[zamanku] Kalau agama islam itu sekedar dungu, saya nggak akan ribut-ribut...

2008-10-23 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Kalau ajaran agama islam itu sekedar dungu, saya tidak akan ribut-ribut. Saya ribut-ribut karena ajaran agama islam itu juga buas, kejam, keji ganas, zalim lagi biadab., --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan

[zamanku] BBC:Audio Slideshow: Your views of autumn's beauty

2008-10-23 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
681729.stm ------- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] Dan ajaran agama islam yang buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab iti

2008-10-23 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
anjing. --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] Aljazeera: Israel 'open' to Arab peace plan

2008-10-23 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Israel and Hamas are currently observing a six-month truce brokered by Cairo in June. Israel and the Palestinians relaunched peace talks last November at a US-hosted conference with the goal of reaching a deal by the end of 2008. However, most analysts believe that a full deal by the end of the

[zamanku] TDN: Creationist Adnan Hoca's views evolving

2008-10-23 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
been translated into more than 50 languages. But Turkish commentators say the group's books, numbering more than 200, are probably written by a pool of writers � a charge the author denies. --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal

[zamanku] Bagusnya ada internet...

2008-10-24 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
laun akan membuka mata orang Islam yang selama ini telah menjadi korban kibulan orang Arab. --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah

[zamanku] DetikNews: Kantor Harian Metro Tapanuli Dirusak Massa

2008-10-24 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
capai puluhan juta akibat kejadian ini," kata Wiku Sapta, Wakil Pemimpin Redaksi Metro Tapanuli kepada detikcom melalui telepon. Pasca penyerangan ini, sejumlah polisi berjaga-jaga di sekitar Kantor Metro Tapanuli untuk mengantisipasi berbagai kemungkinan. ------- Jusfiq Hadjar g

[zamanku] Wikiislam: Aisha's Age of Consummation

2008-10-24 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Sialan emang tu nabi sundel yang dijadikan junjungan dan panutan olehorang Islam tipikal... --- http://www.wikiislam.com/wiki/Aisha%27s_Age_of_Consummation --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu

[zamanku] Detikcom: Syekh Nikahi Bocah. Paedophilia Berkedok Agama

2008-10-24 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
langgar UU Pernikahan, KUHP serta UU Perlindungan Anak.Krimonolog Universitas Indonesia Adrianus Meliala mengatakan, polisi kalau sudah mengetahui pernikahan Syekh Puji dengan gadis di bawah umur harus segera beraksi. "Polisi harus segera bertindak. Tidak perlu menunggu laporan lagi," tegasnya. (

[zamanku] Gulfnews: Foreign jihadists entering Philippines worry authorities

2008-10-24 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
ed nearly 200 people. He is believed to be hiding in the Philippines with Abu Sayyaf members. Lomibao said he was also worried about other jihadists who "are no longer visible in the intelligence radar screen". --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang di

[zamanku] CNN: Australia warns of Indonesia terror threat

2008-10-25 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
P Indonesia http://topics.edition.cnn.com/topics/Indonesia Find this article at: http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/10/25/australia.indonesia.bali.ap/index.html SAVE THIS | EMAIL THIS | Close Uncheck the box to remove the list of links referenced in the article.

[zamanku] Aljazeera: Falling shares trigger Gulf protest

2008-10-26 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
ects. The Kuwait Stock Exchange Index shed 3.2 per cent while the Saudi stock market opened down 3 per cent. Markets in Qatar and Dubai also showed a downward spiral. Source: Agencies --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal

Re: [zamanku] Islamic clerics in Malaysia issue rule to ban tomboys

2008-10-26 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Saat orang kapir sibuk berebut mengirim berbagai peralatan ke ruang angkasa, saat orang kapir sibuk memajukan ilmu pengetahuan, orang islazm yang dungu-dungua kayak anjing itu menyibukkan dirinya dengan masaalah beginian... Ya nggak maju-maju.. --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan

