Re: [Cooker] to full up, really?

2002-09-09 Thread Leon Brooks

On Sat, 7 Sep 2002 18:16, Quel Qun wrote:
 I tried the on-line Merriam-Webster's but the only form it knows is to

`The disk is getting full.' == `The disk is filling up.', both good English.

`This disk is getting full up' and `The disk is filling' are less polished 
English, but understandable. At least here in Oz. (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] suggestion for systems with VIA sound chips

2002-09-09 Thread Leon Brooks

On Sun, 8 Sep 2002 05:34, allen wrote:
 Right now I cannot install RC1 into VMWare for a variety of odd reasons
 that I hope are being addressed.

Oooh, yah, why do you bury us in such overwhelmingly specific detail? (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Suggestion for future 9.1 installer

2002-09-09 Thread Leon Brooks

On Sat, 7 Sep 2002 06:15, Igor Izyumin wrote:
 Also, can we have a retry button when a package fails to install?  I
 often get problems with packages when installing over the network or on old
 CDROMs, and it would really help.  Currently, there is only an option to
 cancel or continue.  Is it really that hard to implement?

And the option to *not* bail out *at*the*end* of the installation if some 
packages didn't make it? I can understand mandating a reinstall if (e.g.) 
glibc installation karks it but think it's a bit excessive if (e.g.) xbill 
bites the dust. Sorry if the idioms are hard on ESL people, but I like them. 

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] usb storage: desktop icon not removed/still (super)mounted?

2002-09-09 Thread Leon Brooks

On Fri, 6 Sep 2002 23:46, Alastair Scott wrote:
 On Fri, 2002-09-06 at 14:25, H. Narfi Stefansson wrote:
 I thought the whole idea was that this should be automated now. Does the
 'automated' part only apply to the mounting and not to the unmounting?
 In other words, is this a feature or is this a bug?

 It looks like a bug, and I reported it during the 'great mail server
 outage' but it appears that that post never got through. So ...

 I have a Sony Clie PEG-425T and used to mount its memory stick 'by hand'
 from the command line as /dev/sda1.

 none /mnt/removable supermount
 dev=/dev/sda1,fs=auto,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0

I found it more reliable to automate this on my desktop machine by having the 
hotplug scripts mount and unmount. In my case, the storage is a camera, so I 
also have them suck the camera dry and if successful also clear it.

SuperMount would account for around half of the very few reboots I do of 

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] [Fwd: Typo in license agreement]

2002-09-09 Thread Leon Brooks

On Sat, 7 Sep 2002 08:14, Levi Ramsey wrote:
 On Fri Sep 06 17:06 -0700, David Walser wrote:
 Yes, but doesn't it mean expressing interest?  I think
 here he would say raising an eyebrow.

 It generally means something along the lines of without pausing, looking
 calm and natural.

Australia votes for `batting an eyelid' and would also use `without blinking'. 
This from the land of `no worries', `go for your life' and `fair dinkum'; 
shall we get into rhyming slang? (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] XFree86 resolutions

2002-09-10 Thread Leon Brooks

On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 20:05, Chris Picton wrote:
 My maximum mode is exactly the same as before, but I have many more low
 resolution modes.

 For my monitor, the full list available modes I get is:

[57 modes deleted]

You want to hit Ctrl-Alt-GreyMinus _how_ many times to get the rez you like?

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Tuxkart Not Working Properly

2002-09-10 Thread Leon Brooks

On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 12:19:15 +0100
Crispin Boylan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 on my tuxkart (0.1.0-4mdk) when you start the game Tux and his kart
 just plummet downwards through the track - why is this?

Do you have the Neutronium texture installed, but not Penguin Black? Perhaps 
he became too heavy for the snow/ice/rock beneath him to support because his 
texture defaulted to Neutronium in the absence of Penguin Black.


Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Why 700MB CDs there is easyer to write to 650MB and less to download

2002-09-11 Thread Leon Brooks

On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 22:23, Adam Williamson wrote:
 Current Mandrake ISOs burn
 happily to my 700MB CDs from a rather old Sony CDRW. No overburning,
 nothing special. I just write them using xcdroast, and they come out

Ditto, and on a dodgy Diamond drive at that (e.g. it won't burn LASER brand 
media at any speed or size); the same images also work with Nero on a 'doze 

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] installing kino if firewire seen

2002-09-11 Thread Leon Brooks

On Wed, 11 Sep 2002 16:57, Henri wrote:
 As told in a previous message, could kino be installed when a firewire
 card is detected ?

Firewire is also used for stuff like portable hard drives on a server. Kino 
and a ton of useless (on a server) X stuff that it depends on would be a bit 
of a downer to have to remove. Let the user choose it themselves, or at worst 
put up a note during install.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] MakeCD error (repost)

2002-09-11 Thread Leon Brooks

On Wed, 11 Sep 2002 21:32, Sitsofe Wheeler wrote:
 I'm trying to use MakeCD on a RedHat 7.3 system and I'm running up again
 the following error:

Have a look at the mckd script options. There's something in there about 
getting dependent PERL modules from the tree you're making the CD with.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] zip/unzip ark Kde

2002-09-11 Thread Leon Brooks

On Thu, 12 Sep 2002 11:39, Richard Houser wrote:
 Zip and Unzip really aren't used that much in the linux world from my

StarOffice/OpenOffice and now KOffice pack their documents with it. Sorry, 
that makes it `required' for me even if the ability to port Windows apps and 
muck around with Java jars didn't.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] MakeCD error (repost)

2002-09-11 Thread Leon Brooks

On Thu, 12 Sep 2002 13:07, Richard Houser wrote:
 Leon Brooks wrote:
| On Wed, 11 Sep 2002 21:32, Sitsofe Wheeler wrote:
|I'm trying to use MakeCD on a RedHat 7.3 system and I'm running up again
|the following error:

| Have a look at the mckd script options. There's something in there about
| getting dependent PERL modules from the tree you're making the CD with.

 I think the options you are refering to is the MakeCD script itself.  If
 you look, it sets up a bunch of environment stuff for perl.

True story.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Some problems with terminal-server

2002-09-12 Thread Leon Brooks

On Fri, 13 Sep 2002 02:09, Buchan Milne wrote:
 One annoyance is that it seems impossible to have terminal-server and
 snf configure dhcp, but terminal-server doesn't make allowance for a
 dynamic range or WINS IPs (both of which I need for the +- 10 windows
 desktops they currently have), if I were to add another interface to the
 machine I don't see how I would be able to run two dhcpd's (yet, I could
 hack a bit), and the SNF config also trashes everything the terminal
 server setup.

One DHCP service, two interfaces configured in it.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Re: [Contrib-Rpm] hot-babe-0.1.0-1mdk

2002-09-19 Thread Leon Brooks

On Fri, 20 Sep 2002 05:23, rcc wrote:
 On 19 Sep 2002 17:03:18 -0400
 there's more (real) skin to be seen in advertising and newspaper
 booths around here.

I would have thought paper was a more appropriate medium _and_ far easier to 
obtain. (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Re: [Contrib-Rpm] hot-babe-0.1.0-1mdk

2002-09-19 Thread Leon Brooks

On Fri, 20 Sep 2002 06:44, Digital Wokan wrote:
 While this may not get my grandmother to use Linux, I'll bet it might
 convince my brother and a couple more friends at work.  :)

No worries. Grab the RPMS from the main distro, add hot-babe and anything else 
you like from PLF, and roll your own `Unauthorised Mandrake 9.0'. Kind of 
like those `UNAUTHORISED BIOGRAPHY' sensationalist books you see from time to 
time. Remember to donate most of the proceeds to Mandrake, less maybe 10% for 
the HB author for making your sub-distro possible...

Cheers; Leon

[Cooker] makecd seems to have broken for me since RC2

2002-09-19 Thread Leon Brooks

Using the following command on a Cooker collection rsync'ed from Norway 3 
hours ago, I get...

depslist.ordered, hdlists and RPMS mismatch

...and no ISOs (and did before I added the --buildhdlist option). This command 
produced 5 working ISOs when I tried it about halfway between RC2 and RC3 
(also sans --buildhdlist option), and I know it's the same because I 
immortalised it as a shell script:

cooker/i586/misc/MakeCD --discsize 7 -d --isodir iso \
  --buildhdlist cooker/i586/Mandrake/RPMS contrib/RPMS \
  -a cooker/i586 contrib/RPMS

The rsync is complete except for sparc, alpha, PPC, ia64 and SRPMS trees:

rsync -ltrvz --partial --progress --stats --delete \
  --exclude SRPMS --exclude alpha --exclude ppc --exclude ia64 \
  --exclude sparc .
rsync -ltrvz --partial --progress --stats --delete \
  --exclude SRPMS --exclude alpha --exclude ppc --exclude ia64 \
  --exclude sparc .

I needed to add the -d AKA --depslist-creation to make it work last time (the 
post-RC2 build).

Any ideas?

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] kfiresaver3D

2002-09-20 Thread Leon Brooks

On Fri, 20 Sep 2002 13:49, Ben Reser wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 20, 2002 at 12:13:40AM -0500, Texstar wrote:
  Args. Probably has something to do with the installation of nvidia glx
  driver. Didn't get that when I compiled and installed from source. rpm
  seems to pick it up. Back to investigate...

 Rebuilt and posted on my site...  without the nvidia library dependency:

I've got the NVidia drivers aboard, so it wasn't a problem. It's pretty 
staggering on a 19 monitor!

