Re: Memo: RE: [UD] Union Query

2004-04-30 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/30/2004 10:11:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> > > 001: I
> > > 002: 
> > > 003:
> > > 004: NAME
> > > 005: 25L
> > > 006: S

But could'nt you do something like

or something of that nature?
u2-users mailing list

Re: [UD] Union Query

2004-04-30 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/30/2004 10:12:57 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> I have 2 files in separate accounts that are structured the same.  I want to
> do something like:
> "01/01/2004" NAME ADDRESS

Is there any logic in why an id would be in ORDER.FILE versus ORDER.FILE.OTHER ?  If 
so, maybe you could setup a distributed file so that it points at both of these files? 
 I thought I had read of someone doing something like that.
u2-users mailing list


2004-04-30 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/30/2004 2:07:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> What we have is a case where an open file error may occur and we need to 
> have the user go back into a menu, but we do not want them to see the 
> error. Problem is that the error is waiting for user input to continue and 
> user thinks the session is hung up or locked, or they start hitting 
> returns and log themselves off. If we can tell we are in capturing output, 
> we can force the session to end the capture and return to a 
> menu.

Isn't one of the SYSTEM() values the number of nested execute levels?
If so, you could check if the level is higher then zero and if so, within the target 
program, you could have it act differently.  For example doing a STOP or ABORT instead 
of an INPUT.
u2-users mailing list

Re: XML and U2

2004-04-27 Thread FFT2001
Ron, Dawn forgot to mention one thing.
   It is general practice for U2 programming supervisors to call into their office 
programmers who use text marks or any lower delimiter.  They are then led, under 
guard, out to the back 40, where they are shot.

Will Johnson
Fast Forward Technologies

In a message dated 4/27/2004 6:07:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> You are correct that the built-in XML <--> U2 utilities go to sub-values and
> I think it makes sense to ignore the text values information at this point.
> Thanks.  --dawn
> Dawn M. Wolthuis
> Tincat Group, Inc.
> Take and give some delight today.
> -Original Message-
> From: Ronald Bourret [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 4:01 PM
> Subject: Re: XML and U2
> Thanks. That clarifies things and I'll modify the entry for UniVerse to
> account for this.
> You do raise a new question when you say:
> "The database comes pre-loaded with functions on multi-values and
> multi-valued sub-values and users write similar functions to lower
> levels if needed."
> Does this mean that you can have sub-sub-values, sub-sub-sub-values, and
> so on, ad infinitum? If so, do the XML tools handle this, adding more
> sub-elements as needed?
> The XML <=> DB mapping languages for UniData and UniVerse don't seem to
> handle this, except that the documentation for UniData seems to allow
> one level beneath sub-values, saying something about adding another
> sub-element in the case of text marks. (I dutifully ignored 
> this, having
> spent too much time on the entries already :)
> -- Ron
u2-users mailing list

Re: [UV] Problem reactivating select list

2004-04-26 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/26/2004 5:22:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> I wrote a wrapper for the ED command last week to keep an audit trail of 
> any changes made to files outside our applications.  I'm just writing a 
> before and after version of an edited record to a temp file and 
> comparing afterwards.  All seemed fine until one of my coworkers 
> informed me he could no longer use "X" to drop back to TCL after editing 
> from a select list.  This was due to the fact that I was processing the 
> select list in the wrapper program and just executing ED once for each 
> record.  For "X" to work as it used to, I need to write out all the 
> selected records at the beginning, let ED process the select list, then 
> go back through the list again for comparison.
> Here's the problem:
> No matter what I do, I can't get ED to recognize an active select list 
> that is activated within the wrapper program.  I use "READLIST ITEMS" at 
> the beginning to get the list of items to write to the temp file, then 
> "SELECTN ITEMS TO 0" prior to executing ED.  I also tried writing the 
> list to &SAVEDLISTS& and executing "GET.LIST ":TEMP.LIST prior to 
> executing ED, but got the same result.  These two test 
> programs 
> illustrate the problem:

John what is wrong with this approach
   readnext id else done = true
until done do
   list<-1> = id
select list to mylist
   readnext id else done = true
until done do
   execute "ed ":file:" ":id

then before, after, between the two loops you can do whatever you wanted to do
u2-users mailing list

Re: How far can U2 scale?

2004-04-26 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/26/2004 1:07:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> >Well I think that's going to depend on the application.
> >In an application where some users need read-only access to a few
> databases, 
> >AND where they are not doing mass updates then it could be 
> fine.  
> I agree. But thats not clustering then is it?

I suppose that depends on your definition of clustering then doesn't it :)
Your turn.
u2-users mailing list

Re: How far can U2 scale?

2004-04-26 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/26/2004 7:58:09 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> The HP superdome systems I've seen running Universe apps were single large
> multiprocessor systems.  One notable example was for a wholesale
> distribution company running 400+ branches and around 7500 users on a single
> 24 processor machine attached to a large EMC Clariion disk array. One big
> database too.  
> In my experience UV Net is much too slow to use as a clustering tool.

Well I think that's going to depend on the application.
In an application where some users need read-only access to a few databases, 
AND where they are not doing mass updates then it could be fine.  If a users 
says "show me the on-hand quanties for part xxx-yy" and it doesn't matter if it 
takes a second or two to come up, then UV Net or any other similar product 
would be fine.

However if that same user wants to update every sales order with (empty) tax 
to a sales order with zero tax, and you have one million past sales orders ... 
then you might have a problem.
u2-users mailing list

Re: We need a web based Forum!

2004-04-26 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/26/2004 2:16:07 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> A couple of other posts recommend I look at the feasibility of the m2f
> stuff, however obviously it is really up to the u2ug Board who will be
> taking over the list, what technology they want to use etc. I would
> certainly be willing to help out in any way if they want to follow this up.
> James
> Sungard

The main objection was to not have information spread around in different 
areas that required different ways to view it.  And secondarily, some people do 
not have access to browse from work, but do have access to email.

So if you can address those two issues, and are *willing* to do the footwork, 
then go to.  Of course *willing* is the keyword there :)
u2-users mailing list

Re: How far can U2 scale?

2004-04-24 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/24/2004 2:32:16 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Again, what would an 'x' be in MHZ. Or for that fact, what would a MCD
> spirit 600 be. One of my clients still has one and I could reference it
> against some of my 2.4Ghz D3 clients.

There is no comparison because the 'X' was a measurement of the transaction 
speed, not the clock speed.  There are several layers between clock speed and 
transaction speed.  Ted was trying to measure the real-world, business needs as 
opposed to the propeller-head ones which MHZ measures :)
My own 2 cents and a pickle.
u2-users mailing list

Re: OT RE: We need a web based Forum!

2004-04-23 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/23/2004 11:32:32 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> > I would whole-heartedly agree with this.  BUT I have never
> > seen such an
> > animal in action myself.  I think it's mythical.
> > Will
> It is not mythical, one of the forums I use works exactly 
> like that.

I'm a show-me kind-of-guy, so name the forum or post a link so we can all see that it 
works that way :)
u2-users mailing list

Re: We need a web based Forum!

2004-04-23 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/23/2004 4:16:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> So will the U2 user group, like to look at this solution? This would give us
> both a web and mail list presence and would make ALL of us happy. It will
> also show that this community is happy to embrace new 
> technology when it
> gives benefits (explained below).
> James Hogan
> Sungard

I move that we nominate James to investigate this possibility further, including 
testing this beta software and report back on its feasibility.

Do I have a second?
u2-users mailing list

Re: We need a web based Forum!

2004-04-23 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/23/2004 4:16:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> So will the U2 user group, like to look at this solution? This would give us
> both a web and mail list presence and would make ALL of us happy. It will
> also show that this community is happy to embrace new 
> technology when it
> gives benefits (explained below).
> James Hogan
> Sungard

I move that we nominate James to investigate this possibility further, including 
testing this beta software and report back on its feasibility.

Do I have a second?
u2-users mailing list

Re: We need a web based Forum!

2004-04-22 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/22/2004 12:29:03 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Seems to me a system where 
> *email ("the list") carries on as usual
> *All emailed responses are submitted as forum responses
> *All forum responses are whooshed out to the list as email

I would whole-heartedly agree with this.  BUT I have never seen such an 
animal in action myself.  I think it's mythical.
u2-users mailing list

Re: GUI as nice as character-based

2004-04-21 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/21/2004 10:51:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> And the .NET jvm is free of charge, so no more dollars to microsoft. And 
> it is installed with every windows update, so every windows user has 
> already a "good environment" for .NET. More easy for us 
> than installing 
> java vm.

