Re: [vdr] Which DVB-S / DVB-S2 cards are recommended?

2015-08-11 Thread Niels Wagenaar
> Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2015 04:43:32 -0300
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [vdr] Which DVB-S / DVB-S2 cards are recommended?
> Hello! I'm new to satellite systems, so I would like to buy a cheap
> card, considering decrypting streams.
> The question is about which hardware is recommended to run with VDR,
> that can decode encrypted traffic

Considering that not all *official* CI-modules are supported, I'll go for the 
assumption it is.

But from personal experience you really can't go wrong with DVB-adapters 
proviced by MYSTIQUE, DVBSky and/or DIGITAL DEVICES.

IMHO stay away from TBS devices, I have horrible experiences with the drivers 
for the TBS5980 and some other models. Although the opensource drivers are 
better, the cards are far from stable.

> Thanks in advance!
> -- 
> Lic. Christian A. Rodriguez
> @car_unlp

Niels ___
vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] Using a rasberry pi as vdr client

2015-05-29 Thread Niels Wagenaar
> Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 19:19:13 +0200> From:
> To:
> Subject: [vdr] Using a rasberry pi as vdr client
> Hi
> I want to use raspberry pi as if it were a graphic card : I mean the dvb 
> devices on a PC style server, IR receiver preferably on the server too 
> (rpi and server in the same room)
Considering your RPi is going to be the frontend, my best guess would that your 
IR receiver must beconnected to your RPi.
> I don't know how to configure it, there is apparently 2 ways of doing it 
> (from what I understood)
> + xineliboutput with vdr-fbfe (rpi plugin is closed source ? the one 
> here : 
I don't have any experience with this solution, but I think I now have 
something to do this weekend ^^
> + streamdev and rpihddevice (which additional plugins ?)
> The second way seems to be more complicated to configure, and I'm not 
> sure it suits my project, but the rpihddevice is well maintained though.
The easiest way to get the 2nd solution running has to be the MiniDVBLinux 
distribution ( for your RPi v1 or v2. While the 
site and parts of the software is in German, I was able to get it up and 
running quite easily.
> The first solution is perhaps much straightforward and includes a media 
> player (?)
That sounds correct.
> Could you tell me more please ?
Well, I really liked the MLD distro with my old RPi v1 and a MCE remote. The 
zapping speed was quite good andissues were minimal. Then again, I tested this 
like 3 months back; so my guess would be that there are quite a number of 
improvements made since I last tested this. 
> Damien
Niels Wagenaar___
vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] Local frontend - using XBMC strm vs vdr-sxfe

2012-03-09 Thread Niels Wagenaar
2012/3/9 Dominic Evans :
> On 9 March 2012 10:09, Niels Wagenaar  wrote:
> Hmm. I have the same (yaVDR) running on an ION330 box. The channels I
> most have problems with are 1080i HD at bitrates of around 9-10 MB/s.
> Perhaps you could post your ~/.xine/config_xineliboutput to
> or ?

I use an Asus AT3N7A-I mainboard with the TT 3650-CI which is an
ION330 configuration
as well and I frequently watch 1080i channels from my provider (Canal
Digitaal) without
any issues at all. The only issue I have is that the buffering is
slower then my old Reel
Multimedia  ExtensionHD configuration, so it takes somewhat longer to
get a picture
(max 5 sec).

My xineliboutput configuration is default, I didn't make any changes
to it what so ever.

> Yes, I don't use the xvdr plugin as it is still very buggy. I simply
> take the playlist of channels from streamdev (available at
> on your vdr box) and generate .strm files [1]
> which I access from a vanilla XBMC Eden via the Videos --> Files
> browser.

I'll check this tomorrow and post my experience using this method.

> Yep I did know about these, but XBMC provides a much richer experience
> for DVD, Blu-ray playback. e.g., cataloguing and display of a library,
> automatic display framerate switching etc.

XBMC does indeed provide a much richer experience and it's a very
powerfull frontend. However, personally I don't like the PVR integration
in its current state and it produces all kind of WAF-issues ;)


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] Local frontend - using XBMC strm vs vdr-sxfe

2012-03-09 Thread Niels Wagenaar
2012/3/9 Dominic Evans :
> Hi all,
>-- SNIP --
> Does anyone have vdr-sxfe running flawlessly as a local frontend for HD 
> content?

I use a fully updated yaVDR 0.4 and I don't have any issues with the
vdr-sxfe frontend.
For me, XBMC with the xvdr plugin seems to produce very ackward results and most
of the time I'm not able to watch anything because it's still
synchronizing the channels.

BTW, you do know that can play all kinds of media (including DVD's)
with vdr-sxfe right?
I use vdr-sxfe because it's one of the few frontends which allows
mediaplayback without
any additional plugins.

> I just wish I could have the full VDR OSD, but within XBMC :)

That'll never happen ^^

> Cheers,
> Dom


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] System unresponsive and picture breakup with VDR 1.7.10 and Tevii S660 (USB)

2010-03-13 Thread Niels Wagenaar
2010/3/13 Artem Makhutov :
> Hi,


> I had the same issue. The system was freezing several times per minute for a
> few seconds.

Yep, this sounds as the same problem I have/had.

> All of this drivers won't work.
> The only working driver for me was called something like this:
> 09X_tevii_x.rar
> Unfortunatly this driver does not build with kernel 2.6.33 anymore. So I
> have to stick with 2.6.32-gentoo-r6.

I use Xubuntu 9.10 and that has 2.6.31. 2.6.33 and higher wont't do
for me, because the nvidia kernel driver won't compile on 2.6.33 and

>> Would you be willing to tar, compress it and upload both drivers
>> somewhere? You may also mail them to me, my mailbox is quite large and
>> can handle large attachements.
> Files sent.

Got them, installed them. Issues gone! No freezes, no picture
breakups, etc. Thank you very much for the drivers! :-)

> Regards, Artem


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] System unresponsive and picture breakup with VDR 1.7.10 and Tevii S660 (USB)

2010-03-12 Thread Niels Wagenaar
2010/3/12 Artem Makhutov :
> The S660 works well for me.

Yes, I read this for many people. As well that others have issues with it.

> It is a problem of the drivers and/or firmware. I had also the same problem.

I thought it was a driver issue.

> The only working driver for me is the official driver from the TeVii website
> and also just an older version. Unfortunaly I have deleted the original .rar
> so I can't tell you the exact version I am using right now.
> The s2-liplianin drivers do not work reliably.

I tested the drivers from:

- Tevii drivers called 100302_linux_tevii_ds3000.rar
- s2-liplianin
- v4l

I made no difference, with all drivers I encountered the same issue.
Picture breakup and at that time the system becomes inresponsive
during a SSH session.

Would you be willing to tar, compress it and upload both drivers
somewhere? You may also mail them to me, my mailbox is quite large and
can handle large attachements.

> Regards, Artem


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] System unresponsive and picture breakup with VDR 1.7.10 and Tevii S660 (USB)

2010-03-12 Thread Niels Wagenaar
2010/3/12 Niels Wagenaar :
> I haven't build the reelbox stuff yet, so the EHD is *not* configured
> in my system. I'm a bit reluctant to remove the EHD since I just made
> everything nice (enclosure and furniture). Also, I tested my
> configuration with MS Windows in combination with DVB Viewer Pro and
> no issues. And a fast test with TVHeadend doesn't seem to give issues
> also. So it must be VDR in combination with my Tevii S660 USB device.

Ok, I removed the ExtensionHD. This didn't solve the problem. Then I
decided to put an old TT 1500-S in and now it works. I also found out
that TVHeadend experienced the same problem. Upgrading VDR didn't
resolve the issue.

So I guess it's  a problem with the Tevii S660 (as I thought). And I
found that other have curious problems as well. *sigh*

Oh well, time to find an other DVB-S2 based USB device.


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

[vdr] System unresponsive and picture breakup with VDR 1.7.10 and Tevii S660 (USB)

2010-03-12 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Hello All,

For a couple of months I'm very happy with my new Asus ION/330. But
last week I decided to swap my Hauppauge NOVA-HD-S2 for an USB based
Tevii S660. The reason, I wanted to get me a new HTPC enclosure and to
use my Reel ExtensionHD (the Asus ATN37A only has one PCI-slot
available). I use the The VDR Team PPA builds (VDR 1.7.10) with the
latest CVS of the xineliboutput plugin.

Now I encounter a strange problem. During the start of VDR I encounter
system unresponsiveness. It hangs a bit, like if the CPU is at 100%.
However, top doesn't show me anything out of the ordinary. And it
seems to happen on SDTV (for example BVN) and HDTV (for example
ArteHD). As a result, during LiveTV using vdr-sxfe, I encounter
picture breakups. I tried removing all of the non-essential plugins
and swapping xineliboutput for vdr-xine, but I have the same problem.
I tried the "official" Tevii drivers as well as the drivers from
s2-liplianin. The only thing I didn't try, is upgrade to VDR 1.7.13.
But before the DVB-device swap it worked great, so I don't see a
reason to upgrade

I haven't build the reelbox stuff yet, so the EHD is *not* configured
in my system. I'm a bit reluctant to remove the EHD since I just made
everything nice (enclosure and furniture). Also, I tested my
configuration with MS Windows in combination with DVB Viewer Pro and
no issues. And a fast test with TVHeadend doesn't seem to give issues
also. So it must be VDR in combination with my Tevii S660 USB device.

Has anybody seen this kind of behaviour and have a solution or
something else for me to look at?


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] A/V out of sync for a lot of channels

2010-03-12 Thread Niels Wagenaar
2010/3/12 Günter Merz :
> For me the frontend doesn't seem to make a difference:
> - vdr-xine/xine-ui
> - vdr-xine/gxine
> - xineliboutput
> show the same behaviour.
> Can I ask which xine-lib version is behind your xineliboutput?

You may :) I use the regular xine-lib version from the VDR Team PPA
(1.2.0+hg+vdpau+r285+crop+v11-1tvt6). The only thing I compiled by
hand (using the vdr pre-patched sources from the VDR Team PPA), is the
xineliboutput plugin. Since I wanted to use the latest CVS edition.

I only have an other issue now... But I'll reserve that for a new thread.


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] A/V out of sync for a lot of channels

2010-03-10 Thread Niels Wagenaar
2010/3/10 Jörg Knitter :
> I have seen the same problem on german channels - but not on all, and I
> found a common sense:
> - channels with MP2 audio: sync ok
> - channels with AC3-5.1: sync ok
> - channels with AC3-2.0: not always in sync, playing back and forth helps,
> there also seems to be a drift over time
> I am using yavdr 0.1.1 ( which also includes XBMC which
> is not based on xine. I haven´t seen any sync problems here so far.

I watch Channel4 a lot and I don't have any issues with it using
xineliboutput or my Reel HDe (read: it's not noticable). But if you
could tell mee the German channels, I could check with those as well.

> With kind regards
> Joerg


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] 10 Year Anniversary of VDR

2010-02-23 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Congratulations VDR, Klaus and every person who contributed to VDR in
any way possible!

I can honestly say that about 2 years ago I didn't use VDR, because I
thought it required a Full DVB card. But since I wanted to watch HDTV,
I decided to gamble and buy a HTPC instead. So that I could be more
flexible, it was cheaper then a dedicated HDTV receiver (which in
total costed me more then I anticipated, but hobby costs money anyway)
and it was more future proof. In the beginning I started using some
awkward Windows applications (MCE, Media portal, DVB Viewer Pro) and
Myth TV, but it wasn't quite what I wanted and I was planning to sell
my HTPC. Then I discovered that I could use VDR in combination with a
softdevice-plugin, I've never gone back to other options. Ok, I still
test some new hard- and software but still I keep coming back to VDR.
And yes, that's a major compliment :).


