Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread dark
That's really quite bad Sean, and also probably not ultimately in your best 
interests, sinse I've found if you show yourself to be incapable people will 
(understandably), treat you as such, give no weight to your opinions, and 
not really reguard you as a person.

last night I was at a lecture in the department and afterwards I went for a 
drink with people.

yes, if i'd played the pathetic card I probably could've got someone to get 
me a chair, and probably a drink too,  but would they have taken any 
comments I had on the paper seriously?

hell no!

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread dark
I've encountered the atitude that "I don't use a cane because it shows I'm 

Actually this came up when i was applying for a guide dog last year (I'm 
stil on the list).

the thing I find odd, is that I use a cane not for anyone else, or for 
appearence, but just for me!

My sense of space (or lack of), frequently means I can't judge the distance 
of something even if I perceive or see it (and it'd have to be pretty close 
for me to see it).

Looking as though I'm blind? I think i'd look far more stupid falling down a 
flight of stairs and breaking my nose, and as for danger, - well see the 
above comment!

In terms of other people and taking up more pathway that rather confuses me, 
sinse certainly with the technique I use the cane tip is only 2 foot in 
front of my own feet and as wide as my body.

There are certainly people, - , lets say larger in gurth than i am 
who probably take up more space overall ;D.

I sometimes run into complaints when i'm out and about, not of me, just of 
disabled people in general (I think such people would complain equally if 
there was someone in a wheel chair coming down the street), but usually such 
people will get a very sharp answer indeed.

beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] games on a business PC - Re: The importance ofpatronage

2011-04-28 Thread dark

when i did my degree, my student equipment grant did buy me a laptop.

That was the laptop I started playing web rpgs and interactive fiction on 
which taught me a lot about it.

I certainly would've had no compunction about using it for games,   
afterall it wasn't as if they wanted it back ;D.

the laptop which this new one of mine is replacing was actually the one 
bought in 2005 by the equipment grant for my masters.

I wrote all my ma essays on it, and indeed took it to conferences which was 
what it was for, however as everyone will know I also played games on it 
too, right up until the point the headphone sockit died over christmas.

ddid I refrain from putting games on it?  heck no! did I work on it, yes 

Did I get the state to buy it for me just! to put games on,  certainly 
not indeed! however it didn't cost them any extra cash at all.

Actually it's a real shame the chap who sorted out all my equipment grants 
actually died recently.

He was fantastic, and certainly had no objection to people having fun with 
computers,  his view was the option was available to sited people so why 
not, so long as it didn't come out of the budgit.

It's a great shame though sinse I really think he would've approved of audio 
games, not the least because he also sorted out teaching and equipment for 
primary school children, he probably would've deffinately approved fof 
accessible games as a way of learning just as Charles said.

I actually think this is an interesting issue, and probably needs a place in 
my phd somewhere sinse it's such a general thought, and one of the issues I 
wish to raise in chapter 4 is the responsability of a disabled person to 
everyone else which certainly covers this fact.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread dark
Yet the center was open pon saturdays and people came to use their computers 
there?  very insane!

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - 
From: "Charles Rivard" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 2:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

I was asked to try to get some blind people who frequently visited a center 
for the blind interested in audio games.  I agreed.  So I took some games, 
copied onto a CD, to the center and was going to install them onto their 
computers that the people were allowed to use during the week and on 
Saturdays.  I was told that I could not do that because these were 
computers for business! use! only!  I asked how these people are going to 
get interested in games that they cannot try out?  The answer was, "Well, 
don't you have them on your computer?  You could bring your computer here, 
play the games while explaining what you're doing, then invite them to your 
house instead of having them come here on a Saturday, couldn't you?"  My 
answer, in great disgust, was a flat! out! no!  It really made me 
disgusted, because the man that ran the center was totally blind himself. 
He would not install any games on his computer, either, because it, too was 
supposedly for business only.

Laughter is the best medicine, so look around, find a dose and take it to 
- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Kitchen" 

To: "Thomas Ward" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

Hi Thomas,

I have talked with people who told me that they had been told that since 
BSVI bought their computer that they were not allowed to put games on it. 
So it may not be the individuals but some of the rehab people telling 
them such things.  But I do know of other rehab councilors that put my 
games on the clients computers.



Don't ever argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell 
the difference.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread Jacob Kruger
Other thing relating to keyboard usage is that since started using 
computers, in my sighted days long before there was really such a thing as a 
mouse, and since spent most of my time later on typing code, I never really 
liked moving hands off the keyboard to use a mouse for something simple, so 
there are a couple of keyboard shortcuts have always used in windows that 
some relatively computer literate sighties don't seem to know exist, but 
I've always used them - simple examples are shift + delete to ignore/bypass 
recycle bin, and backspace to browse one level up in windows explorer, etc.

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

- Original Message - 
From: "shaun everiss" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 7:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

Thats a point.
The sighted use the mouse when the keyboard is faster.
So being blind has some advantages.
And we can do crazy things on our devices and can be the only one that 
knows what its all about.

At 08:30 p.m. 28/04/2011, you wrote:
A waiter at a restaurant this side once said the following to me after I 
explained some simple things to him like pouring level indicators, 
cellphones, our money measuring slide things, general living workarounds, 

you're not disabled - you're differently enabled

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

- Original Message - From: "Thomas Ward" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

Hi Dark,

Well, I think there are always a few that do meet the stereotypical
view no matter where you go. I've met more than my share of the kind
that want everything done for them etc at summer camp, blind
conventions, etc but there are also plenty of people who don't meet
this stereotypical view as well. I think a lot of it is just how you,
as an individual are raised, and weather or not you were educated in a
public school or a specialized school etc.

I myself had had several years of useful vision so I was raised during
my formative years as a normal child. I would help my dad out working
on cars, computers, and other general electronics he would fix for
friends at work etc. When I lost my sight my dad didn't go, "I have a
blind son who is helpless." No, on the contrary he incurraged me to
continue helping him work on things in his work shop. Even if it was
something as simple as locating the right size socket, rench, or screw
driver, he wanted me to know and understand I was anything but
helpless. In fact, he put me to work changing transmissions etc at age
17 without any useful vision at all which goes to prove how I had that
little extra push some of the more institutionalized blind don't get I
think. If you aren't actively incurraged to overcome the blindness
thing you'll never quite get passed the "I'm helpless" mentality.


On 4/27/11, dark  wrote:
Well Tom, I'm not sure how it is in the states, but over here there is 
group of young blind people who do! conform to stomething of a 

I've noticed that some blind people (especially those who went to 
schools), are! pretty useless, expect everything to be done for them, 

associate with other blind people etc.

That aside though I do know what you mean about organizations having
specific ideas of blind people.

For instance when I asked the rnib about using a chip and pin card, 
response was that I learn one cash machine near my home, but when i 
out machines can come in different makes and models with different 
prompts and such, they told me to "Get my carer to do it"  rather 

sinse I live on my own and don't have one,  which surprised them ;D.

In the end I just fixed things myself by arranging with my bank to have 
signature card, so that machines will print out a receit for me to sign 

I pay for stuff with it and I can just get actual cash at my local bank.

My point though, the rnib had no idea of a blind person living entirely
alone and not! having "a carer"

The problem is this atitude is contagious. When I was trying to activate 
wireless network on my hub but couldn't due to not being able to read 
key on the side, when I phoned the company tech support they told me to 

someone to read it for me" and when I pointed out there wasn't they said
"that what other blind people do" and put the phone down on me.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread shaun everiss

I must say It was me that decided to venture out the box.
I was taught what I needed to know.
Everything was set so the blind could use it for what it was designed for.
That I could crack that security and do what I wished was a thrill.
I kept it to myself though.
At 07:31 p.m. 28/04/2011, you wrote:


Yeah, I've met a few narrow minded individuals like that. I was at a
blind convention in Columbus one time, and I talked to a few other
blind computer users there about the fact that I write accessible
games and their opinions were a bit odd. One guy told me that since
his computer was purchased by BSVI, I.E. through the state, that it
was to only be used for work and nothing but work. Another common
opinion I found, especially with older blind computer users, was that
games were for younger people. The other Tom said earlier on list he
has encountered this same opinion as well up in Canada so it must be
pretty common among our more senior members.  The thing is even if you
make some of these people aware of the existance of accessible games
not everyone is going to jump for it. There will be some opinion like
"my computer must only be used for work" or "games are only for the
young" that will determine their buying choices.

That said, though, my parents generation, the Baby Boomers, are now
getting up their in age. As Elenor's excellent article for 7-128
pointed out these are the people with most of the buying power world
wide. They are going to start having health issues, especially vision
loss, and the mainstream game industry isn't prepared for this
eventuality. The rest of us who are creating accessible games will at
least have a chance to get a real foot in the door if we can make this
segment of the population aware we exist.

We often forget that it was the Baby Boomers who were in their 30's
when the Atari 2600 and original Nintendo Entertainment System was
introduced in the 1980's. Unlike their parents generation they played
Donkey Kong, Packman, Missile Command, Super Mario, and all the rest
with their kids who are now my age. So now that my parents are old
enough to retire what kinds of games are out there for them to play
that isn't loded with complex 3d graphics, and is fully accessible
when their vision begins to go? What kinds of games are available that
harkens back to the games they know and love like Packman, Space
Invaders, Missile Command, Super Mario, Donkey Kong, Time Pilot,
Adventure Island, etc?

Well, we've obviously got some of that available right now. DynaMan is
basically an arcade game in the style of classic Packman. PCS Games
Packman Talks is another great remake for the blind. As for Space
Invaders we have Aliens in the Outback, Troopenum, Dark Destroyer, you
name it.  Since we already have some of the games they are likely to
play it is rediculous that places like the RNIB aren't making the Baby
Boomer generation aware that there are games on par with the games
they knew 30 years ago.


On 4/27/11, shaun everiss  wrote:
> not to mention that some blind people refuse to play games in general
> or associate with the wider community.
> One of these is a friend that has quentin c because i have her the
> file but mostly plays with rsgames clients.
> But thats it and only because people gave it to her one day.

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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread shaun everiss

well it all depends on if its monitered or inforced.
Technically I was not supposed to do anything bar use my own software.
But I have always done that.
anyway Its not like I play during working hours or when I have to 
work so whats the issue.

At 09:44 a.m. 29/04/2011, you wrote:

Hi Thomas,

I have talked with people who told me that they had been told that 
since BSVI bought their computer that they were not allowed to put 
games on it.  So it may not be the individuals but some of the rehab 
people telling them such things.  But I do know of other rehab 
councilors that put my games on the clients computers.



Don't ever argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to 
tell the difference.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread shaun everiss

Thats a point.
The sighted use the mouse when the keyboard is faster.
So being blind has some advantages.
And we can do crazy things on our devices and can be the only one 
that knows what its all about.

At 08:30 p.m. 28/04/2011, you wrote:
A waiter at a restaurant this side once said the following to me 
after I explained some simple things to him like pouring level 
indicators, cellphones, our money measuring slide things, general 
living workarounds, etc.:

you're not disabled - you're differently enabled

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

- Original Message - From: "Thomas Ward" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

Hi Dark,

Well, I think there are always a few that do meet the stereotypical
view no matter where you go. I've met more than my share of the kind
that want everything done for them etc at summer camp, blind
conventions, etc but there are also plenty of people who don't meet
this stereotypical view as well. I think a lot of it is just how you,
as an individual are raised, and weather or not you were educated in a
public school or a specialized school etc.

I myself had had several years of useful vision so I was raised during
my formative years as a normal child. I would help my dad out working
on cars, computers, and other general electronics he would fix for
friends at work etc. When I lost my sight my dad didn't go, "I have a
blind son who is helpless." No, on the contrary he incurraged me to
continue helping him work on things in his work shop. Even if it was
something as simple as locating the right size socket, rench, or screw
driver, he wanted me to know and understand I was anything but
helpless. In fact, he put me to work changing transmissions etc at age
17 without any useful vision at all which goes to prove how I had that
little extra push some of the more institutionalized blind don't get I
think. If you aren't actively incurraged to overcome the blindness
thing you'll never quite get passed the "I'm helpless" mentality.


On 4/27/11, dark  wrote:

Well Tom, I'm not sure how it is in the states, but over here there is one
group of young blind people who do! conform to stomething of a sterriotype.

I've noticed that some blind people (especially those who went to specialist
schools), are! pretty useless, expect everything to be done for them, only
associate with other blind people etc.

That aside though I do know what you mean about organizations having
specific ideas of blind people.

For instance when I asked the rnib about using a chip and pin card, their
response was that I learn one cash machine near my home, but when i pointed
out machines can come in different makes and models with different screen
prompts and such, they told me to "Get my carer to do it"  rather hard,
sinse I live on my own and don't have one,  which surprised them ;D.

In the end I just fixed things myself by arranging with my bank to have a
signature card, so that machines will print out a receit for me to sign when
I pay for stuff with it and I can just get actual cash at my local bank.

My point though, the rnib had no idea of a blind person living entirely
alone and not! having "a carer"

The problem is this atitude is contagious. When I was trying to activate the
wireless network on my hub but couldn't due to not being able to read the
key on the side, when I phoned the company tech support they told me to "get
someone to read it for me" and when I pointed out there wasn't they said
"that what other blind people do" and put the phone down on me.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread shaun everiss

yeah this is confusing.
The first 2 systems I got from the state.
Technically I had to only use them for work.
And had to return it to them when I no longer needed it.
No one inforced this and it was known people played games on it.
As it was by the time I wanted to return it the system was old anyway.
So I kept it till it died.
One thing is that I am partually that every software and other thing 
I got from the state when I upgraded and purchaced these they became 
totally mine even though it was mine anyway.

At 05:44 a.m. 29/04/2011, you wrote:

Hi tom.

I was thinking about this issue, and one question to ask people did 
occur to me.

Say you were paraplegic and a state agency bought you a wheel chair.

Would you effectively not use that chair to go anywhere fun just 
because the state bought it for you?

There are lots of similar cases you might be able to come up with.

my view is so long as your not actually charging the state extra 
cash for your recreation that's fine!

Pluss of course, once something is bought and paid for, you own it!

Part of my original student grant bought me a cane which I needed to 
walk around uni and go to lectures with.

Should I have left that cane at home if I was going anywhere not work related?

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread shaun everiss

Its probably naughty as.
But on ocation while say at a camp or something where people don't 
know me and I am sure I won't get discovered by someone that knows 
that although I work hard I am as lazy as a slothe, I act like a poor 
blind and everything gets done and I laze round.

Though that hardly happens.
In fact I got caught once so I need to be on my guard, loads of 
places are switched on and well.

I can't be a lazy boy anymore.
At 08:19 p.m. 28/04/2011, you wrote:

Hi Dark,

Well, I think there are always a few that do meet the stereotypical
view no matter where you go. I've met more than my share of the kind
that want everything done for them etc at summer camp, blind
conventions, etc but there are also plenty of people who don't meet
this stereotypical view as well. I think a lot of it is just how you,
as an individual are raised, and weather or not you were educated in a
public school or a specialized school etc.

I myself had had several years of useful vision so I was raised during
my formative years as a normal child. I would help my dad out working
on cars, computers, and other general electronics he would fix for
friends at work etc. When I lost my sight my dad didn't go, "I have a
blind son who is helpless." No, on the contrary he incurraged me to
continue helping him work on things in his work shop. Even if it was
something as simple as locating the right size socket, rench, or screw
driver, he wanted me to know and understand I was anything but
helpless. In fact, he put me to work changing transmissions etc at age
17 without any useful vision at all which goes to prove how I had that
little extra push some of the more institutionalized blind don't get I
think. If you aren't actively incurraged to overcome the blindness
thing you'll never quite get passed the "I'm helpless" mentality.


On 4/27/11, dark  wrote:
> Well Tom, I'm not sure how it is in the states, but over here there is one
> group of young blind people who do! conform to stomething of a sterriotype.
> I've noticed that some blind people (especially those who went to 

> schools), are! pretty useless, expect everything to be done for them, only
> associate with other blind people etc.
> That aside though I do know what you mean about organizations having
> specific ideas of blind people.
> For instance when I asked the rnib about using a chip and pin card, their
> response was that I learn one cash machine near my home, but when i pointed
> out machines can come in different makes and models with different screen
> prompts and such, they told me to "Get my carer to do it"  rather hard,
> sinse I live on my own and don't have one,  which surprised them ;D.
> In the end I just fixed things myself by arranging with my bank to have a
> signature card, so that machines will print out a receit for me 
to sign when

> I pay for stuff with it and I can just get actual cash at my local bank.
> My point though, the rnib had no idea of a blind person living entirely
> alone and not! having "a carer"
> The problem is this atitude is contagious. When I was trying to 
activate the

> wireless network on my hub but couldn't due to not being able to read the
> key on the side, when I phoned the company tech support they told 
me to "get

> someone to read it for me" and when I pointed out there wasn't they said
> "that what other blind people do" and put the phone down on me.
> Beware the grue!
> Dark.
> ---
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Re: [Audyssey] Groom Hunter, Mysteries of the royal wedding.