 At any rate people who build RPMS and use nvidia drivers should read
 this post from Buchan Milne about how to get around the auto-depends
 upon the nvidia drivers:

 It contains a work around for this problem.

Thanks for the tip!

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] makecd seems to have broken for me since RC2

2002-09-20 Thread Leon Brooks

On Fri, 20 Sep 2002 14:45, Warly wrote:

 cooker/i586/misc/MakeCD --verbose --discsize 7 -d --isodir iso \
 -a cooker/i586 contrib/RPMS  mkcd.log

Doing that now.

 and send me privately the mkcd.log file if you want me to have a more
 precise look.


Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] 9.0 final when ?

2002-09-21 Thread Leon Brooks

On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 09:29, SI Reasoning wrote:
 This is the internal mouse for the laptop that he had lock up on him. No
 problems with it in 8.2. Most of the little things are just that. The fine
 tuning that a few additional weeks would bring, but it makes all of the
 difference in usability. Personally, I would consider it ready when cooker
 gets boring for lack of activity. :-}

Perhaps we can do a `9.0Q Download Edition' which is Cooker from a week or 
fortnight after release? (-: Q as in Quiet or Quiescent :-)

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] 9.0 final when ?

2002-09-21 Thread Leon Brooks

On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 10:53, Ben Reser wrote:
 But you're arguing that we
 should delay it so we can fix some guys error where the kernel doesn't
 think he has a PS/2 mouse port and nobody else has seen this issue.

Um, not to rain too heavily on your parade, but I've seen quite a few me-too 
posts on this issue.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] 9.0 final when ?

2002-09-22 Thread Leon Brooks

On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 11:12, Ben Reser wrote:
 Well people with those machines have reported that enabling ACPI in
 their kernel's usually fixes their problems.  But I personally haven't
 tried it.  I don't really care I'm not so lazy that I can't press the
 power button.

It's kind of handy for the hit-shutdown-leave-house-running scenario when 
you're doing last minute stuff. I have a dual PPro200 box that powers down 
the drives one by one but won't power off; my wife's previous box would 
kernel-panic instead of powering down, but everything else is well-behaved.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] 9.0 Codename

2002-09-22 Thread Leon Brooks

On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 12:04, Austin Acton wrote:
 Well, I must say I loved the name Traktopel.  That's front end
 loader in English, I do believe.

Snowplough. Tractor-with-shovel, kinda-sorta.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] 9.0 final when ?

2002-09-22 Thread Leon Brooks

On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 13:15, James wrote:
 One thing I've been wanting to do here is to set up a partial mirror of
 cooker that holds only packages which haven't changed in (say) 2 weeks.

Debian-testing for Mandrake? (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] 9.0 Codename

2002-09-22 Thread Leon Brooks

On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 21:27, Felix Miata wrote:
 Jason Straight wrote:
 On Saturday 21 September 2002 06:34 pm, Jure Repinc wrote:
 What is the codename for 9.0 release?
 8.1 was vitamin
 8.2 was bluebird
 9.0 will be ?

 Should call it Top Fuel, or Supercharger.


How about `slingshot', or for a bit of Aussie slang as a change (from the 
canonical French), `ging'?

If you like Aussie words, `woomera' would be good. That's a wooden combination 
stick/cradle thingy with a hook at one end used as a turbocharger for spears.

Should have included kfireworks3D screensaver as default, then we could call 
it `firework'. (-:

 Since the first cut was already made, it has already been selected I'm


Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] 9.0 Codename: dolphin

2002-09-22 Thread Leon Brooks

On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 22:53, David Eastcott wrote:
 Its called Dolphin,

 check misc/doc/9.0.conf for the -t option

`Kooeelung' is one Aboriginal name for dolphin.

I prefer the Indonesian word for dolphin, `lumba-lumba', which transliterates 
as `race-race' and would be interpreted as `races' in the sense of more than 
one competition as opposed to `goes fast' _but_ Indonesian can be funny and 
perhaps they meant it both ways. (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] `death ears' (-:

2002-09-22 Thread Leon Brooks

On Mon, 23 Sep 2002 00:18, Sitsofe Wheeler wrote:
 Unfortunately a platform is only as good as the new programs being
 produced for it. I would like to stay on 8.2 for a while after 9.0 is
 released but there are pieces of software that I'm really aching for.
 Above everything else I wish to run the latest Evolution (1.0.8?) on 8.2
 as I'm still stuck on the bug ridden 1.0.2. Mozilla 1.0.1 and Galeon
 1.2.6 would also be good but my requests on for them on the cooker list
 have fallen on death ears.

ROFL! (-: `Larry Boy and the Ears of Death?' :-) It's `deaf ears' as in ears 
that do not hear. (-: Thanks for lightening my morning a bit :-)

My first wife, when she shot through with my daughter, left behind a list of 
things she was planning to take, including an item `Chester Draws' which took 
me a little while to decode as `chest of drawers'. She also thought that 
battery chickens ran on size D drycells (I kid you not!). A few things like 
this helped to soften the blows of an otherwise traumatic experience.

 I would build them myself but I lack the
 space for the source and the bandwidth to get the necessary SRPMS in the
 first place on my Mandrake machine :(

If a friend has the bandwidth, get them to fetch the SRPMs down for you. You 
can also try as sometimes they have links to non-Mandrake RPMS 
for the Mandrake systems. If you lack space, borrow a hard drive for the 
purpose when one is in transit on its way to becoming something else, even a 
little hard drive with only a few hundred megabytes can be enough for many 
things. It basically sounds like you need to sort some priorities out.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Kundzu (was: 9.0 final)

2002-09-22 Thread Leon Brooks

On Mon, 23 Sep 2002 03:15, Felix Miata wrote:

I agree with a lot of your other stuff, but...

 Kudzu was easy: configure new, remove old, ignore.

You left off `sit there looking at black screen indefinitely, sigh, reboot' 
which happens to me a lot with Kudzu under 8.2.

I was also delighted to see the back of Aurora, which was very complicated, 
singularly uninformative, caused problems when things like Kudzu popped up an 
interactive screen, and was a risky bet on machines with dodgy framebuffer 

Cheers; Leon

[Cooker] Modest proposal: 2 weeks of stability - `tech pack'

2002-09-22 Thread Leon Brooks

WRT the discussion about a few extra weeks of stabilising vs the need to 
release within cooee of schedule, I have a suggestion:

Cut a release, then keep Cooker in `stabilising things' mode (basically the 
same minimal-changes approach as during RC1-RC2) for, say, two weeks or a 
month. At the end of that time, drop the curtain on Cooker stability for 
another six months, pull out the changes that were real improvements and 
release them as both a file tree and a small ISO image. Call it a `tech 
pack', advertise it as being for perfectionists, and include it in later 
production of the boxed set (`now with Tech Pack'). That way it's not 
competing directly against the boxed set.

When a security update happens to the main distro that impacts one of the 
`tech pack' RPMs, release the fixed tech-pack version and all dependencies as 
the update instead of the fixed main-distro version. This way, as time 
progresses, the `tech pack' improvements will get silently folded into the 
main distro.

How say you?

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake 9.0 RC3 installation adventure part 2

2002-09-22 Thread Leon Brooks

On Mon, 23 Sep 2002 10:38, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Preface:  Since my previous installs didn't work, I decided to try a new
 tack.  I installed a fresh 8.2 installation, working from the first CD
 alone.  I then tried an Upgrade, and ended up with another 5 installs

It sounds very borderline hardware. Try upgrading but leaving the kernel 
alone, if you can.

The alternative is to pull all of the RPMs off the CDs into a partition, park 
the kernel RPMs somewhere else, do an `rpm -Fvh *.rpm' and then solve the 
resulting dependency issues by hand.

The other alternative is to plug the drive into a different machine, install 
there, return it to the proper machine and see what happens.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] OpenSSL

2002-09-23 Thread Leon Brooks

On Mon, 23 Sep 2002 22:21, Palmer, Hilary wrote:
 I know that this isn't really a cooker concern, but I still haven't see an
 upgrade for 8.2 to upgrade OpenSSL to 0.9.6g or better.  I see that 9.0 has
 the upgrade.  With the Slapper Worm around that concerns me.

Mandrake patches the old libraries for old distros, rather than upgrading. 
This is a safe policy because it fixes the problem but is less likely to 
break something else. The openssl in the 8.2 updates is some weird number 
like `0.9.6c-8.2' and yes, it is Slapper-proof.

Cheers; Leon

[Cooker] 9.0final MakeCD on 8.2 doesn't

2002-09-23 Thread Leon Brooks

MakeCD spews error messages all over the place and produces no ISOs.

I can kill off some of the error messages by LD_LIBRARY_PATHing to the 
cooker/i586/misc directory for the cooker-supplied binary programs (doing 
that for 8.2 programs, like less and cat, causes them to segfault instantly), 
but the bottom line seems to be that something in all of that PERL/binary has 
the idea that *all* of the supplied RPMs are zero bytes long.

It didn't do this for a Cooker snapshot of 12Sep, was doing it at RC2, so was 
evidently broken somewhere in between.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] `death ears' (-:

2002-09-24 Thread Leon Brooks

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002 20:50, Michael Holt wrote:
 On Mon, 23 Sep 2002, Guy.Bormann uttered these words of wisdom:
 battery chickens ran on size D drycells (I kid you not!).

 Ok, I give up - what are battery chickens??

