Re: CMYK- jpg

2004-03-12 Thread Chris Bowditch
Naveen M V wrote: Hi All, I need to generate PDF files using XSL-FO transformation and embed CMYK -jpeg for printing. I am using fop-0.20.5. Can any body help. When you say printing are you using the Postscript renderer? Everything that is currently known about JPEG graphics is on the website, h

Re: Cocoon appears to be switching to 1.4

2004-03-03 Thread Chris Bowditch
Glen Mazza wrote: They're currently voting on the Cocoon side[1] to set 1.4 as the minimum JDK for their next 2.2 release. So far it looks good for approval. I'm not so sure it does, look at the 3rd mail in the thread: and thi

Re: Thanks Jeremias

2004-03-03 Thread Chris Bowditch
Peter B. West wrote: Thanks again, Jeremias, for all of the licensing housekeeping. I'm sorry I didn't get around to giving you a hand with this. Does anything (apart from the hyphenation mess) remain to be done? Peter I would also like to thank Jeremias for sorting out the licensing, not th

Re: Newbie Commiter Questions

2004-03-01 Thread Chris Bowditch
Jeremias Maerki wrote: I've had my problems with using SSH2. I finally tried SSH1 and it worked. I suggest you create a SSH1 key pair and retry with this. Thanks for the fast response Jeremias. I have managed to get SSH1 working. There are two ways you can work with putty. Either you create a tun

Newbie Commiter Questions

2004-03-01 Thread Chris Bowditch
I know this subject has come up before, but I still cant quite get things working after trawling through the archives. I'm using WinCVS 1.3 and Putty to connect to the My understanding was that using SSH keys was optional but strongly encouraged. So I had a go at creating the pr

Re: [VOTE] Clay Leeds for Committer

2004-03-01 Thread Chris Bowditch
Glen Mazza wrote: The updates and issues he has brought up to us this week, I'm sure he would be happy to take care of for us, just as soon as we provide him write access. I also hope he develops a psychological "concept of ownership" of our website over time, resulting in it looking increasing

Re: [VOTE] Remove Visitor Patterns from

2004-02-24 Thread Chris Bowditch
Glen Mazza wrote: Team, To simplify the Area Tree<-->Renderer interaction somewhat, making this section of the code easier to follow, I'd like to make two changes to the code: 1.) Remove the serveVisitor() methods in [1], and return to what we were using last year, that

Re: [xsl] creating multiple pdf-files from one xml

2004-02-16 Thread Chris Bowditch
Andreas L. Delmelle wrote: The related class in Xalan: org.apache.xalan.lib.Redirect It contains a HashMap, m_outputStreams, which is, unfortunately, protected, so can't be queried from outside the xalan.lib package... Whats wrong with sub-classing, e.g. FopRedirect extends Redirect. Bummer!

Re: PMC representation

2004-02-12 Thread Chris Bowditch
Peter B. West wrote: Jeremias, I have no problem with your continuing. If we need a formal vote, Jeremias to remain as one of our PMC representatives: +1 +1 for Jeremias Chris

Re: FOP components

2004-02-09 Thread Chris Bowditch
Clay Leeds wrote: On Feb 8, 2004, at 3:37 AM, J.Pietschmann wrote: I had a similar thought process (0_20_2-maintain for pre-1.4 users--if it works, don't fix it?). As for 1.0 (forgive my playing the devil's advocate here), why stop at 1.4? Assuming Java 1.5 will be released by the time FOP 1.

Re: Interaction between force-page-count and initial-page-number

2004-02-09 Thread Chris Bowditch
Peter B. West wrote: The Rec says of force-page-number:auto, 'If there is no next page-sequence or if the value of its initial-page-number is "auto" do not force any page.' Should that read, '...the value of its initial-page-number is "auto", "auto-even" or "auto-odd"...'? If not, some que

Re: Adding PPD support when rendering PS

2004-02-05 Thread Chris Bowditch
Alex wrote: Hi, I've been looking at this for a couple of days, and figured I'd do best to post and see what other folks think about this. Thanks for speaking up. I have to implement PPD when generating PS for the project (FOP embedded app) that I'm working on - I need to be able to force print

