RE: CreateObject error on new server

2008-07-21 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 I changed it to the dot notation but still got the same error.  We have
 a map to the root and the xyz/lts directory is directly below the root.

I had a problem like this a long time ago.  Deleting and re-creating the
mapping solved it.

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CF 7 Report Builder and dynamic charts

2008-02-27 Thread Andrew Tyrone
Hi everyone,

I can't seem to figure out how to get the CF 7 Report Builder to recognize a
dynamic query being passed in.  I found this technote:

but the instructions aren't working.  I found a followup to the technote in
the forums:

But those instructions either still do not work or there is something being
left out and I cannot see what it is.

One option is to create a png chart and place it in the report:

I'd just like to know if I need to go that route or if it can be done via
Report Builder, although granted the technote way looks like a total hack.


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OT: NetSol Hosting

2007-08-27 Thread Andrew Tyrone
Hello everyone,

We're converting two sites from ASP to ColdFusion and I was wondering if
anyone had any tips or general knowledge they'd like to share regarding
dealing with NetSol hosting (using the PRO package with SQL Server).  If so,
please email me off-list unless you think some of the information might be
technical in nature and pertinent here somehow.

Thank you,
Andy Tyrone

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RE: OT: NetSol Hosting

2007-08-27 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 My advice is, don't host with Network Solutions.

Why not?

 They don't offer ColdFusion hosting. Use someone like

The PRO package does offer CF, but the waters are pretty murky as to what is
supported within CF and what is not.  The problem is this client so far
refuses to jump ship somewhere else as they found out after a year that they
were paying for website hosting on NetSol AND CrystalTech, but not using
NetSol hosting!  I just came to the party and am seeing what I can do for
them.  A lot of my clients are not on shared hosting; they either have their
own servers co-located or in-house.  Others I have on accounts at
HostMySite, which is where I was trying for regarding this client.


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RE: OT: NetSol Hosting

2007-08-27 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 Anyway,the only thing that I don't like that a lot of hosting 
 companies are
 doing is you cannot use Enterprise Manager to connect to your 
 database. That
 sucks. The web administration tools out there are not too 
 bad, but you have
 to do a lot of extra steps to get done what you can do in 
 half the time in

One of the things I like about HostMySite for clients that can't
afford/don't want to pay even for a VPS is that you can use SQL Server
Enterprise Manager to connect to HMS databases.


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RE: How so I show prior month?

2007-07-25 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 I know cfoutput#dateformat(now(),'mmm ')#/cfoutput 
 will put out
 current month and year (Jul 2007).

Subtract from the current month using DateAdd() and a negative number for
the month:

#DateFormat(DateAdd(m,-1,Now()),'mmm ')#


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RE: How so I show prior month?

2007-07-25 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Dale Fraser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 1:37 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: How so I show prior month?
 cfoutput#dateformat(createDate(dateAdd(m, -1, now()),'mmm

That isn't correct.  CreateDate() takes 3 parameters and is also unnecessary
here.  Removing that function from the above code will make it work.


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RE: Invoking CFC with Javascript onclick event

2007-07-24 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Joel Watson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 10:30 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Invoking CFC with Javascript onclick event
 form name=form1
   input type=text name=commenter value=Joel
   input type=text name=commentText value=This is 
 not working!
   input type=button name=myButton onclick=createComment()

Sorry about the late response.  I am not sure if you figured this out yet,
but I wanted to point out that you are using getElementById() and your form
fields do not have id's.


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RE: Change Log on database updates - need some ideas

2007-02-21 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 Dave Watts wrote:
  I shouldn't complain too much, as they don't care how 
  much it costs and pay quickly - but, is there a more 
  efficient way of doing this?
  AJAX.  Field-based editing with a simple log. =]
  I'm sorry, but that, by itself, is a very silly answer.
  AJAX is display technology. It lets you build a more 
 responsive, less linear
  presentation layer. It doesn't let you track database 
 changes any more than
  a traditional HTML interface lets you track database changes.
 I agree that it is certainly an incomplete answer. I suspect what the 
 poster meant was to attach an onChange call to all the fields on the 
 form that are being used to display and change data. Have the 
 call do an 
 async request to the server with the field id, before value and after 
 value that gets fed into a logging function. For validation 
 purposes, I 
 would also add the id of that field to a hidden form field 
 listing the 
 fields that were changed and then compare the changed values to the 
 original values that were sent out. That step, however, could just 
 replace the Ajax bit entirely.

I feel it's ridiculous to track changes to fields BEFORE the complete data
set (form) is submitted, unless that is a specific intention of the business
logic, which I don't think in this case it is.  Just because AJAX can do all
that cool stuff doesn't mean it should be shoehorned into every
application orifice possible.

And... AJAX IS a display technology.  Is JavaScript and XML doing the
backend work?  It's merely a conduit to and from the backend, not the
backend itself.


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RE: Change Log on database updates - need some ideas

2007-02-21 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 Well, actually, once you go AJAX, you kinda want it 
 everywhere.  It truly
 is a different way of doing stuff than the old static way.  
 What's that
 quote... we're just now getting back to where we were 10 years ago, UI
 wise something like that.

Well, I really disagree with that statement.  I don't want it everywhere
-- just where it makes sense to me and fits the business model.  To use
something just because you can isn't really a reason to.

Validating a form after it's been submitted isn't an old, static way.
Users expect certain behaviors of HTML forms, and overuse of AJAX or any
other in your face methods that can be applied to real-time validation
(read: interruption to the user) are unexpected behaviors and will more than
likely make the user go somewhere else.  This is all relative to the
application, who is using it and what it does, of course, but for the
general audience of internet users the last thing you want to do is turn
their world upside down with the unexpected when they are trying to perform
a simple action they've performed a thousand times before.


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RE: Change Log on database updates - need some ideas

2007-02-21 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 From: Les Mizzell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 9:36 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Change Log on database updates - need some ideas
 Bob Smith, owner of Data Sys One, performed the following updates:
   1. Changed SOX compliance date from 11/12/1999 to 2/12/2001
   2. Changed System last backup date from 2/23/2007 to 2/26/2007
 It gets tough because the two fields in question above might be named 
 I_secII_8A_soxcomp and V_sec37_37b1_sysbak or something, and they 
 really don't want to see the field names.

You can set a Description for each field (maybe you've done it already) and
read that instead of the column name.  You said they wanted it the way they
want it and didn't care how much it costs.  Now you can bill them for
writing out nice user-friendly descriptions of all the fields.  

Who doesn't like some mind-numbing, trivial task once in a while where you
can bill the same as when you're adding complex AJAX scripting to every part
of your site just because you can?  Hell, maybe you can make an AJAX
interface to write those descriptions for each field via an HTML form!  I
think there might be a couple of people who would agree that that is a great


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RE: Uploading files to one server, propgating them to many. Was: Client variables? reliable enough?

2007-02-07 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 My company currently has multiple load balanced web servers. 
 Each time we
 deploy code, we have to manually FTP it to each server. We'd 
 love to be able
 to upload (or SVN) code to one location and have an automated 
 process to
 replicate the code to the other servers.

I've used Super Flexible File Synchronizer on a couple of projects:


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RE: What's the name of that CF server...

2006-12-11 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 It's something like Insight or Intuit.something like that.
 It's a free CF server and I can't find the site.

Are you talking about IgniteFusion?

I was cleaning up my hard drives the other day and came across it.  Never
installed it...


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RE: Does anyone have CFoutput example for SQL89 Array field?

2006-11-15 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 We are working with a customer who has a legacy application 
 written in a Progress Database that uses SQL-89 query 
 language.  In their customer table the address field (which 
 has a column heading of ADDR) is an array field.  If we use 
 CFDump to output the query structure CFDUMP 
 var=qryCustomer we can see the column name information.  
 And it shows the array field elements as having an @ symbol 
 in its column heading:
 XYZ Company 111 Main Street   [empty string]New York
 But, we can't figure out the correct syntax for a CFoutput 
 statement for the individual elements of the ADDR array.  The 
 PROGRESS SQL-89 user guide says it should be 
 #qryCustomer.addr__1#, but that causes an element undefined 
 error.  Does anyone have an example of a select statement for 
 a Progress SQL-89 array field that they can share?  Is it 
 possible to use an @ symbol as a field name using some sort 
 of escape sequence?  Thank you in advance!  Dawn

Did you try array notation?

#qryCustomer[[EMAIL PROTECTED]][CurrentRow]#

I know that works with spaces, not sure about invalid characters, though.


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RE: Web Crawler/Spider ?

2006-11-15 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 Has anyone ever used some sort of third-party crawler or 
 spider to pull content from a group of web pages (similar to 
 how Google indexes web pages), and then indexed that content 
 with CFINDEX?  If so, what have you used and what do you 
 recommend?   Or, if you've written something like this (or 
 know someone who has) is it available?

I like HTTrack (which has both a GUI and command-line interface):


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RE: Indexing Binary Documents

2006-11-15 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 We have binary documents that we want to index (e.g. Word, 
 Excel, Powerpoint, PDF, etc.) and we know we can index them 
 with verity using the cfindex type=file attribute.  However, 
 we want to index their content along with other content from 
 our database.  So, we are looking at extracting the indexable 
 text from these binary documents, putting into a query along 
 with the other text we want to index, and then indexing THAT 
 query with CFINDEX.

I might be missing something here, but why not just have separate
collections and use cfsearch on the ones you want to return as one search
result set?  You can specify multiple collections to search within the
collection attribute of the cfsearch tag.


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RE: Can't register vspider collection with CF

2006-11-13 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 From: Doug Kronenberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 I'm trying to use vspider to create collections for 
 searching. The problem I'm having is when I try to register 
 the collection via the CF administrator I get the following error:
 Unable to create collection mycol.
 An error occurred while performing an operation in the Search 
 Engine library.
 Error opening the collection: 
 com.verity.organize.WorkSpaceException: Path not found 
 [VdkError_PathNotFound]. (-104)

You need to use either vspider.exe or mkvdk.exe to create a vspider

Using mkvdk.exe:
mkvdk -create -style C:\CFusionMX7\verity\Data\stylesets\ColdFusionVspider
-collection C:\CFusionMX7\verity\collections\mycol

Check out the docs if you want to use vspider.exe to create the collection,
but either way will work.

You then can register it in the CFMX administrator.


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RE: cfmail and cfoutput

2006-11-06 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 There is no reasonable, practical way I am aware of to restart - after
 the point of failure - a cfmail call right in the middle of itself,
 such as when a bad email address is found in the middle of a query
 result set.  As a result of that, you run your query as normal.  Then
 run a cfloop over the result set.  Inside the loop you have a
 try/catch block where inside the try is your cfmail call, which is
 only trying to send to queryName.emailAddress[currentRow].  Your catch
 block safely handles failure recovery if you find a bad address inside
 of the loop and allows the loop to continue.

The flip-side to this argument is strict data validation.  This method won't
catch an invalid email address; just a malformed one, but of course neither
will data validation.  If you don't allow malformed addresses to begin with,
you can use the query attribute.  If email addresses are allowed to be
blank, then the best way to handle that would be a NULL in the address
field, and a query that only selects rows that don't have NULL email

Of course, that's all in a perfect world I suppose.


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RE: List of One Item -- Listlen=0 ...???