Niels Wagenaar

On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 5:09 PM, Klaus Schmidinger
> It has been exactly 10 years since version 0.01 of VDR (originally
> named "OSM" - On Screen Menu) was released.
> I want to use the occasion to thank everybody who has contributed
> to VDR, but also those who simply use VDR in their every day life.
> I for one couldn't imagine watching tv without VDR any more. Special
> thanks go to the people running the VDR-Portal (
> Originally I intended to release version 2.0 of VDR at the 10th
> anniversary, but as ever so often, I ran out of time. But I'm still
> on it - stability comes before deadlines ;-)
> I hope you don't think I'm blowing my own horn here, I just didn't
> want the date to pass by without a remark...
> Klaus
> ___
> vdr mailing list

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] Replay Problems with Extension HD

2009-09-05 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Za, 5 september, 2009 18:11, schreef VDR User:
> -- SNIP --
> It sounds like the eHD is the most expensive solution in all areas;
> time, money, patching, etc.  Whereas, vdpau seems to be at the other
> end of the spectrum being the least expensive, easiest, and so on.

Depends on how you look at it. I got mine for almost 1,5 years now and
I've been able to see and hear HDTV without problems. Yes, the other
plugins for mediaplayback seem to have problems with a vanilla VDR setup.
But currently I use ReelVDR anyway and it works like a charm and without
the problems I have with a vanilla VDR setup ;)

> I've got 3 boxes running vdpau, all with different hardware and my
> experience has been the same with each setup.. It was a piece of cake
> and took almost no time to get going.  Now I guess it's the guy who
> had a horrible experience turn to tell his story. ;)

I've been experimenting with VDPAU for a while. And yes, it's the next big
thing when it comes to hardware accelerated playback. But since I need to
put in an additional NVIDIA based videocard with Purevideo HD
capabilities, I rather use my onboard intel for and stick to my eHD
until I have the money to get me a Atom based device with an ION chipset

> Regards,
> Derek


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] Replay Problems with Extension HD

2009-09-04 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Vr, 4 september, 2009 19:39, schreef VDR User:
> All I'm saying is you seem to have a hardware problem that should be
> addressed @ the vendors customer service/product support.  Have you
> even bothered to contact them?  Maybe there's already a fix/solution
> waiting for you there.

IMHO, that's not a correct assumption to begin with. For your information,
I don't have this problem with ReelVDR in combination with the same
plugins. As a matter of fact, I don't encounter none of the issues I have
with the vanilla vdr 1.7.x using the same plugin-versions.

So a correct assumption would be, that this problem may be the result of a
bug in the reelbox plugin as well as the other eHD plugins.

However, more then a month ago my HTPC broke down as well as my
tv-furniture and TV (plasma fell down and took the HTPC with it). But
currently I'm awaiting my new hardware and I hope to do some more testing
after the weekend.


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] ExtensionHD and VDR 1.7.6

2009-05-31 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Zo, 31 mei, 2009 11:47, schreef Magnus Hörlin:
> Seppo Ingalsuo wrote:
> I have to agree that the vdpau deinterlacers are better than the tvtime
> ones, including the temporal only deinterlacer that is used for 1080i.
> But it is as you say a little annoying that paused images are not
> deinterlaced. I use the ION platform with 9400M.
> /Magnus H

Yes, the deinterlacer works much nicer in combination with VDPAU. But with
VDPAU I have two issues and this is why I haven't upgraded to VDPAU
completely as off yet:

1. The maximum usage through VDPAU is in my case an additional 50W
(compared to the ExtensionHD with a maximum of 10W) because I've got a
PCI-e based videocard;
2. Using plugins like vdr-xine and/or xineliboutput you have buffering
time which is annoying for zap speeds on encrypted channels.

Currently I use the Reel-VDR fork and it seems to work quite nicely. And
it doesn't require many patches to get it working, only some S2API based


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] Compilation issues with recent DVB header files vs libc6

2009-04-09 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Do, 9 april, 2009 08:29, schreef Matthias Becker:
>> According to my information (a message on the linux-dvb mailinglist),
>> the
>> old mailinglists (V4L and DVB) are now merged into linux-media.
> what does "merged" mean? Are Posts on the "old" list
> replicated to the new one?

No. Merge as in combined to one and/or a replacement for the old V4L/DVB
mailinglists. Messages send to the 'old' mailinglists will not automaticly
be available on the linux-media mailinglist. That is, if you don't count a
CC as a replication method ;-)

> Regadrs,
> Matthias


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] Compilation issues with recent DVB header files vs libc6

2009-04-08 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Wo, 8 april, 2009 15:04, schreef Klaus Schmidinger:
> On 04/08/09 15:00, Matthias Becker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> is the linux-dvb ML still "alive"?
>> maybe is read more
>> frequently
> That one has way too much non DVB related traffic for me.
> Klaus

According to my information (a message on the linux-dvb mailinglist), the
old mailinglists (V4L and DVB) are now merged into linux-media. The
V4L/DVB mailinglist are infact not used any more for patches (and a global
statement was made to send those patches to the linux-media mailinglist)
and I haven't seen any of the developers being active on it for some time.

Full information was made in early January I believe. More information is
available on the frontpage [1].


Niels Wagenaar


vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] why I must first compile xine-lib£¬not f fmpeg?

2009-02-08 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Ma, 9 februari, 2009 08:07, schreef LinHai:
> when I first compile xine-lib is OK£¬second compile ffmpeg  is OK.
> IF I first compile ffmpeg is OK£¬second compile xine-lib  is failure.
> the syslog:
> make[2]: *** [xineplug_decode_faad_la-xine_faad_decoder.lo] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/xine-lib-1-2-926ee2edf0d8/src/audio_dec'
> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/xine-lib-1-2-926ee2edf0d8/src'
> make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> why ,who can tell me?

Based upon assumption, I think you're using the SVN/Trunk editions of
xinelib 1.2 and FFMpeg.

In that case, it's simple. In your first 'example' xinelib links/compiles
to an older and allready installed version of ffmpeg, you then install a
newer version of ffmpeg (prepare for problems with xinelib!). With your
2nd 'example' you've updated ffmpeg first and then xinelib will try to
compile/link against the updated ffmpeg libraries, which will then fail.

Sollution for this is simple. Stick to the stable xinelib 1.1.x editions
and *do not* use the --external-ffmpeg configure flag.

I've got the feeling that the ffmpeg trunk has been updated again and that
it broke the of xinelib 1.2. Figures, since it's all bleeding edge we're
talking here and it has happened before ;)


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] VDR 1.7.0 & S2API - Channels not Available

2009-02-04 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Wo, 4 februari, 2009 13:38, schreef Ales Jurik:
> -- SNIP --
> Hi,


> I have it working with some dirty hacks (reelvdr svn 10388 - the latest
> with hdplayer). But for the problem with sending AC3 sound to ac3dec
> (with -a ac3dec) I didn't have enough time to solve. With sound over HDMI
> it could be used.

Would you be filling to upload the patch to the ML or send it to me
directly? I use sound over HDMI anyway since I redirect the sound from my
Plasma to my receiver.

> Ales


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] VDR 1.7.0 & S2API - Channels not Available

2009-02-04 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Wo, 4 februari, 2009 13:22, schreef Morfsta:
> -- SNIP --
> The other problem is that I don't think anyone has got VDR 1.7.4
> working with the eHD yet, which is my output device... :-( So it seems
> everywhere I look at the moment I am stuck. :-(

This is indeed correct. The eHD (which I have in use also) seems to be
very stable in 1.7.0. The versions 1.7.3 and 1.7.4 didn't give me any
audio. Hopefully this will be fixed soon. Because this is the only thing
keeping me from using VDR 1.7.4 :)

> Should VDR-1.7.0 be reporting my DVB-T frontends as DVBT when it
> starts up? Is there perhaps a capability flag in the driver that has
> not been setup for the devices that I am using? I compared the channel
> settings of BBC ONE in VDR with multiproto version and s2api version
> that I am running and they are exactly the same.

I have that too, nothing to get worried about it. The DVB-T device gives
out wrong supported transports (like DVBS) but the code/patch will only
lock DVB-T transports with DVB-T devices. At least, during my testing ;)

> @Niels, which DVB-T devices are you using successfully with VDR-1.7.0
> so that I can compare them with my own drivers? It seems strange
> though that scan-s2 successfully finds all the channels but VDR won't
> play them.

I still think it's a problem with the channel.conf. For fun, please try
using the old and default scan for DVB-T. Because I used the old dvb-scan
with the option to output for VDR on my Gigabyte GT-U7000-RH based DVB-T
adapter to scan for KPN Digitenne bouquets (location Zwolle/Apeldoorn).


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] VDR 1.7.0 & S2API - Channels not Available

2009-02-04 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Wo, 4 februari, 2009 10:16, schreef Morfsta:
> Hi,


> Due to an attempt on OS upgrade and thus kernel upgrade I'm grudgingly
> (it worked for me for months with no issues so why would I want to
> change it for now?) trying to make the transition from multiproto to
> S2API. I have two DVB-T cards and a NOVA-S2-HD (HVR4000 lite). I have
> downloaded a vanilla vdr-1.7.0 applied the h264 patch and the s2api
> patch and install S2API from Steven Toth's mercurial repository.

You might want to try Igor's repo  since Steve's hasn't
been updated for over 3 months. This however won't fix your problem perse.

> On booting the kernel loads all the modules and I see the various
> frontends and when I start VDR it loads all of the relevant firmware
> okay. When I start VDR it won't show any of the FTA channels on DVB-T
> or DVB-S (not even tried S2!) and all I get is "Channel Not
> Available". I wish VDR were more descriptive in why the channels are
> not available! :-)

Did you install mine S2API patch from 7-10 for VDR 1.7.0? Because this is
the latest version and this has been tested with DVB-T, DVB-S, DVB-S2 and
DVB-C. And with succes! ;)

BTW, you might want to increase the logging for VDR or check the logfiles
in /var/log what VDR has thrown out (Ubuntu uses /var/log/user.log for
instance). My best guess is an frontend timeout error. This means that a
timeout (duh!) occured when tuning to the selected channel. This can mean
a reception problem (not likely, but good to point out) or a problem in
your channels.conf.

> Apologies if this has been asked before, but is there anything I'm
> missing? Is the problem that I took my channels.conf from my
> multiproto VDR and something has now changed in the format?

The Multiproto channels.conf should be interchangeable with S2API. But
*some* modulation types didn't exist in S2API when I wrote the patches and
you need to check this for yourself. You need to check the settings (Red
button to edit in the TV Channels overview) and see if they are indeed
correct and change them accordinly. My best guess, is that the modulation
types are wrong.

> It would be good to get this working as my old OS is now messy and
> really needs a clean build with a shiny new kernel and I can't patch
> up to date multiproto with the old HVR4000 patches (a few FAILS which
> I guess I could fix, but might take some time as they don't look that
> trivial) and an older version of multiproto from HG doesn't compile on
> the new kernel!

Best to say, multiproto is not needed to get it al working. I've got the
same kind of config as you ( NOVA-HD-S2 and a Gigabyte USB stick for
DVB-T) and it works very good with S2API.

> Can anyone point me in the right direction on what might be going on?

See the above ;)

> Thanks


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] compiling the xine-1.2 with external ffmpeg

2009-01-22 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Do, 22 januari, 2009 21:27, schreef Jouni Karvo:
> Goga777 kirjoitti:
> -- SNIP --
> Good to know.  The include and linking parameters for solved
> the compilation problems, and were probably my main message, though.
> xine-lib 1.2 hg is (I guess) compatible with an older version of ffmpeg
> than the repository one.