Hold on now.  The .NET jvm is installed with every windows update ?
So every windows user already has ... ?
Whenever I go to it keeps asking me if I want to install .NET 
and saying " should only need this if you have an application that needs it..."

And realizing that it takes up like 20 hundred thousand billion bytes, I choose to not 
install it.  So doesn't this mean I *don't* have a .NET jvm installed?  Or is .NET and 
.NET jvm different ?
u2-users mailing list

Re: We need a web based Forum!

2004-04-21 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/21/2004 9:43:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> I think there are better solutions out there. For example searching the web
> (having web access allows staff to find solutions for your company!) I was
> able to find this - "Phorum is a web based message board
> written in PHP. Phorum is designed with high-availability and visitor ease
> of use in mind. Features such as mailing list integration, easy
> customization and simple installation make Phorum a powerful add-in to any
> website."
> It is also very common for newgroups to have mail 
> integration e.g.

I disagree that its very common to have what I posted.
But I'm not sure you understood me.
Let's say I'm subscribed to both the forum and its corresponding email list.
If I send a message to the email list only, will it appear on the forum site?  Or 
alternatively will it appear in the archives of the forum site?
That's the question.
u2-users mailing list

Re: Uniobjects / php

2004-04-20 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/20/2004 3:12:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Do you have a specific project in mind?  There are at least half a dozen
> ways to get U2 data to appear on a web page, the "best" way depends on
> what expertise you already have in-house and how complex 
> the problem is.
> --
> Wendy Smoak
> Application Systems Analyst, Sr.
> ASU IA Information Resources Management
> --

Here's my expertise:
1) Pick BASIC
2) I can write HTML and I wrote a few javascripts!
3) I setup Apache as a web server

But the problem has always been the equivalent of what mvInternet does.  That is, 
connect Apache to Universe.  So you have another idea of how to connect Apache (or 
really any other page server) to Universe?  I don't understand what "open port 80" 
means or whether this actually allows Apache to talk directly to Universe or whatever.
u2-users mailing list

Re: Uniobjects / php

2004-04-20 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/20/2004 2:20:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Not that I'm aware of, but if you're brave you can convince UniObjects
> for Java and PHP to work together.  Look on 
> for
> more information, at least two of us here have done it.

So are you saying that with Universe, Uniobjects and Java only
I can have a web presence directly talking to my Universe database?
Is that what you're saying?
u2-users mailing list

Re: MactoPick was Re: What client platform do YOU use

2004-04-20 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/20/2004 2:36:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

It is very creatively called MacToPick


> Are you saying UD/SB+ runs *natively* on Macs?  Or that UD has an OS layer
> for Macs? Or that you used Accuterm/Wintegrate to talk to some kind of
> server ? Will
> [snip]
> No no, UD and SB+ were running on Sun Boxes.  The Macs were desktop clients.
> We ran an emulator from Carnation Software.  The actual 
> name escapes me
> right now.
u2-users mailing list

Re: GUI as nice as character-based

2004-04-20 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/20/2004 12:43:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Also, IMHO the primary usefulness of "a GUI" (lets face it folks, we're
> talking about the Microsoft Windows GUI) is the fact that 
> so many people
> already know how to use it.

Wait do you mean the Windoze GUI that MS shamelessly stole from Macintosh ?
Ok then
u2-users mailing list

Re: GUI as nice as character-based

2004-04-20 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/20/2004 12:34:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> I'll accept that restatement, Will.  My intent was not that there was no
> footprint on the client, but that the user could go to a URL and would be
> able to launch what they need to from there.  So, shockwave is fine, Java
> Web Start is fine and anything else that could be installed by users going
> to this web page and "clicking here" and that is maintained 
> something like
> Adobe pdf readers would be fine.

"Anything else that could be installed..." covers a lot.
So that would cover things like new fonts, flash, MrSid and other viewer plugins, 
RealAudio and other sound plugins, etc.  So it seems you're just advocating basically 
a browser interface, and the caveat that anything that a programmer might 
realistically think a user doesn't have installed should have a link to how to install 
u2-users mailing list

Re: We need a web based Forum!

2004-04-20 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/20/2004 11:34:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Yahoo groups works this way.
> You can either post via the web, or from Email, and receive
> either web only or also via email.
> Of course, if the forum being used is canned, and doesn't have
> those options, it might be a bit more difficult to do what 
> we
> want.
> George

Oops I forgot to add one more thing.
Under yahoo groups, a person can post a question to the forum, and if they are NOT 
subscribed to the list and someone answers TO the list, the poster never sees the 
u2-users mailing list

Re: We need a web based Forum!

2004-04-20 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/20/2004 11:34:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Yahoo groups works this way.
> You can either post via the web, or from Email, and receive
> either web only or also via email.
> Of course, if the forum being used is canned, and doesn't have
> those options, it might be a bit more difficult to do what 
> we
> want.
> George

But if this works like or then if you post via 
the email, your posting does not show up integrated into the boards.  So some 
information is lost unless we have also an archival engine that saves all emails, 
integrating them into archived forum posts to re-form the consistent thread
   Sounds pretty messy.
u2-users mailing list

Re: What client platform do YOU use (Parallel to GUI thread)

2004-04-20 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/20/2004 10:01:51 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> However my previous employer (7 years ago) which was based in
> Portland, Oregon had 90% Macs and 10% MS Windows.  The accounting department
> had the Windows machines.  Everyone else (about 200 or so) had Macs.  In
> fact we did all of our UD/SB+ development on Macs.  My understanding is that
> they still have that setup at the headquarters but UD/SB+ 
> was replaced with
> a system utilizing Oracle.

Are you saying UD/SB+ runs *natively* on Macs?  Or that UD has an OS layer for Macs? 
Or that you used Accuterm/Wintegrate to talk to some kind of server ?
u2-users mailing list

RE: Computer Languages gripe was Re: GUI as nice as character-based

2004-04-20 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/20/2004 8:19:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> >>(scary how much php has moved up lately!)
> Actually I find it reassuring to know that PHP is still 
> more popular than C#
> Brian

Wasn't C# writen by a programmer who could only type 10 words a minute?
u2-users mailing list

Re: GUI as nice as character-based

2004-04-20 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/20/2004 7:21:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Or if you want browser based cross platform - is anyone on the list using
> Macromedia flash to talk to U2 through web services? 
> Brian

Aren't you missing something there? Or can "web services" speak directly to a U2 
database?  And if so ... how?
u2-users mailing list

Re: GUI as nice as character-based

2004-04-19 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/19/2004 10:57:17 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Well, perhaps not DOS or dumb terminal vendors   

wanna bet ?
u2-users mailing list

Re: GUI as nice as character-based

2004-04-19 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/19/2004 6:36:11 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> This does violate your rule about zero install, but I can't think of a real
> zero install technology ... once you consider web browser dependencies, java
> dependencies, flash player dependencies, citrix dependencies, terminal
> emulation dependencies etc there is always *something* you need to have or
> fiddle with on the client (otherwise we'd all be shipping PCs with no O/S
> installed).
> Craig

You can't really have a zero client footprint.  I'd rephrase Dawn's statement 
to say that perhaps you are using client software that "the average person 
would ALREADY have installed" such as a browser, a jpg viewer, a mp3 player, 
u2-users mailing list

Re: GUI or Event ? as nice as character-based

2004-04-19 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/19/2004 11:59:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Does the requirement to have no client-side setup (other than pointing a
> user to a web page in a std web browser) eliminate accuterm or not?  If not,
> then does this permit drop-down boxes, combo boxes, calendars for date entry
> and the usual icons one might expect for various features?
> I'm talking about the U2 database, but the tools on the mv side need not be
> more than UOJ, for example (with support for update of stored fields and
> preferably also virtual fields as read-only). 

yes Dawn, Accuterm does support a web browser interface
I've not worked closely with that implementation, I usually use the telnet 
terminal emulator thingie.
But I did dink around with it slightly just to make sure it works.
I would expect since its running in a browser that you could do any java 
thingies you do with any other page if you want
Or any HTML or whatever.
u2-users mailing list

Re: GUI or Event ? as nice as character-based

2004-04-19 Thread FFT2001
Clarify.  Are you talking about *within* the mv environment? Or an outside app?

