Re: [MD] Step one once again

2014-12-11 Thread Blodgett, Nikolas
Interesting, I was thinking about two related things the other day - what
someone called 'vibrational tuning' theory, and energy gaining
when you add this dissipation-driven adaptive organization theory of
England's ..

entropy = movement to dissipation can be seen as increase in complexity
big bang = one unified meta-sized supply of energy begins by exploding
-the process has begun and all energy must eventually dissipate
-all existence is the movement from a unified 'One' to Infinite complexity
(aka: nothingness)
-this easily can be explained by (/explain a) vibrational
frequency-tuning model/theory
-everything is composed from the various movements of energy (even
vibrating strings, or ToE could fit here; see:quantum theory)
-on Earth, the circumstances require its expenditure via the Sun
(progression so far) ?One? bang energies particles stardust(see Sagan
?quote) more complex solar systems 'Earth soup' particles resonate w/
driving force(atoms in hot bath arrange self in response to
electromagnetic frequency) hot bath atoms, per chance, become cheap and
efficient building block aka: 'the great self-replicators'(see
-So, plants absorb sun  release light/gas; animals absorb plants  release
movement ( gas); humans / animals become social (structural resources
benefits/release violence?;see E.O.Wilson); humans develop intelligence in
order to gain advantage over animals (develop abstract future Visions, make
particular Goals that lead to enacting those visions by affecting the
environment around us, develop Plans to specify how to achieve those goals,
enact Actions as the parts of the plans) (what do we release? cognitive
resources in the form of food-energy?)

.Anyway, thats the way I see it. Did I get anything wrong? I'm just
finishing up a paper regarding old visual system models, and I managed to
develop the entire research process around Pirsigian theory - and
everything fit perfectly! (Im thinking if it comes out decent, and Im not
delusional, that I can share it here  can I do that? would anyone be
interested? it really was like weeks worth of literature review and
sleepless nights, lol the paper wasnt even that long I really just did all
this work for my (our?) own benefit

On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 6:20 AM, Jan Anders Andersson

 All (or those of you that have read and understand LILA)

 For the understanding of the pattern of 4 levels and how they differ I
 found an interesting article. This is about step one, the step between
 level one and two, the inorganic, into the organic.

 Step zero, into level one, a static pattern form the void or Q: The moral
 for anything to exist as matter handles quantum energy levels, nuclear
 stability and molecular chemistry, physical interaction, mechanical
 standards and so on. Life-time: billions of years.

 Step one: from inorganic into organic where patterns are self-reproduced
 and by thus given advantage over inorganic patterns that not reproduce.
 Statistic life-time is shorter, millions of years, but the number can grow.
 Organic patterns are using inorganic patterns but in another way for their
 own purpose causing conflicts between inorganic and organic patterns.

 Step two: from the organic into the social where organic patterns find
 shared attention which results in an advantage over organic patterns that
 doesn’t cooperate. Social patterns are mostly sexually reproduced which
 results in varaiations of DNA inside a social pattern with variable
 immunity to germs and differnet roles in th egroup, man/woman,
 leader/soldier, smart/dumb, MOQer/NonMOQer etc… Social patterns are using
 organic patterns but for their own benefit which causes tensions between
 organic and social urges. Estimated life-time: Thousands of years,

 Step three: Still a white spot at the MOQ-globe. Where patterns of social
 interest deploy into scientific status independent from social powers, or
 what. Life -time: 1-200 years? Puns mostly does work just once.

 to be continued…

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Re: [MD] Step one

2014-02-11 Thread Dan Glover

On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 3:39 PM, david wrote:
 Dan said:
 I don't know, Dave. I think there are observations being made that non-DNA 
 based lifeforms are possible: Synthetic biologists have discovered that six 
 other molecules can could store genetic information and pass it on. A host of 
 alternative nucleic acids have been made in labs over the years, but no one 
 has made them work like DNA. Until now, everyone thought we were limited to 
 RNA and DNA. ...The finding is a proof of principle that life needn't be 
 based on DNA and RNA.

 dmb says:
 Hmmm. This certainly would defy the assertion that life MUST be based on DNA 
 or the idea that non-DNA forms of life are impossible. But there is one major 
 problem, Dan. I didn't says that it's impossible and I don't think it's 
 impossible either. In fact, I said it was a plausible idea. It seems to me 
 that non-DNA life forms would be greeted as an exciting discovery. Sci-Fi 
 writers and real scientists have been dreaming about it for a while. BUT 
 these alternative life forms are still just speculations, abstract patterns 
 that lots of people desperately want to see it - but nobody ever has. People 
 are looking for such a fact, even trying to conjure it up, and they still 
 can't find it.

Yes, and I agree. My point was more along the lines of the static
filter preventing Phaedrus from seeing the flashing green sun. It
would appear to me that any new discovery--like the green sun or life
based on XNA--would be filtered out. I think that static filter
blindness might arise in the looking even if we don't recognize it as
happening, even if we're actively looking for something we want to

Wanting to see something--even trying to see it--and being told it
exists are not to be taken as the same. I may want to see little green
fairies dancing in the moonlight--I might go out night after night
searching for them--but no matter how I look I doubt I'll ever see it.
I'm not saying it's impossible but pretty unlikely.

On the other hand, seeing something like the flash of a green sun is a
verifiable experience that anyone told to see will experience even if
they have never witnessed such an event before. That's not to say it
is an objectively verifiable experience, however. There is a nuance
here that is easily overlooked.

 If such an alternative life form appeared from the sky or was created in a 
 lab, I think the news would be on the front page of every paper in the world, 

 To say there is presently no empirical evidence is very different from saying 
 that it's impossible. I'm only saying that there is no known evidence.

 And the point of this was originally aimed at Ian, who claimed that the MOQ 
 should include these alternative life forms. Since no such thing exists (as 
 far as we know), I thought it was rather silly to insist on their inclusion 
 in the MOQ's levels.

Again, I agree. It would be like including all speculative phenomena
in the MOQ, which since it is pure empiricism makes no sense.

 Don't the levels just divide what's in an ideal encyclopedia, rather than 
 carving up a pre-exisiting physical universe? I mean, isn't there a subtle 
 switch back into scientific objectivity in these assertions about what may or 
 may not exist in the unobserved universe? I think so.

Well, yes, that's what I was trying to tease out with my reference to
the static filter that prevents us from seeing that which we aren't
familiar with. Aren't all new scientific discoveries the unobserved
made known? We see references to 'new' species being
discovered--sometimes in the plain light of day--but are they really
new? How would we know if they've never been observed before? Aren't
we dealing instead with multiple definitions of 'new'?

Thank you,

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Re: [MD] Step one

2014-02-10 Thread Ian Glendinning
Thanks Horse,

I wasn't being contentious - the universe is big (in time and space)
so no reason to exclude any forms of life beyond our myopic ken, in a
truly metaphysical view - Not just organic in the well known
carbon-based / DNA-based sense , but organic as in like a (living)
organism. (Obviously in current human dictionaries - the definitions
of organic are recursive on what makes life organic - hence good and
useful - if they weren't you'd need to be a metaphysical philosopher
to understand their bootstrapping.)

Life - defined something like (Andre?) is suggesting - about
self-perpetuating replication, over enough cycles for evolutionary
speciation opportunities perhaps, etc (*). (Whatever the physical
informational medium.)

In the same way as AI is real when the A becomes (empirical) reality.
A-Life is real when the A becomes reality.
But virtual or artificial now, easily conceivable, predictable, etc.

(*) And whatever life definition we choose, the boundaries will be
blurred around self-sustaining, when we have co-evolved species like
viruses - which maybe can't survive without their co-evolved host, or
computer generated artefacts when the power is switched-off, etc ...
but if it quacks like a duck ... etc. [Viruses are alive because of
their extended phenotype, etc. We need to careful not to limit
ourselves to simple patterns in a single medium, but
level-crossing-patterns in level-crossing-patterns, etc. - a flock of
starlings is alive, because each individual starling is, even though
the relative position of two starlings is a displacement in physical
(ie dead) space - no two flock formations literally recur, but their
quality, their nature does.]


On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 11:39 AM, Horse wrote:
 Hi Dave

 At the risk of misinterpreting what Ian's saying, I think what he means is
 that, as a generalisation, 'life' is the next step up from 'matter'!
 What we know as life is based around the double helix and involves DNA,
 genes, proteins etc. but this is only one possible way that life may have
 It's a big universe and we only have a sample of one at the present time so
 to say that life = DNA is a big step in the wrong direction cos we just
 don't know about other ways in which life may come about.
 The MoQ makes a huge (and IMO correct) generalisation that
 organic/biological patterns follow on from inorganic patterns. Terrestrial
 life is a specific instance of biological patterns of value - there may be
 other specific instances in other parts of the universe. What those
 instances should follow though, if the MoQ is correct, is that they share
 the same patterns of reproduction, feeding etc. that Pirsig points out in
 his work.
 Closer to home, it may be that at some point there will be other forms of
 life that exist but that their environment and context will be different.
 Artificial (or virtual) realities could well contain life (and may already)
 - it just depends on how you want to define and identify it.
 A metaphysics needs to be a generalisation that can be applied to all
 situations and contexts regardless of specifics - the specifics should
 conform to the general theory of what constitutes what is and isn't 'real'.



 On 01/02/2014 23:50, david wrote:

 Ian said:
 The distinction between levels 1 and 2 is life - not necessarily organic
 life, or DNA-based organic life, that just happens to be the most-obvious
 form in the circumstances of human history.

 Andre replied:
 Can you enlighten us with your knowledge of life that is not 'necessarily
 organic life' i.e. DNA 'based' life? Just interested in the non-obvious.

 dmb says:
 I was wondering about Ian's strange claim too. Since organic means of
 life, related to life, derived from living matter, it's hard to imagine
 what non-organic life would mean. DNA-based life isn't just the most obvious
 kind, I think, but rather the only kind we know of. Isn't that why a virus
 is considered a borderline case, because it only lives by highjacking the
 DNA of more proper organisms?
 In any case, I can only wonder what Ian is referring to.

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Re: [MD] Step one

2014-02-10 Thread david
Dan said:
I don't know, Dave. I think there are observations being made that non-DNA 
based lifeforms are possible: Synthetic biologists have discovered that six 
other molecules can could store genetic information and pass it on. A host of 
alternative nucleic acids have been made in labs over the years, but no one has 
made them work like DNA. Until now, everyone thought we were limited to RNA and 
DNA. ...The finding is a proof of principle that life needn't be based on DNA 
and RNA.

dmb says:
Hmmm. This certainly would defy the assertion that life MUST be based on DNA or 
the idea that non-DNA forms of life are impossible. But there is one major 
problem, Dan. I didn't says that it's impossible and I don't think it's 
impossible either. In fact, I said it was a plausible idea. It seems to me 
that non-DNA life forms would be greeted as an exciting discovery. Sci-Fi 
writers and real scientists have been dreaming about it for a while. BUT these 
alternative life forms are still just speculations, abstract patterns that lots 
of people desperately want to see it - but nobody ever has. People are looking 
for such a fact, even trying to conjure it up, and they still can't find it.

If such an alternative life form appeared from the sky or was created in a lab, 
I think the news would be on the front page of every paper in the world, etc..

To say there is presently no empirical evidence is very different from saying 
that it's impossible. I'm only saying that there is no known evidence.

And the point of this was originally aimed at Ian, who claimed that the MOQ 
should include these alternative life forms. Since no such thing exists (as far 
as we know), I thought it was rather silly to insist on their inclusion in the 
MOQ's levels. 

Don't the levels just divide what's in an ideal encyclopedia, rather than 
carving up a pre-exisiting physical universe? I mean, isn't there a subtle 
switch back into scientific objectivity in these assertions about what may or 
may not exist in the unobserved universe? I think so. 

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Re: [MD] Step one

2014-02-09 Thread david
Horse said to dmb:

I agree with much of what you say but it's still very important to remember 
that DNA-based life is no more than one possible way for life to exist and that 
it involves an environment and a context. Not having experienced something (or 
maybe mis-interpreting something that we do experience) should not blind us to 
the probability that it exists. Isn't this part of the 'Cleveland Harbor 

dmb says:
I think the lesson of the Cleveland Harbor Effect is other way around. It was 
a parable for students of scientific objectivity, he says. To say he rejected 
the observation and followed the chart is to say to ignored the actual 
experience because of what he thought. What he thought acted as a static 
filter, shutting out all information that did not fit. (This is good 
description of what's known as confirmation bias.)

The idea of life that's not DNA-based is not exactly comparable, because there 
are no observations or experiences being ignored. The idea, I think, is only 
based on extrapolating upon the biological charts we already have. I mean, 
nothing like that has been observed. It's reasonable and I don't think there is 
any ideological resistance to it but it is pure speculation, a plausible 
abstraction for which there is no empirical evidence. As far as I know, anyway. 

The Cleveland Harbor Effect is about throwing out NEW facts when they don't 
fit with the intellectual patterns. When a new fact comes in that does not fit 
the pattern we don’t throw out the pattern. We throw out the fact. Here, I 
think, facts are empirical reality while the patterns are conceptual (and for 
a radical empiricist like Pirsig empirical reality always comes first and 
concepts are always secondary). It seems to me that non-DNA life forms would be 
greeted as an exciting discovery. Sci-Fi writers and real scientists have been 
dreaming about it for a while. If a contradictory fact has to keep hammering 
and hammering and hammering, sometimes for centuries, before maybe one or two 
people will see it, then alternative life forms would be something like the 
opposite. It's an abstract pattern that keeps hammering and hammering and lots 
of people desperately want to see it - but nobody ever has.

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Re: [MD] Step one

2014-02-09 Thread Dan Glover
On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 12:28 PM, david wrote:
 Horse said to dmb:

 I agree with much of what you say but it's still very important to remember 
 that DNA-based life is no more than one possible way for life to exist and 
 that it involves an environment and a context. Not having experienced 
 something (or maybe mis-interpreting something that we do experience) should 
 not blind us to the probability that it exists. Isn't this part of the 
 'Cleveland Harbor Effect'?

 dmb says:
 I think the lesson of the Cleveland Harbor Effect is other way around. It 
 was a parable for students of scientific objectivity, he says. To say he 
 rejected the observation and followed the chart is to say to ignored the 
 actual experience because of what he thought. What he thought acted as a 
 static filter, shutting out all information that did not fit. (This is good 
 description of what's known as confirmation bias.)

 The idea of life that's not DNA-based is not exactly comparable, because 
 there are no observations or experiences being ignored. The idea, I think, is 
 only based on extrapolating upon the biological charts we already have. I 
 mean, nothing like that has been observed. It's reasonable and I don't think 
 there is any ideological resistance to it but it is pure speculation, a 
 plausible abstraction for which there is no empirical evidence. As far as I 
 know, anyway.

I don't know, Dave. I think there are observations being made that
non-DNA based lifeforms are possible:

Synthetic biologists have discovered that six other molecules can
could store genetic information and pass it on. A host of alternative
nucleic acids have been made in labs over the years, but no one has
made them work like DNA. Until now, everyone thought we were limited
to RNA and DNA. This is the first time artificial molecules have been
made to pass genes on to their descendants. The finding is a proof of
principle that life needn't be based on DNA and RNA.

Dan comments:
Note the words: Until now, everyone thought we were limited to RNA and
DNA. This is very similar to what Phaedrus says about the Cleveland
Harbor Effect:

When Phaedrus started to read yachting literature he ran across a
description of the green flash of the sun. What was that all about,
he wondered. Why hadn't he seen it? He was sure he had never seen the
green flash of the sun. Yet he must have seen it. But if he saw it,
why didn't he see it?

This static filter was the explanation. He didn't see the green flash
because he'd never been told to see it. But then one day he read a
book on yachting which said, in effect, to go see it. So he did. And
he saw it. There was the sun, green as green can be, like a GO light
on a downtown traffic semaphore. Yet all his life he had never seen
it. The culture hadn't told him to so he hadn't seen it. If he hadn't
read that book on yachting he was quite certain he would never have
seen it. [Lila]

This static filter is in place whether we recognize it or not.
Phaedrus had never seen a green flash from the sun. He knew nothing
about it. He wasn't told to go see it, until he read a book on
yachting. And there it was!

 The Cleveland Harbor Effect is about throwing out NEW facts when they don't 
 fit with the intellectual patterns. When a new fact comes in that does not 
 fit the pattern we don't throw out the pattern. We throw out the fact. Here, 
 I think, facts are empirical reality while the patterns are conceptual (and 
 for a radical empiricist like Pirsig empirical reality always comes first and 
 concepts are always secondary). It seems to me that non-DNA life forms would 
 be greeted as an exciting discovery. Sci-Fi writers and real scientists have 
 been dreaming about it for a while. If a contradictory fact has to keep 
 hammering and hammering and hammering, sometimes for centuries, before maybe 
 one or two people will see it, then alternative life forms would be 
 something like the opposite. It's an abstract pattern that keeps hammering 
 and hammering and lots of people desperately want to see it - but nobody ever 

It is possible that non-DNA based life forms are right under our noses
and we've never seen them because we aren't told to see them. We could
liken this to the research being done on the Higgs boson and the
resulting expansion of the laws of physics that are bound to follow.


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Re: [MD] Step one

2014-02-09 Thread Ron Kulp

Sent from my iPhone

 On Feb 9, 2014, at 1:28 PM, david wrote:
 Horse said to dmb:
 I agree with much of what you say but it's still very important to remember 
 that DNA-based life is no more than one possible way for life to exist and 
 that it involves an environment and a context. Not having experienced 
 something (or maybe mis-interpreting something that we do experience) should 
 not blind us to the probability that it exists. Isn't this part of the 
 'Cleveland Harbor Effect'?
 dmb says:
 I think the lesson of the Cleveland Harbor Effect is other way around. It 
 was a parable for students of scientific objectivity, he says. To say he 
 rejected the observation and followed the chart is to say to ignored the 
 actual experience because of what he thought. What he thought acted as a 
 static filter, shutting out all information that did not fit. (This is good 
 description of what's known as confirmation bias.)
 The idea of life that's not DNA-based is not exactly comparable, because 
 there are no observations or experiences being ignored. The idea, I think, is 
 only based on extrapolating upon the biological charts we already have. I 
 mean, nothing like that has been observed. It's reasonable and I don't think 
 there is any ideological resistance to it but it is pure speculation, a 
 plausible abstraction for which there is no empirical evidence. As far as I 
 know, anyway. 
 The Cleveland Harbor Effect is about throwing out NEW facts when they don't 
 fit with the intellectual patterns. When a new fact comes in that does not 
 fit the pattern we don’t throw out the pattern. We throw out the fact. Here, 
 I think, facts are empirical reality while the patterns are conceptual (and 
 for a radical empiricist like Pirsig empirical reality always comes first and 
 concepts are always secondary). It seems to me that non-DNA life forms would 
 be greeted as an exciting discovery. Sci-Fi writers and real scientists have 
 been dreaming about it for a while. If a contradictory fact has to keep 
 hammering and hammering and hammering, sometimes for centuries, before maybe 
 one or two people will see it, then alternative life forms would be 
 something like the opposite. It's an abstract pattern that keeps hammering 
 and hammering and lots of people desperately want to see it - but nobody ever 

 I think that is going to raise some
Debate but I believe you hit it square 
With the Cleveland harbor metaphor,
He rationalized explanations thereby
Justifying the rejecting of the empirical facts. It has practicle
Consequences in experience.
However I sense some dispute in
That a dialectical arguement regarding deduction inference and verification Not 
to mention imagination and intuition will be leveled on Your post.
On this I can only agree that experience must inform our deductions inferences 
and intuitions
Not the other way around.
There is a difference between verifying a theory and justifying
Belief, it's what seperates scientific
Method from alien conspiracy theories, or Bigfoot hunts.

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Re: [MD] Step one

2014-02-08 Thread Jan Anders Andersson
Hi Gents, (any Ladies?)

In our work to refine the metaphysics of Quality I think we must use the 
element of time here. Actually, we are talking about step two, as step one 
should be the first step from where there where no Organic patterns at all, 
before the first change, into the moment after the very first change. A change 
implies the presence of time, just as an evolution implies some kind of order 
which is a kind of time management.


I think it's better to say that time is a static intellectual concept that is 
one of the very first to emerge from Dynamic Quality. That keeps Dynamic 
Quality concept-free...

The MOQ starts with the source of undifferentiated perception itself as the 
ultimate reality. The very first differentiation is probably `change`. The 
second one may be `before and after`. From this sense of `before and after` 
emerge more complex concepts of time.

... according to the Metaphysics of Quality, time and change did NOT act to 
evolve the static universe. Only Dynamic Quality did this. Time and change 
are primary concepts used to describe this evolution but they do not cause 
evolution any more than Newton's law of gravity causes the earth to stick 

 (letter from ROBERT M. PIRSIG to Anthony McWatt, February 23rd, 1998)

DNA, RNA or what effect from DQ we see here, RMP talks about the organic level 
as a level that is different from the inorganic level. One difference is that 
the superior level is using the lower level for its own purposes. A tree for 
example is using the magnetism between water molecules to pump it up into the 
top of the tree.

I however think that the main difference between the levels is strongly 
dependant to time. Organic patterns are very stable by time. Atoms and 
molecules doesn't change very much by time. Hydrogen atoms are the same since 
Big Bang etc. Also, chemical reactions have an time order. Chemical reactions 
doesn't work backwards, thanks to The Laws of Thermodynamics...

I think that the main difference between the inorganic and the organic level is 
related to time this way:
As the inorganic patterns became more and more complex, their duration in time 
went the other way, the more complex structure the less duration. The solution 
that brought into the organic level is the self reproduction served to us by 
Dynamic Quality. Self reproduction overcomes the problem of depletion by age as 
new fresh younglings are made. Self reproduction in more than one copy of every 
original also brings in an economic advantage as viruses can spread in masses 
and find places where chances to survive is better. We should see the 
possibilities for a free choice to stay in the acid or move not only as an 
individual choice but as a species with large number of copies where the free 
choice is made by those who happen to be away from the acid. 
Mutations is also a new possibility as the reproductionary systems fails and 
some new versions show up to be more fit to the environment than others and 
Voila, inorganic evolution is here. Time and order is still a very high quality 
idea as depletion, reproduction and evolution by mutations is very hard to 
understand and explain without a correct, working, concept of time.

Thanks to DQ, we have more brands of self reproducing vegetables than 


7 feb 2014 x kl. 13.36 skrev Horse:

 Hi Dave
 I agree with much of what you say but it's still very important to remember 
 that DNA-based life is no more than one possible way for life to exist and 
 that it involves an environment and a context. Not having experienced 
 something (or maybe mis-interpreting something that we do experience) should 
 not blind us to the probability that it exists. Isn't this part of the 
 'Cleveland Harbor Effect'?
 Then he remembered the little “discrepancies” he had seen on the chart when 
 he came in. When a buoy had a “wrong” number on it he presumed it had been 
 changed since the chart was made. When a certain wall appeared that was not 
 shown, he assumed it had been built recently or maybe he hadn’t come to it 
 yet and he wasn’t quite where he thought he was. It never occurred to him to 
 think he was in a whole different harbor!
 It was a parable for students of scientific objectivity. Wherever the chart 
 disagreed with his observations he rejected the observation and followed the 
 chart. Because of what his mind thought it knew, it had built up a static 
 filter, an immune system, that was shutting out all information that did not 
 fit. Seeing is not believing. Believing is seeing.
 If this were just an individual phenomenon it would not be so serious. But it 
 is a huge cultural phenomenon too and it is very serious. We build up whole 
 cultural intellectual patterns based on past “facts” which are extremely 
 selective. When a new fact comes in that does not fit the pattern we don’t 
 throw out the pattern. We throw out the fact. A contradictory fact has to 

Re: [MD] Step one

2014-02-08 Thread Adrie Kintziger
Jan Anders, quote
A tree for example is using the magnetism between water molecules to pump
it up into the top of the tree.

osmotic pump
transpirational pull
this is an aside off course

2014-02-08 14:20 GMT+01:00 Jan Anders Andersson

 Hi Gents, (any Ladies?)

 In our work to refine the metaphysics of Quality I think we must use the
 element of time here. Actually, we are talking about step two, as step one
 should be the first step from where there where no Organic patterns at all,
 before the first change, into the moment after the very first change. A
 change implies the presence of time, just as an evolution implies some kind
 of order which is a kind of time management.


 I think it's better to say that time is a static intellectual concept
 that is one of the very first to emerge from Dynamic Quality. That keeps
 Dynamic Quality concept-free...

 The MOQ starts with the source of undifferentiated perception itself as
 the ultimate reality. The very first differentiation is probably `change`.
 The second one may be `before and after`. From this sense of `before and
 after` emerge more complex concepts of time.

 ... according to the Metaphysics of Quality, time and change did NOT act
 to evolve the static universe. Only Dynamic Quality did this. Time and
 change are primary concepts used to describe this evolution but they do
 not cause evolution any more than Newton's law of gravity causes the earth
 to stick together.

  (letter from ROBERT M. PIRSIG to Anthony McWatt, February 23rd, 1998)

 DNA, RNA or what effect from DQ we see here, RMP talks about the organic
 level as a level that is different from the inorganic level. One difference
 is that the superior level is using the lower level for its own purposes. A
 tree for example is using the magnetism between water molecules to pump it
 up into the top of the tree.

 I however think that the main difference between the levels is strongly
 dependant to time. Organic patterns are very stable by time. Atoms and
 molecules doesn't change very much by time. Hydrogen atoms are the same
 since Big Bang etc. Also, chemical reactions have an time order. Chemical
 reactions doesn't work backwards, thanks to The Laws of Thermodynamics...

 I think that the main difference between the inorganic and the organic
 level is related to time this way:
 As the inorganic patterns became more and more complex, their duration in
 time went the other way, the more complex structure the less duration. The
 solution that brought into the organic level is the self reproduction
 served to us by Dynamic Quality. Self reproduction overcomes the problem of
 depletion by age as new fresh younglings are made. Self reproduction in
 more than one copy of every original also brings in an economic advantage
 as viruses can spread in masses and find places where chances to survive is
 better. We should see the possibilities for a free choice to stay in the
 acid or move not only as an individual choice but as a species with large
 number of copies where the free choice is made by those who happen to be
 away from the acid.
 Mutations is also a new possibility as the reproductionary systems fails
 and some new versions show up to be more fit to the environment than others
 and Voila, inorganic evolution is here. Time and order is still a very high
 quality idea as depletion, reproduction and evolution by mutations is very
 hard to understand and explain without a correct, working, concept of time.

 Thanks to DQ, we have more brands of self reproducing vegetables than


 7 feb 2014 x kl. 13.36 skrev Horse:

  Hi Dave
  I agree with much of what you say but it's still very important to
 remember that DNA-based life is no more than one possible way for life to
 exist and that it involves an environment and a context. Not having
 experienced something (or maybe mis-interpreting something that we do
 experience) should not blind us to the probability that it exists. Isn't
 this part of the 'Cleveland Harbor Effect'?
  Then he remembered the little discrepancies he had seen on the chart
 when he came in. When a buoy had a wrong number on it he presumed it had
 been changed since the chart was made. When a certain wall appeared that
 was not shown, he assumed it had been built recently or maybe he hadn't
 come to it yet and he wasn't quite where he thought he was. It never
 occurred to him to think he was in a whole different harbor!
  It was a parable for students of scientific objectivity. Wherever the
 chart disagreed with his observations he rejected the observation and
 followed the chart. Because of what his mind thought it knew, it had built
 up a static filter, an immune 

Re: [MD] Step one

2014-02-07 Thread Horse

Hi Dave

I agree with much of what you say but it's still very important to 
remember that DNA-based life is no more than one possible way for life 
to exist and that it involves an environment and a context. Not having 
experienced something (or maybe mis-interpreting something that we do 
experience) should not blind us to the probability that it exists. Isn't 
this part of the 'Cleveland Harbor Effect'?

Then he remembered the little “discrepancies” he had seen on the chart 
when he came in. When a buoy had a “wrong” number on it he presumed it 
had been changed since the chart was made. When a certain wall appeared 
that was not shown, he assumed it had been built recently or maybe he 
hadn’t come to it yet and he wasn’t quite where he thought he was. It 
never occurred to him to think he was in a whole different harbor!
It was a parable for students of scientific objectivity. Wherever the 
chart disagreed with his observations he rejected the observation and 
followed the chart. Because of what his mind thought it knew, it had 
built up a static filter, an immune system, that was shutting out all 
information that did not fit. Seeing is not believing. Believing is seeing.
If this were just an individual phenomenon it would not be so serious. 
But it is a huge cultural phenomenon too and it is very serious. We 
build up whole cultural intellectual patterns based on past “facts” 
which are extremely selective. When a new fact comes in that does not 
fit the pattern we don’t throw out the pattern. We throw out the fact. A 
contradictory fact has to keep hammering and hammering and hammering, 
sometimes for centuries, before maybe one or two people will see it. And 
then these one or two have to start hammering on others for a long time 
before they see it too. Pisig, Lila, Ch.26

This isn't to say that we should believe any old nonsense, but that we 
remain open to DQ and by sticking rigidly to a definition as the only 
possibility (because that is all we appear to have experienced) then 
there is very real likelihood that new experience is inadvertently rejected.
The MoQ simply states that biological patterns evolve from inorganic 
patterns - not that DNA-based life evolves from RNA or other specific 
complex molecules. Remaining open to other possibilities is one way of 
following DQ.