A battery of anything is a long row of them. So a D cell (or for that matter 
A, AA, AAA and C as well) is not actually a battery, but the little square 9V 
models and the ones in cars are. A battery mill is a bank of cam-driven 
hammers for crushing rock. A gun battery is several cannon all lined up next 
to each other (in concept, if not in practice). A Mandrake distro image could 
be called an RPM battery.

Battery farming is the practice of lining lots of animals up together 
(typically chickens in cages) to achieve very high farming densities.

It also makes it easier to replace their betteries... (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] [OT] batteries

2002-09-24 Thread Leon Brooks

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002 22:30, Guy.Bormann wrote:
 On Tue, 24 Sep 2002, Leon Brooks wrote:
 A battery of anything is a long row of them. So a D cell (or for that
 matter A, AA, AAA and C as well) is not actually a battery, but the
 little square 9V models and the ones in cars are.

 Not necessarily true! Although it is usually hard to see, A{A{A}} cells
 sometimes clearly consist of a battery of small watch cell-like cells when
 you look close enough to the casing.

Not. I disassembled a fair few of them in my childhood, e.g. for carbon anodes 
for chemistry experiments.

 In fact, I don't know of any
 compound combination that produces an (electrochemical(*)) potential of

Carbon-Zinc does that nicely, and has done for centuries.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] /home wiped by new RC3 install (nit)

2002-09-24 Thread Leon Brooks

On Wed, 25 Sep 2002 07:21, Todd Lyons wrote:
 s wrote on Tue, Sep 24, 2002 at 06:07:16PM -0500 :
 Damon Lynch wrote:
 I'm especially puzzled since all the packages used to install were
 in /home/damon

 I wonder if it was because /home or /home/damon was renamed /mnt/hd?

 How in the hell did you think to have him look there?  Give me the logic
 behind this!  I'm interested in what situation you saw in his
 explanation that made you think it might be mounted as /mnt/hd.

 He didn't say if he used Recommended or Expert, though I assume it was

Gong! RTFEM, original post said...

Just did an expert install of the new RC3 using the hd.img and
packages in /home

S's deduction is obvious in hindsight, although I'd never have thought of it 
myself without at least another hint: /mnt/hd is the spot that the install 
files came from. I wouldn't be surprised if Damon's fstab had his home 
partition mounted twice, and /mnt/hd was first in the list.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Cannot make Audio Cd in RC3

2002-09-24 Thread Leon Brooks

On Wed, 25 Sep 2002 12:33, kim marshall wrote:
 I have now tried for two nights and 5 Cd burning applications and I
 cannot write an audio Cd with any of them.

Which particular CD? It may be a weird copy-protected one. Do you have more 
than one CD there?

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] 9.0 and next

2002-09-25 Thread Leon Brooks

On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 01:55, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I see a LOT of I got ignored or this is the third time I've
 reported this bug posts.

Amen! (-:

...and having everyone prefix their second try with REPOST: probably wouldn't 
be helpful, either. (-:

 Maybe you (Mandrake people) could make up a form-letter type
 response, and make a policy that all bugreports get answered, even if the
 answer is just a form-letter saying something like:
 -we got your report
 -we want your report
 -we can't figure out what is happening to you
 -please read the cooker faq
 -please send us a more detailed report (hardware, example case, logs...

Very much agree. And nominate someone(s) who must triage and respond.

And an email template and/or simple web form for reporting bugs with would be 
good. `Please attach/upload the following, if available, else send what you 
have', exact version number with directions for discovering it, list of RPMs 
(with versions) you suspect of being involved, with exact versions number, 
instructions for discovering same, etc etc.

 That way, newbies to the list won't feel ignored and they can learn. 
 Then they can join us.  Then we will be indestructable and we will take
 over the world...

As per the original plan. (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] 9.0 and next

2002-09-26 Thread Leon Brooks

On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 03:13, Reinout van Schouwen wrote:
 To make a long story short: next time I would like to see a string freeze
 that can only be broken in special cases and with notification of
 translators in due time. The way the Gnome Translation Project works, can
 be used as a model.

Would a regular (nightly + cumulative weekly?) automated global string diff 
posted to the i18n list help?

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] 9.0 and next: list server

2002-09-26 Thread Leon Brooks

On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 10:40, Levi Ramsey wrote:
 Perhaps it might make sense to segment the cooker list.  Have
 cooker-kde, cooker-gnome, and cooker-apache in addition
 to a general cooker list.

Don't like that very much. Some problems can strike across boundaries (e.g. X 
bug gets both KDE and Gnome). AFAICT, the existing list manager (yavin and/or is just plain wonky and needs taking out and shooting.

 * My own copies of Sympa just don't do that; and

 * I've never had PostFix do anything bizarre or even unexpected
   (contrast that with MS-Exchange), which lets out the software on
   Yavin; and

 * AFAICT no non-list Mandrake mail goes walkies, which lets out unless it's dedicated to Cooker traffic; and

 * this leaves one of:

   * bandwidth; or

   * hardware (I'm inclined to discount this since most messages seem
 to get through eventually); or

   * the software on Moseisley (neither Moseisley nor Smtp admit to
 being PostFix, nor do they generate PostFix-looking message queue

The only other oddity I can see in the headers is that some clocks are 
evidently off by a few minutes (mail arriving at the next hop before it's 
sent, that kind of thing).

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] 9.0 and next

2002-09-26 Thread Leon Brooks

On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 17:39, Thierry Vignaud wrote:
 Gerard Patel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I got the impression that some developers were reluctant to use the
 mailing list; for example, I posted a message about net_monitor, got
 invited to post code, did it, got absolutely no answer, reposted in
 case the code had been lost, in vain, gave up, then noticed that the
 code had been indeed added to net_monitor.

 you have to understand that we receive lots of mails (i mean several
 thousands per day).
 we use scorring and the like to reduce the text volume to read but it
 still takes time.
 so when an adknowledgment (such as ok, thanks, won't do it,
 we'll do that after the release, ...) would be fine, we sometimes
 don't do it.

Would an adaptation to KMail (or whatever y'all use) to do boilerplate replies 
help? I'm talking about something like a toolbar:

  +-+ +---+ +-+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+
  | | |   | | | | After | | Need  | | Fixed | | Wash  |
  | Yes | | Sorry | | No! | | this  | | more  | | in| | mouth |  ...
  | | |   | | | | relse | | input | | curnt | | out   |
  +-+ +---+ +-+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+

It wouldn't be too hard to rig KMail for this. That way it takes under a 
second to do a standard response like `Has anyone else seen this?' or `Bug 
referred upstream'.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] 9.0 and next

2002-09-26 Thread Leon Brooks

On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 17:56, Thierry Vignaud wrote:
 Buchan Milne [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 So, I think it would be feasible (depeding on how easily Bugzilla
 can be hacked to do this) to have at least one non-mandrakesoft
 bug-triager per package, who would be able to answer the easy
 questions (fixed in -Xmdk, known bug in original package, fix in
 progress etc), thus removing a lot of the noise from the list.

 that's quite an nice idea

Mandrake Valued Professionals? (-:

Or just Rueben's Angels? As in the `I have hired thee with my son's mandrakes' 
occasion in Genesis chapter 30. (-:

Each package would have two owners, the Mandrake employee and their lay 
adoptee. Would it be feasible to tuck that away in the RPMs somewhere so it 
could be found by Cooker denizens but not widely advertised (e.g. doesn't pop 
out in rpm -qi) for the Mandrake-using public at large?

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] LM9.0 Download Edition (Contrib ISO?)

2002-09-26 Thread Leon Brooks

On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 21:03, Lenny Cartier wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 12:04:07PM +0200, Buchan Milne wrote:
 I presume the contrib tree will be copied across to stable later, but
 when? Is it worthwhile making small fixes to packages in contribs now?
 Will new packages (just got cdbakeoven compiling, thus it just went in
 last night) make it into 9.0 contrib?


 Contribs have been forked to make an extra cd for powerpacks. So maybe
 we can put this content under the 9.0 tree; but it's not the whole
 contribs repository, just some subjective choices...

It would be a very bright idea to at least carry across descendents of the 
stuff from Mandrake 8.2's RPMS4 directory, plus packages which were culled 
between 8.2 and 9.0 so that people upgrading have the option of continuing to 
use their existing, installed, working software.

And warn people using 8.2 that they will lose those things if they don't use 
such an extra ISO.

I'm happy to throw an RPM collection together from my existing archives but I 
have (1) nowhere suitable to host it and (2) insufficient time to modify an 
installer to take it into account (you would *have* to at least boot from it 
and invoke a modified installer that knew about the extra CD/CDs).

A general mechanism to allow `extension' or `bonus' CDs (including those not 
from Mandrake, with an appropriate warning about mileage and variation) 
during an install would be a fine addition to the installer, as would be the 
ability to present a CD full of updates up front.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] LM9.0 Download Edition (Contrib ISO?)

2002-09-26 Thread Leon Brooks

On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 21:32, Biagio Lucini wrote:
 A modified installer perhaps is a bit of work. But if one could add the
 extra CD to the rpmdrake source list, then for upgrading is just matter of

 rpm -F *

 afterwards, while for installing new things you cold use rpmdrake...

Problem is, everything covered only by the extra CD(s) would break during 
upgrade using only the standard CDs, would have to cross all appendages etc 
and hope that the rpm -F actually fixed up the damage.

I'm not sure what an upgrade actually does with an existing RPM database, just 
works with it as-is or uses it as a package list and then discards it.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] LM9.0 Download Edition (Contrib ISO?)