Strange. I compiled x264, ffmpeg and xinelib 1.2 from the repositories
like last weekend, and I didn't encounter any problems at all with the
compilation. And it works without problems with vdr-xine 0.90 and the
xineliboutput CVS with VDR 1.7.0.

I used the following configure and on a Xubuntu 8.04
configuration running on a Core2Quad 6600 config with an X86-64 kernel:


./configure --enable-pic --enable-shared --enable-pthread --enable-asm
--extra-cflags="-mtune=native -march=native -mfpmath=sse -O4 -pipe"


./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared --enable-gpl --enable-postproc
--enable-libmp3lame --enable-libvorbis --enable-pthreads --enable-swscale
--enable-libx264 --extra-cflags="-mtune=native -march=native -mfpmath=sse
-O4 -pipe"

Xine-lib 1.2

./ --prefix=/usr --disable-dxr3 --enable-w32dll


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] about the hvr-4000 tuning problems

2009-01-15 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Do, 15 januari, 2009 23:30, schreef Mika Laitio:
> Hi
> -- SNIP --
> I have following in my channel conf for dvb-t and dvb-s channels:
> TV1;YLE:546000:B8C23G8M64T8Y0:T:27500:512=2:650=fin:2321:0:17:8438:4097:0
> arte;ARD:10743:hC56M5O0S0:S19.2E:22000:401=2:402=deu,403=fra:404:0:28724:1:1051:0

Concerning Arte, I've got that same setting in my channels.conf. And I'm
able to see that channel instantly.

> Klaus, do you have any idea from which functions I should try to track
> more for finding the problem?

I use a Hauppauge NOVA-HD-S2 and I've updated to the latest S2API drivers
on the s2-liplianin repository. It uses the same kernel-driver as the
HVR-4000. And I don't have any tuning problems at all on Hotbird 13.0,
Astra 19.2, Astra 23.5 and Astra 28.2. This is with VDR 1.7.0 and my own
S2API patch as well as with VDR 1.7.3.

By any chance, did you try disabling diseqc? Because I had tuning problems
when I used standard diseqc values with no retries with my diseqc 1.0
switch. I had to use the following safe diseqc commands for my diseqc 1.0

# port 1
S19.2E  11700 V  9750   t v W15 [E0 10 38 F0] W100 [E0 10 38 F0] W100 [E0
11 00] W100 A W15 t
S19.2E  9 V 10600   t v W15 [E0 10 38 F1] W100 [E0 10 38 F1] W100 [E0
11 00] W100 A W15 T
S19.2E  11700 H  9750   t V W15 [E0 10 38 F2] W100 [E0 10 38 F2] W100 [E0
11 00] W100 A W15 t
S19.2E  9 H 10600   t V W15 [E0 10 38 F3] W100 [E0 10 38 F3] W100 [E0
11 00] W100 A W15 T
# port 2
S13.0E  11700 V  9750   t v W15 [E0 10 38 F4] W100 [E0 10 38 F4] W100 [E0
11 00] W100 B W15 t
S13.0E  9 V 10600   t v W15 [E0 10 38 F5] W100 [E0 10 38 F5] W100 [E0
11 00] W100 B W15 T
S13.0E  11700 H  9750   t V W15 [E0 10 38 F6] W100 [E0 10 38 F6] W100 [E0
11 00] W100 B W15 t
S13.0E  9 H 10600   t V W15 [E0 10 38 F7] W100 [E0 10 38 F7] W100 [E0
11 00] W100 B W15 T
# port 3
S23.5E  11700 V  9750   t v W15 [E0 10 38 F8] W100 [E0 10 38 F8] W100 [E0
11 00] W100 A W15 t
S23.5E  9 V 10600   t v W15 [E0 10 38 F9] W100 [E0 10 38 F9] W100 [E0
11 00] W100 A W15 T
S23.5E  11700 H  9750   t V W15 [E0 10 38 FA] W100 [E0 10 38 FA] W100 [E0
11 00] W100 A W15 t
S23.5E  9 H 10600   t V W15 [E0 10 38 FB] W100 [E0 10 38 FB] W100 [E0
11 00] W100 A W15 T
# port 4
S28.2E  11700 V  9750   t v W15 [E0 10 38 FC] W100 [E0 10 38 FC] W100 [E0
11 00] W100 B W15 t
S28.2E  9 V 10600   t v W15 [E0 10 38 FD] W100 [E0 10 38 FD] W100 [E0
11 00] W100 B W15 T
S28.2E  11700 H  9750   t V W15 [E0 10 38 FE] W100 [E0 10 38 FE] W100 [E0
11 00] W100 B W15 t
S28.2E  9 H 10600   t V W15 [E0 10 38 FF] W100 [E0 10 38 FF] W100 [E0
11 00] W100 B W15 T
S28.5E  11700 V  9750   t v W15 [E0 10 38 FC] W100 [E0 10 38 FC] W100 [E0
11 00] W100 B W15 t
S28.5E  9 V 10600   t v W15 [E0 10 38 FD] W100 [E0 10 38 FD] W100 [E0
11 00] W100 B W15 T
S28.5E  11700 H  9750   t V W15 [E0 10 38 FE] W100 [E0 10 38 FE] W100 [E0
11 00] W100 B W15 t
S28.5E  9 H 10600   t V W15 [E0 10 38 FF] W100 [E0 10 38 FF] W100 [E0
11 00] W100 B W15 T

> Mika


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] S2-3200 & vdr needed material ?

2009-01-11 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Zo, 11 januari, 2009 11:05, schreef Pierre-Yves Paranthoën:
> Hi Guys,
> Thanks for your help, it worked !
> I'm running vdr-1.7.0 with :
> -- SNIP --
> - and xineliboutput-1.0.3 plugin
> This last one causes me some pb. It looses frames. Is there a particuliar
> version or patch to use as it is outputing in log :
> video_out: throwing away image with pts 3640842 because it's too old
> (diff : 116836).

You might want to try the vdr-xine (or xine) plugin or use xine for
playback instead of vdr-sxfe. In my case, the vdr-sxfe application is
rather unstable, has more problems with HDTV streams and it crashes
frequently. Xine however, is very stable.

In my case, I use the vdr-xine plugin and start Xine the following way:

/usr/bin/xine -V xv -f -D --post vdr_video --post vdr_audio --post
upmix_mono --post vdr --verbose=2  vdr:/tmp/vdr-xine/stream#demux:mpeg_pes

Make sure you edit $HOME/.xine/config and edit the following items:


The thread_count should be the number of CPU's you have (in my case it's
four). With the above startup line and the settings in the config file,
I'm able to watch 1080i HDTV streams with any problems on a Intel(R)
Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz with a Geforce 7160 IGP (using the
180.22 nvidia drivers).

> Kindest regards from a really pleased vdr user !

Your welcome! :)

> Pierre


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] vdr-1.7.3 + reelbox plugin

2009-01-10 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Za, 10 januari, 2009 15:04, schreef Ales Jurik:
> On Saturday 10 of January 2009, Josce wrote:
> Hi,
> -- SNIP --
> I've made some patch for reelbox plugin, but I was not able to get sound
> as
> well as from eHD as from PC soundcard.

Same here. I just tried it, and the eHD does indeed give no sound. I
allready posted it in the Reel forum. Hopefully a fix will popup some day.

> It seemed to be that the switching between channels is 2-3 times longer
> (maybe
> as syncearly from R.Nissl is not implemented?).

I didn't encounter longer zapping times. But then again, I didn't look for
it especially.

> So now I'm back at vdr-1.7.0 and last multiproto from Igor.

Same here. I'm back to 1.7.0 until the sound-problem has been fixed :)

> BR,
> Ales


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] S2-3200 & vdr needed material ?

2009-01-07 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Do, 8 januari, 2009 08:25, schreef Pierre-Yves Paranthoën:
> Hi,
> Could some pse tell me what kind of patch and v4l drivers i should use
> to run vdr-1.7.x in HD mode ?

According to LinuxTV Wiki for your card (source:

- Multiproto (not advisable, since it's absolete)
- S2API (More precise:

And for VDR 1.7.x, you have two choices:

- VDR 1.7.0 in combination with my patches from October;
- VDR 1.7.3 which was released this week;

If you're running a budget only system (read, no Reel eHD for hardware
decoding off H264 or MPEG2) you might want to stick to VDR 1.7.0 because
of some issues with the current plugins like xine and/or xineliboutput (at
least, this is what I read on the ml). Beware though, VDR 1.7.0 has some
audio issues with certain channels like BBC HD (which should be fixed by
the implementation of TS format).

Q to all : The software output plugins had problems with 1.7.1 and 1.7.2 (
and perhaps 1.7.3?). Can anybody confirm that this problem still exists?
Because the reason why I don't upgrade to newer editions, is because newer
versions had problems with the vdr-xine and vdr-xineliboutput plugins.

> thanks,
> regards
> Pierre


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] VDR with S2API (update)

2008-12-08 Thread Niels Wagenaar
-Original message-
From: Holger Rusch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon 08-12-2008 11:22
To: VDR Mailing List ; 
Subject: Re: [vdr] VDR with S2API (update)

> Hi,
> Klaus Schmidinger schrieb:
> >> FF will die in a years or two (months?) i guess and vdr has no well 
> >> integrated outputs.
> > Is there anything in the VDR plugin API that would prevent a plugin
> > from implementing a suitable output device?
> I guess not, but there are (from my view as user with knowladge how to 
> compile and to fix compile-dependancies) it is (as i told) a real pain 
> to get the things going.

Wether I use xineliboutput, xine or the reel eHD plugin, 
compilation/installation is rather straight forward or well documented on 
several Wiki's. At least, at the point of viewing my DVB-T, DVB-S or DVB-S2 

> And yes this is not a problem of vdr.
> The level to get everything going is high. ac3directout, softdevice, 
> ffmpeg, xv-xserver, ... On the other side you pick an evil-windows 
> system, and the output of the media data simple and easy.

I wish it was easy and simple. With Windows we have the DLL hell. And you don't 
want to know what I went through to get H264 decoding working on the GPU level 
in combination with Mediaportal. I tried several codecs, codec packs, bought 
codecs which should support, etc and still I had problems with H264 broadcasts 
(and no, I'm not talking MKV's or MP4's here) when watching NGC-HD.

I'm not talking days here. I'm talking weeks of struggeling to get it working. 
And now I've got it finally working, it seems that DISEQC support for my 
Hauppauge NOVA-HD-S2 is broken. Since August this year to be precise... Which 
other options do we have on Windows? The only ones I can think of are SageTV 
(expensive), MCE (expensive and doesn't support H264 broadcasts) and a bunch of 
other DVB viewing software which are unstable, or expensive, or un-usuable 
because they lack DISEQC support for my DVB-card or they are not user-friendly 
(read: limited WAF).

Since Januari this year I've tested several DVB software which would allow me 
to view H264 broadcasts. And up till today, only VDR allows this for me and is 
stable as hell. I can't remember when I last rebooted my HTPC or restarted VDR. 
That I needed to buy a eHD to get hardware acceleration, I don't care. For 605 
Euro's I now have a HTPC which allows me to view DVB-S, DVB-S2 and DVB-T 
broadcasts and I can watch everything on the multimedia aspect (using XBMC).

> It is a linux/system and not vdr problem, which does the recording 
> really nice and good!

And to be honost, there aren't other options which are just as good or stable 
as VDR. I know this, I've spend almost 6 months to get my HTPC working with a 
high WAF. And this is *very* important if I wanted to change my software ;-)


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] vdr + xbmc

2008-12-02 Thread Niels Wagenaar
-Original message-
From: Alex Betis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue 02-12-2008 15:54
To: VDR Mailing List ; 
Subject: Re: [vdr] vdr + xbmc

> -- SNIP --
> I was intrigued to see what is this XBMC all around and found that thread in 
> forum:
> Looks like there is a way to stream live TV to XBMC from VDR already. Any 
> reason you don't use that option and prefer to have 2 frontends?