On 02/02/2014 16:03, david wrote:

Horse said to dmb:

At the risk of misinterpreting what Ian's saying, I think what he means is 
that, as a generalisation, 'life' is the next step up from 'matter'! What we 
know as life is based around the double helix and involves DNA,  genes, 
proteins etc. but this is only one possible way that life may have emerged. 
It's a big universe and we only have a sample of one at the present time so to 
say that life = DNA is a big step in the wrong direction cos we just don't know 
about other ways in which life may come about.  ...A metaphysics needs to be a 
generalisation that can be applied to all situations and contexts regardless of 
specifics - the specifics should conform to the general theory of what 
constitutes what is and isn't 'real'.

dmb says:
Right, we just don't know about other ways in which life may come about. That's what I was getting at when I said, 
DNA-based life isn't just the most obvious kind, I think, but rather the only kind we know of. As I 
understand it, the MOQ's radical empiricism says that philosophers have no business talking about things outside of 
experience, no business talking about what James called trans-experiential entities and metaphysical 
fictions. And this is not an arbitrary rule but rather an assertion about what we can rightly consider to be 
real. (If it is known in experience, then it must be included in the philosophers account and, by the same 
token, if it is not known in experience philosophers should keep it out of their accounts.) I think life that is NOT 
based on DNA would qualify as something that is outside of experience. One can imagine or speculate but nothing more.

When we adopt the radical insight that Man is a participant in the creation of 
all things, every last bit of it, then the universe is not a separate reality 
to be discovered but rather a heap of analogies based on experience. Analytic 
philosophers like to talk about what true and false in all possible worlds but 
I think the radical empiricism just kind of shakes his head at that kind of 
hypothetical abstraction.

Abstraction, functioning in this way, becomes a means of arrest far more than a 
means of advance in thought. It mutilates things; it creates difficulties and finds 
impossibilities; and more than half the trouble that metaphysicians and logicians give 
themselves over the paradoxes and dialectic puzzles of the universe may, I am convinced, 
be traced to this relatively simple source. THE VICIOUSLY PRIVATIVE EMPLOYMENT OF 
ABSTRACT CHARACTERS AND CLASS NAMES is, I am persuaded, one of the great original sins of 

Re: [MD] Step one

2014-02-02 Thread Horse

Hi Dave

At the risk of misinterpreting what Ian's saying, I think what he means 
is that, as a generalisation, 'life' is the next step up from 'matter'!
What we know as life is based around the double helix and involves DNA, 
genes, proteins etc. but this is only one possible way that life may 
have emerged.
It's a big universe and we only have a sample of one at the present time 
so to say that life = DNA is a big step in the wrong direction cos we 
just don't know about other ways in which life may come about.
The MoQ makes a huge (and IMO correct) generalisation that 
organic/biological patterns follow on from inorganic patterns. 
Terrestrial life is a specific instance of biological patterns of value 
- there may be other specific instances in other parts of the universe. 
What those instances should follow though, if the MoQ is correct, is 
that they share the same patterns of reproduction, feeding etc. that 
Pirsig points out in his work.
Closer to home, it may be that at some point there will be other forms 
of life that exist but that their environment and context will be 
different. Artificial (or virtual) realities could well contain life 
(and may already) - it just depends on how you want to define and 
identify it.
A metaphysics needs to be a generalisation that can be applied to all 
situations and contexts regardless of specifics - the specifics should 
conform to the general theory of what constitutes what is and isn't 'real'.



On 01/02/2014 23:50, david wrote:

Ian said:
The distinction between levels 1 and 2 is life - not necessarily organic 
life, or DNA-based organic life, that just happens to be the most-obvious form in the 
circumstances of human history.

Andre replied:
Can you enlighten us with your knowledge of life that is not 'necessarily 
organic life' i.e. DNA 'based' life? Just interested in the non-obvious.

dmb says:
I was wondering about Ian's strange claim too. Since organic means of life, related to 
life, derived from living matter, it's hard to imagine what non-organic life would mean. DNA-based life 
isn't just the most obvious kind, I think, but rather the only kind we know of. Isn't that why a virus is 
considered a borderline case, because it only lives by highjacking the DNA of more proper 
In any case, I can only wonder what Ian is referring to.

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Re: [MD] Step one

2014-02-02 Thread david
Horse said to dmb:

At the risk of misinterpreting what Ian's saying, I think what he means is 
that, as a generalisation, 'life' is the next step up from 'matter'! What we 
know as life is based around the double helix and involves DNA,  genes, 
proteins etc. but this is only one possible way that life may have emerged. 
It's a big universe and we only have a sample of one at the present time so to 
say that life = DNA is a big step in the wrong direction cos we just don't know 
about other ways in which life may come about.  ...A metaphysics needs to be a 
generalisation that can be applied to all situations and contexts regardless of 
specifics - the specifics should conform to the general theory of what 
constitutes what is and isn't 'real'.

dmb says:
Right, we just don't know about other ways in which life may come about. That's 
what I was getting at when I said, DNA-based life isn't just the most obvious 
kind, I think, but rather the only kind we know of. As I understand it, the 
MOQ's radical empiricism says that philosophers have no business talking about 
things outside of experience, no business talking about what James called 
trans-experiential entities and metaphysical fictions. And this is not an 
arbitrary rule but rather an assertion about what we can rightly consider to be 
real. (If it is known in experience, then it must be included in the 
philosophers account and, by the same token, if it is not known in experience 
philosophers should keep it out of their accounts.) I think life that is NOT 
based on DNA would qualify as something that is outside of experience. One can 
imagine or speculate but nothing more. 

When we adopt the radical insight that Man is a participant in the creation of 
all things, every last bit of it, then the universe is not a separate reality 
to be discovered but rather a heap of analogies based on experience. Analytic 
philosophers like to talk about what true and false in all possible worlds but 
I think the radical empiricism just kind of shakes his head at that kind of 
hypothetical abstraction. 

Abstraction, functioning in this way, becomes a means of arrest far more than 
a means of advance in thought. It mutilates things; it creates difficulties and 
finds impossibilities; and more than half the trouble that metaphysicians and 
logicians give themselves over the paradoxes and dialectic puzzles of the 
universe may, I am convinced, be traced to this relatively simple source. THE 
persuaded, one of the great original sins of the rationalistic mind. -- 
William James (Emphasis is James's)

As Charlene Seigfried puts it, paraphrasing William James, abstractionism had 
become vicious already with Socrates and Plato, who deified conceptualization 
and denigrated the ever-changing flow of experience, thus forgetting and 
falsifying the origin of concepts as humanly constructed extracts from the 
temporal flux. (William James's Radical Reconstruction of Philosophy, 379.)

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Re: [MD] Step one

2014-02-01 Thread Jan-Anders Andersson

 1 feb 2014 kl. 08:45 skrev Andre
 How can we describe the difference between moral 1, the inorganic, and moral 
 2 the organic?
 My guess is that the inorganic level is 'informed' by the morals of the laws 
 of (quantum)physics,
 My guess is that the organic level is 'informed' by the morals of the laws of 

Yes, we all know that, but what is the difference? What was it that triggered 
this shift? DQ of course, but how did it happen? The basic cause for step one?

I may suggest that it has to do with selfperpetuating processes. We should be 
able to agree about that processes on earth like yearly climate dependant 
cycles like snow, freezing. Like earthquakes, geysers, black smokers under the 
sea, are still inorganic processes. At one point the patterns are going into 
organic. Where the superior organic patterns are using the inorganic patterns 
but for their own purpose. Lila, sort of.

How can we MOQers tell that in a few sentences to a SOMer?


 And where did those annotations come from?
 Lila's Child. You should be able to purchase a copy from Dan (he compiled it) 
 or from Anthony.
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Re: [MD] Step one

2014-02-01 Thread Andre

The distinction between levels 1 and 2 is life - not necessarily 
organic life, or DNA-based organic life, that just happens to be the 
most-obvious form in the circumstances of human history.

Can you enlighten us with your knowledge of life that is not 
'necessarily organic life' i.e. DNA 'based' life?

Just interested in the non-obvious.
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Re: [MD] Step one

2014-02-01 Thread Andre


Yes, we all know that, but what is the difference? What was it that triggered this shift? 
DQ of course, but how did it happen? The basic cause for step one?

Life is heading away from patterns, from whatever laws we may invent to explain 
them. As Lennon sang; 'Life is what happens to you while you're busy making 
other plans'.

Value cannot be contained by static patterns. It's the other way around J-A. 
It's 'life' or 'death'.

I guess 'life' seemed to have more potential?

How did it happen? All our mental constructions cannot explain this. All you 
come up with is static patterns while the real creative force is DQ. Ineffably 
striving 'betterness'. Whatever that means.

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Re: [MD] Step one

2014-02-01 Thread david

Ian said:
The distinction between levels 1 and 2 is life - not necessarily organic 
life, or DNA-based organic life, that just happens to be the most-obvious form 
in the circumstances of human history.

Andre replied:
Can you enlighten us with your knowledge of life that is not 'necessarily 
organic life' i.e. DNA 'based' life? Just interested in the non-obvious.

dmb says:
I was wondering about Ian's strange claim too. Since organic means of life, 
related to life, derived from living matter, it's hard to imagine what 
non-organic life would mean. DNA-based life isn't just the most obvious kind, I 
think, but rather the only kind we know of. Isn't that why a virus is 
considered a borderline case, because it only lives by highjacking the DNA of 
more proper organisms? 
In any case, I can only wonder what Ian is referring to. 

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Re: [MD] Step one

2014-02-01 Thread John Carl

By inspiration from Andre I'll suggest that we start a discussion about how
 to define the difference between level one, the inorganic and level two,
 the organic. I couldn't find any consistent thread in the Archives.

It's a huge difference - the difference between life and death, eh?  It's
as much a mystery as the definition of DQ itself since we don't have either
intellectually encapsulated as of yet.

Philosophically speaking, the difference lies between that which can
choose, and that which cannot.  An amoeba can inch away from the acid but
the quartz can not.

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Re: [MD] Step one

2014-02-01 Thread John Carl

On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 3:50 PM, david wrote:

I see we're on the same schedule since you posted this 7 mins ago.  And
btw, we agree on somethings because tomorrow my whole mantra will be go
broncos.  fuck seattle.

Ian said:
The distinction between levels 1 and 2 is life - not necessarily organic
life, or DNA-based organic life, that just happens to be the most-obvious
form in the circumstances of human history.

Andre replied

 Can you enlighten us with your knowledge of life that is not 'necessarily
 organic life' i.e. DNA 'based' life? Just interested in the non-obvious.

 dmb says:
 I was wondering about Ian's strange claim too. Since organic means of
 life, related to life, derived from living matter, it's hard to imagine
 what non-organic life would mean.

John says:  some people think crystals are alive, because they grow and
replicate too.  But I don't agree.  Life is more dynamic than that.  Life
has choice in a dimension that non-life does not experience and there's no
denying that.


DNA-based life isn't just the most obvious kind, I think, but rather the
 only kind we know of. Isn't that why a virus is considered a borderline
 case, because it only lives by highjacking the DNA of more proper
 In any case, I can only wonder what Ian is referring to.

 I'm sure he means well dave, as we all do, and I'm eager to hear more, as
 you yourself.

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Re: [MD] Step one

2014-01-31 Thread Jan-Anders Andersson
Nice work Andre. Selfperpetuating sounds as an elementary difference. 
Where does these annotations comw from?

 30 jan 2014 kl. 18:16 skrev Andre
 By inspiration from Andre I'll suggest that we start a discussion about how 
 to define the difference between level one, the inorganic and level two, the 
 organic. I couldn't find any consistent thread in the Archives.
 'Everything that has not been created by life (defined as DNA) is an 
 inorganic value pattern'. Annot.42
 Ipso facto an organic pattern is the 'presence of DNA in a self-perpetuating 
 pattern'. Annot.23
 The boundary between inorganic patterns and organic patterns is the virus 
 'because it is the simplest organism that contains DNA. I have read there is 
 some dispute about the virus being living or dead, and I take this dispute as 
 evidence that it is the boundary' Annotn. 48.
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Re: [MD] Step one

2014-01-31 Thread Ian Glendinning
Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail ?

Or (for dmb), can you tell the green slime from your feet of clay ?

The distinction between levels 1 and 2 is life - not necessarily
organic life, or DNA-based organic life, that just happens to be the
most-obvious form in the circumstances of human history. Just life.

Now, defining life  replication is a key part of it, but if you're
into splitting hairs you'll find everything comes in layers, including
the layers 


On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 6:58 PM, david wrote:

 dmb says:
 As I understand it, the distinction between organic and inorganic is 
 something everyone already understands. It's not something Pirsig invented. 
 It's just the difference between Adam and the clay from which he was formed. 
 It's the difference between rocks and trees, between ants and suns. I don't 
 understand why anyone needs to ask such a question.


 By inspiration from Andre I'll suggest that we start a discussion about how 
 to define the difference between level one, the inorganic and level two, the 
 organic. I couldn't find any consistent thread in the Archives.

 'Everything that has not been created by life (defined as DNA) is an 
 inorganic value pattern'. Annot.42

 Ipso facto an organic pattern is the 'presence of DNA in a self-perpetuating 
 pattern'. Annot.23

 The boundary between inorganic patterns and organic patterns is the virus 
 'because it is the simplest organism that contains DNA. I have read there is 
 some dispute about the virus being living or dead, and I take this dispute 
 as evidence that it is the boundary' Annotn. 48.

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Re: [MD] Step one

2014-01-31 Thread Jan-Anders Andersson
Well Ian, Lila is an inquiry about morals. Please notice the last letter s. 
That means that RMP was pointing at more than one moral level.

So what are the moral like at level 1 and at level 2?

Just curious but still serious


 31 jan 2014 kl. 14:23 skrev Ian Glendinning
 Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail ?
 Or (for dmb), can you tell the green slime from your feet of clay ?
 The distinction between levels 1 and 2 is life - not necessarily
 organic life, or DNA-based organic life, that just happens to be the
 most-obvious form in the circumstances of human history. Just life.
 Now, defining life  replication is a key part of it, but if you're
 into splitting hairs you'll find everything comes in layers, including
 the layers 
 On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 6:58 PM, david wrote:
 dmb says:
 As I understand it, the distinction between organic and inorganic is 
 something everyone already understands. It's not something Pirsig invented. 
 It's just the difference between Adam and the clay from which he was formed. 
 It's the difference between rocks and trees, between ants and suns. I don't 
 understand why anyone needs to ask such a question.
 By inspiration from Andre I'll suggest that we start a discussion about how 
 to define the difference between level one, the inorganic and level two, 
 the organic. I couldn't find any consistent thread in the Archives.
 'Everything that has not been created by life (defined as DNA) is an 
 inorganic value pattern'. Annot.42
 Ipso facto an organic pattern is the 'presence of DNA in a 
 self-perpetuating pattern'. Annot.23
 The boundary between inorganic patterns and organic patterns is the virus 
 'because it is the simplest organism that contains DNA. I have read there 
 is some dispute about the virus being living or dead, and I take this 
 dispute as evidence that it is the boundary' Annotn. 48.
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Re: [MD] Step one

2014-01-31 Thread Ian Glendinning
Jan Anders Huh?

Obviously I know. Andre's question was about the first step, between 1 and 2


On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 5:24 PM, Jan-Anders Andersson wrote:
 Well Ian, Lila is an inquiry about morals. Please notice the last letter s. 
 That means that RMP was pointing at more than one moral level.

 So what are the moral like at level 1 and at level 2?

 Just curious but still serious


 31 jan 2014 kl. 14:23 skrev Ian Glendinning

 Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail ?

 Or (for dmb), can you tell the green slime from your feet of clay ?

 The distinction between levels 1 and 2 is life - not necessarily
 organic life, or DNA-based organic life, that just happens to be the
 most-obvious form in the circumstances of human history. Just life.

 Now, defining life  replication is a key part of it, but if you're
 into splitting hairs you'll find everything comes in layers, including
 the layers 


 On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 6:58 PM, david wrote:

 dmb says:
 As I understand it, the distinction between organic and inorganic is 
 something everyone already understands. It's not something Pirsig invented. 
 It's just the difference between Adam and the clay from which he was 
 formed. It's the difference between rocks and trees, between ants and suns. 
 I don't understand why anyone needs to ask such a question.


 By inspiration from Andre I'll suggest that we start a discussion about 
 how to define the difference between level one, the inorganic and level 
 two, the organic. I couldn't find any consistent thread in the Archives.

 'Everything that has not been created by life (defined as DNA) is an 
 inorganic value pattern'. Annot.42

 Ipso facto an organic pattern is the 'presence of DNA in a 
 self-perpetuating pattern'. Annot.23

 The boundary between inorganic patterns and organic patterns is the virus 
 'because it is the simplest organism that contains DNA. I have read there 
 is some dispute about the virus being living or dead, and I take this 
 dispute as evidence that it is the boundary' Annotn. 48.

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Re: [MD] Step one

2014-01-31 Thread Jan-Anders Andersson
Yes, what, exactly, is, the difference between level 1 and level 2. Step one if 
you think entering the organic level is the first. Some might argue that this 
would be step two as it takes one step to get on the bus.

How can we describe the difference between moral 1, the inorganic, and moral 2 
the organic? There are some hints in Lila. And where did those annotations come 

 31 jan 2014 kl. 18:56 skrev Ian Glendinning
 Jan Anders Huh?
 Obviously I know. Andre's question was about the first step, between 1 and 2
 On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 5:24 PM, Jan-Anders Andersson wrote:
 Well Ian, Lila is an inquiry about morals. Please notice the last letter s. 
 That means that RMP was pointing at more than one moral level.
 So what are the moral like at level 1 and at level 2?
 Just curious but still serious
 31 jan 2014 kl. 14:23 skrev Ian Glendinning
 Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail ?
 Or (for dmb), can you tell the green slime from your feet of clay ?
 The distinction between levels 1 and 2 is life - not necessarily
 organic life, or DNA-based organic life, that just happens to be the
 most-obvious form in the circumstances of human history. Just life.
 Now, defining life  replication is a key part of it, but if you're
 into splitting hairs you'll find everything comes in layers, including
 the layers 
 On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 6:58 PM, david wrote:
 dmb says:
 As I understand it, the distinction between organic and inorganic is 
 something everyone already understands. It's not something Pirsig 
 invented. It's just the difference between Adam and the clay from which he 
 was formed. It's the difference between rocks and trees, between ants and 
 suns. I don't understand why anyone needs to ask such a question.
 By inspiration from Andre I'll suggest that we start a discussion about 
 how to define the difference between level one, the inorganic and level 
 two, the organic. I couldn't find any consistent thread in the Archives.
 'Everything that has not been created by life (defined as DNA) is an 
 inorganic value pattern'. Annot.42
 Ipso facto an organic pattern is the 'presence of DNA in a 
 self-perpetuating pattern'. Annot.23
 The boundary between inorganic patterns and organic patterns is the virus 
 'because it is the simplest organism that contains DNA. I have read there 
 is some dispute about the virus being living or dead, and I take this 
 dispute as evidence that it is the boundary' Annotn. 48.
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Re: [MD] Step one

2014-01-31 Thread Andre


How can we describe the difference between moral 1, the inorganic, and moral 2 
the organic?

My guess is that the inorganic level is 'informed' by the morals of the laws of 

My guess is that the organic level is 'informed' by the morals of the laws of 

And where did those annotations come from?

Lila's Child. You should be able to purchase a copy from Dan (he compiled it) 
or from Anthony.

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Re: [MD] Step one

2014-01-30 Thread david

dmb says:
As I understand it, the distinction between organic and inorganic is something 
everyone already understands. It's not something Pirsig invented. It's just the 
difference between Adam and the clay from which he was formed. It's the 
difference between rocks and trees, between ants and suns. I don't understand 
why anyone needs to ask such a question.

 By inspiration from Andre I'll suggest that we start a discussion about how 
 to define the difference between level one, the inorganic and level two, the 
 organic. I couldn't find any consistent thread in the Archives.
 'Everything that has not been created by life (defined as DNA) is an 
 inorganic value pattern'. Annot.42
 Ipso facto an organic pattern is the 'presence of DNA in a self-perpetuating 
 pattern'. Annot.23
 The boundary between inorganic patterns and organic patterns is the virus 
 'because it is the simplest organism that contains DNA. I have read there is 
 some dispute about the virus being living or dead, and I take this dispute as 
 evidence that it is the boundary' Annotn. 48.

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Re: [MD] Step one

2014-01-30 Thread Jan Anders Andersson
We all her know that it is a difference, Adam and the clay is way of a romantic 
expression of the difference but how should a classical person describe it?

A precise definition of the difference might be useful when we are talking to a 
complete novice for example.

Inorganic patterns have a lifetime if millions of years while organic sturcture 
last for much shorter time. Organic patterns are reproducing themselves while 
inorganic are not. Why?


 30 jan 2014 kl. 19:58 skrev david
 dmb says:
 As I understand it, the distinction between organic and inorganic is 
 something everyone already understands. It's not something Pirsig invented. 
 It's just the difference between Adam and the clay from which he was formed. 
 It's the difference between rocks and trees, between ants and suns. I don't 
 understand why anyone needs to ask such a question.
 By inspiration from Andre I'll suggest that we start a discussion about how 
 to define the difference between level one, the inorganic and level two, the 
 organic. I couldn't find any consistent thread in the Archives.
 'Everything that has not been created by life (defined as DNA) is an 
 inorganic value pattern'. Annot.42
 Ipso facto an organic pattern is the 'presence of DNA in a self-perpetuating 
 pattern'. Annot.23
 The boundary between inorganic patterns and organic patterns is the virus 
 'because it is the simplest organism that contains DNA. I have read there is 
 some dispute about the virus being living or dead, and I take this dispute 
 as evidence that it is the boundary' Annotn. 48.
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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-26 Thread MarshaV


Step one is understanding the way intellectual static patterns of value 
function.  This was demonstrated best by the reifying of the illusionary 
fiercest rivals.  It is such a conceptual habit it cannot even be properly 
recognized.  And of course there is that arrogant but imaginary autonomous 
little homunculus.  



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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-26 Thread MarshaV

Oh, but maybe the reification of  fiercest rivals was more a social pattern 
based on strong ambition, passion or arrogance.  

On Oct 26, 2010, at 4:44 AM, MarshaV wrote:

 Step one is understanding the way intellectual static patterns of value 
 function.  This was demonstrated best by the reifying of the illusionary 
 fiercest rivals.  It is such a conceptual habit it cannot even be properly 
 recognized.  And of course there is that arrogant but imaginary autonomous 
 little homunculus.  
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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-25 Thread MarshaV


I am not saying that the Intellectual Level is populated by subjects and 
objects; it is populated with patterns of value.   I am describing the way 
intellectual static patterns of value FUNCTION. 


On Oct 24, 2010, at 7:41 PM, Dan Glover wrote:

 Hello everyone
 On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 6:09 PM, 118 wrote:
 Hi Dan,
 Thanks.  My apologies, I will take a few deep breaths before I respond in
 the future.  I will certainly do my best to get current.  As something of a
 newcomer, I will ask questions.
 My questions to you in the post concerning your dismissal of Marsha, which
 you responded to, were sincere.  Perhaps when you have a chance you could
 respond to them.  In order for me to understand MOQ I believe an
 understanding of the terms is necessary, some thought that goes into the
 source of concepts such as SOM.  Things arise for a reason.  In my recent
 response to A from Sweden, I proposed something concerning words.  Any
 response to that would be most welcome as well.
 Hi Mark
 As I explained, your questions are meaningless in terms of the MOQ.
 Subject/object metaphysics is a collection of intellectual patterns of
 value that state reality is composed of a subject observing objects.
 Period. There is no room for values. In ZMM, Phaedrus goes to great
 lengths to show how Quality doesn't reside in either subject or
 object. It precedes them. Quality is left undefined.
 In LILA, Phaedrus decides to define Quality anyway... he compares his
 efforts to trying to keep the fat man out of the frig. Dynamic Quality
 is undefined while static quality is left in its wake. Dynamic Quality
 is what's better... not this, not that, as he puts it in LILA'S CHILD.
 Static quality is divided into four levels... Phaedrus says that if we
 were to construct an encyclopedia, everything would be contained
 within the four levels... every thing that is, except Dynamic
 Quality, which isn't a thing at all.
 In the MOQ, reality starts with experience. There is no reason why
 anything arises. The source and the destination of static quality
 patterns of value is Dynamic Quality. We are constantly defining
 Quality yet it can never be fully defined. It is inexhaustible. In
 ZMM, Phaedrus uses the term Quality Event to denote the source of
 subjects and objects, but in LILA, he abandons the term. Dynamic
 Quality is primary while static quality patterns of value are left in
 its wake.
 Still later, Robert Pirsig says that he saw how subjects and objects
 could be mapped onto the MOQ... subjects refer to social and
 intellectual patterns, while objects refer to inorganic and biological
 patterns. In this way, he marries philosophical idealism and
 scientific materialism under the umbrella of Quality. He states that
 there is no reason to get rid of the terms subject and object as long
 as it is remembered they refer to patterns of value, not to
 subject/object metaphysics.
 Now, my problem with Marsha (and Bodvar, of course) is her insistence
 that the intellectual level of the MOQ is identical to subject/object
 metaphysics. If you have followed what I said above, perhaps you can
 see the problem. Over ten years ago, Anthony McWatt confronted Bodvar
 on how SOM could be the intellectual level of the MOQ when Robert
 Pirsig indicates otherwise. Marsha's standard response is like
 Bodvar's... Robert Pirsig is wrong about his own metaphysics and their
 formulation is the one, true MOQ.
 Anyway, perhaps you can see how deeply this goes, and why my
 attempting an explanation really doesn't begin to touch the surface.
 But it is all there to read in the archives. It is a valuable
 resource, in my opinion, and not a cop-out as some might lead you to
 believe. And yes, ten-plus years of discussions is quite formidable.
 But, if a person is serious, it is a place to start catching up.
 Thank you,
 Cheers and over and out,
 On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Dan Glover wrote:
 Hello everyone
 On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 9:54 AM, 118 wrote:
 On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 7:16 AM, Dan Glover
 Hello everyone
 On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 11:36 PM, 118 wrote:
 Hi Dan,
 Yes, the definition, always good to have in a discussion.  The angle
 have been pursuing is one of boundary.  We know what SOM is by
  When is it that something enters into the SOM realm?  There seems to
 lot of grey area which you are not describing.  When are we actually
 SOM and when are we not?  What is the boundary that defines one from
 other?  Is there philosophy going on in a mystical state where there
 separation?  If so, how does this happen?  How are we able to
 an experience otherwise?  The intellect may have many components that
 not intellectual, it doesn't just come out of nowhere.  A description,

Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-25 Thread Andre Broersen

Platt to Mark:

In the Metaphysics of Quality, the source of concepts such as SOM is
Dynamic Quality. DQ  is the source of all things.

I stand corrected here Platt but this does not seem quite right. Yes, as 
Phaedrus puts it in ZMM
'The Quality event is the cause of the subjects and the objects,...' but this 
does not yet make for a
[subject-object] metaphysics. SOM emerged out of the observation with which 
Phaedrus concludes the sentence:'... which are then mistakenly presumed to be 
the cause of Quality!'. (ZMM, p234)

SOM does not acknowledge DQ. It suggests that the basic stuff 'composing' 
reality are subjects and objects full stop...and that Quality is an attribute 
of subjects and objects. This is backwards.

'The dilemma all the time had this unseen vile presumption in it, for which 
there was no logical justification, that Quality was the effect of subjects and 
objects. It was not!He brought out his knife.
'The sun of Quality' he wrote 'does not revolve around the subjects and objects 
of our existence. It does not passively illuminate them. It is not subordinate 
to them in any way.It has created them. They are subordinate to it'(ibid)

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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-25 Thread MarshaV


Your reference is, of course, to ZMM which doesn't not present 
a metaphysics, static patterns of value, Intellectual or otherwise,
or a hierarchical, evolutionary structure.   


On Oct 25, 2010, at 3:35 AM, Andre Broersen wrote:

 Platt to Mark:
 In the Metaphysics of Quality, the source of concepts such as SOM is
 Dynamic Quality. DQ  is the source of all things.
 I stand corrected here Platt but this does not seem quite right. Yes, as 
 Phaedrus puts it in ZMM
 'The Quality event is the cause of the subjects and the objects,...' but this 
 does not yet make for a
 [subject-object] metaphysics. SOM emerged out of the observation with which 
 Phaedrus concludes the sentence:'... which are then mistakenly presumed to be 
 the cause of Quality!'. (ZMM, p234)
 SOM does not acknowledge DQ. It suggests that the basic stuff 'composing' 
 reality are subjects and objects full stop...and that Quality is an attribute 
 of subjects and objects. This is backwards.
 'The dilemma all the time had this unseen vile presumption in it, for which 
 there was no logical justification, that Quality was the effect of subjects 
 and objects. It was not!He brought out his knife.
 'The sun of Quality' he wrote 'does not revolve around the subjects and 
 objects of our existence. It does not passively illuminate them. It is not 
 subordinate to them in any way.It has created them. They are subordinate to 
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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-25 Thread Andre Broersen

Mark to Andre:

I am sorry you feel that way.  I am more than happy to leave politics out of

And I am glad you didn't take my suggestion too seriously. I do not want to see 
anyone off this discuss who expresses a genuine interest in the MOQ as a whole.

Now Andre,  if you would be so kind as to respond to the following question,
I would be most grateful:  Where does SOM come from?  I am not asking for a
definition, I am asking for a process.  What are the causal events that
bring about SOM?

