[FairfieldLife] What happens to the Guru when they give shaktipat

2007-08-29 Thread Ron
S :This sounds like a possibility..do not want to see her 
shouldering the grunt work anymore. She is getting tired - the form 
is almost 60 yrs old and the health has not come to balance.

So many don't realize the toll of giving continuously takes on the 

There are absolutely no Guru's who give hands on energy work -
Why?..because everything within the sadhaka is recycled and taken on 
in the form of the enlightened being. One can feel the energy of the 
other moving through the system - it is tapasha to give this way - a 
great sacrifice to the health. 

It is time for our Guru to be honored the way she deserves - to 
provide rest and balance for her. So a small place (1-2 bedrooms) 
with a view of lake washington or along alki would be nice for her. 
She could be around nature and relax a little bit. If a schedule 
could be arranged to help - this might work. If someone is coming 
to stay, the guys could check them out or stay the night in the 
ashram at that time. 

[FairfieldLife] Do spiritual practice in the midst of activity

2007-08-29 Thread Ron

 Namaste Swami-G!
Namaste and Great Morning,
 *I have been working for almost four weeks now. My first impression
 didn’t last long: it’s not such a quiet place after all. The 
 are really emotionally disturbed and sometimes violent. I have been
 kicked and bitten several times: not that hard, but enough to be
 unpleasant and creating stress. In other situations the patients 
 their anger towards themselves and get self destructive. This 
 a pretty tense environment on the job: it’s difficult to relax, 
 I’m at the job and the tension and stress continue to sit in my 
 and mind, when I go home. 
 It’s not as much the violence in it self, it’s more that the 
 are so unpredictable and unstable: the sudden outbursts of anger 
 frustration. I’m trying to do the mantras and balanced breathing 
 much as possible, it helps me to stay present, but still it’s 
not that
 nice to be there. Very often I find it hard to think of it as seva,
 even though I do feel compassion for the patients and their deluded
 souls too. 

S Seva has nothing to do with how the so called outer 
circumstances - it is the inner force of love, surrender and equal 
mindedness that do the work of giving. If working at this place has 
jostled your perception of how things should be than it is a perfect 
place for you now as life does not shape itself to your wishes - one 
only stays steady within and continues with the heart and mind 
directed towards God. The experiences that come when one is on the 
path are due to conditions blooming/karma - always grace if 
surrendered within. Stepping into places of great suffering can be 
potent heart opening work - don't turn away from it, flow along with 
it relax. I used to work on an involuntary psych unit where the 
staff got beat up all the time - used to pay attention to the breath 
while walking up and down the halls - always looked at the patients 
as being my very being and treated them this way (no matter how they 
looked or were behaving). Also, worked in the jail - the guards 
were supposed to follow the nurse into the cell and stand by, but 
they rarely did - they were always distracted or chatting away 
amongst themselves. Stayed relaxed within it and was never harmed - 
do not regret visiting the dark parts of existence. Now have moved 
on to working with death and dying as a nurse one cleans wounds, 
poop, help manage family drama- whatever the day brings. And yes, 
working on the net, that is a story in itself. 

S Surrender to the situation, it will become a fluid dance of 
oneness in action - let go of pulling away from it - take advantage 
of this opportunity.

* When I’m not at the job I often feel anxiety when thinking 
about the
 next time I have to go to work. Meditation helps, but still the 
 is there the next time thoughts of my job pop up. What can I do to
 make the situation more pleasant and to deal with the feeling of
 anxiety? I’m only going to work there for one more month, but 
still I

S Stop trying to make it more pleasant. What is it you fear? 
Imagine living the lives that those poor souls must endure. 

* want to get the best out of it and learn something from the 

S Continue with the practices - relax. It is a transient 


Great Peace and IS,

[FairfieldLife] Re: What happens to the Guru when they give shaktipat

2007-08-30 Thread Ron
I am the wrong guy to comment, I am not giving shatipat. Mother Meera sees 1000 
each weekend ( my details may be off). In one of her books I remember she said 
I am not a 
Guru. Mother Meera labels it her system of Dharshan. I attended it - it is 
about maybe 30 
seconds each person, first she looks in your  eyes, then touches your head.

Somewhere in one of the publications, it is explained by Mother Meera what is 
taking place 
in the process. As I recall, when she looks in your eyes, she sees the soul, 
when she 
toches your head, she is untieing these knots- seems to be connected with what 
MMY was 
describing with the fine tube - 100 times thinner than a human hair

Never been hugged by Amma.

Because I have taken the shaktipat from my Guru, I would agree with the 
comment- it is 
very rare for a Guru to be giving shatipat like this. It is coming from zero 
point balance, it 
will either aide in the awakening of Kundalni or balance those in the midst of 
a kundalini 
awakening. Energy work ( shaktipat session) by my Guru can last maybe 1-2 hours.

While I am at it, there is not doership for the enlightened- so there is not 
going to be 
recycleing energy or attempting anything. They explain there is no one to do 
this, no one 
to try to have their husband understand something. It simple IS, then life 

It is explained as consciousness knows what to do. I can say I relate to this 
very much and 
this statement ties in very much with being in the present moment. In saying 
consciousness knows what to do, I experience this to some degree. hard to 


 There are absolutely no Guru's who give hands on energy work –
 H. Amma has hugged 20-something million people so far.
 No virus found in this outgoing message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
 Version: 7.5.484 / Virus Database: 269.12.10/977 - Release Date: 8/28/2007
 4:29 PM

[FairfieldLife] Response to Kalki post and new sadaka report

2007-08-30 Thread Ron
Namaste GuruJi and Group, 


Another posting from the same kalki member: 
From the 2 people I know who had taken the leyham during the 21 day process it 
was a lot of being sick and having it come out both ends. One of the fellows 
had wonderful 
experiences and does so still 2 years later after the leyham wore off. 

0- well taking something that is making one purge and retch simply doesn't 
make sense. 

* The other fellow has increasing enjoyment in his life but still has obvious 
challenges, but 
dont remember him reporting much flash...But then again flash is not what 
waking up is 

0- it has nothing to do with flash. 

* As for me you can read my post from a few days ago, or read Arjuna Ardagh's 
into Oneness. Some of my on going experiences I discussed recently with my 
guru, Shree 
and her instruction was to continue to go inside and not to talk much about it. 

0- this can be understood if it becomes an ego draw. 

* Form your own conclusions but base them on your own experience and not 

0- one starts with what has been heard as am certainly not going to go and take 
one of their courses to figure out what is taking place there. Am not that 
but would like to find out being that am having some come here after having 

Maha Shanti OM 

Report from a new sadaka with commentary by Swami G:

 Namaste everyone,
Namaste - 

 It's hard to believe that I met Swami G just nine days ago (Monday,
 August 20th, 2007). It feels like it has been a lot longer than that.
 My concepts of time seem to be dissolving and changing—which is a good

0- one can get in a time warp that's for sure. 

 First let me say that I sincerely appreciate the fact that I met Swami
 G and that I found this online community. I've been catching up with
 all of the dialogue that has, and is, taking place here, and it's
 great to know that I have somewhere to go and interact with people who
 are going through and focused on working on the same thing. It has
 been really eye opening and very helpful—enlightening!

0- am glad you are benefiting from the online community. 

 I've been going through a long and intense period of change for the
 past 3 years, and especially for the past 6 months. I contacted Swami
 G because I could feel that something significant was about to happen
 and I figured that I could use some extra help and guidance. And sure
 enough, she has provided just that.

0- it's good that progress is being made. 

 I've had two sessions of bodywork done so far, and I can tell that it
 has been doing me some good. First of all, it has allowed me to gain
 confidence in Swami G as a person and as a Guru. The talks that I've
 had with her have also helped do this. 

0- you are welcome to have darshan and satsang anytime. 

 I've also noticed that I'm not able to dwell on, or get caught up in,
 my thoughts and thought patterns. This skill is something that I have
 been working on intensely for months now, but since I have been
 working with Swami G and the practices that she has given me, I have
 noticed a definite increase in my ability keep letting go everything,
 over and over again. And not just the easy stuff, either—I'm talking
 about everything and anything. And this seems to be the most major
 thing that is going on right now. It hasn't been easy, but it hasn't
 been that hard, either. And it hasn't been hard because Sri Kundalini
 and I have been slicing and dicing anything that's hard into
 pieces—into Consciousness—with awareness. 

0- most excellent - this will continue to increase with more and more 
falling away the further you go. 

 I've improved on the pranayama exercise as well. Being able to
 determine which nostril my breath is moving in and out of, and which
 one it isn't, wasn't very easy at first. But I've finally gotten the
 hang of it. I've turned it into a game. I haven't been able to notice
 if my breath gets evened out on both sides or not yet, but I'm sure
 that will happen soon enough. I've also found that bringing my
 awareness to my nostrils is a powerful centering technique for both my
 mind, and my eyes [I say my eyes because they have been moving around
 a lot during meditation, lately]. 

0- this will adjust and get better as time goes. 

 I can't say that I've been practicing the mantra diligently. Not in
 the way that I was instructed, anyway. I've been practicing Om Namah
 Shivaya for so long that I AM THAT just isn't working yet. What I've
 been doing instead is practicing the same technique with Om Namah
 Shivaya. In other words, I've replaced I AM THAT with Om Namah
 Shivaya for both the closed eyed and opened eyed practice—and I have
 been making sure that I make it resonate in the chest/heart area, as
 well—this I have been doing diligently.

0- ok - if this is working it's fine. 

 Note to Swami G: I think that you told me that this was OK for me to do.

 I've also been 

[FairfieldLife] Clearing the confusion, Kundlaini path

2007-08-30 Thread Ron
About the confusion:

I am not enlightened, so it would be not in the best interest to try to clear 
things up, only I 
can comment on my own experiences, observations, and then to some degree what 
have to say.

It was not long ago, that is was My Guru only which I took to be enlightened. 
The whole 
appeal to me in the first place was the simplicity of how it was explained, 
transmission came through in reading it, it literaly was the start of the 
change of 
consciousness.  Something like ( because of my TM background) I thought the 
only way 
was with any Guru was secretiveness, confusing the disciples with answers that 
do not 
answer anything, like playing games with the disciples, - sort of like the 
Hollywood portrail 
of a Guru where you are not sure what they are trying to say- like they speek 
in such a 
complicated way, you cant understand them, then one thinks , wow, they must be 

What a surprise this has been. And for the small group of disciples, there is 
no confusion- 
and for the enlightened in the group- they are not coached - yet the common 
ground is 

This new disciple that is enlightened, one year ago, there was noithing in the 
way of 
spirituality in her life. I have seen the whole thing from begining to end. She 
had a 
spontaneous Kundalini awakening, came in with fear and panic, after some time , 
left in an 
outrage, with a very superficial understnading of what is- come back and took 
off like a 
rocket ship- all in one year

These 3 are not speaking about enlightenment, they are speaking from it- there 
is no 
confusion. The message I gave, independantly, all 3 recognize it from their 
existence- it 
can be tested, then it would be seen that while not in communication with each 
other, that 
same essence is known- so there is this common denominator from which the 
understandings are there- no confusion- this is only on the part of the ones 
perceiving it
There is not much that can be done about it, I can only say that it is simple 
and down to 
earth and there are 20 other fellow sadakas that are not confused by my comments

My inspiration to do this, labeled so far as a parot, and preacher, is based on 
a new 
awesome existence. So I would repeat what i said, then if this is not clear, 
you can try 
going to my Guru, or the other 2 enlightened and have an exchange.

Basically, what they have to say is there is no one to do something- it simply 
IS, then life 
flows. Consciousness knows what to do. there are no driving desires, is it a 
very natural 
state, no  super state, and the 3 of them speak of the great mystery to it, and 
the cosmic 

First thing Sarojini is doing is dealing with the laughter, which is on going.

Since there is no do er, then if siddhis occur, this happens, but it is not 
from doing it, there 
are no desires for such things, no desires to know others thoughts, to have 
powers, to 
perform powers, etc- silly for me to tell you what they say, best is take 
them as am 
example- all 3 coming from similar backgrounds as all of us, Enlightenment is 
now, it is not too late, you are not too old- what an opportunity- the door is 
open, will you 
walk through it?

Funny, I was thinking. If I said that it is the birthright of any human 
anywhere to have 
enlightenment, then it is not one is higher than another- for enlightenment is 
One, this 
would be quite accepted.

If I said that it is also possible that a Guru can be from any country, any 
sort of human and 
also not be on a level as Guru is one- n, it has to be a male Indian  
or else not 
possible. It is non sense - Hollywood imagination

New posts:

 Come find the Beauty life has to Offer
Be a Great Existence -

Dear Swami,

Namaste and Om Namo Narayan- 

My name is Anthony, 

0- Hello 

* I'm an Australian living and working as an English Teacher here in Taiwan.

0- OK - Nee How Ma. - what part of Taiwan are you in ? 

* I have been practising Yoga, mantra, pranayama etc for many years, and spent 
2 yrs (96 
- 98) 
in India, training in various disciplines. However, to date I seem unable to 
rouse the latent energies of kundalini. I realise that this may be the work of 
anyway, but wonder whether diksha will make a difference in getting the process 

0- Absolutely it will. 99.9 % of people being worked with here awaken Kundalini 
and they 
are all progressing quite well to Realization. One entered Realization within 5 
years (it 
could have been done earlier if there was not a sticking point) and another 
rocketed to
Realization in one year. Can say though that it is quite possible and also 
valuable to take 
Diksha and have Kundalini awakened in a balanced manner here. 

you can join my yahoo group and see the results and speak with those being 
with here as to their experiences etc. 


Thanks for your time,
Warm Regards,

Maha Shanti OM 

Namaste and 

[FairfieldLife] New prospective Sadakas

2007-08-31 Thread Ron

Come find the Beauty life has to Offer
Be a Great Existence -

Dear Swami G,
Thanks for your mail.

Namaste and OM Namo Narayan- 

0- first off have you joined the yahoo group ?

Yes, I joined last night.

0- very good. Please post your introduction and photo as this is an 
online ashram community. 

o- If you are interested in Diksha then there are steps to be taken and this 
path requires some follow through. This isn't a case of taking diksha and 
then running off to the next thing.

* Good to hear. This path may hold some promise after all. I have met many 
Shaktipat 'Gurus' during my few years travelling through India, but felt 
that most were either posing and had no experience of kundalini, or were 
able to awaken it in the masses, and then leave them bewildered and lost, 
which in many cases was quite sad to see.

0- yes this is a concern here as well. Kundalini is a path that is not for 
mass consumption. When in india and see practices being given to masses 
there will be many casualties along the way. (this is not needed). As well 
as so many modalities here being sold which when used together may cause 
a sponataneous awakening. If not understood then one may go into a paranoia 
state and it is almost impossible to then ground one to bring them back to 
reality and moving forward. 

* I am dubious about meeting people through the net, especially spiritual 
teachers. The only thing that made me look twice at your site (I stumbled 
across you on YouTube), was that you have gone to some effort to set up a 
support network for those whose kundalini had awakened. This concern 
suggested to me that your own experiences were probably real. 

0- frauds are found everywhere - how many Guru's have never been 
on the net and yet they were unreliable - their attainments didn't give 
them wisdom to be Guru's in many cases. And some came simply to ride 
the gravy train in america. It is amazing that people have such an idea 
that simply because one uses the net that they must obviously be a 
pretender etc. The net is used because it gives the easiest way to communicate 
rapidly over long distances with Sadhaka's and Seekers that cannot be here 

* A few friends from India in this position reported many difficult times and 
experiences, especially in the earlier stages, and none of them had guidance 
as such.

0- yes this is understood. Not only this but they may only go so far and then 
usually they can go no more on their own. 

o- So IF you are serious
about the Kundalini path - Awakening and going forward to Realization then
things should be looked at in more depth.

* I've been practising sadhana for over 12 years, from asana to pranayama to 
(mostly) mantra. At times, I've spent months in silent seclusion, doing 
mantra and yagya sadhanas. Though as I said, apart from some a few mild 
experiences, I can't seem to 'stoke the fire' enough to kick-start the 

0- yes have seen you have been to many Guru's / teachers / etc. And 
have gathered and collect much. In this path one must be willing to not 
mix practices - and to let go of what you think you know. Some things 
may work together ok - but many times they do not and so one remains 
stuck thinking that more is better. More means many times that small 
holes are being dug here and there in endless succession and one does not 
reach water because one can gain no depth being scattered here and there. 

* If you have any suggestions, advice, practices or background reading to 
prepare, I'd be interested to know. I am quite tired of fly-by-night 
'gurus', 'yogis' and people offering workshops and courses. As a yoga 
instructor, I've met them by the truckload, and it's usually the blind 
leading the blind. I realise that the real process is far more painful and 
confronting than it's made out to be by the popular teachers.

0- it can be much more confronting yes. - When spontaneous Kriyas 
and Mudras begin are you willing to lay aside your hatha yoga practice
for that time ? Are you willing to lay aside the pranayam practices you 
are now doing ? Am simply not willing to be responsible and take on a 
Sadhaka that is going to attempt to incorporate other teachings and 
modalities as a blend - as it only brings up more confusion and difficulties 
along the way. 

o-  There is as yet no set up itinerary for india - will be in the North 
for part of the time and then may be making also a trip to the south.

* No problem. I will be in India sometime in December. If you would be in the 
South at that time, and if we are to meet, then I could head for there.

0- you could stay in touch as things will only become more clear once 
we arrive in india. 

If you are willing to lay aside other practices you may begin with the 
Shanti Mind Pranayam at :

The Dissolving Divisions practice at : 

Shakti Eyes Darshan :
This may be found in the files 

[FairfieldLife] Comment on the Kundalini audio

2007-09-09 Thread Ron
Thank you for posting that. 

Being in the Kundalini path and under the guidance of One that has traversed 
the path 
from start to Realization, the guidance seems quite different that what MMY is 
giving, but 
that makes sense as TM is not the kundalini path.

However, some of the guidance in my path can be very usefull for those in TM as 
dificulties which come up are covered in my path, and this guidance is not 
available in TM 
and other paths where the disciples are running into problems, but competant ( 
therefore from an enlightened sat guru)  should be there, and it is because of 
the lack of 
this  one to one guidance that difficulties come about.

MMY is pointing out in the audio about diffficulties that can come about if 
kundalini is 
awakened by one that is not competant, and this aparently is the majority of 
what takes 
place. It is rare that a competant guide or Guru is there capable of guiding 
one in the 
midst of, or begining of or wanting to enter the Kundalini path.

This is not kundalini yoga, it it a path under very careful guidance of a Sat 
Guru which only 
works one to one with the disciples, no other way. 

The pointings in this path are Kundalini as a journey through consciousness. I 
don't think 
that the two most recent one's that have come into enlightenment in July and 
August are 
even aware of this thin air tube in the body.

i think their response would be that the body sleeps, does it 's thing, but 
that is not who I 
am for I am not the body, not the mind, and not the conditioned labels. It is 
more like I 
never existed nor will I ever For when the body, weather it has one quality or 
drops, it has no effect on the consciousness.

Knowing  about the body and it 's thin breathing tube, while it may hold some 
has nothing to do with enlightenment. The body is like the temple, so good to 
keep it in a 
good functioning, so that it is easier to meditate, but the essence of the 
temple is the real 
significance, so makeing such a huge fuss about the temple can be quite 
imbalanced to 
the point of ignoring the essence of the religion in exchange for watering the 
flowers and 
mopping the floor every 5 minutes.

Since ego is already full blown for the vast majority in the world, and ego 
being defined 
here as identification with body, mind and circumstances as being one-s  
self, then this 
is why in the path where I am, there is practically no mention of the body and 
how to take 
care of it. It is all to do with the journey of consciousness to unfold 
enlightenment as soon 
as possible. The pure consciuosness is already there, so purifying the body has 
nothing to 
do with enlightenment- my experience dictates that the higher states are not 
connected to  
how my body is fucctioning on a particular day.

These are my opinions or experiences


[FairfieldLife] Disciple reporting Kriyas, advice given about Kundalini

2007-09-09 Thread Ron

Namaste and O,

 *I have not had too much in the way of kriyas, Just a few leg 
jerks in 
 the past. However, yesterday as I sat in bed reading Kundalini 
 hell to heaven, my whole body began to clench and jerk. What is 
 reason for this happening? I've read that it is the kundalini 
 aroused? This is the same thing that causes my body to sway and my 
 torso to move in circles while meditating? It feels very smooth 
 slow during meditation, but the body clenching and jerks were 
 extremely rough and fast. 

S The spiritual energy is softening and clearing blocks on all 
levels as well as releasing long held tension and mental 

 *I did not worry when it happened and remained in a detached mind 
 during the episode, neither judging it good nor bad. When it 
 I just continued reading as if it had not happened.

S Very good - though the body may appear to be going through a 
rocky ride, the mind need not be affected in any way, but remain 
detached, relaxed, enjoying the bliss of being (as if nothing is 

 *I have also noticed very subtle feelings of tingling throughout 
 the way it feels when a limb falls asleep. Then it feels like I'm 
 sort of disappearing. This is very subtle barely recognizable. 
 I try and remained detached during these episodes. I am always 
 to myself whatever will be, will be as none of this really 
 (transient happenings).

S Kundalini is pure intelligence - like a clear, pure running 
stream will do the work of clearing and transporting one to a higher 
level of awareness..all sorts of transient shifts can occur 
while in process- to remain detached and equal minded as well as 
not attempt to figure anything out is the bestjust flow along 
into the next moment - 

 Love to all...

Nameless and formless am I
fresh as the spring breeze
joyful as the bubbling brook
as open as the deep valley
as stable as the mountain
changeless and timeless am I

no arms can hold me
no doors can shut me out
no walls can contain me

I seek no home
for there is none
bare and open
vulnerable in fullness I am

The long storm has ground me 
to nothing
and the dust has blown away
across the sea
across the land of coming and going
now life can play
in it's fullness

be that which you have always been
thou will be as welcome 
as the new dawn and 
the fresh spring breeze
thou will find the open beauty
that the sages sing of
timeless and unchangeable
the jewel in the heart

This is the song of the love
that seeks no other




[FairfieldLife] Re: UNLEASH YOUR BLISS: An introduction to the Kunlun Nei Gung or 'Bliss Practic

2007-09-09 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hmmm did you guys watch the video? It seems so fake.
 Such a slick production. The guy seems to have no
 shakti at all.

Main interest is more about weather there is lasting eternal peace with One. My 
Guru explains 
that sidhis are developed way before realization but as a matter of course may 
occur around 
one resting in Realization. No way to tell exactly if there is doership 
involved but the 
enlightened will tell you that there is no one there to do anything, hence no 

one doing means there is still further to go as one is dependent on the 
transcient relative. 

[FairfieldLife] Enlightened ( Sarojini) shares her day to day life

2007-09-13 Thread Ron

To help a little more, this one will share a bit of day to day life 
since Realization:

The body wakes up, normal morning grooming still happens (for some 
reason the teeth haven't learned to brush themselves), coffee is 
made, the kids are woken up, breakfast is eaten while breaking up a 
few fights over who gets the last piece of bacon, lunch is made for 
school with healthy snacks despite incessant cries for junk food, 
toys left on the floor are still tripped over, as well as trying to 
teach the younger ones how to put them over cries of No! 
and Mine!, the husband's clothes are still ironed, the bills still 
have to be paid, the body aches at times from picking up and 
carrying two little ones, the head aches at times from 
hearing Elmo songs and toddler screams throughout the day, and on, 
and on. However, all of this above is done to a backdrop of 
Silence... Peace... Stillness... Wonder... Love... Excitement... 
Calm... Poise... Balance... Serenity. Mind comes and quickly goes. 
Emotions come and quickly go. The Moment is Savored... Treasured... 
LIVED. Nothing changes but the Perspective. Nothing is lost but 
the baggage. Nothing is gained because It was Already Always Here. 
Living Now in Peace ... Living Gratitude. 

Holly: Remembering what you have said has helped dis-spell the 
irrational fears of fraying (I hope) ego. : )

Sarojini: Have NO fears... they are unnecessary and unfounded. Just 
an illusion... just a distraction... just energy. This that IS is 
Beautiful, Serene and more Real than Reality was ever known to Be by 
the mind. It IS and a bag of chips!

Great Peace and many Blessings,

Thank you!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev pics

2007-09-13 Thread Ron

 There is no evidence that GD choose MMY to be his successor - tmers
 believe that based on what MMY has said not anything objective. 
 There's a huge decades long controversy over who GD's official jyotir
 math successor was, where there is some record, and there's no record
 at all regarding MMY.  GD did not give MMY tm mantras - as has been
 documented MMY started teaching TM in india with the mantra raam given
 to everyone, later changed to bij mantras, and changed the criteria
 for selecting bij mantras at least a couple times.  The deathbed story
 is believed by tmers and makes a great dramatic story.  You can
 believe whatever you want, as long as you understand you're using your
 own spiritual movement's beliefs/stories/myths to support your
 argument, which doesn't have much weight on those who aren't a part of
 it.  Every guru with a marketing orientation has a story about how he
 is the official successor/reincarnation of/avatar of/ etc. of some
 prior esteemed guru.  Anti-tm people from GD's ashram have their own
 stories about how GD warned the ashram about MMY's ambition and to
 keep him on the business side and out of the teaching side of the
 ashram, and how MMY fooled with the will, etc.  That's their stories -
  they have the same objective weight as TM TB stories.
 MMY certainly has been successful in drawing in people to meditation
 and in raising money.  Still a pretty large group in ffld doing his
 thing.  I don't know if that says anything about GD or what he would
 think about it.  
 I don't know much about GD from non TM sources.  He appears to have
 practiced a tradition called shri vidya.  My personal opinion is that
 GD's true lineage is being upheld by someone trained and selected
 while GD was in the forest, not while in his public formal role as a
 religious ashram leader.