[zamanku] Kawin dengan bocah

2008-10-26 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Puji itu dengan pernikahan sirri (bawah tangan). "Seperti kawin sirri. Memang secara agam sah, tapi bagi warga negara tetap harus melapor ke kantor urusan agama," katanya mencontohkan. (sho/sho) --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipi

[zamanku] CNN: Attackers gouge out Afghan man's eyes

2008-10-27 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
at: http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/10/26/afghanistan.attack.ap/index.html Click Here to Print SAVE THIS | EMAIL THIS | Close Uncheck the box to remove the list of links referenced in the article. � 2008 Cable News Network. --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan

[zamanku] Detikcom: MUI Tak Masalah Syekh Puji Dipidanakan

2008-10-27 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
mengimbau agar para tokoh agama tidak melakukan pernikahan tersebut. "MUI minta supaya masyarakat taat pada aturan agama dan negara," tegas Umar. ------- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dung

[zamanku] (unknown)

2008-10-27 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
us ini, Syech Puji menikah secara siri dengan Lutfiana Ulfa yang baru lulus SD. Ulfa merupakan istri keduanya. (aan/iy) --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] The Australian: Six driven to wage jihad, court told

2008-10-27 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
telling the potential jurors the trial could take up to a year and involve 700 witnesses. AAP --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah

[zamanku] Wikipedia: Muhammad admits to lying and encourages Muslims to do likewise

2008-10-27 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Sahih Muslim 15:4062 Retrieved from "http://wikiislam.com/wiki/Muhammad_admits_to_lying_and_encourages_Muslims_to_do_likewise"; Category: Muhammad * This page was last modified on 6 August 2007, at 12:46. * This page has been accessed 3,566 times. --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] Reuters: Humans made fire 790,000 years ago: study

2008-10-27 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
nalists are subject to an Editorial Handbook which requires fair presentation and disclosure of relevant interests. --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim l

[zamanku] Sc.Am: Taking Wing: Uncovering the Evolutionary Origins of Bats

2008-10-27 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
ot;Voluntourism": See the World--And Help Conserve It * Medical Mystery: Only One Person Has Survived Rabies without Vaccine--But How? * Deadly by the Dozen: 12 Diseases Climate Change May Worsen * Bar Code of Life: DNA Tags Help Classify Animals --- Jusfiq Hadjar ge

[zamanku] Aljazeera: Thousands 'displaced' in Sudan

2008-10-27 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
ging. It is starting to get cold at night, so they need non-food items as well," he said. Source: Agencies --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] okezone: Presiden PKS: Jangan Menghujat Syekh Puji

2008-10-28 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
a pendapat, selama mempunyai dalil yang kuat. "Jadi tolong kepada semua masyarakat terutama umat Islam agar tidak sampai saling menghujat. Lebih baik dikonsultasikan dengan ulama (MUI) karena ini masalah fiqih, yang ada batas minimal dan maksimalnya," terangnya. � ------- Jusfi

[zamanku] Detikcom: Ditemui Kak Seto, Ulfa Mengaku Tertekan

2008-10-28 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
yang kemudian menyerahkan sepenuhnya kepada dia," urainya. Kak Seto menuturkan berdasarkan keterangan satu sumber, pernikahan ini tidak ada unsur pemaksaan. "Ini hasil sementara yang kita peroleh," tandasnya.(ndr/) --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah ya

[zamanku] Detikcom: Kak Seto: Syekh Puji Minta Maaf, Ulfa Akan Dipulangkan

2008-10-28 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
nya. "Ini yang penting, dia bisa menerima saran ini. Dan dia akan berkonsultasi dengan alim ulama bagaimana cara pembatalan pernikahannya. Nanti penyerahan ke orang tua akan disaksikan oleh Komnas Anak," tandasnya.(ndr/gah) ------- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

