Re: [PHP-DB] Using two colomns of mysql data as key/value pairs in arrays

2003-10-20 Thread David T-G
Chris, et al --

...and then Chris Boget said...
%  than maybe making my script run a little more slowly, I fail to see how
%  mysql_fetch_array() is a bad thing. From what I can see, all it does is give
%  me an additional numerically indexed reference to the data in my result set
% foreach(); list(); each();
% None are good ideas when iterating through an array generated by *_array().

Ahhh...  The light begins to dawn.

I only ever use

  while ( $row = fetch )

to go through my rows and then directly handle the fields I pull out, but
I can see that one might loop across $row and for that you need only the
indices that matter.  [Actually, maybe I'm just too new at this, but I
can't think of a practical example for which I would loop over $row...
Care to help me out?]

% And I'd hazard to guess that one of the most significant uses of any query is
% to iterate through it's result set.

Well, I typically do loop over the result set but typically don't loop
over the fields in each record, so I don't know that I can agree with the
weight you put on that.  But at least I see why I could care :-)

% Chris

Thanks  HAND

David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP-DB] Using two colomns of mysql data as key/value pairs in arrays

2003-10-20 Thread David T-G
Hash: SHA1

Jon, et al --

...and then Jon Kriek said...
% Perhaps if you would stop sending your posts at attachments ;)

Oh, that.  I blame your mail mangler still, but this message has been
folded, spindled, and mutilated just for you :-)


- -- 
David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (FreeBSD)


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[PHP-DB] Re: crosstab (was Re: [PHP-DB] Using two colomns ...)

2003-10-20 Thread David T-G
Chris, et al --

...and then Chris Boget said...
[quoting Cpt John Holmes]
%  From: Chris Boget [EMAIL PROTECTED]
%   If MySQL had crosstab functionality, that *might* be able to help.
%  A crosstab is just a specifically formatted query, of which MySQL is
%  certainly capable of handling. I've done them in the past, but maybe you're
% Then I'm not calling it the right thing... just the name of the type of query that
% was told.  The kind of query I'm talking about is the one that rotates the result
% set from tall to wide.  Basically doing exactly what the OP had asked for.  If

Hmmm...  You mean like taking results

  1 a
  2 b
  3 c
  4 d

and changing it to

  1 2 3 4
  a b c d

or such?  I'm certainly confused.


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

[PHP-DB] Re: looping over $row (was Re: [PHP-DB] Using two colomns ...)

2003-10-20 Thread David T-G
John, et al --

...and then CPT John W. Holmes said...
%  can't think of a practical example for which I would loop over $row...
%  Care to help me out?]
% How about a dynamic query where you do not know the number of columns

Hmmm...  I suppose so, but I can't picture it.  Shouldn't you always know
the DB schema and format of what you're going to get back?  I can see not
knowing how many RECORDS you'll get back but I should think you would
know how many FIELDS will be in each.

Or maybe I'm just being too compulsive :-)

% that'll be returned? You would not want to use _array() as you'll have the
% duplicates to worry about / skip over. using _row() or _assoc() and just
% looping through that will suffice.

Oh, I can see that.  It's the first half that still gets me.

% ---John Holmes...

Thanks  HAND

David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

[PHP-DB] Re: running total (was Re: [PHP] php|cruise ...)

2003-10-20 Thread David T-G
Edward, et al --

...and then Becoming Digital said...
% I'm asking all of you to join me in Operation Send Captain on the Cruise.  All it 
takes is a few minutes to PayPal a contribution to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Donations of any 
size are welcome, and every little bit helps.  If enough of us chip in, John and his 
wife can get away for a bit, significantly reducing the chance that she'll cut off his 
PHP Mailing List privileges. ;)

A wonderful idea.

Now the only other thing is to 1) know how much a php|cruise ticket costs
and 2) know where the donations stand.  We need John to update us once a
month or so -- or for you to bug him and then YOU update us once a month
or so.

Thanks again to all, including John,  HTH  HAND

David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP-DB] Email bouncer Program(s) - know any?

2003-09-30 Thread David T-G
Jerry --

This is neither a PHP nor PHP-DB question, even though you use php and
mysql, but here's a reply anyway.

...and then JeRRy said...
% Hi,


% I run PHP and mysql on my site.  I allow people to use
% a PHP page to send me an email that is logged in the
% mysql for logging reasons.

Good enough.

% If someone sends me an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
% (fake address, not real) when it is sent it does not

By the way, if you're going to use an example domain, you should
generally use since it's been dedicated to that purpose :-)

You're approaching this the wrong way; instead of trying to trash the
mail that comes to root, keep your form from bouncing back to root if
there is a problem.  Set the envelope header to specify the sender
address (ie [EMAIL PROTECTED]) as well as the From: address
(presumably your visitor's email address, but if you're not actually
getting that (and if not then why are you using an email form??) then
your local one) so that a bounce will go back to where you can control
it rather than into the root mailbox.  With the example above, you can
just direct all mail to invalidemail@ into the bit bucket.

Since this is your form and it's supposed to send email to you, how on
earth are users entering some bogus address for you in the first place?

% bounce, instead it gets sent to the root email
% account.  :(  I don't want this as I don't read the

I imagine you don't!

% root account all the time because emails that go there

Ah.  No, that's not really a good reason :-/

% are mainly spam or from people who do not have the
% correct email address to send to.  I don't reply to
% any in there.  Just delete them, they take up space
% sitting there.  

They also tell you about possible problems on your server.  It would be
good to read that mail every once in a while!

% Is there a Program(s) I can download or change a
% setting on my server to make them bounce back with a
% message?  (like other web server do)

You could install spamassassin on the box, have root's mail delivered
through that, set a whitelist rule for your own local mail, and then
mark everything else as spam, to be thrown away later by something like
procmail.  This isn't very safe (it would be much better, for instance,
to periodically pump root's mailbox with successfully-delivered messages
through SA and procmail), but you don't seem terribly concerned with the
health of your box and so some lost root mail is probably not a big deal
to you (and certainly no worse than what you're doing now).

Note that even that isn't really very good because each domains is
supposed to have a working postmaster@ account where any problem reports
for the domain can go.  If you just bounce any mail from the outside then
you're not playing nice with the rest of the world.  Just because other
web servers bounce possibly-valid mail to root (very probably because
it's a Win box whose master account is 'administrator') or other system
accounts doesn't mean that you should.

If you use qmail then it's easy enough to run whatever tests you want
and, if they fail, bounce the message back.  And qmail, which was built
from the ground up to be reliable, would get around the problems of
unsafe delivery - even for root :-)

% Sure I could setup a autoresponder of some kind but I
% don't want to reveal the root account email.  Can

If you've gotten mail in the root mailbox then you've already revealed
it.  No, you don't want an autoresponder, since that's not a bounce, but
the revelation is pretty insignificant.

% anyone help?

I'm sure someone can :-)  Perhaps even this reply is particularly helpful.

% Also I host other sites and domains, if I install a

What's your host name again?  I need to remember never to host where
someone just deletes the root email.

% program on my web server for my emails to bounce will
% they work for them?  Preferrably is there a program I

No reason it shouldn't, and slightly less reason that the would be forced
to use it (you could certainly cock up the mail system so that nothing
gets in, no matter what domain, but you'd have to work a bit at that).

% can use to just use for my domain?  And others can ask
% for it to be installed for their accounts.

You should be keeping all of the domains' mail separate anyway, so that's
no big deal.

% All help mostly appreciated.

I wonder how 'mostly' this input will strike you :-)

% Thanks!


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP-DB] MySQL, PHP or ghost?

2003-08-27 Thread David T-G
Peter --

...and then Peter Beckman said...
% Seems that either I don't understand mysql, or something.

Looks like it, though I admit that the manual doesn't adequately explain
your results.  Check out section for details.

% My table, with the non-important things removed...
% So my assumption is that if I insert with year= it should use the
% default.  Or at least .

That makes sense.  And so what is the default?  Looks like it is, for
some reason, 2000.  [This isn't a TIMESTAMP field, so we don't
necessarily expect it to be this year.]

% mysql update plate set year= where pid=65;
% +-+-+--+-
% |  65 | DVF0343 | 2000 |
% +-+-+--+-
% 2000?  What?  Why?  Confused.  PHP or Mysql fault?

Looks like it's standard mysql behavior:

  mysql create table ytest (pid int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, y 
  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

  mysql describe ytest;
  | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
  | pid   | int(10) unsigned |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
  | y | year(4)  | YES  | | NULL||
  2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

  mysql insert into ytest values ('',1),('',''),('','2000');
  Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)
  Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 4

  mysql select * from ytest;
  | pid | y|
  |   1 | 2001 |
  |   2 | 2000 |
  |   3 | 2000 |
  3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

  mysql update ytest set y =  where pid = 3;
  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
  Rows matched: 1  Changed: 0  Warnings: 1

  mysql select * from ytest;
  | pid | y|
  |   1 | 2001 |
  |   2 | 2000 |
  |   3 | 2000 |
  3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

  mysql update ytest set y = '0' where pid =3 ;
  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
  Rows matched: 1  Changed: 0  Warnings: 0

  mysql update ytest set y = '45678' where pid = 2;
  Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
  Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 1

  mysql select * from ytest;
  | pid | y|
  |   1 | 2001 |
  |   2 |  |
  |   3 | 2000 |
  3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Note that I sometimes get warnings and sometimes don't.  I haven't dug
into them, though.

% Beckman
% ---
% Peter Beckman  Internet Guy
% ---


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP-DB] MySQL, PHP or ghost?

2003-08-27 Thread David T-G
Peter, et al --

...and then Peter Beckman said...
% On Wed, 27 Aug 2003, David T-G wrote:
%  Looks like it, though I admit that the manual doesn't adequately explain
%  your results.  Check out section for details.
%  I did; see my previous (moments ago) email on my read on that manual
%  section.

Ah; I will when it comes through :-)

%  % So my assumption is that if I insert with year= it should use the
%  % default.  Or at least .
%  That makes sense.  And so what is the default?  Looks like it is, for
%  some reason, 2000.  [This isn't a TIMESTAMP field, so we don't
%  necessarily expect it to be this year.]
%  The default at the time was .