It doesn't appear that MMY  knows what the kundalini path is yet he speaks 
about it, he 
was caged in because of not being in a proper vastu, etc. Yet, Kundalini is the 
important thing as his comments reveal and yet I have just heard about it after 
30 years.

Many in TM are in confusion, and there is a potential for the kundalini to 
awaken with 
what is given, yet there definately is not adequit guidance available if this 
happens, and it 
appears it has in some cases.

It does appear MMY is self proclaimed as a Guru, and as enlightened but being 
caged in be 
cause of an inproper vastu is not the sign of enlightenment. This is possibly 
why there is 
so much consideration for the body in TM, and to give a perspective in my path, 
comment is the body has nothing to do with enlightenment

However, more significant than weather MMY is enlightened or not, and weather 
there was 
some loop hole so that he is a sanyasi, as he claimed on Larry King, even 
though no 
evidence of a formal initiation into sanyas, the more significant thing is what 
is taking 
place with the disciples- and the answer is a lot of confusion and mis 
guidance, with 
reference to the chance for enlightenment.

These are my opinions, and it also is always an  offer for a way out when I 
have this 
message as I am in a path where the confusion evaporates. 


[FairfieldLife] Why people have problems when Kundalini awakens

2007-09-13 Thread Ron
The reason why people have problems is most likely they are giving attention to 
thoughts of 
either the past or what if's for the future, then coloring those thoughts with 
emotions. So, 
while everything is fine at the present moment, it is not fine for the one who 
is off on the 
trhoughts and heavy emotions attahced to those thoughts.

One helpfull thing ( there are more but one thing at a time) is to observe the 
breath. One is 
breathing anyway, so therefore simply observe the breath. What this does is 
helps to keep 
one in the present, and  relaxes the mind. Rather than one being off on the 
thoughts, the 
attention is to observe the breath. It is further added to bring it to balanced 
breath, so if one 
notices that one side is taking in less air, then one can have the attention to 
take in the air 
from that nostril. This is a starter, there are more things to do

One should also stop  once they notice that they are going off on thoughts and 
come back to 
the present. I had deep experieces in TM, yet I am telling you that what is 
advised here is not 
superficial but part of something very deep


[FairfieldLife] Re: Love, the Ramtha School and Kundulini

2007-09-13 Thread Ron
The scriptures aparently warn of the dangers of messing with kundalini- it is 
neutral like 
electricity, but electricity can be used for good stuff or to electicute someone

It is MMY that said Kundalini is for idenitifying where one is, indicatiing it 
is not something 
to move one forward. This is contrary to my experience. however, MMY talks 
imbalanced one's enlivening kundalini and therefore not good results. This may 
be quite 
right, and I dont think the ones present when you were at this school were 
Realized - 
traversing the kundalini journey from start to Realization. To have a kundlaini 
master like 
this and no less would be more advisable.

MMY only talks about having kundalini awakened by an imbalanced one, he said it 
take very delicate care for it to be done right. This delicate care is what is 
in my path, 
which has a enlightened kundalni master as I just described.

MMY talks about a thin air tube being blocked, and therefore kriyas possibily 
occuring. IN 
my path, there is not much mention of the body because Kundalni is a journey 
consciousness, Quote from my Guru-  I dont care what people eat because the 
body has 
nothing to do with enlightenment

Ramtha is a channel- this is like a radio station. Regarding developing psychic 
this also has nothing to do with enlightenment- most with these abilities do 
not have 
peace in their lives as this has become their passion rather than liberation 
resting in 

These are comments from me or my Guru

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brontebaxter8 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I sometimes experienced kundulini years ago when I did TM but nothing 
 earth-shattering. I experienced a heck of a lot of it years later in 
 the Ramtha School, which targets kundulini raising as one of its 
 The first time I had a kundulini experience was in Avoriaz, France on 
 an ATR. I didn't even know what it was. I had been meditating just 
 years, and on that course I fell in love. Every time I meditated, I 
 felt love for that man, and I would experience this soft strong rush 
 energy, like a river of cloud, up both sides of the inside of my 
 and inside my ears, flowing into my head. It made a a gentle steady 
 whoosh sound, like the ocean.  
 Ever since, when I feel great love, I feel that. When I started 
 experimenting with intentional kundulini-raising in the Ramtha 
 I realized it was the same as the powerful love experience. Of course 
 kundulini can be much more intense, even really uncomfortable, and it 
 has been for me sometimes. I know some people have found it painful 
 particularly distressing.
 I disagree with what some posters have written here, that kundulini 
 just a clearing of blockages in the physical nervous system and not 
 important to full enlightenment. I think the uncomfortableness comes 
 when the river encounters an obstacle, but I don't think the river 
 itself is a blockage. To me that wouldn't make much sense.
 In the Ramtha school, people were taught to image a volcano in their 
 first chakra (first seal in Ramtha terms). Then we'd do a forced 
 sharp breath while envisioning pushing the volcano's energy up. We 
 would play with that image -- erupting the volcano -- while blasting 
 kundulini breaths to push the volcanic stream higher and higher up 
 spine. Kind of like those things at the fair where you bang the thing 
 and the ball goes higher and higher, with the goal being to ding the 
 bell at the top. We were told to envision the energy going all the 
 to the top of the head every time we blew. Everyone got very high on 
 this, as it made the energy climb higher each time you did it. It was 
 very empowering and enlivening. 
 After a 40-minute session like this, we'd do exercises to develop our 
 psychic abilities. I never used to be psychic before the Ramtha 
 and I'm a lot more that way now. Plus it really enlivened my energy. 
 know it made me a lot smarter, I think because of the energy going 
 the head. I got a lot of good stuff out of that school and sometimes 
 still practice the technique.

[FairfieldLife] From a realized devotee of Ramana Maharishi

2007-09-13 Thread Ron

The Non-Dual Viewpoint on mind, levels, vision

The following is a quote from Sri Lakshmana Swami, a realized devotee of Ramana 
Maharshi, from No Mind - I Am The Self; The Lives and Teachings of Sri 
Swamy and Mathru Sri Sarada, (p.102-3) by David Godman.

Question: What are the different stages or levels of the mind that one passes 
before realising the Self?

Sri Lakshmana Swami: Mind is only thoughts. The more easily you can be without 
thoughts, the nearer you are to a direct experience of the Self. To make the 
mind die you 
must deprive it of thoughts. The effortless thought-free state is the highest 
level of 

There are no states or degrees of realization, there are only stages of 
spiritual practice.
The final stage of sadhana is this effortless thought-free state. If this state 
can be 
maintained, then the I will sink into the Self and it will experience the 
bliss of the Self. 
These experiences are only temporary; the I will continue to reassert itself 
until the 
moment of realization. Realization can only happen in this effortless 
thought-free state, 
for it is only in this state that the Self can destroy the I-thought. The 
I-thought, which 
is the mind, must die completely before Self-Realization occurs.

Question: How is one to make the mind die?

Sri Lakshmana Swami: The mind can never eliminate itself without the grace of 
the Self. 
The mind is afraid of its own death; it will not do anything to endanger its 
own existence. 
It is like the theif who poses as a policement in order to catch himself 
because he 
ultimately wants to escape. SImilarly with the mind. The mind will engage in 
thinking it wants to destroy itself, but as soon as the mind starts to sink 
into the Heart, a 
great fear arises which prevents the mind from completely subsiding. This fear 
is part of 
the mind's self-defence mechanism, and you will never overcome it by effort 
alone. It is 
because of this that you need the grace of the Guru. When you concentrate on 
the name 
and form of the Guru, or try to be without thoughts, the grace of the Guru 
calms the mind 
and helps it to overcome the fear which would otherwise prevent it from 

Question: Whyis it necessary for the mind to die?

Sri Lakshmana Swami: The mind must die, there is no other way to realize the 
Self. Some 
people say that complete equanimity of mind is Self-Realization, but this is 
not true. 
is only a stage one passes through on the way to Self-Realizaiton. Other people 
say that 
seeing the Self or God everywhere is Self-Realization, but this is not true 
either. To see the 
Self everywhere there must be an I who sees, and while that I exists the 
mind will also 
exist. The jnani does not see anything because the seeing entity in him has 
died. In the 
Self, there is no seeing, only being. When the mind still exists one can reach 
a stage where 
one can see the whole world as a manifestation of the Self, but when the mind 
dies, there 
is no one who sees and no world to be seen.

If you have a mind then the earth, the sky, and the stars will exist, and you 
will be able to 
see them. When the mind dies there will be no earth, no sky, no stars, and no 
world. The 
world of objects, names, and forms is only the mind, and when the mind dies, 
the world 
dies with it. Only the Self then remains.

Seeing everything as the Self gives the impression that the Self is equally 
everywhere. This is also an idea in the mind. When the mind finally dies you 
realize that 
there is no distribution and no everywhere.

[FairfieldLife] Re: From a realized devotee of Ramana Maharishi

2007-09-15 Thread Ron
I ask the same question- are the ones commenting here speaking from Being or 
about it. 
Not that your answer is proof positive of anything, I have been with Ones 
enlightenment and it wasn't so, yet no way anyone can convince them otherwise

It was explained to me that when one has a glimpse of samadi, or sidhis such as 
whatever there is to be known, or other sidhis, visions, lights- this is 
developed way 
before enlightenment.

There is a tradition where the guru works one to one with the sadaka- if the 
sadaka is on 
his own, then as has been seen many times by now, will declare himself 
enlightened when 
certain experiences come about, yet it is far from realization. This ends up to 
be a very sad 
situation as the sadaka will not progress any further without the guru being 

It was explained to me that a sat guru would not allow his disciples to be on 
their own to 
figure out where they are and what they need to do. If it is a real Guru - 
relationship, the Guru will be observing to see how the path is being digested 
and what is 
needed to bring the sadaka to completion.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Two different definitions of mind is what is causing
 this confusion. When Ramana refers to mind I think he
 means the I thought, the source of the delusion of
 individuality. I agree with hyperbolic here. In
 Realization the death is of the I and me. There is
 just consciousness without any space or time boundary.
 The I and me of waking state just disappears. Pop!
 You can't locate a you any place at all. The mind
 still functions though but now it is a subtle object,
 not you anymore. That consciousness is what you
 are. But now that you has no boundary and is
 completely transparent and limitless; unlocalized
 but  not in space and time! Just pure awareness.
 --- hyperbolicgeometry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  --thanks, I have that book; but he's incorrect: the
  mind doesn't die. 
  An I associated with mind-identification dies. 
  Mind was a medium 
  by which the message of Sri Lakshmana was conveyed
  to David Godman. 
  Therefore, it's very much alive.  Also, shortly
  after Lakshmana 
  realized the Self, he went to Ramana and handed him
  a piece of paper 
  saying I have realized the Self.  Ramana then
  smiled in a silent 
  acknowledgement.  Again, mind was part of a process
  through which the 
  message was conveyed. It was alive before his
  Realization and also 
  afterwards. False identification died, not the mind.
  - In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron
  sidha7001@ wrote:
   The Non-Dual Viewpoint on mind, levels, vision
   The following is a quote from Sri Lakshmana Swami,
  a realized 
  devotee of Ramana 
   Maharshi, from No Mind - I Am The Self; The Lives
  and Teachings of 
  Sri Lakshmana 
   Swamy and Mathru Sri Sarada, (p.102-3) by David
   Question: What are the different stages or levels
  of the mind that 
  one passes through 
   before realising the Self?
   Sri Lakshmana Swami: Mind is only thoughts. The
  more easily you can 
  be without 
   thoughts, the nearer you are to a direct
  experience of the Self. To 
  make the mind die you 
   must deprive it of thoughts. The effortless
  thought-free state is 
  the highest level of 
   There are no states or degrees of realization,
  there are only 
  stages of spiritual practice.
   The final stage of sadhana is this effortless
  thought-free state. 
  If this state can be 
   maintained, then the I will sink into the Self
  and it will 
  experience the bliss of the Self. 
   These experiences are only temporary; the I will
  continue to 
  reassert itself until the 
   moment of realization. Realization can only happen
  in this 
  effortless thought-free state, 
   for it is only in this state that the Self can
  destroy the I-
  thought. The I-thought, which 
   is the mind, must die completely before
  Self-Realization occurs.
   Question: How is one to make the mind die?
   Sri Lakshmana Swami: The mind can never eliminate
  itself without 
  the grace of the Self. 
   The mind is afraid of its own death; it will not
  do anything to 
  endanger its own existence. 
   It is like the theif who poses as a policement in
  order to catch 
  himself because he 
   ultimately wants to escape. SImilarly with the
  mind. The mind will 
  engage in sadhana, 
   thinking it wants to destroy itself, but as soon
  as the mind starts 
  to sink into the Heart, a 
   great fear arises which prevents the mind from
  subsiding. This fear is part of 
   the mind's self-defence mechanism, and you will
  never overcome it 
  by effort alone. It is 
   because of this that you need the grace of the
  Guru. When you 
  concentrate on the name 
   and form of the Guru, or try to be without
  thoughts, the grace of 
  the Guru calms the mind 
   and helps it to overcome

[FairfieldLife] Re: Love, the Ramtha School and Kundulini

2007-09-15 Thread Ron

 In reply to Ron, who commented that developing psychic abilities has 
 nothing to do with enlightenment ... bud, I disagree. IMO, the fully 
 enlightened person 

* General comments coming from my Guru are - a person cannot be enlightened- 
this is 
why it is advised for the sadakas in my path here to think of Guru as 
consciosness and not 
the persona.

would have access to divine abilities, psychic ones 
 being part of it.

*no doership with the enlightened as there is no one to do anything- the me is 
sidhis, miracles, psychic phenomina may occur around the enlightened but this 
happens, it is not being done

 When all the chakras are open and lit up with the 
 power of kundulini energy -- available on a permanent basis -- the 
 human being is capable of miracles. 

Also, the body has nothing to do with enlightenment- you are not the body, or 
mind, for 
when these things are gone, there is something left, this is what One IS. In 
the kudalini 
path, where shakti meets shiva, the kundalini journey, which is one of 
consciosness, is 

Again, these are the general messages from my guru
 That is more my idea of enlightenment than the nonattachment model. At 
 least it's what I strive for, whatever one wants to call it. Being 
 nonattached hold little appeal for me. But that's another topic.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Love, the Ramtha School and Kundulini

2007-09-16 Thread Ron
Just to be clear,  my Guru was not responding to your post, I was. I stated the 
comments of my Guru. You will find it to parrellell Ramana Maharihsi, so 
possibly you can 
investigate what he says regarding the same comments.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bronte Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Bronte writes:

   The fact that your guru presumed to send a message to me brings up the 
 emotion of 
irritation and anger, and I'm looking at that to see what goes. I realize I do 
have the 
opinion that gurus in general are part of a racket aimed at exploiting seekers. 
I have little 
respect for the lot of them. When I come across some enlightened person like 
Flanigan, or 
others, who isn't trying to convert people but simply sees the world from a 
perspective, and who'll tell you what that is if you happen to ask them about 
it, I find that 
cool. I'm interested. 

   But people who fit the traditional concept of guru manipulate people's 
 lives. They tell 
others they can read their souls and then they give them directions on how to 
live. They 
often wreck lives in the process. This is my experience. From what I've read of 
postings in the past, your guru is of the traditional variety. I read the 
interchange you 
published on FFL between her and your friend and was appalled. I intend no 
insult to you 
personally, but Ron, I have to be frank. I just don't go for that stuff.  

   So I have no desire to communicate with her or to receive comments on my 
from her. If YOU want to comment on something I wrote, that's a different 
However, since guru lady has had a go at me, I'll have a go at her this one 
time. I really 
can't resist. It won't be pretty. 

   Ron had written:
   * General comments coming from my Guru are - a person cannot be 
 enlightened- this 
 why it is advised for the sadakas in my path here to think of Guru as 
 consciosness and 
 the persona.

   Bronte writes:

   Bullshit. It's people who get enlightened. And gurus are no more and no 
consciousness than the rest of us. Telling your lot not to think of you as a 
person but as 
consciousness is just a cool device for getting them to park their critical 
thinking at the 
door and swallow whole anything you tell them. 

 *no doership with the enlightened as there is no one to do anything- the me 
 is gone- 
 sidhis, miracles, psychic phenomina may occur around the enlightened but this 
 happens, it is not being done

   Bronte says:

   All more crap. Yadda yadda yadda. If the me is gone for you lady, I don't 
 want what 
you got. I perceive me-less people as walking zombies, who've sold out their 
personhood  for superior nihilistic bliss. Well go ahead and enjoy it. But if 
it's really that 
fulfilling for you, why do have a need to proseletyze to strangers who don't 
want to hear 
from you on Fairfield Life? 

 Guru lady says:

   Also, the body has nothing to do with enlightenment- you are not the body, 
 or mind, 
 when these things are gone, there is something left, this is what One IS. In 
 the kudalini 
 path, where shakti meets shiva, the kundalini journey, which is one of 
 consciosness, is 

   Bronte says: 

   The body has EVERYTHING to do with enlightenment. Enlightenment is achieved 
 in the 
confines of the body. My old guru himself used to say that you have to come 
here and take 
on a body and get enlightened inside it in order the complete the journey of 
and evolution, the whole round-trip. Kundulini takes place IN a body, and 
transforms it 
into the divine. So your little preachy message here isn't even consistent with 
your own 

  In reply to Ron, who commented that developing psychic abilities has 
  nothing to do with enlightenment ... bud, I disagree. IMO, the fully 
  enlightened person 
 * General comments coming from my Guru are - a person cannot be enlightened- 
 why it is advised for the sadakas in my path here to think of Guru as 
 consciosness and 
 the persona.
 would have access to divine abilities, psychic ones 
  being part of it.
 *no doership with the enlightened as there is no one to do anything- the me 
 is gone- 
 sidhis, miracles, psychic phenomina may occur around the enlightened but this 
 happens, it is not being done
 When all the chakras are open and lit up with the 
  power of kundulini energy -- available on a permanent basis -- the 
  human being is capable of miracles. 
 Also, the body has nothing to do with enlightenment- you are not the body, or 
 when these things are gone, there is something left, this is what One IS. In 
 the kudalini 
 path, where shakti meets shiva, the kundalini journey, which is one of 
 consciosness, is 
 Again, these are the general messages from my

[FairfieldLife] Re: Off-World's Kundulini Experience (Was Dear Bevan and Dr. Hagelin)

2007-09-16 Thread Ron
This looks like it could be kundalini awakening or attempting to awake - good 
to have 
proper guidance, this is not available in TM- it requres working directly with 
a kundalini 
master that has traversed the kundlini path from start to realization.

In case you have not noticed, I am in the kundalini path but there are also 
other such 
masters that are capable to guide.

Kundalini especially is active around 3 3o am, if it is an on going thing and 
not ocasional, 
then this may be the awakened kundalini- it cant be switched off- it can be the 
blessing or greatest curse- most likely the former when proper guidance is in 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bronte Baxter 
 brontebaxter8@ wrote:
Off-World, this is absolutely exciting. I've always wanted to 
 talk to someone who was having red-hot, metal-melting kundulini on an 
 almost daily basis. I have so much I want to ask. So here goes, with 
 inserted questions below. (For anyone who missed Off-World's 
 fascinating post, I've also left the original intact at the bottom.)
Off-World wrote:
  It is full of bliss, all-power, bright light, emptiness, and fear 
  at the same time. Very strange.
Hmm. I don't feel fear or emptiness when I have the burning, 
 although I don't like it when I want to fall asleep. Can you sleep 
 when this is going on? 
 It is like a half-way sleep, sometimes asleep, often woken up, and 
 often aware of it during sleep. Sometimes softer, sometimes stronger. 
About the fear and emptiness ... what is it that's empty? What is 
 the fear OF? That you will burn up? I
 The fear is of anihilation. It seems like anihilation, like something 
 else could take over that is not me, but I have come to the point of 
 facing that very powerful sense, and not fearing the fear so to speak.
  have considered sometimes that if the burning I feel got much 
 more intense, it WOULD be scary -- I'd be afraid I was going to burn 
 up. Do you think people CAN burn up from kundulini?
 I don't know. Part of what I am getting is that it could destroy me, 
 but I decided to not be afraid of that. I suppose if a person thinks 
 that they, as an individual, is important, then it defeats the part 
 of the purpose of enlightenment, which is letting go of ego. So the 
 paradox is that the fear is of annihilation, but humans naturally 
 have a strong sense of self preservation, and unless they aceept the 
 possibility of total annihilation of the soul, then they are still 
 atached to their own ego. It is normal to fear annihilation of the 
 soul I think, but I have decided that is a barrier to my evolution, 
 and so I decided to never fear that natural fear anymore. My one 
 weensy soul is not important to the universe, so why not risk it. 
  People who've died of spontaneous combustion -- do you think 
 that's what it was all about?
 Not sure, could be related, it sometimes actuall feels like that 
 could happen, but I don't think this would happen with most people, 
 if it were a potential.
My take on the fear thing is that while it's present with 
 kundulini at times, it is not kundulini itself but rather a person's 
 resistance to it, their doubting of it. By itself, kudulini is power 
 and fire and beautiful. It is the trumpet call that wakes the spirit 
 and calls the body to new life. Maybe that's what the angel's trumpet 
 call symbolizes in the Book of Revelations.
 Maybe,and I think fear is necessary. You cannot annihilate fear. It 
 is natural to the universe. I heard Maharishi explain once that the 
 infinity is afraid of being annihilated by the point value and visa-
 versa, so it is inbuilt into the dynamics of existence. The 3 in 1 
 structure of consciousness (Being) is a direct result of this 
 reverberation as one extreme expands to the other, and back. I did 
 not get, nor accept, Maharishi's answer at that time(to a purusha 
 guy's question about how he was percieving fear within the 
 transcndent or something like that). In fact, I was annoyed by this 
 talk of fear, and ignored it. But now, I can see the importance of 
 it. It is a wonderful thing.
 So I am starting to think of fear as an energy, it is just that 
 humans and other animals use that energy as a tool of practical life, 
 such that it becomes ingrained as something negative. But we need to 
 pull back and see the big picture. It is an energy, and I think that 
 yogis learn to transform (not annihilate, or ignore) that energy into 
 Just a thought. Could be wrong though.

  The purification is like a hot metal rod burning, but it is 
  not damaging or painful, only healing. Oftentimes (3 or 4 times a 
  week), it fills most of my sleeping night with fire and bliss and 
  neuronal purification, and I am often surprised how the world has 
  transformed the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY stops teaching kundalini....in 1970!

2007-09-16 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Why?  Too Religious (Hindu)? or could it be that when Siddhas realize
 they aren't raising their kundalini (due to lack of tangible
 experience vis-a-vis kundalini as described by MMY in lecture
 Kundalini) they're NOT functioning from the home of all the laws of

MMY doesnt know what kundalini is- his audio makes this obvious. It is a 
journey through 
consciousness, the effects the body are going through are not important from 
perspective of the path I am on, only that one is progressing with the awakened 
so that the effectiveness of it is in full swing and serves as the greatest 

MMY has put Kundlini on the highest pedistal, explaining that  it is said to 
be= if you 
knew what ice cream tastes like , would you describe is as - it is said to 
taste sweet?

Kundalini is a significant factor for moving one forward, and I take issue that 
it is not, and 
that it is merely for identifying where one is. The awakened kundalini, with 
the grace of 
the guru as a guide, is in itself all that is needed for progress- those two 

 And if they're NOT functioning from the HOME (TC) of all the laws of
 nature then Dr. Hagelin's theory vis-a-vis the MMY effect is out the
 After all, let's not kid ourselves, the home of all the laws of nature
 is Pure Consciousness itself..Self Realization!! Even if it's
 Savikalpa Samadhi (temporary), are all of the Siddhas in Savikalpa
 Samadhi? Doubtful, yet that is the essence of the MMY effect, is it not?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Off-World's Kundulini Experience (Was Dear Bevan and Dr. Hagelin)

2007-09-17 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bronte Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The only guidance needed is one's own inner guidance. It's the nature of the 
 human spirit 
to wake up. 

My comments, coming from my path will mirror that of Ramana Maharishi's 
Regarding a mentor or Guru, it is 100% that one will need this for unfolding 
Some very rare one's will do it on their own. It is ego which declares a Guru 
is not needed, or 
even I am that rare one - after all, Ramana did it this way and so can I.

Why? because one in darkness needs light- and the light is just not there. If 
it were, then one 
wouldn't be in darkness.The Guru is the one that has traversed the journey from 
start to 
Realization, having gone through it, they are the light to show others.