[zamanku] Detikcom: Ditolak KUA, Keluarga Ulfa Ajukan Dispensasi

2008-10-28 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
alah Suroso, karena terkait statusnya sebagai pemohon. (try/djo) ------- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] BBC: Iraqi Christians' fear of exile

2008-10-29 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
esus Christ. Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/middle_east/7696242.stm Published: 2008/10/28 20:38:04 GMT © BBC MMVIII --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] CNN: Canadian man guilty in British bomb plot

2008-10-29 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Here to Print SAVE THIS | EMAIL THIS | Close Uncheck the box to remove the list of links referenced in the article. � 2008 Cable News Network. --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dung

[zamanku] Khaleej Times: 250 bln dollars wiped from Gulf stocks in October

2008-10-30 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
nk of Bahrain on Thursday cut its key one-week deposit interest rate by 25 basis points to 1.50 percent, becoming the second Gulf country after Kuwait to follow the US Federal Reserve cut. --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan

[zamanku] Kompas: Eksekusi Hukuman Mati Terbanyak di Era SBY-JK

2008-10-30 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
orang. Kalau begitu, sama saja dong namanya," kata Rusdi. --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] ITN: Woman charged with terror offence

2008-11-01 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
ahoo.com/4/20081031/tuk-woman-charged-with-terror-offence-dba1618.html ------- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] Tempo: Kawin Cerai Syeh Puji Dinilai Permainkan Agama

2008-11-01 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
fatwa," kata Umar. Fery Firmansyah --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] The Independent: Robert Fisk’s World: Arabs have to rely on Britain and Israel for their history

2008-11-01 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
rael after which Operation Musketeer – the Suez aggression – took over from Operation Cordage, and Britain's potential Israeli enemies suddenly became their secret allies. But of course, all this comes from British files. Alas, it will be many years before we know what is in the book that

[zamanku] The Guardian: Amnesty: Somali rape victim, 13, stoned to death, AF

2008-11-01 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
the Mogadishu airport by threatening to attack any plane using it. * guardian.co.uk © Guardian News and Media Limited 2008 --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji,

[zamanku] SD: Scientists Identify Machinery That Helps Make Memories

2008-11-02 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
at Helps Make Memories. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 2, 2008, from http://www.sciencedaily.com­ /releases/2008/10/081030123821.htm --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] DetikNews: HTI: Pernikahan Syekh Puji Sah dalam Islam

2008-11-02 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
nunjukkan bahwa Puji mengidap pedofilia. "Gadis itu sudah baligh, jadi wajar saja untuk menikah. Tidak tepat kalau kiai ini dituduh pedofilia, itu akan memicu umat muslim karena dipikir Islam melegalkannya," pungkasnya. --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo A

[zamanku] SD: Beyond Recognizing Odors, Single Neuron Controls Reactions In Worm

2008-11-02 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
eport? Use one of the following formats: APA MLA Rockefeller University (2008, November 2). Beyond Recognizing Odors, Single Neuron Controls Reactions In Worm. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 2, 2008, from http://www.sciencedaily.com­ /releases/2008/10/081030200636.htm ------- Jus

[zamanku] Barnabas Fund: A home flattened in the violence

2008-11-03 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
For any links to other sites and related news items ensure that you check the bottom of the article page. Error in my_thread_global_end(): 1 threads didn't exit --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-M

[zamanku] Reuters: Even a little caffeine may harm fetus, study finds

2008-11-03 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
registered trademarks or trademarks of the Thomson Reuters group of companies around the world. Thomson Reuters journalists are subject to an Editorial Handbook which requires fair presentation and disclosure of relevant interests. --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah ya

[zamanku] Bom Islam di Thailand?

2008-11-04 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/asia-pacific/7707594.stm Published: 2008/11/04 08:21:58 GMT © BBC MMVIII ------- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] BBC: Pope urged to admit common ground

2008-11-04 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
r on the basis of agreeing to disagree." Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/uk_news/7706977.stm Published: 2008/11/04 01:15:58 GMT © BBC MMVIII --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] ABC: PM - Bali bombers' execution raises questions over death penalty

2008-11-04 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
to get rid of the death penalty it should also be lobbying the United States and China on the same issue. MARK BANNERMAN: Brigid Glanville reporting. © 2008 Australian Broadcasting Corporation Copyright information: http://abc.net.au/common/copyrigh.htm Privacy information: http://abc.net.

