Re: [FairfieldLife] D Lynch

2014-10-12 Thread [FairfieldLife]
you better set Michael straight, Sal, and Barry too, for that matter.  they are 
both under the impression that TM is, like, totally ineffective, baby 
meditation.  but here you are describing it as a strong gateway "drug" 

 heaven help us!

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Appreciate you sharing the story. It serves to illustrate what total complete 
assholes the Movement is made of and what incredibly stupid mentality is 
encouraged and taught in the Movement. And these are the people who want to 
teach our kids meditation in schools? No thanks.


I think it's quite sweet how they believe this stuff just because Marshy said 
so, and then go around claiming "nature support" and other bizarre powers. But 
every religion has its own little language and way of deluding themselves, I 
could live among them only because they tell you during the teaching process 
that you don't have to change your beliefs. I held them to it, and they didn't 
like me reminding them, apparently I was "supposed" to have absorbed the 
teaching by the time I was a well practised "siddha". How we all laughed

 I agree with you about schools though, I've no objection to kids learning to 
meditate but TM is such a strong gateway drug it's easy to get swept up in the 
hyperbole, and if you show any sort of keenness that gets put on the database 
and you get invited to donate to pundits and yagyas and all that bull. Some of 
them will even end up bouncing around on their backsides for hours every day.

 Keep religion out of schools. That's what I say.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2014 3:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] D Lynch


---In,  wrote :

 C'mon! They didn't really claim Lynch's smoking is his self referral??


 Of course they did! The statement means nothing so it can be co-opted to 
support anything you like.

 I had it explained to me by our "raja", he said that what you do is close your 
eyes and look inwards at your "self" and it will tell you if something is 
right. I always that that was called desire or even just agreeing with yourself 
and didn't know why the TMO gave it a special name but it's like that with a 
lot of kooky spiritual stuff, makes them think they have better life skills 
than the rest of us.

 The example he used on me was astrology, when I told I thought it was a crock 
he said he wondered about it too until he looked at his "self" and found he 
agreed with himself. (?)

 Maybe we should do that with 9/11 conspiracies and see how the "self" guides 
us. LOL.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2014 5:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] D Lynch


---In,  wrote :

 He'd probably weigh over 300 pounds if he quit both. 

 I think Bevan Morris should get back on the fags then, and Hagelin is looking 
a but chubby these days. I can just see them on the Marshy channel stubbing one 
out in an ashtray and swigging back the dregs of a 'cino before puja. It's 
vedic, they'll cough.

 They had to find a way of excusing Lynchees habits, so they claimed it was 
self-referral. Like that explains anything at all.

  He is probably typical American pitta-kapha and kapha dominant too much of 
the time.  Those two substances are known in ayurveda to reduce kapha.  My late 
tantra guru probably would not have have died of congestive heart failure if he 
had not quit smoking.  He immediately put on weight when he quit.  I also think 
that people who are kapha will be less likely get emphysema from smoking as 
that tends to happen more with vata types.
 Creative people often fight with having a creative mindset and being able to 
act on it.  For instance a lot of jazz musicians were bright people who easily 
learned their instruments and music theory but a bit too high strung to play 
well without some help from drugs (or some meditation).
 On 10/11/2014 11:27 AM, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   "I must have a very high tolerance for caffeine," he says. "I always 
associated smoking and drinking coffee with the art life. They go hand in hand. 
There's something about drinking coffee and smoking that makes me happy and 
facilitates thinking. I just really love those things." - David Lynch






[FairfieldLife] Re: Turn up, tune out and drop one.

2014-10-12 Thread [FairfieldLife]
sal, please re-visit it yourself.  it could help with this rut you've sort of 
fallen into.  (-:

---In,  wrote :

 Get tripping Fairfield, it could be the answer to your problems:

 Is it Time to Legalize Psychedelic Medicines for Therapeutic Use?
 Is it Time to Legalize Psychedelic Medicines for ...
 The media has been buzzing all year about the healing potential of psychedelic 
medicines. With a plethora of new research…

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sophisticated Pre-Columbian Native American Civilizations and Cultures

2014-10-12 Thread [FairfieldLife]
there is business establishment I visit nearly every week, and so drive by the 
Cahokia Mounds on that trip. Sometimes my daughter is with me, and we will 
climb it for a bit of exercise. 

 If I go on the weekend, as the road there is populated by Hispanic eateries 
and stores, I will sometimes stop and get something to eat.

 On Saturdays, there is a guy who sells trays of fresh fruit, and I always stop 
and get one.

 Fresh mango, watermelon, honeydew, pineapple and some other fruits.  Those are 
the fruits I get plus a few pieces of cucumber.  

 I tell him I want salt, only on the cucumbers and lime juice on the rest.  
Sometimes he forgets.  Yesterday it was lime juice on everything.

 What I still can't get over, is the toppings the Hispanics go for.  

 Almost in every case they get cayenne pepper on the fruit, and sometimes I 
think even ketchup.

 Or maybe it is a sweet syrup.

 Trying to figure that one out.

 I'm always trying to pick up some vibe when I drive by the mounds, or climb 
up, but so far nothing has registered.

---In,  wrote :

 Native American Cahokia Mounds Near St Louis

 View on www.legendsofameric...
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Description: Cahokia was the largest and most influential urban settlement in 
the Mississippian culture which developed advanced societies across much of 
what is now the central and southeastern United States, beginning more than 500 
years before European contact.  Cahokia was the largest urban center north of 
the great Mesoamerican cities in Mexico.


 Location: Cahokia is located on the site of a pre-Columbian Native American 
city (c. 600–1400 CE) situated directly across the Mississippi River from 
modern St. Louis, Missouri. The existing park covers about 3.5 square miles, 
and contains about 80 mounds, but the ancient city was actually much larger.  
At its peak, Cahokia covered about six square miles and included about 120 
human-made earthen mounds in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and functions.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

  Population:  Cahokia's population at its peak in the 1200s would not be 
surpassed by any city in the United States until the late 18th century.  
Although it was home to only about 1,000 people before c. 1050, its population 
grew explosively after that date. Archaeologists estimate the city's population 
at between 6,000 and 40,000 at its peak, with more people living in outlying 
farming villages that supplied the main urban center. If the highest population 
estimates are correct, Cahokia was larger than any subsequent city in the 
United States until the 1780s, when Philadelphia's population grew beyond 

 Age: Although there is some evidence of Late Archaic period (approximately 
1200 BCE) occupation in and around the site,[6] Cahokia as it is now defined 
was settled around 1200 CE during the Late Woodland period.
 Metallurgy: 1950s by archaeologist Greg Perino found the only known copper 
workshop to be found at a Mississippian site. The area contains the remains of 
three tree stumps thought to have been used to hold anvil stones. Analysis of 
copper found during excavations showed that it had been annealed, a technique 
involving repeatedly heating and cooling the metal as it is worked, such as 
blacksmiths do with iron.

 View on www.legendsofameric...
 Preview by 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sophisticated Pre-Columbian Native American Civilizations and Cultures

2014-10-12 Thread [FairfieldLife]
What to do? 

 There is even structure there called Moundhenge that was made during the 
harmonic convergence, I believe.

 I drive past that as well.

 Now, I will admit, that the other day, I went off a side road right next to 
the main mound to see if there was a place I could park and maybe hunt around 
for some artifacts.

 Yes, I admit it.  But, I couldn't really find a place where I could hide my 

 Now, I could just park in the mound area parking lot, and walk around to the 
forested area behind it, but I just haven't gotten around to doing that yet.

 But, the last time my daughter and I went, it was at sunset, and it was pretty 

 Of course there was a man up there doing some kind of strange ritual, who 
seemed bothered by our presence.

 I think he must have been Native American in some respect, although you 
wouldn't have known it by looking at him.

 The Cahokia Mounds Museum and Interactive Center right across the road is 
pretty neat.

 I've been there several times.

 And of course, St. Louis still carries the nickname, Mound City because of all 
the mounds in its vicinity.

---In,  wrote :

 On 10/12/2014 7:15 PM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 I'm always trying to pick up some vibe when I drive by the mounds, or climb 
up, but so far nothing has registered. >
 Stupas all over the place!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Duped into thinking you could fly?

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I'm sure you'll have your hand out.  Gimme! Gimme!

 And we can watch you, declaring how you are doing this strictly in the public 

 Sad isn't it?


---In,  wrote :

 I think they should also be sued for encouraging littering!

 I tried one of these energy drinks once, never again. I was frothing at the 
mouth and babbling all night. Highly speedy. I can't believe they are legal for 
adults let alone children, and some people knock them back like I drink water!

 I think a class action suit against the TMO would be workable and lucrative 
because it's actually taught that the TMSP develops paranormal powers (the clue 
is in the name) and they even publish "scientific" lectures about how it works 
to entice the unwary into thinking there's a physical basis for it all. Given 
the amount of time I spent doing it when I could have been earning a decent 
crust, I would say that a round figure of £1 million ought to ease the pain of 
still being held to the ground by gravity. I might want an extra million to 
compensate me for the embarrassment of having to admit I fell for it too.

 Now we can watch the TB's claiming they only learnt for self improvement 
reasons and don;t care that they never developed any magical powers. Insert 
spluttering protests here:



---In,  wrote :

 Did you fall for the hype about being able to levitate?

 Are you angry about the cash you lost chasing that dream of flying?

 Do your friends and acquaintances now laugh at you for being so credulous?

 Good news! You may be entitled to compensation. 

 Energy drink "Red Bull" settled two class-action lawsuits this week, agreeing 
to pay $13 million because their famous slogan 'Red Bull gives you wings' isn't 
true. Anyone who bought a drink from January 1, 2002 to October 3, 2014 is 
eligible to receive a $10 cash payment - regardless of whether there was a 
receipt for proof.

 Here's one of the ads they ran. If people can now sue for such obviously 
idiotic claims it only goes to show what a dumbed-down society we are living in.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Can someone help me with this? 

 Has Barry moved towards the Michael mindset, or has Michael inched up towards 
the TB mindset.

 At any rate, they have become absofuckingly indistinquishable from another.

 Two TM Obsessives who positively live off whatever what is going on with TM. 
Or, would "feed off", be a better phrase.

 What Barry doesn't realize, when he pines for Marek and Curtis, and (yes, 
pines away is the right term), is that evidently they do have other interests.  

 You know, the comment Barry often throws out when referring to people he 
considers TBers, "people who have no other lives other than TM"

---In,  wrote :

 From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

   I can't help but see the fact that what the Movement mainly uses TM for is 
to get more converts to make more money. They are not out there doing anything 
substantive to improve the quality of life for people - they promote TM to 
promote TM, not to do anything else. (from my point of view)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 I'm not sure when you decided to skew everything in such a way to cast a 
negative light on the TM organization.  I think there was a time when you felt 
as though you could engage in discourse that wasn't 100% agenda.

 Oh wait, FLASH.  The arrival of your acolyte, one Mr. Michael Jackson.


---In,  wrote :

 From: feste37 
   This is just too silly for words. If the emphasis is on "assessing the 
content," why is it being promoted as being a message from MMY? The truth is 
that for some weird reason, Hammond is using this ploy to promote his own 
views. If he just gave a talk himself, no one would be interested. So he has 
hit on this ludicrous marketing ploy. As I commented earlier, I am astonished 
that anyone is taking this seriously. 


While I agree that the whole scenario is too silly for words, what does it say 
about the incredible gullibility and susceptibility of TMers *that* it's being 
taken seriously? 

In what other group would its members actually fall for this? 

What other group would proactively attempt to squelch it, as "Raja" (that's 
ludicrous in itself) Hagelin did? 

This is great theater. I hope *some* reporters actually attend, and write it up 
or do a TV bit about it. Can't you just imagine the headline/teaser? 

 Leaders Of TM Cult Freak Out Over Advice From Beyond The Grave 
Sent By Original "Sexy Sadie" Guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It sounds like you really got suckered into this enlightenment thing. 

 TM, if anything is a path for those seeking something.

 You see a teacher, who has something that sounds interesting.

 You listen to what he, or she says, and decide if you want to take the next 

 There is a goal discussed, not only by the teacher, but in different texts, 
and described in similar fashion by other teachers. 

 I don't think anyone, perhaps other than Barry, took this 5-7 years as some 
hard and fast promise.

 If the teacher exaggerated in this regard, then you can hold it against him, 
and leave. And then from that point on, call anyone else who remains, a True 
Believer, a cult apologist, a sycophant.

 Or you take a more mature view, and realize, that you are on the path, and 
that is pretty cool, and you notice a deepening of your experience over time, 
along the lines of what the teacher said were milestones along this path.

 It's not complicated.



---In,  wrote :

 CORRECTION: Enlightenment Discussed By Maharishi
 Enlightenment Discussed By Maharishi Maharishi 
on Enlightenment (excerpts from an interview) What is the goal of 
Transcendental Meditation? Maharishi: “The goal of the Transcendental

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

 ---In,  wrote :

 Its the whole ball of wax. TM just doesn't measure up to the hype they make 
for it. It is a moderately effective meditation that many teachers say has a 
dropout rate of up to 90% in the first few months.

 **It doesn't produce enlightened people, which is one of the reasons the 
Movement no longer advertises that it will lead to enlightenment.** 


 The practice often leads to mental/emotional problems, which is one of the 
downsides I think Rick is ignoring when he says the Movement is doing good in 
the world. I agree that some seem to benefit from it, but to see the entire 
effect, one has to look at the whole picture and to ignore those who have 
mental and emotional problems that even lead to suicide is to ignore the whole 
effect of TM on the population of the world.

 I don't know of other meditations that can lead to the unstressing you have 
with TM. In addition the absurd mental states the Movement actively encourages 
that Sal has commented on leads a lot of people to having major life problems 
with health, relationships and money. 


 When you encourage people to believe whatever the Movement tells you, when 
they claim a man has a cigarette addiction because he's a siddha and is self 
referral and expect you to believe it they are engaging in mind manipulation 
and really encouraging people to be psychotic or to put it more nicely teaching 
them to be mind numbed sheep holding their wallets out to the Movement. This is 
not doing good in the world. 

 They love to sell TM by implying that if you do TM, you will be as successful 
as the celebrities they love to parade before the cameras on David Lynch fund 
raisers. They ignore the rough edges of some of them like Lynch, Brand and 
Stern. They absolutely ignore and hide from the enormities of people like Robin 
Carlsen, Andy Rhymer, Stephen Collins, Bloomfield, Wallace's ex-wife who shot a 
woman during program in Los Angeles, Shuvender Shem who murdered Levi Butler 
right in Annapurna dining hall at MUM. Let's look at the whole picture.

 I appreciate much Rick has done on many levels but I think he is still wearing 
blinders about Marshy and about the Movement. Let's look at the whole picture. 
Look at all the people who say TM is an asset, look at those who think it is a 
fine thing and then look with the same objective view at those who say it 
ruined their lives, that it screwed them up in many ways. Both camps are 
telling the truth. One is not right and the other wrong. Both things are true.


 Look objectively at both sides, both camps and you have a picture of a 
meditation technique that taken in moderation and not expecting too much from 
it will yield positive results for some. When it is taught in the WAY MARSHY 
himself taught it and the way the Movement continues to teach it it is 
definitely doing damage to the world. Take out the lies, the bullshit and the 
Hindu superstitions and practices and its ok, otherwise not so ok. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

2014-10-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Michael, let me try to clue you in, since you are so fuckin' dense.  (pardon my 

 There is sometimes a cycle to things.

 Like grief, for example. Or disbelief for example.

 Somethings create a bit of "stir" at first, and then they fade.

 What would be the exceptions to this?  People who obsess about things, and are 
not able to let go.  

 Or people with an agenda that is impervious to common sense, or who remain 
locked in to a point of view.

 Think on it.  Maybe pray on it.  Some wisdom may sink in.

 Good luck.

---In,  wrote :

 the fact that Hagelin felt it enough of a threat to address it in an offical 
"Private and Confidential" letter to Certified Governors is more than enough to 
show you are blustering and posturing, trying to salvage the old good feelings 
you used to have that Marshy and the Movement were something to be proud of and 
proud of being associated with them. 


 From: feste37 
 Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 9:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30
   According to a recent poll here in Fairfield, 100% of meditators are not the 
slightest bit interested in the Hammond thing. Those interested registered at 
0%. Details of the poll: conducted between Oct. 12 and 13. Number of 
respondents: 5. Margin of error: zero. 

 ---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

 This is just too silly for words. If the emphasis is on "assessing the 
content," why is it being promoted as being a message from MMY? The truth is 
that for some weird reason, Hammond is using this ploy to promote his own 
views. If he just gave a talk himself, no one would be interested. So he has 
hit on this ludicrous marketing ploy. As I commented earlier, I am astonished 
that anyone is taking this seriously. 

 Are they? Is it possible that anyone is taking this seriously beyond the fact 
that a few here are just dying to be able to talk about all of it on Dec 1 here 
at FFL? I think the Movement Mockers are getting the most mileage out of this 
so far that I can see but then, I'm not in FF. What are the feelings there of 
the people you know and talk to, Feste?

---In,  wrote :

 An organizer asked me to post this. 


 Be curious. Be practical. Be yourself.


 One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 

 Ask yourself on November 30th:


 1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 

 2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. 
If not, then don't. 

 That should always be the test. On the individual level. 


 For details of how to Reserve a free seat, Live Stream it, or to watch the 
recording afterwards:




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30 and the TM movement

2014-10-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
you miss the point Barry.  You are simply a button pusher, with no real 
interest in anything other than trying to get a rise out of people, and assert 
your superior outlook on life.  A funny way to live, but if it brings you some 
modicum of happiness, then stay with it it, I guess. 



---In,  wrote :

 From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 12:51 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30 and the TM movement
   Beautifully, beautifully written Sal! Buck just can't stand the thought the 
whole deal was a con, so he grasps at straws.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 2:10 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30 and the TM movement

 What I find difficult to comprehend is how grown men like Doug/Buck or Steve 
or Lawson or Nabby can *possibly* get their panties so in a twist when someone 
criticizes a group they first identified with 20 to 40 years ago. 

Did these guys just never *grow up*? 

HOW can anyone *possibly* get uptight when someone criticizes a teacher they 
once worked with years ago? Especially one who is (wait for it) DEAD? 

HOW can someone get pissed off when someone criticizes something they *believe* 
in? Don't they *realize* that beliefs are just transitory thoughts, which, like 
thoughts during meditation, should just be ignored as they pass by and not held 
onto? HOW could they possibly be so *attached* to these things they were taught 
to believe in decades ago?

Finally, HOW can they get so uptight when someone such as myself or Salyavin or 
THEY ARE? There is NO ONE on this forum who has accomplished much of *anything* 
with their lives, as measured by either riches or fame. Certainly no TM TB on 
this forum has ever accomplished much of anything. What is WRONG with reminding 
these people how fuckin' ORDINARY they are? 

It's difficult for people like Doug/Buck or Steve or Lawson or Nabby to make a 
case for TM *not* being a cult when they act so much like cultists. Who ELSE in 
the world acts the way they do OTHER THAN cultists?

 ---In,  wrote :

 Yea But, the really interesting thing here is the legal path the old UK TM 
teachers carve out to continue to teach in the face of the strong-hand attempt 
of TM trademark assertion.. as Sal notes: but there isn't much they (Vlodrop) 
can do as all the teachers were trained by Marshy (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi).  
That is interesting. 40,000 TM teachers out there in the world trained by 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and a few hundreds of TM teacher re-certs. The new TM 
legal department sharp-shoots old individuals continuing to teach TM as they 
were taught to teach as an infringement but this particular group of UK 
scorpion TM teachers stuck together and withstands the new TM legal department 
together. The Maharishi Foundation (Vlodrop and Vedic City) now keep a 
trademark infringement law firm on retainer now in the USA as they hunt down 
old TM teachers teaching outside the TM teacher re-certification project, a 
project that came post Maharishi or at the end to have old teachers come in and 
sign papers again restricting their teaching. Apparently the group of UK TM 
teachers exist extra-territorial to new-TM because they stuck together. Damned 

 That's so badly written I can't tell if the damned scorpions are the ones 
continuing to teach the way they were taught to, or if they're the re-certified 
legal department trying to stop them.

 Given your love of transcending I would have thought you'd just be happy that 
more people are getting the chance to try it. Maybe you get upset because it 
skews the coherence numbers and you know that makes it less likely that the 
Marshy Effect works because there are prolly twice as many people meditating as 
you thought. No need to call for more people in the domes if we should all be 
floating anyway huh?

 Or maybe it's because they deprive the national office with money, but you're 
always complaining about the way they run things anyway. And just think, the 
fewer people in the official TMO the fewer there are being conned into forking 
out the readies for the yagya programme or the thousand headed bone-idle mug 
punters who'd be a lot better off getting a job and paying their own way in 

 I remember the first re-certification course, your opinion of it's purpose may 
differ but it seemed like just another way of screwing the faithful out of 
their last few meagre savings. Did you know people were sitting the domes 
crying at the sheer pointless waste of time and money as the bigwigs viciously 
fleeced them in return for astoundingly useful and unique information like how 
to open a bank account? And all so they could continue to practise something 
that they

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30 and the TM movement

2014-10-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
sort of a funny comment below, Barry.  again, I think it misses the mark, but 
if that's the way you see it...

---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
---In,  wrote :

 Beautifully, beautifully written Sal! Buck just can't stand the thought the 
whole deal was a con, so he grasps at straws.


 Funny thing is, I don't say anything that Buck hasn't already said, he doesn't 
like how things are run and quotes a great many of his friends who like TM but 
don't have anything to do with the movement. It's the oldest story there is. 

 And it's only the cultish greed and madness of the Maharishi and the TMO that 
drove the indie teachers away in the first place. I know because I was there! 
All they want to do is teach what they think is the best thing on Earth and 
they weren't allowed to because of the high prices and control freakery in 
Vlodrop. So they bailed. 

 They think that Marshy lost the plot in his later years and didn't know what 
he was doing, so they continue to teach what they were taught by him when he 
was more compos mentis. All in their opinion of course, but looking at the way 
things went after Scorpionland and the "rajas" maybe they are on the smart side 
of history, it isn't like any of it has been popular with anyone but the 
hardcore. And it was alienating to the rest of us. 

 I honestly thought Buck would be happy about more people learning TM but I 
don't think he is. Go figure.

I honestly think that Buck and Nabby and (increasingly) Steve just don't 
respond to positive stimuli any more. They've been cultists for so long that 
the only thing that seems to make them "happy" is the belief that they're being 
"persecuted." Because if they're worth persecuting, they're "important."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2014-10-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
hey, you are doing a good job, (in your mind, at least)  if that is your goal. 

 the thought occurred to me, MJ, that you, like others, may have had the 
situation where the battery on your cell phone seems to run out of juice too 
soon.  You check it out, and find that you have too many apps or features 
running which use up all the power.

 so, sure, you've elected to make this mission one of your life goals.  The 
question might be, what is it taking time from?

 this of course is unlike Barry who has indicated he writes his posts at 
lightning speed, never proof reads and spends maybe five or ten minutes a day 

 To which I say, really?

---In,  wrote :

 part of what I do with my life is tell the unvarnished truth about liar Marshy 
and his cons, rather than whitewash and sugar coat the facts about who and what 
he was and what his very unpleasant legacy is.


 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 10:11 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
   This great teacher continues to form so much of the subject matter, here on 
FFL. All of us, spread around the globe, and yet, united, through our 
association with Maharishi, and the myriad knowledge he brought out.

 It is so easy to judge a global public figure. Some go at it, as an exercise 
in compensation, for their own failings, and others to confirm their own set of 
beliefs. I find it amazing, his reach and influence on all of us. Some of us 
got off the train early, perhaps fearful of the universal momentum that 
Maharishi engendered in each of us, and its ability to mechanically dissolve 
any boundaries.
 My wife has remarked before, that feelings come first, and the story follows. 
So it is, if we are always hungry for something, and grasping for whatever it 
may be. Easy, then, to turn on a public figure, meticulously examining 
Maharishi's life, even ten years after his passing, for any information, that 
may be used to point a finger, away from the lack, the gnawing, inside us, and 
towards him. This public figure, with global influence. Make Maharishi the 
target, not in any meaningful, or organized way, but simply to deal with the 
inner feelings of discontent. 

 There is nothing expressed here, about Maharishi, that has not already been 
examined, to death.  And yet, there are a few, who must persist, in their 
"critical, life changing, important and ever fresh", insults of the man and his 
work, lest they one day, turn such a critical eye on themselves. My question to 
them, is simply this, "Life is precious; WTF are you doing with yours?"



Re: [FairfieldLife] Hammond's Nov. 30 TM Meeting

2014-10-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Michael, I hope you find the Cinderella story you are so desperately seeking. 

 Until then, spend your time on the bashing.  

 I guess another word for self medication.  (-:

---In,  wrote :

 there is no such thing Share - we are just a lot of people who aren't afraid 
to see the truth and to speak it out.


 From: "Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 10:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Hammond's Nov. 30 TM Meeting
   MJ, your cult is the anti TMO cult, the let's be negative about people and 
places we've had no direct experience with in decades cult. Though I admit the 
name needs to be shortened! Still wishing you more peace and happiness...


 On Tuesday, October 14, 2014 7:38 AM, "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

   you are full of it Share - for Buck to not recognize Hagelin's desire that 
his and the other TMO leaders to be accepted without question no matter what it 
is is indicative that Buck needs some kind of counseling - he is burying his 
head in the sand and ignoring the obvious.

 You are insane to call me a cultist - what is my cult? You who simper and gush 
over anyone who blabbers about how grand TM is? "Oh yes thank you Richard for 
giving us that inspiring quote! Oh thank you Steve for sticking up for a 
movement and a practice you no longer do! How inspiring!"


 From: "Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 8:09 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Hammond's Nov. 30 TM Meeting
   MJ, sometimes a figure of speech is more than that. And your saying that you 
can't believe Buck is a well functioning person is an example of that. Because 
he is. But you can't fit that truth into your head, into your worldview, into 
your operating system. IMHO this is the basic sign of a TBer, a cultist. I 
think even if you came to FF and saw all the well functioning long term TMers, 
you still wouldn't "believe" that such a thing is possible. Anyway, still 
wishing you more peace and happiness.


 On Tuesday, October 14, 2014 6:44 AM, "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 

   MJ;  Son, you're as bad as Hamas (Abdel Aziz Ali Abdul Majid al-Rantisi, for 
instance  ) and not much better with your constant attack denying even the 
right of the very existence of the main-line TM community. -Buck

 mjackson74 wrote :
 Buck, I can't believe that here you are a grown man, able to drive a tractor, 
write letters, brew coffee, tend to sheep and everything and you act like you 
just fell off the turnip truck.

 Hagelin, Morris, Raja Tony and all the other pin heads that run the Movement 
don't give a crap what the main line TM community think. They all think that 
whatever they tell the TM'ers is what the TM community should believe even if 
it directly contradicts what they have said in the past. 