2006-11-06 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 ARRRGGGHH I would like to have my cfloop  manage the 
 variable regardless of  how many items (more than zero) are 
 in the list. Is there a way an elegant method of
 checking the contents if my list besides if neq '' 
 and listlen( eq 0 ?.
 IsList() is a function long overdue to CF

Well, okay, but I never had a use for this that I can think of...

function IsList(list) {
if (arguments[2] EQ ) arguments[2] = ,;
if (ListLen(arguments.list,arguments[2]) GT 1) return TRUE; 
return FALSE;

cfset variables.A = Apple
cfset variables.B = Apple,Orange,Lemon

pA is a list: #IsList(variables.A)#/p
pB is a list: #IsList(variables.B)#/p

By the way, you can pass in delimiters just like you can with regular list
functions, but the default delimiter is (shock) a comma, so you don't have
to pass one in that case.


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RE: Using CFHTTP to login

2006-11-03 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 7:02 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Using CFHTTP to login
 Claude I am in a funny mood, and your as stupid as Michael.
 If the chhttp as this guy is trying to connerct to is 
 login.asp, they says
 to me it is the login form:-)
 Gee some people are really stupid today...

No, you are wrong, Claude is correct, and I think there is only one stupid
person here, to quote him directly.  Did you ever thing Michael might be
posting to the same page that the form is on?  Did you really look at the
code to see that both form actions were the same (the form code itself and
the cfhttp)?  No, I guess not.

There is simply not enough information as Michael doesn't tell us what he is
trying to accomplish after the login or how it fails to begin with.  Ben
had the correct question to determine the next steps.


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RE: Cf Development Companies

2006-11-03 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 Everyone has successful businesses and should be able to step to the
 plate regardless of the project at hand. Coldfusion isn't brain

That is where the problem lies.  Based on a lot of code I've seen, companies
range from We're now going to administer the anesthesia, Mr. Smith.  I want
you to count backwards, starting at 10... at the high end, to Here, bite
down on this and we'll see what happens. on the low end.


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RE: Using CFHTTP to login

2006-11-03 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 7:33 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Using CFHTTP to login
 your joking right.
 The form page is called login.asp.. And the cfhttp call 
 is to login.asp.
 You really aren't on top of the question.

His form tag:

form method=post action=;

His cfhttp call:

cfhttp url=; method=post
resolveurl=yes port=80 redirect=yes

He says submitting the form works.  The form posts to the login.aspx page,
which tells me he is posting to the (same) form page, which is not
impossible to do.  The cfhttp posts to this SAME page.  If he got his code
wrong, then he'll have to respond and say so.  In the meantime, I am
definitely on top of the question, and you are still wrong.


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RE: Using CFHTTP to login

2006-11-03 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Claude Schneegans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 8:14 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Using CFHTTP to login
  The form posts to the login.aspx page,
 which tells me he is posting to the (same) form page, which is not
 impossible to do.
 Indeed, but this does not even has to be the case here.
 Michael never said that the sample code
 for the form he gave was extract from the login.aspx page.
 As you said, the form he sends by hand works, which proves 
 that login.aspx
 IS NOT the form page, but the action page, then what he is 
 trying to HTTP
 IS the action page, NOT the form page.

It doesn't have to be the case, but could be, and regardless of what page he
is posting to, it's the same one based on the code he presented in both
scenarios (form and cfhttp actions).


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RE: Using CFHTTP to login

2006-11-03 Thread Andrew Tyrone
  Your Joking really tell me you are joking?
 If I really was, it would at least have spell it you're, 
 not your, but 
 So I'll return *your* question: what *you're* smoking?

Come on, Claude!  Re-read what you wrote... I think you and Andrew are at
the same bar!


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RE: Using CFHTTP to login

2006-11-03 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 Anyway if Claude was smart he wouold see that the login form 
 that works is
 called login.aspx, and then submits to itself. But what 
 Claude didn't see
 was the fact that the cfhttp was sending the field submit 

Actually, Claude was smart enough to point out that the form might NOT be
posting to itself.  All we know is that the action page is login.aspx, not
whether that is the actual name of the form page itself.  It could be called
form_login.aspx for all we know.  Michael didn't state the names of the
pages themselves.

Also, submit buttons can have names and values, so sending them with cfhttp
might be necessary if the action page checks for them.  They are basically
like any other form field except in addition they have a specific duty,
which is to submit the form.


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RE: creating dynamic variables

2006-11-03 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 I have a recordset that has several attendees.  I need to 
 create variables on the fly for each record cause I won't 
 know how many there are.  It can be infinite (everyone on the 
 planet).  Of course, the problem is that I can't use an 
 evaluate on the left side.  I can't think of a way around 
 this.  I'll need fname_1,fname_2,fname_3,fname_n etc.
 Here's my most recent failure:
 cfloop from=1 to=#getAttendees.recordCount# index=aa
 cfset evaluate(fname_#aa#) = getAttendees.fname[aa]

How about using an array and looping over the query:

cfset FirstName = ArrayNew(1)

cfloop query=getAttendees
cfset ArrayAppend(FirstName,fName)

Then you could access them with:

FirstName[1], FirstName[2], etc.


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RE: working with data from joining multiple tables

2006-11-03 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: daniel kessler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I have not and didn't know that - thanks for the information. 
  In that case, for three orderings, I'd need to do three 
 queries, right?
 You know, you might have an ordering issue. The cf group by needs the
 query to be ordered by whatever you're grouping by for it to work
 correctly. Have you tried ordering it by that id?

Deanna, is right.  The data in the query needs to be ordered in the way you
want it output for the group attribute of cfquery to work correctly.  If you
want it ordered by last name, for example, you'll need to do this in your
order by clause:


You should then be able to use your current cfoutput code with the query.


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RE: Mime Type for File Upload

2006-10-24 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Martyn Bowis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 10:21 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Mime Type for File Upload
 PS: I found the following link on Google that may help with 
 evaluating the
 mime type:
 where filepath is the full physical path to a file you wish 
 to determine 
 the mimetype of...

This only gets the mime type based on the file extension.  If you rename an
..exe to .jpg or .pdf, the mime type for those files will be returned.  As
far as I know, you need to use a third-party library that actually checks
the headers and/or streams, such as MimeResolver or JMimeMagic.


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RE: Filling In Tax Forms using CF

2006-10-24 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 Has anyone ever tried to fill in a Tax Form PDF using ColdFusion?
 I have created PDFs using CFDocument but of course that just 
 prints onto a blank background. I need to either create a PDF 
 of the tax form with all the fields filled in from a form or 
 print onto different Tax Forms.
 Are there any cf_tags that exist that do this or am i just 
 going to have to just try to line everything up to print onto 
 an existing form?

As for commercial apps, I've used ActivePDF Toolkit with great success.

Also, check out cf_pdfform, which uses an Adobe Java API:


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RE: Can I use replace function on a string to create form drop bo x options?

2006-10-21 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 1º using a (small) list is not a workaround, it is a short cut.

Before I take short cuts, the first thing that comes to mind is, I hope I
won't need to redo this later.

 2º updating one field in a table is much more straightforward than 
 updating a multi records cross table.

If you mean the SQL is easier to write, then yes, but I would only say it's
faster to write, since most link table queries and code can be re-used
with little modification once you've written them before.

 3º you don't need a joined table in the query, just one table;

The purpose of and RDBMS is storing data in a relational way in the first
place, so using one join to get at additional data isn't taboo; these
systems are made for that type of work.

 4º you don't need a query each time you want to check if an 
 item has a 
 certain property,
 you just check for the property in a list, which you can 
 even store 
 in a session variable.

You can grab the items from the link table and use ValueList() if you want
to put them in a list.

 5º only beginners go by the bible, experienced programmers 
 know short cuts.

Experienced programmers are experienced because they've learned a lot of
do's and don’ts from experienced programmers that came before them.

 6º bibles are made for beginners;

One thing that experts and true beginners have in common: they both know
they still have a lot to learn.

 7º beginners are supposed to learn from experience, if they keep on 
 going by the bible,
 and don't experiment, they will remain beginners...

Beginners learn from a lot of different sources, and one of the major
sources is the experience of others who have tried something 10 different

 For instance, if you need to store in an employee table which days in 
 the week he is ok to work,
 will you create a table with the 7 days in the week and a cross table 
 between the employees and the days?
 SURE, just in case some one decides to make an eigth day in the week, 
 who knows!
 This is ridiculous. ;-)

What if a manager would like a printout of the days of the week and which
employees are available to work on each of those days. Show me, using a
single query, how you'd list all employees grouped by the days they work.


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RE: Can I use replace function on a string to create form drop bo x options?

2006-10-21 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 Just put the days in the list, not codes ;-))
 That will make a field with a max of what? 50 characters may be? Big 
 deal! ;-)

And...?  It doesn't matter which types of data you store in those lists.
How would you return a workable query?  You can't, and you'd have to jump
through a bunch of hoops and use CF code to sort it all out, just because
you didn't want to use a link table.  This isn't about how much data is
stored as much as it is about the efficiency with which you can use the
data.  From your example, a simple, useful report would take workarounds to
produce just because you refused to use a link table and save a few hundred
extra kilobytes or so.


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RE: Foundry Server Iron

2006-10-20 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Christine Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 5:21 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Foundry Server Iron
 However, having said that... We really are interested if 
 anyone has any
 insight, our tech folks require hardware load balancing and 
 we're trying
 to support our user's request that we not require them to log in more
 than once a day.  Because the sticky session expires on the load
 balancer after 60 minutes, the user is sometimes directed to 
 a different
 server where they must log in again.  This is apparently a 
 world ending
 event that causes thousands of dollars in lost productivity... so, the
 search for a solution that doesn't involve changing our current load
 balancing methods is on... I love politics, it's a Dilbert world.
 Anyone have an outside the box kind of solution for me?

It does indeed look like ServerIron allows the TCP age to only be between 2
and 60 minutes.

How about sending a keep alive connection to the server using a timer within
each page of the application?  If a session is in danger of timing out, hit
a generic timeout URL with a request to keep the session live on the load


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RE: Best way to insert text as html, without a text editor

2006-10-20 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 What's the simplest way to maintain simple formatted text in 
 a db, without using tinyMCE, FCKeditor, or typing html into 
 the textarea? When I say simple, I mean I just want to show 
 line breaks, carriage returns, etc. Not worried about 
 boldness, tables, etc.  
 I just tried using paragraphFormat() and it's using uppercase 
 P's. YUCK!

In addition to what Dan and Bobby said, you could also use functions within
your database to handle replacing the CRLF's and vice-versa, depending on if
you need to go back and forth between those and br / tags.


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RE: Foundry Server Iron

2006-10-20 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Brad Wood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, October 20, 2006 12:32 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Foundry Server Iron
 I'm not exactly sure what a keep alive connection looks like, 
 unless you
 just mean periodically hitting a page with JavaScript once every 55
 minutes.  If I hit a CFM page, it would keep my session from ever
 expiring which would not be good.  What if I requested 
 something simple
 like an image from the server if the page was open for an 
 hour?  Is that
 the kind of thing you are talking about?

Yes, that would be an option.  It's not like you couldn't also hit an HTML
or other page that is not processed by CF as well.  You could even send the
request with a basic AJAX http request.

