05-27 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - the latest on the Top Kill plan.

BP's Top Kill procedure may be working though BP officials say they won't 
know for sure that Top Kill is successful for a few days. However, government 
scientists have decided that the leak is much worse than originally thought - 
between 12,000 and 19,000 barrels a day, making it the worst spill in U.S. 
history. In response, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar has announced that 
the government will require certification of emergency shutoff valves on all 
offshore oil wells, in hopes to prevent another environmental disaster. Admiral 
Thad Allen and Ed Overton, Professor of Environmental Sciences, will join us to 
discuss the latest.

Next, under mounting political pressure, President Obama today held his first 
press conference in 10 months. He defended his handling of the oil spill, and 
announced that he has ordered a halt to offshore drilling for the next six 
months. The President is heading down to LA tomorrow to see what else can be 
done. NBC Chief White House Correspondent Chuck Todd and MSNBC Political 
Analyst Howard Fineman will analyze the politics of the crisis.
Next - our Hardball Strategists, Republican strategist Todd Harris and 
Democratic strategist Steve McMahon, will be with us on set to discuss the 
continuing politics of the oil spill, and a possible Sestak scandal. Also, will 
Blumenthal's statements about the Vietnam War affect his chance in the Senate 
race? We'll show you the latest polls. 

Also, Bill Clinton met with President Obama today over lunch. Who could have 
thought that the Clintons would turn out to be such big supporters of the man 
who denied them a return to the White House? We'll take an in-depth look at 
those relationships with NBC's Andrea Mitchell and the Politico's John Harris.  

And, what would Bill Clinton do if he were President during the oil spill? 
We'll bring you Gov. Ed Rendell (D-PA)'s answer in the Hardball Sideshow!

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Hardball Briefing for Tuesday, May 25th

2010-05-25 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - frustration continues to build over the BP mess!

The oil spill has reached the ground in Louisiana. Aggravation in Washington 
and along the gulf coast is rampant among politicians, cleanup crews and local 
residents. BP has announced a top kill plan to plug the leak with mud and 
cement, an operation that may be delayed until Wednesday. Plaquemines Parish 
President Billy Nungesser and Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) will both discuss how 
the oil spill is affecting their home state of Louisiana. 

Next - it's now week five since the oil rig exploded. President Obama is 
heading to the Gulf Coast this Friday to tour the devastation from the oil 
spill. What's next? Who's to blame? We'll ask Reps. Steve Scalise (R-LA) and 
Rep. Nick Hall (D- WV) to weigh in.

Also - Democrats are back on the offense. Can they counter anti-incumbency 
fever? NBC News Chief White House Correspondent Chuck Todd and the Washington 
Post's Chris Cillizza will give you their thoughts.

Finally, the stage could be set for Congress to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell. 
With Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen and Defense Secretary 
Robert Gates on board, the House has a vote planned for later this week to 
overturn the controversial policy. Aubrey Sarvis, Executive Director for 
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, and Joe Solomonese, President of Human 
Rights Campaign, will be with us to discuss.

And catch this - a Republican House candidate has been caught stealing portions 
of a Barack Obama speech. We'll bring you the tape in the Hardball Sideshow. 
Don't miss it! 

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Hardball Briefing for Friday, May 21st

2010-05-21 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - Rand Paul overdrive!
It's Day Two of damage control for the Republican Senate candidate from 
Kentucky. He's still trying to walk back comments about the 1964 Civil Rights 
act. Thing is - he didn't help his cause much today by adding that President 
Obama's criticism of British Petroleum is un-American. Is Paul's candidacy in 
trouble? We'll ask the Chicago Tribune's Clarence page and the Politico's 
Jonathan Martin to weigh in. 
Next - BP announced today that the effects of the oil still in the gulf are far 
worse than they had previously estimated. We'll explore the politics and 
morality of protecting the environment with Sojouner's Jim Wallace. 
Also, the Texas Board of Education is expected to vote to make their mark on 
the history books - literally. And it just so happens that those books will be 
the templates of textbooks used around the country. We'll debate the issue with 
the Dallas Morning News's Wayne Slater and NAACP President Benjamin Jealous.  
Finally, what's up with the Republican Class of 1994? Turns out Congressman 
Mark Souder (R-IN) is just one of many from that group to end up involved in 
scandal. We'll take a look at where that Class of 1994 is now with the 
Washington Post's Chris Cillizza and Melinda Henneberger from PoliticsDaily.com
And Chris had a moment with comedian Chelsea Handler on The Tonight Show last 
night. We'll bring you the tape on the Hardball Sideshow. Don't miss it!

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Hardball Briefing for Monday, April 12

2010-04-12 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First - the elephant(s) in the room!

More than a dozen speakers took the stage at the annual Southern Republican 
Leadership Conference (SRLC) in New Orleans over the weekend. What did we learn 
from the conference about the future of the Republican Party? MSNBC's Political 
Director Howard Fineman and political analyst Eugene Robinson will score this 

And, the retirement of Justice John Paul Stevens leaves a Supreme Court 
vacancy. We'll talk about President Obama's nomination with George Washington 
University professor Jonathan Turley. 

And, just in case you haven't heard . Tina Fey was back at it over the weekend 
reprising her role as former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin on Saturday Night 
Live. Don't miss it in the Sideshow! 

Plus, are Republicans telling whoppers? We'll get down to the truth on 
tonight's Hardball. 

And today, 47 world leaders are gathered in Washington D.C. to meet with 
President Obama at the Nuclear Security Summit. The President hopes to conclude 
the summit with tighter international controls, which will make it more 
difficult for terrorists to obtain materials needed to construct nuclear 
weapons. Can world leaders keep arms away from the bad guys? 

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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, March 31

2010-03-31 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Drill Baby Drill! 

First up - President Obama announced today that he will be opening up a big 
stretch of America's coastlines to oil and gas drilling. Was this a smart 
political move? What's the Republican reaction? Radio Talk Show Host Ron Reagan 
and former Cheney Aide Ron Christie will score this one.

Next - 14 state Attorneys Generals have filed lawsuits challenging the 
constitutionality of the health care reform bill. Georgia's Democratic Attorney 
General Thurbert Baker has rejected such lawsuits and Republicans want him 
impeached. We'll talk to Attorney General Baker himself - don't miss it!  

And, Governor Charlie Crist may be learning a lesson down in Florida . we'll 
explain in the Hardball Sideshow!  

Plus, the father of a fallen marine refuses to pay the legal fees of a Kansas 
church group who picketed at his son's funeral in 2006. The group is known to 
protest at the funerals of fallen soldiers because they say American war deaths 
are God's punishment for America's tolerance of homosexuality. We'll hear from 
Albert Snyder, the father of Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, and his attorney Sean 

Finally, the Catholic Church and the Pope himself have received mounting 
criticism for recent child sex scandals. MSNBC's Political Pat Buchanan and 
Salon Magazine's Joan Walsh will weigh in.

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Hardball Briefing for Monday, March 29th

2010-03-29 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - a big week!

Has President Obama's health care win given strength to his agenda? We'll ask 
MSNBC political analyst Richard Wolffee and Time Magazine's Mark Halperin to 
weigh in.

Next - health care reform has not only bolstered the President, but it appears 
to have energized the Democratic base. Can they carry the momentum into the 
midterms? Former DNC Communucations Director Karen Finney and Republican 
consultant Ron Bonjean will weigh in.

Plus, is tea party anger about opposition to health care or is it about 
changing demographics in the country? Princeton Professor Melissa 
Harris-Lacewell and radio talk show host Dana Loesch will debate that one.

Also, Mitt Romney's got a problem on his hands. As governor of Massachussets, 
he signed a health insurance mandate into law that's very similar to the plan 
in the national health care reform bill. We'll ask the Boston Globe's Peter 
Canellos and the Washington Post's Anne Kornblut to discuss what this means for 
Romney's political future.

And guess which politician donned a wig and bellbottoms for charity. We'll 
bring you the tape in the Hardball Sideshow. Don't miss it!

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Hardball Briefing for Thursday, March 11

2010-03-11 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Tonight - NBC's Chuck Todd is in for Chris Matthews.

When it comes to health care - who's winning the public relations game? Will 
Democrats pass a bill this month? Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) is meeting with 
the President later today. We'll ask him what he thinks, and then go to the New 
York Times's Jeff Zeleny for more. 

Next - the Massa mess gets deeper and deeper. Today the House passed a 
Republican resolution calling for the Ethics Committee to investigate what 
Democratic leaders knew about Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY)'s behavior, and when they 
knew it. We'll bring you the latest with NBC News's Kelly O'Donnell and the 
Atlantic Monthly's Josh Green.

And, primary season is here! Sen. Arlen Specter (D) is facing a tough challenge 
from Rep. Joe Sestak in Pennsylvania. Andrew Romanoff is challenging Sen. 
Michael Bennet (D) in Colorado. Will they pull off the wins? Tonight we'll put 
Specter and Romanoff on the record. 

In the Politics Fix - more bad news for Sen. John Ensign (R-NV) this morning. 
We'll bring you the latest reports with the Daily Beast's Peter Beinart and the 
Politico's Jonathan Martin. 

Also - ousted Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich made an appearance on last 
night's The Late Show. We'll bring you the tape in the Sideshow - you won't 
want to miss this!

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Hardball Briefing for Thursday, February 18

2010-02-18 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - terror in Texas. 

According to officials, a man harboring deep grievances with the IRS crashed a 
small plane into a building housing federal tax employees today in Austin, TX. 
The pilot reportedly left behind a suicide manifesto denouncing the government. 
We'll bring you the latest news from NBC News's Pete Williams and analysis of 
the possible motives involved with Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law 

Next - a very special surprise guest showed up at the conservative CPAC 
conference in Washington, D.C. today. We'll show you who it was and bring you 
all of the hottest soundbites with Matt Kibbe, president of FreedomWorks, and 
Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council.

We'll also talk to J.D. Hayworth, Sen. McCain's primary challenger in Arizona. 
Where does he stand on the major issues? We'll ask him to make his stand!

Plus, conservative George Will threw cold water on Sarah Palin's presidential 
prospects in his latest column. We'll show you what he wrote along with 
analysis of all of the day's headlines with PoliticsDaily.com's Melinda 
Henneberger and MSNBC Political Analyst Michelle Bernard. 

For the latest on all of today's political news, go to the best political 
website www.politics.msnbc.com, powered by NBC News and the National Journal. 
And, don't forget to check out NBC's First Read and MSNBC.com's political 

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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, February 17

2010-02-17 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Tonight: the 2010 race heats up!

Tomorrow the annual Conservative Political Action Conference will kick off in 
Washington and many Tea Party activists are expected to be there. Will the Tea 
Party movement move into the spotlight at CPAC?  

And, today marks the first anniversary of President Obama's stimulus plan. 
Pres. Obama and the White House argue that the money spent has saved America 
from further economic troubles. Republicans challenge that assessment, citing 
the current high unemployment rate of nearly ten percent. Was the money well 

And, major shifts in politics have both Democrats and Republicans fighting for 
seats in the Senate. We'll take a look at the upcoming races we think really 
matter in Texas, Pennsylvania, and Arizona. 

For the latest on all of today's political news, go to the best political 
website www.politics.msnbc.com, powered by NBC news and the National Journal. 
And, don't forget to check out NBC's First Read and MSNBC.com's Hardblogger. 

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Hardball Briefing for Tuesday, February 9

2010-02-09 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up: Frozen.

Who's to blame for the gridlock in Washington? Today Congressional leadership 
met with the President to discuss a jobs bill. Can Republicans and Democrats 
find common ground? We'll bring you reaction from Reps. Jim Moran (D-VA) and 
Scott Garrett (R-NJ). 

For more on today's meeting: 

Next - Sarah Palin got cheers this weekend when she mentioned secession at a 
rally in Texas. Is it really patriotic to advocate leaving your country? What's 
going on in Texas? We'll ask author James Moore and the Dallas Morning News's 
Wayne Slater, who together wrote Bush's Brain.

And is Palin really qualified to be President? The Washington Post's Anne 
Kornblut and Time magazine's Mark Halperin will weigh in. 

For more on Palin: 

In the Sideshow we'll show you a curious billboard in Minnesota starring George 
W. Bush that reads, Miss Me Yet? Talk about stirring the pot! 

Finally, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)'s daughter took on the tea party movement 
yesterday. We'll bring you what she said along with analysis of all the top 
headlines with Newsweek's Howard Fineman and the Chicago Tribune's Clarence 

For more on McCain: 

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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, January 27

2010-01-27 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - President Obama's State of the Union address.
What are we expecting Pres. Obama to say tonight? Senator Claire McCaskill and 
NBC's Chuck Todd will join us with their thoughts. 

For more on the State of the Union address, go to:

Next, more on the State of the Union - Chris lists the three things that the 
president needs to say in tonight. Former Mayor of San Francisco Willie Brown 
and MSNBC political analyst Pat Buchanan will join us to weigh in on what 
should be first and foremost on the agenda. 

For more on the State of the Union address, go to:

Also, we'll take a closer look at the alleged plot by conservative activists to 
tamper with the phone systems in Sen. Landrieu's office. MSNBC's David Shuster 
and MSNBC political analyst Michelle Bernard will join us with the latest.  

For more on James O'Keefe and the scandal, go to: 

And, we'll talk to Republican Strategist Todd Harris and Democratic Strategist 
Steve McMahon about the State of the Union address and what they're expecting 

For more information regarding tonight's address, go to:


And finally, leading up to big speech, we'll talk to Time magazine's Mark 
Halperin and NBC correspondent Andrea Mitchell. 

For even more on what's expected in tonight's address, go to:


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Hardball Briefing for Friday, December 18

2009-12-18 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, the missing piece.

Democrats are having significant problems trying to reach the coveted 60 votes 
on health care.  Conservative Democrats are reluctant and progressives are 
revolting because they say the bill no longer represent true reform. Is the 
Senate missing its late, great lion? Would Senator Ted Kennedy have been able 
to bring Democrats together and possibly get a Republican or two on board? 
We'll ask Senators Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and John Barasso (R-WY).

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34465355/ns/politics-capitol_hill/

Next, political peril in 2010?

Forty Democratic House seats look competitive next year. What does President 
Obama need to do in 2010 to make sure the jobs crisis and toxic political 
climate don't cause a repeat of 1994? We'll discuss the President's options 
with Editor of the Cook Report Charlie Cook and Political Director of Atlantic 
Media Ron Brownstein.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34465035/ns/politics-cq_politics/

Plus, climate change you can believe in? 

The last time the President went to Europe, he failed to obtain Chicago's bid 
for the Olympics. We have breaking news that the President has secured a 
meaningful agreement with China, India, and South Africa. How will this win 
play at home? Can the President convince Americans that it could lead to new 
jobs? We'll play Hardball with MSNBC Political Analyst Pat Buchanan and 
Democratic Strategist Bob Shrum.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34475636/ns/us_news-environment/

Finally, in the Politics Fix, we'll talk about the McCain/Lieberman 
partnership, the newest history on the Clinton impeachment scandal, and the 
rest of the day's political news with Chicago Sun Times' Lynn Sweet and 
Politico's Josh Gerstein.

For more, go to:  http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/

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Hardball Briefing for Thursday, December 17

2009-12-17 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, kill bill: the health care edition.

What can Democrats do now? Progressives are arguing that the health care bill 
has been so compromised that it needs to be killed. However, others are saying 
that another opportunity for health care reform won't happen for another 
generation. We'll play Hardball with White House Senior Advisor David Axelrod 
and Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY).

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34463636/ns/politics-capitol_hill/

Next, losing the left, right and center.