2011-04-28 Thread shaun everiss

Oh god dark.
I saw the epesode about dr who and the cyber king a couple days ago.
Now you will give me nightmares.
We will all be upgraded.
anything else will get deleted.
Oh well at least its not the dalecs or borg though both of those are 
usually noisy races.

At 03:16 a.m. 29/04/2011, you wrote:
Well, sinse the queen lacks all emotion and is probably a robot, --- 
maybe short circuite her!

You also missed out her having to cope with the prince being a git 
(I had a friend of mine share a tent with him on a military 
exercize, and apparently this is true, though given the members of 
the aristocracy I've met myself I find it quite believeable).

Can you tell I'm not a fan of the British monarchy? ;D.

Stil lovely idea for a game phil, I particularly like the idea of 
the fanfare band and their trumpets of doom!

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - From: "Phil Vlasak" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 3:55 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Groom Hunter, Mysteries of the royal wedding.

Games we'd like to play
by Phil Vlasak

Groom Hunter: Mysteries of the royal wedding.

In this fast action game, you Are Kate Middleton, a daring groom hunter,
willing to risk everything to find and merry the long time 
bachelor, Prince William of Wales.

Her mission will not be an easy one as she must start at the 
University of Saint Andrews,

first encountering the Prince.

In later levels she must continue to be friends, rekindling their 

Once she gets to the marriage announcement level,
she must design her coat of arms, pick from several Seating plans,
and decide where to put the Azalea, lilac and rhododendron flowers.

Along the way she will collect a huge oval sapphire engagement 
ring, try on dozens of wedding dresses,

and plan the decorations for the Abbey.

On the day of the wedding, she must avoid such traps  as the rainy 
Weather forecast, a bumpy Rolls-Royce  Phantom procession,

to finally make her way through the 20-foot trees adorning the aisle.

She will also encounter thousands of media representatives,
two choirs, the London Chamber Orchestra,  and a fanfare team  from 
the Central Band of the Royal Air Force performing the music.

If Catherine finally makes it to Westminster Abbey, she must face 
her greatest

challenge, coming face to face with the ultimate Boss, The Queen.

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Re: [Audyssey] games on a business PC - Re: The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread shaun everiss
well one thing to note is that as long as you can get away with it 
like not doing it during schooltime or whatever it doesn't matter.
I have been known while  sitting in a class or where I need to work 
from a document with no interaction  from my reader or anyone around 
to play quiet music while working.
Ofcause games can distract you so coman sence not to play those and 
to be concious people could see your screen to.

All my computers including school systems were loaded with games.
And in most cases unless I needed to access special functions, any 
systems were reformatted and loaded with my os and my software.
THen when I had finnished it reformatted and given back with the 
origional systems.

Can't do that now though.
At 02:28 p.m. 29/04/2011, you wrote:
It's like I said. I put games on the first and only Laptop the 
Commission bought me within days after receiving it. And i still 
managed to ace both English courses.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - From: "Charles Rivard" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 7:39 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] games on a business PC - Re: The importance of patronage

Used to be?  You don't break ridiculous nonsensical rules 
anymore?  How disappointing.  Even now, I would do it unless the 
game is still in the beta sage.

Laughter is the best medicine, so look around, find a dose and take 
it to heart.

- Original Message - From: "Thomas Ward" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

Hi Jim,

Interesting. That could always be. Perhaps some rehab counselors have
some opinion that their clients should not put games on their
machines. That's an attitude that is rediculous since they aren't
hurting anything by being there, and as has been stated that doesn't
stop the client from scanning books, using Office, or anything else
that needs to get done for college, work, etc.

Of course, if my counselor had told me something like that I'd have
gone and done it anyway. My opinion use to be "rules are made for
breaking," and I broke a lot of them growing up. Lol!

On 4/28/11, Jim Kitchen  wrote:

Hi Thomas,

I have talked with people who told me that they had been told that since
BSVI bought their computer that they were not allowed to put games on it.
So it may not be the individuals but some of the rehab people telling them
such things.  But I do know of other rehab councilors that put my games on
the clients computers.



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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread shaun everiss

yeah I get this  a lot.
I was doing some tutorials at a local school.
I was hoping to do  some work with an inaccessible system I went and 
complained ofcause and went to write an email which opened a staff 
system by mistake.

They then told me I was hacking and fired me.
Rather stupid since I hadn't done anything really wrong but just hit 
enter on an email webmaster link.

Ofcause work computers in organisations are for work.
I wouldn't restrict my systems for that.
Companies probably have a good reason for security reasons to do that.
It also makes sence to do that.
At one of the places I was staying at and doing bits and such I was 
told I could educate people on the games.

I did admin jobs there and was friendly with the local admin.
I was told the systems were for work and loaded them on anyway, but 
then I was friends with the admin and it was alowed.

I have learned after I left things got quite strict there though so who knows.

At 01:36 p.m. 29/04/2011, you wrote:
I was asked to try to get some blind people who frequently visited a 
center for the blind interested in audio games.  I agreed.  So I 
took some games, copied onto a CD, to the center and was going to 
install them onto their computers that the people were allowed to 
use during the week and on Saturdays.  I was told that I could not 
do that because these were computers for business! use! only!  I 
asked how these people are going to get interested in games that 
they cannot try out?  The answer was, "Well, don't you have them on 
your computer?  You could bring your computer here, play the games 
while explaining what you're doing, then invite them to your house 
instead of having them come here on a Saturday, couldn't you?"  My 
answer, in great disgust, was a flat! out! no!  It really made me 
disgusted, because the man that ran the center was totally blind 
himself.  He would not install any games on his computer, either, 
because it, too was supposedly for business only.

Laughter is the best medicine, so look around, find a dose and take 
it to heart.

- Original Message - From: "Jim Kitchen" 
To: "Thomas Ward" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

Hi Thomas,

I have talked with people who told me that they had been told that 
since BSVI bought their computer that they were not allowed to put 
games on it. So it may not be the individuals but some of the rehab 
people telling them such things.  But I do know of other rehab 
councilors that put my games on the clients computers.



Don't ever argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to 
tell the difference.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] Quentins playroom documentation?

2011-04-28 Thread shaun everiss

the docs are on the web for each game there is help within each game.
At 07:50 a.m. 29/04/2011, you wrote:


I downloaded the playroom installer and created an account, but I 
can't find any documentation of the games which are playable in the 
playroom. All there is is a textfile with general keystrokes for the 
playroom and a webadress, but when I try to go on the site mentioned 
in the readme it gives me a 404 not found error.
Can someone please give me the correct webadress for the game 
documentations please?

Thanks and best regards

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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread shaun everiss

well I have an aunt who is not comfortable with a cane.
She recons it can trip people up.
That it needs watching etc, and that its not my right to take the 
entire path when I walk, etc, etc.
Ofcause with that person I don't use the cane, mainly because I don't 
want that type of argument all day thanks vary much.
But its interesting what opinion people take, I walked with my cane 
and my grandpa, on the beech, a guy with his dog chatted with me 
because he saw my cane.

Yet people that saw my cane as a menace wouldn't think of that.
At 06:33 a.m. 29/04/2011, you wrote:

Hi Dark,

Ah, but I think you already know the answer to that. Someone might
make a case something as basic as a wheelchair or white cane is a
necessary item for day to day travel, not only for your personal
safety, but for basic mobility. Something like game x is not necessary
and they'd accuse you of comparing apples to oranges here. In any case
you know how people are. When it comes to religion, politics, or
certain misguided ideas sometimes you will just go round and round in
circles debating the issue. A person convinced against their will is
of the same opinion still.


On 4/28/11, dark  wrote:
> Hi tom.
> I was thinking about this issue, and one question to ask people 
did occur to

> me.
> Say you were paraplegic and a state agency bought you a wheel chair.
> Would you effectively not use that chair to go anywhere fun just 
because the

> state bought it for you?
> There are lots of similar cases you might be able to come up with.
> my view is so long as your not actually charging the state extra cash for
> your recreation that's fine!
> Pluss of course, once something is bought and paid for, you own it!
> Part of my original student grant bought me a cane which I needed to walk
> around uni and go to lectures with.
> Should I have left that cane at home if I was going anywhere not work
> related?
> Beware the Grue!
> Dark.
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Re: [Audyssey] protection for games

2011-04-28 Thread shaun everiss
well there was a piracy thread on the audiogames forum which I posted 
my thoughts.

I have been at both ends of the scale, legal and otherwise.
The simple username/key will work.
Ok this gets shared round, but its easy for users.
The other is to have online or whatever but have insentives not to 
share a key, crack it, or whatever that even once you have it will 
get you some benifits or something I don't know.

At 08:36 p.m. 28/04/2011, you wrote:

Hi Ken,

Well, there are a number of methods for adding product security to a
game or similar product and it all depends on how fanatical you are
about anti-piracy schemes.  If you want to do something like GMA does
they base the product key off the CPU and other hardware in the
physical machine which than can be converted into a hardware specific
product key.

That said, I personally hate this type of product security scheme for
the fact if you ever buy a new computer you have to get a new license
key, if something like a motherboard or CPU needs replaced you have to
get a new license key, and as a developer you will find you'll have to
replace those keys rather frequently for those reasons. To top it all
off its not as secure as its cracked up to be. Sure it will keep the
legal and inexperienced crackers away, but someone who is determined
enough will always bypass the security. I've already heard of
cracked/pirated copies of Shades of Doom, Tank Commander, etc floating
around the net so there is someone out there who already knows how to
bypass that security. In the more general Mmarket Windows Vista was
suppose to shipt with an all new anti-piracy scheme that was suppose
to be nearly unbreakable so Microsoft said. A week after Vista hit
shelves there were a number of pirated copies and quick and easy
cracks available. Bottom line hardware based security doesn't work,
and it just adds mor time, trouble, and expense for the developer and
legal customer alike.


On 4/27/11, The Addictor  wrote:
> I am looking for a way to protect Phrase Madness the way GMA games protects
> their stuff.  Does anybody know it's done?  I thought of 
generating a random

> number and putting it in the registry, then writing an algorithm to combine
> the number with a name to get a key, but it seems people could easily find
> the number and share it with friends.  In all, a pretty weak protection
> system.  Any thoughts?Ken Downey
> The Addictor
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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of audio games

2011-04-28 Thread Che
not to mention, its been shown time and again, an active mind is a healthy 
mind, and games challenge the mind as well as the reflexes.
 some folks will never view interactive games as more than a waste of time 
of course, but many of these same people will sit and watch television and 
gossip on the phone for hours on end. at least with video games, your mind 
is being used for more than absorbing a laugh track or running down the 

-Original Message- 
From: Charles Rivard

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 8:47 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] The importance of audio games

Games can actually be educational.  Get someone playing a game, and they
learn keyboard commands and tasks without realizing they are learning what
they couldn't grasp before learning the game.

Laughter is the best medicine, so look around, find a dose and take it to
- Original Message - 
From: "dark" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 5:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

well tom if it actually involved getting the state to pay for game X I'd 
agree, however it would seem as silly to me not! to use the computer to 
it's full potential inside and outside work really, but your right, some 
people just can't get away from certain ideas.

Beware the grue!

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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread shaun everiss

well my dad says the computer is for work.
I have a player on here, yes games for when I am not working, in the 
player I can play music for whatever on whatever I like so its for both.
Its also fair to say that games have been in the dos system since 
qbasic and probably gwbasic existed there will always be games in the os.

I havn't known an os not to have games in it.
Its all what portion has what.
A small portion of my drives have games and   programs.
There is a medium ammount of podcasts, dramas and books but most is music.
I always get all round systems though because of their stability seem 
to go for business systems to run my stuff on.

At 01:51 a.m. 29/04/2011, you wrote:
True tom, and this is another reason I'm so anxious to make people 
know that more than just azabat exist.

The "computer is just for work" thing is actually an interesting, 
and rather depressing, one.

I myself actually went through a similar notion when I first got my 
laptop provided by my student grant to do my degree with. In my case 
it wasn't based upon a moral idea, but on an assumption I had.

I'd obviously played console games for years, and while I knew pc 
games existed, I assumed most were modern hyper graphical affairs 
which I myself would find unplayable.

I'd only ever used my computer to essentially do word processing at 
school, so the idea of playing even textual games was one that 
simply hadn't occurred to me, in my brain computers and school work 
were sort of absolutely associated with each other.

if I wanted to play a game, i needed a console.

it wasn't until I heard of the's "games to play 
online" page that I started thinking that I could actually have some 
fun with my computer.

interestingly enough though, it was this that also got me playing 
around with computers and with the net, and trying to work out how 
to do things, and these are skills I've needed.

For instance, many online brouser games require use of complex page 
navigation. When i read spinoza online, there were so many 
references, footnotes and goodness knows what the page was cluttered 
as heck. If I hadn't been used at that point to using all of Hal's 
read page commands on a webpage, i could've been rather confused indeed!

There is currently a copy of my thesis saved on sendspace in case I 
had a fire. however had I not played games, I'd have never heard 
about file sharing and never had this idea to use it as a backup.

But nobody is going to sit there and practice ways in their spare 
time of learning how to do their work better, and even if a person 
has training, the training won't teach them to start experimenting 
and trying different things out, nor will they be inclined to do so 
in their spare time.

If computers were just for work, why do operating systems come with 
preinstalled games like hearts, solitare, pinball etc?

On a moral level, there are certainly cases of people I've heard of 
who screw over the equipment system to try and get what they want out of it.

The r09 digital recorder I used to make podcasts and such was 
actually provided by my student grant, and what I use it mostly for 
is to have people read me gernal articals which I can then record.

Because however I knew I'd be using the recorder for fun, I found 
the price of the olympus mono voice recorder which would've served 
exactly my needs for my phd, but would've been no good in terms of 
making podcasts etc, got my grant to pay that and paid the extra 70 
quid or so for the r09 with it's sterrio mikes myself.

So I do have sympathy for this position as it ultimately comes out 
of a sense of fairness.

However, while I do agree it would be wrong to have a computer 
bought "just" to play games on, so long as the state are not 
expected to pay more for your recreation, why not?

does everyone in business delete all games from their operating 
system? heck, I've regularly seen very professional business type 
people on trains doing crosswords in the papers.

While I do agree the state has no financial obligation to let you 
play games, once the computer is bought, the money is spent and the 
state's obligation is pretty much over and done with.

the equipment is now yours to use for whatever, so long as the state 
isn't paying more money. What you do with your computer outside work 
is only your business,  you might as well ask all those people 
who sit on trains why their not working and why they're doing 
crosswords in "work" time.

this is generally one of the largest differences I've noticed in the 
atitudes of disabled people. Because a computer is provided for work 
and training is focused that way, either there is a moral idea, or 
as in my case just an assumption, tht you don't do anything else with it.

That's also why people fail to practice skills, sinse quite 
obviously you'll learn to do, and practice something a good bit more 
if your doing it for fun as well as work.

Beware the Grue!

Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread shaun everiss

well It was for a while.
Just like norton was the best software.
But it all went down hill sort of.
No one is the best now in this reguard.
all readers have the same features.
jaws has been round the longest and is recognised and recomended by 
most orgs and others as the standard which it is because it was the first.
I should mention that I am extremely bias having only met about 3 
others like myself in my life well 5.

All of these bar 1 were in not the best situations.
Though its fair to say the org I run with is still quite good, it has 
shifted some what from the old days but then everything has to shift 
and I can't really blame it.
Its still not like the rnib but then its all  opinion and I have 
never got anything from them bar books.
I have just had bad experiencees with various agencies in the past so 
I am more to the against point of view than for.

At 08:00 p.m. 28/04/2011, you wrote:

Hi Shaun,

You know, that's about the most insulting comment I've heard from you
in a while. We should not be putting our fellow blind brothers/sisters
down for belonging to an institution or being unaware of what
alternatives their are. The entire point Dark was trying to make about
the RNIB and other organizations like them is that they don't often
make their clients aware of what is available to them regardless if
they fit the stereotypical view or not.

For instance, back in the mid 1990's when I started really loosing my
sight BSVI enrolled me in a technology training program to be shown
things like Jaws, Openbook, braille displays, and things like that. I
remember clearly asking my trainer if there were any other screen
readers besides Jaws and he replied that there were other screen
readers but none of them were very good. Jaws was the only one that
was any good, and why BSVI recommended it to their clients. So I
believed him, and took his statement as fact.