In my path, it is not that they desire to be guru or step forward to do so, 
they are 
commissioned by their own Guru's to do so.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Off-World's Kundulini Experience (Was Dear Bevan and Dr. Hagelin)

2007-09-17 Thread Ron
Well Bronte, 

The honesty of this situation is I have presented my beliefs. Your beliefs are 
That's fine- so this is how it stands.
[Bronte: The only guidance needed is one's own inner guidance. 
 It's the nature of the human spirit to wake up.] 
  My comments, coming from my path will mirror that of Ramana 
 Maharishi's admonisions.
I disagree with almost everything of the philosophy of the Neo-
 Advaitins, RM's very much included.
  Regarding a mentor or Guru, it is 100% that one will need this for 
 unfolding enlightenment. 
This is a typical guru mind-enslavement statement: You can't do 
 it without me. It spiritually disempowering of seekers and self-
 aggrandizing of gurus, designed to suck in clients. It's like a real 
 estate agent telling you can't possibly sell our house successfully 
 without an agent to guide you. Imagine what would happen to business 
 if people realized they could do it by themselves? 
Some very rare one's will do it on their own. It is ego which 
 declares a Guru is not needed, or even I am that rare one - after 
 all, Ramana did it this way and so can I.
Good sales line: it's your ego. That one really snags the 
 spiritual consumer. Get 'em with their guilt. Way to go, Ramana 
Why? because one in darkness needs light- and the light is just 
 not there. If it were, then one wouldn't be in darkness.The Guru is 
 the one that has traversed the journey from start to Realization, 
 having gone through it, they are the light to show others.
What do you mean, the light is just not there? What is a human 
 being's nature, darkness or light? Don't you believe that everything 
 is God's light? Then how can you think one can't become aware of that 
 light within themselves by the power of that light within themselves? 
To wake up to one's nature is as natural as waking up in the 
 morning. Saying you can't do it by yourself is like saying you'd 
 never wake up in the morning if you didn't have your mother to call 
  In my path, it is not that they desire to be guru or step forward 
 to do so, they are 
  commissioned by their own Guru's to do so.
That may well be. It's those who've bought the sales pitch who 
 are best equipped to perpetuate it. 
  Building a website is a piece of cake. 
  Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online.

[FairfieldLife] The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-17 Thread Ron
Namaste Guru G and all

G:Having things stripped bare is not an attractive offer. hahahahahah
people want to have *thier* lives but to have them Enhanced. And 
Surrender doesn't equate with the idea that *I* can get *Realization* . 

N: Being striped isn't attractive ether all the slobber and bed head. Ha ha ha 
A famous Guy once said those who lose their lives have life more abundantly. 
He he

G:The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization. The ME may have 
may insights aka realizations, but Realization only takes place when 
the ME is no more and has dissolved or imploded into simply Absolute. 

N: Yes, this me is so enlightened you should all buy my ME SO SOUP. $500.99 
plus tax no 
Guru necessary we have a digital automated one. Soup cores requires you read 
the work 
book The Grate Me and the Guru Within written by Dorkdananda.

N: The oddest things are observed. One could hardly call this deep Witnessing, 
but have 
been observing ego stuff as it mixes with mind it's like all thoughts are lies 
and crafted in 
a way that no one notices, the UN reality of thought which arises seem to be 
made up as 
one goes along. Ego is just a belief system and when that system is challenging 
the me 
freaks. But there is no me just a bunch of thought patterns that made one think 
im this or 
It has been very different unpleasant, some times crazy seeing the world like 
this, there is 
no descriptions or thoughts that could be accurate at all because they are made 
according to the ego pattern. It all seems to be a big game. And every one 
seems to count 
on that game and getting the bigger better game. So this me is nuts, what's 
left of it. It's a 
challenge to talk or remember things, mantra spontaneous in the middle of the 
night and 
just seeing through the eyes is different. And yes, practice breath surrender 
and grace. Oh 
and more surrender. 

Like to kick the guy's butt who invented the me along with the guy who invented 
the high 
heel. Ha ha ha ha haaa rrrar.

G:i do not offer enhancements - but rather lopping off heads. hahahahaha 

N: What! No pet a cure?

Love Nyingje

Maha Shanti

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-18 Thread Ron
The enlightened say that there is no change when the body drops.

People are drawn to very complicated explainations. My Guru's comments is that 
hear it and dont understand it and think wow he is great. The complexity in all 
ways adds 
to keeping one from unfolding enlightenment which IS simplicity.

IN my path, it is either one is enlightened or not, just like one is either 
pregnant or not. 
Any enlightened One will say the same thing- there is no me to get enlightened, 
only IS, or Being- no two, only One.

No it cannot be understood by intellect but if one want to believe in this 
aspect, since faith 
is going to be needed - and a Guru as well, if you buy into the concept that 
the guru will 
only take one as far as they are, then you might buy into not accepting when a 
guru tells 
you that you will become enlightened- for such a one that says this is not 
and therefore will not be able to guide others to enlightenment.

This is the value I see in putting this statement out that a me will never 
 Prior to realization, the above point is very
 difficult to understand. In fact it can't be
 understood IMHO. Prior to realization consciousness
 and the sense of a psychological or private individual
 are experienced as the same. So if somebody talks
 about the experiential I or me vanishing in
 enlightenment it seems to be annihilation of
 consciousness itself. This seems to be the source of
 much of the protests regarding this point (e.g.,
 Bronte's recent posts). But this does not happen.
 Prior to Realization consciousness is projected into
 and identified with aspects of mind so consciousness,
 phenomenologically, IS the mind. A powerful delusion
 of individuality is created. The initial step of
 Realization is consciousness pulling out of this
 identification. When this occurs there is a clear
 distinction between buddhi and purusha and a clear
 recognition that I no longer exists as a private
 psychological self, but is completely unbounded and

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-19 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, qntmpkt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --Thanks, this is quite obvious if one defines the me = I; the 
 notion of a delusional self associated with the mind as an identity 
 separate from Pure Consciousness.

Hridaya puri:I suppose getting the definitions matching is the first thing- 
small self= Ego 
which is identity with mind, body, and conditionings. When these things are 
something is still left, that IS eternal Being. This is why enlightenment has 
nothing to do 
with vastu, body, the food you eat, the yagyas one does, the books one reads, 
understandings one has.

 This is the snake that actually is 
 a rope.  The snake doesn't exist in itself, therefore the I or me 
 in this sense can't get Enlightened.

Hridaya puri:This is why ego and enlightenment can not exist at the same time

   But nobody on this forum is saying that the Me CAN gain 

Hridaya puri:Look closer

so what's so special about your Guru?
nothing- that is why there is hardly any disciples- people are attracted to a 
super human 
that performs siddhis, bases doership to save the world as it's platform, can't 
contacted, speaks in very complicated double speak terms that no one 
understands and 
therefore is thought to be great, out to save the world, usually is Indian and 
robes, with guru chairs in every corner of the world- with millions of 
disciples, famous, 
with castles, limos, and promisis a bigger grander you with cosmic ego which is 
such an 
important one that without you and all the fellow students, the world would die 
a quick 

When one has all these concepts which they have read about, then come across 
one that is 
none of the above, there is a disconnect.

As you see, I have taken sanyas, my new name is Hridaya puri

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-19 Thread Ron
This is a very complicated post - my opinion is it serves to get the mind 
engaged- where 
as enlightenment is very simple- the me falls away, then there only  IS

They say that then it was known that there never was a me, it was Maya- ego 
is the 
maya- so no cosmic ego's in my path

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 qntmpkt  wrote:  Thanks, this is quite obvious if one defines the
 me = I; the notion of a delusional self associated with the mind
 as an identity separate from Pure Consciousness. This is the snake
 that actually is a rope.  The snake doesn't exist in itself,
 therefore the I or me in this sense can't get Enlightened.  But
 nobody on this forum is saying that the Me CAN gain Realization . . .
 Edg:  This word gain is problematic, eh?  Let me take a hack at
 hitting the same target.  
 If we step back from the concept that all is illusion/dream, and we
 talk as if objects of consciousness were separate entities instead of
 undifferentiated light, then immediately we can begin to speak of
 gains.  A film can show an actor gaining a hat, but it is only
 actor-blotches-of-light being associated in time, space, memory with
 hat-blotches.  There is no real ownership of the hat on the level of
 unity -- no causal connections, no laws.  If hat or actor are seen
 again, the blotches will be entirely new, different and not in the
 least causally connected to the previous set of blotches that were
 designated hat and actor.
 Just so do ego-blotches sometimes seem to gain enlightenment-blotches.
  There can be no denying that the enlightenment-blotches are an
 all-time reality -- always being seen with the ego-blotches, but it is
 not a law, because, well, enlightenment-blotches accompany ALL
 blotches of every ilk all the time.  
 When the ego gets it that it is not sentient, it is said that it dies,
 or that the mind is killed, or that me-ness evaporates, but in terms
 of functionality, enlightened folks can easily keep track of their
 bodies and thoughts.  It is not the case that after enlightenment that
 a person will be confused; there's no concern that
 not-identifying-with-the-meat-robot will cause personal physical
 safety concerns, or that insanity will emerge without a central
 controller function. These things don't happen.  The enlightened can
 in every way function as if not enlightened in order to harmonize
 with the not-admitting-yet-that-they're-enlightened folks.  This
 illusion of having an ego, can then go about its day pretending to
 gain things -- including its enlightenment blotches.  It will be no
 larger a mistake than any other this is assertion of entity-hood. 
 Like noise that comes with the train, goes with the train, is of no
 use to the train, but the train can't go without it, ego is just
 another squeak in the robot's clockworks.
 Ramana Maharishi and every other guru ever can hold a conversation,
 use the word me, make decisions, eat, etc.  The only difference is
 that their egos will not make the mistake of thinking that the
 sentience that is aware of the robot is the robot's ego-functions,
 nor that, because this robot-ego-function is observed, it is an
 observer of any sort whatsoever. Instead, the ONE PRESENCE is the
 observer of all blotchiness.  The ego doesn't actually die, because it
 was never alive, never existed as a separate entity except that the
 mind mistakenly insists it is.
 The mind that once was supposed-into-existence is no longer required
 to make a place in which observation can take place, since it is
 recognized that observation is an all-time reality for every speck of
 The most distant planet, the tiniest dust mote, the unseeable quarks,
 the 3,578,298,657th orbit of electron number
 657,536,420,543,098,708,345,456,988 of hydrogen atom number
 468,394,503,476,503,542,343,243,768,001 of water molecule number
 654,543,324,489,593,549,987 of the tear drop number 37 running down
 your cheek is duly noted -- no ego need be in attendance for absolute
 appreciation of any imposed definition on any arbitrarily hacked out
 patch o'blotches.
 Matthew 10:30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
 God is omnipresent -- what else needs to be said?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-19 Thread Ron
I just read this to swami G and she said yea, that's what happens

 It might be quite complicated , but it does/can lead
 the mind towards transcending itself. I agree that
 enlightenment is simple, but it can come as quite a
 shock when the mind attempts to reference itself, to
 feel itself as a subjective I and absolutely
 nothing is there. This nothingness takes some getting
 used to from the minds perspective. Until the
 experience actually occurs, the profundity of this
 experience can not be comprehended by the mind. There
 is a foundational shift in identity from a unique,
 psychological I to absolutely nothing. Thoughts,
 feelings, actions, desires all continue as before but
 there is no identification of these phenomena with an

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-19 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, qntmpkt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --The statement, ...then there only IS is an incomplete description 
 of existence.  

Of course, any statement will never replace the reality of the situation

A more complete statement would be IsAS: 
 modifications of pure Conscious such as trees, the sky, the body; 
 etc; and all of the components that STILL make up an individual, 
 minus the false illusory I. 

The I is the individual, isn't it?

 Therefore, should the IRC come 
 knocking on your door (after getting Enlightened), don't say, Sorry, 
 can't pay since there's no Me.
I have posted comments from the enlightened here so it helps to see how their 
day to day 
life is, and that this story book idea of special and superhuman belongs more 
to ego than 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-19 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, qntmpkt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --The statement, ...then there only IS is an incomplete description 
 of existence.  

Of course, any statement will never replace the reality of the situation

A more complete statement would be IsAS: 
 modifications of pure Conscious such as trees, the sky, the body; 
 etc; and all of the components that STILL make up an individual, 
 minus the false illusory I. 

The I is the individual, isn't it?

 Therefore, should the IRC come 
 knocking on your door (after getting Enlightened), don't say, Sorry, 
 can't pay since there's no Me.
I have posted comments from the enlightened here so it helps to see how their 
day to day 
life is, and that this story book idea of special and superhuman belongs more 
to ego than 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-19 Thread Ron
This is way too complicated for me, but I ask the usual- is the one writting 
this speaking 
from Being or about it? Start with that.

We have 3 enlightened one's in our group and though there is not a coaching, 
they have 
the same basic thing to say because it is coming from that One essence. Their 
message is 
it is never a me that gets enlightened, it is the death of the Me that is the 
life or all life

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tanhlnx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --Below, you ask if I is the individual.  Depends upon how you 
 define it: a. the illusory I that is the core of misidentification, 
 or b. the individual who remains after the ignorance of 
 misidentification is gone, and who STILL may refer to herself as I 
 in ordinary exchanges of conversation with people. The question then 
 becomes, what is the nature of this (b) I...; is it/he/she simply 
 saying something that has no reality?  No.
   The I who remains has no substantial, i.e. in-itself reality 
 separate from Brahman; but the ongoing error of Neo-Advaita is that 
 there's no significance to the remaining I.
  As pointed out by several contributors, the I that/who remains also 
 has several major components when misidentification vanishes.  One of 
 these components can be called the social I, and includes all manner 
 of habitual behaviors in the due course of social interactions.
  There are several other categories of this I:  (b), the bodily/mind 
 I; in essence, this body/mind that remains (even though non-
 substantial) is a new I that exists in the world of nonduality.
   Say you lived on a planet where everybody was born enlightened. 
 Would people go around saying nobody has an I.  No.  First, not 
 having tasted the ignorance of misidentification, they would have no 
 conception of what it is, none whatsoever.
   In the course of social intercourse, the notational I would be 
 required, because on that planet, visitors may knock on your door 
 asking if you are so and so.  Naturally, you would reply Yes, I am. 
  More specifically and directly, exactly what is this new I, apart 
 from being a mere notation?
  It's a relative body/mind!
 Thus, to answer your question, an I exists after Enlightenment, 
 yes, but it's not the same I as before which is based on the delusion 
 of separateness.
  The new I is a holographic me, wholly inseparable from the 
 Absolute continuum of pure Consciousness; but still composed of 
 various relative components such as the capacity to interact 
 socially, to perform actions with the mind, senses, and organs; and 
 to engage in new types of perceptions, especially relating to the 
 entire universe of existence that forms the holographic identity.
  The holographic aspect to the new I is important since holograms 
 enfold the totality but each hologram differs from the others in 
 having priorities of viewpoints.  The things being seen have no inner 
 core of an I' as a false identity, but they (the objects) are 
 simply being seen. By what?  The body and its senses.
  Thus, your Guru is misguided if he has fallen into the Neo-Advaita 
 trap which claims that all types of an I vanish at Enlightenment.
 The Enlightenment I is a holographic I, nondifferent from the 
 Absolute continuum but partaking of normal interactions by virtue of 
 ongoing bodily impulses and the capacity to engage in entirely new, 
 creative, and original enterprises.
 - In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, qntmpkt qntmpkt@ wrote:
   --The statement, ...then there only IS is an incomplete 
   of existence.  
  Of course, any statement will never replace the reality of the 
  A more complete statement would be IsAS: 
   modifications of pure Conscious such as trees, the sky, the body; 
   etc; and all of the components that STILL make up an individual, 
   minus the false illusory I. 
  The I is the individual, isn't it?
   Therefore, should the IRC come 
   knocking on your door (after getting Enlightened), don't 
 say, Sorry, 
   can't pay since there's no Me.
  I have posted comments from the enlightened here so it helps to see 
 how their day to day 
  life is, and that this story book idea of special and superhuman 
 belongs more to ego than 

[FairfieldLife] From the newest enlightened One- the is no*one*

2007-09-19 Thread Ron
Namaste Sajani and Holly,

When one comes upon That which IS, all else - every little 
experience (vision, dream, sounds, Samadhi, etc) that ever happened 
is absolutely burned to dust. Visions, experiences, dreams, 
insights are all wonderful in that they can help to keep one 
motivated to continue forward and also may show where one is at 
within the layers of conciousness, but are limited because they ARE 
experiences. An experience exists becase an experiencer 
exists... one should strive for no experience at all! Ha ha ha ha 
ha ha ha!!! If they come, wonderful - say hello and goodbye to 
them in the same instant. If they don't, keep walking until there 
is no*one* walking or experiencing a thing!

OM Shanti,
Sarojini - A name with no experience

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-20 Thread Ron
For Now, I am having my fun. I have told my Guru what I am up to. I am speaking 
from my 
own experiences as well which I have the opinion have an effect to move one 
faster in the 
path, and the reason I attirbute is because of working directly with the living 
guru- one to 

By comparison, those on their own, which are many, appear to think they are 
deeper levels than what is actually the case. They will not hear one word of it 
if it comes to 
letting them know that what they think they are accessing is not there yet 
because there is 
still a me in place. This is the casualty of taking techniques and running with 
them, the 
the guru handing them out and dissappearing.

There is more than one Sat guru that will to work with students- although 
wouldn't be 
surprised if that offer today is withdrawn tomorrow- and the guru is not 
willing to accept 
new students, such as what appears to  possibly happen in my path. The reason 
stemming from that bible quote about casting the pearl of great price before 
swine  or 
however that goes

With regard to some of Barry's comments, the words, pointings, discussions are 
not for the 
enlightened, it is for those who dont know, and yes written by those who also 
dont know 
such as myself. So it is understandable if one wants to ignore it, but there 
also may be 
other reasons for ignoring it as well

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ wrote:
  --- tanhlnx tanhlnx@ wrote:
   --Below, you ask if I is the individual.  Depends
   upon how you 
   define it: a. the illusory I that is the core of
   or b. the individual who remains after the
   ignorance of 
   misidentification is gone, and who STILL may refer
   to herself as I 
   in ordinary exchanges of conversation with people.
  Of course this is done! It's mere convention. But
  your name and the personal pronoun, I don't
  experientially refer to anything.
   The question then 
   becomes, what is the nature of this (b) I...; is
   it/he/she simply 
   saying something that has no reality?  No.
  Actually, yes. When you say I in Realization you
  aren't refering to anything at all within your own
  experience. There is no phenomenological or
  experiential I to refer to. When you try to do this
  there absolutely nothing.
 The I who remains has no substantial, i.e.
   in-itself reality 
   separate from Brahman; but the ongoing error of
   Neo-Advaita is that 
   there's no significance to the remaining I.
  I don't know what your experience is with this, but
  you seem to be trying to have your cake and eat it
  too, as it were. Since in Realization there is no I
  that is experienced you can't speak of it being
  non-substantial or not having an in-itself reality.
  All this makes no sense because there is absolutely
  nothing there to refer too. There is only
  consciousness which is completely unlocalized. What
  are you talking about?
 And why? :-)
 I've been staying out of this whole discussion
 because I honestly think it falls into the 
 category of discussion that the Tao Te Ching
 nailed so well: Those who know don't say; 
 those who say don't know.
 As an exercise in trying to express the inex-
 pressible, I guess it's fun for some people.
 But *all* of the descriptions are wrong. The
 map is not the territory. So I really don't
 get off much these days on discussing maps
 and trying to decide which of them is more
 accurate or less accurate. To me they are
 *all* inaccurate, every last one of them, even
 those drawn by the supposedly-enlightened.
 *Especially* those drawn by the supposedly-
 enlightened, who should have known better.
 For me, the attributes of enlightenment are
 best demonstrated, not talked about. Those 
 here who have worked with teachers who can
 shift you *into* the states of consciousness
 they're pointing to, even if only temporarily,
 can then have somewhat meaningful discussions
 with their students. In that case, it's like,
 Ok, now that we're all here, look around.
 Notice that this thing (or concept) doesn't
 look the way (or seem the way) it did before.
 From this state of consciousness I might call 
 that thing (or concept) X. You might call it
 Y. But right here, right now, isn't the thing
 (or concept) kinda neat?
 Transmission (or empowerment) kinda cuts through
 the crap of language and its inability to express
 the inexpressible. It also cuts through the crap
 of the intellect, in that one doesn't have to
 try to imagine what is being discussed; it is
 here and now, part of one's experience. 
 In a way, it's the thing that Ron keeps harping
 on, but never seems to understand. Is this 
 person speaking from Being, or about it? That
 is not the real question in these matters IMO,
 because even if the person speaking is speaking
 from the level of Being or enlightenment

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-20 Thread Ron
  from the 
  Absolute continuum of pure Consciousness; but still
  composed of 
  various relative components such as the capacity to
  socially, to perform actions with the mind, senses,
  and organs; and 
  to engage in new types of perceptions, especially
  relating to the 
  entire universe of existence that forms the
  holographic identity.
 The capacity to interact socially, to perform actions
 with the mind,etc., are relative components as you
 say, but in Realization these certainly do continue,
 but there is no identification with them as you or
 me or I. They just occur on their own as they did
 before Realization.
   The holographic aspect to the new I is important
  since holograms 
  enfold the totality but each hologram differs from
  the others in 
  having priorities of viewpoints.  The things being
  seen have no inner 
  core of an I' as a false identity, but they (the
  objects) are 
  simply being seen. By what?  The body and its
 Agree with this.
   Thus, your Guru is misguided if he has fallen into
  the Neo-Advaita 
  trap which claims that all types of an I vanish at
 No, Ron's guru is correct.
  The Enlightenment I is a holographic I,
  nondifferent from the 
  Absolute continuum but partaking of normal
  interactions by virtue of 
  ongoing bodily impulses and the capacity to engage
  in entirely new, 
  creative, and original enterprises.
 You are creating a conceptual distinction that makes
 no difference. How can there be a ...holgraphic 'I'
 nondifferent from the Absolute continuum.? If it was
 nondifferent there is no distinction and it is
 therefore the same. You seem to be trying to
 intellectually resolve the problem of individuality
 in Realization because you are confounding
 consciousness with the phenomenological/experiential
 I of waking state. 
  - In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron
  sidha7001@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, qntmpkt
  qntmpkt@ wrote:
--The statement, ...then there only IS is an
of existence.  
   Of course, any statement will never replace the
  reality of the 
   A more complete statement would be IsAS: 
modifications of pure Conscious such as trees,
  the sky, the body; 
etc; and all of the components that STILL make
  up an individual, 
minus the false illusory I. 
   The I is the individual, isn't it?
Therefore, should the IRC come 
knocking on your door (after getting
  Enlightened), don't 
  say, Sorry, 
can't pay since there's no Me.

   I have posted comments from the enlightened here
  so it helps to see 
  how their day to day 
   life is, and that this story book idea of special
  and superhuman 
  belongs more to ego than 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-20 Thread Ron
 continuum of pure Consciousness; but still
   composed of 
   various relative components such as the capacity to
   socially, to perform actions with the mind, senses,
   and organs; and 
   to engage in new types of perceptions, especially
   relating to the 
   entire universe of existence that forms the
   holographic identity.
  The capacity to interact socially, to perform actions
  with the mind,etc., are relative components as you
  say, but in Realization these certainly do continue,
  but there is no identification with them as you or
  me or I. They just occur on their own as they did
  before Realization.
The holographic aspect to the new I is important
   since holograms 
   enfold the totality but each hologram differs from
   the others in 
   having priorities of viewpoints.  The things being
   seen have no inner 
   core of an I' as a false identity, but they (the
   objects) are 
   simply being seen. By what?  The body and its
  Agree with this.
Thus, your Guru is misguided if he has fallen into
   the Neo-Advaita 
   trap which claims that all types of an I vanish at
  No, Ron's guru is correct.
   The Enlightenment I is a holographic I,
   nondifferent from the 
   Absolute continuum but partaking of normal
   interactions by virtue of 
   ongoing bodily impulses and the capacity to engage
   in entirely new, 
   creative, and original enterprises.
  You are creating a conceptual distinction that makes
  no difference. How can there be a ...holgraphic 'I'
  nondifferent from the Absolute continuum.? If it was
  nondifferent there is no distinction and it is
  therefore the same. You seem to be trying to
  intellectually resolve the problem of individuality
  in Realization because you are confounding
  consciousness with the phenomenological/experiential
  I of waking state. 

   - In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron
   sidha7001@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, qntmpkt
   qntmpkt@ wrote:

 --The statement, ...then there only IS is an
 of existence.  

Of course, any statement will never replace the
   reality of the 

A more complete statement would be IsAS: 
 modifications of pure Conscious such as trees,
   the sky, the body; 
 etc; and all of the components that STILL make
   up an individual, 
 minus the false illusory I. 

The I is the individual, isn't it?