I would call Foundry Networks though, and explain to them what is happening
and what you want to happen, if you haven't already.


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RE: Can't get the right path for my error template

2006-10-20 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 Ok, this is annoying. 
 I'm testing my store app within another site, on a shared 
 server, using a shared SSL.
 The root is luckydogvolleyball. The subfolder is Store - 
 The domain for the SSL is:
 The site works fine when you use the regular url:
 But try the SSL url and my error templates can't be found. 
 I'm using root relative links for these:
 cferror template=/Store/ErrorException.cfm type=exception 
 cferror template=/Store/ErrorRequest.cfm type=request
  Error attempting to resolve the template /Store/ErrorException.cfm.
 What am I doin wrong here?

When you use /store, you're instructing the web server to retrieve a
document from, because luckydogvolleyball
is a directory below the webroot in this case.  I assume you want
/luckydogvolleyball/store/ instead.  Use a relative link to the error
templates or create some sort of variable that will always hold the correct
path to the root of the site.


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RE: Best way to insert text as html, without a text editor

2006-10-20 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 You could format it with a SELECT statement though if that's what Andy
 meant? That would not affect the data but format it for display.

Yep, that is what I meant.  Sometimes I find it easier to just send it back
formatted in the correct way, but I'll always store it the way it was
entered by the user, unless there is some specific reason to change it first
before storing it.  That is rare, though.


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RE: Can''t get the right path for my error template

2006-10-20 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 Well the problem with a relative link is I have subfolders 
 with their own Application.cfc's. It'd throw an error on 
 those pages. Unless I dropped the same error templates into 
 all those directories. 
 The root-relative links worked, but then the problem with the 
 SSL came up. 
 I guess I could use a http link but that sounds tacky. 


One other thing you could do which I didn't mention is use the base tag:

base href=; /

You could just write some application logic to change the URL in the base
tag for all your page links depending on what server you're developing on.
This way you don't need to hard-code any specific paths or use a variable in
your links, except for URL's you might use within cflocation or server-side
redirects, and possibly a few other scenarios. 

Just remember that if you do this to add a trailing slash to the URL in the
href attribute of the base tag.  All URLs will then start at the base tag's
URL.  You won't need a forward slash in your links, and if you put one
there, any sub-directories specified in the base tag URL will be ignored.

So, using the base tag above, a link like this:

a href=mypage.htmlGo to my page in some directory/a

Would go to

A link like this:

a href=another/directory/mypage.htmlGo to my page in another

Would go to

Finally, this:

a href=/mypage.htmlGo to my root page/a

Would go to

Hope this helps!


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RE: Can I use replace function on a string to create form drop box options?

2006-10-20 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 Argh... I was affraid someone would indeed :-)
 This is right IN THEORY, and in most cases, but in practice, when the 
 list has only a few elements,
 and is not expected to have many ever, a list in one field is 
 a much simpler
 and more efficient solution.

I'd actually rather brush my teeth with a chainsaw than store a delimited
list in a database field, even if I was building a small application for
myself.  I made that mistake a couple times, once in a very large
application, and it cost me a good amount of time and money to fix it.


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RE: Null with cfqueryparam AAAIIEE!!!!! NOT STRUCKKEYEXIST !!!! Jezzz Louise!

2006-10-09 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Les Mizzell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, October 09, 2006 6:54 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Null with cfqueryparam AAAIIEE! NOT 
 null = YesNoFormat(NOT (StructKeyExists(form,'fax'))
 null = YesNoFormat(NOT (StruckKeyExists(form,'fax'))

You do not have #'s around the YesNoFormat() function.  Also, yes, use
cfparam on FORM.Fax.


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RE: CF, jdbc, SQL2k5 problem

2006-10-09 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 12:19 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: CF, jdbc, SQL2k5 problem
 Yes by server\instancename in the jdbc driver from M$, 
 provided you have
 opened that instance up for tcp/ip.

That also works with the DataDirect drivers.  I am running CFMX 7.0 and SQL
2005 Enterprise (named instance on same machine as SQL 2000 Enterprise
default instance, Windows 2003 Server) as-is, no CFMX or MS JDBC updates.
Not that I recommend not upgrading to CFMX 7.0.2, just haven't done it yet.

Also, it is worth noting that if you don't use an instance name you must use
the correct port.  If you use an instance name, you can set the port to
anything (as far as my testing goes).  This is on a local test intranet so
what I am saying might not hold true in all situations.

So in the datasource config you would use either Server and Port or
Server\InstanceName and any port.  I found this to work whether SQL Server
is set to use dynamic ports or not.


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RE: CFIF Statement

2006-10-02 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 And hey, what if there is some warp hole, or what-have you, 
 and the only bit
 of code to survive is that one line?  How much info would 
 those 5 chars

As we all know, there are NO programmers who inappropriately name variables.
Seeing as how the variable is named RecordCount, it's hard for you to
convince me that anyone looking at the code couldn't infer that the data
type of that variable is anything other than numeric.

If a wormhole did open and swallow up all code except for that one line, it
wouldn't matter anyway, because the code itself wouldn't execute even if you
have those extra golden 5 characters.  Now, if I were to look at the code:

cfif query.RecordCount GT 0


cfif query.RecordCount

I might, just MIGHT, SAVE precious milliseconds of time making sure all beer
didn't disappear into the wormhole.  However, since beer is a higher
priority than Boolean evaluation for me in the event of a wormhole
catastrophe, I'd be forgoing code altogether, at least for a while.  In that
case, I'd be writing and then calling the UDF BeerExists() first and
foremost.  Of course, if I were a bad programmer I'd have named the UDF
CheckForBeer(), and then after the next wormhole opened everyone would
REALLY be up sh*t's creek, wouldn't they?


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RE: appending two queries

2006-06-22 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Crow T. Robot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Let's say that I have a CSV file that I am reading into a page, and I 
 convert it to a query.  I have a database table that it set 
 up exactly 
 like the converted query, I want to basically insert the CSV 
 data into 
 the database.  Is there an easier, more efficient way to do this that 
 looping over the CSV query and doing an insert for each record?
 SQL Server 2K, CFMX6.1

As people have mentioned, you can use BCP to copy data into the database,
but you can also use the BULK INSERT command in T-SQL as well.  If you check
books online you'll see what's possible with both options.  Since your date
field must be unique, you can put a unique constraint on that column in the
database (if not done already) and then any rows that violate that
constraint will not be imported (check the switches and commands for BCP and
bulk insert).   This way you don't need to perform extra checks (based on
what you've told us).

So, there are a handful of ways to do it: SQL executed from CF (inline,
stored procedure), scheduled or executed DTS packages (via command line
dtsrun.exe program as Dave pointed out), the BCP utility, and probably a few
more I can't think of right now.


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RE: SQL DateTime conversion

2006-06-15 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Alan Rother [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 3:50 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: SQL DateTime conversion
 Pretty much what I cam up with
 + '/' + CAST(DAY(getDate()) AS VARCHAR(5)) + '/' + 
 CAST(YEAR(getDate()) AS
 On 6/15/06, Ben Nadel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You can try doing
 STR(MONTH( date_field )) + '/' +
 STR(DAY( date_field )) + '/' +
 STR(YEAR( date_field ))
 ) AS the_date
  There's probbably a better way though.
  Ben Nadel
  -Original Message-
  Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 3:17 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: SQL DateTime conversion
  I need to convert a Date Time (9/15/2006  11:05:38 AM)   to a date
  (9/15/2006 )  within an SQL statement. The source of the 
 data is from
  the SQL statement and I don't want to do any looping so 
 your standard CF
  functions don't apply. Is this possible?

If he's using SQL Server it can be shortened to:

CONVERT(varchar(10),DateField,101) AS MyFormattedDate

Check out the Books Online docs under CONVERT for more format conversions
with dates.


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RE: ways to time a file upload?

2006-06-06 Thread Andrew Tyrone
  How about a hidden form field that gets populated with the 
  current date/time on form submission?  Then you could parse 
  it and compare it to Now() on your action/upload page.
 There are two minor caveats to this approach. First, you 
 don't know how long
 the user will spend on the form before submitting. 

Yeah, I meant storing the time when the form was submitted, not on the
initial page load.

 you don't know
 how long it took for the user to receive the form after it 
 was generated. To
 avoid both of these problems (to the extent that you care 
 about them) you'd
 have to set the value of the hidden form field at the time 
 it's submitted
 using JavaScript, and you'd have to account for the time 
 difference if any
 between the client and the server.

Yeah, I didn't think about the client/server time difference, although using
JavaScript to get the time on the action page after the file upload would
work without any time-offset calculations.  There are lots of ways to skin
this cat, and I think the cookie approach mentioned is good as well.


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RE: ways to time a file upload?

2006-06-06 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 Well after browsing this thread I thought if it would be possible to
 connect the submit button to an XMLHttpRequest which triggers a
 session var for the starting of the upload and after processing the
 upload you take another timestamp and could calculate with that.
 Stupid idea?

No, I was going to respond to Dave's email with this same idea.  I also like
the idea of that flash upload app that was mentioned in this same thread.
It requires version 8 of the player, though, so if you were in a controlled
environment where you could specify the version to your users then you'd get
very accurate results on the upload time.  I know there are other controls
available to handle this, too, but I've never used any of them.


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cfexecute buffer causing hangs?

2006-04-13 Thread Andrew Tyrone
Hi everyone,

In my continued work with the Verity Vspider I came across something
interesting today.  It seems that the cfexecute tag has an issue with
buffering output that is returned from the spawned process.  This is CFMX
7.0.1 Enterprise running on Windows 2003 Server Standard.  I searched high
and low and found a lot of people that had and have issues with cfexecute,
but a good amount weren't using the tag and its arguments in the correct
way.  That being said, I DID find a problem that I emailed product support

I can't say this with absolute certainty about all cfexecute command-line
processes that output a significant amount of data, but I did discover that
after a certain amount of log data output to the console, the vspider
process just hangs.  I suspect this would be the case with other programs,
too.  As I was reading the forums and other areas on the web, I noticed
people with this same problem that were running apps like zip programs that
would verbosely output all the actions being taken.

There is a specific command in a vspider config file that you can use to
specify the type of logging.  The initial command I was using is: -loglevel
verbose. Changing it to: -loglevel nostdout took care of the hanging

I hope this might help others having this problem with this or other
applications, or at least bring attention to a potential bug.  I am pretty
sure it's a bug but haven't tested any other apps except vspider, although
removing the standard output to the console with the above switch did take
care of the problem, which tells me it's definitely not related to the
vspider program itself.


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RE: cfexecute buffer causing hangs?

2006-04-13 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Jamie Jackson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006 7:56 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: cfexecute buffer causing hangs?
 Hmm, I'm probably one of the people you've seen while 
 Googling the subject. While I haven't tried cfexecuting the 
 vspider stuff from CFMX7, I've had significant problems with 
 it from CF5.
 Are you saying that you had problems when you didn't specify 
 an output file or, or when you did? I wasnt' quite sure what 
 you meant by the console in this context.
 Dumping the output to a browser had some fairly well known 
 limitations, but I'm interested in knowing whether there are 
 also problems even when specifying an output file.


Hello!  I did see your post and was thinking about emailing you directly
although I didn't see your email address anywhere.  I might've been just too
crazy at the time and overlooked it, though.