Well fast foward to a couple years later. I am now taking a class in
C++, and I had to use Borland's Turbo C++ for class. I could not get
Jaws for Dos to work properly with the C++ compiler. I was on a campis
wide broadband connection so decided to check out other screen readers
like Vocal-Eyes, ASAP, etc. Turns out that Vocal-Eyes worked with
Borland C++ where Jaws for Dos wouldn't. Plus since Vocal-Eyes was
easier to customize than Jaws, no need to write scripts to configure
it for an app, I managed to get through my course using a screen
reader other than Jaws. That lead me to downloadand try everything
from Window-Eyes to ASAW and see if my recommendation from the experts
were true. Fact is the experts were flat out wrong. Today I am now a
happy Window-Eyes user, and I rarely if ever use Jaws.

However, my point is the same as Dark's. I was caught up in the
institutional line, was sold on the idea Jaws is the absolute best,
and that wasn't necessarily true. In fact, today with Window-Eyes and
Hal becoming equal to and sometimes better than Jaws that's definitely
not true. I wouldn't have known that or had reason to look elsewhere
if it hadn't been for an app I couldn't get Jaws to use, and decided
on a whim to try something else and see if it works. I was certainly
not to blame for not knowing any better, and in a sense I was lied to.
This is what the RNIB etc are doing evrytime they give deference to
someone like Azabat without at least representing other game companies
games too. Laughing at our fellow blind brothers/sisters for their
ignorance of such things really shows how immature you are.


On 4/27/11, shaun everiss  wrote:
> well I know for a fact that we have better stuff like as a bat.
> Its disgusting that an org caters for the poor blind stereo type.
> Not only that but inferior titles really since simular games, like
> kitchensinc are out.
> Then there is the rsgames client and quentin c playroom for online play.
> These are free and hello! better than that or something I don't know
> because I don't play as a poor blind persons games.
> My suggestion is to let well alone.
> They want to cater for the poor blind, let them, there are plenty of
> poor blind people that want to be poor blind.
> And since they can't see anything bar the poor blind the rest of
> us  can laugh about their sillyness and they won't even give a screw.
> And they won't change.

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Re: [Audyssey] quentinc play room problem

2011-04-28 Thread Brandon Misch

On Apr 29, 2011, at 12:08 AM, michael barnes wrote:

> Hey, I went to and all I got was some strangh voice.
> None of the text was in english.  Could someone please give me the correct 
> website?
> Thanks.
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[Audyssey] quentinc play room problem

2011-04-28 Thread michael barnes

Hey, I went to and all I got was some strangh voice.
None of the text was in english.  Could someone please give me the 
correct website?


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Re: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

2011-04-28 Thread Charles Rivard
Notice how the author of this Email switched from the past to the present or 
future?  Even at the very beginning, questions arise:

bavisoft was a fair enterprise, committed towards the development of high
quality computer games for the blind.

Question:  Was??  You mean that they no longer are??

we received a rather fabulous feedbacks regarding the both games we have
certainly, we had plans for the future.

Question:  A rather fabulous feedbacks??  Would that be singular?, or 
plural.  And that's just for starters.  The very first thought I had was 
that I am reading something on a hijacked site, done by someone in a foreign 
country who isn't taking care to hide the fact that this is a phony.  JMO, 

Laughter is the best medicine, so look around, find a dose and take it to 
- Original Message - 
From: "bryant walker" 

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 11:07 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

Hello everyone
Recently on the audiogames forum there was a message from an audiogamer 
who recently sent a message to bavisoft and he actually got a reply. But 
judging from the many gramatical errors in the email message, i'm begining 
to think this may not be bavisoft that actually replyed. I'm begining to 
also wonder if someone has taken over there company.
ANyway, the email is below for those of you who want to read it. Feel free 
to leave your thoughts in this topic. But if this is indeed bavisoft, 
well, we at least know they are alive. Note again, this email was not 
directed to me, but to someone else.

hi sid.
we have read your email and would not like to say anything much.
bavisoft was a fair enterprise, commited towards the development of high 
quality computer games for the blind.
we received a rather favulous feedbacks regarding the both games we have 

certainly, we had plans for the future.

so initially, we started as a rather fine business, managing to get enough 
proffits to meet the costs involved in the process of development.

in addition, we had also drawn certain plans for the future about 
development of new games and continution of old or existing games .

with the progressing years, our potential kept falling down, plus we had 
to face a lot of extreme financial,  residential, and social crisis.

for sure, that was a period of uncertainty, for all of us in fact, but we 
couldn't do anything when we find ourselves burried in a really outragious 

of troubles, through wich, it was almost impossible to get out of it.

as the time advanced, our managing system kept falling like a soap from 
wett hands.

around the time in mid-2010, the things had totally gone out of hands.

so finally, we had to give up, i hope that we will soon get rid of all the 
crisis that we have to face around.

as for the concern, bavisoft may seem to be currently absorved below in 
the heaps of marshes, but one day, it will surely be on the top audio 
games development.

we know that what exactly a newer audiogamer feels when they are 
discouraged from trying our games,

but in that case, nothing much could be done right at this moment.

we are still recovering from all these crisis, but we promise to release 
chillingham2, and a few more titles in the audiogaming industry, in the 
later coming


the bavisoft team

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Re: [Audyssey] can't make account: was Re: Quentins playroomdocumentation?

2011-04-28 Thread The Addictor
Let me specify.  I push the make account button, and Internet Exploder pops 
up.  There is no address in the address bar, and it just says connecting... 
That's all it does.  It never goes beyond that.

Ken Downey
The Addictor

- Original Message - 
From: "The Addictor" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 9:41 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] can't make account: was Re: Quentins 

I couldn't even get as far as making an account
Ken Downey
The Addictor

- Original Message - 
From: "René Linke" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Quentins playroom documentation?

On 4/28/2011 9:50 PM, Sarah Haake wrote:

I downloaded the playroom installer and created an account, but I can't
find any documentation of the games which are playable in the playroom.
All there is is a textfile with general keystrokes for the playroom and
a webadress, but when I try to go on the site mentioned in the readme it
gives me a 404 not found error.
Can someone please give me the correct webadress for the game
documentations please?

No, not text files separately. Press after logging in of QuentinC's
PlayRoom the F1 key ofrom the mainmenu. There're some a list of all
hotkeys and further instructions to control the client.
After create a playroom and you have selected a game you wanna play,
here you can hit the F1 key again for reading that game instruction.

With the Tab key you can toggle between the read-only text window and
the action list.


Best regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] games on a business PC - Re: The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread Bryan Peterson
It's like I said. I put games on the first and only Laptop the Commission 
bought me within days after receiving it. And i still managed to ace both 
English courses.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: "Charles Rivard" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 7:39 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] games on a business PC - Re: The importance of patronage

Used to be?  You don't break ridiculous nonsensical rules anymore?  How 
disappointing.  Even now, I would do it unless the game is still in the 
beta sage.

Laughter is the best medicine, so look around, find a dose and take it to 
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

Hi Jim,

Interesting. That could always be. Perhaps some rehab counselors have
some opinion that their clients should not put games on their
machines. That's an attitude that is rediculous since they aren't
hurting anything by being there, and as has been stated that doesn't
stop the client from scanning books, using Office, or anything else
that needs to get done for college, work, etc.

Of course, if my counselor had told me something like that I'd have
gone and done it anyway. My opinion use to be "rules are made for
breaking," and I broke a lot of them growing up. Lol!

On 4/28/11, Jim Kitchen  wrote:

Hi Thomas,

I have talked with people who told me that they had been told that since
BSVI bought their computer that they were not allowed to put games on 
So it may not be the individuals but some of the rehab people telling 
such things.  But I do know of other rehab councilors that put my games 

the clients computers.



Don't ever argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell 


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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread Jacob Kruger
Do these guys know that windows itself, standardly comes with some games - 
that we generally can't play on things like older versions of windows 
anyway, but I've in the past asked some people if they're arguing with Bill 

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

- Original Message - 
From: "Charles Rivard" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 3:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

I was asked to try to get some blind people who frequently visited a center 
for the blind interested in audio games.  I agreed.  So I took some games, 
copied onto a CD, to the center and was going to install them onto their 
computers that the people were allowed to use during the week and on 
Saturdays.  I was told that I could not do that because these were 
computers for business! use! only!  I asked how these people are going to 
get interested in games that they cannot try out?  The answer was, "Well, 
don't you have them on your computer?  You could bring your computer here, 
play the games while explaining what you're doing, then invite them to your 
house instead of having them come here on a Saturday, couldn't you?"  My 
answer, in great disgust, was a flat! out! no!  It really made me 
disgusted, because the man that ran the center was totally blind himself. 
He would not install any games on his computer, either, because it, too was 
supposedly for business only.

Laughter is the best medicine, so look around, find a dose and take it to 
- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Kitchen" 

To: "Thomas Ward" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

Hi Thomas,

I have talked with people who told me that they had been told that since 
BSVI bought their computer that they were not allowed to put games on it. 
So it may not be the individuals but some of the rehab people telling 
them such things.  But I do know of other rehab councilors that put my 
games on the clients computers.



Don't ever argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell 
the difference.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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[Audyssey] The importance of audio games

2011-04-28 Thread Charles Rivard
Games can actually be educational.  Get someone playing a game, and they 
learn keyboard commands and tasks without realizing they are learning what 
they couldn't grasp before learning the game.

Laughter is the best medicine, so look around, find a dose and take it to 
- Original Message - 
From: "dark" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 5:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

well tom if it actually involved getting the state to pay for game X I'd 
agree, however it would seem as silly to me not! to use the computer to 
it's full potential inside and outside work really, but your right, some 
people just can't get away from certain ideas.

Beware the grue!

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Re: [Audyssey] games on a business PC - Re: The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles,

Well, let me amend my statement. I still break rules I don't agree
with, but I'm more selective with the ones I choose to break. I don't
break rules just for breaking them, but usually have some compelling
reason for doing so. Usually it has to do with some rule that is
either rimpractical or non-sensical.

For example, BSVI or someone purchases a laptop primarily for
business/company use. I'll certainly use it for that purpose, but I
wouldn't have any second thoughts about dropping a few games on their
as well in case I want to play them while traveling, on a break, etc.
The rule that I wouldn't be allowed to play games on that system
wouldn't make any sense to me since I can do both quite easily, and if
they don't want those games on their when I return it that's what the
uninstall option is for. I can just as easily remove those games
without having a lot of my own stuff on their if I have to return it.

On 4/28/11, Charles Rivard  wrote:
> Used to be?  You don't break ridiculous nonsensical rules anymore?  How
> disappointing.  Even now, I would do it unless the game is still in the beta
> sage.
> ---
> Laughter is the best medicine, so look around, find a dose and take it to
> heart.

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Re: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

2011-04-28 Thread Alfredo_The_Music_maker
Well it is not the spelling except for those miscapitalized I's but I 
think the phrasing was too looked over and whoever sent it did not 
proofread their! messages!

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[Audyssey] can't make account: was Re: Quentins playroom documentation?

2011-04-28 Thread The Addictor

I couldn't even get as far as making an account
Ken Downey
The Addictor

- Original Message - 
From: "René Linke" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Quentins playroom documentation?

On 4/28/2011 9:50 PM, Sarah Haake wrote:

I downloaded the playroom installer and created an account, but I can't
find any documentation of the games which are playable in the playroom.
All there is is a textfile with general keystrokes for the playroom and
a webadress, but when I try to go on the site mentioned in the readme it
gives me a 404 not found error.
Can someone please give me the correct webadress for the game
documentations please?

No, not text files separately. Press after logging in of QuentinC's
PlayRoom the F1 key ofrom the mainmenu. There're some a list of all
hotkeys and further instructions to control the client.
After create a playroom and you have selected a game you wanna play,
here you can hit the F1 key again for reading that game instruction.

With the Tab key you can toggle between the read-only text window and
the action list.


Best regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

2011-04-28 Thread Alfredo_The_Music_maker
The message was worded nicely, the only error I see is that they did not 
capitalize their I when they said I am sure.

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[Audyssey] games on a business PC - Re: The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread Charles Rivard
Used to be?  You don't break ridiculous nonsensical rules anymore?  How 
disappointing.  Even now, I would do it unless the game is still in the beta 

Laughter is the best medicine, so look around, find a dose and take it to 
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

Hi Jim,

Interesting. That could always be. Perhaps some rehab counselors have
some opinion that their clients should not put games on their
machines. That's an attitude that is rediculous since they aren't
hurting anything by being there, and as has been stated that doesn't
stop the client from scanning books, using Office, or anything else
that needs to get done for college, work, etc.

Of course, if my counselor had told me something like that I'd have
gone and done it anyway. My opinion use to be "rules are made for
breaking," and I broke a lot of them growing up. Lol!

On 4/28/11, Jim Kitchen  wrote:

Hi Thomas,

I have talked with people who told me that they had been told that since
BSVI bought their computer that they were not allowed to put games on it.
So it may not be the individuals but some of the rehab people telling 
such things.  But I do know of other rehab councilors that put my games 

the clients computers.



Don't ever argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell 


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Re: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

2011-04-28 Thread The Addictor

Oh my!  Hahahaha!  Oh my sides ache!  Thanks for the laugh Roflol
Ken Downey
The Addictor

- Original Message - 
From: "bryant walker" 

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 12:07 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

Hello everyone
Recently on the audiogames forum there was a message from an audiogamer 
who recently sent a message to bavisoft and he actually got a reply. But 
judging from the many gramatical errors in the email message, i'm begining 
to think this may not be bavisoft that actually replyed. I'm begining to 
also wonder if someone has taken over there company.
ANyway, the email is below for those of you who want to read it. Feel free 
to leave your thoughts in this topic. But if this is indeed bavisoft, 
well, we at least know they are alive. Note again, this email was not 
directed to me, but to someone else.

hi sid.
we have read your email and would not like to say anything much.
bavisoft was a fair enterprise, commited towards the development of high 
quality computer games for the blind.
we received a rather favulous feedbacks regarding the both games we have 

certainly, we had plans for the future.

so initially, we started as a rather fine business, managing to get enough 
proffits to meet the costs involved in the process of development.

in addition, we had also drawn certain plans for the future about 
development of new games and continution of old or existing games .

with the progressing years, our potential kept falling down, plus we had 
to face a lot of extreme financial,  residential, and social crisis.

for sure, that was a period of uncertainty, for all of us in fact, but we 
couldn't do anything when we find ourselves burried in a really outragious 

of troubles, through wich, it was almost impossible to get out of it.

as the time advanced, our managing system kept falling like a soap from 
wett hands.

around the time in mid-2010, the things had totally gone out of hands.

so finally, we had to give up, i hope that we will soon get rid of all the 
crisis that we have to face around.

as for the concern, bavisoft may seem to be currently absorved below in 
the heaps of marshes, but one day, it will surely be on the top audio 
games development.

we know that what exactly a newer audiogamer feels when they are 
discouraged from trying our games,

but in that case, nothing much could be done right at this moment.

we are still recovering from all these crisis, but we promise to release 
chillingham2, and a few more titles in the audiogaming industry, in the 
later coming


the bavisoft team

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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread Charles Rivard
I was asked to try to get some blind people who frequently visited a center 
for the blind interested in audio games.  I agreed.  So I took some games, 
copied onto a CD, to the center and was going to install them onto their 
computers that the people were allowed to use during the week and on 
Saturdays.  I was told that I could not do that because these were computers 
for business! use! only!  I asked how these people are going to get 
interested in games that they cannot try out?  The answer was, "Well, don't 
you have them on your computer?  You could bring your computer here, play 
the games while explaining what you're doing, then invite them to your house 
instead of having them come here on a Saturday, couldn't you?"  My answer, 
in great disgust, was a flat! out! no!  It really made me disgusted, because 
the man that ran the center was totally blind himself.  He would not install 
any games on his computer, either, because it, too was supposedly for 
business only.

Laughter is the best medicine, so look around, find a dose and take it to 
- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Kitchen" 

To: "Thomas Ward" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

Hi Thomas,

I have talked with people who told me that they had been told that since 
BSVI bought their computer that they were not allowed to put games on it. 
So it may not be the individuals but some of the rehab people telling them 
such things.  But I do know of other rehab councilors that put my games on 
the clients computers.



Don't ever argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell 
the difference.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] protection for games

2011-04-28 Thread The Addictor
Yes, that's true, and some PDAs do not have wifi built in, at least the 
older ones like Pac Mate don't.

Ken Downey
The Addictor

- Original Message - 
From: "Pitermach" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 4:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] protection for games

while that'd work, ken is also porting this game to portable devices 
that'll frequently not be with in internet connectivity range. My pm 
definitely isn't most of the time.
- Original Message - 
From: "Dennis Towne" 
To: "The Addictor" ; "Gamers Discussion list" 

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 4:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] protection for games

In this day and age, I'd go with online authentication similar to how
Steam does their protection.  No internet connection?  No game.  It's
basically that simple.