 Therefore, should the IRC come 
 knocking on your door (after getting
   Enlightened), don't 
   say, Sorry, 
 can't pay since there's no Me.
I have posted comments from the enlightened here
   so it helps to see 
   how their day to day 
life is, and that this story book idea of special
   and superhuman 
   belongs more to ego than 
   To subscribe, send a message to:
   Or go to: 
   and click 'Join This Group!' 
   Yahoo! Groups Links

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[FairfieldLife] That's my theory, and I'm sticking to it... :-)

2007-09-21 Thread Ron
That's my theory, and I'm sticking to it... :-)

Response: A spontaneous thought that came is yes, as long as there is a me, you 
may stick 
with that but  it is inevitable that when the time is right, you won't be 
sticking with the me as 
it will only Be, and the Me will be as stciky as if being glued to the ocean 

My Guru was just talking about questions yesterday. In the group sites it says 
if you want to 
see the group active, then ask questions. My guru explained that the reason for 
this is if 
there is no questions, then there is only silence with no thoughts.

Hridaya Puri ( my new sanyas name)

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-22 Thread Ron

--Nope, you're wrong. There is an I after realization but it's not
the delusional I as before.

Response: what happens to that I when you die? ( drop the body?)- and what 
happens to 
the eternal Being?

By process of illimination- whatever is left after everything else is gone- 
this is not 
transcient, non relative, and eternal- what reality is there to the transcient 
in this respect?

It is way more popular to promote cosmic ego, get  a bigger and better me- 
reach your 
full potential, become a God, choose elightenment- look up Sai Ma- all the 
ingredients for 
the making of a big mass movement. 

There is no interest in a movement where ego candy is not handed out and one 
will be 
challenged to the core- getting what is needed and not necessarliy what is 

In my path, you are not great, you are not this most wonderfull scientist, you 
are not the 
devantari of the heaven on earth, you are not a wonderfull savior with great 
insight to save 
humanity, you are not a leader to chnage the course of time, you are not a 
memeber of an 
organization that has the power to change the world as no other can- what you 
are is not 
a you, it is only ONE- 

Christ said I and the Father are One where is the two in that? where is the I 
minus the 
illusionary I in that? and how popular was Christ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-22 Thread Ron
I am not enlightened and can not say from direct experience - I can only pass 
along what 
3 people here say in my path- then again, the honesty of the situation is 
unless it is 
known from direct experience, then it is a belief system- so you have my 

I will let you know when it is from direct experience as it has been amazing to 
watch what 
has taken place in the path here with two people this past summer.

Fir sure, this is not a popular heading, the comic me, and all that is by far 
very popular 
and new age

My Guru is ademant and claiming to speak from Being in saying there is no two, 
no two, it 
is only ONE, there only IS, then life flows. A quote from my guru in speaking 
to a person 
while I was there- : I just tell people the truth, I never existed nor will I 

My Guru also referenced scriptures written by enlightened Ones that say this 
same thing.

The 3 people here, while not in contact with each other for coaching, have the 
same basic 
thing to say because they are speaking from that same ONE

MY Guru explains that Oneness implies duality as one with something, and no, it 
only IS

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bronte Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Christ said I and the Father are One where is the two in that? 

   They are one but they are also two, as a branch can say I am the tree and 
 still be a 
branch. You can experience being one with the Infinite yet an individual at the 
same time. 

 Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell.

[FairfieldLife] Signposts that MMY is not enlightened

2007-09-22 Thread Ron
1. I had felt caged in all these years from not living in a proper vastu
Response from my Guru when I asked is anything had ever caged her in- no

2. cognitions of vedas

Response from my Guru- cognitions, discoveries, knowing what needs to be known 
anything, sidhis, cognizing all of jyotish, vedic mathmatics, vastu- these 
things are 
developed way beffore Realization and are not a part of a realized one- they 
are all about 
the transcient

3. Speaking about Kundalini and explaining  it is said to be at the base of 
the spine, 
Kundalini is for identification of where one is at   It is said the more the 
kundalini is 
awake, the more enlightened one is, ultimately when kunalini is fully awake, 
this is 

Response- If one knows what ice cream tastes like- one doesnt say it is said to 
sweet- this is not the words from knowing directly. Kundlaini has been felt all 
over by 
some, not only in the spine. Kundalini is a process through consciousness that 
acts as 
rotor rooter clearing the pathways for unfolding enlightenment, and the 
kundalini journey 
is complete and over in Realization

will collect more

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-23 Thread Ron
I suppose the paradox is there- maybe in thinking of the snake and string it 
clears it up-

The significant thing is a process of ilimination for what is transcient and 
what is eternal. 
All that which is transcient has a reality to it but short lived and therefore 
no reality so a 

Last week, we had a gathering so one of the newly enlightened was there. She 
was saying 
the wonder of it all- for you can never get it but yet It is there

It again points to the headline of this post- as I said earlier, you will see 
these comments 
from Guru's speaking from this level of Being such as Ramana Maharishi- I don't 
think you 
will  find this from TM's Maharihsi because it is not know to him

There is a good purpose in poiinting out if a Master is enlightened or not. For 
those open 
to this, examination can show why this possibility exists one way or the other- 
then it 
explains why one is confused, or why one has not heard or understood these 
things which 
Ramana talks about, or very significant is that the disciple is not going to go 
further than 
the Guru.

There are two newly enlightened one's in my path this year. By comparrison, 
the guru of Muktananda left his body early and stated there is not one that 
came seeking 
eternal Liberation, but rather seeking out guidance for a better Me

Bottom line is enlightenment is really a possibility this life time but the 
master has to be 
enlightened, sat Guru, and then from the opinion of my Guru, it is essencial to 
be working 
one to one. The Guru is the light, the disciple is in darkness which is ego ( 
identification of 
mind and body as being the self, or the small self is the existence)

If one is using the inner Guru, visions, revelatiuons, form of inner Guru of 
some Guru, it is 
fiultered through this ego. Ego will fight tooth and nail to keep it 's throne, 
Outter Guru is 
the light that has already traversed the path to enlightenment and has the know 
how to 
guide one in this darkness- out of it

The formula for enlightenment is surrender to this Guru which is consciousness, 
not mind 
and body- 0r put it this way, one is surrendering to consciosness. Faith is 
involved. If one 
is intent on argueing, intent that they will use their own inner guru, intent 
that they will do 
their own navigating- then this process is obviously not for them.

in such a case, all that is said from this camp here is good luck with your 
journey, may it 
bring all that you are looking for

Hridaya Puri

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tertonzeno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --Thanks, Bronte, I like your comments!.
 The statement, There's only the One is a true statement, but it's 
 incomplete, since a certain Guru with a name is saying that. The Guru 
 doesn't have a bodyhe is a body/mind as an individual as 
 opposed to other individuals, in the relative sense.  
  A more complete statement would be There's only One, which 
 expresses Itself as many, without losing the nonduality.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-23 Thread Ron
Well again, the honesty of it for me is that there is still further to go, and 
therefore the 
parts not known by direct experience are accepted in faith, with the 
confirmation of my 

That being the case, what I have heard is it is inevitable that all come to 
this Being- 
enlightenment unfolds for all, then what was read, or what has been told will 
now be 
actualized and known from direct experiece. Opportunities come along- it is 
like when a sincere seeker is there, the open door is walked through. There 
will be plenty 
of choices offered from the Universe, and the time frame is favorable- eternity.

Again, intuition says that the following statement from my Guru is correct- it 
is never 
what one thought it was

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ron, unfortuanately you're wasting your breath on
 these mala covered samsarins who insist on
 individuality and can not recognize the function of
 the ego in this belief that somehow realization of
 That includes individuality. Poor deluded bhogis. By
 the way, I'm not saying this, so there.
 --- Ron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I suppose the paradox is there- maybe in thinking of
  the snake and string it clears it up-
  The significant thing is a process of ilimination
  for what is transcient and what is eternal. 
  All that which is transcient has a reality to it but
  short lived and therefore no reality so a 
  Last week, we had a gathering so one of the newly
  enlightened was there. She was saying 
  the wonder of it all- for you can never get it but
  yet It is there
  It again points to the headline of this post- as I
  said earlier, you will see these comments 
  from Guru's speaking from this level of Being such
  as Ramana Maharishi- I don't think you 
  will  find this from TM's Maharihsi because it is
  not know to him
  There is a good purpose in poiinting out if a Master
  is enlightened or not. For those open 
  to this, examination can show why this possibility
  exists one way or the other- then it 
  explains why one is confused, or why one has not
  heard or understood these things which 
  Ramana talks about, or very significant is that the
  disciple is not going to go further than 
  the Guru.
  There are two newly enlightened one's in my path
  this year. By comparrison, Nityananda, 
  the guru of Muktananda left his body early and
  stated there is not one that came seeking 
  eternal Liberation, but rather seeking out guidance
  for a better Me
  Bottom line is enlightenment is really a possibility
  this life time but the master has to be 
  enlightened, sat Guru, and then from the opinion of
  my Guru, it is essencial to be working 
  one to one. The Guru is the light, the disciple is
  in darkness which is ego ( identification of 
  mind and body as being the self, or the small self
  is the existence)
  If one is using the inner Guru, visions,
  revelatiuons, form of inner Guru of some Guru, it is
  fiultered through this ego. Ego will fight tooth and
  nail to keep it 's throne, Outter Guru is 
  the light that has already traversed the path to
  enlightenment and has the know how to 
  guide one in this darkness- out of it
  The formula for enlightenment is surrender to this
  Guru which is consciousness, not mind 
  and body- 0r put it this way, one is surrendering to
  consciosness. Faith is involved. If one 
  is intent on argueing, intent that they will use
  their own inner guru, intent that they will do 
  their own navigating- then this process is obviously
  not for them.
  in such a case, all that is said from this camp here
  is good luck with your journey, may it 
  bring all that you are looking for
  Hridaya Puri
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tertonzeno
  tertonzeno@ wrote:
   --Thanks, Bronte, I like your comments!.
   The statement, There's only the One is a true
  statement, but it's 
   incomplete, since a certain Guru with a name is
  saying that. The Guru 
   doesn't have a bodyhe is a body/mind as an
  individual as 
   opposed to other individuals, in the relative
A more complete statement would be There's only
  One, which 
   expresses Itself as many, without losing the
  To subscribe, send a message to:
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[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-23 Thread Ron
 he didn't exist! His use of the I word and the me word is 
  the context of the body as referent.
   Of course, the Me can't gain realization but that's another 
  closely related. 
  In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote:
   I suppose the paradox is there- maybe in thinking of the snake 
  string it clears it up-
   The significant thing is a process of ilimination for what is 
  transcient and what is eternal. 
   All that which is transcient has a reality to it but short lived 
  and therefore no reality so a 
   Last week, we had a gathering so one of the newly enlightened was 
  there. She was saying 
   the wonder of it all- for you can never get it but yet It is there
   It again points to the headline of this post- as I said earlier, 
  you will see these comments 
   from Guru's speaking from this level of Being such as Ramana 
  Maharishi- I don't think you 
   will  find this from TM's Maharihsi because it is not know to him
   There is a good purpose in poiinting out if a Master is 
  or not. For those open 
   to this, examination can show why this possibility exists one way 
  or the other- then it 
   explains why one is confused, or why one has not heard or 
  understood these things which 
   Ramana talks about, or very significant is that the disciple is 
  going to go further than 
   the Guru.
   There are two newly enlightened one's in my path this year. By 
  comparrison, Nityananda, 
   the guru of Muktananda left his body early and stated there is 
  one that came seeking 
   eternal Liberation, but rather seeking out guidance for a 
  better Me
   Bottom line is enlightenment is really a possibility this life 
  but the master has to be 
   enlightened, sat Guru, and then from the opinion of my Guru, it 
  essencial to be working 
   one to one. The Guru is the light, the disciple is in darkness 
  which is ego ( identification of 
   mind and body as being the self, or the small self is the 
   If one is using the inner Guru, visions, revelatiuons, form of 
  inner Guru of some Guru, it is 
   fiultered through this ego. Ego will fight tooth and nail to keep 
  it 's throne, Outter Guru is 
   the light that has already traversed the path to enlightenment 
  has the know how to 
   guide one in this darkness- out of it
   The formula for enlightenment is surrender to this Guru which is 
  consciousness, not mind 
   and body- 0r put it this way, one is surrendering to 
  Faith is involved. If one 
   is intent on argueing, intent that they will use their own inner 
  guru, intent that they will do 
   their own navigating- then this process is obviously not for them.
   in such a case, all that is said from this camp here is good luck 
  with your journey, may it 
   bring all that you are looking for
   Hridaya Puri
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tertonzeno tertonzeno@ 
--Thanks, Bronte, I like your comments!.
The statement, There's only the One is a true statement, but 
incomplete, since a certain Guru with a name is saying that. 
doesn't have a bodyhe is a body/mind as an individual as 
opposed to other individuals, in the relative sense.  
 A more complete statement would be There's only One, which 
expresses Itself as many, without losing the nonduality.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Signposts that MMY is not enlightened

2007-09-24 Thread Ron

I will ask my Guru to comment, as I have been saying, I am not enlightened. I 
can only 
provide some intellectual response. Such as, the vedas is not what is cognized, 
it was 
relative things cognizesd- vedic math is relative, so it jyotish, and 
scripture. when all 
relative is gone, then ONE is, it is not persona, it only IS.

A person can cognize seemingly infinite things if this is what one wants- 
beyond this IS 
only Being- this is why it is explained that a siddha Guru is one that is 
beyond siddhis- 
and the greatest siddhi of them all is to know the absolute.

In enlightenment, siddhis may occur around the enlightened but it is not a 
doership as 
there is no one to do something. There are no longing and lasting desires, 
which includes 
the desire to know anything about anything- this is siddhis. One can know 
wwhatever one 
needs to know- My Guru explained that this was in her own journey way before 

actually, it was because advanced siddhis were known, that my Guru thought she 
enlightened. She was on her own  most of the journey. The last Guru ( there 
were 4 total) 
screamed in her face- this desription can be seen on youtube in the video 
describing my 
Guru's own Journey.

Because the siddhis were very developed, she thought she was enlightend, then 
when she 
revealed this to her Guru, this is when he screamed in her face and told her, 
you fool, you 
know nothing, you idiot!!!

while at the time, my Guru had less than nice thoughts about her Guru, she 
backward and said that if not for this, she would have still been on the 
hampster wheel of 

This whole thing will again boil down to that other title's thread- the fallacy 
is that a me 
is going to get enlightenmed. Me means identity with mind or body which is 
ego, and 
ego and Enlightenment cannot exist at the same time.

Comment: If you or anyone else can explain to me how the Vedas can be
cognized *before* enlightenment, I owe you a nickel. Such a foolish
statement, which you have apparently swallowed hook, line and

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-24 Thread Ron

Personally, I get the feeling that the vast maj-
ority of gurus who claim that their followers
need them to get enlightened in reality need
their followers far more than the followers need
them. If the followers weren't there hanging off
every word and paying the bills, these gurus
would have to work for a living.

Response: Maybe it is so for the vast majority but that has nothing to do with 
my Guru. My 
guru does not need any followers, prefers to have none, will in a short time 
only accept 
people in person, probably no longer available on the net or by phone, My Guru 
has a 
pension from the military so the bills are all paid, no fees are asked for, the 
donations go 
into an acount for an ashram, I think the acount is up to about 5k after 8 

If the pension were not there, and there were not disciples willing to support 
my Guru, 
then she would work, and then this is just less time available for the sadakas.

The thing is, if one has been wronged 1000 times by Gurus, this is not a 
ligitimate excuse 
to stop- and a guru is needed if you buy into what Ramana and other Gurus say. 
If you 
dont, well fine- your choice- what the same legitimate gurus would tell you is 
may you 
get all that you seek for

[FairfieldLife] Re: Signposts that MMY is not enlightened

2007-09-24 Thread Ron
Cognitions and revelations are what my guru had prior to enlightenment and also 
what s gave my Guru the understanding that enlightenment was there. As I said, 
was a time where my guru could know anything about something and other such 

The point is- who is there to cognize something? 

My recolletions are Bevan worships MMY as persona, therefore it is the greatest 
Guru in 
10,000 years, and for example, on some walk MMY was having, all of the vedas or 
certain apsects of the vedas were cognized. This has to do with knowing 
where as in Realization, the small self, the me, the identification of body and 
mind is 
imploded, merged, it IS only ONE, not one with something

My Guru, speaking from this knowing, informed me a few days ago that no, 
are not there for the enlightened, it also was from experiecne that with the 
cogitions and 
revelations, my Guru thought she had arrived,  but as long as there is a me 
there is further to go

This is the significance of the Guru being there with the disciple, otherwise , 
the disciple 
will go no further and this ends up being a sad thing.

It is most likely the new age thing which people can relate to- it is there in 
sai Ma's web 
sight- become a God, develope your full potential, choose enlightenment, etc. 
People can 
relate to becoming a better me, gaining a cosmic ego

People can not relate to no me, no ego, no self, only IS- then life flows

Regarding the Kundalini comment from another post- Maybe it again is this 
thing. My guru explains that where shakti meets shiva, the kundalini journey is 
over. IN 
enlightenment, yes, my Guru gives shatipat and shakti is kundalini.  The thing 
is the 
persona is no longer there so the enlightened experienceing Kundalini?

All 3 enlightened in my path went through the kundalini journey- 2 of the 3 are 
the other a sage- and it is an inspirational story for that one being on the 
path for only 
one year, with 3 babies ( all under 4) and a housewife. 

The 2 gurus had very heavy kundlaini journeys, and having arrived in 
realization, are 
extremely qualified to speak about Kundalini. Both independantly commented on 
comments about Kundalini and said it is one that knows nothing of the kundalini 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote:
  I will ask my Guru to comment, as I have been saying, I am not 
 enlightened. snip
  Comment: If you or anyone else can explain to me how the Vedas can be
  cognized *before* enlightenment, I owe you a nickel. Such a foolish
  statement, which you have apparently swallowed hook, line and
 I am not calling into question anything else regarding siddhis or 
 other powers prior to enlightenment. All that is said about that, I 
 agree with. Just the remark about the Vedas being able to be cognized, 
 prior to permanent establishment in the Absolute.:-)

[FairfieldLife] Enlightened Ones are not caged in and do not have cognitions

2007-09-24 Thread Ron
Oh well, maybe he did, and certainly from my POV lives the Reality
of the Vedas. And no doubt ime he has the ability to cognize them--
I'm not disputing that. But he sure hasn't had the time to
*document* his cognition.:

Hridaya Puri: One doesn't live the reality of the vedas and at the same time is 
caged in by 
an inproper vastu, nor do enlightened have cognitions, revelations, or perform 

Jim:If you or anyone else can explain to me how the Vedas can be
cognized *before* enlightenment, I owe you a nickel. Such a foolish
statement, which you have apparently swallowed hook, line and

Hridaya Puri: Cognitions are all to do with the transcient, it is only the 
unenlightened ones 
stil in the process that will have cognitions and revelations such as knowing 
whatever they 
want to know in an instant, unfoldiung the entire structure of Jyotish, vedic 
mathmatics, or 
the vedas. enlightened on Are the vedas, just Being- not persona

Jim:I don't see an answer to my question, just some misdirection; playing

Hridaya Puri: I think this is approximately how an enlightened one would 
answer. If I 
asked the 3 enlightened one's in my path for this answer, independantly, the 
same answer 
would come because it is coming from that same One.

Jim:mind games with identification. Kinda boring.:-)

Hridaya Puri: I state my reason for posting all this in the first place. There 
is a value to 
knowing if a master is enlightened or not because they are only going to take 
you as far as 
they are. One might consider when trying to figure out if the one they will 
entrust their 
faith with is enlightened by both being with this Guru, and then seeing the 
progress of the 
students- are they in confusion, are there enlightened one's etc.

For those who are interested in enlightenment above all else, this is an 
consideration. Ultimately, one has to use their own discretion, then live with 
these choices. 
I present my opinions because it is an option. The way it is received is not up 
to me but 
most certainly it will probably be hell for some and maybe heaven for some as 
well, and 
then anywhere in between that.

[FairfieldLife] Signposts-MMY not enlightened- Ramana Maharishi quote

2007-09-25 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, george_deforest 
 george.deforest@ wrote:
   Ron, is the reason you mentioned 'cognizing the vedas' because 
   the rumor spread by TB's (probably purushoids) that Mahesh 
   'cognized the Vedas'?
   Never heard that Maharishi cognized the vedas. 
   Could you spezify please ?
  FWIW, Maharishi is credited with cognizing 
  the uncreated commentary of vedic literature in 1980,
  in the official lists of his year by year achievements;
  see http://www.alltm.org/Maharishi/Maharishi_year3.html
  another brief explanation:
  In the early eighties, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi cognized the nature 
  the details of this eternally fixed sequence of the words in Rik 
  This cognition of the inherent structure of Rik Veda is termed as
  Apaurusheya Bhasya, or uncreated commentary. It brings to light,
  that the specific sequence of the letters, syllables, words, Padas,
  Richas, Suktas and Mandalas of Rik Veda, form an eternal structure 
  which every next expression provides a commentary on the previous
  expression. Every following expression is a natural elaboration or
  commentary on the expressions that are preceding it. 
  From this it follows that all the knowledge of the entire Veda is
  contained in the first word and indeed even in the first letter of 
  Veda A. The term Apaurusheya Bhasya further implies that it is 
  commentary provided by the structure of the Veda itself. The whole
  essence of the Apaurusheya Bhasya can therefore be summarised in 
  phrase: Follow the sequence. 
  Maharishi's Apaurusheya Bhasya has made clear to the world for the
  first time in the history of mankind that the sequence of the Vedic
  expressions is of an absolute significance. Only as such, the Veda 
  be understood as the blueprint of Creation, or as Maharishi 
  it in 1992, the Constitution of the Universe, containing the
  structuring dynamics of all the Laws of Nature that govern all
  evolutionary processes in the ever expanding universe.
  source: http://www.selfrealisation.net/VedicAstrology/instrman.htm
 Aparusheya Bhasya, thats right, forgot that one. Only a Maha Rishi 
 could see the missing verse. Maharishi said he would write a 
 commentary to the Brahma Sutras, if time allows.

I dont think so, this belongs to one in the process- An enlightened One would 
congnise or need to cognize anything. This again us a basis for much confusion 
peoplee think that one with a certain dress, from a certain country, with a 
certain big 
following, with certain insights, cognitions, revelations, and powers is 
enlightened, but not 

And again, what is the purpose? The master can only take one as far as they 
are. I dont 
think it is reasonable to call one a Sat Guru if not capable to take one to 
that is just a guru that also can spark an awakening. For a completed 
awakening, then this 
is a sat guru

Speaking of which, here is a short commentary from Ramamaharihi about Guru:

 Guru is the Self 
 Sometimes in his life a man becomes dissatisfied 
 with it, and, not content with what he has, he 
 seeks the satisfaction of his desires, through 
 prayer to God etc. 
 His mind is gradually purified until he longs to
 know God, more to obtain His grace than to satisfy
 his worldly desires. 
 Then, God's grace begins to manifest. God takes 
 the form of a Guru and appears to the devotee, 
 teaches him the Truth and, moreover, purifies his 
 mind by association. 
 The devotee's mind gains strength and is then able 
 to turn inward. By meditation it is further purified 
 and it remains still without the least ripple.
 That calm expanse is the Self. 
 The Guru is both `external' and `internal'. From 
 the `exterior' he gives a push to the mind to turn 
 inward; from the `interior' He pulls the mind towards 
 the Self and helps in the quieting of the mind. 
 That is Guru Kripa. There is no difference between 
 God, Guru and the Self ...
 (Ramana Maharshi)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ron´s Guru

2007-09-25 Thread Ron

if there is further interest, you may want to join the yahoo group, it is 
active, not for 
lurkers, participation is required

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nayakanayaka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Ron!
 As a rare visitor to this group (though very interested, since I spent
 5 yrs in Fairfield), I may have missed something, but would you care
 to reveal who your Guru /what your Guru´s background is?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote:
  Cognitions and revelations are what my guru had prior to
 enlightenment and also this 
  what s gave my Guru the understanding that enlightenment was there.
 As I said, there 
  was a time where my guru could know anything about something and
 other such things
  The point is- who is there to cognize something? 
  My recolletions are Bevan worships MMY as persona, therefore it is
 the greatest Guru in 
  10,000 years, and for example, on some walk MMY was having, all of
 the vedas or some 
  certain apsects of the vedas were cognized. This has to do with
 knowing something, 
  where as in Realization, the small self, the me, the identification
 of body and mind is 
  imploded, merged, it IS only ONE, not one with something
  My Guru, speaking from this knowing, informed me a few days ago that
 no, ccognitions 
  are not there for the enlightened, it also was from experiecne that
 with the cogitions and 
  revelations, my Guru thought she had arrived,  but as long as there
 is a me cognizing, 
  there is further to go
  This is the significance of the Guru being there with the disciple,
 otherwise , the disciple 
  will go no further and this ends up being a sad thing.
  It is most likely the new age thing which people can relate to- it
 is there in sai Ma's web 
  sight- become a God, develope your full potential, choose
 enlightenment, etc. People can 
  relate to becoming a better me, gaining a cosmic ego
  People can not relate to no me, no ego, no self, only IS- then life
  Regarding the Kundalini comment from another post- Maybe it again is
 this paradoxal 
  thing. My guru explains that where shakti meets shiva, the kundalini
 journey is over. IN 
  enlightenment, yes, my Guru gives shatipat and shakti is kundalini.
  The thing is the 
  persona is no longer there so the enlightened experienceing Kundalini?
  All 3 enlightened in my path went through the kundalini journey- 2
 of the 3 are gurus- 
  the other a sage- and it is an inspirational story for that one
 being on the path for only 
  one year, with 3 babies ( all under 4) and a housewife. 
  The 2 gurus had very heavy kundlaini journeys, and having arrived in
 realization, are 
  extremely qualified to speak about Kundalini. Both independantly
 commented on MMY 
  comments about Kundalini and said it is one that knows nothing of
 the kundalini journey.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote:

I will ask my Guru to comment, as I have been saying, I am not 
   enlightened. snip
Comment: If you or anyone else can explain to me how the Vedas
 can be
cognized *before* enlightenment, I owe you a nickel. Such a foolish
statement, which you have apparently swallowed hook, line and
   I am not calling into question anything else regarding siddhis or 
   other powers prior to enlightenment. All that is said about that, I 
   agree with. Just the remark about the Vedas being able to be
   prior to permanent establishment in the Absolute.:-)

[FairfieldLife] Not all shaktipat or dharshan is equall

2007-09-26 Thread Ron
 Comment from post:--But Shakti comes from the teacher, igniting the student's 

HR: Again, the central issue is that the fallacy is that a me gains 
enlightenment. As long 
as there is a me that is there, there is further to go. Cognitions belong to 
those having 
them, absolute IS all there is in Enlightenmenet.

