Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-12-31 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-12-29 22:39, Christian Schneider wrote:

I just report another finding here. It's about properties and NSStrings.
So far, it was possible to set the strings of an alert like this (source
copied from the Chocolat example):

auto alert = new NSAlert ;
alert.messageText = "Want Chocolate?" ;
alert.informativeText = "Chocolate is sweet." ;

This now needs to be written like this:

auto alert = new NSAlert ;
alert.setMessageText("Want Chocolate?") ;
alert.setInformativeText("Chocolate is sweet.") ;

In the NSAlert class, the respective code is:

extern (Objective-C)
class NSAlert : NSObject {
   @property {
 NSString messageText() ;
 void setMessageText(NSString text) @selector("setMessageText:")  ;

NSString informativeText() ;
void setInformativeText(NSString text)
@selector("setInformativeText:")  ;

Of course, the property read/write access style is again just a
convenience, but for somebody coming from Objective-C, it is "natural"
to do it either way.

It might be some issue with properties. I'll have to look into that as 
well. D/Objective-C has some special treatment for properties. As a 
workaround you do one of the following alternatives:

* Declare the method as "messageText" instead of "setMessageText"
* Add a alias for "setMessageText" to "messageText"

* Add a method, "messageText", that forwards to "setMessageText". Any D 
method that takes one argument can be called like a setter

* Add an overload for "messageText" to take an argument as well

You might need to drop @property for some of these alternatives

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-12-29 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce
It's the destructor in NSObject that causes the problem. I'll 
take a look. Remove that and your example will work, after you 
import the missing "foundation.runtime" in "app".

Once again, thank you very much for your help! It works now with 
the new @selector style, and I would had the biggest problems 
finding out that it was the destructor making dmd bail out a -11.


I just report another finding here. It's about properties and 
NSStrings. So far, it was possible to set the strings of an alert 
like this (source copied from the Chocolat example):

auto alert = new NSAlert ;
alert.messageText = "Want Chocolate?" ;
alert.informativeText = "Chocolate is sweet." ;

This now needs to be written like this:

auto alert = new NSAlert ;
alert.setMessageText("Want Chocolate?") ;
alert.setInformativeText("Chocolate is sweet.") ;

In the NSAlert class, the respective code is:

extern (Objective-C)
class NSAlert : NSObject {
  @property {
NSString messageText() ;
void setMessageText(NSString text) 
@selector("setMessageText:")  ;

   NSString informativeText() ;
   void setInformativeText(NSString text) 
@selector("setInformativeText:")  ;


Of course, the property read/write access style is again just a 
convenience, but for somebody coming from Objective-C, it is 
"natural" to do it either way.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-12-29 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-12-29 20:01, Christian Schneider wrote:

previously it was possible to have a few D methods "point" to the same
Objective-C method like this:

 NSView initWithFrame(NSRect frameRect) @selector("initWithFrame:")  ;
 this(NSRect frameRect) @selector("initWithFrame:")  ;

Now with the latest version I get this error for the above two lines:

../../Interfaces/appkit/view.d(19): Error: constructor
appkit.view.NSView.this Objcective-C selector 'initWithFrame:' already
in use by function 'initWithFrame'.

I thought, it was a nice convenience to make both potential types of
programmers happy, those leaning more towards Objective-C / named
parameters can use the verbose, first option, while the ones coming more
from C/C++ can use the shortcut, the 2nd option.

But it's no big deal, I'll just remove the "shortcut".  My question was
more for understanding why it was a) possible in the past and b) what is
the motivation behind the decision that it is no longer possible now.

I'm not sure what's happened. Perhaps it's a bug that now have been 
fixed. I'll add it to my todo list.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-12-29 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 26 December 2014 at 17:47:29 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2014-12-25 14:12, Christian Schneider wrote:
Just for my information: Why is it no longer possible to have 
multiple d
methods (or overloaded constructors) to map to the same 


I though it was quite nice to have overloaded d constructors 
for the

various init.. methods.

Can you give me an example of what's not working?

previously it was possible to have a few D methods "point" to the 
same Objective-C method like this:

NSView initWithFrame(NSRect frameRect) 
@selector("initWithFrame:")  ;

this(NSRect frameRect) @selector("initWithFrame:")  ;

Now with the latest version I get this error for the above two 

../../Interfaces/appkit/view.d(19): Error: constructor 
appkit.view.NSView.this Objcective-C selector 'initWithFrame:' 
already in use by function 'initWithFrame'.

I thought, it was a nice convenience to make both potential types 
of programmers happy, those leaning more towards Objective-C / 
named parameters can use the verbose, first option, while the 
ones coming more from C/C++ can use the shortcut, the 2nd option.

But it's no big deal, I'll just remove the "shortcut".  My 
question was more for understanding why it was a) possible in the 
past and b) what is the motivation behind the decision that it is 
no longer possible now.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-12-26 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-12-25 15:30, Christian Schneider wrote:

Was just upgrading everything to the latest Github, dmd, druntime (the
d-objc branch). It does not seem to be able to link into the AppKit and
Foundation anymore. dmd fails silently with error code -11

I uploaded a very stripped down project (containing everything) that you
might want to have a look at, it just declares a NSString and tries to
log it:

dub -v gives really no clue whatsoever is failing. I am really sorry
that I can not be more specific / helpful for making this work.

It's the destructor in NSObject that causes the problem. I'll take a 
look. Remove that and your example will work, after you import the 
missing "foundation.runtime" in "app".

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-12-26 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-12-25 14:12, Christian Schneider wrote:

Just for my information: Why is it no longer possible to have multiple d
methods (or overloaded constructors) to map to the same Objective-C

I though it was quite nice to have overloaded d constructors for the
various init.. methods.

Can you give me an example of what's not working?

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-12-25 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce
Was just upgrading everything to the latest Github, dmd, druntime 
(the d-objc branch). It does not seem to be able to link into the 
AppKit and Foundation anymore. dmd fails silently with error code 

I uploaded a very stripped down project (containing everything) 
that you might want to have a look at, it just declares a 
NSString and tries to log it:

dub -v gives really no clue whatsoever is failing. I am really 
sorry that I can not be more specific / helpful for making this 

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-12-25 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce
Just for my information: Why is it no longer possible to have 
multiple d methods (or overloaded constructors) to map to the 
same Objective-C implementation?

I though it was quite nice to have overloaded d constructors for 
the various init.. methods.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-12-21 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce

awesome, thank you very much!

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-12-18 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-12-18 23:31, Christian Schneider wrote:

Regex is one of my weaknesses. If you don't mind sharing yours (and if
you have them still lying around) please send to schneider at, this would be greatly appreciated, and would make my life
a bit easier.

These are two simple regular expression that you can use:


Replace with

) @selector("$1");



Replace with

) @selector("$1")

They make some assumption about the code. They will match:

a closing parenthesis ->
zero or more spaces ->
opening bracket ->
at least one or more of: A-Z, a-z, a colon or 0-9 ->
closing bracket ->
semicolon ->
end of line

In the above description the arrow, "->", should be read as "followed by".

When replacing the text, $1 will represent what's caught in the first 
group. In this case what's in between the brackets.

The difference between the first and the second regular expression is 
the trailing semicolon, to handle both extern declarations and methods 
defined in the D source code.

These regular expression assume you only have the selector on the right 
side of the method declaration, i.e. no UDA's or similar.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-12-18 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce

The reason for the change is that the old syntax, [foo:bar:], 
required language changes wheres the new syntax, 
@selector("foo:bar:"), doesn't. When D/Objective-C was 
initially created D didn't support UDA's, that's why a new 
syntax was invented. If D had supported UDA's back then, that 
would most likely have been used.

Hopefully this will also increase the chances of D/Objective-C 
being merged with upstream DMD.

OK! Yes I understand, the merge with upstream DMD is one of the 
most important things, i totally agree.

I updated all the tests quickly with some global search and 
replace using regular expression.

Regex is one of my weaknesses. If you don't mind sharing yours 
(and if you have them still lying around) please send to 
schneider at, this would be greatly appreciated, and 
would make my life a bit easier.

this is all a great and exciting adventure ;)

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-12-18 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-12-17 20:51, Christian Schneider wrote:

OMG, what did you do? all my beautiful appkit and foundation header
files are destroyed! do you plan any other such attacks?

Hopefully no :)

lol, i must admit, i was a bit shocked about this sudden surprise. what
is the main motivation? i thought the old style looked good because it
made visually clear that it was glue into objective-c, as it looked very

The reason for the change is that the old syntax, [foo:bar:], required 
language changes wheres the new syntax, @selector("foo:bar:"), doesn't. 
When D/Objective-C was initially created D didn't support UDA's, that's 
why a new syntax was invented. If D had supported UDA's back then, that 
would most likely have been used.

Hopefully this will also increase the chances of D/Objective-C being 
merged with upstream DMD.

with a little scripting / string processing i can adapt to the
new style, i guess.

I updated all the tests quickly with some global search and replace 
using regular expression.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-12-17 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce

This should be fixed now in my forks [1] [2]. Note, I've also 
replaced the selector syntax, [foo], with a compiler recognized 
UDA, @selector("foo").


OMG, what did you do? all my beautiful appkit and foundation 
header files are destroyed! do you plan any other such attacks?

lol, i must admit, i was a bit shocked about this sudden 
surprise. what is the main motivation? i thought the old style 
looked good because it made visually clear that it was glue into 
objective-c, as it looked very familiar. with a little scripting 
/ string processing i can adapt to the new style, i guess.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-12-16 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-11-04 10:07, Christian Schneider wrote:

Ok, some more info:

I changed the mapping in tableview.d to:

void setDoubleAction(void __selector(ObjcObject))
[setDoubleAction:] ;

This should be the way to do it. Now in the implementation of the

  void doubleClickAction(ObjcObject sender) {
  NSLog("double click action") ;
  NSLog("the sender: %@", sender) ;

This works fine and prints the log:  2014-11-04 10:01:57.967
tableview[9988:507] the sender: 

But now I would like to do something with this sender, like I do
often in an Objective-C project:

NSTableView tableView = cast(NSTableView)sender ;

I get a  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) on this line. Only when I
replace both ObjcObject with NSObject (in tableview.d, the
mapping, and the target action) this cast works. I might be
missing something obvious here.