Re: PDF Transcoder patch

2004-01-26 Thread Chris Bowditch
Glen Mazza wrote: Thanks for taking the time to explain Glen. What youve said is mostly as I understood it. Some comments below. The FOUserAgent is ultra-easy (?) to access from the FOP Application, but not-so-easy (and, also, not-so-relevant) for the PDFTranscoder. (We also have an SVGUserAg

Re: Changing policy on minimum JDK requirements for HEAD

2004-01-26 Thread Chris Bowditch
Peter B. West wrote: The 0.20 series is supported on 1.3, so an important question is: what is the expected timeframe for availability of 1.4 for those users who are currently restricted to 1.3? Vendors should be able to provide their users with some indication of this. We should at least a

Re: PDF Transcoder patch

2004-01-26 Thread Chris Bowditch
Glen Mazza wrote: I tried to do a complete switch from FOUserAgent to logger in the images package, was not able to (there are still other cases the FOUserAgent is actually being used.) Glen - I havent looked at this in detail, but my understanding of the FOUserAgent was the place holder for any

Re: Justification in HEAD

2004-01-15 Thread Chris Bowditch
J.Pietschmann wrote: Thanks for taking the time to explain your thoughts they are appreciated. One point is that I didnt think Line BPs were kept past the call to addArea methods, which is AT construction and well before rendering. The TSAdjust properties is on the TextArea object which is pa

Re: Justification in HEAD

2004-01-14 Thread Chris Bowditch
Simon Pepping wrote: The trouble is renderText is being presented with a whole line at a time. It should be presented with smaller chunks if it is going to be able to add the TSAdjust space to each word space. Do you need to break the line is as many separate text areas as there are word space

Re: Justification in HEAD

2004-01-14 Thread Chris Bowditch
J.Pietschmann wrote: Thanks for your responses, they are useful in helping my thought process. Well, the line may be parsed while rendering, which means you don't have to create area objects, roughly: StringTokenizer tok=new StringTokenizer(...); while( tok.hasMoreTokens ) { String word =

Re: Justification in HEAD

2004-01-13 Thread Chris Bowditch
J.Pietschmann wrote: Unfortunately, ther is more to justification than just expanding spaces. In the long term, you'll have to deal with leader expansion as well as start and end space for inlines and perhaps letter spacing. Leaders are particularly nasty because of they mey be aligned. It may be

Re: Justification in HEAD

2004-01-12 Thread Chris Bowditch
Simon Pepping wrote: Thanks for taking the time to reply. It is very useful to discuss this with someone who has an idea of how layout works. This loop only counts word spaces. Yes, I know, but I believe it should do more than that. Later the member iTSadjust is set on the text area: t.setTSad

Re: Justification in HEAD

2004-01-09 Thread Chris Bowditch
Chris Bowditch wrote: The child LM of Line LM is Text LM. It appears that when dealing with just plain text paragraphs, i.e. no fo:inlines or fo:wrapper changing fonts within a line, etc, then there is almost a 1:1 relationship between Line LM and Text LM. So when renderText is called on the

Re: multi page-sequence don't work for (XML+XSL) to PDF on the fly

2004-01-09 Thread Chris Bowditch
Clóvis Wichoski wrote: The CDATA is only to maintain the XSL well-formed, since I close fo:flow on another template, Opening and closing XML tags within different XSL templates is bad practice. You'll need to redesign your XSL stylesheet or run the XSL Transform as a separate process, seriali

Justification in HEAD

2004-01-09 Thread Chris Bowditch
Fellow FOP Devs, I've been thnking about how to implement Justified text in HEAD, and would appreciate some suggestions/comments on my thought process. I know Joerg posted something on this back in November in which he said the missing piece was the renderer not resizing the spaces, but the pr

Re: Chris and Andreas: New committers, send your CLAs

2004-01-09 Thread Chris Bowditch
Jeremias Maerki wrote: So, Chris and Andreas, we need your preferred unix usernames and the email address you would like to have forwarded to. Preferred User Name: cbowditch email forwarding address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] At least as important is to immedidately sign the Contributors Licen