I have answered this, hopefully to your satisfaction, in my recent reply to 
Platt. Phaedrus is much better at a proper formulation regarding this issue (in 
ZMM, including the roles of Plato and Aristotle) which, among other things was 
further developed in LILA where Phaedrus argues for a view of 'preference' 
rather than 'cause'.

It irked Phaedrus because the word ''cause' implies absolute certainty whereas 
the implied meaning of 'value' is one of preference'

'Therefore when you strike cause from the language and substitute 'value' you 
are not only replacing an empirically meaningless term with a meaningful one; 
you are using a term that is more appropriate to actual observation'(LILA,p 107)

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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-25 Thread plattholden
On 25 Oct 2010 at 9:35, Andre Broersen wrote:

Platt to Mark:

In the Metaphysics of Quality, the source of concepts such as SOM is
Dynamic Quality. DQ  is the source of all things.

I stand corrected here Platt but this does not seem quite right. Yes, as 
Phaedrus puts it in ZMM
'The Quality event is the cause of the subjects and the objects,...' but this 
does not yet make for a
[subject-object] metaphysics. SOM emerged out of the observation with which 
Phaedrus concludes the sentence:'... which are then mistakenly presumed to be 
the cause of Quality!'. (ZMM, p234)

SOM does not acknowledge DQ. It suggests that the basic stuff 'composing' 
reality are subjects and objects full stop...and that Quality is an attribute 
of subjects and objects. This is backwards.

'The dilemma all the time had this unseen vile presumption in it, for which 
there was no logical justification, that Quality was the effect of subjects and 
objects. It was not!He brought out his knife.
'The sun of Quality' he wrote 'does not revolve around the subjects and objects 
of our existence. It does not passively illuminate them. It is not subordinate 
to them in any way.It has created them. They are subordinate to it'(ibid)

Hi Andre,

You may be right, of course, but as I see it there was no metaphysics of 
subject and objects before Pirsig identified it as such. Further, SOM is a fall 
out of DQ, like all value patterns are. Finally, Pirsig's identification and 
observations about the nature of SOM resulted from his response to DQ which, as 
you know, is the creative moral force and, as Pirsig has written, the source 
of all things. (Lila, 9) 

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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-25 Thread Andre Broersen

Platt (and Marsha) to Andre:

You may be right, of course, but as I see it there was no metaphysics of
subject and objects before Pirsig identified it as such. Further, SOM is a fall
out of DQ, like all value patterns are. Finally, Pirsig's identification and
observations about the nature of SOM resulted from his response to DQ which, as
you know, is the creative moral force and, as Pirsig has written, the source
of all things. (Lila, 9)

That's fair enough. As Pisig writes in Annotn 144:
'There has been no an academic category called “subject-object” metaphysics for 
the same reason that before Columbus discovered America there was no such 
geographical category as an “Old World.” Columbus discovery created the “Old 
World” as that entity which Columbus left behind. In the same way the MOQ has 
“created” subject-object  metaphysics as that system of thought which the MOQ 
has left behind'.

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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-25 Thread 118
Thanks Andre,
That makes sense, I'll have to chew on it.

On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 2:56 AM, Andre Broersen andrebroer...@gmail.comwrote:

 Mark to Andre:

 I am sorry you feel that way.  I am more than happy to leave politics out

 And I am glad you didn't take my suggestion too seriously. I do not want to
 see anyone off this discuss who expresses a genuine interest in the MOQ as a

 Now Andre,  if you would be so kind as to respond to the following
 I would be most grateful:  Where does SOM come from?  I am not asking for a
 definition, I am asking for a process.  What are the causal events that
 bring about SOM?

 I have answered this, hopefully to your satisfaction, in my recent reply to
 Platt. Phaedrus is much better at a proper formulation regarding this issue
 (in ZMM, including the roles of Plato and Aristotle) which, among other
 things was further developed in LILA where Phaedrus argues for a view of
 'preference' rather than 'cause'.

 It irked Phaedrus because the word ''cause' implies absolute certainty
 whereas the implied meaning of 'value' is one of preference'

 'Therefore when you strike cause from the language and substitute 'value'
 you are not only replacing an empirically meaningless term with a meaningful
 one; you are using a term that is more appropriate to actual
 observation'(LILA,p 107)

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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-25 Thread ADRIE KINTZIGER
The way i'm reading his interventions, is that they are based on the
case-evidence, the material that is availiable
ie ; Turners reflections, Mc Watt's work, DMB'S abstractions, Dan's
interpretations,all the surrounding material like
interviews, William James his work and the use of this as a tool to shape
and form the science of the metaphysiks
i can go on forever.
I can find no distortions in what Andre is presenting, he works with the
'native' material, not some home-brew drivel.
but more importantly, quality is an event, and the quality from ZAM is the
same quality from LILA, as there is no gradation in quality,
there is no other 'quality' then QUALITY.. itself, there is no other time
then time itself ,and details like this do matter, because
to make an event possible, it needs to have a beginning and an
end,otherwise no dynamic quality can evolve within the model.
time , the 4th dimension needs to be involved in the event QUALITY, only so
quality can be the parent of static and dynamic quality.

Here is a Pirsig/MC Watt impression on the evolutive caracter of
quality/time/dynamic quality.
Incredibly important to note that Andre is not conflicting with any of this.
greetzz, Adrie

2010/10/25 MarshaV


 Your reference is, of course, to ZMM which doesn't not present
 a metaphysics, static patterns of value, Intellectual or otherwise,
 or a hierarchical, evolutionary structure.


 On Oct 25, 2010, at 3:35 AM, Andre Broersen wrote:

  Platt to Mark:
  In the Metaphysics of Quality, the source of concepts such as SOM is
  Dynamic Quality. DQ  is the source of all things.
  I stand corrected here Platt but this does not seem quite right. Yes, as
 Phaedrus puts it in ZMM
  'The Quality event is the cause of the subjects and the objects,...' but
 this does not yet make for a
  [subject-object] metaphysics. SOM emerged out of the observation with
 which Phaedrus concludes the sentence:'... which are then mistakenly
 presumed to be the cause of Quality!'. (ZMM, p234)
  SOM does not acknowledge DQ. It suggests that the basic stuff 'composing'
 reality are subjects and objects full stop...and that Quality is an
 attribute of subjects and objects. This is backwards.
  'The dilemma all the time had this unseen vile presumption in it, for
 which there was no logical justification, that Quality was the effect of
 subjects and objects. It was not!He brought out his knife.
  'The sun of Quality' he wrote 'does not revolve around the subjects and
 objects of our existence. It does not passively illuminate them. It is not
 subordinate to them in any way.It has created them. They are subordinate to
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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-25 Thread david buchanan

Mark asked Andre:
Where does SOM come from?  I am not asking for a definition, I am asking for a 
process.  What are the causal events that bring about SOM?

I have answered this, hopefully to your satisfaction, in my recent reply to 
Platt. Phaedrus is much better at a proper formulation regarding this issue (in 
ZMM, including the roles of Plato and Aristotle) which, among other things was 
further developed in LILA...

Andre also quoted from Lila's Child, Annotation 144:
'There has been no an academic category called “subject-object” metaphysics for 
the same reason that before Columbus discovered America there was no such 
geographical category as an “Old World.” Columbus discovery created the “Old 
World” as that entity which Columbus left behind. In the same way the MOQ has 
“created” subject-object metaphysics as that system of thought which the MOQ 
has left behind'.

dmb says:

Right, SOM is not caused by some particular event. In ZAMM, the author traces 
the origins of our contemporary attitudes of objectivity and value-free 
science. He traces the problem all the way back to the very beginnings of 
philosophy, as Andre points out, and takes sides with the Sophists. But 
Aristotle and Plato were lost to the West for centuries and their rediscovery 
roughly co-incides with the beginnings of the early Modern Period, when science 
and philosophy were re-born in the West. That's where we get SOM proper, rather 
than its ancient precursors. Descartes is building upon the ancient 
philosophers the way the inventor of electric car depends on the first steam 
engine, our electrical grid and countless other pieces of technology that make 
it possible. In other words, Descartes' mind-body dualism grows out of a 
particular cultural situation. It makes sense within the whole body of 
inherited beliefs that constituted his 17th century French culture. In our own 
time, scientific objectivity has all but eliminated the subject, the mind. Some 
contemporary philosophers and scientists equate the brain and the mind so that 
you get a kind of physicalist monism, rather than a Cartesian dualism. That 
kind of scientific materialism is the hardest on values and morals. It's 
objectivity and value-free science that leads to the paralysis of relativism. 

By contrast, radical empiricism says, that subjects and objects are not the 
starting points of experience. Subjects and objects are secondary. They are 
concepts derived from something more fundamental which he [William James] 
described as 'the immediate flux of life which furnishes the material to our 
later reflection with its conceptual categories.' In this basic flux of 
experience, the distinctions of reflective thought, as as those between 
consciousness and content, subject and object, mind and matter, have not yet 
emerged in the forms which we make them. Pure experience [DQ] cannot be called 
either physical or psychical; it logically precedes this distinction. 
The status of subjects and objects is hereby reduced from the starting points 
of experience to concepts derived from experience. Radical empiricists maintain 
that all concepts and all abstractions are derived from experience and are true 
and good only to the extent that they function within the ongoing process of 
living. But this rejection of SOM is also about solving philosophical problems.

The first great pitfall from which such a radical standing by experience will 
save us is an artificial conception of the relations between knower and known. 
Throughout the history of philosophy the subject and its object have been 
treated as absolutely discontinuous entities; and thereupon the presence of the 
latter to the former, or the 'apprehension' by the former of the latter, has 
assumed a paradoxical character which all sorts of theories had to be invented 
to overcome.
See, THAT is the assumption they are attacking, that subjects and objects have 
been treated as absolutely discontinuous entities and the starting points of 
experience. James says this assumption has generated an artificial conception 
of the relations between knower (subject) and known (objects). As the Dewey 
scholar John Stuhr says. We INVENT the philosophical problem of how to get 
them (subjects and objects) together precisely by committing the error of 
conferring existential status upon the products of reflection. 
That last line is about the conceptual error known as reification. 
Reification is the mistake of confusing concepts with actual things, of taking 
abstract ideas and turning them into actual entities. That's what radical 
empiricism does NOT do to subjects and objects. Pirsig, James and Dewey all 
insist that subjects and objects are just abstract concepts, inherited 
philosophical ideas, and NOT the primary structure of reality. The MOQ 
de-reifies or un-reifies subjects and objects. 

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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-25 Thread X Acto

Dan, Dave,

An excellent explanation,

It should be placed within the site somehow


as a contextual touchstone for discussions.

a treat to read.



Hello everyone

On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 1:32 PM, david buchanan wrote:

 Mark asked Andre:
 Where does SOM come from?  I am not asking for a definition, I am asking for 
process.  What are the causal events that bring about SOM?

 I have answered this, hopefully to your satisfaction, in my recent reply to 
Platt. Phaedrus is much better at a proper formulation regarding this issue 
ZMM, including the roles of Plato and Aristotle) which, among other things was 
further developed in LILA...

 Andre also quoted from Lila's Child, Annotation 144:
 'There has been no an academic category called “subject-object” metaphysics 
the same reason that before Columbus discovered America there was no such 
geographical category as an “Old World.” Columbus discovery created the “Old 
World” as that entity which Columbus left behind. In the same way the MOQ has 
“created” subject-object metaphysics as that system of thought which the MOQ 
left behind'.

 dmb says:

 Right, SOM is not caused by some particular event. In ZAMM, the author traces 
the origins of our contemporary attitudes of objectivity and value-free 
He traces the problem all the way back to the very beginnings of philosophy, 
Andre points out, and takes sides with the Sophists. But Aristotle and Plato 
were lost to the West for centuries and their rediscovery roughly co-incides 
with the beginnings of the early Modern Period, when science and philosophy 
re-born in the West. That's where we get SOM proper, rather than its ancient 
precursors. Descartes is building upon the ancient philosophers the way the 
inventor of electric car depends on the first steam engine, our electrical 
and countless other pieces of technology that make it possible. In other 
Descartes' mind-body dualism grows out of a particular cultural situation. It 
makes sense within the whole body of inherited beliefs that constituted his 
century French culture. In our own time, scientific objectivity has all but 
eliminated the subject, the mind. Some contemporary philosophers and 
equate the brain and the mind so that you get a kind of physicalist monism, 
rather than a Cartesian dualism. That kind of scientific materialism is the 
hardest on values and morals. It's objectivity and value-free science that 
to the paralysis of relativism.

In annotation 144, Robert Pirsig uses quotes around created to
emphasize that the MOQ uncovers subject-object metaphysics the same
way that Descartes uncovered cognito, ergo sum. He didn't create it
so much as he brought it to light within the context of the cultural
norms of his time. As you say, it is a continual process of new ideas
building on a foundation of old ideas going all the way back to the
dawn of recorded history. It's like philosphical archaeology, in a
sense. With the MOQ, we have an expansion of thought that brings
together seemingly opposing ideas like idealism and materialism. The
MOQ doesn't destroy the old ideas so much as it sheds light on
heretofore contradictary and mutually exclusive systems of thought.

 By contrast, radical empiricism says, that subjects and objects are not the 
starting points of experience. Subjects and objects are secondary. They are 
concepts derived from something more fundamental which he [William James] 
described as 'the immediate flux of life which furnishes the material to our 
later reflection with its conceptual categories.' In this basic flux of 
experience, the distinctions of reflective thought, as as those between 
consciousness and content, subject and object, mind and matter, have not yet 
emerged in the forms which we make them. Pure experience [DQ] cannot be called 
either physical or psychical; it logically precedes this distinction.
 The status of subjects and objects is hereby reduced from the starting points 
of experience to concepts derived from experience. Radical empiricists 
that all concepts and all abstractions are derived from experience and are 
and good only to the extent that they function within the ongoing process of 
living. But this rejection of SOM is also about solving philosophical problems.

 The first great pitfall from which such a radical standing by experience 
save us is an artificial conception of the relations between knower and known. 
Throughout the history of philosophy the subject and its object have been 
treated as absolutely discontinuoucs entities; and thereupon the presence of 
latter to the former, or the 'apprehension' by the former of the latter, has 
assumed a paradoxical character which all sorts of theories had to be invented 
to overcome.
 See, THAT is the assumption they are attacking, that subjects and objects 

Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-24 Thread Horse

 Yes I do Marsha - I also post as the Moderator/Administrator of MD

Apart from that though, I only post as Horse.
Posting as another identity is not generally a problem as long as there 
is no devious or deceitful intent. However, if I find that someone is 
posting to get around a ban or to circumvent any restrictions I have 
introduced I will remove all instances of that member unless there is a 
very good reason not to do so. Very good reasons to me that is.


On 24/10/2010 03:39, MarshaV wrote:


Do you ever post on the MD using a different name, an alias name?


On Oct 23, 2010, at 2:28 PM, Horse wrote:

However you word it Marsha, SOM as the Intellectual level is SOL. Whether it's 
by the front or the back door.
Two posts a day. That's the limit, please observe it.


On 23/10/2010 19:00, MarshaV wrote:

Greetings Horse,

I am not discussing the SOL, it my view of the Intellectual Level based on 
reification.   I don't believe Bo ever used the word reification.


On Oct 23, 2010, at 1:56 PM, Horse wrote:

Marsha, I think you've had more than your two posts a day regarding the SOL.
As a reminder to folks on this list, SOM as the Intellectual Level (SOL) is 
restricted to a maximum of two posts per day per member.
Please bear this in mind.


On 23/10/2010 18:52, MarshaV wrote:


Here is how I interpret, based on how the patterns function, the Intellectual 
(SOM) Level:

The Intellectual Level, the fourth level, is comprised of static patterns of 
value such as theology, mathematics, science and philosophy. The way that these 
patterns function is as reified concepts and the rules for their rational 
analysis and manipulation.  Reification decontextualizes.  Intellectual 
patterns process from a subject/object conceptual framework creating false 
boundaries that give the illusion of independence as a “thing” or an “object of 
analysis.”  The fourth level is a formalized subject/object level (SOM), where 
the paramount demand is for rational, objective knowledge, which is free from 
the taint of any subjectivity like emotions, inclinations, fears and 
compulsions in order to pursue, study and research in an unbiased and rational 




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— Frank Zappa

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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-24 Thread Dan Glover
Hello everyone

On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 11:36 PM, 118 wrote:
 Hi Dan,

 Yes, the definition, always good to have in a discussion.  The angle that I
 have been pursuing is one of boundary.  We know what SOM is by definition.
  When is it that something enters into the SOM realm?  There seems to be a
 lot of grey area which you are not describing.  When are we actually using
 SOM and when are we not?  What is the boundary that defines one from the
 other?  Is there philosophy going on in a mystical state where there is no
 separation?  If so, how does this happen?  How are we able to translate such
 an experience otherwise?  The intellect may have many components that are
 not intellectual, it doesn't just come out of nowhere.  A description, in
 metaphysical terms of its arising would be most useful.  It appears that
 Marsha is attempting to define such boundaries.  Could you please define
 yours, and stop being so silly about it?  I would like to see you defend
 your rationale without resorting to some nonsensical not this not that.


Mark, you obviously have A LOT of catching up to do before we can hold
a reasonable discussion. Subject/object metaphysics holds that there
are only a subject observing objects. Period. Reading your posts, I
don't see that you've grasped that. When you ask: When is it that
something enters the SOM realm... something doesn't enter the SOM
realm. There isn't something out there called SOM. That is the
fallacy that Robert Pirsig tried to correct with his Metaphysics of

And for the record, I am not being silly. It is your lack of
understanding that makes it seem so. Next thing you'll be calling me a
retard, I suppose. Not this, not that has nothing to do with the
definition of the intellectual level. Honestly, I am not teacher,
Mark. I have very little patience with people who bounce in on their
high horse spouting how smart they are. A good scientist would do the
research... read the archives for starters... read Anthony McWatt's
work... read LILA and ZMM... and if you claim to have read them, read
them again. You haven't got the message.



 On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 9:00 PM, Dan Glover wrote:

 Hello everyone

 On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 1:09 PM, david buchanan
  You still don't see why your equation doesn't add up? You still don't see
 the problem with your reasoning? I thought I'd made it impossible to miss,
 even for you. And what I did was neither a hissy-fit nor was it merely
 insulting. It was a step-by-step explanation and, as usual, you have
 responded with a childish evasion.
  Go ahead, Marsha explain your reasoning. If philosophy is a particular
 kind of intellectual quality and SOM is a particular kind of philosophy,
 then how can the whole intellectual level be defined as a formalized
 subject/object level (SOM)?
  How can one part of a subsection define the whole thing? That's like
 defining food as one of the cherries in one slice of one pie.
  And what really kills me is the fact that anybody ever asked in the first
 place. Intellect is what you're using to ask the question. It's just the
 ability to skillfully handle concepts, abstractions, generalizations and the
 like. Intellectual patterns are the products of that skill. What's not to
 understand? Intellect is what we use here everyday. It's what you use to
 read and interpret the books we're here to discuss. It's just thinking.
 Marsha's definition is too complicated by about 2000%.
  That's a criticism of your position, Marsha, not mere insult. Yes, I
 characterized your reasoning as spectacularly bad and spectacularly
 stupid but I broke it down into steps, used an analogy and otherwise
 explained exactly what the problem is with that reasoning. A child could
 have understood that explanation but you've simply ignored the actual
 substance of it. As usual, your response fits the same old pattern. Insult
 and evade, insult and evade. There is simply no reasoning with you, is
 there? You are literally unreasonable. Things like logic and evidence mean
 absolutely nothing to you, do they? I just don't understand how you can
 cling to such a conspicuously contradictory construction without
  Level 4 includes patterns like a, b, c, and d.
  Level 4 is defined as the patterns that dominated the Western part of d
 in recent historic times?
  C'mon. Anyone can see how s)pectacularly bad that reasoning is, right?
 It's not just me, right? Isn't is conspicuously wrong? The problem with it
 is very clear, no?

 Dan comments:

 Yes, I don't get it either... this facination of attempting to define
 the intellectual level as something it is obviously not, at least not
 in the framework of the MOQ. SOM as intellect (and I don't care how it
 is clothed, it is still SOM as intellect) is an unreasonable position
 that leads to nonsensical conclusions that any serious 

Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-24 Thread 118
On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 7:16 AM, Dan Glover wrote:

 Hello everyone

 On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 11:36 PM, 118 wrote:
  Hi Dan,
  Yes, the definition, always good to have in a discussion.  The angle that
  have been pursuing is one of boundary.  We know what SOM is by
   When is it that something enters into the SOM realm?  There seems to be
  lot of grey area which you are not describing.  When are we actually
  SOM and when are we not?  What is the boundary that defines one from the
  other?  Is there philosophy going on in a mystical state where there is
  separation?  If so, how does this happen?  How are we able to translate
  an experience otherwise?  The intellect may have many components that are
  not intellectual, it doesn't just come out of nowhere.  A description, in
  metaphysical terms of its arising would be most useful.  It appears that
  Marsha is attempting to define such boundaries.  Could you please define
  yours, and stop being so silly about it?  I would like to see you defend
  your rationale without resorting to some nonsensical not this not that.


 Mark, you obviously have A LOT of catching up to do before we can hold
 a reasonable discussion. Subject/object metaphysics holds that there
 are only a subject observing objects. Period. Reading your posts, I
 don't see that you've grasped that. When you ask: When is it that
 something enters the SOM realm... something doesn't enter the SOM
 realm. There isn't something out there called SOM. That is the
 fallacy that Robert Pirsig tried to correct with his Metaphysics of

 And for the record, I am not being silly. It is your lack of
 understanding that makes it seem so. Next thing you'll be calling me a
 retard, I suppose. Not this, not that has nothing to do with the
 definition of the intellectual level. Honestly, I am not teacher,
 Mark. I have very little patience with people who bounce in on their
 high horse spouting how smart they are. A good scientist would do the
 research... read the archives for starters... read Anthony McWatt's
 work... read LILA and ZMM... and if you claim to have read them, read
 them again. You haven't got the message.


  On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 9:00 PM, Dan Glover
  Hello everyone
  On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 1:09 PM, david buchanan
   You still don't see why your equation doesn't add up? You still don't
  the problem with your reasoning? I thought I'd made it impossible to
  even for you. And what I did was neither a hissy-fit nor was it merely
  insulting. It was a step-by-step explanation and, as usual, you have
  responded with a childish evasion.
   Go ahead, Marsha explain your reasoning. If philosophy is a particular
  kind of intellectual quality and SOM is a particular kind of philosophy,
  then how can the whole intellectual level be defined as a formalized
  subject/object level (SOM)?
   How can one part of a subsection define the whole thing? That's like
  defining food as one of the cherries in one slice of one pie.
   And what really kills me is the fact that anybody ever asked in the
  place. Intellect is what you're using to ask the question. It's just the
  ability to skillfully handle concepts, abstractions, generalizations and
  like. Intellectual patterns are the products of that skill. What's not
  understand? Intellect is what we use here everyday. It's what you use to
  read and interpret the books we're here to discuss. It's just thinking.
  Marsha's definition is too complicated by about 2000%.
   That's a criticism of your position, Marsha, not mere insult. Yes, I
  characterized your reasoning as spectacularly bad and spectacularly
  stupid but I broke it down into steps, used an analogy and otherwise
  explained exactly what the problem is with that reasoning. A child could
  have understood that explanation but you've simply ignored the actual
  substance of it. As usual, your response fits the same old pattern.
  and evade, insult and evade. There is simply no reasoning with you, is
  there? You are literally unreasonable. Things like logic and evidence
  absolutely nothing to you, do they? I just don't understand how you can
  cling to such a conspicuously contradictory construction without
   Level 4 includes patterns like a, b, c, and d.
   Level 4 is defined as the patterns that dominated the Western part of
  in recent historic times?
   C'mon. Anyone can see how s)pectacularly bad that reasoning is, right?
  It's not just me, right? Isn't is conspicuously wrong? The problem with
  is very clear, no?
  Dan comments:
  Yes, I don't get it either... this facination of attempting to define
  the intellectual level as something it is obviously not, at least not
  in the 

Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-24 Thread Horse


As Dan says, you haven't, apparently, been around long enough yet to 
grasp what's going on here and his suggestion that you consult the 
archives, Anthony's work etc. is very apt. What Dan has said is plain 
good sense and is said without being rude unlike your reply.



On 24/10/2010 15:16, Dan Glover wrote:

Mark, you obviously have A LOT of catching up to do before we can hold
a reasonable discussion. Subject/object metaphysics holds that there
are only a subject observing objects. Period. Reading your posts, I
don't see that you've grasped that. When you ask: When is it that
something enters the SOM realm... something doesn't enter the SOM
realm. There isn't something out there called SOM. That is the
fallacy that Robert Pirsig tried to correct with his Metaphysics of

And for the record, I am not being silly. It is your lack of
understanding that makes it seem so. Next thing you'll be calling me a
retard, I suppose. Not this, not that has nothing to do with the
definition of the intellectual level. Honestly, I am not teacher,
Mark. I have very little patience with people who bounce in on their
high horse spouting how smart they are. A good scientist would do the
research... read the archives for starters... read Anthony McWatt's
work... read LILA and ZMM... and if you claim to have read them, read
them again. You haven't got the message.


On 24/10/2010 15:54, 118 wrote:

Hi Dan,

Is that all you've got?  Hmmm...Intellectual indeed.  Is that what you call

Well, then, my only response is:  Go back to your master, you effing
rottweiler!  You want it your way, there's a nice big bowl of dog food
waiting for you under the table, snarf it up, it will make you happy.   Stop
your pathetic snarling on these airwaves!  Don't come back until you have
something productive to bark about!  Go now, shoo,shoo.  That's a good boy.



Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines 
or dates by which bills must be paid.
— Frank Zappa

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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-24 Thread Andre Broersen

Mark to Dan:

Well, then, my only response is:  Go back to your master, you effing
rottweiler!  You want it your way, there's a nice big bowl of dog food
waiting for you under the table, snarf it up, it will make you happy.   Stop
your pathetic snarling on these airwaves!  Don't come back until you have
something productive to bark about!  Go now, shoo,shoo.  That's a good boy.

Mark to Ian:
What kind of controls does the UK place on its private insurance carriers?
It's only an argument if you want it to be. Left, right, left, right,
left, right ...

promoting youtube for the zillionth time.

I like Ham's notion of accepting and seeing where it leads.  However, being
the biochemist I am, I look for cause.  What divides the subject object?

Do words create Value?


I've tried to avoid getting dragged into the stupidity of what's been
going on here but obviously haven't done a very good job.

So folks, on those threads that have degenerated into political
name-calling, left-right disputations etc. I am requesting that they
come to a close now.

Mark obviously does not belong on this discuss. To respond to Dan like that is 
showing nothing but contempt on top of a waste-full ignorance of what the 
messages, as revealed through ZMM and LILA, are.

You, Mark, as a self proclaimed scientist, feed the likes of Marsha, Ham, 
Bodvar  and Platt through your confirmation and obvious inability of getting 
away from the SOM way of dealing with things ( and I do mean 'dealing' and 
'things' in the way they are intended). Dealing with the given (whilst you seem 
to have no idea that you are the one actively participating in creating the 
given) things confronting you.( this is a stance dating back to 
Newton/Locke times)

It supports Dan's observation that you have obviously not understood either ZMM 
nor LILA.

The MOQ points the finger towards this process yet, you are oblivious. Yes, 
your intellect is SOM.
It seems to me that you find it difficult to see SOM as one way of looking at 
the world disregarding other ways of looking at the world. You seem to me to be 
a true representative of the dominant Western paradigm...and are willing to 
create the most wonderful arguments (political)to sustain this paradigm.

What are you hoping to achieve by being here on a discuss talking about Mr. 
Pirsig's MOQ?( Not yours, not mine, not Marsha's or Platt's nor Arlo's or dmb's 
or Horse's or Adrie's or Ron's, or Steve or Ian, or Graig's) Mr. Pirsig's.

The MOQ is supposed to be 'above' politics. It is supposedly pointing towards a 
rational foundation of reconciling seeming opposites. Of late, I have seen 
nothing but oppositional bunkers being created and being fired from.

And who are getting shot? The fucking messengers. The likes of Mr. Pirsig (!), 
dmb, Dan, Anthony and Horse (who is trying to protect the messengers and 
copping flack for it...and this has nothing to do with Horse [ultimately] 
paying the electricity bill I am sure...this is so low!).

Imho, I think we are in a sorry, sad and shameful state of affairs.

Moq_Discuss mailing list
Listinfo, Unsubscribing etc.

Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-24 Thread MarshaV


This Cartesian 'Me,' this autonomous little homunculus who sits behind our 
eyeballs looking out through them in order to pass judgment on the affairs of 
the world, is just completely ridiculous. This self-appointed little editor of 
reality is just an impossible fiction that collapses the moment one examines 
it. This Cartesian 'Me' is a software reality, not a hardware reality. This 
body on the left and this body on the right are running variations of the same 
program, the same 'Me,' which doesn't belong to either of them. The 'Me's' are 
simply a program format.