 Marshy taught them to do this and if you can't see that, then you need to go 
live in an ashram where you don't have to drive or be out in society or nothing 
cause you coping and understanding skills would seem to be minimal.


 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Hammond's Nov. 30 TM Meeting
  It is the job of a good leadership to cheer-lead the corporate [communal] 
mission and organization for life in the organization to be effective. I can 
understand that you may have trouble with this. That is okay as some people 'do 
groups' better than others. That is a characteristic or skill-set that comes in 
combination proly somewhere between nature and nurture. But I would expect that 
John Hagelin should respond and set the record straight as to where the 
main-line existing TM community is with this. -Buck

 It certainly is okay that John Hagelin is leading the group this way. Our 
group here. Not many are able this way. He has my support and I wish him well 
in success for all of us meditating here,
 -Buck Still in the Dome

 turquoiseb wrote :

 From: feste37

 This is just too silly for words. If the emphasis is on "assessing the 
content," why is it being promoted as being a message from MMY? The truth is 
that for some weird reason, Hammond is using this ploy to promote his own 
views. If he just gave a talk himself, no one would be interested. So he has 
hit on this ludicrous marketing ploy. As I commented earlier, I am astonished 
that anyone is taking this seriously. 

While I agree that the whole scenario is too silly for words, what does it say 
about the incredible gullibility and susceptibility of TMers *that* it's being 
taken seriously? 

In what other group would its members actually fall for this? 

What other group would proactively attempt to squelch it, as "Raja" (that's 
ludicrous in itself) Hagelin did? 

This is great theater. I hope *some* reporters actually attend, and write it up 
or do a TV bit about it. Can't you just i

Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2014-10-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
in your case, you've got it backwards.   

 good luck

---In,  wrote :

 what you wind up doing is wallowing in the manure and calling it flowers


 From: "Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 10:39 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
   MJ, I prefer to focus on what's beneficial and leave the rest. I believe in 
dealing with negativity as efficiently as possible rather than wallowing in it. 
I think wallowing in negativity leads to more of the same, including lack of 
good health. Still wishing you more peace and happiness...


 On Tuesday, October 14, 2014 9:34 AM, "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

   and then he canceled the TM teachers ATR credit, asked for millions to save 
the world but spent it on himself and screwed a lot of women telling them it 
was alright but not to tell - and you continue to simper and gush.


 From: "Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 10:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
   Fleetwood, thanks for this. It reminds me of a wonderful story of how a 
little girl with pen and paper came running up to Maharishi asking him for his 
autograph. He said, "I'll give you something more important." And he wrote one 
word on her paper: Enjoy


 On Tuesday, October 14, 2014 9:11 AM, "fleetwood_macncheese@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

   This great teacher continues to form so much of the subject matter, here on 
FFL. All of us, spread around the globe, and yet, united, through our 
association with Maharishi, and the myriad knowledge he brought out.

 It is so easy to judge a global public figure. Some go at it, as an exercise 
in compensation, for their own failings, and others to confirm their own set of 
beliefs. I find it amazing, his reach and influence on all of us. Some of us 
got off the train early, perhaps fearful of the universal momentum that 
Maharishi engendered in each of us, and its ability to mechanically dissolve 
any boundaries.
 My wife has remarked before, that feelings come first, and the story follows. 
So it is, if we are always hungry for something, and grasping for whatever it 
may be. Easy, then, to turn on a public figure, meticulously examining 
Maharishi's life, even ten years after his passing, for any information, that 
may be used to point a finger, away from the lack, the gnawing, inside us, and 
towards him. This public figure, with global influence. Make Maharishi the 
target, not in any meaningful, or organized way, but simply to deal with the 
inner feelings of discontent. 

 There is nothing expressed here, about Maharishi, that has not already been 
examined, to death.  And yet, there are a few, who must persist, in their 
"critical, life changing, important and ever fresh", insults of the man and his 
work, lest they one day, turn such a critical eye on themselves. My question to 
them, is simply this, "Life is precious; WTF are you doing with yours?"








Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30 and the TM movement

2014-10-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Note to Lurking Reporters. 

 Dear RP's.

 Does it seem strange that this 70 year old man, Mr. Barry Wright, spends as 
much time as he does trying to find faults in an organization he left some 40 
years ago?

 Does it seem odd, that he would become so animated when he finds what he feels 
is an out of whack comment by another member of the forum, as though all the 
time he puts in here, has had some payoff?

 Does it, again, seem odd, that another member here, Mr. Michael Jackson, seems 
to have taken on, as a part of "his life mission" uncovering all the faults of 
the TM organization and it's founder, repeating the same lines over and over 
each day?

 Dear Mr. and Ms. Lurking Reporters.  Please reveal yourselves, and weight in 
on some of issues and behaviors you observe here.

 One word of caution though. If you response does not meet with the 
expectations of Mr. Wright, he will turn on you in angry fashion as he did with 
another member here a week or so ago.

 If interested, you can re-visit this exchange between Mr. Wright, and a 
Mr.Blue Bungalow.

 Mr. Wright went positively ballistic.

 Mr. Bungalow, remained nonplussed.

 Sort of revealing, I'd say for the guy who claims to be so unattached to 
anything that goes on here.

 Just sayin'

---In,  wrote :

 Got that, lurking reporters? Just the other day a couple of you were asking me 
to document my opinion that many long-term TMers were "certifiably paranoid" 
and committed to a "them vs. us mentality." 


 I submit this as the proof you were asking for. Nablusoss1008 believes this 
because Maharishi believed it.  :-)


 From: nablusoss1008 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 5:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30 and the TM movement
   It includes the armed men we caught on the bridge between hotels Sonnenberg 
and Kulm. It also includes dozens of agents that took TTC many of whom went on 
to Purusha. It also includeds Governors so poor that when they waved a few 
thousands dollars in front of their anemic noses they did almost anything to 
make their new masters happy.
 Not that they had to do much, a weekly report sent to their accounting officer 
was all that was needed to adhere to the strict rules of economic 
self-suffisciency always present within the Movement. So when we started 
looking, which included asking a few questions in the countries they came from, 
they needed some pretty good explanation to where the money came from.
 Now, that's what I call a real enemy that was always fun to try to track. They 
did it not because they had some screews loose but to protect their country, 
which is a honorable thing to do.
 The wacko's of today has no such honor and cannot touch the Movement.  All 
they'll accomplish is some momentary swelling of ego's already out of control.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Sal, it's always a pleasure to hear the disaffected cry how the TMO has reached 
a "new low" 

 Oh, how many times do we have to hear that?

 As though, you were really "pulling for the organization" up to this point.

 Please have a bit of self reflection.  It will do all of us, and especially 
you, a world of good.

 Pretty please.  With sugar on top, maybe?

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 4:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now
 ---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :
 ---In,  wrote :
 You are being too kind - 

 Actually, I thought I was being successfully rather sarcastic!

 I thought it was a really good post, I gave it two stars.

 Not too shabby, especially as I've got a stinking cold.

 Maybe double-edged would be a better description than sarcastic.


 I was serious though, even though I don't believe in it I think it's good that 
it's being tested again and with so many that it will leave us in no doubt.  I 
can't imagine what the TMO will do when they don't have a leg to stand on 
regarding the Maharishi Effect. I know they'll just carry on regardless but 
they should take heed that we'll always be able to point to this and say "what 
about...". Unless it turns out they are right of course, in which case it'll be 
humble pie for the sceptics unless we're all too enlightened to care!

See "When Prophecy Fails - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 When Prophecy Fails - Wikipedia, the free encycl... When Prophecy Fails: A Social 
and Psychological Study of a Modern Group That Predicted the Destruction of the 
World is a classic work of soci...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


While having the ME completely disproven might deter some people, my suspicion 
is that any TM True Believer still gullible enough to still be a TB at this 
point would just put on their big boy pants and tough their way through it, 
finding an infinite series of loopholes to show that the prophecy of world 
peace really DID happen, if you just look at it the right way. Or that it was 
delayed as part of a larger plan for world peace. Whatever...

Yes, you could be right. Hopefully we'll see. Maybe we'll get some more gems to 
add to the list of reasons why things don't work.

 Good book that, one of my favourites. Most interesting and I remember feeling 
sorry for them when the UFO didn't arrive, much as I'll feel sorry for Nabby 
when Maitreya doesn't. Not that he'll care or even notice...
 When Prophecy Fails - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia When Prophecy Fails: A Social 
and Psychological Study of a Modern Group That Predicted the Destruction of the 
World is a classic work of social psychology by Leon F...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


[FairfieldLife] Re: Irish Cross on Mars

2014-10-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
That is so cool Marty.  I like that science.  Clean.

---In,  wrote :

 The image was taken with a microscopic camera on the rover. It's actually very 

  Most likely it is the impression of a Phillips Screw Head that touched the 
surface dust as the camera's arm moved into position.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
the gift that keeps on giving. this from the guy who bragged in detail about 
all the celestial and refined experiences he had with his practice of TM 

 Yoohoo, Oh, Lurking Reporters. Get ello of of this.

 A couple months ago, this Mr. Michael Jackson felt the need to trump everyone 
here with all the great experiences he had as a result of his practice.

 When it was politely pointed out to him, that he was talking out of both sides 
of his mouth, he said, "hold on, give me time to come up with a reply", and a 
couple days later, we were treated to the most idiotic retraction you could 
possibly imagine.

 This guy is a piece of work. Cult mentality at work?

 Study this one!

---In,  wrote :

just help you feel a bit refreshed on the train on the way home from work.

 This is what the vast majority of non-True Believers yet TM apologists like 
Ann and Steve believe - since it made them feel good on the train going home, 
lets ignore all the other crap that comes with it. 


 As Share loves to gush, don't throw out the baby with the bath water and it is 
these TM apologists who are not fanatics that give the Movement far more 
credibility with those who are just getting introduced to TM through D Lynch 
and his shenanigans than if TM were purely promoted by whack jobs like Nabby 
and those idiots on the Committee for Stress Free Schools who CLAIM to have no 
affiliation with the TMO, but are just concerned businessmen who just happen to 
know TM is the most effective remedy for school problems - no affiliation with 
the TMO except that is for the pedophile co-directors they have on staff.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 12:55 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 You are being too kind - 

 Actually, I thought I was being successfully rather sarcastic!

 I thought it was a really good post, I gave it two stars.

 Not too shabby, especially as I've got a stinking cold.

 Maybe double-edged would be a better description than sarcastic.


 I was serious though, even though I don't believe in it I think it's good that 
it's being tested again and with so many that it will leave us in no doubt.  I 
can't imagine what the TMO will do when they don't have a leg to stand on 
regarding the Maharishi Effect. I know they'll just carry on regardless but 
they should take heed that we'll always be able to point to this and say "what 
about...". Unless it turns out they are right of course, in which case it'll be 
humble pie for the sceptics unless we're all too enlightened to care!

 Here is the thing, why isn't a meditation technique good enough to hang your 
hat on as a Movement? Why bother to start claiming all sorts of "Maharishi 
Effects" when all anyone really needs is a sound meditation technique? I don't 
know if TM is the greatest or bestest out there because I don't like sitting 
during my waking hours with my eyes closed when there is so much else to do and 
see so I simply don't scope out other techniques to compare. But the ME? I 
don't believe any of it for a minute. But why is the ME even necessary to put 
out there? If human beings are benefiting personally from a technique then the 
whole world should benefit due to the individuals becoming happier, calmer, 
more grounded.

 I quite agree, but you don't know the half of it. 

 The movement has simply the most extraordinary worldview with revolutionary 
ideas encompassing and governing literally every aspect of life - the 
constitution of the universe. You don't just have a human body, you have one 
that's created by vedic literature. You don't just have a mind, it really is 
the unified field of all things and only TM can show you the truth of the way 
things are.

 I think it's about self aggrandisement, instead of being just a technique it's 
about being the greatest group of any kind ever. Something to feel elite about, 
and it has the secret language that keeps the brethren close and reinforces the 
belief system. It's also better for the organisation that instead of just 
meditating you are creating world peace - once you've swallowed the concept of 
non-local consciousness you find there is a range of "technologies" like 
yagya's for you to invest in that help both you and the world.

 When you get into thinking in a TMO way, the world is a very different place 
and the completeness of it is impressive, health, education, war. All 
controlled by this unified field thingy that, if you are in touch with it, 
brings you great advantage in life. Nature support is what they call it, people 
who meditate get better luck. At least according

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30 and the TM movement

2014-10-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
well, of course they infiltrated the group.  to what extent, I  have no idea.  
just like they probably infiltrate any number of organizations. 

 try to enlighten your friend Barry, that this type of thing is done.

 the scenario Nabby puts forth sounds a little extreme, but I have no idea.  

 I was not aware of the things he describes.  On the other hand, I was in 
Seelisberg only one time.

---In,  wrote :

 First off, I am willing to believe the CIA did send folks to check on what 
Marshy was doing since they and our FBI have certainly infiltrated many a group 
to see what they were about. 


 But you seem to allege that there were dozens of agents - not likely maybe one 
or two but Marshy never merited that kind of attention that would require 
dozens of CIA agents.

 Plus the way you tell it, Movement security (which has always been a joke in 
every Movement facility I was ever in, and that includes your German Purusha 
Nazi types who wear swastikas under their ties and celebrate Uncle Adolph's 
birthday) that means Movement security was way more savvy and astute than 
trained CIA agents??? Not likely.


 From: nablusoss1008 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 11:39 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30 and the TM movement
   Nablusoss1008 believes this because Maharishi believed it.  :-)

 Nonsense. I don't believe in it, I know it happened because I was part of it. 
Even one of my friends was caught red-handed with a letter to his accounting 
officer and quickly admitted to having work for the German intelligence, who 
was just a subdivision of the CIA. Maharishi simply asked him if he would break 
the ties, he did and is fulltime in the Movement to this day.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Would Jyotish Principles Apply on Earthlike Exoplanets?

2014-10-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I don't think salyavin is much willing to speculate beyond what "hard" science 
has found. 

 Certainly the safest way to proceed, but not really how big discoveries are 

 his prerogative of course.

 on the other hand, he will be a big booster once something is ascertained.

 (leading from behind)

---In,  wrote :

 There is the "consciousness" theory to astrology but there is also very 
corresponding natural patterns which roughly correlate to the returns of 
planets.  This more so with the Sun, the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter.  So I would 
think what one would do is start tracking natural patterns on other planets 
which may just for the sake of simplicity correlate with planetary returns.
 But you are arguing with people who see nature as random and believe in free 
will. I think they fear the idea that everything they do and think is a result 
of patterns set in motion at the beginning of the universe.  Nothing to fear as 
it doesn't matter.
 On 10/15/2014 12:41 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

 Tony Nader wrote a book showing where the nine planets or grahas can be found 
in our brain.  He is saying that there is a physical manifestation of the 
"impulses of intelligence" that are present in the human conciousness.

 IMO, any intelligent being anywhere in the universe would have to have an 
equivalent "impulses of intelligence" in its own physiology and consciousness 
in order to be called sentient.

 But one argue that even rocks here on earth have consciousness--albeit a very 
low one-- by its mere existence as a clump of matter in a form of the various 
elements and their resulting atomic structures.
 ---In, wrote :
 mailto:jr_esq@... wrote :
 IMO, yes.  The 12 houses and the zodiac would apply on any of those distant 
worlds.  Their solar system may or may not have the same nine planets that 
we're using here on Earth.  But the same "impulses of intelligence" would have 
to be calculated in its own solar system.
 I believe this is the reason why Patanjali wrote in his yoga sutras that 
samyama on the sun brings forth knowledge of the world.  IOW, life on these 
earthlike exoplanets can be described by the same zodiac signs that are 
pertinent here on our earth.  Doesn't that make sense?
 It depends on how astrology might work. Consciousness requires a sophisticated 
brain to operate, maybe they are affected by gravity which is the only known 
force to be infinite in extent, and therefore affects things at great distance 
unlike the other known forces which are locally contained like the ones that 
hold atoms apart.
 Trouble is, if gravity is the culprit then planets are out of the picture 
because they are too distant to affect us more than, say, a lorry going past on 
the road. And the extra distances put between us and them at various times in 
our orbit - that the ancients didn't know about - would affect any charts too 
much for them to be reliable, not that they are. So you can cross gravity off 
the list of influences, and any other field for the same reasons.
 John Hagelin claims there is a link between planets and parts of the brain 
forged by quantum superposition between atoms during the big bang. John Hagelin 
should be stripped of his PHD and publicly ridiculed for even daring to utter 
bullshit like this that he knows is complete bollocks. But he wants you to 
continue coughing up for yagyas and charts. Or maybe he's so dumb he believes 
it? Nah, it's all part of the con of using science ideas to justify their 
 If astrology is real - and there is absolutely no reason to suppose it is  - I 
would avoid travelling to other planets. Just think what being on Mars would do 
to someone with Jupiter strong in their chart! You're about 100 million miles 
closer to it! And what affect will Earth have on us? Just think if there is 
some physical force connecting us to planets surely the one we stand on would 
swamp any effect from the others, or doesn't ours count?
 So your question makes sense if astrological affects are real, different 
worlds around different stars will have different types of influences according 
to however the types of planets and their distance from brains might affect 
their owners. It would have to be a universal effect. Trouble is, I think it's 
an ancient superstition that clings on into the modern world by virtue of it's 
malleable vagueness. I don't think it's a very good explanation for anything at 
all, especially destiny and personality. Probably why NASA left it out of the 
equation when they planned the trip to the moon.
 Fun concept to ponder though...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Would Jyotish Principles Apply on Earthlike Exoplanets?

2014-10-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I think Barry would be the first to tell you that ancient texts are basically, 
a bunch of rubbish, with little or no value.  quite a shame I'd say.  I find 
them fascinating, and have helped me immensely, in what I'd call my spiritual 

---In,  wrote :


 Astrology is an ancient science.  But, with the present understanding that 
consciousness is the basis of the universe, one can appreciate the significance 
of astrology in modern science.   Astrology can be seen as an advanced version 
of a sophisticated hologram based on human intelligence.


---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
If astrology is real - and there is absolutely no reason to suppose it is  - I 
would avoid travelling to other planets. Just think what being on Mars would do 
to someone with Jupiter strong in their chart! You're about 100 million miles 
closer to it! And what affect will Earth have on us? Just think if there is 
some physical force connecting us to planets surely the one we stand on would 
swamp any effect from the others, or doesn't ours count? 

One Martian colonist to another: "I have Earth in the first house. What does 
that make me?"

"Earth doesn't do diddley-squat to you, no matter where it appears in your 
'chart', but a belief in astrology by definition makes you a gullible idiot. I 
thought that the psychological tests for astronauts were supposed to screen out 
people like you." 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Would Jyotish Principles Apply on Earthlike Exoplanets?

2014-10-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
son, throw in a bit of a more direct TM angle, and you will find the time.  
you'll likely drop whatever you are doing for a good two or three post run. (-:

---In,  wrote :

 Oh God, I just don't have the time today to properly address this statement - 
hopefully Sal does and I know he'll do a better job than I anyhow.


 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 4:09 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Would Jyotish Principles Apply on Earthlike 

 The pertinent sutra that Patanjali stated is scientific.  The sun in our solar 
system, and any solar system in the universe, will affect life here on earth 
and in any exoplanets in predictable patterns.  For example, spring starts the 
life cycle or growth here on earth; autumn starts the fall of the sun's power 
as can be seen in the turning of the leaves, and winter signifies the death of 
the sun, which brings the cold and snow on the earth's northern hemisphere.


---In,  wrote :

 this is superstitious hubris beyond superstitious hubris to think a made up 
lets make ourselves feel better about the big ol' bad world we live in 
mythology would effect the entire universe!!!


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 2:57 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Would Jyotish Principles Apply on Earthlike 


---In,  wrote :

 IMO, yes.  The 12 houses and the zodiac would apply on any of those distant 
worlds.  Their solar system may or may not have the same nine planets that 
we're using here on Earth.  But the same "impulses of intelligence" would have 
to be calculated in its own solar system.

 I believe this is the reason why Patanjali wrote in his yoga sutras that 
samyama on the sun brings forth knowledge of the world.  IOW, life on these 
earthlike exoplanets can be described by the same zodiac signs that are 
pertinent here on our earth.  Doesn't that make sense?

 It depends on how astrology might work. Consciousness requires a sophisticated 
brain to operate, maybe they are affected by gravity which is the only known 
force to be infinite in extent, and therefore affects things at great distance 
unlike the other known forces which are locally contained like the ones that 
hold atoms apart.

 Trouble is, if gravity is the culprit then planets are out of the picture 
because they are too distant to affect us more than, say, a lorry going past on 
the road. And the extra distances put between us and them at various times in 
our orbit - that the ancients didn't know about - would affect any charts too 
much for them to be reliable, not that they are. So you can cross gravity off 
the list of influences, and any other field for the same reasons.

 John Hagelin claims there is a link between planets and parts of the brain 
forged by quantum superposition between atoms during the big bang. John Hagelin 
should be stripped of his PHD and publicly ridiculed for even daring to utter 
bullshit like this that he knows is complete bollocks. But he wants you to 
continue coughing up for yagyas and charts. Or maybe he's so dumb he believes 
it? Nah, it's all part of the con of using science ideas to justify their 

 If astrology is real - and there is absolutely no reason to suppose it is  - I 
would avoid travelling to other planets. Just think what being on Mars would do 
to someone with Jupiter strong in their chart! You're about 100 million miles 
closer to it! And what affect will Earth have on us? Just think if there is 
some physical force connecting us to planets surely the one we stand on would 
swamp any effect from the others, or doesn't ours count?

 So your question makes sense if astrological affects are real, different 
worlds around different stars will have different types of influences according 
to however the types of planets and their distance from brains might affect 
their owners. It would have to be a universal effect. Trouble is, I think it's 
an ancient superstition that clings on into the modern world by virtue of it's 
malleable vagueness. I don't think it's a very good explanation for anything at 
all, especially destiny and personality. Probably why NASA left it out of the 
equation when they planned the trip to the moon.

 Fun concept to ponder though...




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I have had some remarkable experiences meditating in a large group in the dome, 
and then practicing yogic flying. 

 Ok, to be really truthful, they were not as nice as the experiences MJ shared 
a few months ago, but they were pretty good, nonetheless. (-:

 I think all of us would like to see some nice solid of the ME, but absent 
that, I'm not going to throw the whole theory out the window.

 I have my own validating experiences, which really, I would not be inclined to 
share, and further, count me as one who believes, that even one person touching 
that transcendent field of life has an effect on his immediate and distant 

 And count me also, as one  who believes in the state of enlightenment, and 
that those who have achieved it,  produce a positive influence of that same 
immediate and distant environment.

 If you don't believe me, well, you don't believe me. (-:

---In,  wrote :

 Ann, The Maharishi Effect, is not about belief. It is about a shift in 
identity, from me, to us. Not in some phony way, but an actual shift, in 
empathy, compassion, and even beyond that, sensing oneself, that 'finest 
feeling level, we are all familiar with, strengthening that, not just for me, 
but for everyone, everything, becoming a source of life giving and supporting 
energy, globally. That can never be accomplished within the obvious boundaries, 
of our individual minds and bodies .  

 But, if we break down some of these self-imposed boundaries, of ourselves, 
again, not through belief, but through integrating experience, Being, then, 
this effect, of thousands of fliers (that being the sutra of greatest 
integration of Being), is truly one that unites us, as a global people, and 
begins to calm a rapidly changing world, in the direction of peace, and a 
better world. Not through belief, but by reaching a profound, and sustainable, 

 Maharishi always operated like that, from the intro lecture, on - peace begins 
at home, and once that is established, go for the world. It is a very exciting 
time, with every possible institution, system, leader, and big idea, under the 
microscope of ubiquitous communication, encyclopedias in a thumbprint, and 
everyone on the Internet. All it takes is the right momentum, at the right 
time, encouragement of the other side of life, away from violence, and 

 The genius of the Maharishi Effect, just as Maharishi accomplished with the TM 
technique, is to find the combination most efficient, in terms of the program 
for each individual, and their congregation, to effect world peace, in a 
mechanical way. There is no need for belief, or hope - 

 As the Nike ad says, "Just Do It", and the rest follows. I promise.
---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 You are being too kind - 

 Actually, I thought I was being successfully rather sarcastic!

 I thought it was a really good post, I gave it two stars.

 Not too shabby, especially as I've got a stinking cold.

 Maybe double-edged would be a better description than sarcastic.


 I was serious though, even though I don't believe in it I think it's good that 
it's being tested again and with so many that it will leave us in no doubt.  I 
can't imagine what the TMO will do when they don't have a leg to stand on 
regarding the Maharishi Effect. I know they'll just carry on regardless but 
they should take heed that we'll always be able to point to this and say "what 
about...". Unless it turns out they are right of course, in which case it'll be 
humble pie for the sceptics unless we're all too enlightened to care!

 Here is the thing, why isn't a meditation technique good enough to hang your 
hat on as a Movement? Why bother to start claiming all sorts of "Maharishi 
Effects" when all anyone really needs is a sound meditation technique? I don't 
know if TM is the greatest or bestest out there because I don't like sitting 
during my waking hours with my eyes closed when there is so much else to do and 
see so I simply don't scope out other techniques to compare. But the ME? I 
don't believe any of it for a minute. But why is the ME even necessary to put 
out there? If human beings are benefiting personally from a technique then the 
whole world should benefit due to the individuals becoming happier, calmer, 
more grounded.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-15 Thread [FairfieldLife]
nice solid "research" meant to say

---In,  wrote :

 I have had some remarkable experiences meditating in a large group in the 
dome, and then practicing yogic flying. 

 Ok, to be really truthful, they were not as nice as the experiences MJ shared 
a few months ago, but they were pretty good, nonetheless. (-:

 I think all of us would like to see some nice solid of the ME, but absent 
that, I'm not going to throw the whole theory out the window.

 I have my own validating experiences, which really, I would not be inclined to 
share, and further, count me as one who believes, that even one person touching 
that transcendent field of life has an effect on his immediate and distant 

 And count me also, as one  who believes in the state of enlightenment, and 
that those who have achieved it,  produce a positive influence of that same 
immediate and distant environment.

 If you don't believe me, well, you don't believe me. (-:

---In,  wrote :

 Ann, The Maharishi Effect, is not about belief. It is about a shift in 
identity, from me, to us. Not in some phony way, but an actual shift, in 
empathy, compassion, and even beyond that, sensing oneself, that 'finest 
feeling level, we are all familiar with, strengthening that, not just for me, 
but for everyone, everything, becoming a source of life giving and supporting 
energy, globally. That can never be accomplished within the obvious boundaries, 
of our individual minds and bodies .  