What has happened to the Obama Presidency? In a recent poll, President Obama's 
numbers have begun plummeting in support from all groups. How did an 
administration that generated so much hope reach this point in less than a 
year? We'll discuss the President's falling polling numbers with New York 
Magazine's John Heilemann and MSNBC Political Analyst Harold Ford.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34451672/ns/politics-white_house/

Plus, how to avoid partying like it's 1994.

In 1994, the Democrats lost support from left, right, and center. Can they 
avoid a repeat of history? We'll ask the Hardball Strategists Democrat Steve 
McMahon and Republican Todd Harris.

For more, go to:  

Finally, in the Politics Fix, we'll talk about the newest revelations on the 
Clinton impeachment scandal, politics' most respected list and the rest of the 
day's political news with PoliticsDaily's Melinda Henneberger and Salon's Joan 

For more, go to:  http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/

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Hardball Briefing for Friday, December 11

2009-12-11 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, has Obama moved to the center?

Conservatives are praising President Obama. The President has proposed tax 
breaks for small businesses. He voiced strong support for just wars in his Oslo 
speech and has escalated the war in Afghanistan. Conservatives are approving 
the President for moving to the center. However, liberals say he has always 
been in the center. Who's winning this debate? We'll analyze the President on 
the spectrum with Democratic strategist Michael Feldman and Republican 
strategist John Feehery. 

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34368157/ns/politics-white_house/

Next, the Dean of health care reform?

What does Howard Dean think of the Senate's new compromise on health care? Dean 
was a strong supporter of the public option but now actually backs the new deal 
that includes the idea of a medicare buy-in. Can this deal get the Democrats to 
60 votes? We'll play Hardball with former DNC Chair and former Governor Howard 
Dean (D-VT) tonight. 

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34382286/ns/health-health_care/

Plus, doubting the global warming deniers. 

Leaked emails from global warming experts that appear to cast doubt on the 
science. However, not all the emails appear to be what the global warming 
deniers would make them out to be. We'll discuss these leaked emails with the 
Union of Concerned Scientists' Brenda Ekwurzel.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34325366/ns/politics/

Finally, in the Politics Fix, we'll talk about Democratic electoral 
vulnerability, Obama's political position on the spectrum, and the rest of the 
day's political news with New York Times' Charles Blow and National Journal's 
Ron Brownstein. 

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34381804/ns/politics-white_house/

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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, December 9th

2009-12-09 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, Cheney strikes back!

In an interview, former Vice President Dick Cheney said that the decision to 
hold the terror trial in New York would give aid and comfort to the enemy. 
Did Dick Cheney just accuse the President of treason?  We'll play Hardball with 
former Cheney advisor Ron Christie and Air America Radio Talk Show Host Ron 

For more, go to: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/12/09/2146393.aspx

Next, deal or no deal? 

Harry Reid's gang of ten Democrats may have reached a deal on health care 
reform that ditches the public option. Can liberals live with a deal that 
doesn't have the public option? We'll discuss the deal with Congressman Alan 
Grayson (D-FL).

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34326187/ns/politics-capitol_hill/

Plus, saving Tiger Woods.

Tiger Woods' scandal continues to deconstruct his brand as more and more 
information comes out. Is there a way for Tiger to get out in front of this 
mess and repair his image? We'll ask Chairman of Deutsch, Inc. Donny Deutsch on 
saving Tiger Woods.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34333483/ns/business-sports_biz/

Finally, in the Politics Fix, we'll talk about Sarah Palin's op ed in the 
Washington Post, Palin vs. Gore, and the rest of the day's political news with 
MSNBC Political Analyst Eugene Robinson and Managing Editor of the Financial 
Times Chrystia Freeland.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34325366/ns/politics/

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Hardball Briefing for Tuesday, December 8th

2009-12-08 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, the jobs agenda.

Today, President Obama said we have to spend our way out of this recession. 
He's proposing new infrastructure spending, tax breaks for businesses that 
hire, and tax breaks for energy efficient homes.  Can this plan put six million 
unemployed Americans back to work? What else could the President do? We'll play 
Hardball with two leaders in places hardest hit by the recession Governor 
Jennifer Granholm (D-MI) and Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter.

For more, go to: 
Next, the President and the poll!

The White House mocked a new Gallup Poll that has the President dropping to a 
new low- 47 percent. Should the Democrats be worried about the President's 
polling numbers? What's causing the public support erosion?  Will the trend 
continue? We'll analyze the President's polling numbers and compare with former 
presidents at this point in their times in office with NBC News Chief White 
House Correspondent and Political Director Chuck Todd and Presidential 
Historian Douglas Brinkley.

For more, go to: http://www.newsweek.com/id/225824

Plus, should we stay or should we go in Afghanistan?

On his trip to Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said today, we are 
in this thing to win. What does winning mean? Does winning mean we are in 
Afghanistan long after the July 2011 target date to start leaving? We'll 
discuss the President's strategy in Afghanistan with Armed Services Committee 
Members Congressmen Eric Massa (D-NY) and Jack Kingston (R-GA).

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34326302/ns/politics-capitol_hill/

Finally in the Politics Fix, we'll talk about the GOP's response to Harry 
Reid's slavery comment, how President Obama ranks with the past presidents and 
the rest of the day's political news.

For more, go to:  http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/

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Hardball Briefing for Friday, December 4

2009-12-04 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, hunting Bin Laden.

The President's surge in troops for the campaign in Afghanistan opened a 
Pandora's box of questions for the war. How will we pay for it? Today's United 
States Marines launched the first offensive since the surge announcement. Does 
this make 2011 timeframe for a beginning of withdrawal realistic? Will we catch 
Bin Laden? We'll play Hardball with Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) and General Barry 

For more, go to:  

Next, positive news on jobs?

In a speech in Allentown, Pennsylvania, President Obama delivered some modestly 
good news that unemployment dropped to 10 percent from last month's 10.2 
percent. Furthermore, only 11,000 jobs were shed in November. Now, what does 
the President need to do to create jobs and put people back to work? We'll 
analyze the economic news with NBC News Chief White House Correspondent Chuck 
Todd and former Pennsylvania Governor and Director of Homeland Security Tom 

For more, go to: 

Plus, Palin and the birthers!

Sarah Palin told a radio talk show host that the public is rightfully 
making the President's birth certificate an issue. She later tried to backtrack 
her statements on facebook. Is she trying to have it both ways? We'll discuss 
Palin's statements with MSNBC Political Analysts Michelle Bernard and Pat 

For more, go to: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/12/04/2142650.aspx

Finally, in the Politics Fix, we'll talk about the races that matter to me in 
Texas and Massachusetts, jobs and the rest of the day's political news with 
Political Director of Atlantic Media and MSNBC Political Analyst Howard Fineman.

For more, go to: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/12/04/2142650.aspx

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Hardball Briefing for Thursday, December 3

2009-12-03 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, jobs, jobs and did we mention jobs?

With health care and Afghanistan already on his plate, President Obama has to 
take on the economy. Today, 130 corporate executives, economists and union 
leaders gathered at the White House to discuss how to generate job growth. Will 
this help put people back to work or is this photo-op? We'll talk about the 
economy with Host of CNBC's Mad Money Jim Cramer and Allentown Mayor Ed 
Pawlowski (D-PA).

For more, go to:  

Next, the party crashers saga continues.

The White House is not allowing staffers to testify on what went wrong that two 
uninvited socialites got  through security at a state dinner. We'll analyze the 
politics of stonewalling with Democratic Strategist Steve McMahon and 
Republican Strategist John Feehery.  

For more, go to:  http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34257345/ns/politics-white_house/

Plus, Tom Friedman!

New York Times Columnist and author of Hot, Flat, and Crowded Tom Friedman 
will join us to discuss his opposition to the President's strategy in 
Afghanistan. Friedman has been vocal on energy and global politics and tonight 
he'll play Hardball!

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34260027/ns/politics-white_house/

Finally, in the Politics Fix, we'll discuss the White House stonewalling 
Congress on the party crashers, the return of isolationism and the rest of the 
day's political news with WashingtonPost.com's Chris Cillizza and American 
Urban Radio Network's April Ryan.

For more, go to:  http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34255911/ns/world_news/

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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, December 2

2009-12-02 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, attacked from the left, attacked from the right, President Obama 
stuck in the middle on Afghanistan.

Last night, at West Point Military Academy, President Obama spoke to the 
American people about his plan for Afghanistan. Did he make the case? Criticism 
is coming from the left and right. We'll play Hardball with Congressmen Rep. 
John Murtha (D-PA) and Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) on Afghanistan.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34237432/ns/politics-white_house/

Next, party crasher saga contines.

NBC's Savannah Guthrie obtained emails between the couple and White House 
liason Michelle Jones that suggest that Jones was trying to get them tickets to 
the dinner. Could that explain why the White House didn't kick them out? We'll 
update you on the developments in the White House party crasher story with NBC 
White House Correspondent Savannah Guthrie and Washington Post Columnist Eugene 

For more, go to:  

Plus, the troubles of Mike Huckabee.

Nine years ago, then Governor Mike Huckabee (R-AK) granted clemency to a man 
who went on to kill four police officers in the state of Washington. Today, the 
coordinator for his political action committee in Arkansas resigned. We'll 
analyze the political fallout on the GOP in 2012 with Daily Beast Contributor 
and Republican Strategist Mark McKinnon.

For more, go to: 

Finally, in the Politics Fix, we'll talk about Obama selling the War in 
Afghanistan on the Hill, New York Senate's big vote against gay marriage and 
the rest of the day's political news with MSNBC Political Analyst Howard 
Fineman and New York Times Columnist Bob Herbert.

For more, go to: 

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Hardball Briefing for Friday, November 20

2009-11-20 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, Saturday Night Live!

Tomorrow night, the Senate will debate on whether to let the health care reform 
debate continue onto the floor. The Senate Democrats need 60 votes and no 
Republicans appear to be willing to cross over.  Today, moderate Democrat Ben 
Nelson (D-NE) announced that he would vote to move the bill to the floor and 
bring the Democrats closer to 60. We'll bring you the latest on the health care 
reform debate with Senators Judd Gregg (R-NH) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT).  

For more, go to:  

Next up, the President in the ring.

President Obama has confronted a series of controversial issues that were 
politically risky. Between health care, the New York City terrorism trials, 
Afghanistan, and even mammograms, the Administration has become politically 
vulnerable. How much does President Obama need a victory? We'll play Hardball 
with Atlantic Media's Ron Brownstein and USA Today's Susan Page.

For more, go to:  http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34062589/ns/politics/

Plus, 46 years later.

Sunday will mark the 46th anniversary of the JFK assassination. Even today, we 
still learn new information about one of the most defining moments of the 20th 
century. Recently, new details about the frantic hours after the shooting were 
revealed in a new book. We'll discuss the anniversary with Steven Gillon, 
author of the new book The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours After. 

For more, go to: 

Finally, in the Politics Fix, we'll talk about Palin's vengeance, President 
Obama's problem with deadlines and the rest of the day's political news with 
New York Times' Charles Blow and Washington Post's Anne Kornblut.

For more, go to:  

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Hardball Briefing for Thursday, November 19

2009-11-19 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, health care reform's rogue.

Senator Joe Lieberman (I-CT) supported the Iraq War from the start, endorsed 
John McCain for president, and now he has promised filibuster any healthcare 
plan that involves a public option. Can the former Vice Presidential candidate 
for the Democratic Party actually bring down health care reform? We'll analyze 
the role of Joe Lieberman in the healthcare debate with Ned Lamont, who beat 
Lieberman in a 2006 primary, and radio talk show host Ron Reagan.

For more, go to: 

Next, a controversial mammography study.

A new study said that women should get fewer mammographies and wait till 
they're 50. Some Republicans are claiming that this is the beginning of health 
care rationing. As anger grows and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen 
Sebelius backs away from the study, we'll discuss how this new study will 
impact women and the health care debate with Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman 
Schultz (D-FL) and NBC Chief Science and Health correspondent Robert Bazell.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34040273/ns/health-cancer/

Plus, are Republicans plotting a comeback?

Just a month ago, Republicans celebrated victories in New Jersey and Virginia. 
Today, the Republicans gathered in Austin, Texas for their annual governors' 
meeting. Is the Republican comeback underway? What about Sarah Palin? His 
answer might surprise you.  We'll play Hardball with Governor Haley Barbour 
(R-MS) on the comeback.
For more, go to:  http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/

Finally, in the Politics Fix, we'll talk about the health care debate's big 
vote on Saturday, the GOP in the wilderness and the rest of the day's political 
news with Washingtonpost.com's Chris Cillizza and National Review Online's 
Deroy Murdock.

For more, go to: 

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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, November 18

2009-11-18 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, a compromise on abortion?

Last night on Hardball, Congressman Bart Stupak (D-MI), author of the amendment 
limiting abortion coverage in the House health care reform bill, said he is 
willing to compromise on his amendment's language.  Is this a breakthrough that 
could get health care reform passed? Tonight, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid 
(D-NV) will unveil the Democratic Senate Health Care bill tonight. We'll 
discuss the breakthrough and bring you the latest with MSNBC Congressional 
Correspondent Mike Viqueira and Washington Post health policy reporter Ceci 

For more, go to: 

Next up, the rogue forward!

Drawing huge crowds for her new book Going Rogue, Sarah Palin took her tour 
to Michigan. Hundreds lined up for her book tour but some members of the McCain 
campaign have come out to say that Palin's book is more fiction than anything 
else. We'll bring you the latest on the Palin book tour with NBC News' Andrea 
Mitchell and Salon's Joan Walsh.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34000354/ns/politics/

Plus, terror on trial.

The opposition to trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in New York City has grown 
louder. As Republicans attack the decision, we'll talk about the politics of 
trying the 9/11 terrorists in New York City with Congressmen Dan Lungren (R-CA) 
and Jerry Nadler (D-NY). 

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34015727/ns/us_news-security/

Finally, in the Politics Fix, we'll analyze the new claim that John Edwards 
sought the VP nod from both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in 2008, the 
decision to try KSM and others in New York, and the rest of the day's political 

For more, go to: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/

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Hardball Briefing for Tuesday, November 17

2009-11-17 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, Palinpalooza!

Sarah Palin's book, Going Rogue, came out today and she has begun her 
nationwide tour. Is Going Rogue a possible Palin prescription for America or 
is it more about settling scores with her enemies? We'll discuss her book and 
tour with Atlanta Journal Constitution columnist Cynthia Tucker and MSNBC 
Political Analyst Michael Smerconish.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33913274/ns/politics-more_politics/

Next up, GOP civil war.

What would Ronald Reagan do? Would he be conservative enough for the GOP today? 
As increasingly conservative candidates challenge Republicans in California, 
Florida, and other important races, is it good strategy for the GOP to be 
shifting further right? We'll analyze the GOP civil war with Democratic 
Strategist Steve McMahon and Republican Strategist Todd Harris.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33968673/ns/politics-cq_politics/

Plus, one man could halt health care reform.

Up until a few weeks ago, Congressman Bart Stupak was nationally little known. 
However, the amendment with his name attached to it that limits abortion 
coverage has become the center of the health care debate. We'll play Hardball 
with Congressman Bart Stupak on the role of abortion coverage in the health 
care debate.

For more, go to: 

Finally, in the Politics Fix, we'll talk about Dick Cheney out on the stump for 
Kay Bailey Hutchinson's campaign for governor of Texas, Sarah Palin and the 
rest of the day's political news with Chicago Tribune columnist Clarence Page 
and Assistant Managing Editor of Politico Jeanne Cummings.  

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33936860/ns/politics-white_house/

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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, November 11

2009-11-11 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, big tent vs. pure party?