Re: Using Just the Font Metrics Stuff From FOP

2004-01-09 Thread Chris Bowditch
Glen Mazza wrote: Yes, an explanation in Bugzilla on what the patches are for (I haven't been following the thread, and if it takes some weeks to be applied, no one will remember what they're for.) You're welcome to provide a link to the FOP archives to cut down on re-typing. Ok - Ive added lin

Re: Using Just the Font Metrics Stuff From FOP

2004-01-09 Thread Chris Bowditch
Eliot Kimber wrote: Ok, I have submitted bugs 25997 and 25999 with my patches to the maintenance and development branches. I tested this code by running both braches against my CFF OpenType font and a TTF font on my machine and inspecting the generated XML files. Let me know if you need more f

Re: Using Just the Font Metrics Stuff From FOP

2004-01-08 Thread Chris Bowditch
Eliot Kimber wrote: Since the OpenType font metrics wouldn't include the kerning I don't know if it would be useful for full FOP, but it should be sufficient to allow basic font metrics for CFF OpenType fonts. Sounds good, i'm sure it will be useful for FOP even within kerning. I haven't had a

Re: Is there going to be another release of the 0.20 branch?

2004-01-08 Thread Chris Bowditch
Clay Leeds wrote: Thanks for the respectful response. I'm aware that HEAD release is adversely affected by MAINTENANCE work (hence the "I don't want to start a ware here, but..." :-)), however, I posted this for a few of reasons: 1) fop-dev team might discuss this in light of the possibility of

Re: Using Just the Font Metrics Stuff From FOP

2004-01-07 Thread Chris Bowditch
Eliot Kimber wrote: Cool--what tag do I use to checkout the 0.20.5? I'm not sure I completely understood what the FOP CVS information was telling me. The tag you need is: fop-0_20_2-maintain Chris

Re: Is there going to be another release of the 0.20 branch?

2004-01-07 Thread Chris Bowditch
Clay Leeds wrote: I don't want to start a war here, but if (& that's a big "if") we're going to go through the hassle of doing an RC, does it make sense to "insert" any "new" functionality into FOP, like TIF output? I understand Oleg Tkachenko's work for TIF is complete (or nearly complete), bu

Re: Is there going to be another release of the 0.20 branch?

2004-01-07 Thread Chris Bowditch
J.Pietschmann wrote: Well, we could release the current CVS as The table memory fix is probably important to many users. THere is a slo a minor fix concerning leader expansion there. Okay, but you said yourself that the adjustments you made to tables has probably broken some other thing

Re: Row and Colspan

2004-01-06 Thread Chris Bowditch
Andreas L. Delmelle wrote: Not exactly. I'm referring to the grouping into CommonBorderAndPadding / CommonMargin etc. There is also a group of TableProperties in the spec, but the properties seem to be treated rather loosely instead of being handled together in a group, like the others. Oh I und

FAO Peter (JBuilder 9)

2004-01-06 Thread Chris Bowditch
Hi Peter, moved this discussion to FOP dev as its a bit O/T for a bug. Basically Jbuilder9 had changed the line endings of my file from LF to CR+LF. I specified LF when I checked out using WinCVS, and indeed all unchanged files still had LF endings. Only PDF Renderer had been changed to CR+LF.

Dropping support for 1.3 (was Re: PropertySets)

2004-01-06 Thread Chris Bowditch
Glen Mazza wrote: It's probably not *yet* time to set 1.4 as the JDK to code against for 1.0, but it probably wouldn't be much of a disaster if we did so either. The main thing to bear in mind is that a few platforms dont support the later versions of Java. This will mean excluding those users fr

Re: Row and Colspan

2004-01-05 Thread Chris Bowditch
Andreas L. Delmelle wrote: Another, property-related question (not specifically for you, Chris, but *if* you have an idea...): Is it the intention that the 'Table Properties' are in someway moulded into a class (like now the Common*Properties are), or is the way I see them defined/used now in the


2004-01-05 Thread Chris Bowditch
Glen, Ive just noticed that the PropertySets class uses methods on java.util.bitset that only exist since JDK 1.4. Namely: cardinality nextBitSet So you can no longer build with 1.3 Chris

Re: More on row and column span (was: RE: (Changing Vote) etc.)