 But, if we break down some of these self-imposed boundaries, of ourselves, 
again, not through belief, but through integrating experience, Being, then, 
this effect, of thousands of fliers (that being the sutra of greatest 
integration of Being), is truly one that unites us, as a global people, and 
begins to calm a rapidly changing world, in the direction of peace, and a 
better world. Not through belief, but by reaching a profound, and sustainable, 

 Maharishi always operated like that, from the intro lecture, on - peace begins 
at home, and once that is established, go for the world. It is a very exciting 
time, with every possible institution, system, leader, and big idea, under the 
microscope of ubiquitous communication, encyclopedias in a thumbprint, and 
everyone on the Internet. All it takes is the right momentum, at the right 
time, encouragement of the other side of life, away from violence, and 

 The genius of the Maharishi Effect, just as Maharishi accomplished with the TM 
technique, is to find the combination most efficient, in terms of the program 
for each individual, and their congregation, to effect world peace, in a 
mechanical way. There is no need for belief, or hope - 

 As the Nike ad says, "Just Do It", and the rest follows. I promise.
---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 You are being too kind - 

 Actually, I thought I was being successfully rather sarcastic!

 I thought it was a really good post, I gave it two stars.

 Not too shabby, especially as I've got a stinking cold.

 Maybe double-edged would be a better description than sarcastic.


 I was serious though, even though I don't believe in it I think it's good that 
it's being tested again and with so many that it will leave us in no doubt.  I 
can't imagine what the TMO will do when they don't have a leg to stand on 
regarding the Maharishi Effect. I know they'll just carry on regardless but 
they should take heed that we'll always be able to point to this and say "what 
about...". Unless it turns out they are right of course, in which case it'll be 
humble pie for the sceptics unless we're all too enlightened to care!

 Here is the thing, why isn't a meditation technique good enough to hang your 
hat on as a Movement? Why bother to start claiming all sorts of "Maharishi 
Effects" when all anyone really needs is a sound meditation technique? I don't 
know if TM is the greatest or bestest out there because I don't like sitting 
during my waking hours with my eyes closed when there is so much else to do and 
see so I simply don't scope out other techniques to compare. But the ME? I 
don't believe any of it for a minute. But why is the ME even necessary to put 
out there? If human beings are benefiting personally from a technique then the 
whole world should benefit due to the individuals becoming happier, calmer, 
more grounded.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
there are examples in physics when one particle instantaneously affects another 
at a great distance. I don't recall the name of this effect, whether it is the 
Bose Einstein Condensation, or something else, but we have examples in physics, 
that are roughly analogous to the ME. 

 Not making any claims, just stating what physics has found.

 I wouldn't expect sal to consider that there could be some connection, until 
he hears it from some authority.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Ann, The Maharishi Effect, is not about belief. It is about a shift in 
identity, from me, to us. Not in some phony way, but an actual shift, in 
empathy, compassion, and even beyond that, sensing oneself, that 'finest 
feeling level, we are all familiar with, strengthening that, not just for me, 
but for everyone, everything, becoming a source of life giving and supporting 
energy, globally. That can never be accomplished within the obvious boundaries, 
of our individual minds and bodies .  

 But, if we break down some of these self-imposed boundaries, of ourselves, 
again, not through belief, but through integrating experience, Being, then, 
this effect, of thousands of fliers (that being the sutra of greatest 
integration of Being), is truly one that unites us, as a global people, and 
begins to calm a rapidly changing world, in the direction of peace, and a 
better world. Not through belief, but by reaching a profound, and sustainable, 

 Maharishi always operated like that, from the intro lecture, on - peace begins 
at home, and once that is established, go for the world. It is a very exciting 
time, with every possible institution, system, leader, and big idea, under the 
microscope of ubiquitous communication, encyclopedias in a thumbprint, and 
everyone on the Internet. All it takes is the right momentum, at the right 
time, encouragement of the other side of life, away from violence, and 

 The genius of the Maharishi Effect, just as Maharishi accomplished with the TM 
technique, is to find the combination most efficient, in terms of the program 
for each individual, and their congregation, to effect world peace, in a 
mechanical way. There is no need for belief, or hope - 

 As the Nike ad says, "Just Do It", and the rest follows. I promise.

 I understand that it is not reliant on believe for the ME to work. I also 
think that for individuals to become more in tune with the world around them 
then it means that they first have to have access to what is available within 
themselves -  the good stuff - then the rest will follow in terms of a macro 
effect. But I am not convinced that 1% of a population meditating has 
accomplished much of anything in terms of implementing/encouraging peace on a 
grand scale. On the other hand, I just haven't been paying attention to any of 
this since the mid 80's so I am, no doubt, out of the loop. 

 No you aren't, the concept of brains affecting each other at  a distance is no 
more likely or satisfactorily explained now than it was then. It isn't about 
"breaking down self imposed boundaries" It's supposed to be what happens when 
meditators are near other people, it doesn't matter if they don't know the 
meditators are there as it is transmitted through some unexplained medium that 
is apparently unmeasurable except in how it affects others.

 How can that be? If we had some evidence that it worked all we'd have to do is 
work out how - which would require a complete re-write of everything we think 
we know - but we don't have any decent evidence yet which is why it's goo we'll 
soon have 50,000 to point at and say why isn't it working then? About. Unless 
it does work in which case we'll be too happy to care.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Beautiful, beautiful.  

 Maybe we can get a graph showing the intersecting point, comparing the time 
you spent involved with the TMO, with the time you are spending bashing it.

 Yikes. With Barry, I think it's five years in, and thirty five years on the 

 I guess it's no surprise then, the near hero worship we see on Michael's part 
towards Barry.  

 Hey, I was fond of Barry too.  Indeed, I still have a soft spot for him.

 But, why would someone spend five years bashing for every one year spent in.

 Still collecting evidence?

 Methinks, something else at work here.

---In,  wrote :

 Head in the sand pie in the sky  - whether you put your heads up or down you 
wind up in the same place, buried in denial of the facts. Some of us 
"naysayers" do the world a service by informing people who innocently are 
curious about TM to warn them of getting involved with a bona fide cult. 


 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 9:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now
   It is pathetic the little thrill each of these naysayers gets, upon their 
thousandth time "discovery" of some impropriety by the Movement, or Maharishi. 
They could be doing so much better, with their lives, and loved ones, if they 
would spend less time denigrating, and more time seeking. From what I can see 
of the three of them, they do very little in real life. Perhaps slinging all 
the insults is the best they ever feel. Definitely true of that Barry 
character, who only seems to stand tall, on the backs of others. Sad lives, and 
I wouldn't trade places with any of them, for anything.. 



---In,  wrote :

 Sal, it's always a pleasure to hear the disaffected cry how the TMO has 
reached a "new low" 

 Oh, how many times do we have to hear that?

 As though, you were really "pulling for the organization" up to this point.

 Please have a bit of self reflection.  It will do all of us, and especially 
you, a world of good.

 Pretty please.  With sugar on top, maybe?

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 4:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now
 ---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :
 ---In,  wrote :
 You are being too kind - 

 Actually, I thought I was being successfully rather sarcastic!

 I thought it was a really good post, I gave it two stars.

 Not too shabby, especially as I've got a stinking cold.

 Maybe double-edged would be a better description than sarcastic.


 I was serious though, even though I don't believe in it I think it's good that 
it's being tested again and with so many that it will leave us in no doubt.  I 
can't imagine what the TMO will do when they don't have a leg to stand on 
regarding the Maharishi Effect. I know they'll just carry on regardless but 
they should take heed that we'll always be able to point to this and say "what 
about...". Unless it turns out they are right of course, in which case it'll be 
humble pie for the sceptics unless we're all too enlightened to care!

See "When Prophecy Fails - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 When Prophecy Fails - Wikipedia, the free encycl... When Prophecy Fails: A Social 
and Psychological Study of a Modern Group That Predicted the Destruction of the 
World is a classic work of soci...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


While having the ME completely disproven might deter some people, my suspicion 
is that any TM True Believer still gullible enough to still be a TB at this 
point would just put on their big boy pants and tough their way through it, 
finding an infinite series of loopholes to show that the prophecy of world 
peace really DID happen, if you just look at it the right way. Or that it was 
delayed as part of a larger plan for world peace. Whatever...

Yes, you could be right. Hopefully we'll see. Maybe we'll get some more gems to 
add to the list of reasons why things don't work.

 Good book that, one of my favourites. Most interesting and I remember feeling 
sorry for them when the UFO didn't arrive, much as I'll feel sorry for Nabby 
when Maitreya doesn't. Not that he'll care or even notice...

 When Prophecy Fails - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia When Prophecy Fails: A Social 
and Psychological Study of a Modern 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 (picture gold star below)

---In,  wrote :

 100% Bullshit. This is ALL ABOUT YOU and Barry and Sal. I have no clue as to 
your motives, but NOBODY, except the three of you, sees you as three Mother 
Teresas, in drag.

---In,  wrote :

 Head in the sand pie in the sky  - whether you put your heads up or down you 
wind up in the same place, buried in denial of the facts. Some of us 
"naysayers" do the world a service by informing people who innocently are 
curious about TM to warn them of getting involved with a bona fide cult. 


 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 9:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now
   It is pathetic the little thrill each of these naysayers gets, upon their 
thousandth time "discovery" of some impropriety by the Movement, or Maharishi. 
They could be doing so much better, with their lives, and loved ones, if they 
would spend less time denigrating, and more time seeking. From what I can see 
of the three of them, they do very little in real life. Perhaps slinging all 
the insults is the best they ever feel. Definitely true of that Barry 
character, who only seems to stand tall, on the backs of others. Sad lives, and 
I wouldn't trade places with any of them, for anything.. 



---In,  wrote :

 Sal, it's always a pleasure to hear the disaffected cry how the TMO has 
reached a "new low" 

 Oh, how many times do we have to hear that?

 As though, you were really "pulling for the organization" up to this point.

 Please have a bit of self reflection.  It will do all of us, and especially 
you, a world of good.

 Pretty please.  With sugar on top, maybe?

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 4:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now
 ---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :
 ---In,  wrote :
 You are being too kind - 

 Actually, I thought I was being successfully rather sarcastic!

 I thought it was a really good post, I gave it two stars.

 Not too shabby, especially as I've got a stinking cold.

 Maybe double-edged would be a better description than sarcastic.


 I was serious though, even though I don't believe in it I think it's good that 
it's being tested again and with so many that it will leave us in no doubt.  I 
can't imagine what the TMO will do when they don't have a leg to stand on 
regarding the Maharishi Effect. I know they'll just carry on regardless but 
they should take heed that we'll always be able to point to this and say "what 
about...". Unless it turns out they are right of course, in which case it'll be 
humble pie for the sceptics unless we're all too enlightened to care!

See "When Prophecy Fails - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 When Prophecy Fails - Wikipedia, the free encycl... When Prophecy Fails: A Social 
and Psychological Study of a Modern Group That Predicted the Destruction of the 
World is a classic work of soci...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


While having the ME completely disproven might deter some people, my suspicion 
is that any TM True Believer still gullible enough to still be a TB at this 
point would just put on their big boy pants and tough their way through it, 
finding an infinite series of loopholes to show that the prophecy of world 
peace really DID happen, if you just look at it the right way. Or that it was 
delayed as part of a larger plan for world peace. Whatever...

Yes, you could be right. Hopefully we'll see. Maybe we'll get some more gems to 
add to the list of reasons why things don't work.

 Good book that, one of my favourites. Most interesting and I remember feeling 
sorry for them when the UFO didn't arrive, much as I'll feel sorry for Nabby 
when Maitreya doesn't. Not that he'll care or even notice...

 When Prophecy Fails - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia When Prophecy Fails: A Social 
and Psychological Study of a Modern Group That Predicted the Destruction of the 
World is a classic work of social psychology by Leon F...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30 and the TM movement

2014-10-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
make that three stars!

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 I'll bet Barry's "lurking reporters" are a couple of out of work twenty year 
olds, having him on. We are all waiting for the cult 'expose' - LOL
 ["Tiffany", from "The Washington Post"]: Turq, this will blow the doors off 
the TMO. We have formed a committee to discuss all of the points you have 
 [Turq]: No problem - That's my thang! Maharishi sux - lol
 ["Tiffany", from "The Washington Post"]: He sure does - lol
 ["Chuck", from "The York Times"]: This is perfect - All we need is a little 
more upfront funding, and you'll make Snowden look like peanuts.
 [Turq]: I'll show those bastards!
 ["Tiffany", from "The Washington Post"]: You sure will!
 ["Chuck", from "The York Times"]: Absofuckinglutely!! Now, we received the two 
hundred bucks, for story copyright, though we will need another five hundred, 
for the movie rights - Spielberg is having a look - This is gunna be huge!
 [Turq]: I am wiring the funds as we speak, Sir!! Do you really think I'll be 
notorious, like you promised??
 ["Chuck", from "The York Times"]: Global bad-ass, Guaranteed! We can help you 
market that, too...

 See, bring back the Parody! Good job. I got smacked down by Share who 
apparently doesn't like my parodies as they seem to lead to a mob mentality of 
online bullying in some way. But God, you wrote a good little snippet there. 
You have the knack, Mac.

 And I only now saw Steve's post here, another gold star. Kind of like the 
court jester in the old days who always told the sometimes ugly truth with 
laughs and wit and hilarious antics. Underneath the joviality lies what many 
don't want to admit. 

---In,  wrote :

 Note to Lurking Reporters. 

 Dear RP's.

 Does it seem strange that this 70 year old man, Mr. Barry Wright, spends as 
much time as he does trying to find faults in an organization he left some 40 
years ago?

 Does it seem odd, that he would become so animated when he finds what he feels 
is an out of whack comment by another member of the forum, as though all the 
time he puts in here, has had some payoff?

 Does it, again, seem odd, that another member here, Mr. Michael Jackson, seems 
to have taken on, as a part of "his life mission" uncovering all the faults of 
the TM organization and it's founder, repeating the same lines over and over 
each day?

 Dear Mr. and Ms. Lurking Reporters.  Please reveal yourselves, and weight in 
on some of issues and behaviors you observe here.

 One word of caution though. If you response does not meet with the 
expectations of Mr. Wright, he will turn on you in angry fashion as he did with 
another member here a week or so ago.

 If interested, you can re-visit this exchange between Mr. Wright, and a 
Mr.Blue Bungalow.

 Mr. Wright went positively ballistic.

 Mr. Bungalow, remained nonplussed.

 Sort of revealing, I'd say for the guy who claims to be so unattached to 
anything that goes on here.

 Just sayin'

---In,  wrote :

 Got that, lurking reporters? Just the other day a couple of you were asking me 
to document my opinion that many long-term TMers were "certifiably paranoid" 
and committed to a "them vs. us mentality." 


 I submit this as the proof you were asking for. Nablusoss1008 believes this 
because Maharishi believed it.  :-)




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I don't know Ann.  I guess there are different ways to approach it. 

 Maybe one way to look at it, at least for me, is, I've gotten benefits from 
it.  I've enjoyed group meditations.  I've enjoyed the "flying" in a large 

 Maybe there is a bigger payoff.  Maybe not.  If so, that would be a freebie.

 By the way, I do happen to believe that a large group meditating does generate 
a wave of positivity.

 What kind of effect it might have?  Can't say.

 Why there is not a more demonstrable effect, say in FF?

 Can't say.

 Like I said.  It worked for me.

 To answer MIchael's rote, question, "If it were so good, why don't you do it 
regularly", I say,the path people are on can change over time.

 Do I expect Michael to understand that?

 Not a chance.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 there are examples in physics when one particle instantaneously affects 
another at a great distance. I don't recall the name of this effect, whether it 
is the Bose Einstein Condensation, or something else, but we have examples in 
physics, that are roughly analogous to the ME.

 I know I have heard of amazing things like a monkey thousands of miles away 
from other monkeys learns how to use a tool or other skill and suddenly the 
other monkeys far away also adopt this skill. So I know very cool and seemingly 
unexplained phenomena can and do exist. But world peace, so far, seems to not 
have been one of those phenomenon as it relates to the ME. On the other hand, 
we're all still here and some obliterating nuclear war hasn't occurred yet so 
maybe that does qualify as world peace after all.

 Not making any claims, just stating what physics has found.

 I wouldn't expect sal to consider that there could be some connection, until 
he hears it from some authority.






Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
And he's off!

---In,  wrote :


 "Yes, the Maharishi Effect is a hallmark of the teaching of TM"

 You have finally gotten it right Mac. The Marshy Effect IS the hallmark of 
Marshy's teaching and is the hallmark of the core of the Movement itself. 


 A bogus, made up nonsensical piece of information that Marshy or one of his 
sycophants made up, purely to take attention off the fact that no one was 
getting enlightened doing TMSP, and the Old Goat needed a red herring to turn 
peoples attention away from the truth and give him a reason to ask for many 
more tens of millions of dollars to save the world through creating the Marshy 
Effect. You nailed it!

 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 8:54 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now
   Yes, the Maharishi Effect is a hallmark of the teaching of TM. Maharishi 
wanted us to begin to hear, that his ultimate goal was world peace. No, science 
cannot possibly measure anything like that - not that it matters. 

 ---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :





 I understand that it is not reliant on believe for the ME to work. I also 
think that for individuals to become more in tune with the world around them 
then it means that they first have to have access to what is available within 
themselves -  the good stuff - then the rest will follow in terms of a macro 
effect. But I am not convinced that 1% of a population meditating has 
accomplished much of anything in terms of implementing/encouraging peace on a 
grand scale. On the other hand, I just haven't been paying attention to any of 
this since the mid 80's so I am, no doubt, out of the loop. 

 No you aren't, the concept of brains affecting each other at  a distance is no 
more likely or satisfactorily explained now than it was then. It isn't about 
"breaking down self imposed boundaries" It's supposed to be what happens when 
meditators are near other people, it doesn't matter if they don't know the 
meditators are there as it is transmitted through some unexplained medium that 
is apparently unmeasurable except in how it affects others.

 That is how I understood the ME - that it is some sort of mystical, magical 
effect that starts to happen when a certain percentage of the population 
meditates. It is an exponential phenomenon maybe? I don't quite recollect back 
from my MIU days but I kind of remember it as the individuals somehow equal 
more than the sum of the parts or some such. I guess a rational person would 
demand something more than the proclamation of this, would require some sort of 
proof. Has that proof been provided anywhere except in the skewed statistics of 
the Movement? I guess I can't get excited about whether it has or hasn't. Maybe 
that is my problem.



 I'd be excited if it gets proved as it would mean a revolution in science, 
they don't happen very often! But not they haven't got any convincing evidence 
yet, a sceptic might say they should have been able to prove it by now but 
there's no harm in keeping on trying, but it is important that if they draw a 
blank they stop the proselytising and change the belief system to reflect it. 
That's what serious scientists do but I suspect the movement gave up on that a 
long time ago as the ME and supporting theories are so much their raison 

 I'll be on hand to point it out though ;-)




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
He's hit a bunt, which is the best he's done so far, and running to first just 
as fast as his little legs will carry him!

---In,  wrote :

 Head in the sand pie in the sky  - whether you put your heads up or down you 
wind up in the same place, buried in denial of the facts. Some of us 
"naysayers" do the world a service by informing people who innocently are 
curious about TM to warn them of getting involved with a bona fide cult. 


 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 9:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now
   It is pathetic the little thrill each of these naysayers gets, upon their 
thousandth time "discovery" of some impropriety by the Movement, or Maharishi. 
They could be doing so much better, with their lives, and loved ones, if they 
would spend less time denigrating, and more time seeking. From what I can see 
of the three of them, they do very little in real life. Perhaps slinging all 
the insults is the best they ever feel. Definitely true of that Barry 
character, who only seems to stand tall, on the backs of others. Sad lives, and 
I wouldn't trade places with any of them, for anything.. 



---In,  wrote :

 Sal, it's always a pleasure to hear the disaffected cry how the TMO has 
reached a "new low" 

 Oh, how many times do we have to hear that?

 As though, you were really "pulling for the organization" up to this point.

 Please have a bit of self reflection.  It will do all of us, and especially 
you, a world of good.

 Pretty please.  With sugar on top, maybe?

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 4:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now
 ---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :
 ---In,  wrote :
 You are being too kind - 

 Actually, I thought I was being successfully rather sarcastic!

 I thought it was a really good post, I gave it two stars.

 Not too shabby, especially as I've got a stinking cold.

 Maybe double-edged would be a better description than sarcastic.


 I was serious though, even though I don't believe in it I think it's good that 
it's being tested again and with so many that it will leave us in no doubt.  I 
can't imagine what the TMO will do when they don't have a leg to stand on 
regarding the Maharishi Effect. I know they'll just carry on regardless but 
they should take heed that we'll always be able to point to this and say "what 
about...". Unless it turns out they are right of course, in which case it'll be 
humble pie for the sceptics unless we're all too enlightened to care!

See "When Prophecy Fails - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 When Prophecy Fails - Wikipedia, the free encycl... When Prophecy Fails: A Social 
and Psychological Study of a Modern Group That Predicted the Destruction of the 
World is a classic work of soci...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


While having the ME completely disproven might deter some people, my suspicion 
is that any TM True Believer still gullible enough to still be a TB at this 
point would just put on their big boy pants and tough their way through it, 
finding an infinite series of loopholes to show that the prophecy of world 
peace really DID happen, if you just look at it the right way. Or that it was 
delayed as part of a larger plan for world peace. Whatever...

Yes, you could be right. Hopefully we'll see. Maybe we'll get some more gems to 
add to the list of reasons why things don't work.

 Good book that, one of my favourites. Most interesting and I remember feeling 
sorry for them when the UFO didn't arrive, much as I'll feel sorry for Nabby 
when Maitreya doesn't. Not that he'll care or even notice...

 When Prophecy Fails - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia When Prophecy Fails: A Social 
and Psychological Study of a Modern Group That Predicted the Destruction of the 
World is a classic work of social psychology by Leon F...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo




Re: [FairfieldLife] Bulletin from MUM - COMMUNITY ALERT

2014-10-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
and he's rounding first on his way to second, but has fallen down on the way.   
the crowd is getting a pretty laugh, but this is serious business for him, so 
he makes a dramatic slide, even thought there was no play.   

 calls for a time out to dust himself off, and waves to the crowd who he thinks 
are praising him, when actually they are having a good laugh.

---In,  wrote :


  It is unfortunate that many intelligent and sincere people in our Fairfield 
and TM community have suffered financial loss as a result of this seductive and 
dangerous individual.


I would have to say it is unfortunate that the Movement itself has engendered a 
mind set that creates such gullibility inthe awareness of the TM'ers of the 
community and the world at large AND the Movement itself is guilty of the exact 
same kind of fraud they are alleging this man is guilty of. It may be the Big 
Boys of the TMO are afraid if the meditators are giving their dough to this 
guy, they won't have so much to give the Movement.

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 11:48 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Bulletin from MUM - COMMUNITY ALERT
   WTF? First Maharishi sends a message from beyond the grave, and now he's 

 At least it's good that they're warning people about him this time...


 From: "'Rick Archer' rick@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife ; 
 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 5:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Bulletin from MUM - COMMUNITY ALERT
   From: MUM Human Resource Office 
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 2:52 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:



 Community Alert!

  Dear Members of our M.U.M. and Fairfield Community,


 We wanted to alert you that an individual has returned to Fairfield who has 
caused serious financial harm to members of our local community, and to others 
across the nation.


  If someone you do not personally know very well presents a financial 
opportunity based on the premise that vast sums of money are about to arrive, 
or any similar scheme that promises returns that sound too good to be true, 
please walk away and report such suspicious behavior to M.U.M. Campus Safety 
Director James Bedinger (641-919-7992) and to the Fairfield Police Dept. 

  It is unfortunate that many intelligent and sincere people in our Fairfield 
and TM community have suffered financial loss as a result of this seductive and 
dangerous individual.


 Caution is advised.  We are exploring with the Police what additional 
protective options may be available.


 James Bedinger

 Maharishi University of Management

 Campus Safety/Security Director

 jbedinger@... mailto:jbedinger@... 










Re: [FairfieldLife] Bulletin from MUM - COMMUNITY ALERT

2014-10-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
uh oh.  alarm bells.  he thinks his vital post did not make it, so send, send, 
send again.  this could be the vital post that saves the world from the big 
bad, TMO. 

 "my mission, my mission", he thinks

---In,  wrote :


  It is unfortunate that many intelligent and sincere people in our Fairfield 
and TM community have suffered financial loss as a result of this seductive and 
dangerous individual.


I would have to say it is unfortunate that the Movement itself has engendered a 
mind set that creates such gullibility inthe awareness of the TM'ers of the 
community and the world at large AND the Movement itself is guilty of the exact 
same kind of fraud they are alleging this man is guilty of. It may be the Big 
Boys of the TMO are afraid if the meditators are giving their dough to this 
guy, they won't have so much to give the Movement.

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 11:48 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Bulletin from MUM - COMMUNITY ALERT
   WTF? First Maharishi sends a message from beyond the grave, and now he's 

 At least it's good that they're warning people about him this time...


 From: "'Rick Archer' rick@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife ; 
 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 5:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Bulletin from MUM - COMMUNITY ALERT
   From: MUM Human Resource Office 
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 2:52 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:



 Community Alert!

  Dear Members of our M.U.M. and Fairfield Community,


 We wanted to alert you that an individual has returned to Fairfield who has 
caused serious financial harm to members of our local community, and to others 
across the nation.


  If someone you do not personally know very well presents a financial 
opportunity based on the premise that vast sums of money are about to arrive, 
or any similar scheme that promises returns that sound too good to be true, 
please walk away and report such suspicious behavior to M.U.M. Campus Safety 
Director James Bedinger (641-919-7992) and to the Fairfield Police Dept. 

  It is unfortunate that many intelligent and sincere people in our Fairfield 
and TM community have suffered financial loss as a result of this seductive and 
dangerous individual.


 Caution is advised.  We are exploring with the Police what additional 
protective options may be available.


 James Bedinger

 Maharishi University of Management

 Campus Safety/Security Director

 jbedinger@... mailto:jbedinger@... 










Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bulletin from MUM - COMMUNITY ALERT

2014-10-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
going for third base, imagining the the whole world is cheering this great 
champion of the truth.  truthfully, they probably find him fascinating, as I 
do, but not for reasons, I think he would appreciate.

---In,  wrote :

 Most likely he's a Governor - they don't wanna besmirch the Movement too much 
by association. And I bet last time he was in town, he ripped off Bevan, maybe 
James Beddinger and possibly the University itself. Nothing like the anger of a 
bunch of cons when they get conned themselves. 


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 12:02 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bulletin from MUM - COMMUNITY ALERT


---In,  wrote :

 From: MUM Human Resource Office 
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 2:52 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:



 Community Alert!

  Dear Members of our M.U.M. and Fairfield Community,

 We know you are a bunch of suckers, so


 We wanted to alert you that an individual has returned to Fairfield who has 
caused serious financial harm to members of our local community, and to others 
across the nation.


  If someone you do not personally know very well presents a financial 
opportunity based on the premise that vast sums of money are about to arrive, 
or any similar scheme that promises returns that sound too good to be true, 
please walk away and report such suspicious behavior to M.U.M. Campus Safety 
Director James Bedinger (641-919-7992) and to the Fairfield Police Dept. 

 It's hard to tell I know, but this warning is not referring to the yagya 
programme or any Maharishi health technologies.