That plugin had some issues last time I tried it. For instance:

- zapping is very slow on encrypted and non-encrypted channels;
- No bouquets are shown;
- 4:3 broadcasts doesn't get automaticly set to 16:9 output;
- Plugin needs to configured/started within video environment of XBMC (no own 

Just not really workable atm, at least for me that is. But there's talk about 
implenting VDR frontend within XBMC. But that's just it, it's just talk.

For a high WAF implementation, the VDR/XBMC switch wins hands down.


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] vdr + xbmc

2008-12-02 Thread Niels Wagenaar
-Original message-
From: Gerald Dachs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue 02-12-2008 13:21
Subject: Re: [vdr] vdr + xbmc
> -- SNIP --
> I use one remote for both, I toggle with one button between 3 modes.
> mode 1
>vdr-sxfe on Plasma TV and graphttft-fe on TFT in case
> mode 2
>xbmc on Plasma TV and graphttft-fe on TFT in case
> mode 3
>nothing on Plasma TV and xbmc on TFT in case

I think you use a .lirc configuration in combination with irexec to switch?

> I start vdr with --lirc=/dev/null so that it doesn't react on the remote.
> Vdr-sxfe ist started with --lirc. Vdr-sxfe is never started the same time
> that xmbc is running, so I can use the same remote for both.

This is indeed something I was looking for. Forgot that some options are 
extremely easy to resolve. But I was wondering, what remote do you use yourself 
and did you configure a .lircrc for vdr-sxfe? 

I want to use this configuration for my new HTPC (completely software based 
output) which will use Xine for VDR viewing (vdr-sxfe is somewhat unstable on 
my configuration). And the phrase " One Remote to rule them all" would be great 

> Gerald

Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] MythTV Adds Support For NVIDIA VDPAU

2008-12-01 Thread Niels Wagenaar
-Original message-
From: Torgeir Veimo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon 01-12-2008 12:58
To: VDR Mailing List ; 
Subject: Re: [vdr] MythTV Adds Support For NVIDIA VDPAU

> On 1 Dec 2008, at 21:49, Magnus Hörlin wrote:
> > I have introduced VDR to at least 20 people (mostly windows-users)  
> > over the years, but this may be the day it ends.
> It appears you think that VDR will never get a plugin that can utilise  
> the VDPAU (or similar) api?

Why should it depend on VDR? The only reason when VDPAU would be used, is in 
combination with software based device output plugins like the xine & 
xineliboutput. As soon as Xine supports VDPAU, then the VDR with the plugins 
*should* support it as well.

For other (read: hardware) output devices, VDPAU isn't used at all. 

And from my point of view, MythTV is still not as accesible compared too for 
instance Mediaportal or Microsoft MCE. IMHO, the best combo is still VDR for 
DVB viewing in combination with XBMC for multimedia viewing. But then again, 
this is my oppinion :-)


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] MythTV Adds Support For NVIDIA VDPAU

2008-12-01 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Ma, 1 december, 2008 17:31, schreef Magnus Andersson:
>> And from my point of view, MythTV is still not as accesible compared too
>> for instance Mediaportal or Microsoft MCE. IMHO, the best combo is still
>> VDR for DVB viewing in combination with XBMC for multimedia viewing. But
>> then again, this is my oppinion :-)
>> Regards,
>> Niels Wagenaar
> I agree. Do you have a working script or a good way to switch between
> xbmc and vdr? There are a few threads about this at
> but no good solution. I want to use vdr as I use
> it today with fast channelswitching and without http connection to
> streamdev plugin.

I use VDR in combination with the Reel HDe and XBMC in Xubuntu 8.10. The
HDE uses HDMI while XBMC is using the onboard VGA connection. I use two
remotes : Hauppauge remote for VDR (/dev/input using Remote plugin) and
MCE Remote for XBMC (lirc). Extremely easy to use and to control.

If you have a software based output plugin and two remotes, you can use a
.lirc in combination with irexec which starts vdr-sxfe or XBMC. I've set
this up for a good friend where his MCE Remote has two perticular buttons
(LiveTV and DVD) configured for starting two scripts which then starts
xine or XBMC. He then uses the MCE Remote (minus the two buttons) for XBMC
and his other remote (Hauppauge) with VDR through the Remote plugin and
/dev/input location.

Oh, and the software based solution has a high WAF according to my friend :)

> /Magnus


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] MythTV Adds Support For NVIDIA VDPAU

2008-12-01 Thread Niels Wagenaar
-Original message-
From: Torgeir Veimo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon 01-12-2008 12:58
To: VDR Mailing List ;
Subject: Re: [vdr] MythTV Adds Support For NVIDIA VDPAU

> On 1 Dec 2008, at 21:49, Magnus Hörlin wrote:
> > I have introduced VDR to at least 20 people (mostly windows-users)
> > over the years, but this may be the day it ends.
> It appears you think that VDR will never get a plugin that can utilise
> the VDPAU (or similar) api?

Why should it depend on VDR or its plugins? The only reason when VDPAU
would be used, is in combination with software based device output plugins
like the xine & xineliboutput. As soon as Xine supports VDPAU, then the
VDR plugins *should* support it as well.

For other (read: hardware) output devices, VDPAU isn't used at all.

And from my point of view, MythTV is still not as accesible compared too
for instance Mediaportal or Microsoft MCE. IMHO, the best combo is still
VDR for DVB viewing in combination with XBMC for multimedia viewing. But
then again, this is my oppinion :-)


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] xineliboutput - invalid data

2008-11-29 Thread Niels Wagenaar

> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Namens Alex
> Betis
> Verzonden: zaterdag 29 november 2008 22:31
> Aan:
> Onderwerp: [vdr] xineliboutput - invalid data
> Hi,
> I'm trying to configure xineliboutput 1.0.3 with VDR 1.7.1.
> Compilation and installation seems to go ok, but playback doesn't work.
> I can see OSD in opened window, but when it gets to the channel itself
> CPU usage jumps to 100% and the log contains:
> -- SNIP --
> Any ideas?

You have two options:

- Go back to 1.7.0;
- Use the LIVEBUFFER patch by patching VDR 1.7.1 with the VDR-Extensions patch;

See for more 

> Thanks.


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] Channel overview based upon Bouquet

2008-11-29 Thread Niels Wagenaar
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Namens Georg
> Acher
> Verzonden: zaterdag 29 november 2008 1:50
> Aan: VDR Mailing List
> Onderwerp: Re: [vdr] Channel overview based upon Bouquet
> -- SNIP --
> UseBouquetList = (1 for bouquet, 2 for bouquet list).
> I use 0, I hate the bouquet sorting in any variant ;-)

Can it be that this option isn't used with the 'regular' VDR or that it's skin 
dependant? Mainly because this option doesn't seem to do anything when I select 
channels with for instance the reelskin changing this option doesn't seem to do 
anything in the channels overview.

> In the Reel-vdr, the menu is in "OSD settings" (expert mode).

Alas, this option doesn't exist in the regular VDR, so manual change it shall 
be! ;)


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

[vdr] Channel overview based upon Bouquet

2008-11-28 Thread Niels Wagenaar
I was testing a patch which would allow the Reel-VDR sources to be
compiled against multiproto. But during the test of Reel-VDR, I found
out that the Channel Overview was only showing the channels in the
chosen Bouquet. I do really like this option and I thought it was a
option in the setup.conf. However, I'm not able to find that option.
Can somebody enlighten me if this option exists or if I can re-create
it with a plugin?
Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] New Video Decode and Presentation API from NVidia

2008-11-25 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Di, 25 november, 2008 03:59, schreef VDR User:
> On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Nicolas Huillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> It's still good news to know that open-source software allowing current
>> fanless integrated motherboards to decode HDTV at ~10% CPU is on its
>> way...
>> Going from 87% of 2 cores, to ~10% of an entry level CPU is good,
>> specially when the load is taken care of by existing chips.

I agree on that point. I would rather have ~10% or ~20% then the regular
57% per core on my Core 2 Quad system when I view H264 channels of my

> Yes, I agree.  Just pointing out that you certainly do not need a quad
> core, that's all.  Also, the price of the cpu is the same whether
> you're using 87% or 10% of it. ;)  The point is you can already have
> cheap HDTV without using the new Nvidia api.

Well, in my case I do. When I view BBCHD, ArteHD, AnixeHD or the AstraHD
channels I don't encounter many problems. Image is clear and no stutter.
But as soon as I watch the 1080i/H264 channels of my provider (Canal
Digitaal) on Astra 23.5e, I have major stuttering. BravaTV in HD doesn't
have much problems, but NGC HD and Discovery HD is an other matter. My
Core 2 Duo just couldn't handle it with FFMPeg and Xine-lib 1.2. But since
I've put in a Core 2 Quad, I'm able to watch those channels even with fast
moving images :)

>> I'd like to have full-HDTV on a single x86 mini-ITX board. I'm now
>> seeing this will happen soon enough, and I'll wait until then before I
>> spend money on new hardware.
> Yes it's nice!  My goal is diskless, fanless, low power consumption
> dedicated HDTV box.  Very small, very low cost!

I again agree :) I would like an additional HDTV box in my bedroom. It
needs to have the options you wrote. But I don't want a Popcorn or some
other kind of device. I want the option to enhance it myself (flexability)
so I'm waiting desperately for GPU based decoding of H264 and VC-1
transport streams :)

Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] New Video Decode and Presentation API from NVidia

2008-11-24 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Ma, 24 november, 2008 16:50, schreef VDR User:
> On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 4:53 AM, Nicolas Huillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> It seems that things are really moving, and VDR-HD may finally work with
>> cheap hardware by the time HD material is commonplace.
> You must live under a rock if HD content isn't already common where
> you live/from your provider!  Here is NA there's tons of HD channels,
> with many more coming soon.

Only, in the US most of the HDTV transports don't use H264. At least, I
heard from several people that it's HDTV through MPEG2. Over here (Europe)
it's mostly HDTV through H264 (only a very small number of MPEG2 HDTV
channels over here).

And H264 is the real problem over here and it all comes down to CPU
decoding (FFMpeg or CoreAVC for Linux) or by using a device like the Reel
HD Extension.

Currently I need to use a Core 2 Quad (Q6600 @ 2.40GHz) to get decent and
stutter-free H264 decoding using software (FFMpeg SVN, Xine-lib 1.2,
Xine-UI and vdr-xine plugin). With my Core 2 Duo (E7300 @ 2.53Ghz) I
didn't had enough juice (stuttering, framedrops, etc).

That's why I do enjoy all this news about hardware accelerated H264
decoding on the GPU. Most of the motherboards have a GPU with this kind of
features, to bad we can't use it in Linux/Xorg :(


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] VDR -> S2API: 2 questions

2008-11-22 Thread Niels Wagenaar
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Namens Niels
> Wagenaar
> Verzonden: zaterdag 22 november 2008 14:13
> Aan: VDR Mailing List
> Onderwerp: Re: [vdr] VDR -> S2API: 2 questions
> The patch from 7-10 is indeed the latest. There weren't any changes in
> S2API in the last weeks, which would or could my VDR/S2API patch.

(Damn Send button!)

Which would or could break my VDR/S2API patch ;-)

BTW, only DVB-S, DVB-S2 and DVB-T is really tested by me (and with great 
success). The DVB-C code is theory and untested.