Republicans are not alone in fighting among themselves. Liberals in the 
Democratic Party are furious at fellow Democrats for voting for increased  
restrictions on abortion. Now, groups like NARAL, are considering funding 
primary challengers to Democrats who voted for the restrictions. Can the 
Democratic Party be in the majority with a pure party?  We'll discuss the 
composition of the Democratic Party with President of NARAL Nancy Keenan and 
Daily Beast's Peter Beinart.

For more, go to:  http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/11/10/2123551.aspx

Next, the latest on the Fort Hood Shooting.

As more information comes in about the events leading up to the massacre at 
Fort Hood, were there missed warning signs? Could there have been a fear of 
accusations of being anti-Muslim that caused warnings to be over looked? We'll 
analyze and bring you the latest on the Fort Hood investigation with NBC News 
Terrorism Analyst Evan Kohlmann and Director of NYU's Moral Courage Project and 
author of The Trouble with Islam Today Irshad Manji.

For more, go to:  

Plus, Republican resurgence?

A new Gallup Poll has Republicans beating Democrats in a generic Congressional 
poll by four points. Now, the GOP is planning to resurrect their angry town 
halls.  Is the GOP on the path to a return to power? We'll play Hardball with 
MSNBC Political Analysts Pat Buchanan and Eugene Robinson.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33839733/ns/politics-white_house/

Finally, in the Politics Fix, New York Magazine's John Heilemann and 
PoliticsDaily.com's Melinda Henneberger will join us to talk about the 
developments in Afghanistan, abortion and the health care bill, and the rest of 
the day's political news.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33859338/ns/politics-white_house/

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Hardball Briefing for Tuesday, November 10

2009-11-10 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, missed signals?

Did intelligence fail to stop the massacre at Fort Hood? Major Nidal Malik 
Hasan was in contact with a radical cleric in Yemen connected to two of the 
9/11 hijackers. He made some hostile statements about the wars in Afghanistan 
and Iraq as well. We'll analyze the new developments with former CIA case 
officer Bob Baer and Time.com columnist Roger Cressey.

For more, go to: 

Next, abortion and the health care debate.

Could abortion be the Achilles' heel for health care reform? In order to pass 
health care in the House, an anti-abortion amendment was added to the health 
care legislation that puts new restrictions on abortion.  Liberals are vowing 
to defeat the bill if the restrictions survive. Can health care reform pass if 
both sides are determine to kill a bill based on abortion? We'll ask 
Congresswoman Diana DeGette (D-CO), Co-Chair of the Congressional Pro-Choice 
Caucus, and Politico's Jonathan Allen to give us the latest on the Hill.  

For more, go to: 

Plus, the evolution of Obama.

What would Candidate Obama think of President Obama? We'll play Hardball with 
Obama Campaign Manager David Plouffe, author of The Audacity to Win, on the 
Campaign and Presidency of Barack Obama.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33562673/

Finally, in the Politics Fix, MSNBC Political Analyst Howard Fineman and 
Atlanta Journal Constitution's Cynthia Tucker will join us to discuss Bill 
Clinton's visit to the Hill, abortion's role in the health care bill and the 
rest of the day's political news.

For more, go to: 


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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, November 4

2009-11-04 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, the GOP's big night.

Last night, the Republican Party won in two major gubernatorial races in 
Virginia and New Jersey. However, the highly publicized 23rd Congressional 
District in New York became Democratic for the first time in over a century. 
We've got the biggest names to break down what the voters decided last night. 
We'll have RNC Chairman Michael Steele and White House Press Secretary Robert 
Gibbs to discuss Decision 2009's results.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33620711/ns/politics-more_politics/

Plus, lessons from last night.

What happened to the 2008 Obama voters? Yesterday, low turnout assisted in the 
losses in Virginia and New Jersey. What are the lessons of last night's 
election? We'll translate yesterday's election implications with NBC News 
Political Director Chuck Todd and NBC News Political Analyst Charlie Cook.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33597807/ns/politics-more_politics/

Next, spin the win.

Republicans and Democrats are arguing that their side won last night. How are 
the Democrats explaining their losses in Virginia and New Jersey? What about 
the Republicans in New York? Democratic Strategist Steve McMahon and Republican 
Strategist Todd Harris will spin their wins tonight!

For more, go to: 

Finally, in the Politics Fix, PoliticsDaily.com's Melinda Henneberger and NY 
Observer's Steve Komacki will analyze the consequences of yesterday's election, 
the impact of the NY-23 results, and the rest of the day's political news.

For more, go to: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/11/04/2118659.aspx

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Hardball Briefing for Tuesday, November 3

2009-11-03 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, Decision 2009!

President Obama is not on the ballot but today's election results in Virginia, 
New Jersey, and New York might be a referendum on the President's first year in 
office. Is this a preview of 2010's elections? We'll bring you the latest with 
NBC News Political Director and Chief White House Correspondent Chuck Todd and 
MSNBC Political Analyst Howard Fineman.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33597807/ns/politics-more_politics/

Next up, big night for the GOP?

The Republican Party has a very good chance of winning with Bob McDonnell in 
Virginia and a tight race in New Jersey. In New York's 23rd Congressional race, 
the GOP has come around to support the Conservative Party candidate, Doug 
Hoffman. But who's running the GOP?  Victory in these races could drive 
moderates out of the Republican Party as Sarah Palin and the tea party 
activists exert influence. We'll talk to Governor Haley Barbour (R-MS) and 
former Governor Christie Todd Whitman (R-NJ) on what tonight means to the GOP.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33591486/ns/politics-more_politics/

Plus, tea party power.

In NY-23, the original Republican candidate Dede Scozzafava was forced out for 
not being conservative enough by the Palin-Limbaugh-Tea Party coalition. Who 
are the next targets? Charlie Christ of Florida or Kay Bailey Hutchinson of 
Texas? We'll play Hardball with Club for Growth President and former 
Congressman Chris Chocola (R-IN) and MSNBC Political Analyst Michael 

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33596984/ns/msnbc_tv-morning_joe/

Finally, in the Politics Fix, New York Post's Fred Dicker and National Review 
Online's Deroy Murdock will join us to discuss the race in the New York 23rd 
Congressional district and the latest on today's election news.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33593092/ns/politics-more_politics/

Be sure to watch our live 5 pm, 7 pm, and midnight special coverage. Former New 
York Governor Eliot Spitzer (D-NY), Congressman Eric Cantor (R-VA), and many 
more will join us to bring the latest news on Decision 2009!

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Hardball Briefing for Monday, November 2

2009-11-02 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, the elephant in the room. 

Over the weekend, Republican moderate candidate Diedre Scozzafava dropped out 
of the race for the New York 23rd Congressional seat and endorsed the 
Democratic candidate Bill Owens. The Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman 
garnered national attention with support from Sarah Palin and the tea party 
people. Tomorrow's elections could define the Republican Party. Who runs the 
Republican Party? Will the moderates still remain a welcome group or will the 
grassroots groups take control of the party? Who's next if the populism of the 
tea party wins? We'll analyze tomorrow's big elections with MSNBC political 
analysts Newsweek's Howard Fineman and Washington Post's Eugene Robinson.

For more, go to: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/11/02/2116435.aspx

Next up, a Philly stand.

The Philadelphia Phillies lost their third straight game in the World Series 
last night. We'll ask Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter to talk about 
tomorrow's elections and whether the Phillies can stay alive tonight in the 
World Series.

For more, go to: 

Plus, the dithering memory loss of Dick Cheney.

On Friday, the FBI released the transcript of the interview that Dick Cheney 
had during the Valerie Plame CIA leak investigation. Cheney declared, as his 
answer, that he had forgotten 72 times in the interview concerning key aspects 
of the investigation like whether he told his chief of staff, Scooter Libby, 
about Joe Wilson's wife working for the CIA.  We'll discuss this new 
development in the CIA leak case with Newsweek's Michael Isikoff and Mother 
Jones' David Corn.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33122004/ns/politics-more_politics/

Finally, in the Politics Fix, we'll play Hardball with New Yorker's Rick 
Hertzberg, author of Obamanos, and Washington Post's Anne Kornblut on who 
will control the GOP tomorrow, Afghanistan's election, and the rest of the 
day's political news.

For more, go to: 

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Hardball Briefing for Monday, October 26

2009-10-26 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, great expectations? 

The new cover of Newsweek says it all: Yes He Can - But He Sure Hasn't Yet. Is 
President Obama disappointing liberals or were the expectations too great? 
We'll discuss the expectations of President Obama with MSNBC Political Analysts 
Harold Ford and Newsweek's Howard Fineman.  

For more, go to: http://www.newsweek.com/id/218233

Next up, the power of cable.

The White House has continued its war with Fox Is the White House losing this 
fight even if it didn't start the war? We'll analyze the conflict with Vanity 
Fair's Michael Wolff and DC Correspondent for The Nation John Nichols.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33479739/ns/politics-white_house/
Plus, the response to Cheney.

Surprising figures have criticized Dick Cheney for his dithering statement 
concerning President Obama's Afghanistan policy. Senator John McCain, Senator 
Orrin Hatch, and Columnist George Will all hit Cheney on his statement.  Will 
said a bit of dithering might have been in order before the invasion of Iraq 
in search of weapons that didn't exist. We'll play Hardball with former Deputy 
Assistant to Vice President Cheney Ron Christie and former San Francisco 
Democratic Mayor Willie Brown.

For more, go to: 

Finally, in the Politics Fix, MSNBC Political Analyst Eugene Robinson and U.S. 
Managing Editor of The Financial Times Chrystia Freeland will join us to talk 
the New York gubernatorial race, the expectations of President Obama, and the 
rest of the day's political news.

For more, go to: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/10/26/2108209.aspx

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Hardball Briefing for Thursday, October 22

2009-10-22 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, Cheney's war.

Former Vice President Dick Cheney has popped up again to criticize President 
Obama. In a speech on Wednesday night, Cheney accused President Obama of 
waffling on our own troops in Afghanistan and declared, The White House must 
stop dithering while America's forces are in danger. What credibility does 
Cheney have on Afghanistan? We'll discuss Dick Cheney's comments with Center 
for Security Policy and former Under Secretary of Defense Frank Gaffney and Air 
America's Ron Reagan.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33426929/ns/politics-white_house/

Next up, Congressman Alan Grayson (D-FL) won't back down. Yesterday on the 
House floor, he promoted his new website namesofthedead.com which allows 
readers to post personal stories about deaths relating to a lack of health 
care. However, the website has a link where people can make donations to 
Grayson's campaign. Is that crossing the line? We'll play Hardball with 
Congressman Alan Grayson (D-FL) on health care and his new website.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33356530/ns/politics-capitol_hill/

Plus, enemies list in the White House?

Is the White House keeping an enemies list against conservative media and big 
business? Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and House Minority Leader John Boehner 
(R-OH) think so. We'll talk about this enemies list with Democratic 
Strategist Steve McMahon and Republican Strategist Leslie Sanchez.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33414587

Finally, the Politics Fix, Atlantic Media's Ron Brownstein and MSNBC Political 
Analyst Pat Buchanan will join us to analyze the Feds ordering executive pay 
cuts, Cheney vs. Obama, and the rest of the day's political news.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33428472/ns/business-us_business/

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Hardball Briefing for Tuesday, October 20

2009-10-20 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, who are the Oath-Keepers?

The Oath-Keepers are a group that formed a few months after President Obama 
entered into office and they declared their fears of the government. Well 
trained and passionate, what are the goals of the Oath-Keepers? Are they 
dangerous? We'll play Hardball with the founder of the Oath-Keepers Stewart 
Rhodes and Southern Poverty Law Center's Mark Potok.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33160425/

Next up, Wall Street greed.

Washington bailed out Wall Street but Wall Street has responded by returning 
back to their old ways of bonuses and perks. Greed is not good. We'll analyze 
Wall Street's greed with New York Time's Andrew Ross Sorkin, author of Too Big 
to Fail.

For more, go to: 

Plus, a tug-of-war over Afghanistan.

The debate on sending more troops to Afghanistan became more complicated as the 
Afghanistan election will have a runoff on November 7th. The decision of 
whether to send reinforcements to Afghanistan might rest on the existence of a 
stable, legitimate government in Kabul. Foreign Relations Committee member 
Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) joins us discuss the 
Afghanistan strategy.

For more, go to: 

Finally, in the Politics Fix, we'll talk about the new Washington Post-ABC News 
Poll, anti-Semitic comments from South Carolina, and the rest of the day's 
political news with Washington Post.com's Chris Cillizza and New York Times' 
Charles Blow.

For more, go to: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/10/20/2103484.aspx


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Hardball Briefing for Monday, October 19

2009-10-19 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, is the White House trying to outfox Fox News?

Over the weekend, White House advisers amplified their attacks on Fox News in 
claiming that the network is a mouthpiece for the Republican Party. Is this a 
smart strategy for the White House? We'll analyze the White House attack 
strategy with MSNBC Political Analysts Eugene Robinson and Pat Buchanan.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33376836/ns/politics-white_house/

Next up, the races that matter to Chris.

Pennsylvania's Senate Democratic Primary should be one of the fiercest contests 
as Congressman Joe Sestak (D-PA) is challenging former GOP Senator Arlen 
Specter.  Over the weekend, former Democratic Senate nominee Ned Lamont 
endorsed Sestak and the polls show a very close race. We'll have Congressman 
and Senatorial candidate Joe Sestak and former Democratic Senate nominee Ned 
Lamont (D-CT) to talk about the race.


For more, go to: 

Plus, the politics of women.

A new report tracks the progress of women in the workplace over the past 
several decades. Is the battle between the sexes over? How has the recession 
changed women's role in the economy? We'll discuss the report with California 
First Lady Maria Shriver.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33196583/ns/business-consumer_news/

Finally, in the Politics Fix, Newsweek's Howard Fineman and Salon's Joan Walsh 
will join us to talk White House vs. Fox News, the latest on Afghanistan, and 
the rest of the day's political news.

For more, go to: 


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Hardball Briefing for Friday, October 16

2009-10-16 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, the balloon hoax?

Authorities are still trying to piece together yesterday's frantic balloon 
boy search. Thousands of tax dollars were utilized in search of the six year 
old was thought to have been in a balloon out of control in Colorado. The child 
was found safe in his own home. We'll bring you the latest with NBC's Leanne 
Gregg and incite on the family with Heree Silver who participated in the 
reality show Wife Swap with balloon boy's family. 

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33340547/ns/us_news-life/

Next up, tea party!

Tea Party politics are helping to drive politics across the country in 
protests targeting Democrats and even Republicans. What do they want? In 
opposing moderate Republicans, could they be harming 2010 ambitions to retake 
the House? We'll play Hardball with Texas Tea Party Patriot Organizer Phillip 
Dennis on what the tea parties are doing.

For more, go to: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/category/1353.aspx

Plus, a different world? 

A new study by Greenberg-Quinlan Rosner Research says tea partiers live in a 
very separate world than the rest of the political world. Who are these tea 
partiers? What makes a person become a tea partier?  We'll discuss surprising 
results of the study with Mother Jones' David Corn and Atlantic Media's Ron 

For more, go to: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/10/16/2100747.aspx
Finally, in the Politics Fix, MSNBC Political Analysts Pat Buchanan and Eugene 
Robinson will join us to talk President Obama and former President George H.W. 
Bush's event in Texas, John McCain's Jack Johnson request of Obama, and the 
rest of the day's political news.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33340271/ns/politics-white_house/

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Hardball Briefing for Thursday, October 15

2009-10-15 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, fumbling Rush Limbaugh away.