  It is unfortunate that many intelligent and sincere people in our Fairfield 
and TM community have suffered financial loss as a result of this seductive and 
dangerous individual.

 Refunds not given for any failed nature support or lack of improved cognitive 
reasoning and intelligence.


 Caution is advised.  We are exploring with the Police what additional 
protective options may be available.


 James Bedinger

 Maharishi University of Management

 Campus Safety/Security Director

 jbedinger@... mailto:jbedinger@... 


  Seriously, why don't they just print the guys name? He sounds like a 
fiendishly smooth operator. 







Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
the dude tries to steal home and flops.  but it's all he knows.  same tired 

 but how ironic, that he's the one who's thinks he saving the world.

 how absofuckingly ironic!

---In,  wrote :

"most of the world is free of war"

 your enlightenment has turned your mind to mush

 Number of current wars:
 AFRICA: (26 Countries and 164 between militias-guerrillas, separatist groups 
and anarchic groups involved) Hot Spots: Central African Republic (civil war), 
Democrati Republic of Congo (war against rebel groups), Egypt (popular uprising 
against Government), Libya (war against islamist militants), Mali (war against 
tuareg and islamist militants), Nigeria (war against islamist militants), 
Somalia (war against islamist militants), Sudan (war against rebel groups), 
South Sudan (civil war) ASIA: (16 Countries and 137 between 
militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and anarchic groups involved) Hot Spots: 
Afghanistan (war against islamist militants), Burma-Myanmar (war against rebel 
groups), Pakistan (war against islamist militants), Philippines (war against 
islamist militants), Thailand (coup d’etat by army May 2014) EUROPE: (9 
Countries and 71 between militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and anarchic 
groups involved) Hot Spots: Chechnya (war against islamist militants), Dagestan 
(war against islamist militants), Ukraine (Secession of self-proclaimed Donetsk 
People’s Republic and self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic) MIDDLE EAST: 
(8 Countries and 186 between militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and 
anarchic groups involved) Hot Spots: Iraq (war against Islamic State islamist 
militants), Israel (war against islamist militants in Gaza Strip), Syria (civil 
war), Yemen (war against and between islamist militants) AMERICAS: (5 Countries 
and 25 between drug cartels, militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and 
anarchic groups involved) Hot Spots: Colombia (war against rebel groups), 
Mexico (war against narcotraffic groups) GRAND TOTAL: 


Number of countries - 64
Number Militias, guerrillas and separatist groups involved - 584

So much for yogic flying and the non-existent Marshy Effect.
 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 10:47 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now
   On the other hand, we're all still here and some obliterating nuclear war 
hasn't occurred yet so maybe that does qualify as world peace after all.


 Yes, it actually does - Especially, despite the HUGE INCREASE in weaponry, 
since World War II, most of the world is free of war, and has been, since. 
Civilian casualties during war are dropping too. Kind of a miracle, I think. 
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 there are examples in physics when one particle instantaneously affects 
another at a great distance. I don't recall the name of this effect, whether it 
is the Bose Einstein Condensation, or something else, but we have examples in 
physics, that are roughly analogous to the ME.

 I know I have heard of amazing things like a monkey thousands of miles away 
from other monkeys learns how to use a tool or other skill and suddenly the 
other monkeys far away also adopt this skill. So I know very cool and seemingly 
unexplained phenomena can and do exist. But world peace, so far, seems to not 
have been one of those phenomenon as it relates to the ME. On the other hand, 
we're all still here and some obliterating nuclear war hasn't occurred yet so 
maybe that does qualify as world peace after all.

 Not making any claims, just stating what physics has found.

 I wouldn't expect sal to consider that there could be some connection, until 
he hears it from some authority.








Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
oops, guess I was rushing again.  make that seven years bashing for every year 
in.  35 to 5 ratio.

---In,  wrote :

 Beautiful, beautiful.  

 Maybe we can get a graph showing the intersecting point, comparing the time 
you spent involved with the TMO, with the time you are spending bashing it.

 Yikes. With Barry, I think it's five years in, and thirty five years on the 

 I guess it's no surprise then, the near hero worship we see on Michael's part 
towards Barry.  

 Hey, I was fond of Barry too.  Indeed, I still have a soft spot for him.

 But, why would someone spend five years bashing for every one year spent in.

 Still collecting evidence?

 Methinks, something else at work here.

---In,  wrote :

 Head in the sand pie in the sky  - whether you put your heads up or down you 
wind up in the same place, buried in denial of the facts. Some of us 
"naysayers" do the world a service by informing people who innocently are 
curious about TM to warn them of getting involved with a bona fide cult. 


 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 9:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now
   It is pathetic the little thrill each of these naysayers gets, upon their 
thousandth time "discovery" of some impropriety by the Movement, or Maharishi. 
They could be doing so much better, with their lives, and loved ones, if they 
would spend less time denigrating, and more time seeking. From what I can see 
of the three of them, they do very little in real life. Perhaps slinging all 
the insults is the best they ever feel. Definitely true of that Barry 
character, who only seems to stand tall, on the backs of others. Sad lives, and 
I wouldn't trade places with any of them, for anything.. 



---In,  wrote :

 Sal, it's always a pleasure to hear the disaffected cry how the TMO has 
reached a "new low" 

 Oh, how many times do we have to hear that?

 As though, you were really "pulling for the organization" up to this point.

 Please have a bit of self reflection.  It will do all of us, and especially 
you, a world of good.

 Pretty please.  With sugar on top, maybe?

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 4:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now
 ---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :
 ---In,  wrote :
 You are being too kind - 

 Actually, I thought I was being successfully rather sarcastic!

 I thought it was a really good post, I gave it two stars.

 Not too shabby, especially as I've got a stinking cold.

 Maybe double-edged would be a better description than sarcastic.


 I was serious though, even though I don't believe in it I think it's good that 
it's being tested again and with so many that it will leave us in no doubt.  I 
can't imagine what the TMO will do when they don't have a leg to stand on 
regarding the Maharishi Effect. I know they'll just carry on regardless but 
they should take heed that we'll always be able to point to this and say "what 
about...". Unless it turns out they are right of course, in which case it'll be 
humble pie for the sceptics unless we're all too enlightened to care!

See "When Prophecy Fails - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 When Prophecy Fails - Wikipedia, the free encycl... When Prophecy Fails: A Social 
and Psychological Study of a Modern Group That Predicted the Destruction of the 
World is a classic work of soci...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


While having the ME completely disproven might deter some people, my suspicion 
is that any TM True Believer still gullible enough to still be a TB at this 
point would just put on their big boy pants and tough their way through it, 
finding an infinite series of loopholes to show that the prophecy of world 
peace really DID happen, if you just look at it the right way. Or that it was 
delayed as part of a larger plan for world peace. Whatever...

Yes, you could be right. Hopefully we'll see. Maybe we'll get some more gems to 
add to the list of reasons why things don't work.

 Good book that, one of my favourites. Most interesting and I remember feeling 
sorry for them when the UFO didn't arrive, much as I'll feel sorry for Nabby 
when Maitreya doesn't. Not that he'll care or even notice...

 When Prophecy Fails -

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
thank you Michael for your usual cogent analysis.  keep on keeping on. we are 
enjoying your new found savior mentality. 

 I mean, it is a hoot!

---In,  wrote :

 tell that to the civilian population of the countries who are embroiled in 
these wars. There is not bullshit here except for your pie in the sky Marshy 
was a saint and the world is getting better as a result. It really is guys like 
you, Nabby and Steve who are so skewed in your perception that give the 
Movement a bad name.


 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 5:16 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now
   Please do the math, and compare the populations embroiled in war, to World 
War Two, despite the huge increase in weaponry in the past fifty years. Anyone 
can see a massive improvement, despite the bullshit stats you have produced. 
---In,  wrote :

"most of the world is free of war"

 your enlightenment has turned your mind to mush

 Number of current wars:
 AFRICA: (26 Countries and 164 between militias-guerrillas, separatist groups 
and anarchic groups involved) Hot Spots: Central African Republic (civil war), 
Democrati Republic of Congo (war against rebel groups), Egypt (popular uprising 
against Government), Libya (war against islamist militants), Mali (war against 
tuareg and islamist militants), Nigeria (war against islamist militants), 
Somalia (war against islamist militants), Sudan (war against rebel groups), 
South Sudan (civil war) ASIA: (16 Countries and 137 between 
militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and anarchic groups involved) Hot Spots: 
Afghanistan (war against islamist militants), Burma-Myanmar (war against rebel 
groups), Pakistan (war against islamist militants), Philippines (war against 
islamist militants), Thailand (coup d’etat by army May 2014) EUROPE: (9 
Countries and 71 between militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and anarchic 
groups involved) Hot Spots: Chechnya (war against islamist militants), Dagestan 
(war against islamist militants), Ukraine (Secession of self-proclaimed Donetsk 
People’s Republic and self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic) MIDDLE EAST: 
(8 Countries and 186 between militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and 
anarchic groups involved) Hot Spots: Iraq (war against Islamic State islamist 
militants), Israel (war against islamist militants in Gaza Strip), Syria (civil 
war), Yemen (war against and between islamist militants) AMERICAS: (5 Countries 
and 25 between drug cartels, militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and 
anarchic groups involved) Hot Spots: Colombia (war against rebel groups), 
Mexico (war against narcotraffic groups) GRAND TOTAL: 


Number of countries - 64
Number Militias, guerrillas and separatist groups involved - 584

So much for yogic flying and the non-existent Marshy Effect.
 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 10:47 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now
   On the other hand, we're all still here and some obliterating nuclear war 
hasn't occurred yet so maybe that does qualify as world peace after all.


 Yes, it actually does - Especially, despite the HUGE INCREASE in weaponry, 
since World War II, most of the world is free of war, and has been, since. 
Civilian casualties during war are dropping too. Kind of a miracle, I think. 
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 there are examples in physics when one particle instantaneously affects 
another at a great distance. I don't recall the name of this effect, whether it 
is the Bose Einstein Condensation, or something else, but we have examples in 
physics, that are roughly analogous to the ME.

 I know I have heard of amazing things like a monkey thousands of miles away 
from other monkeys learns how to use a tool or other skill and suddenly the 
other monkeys far away also adopt this skill. So I know very cool and seemingly 
unexplained phenomena can and do exist. But world peace, so far, seems to not 
have been one of those phenomenon as it relates to the ME. On the other hand, 
we're all still here and some obliterating nuclear war hasn't occurred yet so 
maybe that does qualify as world peace after all.

 Not making any claims, just stating what physics has found.

 I wouldn't expect sal to consider that there could be some connection, until 
he hears it from some authority.










Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-16 Thread [FairfieldLife]
again, Michael, your recent confession does help in help us, (or at least me) 
understand you. 

 It even allows me to feel compassion for you.

 You have this savior mentality, or maybe you envision yourself as a martyr of 
some sort.

 I mean, let's admit, it does fit.  

 From TM to MJ the Channeler, to VA Veteran Program Booster, and now MJ the 

 Do you think you should change your online handle.  

 MJ, World Savior or maybe just "The Savior"

 Whaddya think?

---In,  wrote :

 thank you Michael for your usual cogent analysis.  keep on keeping on. we are 
enjoying your new found savior mentality. 

 I mean, it is a hoot!

---In,  wrote :

 tell that to the civilian population of the countries who are embroiled in 
these wars. There is not bullshit here except for your pie in the sky Marshy 
was a saint and the world is getting better as a result. It really is guys like 
you, Nabby and Steve who are so skewed in your perception that give the 
Movement a bad name.


 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 5:16 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now
   Please do the math, and compare the populations embroiled in war, to World 
War Two, despite the huge increase in weaponry in the past fifty years. Anyone 
can see a massive improvement, despite the bullshit stats you have produced. 
---In,  wrote :

"most of the world is free of war"

 your enlightenment has turned your mind to mush

 Number of current wars:
 AFRICA: (26 Countries and 164 between militias-guerrillas, separatist groups 
and anarchic groups involved) Hot Spots: Central African Republic (civil war), 
Democrati Republic of Congo (war against rebel groups), Egypt (popular uprising 
against Government), Libya (war against islamist militants), Mali (war against 
tuareg and islamist militants), Nigeria (war against islamist militants), 
Somalia (war against islamist militants), Sudan (war against rebel groups), 
South Sudan (civil war) ASIA: (16 Countries and 137 between 
militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and anarchic groups involved) Hot Spots: 
Afghanistan (war against islamist militants), Burma-Myanmar (war against rebel 
groups), Pakistan (war against islamist militants), Philippines (war against 
islamist militants), Thailand (coup d’etat by army May 2014) EUROPE: (9 
Countries and 71 between militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and anarchic 
groups involved) Hot Spots: Chechnya (war against islamist militants), Dagestan 
(war against islamist militants), Ukraine (Secession of self-proclaimed Donetsk 
People’s Republic and self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic) MIDDLE EAST: 
(8 Countries and 186 between militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and 
anarchic groups involved) Hot Spots: Iraq (war against Islamic State islamist 
militants), Israel (war against islamist militants in Gaza Strip), Syria (civil 
war), Yemen (war against and between islamist militants) AMERICAS: (5 Countries 
and 25 between drug cartels, militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and 
anarchic groups involved) Hot Spots: Colombia (war against rebel groups), 
Mexico (war against narcotraffic groups) GRAND TOTAL: 


Number of countries - 64
Number Militias, guerrillas and separatist groups involved - 584

So much for yogic flying and the non-existent Marshy Effect.
 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 10:47 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now
   On the other hand, we're all still here and some obliterating nuclear war 
hasn't occurred yet so maybe that does qualify as world peace after all.


 Yes, it actually does - Especially, despite the HUGE INCREASE in weaponry, 
since World War II, most of the world is free of war, and has been, since. 
Civilian casualties during war are dropping too. Kind of a miracle, I think. 
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 there are examples in physics when one particle instantaneously affects 
another at a great distance. I don't recall the name of this effect, whether it 
is the Bose Einstein Condensation, or something else, but we have examples in 
physics, that are roughly analogous to the ME.

 I know I have heard of amazing things like a monkey thousands of miles away 
from other monkeys learns how to use a tool or other skill and suddenly the 
other monkeys far away also adopt this skill. So I know very cool and seemingly 
unexplained phenomena can and do exist. But world peace, so far, seems to not 
have been one of those phenomenon as it relates to the ME. On the other hand, 
we're all still here and some obliterating nuclear war hasn't occurred yet so 
maybe that does qualify as world peace after all.

 Not makin

Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Is this really the broad statement on which an atheist makes his case.?

 In which case, it really is a shame to see the arrogant and skewed attitude 
held by an atheist.

 ---In,  wrote :
 “The man who prays is the one who thinks that god has arranged matters all 
wrong, but who also thinks that he can instruct god how to put them right.” 

 Christopher Hitchens.



---In,  wrote :

 Yeah, maybe if they pray enough they'll start hopping.  :-D 
 On 10/16/2014 06:32 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
   As Sodom and Gomorrah.  But he has a solution.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Why knock people and their beliefs, so incessantly? 

 I think we get it by now. People who believe in God deserve to be lampooned in 
your mind.

 It is part of your usual fare, unfortunately.

---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 9:18 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...
   ---In,  wrote :
 > I was thinking that there's a similarity to the Maharishi Effect in what 
 > Pastor Graham is recommending.


 “The man who prays is the one who thinks that god has arranged matters all 
wrong, but who also thinks that he can instruct god how to put them right.” 

 Christopher Hitchens.


---In,  wrote :

 Yeah, maybe if they pray enough they'll start hopping.  :-D 
 On 10/16/2014 06:32 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
   As Sodom and Gomorrah.  But he has a solution.





[FairfieldLife] Re: The Funny Farm Lounge Koan

2014-10-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Just remember Barry.  You have spent seven years bashing TM for every one year 
you were involved with it. 

 Does that say anything?

 Anything at all?

---In,  wrote :

 Have you ever noticed that the TMers on FFL 

 claim to be better than everyone else, 

 but that the only things 

 they seem capable of writing about 

 are either the things they're AFRAID OF:




 ISIS, and


 or the people they HATE:



 all atheists, and 

 anyone who disagrees with what they believe?

 In a way, it's possible to see this 

 as a commercial for TM. 

 I mean, if *most* people's lives 

 had turned out to be this empty, pathetic,
 and endlessly focused on things
 they themselves consider negative,
they'd have killed themselves long ago.

 But TMers on FFL seem to believe 

 that living like this
 is the very definition of 

 being better than everyone else.

 Low standards
make for high self-esteem,
 I guess...


Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Michael's first bash of the day.  Certainly not to be the last.   

 Michael, I sort of cringe, for your sake, but you know you come off as, sort 
of, adoring Barry.

 I mean, it seems a little strange, for one who demeans people on a daily basis 
for "cult mentality"

 Jusy sayin' (-:

---In,  wrote :

“The man who prays is the one who thinks that god has arranged matters all 
wrong, but who also thinks that he can instruct god how to put them right.” - 
Christopher Hitchens.

 Oh that's rich! I love it! It also applies pretty well to the beliefs of the 
TM True Believers.


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 3:18 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...


---In,  wrote :

 I was thinking that there's a similarity to the Maharishi Effect in what 
Pastor Graham is recommending.


 “The man who prays is the one who thinks that god has arranged matters all 
wrong, but who also thinks that he can instruct god how to put them right.” 
 Christopher Hitchens.


---In,  wrote :

 Yeah, maybe if they pray enough they'll start hopping.  :-D 
 On 10/16/2014 06:32 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
   As Sodom and Gomorrah.  But he has a solution.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
gift, Michael, a gift, you are. 

 hearing you talk about normal, as being a standard for normal.

 carry on.

 you are breaking some new ground here.

---In,  wrote :

 I would say normal is what you aspire to but your world view is so much a 
Bizarro world view I don't think you can ever get even close to normal.


 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 10:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now
   lol - Oh, I see, it was the three of us, that finally turned you, eh? Before 
that, you were happily spreading Maharishi Vedic Honey on your organic scones, 
from the brahmastan of your Sthapatya Ved house, and then, after you read my 
post...knife clatters to the floor, honey jar overturns (in slo-mo) - all the 
blood drains from your face, thoughts cascading through your heating brain, 
chief among them, "Holy Shit, These Guys Give The Movement A Bad Name!"

 sorry about that...won't happen again...hope you can claw your way back to 

 Jai Guru Dev
 J. Edgar Hoover
 John Philip Sousa

 ---In,  wrote :
 tell that to the civilian population of the countries who are embroiled in 
these wars. There is not bullshit here except for your pie in the sky Marshy 
was a saint and the world is getting better as a result. It really is guys like 
you, Nabby and Steve who are so skewed in your perception that give the 
Movement a bad name.


 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 5:16 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now
   Please do the math, and compare the populations embroiled in war, to World 
War Two, despite the huge increase in weaponry in the past fifty years. Anyone 
can see a massive improvement, despite the bullshit stats you have produced. 
---In,  wrote :

"most of the world is free of war"

 your enlightenment has turned your mind to mush

 Number of current wars:
 AFRICA: (26 Countries and 164 between militias-guerrillas, separatist groups 
and anarchic groups involved) Hot Spots: Central African Republic (civil war), 
Democrati Republic of Congo (war against rebel groups), Egypt (popular uprising 
against Government), Libya (war against islamist militants), Mali (war against 
tuareg and islamist militants), Nigeria (war against islamist militants), 
Somalia (war against islamist militants), Sudan (war against rebel groups), 
South Sudan (civil war) ASIA: (16 Countries and 137 between 
militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and anarchic groups involved) Hot Spots: 
Afghanistan (war against islamist militants), Burma-Myanmar (war against rebel 
groups), Pakistan (war against islamist militants), Philippines (war against 
islamist militants), Thailand (coup d’etat by army May 2014) EUROPE: (9 
Countries and 71 between militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and anarchic 
groups involved) Hot Spots: Chechnya (war against islamist militants), Dagestan 
(war against islamist militants), Ukraine (Secession of self-proclaimed Donetsk 
People’s Republic and self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic) MIDDLE EAST: 
(8 Countries and 186 between militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and 
anarchic groups involved) Hot Spots: Iraq (war against Islamic State islamist 
militants), Israel (war against islamist militants in Gaza Strip), Syria (civil 
war), Yemen (war against and between islamist militants) AMERICAS: (5 Countries 
and 25 between drug cartels, militias-guerrillas, separatist groups and 
anarchic groups involved) Hot Spots: Colombia (war against rebel groups), 
Mexico (war against narcotraffic groups) GRAND TOTAL: 


Number of countries - 64
Number Militias, guerrillas and separatist groups involved - 584

So much for yogic flying and the non-existent Marshy Effect.
 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 10:47 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 50,000 new Flyers now
   On the other hand, we're all still here and some obliterating nuclear war 
hasn't occurred yet so maybe that does qualify as world peace after all.


 Yes, it actually does - Especially, despite the HUGE INCREASE in weaponry, 
since World War II, most of the world is free of war, and has been, since. 
Civilian casualties during war are dropping too. Kind of a miracle, I think. 
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 there are examples in physics when one particle instantaneously affects 
another at a great distance. I don't recall the name of this effect, whether it 
is the Bose Einstein Condensation, or something else, but we have examples in 
physics, that are roughly analogous to the ME.

 I know I have heard of amazing things like a monkey thousands of m

Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Michael, cover your eyes! 

 For God's sake, cover your eyes!!

---In,  wrote :

 Very interesting link - Shows that Barry was actively involved, in soliciting 
new cult members for Freddie. No wonder he keeps his mouth shut about that 
stuff, and only ever mentions Maharishi as a target, for "cult mentality".  

 This is part of a report Barry filled out, and submitted monthly, to "Doctor" 
Lenz. Other sections cover career, meditation, physical fitness, and product 
development progress, every aspect of life - no mind control here folks: 


With the understanding that your are entirely responsible for your
interactions with any individuals you choose to teach, Dr. Lenz and
ASI would like a monthly summary or your general attempts to local
appropriate students as well as a monthly update on whether you will
be bringing one or more of them to dinner the next month (starting in
January, note: Dinner reservations must be made in advance by calling
the reservation phone number).

Example: (These are not guidelines as to how you should locate or
deal with potential students of yours, it is merely an example.)

I created a poster for a lecture series I will be giving in the next 3
weeks.  i will give 3 lectures, one per week for 3 weeks at Taft
College on the subject of meditation and psychic development in the
1990s and how it can benefit you in your career.

I have found what I feel is an excellent first candidate and will be
bringing her to the next dinner. 

---In,  wrote :

 On 10/17/2014 2:36 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   From: salyavin808
 Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 9:18 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...
 mailto:jr_esq@... wrote :
 > I was thinking that there's a similarity to the Maharishi Effect in what 
 > Pastor Graham is recommending.


 “The man who prays is the one who thinks that god has arranged matters all 
wrong, but who also thinks that he can instruct god how to put them right.” 
 Christopher Hitchens.

 The Hindu God Rama Lenz:

 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Yeah, maybe if they pray enough they'll start hopping.  :-D 
 On 10/16/2014 06:32 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
   As Sodom and Gomorrah.  But he has a solution.






Re: [FairfieldLife] Has the New Age arrived?

2014-10-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 from sal:
 ...not such a cheery post for a friday!

 from richard

  Has anything good ever happened to you?  and, finally, from ray:
 my thought exactly. does sal realize he comes off rather glum? 
 Have you ever considered seeing a cult exit counselor? You might even require 
medication for your depression. Do you get invited out to any social gatherings 
with other people? You seem kind of lonely. Go figure.
 You may have come to the wrong place to get help - you don't seem to respond 
to friendly conversation. I wonder what's up with that? Most people feel better 
when they have someone to talk to, but in your case you seem to just want to 
bring us all down.
 Apparently you and Barry missed out on the Age of Enlightenment part - and the 
Renaissance too. All those years seeking, wasted. Bitter. Disappointed. Sad. 

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 12:48 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Has the New Age arrived?
   Anthropocene: is this the new epoch of humans?  A disparate group of experts 
from around the world will meet for the first time on Thursday for talks on 
what must rank as one of the most momentous decisions in human history.*
 The question confronting the scientists and other specialists is 
straightforward enough, even if the solution is far from simple. Is it time to 
call an end to the epoch we live in and declare the dawn of a new time period: 
one defined by humanity’s imprint on the planet?
 Anthropocene: is this the new epoch of humans?
 Anthropocene: is this the new epoch of humans? Geologists, climate scientists, 
ecologists – and a lawyer – to rule on whether impact of human life on Earth 
has pushed us into a new epoch

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 * Engaging hyperbole?



Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 This is your blind spot Barry.  Your attacks are often judgemental, personal 

 Most of us are well aware of the faults of the TMO.  Your objection seems to 
be that our take away is different from your take away.

 You, as much as any person here are responsible for the divisive interactions.

 And Michael, is a "all in" person.

 You are either "all in" with his negative assertions about the TMO, and MMY, 
or you are cultist.

 If you get some time, give it some thought.

 You guys IDENTIFY WITH your time with Maharishi, and with being part of his 
group, or of being a teacher for him. A great deal of your own personal 
"spiritual story" revolves around this identification. So when someone such as 
myself or Michael makes fun of Maharishi or says what we really think about his 
teachings, you get all defensive. By "attacking" him, you feel as if we are 
"attacking" you, and you get your buttons pushed. 





 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 3:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...
   Very interesting link - Shows that Barry was actively involved, in 
soliciting new cult members for Freddie. No wonder he keeps his mouth shut 
about that stuff, and only ever mentions Maharishi as a target, for "cult 

 This is part of a report Barry filled out, and submitted monthly, to "Doctor" 
Lenz. Other sections cover career, meditation, physical fitness, and product 
development progress, every aspect of life - no mind control here folks: 


With the understanding that your are entirely responsible for your
interactions with any individuals you choose to teach, Dr. Lenz and
ASI would like a monthly summary or your general attempts to local
appropriate students as well as a monthly update on whether you will
be bringing one or more of them to dinner the next month (starting in
January, note: Dinner reservations must be made in advance by calling
the reservation phone number).

Example: (These are not guidelines as to how you should locate or
deal with potential students of yours, it is merely an example.)

I created a poster for a lecture series I will be giving in the next 3
weeks.  i will give 3 lectures, one per week for 3 weeks at Taft
College on the subject of meditation and psychic development in the
1990s and how it can benefit you in your career.

I have found what I feel is an excellent first candidate and will be
bringing her to the next dinner. 

---In,  wrote :

 On 10/17/2014 2:36 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   From: salyavin808
 Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 9:18 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...
 mailto:jr_esq@... wrote :
 > I was thinking that there's a similarity to the Maharishi Effect in what 
 > Pastor Graham is recommending.


 “The man who prays is the one who thinks that god has arranged matters all 
wrong, but who also thinks that he can instruct god how to put them right.” 
 Christopher Hitchens.

 The Hindu God Rama Lenz:

 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Yeah, maybe if they pray enough they'll start hopping.  :-D 
 On 10/16/2014 06:32 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
   As Sodom and Gomorrah.  But he has a solution.








Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-18 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Jesus, Barry, when did you set the bar so low for yourself? 

 Is it really necessary to distort what someone says, just so you can attack 
the distortion.

 That also applies to your BFF, although, not so much.

---In,  wrote :

 Doncha love how people who believe in an invisible magic man in the sky like 
to portray those who don't as if *they* are the crazy ones.  Sometimes the 
sheer feeble-mindedness of believers astounds me. Or, as someone once said so 

 "Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd."
-- Voltaire


 I don't know about you, Salyavin, but it's difficult for me to imagine someone 
whose mind is so weak and whose fear of the unknown is so profound that they 
would exchange a belief in that which can never be proved to exist 
( doesn't) for the far more interesting and fulfilling sense 
of MYSTERY that is their birthright.  


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2014 8:58 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...
 ---In,  wrote :


 These are good quotes which adequately sum up the attitudes of atheists.

 LOL, adequately sums them up if you want your own narrow viewpoint bolstered 
you mean.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Because contact with rationality seems to bother believers so much...

2014-10-18 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Your favorite because you feel it let's you point out the stupidity of people 

 People you have categorized in your mind by their specific beliefs?

 To me, that says a lot, and is not just a little strange.

---In,  wrote :



 My favorite, because it appears to be a real graphic

 from believers trying to show how stupid atheists are...
sounds just like jr_esq or Buck, doesn't it?



[FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-18 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Good for you Barry, good for you. 

 (but talk about some weird ass, self medication)

---In,  wrote :











Re: [FairfieldLife] Because contact with rationality seems to bother believers so much...

2014-10-18 Thread [FairfieldLife]
No Barry, it shows your willingness to jump on any absurd comment, if it 
provides you an opportunity to dump.  

---In,  wrote :

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 My favorite, because it appears to be a real graphic
from believers trying to show how stupid atheists are...
sounds just like jr_esq or Buck, doesn't it?



I found out this last one is an intentional parody as part of an infamous 
Internet meme, "Checkmate, Atheists!" It's really a fascinating story:

 Checkmate, Atheists
 Checkmate, Atheists 
“Checkmate, Atheists” is an expression used in jest after making an 
intentionally illogical religious argument.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


[FairfieldLife] Re: Take Me For A Ride; A look inside Lenz's cult, and Barry's mind

2014-10-18 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Look, every body gets the "pushing of buttons".  We all get ours pushed 
sometimes, and we all do some pushing ourselves. 

 But, from what you've found below, it does it appear that Barry has elevated 
this "pushing of buttons" to, well, some kind of religion.

 And as in most religions, some things get distorted.

 Helps to explain things, I think. (-:

---In,  wrote :

 If you want to know how Barry thinks, and how he got so screwed up, there is a 
free ebook, from someone who was very close to Freddie. The name of the book 
is: TAKE ME FOR A RIDE Coming Of Age In A Destructive Cult, by Mark E. Laxer. 
Available on the link that Richard posted. 

 Here are some quotes from the book. When I read them, they sounded strangely 
familiar. Note: Freddie used to call himself, "Atmananada" (Soul of Love), 
before he decided he was the final incarnation of Vishnu. The guy sounds VERY 

 Atmananda exposed his Big Nurse nature in other ways.  He claimed,
 for instance, that he had to "press all the right buttons"
 to help people overcome their resistance to the Light and to him….
 He taught me to fear what would happen if I left the Centre.
 "You know too much to leave.  It's a greedy, materialistic world
 out there.  Your soul would be miserable.  Besides, the Forces would
 flatten you like a bug.  You would lose thousands of lifetimes
 of evolution."
 He taught me to fear, not just the Forces but people, particularly old
 friends and family.  "It's best if you don't tell them what we do here.
 Believe me, they won't understand.  They'll end up blocking your
 progress and sapping your power.“…


 "Atmananda," I suddenly announced.  "I *saw* the Warriors."
 Others in the circle soon *saw* them too.
 Atmananda held desert trips once or twice a month and, by mid-1983,
 followers *saw* him walking above the ground on a "cushion of light,"
 flying to distant mountains, sending columns of light into the sky,
 and causing constellations to gyrate and disappear.
 On one starlit night, Atmananda raised his hands above his head.
 As he slowly lowered them, he made a low, whistling sound like
 the wind.
 "What did you *see*?" he asked afterward.
 "I didn't *see* anything," one new follower bemoaned.
 "Advanced psychic vision is necessary to perceive what I am doing…

 "Are you Rama?" someone asked.
 "Yes," he replied.  "I am Rama, the last incarnation of Vishnu.
 You people think that I am a person, but I am not.  Over the years
 I watched my various selves fade away.  I fought the process tooth
 and nail--like each of you are doing now.  But it was in vain.
 I could not stop the process of dissolution.  I had to admit that I
 was no longer a person.  This morning I suddenly knew who I was.
 I have been cycling...I am beginning to remember...Eternity
 has named me Rama...Rama most clearly reflects my strand
 of luminosity...We're at the end of a cycle...At this time,
 Vishnu takes incarnation as a person...Vishnu is that aspect of God
 that preserves and protects life...Rama...the last incarnation
 of Vishnu..."

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 On 10/17/2014 9:16 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 But to bring this whole diversion (for that is what it is) back into the 
present, I really wish that Richard, Jim, and a few others would leave off this 
try-to-get-to-me-by-bringing-up-Rama shit. It's old, and it's based on your 
*own* cult thinking and how *your* minds work, not how mine works. >
 You need to get a grip, Barry - you just posted about "Rama shit" a few months 
 "I've seen someone levitate. Many times. In many settings, from the Los 
 Convention Center to the Anza-Borrego Desert to a Denny's restaurant in the 
 hours of the night." - TurquoiseB 
 Subject: TM is a Cult?
 Author: TurquoiseB
 Group: Yahoo Fairfieldife
 Date: Friday, 23 May 2014
 Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM is a Cult?
 Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM is a Cult? 
From: salyavin808  Advertising ---In,  wrote :Salya,I think ...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Richard, you've done it again!




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-18 Thread [FairfieldLife]
How do you even stand to interact, even a little, with such uninformed, biased 
people here, salyavin? 

 Isn't there some Mensa group you can associate with?

 I guess you just like slumming it here.  Or maybe it just gets boring up in 
the tower.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Doncha love how people who believe in an invisible magic man in the sky like 
to portray those who don't as if *they* are the crazy ones.  Sometimes the 
sheer feeble-mindedness of believers astounds me. Or, as someone once said so 

 "Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd."
-- Voltaire


 I don't know about you, Salyavin, but it's difficult for me to imagine someone 
whose mind is so weak and whose fear of the unknown is so profound that they 
would exchange a belief in that which can never be proved to exist 
( doesn't) for the far more interesting and fulfilling sense 
of MYSTERY that is their birthright.  


 I'm just enjoying the responses it gets whenever you say anything contrary to 
the POV of the believer. Some of the weird fantasies that are getting projected 
on us are actually fascinating. If I could be bothered to read all of it I 
might start trying to classify it so we can use it to make predictions about 
what sort of abuse to expect per rational argument. There's got to be a use for 

 Leo Festinger would have been well into this place!
 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2014 8:58 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...
 ---In,  wrote :


 These are good quotes which adequately sum up the attitudes of atheists.

 LOL, adequately sums them up if you want your own narrow viewpoint bolstered 
you mean.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Take Me For A Ride; A look inside Lenz's cult, and Barry's mind

2014-10-18 Thread [FairfieldLife]
yes, the Barster was holding back on us. 

 Claims to have left the Rama mindset, but was secretly promoting the "pushing 
of buttons" agenda.

 Aw, Barry, tsk, tsk tsk.  You knew that truth was going to leak out.

 But, Barry has become more like a door bell button pusher.   Like maybe some 
of us were, as children.

 Push the door bell, then go and hide behind the bushes.

 Provides a momentary thrill, but not much else.

 Time to grow up!!

---In,  wrote :

 Yes, take a look at the book - It explains Barry's thinking quite well. A good 
read, sorry I didn't see it sooner.  Freddie said he was the perfect mirror, 
and if you perceived something negative in him, you were really seeing it in 
yourself. Sounds so much like Bawee. Explains all the "golden light" and 
"levitation" crap, too.

---In,  wrote :

 Look, every body gets the "pushing of buttons".  We all get ours pushed 
sometimes, and we all do some pushing ourselves. 

 But, from what you've found below, it does it appear that Barry has elevated 
this "pushing of buttons" to, well, some kind of religion.

 And as in most religions, some things get distorted.

 Helps to explain things, I think. (-:

---In,  wrote :

 If you want to know how Barry thinks, and how he got so screwed up, there is a 
free ebook, from someone who was very close to Freddie. The name of the book 
is: TAKE ME FOR A RIDE Coming Of Age In A Destructive Cult, by Mark E. Laxer. 
Available on the link that Richard posted. 

 Here are some quotes from the book. When I read them, they sounded strangely 
familiar. Note: Freddie used to call himself, "Atmananada" (Soul of Love), 
before he decided he was the final incarnation of Vishnu. The guy sounds VERY 

 Atmananda exposed his Big Nurse nature in other ways.  He claimed,
 for instance, that he had to "press all the right buttons"
 to help people overcome their resistance to the Light and to him….
 He taught me to fear what would happen if I left the Centre.
 "You know too much to leave.  It's a greedy, materialistic world
 out there.  Your soul would be miserable.  Besides, the Forces would
 flatten you like a bug.  You would lose thousands of lifetimes
 of evolution."
 He taught me to fear, not just the Forces but people, particularly old
 friends and family.  "It's best if you don't tell them what we do here.
 Believe me, they won't understand.  They'll end up blocking your
 progress and sapping your power.“…


 "Atmananda," I suddenly announced.  "I *saw* the Warriors."
 Others in the circle soon *saw* them too.
 Atmananda held desert trips once or twice a month and, by mid-1983,
 followers *saw* him walking above the ground on a "cushion of light,"
 flying to distant mountains, sending columns of light into the sky,
 and causing constellations to gyrate and disappear.
 On one starlit night, Atmananda raised his hands above his head.
 As he slowly lowered them, he made a low, whistling sound like
 the wind.
 "What did you *see*?" he asked afterward.
 "I didn't *see* anything," one new follower bemoaned.
 "Advanced psychic vision is necessary to perceive what I am doing…

 "Are you Rama?" someone asked.
 "Yes," he replied.  "I am Rama, the last incarnation of Vishnu.
 You people think that I am a person, but I am not.  Over the years
 I watched my various selves fade away.  I fought the process tooth
 and nail--like each of you are doing now.  But it was in vain.
 I could not stop the process of dissolution.  I had to admit that I
 was no longer a person.  This morning I suddenly knew who I was.
 I have been cycling...I am beginning to remember...Eternity
 has named me Rama...Rama most clearly reflects my strand
 of luminosity...We're at the end of a cycle...At this time,
 Vishnu takes incarnation as a person...Vishnu is that aspect of God
 that preserves and protects life...Rama...the last incarnation
 of Vishnu..."

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 On 10/17/2014 9:16 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 But to bring this whole diversion (for that is what it is) back into the 
present, I really wish that Richard, Jim, and a few others would leave off this 
try-to-get-to-me-by-bringing-up-Rama shit. It's old, and it's based on your 
*own* cult thinking and how *your* minds work, not how mine works. >
 You need to get a grip, Barry - you just posted about "Rama shit" a few months 
 "I've seen someone levitate. Many times. In many settings, from the Los 
 Convention Center to the Anza-Borrego Desert to a Denny's restaurant in the 
 hours of the night." - TurquoiseB 
 Subject: TM is a Cult?
 Author: TurquoiseB

[FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-18 Thread [FairfieldLife]
As it is with most of us Ann.  Even when there is a scientific explanation 
behind it. 

 And there is a sliding scale among everyone here of the belief in God. 

 Barry, of course believes in most of the tenants of theism, but just doesn't 
use the word "God"

 He prefers the word "Intelligence" so he can get a card that states, "I am a 

 He treasures that card, because it goes along with his self proclaimed label 
as, "rebel".

 But scratch beneath the surface, and he'd have some explaining to do.

 But don't expect him to be pressed by anyone in his clique.

 Oh, gawd, no.

---In,  wrote :

 Everything is a mystery. What people think and why they think it is 
mysterious. How I can put one foot in front of the other is a mystery, even if 
someone thinks they can explain the mechanics of it there remain at least 50 
mysteries within that act alone. The biggest mystery being what is motivating 
the desire to put one foot in front of the other. My life is nothing but 
mystery, I have enough mystery to keep me busy for 1000 lifetimes so don't 
start claiming that those who have opinions about something lack the capacity 
to embrace mystery because to do so is to fall into the very trap you are 
claiming others are already floundering in. I mean, you're the guy who requires 
the rigid scientific methods to strip down every mystery. You're the one who 
can't seem to abide something if it isn't clearly documented and disassembled 
right down to the boring nitty gritty. So don't talk to me about "mystery".



[FairfieldLife] Re: Because contact with rationality seems to bother believers so much...

2014-10-18 Thread [FairfieldLife]
yes, some are quite humorous.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :









 My favorite, because it appears to be a real graphic
from believers trying to show how stupid atheists are...
sounds just like jr_esq or Buck, doesn't it?




 Oh dear, now we're into the dueling quotes portion of our "discussion". 
They're a dime a dozen and some are wonderful and clever and funny and cutting 
from both sides of the debate. bawee seems to have wanted to flood his post 
with the things.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Because contact with rationality seems to bother believers so much...

2014-10-18 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, obviously it was nonsense.  There was not figuring it out. 

 But Barry jumped on, for all the usual reasons, and then had to backtrack.

 As I recall, (reading fast as I do), he didn't issue a retraction, just came 
at it differently to issue a new put down of some sort.

 Maybe I have that wrong. 


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Your favorite because you feel it let's you point out the stupidity of people 

 People you have categorized in your mind by their specific beliefs?

 To me, that says a lot, and is not just a little strange.

 You're smarter than me 'cause I don't even get it. What is that little rainbow 
colored poster saying other than whoever wrote it was drunk or English was 
their second language? 
---In,  wrote :



 My favorite, because it appears to be a real graphic

 from believers trying to show how stupid atheists are...
sounds just like jr_esq or Buck, doesn't it?



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-18 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I guess now we are just waiting for the fat lady singing comment.  for Barry 
that is to tout, how many replies he's gotten to his post.  I think that's sort 
of his payoff, I guess.   


---In,  wrote :

 On 10/18/2014 6:45 AM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Jesus, Barry, when did you set the bar so low for yourself?

 Sometimes people get confused when they get old and they sometimes lash out at 
imagined enemies, Steve. The sad thing is that we have a real enemy on the war 
path in Iraq, but Barry thinks you are his enemy. It may be that he is just 
scared and afraid and feels vulnerable - unable to control his own thoughts or 
his environment. 
 That's when the cognitive dissonance sets in. Cognitive dissonance is the 
mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more 
contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time. For example, a belief 
in karma and at the same time, a denial of causation. It just doesn't make any 
 Barry seems to want to be spiritual and he's been a seeker for most of his 
adult life, but obviously he hasn't found all the answers. That must be really 
frustrating - now he is seeking confirmation of some kind - or an appeal for 
 Is it really necessary to distort what someone says, just so you can attack 
the distortion.
 That also applies to your BFF, although, not so much.
 mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 Doncha love how people who believe in an invisible magic man in the sky like 
to portray those who don't as if *they* are the crazy ones.  Sometimes the 
sheer feeble-mindedness of believers astounds me. Or, as someone once said so 
 "Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd."
 -- Voltaire
 I don't know about you, Salyavin, but it's difficult for me to imagine someone 
whose mind is so weak and whose fear of the unknown is so profound that they 
would exchange a belief in that which can never be proved to exist 
( doesn't) for the far more interesting and fulfilling sense 
of MYSTERY that is their birthright.  


 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2014 8:58 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...
 mailto:jr_esq@... wrote :

 These are good quotes which adequately sum up the attitudes of atheists.

 LOL, adequately sums them up if you want your own narrow viewpoint bolstered 
you mean.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Take Me For A Ride; A look inside Lenz's cult, and Barry's mind

2014-10-18 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I think what we're seeing Michael, is that some of the tendencies Barry has, 
such as a 35 year habit of "pushing people's buttons" in the name of "cult 
research" and enabling people to "understand themselves better" are just 
tendencies he picked up from his time with "that Rama guy" 

 It just helps to understand the mindset a little better.

 I wouldn't expect this to make sense to you, since you have your own issues 
along these lines, but I'll throw it out anyway.

---In,  wrote :

 It is amazing what mind-numbed zombies you people are about this - Barry has 
been very upfront with his assessment of Lenz, and has said point blank that in 
some ways Rama was a con artist - yet you all seem to ignore that and use 
Rama's enormities to paint Barry as a pitiful person and a stupid one too. The 
same could be said of those who continue to praise a fake guru like Marshy. 
Case closed.


 From: nablusoss1008 
 Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2014 1:55 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Take Me For A Ride; A look inside Lenz's 
cult, and Barry's mind

 It's interesting to note that according to the Master of Benjamin Creme, Lenz 
had a point of evolution of 1,7 when he comitted suicide with a dog collar 
around his neck.
 According to that system enlightenment begins with 3,0, so the guru of the 
Turq wasn't even close.

---In,  wrote :


 I finished the book, which was quite a page turner - Lenz was really into 
mind-fucking people, kind of a spiritual criminal. I stumbled around, as 
clueless as the next person, when I was young, but I could *always* smell a 
phony, and Lenz, from what I have seen of him, never would have passed my smell 
test. Insecure and sleazy is a bad combination. I hope Barry opens his eyes, to 
the cage this asshole put him in. And soon. 
 ---In,  wrote :

 On 10/18/2014 8:29 AM, fleetwood_macncheese@... 
mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Yes, take a look at the book - It explains Barry's thinking quite well. A 
good read, sorry I didn't see it sooner. 

 The "Zen Master Rama" took Barry for a long ride and charged him big bucks 
just to be in his company. The entire Barry guru scam is laid out in this book 
by a former cult member who managed to escape the cult with his mind still 
somewhat intact. The question is, why didn't Barry provide this information to 
us years ago?
 Some cult members never get out of the cult mindset. They go into a kind of 
reverse-cult mentality - imagining that everyone else - is in a cult, all 
seeking to destroy him. It's a form of paranoia that sometimes sets in when a 
cult member gets deprogrammed. No wonder Barry is so angry and strident - he's 
been turned.
 When that happens, the former cult member imagines his old friends are in a 
cult and tries to get them to join his new cult, which is the anti-cult cult, 
and to follow his new leaders. Instead of being really deprogrammed, it just 
sets up a new cult mindset. This has been noted by sociologists who study cults 
and cult awareness networks (CAN).
 Freddie said he was the perfect mirror, and if you perceived something 
negative in him, you were really seeing it in yourself. Sounds so much like 
Bawee. Explains all the "golden light" and "levitation" crap, too.

 Obviously Barry let himself get brain-washed and put into a trance-induction 
state by the leader of the cult - Fred Lenz. Nobody in their right mind is 
going to pay $10,000 just to attend a few levitation demonstrations. You'd have 
to be in almost total cognitive dissonance after being exposed to that level of 
fraud and deception over a decade. 
 mailto:steve.sundur@... wrote :
 Look, every body gets the "pushing of buttons".  We all get ours pushed 
sometimes, and we all do some pushing ourselves. 
 But, from what you've found below, it does it appear that Barry has elevated 
this "pushing of buttons" to, well, some kind of religion.
 And as in most religions, some things get distorted.
 Helps to explain things, I think. (-:
 mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :
 If you want to know how Barry thinks, and how he got so screwed up, there is a 
free ebook, from someone who was very close to Freddie. The name of the book 
is: TAKE ME FOR A RIDE Coming Of Age In A Destructive Cult, by Mark E. Laxer. 
Available on the link that Richard posted. 
 Here are some quotes from the book. When I read them, they sounded strangely 
familiar. Note: Freddie used to call himself, "Atmananada" (Soul of Love), 
before he decided he was the final incarnation of Vishnu. The guy sounds VERY 

 Atmananda exposed his Big Nurse nature in other ways.  He claimed,
 for instance, that he had

Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-18 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Curtis, if I have a prayer, and I may silently say this on occasion, "Thy will 
be done" 

 If it is a prayer, there is no judgement implied in it. There is no thinking 
that there is a better or worse way things should operate.

 It is a simple, a simple..prayer, and I think many people carry an 
intention like this.

 So, if someone asserts prayer to be one of "putting something right", in the 
way "I think it should be", well, that strikes me as an overly broad and 
arrogant statement.

 What do you think?

 Maybe I am not unpacking that statement correctly.

---In,  wrote :

 Predictably, this conversation interested me Steve...

---In,  wrote :

 S: Is this really the broad statement on which an atheist makes his case.?

M: I don't know why you would think that. The paradox of prayer he is pointing 
out is as relevant to believers as much as non believers and is a topic of much 
theological discussion within religions. 

As I understand it, he makes the case for a lack of belief in God elsewhere 
because of a lack of compelling evidence supporting the belief in any of its 
various forms. 


 S: In which case, it really is a shame to see the arrogant and skewed attitude 
held by an atheist.

M: I don't see where the label arrogant applies. For me it is a much more 
humble position to say that he does not know the mind of God (or even that he 
exists at all.) than those who believe that they do. Is is arrogant for you to 
not join the believers in David Koresh's divinity? But lets get to the point he 
actually is making which is not a statement of atheism, but of paradox within 
the beliefs about how prayer works.
 CH:“The man who prays is the one who thinks that god has arranged matters all 

M: Is it that "all is well and wisely put by God. Or did he get it wrong about 
the baby who has cancer? Why does the baby have cancer in the first place God? 
( I know Hindus think they have an answer: blame the baby, but when you are 
praying you are saying to God, "excuse me I think you got this karmic 
calculation wrong."

 CH: but who also thinks that he can instruct god how to put them right.” 

M: So what are the supporting beliefs about how the world works that support 
the action of prayer? I will try to hit Christian and Hindu versions.

For Christians there is a hidden premise that God is somehow unaware of the 
baby in the hospital, which contradicts the omniscience part of his definition, 
or that he is somehow not able to make if right for the little tyke on his own 
due to a limitation of his power (phrased as free will for man but this falls 
apart for the baby) which contradicts his omnipotence definition. 

Or he may not give a shit about the baby which defies the morally good part of 
what most people consider as important to the God idea.

So what does it mean when a whole planeload of people are falling out of the 
sky in an airline accident and presumably praying their seat-belted asses off ? 
Why do they need to? Is God so clueless to miss the problem like superman 
sitting in a dark bar in the afternoon throwing back scotches and trading 
banter with the bartender? What is prayer actually doing?
1. Bugging God like a nagging spouse. "Let's get everyone praying so he must 
hear us." As if prayer is like a football cheer made more potent by numbers. 
2. Cluing his amoral ass to the problem with people falling out of the sky or a 
baby dying?
3. Reminding him to pay attention because he gets distracted watching dinosaurs 
banging each other on the 250 million years ago heavenly animal planet channel? 
(In his defense, dinosaur porn IS mega hot. Don't get me started with what 
Triceratops can accomplish with those 3 horns...)
4. Giving an insecure God a pep talk that he can do it? Do we have to praise 
him up and down like a toddler and kiss his ass to get him to do something 
about it? Is that the problem, a lack of us demonstrating our toadying, 
groveling, subservience? Why does he need that? (The Bible is full of formula 
prayers that assume this very thing.)

What exactly is the belief in prayer based on? And why is God always let off 
the hook when the plane hits the ground? If he can ignore any prayer, why do we 
need them in the first place?

Now the Hindus basically have a mafioso payoff system in place. It is your 
karma but you can pay off minor deities who will talk to the big man on your 
behalf. And that requires multiple ass kisses. I was amazed at ceremonies with 
Maharishi and the pundits rattle off phases with no feeling, just hitting 
numbers prescribed by the scriptures. Ketu namaha, katu namaha, ketu namaha 
hundreds of times. It comes from a sacrifice culture that would offer animals 
just like the people who we dare not speak of in the Old Testament.  Later 
Christians who went all the way with a human sacrifice of  the "lamb kabob of 
God, Jesus himself because God created a wo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-18 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Curtis, if I have a prayer, and I may silently say this on occasion, "Thy will 
be done"

M: Could it be otherwise if there is a God? What would be its purpose, like 
saying "water please be wet." He is God, why the nudge?

 Well, that is quite a bit different than the prayer he described isn't it.  
"Thy will be done", differs considerably form, "Hey God, we need to do A,B, or 

 S: If it is a prayer, there is no judgement implied in it. There is no 
thinking that there is a better or worse way things should operate.

M: The family around the baby would disagree. But if you take away its use in 
those places where it really does matter, what would you pray about or for?


 Curtis, I am not debating the merits of prayer, whether it works or not.  What 
I am saying is that he made a generalization about how people pray, and I am 
saying the generalization misses the mark in many cases.  Or at least some 

  "Thy will be done" says I accept the outcome of a situation.  It places the 
burden on the person making the prayer.  In other words, I'm down with whatever 
happens, good or bad.

 S: It is a simple, a simple..prayer, and I think many people carry 
an intention like this.


 So, if someone asserts prayer to be one of "putting something right", in the 
way "I think it should be", well, that strikes me as an overly broad and 
arrogant statement.

M: I honestly think arrogance is not in play at either end of the spectrum 
here. It is not arrogance that leads a family to beg God to spare their baby, 
it is desperation. And I don't begrudge them any internal relief they can 
muster. But abstracted from the human scene, we do have a paradox. Why would we 
have to remind God to be God? What are we doing? I think we are making 
ourselves feel better about the random shitty stuff that happens by labeling it 
as the will of God. I think it is a cushion for some people. Again, I don't 
begrudge them that, I just don't roll that way myself.

 What I am saying is that not everyone prays for a specific outcome.  And the 
fact that one is willing to accept the outcome of a situation, does not, in my 
opinion negate the existence of God, or make God a moot point. Like, "Hey, no 
need to bring God into the equation if there is to be no benefit"  Rather it 
says, I've got to take the long view. I have to live to see another day.  I 
think it has, or at least, can have, the effect of making a person more capable 
of dealing with the inevitable tests one is faced with.

M: But to say that supplication prayers are not one of its most popular uses 
would not be accurate I believe. Stand next to the intersession candles in a 
Catholic church sometime. They want specific shit. I believe that the "thy will 
be done even if it means the baby gets it" is in the minority. I could be 
wrong, except on a falling airplane. I would put money on that! Prayer vigils 
are always focused on an outcome aren't they. Let's all pray for his safe 
return from Afghanistan, her recovery from whatever..


 Well, I agree wholeheartedly.  I would guess that 90% of prayers are for 
something.  Absolutely.  What I am saying, is that I read his comment, and I 
had a different take on it.  That's all.

 Personally, I feel blessed.  So, for me the idea of asking for something seems 
selfish.  Plus, I'd like to think that I have the most control over my own 

 S: What do you think?