Talk about aliens from another planet. This program based on 'Me's' and 'We's' 
is the alien. 'We' has only been here for a few thousand years or so. But these 
bodies that 'We' has taken over were around for ten times that long before 'We' 
came along. And the cells - my God, the cells have been around for thousands of 
times that long.
   (LILA, Chapter 15)  

On Oct 24, 2010, at 2:58 PM, Andre Broersen wrote:

 Mark to Dan:
 Well, then, my only response is:  Go back to your master, you effing
 rottweiler!  You want it your way, there's a nice big bowl of dog food
 waiting for you under the table, snarf it up, it will make you happy.   Stop
 your pathetic snarling on these airwaves!  Don't come back until you have
 something productive to bark about!  Go now, shoo,shoo.  That's a good boy.
 Mark to Ian:
 What kind of controls does the UK place on its private insurance carriers?
 It's only an argument if you want it to be. Left, right, left, right,
 left, right ...
 promoting youtube for the zillionth time.
 I like Ham's notion of accepting and seeing where it leads.  However, being
 the biochemist I am, I look for cause.  What divides the subject object?
 Do words create Value?
 I've tried to avoid getting dragged into the stupidity of what's been
 going on here but obviously haven't done a very good job.
 So folks, on those threads that have degenerated into political
 name-calling, left-right disputations etc. I am requesting that they
 come to a close now.
 Mark obviously does not belong on this discuss. To respond to Dan like that 
 is showing nothing but contempt on top of a waste-full ignorance of what the 
 messages, as revealed through ZMM and LILA, are.
 You, Mark, as a self proclaimed scientist, feed the likes of Marsha, Ham, 
 Bodvar  and Platt through your confirmation and obvious inability of getting 
 away from the SOM way of dealing with things ( and I do mean 'dealing' and 
 'things' in the way they are intended). Dealing with the given (whilst you 
 seem to have no idea that you are the one actively participating in creating 
 the given) things confronting you.( this is a stance dating back to 
 Newton/Locke times)
 It supports Dan's observation that you have obviously not understood either 
 ZMM nor LILA.
 The MOQ points the finger towards this process yet, you are oblivious. Yes, 
 your intellect is SOM.
 It seems to me that you find it difficult to see SOM as one way of looking at 
 the world disregarding other ways of looking at the world. You seem to me to 
 be a true representative of the dominant Western paradigm...and are willing 
 to create the most wonderful arguments (political)to sustain this paradigm.
 What are you hoping to achieve by being here on a discuss talking about Mr. 
 Pirsig's MOQ?( Not yours, not mine, not Marsha's or Platt's nor Arlo's or 
 dmb's or Horse's or Adrie's or Ron's, or Steve or Ian, or Graig's) Mr. 
 The MOQ is supposed to be 'above' politics. It is supposedly pointing towards 
 a rational foundation of reconciling seeming opposites. Of late, I have seen 
 nothing but oppositional bunkers being created and being fired from.
 And who are getting shot? The fucking messengers. The likes of Mr. Pirsig 
 (!), dmb, Dan, Anthony and Horse (who is trying to protect the messengers and 
 copping flack for it...and this has nothing to do with Horse [ultimately] 
 paying the electricity bill I am sure...this is so low!).
 Imho, I think we are in a sorry, sad and shameful state of affairs.
 Moq_Discuss mailing list
 Listinfo, Unsubscribing etc.


Moq_Discuss mailing list
Listinfo, Unsubscribing etc.

Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-24 Thread 118
Hi Andre,

I am sorry you feel that way.  I am more than happy to leave politics out of
this.  My posts have been in response to questions posed to me.  I can
certainly not respond, and will do so.

I provided some questions to Dan concerning SOM.  If you thought my response
was not appropriate then it was only because of the condescending way that
he posted on this forum, and wished I would go away.  I am not sure if you
saw his response, but it was dismissive at best; so before you begin taking
sides please review the context.  Personally naming somebody as silly as
Dan likes to do is not very professional.  If he is protecting the MOQ, then
a simple answer to my questions would have been appropriate, and not the
sarcastic tone which he used. It appears that some treat this forum more
like a dictate rather than a forum for discussion.  You will find that in
general my posts are most respectful.

Yes, my intent is to provide clarity to Mr. Pirsig's view of Quality.  And
unless Horse is Pirsig in disguise (the horses from Plato's analogy), we are
left free to do so.  I do not believe there is any authority currently on
this forum that dictates where it goes.  It is a messy business working
through the internet, but you get what you pay for.

I will do my best to be respectful, but if there is any sarcastic
dismissiveness because people do not like what I have to say, then I respond
in kind.  Nobody is getting shot, you do not have to read my posts, and I
would suggest that you do not from now on.  I have a lot more at stake that
MoQ becomes something than you do.  This is not an exercise in armchair
philosophy, and I will ask you to review my posts from two years ago and
most recently before you judge.

Now Andre,  if you would be so kind as to respond to the following question,
I would be most grateful:  Where does SOM come from?  I am not asking for a
definition, I am asking for a process.  What are the causal events that
bring about SOM?

Thanks in advance,

On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Andre Broersen andrebroer...@gmail.comwrote:

 Mark to Dan:

 Well, then, my only response is:  Go back to your master, you effing
 rottweiler!  You want it your way, there's a nice big bowl of dog food
 waiting for you under the table, snarf it up, it will make you happy.
 your pathetic snarling on these airwaves!  Don't come back until you have
 something productive to bark about!  Go now, shoo,shoo.  That's a good boy.

 Mark to Ian:
 What kind of controls does the UK place on its private insurance carriers?
 It's only an argument if you want it to be. Left, right, left, right,
 left, right ...

 promoting youtube for the zillionth time.

 I like Ham's notion of accepting and seeing where it leads.  However, being
 the biochemist I am, I look for cause.  What divides the subject object?

 Do words create Value?


 I've tried to avoid getting dragged into the stupidity of what's been
 going on here but obviously haven't done a very good job.

 So folks, on those threads that have degenerated into political
 name-calling, left-right disputations etc. I am requesting that they
 come to a close now.

 Mark obviously does not belong on this discuss. To respond to Dan like that
 is showing nothing but contempt on top of a waste-full ignorance of what the
 messages, as revealed through ZMM and LILA, are.

 You, Mark, as a self proclaimed scientist, feed the likes of Marsha, Ham,
 Bodvar  and Platt through your confirmation and obvious inability of getting
 away from the SOM way of dealing with things ( and I do mean 'dealing' and
 'things' in the way they are intended). Dealing with the given (whilst you
 seem to have no idea that you are the one actively participating in creating
 the given) things confronting you.( this is a stance dating back to
 Newton/Locke times)

 It supports Dan's observation that you have obviously not understood either
 ZMM nor LILA.

 The MOQ points the finger towards this process yet, you are oblivious. Yes,
 your intellect is SOM.
 It seems to me that you find it difficult to see SOM as one way of looking
 at the world disregarding other ways of looking at the world. You seem to me
 to be a true representative of the dominant Western paradigm...and are
 willing to create the most wonderful arguments (political)to sustain this

 What are you hoping to achieve by being here on a discuss talking about Mr.
 Pirsig's MOQ?( Not yours, not mine, not Marsha's or Platt's nor Arlo's or
 dmb's or Horse's or Adrie's or Ron's, or Steve or Ian, or Graig's) Mr.

 The MOQ is supposed to be 'above' politics. It is supposedly pointing
 towards a rational foundation of reconciling seeming opposites. Of late, I
 have seen nothing but oppositional bunkers being created and being fired

 And who are getting shot? The fucking messengers. The likes of Mr. Pirsig
 (!), dmb, Dan, Anthony and Horse (who is trying to protect the 

Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-24 Thread X Acto
interesting to note yet again-

Greco-Buddhism, sometimes spelled Graeco-Buddhism, 
refers to the cultural syncretism between Hellenistic 
culture and Buddhism, which developed between the 4th 
century BCE and the 5th century CE in the area covered
 by the Indian sub-continent, and modern Afghanistan, 
Pakistan and north-western border regions of modern India,
 namely western portions of Jammu and Kashmir. It was a
 cultural consequence of a long chain of interactions
 begun by Greek forays into India from the time of 
Alexander the Great, carried further by the establishment 
of Indo-Greek rule in the area for some centuries, and 
extended during flourishing of the Hellenized empire of 
the Kushans.Greco-Buddhism influenced 
the artistic, and perhaps the spiritual framework, 
developments of Buddhism, particularly Mahayana Buddhism,
 founded in India, which represents one of the two main 
branches of Buddhism.[1]

- Original Message 
From: david buchanan
Sent: Sat, October 23, 2010 1:35:36 PM
Subject: Re: [MD] Step One

This threefold dependence is not intuitively obvious, for it is concealed by 
the appearance of phenomena as being self-sufficient and independent of 
conceptual designation. On the basis of these misleading appearances it is 
natural to think of, or conceptually apprehend, phenomena as self-defining 
things in themselves. This tendency is known as reification, and according to 
the Madhyamaka view, this is an inborn delusion that provides the basis for a 
host of mental afflictions. Reification decontextualizes. It views phenomena 
without regard to the causal nexus in which they arise, and without regard to 
the specific means of observation and conceptualization by which they are 
The Madhyamaka, or Centrist, view is so called because it seeks to avoid the 
extremes of reifying phenomena on the one hand, and of denying the existence of 
phenomena on the other.

Parrots squawk and
peoples think.
Echo's fate and
Narcissus' link. 

 Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2010 09:55:34 -0700
 Subject: Re: [MD] Step One
 Hi Marsha,
 Thanks for your help in my search.  I found the following web page on
 Let me know what you think.
 On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 8:20 AM, MarshaV wrote:
  Hi Mark,
  Here is how I interpret, based on how they function,  the Intellectual
  (SOM) Level:
  The Intellectual Level, the fourth level, is comprised of static patterns
  of value such as theology, mathematics, science and philosophy. The way that
  these patterns function is as reified concepts and the rules for their
  rational analysis and manipulation.  Reification decontextualizes.
   Intellectual patterns process from a subject/object conceptual framework
  creating false boundaries that give the illusion of independence as a
  “thing” or an “object of analysis.”  The fourth level is a formalized
  subject/object level (SOM), where the paramount demand is for rational,
  objective knowledge, which is free from the taint of any subjectivity like
  emotions, inclinations, fears and compulsions in order to pursue, study and
  research in an unbiased and rational manner.
  On Oct 23, 2010, at 3:40 AM, MarshaV wrote:
   Correct interrupted to be interpreted.
   On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:16 PM, 118 wrote:
   On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 7:09 AM, MarshaV wrote:
   On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:44 AM, 118 wrote:
   inferred that you were reasoning that Quality was analogous to not
   not that.  Clearly I was mistaken.  You were simply stating that
   not be described with words.  OK, I get it.  How is it then that you
   The point is I don't talk about it.  Using intellect to talk about
   reifies it,
   and it is not this, not that.  I experience it as unpatterned, and
   patterned flow,
   after that nothing fits well.  If you want to talk about Intellectual
   or Social Level patterns, or Biological Level patterns, or Inorganic
   patterns, I think there is lots to consider and discuss.
   The point is that while you do not talk about it, you certainly write
   it, unless you are in the wrong forum.  Your description of experience
   shorthand at best  There are at least four words there that need
   interpretation (and one of those is not I, which can also be
   So, let's talk about the expression of quality in the subjects you
   reference above.  You can consider it not really talking about Quality
   that makes more sense to you.
   Hi Mark,
   The Dynamic aspect of Quality is unknowable, indivisible, undefinable.

Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-24 Thread Dan Glover
Hello everyone

On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 9:54 AM, 118 wrote:
 On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 7:16 AM, Dan Glover wrote:

 Hello everyone

 On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 11:36 PM, 118 wrote:
  Hi Dan,
  Yes, the definition, always good to have in a discussion.  The angle that
  have been pursuing is one of boundary.  We know what SOM is by
   When is it that something enters into the SOM realm?  There seems to be
  lot of grey area which you are not describing.  When are we actually
  SOM and when are we not?  What is the boundary that defines one from the
  other?  Is there philosophy going on in a mystical state where there is
  separation?  If so, how does this happen?  How are we able to translate
  an experience otherwise?  The intellect may have many components that are
  not intellectual, it doesn't just come out of nowhere.  A description, in
  metaphysical terms of its arising would be most useful.  It appears that
  Marsha is attempting to define such boundaries.  Could you please define
  yours, and stop being so silly about it?  I would like to see you defend
  your rationale without resorting to some nonsensical not this not that.


 Mark, you obviously have A LOT of catching up to do before we can hold
 a reasonable discussion. Subject/object metaphysics holds that there
 are only a subject observing objects. Period. Reading your posts, I
 don't see that you've grasped that. When you ask: When is it that
 something enters the SOM realm... something doesn't enter the SOM
 realm. There isn't something out there called SOM. That is the
 fallacy that Robert Pirsig tried to correct with his Metaphysics of

 And for the record, I am not being silly. It is your lack of
 understanding that makes it seem so. Next thing you'll be calling me a
 retard, I suppose. Not this, not that has nothing to do with the
 definition of the intellectual level. Honestly, I am not teacher,
 Mark. I have very little patience with people who bounce in on their
 high horse spouting how smart they are. A good scientist would do the
 research... read the archives for starters... read Anthony McWatt's
 work... read LILA and ZMM... and if you claim to have read them, read
 them again. You haven't got the message.


  On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 9:00 PM, Dan Glover
  Hello everyone
  On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 1:09 PM, david buchanan
   You still don't see why your equation doesn't add up? You still don't
  the problem with your reasoning? I thought I'd made it impossible to
  even for you. And what I did was neither a hissy-fit nor was it merely
  insulting. It was a step-by-step explanation and, as usual, you have
  responded with a childish evasion.
   Go ahead, Marsha explain your reasoning. If philosophy is a particular
  kind of intellectual quality and SOM is a particular kind of philosophy,
  then how can the whole intellectual level be defined as a formalized
  subject/object level (SOM)?
   How can one part of a subsection define the whole thing? That's like
  defining food as one of the cherries in one slice of one pie.
   And what really kills me is the fact that anybody ever asked in the
  place. Intellect is what you're using to ask the question. It's just the
  ability to skillfully handle concepts, abstractions, generalizations and
  like. Intellectual patterns are the products of that skill. What's not
  understand? Intellect is what we use here everyday. It's what you use to
  read and interpret the books we're here to discuss. It's just thinking.
  Marsha's definition is too complicated by about 2000%.
   That's a criticism of your position, Marsha, not mere insult. Yes, I
  characterized your reasoning as spectacularly bad and spectacularly
  stupid but I broke it down into steps, used an analogy and otherwise
  explained exactly what the problem is with that reasoning. A child could
  have understood that explanation but you've simply ignored the actual
  substance of it. As usual, your response fits the same old pattern.
  and evade, insult and evade. There is simply no reasoning with you, is
  there? You are literally unreasonable. Things like logic and evidence
  absolutely nothing to you, do they? I just don't understand how you can
  cling to such a conspicuously contradictory construction without
   Level 4 includes patterns like a, b, c, and d.
   Level 4 is defined as the patterns that dominated the Western part of
  in recent historic times?
   C'mon. Anyone can see how s)pectacularly bad that reasoning is, right?
  It's not just me, right? Isn't is conspicuously wrong? The problem with
  is very clear, no?
  Dan comments:
  Yes, I don't get it either... this facination of attempting to 

Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-24 Thread 118
Hi Dan,
Thanks.  My apologies, I will take a few deep breaths before I respond in
the future.  I will certainly do my best to get current.  As something of a
newcomer, I will ask questions.

My questions to you in the post concerning your dismissal of Marsha, which
you responded to, were sincere.  Perhaps when you have a chance you could
respond to them.  In order for me to understand MOQ I believe an
understanding of the terms is necessary, some thought that goes into the
source of concepts such as SOM.  Things arise for a reason.  In my recent
response to A from Sweden, I proposed something concerning words.  Any
response to that would be most welcome as well.

Cheers and over and out,

On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Dan Glover wrote:

 Hello everyone

 On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 9:54 AM, 118 wrote:
  On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 7:16 AM, Dan Glover
  Hello everyone
  On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 11:36 PM, 118 wrote:
   Hi Dan,
   Yes, the definition, always good to have in a discussion.  The angle
   have been pursuing is one of boundary.  We know what SOM is by
When is it that something enters into the SOM realm?  There seems to
   lot of grey area which you are not describing.  When are we actually
   SOM and when are we not?  What is the boundary that defines one from
   other?  Is there philosophy going on in a mystical state where there
   separation?  If so, how does this happen?  How are we able to
   an experience otherwise?  The intellect may have many components that
   not intellectual, it doesn't just come out of nowhere.  A description,
   metaphysical terms of its arising would be most useful.  It appears
   Marsha is attempting to define such boundaries.  Could you please
   yours, and stop being so silly about it?  I would like to see you
   your rationale without resorting to some nonsensical not this not
  Mark, you obviously have A LOT of catching up to do before we can hold
  a reasonable discussion. Subject/object metaphysics holds that there
  are only a subject observing objects. Period. Reading your posts, I
  don't see that you've grasped that. When you ask: When is it that
  something enters the SOM realm... something doesn't enter the SOM
  realm. There isn't something out there called SOM. That is the
  fallacy that Robert Pirsig tried to correct with his Metaphysics of
  And for the record, I am not being silly. It is your lack of
  understanding that makes it seem so. Next thing you'll be calling me a
  retard, I suppose. Not this, not that has nothing to do with the
  definition of the intellectual level. Honestly, I am not teacher,
  Mark. I have very little patience with people who bounce in on their
  high horse spouting how smart they are. A good scientist would do the
  research... read the archives for starters... read Anthony McWatt's
  work... read LILA and ZMM... and if you claim to have read them, read
  them again. You haven't got the message.
   On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 9:00 PM, Dan Glover
   Hello everyone
   On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 1:09 PM, david buchanan
You still don't see why your equation doesn't add up? You still
   the problem with your reasoning? I thought I'd made it impossible to
   even for you. And what I did was neither a hissy-fit nor was it
   insulting. It was a step-by-step explanation and, as usual, you have
   responded with a childish evasion.
Go ahead, Marsha explain your reasoning. If philosophy is a
   kind of intellectual quality and SOM is a particular kind of
   then how can the whole intellectual level be defined as a formalized
   subject/object level (SOM)?
How can one part of a subsection define the whole thing? That's
   defining food as one of the cherries in one slice of one pie.
And what really kills me is the fact that anybody ever asked in the
   place. Intellect is what you're using to ask the question. It's just
   ability to skillfully handle concepts, abstractions, generalizations
   like. Intellectual patterns are the products of that skill. What's
   understand? Intellect is what we use here everyday. It's what you use
   read and interpret the books we're here to discuss. It's just
   Marsha's definition is too complicated by about 2000%.
That's a criticism of your position, Marsha, not mere insult. Yes,
   characterized your reasoning as spectacularly bad and
   stupid but I broke it down into steps, used an analogy and otherwise
   explained exactly what the problem is with that reasoning. A child

Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-24 Thread Dan Glover
Hello everyone

On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 6:09 PM, 118 wrote:
 Hi Dan,
 Thanks.  My apologies, I will take a few deep breaths before I respond in
 the future.  I will certainly do my best to get current.  As something of a
 newcomer, I will ask questions.

 My questions to you in the post concerning your dismissal of Marsha, which
 you responded to, were sincere.  Perhaps when you have a chance you could
 respond to them.  In order for me to understand MOQ I believe an
 understanding of the terms is necessary, some thought that goes into the
 source of concepts such as SOM.  Things arise for a reason.  In my recent
 response to A from Sweden, I proposed something concerning words.  Any
 response to that would be most welcome as well.

Hi Mark

As I explained, your questions are meaningless in terms of the MOQ.
Subject/object metaphysics is a collection of intellectual patterns of
value that state reality is composed of a subject observing objects.
Period. There is no room for values. In ZMM, Phaedrus goes to great
lengths to show how Quality doesn't reside in either subject or
object. It precedes them. Quality is left undefined.

In LILA, Phaedrus decides to define Quality anyway... he compares his
efforts to trying to keep the fat man out of the frig. Dynamic Quality
is undefined while static quality is left in its wake. Dynamic Quality
is what's better... not this, not that, as he puts it in LILA'S CHILD.
Static quality is divided into four levels... Phaedrus says that if we
were to construct an encyclopedia, everything would be contained
within the four levels... every thing that is, except Dynamic
Quality, which isn't a thing at all.

In the MOQ, reality starts with experience. There is no reason why
anything arises. The source and the destination of static quality
patterns of value is Dynamic Quality. We are constantly defining
Quality yet it can never be fully defined. It is inexhaustible. In
ZMM, Phaedrus uses the term Quality Event to denote the source of
subjects and objects, but in LILA, he abandons the term. Dynamic
Quality is primary while static quality patterns of value are left in
its wake.

Still later, Robert Pirsig says that he saw how subjects and objects
could be mapped onto the MOQ... subjects refer to social and
intellectual patterns, while objects refer to inorganic and biological
patterns. In this way, he marries philosophical idealism and
scientific materialism under the umbrella of Quality. He states that
there is no reason to get rid of the terms subject and object as long
as it is remembered they refer to patterns of value, not to
subject/object metaphysics.

Now, my problem with Marsha (and Bodvar, of course) is her insistence
that the intellectual level of the MOQ is identical to subject/object
metaphysics. If you have followed what I said above, perhaps you can
see the problem. Over ten years ago, Anthony McWatt confronted Bodvar
on how SOM could be the intellectual level of the MOQ when Robert
Pirsig indicates otherwise. Marsha's standard response is like
Bodvar's... Robert Pirsig is wrong about his own metaphysics and their
formulation is the one, true MOQ.

Anyway, perhaps you can see how deeply this goes, and why my
attempting an explanation really doesn't begin to touch the surface.
But it is all there to read in the archives. It is a valuable
resource, in my opinion, and not a cop-out as some might lead you to
believe. And yes, ten-plus years of discussions is quite formidable.
But, if a person is serious, it is a place to start catching up.

Thank you,


 Cheers and over and out,

 On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Dan Glover wrote:

 Hello everyone

 On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 9:54 AM, 118 wrote:
  On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 7:16 AM, Dan Glover
  Hello everyone
  On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 11:36 PM, 118 wrote:
   Hi Dan,
   Yes, the definition, always good to have in a discussion.  The angle
   have been pursuing is one of boundary.  We know what SOM is by
    When is it that something enters into the SOM realm?  There seems to
   lot of grey area which you are not describing.  When are we actually
   SOM and when are we not?  What is the boundary that defines one from
   other?  Is there philosophy going on in a mystical state where there
   separation?  If so, how does this happen?  How are we able to
   an experience otherwise?  The intellect may have many components that
   not intellectual, it doesn't just come out of nowhere.  A description,
   metaphysical terms of its arising would be most useful.  It appears
   Marsha is attempting to define such boundaries.  Could you please
   yours, and stop being so silly about it?  I would like to see you
   your rationale without resorting to some nonsensical not this not

Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-24 Thread Platt Holden
On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 7:09 PM, 118 wrote:

 In order for me to understand MOQ I believe an
 understanding of the terms is necessary, some thought that goes into the
 source of concepts such as SOM.  Things arise for a reason.  In my recent
 response to A from Sweden, I proposed something concerning words.  Any
 response to that would be most welcome as well.

Hi Mark,

Your simple, direct questions are good ones and deserve simple, direct

In the Metaphysics of Quality, the source of concepts such as SOM is
Quality. DQ  is the source of all things. It is the creative moral force.
Things arise
from DQ for the reason that they are better. They are more moral than what

The starting point of the MOQ, it's initial premise that cannot be denied
contradiction, is simply that Some things are better than others.

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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-24 Thread 118
On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 4:41 PM, Dan Glover wrote:

 Hello everyone

 On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 6:09 PM, 118 wrote:
  Hi Dan,
  Thanks.  My apologies, I will take a few deep breaths before I respond in
  the future.  I will certainly do my best to get current.  As something of
  newcomer, I will ask questions.
  My questions to you in the post concerning your dismissal of Marsha,
  you responded to, were sincere.  Perhaps when you have a chance you could
  respond to them.  In order for me to understand MOQ I believe an
  understanding of the terms is necessary, some thought that goes into the
  source of concepts such as SOM.  Things arise for a reason.  In my recent
  response to A from Sweden, I proposed something concerning words.  Any
  response to that would be most welcome as well.

 Hi Mark

 As I explained, your questions are meaningless in terms of the MOQ.
 Subject/object metaphysics is a collection of intellectual patterns of
 value that state reality is composed of a subject observing objects.
 Period. There is no room for values. In ZMM, Phaedrus goes to great
 lengths to show how Quality doesn't reside in either subject or
 object. It precedes them. Quality is left undefined.

 In LILA, Phaedrus decides to define Quality anyway... he compares his
 efforts to trying to keep the fat man out of the frig. Dynamic Quality
 is undefined while static quality is left in its wake. Dynamic Quality
 is what's better... not this, not that, as he puts it in LILA'S CHILD.
 Static quality is divided into four levels... Phaedrus says that if we
 were to construct an encyclopedia, everything would be contained
 within the four levels... every thing that is, except Dynamic
 Quality, which isn't a thing at all.

 In the MOQ, reality starts with experience. There is no reason why
 anything arises. The source and the destination of static quality
 patterns of value is Dynamic Quality. We are constantly defining
 Quality yet it can never be fully defined. It is inexhaustible. In
 ZMM, Phaedrus uses the term Quality Event to denote the source of
 subjects and objects, but in LILA, he abandons the term. Dynamic
 Quality is primary while static quality patterns of value are left in
 its wake.

 Still later, Robert Pirsig says that he saw how subjects and objects
 could be mapped onto the MOQ... subjects refer to social and
 intellectual patterns, while objects refer to inorganic and biological
 patterns. In this way, he marries philosophical idealism and
 scientific materialism under the umbrella of Quality. He states that
 there is no reason to get rid of the terms subject and object as long
 as it is remembered they refer to patterns of value, not to
 subject/object metaphysics.

 Now, my problem with Marsha (and Bodvar, of course) is her insistence
 that the intellectual level of the MOQ is identical to subject/object
 metaphysics. If you have followed what I said above, perhaps you can
 see the problem. Over ten years ago, Anthony McWatt confronted Bodvar
 on how SOM could be the intellectual level of the MOQ when Robert
 Pirsig indicates otherwise. Marsha's standard response is like
 Bodvar's... Robert Pirsig is wrong about his own metaphysics and their
 formulation is the one, true MOQ.

 Anyway, perhaps you can see how deeply this goes, and why my
 attempting an explanation really doesn't begin to touch the surface.
 But it is all there to read in the archives. It is a valuable
 resource, in my opinion, and not a cop-out as some might lead you to
 believe. And yes, ten-plus years of discussions is quite formidable.
 But, if a person is serious, it is a place to start catching up.

 Thank you,


Hi Dan,
Thank you for providing me with a short description of your interpretation
of Quality.  I will certainly file it.  You may, or may not know that I
joined MOQ discuss in 2008.  I'm not sure what qualifies as newcomer, but I
am fine with that beginners mind (reference to Suzuki and Zen). I read
ZAMM in 1973, and thus helped to make it a bestseller.  It caught the
people's imagination and was even discussed in a philosophy class I took
back then.  Perhaps you read it at the same time, if so we have spent an
equal amount of time thinking about Quality.

Back in 2009 I wrote an essay in this forum in tribute to Pirsig and the
impact that ZAMM had on me and friends at the time.  I was also a little
critical on what it was becoming.  The release of Lila did not receive near
the amount of following even though many who bought ZAMM put out the money.
 I think you know why.  Anyway, from that essay I wrote, I received some
commendations from members, such as Platt.  You did not reply, and I just
assumed that you hadn't read it.  I also had numerous discussions with
Bodvar from which I benefited greatly.  I have had many discussions with Ham
over the years, and we enthusiastically agree to disagree on certain
subjects.  His appreciation of Quality is indeed deep, 

Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-24 Thread 118
Hi Horse,

Thanks for the reminder, and I do consult the archives.  I just sent a
professional response to Dan thanking him for the information.  Perhaps you
could direct me to certain critical subject headings that you feel would
help me out.  I will await your response.

Thanks again,
Mark (member since 2008)

On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 9:11 AM, Horse wrote:


 As Dan says, you haven't, apparently, been around long enough yet to grasp
 what's going on here and his suggestion that you consult the archives,
 Anthony's work etc. is very apt. What Dan has said is plain good sense and
 is said without being rude unlike your reply.



 On 24/10/2010 15:16, Dan Glover wrote:

 Mark, you obviously have A LOT of catching up to do before we can hold
 a reasonable discussion. Subject/object metaphysics holds that there
 are only a subject observing objects. Period. Reading your posts, I
 don't see that you've grasped that. When you ask: When is it that
 something enters the SOM realm... something doesn't enter the SOM
 realm. There isn't something out there called SOM. That is the
 fallacy that Robert Pirsig tried to correct with his Metaphysics of

 And for the record, I am not being silly. It is your lack of
 understanding that makes it seem so. Next thing you'll be calling me a
 retard, I suppose. Not this, not that has nothing to do with the
 definition of the intellectual level. Honestly, I am not teacher,
 Mark. I have very little patience with people who bounce in on their
 high horse spouting how smart they are. A good scientist would do the
 research... read the archives for starters... read Anthony McWatt's
 work... read LILA and ZMM... and if you claim to have read them, read
 them again. You haven't got the message.


 On 24/10/2010 15:54, 118 wrote:

 Hi Dan,

 Is that all you've got?  Hmmm...Intellectual indeed.  Is that what you

 Well, then, my only response is:  Go back to your master, you effing
 rottweiler!  You want it your way, there's a nice big bowl of dog food
 waiting for you under the table, snarf it up, it will make you happy.
 your pathetic snarling on these airwaves!  Don't come back until you have
 something productive to bark about!  Go now, shoo,shoo.  That's a good



 Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid.
 — Frank Zappa

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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread 118
Hi Andre,

[Andre previously in an attack on Marsha, most expletives removed, but
Let me put it another way: the inorganic level is a station through which
the organic level is made possible ( yes, by all means use a railway
station). The organic level is a station through which the social level is
made possible and the social station is the level through which the
intellectual level is made possible. All levels are connected, all level
communicate with each other.