Not unusual for people to have this glimpse, then the mind reroots. Then such 
as I am enlightened and yes the me does return, there is an ego, then they can 
forgiven. Well, just because this is the experience where the mind rerooted, it 
is not the 
experience for those enlightened. For those with this rerooting of the mind, 
there is more 
to go. If one is one's one guru, has the inner Guru as the guide, ( weather as 
form or 
absolute concept), and one thinks they have arrived, it is sad because there is 
more to go 
but they are not going to hear one word of that.

The scriptures such as the one I posted, Ramana Maharishi and all the great 
sages of the 
past and now explain from their own existence that this is the case, there is 
no me and 
there never was. The me is ego and it can not exist in enlightenment- it is 
either one or 
the other.

These are the general points from my Guru, and the other two recently 
enlightened echo 
the same independant of one another. 

I can only say that I have had the dharshan of MMY, Mother Meera and MY Guru. 
addition, I have had shatipat with my Guru, as well as taking it from a healer 
and also from 
a deeksha giver with kalki- so I have all this to compare with.

In my case, it is the most significant with where I am now, it has awakened the 
and the on going guidance ensures that things are in balance and progress is 
taking place.  
I notice great progress with about 10 fellow sadakas, it is very impressive.

The reason that Kundalini is finished in enlightenment, and the reason shakti 
does not 
come from an enlightened teacher is there is no persona there, Guru is only 

Hridaya Puri

[FairfieldLife] Re: Not all shaktipat or dharshan is equall

2007-09-26 Thread Ron
The use of words may be frustrating in this case. Often My Guru will say this 
replacing the word I, the other Gurus in my path do the same. My Guru said 
speaking this way is researved or those Realized because the me is gone and 
there is 
nothing to replace it with. On other occasions, my Guru will say I and me, but 
in general in 
my gurus books, she cautions the disciples not to view the Guru as persona but 

Generally speaking, Gurus will say I and me, and as I cast my opinion before, 
when they 
use this speach, and if they are claiming enlightenment, and at the same time 
referring to 
the individual I, then this is dellusion.

Since there is no Me, then when they use this, they are referenceing 
something other- I 
think this is understood by many or most here. 

The bottom line is not changing as I see it- my Guru's comments- the fallacy 
is that a 
me  becomes enlightened

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, purushaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ron---You don't understand, how many times do we have to go over 
 this?  In Muktananda's tradition, there's a transfer of Shakti from 
 the BODY(s) of Muktananda to the BODY(s) of the disciple.  Therefore, 
 the me in that context refers to the body, (and of course all of 
 attributes that make up a person, whether Enlightend or not).
  Do you agree that your Guru is a person, as opposed to other 
 persons? Then he's an individual, and in due course of conversation, 
 may say I, and me often.
  Nobody is saying there's a delusional false I or 
 me that your Guru identifies with. If he's Enlightened, then 
 there's no such false I; however, there's still a body, mind, 
 actions, reactions, conditionings, manner of social 
 interactions; etc; all of which make up the I that separates 
 your Guru from other people.  You will agree that your Guru is not 
 MMY, correct?
  Refer to Prior to Consciousness, the transcribed statements of 
 Nisargadatta Maharaj, page 31.
  The disciple asks, Ramana Maharshi was a great sage, he was unknown 
 in India. When Paul Brunton wrote the book in English about him, 
 everybody went to see him and he became well known 
 MAHARAJ: I agree with that. Ramana Maharshi was discovered by Paul 
 Brunton and I was discovered by Maurice Frydman.
  So! From the King of all Neo-Advaitins, Nisargadatta Maharaj, we 
 have the use of I twice in two lines, proving there is an I; 
 (since, obviously), this I doesn't refer to the delusional I 
 which didn't exist in his case at the time he spoke that, but rather, 
 everything - every property, quality, or attribute that made him an 
 individual person, as opposed to other persons.
  One of those differences between him and RM was that the latter 
 was discovered by Paul Brunton (for Westerners), and Maurice 
 Frydman discovered Nisargadatta Maharaj.
  Again, hopefully for the last time, the I for Enlightened people 
 is a valid referent to the entire spectrum of properties (beginning 
 with the body(s); that makes up an individual person, and which 
 distinguishes that person from others. But most important, the I in 
 reference to Enlightened Gurus refers to a particular POV, differing 
 from the POV's of other Gurus.  In some cases, the POV's are closely 
 allied, such as Nisargadatta Maharaj and RM.
  In other cases, the POV's differ; say MMY vs Eckart Tolle.
  In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote:
   Comment from post:--But Shakti comes from the teacher, igniting 
 the student's Shakti.
  HR: Again, the central issue is that the fallacy is that a me 
 gains enlightenment. As long 
  as there is a me that is there, there is further to go. Cognitions 
 belong to those having 
  them, absolute IS all there is in Enlightenmenet.
  Not unusual for people to have this glimpse, then the mind reroots. 
 Then such comments 
  as I am enlightened and yes the me does return, there is an ego, 
 then they can be 
  forgiven. Well, just because this is the experience where the mind 
 rerooted, it is not the 
  experience for those enlightened. For those with this rerooting of 
 the mind, there is more 
  to go. If one is one's one guru, has the inner Guru as the guide, ( 
 weather as form or 
  absolute concept), and one thinks they have arrived, it is sad 
 because there is more to go 
  but they are not going to hear one word of that.
  The scriptures such as the one I posted, Ramana Maharishi and all 
 the great sages of the 
  past and now explain from their own existence that this is the 
 case, there is no me and 
  there never was. The me is ego and it can not exist in 
 enlightenment- it is either one or 
  the other.
  These are the general points from my Guru, and the other two 
 recently enlightened echo 
  the same independant of one another. 
  I can only say that I have had the dharshan of MMY, Mother Meera 
 and MY Guru. In 
  addition, I have had shatipat with my Guru, as well as taking it 
 from a healer

[FairfieldLife] Re: Not all shaktipat or dharshan is equall

2007-09-26 Thread Ron
HP: I will do my best to respond. If you want insight into my Guru by reading, 
then all of 
what Ramana has to say is the same my Guru would say. My Guru's last guru that 
my Guru as Guru, was commissioned to be a guru by Poonjaji. In addition, my 
Guru's Guru 
had 3 tantric masters and his father was an enlightened being

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote:
  The use of words may be frustrating in this case. Often My Guru 
 will say this one 
 Right, but Ramana Maharshi and others say I'. Saying this one all 
 the time is ridiculous!..

HP: My guru does not say this one all the time, and I am sure that all the 
gurus you 
mentioned dont say I all the time either
  replacing the word I, the other Gurus in my path do the same. My 
 Guru said that 
  speaking this way is researved or those Realized because the me 
 is gone and there is 
 Again, absurd. Tell your Guru to try speaking Engles, Senor.

HP: Considering that my Guru is enlightened and has brought 2 others this past 
year so far 
to enlightenment, referring to my Guru as absurd is not only absurd but VERY 
in my opinion. 
  nothing to replace it with. On other occasions, my Guru will say I 
 and me, but in general in 
  my gurus books, she cautions the disciples not to view the Guru as 
 persona but as 
 Why would your Guru caution people to engage in mood making?  

HP: When a Guru brings 2 to enlightenment in one year, why they engage in 
methodologies is not important, and certainly if a student ( I realize you are 
not) needs to 
ask why, they are in the wrong place

 doesn't caution people in that manner. 

HP: ok, then question this since it is apparent that there are none conming to 

 Your Guru is an oddball.

HP: Some people may call you an asshole but I certainly won't. I am a really 
calm guy. I 
will cast my opinion though and say that deep down, you know this is not the 
right thing 
to do, telling a disciple that their guru is an oddball. I could go into depth 
in responding to 
this but no need really.
  Generally speaking, Gurus will say I and me, and as I cast my 
 opinion before, when they 
  use this speach, and if they are claiming enlightenment, and at the 
 same time referring to 
  the individual I, then this is dellusion.
 Again, Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj have used the I 
 word on many occations, MMY likewise, and Jerry Jarvis.  Are you 
 saying these people are not Enlightened? 

HP: My Guru has also used the I  word on many occasions. saying the above are 
enlightened or not is not based on this.
  Since there is no Me, then when they use this, they are 
 referenceing something other- I 
  think this is understood by many or most here. 
 Precisely, at last we agree on something!. But nobody on this forum 
 said there WAS a false Me or I.  

HP: I think you may have meant to phrase this line a bit better

Besides, what's so special about 
 that declaration, in view of the fact that Sages have been saying 
 this for thousands of years.

HP: It is not that it is special, it is more that even though it is in the 
scriptures and said by 
sages for thousands of years, it still continues to be in place- so again, the 
fallacy that a 
me gains enlightenment is very much in the forefront. My Guru's comments 
FROM BEING is  I just tell people the truth, I never existed nor will I ever 
. Your general 
response is to call her an odd ball- so it seems indirectly that you will stick 
with you 
thought, understanding or whatever it is- and insist that the me is there. Can 
you go to 
your guru and get insights on this? 

HP: I have my guru, and this is the inspiration in what i write. Progress is 
looking good 
here for me and the other disciples. I dont mind responding but if you had the 
calling like this such as odd ball, then my odd ball Guru would show you the 
door very 
quickly. What my path is about is transparency, honesty, integrity and respect.

  The bottom line is not changing as I see it- my Guru's comments-
  the fallacy is that a 
  me  becomes enlightened
 Nobody every said a me becomes Enlightened.  Stop confusing the 
 issues.  As reported by various Enlightened persons, Enlightenment as 
 a Realization takes place within the realm of apparent space-time; in 
 which case the individuals REPORT that they became Enlightned; 
 realized the innate, prior, pure Consciousness of the Self.
 Thus, in the process of an apparent progression in which the 
 obstacles to Enlightenment were gradually (or perhaps suddenly) 
 removed, the false me obviously cannot exist.
  However, the I or me as mentioned by Ramana and Nisargadatta 
 Maharaj, and many others, still exists as a body/mind minus the 
 delusion of separateness.

HP: I guess we can call it a paradox, and limitation with the use of words but 
again part of 
this paradox is refleected in the quote I mentioned where

[FairfieldLife] Re: Not all shaktipat or dharshan is equall

2007-09-27 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ron (or shoud we call you by your new name?), what's
 the name of the guru commissioned by Poonjaji?
Well, I took sanyas- it is more karma sanya, the name Hridaya Puri means 
something like 
living in the city with eyes on Braman. All function within the world here in 
this path, so as 
a matter of practicality and choice, maybe sometimes I use my birth name- in 
this group 
here, I think there is enough spiritual maturity to understand that it has it 
's use for me to 
be using my sanyas name.

While there is great laughter in my path here- I was laughing so hard with my 
guru last 
week, I thought I would drop the body on the spot, and while my Guru points out 
laughter is of great value in the the me is gone in the midst of it, as you 
might guess I 
have every intention not to play at being on the path but rather see if it can 
be pulled off 
that Realization is unfolded as soon as possible.

Anyway, my Guru's name ( the most recent of a total of 4 gurus) is SatGuru 
Rishi Rajiv. You 
can see a picture of him in the most active yahoo group- here is the home page:


There is a picture on the opening of the sanyasis here in the path- pictured is 
my guru in 
the middle, Sadvi Siddhananda Puri is the one with hair ( Realized July 20, 
2007), then the 
rest is the new sanyasis. It has a beautifull background to the picture taken 
in California. 
In the photos section are more pics of the sanyas ceremony, as well as pics of 
the sadakas. 
Posting a pic is required for those that are members on the site, and not 
following the 
rules is subject to termination. The membership has been wiped clean more than 

Below is the comments on the oppening page:


This group is for open discussion for, Sadhakas 
and potential sadhakas. If you want to discuss and 
have access to Sage Sadhvi Ganga-Puri  (October 99)

Sage Sadhvi Siddhananda-Puri (July 2007)

Sage Sarojini.  (Aug. 2007)

Here is also the place to ask questions of the Sadhaka's 
who have already taken diksha. Who have been with 
Sadhvi -G  and Know what her every day existance is. 


Discussions and exploring various spiritual texts - 
the path of kundalini from start to completion
termed non duality aka Realization, Mukti.



For those who would like to view the Swami-G youtube videos 
they are located at:  Guru Swami G on YouTube 

Her book Kundalini from Hell to Heaven may be found in a number 
of stores (author name - Ganga Karmokar)at:  



Maha Shanti OM 

Love and Light 
Find the Beauty Life has to offer - Be a Great Existance it is all in your 
Sage Sadhvi Ganga-Puri 
I welcome you all with great love and respect.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Not all shaktipat or dharshan is equall

2007-09-27 Thread Ron
If my posts are pissing you off, you may consider hitting the delete button 
whenever you see 
a post from me

 All this mix of gurus is probably the reason for your profound 
 confusion, IMO.

[FairfieldLife] Everything is perfect

2007-09-27 Thread Ron
i have had this come up a lot with people telling me this and i found my Guru's 
words and 
guidance comforting in the middle of the last incident. It was with one 
enlightenment. Something came up like so and so was stealing and then my 
was to point that this is not a good thing. the enlightened one was taking 
the position 
that all is perfect, we can't judge.

My Guru commented - if you think stealing is a good thing, be my guest. The 
only thing 
that is perfect is that unchanging is, all else requires checks and balances. 
There was an 
incident where a man was steeling and Ramana slaped him. The stealing was not a 
thing for what good is going to come to the man, but the slap was perfect as it 
was from 
flow and was what the man needed.

Regarding a heirarchy with guru's, if one is seeking, then this means that one 
has not yet 
found the way out to liberation. If one is going to buy into the concept that 
they don't 
know the way and what they have done so far has not got them there, then they 
may seek 
out one that  as a mentor or a Guru.

If one is going to go to this Guru and at the same time instruct how things are 
to be done, 
then this is not sensible, one is not going to progress. Either face that you 
dont know the 
way, find one that you think does and then follow the instrutions or go off on 
your own. 
But to come to a guide for guidance, then to instruct that their truth is as 
valid as mine- 
there is no need to say much more. It is silly. I would say go one way or the 

What does a Guru do- guide one, not live their life. What do they advise- be 
still and 
know, not ramble on with the mind and know- be still and know that I am God- 
stillness where mind has not rerooted, when one knows 100 percent that they are 
not the 
mind, body, or identifications- this my Guru would describe as enlightenment


[FairfieldLife] Ricks enlightened friends

2007-09-28 Thread Ron
OK Rick,

Now asking in public so all can participate. I suspect that all of those that 
you know that 
you say are realized have proclaimed this on their own without their Guru 
declaring this, 
or they did not or currently do not have a guru, or they have their own inner 
Guru- either 
in some form or otherwise.

It does seem that enlightenment is also possible without the guru but I think 
it is very 
rare. Even Ramana, from which this idea that it is possible, had a Guru ( 
acording to my 
guru- I think the name was Archula). You pointed out that among other functions 
with the 
Guru is telling one to continue even though they think they have arrived. This 
is the key 
missing element for those self proclaiming as above because a Sat Guru in 
living form can 
quiclky see if there is further to go once they are with the people for some 
time. That is 
how it works in my path

My experience with it is I have been with and read about both those self 
proclaiming as 
above and also those proclaimed enlightened by their Guru who also were 
enlightened by their Guru in a chain continueing upwards. The Self procalimed 
fell apart 
every time under scrutiny. I have seen a lot in the last two years like this- 
maybe 20.

It is a subtle difference by quite clear to me, with the aide of my guru 
pointing out the 
diffferences. There is a value to it- keeping holy company is wise, so good to 
make sure 
the company one keeps is 100% holy sometimes.

Some of these people screw others up in various ways. Most amazing I saw was 
one with 
all the perfect words describing themselves as enlightened. What came out  once 
was an association with Sat Guru was this person was depressed, angry. and with 

I just recently saw in person a guru proclaiming his disciples enlightened, 
however the 
guru himself is a self proclaimed enlightened one, and this also looks flawed. 
The topic is 
a tricky one.

Hridaya Puri

[FairfieldLife] Either pregnant or not- same with enlightenment

2007-09-28 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I agree with you about premature claims to enlightenment. I think they are
 common. If the people I'm referring to were saying I have reached the
 pinnacle of human evolution or if they displayed egotism or even if they
 were setting themselves up as gurus, I'd doubt them. All of them have
 achieved significant degrees of awakening, all acknowledge that there's
 plenty more growth to undergo, not only for themselves but for MMY, Amma,
 your guru,


 and any living being, no matter how enlightened, and all are
 living private lives and are not inclined to become gurus. 


If they were,
 that wouldn't rule out their enlightenment in my estimation, but it would
 make them suspect of ambition-based motives for claiming enlightenment. All
 of the folks I'm referring to have TM backgrounds. A few have branched out
 into other things. If the guru's stamp of approval were an absolute
 necessity for realization, no one in the TM movement could become realized,
 because MMY doesn't do that.


 You can think you are realized yet not be. 


 if you are realized, you'll know it. 


Your experience will be sufficient



And you'll be the only one at your graduation.



[FairfieldLife] Will we become mindless in enlightenment?

2007-09-28 Thread Ron
Amy: Will we become mindless and not be able to write, speak, and 
thus work, take care of ourselves, etc. in the midst of this 

Sarojini: Oh no, dear, dear one. This will not be the case what-so-
ever. The body/mind will continue on, for the most part, as it 
always has. The conditionings and personality will not be affected, 
unless of course one comes to find a previous conditioning useless 
and not worth expending energy upon, but nothing changes. This ones 
friends, family and aquaintances do not notice much difference at 
all. All the responsibilities of this one are still taken care of, 
Perfectly. Not by a me, but by Pure Intelligence, Grace and Great 
Peace al-0ne. There may be a few funny quirks, but they are nothing 
to be taken *seriously* and are rather endearing. 

Amy: Swami G. seems to be able to do these things quite well and she 
has already gone through the process. 

Sarojini: Yes. Our dear SatGuru is Living Proof that there is 
nothing to fear. Life goes on, the body/mind goes on and everything 
is taken care of Perfectly by Life itself. There's nothing else to 
it and not a thing to worry about at all. 

[FairfieldLife] Ramana's Guru, comments about needing a Guru

2007-09-28 Thread Ron
**Note- G = Swami Ganaga Puri ( my Guru), the asteric is a disciple of 
Christine Breese, 
who has videos up on your tube:

As for the real question about whether this is true, RAMANA 
contradicted his own teaching that the guru is necessary (and he would 
be tickled to see that this has come up!). After all, who was his 
teacher? He did not have one except sitting in meditation and bringing 
forth the wisdom from within. Is that not being one's own teacher? 
G FAR from being tickled Here is what Sri Ramana said on 
these subjects. My suggestion is that you buy some books 
on Ramana and research it for yourself. Ramana did not 
contradict his own teachings as you will see. 
G i also had some Guru's that weren't seen - and this has 
nothing to do with being your own guru. 
Here is what Ramana said about these subjects - 
Q; How did some great persons attain knowledge without a guru ? 
A: To a few *mature* persons the Lord shines as the formless 
  light of knowledge and imparts Awareness to the Truth. (pg 93) 
G Ramana went on to say - i have never said that there is no need 
for a guru. 
Q: Sri Aurobindo and others refer to you as having had no guru. 
A: The Guru is Absolutely necessary. The Upanishads say that 
none but a Guru can take a man out of the jungle of intellect and 
sense perceptions. So there Must be a Guru. 
Q: I mean a human Guru - Maharishi didn't have one. 
A: I might have had one at one time or other. But 
did i not sing hymns to Arunachala ?(paraphrase as is long) 
When man leaves materialism aside and prays to know God 
then God appears to him in some forn or other, human 
or non human, to guide him to himself in answer to 
his prayers. 
Q. J Krishnamurti says no Guru is necessary. 
A. How did he know it ? One can say so *After* 
Realizing (Realization) and NOT before. 
Q is it absolutely necessary to have a Guru if one is 
seeking Self Realization ? 
A: So long as duality persists in you the Guru is necessary. 
Because you identify yourself with the body you think that 
the Guru is also a body. You are not the body and neither is 
the Guru. You are the Self and so is the Guru. This knowledge 
is gained by what you call Self Realization. 
G knowledge *gained* isn't talking about a conceptual understanding 
it is talking about a cannot be denied Reality that becomes ones 
Conscious Awareness in every moment of every day- 
* I'm Jenny and I maintain this site for University Of Metaphysical 
Sciences and Christine. Aaah, yes, there are quite a few people who 
believe a teacher is absolutely and undeniably necessary. However, 
Christine says a new paradigm makes it possible for people to awaken 
without the teacher moreso than ever before. Veils aren't so thick 
anymore. As for the contradiction (see Christine's talk on Paradox, Its 
All True), both are true. Some need the teacher, others don't. 
G many are starting to awaken - but starting to awaken is a far cry 
from not needing a Guru. What is She doing ? Being a Guru - 
Guru means dispeller of Darkness - (it doesn't mean one that 
has adoring fawning devotees) Any teacher that is attempting 
to bring Guidance in Spirituality is a Guru. They may not be 
a Sat Guru which is a Realized Actualized ONE - but they 
are attempting to break through the coverings to the Truth 
of Being. THIS IS A GURU - no matter how you want to 
spin it the Truth is they are acting as Guru's. A friend is someone 
you pal around with - hang out with- yaps endlessly with 
about each others troubles. And while people want to 
hear (as it is so ego affirming) i am Not a Guru i am 
your friend. Let's see how many of these Not Guru's will 
let their friends come on a moments notice just to 
hang out and shoot the breeze. i doubt that is going 
to happen. Try to call up Gangaji or Christine and 
say look i'm not interested in going to the retreat let's 
hang out and be friends - what do you think the response 
is going to be ? 
While a Guru on one hand may be your best *friend* as they 
are there to shed light on what you are not seeing clearly within 
your self or path , the Guru is not there to be your buddy and pal. 
* For those who believe they need the teacher, then yes, the teacher is 
necessary. For those who don't believe it, then no, the teacher is not 
necessary. Both are possible. In another talk Christine mentions to try 
not to think a single thought for 5 minutes. If you can pass that test, 
you are ready to start being your own teacher and bring out the 
transmission and wisdom from within that resides in the One Self that 
we all are, which is the same resource the teacher brings it from. 
G IF they need to HEAR that then they Need a Guide. Even IF one 
can have a quiet mind - and i had a quiet mind Many Many years 
before even halfway coming close to realization. And even with 
that was caught in delusion and it was only through the Compassion 
of my Guru (who i thought i didn't need because all of these wonderful 

[FairfieldLife] Re: DS responds to response to Rick Archer RE: Enlightenment

2007-09-28 Thread Ron


**Here is one excerpt from my gurus writtings:

As Ramana melted within Arunachala
obedient and surrendered and never did
he leave his Guru's side. He came amidst all
obstacles and Surrendered to it's wisdom
as Shiva. He stayed once home without ever
a thought of leaving.

I have made a seperate post about Ramana, his Guru, and comments about needing 


** First of all, I have promoted here that based in my experience, I recommed 
that for the 
unfoldment of enlightenment, one should have two things- a Sat Guru, then work 
one to 
one with this Guru. The reason why is it has been pointed out that it is a very 
rare one that 
will make it without this. I buy into this, so herewith is my beliefs 
expressed, as it usually 
is- I cant preference every line with this is my belief, but most of my posts, 
that is what it 

Now, I think most will not go along with this so not really to much need to 
figure out which 
guru is for real and which is not. What good is that? for one to fill up their 

However, if there happens to be one here interested in a Sat Guru and working 
one to one, 
then he has to use his discrimination in picking. First thing is to see what is 
available, then 
narrow things down. when all is said and done, it is going to take faith for 
the part that is 
unknown to him and claimed to be known by the mentor. So, they can weigh all 
the logic 
presented and then choose the way they are going to choose.