[zamanku] Aljazeera: Bomb alert ahead of Bali executions

2008-11-04 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
lamiyah group, which Western intelligence agencies say has close ties to al-Qaeda. Source: Agencies --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] BBC: Bin Laden son in Spain asylum bid

2008-11-04 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
one of 19 sons of the al-Qaeda leader. Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/europe/7708029.stm Published: 2008/11/04 11:23:34 GMT © BBC MMVIII --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Musha

[zamanku] Scientists 'clone mice from deep freeze bodies'

2008-11-04 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
d to be applied in extinct or endangered animals. "However, the use of interspecies nuclear transfer techniques could solve this problem and provide a possibility of reconstituting the genomes of animals from samples frozen without access to sophisticated laboratory facilities." ---

[zamanku] Aljazeera: Iran minister fired over fake Phd

2008-11-04 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
his degree, but "to my utter disbelief, the university did not confirm [the degree] when my representative went there." Kordan said he had pressed charges against the person who claimed to be the university's representative in Tehran as soon as he realised his degree was fak

[zamanku] BBC: Rome hosts Vatican-Muslim summit

2008-11-04 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/europe/7707606.stm Published: 2008/11/04 08:58:09 GMT © BBC MMVIII --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] Surya: Kiai Masyhurat Lebih Hebat dari Syekh Puji, 5 Istri Dinikahi di Bawah Umur

2008-11-04 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
anak.st2 Comments --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] E Sc.News: Completely novel action of insulin unveiled

2008-11-06 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
erapies." Professor James sees the finding as a welcome milestone on a very long road of discovery. "While we're certainly not saying we've found a way to cure diabetes, we are saying we've found a pretty significant clue." --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan M

[zamanku] CNN: Taliban group says it abducted 12 children in Pakistan

2008-11-06 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
said they were investigating the kidnappings. Find this article at: http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/11/05/afghanistan.children/index.html � 2008 Cable News Network. --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambark

[zamanku] BBC: Child marriage and divorce in Yemen

2008-11-06 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
is daughter's hand in marriage, curtailing her childhood once and for all. You can listen to Jenny Cuffe's Assignment programme Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/middle_east/7711554.stm Published: 2008/11/06 09:38:46 GMT © BBC MMVIII ---

[zamanku] Yahoo (AFP): Japanese researchers make brain tissues from stem cells

2008-11-06 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
tasks. The findings of the study were published in the November 6 online journal Cell Stem Cell in the United States. Copyright © 2008 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Copyright © 2008 AFP Printed from http://uk.news.yahoo.com/18/20081106/tts-japanese-researchers-make-brain-tiss-9baddeb.html

[zamanku] Times: The children who could be seeking divorce

2008-11-06 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
tional Limited, 1 Virginia St, London E98 1XY, is the holding company for the News International group and is registered in England No 81701. VAT number GB 243 8054 69. --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] LiveScience: Fountain of Youth: Drug Restores Muscles

2008-11-06 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
longer clinical trial to determine whether MK-677 is effective in people who are frail and to assess its long-term safety. © Imaginova Corp. All rights reserved. --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf i

[zamanku] UN call for Saudi women's rights

2008-11-06 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
n said Saudi society was still largely a tribal one where new ideas took time to be accepted. Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/middle_east/7222869.stm Published: 2008/02/01 18:54:07 GMT © BBC MMVIII --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang di

[zamanku] BBC: Saudi gang rape sentence 'unjust'

2008-11-06 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
d to punish the girl for trying to aggravate and influence the judiciary through the media. Mr Lahem said that the judges' decision to confiscate his licence to work and stop him from representing his client is illegal. Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/middle_east/7098