[Andre previously]
If level one (the inorganic) says to the rest:'No way fellas then nothing
will happen. If you are preparing for, and delivering you thesis and the
second level says:'Man, you gotta pee or shit' this will sabotage all of
your intellectual intentions!You will not be able to perform unless you
attend to its requirements and needs. ( I am not sure how the social level
will react to you if you deliver your thesis without any clothes on but I do
know that it will detract the attention off what you try, intellectually, to

Yes, Andre, this is a bottoms up approach.  I am not sure I agree with it.
 There is also the top down approach which could begin with Emptiness.  The
bottom up approach is certainly much easier to understand and state, since
the levels seem to be structured going up as written.  No doubt, the
direction could be considered upward.  If one invokes current science and
our understanding of time, it is also possible to view the levels as you
state.  But, we still have much to learn, especially in a metaphysical
approach.  Science does not necessarily need to be invoked, it could have it
completely wrong, it is just a description.

The direction could also be considered downward if we use your staircase.
 Many ascribe consciousness as that which creates all other.  In its human
interpretation, consciousness as intellect would be the simplest form or
level.  One cannot create all the rest without intellect; as Ham would say
(I think), it differentiates.  Intellect could then result in SOM as a
product, intellect is also required for mystical experiences, so SOM does
not necessarily have to be alone.  SOM would differentiate into society,
then biology, then the rest.  There is no doubt that the interaction (or
flux if you wish) of the inorganic is much more complex than that of the
intellect.  I believe that complexity stems from simplicity in a fractal
kind of way.  We choose to complicate or break up pure experience.

All I am saying is that all is in a steady, static, stable flux. But for the
adherents of the SOM/SOL shit to suggest that the intellectual level is a
fixed, bolted, welded level, it sure as hell posits as discounting all Mr.
Pirsig is standing for: Quality...because it is an is pure

How is flux stable?  Are you saying that it repeats itself, pulses, or is
circular?  Are you talking about a closed universe?  What's outside?  In my
opinion, the intellectual level is as bolted as all the other levels.  Are
you saying it is not a level?  I do not find this discounting, it is a
description; I think Pirsig would agree with this (but what do I know).  And
I wouldn't call Quality an event, if anything it creates events.

As always, just MHO
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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread MarshaV

On Oct 22, 2010, at 12:44 PM, 118 wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 2:42 AM, MarshaV wrote:
 On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:44 AM, 118 wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 8:27 PM, MarshaV wrote:
 On Oct 21, 2010, at 8:03 PM, 118 wrote:
 I never stated that the MoQ could be described by neti-neti.  I was
 Dan that all this talk it not Quality(Ultimate Truth).
 I do not understand your complaint?
 My complaint was that I do not understand what you are saying.  Could
 this talk be considered attempts at a metaphysical description of
 I have not read all of your correspondence with Dan on this subject, so
 perhaps I should not just jump in.  I will try to get full
 before I just take a statement and run with it, so as not to waste your
 time.  I can see you are getting frustrated with my inane questions and
 beg your forgiveness.   Gracias (as John would say).
 Hi Mark,
 Sorry, Mark, maybe you are projecting your frustration on to me.   I was
 suggesting to Dan with my words 'not this, not that'  that when all is
 and done, if I may use an analogy; the words on the menu are not the
 Please feel free to explain neti-neti to your liking.
 Yes you are correct, frustration on my part.  I wasn't projecting it on
 I was trying to explain why I was asking questions.  Perhaps I need to
 change the way I frame them.
 Yes, words are an analogy as Phaedrus stated in ZAMM, that is a given in
 this forum.
 I looked up the word analogy on to see if it would help me
 explain.  Definitions 5 is:
 5. Logic . a form of reasoning in which one thing is inferred to be
 to another thing in a certain respect, on the basis of the known
 between the things in other respects.
 I inferred that you were reasoning that Quality was analogous to not
 not that.  Clearly I was mistaken.  You were simply stating that Quality
 not be described with words.  OK, I get it.  How is it then that you
 What I am asking now, is: what are the known respective properties of
 Naked (unpatterned experience/patterned experience); that is as deep as
 I have experienced Quality.  It is awesome realizations that I have never
 found adequately expressed by words or things, even wonderful words and
 paintings.  Though words and paintings may initiate such experience.  So
 simple events.  It is being the unknown, undivided and undefined.  To be
 forced to pick out one or two such incidences seems like a Sophie's choice.
 You can send me a picture if that would help, so long as you add
 some descriptive (not encrypted) words.  I do not do well with riddles.
 No riddles?  But there is nothing to say or see that is not a riddle.   I
 I could bring you the moon...  But, there, it is outside your window, Mark.
 Go let the moon shine moonlight on your face.
 Hi Marsha,
 I like what you posted.  Riddles within riddles.  I was speaking to the more
 conventional sort.
 Metaphysics (IMHO) attempts at bringing meaning to the unknown in the same
 way that science does.  It expands the frontiers of (so called)
 understanding, which is pattern-making to include the unknown into the
 intellect.  Words of description, what we call knowledge (and not the
 instinctual knowledge, what ever that is...instinct is another pattern in
 itself to describe the unknowable) is the tool.

The MoQ seems a scaffolding to transcend subject/object thinking, and a 
bridge between East and West.  At least that what it seems to me.   

 You often use the Patterning Principle as example.  A while back I read the
 word constellation which as you recall I challenged.  Well, attack mode has
 been switched to neutral.  As I think you have said, the brain creates
 patterns from the unpatterned and converts it into an SOM dialogue.  The
 unpatterned is that which has not yet been converted.

Static patterns are what have emerged from the continuous changing flow of 
now. Discussing the MoQ is an intellectual process, words about the MoQ, 
but not the experience of the MoQ(Realty = Quality(unpatterned experience/
patterned experience.))   

 I think I understand your proposition of pure undefined experience as a form
 of quality, the unpatterned until it becomes patterned as an experience.
 This is analogous to Ham's differentiation.  That you use a slash implies
 an interrelationship between the two.  I am delving into that relationship
 (in a patterning way).  Using your Patterning Principle, as I do for Ham's

Are DQ and sq the same, or interdependent?  From my point-of-view, they 
are the same.  

 To understand a metaphysics based on that principle takes a little more than
 pointing to direct experience, it takes the formulation of that experience
 in a mutually sharable format.  So, to now ask 

Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread MarshaV

On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:16 PM, 118 wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 7:09 AM, MarshaV wrote:
 On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:44 AM, 118 wrote:
 inferred that you were reasoning that Quality was analogous to not this,
 not that.  Clearly I was mistaken.  You were simply stating that Quality
 not be described with words.  OK, I get it.  How is it then that you
 The point is I don't talk about it.  Using intellect to talk about Quality,
 reifies it,
 and it is not this, not that.  I experience it as unpatterned, and
 patterned flow,
 after that nothing fits well.  If you want to talk about Intellectual Level
 or Social Level patterns, or Biological Level patterns, or Inorganic Level
 patterns, I think there is lots to consider and discuss.
 The point is that while you do not talk about it, you certainly write about
 it, unless you are in the wrong forum.  Your description of experience is
 shorthand at best  There are at least four words there that need
 interpretation (and one of those is not I, which can also be included).
 So, let's talk about the expression of quality in the subjects you
 reference above.  You can consider it not really talking about Quality if
 that makes more sense to you.

Hi Mark,

The Dynamic aspect of Quality is unknowable, indivisible, undefinable.  

Static patterns of value are ever-changing, relative, impermanent 
habit that is able to be conceptualized.  

The four levels are interrupted  and defined with slight differences 
dependent on an individuals past static pattern history.  



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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread MarshaV

Correct interrupted to be interpreted.  

On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:16 PM, 118 wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 7:09 AM, MarshaV wrote:
 On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:44 AM, 118 wrote:
 inferred that you were reasoning that Quality was analogous to not this,
 not that.  Clearly I was mistaken.  You were simply stating that Quality
 not be described with words.  OK, I get it.  How is it then that you
 The point is I don't talk about it.  Using intellect to talk about Quality,
 reifies it,
 and it is not this, not that.  I experience it as unpatterned, and
 patterned flow,
 after that nothing fits well.  If you want to talk about Intellectual Level
 or Social Level patterns, or Biological Level patterns, or Inorganic Level
 patterns, I think there is lots to consider and discuss.
 The point is that while you do not talk about it, you certainly write about
 it, unless you are in the wrong forum.  Your description of experience is
 shorthand at best  There are at least four words there that need
 interpretation (and one of those is not I, which can also be included).
 So, let's talk about the expression of quality in the subjects you
 reference above.  You can consider it not really talking about Quality if
 that makes more sense to you.

Hi Mark,

The Dynamic aspect of Quality is unknowable, indivisible, undefinable.  

Static patterns of value are ever-changing, relative, impermanent 
habit that is able to be conceptualized.  

The four levels are interpreted  and defined with slight differences 
dependent on an individuals past static pattern history.  




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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread Andre Broersen

Mark to Andre:

Yes, Andre, this is a bottoms up approach.  I am not sure I agree with it.

How is flux stable?

Yes Mark, you did well to place loads of question marks to this post as, having 
re-read, it is very poorly written.
Please just disregard it as I think that similar issues which motivated me to 
write this in the first place will undoubtedly come up again.

One thing though, when you say: 'And I wouldn't call Quality an event, if 
anything it creates events'.
I would refer you to ZMM p 233:
'Quality is not a thing. It is an event...Quality is the event at which 
awareness of both subjects and objects is made possible.

And on p245:
'Quality is the continuing stimulus which our environment puts upon us to 
create the world in which we live. All of it. Every last bit of it'.

Needless to say that in LILA Phaedrus has re-defined 'subjects' and 'objects' 
as patterns of value.

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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread MarshaV

Hi Mark,

Here is how I interpret, based on how they function,  the Intellectual (SOM) 

The Intellectual Level, the fourth level, is comprised of static patterns of 
value such as theology, mathematics, science and philosophy. The way that these 
patterns function is as reified concepts and the rules for their rational 
analysis and manipulation.  Reification decontextualizes.  Intellectual 
patterns process from a subject/object conceptual framework creating false 
boundaries that give the illusion of independence as a “thing” or an “object of 
analysis.”  The fourth level is a formalized subject/object level (SOM), where 
the paramount demand is for rational, objective knowledge, which is free from 
the taint of any subjectivity like emotions, inclinations, fears and 
compulsions in order to pursue, study and research in an unbiased and rational 




On Oct 23, 2010, at 3:40 AM, MarshaV wrote:

 Correct interrupted to be interpreted.  
 On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:16 PM, 118 wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 7:09 AM, MarshaV wrote:
 On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:44 AM, 118 wrote:
 inferred that you were reasoning that Quality was analogous to not this,
 not that.  Clearly I was mistaken.  You were simply stating that Quality
 not be described with words.  OK, I get it.  How is it then that you
 The point is I don't talk about it.  Using intellect to talk about Quality,
 reifies it,
 and it is not this, not that.  I experience it as unpatterned, and
 patterned flow,
 after that nothing fits well.  If you want to talk about Intellectual Level
 or Social Level patterns, or Biological Level patterns, or Inorganic Level
 patterns, I think there is lots to consider and discuss.
 The point is that while you do not talk about it, you certainly write about
 it, unless you are in the wrong forum.  Your description of experience is
 shorthand at best  There are at least four words there that need
 interpretation (and one of those is not I, which can also be included).
 So, let's talk about the expression of quality in the subjects you
 reference above.  You can consider it not really talking about Quality if
 that makes more sense to you.
 Hi Mark,
 The Dynamic aspect of Quality is unknowable, indivisible, undefinable.  
 Static patterns of value are ever-changing, relative, impermanent 
 habit that is able to be conceptualized.  
 The four levels are interpreted  and defined with slight differences 
 dependent on an individuals past static pattern history.  
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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread ADRIE KINTZIGER
Yes, !
'Quality is not a thing. It is an event...Quality is the event at which
awareness of both subjects and objects is made possible.

Thx for rolling this one in, Andre, will make me feel better again, I had a
bad day.

2010/10/23 Andre Broersen

 Mark to Andre:

 Yes, Andre, this is a bottoms up approach.  I am not sure I agree with it.

 How is flux stable?

 Yes Mark, you did well to place loads of question marks to this post as,
 having re-read, it is very poorly written.
 Please just disregard it as I think that similar issues which motivated me
 to write this in the first place will undoubtedly come up again.

 One thing though, when you say: 'And I wouldn't call Quality an event, if
 anything it creates events'.
 I would refer you to ZMM p 233:
 'Quality is not a thing. It is an event...Quality is the event at which
 awareness of both subjects and objects is made possible.

 And on p245:
 'Quality is the continuing stimulus which our environment puts upon us to
 create the world in which we live. All of it. Every last bit of it'.

 Needless to say that in LILA Phaedrus has re-defined 'subjects' and
 'objects' as patterns of value.

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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread 118
Hi Andre,
Some comments below for discussion.

On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 8:00 AM, Andre Broersen andrebroer...@gmail.comwrote:

 Mark to Andre:

 Yes, Andre, this is a bottoms up approach.  I am not sure I agree with it.

 How is flux stable?

 Yes Mark, you did well to place loads of question marks to this post as,
 having re-read, it is very poorly written.
 Please just disregard it as I think that similar issues which motivated me
 to write this in the first place will undoubtedly come up again.

 Sorry if my command of grammar is not up to snuff.  I wouldn't get into a
grammar debate if I were you.  Yes, it did just come up, you brought it up.
 I was discussing it, you do not have to discuss it if you care not to, I
understand.  So, how is flux stable?

 One thing though, when you say: 'And I wouldn't call Quality an event, if
 anything it creates events'.
 I would refer you to ZMM p 233:
 'Quality is not a thing. It is an event...Quality is the event at which
 awareness of both subjects and objects is made possible.

 Good quote, perhaps the grammar is not very leading there...  Yes, Quality
is THE event if you want to put it that way.  The term event has many
philosophical synonyms.  My opinion is that you are not using it in the
right way.  I would prefer the term wedstrijd to gebeurtenis.

 And on p245:
 'Quality is the continuing stimulus which our environment puts upon us to
 create the world in which we live. All of it. Every last bit of it'.

Yes, it creates events.  Stimulus is appropriate if we are the stimulated.
 Please note that it also says that we create the world, all of it, and are
not created by it.  This would support my so called top down suggestion.

 Needless to say that in LILA Phaedrus has re-defined 'subjects' and
 'objects' as patterns of value.

How would you define patterns of value?  Just asking so that I can converse
with you.


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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread 118
Hi Marsha,
Thanks for your help in my search.  I found the following web page on

Let me know what you think.


On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 8:20 AM, MarshaV wrote:

 Hi Mark,

 Here is how I interpret, based on how they function,  the Intellectual
 (SOM) Level:

 The Intellectual Level, the fourth level, is comprised of static patterns
 of value such as theology, mathematics, science and philosophy. The way that
 these patterns function is as reified concepts and the rules for their
 rational analysis and manipulation.  Reification decontextualizes.
  Intellectual patterns process from a subject/object conceptual framework
 creating false boundaries that give the illusion of independence as a
 “thing” or an “object of analysis.”  The fourth level is a formalized
 subject/object level (SOM), where the paramount demand is for rational,
 objective knowledge, which is free from the taint of any subjectivity like
 emotions, inclinations, fears and compulsions in order to pursue, study and
 research in an unbiased and rational manner.



 On Oct 23, 2010, at 3:40 AM, MarshaV wrote:

  Correct interrupted to be interpreted.
  On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:16 PM, 118 wrote:
  On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 7:09 AM, MarshaV wrote:
  On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:44 AM, 118 wrote:
  inferred that you were reasoning that Quality was analogous to not
  not that.  Clearly I was mistaken.  You were simply stating that
  not be described with words.  OK, I get it.  How is it then that you
  The point is I don't talk about it.  Using intellect to talk about
  reifies it,
  and it is not this, not that.  I experience it as unpatterned, and
  patterned flow,
  after that nothing fits well.  If you want to talk about Intellectual
  or Social Level patterns, or Biological Level patterns, or Inorganic
  patterns, I think there is lots to consider and discuss.
  The point is that while you do not talk about it, you certainly write
  it, unless you are in the wrong forum.  Your description of experience
  shorthand at best  There are at least four words there that need
  interpretation (and one of those is not I, which can also be
  So, let's talk about the expression of quality in the subjects you
  reference above.  You can consider it not really talking about Quality
  that makes more sense to you.
  Hi Mark,
  The Dynamic aspect of Quality is unknowable, indivisible, undefinable.
  Static patterns of value are ever-changing, relative, impermanent
  habit that is able to be conceptualized.
  The four levels are interpreted  and defined with slight differences
  dependent on an individuals past static pattern history.
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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread MarshaV

On Oct 23, 2010, at 12:55 PM, 118 wrote:

 Hi Marsha,
 Thanks for your help in my search.  I found the following web page on
 Let me know what you think.
 On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 8:20 AM, MarshaV wrote:
 Hi Mark,
 Here is how I interpret, based on how they function,  the Intellectual
 (SOM) Level:
 The Intellectual Level, the fourth level, is comprised of static patterns
 of value such as theology, mathematics, science and philosophy. The way that
 these patterns function is as reified concepts and the rules for their
 rational analysis and manipulation.  Reification decontextualizes.
 Intellectual patterns process from a subject/object conceptual framework
 creating false boundaries that give the illusion of independence as a
 “thing” or an “object of analysis.”  The fourth level is a formalized
 subject/object level (SOM), where the paramount demand is for rational,
 objective knowledge, which is free from the taint of any subjectivity like
 emotions, inclinations, fears and compulsions in order to pursue, study and
 research in an unbiased and rational manner.
 On Oct 23, 2010, at 3:40 AM, MarshaV wrote:
 Correct interrupted to be interpreted.
 On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:16 PM, 118 wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 7:09 AM, MarshaV wrote:
 On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:44 AM, 118 wrote:
 inferred that you were reasoning that Quality was analogous to not
 not that.  Clearly I was mistaken.  You were simply stating that
 not be described with words.  OK, I get it.  How is it then that you
 The point is I don't talk about it.  Using intellect to talk about
 reifies it,
 and it is not this, not that.  I experience it as unpatterned, and
 patterned flow,
 after that nothing fits well.  If you want to talk about Intellectual
 or Social Level patterns, or Biological Level patterns, or Inorganic
 patterns, I think there is lots to consider and discuss.
 The point is that while you do not talk about it, you certainly write
 it, unless you are in the wrong forum.  Your description of experience
 shorthand at best  There are at least four words there that need
 interpretation (and one of those is not I, which can also be
 So, let's talk about the expression of quality in the subjects you
 reference above.  You can consider it not really talking about Quality
 that makes more sense to you.
 Hi Mark,
 The Dynamic aspect of Quality is unknowable, indivisible, undefinable.
 Static patterns of value are ever-changing, relative, impermanent
 habit that is able to be conceptualized.
 The four levels are interpreted  and defined with slight differences
 dependent on an individuals past static pattern history.
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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread MarshaV

Hi Mark,

I didn't think much of of the web pages.  For me decontextualize means 
removing and isolating a process from it's interdependencies to make it 
an object of analysis.  


On Oct 23, 2010, at 12:55 PM, 118 wrote:

 Hi Marsha,
 Thanks for your help in my search.  I found the following web page on
 Let me know what you think.
 On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 8:20 AM, MarshaV wrote:
 Hi Mark,
 Here is how I interpret, based on how they function,  the Intellectual
 (SOM) Level:
 The Intellectual Level, the fourth level, is comprised of static patterns
 of value such as theology, mathematics, science and philosophy. The way that
 these patterns function is as reified concepts and the rules for their
 rational analysis and manipulation.  Reification decontextualizes.
 Intellectual patterns process from a subject/object conceptual framework
 creating false boundaries that give the illusion of independence as a
 “thing” or an “object of analysis.”  The fourth level is a formalized
 subject/object level (SOM), where the paramount demand is for rational,
 objective knowledge, which is free from the taint of any subjectivity like
 emotions, inclinations, fears and compulsions in order to pursue, study and
 research in an unbiased and rational manner.
 On Oct 23, 2010, at 3:40 AM, MarshaV wrote:
 Correct interrupted to be interpreted.
 On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:16 PM, 118 wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 7:09 AM, MarshaV wrote:
 On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:44 AM, 118 wrote:
 inferred that you were reasoning that Quality was analogous to not
 not that.  Clearly I was mistaken.  You were simply stating that
 not be described with words.  OK, I get it.  How is it then that you
 The point is I don't talk about it.  Using intellect to talk about
 reifies it,
 and it is not this, not that.  I experience it as unpatterned, and
 patterned flow,
 after that nothing fits well.  If you want to talk about Intellectual
 or Social Level patterns, or Biological Level patterns, or Inorganic
 patterns, I think there is lots to consider and discuss.
 The point is that while you do not talk about it, you certainly write
 it, unless you are in the wrong forum.  Your description of experience
 shorthand at best  There are at least four words there that need
 interpretation (and one of those is not I, which can also be
 So, let's talk about the expression of quality in the subjects you
 reference above.  You can consider it not really talking about Quality
 that makes more sense to you.
 Hi Mark,
 The Dynamic aspect of Quality is unknowable, indivisible, undefinable.
 Static patterns of value are ever-changing, relative, impermanent
 habit that is able to be conceptualized.
 The four levels are interpreted  and defined with slight differences
 dependent on an individuals past static pattern history.
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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread Andre Broersen

Marsha to Mark:

The Intellectual Level, the fourth level, is comprised of static patterns of 
value such as theology, mathematics, science and philosophy. The way that these 
patterns function is as reified concepts and the rules for their rational 
analysis and manipulation.  Reification decontextualizes.  Intellectual 
patterns process from a subject/object conceptual framework creating false 
boundaries that give the illusion of independence as a ?thing? or an ?object of 
analysis.?  The fourth level is a formalized subject/object level (SOM), where 
the paramount demand is for rational, objective knowledge, which is free from 
the taint of any subjectivity like emotions, inclinations, fears and 
compulsions in order to pursue, study and research in an unbiased and rational 

This was a program brought to you by, (sponsored by a 
Scandinavian soap producer) who is apparently still unaware of what William 
James wrote more than 142 years ago. She doesn't like James, she doesn't like 
radical empiricism but still, these were the days before James had fully worked 
out his ideas, not based on the armchair bouncing idea against idea. No. He 
bounced ideas against his own, his student's and colleague's and other's 
experiences as they were related to him directly, through letters, anecdotes or 
his own scientific investigations in the lab.

Just a apropos: the MOQ subscribes to pragmatism and radical empiricism.

James called his paper:'The Sentiment of Rationality' in which he proposes an 
exploration of the action of consciousness. Please remember that 
'consciousness' is designated in the MOQ as 'intellectual patterns'... as the 
'collection and manipulation of symbols created in the brain that stand for 
patterns of experience' (Annotn 32). The intellectual level therefore indicates 

James argues that 'rationality is at bottom a feeling' ( keep in mind Phaedrus' 
pre-intellectual romantic fused with classical reflection bit). Also remember 
that James was at the beginning of trying to formulate this dawning awareness. 
He says:
[rationality] ' Not a matter of logic or math, not reasoning or ratios, not 
induction, deduction, or syllogism, not something higher than and detached from 
the senses, not the opposite of a feeling or emotion -rationality itself is a 
feeling or emotion'. (William James. In the Maelstrom of American Modernism, 
Robert D. Richardson, p184)

But, of course it is not just pure biology. The MOQ adds a sense of 
intellectual quality, an aesthetic appreciation of beauty, the recognition of 
the affective role (pre-intellectual) part. James shows his sensitivity and 
brilliance in this paper through relating his experience (and not seeing it as 
purely personal but recognizing it) as a universal attribute of humanity.

What this oft repeated valky-Rat program leaves us with is that the 
intellectual level is not capable of recognizing elegance, harmony, beauty. It 
is not capable of recognizing values, morality, quality.

This is SOM propaganda. We are not talking SOM! We are talking MOQ.

It appears to me that this program is hopelessly out of date by at least some 
150 years...event hough Heraclitus had a pretty good 'feel' of things as well 
when he suggested that you cannot step into the same river twice. This program 
reifies the river, it reifies experience, it reifies DQ into sq. This program 
is indeed out of date through the ignorance of its own invention which is based 
on nothing.

Alas. Keep on meditating...OhhhMmmm.

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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread david buchanan

This threefold dependence is not intuitively obvious, for it is concealed by 
the appearance of phenomena as being self-sufficient and independent of 
conceptual designation. On the basis of these misleading appearances it is 
quite natural to think of, or conceptually apprehend, phenomena as 
self-defining things in themselves. This tendency is known as reification, and 
according to the Madhyamaka view, this is an inborn delusion that provides the 
basis for a host of mental afflictions. Reification decontextualizes. It views 
phenomena without regard to the causal nexus in which they arise, and without 
regard to the specific means of observation and conceptualization by which they 
are known. The Madhyamaka, or Centrist, view is so called because it seeks to 
avoid the two extremes of reifying phenomena on the one hand, and of denying 
the existence of phenomena on the other.

Parrots squawk and
peoples think.
Echo's fate and
Narcissus' link. 

 Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2010 09:55:34 -0700
 Subject: Re: [MD] Step One
 Hi Marsha,
 Thanks for your help in my search.  I found the following web page on
 Let me know what you think.
 On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 8:20 AM, MarshaV wrote:
  Hi Mark,
  Here is how I interpret, based on how they function,  the Intellectual
  (SOM) Level:
  The Intellectual Level, the fourth level, is comprised of static patterns
  of value such as theology, mathematics, science and philosophy. The way that
  these patterns function is as reified concepts and the rules for their
  rational analysis and manipulation.  Reification decontextualizes.
   Intellectual patterns process from a subject/object conceptual framework
  creating false boundaries that give the illusion of independence as a
  “thing” or an “object of analysis.”  The fourth level is a formalized
  subject/object level (SOM), where the paramount demand is for rational,
  objective knowledge, which is free from the taint of any subjectivity like
  emotions, inclinations, fears and compulsions in order to pursue, study and
  research in an unbiased and rational manner.
  On Oct 23, 2010, at 3:40 AM, MarshaV wrote:
   Correct interrupted to be interpreted.
   On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:16 PM, 118 wrote:
   On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 7:09 AM, MarshaV wrote:
   On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:44 AM, 118 wrote:
   inferred that you were reasoning that Quality was analogous to not
   not that.  Clearly I was mistaken.  You were simply stating that
   not be described with words.  OK, I get it.  How is it then that you
   The point is I don't talk about it.  Using intellect to talk about
   reifies it,
   and it is not this, not that.  I experience it as unpatterned, and
   patterned flow,
   after that nothing fits well.  If you want to talk about Intellectual
   or Social Level patterns, or Biological Level patterns, or Inorganic
   patterns, I think there is lots to consider and discuss.
   The point is that while you do not talk about it, you certainly write
   it, unless you are in the wrong forum.  Your description of experience
   shorthand at best  There are at least four words there that need
   interpretation (and one of those is not I, which can also be
   So, let's talk about the expression of quality in the subjects you
   reference above.  You can consider it not really talking about Quality
   that makes more sense to you.
   Hi Mark,
   The Dynamic aspect of Quality is unknowable, indivisible, undefinable.
   Static patterns of value are ever-changing, relative, impermanent
   habit that is able to be conceptualized.
   The four levels are interpreted  and defined with slight differences
   dependent on an individuals past static pattern history.
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  Moq_Discuss mailing list
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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread MarshaV

Anthony writes:
“Intellectual values include truth, justice, freedom, democracy and,
trial by jury. It’s worth noting that the MOQ follows a pragmatic
notion of truth so truth is seen as relative in his system while
Quality is seen as absolute.  In consequence, the truth is defined
as the highest quality intellectual explanation at a given time.
 (McWatt,Anthony,MOQ Textbook)

Give me a r: R
Give me a e:E
Give me a l:  L
Give me an a:  A
Give me a t:  T
Give me an i:I
Give me a v: V
Give me an e:  E

What does it spell?   Relative.

What does it spell?   Relative!!!  

What does it spell?   RELATIVE!!! 