The group, who attempting to buy the NFL team St. Louis Rams, has dropped Rush 
Limbaugh from becoming a possible minority owner. Was it fair? We'll play 
Hardball with President of the National Action Network Reverend Al Sharpton and 
MSNBC Political Analyst Pat Buchanan on the politics of trying to buy a sports 

For more, go to: http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/33318572/ns/sports-nfl/

Next up, repaying the bailout:

Goldman Sachs, among other bailed out banks, announced large profits and 
bonuses yesterday. Now that thee banks are making money again, shouldn't they 
pay back their loans on time like everyone else? We'll analyze the bailed out 
banks' status with Host of CNBC's Mad Money Jim Cramer.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33324165/ns/business-earnings/

Plus, airlines cutting back:

Airlines are cutting back on pay and pensions of their employees and raising 
prices of tickets. Is there anything Washington can do? Are there further cuts 
to come? We'll discuss the future of the airlines with author of Highest Duty 
Chesley Sullenberger.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33317821/ns/travel-business_travel/

Finally, in the Politics Fix, Syndicated Columnist Ruben Navarette and 
Washington Post's Anne Kornblut will join us to talk about Hillary Clinton's 
polling numbers, Wall Street reform, and the rest of the day's political news.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33317821/ns/travel-business_travel/


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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, October 14

2009-10-14 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, Finance Committee milestone!

Senator Olympia Snowe's (R-ME) one vote on the Senate Finance Committee made 
the Baucus Bill pass with bipartisan support. What's next for health care? Are 
there more Republicans willing to back the health care reforms once on the 
Senate floor? We'll discuss the state of health care reform with Senators 
Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Susan Collins (R-ME).

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33299482/ns/politics-capitol_hill/

Next up, targeting the GOP: change tea partiers can believe in?

Up until recently, Democrats have been the targets of tea party protests. Now, 
tea party protesters are targeting moderate Republicans like Senator Lindsay 
Graham (R-SC) and Governor Charlie Crist (R-FL) for not being conservative 
enough. Does this hurt the GOP's chances of retaking power in 2010? We'll play 
Hardball with Florida State Coordinator for the Tea Party Patriots Everett 
Wilkinson and Tea Party Organizer Allen Olson.

For more, go to: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/10/12/2096020.aspx

Plus, the politics of the death penalty.

A probe into the execution of an arson suspect has turned into a real political 
problem for Governor Rick Perry on a national scale. Is it possible that the 
suspect was innocent? What does this do for the death penalty debate? Could 
this turn the tide for Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-TX) who is running 
against Governor Perry in the Gubernatorial primary? We'll talk to Dallas 
Morning News Senior Political Writer Wayne Slater and former Presiding Officer 
of the Texas Forensic Science Commission Samuel Bassett on the politics of the 
death penalty.

For more, go to: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/10/12/2095974.aspx

Finally, in the Politics Fix, we'll continue our discussion of health care with 
Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) and see where health care reform is going.

For more, go to :  

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Hardball Briefing for Monday, October 12

2009-10-12 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, NFL's Rush game!

Radio personality Rush Limbaugh has an audience of 21 million listeners every 
day but now, he is trying to participate in purchasing the NFL's St. Louis 
Rams, a team that has not won a game in a year. No stranger to controversy, 
Limbaugh's possible participation has received criticism from the NFL Players' 
Union head as well as the Reverend Al Sharpton. We'll talk about this 
controversy with MSNBC commentator Stephen A. Smith and AOL FanHouse's Kevin 

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33244211/

Next up, Nobel Prize points for the GOP? 

The GOP continues to criticize President Obama's winning of the Nobel Prize and 
even going as far as to fundraise off it. Will this help the GOP make political 
gains? Can winning this award backfire for the President? We'll play Hardball 
with Vanity Fair's Christopher Hitchens and President of Air America Radio Mark 

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33257416/ns/politics/

Plus, the end of the beginning or beginning of the end?

Along with Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, top business economists are declaring 
that the Great Recession is over but what about the jobs? The jobless rate is 
still close to 10 percent. Is the worst over? Has the system changed enough to 
prevent another recession? We'll analyze the prospect of the recession being 
over with CNBC's Mad Money host Jim Cramer. 

For more, go to: 

Finally, in the Politics Fix, MSNBC Political Analysts Pat Buchanan and Eugene 
Robinson will join us to discuss the moderate GOP saying to tone down the 
rhetoric, Limbaugh's NFL controversy, and the rest of the day's political news.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33277393/ns/politics-more_politics/

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Hardball Briefing for Friday, October 9

2009-10-09 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, October Oslo Surprise!

This morning, President Obama was unexpectedly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. 
The President has responded that he is surprised and humbled and will accept 
the prize in Oslo and will donate the prize money to charity. Is it too soon? 
Are these expectations from the world possibly too much? And has the right gone 
off the deep end in commenting on the award?  We'll discuss the October 
surprise with Washington Bureau Chief of Mother Jones David Corn and MSNBC 
Analyst Political Pat Buchanan.  

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33237202/ns/politics-white_house/

Next up, tangled Rangel.

Yesterday, the House Ethics Committee announced an expansion into Chairman of 
the House Ways and Means Committee Congressman Charlie Rangel's (D-NY) 
finances. How should the Democrats go about addressing Rangel's problems? We'll 
analyze the difficult position of Democrats in the Rangel scandal with 
Democratic Strategist and former Democratic Counsel to the House Judiciary 
Committee Julian Epstein and former Spokesman to Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) 
John Feehery.

For more, go to: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/10/09/2093695.aspx

Plus, the President and gay rights.

The President will give his first speech directly to the gay community 
tomorrow. President Obama's administration came to power with high expectations 
for the gay community but has offered little action.  What should be expected 
from the President tomorrow?  Can he live up to campaign promises to a group 
that overwhelmingly supported him. We'll play Hardball with Human Rights 
Campaign President Joe Solmonese and Gay Rights Activist and Organizer of the 
National Equality March Cleve Jones.  

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33228688/ns/politics-capitol_hill/

Finally, in the Politics Fix, Moderator of NBC's Meet the Press David Gregory 
and Atlantic Media Political Director Ron Brownstein will join us to talk about 
the Nobel Prize, a new Washington Post poll on the Virginia governor's race, 
and the rest of the day's political news.

For more, go to: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/10/09/2094094.aspx


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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, October 7

2009-10-07 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, year eight.

Today marks the 8th year of the War in Afghanistan. Are we winning? Almost 
1,500 coalition deaths and countless civilian deaths later, is the United 
States using the best strategy in order to achieve a victory? We'll play 
Hardball on the direction of the War in Afghanistan with Congressmen Mac 
Thornberry (R-TX), Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and NBC's Andrea Mitchell will bring 
you the latest from the White House.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33209477/ns/politics-white_house/

Plus, the politics of war.

Former Senator and author of Heart of a Patriot Max Cleland will join us to 
discuss how the politics of the War in Afghanistan is affecting President 
Obama's agenda and what lessons should be learned from the war.
For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33194092/ns/politics-white_house/

Next up, GOP gaining?

A new Gallup Poll seems to show the GOP is gaining some ground. Will this be a 
trend that will influence the upcoming gubernatorial races and 2010 Senate 
races? We'll analyze the possibility of a GOP comeback with Politico's John 
Harris and Editor of the Cook Political Report and NBC Political Analyst 
Charlie Cook.

For more, go to: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/10/07/2091594.aspx

Finally, in the Politics Fix, Salon's Joan Walsh and MSNBC Political Analyst 
Michael Smerconish will join us to talk about Afghanistan, the big troubles of 
Senator John Ensign (R-NV) and Congressman Charlie Rangel (D-NY), and the rest 
of the day's political news.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33195813/ns/politics-capitol_hill/


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Hardball Briefing for Tuesday, October 6

2009-10-06 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, debating the War in Afghanistan.

Tomorrow marks eight years since the beginning of the War in Afghanistan, the 
debate over the direction of the War in Afghanistan heats up. On Monday, the 
White House declared that the decision on Afghanistan could define President 
Obama's first year as commander in chief and has called for a bipartisan 
meeting. We'll discuss the War in Afghanistan with Congressmen Ike Skelton 
(D-MO) and Duncan Hunter, Jr. (R-CA).

For more, go to: 

Plus, is the Obama Presidency missing an ingredient for success?

President Obama entered the White House with an unprecedented amount of major 
issues to address.  A series of op-eds are now criticizing the President's lack 
of success on major problems. Is there something missing in his attempt to deal 
with so many concerned areas? We'll play Hardball with former Bush Chief of 
Staff Andy Card and former Clinton Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers to see if 
perhaps the President needs another element in order to succeed.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33153736/ns/politics/

Next, the show must go on!

Last night, David Letterman apologized on his show to his wife for the recently 
revealed affairs with women from his show. We'll bring you the latest on the 
extortion plot scandal with Washington Post Style Reporter Paul Farhi and the 
New York Times' Bill Carter.

For more, go to: 

Finally, in the Politics Fix, MSNBC Political Analysts Howard Fineman and Pat 
Buchanan will join us to analyze Obama's missing ingredient to a successful 
presidency, the New Jersey and Virginia gubernatorial races, and the rest of 
the day's political news.

For more, go to: 


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Hardball Briefing for Tuesday, September 29

2009-09-29 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, pitched public option battle.

Today, the public option was defeated in the Senate Finance Committee with a 
small group of moderate Democratic Senators siding with the Republicans against 
it. We'll discuss the future of the public option and health care with Finance 
Committee members Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT).

For more, go to: 

Next up, the new GOP?

Sarah Palin has a new book coming out soon! Is she the path for the GOP to 
return to power? Can she lead the party?  We'll discuss Sarah Palin's role in 
the future of the GOP with Republican Strategist Todd Harris and Democratic 
Strategist Steve McMahon.

For more, go to: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/09/29/2082506.aspx

Plus, capitalism: a debate,

In his new documentary, Captialism: A Love Story, Michael Moore makes a 
passionate attack on modern capitalism. Tonight, he'll play Hardball on his new 

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33003355/ns/business-media_biz//

Finally, in the Politics Fix, PoliticsDaily.com's Melinda Henneberger and New 
York Times' Charles Blow will join us to talk health care, Roman Polanski, and 
the rest of the day's political news.

For more, go to: 

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Hardball Briefing for Thursday, September 24

2009-09-24 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, Massachusetts has a new Senator!

Today, former Democratic Party Chairman Paul Kirk Jr. became Massachusetts' new 
Senator to replace the late Ted Kennedy and become the Democrats' 60th Senator. 
 We'll discuss this development Governor Deval Patrick (D-MA).

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32999189/ns/politics-capitol_hill/

Next up, a new era of diplomacy.

All this week at the UN, President Obama has stressed a diplomatic reengagement 
with the world. His efforts have had some failure as Israel's settlement 
expansion continues but there were successes as Obama has made large gains in 
improving relations with Russia. Will this new era work in the long run? 
We'll play Hardball with former Newt Gingrich Press Secretary Tony Blankley and 
Center for American Progress' Jennifer Palmieri.

For more, go to: 

Plus, We love New York: the political fight over Governor David Paterson (D-NY).

Recently, the White House allegedly inserted itself into the gubernatorial race 
in New York. Should the White House be intervening on a race if it doesn't 
approve of the candidate? We'll analyze the politics of the New York 
gubernatorial race with NY Post's Fred Dicker and NY1 Senior Political Reporter 
Dominic Carter.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32957752/ns/politics-more_politics/

Finally, in the Politics Fix, Washington Post.com's Chris Cillizza and Daily 
Beast's Jon Conason will join us to talk about Bill Clinton's media blitz, Paul 
Kirk being picked for Kennedy's seat, and the rest of the day's political news.

For more, go to: 


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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, September 23

2009-09-23 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, beamed up from the big house!

Former Congressman Jim Traficant (D-OH), famous for his eccentric floor 
speeches accentuated by the Star Trek phrase beam me up, was freed from 
federal prison after a seven-year sentence. He'll join us to discuss his time 
in prison and what his future plans are going to be.  

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32793139/ns/politics-more_politics/

Next up, Afghanistan: political catch-22?

As President Obama explores options in strategy in Afghanistan, does either 
route harm him politically? Is there a middle ground in debating military 
strategy in Afghanistan? We'll analyze the fallout of possible political 
decisions on Afghanistan with former Clinton Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers and 
MSNBC's Pat Buchanan.

For more, go to: 

Plus, conservatives lashing out?

Recently, Sarah Palin addressed an annual conference of investors in Hong Kong 
where she criticized the US Federal Reserve and President Obama. A congressman 
in South Carolina is claiming that fellow conservatives are on the hunt for 
RINOs or Republicans In Name Only members. Are conservatives striking at 
everyone and anything? Is it good for political debate in the US? We'll discuss 
that state of conservatives in America with author of The Death of 
Conservatism Sam Tanenhaus.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32979700/ns/politics-more_politics/

Finally, in the Politics Fix, Salon's Joan Walsh and Politico's Jonathan Martin 
will join us to talk about Afghanistan strategy, Governor Deval Patrick's 
(D-MA) decision on a Senate pick, and the rest of the day's political news.

For more, go to: 


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Hardball Briefing for Tuesday, September 22

2009-09-22 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, the Obama media blitz aftermath.

Today a new NBC-Wall Street Journal poll gives an idea on what the public 
thinks of President Obama's performance in the wake of his appearances on four 
Sunday morning shows and the Late Show with David Letterman. We'll analyze the 
poll's results with NBC Chief White House Correspondent and Political Director 
Chuck Todd and Politico's Roger Simon.

For more, go to: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/09/22/2076960.aspx

Next up, War in Afghanistan: strategy divided?

With the War in Afghanistan declining in public support, a resurgent Taliban, 
and the top commander requesting more troops, is the White House boxed in on 
Afghanistan? Is there a major conflict brewing between the White House and 
Pentagon over strategy? We'll play Hardball with former Assistant Secretary of 
Defense Frank Gaffney and radio talk show host Ron Reagan on the War in 

For more, go to: 

Plus, the Obamas as a couple.

We'll have Christopher Anderson, author of Barack and Michelle: Portrait of an 
American Marriage, to discuss how the couple's relationship influenced the 
2008 campaign and the Obama Presidency.  

For more, go to: 

Finally, in the Politics Fix, Chicago Tribune's Clarence Page and USA Today's 
Susan Page joins us to talk about former President Clinton's comments on race, 
President Obama's tone last night, and the rest of the day's political news. 

For more, go to: 

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Hardball Briefing for Monday, September 21

2009-09-21 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, more US troops in Afghanistan?

The top US and NATO commander in Afghanistan reported to the president that the 
US might fail in the war without more troops. We'll play Hardball with Senators 
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) on the direction of the 
War in Afghanistan.

For more, go to: 
Next up, Obama media blitz!

The President appeared on five Sunday morning talk shows and he'll be on the 
Late Show with Letterman tonight. Does the White House think there's no such 
thing as too much? We'll analyze the President's media blitz with Newsweek's 
Howard Fineman and Washington Post's Eugene Robinson.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32953632/ns/politics-white_house/

Plus, more drama from John Edwards,

In a new book, an ex-aide alleges that John Edwards used campaign funds to hide 
an affair. Edwards previously denied being the father of Rielle Hunter's baby. 
Is that about to change? We'll talk about it with Washington Post's Anne 
Kornblut and Mother Jones' David Corn.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32928719/ns/today-today_books/

Finally, in the Politics Fix, radio host Michael Smerconish and NY1's Dominic 
Carter will join us to talk about the White House vs. Governor David Paterson 
(D-NY), Obama on Letterman, and the rest of the day's political news.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32933950/ns/politics-more_politics/


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Hardball Briefing for Tuesday, September 15

2009-09-15 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, the politics of a sanction.

Today, the House of Representatives voted to formally criticize Congressman Joe 
Wilson (R-SC). Does it end on the House floor? We'll play Hardball with 
Congresswoman Donna Edwards (D-MD) and Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) on how 
long is this fight is going to go.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32858805/ns/politics-capitol_hill/


Next up, bipartisan backing?