Accuterm has the ability to recognize where a mouse-click is in regards to (col, row). 
 This is the same col, row that PRINT @ uses.  Now if your mv programs have a single, 
standard INPUT subroutine then you can simply modify that subroutine.

So your modification would look something like
If then
   if mouseclick then
  get.location; determine.which.field; reset fieldno = this.field
  redo.input = true; return
end else
   input xxx

Or something along those lines.
I have only seen one application package that integrated this ability, however, the 
screen drivers it built allowed the user to point-and-click and enter data into any 
field in any order on the screen.  It was then up to the programmer to ensure that 
intra-field dependencies were properly handled.  But it was certainly a good start.

Is that what you meant?

In a message dated 4/19/2004 2:17:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> I haven't gotten through all of the postings in the GUI thread as yet, but
> am working on the question of how to write a GUI that is as good as a "green
> screen" from the perspective of folks currently using a green screen
> application.  I saw hints at that, but nothing that tackled it from the
> standpoint of being able to use any tools on the market today to accomplish
> this (no need to retain databasic code, for example).
> What could be used to actually replace, completely, the character screens?
> Requirements:
> 0) work with U2 as multiuser databases
> 1) Be able to use any Windows, new Mac (unix) or Linux client
> 2) Have graphically attractive & colorful screens, looking enough like
> standard GUIs (M$, in particular) that users would understand the use of
> icons, etc.
> 3) Respond to keystrokes by users -- not only to the click of a "submit"
> button
> 4) Require no preparation of the client computers in advance of using the
> software, likely directing user to a web page.
> 5) "type ahead" can be done so that the user is not waiting constantly for
> the computer to respond
> 6) Heads down data entry folks are as happy with this as they were with
> their green screens when they first got those and have only minor complaints
> if converting now from a green screen, none of substance
> What are the options -- who has written or seen such a GUI? 
>  --dawn
> Dawn M. Wolthuis
> Tincat Group, Inc.
u2-users mailing list

Re: [UV] - Dictionary Item for Multi-valued field

2004-04-19 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/19/2004 1:03:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> 0059 }}}hello|13236|13226|13}E55}12478}}12657
> I have tried this:
> 001 A
> 002 0
> 003 LTR NAME
> 004
> 005
> 006
> 007
> 008 F;0;(TDLT;X4;;59);X4;(G1\1)
> 009 R
> 010 12

Change G1\1 to G0|1
The first field of a "G" conversion is zero, not one.
u2-users mailing list

Re: GUI from Mv code - Tools

2004-04-19 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/19/2004 8:09:19 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Both GUI and green screen environments within Nucleus are supported with ONE
> set of application code, data structures are based on data dictionaries.
> The learning path is upward, not tangental and is based on 
> Pick standards
> and concepts.

So when you say one set of code you mean
you do something like:

If Accuterm.Exists then
end else
   CRT @(5,5): "Enter name"


u2-users mailing list

Re: Drilling cubes was Re: Crystal Reports

2004-04-19 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/19/2004 1:34:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Now, would anyone care to post any experiences on performance of 
> implementing a star schema in a set of normalized U2 files and doing 
> drill down and roll up strictly with LIST, SORT, and its 
> options?  Post 
> numbers, not guesses.

Oooo I feel dirty just reading that.
Why would you normalize U2 files if you're going to use LIST and SORT ?
Isn't that the whole beauty of mv that we don't HAVE To normalize ?

Yes I wrote a system where I could do what Pick historically called "cruising" and 
"double-clutching" ... that is link to another record, and "drill down" into details 
without much effort.

Of course, looking back at my collection of 500 useless utilities, I was the only one 
who figured out how to use it well.  I tried to teach my programmers, but, well 

So you pull up a list of say ORDERS, you select a link field say PART 110192-5 and it 
allows you to see the details of that PART record which then links to SALES.HIST or 

So you can go down, sideways, backup, go over there, jump here, and return to where 
you started, still in the original list you started with.

The concepts are not horribly trickly, but the implementation is a "rhymes with 

And you have to ensure that your linking fields are all built so the system can 
understand how to get the foreign record from the foreigh key i.e. your Tfile 
translates or TRANS functions have to be present.
u2-users mailing list

Re: GUI from Mv code Re: Crystal Reports

2004-04-19 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/19/2004 12:51:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> In truth I have found the fear to be more in the hearts of the IT
> person who has tweaked the system over the past 15+ years and is insulted
> that their masterpiece is being considered a dinosaur ready for replacement.
> How dare they! You don't think that way when you replace your car now do
> you?  You generally move into a newer improved model that outperforms the
> car you left behind.  It may react a little differently, 
> but overall the
> performance is better.

But Deb I fear your alternative is a pretty lemon.
I don't want to trade up my Jeep with cruise control, automatic headlights and 
anti-lock brakes for a porsche with a stick shift do I?

IT needs to be on-board with any management decisions and then at the meetings they 
can ask pertinent questions like "Can you show us where the Audit logs are kept and 
can we modify that process to our needs?"  "Can you show us how easy it is for a user 
to customize one of these reports you have?"  "If I have a customer who wants 100 
units allocation to them on a continuous basis, how do we set that up in your 
inventory system?"

If IT is relegated to a service function, not a decision function or worse, if a "new" 
IT manager who "didn't do it that way where I came from" appears than you're screwed.  
Excuse my French.
u2-users mailing list

Re: GUI from Mv code Re: Crystal Reports

2004-04-19 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/19/2004 12:31:56 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> The reason why you need that special view (20L vs 12L) is because you are 
> constrained by your 132 column printer (or 240 cols).
> As a cube uses the screen as it's canvas, which has a scroll bar, you can just 
> SCROLL across  or simply "shrink" the column display width (just like in Excel)
> This also avoids having dictionaries "cluttered" with (what 
> I would call) redundant definitions
> Ross Ferris
> Stamina Software
> Visage â an Evolution in Software Development

My green screen doesn't have a scroll bar!
And my Accuterm screen seems to want either 80 or 132 display mode 
Also I just can't get my customers used to scrolling right and left, they want to see 
things on one screen.  And since they pay the bills.
u2-users mailing list

Re: GUI from Mv code Re: Crystal Reports

2004-04-18 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/18/2004 9:46:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Neither you, nor the user, need to worry about "format" statements, as this 
> information will come directly from your dictionary (though there is an API that you 
> can use if your database does "naughty" [with the benefit of historical 
> hindsight] things).

Ross c'mon :)
Do you really believe that a mature application uses one field in exactly ONE format?  
I have report sets that use a single field with five different formats.  So being an 
old-school kind of person, I create five different DICT items.  Nowadays people might 
use FORMAT statements on the command line but hey different strokes.

The point being that a single cube cannot know every possible format that a single 
piece of data needs.  Unless you want to sit down and reformat a report that is 
utilizing every possible character on a 132 char wide printout so it can use the 20L 
justification instead of the 13L "short description" field I had to create... then no.

I Still have to create a special view.
u2-users mailing list

Re: GUI from Mv code Re: Crystal Reports

2004-04-18 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/18/2004 9:46:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> So YOU, as a developer, would construct a cube with the 6 "key" fields that the user 
> is interested in. You also get to do things like define an "opening" view of the 
> information - AND also the query that is used to generate the cube (BTW, did 
> I mention that Visage has a drag'n'drop query facility :-)

I don't think you understood me.  There isn't "the user" and there isn't "6 key 
fields".  There are 500 reports, some have three fields, some have twelve fields.  The 
entire data set of reports in total utilizes 50 different numeric or date fields.

So no I wouldn't create a cube with 6 fields.  I would create a cube with 50 fields 
and create 500 views into it.. or your software would have to allow users to easily 
create and save their own views.

The point being that it's not a magic bullet.  I or they STILL have to create those 
u2-users mailing list

Re: GUI from Mv code Re: Crystal Reports

2004-04-18 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/18/2004 6:08:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Sorry, I'm not going to publish the code here :-)  suffice to say that 
> BECAUSE we have had the luxury of time to develop Viságe, we have overcome MANY 
> problems that face this type of technology - and this isn't even the most difficult 
> !

There's a big difference between "publish the code" and "explain how you do this".
So are you also not willing to explain how you do this?
u2-users mailing list

Re: GUI from Mv code Re: Crystal Reports

2004-04-18 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/18/2004 11:23:25 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> That would certainly be the case, especially when you also take into account the 
> REDUCTION of DB licences required to support your user population ! (or for existing 
> sites the ability to increase the effective user population, without a corresponding 
> increase in DB licences).
> This is because Viságe uses web technology for data transport, and operates with a 
> non-persistent connection model, so you are only "connected" to the backend database 
> to do things 
> like reading records, and executing server code.