__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus 
signature database 5266 (20100709) __

The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.

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Re: [Audyssey] Groom Hunter, Mysteries of the royal wedding.

2011-04-28 Thread Charles Rivard
Your message shows that there is actually someone more interested in the 
coverage of that wedding than I am!  Wow!

Laughter is the best medicine, so look around, find a dose and take it to 
- Original Message - 
From: "Lori Duncan" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Groom Hunter, Mysteries of the royal wedding.

Hi personally I'd rather pick out my own eyes and eat them raw than watch 
that wedding!  Or I might even go watch paint dry, that might be less 
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" 
To: "Milos Przic" ; "Gamers Discussion list" 

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 5:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Groom Hunter, Mysteries of the royal wedding.


Na. Just tell grandma to step down and let someone younger take over.
If she refuses then sword fight. Lol!

On 4/28/11, Milos Przic  wrote:

What is she supposed to do with the queen? Will it be a ceremonial
   The idea is cool, one of the best from the Games we'd like to play
collection. :)
  Milos Przic
skype: Milosh-hs

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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread dark
well tom if it actually involved getting the state to pay for game X I'd 
agree, however it would seem as silly to me not! to use the computer to it's 
full potential inside and outside work really, but your right, some people 
just can't get away from certain ideas.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] need some help with adrift

2011-04-28 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Orin,

Well, as for an accessible Adrift interpretor for Mac there is scare.
It seems to be universally accessible on all the major platforms it is
compiled for.

However, the Adrift Generator is a Windows only product. I've been
trying to find a non-Windows clone of the Adrift Generator, but
haven't found one. Only a few clones of the runner such as Rogue and

That said, a person can manually write taf files by hand since most of
it is just html type tags and a few Adrift commands. Although, I'm
pretty sure that's not the answer you were looking for.


On 4/28/11, Orin  wrote:
> I wonder, is there something like Adrift for Mac?  I want to create games
> and yes, even though Inform seems easy, it still feels like programming to
> me and there's rules to follow that I just can't remember at the moment.
> I think doing complex things like random events is easier in Adrift than
> Inform.
> Orin
> Twitter:
> Skype: orin1112
> On Apr 28, 2011, at 5:45 AM, Thomas Ward wrote:
>> Hi Florian,
>> Well, the problem with text scrolling off the screen is actually to do
>> with the game itself not with scare or the Adrift runner. There is a
>> tag developer is suppose to use to prevent this issue called the
>>  tag but some developers, especially those who use the Adrift
>> runner itself, often fail to do this. They usually assume you can
>> scroll using the mouse and tend to do that than properly tag the
>> message to stop before it scrolls off screen. So there isn't much we
>> can do but contact the developer and let him/her know that the text is
>> scrolling off screen and nicely ask him/her to update the game using
>> the  tag so only x number of lines are shown at a time.
>> As for Jaws scripting that's not something i can explain by e-mail.
>> Jaws has scripting classes you can take that will give you
>> professional training how to do that. I myself learned it on my own
>> just by looking at their scripts and figuring out how it works. Since
>> I was a computer science student at the time with some computer
>> programming experience behind me I was able to train myself. You may
>> or may not be able to do it the way I did it.
>> That said maybe you can try a simplar approach by using frames or
>> something like that. I did something similar in Window-Eyes by using a
>> user window that announces the text every time it changes on screen.
>> I'm pretty sure the Jaws frame manager has a similar functionality.
>> Cheers!
>> On 4/27/11, Florian-achtige  wrote:
>>> Hey,
>>> Sorry if this ends up wrong in the thread sorting ...I'm reading the
>>> group using digests so i can't directly reply to messages.
>>> ANyway,
>>> Thanks for that suggestion. I did use this program in the past once,
>>> but i saw that it sometimes ' scrolled too fast'  . Meaning, in my use
>>> of the program it sometimes happened i missed a big chunk of text if
>>> the output was longer than a certain number of lines. I don't know if
>>> that has to do with scare or with the command prompt itself, and if
>>> you have suggestions on how to fix it, kindly let me know.
>>> You mentioned having to write jaws scripts to make this behavior
>>> normal in adrift would one go about that? I've looked at jaws
>>> scripting briefly in the past but I'm curious. How'd one do it in this
>>> situation/
>>> Florian
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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles,

Right you are. Z'z'z'z'z'z'z'z'zap indeed. Lol!

Your extended zap reminds me a lot of back in junior high and high
school a friend and I use to write short stories on our BrailleN'
Speaks. Since we couldn't get authentic sounds for our audio books we
made them up by stringing long character strings together to get a
laser/phaser type sound, or a bunch of ats together to make a
machinegun sound like this. At at at at at at at at. It was quite fun.


On 4/28/11, Charles Rivard  wrote:
> Know what sometimes happens when you get your wires crossed?
> z'z'z'z'z'z'z'z'z'z'z'z'z'z'z'z'z'z'z'z'z'z'z'z'z'z'z'ap!
> ---
> Shepherds are the best beasts!

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Re: [Audyssey] Quentins playroom documentation?

2011-04-28 Thread Curt Taubert
Also you can do this if you want info about the games.  Go to a game in the 
play room, after you enter on the game of your choice, hit control f1 to get 
info about that game.
- Original Message - 
From: "Sarah Haake" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 2:50 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Quentins playroom documentation?


I downloaded the playroom installer and created an account, but I can't 
find any documentation of the games which are playable in the playroom. 
All there is is a textfile with general keystrokes for the playroom and a 
webadress, but when I try to go on the site mentioned in the readme it 
gives me a 404 not found error.
Can someone please give me the correct webadress for the game 
documentations please?

Thanks and best regards

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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Jim,

Interesting. That could always be. Perhaps some rehab counselors have
some opinion that their clients should not put games on their
machines. That's an attitude that is rediculous since they aren't
hurting anything by being there, and as has been stated that doesn't
stop the client from scanning books, using Office, or anything else
that needs to get done for college, work, etc.

Of course, if my counselor had told me something like that I'd have
gone and done it anyway. My opinion use to be "rules are made for
breaking," and I broke a lot of them growing up. Lol!

On 4/28/11, Jim Kitchen  wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> I have talked with people who told me that they had been told that since
> BSVI bought their computer that they were not allowed to put games on it.
> So it may not be the individuals but some of the rehab people telling them
> such things.  But I do know of other rehab councilors that put my games on
> the clients computers.
>  Jim
> Don't ever argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the
> difference.
> (440) 286-6920
> Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread Jim Kitchen

Hi Thomas,

I have talked with people who told me that they had been told that since BSVI 
bought their computer that they were not allowed to put games on it.  So it may 
not be the individuals but some of the rehab people telling them such things.  
But I do know of other rehab councilors that put my games on the clients 



Don't ever argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] Quentins playroom documentation?

2011-04-28 Thread Phil Vlasak

or click on this link,

- Original Message - 
From: "Brandon Misch" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Quentins playroom documentation?

keep trying. it works after a few times. it's

On Apr 28, 2011, at 3:50 PM, Sarah Haake wrote:


I downloaded the playroom installer and created an account, but I can't 
find any documentation of the games which are playable in the playroom. 
All there is is a textfile with general keystrokes for the playroom and a 
webadress, but when I try to go on the site mentioned in the readme it 
gives me a 404 not found error.
Can someone please give me the correct webadress for the game 
documentations please?

Thanks and best regards

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Re: [Audyssey] Playroom?

2011-04-28 Thread Imbar Golt

Better post it for anyone who might want it.


Ms Imbar Golt
- Original Message - 
From: "Harmony Neil" 

To: "'Gamers Discussion list'" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 11:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Playroom?

I don't have the URL, but I can send the English installer if you like in a
private e-mail, or even better, I think its on my public dropbox thing, so 

can just post the link up here for those who want it.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Imbar Golt
Sent: 28 April 2011 21:24
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] Playroom?


Is that a site?

If it is, can someone write the address please?


Ms Imbar Golt
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Re: [Audyssey] Playroom?

2011-04-28 Thread Harmony Neil
I don't have the URL, but I can send the English installer if you like in a
private e-mail, or even better, I think its on my public dropbox thing, so I
can just post the link up here for those who want it.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Imbar Golt
Sent: 28 April 2011 21:24
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: [Audyssey] Playroom?


Is that a site?

If it is, can someone write the address please?


Ms Imbar Golt
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Re: [Audyssey] Quentins playroom documentation?

2011-04-28 Thread Brandon Misch
keep trying. it works after a few times. it's

On Apr 28, 2011, at 3:50 PM, Sarah Haake wrote:

> Hi,
> I downloaded the playroom installer and created an account, but I can't find 
> any documentation of the games which are playable in the playroom. All there 
> is is a textfile with general keystrokes for the playroom and a webadress, 
> but when I try to go on the site mentioned in the readme it gives me a 404 
> not found error.
> Can someone please give me the correct webadress for the game documentations 
> please?
> Thanks and best regards
> Sarah 
> ---
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[Audyssey] Playroom?

2011-04-28 Thread Imbar Golt

Is that a site?

If it is, can someone write the address please?


Ms Imbar Golt
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Re: [Audyssey] Quentins playroom documentation?

2011-04-28 Thread René Linke
On 4/28/2011 9:50 PM, Sarah Haake wrote:
> I downloaded the playroom installer and created an account, but I can't
> find any documentation of the games which are playable in the playroom.
> All there is is a textfile with general keystrokes for the playroom and
> a webadress, but when I try to go on the site mentioned in the readme it
> gives me a 404 not found error.
> Can someone please give me the correct webadress for the game
> documentations please?

No, not text files separately. Press after logging in of QuentinC's
PlayRoom the F1 key ofrom the mainmenu. There're some a list of all
hotkeys and further instructions to control the client.
After create a playroom and you have selected a game you wanna play,
here you can hit the F1 key again for reading that game instruction.

With the Tab key you can toggle between the read-only text window and
the action list.


Best regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread Charles Rivard

Know what sometimes happens when you get your wires crossed?

Shepherds are the best beasts!
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

Hi Tom,

Oops! Sorry about that. Somehow I got my wires crossed.


On 4/28/11, Tom Randall  wrote:

Very well said Tom.  One minor correction I actually live in central
California not Canada.

Game on.


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Re: [Audyssey] Groom Hunter, Mysteries of the royal wedding.

2011-04-28 Thread Lori Duncan
Hi personally I'd rather pick out my own eyes and eat them raw than watch 
that wedding!  Or I might even go watch paint dry, that might be less 
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" 
To: "Milos Przic" ; "Gamers Discussion list" 

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 5:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Groom Hunter, Mysteries of the royal wedding.


Na. Just tell grandma to step down and let someone younger take over.
If she refuses then sword fight. Lol!

On 4/28/11, Milos Przic  wrote:

What is she supposed to do with the queen? Will it be a ceremonial
   The idea is cool, one of the best from the Games we'd like to play
collection. :)
  Milos Przic
skype: Milosh-hs

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[Audyssey] Quentins playroom documentation?

2011-04-28 Thread Sarah Haake


I downloaded the playroom installer and created an account, but I can't 
find any documentation of the games which are playable in the playroom. 
All there is is a textfile with general keystrokes for the playroom and 
a webadress, but when I try to go on the site mentioned in the readme it 
gives me a 404 not found error.
Can someone please give me the correct webadress for the game 
documentations please?

Thanks and best regards

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Re: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

2011-04-28 Thread michael barnes

Yeah. It would be great if we who want their games could some how get them.
Myself I would like to get their games.  But I am scare that if I order 
them I wouldn't get them.  It would be nice if there was away to get 
those games that the companyes are no longer around to contact.

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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Ah, but I think you already know the answer to that. Someone might
make a case something as basic as a wheelchair or white cane is a
necessary item for day to day travel, not only for your personal
safety, but for basic mobility. Something like game x is not necessary
and they'd accuse you of comparing apples to oranges here. In any case
you know how people are. When it comes to religion, politics, or
certain misguided ideas sometimes you will just go round and round in
circles debating the issue. A person convinced against their will is
of the same opinion still.


On 4/28/11, dark  wrote:
> Hi tom.
> I was thinking about this issue, and one question to ask people did occur to
> me.
> Say you were paraplegic and a state agency bought you a wheel chair.
> Would you effectively not use that chair to go anywhere fun just because the
> state bought it for you?
> There are lots of similar cases you might be able to come up with.
> my view is so long as your not actually charging the state extra cash for
> your recreation that's fine!
> Pluss of course, once something is bought and paid for, you own it!
> Part of my original student grant bought me a cane which I needed to walk
> around uni and go to lectures with.
> Should I have left that cane at home if I was going anywhere not work
> related?
> Beware the Grue!
> Dark.
> ---
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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Tom,

Oops! Sorry about that. Somehow I got my wires crossed.


On 4/28/11, Tom Randall  wrote:
> Very well said Tom.  One minor correction I actually live in central
> California not Canada.
> Game on.
> Tom

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Re: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

2011-04-28 Thread Sky Mundell
It's ashane that Bavisoft doesn't appear to be developing anymore games. I
just read the email recently and it appears that someone has indeed taken
over the company. There is the wild west level in Monkey business but that
is limited in what you can do you're there to catch run away monkeys. In
that level the sheriff will at least give you an award and you can shoot
down the towns bad boy. Two years ago dracomess  was developing a new game
called silver dollar and I think that was going to replace Grizzly Gulch

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of bryant walker
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 9:07 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

Hello everyone
Recently on the audiogames forum there was a message from an audiogamer who
recently sent a message to bavisoft and he actually got a reply. But judging
from the many gramatical errors in the email message, i'm begining to think
this may not be bavisoft that actually replyed. I'm begining to also wonder
if someone has taken over there company.
ANyway, the email is below for those of you who want to read it. Feel free
to leave your thoughts in this topic. But if this is indeed bavisoft, well,
we at least know they are alive. Note again, this email was not directed to
me, but to someone else.

hi sid. 
we have read your email and would not like to say anything much.
bavisoft was a fair enterprise, commited towards the development of high
quality computer games for the blind.
we received a rather favulous feedbacks regarding the both games we have
certainly, we had plans for the future.

so initially, we started as a rather fine business, managing to get enough
proffits to meet the costs involved in the process of development.

in addition, we had also drawn certain plans for the future about
development of new games and continution of old or existing games .

with the progressing years, our potential kept falling down, plus we had to
face a lot of extreme financial,  residential, and social crisis.

for sure, that was a period of uncertainty, for all of us in fact, but we
couldn't do anything when we find ourselves burried in a really outragious
of troubles, through wich, it was almost impossible to get out of it.

as the time advanced, our managing system kept falling like a soap from wett

around the time in mid-2010, the things had totally gone out of hands.

so finally, we had to give up, i hope that we will soon get rid of all the
crisis that we have to face around.

as for the concern, bavisoft may seem to be currently absorved below in the
heaps of marshes, but one day, it will surely be on the top audio games

we know that what exactly a newer audiogamer feels when they are discouraged
from trying our games, 
but in that case, nothing much could be done right at this moment.

we are still recovering from all these crisis, but we promise to release
chillingham2, and a few more titles in the audiogaming industry, in the
later coming

the bavisoft team
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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread Tom Randall
Hi Dark.

Myself I was mainstreamed during all my grade school and high school and I
pretty much didn't know any other blind kids I just ran around with the
sighted kids and didn't think anything of it.  I had good light perception
so I actually did not start to learn to navigate with a cane until the sixth
grade and didn't start really needing to use it until high school when my
light perception started to gradually go away.  It wasn't until I started
college that I started gradually hanging out with more blind people although
the majority of my friends were still sighted.  For the most part those of
us who were going to college were the pretty independent sort although I've
certainly met my share of the ones that you describe.  And yes I agree with
you that they give the sighted world, which whether we like it or not which
most of the time I like it just fine is the world we live in, have a pretty
crummy opinion of us.  There are other words I could use but I'm keeping my
language polite.  Anyhow it's kind of funny I now actually have at least as
many if not more blind friends/acquaintances than sighted ones.  Partly this
is of course due to where I work, and it is probably also due to the fact
that I'm long since out of college and have unfortunately lost touch with
most of my old college chums.

Anyhow, I realize this is starting to stray pretty far from the topic of
gaming but it is a fascinating discussion in my opinion so if you wish to
continue it off-list that would be cool with me, I realize that probably not
everyone is interested in this.

Well that's about all for now, I need to go make fresh food for Xena our
female green iguana.  Oh gods below!  That will require me to work with food
processors and sharp knives!  Let's hope I don't cut all my fingers off,
won't be much good for gaming if I do.

Game on.


-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of dark
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 7:12 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

Hi Tom.

well I must confess I don't associate particularly with younger blind people

in this country other than some I've met through this list or online 
precisely because they can become extremely cleaquey, have lacking or none 
existant social skills, fail to do things for themselves and regard anyone 
outside their group with suspicion.