On Oct 23, 2010, at 1:35 PM, david buchanan wrote:

 This threefold dependence is not intuitively obvious, for it is concealed by 
 the appearance of phenomena as being self-sufficient and independent of 
 conceptual designation. On the basis of these misleading appearances it is 
 quite natural to think of, or conceptually apprehend, phenomena as 
 self-defining things in themselves. This tendency is known as reification, 
 and according to the Madhyamaka view, this is an inborn delusion that 
 provides the basis for a host of mental afflictions. Reification 
 decontextualizes. It views phenomena without regard to the causal nexus in 
 which they arise, and without regard to the specific means of observation and 
 conceptualization by which they are known. The Madhyamaka, or Centrist, view 
 is so called because it seeks to avoid the two extremes of reifying phenomena 
 on the one hand, and of denying the existence of phenomena on the other.
 Parrots squawk and
 peoples think.
 Echo's fate and
 Narcissus' link. 
 Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2010 09:55:34 -0700
 Subject: Re: [MD] Step One
 Hi Marsha,
 Thanks for your help in my search.  I found the following web page on
 Let me know what you think.
 On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 8:20 AM, MarshaV wrote:
 Hi Mark,
 Here is how I interpret, based on how they function,  the Intellectual
 (SOM) Level:
 The Intellectual Level, the fourth level, is comprised of static patterns
 of value such as theology, mathematics, science and philosophy. The way that
 these patterns function is as reified concepts and the rules for their
 rational analysis and manipulation.  Reification decontextualizes.
 Intellectual patterns process from a subject/object conceptual framework
 creating false boundaries that give the illusion of independence as a
 “thing” or an “object of analysis.”  The fourth level is a formalized
 subject/object level (SOM), where the paramount demand is for rational,
 objective knowledge, which is free from the taint of any subjectivity like
 emotions, inclinations, fears and compulsions in order to pursue, study and
 research in an unbiased and rational manner.
 On Oct 23, 2010, at 3:40 AM, MarshaV wrote:
 Correct interrupted to be interpreted.
 On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:16 PM, 118 wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 7:09 AM, MarshaV wrote:
 On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:44 AM, 118 wrote:
 inferred that you were reasoning that Quality was analogous to not
 not that.  Clearly I was mistaken.  You were simply stating that
 not be described with words.  OK, I get it.  How is it then that you
 The point is I don't talk about it.  Using intellect to talk about
 reifies it,
 and it is not this, not that.  I experience it as unpatterned, and
 patterned flow,
 after that nothing fits well.  If you want to talk about Intellectual
 or Social Level patterns, or Biological Level patterns, or Inorganic
 patterns, I think there is lots to consider and discuss.
 The point is that while you do not talk about it, you certainly write
 it, unless you are in the wrong forum.  Your description of experience
 shorthand at best  There are at least four words there that need
 interpretation (and one of those is not I, which can also be
 So, let's talk about the expression of quality in the subjects you
 reference above.  You can consider it not really talking about Quality
 that makes more sense to you.
 Hi Mark,
 The Dynamic aspect of Quality is unknowable, indivisible, undefinable.
 Static patterns of value are ever-changing, relative, impermanent
 habit that is able to be conceptualized.
 The four levels are interpreted  and defined with slight differences
 dependent on an individuals past static pattern history.
 Moq_Discuss mailing list
 Listinfo, Unsubscribing etc.

Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread MarshaV


Here is how I interpret, based on how the patterns function, the Intellectual 
(SOM) Level:

The Intellectual Level, the fourth level, is comprised of static patterns of 
value such as theology, mathematics, science and philosophy. The way that these 
patterns function is as reified concepts and the rules for their rational 
analysis and manipulation.  Reification decontextualizes.  Intellectual 
patterns process from a subject/object conceptual framework creating false 
boundaries that give the illusion of independence as a “thing” or an “object of 
analysis.”  The fourth level is a formalized subject/object level (SOM), where 
the paramount demand is for rational, objective knowledge, which is free from 
the taint of any subjectivity like emotions, inclinations, fears and 
compulsions in order to pursue, study and research in an unbiased and rational 



On Oct 23, 2010, at 1:45 PM, MarshaV wrote:

 Anthony writes:
 “Intellectual values include truth, justice, freedom, democracy and,
 trial by jury. It’s worth noting that the MOQ follows a pragmatic
 notion of truth so truth is seen as relative in his system while
 Quality is seen as absolute.  In consequence, the truth is defined
 as the highest quality intellectual explanation at a given time.
 (McWatt,Anthony,MOQ Textbook)
 Give me a r: R
 Give me a e:E
 Give me a l:  L
 Give me an a:  A
 Give me a t:  T
 Give me an i:I
 Give me a v: V
 Give me an e:  E
 What does it spell?   Relative.
 What does it spell?   Relative!!!  
 What does it spell?   RELATIVE!!! 
 On Oct 23, 2010, at 1:35 PM, david buchanan wrote:
 This threefold dependence is not intuitively obvious, for it is concealed 
 by the appearance of phenomena as being self-sufficient and independent of 
 conceptual designation. On the basis of these misleading appearances it is 
 quite natural to think of, or conceptually apprehend, phenomena as 
 self-defining things in themselves. This tendency is known as reification, 
 and according to the Madhyamaka view, this is an inborn delusion that 
 provides the basis for a host of mental afflictions. Reification 
 decontextualizes. It views phenomena without regard to the causal nexus in 
 which they arise, and without regard to the specific means of observation 
 and conceptualization by which they are known. The Madhyamaka, or Centrist, 
 view is so called because it seeks to avoid the two extremes of reifying 
 phenomena on the one hand, and of denying the existence of phenomena on the 
 Parrots squawk and
 peoples think.
 Echo's fate and
 Narcissus' link. 
 Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2010 09:55:34 -0700
 Subject: Re: [MD] Step One
 Hi Marsha,
 Thanks for your help in my search.  I found the following web page on
 Let me know what you think.
 On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 8:20 AM, MarshaV wrote:
 Hi Mark,
 Here is how I interpret, based on how they function,  the Intellectual
 (SOM) Level:
 The Intellectual Level, the fourth level, is comprised of static patterns
 of value such as theology, mathematics, science and philosophy. The way 
 these patterns function is as reified concepts and the rules for their
 rational analysis and manipulation.  Reification decontextualizes.
 Intellectual patterns process from a subject/object conceptual framework
 creating false boundaries that give the illusion of independence as a
 “thing” or an “object of analysis.”  The fourth level is a formalized
 subject/object level (SOM), where the paramount demand is for rational,
 objective knowledge, which is free from the taint of any subjectivity like
 emotions, inclinations, fears and compulsions in order to pursue, study and
 research in an unbiased and rational manner.
 On Oct 23, 2010, at 3:40 AM, MarshaV wrote:
 Correct interrupted to be interpreted.
 On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:16 PM, 118 wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 7:09 AM, MarshaV wrote:
 On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:44 AM, 118 wrote:
 inferred that you were reasoning that Quality was analogous to not
 not that.  Clearly I was mistaken.  You were simply stating that
 not be described with words.  OK, I get it.  How is it then that you
 The point is I don't talk about it.  Using intellect to talk about
 reifies it,
 and it is not this, not that.  I experience it as unpatterned, and
 patterned flow,
 after that nothing fits well.  If you want to talk about Intellectual
 or Social Level patterns, or Biological Level patterns, or Inorganic
 patterns, I think there is lots to consider and discuss.
 The point is that while you do not talk about

Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread Horse
 Marsha, I think you've had more than your two posts a day regarding 
the SOL.
As a reminder to folks on this list, SOM as the Intellectual Level (SOL) 
is restricted to a maximum of two posts per day per member.

Please bear this in mind.


On 23/10/2010 18:52, MarshaV wrote:


Here is how I interpret, based on how the patterns function, the Intellectual 
(SOM) Level:

The Intellectual Level, the fourth level, is comprised of static patterns of 
value such as theology, mathematics, science and philosophy. The way that these 
patterns function is as reified concepts and the rules for their rational 
analysis and manipulation.  Reification decontextualizes.  Intellectual 
patterns process from a subject/object conceptual framework creating false 
boundaries that give the illusion of independence as a “thing” or an “object of 
analysis.”  The fourth level is a formalized subject/object level (SOM), where 
the paramount demand is for rational, objective knowledge, which is free from 
the taint of any subjectivity like emotions, inclinations, fears and 
compulsions in order to pursue, study and research in an unbiased and rational 




Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines 
or dates by which bills must be paid.
— Frank Zappa

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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread MarshaV

Greetings Horse,

I am not discussing the SOL, it my view of the Intellectual Level based on 
reification.   I don't believe Bo ever used the word reification. 


On Oct 23, 2010, at 1:56 PM, Horse wrote:

 Marsha, I think you've had more than your two posts a day regarding the SOL.
 As a reminder to folks on this list, SOM as the Intellectual Level (SOL) is 
 restricted to a maximum of two posts per day per member.
 Please bear this in mind.
 On 23/10/2010 18:52, MarshaV wrote:
 Here is how I interpret, based on how the patterns function, the 
 Intellectual (SOM) Level:
 The Intellectual Level, the fourth level, is comprised of static patterns of 
 value such as theology, mathematics, science and philosophy. The way that 
 these patterns function is as reified concepts and the rules for their 
 rational analysis and manipulation.  Reification decontextualizes.  
 Intellectual patterns process from a subject/object conceptual framework 
 creating false boundaries that give the illusion of independence as a 
 “thing” or an “object of analysis.”  The fourth level is a formalized 
 subject/object level (SOM), where the paramount demand is for rational, 
 objective knowledge, which is free from the taint of any subjectivity like 
 emotions, inclinations, fears and compulsions in order to pursue, study and 
 research in an unbiased and rational manner.
 Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production 
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid.
 — Frank Zappa
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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread Horse
 However you word it Marsha, SOM as the Intellectual level is SOL. 
Whether it's by the front or the back door.

Two posts a day. That's the limit, please observe it.


On 23/10/2010 19:00, MarshaV wrote:

Greetings Horse,

I am not discussing the SOL, it my view of the Intellectual Level based on 
reification.   I don't believe Bo ever used the word reification.


On Oct 23, 2010, at 1:56 PM, Horse wrote:

Marsha, I think you've had more than your two posts a day regarding the SOL.
As a reminder to folks on this list, SOM as the Intellectual Level (SOL) is 
restricted to a maximum of two posts per day per member.
Please bear this in mind.


On 23/10/2010 18:52, MarshaV wrote:


Here is how I interpret, based on how the patterns function, the Intellectual 
(SOM) Level:

The Intellectual Level, the fourth level, is comprised of static patterns of 
value such as theology, mathematics, science and philosophy. The way that these 
patterns function is as reified concepts and the rules for their rational 
analysis and manipulation.  Reification decontextualizes.  Intellectual 
patterns process from a subject/object conceptual framework creating false 
boundaries that give the illusion of independence as a “thing” or an “object of 
analysis.”  The fourth level is a formalized subject/object level (SOM), where 
the paramount demand is for rational, objective knowledge, which is free from 
the taint of any subjectivity like emotions, inclinations, fears and 
compulsions in order to pursue, study and research in an unbiased and rational 




Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines 
or dates by which bills must be paid.
— Frank Zappa

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Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines 
or dates by which bills must be paid.
— Frank Zappa

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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread Andre Broersen

Mark to Andre:

 Sorry if my command of grammar is not up to snuff.  I wouldn't get into a
grammar debate if I were you.  Yes, it did just come up, you brought it up.
 I was discussing it, you do not have to discuss it if you care not to, I
understand.  So, how is flux stable?

Nothing wrong with your grammar Mark. The 'flux' I meant to designate is better 
understood as 'vibrating'. If it is fixed it cannot change. Stability does not 
mean 'fixed'. It means stably vibrating...until something better comes along.

Good quote, perhaps the grammar is not very leading there...  Yes, Qualityis 
THE event if you want to put it that way.  The term event has many 
philosophical synonyms.  My opinion is that you are not using it in the right 
way.  I would prefer the term wedstrijd to gebeurtenis.

A very good observation, and I have thought long and hard to describe the 
'event' and concluded that the Dutch rendition of the word 'event' in the way 
that the MOQ requires it is not 'gebeurtenis' but 'beleving'. This seems to me 
more direct and a truer representation. (You may disagree)

How would you define patterns of value?  Just asking so that I can converse 
with you.

Well, I thought we are already conversing so there must be some value 
recognized (without wanting to be a smart-arse)
Patterns of value are what they point to: abstractions of Quality based on 
valuations, on what is best, on what 'feels' right, on what can help us 
improve, on what is beauty, on what brings us closer into harmony with all, on 
what is desperately crying out for recognition.

They are valuations, and not just personal ones (otherwise they would not be 
included...for the time being...). These are valuations shared by all of us. As 
much 'inner' as 'outer' making up our cultural heritage and universal origins.

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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread david buchanan

Marsha said:
... Reification decontextualizes. [and] For me decontextualize means removing 
and isolating a process from it's interdependencies to make it an object of 

dmb says:
Your use of these terms is very confusing. In fact, it seems you don't really 
understand what they mean or how they're used. There is a better word for the 
meaning you've assign to decontextualization, for example. If we're talking 
about ideas, to remove and isolate for the purpose of analysis is what we call 
an abstraction or generalization or conceptualization. And it's a very 
handy thing. Abstractions and concepts are not reifications. Reification is a 
fallacy, an error, the mistake of confusing abstract concepts with concrete 
realities. Reification is a matter of confusing thoughts and things, of 
mistaking ideas for actual, ontological realities.

And what does decontextualize actually mean? It depends on the context. 
(Mark's link was irrelevant. Different context, different meaning.) Sadly, you 
aren't using decontextualize properly even when we consider the original 
context from which you apparently took it.

Prof. B. Alan Wallace offers a Centrist view. Not only does this view reject 
the notion that the mind is an inherently existent substance, or thing, but it 
similarly denies that physical phenomena as we experience them are things in 
themselves. That means he rejects the assumptions of subject-object 
metaphysics. Like the MOQ, there is no substantial dualism between mind and 
matter because the ways in which we conceive of phenomena are inescapably 
related to our concepts and languages. Like James and Pirsig, Wallace departs 
from both the substantial dualism of Descartes and the substantial monism that 
seems to be characteristic of modern Materialism, or Physicalism. The article 

...Much is made of this difference between appearances and reality. The 
Madhyamaka view also emphasizes the disparity between appearances and reality, 
but in a radically different way. All the mental and physical phenomena that we 
experience, it declares, appear as if they existed in and of themselves, 
utterly independent of our modes of perception and conception. They appear to 
be things in themselves, but in reality they exist as dependently related 
events. Their dependence is threefold: 1) phenomena arise in dependence upon 
preceding causal influences, 2) they exist in dependence upon their own parts 
and/or attributes, and 3) the phenomena that make up the world of our 
experience are dependent upon our verbal and conceptual designation of them.
This threefold dependence is not intuitively obvious, for it is concealed by 
the appearance of phenomena as being self-sufficient and independent of 
conceptual designation. On the basis of these misleading appearances it is 
quite natural to think of, or conceptually apprehend, phenomena as 
self-defining things in themselves. This tendency is known as reification, and 
according to the Madhyamaka view, this is an inborn delusion that provides the 
basis for a host of mental afflictions. Reification decontextualizes. It views 
phenomena without regard to the causal nexus in which they arise, and without 
regard to the specific means of observation and conceptualization by which they 
are known. The Madhyamaka, or Centrist, view is so called because it seeks to 
avoid the two extremes of reifying phenomena on the one hand, and of denying 
the existence of phenomena on the other.

And here are some ordinary definitions of the key terms

reify |ˈrēəˌfī|verb ( -fies, -fied) [ trans. ] formal, make (something 
abstract) more concrete or real : 

Reification (also known as hypostatisation, concretism, or the fallacy of 
misplaced concreteness) is a fallacy of ambiguity, when an abstraction 
(abstract belief or hypothetical construct) is treated as if it were a 
concrete, real event, or physical entity. In other words, it is the error of 
treating as a real thing something which is not a real thing, but merely an 
idea. For example: if the phrase holds another's affection, is taken 
literally, affection would be reified.
Note that reification is generally accepted in literature and other forms of 
discourse where reified abstractions are understood to be intended 
metaphorically, but the use of reification in logical arguments is usually 
regarded as a mistake (fallacy). For example, Justice is blind; the blind 
cannot read printed laws; therefore, to print laws cannot serve justice. In 
rhetoric, it may be sometimes difficult to determine if reification was used 
correctly or incorrectly.
From Latin res thing + facere to make, reification can be 'translated' as 
thing-making; the turning of something abstract into a concrete thing or object.

abstraction |abˈstrak sh ən|noun1 the quality of dealing with ideas rather than 
events • something that exists only as an idea 
2 freedom from representational qualities in art 
3 a state of 

Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread MarshaV

Sure Horse, as moderator it is you setting the rules.:-)  

On Oct 23, 2010, at 2:28 PM, Horse wrote:

 However you word it Marsha, SOM as the Intellectual level is SOL. Whether 
 it's by the front or the back door.
 Two posts a day. That's the limit, please observe it.
 On 23/10/2010 19:00, MarshaV wrote:
 Greetings Horse,
 I am not discussing the SOL, it my view of the Intellectual Level based on 
 reification.   I don't believe Bo ever used the word reification.
 On Oct 23, 2010, at 1:56 PM, Horse wrote:
 Marsha, I think you've had more than your two posts a day regarding the SOL.
 As a reminder to folks on this list, SOM as the Intellectual Level (SOL) is 
 restricted to a maximum of two posts per day per member.
 Please bear this in mind.
 On 23/10/2010 18:52, MarshaV wrote:
 Here is how I interpret, based on how the patterns function, the 
 Intellectual (SOM) Level:
 The Intellectual Level, the fourth level, is comprised of static patterns 
 of value such as theology, mathematics, science and philosophy. The way 
 that these patterns function is as reified concepts and the rules for 
 their rational analysis and manipulation.  Reification decontextualizes.  
 Intellectual patterns process from a subject/object conceptual framework 
 creating false boundaries that give the illusion of independence as a 
 “thing” or an “object of analysis.”  The fourth level is a formalized 
 subject/object level (SOM), where the paramount demand is for rational, 
 objective knowledge, which is free from the taint of any subjectivity like 
 emotions, inclinations, fears and compulsions in order to pursue, study 
 and research in an unbiased and rational manner.
 Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production 
 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid.
 — Frank Zappa
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 deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid.
 — Frank Zappa
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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread MarshaV


Yawn...  Alan Wallace uses it.  He understand.  You, I don't expect to 


On Oct 23, 2010, at 2:38 PM, david buchanan wrote:

 Marsha said:
 ... Reification decontextualizes. [and] For me decontextualize means removing 
 and isolating a process from it's interdependencies to make it an object of 
 dmb says:
 Your use of these terms is very confusing. In fact, it seems you don't really 
 understand what they mean or how they're used. There is a better word for the 
 meaning you've assign to decontextualization, for example. If we're talking 
 about ideas, to remove and isolate for the purpose of analysis is what we 
 call an abstraction or generalization or conceptualization. And it's a 
 very handy thing. Abstractions and concepts are not reifications. Reification 
 is a fallacy, an error, the mistake of confusing abstract concepts with 
 concrete realities. Reification is a matter of confusing thoughts and things, 
 of mistaking ideas for actual, ontological realities.
 And what does decontextualize actually mean? It depends on the context. 
 (Mark's link was irrelevant. Different context, different meaning.) Sadly, 
 you aren't using decontextualize properly even when we consider the 
 original context from which you apparently took it.
 Prof. B. Alan Wallace offers a Centrist view. Not only does this view reject 
 the notion that the mind is an inherently existent substance, or thing, but 
 it similarly denies that physical phenomena as we experience them are things 
 in themselves. That means he rejects the assumptions of subject-object 
 metaphysics. Like the MOQ, there is no substantial dualism between mind and 
 matter because the ways in which we conceive of phenomena are inescapably 
 related to our concepts and languages. Like James and Pirsig, Wallace 
 departs from both the substantial dualism of Descartes and the substantial 
 monism that seems to be characteristic of modern Materialism, or 
 Physicalism. The article continuest...
 ...Much is made of this difference between appearances and reality. The 
 Madhyamaka view also emphasizes the disparity between appearances and 
 reality, but in a radically different way. All the mental and physical 
 phenomena that we experience, it declares, appear as if they existed in and 
 of themselves, utterly independent of our modes of perception and conception. 
 They appear to be things in themselves, but in reality they exist as 
 dependently related events. Their dependence is threefold: 1) phenomena arise 
 in dependence upon preceding causal influences, 2) they exist in dependence 
 upon their own parts and/or attributes, and 3) the phenomena that make up the 
 world of our experience are dependent upon our verbal and conceptual 
 designation of them.
 This threefold dependence is not intuitively obvious, for it is concealed by 
 the appearance of phenomena as being self-sufficient and independent of 
 conceptual designation. On the basis of these misleading appearances it is 
 quite natural to think of, or conceptually apprehend, phenomena as 
 self-defining things in themselves. This tendency is known as reification, 
 and according to the Madhyamaka view, this is an inborn delusion that 
 provides the basis for a host of mental afflictions. Reification 
 decontextualizes. It views phenomena without regard to the causal nexus in 
 which they arise, and without regard to the specific means of observation and 
 conceptualization by which they are known. The Madhyamaka, or Centrist, view 
 is so called because it seeks to avoid the two extremes of reifying phenomena 
 on the one hand, and of denying the existence of phenomena on the other.
 And here are some ordinary definitions of the key terms
 reify |ˈrēəˌfī|verb ( -fies, -fied) [ trans. ] formal, make (something 
 abstract) more concrete or real : 
 Reification (also known as hypostatisation, concretism, or the fallacy of 
 misplaced concreteness) is a fallacy of ambiguity, when an abstraction 
 (abstract belief or hypothetical construct) is treated as if it were a 
 concrete, real event, or physical entity. In other words, it is the error of 
 treating as a real thing something which is not a real thing, but merely an 
 idea. For example: if the phrase holds another's affection, is taken 
 literally, affection would be reified.
 Note that reification is generally accepted in literature and other forms of 
 discourse where reified abstractions are understood to be intended 
 metaphorically, but the use of reification in logical arguments is usually 
 regarded as a mistake (fallacy). For example, Justice is blind; the blind 
 cannot read printed laws; therefore, to print laws cannot serve justice. In 
 rhetoric, it may be sometimes difficult to determine if reification was used 
 correctly or incorrectly.
 From Latin res thing + facere to make, reification can be 'translated' as 
 thing-making; the turning of 

Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread ADRIE KINTZIGER
woeha!, Andre this was a program brought to you by..

Strange that Mark's Dutch apparently is still sharp enough for 'gebeurtenis'
als event,probably he is still having the look and feel in his fingers.
stunning quality in your postings , Andre,--quality-driven?

2010/10/23 Andre Broersen

 Marsha to Mark:

 The Intellectual Level, the fourth level, is comprised of static patterns
 of value such as theology, mathematics, science and philosophy. The way that
 these patterns function is as reified concepts and the rules for their
 rational analysis and manipulation.  Reification decontextualizes.
  Intellectual patterns process from a subject/object conceptual framework
 creating false boundaries that give the illusion of independence as a
 ?thing? or an ?object of analysis.?  The fourth level is a formalized
 subject/object level (SOM), where the paramount demand is for rational,
 objective knowledge, which is free from the taint of any subjectivity like
 emotions, inclinations, fears and compulsions in order to pursue, study and
 research in an unbiased and rational manner.

 This was a program brought to you by, (sponsored by a
 Scandinavian soap producer) who is apparently still unaware of what William
 James wrote more than 142 years ago. She doesn't like James, she doesn't
 like radical empiricism but still, these were the days before James had
 fully worked out his ideas, not based on the armchair bouncing idea against
 idea. No. He bounced ideas against his own, his student's and colleague's
 and other's experiences as they were related to him directly, through
 letters, anecdotes or his own scientific investigations in the lab.

 Just a apropos: the MOQ subscribes to pragmatism and radical empiricism.

 James called his paper:'The Sentiment of Rationality' in which he proposes
 an exploration of the action of consciousness. Please remember that
 'consciousness' is designated in the MOQ as 'intellectual patterns'... as
 the 'collection and manipulation of symbols created in the brain that stand
 for patterns of experience' (Annotn 32). The intellectual level therefore
 indicates 'action'.

 James argues that 'rationality is at bottom a feeling' ( keep in mind
 Phaedrus' pre-intellectual romantic fused with classical reflection bit).
 Also remember that James was at the beginning of trying to formulate this
 dawning awareness. He says:
 [rationality] ' Not a matter of logic or math, not reasoning or ratios, not
 induction, deduction, or syllogism, not something higher than and detached
 from the senses, not the opposite of a feeling or emotion -rationality
 itself is a feeling or emotion'. (William James. In the Maelstrom of
 American Modernism, Robert D. Richardson, p184)

 But, of course it is not just pure biology. The MOQ adds a sense of
 intellectual quality, an aesthetic appreciation of beauty, the recognition
 of the affective role (pre-intellectual) part. James shows his sensitivity
 and brilliance in this paper through relating his experience (and not seeing
 it as purely personal but recognizing it) as a universal attribute of

 What this oft repeated valky-Rat program leaves us with is that the
 intellectual level is not capable of recognizing elegance, harmony, beauty.
 It is not capable of recognizing values, morality, quality.

 This is SOM propaganda. We are not talking SOM! We are talking MOQ.

 It appears to me that this program is hopelessly out of date by at least
 some 150 years...event hough Heraclitus had a pretty good 'feel' of things
 as well when he suggested that you cannot step into the same river twice.
 This program reifies the river, it reifies experience, it reifies DQ into
 sq. This program is indeed out of date through the ignorance of its own
 invention which is based on nothing.

 Alas. Keep on meditating...OhhhMmmm.

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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread Andre Broersen

Adrie to Andre:

woeha!, Andre this was a program brought to you by..

Strange that Mark's Dutch apparently is still sharp enough for 'gebeurtenis'
als event,probably he is still having the look and feel in his fingers.
stunning quality in your postings , Andre,--quality-driven?

Thank you Adrie, even though I cannot quite remember the details of putting 
this together. Quality is the stimulus and destroys the subject every time.
Quality is the continuing stimulus (ZMM,p345)... .
At moments like these Quality has you and it is a thrill to realize 
(afterwards) that one can recognize the event as such and recognize that 'you' 
have very little to do with the event at all.

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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread 118
On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Andre Broersen andrebroer...@gmail.comwrote:

 Mark to Andre:

  Sorry if my command of grammar is not up to snuff.  I wouldn't get into a
 grammar debate if I were you.  Yes, it did just come up, you brought it up.
  I was discussing it, you do not have to discuss it if you care not to, I
 understand.  So, how is flux stable?

 Nothing wrong with your grammar Mark. The 'flux' I meant to designate is
 better understood as 'vibrating'. If it is fixed it cannot change. Stability
 does not mean 'fixed'. It means stably vibrating...until something better
 comes along.

Yea, I like vibrating.  It can created harmonics like the levels, I agree
with that.  String theory is useful, but there are way too many dimensions
for me.  Seems a bit suspect.

 Good quote, perhaps the grammar is not very leading there...  Yes,
 Qualityis THE event if you want to put it that way.  The term event has many
 philosophical synonyms.  My opinion is that you are not using it in the
 right way.  I would prefer the term wedstrijd to gebeurtenis.

 A very good observation, and I have thought long and hard to describe the
 'event' and concluded that the Dutch rendition of the word 'event' in the
 way that the MOQ requires it is not 'gebeurtenis' but 'beleving'. This seems
 to me more direct and a truer representation. (You may disagree)

Believing is good, I prefer playing like in the vedic lila.

 How would you define patterns of value?  Just asking so that I can converse
 with you.

 Well, I thought we are already conversing so there must be some value
 recognized (without wanting to be a smart-arse)
 Patterns of value are what they point to: abstractions of Quality based on
 valuations, on what is best, on what 'feels' right, on what can help us
 improve, on what is beauty, on what brings us closer into harmony with all,
 on what is desperately crying out for recognition.

 They are valuations, and not just personal ones (otherwise they would not
 be included...for the time being...). These are valuations shared by all of
 us. As much 'inner' as 'outer' making up our cultural heritage and universal

OK, this gives me a basis to go on.  I'll try to get this old brain into


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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread 118
Hi Marsha,

OK, got it.  Thanks.

The reason I ask into process is that as a scientist I am interested in
forming a concept based on transcription, translation, and assembly.  As you
probably know, this is the genetic model, and, as above so below.  That is,
DNA to RNA (transcription), RNA to protein (translation), and protein to
organism (assembly).  Yes, it is only yet another concept for metaphysics,
but the biological model is only a concept as well.  For me, concepts make
me feel like I understand, they widen the structure of my assembly-like
thinking and make it more interesting.  Interesting is good.

More on this later after I have made dinner.  I have some hungry mouths to


On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 10:34 AM, MarshaV wrote:

 Hi Mark,

 I didn't think much of of the web pages.  For me decontextualize means
 removing and isolating a process from it's interdependencies to make it
 an object of analysis.


 On Oct 23, 2010, at 12:55 PM, 118 wrote:

  Hi Marsha,
  Thanks for your help in my search.  I found the following web page on
  Let me know what you think.
  On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 8:20 AM, MarshaV wrote:
  Hi Mark,
  Here is how I interpret, based on how they function,  the Intellectual
  (SOM) Level:
  The Intellectual Level, the fourth level, is comprised of static
  of value such as theology, mathematics, science and philosophy. The way
  these patterns function is as reified concepts and the rules for their
  rational analysis and manipulation.  Reification decontextualizes.
  Intellectual patterns process from a subject/object conceptual framework
  creating false boundaries that give the illusion of independence as a
  “thing” or an “object of analysis.”  The fourth level is a formalized
  subject/object level (SOM), where the paramount demand is for rational,
  objective knowledge, which is free from the taint of any subjectivity
  emotions, inclinations, fears and compulsions in order to pursue, study
  research in an unbiased and rational manner.
  On Oct 23, 2010, at 3:40 AM, MarshaV wrote:
  Correct interrupted to be interpreted.
  On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:16 PM, 118 wrote:
  On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 7:09 AM, MarshaV wrote:
  On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:44 AM, 118 wrote:
  inferred that you were reasoning that Quality was analogous to not
  not that.  Clearly I was mistaken.  You were simply stating that
  not be described with words.  OK, I get it.  How is it then that you
  The point is I don't talk about it.  Using intellect to talk about
  reifies it,
  and it is not this, not that.  I experience it as unpatterned, and
  patterned flow,
  after that nothing fits well.  If you want to talk about Intellectual
  or Social Level patterns, or Biological Level patterns, or Inorganic
  patterns, I think there is lots to consider and discuss.
  The point is that while you do not talk about it, you certainly write
  it, unless you are in the wrong forum.  Your description of experience
  shorthand at best  There are at least four words there that need
  interpretation (and one of those is not I, which can also be
  So, let's talk about the expression of quality in the subjects you
  reference above.  You can consider it not really talking about Quality
  that makes more sense to you.
  Hi Mark,
  The Dynamic aspect of Quality is unknowable, indivisible, undefinable.
  Static patterns of value are ever-changing, relative, impermanent
  habit that is able to be conceptualized.
  The four levels are interpreted  and defined with slight differences
  dependent on an individuals past static pattern history.
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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread 118
Hey Andrie,
Wish I could take credit, but had to ask my Dad.