Hold on here amigo.
Are you saying you do not persist record locks?
You know what I mean.
Explain how you do this.
u2-users mailing list

Re: GUI from Mv code Re: Crystal Reports

2004-04-18 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/18/2004 10:18:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> For example, aligning this back to the original post, rather than attempting to use 
> CR for reporting, I'd simply create a Viságe.BIT cube to give the users free-form 
> enquiry and data exploration facilities into their UV database. In our case we have 
> replaced >300 sales analysis reports currently provided in our R5 system with a 
> single Sales Cube -   and this is one of the facilities that makes Viságe "better" 
> than 
> AccuTerm !

Warning! Salesman quote!
C'mon Ross :) A dataset that includes 50 fields and I only want to see 6 on my report. 
 So you replace that report with a cube where I (the user) have to figure out exactly 
what I want to see, build the proper query statement, format statement, display 
statement etc and then figure out how to tell the system to remember my statement so 
next time I don't have to THAT all again.

You replaced the 300 reports, with one huge cube where you STILL have users recreating 
(or trying to) their original 300 reports...
   Users don't want to see 50 fields, they want to see the 6 fields they've been 
analyzing for the past 3 years ...
u2-users mailing list

Re: GUI from Mv code Re: Crystal Reports

2004-04-17 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/17/2004 10:21:26 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> AFIK, "Visage" offers users a GUI in a TOTAL WINDOWS LOOK AND 
> FEEL/BROWSER environment, without having to do a "total rewrite", but a 
> "rewrite" none the less, re-using some portions, perhaps, of existing 
> code.   "Visage" seems to be more than a user interface.   It's also 
> supposedly (sorry, Ross, I've got no experience in "Visage") a much less 
> involved NEW development environment
> Other MV so-called "GUI" approaches, (AccuTerm and wIntegrate scripts, for 
> example) are offering the user a GUI with an almost-modern Windows look and 
> feel, but without the bells and whistles, and are offering a GUI by 
> applying Band-Aids to existing code.   I really don't think that's a 
> "development environment".I don't think "new development" is covered by 
> this approach.

What?  How exactly do you get this?
A script is not an "almost modern Windows look and feel"... it is the look 
and feel.
The script calls windows exectuables underneath it, thats how it works.
If a programmer chooses not to utilize all the various objects and methods 
etc that Accuterm reveals, thats their own choice, not the fault of the product.

I'm not sure exactly how Visage is that much better than Accuterm in that 
Are you?
u2-users mailing list

Re: GUI from Mv code Re: Crystal Reports

2004-04-17 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/17/2004 4:16:06 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> A key factor that makes CUI non-portable
> to GUI is the embedded Input and Print statements in the code.

I respectfully disagree that this is key.
After all event oriented apps also have input statements
I think you mean the key factor is that the programs are not event oriented.  
That is, on a typical GUI form I can click and fill in any field in any 
order, and then I submit the entire form.  In a typical mv app, most programmers 
would write it so the inputs happen in a definite order and there is no way to 
change that order, on the fly.

If programs were rewriten so that the inputs were all seperated from each 
other logically, and could be entered in any order.  (Tab forward, tab back 
between fields, or point and click since mouse clicks are captured by accuterm and 
wintegrate among others).  Then some of the validation (two field 
interactions) should be relegated to the On.SUBMIT part of the program, etc.

If we could code in this fashion, then any app can be GUIized with less 
u2-users mailing list

Re: UV to Text Conversion Standard?

2004-04-17 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/17/2004 4:06:38 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Another standard is that used by the UNLOAD.FILE.B program and its 
> corresponding bulk loader utility loadfile.
> Here, a line beginning with other than a TAB character or one of "/}", "/]" 
> or "\{" contains a key value, a tab and the first element of the data dynamic 
> array.
> A line beginning with a tab contains the first element of the next field in 
> the data dynamic array.
> A line beginning with "/}" and a tab contains the next first element of the 
> next value in the currently-being-processed multi-valued field.
> And so on

Easy for you to say.
u2-users mailing list

Re: UV to Text Conversion Standard?

2004-04-17 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/17/2004 10:55:07 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> You expect delimiters? When I started in computers, our binary only had 
> zeros - and we were glad to have them!
> The thing about MV or flat really comes down to a case-by-case to my way 
> of thinking. I generally program Order Entry systems as 1NF, even on MV 
> systems. Pricing, Inventory, and any number of other parts tend to lend 
> themselves to MV. I like being able to choose the best form for each case.
>  Sincerely,
>   Charles Barouch

Heretic!  Are you saying that an order entry screen of one header and 
unlimited detail lines is actually  [shudder] ... several DIFFERENT 

In that world, where would my program that allows you to [quickly] edit 
thousand-value, multi-megabyte, records be of any worth?

"Five hundred useless utilities" Will Johnson 
u2-users mailing list

Re: UV to Text Conversion Standard?

2004-04-17 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/17/2004 6:14:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Perhaps we should all capitulate & start to use flat CSV files ?
> Ross Ferris
> Stamina Software
> Visage â an Evolution in Software Development

Having created a system on a MAC that does use flat CSV files to "mimic" mv, 
I feel able to say ... its a pain in the butt.  But a great learning 
   Doing this gave me a new understanding and appreciation for what the 
system programmers did when they created the mv system.
u2-users mailing list

Re: can we stop with the pointless displays? was Re: Crystal Reports

2004-04-17 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/17/2004 7:35:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> and had to watch the compiler meticulously display those line-by
> line asterisks during compiling.

O speaking of that, thank you that reminds me.
When doing BUILD-INDEX is it really necessary to display an asterisk with 
every ten items indexed?  That is consuming more CPU time that doing the index! 
   Get rid of it! Out! Vamoosh! Be gone with your evil self!
   I don't find value-added to displaying asterisks.  If you must display 
anything, display a counter every thousand 1000 , 2000, 3000 or something or base 
the display on the apparent speed of the processing.
   Like every 5 seconds display the current count.  That would help and it 
should be a very trivial fix.
   Do we have a fix it list yet up on the web site?  Or can we start one? Or 
u2-users mailing list

RE: GUI from Mv code Re: Crystal Reports

2004-04-17 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/17/2004 9:10:12 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> The tools are there to produce applications on par with anything on the
> market.  Web interfaces via tools like Redback. UOJ, .Net PDP, or the java
> interfaces are all there to produce great solutions for U2. 

And I would like to mention Accuterm.  I have built several scripts in 
Accuterm that do Gui like functions, and are launced from inside the mv Code.  
Accuterm has the ability to watch for a command that is directed at it and then 
take actions in Windoze.

So for example, one client, has an application where they have to pull up a 
record in an mv screen and then listen to a person speaking (off a MP3 file) 
and then process the record based on that speech.  So my solution was to write 
an accuterm script that launches Windows Media Player to the location specified 
from the mv code.

Another script launches web requests from inside mv code, scraps the 
contents, and presents partial information within an mv application.  All in basically 
a green-screen format, inside an Accuterm window.  But I digress.

My main point was, that the tools are here.  Are you ready to learn how to 
use them?  That's the sticking point.

Will Johnson
Fast Forward Technologies
u2-users mailing list

Re: Database decoupling (Was: Future of U2)

2004-04-17 Thread FFT2001
And of course it's not self-serving to state that a web presence is itself 
necessary in order to be "forward thinking" .  I mean since you offer 
a product that does that 
   Now to me, forward thinking might involve more robust use of log files, 
audit files, transactions and rollback, background processing, process 
management  but then I'm just old school.

In a message dated 4/17/2004 6:05:29 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> >   Not saying all businesses are this way.  But I'm saying I don't think
> >that is where most of the traditional multi-value market is focused.
> BUT, unless we help our customers get there - OR find new customers that 
> WANT to get there, we (as a market) run the risk that OUR existing customers 
> will loose market share & be consumed by more forward thinking competitors, 
> which in turn may mean that we too are out of a career !
> Ross Ferris
> Stamina Software
> Visage â an Evolution in Software Development

u2-users mailing list

Re: UV Crash on W2K3

2004-04-16 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/16/2004 3:38:16 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> this a problem with PROCS - does anyone else run a UniVerse system
> on NT which relies on PROCS to launch several layers of programs?