For instance I know somebody who flat out was amazed at the idea of me 
making coffee "without!" a liquid level indicator, sinse the indicator won't

fit on the cafetieir I don't particularly have a choice, and when I 
mentioned how fond I was of my George forman they nearly went into fits at 
the idea of a blind person using something so dangerous!

I'll admit that I have something of a prejudice against this sort of blind! 
people myself, which actually comes from the two years I spent betwene 8 and

10 at a specialist school which was positively victorian (my teacher was a 
dead ringer for prof umbridge in the harry potter series).

the problem is this sort of thing can really cause problems with other 
people's atitudes. I was at the Aims music school a week ago which is a very

high standard teaching course for professional and semi professional 

i went last august so I now know people relatively well.

The odd thing is I did notice a bit of distance in some people's atitudes 
and this time I found out why. Apparently they had two blind girls attend 
previously who one of the ladies in charge described as "dire!"

they for instance complained bitterly at nont having an en sweet bathroom 
when in fact none of the rooms do, and when in fact the organizer had given 
them a room slap bang next to the bathroom.

She described them as tremendously rude, complaining if stuff wasn't done 
for them, yet getting very unpleasant if people offered to help with 

Then though she did note that sinse I was at university and had (she worked 
out), been to a "normal" school she assumed I was different.

I will confess this is the reason that outside this list and people I meet 
related to games, I actually don't have much to do with other blind people 
in the uk, sinse I always find myself feeling irritated at some of the 
atitudes involved.

Interestingly enough, my mum went through the specialist system and out the 
other side. she was told for instance in the 70's, when she finished school 
and was looking at university "typing, telephony or physio therapy"

that's why even though i attended a specialist school for two years I wasn't

a full time boarder there, and also why I've probably grown up with a rather

different atitude to some other people who have hereditory site conditions.

Also why I've ended up working on disability as my main research interest.

Beware the grue!


Gamers mailing list __
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Re: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

2011-04-28 Thread dark

I've sent a mail to the address used so we will see.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: "Bryan Peterson" 
To: "Charles Rivard" ; "Gamers Discussion list" 

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

That's pretty much what I thought. And the fact that this person 
"explained" him or herself and the supposed reasons for the lack of new 
developments. That's unlike Bavisoft as we've come to know them.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: "Charles Rivard" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

The language and spelling of this makes me think it's as phony as a $4 

Shepherds are the best beasts!
- Original Message - 
From: "bryant walker" 

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 11:07 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

Hello everyone
Recently on the audiogames forum there was a message from an audiogamer 
who recently sent a message to bavisoft and he actually got a reply. But 
judging from the many gramatical errors in the email message, i'm 
begining to think this may not be bavisoft that actually replyed. I'm 
begining to also wonder if someone has taken over there company.
ANyway, the email is below for those of you who want to read it. Feel 
free to leave your thoughts in this topic. But if this is indeed 
bavisoft, well, we at least know they are alive. Note again, this email 
was not directed to me, but to someone else.

hi sid.
we have read your email and would not like to say anything much.
bavisoft was a fair enterprise, commited towards the development of high 
quality computer games for the blind.
we received a rather favulous feedbacks regarding the both games we have 

certainly, we had plans for the future.

so initially, we started as a rather fine business, managing to get 
enough proffits to meet the costs involved in the process of 

in addition, we had also drawn certain plans for the future about 
development of new games and continution of old or existing games .

with the progressing years, our potential kept falling down, plus we had 
to face a lot of extreme financial,  residential, and social crisis.

for sure, that was a period of uncertainty, for all of us in fact, but 
we couldn't do anything when we find ourselves burried in a really 
outragious heap

of troubles, through wich, it was almost impossible to get out of it.

as the time advanced, our managing system kept falling like a soap from 
wett hands.

around the time in mid-2010, the things had totally gone out of hands.

so finally, we had to give up, i hope that we will soon get rid of all 
the crisis that we have to face around.

as for the concern, bavisoft may seem to be currently absorved below in 
the heaps of marshes, but one day, it will surely be on the top audio 
games development.

we know that what exactly a newer audiogamer feels when they are 
discouraged from trying our games,

but in that case, nothing much could be done right at this moment.

we are still recovering from all these crisis, but we promise to release 
chillingham2, and a few more titles in the audiogaming industry, in the 
later coming


the bavisoft team

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If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to gamers-unsubscr...@audysse

Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread dark

Hi tom.

I was thinking about this issue, and one question to ask people did occur to 

Say you were paraplegic and a state agency bought you a wheel chair.

Would you effectively not use that chair to go anywhere fun just because the 
state bought it for you?

There are lots of similar cases you might be able to come up with.

my view is so long as your not actually charging the state extra cash for 
your recreation that's fine!

Pluss of course, once something is bought and paid for, you own it!

Part of my original student grant bought me a cane which I needed to walk 
around uni and go to lectures with.

Should I have left that cane at home if I was going anywhere not work 

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread Tom Randall
Very well said Tom.  One minor correction I actually live in central
California not Canada.

Game on.


-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 12:32 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage


Yeah, I've met a few narrow minded individuals like that. I was at a blind
convention in Columbus one time, and I talked to a few other blind computer
users there about the fact that I write accessible games and their opinions
were a bit odd. One guy told me that since his computer was purchased by
BSVI, I.E. through the state, that it was to only be used for work and
nothing but work. Another common opinion I found, especially with older
blind computer users, was that games were for younger people. The other Tom
said earlier on list he has encountered this same opinion as well up in
Canada so it must be pretty common among our more senior members.  The thing
is even if you make some of these people aware of the existance of
accessible games not everyone is going to jump for it. There will be some
opinion like "my computer must only be used for work" or "games are only for
the young" that will determine their buying choices.

That said, though, my parents generation, the Baby Boomers, are now getting
up their in age. As Elenor's excellent article for 7-128 pointed out these
are the people with most of the buying power world wide. They are going to
start having health issues, especially vision loss, and the mainstream game
industry isn't prepared for this eventuality. The rest of us who are
creating accessible games will at least have a chance to get a real foot in
the door if we can make this segment of the population aware we exist.

We often forget that it was the Baby Boomers who were in their 30's when the
Atari 2600 and original Nintendo Entertainment System was introduced in the
1980's. Unlike their parents generation they played Donkey Kong, Packman,
Missile Command, Super Mario, and all the rest with their kids who are now
my age. So now that my parents are old enough to retire what kinds of games
are out there for them to play that isn't loded with complex 3d graphics,
and is fully accessible when their vision begins to go? What kinds of games
are available that harkens back to the games they know and love like
Packman, Space Invaders, Missile Command, Super Mario, Donkey Kong, Time
Pilot, Adventure Island, etc?

Well, we've obviously got some of that available right now. DynaMan is
basically an arcade game in the style of classic Packman. PCS Games Packman
Talks is another great remake for the blind. As for Space Invaders we have
Aliens in the Outback, Troopenum, Dark Destroyer, you name it.  Since we
already have some of the games they are likely to play it is rediculous that
places like the RNIB aren't making the Baby Boomer generation aware that
there are games on par with the games they knew 30 years ago.


On 4/27/11, shaun everiss  wrote:
> not to mention that some blind people refuse to play games in general 
> or associate with the wider community. One of these is a friend that 
> has quentin c because i have her the file but mostly plays with 
> rsgames clients. But thats it and only because people gave it to her 
> one day.

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Re: [Audyssey] Groom Hunter, Mysteries of the royal wedding.

2011-04-28 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Oh, yeah. Do tell. I'd be interested to know your opinions of the
royal family and why. Its interesting to see how you see them as
aposed to someone like myself who only knows them via television and
the world news.


On 4/28/11, dark  wrote:
> Well, sinse the queen lacks all emotion and is probably a robot, --- maybe
> short circuite her!
> You also missed out her having to cope with the prince being a git (I had a
> friend of mine share a tent with him on a military exercize, and apparently
> this is true, though given the members of the aristocracy I've met myself I
> find it quite believeable).
> Can you tell I'm not a fan of the British monarchy? ;D.
> Stil lovely idea for a game phil, I particularly like the idea of the
> fanfare band and their trumpets of doom!
> Beware the grue!
> Dark.

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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

I think you are absolutely right. I believe a lot of the "computer for
work" type attitude largely comes from a misguided sense of fairness
or responcibility. Especially, when the computer in question is
purchased by the state for a specific purpose like school or work. In
the mind of the user its their property not mine so better treat it
that way. Plus since all of the state training is geared that way its
no wonder some people get the notion that the computer should
primarily be their for work and not play.

The reason I say that is I have a very good friend I met in college
about 12 years ago, and he expressed a similar opinion. He had just
gotten his new computer, Jaws, etc from BSVI and I was all set to hook
him up with various accessible games. He surprised me with his
responce. He basically felt since that the computer equipment was
purchased through BSVI that it wasn't really his property, and since
it was purchased to help him with work that he shouldn't put games and
stuff like that on it. Maybe when he got his own computer he'd look at
getting accessible games. It wasn't so much the fact he didn't want
games, but a bit of misguided sense of responcibility that made him
treat the computer as the state's property rather than his own. In his
mind since BSVI actually paid for it then it wasn't his place to put
extra stuff like games on it. I wonder how many other blind computer
users have this opinion when recieving equipment via cherity, state
agency, etc.

However, you are right. Companies don't always delete the free games
from their computers. Maybe some do, but let's face it. Most of them
understand if the secretary is on break she has the right to pull up a
quick game of Hearts, Solitaire, whatever if she wants too. Having the
freedom to sit back an relax for 15 minutes is the entire point of 15
minute breaks. It doesn't matter weather the employee uses the rest
room, gets a cup of coffee from the break room, plays solitaire, as
long as the employee doesn't do those things during normal work time.
I think many VI computer users forget that fact. We all need a break
from the grind of day to day work, and the computer can be used for


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Re: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

2011-04-28 Thread Bryan Peterson

It's not that simple. People want to know.
We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: "william lomas" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

who cares just get games off others, forget them

On 28 Apr 2011, at 17:40, Bryan Peterson wrote:

That's pretty much what I thought. And the fact that this person 
"explained" him or herself and the supposed reasons for the lack of new 
developments. That's unlike Bavisoft as we've come to know them.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - From: "Charles Rivard" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

The language and spelling of this makes me think it's as phony as a $4 

Shepherds are the best beasts!
- Original Message - From: "bryant walker" 

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 11:07 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

Hello everyone
Recently on the audiogames forum there was a message from an audiogamer 
who recently sent a message to bavisoft and he actually got a reply. 
But judging from the many gramatical errors in the email message, i'm 
begining to think this may not be bavisoft that actually replyed. I'm 
begining to also wonder if someone has taken over there company.
ANyway, the email is below for those of you who want to read it. Feel 
free to leave your thoughts in this topic. But if this is indeed 
bavisoft, well, we at least know they are alive. Note again, this email 
was not directed to me, but to someone else.

hi sid.
we have read your email and would not like to say anything much.
bavisoft was a fair enterprise, commited towards the development of 
high quality computer games for the blind.
we received a rather favulous feedbacks regarding the both games we 
have created

certainly, we had plans for the future.

so initially, we started as a rather fine business, managing to get 
enough proffits to meet the costs involved in the process of 

in addition, we had also drawn certain plans for the future about 
development of new games and continution of old or existing games .

with the progressing years, our potential kept falling down, plus we 
had to face a lot of extreme financial,  residential, and social 

for sure, that was a period of uncertainty, for all of us in fact, but 
we couldn't do anything when we find ourselves burried in a really 
outragious heap

of troubles, through wich, it was almost impossible to get out of it.

as the time advanced, our managing system kept falling like a soap from 
wett hands.

around the time in mid-2010, the things had totally gone out of hands.

so finally, we had to give up, i hope that we will soon get rid of all 
the crisis that we have to face around.

as for the concern, bavisoft may seem to be currently absorved below in 
the heaps of marshes, but one day, it will surely be on the top audio 
games development.

we know that what exactly a newer audiogamer feels when they are 
discouraged from trying our games,

but in that case, nothing much could be done right at this moment.

we are still recovering from all these crisis, but we promise to 
release chillingham2, and a few more titles in the audiogaming 
industry, in the later coming


the bavisoft team

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please send E-mail to

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You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
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please send E-mail to

Gamers mailing list __ Gamers@au

Re: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

2011-04-28 Thread william lomas
who cares just get games off others, forget them

On 28 Apr 2011, at 17:40, Bryan Peterson wrote:

> That's pretty much what I thought. And the fact that this person "explained" 
> him or herself and the supposed reasons for the lack of new developments. 
> That's unlike Bavisoft as we've come to know them.
> We are the Knights who say...Ni!
> - Original Message - From: "Charles Rivard" 
> To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
> Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 10:34 AM
> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!
>> The language and spelling of this makes me think it's as phony as a $4 bill.
>> ---
>> Shepherds are the best beasts!
>> - Original Message - From: "bryant walker" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 11:07 AM
>> Subject: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!
>>> Hello everyone
>>> Recently on the audiogames forum there was a message from an audiogamer who 
>>> recently sent a message to bavisoft and he actually got a reply. But 
>>> judging from the many gramatical errors in the email message, i'm begining 
>>> to think this may not be bavisoft that actually replyed. I'm begining to 
>>> also wonder if someone has taken over there company.
>>> ANyway, the email is below for those of you who want to read it. Feel free 
>>> to leave your thoughts in this topic. But if this is indeed bavisoft, well, 
>>> we at least know they are alive. Note again, this email was not directed to 
>>> me, but to someone else.
>>> hi sid.
>>> we have read your email and would not like to say anything much.
>>> bavisoft was a fair enterprise, commited towards the development of high 
>>> quality computer games for the blind.
>>> we received a rather favulous feedbacks regarding the both games we have 
>>> created
>>> certainly, we had plans for the future.
>>> so initially, we started as a rather fine business, managing to get enough 
>>> proffits to meet the costs involved in the process of development.
>>> in addition, we had also drawn certain plans for the future about 
>>> development of new games and continution of old or existing games .
>>> with the progressing years, our potential kept falling down, plus we had to 
>>> face a lot of extreme financial,  residential, and social crisis.
>>> for sure, that was a period of uncertainty, for all of us in fact, but we 
>>> couldn't do anything when we find ourselves burried in a really outragious 
>>> heap
>>> of troubles, through wich, it was almost impossible to get out of it.
>>> as the time advanced, our managing system kept falling like a soap from 
>>> wett hands.
>>> around the time in mid-2010, the things had totally gone out of hands.
>>> so finally, we had to give up, i hope that we will soon get rid of all the 
>>> crisis that we have to face around.
>>> as for the concern, bavisoft may seem to be currently absorved below in the 
>>> heaps of marshes, but one day, it will surely be on the top audio games 
>>> development.
>>> we know that what exactly a newer audiogamer feels when they are 
>>> discouraged from trying our games,
>>> but in that case, nothing much could be done right at this moment.
>>> we are still recovering from all these crisis, but we promise to release 
>>> chillingham2, and a few more titles in the audiogaming industry, in the 
>>> later coming
>>> years.
>>> acknowledgements,
>>> the bavisoft team
>>> ---
>>> Gamers mailing list __
>>> If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 
>>> You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
>>> All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
>>> If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
>>> please send E-mail to
>> ---
>> Gamers mailing list __
>> If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 
>> You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
>> All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
>> If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
>> please send E-mail to 
> ---
> Gamers mailing list __
> If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
> You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
> All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
> If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
> please send E

Re: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

2011-04-28 Thread Bryan Peterson
That's pretty much what I thought. And the fact that this person "explained" 
him or herself and the supposed reasons for the lack of new developments. 
That's unlike Bavisoft as we've come to know them.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
- Original Message - 
From: "Charles Rivard" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

The language and spelling of this makes me think it's as phony as a $4 

Shepherds are the best beasts!
- Original Message - 
From: "bryant walker" 

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 11:07 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

Hello everyone
Recently on the audiogames forum there was a message from an audiogamer 
who recently sent a message to bavisoft and he actually got a reply. But 
judging from the many gramatical errors in the email message, i'm 
begining to think this may not be bavisoft that actually replyed. I'm 
begining to also wonder if someone has taken over there company.
ANyway, the email is below for those of you who want to read it. Feel 
free to leave your thoughts in this topic. But if this is indeed 
bavisoft, well, we at least know they are alive. Note again, this email 
was not directed to me, but to someone else.

hi sid.
we have read your email and would not like to say anything much.
bavisoft was a fair enterprise, commited towards the development of high 
quality computer games for the blind.
we received a rather favulous feedbacks regarding the both games we have 

certainly, we had plans for the future.

so initially, we started as a rather fine business, managing to get 
enough proffits to meet the costs involved in the process of development.

in addition, we had also drawn certain plans for the future about 
development of new games and continution of old or existing games .

with the progressing years, our potential kept falling down, plus we had 
to face a lot of extreme financial,  residential, and social crisis.

for sure, that was a period of uncertainty, for all of us in fact, but we 
couldn't do anything when we find ourselves burried in a really 
outragious heap

of troubles, through wich, it was almost impossible to get out of it.

as the time advanced, our managing system kept falling like a soap from 
wett hands.

around the time in mid-2010, the things had totally gone out of hands.

so finally, we had to give up, i hope that we will soon get rid of all 
the crisis that we have to face around.

as for the concern, bavisoft may seem to be currently absorved below in 
the heaps of marshes, but one day, it will surely be on the top audio 
games development.

we know that what exactly a newer audiogamer feels when they are 
discouraged from trying our games,

but in that case, nothing much could be done right at this moment.

we are still recovering from all these crisis, but we promise to release 
chillingham2, and a few more titles in the audiogaming industry, in the 
later coming


the bavisoft team

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Re: [Audyssey] Flight simulator

2011-04-28 Thread Tj Squires


it is possible for us to play some aspects of it.  We can't, for 
example, fly online with friends due to the lack of air trafic control.  
More out there than I would probably know if that is false, however.  I 
play it every now and again for the offline flights.