2002-09-26 Thread Leon Brooks

On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 21:27, Stéphane Teletchéa wrote:
 Even if i was a member, i still have a modem connection ...

Think of all of the 3rd and 4th world countries where they have to download by 
hand-transcribing morse over long lengths of barbed wire. (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Win4Lin under MDK 9.0/Cooker

2002-09-27 Thread Leon Brooks

On Fri, 27 Sep 2002 05:09, Timothy R. Butler wrote:
   I was just wondering if there was any chance MDK might have an
 unsupported 9.0 kernel that has Win4Lin extentions included? Since
 MandrakeSoft sells Win4Lin, I thought perhaps there might be an update

   If not, has anyone tried patching a 9.0 kernel to work with Win4Lin? Any

Yes, and yes. The kernel seems to have addressed some of the issues that 
Netraverse were also addressing; the result is a bit chaotic, and doesn't 
compile. Only one patch actually fails to apply, but I think Netraverse are 
going to have a bit of work on their hands reconciling this one.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Win4Lin under MDK 9.0/Cooker

2002-09-28 Thread Leon Brooks

On Sat, 28 Sep 2002 17:52, Peter Ruskin wrote:
 New kernels for 9.0 are on the Netraverse web page.

I wonder if they miinded me asking for them two days before the faux 9.0rc3's 
started creeping out onto mirrors? (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] fat32 problem

2002-09-29 Thread Leon Brooks

On Sun, 29 Sep 2002 23:28, J. Greenlees wrote:
 if you don't have one I can see if I can turn mine into an image and
 send to you. ( I know I could turn into an archive but have never even
 tried making a disc image )

EBD floppy  into drive, type:

dd if=/dev/fd0 | gzip  win98-ebd.disk.gz

Email the (compressed) result. To write one of these out to a floppy:

gunzip  win98-ebd.disk.gz | dd of=/dev/fd0

Many systems you can even leave out dd (gzip  /dev/fd0  win98-ebd.disk.gz).

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Where is kermit?

2002-10-02 Thread Leon Brooks

On Wednesday 02 October 2002 01:00 am, Palmer, Hilary wrote:
 C-Kermit was in 8.2.  Used it almost every day.

Pull the 8.2 SRPM then, and rebuild it. Maybe PLF or Texstar have it.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Not very happy.

2002-10-02 Thread Leon Brooks

On Thursday 03 October 2002 02:49 am, Palmer, Hilary wrote:
 some of the good old faithful terminal utilities and documentation are
 not there anymore.  A utility such as C-Kermit has no replacement for it,
 that I have found, included in the distro.

Fetch the SRPMs for 8.2, install, cd /usr/src/RPM/SPECS, and finally do an 
`rpm -bb rpmname.spec' for each one. Unless you're very unlucky, your 
beloveds will be returned to you for very little effort.

If you send a copy of the fruits of your labours to Texstar or Ranger, I'm 
sure they'll stick them up on their FTP site for the rest of the world to 
play with.

 I do understand that you are trying to make it user-friendly and not as
 confusing to a newbie, but don't strip items out that have been shipped
 with the distro for years.

The Mandrake people had a closer look at the licences and discovered that some 
weren't as Free as a first reading might suggest. Since the Download Edition, 
at least, has to be Free for various (including legal) reasons, the offenders 
had to go.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] MakeCD problems: Warly, do you have a workaround?

2002-10-05 Thread Leon Brooks

On Friday 04 October 2002 01:47 am, Warly wrote:
 I found at least one reason for the ISO not being created:

 /mnt/disk/cooker//misc//parsehdlist: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No \ such file or

at the directory containing that library, everything else on 8.2, stuff like 
`less' and `cat', dies.

Do you have a workaround?

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Who Made Terminal Services package?

2002-10-05 Thread Leon Brooks

On Friday 04 October 2002 02:13 am, Matthew C. Tedder wrote:
 Do you how I can get this information from the package without installing

rpm -qip name-of-package-file.rpm

Q for query, I for info (maintainers etc) instead of basic response, P for use 
package file instead of database.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] USB Sony camera pbl in mdk9

2002-10-06 Thread Leon Brooks

On Sunday 06 October 2002 05:40 pm, Pbt wrote:
 It would be very great to plug the cam. and to wait for an icon on KDE
 or Nautilus.

Icon? My hotplug script empties my DSC-F707 camera into a new directory, 
indexes it, and wipes the camera. No muss, no fuss, no wizards.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] USB Sony camera pbl in mdk9

2002-10-06 Thread Leon Brooks

On Sunday 06 October 2002 09:46 pm, Pbt wrote:
 It's exactly what i want ! ;)
 Can you explain me how to do?
 What script have you modified?


That runs a script in my home directory, the fetching parts of which are:

mount /mnt/camera/
TODAY=$(date +%Y%m%d)
mkdir ~/photos/$TODAY
if cp -va $(find /mnt/camera/ -type f -name *pg) ~/photos/$TODAY/; then
rm -rf /mnt/camera/*
echo Fetch completed, camera flushed
# spawn indexing script here
echo Fetch failed, maybe partial results in ~/photos/$TODAY/
# pop up error dialog here, `wall' would do
umount /mnt/camera

Of course, the echoes are only useful if it's run by hand. I suppose I could 
pop up a dialog on error. /etc/fstab says of /mnt/camera:

/dev/sda1 /mnt/camera vfat user,noexec,nodev,noauto 0 0

The only mention in /etc/modules.conf is a passing one defining my USB 
controller, the rest is automagically sorted out by the USB service:

alias usb-interface usb-ohci

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] MakeCD problems: Warly, do you have a workaround?

2002-10-08 Thread Leon Brooks

On Tuesday 08 October 2002 03:15 am, Warly wrote:
 Leon Brooks [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Friday 04 October 2002 01:47 am, Warly wrote:
 I found at least one reason for the ISO not being created:

 /mnt/disk/cooker//misc//parsehdlist: error while loading shared
 libraries: cannot open shared object file: No \ such
 file or directory

 LD_LIBRARY_PATH at the directory containing that library, everything else
 on 8.2, stuff like `less' and `cat', dies.

 Do you have a workaround?

 I do not understand your problem.

MakeCD doesn't work on an 8.2 system. If I download Cooker (or 9.0) onto an 
8.2 system and do a MakeCD, it does because it cannot find the librpm-4.0.4 
libraries which are part of cooker/9.0. If I define LD_LIBRARY_PATH to 
include the directory with those libraries, everything else in that shell 
session dies, including some system utilities necessary for making the CDs.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] tftp not starting

2002-10-08 Thread Leon Brooks

On Tuesday 08 October 2002 02:58 pm, Ben Reser wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 07, 2002 at 11:08:25PM -0700, Brent Hasty wrote:
 In setting up tftpd on mdk 9.0 it does not seem to be starting. Xinetd is
 installed and running, but when terminal trys to acess a tftp shared
 directory it gets nothing from the server.  services show it is not

 You sure it's enabled in xinetd?  Look for it's config file in
 /etc/xinetd.d make sure disable is not set to yes.  Also make sure your
 tcpwrappers (host.allow host.deny) configuration allows you to get to

If still no joy, add `-v -v' to the arguments line in /etc/xinetd.d/tftp and 
look in /var/log/messages for detailed information.

I'm having a bit of a struggle getting MandrakeTS working with PXE clients. 
Amongst other things, it looks like the default kernel isn't compiled with 
NFS-as-root enabled. The PXE RPMs from contrib/ seem to need a mangled 
version of GRUB to be any use.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] cooker unfreeze date / features

2002-10-08 Thread Leon Brooks

On Tuesday 08 October 2002 08:23 pm, jaqui wrote:
 sis uses opengl, that one shouldn't be to dificult, my card is sis6326 (
 old I know )and runs, just no current reliable 3d accel with it. xfree
 3.2.0 has experimental never seemed to improve though.

I presume you meant 4.2.0; the SiS chipset sucks - they cut too many corners - 
consequently the drivers are difficult to make work reliably. With the 
original 6326 cards I could line up four machines with four identical 6326 
cards and get four different levels of functionality from 
everything-in-software through maybe everything-but-cursor in software and 
cursor-only-in-software to 100% functional hardware acceleration.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] MakeCD problems: Warly, do you have a workaround?

2002-10-08 Thread Leon Brooks

On Wednesday 09 October 2002 12:56 am, Warly wrote:
 Leon Brooks [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 MakeCD doesn't work on an 8.2 system. If I download Cooker (or 9.0) onto
 an 8.2 system and do a MakeCD, it does because it cannot find the
 librpm-4.0.4 libraries which are part of cooker/9.0. If I define
 LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the directory with those libraries, everything
 else in that shell session dies, including some system utilities
 necessary for making the CDs.

 I just installed a 8.2 and test, and it works perfectly.

OK, so what obvious-to-you thing are Trent Gunnarson and I not doing to make 
it all work?

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] VIA EPIA 800 C3 processor

2002-10-08 Thread Leon Brooks

On Wednesday 09 October 2002 01:32 am, rowland wrote:
 All this does beg the question, why does a distribution claiming to be i586
 compatible, have a directory named i686?