Sara can you explain this more? Perhaps with an example of exactly what you 
u2-users mailing list

Re: Database decoupling (Was: Future of U2)

2004-04-16 Thread FFT2001
   I'm just not seeing a great demand for this sort of thing from the majority 10 to 
100 user businesses that typically utilize multi-value products.  I mean some of my 
clients, and myself are only just NOW playing with Triggers and transaction sets.  
Most application are very business oriented, and even getting them up and running with 
FTPing a product list to a web page, or browsing documentation in HTML or PDF format 
is a major leap forward.
   Not saying all businesses are this way.  But I'm saying I don't think that is where 
most of the traditional multi-value market is focused.

In a message dated 4/16/2004 1:09:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Well no, not really. I was thinking more in the line of "New application
> development that would like to provide the ability to utilize modern
> Internet protocols". A web presence would be included in that - but was
> actually furthest from my mind.
> B2B interaction for example. Or even internal application integration. Being
> able to publish web services etc. etc.
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 11:28 AM
> Subject: Re: Database decoupling (Was: Future of U2)
> In a message dated 4/15/2004 4:37:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
> > Without this ability, I see no reason why anyone would commence new 
> > application development on the U2 platform. Since you will always 
> > require another application server (Websphere, Tomcat, Bea, Jboss, 
> > etc.) to talk to the U2 server, that would in-turn interact with the 
> > database.
> > 
> I'm sure Mark you mean "New application development that must have a web 
> presence".  Unless you feel that all application development must have a web
> presence.
> Will
> -- 
u2-users mailing list

Re: UV to Text Conversion Standard?

2004-04-16 Thread FFT2001
Thank you, but what is the exact method to do this?
I have never seen a "view of SVM level data" that actually works.
Using ODBC or any other tool
And by "works" I mean that it understands the relationship of the SVM data to the VM 
data and the relationship of that to the AM data and properly processes 
table-in-a-table configurations for editing, etc.

It's one thing to use BY-EXP to understand VM level tables, but can you really use 
some tool to understand SVM embedded data at that second table level?

In a message dated 4/16/2004 1:03:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Will,
> I'm not sure if this is what you're asking but all it does is create a
> "virtual" view of the data into 1nf tables that Excel (in this case) sees
> and understands.
> Note: I have only done this with UniData and D3 and I know UniVerse does it
> a little differently.
> -- 
> Colin Alfke
> Calgary, Alberta Canada
> "Just because something isn't broken doesn't mean that you can't fix it"
> Stu Pickles
> >-Original Message-
> >Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 9:26 AM
> >Subject: Re: UV to Text Conversion Standard?
> >
> >
> >In a message dated 4/15/2004 12:52:51 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> >
> >> You can use the UniVerse ODBC Driver to pull the data from 
> >UniVerse to
> >> Excel, using correct dictionaries UniVerse will normalise 
> >the data and sort
> >> out the VM and SVM for you.
> >
> >Jonathan can you give a exact method for "sorting of 
> SVM's" 
> >within Universe 
> >using an ODBC (or really any tool).
> >I am not aware of this
> >Thank you
> >Will
> -- 
> u2-users mailing list
u2-users mailing list

Re: Jbase handles multivalue on RDBMS

2004-04-16 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/15/2004 9:53:43 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> And for the not so faint of heart, jBASE provides the capability to roll 
> your own driver(s) to transform your MV database definition into the relational 
> database without using the jEDI development kit.
> Tom Firl
> Columbia Ultimate

And I can use my shoe as a hammer, but of course it doesn't work so well that 
u2-users mailing list

Re: UV to Text Conversion Standard?

2004-04-16 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/15/2004 6:12:27 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Will - your posting mentioned CONVERT(VM,"|", mydata) - my version of UV
> does not seem to like that.

Jim, Excel CAN read comma delimited data.  Ask again why the requirement for 
fixed length?  Excel DOES NOT NEED fixed length :)

Ok now having said that.  Type HELP BASIC CONVERT to see what options you 
have and what the syntax is for your version.

Barring that, presumably you are using UV 8.0 or lower or something...
Then you can achieve the same result with a loop on
mystring = mystring[1,wherevm-1]:",":mystring[wherevm+1,len(mystring)]
u2-users mailing list

Re: Database decoupling (Was: Future of U2)

2004-04-16 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/15/2004 4:37:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Without this ability, I see no reason why anyone would commence new
> application development on the U2 platform. Since you will always require
> another application server (Websphere, Tomcat, Bea, Jboss, etc.) to talk to
> the U2 server, that would in-turn interact with the database. 

I'm sure Mark you mean "New application development that must have a web 
presence".  Unless you feel that all application development must have a web 
u2-users mailing list

Re: UV to Text Conversion Standard?

2004-04-16 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/15/2004 12:52:51 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> You can use the UniVerse ODBC Driver to pull the data from UniVerse to
> Excel, using correct dictionaries UniVerse will normalise the data and sort
> out the VM and SVM for you.

Jonathan can you give a exact method for "sorting of SVM's" within Universe 
using an ODBC (or really any tool).
I am not aware of this
Thank you
u2-users mailing list

Re: UV to Text Conversion Standard?

2004-04-14 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/14/2004 12:08:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> But they all support Cedarville DOWNLOAD, which works better than the
> TOXML keyword anyway.  It will catch up, I'm sure, but for now, DOWNLOAD
> is more flexible.  AFAIK neither of them lets you create XML in memory,
> I always had to write a file.
> I _was_ doing a nightly export to a third party, calling a web service
> with CallHTTP and POSTing a bunch of XML to them.  Fun!  
> Too bad the
> powers that be decided to discontinue using that vendor.

I've never used DOWNLOAD but does it require you to do exploding sorts in order to 
capture this embedded data the poster was originally talking about?

And how exactly do you explode data that is SVM or TM delimited?  I mean sure you 
could write a program, but then that's what I recommended.
u2-users mailing list

Re: UV to Text Conversion Standard?

2004-04-14 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/14/2004 8:29:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> If you are normalizing the data, you can dump the data into an XML format
> using an exploded SORT with the TOXML keyword. You can then load that
> directly, at least if you are running Excel 2003.

Brian, not every implementation supports TOXML keyword
u2-users mailing list

Re: UV to Text Conversion Standard?

2004-04-14 Thread FFT2001
Jim the short answer is you can't.
You can however strip all non printable characters by passing the data 
through OCONV(mydata, "MCP")
This turns all non printables into the period character "."
To seperate your fields, pass the data through a conversion like 
CONVERT(VM,"|", mydata)
which will turns all VM's into the vertical bar character
and so on

Excel has no problem with variable length fields, it has a problem with how 
to determine where they end.
It can read standard comma-seperated data however, so pass your data through 
CONVERT(AM,",",mydata) to indicate where each field ends.

However Multi-value data is not first normal form, it has embedded tables 
whenever you have VM, SVM or TM characters within one field.  Excel will not 
understand what to do with this.  For that you would need a programmer.

Let me see if I know one around here

Will Johnson
Fast Forward Technologies  <-- "I put the ech in tech"

In a message dated 4/14/2004 7:35:05 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> I am hopeful someone can offer me some guidance.
> I have to move data off of my Universe system and send it to a PC for
> inclusion in a Excel Spreadsheet.
> Some background:
> Source data is alpha/ numeric and contains VM's, SVMs and TM
> Source data fields are variable lengths
> Requirements:
> Output must be fixed length
> Output must be importable into Excel (column definitions will be based on a
> fixed length map)
> My problem:
> I think Excel will choke on VMs, SVMs and TM characters. Is there a
> standard , ASCII character that I should use to represent them? To further
> complicate things, sone of the fields represent data that was input with
> little (or no restrictions), ie. any character on the keyboard was
> considered valid.
> Thanks
> Jim

u2-users mailing list

Re: Productivity metrics

2004-04-14 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/14/2004 6:36:10 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> I've worked with the function point methods for some time and I don't
> think MV BASIC has been mapped. You could check with Dave Garmus, who is
> a central figure in FP (Google him, he comes up near the front).

Will Johnson
Fast Forward
Santa Cruz "Surf City"
u2-users mailing list

Re: Objectcall headache...