At the time of the mysql release, you might mean?  Certainly at the time
of the manual writing...

%  Looks like it's standard mysql behavior:
%  But that's what I'm questioning.  Should it be that way?  If so, the
%  manual page for YEAR should be altered.  If it shouldn't work that way, it
%  should be submitted as a bug.

Makes sense.  Having removed all php elements, you'd probably get a
better answer on the mysql list.

HTH  HAND  Good luck!

David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP-DB] Sorting issue

2003-08-14 Thread David T-G
Jeff --

...and then Jeff said...
% One last question.
% I changed all the DB values where numbers are used - (varchar - int)

Well, you should only change for those where the numbers are numbers...

% But for the well locations, there are dashes in them, I.E. 10-15-065-22


% With setting the field to int, it only displays the first part.
% 10-15-065-22 shows as 10
% There are also several other fields that use dashes.

Then those are an alphanumeric mixture and should be a varchar.

% If I set it back to varchar, will it sort it right because the numbers are
% separated by an alfa character, or will I have the same problem as before?

If the numbers are padded then it will sort right.  That is, is the 065
holding three places with a zero?  If it's always 2-2-3-2 digits then
sorting will be just fine (just like 00055 would have sorted as you
expected against 14000 in a varchar field).


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP-DB] Sorting issue

2003-08-08 Thread David T-G
Jeff --

...and then Jeff said...
% Yes duh...


% I didn't realize numbers weren't considered characters.
% What's the sql entry for numeric characters?

Integer looks like it will do the trick for you.

% I'm new at this, and figure I'm not doing to bad so far. .

I know what you mean :-)  Spend a *lot* of time with the manual!


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

RE: [PHP-DB] alphabetical sorting... limiting and paginatingonnext set of letter group

2003-07-29 Thread Ramil G. Sagum
On Wed, 2003-07-30 at 11:17, Aaron Wolski wrote: 
 Is there anyway this can be performed one function/loop?

yes of course. =) just create a function that takes in two letters as a parameter,
then build the query string from it.

function($char_begin, $char_end)

  $q_begin = strtolower($char_begin);
  $q_end = chr(ord(strtolower($char_begin))+1);
  $query = SELECT designer_name FROM designer WHERE designer_name BETWEEN 
'.$q_begin.' AND '.$q_end.' ORDER BY designer_name;

  //do your query here.

 I knew it was possible with several queries.. I guess I was just looking
 for a all_in_one solution.
 Thanks for your help!

 -Original Message-
 From: Ramil G. Sagum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: July 29, 2003 11:07 PM
 To: Aaron Wolski
 Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] alphabetical sorting... limiting and paginating
 onnext set of letter group
 On Wed, 2003-07-30 at 10:36, Aaron Wolski wrote:
  Hi Guys,
  What I would like to do is:
  Pattern Designers:
  Artists Collection The
  Barrick Samplers
  Bent Creek
  Bobbie G. Designs
  Calico Crossroads
  Charland Designs
  Country Cross Stitch
  Click for D/E/F
  Click for G/H/I
  Click for J/K/L
  When the user clicks on one of the another Letter Groupings... the
  A/B/C changes to whatever they selected as does the displayed
  for their selection.
  Is this even possible?
 yes it is. =)
 try for a/b/c
 SELECT designer_name FROM designer WHERE designer_name BETWEEN 'a' AND
 'd' ORDER BY designer_name;
 for d/e/f :
 SELECT designer_name FROM designer WHERE designer_name BETWEEN 'd' AND
 'g' ORDER BY designer_name;
 for j/k/l:
 SELECT designer_name FROM designer WHERE designer_name BETWEEN 'j' AND
 'm' ORDER BY designer_name;
 hope this helps.

PHP Database Mailing List (
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RE: [PHP-DB] alphabetical sorting... limiting and paginatingonnext set of letter group

2003-07-29 Thread Ramil G. Sagum

 function($char_begin, $char_end)
   $q_begin = strtolower($char_begin);
   $q_end = chr(ord(strtolower($char_begin))+1);

make that

 $q_end = chr(ord(strtolower($char_end))+1);


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RE: [PHP-DB] problem with starting a session

2003-07-15 Thread Sourabh G
To make it little more clear, always write session_start() on the top of the 
page. Because if you output some thing to the browser without starting a 
session will show you these kind of error.


From: Ford, Mike   [LSS] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] problem with starting a session
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 10:29:06 +0100
 -Original Message-
 From: Ahmed Abdelaliem [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 15 July 2003 08:54

 i have a problem with starting a session in the page that
 validates the user
 input and sends it tothe database,
 when the user clicks register he gets this error

 Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie -
 headers already sent
 by (output started at
 c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ads4u\data_valid_fns.php:25) in
 c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ads4u\register_new.php on line 89

 Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers
 already sent (output started at
 c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ads4u\data_valid_fns.php:25) in
 c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ads4u\register_new.php on line 89

 and here is the code i wrote :
There must be  approximately 73 lines before this, as the error message 
the session_start() is on line 89.  Your problem is that one of those lines
is an include/require for data_valid_fns.php, and line 25 of that file
outputs something that can't be output before the session_start().  Take a
look there and work out how you can fix that.




Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning  Information Services,
JG125, James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Beckett Park, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730  Fax:  +44 113 283 3211
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[PHP-DB] Why old session poping up in new Browser window

2003-07-11 Thread Sourabh G

Session problem.

I am getting a weird session problem in my site.

Background of the Problem:
My site use sessions for user authentication. Site has a Admin Panel where
admin can search users and then through a link

(which has login and password appended) login as user.

On login as user, session var changes to the new user vars, like user id
etc. So, if some one try to access any thing on

admin panel, they get error which is quite evident why is that happened. The
login user is not a admin any more, its a normal

user with no privilege.

I came to a conclusion that if I spawn new browser window it takes old
session. After trying for hours, I was able to solve

this. I started a new session when I login as user by setting session name
and storing the other vars. This way I can start

the session as needed.

After solving this problem I thought I am done. But some thing really weird
popped up. The links on the page, like My

Account, Change Password goes to admin when I click them. This looks like
on clicking the link, Old admin session becoming

active and showing the page as a admin. I have no idea why is that
happening. I have searched goggle but no result.

Is it a browser issue, or php issue, or I am doing something wrong.

* I have compiled PHP with trans-sid option.
** I store session in my sql database. I can see the user session active.

Ideal Solution:-)

When I search the user and login as user. Both admin and user session remain
alive and I can work on both windows seamlessly.

Can Any one point me in the right direction.


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RE: [PHP-DB] Save mySQL data into a CSV file.

2003-06-17 Thread Ramil G. Sagum
do a var_dump($result_set) to see what $result_set contains (if it's
actually and array.

(did you implement the code given as is? if not AND you have put line-11
in a function and $result_set as a global variable then you need to
define $result_set as a global inside the function.)


On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 14:16, Martin E. Koss wrote:
 Error found when testing the code below:
 Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in
 apache/htdocs/speeddials.php on line 11
 Line 11 is: while ($record_set_array = each($result_set)) {
 What did I do wrong?
 -Original Message-

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Re: [PHP-DB] Password generator

2003-06-17 Thread Ramil G. Sagum
 a simple way would be to :

$pass = $allowable_characters[mt_rand(0,$ps_len-5)]
for($i = 0; $i  ($length -2); $i++) {
  $pass .= $allowable_characters[mt_rand(0,$ps_len-1)];
$pass .= $allowable_characters[mt_rand(0,$ps_len-5)]

// This variable contains the list of allowable characters
// for the password.  Note that the number 0 and the letter
// 'O' have been removed to avoid confusion between the two.
// The same is true of 'I' and 1

 btw, you didn't implement this.

hope this helps


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Re: [PHP-DB] MySQL Connection

2003-06-17 Thread Ramil G. Sagum
On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 08:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Would be grateful if someone couldkindly point me in the right direction.
 Whenever I try to connect to mysql server, I get these messsage back
 mysql GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO moses@% IDENTIFIED BY cludiana;
 ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '@' (Using password: NO)
 mysql GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO moses@% IDENTIFIED BY cludiana;
 ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '@' (Using password: NO)
something must be wrong with your connection string, would you post the
mysql_connect statement here.

 what could be wrong. Help please .

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Re: [PHP-DB] PHP Install conflicts w/ MySQL

2003-06-16 Thread Ramil G. Sagum

On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 03:08, Nathan wrote:

 # ./bin/mysqld_safe 
 Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
 030616 12:04:24  mysqld ended
 I'm running the command as root so I don't think it's a permission issue.  Does 
 anyone know anything about the PHP install that would change the way MySQL is 

bothered to take a look at what the logs/error logs say?

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Re: [PHP-DB] Get last id in postgresql

2003-06-16 Thread Ramil G. Sagum
pg_last_oid returns the last object id (an id used in the system
catalogs) and not the ID/index of the row.

if you need to get the last ID, you need to execute another select or
write a pl/sql function.

On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 10:13, Norma Ramirez - TECNOSOFT wrote:
 Hi all,
 Im starting with posgresql and i trying to use pg_last_oid to get the last id in a 
 insert query, but this function returns me a big number 
 like 21318 and bigger, but the table just have 3 or 4 records. Could some one help? 
 Any ideas?
 This is the script im using
 $insert = insert into test(name) values('myname');
 $test = pg_exec($insert);
 echo $id = pg_last_oid($test);
 Norma Ramirez

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[PHP-DB] Select statement drops 10th digit during table lookup?

2003-06-13 Thread G E Holt

I hope this is something easy I am overlooking but here goes:

I have a table called:  country which has the following fields:

 ip_from  double(11,0)
 country_code char(2)
 country_name varchar(50)

IP_FROM  NUMERICAL (DOUBLE)Beginning of IP address range.
IP_TONUMERICAL (DOUBLE)Ending of IP address range.
COUNTRY_CODE CHAR(2)   Two-character country code based on
ISO 3166.
COUNTRY_NAME VARCHAR(50)   Country name based on ISO 31

Here are a few lines from the country table which starts at 33996344  and
ends at:
 ip_from  ip_to country_code  country_name
33996344 33996351 GB   UNITED KINGDOM
50331648 83886079 US   UNITED STATES
94585424 94585439 SE   SWEDEN
approx 65000 rows 
3714175488 3714175743 DK   DENMARK
3715104768 3715629055 JP   JAPAN
3717201920 3718840319 KR   KOREA, REPUBLIC OF

The IP_FROM and IP_TO fields of the database are numeric representations of
the dotted IP address.