To get better performance on a '686. If the Via chip didn't lie about it's 
capabilities, it would all work sweetly, too.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] difficulty getting tftp running

2002-10-08 Thread Leon Brooks

On Wednesday 09 October 2002 02:27 am, Todd Lyons wrote:
 The only config file I have there is default and it is pretty simple:

 [root@fiji /var/lib/tftpboot]# cat PXEClient/pxelinux.cfg/default
 DEFAULT local
 DISPLAY messages
 label local

 label cooker
 KERNEL memdisk
 APPEND initrd=images/cooker/network.img

 label 9.0
 KERNEL memdisk
 APPEND initrd=images/9.0/network.img

 label 8.2
 KERNEL memdisk
 APPEND initrd=images/8.2/network.img

 F1 help.txt

Were you able to use network.img straight out of the 9.0 CD /images directory, 
and if not where did you get it from?

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] MDK 9.0 fresh install on SMP machine, bugs? found...

2002-10-09 Thread Leon Brooks

On Wednesday 09 October 2002 08:28 pm, Thomas Backlund wrote:
 Alkuperäinen viesti (liitetty) sisälsi vaarallista koodia.
 AntiVirus-Tutka on puhdistanut viestiä.

Not sure what language that's in, but it looks like your (ISP's) virus scanner 
decided that the gzipped report.bug was a virus. Try bzip2'ing it instead and 
see if it sneaks past.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] VIA EPIA 800 C3 processor

2002-10-10 Thread Leon Brooks

On Friday 11 October 2002 07:54 am, James Sparenberg wrote:
 (Like 300 windows drivers
 for all the tulip based nic cards vs one on Unix.)

Two on Linux. As usual, some of the clones are a bit... odd.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Why ext3fs is a default fs, not ReiserFS?

2002-10-10 Thread Leon Brooks

On Friday 11 October 2002 08:19 am, Jason Straight wrote:
 On Thursday 10 October 2002 07:17 pm, Todd Lyons wrote:
 Jason Straight wrote on Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 09:45:45AM -0400 :
 If I had a nickel for every file reiserfs fragged on a busy server it
 still woudln't come close to paying for the downtime - ext3 is rock
 Reiser definitely has its benefits.  I have seen reports of people that
 use it for news servers where expires normally take hours.  With reiser
 it does it in (IIRC) 15 minutes or less.  When things go wrong, a newbie
 is scared by the daunting task of repairing the fs.

 [...] he swore to never use Reiser again.  (That's the wrong
 attitude because on any other file system, the abuse he put it through
 might have rendered it completely useless).

 For me the problem was that files which weren't even being written to would
 get fragged with data from other files ending up mixed in with them. This
 would happen on machines that had been running for long periods of time
 with uptimes nearing 200+ days. Suddenly files like,
 httpd.conf, and probably many others I didn't notice on multiple servers.

I've just had a power failure at a client site and Reiser killed a file in 
/usr/lib/ somewhere needed for PostFix: when I try to start PostFix, that 
process and anything that tries to go through the filesystem after that (on 
that machine, anything except Pick/D3, and even that when it does a sync() 
call) freezes.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Why ext3fs is a default fs, not ReiserFS?

2002-10-13 Thread Leon Brooks

On Monday 14 October 2002 08:43 am, Gary Lawrence Murphy wrote:
 This is a naive question and my first-guess is that it is not
 possible, but is there any way to 'upgrade' a live file-system to
 ext3?  I have some older machines that could benefit, but it's not
 worth doing a complete re-install of all software.

tune2fs -j /dev/hdaX

Wait a few seconds, adjust fstab, remount at your leisure, game over. Make 
sure that your kernel can read the ext3 and (jpd) modules from its ramdisk 
before you do this to your root partition.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Why ext3fs is a default fs, not ReiserFS?

2002-10-14 Thread Leon Brooks

On Monday 14 October 2002 10:40 am, J. Greenlees wrote:
 well, when I went ext3 I started getting major shutdown problems, where
 the system can't unmount device, like eth0 and /dev/fd0 ( thelast is
 really wierd the device is busy and no such device on the computer )
 it is faster, and definately an improvement for that alone, but it
 doesn't like shutting down eth0 on my tower or the floppy drive on
 diskless workstation ( laptop)

There should be no connection at all between ethernet and filesystems. I 
suspect that the problem would be with SuperMount, if your floppy is giving 
you grief.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Why ext3fs is a default fs, not ReiserFS?

2002-10-14 Thread Leon Brooks

On Monday 14 October 2002 05:03 pm, Thierry Vignaud wrote:
 Leon Brooks [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 tune2fs -j /dev/hdaX

 i would do this only in single mode after having fully checked the fs
 with fsck to be sure to rely on journal protection for new operations
 whereas some errors were still there in the fs.

The command adds the journal to the filesystem as a hidden file without 
bringing it on line. I've done this on countless systems live without 

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] VIA EPIA 800 C3 processor: 486sx

2002-10-14 Thread Leon Brooks

On Tuesday 15 October 2002 04:18 am, rowland wrote:
 On Monday 14 Oct 2002 11:23 am, J. Greenlees wrote:
  Thierry Vignaud wrote:
   also, the 486sx (at least the first ones) did has a coprocessor; it
   was disabled but was still there (though i don't rember if it was
   missing pins or some silicon hack).

  actually, it was a bad bit of circuit if I remember correctly, the co
  pro was completely un-usable because of it and the cpu was a lower price
  for that reason.

 if I remember rightly it was a batch of  i486dx's that had this problem,
 the fpu just couldnt add up properly given the right set of circumstances
 and intel had to change all the affected chips!

486sx was 486dx sans FPU and on a skinnier buss. To add an FPU, you bought a 
487sx chip, which was really a 486dx that had failed some factory tests and 
been packaged for the skinnier buss. For a little while, some motherboards 
had an option to run with _only_ a 487sx, because they were significantly 
cheaper than a 486sx and usually worked fine (sometimes faster, because a 
486sx had no CPU cache at first but many of the 487sxes did).

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Looking for a solution

2002-10-14 Thread Leon Brooks

On Tuesday 15 October 2002 05:32 am, Lonnie Borntreger wrote:
 We're trying to keep from being forced onto Windows just for an IM

Perhaps you can gateway IM to email?

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] VIA EPIA 800 C3 processor: 486sx

2002-10-16 Thread Leon Brooks

On Wednesday 16 October 2002 04:05 am, rowland wrote:
 dont see how 486sx could have 'skinnier bus' seeing as how the same
 motherboard socket could take either a sx or dx chip

There were two different 486SX packages, one designed to be a proper SX like 
the 386SX, the other basically a de-nutted 486DX. The 487SX always had pretty 
much the same pinout as a 486DX.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Xbox Linux support for Mandrake

2002-10-11 Thread Leon Brooks
On Friday 11 October 2002 04:58 pm, François Pons wrote:
 We don't have Xbox here so you will have to provide information on how to
 proceed, maybe Micro$oft will give us a Xbox for that ...

Class Pons humour. G'wan, ring them up and ask anyway, I should be able to 
hear the screams from here in Australia. (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Recent Konqueror and NS plugins

2002-11-02 Thread Leon Brooks
On Sunday 03 November 2002 04:47 am, David Walser wrote:
Alex Chudnovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The recent Konqueror ( 3.1 rc1 ) just hangs when trying to load
 Netscape plugins. The nspluginviewer process is in the 'D' state,
 probably blocking some system resources, and the worst is that
 there is no way to remove such process but by rebooting the system.
 Anybody with the same problem?

Probably locking on sound. Try killing your sound daemon (probably artsd) and 
see what happens.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Recent Konqueror and NS plugins

2002-11-03 Thread Leon Brooks
On Sunday 03 November 2002 05:30 pm, Alex Chudnovsky wrote:
 On Sunday 03 November 2002 03:06, Leon Brooks wrote:
  On Sunday 03 November 2002 04:47 am, David Walser wrote:
  Alex Chudnovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   The recent Konqueror ( 3.1 rc1 ) just hangs when trying to load
   Netscape plugins. The nspluginviewer process is in the 'D' state,
   probably blocking some system resources, and the worst is that
   there is no way to remove such process but by rebooting the system.
   Anybody with the same problem?

  Probably locking on sound. Try killing your sound daemon (probably artsd)
  and see what happens.

 When Konqueror is already locked, there is no help to kill artsd. After I
 try to kill it, even 'ps' just stalls there, and there is even no
 possibility to reboot - the system just stalls waiting for some process to

Bleah. I've never seen anything that bad from a plugin. I wonder what else is 

 But, when I stop
 artsd before I try to load the site, the plugins work. I'll try to play
 with artsd options - let's see what the reason may be. As I guess, artsd
 tries to lock /dev/dsp, and then nspluginviewer just stalls while waiting
 for /dev/dsp to be freed. But why the hell artsd  should behave like this
 in case of SB Live!? There is no reason to lock /dev/dsp as there are 32
 channels. There is almost no reason for artsd even to exist in this case -
 as the sound channel mixing is done in HARDWARE.

Using OSS? Tried ALSA?

Cheers; Leon

[Cooker] Mandrake Made Easy: a modest suggestion for Windows users

2002-11-04 Thread Leon Brooks
We have most of the technology, we can do it...

Question for those on the list who still use Windows for soem things (e.g. 
work desktop):

What would you like carried across into Linux?

Mandrake already does TTFs. I haven't used Windows personally for so long I 
can't remember what it's like, so tell us, what else needs to come across? 
DrakSwitch, here we come. What would be good to automate?