The complications are unlimited- Sai Baba and his boys, Muktananda and his 
girls, MMY 
and his kings and queens, If you research Muktananda, you get writtings as in 
TM where 
on the one hand he is not appointed by his Guru, on the other, things surface 
which claim 
he is- and this is only a short time into history- imagine what happens in a 
few hundred 
years, things will really be distorted


Who? each situation has to be looked at

Once you are interested in a guru, which most are not, then it is not just 
weather they are 
self proclaimed or not as the only criteria to pick a Guru. For example, my 
guru would 
recommend spending time with both the Guru and the sadakas to see how the 
consciousness and progress looks. In spending a short time, I have seen the 
real essence 
of the claims come to the surface and fall apart. 

Each seeker has to use his discretion, then procede


IN my case, for example, a lasting exalted state of consciousness came about 
within a few 
days of being with my Guru and it is here now as a platform from which I am 
writting this. 
This again is a part of the discrimination used but a significant one. Each 
seeker has to 
weigh as much as he needs to weigh in order to choose.

There is nothing on the outside with my guru that makes her seem any different 


As I said, if sadakas are like that, then this is a sign that this guru may not 
be a Sat Guru. 
Again, it is good to not only check out the Guru but also the sadakas


My post is formulated by both my experience, then belief beyond my experience. 
I am 
certain about both but the belief part is revealing in that you know it is my 
belief- so then 
one can have their own beliefs and opinions- if they state if forcefully or 
not, either way is 
ok- we know it for what it is.

[FairfieldLife] Re: DS responds to response to Rick Archer RE: Enlightenment

2007-09-29 Thread Ron
Well, in my path, could be one goes through hell first, even more so with 
conditionings coming in such as this- could be- and here it is in my brochure 
just for you. 
With that preface, I extend an invitation to you, and maybe it is hell anyway, 
it is venturing 
into the unknown and you are not going to get any promises here of 

At best, what can be said is one will move along from where they are. Since 
this is the 
kundalini path, what is burried will come to the surface quickly. It may be a 
very difficult 
journey and usually it is before enlightenment.

And yes, as Ramana pointed out, without a Guru, it is a very rare thing that 
one reaches 

All of the above that I have written is not as nearly attractive as 
organizations that sugar 
coat the delivery, complete with anything from crowns and limosines, with 
rolled out red 
carpets to avatars  born in a rare family with golden  hair.

Bottom line in response to your opinion with the dude with the sales pitch is 
the product 
will never be much appeal to you or like kind but this is known in advance. The 
other side 
to it is my path is not meant to be a big thing. If you would like to write a 
book picking 
apart all the faults and reasons why people should stay away, there will be a 
welcoming and wishing you good luck with the book. Disciples coming present a 
tremendous burden of responsibility to my guru, and as has been stated no 
disciples is 
the preference.

Hridaya Puri

 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote:
  **Here is one excerpt from my gurus writtings:
  As Ramana melted within Arunachala
  obedient and surrendered and never did
  he leave his Guru's side. He came amidst all
  obstacles and Surrendered to it's wisdom
  as Shiva. He stayed once home without ever
  a thought of leaving.
 As sweet as you seem to be, and as inspired as
 you obviously are by your new path, this is all 
 starting to get really repetitive and tiresome 
 and well, somebody's got to say so.
 You seem to get a bit compulsive with your post-
 ing whenever anyone around here suggests that
 one doesn't need a guru. You launch into post
 after post after post after post telling us what
 my guru and Ramana and any other authority 
 figure you can think of says about such things.
 Give it a rest already.
 The person who needs a guru is YOU, dude. You
 can't say two sentences without invoking the holy
 words My guru says... in front of some sentence. 
 And frankly, if you are the *product* of finding 
 a guru, I want nothing to do with it.
 I kinda prefer having my *own* thoughts, and 
 being able to answer someone's questions with my
 *own* words, and making my *own* decisions about
 my life and my path through it.
 Your guru has, as far as I can tell, turned you
 into a Class-A wuss who is now terrified to think
 for himself. You really *can't* do anything but
 repeat her words ad nauseum to other people, seem-
 ingly hoping to convince them to join you on the
 Path Of Being Unable To Think For Oneself.
 I honestly don't think you're going to find very 
 many takers for this sales spiel here. All we
 have to do to measure its worth is watch how
 distraught and defensive you get whenever anyone
 suggests that someone may have realized their
 enlightenment *without* a guru, or that someone
 is even doing well without a guru. Dude, to be
 honest, that says more about *your* needs than
 it does any universal need for a guru.
 You've been sold a bill of goods. You've been
 told that you need someone's guidance to find
 who you really are, and who you always already
 have been all your life.
 You post here about how Maharishi couldn't poss-
 ibly be enlightened because he feels restricted
 if he's not safely inside a S-V building. Well,
 dude, it really seems to me that you feel awfully
 restricted unless you're safely inside the aura
 of some guru telling you what to do and what to
 think at all times.
 If that gets you off, more power to you and I 
 wish you well on your Way. But I don't think it's
 going to lead you where you think it will. I've
 watched your language over the last few months 
 become *more and more* dependent on your guru, 
 and *less and less* able to express anything that
 sounds like someone I'd like to get to know. Much
 less buy anything from. 
 So don't *sell* so hard, man. In the world of
 spiritual teaching, the brochure one uses to
 sell with is *oneself* -- how one thinks and acts
 and speaks. Your brochure consistently shows
 someone who has almost entirely lost the ability
 to think for himself, and who has been reduced
 to prefacing almost everything he says with, My
 guru says... While I understand that you may see
 this as a positive thing, I'm not sure that you
 understand that others here may not see it that
 Whatever. Continue doing your thing

[FairfieldLife] Aledged enlightened accuse me of spiritual arrogance

2007-09-29 Thread Ron
I think I have run into more than 20 people in the last 1.5 years claiming 
most are self declared in one form or another ( the other is some confusingh 
thing where I 
think they are claiming enlightenment but I have to guess at what it is they 
are claiming). 
Often it is their inner guru in the form of a personalized Guru or something 
like this.

 One on youtube said he was afforded the name jananoff and declared in God 
consciousness by none other than Lord shiva himself

The same one's brother claimed he was declared enlightened by his guru, but 
then in 
closer scrutiny, the Guru only said something to the effect that the disciple 
is progressing, 
then the Guru moved on the mahasamaddhi, and after this, it was in a vision 
that his Guru 
afforded him this title. This guy falslely accused me of practicing witchcraft 
and also being 
a mason.

My opinion is if the vast majority of those I have encountered claiming 
enlightenment were 
to be face to face with a living Sat Guru, they would be advised that there is 
yet further to 
go, there is no me, no ego, no mind rerooting in enlightenment. 

The majority of these people won't hear one word of this, would not come within 
10 feet of 
a Sat Guru (a real one not interested in money, getting disciples, or handing 
out ego 
candy). If they do, it would only be on an equal level and the door would be 
closed for 
hearing one word that suggests there is yet further to go.

Ramana has pointed out that it is a very rare one that will make it without a 
guru. This 
opinion I have is not popular but I frankly don't give a rats ass about 
popularity. It 
wouldn't surprise me that those in the category i mentioned won't even read 

There is a usefulness to this though in my opinion. My experience with those in 
category I mentioned compared to with those that legitimately are enlightened 
is vastly 
different , the difference between walking away in a lasting clarity compared 
with a 
disharmonious surrounding air of confusion.

It appears the people think they are accessing deeper levels than what is 
taking place, I 
asked my Guru how it is that this can happen. The answer was that the basis for 
it is one 
is now different than they were, so this is thought to be the enlightenment. 
Again, my 
guru said this is why it is very important that there be a one to one 
relationship with the 
living Guru.

And yes, to those who disagree with my opinions, I am very arrogant. I think it 
can be 
understood why this is so.

Hridaya Puri

[FairfieldLife] Re: DS responds to Bronte Baxter about possible mispost

2007-09-29 Thread Ron
I dont know exactly, I will inquire, I picked the text out from previous posts. 
In it, Ramana 
is quoted, and my Guru adds her own comments where she had Gurus that were not 
I will try to get more specific details and post them when acvailable.

If you read the quotes carefully, it is maybe leaving things up in the air. It 
seems it is not 
only Arunachala that Ramana is talking about

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, matrixmonitor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --Ramana didn't have a physically embodied Guru prior to getting 
 Enlightened on 7-17-96; but he was born right next to a Shiva Temple 
 and as a youth, spent a lot of time in Shiva and Kali Temples, even 
 pouring water on a Shivalingam, then swimming in a nearby river.  
 Thus, there was a Spiritual Transmission through the Temple Shakti.
  Around the same time, his Uncle met him at home, saying he had just 
 come from Arunachala.  Although Ramana had heard of this place in 
 the context of the Saivite mythos, he then realized it was an actual, 
 physical place.
  The term Arunachala refers to a. Arunachala Shiva, b. 
 Arunachaleswarar Temple, c. the Arunachala Hill, and d. according to 
 Ramana, The Self.
 - In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, oneradiantbeing 
 oneradiantbeing@ wrote:
  DS: No, that was not written to Rick. I thought I was responding 
  to Hridaya Puri or Ron (I believe they are the same person), 
  name appeared at the bottom of the post (see below). Please explain 
  further, if necessary. Thanks, DS
  Bronte: DS, did you confuse Ron with Rick?/ re: DS responds to 
  response to Rick Archer RE: Enlightenment 
  Bronte: Dear DS: Are you responding to Rick Archer or to Ron 
  (Hridaya)? The comments below don't sound like Rick, and unless he 
  sent you these questions privately, it isn't him, because such a 
  from him does not appear on the forum. You misconstrued me, Bronte 
  Baxter, as being New Morning in an earlier post. Are you mixing 
  other two people up now? Please try to be careful getting the names 
  right when you quote people. - Bronte
  oneradiantbeing oneradiantbeing@ wrote:
  Please note. To save time, I am placing my responses in CAPS minus 
  the shouting. They easily distinguish my responses from the rest of 
  the text. Thank you for your understanding. David Spero
  OK Rick,
  Now asking in public so all can participate. 
  I suspect that all of those that you know that you say are realized 
  have proclaimed this on their own without their Guru declaring 
  or they did not or currently do not have a guru, or they have their 
  own inner Guru- either in some form or otherwise.
  It does seem that enlightenment is also possible without the guru 
  I think it is very rare. Even Ramana, from which this idea that it 
  possible, had a Guru (acording to my guru- I think the name was 
  You pointed out that among other functions with the Guru is telling 
  one to continue even though they think they have arrived. This is 
  key missing element for those self proclaiming as above because a 
  Guru in living form can quiclky see if there is further to go once 
  they are with the people for some time. That is how it works in my 
  My experience with it is I have been with and read about both those 
  self proclaiming as above and also those proclaimed enlightened by 
  their Guru who also were proclaimed enlightened by their Guru in a 
  chain continueing upwards. The Self procalimed fell apart every 
  under scrutiny. I have seen a lot in the last two years like this-
  maybe 20.
  It is a subtle difference by quite clear to me, with the aide of my 
  guru pointing out the diffferences. There is a value to it- keeping 
  holy company is wise, so good to make sure the company one keeps is 
  100% holy

[FairfieldLife] For those not enlightened here

2007-09-29 Thread Ron
Ok, lemme explain something- I had experiences meeting many that claimed 
enlightenment but it wasn't the case. My experiences were not good. Too many 
and too 
much stuff to write in this post now. As a result of the meetings for example, 
I was 
depressed at times, bummed out, and confusion was ramped, not only with me, but 
the claimant.

The things I have pointed out in the previous posts regarding this matter of 
those self 
declaring, etc, can possibly be very usefull to some here down the road. If 
predictions I heard are correct, this aint nothin yet compared to what;s coming 
people stepping forward with the declaration of enlightenment.

Certainly Being is the core essence of what is there for all but none the less, 
experience has been that I walked away in peace and clarity from those truly 
and with confusion and depression from those claiming it that were not.

I have suggested ideas for what to look for. This means, if you are like me, 
then you will 
avoid this unprefered experience I am talking about.

Is there anyone else here that has had dealings with one claiming 
enlightenment, and then 
things ended up with difficulties? Having dealings means getting close, 
spending some 
time with that one, etc

I learned TM in 1978 and the first time I ran into anyone claiming 
enlightenment was 
2006. Then to my astonishment, they were coming out of the wordwork. By now, it 
about 20, I have to make a list. The majority of these think they are 
enlightened but all 
indications point to this not being the case.

Hridaya Puri

[FairfieldLife] Enlightenment description like you have not heard

2007-09-30 Thread Ron
 Well it certainly sounds hilarious!

0- it IS - it is the great cosmic joke - as there is no one there 
to be Enlightened. What remains is Reality. There is Bliss but 
not a someone to be blissful. The past is over as if it never was. 
The Divine Essence which is Life is what is paramount and Known. 
One cannot manufacture it with mundane mind. One cannot fathom 
it in imagination. It is not what one surmises it to be no matter how 
astute their intellectualizms may be. It is a Mystery and Wonder. 

Maha Shanti 

[FairfieldLife] Lurker notice in out Yahoo group

2007-09-30 Thread Ron

Om Namo Narayan 0 - 

why is it that ego has the egotisitcal mindset that through 
lurking one has no obligations to support what is given 
here, and that if one just remains under the radar that they 
will hear Just the Right thing and then they can do it ALL 
on their own. 

If ego could do it on it's own and didn't need 
a Guru at all then there would be no need to lurk and Hope 
to glean just the *right* thing in order to progress. 

If you feel you need No Guru and can do it all on your own - 
this is quite fine - then go do so. But be honest in this. 
Don't play the game of conning yourself that chasing 
teacher after teacher and Darshan after Darshan is consistent 
with doing it All on *your* own. That is a lie of the egotistical 

So either participate here or unsub and enjoy your journey. 
The choice is yours - and for those who are deaf and have 
not ears to hear or seem to think that they are the Except to 
this rule - the choice will be made for you. 

The methodolgy here may not be for everyone - and that is 
fine, but don't hang here as this site is a priviledge and not 
a right simply because there is an open membership. 

Respect the site - respect the teachers and teachings - respect 
the practices and if using them, then support and give back 
for what is being given. To not do so in some manner is to be 
less than honest. The first 3 things taught here are 

1. Honesty 
2. Integrity 
3. Transparency 

If these are not willing to be followed through with then please 
enjoy your journey to greener pastures which are always on the 
other side of the fence. 

For those who are following through may your journey's continue to 
unfold to Realization where suffering is no more. 

Maha Shanti 

[FairfieldLife] Come on already! /Re: Lurker notice in out Yahoo group

2007-09-30 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bronte Baxter 
 brontebaxter8@ wrote:
  Gimminee critters, Ron. Here you go again. You are a nice, sincere 
 guy, but this proselytizing is a drag. Isn't it an edifice of the 
 ego, that you are always decrying? 
Who are you to tell lurkers on this site that they are not 
 welcome just to read the posts, and what authority do you have to 
 analyze give advice on the spiritual life of strangers?
 Er, Bronte, read the original thread title again,
 then look at the end of the post. Ron is quoting
 the post of somebody called Maha Shanti who appears
 to be the moderator of another Yahoo group in which
 Ron participates. It's not Ron telling lurkers on
 FFL that they aren't welcome.
Yes, I was just posting what takes place in my yahoo group I belong to which is 
my path. 
But I was cracking up when I read Bronte's post. I totally agree with the 
points if I were 
directing the comments to this group. hope this clears that up.


[FairfieldLife] Comments from an enlightened one

2007-09-30 Thread Ron
Note From Hridaya- I pick out interesting comments from the enlightened in my 
Path- 0= 
Swami G, S= Swami Fisshananda, and then Sarojini. These short comments coming 
the three have similar or the same air to them because it is that One essence 
from which 
they speak. Maybe some enjoy these here:

Question from seeker:

* It must be both sad and funny to see 
 the seeker running around looking for
 that which is already right there in
 the very midst of them, but it is not
 so funny for the one who suffers, and
 is so caught up in ego they are blind
 to the very 'Thing', which is already 
 right there - NOW.

S - The laughter that bubbles up from the absolute
is like a fountainit is not directed at 
anything or any-one at all (that is what is so funny and brings
more laughter). All who have awakened to the true
nature have walked the very same path as others
the path of ignorance (attachment to body and mind).

To see others struggling and know that the struggle
and suffering is needless, that there is another
reality to be entered that gives rise to freedom and joy
here and NOW is why the awakened one gives pointings
and continues working with humanity. 

[FairfieldLife] oops- S= Swami Siddhananda

2007-09-30 Thread Ron
Title says it all

[FairfieldLife] Here's a parable

2007-09-30 Thread Ron
Namaste Beautiful ones,

Here's a parable:

There was a man who had heard of this great thing called air. He 
had never seen air before, experienced air before or even knew that 
air existed. So, he went to a local teacher of air to teach him all 
about it. 

What is air? Where is it? How can I find it?, he asked.
It is right here. All around you. You are in it right now., said 
the teacher.
Where? I don't see it? What does it look like? What should I be 
looking for? How do I catch it?, he responded.
There is no 'where', because it is everywhere. You can't see it 
because it is nothing. You can't look for it, because you will 
never find it. You can't catch it or hold it because it is 
nothing., answered the teacher.
Well, I want to be a part of this air that many say is what gives 
life. I want to understand it. I want to experience it. I want to 
swim in it, be in it and breathe in it.
You Already Always Are., replied the teacher.
I don't understand. I don't feel it. I don't see it. I can't 
hold it. I don't know what this air is or how to be in it., said 
the frustrated man. 
You would not be alive and breathing if it were not for this air, 
which can not be seen, touched, grasped or known as It IS. You 
believe it isn't right in front of you because of this. Yet, here, 
there, everywhere it Already Always IS. Silent and being... 
bringing life to your lungs., answered the understanding teacher.

So the man went home, exhausted and confused, hoping that he would 
be able to understand this air that brings life and wondering why he 
could not see, feel or touch what the teacher said was always 
there. That night during sleep the man stopped breathing. In panic 
and dread he began gasping and coughing. In then the next instant 
he breathed and now knew that this air was always there. More 
familiar to him than anything else. It had been ignored because it 
was so close, so familiar, so ordinary, unseen, untouchable, pure 
expanse and was a part of his being. What did he lose? Nothing but 
the misunderstanding. What did he gain? Nothing, it was Already 
Always there. What was the result? The constant and continual 
Gratefulness and Joy for this breath which gave him Life. It was 
not separate from him nor he from it. It was the Breath of his 

Maha Shanti O,

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY on Phase Transition

2007-10-01 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sgrayatlarge no_reply@ 
   Yes, the rudrabhisek is a yagya for peace
   Seems like we have been in a phase transition for over 30 years 
   we don't seem anywhere near peace. Either this works or it 
   I don't see evidence that it does work. Aren't you and others just 
   making excuses based on a very questionable theory?
   Shiva is appeased by both devas and asuras.
  I don't mean to sound sarcastic, but I just read your words, and 
  you're like, c'mon guys! its taken 30 whole years to transform every 
  element of the world, and I don't see any clear evidence yet!!! I 
  don't see it-- what's taking so damned long?...
  Pretty funny actually, when you consider that even global warming 
  for goodness sake took almost two hundred years to begin 
  manifesting, and here we are 30 short years into a far more profound 
  transformation, and you're already yelping, where's the beef!?. 
 The idea of a shift in the consciousness of humanity has been around
 for decades. It has been the essential central thesis of 'New Age'
 literature all along. To attribute the actual changes only to
 Maharishi's efforts is more than silly, in my view. At best,
 Maharishi's movement is a part of, a manifestation of, the much larger
 And, for goodness' sake, the expression that the TM programs bring
 cohesion to outer functioning systems, befuddles the mind. The TMO,
 itself, is one of the most consistently, ineptly run organizations
 I've ever seen in my life. Such claims of 'cohesion' remind me of
 Orwell's 'love is hate, war is peace and ignorance is strength.'
 I find that my TM experience reflects almost the *opposite* of what I
 see manifest in the TMO - and I have a VERY difficult time with your
 [Jim Flanegin's] easy acceptance of it all as just peachy keen just
 how it is. It seems acceptable only on the cosmic level of accepting
 that the bullshit we see in the world is also peachy keen when viewed
 as perfect just how it is. But that idea is contrary to actually
 doing anything about the bullshit. 
 Sure, you can become 'part' of the bullshit - and then perhaps you no
 longer see any difference, eh?

I have experienced the confusing response- all is perfect, how can you be 
however, some words to remove the confusion- The only thing perfect is that 
eternal non 
changeing IS, all else requires checks and balances. 

Also in my path, the world is not discussed much because the Guru here 
explains- what 
will be, will be. One has to use wisdom to know what the capability is for 
changeing this. 
All come to realization in their own time once they are ready to get serious 
about it even 
though it turns out to be the great cosmic joke once known.

Even if a bunch of old men hopping on foam improves the health of the world, 
lines the 
wealthy with even more money, reduces hospital admissions- what does this have 
to do 
with enlightening the world? I would say maybe and cast the opinion that any 
guru that 
speaks in a more definitive way other than maybe is misleading the disciples.

kalki's 2012 formula is the same thing in my opinion- maybbee- I don't know 
if it is 
true but I heard their famous scientist that was behind verifying those claims 
has left that 
movement. That doesn't matter anyway, all is just so perfect


[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-10-01 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Behalf Of Bronte Baxter
 Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2007 7:32 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain
  Christ said I and the Father are One where is the two in that? 
 They are one but they are also two, as a branch can say I am the tree and
 still be a branch. You can experience being one with the Infinite yet an
 individual at the same time. 
 And I suspect that's how everyone who experiences it experiences it.
 Including these people who say there is no longer a me. Hit the thumb with a
 hammer. Someone or something feels an aversion to that pain.

Well, no matter what we suspect, imagine, think, picture, cognize, know, - I am 
told when 
we get there it is way different that what we thought. The cosmic joke, etc.

I am continiuing to post the comments of those I think are enlightened- they 
something so I think there is a usefullness to it, so I am passing it along.

I would say if the one's I am posting from don't meet the criteria for being 
maybe find some that do and absorbe.

Here is a new short one:

Sarojini: All is Well. When one finally begins to Still, it is seen 
that the struggle was always with oneself. Life/God is never in 
opposition with any*one*. It is just believed there is separation 
and so one continues to bump (or crash) up against what Really IS. 
In the Silent Stillness of Acceptance lay Great Peace and Eternal 
Life. Come discover the Treasure of Being.

OM and Prem,

[FairfieldLife] The mysterious one known as Peter

2007-10-01 Thread Ron
I haven't been hanging around FFL long enough ( 3- 4 year pause) to know if 
that one 
known as peter reveals where the consciousness is resting. In the short time 
span of my 
return, I have noticed questions directed that way towards Peter and they went 
unanswered. This post is the first one I have seen where the reference is about 
what is 
known by direct knowing.

Most of the jokes that have been made through the years, I struggle and beg to 
understand even one, it would be like Lord, please just once, let me 
one of his jokes, but noo, didnt happen. Well maybe a few once in a 

Did you Peter refer to me as weird or mysterios once or twice?

Anyway, why peter would joke the way he does when the writting below looks as 
far as I 
am able to tell, a writing about truth, is beyond m. 

I would think there is great hope here if all the mind and body identification 
is not yet 
gone, that in this case the descriminating facualties are good enough for Peter 
to know 
that the ego can play tricks when there is just a trace left, and this is a 
significant time to 
be close with a Realized guru so that the certainty of it is there, in spite of 
the comments 
from Realized Gurus that once one is there, they know it for themselves 100%.

I think you are barking up the wrong tree with ssrs and TM at this point. I 
also think you 
erred with your assessment of Ego for sarojini- i am familar with her writtings 
in the past 
year and have observed her journey, and there was non sense in your response 
poised with a response concerning your kundlaini comments.

With writtings like below, why you would also post non sense responses 
sometimes which 
I think you know are non sense and are capable of not doing is again 
beyondd meee.

I have expressed my opinions here and have said i am not enlightened- wouldnt 
me that I may be quite off the mark in some of the things I just wrote. I can 
say if you can 
relate to it, I am more in the present than ever, and this is an exerience hard 
to explain 
with words but the memory is like blocked out yet what is needed comes. It is 
sort of like 
an experience of concscious knowing what to do, and the mind quiet. My letters 
almost always first run- then hit the send button without rearranging anything 
or maybe 
very little.Sometimes I just write and send without proof reading. This post is 
along these 
lines as well.

I wondder what that mysterios one known as Peter has to say in response.