2004-01-05 Thread Chris Bowditch
Andreas L. Delmelle wrote: -Original Message- From: Andreas L. Delmelle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I guess the riddle I'm still trying to solve is: How do I access the LM's for the subsequent rows at this point? AFAICT, I have overlooked (at least) the following note in the spec (6.7.1 Ta

Re: More on row and column span (was: RE: (Changing Vote) etc.)

2004-01-05 Thread Chris Bowditch
Andreas L. Delmelle wrote: Another detail overlooked is the column-number property, ... Which is, for the moment quite ... unimplemented (--should've checked this sooner :) ), so that explains why the spec isn't being followed when setting the default value to 0. This makes me think that much of

Re: (Changing Vote) Re: [VOTE] Andreas L. Delmelle for committer

2004-01-05 Thread Chris Bowditch
Andreas L. Delmelle wrote: Hi Andreas, i hope you dont mind a little feedback on this. Well, this is as far as I got (--actually, now I think at least column-span is solved fully. Then again, so I did the first time ;) In ascending order of importance: 1. In a number of methods in fop.layoutm

Re: [VOTE] Chris Bowditch for Committer

2004-01-02 Thread Chris Bowditch
Glen Mazza wrote: Good idea. Actually, more than "showing interest in FOP development", Chris has already submitted substantive patches in layout (the most complex part of our system) with welcome enthusiasm. He's also a competent Java and XSLT developer in his own right, i.e. outside of FOP, and

Re: Implementing widows and orphans control for Fop 0.20.5

2003-12-02 Thread Chris Bowditch
Gregor Mirai wrote: Hello, how difficult would it be to implement widows and orphans control for current maintenance release ? Very difficult. Thats why the developers decided a redesign was required in order to implement keeps etc. The maintenance code is mostly frozen now, whilst developmen

Re: Task list Was: Re: Font variant SmallCaps

2003-11-25 Thread Chris Bowditch
J.Pietschmann wrote: Chris Bowditch wrote: but my motivation is just to get something rather than nothing. You are bored? Oh! Thanks for the suggestions. I think you misunderstood though, I'm far from bored, my employers keep me busy. Just trying to help get layout unbroken. Some

Re: Column Balancing

2003-11-25 Thread Chris Bowditch
Barnaby Shearer wrote: (I am using FOP 0.20.5 on the Sun JDK 1.4 under windows XP) Thanks for the analysis but FOP 0.20.5 is frozen code I'm afraid. FOP has been redesigned to support keeps (on all FOs) and development is focused on the redesigned branch in CVS Head. Column balancing will be add

Re: Font variant SmallCaps Was: Re: (Chris) Re: Traits

2003-11-21 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: "J.Pietschmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I have done some investigation into emulating the Font-variant stuff in a similar way to the maintenance branch. Victor Mote wrote: Typeface roughly corresponds to what is contained in a ttf of pfa font file. Hm hm. A TTF is typically Courier-bold-itali

Re: Development Environment suggestions ?

2003-11-20 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: John Austin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> So far I have been playing around like the Neanderthal* that I am. I use Sun Java 1.4.x with xterm, vi, emacs and occasionally Jedit when I feel modern urges. I was under the impression the project default JDK was 1.3.1. Peter has mentioned Eclipse and I have

Re: (Chris) Re: Traits

2003-11-19 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: "J.Pietschmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Chris Bowditch wrote: Centering seems to be off by just one character. Well, the errorneously unstripped space... Yes I was agreeing with you here. text justification combination of LineLayoutManager.getNextBreakPoss and LineLayoutManag

Re: (Chris) Re: Traits

2003-11-19 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: "J.Pietschmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Glen Mazza wrote: 1.) The "Extensible Markup Language 1.0" title (the one with a blue background) it not centered properly within the block. This is probably an issue within renderText() function. This may be due to unstripped spaces, se

Re: introduction

2003-11-19 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: Bruce Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hello, my name is Bruce Duncan and I'd like to get involved with helping out on FOP. I am currently using the 0.20.5 release to do some pretty simple fo->pdf conversions. The tags I use the most are fo:table, fo:external-graphic, fo:instream-foreign-object,