 * Outlook/OLExpress/Eudora email and addresses - KMail/Evolution and

 * Wallpaper (trivial, but someone's gotta like it)

 * Browser settings and bookmarks/favourites - Konqueror, Mozilla, Galeon,
   SkipStone, lynx, links

 * ICQ/IRC/AIM/MSN settings - EveryBuddy

 * LAN and dialout settings - /etc/sysconfig/*

 * PuTTY/WinSCP keys - ~/.ssh/*

 * What else...?

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake Made Easy: a modest suggestion for Windows users

2002-11-04 Thread Leon Brooks
On Tuesday 05 November 2002 08:41 am, Faraj Meir wrote:
 There is a lot of things Still to do :
 *  first font are Very Ugly

I'd expect to see this fixed well before 9.1

 * good rootkit integrated scanner (it's equivalent to antivirus for linux)

Comes with chkrootkit (don't know if you'd consider that good, as such, but it 
is a rootkit scanner)

 * lacks of commercial apps that exist only in windows OS

Not relevant.

 * good CDRecording tools like Nero (I know that there are a lot but not
 good and simple as nero)

Feel free. I recommend calling your Nero replacement `Point-n-Crisp'. I would 
make it come up in a simple wizardy-looking mode that did basic things like 
clone CDs, and save the more complicated picking-files-to-include modes for 
later implementation (since we already have xcdroast, gnome-toaster etc for 

 * too many programs for each type ...
hum... it will be good to put only one of each type

I liked the `What do you want to do?' menu idea.

Nevertheless, these are all tangential to the main purpose: a migration tool. 
What would you have just a migration tool do?

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake Made Easy: a modest suggestion for Windows users

2002-11-04 Thread Leon Brooks
On Tuesday 05 November 2002 09:15 am, Ben Reser wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 07:35:51AM +0800, Leon Brooks wrote:
   * ICQ/IRC/AIM/MSN settings - EveryBuddy

 everybuddy already has an import feature to import ICQ99 contact lists.

Yes. The trick is getting this to happen during the install, without any 
special user knowledge, and particularly if you are *replacing* Windows on 
this machine.

 AIM, MSN and Yahoo stores buddies on the server so it's not a big deal.
 IRC would be difficult to do since there are so many different
 IRC clients and the scripts used in them are so different.

There are a few very common ones like mIRC that Mandrake could cater for - at 
least dredge out the bookmark-equivalents (servers, channels, nicks) and nail 
them into a Linux client or several.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] display sys infos in background?

2002-11-06 Thread Leon Brooks
On Wednesday 06 November 2002 06:47 am, Florent BERANGER wrote:
 is there a KDE tool (as samurize  for Win XP - ),
 that displays sys infos integrated in background (not as gkrellm) ?

Yes, it's called `Konqueror' (-:

Along with `audiocd:/', there are a lot of not-well-promoted excellent 
features in Konqueror. One of them is kwebdesktop:

Usage: kwebdesktop [Qt-options] [KDE-options] width height file [URL]

Displays an HTML page as the background of the desktop

Generic options:
  --helpShow help about options
  --help-qt Show Qt specific options
  --help-kdeShow KDE specific options
  --help-allShow all options
  --author  Show author information
  -v, --version Show version information
  --license Show license information
  --End of options

  width Width of the image to create
  heightHeight of the image to create
  file  Filename where to dump the output in png format.
  URL   URL to open (if not specified, it is read from kwebdesktoprc).

Use it as a background program like so:

kwebdesktop %x %y %f

[Cooker] Simple Mandrake Terminal Server question

2002-11-06 Thread Leon Brooks
What is the easiest way to flip TS clients between running their apps (WM?) 
locally or on the server?

Is it possible to have some clients running as Xterminals and some as thin 
clients (ie no disk but local apps)?

Is it possible to run most apps from the server but some (e.g. xterm-ishes, 
for ssh'ing) locally without enormous effort?

I'd like to butcher the Terminal Server GUI thingy a bit when I have 
best-of-breed answers to these questions.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Simple Mandrake Terminal Server question

2002-11-06 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thursday 07 November 2002 12:20 am, Stew Benedict wrote:
 On Wed, 6 Nov 2002, Leon Brooks wrote:
 What is the easiest way to flip TS clients between running their apps
 (WM?) locally or on the server?

 I'm not sure I understand what you mean here, aside from modifying the
 client config in drakTermServ.

Ah, the new one, I presume? The one in 9.0 doesn't seem to do that.

I'll snatch a new drakTermServ from Cooker for the test machine and see how we 
go. I'd like to be able to retrofit whatever I achieve to 9.0 as well as 
getting it Cookered if I need to make changes.

I note that Knoppix is chasing this particular set of tail-lights.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake Made Easy: a modest suggestion for Windows users

2002-11-06 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thursday 07 November 2002 05:12 am, Wim Horst wrote:
 Op maandag 4 november 2002 23:35, schreef Leon Brooks:
 Question for those on the list who still use Windows for soem things
 (e.g. work desktop):

 What would you like carried across into Linux?

 easy installation of programs
 Lets take gstreamer
 In this list i read something about it. Tryed to install it. Toke me 2
 hours because off all the dependencys. Some libs i did not find. I am not a
 total fool installing this kind of programs. The averidge pc/windows user
 just wants to try and install a program.

I suspect that the way to do this is to have a facility like RPMfind which 
integrates all of the disparate efforts like PLF, Texstar and so on.

However, that suggests another thing, if not already done: would it be 
possible to fake up WINE enough that new Windows apps appear automagically in 
the Mandrake menu system when they're installed? (And disappear when they're 

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake Made Easy: a modest suggestion for Windows users

2002-11-06 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thursday 07 November 2002 07:20 am, paul mccarthy wrote:
 What would you like carried across into Linux?

 I always found the OLE feature to be helpful

KDE supports that kind of action through KParts, and Gnome through Bonobo, but 
there is nothing universal.

The actual implementation of OLE on Windows sucks enormously. OLE2 started off 
only sucking a bit but was then patched and bandaided until it sucked bigtime 

It might be interesting to see what apps are CORBA aware and if there is a way 
of gatewaying CORBA's OLE-like activity through KParts to invite all of the 
KDE stuff to the party in one go.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Simple Mandrake Terminal Server question

2002-11-06 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thursday 07 November 2002 11:01 am, Stew Benedict wrote:
 You should be able to drop [Cooker] drakTermServ into 9.0 with no
 issues. It's really the only thing that changed to support the thin
 client approach.


Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] chkrootkit reports false bindshell infecton on port 1008

2002-11-06 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thursday 07 November 2002 11:57 am, Salane wrote:
 is this a problem with chkrootkit or with nfs

Do an lsattr in (/usr)/(s)bin and check for funny attributes, just in case. 
One of the features of many rootkits is subverting tools like netstat. In 
fact, I discovered one the other day because netstat -tanp failed (the 
cracked version was too old to support -p).

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] chkrootkit reports false bindshell infecton on port 1008

2002-11-07 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thursday 07 November 2002 08:10 pm, Salane wrote:
 On Thursday 07 November 2002 12:39 am, Leon Brooks wrote:
  On Thursday 07 November 2002 11:57 am, Salane wrote:
   is this a problem with chkrootkit or with nfs
  Do an lsattr in (/usr)/(s)bin and check for funny attributes, just in
  case. One of the features of many rootkits is subverting tools like
  netstat. In fact, I discovered one the other day because netstat -tanp
  failed (the cracked version was too old to support -p).
  Cheers; Leon

 cd /
 [rootsking /]# lsattr
 lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on ./1
 lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on ./bin
 lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on ./boot
 lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on ./dev
 lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on ./dhcpcd
 lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on ./etc
 lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on ./initrd
 lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on ./lib
 lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on ./mnt
 lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on ./opt
 lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on ./proc
 lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on ./root
 lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on ./sbin
 lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on ./tmp
 lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on ./usr
 lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on ./var

OK, so you're not using ext[23]fs except for /home? (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake Made Easy: a modest suggestion for Windows users

2002-11-07 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thursday 07 November 2002 10:11 pm, Per Øyvind Karlsen wrote:
 Wim Horst wrote:
 ai, ai, ai, urpmi asks for a hdlist, so i searched for something called
 hdlist. Is this realy as stupid as it sounds?

 uhhr, how about reading the doc's?
 if you're going to be involved in cooker you *have* to know how to use
 urpmi and read some doc's every now and then

True, but in the wiser context of his message we're discussing making the 
distro easier to use for newbies and ex-Borg-slaves. You shouldn't need to 
find out stuff like that, it should Just Work(tm).

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake Made Easy: a modest suggestion for Windows users

2002-11-07 Thread Leon Brooks
On Friday 08 November 2002 06:32 am, J. Greenlees wrote:
 make an install option for windows like use, but never make windows like
 changes to tool sets.

Agree. The pretty GUI brainless stuff should always be layered over the stuff 
with sharp edges; the sharp tools should always be there, but safely sheathed 
in simple GUI so that Joe Manual-What-Manual doesn't cut himself on them.

 after all when they blow it up then we can make a
 bit of money fixing their system and with the tools available with linux
 that should only be a few minutes

The fact that it is almost always possible to repair stuff - or even find out 
what went wrong - is a majjor advance over Windows.

 unless the user got root access and destroyed everything.

That's pronounced `Lindows' isn't it? (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake Made Easy: a modest suggestion for Windows users

2002-11-11 Thread Leon Brooks
On Monday 11 November 2002 06:43 pm, Buchan Milne wrote:
 Wim Horst wrote:
 I didnt succeed with urpmi because you have to tell it where to search
 for hdlist which is called syntesysblablabla. I am not clearvoyant and
 didnt know this. And why should i know this. It is something the
 program could do.