Basically what I am saying is that I specified an output file, but there
must be some buffering issue when a certain amount of output is exceeded.
Using vspider.exe from a command prompt worked fine, using the same exact
config file that I was using with cfexecute.  Only when I changed the
-loglevel argument in the vspider command file from verbose to nostdout
did it work, telling me that most likely any app that produces too much
output to stdout will hang.  When vspider hung, cpu usage for both jrun and
vspider.exe went down to 0, so it wasn't a problem as far as processor usage

Here is the cfexecute code which works fine now that the -loglevel is set:

arguments=-cmdfile #CommandFilePath# 

What led me to the belief that it had to do with some type of buffering was
that fact that I didn't have any problems running other command line apps,
like netstat, ping, etc.  I still haven't tested on 6.1, only 7.0.1.

If you have any specific questions feel free to email me off-list.


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Problem with Vspider and excluding specific pages

2006-04-12 Thread Andrew Tyrone
Hi everyone,

I've been working with Vspider for a while now (CFMX 6.1 and 7.0.1) on a
search revamp project and ran into a problem.  It seems that if you want the
spider to follow a page but not index it, a link to that page must be
explicit and not implicit with links like this:

If I want to exclude the index.cfm file from being indexed but still have
vspider follow it, I'd do this in my config file:

-indexclude */mydir/index.cfm

That will work, but ONLY if the link vspider picks up to that page
explicitly calls the index.cfm page.  If vspider follows this link:

The index.cfm is indexed and followed, effectively rendering the -indexclude
option useless.

Does anyone have any ideas on this?  It's possible I am missing something
with one of the options but I've been through them quite a lot.  I was
thinking maybe the -regexp switch might help get around this problem.


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Verity and indexing encrypted pdfs

2006-02-24 Thread Andrew Tyrone
Hi everyone,

I'd like to know if anyone can point me to an official document that
specifies encrypted PDF documents CANNOT be indexed by Verity in any version
of CF, specifically CFMX 6.1.  Based on our testing, 128-bit RC4 encrypted
PDF documents cannot be indexed, however 40-bit RC4 documents can.  For the
life of me I can't find where I saw this mentioned in the documentation.
Now, it makes a lot of sense that encrypted documents wouldn't be able to be
indexed, but no amount of testing we've done so far has satisfied the
client, apparently.  The situation, I think, is now beyond Dilbert-esque,
but having an official answer might still help.


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RE: question about insert select statement

2006-01-07 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Soultanian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2006 4:12 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: question about insert select statement
 I have a user interface and it has multiple checkboxes to select what 
 members of a group a user is in.  I have a table to store user 
 information (USERS), a table to store the groups (GROUPS), and a join 
 table to keep track of what group a user is a member of 
   I set the NAME field of all the checkboxes to ffGroups and 
 the VALUE 
 for each of those checkboxes is populated with a different GROUP_ID. 
 URL.USER_ID is the current user I'm editing.  I have the 
 following query 
 to insert the users and groups into the join table:
 WHERE GROUP_ID IN (#ffGroups#)
 I don't get why it's not generating an error, though.
 '#Val(URL.USER_ID)#' does not exist in the GROUPS table.  I 
 tried making
 the following test query:
 cfquery name=miketest
 and it threw an error, so I'm guessing because that SELECT statement
 replaces the VALUES portion of the INSERT statement, it lets 
 it fly for 
 some reason.  Is this true?  I was just curious...

In the first query, you're creating the values in the first column
dynamically, so it doesn't matter that the user_id is not in the groups
table.  In the test query the only problem I can see is you don't have a
datasource defined.  Both queries should work, even if your user_id is an
integer, although you shouldn't put single quotes around it if it is.
Whatever database you're using (I am assuming SQL Server), an implicit
conversion from char/varchar to int for the user_id column is happening
behind the scenes.


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RE: Why do I need a Custom Tag Path for Components?

2005-11-21 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Troy Simpson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 3:58 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Why do I need a Custom Tag Path for Components?
 Assuming that my coldfusion components and include files are outside
 the web root and the mapping root (/), how would mappings and custom
 tag paths be searched for?
 I know that cfinclude used the mappings to find an included file. 
 What order are the mapping referenced?  Are mappings referenced like a
 path in DOS or UNIX to find an executable?
 What about coldfusion components?  When do they use a mapping and/or
 custom tag path?
 We are testing to few things here, and we are getting inconsistent
 results when using components.  Sometimes the right component is found
 and something it is not.  I don't want to go too deep into it unless I
 have to.

I set up a mapping for each project that maps the the projects root
directory.  Inside the root directory is my cfc directory.  Also inside the
root directory is a www directory which is the only web-accessible directory
in the application.  Everything else that resides outside the www directory
can be accessed using the mapping (cfincludes, custom tags using cfmodule,
CFCs, etc.)

Mappings can be set up like so in the cfmx administrator (this is for 6.1):

Logical Path: /webprojectroot

Directory Path: C:\projects\webproject

Then you could put your CFCs in:


And access them like:

cfinvoke component=webprojectroot.cfc.component_name method=method_name


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RE: Why do I need a Custom Tag Path for Components?

2005-11-21 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Bryan Stevenson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 4:13 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Why do I need a Custom Tag Path for Components?
  Assuming that my coldfusion components and include files are outside
  the web root and the mapping root (/), how would mappings and custom
  tag paths be searched for?
 mappings are not searched forthey mappings ;-)
 AFAIR tags are searched for in the calling templates dir 
 first and then works 
 it's way to web root and then the default c:\cfusionmx\custom tags\

I think that CF searches the current directory for the custom tag, then it
goes to the custom tags directory you pointed out and down from there
through all directories and sub-directories beneath.  Application.cfm is the
only page that is searched for up to the root of the drive/volume, and
whatever directory that page is found in is also the directory the
onrequestend.cfm page checked for.


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RE: Using FoxPro in ColdFusion

2005-11-21 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Russel Madere [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 3:56 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Using FoxPro in ColdFusion
 Thanks Howie, but as my brain is fully fried, how do I do that?
 I went into the Macromedia Jrun CFusion Server service and set the
 user to DOMAIN\Administrator (I know, bad practice, but this 
 was a test)
 and still could not access the folder.  Is there another 
 service I need
 to change?  Also on the machine I am using are the services:
 Macromedia Jrun Admin Server
 Macromedia Jrun Default Server
 ColdFusion MX Application Server (Not started)
 ColdFusion MX ODBC Agent
 ColdFusion MX ODBC Server
 World Wide Web Publishing
 Do I need to change the user on any of these as well?

It sounds like you used the Administrator account on the machine, which by
default, if I remember correctly, has no network access rights.  For
testing, you can create a user, make them a member of Domain Admins, and run
the service(s) under this account.  I haven't used the full version of JRUN
for probably 8 years, so I can't tell you what services need what


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RE: Multiple Row Insert Into SQL from another database

2005-11-21 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Aaron Rouse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 11:04 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Multiple Row Insert Into SQL from another database
 I am curious what would the SQL script look like to connect 
 to the MS Access
 and then insert into the current MSSQL db? I do not work with 
 MSSQL enough
 to know so just curious how simple it is.

As you'll recall, we were chatting about this the other day.  Since I
already had code to connect to an Access DB from a previous project (which
was linked to FoxPro tables -- yecch!), I modified it a bit to work with a
new project that needs data imported from an Access DB to SQL Server.  The
way I went about it is to create a linked server in SQL Server, using an
OLEDB Jet 4.0 connection to Access:

cfquery ...
USE Master

!--- Drops the linked server if it exists already ---
EXEC sp_dropserver mylinkedserver, droplogins   

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
@server = 'mylinkedserver', 
@provider = 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 
@srvproduct = 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet',
@datasrc = '[absolute_path_to_mdb_file]'

EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin accessdbname, FALSE, username, password

cfquery ...
!--- Extract data from the access db and into SQL Server.  This creates the
tables in sql server as well ---
INTO [tablename]
FROM linkedservername...[tablename]

To transform the data using native Access functions, you can use SQL
Server's OPENQUERY() function:

cfquery ...
!--- Extract data from the access db and into SQL Server ---



-- Andy

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RE: Multiple sites in IIS - Modifying DNS

2005-11-18 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Justin D. Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 1:46 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Multiple sites in IIS - Modifying DNS
 CNAME records should only be used when aliasing a host that 
 is not within
 the same zone, otherwise, use A records.
 -Justin Scott

I don't agree with this because CNAME records pointed to A records make it
easier to change IP addresses for said A records.  One scenario would be 10
A records in a zone file that all go to the same IP Address on a server that
uses host headers.  Changing the IP address would necessitate the change of
all the A records.  If you use one A record, e.g. IN A, and 9 CNAMES, e.g. IN CNAME,
etc., you make life a lot easier for yourself or whoever is in charge of the


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RE: Sending Faxes through Cold Fusion

2005-11-17 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Justin D. Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 10:06 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Sending Faxes through Cold Fusion
  Google HTMLDOC. If I remember correctly it's free
  and does everything you are looking for.
 Thanks Terry, the only thing I could find with that was a 
 utility to convert
 pages to PDF, but I didn't see anything about it sending them to the
 printer.  My ideal solution would be a tool that would simply 
 take a URL to
 fetch, render, and print to the default printer with no user 
 interaction on
 the server.
 I've been trying to write a utility in .NET to do this, but 
 my C# skills are
 not to that level just yet and I'm running out of scheduled time.

This is a Windows-only solution (at least just tested and being used on

Actually, htmldoc allows you to convert html pages to postscript as well, so
if you have postscript drivers installed for your printers you can simply
copy the .ps file to any local or network printer via the command line.  You
can even use move from the command line which will take care of sending the
file to the printer and then deleting it (although there is a caveat with
using move, see below).  I set this system up a few years back for a
non-profit client of ours.  It's an intranet system that allows them to
print reports, letter runs and billing statements directly to any printer on
their network.  It also gives them the option to generate a PDF, which is
nice when they are working remotely and need to view or print something

The batch file runs the html file through htmldoc and then moves the output file to the printer: move \\server\printername.  For some reason I've
noticed that moving the file stopped working on the server after some period
of time, so I had to change the batch file so it would copy the .ps file to
the printer and then delete it.  That's neither here nor there, though, but
maybe it'll help someone in the future!


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RE: Sending Faxes through Cold Fusion

2005-11-17 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Scott Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 11:52 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Sending Faxes through Cold Fusion
 I'd be careful with HTMLDoc, it doesn't support shrink to fit, it also
 doesn't compensate for IE's tendency to print off the right 
 side of the
 page. This is a pretty well known bug, and they had no 
 knowledge of it.
 Since generating PDF's is essentially a print process, the 
 bug falls over
 into the generated PDF. I had to abandon HTMLDoc because of this.

Actually, all document formats used in the application I mentioned are
fixed-width and are not problematic.  It's good you pointed this out,
though, because it took some experimenting to get the formatting right
because of the page cut-offs in some cases.  Different documents in this
case require different margins and formatting.

One thing I absolutely hate about htmldoc is it's lack of support for CSS.
It's quite a mature product in that it's been around for quite some time and
it's generally fast (as long as you don't generate a thousand-page pdf
file!), so it's still useful in certain situations for us.  Now, I
definitely wouldn't use it in an environment where it was under any sort of
significant load, but that's just based on my experience with it.  In that
case I'd probably go with ActivePDF products (server and webgrabber) for
HTML to PDF conversion.