This should be fixed now in my forks [1] [2]. Note, I've also replaced 
the selector syntax, [foo], with a compiler recognized UDA, 


/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-26 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce

Why not use a constructor and let the compiler manage the 

this(NSRect frame) [initWithFrame:] {
//my stuff

This should emit the same code as the function above (but I 
haven't tested). And then you can write:

auto view = new KeyboardView(someFrame);

and have proper type safety.

Thanks Michel, my question was based on a completely wrong 
assumption (really sorry, my bad), the code of course works, 
which is again really cool about the D/Objective-C bridging.

When I prepare the framework glue headers I usually add both 
variations init.. and this(), so the coder who uses it can take 
the shortcut if he prefers. I try to stay as close as possible to 
the naming conventions of the Cocoa framework, it facilitates 
somewhat the documentation lookup in Xcode. Named parameters is 
probably the feature I like most about Objective-C, it makes the 
code so much more readable and auto-documents, if one is careful.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-20 Thread Michel Fortin via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-11-18 09:07:10 +, Christian Schneider said:

This is what I came up with so far:

override KeyboardView initWithFrame(NSRect frame) [initWithFrame:] {
 //my stuff
 return cast(KeyboardView) super.initWithFrame(frame) ;

Why not use a constructor and let the compiler manage the boilerplate?

this(NSRect frame) [initWithFrame:] {
//my stuff

This should emit the same code as the function above (but I haven't 
tested). And then you can write:

auto view = new KeyboardView(someFrame);

and have proper type safety.

Michel Fortin

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-19 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce

I forgot to ask, do you have a small test case showing this 
problem? Without windows or any other fancy stuff.

Just setup a small temporary repository for this:

Without an OSX application with windows et al, it won't show you 
the "send bug report" dialog, this is where I found the other 
information. If you want to, you can open the most simple example 
in DiveFramework, e.g. OpenGLView and ask the main window for 
bounds or the frame.

After a good night sleep, I came up with this: no way this can be 
a deal breaker, if push comes to shove I'll just create a small 
Framework containing wrapper functions with NSRect pointers for 
all the methods returning NSRect. Luckily, there are not too many 
of these. But still, they are extremely vital once you start 
messing with complicated gui stuff e.g. like darn NSScrollViews 
or even worse NSSplitViews.

Thanks for having a look into this ;)

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-19 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-11-18 21:54, Christian Schneider wrote:

Uh, oh, that bug looks like a major annoyance in 64bit! I made a few
checks, all appkit methods returning a NSRect currently produce a
runtime segfault. But this does not apply to NSSize, nor NSPoint,
functions returning either NSSize or NSPoint work.

What I have found out so far: all the extern C functions in geometry.d
work just fine.. e.g. NSRectFromString does what it's supposed to do.

I forgot to ask, do you have a small test case showing this problem? 
Without windows or any other fancy stuff.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-18 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-11-18 21:54, Christian Schneider wrote:

Uh, oh, that bug looks like a major annoyance in 64bit! I made a few
checks, all appkit methods returning a NSRect currently produce a
runtime segfault. But this does not apply to NSSize, nor NSPoint,
functions returning either NSSize or NSPoint work.

What I have found out so far: all the extern C functions in geometry.d
work just fine.. e.g. NSRectFromString does what it's supposed to do.

If this is works for extern(C) functions then it might be a problem with 
the extern(Objective-C) functions. Perhaps it's not using the correct 
objc_msgSend functions under the hood.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-18 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-11-18 21:46, Christian Schneider wrote:

Yes, of course, and this is really not an issue! And this convenience
function can be rewritten in a few lines of code, if really necessary.

Good, I just want to make sure you can continue. Than we can figure out 
the minor issues later. Anyway, I added it to my todo list.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-18 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce

Can't you just call "super" in the beginning of the method and 
then call return "this" at the end. Something like this:

override KeyboardView initWithFrame(NSRect frame) 
[initWithFrame:] {

// my stuff
return this;

Ups, sorry, my bad! I was trying this and had an exception, but 
not from the constructor! Of course this works just fine! Excuse 
me for the noise, I should remove my post (if I only could ;).

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-18 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce
Could it be this issue [1]? Can you please see if you can 
reproduce it using just plain C.

Uh, oh, that bug looks like a major annoyance in 64bit! I made a 
few checks, all appkit methods returning a NSRect currently 
produce a runtime segfault. But this does not apply to NSSize, 
nor NSPoint, functions returning either NSSize or NSPoint work.

What I have found out so far: all the extern C functions in 
geometry.d work just fine.. e.g. NSRectFromString does what it's 
supposed to do.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-18 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce

Compiling using dmd...
source/document.d(79): Error: function
foundation.array.NSArray.arrayWithObjects (ObjcObject object, 
...) is

not callable using argument types (Class, Class, typeof(null))

Hmm, I don't know. Can you use a cast to get around the 
problem? Perhaps use a variadic template to make the API 

Yes, of course, and this is really not an issue! And this 
convenience function can be rewritten in a few lines of code, if 
really necessary.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-18 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-11-18 13:47, Christian Schneider wrote:

Speaking of drawing, I have a very serious problem wit NSView. I cannot
call frame() nor bounds() on instances or subclasses and get a valid
NSRect. (same goes for NSWindow frame()).

I had similar problems when working with NSAttributedString and NSRange,
because NSRange from Chocolat was still 32 bit. After fixing this, it
all worked perfectly. The parameter to drawRect, which is a NSRect as
well contains correct values. So it seems to me that the NSRect struct
declared as is should work just fine.

I am trying to implement drawRect in an NSView subclass (in the Portmidi
example, KeyboardView). Everything works fine, NSBezierPath drawing
methods etc., but I cannot call this.frame() nor this.bounds() from
within that method without triggering a runtime segmentation fault.
Often I see this in the crash log as last "message":


Sometimes there is other stuff, but always indicating a memory corruption.

Could it be this issue [1]? Can you please see if you can reproduce it 
using just plain C.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-18 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-11-18 10:07, Christian Schneider wrote:

I'm wondering how I should deal with overriding "designated
initailizers". I really have no clue about the part "self = [super...].
KeyboardView is a subclass of NSView.

@implementation KeyboardView

- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame {
 self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
 if (self) {
 // Initialization code here.
 return self;

This is what I came up with so far:

override KeyboardView initWithFrame(NSRect frame) [initWithFrame:] {
 //my stuff
 return cast(KeyboardView) super.initWithFrame(frame) ;

This compiles and does not throw any runtime error, but it's a bit
against the idea, because in Objective-C the idea is to first call the
super class, then adapt and override what is necessary. When calling
super in the very end, this of course is no longer guaranteed.

Can't you just call "super" in the beginning of the method and then call 
return "this" at the end. Something like this:

override KeyboardView initWithFrame(NSRect frame) [initWithFrame:] {
// my stuff
return this;

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-18 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-11-18 09:46, Christian Schneider wrote:

Compiling using dmd...
source/document.d(79): Error: function
foundation.array.NSArray.arrayWithObjects (ObjcObject object, ...) is
not callable using argument types (Class, Class, typeof(null))

compile time.

hmm, a class object is of course not an ObjcObject, how could it be. I
think here is a limit to what is possible, this is the darn id of
Objective-C that makes all this funky convenience possible. Actually,
it's not a big deal, there is other methods to get what you want and the
above mentioned function in question is by itself just a convenience.

Hmm, I don't know. Can you use a cast to get around the problem? Perhaps 
use a variadic template to make the API simpler.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-18 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce
Speaking of drawing, I have a very serious problem wit NSView. I 
cannot call frame() nor bounds() on instances or subclasses and 
get a valid NSRect. (same goes for NSWindow frame()).

I had similar problems when working with NSAttributedString and 
NSRange, because NSRange from Chocolat was still 32 bit. After 
fixing this, it all worked perfectly. The parameter to drawRect, 
which is a NSRect as well contains correct values. So it seems to 
me that the NSRect struct declared as is should work just fine.

I am trying to implement drawRect in an NSView subclass (in the 
Portmidi example, KeyboardView). Everything works fine, 
NSBezierPath drawing methods etc., but I cannot call this.frame() 
nor this.bounds() from within that method without triggering a 
runtime segmentation fault.  Often I see this in the crash log as 
last "message":


Sometimes there is other stuff, but always indicating a memory 

I have not the slightest idea what could be the problem here, it 
most likely is not a threading issue, as drawRect is anyway 
called on the main thread, and usually one only has crashes if 
one tries to update widgets from background threads, which of 
course is not allowed in Cocoa, as the AppKit is not thread safe.

I just checked back, for any widget it fails. You can easily 
reproduce it by e.g. opening the SimpleWebBrowser example and add 
in applicationDidFinishLaunching (this is a good point, because 
all the UI element should be ready):

NSRect backButtonFrame = backButton.frame() ;
NSLog("frame %f %f %f %f", backButtonFrame.origin.x, 
backButtonFrame.origin.y, backButtonFrame.size.width, 
backButtonFrame.size.height) ;

For custom components, if this won't work, it is almost a deal 
breaker for using Cocoa through D. This is quite a setback, all 
the rest so far encountered is working so beautifully.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-18 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce
I'm wondering how I should deal with overriding "designated 
initailizers". I really have no clue about the part "self = 
[super...]. KeyboardView is a subclass of NSView.