You will need a copy of flight simulator, no earlier than 2002, the 
FSUIPC program and it's your plane. has all the confiiguration details.

Keep in mind, though, this isn't actually a game in the sense of the 
word, but, a simulator.


TjOn 4/28/2011 6:26 AM, Bogdan Muresan wrote:

Hi all. A few mounths ago I heard some things about flight simulator. My 
question is: It is possible for blinds to play it, what programs I need and how 
to comfigure it?   Thanks!
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Re: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

2011-04-28 Thread Charles Rivard

The language and spelling of this makes me think it's as phony as a $4 bill.

Shepherds are the best beasts!
- Original Message - 
From: "bryant walker" 

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 11:07 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

Hello everyone
Recently on the audiogames forum there was a message from an audiogamer 
who recently sent a message to bavisoft and he actually got a reply. But 
judging from the many gramatical errors in the email message, i'm begining 
to think this may not be bavisoft that actually replyed. I'm begining to 
also wonder if someone has taken over there company.
ANyway, the email is below for those of you who want to read it. Feel free 
to leave your thoughts in this topic. But if this is indeed bavisoft, 
well, we at least know they are alive. Note again, this email was not 
directed to me, but to someone else.

hi sid.
we have read your email and would not like to say anything much.
bavisoft was a fair enterprise, commited towards the development of high 
quality computer games for the blind.
we received a rather favulous feedbacks regarding the both games we have 

certainly, we had plans for the future.

so initially, we started as a rather fine business, managing to get enough 
proffits to meet the costs involved in the process of development.

in addition, we had also drawn certain plans for the future about 
development of new games and continution of old or existing games .

with the progressing years, our potential kept falling down, plus we had 
to face a lot of extreme financial,  residential, and social crisis.

for sure, that was a period of uncertainty, for all of us in fact, but we 
couldn't do anything when we find ourselves burried in a really outragious 

of troubles, through wich, it was almost impossible to get out of it.

as the time advanced, our managing system kept falling like a soap from 
wett hands.

around the time in mid-2010, the things had totally gone out of hands.

so finally, we had to give up, i hope that we will soon get rid of all the 
crisis that we have to face around.

as for the concern, bavisoft may seem to be currently absorved below in 
the heaps of marshes, but one day, it will surely be on the top audio 
games development.

we know that what exactly a newer audiogamer feels when they are 
discouraged from trying our games,

but in that case, nothing much could be done right at this moment.

we are still recovering from all these crisis, but we promise to release 
chillingham2, and a few more titles in the audiogaming industry, in the 
later coming


the bavisoft team

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Re: [Audyssey] Groom Hunter, Mysteries of the royal wedding.

2011-04-28 Thread dark
Well, sinse the queen lacks all emotion and is probably a robot, --- maybe 
short circuite her!

You also missed out her having to cope with the prince being a git (I had a 
friend of mine share a tent with him on a military exercize, and apparently 
this is true, though given the members of the aristocracy I've met myself I 
find it quite believeable).

Can you tell I'm not a fan of the British monarchy? ;D.

Stil lovely idea for a game phil, I particularly like the idea of the 
fanfare band and their trumpets of doom!

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - 
From: "Phil Vlasak" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 3:55 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Groom Hunter, Mysteries of the royal wedding.

Games we'd like to play
by Phil Vlasak

Groom Hunter: Mysteries of the royal wedding.

In this fast action game, you Are Kate Middleton, a daring groom hunter,
willing to risk everything to find and merry the long time bachelor, 
Prince William of Wales.

Her mission will not be an easy one as she must start at the University of 
Saint Andrews,

first encountering the Prince.

In later levels she must continue to be friends, rekindling their 

Once she gets to the marriage announcement level,
she must design her coat of arms, pick from several Seating plans,
and decide where to put the Azalea, lilac and rhododendron flowers.

Along the way she will collect a huge oval sapphire engagement ring, try 
on dozens of wedding dresses,

and plan the decorations for the Abbey.

On the day of the wedding, she must avoid such traps  as the rainy Weather 
forecast, a bumpy Rolls-Royce  Phantom procession,

to finally make her way through the 20-foot trees adorning the aisle.

She will also encounter thousands of media representatives,
two choirs, the London Chamber Orchestra,  and a fanfare team  from the 
Central Band of the Royal Air Force performing the music.

If Catherine finally makes it to Westminster Abbey, she must face her 

challenge, coming face to face with the ultimate Boss, The Queen.

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Re: [Audyssey] Groom Hunter, Mysteries of the royal wedding.

2011-04-28 Thread Thomas Ward

Na. Just tell grandma to step down and let someone younger take over.
If she refuses then sword fight. Lol!

On 4/28/11, Milos Przic  wrote:
> What is she supposed to do with the queen? Will it be a ceremonial
> swordfight?
>The idea is cool, one of the best from the Games we'd like to play
> collection. :)
>   Milos Przic
> msn:
> skype: Milosh-hs

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Re: [Audyssey] Groom Hunter, Mysteries of the royal wedding.

2011-04-28 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Phil,

Lol! That's great! One wonders what the real Kate Middleton thinks of
a game like this. She's probably all nerves right now getting ready to
become the Princess of Wales, and potential future queen. That has to
be pretty nerve racking.


On 4/28/11, Phil Vlasak  wrote:
> Games we'd like to play
> by Phil Vlasak
> Groom Hunter: Mysteries of the royal wedding.
> In this fast action game, you Are Kate Middleton, a daring groom hunter,
> willing to risk everything to find and merry the long time bachelor, Prince
> William of Wales.
> Her mission will not be an easy one as she must start at the University of
> Saint Andrews,
> first encountering the Prince.
> In later levels she must continue to be friends, rekindling their
> relationship.
> Once she gets to the marriage announcement level,
> she must design her coat of arms, pick from several Seating plans,
> and decide where to put the Azalea, lilac and rhododendron flowers.
> Along the way she will collect a huge oval sapphire engagement ring, try on
> dozens of wedding dresses,
> and plan the decorations for the Abbey.
> On the day of the wedding, she must avoid such traps  as the rainy Weather
> forecast, a bumpy Rolls-Royce  Phantom procession,
> to finally make her way through the 20-foot trees adorning the aisle.
> She will also encounter thousands of media representatives,
> two choirs, the London Chamber Orchestra,  and a fanfare team  from the
> Central Band of the Royal Air Force performing the music.
> If Catherine finally makes it to Westminster Abbey, she must face her
> greatest
> challenge, coming face to face with the ultimate Boss, The Queen.
> ---
> Gamers mailing list __
> If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
> You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
> All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
> If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
> please send E-mail to

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Re: [Audyssey] Old Titles Removed

2011-04-28 Thread Dakotah Rickard
I doubt it makes sense to anyone, common or lawyer-ish. It's barely
recognizable as written word. I think, perhaps, the only folk who
could make heads or tails of it  in a complete manner are likely
buzzed on something or other, and they probably had a lot of
experience with puzzle-driven Interactive Fiction.
t's things like that that make me wish for a world community.

Anyway, I'm not trying to do much more than make a funny out of
something that isn't.

Chers everyone:
Dakotah Rickard

On 4/28/11, Thomas Ward  wrote:
> Hi,
> Well, that's certainly true. Especially, if you want to delve into the
> matter of international copyright laws which is extremely messy and
> convoluted.
> For instance, lets take the matter of the GPL, GNU General Public
> License Agreement, which tries to keep certain software open and
> available to the public free of charge. When it was initially drafted
> by the software freedom foundation and others they wrote it up around
> U.S. copyright law. Unfortunately, there are many countries around the
> world like in the E.U. that doesn't recognize the GPL as valid. In
> other words if Microsoft comes along with a commercial license the
> E.U. countries will recognize it, but Linux comes along with a free
> GPL license they won't recognize it as valid. It doesn't make a lot of
> sense why any country would reject he idea of a completely free and
> open source license that requires the software to remain free and
> available to the public. I remember there was some sort of
> international court battle over this sometime back between the open
> source community like Gnome and the E.U. So copyright law is often
> very convoluted, and doesn't make sense to the common man or woman.
> Cheers!
> On 4/27/11, Dakotah Rickard  wrote:
>> I will admit that I really don't like copywright law. It's really odd
>> and so convoluted that most lawyers don't get it.
>> still, I think it makes sense, in the sense that there's a specific
>> and definite impetus for the games that can be pointed to, without
>> paying royalties.
>> Signed:
>> Dakotah Rickard
> ---
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Re: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

2011-04-28 Thread Darren Duff
All I can say is I'll believe it when I see it... 

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of bryant walker
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 12:07 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

Hello everyone
Recently on the audiogames forum there was a message from an audiogamer who
recently sent a message to bavisoft and he actually got a reply. But judging
from the many gramatical errors in the email message, i'm begining to think
this may not be bavisoft that actually replyed. I'm begining to also wonder
if someone has taken over there company.
ANyway, the email is below for those of you who want to read it. Feel free
to leave your thoughts in this topic. But if this is indeed bavisoft, well,
we at least know they are alive. Note again, this email was not directed to
me, but to someone else.

hi sid. 
we have read your email and would not like to say anything much.
bavisoft was a fair enterprise, commited towards the development of high
quality computer games for the blind.
we received a rather favulous feedbacks regarding the both games we have
created certainly, we had plans for the future.

so initially, we started as a rather fine business, managing to get enough
proffits to meet the costs involved in the process of development.

in addition, we had also drawn certain plans for the future about
development of new games and continution of old or existing games .

with the progressing years, our potential kept falling down, plus we had to
face a lot of extreme financial,  residential, and social crisis.

for sure, that was a period of uncertainty, for all of us in fact, but we
couldn't do anything when we find ourselves burried in a really outragious
heap of troubles, through wich, it was almost impossible to get out of it.

as the time advanced, our managing system kept falling like a soap from wett

around the time in mid-2010, the things had totally gone out of hands.

so finally, we had to give up, i hope that we will soon get rid of all the
crisis that we have to face around.

as for the concern, bavisoft may seem to be currently absorved below in the
heaps of marshes, but one day, it will surely be on the top audio games

we know that what exactly a newer audiogamer feels when they are discouraged
from trying our games, but in that case, nothing much could be done right at
this moment.

we are still recovering from all these crisis, but we promise to release
chillingham2, and a few more titles in the audiogaming industry, in the
later coming years.

the bavisoft team
Gamers mailing list __ If you want to leave the list,
send E-mail to
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This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system


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[Audyssey] bavisoft is alive (i think but am not sure)!

2011-04-28 Thread bryant walker

Hello everyone
Recently on the audiogames forum there was a message from an audiogamer who 
recently sent a message to bavisoft and he actually got a reply. But judging 
from the many gramatical errors in the email message, i'm begining to think 
this may not be bavisoft that actually replyed. I'm begining to also wonder if 
someone has taken over there company.
ANyway, the email is below for those of you who want to read it. Feel free to 
leave your thoughts in this topic. But if this is indeed bavisoft, well, we at 
least know they are alive. Note again, this email was not directed to me, but 
to someone else.

hi sid. 
we have read your email and would not like to say anything much.
bavisoft was a fair enterprise, commited towards the development of high 
quality computer games for the blind.
we received a rather favulous feedbacks regarding the both games we have created
certainly, we had plans for the future.

so initially, we started as a rather fine business, managing to get enough 
proffits to meet the costs involved in the process of development.

in addition, we had also drawn certain plans for the future about development 
of new games and continution of old or existing games .

with the progressing years, our potential kept falling down, plus we had to 
face a lot of extreme financial,  residential, and social crisis.

for sure, that was a period of uncertainty, for all of us in fact, but we 
couldn't do anything when we find ourselves burried in a really outragious heap
of troubles, through wich, it was almost impossible to get out of it.

as the time advanced, our managing system kept falling like a soap from wett 

around the time in mid-2010, the things had totally gone out of hands.

so finally, we had to give up, i hope that we will soon get rid of all the 
crisis that we have to face around.

as for the concern, bavisoft may seem to be currently absorved below in the 
heaps of marshes, but one day, it will surely be on the top audio games 

we know that what exactly a newer audiogamer feels when they are discouraged 
from trying our games, 
but in that case, nothing much could be done right at this moment.

we are still recovering from all these crisis, but we promise to release 
chillingham2, and a few more titles in the audiogaming industry, in the later 

the bavisoft team
Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
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Re: [Audyssey] Groom Hunter, Mysteries of the royal wedding.

2011-04-28 Thread Charles Rivard

Maybe, if she isn't careful, she'll get crowned.

Shepherds are the best beasts!
- Original Message - 
From: "Milos Przic" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Groom Hunter, Mysteries of the royal wedding.

What is she supposed to do with the queen? Will it be a ceremonial 
  The idea is cool, one of the best from the Games we'd like to play 
collection. :)

 Milos Przic
skype: Milosh-hs
- Original Message - 
From: "Phil Vlasak" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 4:55 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Groom Hunter, Mysteries of the royal wedding.

Games we'd like to play
by Phil Vlasak

Groom Hunter: Mysteries of the royal wedding.

In this fast action game, you Are Kate Middleton, a daring groom hunter,
willing to risk everything to find and merry the long time bachelor, 
Prince William of Wales.

Her mission will not be an easy one as she must start at the University 
of Saint Andrews,

first encountering the Prince.

In later levels she must continue to be friends, rekindling their 

Once she gets to the marriage announcement level,
she must design her coat of arms, pick from several Seating plans,
and decide where to put the Azalea, lilac and rhododendron flowers.

Along the way she will collect a huge oval sapphire engagement ring, try 
on dozens of wedding dresses,

and plan the decorations for the Abbey.

On the day of the wedding, she must avoid such traps  as the rainy 
Weather forecast, a bumpy Rolls-Royce  Phantom procession,

to finally make her way through the 20-foot trees adorning the aisle.

She will also encounter thousands of media representatives,
two choirs, the London Chamber Orchestra,  and a fanfare team  from the 
Central Band of the Royal Air Force performing the music.

If Catherine finally makes it to Westminster Abbey, she must face her 

challenge, coming face to face with the ultimate Boss, The Queen.

Gamers mailing list __
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__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus 
signature database 6078 (20110428) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus 
signature database 6078 (20110428) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

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Re: [Audyssey] entombed registration

2011-04-28 Thread dark
Quite possibly I think, but certainly I do know Jason alan has solved such 
problems in the past so you could always mail him if it doesn't work.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - 
From: "william lomas" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 10:07 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] entombed registration

hi all i changed my email address so if I create ann accountw ith entomed 
using this new googlemail address, can I then just use my paypal reference 
which I assume is sitll on paypal to re-register entombed?

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Re: [Audyssey] Groom Hunter, Mysteries of the royal wedding.

2011-04-28 Thread Milos Przic
What is she supposed to do with the queen? Will it be a ceremonial 
  The idea is cool, one of the best from the Games we'd like to play 
collection. :)

 Milos Przic
skype: Milosh-hs
- Original Message - 
From: "Phil Vlasak" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 4:55 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Groom Hunter, Mysteries of the royal wedding.

Games we'd like to play
by Phil Vlasak

Groom Hunter: Mysteries of the royal wedding.

In this fast action game, you Are Kate Middleton, a daring groom hunter,
willing to risk everything to find and merry the long time bachelor, 
Prince William of Wales.

Her mission will not be an easy one as she must start at the University of 
Saint Andrews,

first encountering the Prince.