Can the White House get any takers on health care from the Republican Party? 
We'll discuss the possibility with NBC News Chief White House Correspondent 
Chuck Todd and MSNBC Political Analyst Howard Fineman on the ability of 
bipartisan to actually happen on health care. 

For more go to: 
Plus, can Wall Street embrace change?

One year ago, the United States economy began its spiral downward with the 
collapse of Lehman Brothers.  The Obama Administration rushed a stimulus 
package that assisted in pulling the country back. But has Wall Street changed 
or are they making the same mistakes that created the mess?  We'll discuss the 
state of Wall Street with New Yorker's James Stewart and New York Times' Andrew 
Ross Sorkin.

For more, go to: 

Finally, in the Politics Fix, we'll talk about the role of race in protests, 
the formal sanctioning of Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC), and the rest of the 
day's political news with MSNBC Political Analyst Eugene Robinson and 
PoliticsDaily.com's Melinda Henneberger.

For more, go to: 


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Hardball Briefing for Friday, September 11

2009-09-11 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, NBC's Chief White House Correspondent and Political Director Chuck 
Todd in for Chris Matthews, what a week!

In the past week, the President delivered controversial speech to students, a 
dramatic health care address to Congress, and the anniversary of 9/11 is today. 
We'll talk to White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on whether this week was 
a success?

For more, go to: 

Next up, the fallout of a heckling.

Since his big speech on Wednesday, how has President Obama affected the health 
care debate? Has the heckling at the speech by Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC) 
altered the health care debate? Should Wilson be punished for his behavior? 
We'll play Hardball with Congressman Brian Bilbray (R-CA) and Majority Whip 
Congressman Jim Clyburn (D-SC) on going forward with health care reform.

For more, go to: 

Plus, the anniversary of 9/11 and where are we now?

Eight years have passed since the attacks of September 11th. We'll reflect on 
the legacy of 9/11 on the War on Afghanistan and American policies with NBC 
News Chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel and NBC News Correspondent Jim 

For more, go to: 

Finally, in the Politics Fix, a little less conversation, a little more action 
please? Has the President become over-exposed with more televised events coming 
this weekend? When is he going to work on health care directly? Also, what role 
does race play in this recent round of right wing hostility. We'll discus these 
and the rest of the day's political news with Republican strategist and 
Dailybeast.com contributor Mark McKinnon and Salon's Joan Walsh.
For more, go to: 

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Hardball Briefing for Thursday, September 10

2009-09-10 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, Mike Barnicle in for Chris Matthews, what do we do now?

Last night, the President gave his big health care speech before a joint 
session of Congress. Has the President rallied his party to reform? What needs 
to be done now in order for health care reform to pass? We'll play Hardball 
with Finance Committee member Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) and Senator Bob 
Corker (R-TN) and ask where health care reform is going and what they think 
about Congressman Joe Wilson's (R-SC) heckling last night.

For more, go to: 

Next, the politics of you lie!

During last night's Presidential address to Congress, Congressman Joe Wilson 
(R-SC) heckled the President and interrupted him. Since then, Congressman 
Wilson's comments have become a rallying cry on both sides of the health care 
debate. Did Wilson's heckling overwhelm the President's message? Or is it going 
to unify the Democrats and hurt the Republicans? We'll talk to radio talk show 
host Cynthia Hardy and Air America's Ron Reagan on how much yelling you lie 
could cost.

For more, go to: 

Plus, the South Carolina spectacle!

The spotlight on South Carolina continues as Governor Mark Sanford (R-SC) is 
under siege as lawmakers push for him to resign and Congressman Joe Wilson's 
(R-SC) heckling puts him on the national stage. We'll discuss South Carolina 
politics with The State's John O'Connor.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/32778906#32778906

Finally, in the Politics Fix, Politico's Roger Simon and Washington Post's Ceci 
Connolly will join us to analyze the President's speech last night, Joe 
Wilson's heckling, and the rest of the day's political news. 

For more, go to: 

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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, September 9

2009-09-09 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, Lawrence O'Donnell in for Chris, smart viewers' guide to watching the 
President's speech!

Tonight, President Obama gives a health care reform major speech before a joint 
session of Congress. NBC News Chief White House Correspondent Chuck Todd and 
Newsweek's Howard Fineman will join us to give you an insider's guide to 
watching the speech.  

For more, go to: 

Plus, debating the public option!

The public option has a remained controversial aspect of the debate. Does 
health care reform passing depend on the public option? We'll talk public 
option politics with former DNC Chairman Governor Howard Dean and MSNBC 
Political Analyst Pat Buchanan.

For more, go to: 


Next up, the politics of health care in the Senate.

With new plans coming out of the Senate, we'll discuss the health care debate 
in the Senate with Majority Whip Senator Dick Durbin. 

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32755673/ns/politics-cq_politics/

Plus, what can we expect from the President tonight? We'll preview tonight's 
big speech tonight with Senior White House Advisor David Axelrod.  

For more, go to: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/09/09/2058962.aspx

Finally in the Politics Fix, we'll analyze the expectations and possible impact 
of President Obama's joint session speech on the health care debate with David 
Gregory, moderator of NBC's Meet the Press, and former President Clinton Press 
Secretary Dee Dee Myers.

For more, go to: 



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Hardball Briefing for Tuesday, September 8

2009-09-08 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, Mike Barnicle in for Chris from New York, public option show down!

As Congress goes back to work, the health care debate heats up. We'll discuss 
where Congress stands with Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-ME) and Congressman 
Gerry Connolly (D-VA).

For more, go to: 

Plus, big test for the Obama Presidency!

Tomorrow's joint session of Congress health care speech could be a decisive 
moment in the health care debate. NBC News Chief White House Correspondent 
Chuck Todd will join us to analyze expectations of tomorrow's big speech.

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32718713/ns/politics-white_house/

Next up, anger on the right!

Over the weekend and today, the far right has scored some victories with anger 
directed White House environmental advisor Van Jones, who resigned, and 
President Obama's speech to children nationwide today.  Has the White House 
rewarded the outrage yet again?  We'll play Hardball with Mother Jones' David 
Corn and MSNBC Political Analyst Pat Buchanan on the anger coming from the 

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32711904/

Finally, in the Politics Fix, Meet the Press' David Gregory and Atlantic 
Media's Ron Brownstein will join us to talk about Obama's big test, Nancy 
Pelosi's press conference, and the rest of the day's political news.

For more, go to: 

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Hardball Briefing for Tuesday, September 1

2009-09-01 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, stuck in the middle with Afghanistan.

Stress on the left and pressure on the right, is President Obama trapped in the 
middle of an increasingly violent Afghanistan War. We'll discuss Obama's 
political tactics on the war in Afghanistan with syndicated columnist Tony 
Blankley and radio talk show host Ron Reagan.

For more on the war, go to: 

Next up, the thesis of a game changer.

A thesis written by GOP candidate for Virginia governor Bob McDonnell while at 
Regent University has resurfaced months before the Virginia gubernatorial 
election. McDonnell in his thesis advocated controversial ideas on the role of 
working women and other social issues. Is this a game changer in the VA 
gubernatorial race? We'll analyze the impact with Democratic strategist and 
Creigh Deeds campaign advisor Mo Elleithee and MSNBC Analyst Michelle Bernard.  

For more, go to: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/08/31/2047912.aspx

Plus, Former Bush AG Alberto Gonzales defends Attorney General Eric Holder?

Today, former AG Alberto Gonzales defended Eric Holder's preliminary probe into 
investigating torture. How does this affect Dick Cheney's argument? We'll have 
Former Assistant AG under President Bush Viet Dinh and Former Associate Deputy 
AG under President Reagan Bruce Fein to analyze Gonzales' comments and the 

For more, go to: http://www.newsweek.com/id/213188

Firing up the base!

Finally, in the Politics Fix, Dallas Morning News' Wayne Slater and Politico's 
Jonathan Martin will join us to talk Governor Perry and the Texas secessionist 
groups, McDonnell in a culture war, and the rest of the day's political news.

For more, go to: 

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Hardball Briefing for Thursday, August 27

2009-08-27 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, remembering Senator Edward M. Kennedy.

Today, mourners gathered along the 70-mile route of a motorcade carrying the 
body of Senator Kennedy from his home to the JFK Library in Boston.  We'll talk 
to Kennedy's friend and colleague Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT).  

For more, go to: 

The last time Massachusetts didn't have a senator named Kennedy was 1962. We'll 
talk about the future of Kennedy's seat with Mike Barnicle and Congressman Bill 
Delahunt (D-MA).

For more, go to: 

Plus, Gov. Mark Sanford's saga continues.

South Carolina Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer called for Sanford to step down. Sanford 
remains defiant.  We'll bring you latest on the State's John O'Connor and 
Politico's Andy Barr.

For more on Sanford, go to: 

Finally, in the Politics Fix, the New Yorker's Ryan Lizza and 
PoliticsDaily.com's Melinda Henneberger will talk about the health care debate 
and the impact of Ted Kennedy on the next generation of leaders.

For more on Kennedy's legacy, go to: 

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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, August 26

2009-08-26 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, the life and legacy of Senator Edward M.  Kennedy.

Last night, Senator Ted Kennedy passed away after a battle with cancer of the 
brain.  His 47 years in the Senate were marked with tragedy and triumph.  We'll 
talk to Newsweek's Howard Fineman, Washington Post's Eugene Robinson and MSNBC 
political analyst Pat Buchanan on Ted Kennedy's life and legacy

For more, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32491712/

We'll continue our discussion on the Kennedy's with his Massachusetts colleague 
Congressman Ed Markey (D-MA).

For more on the Kennedy family, go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32565554/

Finally, in the Politics Fix, Politico's Roger Simon and Atlantic Media's Ron 
Brownstein will talk about Kennedy's career, President Obama's relationship 
with him, and what we'll see in the coming days at the memorial services for 
the senator

For more on Obama's relationship with Kennedy, go to: 

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Hardball Briefing for Tuesday, August 25

2009-08-25 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, the politics of the CIA investigation.

With the release of a report detailing interrogation tactics of the CIA, the 
Obama administration has decided to launch a criminal investigation.  And now, 
former Vice President Dick Cheney has decided to react.  We'll discuss the 
politics of a probe and how it could impact President Obama's overall agenda 
with syndicated columnist Tony Blankley and Air America's Ron Reagan.

For more information on the investigation, go to: 

Next up, fuel for the fringe

A new report by the Southern Poverty Law Center indicated that right wing 
militias are back.  What's the source of all this anger? We'll talk to Southern 
Poverty Law Center's Mark Potok.

For more on the rightwing anger, go to: 

Plus, outrage grows.

Last week, the Scottish government released the Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset 
al-Megrahi because he has terminal cancer. Who made the call? Was it just his 
health that made it happen? We'll talk to The Telegraph's Con Coughlin on the 
possibility of a deal.

For more on that story, go to: 

Finally, in the Politics Fix, Politico's Jonathan Martin and the Washington 
Post's Anne Kornblut will talk about the New York governor's race, President 
Obama's decision to keep Ben Bernanke as the Fed chairman, and the rest of the 
day's political news.

For more on the Obama announcement, go to: 


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Hardball Briefing for Monday, August 24

2009-08-24 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, investigating alleged CIA abuses.

A new report came out today that detail alleged abuses in the CIA's secret 
prisons. Department of Justice has recommended re-opening the abuse cases and 
Attorney General Eric Holder has decided to appoint a prosecutor to examine 
possible violations of anti-torture laws. Is the Obama Administration circling 
the wagons of the CIA on possible torture accusations?  We'll discuss the 
investigation with former CIA operative Bob Baer and former CIA station chief 
Tyler Drumheller.

For more on the investigation, go to: 

Next up, party fringe driving Republican challenges on health care reform?

Today, RNC Chairman Michael Steele advocated for a Senior Patients' Bill of 
Rights in an op-ed. Is this more fear mongering targeted at seniors? Chris 
plays Hardball with RNC Chairman Michael Steele on his party's stance on 
healthcare reform.
For more on the healthcare reform debate, go to: 

Plus, Ted Kennedy's absence felt in the health care debate.

On Sunday, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) said that Senator Ted Kennedy's (D-MA) 
absence has hurt the health care debate. Would President Obama and Senate 
Democrats be closer to a deal if Kennedy was there? We'll analyze the impact of 
Senator Kennedy's absence on health care with Boston Globe's Susan Milligan and 
Chicago Tribune Columnist Clarence Page.

For more on Senator Kennedy's absence, go to: 

Finally, in the Politics Fix, Washington Post's Chris Cillizza and Time's Jay 
Newton-Small will talk about Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's polling 
problem, the latest on the political fight over Afghanistan, and the rest of 
the day's political news. 

For more on the news from Afghanistan, go to: 

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Hardball Briefing for Monday, August 17

2009-08-17 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - The Optional Public Option?

Reports today show that the White House may yield on including a public option 
as a part of healthcare reform.  Representatives Phil Gingrey (R-GA) and Jim 
Cooper (D-TN) will be here to discuss where the legislation currently stands. 

For more on the public option, go to:

Next up - Midterm Exam. President Obama's ambitious agenda and sinking poll 
numbers have some Democrats nervous about their chances in the 2010 elections. 
What will be the fate of the Democrats most closely tied to the President?  
What are the typical losses for the incumbent party in a midterm election? 
We'll ask MSNBC Political Analyst Pat Buchanan and The Cook Political Report's 
Charlie Cook to analyze. 

For more on the 2010 elections, go to:

Plus - Today, while speaking to nearly 13,000 members of the VFW, President 
Obama praised the work of the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.  We'll examine 
the toll these wars have taken on the military and their families, including 
one fallen marine, Sgt. William Cahir, whose heroic story will be related to us 
by his friend and former colleague Brett Lieberman. 

For more on the President's speech, go to:

And finally, in the Politics Fix, we'll discuss the latest involving the 
Clintons, along with the fate of the public option with The Chicago Tribune's 
Clarence Page and USA Today's Susan Page.

For more on the Clintons, go to:

Also, be sure not to miss the Hardball Sideshow!  Tonight, we'll show you why a 
Congressman infamously known as The Hammer, may just be light on his feet. 

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Hardball Briefing for Friday, August 14

2009-08-14 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, Lawrence O'Donnell in for Chris Matthews, the President takes the 
offensive in a town hall meeting in Montana!

Today, President Obama took his health care campaign to Montana.  Can he 
recapture the health care reform message in the heart of resistance in the 
Mountain West? We'll bring you the latest from the town hall with NBC News 
Chief White House Correspondent Chuck Todd and Time Magazine Washington Bureau 
Chief Michael Duffy.

For more on the President's new town hall meeting, go to: 

Next up, conservatives against health care.

The conservatives in opposition of President Obama's health care seem to have 
found an opportunity to weaken the President regardless of the truthfulness of 
their claims.  How much of the conservative argument is really about health 
care? Or is it more opportunities to score political points on the President?  
We'll play Hardball with Appropriations Committee Member Congressman John 
Culberson (R-TX) on what the Republicans hope to gain from standing against 
President Obama on health care.

For more on the opposition's strategy, go to: 

Plus, the John Edwards saga continues as reports say that John Edwards might 
admit that he is the father of his ex-mistress' child. We'll update you with 
the former Presidential candidate's situation as well as possible legal issues 
with Democratic Strategist Steve McMahon and Slate's Mickey Kaus.

For more on John Edwards, go to: 

Finally, in the Politics Fix, Politico's Jeanne Cummings and Washington Post 
Reporter Anne Kornblut will join us to discuss the town hall meetings, Bill 
Clinton at Netroots Nation, and the rest of the day's political events.