@implementation KeyboardView

- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame {
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
// Initialization code here.
return self;

This is what I came up with so far:

override KeyboardView initWithFrame(NSRect frame) 
[initWithFrame:] {

//my stuff
return cast(KeyboardView) super.initWithFrame(frame) ;

This compiles and does not throw any runtime error, but it's a 
bit against the idea, because in Objective-C the idea is to first 
call the super class, then adapt and override what is necessary. 
When calling super in the very end, this of course is no longer 

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-18 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce

Do you get a compile time error or runtime error?

Compiling using dmd...
source/document.d(79): Error: function 
foundation.array.NSArray.arrayWithObjects (ObjcObject object, 
...) is not callable using argument types (Class, Class, 

compile time.

hmm, a class object is of course not an ObjcObject, how could it 
be. I think here is a limit to what is possible, this is the darn 
id of Objective-C that makes all this funky convenience possible. 
Actually, it's not a big deal, there is other methods to get what 
you want and the above mentioned function in question is by 
itself just a convenience.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-17 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-11-16 12:16, Christian Schneider wrote:

I am just stumbling over adding class objects to an array:

I get an error when trying to add class objects to an NSArray because
e.g. NSString.class does not conform to ObjcObject. There is some
functions in the API that require arrays of class objects, e.g. in

NSPasteboard pb = NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard() ;
NSArray classes = NSArray.arrayWithObjects(NSString.class,
NSAttributedString.class, null) ;
NSString pbItem = cast(NSString)
pb.readObjectsForClasses_options(classes, null).lastObject() ;

Do you get a compile time error or runtime error?

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-16 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce

I am just stumbling over adding class objects to an array:

I get an error when trying to add class objects to an NSArray 
because e.g. NSString.class does not conform to ObjcObject. There 
is some functions in the API that require arrays of class 
objects, e.g. in NSPasteboard:

NSPasteboard pb = NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard() ;
NSArray classes = NSArray.arrayWithObjects(NSString.class, 
NSAttributedString.class, null) ;
NSString pbItem = cast(NSString) 
pb.readObjectsForClasses_options(classes, null).lastObject() ;

Sure, there are other functions in NSPasteboard, and 
readObjectsForClasses_options is not the only way to get the 
pasteboard items, but a great convenience in given settings.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-11 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce

I guess you have to live using NSObject for now, until I fixed 
that. But in practice NSObject is the only root class. So far 
I've seen one other class, NSProxy, that doesn't inherit from 

Ok, I had a quick look at this issue. It is implemented but 
it's not working. There is a test but that's only casting from 
a class to an interface, not the other way around. Either 
there's an issue in the druntime function 
"_dobjc_interface_cast" or in the compiler (most likely in the 

OK, I see. I can live with that for now, it's just a bit 
unfortunate because then I will have to touch the interface 
headers again once it works. Just stumbled upon this thing once 
again while trying to use mutableCopy ;)

It looks like the casting is implemented here [2], or at least 
parts of it.

whoa, thanks for that look deep into the abyss ;)

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-07 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-11-07 17:05, Christian Schneider wrote:

Ha, awesome! It works! I'll add this to a wiki page in the DiveFramework
github repos.

Thanks again!

No problem :). This isn't mention in the DIP since this has nothing to 
do with Objective-C, it's rather plain C. This is documented here [1].

Oh, and btw, I was briefly looking into the DMD source for trying to fix
myself the issue with the protocol to class instance cast (trying to be
useful), but I am seriously completely not hardcore enough of digging
anything in there, lol.

I had no idea what I was doing when I started with this :)

Anyhow, if you got a hint, let me know. It's not
just in the example discussed in my other posts, I found it to be an
issue in other places as well, as often framework classes return id /
ObjcObject instead of a further typed instance. I don't remember where
exactly I had a problem, but I remember I used NSObject instead of
ObjcObject in these places, which of course is not the way to go.

I guess you have to live using NSObject for now, until I fixed that. But 
in practice NSObject is the only root class. So far I've seen one other 
class, NSProxy, that doesn't inherit from NSObject.

Ok, I had a quick look at this issue. It is implemented but it's not 
working. There is a test but that's only casting from a class to an 
interface, not the other way around. Either there's an issue in the 
druntime function "_dobjc_interface_cast" or in the compiler (most 
likely in the compiler).

It looks like the casting is implemented here [2], or at least parts of it.


/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-07 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce

Now I know what the problem is. In D, module variables are by 
default in TLS (thread local storage). To make it refer to a 
global C variable, use __gshared:

extern (C) extern __gshared NSString 

Sorry, I completely forgot about that.

Ha, awesome! It works! I'll add this to a wiki page in the 
DiveFramework github repos.

Thanks again!

Oh, and btw, I was briefly looking into the DMD source for trying 
to fix myself the issue with the protocol to class instance cast 
(trying to be useful), but I am seriously completely not hardcore 
enough of digging anything in there, lol. Anyhow, if you got a 
hint, let me know. It's not just in the example discussed in my 
other posts, I found it to be an issue in other places as well, 
as often framework classes return id / ObjcObject instead of a 
further typed instance. I don't remember where exactly I had a 
problem, but I remember I used NSObject instead of ObjcObject in 
these places, which of course is not the way to go.

Have a nice weekend!

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-07 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-11-07 15:23, Christian Schneider wrote:

I get the SIGSEGV when i try to NSLog this string constant. I was not
looking any further, because if it fails to NSLog, i can't do anything
with it ;)

Now I know what the problem is. In D, module variables are by default in 
TLS (thread local storage). To make it refer to a global C variable, use 

extern (C) extern __gshared NSString NSApplicationDidHideNotification;

Sorry, I completely forgot about that.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-07 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce
I get EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) for both NSString and void * if 
I use the

declaration you suggested.

What exactly are you doing with the string when you get the 
EXC_BAD_ACCESS? Also, can you reproduce the issue in an program 
just printing this variable with NSLog?

I get the SIGSEGV when i try to NSLog this string constant. I was 
not looking any further, because if it fails to NSLog, i can't do 
anything with it ;)

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-07 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-11-07 13:12, Christian Schneider wrote:

Jacob, thank you very much for your reply and explanations!

I get EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) for both NSString and void * if I use the
declaration you suggested.

What exactly are you doing with the string when you get the 
EXC_BAD_ACCESS? Also, can you reproduce the issue in an program just 
printing this variable with NSLog?

In the case for notification string constants, when I log it in
Objective-C, it just equals to "NSApplicationDidHideNotification", so
these could be simply redeclared for such strings, but that's not very
stylish and against the basic idea, i guess.

Yeah, that's not pretty, it should work like in Objective-C.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-07 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce

Also when I tried to declare / use extern strings like from

APPKIT_EXTERN NSString *NSApplicationDidHideNotification;

I found no way to get this working. Is this a limitation of 
the current

64 bit port?

I think that should work. How did you declare it? It should be 
declared like this:

extern (C) extern NSString NSApplicationDidHideNotification;

I tried with a standard D compiler and void* instead of 
NSString and that worked.

"extern (C)" tells the compiler to use C linkage, the second 
"extern" tells the compiler this symbols is defined somewhere 
else, i.e. in some library.

Jacob, thank you very much for your reply and explanations!

I get EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) for both NSString and void * if I 
use the declaration you suggested.

In the case for notification string constants, when I log it in 
Objective-C, it just equals to 
"NSApplicationDidHideNotification", so these could be simply 
redeclared for such strings, but that's not very stylish and 
against the basic idea, i guess.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-06 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-11-06 17:06, Christian Schneider wrote:

Oh, just found out, it seems that currently the extern C declarations
don't work. This comes from the original Chocolat range.d

extern (C) {

 NSRange  NSUnionRange(NSRange range1, NSRange range2) ;
 NSRange  NSIntersectionRange(NSRange range1, NSRange range2) ;
 NSString NSStringFromRange(NSRange range) ;
 NSRange  NSRangeFromString(NSString aString) ;

 NSRange NSMakeRange(NSUInteger loc, NSUInteger len) ;
 NSUInteger NSMaxRange(NSRange range) ;
 bool NSEqualRanges(NSRange range1, NSRange range2) ;

When trying to use NSMakeRange i get:

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
   "_NSMakeRange", referenced from: 

I wasn't able to link with the symbol either. But when I tried in 
Objective-C it worked, but only when I imported Foundation.h, not when I 
declared NSMakeRange myself. That got me thinking and I had a look in 
the Foundation NSRange.h header file. "NSMakeRange" and friends are 
implement directly in the header file to allow inlining. D cannot access 
inlined functions if they don't exist in a library.

In general you need to reimplement these functions in D. In this 
particular case, with NSMakeRange, you can just do this in D instead:

auto range = NSRange(1, 2);

The above is a syntax that is allowed for all structs. If you really 
want to type "NSMakeRange" you need implement the function yourself or 
make an alias and use the above syntax:

alias NSMakeRange = NSRange;

The downside with the alias is that it allows to use "NSMakeRange" as a 
struct as well:

NSMakeRange range;

Also when I tried to declare / use extern strings like from

APPKIT_EXTERN NSString *NSApplicationDidHideNotification;

I found no way to get this working. Is this a limitation of the current
64 bit port?

I think that should work. How did you declare it? It should be declared 
like this:

extern (C) extern NSString NSApplicationDidHideNotification;

I tried with a standard D compiler and void* instead of NSString and 
that worked.

"extern (C)" tells the compiler to use C linkage, the second "extern" 
tells the compiler this symbols is defined somewhere else, i.e. in some 

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-06 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce
Oh, just found out, it seems that currently the extern C 
declarations don't work. This comes from the original Chocolat 

extern (C) {

NSRange NSUnionRange(NSRange range1, NSRange range2) ;
NSRange NSIntersectionRange(NSRange range1, NSRange range2) ;
NSStringNSStringFromRange(NSRange range) ;
NSRange NSRangeFromString(NSString aString) ;

NSRange NSMakeRange(NSUInteger loc, NSUInteger len) ;
NSUInteger  NSMaxRange(NSRange range) ;
boolNSEqualRanges(NSRange range1, NSRange range2) ;

When trying to use NSMakeRange i get:

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_NSMakeRange", referenced from: 

Also when I tried to declare / use extern strings like from 

APPKIT_EXTERN NSString *NSApplicationDidHideNotification;

I found no way to get this working. Is this a limitation of the 
current 64 bit port?