2004-04-09 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/8/2004 8:01:13 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> We have a DataStage job which is still relying on ObjectCall (until we can
> rewrite it to utilise the new UniData6 stage), unfortunately, after the
> UniData upgrade ObjectCall ceased to function & no matter what we do we just
> cannot get it to work again

Maybe "until" has arrived ...
u2-users mailing list

Re: Performance

2004-04-09 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/8/2004 12:20:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> 1.)  Application files have all been analyzed and sized correctly.
> 2.)  IBM U2 support analyzed Universe files, locking, swap space and all
> have been adjusted accordingly or were 'ok'.
> 3.)  We are running RAID 5, with 8G allocated for Universe
> 4.)  We are already running nmon, which is how we identified the paging
> faults and high disk I/O

Indexes created without suppressing NULLs
u2-users mailing list

Re: BETWEEN in a CASE structure

2004-04-08 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/8/2004 12:10:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> And yet it is between 6000 & 6999.
> 6555.555 is another example.
> (There might be even more examples, but I haven't checked!)

The context is integer.
u2-users mailing list

Re: BETWEEN in a CASE structure

2004-04-08 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/8/2004 9:03:47 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> > Case (val matches ''"600"1N')
> 6000.01

thats not 1n though
u2-users mailing list

Re: BETWEEN in a CASE structure

2004-04-08 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/8/2004 8:58:16 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> > Case VAL"L#3" = "600"
> I don't want to start a flame war but, to me, this falls in the
> category of "unnecessarily complicated programming tricks".  I'd
> kill one of my programmers who did that.  Testing the end values is
> definitely more straight forward.
> Not to mention that this would fail if VAL = "600"...
> - jmh

Case (val matches ''"600"1N')
u2-users mailing list

Re: BETWEEN in a CASE structure

2004-04-08 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/8/2004 8:49:56 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Unless UniData 6.0 supports a 'BETWEEN' relational operator, I recommend to 
> you to use the second scenario, "Case (val >= 6000 AND val <= 6009)".  I'm 
> using UniData 5.1 and 'BETWEEN' in not a valid relational operator in 
> UniBasic.  UniQuery, yes...

Case VAL"L#3" = "600"

u2-users mailing list

Re: Pro-4

2004-04-07 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/7/2004 6:53:52 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> I'm looking for someone who maybe be able to assist with support of a
> customer using PRO-4 (ex McDonald Douglas "ALL") I think.
> Support will be required in Sydney, Australia.

My first job was on a Reality 800 I think it was called.
Had some horrendous amount of memory like... 512k and something like 20Meg 
disk or whatever.  (Who can remember things 20 years ago?)
   At any rate, when they came out with the Super Sequels it was like night 
and day.  Imagine sorting a 50,000 item file in  Ten minutes! Wow that's 
u2-users mailing list

Re: Modern Universe (TESTING)

2004-04-05 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/4/2004 11:30:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> >Personally I would be surprised if either database had a 
> way of handling 
> >leading wildcards other than an exhaustive scan.
> Use "Contains"/English Query. See MS-SQL Server Docs.
> Joe Eugene

Joe you didn't understand my point.  What I was saying wasn't whether you could FORM a 
query to do this, but rather exactly HOW the query would be executed (in the run 
engine).  What I was saying is a query on trailing wildcards does not need to do an 
exhaustive scan, since BRAD PITT doesn't match SARA% and you can tell right away that 
it doesn't, you don't have to read the whole entry to determine that.
   However to determine if ABERCROMBIE matches %CROMBIE you DO have to read the entire 
entry.  And in fact you have to read every index entry.  Whereas with SARA% you only 
need to read those entries that start with SARA% and in a B-Tree these are clumped 
together, not spread out all over the tree.
   With leading wildcards, the index entries that may match could be spread out all 
over the tree nodes, there's no way to tell.
u2-users mailing list

Re: Modern Universe (TESTING)

2004-04-05 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/4/2004 11:28:33 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> The other day.. i was inspecting a UV File with a UV Developer, he ran a
> on our Customer Master... (BTW Quad CPU 4GHZ)... It took 12-15 Minutes to
> get a result
> back from UV. The file only had 800,000 Records.
> This kind of Operation normally takes "ZERO" Milliseconds 
> in any Enterprise
> I had nothing to say but LAUGH!.
> Joe Eugene

Joe I think Zero is an exagerration.
However, if this file had an INDEX on it, you could get a "COUNT" by merely doing a
LIST-INDEX filename indexname someoptions
One of the output is the number of items indexed for each index entry, the total is 
identical to the number of records in the file.
u2-users mailing list

Re: Modern Universe (TESTING)

2004-04-04 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/4/2004 9:11:10 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> >One thing I think everyone's missed (deliberately or otherwise)
> >wildcard  (WHERE address LIKE '%EXPLORATION').
> I brought this up a couple of times, nobody seemed to be interested
> to check the difference.
> Joe Eugene

Personally I would be surprised if either database had a way of handling 
leading wildcards other than an exhaustive scan.
u2-users mailing list

Re: Modern Universe (TESTING)

2004-04-04 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/4/2004 12:04:23 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> As a quick f'r instance, if I were set the task of selecting records based 
> on an indexed field (column) from a UniVerse BASIC program, I'd use 
> SELECTINDEX to process the index directly, rather than use a query to generate the 
> Select List. 

u2-users mailing list

Humour: was Re: Conversions

2004-04-03 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/2/2004 10:06:39 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

> Tony,
> Stupid question... If you and I built a company which was strictly 

Hey my name's not Tony but if there's money involved you can call me anything 
you want.
u2-users mailing list

Re: How to launch remote browser from UniVerse server?

2004-04-02 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/2/2004 5:52:10 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> I've created the html file from a spooled hold file and placed it in a
> Samba drive, but the icing on the cake would for the user to generate
> the file and launch the browser from within the unidata session.
> QVT/Term Help does not mention anything about launching 
> windows, and the scripts seem limited to starting up QVT/Term sessions.  

It may not be a really fully featured emulator.
Is there any barrier to moving to Accuterm or Wintegrate?
You could at least do a "proof-of-concept" with one of them and present it to your 
bean counters to see if they'd go for it.
u2-users mailing list

Re: How to launch remote browser from UniVerse server?

2004-04-02 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/2/2004 5:27:20 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> Using QVT/Term to connect to unidata  5.1.19 running on AIX 
> 4.3.2.

Bruce the Help on QVT might indicate the ability to "run scripts, launch windows, etc" 
so that's where to start.  However, there are two very different requirements for web 
content.  One is to launch a browser so that a human can view, interact, manipulate 
that window.  The other requirement is merely to get the web page contents INTO your 
MV (Unidata) environment.  For this latter requirement, you do not need to launch a 
browser then scrape it.  So would just getting the contents into your app be 
sufficient? Or do you need the user to interact with the window in some way?
u2-users mailing list

Re: How to launch remote browser from UniVerse server?

2004-04-02 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/2/2004 5:27:20 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> Using QVT/Term to connect to unidata  5.1.19 running on AIX 
> 4.3.2.

Bruce the Help on QVT might indicate the ability to "run scripts, launch windows, etc" 
so that's where to start.  However, there are two very different requirements for web 
content.  One is to launch a browser so that a human can view, interact, manipulate 
that window.  The other requirement is merely to get the web page contents INTO your 
MV (Unidata) environment.  For this latter requirement, you do not need to launch a 
browser then scrape it.  So would just getting the contents into your app be 
sufficient? Or do you need the user to interact with the window in some way?
u2-users mailing list

Re: How to launch remote browser from UniVerse server?

2004-04-02 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/2/2004 6:45:47 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

> Does anyone have an example of how to do this if the terminal emulator
> is QPC Software, QVT/Term?
> For Accuterm you need to place something like the following in a Basic
> program to open IE:
> PRINT CHAR(27):CHAR(2):"<":"iexplore":CHAR(13):
> PRINT CHAR(27):CHAR(2):"<":"iexplore S:\temp\":FILE.NAME:CHAR(13):

If you are running Universe, D3, or MvBase on Windows, you have other options 
which are presumtively faster since they are lower level.  Can you tell us 
what your setup is?
u2-users mailing list

Re: XML or WORD Format???

2004-04-02 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 4/1/2004 5:40:16 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

> The resulting documents can
> be re-purposed with a variety of applications, including word processors and
> screen reader software.