In later levels she must continue to be friends, rekindling their 

Once she gets to the marriage announcement level,
she must design her coat of arms, pick from several Seating plans,
and decide where to put the Azalea, lilac and rhododendron flowers.

Along the way she will collect a huge oval sapphire engagement ring, try 
on dozens of wedding dresses,

and plan the decorations for the Abbey.

On the day of the wedding, she must avoid such traps  as the rainy Weather 
forecast, a bumpy Rolls-Royce  Phantom procession,

to finally make her way through the 20-foot trees adorning the aisle.

She will also encounter thousands of media representatives,
two choirs, the London Chamber Orchestra,  and a fanfare team  from the 
Central Band of the Royal Air Force performing the music.

If Catherine finally makes it to Westminster Abbey, she must face her 

challenge, coming face to face with the ultimate Boss, The Queen.

Gamers mailing list __
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__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus 
signature database 6078 (20110428) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature 
database 6078 (20110428) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

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[Audyssey] Groom Hunter, Mysteries of the royal wedding.

2011-04-28 Thread Phil Vlasak

Games we'd like to play
by Phil Vlasak

Groom Hunter: Mysteries of the royal wedding.

In this fast action game, you Are Kate Middleton, a daring groom hunter,
willing to risk everything to find and merry the long time bachelor, Prince 
William of Wales.

Her mission will not be an easy one as she must start at the University of 
Saint Andrews,

first encountering the Prince.

In later levels she must continue to be friends, rekindling their 

Once she gets to the marriage announcement level,
she must design her coat of arms, pick from several Seating plans,
and decide where to put the Azalea, lilac and rhododendron flowers.

Along the way she will collect a huge oval sapphire engagement ring, try on 
dozens of wedding dresses,

and plan the decorations for the Abbey.

On the day of the wedding, she must avoid such traps  as the rainy Weather 
forecast, a bumpy Rolls-Royce  Phantom procession,

to finally make her way through the 20-foot trees adorning the aisle.

She will also encounter thousands of media representatives,
two choirs, the London Chamber Orchestra,  and a fanfare team  from the 
Central Band of the Royal Air Force performing the music.

If Catherine finally makes it to Westminster Abbey, she must face her 

challenge, coming face to face with the ultimate Boss, The Queen.

Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread dark

Nice to here though that some alternatives to the shark exist.

I remember actually in about 2003, I had played some if, and was trying to 
look into playing muds.

I mailed someone at alterean just being generally confused about the hole 
thing and their response was to pass the mail to one of their blind users 
who first off sent me some jaws scripts.

i enquired about use with hal or an alternative, but all this person could 
tell me was related to using the game with mushclient and jaws.

i did in fact try Alterean with hal but found that this was one of the 
occasions when I needed the program to keep in sink with and pick up text 
from the mud as it appeared sinse otherwise I'd be behind what was going on.

I therefore gave up on the idea of muds entirely.

I didn't even know such a thing as self voicing or ms sapi existed at that 
point at all, and I was of course stil using a machine with windows 98, so 
there were no automatic options either.

Had the person let me know that options with Sapi existed, well things 
might've been rather different but because they just assumed that everyone 
used Jaws, I completely missed out on this entirely.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread Clement Chou
It's not just people in the UK... in Canada, it can be a lot of the 
same.. it all depends on what kind of system you get put in. We only 
have one school for the blind in Canada... and a lot of the people 
I've sceen come out of that are some of the cockiest and most stuck 
up people... and social skills? Don't even get me started. All I can 
say is I'm glad I went to regular high school, as the school for the 
blind is across the country from me, in Ontario.

Oddly enough though, blind people who are raised in Asian families 
tend to be the exact opposite. We're raised to think nothing of 
ourselves and because the Asian belief is that anyone with any sort 
of disability is basically helpless, a lot of blind people or people 
with other disabilities tend to adopt that view. Everything is done 
for us, and we get almost no say in anything... I'm glad I broke that 
mold. lol. My family still can't accept that I can do so many of the 
things I do... taking buses, cooking, you name it. It's pretty 
ridiculous... luckily the majority of the blind people I deal with 
don't exhibit any of the attitude and characteristics that you mentioned.

At 07:11 AM 28/04/2011, you wrote:

Hi Tom.

well I must confess I don't associate particularly with younger 
blind people in this country other than some I've met through this 
list or online precisely because they can become extremely cleaquey, 
have lacking or none existant social skills, fail to do things for 
themselves and regard anyone outside their group with suspicion.

For instance I know somebody who flat out was amazed at the idea of 
me making coffee "without!" a liquid level indicator, sinse the 
indicator won't fit on the cafetieir I don't particularly have a 
choice, and when I mentioned how fond I was of my George forman they 
nearly went into fits at the idea of a blind person using something 
so dangerous!

I'll admit that I have something of a prejudice against this sort of 
blind! people myself, which actually comes from the two years I 
spent betwene 8 and 10 at a specialist school which was positively 
victorian (my teacher was a dead ringer for prof umbridge in the 
harry potter series).

the problem is this sort of thing can really cause problems with 
other people's atitudes. I was at the Aims music school a week ago 
which is a very high standard teaching course for professional and 
semi professional singers.

i went last august so I now know people relatively well.

The odd thing is I did notice a bit of distance in some people's 
atitudes and this time I found out why. Apparently they had two 
blind girls attend previously who one of the ladies in charge 
described as "dire!"

they for instance complained bitterly at nont having an en sweet 
bathroom when in fact none of the rooms do, and when in fact the 
organizer had given them a room slap bang next to the bathroom.

She described them as tremendously rude, complaining if stuff wasn't 
done for them, yet getting very unpleasant if people offered to help 
with anything.

Then though she did note that sinse I was at university and had (she 
worked out), been to a "normal" school she assumed I was different.

I will confess this is the reason that outside this list and people 
I meet related to games, I actually don't have much to do with other 
blind people in the uk, sinse I always find myself feeling irritated 
at some of the atitudes involved.

Interestingly enough, my mum went through the specialist system and 
out the other side. she was told for instance in the 70's, when she 
finished school and was looking at university "typing, telephony or 
physio therapy"

that's why even though i attended a specialist school for two years 
I wasn't a full time boarder there, and also why I've probably grown 
up with a rather different atitude to some other people who have 
hereditory site conditions.

Also why I've ended up working on disability as my main research interest.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

well I must confess I don't associate particularly with younger blind people 
in this country other than some I've met through this list or online 
precisely because they can become extremely cleaquey, have lacking or none 
existant social skills, fail to do things for themselves and regard anyone 
outside their group with suspicion.

For instance I know somebody who flat out was amazed at the idea of me 
making coffee "without!" a liquid level indicator, sinse the indicator won't 
fit on the cafetieir I don't particularly have a choice, and when I 
mentioned how fond I was of my George forman they nearly went into fits at 
the idea of a blind person using something so dangerous!

I'll admit that I have something of a prejudice against this sort of blind! 
people myself, which actually comes from the two years I spent betwene 8 and 
10 at a specialist school which was positively victorian (my teacher was a 
dead ringer for prof umbridge in the harry potter series).

the problem is this sort of thing can really cause problems with other 
people's atitudes. I was at the Aims music school a week ago which is a very 
high standard teaching course for professional and semi professional 

i went last august so I now know people relatively well.

The odd thing is I did notice a bit of distance in some people's atitudes 
and this time I found out why. Apparently they had two blind girls attend 
previously who one of the ladies in charge described as "dire!"

they for instance complained bitterly at nont having an en sweet bathroom 
when in fact none of the rooms do, and when in fact the organizer had given 
them a room slap bang next to the bathroom.

She described them as tremendously rude, complaining if stuff wasn't done 
for them, yet getting very unpleasant if people offered to help with 

Then though she did note that sinse I was at university and had (she worked 
out), been to a "normal" school she assumed I was different.

I will confess this is the reason that outside this list and people I meet 
related to games, I actually don't have much to do with other blind people 
in the uk, sinse I always find myself feeling irritated at some of the 
atitudes involved.

Interestingly enough, my mum went through the specialist system and out the 
other side. she was told for instance in the 70's, when she finished school 
and was looking at university "typing, telephony or physio therapy"

that's why even though i attended a specialist school for two years I wasn't 
a full time boarder there, and also why I've probably grown up with a rather 
different atitude to some other people who have hereditory site conditions.

Also why I've ended up working on disability as my main research interest.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread dark
True tom, and this is another reason I'm so anxious to make people know that 
more than just azabat exist.

The "computer is just for work" thing is actually an interesting, and rather 
depressing, one.

I myself actually went through a similar notion when I first got my laptop 
provided by my student grant to do my degree with. In my case it wasn't 
based upon a moral idea, but on an assumption I had.

I'd obviously played console games for years, and while I knew pc games 
existed, I assumed most were modern hyper graphical affairs which I myself 
would find unplayable.

I'd only ever used my computer to essentially do word processing at school, 
so the idea of playing even textual games was one that simply hadn't 
occurred to me, in my brain computers and school work were sort of 
absolutely associated with each other.

if I wanted to play a game, i needed a console.

it wasn't until I heard of the's "games to play online" 
page that I started thinking that I could actually have some fun with my 

interestingly enough though, it was this that also got me playing around 
with computers and with the net, and trying to work out how to do things, 
and these are skills I've needed.

For instance, many online brouser games require use of complex page 
navigation. When i read spinoza online, there were so many references, 
footnotes and goodness knows what the page was cluttered as heck. If I 
hadn't been used at that point to using all of Hal's read page commands on a 
webpage, i could've been rather confused indeed!

There is currently a copy of my thesis saved on sendspace in case I had a 
fire. however had I not played games, I'd have never heard about file 
sharing and never had this idea to use it as a backup.

But nobody is going to sit there and practice ways in their spare time of 
learning how to do their work better, and even if a person has training, the 
training won't teach them to start experimenting and trying different things 
out, nor will they be inclined to do so in their spare time.

If computers were just for work, why do operating systems come with 
preinstalled games like hearts, solitare, pinball etc?

On a moral level, there are certainly cases of people I've heard of who 
screw over the equipment system to try and get what they want out of it.

The r09 digital recorder I used to make podcasts and such was actually 
provided by my student grant, and what I use it mostly for is to have people 
read me gernal articals which I can then record.

Because however I knew I'd be using the recorder for fun, I found the price 
of the olympus mono voice recorder which would've served exactly my needs 
for my phd, but would've been no good in terms of making podcasts etc, got 
my grant to pay that and paid the extra 70 quid or so for the r09 with it's 
sterrio mikes myself.

So I do have sympathy for this position as it ultimately comes out of a 
sense of fairness.

However, while I do agree it would be wrong to have a computer bought "just" 
to play games on, so long as the state are not expected to pay more for your 
recreation, why not?

does everyone in business delete all games from their operating system? 
heck, I've regularly seen very professional business type people on trains 
doing crosswords in the papers.

While I do agree the state has no financial obligation to let you play 
games, once the computer is bought, the money is spent and the state's 
obligation is pretty much over and done with.

the equipment is now yours to use for whatever, so long as the state isn't 
paying more money. What you do with your computer outside work is only your 
business,  you might as well ask all those people who sit on trains why 
their not working and why they're doing crosswords in "work" time.

this is generally one of the largest differences I've noticed in the 
atitudes of disabled people. Because a computer is provided for work and 
training is focused that way, either there is a moral idea, or as in my case 
just an assumption, tht you don't do anything else with it.

That's also why people fail to practice skills, sinse quite obviously you'll 
learn to do, and practice something a good bit more if your doing it for fun 
as well as work.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread Charles Rivard
To those who say that their computer are for business only, ask them why 
games are included as a portion of Windows on all computers.

Shepherds are the best beasts!
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 2:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage


Yeah, I've met a few narrow minded individuals like that. I was at a
blind convention in Columbus one time, and I talked to a few other
blind computer users there about the fact that I write accessible
games and their opinions were a bit odd. One guy told me that since
his computer was purchased by BSVI, I.E. through the state, that it
was to only be used for work and nothing but work. Another common
opinion I found, especially with older blind computer users, was that
games were for younger people. The other Tom said earlier on list he
has encountered this same opinion as well up in Canada so it must be
pretty common among our more senior members.  The thing is even if you
make some of these people aware of the existance of accessible games
not everyone is going to jump for it. There will be some opinion like
"my computer must only be used for work" or "games are only for the
young" that will determine their buying choices.

That said, though, my parents generation, the Baby Boomers, are now
getting up their in age. As Elenor's excellent article for 7-128
pointed out these are the people with most of the buying power world
wide. They are going to start having health issues, especially vision
loss, and the mainstream game industry isn't prepared for this
eventuality. The rest of us who are creating accessible games will at
least have a chance to get a real foot in the door if we can make this
segment of the population aware we exist.

We often forget that it was the Baby Boomers who were in their 30's
when the Atari 2600 and original Nintendo Entertainment System was
introduced in the 1980's. Unlike their parents generation they played
Donkey Kong, Packman, Missile Command, Super Mario, and all the rest
with their kids who are now my age. So now that my parents are old
enough to retire what kinds of games are out there for them to play
that isn't loded with complex 3d graphics, and is fully accessible
when their vision begins to go? What kinds of games are available that
harkens back to the games they know and love like Packman, Space
Invaders, Missile Command, Super Mario, Donkey Kong, Time Pilot,
Adventure Island, etc?

Well, we've obviously got some of that available right now. DynaMan is
basically an arcade game in the style of classic Packman. PCS Games
Packman Talks is another great remake for the blind. As for Space
Invaders we have Aliens in the Outback, Troopenum, Dark Destroyer, you
name it.  Since we already have some of the games they are likely to
play it is rediculous that places like the RNIB aren't making the Baby
Boomer generation aware that there are games on par with the games
they knew 30 years ago.


On 4/27/11, shaun everiss  wrote:

not to mention that some blind people refuse to play games in general
or associate with the wider community.
One of these is a friend that has quentin c because i have her the
file but mostly plays with rsgames clients.
But thats it and only because people gave it to her one day.

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Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Problem

2011-04-28 Thread Darren Duff
Hehehehe. This is true. 

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 5:11 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Problem

Hi Daren,

Hmmm...I don't think that would work out so well. Lol!

Actually, I always imagined Angela holding the torch between her teeth so
she could climb up the rope two-handed and have both hands free for
climbing. Although, I imagine a real archeologist would have one of those
hard hats with a flashlight in the top instead.


On 4/27/11, Darren Duff  wrote:
> Now there's a nasty thought have her grab the rope in the same hand as 
> the torch, and then she has to climb it before the rope burns through!
> Mohahahahahahahaha!

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[Audyssey] Flight simulator

2011-04-28 Thread Bogdan Muresan
Hi all. A few mounths ago I heard some things about flight simulator. My 
question is: It is possible for blinds to play it, what programs I need and how 
to comfigure it?   Thanks!
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Re: [Audyssey] need some help with adrift

2011-04-28 Thread Orin
I wonder, is there something like Adrift for Mac?  I want to create games and 
yes, even though Inform seems easy, it still feels like programming to me and 
there's rules to follow that I just can't remember at the moment.
I think doing complex things like random events is easier in Adrift than Inform.

Skype: orin1112

On Apr 28, 2011, at 5:45 AM, Thomas Ward wrote:

> Hi Florian,
> Well, the problem with text scrolling off the screen is actually to do
> with the game itself not with scare or the Adrift runner. There is a
> tag developer is suppose to use to prevent this issue called the
>  tag but some developers, especially those who use the Adrift
> runner itself, often fail to do this. They usually assume you can
> scroll using the mouse and tend to do that than properly tag the
> message to stop before it scrolls off screen. So there isn't much we
> can do but contact the developer and let him/her know that the text is
> scrolling off screen and nicely ask him/her to update the game using
> the  tag so only x number of lines are shown at a time.
> As for Jaws scripting that's not something i can explain by e-mail.
> Jaws has scripting classes you can take that will give you
> professional training how to do that. I myself learned it on my own
> just by looking at their scripts and figuring out how it works. Since
> I was a computer science student at the time with some computer
> programming experience behind me I was able to train myself. You may
> or may not be able to do it the way I did it.
> That said maybe you can try a simplar approach by using frames or
> something like that. I did something similar in Window-Eyes by using a
> user window that announces the text every time it changes on screen.
> I'm pretty sure the Jaws frame manager has a similar functionality.
> Cheers!
> On 4/27/11, Florian-achtige  wrote:
>> Hey,
>> Sorry if this ends up wrong in the thread sorting ...I'm reading the
>> group using digests so i can't directly reply to messages.
>> ANyway,
>> Thanks for that suggestion. I did use this program in the past once,
>> but i saw that it sometimes ' scrolled too fast'  . Meaning, in my use
>> of the program it sometimes happened i missed a big chunk of text if
>> the output was longer than a certain number of lines. I don't know if
>> that has to do with scare or with the command prompt itself, and if
>> you have suggestions on how to fix it, kindly let me know.
>> You mentioned having to write jaws scripts to make this behavior
>> normal in adrift would one go about that? I've looked at jaws
>> scripting briefly in the past but I'm curious. How'd one do it in this
>> situation/
>> Florian
>> ---
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Re: [Audyssey] need some help with adrift

2011-04-28 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Florian,

Well, the problem with text scrolling off the screen is actually to do
with the game itself not with scare or the Adrift runner. There is a
tag developer is suppose to use to prevent this issue called the
 tag but some developers, especially those who use the Adrift
runner itself, often fail to do this. They usually assume you can
scroll using the mouse and tend to do that than properly tag the
message to stop before it scrolls off screen. So there isn't much we
can do but contact the developer and let him/her know that the text is
scrolling off screen and nicely ask him/her to update the game using
the  tag so only x number of lines are shown at a time.