Thanks again. Christian

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-05 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce

What happens if you declare "doubleClickAction" like this:

void doubleClickAction(NSTableView sender) { ... }

That will probably require a cast when passing the selector to 

Hi Jacob

This just "delegates" the "problem" to another place. The
target/action paradigm in Cocoa programming gets a lot from the
fact that any object can be the sender of an action. In this
particular case I'd even prefer the conditional if the sender
"is" the local table view member var, which then basically has
the same effect as what you suggested above.

I think the best thing will be to fix the interface-to-class
casts in the compiler, as Michel suggests above.

Thanks again

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-04 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce

There is no test for interface-to-class casts in the 
D/Objective-C test suite, which means you're likely the first 
person to try that. It's probably just an oversight in the 
compiler code.

Hey Michel, thanks very much for this explanation! That's 
actually good news. It certainly will be good to have this fixed, 
as the target action mechanism gets a lot of it's spice that the 
"sender" only needs to comply to a protocol and can be whatever 
control or even nil.

Best! Christian

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-04 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-11-04 23:46, Michel Fortin wrote:

Once this is merged in DMD, __selector could be documented to be
syntactically identical to a delegate (although semantically different)
and it could be made syntactically valid for regular D code compiled
with no Objective-C support (although it'd remain semantically invalid).
That'd allow you to hide it in version blocks and static ifs.

Yeah, that would be preferable. I would like to avoid the mess that the 
migration from D1 to D2 caused. Where if one wanted to support both some 
D2 code needed to be in a string mixin guarded with a version block.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-04 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-11-04 13:29, Christian Schneider wrote:

what is funky in this context (see above): even when using
ObjcObject in both the mapping and the action method, the test

if (sender is demoTableView) {

does not fail in the action

That will just compare the address of the objects.

, only a cast to a NSTableView object
fails. Of course, in this setting it's not really a problem, I
can work directly on the demoTableView member and can forget
about the sender, but this is against how I would do it in
Objective-C where I can always cast an id reference to the
expected type.

See the reply by Michel. It's probably a bug/oversight in the compiler. 
As a workaround you can, as you said, use NSObject instead of ObjcObject 
in both places.

What happens if you declare "doubleClickAction" like this:

void doubleClickAction(NSTableView sender) { ... }

That will probably require a cast when passing the selector to 

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-04 Thread Michel Fortin via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-11-01 10:47:54 +, Jacob Carlborg  said:

On 2014-11-01 01:58, Michel Fortin wrote:

That said, there are other parts of D/Objective-C that could pose
difficulties to existing languages tools, some syntactic (__selector, or
"this.class" to get the metaclass)

"this.class" could perhaps be called "this.classof", at least that's 
valid syntax. Although I don't know what to do about __selector.

Once this is merged in DMD, __selector could be documented to be 
syntactically identical to a delegate (although semantically different) 
and it could be made syntactically valid for regular D code compiled 
with no Objective-C support (although it'd remain semantically 
invalid). That'd allow you to hide it in version blocks and static ifs.

Michel Fortin

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-04 Thread Michel Fortin via Digitalmars-d-announce
On 2014-11-04 09:07:08 +, "Christian Schneider" 

Ok, some more info:

I changed the mapping in tableview.d to:

void setDoubleAction(void __selector(ObjcObject))
[setDoubleAction:] ;

That's indeed the best way to do it.

This should be the way to do it. Now in the implementation of the

  void doubleClickAction(ObjcObject sender) {
  NSLog("double click action") ;
  NSLog("the sender: %@", sender) ;

This works fine and prints the log:  2014-11-04 10:01:57.967
tableview[9988:507] the sender: 

But now I would like to do something with this sender, like I do
often in an Objective-C project:

NSTableView tableView = cast(NSTableView)sender ;

I get a  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) on this line. Only when I
replace both ObjcObject with NSObject (in tableview.d, the
mapping, and the target action) this cast works. I might be
missing something obvious here.

There is no test for interface-to-class casts in the D/Objective-C test 
suite, which means you're likely the first person to try that. It's 
probably just an oversight in the compiler code.

Michel Fortin

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-04 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce

what is funky in this context (see above): even when using
ObjcObject in both the mapping and the action method, the test

if (sender is demoTableView) {

does not fail in the action, only a cast to a NSTableView object
fails. Of course, in this setting it's not really a problem, I
can work directly on the demoTableView member and can forget
about the sender, but this is against how I would do it in
Objective-C where I can always cast an id reference to the
expected type.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-04 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce

Ok, some more info:

I changed the mapping in tableview.d to:

void setDoubleAction(void __selector(ObjcObject))
[setDoubleAction:] ;

This should be the way to do it. Now in the implementation of the

 void doubleClickAction(ObjcObject sender) {
 NSLog("double click action") ;
 NSLog("the sender: %@", sender) ;

This works fine and prints the log:  2014-11-04 10:01:57.967
tableview[9988:507] the sender: 

But now I would like to do something with this sender, like I do
often in an Objective-C project:

NSTableView tableView = cast(NSTableView)sender ;

I get a  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) on this line. Only when I
replace both ObjcObject with NSObject (in tableview.d, the
mapping, and the target action) this cast works. I might be
missing something obvious here.

Thanks again.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-04 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce

I would expect to be using an ObjcObject instead of an 
NSObject here,
but this does not compile. The signature of the target action 
seems to
be irrelevant, it may have no or more parameters. I guess this 
is just

ok and the expected behavior.

Hmm, that sounds strange. What exact errors do you get?

source/appdelegate.d(47): Error: function
appkit.tableview.NSTableView.setDoubleAction (objc_selector*
aSelector) is not callable using argument types (extern
(Objective-C) void __selector(ObjcObject))

Line 46 & 47:

auto doubleAction = &AppDelegate.doubleClickAction ;
demoTableView.setDoubleAction(doubleAction) ;

Line 80:

void doubleClickAction(ObjcObject sender) {

actually, when line 46 & 47 are like above, it doesn't matter if
I change ObjcObject to NSObject, but I guess my problem here is
how Map the function in tableview.d:

void setDoubleAction(objc.runtime.SEL aSelector)
[setDoubleAction:] ;


I know Dip 43 almost by heart now, but I haven't yet discovered
the tests you wrote. Nice, this will be extremely helpful.


Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-03 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-11-03 09:51, Christian Schneider wrote:

I have a question regarding selectors. I wanted to set a double-click
action in the tableview example. Currently i get the selector like this:

 objc.runtime.SEL doubleAction =
cast(objc.runtime.SEL)&AppDelegate.doubleClickAction ;
 demoTableView.setDoubleAction(doubleAction) ;

Is this the recommended/right way to do it?

No, have a look at the tests for selectors [1]. I'm not sure if you need 
to cast it to "SEL". Try just using "auto":

auto doubleAction = &AppDelegate.doubleClickAction;

Then the double-click action looks like this:

 void doubleClickAction(NSObject sender) {

 NSTableView tableView = cast(NSTableView)sender ;

 if (sender is demoTableView) {
  NSInteger clickedRow = demoTableView.clickedRow() ;
  Item item = cast(Item)_applications.objectAtIndex(clickedRow) ;
NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().launchApplication(item.itemDisplayName()) ;

I would expect to be using an ObjcObject instead of an NSObject here,
but this does not compile. The signature of the target action seems to
be irrelevant, it may have no or more parameters. I guess this is just
ok and the expected behavior.

Hmm, that sounds strange. What exact errors do you get?


/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-03 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce
I have a question regarding selectors. I wanted to set a 
double-click action in the tableview example. Currently i get the 
selector like this:

objc.runtime.SEL doubleAction = 
cast(objc.runtime.SEL)&AppDelegate.doubleClickAction ;

demoTableView.setDoubleAction(doubleAction) ;

Is this the recommended/right way to do it?

Then the double-click action looks like this:

void doubleClickAction(NSObject sender) {

NSTableView tableView = cast(NSTableView)sender ;

if (sender is demoTableView) {
 NSInteger clickedRow = demoTableView.clickedRow() ;
	 Item item = 
cast(Item)_applications.objectAtIndex(clickedRow) ;


I would expect to be using an ObjcObject instead of an NSObject 
here, but this does not compile. The signature of the target 
action seems to be irrelevant, it may have no or more parameters. 
I guess this is just ok and the expected behavior. In 
Objective-C, if the action signature does not comply you will get 
warnings or errors.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-01 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-11-01 01:58, Michel Fortin wrote:

That said, there are other parts of D/Objective-C that could pose
difficulties to existing languages tools, some syntactic (__selector, or
"this.class" to get the metaclass)

"this.class" could perhaps be called "this.classof", at least that's 
valid syntax. Although I don't know what to do about __selector.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-11-01 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-11-01 01:54, Michel Fortin wrote:

I can't remember if this is an oversight or just something that I hadn't
got to yet. In my mind this was already done.

I did a grep for "dealloc" and couldn't find anything related.

Anyway, the answer is *yes*: the destructor should be mapped to the
"dealloc" selector. It should also implicitly call the destructor for
any struct within the object and call it's superclass's destructor (if
present), the usual D semantics for a destructor (that part might
already work actually).

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-10-31 Thread Michel Fortin via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-10-30 09:16:34 +, "Martin Nowak"  said:

On Tuesday, 11 March 2014 at 18:23:08 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
A DIP is available here [1] and the latest implementation is available 
here [2].


Instead of adding the selector syntaxsyntax you could reuse pragma mangle.

Nooo! Mangling is something different from the selector name. Mangling 
is the linker symbol for the function. The selector is the name used to 
find the function pointer for a given a dynamic object (with similar 
purpose to a vtable offset). The function has both a mangled name and a 
selector name, and they're always two different names.