 Maybe I am not unpacking that statement correctly.

M: Or maybe I have it all wrong, I just appreciate the dialogue and chance to 
articulate where we are at about something fraught with contradictions and 
challenges to our beliefs on both sides.

 Curtis, you probably don't realize how enjoyable it is to have you 
participating in any discussion here.  

---In,  wrote :

 Predictably, this conversation interested me Steve...

---In,  wrote :

 S: Is this really the broad statement on which an atheist makes his case.?

M: I don't know why you would think that. The paradox of prayer he is pointing 
out is as relevant to believers as much as non believers and is a topic of much 
theological discussion within religions. 

As I understand it, he makes the case for a lack of belief in God elsewhere 
because of a lack of compelling evidence supporting the belief in any of its 
various forms. 


 S: In which case, it really is a shame to see the arrogant and skewed attitude 
held by an atheist.

M: I don't see where the label arrogant applies. For me it is a much more 
humble position to say that he does not know the mind of God (or even that he 
exists at all.) than those who believe that they do. Is is arrogant for you to 
not join the believers in David Koresh's divinity? But lets get to the point he 
actually is making which is not a statement of atheism, b

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-18 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Barry, you do realize that by your own admission you have been "getting stuck 
on the idiot part" for going on 35 years. 

 Do you mind telling me what that means, cuz it has me bewildered?

---In,  wrote :

 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2014 12:58 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...
   Atheists do not have to define what they do not believe in. They take the 
definitions from the believers and find them wanting. Yours included, to the 
degree that you have spelled out what it is. 

As usual, Curtis, I am in awe of your ability to interface with idiots as if 
they were actually worth the time. I keep getting stuck on the "idiot" part. To 
me, if a person believes in astrology, God, and the Maharishi Effect, that's 
kinda like the Trifecta of Idiocy. You can't actually become much more of a 
loser than that. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-18 Thread [FairfieldLife]
That sounds like personal growth.  You may arrive at a different pov, than 
someone else, but there's something to be said for a civil exchange of ideas, 
even if it gets rather pointed at times. 

---In,  wrote :
 M: Well to be fair, there is nothing I have read hear (Nabbie included) that I 
didn't wholeheartedly embrace at one time in my life. I don't think of my past 
self as being an idiot, just a practicer of fallacious reasoning. I was just 
wrong about almost everything I believed. Simply and earnestly wrong.

Kinda humbling really.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-18 Thread [FairfieldLife]
did Barry just get hoisted on his own petard?  I think he did. 

 (I think a long cry would do him a world of good)

---In,  wrote :

 Sure you can, Barry. ;-)
---In,  wrote :

 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2014 12:58 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...
   Atheists do not have to define what they do not believe in. They take the 
definitions from the believers and find them wanting. Yours included, to the 
degree that you have spelled out what it is. 

As usual, Curtis, I am in awe of your ability to interface with idiots as if 
they were actually worth the time. I keep getting stuck on the "idiot" part. To 
me, if a person believes in astrology, God, and the Maharishi Effect, that's 
kinda like the Trifecta of Idiocy. You can't actually become much more of a 
loser than that. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-18 Thread [FairfieldLife]
In a galaxy far, far, away. 
 ---In,  wrote :

 Here is what I would prefer someone does: Believe what you want but don't 
attack me if it is different from what you believe or put words in my mouth or 
make up stuff in order to be able to attack what I actually never said.






Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-18 Thread [FairfieldLife]
sleep it off is right, Ann.  sorta obvious, I think. 

 you would think, that the guy who spent months with a front row seat at the 
most exclusive brothel in the world, without once going upstairs, would be 
better at reining in his emotions with whatever is bugging him right now.  (-:

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2014 11:13 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness
   ---In,  wrote :

 Have you ever thought that atheism is also a belief-- and an unreasonable one 
at that? 

M: Couldn't help overhearing...
Atheism is not a belief because it is not a positive assertion that there is no 
God. It is the assertion that there is no compelling evidence to support the 

And John is such a feeble-minded idiot that he doesn't get this distinction. 

We don't need to have a belief that there are no unicorns. Maybe there are. We 
just don't have any evidence to support our belief in one. (Probably people 
made the story up, they tend to enjoy that being such creative creatures.)

We are certainly able to say that no one can claim there are unicorns without 
showing us evidence of them. Yet idiots like John try this all the time with 
their belief in a "god."

Jr:  The Kalam Cosmological Argument should dispel any of your doubts.

M: It does not for two reasons that come to mind. Here is a formulation (feel 
free to substitute your own if this is not the right one in your eyes..)
 Everything that begins to exist has a cause; Unwarranted assumption. 


 Exactly, but he won't be able to understand this. 

 We don't know if this is true at the scales of time and space involved in 
creation. It is a typical imposition of our limited view of the sensory world 
to scales that are completely unplugged from our ability to intuit about it. It 
is unnecessary and merely contrived as if to say : There must be a God so there 
must be a God. Logic is not a proof. It can preserve truth through proper 
syllogistic form, but it is only as good as the assumptions which must be 
proven another way. This is not a good start.   


 2. The universe began to exist

 M: There are a lot a problems with this assumptions since it imposes 
sequential time assumptions on an event which by nature is beyond time and 
space. This is the realm of "you probably don't really understand it" physics. 
(Me either, the subject requires math way beyond my pay grade.)

 The words "Prove it" spring to mind. Yet another unwarranted assumption from 
the god-idiot. 




 3The universe has a cause.

 Yeah, surprise surprise. This is no proof, it is an an assumption disguised as 
something logical as if that makes it less assumptive-y. It doesn't.

 Exactly. John is *demonstrating* the "Checkmate, Atheists!" mentality I 
mentioned earlier -- declaring a bunch of assumptions as true and then defying 
anyone to disprove them. Sorry, but that's not how it works. If you claim that 
there are unicorns, produce unicorns. If you claim that there are gods, produce 
gods. If you can't, shut the fuck up. 


 Oh God bawee, really? Have you really no more finesse than this? No more brain 
power, no ability to play and explore? You come in like some stumble bum 
knocking into the tables holding confectionary and glasses of champagne. Get 
outside and sleep it off, if that's what ails you. If not, then God help you. 
(Is this a prayer that doubts God's ability to have it all in hand?)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Maybe just stick with movie and tv reviews Barry.  I think you'll be happier. 

 That may cut down on the 25 to 30 posts per week you make just telling 
everyone how stupid they are.

 And how long have you been willing to put up with that "so little payoff"?

 Give that some thought, Barry, if you get few minutes.

---In,  wrote :
  That would be more compassionate, after all. It's just that there is so 
little PAYOFF in dealing with people who still believe these things. They just 
go round in circles and then come back to the very things they started with. 
Their thinking seems to be as non-rigorous as it is circular.  



[FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Barry's preferred definition of God appears to be an old man with a beard who 
resides above, and harshly judges people.  

 He likes this characterization because he feels it is easier to lampoon.

 And he's been a roll lately.

 A target rich environment of his own making.

 No, it doesn't make a lot of sense.


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :


 Your observation is excellent.  It appears that for some people here think 
that being called a "believer" is uncool and, a worst, an Ebola case.  As such, 
they avoid giving any logical evidence for their assertions in order to be 
undefined, ambiguous and definitely not known as a "believer".

 Who would have thought the B word has become pejorative?

 I know and it is very random. Because every single human being on this planet 
has hundreds if not thousands of beliefs that they act on every day of their 
lives. Beliefs are not something you can not change in an instant nor do they 
necessarily result in death, dismemberment or fatal disease. Often they are 
very private things that undergo constant revision in the mind of the believer 
or non believer. It is as easy to change one's mind (belief set) as it is to 
sneeze. It is not beliefs that are dangerous it is what someone does with the 
belief just as it is an exercise in futility to go around poo pooing other's 
beliefs in an effort to do - what? Change them? Mock them? Show the believer 
how superior you are in your alternate beliefs? Those who claim they don't 
believe in anything are like those who claim they don't need a solid surface to 
occasionally stand upright on.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Barry, you have picked up this rather annoying habit, I presume, from Michael, 
that every discussion must have an anti TM component to it, and preferably 
impugn MMY in some way. 

 You are unaware of this, obviously, because most of your posts are rote 
responses with a small, fill in the blank.

 "We are talking about fill in the blank, but the real issue is that you are a 
cult apologist". 

 "I want to comment about fill in blank, but you realize that MMY was a con 

 "I saw this fill in the blank the other day, and it reminded me of all the 
small minded people on FFL".

 This is pretty much the daily fare of Turquoise B.  (-:



---In,  wrote :

 Well said. I honestly think that a large part of the problem is that many of 
the players on the Believer side of this particular discussion have been 
indoctrinated by Maharishi not only with poor critical thinking skills, but 
with an actual false belief. 


 That is, they believe that their subjective experience constitutes objective 


 It doesn't, and never will. 

 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2014 4:19 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness
   You are both missing my point. I am not anti-belief. I have a million of 
them that I have chosen, and some that I just absorbed without good reasons.

 I am anti bad reasons supporting beliefs. 

Tomorrow I will be in a class of 5th graders using blues songs to demonstrate 
how you have to pay attention to the details in a song in order to determine 
the intended meaning of the songwriter. This is a critical thinking skill, not 
just in science, but in the arts. If a kid says, "I believe that the writer 
hates his father", I will say "show me the supporting evidence for that 
belief." It will not be OK for the child to say "It is my personal belief and 
you have no right to challenge it by questioning what I am basing it on." This 
is how good thinking works, we construct beliefs out of the best evidence we 
can find and don't just make shit up for no reason when it concerns the 
author's intention.

The distinction between a positive belief in God and not accepting the proposed 
evidence for God is not a comparison of equal beliefs. This distinction is so 
huge that our whole modern society and way of thinking emerged from the dark 
ages of superstition and unwarranted beliefs through this gap.

"You are a witch"
"No I am not"
"Prove that you are not a witch or we will burn you alive."

Little problem. You can't prove a negative. Because the burden of proof has 
been shifted from the person with the belief, who by good thinking skills 
should provide evidence for the claim, to the accused, who has no chance of 
doing so, we get human toast. Now today we can analyze the evidence and see 
right through it. Evidence given was often disobedience to their husbands, 
surprise surprise! Today we say they had shitty reasons for their belief. We 
judge them. Just like we judge ISIS's shitty reasons for the beliefs supporting 
the things they are doing.

Back to the God belief. People believe in his existence for reasons that are 
known and categorized by both the belief systems themselves and philosophers 
interested in human thought and the distinction between good and bad reasons to 
support a belief. I invite John to let us know the supporting reasons for his 
belief in God if he would like to continue the discussion. Jim has shown us  at 
least one of his reasons for his belief in God which falls philosophically in 
the area of mystical experience claims. We then can evaluate how convincing we 
find this claim. But I don't have to have a belief in the opposite to not judge 
his reasons as good ones. I can't know if there is a God or if Jim is 
experiencing a state of mind here this reality is as he claims, self evident. I 
just see no reason to buy the whole story,

So  I don't have a belief in no-God which is on a par with the positive belief 
in a God. I just don't accept the proposed reasons for the belief in him that I 
have come across to be convincing enough for me to adopt it. I would never 
undertake the fools errand of proving a negative, and am not interested in 
trying to support a belief in no-God. I would be just as happy if there was 
one, but I am not going to accept his existence on the basis of what I consider 
to be poor reasons. 

One more example. You go to the doctor with a bitch'n migraine headache and 
seek relief. You are assuming that he is going to hand you something that has 
some good reasons for the belief that it will help you. You know, clinical 
trials, curing mice headaches, the works.
Instead he hands you a bat's wing and says, "boil this into some tea. I read 
this in a book I found in a second hand book store on witches spells and I 
believe it will work" When you give him the stink face he says, "p

[FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God

2014-10-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Very nice piece Jim, and mirrors my own feelings on the subject. 

 There is no Crusader mentality here regarding the belief in God, or a higher 
power, as some here would like to imagine.

 Of course in the greater world, this is not the case, but we are having a 
discussion here, and it is nice to keep it honest.

---In,  wrote :

 All good points, Curtis. Yeah, the God thing is a real conundrum. Something in 
this universe likes the polarity of it; can't prove it/it is everywhere. Unlike 
any rational argument, I cannot justify God in any other way, except for a 
subtle *sense* of His and Her work. There is no way to prove it. It is a sense 
that has changed throughout my life. I enjoyed Edg's equating God to pure 
awareness, because as I have come to appreciate God more in my life, a growth 
in continuous pure awareness has accompanied that. 

 I can appreciate that these experiences of mine are not provable, but what is 
provable, is the ongoing success and happiness I enjoy, for myself, my family 
and friends and acquaintances. What is also provable is that way that God 
enters all my creative work. What is also provable, is that He and She point 
the way, and I continue to do the heavy lifting. No magical thinking, here, 
simply a deeper revelation of what it means to be human.

 So, it simply comes down to a consciousness of God, or not God. 

 Thanks for writing this, and managing to keep a subject close to our hearts, 
open for discussion.   
---In,  wrote :

 You are both missing my point. I am not anti-belief. I have a million of them 
that I have chosen, and some that I just absorbed without good reasons.

 I am anti bad reasons supporting beliefs. 

Tomorrow I will be in a class of 5th graders using blues songs to demonstrate 
how you have to pay attention to the details in a song in order to determine 
the intended meaning of the songwriter. This is a critical thinking skill, not 
just in science, but in the arts. If a kid says, "I believe that the writer 
hates his father", I will say "show me the supporting evidence for that 
belief." It will not be OK for the child to say "It is my personal belief and 
you have no right to challenge it by questioning what I am basing it on." This 
is how good thinking works, we construct beliefs out of the best evidence we 
can find and don't just make shit up for no reason when it concerns the 
author's intention.

The distinction between a positive belief in God and not accepting the proposed 
evidence for God is not a comparison of equal beliefs. This distinction is so 
huge that our whole modern society and way of thinking emerged from the dark 
ages of superstition and unwarranted beliefs through this gap.

"You are a witch"
"No I am not"
"Prove that you are not a witch or we will burn you alive."

Little problem. You can't prove a negative. Because the burden of proof has 
been shifted from the person with the belief, who by good thinking skills 
should provide evidence for the claim, to the accused, who has no chance of 
doing so, we get human toast. Now today we can analyze the evidence and see 
right through it. Evidence given was often disobedience to their husbands, 
surprise surprise! Today we say they had shitty reasons for their belief. We 
judge them. Just like we judge ISIS's shitty reasons for the beliefs supporting 
the things they are doing.

Back to the God belief. People believe in his existence for reasons that are 
known and categorized by both the belief systems themselves and philosophers 
interested in human thought and the distinction between good and bad reasons to 
support a belief. I invite John to let us know the supporting reasons for his 
belief in God if he would like to continue the discussion. Jim has shown us  at 
least one of his reasons for his belief in God which falls philosophically in 
the area of mystical experience claims. We then can evaluate how convincing we 
find this claim. But I don't have to have a belief in the opposite to not judge 
his reasons as good ones. I can't know if there is a God or if Jim is 
experiencing a state of mind here this reality is as he claims, self evident. I 
just see no reason to buy the whole story,

So  I don't have a belief in no-God which is on a par with the positive belief 
in a God. I just don't accept the proposed reasons for the belief in him that I 
have come across to be convincing enough for me to adopt it. I would never 
undertake the fools errand of proving a negative, and am not interested in 
trying to support a belief in no-God. I would be just as happy if there was 
one, but I am not going to accept his existence on the basis of what I consider 
to be poor reasons. 

One more example. You go to the doctor with a bitch'n migraine headache and 
seek relief. You are assuming that he is going to hand you something that has 
some good reasons for the belief that it will help you. You know, clinical 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
maybe if we say it enough, Barry will get.  then again, maybe not. 

 maybe there is a different agenda at work here, this so called "testing memes"

 aren't we lucky.  

 why not call it what it is, a twenty year experiment of  "pushing other 
people's buttons" to see what rise one can get.  Okay, not an particularly 
endearing trait, but not criminal.

 But then, distorting what people believe so you can ridicule them?  Again, not 
criminal, but a pretty sad way to communicate.

---In,  wrote :

 Turq-No one can *prove* the existence of God to you or anybody else! God can 
only be proven to yourself through your own *experience*. God is a subjective 
reality, and as MMY used to say, "The proof is in the pudding", ie the taste!


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...

2014-10-19 Thread [FairfieldLife]
dang Barry, can you not read?

---In,  wrote :

I must be prescient, having just said: 


 "I honestly think that a large part of the problem is that many of the players 
on the Believer side of this particular discussion have been indoctrinated by 
Maharishi not only with poor critical thinking skills, but with an actual false 


 "That is, they believe that their subjective experience constitutes objective 


 "It doesn't, and never will."


 From: wgm4u 
 Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2014 5:18 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Billy Graham: America is Just as Wicked...
   Turq-No one can *prove* the existence of God to you or anybody else! God can 
only be proven to yourself through your own *experience*. God is a subjective 
reality, and as MMY used to say, "The proof is in the pudding", ie the taste!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-21 Thread [FairfieldLife]
That's a nice piece Ann. 

 I feel as though I have a pretty good idea of the "real" person behind 
people's online persona.

 I think you might be referring to Barry in some of what you say here.

 I've had a changing relationship with him.

 He thinks I've changed. I think he's changed.  

 Honestly.  I mean, really honestly.  I don't care.

 I still like him, although I think he is disappointed in me, and I in him, to 
some extent.

 But who the hell cares!

 FFL offers a pleasant back and forth (at least enough of the time), and a 
chance to hear different perspectives.

 I like Curtis' input because he will ask you in a genuine way, to justify your 
position on things, and ask you to share your opinion.

 Lord knows he is repeatedly asked to defend his position on issues.

 And it is important, to at some point, say, "fair enough, I guess we see 
things differently" and then move on.

 That has been easier to do, these last four, five, or six months. (however 
long its been)   (-:


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 I may not respond point by point Ann. You and I have our clear channel. I 
think we get each other. I am more of a one one one poster here. Steve nailed 
me recently. He said I respond to everyone in sympathetic response to how they 
respond to me. That was a typical insightful naildown from my brother Steve.

You and I do not agree with our perspectives on Barry. But you have separated 
your view of him from my friendliness toward him. I can't tell you how much I 
appreciate that Ann. You are a friend here.  And in my world. I can be friends 
with you AND Barry and appreciate you both for different reasons. That is how I 
roll.  I think you roll that way too. Robin was unable to allow me to be 
connected to people who were hostile toward him and still be friendly with him. 
You seem able to go beyond this. I like you, and I like Barry. What you do 
between yourselves is none of my business. 

Does that work for you?

 Ahhh, now I get to talk to you friend to friend. Curtis, you know I support 
you 100% in what I see as your diligent and love-inspired passionate pursuit of 
your art, your music. No one can ever take that away from you. As an artist you 
are rarified, you are special because artists have to wade through tough, 
weed-choked waters. There is little money in it and there is the need to keep 
moving on and progressing even when things seem to have become comfortable and 
even profitable in their way. But real artists are never at rest, so it can be 
grueling and bone-racking. But, I digress.

 Of course I can appreciate/like someone who likes or believes in something I 
either dislike or don't ascribe to. bawee commented on my applauding Gervais as 
if I didn't realize he was an athiest. C'mon, really? Of course I can 
appreciate someone who may believe very different things than I do - especially 
when it comes to something as silly as religion or lack of it. But let's not 
talk about bawee, I have my hands full just smacking him into line day after 
day - it is an exhausting pursuit but someone has to do it so I sacrifice 
myself on the wheel of necessity. There will be some reward in heaven for my 
efforts, I am sure.

 Curtis, this old internet world is a funny one. Before FFL I never 
participated in any forums and so I had to figure stuff out. One thing is that 
while I am a straight shooter (whatever anyone sees of me here is exactly how I 
am in the flesh) I don't believe this holds true for some others here. For some 
reason forums are an opportunity to become another part of who they are, or 
they simply create something they wished  they were. I don't know and I don't 
care. We all operate from where we feel comfortable or even from where we can 
push ourselves as a sort of exercise in pressing personal limits. But whatever 
it is, some simply cross the bounds of decency (and I use that word in the old 
fashioned sense, decency being what is civil, sensitive and truthful). They 
commit a kind of trespass on the sensibilities of those who are effected by 
such things. They act like a sort of emotional jack hammer. It's simply not 
what I seek out in life where so much is beautiful and delicate and can enter 
your life as the subtlest whisper of revelation and even promise. Jack hammers 
are a dime a dozen.

 So, you must be a man of deep capacity to be able to hold within your 
appreciation myself and someone as different as I am in the form of bawee. 
Maybe one day I'll get there too.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Barry, are you serious! 

 You completely miss the whole intent of Ann's comment.

 But, like I said, who cares.

 You point out what you feel is craziness, stupidity and obsession in other 
people, and they, (including me) do the same to you.

 You are no different than the people you criticize, with the exception that 
you make a point (regularly) that you are unattached to your opinions

 Welcome to FFL.

 80% of the content here are personal attacks, pointing out other people's 

 And what you've written below is just the perfect example of it.

---In,  wrote :

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 6:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness


 As to the first question, mental illness perhaps results from atypical wiring 
and growth of the brain, causes not necessarily known. Mental illness is not 
considered a contagious disease. So contrary to the title Barry gave to this 
thread, the hook if you will, belief in god is not a mental illness.


 Many people disagree with this. These sociologists, psychologists, and 
religious historians believe that history shows us that not *only* is religion 
indistinguishable from mental illness (think the actions that the Inquisition 
considered "holy"), it is very, very much communcable (the Inquisition lasted 
for *800 years*, fucking up Western society in ways that are still felt today). 

 Plus, look at how one person defined their religion just today: "But let's not 
talk about bawee, I have my hands full just smacking him into line day after 
day - it is an exhausting pursuit but someone has to do it so I sacrifice 
myself on the wheel of necessity. There will be some reward in heaven for my 
efforts, I am sure."

 This person clearly feels not only that they are going to be rewarded with 
heaven for stalking the person they've chosen to stalk, but it is their "duty" 
to stalk him, to "smack him into line day after day," as if 1) she was entitled 
to, or 2) that ever happened. 


 See what I mean about religion being a form of mental illness? Here you have a 
person who chooses to excuse her stalking behavior and obsession on one 
particular person she hates by claiming it's her religious duty to act like 
this. This religious fanatic not only admits to being a stalker, she 
*celebrates* it and hopes to end up in heaven *for* being a stalker. I'd say 
that was pretty mentally ill, wouldn't you?  :-)  :-)  :-)







Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Jesus, salyavin, I gotta tell you,  from what I know about you, and what I know 
about Ann,  count me in the Ann camp. 

 On the other hand, maybe there's just not a hell of a lot for you to hang your 
hat on.

 A lot of deep thinking perhaps, if that's what you want to call it.

 P.S. You really play that Judy card, way to often.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 6:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness


 As to the first question, mental illness perhaps results from atypical wiring 
and growth of the brain, causes not necessarily known. Mental illness is not 
considered a contagious disease. So contrary to the title Barry gave to this 
thread, the hook if you will, belief in god is not a mental illness.


 Many people disagree with this. These sociologists, psychologists, and 
religious historians believe that history shows us that not *only* is religion 
indistinguishable from mental illness (think the actions that the Inquisition 
considered "holy"), it is very, very much communcable (the Inquisition lasted 
for *800 years*, fucking up Western society in ways that are still felt today). 

 Plus, look at how one person defined their religion just today: "But let's not 
talk about bawee, I have my hands full just smacking him into line day after 
day - it is an exhausting pursuit but someone has to do it so I sacrifice 
myself on the wheel of necessity. There will be some reward in heaven for my 
efforts, I am sure."

 This person clearly feels not only that they are going to be rewarded with 
heaven for stalking the person they've chosen to stalk, but it is their "duty" 
to stalk him, to "smack him into line day after day," as if 1) she was entitled 
to, or 2) that ever happened. 


 See what I mean about religion being a form of mental illness? Here you have a 
person who chooses to excuse her stalking behavior and obsession on one 
particular person she hates by claiming it's her religious duty to act like 
this. This religious fanatic not only admits to being a stalker, she 
*celebrates* it and hopes to end up in heaven *for* being a stalker. I'd say 
that was pretty mentally ill, wouldn't you?  :-)  :-)  :-)



It's seriously weird behaviour, channelling Judy perhaps? 

 I wonder who the intended audience is? Maybe there's an imaginary one that 
applauds every such post. That would be a sign of poor mental health!




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New version of "If I Had A Rocket Launcher"

2014-10-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Rushing here, but yes Share, very revealing about the Barster.  But, it's just 
the button pushing mentality. 

 That's the only way it makes sense.  ( and of course, what it really reveals)

 Quite a rut.

---In,  wrote :

 Buck and Jim sitting around?! Really, turq?! Duh! Buck runs an Iowa farm, 
which is year round, definitely not for the faint hearted nor the lazy. And Jim 
is homesteading, which I'm sure has its own set of physical demands on a daily 
basis. Your allegations are not only mean spirited, but simply erroneous.


 On Wednesday, October 22, 2014 4:28 AM, "turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

   Following up, for those who know the song but not the story of how and why 
it was written, here it is, another excerpt from the upcoming memoir "Rumours 
Of Glory." Rated not for the faint-hearted, and not for people like Buck and 
Jim, who prefer their sitting-on-their-fat-asses fantasizing how the world 
works to actually getting off those fat asses and going there to see how it 
really works.

 Rumours of Glory: A Memoir by Bruce Cockburn (Excerpt: Chapter 11)
 Rumours of Glory: A Memoir by Bruce Cockburn (Excerp...
 Legendary Canadian singer and songwriter Bruce Cockburn delivers his 
long-awaited memoir—a chronicle of faith, fear, and activism that is also a 
lively cu...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 For the few Bruce Cockburn fans here, this is just a smokin' video version of 
Bruce performing one of his signature songs, from the new DVD included in the 
upcoming "Rumours Of Glory" set. This should be the theme song playing in the 
background when you look up "Revolution Theology" in the Catholic Encyclopedia. 


 Bruce Cockburn - If I Had A Rocket Launcher LIVE

 Bruce Cockburn - If I Had A Rocket Launcher LIVE

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo




[FairfieldLife] Re: New version of "If I Had A Rocket Launcher"

2014-10-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I mean, what does this say about someone who wants to share something, but 
can't do so, without a gratuitous slam. 

 I mean, I'm trying to figure out the dynamics of the same destination being 
the place one goes (evidently out of lack of options) for social interaction 
with a place where one despises most of the active participants.

 Like, I will share something because I really want to share it with someone, 
but just so you know, I do it under protest because you are a &%&$#* in my book.

 And thoughts Xeno?  (-;

---In,  wrote :

 Following up, for those who know the song but not the story of how and why it 
was written, here it is, another excerpt from the upcoming memoir "Rumours Of 
Glory." Rated not for the faint-hearted, and not for people like Buck and Jim, 
who prefer their sitting-on-their-fat-asses fantasizing how the world works to 
actually getting off those fat asses and going there to see how it really works.