On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 11:54 AM, ADRIE KINTZIGER parser...@gmail.comwrote:

 woeha!, Andre this was a program brought to you by..

 Strange that Mark's Dutch apparently is still sharp enough for
 als event,probably he is still having the look and feel in his fingers.
 stunning quality in your postings , Andre,--quality-driven?

 2010/10/23 Andre Broersen

  Marsha to Mark:
  The Intellectual Level, the fourth level, is comprised of static patterns
  of value such as theology, mathematics, science and philosophy. The way
  these patterns function is as reified concepts and the rules for their
  rational analysis and manipulation.  Reification decontextualizes.
   Intellectual patterns process from a subject/object conceptual framework
  creating false boundaries that give the illusion of independence as a
  ?thing? or an ?object of analysis.?  The fourth level is a formalized
  subject/object level (SOM), where the paramount demand is for rational,
  objective knowledge, which is free from the taint of any subjectivity
  emotions, inclinations, fears and compulsions in order to pursue, study
  research in an unbiased and rational manner.
  This was a program brought to you by, (sponsored by a
  Scandinavian soap producer) who is apparently still unaware of what
  James wrote more than 142 years ago. She doesn't like James, she doesn't
  like radical empiricism but still, these were the days before James had
  fully worked out his ideas, not based on the armchair bouncing idea
  idea. No. He bounced ideas against his own, his student's and colleague's
  and other's experiences as they were related to him directly, through
  letters, anecdotes or his own scientific investigations in the lab.
  Just a apropos: the MOQ subscribes to pragmatism and radical empiricism.
  James called his paper:'The Sentiment of Rationality' in which he
  an exploration of the action of consciousness. Please remember that
  'consciousness' is designated in the MOQ as 'intellectual patterns'... as
  the 'collection and manipulation of symbols created in the brain that
  for patterns of experience' (Annotn 32). The intellectual level therefore
  indicates 'action'.
  James argues that 'rationality is at bottom a feeling' ( keep in mind
  Phaedrus' pre-intellectual romantic fused with classical reflection bit).
  Also remember that James was at the beginning of trying to formulate this
  dawning awareness. He says:
  [rationality] ' Not a matter of logic or math, not reasoning or ratios,
  induction, deduction, or syllogism, not something higher than and
  from the senses, not the opposite of a feeling or emotion -rationality
  itself is a feeling or emotion'. (William James. In the Maelstrom of
  American Modernism, Robert D. Richardson, p184)
  But, of course it is not just pure biology. The MOQ adds a sense of
  intellectual quality, an aesthetic appreciation of beauty, the
  of the affective role (pre-intellectual) part. James shows his
  and brilliance in this paper through relating his experience (and not
  it as purely personal but recognizing it) as a universal attribute of
  What this oft repeated valky-Rat program leaves us with is that the
  intellectual level is not capable of recognizing elegance, harmony,
  It is not capable of recognizing values, morality, quality.
  This is SOM propaganda. We are not talking SOM! We are talking MOQ.
  It appears to me that this program is hopelessly out of date by at least
  some 150 years...event hough Heraclitus had a pretty good 'feel' of
  as well when he suggested that you cannot step into the same river twice.
  This program reifies the river, it reifies experience, it reifies DQ into
  sq. This program is indeed out of date through the ignorance of its own
  invention which is based on nothing.
  Alas. Keep on meditating...OhhhMmmm.
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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread MarshaV


Do you ever post on the MD using a different name, an alias name?


On Oct 23, 2010, at 2:28 PM, Horse wrote:

 However you word it Marsha, SOM as the Intellectual level is SOL. Whether 
 it's by the front or the back door.
 Two posts a day. That's the limit, please observe it.
 On 23/10/2010 19:00, MarshaV wrote:
 Greetings Horse,
 I am not discussing the SOL, it my view of the Intellectual Level based on 
 reification.   I don't believe Bo ever used the word reification.
 On Oct 23, 2010, at 1:56 PM, Horse wrote:
 Marsha, I think you've had more than your two posts a day regarding the SOL.
 As a reminder to folks on this list, SOM as the Intellectual Level (SOL) is 
 restricted to a maximum of two posts per day per member.
 Please bear this in mind.
 On 23/10/2010 18:52, MarshaV wrote:
 Here is how I interpret, based on how the patterns function, the 
 Intellectual (SOM) Level:
 The Intellectual Level, the fourth level, is comprised of static patterns 
 of value such as theology, mathematics, science and philosophy. The way 
 that these patterns function is as reified concepts and the rules for 
 their rational analysis and manipulation.  Reification decontextualizes.  
 Intellectual patterns process from a subject/object conceptual framework 
 creating false boundaries that give the illusion of independence as a 
 “thing” or an “object of analysis.”  The fourth level is a formalized 
 subject/object level (SOM), where the paramount demand is for rational, 
 objective knowledge, which is free from the taint of any subjectivity like 
 emotions, inclinations, fears and compulsions in order to pursue, study 
 and research in an unbiased and rational manner.
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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread Dan Glover
Hello everyone

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 1:09 PM, david buchanan wrote:

 You still don't see why your equation doesn't add up? You still don't see the 
 problem with your reasoning? I thought I'd made it impossible to miss, even 
 for you. And what I did was neither a hissy-fit nor was it merely insulting. 
 It was a step-by-step explanation and, as usual, you have responded with a 
 childish evasion.

 Go ahead, Marsha explain your reasoning. If philosophy is a particular kind 
 of intellectual quality and SOM is a particular kind of philosophy, then how 
 can the whole intellectual level be defined as a formalized subject/object 
 level (SOM)?

 How can one part of a subsection define the whole thing? That's like defining 
 food as one of the cherries in one slice of one pie.

 And what really kills me is the fact that anybody ever asked in the first 
 place. Intellect is what you're using to ask the question. It's just the 
 ability to skillfully handle concepts, abstractions, generalizations and the 
 like. Intellectual patterns are the products of that skill. What's not to 
 understand? Intellect is what we use here everyday. It's what you use to read 
 and interpret the books we're here to discuss. It's just thinking. Marsha's 
 definition is too complicated by about 2000%.

 That's a criticism of your position, Marsha, not mere insult. Yes, I 
 characterized your reasoning as spectacularly bad and spectacularly 
 stupid but I broke it down into steps, used an analogy and otherwise 
 explained exactly what the problem is with that reasoning. A child could have 
 understood that explanation but you've simply ignored the actual substance of 
 it. As usual, your response fits the same old pattern. Insult and evade, 
 insult and evade. There is simply no reasoning with you, is there? You are 
 literally unreasonable. Things like logic and evidence mean absolutely 
 nothing to you, do they? I just don't understand how you can cling to such a 
 conspicuously contradictory construction without embarrassment.

 Level 4 includes patterns like a, b, c, and d.


 Level 4 is defined as the patterns that dominated the Western part of d in 
 recent historic times?

 C'mon. Anyone can see how s)pectacularly bad that reasoning is, right? It's 
 not just me, right? Isn't is conspicuously wrong? The problem with it is very 
 clear, no?

Dan comments:

Yes, I don't get it either... this facination of attempting to define
the intellectual level as something it is obviously not, at least not
in the framework of the MOQ. SOM as intellect (and I don't care how it
is clothed, it is still SOM as intellect) is an unreasonable position
that leads to nonsensical conclusions that any serious thinker is
bound to reject. It is frustrating to spend so much time on this,
especially when Marsha claims to be interested in Buddhist philopophy
and how it relates to the MOQ. Why on earth would I even bother
getting drawn into another discussion with her when I already know
what the end result will be?

I've tried to engage both her and John in an intelligent discussion
but failed. Maybe it's me. Unlike others here, I am not going to
trumpet how smart I am. Yet I have really tried, only to be met with
silliness, insults, and the same old stale cup of tea that has been
swishing around here for years. Now we've got an umemployed
scientist clogging up the airwaves with more foolishness. Oh boy.
Isn't it fun. Please find work soon.

So, no, it is not just you, David. Just so you know,

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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread 118
Hi David,
I like the post below, except the part where you question another's
understanding.  (I do it all the time).  What is the article you are quoting
from?  I haven't followed this whole string.

I find the paradigm of the absence of inherent existence to be subtle.  The
four noble truths have an eightfold noble path (in some interpretations),
among which are right mindfulness and right concentration.  These impart a
sense of wisdom or intellect, thus the intellect is involved, as is demanded
by Buddhism.

However, intellectually, the absence of inherent existence is purported to
be an inherent existence itself, thus it is subscribed to.  I believe
Buddhists texts also talk about this since it is an intellectual caveat and
requires the acceptance of certain inherent principles, which are Noble
indeed (look up noble if you want).  Thus the lifelong ritual.  I find such
thought to be an oasis for those who seek it, and only Noble in that sense.

Now using logic, the existence of such thought is questionable in itself
since it requires the feeding of such individuals by people that do not hold
such thinking.  It is indeed a luxury, no matter how little you want or
need.  Therefore reaching this oasis requires (is contingent on) the
inherent existence of just the opposite.  Now this is more like Taoism where
such questioning of inherent existence is not present because the Tao does
exist inherently.

Hope that makes some sense.  And don't even try to stump me with semantics,
it has no place in my discussion.


On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 11:38 AM, david buchanan dmbucha...@hotmail.comwrote:

 Marsha said:
 ... Reification decontextualizes. [and] For me decontextualize means
 removing and isolating a process from it's interdependencies to make it an
 object of analysis.

 dmb says:
 Your use of these terms is very confusing. In fact, it seems you don't
 really understand what they mean or how they're used. There is a better word
 for the meaning you've assign to decontextualization, for example. If
 we're talking about ideas, to remove and isolate for the purpose of analysis
 is what we call an abstraction or generalization or conceptualization.
 And it's a very handy thing. Abstractions and concepts are not reifications.
 Reification is a fallacy, an error, the mistake of confusing abstract
 concepts with concrete realities. Reification is a matter of confusing
 thoughts and things, of mistaking ideas for actual, ontological realities.

 And what does decontextualize actually mean? It depends on the context.
 (Mark's link was irrelevant. Different context, different meaning.) Sadly,
 you aren't using decontextualize properly even when we consider the
 original context from which you apparently took it.

 Prof. B. Alan Wallace offers a Centrist view. Not only does this view
 reject the notion that the mind is an inherently existent substance, or
 thing, but it similarly denies that physical phenomena as we experience them
 are things in themselves. That means he rejects the assumptions of
 subject-object metaphysics. Like the MOQ, there is no substantial dualism
 between mind and matter because the ways in which we conceive of phenomena
 are inescapably related to our concepts and languages. Like James and
 Pirsig, Wallace departs from both the substantial dualism of Descartes and
 the substantial monism that seems to be characteristic of modern
 Materialism, or Physicalism. The article continuest...

 ...Much is made of this difference between appearances and reality. The
 Madhyamaka view also emphasizes the disparity between appearances and
 reality, but in a radically different way. All the mental and physical
 phenomena that we experience, it declares, appear as if they existed in and
 of themselves, utterly independent of our modes of perception and
 conception. They appear to be things in themselves, but in reality they
 exist as dependently related events. Their dependence is threefold: 1)
 phenomena arise in dependence upon preceding causal influences, 2) they
 exist in dependence upon their own parts and/or attributes, and 3) the
 phenomena that make up the world of our experience are dependent upon our
 verbal and conceptual designation of them.
 This threefold dependence is not intuitively obvious, for it is concealed
 by the appearance of phenomena as being self-sufficient and independent of
 conceptual designation. On the basis of these misleading appearances it is
 quite natural to think of, or conceptually apprehend, phenomena as
 self-defining things in themselves. This tendency is known as reification,
 and according to the Madhyamaka view, this is an inborn delusion that
 provides the basis for a host of mental afflictions. Reification
 decontextualizes. It views phenomena without regard to the causal nexus in
 which they arise, and without regard to the specific means of observation
 and conceptualization by which they are known. The Madhyamaka, or Centrist,
 view is so called 

Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread 118
Hi Dan,

Yes, the definition, always good to have in a discussion.  The angle that I
have been pursuing is one of boundary.  We know what SOM is by definition.
 When is it that something enters into the SOM realm?  There seems to be a
lot of grey area which you are not describing.  When are we actually using
SOM and when are we not?  What is the boundary that defines one from the
other?  Is there philosophy going on in a mystical state where there is no
separation?  If so, how does this happen?  How are we able to translate such
an experience otherwise?  The intellect may have many components that are
not intellectual, it doesn't just come out of nowhere.  A description, in
metaphysical terms of its arising would be most useful.  It appears that
Marsha is attempting to define such boundaries.  Could you please define
yours, and stop being so silly about it?  I would like to see you defend
your rationale without resorting to some nonsensical not this not that.


On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 9:00 PM, Dan Glover wrote:

 Hello everyone

 On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 1:09 PM, david buchanan
  You still don't see why your equation doesn't add up? You still don't see
 the problem with your reasoning? I thought I'd made it impossible to miss,
 even for you. And what I did was neither a hissy-fit nor was it merely
 insulting. It was a step-by-step explanation and, as usual, you have
 responded with a childish evasion.
  Go ahead, Marsha explain your reasoning. If philosophy is a particular
 kind of intellectual quality and SOM is a particular kind of philosophy,
 then how can the whole intellectual level be defined as a formalized
 subject/object level (SOM)?
  How can one part of a subsection define the whole thing? That's like
 defining food as one of the cherries in one slice of one pie.
  And what really kills me is the fact that anybody ever asked in the first
 place. Intellect is what you're using to ask the question. It's just the
 ability to skillfully handle concepts, abstractions, generalizations and the
 like. Intellectual patterns are the products of that skill. What's not to
 understand? Intellect is what we use here everyday. It's what you use to
 read and interpret the books we're here to discuss. It's just thinking.
 Marsha's definition is too complicated by about 2000%.
  That's a criticism of your position, Marsha, not mere insult. Yes, I
 characterized your reasoning as spectacularly bad and spectacularly
 stupid but I broke it down into steps, used an analogy and otherwise
 explained exactly what the problem is with that reasoning. A child could
 have understood that explanation but you've simply ignored the actual
 substance of it. As usual, your response fits the same old pattern. Insult
 and evade, insult and evade. There is simply no reasoning with you, is
 there? You are literally unreasonable. Things like logic and evidence mean
 absolutely nothing to you, do they? I just don't understand how you can
 cling to such a conspicuously contradictory construction without
  Level 4 includes patterns like a, b, c, and d.
  Level 4 is defined as the patterns that dominated the Western part of d
 in recent historic times?
  C'mon. Anyone can see how s)pectacularly bad that reasoning is, right?
 It's not just me, right? Isn't is conspicuously wrong? The problem with it
 is very clear, no?

 Dan comments:

 Yes, I don't get it either... this facination of attempting to define
 the intellectual level as something it is obviously not, at least not
 in the framework of the MOQ. SOM as intellect (and I don't care how it
 is clothed, it is still SOM as intellect) is an unreasonable position
 that leads to nonsensical conclusions that any serious thinker is
 bound to reject. It is frustrating to spend so much time on this,
 especially when Marsha claims to be interested in Buddhist philopophy
 and how it relates to the MOQ. Why on earth would I even bother
 getting drawn into another discussion with her when I already know
 what the end result will be?

 I've tried to engage both her and John in an intelligent discussion
 but failed. Maybe it's me. Unlike others here, I am not going to
 trumpet how smart I am. Yet I have really tried, only to be met with
 silliness, insults, and the same old stale cup of tea that has been
 swishing around here for years. Now we've got an umemployed
 scientist clogging up the airwaves with more foolishness. Oh boy.
 Isn't it fun. Please find work soon.

 So, no, it is not just you, David. Just so you know,

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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread MarshaV

On Oct 24, 2010, at 12:00 AM, Dan Glover wrote:

 Hello everyone
 On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 1:09 PM, david buchanan 
 You still don't see why your equation doesn't add up? You still don't see 
 the problem with your reasoning? I thought I'd made it impossible to miss, 
 even for you. And what I did was neither a hissy-fit nor was it merely 
 insulting. It was a step-by-step explanation and, as usual, you have 
 responded with a childish evasion.
 Go ahead, Marsha explain your reasoning. If philosophy is a particular kind 
 of intellectual quality and SOM is a particular kind of philosophy, then how 
 can the whole intellectual level be defined as a formalized subject/object 
 level (SOM)?
 How can one part of a subsection define the whole thing? That's like 
 defining food as one of the cherries in one slice of one pie.
 And what really kills me is the fact that anybody ever asked in the first 
 place. Intellect is what you're using to ask the question. It's just the 
 ability to skillfully handle concepts, abstractions, generalizations and the 
 like. Intellectual patterns are the products of that skill. What's not to 
 understand? Intellect is what we use here everyday. It's what you use to 
 read and interpret the books we're here to discuss. It's just thinking. 
 Marsha's definition is too complicated by about 2000%.
 That's a criticism of your position, Marsha, not mere insult. Yes, I 
 characterized your reasoning as spectacularly bad and spectacularly 
 stupid but I broke it down into steps, used an analogy and otherwise 
 explained exactly what the problem is with that reasoning. A child could 
 have understood that explanation but you've simply ignored the actual 
 substance of it. As usual, your response fits the same old pattern. Insult 
 and evade, insult and evade. There is simply no reasoning with you, is 
 there? You are literally unreasonable. Things like logic and evidence mean 
 absolutely nothing to you, do they? I just don't understand how you can 
 cling to such a conspicuously contradictory construction without 
 Level 4 includes patterns like a, b, c, and d.
 Level 4 is defined as the patterns that dominated the Western part of d in 
 recent historic times?
 C'mon. Anyone can see how s)pectacularly bad that reasoning is, right? It's 
 not just me, right? Isn't is conspicuously wrong? The problem with it is 
 very clear, no?
 Dan comments:
 Yes, I don't get it either... this facination of attempting to define
 the intellectual level as something it is obviously not, at least not
 in the framework of the MOQ. SOM as intellect (and I don't care how it
 is clothed, it is still SOM as intellect) is an unreasonable position
 that leads to nonsensical conclusions that any serious thinker is
 bound to reject. It is frustrating to spend so much time on this,
 especially when Marsha claims to be interested in Buddhist philopophy
 and how it relates to the MOQ. Why on earth would I even bother
 getting drawn into another discussion with her when I already know
 what the end result will be?
 I've tried to engage both her and John in an intelligent discussion
 but failed. Maybe it's me. Unlike others here, I am not going to
 trumpet how smart I am. Yet I have really tried, only to be met with
 silliness, insults, and the same old stale cup of tea that has been
 swishing around here for years. Now we've got an umemployed
 scientist clogging up the airwaves with more foolishness. Oh boy.
 Isn't it fun. Please find work soon.
 So, no, it is not just you, David. Just so you know,

Greetings Dan,

Hard for me to believe that your 'just sitting' isn't 'just daydreaming.'  

My understanding of how the mind works is 'reification,' unless 
of course you stay in mindful awareness.   I presented all sorts 
of quotes on reification in the Reifying Carrots thread.  Much of 
the social level patterns are also subject-object based but 

There is the ability to see how to ride a bike and the actual 
experience of riding a bike.  It is not enough to say these 
things are now patterns because I read it.  Once must 
experience the difference deeply if one is to kick the s-o habit.

Happy daydreaming



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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-23 Thread MarshaV

On Oct 23, 2010, at 2:38 PM, david buchanan wrote:

 Marsha said:
 ... Reification decontextualizes. [and] For me decontextualize means removing 
 and isolating a process from it's interdependencies to make it an object of 
 dmb says:
 blah...  blah...  blah.  

For you information dmb.  

The last book by Alan Wallace I read had plenty of good things to say 
about W. James.  The book 'The Taboo of Subjectivity: Towards a New 
Science of Consciousness' is one I think you might like.  



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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-22 Thread MarshaV

On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:44 AM, 118 wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 8:27 PM, MarshaV wrote:
 On Oct 21, 2010, at 8:03 PM, 118 wrote:
 I never stated that the MoQ could be described by neti-neti.  I was
 Dan that all this talk it not Quality(Ultimate Truth).
 I do not understand your complaint?
 My complaint was that I do not understand what you are saying.  Could all
 this talk be considered attempts at a metaphysical description of
 I have not read all of your correspondence with Dan on this subject, so
 perhaps I should not just jump in.  I will try to get full understanding
 before I just take a statement and run with it, so as not to waste your
 time.  I can see you are getting frustrated with my inane questions and I
 beg your forgiveness.   Gracias (as John would say).
 Hi Mark,
 Sorry, Mark, maybe you are projecting your frustration on to me.   I was
 suggesting to Dan with my words 'not this, not that'  that when all is said
 and done, if I may use an analogy; the words on the menu are not the food.
 Please feel free to explain neti-neti to your liking.
 Yes you are correct, frustration on my part.  I wasn't projecting it on you,
 I was trying to explain why I was asking questions.  Perhaps I need to
 change the way I frame them.
 Yes, words are an analogy as Phaedrus stated in ZAMM, that is a given in
 this forum.
 I looked up the word analogy on to see if it would help me
 explain.  Definitions 5 is:
 5. Logic . a form of reasoning in which one thing is inferred to be similar
 to another thing in a certain respect, on the basis of the known similarity
 between the things in other respects.
 I inferred that you were reasoning that Quality was analogous to not this,
 not that.  Clearly I was mistaken.  You were simply stating that Quality can
 not be described with words.  OK, I get it.  How is it then that you discuss
 What I am asking now, is: what are the known respective properties of


Naked (unpatterned experience/patterned experience); that is as deep as 
I have experienced Quality.  It is awesome realizations that I have never 
found adequately expressed by words or things, even wonderful words and 
paintings.  Though words and paintings may initiate such experience.  So can 
simple events.  It is being the unknown, undivided and undefined.  To be 
forced to pick out one or two such incidences seems like a Sophie's choice.  

 You can send me a picture if that would help, so long as you add
 some descriptive (not encrypted) words.  I do not do well with riddles.

No riddles?  But there is nothing to say or see that is not a riddle.   I wish 
I could bring you the moon...  But, there, it is outside your window, Mark.  
Go let the moon shine moonlight on your face.  



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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-22 Thread MarshaV

On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:44 AM, 118 wrote:

  inferred that you were reasoning that Quality was analogous to not this,
 not that.  Clearly I was mistaken.  You were simply stating that Quality can
 not be described with words.  OK, I get it.  How is it then that you discuss

The point is I don't talk about it.  Using intellect to talk about Quality, 
reifies it,
and it is not this, not that.  I experience it as unpatterned, and patterned 
after that nothing fits well.  If you want to talk about Intellectual Level 
or Social Level patterns, or Biological Level patterns, or Inorganic Level 
patterns, I think there is lots to consider and discuss.  


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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-22 Thread 118
On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 2:42 AM, MarshaV wrote:

 On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:44 AM, 118 wrote:

  On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 8:27 PM, MarshaV wrote:
  On Oct 21, 2010, at 8:03 PM, 118 wrote:
  I never stated that the MoQ could be described by neti-neti.  I was
  Dan that all this talk it not Quality(Ultimate Truth).
  I do not understand your complaint?
  My complaint was that I do not understand what you are saying.  Could
  this talk be considered attempts at a metaphysical description of
  I have not read all of your correspondence with Dan on this subject, so
  perhaps I should not just jump in.  I will try to get full
  before I just take a statement and run with it, so as not to waste your
  time.  I can see you are getting frustrated with my inane questions and
  beg your forgiveness.   Gracias (as John would say).
  Hi Mark,
  Sorry, Mark, maybe you are projecting your frustration on to me.   I was
  suggesting to Dan with my words 'not this, not that'  that when all is
  and done, if I may use an analogy; the words on the menu are not the
  Please feel free to explain neti-neti to your liking.
  Yes you are correct, frustration on my part.  I wasn't projecting it on
  I was trying to explain why I was asking questions.  Perhaps I need to
  change the way I frame them.
  Yes, words are an analogy as Phaedrus stated in ZAMM, that is a given in
  this forum.
  I looked up the word analogy on to see if it would help me
  explain.  Definitions 5 is:
  5. Logic . a form of reasoning in which one thing is inferred to be
  to another thing in a certain respect, on the basis of the known
  between the things in other respects.
  I inferred that you were reasoning that Quality was analogous to not
  not that.  Clearly I was mistaken.  You were simply stating that Quality
  not be described with words.  OK, I get it.  How is it then that you
  What I am asking now, is: what are the known respective properties of


 Naked (unpatterned experience/patterned experience); that is as deep as
 I have experienced Quality.  It is awesome realizations that I have never
 found adequately expressed by words or things, even wonderful words and
 paintings.  Though words and paintings may initiate such experience.  So
 simple events.  It is being the unknown, undivided and undefined.  To be
 forced to pick out one or two such incidences seems like a Sophie's choice.

  You can send me a picture if that would help, so long as you add
  some descriptive (not encrypted) words.  I do not do well with riddles.

 No riddles?  But there is nothing to say or see that is not a riddle.   I
 I could bring you the moon...  But, there, it is outside your window, Mark.
 Go let the moon shine moonlight on your face.


Hi Marsha,
I like what you posted.  Riddles within riddles.  I was speaking to the more
conventional sort.
Metaphysics (IMHO) attempts at bringing meaning to the unknown in the same
way that science does.  It expands the frontiers of (so called)
understanding, which is pattern-making to include the unknown into the
intellect.  Words of description, what we call knowledge (and not the
instinctual knowledge, what ever that is...instinct is another pattern in
itself to describe the unknowable) is the tool.

You often use the Patterning Principle as example.  A while back I read the
word constellation which as you recall I challenged.  Well, attack mode has
been switched to neutral.  As I think you have said, the brain creates
patterns from the unpatterned and converts it into an SOM dialogue.  The
unpatterned is that which has not yet been converted.

I think I understand your proposition of pure undefined experience as a form
of quality, the unpatterned until it becomes patterned as an experience.
 This is analogous to Ham's differentiation.  That you use a slash implies
an interrelationship between the two.  I am delving into that relationship
(in a patterning way).  Using your Patterning Principle, as I do for Ham's

To understand a metaphysics based on that principle takes a little more than
pointing to direct experience, it takes the formulation of that experience
in a mutually sharable format.  So, to now ask a question in order to
provide myself that understanding.  What is the process by which the
unpatterned become patterned?  This is not a question of neurophysiology,
but a metaphysical one.  The intent is to investigate into a written
description of Quality.  It looks at it from the process side of things.



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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-22 Thread 118
On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 7:09 AM, MarshaV wrote:

 On Oct 22, 2010, at 1:44 AM, 118 wrote:

   inferred that you were reasoning that Quality was analogous to not this,
  not that.  Clearly I was mistaken.  You were simply stating that Quality
  not be described with words.  OK, I get it.  How is it then that you

 The point is I don't talk about it.  Using intellect to talk about Quality,
 reifies it,
 and it is not this, not that.  I experience it as unpatterned, and
 patterned flow,
 after that nothing fits well.  If you want to talk about Intellectual Level
 or Social Level patterns, or Biological Level patterns, or Inorganic Level
 patterns, I think there is lots to consider and discuss.

The point is that while you do not talk about it, you certainly write about
it, unless you are in the wrong forum.  Your description of experience is
shorthand at best  There are at least four words there that need
interpretation (and one of those is not I, which can also be included).
 So, let's talk about the expression of quality in the subjects you
reference above.  You can consider it not really talking about Quality if
that makes more sense to you.