Alternatively a compiler recognized UDA would work too.

 @objcSel!("insertItemWithObjectValue", "atIndex")
 void insertItem(ObjcObject object, NSInteger value);

Ah, that's better. Except you really should use a single string with 
colons, otherwise you'll have a problem distinguishing no-parameter 
selectors from single-parameter selectors.

Changing the lexer and parser would affect all D language tools 
(editors, formatters, linters, other compilers). So now that we do have 
UDAs I don't see a justification for changing the syntax and grammar of 

Very true. I agree. Now that UDAs exist, it'd be preferable to use them.

That said, there are other parts of D/Objective-C that could pose 
difficulties to existing languages tools, some syntactic (__selector, 
or "this.class" to get the metaclass), some semantic (overridable 
static methods having a "this" pointing to the metaclass). I had to 
bend the rules in some places to make all that work. But it's true that 
nothing will be more confusing to those tools than the selector 
declaration currently following a function name.

Michel Fortin

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-10-31 Thread Michel Fortin via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-10-30 07:13:08 +, Jacob Carlborg  said:

I had a look at your fix. I see that you added a call to "release" in 
the destructor. Just for the record, there's no guarantee that the 
destructor of a GC allocated object gets run, at all.

D/Objective-C never allocates Objective-C objects on the GC heap. If an 
object derives from NSObject it is allocated using the usual 
Objective-C alloc class method when you use the "new" keyword.

Or, if this class get instantiated by some Objective-C framework then 
it will know nothing about the destructor in D. I guess the right 
solution is to override "dealloc".

Whoever instantiated the object has no bearing on who will deallocate 
and call its destructor. When you call release() and the counter falls 
to zero, "dealloc" is called and the memory is then released. Whether 
that call to release() was made from D or Objective-C code is 

Hmm, I'm wondering if it's a good idea to lower a destructor to 
"dealloc", just like a constructor is lowered to "init".

I can't remember if this is an oversight or just something that I 
hadn't got to yet. In my mind this was already done.

Anyway, the answer is *yes*: the destructor should be mapped to the 
"dealloc" selector. It should also implicitly call the destructor for 
any struct within the object and call it's superclass's destructor (if 
present), the usual D semantics for a destructor (that part might 
already work actually).

Michel Fortin

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-10-30 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-10-30 10:16, Martin Nowak wrote:

Instead of adding the selector syntaxsyntax you could reuse pragma mangle.

extern (Objective-C)
class NSComboBox : NSTextField
 private void* _dataSource;

 pragma(mangle, objcMangle!(NSComboBox, "insertItemWithObjectValue",
 void insertItem(ObjcObject object, NSInteger value);

Alternatively a compiler recognized UDA would work too.

 @objcSel!("insertItemWithObjectValue", "atIndex")
 void insertItem(ObjcObject object, NSInteger value);

Changing the lexer and parser would affect all D language tools
(editors, formatters, linters, other compilers). So now that we do have
UDAs I don't see a justification for changing the syntax and grammar of D.

Seems like a fair point, I guess I could change that. I prefer using a 
UDA for this.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-10-30 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-10-30 16:28, Christian Schneider wrote:

So far, I was not even considering a D library that would be used
through Objective-C code, but yeah, that's a good point as well.

Isn't that what's usually happens when using something like an app 
delegate. It will be instantiated by the framework when loading a nib.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-10-30 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-10-30 10:23, John Colvin wrote:

Slightly derailing the conversation, but I see this all the time...

Isn't the situation actually this:

GC allocated objects are not guaranteed to be de-allocated before
program termination.
If a GC allocated object is deallocated, its destructor *is* guaranteed
to be called.
Destructors are not called for arrays of objects, whether they are
structs or emplaced classes, even when they are de-allocated.

Yes, that's the longer explanation :)

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-10-30 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce
I had a look at your fix. I see that you added a call to 
"release" in the destructor. Just for the record, there's no 
guarantee that the destructor of a GC allocated object gets 
run, at all.

Omg, how embarrassing ;) of course I need to put it in dealloc so 
that it will work with NSMutableArray et al.  if I am going 
Objective-C memory management, then I should do it the intended 
way indeed!

Or, if this class get instantiated by some Objective-C 
framework then it will know nothing about the destructor in D. 
I guess the right solution is to override "dealloc".

So far, I was not even considering a D library that would be used 
through Objective-C code, but yeah, that's a good point as well.

Hmm, I'm wondering if it's a good idea to lower a destructor to 
"dealloc", just like a constructor is lowered to "init".

We will have to find out, but dealloc definitely is the 
destructor in Objc.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-10-30 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 30 October 2014 at 07:13:09 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 

On 2014-10-29 22:51, Christian Schneider wrote:

Btw, fixed the example, thanks for giving me the right clues. 
Of course,
it was just the manual memory management à la Objective-C that 
missing! I am really lucky that I spent already days, maybe 
debugging retain / release / autorelease on many projects, so 
for me
this will be peanuts! I just had a little flashback. I love 
ARC and am
looking forward for D to feature it as well, but for now, 
manual memory

management is really not the thing that will put me off.

I had a look at your fix. I see that you added a call to 
"release" in the destructor. Just for the record, there's no 
guarantee that the destructor of a GC allocated object gets 
run, at all.

Slightly derailing the conversation, but I see this all the 

Isn't the situation actually this:

GC allocated objects are not guaranteed to be de-allocated before 
program termination.
If a GC allocated object is deallocated, its destructor *is* 
guaranteed to be called.

Destructors are not called for arrays of objects, whether they 
are structs or emplaced classes, even when they are de-allocated.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-10-30 Thread Martin Nowak via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 11 March 2014 at 18:23:08 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
A DIP is available here [1] and the latest implementation is 
available here [2].


Instead of adding the selector syntaxsyntax you could reuse 
pragma mangle.

extern (Objective-C)
class NSComboBox : NSTextField
private void* _dataSource;

pragma(mangle, objcMangle!(NSComboBox, 
"insertItemWithObjectValue", "atIndex")

void insertItem(ObjcObject object, NSInteger value);

Alternatively a compiler recognized UDA would work too.

@objcSel!("insertItemWithObjectValue", "atIndex")
void insertItem(ObjcObject object, NSInteger value);

Changing the lexer and parser would affect all D language tools 
(editors, formatters, linters, other compilers). So now that we 
do have UDAs I don't see a justification for changing the syntax 
and grammar of D.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-10-30 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-10-29 22:51, Christian Schneider wrote:

Btw, fixed the example, thanks for giving me the right clues. Of course,
it was just the manual memory management à la Objective-C that was
missing! I am really lucky that I spent already days, maybe weeks
debugging retain / release / autorelease on many projects, so for me
this will be peanuts! I just had a little flashback. I love ARC and am
looking forward for D to feature it as well, but for now, manual memory
management is really not the thing that will put me off.

I had a look at your fix. I see that you added a call to "release" in 
the destructor. Just for the record, there's no guarantee that the 
destructor of a GC allocated object gets run, at all.

Or, if this class get instantiated by some Objective-C framework then it 
will know nothing about the destructor in D. I guess the right solution 
is to override "dealloc".

Hmm, I'm wondering if it's a good idea to lower a destructor to 
"dealloc", just like a constructor is lowered to "init".

I have all the tools ready now! I can't believe how this all rocks ;)

Awesome :)

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-10-29 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce

In the future I hope to make it possible to use pass a 
framework to DStep and it will create bindings for the whole 

That would be so cool!

Btw, fixed the example, thanks for giving me the right clues. Of 
course, it was just the manual memory management à la Objective-C 
that was missing! I am really lucky that I spent already days, 
maybe weeks debugging retain / release / autorelease on many 
projects, so for me this will be peanuts! I just had a little 
flashback. I love ARC and am looking forward for D to feature it 
as well, but for now, manual memory management is really not the 
thing that will put me off.

I have all the tools ready now! I can't believe how this all 
rocks ;)

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-10-29 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-10-29 16:09, Christian Schneider wrote:

DStep was not very helpful when I tried it, it wanted to find all the
referenced includes, which of course can be quite complicated when
trying to get foundation and appkit headers processed.

How do you mean? That it can't find stdarg.h and other header files? I 
think that can be solved by passing "-include " when 
invoking DStep. The problem is that these header files are not meant to 
be processed individually, but rather as a whole, i.e a translation unit.

In the future I hope to make it possible to use pass a framework to 
DStep and it will create bindings for the whole framework.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-10-29 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce
I tried running your code and could observe the behavior. 
Although I have not been able to figure you why it behaves like 
this. In general there are a couple of things to think of and 
watch out for when interfacing between D and Objective-C :

* The D compiler does not support any form of ARC, it's back to 
using retain/release

* When allocating memory with the GC in D and passing it to 
Objective-C (or C for that matter) you have to make sure there 
is still a root pointing to the memory. This can either be a 
variable that is still in scope or by explicitly adding a new 
root by calling core.GC.addRoot.

I don't know if any of the above is the actual problem, but it 
could be. I would recommend trying to contact Michel Fortin how 
original implemented D/Objective-C.

BTW, There is a tool, DStep [1], that can automatically 
generate bindings for Objective-C code.

Hey Jacob, thanks very much for your reply! It is of course this 
NSMutableArray that stores the custom objects containing 
NSString's and an NSImage, which gets deallocated after some time 
(still can see some garbage if I make it a static member). I will 
try to figure out how to use retain and release, I once knew how 
to do this quite well, but since ARC I quit to worry ;) Thanks 
for the core.GC.addRoot tip!

DStep was not very helpful when I tried it, it wanted to find all 
the referenced includes, which of course can be quite complicated 
when trying to get foundation and appkit headers processed.

Once this ARC / memory management stuff is resolved, d-objc on 
OSX will be super awesome!! Thanks to you and Michel for all the 

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-10-28 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 2014-10-27 19:03, Christian Schneider wrote:

Can somebody with a greater d-objc knowledge have a look at this example
project and tell this naive D-noob what he is missing?