Rendering code/padding left

2003-11-18 Thread Chris Bowditch
FOP Devs, As promised Ive done some investigation to work out why padding-left wasnt working. I did a little tidying up in the AbstractRenderer and made changes to the PDF Renderer to get it working. Also, changes were needed to BlockLayoutManager to reduce IPD in response to padding-left. Ch

Re: (Chris) Re: Traits

2003-11-18 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I wouldn't worry too much about that. I believe methods themselves don't take up that much memory--and to a certain degree, we're supposed to be a "reference implementation"--so methods not relevant for all instances of a certain base class should not be def

Re: Traits

2003-11-14 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Are we sure it should return 0? Shouldn't there be a difference between "no value" given, and a value of "0" given, esp. in cases when you need to calculate inheritance? I think so... this is a good point. I didnt consider the wider effect on non-padding prop


2003-11-14 Thread Chris Bowditch
Fop Devs, one thing I did notice was a small deficiency in Area.getTraitAsInteger(). If the Trait hasnt been set, i.e. the call to getTrait returns null, then an exception gets thrown. When Padding is present it is perfectly valid as an Integer, so the method should NOT throw an exception sayin

Padding-left in 1.0dev

2003-11-14 Thread Chris Bowditch
FOP Devs, After Glen's recent success with space-before on Blocks in 1.0 layout, I decided to have a look at padding-left. Changing the IPD in response to padding in the BlockLayoutManager is simple enough. The padding Traits are already set on Area by the LM. However, the resulting PDF did no

Re: CVS (src & bin) zip'd up for nightlies?

2003-11-13 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: "Chris Bowditch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> From: Clay Leeds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> BTW, IIRC it's been discussed on the list (ad nauseam) that the official "tag" name is HEAD, but frankly, I don't remember why so many terms appear to be synonymous. Unl

RE: Need help deciphering NullPointerException from FOP

2003-11-13 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: "Jeremy Nix" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Yes, it is a multithreaded environment. Fop version: 0.20.5 JDK version: 1.4.1_01 O/S: Win2000 So would this be caused by 2 threads using the same instance of a Driver, or 2 threads using the same instance of a compiled template, or something else? It doesnt

Re: CVS (src & bin) zip'd up for nightlies?

2003-11-13 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: Clay Leeds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> BTW, IIRC it's been discussed on the list (ad nauseam) that the official "tag" name is HEAD, but frankly, I don't remember why so many terms appear to be synonymous. Unless I'm mistaken, the site refers to "HEAD" using the following other terms: "Redesign"

Re: Need help deciphering NullPointerException from FOP

2003-11-13 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: "Jeremy Nix" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> This NullPointerException appears to be coming from with the FOP internals, but I'm unsure of what the actual cause is. I was not receiving this problem until I recently switched from XSLT to XSLTC, and the problem does not always arise. I'm caching both my

Re: memory optimization in fop0.20.5

2003-11-11 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: "Siarhei Baidun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> But fop of version 0.20.5 runs perfectly on the same data. I can't use version 0.20.5 of fop because of number of reasons. Please explain the specific reasons why you cant use 0.20.5. We may be able to help you resolve these issues. What I want to do

Re: space-before in 1.0Dev

2003-11-11 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Yes, that it what I did. Thanks for your suggestion--space-before seems to work well now. Great-one step closer to a working layout in head. Chris _ Express yourself with cool emoticons - downlo

Re: space-before in 1.0Dev

2003-11-11 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: "J.Pietschmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Chris Bowditch wrote: I'm not sure where Layout Contexts should be instantiated. Any thoughts? The are created in the getNextBreak stuff. Yes they are created in getNextBreak and passed down to getNextBreak of child LMs, but they

Re: space-before in 1.0Dev

2003-11-10 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> That *could* be a solution--I added toString() methods in the LayoutContext to help track the state of values in that class. Glen Thanks to Glen and Joerg for replying to this. Setting FIRST/LAST flags on LayoutContext in the layoutMgr.addArea code isnt enoug

space-before in 1.0Dev

2003-11-07 Thread Chris Bowditch
Hi Glen and other devs, I'm responding to an earlier message where you said: Another issue I was working on last weekend--still unsolved--was that in 1.0 layout, fo:block space-before is being added to the top of *each* page that the block consumes (instead of just once at the top of the block).