For more on the health care debate going on in town halls, go to: 

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Hardball Briefing for Thursday, August 13

2009-08-13 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, Lawrence O'Donnell in for Chris Matthews, town hall rage winning 

A new USA Today/Gallup Poll show protests are swaying independents 2-1 in favor 
of the protesters.  With former Governor Sarah Palin and Senator Charles 
Grassley increasing the heat on death panels, has the President already lost 
the debate before a bill even hits the floor? We'll play Hardball with 
Representative Niki Tsongas (D-MA) and Representative Brian Bilbray (R-CA) on 
why crucial independents are being won over by the town halls.

For more on the town halls, go to: 

Next up, is history repeating itself?

Sixteen years ago, health insurance rates were climbing and a vast amount of 
people were uninsured in the United States. A first term Presidency attempted a 
massive reform project of healthcare and failed in the fiasco known as 
Hillarycare.  Today, the situation remains much the same if not worse as the 
Obama Administration attempts to overhaul healthcare. What can be learned from 
the 1993 attempt at healthcare reform? Has the Obama Administration learned 
anything from 1993? We'll reflect on the earlier attempt at healthcare reform 
as it applies to today with Yale Professor and author of The Road to Nowhere 
Jacob Hacker and Co-Author of The Battle for America 2008 Haynes Johnson.  

For more on the healthcare debate, go to: 

Plus, Dick Cheney's tell all book?

Recently, former Vice President Dick Cheney revealed a teaser for his book due 
out in 2011. Cheney's tell-all memoir will reveal a frustration at losing 
influence with President Bush during the second term.  New York Daily News 
Washington Bureau Chief Tom DeFrank and MSNBC Political Analyst Pat Buchanan 
will join us to discuss the implications of a Dick Cheney tell-all.  

For more on former Vice President Cheney's upcoming book, go to:  

Finally, in the Politics Fix, we'll have Politico's Roger Simon and New 
Yorker's Ryan Lizza to analyze Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's comments on 
the 2000 Election, the town hall protests, as well as the rest of the day's 
political events. 

For more on Hillary Clinton, go to: 

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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, August 12

2009-08-12 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, Lawrence O'Donnell in for Chris Matthews, town hall rage!

Across the country, hostile town hall meetings confronted members of Congress 
on recess. Someone went as far as to paint a swastika on Congressman David 
Scott's (D-GA) office. Has the hate gone too far? We'll ask Representative 
David Scott (D-GA) and Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) about the town hall 

For more on the anger, go to: 

Next up, who are those guys?

Yesterday, thousands of people in America gathered at town hall meetings and 
expressed their opinions on health care. What are these people demanding? Are 
they being used by outside interests or is there more to their ostensible 
anger? We'll play Hardball with Katy Abram, questioner at Senator Arlen 
Specter's town hall yesterday, on what these protesters believe.

For more on the protests, go to: 

Plus, Karl Rove directly linked to New Mexico attorney firing?

The House Judiciary Committee released more than 5,400 pages of White House and 
Republican National Committee e-mails and transcripts of closed-door testimony. 
These documents seem to indicate that Karl Rove played a large role in the New 
Mexico attorney firing. We'll discuss the implications of the Bush White 
House's alleged manipulation of the justice department with Newsweek 
Investigative Reporter Michael Isikoff and Washington Post's Carrie Johnson.

For more on the 5,400+ documents released by the House Judiciary Committee, go 
to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32377973/ns/politics-more_politics/

Finally, in the Politics Fix, Syndicated Columnist Tony Blankley and Editor in 
Chief of Salon.com Joan Walsh will join us to analyze the town hall meetings, 
Rick Santorum possibly returning in a big way, and the rest of the day's 
political events.

For more on the town halls and the White House response, go to: 

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Hardball Briefing for Monday, July 27

2009-07-27 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - Sayonara Sarah. 

During former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's farewell speech, the GOP superstar 
took parting shots at the media and big government. What does the future hold 
for this popular pol? We'll ask MSNBC Chief Washington Correspondent Norah 
O'Donnell, MSNBC Political Analyst Pat Buchanan and Former DNC Communications 
Director and Democratic Strategist Karen Finney. 

For more on Former Governor Palin, go to:

Next up - while President Obama addressed his critics on Friday by walking back 
some of his earlier remarks about the Cambridge Police Department, the arrest 
of Professor Gates remains controversial, spurring debate along racial, 
generational and social lines. MSNBC Political Analyst Eugene Robinson and 
MSNBC Contributor Jonathan Capehart will be here to analyze. 

For more on Professor Gates, go to:

Plus - born in the U.S.A. The growing number of lawmakers who are calling 
President Obama's citizenship into question has galvanized the debate on both 
sides. We'll show you the latest comments and video and ask Newsweek's Howard 
Fineman and Politico's Ken Vogel to discuss the political fallout. 

For more on the birthers, go to:

And finally, in the Politics Fix, both Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and 
Congressman Pat Murphy (D-PA) held rallies today calling for a repeal of the 
Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy. Here to analyze the impact of the debate, along 
with the politics of Palin are MSNBC Political Analyst Michael Smerconish and 
Jeanne Cummings, the Assistant Managing Editor for Politico.

For more on Don't Ask, Don't Tell, go to:

Also, be sure to tune in for the Hardball Sideshow!  Tonight, we'll give 
special recognition to an American athlete who has battled much more than the 
slopes of the Swiss Alps.  

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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, July 22

2009-07-22 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - the President's prime-time press conference concerning health care 
is the talk of the town. 

Does the President have the votes to get it passed by his late-summer deadline? 
We'll ask Senior White House Advisor David Axelrod to tell us about some of the 
specifics of the plan, along with the politics of passing the legislation.

For more on healthcare, go to:

Next up - Republican Rumblings. GOP lawmakers have been making political 
overtures on hot-button issues like healthcare, guns, and the nomination of 
Judge Sonia Sotomayor. How do they contribute to the overall Republican 
strategy for rebuilding for future elections? Former New York City Mayor Rudy 
Giuliani plays Hardball tonight and will analyze the Republican field. 

For more on GOP proposals, go to:

Plus - Birth Control? Some House Republicans recently introduced legislation 
that would require candidates to provide a birth certificate to prove their 
eligibility to run for office. What are the political motivations behind this 
action? We'll ask Former Press Secretary to President Clinton Dee Dee Myers, 
and Former Press Secretary to Newt Gingrich Tony Blankley.

For more on H.R. 1503, go to:

And finally, in the Politics Fix, Governor Mark Sanford, who recently admitted 
to having an extramarital affair, stated yesterday at a press conference today 
his wish to move forward. Newsweek's Howard Fineman, and Politico's Roger Simon 
will be here to analyze.

For more on Gov. Sanford, go to:

Also, be sure not to miss the Hardball Sideshow!  Tonight, we'll show you the 
real cost of switching political parties. 

Continue to watch Hardball for preliminary coverage of the President's news 
conference at 7PM, and post-analysis at 10 PM. 

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Hardball Briefing for Monday, July 20

2009-07-20 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - The Presidential Prescription.  

President Obama has resolved to take a leading role in the battle for 
healthcare reform, but will he be an effective spokesman, given new polls that 
show a dip in his popularity? We'll ask Chuck Todd, Chief White House 
Correspondent and NBC News Political Editor, and the Washington Post's Dan Balz 
to analyze.

For more on healthcare, go to:

Next up - Republican Rehab. The outlook for the GOP seems bleak, as poll 
numbers remain low and changing demography favors Democrats. We'll ask RNC 
Chairman Michael Steele to discuss Republican prospects when he plays Hardball 

For more on the GOP, go to:

Plus - Remembering Walter Cronkite. We're taking a special look at this 
journalism legend's life and career, as well as his appearances on Hardball 
with his former colleague Dan Rather, host of HDNet's Dan Rather Reports.

For more on Walter Cronkite, go to:

And in the Politics Fix, we'll continue to analyze the President's push for 
healthcare reform. Could he jeopardize his reputation by putting himself front 
and center on this issue? MSNBC Political Analysts Eugene Robinson and Michelle 
Bernard will discuss the potential political fallout. 

For more on President Obama, go to:

Finally, The Wanted, a new NBC show premieres tonight! Charlie Ebersol, 
Executive Producer and co-creator will be here tell us about the way in which 
the show depicts our world in the new age of terrorism.  

For more on The Wanted, go to:

Also, be sure to tune in to a special commentary from Chris about his recent 
trip to Africa!

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Hardball Briefing for Friday, July 17

2009-07-17 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, abortion and healthcare reform.

At late day remarks, President Obama makes clear that he wants Congress to move 
on healthcare reform. Can he get what he wants? We'll ask Washington Post's 
Chris Cillizza and NBC's Kelly O'Donnell for the answers on this hot topic.

For more on the struggle for healthcare reform, go to: 

Next up, frugal South Carolina Governor? Not so much.

Mark Sanford's standing as a social conservative may not be the only aspect of 
his career that is tarnished. Analysis of Mark Sanford's travel arrangements 
over the years indicate that he liked to travel in style on taxpayer money 
contrary to his reputation as a tightfisted fiscal conservative. While 
criticizing throughout his career travel expenses, Sanford enjoyed first class 
and business class as governor. We'll have The State;s John O'Connor and 
Politico's Andy Barr to analyze Sanford's travel spending.

For more on Sanford's lack of frugal traveling, go to: 

Plus, the Sotomayor grade!

Yesterday, the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Nominee Sonia Sotomayor 
concluded. How'd she do? Former Assistant Council to President Clinton and the 
person who shepherded Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer to the bench Cliff 
Sloan and Former Senator John Danforth who shepherded Clarence Thomas join us 
to reflect on Sotomayor's performance for the week.

For more on the hearings, go to: 

Finally, in the Politics Fix, Politico's Chief Political Columnist Roger Simon 
and Vote Latino and MSNBC Contributor Maria Teresa Kumar will join us to find 
out whatever happened to the Card Check, Obama's race for healthcare reform, 
and the rest of the day's political events.

For an update on Card Check, go to: 


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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, July 15

2009-07-15 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, a Healthcare Progress Report!

Today, the Senate health committee approved legislation that would vastly 
expand health insurance coverage, though only through a party-line vote in the 
committee. Can President Obama get healthcare through with only Democratic 
support? How is President Obama doing on healthcare reform overall? Does the 
lack of bipartisan support signal problems to come? We'll ask NBC Chief White 
House Correspondent Chuck Todd and Susan Page for analysis of President Obama's 
progress on healthcare reform.

For more on the current news on healthcare reform, go to: 

Next up, the CIA-Cheney-House Democrats intrigue continues.

Yesterday, the House Intelligence Committee asked the CIA to provide documents 
about the program targeting al-Qaeda leaders that allegedly took orders from 
Former Vice President Cheney when he was in office.  Did Dick Cheney break the 
law? We'll play Hardball with Intelligence Committee Member Senator Sheldon 
Whitehouse (D-RI) and Vice Chair of the Select Intelligence Committee Senator 
Kit Bond (R-MO) to see where these investigations might go. 

For more on the House's possible investigation, go to: 

Plus, it was 30 years ago today that then President Jimmy Carter gave his 
Malaise speech where he spoke of a crisis of energy, of confidence, and of 
the very soul of the nation. How far have we come, if at all? How relevant is 
the speech today? We'll ask New Yorker writer and former Carter speechwriter 
Hendrik Hertzberg and former Assistant to President Carter for Communications 
Gerald Rafshoon to reflect.

For more on the Malaise speech, go to: 

Finally in the Politics Fix, Washington Post columnist and MSNBC Political 
Analyst Eugene Robinson and MSNBC Political Analyst Pat Buchanan will join us 
to discuss who is and who is not scoring political points in today's Sotomayor 
hearing, plus developments in the Ensign scandal, and the rest of the day's 
political news.

For more on today's hearing for Sotomayor, go to: 

For more on the developments on John Ensign, go to: 

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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, June 8

2009-07-08 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - Polling Problems for POTUS.  

President Obama's numbers in a key state and on the economy - a leading issue 
for him during the campaign - have dropped to new lows. Here to analyze the new 
polling data and the GOP response are MSNBC Analysts Harold Ford Jr. and Pat 

For more on President Obama, go to:

Next up - while President Obama's numbers appear to be slipping, the polls have 
gone up for Governor Sarah Palin since the announcement of her resignation. 
What's next for Alaska's renegade Governor? We'll ask GOP Consultant Ron 
Christie and Salon's Joan Walsh. 

For more on Governor Palin, go to:

Plus - As extramarital affairs on the part of American political figures have 
become more public and common place, we're wondering: are there irreconcilable 
differences between marriage and politics? Time Magazine's Managing Editor 
Richard Stengel and the Washington Post's Kathleen Parker will be here to 
assess the state of political marriages today. 

For more on political affairs, go to:

And finally, in the Politics Fix, USA Today's Susan Page and the Politico's 
Eamon Javers will be here to discuss the resolution Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee 
(D-TX) has sponsored honoring Michael Jackson. While fans have spent the last 
few days celebrating the King of Pop, will members of Congress shy away from 
formally lauding the controversial star?

For more on Michael Jackson, go to:

Also, be sure to tune into the Hardball Sideshow! Tonight we'll show you how in 
this tough job market, one freshman Congressman seems to be comfortable with 
the prospect of losing his own job. 

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Hardball Briefing for Thursday, July 2

2009-07-02 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, the latest on Michael Jackson.

Debbie Rowe, former wife of Michael Jackson, told an interviewer today that she 
wants custody of the children she had with him. The DEA has joined in the 
investigation into Michael Jackson's death. As the mystery continues 
surrounding Michael Jackson's death, a possible battle over custody over the 
children, and an enigmatic will, we'll bring you the latest on this continuing 

For more on the Michael Jackson investigation, go to: 

Next up, Sarah Palin Civil War!

The recent article in Vanity Fair detailing a tumultuous 2008 Presidential 
Campaign for Sarah Palin has had shockwaves in the GOP. Today, newly released 
emails show further infighting in the campaign. We'll ask the Politico's Roger 
Simon and Mike Allen for analysis.

For more on the continued fighting over Sarah Palin, go to: 

Plus, in the wake of the Al Franken victory in the Minnesota Senate Race, Norm 
Coleman's name has been tossed around as a possible gubernatorial candidate.  
We'll preview the 2010 gubernatorial races with Chairman of the Democratic 
Governor's Association Governor Brian Schweitzer (D-MT) and Former 
Representative Tom Davis (D-VA).  

For more on the Norm Coleman as gubernatorial candidate, go to: 

And the economy is in worse shape then expected

Today, newly released economic numbers indicate a rise in unemployment to 9.5 
percent, a 26-year high. When does the Bush economy become the Obama economy? 
We'll play Hardball with Member of the Council of Economic Advisors Austan 

For more on the new economic news, go to: 

Finally in the Politics Fix, Politico's Roger Simon and Mike Allen will stay 
with us to discuss on the possibility of a Mark Sanford resignation, the 
infighting in the GOP over Sarah Palin and the rest of the day's political news.

For more on the Mark Sanford situation, go to: 


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Hardball Briefing for Tuesday, June 30

2009-06-30 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, Chuck Todd is substituting for Chris from the White House with 
breaking news! 
Today, 239 days after Election Day 2008, the Minnesota Supreme Court declared 
Al Franken the winner of the Minnesota Senate Seat. If Governor Tim Pawlenty 
(R-MN) certifies Franken, the Democrats will in theory have a coveted, 
filibuster-proof 60-seat majority. What are the implications to healthcare and 
energy reform? We'll talk to NBC Justice Correspondent Pete Williams, USA Today 
Washington Bureau Chief Susan Page and the Politico's Chief White House 
Correspondent, Mike Allen for latest developments.