The formula to convert an IP Address of the form A.B.C.D to an IP Number is:

 IP Number = A x (256*256*256) + B x (256*256) + C x 256 + D

So here is what I do in PHP:

$resolved=$DB_site-query_first(SELECT * FROM country WHERE '$resolvingip'
BETWEEN ip_from AND ip_to);
$resolvecountry = $resolved[country_code];

so I type in:  and $resolvingip shows as: 3574963808

when I check $resolved[ip_from] I find out the SELECT statement looks up
this line:

335544320 369098751 US UNITED STATES
instead of looking up this line:
3574956032 3574972415 IT ITALY

which really makes me think the SELECT statement is dropping the last

I tried ip: and $resolvingip shows as 169465630 which looks up
correctly since it is only 9 digits.

When I try ip: $resolvingip shows as 1148033927 but the
SELECT statement drops the last digit and goes to a 9 digit again:

Any help is greatly appreciated..


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Re: [PHP-DB] Related to WAR - 1

2003-03-29 Thread David T-G
My dear ckra --

...and then [EMAIL PROTECTED] said...
% The War
% By Eduardo Galeano

Would you please keep this crap off of the php-db list (and, before I see
it anywhere else, any other php list at the very least)?  I am here to
discuss php and nothing else unless it is related to php.  If you want to
show how you've used php to create an anti-war site, then that's great.
If you want to ask for help in your php project praising GWBush, then do
so.  If you want to talk/evangelize/whine about war, however, then go and
do it elsewhere.  It is NOT welcome here.


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP-DB] Generating view of tree?

2003-03-28 Thread David T-G
Craig --

...and then Craig Kohtz said...
% The script I've included works for a table named structure with the
% following fields:

Sounds interesting.  Care to actually post the script? ;-)

I'd like to see it.


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP-DB] compare php and perl

2003-03-20 Thread David T-G
Mignon --

The short answer is that the two are fairly equivalent and if you're
asking the question then you're not going to run up against the nitty
gritty differences for a while.

In general, I bet you get more PHP is better answers on this list ;-)

Both can talk directly to databases, both are quick, and both are easy to
use (and once you know one picking up the other is pretty easy because
they are quite similar).  Both are popular and many things are written
for both because porting is pretty easy.

That said, I would be inclined to point a new user who is only writing
web pages and web scripts toward PHP because

  - you can, indeed, easily scatter your php all over your web site (even
if some might not think that that's terribly pure :-) while doing so
with perl takes a little more manual configuration

  - perl is incredibly powerful (not to say that php isn't, but...) and
picking up php may be likened to learning to fly in a Cessna instead
of a multi-engined jet

even though I am a fan and user of both and often use perl because an
existing script will translate so easily to a web page.  For an advanced
programmer I'd say to pick up bother because of the awesome depth of
functionality available through CPAN, a collection of modules and tools
for perl that already do, and generally quite well, anything most people
are likely to want to do :-)


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP-DB] compare php and perl

2003-03-20 Thread David T-G
Scott --

...and then NIPP, SCOTT V (SBCSI) said...
% correct any of my errors.  One other big advantage of PHP is this mailing
% list.  The people in this list are quite knowledgeable and extremely
% helpful.  I honestly have not found a group this supportive and responsive

Aha -- you obviously haven't found the beginners, beginners-cgi, and db
lists at yet :-)

% for my Perl scripting.  (This last may sound like sucking up, but it's the
% honest truth.)

Hey, these *are* awesome lists :-)


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP-DB] disable right-click in all frames.

2003-02-22 Thread David T-G
Matt --

...and then Matt said...
% hey everyone.  i have a php script that opens up a new window with multiple
% frames.  i am using javascript to disable the right-click mouse button on

To answer your question, you might instead of calling the other content
directly just have your script spit out the leading javascript and then
passthru the actual file.

Note that those of us who have javascript turned off can use the right
mouse button all we want :-)  It may not be worth your effort.


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP-DB] How to produce the report using PHP?

2003-02-19 Thread leo g. divinagracia iii
Rokasa wrote:

Hi there,

I want to produce the report using the PHP but I don't know the PHP command.
Or is it any third party software that can be called by PHP to produce the
report?  Is it anybody out there can help me.


gotta do it the old fashion way, by writing it yourself...

or you can ODBC it, and use ms access and it's report writer.

Leo G. Divinagracia III

PHP Database Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP-DB] php date manupulation functions

2003-02-19 Thread leo g. divinagracia iii
Rajesh Fowkar wrote:


There seems to be very few date manupulation functions in php.

In my php form I am displaying select combos for day, month and year.

Now while updating the form I want to retrieve the date and take out day,
month and year from that date and display the correct selection in the
combo. I could not find any function like say


Am I missing something ? Is there anyway to accomplish the above ? or I
will have to store these three values separatly in the database rather than
as a date.


yes, you are missing it.  

you need to do the opposite.  first read this:

and everything will become clear...

btw, if the current date is jan 1, 2000, then

$day =  date (d);
$month =  date (m);
$year = date (y);

echo $day;  //  would return 01
echo $month;  //  would return 01
echo 4year;  //would return 00

Leo G. Divinagracia III

PHP Database Mailing List (
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[PHP-DB] mysql +php

2003-02-17 Thread G
Hi I was wonder if any knows how 2 display sound clips held in a mysql 
database using a php page ? I have stored the url’s of the clips in 
mysql database and I belive I need some like to (below) to display them 
but its not quite working.

while ($row= mysql_fetch_row($result)) //retrieve a row and store in 
array $row
for($i=0; $imysql_num_fields($result);$i++) //
echo (A HREF= $row[$i]); //

any ideas

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Re: [PHP-DB] mysql +php

2003-02-17 Thread G
Thanks got it working

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Re: WG: [PHP-DB] Confirmation e-mail

2003-02-17 Thread Leo G. Divingracia III
you dont.  your confirmation email will tell them once they are logged 
in with a random password your script made, then they can go into the 
profiles section and change the password.

just have a boolean column that is set once they are confirmed.  you can 
check that against another column that holds the value when they first 
signed up.

Davy Obdam wrote:
Hi Andreas,

Thanks for you responce. I am also wondering how you would do that in 
the database, i have a table users in my MySQL database containing the 
users information that submitted when they registerd. Now i want to 
activate thier account only after they have clicked on the confirmation 
link... if possible without any additional tables in my db. I users do 
not confirm thier account i wanna remove thier data from the database 
after 48hours. Thanks for your time..

Best regards,

Davy Obdam

info@phpken wrote:

hi, too

please don't send password over the internet.
better you ask the user if they click the link
below your email. then the user get a formular
and there you can ask him for his password.
then you can make sure the emails wasn't read
by other user. this is a secure method.

Leo G. Divinagracia III


PHP Database Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP-DB] .htaccess

2003-02-16 Thread David T-G
Matt --

...and then Matt said...
% I have a php script that accesses a folder, and displays all the photos
% inside the folder. I want to use this script to display images that people
% upload from the anonymous ftp account. I know that when they upload a photo,
% it goes into the:
% /home/username/public_ftp/incoming/ folder

1) Just change your script to point to this directory just like it points
to any other folder.

2) Is the public_ftp/incoming/ folder available to the browser, or is it
outside the DOCUMENT_ROOT tree?  If the latter, you will have to serve up
the images yourself rather than relying on img... tags to simply point
to them.


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP-DB] How can i upload files

2003-02-13 Thread David T-G
Gabriel --

...and then Gabriel Gramajo said...
% Hi All,
% Can anyone tell me how can i select and upload files using php.

You can begin by not hijacking a thread and changing the topic.  When you
want to start something new, start a fresh message.

You could next check the list archives; this comes up at least twice a

After that you could take a look at the Fine Manual and read the Fine
Example and try it out.

That's all there is to it!

%  Thanks in advance,
% Gabriel,


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP-DB] List Server Configuration; Was [Import text file]

2003-02-13 Thread David T-G
Mitch, et al --

...and then [EMAIL PROTECTED] said...
% Well ... in fact, most lists that I've been on use the Reply-To header to
% automate this.  MOST email clients I have used do not recognize email as

That doesn't make it right :-)

% list email and while they have a Reply and Reply All option, I've never

That doesn't mean they're doing it right :-)

% seen a Reply-List option.

That doesn't mean it doesn't exist :-)

% So ... what is right, and who is broke could be argued all day.  The one
% I've seen used the most would be implemented as a change to the list
% server.

I invite you to surf over to

and have a read on why this is such a bad idea.

% -- Mitch

Now back to our regularly schedule discussions...


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Something is fishy in my selection

2003-02-12 Thread Leo G. Divingracia III

Mathieu Dumoulin wrote:

Oh crap, someone mailed me about having nulls in my field compared...
you can no disregard this thread...its closed i got the culprit, it's a
stupid NULL i found in a column

reminds me of the time i had a query to look for 0 and 0.  i forgot 
some values where 0...   lol...

Leo G. Divinagracia III


PHP Database Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP-DB] backing up databases

2003-01-27 Thread David T-G
Chris --

...and then Chris Payne said...
% Hi there everyone,


% I have way too many databases to backup manually or with PHPMyADMIN, how, using PHP 
with MySQL could I backup multiple databases easily?

1) What level of 'manual' is too much?

2) Are all of the databases on the server yours to back up, or only some
of them?

3) Do you have access to the command line through your php script as
might be expected, or are you somehow limited?

4) Do you have a user/password who can dump your databases?

5) Can you use cron to run jobs repeatedly?

I'd write a script (php CLI, perl, shell, whatever) to do the dump and
then just call it from your web click or, better yet, from a crontab.

% Any examples would be really appreciated :-)

Answers first, grasshopper :-)

% Thank you.
% Regards
% Chris


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP-DB] PHP-DB - ot browser compatibility

2003-01-23 Thread David T-G
Peter, et al --

...and then Peter Lovatt said...
% Hi


% I test on NS 4.75 and IE4 as a minimum browser spec.