I am pretty sure that it has something to do with memory management and
ARC. First it all starts up right, but then a delegate method get's
called in the wild and some memory segmentation is occurring calling
objectAtIndex, which is called on very different objects on multiple
runs, and I cannot get any closer to the real issue.

NSMutableArray _applications ;

is the main culprit, in this I am trying to put some NSObject subclass
objects. I have to admit that my mind is all Objective-C and very little
D yet, and probably the solution is very simple. What I have further
found is, that the crash occurs in relation to the visible table cells.
As soon as a view for an invisible cell is requested, the seg fault
occurs. I am trying to elaborate a TableView example using View based

To compile the program, you only need to execute "dub" in the
Examples/Tableview directory, of course assuming you have the latest
d-objc branch dmd installed and dub (and Xcode, I am using 5.1.1 but 6
should work just as well).

I tried running your code and could observe the behavior. Although I 
have not been able to figure you why it behaves like this. In general 
there are a couple of things to think of and watch out for when 
interfacing between D and Objective-C :

* The D compiler does not support any form of ARC, it's back to using 

* When allocating memory with the GC in D and passing it to Objective-C 
(or C for that matter) you have to make sure there is still a root 
pointing to the memory. This can either be a variable that is still in 
scope or by explicitly adding a new root by calling core.GC.addRoot.

I don't know if any of the above is the actual problem, but it could be. 
I would recommend trying to contact Michel Fortin how original 
implemented D/Objective-C.

BTW, There is a tool, DStep [1], that can automatically generate 
bindings for Objective-C code.


/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-10-27 Thread Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce
Can somebody with a greater d-objc knowledge have a look at this 
example project and tell this naive D-noob what he is missing?

I am pretty sure that it has something to do with memory 
management and ARC. First it all starts up right, but then a 
delegate method get's called in the wild and some memory 
segmentation is occurring calling  objectAtIndex, which is called 
on very different objects on multiple runs, and I cannot get any 
closer to the real issue.

NSMutableArray _applications ;

is the main culprit, in this I am trying to put some NSObject 
subclass objects. I have to admit that my mind is all Objective-C 
and very little D yet, and probably the solution is very simple. 
What I have further found is, that the crash occurs in relation 
to the visible table cells. As soon as a view for an invisible 
cell is requested, the seg fault occurs. I am trying to elaborate 
a TableView example using View based cells.

To compile the program, you only need to execute "dub" in the 
Examples/Tableview directory, of course assuming you have the 
latest d-objc branch dmd installed and dub (and Xcode, I am using 
5.1.1 but 6 should work just as well).

Thanks a lot in advance!

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-13 Thread Michel Fortin

On 2014-03-13 18:13:44 +, Jacob Carlborg  said:

On 2014-03-13 17:16, Johannes Pfau wrote:

Is it possible to split objc.c into two files, one for backend
interfacing functions (ObjcSymbols) and one for the generic frontend

I would guess so. I would need to take a look to see how coupled the 
code in objc.c is. Although, most code is for backend.

I think that'd be a good idea too. When I wrote that code I wanted 
everything to be close by as it was easier to experiment, but there's 
no need for that now.

Perhaps, instead of splitting, classes derived from frontend classes 
(Expression, Declaration, Type) should be moved to their corresponding 
files and live with other similar classes of the frontend, protected in 
#if DMD_OBJC blocks.

Michel Fortin

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-13 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2014-03-13 17:16, Johannes Pfau wrote:

Is it possible to split objc.c into two files, one for backend
interfacing functions (ObjcSymbols) and one for the generic frontend

I would guess so. I would need to take a look to see how coupled the 
code in objc.c is. Although, most code is for backend.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-13 Thread Johannes Pfau
Am Thu, 13 Mar 2014 14:20:54 +
schrieb "Jacob Carlborg" :

> On Wednesday, 12 March 2014 at 17:53:19 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> wrote:
> > I'll defer to domain experts on this one. Please advise.
> Yeah, we need some comments from Walter, Daniel, Kenji and others 
> of the core DMD developers. Probably good to have comments from 
> David and Iain as well, to get a LDC and GDC perspective.
> --
> /Jacob Carlborg

Is it possible to split objc.c into two files, one for backend
interfacing functions (ObjcSymbols) and one for the generic frontend

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-13 Thread Jacob Carlborg
On Wednesday, 12 March 2014 at 17:53:19 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

I'll defer to domain experts on this one. Please advise.

Yeah, we need some comments from Walter, Daniel, Kenji and others 
of the core DMD developers. Probably good to have comments from 
David and Iain as well, to get a LDC and GDC perspective.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-13 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On Thursday, 13 March 2014 at 12:02:24 UTC, Daniel Murphy wrote:

The changes to dmd's source are all done(!), it's now time to 
start putting the manually ported stuff into the main repo.

That's great :).

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-13 Thread Daniel Murphy

"Jacob Carlborg"  wrote in message news:lfqf4t$2v1o$

I think Daniel has said he as a working Linux compiler. He just need to 
create pull requests (and get them merged) for all changes his tool 

The changes to dmd's source are all done(!), it's now time to start putting 
the manually ported stuff into the main repo. 

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-13 Thread Daniel Murphy

"Michel Fortin"  wrote in message news:lfqcs6$2su5$

If the compiler is going to be converted to the D language (how is that 
progressing?), it'd probably be better to merge before that, otherwise 
it'll be a lot of work to port all those changes.

The converter can convert git master, compile it with git master, and pass 
the full test suite + phobos on linux32/linux64/win32.  If someone wants to 
give me access to an OSX box I'll get it working there too.

The main problem with these patches is their use of #if in places where D's 
version blocks don't work.  These will all need to be fixed before it is 
merged, as I've done for the rest of the frontend.

I'm happy to help anyone set up the converter - contact me here/by email/on 

It should be as simple as
1. Build dmd master
2. git clone
3. Fix paths if you have a different layout than I do
4. make 

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2014-03-12 20:37, Iain Buclaw wrote:

Sorry, some context.  The two 32bit ABIs are part of the same source,
I'd take them to be identical, with the exception that the second
option supports features that are on-by-default in the 64bit ABI.

I see.

As in, if I were to support NeXT.  I'd support the same as implemented
by GNU ObjC.  I'd have to look up if there are incompatibilities
between GCC > 4.3 and Clang on the ObjC side...

Sounds reasonable.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2014-03-12 20:34, Michel Fortin wrote:

If the compiler is going to be converted to the D language (how is that
progressing?), it'd probably be better to merge before that, otherwise
it'll be a lot of work to port all those changes.

I think Daniel has said he as a working Linux compiler. He just need to 
create pull requests (and get them merged) for all changes his tool 

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Iain Buclaw
On 12 March 2014 19:34, Michel Fortin  wrote:
> On 2014-03-12 17:53:35 +, Andrei Alexandrescu
>  said:
>> On 3/12/14, 12:15 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, 12 March 2014 at 01:45:38 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 Great. Jacob, what's your plan to take this forward? We're very
 interested in merging this as part of the official D compiler.
>>> In theory I could create a pull request tonight. It depends on what
>>> state we need the language support to be in. As I said exceptions are
>>> missing on 64bit. But on the other hand when support for C++ was
>>> introduced in D it had very limited support.
>>> One idea is to merge the changes but wait with enabling the languages
>>> changes. The test machines could run the tests with the changes enabled.
>> I'll defer to domain experts on this one. Please advise.
> If the compiler is going to be converted to the D language (how is that
> progressing?), it'd probably be better to merge before that, otherwise it'll
> be a lot of work to port all those changes.

Daniel's DDMD conversion tool is on github, you could run it through
that to get most of the legwork converted over I guess?

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Iain Buclaw
On 12 March 2014 19:36, Michel Fortin  wrote:
> On 2014-03-12 19:02:10 +, Iain Buclaw  said:
>> From my POV, I wouldn't want to support the ABI of a language that GCC
>> itself doesn't support.  So code compiled by GNU ObjC should be
>> compatible with extern(ObjC) code generated by GDC - even if it isn't
>> compatible with Clang ObjC.  But then, I'd be surprised if it wasn't
>> compatible.
> It all comes to how you integrate the thing with GCC. My guess is that you
> have three choices:
> 1. ignore Objective-C support: don't define DMD_OBJC in the code and the
> compiler will complain whenever it sees extern(Objective-C)
> 2. translate the calls to the DMD backend creating the various sections and
> segments to equivalent calls for creating sections and segments in GCC
> 3. replace the codegen for Objective-C data structures by what's already
> implemented in GCC for Objective-C
> This last option will support whatever ABI GCC has support for. That's
> probably the way to go if you want to make sure ABIs are compatible. All the
> Objective-C ABI DMD knows about is implemented in objc.c, so what you have
> to do is to rewrite objc.c to call the GCC equivalent implementation,
> probably getting rid of most of the code in there.
>> NeXT:
>> NSConstantString
>> objc_getClass
>> objc_getMetaClass
>> objc_msgSend
>> objc_msgSendSuper
>> GNU:
>> NXConstantString
>> objc_get_class
>> objc_get_meta_class
>> objc_msg_lookup
>> objc_msg_lookup_super
>> Some which greps for s(n)printf also show:
>> NeXT:
>> ".objc_class_name_%s"
>> ".objc_category_name_%s_%s"
>> GNU:
>> "__objc_class_name_%s"
>> "__objc_category_name_%s_%s"
>> Most others look the same?  Maybe you'll be able to find out more with
>> this information.
> My understanding is that the differences are pretty trivial. But regardless,
> we probably don't have to care about them if you can hook directly to the
> GCC Objective-C codegen.