For more information on the Minnesota Senate Seat decision, go to: 

Next up, the quiet pullout. Yesterday, the United States began withdrawing 
troops from cities in Iraq. The withdrawal is the most significant development 
in the Iraq War since the Surge. Former Vice President Dick Cheney meanwhile 
says he fears a withdrawal would waste U.S. sacrifices. We'll ask General 
Barry McCaffrey and NBC's Richard Engel for analysis of the latest events in 
For more on the withdrawal, go to: 
For more on Dick Cheney's criticism, go to: 
Plus, Palin in the spotlight. Since the 2008 Presidential Election, Governor 
Sarah Palin has pursued a course into the public eye and she remains a popular 
figure in the Republican party. But a new article out in Vanity Fair details 
the rise of Sarah Palin and includes some harsh criticism from former McCain 
Campaign advisors. We'll talk to the article's writer, Todd Purdum, about the 
continuing trials and tribulations of Sarah Palin.
For more on the article, go to: 
And in the Politics Fix, we'll discuss new developments in the Sanford Scandal 
and the significance of the Al Franken ruling with AP White House Correspondent 
Liz Sidoti and New Yorker Washington Correspondent Ryan Lizza.
For more on the Minnesota Senate conclusion, go to: 

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Hardball for Monday, June 22

2009-06-22 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - Iranian Ire.  

Some GOP critics of the President charge that he has not been forceful enough 
in supporting the Iranian protestors and calling for fair elections, while 
defenders claim that he striking the right diplomatic tone. Who will be on the 
right side of history?  We'll have Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-MO) and Rep. Mike 
Coffman (R-CO) here to discuss. 

For more on the Iranian election, go to:

Next up - A Political Prescription. As the debate rages on between public 
option supporters and detractors, concern is growing over the price tag and the 
President's ability to push healthcare legislation through Congress. NBC News 
Chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd and Washington Post columnist Eugene 
Robinson will be here to analyze the politics of this volatile debate. 

For more on healthcare, go to:

Plus - It didn't stay in Vegas. New polls show that Senator John Ensign (R-NV), 
who recently admitted to having an extramarital affair, may be headed for 
trouble. Will this incident prove fatal to the Senator's future political 
ambitions? We'll ask the WashingtonPost.com's Chris Cillizza, who broke the 
original story, and Lisa Mascaro, Washington Correspondent for The Las Vegas 
Sun, to talk about the fallout.

For more on Senator Ensign, go to:

And finally, in the Politics Fix, Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) recently extended 
a helping hand to a fellow New Englander who may be in trouble in 2010. We'll 
discuss thing, along with the escalating situation in Iran with Salon's Joan 
Walsh and Jeanne Cummings, the Assistant Managing Editor of Politico.

For more on Senator Kennedy, go to:

Also, be sure not to miss the Hardball sideshow tonight! See which Florida 
Senatorial candidate is calling for Second Amendment rights for the Iranian 

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Hardball Briefing for Thursday, June 18

2009-06-18 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, the upheaval continues in Iran.
Up to one million Iranians took to the streets today to take part in a day of 
mourning for slain protestors. As the election turmoil continues, should the 
President get more involved? We'll ask Senators Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) and John 
Kerry (D-MA) for their thoughts on the situation.
For more on the response to the events in Iran, go to: 
Next up, is the honeymoon over for President Obama? There's a new NBC-WSJ poll 
out with interesting numbers about the administration's policies. We'll ask the 
Atlantic Media's Ron Brownstein and Chicago Tribune Columnist Clarence Page for 
For more on the new polls, go to: 
Plus, the woes of the Republican Party continue as one-time rising star, 
Senator John Ensign (R-NV), admitted to an extra-marital affair this week. Can 
Democrats take advantage of the scandal? We'll ask Hardball Strategists Steve 
McMahon and Todd Harris.
For more on the Al Franken/Norm Coleman Minnesota post election situation, go 
And in the Politics Fix, MSNBC Political Analyst Pat Buchanan and Salon's Joan 
Walsh will join us to discuss former President Bush's recent criticism of 
President Obama, the latest on Iran and the rest of the day's political events.
For more on the day's political news, go to: 

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Hardball Briefing for Monday, June 15

2009-06-15 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - significant developments in the Middle East over the weekend have us 
talking today. 

What will be the impact of the election in Iran that, for now, has reinstalled 
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as President? What about the tough speech from Israeli 
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu? We'll ask NBC News Chief Foreign 
Correspondent Richard Engel and Robin Wright, author of Dreams and Shadows: 
The Future of the Middle East, to analyze.

For more on the Middle East, go to:

Next up - Cheney vs. the CIA. The fight between former Vice President Cheney 
and the CIA continued when CIA Director Leon Panetta accused Cheney of wanting 
another terrorist attack on the United States in order to vindicate his foreign 
policy positions. David Corn, the Washington Bureau Chief of Mother Jones, and 
Newsweek's Michael Isikoff will weigh in.

For more on Panetta's statement, go to:

Next up - healing healthcare. With the debate over healthcare legislation 
looming, we'll check in with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen 
Sebelius and ask her what the Obama Administration hopes to include in the 
bills being drafted by Congress. 

For more on healthcare, go to:

And finally, in the Politics Fix, the reemergence of Governor Sarah Palin onto 
the political scene has prompted some to say that the Alaskan governor could 
benefit from learning the lessons of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. We'll 
ask Salon's Joan Walsh and the BBC's Katty Kay, author of Womenomics, to 

For more on Governor Palin, go to:

Also, be sure to tune in to the Hardball Sideshow! Does Vice President Biden 
have his eye on the top job in the White House? We'll bring you his answer. 

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Hardball Briefing for Monday, June 8

2009-06-08 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - a Grand Old Dis?  

As Republicans struggle to find a message and a leader, did the party 
establishment un-invite one of its most prominent leaders from a fundraising 
dinner in favor of former Speaker Newt Gingrich? We'll ask Republican 
Strategist Michelle Laxalt and GOP Fundraiser Fred Malek to analyze.

For more on the GOP fundraiser, go to:

Next up - Obama's policy-altering speeches abroad last week, along with North 
Korea's bellicose behavior, have raised the question: what role does former 
presidential rival Secretary of State Hillary Clinton play on the foreign 
stage? We'll ask Jamie Rubin, Former State Department Spokesman during the 
Clinton Administration, and NBC's Andrea Mitchell to discuss.

For more on Secretary Clinton, go to:

Next up - Healing the Partisan Divide. This summer President Obama is gearing 
up to tackle healthcare reform with a hands-on approach, but some Republicans 
are already indicating that they're prepared to challenge the President and 
their Democratic colleagues on certain provisions. Will the President's high 
approval ratings force a bipartisan compromise?  How far can the Administration 
push Congress? 

For more on healthcare, go to:

And finally, in the Politics Fix, we'll ask MSNBC Political Analyst Howard 
Fineman and Jonathan Martin, Senior Political Correspondent for Politico, to 
discuss the national consequences of the Virginia Democratic gubernatorial 
primary tomorrow, as well as the behind-the-scenes battles between Governor 
Sarah Palin and the GOP establishment. 

For more on the Virginia Governor's race, go to:

Also, be sure not to miss the Hardball Sideshow tonight! We'll show you how one 
current disgraced politician is still trying to clear his name by distancing 
himself from a decades-old scandal.  

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Hardball Briefing for Friday, June 5

2009-06-05 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - President Obama's speech given yesterday at the University of Cairo 
was translated into thirteen different languages and widely-received abroad, 
but how did the speech and the President's remarks at Buchenwald today 
translate to the American people and to the rest of the world? We'll ask NBC's 
Chief White House Correspondent and NBC News Correspondent Jim Maceda to 

For more on the President's tour abroad, go to:

Next up - tomorrow the President will travel to France to commemorate those who 
perished on the shores of Normandy. Chris will discuss the meaning of this 
historic day sixty-five years later.

For more on the President's trip to Normandy, go to:

Next up - vying for Virginia. The three-way Virginia Democratic gubernatorial 
primary has garnered widespread attention for the high-profile endorsements and 
national implications involved. We'll have Brian Moran, who's a candidate in 
the race, here to discuss Tuesday's upcoming primary battle. 

For more on the Virginia gubernatorial race, go to:

And finally, in the Politics Fix, we'll ask Salon's Joan Walsh and the Atlantic 
Media's Ron Brownstein to discuss two prominent Republican Governors who have 
made headlines recently with their strong skepticism of the federal government, 
as well as for further analysis of the President's speeches. 

For more on President Obama's speeches, go to:

Also, be sure not to miss the Hardball Sideshow tonight, where will show you 
the most recent episode of 'Conservatives Gone Wild.'

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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, June 3

2009-06-03 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First Up - Arabian Nights.  

President Obama journeys overseas to Saudi Arabia.  Will President Obama, 
teamed with his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton be able to make any headway 
in improving the Middle East? What role will his former presidential rival have 
in the diplomatic process?  We'll ask NBC News Chief White House correspondent 
Chuck Todd, who's traveling with the President in Saudi Arabia, and Neil 
MacFarquhar, author of The Media Relations Department of Hizbollah Wishes You 
a Happy Birthday: Unexpected Encounters in the Changing Middle East to analyze.

For more on the President's trip, go to:

Next up - Republican Robbery. First, there was Ray LaHood, then Jon Huntsman, 
and most recently, John McHugh and Jim Leach. In his quest to both appear 
bipartisan and to maintain Democratic majorities, President Obama has 
selectively nominated Republicans from competitive areas to serve in his 
administration, paving the way for Democrats to vy for the open seats. We'll 
discuss the President's strategy with Reps. Aaron Schock (R-IL) and Peter King 

For more on the President's strategy, go to:

Next up - Presidential Posturing? A new poll suggests that there is no clear 
GOP frontrunner for the 2012 election. We'll take a look at what that means for 
the Republican Party and its electoral prospects with Mark McKinnon, a former 
advisor to Senator McCain and President Bush, and Ron Kaufman, a former advisor 
to the Romney campaign.

For more on the GOP poll, go to:

And finally, in the Politics Fix, today it was revealed that former Vice 
President Cheney personally oversaw congressional briefings regarding 
waterboarding in order to build a defense for the enhanced interrogation 
program. We'll discuss this, along with the President's partnership with 
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on foreign affairs, with the Washington 
Post's Chris Cillizza and former Rep. Harold Ford Jr.

For more on former Vice President Cheney, go to: 

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Hardball Briefing for Monday, June 1

2009-06-01 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - the murder of Dr. George Tiller shocked both sides of the abortion 
debate this weekend. We'll talk to William Saletan, author of Bearing Right:  
How Conservatives Won The Abortion War, and Washington Post Health Policy 
reporter Ceci Connolly to get the facts about his career and the circumstances 
surrounding his death.

For more on Dr. Tiller's murder, go to:

Next up - General Meltdown! With GM's declaration of bankruptcy today, we're 
wondering if the economic woes of the once largest corporation in the world 
reveal greater problems concerning U.S. solvency as a whole.  We'll ask the 
Interim Chairman of GM Kent Kresa and Los Angeles Times auto critic Dan Neil to 
analyze the fallout. 

For more on GM's bankruptcy, go to:

Next up - Senate Shakeup? Rep. Joe Sestak's (D-PA) announced last week that he 
would not be stopped in his pursuit of a Senate seat in the Keystone State, 
despite the President's backing of newly-minted Democrat Sen. Arlen Specter 
(D-PA). Will he run? The Congressman will appear on Hardball tonight to talk 
about his intentions for 2010. 

For more on Sestak's announcement, go to:

And finally, in the Politics Fix, we'll ask MSNBC Political Analyst Howard 
Fineman and Eugene Robinson to weigh in on the opening arguments that were made 
today before the Minnesota Supreme Court in the recount case surrounding the 
disputed election between Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman and Al Franken.

For more on the recount case, go to:

Also, be sure to tune into the Hardball Sideshow tonight - we'll show you the 
political theater over the presidential equivalent of dinner and a movie.  

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Hardball Briefing for Tuesday, May 12

2009-05-12 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up tonight: Dick Cheney speaks out yet again!

Despite controversy over the former Vice President's comments on harsh 
interrogation techniques, Dick Cheney seems to be enjoying the spotlight. Why 
is Cheney speaking out now? Is it out of love for his country or to bestow a 
bright light on his legacy? We'll bring you the latest on this story with 
Democratic Strategist Steve McMahon and Former Cheney deputy assistant Ron 
For more on Cheney's torture views, go to: 

Next up - does torture work? We'll get both sides of this argument from two 
experts Bob Baer, former CIA Operative and Frank Gaffney, Former Assistant 
Secretary of Defense. 

Today Donald Trump announced that Carrie Prejean, the outspoken Miss America 
runner-up, will retain her title as Miss California on the grounds that the 
pictures taken of her were not a violation of her contract. Trump also stated 
that her answer to Perez Hilton's question on gay marriage was simply an 
exercise of her first amendment right of freedom of speech. We'll get into this 
debate with Joe Solmonese, President of the Human Rights campaign and Peter 
Peter Sprigg from the Family Research Council

For more on the Carrie Prejean controversy, go to:

And in the Politics Fix: Republican Governor Crist announced this morning that 
he will run for the Florida Senate seat in 2010, instead of seeking a second 
term as governor. We'll talk about what that could mean for the Republican 
Party with the Financial Times' Chrystia Freeland and the Politico's Jonathan 

And in the Hardball Sideshow-how does House Minority leader John Boehner (R-OH) 
feel about President Obama's jab this weekend? We'll bring you the reaction 
from his press shop - don't miss it!


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Hardball Briefing for Friday, May 8

2009-05-08 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - He's baaack! 
Former Vice President Dick Cheney is back out there, publicly defending Bush 
torture policies, criticizing the Obama administration and telling the 
Republican party it would be a mistake for us to moderate. So, what to make 
of the former VP's post-administration publicity tour? Mother Jones' David Corn 
and the New York Daily News' Tom DeFrank will weigh in. 
For more: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/05/07/1926056.aspx
Next up - if Dick Cheney isn't the guiding voice of the G.O.P., then perhaps 
Republicans should look a little further back in history to the likes of 
William F. Buckley, the father of the modern Conservative movement. His son, 
Christopher Buckley will be here tonight to talk about his parents and discuss 
his new book, Losing Mum and Pup.  
For more: 
And it's a star-studded edition of Hardball tonight! Oscar-award-winning 
actress, Goldie Hawn will be stopping to talk politics and tell us about her 
work as an advocate of children's mental health.
For more: 
In the Politics Fix, the WashingtonPost.com's Chris Cillizza and Atlantic 
Media's Ron Brownstein will be here to talk about the Pelosi (D-CA) 
controversy. How much did Madame Speaker know about the enhanced interrogation 
tactics and when did she know it? 
For more: 
And in the Sideshow, what does Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) have against those Viagra 
and Cialis ads on TV? We'll fill you in. 