Those are too maximum, actually.

% I test on the following
% IE 4, 5, 5.5, 6.0
% NS 4.75, 7 (NS 6 has very low distribution and flaky table handling )
% Opera 5.0 and 6.0
% Mozilla 1.1

No lynx?

  bash-2.05a$ lynx --version
  Lynx Version 2.8.4rel.1 (17 Jul 2001)
  Built on freebsd4.5 Jan 23 2002 07:28:38

I'm crushed! ;-)


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP-DB] Design suggestions - performance improvement

2003-01-19 Thread leo g. divinagracia iii
Matthew Nock wrote:

Hi all,

I am currently building a site for a cinema to display session times, film synopsis' etc...

I have built the database as follows:

TABLE:  film_detail

TABLE  session_data

normalize the SESSION_DATA more.

i would:


table: session_data
sd_fd_id (- foreign key)

psuedo code:

print movie info
for (movie)

  select fd_date from film_date where fd_filmid = filmID
  print fd_date
  for (filmID - fd_date)

select sd_starttime from session_data where fd_id = sd_fd_id
print sd_starttime
 end loop

  next fd_date

next movie

film_detail has a 1 to many to film_date
film_date has a 1 to many to session_data

Leo G. Divinagracia III

PHP Database Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP-DB] Help with MySQL

2003-01-19 Thread leo g. divinagracia iii
Rodrigo Corrêa wrote:

I´m new with MySQL, i´m just wondering if there is a way to get the IP from a MySQL Server, since i acess this by localhost in the webserver

even if you could, the MYSQL admin probably set your account to access 
your data with a LOCALHOST permission only...  so if you try to access 
your data, the system would not let you in.

this is common.

Leo G. Divinagracia III

PHP Database Mailing List (
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2003-01-15 Thread Bernain, Fernando G.
How can I query this characters 'áéíóúÁÉÍÓÚñÑ' from a MSSQL DB with PHP???
Actually I obtain this: ' '¡¢£µÖà餥'!!!


Fernando Bernain
Senior A
Business Process Outsourcing

KPMG Argentina
Tel: 54 11 4316 5754
Fax: 54 11 4316 5734

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RE: [PHP-DB] Users on line

2003-01-06 Thread Bernain, Fernando G.
OK, guys, thanks!! I'll try it and then I'll tell you!!!

Fernando Bernain
Senior A
Business Process Outsourcing

KPMG Argentina
Tel: 54 11 4316 5754
Fax: 54 11 4316 5734

-Original Message-
From: Peter Lovatt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 7:10 PM
To: Bernain, Fernando G.; 'Peter Beckman'; Hutchins, Richard
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Users on line


My bank uses two processes. If a user is inactive for more than about 5
minutes it forces you to log in again. This is done server side and just
does not allow you to do anything if your last activity was more than 5
minutes ago. It probably also marks the session as logged out.

It also uses JavaScript body onUnload='' to log you out when you close the
window. Not sure if this works when you just close the browser.

I do have a suggestion, which may or may not meet your needs.

When the user logs in, open a popup window  and set focus to the main window
body unload=self.focus()  so the popup becomes a popunder. Using a header
or meta tag refresh the popunder once a minute and log the session as
already discussed, but with a timeout of 2 minutes, so it will be up to
date. This will tell you that the user has a browser open.

This might be enough for your needs

If not you could use body onUnload='' to post a form to the popup window
when the main window closes. This logs out when the user closes the main
window. The only exception will be if the user navigates away from the site.
If you need to, you could prevent this by displaying site content in another
popup window with no navbar and no external links.

http is stateless, so you cannot do a true session like Messenger but the
above is reasonably close :)



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-Original Message-
From: Bernain, Fernando G. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 03 January 2003 20:31
To: 'Peter Beckman'; Hutchins, Richard
Cc: Bernain, Fernando G.; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Users on line

I'm thinking in something similar to ICQ or MSN. This is an app for a few
number of users (less than 50) but they need to know who are online when
they are working in the app too!!! Maybe I can use the table online and
insert then name of the user when he login the app... but I still have the
problem of the logout...

I was looking for something (like a function?) in apache or php who tells me
the open sessions at a moment...

Fernando Bernain
Senior A
Business Process Outsourcing

KPMG Argentina
Tel: 54 11 4316 5754
Fax: 54 11 4316 5734

-Original Message-
From: Peter Beckman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 4:49 PM
To: Hutchins, Richard
Cc: Bernain, Fernando G.; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Users on line

I agree; it'd be nice if there was some sort of code that'd be executed
when someone closed their browser.  There is the javascript on_exit() or
something where the user, when they leave a domain, is executed.  However,
this only works if they click off the site, not if they close their
browser.  Plus if they go to another site and come back within 5/10/15
minutes, are they still considered logged in?

It's fairly impossible to keep track of when users are or are not using the
site that is not really complex.  What if they are reading an article, run
to the restroom, finish reading the article and then click on another page?
I figure they are idle after 15 minutes.  If they continue to surf the
site in an hour or two, their session will be updated (if your sessions
last long enough, or if not they'll probably be automatically re-logged in
which case they'd be updated/re-inserted in the online table), and will
once again be counted as a person online.

One example is forcing people to be logged out after 10 minutes of
inactivity.  Bank of America does this, most likely using javascript.
However, if yahoo! did this when I was reading my mail and I stepped away,
I'd be annoyed.  Most sites allow you to be logged in forever (Remember
me) so forcing people to log out just to be able to count who is online
seems silly.

If you just want to keep track of how many people are logged in, I'd just
say that logged in is defined as having an active logged in session that
was active in the last 5/10/15 minutes.  I'm almost positive that method is
how most web sites determine time online.


On Fri, 3 Jan 2003, Hutchins, Richard wrote:

 How would the online table be maintained if a user simply closes out the
 browser without actually logging out properly? I'm not at all experienced
 with sessions, but closing the browser should terminate the session,
 correct? Bernain may want to delete from his online

RE: [PHP-DB] displaying a MySQL date in a different format

2003-01-06 Thread Bernain, Fernando G.
I dont know if its the best solution, but I made a function that cut the

function sqldate($fecha) {



return $fechasql;


You input 12/01/2002 and output 2002/01/12

Fernando Bernain
Senior A
Business Process Outsourcing

KPMG Argentina
Tel: 54 11 4316 5754
Fax: 54 11 4316 5734

-Original Message-
From: Ali McLeod [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2003 8:27 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] displaying a MySQL date in a different format

Can anyone help me. I am trying to display a date in a different format from
that stored in a MySQL database. MySQL forces you to store it as -mm-dd
but I want to display it as dd-mm-, or dd-

Any ideas?

Many thanks in advance

Ali McLeod

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[PHP-DB] Special characters

2003-01-06 Thread Bernain, Fernando G.
I'm working with MSSQL7.0 Apache 1.3.19 and PHP4.2.3
When I select a table with this kind of characters: ó The output is ¢...

I have the same problem with the others vocals (á-é-í-ú)

What can I do??? Forgot the spanish??? 

Fernando Bernain
Senior A
Business Process Outsourcing

KPMG Argentina
Tel: 54 11 4316 5754
Fax: 54 11 4316 5734

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on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful.
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contained in this email are subject to the terms and
conditions expressed in the governing KPMG client engagement

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RE: [PHP-DB] Special characters

2003-01-06 Thread Bernain, Fernando G.
I can't modify the character set of my MSSQL...
(Character Set = 1, iso_1 ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) - Western European 8-bit
character set.)

And I NEDD the á-é-í-ó-ú-ñ

Any idea?

Fernando Bernain
Senior A
Business Process Outsourcing

KPMG Argentina
Tel: 54 11 4316 5754
Fax: 54 11 4316 5734

-Original Message-
From: Andrey Hristov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 2:30 PM
To: Bernain, Fernando G.; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Special characters

 try to store you data in unicode (utf8) for example.
You iconv to transform if it is needed.


- Original Message -
From: Bernain, Fernando G. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 7:25 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Special characters

 I'm working with MSSQL7.0 Apache 1.3.19 and PHP4.2.3
 When I select a table with this kind of characters: ó The output is

 I have the same problem with the others vocals (á-é-í-ú)

 What can I do??? Forgot the spanish???

 Fernando Bernain
 Senior A
 Business Process Outsourcing

 KPMG Argentina
 Tel: 54 11 4316 5754
 Fax: 54 11 4316 5734

 Email Disclaimer

 The information in this email is confidential and may be
 legally privileged.
 It is intended solely for the addressee.
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 or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance
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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Is MySQL available from my host.

2003-01-06 Thread Leo G. Divingracia III
Robert Wagner wrote:

At I located PHP Triad, but I'm a bit nervous, although
the overall ratings for the package are high. Here are my concerns:
  1) Some people couldn't install it all.
  2) Apparently it MUST be installed on drive C. While I have over 500
MB in C:,
   it's merely my boot drive in a multi-boot installation. I
normally boot to my
   WinXP partition. I'd rather install it elsewhere.
  3) I do want to install it under Win XP.
  4) I already have MySQL installed, and I'm guessing that it's a later

Do any of these represent serious barriers to installing PHP Triad?

another WAMP that i use is  they use apache 2.0 and a 
4.2.x php.  forget the mysql version.

but why not install it yourself.

php requires about 3-4 lines added to apache's conf file.  php requires 
maybe 2-3 mods in the it's ini file.

mysql is a no brainer install...

i recently upgraded my foxserv install by doing each one manually. 
after a few hours of almost killing myself, i got it down to about 15 
minutes.  that's total for all 3.  i didnt want to go through foxserv 
since they install perl and a few others i didnt want.  (plus the first 
time, it nearly killed my programming machine...).

Leo G. Divinagracia III


PHP Database Mailing List (
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[PHP-DB] Users on line

2003-01-03 Thread Bernain, Fernando G.
I'm working in an app that requires to know who are on line. When the user
login the app, I use session in order to storage de name and login.  Its
posible to do this???