 Rumours of Glory: A Memoir by Bruce Cockburn (Excerpt: Chapter 11)
 Rumours of Glory: A Memoir by Bruce Cockburn (Excerp...
 Legendary Canadian singer and songwriter Bruce Cockburn delivers his 
long-awaited memoir—a chronicle of faith, fear, and activism that is also a 
lively cu...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 For the few Bruce Cockburn fans here, this is just a smokin' video version of 
Bruce performing one of his signature songs, from the new DVD included in the 
upcoming "Rumours Of Glory" set. This should be the theme song playing in the 
background when you look up "Revolution Theology" in the Catholic Encyclopedia. 


 Bruce Cockburn - If I Had A Rocket Launcher LIVE

 Bruce Cockburn - If I Had A Rocket Launcher LIVE

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Barry, what the hell are you saying?   

 Tell me it's not the same 'ol diatribe.

 Maybe I'll have time to read it later.

 How many posts have you written denigrating the place here, and it's 
participants, every hour, every day, letting us know what a waste of time it is 
for your to participate.

 That irony is lost on you.

 But, whatever...

---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
---In,  wrote :

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 As to the first question, mental illness perhaps results from atypical wiring 
and growth of the brain, causes not necessarily known. Mental illness is not 
considered a contagious disease. So contrary to the title Barry gave to this 
thread, the hook if you will, belief in god is not a mental illness.


 Many people disagree with this. These sociologists, psychologists, and 
religious historians believe that history shows us that not *only* is religion 
indistinguishable from mental illness (think the actions that the Inquisition 
considered "holy"), it is very, very much communcable (the Inquisition lasted 
for *800 years*, fucking up Western society in ways that are still felt today). 

 Plus, look at how one person defined their religion just today: "But let's not 
talk about bawee, I have my hands full just smacking him into line day after 
day - it is an exhausting pursuit but someone has to do it so I sacrifice 
myself on the wheel of necessity. There will be some reward in heaven for my 
efforts, I am sure."

 This person clearly feels not only that they are going to be rewarded with 
heaven for stalking the person they've chosen to stalk, but it is their "duty" 
to stalk him, to "smack him into line day after day," as if 1) she was entitled 
to, or 2) that ever happened. 


 See what I mean about religion being a form of mental illness? Here you have a 
person who chooses to excuse her stalking behavior and obsession on one 
particular person she hates by claiming it's her religious duty to act like 
this. This religious fanatic not only admits to being a stalker, she 
*celebrates* it and hopes to end up in heaven *for* being a stalker. I'd say 
that was pretty mentally ill, wouldn't you?  :-)  :-)  :-)



It's seriously weird behaviour, channelling Judy perhaps? 

 I wonder who the intended audience is? Maybe there's an imaginary one that 
applauds every such post. That would be a sign of poor mental health!

Well, before I started moving Ann's messages to the Deranged Stalkers From Hell 
folder, I seem to remember her being the person who claimed to know for sure 
that nothing bad had happened to Judy. That would indicate that they were in 
communication, right? So my bet is that Ann's "audience" is in fact the person 
who has been directing her stalking efforts from behind the scenes. 

But even if this isn't the case, I would suggest that...uh...overestimating 
one's "audience" IS, in fact, a sign of mental illness. For example, several 
times now over the years I have asked Jim Flanegin to settle once and for all 
the issue of whether anyone actually *believes* his claims to be enlightened by 
simply ASKING. All it would take is for him to post to FFL, asking those who 
*do* believe he's enlightened to reply and say so. He has steadfastly refused 
to do this, all while insinuating that he has "friends" here, as if the fact 
that they pat him on the back when he stalks the people he was told to stalk 
means that they actually believe his claim to be enlightened. Heck, even 
*Nabby* has never said he thinks Jim is enlightened. Nabby probably thinks 
David Lynch and the occasional scarecrow next to a crop circle are enlightened, 
but he doesn't think Jim is. Says a lot, right?  :-)

The clear "sign of poor mental health" IMO is the fact that these people -- at 
this point, primarily Ann, Jim, Richard, and Steve -- seem to feel that they 
have not only the right but a "duty" to harass and stalk those on this forum 
they don't like. I suggest that what they're really trying to do is SILENCE 
these people they stalk, because *they* don't like what they say. The deranged 
stalkers *pretend* that they're doing this stalking "for the good of the 
forum," or "to protect those who might be taken in or misled by what these 
liars might say," but of course we all know that the members of the original 
Inquisition said exactly the same thing about why *they* were deranged 

I would suggest that the bottom line about Ann, Jim, Richard, and Steve's 
sanity is whether anyone is actually paying any attention to what they write. I 
don't read their posts, so they're not talking to me. even though they often 
pretend to be. Almost no one else bothers to reply to their stalker posts, so 
it would seem that they aren't really talking to these people they're claiming 
to be "protecting," either. Thus it seems clear that they are 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Ann, it appears that agreement with Barry, trumps any kind of rational thinking 
with sal. 

 go figger!

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 6:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness


 As to the first question, mental illness perhaps results from atypical wiring 
and growth of the brain, causes not necessarily known. Mental illness is not 
considered a contagious disease. So contrary to the title Barry gave to this 
thread, the hook if you will, belief in god is not a mental illness.


 Many people disagree with this. These sociologists, psychologists, and 
religious historians believe that history shows us that not *only* is religion 
indistinguishable from mental illness (think the actions that the Inquisition 
considered "holy"), it is very, very much communcable (the Inquisition lasted 
for *800 years*, fucking up Western society in ways that are still felt today). 

 Plus, look at how one person defined their religion just today: "But let's not 
talk about bawee, I have my hands full just smacking him into line day after 
day - it is an exhausting pursuit but someone has to do it so I sacrifice 
myself on the wheel of necessity. There will be some reward in heaven for my 
efforts, I am sure."

 This person clearly feels not only that they are going to be rewarded with 
heaven for stalking the person they've chosen to stalk, but it is their "duty" 
to stalk him, to "smack him into line day after day," as if 1) she was entitled 
to, or 2) that ever happened. 


 See what I mean about religion being a form of mental illness? Here you have a 
person who chooses to excuse her stalking behavior and obsession on one 
particular person she hates by claiming it's her religious duty to act like 
this. This religious fanatic not only admits to being a stalker, she 
*celebrates* it and hopes to end up in heaven *for* being a stalker. I'd say 
that was pretty mentally ill, wouldn't you?  :-)  :-)  :-)



It's seriously weird behaviour, channelling Judy perhaps? 

 I wonder who the intended audience is? Maybe there's an imaginary one that 
applauds every such post. That would be a sign of poor mental health!

 Sal, and here I thought you were a smart guy. Guess not. Puh-leeze, go look up 
some chemistry formula 'cause you certainly lack the ability to recognize 
satire when you see it. Leave the literary pursuits to those who have a sense 
of humour.




[FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis

2014-10-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Ann, I noticed the same thing. 

 Maybe it is just coincidence.

 I'd hate to think the pettiness is that imbedded.

---In,  wrote :

 Hey again, I seem to have started something when I wrote my little message to 
you last night. I certainly didn't expect the negative reaction I got for 
expressing to you some of my thoughts. I sort of skimmed bawee's rather 
incendiary comments (not sure why he got all flummoxed) but couldn't get past 
the first post on this but I think it went on a bit with Sal chiming in. 
Anyway, this place does seem to bring out the 'interesting' in people and I 
like Buck's post a lot. It was a chance to see him in a way I have yet to have 
witnessed and his message was a good one. Kindness seems to be one of those 
things that should be kept ready in one's bag of goodies as one goes about 
one's day. Kindness is a keeper - it isn't one of those things that goes over 
the top very often, it sort of sits in the middle of those things we could call 
"good deeds and intentions". It is often not too cloying nor does it seem to 
slip into the saccharine or overly sentimental. Yes, I will embrace kindness 
today; Buck has inspired me. Have a good one - inspire the little ones (your 
students) today with some insight and magic that comes with living and loving 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
okay, good goal Ann, but your normal style of functioning. 

 It's just when we see something that seems out of whack, we comment on it.

 To Barry that's being obsessed, or stalking.

 He, of course is beyond most, if not all, human foibles.  A model of 

 A button pusher on high.  Or at least that's what he says.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Ann, it appears that agreement with Barry, trumps any kind of rational 
thinking with sal. 

 go figger!

 Yes, but "kindness" is my goal today (although I always find it easy to be 
kind to my animals) so I will hold off commenting on this excellent insight of 
yours. (Oops, I think I did comment by saying it was "excellent".) 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 I am sure you have noticed, this "reading comprehension" issue with Barry.

 The brain "filia" that are responsible for nuance, seem to have gotten 
flattened, or something.

 I mean, it is sort of funny, but sad too.








 ---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 6:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness


 As to the first question, mental illness perhaps results from atypical wiring 
and growth of the brain, causes not necessarily known. Mental illness is not 
considered a contagious disease. So contrary to the title Barry gave to this 
thread, the hook if you will, belief in god is not a mental illness.


 Many people disagree with this. These sociologists, psychologists, and 
religious historians believe that history shows us that not *only* is religion 
indistinguishable from mental illness (think the actions that the Inquisition 
considered "holy"), it is very, very much communcable (the Inquisition lasted 
for *800 years*, fucking up Western society in ways that are still felt today). 

 Plus, look at how one person defined their religion just today: "But let's not 
talk about bawee, I have my hands full just smacking him into line day after 
day - it is an exhausting pursuit but someone has to do it so I sacrifice 
myself on the wheel of necessity. There will be some reward in heaven for my 
efforts, I am sure."

 This person clearly feels not only that they are going to be rewarded with 
heaven for stalking the person they've chosen to stalk, but it is their "duty" 
to stalk him, to "smack him into line day after day," as if 1) she was entitled 
to, or 2) that ever happened. 


 Oh my God! Still irony challenged, I see. Did you really, really take this 
seriously? I'm sure Curtis "got it" but it went clean over your addled head. 
This is seriously funny, you actually thought I was not being ironic when I 
said this. Surely the "my reward will be in heaven" part was the giveaway?

 See what I mean about religion being a form of mental illness? Here you have a 
person who chooses to excuse her stalking behavior and obsession on one 
particular person she hates by claiming it's her religious duty to act like 
this. This religious fanatic not only admits to being a stalker, she 
*celebrates* it and hopes to end up in heaven *for* being a stalker. I'd say 
that was pretty mentally ill, wouldn't you?  :-)  :-)  :-)







Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
who did you say was channeling Judy, sal?

---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 ---In,  wrote :
 Well, before I started moving Ann's messages to the Deranged Stalkers From 
Hell folder, I seem to remember her being the person who claimed to know for 
sure that nothing bad had happened to Judy. That would indicate that they were 
in communication, right? So my bet is that Ann's "audience" is in fact the 
person who has been directing her stalking efforts from behind the scenes. 

She certainly seems to have taken over the role of principle Barry hater - and 
you have to admire the gusto! 

Indeed. Even *Judy* never admitted to having read my book as research material 
with which to better stalk me the way Ann has admitted to doing lately. Wasn't 
it Judy herself who once defined stalking as follows: "I might also point out 
that searching the Web for information to use against somebody is standard 
cyberstalking behavior." -- Judy Stein, FFL, 11 February 2013


 But I don't read any of it either, it's too easy to tell from message view 
what a post is going to be about with some people. Judy was considerate and 
always started a Barry post with "Note that Barry says" so we knew we could 
safely scroll past those. If Ann wants anyone to read anything that isn't 
"Bawee" related she should take up that technique or suffer the realisation one 
day that nobody real is reading what she obviously spends a lot of time typing.

I've really never understood those who feel that I or others might be "missing" 
important information by merely scanning the Message View of their posts and 
skipping the rest. One would really have to be a cretin to NOT know what one of 
these people were going to say in their posts from the first couple of lines of 
them. It's not, after all, as if they have that much *range* in the things they 
say. With Ann, one appearance of "bawee" is a guaranteed tipoff that she needed 
her Hate Fix for the day and that it's safe to skip the post in which she tried 
to shoot it up. 


 Sometimes you have to admit that you just don't like someone and let them get 
on with whatever it is they do. Continually going on about it is pointless.

And continuing to claim that she's not obsessing on me while *obviously* 
obsessing on me is not only pointless, but more than a little insane. 


 But I have similar feelings with TV, some people complain that most of it is 
crap but if it wasn't there'd be no time to do anything else! My glass is 
clearly half-full.
But even if this isn't the case, I would suggest that...uh...overestimating 
one's "audience" IS, in fact, a sign of mental illness. For example, several 
times now over the years I have asked Jim Flanegin to settle once and for all 
the issue of whether anyone actually *believes* his claims to be enlightened by 
simply ASKING. All it would take is for him to post to FFL, asking those who 
*do* believe he's enlightened to reply and say so. He has steadfastly refused 
to do this, all while insinuating that he has "friends" here, as if the fact 
that they pat him on the back when he stalks the people he was told to stalk 
means that they actually believe his claim to be enlightened. Heck, even 
*Nabby* has never said he thinks Jim is enlightened. Nabby probably thinks 
David Lynch and the occasional scarecrow next to a crop circle are enlightened, 
but he doesn't think Jim is. Says a lot, right?  :-)

It's strangely comforting to know that there are some things that Nabby doesn't 
believe. It betrays a thought process of some sort going on in there that 
doesn't depend on youtube for confirmation. Good for him.

What, after all, would you or anyone else sane THINK of someone who actually 
*did* believe Jim's claims to be enlightened? The prospect of such a person 
existing is almost scarier than Jim existing.  :-)

The clear "sign of poor mental health" IMO is the fact that these people -- at 
this point, primarily Ann, Jim, Richard, and Steve -- seem to feel that they 
have not only the right but a "duty" to harass and stalk those on this forum 
they don't like. I suggest that what they're really trying to do is SILENCE 
these people they stalk, because *they* don't like what they say. The deranged 
stalkers *pretend* that they're doing this stalking "for the good of the 
forum," or "to protect those who might be taken in or misled by what these 
liars might say," but of course we all know that the members of the original 
Inquisition said exactly the same thing about why *they* were deranged 

I would suggest that the bottom line about Ann, Jim, Richard, and Steve's 
sanity is whether anyone is actually paying any attention to what they write. I 
don't read their posts, so they're not talking to me. even though they often 
pretend to be. Almost no one else bothers to reply to their stalker posts, so 
it would seem that they aren't really talking to these people th

Re: [FairfieldLife] FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Is it possible, she may have found true love in Toronto?

---In,  wrote :

 You forget, JR claimed that according to Judy's jyotish she had met with some 
horrible accident.


 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 9:28 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental 
   ? “..the role of principle Barry hater - and you have to admire the gusto!”  
 No, we all rate posts as we may read them on spectrum; from posts that make: 
Observations, to suggestions, to criticism, by negativity and tone, to 
apostasy, thence to active anger and hating. In reading these posts I feel Ann 
through reading the individual postings here simply lost some faith more in 
Turq by her better understanding of his writing and approach here after reading 
the Lenz book that was posted here. It is that simple also. 
  I always read the Turq and feel he has a valid perspective from having 'been 
there' at a time, by his contrast with spiritual experience like Fleet's, and 
now I feel I have an even better understanding of him as a critic from this 
recent Freddy Lenz/Rama thread on FFL. Context often is everything. 
 That is something that is particularly good about the writing on FFL, that it 
often can render down what is truth. Judy was very much part of that process 
when she was here. Ann also helps with that by virtue of her mind about things 
and by life experience as context about things here. Some here have been pricks 
and Ann may be prickly towards people at times.  Rick seems to welcome almost 
everyone contributing to the related topics of FairfieldLife. I thank Rick for 
that. Public forum is often one of the best checks against theocratic tyranny. 
 There was an amazing open meeting last night in meditating Fairfield where 
everything was on the table in front of a bunch of the higher-up apparatchiks 
of the new TM movement. For upward pressures on the organization being beyond 
theocratic control, FFL has long been a part of the calculus of the meditating 
Fairfield communal culture. 
 There is a lot of change going on inside right now by virtue of the attention 
of public forum. Turq in his way has been part of that for years by force of 
his experience, personality and writing. I would miss him if he gets entirely 
hounded or completely embarrassed off of this forum. In the same way I feel it 
was really mean the way they hounded Judy personally off this list and out of 
this community. Rick and the moderators should have stopped that before the 
 I would hope we could all be kinder with one another in process. 
 Jai Guru Dev, 
 -Buck in the Dome 



Re: [FairfieldLife] ATTENTION RICK -- Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I quite agree with what Curtis has said to Buck.  He conveyed clearly. 

 Now, take a look at your reply.

 Your first reply was reasonable.  

 But then you display perfectly the characteristic why a member of this forum, 
that you respect, referred to you as an "reaction vampire" 

 You nailed it.

 Maybe one day, you will come to grips with this decidedly unattractive trait, 
instead of attempting to pin this same description on those you disagree with.

 And just remember, you didn't hear it from me.

---In,  wrote :

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 8:18 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] ATTENTION RICK -- Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief 
in God is a form of mental illness
   I'm glad Curtis said something because if he hadn't I would have. I think we 
all know that "Buck" doesn't live anywhere even near to reality, but this is so 
over the top as to have to be dealt with by Rick. 


 I think Buck should be thrown off the forum for essentially calling Michael a 


 This cult mentality that he represents is getting scary. Do you really want 
"Buck" to represent the level of paranoia and "them vs. us" senility that TMers 
display when someone does *nothing more* than criticize the organization they 
identify with? 
And, as Curtis points out, criticism appearing in a post that *THEY freely 
chose to click on and read*? 
It's not as if "Buck" doesn't know ahead of time what he's going to find in one 
of Michael's posts. It's not as if Steve or Ann or Richard or any of the other 
cult whiners don't know what they are going to find in the posts that THEY 
choose to click on and read. 

Fuckin' cult whiners. You can always tell when a cult has reached the point 
where it's about to implode when its members have to invent "faux outrages" to 
pretend to be affronted by to maintain the illusion of their self importance. 


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]"  wrote :
 D: Om No, MJ you misrepresent me here. I likened you and the nature of your 
extreme hate 


 M: OK, he speaks his opinions about the movement freely here...

 D: and behavior to be like Hamas

 M: His "behavior is to speak his mind. Hamas's behavior is actually killing 
people. Kinda different don't you think?


 D: and said I could empathize with Obama in his having to dealing with ISIS 
and that level of such threats for instance. I can 'understand' his position. 
Groups certainly have some rights to defend themselves for their life against 
terrorism and attack which may threaten their very existence. You are a good 
example of that attack and terrorism for the TM community. I find you terribly 
interesting in this by example. 


 M: I find it interesting that you are connecting his free speech with 
terrorist acts of violence against community of people who never have to click 
on what they say unless they want to to rile themselves up like you do. This is 
way over the line "Buck." The violent imagery is disturbing and it is a creepy 
reaction to someone with a different POV on a movement HE was a part of himself 
and therefor certainly has a legitimate right to his own opinion about it all.
 D: Once again in the news we have an example of  'group coalescing' to protect 
themselves individually and their very life to exist as a group: 


 M: So a guy posts a different opinion than you have on a 2000 person at best 
yahoo group and the whole TM movement is rocked to the core as if someone 
strapped on a bomb and walked into a marketplace and blew up women, children 
and men.

 Over the line and creepy, not to mention an indictment of the fragility of a 
movement who can't take the criticism of someone who left the group. I think 
you missed your cult "Buck", you should have been a Scientologist. He didn't 
misrepresent you, you are comparing him to a terrorist group that actually 
kills people so we are killing them with drone strikes. You are not qualifying 
your comparison, you are making it plainly. You are also trivializing actual 
people who actually kill people and blow up babies to protect yourself from 
your own choice of reading an opinion you do not share.


 Scientology Top Managers In Action
 Scientology Top Managers In Action 
For licensing / permission to use: Contact - licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom 
Three of Scientology's top management personnel ambushing a former member of 

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



 Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper called the events on Parliament Hill 
"an attack on our values." 
 Stephen Harper described the attacker as a terrorist and promised to 
"redouble" anti-terror efforts.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostasy, is a terrible thing.

2014-10-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Barry is going to town with this smoking gun, he thinks he's found.  Trying to 
indict the whole TMO with an extreme comment by one of its members. 

 I predict this will be a "ho hum" incident for anyone excepting Barry, and 
likely Michael.

 Although Michael, has maintained a bit of lower profile lately.

 Yes, this must certainly be Barry's best day of the year, capping his 20 year 
effort to get someone to recognize a extreme view of a chat room participant.

 Let's give it up for Barry.  (or at least a Bronx cheer)  (-:

---In,  wrote :

 "Transcendental Mediation is not a religion."  - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

 "Doug Hamilton is an increasingly senile cultist who thinks that anyone who 
criticizes something he likes is a terrorist." - Sensible Americans Today, 
October 24 edition


 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 1:32 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostasy, is a terrible thing.


 Spiritually, people should speak the sweet truth. 

 Saha Nav,
 satyam bruyat, priyam bruyat   speak the truth, speak sweetly
na bruyat satyam apriyam |  don't speak truth in an unloving way
priyam ca nanritam bruyat   don't speak untruth in a pleasant way
esha dharmah sanatanah ||   this is the eternal law 

 Or, TM Saha Nav: never do we speak negativity, never do we denounce anyone, 

 Apostasy is just wrong thinking clearly getting over the line.  Or as the 
Shakers would have said in their way, "Out of Union with the Gospel."

 An apostate of course is different from someone just being a critic. The 
critic, who as a satisfied and regular practitioner may offer some criticism as 
in a state of critique. Such critique is then also quite different in grade 
from those others being more negative and then again from states of pernicious 
negativity advocacy, like those people who are both quitters and haters in 
method. That becomes a pretty clear sign of someone who has fallen in to TM 
 We should be mindful and clear about this as we filter our reading and 
interacting with our fellow community members here. That is justly good and 
sound subtle spirituality. Yes, like considering the source of posts I 
certainly sort my incoming mail accordingly. Om we should have, we could have 
better sorted the FFL membership here accordingly from way back with more 
aggressive moderation against the apostaic spam of outright apostasy here. 
Posting on FFL should be held a privilege and not just some right. Saha Nav,
 -Buck, a Satisfied Customer by the Practise of Maharishi's Transcendental 
Meditation Programme   


 Yes, that 'Disaffiliation';   Friends, for any of us we certainly know an 
apostate when we see one. For instance, with The Science of Creative 
Intelligence of which TM is the practical application. Seeing as US 
jurisprudence judges SCI to be a Religion it would not be a stretch to say that 
people who would renounce TM just by dropping or quitting the practice of said 
meditation and who then promote publicly against TM with an advocacy of 
negativity are in fact in an apostate state: apostate, as apostates in 
apostasy. Q.E.D., TM Apostates.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostasy, is a terrible thing.

2014-10-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I guess the only remaining question is, if a framed copy of this "blurb", (I 
haven't had time to look at it), will take its place next to Barry's prized 
ceremonial robe of the Buddhist Lama he is so fond of. 

 Will it rank that high?  (-:

---In,  wrote :

 Barry is going to town with this smoking gun, he thinks he's found.  Trying to 
indict the whole TMO with an extreme comment by one of its members. 

 I predict this will be a "ho hum" incident for anyone excepting Barry, and 
likely Michael.

 Although Michael, has maintained a bit of lower profile lately.

 Yes, this must certainly be Barry's best day of the year, capping his 20 year 
effort to get someone to recognize a extreme view of a chat room participant.

 Let's give it up for Barry.  (or at least a Bronx cheer)  (-:

---In,  wrote :

 "Transcendental Mediation is not a religion."  - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

 "Doug Hamilton is an increasingly senile cultist who thinks that anyone who 
criticizes something he likes is a terrorist." - Sensible Americans Today, 
October 24 edition


 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 1:32 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostasy, is a terrible thing.


 Spiritually, people should speak the sweet truth. 

 Saha Nav,
 satyam bruyat, priyam bruyat   speak the truth, speak sweetly
na bruyat satyam apriyam |  don't speak truth in an unloving way
priyam ca nanritam bruyat   don't speak untruth in a pleasant way
esha dharmah sanatanah ||   this is the eternal law 

 Or, TM Saha Nav: never do we speak negativity, never do we denounce anyone, 

 Apostasy is just wrong thinking clearly getting over the line.  Or as the 
Shakers would have said in their way, "Out of Union with the Gospel."

 An apostate of course is different from someone just being a critic. The 
critic, who as a satisfied and regular practitioner may offer some criticism as 
in a state of critique. Such critique is then also quite different in grade 
from those others being more negative and then again from states of pernicious 
negativity advocacy, like those people who are both quitters and haters in 
method. That becomes a pretty clear sign of someone who has fallen in to TM 
 We should be mindful and clear about this as we filter our reading and 
interacting with our fellow community members here. That is justly good and 
sound subtle spirituality. Yes, like considering the source of posts I 
certainly sort my incoming mail accordingly. Om we should have, we could have 
better sorted the FFL membership here accordingly from way back with more 
aggressive moderation against the apostaic spam of outright apostasy here. 
Posting on FFL should be held a privilege and not just some right. Saha Nav,
 -Buck, a Satisfied Customer by the Practise of Maharishi's Transcendental 
Meditation Programme   


 Yes, that 'Disaffiliation';   Friends, for any of us we certainly know an 
apostate when we see one. For instance, with The Science of Creative 
Intelligence of which TM is the practical application. Seeing as US 
jurisprudence judges SCI to be a Religion it would not be a stretch to say that 
people who would renounce TM just by dropping or quitting the practice of said 
meditation and who then promote publicly against TM with an advocacy of 
negativity are in fact in an apostate state: apostate, as apostates in 
apostasy. Q.E.D., TM Apostates.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostasy, is a terrible thing.

2014-10-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
or at least occupy a prominent place in Barry's scrapbook.  Likely next to an 
artist's rendering of the time Barry, and Zen Master Rama occupied two side by 
side urinals at a truck stop. 

 Oh yea.  Either before, or after that rendering, I am sure. (-:

---In,  wrote :

 I guess the only remaining question is, if a framed copy of this "blurb", (I 
haven't had time to look at it), will take its place next to Barry's prized 
ceremonial robe of the Buddhist Lama he is so fond of. 

 Will it rank that high?  (-:

---In,  wrote :

 Barry is going to town with this smoking gun, he thinks he's found.  Trying to 
indict the whole TMO with an extreme comment by one of its members. 

 I predict this will be a "ho hum" incident for anyone excepting Barry, and 
likely Michael.

 Although Michael, has maintained a bit of lower profile lately.

 Yes, this must certainly be Barry's best day of the year, capping his 20 year 
effort to get someone to recognize a extreme view of a chat room participant.