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] VDR -> S2API: 2 questions

2008-11-22 Thread Niels Wagenaar
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Namens Klaus Schmidinger
> Verzonden: zaterdag 22 november 2008 14:07
> Aan:
> Onderwerp: Re: [vdr] VDR -> S2API: 2 questions
> -- SNIP --
> Looks like there is also a newer patch posted in
>   [vdr] [PATCH] S2API for vdr-1.7.0 (07-10-2008 - quickhack for DVB-
> S(2), DVB-T and DVB-C)


> on 07.10.2008 21:09 by Niels Wagenaar.
> @Niels: can you confirm that vdr-1.7.0-s2api-07102008-h264-clean.patch
> is your "latest, greatest" S2API patch for VDR?

The patch from 7-10 is indeed the latest. There weren't any changes in S2API in 
the last weeks, which would or could my VDR/S2API patch.
> Klaus


Niels Wagewnaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] Problems building xine-lib on openSUSE 11.0 w/ gcc 4.3.1

2008-10-28 Thread Niels Wagenaar
-Original message-
From: Goga777 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue 28-10-2008 10:06
Subject: Re: [vdr] Problems building xine-lib on openSUSE 11.0 w/ gcc 4.3.1

> > -- SNIP --
> > How did you deduce that, when Darren said that you should upgrade your
> > xine-lib? You might even jump to xine-lib 1.2 which already includes
> > vdr-xine plugin.
> does xine-lib 1.2 include vdr-pligin from Reinchard Nissl ? are you sure ?

Last time I check, xine-lib 1.2 doesn't include the vdr-xine plugin. But, if 
you use 1.2, you don't have to patch xine-lib anymore.

Xine-lib 1.2 now includes the patches for Xine-Lib so that you connect to a VDR 
system which is using the vdr-xine plugin.

> Goga


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] S2API in VDR

2008-10-25 Thread Niels Wagenaar
-Original message-
From: Artem Makhutov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri 24-10-2008 20:56
Subject: [vdr] S2API in VDR

> Hello,
> the S2API is included in kernel 2.6.28-rc1.
> Will the S2API patches be integrated in VDR 1.7.2?

If I remember correctly, Klaus will only add S2API support for VDR as soon as 
the TT S2-3200 based cards are supported in S2API. Mainly because, he has that 
card ;-)

Currently, patches exist for the S2-3200. Steven waits for the official word 
from Manu to pull the support of S2-3200 into S2API. Perhaps it'll happen this 
weekend (I hope). 

> Thanks, Artem


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] [PATCH] S2API for vdr-1.7.0 (07-10-2008 - quickhack for DVB-S(2), DVB-T and DVB-C)

2008-10-08 Thread Niels Wagenaar
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: Gregoire Favre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Verzonden: woensdag 8 oktober 2008 17:05
> Aan: Niels Wagenaar
> CC: VDR Mailinglist (
> Onderwerp: Re: [vdr] [PATCH] S2API for vdr-1.7.0 (07-10-2008 -
> quickhack for DVB-S(2), DVB-T and DVB-C)
> On Tue, Oct 07, 2008 at 09:09:59PM +0200, Niels Wagenaar wrote:
> Hello VDR's users ;-)
> I took some time to find this email because it was crossposted to
> linux-dvb and my system only kept the first one, which was the one from
> linux-dvb... by the way I don't see the point in sending this to
> linux-dvb ml).
> But now I have compiled my VDR with this version :-)
> And it seems to works aswell as with multiproto.
> Thank you very much for this !

You're welcome and I'm glad that everything works correctly :)

Just curious. What do you watch exactly? DVB-C, DVB-S, etc. Mainly since I'm 
very interested if anybody has tested this with DVB-C :)


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

[vdr] [PATCH] S2API for vdr-1.7.0 (07-10-2008 - quickhack for DVB-S(2), DVB-T and DVB-C)

2008-10-07 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Hello All,

This patch gives VDR 1.7.0 support for DVB-C (untested), DVB-S (tested), DVB-S2 
(tested) and DVB-T (tested) using S2API. The patch itself is still based upon 
Igor M. Liplianin's S2API patch. Today Steven Toth made some changes to the HG 
repo of S2API, so it was time for a new patch :)

Here's what's new:

- Added the new DTV commands for use with DVB-T;
- Added DTV_ROLLOFF en ROLLOFF_35 frontend command/data for DVB-S (required to 
get a lock with DVB-S);
- Removed NBC_QPSK modulation-hack since it was not needed anymore;
- Removed QAM_AUTO modulation-hack for DVB-C and DVB-T (DVB-T doesn't require 
it anymore with the new DTV commands);

Enclosed are two patches. The clean patch is for a clean VDR 1.7.0 source tree 
patched with Reinhard's 
 patch. The diff patch is for those who have used the patch from 05-10-2008. 
Please only use this patch if you have updated to the latest S2API from! 

Thanks goes out to Igor, Darron Broad and Edgar (gimli) Hucek for the help and 
suggestions with the previous and current patches. Again, any feedback on this 
patch is highly appreciated!


Niels Wagenaar

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data
vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] [PATCH] S2API for vdr-1.7.1 vanilla and extensions patch 64 ( 071020008 )

2008-10-07 Thread Niels Wagenaar
-Original message-
From: Klaus Schmidinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue 07-10-2008 13:44
Subject: Re: [vdr] [PATCH] S2API for vdr-1.7.1 vanilla and extensions patch 64 
( 071020008 )

> On 10/07/08 12:46, gimli wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > this patches are for Steve Toth's repository at :
> > .
> > In theory they should work. I did them offline from my VDR.
> Just so nobody wonders why I'm not currently adopting this switch
> to S2API: I've tested a recent version of the S2API driver and it
> apparently doesn't support the TT-Budget S2-3200 cards yet (which
> IIRC the "multiproto" driver does). 

I understand this completely. Even besides the fact that the card (still?) has 
locking problems with multiproto, I hope that the current drivers in multiproto 
and/or mantis will be be ported to S2API soon. I have high hopes that this will 
be the case in a short time. It's been two weeks after the S2API announcement 
and they announced that in 4 weeks after the announcement the TT-3200 should be 
included in S2API. So have hope! :)

> So as long as these cards are not
> supported, VDR will not go anywhere near S2API (and I certainly will
> not support two DVB APIs in parallel).

The reason why I started (read: continued Igor's patch ;) with the S2API patch, 
is because S2API has been voted to be the next enhancement in the v4l drivers 
and I wanted to test S2API. Since I have a WinTV-NOVA-HD-S2, I didn't had much 
difficulty to test S2API in combination with VDR (since it's supported since 
the beginning, ghe). The plus of this all is, is that people can use VDR *now* 
with their S2API supported DVB-cards for DVB-T, DVB-S, DVB-S2 and possibly 
DVB-C. But other can use VDR as well, as soon when it becomes a part of v4l 
and/or part of the next kernel release :) 

Currently only Kaffeine (untested, but it should be working) and VDR 1.7.x have 
support for S2API. So VDR is atleast ahead of MythTV on this point (I haven't 
seen any S2API patches floating around for MythTV). And I'll be making patches 
for S2API-support, as long as long as you can't test/support it :)

> Klaus


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] [PATCH] S2API for vdr-1.7.1 vanilla and extensions patch 64 ( 071020008 )

2008-10-07 Thread Niels Wagenaar
-Original message-
From: gimli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue 07-10-2008 12:46
To: VDR Mailing List ; 
CC: VDR Mailing List ; 
Subject: [vdr] [PATCH] S2API for vdr-1.7.1 vanilla and extensions patch 64 ( 
071020008 )

> Hi All,
> this patches are for Steve Toth's repository at :
> .
> In theory they should work. I did them offline from my VDR.

Nice :)

I saw the announcment/message from Steve on the linux-dvb mailinglist. Since 
this morning, many enhancements were added to the frontend.h for DVB-T. Also, 
QPSK/8PSK modulation with DVB-S2 should be fixed (no need for the NBC_QPSK 

Since I'm at work, I'm not able to do anything (I can program but I cannot 
test). As soon as I'm home, I'll make the patch for 1.7.0 and make sure that 
everything works correctly with DVB-T, DVB-S and DVB-S2.

> cu
> Edgar (gimli) Hucek


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] [PATCH] S2API for vdr-1.7.0 (05-10-2008 - quickhack for DVB-S(2), DVB-T and DVB-C)

2008-10-05 Thread Niels Wagenaar
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Namens Klaus Schmidinger
> Verzonden: zondag 5 oktober 2008 17:53
> Aan:
> Onderwerp: Re: [vdr] [PATCH] S2API for vdr-1.7.0 (05-10-2008 -
> quickhack for DVB-S(2), DVB-T and DVB-C)
> -- SNIP --
> Apparently stb6100.ko and stb0899.ko are not contained in that driver,
> which means it's useless for me.

That's correct.

> Any idea when these will become part of the S2API driver?
> IIRC these did work (at least to some extent) in the "multiproto"
> driver...

According to the announcement, it should be available within 4 weeks after the 

> The group aims to have a unified in-kernel DVB-S2 HVR4000 / TT-3200 
> tree (that also supports all of the derivative CX24116 / STB0899 known 
> products) within 4 weeks from the announcement, hopefully in time for 
> kernel 2.6.28. For that, we would like to ask Manu to port his drivers to the 
> new API.

> Klaus


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] [PATCH] S2API for vdr-1.7.0 (05-10-2008 - quickhack for DVB-S(2), DVB-T and DVB-C)

2008-10-05 Thread Niels Wagenaar
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Namens Klaus Schmidinger
> Verzonden: zondag 5 oktober 2008 12:35
> Aan:
> Onderwerp: Re: [vdr] [PATCH] S2API for vdr-1.7.0 (05-10-2008 -
> quickhack for DVB-S(2), DVB-T and DVB-C)
> -- SNIP --
> I'm about to begin setting up my new VDR with DVB-S2 support, so I was
> wondering

Just to get one thing straight. Currently only a couple of DVB-S2 cards are 
supported. Be sure to check the Wiki of S2API:

I read somewhere you used a S2-3200. That is possibly not yet supported. At 
least, not yet ;)

> - where is the ultimate S2API driver source?

Development repo:

> - can you provide an S2API patch against plain vanilla VDR 1.7.1
> (without
>   any other patches)? It should only make the necessary changes to
> switch
>   from the multiproto API to the S2API.

It's attached :)

> Klaus


Niels Wagenaar

Description: Binary data
vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] [PATCH] S2API for vdr-1.7.0 (05-10-2008 - quickhack for DVB-S(2), DVB-T and DVB-C)

2008-10-05 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Hello All,

Here's a new patch for DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-T and DVB-C support using S2API in 
combination with VDR 1.7.0. By accident I used an old source tree for the patch 
from 04-10-2008, which resulted in problems getting a stable lock on DVB-T 
and/or perhaps DVB-C. The included patch will fix that.

Enclosed are two patches. The clean patch is for a clean VDR 1.7.0 source tree 
patched with Reinhard's 
 patch. The patched patch is for those who have used the patch from 04-10-2008.

Again, any feedback on this patch is highly appreciated!


Niels Wagenaar

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data
vdr mailing list

[vdr] [PATCH] S2API for vdr-1.7.0 (04-10-2008 - quickhack for DVB-S(2), DVB-T and DVB-C)

2008-10-04 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Hello All,

Today I finished the patch for DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-T and DVB-C support using 
S2API in combination with VDR 1.7.0. I've tested my code on DVB-S, DVB-S2 and 
DVB-T transports and they were all successful. DVB-C is untested (don't have a 
DVB-C option where I live) but it should work in *THEORY* ;)

DVB-S and DVB-S2 were tested on a Hauppauge WinTV-NOVA-HD-S2 card. DVB-T was 
tested on a Gigabyte GT-U7000-RH USB device. I used the latest v4l pull and 
viewing was very stable with both DVB devices. I also didn't had any problems 
any more when switching between DVB-S(2) and DVB-T, but it can be that this 
patch will *NOT* work correctly on MFE DVB devices like the HVR-3000 or 
HVR-4000 (I had to do some hacking because strangely, DVB-T transports were 
offered to my DVB-S DVB device). Since I can't test this, I hope others can 
tell me if it works or not.