Is re-purposed the same as "read" because if it is I prefer "read"
Will "newspeak" Johnson
u2-users mailing list

Re: Data typing in MV Basic

2004-03-31 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/31/2004 4:44:48 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Therefore 'A = 1' and 'A = "1"' both result in IDENTICAL p-code.
> Therefore, unless you know how the compiler works, your 
> conclusion is
> demonstrably flawed.
> Cheers,
> Wol

Wol it was already demonstrated, in a earlier post, that "1" is stored as a String and 
1 as a numeric.

u2-users mailing list

Re: Data typing in MV Basic

2004-03-30 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/30/2004 11:33:53 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

> A = 1 is held as an integer
> A = "1" is held as a string
> A = "1" + 0 is held as an integer
> Cheers,
> Stewart

Sorry stewart I don't believe that's the case.
And btw to the posted that suggested NUM(A), NUM(A) would return TRUE for A = 
1 and also for A = "1"
since NUM forces a numeric string into a numeric datum anyway

So that's not a good way to test it
u2-users mailing list

Re: Data typing in MV Basic

2004-03-30 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/30/2004 8:19:18 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

> A = 1 assigns a numeric integer. The expression need not contain operators
> (+,-,etc) to be numeric.
> A = "1" assigns a string however, as you have explicitly declared it to be
> string.
> A = "1" + 2 assigns a numeric integer value (3) as the result is numeric.
> A = "one" + 2 assigns a zero - according to the error message.


they all assign numerics imho
"1" is cast as a numeric because the system is smart enough to realize its a 
numeric string and has no purpose casting it as a string
   Any idea how to test which it is?
u2-users mailing list

Re: Modern Universe - was: The lists are closing

2004-03-30 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/30/2004 7:34:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Trevor,
>I *think* the issue is that the mv runtime does typecast variables 
> on the fly, transparently. Which means that assigning a number or the 
> result of a numeric expression (AVAR = 1 * 3) results in AVAR becoming 
> an Integer variable. If you then say something 'string-ish'  (AVAR = 
> "The answer is " : AVAR)  then the variable is recast on 
> the fly into a 
> String variable.
>- Charles "Constant" Barouch

Chuck (if that is your real name) yes you are correct.
The runtime engine recasts on the fly, but it leaves the recast variable as the new 
type until required to change it so

A = 1 ; * a is cast as numeric
PRINT "Hello world" ; * A is still numeric
A = A:"stuff" ; * A is now recast as a string
OPEN "MYFILE" TO XXX ; * A is still a string
A = A + 0 ; * A is now recast as a numeric again

My point is that any intervening operations on other variables don't change the last 
casting of A, only a forced "become a string!" or "become a numeric!" will recast it.

"Recasting beings in ten minutes" Will Johnson
u2-users mailing list

Re: The lists are closing

2004-03-30 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/30/2004 2:53:16 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Will,
>So, your saying that where there's a Will, there's a way to e-mail 
> reply to forums? ;)
>- Charles "Stop using my middle name thingy, Mom, he's 
> copying me 
> again, Mm!" Barouch

Yes Chuck exactly.  For example and use this 
1) If a person posts in a forum, the message appears in the forum (web) and ALSO 
anyone subscribed to the email-connected-list for that forum gets an email with the 
entire posting therein.
2) If a person responds in a forum, the response appears in the forum (web) and ALSO 
anyone subscribed to the email-connected-list for that forum gets an email with the 
entire response.
3) Anyone who gets one of the two above emails, can respond directly to that email, 
and such response goes to anyone else on that email list, but does NOT make a copy go 
back into the forum from which it came

So therefore, you can have threads in forum, and also threads out of forum if you wish 
or response threads that exact for several layers out of forum or in forum.  Of course 
some people might also want the out-of-forum responses and threads to be archived, 
which we already do at infocus or whatever its called.
"First name thingie" Will
u2-users mailing list

Re: U2UG Contract

2004-03-30 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/30/2004 11:24:36 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> There have been *zero* discussions as to 
> what our TOS should be other than to make sure that we indemnify U2UG from 
> copywrite issues. If you are concerned about the wording of 
> any part of the 
> TOS suggest an alternative wording.

"All postings to this forum remain the sole property of the poster.  Postings however 
can be copied, observing US copyright law, for non-profit purposes.  U2ug does not 
take any responsbility for any postings to this forum." 
u2-users mailing list

Re: The lists are closing

2004-03-30 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/30/2004 11:02:13 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> 6. The U2UG web site has U2 fora as the means of communication, something
> which people have been asking for for a long time. The decision to start the
> fora was made when the lists were also available so it was 
> then considered
> as something in addition to, not instead of, the lists.

It is possible to setup forums in such a way that:
1) You can respond in the forum OR
2) You can respond via email

I am subscribed to some genealogy lists that work exactly this way.
We get postings via emil (if subscribed) on every post that goes into the forum.
You can respond to the email directly OR you can click a link and go back to the forum 
and respond in the forum.
"So there" Will Johnson
u2-users mailing list

Re: The lists are closing

2004-03-30 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/30/2004 5:18:37 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Listen, Will "the blind, deaf and possibly dumb" Johnson
> Are you hearing nothing?

Please don't start insulting me you ignorant fat slob.
u2-users mailing list

Re: The lists are closing

2004-03-30 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/30/2004 5:08:09 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> All that subscribing to a forum will do for you is that
> you'll get an
> email telling you that someone has replied to something on
> the forum.

Dennis that's not how its setup.
You do get the full posting in your email.
u2-users mailing list

Re: Modern Universe - was: The lists are closing

2004-03-30 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/30/2004 12:35:32 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> You are partly correct when you say UV treats all data as strings. However,
> if the UV programmer is careful he/she can get it to do maths processing.
> Variables within UVBasic are string unless the result of an expression is
> numeric whereby it becomes numeric. 
> UV stores numeric data such as dates, time and numbers as a 
> string value with no decimal point etc. quite deliberately.

Trevor partly right.  However the MvBASIC statement "A = 1" makes the variable A into 
a numeric typed datum.  I'm not sure you could say this is "the result of an 
expression" being mathematical, after all Store is both a string and a numeric 
command.  The system converts the loading of a purely numeric argument into a LOADN or 
STOREN type command on some MV systems, which the loading of a string is a LOAD or 
LOADS or STORES or something similar to that.
   Of course the programmer just says A = 1 or A = "DOG" and doesn't have to worry 
about how the argument is typed in the run engine.
"Run Engine" Will
u2-users mailing list

Re: [ADMIN] Re: Modern Universe - was: The lists are closing

2004-03-30 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/30/2004 12:22:53 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Clif,
> Sorry... I kept this discussion to the best of my Professionalism,
> until a few folks here Provoked with some serious name calling.
> Its appears bad enough... 
> some folks here cannot discuss stuff in a constructive 
> argument.
> Thanks,
> Joe Eugene

Joe that is untrue, you started the greased ball by launching an atomic bomb without 
really understanding what you are talking about.  As many people pointed out here, 
your attacks are without substance.  You make statements that are untrue because you 
are ignorant and spout off about how horrible something is which does not even exist.  
When you are called on it, you change the subject.
Will "It's not the Sun it's the Moon" Johnson
u2-users mailing list

Re: Modern Universe - was: The lists are closing

2004-03-30 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/30/2004 12:06:20 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Our UV Developers tell me, everything in UV is treated as Strings..
> Do you think MATH Functions will Perform better in UV than a DataBase that
> supports DataTypes?

Joe this is not true
Did it ever occur to you that maybe you are misinterpreting what they are saying or 
perhaps they are not saying it right or perhaps don't know any better?

Everything in UV is NOT treated as a string.  UV has several datum types, you just 
don't see them on the surface, they are handled underneath.  I can assure you that 
math functions (provided you don't specifically request stringmath) are treated as 
numbers, numeric types, etc.  They are absolutely not treated as strings, except where 
the programmer makes specific string function calls using those variables.
Will "Stringless" Johnson
Fast Forward
u2-users mailing list

Re: Modern Universe - was: The lists are closing

2004-03-29 Thread FFT2001
Joe why are you on this list?
What is the point of hanging around haranging (sp?) us if you are not interested in 
learning anything as you put it?
Why not just leave.

In a message dated 3/29/2004 9:30:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Our UV Developers here have over 25 years of Experience doing the stuff
> the do... I personally am not interested in learning the details of UV
> since nobody really uses this kinda stuff at Corporate Level.
> I am simply surprised why UV is still used by a few Loyal Folk...
> when people with 25 years of experience simply cannot make 
> it perform
> well.
u2-users mailing list

Re: Question for Donald Kibbey

2004-03-29 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/29/2004 3:15:09 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> I don't really know what you are after with the 
> "integration" requiring an
> object.  Can you be more specific?
> Regards,
> Jim

"Integrate" as a verb I think applies to mathematics.
But if I say "My software integrates well"  I think most people would think
A) you have math software ?
B) Your English is bad?