Fernando Bernain
Senior A
Business Process Outsourcing

KPMG Argentina
Tel: 54 11 4316 5754
Fax: 54 11 4316 5734

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RE: [PHP-DB] Users on line

2003-01-03 Thread Bernain, Fernando G.
I'm thinking in something similar to ICQ or MSN. This is an app for a few
number of users (less than 50) but they need to know who are online when
they are working in the app too!!! Maybe I can use the table online and
insert then name of the user when he login the app... but I still have the
problem of the logout...

I was looking for something (like a function?) in apache or php who tells me
the open sessions at a moment...

Fernando Bernain
Senior A
Business Process Outsourcing

KPMG Argentina
Tel: 54 11 4316 5754
Fax: 54 11 4316 5734

-Original Message-
From: Peter Beckman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 4:49 PM
To: Hutchins, Richard
Cc: Bernain, Fernando G.; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Users on line

I agree; it'd be nice if there was some sort of code that'd be executed
when someone closed their browser.  There is the javascript on_exit() or
something where the user, when they leave a domain, is executed.  However,
this only works if they click off the site, not if they close their
browser.  Plus if they go to another site and come back within 5/10/15
minutes, are they still considered logged in?

It's fairly impossible to keep track of when users are or are not using the
site that is not really complex.  What if they are reading an article, run
to the restroom, finish reading the article and then click on another page?
I figure they are idle after 15 minutes.  If they continue to surf the
site in an hour or two, their session will be updated (if your sessions
last long enough, or if not they'll probably be automatically re-logged in
which case they'd be updated/re-inserted in the online table), and will
once again be counted as a person online.

One example is forcing people to be logged out after 10 minutes of
inactivity.  Bank of America does this, most likely using javascript.
However, if yahoo! did this when I was reading my mail and I stepped away,
I'd be annoyed.  Most sites allow you to be logged in forever (Remember
me) so forcing people to log out just to be able to count who is online
seems silly.

If you just want to keep track of how many people are logged in, I'd just
say that logged in is defined as having an active logged in session that
was active in the last 5/10/15 minutes.  I'm almost positive that method is
how most web sites determine time online.


On Fri, 3 Jan 2003, Hutchins, Richard wrote:

 How would the online table be maintained if a user simply closes out the
 browser without actually logging out properly? I'm not at all experienced
 with sessions, but closing the browser should terminate the session,
 correct? Bernain may want to delete from his online table every hour or so
 to catch those people who have not properly logged out (assuming the
 from online... query is only fired when they click on a log out

 I'm not slagging Peter's recommendation. I was thinking this solution
 through as well, but was a bit stuck when it came to users just closing
 their browsers without logging out.

  -Original Message-
  From: Peter Beckman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 2:32 PM
  To: Bernain, Fernando G.
  Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Users on line
  Create a new table named online:
  time (int unix timestamp)
  uid (int probably, user ID of user in question, relating to a
  user info table?)
  sessid (char 32 I think)
  When the user logs in, I assume you set the session.  Insert
  a row with the
  current time (unix_timestamp(now()), User ID and the output
  of session_id()
  in PHP.  This way you can run a query on that table at any
  time in one of
  two ways.
   1. select count(id) from online where
  This will give you the number of people who at least
  logged in in the
  last 15 minutes.  This isn't very accurate though... so
   2. If not already, put sessions in your SQL table.  This way
  you can run a
  query like (and John Holmes, please feel free to clean up
  my joins, i
  suck at them):
  select count(*) from online,sessions where
  online.sessid=sessions.sessid and
  This will give you the number of users who have done
  anything on the
  site in the last 15 minutes.  Change the 900 to 600 or
  300 for 10 or 5
  minutes respectively.
  Every week or so you'll want to delete from online where time=[some
  number here, unix_timestamp(now()) minus how long you want to
  leave those
  entries there].
  Depending on how often you want to do this and how busy your
  site is and
  how focused on performance you are, I'd advise running it
  once per minute
  and every time someone logs in, rather than once per page
  view, and put the
  values generated into a text file and read it in with readfile().
  On Fri, 3 Jan 2003, Bernain, Fernando G. wrote:
   I'm working

RE: [PHP-DB] Re: NewB: Return New Record ID...

2002-12-26 Thread Bernain, Fernando G.
This is from de books online (MSSQL).

Returns the last-inserted identity value. 


Return Types

After an INSERT, SELECT INTO, or bulk copy statement completes, @@IDENTITY
contains the last identity value generated by the statement. If the
statement did not affect any tables with identity columns, @@IDENTITY
returns NULL. If multiple rows are inserted, generating multiple identity
values, @@IDENTITY returns the last identity value generated. If the
statement fires one or more triggers that perform inserts that generate
identity values, calling @@IDENTITY immediately after the statement returns
the last identity value generated by the triggers. The @@IDENTITY value does
not revert to a previous setting if the INSERT or SELECT INTO statement or
bulk copy fails, or if the transaction is rolled back.

This example inserts a row into a table with an identity column and uses
@@IDENTITY to display the identity value used in the new row.

INSERT INTO jobs (job_desc,min_lvl,max_lvl)

VALUES ('Accountant',12,125)



Fernando Bernain
Senior A
Business Process Outsourcing

KPMG Argentina
Tel: 54 11 4316 5754
Fax: 54 11 4316 5734

-Original Message-
From: Ryan Jameson (USA) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 2:06 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Re: NewB: Return New Record ID...

for MS SQL and Oracle does anyone know a more reliable way to do this than
select max(ID) immediately after the insert? It seems silly that I'd have to
take my chances that another has been inserted in between.


-Original Message-
From: J.Veenhuijsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 1:52 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Re: NewB: Return New Record ID...

Try $last=mysql_insert_id();


Doug Coning wrote:
 Hi all,
 How do I do this:
 I need a PHP page that simply creates a blank record so that I have the
 record's ID (which is automatically generated).  That same page then needs
 to return the record ID back so that I know what the ID is.  I will later
 allow that record's information to be populated based on the ID it first
 How would I do this?
 Thank you, thank you!
 Doug Coning

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RE: [PHP-DB] Re: NewB: Return New Record ID...

2002-12-26 Thread Bernain, Fernando G.
You can use this inside an stored procedure, for instance:

@transacfecha datetime,
@observacion char(100)
INSERT INTO Transaccion(transacfecha, observacion)

In this example, I insert two values with this sp in a table with and
Identity column. So, the SP return the value of the transaccion generated...
You've got the idea???

Fernando Bernain
Senior A
Business Process Outsourcing

KPMG Argentina
Tel: 54 11 4316 5754
Fax: 54 11 4316 5734

-Original Message-
From: Ryan Jameson (USA) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 2:36 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Re: NewB: Return New Record ID...

This doesn't work as expected through ODBC... it does not seem to return any


-Original Message-
From: Bernain, Fernando G. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 10:09 AM
To: Ryan Jameson (USA)
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Re: NewB: Return New Record ID...

This is from de books online (MSSQL).

Returns the last-inserted identity value. 


Return Types

After an INSERT, SELECT INTO, or bulk copy statement completes, @@IDENTITY
contains the last identity value generated by the statement. If the
statement did not affect any tables with identity columns, @@IDENTITY
returns NULL. If multiple rows are inserted, generating multiple identity
values, @@IDENTITY returns the last identity value generated. If the
statement fires one or more triggers that perform inserts that generate
identity values, calling @@IDENTITY immediately after the statement returns
the last identity value generated by the triggers. The @@IDENTITY value does
not revert to a previous setting if the INSERT or SELECT INTO statement or
bulk copy fails, or if the transaction is rolled back.

This example inserts a row into a table with an identity column and uses
@@IDENTITY to display the identity value used in the new row.

INSERT INTO jobs (job_desc,min_lvl,max_lvl)

VALUES ('Accountant',12,125)



Fernando Bernain
Senior A
Business Process Outsourcing

KPMG Argentina
Tel: 54 11 4316 5754
Fax: 54 11 4316 5734

-Original Message-
From: Ryan Jameson (USA) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 2:06 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Re: NewB: Return New Record ID...

for MS SQL and Oracle does anyone know a more reliable way to do this than
select max(ID) immediately after the insert? It seems silly that I'd have to
take my chances that another has been inserted in between.


-Original Message-
From: J.Veenhuijsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 1:52 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Re: NewB: Return New Record ID...

Try $last=mysql_insert_id();


Doug Coning wrote:
 Hi all,
 How do I do this:
 I need a PHP page that simply creates a blank record so that I have the
 record's ID (which is automatically generated).  That same page then needs
 to return the record ID back so that I know what the ID is.  I will later
 allow that record's information to be populated based on the ID it first
 How would I do this?
 Thank you, thank you!
 Doug Coning

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RE: [PHP-DB] Re: NewB: Return New Record ID...

2002-12-26 Thread Bernain, Fernando G.
It's not a bad idea to encapsulate de querys (selects, updates, inserts,...)
in SPs...

Good luck with the select max()!!!

PD: If you dont want/can use identitys, maybe you can use another table
where you store de next number of transaction. So its easy to update this
number (plus one) and make a select inmediatley to obtein the number... its
a bit strange but it works!!!

Buena suerte!!!

Fernando Bernain
Senior A
Business Process Outsourcing

KPMG Argentina
Tel: 54 11 4316 5754
Fax: 54 11 4316 5734

-Original Message-
From: Ryan Jameson (USA) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 2:46 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Re: NewB: Return New Record ID...

The problem is I have hundreds of tables each with a different column list
and syntax, I don't want to have to create a SP for each table. There really
has to be an easy way to do this. Now my sql server is saying this:

Connection is busy with results for another hstmt, SQL state S1000

. it looks like I'll have to take my chances with select max() 


-Original Message-
From: Bernain, Fernando G. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 10:43 AM
To: Ryan Jameson (USA)
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Re: NewB: Return New Record ID...

You can use this inside an stored procedure, for instance:

@transacfecha datetime,
@observacion char(100)
INSERT INTO Transaccion(transacfecha, observacion)

In this example, I insert two values with this sp in a table with and
Identity column. So, the SP return the value of the transaccion generated...
You've got the idea???

Fernando Bernain
Senior A
Business Process Outsourcing

KPMG Argentina
Tel: 54 11 4316 5754
Fax: 54 11 4316 5734

-Original Message-
From: Ryan Jameson (USA) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 2:36 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Re: NewB: Return New Record ID...