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RE: .NET suggestions

2005-08-19 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Tom McNeer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 10:08 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: .NET suggestions
 So -- what resources would you folks suggest for CF Developers needing
 to learn to use the .NET framework? Adam and David Churvis have
 offered a class specifically for this purpose in the past, but they
 don't seem to have one scheduled at the moment. I'll try to contact
 them directly.
 Books, online resources (including MS, of course), whatever. What's
 been helpful to you?

Here are two books I have and recommend (both by Jesse Liberty):

Learning C#
This book will give you a good foundation and is for beginners to the
language or programming in general.  If you have prior programming
experience you should be able to get through this book fairly quickly.

Programming C#
If you have prior programming experience you can go right to this book, but
even if you do I'd suggest starting with Learning C# so you don't get
distracted by all of the more advanced areas of .net programming in this


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RE: bg myspace

2005-08-16 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Nathan Strutz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 6:13 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: bg  myspace
 I believe the conflict is over this:
 showing a typical, classic CF5.0 error. In BD, the error messages are 
 like nuclear red/orange/yellow or something. Until this error screen 
 kicks the bw, I'm forced to doubt MySpace's switch somewhat.
 Yes, BTW, everyone, this is a server hack that can alert people to 
 (roughly) what version of CF you are running. The only 
 workaround I know 
 of is to not use Application.cfm/cfc/onrequestend.cfm, and 
 make sure you 
 handle any 404 errors thrown.

Actually, you can put your application.cfm outside the webroot and all
directories will be traversed up to the root of the drive until an
application.cfm file is (not) found.  Just because an application.cfm file
doesn't exist in a web-accessible directory doesn't mean it isn't farther up
the directory tree.


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RE: Frameworks for simple web sites

2005-07-26 Thread Andrew Tyrone
It sounds like you just need a simple CMS, like Contribute.  I am not sure
why you'd want to delve into a framework you've never used before for a
simple site that sounds as if it won't require a lot of time or effort.  

I'd suggest sticking with however you currently organize your code (unless
it's totally out of control!) and build on it from there.  In my experience,
starting a project and then learning something new on the fly adds a lot of
time and stress; unless you absolutely HAVE to do this, I'd recommend
against it.

This isn't a dig against any framework or code organization method.  I'm
just pointing out that learning a new way to organize code and starting a
project at the same time where you'll be using said method might be a bit
daunting, unless you have enough time to allow for whatever learning curve
might be ahead.  If you do have the time, then by all means learn whatever
it is you think will help.


 -Original Message-
 From: Connie DeCinko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 3:04 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Frameworks for simple web sites
 Now that I've had the opportunity to take a closer look at 
 Plum, I can see
 that it is a very powerful and good code generator/framework 
 for ColdFusion
 apps.  However, for fairly simple sites, it seems to be 
 overkill.  I could
 be wrong.
 What would you recommend for a simple site that's just a step 
 beyond simple
 HTML?  I have to build a site where the end-user needs to be 
 able to post a
 newsletter each month and make very minor changes, no 
 e-commerce or embedded
 apps.  I was thinking this might be an excuse to try out a 
 framework but am
 having second thoughts.

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RE: reverse compliment a sequence

2005-06-15 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 2:07 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: reverse compliment a sequence
 Highly recommend against that.  I intentionally used the less 
 familiar and more complex Java object, because it will be 
 significantly more performant as the string of DNA gets longer.

Point taken.

 The designers of the Java language assumed that people who 
 really care about efficiency will be intelligent enough to 
 use the proper type (String or StringBuffer) based on what 
 they're doing.  By and large, I don't recommend mixing 
 arbitrary Java into your CFML code, but the use of 
 StringBuffers when you have massive string concatenation is 
 definitely something to consider.

I wish that intelligence and laziness were mutually exclusive!

 Smart Java compilers may convert string concatenation into 
 StringBuffers automatically to aid the developer.  I have no 
 idea if CF is that smart, so I explicitly tell CF what I 
 want.  Note that I'm talking about non-linear concatenation; 
 linear concatenation is always done using StringBuffers, 
 because there isn't actually a concatenation operator, every 
 compiler will automatically convert it to some StringBuffer 
 operations, from what I understand.

Yes, that makes perfect sense.  In that case it also still makes for a nice,
scalable UDF if my plain vanilla concatenation is swapped out for your Java
version.  I guess we wouldn't be able to tell how slow the concatenation
method is without running it under some real load, but I'm sure the Java
solution would handily beat it at a certain point.

 On 6/14/05, Andrew Tyrone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Using Barney's elegant struct solution, we can take it one step 
  further by creating a UDF and getting rid of the Java by 
 using a new 
  variable and appending to it:
  function RevCompDNA(dna) {
  var newdna = ;
  var t = structNew();
  t.c = g;
  t.g = c;
  t.a = t;
  t.t = a;
  for (i = 1; i LTE Len(arguments.dna); i=i+1) {
  newdna = newdna  t[mid(dna, i, 1)];
  return newdna;

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RE: reverse compliment a sequence

2005-06-14 Thread Andrew Tyrone
Using Barney's elegant struct solution, we can take it one step further by
creating a UDF and getting rid of the Java by using a new variable and
appending to it:


function RevCompDNA(dna) {

var newdna = ;
var t = structNew();

t.c = g;
t.g = c;
t.a = t;
t.t = a;

for (i = 1; i LTE Len(arguments.dna); i=i+1) {

newdna = newdna  t[mid(dna, i, 1)];


return newdna;





 -Original Message-
 From: Richard Colman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 2:45 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: reverse compliment a sequence
 I need to to reverse compliment a nucleotide sequence, so
 C become a G
 G becomes a C
 A becomes a T
 T becomes an A
 I need to go through a string a character at a time and build 
 a new string.
 ACTG becomes TGAC
 Is there an easy way to do this?

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RE: CFMX: Dissed by Breeze and FlashLite?

2005-05-03 Thread Andrew Tyrone
Careful, Ben, you run the risk of being called a simpleton.

 -Original Message-
 From: Ben Forta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 2:46 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: CFMX: Dissed by Breeze and FlashLite?
 I know I should not respond to this thread, I know I should 
 not respond to this thread, I know I should not respond to 
 this thread, but 


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RE: wtf are those advertizing links in the text?

2005-04-21 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 I would be forced to withdraw, and I imagine that lots of 
 other people 
 might be in the same boat for the same reason that Jochem and Paul 
 Hastings mentioned. I've been through this before elsewhere, and I 
 simply wouldn't be able to justify the risk. And it's worth pointing 
 out that the list would be significantly less valuable if it 
 loses the likes of Jochem and Paul.
 Between the two of them, they cover everything there is to 
 know about 
 RFCs and Unicode!
 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
 Instead of forcing people to pay to subscribe to the list, an 
 alternative could be an advertising free list for a fee - $20 
 to $50 a year lets say, and a free, but supported by ads 
 lists. That way if you're willing to suffer the ad links in 
 the contents of the messages, you don't have to pay. But you 
 can get rid of the ads by paying a small fee up front. Then 
 after you log into the HOF site, the ad links in the message 
 content would dissappear.
 This way all views are accommodated.

I don't think Dave is concerned so much with seeing the links himself, but
of others seeing them and what content they link to.  It wouldn't matter if
you paid a thousand dollars a year to not see them; anyone ending up at the
archives that isn't a paying member would see them.  So that means the only
way to not have links in your posts would be to opt out of the list and not
post at all.


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RE: SPAM-LOW: Re: wtf are those advertizing links in the text?

2005-04-21 Thread Andrew Tyrone
Aaron Rouse wrote: 

  I do not feel I benifit enough from this list to warrant 
 paying to be 
 on it. Matter of fact I am not 100% sure I have benifited from this 
 list in quite sometime. I know the last couple of questions 
 I posted I 
 never got a complete answer from the list, and if I was 
 paying to be on 
 this list then I would start to get irritated if the answers were no 
 better than I could get elsewhere or if they were lesser 
 which is the case at times.

Larry Lyons wrote:

 If you do not think you're benefitting from this list then 
 why continue to subscribe? I am sure that it would be no 
 great disaster for the rest of us. The thing is that its also 
 a two way street, you need to contribute as well as consume.

What it comes down to is, you don't HAVE to do anything to be on this list.
Just because someone is not a prolific poster doesn't mean they don't
belong.  Did you ever stop to think that many people on this list donate in
different ways to this cause?  Just because we aren't singing the praises of
a fee-based list and whiping drool off our faces with addled glee when every
piece of OT tripe comes our way doesn't mean we don't care.


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RE: macromedia and Adobe?!

2005-04-18 Thread Andrew Tyrone
  Now, tell me, anybody, please, maybe I am just uneducated in the 
  matter. Give me three innovations by Adobe this century.
  I may settle for two. Oh, and standard product releases don't count 
  (that's just a response to user suggestions).
  A company that has delivered solid products (don't get me wrong, I 
  like PDF's) a long time ago, and has failed to capitalize on their 
  success has made a wise decision to acquire MM.
 Actually, there are quite a few innovations within the PDF 
 file format itself, such as revision tracking and digital 
 signatures. Don't discount these sorts of things - they're a 
 big deal; very useful and innovative within the world of 
 document management.
 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Yeah, I can attest to this.  Digital signatures and watermarking, in
addition to formfield filling have been a boon to a few of our clients in
the medical and drug testing industries.  The encryption and watermarking of
highly sensitive data in PDF documents in addition to the easy-to-use PDF
format has gone a long way in this area.


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2005-04-12 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: George Abraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 So we are finally transitioning from CF 5.0 to CFMX 7 at a 
 point in the near future. I had Hal Helms book on CFCs in 
 CFMX when it first came out. I had only dabbled in CFCs till 
 now. Now I am hearing that the book may be outdated with 
 regard to the way CFCs in CFMX 7 handle the scoping of 
 variables, etc. Is this true? If so, where is a good resource 
 for learning more about CFCs, especially in the CFMX 7 
 environment? The Macromedia site appears to ignore this or 
 else I can't find any information.

I might be insane or I missed some responses, but I didn't see anyone give
you any links to information on CFCs.  There are several links off the
ColdFusion Developer Center page on

There is an introductory article written by Ben Forta called Ben Forta on
Architecture: Intro to ColdFusion Components that you might start with.

Also, the ColdFusion MX Bible, written by Adam Churvis, has a lot of
information on CFCs in CFMX 6.1, which should be applicable to most
applications of CFMX 7.


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RE: You have to laugh - the world is full of half-wits

2005-04-06 Thread Andrew Tyrone
But who's dumber, the person who supplies an email address that will only be
working after the connection is setup, or the tech who assumes the email
address supplied is a working one?  Maybe moving this to cf-community is
probably best, since then we can throw out the personal responsibility
part of the equation.

 -Original Message-
 From: Ewok [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 10:42 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: You have to laugh - the world is full of half-wits
 That's pretty damned funny! (thought I'd reply before the 
 Off-Topic Nazis
 get here)

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RE: Best practice question?