Enclosed are two patches. The clean patch is for a clean VDR 1.7.0 source tree 
patched with Reinhard's 
 patch. The patched patch is for those who have used Edgar (gimli) Hucek's 
patch for VDR 1.7.0. In theory it should also work with my last send patch.

The patch itself is still based upon Igor M. Liplianin's S2API patch. Many 
thanks to Igor, Darron Broad and Edgar (gimli) Hucek for the help and 
suggestions with the previous and current patch. Again, any feedback on this 
patch is highly appreciated!


Niels Wagenaar

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data
vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] [PATCH] S2API for vdr-1.7.0 (quick hack for DVB-S/DVB-S2)

2008-10-02 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Do, 2 oktober, 2008 16:35, schreef Gregoire Favre:
> -- SNIP --
> I can watch DVB-S channels, including H.264 ones.
> For some unknown reason I can't seems to be able to watch Arte HD for
> example when I start VDR with all my cards.
> If I start VDR with -D1 (my only DVB-S2 card) it works well, I guess it
> miss a check like in the previous patch ;-)

I think why this is the case. The original patch by Igor (and then by me)
disabled some items. More importantly, the code to switch to other

Since I'm going to work on DVB-T and DVB-C, I hope to implent this as
well. I can test this a bit since I use DVB-S/DVB-S2 and DVB-T on my VDR

> Great work :-)

Yeah, Gimli made some nice patches! Since I had to work, I couldn't do
this myself. Next patch from will will be for unpatched and patched VDR
1.7.0 with h264 patch. So, future patches will not have the speedup
patches implented.


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] Help building xine-lib-1.2 --with-external-ffmpeg?

2008-10-02 Thread Niels Wagenaar
-Original message-
From: Stefan Ellenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thu 02-10-2008 01:53
Subject: [vdr]   Help building xine-lib-1.2 --with-external-ffmpeg?

> Thanks Niels, indeed this helped me as well.

Your welcome!
> Now I'm getting a HUGE amount of "undefined reference to av_log"
> It starts browsing the ffmpeg source tree (where I built ffmpeg) for libav c 
> files
> here's the one that makes it quit:
> -- SNIP --
> You happen to know a way around this as well? Since you are using XUbuntu 
> like 
> I do you might
> have experienced the same problem.

Nope. Besides that thing with the -ldts_pic and a additional patch, I didn't 
need to anything else.

> I don't hope it is getting any worse than that...

It shouldn't :)
> 1. how many fixes in the code have been necessary until you (Niels) could run 
> a 
> save compile?

Only two in my case. But on those fixes is a patch so that xine-lib 1.2 SVN can 
build with the latest ffmpeg SVN releases.

> 2. Could anyone point out what kind of developer libraries you installed in 
> order to compile xine-lib savely?

This is what I use:


cd /usr/local/src
apt-get install build-essential
apt-get install mercurial cvs subversion libncurses-dev
apt-get install autoconf libtool automake pkg-config gettext
apt-get install liba52-0.7.4-dev liblame-dev libvorbis-dev zlib1g-dev 
libpng12-dev libx11-dev libxv-dev libasound2-dev
apt-get build-dep ffmpeg
svn checkout svn:// ffmpeg
cd ffmpeg/
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared --enable-gpl --enable-postproc 
--enable-liba52 --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libvorbis --enable-pthreads 
make install
ldconfig –v

- Xine-lib 1.2 HG:

cd /usr/local/src
apt-get install libcdio-dev libvcdinfo-dev
hg clone
tar xivf essential-20071007.tar.bz2
mv essential-20071007 /usr/local/lib/win32
ln -s /usr/local/lib/win32 /usr/local/lib/codecs
cd xine-lib-1.2
patch –p1 < ../xine-lib-1_2-ffmpeg.patch
./ --prefix=/usr --with-external-ffmpeg --disable-dxr3 
--enable-w32dll --with-w32-path=/usr/local/lib/win32
make install
ldconfig -v

- Xine-UI:

cd /usr/local/src
apt-get install libxt-dev
tar xivf xine-ui-cvs-2008031020.tar.bz2
cd xine-ui
./ --prefix=/usr --enable-vdr-keys
make install
I think that the above information should get you the stuff installed.


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] High cpu usage with vdr-xine

2008-10-01 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Wo, 1 oktober, 2008 13:59, schreef serge pecher:
>  Hello,
> -- SNIP --
> I am using Ubuntu 8.04 + a S2-3200 on a P4 3 Ghz, 1GB ram
> When I play SD channels I have a cpu usage of +/- 20-30%
> When I try Simul HD I can see the CPU usage slowly going up to +/- 95 %,
> after what xine crashes

Are you using the SVN version from Xine? Or the stable 1.1.x releases? You
might want to try the 1.1.x releases instead. SVN is bleeding edge and can
sometimes result in ackward unstability.

Anyway. Perhaps an optimized build of ffmpeg and xine-lib. Also, I can't
really tell if a P4 3.0Ghz is fast enough. A DualCore is adviced for
viewing HDTV.

In both cases. You might want to experiment with the CoreAVC dshowserver
plugin for Xine (link was posted a few days ago). While you have a
single-core CPU, CoreAVC is much more faster then FFMpeg.

In my case, my Core2Duo didn't go above the 100% resulting in dropouts of
frames and audio in combination with FFMpeg. Now I'm testing with the
CoreAVC dshowserver plugin for Xine, and I can now see my cores being used
and the image (and Xine!) producte stable results.

BTW, CoreAVC is an Windows plugin. But you can use it in combination with
the dshowserver patch/enhancement. CoreAVC is not free though, it costs
around € 10,- ($15,-) but in imho, worth the money.


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] Help building xine-lib-1.2 --with-external-ffmpeg

2008-09-30 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Di, 30 september, 2008 23:50, schreef crow:
> On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 9:52 PM, Stefan Ellenberger
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi list
>> Can anyone help me around this xine-lib compile problem caused by a
>> missing math library?
>> -- SNIP --
>> make[2]: Verlasse Verzeichnis '/usr/src/xine-lib-1.2/src/audio_dec'
>> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Fehler 1
>> make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis '/usr/src/xine-lib-1.2/src'
>> make: *** [all-recursive] Fehler 1
>> -- SNIP --
> Hi,
> Well i didnt sow this problem before. You can use latest ffmpeg and
> also xine-lib1.2 if you patch xine-lib1.2 with this patch:
> Did you install *-dev library for ffmpeg and xine-lib1.2? On that page
> you can see which are needed on sidux (Debian sid).

I did. Just edit /usr/src/xine-lib-1.2/src/audio_dec/Makefile. Look for
-ldts_pic and add -lm after it. And now do a make again, it should now
compile without problems.


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] [PATCH] S2API for vdr-1.7.0(1.7.1) quick hack

2008-09-29 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Zo, 28 september, 2008 23:29, schreef gimli:
> Hi,
> I'm on Astra 19.2 and tested the following HD transponders :
> Anixe HD
> Arte HD
> Astra HD+
> first test results :
> Arte HD tunes ok and plays fine.

Same here. Arte HD is a DVB-S2 transponder using the 8PSK modulation.
Locking goes without any problems at all.

> On Astra HD+ and Anixe HD im getting an error :

Astra HD+ en Anixe HD is on a DVB-S2 transponder which is using a QPSK

> -- SNIP --
> If you need further informations let me know.

I tested other DVB-S2 transponders which have a QPSK modulation. All these
didn't want to lock and gave a timeout. DVB-S2 Transponders with a 8PSK
modulation did gave a lock (Hotbird has a couple, while I don't have
subscriptions to chose channels, I'm able to lock those).

So my first impression was, it's a missing parameter in the Frontend
struct. So I made some changes and check if the transponder is DVB-S2 and
added parameters for DTV_PILOT (with data PILOT_AUTO) and when QPSK is
used with DVB-S2, to use the NBC_QPSK modulation (which is needed for
DVB-S2 if I'm not mistaken) instead of regular QPSK.

However, didn't bring me the sollution I hoped for. I now have a timeout,
lost lock and regain lock, etc, etc, etc. But it's more then it was

So I'm close. Currently I do have a small problem where I put in
parameters which shouldn't been given (oops!) and now my DVB-card doesn't
lock any more, I need to reboot first.

I hope to start to work on it this further when I'm done with work. I'll
keep you all posted :)

BTW, I did manage to get DVB-T working. At least it locks on on the
encrypted channels, but I didn't had time to check for image. Mainly since
DVB-T is my backup for channel-viewing and I wanted to focus on the DVB-S2

> cu
> Edgar (gimli) Hucek


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] [PATCH] S2API for vdr-1.7.0(1.7.1) quick hack

2008-09-28 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Hi Igor,

Small question. I tried your patch, but it fails a hunk in dvbdevice.c. I
added this hunk manually but I think something is missing:

Sep 28 13:56:15 htpc vdr: [19486] ERROR (dvbdevice.c,251): Operation not
supported Sep 28 13:56:15 htpc vdr: [19486] ERROR (dvbdevice.c,252):
Operation not supported Sep 28 13:56:15 htpc vdr: [19486] ERROR: frontend
0: Invalid argument

Those both lines has the following code:

CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend, FE_SET_VOLTAGE, volt)); CHECK(ioctl(fd_frontend,
FE_SET_TONE, tone));

The result is, no tuning and no picture.

And to be honest, I don't really understand why it shouldn't work. Mainly,
since the same code is used with the Kaffeine patch (I'm comparing that

Any help is appreciated :) If you need a quick chat, I'm currently in
#linuxtv on :)


Niels Wagenaar

> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: Igor M. Liplianin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Verzonden: zondag 28 september 2008 12:49
> Aan:; Niels Wagenaar
> CC: Gregoire Favre; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Onderwerp: [vdr][PATCH] S2API for vdr-1.7.0(1.7.1) quick hack
> ? ????? ?? 24 September 2008 18:34:01 Niels Wagenaar ???(?):
> > Hello all (and especially Klaus):
> >
> > It's official, the people from V4L have voted for the usage of the
> > S2API proposal to be the future for new DVB API improvements (see
> > the official announcement at the bottom) within the V4L tree.
> > Currently S2API is in a real speed-train and new devices are added
> > very
> rapidly.
> > Only the devices currently in Multiproto and written by Manu Abraham
> are not yet ported.
> > Also people are allready busy with patches for Kaffeine (allready
> > done) and MythTV (not seen yet, but it's WIP according to a post on
> > the linux-dvb mailinglist).
> >
> > So, this should mean that VDR 1.7.x should focus on S2API because of
> > the obvious reasons. Has anybody started on a patch of somekind to
> > include S2API in VDR 1.7.0 or 1.7.1? Mainly I was thinking of doing
> it
> > myself (I have a Hauppauge WinTV-NOVA-HD-S2 which is allready
> > supported in S2API) in the hope to have it working in the next
> > weekend. But if it's allready done or in progress, then I would like
> > to use my time for something else ;)
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Niels Wagenaar
> Hi Niels
> S2API for vdr-1.7.0(1.7.1) quick hack
> Patch is ugly and only supported DVB-S. But it is useful to begin.
> You may modify it like you wish.
> Igor

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] [PATCH] S2API for vdr-1.7.0(1.7.1) quick hack

2008-09-28 Thread Niels Wagenaar
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: Igor M. Liplianin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Verzonden: zondag 28 september 2008 12:49
> Aan:; Niels Wagenaar
> CC: Gregoire Favre; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Onderwerp: [vdr][PATCH] S2API for vdr-1.7.0(1.7.1) quick hack
> -- SNIP --
> Hi Niels
> S2API for vdr-1.7.0(1.7.1) quick hack
> Patch is ugly and only supported DVB-S. But it is useful to begin.
> You may modify it like you wish.