[zamanku] BBC: Saudi child 'files for divorce'

2008-11-06 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/middle_east/7579616.stm Published: 2008/08/24 09:20:49 GMT © BBC MMVIII ------- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ga

[zamanku] The Bride Price: Child Marriage in Afghanistan

2008-11-06 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Potret yang sudah sering kita lihat: bocah cilik yang dikawinin laki-laki yang jauh leih tua di Afghanistan,. http://www.viiphoto.com/detailStory3.php?news_id=669 --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al

[zamanku] Youtube: A 12-y-old girl is gang-raped by warlords in Northern Afghanistan

2008-11-06 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
A 12-y-old girl is gang-raped by warlords in Northern Afghanistan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yFiHkhv-UE&feature=related --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, g

[zamanku] Teuters: Experts sequence gene maps of Chinese, African men

2008-11-06 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
ny (particular gene) is linked to certain (diseases) ... which are rare in other races," said Zhuo. (Reporting by Tan Ee Lyn; Editing by Paul Tait) --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dun

[zamanku] BBC: Cancer genetic blueprint revealed

2008-11-06 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
t;Its wider application to other cancers may be limited though - the technique is particularly valuable for blood cancers in which the chromosome changes are usually simpler than in solid tumours at the time of diagnosis." Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/health/

[zamanku] BBC: Stoning victim 'begged for mercy'

2008-11-07 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Islamist insurgent organisation. Mr Turki is on the US list of "financers of terrorism". It was the first reported execution by stoning in the southern port city since Islamist insurgents captured it. The BBC had a reporter in the area, but he was shot dead in Kismayo in June. St

[zamanku] The Australian: Pig organs for transplant in 10 years

2008-11-07 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
kidneys are likely to be the first pig organs that researchers attempt to transplant into a sick human. “The kidney is a really good candidate,” she said. “There’s a huge shortage and it would make a big difference.” The Times --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang

[zamanku] Reuters: Hamas leader ready to talk to Obama

2008-11-08 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
The Islamist group continues to say it will not formally recognize Israel and its 1988 founding charter calls for the destruction of the Jewish state. (Reporting by Jodie Ginsberg; Editing by Charles Dick) --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang

[zamanku] (Tempo) MUI: Amrozi Cs Bukan Mati Syahid

2008-11-09 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
a ulama menilai itu tidak tepat," ujarnya. Maaruf juga menilai hukuman mati merupakan hukuman setimpal karena mereka juga telah membunuh. Islam. kata dia, tak melarang hukuman mati jika tak ada cara lain. Desy Pakpahan Copyright ©2008 TEMPOinteraktif --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar

[zamanku] BBC: Indian satellite orbiting Moon

2008-11-09 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/science/nature/7718015.stm Published: 2008/11/08 19:14:52 GMT © BBC MMVIII --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim l

[zamanku] PA: Britain should talk to Iran - Clegg

2008-11-09 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
ks and Suggestions * Copyright/IP Policy Copyright © 2008 Press Association Printed from http://uk.news.yahoo.com/21/20081109/tuk-britain-should-talk-to-iran-clegg-6323e80.html --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] BBC: Window into cancer-spread secrets

2008-11-10 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
r/fr/-/2/hi/health/7711650.stm Published: 2008/11/10 00:01:09 GMT © BBC MMVIII --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] RJ: Studies: Beware of taking vitamins

2008-11-10 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
L THIS | Close Check the box to include the list of links referenced in the article. Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal, 1997 - 2008 Go Green! Subscribe to the electronic Edition at www.reviewjournal.com/ee/ --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah ora

[zamanku] SMH: Bin Laden 'plans new attack on US'

2008-11-10 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
eat level described as "severe". This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2008/11/10/1226165435339.html --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] BBC: Triple Baghdad blasts kill dozens