Important point. The program _could_ do it, so unles it's unduly complex or 
risk, it _should_ do it.

 We are talking here about those little annoying things that make
 windows users say linux sucks.

 Any installation will setup the urpmi sources for the media it was
 installed from. Unfortunately, contrib does not get set up

Yes, that was Wim's point.

 but it would have taken you much less than 2 hours to get
 a contrib source set up for urpmi. And the next time it would take much
 less time to install something.

True, but Win's original post was made for a different purpose, contained in 
these two lines:

We are talking here about those little annoying things that make
windows users say linux sucks.

The WINE people are now doing stuff like taking the top downloads from Tucows, 
installing them on a clean system and seeing if WINE does The Right Thing(tm) 
with them.

If Mandrake wants to retain a reputation for ease of use, it will also need to 
retain a propensity for making the tools do The Right Thing(tm) every time.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] VNC and the firewall

2002-11-13 Thread Leon Brooks
On Wednesday 13 November 2002 06:14 pm, Florin wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (J Schonberg) writes:
 It really would be nice if the Mandrake Control Center Firewall could
 include a radio button for VNC.  Mandrake ships with the tight-vnc
 client . . .

 you can use the custom options and enter the right ports by hand ... if
 you know them ...

5900 for Windows, 5901 (or more if not 1st display) for X.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Mandrake Made Easy: a modest suggestion for Windows users[linux , what sucks ?]

2002-11-16 Thread Leon Brooks
On Friday 15 November 2002 05:36 pm, Buchan Milne wrote:
 If business didn't need multimedia, Windows Media player wouldn't be in
 Windows 2000 Pro.

I agreed with the rest of your post, but `Microsoft thinks you need a thing' 
is far from sufficient justification for `businesses need this thing'. Your 
logic is bass-ackwards, as they say, even if your conclusion is more or less 

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Fonts destroyed (My StarOffice works)

2002-11-23 Thread Leon Brooks
On Friday 22 November 2002 10:56 am, Jason Straight wrote:
 Mine is working now. I removed me extra font dir from /etc/fonts/fonts.conf
 and added it to /etc/X11/fs/conf (apparently soffice was somehow using one
 of my 3rd party fonts from a CD I copied for the spreadsheet tabs)

drakfont doesn't seem to check to see whether mkfontdir succeeds. This makes a 
bogus font kill all of my fonts by causing an entry in fonts.scale that had a 
file but no font name, and a different bogus font (I recently added 600 free 
fonts to my system) kill mkttfontdir.

As an aside, I really would like mkfontdir to spit out at least a line number 
for the offending `format error'. If anyone here's dealing with font stuff 
upline, could they please mention this?

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Fonts destroyed (My StarOffice works)

2002-11-23 Thread Leon Brooks
On Saturday 23 November 2002 08:35 pm, Leon Brooks wrote:
 On Friday 22 November 2002 10:56 am, Jason Straight wrote:
 Mine is working now. I removed me extra font dir from
 /etc/fonts/fonts.conf and added it to /etc/X11/fs/conf (apparently
 soffice was somehow using one of my 3rd party fonts from a CD I copied
 for the spreadsheet tabs)

 drakfont doesn't seem to check to see whether mkfontdir succeeds. This
 makes a bogus font kill all of my fonts by causing an entry in fonts.scale
 that had a file but no font name, and a different bogus font (I recently
 added 600 free fonts to my system) kill mkttfontdir.

 As an aside, I really would like mkfontdir to spit out at least a line
 number for the offending `format error'. If anyone here's dealing with font
 stuff upline, could they please mention this?

PS, this was on Mandrake 9.0, but I bet it impacts Cooker too.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] foreign RPM sets: Texstar, PLF etc (want to inovate)

2002-11-24 Thread Leon Brooks
On Monday 25 November 2002 10:10 am, Adam Williamson wrote:
 you could try texstar's RPM:

 I think it's a good rule of thumb to *never* install an RPM that's
 packaged for a different distribution.

Adam, this _is_ packaged for Mandrake 9.0, as is much stuff from PLF, Ranger 
et al.

The risks in intalling it are that Mandrake doesn't put out updates, and they 
often require dependencies from contribs (not as widely available as the main 
distro and also not updated). However - in Texstar's case at least - you can 
use urpmi on the site to stay with the pace.

PLF's primary site ( seems to have disappeared, but there are 
still mirrors up. Does anyone here know what's happening with that?

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] foreign RPM sets: Texstar, PLF etc (want to inovate)

2002-11-24 Thread Leon Brooks
On Monday 25 November 2002 12:01 pm, Olivier Thauvin wrote:
 A. Acton explain to you the reason, the solution is here:

 or maybe here:

Oo! Nice! Definitely worth it being off air for a while...

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Why do I need MySQL and postgresql servers to use kdevelop ?

2002-11-26 Thread Leon Brooks
On Tuesday 26 November 2002 05:41 pm, Götz Waschk wrote:
 Am Dienstag, 26. November 2002, 10:37:55 Uhr MET, schrieb Pascal Terjan:
 I tryied to install kdevelop and was surprised it wanted to install me
 postgre and mysql servers (cf
 So I tryied to look into the dependencies, I found It came from
 libqt3-devel depending on MySQL-devel and postgresql-devel
 MySQL-devel then requires MySQL = 3.23.52 and MySQL-client = 3.23.52
 Is this normal ?

 Unfortunately yes. If you search the archive, this has already been
 discussed on the Cooker list. A possible solution would be to split
 libqt3-devel into a libqt3-devel and a libqt3-db-devel package. That
 way you only would need to install MySQL and postgresql if you wanted
 to develop a database application with QT.

I would split it further, with MySQL and PostgreSQL sub-modules. I generally 
don't install more than one SQL DB on a machine, and it's usually pg. Who 
knows, we may package SAP DB, Phoenix and the GPL version of SQL Server one 
day. (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Microsoft True Type Fonts for Contrib...

2002-11-27 Thread Leon Brooks
On Wednesday 27 November 2002 05:18 pm, John Allen wrote:
 I'm using Cooker with KDE 3.1, and Anti-Aliasing enabled with the
 Luxi Sans [xft] font, and the desktop looks just magic. No Microsoft
 fonts needed whatsoever. I think the latest Qt anti-aliasing is just

So _with_ the fonts as well, does the desktop look even spiffier, or does it 
become in some way overdone?

I've been having reasonably good luck with drakfont RUN FROM THE COMMAND LINE 
and a whole batch of cheap, grotty, freeware fonts. They print nicely and 
all. The one fly in the ointment is some fonts break the font-directory 
makers in various ways. A bit more checking is needed as I would rather be 
short a font or few than have the whole show stop for a broken one.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] other True Type Fonts for Contrib...

2002-11-27 Thread Leon Brooks
On Wednesday 27 November 2002 08:10 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 27 Nov 2002, [iso-8859-15] Stéphane Teletchéa wrote:
 We need reliable, GPL products, so i think we'd better concentrate on GPL
 stuff instead of arguing.

 Agreed, but I see no GPL fonts around.

A few here:

Lots of freeware ones, though:

Wrap-and-RPM scripts or tools to deal with some of the better collections 
would be nice - Microsoft ain't all there is - I'd like to be able to:

urpmi.font-glom larabiefonts '*'

I remember running across a comprehensive Dutch TTF many years ago when I ran 
Windows for Workgroups 3.11, which (unZipped) was 13MB long and broke 
Windows. I'm wondering how well Xft would cope with such a beastie.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Microsoft for Contrib... (-:

2002-11-27 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thursday 28 November 2002 07:13 am, Ben Reser wrote:
 I seriously doubt that the removal of the fonts from their website had
 anything to do with Linux.

 The two core platforms Microsoft cares about are Windows and the
 Macintosh.  Internet Explorer is the predominant browser on both of
 these platforms, which the fonts now come with.

I think you just contradicted yourself. From Microsoft's PoV, the fact that 
the fonts now ship to the only platforms they care about would be motivation 
enough to begin putting the fonts out of reach of competitors.

Microsoft do care about Linux, deeply, because we're an explosively-growing 
competitor that standard tactics are almost helpless before the advance of.

You all know Trey well by now, he's not interested in competitors except as 
objects of fear apon which to visit destruction, either directly or via 
assimilation. Linux can't be destroyed other than by completely locking it 
out of core markets (that's what Palladium is for, but it will fail) and 
can't be assimilated.

Now although it seems legally clear that you could include the font EXE files 
themselves in the freely downloadable versions of Mandrake, `seems' is a 
bigger gap than many people expect.

I myself would choose to include your RPM - because it does not include or 
provide any copyrighted material, or perform any illegal acts, so even if 
there does turn out to be a problem the act of including it could very easily 
be upheld as reasonable - but would have a hand near the `Yank From Distro' 
button for when Microsoft change the rules. I would even go so far as to 
include the intact EXEs as a separate item in Mandrake mirrors, with the 
understanding that we might be expected to yank those, too.

However, I don't own Mandrake, and I'm a bit too cavalier about these things 
to ever own a Mandrake, so I can see that my approach may be wrong.

Anyway, as long as Texstar and friends package it, and there's some Russian or 
Chinese mirror holding the fonts, it will be useful.