RE: Building FOP (was: [PATCH] Fix DPI for PDF Transcoder.)

2003-11-06 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Thanks very much, Chris, for checking this for us. Glen My pleasure. If there are any "small" jobs I can do to aid the development of 1.0 then feel free to ask. Chris _ Use MSN Messenger to se

RE: Building FOP (was: [PATCH] Fix DPI for PDF Transcoder.)

2003-11-06 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: "OBRADOVIC,PETAR (HP-Vancouver,ex1)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> A polite request: please dont re-use existing threads to start a new thread I am sorry if I am missing something obvious but I am not able to build the latest code after this change. It seems that "batik.jar" which is checked in "xml-

RE: OutOfMemory error

2003-09-26 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: Alberto Rodriguez Reyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hi, i've read this document and that's only really solution.i think that must have other solution to free memory. Thanks I dont quite understand, increasing the amount of memory available to the JVM is the not the only solution suggested on the FO

Re: OutOfMemory error

2003-09-26 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: Alberto Rodriguez Reyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hi, my name is Alberto and i'm from spain, my english is not very well but i try to tell you what it happens. I'm developed a single system fop based: i received a xml input and a pdf is returned, but if xml is very large the application return a

Re: Font, metric-file, line spacing

2003-09-16 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: "IvanLatysh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I have a small problem with line spacing when using custom fonts. Before, when I used only times, courier and arial this process was perfect, I has no problems at all. But since I add a few additional fonts I have a different line spacing on the screen an

Re: Join the FOP Developers ?

2003-09-15 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: Dennis Myrén <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hi. I am just sending you a letter to announce my interest in being part of the FOP developer team. Currently, I am myself writing a commercial PDF generator from scratch for my company (not at all based on FOP of course). Hi Dennis, I hope you dont min


2003-09-05 Thread Chris Bowditch
FOP Devs, I have been trying to help a user get SVG working using the PCL Renderer, because according to the Output/Targets page the PCL renderer supported it. However, both the user and myself have been unable to get it working. So I have submitted a patch to change the Output/Targets page to

block-container issues/compliance page

2003-08-29 Thread Chris Bowditch
FOP Devs, there have been a couple of questions on use of block-containers and absolute positioning this week. I couldnt see anything obvious on the website, but I may have missed it. In either case I thought it would be useful to add a few words about block-container to the compliance page. I

Re: StaticContentLayoutManager

2003-08-29 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: "Victor Mote" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> FOP Developers: I just committed a change (for the FO isolation work) that may have broken my general rule of not changing the substance of what is going on in the code. The fo/pagination/StaticContent stored a reference to a StaticContentLayoutManager and

RE: addLayoutManager refactored

2003-08-20 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: "Victor Mote" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> So the answer to your second question is that the Visitor doesn't have anything to do with the layout managers, except as a means to an end. The only downside that I can see is that the abstract FOTreeVisitor needs to be updated if the super/sub class rel

Re: addLayoutManager refactored

2003-08-19 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: "Victor Mote" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> For those who are interested in / concerned about the line of development I am taking, I submit this report, to try to make your task easier. I just committed a change that completely refactors all of the addLayoutManager methods that were in the FObj subcla

Re: default value of "force" param for FOP

2003-07-30 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (a) Don't include force patch at all -- only have this option for 1.0. Argument for this: Haven't had too many requests for it, we can continue as-is until 1.0. Since no one else has answered I hope you dont object to me posting an opinion. I would tend t

Re: trunk config, fonts

2003-07-29 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: Clay Leeds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> It may not be too much of a loss, but I won't be able to test the trunk until either a CLI is implemented, or I learn to run Java applets... It would be a loss. If you could spare time to test the trunk, you could report back on which bits of layout need a

Re: JPEG images in Postscript

2003-07-07 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: Jeremias Maerki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Moving to fop-dev because it gets technical... :-) I'm currently figuring out how best to solve this. I'm looking at the code from jpeg2ps which doesn't seem to have a problem with these JPEG files. The code in there is made to ignore any trailing bytes