2008-11-10 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/middle_east/7719104.stm Published: 2008/11/10 11:10:27 GMT © BBC MMVIII ------- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] TIMES: Girl, 13, is Iraq's latest suicide bomber

2008-11-10 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
material from Times Online, The Times or The Sunday Times, click here.This website is published by a member of the News International Group. News International Limited, 1 Virginia St, London E98 1XY, is the holding company for the News International group and is registered in England No 81

[zamanku] DC: The Iran-Saudi Cold War

2008-11-11 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
. [DIPLOMATIC COURIER] All contents © 2006-2008 diplomaticourier.org. All rights reserved. --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab

[zamanku] BBC: Somalis grow fearful of Islamists

2008-11-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
priority. "They are holding this region with the barrel of the gun, and it has nothing to do with Islam," the Hiiran political activist said. Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/africa/7722701.stm Published: 2008/11/12 01:16:45 GMT © BBC MMVIII -

[zamanku] BBC: Norway tops gender equality list

2008-11-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
y, the University of California, Berkeley and the World Economic Forum. Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/business/7722389.stm Published: 2008/11/12 06:32:49 GMT © BBC MMVIII --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam ti

[zamanku] BBC: Baghdad bombings kill two, wound 15

2008-11-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
n the article. � 2008 Cable News Network. --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] SD: Genetic Basis For Some Birth Defects Uncovered

2008-11-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
n your essay, paper, or report? Use one of the following formats: APA MLA Case Western Reserve University (2008, November 12). Genetic Basis For Some Birth Defects Uncovered. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 12, 2008, from http://www.sciencedaily.com­ /releases/2008/11/081110190653.htm --

[zamanku] BBC: Rough justice for Afghan women inmates

2008-11-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
- are still struggling to get the justice they deserve. Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/south_asia/7719686.stm Published: 2008/11/12 16:37:08 GMT © BBC MMVIII --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] TEMPO: Generasi Muda Jamaah Islamiyah Belajar di 30 Pesantren

2008-11-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
di Indonesia. Tetapi, jika ada ancaman bagi kelompok mereka tetap siap. Misalnya terjadi konflik di Ambon, tetapi Sidney yakin hal tersebut tidak akan terjadi. Aqida Swamurti ------- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarka

[zamanku] SD: Key Mechanism That Regulates Development Of Stem Cells Into Neurons

2008-11-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
wing formats: APA MLA University of Southern California (2008, November 11). Key Mechanism That Regulates Development Of Stem Cells Into Neurons Identified. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 12, 2008, from http://www.sciencedaily.com­ /releases/2008/11/081110153621.htm --- Jusfiq Hadjar g

[zamanku] BBC: Acid attack on Afghan schoolgirls

2008-11-12 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
tay home, we want an education." The BBC's Ian Pannell in Kabul says that the incident has shocked ordinary Afghans. Nato-led forces in Afghanistan condemned the attack as cowardly. Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/south_asia/7724505.stm Published: 2008/11/12

[zamanku] BBC: Bone marrow 'cures Aids patient'

2008-11-13 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
nfected 33 million people worldwide. Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/health/7726118.stm Published: 2008/11/13 05:57:16 GMT © BBC MMVIII --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Musha

[zamanku] Aljazeera: Iran diplomat abducted in Pakistan

2008-11-13 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Source: Agencies ------- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] BBC: Obama aide apologises to US-Arabs

2008-11-14 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
anuel, who has a pro-Israel record. However, the congressman himself dismissed the idea and said that Mr Obama did not need his influence to "orientate his policy toward Israel". Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/americas/us_elections_2008/7729046.stm Publ

[zamanku] BBC: Exoplanets finally come into view

2008-11-14 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
ll seem pretty real to me. "It's like a London bus - you've been waiting for one for ages and suddenly four come along at once." Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/science/nature/7725584.stm Published: 2008/11/13 19:00:27 GMT © BBC MMVIII

[zamanku] CNN: CIA head says bin Laden isolated, fighting to survive

2008-11-14 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
om/topics/Michael_Hayden Find this article at: http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/11/13/binladen.cia/index.html Click Here to Print SAVE THIS | EMAIL THIS | Close Uncheck the box to remove the list of links referenced in the article. � 2008 Cable News Network. ---

[zamanku] BBC: Indian probe touches down on Moon

2008-11-14 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
tory from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/south_asia/7730157.stm Published: 2008/11/14 17:08:31 GMT © BBC MMVIII --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] Agama Islam menyuruh mukmin berperang...