 Let me riff off of your comment, Rick. The ego and
 consciousness are two completely separate things.
 Prior to Realization there is a confound between
 consciousness and the mind: consciousness is projected
 into and identifies with mind. Out of this results an
 ego; a felt quality of bounded, separate
 individuality. This is a result of consciousness
 becoming the boundary that it is projected into. The
 condition of ignorance is simply that the
 unrestricted, unlimited, non-relative nature of
 consciousness is lost to the consciousness of
 limitations; space/time boundaries. Realization is
 very simply the cessation of this
 projection/identification with anything limited. In my
 experience of 20 years ago coming out of the dome,
 consciousness very quickly stopped this projection and
 foundationally shifted from a distinct ego to
 no-boundary. I did not experience the
 no-boundary,I was no longer there in any sort of
 experiential form. When the mind tried to find that
 familiar felt sense of me there was absolutely
 nothing there. I was and continue to be the same
 person as before. Same sense of humor, same interests,
 same habits,etc., etc.. I contend that people
 profoundly misunderstand statements from Realized
 people when they speak of having no I. They are not
 talking about any aspect of the mind or emotions. They
 are talking about the localization of consciousness.
 Realization is the cessation of this localization. The
 localization creates the ego; the individual,
 psychological me. The first step of Realization is
 CC or Kaivalya ala Patanjali, the fruit of Yoga, is
 this cessation of projection and the clear recognition
 that one's consciousness, what one is is not
 localized. Everything is the same as before, but now
 there is no localization of a me. Quiz on Wednesday.
  No virus found in this outgoing message.
  Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
  Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.13.35/1040 -
  Release Date: 9/30/2007
  9:01 PM

 Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search 
 that gives answers, not web links. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Here's the REVISED parable

2007-10-01 Thread Ron
The problem is that the air is polluted but people think it is fresh and clean, 
they dont 
know any better. All one can do that knows of a cleaner fresher air is be an 
example of 
what it is like to take in the fresh air, and when they also are capable to 
show others, 
extend that offer. History shows this offer is often rejected.

What happened with Christ is an example of that rejection. He showed people the 
way but 
rejection level was at it's peak

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bronte Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   How about this for a parable? A man met a man who told him about air. You 
 can't live 
without it, he was told. But I already have air, said the first man. I am 
breathing every 
moment. No you aren't, said the second man. You can't possibly be breathing if 
haven't had a teacher show you how to breathe. But breathing is the very nature 
of life, 
the first man said -- I don't need a teacher. Fool you are, said the second 
man. I'm sure 
you'll drop dead any moment.  

   Namaste Beautiful ones,
 Here's a parable:
 There was a man who had heard of this great thing called air. He 
 had never seen air before, experienced air before or even knew that 
 air existed. So, he went to a local teacher of air to teach him all 
 about it. 
 What is air? Where is it? How can I find it?, he asked.
 It is right here. All around you. You are in it right now., said 
 the teacher.
 Where? I don't see it? What does it look like? What should I be 
 looking for? How do I catch it?, he responded.
 There is no 'where', because it is everywhere. You can't see it 
 because it is nothing. You can't look for it, because you will 
 never find it. You can't catch it or hold it because it is 
 nothing., answered the teacher.
 Well, I want to be a part of this air that many say is what gives 
 life. I want to understand it. I want to experience it. I want to 
 swim in it, be in it and breathe in it.
 You Already Always Are., replied the teacher.
 I don't understand. I don't feel it. I don't see it. I can't 
 hold it. I don't know what this air is or how to be in it., said 
 the frustrated man. 
 You would not be alive and breathing if it were not for this air, 
 which can not be seen, touched, grasped or known as It IS. You 
 believe it isn't right in front of you because of this. Yet, here, 
 there, everywhere it Already Always IS. Silent and being... 
 bringing life to your lungs., answered the understanding teacher.
 So the man went home, exhausted and confused, hoping that he would 
 be able to understand this air that brings life and wondering why he 
 could not see, feel or touch what the teacher said was always 
 there. That night during sleep the man stopped breathing. In panic 
 and dread he began gasping and coughing. In then the next instant 
 he breathed and now knew that this air was always there. More 
 familiar to him than anything else. It had been ignored because it 
 was so close, so familiar, so ordinary, unseen, untouchable, pure 
 expanse and was a part of his being. What did he lose? Nothing but 
 the misunderstanding. What did he gain? Nothing, it was Already 
 Always there. What was the result? The constant and continual 
 Gratefulness and Joy for this breath which gave him Life. It was 
 not separate from him nor he from it. It was the Breath of his 
 Maha Shanti O,

 Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect.  Join Yahoo!'s user panel 
 and lay it 
on us.

[FairfieldLife] New initiate falls into enlightenment first day

2007-10-02 Thread Ron


Thankyou Jeff for your post - 

Jyoti took Diksha and was ripe 
this was the first time that someone 
actually transcended and imploded into 
Realization at Diksha. It was great. hahahahahaha 
Just gave the last of the mantras and her new name 
and said now nyingje no longer remains and only Jyoti 
Light IS. 

Her eyes started getting larger and larger as everything 
fell away - and of course then there was only Great Laughter 
and the laugher continued for the rest of the 3 days here. 

The other two taking Diksha really shifted as well. Udit is on 
the very edge if not within Realization as well. There was only 
Light for him and just kept repeating all is only illusion. hahahahahaha 

Tusti is indeed her name which means Peace and Happiness - as she 
just was in Silence and Peace for the 3 days here and called from the 
airport to say the joy was bubbling up like bubbles of effervesnce. 
hahahahahahahahahahahah Wish that all who came had such 
immediate shifts. But for those who stick with it the shifts Do come 
and it is a joy when Realization appears. Another light within the world. 

Maha Shanti 
May you aide many along the way. 
It is always good to hear from you. 

Love  Light

[FairfieldLife] Re: New initiate falls into enlightenment first day

2007-10-02 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 10/2/07 12:17:28 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
 Thankyou Jeff for your post - 
 Jyoti took Diksha and was ripe  
 this was the first time that someone 
 actually transcended and imploded  into 
 Realization at Diksha. It was great. hahahahahaha 
 Just gave the  last of the mantras and her new name 
 and said now nyingje no longer  remains and only Jyoti 
 Light IS. 
 Her eyes started getting larger  and larger as everything 
 fell away - and of course then there was only  Great Laughter 
 and the laugher continued for the rest of the 3 days here.  
 The other two taking Diksha really shifted as well. Udit is on 
 the  very edge if not within Realization as well. There was only 
 Light for him  and just kept repeating all is only illusion. hahahahahaha 
 Tusti is  indeed her name which means Peace and Happiness - as she 
 just was in  Silence and Peace for the 3 days here and called from the 
 airport to say  the joy was bubbling up like bubbles of effervesnce.  
 hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahWBRahah Wish tha
 immediate  shifts. But for those who stick with it the shifts Do come 
 and it is a joy  when Realization appears. Another light within the world. 
 Maha Shanti  
 May you aide many along the way. 
 It is always good to hear from you.  
 Love  Light
 Not that rare. I Initiated somebody in 1972 that had the same type  
 experience on hearing his mantra for the first time. An explosion of  Light, 
 expansion of awareness and Bliss,  lasting the entire  initiation process. 
 They, Jyoti and Tusti, will come  down.

i don't know. maybe the mind reroots, that is the explanation that takes place 
a lot. What 
happens here is there is no longer an experiencer, so beyond experience, as it 
is an 
implosion of the me merging with Being, beyond lights, bliss and all relative.

Mind- which is thoughts falls silent. if the mind reroots, this is where it is 
totally essential 
for the Guru to be there working directly with the disciple, otherwise, it 
appears one on 
thier own thinks this is how it always is, but acording to my Guru and the 
enlightened ones in my group, it is not. The mind falls silent, the mind is 
gone and it does 
not reroot.

I followed Jyoti when she first posted in our group, she has an extensive 
background of 
spiritual devotion and was living and is still living in a monasterry as 
something like a nun. 
It would be something like a mother divine, but one that was with a total focus 
developement and serving humanity, so one like this may not be so common.

I read in Ramana Maharishi 's book about different levels of ripeness of 
disciples, the most 
ripe is one that enters realization just from hearing about it- and I thought 
at one point 
that this was taking place with Jyoti. The next levels of ripeness can be 
something like just some darshan or initiation into the path, then one unfolds 
in a 
permanent state of enlightenment.


[FairfieldLife] Can one regress from enlightenment?

2007-10-02 Thread Ron
Note: 0 = Swami G, The question here is answered by two of the enlightened :

 Another question: Not to burst anyone's bubble, but I was just#8232; 
 wondering if Diksha can 
wear off? Or if it is possible to slip back#8232;  into an ego after one 
reaches realization?

#8232;#8232;0- As long as mind does not re-root it is secure. The practices 
#8232;given and also stabalization 
material to read will keep the mind #8232;stilled and so here none should 
regress. #8232;

Sarojini: Am sure it is a possibility (although a Laughable one at 
#8232;that), but if one has been led 
by a Guru and has become centered #8232;through Practices in Stillness, 
followed by some 
adjustment time #8232;by reading, staying involved with Guru, etc. then 
don't see that #8232;there would 
be any problem. This is why Guru and the Practices are #8232;so Essential, not 
only for aiding one 
through the Process, but also #8232;to Steady the Center once Realized. OM. 
#8232;#8232;Shanti OM,#8232;Sarojini

[FairfieldLife] Repost- can one digress from enlightenment

2007-10-02 Thread Ron
Note: 0 = Swami G, The question here is answered by two of the enlightened :

Another question: Not to burst anyone's bubble, but I was just
wondering if Diksha can
wear off? Or if it is possible to slip back into an ego after one
reaches realization?

0- As long as mind does not re-root it is secure. The practices
given and also stabalization
material to read will keep the mind stilled and so here none should

Sarojini: Am sure it is a possibility (although a Laughable one at that,
but if one has been led
by a Guru and has become centered through Practices in Stillness,
followed by some
adjustment time by reading, staying involved with Guru, etc. then don't
see that there would
be any problem. This is why Guru and the Practices are so Essential, not
only for aiding one
through the Process, but also to Steady the Center once Realized.

Shanti OM


[FairfieldLife] Why does the veil of illusion even exist?

2007-10-03 Thread Ron

 Namaste GuruJ.

OM Namo Narayan - 
 In response to your post below: Why does the veil of illusion even exist? I 
 realize it's a 
joke, but it seems like a cruel one. :(

0- one got lost in the story and the projections and this is pointed to also 
if you remember how Satan became Satan. In the beginning he was the Head 
of the chior of Angels. But he decided he wanted to have the glory for himself 
and so came the fall and the infamous identity as Satan took place as Ego. Also 
if you 
remember the Garden of Eden they had it all - walked with God - were in 
but they chose *knowledge* hahahaahahahahah All they knew at that point was 
Good - 
but they chose to know good versus evil. Duality - whoosh and a limited 
physical body
at that point was brought into being to hold the eternal spirit, and their 
years upon 
the earth was limited. This was still compassion. So much for chosing to know 
good versus evil. - OK we tire of that game and sin. Sin means nothing more 
separation. So in the end with all those pointings we chose OUR way aka EGO and 
to become individual gods - and this is also in the bible rather than Knowing 
the One God. 
So much for the preachiology today. hahahahahahaahahahah The Good News is 
that the way back is open. hahahhahahahahaahahaha One can't beat paradise. 
Immersed within the One is infinitely better than being trapped in the numerous 
a one. 

Maha Shanti 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'One Defintion of Enlightenment', also ice cream

2007-10-03 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When the soul expands and overshadows the body,
   Then you realize you are the energy of the soul,
   And you no longer experience yourself, as the body,
   But you experience yourself as an energy called 'The Soul'.
   In other words, when the energy of the soul, expands enough...
   You experience yourself as energy, and not body.

 Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows.
 Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.

This is for those who never tasted ice cream:

It is sweet, really really creamy, cold, and melts when warmed up - ok, now do 
you fully get 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'One Defintion of Enlightenment', also ice cream

2007-10-03 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert Gimbel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote
  This is for those who never tasted ice cream:
  It is sweet, really really creamy, cold, and melts when warmed up - 
 ok, now do you fully get 
 Yes, now I fully get it...
 That's the mystery of it all, isn't it?
 The very thing that animates the body,
 Is over-looked.
 The soul is such a mystery- what is it?
 How do you explain it?
 Where do you find it?

That 's the type of things 'they say. Here is a comment from an enlightened 
one about 

 Namaste GuruJ.
Namaste Dear One,
 *In response to your post below: Why does the veil of illusion 
even exist? 

S The truth is that illusion does not exist in reality
It appears real due to a knot of attachment that has been formed
A mistake or misperception assuming the body and mind are the self
This mistake is formed by self interested activity - wanting
enjoyment and good things for the self...wanting to know and gather
in this way the movement of ignorance (attachment to mind and body)
is perpetuated and seems to be a separate entity, but it cannot 
be- it is truly the forces of nature or clashing energy that 
are taking place - it is energy bound and energy patterns in 
motion. In truth, there is no separate, objective existence, but
the one caught in illusion takes the projections for reality and 
wanders there. 

*I realize it's a joke, but it seems like a cruel one. :(

S The joke is not God's - God is faultless, free from all the 
antics...it is karma in motion/past actions and all, so to be free 
of the mistake, the tools of the heart (spiritual practices and 
guides) manifest to the sincere seeker. The cosmic joke is had 
when the knot is dissolved and the understanding comes that all is 
God - that there has never been a seeker, nothing separate has ever 
and can ever exist...this is the good laugh that gets all kinds of 

May the laughter bloom
continue to allow the petals to unfold

Om Shanti

[FairfieldLife] Re: I guess this will make Shiva happy...reminds me of a

2007-10-03 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  At first, I was very annoyed about the announcement that they intended 
  to build hundreds of these towers of invincibility around the world, at 
  several mil a pop, which seemed only to designed to tell Bevan et al 
  how wonderful they are, and seem foolish when many cities do not have 
  TM centers and MUM and the M. Central University are drastically 
  underfunded. That's certainly part of it, as there are plaques on the 
  sides of the towers saluting TM administrators, but these are really 
  Shiva lingams, and as a wearer of rudraksha who learned TM from a monk 
  in the Shankara (Shiva) tradition, I can't be opposed to that. Building 
  these towers/lingams creates auspiciousness -- doesn't matter what the 
  ignorant public thinks one way or the other. MMY is going to create 
  this influence of Vedic civilization, and there are not enough 
  hillbillies in the world to stop it.
 It's not hillbillies who think it's stupid, it's anyone in touch with
I am laughing myself to death . This is the effect of laughter like this, the 
me is gone in 
the middle of it. I lost it when I read this one line response


[FairfieldLife] for Nabby

2007-10-04 Thread Ron
 I'm happy that you found reality with a guru that suggest reading 
 material and meetings for the enlightened to stay enlightened 
 Ron. Now that's real enlightenment, right ?   ;-)

The update in my path here is My Guru said there are 5 that have unfolded in 
Maybe it is even 6 or 7. When Sarojini came in, my Guru's comments were 
something like 
now we dont wont the mind to reroot, then she told her to read some scripture- 
I forget 
which one, but Sarojini did it immediately.

I don't question too much about anything anymore, I did in the begining but it 
is not 
necessary now. why why why is not some much of interest to me, things are as 
they are. 
Main thing is - when you get there, it is never what you thought it was.

My Guru and the other enlightened ones here make a lot of comments and I 
forward some 
of them on. My Guru said yesterday in trying to explain things that ounce you 
are there, 
you find it hard to believe that Maya could have ever sneaked in like this.

As you know in TM, there was the reading of rig ved, 9th and 10th. In theory, 
one did it 
and either not questioned why or even if you wanted to question it, then to 
who? I never 
heard an explaination why we should read it, we were just told to do it.

One in theory surrenders to the guru's instructions, along with the 
transmissions from the 
Guru, and in the end it is only grace that brings one's forward, it is not a 
matter of one 
doing something although it appears this way.

Later on, instead of reading the mandalas, we listened to the chanting of them 
in the 
native language. I also for example attended the coronation ceremony for 
Rajaram but 
then also the first group of rajas. after like an hour of politics waiting 
outside each day, we 
got in ( uninvited guests numbering up to about 200). once in, when the 
chanting started, 
I went very deep for the whole 5 hours of it.

I thought this is so enjoyable, this is how it should always be or maybe this 
is how it is 
going to be in the future. there was a transmission coming through with those 
chanting. This was among the deepest I have even been to that point as a result 
listening to some chanting via audio.

At present, I am not with TM, I am with my new path completely. Even though 
only certain 
things carried a transmission for me in TM and to some degree, in theory, some 
of these 
things prescribed such as reading the mandalas, listening to certain chanting- 
may carry 
an extremely deep transmission that some may have had or still have. i dont 
know, i only 
know my experience with certain audio things I listened to.

I was so deep in listening to them that it already was like probably hard for 
anyone to 
believe that did not have this experience. in my path now, and this is again my 
there also are certain audios I listen to, it was done by my guru and designed 
to carry a 

The effect of it is beyond what I thought possible in that the mind can totally 
still. I 
thought back to something the late Charlie lutes said after hearing about some 
machine on the market that was said to bring people along in the path.

Charlie said that someone once asked MMY if it is possible to transcend using 
audio, then 
MMY closed his eyes for a while , then answered yes.


[FairfieldLife] Re: I guess this will make Shiva happy...reminds me of a

2007-10-04 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives boo_lives@ 
 At first, I was very annoyed about the announcement that 
 to build hundreds of these towers of invincibility around 
  world, at 
 several mil a pop, which seemed only to designed to tell 
  et al 
 how wonderful they are, and seem foolish when many cities do 
  not have 
 TM centers and MUM and the M. Central University are 
 underfunded. That's certainly part of it, as there are 
  on the 
 sides of the towers saluting TM administrators, but these 
 Shiva lingams, and as a wearer of rudraksha who learned TM 
  from a monk 
 in the Shankara (Shiva) tradition, I can't be opposed to 
 these towers/lingams creates auspiciousness -- doesn't 
  what the 
 ignorant public thinks one way or the other. MMY is going to 
 this influence of Vedic civilization, and there are not 
 hillbillies in the world to stop it.

It's not hillbillies who think it's stupid, it's anyone in 

   I am laughing myself to death . This is the effect of laughter 
  like this, the me is gone in 
   the middle of it. I lost it when I read this one line response
  I'm happy that you found reality with a guru that suggest reading 
  material and meetings for the enlightened to stay enlightened 
  Ron. Now that's real enlightenment, right ?   ;-)

The ouch would be questioning the methodology of a guru that has brought 5 to 
enlightenment since 1999. Nityananda, Guru to Muktananda sadly left his body 
declaring that there were none ( and Muktananda is one of his disciples), and 
this was not 
long ago.

Even in this case, it was probably not an ouch as the methodology was 
reasonable. The 
real ouch is where there are none enlightened after a long presence - then in 
looking at 
the methodology, it may be quite obvious why this has happened. There are wild 
taking place with Gurus these days.


[FairfieldLife] Re: I guess this will make Shiva happy...reminds me of a

2007-10-04 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote:
 There are wild things 
  taking place with Gurus these days.
 The claim from your guru to have brought 5 into enlightenment probably 
 is the wildest of them all. I don't buy it and I seriously don't 
 believe anyone else on this forum does.

Well lemme think, what would be the purpose in knowing or believeing that my 
Guru has 
brought 5 to enlightenment since 1999. For those interested in a Guru who may 
available to work with, it would be most useful I would guess. For those 
questioning what 
is taking place in their own path, again there may be some usefullness 
depending on what 
is going on in their path.

But in anycase, I don't really care how others think.


[FairfieldLife] Re: for Nabby

2007-10-04 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote:
   I'm happy that you found reality with a guru that suggest 
   material and meetings for the enlightened to 
 stay enlightened 
   Ron. Now that's real enlightenment, right ?   ;-)
  The update in my path here is My Guru said there are 5 that have 
 unfolded in Realization. 
  Maybe it is even 6 or 7. When Sarojini came in, my Guru's comments 
 were something like 
  now we dont wont the mind to reroot, then she told her to read 
 some scripture- I forget 
  which one, but Sarojini did it immediately.
  I don't question too much about anything anymore, I did in the 
 begining but it is not 
  necessary now. why why why is not some much of interest to me, 
 things are as they are. 
  Main thing is - when you get there, it is never what you thought 
 it was.
 If you are enlightened there is no possebility to reroot. 
 Enlightenment is irreversible. If it is not permanent it simply is 
 something other than enlightenment.

I am not one of those enlightened but this comment is what my Guru says. 
However, you 
can find plents as i did in the last 2 years that even with the mind 
rerooting', they still 
claim enlightenment. My Guru says where there is a me, there is no 
enlightenment. The 
'me' has imploded into Being or IS or absolute or what ever word you want to 

 Which, as if I ever doubdted this, means that the people you have 
 been duped to believe are enlightened are more or less as ignorant 
 as the majority of the rest of us.

There has not been any rerooting of the mind- and in this path the Guru is 
right here to 
look after the disciples to ensure that they have come to enlightenment and not 
a glimpse. 
My expereince has been with the 20 or so that declareed enlightenment where it 
was not 
the case, was it usually was a glimpse, the mind rerooted, the guru was either 
available or there was no guru in the first place, then they were decalring 
even though mind was still there.

Even what I am writting would be objected to most likely by the same ones I am 
to. I watched a you tube presentation of one explaining what enlightenment was 
based on 
his own experience. in this explaination, he said - the mind comes back in 
What is the mind? What is the ego?

So, there is not even an agreement on this but I can pass along what my Guru 
has to say- 
in enlightenment , one knows 100% they are not the mind, not the body. There is 
no one 
to be enlightened, and a quote from my Guru I never existed nor will I ever

So, this mind rerrooting is only a glimpse here in my path which my Guru 
explains does 
not hold a candle to Nivakalpa Sahaj Samadi, but it appears in other paths the 
rerrooting is enlightenmetn.

This was just a long commentary which is about equll to me expalining what ice 
tastes like having not tasted it myself. If you are going to argue my points , 
it is an honest 
thing to first state where it is that your consciousness rests, especially if 
one is going to 
speak with athority about what can and cannot happen to an enlightened one.

If it is two people speaking to each other about the ice cream that they 
themselves have 
never tasted, how valuable is it ? The intellectual understanding of what ice 
cream tastes 
like doesnt hold a candle to the tasting of it.

too late now, i just typed alot, it could be like the blind leading the blind.


[FairfieldLife] Re: for Nabby

2007-10-04 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In my opinion, 5 or 8 people enlightened in 8 years isn't an extraordinary
 track record. I'm sure there are many gurus who could claim that, but I'm
 not sure that there are many who would.

I think it is an area of uncertainty anyway. Maybe in kalki's group, there are 
400 realized 
now- but there are claims of 30 million disciples and also claims of 
enlightening the world. 
Even if 400, there are 6 billion in the world, and also 400 out of 30 million?

The 5 here is out of maybe 50. So there are not grandious over the top claims 
here to 
enlighten the world, and in my path, it is a traditional one to one 
relationship and this is the only way it is offered.

As far as an extraordinary track record, it looks like the numbers are better 
than it was for 
Nityananda, but removing the maya may have something to do with the times or 
with how 
much maya is prevelent. Alot means Kaliyuga. maybe at some other time, the 
will look a lot different.

There also are no rules acording to my Guru about stating what is, and 
therefore the 
accuracy of what is being stated is therefore one way or the other. One can be 
and say so as Christ did or not, but the reality of the situation stays the 
same, and the 
same for what is taking place regarding the declarations in my path .


[FairfieldLife] Re: for Nabby

2007-10-04 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Behalf Of Ron
 Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 12:08 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: for Nabby
 As far as an extraordinary track record, it looks like the numbers are
 better than it was for 
 Nityananda, but removing the maya may have something to do with the times or
 with how 
 much maya is prevelent. Alot means Kaliyuga. maybe at some other time, the
 will look a lot different.
 I think that things are heating up in the world, and that people are getting
 enlightened more readily than they did in Nityananda's day.
 No virus found in this outgoing message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
 Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.14.0/1048 - Release Date: 10/3/2007
 8:22 PM

One comment my Guru made was that more and more Guru's are needed because there 
are more and more spontaneous kundalini awakenings these days, so will it be a 
or will it be put to use for the purpose of moving one forward for 
enlightenment as quickly 
as possible.

Regarding enlightened ones, my experience tells me that what is written by the 
is a start, then the truth comes out once one is around them, and especially 
seen by one 
that knows what to look for.

such things as is there a need for outer stimuli in order to feel contented, is 
there a total 
flow in the life or is there doership by a me. Sometimes it does not even 
take an 
enlightened one to detect something sour going on but still always tricky.

i had one claimant that was revealing her discoveries of my past life to me. 
Then it was 
obvious that she was doing this with many. One not knowing what is going on may 
quite fascinated with this, then ask questions about her discovery as I did. 
This is when 
the shit hit the fan and things went out of control.

In this case, my Guru was aware where i was and was there as guidance for me. 
To make a 
long story short, I have been through this sort of thing, resulting in going 
into a big 
depression for months afterwards, but didn't happen this time.

The words of my Guru about this one, who declares enlightenment on her own and 
is a 
kalki Diksha giver- she is lost  she is going to give diksha to people and 
fuck them up

iN my path here, only those with a stilled mind are athorized to give shaktipat


[FairfieldLife] Re: I guess this will make Shiva happy...reminds me of a

2007-10-04 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, andrasayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What is the source of Nityananda saying that none of his diciples 
 were enlightened?

My Guru knows someone that was there at the time of his passing. He had said 
not one came 
that was there for a bigger Me. My guru said they didn;t find anything wrong 
with the form. 

Just as there was a writting claiming Gurudev apointed MMY to go out to the 
world ( read this 
in this forum) which contradicted what I heard MMY say about how the movement 
started, so there also is some writtings floating around where Nityananda is 
recognizing muktananda as the guru to go out to the world.