2005-03-27 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Johnny Le [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2005 12:33 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Best practice question?
 Is it better to do this:
 cfoutput query=GetCourses
#Dept_ID#   #CorName#   #CorLevel#br
 or this:
 cfoutput query=GetCourses
#GetCourses.Dept_ID#   #GetCourses.CorName#   
 I know that you should prefix your variables, but this seems 
 to be unnecessary.  I think I read somewhere that it actually 
 performs better without the prefix in this case.  I always 
 use the first one and for some reasons I kept thinking 
 beginners when I see the second one.  Am I wrong?

I might be crazy, but I seem to remember, at least in CF 4.x versions, that
if you scoped a query column within a cfoutput, it would only output the
data in the first row of the query, not the current row, no matter where you
were in the loop.  That might also have been the case when outputting query
data with cfloop, and I might have these totally reversed as far as which
exhibited the aforementioned behavior.  Either way, I never scoped query
columns when looping over a query for this reason.  I don't remember with
which version of CF this changed.  Like I said, I might be crazy and this
never was the case, but something tells me it was.


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RE: Ordering WACK from Amazon

2005-03-25 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Ben Forta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 5:50 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Ordering WACK from Amazon
 By distribution I mean corporate sales (yep, publishers have 
 sales people who sell lots of books to organizations), 
 academic sales, trade show presence, getting reviews and 
 write-ups, and more.
 FWIW, some of my books are indeed sold electronically via Safari.
 --- Ben

Since you are a product evangelist and I assume get a salary from
Macromedia, I would think it would be in their best interest to let you use
some company time to write the books you do, especially the ones that have
to do with their products.  Is that not the case?  If you're working on all
the books on your own time, nights and weekends, then you must never sleep.

If the first case is true, you're still getting an advance and a regular
paycheck from MM, and maybe royalties depending on your contract.  If the
second case is true, I'd say you were quite insane!


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RE: How to Browse and Choose Directory...

2005-03-10 Thread Andrew Tyrone
That part is unlikely ever to change, as there are already third party
solutions which get the job done more efficiently.  This type of
functionality is very specific, and since there is no incentive to add
anything like this (read: no one makes any money) as well as it being
inherently difficult to globalize throughout browserland, I think the
implementation is best left to third party software.


 -Original Message-
 From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 12:17 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: How to Browse and Choose Directory...
  To enable uploading of whole directories the HTTP protocol, the 
  implementation of that protocol in the user's webbrowser, 
 and possibly 
  the underlying operating system would have to be changed.
 Now that's the part that I'm saying will eventually need to 
 be changed...

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RE: How to Browse and Choose Directory...

2005-03-09 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Rebecca Wells [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 4:52 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: How to Browse and Choose Directory...
 Here's a little javascript majick to do the trick. Create a 
 little javascript like this:
 InvalidTag type=text/javascript
 function getFile(f) { = f.uploadFile.value;
 Then in the body of the page, your form is like this:
 form action= method=post enctype=multipart/form-data 
 name=uploadForm Browse to your file directory (pick a 
 file): input type=file name=uploadFile size=35 
 onblur=getFile(this.form);br input type=hidden 
 name=directory input type=submit value=submit /form
 When the form is submitted, it will pass the full path of the 
 file that was selected. Then you can use the CF function Get 
 DirectoryFromPath(path) to get just the directory path you 
 want to use.

This still won't work.  There is no way for CF to access the filesystem, no
matter what you do.  Only the uploaded file will be available on the server.
CF just has access to the file after it is uploaded, not before -- ever.


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Verity and security through obscurity

2005-02-01 Thread Andrew Tyrone
Hi everyone,

I wanted to get some feedback on how you go about scheduling the re-indexing
of files with Verity, and where the actual code runs.  Do you usually put
your re-indexing code in a web-accessible directory and just use the
cfschedule tag or admin to run it?  Do you use a scheduled task with your
OS's native scheduling program to run the Verity command line tools?  

Obscuring the file doesn't seem to be the best solution, but if you're using
cfschedule, I don't think there is a way around keeping the file out of a
web-accessible area.

This is all very simple, but I wanted to make sure I'm not missing anything.


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RE: home page redirect

2005-01-26 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 12:35 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: home page redirect
 Check the cgi.http_referer variable for the domain name that 
 you're expecting, if it's not in there, cflocation to the 
 home page, if it is in there, let it be.  It will be blank if 
 the person types it in themselves. 

What happens if the user is running software that blocks the sending of the
referring page?  The user will NEVER be able to access any pages on the site
except the home page!  Since the browser sends the referrer, this is a very
bad idea.  

The session variable idea is better, but if the user chooses not to accept
cookies from the site, that's out the window as well, and you'll wind up
with the same problem of not being able to access any other pages on the
site except the home page.  You'd have to pass the cfid and cftoken in the
URL to make this work correctly.


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RE: restaurant apps

2005-01-26 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 4:54 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: restaurant apps
 anyone do anything cool for a  restaurant?
  need some ideas doesnt have to be in cfm, not looking for 
 code just ideas  flash is ok as well  or know of a cool one 
 too look at

Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but I created an app 6 years
ago called Geomerx.  I've had nothing to do with the company in as long, so
I can't answer any questions about any of it, really.  They've gone through
several revisions since, but it has demo stores and links to places
currently using the app.  I originally wrote it for a neighborhood deli, but
we modularized it to handle pretty much any type of ecommerce site.  A lot
of the customers have customized their sites, so there might be something
there to look at.


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RE: Javascript question

2005-01-24 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 Can anyone tell me please what do question marks and colon 
 symbols signify in a javascript command? For example:
 F.value = S  0 ? ??  + F.value : (new Date(2000, 0, 1, 
 S[0], S[1])).USlocaltimeStr();
 My guess is that this is some kind of shorthand for an 
 if-then-else control structure, but I've never seen it 
 documented anywhere.

Your guess is right; it is analogous to IIF() in CFML.

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RE: CFMX 6.1 - Missing Template Handler

2005-01-20 Thread Andrew Tyrone

Okay, I'll concede that the first example is bad. But, relative to the
webroot means if I have my 404 page at, using
/404.cfm in the missing template handler field should work (as in my second
example I gave in the original post), but it doesn't.  If you can prove to
me it does work, then that is a good thing as you could have a separate
error page in the root of each site (or within any sub-directory you choose
under the root), so you wouldn't have to figure out which site the user got
the error on by checking CGI variables.  Sadly, no one has proven otherwise
in this case, so until someone does, the technote and docs are just plain


 -Original Message-
 From: Thomas Chiverton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 9:17 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: CFMX 6.1 - Missing Template Handler
 On Thursday 20 Jan 2005 01:43 am, Andrew Tyrone wrote:
  handler IS NOT relative to the web root as the docs say.  ...
  You cannot use relative paths as
  in ../folder/file.cfm.
 It is relative to the web root.
 You can't go 'up' past the root of the web root, which is why 
 your example fails.

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RE: CFMX 6.1 - Missing Template Handler

2005-01-20 Thread Andrew Tyrone
 -Original Message-
 From: Thomas Chiverton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 9:17 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: CFMX 6.1 - Missing Template Handler
 On Thursday 20 Jan 2005 01:43 am, Andrew Tyrone wrote:
  handler IS NOT relative to the web root as the docs say.  ...
  You cannot use relative paths as
  in ../folder/file.cfm.
 It is relative to the web root.
 You can't go 'up' past the root of the web root, which is why 
 your example fails.

Technically, ../page.cfm is always relative to the web root if you're
already AT the web root.  If I have and in there a
link page to, it doesn't matter if I link back to
the home page as href=index.cfm, href=../index.cfm, or even
href=../../../../index.cfm.  Of course it's ridiculous to even do any of
that, but it illustrates the point that once the web root is hit, all the
other ups don't have any effect, at least in IIS.  This might not be the
case with the missing template handler, but it still doesn't work without
using a mapping.


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RE: CFMX 6.1 - Missing Template Handler

2005-01-19 Thread Andrew Tyrone

Yes, thanks.  As far as I've tested on IIS 5, checking the check that file
exists checkbox doesn't do ANYTHING.  IIS still passes missing .cfm files
to CFMX regardless of that setting.  Sometimes I wonder if even Macromedia
knows how the missing template handler works.


 -Original Message-
 From: John Beynon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 7:18 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: CFMX 6.1 - Missing Template Handler
 did you see

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RE: CFMX 6.1 - Missing Template Handler

2005-01-19 Thread Andrew Tyrone

I forgot about the isapi filter in the master www property page.  Does this
mean I can't catch missing .jsp pages?  I am not sure if you saw my initial
post in this thread, but it's all explained in there.  CFMX catches missing
.cfm and .cfml pages and displays the page defined in the missing template
handler, but not .cfc or .jsp pages.  IIS handles any other extensions with
the custom error page I created (except for the above four I mentioned).

Also, on a related note to this specific problem, the missing template
handler IS NOT relative to the web root as the docs say.  The only way I've
gotten it to work is to use a mapping.  You cannot use relative paths as
in ../folder/file.cfm.  You have to use /folder/file.cfm.

From the technote:

Configuring a missing template handler requires setting a path to the
Missing Template Handler on the Settings page of the ColdFusion
Administrator. It must be in a relative path of the web site.

From the CFMX docs:

Specify a template to execute when ColdFusion MX cannot find the requested
template. This specification is relative to the web root. If the user is
running Internet Explorer with Show Friendly HTTP error messages enabled
in advanced settings (the default), Internet Explorer will only display this
page if it contains more than 512 bytes.

If my web root is and my error page is at, using /404.cfm in the missing template
handler field does not work, which leads me to believe the technote should
explicitly state that you have to use a mapping to specify where the page
is.  I haven't submitted this as a bug to MM yet because I wanted to get
feedback on it to make sure I wasn't missing something obvious.


 -Original Message-
 From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 5:35 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: CFMX 6.1 - Missing Template Handler
  Yes, thanks.  As far as I've tested on IIS 5, checking the 
 check that 
  file exists checkbox doesn't do ANYTHING.  IIS still 
 passes missing 
  .cfm files to CFMX regardless of that setting.  Sometimes I 
 wonder if 
  even Macromedia knows how the missing template handler works.
 By default, that's how things are supposed to work. When you 
 install CFMX on IIS, the web server connector sets up two 
 things: an ISAPI extension and an ISAPI filter. The ISAPI 
 filter intercepts any matching URL patterns before IIS itself 
 can handle the request (or check to see if the file exists). 
 The ISAPI filter is necessary for running servlets and for 
 using Flash Remoting, I think.
 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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CFMX 6.1 - Missing Template Handler

2005-01-18 Thread Andrew Tyrone
Hi everyone,

OS is Windows 2000 Advanced Server w/ IIS 5.

Has anyone noticed that CFMX only catches pages with .cfm and .cfml
extensions as missing when the pages don't exist?  .cfc and .jsp are also
mapped to the same jrun.dll file, but CFMX doesn't catch missing pages with
those extensions.

Also, strangely, removing .jsp for the virtual directory I am running my
test site on does not allow IIS to handle missing .jsp pages; I still get
the stock CFMX page not found error.  Either I am a raving lunatic or IIS is
ascending the tree and checking the web site itself for a mapping to .jsp,
and if it doesn't find it there it's going to the default properties of IIS.
Restarting IIS isn't making a difference.  It just doesn't seem possible
that CFMX can still catch a missing .jsp page if IIS is not handing that
extension off to the jrun.dll file.