This doesn't work as expected through ODBC... it does not seem to return any


-Original Message-
From: Bernain, Fernando G. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 10:09 AM
To: Ryan Jameson (USA)
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Re: NewB: Return New Record ID...

This is from de books online (MSSQL).

Returns the last-inserted identity value. 


Return Types

After an INSERT, SELECT INTO, or bulk copy statement completes, @@IDENTITY
contains the last identity value generated by the statement. If the
statement did not affect any tables with identity columns, @@IDENTITY
returns NULL. If multiple rows are inserted, generating multiple identity
values, @@IDENTITY returns the last identity value generated. If the
statement fires one or more triggers that perform inserts that generate
identity values, calling @@IDENTITY immediately after the statement returns
the last identity value generated by the triggers. The @@IDENTITY value does
not revert to a previous setting if the INSERT or SELECT INTO statement or
bulk copy fails, or if the transaction is rolled back.

This example inserts a row into a table with an identity column and uses
@@IDENTITY to display the identity value used in the new row.

INSERT INTO jobs (job_desc,min_lvl,max_lvl)

VALUES ('Accountant',12,125)



Fernando Bernain
Senior A
Business Process Outsourcing

KPMG Argentina
Tel: 54 11 4316 5754
Fax: 54 11 4316 5734

-Original Message-
From: Ryan Jameson (USA) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 2:06 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Re: NewB: Return New Record ID...

for MS SQL and Oracle does anyone know a more reliable way to do this than
select max(ID) immediately after the insert? It seems silly that I'd have to
take my chances that another has been inserted in between.


-Original Message-
From: J.Veenhuijsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 1:52 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Re: NewB: Return New Record ID...

Try $last=mysql_insert_id();


Doug Coning wrote:
 Hi all,
 How do I do this:
 I need a PHP page that simply creates a blank record so that I have the
 record's ID (which is automatically generated).  That same page then needs
 to return the record ID back so that I know what the ID is.  I will later
 allow that record's information to be populated based on the ID it first
 How would I do this?
 Thank you, thank you!
 Doug Coning

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RE: [PHP-DB] Questions regarding primary keys, updates, and autoincrement

2002-12-23 Thread Bernain, Fernando G.
Michael, why do you need to link de manufacturer table with de product
table? I think that you have to clarify the design of your db and your
business rules first... for instance, if you have to reuse the IDs (the
barcode and de manufa cturer ID), then you will create new tables in order
to preserve your history (I supouse that it will be interesting to know that
in 1999 the transactions of the ID 111 corresponds to Michael!!).

Fernando Bernain
Senior A
Business Process Outsourcing

KPMG Argentina
Tel: 54 11 4316 5754
Fax: 54 11 4316 5734

-Original Message-
From: Michael Conway [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 9:15 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Questions regarding primary keys, updates, and


I have been working on an e-business project and have a product table
and manufacturer table that are linked via barcode and a manufacturer ID
(both primary keys in the tables mentioned).  For now, I have been
setting the manufacturer's ID manually, primarily for that rare instance
where a manufacturer and its products are dropped from the database, but
the number should be reused.  Is it better or possible (without
complications) to use autoincrement and simply delete the product
information and manufacturer information while leaving the ID column
intact for a later update operation with a new manufacturer and its
products? I suppose only one table (the linking table?) should be set to
autoincrement and that ID number used to populate the remaining tables
depending upon that number for insert operations.  The code is probably
simple, but my head is already swimming.  I suppose what I am looking
for is best practice advice from seasoned db administrators.


A second question, which may be moot if autoincrement is the best way to
go, is why I keep getting an duplicate key error despite using IGNORE in
my mysql update scripts.  Keep in mind that the update is completed
anyway (even without using IGNORE) but the abort prevents an
acknowledgement script which is essential in unregistering sessions
crucial in future update operations.



Michael Conway


(703) 968-8875


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[PHP-DB] RE: copying data

2002-12-15 Thread Thomas G. Knight
There is a utility called MyAcess it is like MyODBC and I have used it to do
this exact thing. It works very well. I believe you can find it on

Thomas G. Knight

-Original Message-
From: David Eisenhart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 4:51 AM
Subject: Re: copying data

If its a 'one off' kind of transfer then i'd recommend that you consider
doing what I did - export the data from Access to text file(s) and then
import from the text file(s) into MySQL (phpMyAdmin is v handy for this lind
of task) {Of course if you want a more automated solution then this is not
the way to go)

David Eisenhart

 If I have a microsoft access file .mdb on my server, can I use  a php page
 to move the data from the file to a mysql db?


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[PHP-DB] Crystal Report - PHP4 / Report Generator

2002-12-11 Thread Bernain, Fernando G.
I'm working in a migration of an application from MSSQL7-VB6.0-Crystal
Reports to MSSQL7-winApache-PHP4. 
I'm having problems with the reporting, because I cant find an user
friendly solution for the creation of reports with PHP (I need something
similar in functionality and look and fell to the Crystal Reports). 
I tried with a class report wrote in PHP4 but I saw that I'll have a long
way to obtain a minimum level of functionality... 

Am I following the correct way in solving this problem??? 
Have anybody of you developed something similar to a Report Generator???
Does exist any application that I could use??? 


Fernando Bernain
Senior A
Business Process Outsourcing

KPMG Argentina
Tel: 54 11 4316 5754
Fax: 54 11 4316 5734

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Re: [PHP-DB] Optimizing

2002-11-10 Thread .: B i g D o g :.
This varies from database to database.  I would suggest reviewing the
documentation on your database type.

For review here is some information on indexing from PostgreSQL (my
database of choice):

That should give you some ideas on how indexing works.


On Sun, 2002-11-10 at 18:46, Chris Payne wrote:
 Hi there everyone,
 How does indexing work, and does it speed up small / average size DB's of
 around 20,000 records, with 12 columns per record?  (Some columns being
 paragraphs of text).
 Also, do you create an index on everything or just 1 item or or or :-)
 I've not looked at indexing but think it's time to start, but in a way even
 I can understand so I thought i'd ask you all here :-)
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.: B i g D o g :.

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Re: [PHP-DB] oci functions

2002-11-07 Thread .: B i g D o g :.
Compile php with the OCI configuration option.  That will work with

On Thu, 2002-11-07 at 08:32, Maziar wrote:
 Hi everybody
 What should I do for useing OCI functions of oracle 9i in PHP4. I think I
 should recompile PHP with somthing but I don't know with what and how should
 I do this. I installed oracle 9i on SUSE linux 8.0.
 Best Regards
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.: B i g D o g :.

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Re: [PHP-DB] first Array value duplicating..

2002-11-07 Thread .: B i g D o g :.
I would suggest doing a var_dump of $order_index and see what is in

Plus, you should take out the values in the form arrays...

Just do:


On Thu, 2002-11-07 at 15:24, Aaron Wolski wrote:
 Hi All,
 In a form I have checkboxes associated with order records. The
 checkboxes are for deleting order records (should a client choose to do
 It looks like this:
 form name=form action=process_bank.php method=POST
 input type=hidden name=order_index[0] value=1
 td class=cartlink align=centerinput type=checkbox
 name=delete[0] value=1/td
 input type=hidden name=order_index[1] value=3
 td class=cartlink align=centerinput type=checkbox
 name=delete[1] value=1/td
 input type=hidden name=order_index[2] value=8
 td class=cartlink align=centerinput type=checkbox
 name=delete[2] value=1/td
 input type=hidden name=order_index[3] value=12
 td class=cartlink align=centerinput type=checkbox
 name=delete[3] value=1/td
 Now.. when the process button is pressed the information is carried off
 to the process_bank.php script.
 Lets assume for this example.. I selected the checkbox delete[0] (which
 equals value 1) and delete[3] (which equals value 12).
 In the script I have this code:
 for ($i=0;$isizeof($order_index);$i++) {
$orderQuery = db_query(SELECT id FROM TestOrderTable WHERE
$orderResult = db_fetch($orderQuery);
if ($delete[$i] == 1) {
 $ids .= $orderResult[id];
 echo $ids;
 The echo'd value that I get is 1,1,12 when it should be 1,12.
 When only ONE checkbox is selected I just get the one value displayed
 (i.e. if I selected the first checkbox the echo'd value would be 1).
 Does anyone know why the first value is being duplicated on a multiple
 select but not on a single select?
 Sorry if this sounds confusing :(
.: B i g D o g :.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Argh!!!! Help with something o-f-f-t-o-p-i-c

2002-11-07 Thread .: B i g D o g :.
You need to get the element by name and then do the confirmation...

On Thu, 2002-11-07 at 21:23, Aaron Wolski wrote:
 Sorry for the OT post y'all.. but I can't find this answer - well not
 without major major code information that I can't figure out!
 I have a series of checkbox arrays like:
 input type=checkbox name=delete[] value=$row[id]
 These are for different records in my DB.
 Now... I want to check (javascript - this is the off topic part :P) if
 one of them checkboxes HAS been selected and if so display a confirm
 This is what I have:
 function checkform(f) {
   var el, e = 0, firstBox, msg = 'You are about to delete something';
   while (el = f.elements[e++]) 
if (el.type == 'checkbox'  el.checked) {
 return confirm(msg); 
 return false;
   return true;
 Now... this DOES work but with one problem.. I have another checkbox
 within the form that does something different but the confirm() will
 display if EITHER checkboxes are selected and it SHOULD ONLY be on the
 delete[] checkbox.
 I know.. waaay off topic but I don't know how to reference the names
 that are arrays in javascript :(
 Sorry again all.
.: B i g D o g :.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Forms question..

2002-10-20 Thread .: B i g D o g :.
1. document.formname.elementname.focus();

Example: if my form has a name of testform and the first element is

then in the body tag i would do this...

body onload=document.testform.fname.focus();

2. Yeah, you need to use the select() method...


Example: input name=example value=N/A;

That should work...or it might have to be in a function...