Here's a feature request: if the primary mirrors are down, have the option of 
getting the wrapper app to hit Google with the exact names of many of the 
font files, and to try a number of the results at random to see if the files 
are present and real. I would include a unique keyword in the same file as 
the apps to avoid false hits, and also the sizes and checksums of the EXE 
files (now someone's going to raise their hand and tell me that MD5 is a 
DMCA-able circumvention device: well, so is a pencil).

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] well ot, moral standards

2002-11-28 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thursday 28 November 2002 03:45 pm, J. Greenlees wrote:
 since  the evil empire has more money than god 

Yes. They'd certainly be better off if they had more God than money. (-:

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Microsoft True Type Fonts for Contrib...

2002-11-28 Thread Leon Brooks
On Thursday 28 November 2002 06:29 pm, Murray J. Root wrote:
 What I don't understand is the offensive way of stating the position.
 I guess it comes from the contempt MandrakeSoft has for its contributors.

Or possibly from knowing and dreading that no matter how they closed it, they 
would get posts like that. Possibly he also got dumped on by a supervisor for 
raising the issue. Have a heart...

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Microsoft True Type Fonts - some positive moves

2002-11-28 Thread Leon Brooks
On Friday 29 November 2002 01:36 am, Adam Williamson wrote:
 On Thu, 2002-11-28 at 16:23, David Walser wrote:
  The difference between some
  script that DLs them at install time and an RPM that
  ships them directly is not immediately obvious to a
  non-techie.  What that means is, it's close enough for
  Microsoft to sue, and MandrakeSoft to not be able to
  get the case dismissed in a summary judgement.  It
  would have to go to full trial so you could explain to
  the judge the difference between an RPM and an SRPM.
  Full trial == $$$, money MandrakeSoft doesn't have.

 I just don't think this is either accurate or true, and I worry about
 the quality of Mandrake's legal advice. I thnik Mandrake is being way,
 way too timid in this case. It's a nice popular myth that big companies
 can force small ones into ruinous trials at the drop of a hat, and it's
 certainly true in some contexts, but I don't think it's true in this
 context at all.

I also think that they're being too timid, however:

 (1) I accept their judgement on the matter; and

 (2) The stakes are very high for an optional component of the distro; and

 (3) This kind of thing has been beaten to death on this very list before,
 without success; and

 (4) If Texstar or whoever packages it, it's only a urpmi away anyhow. Big
 whoop-ti-doo, some users don't get the MS fonts. *All* of the ones I
 install will, how about you?

 Whether the difference is immediately obvious or not is
 simply not an issue, because it can easily be explained.

Wrong. Well, wrong focus. It _can_ be easily explained, but what will happen 
should this be pressed IRL is that MandrakeSoft's summary dismissal will be 
rejected (yes, it is simple, but it has consequences and so must be judged 
upon), Microsoft will drag it out and complicate it in court as much as 
possible to exhaust if not destroy MandrakeSoft.

Ask yourself if Trey would turn down an opportunity to destroy a Linux 
distributor while simultaneously portraying them as a thief of intellectual 
property. It's nearly Christmas: he'd think Santa had already arrived early! 
This is the kind of corporate back-knifing he has specialised in over the 

 I can't see any
 competent lawyer seeing a snowball's chance in hell of a positive
 outcome in an action against such a script, because such a script has
 absolutely rock-solid foundations. I really can't see such a case being
 pursued under the circumstances, because Microsoft would have absolutely
 nothing to gain.


 Let's not flatter ourselves here, Microsoft couldn't
 really give a damn about Mandrake - it wouldn't even care too much about
 putting Mandrake out of business, because it doesn't see Mandrake as a

Wrong. Microsoft have taken the trouble to try to squash some very small 
competitors (e.g. Blue Mountain Greeting Cards) in their time. I would expect 
them to wait for the outcome of their EU trial before moving, but after that 
throw caution to the wind.

 Microsoft's perceived threats in the Linux arena are IBM, Red
 Hat and to a lesser extent UnitedLinux.

No. Microsoft's perceived threats are, and I can't emphasise this point 
enough, *EVERYBODY*ELSE*. No exceptions. When Microserfs scream `KILL THEM!' 
during their rallies, they're referring to all of their competitors.

 would generate an avalanche of bad press for Microsoft,

Not necessarily so. In fact, `Linux Distributor Sued for Bundling Microsoft 
Fonts' is almost certainly, from Microsoft's PoV, good press.

 Hell, I wouldn't even bet
 against the possibility that, if someone actually *ASKED* Microsoft,
 they'd expressly say it was OK to include a download script for their
 web fonts.

That, however, makes sense. Have any of the collective Drakes actually asked 
Microsoft about this? A letter granting permission would certainly get a 
summary dismissal, and a refusal would be enlightening too.

 As someone pointed out, Microsoft WANTED those fonts
 distributed across the web, it wasn't trying to restrain their
 distribution at all.

Not true. If they weren't trying to restrict distribution, they would simply 
have made them Freeware or BSD, no muttering about unchanged distribution. 
They distributed them as EXEs, remember, not TTFs or even ZIPs.

Even if what you said here was true, that was then, this is now. It would be 
very good tactics for Microsoft to have millions of websites out there that 
render `correctly' using their software and poorly using anything else. 
That's a core purpose of IE, after all.

 I'm sure Mandrakesoft have made their decision, I
 simply believe they're making a mistake and it's legitimate to continue
 to point out that mistake in the hope this will be considered more
 rationally and not in such a climate of fear at a later date.

I believe that your suggestion about asking them is a good one, otherwise it's 
beating a dead horse.

I have another suggestion, too. Surely Microsoft aren't the only company on 
the web 

Re: [Cooker] Microsoft True Type Fonts - some positive moves

2002-11-30 Thread Leon Brooks
On Friday 29 November 2002 10:48 am, Ben Reser wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 29, 2002 at 09:43:55AM +0800, Leon Brooks wrote:
 Ask yourself if Trey would turn down an opportunity to destroy a Linux
 distributor while simultaneously portraying them as a thief of
 intellectual property. It's nearly Christmas: he'd think Santa had
 already arrived early! This is the kind of corporate back-knifing he has
 specialised in over the years.

 Who the hell is Trey?

The `family' name for William Henry Trey Gates III (Trey is a card-gaming 
term for 3).

 Not true. If they weren't trying to restrict distribution, they would
 simply have made them Freeware or BSD, no muttering about unchanged
 distribution. They distributed them as EXEs, remember, not TTFs or even

 As if Microsoft would ever license anything that freely, very funny.
 And they licensed them as self extracting exes so Windows users who
 don't know anything can easily download, run the install and be done
 with it.  Just about every piece of Windows software is shipped this
 way.  It'd be like saying just because we package things as RPMS for
 Mandrake that we're trying to stop Debian people from install it.  It's
 just a silly point.

Disagree. The fonts are shipped with IE-for-Mac as well, and not as EXEs.

 I have another suggestion, too. Surely Microsoft aren't the only company
 on the web who have ever distributed good-quality fonts for free? People
 seem to be as stuck on that idea - even here - as the general public are
 on the concept of there being something besides Windows to install on a

 How about including a wrapper that fetches some safer high-quality fonts?
 How about the wrapper (or a different one) fetching not-so-quality
 lookalike fonts that give the same appearance and would be good enough
 for at least 95% of users out there?

 Such as?

For the latter, follow the Google search linked. For the former, I'd be 
wasting my time if someone here had already done the research (hint to 

Cheers; Leon

[Cooker] Modest Proposal Of The Month (-:

2002-11-30 Thread Leon Brooks
WRT the recent flameish to-and-fro about Microsoft's fonts, why not put up a 
page on (say) MandrakeUser for each release of Mandrake that has links to 
ways to `tart up' your Mandrake desktop, and make the point that these links 
have been found useful by Mandrake Users but are _completely_ unsupported by 
Mandrake themselves. Put an icon on the default homepage that points to it. 
I'd call it something like `Free Extras' or `Tune Up'.

That way you could link to things like RPMs for Keramik (which amazes my 
Windows-wielding friends), Mozilla themes such as `Sky Pilot', 'Internet 
Explorer' (`That's _Linux_?' is a typical stunned question from an 
unbeliever) and `Orbit 3+1', Windows font downloaders and whatever else 
turned up and happened to work.

You would have the advantage of users being able to continue their involvement 
with your product in only two clicks (icon, desired enhancement), no fiddling 
around finding stuff on MandrakeUser (although I would have a prominent link 
to there as well), and the advantage of being able to instantly remove links 
to troublesome items (say M$ rumbled at you about the fonts) at one place.

The page could also grow pretty painlessly - even for obselete products like 
Bluebird - as new items are found.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Modest Proposal Of The Month (-:

2002-11-30 Thread Leon Brooks
On Sunday 01 December 2002 02:52 am, Adam Williamson wrote:
 On Sat, 2002-11-30 at 15:15, Leon Brooks wrote:
 Mozilla themes such as `Sky Pilot', 'Internet Explorer' (`That's _Linux_?'
 is a typical stunned question from an unbeliever) and `Orbit 3+1',
 Windows font downloaders and whatever else

 Why'd you WANT Mozilla to look like its inferior competitor, though? :)

Because (1) it spins people out (BSOD from xscreensaver is good for this); and
(2) it somehow makes Linux at least as `respectable' to them; and
(3) it demonstrates that Linux is a superset of Windows; and
(4) it is valuable for easing transition shock; and
(5) it's useful for sending in screenshots to IE-only support people.

Cheers; Leon

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