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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-21 Thread MarshaV

On Oct 20, 2010, at 8:24 PM, Dan Glover wrote:

 Hello everyone
 On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 3:37 PM, MarshaV wrote:
 On Oct 20, 2010, at 4:17 PM, Dan Glover wrote:
 Hello everyone
 On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 11:02 AM, MarshaV wrote:
 On Oct 20, 2010, at 10:30 AM, Dan Glover wrote:
 Hello everyone
 On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 2:21 AM, MarshaV wrote:
 On Oct 19, 2010, at 4:55 PM, Dan Glover wrote:
 Hello everyone
 On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 12:30 PM, MarshaV wrote:
 On Oct 19, 2010, at 12:48 PM, 118 wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 7:29 AM, MarshaV wrote:
 On Oct 19, 2010, at 10:23 AM, Dan Glover wrote:
 Hello everyone
 On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 4:26 AM, MarshaV wrote:
 On Oct 18, 2010, at 11:39 PM, Dan Glover wrote:
 The intellectual level is just thinking, plain and simple. You 
 that, John.
 Aren't all patterns conceptually constructed?  Wouldn't that make 
 levels just thinking?
 Hi Marsha
 I would say that within the framework of the MOQ, inorganic and
 biological patterns are physical. We can touch them, examine them.
 Social and intellectual patterns are mental... like the President of
 the United States. There is no way to physically tell the President
 apart from any other human being by examination. So to answer your
 question, no, not all levels are just thinking. In addition, there
 seem to social patterns of value that are not intellectual, like
 saying Bless you when someone sneezes. Those types of patterns are
 ingrained in us to the extent that we really don't think about it.
 If I think Should I say Bless you. to this guy. does that make 
 it an
 intellectual static pattern of value or a social static pattern of 
 And the notion that the Intellectual Level represent theology, 
 science, philosophy
 and mathematics has collapsed into thinking about whether to say 
 Bless you.,
 or not?   No, I don't buy that.
 Hi Marsha
 Sometimes in order to make the complicated a bit simpler, we start
 small. I mean, there are only four levels and they contain everything
 (except Dynamic Quality), so obviously we are using analogy here to
 order our understanding of reality. Theology, science, philosophy and
 mathematics are made up of both social and intellectual pattens. They
 are often cultural-specific, as Robert Pirsig points out.
 I hope that helps.
 Hi Dan,
 In Anthony's PhD it states that science theology, mathematics and 
 philosophy are
 intellectual quality patterns. So here's my understanding of the 
 Intellectual Level:
 The Intellectual Level, the fourth level, is comprised of static 
 patterns of value such
 as science theology, mathematics and philosophy. The way that these 
 function is as reified concepts and the rules for their rational 
 analysis and manipulation.
 Reification decontextualizes.  Intellectual patterns process from a 
 conceptual framework creating false boundaries that give the illusion of 
 as a “thing” or an “object of analysis.”  The fourth level is a 
 formalized subject/object
 level (SOM), where the paramount demand is for rational, objective 
 knowledge, which
 is free from the taint of any subjectivity like emotions, inclinations, 
 fears and compulsions
 in order to pursue study and research in an unbiased and rational manner.
 Hi Marsha
 You almost had me. I actually thought you might be getting it. But
 then you have to throw a monkey wrench into the works and foul it all
 up. Where in Anthony's work does it say the intellectual level is a
 formalized SOM? Anywhere? Or are you like Bo, just picking and
 choosing what you agree with? Maybe you and John and get together and
 relive the old times.
 Hi Dan,
 My statement was:  In Anthony's PhD it states that science, theology, 
 and philosophy are intellectual quality patterns.  (period)  Next came 
 So here's
 my understanding of the Intellectual Level:, which clearly labels the 
 sentence as
 mine.  Sorry, but I don't want you, and I never stated Anthony's work 
 anything other than the the Intellectual Level being science, theology, 
 and philosophy.   You, on the other hand, tried to pass the Intellectual 
 Level off
 as just thinking.  Ant's thesis did not state that the Intellectual 
 Level is just thinking.
 But Robert Pirsig does! And yes, I know you don't allow much value to
 the LILA'S CHILD annotations but it is there for all to see. Plain and
 I do have respect for the value of LILA's CHILD, just not for those who
 would think that their understanding of its contents goes beyond themselves
 to become the measurement for what's correct or incorrect.  Like it's the
 holy grail, plain and simple.  Like all issues were settled on 

Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-21 Thread ADRIE KINTZIGER
As i am reading your production , Jc, it comes in mind that it is clean and
regardless of the content,-it looks straight.

I will come clean on some of your questions, even proposals,step by step.
so , maybe i will do a part now, i have to work in shifts,and some parts
later on.

 Its a mechanism, like the mentionings in your last what? 50 posts of
 off context-off topic, and without filling in the field, pointing the
 listers attention
 to think about Horse as cause of your trouble, cause off Bo's trouble.

50 is of course, a complete exaggeration, but I'll allow exaggeration to
make your point that I do bring up the subject.  After all, on this forum,
is not Horse's whim the air that we breathe?  The background of all
discourse?  As an old sysop myself, I keep him in mind.  Since I keep him in
mind, he pops out in my words.

newly added comment , Adrie

The background of all discourse?,...Nope, Horse is not the originator nor
the promotor of
Bo's trouble with the defenitions of the intellectual level.
He did not invent the issue, the problem, nor is he the originator of the
obsessive behaviour
generated by it,...(i do not project this to Bo), lot's of momentum are
gained by the yelling crowd too.

Everything starts with Horse,?, because he is paying the elektricity in the
background, maintaining the
space we like to live in,managing the posts in the background, editing
shedule's, filtering commercial crap out,
in short,...investing a lot of his spare-time and money to make the show

Bo's problem with the defenition of intellect  in the dictionaire? Bo's
problem, but he made it
Pirsig's problem, yours , mine, everyone's,..
Do i see a problem with the defenition in the dictionary? nope, its a
condensed explanation, not made by Pirsig.

The defenition also fails on emo-intellect and artificial intellect, if you
ask me, it fails on logic-intellect,groupsintellect
animals intellect, i have to go on? Pirsig is not writing
dictionary's, and what he provided in the LILA'S CHILD annotations is
not the annotations themselves , but the work annotated upon,..the
impression he provided about intellect here, is a non-limitative projected
summary in funtion of the annotated upon.

do i need to go on? i don't think so, and i am not going to become obsessive
on the group to tell them that i have a problem
with the limp's in the dictionary.
To use one of Pirsig's pearls,..the problem was not that is was true or
not, the problem was that nobody was interested.

I short my opinion?,..i think it was a wise dicision made by Horse, to
restrict Bo,..and to protect him againt himself, so no further harm is done.

Everybody likes Bo, even i do,the good Bo, the polite Bo,the stubborn Bo,
...the statue,..

But do i like the bad Bo,the Bo that lost his nerves?..on the moment
supreme? nope.
Do i think he had to leave? no,..surely not.Do i think it was possible for
him to maintain an untanable position forever? no.

So if  you want my opinion, but this is only and purely mine, so read it as
a proposal, my opinion is
that Bo adresses a mail to Horse, explaining the reasons he has to come
back,and settle the score without interference
of other listers, off-list,off sight of the others, there is no need for a
public domain defacement, nor for the cheering of the crowd.

If it is not possible for Bo or Horse to shake hands now, if will work in
their disadvantage for long to come.

And it is not for you and my , JC, or other listers to make bo's or Horse's
trial by jury, in the public domain.

Strictly spoken, this posting can do without answer...,but a solid answer is
an aceptable alternative.
Think about it.

2010/10/20 John Carl

 I think you're overthinking a bit, Adrie.  Something I have a lot of
 experience doing so I recognized it immediately.

  Nope,engaging is not chiming in, and no, its not about Dan's critique on
  your style.
  Its about sneaking out on the presented subject, by deviating the
  to the subject of Bo,on a moment in time badly chosen, and solely for the
  of deviating to something you want to throw in, clearly to associate Dan
  with the

 Backtracking a bit, the challenge made originally was that I was hijacking
 the MD, and refusing its terminology.  So I thought I oughta address that
 challenge head-on, starting at the top of the MoQ - the intellect.
 Reminding dan what a big issue this is, was not my deviating it was
 expressly and patiently dealing with what issues were flung my way.  The
 issue of terminology.  The dictionary definition proves Bo's point.

 If it was badly chosen in matters of timing, I have no idea why.

  Its a mechanism, like the mentionings in your last what? 50 posts of
  off context-off topic, and without filling in the field, pointing the
  listers attention
  to think about Horse as 

Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-21 Thread david buchanan

Marsha said to Dan:
In Anthony's PhD it states that science, theology, mathematics and philosophy 
are intellectual quality patterns. So here's my understanding of the 
Intellectual Level: ...Intellectual patterns process from a subject/object 
conceptual framework creating false boundaries that give the illusion of 
independence as a “thing” or an “object of analysis.”  The fourth level is a 
formalized subject/object level (SOM), where the paramount demand is for 
rational, objective knowledge, which is free from the taint of any subjectivity 
like emotions, inclinations, fears and compulsions in order to pursue study and 
research in an unbiased and rational manner.

Dan replied:
You almost had me. I actually thought you might be getting it. But then you 
have to throw a monkey wrench into the works and foul it all up. Where in 
Anthony's work does it say the intellectual level is a formalized SOM? 
Anywhere? Or are you like Bo, just picking and choosing what you agree with? 
Maybe you and John and get together and relive the old times.   Why do I bother?

dmb says:
Let us pause for a moment to consider Marsha's spectacularly bad reasoning 

First, we have Ant's dissertation telling us that science, theology, math and 
philosophy all count as intellectual patterns. Surely this means that each of 
them would be a subset within the larger intellectual level. Subject-object 
metaphysics is certainly not the only philosophical stance. (And as we all 
know, rejecting SOM is central to the MOQ, not to mention other anti-SOM 
philosophers like James and Dewey.) So SOM is a subset of a subset of the 
intellectual level. 

Let's use modes of transportation as an analogy. In this analogy Ant's quote 
says that planes, trains and automobiles are modes of transportation. Marsha 
then reasons that modes of transportation is defined as a Ford truck. This is 
just a spectacularly bad category error. It's the kind of bad logic that says 
15% of the total is equal to the total. There is no way to make that add up. 
Imagine a painting bigger than the gallery it hangs in. Imagine taking that 
analytic knife away from Phaedrus and telling him there is only one way to 
carve up reality. 

Imagine an very unskilled person got a hold of that knife and used it to cut 
off her own hands. I mean, even if the reasoning were sound, the consequences 
would be a complete disaster. If subject-object metaphysics were equal to the 
entire intellectual level then no other metaphysics could be possible. If that 
equation were true, then the MOQ would not be possible and this discussion 
group would be quite pointless. If we accept Marsha's conclusion, then the MOQ 
is defined as the very stance it rejects and it can't really serve as an 
alternative SOM and Pirsig's root expansion of rationality is doomed to end in 
failure before it ever starts. If SOM is the enemy and SOM is the intellectual 
level, then intellect is the enemy. Then science, theology, mathematics and 
philosophy are the enemy. The consequence is anti-intellectualism and 
intellectual paralysis.

Marsha's reasoning is spectacularly bad and the consequences of her conclusions 
are even worse. It is a tour de farce of staggering stupidity.


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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-21 Thread MarshaV


My reasoning is my own based on reading the MoQ literature, Buddhist texts, 
personal experience and insight through meditation.  Your understanding of the 
MoQ is too shallow, page deep in fact, and not normally worth my consideration. 
 You, too, are one of those who has a hissy-fit if you do not get agreement, 
and your intellectual competence seems to lead you only to slinging insults.  
So impressive!  

Quite frankly I love it when you write this type of post because they will last 
forever in the archives.   Keep them coming.  


On Oct 21, 2010, at 12:15 PM, david buchanan wrote:

 Marsha said to Dan:
 In Anthony's PhD it states that science, theology, mathematics and philosophy 
 are intellectual quality patterns. So here's my understanding of the 
 Intellectual Level: ...Intellectual patterns process from a subject/object 
 conceptual framework creating false boundaries that give the illusion of 
 independence as a “thing” or an “object of analysis.”  The fourth level is a 
 formalized subject/object level (SOM), where the paramount demand is for 
 rational, objective knowledge, which is free from the taint of any 
 subjectivity like emotions, inclinations, fears and compulsions in order to 
 pursue study and research in an unbiased and rational manner.
 Dan replied:
 You almost had me. I actually thought you might be getting it. But then you 
 have to throw a monkey wrench into the works and foul it all up. Where in 
 Anthony's work does it say the intellectual level is a formalized SOM? 
 Anywhere? Or are you like Bo, just picking and choosing what you agree with? 
 Maybe you and John and get together and relive the old times.   Why do I 
 dmb says:
 Let us pause for a moment to consider Marsha's spectacularly bad reasoning 
 First, we have Ant's dissertation telling us that science, theology, math and 
 philosophy all count as intellectual patterns. Surely this means that each of 
 them would be a subset within the larger intellectual level. Subject-object 
 metaphysics is certainly not the only philosophical stance. (And as we all 
 know, rejecting SOM is central to the MOQ, not to mention other anti-SOM 
 philosophers like James and Dewey.) So SOM is a subset of a subset of the 
 intellectual level. 
 Let's use modes of transportation as an analogy. In this analogy Ant's 
 quote says that planes, trains and automobiles are modes of transportation. 
 Marsha then reasons that modes of transportation is defined as a Ford 
 truck. This is just a spectacularly bad category error. It's the kind of bad 
 logic that says 15% of the total is equal to the total. There is no way to 
 make that add up. Imagine a painting bigger than the gallery it hangs in. 
 Imagine taking that analytic knife away from Phaedrus and telling him there 
 is only one way to carve up reality. 
 Imagine an very unskilled person got a hold of that knife and used it to cut 
 off her own hands. I mean, even if the reasoning were sound, the consequences 
 would be a complete disaster. If subject-object metaphysics were equal to the 
 entire intellectual level then no other metaphysics could be possible. If 
 that equation were true, then the MOQ would not be possible and this 
 discussion group would be quite pointless. If we accept Marsha's conclusion, 
 then the MOQ is defined as the very stance it rejects and it can't really 
 serve as an alternative SOM and Pirsig's root expansion of rationality is 
 doomed to end in failure before it ever starts. If SOM is the enemy and SOM 
 is the intellectual level, then intellect is the enemy. Then science, 
 theology, mathematics and philosophy are the enemy. The consequence is 
 anti-intellectualism and intellectual paralysis.
 Marsha's reasoning is spectacularly bad and the consequences of her 
 conclusions are even worse. It is a tour de farce of staggering stupidity.
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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-21 Thread MarshaV



My reasoning is based on my own reading of the MoQ literature, Buddhist texts, 
personal experience and insight through meditation.  Your understanding of the 
MoQ is too shallow, page deep in fact, and not normally worth my consideration. 
 You, too, are one of those who has a hissy-fit if you do not get agreement, 
and your intellectual competence seems to lead you only to slinging insults.  
So impressive!  

Quite frankly I love it when you write this type of post because they will last 
forever in the archives.   Keep them coming.  


On Oct 21, 2010, at 12:15 PM, david buchanan wrote:

 Marsha said to Dan:
 In Anthony's PhD it states that science, theology, mathematics and philosophy 
 are intellectual quality patterns. So here's my understanding of the 
 Intellectual Level: ...Intellectual patterns process from a subject/object 
 conceptual framework creating false boundaries that give the illusion of 
 independence as a “thing” or an “object of analysis.”  The fourth level is a 
 formalized subject/object level (SOM), where the paramount demand is for 
 rational, objective knowledge, which is free from the taint of any 
 subjectivity like emotions, inclinations, fears and compulsions in order to 
 pursue study and research in an unbiased and rational manner.
 Dan replied:
 You almost had me. I actually thought you might be getting it. But then you 
 have to throw a monkey wrench into the works and foul it all up. Where in 
 Anthony's work does it say the intellectual level is a formalized SOM? 
 Anywhere? Or are you like Bo, just picking and choosing what you agree with? 
 Maybe you and John and get together and relive the old times.   Why do I 
 dmb says:
 Let us pause for a moment to consider Marsha's spectacularly bad reasoning 
 First, we have Ant's dissertation telling us that science, theology, math and 
 philosophy all count as intellectual patterns. Surely this means that each of 
 them would be a subset within the larger intellectual level. Subject-object 
 metaphysics is certainly not the only philosophical stance. (And as we all 
 know, rejecting SOM is central to the MOQ, not to mention other anti-SOM 
 philosophers like James and Dewey.) So SOM is a subset of a subset of the 
 intellectual level. 
 Let's use modes of transportation as an analogy. In this analogy Ant's 
 quote says that planes, trains and automobiles are modes of transportation. 
 Marsha then reasons that modes of transportation is defined as a Ford 
 truck. This is just a spectacularly bad category error. It's the kind of bad 
 logic that says 15% of the total is equal to the total. There is no way to 
 make that add up. Imagine a painting bigger than the gallery it hangs in. 
 Imagine taking that analytic knife away from Phaedrus and telling him there 
 is only one way to carve up reality. 
 Imagine an very unskilled person got a hold of that knife and used it to cut 
 off her own hands. I mean, even if the reasoning were sound, the consequences 
 would be a complete disaster. If subject-object metaphysics were equal to the 
 entire intellectual level then no other metaphysics could be possible. If 
 that equation were true, then the MOQ would not be possible and this 
 discussion group would be quite pointless. If we accept Marsha's conclusion, 
 then the MOQ is defined as the very stance it rejects and it can't really 
 serve as an alternative SOM and Pirsig's root expansion of rationality is 
 doomed to end in failure before it ever starts. If SOM is the enemy and SOM 
 is the intellectual level, then intellect is the enemy. Then science, 
 theology, mathematics and philosophy are the enemy. The consequence is 
 anti-intellectualism and intellectual paralysis.
 Marsha's reasoning is spectacularly bad and the consequences of her 
 conclusions are even worse. It is a tour de farce of staggering stupidity.
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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-21 Thread 118
[Dan previously]

I can agree with you that when all is said and done, 'not this, not that'

[Marsh in response]
It is none of these things, not this, not that..

[Mark carefully interrupting]

Hi  Marsha,

I think you are being misleading by saying it is none of these things.  In
my opinion it is all of these things as proposed by not this, not that.  In
that way I agree with Dan.  It is easy for one to muddy the waters when one
brings in an Eastern philosophy that we do not have a full appreciation of.
 If the intent is to harmonize MOQ with such then, not this, not that has to
be used in a constructive fashion.  By saying it is not this, not that, you
are conveying a description, not denying one.  It is not useful to use such
a statement as a conclusion, it is a positive quality which has its own
properties open for discussion.  The goal would be to add words to describe
such properties.  I know it's difficult, but use different words so the rest
of us can understand what you are proposing.


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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-21 Thread MarshaV

Hi Mark,

On Oct 21, 2010, at 12:55 PM, 118 wrote:

 [Dan previously]
 I can agree with you that when all is said and done, 'not this, not that'
 [Marsh in response]
 It is none of these things, not this, not that..
 [Mark carefully interrupting]
 Hi  Marsha,
 I think you are being misleading by saying it is none of these things.  In
 my opinion it is all of these things as proposed by not this, not that.  In
 that way I agree with Dan.  

That was not Dan previously, but Marsha previously and I wished to 
re-emphasis my statement.

 It is easy for one to muddy the waters when one
 brings in an Eastern philosophy that we do not have a full appreciation of.

I'm certainly not the only person who has investigated Eastern philosophy,
and there is such thing as a question or google search.

 If the intent is to harmonize MOQ with such then, not this, not that has to
 be used in a constructive fashion.  By saying it is not this, not that, you
 are conveying a description, not denying one.

I'm not sure of your objection.  Why do you agree with my first statement and 
not my second?   

 It is not useful to use such a statement as a conclusion, it is a positive
 quality which has its own properties open for discussion.  

If you mean It is none of these things please explain why you think it 
was not useful.  It was a remark made to Dan.  I'm sorry do not approve.  
I have read 'neti-neti' explained many different ways.  Maybe you have 
exact set of words you'd like to recommend.  Let's hear them.   

 The goal would be to add words to describe such properties.  I know it's
 difficult, but use different words so the rest of us can understand what
 you are proposing.

I am saying these words do not represent the UltimateTruth/Quality.  I thought 
Dan might understand after all his Zen sitting.  And don't ask me to explain 
what is beyond words.I will only dance away...   



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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-21 Thread Andre Broersen

dmb responding to Marsha and Dan:

If we accept Marsha's conclusion, then the MOQ is defined as the very stance it 

Spot on dmb but remember that Marsha (and Platt, Bodvar and Mary) is absolutely 
convinced that LILA is a SOM document and, ipso fact the MOQ a SOM 'variant' as 
existing at some sort of 'super rationality''quality level. (despite Mr. 
Pirsig's response that this view undermines the MOQ, Annotn 133)

'...and it can't really serve as an alternative SOM and Pirsig's root expansion 
of rationality...'

No, by 'their' 'logic' this 'root expansion' is totally rejected...full 
stop!(ZMM down the drain)

'...then intellect is the enemy. Then science, theology, mathematics and 
philosophy are the enemy.

Well, from what I have read lately on this discuss it seems that Marsha is not 
the only one who holds this view.

And here is part of Marsha's response:
My reasoning is my own based on reading the MoQ literature, Buddhist texts, 
personal experience and insight through meditation.  Your understanding of the 
MoQ is too shallow, page deep in fact,...

This really reinforces your observation, dmb that 'Marsha's reasoning is 
spectacularly bad and the consequences of her conclusions are even worse. It is 
a tour de farce of staggering stupidity'.

She accuses you of having 'page deep' understanding of the MOQ ( you have given 
lectures on the MOQ, you have met and talked with Mr. Pirsig,you are deeply 
involved with it through your studies and personal experience) yet her 
understanding of the MOQ is based on (and I quote)her own 'reading' and 
'Buddhist texts' (whilst admitting she is no expert on Buddhism).
And so, what is left is 'reading of MOQ literature' the salient conclusions of 
which Marsha's (following Bodvar's) understandings have led to them being 
rejected by Mr. Pirsig.(see the annotations)

And this leaves your meditative practice. Ahh, the meditative practice leading 
you to regions that do not follow the SOM line and therefore being (stupidly) 
assigned 'irrational' patterns of thinking which in 'the West' means 
'ridiculous, subjective' but really are those types of reasoning that do not 
follow the logical path of which the real representation in our mind is full, 
giving in and being rational and honest to the representation of pure 

Seems to me that even your meditative practices are pre-guided by SOM and that 
you must reject you own meditative experience for, at least 99 percent.

Sad really...but I know you love this Marsha...keep on getting attention and 
keep up the soliloquize.

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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-21 Thread david buchanan


You still don't see why your equation doesn't add up? You still don't see the 
problem with your reasoning? I thought I'd made it impossible to miss, even for 
you. And what I did was neither a hissy-fit nor was it merely insulting. It was 
a step-by-step explanation and, as usual, you have responded with a childish 

Go ahead, Marsha explain your reasoning. If philosophy is a particular kind of 
intellectual quality and SOM is a particular kind of philosophy, then how can 
the whole intellectual level be defined as a formalized subject/object level 

How can one part of a subsection define the whole thing? That's like defining 
food as one of the cherries in one slice of one pie. 

And what really kills me is the fact that anybody ever asked in the first 
place. Intellect is what you're using to ask the question. It's just the 
ability to skillfully handle concepts, abstractions, generalizations and the 
like. Intellectual patterns are the products of that skill. What's not to 
understand? Intellect is what we use here everyday. It's what you use to read 
and interpret the books we're here to discuss. It's just thinking. Marsha's 
definition is too complicated by about 2000%.

That's a criticism of your position, Marsha, not mere insult. Yes, I 
characterized your reasoning as spectacularly bad and spectacularly stupid 
but I broke it down into steps, used an analogy and otherwise explained exactly 
what the problem is with that reasoning. A child could have understood that 
explanation but you've simply ignored the actual substance of it. As usual, 
your response fits the same old pattern. Insult and evade, insult and evade. 
There is simply no reasoning with you, is there? You are literally 
unreasonable. Things like logic and evidence mean absolutely nothing to you, do 
they? I just don't understand how you can cling to such a conspicuously 
contradictory construction without embarrassment. 

Level 4 includes patterns like a, b, c, and d.


Level 4 is defined as the patterns that dominated the Western part of d in 
recent historic times?

C'mon. Anyone can see how spectacularly bad that reasoning is, right? It's not 
just me, right? Isn't is conspicuously wrong? The problem with it is very 
clear, no? 

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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-21 Thread MarshaV

On Oct 21, 2010, at 2:33 PM, 118 wrote:

 Hi Marsha,
 No reason to be so defensive.

I was not getting a bit defensive.  Why should I?  

  I am sure that you have read neti-neti, it
 shows in your posts.  All I am saying is that it is an insufficient rational
 description.  I can find many things on Google which would disprove your
 assertion of using it in MoQ.  In fact there is no reason for you to read
 any of these posts since they can all be found someplace with Google .
  Google is a dangerous thing which is why we have this forum to clarify.
 Everything you find on there will both support and refute your position.
 Wiki is a favorite, and Google often seems to place it at the top of a
 search.  Does not that seem suspicious to you in terms of net neutrality?
 My objection is using neti-neti in the form of denial.  If this is Dan's
 statement then I stand corrected in directing the post to you.  

They were both my statements.

 But the
 question to you still remains.  How is MOQ described by neti-neti.  You are
 the one using it, don't deflect the question to me.  If these words do not
 represent the ultimate reality, then add some more words to bring us along.
 Statements followed by explanation is all I am seeking.  Certainly you do
 not have to participate in my education, and if using a megaphone is your
 method so be it or not be it, (that is the question).

I never stated that the MoQ could be described by neti-neti.  I was saying to 
Dan that all this talk it not Quality(Ultimate Truth).

I do not understand your complaint?  


 Regards as always,
 On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 10:25 AM, MarshaV wrote:
 Hi Mark,
 On Oct 21, 2010, at 12:55 PM, 118 wrote:
 [Dan previously]
 I can agree with you that when all is said and done, 'not this, not that'
 [Marsh in response]
 It is none of these things, not this, not that..
 [Mark carefully interrupting]
 Hi  Marsha,
 I think you are being misleading by saying it is none of these things.
 my opinion it is all of these things as proposed by not this, not that.
 that way I agree with Dan.
 That was not Dan previously, but Marsha previously and I wished to
 re-emphasis my statement.
 It is easy for one to muddy the waters when one
 brings in an Eastern philosophy that we do not have a full appreciation
 I'm certainly not the only person who has investigated Eastern philosophy,
 and there is such thing as a question or google search.
 If the intent is to harmonize MOQ with such then, not this, not that has
 be used in a constructive fashion.  By saying it is not this, not that,
 are conveying a description, not denying one.
 I'm not sure of your objection.  Why do you agree with my first statement
 not my second?
 It is not useful to use such a statement as a conclusion, it is a
 quality which has its own properties open for discussion.
 If you mean It is none of these things please explain why you think it
 was not useful.  It was a remark made to Dan.  I'm sorry do not approve.
 I have read 'neti-neti' explained many different ways.  Maybe you have
 exact set of words you'd like to recommend.  Let's hear them.
 The goal would be to add words to describe such properties.  I know it's
 difficult, but use different words so the rest of us can understand what
 you are proposing.
 I am saying these words do not represent the UltimateTruth/Quality.  I
 Dan might understand after all his Zen sitting.  And don't ask me to
 what is beyond words.I will only dance away...
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Re: [MD] Step One

2010-10-21 Thread MarshaV


The mind reifies; that's the key to my understanding.  Here again is my 
definition of the Intellectual Level:

The Intellectual Level, the fourth level, is comprised of static patterns of 
value such as theology, mathematics, science and philosophy. The way that these 
patterns function is as reified concepts and the rules for their rational 
analysis and manipulation.  Reification decontextualizes.  Intellectual 
patterns process from a subject/object conceptual framework creating false 
boundaries that give the illusion of independence as a “thing” or an “object of 
analysis.”  The fourth level is a formalized subject/object level (SOM), where 
the paramount demand is for rational, objective knowledge, which is free from 
the taint of any subjectivity like emotions, inclinations, fears and 
compulsions in order to pursue, study and research in an unbiased and rational 


On Oct 21, 2010, at 2:31 PM, MarshaV wrote:

 I use my intellect all the time. I like to.  It's fun.  So what?   
 For me the MoQ designates Reality = Quality.  Quality, for me, is experienced 
 as unpatterned and patterned. - All the talking about the MoQ and 
 Quality are a second-hand intellectualizing and NOT the first-hand 
 knowing/experience of either.  What's not to get?  You want to think 
 meditation is clap-trap, then don't excited with me that you do not 
 understand.   You are really funny.   Here try this:
 Not this
 Not -this
 Not (this and -this)
 Not (neither this nor -this)
 On Oct 21, 2010, at 2:09 PM, david buchanan wrote:
 You still don't see why your equation doesn't add up? You still don't see 
 the problem with your reasoning? I thought I'd made it impossible to miss, 
 even for you. And what I did was neither a hissy-fit nor was it merely 
 insulting. It was a step-by-step explanation and, as usual, you have 
 responded with a childish evasion.
 Go ahead, Marsha explain your reasoning. If philosophy is a particular kind 
 of intellectual quality and SOM is a particular kind of philosophy, then how 
 can the whole intellectual level be defined as a formalized subject/object 
 level (SOM)? 
 How can one part of a subsection define the whole thing? That's like 
 defining food as one of the cherries in one slice of one pie. 
 And what really kills me is the fact that anybody ever asked in the first 
 place. Intellect is what you're using to ask the question. It's just the 
 ability to skillfully handle concepts, abstractions, generalizations and the 
 like. Intellectual patterns are the products of that skill. What's not to 
 understand? Intellect is what we use here everyday. It's what you use to 
 read and interpret the books we're here to discuss. It's just thinking. 
 Marsha's definition is too complicated by about 2000%.
 That's a criticism of your position, Marsha, not mere insult. Yes, I 
 characterized your reasoning as spectacularly bad and spectacularly 
 stupid but I broke it down into steps, used an analogy and otherwise 
 explained exactly what the problem is with that reasoning. A child could 
 have understood that explanation but you've simply ignored the actual 
 substance of it. As usual, your response fits the same old pattern. Insult 
 and evade, insult and evade. There is simply no reasoning with you, is 
 there? You are literally unreasonable. Things like logic and evidence mean 
 absolutely nothing to you, do they? I just don't understand how you can 
 cling to such a conspicuously contradictory construction without 
 Level 4 includes patterns like a, b, c, and d.
 Level 4 is defined as the patterns that dominated the Western part of d in 
 recent historic times?
 C'mon. Anyone can see how spectacularly bad that reasoning is, right? It's 
 not just me, right? Isn't is conspicuously wrong? The problem with it is 
 very clear, no? 

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