3. It should do that for you with the submit button...what browser are
you using?

4. use the align attributealign=left

On Sun, 2002-10-20 at 12:27, James Hatridge wrote:
 Hi all...
 When I have an input form I must click on the first input field. Is there 
 anyway to have it active when the form loads? 
 #2 When I tab down to the next input field, is there anyway to have it 
 highlight what is in the field (ie the default data) so that it will 
 overwrite it?
 #3 How can I get the form to submit when I hit the return button? Right now I 
 have to click on the button with my mouse. 
 #4 How can I get a column of numbers to left justify?
 Jim Hatridge
 Linux User #88484
  Linux System # 129656
  The Recycled Beowulf Project
   Looking for throw-away or obsolete computers and parts
to recycle into a Linux super computer
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.: B i g D o g :.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Oracle problem

2002-10-16 Thread .: B i g D o g :.

You might want to play with the magic_qoutes...

On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 01:50, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has anyone out there using PHP and Oracle come across this problem?  I have
 a text area that allows free-form text that I store in a varchar2 column.  I
 have problems with apostrophes in the free-form text.  When users put in an
 apostrophe the SQL fails.  If I force 3 apostrophes (the usual Oracle method
 of embedding apostrophes) the SQL fails.  The only way to get round the
 problem is to strip them out (which I consider a work-around not a fix).
 Can anyone help?
 Neil Morgan
 Admin Computing Section
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Re: [PHP-DB] Enhancement of script

2002-09-09 Thread leo g. divinagracia iii

start with the easy part.  to display 3 months at a time, just do a 3 
cell table where each cell contains a month.  assuming you can write 
code to do one month, how is 2, 3 or even more months that difficult?

as for doing multiple days, either draw a month with check boxes on 
them.  or have a pull down tool that can you do mutiple selections.

Ray Healy (Data Net Services) wrote:
 Dear All
 I have recently downloaded a calendar from CST (which is no longer
 supported ) and I have made a few changes to the script.
 The calendar will be used to see when something is booked and you can assign
 messages to it as well which the general user cannot see. In this respects I
 have created 2 pages - welcome .php for the general viewer and admin_welcome
 for the updating of the calendar.
 What I would like to do is to be able to enter multiple dates in at the same
 time - either saying from a start date for so many days or from a start date
 to an end date.
 After spending hours looking at the code and in this forum I cannot seem to
 get it right - basically I cannot do it.
 I was wondering if someone could have a look and tell me where I am going
 I have attached the files to this email along with the mySQL table file in
 case another column needs to be added.
 You can see the script running at for the general view and for the admin side.
 Any help would be appreciated
 P.S. if any one also knows how to get it to display a 2 or 3 months at a
 time or even a year this would also be a bonus as I have tried to do this as

Leo G. Divinagracia III

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Re: [PHP-DB] how to display tree structure from database???

2002-08-28 Thread leo g. divinagracia iii

Pierre-Alain Joye wrote:
 Hello, provides a good way to store trees 
in a DB, docs are in french, nut sqlimages are universal.

run this URL through the translator at

and you have a 90-98% accurate translation.  handy site to keep around...

Leo G. Divinagracia III

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: securing directory tree and allowing PHP to work

2002-08-20 Thread leo g. divinagracia iii

bmw wrote:

You could restrict autoindexing through apache's httpd.conf.

 Look it up in apache's manual.


 This is not my personal web server. It is a remote ISP which provides PHP
 and MySQL support. I cannot control the HTTP or PHP server build
 configurations...They have autoindexing built into the Apache server.

just add an .htaccess file in that directory saying no one but LOCALHOST 
has access to it...

Leo G. Divinagracia III

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Re: [PHP-DB] Database question

2002-08-20 Thread leo g. divinagracia iii

Shiloh Madsen wrote:
 I was wondering if there were any good documents out there about good database 
design...I know the basics of creating tables, setting data types and such, and now i 
want to know how to use it to the best effect...generating logical, streamlined 
tables, etc. 

have you got a lifetime?  seriously, just google it.  say relational 
database design and start from there.  or pick up some college text 
book on that subject

 As a side-related note, i have a few tables now that call for some data which could 
be quite lengthly, say 3-6 paragraphs worth of text. what would be the best data 
style and length for this kind of field?

you can use either TEXT, MEDIUMTEXT or LONGTEXT.  64K, 16 million and 4 
billion bytes, respectively...

the downside is the space taken up when the actual data is less than the 
field size.

then there's VARCHAR.  the downside is that it's limited to 255 bytes... 
  good news is that it's N+1 byte size.

Leo G. Divinagracia III

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[PHP-DB] authenticating methods...

2002-08-19 Thread leo g. divinagracia iii

i was curious as to which methods you are authenticating your users?

for example, i'm using apache, mysql and php in a win2k box.  i want to maintain my 
own table of users and authenticate from that.

do you have a single user with just enough rights do a SELECT?  and then have another 
account for the other tasks?   or a single
user that does everything including the INSERTS?

and where are you storing the username and password?  in the code itself or call it 
via the INCLUDE statement?

Leo G. Divinagracia III

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Re: [PHP-DB] select distinct with all columns

2002-08-13 Thread leo g. divinagracia iii

you maybe using it the wrong way.  read the doc:

russ arbuthnot wrote:

 I have a mysql table named equipment with 11 columns named: id,
 staff_member, class, type, manufacturer, model, description, picture,
 created, modified, and published.

 I'm trying to write a select statement similar to this:

 SELECT DISTINCT type FROM equipement WHERE class = microphones;

 yet shows all 11 columns of the selected rows rather than just the
 type column.

 The only way I know how to show all the columns is to use SELECT *, or to
 list all the columns manually like SELECT id, type, class, ... etc.

 But when I tried doing this:

 SELECT DISTINCT type, id, staff_member, class, manufacturer, model,
 description, picture, created, modified, published FROM equipment WHERE
 class = microphones;

 I just got the exact same answer as if i would have done this:

 SELECT * FROM equipment WHERE class = microphones;

 so it didn't help.

 Can anyone offer a hint?

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Leo G. Divinagracia III

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[PHP-DB] oops...Re: [PHP-DB] select distinct with all columns

2002-08-13 Thread leo g. divinagracia iii

oops, i accidentally sent it without finishing...

anyway, what i wanted to say was DISTINCT, at least how i learned it, was
working with rows instead of colums:

is there a reason why you dont want to list the columns?

russ arbuthnot wrote:

 I have a mysql table named equipment with 11 columns named: id,
 staff_member, class, type, manufacturer, model, description, picture,
 created, modified, and published.

 I'm trying to write a select statement similar to this:

 SELECT DISTINCT type FROM equipement WHERE class = microphones;

 yet shows all 11 columns of the selected rows rather than just the
 type column.

 The only way I know how to show all the columns is to use SELECT *, or to
 list all the columns manually like SELECT id, type, class, ... etc.

 But when I tried doing this:

 SELECT DISTINCT type, id, staff_member, class, manufacturer, model,
 description, picture, created, modified, published FROM equipment WHERE
 class = microphones;

 I just got the exact same answer as if i would have done this:

 SELECT * FROM equipment WHERE class = microphones;

 so it didn't help.

 Can anyone offer a hint?

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Leo G. Divinagracia III

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Re: [PHP-DB] best way to stare true, false

2002-08-12 Thread leo g. divinagracia iii

if you are storing a bunch of T/F, you can store 8 of them into a single
byte...  each bit position will represent one question...

you just have to do some BIT manipulation on your end...

andy wrote:

 Hi there,

 I am searching for the best way to store true or false inside a MySQL DB.
 With best I mean the most data efficient way and in the same time the best
 for fast searching later on the table to find all which are false, or true.
 I think I did read something about a way to do this with ENUM, but cant
 remember where and how, all tryes did not succeeed so far.

Leo G. Divinagracia III

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Re: [PHP-DB] JOIN in embedded query

2002-08-08 Thread leo g. divinagracia iii

since you didnt list what type DB you are using, i assumed MYSQL.  and MYSQL
doesnt have sub SELECTs...   :(

the syntax lists  ...WHERE where_condition...

Michael Hendsbee wrote:

 UPDATE Emails SET Sent = 'T' WHERE ID = (SELECT Emails.ID FROM Emails RIGHT
 JOIN KeyWords ON Emails.ID = KeyWords.EmailsID) LIMIT 250

 I am getting an error, and I am quite certain that it is my syntax

Leo G. Divinagracia III

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Re: [PHP-DB] Help Needed

2002-08-01 Thread leo g. divinagracia iii

you need a second REQUIRED parameter:


(PHP 3, PHP 4 )

mysql_result -- Get result data


mixed mysql_result ( resource result, int
row [, mixed field])

as copied from php's doc site...

Manoj Japher wrote:

   I have started working with PHP-MySQL recently. I have been
 getting a
 warning message which i am not able to debug. Could some one  pls
 me out?

 The message is
 Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid
 result resource in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/verify.php on line

 The code is


 echo  The Server is Busy. Please Try Later ;


   $query = select * from userinfo;

   $mysql_results = mysql_query($query,$db);

 line 37:$num_result = mysql_num_rows($mysql_results);

   if($num_result == 0)
  echo PInvalid Username or Password entered/P;



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Leo G. Divinagracia III

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Re: [PHP-DB] 2 groups of random result pls help...

2002-07-31 Thread leo g. divinagracia iii

did you mean you need help with an sql query for this?

sounds like

select id, group, name from MYTABLE order by group;

since i cant read your mind and you didnt specify anything else and since
this is a php-db mailing list, hope that's what you are asking for...  of
course i could me a mile off...



 I need to get 2 groups of random result with 1 group always on top of the
 Can anyone help me with this please..

 Something like

 32  1sara
 12  1michael

Leo G. Divinagracia III

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Re: [PHP-DB] Comparison with formatted numbers

2002-07-30 Thread leo g. divinagracia iii

try the good ol' SETTYPE function to set the variable type from string to
numeric and visa versa...

Terry Romine wrote:

 I've run into a sticky case where my query is failing (PHP4.x/MySQL).

 I have a table where the price value is imported from an external
 source, so I can't change it on the fly, and they embed thousands
 seperators (in my case ','). When I try to do a query such as .. where
 price = '25' .. if finds values that meet or exceed that value
 (returns some in the range of 2,500,000. I gather that it is failing
 because of the comma (the price field contains values of '2,500,000').