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Hardball Briefing for Tuesday, May 5

2009-05-05 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - Repairing the G.O.P. 
With dismal numbers in the polls and no end to the slump in sight, the G.O.P. 
is in need of a makeover. But who will the new face of the party be? And isn't 
P.R. supposed to be in the hands of the RNC? So why are new groups like the 
National Committee for a New America and the Resurgent Republic popping up and 
what effect will they have on the overall effort? That's what we'll ask Rep. 
Mike Pence (R-IN). 
For more: http://politics.theatlantic.com/2009/05/gop_rebranding_kick_off.php
And Elizabeth Edwards, the wife of former Presidential candidate, John Edwards, 
spoke candidly to Oprah today. We'll be joined by the Washington Post's Lois 
Romano and the Politico's Ben Smith to discuss what she had to say about her 
husband's affair, its possible legal implications and the effects it's had on 
their family.  
For more: 
Next up - we'll take a look at the next generation of Kennedys. Who will the 
next public leader of the family be? Why did Caroline withdraw her name from 
consideration for Hilary Clinton's senate seat? All of this and more can be 
found in an explosive and controversial new book about the Kennedys. We'll 
check out the sources and talk about it with MSNBC political analyst Mike 
Barnicle and the author of The Last Lion, the Boston Globe's Peter Canellos.
For more: 
And in the Politics Fix: we'll talk to MSNBC political analyst Pat Buchanan and 
Salon's Joan Walsh about affirmative action and the role it might play if the 
President picks a certain someone to fill Supreme Court Justice David Souter's 
soon-to-be-vacant seat. 
Plus, supporters of Gov. Sarah Palin hit back at Mitt Romney in tonight's 
Hardball Sideshow.  

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Hardball Briefing for Monday, May 4

2009-05-04 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - filling the seat. 

Even though President Obama hasn't named a replacement for retiring Supreme 
Court Justice David Souter, Republicans are gearing up for a fight, 
capitalizing on the President's claim that he's looking for empathy in his 
nominee.  We'll talk to two members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. 
Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) about what kind of 
Justice the President is looking for and what they think his criteria should 

For more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0509/22058.html

And a new group of Republicans, calling themselves the National Council for a 
New America, launched a listening tour this weekend in an effort to revive and 
possibly redefine their party. Will it work? We'll ask former spokesman for 
Mitt Romney, Kevin Madden, and former Rep. Susan Molinari (R-NY) what they 

For more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0509/22020.html

Next up - during an appearance on Meet the Press this weekend, newly 
Democratic Sen. Arlen Specter (New D-PA) insisted, I did not say I would be a 
'loyal Democrat; but two separate reporters are sticking by their claims that 
he did. So, could all of this potentially backfire on Sen. Specter in a 2010 
primary? And if so, how much could it cost him if he winds up going 
head-to-head with former Pennsylvania Governor and possible Republican 
candidate, Tom Ridge (R-PA)? We'll ask radio talk show hosts Michael Smerconish 
and E. Steven Collins to give us their takes.  

For more: 

Then we'll talk to the Washington Post's Eugene Robinson and the Politico's 
Roger Simon about former Presidential hopeful John Edwards and the 
investigation into whether he used campaign as hush money for his former 

For more: 

And tonight, we'll pay tribute to former Republican congressman, Jack Kemp, 
whose visions for his party is surely be missed, perhaps now more than ever. 

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Hardball Briefing for Friday, May 1

2009-05-01 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - Open Seat on the Way. 

With news of Supreme Court Justice David Souter's plans to retire, President 
Obama can add the job of appointing a replacement to his plate. Who's on the 
short-list and will the appointment process wind up stirring some of those old 
culture-war battles like abortion and gun rights? We'll talk about the politics 
of the appointment tonight with MSNBC political analyst Pat Buchanan and Sen. 
Ben Cardin (D-MD). 

For more: http://www.usnews.com/usnews/politics/bulletin/bulletin_090501.htm

Plus, how much of a role will identity politics play in the President's 
appointment? Will he feel the pressure to choose a woman? A Hispanic? 
Syndicated columnist, Ruben Navarette and the President of NOW, Kim Gandy, will 
join us to debate who the President's appointment should appease. 

For more: 

And sure, Sen. Specter's move to the Democratic party shook things up in the 
G.O.P., but what kind of effect is it having on Pennsylvania politics? That's 
what we'll ask Pennslyvania Congressman Joe Sestak (D-PA), who'd considered 
running against then-Republican-Specter in 2010. 

For more: 

Next up - we'll talk about Sarah Palin's appearance on TLC's American Chopper 
with Mother Jones' David Corn and Voto Latino's Maria Teresa Petersen in the 
Politics Fix. 

For more: 

And we've got a Hardball award to give to a mayor with moxie! We'll tell you 
who it is in tonight's Hardball Sideshow. 

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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, April 29

2009-04-29 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - the 100th day! 
The Obama administration welcomed their 100th day in office with a new Democrat 
onboard! Longtime Republican Sen. Arlen Specter (PA) announced yesterday that 
he would be switching parties, which could give Democrats a filibuster-proof 
majority in the Senate. So, why did Sen. Specter make the move? How will it 
play out? And what does it say about the states of the political parties today? 
We'll ask the moderator of Meet the Press, David Gregory and NBC Chief White 
House Correspondent, Chuck Todd for their insights before tonight's 8pm 
Presidential news conference.
For more: 
And if one thing is clear from the first hundred days, it's that President 
Obama is a far cry from his predecessor. The Cook Report's Charlie Cook and the 
Chicago Tribune's Clarence Page will be here to discuss what President Obama 
has done so far to undo the Bush years.  
For more: 
Next up - 100 days in and where does the G.O.P. stand? MSNBC Political Analyst 
Pat Buchanan and Democratic Strategist Bob Shrum will weigh in. 
For more: http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/04/28/borger.gop/index.html
Plus, we'll be joined by Senior Advisor to President Obama, David Axelrod, to 
talk about all that the President has accomplished in his first hundred days 
and what we can expect from the next hundred to come.  
And in the Hardball Sideshow, we'll take a look back at some of the most 
memorable images of the Obama Presidency to date. 
Don't forget to tune in after the President's news conference tonight for our 
special, late-night edition of Hardball at 11pm.

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Hardball Briefing for Thursday, April 23

2009-04-23 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - does torture work? 
Has the use of torture helped keep us safe since 9-11?  Does it yield reliable 
intelligence and how important a role has it played in our national security?  
We'll ask Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-TX) and the Former CIA Chief of European 
Operations Tyler Drumheller for their insights. 
For more: 
Next up, as we approach President Obama's 100th day in office, we'll take some 
time with the Politico's Roger Simon and Time Magazine's Joe Klein to discuss 
what Americans think about the job the President is doing and the direction 
he's taking us in. 
For more: 
And in advance of their meeting today, House Republicans sent President Obama a 
letter expressing a desire for bipartisanship and called House Democrats the 
real divisive force in Congress. Do Republicans really want to work with the 
President or is he simply too popular to oppose? Our Hardball strategists, 
Republican Todd Harris and Democrat Steve McMahon will debate that one. 
For more:
Also, what are the political risks for the President now that the door has been 
opened for an investigation into the use of torture during the Bush 
administration? We'll talk about that and more with the WashingtonPost.com's 
Chris Cillizza and the host of Our World with Black Enterprise, Ed Gordon. 
For more: 
Plus, some pointers on how to succeed in life for all the college graduates 
headed out into the real world from Chris's new book, The Hardball Handbook.

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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, April 22

2009-04-22 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - possible prosecution? 
President Obama, who has consistently supported looking to the future instead 
of focusing on the past, seemed to have a change of heart yesterday by leaving 
the door open for possible prosecutions of Bush-era officials who authorized 
the use of torture. If there's an investigation, how high up will it go? 
Tonight we'll ask Senator John Ensign (R-NV) and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz 
(D-FL) what they think.
For more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0409/21569.html

Next up, does torture actually work? What exactly did the torture memos reveal 
and what can we learn from them? We'll bring you the inside scoop from former 
CIA Operative Bob Baer. 

Don't miss today's New York Times story on torture techniques: 

And, it looks like GOP moderates like Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Sen. Arlen 
Specter (R-PA) could face tough primary races from staunch conservatives in 
2010. What does this mean for Republicans down the road? Where is the GOP 
headed? We'll bring you the debate from the American Spectator's Bob Tyrell and 
Republican strategist Mark McKinnon. 

For more: 

And the plot the thickens! New reports reveal that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi 
(D-CA) knew that the NSA had wiretapped Rep. Jane Harman's (D-CA) phone. We'll 
talk to the Atlanta Journal Constitution's Cynthia Tucker and Salon's Joan 
Walsh about that and more in the Politics Fix. 

For more: 
And in the Hardball Sideshow - Vice President Joe Biden gives us a peek at the 
White House motto ... hint, it has something to do with Chariots of Fire. 
We'll explain that one in the Hardball Sideshow!

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Hardball Briefing for Friday, April 17

2009-04-17 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - the torture memos. 
Yesterday, the Justice Department released four memos detailing the torture 
techniques used by the CIA under the Bush administration. The controversial 
documents were made public with the assurance that the CIA operatives involved 
wouldn't be prosecuted. What political implications, if any, will there be? 
That's what we'll ask Mother Jones' Washington Bureau Chief, David Corn and 
Newsweek's Michael Isikoff.  
For more on the torture memos, go to: 
Next up - we'll take a closer look at Governor Rick Perry's (R-TX) comments 
about secession. Turns out: 75% of Texans are more than happy to be members of 
the union, so what's the Governor talking about here? Is it even legal? We'll 
talk about that with Rep. John A Culberson (R-TX) and UT-Austin Professor of 
Law and Government, Lucas Powe. 
For more information, go to: 
Later, we'll be joined by actor and political activist, Ben Affleck, to discuss 
the political news of the day and his new movie State of Play, which is a 
fictional peek into the inside world of politics and journalism. 
For more on State of Play, go to: http://www.stateofplaymovie.net/
Plus, Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK) made some controversial comments about 
abortion while speaking at a pro-life event last night. We'll talk to Atlantic 
Media's Ron Brownstein and MSNBC Political Analyst Harold Ford about that and 
more in the Politics Fix. 
For more on Governor Palin's comments, go to: 
And speaking of Sarah Palin, is she holding a grudge against Katie Couric for 
their now-infamous interview back in September? We'll fill you in tonight's 
Hardball Sideshow. 

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Hardball Briefing for Wednesday, April 15

2009-04-15 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - tea time! 
It's tax time in America and protesters are demonstrating in as many as 750 
cities across the country; but what exactly are they protesting? Are these tea 
parties the real deal or just a bunch of pent up Republican rage? We'll ask 
the Chicago Organizer of Tax Day Tea Party, John O'Hara and GOP Conference 
Chair Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN).
For more on the tax day tea parties, go to:
And the Department of Homeland Security released a report today warning about a 
rise in right-wing extremism. Could things like the weak economy, Democratic 
majorities and first black President in office be making it easier for 
extremists to find recruits? Is there a real cause for concern here? Heidi 
Harris, KDWN Radio talk show host and Mark Green, the President of Air America 
media and author of Change for America, will give us their takes. 
For more on the Homeland Security report, go to:
Next up - the Minnesota senate race rages on! Following yesterday's win, the 
DNC unleashed a new radio ad calling for Norm Coleman to concede. The question 
is: will he? Not according to Coleman! He's taking this one to the Minnesota 
Supreme Court! We'll talk to former Vermont Governor and former DNC Chairman 
Howard Dean and Republican strategist Ron Christie about this Minnesota senate 
For more on the never-ending race, go to: 
And in the Politics Fix, the Chicago Tribune's Clarence Page and the Washington 
Post's Eugene Robinson will weigh in on those tea parties and their political 
implications for both parties. 
Plus, if you thought the Minnesota senate race was a close call, just wait 
until you hear about the special election for New York's 20th congressional 
district. We'll fill you in in tonight's Hardball Sideshow. 

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Hardball Briefing for Friday, April 10

2009-04-10 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - fights from the right! 
Republicans have been heating up and sounding off this week. Everyone from Karl 
Rove taking on Vice President Biden to Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL) accusing 17 
members of Congress of being secret Socialists. What exactly is going on here? 
The Washington Post's Eugene Robinson and the Atlantic Media's Ron Brownstein 
will weigh in. 
For more, go to: 
Plus, anti-war Democrats aren't too pleased with the President's $83.4 billion 
dollar request for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. And according to General 
Odierno, we may even miss our deadline to start withdrawing U.S. combat troops 
from Iraqi cities this June. As the wars drag on, is the President at risk of 
losing support from the left? That's what we'll ask Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) and 
former Congressman and National Director of Win without War, Tom Andrews 
For more on funding the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, go to:
On the bright side, according to a survey conducted by the Wall Street Journal 
the recession could be over a whole lot sooner than expected. Is the light at 
the end of the tunnel really starting to appear? CNBC's Chief Washington 
correspondent John Harwood and Joshua Cooper Ramo, author of The Age of the 
Unthinkable, will gives us their takes.  
For more on the light at the end of the economic tunnel, go to:
And remember those GOP Governors who didn't want in on the bailout funds for 
their states? Well it looks like they threw in the towel! We'll talk to MSNBC 
Political Analyst Jim Warren and the Politico's Ken Vogel about that and more 
in tonight's Politics Fix. 
For more on the Governors giving in, go to:
And sure, President Obama has accomplished a lot in his life so far - just not 
enough for an honorary degree from Arizona State University ... where he'll be 
giving the commencement speech next month! That's in tonight's Hardball 

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Hardball Briefing for Monday, April 6

2009-04-06 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up: Stirring the Pot!

Newt Gingrich came out swinging this weekend, criticizing the Obama 
administration's response to the North Korea missile test. What exactly did he 
say? How did President Obama react? We'll bring you the latest with Mother 
Jones's David Corn and Frank Gaffney, Fmr. Assistant Secretary of Defense for 
International Security Policy.

For more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0409/20913.html

Next up - President Obama addressed the Parliament in Turkey today as part of 
his first visit to a Muslim country. Can he win over the hearts and minds of 
the Islamic world? We'll ask MSNBC Political Analyst Howard Fineman and NBC's 
Chief White House Correspondent Chuck Todd to weigh in.
For more info: 

On the Hardball Sideshow - Levi Johnson opened up about his relationship with 
Bristol Palin on The Tyra Banks Show. We'll bring you what he said along with 
the Palin family reaction. 

And, with many Conservatives publicly calling for a revolution, has the 
rhetoric gotten out of hand? We'll ask the New York Times's visual Op-Ed 
columnist, Charles M. Blow, and Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment 
Foundation to debate that one. 

Check out Blow's NYT Op-Ed: 

Finally, in Politics Fix, it's Axelrod v. Cheney! We'll bring you the latest in 
this war of words with  Chicago Tribune columnist Clarence Page and the 
Financial Times's Chrystia Freeland. 

For more info: 


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Hardball Briefing for Friday, April 3

2009-04-03 Thread Hardball with Chris Matthews
The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - charming Europe. 
President Obama is making quite a splash across the pond. He spent the day 
winning over crowds and leaders alike in France and Germany - hosting a 
townhall in Strasborgh, France and receiving accolades from the British Prime 
Minister and French President. So how much European support will this charm 
offensive win as the NATO conferences begin? NBC News Chief White House 
correspondent Chuck Todd and Newsweek's Evan Thomas will give us their takes. 
For more on the President in Europe, go to:
Next up - bad news for Blago! The impeached Illinois Governor was officially 
indicted on sixteen felony counts of corruption yesterday. He isn't the only 
one either - the indictment incriminates a whole host of characters from the 
Illinois political scene. We'll hear more about this from the Chicago 
Sun-Times' Carol Marin and writer Elizabeth Brackett, the author of Pay to 
Play: How Rod Blagojevich Turned Political Corruption into a National 
For more on the Blagojevich indictment, go to:
Afterwards, we'll ask MSNBC Political Analyst Richard Wolffe and Philadelphia 
Radio Host E. Steven Collins how the President's performance abroad could 
impact politics back home. Did he score enough points overseas to win a little 
more leg-room in Congress? That and more in the Politics Fix.  
And we've got major March Madness in the Hardball Sideshow. Tune in before 
Final Four weekend kicks off! 
Plus tonight we'll welcome Ed Schultz who'll be hosting the new The Ed Show 
beginning Monday night at 6 p.m. on MSNBC. 

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