Hooking to ObjC could be done, but requires patching GCC proper so
that ObjC mangling becomes common code, not front-end specific.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Michel Fortin

On 2014-03-12 19:02:10 +, Iain Buclaw  said:

From my POV, I wouldn't want to support the ABI of a language that GCC
itself doesn't support.  So code compiled by GNU ObjC should be
compatible with extern(ObjC) code generated by GDC - even if it isn't
compatible with Clang ObjC.  But then, I'd be surprised if it wasn't

It all comes to how you integrate the thing with GCC. My guess is that 
you have three choices:

1. ignore Objective-C support: don't define DMD_OBJC in the code and 
the compiler will complain whenever it sees extern(Objective-C)

2. translate the calls to the DMD backend creating the various sections 
and segments to equivalent calls for creating sections and segments in 

3. replace the codegen for Objective-C data structures by what's 
already implemented in GCC for Objective-C

This last option will support whatever ABI GCC has support for. That's 
probably the way to go if you want to make sure ABIs are compatible. 
All the Objective-C ABI DMD knows about is implemented in objc.c, so 
what you have to do is to rewrite objc.c to call the GCC equivalent 
implementation, probably getting rid of most of the code in there.



Some which greps for s(n)printf also show:



Most others look the same?  Maybe you'll be able to find out more with
this information.

My understanding is that the differences are pretty trivial. But 
regardless, we probably don't have to care about them if you can hook 
directly to the GCC Objective-C codegen.

Michel Fortin

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Iain Buclaw
On 12 March 2014 19:29, Jacob Carlborg  wrote:
> On 2014-03-12 20:02, Iain Buclaw wrote:
>> gobjc supports both, there's two ABI's for the NeXT - which I take to
>> mean the difference between the difference between 32bit and 64bit.
> You previously listed three ABI's. It's the modern runtime for 64bit and the
> traditional for 32bit with with properties that are interesting. I don't
> know how much difference these properties do.

Sorry, some context.  The two 32bit ABIs are part of the same source,
I'd take them to be identical, with the exception that the second
option supports features that are on-by-default in the 64bit ABI.

> I'm not sure I understand. Do you want to support the NeXT or GNU runtime?

As in, if I were to support NeXT.  I'd support the same as implemented
by GNU ObjC.  I'd have to look up if there are incompatibilities
between GCC > 4.3 and Clang on the ObjC side...

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Michel Fortin
On 2014-03-12 17:53:35 +, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 3/12/14, 12:15 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On Wednesday, 12 March 2014 at 01:45:38 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Great. Jacob, what's your plan to take this forward? We're very
interested in merging this as part of the official D compiler.

In theory I could create a pull request tonight. It depends on what
state we need the language support to be in. As I said exceptions are
missing on 64bit. But on the other hand when support for C++ was
introduced in D it had very limited support.

One idea is to merge the changes but wait with enabling the languages
changes. The test machines could run the tests with the changes enabled.

I'll defer to domain experts on this one. Please advise.

If the compiler is going to be converted to the D language (how is that 
progressing?), it'd probably be better to merge before that, otherwise 
it'll be a lot of work to port all those changes.

The first question should about the review process. This patch touches 
a lot of things, so I wonder if Walter will be confortable reviewing 
it. Should different people review different parts? Here's a comparison 

DMD:  94 changed files with 8,005 additions and 48 deletions.

druntime:  10 changed files with 1,263 additions and 0 deletions.

Most of the changes to the compiler are inside #if DMD_OBJC/#endif 
blocks. Changes outside of those blocks shouldn't affect the semantics 
or the binary output of existing code. So I think a review could be 
done in two steps:

1. Review changes outside of those #if DMD_OBJC blocks. Those are the 
most critical changes as they'll affect the next version of the 
compiler that'll ship (I'm assuming Objective-C features won't be 
turned on until they're more usable). This includes some changes in the 
lexer, but it shouldn't affect current D code. This review could 
exclude the two files objc.h/objc.c, since the makefile ignores them 
without the D_OBJC flag.

2. Maybe review things inside of those #if DMD_OBJC blocks. Those 
things won't affect the compiler unless compiled with the D_OBJC flag, 
so it's less critical to review them. Most of them are there to 
implement Objective-C semantics so you'll need to be somewhat familiar 
with Objective-C to judge whether they're correct or not. What should 
be checked is whether an error would make them affect non-Objective-C 
constructs when they're compiled in.

We also need to know what to do about the test suite. I made a separate 
test suite for D/Objective-C since those tests can only run on OS X and 
only with the compiler compiled with Objective-C support enabled. It 
could easily be merged with the main test suite, but the tests should 
be made conditional to whether the compiler is compiled with 
Objective-C or not.

Michel Fortin

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2014-03-12 20:02, Iain Buclaw wrote:

gobjc supports both, there's two ABI's for the NeXT - which I take to
mean the difference between the difference between 32bit and 64bit.

You previously listed three ABI's. It's the modern runtime for 64bit and 
the traditional for 32bit with with properties that are interesting. I 
don't know how much difference these properties do.

It seems that (now I read up on it) the GNU runtime came about from
decades back when NeXT was not open sourced by Apple.  From what I can
gather, a move towards the modern ABI is the direction, but not
considered production ready.

From my POV, I wouldn't want to support the ABI of a language that GCC

itself doesn't support.  So code compiled by GNU ObjC should be
compatible with extern(ObjC) code generated by GDC - even if it isn't
compatible with Clang ObjC.  But then, I'd be surprised if it wasn't

I'm not sure I understand. Do you want to support the NeXT or GNU runtime?

Clang is at least compatible with the Apple GCC. I don't know about FSF GCC.

That's hard to say at an initial glance.  There's a handy hook system
into each ABI to allow you to switch between versions easily.  The
common differences I do however see are:



Some which greps for s(n)printf also show:



Most others look the same?  Maybe you'll be able to find out more with
this information.

One basically need to look at each single feature and see what differs.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2014-03-12 13:14, Michel Fortin wrote:

I made the 32-bit legacy runtime support, Jacob added the 64-bit modern
runtime support.

There's no support at this time for properties declarations in the ABI,
but it doesn't really have much impact. As far as I'm aware, Objective-C
2.0 additions only include property declarations and attributes in the ABI.

It is now :). I added support for properties. But as you say, I don't 
really know what they add.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Johannes Pfau
Am Wed, 12 Mar 2014 10:53:35 -0700
schrieb Andrei Alexandrescu :

> On 3/12/14, 12:15 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
> > On Wednesday, 12 March 2014 at 01:45:38 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Great. Jacob, what's your plan to take this forward? We're very
> >> interested in merging this as part of the official D compiler.
> >
> > In theory I could create a pull request tonight. It depends on what
> > state we need the language support to be in. As I said exceptions
> > are missing on 64bit. But on the other hand when support for C++ was
> > introduced in D it had very limited support.
> >
> > One idea is to merge the changes but wait with enabling the
> > languages changes. The test machines could run the tests with the
> > changes enabled.
> I'll defer to domain experts on this one. Please advise.
> Andrei

We could also start a (better: the first) feature branch.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Iain Buclaw
On 12 March 2014 12:14, Michel Fortin  wrote:
> On 2014-03-12 09:26:56 +, Iain Buclaw  said:
>> On 12 March 2014 07:10, Jacob Carlborg  wrote:
>>> Yeah, since Objective-C uses the C calling convention it's mostly about
>>> outputting symbols and data to the object files.
>> In what ABI may I ask?  Your choices are:
>> - Traditional (32bit) ABI without properties and Obj-C 2.0 additions
>> - Traditional (32bit) ABI with properties and Obj-C 2.0 additions
>> - Modern (64bit) ABI
> I made the 32-bit legacy runtime support, Jacob added the 64-bit modern
> runtime support.
> There's no support at this time for properties declarations in the ABI, but
> it doesn't really have much impact. As far as I'm aware, Objective-C 2.0
> additions only include property declarations and attributes in the ABI.
>> That can be mixed in with either:
>> - GNU Runtime ABI
>> - NeXT Runtime ABI
> It's been tested with the Apple (NeXT) runtime only. In all honesty, I, and
> probably most people out there, don't care about the GNU runtime. Although
> probably the GCC guys do. Do you think it'd make it more difficult to merge
> GCC in the GCC project if it had support for Apple's runtime and not for the
> GNU one?

gobjc supports both, there's two ABI's for the NeXT - which I take to
mean the difference between the difference between 32bit and 64bit.

It seems that (now I read up on it) the GNU runtime came about from
decades back when NeXT was not open sourced by Apple.  From what I can
gather, a move towards the modern ABI is the direction, but not
considered production ready.

>From my POV, I wouldn't want to support the ABI of a language that GCC
itself doesn't support.  So code compiled by GNU ObjC should be
compatible with extern(ObjC) code generated by GDC - even if it isn't
compatible with Clang ObjC.  But then, I'd be surprised if it wasn't

> Also, is there a list of differences between the two runtimes somewhere?

That's hard to say at an initial glance.  There's a handy hook system
into each ABI to allow you to switch between versions easily.  The
common differences I do however see are:



Some which greps for s(n)printf also show:



Most others look the same?  Maybe you'll be able to find out more with
this information.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 3/12/14, 12:15 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On Wednesday, 12 March 2014 at 01:45:38 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Great. Jacob, what's your plan to take this forward? We're very
interested in merging this as part of the official D compiler.

In theory I could create a pull request tonight. It depends on what
state we need the language support to be in. As I said exceptions are
missing on 64bit. But on the other hand when support for C++ was
introduced in D it had very limited support.

One idea is to merge the changes but wait with enabling the languages
changes. The test machines could run the tests with the changes enabled.

I'll defer to domain experts on this one. Please advise.


Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Dan Olson
"Szymon Gatner"  writes:

> Wow, this is fantastic! This and recent progress on iOS/ARM/LDC
> porting make me so happy :)

Yeah, it will be cool to combine this with the LDC iOS work.  I haven't
posted progress lately.  I got Fibers working on an iPhone 4.  I found
that GDC's thread.d already had ARM Fiber support so used it until it
gets pulled into dmd.  It's really coming down to just a few fundumental
things (cross compiling getting real "real" type, and supporting TLS).