2008-11-14 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
Agama Islam menyuruh mukmin berperang... Pada hal yang kudu dicari adalah bagaiama caranya menghindarkan perang. Saya bilang dan saya ulang, agama Islam itu hanya pantas untuk anjing liar dan binatang buas dan m:nusia dungu kayak anjing... --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo

[zamanku] Dawn: November 15, 2008 Saturday Ziqa'ad 16, 1429

2008-11-15 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
since the founding of the UN. He urged global leaders to use their “moral strength” to find solutions to some of the greatest problems plaguing the planet, including poverty, hunger and climate change. The DAWN Media Group --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang dis

[zamanku] Reuters: Afghan girl says acid attack won't stop her lessons

2008-11-15 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
equires fair presentation and disclosure of relevant interests. http://statse.webtrendslive.com/dcsncwimc1kzgoor3wv9x_3f2v/njs.gif?dcsuri=/nojavascript&WT.js=No";> --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] Pos Kota: 12 Anggota DPRD Berhaji Gunakan APBD

2008-11-15 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
) Jeddah dan Bandara Amir Muhammad bin Abdul Aziz (AMAA) Madinah. (saban/chotim/ds/B) --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] BBC: Cancer drug success 'on the rise'

2008-11-16 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
ess as well as pinpoint areas for improvement." Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/health/7728821.stm Published: 2008/11/16 00:00:22 GMT © BBC MMVIII --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang dig

[zamanku] Aljazeera: Karzai ready to meet Taliban chief

2008-11-16 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
ghan Taliban" who do not have ties with al-Qaeda and agree to lay down their weapons and accept the post-Taliban constitution. In September, Taliban members met Afghan and Pakistani officials during a dinner hosted by Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah, but there were no concrete results fr

[zamanku] GulfNews: Bangladesh raids Islamist den, seizes explosives

2008-11-16 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
urnalists. More than 150 people were wounded in the attacks. ------- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] Reuters: Afghan Taliban prepare response to Karzai safety vow

2008-11-17 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
f relevant interests. ------- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] Aljazeera: Obama vows to shut Guantanamo

2008-11-17 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
ot;it is a top priority for us to stamp out al-Qaeda once and for all" and that killing or capturing the group's mastermind Osama bin Laden was "critical" to US security. Source: Agencies --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.

[zamanku] Reuters: Rival Islamists clash near Somali capital

2008-11-17 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
anies around the world. Thomson Reuters journalists are subject to an Editorial Handbook which requires fair presentation and disclosure of relevant interests. --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf

[zamanku] Aljazeera: Muslim woman defies male dominance

2008-11-18 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
ve that the minister had to be cautious, as this case was the first of its kind. But laws are not religion. We can develop them. On November 14, the United Arab Emirates followed in Egypt's footsteps and appointed Fatima Saeed Obeid Al Awani as a mazouna in the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department

[zamanku] BBC: Windpipe transplant breakthrough

2008-11-19 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
ail address Town & Country Phone number (optional): Comments Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/health/7735696.stm Published: 2008/11/19 01:28:49 GMT © BBC MMVIII --- Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yan

[zamanku] Der Spiegel: Did Muhammad Ever Really Live?

2008-11-19 Terurut Topik Jusfiq Hadjar
ing that with our (Corpus Coranicum) project here at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences. What the Muslim community takes out of it in terms of inspiration and whether it uses it as a foundation for a process of some type of reform -- that's its own issue. Pragmatic coexistence

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