 Let's give it up for Barry.  (or at least a Bronx cheer)  (-:

---In,  wrote :

 "Transcendental Mediation is not a religion."  - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

 "Doug Hamilton is an increasingly senile cultist who thinks that anyone who 
criticizes something he likes is a terrorist." - Sensible Americans Today, 
October 24 edition


 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 1:32 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostasy, is a terrible thing.


 Spiritually, people should speak the sweet truth. 

 Saha Nav,
 satyam bruyat, priyam bruyat   speak the truth, speak sweetly
na bruyat satyam apriyam |  don't speak truth in an unloving way
priyam ca nanritam bruyat   don't speak untruth in a pleasant way
esha dharmah sanatanah ||   this is the eternal law 

 Or, TM Saha Nav: never do we speak negativity, never do we denounce anyone, 

 Apostasy is just wrong thinking clearly getting over the line.  Or as the 
Shakers would have said in their way, "Out of Union with the Gospel."

 An apostate of course is different from someone just being a critic. The 
critic, who as a satisfied and regular practitioner may offer some criticism as 
in a state of critique. Such critique is then also quite different in grade 
from those others being more negative and then again from states of pernicious 
negativity advocacy, like those people who are both quitters and haters in 
method. That becomes a pretty clear sign of someone who has fallen in to TM 
 We should be mindful and clear about this as we filter our reading and 
interacting with our fellow community members here. That is justly good and 
sound subtle spirituality. Yes, like considering the source of posts I 
certainly sort my incoming mail accordingly. Om we should have, we could have 
better sorted the FFL membership here accordingly from way back with more 
aggressive moderation against the apostaic spam of outright apostasy here. 
Posting on FFL should be held a privilege and not just some right. Saha Nav,
 -Buck, a Satisfied Customer by the Practise of Maharishi's Transcendental 
Meditation Programme   


 Yes, that 'Disaffiliation';   Friends, for any of us we certainly know an 
apostate when we see one. For instance, with The Science of Creative 
Intelligence of which TM is the practical application. Seeing as US 
jurisprudence judges SCI to be a Religion it would not be a stretch to say that 
people who would renounce TM just by dropping or quitting the practice of said 
meditation and who then promote publicly against TM with an advocacy of 
negativity are in fact in an apostate state: apostate, as apostates in 
apostasy. Q.E.D., TM Apostates.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Michael, let's be honest.  You happened to latch onto TM.  This diatribe, your 
standard diatribe,is the expression of a latent tendency that was waiting to 
manifest towards something. 

 The analogies, or comparisons you cite below really make no sense,  just a 
bunch of name calling.

 As has been expressed many times, good luck with finding something on which 
you can gain some transaction, other than this negativity trough you feed at so 

---In,  wrote :

 Very little use in addressing this to Fairfield Life's most whacked out 
denizen but in fact I have to hate towards the Movement. If a man walks into 
bank, pulls out a gun, demands money, gets it and runs away there is not ate in 
calling him what he is, a thief or crook.

 Marshy was a liar, a cheat, a con artist. Simple. His Movement has followed in 
his footsteps. 


 The leadership of the Movement from its top to its low level managers have 
consistently shown a lack of compassion, a willingness to lie to and manipulate 
people they have some authority over and to in general behave in ways that 
could hardly be called enlightened or even decent by common standards of 
behavior. They are often abusive, arrogant and so elitist as to be divorced 
from any sort of common everyday reality that most of us live in. 


 These are facts, not hate. It has been my choice to stand up to liars and con 
artists and tell it like it is.


 From: nablusoss1008 
 Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 4:54 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form 
of mental illness

 Buck is right. The hate MJ represents is on the same level of extremity as any 
terrorrist. The only difference is he hasn't crossed the line into violence, 

---In,  wrote :


 Om No, MJ you misrepresent me here. I likened you and the nature of your 
extreme hate and behavior to be like Hamas and said I could empathize with 
Obama in his having to dealing with ISIS and that level of such threats for 
instance. I can 'understand' his position. Groups certainly have some rights to 
defend themselves for their life against terrorism and attack which may 
threaten their very existence. You are a good example of that attack and 
terrorism for the TM community. I find you terribly interesting in this by 
 Once again in the news we have an example of  'group coalescing' to protect 
themselves individually and their very life to exist as a group: 
 Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper called the events on Parliament Hill 
"an attack on our values." 
 Stephen Harper described the attacker as a terrorist and promised to 
"redouble" anti-terror efforts. 
 "In fact, this will lead us to strengthen our resolve and redouble our 
efforts... to take all necessary steps to identify and counter threats and keep 
Canada safe." 
 Om Canada!
 -Buck in the Dome


 mjackson74 writes: 

 This from the guy who said I  and people like me should be targeted with drone 





 ? “..the role of principle Barry hater - and you have to admire the gusto!” 
 No, we all rate posts as we may read them on spectrum; from posts that make: 
Observations, to suggestions, to criticism, by negativity and tone, to 
apostasy, thence to active anger and hating. In reading these posts I feel Ann 
through reading the individual postings here simply lost some faith more in 
Turq by her better understanding of his writing and approach here after reading 
the Lenz book that was posted here. It is that simple also. 
  I always read the Turq and feel he has a valid perspective from having 'been 
there' at a time, by his contrast with spiritual experience like Fleet's, and 
now I feel I have an even better understanding of him as a critic from this 
recent Freddy Lenz/Rama thread on FFL. Context often is everything.

 That is something that is particularly good about the writing on FFL, that it 
often can render down what is truth. Judy was very much part of that process 
when she was here. Ann also helps with that by virtue of her mind about things 
and by life experience as context about things here. Some here have been pricks 
and Ann may be prickly towards people at times.  Rick seems to welcome almost 
everyone contributing to the related topics of FairfieldLife. I thank Rick for 
that. Public forum is often one of the best checks against theocratic tyranny.

 There was an amazing open meeting last night in meditating Fairfield where 
everything was on the table in front of a bunch of the higher-up apparatchiks 
of the new TM movement. For upward pressures on the organization being beyond 
theocratic control, FFL has long been a part of the calculus of the meditating 
Fairfield communal culture.
 There is a lot of change going on inside right now by virtue of the attention 
of public forum. Turq in his way has been part of that 

Re: [FairfieldLife] ATTENTION RICK -- Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This does hi-light a difference between you and the turq, Michael. 

 You are a little more courageous and less petty than I figured.

 Yes, the representatives of the different pov's here speak for themselves, and 
others can decide what conclusions to draw.

 This faux outrage on Barry's part is always so hilarious.

 Yes, Buck you a terrorist is out of line.

 But, really, do you think Barry is really concerned about your welfare?

 Well, maybe just a little, but the real payoff, the giant payoff for Barry is 
a chance to "get back" at Buck for views that Barry finds so bothersome, this 
little terrorist comment, not withstanding.

 I think, really, it points out the pent up frustration, or anger, or something 
Barry has built up.

 Again, good luck.

---In,  wrote :

 Awww, I don't think Rick should boot him from FFL. I think he and Nabby 
provide good reminders of what bizarre mind sets TM can lead to. Plus, if Rick 
did kick him off, given his past ass booting the Movement gave him for seeing 
other so called spiritual teachers and growing a beard, getting kicked off FFL 
could trigger a major PTSD type meltdown on Buck's part. I would hate to think 
of him chasing his sheep around in the pastures calling them neganauts and 
shouting at them for not being more respectful of Marshy and Company.


 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 2:18 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] ATTENTION RICK -- Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief 
in God is a form of mental illness
   I'm glad Curtis said something because if he hadn't I would have. I think we 
all know that "Buck" doesn't live anywhere even near to reality, but this is so 
over the top as to have to be dealt with by Rick. 


 I think Buck should be thrown off the forum for essentially calling Michael a 


 This cult mentality that he represents is getting scary. Do you really want 
"Buck" to represent the level of paranoia and "them vs. us" senility that TMers 
display when someone does *nothing more* than criticize the organization they 
identify with? 


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]"  wrote :
 D: Om No, MJ you misrepresent me here. I likened you and the nature of your 
extreme hate 


 M: OK, he speaks his opinions about the movement freely here...

 D: and behavior to be like Hamas

 M: His "behavior is to speak his mind. Hamas's behavior is actually killing 
people. Kinda different don't you think?


 D: and said I could empathize with Obama in his having to dealing with ISIS 
and that level of such threats for instance. I can 'understand' his position. 
Groups certainly have some rights to defend themselves for their life against 
terrorism and attack which may threaten their very existence. You are a good 
example of that attack and terrorism for the TM community. I find you terribly 
interesting in this by example. 


 M: I find it interesting that you are connecting his free speech with 
terrorist acts of violence against community of people who never have to click 
on what they say unless they want to to rile themselves up like you do. This is 
way over the line "Buck." The violent imagery is disturbing and it is a creepy 
reaction to someone with a different POV on a movement HE was a part of himself 
and therefor certainly has a legitimate right to his own opinion about it all.
 D: Once again in the news we have an example of  'group coalescing' to protect 
themselves individually and their very life to exist as a group: 


 M: So a guy posts a different opinion than you have on a 2000 person at best 
yahoo group and the whole TM movement is rocked to the core as if someone 
strapped on a bomb and walked into a marketplace and blew up women, children 
and men.

 Over the line and creepy, not to mention an indictment of the fragility of a 
movement who can't take the criticism of someone who left the group. I think 
you missed your cult "Buck", you should have been a Scientologist. He didn't 
misrepresent you, you are comparing him to a terrorist group that actually 
kills people so we are killing them with drone strikes. You are not qualifying 
your comparison, you are making it plainly. You are also trivializing actual 
people who actually kill people and blow up babies to protect yourself from 
your own choice of reading an opinion you do not share.


 Scientology Top Managers In Action
 Scientology Top Managers In Action 
For licensing / permission to use: Contact - licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom 
Three of Scientology's top management personnel ambushing a former member of 

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



 Canadian Prime Minister

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This sounds like a pretzeling "moment" 

---In,  wrote :


   Xeno didn't even recognize the dissonance in Barry's preference for Bruce 
Cockburn songs. Everyone knows Cockburn is a born-again Christian. What about 
Barry's claim that a "belief in God is a form of mental illness." 

 On 10/24/2014 12:03 AM, blue_bungalow_2@... mailto:blue_bungalow_2@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
 This could explain how Winthrop and Albert worked on the 
 non-weapon part, of an exclusively weapons project, in which 
 one of them was denied security clearance.

 This is an example of cognitive dissonance - the mental stress or discomfort 
experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, 
ideas, or values at the same time.
 What I'm trying to do is alert Barry that he is exhibiting some roughness by 
posting contradictory messages to the group. Everyone already knows that Barry 
believes in Buddhas, karma, and reincarnation and that he bought and read Sam 
Harris' new book. Everyone already knows that (except apparently Xeno). 
 The thing that doesn't make any sense is, why Barry didn't understand what 
Harris wrote. It seems pretty simple to me. Harris makes a clear case for the 
value of spirituality, which he bases on his experiences in Buddhist 
 Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Michael, let's be honest.  You happened to latch onto TM.  This diatribe, your 
standard diatribe,is the expression of a latent tendency that was waiting to 
manifest towards something,  IMO of course. 

 The analogies, or comparisons you cite below really make no sense,  just a 
bunch of name calling.

 As has been expressed many times, good luck with finding something on which 
you can gain some transaction, other than this negativity trough you feed at so 

---In,  wrote :

 Very little use in addressing this to Fairfield Life's most whacked out 
denizen but in fact I have to hate towards the Movement. If a man walks into 
bank, pulls out a gun, demands money, gets it and runs away there is not ate in 
calling him what he is, a thief or crook.

 Marshy was a liar, a cheat, a con artist. Simple. His Movement has followed in 
his footsteps. 


 The leadership of the Movement from its top to its low level managers have 
consistently shown a lack of compassion, a willingness to lie to and manipulate 
people they have some authority over and to in general behave in ways that 
could hardly be called enlightened or even decent by common standards of 
behavior. They are often abusive, arrogant and so elitist as to be divorced 
from any sort of common everyday reality that most of us live in. 


 These are facts, not hate. It has been my choice to stand up to liars and con 
artists and tell it like it is.


 From: nablusoss1008 
 Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 4:54 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form 
of mental illness

 Buck is right. The hate MJ represents is on the same level of extremity as any 
terrorrist. The only difference is he hasn't crossed the line into violence, 

---In,  wrote :


 Om No, MJ you misrepresent me here. I likened you and the nature of your 
extreme hate and behavior to be like Hamas and said I could empathize with 
Obama in his having to dealing with ISIS and that level of such threats for 
instance. I can 'understand' his position. Groups certainly have some rights to 
defend themselves for their life against terrorism and attack which may 
threaten their very existence. You are a good example of that attack and 
terrorism for the TM community. I find you terribly interesting in this by 
 Once again in the news we have an example of  'group coalescing' to protect 
themselves individually and their very life to exist as a group: 
 Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper called the events on Parliament Hill 
"an attack on our values." 
 Stephen Harper described the attacker as a terrorist and promised to 
"redouble" anti-terror efforts. 
 "In fact, this will lead us to strengthen our resolve and redouble our 
efforts... to take all necessary steps to identify and counter threats and keep 
Canada safe." 
 Om Canada!
 -Buck in the Dome


 mjackson74 writes: 

 This from the guy who said I  and people like me should be targeted with drone 





 ? “..the role of principle Barry hater - and you have to admire the gusto!” 
 No, we all rate posts as we may read them on spectrum; from posts that make: 
Observations, to suggestions, to criticism, by negativity and tone, to 
apostasy, thence to active anger and hating. In reading these posts I feel Ann 
through reading the individual postings here simply lost some faith more in 
Turq by her better understanding of his writing and approach here after reading 
the Lenz book that was posted here. It is that simple also. 
  I always read the Turq and feel he has a valid perspective from having 'been 
there' at a time, by his contrast with spiritual experience like Fleet's, and 
now I feel I have an even better understanding of him as a critic from this 
recent Freddy Lenz/Rama thread on FFL. Context often is everything.

 That is something that is particularly good about the writing on FFL, that it 
often can render down what is truth. Judy was very much part of that process 
when she was here. Ann also helps with that by virtue of her mind about things 
and by life experience as context about things here. Some here have been pricks 
and Ann may be prickly towards people at times.  Rick seems to welcome almost 
everyone contributing to the related topics of FairfieldLife. I thank Rick for 
that. Public forum is often one of the best checks against theocratic tyranny.

 There was an amazing open meeting last night in meditating Fairfield where 
everything was on the table in front of a bunch of the higher-up apparatchiks 
of the new TM movement. For upward pressures on the organization being beyond 
theocratic control, FFL has long been a part of the calculus of the meditating 
Fairfield communal culture.
 There is a lot of change going on inside right now by virtue of th

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's one will miss NYC anyway...

2014-10-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Is this in some way, Maharishi's fault? 

 Some many other things are.

 Could this just be one of them?

---In,  wrote :

 Cops Dump Gloves, Masks From Ebola Scene Into Corner Garbage Can

 Cops Dump Gloves, Masks From Ebola Scene Into Corner...
 Police working the scene around the Manhattan apartment of the doctor 
diagnosed with Ebola were wearing gloves and masks for their protection, but 
photos and vide...

 View on www.huffingtonpost...
 Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Ouch!  When you encounter it?   


 Are we speaking about the TMO?

 So, I guess you are just surfing the net, and by some weird coincidence, you 
just end up here.


---In,  wrote :

 I don't really hate it - its just that when I encounter it, my nose sort of 
curls up as if I were riding down the road with my car windows open and I 
happen to ride by a pig farm or a paper mill - both are quite odoriferous. 
Nappy will probably have to look that word up - it means something that stinks 
real shore nuff bad. 


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 9:37 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form 
of mental illness

 --In,  wrote :

 Buck is right. The hate MJ represents is on the same level of extremity as any 
terrorrist. The only difference is he hasn't crossed the line into violence, 

M: Having some trouble with Mr. Distinctions today are we? 

Very Nabbie of you to slip in the poisonous "yet" when there is absolutely no 
connection or link between someone expressing their opinion here and violence 
of any kind.

Even when I was a good little Maharishi teacher I would recognize your brand of 
slanderous shoot-the-messenger routine as foul. Both you and Buck disgrace your 
dead teacher's memory by acting like this. You two are doing more harm to the 
movement you claim to love than anything Michael has ever written here. He may 
hate the movement, but your extreme idiocy actually harms it.

---In,  wrote :

 Om No, MJ you misrepresent me here. I likened you and the nature of your 
extreme hate and behavior to be like Hamas and said I could empathize with 
Obama in his having to dealing with ISIS and that level of such threats for 
instance. I can 'understand' his position. Groups certainly have some rights to 
defend themselves for their life against terrorism and attack which may 
threaten their very existence. You are a good example of that attack and 
terrorism for the TM community. I find you terribly interesting in this by 
 Once again in the news we have an example of  'group coalescing' to protect 
themselves individually and their very life to exist as a group: 
 Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper called the events on Parliament Hill 
"an attack on our values." 
 Stephen Harper described the attacker as a terrorist and promised to 
"redouble" anti-terror efforts. 
 "In fact, this will lead us to strengthen our resolve and redouble our 
efforts... to take all necessary steps to identify and counter threats and keep 
Canada safe." 
 Om Canada!
 -Buck in the Dome


 mjackson74 writes: 

 This from the guy who said I  and people like me should be targeted with drone 





 ? “..the role of principle Barry hater - and you have to admire the gusto!” 
 No, we all rate posts as we may read them on spectrum; from posts that make: 
Observations, to suggestions, to criticism, by negativity and tone, to 
apostasy, thence to active anger and hating. In reading these posts I feel Ann 
through reading the individual postings here simply lost some faith more in 
Turq by her better understanding of his writing and approach here after reading 
the Lenz book that was posted here. It is that simple also. 
  I always read the Turq and feel he has a valid perspective from having 'been 
there' at a time, by his contrast with spiritual experience like Fleet's, and 
now I feel I have an even better understanding of him as a critic from this 
recent Freddy Lenz/Rama thread on FFL. Context often is everything.

 That is something that is particularly good about the writing on FFL, that it 
often can render down what is truth. Judy was very much part of that process 
when she was here. Ann also helps with that by virtue of her mind about things 
and by life experience as context about things here. Some here have been pricks 
and Ann may be prickly towards people at times.  Rick seems to welcome almost 
everyone contributing to the related topics of FairfieldLife. I thank Rick for 
that. Public forum is often one of the best checks against theocratic tyranny.

 There was an amazing open meeting last night in meditating Fairfield where 
everything was on the table in front of a bunch of the higher-up apparatchiks 
of the new TM movement. For upward pressures on the organization being beyond 
theocratic control, FFL has long been a part of the calculus of the meditating 
Fairfield communal culture.
 There is a lot of change going on inside right now by virtue of the attention 
of public forum. Turq in his way has been part of that for years by force of 
his experience, personality and writing. I would miss him if he gets entirely 
hounded or completely embarrassed off of this forum. In the same way I feel it 
was rea

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Richard, you want something silly?  I give you something silly. 

 Barry is having a near panic attack, pleading, insisting that someone explain 
to him the importance of the experience of unbounded awareness.  I guess he's 
got a turd he wants to drop on that or something.

 But, here. Get this.  Ask Barry to explain, how as a declared atheist, he 
explains karma, and rebirth, (which he is on record of buying into), and he 
mumbles, "It's not important.  It doesn't matter. No, not important at all"

 Richard, explain that to me, please,it you can.

 Go figure?  No. I haven't figured that out.

---In,  wrote :

 On 10/24/2014 8:44 AM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 This sounds like a pretzeling "moment" 

 It seems dirt simple to me. We are all bound by karma, which means actions, 
past and present. If a person does good deeds, he or she will be reborn in a 
better life. On the other hand, if a person does bad things, in the past or 
present, he or she will get reborn in hell, or a less than satisfactory 
situation. It's not complicated. 
 In some rare cases, if a person follows a spiritual path, does the work and 
realizes enlightenment, that person, if he or she has really good karma, may 
not have to be reborn again, unless they choose to do so, to help the rest of 
the world get free. But, you are only going to get as much enlightenment as you 
are going to get.
 So, based on my experience, what I've been told and what I have figured out - 
I believe in Life; what it does to you and what you do back. 
 mailto:punditster@... wrote :

 Xeno didn't even recognize the dissonance in Barry's preference for Bruce 
Cockburn songs. Everyone knows Cockburn is a born-again Christian. What about 
Barry's claim that a "belief in God is a form of mental illness." 
 On 10/24/2014 12:03 AM, blue_bungalow_2@... mailto:blue_bungalow_2@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
 This could explain how Winthrop and Albert worked on the 
 non-weapon part, of an exclusively weapons project, in which 
 one of them was denied security clearance.

 This is an example of cognitive dissonance - the mental stress or discomfort 
experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, 
ideas, or values at the same time.
 What I'm trying to do is alert Barry that he is exhibiting some roughness by 
posting contradictory messages to the group. Everyone already knows that Barry 
believes in Buddhas, karma, and reincarnation and that he bought and read Sam 
Harris' new book. Everyone already knows that (except apparently Xeno). 
 The thing that doesn't make any sense is, why Barry didn't understand what 
Harris wrote. It seems pretty simple to me. Harris makes a clear case for the 
value of spirituality, which he bases on his experiences in Buddhist 
 Go figure.


Re: [FairfieldLife] It's one will miss NYC anyway...

2014-10-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
You are asking him to be outrageous, and he will probably comply.  Here comes 
the wind up, the stretch, and what I anticipate to be a "how stupid are 
Americans" reply.

---In,  wrote :

 Wow, turq, really?! It sounds like you're saying that it would be ok with you 
if all the people in NYC die from ebola. Is that what you're saying?


 On Friday, October 24, 2014 7:58 AM, "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

 Cops Dump Gloves, Masks From Ebola Scene Into Corner Garbage Can

 Cops Dump Gloves, Masks From Ebola Scene Into Corner...
 Police working the scene around the Manhattan apartment of the doctor 
diagnosed with Ebola were wearing gloves and masks for their protection, but 
photos and vide...

 View on www.huffingtonpost...
 Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] It's one will miss NYC anyway...

2014-10-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
yea, it shows the guy has a life!  a life, sal.  pictures of his life.  know 
what I'm saying?  when you've got a life, you got something to share.  

 did I hear you say something last week, about your latest "squat"?

 maybe I got that wrong, or maybe it's normal over there, and just sounds a 
little strange to us on this side of the pond.  dunno.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


 Sometimes it's just amazing how people will cover for Barry and enable his 
sick jokes - no one will miss NYC? It looks like we've got a few informants 
whose sense of humor is strange to say the least. Go figure.

I'll tell what's really amazing, I was looking at the FFL photo's file and it 
contains about 60,000 pictures of you and your "exciting" day trips. Can't you 
afford a facebook page? Go figure.



 On Friday, October 24, 2014 10:53 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 mailto:sharelong60@... wrote :
 Wow, turq, really?! It sounds like you're saying that it would be ok with you 
if all the people in NYC die from ebola. Is that what you're saying?


 Yeah, I'm sure that's what he meant. Destroy humanity, typical Turq...

 On Friday, October 24, 2014 7:58 AM, "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife]" wrote:
   Cops Dump Gloves, Masks From Ebola Scene Into Corner Garbage Can
 Cops Dump Gloves, Masks From Ebola Scene Into Corner... Police working the 
scene around the Manhattan apartment of the doctor diagnosed with Ebola were 
wearing gloves and masks for their protection, but photos and vide...

 View on www.huffingtonpost...
 Preview by Yahoo





Re: [FairfieldLife] Russell Brand

2014-10-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I don't know.  Judging from where he's from, it could be called, MJ's Daily 

 (although he says he never touches the stuff)

---In,  wrote :

 You could have a whole YouTube channel and call it "MJ's Daily Bash". 
 On 10/24/2014 11:29 AM, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   I'll get around to it one day.

 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]"
 Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 12:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Russell Brand
 When are you going to start making videos?  We want to see what you're on.  
 On 10/24/2014 05:57 AM, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


   Watching these clips of Brand he sure looks like he's on something to me.
 Russell Brand - Awakened Man

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Just an ugly comment.

---In,  wrote :

 "Very Nabbie of you to slip in the poisonous "yet" when there is absolutely no 
connection or link between someone expressing their opinion here and violence 
of any kind."

 And Curtis claim to have studied philosophy. No wonder he ended up begging for 
cents on the streets as a reward for screaming and calling it "art".

Re: [FairfieldLife] Russell Brand

2014-10-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Good, Richard.  I am not a sports fanatic, but I could do a sports segment.  
find some good angle on it.

---In,  wrote :

 On 10/24/2014 3:07 PM, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   I might would do it if Sal and Barry would do guests spots - Sal could take 
the astrology crowd on.

 Maybe I could do a guest spot and take the karma and reincarnation crowd on.

 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]"
 Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 2:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Russell Brand
 You could have a whole YouTube channel and call it "MJ's Daily Bash". 
 On 10/24/2014 11:29 AM, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


   I'll get around to it one day.

 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]"
 Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 12:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Russell Brand
 Whenare you going to start making videos?  We want to see what you're on.  :-D 
 On 10/24/2014 05:57 AM, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


   Watching these clips of Brand he sure looks like he's on something to me.
 RussellBrand - Awakened Man

 View on
 Previewby Yahoo







Re: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: How TM Helped Me Find What I Was Looking For

2014-10-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]

pretty lame, but maybe that's the best you can do.  maybe some transcending 
could help your creativity.  whaddya think?

---In,  wrote :

 I am waiting for Bevan to tell his story - "How TM helped me find my ass with 
both hands."


 From: "Dick Mays dickmays@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 5:49 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: How TM Helped Me Find What I Was Looking For
   Forwarded from TM Media Alert mailto:tmmediaalert@...>
 OCTOBER 24, 2014
   How Transcendental Meditation Helped Me Find What I Was Looking For
 Brian B. Baker, Delusions of Ink Blog/ October 21, 2014
 Blogger Brian B. Baker describes his struggles with family conflict, financial 
loss, and suicidal depression until he learned the TM® technique. “I still 
suffer from migraines, though they occur once a month, not the three or four a 
week I used to deal with. I’ve discovered how wonderful my wife is all over 
again, how much I love her, and how absolutely magical our love is.”  ...more
 READ HERE:*&url=*&url=";
 style="font-size:15px;letter-spacing:2px;color:rgb(15, 116, 
 Share this:*&url=*&url=*&url=
 David Lynch Talks Transcendental Meditation & Filmmaking
The Talks / October 15, 2014
 David Lynch explains how he came to learn the TM technique, and how it 
influences his work in films. “You can catch ideas at a deeper level when you 
start meditating. Intuition grows, and intuition is the number one tool for an 
artist—feeling and thinking combined. When you are working on a painting, it’s 
like you know, and you enjoy the doing so much. It’s the same way with films. 
The enjoyment of working increases, the enjoyment of everything increases.”  
 READ HERE*&url=
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 ©2014 Maharishi Foundation USA, a non-profit educational organization. All 
rights reserved.
Transcendental Meditation® and TM® are protected trademarks
and are used in the U.S. under license or with permission.


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