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Dan Olson
"w0rp"  writes:

> This is really awesome work. If you combined ARM support with 
> Objective C support, it would mean you could write iOS programs 
> in D without much frustration, and that would be a huge step 
> forward. Objective C has a good runtime, but lacks templates and 
> CTFE. Using CTFE for an iOS program could be very cool.

Just a plug that the LDC iOS work is coming along well.  D iOS
programming may not be too far in the future.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Paulo Pinto

On Wednesday, 12 March 2014 at 12:14:23 UTC, Michel Fortin wrote:
On 2014-03-12 09:26:56 +, Iain Buclaw 

On 12 March 2014 07:10, Jacob Carlborg  wrote:
Yeah, since Objective-C uses the C calling convention it's 
mostly about

outputting symbols and data to the object files.

In what ABI may I ask?  Your choices are:
- Traditional (32bit) ABI without properties and Obj-C 2.0 
- Traditional (32bit) ABI with properties and Obj-C 2.0 

- Modern (64bit) ABI

I made the 32-bit legacy runtime support, Jacob added the 
64-bit modern runtime support.

There's no support at this time for properties declarations in 
the ABI, but it doesn't really have much impact. As far as I'm 
aware, Objective-C 2.0 additions only include property 
declarations and attributes in the ABI.

That can be mixed in with either:
- GNU Runtime ABI
- NeXT Runtime ABI

It's been tested with the Apple (NeXT) runtime only. In all 
honesty, I, and probably most people out there, don't care 
about the GNU runtime. Although probably the GCC guys do. Do 
you think it'd make it more difficult to merge GCC in the GCC 
project if it had support for Apple's runtime and not for the 
GNU one?

Also, is there a list of differences between the two runtimes 

Each combination being incompatible with each other subtly 
different ways...

Which is why we have a test suite.

There is an outdated list here,

I wouldn't care for GNUStep support.

Objective-C support in gcc is almost dead and GNUStep seems to 
have hardly changed since I used WindowMaker as my main window 
manager. Which was around 1999 - 2004!


Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Szymon Gatner

On Tuesday, 11 March 2014 at 18:23:08 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
I just wanted to let everyone know that I have implemented 
D/Objective-C for 64bit. Everything that worked for 32bit 
should work, except for exceptions, which are not implemented 

Objective-C on 64bit uses the modern runtime, which is also the 
same used on iOS. This means D/Objective-C should now be 
compatible with iOS as well, at least in theory.

For those how don't know what D/Objective-C is. It is a 
language extension to D making it ABI compatible with 
Objective-C. This means it's possible to use Objective-C 
classes, methods, protocols (interfaces) and so on, directly 
just as it's currently possible to do with regular C functions.

Here's a recap of what's implemented, both for 32 and 64bit 
unless otherwise noticed:

* Classes
* Subclasses
* Instance and class methods
* Protocols (interfaces)
* Properties
* Exceptions (only 32bit)
* Selectors
* Class references
* String literals
* Casts

Some improvements that are really not part of Objective-C but 
are very convenient to have in D :

* Constructors
* Inheriting selectors
* Automatically generated selectors

On the other hand, here a list of what's not implemented yet:

* Blocks (similar to delegates)
* Categories (class extensions)
* Any form of automatic memory management
* Exceptions (64bit)
* Vtable optimization (64bit)

Objective-C exceptions on 64bit is implemented using the same 
mechanism as C++. I'm wondering if it would be possible for D 
(not just for this extension) to adapt this mechanism as well. 
This would make D compatible with both C++ and Objective-C 
exceptions on 64bit.

A DIP is available here [1] and the latest implementation is 
available here [2].


Wow, this is fantastic! This and recent progress on iOS/ARM/LDC 
porting make me so happy :)

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Michel Fortin

On 2014-03-12 09:26:56 +, Iain Buclaw  said:

On 12 March 2014 07:10, Jacob Carlborg  wrote:

Yeah, since Objective-C uses the C calling convention it's mostly about
outputting symbols and data to the object files.

In what ABI may I ask?  Your choices are:
- Traditional (32bit) ABI without properties and Obj-C 2.0 additions
- Traditional (32bit) ABI with properties and Obj-C 2.0 additions
- Modern (64bit) ABI

I made the 32-bit legacy runtime support, Jacob added the 64-bit modern 
runtime support.

There's no support at this time for properties declarations in the ABI, 
but it doesn't really have much impact. As far as I'm aware, 
Objective-C 2.0 additions only include property declarations and 
attributes in the ABI.

That can be mixed in with either:
- GNU Runtime ABI
- NeXT Runtime ABI

It's been tested with the Apple (NeXT) runtime only. In all honesty, I, 
and probably most people out there, don't care about the GNU runtime. 
Although probably the GCC guys do. Do you think it'd make it more 
difficult to merge GCC in the GCC project if it had support for Apple's 
runtime and not for the GNU one?

Also, is there a list of differences between the two runtimes somewhere?

Each combination being incompatible with each other subtly different ways...

Which is why we have a test suite.

Michel Fortin

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Michel Fortin

On 2014-03-12 08:06:47 +, "w0rp"  said:

This is really awesome work. If you combined ARM support with Objective 
C support, it would mean you could write iOS programs in D without much 
frustration, and that would be a huge step forward. Objective C has a 
good runtime, but lacks templates and CTFE. Using CTFE for an iOS 
program could be very cool.

How do you plan to handle automatic reference counting? I imagine 
that's a hard part. When I was writing Objective C I remember having to 
write bridged casts so I could manually extend or limit object 
lifetime, but I never handled it from within a C library.

Well, there's three ways.

(a) The first one is to implement ARC for Objective-C objects, and to 
automatically add/remove roots to member variables when 
constructing/destroying Objective-C objects that were defined in D so 
the GC can those pointers.

(b) The second one is to not implement ARC and implement something in 
the GC so it can track Objective-C objects: retain them on first sight, 
release them once no longer connected to a root.

(c) The third one is to implement ARC as an alternative memory 
management scheme for D and bolt Objective-C object support on top of 

I'd tend to go for (a) at first, as it's the simplest thing that can be 
done. But I fear always adding/removing roots will impact performance 
in a negative way. There's also the issue in (a) and (b) that if the 
last reference to an object is released from the GC thread the 
Objective-C object's destructor will be called in a different thread 
than what is expected which might cause some bugs. So we might want to 
implement (c) later on to have something more solid and deterministic.

Michel Fortin

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Iain Buclaw
On 12 March 2014 07:10, Jacob Carlborg  wrote:
> On Tuesday, 11 March 2014 at 23:20:23 UTC, Michel Fortin wrote:
>> The codegen elements in objc.c will need to be changed to bind to the
>> LLVM/GCC backend. Shouldn't be too hard, I guess.
> Yeah, since Objective-C uses the C calling convention it's mostly about
> outputting symbols and data to the object files.

In what ABI may I ask?  Your choices are:
- Traditional (32bit) ABI without properties and Obj-C 2.0 additions
- Traditional (32bit) ABI with properties and Obj-C 2.0 additions
- Modern (64bit) ABI

That can be mixed in with either:
- GNU Runtime ABI
- NeXT Runtime ABI

Each combination being incompatible with each other subtly different ways...

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 3/11/14, Jacob Carlborg  wrote:
> I just wanted to let everyone know that I have implemented D/Objective-C
> for 64bit.

Excellent! One thing that's hard to implement right now in D is drag &
drop support on OSX, at least when I tried to do it. The problem is I
need to call ObjC functions or provide ObjC callbacks, so I end up
having to create a C layer, compile that, and then link that to D.
Actual support for interfacing with Objective C would be great.

Thanks for all the work to both you and Michel Fortin.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread w0rp
This is really awesome work. If you combined ARM support with 
Objective C support, it would mean you could write iOS programs 
in D without much frustration, and that would be a huge step 
forward. Objective C has a good runtime, but lacks templates and 
CTFE. Using CTFE for an iOS program could be very cool.

How do you plan to handle automatic reference counting? I imagine 
that's a hard part. When I was writing Objective C I remember 
having to write bridged casts so I could manually extend or limit 
object lifetime, but I never handled it from within a C library.

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On Wednesday, 12 March 2014 at 01:09:25 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

I'm glad to see this is building on the great groundwork you've 
already done.

Yes, absolutely. Michel has done most of the work, forgot to 
mention that. I'm just polishing now.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On Tuesday, 11 March 2014 at 22:13:07 UTC, Paolo Invernizzi wrote:

Thanks Jacob, great work!

If someone is trying it like me, I don't know the proper way 
for doing that, but the compiler must be built with the 
DMD_OBJC define turned on.

Yes, D_OBJC. You need the corresponding changes for druntime [1] 
as well. It seems I haven't pushed the changes for 64bit, I'll do 
that tonight.


/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On Tuesday, 11 March 2014 at 23:20:23 UTC, Michel Fortin wrote:

The codegen elements in objc.c will need to be changed to bind 
to the LLVM/GCC backend. Shouldn't be too hard, I guess.

Yeah, since Objective-C uses the C calling convention it's mostly 
about outputting symbols and data to the object files.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Jacob Carlborg
On Wednesday, 12 March 2014 at 01:45:38 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

Great. Jacob, what's your plan to take this forward? We're very 
interested in merging this as part of the official D compiler.

In theory I could create a pull request tonight. It depends on 
what state we need the language support to be in. As I said 
exceptions are missing on 64bit. But on the other hand when 
support for C++ was introduced in D it had very limited support.

One idea is to merge the changes but wait with enabling the 
languages changes. The test machines could run the tests with the 
changes enabled.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D/Objective-C 64bit

2014-03-12 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On Tuesday, 11 March 2014 at 21:48:45 UTC, Asman01 wrote:

It's really awesome. Congratulations! If this DIP is actually 
approved will dmd have "native" integration/support to 
Objective-C language just like we can do with C? I'm not a 
Obj-C programmer but I like the idea.


/Jacob Carlborg

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