My quote is going to run out so either email me directly if you have something 
further to say 
or i will start an overflow post yahoo group for ffl


[FairfieldLife] Re: for Nabby

2007-10-04 Thread Ron
HP : Well lemme think, what would be the purpose in knowing or
believeing that my Guru has
 brought 5 to enlightenment since 1999. For those interested in a
Guru who may be
 available to work with, it would be most useful I would guess.

Nabby: Of course, if it was true. But since it is just a contradicting
story from you it has 0, zero, nada value whatsoever.

HP: if an enlightened Guru were available to work with you one to one that has 
people to enlightenment, and then this would be useful to you as you claim, 
then please 
let me know how it would be useful?

Do you think that any enlightened Guru is going to accept you when you insist 
on doing 
your TM and keep up with and taking instructions from MMY?  Or do you think by 
going to 
this Guru and taking blessings or darshan that this is going to propel you to 

My opinion is if you are happy with TM fine, then why would you need another 
guru? This 
is why weather you believe my Guru is enlightened or not , either way, it has 
no bearing in 
your life right now, nothing changes for you. 

For me, the belief that my Guru is enlightened has a major impact, major change 
in my 
life because based on this belief, I have gone into the path full force, 
adopted the 
practices, received transmissions, which is grace, and entered into a state of 
peace that 
prior to this was not there.

So, believing one way or the other in itself has very insignificant effect, it 
is the course of 
action put into place based on a belief that can move mountains.


[FairfieldLife] Re: for Nabby

2007-10-05 Thread Ron

 It is not possible to have a useful discussion with Ron as long as 
 you cannot even read and understand the simplest of statements. 

HP: Well Nabby, we know in advance that there is not going to be a discussion 
between us

 did not write what you claim, it's not useful for me with 
 another guru, but could be for others if he/she was enlightened.

HP: cant figure out what you mean here. Your comment indicated that if my Guru 
enlightened meeting the criteria you have, then it would be of value to you. I 
answering that as long as you have a Guru and you are on that path, then 
weather some 
other guru is or is not enlightened has no impact for you since you already 
have your Gur 
and your path. That was my point.

Therefore weather you believe that my guru is a seeker not enlightened or if 
you believe 
that my Guru is enlightened, either way, it is not going to mean anything or 
have anything 
to do with your life.

 I'm sorry, but I have no trust in your guru whatsoever.  

HP: You would only need to have trust in my Guru is you were a disciple, since 
you are 
not, it makes zero difference weather you have trust in her or not. Also 
whatever writtings 
coming from my Guru, it would not make sense for you to read them

She comes 
 through as a someone who has been in India for awhile and is still a 
 seeker, full of herself. Her claims for having brought 5 people to 
 enlightenment is ridicelous to say the least when she stresses the 
 need for the enlightened to study written material and keep coming 
 to meetings to not reroot as you say.

HP: In this path, there are no meetings, and no studying. For those interested 
in a path, 
then it is advised here that they both be with the Guru and also the disciples. 
So, these 
people are available to talk with, the phone numbers of my Guru and these 
disciples are available for sincere seekers, also they can meet them in person. 

What happens then is the book descriptions of what the enlightened are and are 
not will 
be challenged. They will never match and it is never going to be what you 
thought it was, 
this applies to meeting enlightenment and also the unfoldment of enlightenment 
for each 

 Her claims are not real but 

HP : You have the right to believe what you like

as is her claim that Kalki has made 400 people 
 enlightened. Fantasies. 

HP: You misunderstood this as it is not a claim of my guru- Kalki has nothing 
to do with 
the path here

 I think it would do you good to stop denouncing Masters like MMY, 
 Muktananda and others. 

HP: I will make comparisons, then one can decide if that makes sense for them 
of not. 
There was a guy a few weeks ago who is from TM but his thinking was that it was 
not the 
right path for him, he was then going to go to Kalki. I ran into him, pointed 
out that I 
benefitted from TM, but then went on to point out what is not there, also what 
is not at 
Kalki's , that is here in my path.

This is a negative thing for people to hear for those in the path that I am 
saying has 
something lacking, so those happy in those paths should not read or listen to 
what I have 
to say maybe- up to them

 Praise your guru if you like, but it makes 
 you look even more foolish, if possible, to pretend you understand 
 these Masters.

HP: Again, I dont care how I look or what people think. I am not trying to 
recruit the 
masses. One disciple wrote in to my Guru first time and asked can I be your 
disciple, the 
answer was - are you ready to go through hell first?

This is the kundalini path, ego candy is not handed out, prior to 
enlightenment, things 
may be very difficult and no one here is saying it is going to be easy, it is 

If I were looking to recruit, then there would be a very different presentation 
methodology for that. It would be geared for all the things that look appealing 
these days. 
The big organizations have these things or else they wouldn't be big. They do 
and present 
things which look good. 

In my path, one may have to go through hell first- so which looks better?


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Outlaw Path To Enlightenment

2007-10-06 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Last night I rapped for a little while about outlaws 
 and why I like them, and the flack they sometimes get
 from others for living by no rules but their own. But
 there is another reason why I love outlaws. For me
 they are the perfect metaphor for the pathway to
 In my considered opinion, *most* of the men and women 
 in human history who have realized their enlightenment 
 have done so by being outlaws. At some point in their
 lives they decided to stop following the advice or the
 laws of others, and follow only their own.
 You need look no further than the Buddha for an example.
 Yeah, he studied with a few teachers during his early
 days. But he rejected them all, and in the end wound
 up studying only with the Self. And that was all that
 was needed to realize the Self. That is essentially his
 message, and in my opinion it is still true, all these
 centuries later.
 Many in the spiritual community are *offended* by the
 idea of DIY (Do It Yourself). They come up with all sorts
 of intellectual arguments for how it isn't possible for
 a self to realize Self all by itself. They repeat the
 stuff they've been told (and, more often than not, *sold*)
 by teachers who told them that they *needed* a teacher to
 realize who they are. They go on and on like Ron does
 about how a guru is essential, and how doing exactly what
 he or she says is essential to become enlightened.
 Well, to echo Cuba Gooding, Jr. in Jerry Maguire, Show
 me the enlightenment!
 We were all told for years or decades within the TM move-
 to Just Follow Instructions. Do what we tell you to do
 and you'll become enlightened. Yeah, right. We all know
 how many people in the TM movement *that* worked for.
 And then I look at other spiritual traditions and what I
 see is that the guys and gals who get written about *as*
 enlightened beings are the ones who *didn't* follow
 instructions, who *didn't* do exactly what they were 
 told to do. For the most part, the people whom history
 records as the enlightened were outlaws. For a while
 they tried doing things Somebody Else's Way, but in the 
 end the thing that enabled them to realize their enlight-
 enment was finding Their Own Way.
 I could go on and on and on, listing the enlightened of
 the past whose life stories suggest that they were outlaws. 
 It's pretty easy to do; there are far more of them than
 there are stories about people who realized enlightenment
 by doing what they were told.
 But instead, since I know that this is going to push
 some buttons, I'll ask those who still believe that one
 *can* become realized by doing what you're told to do
 (or that that's the *only* way you can realize enlight-
 enment) to provide some examples of this. Show me the
 enlightenment! Trot out some examples of someone follow-
 ing Someone Else's Path and getting enlightened by 
 doing what he or she was told to do.
 We've certainly seen Ron trying to do this here, and I
 think we've all seen how believable his claims that all
 these people are poppin' into enlightenment are. I would
 suspect that there is not one person here who believes it.
 But *Ron* believes it, and obviously believes firmly
 that if he does everything he is told to do, for long
 enough, that enlightenment will be the result.  
 Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I'm not
 convinced. I think there is great value in the moment
 in which one *rejects* doing what one has been told, 
 and does Something Else instead. 
 That moment often is referred to by the enlightened as 
 the pivotal moment in their lives in which the seed of 
 realization was planted. It may not have actually been 
 *doing* the Something Else that caused realization, 
 but just making that decision to no longer be reliant 
 on Someone Else's Path in almost every case revealed 
 their *own* path to them. And that path led them home.

When sincere seekers are there , the universe offers a choice. Probably when 
the sincerety 
is kept up, more choices come along the way and the time frame is eternity so 
no need to 

It looks like out of the 6 billion people on the planet, not many follow a 
Guru, this is their 
choice, that is what free will  is about.


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Outlaw Path To Enlightenment

2007-10-06 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert Gimbel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  That moment often is referred to by the enlightened as 
  the pivotal moment in their lives in which the seed of 
  realization was planted. It may not have actually been 
  *doing* the Something Else that caused realization, 
  but just making that decision to no longer be reliant 
  on Someone Else's Path in almost every case revealed 
  their *own* path to them. And that path led them home.
 This is good stuff- It is true you eventually have to 'find' it for 
 yourself- basically this is the philosophy of the 12-step programs- 
 that you need to find: 'Your own 'Higher Power'.
 Jesus claimed the same: Search within...
 Maharishi teaches the same: It's all within...
 Then there's the idea of 'old soul, young soul'...
 Some people aren't the least bit interested in any of this stuff of 
 enlightenment, as they are caught up in the more material side of 
 things: survival, position, possessions, not much time left for 
 anything spiritual.
 Then there's the one's that need to just follow one of the various 
 dogmas, of one the religions...
 Only problem is: all of the religions are generally based in a figure-
 head who was enlightened, but as was said, you can't get there, by 
 just being a 'Parrot'...quack, quack...
 Then there's the 'Jacobs Ladder Principle'...
 Have you ever noticed when you are speaking to someone,
 About some ecsorteric stuff, that they just sort of 'blank out',
 And didn't hear a word you said; have you ever noticed that for 
 yourself, at times: someone will have told you something, and you 
 completely blank out on what was said.
 Sometimes your not ready to hear what is being said.
 You can't skip steps in the Soul's evolution, it comes in steps, 
 lessons, trials and tribulations, pain, and joy.
 It's great to find a teacher, a guru, to hang with, and learn from.
 Especially if one has the good fortune to meet an enlightened one.
 Being around someone who is enlightened is contagious, as they are 
 vibrating the vibration of one who is beyond the ego- very rare.
 It's called Darshan in India, and to be in the darshan of a high 
 being, is an honor and a blessing.
 But eventually, if you are to become enlightened yourself,
 You have to take the final leap, yourself.
 And if you have a good guru, he or she will push you, when you are 

I supose I can talk about my own experience. I was on my own because the way 
were is not really like having a Guru compared to now. So this is new and the 
experience is  
good, There was rapid evolution this past year.

I am already old enough and enlightenment is not there, but now it looks 
possible and I 
can grasp the situation. I am more relaxed, and actually out of the dogma which 
I was in. I 
put myself there by non the less it was uncomfortable.

But about the doing it on your own, I have now been on both sides of the fence, 
the first 
side was 47 years, how much longer do i have to wait? the opportunity came up 
to be with 
a Guru and i gave it a shot.

I could care less about public opinion, I just took sanyas, shaved my head for 
ceremony, was walking around LA in an orange dress and shirt- does that sound 
like one 
that is concerned with public opionion?

Why is it though that if I say it is the prebirth right that each person has 
enlightenment, all would agreee, but if I say that also a Guru can come from 
any country 
and their dharshan would  be the same- oh n, it has to be indian or it cant 

You know , i think most of the sadakas in my path are happy to have the Guru 
all to 
ourselfs because we know about the transformation and evolution that took 
place. The are 
like 15 sadakas reporting in , and one after the other talking about a stilled 
mind, etc.

Well, we know it is not right to hog the guru to ourselfs, so we offer it up 
all over the 
place, mostly it is rejected. The honest truth is I dont care. I am really 
happy to have this 
individual attention. I also am happy if people are interested but either way 
is quite fine.


[FairfieldLife] Why enlightened prefer This one or One

2007-10-07 Thread Ron
Namaste Guru G and Amy,

G :the *you* that you speak of is no more. When *you* is used by 
One that is Realized it is only used as a manner of speaking. 
The *you* is no more - it belongs to the illusion of maya. 
In Lila what dances is that One Singular Essense which is One. 

Udit: That's right. I don't feel like using I, me or mine 
anymore since you and I are One and what is mine is yours. 
Nevertheless, i use them as a manner of speaking as Guruji said to 
make myself understood.


[FairfieldLife] Walking the path alone

2007-10-07 Thread Ron
Actually, the guru is only a guide and it has been stated here that one must 
walk the path 
alone ultimately. This is no way means that while one is with the Guru, the 
evolution is not in 
full force until one is walking the path on their own but just the opposite.

From that well known verse- Be still and know that I am God

Genuine gurus guide the disciple for none other than this and not in some 
distant far off time 
but now. 

A guru is the same as the disciple except the maya is no longer there. The Guru 
guides one 
to remove this maya, but leaves the disciple to live thier life, make their own 
choices and then 
reap the consequences of these choices.


[FairfieldLife] Definitions sahaha, Sarrvikalpa, Nirvikalpa

2007-10-07 Thread Ron
Om Namo Narayan 

Sahaja means effortless and continuous - 
(not simply the result of being in sitting meditation)
This is rather a continous state of Consciousness versus 
an experience that comes and goes. 

Sarvikalpa - is still having an identity but it is merged 
in Oneness. Being One 

Nirvikalpa - is no me remaining - Simply IS. One does 
not percieve any story any longer it is over. There is only 
Pure Awareness without any attributes layered over. 
IN Nirvikalpa Sahaja there are no longer rising thoughts 
and oneness has dissolved into 0 point balance. 

Maha Shanti 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Definitions sahaha, Sarrvikalpa, Nirvikalpa

2007-10-07 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote:
  Om Namo Narayan 
  Sahaja means effortless and continuous - 
  (not simply the result of being in sitting meditation)
  This is rather a continous state of Consciousness versus 
  an experience that comes and goes. 
  Sarvikalpa - is still having an identity but it is merged 
  in Oneness. Being One 
  Nirvikalpa - is no me remaining - Simply IS. One does 
  not percieve any story any longer it is over. There is only 
  Pure Awareness without any attributes layered over. 
  IN Nirvikalpa Sahaja there are no longer rising thoughts 
  and oneness has dissolved into 0 point balance. 
  Maha Shanti
 Sri Ramakrishna describes this distinction very well: Savikalpa
 Samadhi was compared by Sri Ramakrishna to a cotton doll which when
 put in water gets saturated with it, and Nirvikalpa Samadhi to a doll
 of salt which when immersed in water dissolves and loses itself in it.
 Nirvikalpa is the higher...
 It reminds me of the saying by Christ Jesus that:  Whoever finds his
 life (ego) will lose it (Cosmic Awareness), and whoever loses his life
 (litte ego) for my sake will find it (Cosmic Consciousness).

Little ego? as in small self? ego will do, there is no ego and enlightenment 
existing at the 
same time.

You left out sahaja- in both cases with savikalpa and nirvikalpa, it will be 
different if the 
sahahja is either there or not. So Realization is Nirvalkalpa sahaja samadi.

Sarvikalpa sahaja samadi while an exalted state has the me there. There is 
further to go 
yet this is a place one may stop in their journey. This again is a situation 
where when one 
is with a Guru resting in Realization, they will know where the disciple is at 
and then guide 
them to completion. This again is also the significance in knowing that the 
Guru is 
enlightened because they are only capable to take one as far as they themselves 

My Guru had this state and was ready to stop, it was only because of her Guru 
that she 
continued as instructed. Sarvikalpa sahaja Samadi is a very attractive place 
saturated in 

Here is an answer to a question from the newest enlightened in our group, 
resting in 
nirvakalpa shaja samadhi since 7 days ago:

Namaste all,

While reading through the posts a question popped up. In the realized
state how do you feel about your loved ones? Do you feel as attached
to them as before or do you now have a different love for them that is
more detached? I am trying to understand how now you are feeling one
with the everyone and everything in the world, how you could chose one
person over another to spend your life with. Would you not love all
people the same?

I am not even sure my question makes sense, but hopefully someone will
get the gist of it.


Namaste Amy

You love them more than they have been loved, All IS love as all love itself. 
There is no 
*me* to enter in the act of loving, Love IS. Only responsibility to them no 
attachment and 
family remains as is, all is perfectly normal. 

most of what has been remains the same.

if you are with a person who you share your life with there would be no reason 
to change 
that . But if you are single there is no reason to chase after some one because 
there is no 
desires. desires for the most part vanish one dose not feel lonely or dependent 
on an 

Realization is not an emotion and love is not a feeling but they are also the 
same. don't try 
to figure it out just do the practice an trust the Guru.

Love Light Jyoti

[FairfieldLife] Re: Definitions sahaha, Sarrvikalpa, Nirvikalpa

2007-10-07 Thread Ron
For the hell of it, I will respond with the general opinions from my camp which 
I think 
differ from your opinions:

 --There's no false ego in Enlightenment;

HP: there is no ego period. - ego is defined as identification with mind and 
body as being 
the self

 i.e. a delusional I 
 associated with identification with mind, at the core of one's 

HP: not anywhere else either

  In spite of the vanishing act that eradicates the delusional I; 
 evidence bears out the existence of other types of delusions, 

HP: The wording here is a little complicated but i think there is a stark 
difference in 
opinion here as all delusions are imploded into Being and there is no one and 
no thing left, 
only iS,  so nope, no delusions left

 especially those pertaining to the Guru's notion of self-importance; 

HP: you will not find anywhere my guru claiming importance as a small self ego 
stance on 
a particular issue, however what is said is an enlightened being is helping 
humanity 24/7

 and here the term self applies to body-mind.  Your own Guru 
 admits that there's a body-mind after Enlightenment.  I read some of 
 your messages.

HP: Now there is- but when this is gone nothing changes - this is why Guru's do 
not care 
if they have a body or not.

  That body-mind is fully capable of the most egregious, 
 grandious, Emperor/Empress - with no clothes types of delusions; 

HP: yup

 e.g. Bevan, and your Guru in particular, who seems to be infatuated 
 with herself.  

HP: No comment on Bevan, and with my Guru, well, you are entitled to your 

Besides, I dont' see any new information coming from 

HP: dont know what you are looking for, I have posted comments from the 
enligthened in 
our group, and the subject matter may be stuff which has not been seen to be 
on by other enligthened ones, this is rare with reference to the availability 
for most 

OK, she's Enlightened, what does she want, a medal? 

HP: No desires in enlgithenment but you know i am already so over posted with 
all this 
stuff, have covered everything so in actuality by now, all the stances of all 
the members in 
this forum are known and it is not going to change any time soon most likely, 
so now what 
- do you want a medal?
 - In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. wgm4u@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote:
Om Namo Narayan 

Sahaja means effortless and continuous - 
(not simply the result of being in sitting meditation)
This is rather a continous state of Consciousness versus 
an experience that comes and goes. 

Sarvikalpa - is still having an identity but it is merged 
in Oneness. Being One 

Nirvikalpa - is no me remaining - Simply IS. One does 
not percieve any story any longer it is over. There is only 
Pure Awareness without any attributes layered over. 
IN Nirvikalpa Sahaja there are no longer rising thoughts 
and oneness has dissolved into 0 point balance. 

Maha Shanti
   Sri Ramakrishna describes this distinction very well: Savikalpa
   Samadhi was compared by Sri Ramakrishna to a cotton doll which 
   put in water gets saturated with it, and Nirvikalpa Samadhi to a 
   of salt which when immersed in water dissolves and loses itself 
 in it.
   Nirvikalpa is the higher...
   It reminds me of the saying by Christ Jesus that:  Whoever 
 finds his
   life (ego) will lose it (Cosmic Awareness), and whoever loses 
 his life
   (litte ego) for my sake will find it (Cosmic Consciousness).
  Little ego? as in small self? ego will do, there is no ego and 
 enlightenment existing at the 
  same time.
  You left out sahaja- in both cases with savikalpa and nirvikalpa, 
 it will be different if the 
  sahahja is either there or not. So Realization is Nirvalkalpa 
 sahaja samadi.
  Sarvikalpa sahaja samadi while an exalted state has the me 
 there. There is further to go 
  yet this is a place one may stop in their journey. This again is a 
 situation where when one 
  is with a Guru resting in Realization, they will know where the 
 disciple is at and then guide 
  them to completion. This again is also the significance in knowing 
 that the Guru is 
  enlightened because they are only capable to take one as far as 
 they themselves are.
  My Guru had this state and was ready to stop, it was only because 
 of her Guru that she 
  continued as instructed. Sarvikalpa sahaja Samadi is a very 
 attractive place saturated in 
  Here is an answer to a question from the newest enlightened in our 
 group, resting in 
  nirvakalpa shaja samadhi since 7 days ago:
  Namaste all,
  While reading through the posts a question popped up. In the 
  state how do you feel about your loved ones? Do you feel as 
  to them as before or do you now have a different love

[FairfieldLife] Different enlightened one answers the same question

2007-10-07 Thread Ron

 Namaste all,
Namaste and Grace-filled Evening,
* While reading through the posts a question popped up. In the 
 state how do you feel about your loved ones?

S There is no sense that the loved one is different than the self 
and within this purity, love and compassion flow freely..there is 
only flow..

* Do you feel as attached
 to them as before or do you now have a different love for them 
that is
 more detached? 

S It is a pure love that is not preoccupied with the other as there 
is no sense of otherness...

*I am trying to understand how now you are feeling one
 with the everyone and everything in the world, how you could chose 
 person over another to spend your life wit
Would you not love all
 people the same?

S The difference is that there is no-one that is loving or *me* 
that is loving *something* or *some-body*...pure love is inherent in 
the universe and flows like a river when the mind is still. It is 
love that needs no object as this love just IS - Love and Compassion 
are the fragrance of freedom. 

 *I am not even sure my question makes sense, but hopefully someone 
 get the gist of it.

S They do make sense, but the responses will not be understood with 
the intellect or from a *me* vantage point. The great paradox and 
mystery cannot be grasped by a *me* ha ah ahahahahhahaaha -


Great Peace and IS,

[FairfieldLife] Sidhis and Kundalini

2007-10-13 Thread Ron

Namaste - Siddhis come as a matter of course - but development of Siddhis is 
not what 
the path is about - it is about entering the Best of the Siddhis which is 
Realization where all conditioned knowledge is at an end. Siddhis are signposts 
along the 
way. Maha Shanti OM 

the best siddhi combined with grace - is samadhi :) 


Om Namo Narayan - the best siddhi is Realization - go beyond lower samadhi's. 
Maha Shanti OM 0

New Post


I've never had any negative experiences with meditation and kundalini, yours 
sounds far 
more like migraine, epilepsy or a brain tumour although you did recover.
You do read of others but your negative parts do seem to be more than most. The 
are more to be expected, but I do wonder what positive experiences and 
abilities you've 
had since your guru fixed you up as you haven't mentioned them and would be the 
signs of a kundalini awakening.

Response Siddhananda:

 Your comments display extreme ignorance about kundalini and a true spiritual 
awakening. My Guru did not 'fix me up' as you say, but offered a light so that 
this one 
could find the way to freedom. 

and now because of the Guru's compassion and grace, realization has been 
entered. This 
one has absolutely no abilities that can speak of or care about, so am certain 
you will not 
be impressed. 

So, what positive experiences can be spoken of? The suffering me mentality, the 
sense of 
separateness, the internal drama, the illness, the depression, the anxiety, the 
kriyas, the 
lights, phenomena have settled down and died, and what remains is emptiness, 
peace, stillness and vast beauty - the eternal, unchanging, constant God 
that wouldn't trade for any abilities. 

So, here it is - the end of the story and beginning of pure life. 

Come find that which
you have always been
not two, not two

[FairfieldLife] Re: Diksha Initiation vs. regular Initiation.

2007-10-13 Thread Ron
ater all these years of doing tm and if regular and sincere with it, I would 
submit there is a 
good chance that one would move rapidly by taking diksha under the terms 

my experience dictates that it is different to have the initiation by the 
diciple compared 
with the sat guru. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In Diksha Initiation a Sat-Guru (true god-man) gives you some of his
 God Consciousness, in regular Initiation any human teacher can give
 you a meditation technique.
 The difference is in Diksha Initiation the initiate must *qualify* for
 the experience by his past spiritual sadhana (practice), and be able
 to sustain the tremendous spiritual power brought on by the Guru,
 obviously only a true realized Master can do this and an advanced
 In ordinary Initiation any human teacher (even a book) can instruct
 one in techniques to empower the sincere seeker! I would submit TM is
 such a technique, perhaps one of the more effective techniques
 available but still not a diksha Initiation.  It may however, lead to
 Diksha Initiation based on merit like any reputable meditation technique.
 Swami Yoganada, The Second Coming. The disciple,in turn, must be
 advanced and deserving in order to be able to receive such a 'baptism'
 in Omniscience (diksha) by his advanced guru who is one with CC.
 Kirpal Singh, The Crown of Life. But when the student..succeeds in
 rising above physical consciousness, he finds the Radiant Form of his
 Master waiting unsought to receive him.  Indeed, it is at this point
 that the real Guru-disciple or teacher-student relationship is
 established.  Up to this stage, the Guru had been little more than a
 human teacher

[FairfieldLife] Shaktipat Diksha initiation

2007-10-14 Thread Ron
This looks good from what they write:


[FairfieldLife] quote from MMY for Nabby

2007-10-14 Thread Ron
The world is as you are. Develop unbounded consciousness and the Universe is 

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