Re: Spec drives me crazy: column-count and blocks with mixed spans

2003-06-26 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: "Arnd Beißner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Since the default behaviour really seems to be unspecified, and since there's no property to specify it, I believe overall less harm is done if you don't balance at the end of the flow. This is because then you can always trick the renderer into balancing

RE: hack to avoid memory overflow with tables

2003-05-28 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> As for "producing better results" (after compliance)--I would like to think the system designed could be such that the renderers are user-pluggable and -extensible--but my current knowledge of FOP is not formed enough to comment intelligently on that. Back to

RE: hack to avoid memory overflow with tables

2003-05-28 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1.) Generate multiple document types accurately. 2.) Generate a high number of very large documents in a very short amount of time, with "high", "very large", and "very short" taken to their mathematical limits. While there can be plenty of discussion of how

RE: Encryption

2003-02-13 Thread Chris Bowditch
From: "Patrick C. Lankswert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> However, it does not seem to support the CVS diff command. When I select diff, it gives me a visual comparison. I assume that CVS diff is like the UN*X command line diff for use with patch... can anybody help. Unfortunately, I am on a Windows plat

Re: Possible bug in initial-page-number in fop 0.20.5.rc

2003-01-23 Thread Chris Bowditch
This isnt a bug. Try setting the attribute force-page-count="no-force" on the first page-sequence. 3 pages are rendered because default value for force-page-count is "auto", which basically means that because you set the initial page count of the 2nd page sequence to an odd number (1 in your ex

Re: Current CVS version won't build

2002-11-26 Thread Chris Bowditch
em too much. On 26.11.2002 15:42:09 Chris Bowditch wrote: > Thilo, Jeremias, > > After reading Thilo's first message my understanding is that the reason for > getting unexpected output in the resulting PDF is that he checked out the > Trunk, and not the maintenance branch. &

Re: Current CVS version won't build

2002-11-26 Thread Chris Bowditch
Thilo, Jeremias, After reading Thilo's first message my understanding is that the reason for getting unexpected output in the resulting PDF is that he checked out the Trunk, and not the maintenance branch. Thilo, if you want to get 0.20.5cvs, then you need to check out using the branch label f

Re: forrest is coming?

2002-11-05 Thread Chris Bowditch
I see forrest at the web site and it looks terrific! Well done, my congratulations. Sorry for predating any official announce :) +1, looks great _ Unlimited Internet access -- and 2 months free!  Try MSN.

Re: Including Fonts in 20.4

2002-10-23 Thread Chris Bowditch
Found it, for some reason if I am not embedding fonts I need to encode the xml file with option "-enc ansi" once I did that it worked fine. Hi John, Just to clarify for my own info. Do you mean specify -enc ansi when you run TTFReader? ___

Re: Text at th end of a page.

2002-10-02 Thread Chris Bowditch
>I want to display a paragraph at the bottom of a page. >I have defined my page footer. >The paragraph that I want to display is not a part of the page footer, but >i want it to be placed always at the bottom of the page, even if the page >is blank. Why cant you include the paragragh in the reg

Re: FOP on .NET

2002-08-22 Thread Chris Bowditch
> >I have successfully taken FOP source code and compiled it with Microsoft's >free VS.NET add-in, Visual J#, producing a managed .dll file that generates >.pdf files from an FO document. > >It took about a few hours of code tweaking, swapping out different SAX >libraries, etc., and I removed

Re: Question on FOP

2002-08-21 Thread Chris Bowditch
>I am a fop user, I would like to ask what does the following mean in the >release notes, please elaborate what method should I add? > >Building under JDK 1.4: You need to add a method in >src/org/apache/fop/svg/ (search for jdk1.4 and remove the >comments) This means the code

Re: table-cell wrapping

2002-06-26 Thread Chris Bowditch
What other properties have you set on fo:block? What about wrap-option? >From: "Matthew L. Avizinis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Subject: table-cell wrapping >Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 18:42:43 -0400 > >Hello FOP developer type folks, >When I put conte

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