As for Jaws scripting that's not something i can explain by e-mail.
Jaws has scripting classes you can take that will give you
professional training how to do that. I myself learned it on my own
just by looking at their scripts and figuring out how it works. Since
I was a computer science student at the time with some computer
programming experience behind me I was able to train myself. You may
or may not be able to do it the way I did it.

That said maybe you can try a simplar approach by using frames or
something like that. I did something similar in Window-Eyes by using a
user window that announces the text every time it changes on screen.
I'm pretty sure the Jaws frame manager has a similar functionality.


On 4/27/11, Florian-achtige  wrote:
> Hey,
> Sorry if this ends up wrong in the thread sorting ...I'm reading the
> group using digests so i can't directly reply to messages.
> ANyway,
> Thanks for that suggestion. I did use this program in the past once,
> but i saw that it sometimes ' scrolled too fast'  . Meaning, in my use
> of the program it sometimes happened i missed a big chunk of text if
> the output was longer than a certain number of lines. I don't know if
> that has to do with scare or with the command prompt itself, and if
> you have suggestions on how to fix it, kindly let me know.
> You mentioned having to write jaws scripts to make this behavior
> normal in adrift would one go about that? I've looked at jaws
> scripting briefly in the past but I'm curious. How'd one do it in this
> situation/
> Florian
> ---
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Re: [Audyssey] MOTA Problem

2011-04-28 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Daren,

Hmmm...I don't think that would work out so well. Lol!

Actually, I always imagined Angela holding the torch between her teeth
so she could climb up the rope two-handed and have both hands free for
climbing. Although, I imagine a real archeologist would have one of
those hard hats with a flashlight in the top instead.


On 4/27/11, Darren Duff  wrote:
> Now there's a nasty thought have her grab the rope in the same hand as the
> torch, and then she has to climb it before the rope burns through!
> Mohahahahahahahaha!

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[Audyssey] entombed registration

2011-04-28 Thread william lomas
hi all i changed my email address so if I create ann accountw ith entomed using 
this new googlemail address, can I then just use my paypal reference which I 
assume is sitll on paypal to re-register entombed?

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Re: [Audyssey] Old Titles Removed

2011-04-28 Thread Thomas Ward

Well, that's certainly true. Especially, if you want to delve into the
matter of international copyright laws which is extremely messy and

For instance, lets take the matter of the GPL, GNU General Public
License Agreement, which tries to keep certain software open and
available to the public free of charge. When it was initially drafted
by the software freedom foundation and others they wrote it up around
U.S. copyright law. Unfortunately, there are many countries around the
world like in the E.U. that doesn't recognize the GPL as valid. In
other words if Microsoft comes along with a commercial license the
E.U. countries will recognize it, but Linux comes along with a free
GPL license they won't recognize it as valid. It doesn't make a lot of
sense why any country would reject he idea of a completely free and
open source license that requires the software to remain free and
available to the public. I remember there was some sort of
international court battle over this sometime back between the open
source community like Gnome and the E.U. So copyright law is often
very convoluted, and doesn't make sense to the common man or woman.


On 4/27/11, Dakotah Rickard  wrote:
> I will admit that I really don't like copywright law. It's really odd
> and so convoluted that most lawyers don't get it.
> still, I think it makes sense, in the sense that there's a specific
> and definite impetus for the games that can be pointed to, without
> paying royalties.
> Signed:
> Dakotah Rickard

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Re: [Audyssey] protection for games

2011-04-28 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Ken,

Well, there are a number of methods for adding product security to a
game or similar product and it all depends on how fanatical you are
about anti-piracy schemes.  If you want to do something like GMA does
they base the product key off the CPU and other hardware in the
physical machine which than can be converted into a hardware specific
product key.

That said, I personally hate this type of product security scheme for
the fact if you ever buy a new computer you have to get a new license
key, if something like a motherboard or CPU needs replaced you have to
get a new license key, and as a developer you will find you'll have to
replace those keys rather frequently for those reasons. To top it all
off its not as secure as its cracked up to be. Sure it will keep the
legal and inexperienced crackers away, but someone who is determined
enough will always bypass the security. I've already heard of
cracked/pirated copies of Shades of Doom, Tank Commander, etc floating
around the net so there is someone out there who already knows how to
bypass that security. In the more general Mmarket Windows Vista was
suppose to shipt with an all new anti-piracy scheme that was suppose
to be nearly unbreakable so Microsoft said. A week after Vista hit
shelves there were a number of pirated copies and quick and easy
cracks available. Bottom line hardware based security doesn't work,
and it just adds mor time, trouble, and expense for the developer and
legal customer alike.


On 4/27/11, The Addictor  wrote:
> I am looking for a way to protect Phrase Madness the way GMA games protects
> their stuff.  Does anybody know it's done?  I thought of generating a random
> number and putting it in the registry, then writing an algorithm to combine
> the number with a name to get a key, but it seems people could easily find
> the number and share it with friends.  In all, a pretty weak protection
> system.  Any thoughts?Ken Downey
> The Addictor
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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread Jacob Kruger
A waiter at a restaurant this side once said the following to me after I 
explained some simple things to him like pouring level indicators, 
cellphones, our money measuring slide things, general living workarounds, 

you're not disabled - you're differently enabled

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

Hi Dark,

Well, I think there are always a few that do meet the stereotypical
view no matter where you go. I've met more than my share of the kind
that want everything done for them etc at summer camp, blind
conventions, etc but there are also plenty of people who don't meet
this stereotypical view as well. I think a lot of it is just how you,
as an individual are raised, and weather or not you were educated in a
public school or a specialized school etc.

I myself had had several years of useful vision so I was raised during
my formative years as a normal child. I would help my dad out working
on cars, computers, and other general electronics he would fix for
friends at work etc. When I lost my sight my dad didn't go, "I have a
blind son who is helpless." No, on the contrary he incurraged me to
continue helping him work on things in his work shop. Even if it was
something as simple as locating the right size socket, rench, or screw
driver, he wanted me to know and understand I was anything but
helpless. In fact, he put me to work changing transmissions etc at age
17 without any useful vision at all which goes to prove how I had that
little extra push some of the more institutionalized blind don't get I
think. If you aren't actively incurraged to overcome the blindness
thing you'll never quite get passed the "I'm helpless" mentality.


On 4/27/11, dark  wrote:
Well Tom, I'm not sure how it is in the states, but over here there is 
group of young blind people who do! conform to stomething of a 

I've noticed that some blind people (especially those who went to 
schools), are! pretty useless, expect everything to be done for them, 

associate with other blind people etc.

That aside though I do know what you mean about organizations having
specific ideas of blind people.

For instance when I asked the rnib about using a chip and pin card, their
response was that I learn one cash machine near my home, but when i 

out machines can come in different makes and models with different screen
prompts and such, they told me to "Get my carer to do it"  rather 

sinse I live on my own and don't have one,  which surprised them ;D.

In the end I just fixed things myself by arranging with my bank to have a
signature card, so that machines will print out a receit for me to sign 

I pay for stuff with it and I can just get actual cash at my local bank.

My point though, the rnib had no idea of a blind person living entirely
alone and not! having "a carer"

The problem is this atitude is contagious. When I was trying to activate 

wireless network on my hub but couldn't due to not being able to read the
key on the side, when I phoned the company tech support they told me to 

someone to read it for me" and when I pointed out there wasn't they said
"that what other blind people do" and put the phone down on me.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread Pitermach
Thankfully in Poland I actually find window-eyes has the upper hand, though 
I know quite a few dolphin and jaws users as well. and of course nvda.
Though as far as phones symbian is still popular around here unlike in the 
States where the iPhone is taking the blind community like a storm, but it 
doesnt mean the blind iOS community in Poland isn't growing.
- Original Message - 
From: "Bryan Peterson" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 9:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

Sounds disturbingly like what most agencies here in the US do with regard 
to screen readers. THey teach JAWS and unless you happen to get really 
lucky and get a rehab counselor with a reasonable amount of common sense 
the don't even tell you that you have other options out there.

We are the Knights who say...Ni!
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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Well, I think there are always a few that do meet the stereotypical
view no matter where you go. I've met more than my share of the kind
that want everything done for them etc at summer camp, blind
conventions, etc but there are also plenty of people who don't meet
this stereotypical view as well. I think a lot of it is just how you,
as an individual are raised, and weather or not you were educated in a
public school or a specialized school etc.

I myself had had several years of useful vision so I was raised during
my formative years as a normal child. I would help my dad out working
on cars, computers, and other general electronics he would fix for
friends at work etc. When I lost my sight my dad didn't go, "I have a
blind son who is helpless." No, on the contrary he incurraged me to
continue helping him work on things in his work shop. Even if it was
something as simple as locating the right size socket, rench, or screw
driver, he wanted me to know and understand I was anything but
helpless. In fact, he put me to work changing transmissions etc at age
17 without any useful vision at all which goes to prove how I had that
little extra push some of the more institutionalized blind don't get I
think. If you aren't actively incurraged to overcome the blindness
thing you'll never quite get passed the "I'm helpless" mentality.


On 4/27/11, dark  wrote:
> Well Tom, I'm not sure how it is in the states, but over here there is one
> group of young blind people who do! conform to stomething of a sterriotype.
> I've noticed that some blind people (especially those who went to specialist
> schools), are! pretty useless, expect everything to be done for them, only
> associate with other blind people etc.
> That aside though I do know what you mean about organizations having
> specific ideas of blind people.
> For instance when I asked the rnib about using a chip and pin card, their
> response was that I learn one cash machine near my home, but when i pointed
> out machines can come in different makes and models with different screen
> prompts and such, they told me to "Get my carer to do it"  rather hard,
> sinse I live on my own and don't have one,  which surprised them ;D.
> In the end I just fixed things myself by arranging with my bank to have a
> signature card, so that machines will print out a receit for me to sign when
> I pay for stuff with it and I can just get actual cash at my local bank.
> My point though, the rnib had no idea of a blind person living entirely
> alone and not! having "a carer"
> The problem is this atitude is contagious. When I was trying to activate the
> wireless network on my hub but couldn't due to not being able to read the
> key on the side, when I phoned the company tech support they told me to "get
> someone to read it for me" and when I pointed out there wasn't they said
> "that what other blind people do" and put the phone down on me.
> Beware the grue!
> Dark.
> ---
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Re: [Audyssey] protection for games

2011-04-28 Thread Pitermach
while that'd work, ken is also porting this game to portable devices that'll 
frequently not be with in internet connectivity range. My pm definitely 
isn't most of the time.
- Original Message - 
From: "Dennis Towne" 
To: "The Addictor" ; "Gamers Discussion list" 

Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 4:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] protection for games

In this day and age, I'd go with online authentication similar to how
Steam does their protection.  No internet connection?  No game.  It's
basically that simple.

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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

You know, that's about the most insulting comment I've heard from you
in a while. We should not be putting our fellow blind brothers/sisters
down for belonging to an institution or being unaware of what
alternatives their are. The entire point Dark was trying to make about
the RNIB and other organizations like them is that they don't often
make their clients aware of what is available to them regardless if
they fit the stereotypical view or not.

For instance, back in the mid 1990's when I started really loosing my
sight BSVI enrolled me in a technology training program to be shown
things like Jaws, Openbook, braille displays, and things like that. I
remember clearly asking my trainer if there were any other screen
readers besides Jaws and he replied that there were other screen
readers but none of them were very good. Jaws was the only one that
was any good, and why BSVI recommended it to their clients. So I
believed him, and took his statement as fact.

Well fast foward to a couple years later. I am now taking a class in
C++, and I had to use Borland's Turbo C++ for class. I could not get
Jaws for Dos to work properly with the C++ compiler. I was on a campis
wide broadband connection so decided to check out other screen readers
like Vocal-Eyes, ASAP, etc. Turns out that Vocal-Eyes worked with
Borland C++ where Jaws for Dos wouldn't. Plus since Vocal-Eyes was
easier to customize than Jaws, no need to write scripts to configure
it for an app, I managed to get through my course using a screen
reader other than Jaws. That lead me to downloadand try everything
from Window-Eyes to ASAW and see if my recommendation from the experts
were true. Fact is the experts were flat out wrong. Today I am now a
happy Window-Eyes user, and I rarely if ever use Jaws.

However, my point is the same as Dark's. I was caught up in the
institutional line, was sold on the idea Jaws is the absolute best,
and that wasn't necessarily true. In fact, today with Window-Eyes and
Hal becoming equal to and sometimes better than Jaws that's definitely
not true. I wouldn't have known that or had reason to look elsewhere
if it hadn't been for an app I couldn't get Jaws to use, and decided
on a whim to try something else and see if it works. I was certainly
not to blame for not knowing any better, and in a sense I was lied to.
This is what the RNIB etc are doing evrytime they give deference to
someone like Azabat without at least representing other game companies
games too. Laughing at our fellow blind brothers/sisters for their
ignorance of such things really shows how immature you are.


On 4/27/11, shaun everiss  wrote:
> well I know for a fact that we have better stuff like as a bat.
> Its disgusting that an org caters for the poor blind stereo type.
> Not only that but inferior titles really since simular games, like
> kitchensinc are out.
> Then there is the rsgames client and quentin c playroom for online play.
> These are free and hello! better than that or something I don't know
> because I don't play as a poor blind persons games.
> My suggestion is to let well alone.
> They want to cater for the poor blind, let them, there are plenty of
> poor blind people that want to be poor blind.
> And since they can't see anything bar the poor blind the rest of
> us  can laugh about their sillyness and they won't even give a screw.
> And they won't change.

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Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

2011-04-28 Thread Thomas Ward

Yeah, I've met a few narrow minded individuals like that. I was at a
blind convention in Columbus one time, and I talked to a few other
blind computer users there about the fact that I write accessible
games and their opinions were a bit odd. One guy told me that since
his computer was purchased by BSVI, I.E. through the state, that it
was to only be used for work and nothing but work. Another common
opinion I found, especially with older blind computer users, was that
games were for younger people. The other Tom said earlier on list he
has encountered this same opinion as well up in Canada so it must be
pretty common among our more senior members.  The thing is even if you
make some of these people aware of the existance of accessible games
not everyone is going to jump for it. There will be some opinion like
"my computer must only be used for work" or "games are only for the
young" that will determine their buying choices.

That said, though, my parents generation, the Baby Boomers, are now
getting up their in age. As Elenor's excellent article for 7-128
pointed out these are the people with most of the buying power world
wide. They are going to start having health issues, especially vision
loss, and the mainstream game industry isn't prepared for this
eventuality. The rest of us who are creating accessible games will at
least have a chance to get a real foot in the door if we can make this
segment of the population aware we exist.

We often forget that it was the Baby Boomers who were in their 30's
when the Atari 2600 and original Nintendo Entertainment System was
introduced in the 1980's. Unlike their parents generation they played
Donkey Kong, Packman, Missile Command, Super Mario, and all the rest
with their kids who are now my age. So now that my parents are old
enough to retire what kinds of games are out there for them to play
that isn't loded with complex 3d graphics, and is fully accessible
when their vision begins to go? What kinds of games are available that
harkens back to the games they know and love like Packman, Space
Invaders, Missile Command, Super Mario, Donkey Kong, Time Pilot,
Adventure Island, etc?

Well, we've obviously got some of that available right now. DynaMan is
basically an arcade game in the style of classic Packman. PCS Games
Packman Talks is another great remake for the blind. As for Space
Invaders we have Aliens in the Outback, Troopenum, Dark Destroyer, you
name it.  Since we already have some of the games they are likely to
play it is rediculous that places like the RNIB aren't making the Baby
Boomer generation aware that there are games on par with the games
they knew 30 years ago.


On 4/27/11, shaun everiss  wrote:
> not to mention that some blind people refuse to play games in general
> or associate with the wider community.
> One of these is a friend that has quentin c because i have her the
> file but mostly plays with rsgames clients.
> But thats it and only because people gave it to her one day.

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