I just removed the .jsp mapping from the master property configuration page
in IIS, restarted IIS, restarted CFMX, and I am getting the same stock CFMX
page not found error for any random .jsp pages I type in.  CFMX is handling
.cfm and .cfml and IIS is handling every other page extension correctly.  I
could type in http://server/virtualdir/ and IIS is kicking in
with the correct page not found.

Any ideas?


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RE: Extra query info

2005-01-17 Thread Andrew Tyrone

I just wrote some functionality for a government project recently that
basically merged two Verity result sets and made a few changes to them at
the same time.  I found that there was nearly no overhead.  Basically one
result set had to appear AFTER the other (don't ask).  Processing the
queries using Q of Q with UNION was quite a bit slower, though it's all
anecdotal timing under the bridge at this point...

As far as calling a CFC in a loop or sending the whole query to the CFC to
be looped over, I couldn't say without testing it both ways, and even then
you wouldn't get accurate results unless you load tested.  All things being
equal, though, it would seem to make the most sense to do whichever way
would be most pertinent to the functionality of the app.  Will the method be
used by any other parts of the program or is it specific to this one
process?  You might want to create two methods: the public one that takes a
query object could call the private method that does the processing on each


 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 12:43 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Extra query info
 The performance of a CFC that has been set as an object is 
 very good. I'd have to say extremely good with a 0ms hit on 
 most occasions. As for a performance hit when 
 building/altering queries, I've never heard of one but I'll 
 do some tests to be sure. A query 'object' is just like an 
 array 'object' or structure 'object'. They're all just data 
 On the other hand, a QoQ does have some overhead but that's 
 due to it having a whole query parsing engine and all. Not a 
 lot of overhead in most cases, but it's not as efficient as 
 some things (like struct functions).
  I don't know if this will play into it at all, but I seem 
 to remember 
  some people talking about performance hits when you build 
 new queries 
  or add columns/data to existing queries using the query 
 functions in CF.
  The method of using a CFC to format the data and return a new query 
  object may have bad performance in that realm if what I've heard is 
  true.  Also, once you create the CFC as an object, you 
 should be able 
  to make as many calls as you want to it without nearly as much 
  overhead.  I have no data to back that up, but from what 
 I've heard, 
  that seems like it'd be the case.  If I'm wrong, I'd love 
 to hear about it.
  John Burns
  Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer AI-ES Aeronautics, Web 
  -Original Message-
  From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 12:29 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Extra query info
  Here's a conceptual question. Lets say you have a query 
 with multiple 
  rows in it. There is a few calculations that will take 
 place between 
  items in a row to get some additional values per row (i.e. 
 a discount 
  price, etc.).
  One way of doing this is when outputting the query, you send the 
  specific data to a CFC (It's used in multiple places) and get out a 
  structure. This means that a 20 row query has 20 calls to the CFC.
  Another way of doing it is to pass the whole query to a CFC 
 which will 
  then loop over the query, do the calculations and then place the 
  results into new columns within the query.
  The first has a single loop but multiple CFC calls while the second 
  2 loops (inside the CFC and out) but a single CFC call.
  Which do you prefer? Do you see a problem with either approach?
  Just something that came into my mind while rewriting a few dozen 
  pages on this ecommerce site.

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RE: MS SQL server replication

2005-01-17 Thread Andrew Tyrone

I've only theorized about SQL Server replication, but it's on my to-do list
this month, I swear!  What I can tell you is that yes, you can do it.  SQL
Server BOL (books online) documentation does a good job of steering you in
the right direction, and I've also found the information in SQL Server 2000
Administrator's companion from MS Press useful.  If you open up the BOL
docs, go to the Contents tab and there is a whole section devoted to

As for 5 web servers hitting one database server and another 5 hitting the
other, I assume you could do that but I don't see why.  If you were running
them in a load balanced/failover mode, you'd want to distribute the load
evenly between the two, I would think, and that wouldn't necessarily give
you a 5:1 ratio.

As for the more technical aspects, I'll leave that to someone more seasoned
in this area than myself.  Sorry I couldn't be of more help, and good luck!


 -Original Message-
 From: Russ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 4:41 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: MS SQL server replication
 We're just wondering here on what to do when we outgrow our 
 current sql server box.  Can SQL server be run in some sort 
 of load balanced configuration, where the data is somehow 
 replicated?  Lets say we have 10 web servers, 5 of them would 
 be hitting 1 db server, and 5 of them would be hitting the 
 other.  Is this possible?  Any problems with replication/etc?

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RE: Help with Union on a query of a Query

2005-01-17 Thread Andrew Tyrone
One thing I'd like to add is that by using the query functions you are also
able to add the 2nd recordset to the end of the first recordset.  If you
were to use a union query and weren't explicity ordering the unioned
recordset, CFMX will use the first field as the index field and merge your
queries and not place the second result set at the end of the first.  It all
depends on what you want to happen, so that's not necessarily a bad thing.

 -Original Message-
 From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 5:26 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Help with Union on a query of a Query
 Use the query functions.  QofQ has an enormous number of 
 issues when dealing with column types, so if you're doing any 
 kind of modifications to the queries after you get the back 
 from the database, chances are good the QofQ engine will 
 complain.  Rumor has it that many (or most) of these issues 
 will be resolved in Blackstone, thankfully.
 On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 14:17:41 -0800, Ian Skinner 
  I have a fairly complicated process, where I have to build 
 up a query from several different sources.  I have got it all 
 working, except the last step where I have to add the latest 
 record to the end of the newest record.  I am trying to do 
 this with a union in a query-of-a-query query block.  I am 
 getting the following error.
  Query Of Queries runtime error.
  All resulting columns of queries in a SELECT statement 
 containing a UNION operator must have corresponding types.
  Columns with index number equal 3 have different types 
  Here is the code.
  cfquery dbtype=query name=Data
  I have debugged the process so I know that I have all the 
 same columns in both querries.  Is there an easy fix to this, 
 or is it better if I just start using the query functions to 
 add data to the final query object.

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search engine ideas

2004-10-27 Thread Andrew Tyrone
Hi everyone,

I'd like to get your take on the techniques you've used or might use when
building a file-based search engine with Verity that would include the
ability to:

1. Specify that certain pages come up if certain keywords are entered, e.g.
typing a product name would bring that product page up regardless of how
many times the product name is mentioned in the actual file, so relevance
would only count after the primary page(s) are displayed at the top of the
results list.

2. Refine a search.  If there are 1000 pages returned, how would you allow
the user to search within those results?

I've got my own ideas of how I would accomplish these goals but I'd like to
hear other ideas/thoughts from the community.


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bardcode and signature extraction from tiff files

2004-09-16 Thread Andrew Tyrone
Hi everyone,

I've got a job to quote and am looking for some software that can accomplish
extraction of a specified section of a tiff image (which is converted from a
fax) as well as read a barcode from a specific section of said image.
Basically the signature needs to be extracted and saved to a separate image
file.Also, there will be a barcode that they have generated that needs to
be read and then the appropriate matching row in the databases needs to be
updated so the bill can be marked received.

Anyone ever do anything like this?Any information will be appreciated.


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RE: Suggestion for Windows HTML editor

2004-09-08 Thread Andrew Tyrone
Hi Damien,

I've been evaluating PrimalScript 3.1 and it looks like a winner.Sam Neff
has mentioned it numerous times so I figured I'd check it out.It does all
of what you are asking, and more.Also, the download is under 4MB, and it
uses a little over 10MB on disk.I just slapped a bunch of help files in a
separate directory (including CFMX ones from DWMX) and pointed PrimalScript
at them; very easy.This gives you context help via the F1 key when you are
within a CFMX tag or function.Also, PrimalSense is already configured to
give you the CFMX tag-insight popups you've come to know and love.The only
thing it lacks for me is CSS support, but I use TopStyle 3.1 for that and I
love it.

There are plenty of ways you can customize this tool.One I particularly
like is being able to have one of your open documents be an actual web
page, so you can keep a reference link on your toolbar handy to specific web
references and whatnot.Another thing I like is you can have the icon
associated with each file type you open display next to the tabbed filename,
so it's easy to tell at a glance what file types are without looking at the

I like DWMX a lot more than I used to, but it's still a little quirky for
me.One of the things Jim Davis pointed out is the file browser -- yech!I
always mis-read what level I am on.Also, I've found that DWMX always
freezes up for a minute every now and then when I work with a mapped drive
off my local server.I know this to be the exact cause because I can work
locally for hours on end and that never happens (this is with the 7.0.1

One thing I WILL say about DWMX is that it encompasses all of these features
and more, and I really like the built-in CSS support, but I still find
myself gravitating away from it time and again.


-Original Message-
From: Damien McKenna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 3:08 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Suggestion for Windows HTML editor

I'm looking for a HTML/CFML editor for Windows with the following

1. A projects system for easily managing a limited directory structure
regarding an individual project.A simple file browser could suffice.

2. _Good_ syntax highlighting, i.e. able to highlight _javascript_ and
HTML and CSS in the same file.

3. Good basic features, similar to EditPlus (

4. Some sort of snippets / clip-book feature, for often-used code
snippets.Ideally these should be programmable like NoteTab.

5. Small footprint as my laptop only has 64meg of RAM currently.

6. Code hinting, e.g. I enter cfquery and it shows a tooltip of the

I've gotten good enough with CFML and CSS that I really don't need
Dreamweaver's WYSIWYG facilities any longer and would like something
light enough to run on my new laptop at work (500Mhz P3).

In effect I'm looking for a cross between EditPlus (for its wonderful
basic functionality) and NotePad (for is programmability), with a few

Any suggestions?

I'm not interested in Eclipse as it is too big for me, and a little OTT
for basic text editing.
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COTS Product

2004-09-07 Thread Andrew Tyrone
Hi everyone,

Recently we were told we had to provide quite a few documents for SDLC
(Systems Development Life-cycle), one month before a project deadline, for
the COTS (Commercial-Off-the-Shelf) Product we are using for a government
client.This product is CFMX 6.1.After installation testing on the dev
and qas servers, the last two servers are now off-limits per the CIO until
all of this documentation is provided.Initially all of these documents
were deemed unnecessary as what we provided was considered adequate.

There are roughly 30 documents listed, and we have been given samples and
layouts, however this is going to take some time to complete and since we
have limited resources, there is no way we are going to make the deadline of
October 1st at this rate.My hands are tied as I am a sub-contractor for
the company who actually HAS the contract.What I am looking for is,
hopefully, someone or some company that has documented a lot of this
information about CFMX already.

The following link explains what is needed:

Near the end the page (section 13.3.7) is what we were provided via fax.

If anyone can give me any insight, I'd appreciate it, since I am pretty lost

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2004-08-23 Thread Andrew Tyrone
If someone wants a gmail account, I have 1 invitation left.Email me at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and say gimme!.

-Original Message-
From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 12:41 PM
To: CF-Talk

GMail has heavily cut down on their 'free' accounts and I'm giving them out
when I get them. I'm going to talk to someone about getting a larger block.


From: Justin Hansen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 9:10 AM
To: CF-Talk

What ever happened to the GMAIL accounts for all the folks that attended

Justin Hansen
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2004-08-23 Thread Andrew Tyrone
Sorry!I just sent one off before you posted this...