"Integrate" in this sense requires a "with" and then an object with which it 
integrates.  In other words "My software integrates well with SAP", not just "My 
software integrates well".  Unless of course you are a salesman who was merely told to 
repeat that line and hope no one calls you out on it.

Will "Calling you Out" Johnson
u2-users mailing list

Re: Question for Donald Kibbey

2004-03-29 Thread FFT2001
I think he was saying "best provider for MV" not for MvBase
And I didn't say it, he did.
Will "the real Will not the fake posing Will's" Johnson

In a message dated 3/29/2004 3:09:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Will,
> Unless something has changed since Friday, Raining Data's .NET provider does
> not connect to mvBase.
> There are only 10 people in the world who understand binary and I am not one
> of them.  
> George Smith
> > -Original Message-
> > Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 1:57 PM
> > To: U2 Users Discussion List
> > Subject: Re: Question for Donald Kibbey
> > 
> > In a message dated 3/29/2004 2:28:38 PM Eastern Standard 
> > Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > 
> > > George, the best commercial integration option 
> available 
> > for MV right 
> > > now is the Pick Data Provider .NET from Raining Data.
> > 
> > But doesn't .NET take up like a gazillion bytes of space?
> > And doesn't "integration" require an object?
> > As in... integration with .. what?
> > Will
u2-users mailing list

Re: Question for Donald Kibbey

2004-03-29 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/29/2004 2:28:38 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> George, the best commercial integration option available 
> for MV right now is
> the Pick Data Provider .NET from Raining Data. 

But doesn't .NET take up like a gazillion bytes of space?
And doesn't "integration" require an object?
As in... integration with .. what?
u2-users mailing list

Re: The lists are closing

2004-03-29 Thread FFT2001
Could you explain what you are referring to more clearly?

In a message dated 3/29/2004 2:09:37 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Not to be obnoxious but why not keep data in one place?  How would it benefit 
> someone to start a question in one medium and then be referred to another?  That 
> sound counter-intuitive to me.
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 2:03 PM
> To: U2 Users Discussion List
> Subject: Re: The lists are closing
> 1) We DO want to leave the archives at indexinfocus.
> 2) We DONT want to replicate the archives onto u2ug
> 3) We DONT want the lists to continue
> Go to the web site, and enter each forum you are interested in and click on 
> SUBSCRIBE this will make all responses come to your email box just as they do now.  
> You can register, but 
> if you dont SUBSCRIBE you wont be seeing nothing
> Will
u2-users mailing list

Re: COMMON Variable.

2004-03-29 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/29/2004 1:11:11 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> > Is there a way to pass some common variable to a Phantom 
> program - which
> > will be called using EXECUTE 'PHANTOM '.
> >
> > I've even tried named COMMON and it lost its value.

Yes Carolina.  There are a few ways
1) EXECUTE "PHANTOM  some other stuff interpreted as variables"
2) MYSTUFF = "here are some more arguments"
EXECUTE "PHANTOM " (which starts by reading MYSTUFF)
3) disconnected processes
process A writes stuff and moves on
process B at some other disconnected time EXECUTE "PHANTON " which reads the stuff 
writen by process A five minutes or five days ago
4) process A, B, C, D, E, etc write various stuff at various times
process P starts the PHANTOM at boot time and it runs forever.  The phantom 
periodically wakes up and looks for something to do, does it, then goes to sleep for a 
minute or so.

Will "Phantom" Johnson
u2-users mailing list

[OT] Joe Eugene was Re: Modern Universe - was: The lists are closing

2004-03-29 Thread FFT2001
Please Speak LOUDER!!!
*throws you a raw steak*
Will "raw steak" Johnson

In a message dated 3/29/2004 12:26:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Going MainStream and staying with BIG THREE is Better for the
> future of the Company's Needs. BIG THREE has A LOT OF 
> in R&D and they are constantly on TOP OF TECHNOLOGY!.
u2-users mailing list

Re: What are "embedded databases"

2004-03-29 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/29/2004 11:55:51 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> embedded data base support

The other day, someone asked me if I used an "embedded database".  And I was like ... 

Can someone give ten words or less of what an embedded database is?  And then 
maybe an example of a database that is NOT embedded?
u2-users mailing list

Re: Modern Universe - was: The lists are closing

2004-03-29 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/29/2004 11:27:02 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> e.g. We pull XML Reports from our Vendors Real Time. I have to parse
> through the XML and give UV/PICK Guys a FLAT TEXT File... cause either
> UV Cannot handle the storage and Retrival of XML Data Using 
> XPath/XQuery
> Techniques.

Joe there is a big difference between these two statements:
1) "Our UV programmers DONT KNOW how to handle XML" and
2) "UV cant handle XML"

Ever think maybe your company should spend a little money getting programmers who DO 
know how to make UV understand XML?
  Your being cheap is not our failure.
u2-users mailing list

Re: Modern Universe - was: The lists are closing

2004-03-29 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 3/29/2004 11:07:24 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> 1. Populate UV and Oracle with around 10 Million records.
> 2. Write fairly complex Web Application against it.
> 3. Run a Web Application Stress tool(around 1000 Users)
>   switching Databases within the same DB Machine.
> You don't have to be a scientist to look at Performance 
> Monitor.

That's an excellent suggestion JOE
Can you please tell me how to write an interface from Apache to Universe ? Or 
something similiar?  Because I'm too ignorant to know how to connect my Universe 9.4 
to the web
Thanks for your superior intellect that can solve issues like this PURELY in Universe 
BASIC (of course) since you're saying its Universe that is the problem here.
u2-users mailing list

Re: The lists are closing

2004-03-29 Thread FFT2001
1) We DO want to leave the archives at indexinfocus.
2) We DONT want to replicate the archives onto u2ug
3) We DONT want the lists to continue

Go to the web site, and enter each forum you are interested in and click on SUBSCRIBE 
this will make all responses come to your email box just as they do now.  You can 
register, but if you dont SUBSCRIBE you wont be seeing nothing

In a message dated 3/29/2004 11:02:57 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> The archives for the lists (which go back to the mid-90's)  would remain
> for now at But I don't yet see a way to go
> forward on our site archiving the IBM web content so they'd be static. We
> do plan "real soon now" to add other content.
> Is there a general opinion that the email lists should continue? How can
> we avoid then having two separate, disconnected places for 
> information --
> the list and the U2UG forums? 
u2-users mailing list

Re: VB / SQL questions

2004-03-29 Thread FFT2001
Brian you get the big gold star today.
I should probably have stated more exactly what the field name was.
The only response, that is might have embedded spaces wasn't the case this time, but 
that wasn't the fault of the responder since I wasn't specific about what the field 

It was called MIN
So I suppose that MIN is a keyword (minimum?) and now you have made it clear what my 
initial error was.

In a message dated 3/29/2004 5:41:22 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Just to add,
> And if they clash with SQL keywords like DATE, USER or STATUS.
> So it's just generally safer to enforce them, as you never know what
> keywords are likely to be added in the future.
> Brian 
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Larry Hiscock
> Sent: 26 March 2004 18:20
> To: U2 Users Discussion List
> Subject: RE: VB / SQL questions
> > Can someone tell me why I need
> > INSERT INTO test([field1], field2 
> > instead of
> > INSERT INTO test(field1, field2 
u2-users mailing list

[OT] Airplane flights and stuff was Re: Optimisation ?

2004-03-26 Thread FFT2001
The Russians flew an aircraft in 1857!

No no the Japanese had one flying in 1831!

So? The Chinese flew one in 731

In a message dated 3/26/2004 9:10:14 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> I knew this!!!  I believe there was also a New Zealander, Richard Pearce, 
> who is eye witnessed to have flown in March 1903.  Check out: 
> At 03:02 AM 03/26/2004, you wrote:
> >Did you know the Americans weren't even the first to build a successful
> >aeroplane?
> >
> >The first aircraft built that flew successfully (note my strange word
> >order :-) was built in 1896, in England.
> >
> >Unfortunately, it had to be rebuilt, and the first 
> successful flight was
> >(iirc) 1912.
u2-users mailing list

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