Igor, thanks for the hack/patch! Now I have something to compare and this will 
speed it up for me very much :)

I didn't had time to start with it yet (Family ;). It was my plan to start this 
evening. So if I have something new, I'll report this asap :)
> Igor


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] [v4l-dvb-maintainer] [Wanted] dvb-ttpci maintainer

2008-09-25 Thread Niels Wagenaar
ility to let Manu 
get his things in order. Or that he couldn't speak or whatever nonsense. The 
fact that multiproto is this far after two years of development, gives the 
people from v4l a lot of time to check the development progress, feedback and 
get an opinion about multiproto.

> But some decision must be made so that the train can get forward and my
> understanding is that both the S2API and multiproto API can be used for
> that. So in that sense I am happy that the work for getting drivers
> back
> from tens of different development trees back to v4l-trunk has started.

The different development trees for multiproto are scattered around the net. 
Even Klaus complained that multiproto(_plus) wouldn't even compile for him. I 
even don't use the official multiproto repository, I use the liplianindvb 
because I don't have to pull multiproto, patch it with a attachment from the 
linux-dvb list or a website and cross my fingers that it doesn't break (which 
happened quite a lot in the past). 

> The real win-win solution at least for the co-operation point of view
> would be if S2API and Multiproto could somehow be compined for making
> one
> superiour DTV API.

To be honest, I hope they abandon multiproto and focus entirely on S2API and 
start cleanly with the drivers. So personally I don't want to see the merge of 
multiproto with S2API. And I think that my reasons for why, are clear enough. 

> But as there has not been any emails discussing the details of these
> two API's I do not know whether it makes sense from technology point of
> view. (As the technically best API should always win in Linux...)

From an end-user point of view, I don't care which technology is the best. I 
don't want repositories after which you have to patch to fix several problems 
because after months of the availability it's still not implanted. So, I want a 
stable and working API which allows me to watch DVB-S2 channels and I want 
software which supports it. 

Multiproto had his chance for two years now. (Perhaps) the best course is to 
start over and see what S2API brings us in one month. I reckon that most of the 
linux-dvb people will see that despite the process, this is the logical step 
for v4l and new DVB techniques under Linux.

> I hope people could still have some energy for commenting this?

I kept rather quiet for a reason. It's better to read everything after a period 
of time, reflect and then give your opinion.

And my opinion is as a normal user, which has knowledge about Linux, compiling, 
patching, etc. That S2API is the way to go so we can start fresh and clean. 
Because several people told me that the lack of support and progress for new 
DVB techniques is keeping them away from Windows alternatives. And to be 
honest, I can't blame them.   

> Mika


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

[vdr] FW: [ANNOUNCE] DVB API improvements

2008-09-24 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Hello all (and especially Klaus):

It's official, the people from V4L have voted for the usage of the S2API 
proposal to be the future for new DVB API improvements (see the official 
announcement at the bottom) within the V4L tree. Currently S2API is in a real 
speed-train and new devices are added very rapidly. Only the devices currently 
in Multiproto and written by Manu Abraham are not yet ported. Also people are 
allready busy with patches for Kaffeine (allready done) and MythTV (not seen 
yet, but it's WIP according to a post on the linux-dvb mailinglist).

So, this should mean that VDR 1.7.x should focus on S2API because of the 
obvious reasons. Has anybody started on a patch of somekind to include S2API in 
VDR 1.7.0 or 1.7.1? Mainly I was thinking of doing it myself (I have a 
Hauppauge WinTV-NOVA-HD-S2 which is allready supported in S2API) in the hope to 
have it working in the next weekend. But if it's allready done or in progress, 
then I would like to use my time for something else ;)


Niels Wagenaar

-Original message-
From: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue 23-09-2008 23:19
Subject: [linux-dvb] [ANNOUNCE] DVB API improvements

> After years of discussions, several patch series and two different proposed
> approaches, LinuxTV developers finally decided that S2API is the better
> technical proposal and should be accepted as the way to allow supporting newer
> DTV standards, starting with DVB-S2.
> As previously announced at 
> a representative group of active developers at LinuxTV community attended the
> first V4L/DVB Summit, that started with the V4L/DVB miniconf at Linux
> Plumbers/2008. Several other additional formal (BOF's) and informal meetings
> happened there, in the benefit of the improvement of the development of
> multimedia drivers and core.
> During the miniconf, both Multiproto API (proposed by Manu) and S2API 
> (proposed
> by Steven), were presented. A technical discussion was made during the DVB BOF
> session in order to compare the two proposals and check for the
> need/convenience of other core internal changes to draw an evolution timeline
> for DVB.
> The DVB BOF had the presence of the following LinuxTV members:
>   Douglas Schilling Landgraf
>   Hans Verkuil
>   Mauro Carvalho Chehab 
>   Michael Krufky
>   Patrick Boettcher
>   Steven Toth
>   Thierry Merle
>   Manjunath Hadlii
> We had also a presence of an end-user listening to the BOF (Brandon Fouts).
> During the BOF, the LinuxTV members carefully analyzed the pros and cons for
> both proposals. At the end, all people present there agreed that S2API is
> technically more reliable in time than Multiproto proposal. So it was decided
> that S2API will be merged upstream.
> The main arguments in favor of S2API over Multiproto are:
>   - Future proof – the proposal for S2API is more flexible, easily
> allowing the addition of newer features and new standard support;
>   - Simplicity – S2API patches are very simple, while Multiproto
> presented a very complex series of changes. Simpler approaches
> reduces the time for maintaining the source code;
>   - Capability of allowing improvements even on the existing standards,
> like allowing diversity control that starts to appear on newer DVB
> devices.
> Some improvements were proposed by the LinuxTV developers, in order to improve
> the S2API, including:
>   - Adding an API command for querying DVB version, to allow an easier
> detection by userspace applications;
>   - Name the DVB API with S2API as DVB version 5;
>   - Update DVB API documentation to reflect the API changes;
>   - Remove from DVB API the unused API ioctls, to match the API with the
> existing implementations.
> The author of S2API got the task of adding those suggestions at the proposed
> standard and send a pull request to the subsystem maintainer, together with
> patches for his drivers that use the newer API.
> It was also discussed that some of the internal Multiproto API changes may be
> needed in other to support some of the other existing DVB-S2 drivers that were
> developed considering Multiproto API. Internal changes can be added at any 
> time
> without producing problems in the user API.
> The group aims to have a unified in-kernel DVB-S2 HVR4000 / TT-3200 tree (that
> also supports all of the derivative CX24116 / STB0899 known products) within 4
> weeks from the announcement, hopefully in time for kernel 2.6.28. For that, we
> would like to 

Re: [vdr] Still can't do multiproto - can now :)

2008-09-20 Thread Niels Wagenaar
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Namens Josce
> Verzonden: zaterdag 20 september 2008 13:10
> Aan: VDR Mailing List
> Onderwerp: Re: [vdr] Still can't do multiproto - can now :)
> Sorry, forgot the relevant part :(
> Using the reelbox-plugin.

Could you define mosaic? Would you be able to post a picture of some kind?

To be honost, I haven't updated the hdplayer3 stuff for some while now. So it 
could be related to a new update in the svn in the reelbox plugin/hdplayer3.

> Josce


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] Still can't do multiproto - can now :)

2008-09-20 Thread Niels Wagenaar
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Namens Josce
> Verzonden: zaterdag 20 september 2008 11:29
> Aan:
> Onderwerp: Re: [vdr] Still can't do multiproto - can now :)
> > Edit Make.config and change/edit the DVBDIR variable. I guess you 
> > don't have it pointed to you multiprot location.
> Of course I haven't :)
> In my twisted and tired brain I assumed that make install would 
> install the modules and the header files that go with them.
> Thanks again for your help!

Your welcome :) I'm glad that this issue was so simple to be resolved ;)

> Now running:
> - multiproto
> - vdr 1.7.0
> - vdr-1.7.0-h264-syncearly-framespersec-audioindexer-fielddetection-
> speedup.diff
> It works almost well. The sound is good but the video has some 
> "mosaic", both on live and verified good recordings?
> The cpu usage is < 10%

Did you try updating/compiling the hg/svn of xine-lib as well as ffmpeg ? Also, 
I don't know which software output device you use, but you can setup 
postprocessing with for instance xineliboutput or vdr-xine.

> Josce


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] Still can't do multiproto :(

2008-09-19 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Vr, 19 september, 2008 21:21, schreef Josce:
> -- SNIP --
> I can't understand why compiler.h is not found, since I have no problems
> finding it :)
> Getting tired and frustrated, better give this some rest ...

Edit Make.config and change/edit the DVBDIR variable. I guess you don't
have it pointed to you multiprot location.

In your case you should have it set at:

DVBDIR   = /usr/local/src/multiproto_plus/linux

(change /usr/local/src to your location)

> Josce


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] reelbox plugin - help compiling

2008-09-19 Thread Niels Wagenaar
-Original message-
Sent: Fri 19-09-2008 13:36
Subject: RE: [vdr] reelbox plugin - help compiling
> > Did you try:
> > 
> > hg pull
> > hg pull
> > hg pull
> Tried and managed to get it without 
> problems.
> Compiling it as I type this and so far no problems :)

Be sure to do this also:
cd multiproto_folder
cd linux/include/linux
ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r`/include/linux/compiler.h ./
Change multiproto_folder to your folder wich contains multiproto (ie: 
multiproto_plus). You need this before you can compile VDR 1.7.0.
And concerning the eHD/reelbox plugin. Best thing is, to setup the plugin 
through VDR (Menu -> Setup -> Plugins -> Reelbox). I do this to, and I never 
had any problems what so ever.
Niels Wagenaar

> > Is there any sort of documentation about reelbox-plugin?
> > I have all these "" settings in my setup.conf
> > and haven't got a clue what they are.
> > 
> > Josce
> > 
> > 
> > Explore the seven wonders of the world Learn more!

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] reelbox plugin - help compiling

2008-09-19 Thread Niels Wagenaar
-Original message-
Sent: Fri 19-09-2008 12:54
To: VDR Mailing List ; 
Subject: Re: [vdr] reelbox plugin - help compiling

> I would like to switch to vdr-1.7.0, but everytime I tried to install the 
> multiproto
> driver some issue came up:
> First I tried to get it from jhlasdflskdflii/multiproto hg, which didn't work.
> So I tried kjwezzzmbasd/multiproto hg, wasn't there etc ...
> Eventually I just gave up :(

Did you try:

hg pull
hg pull
hg pull

It seems that liplianindvb is down at the moment, but according to some others 
the 1st link is a copy of the liplianindvb repository. The 2nd and 3rd are the 
'official' multiproto repo's

> Now apparently the multiproto might not be the future DVB api,
> so I wonder if it is wiser to just wait and see what happens?

Might not or might be. Since there's no S2API patch for VDR 1.7.x, you can 
still use multiproto with these versions. It works (I use a Hauppauge WinTV 
NOVA-HD-S2 myself using the liplianindvb repo) beautifully on my configuration. 
And I watch HDTV/DVB-S2 channels using the eHD without any problems. My current 
VDR uptime is now 13 days with this configuration. Before that it was 35 days, 
but I had to shutdown my HTPC so that I could move my audio/video furniture to 
a different location :/

> Josce


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] Getting old dvb_ttpci running with new driver and VDR1.7.1

2008-09-17 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Wo, 17 september, 2008 08:04, schreef Matthias Fechner:
> Hi Community,
> -- SNIP --
> Was anyone successfull to get that driver with VDR 1.7.1 with the old TT
> card (Rev 1.3) running?