-Original Message-
From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 12:49 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFUN-GMAIL

Thank you Rey. I'd like to ask that ALL questions, comments, requests and
offers for or about GMail be moved to CF-Community where it has and is being
Thank you.

They moved to CF-Community.
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RE: The search is killing the server. Please help!

2004-07-30 Thread Andrew Tyrone
I fail to see why a lot of these ideas are even necessary in this case.The
records returned number about 5000.NO ONE is going to page through all
5000 records.This is what the search filters are for.Just return the top
20, 50, 100 records ordered by whatever your business rules require ONLY IF
there is no search criteria entered.IF there is search criteria entered,
then you can return a varied result set based on the entered criteria.

Caching 5000 records in an indeterminate amount of sessions is not a good
idea.Furthermore, caching in the application scope would keep wiping out
the cached query, unless every user is searching for the same exact critera
(highly unlikely).

Another idea using the application scope would be to cache the full 5000
records and then use query of query for specific searches, which you
wouldn't cache as they'd be narrowed down by the user-entered criteria.


-Original Message-
From: Micha Schopman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 8:48 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: The search is killing the server. Please help!

This means if you have 10.000 users doing a search for dog the server
now creates 10.000 session entries each with the exact same resultset
for dog ;)

That is why I suggested application variables. Everybody has instant
access to the cache if they search for the same thing.
Micha Schopman
Software Engineer
Modern Media, Databankweg 12 M, 3821 ALAmersfoort
Tel 033-4535377, Fax 033-4535388
KvK Amersfoort 39081679, Rabo
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RE: Checked/unchecked input boxes

2004-07-30 Thread Andrew Tyrone
You can use cfparam to create the form variable if it doesn't already exist.
So to set FORM.itemstatus to NR by default, you could use:

cfparam name=FORM.itemstatus default=NR

-Original Message-
From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 9:28 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: SOT: Checked/unchecked input boxes

How do I send via a CFIF IsDefined(form.update.x) in my code instructing
CF to Update a field when a input box is unchecked as well as checked.

Its working when its checked (input type=checkbox name=itemstatus
value=received checked), but how do I send a NR when its unchecked?

Robert O.
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RE: cf_sql_date

2004-07-30 Thread Andrew Tyrone
Actually, smalldatetime and datetime are only different by the following
(from SQL Server Books Online):


Date and time data from January 1, 1753 through December 31, , to an
accuracy of one three-hundredth of a second (equivalent to 3.33 milliseconds
or 0.00333 seconds). Values are rounded to increments of .000, .003, or .007
seconds, as shown in the table.


Date and time data from January 1, 1900, through June 6, 2079, with accuracy
to the minute. smalldatetime values with 29.998 seconds or lower are rounded
down to the nearest minute; values with 29.999 seconds or higher are rounded
up to the nearest minute.

So make sure you use datetime if you don't want to run into the year 2079

-Original Message-
From: Tyler Silcox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 11:39 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: cf_sql_date

Err...yea, you right.I didn't see the cfsqltype type.

You need to use the cfsqltype cf_sql_timestamp type for MSSQL, but you also
have to have datetime as your column type in MSSQL if you want the date and
time...instead of just smalldatetime, etc.
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RE: CFC Practices

2004-07-30 Thread Andrew Tyrone
Yes, I have a lot of this going on in my last project.Some complex
database transactions have more than one method that gets used in more than
one main transaction, so these are broken up into private methods, called
by just referencing the method itself WITHIN the CFC (which is the keyword).
As far as I know (and according to the docs) you can't instantiate a CFC
with cfinvoke and then call methods on it external to the CFC, without
specifying the component name again.

I remember something about CFMX not invoking a duplicate component again if
you do happen to use cfinvoke with the same component name in the same
request, but that's just hearsay as I don't remember where I heard it from,
so someone else might want to weigh in on more of the technical aspects.

-Original Message-
From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 10:54 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFC Practices

In a CFC it is possible to call another function of the same CFC
without specifying the component attribute (like so):
CFInvoke Method=Set_Order
Has anyone tried this and is there any savings or penalty for doing it
this way? I haven't seen anything, but there are others here with more
component experience than I have.

Yes, I've been posting rhetorical questions like this to both feed the
Best of Talk and get people thinking on what they do and how.
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RE: CFC Practices

2004-07-30 Thread Andrew Tyrone
If you have a lot of arguments, however, readability is easier maintained
with cfinvoke method=bar ... and then a series of cfinvokeargument tags
thereafter and a closing /cfinvoke.Using cfinvoke without the component
name (see my other post) does not instantiate the component again.

-Original Message-
From: Dave Carabetta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 11:04 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFC Practices

On Fri, 30 Jul 2004 10:53:50 -0400, Michael Dinowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 In a CFC it is possible to call another function of the same CFC
 without specifying the component attribute (like so):
 CFInvoke Method=Set_Order
 Has anyone tried this and is there any savings or penalty for doing it
 this way? I haven't seen anything, but there are others here with more
 component experience than I have.

 Yes, I've been posting rhetorical questions like this to both feed the
 Best of Talk and get people thinking on what they do and how.

I'm a bit confused. If I understand you right, for every function you
call in a given CFC, you make a cfinvoke call to it, even if it's in
the same CFC? If it's in the same CFC, you can simply just use the
function name itself.

cfset callToSupportFunction() /

Using cfinvoke will instantiate a new instance of the CFC.

Did I misunderstand you?
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RE: The search is killing the server. Please help!

2004-07-30 Thread Andrew Tyrone

I am not saying that your input is worthless, but I think it is a good
developer's duty to make a case for more efficient ways to do things.From
what I gathered of the initial post, nothing was set in stone.Given that,
I can't in good conscience agree with most of the methods put forth when,
based on my experience with caching in my own applications, they aren't the
most efficient given the current situation.I am open to debate the methods
I offered if someone thinks they aren't good methods, or if someone has an
idea they think is better.

I think in these types of situations that the developer should lead the
client in matters of efficiency, as long as no required functionality falls
by the wayside in the process.


-Original Message-
From: Adam Haskell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 12:28 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: The search is killing the server. Please help!

I don't disagree with you andy, 5000 results does sound completely
rediculous. But the fact of the matter is if someone wants to do this,
then I'll give my input on how I think it should be done. I am not one
to refuse to give helpful insight on how to accomplish a task just
becuase I think it is a bad idea to do the task the proposed way. But
yes I agree we limit our searh results to 501. If 501 reusults are
returned we suggest refining the search to our users.

Adam H

On Fri, 30 Jul 2004 11:02:19 -0400, Andrew Tyrone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I fail to see why a lot of these ideas are even necessary in this case.
 records returned number about 5000.NO ONE is going to page through all
 5000 records.This is what the search filters are for.Just return the
 20, 50, 100 records ordered by whatever your business rules require ONLY
 there is no search criteria entered.IF there is search criteria entered,
 then you can return a varied result set based on the entered criteria.

 Caching 5000 records in an indeterminate amount of sessions is not a good
 idea.Furthermore, caching in the application scope would keep wiping out
 the cached query, unless every user is searching for the same exact
 (highly unlikely).

 Another idea using the application scope would be to cache the full 5000
 records and then use query of query for specific searches, which you
 wouldn't cache as they'd be narrowed down by the user-entered criteria.

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RE: The search is killing the server. Please help!

2004-07-30 Thread Andrew Tyrone
The subject didn't have anything to do with reports, but a list returned to
the user in it's entirety.The discussion was about caching, and in this
case there is no need to return all 5000 records to the user because the
user will not page through them anyway without entering some sort of

Reports are a whole different matter and there are many ways to deal with
those, including, but not limited to, denormalized database tables as well
as caching.

-Original Message-
From: G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 12:34 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: The search is killing the server. Please help!

To that end, when you work for the Government as I do, the ridiculous
quickly becomes the ordinary.A query returning 5000 records, and a report
to display all those records, is not only a possibility, its LIKELY.

All you can do as a designer is get your objections on record, then do your
best to minimize the damage.enter caching.
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RE: The search is killing the server. Please help!

2004-07-29 Thread Andrew Tyrone
On my last project I had to present a large amount of items to the user
using a next/prev style interface.Since there were a lot of filters to
narrow down the returned data, I just ended up presenting the top 20 items
to the user and basically forced them to use the filter to narrow their

The criteria was basically: If the user enters no data to filter by,
present only the top 20 items ordered by a specific field(s) per the
business rules. If the user did enter some filter data, then all the
results were returned and they could page through them.This way there was
no caching involved.The data changes quite a bit as there are various
people working in the system all day, so we opted to implement the listing
in this way.

Other parts of the site do use query caching, but the way the data is being
presented/used dictates that method in those cases.Some even use a
combination of both where necessary.


-Original Message-
From: cf coder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 6:25 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: The search is killing the server. Please help!

Hello everybody, I'm working on a logging system. The site search as you can
imagine is very complicated and a lot depends on it.

I have written a stored procedure for the search to make the search quicker
with a lot of inner and outer joins (the usual). The seach is very quick
most of the times, but if the search returns say for ex 5000 + records, it
takes a while for it to display the results in the browser. I have
impletemented paging, the search displays 100 records per page and then
you have the prev and next links to choose from. I'll give you an example to
hopefully give you a better understanding.

If I do a search that returns say 5000 records, the search takes on an
average 15-20 seconds, displays the first 100 records. Now if the user
clicks on the next button, coldfusion runs the entire query once again, but
this time displays 101 - 200 records. So each time you hit on the 'prev' or
'next' buttons, the seach is re-run. I was wondering if there was a way
round this.

We already know that the search has returned 5000 records and the first page
is displaying the first 100 records.
When the user hits on the 'next' button, I want to simply ask for the next
100 records and not run the entire query. Is this making any sense? I guess
if sql has a 'between' clause or a 'startrow' and 'endrow' clause, this woud
be very easy to do?
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RE: The search is killing the server. Please help!

2004-07-29 Thread Andrew Tyrone
I don't agree with this.You can cache pretty much any query as long as the
server has the resources, but that doesn't mean you should cache everything.
In my experience caching in general takes a bit of forethought to implement
in the most efficient way.As long as you return a query, you can cache it
in a number of different ways.Whether a query should be cached or not is
the more pertinent question.


-Original Message-
From: Micha Schopman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 8:54 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: The search is killing the server. Please help!

Caching queries in application scope is a gray area, sometimes it can be
implemented very soon, and sometimes it is very hard to implement. It
all depends on the sql code being executed.
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RE: The search is killing the server. Please help!

2004-07-29 Thread Andrew Tyrone
Yeah, it's a documented tag that is nested inside the cfstoredproc tag.
It's called cfprocresult and it allows you to return multiple recordsets.

-Original Message-
From: Tangorre, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 12:33 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: The search is killing the server. Please help!

 The advantages of doing this instead of using the
 CFSTOREDPROC tag are that you can cache recordsets using
 CACHEDWITHIN/CACHEDAFTER, and that you can write it a little
 more easily in some cases.

Is there anyway to reference more than one recordset? We have a lot of
stored procs that return 2 or 3 so we find ourselves using cfstoredproc in
those instances and cfquery with EXEC PRON_NAME in other instances.. Mainly
select queries where we want to cache the results.

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