Not with an old TT card and VDR 1.7.1, but I had the same kind of problem
with a Skystar2 (SS2) Rev 2.6 in combination with VDR 1.7.0 a couple of
days back.

I used Igor's repo as well and I only compiled VDR against the
liplianindvb with the compiler.h in place (no compiling of liplianindvb at
all, I thought it wasn't needed since the card was allready detected). And
I encountered the same problem, no locking with VDR 1.7.0 and a SS2. In
the user.log I found an error message with the text "No DVB devices found"
(or something like this).

I resolved it by compiling liplianindvb and do a make install (I rebooted
to be sure). And voila! The SS2 worked without problems and could lock to
several transponders on different sats.

So in short, compilation and installation of multiproto is mandatory for 
VDR 1.7.0. Perhaps this will also fix your problem with VDR 1.7.1.

> Bye,
> Matthias


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] [ANNOUNCE] VDR developer version 1.7.1

2008-09-14 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Zo, 14 september, 2008 16:45, schreef Gregoire Favre:
> On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 04:35:10PM +0200, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
>> For some odd reason neither the latest version of multiproto nor
>> multiproto_plus works here for me. The only one that does work is
>> multiproto_plus 88821ce4ed8d. See my posting on the linux-dvb ML.
> What about
> ?
> --
> Grégoire FAVRE

I use Igor's repo with VDR 1.7.0 (haven't upgraded to 1.7.1 yet) and it
works without any problems at all in combination with my Hauppauge


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] Help building xine-lib-1.2 --with-external-ffmpeg

2008-09-12 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Vr, 12 september, 2008 21:27, schreef crow:
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 9:15 PM, crow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -- SNIP --
> You can try this revision of ffmpeg r15261 as  r15261 Major version
> :
> svn checkout -r r15261 svn://
> ffmpeg_12.09.2008_test
> Again thanks _ds_ on #xine

A small typo on your end:

svn checkout -r 15261 svn://

And indeed, with this version compiling the latest svn of Xine-lib goes
correctly :)

Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] Help building xine-lib-1.2 --with-external-ffmpeg

2008-09-12 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Vr, 12 september, 2008 16:42, schreef Todd Luliak:
> I've been running around in circles trying to get xine-lib-1.2 built with
> external ffmpeg. I currently use 1.2 with CoreAVC and would like to
> explore the h.264 improvements in ffmpeg trunk.
> I am suspecting my ffmpeg configuration/build/installation, but don't know
> what's wrong.
> -- SNIP --
> ff_audio_decoder.c: In function 'ff_audio_decode_data':
> ff_audio_decoder.c:272: error: 'AVCodecContext' has no member named
> 'bits_per_sample'
> ff_audio_decoder.c:325: error: implicit declaration of function
> 'avcodec_decode_audio'
> ff_audio_decoder.c:330: error: 'AVCodecContext' has no member named
> 'bits_per_sample'
> -- SNIP --

Currently I'm starting with a new VDR system on Xubuntu 8.04. And I have
the exact same issue. Latest trunk of ffmpeg and the latest SVN of
xine-lib 1.2.

> xine-lib compiles fine without the external ffmpeg flag, and
> xine-lib-1.1.14 compiles with or without external ffmpeg using the same
> configure options.
> -- SNIP --

I tried it with older version of xine-lib with or without external-ffmpeg,
it failes at the exact same item (SVN, 1.1.14 and 1.1.15 were tested and
have the same problem).

> and the result is the same
> Your help is GREATLY appreciated as I have tried everything I know and
> everything I found
> in searches over the last three days. I'm stumped.

Same here. I did come around how to fix the 'bits_per_sample' message (it
had to do with a change in ffmpeg after a certain revision). However, I'm
not able to resolve the implicit declaration of function
'avcodec_decode_audio' error. But to be honest, I was a bit fedup last

So if anybody can help me (or us ;) with this, that would be great. I was
thinking of send this message to the xine mailinglist, but perhaps some
VDR users know how to fix this.

> -Todd

Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] HVR4000

2008-09-02 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Ma, 1 september, 2008 18:48, schreef Pierre-Yves Paranthoën:
> Hi,
> Does anyone successfully run the Hauppauge HVR4000 with vdr ?

I succesfully run the Hauppauge WinTV-NOVA-HD-S2. It uses the same
driverset as the HVR-4000 and it is also known as the HVR-4000 Lite.
Unlike the HVR-4000, it only has DVB-S and DVB-S2 reception and it lacks
the Analog and DVB-T input (which I don't need anyway since I allready had
a working USB DVB-T adapter in Linux/VDR).

I run this on a VDR 1.7.0 with h264 patch in combination with the Reel eHD

> regards
> Pierre


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] eHD, VDR and multimedia files

2008-07-23 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Wo, 23 juli, 2008 20:00, schreef Goga777:
> several questions :)

I'll try to anwser them ;)

> - does eHD support 1080p ?

Nope. Max is [EMAIL PROTECTED] And for normal viewing, 1080P is still a thing in
the very long future (for your information, we just got HDTV since March)
and it would be only be interesting for the HDDVD and BluRay movies.

> - which CPU do you have and what about cpu load during of decoding 1080i ?

I have an AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+ with AMD
Cool'n'Quiet enabled. Currently it runs on 1Ghz (because of the AMD
Cool'n'Quiet) and vdr has a CPU load of 15% through 25%.

> - is it hard to buy this card in Europe ?

I ordered it online through Reel Germany. Ordered it Thursday, payed it
the same day using IBAN information and UPS delivered it yesterday :)

Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] eHD, VDR and multimedia files

2008-07-23 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Wo, 23 juli, 2008 15:55, schreef Torgeir Veimo:
> Two questions:
> - does the card support changing output framerate between 50 and 60Hz
> without restarting VDR?

Currently, I've setup the output to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Before it was set on
[EMAIL PROTECTED] With this change I didn't had to restart VDR and changes were
made instantly. I can only watch some FTA HD channels like Arte HD, BBC
HD, Axine HD, Luxe TV HD and the ones from my provider (Canal Digitaal NL)
and I didn't encounter any problems with viewing.

Concerning viewing, I'm not sure if they broacast in 50Hz or 60Hz. But
again, I got not problems when viewing several HDTV channels.

> - how is changing between video / s-video output and HDMI achieved?
> Can they be enabled simultaneously, or change automatically based on
> whether something is connected on the HDMI port?

I only watch using the HDMI port (my LCD-TV only has one HDMI input) on
the eHD. Normal viewing (read : X-session) is done using the regular
Analog output on my graphics card. So I can't really anwser your question

> --
> Torgeir Veimo

Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

[vdr] eHD, VDR and multimedia files

2008-07-23 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Greetings to All,

Yesterday I've received my Reel eHD so that I can enjoy hardware
accelerated DVB-S/DVB-S2 playback/output on my VDR-1.7.0 installation in
combination with the S2-3200.

Everything works, image is very good and I can enjoy HDTV without
framedrops or stuttering :) The tutorials on were very
helpfull to get it all working. So cheers for the person who wrote it!

But I miss something in my setup. I used Xineliboutput before - for output
in combination with my DVB Budget card - as a player for DVD's and other
multimedia files (Xvid, MKV, MP3, etc). Obviously, this doesn't work
anymore (I tried it, I don't get any output on the eHD)

According to, xinemultimedia seems to be the plugin so that
I can enjoy multimedia using eHD as a output device. Besides the problems
with getting xinemultimedia te compile, I wonder if there isn't an other
option to have multimedia aspects in VDR using the eHD as an output

If there isn't, what do I need to compile/patch to get xinemultimedia

I think it's the following what I need:

- xinemultmedia plugin (figures);
- Xine-lib 1.1.8 with xine-reel.diff;
- xine-ehd plugin (so that Xine can use the eHD as a output device);
- Filebrowser (Otherwise selecting files will be a problem, right?);

Is this correct? Because information about the eHD and multimedia aspects
of VDR are a bit hard to find. And I don't know I like to fact to
downgrade Xine-lib to 1.1.8 (I run Xine-lib 1.2.x now since it's part of
Ubuntu 8.04).


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] why I can't watch the H.264 channel with vdr-1.7.0+H.264?

2008-07-17 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Do, 17 juli, 2008 02:14, schreef LinHai:
> I have compiled the vdr-1.7.0+H.264+xine-lib-1.2+xineliboutput-1.0.1.
> But when I run it and select the H.264 channel. There is no image on the
> screen, But I can hear the audio.
> I can watch the mpeg-2 channes.
> MY VDR: debian
> lenny+multiproto+vdr-1.7.0+H.264+xine-lib-1.2+xineliboutput-1.0.1
> MY vdr is running on xorg without KDE.
> why I can't watch the H.264 channel? Who Can tell me?
> thank you!.

What card are you using for H264/HDTV viewing and what does VDR tell you
when you select the channel? does it give an error?

It looks like if xine-lib is using the internal ffmpeg viewer. Anyway, I
used the following tutorials on my Ubuntu 8.04 config with S2-3200: (German) (Part 1, English) (Part 2, English)

Be sure to get the latest ffmpeg repository and compile it from source.
The latest editions have had some great new h264 related optimalisations.


Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] HDTV softdevice

2008-07-17 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Wo, 16 juli, 2008 22:57, schreef Uwe Kiewel:
>> Mostly with me it was the other way around. Image was good, audio was
>> lost
>> after a couple of seconds. I fixed this by using the latest trunks from
>> the Xine and/or Xinelibout plugin as well as the Xine-lib and Xine-ui
>> repositories.
> Did you get the audio problems only with HD content? In my case,
> sometimes the vdr log is flooding by "xrun" messages. At the same time,
> there is really bad sound - like a jumping audius cd :-)

I only had audio problems when viewing HD content (BBC HD and the Canal
Digitaal HDTV channels on which I have a subscription). With regular SD
conent I didn't have any problems at all.

However, I do have stuttering audio when using the software scale function
with xineliboutput. This happens when I use the -l sxfe switch with a w/h
of 1280x720 when starting VDR (vdr-sxfe starts up automaticly in the
current X-session). In this situation, I need to do a software scale since
the image is 1280x720 and I only see a non-scaled DVB-S image.

With -l none and the same w/h (I startup vdr-sxfe 'manually' through my
frondend) I don't have any problems at all. This is the thing I use most,
mainly since I use mms as a HTPC frontend.

>> I hope you can something with this information,
> thank you very much. There are a lot of informations for me. So I am
> going to work with xine.

Your welcome :) Be sure to drop a line if you encounter problems, possibly
I (or we) can help you to get it running ;)

> Uwe


vdr mailing list

Re: [vdr] HDTV softdevice

2008-07-16 Thread Niels Wagenaar
Op Wo, 16 juli, 2008 21:39, schreef Uwe Kiewel:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,


> is there an option to use the softdevice plugin to view HDTV content?

I've tried several non-budget sollutions to get HDTV working with VDR in
combination with my TT S2-3200 budget. With softdevice I wasn't able to
get HDTV output working. However, with Xine plugin and Xineliboutput
plugin I got it working without problems.

> Every time I tune to a HD channel, I get: "No accelerated IMDCT
> transform found"

I use both the Xine frontend as well as the vdr-sxfe (xineliboutput only)
for viewing and both work without any problems on my AMD X2 Dualcore
system with Geforce 8200 IGP (nVidia binary driver with Xv output).

> The result is a black screen, but audio is okay.

Mostly with me it was the other way around. Image was good, audio was lost
after a couple of seconds. I fixed this by using the latest trunks from
the Xine and/or Xinelibout plugin as well as the Xine-lib and Xine-ui

> TIA,
>   Uwe

I hope you can something with this information,

Niels Wagenaar

vdr mailing list