 Is there a function that I can use to force the price format to integer
 before/during the query? Or would it work if I did a number_format on
 the test value? ie: '.. where price = '200,000' ..'

 Help would be appreciated.


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Leo G. Divinagracia III

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: please help.. serial number generator

2002-07-30 Thread leo g. divinagracia iii

use the MD5 function and just take the 1st 10 chars or better yet, once you have
the MD5 value, use a wacky routine to take the first 10 odd position values...
since each time you run the function, it will always return the same value
(given the same string parameter...).


 I need to create some kind of 10 digits serial number where I can generate
 and check that it is valid. Sort of like a checksum..
 Jj Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  if u are looking for a simple random string try this php:
  echo md5(time());
  or md5() a random number your choice.
  md5() genetates a one way non-reversable hash. which could be kept in a
  here is an example of the md5 hash of my library card number:
  md5()  is often used to store passwords and make them non-viewable.
  if you are just looking for a unique number an auto-increment coloumn in
  mysql or what ever should do it.
  JJ Harrison
  Rainydays Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   Any ideas how to generate a unique serial number that you can check that
   it's valid..

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Leo G. Divinagracia III

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Re: [PHP-DB] Connect to MySql DB on diferent domain

2002-07-25 Thread leo g. divinagracia iii

first, get a user account on that DB outside your domain.

then when making the connections, just use that on the mysql_connection ()

should be no different that using LOCALHOST...  the trick is the user
account with the appropriate (and should be limited) rights...

M. Couto wrote:


 Im using PHP 4.0 and MySQL and I have a PHP procedure on one site that
 need to connect to a MySql database outside this domain,  I need to
 append records in a database on a different domain. How can I do this?

 I will apreciate  if  anyone give me some help or a simple example how
 to do this?

Leo G. Divinagracia III

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2002-06-27 Thread B i g D o g

MySQL has xml support...have you looked at the docs at for
anything that might help you input the data directly...

B i g D o g

- Original Message -
From: Peter Lovatt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 3:03 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] XML


 I am looking at a project using XML to import and export data into MySql
 directly or using php. The datasets are quite large (40-50 million

 I haven't used XML before.

 Does it take long to work out how to use php/XML? Are there any problems
 working with large datasets?



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  -Original Message-
  Sent: 27 June 2002 17:43
  Subject: [PHP-DB] Re: PHP and msql Error
  The error is in your MySql statement.  Sounds like you are calling the
  wrong data field / column.  Check you spelling and syntax to make sure
  all of that is in order.  If you can't find it, copy it and post it.
  We'll help you out
  gl -- Seth
  Comp Boy wrote:
I am getting the following error:
Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid mSQL result resource in
/usr/local/apache/htdocs/inc/ on line 24 24
$numRows = msql_numrows( $result );
The manual on says that it takes no variables
however it says it is another version of msql_num_rows(int msql);
The code I am trying to run, runs perfectly fine on another one of
   systems.  I was just setting up a development server and now I
  am getting
   this problem.  The specs are the same except for the version of Apache
   production is 1.3.9 and development is 1.3.26
PHP vesrion 4.1.2
./msqladmin version
Version Details :-
msqladmin version   2.0.11
mSQL server version 2.0.11
mSQL protocol version   23
mSQL connection Localhost via UNIX socket
Target platform Linux-2.2.14-5.0-i686
   PHP was configured:
   ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs --with-msql
   msql was a default install.
   Does anyone know what I did wrong?  Do I need to recompile with some
   different options?
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[PHP-DB] CGI Error - Need Help

2002-06-12 Thread G Morrison

I had to reinstall PHP  SQL, now whenever I run a PHP script I get the
following error, can someone please help.


CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of
HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:

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Re: [PHP-DB] new php developer

2002-02-06 Thread Jason G.


At 12:17 AM 2/7/2002 -0500, John George wrote:
I am a student a the University of Pittsburgh, and a new php developer.  Is
it possible to have a mysql database that is made up of html documents that
can be accessed using php?  This question may sound strange, but I'm not
sure of any other way to say it.

Not strange, sounds like a content management system...  Store the HTML in 
a mysql TEXT field or like...  (make SURE to use addslashes() before 
inserting the data)

Another question I have was, is it possible to have php recognize a user, by
say password or ip address, and determine which which files or links to show
them.  Example, say I had a user Joe.  When Joe accessed the password
protected directory, he would be prompted to a page where php would then
recognize Joe and then create a list of files (links) that he would be
able to access.

Sure, you need to look into session management probably...  I have written 
a system like that from scratch, but there may be easier ways...

Is php the right scripting language for this job?


Thank you for your time, it is greatly appreciated.
John George

-Jason Garber

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Re: [PHP-DB] mass insert to database

2002-02-03 Thread Jason G.

See the set_time_limit() function in the php manual.

-Jason Garber

At 10:22 AM 2/4/2002 +0800, J-E-N wrote:
hello all,

i'm trying to make a script where i can do a mass insert to database 
(4,000 entries) and then send confirmation email to each of the entry's 
email address stating that their record has been inserted to database. My 
problem is, when i use a while loop the page time-out on the 300th entry. 
please help.


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Re: [PHP-DB] counting with CURDATE() - please help!

2002-01-26 Thread Jason G.

if you have a date column 'birthdate'

SELECT (birthdate + INTERVAL 7 MONTH) as birthdate FROM yourtable WHERE ...

Look at the date and time functions in the MySQL manual.

-Jason Garber

At 02:28 PM 1/27/2002 +, DL Neil wrote:
Hello Sander,

  I want to add a variable numer of months to the current date CURDATE().
  I thought it should be something like this:
  but i get NULL as a result.
  The purpose of this it to check which records with a experation date is
  earlier or later than today+2 months later.
  Can somebody please tell me how to do this?

Would MySQL's ADD_DATE() suit?

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Re: [PHP-DB] Storing Credit Card info

2002-01-17 Thread Paul G

Hi olinux,

If I understand what you are saying...I would use mcrypt and encrypt the
stored info, keeping the KEY and IV in a separate location for when you need
it. Chances that anybody will break the triple des encryption without the
KEY and IV are slim to none. That way, you don't have to freak out about
moving the information around, that is, until it has been decrypted.

In order to convert the KEY and IV into a normal string, you need to use
some base64 conversion function, I don't remember where I got that or if it
was built into PHP when I did it, but I was able to get it to work pretty
quickly. PHPs hooks into the mcrypt libraries are the best. So easy to
use(and high quality) compared to anything else I've seen.

Hope that helps,


- Original Message -
From: olinux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 1:22 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Storing Credit Card info

 I have a client that would like to store credit card
 information online. I have worked with shopping cart
 type systems in the past, but never stored CC info.

 What is the best way to do this? I was thinking that I
 can write and read using include() to a directory that
 is not available to the web. Then just display these
 on SSL so that the client can retrieve the numbers.
 Any ideas?

 Thanks much,

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Re: [PHP-DB] Storing Credit Card info - Encryption Functions

2002-01-17 Thread Paul G

Hi olinux,

This is what I ended up doing. This will work if you have a PHP that was
compiled with mcrypt as it is, just pass the info to your encrypt and
decrypt functions. The key I used is 123 but you can use something
different. The Initialization Vector is hard coded, but there is a function
that will generate a new one for you. Look at the mcrypt_encrypt and
mcrypt_decrypt functions at for details. I lifted the hex2bin() from
the user comments If I remember correctly.

Have Fun...


function encrypt($plainText)
 return(bin2hex(mcrypt_encrypt (MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, 123, $plainText,

function decrypt($cipherText)
 return(mcrypt_decrypt (MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, 123, hex2bin($cipherText),

function hex2bin($data) {
 $len = strlen($data);
 for($i=0;$i$len;$i+=2) {
 $newdata .= pack(C,hexdec(substr($data,$i,2)));
 return $newdata;


- Original Message -
From: olinux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 1:22 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Storing Credit Card info

 I have a client that would like to store credit card
 information online. I have worked with shopping cart
 type systems in the past, but never stored CC info.

 What is the best way to do this? I was thinking that I
 can write and read using include() to a directory that
 is not available to the web. Then just display these
 on SSL so that the client can retrieve the numbers.
 Any ideas?

 Thanks much,

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[PHP-DB] FreeBSD 4.2 and ODBC

2002-01-15 Thread Paul G

Hi All,

I'm just new to this list and I'm hoping somebody might have information leading to a 
PHP that can access an MS Excel Spreadsheet. FreeBSD 4.2, PHP 3.0.18 (for gif GD), 

I have had no luck getting any of the ODBC functions to work with this OS 
(odbc_connect, php compiled with and without --with-iodbc switch results in Fatal 
error: Call to unsupported or undefined function odbc_connect() ). I also had no luck 
compiling iODBC, which resulted in syntax errors and ultimately stoppage.

Wondering if anybody has a gem out there. |:) Ever pull something like this off? Got 
any ideas?

Thanks Alot!


Re: [PHP-DB] FreeBSD 4.2 and ODBC

2002-01-15 Thread Paul G

Thanks Andrew,

I will attempt this in the morning. Is it okay with you if I email you on
the iODBC stuff? PHP was compiled like so:

Configure command: ./configure '--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/1.3/bin/apxs'
'--with-config-file-path=/usr/local/lib' '--with-system-regex'
'--enable-track-vars' '--enable-trans-sid' '--enable-versioning'
'--with-ttf' '--with-ftp' '--with-gd=/usr/local' '--enable-memory-limit'
'--enable-fast-install' 'with-iodbc=/usr/local/src/odbcsdk'
php3.ini file path is set to: /usr/local/lib

(iODBC resulted in syntax errors last time I tried. I am new to this I
should emphasize!) Also, any ODBC driver you would recommend?


- Original Message -
From: Andrew Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 2:37 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] FreeBSD 4.2 and ODBC


 You can simply download the binary at and
 configure --with-iodbc as per the HOWTO.
 If you tried this and then got undefined function then this means you
 didn't use the correct php binary or somesuch.
 Ensure that ODBC support is compiled in by examining the output of a

 You will still need an ODBC driver, as iODBC is simple the Driver Manager
 (enabling use of a driver).
 To enable BSD to access an Excel spreadsheet will require the following

 BSD Client
 PHP --with-iodbc (using iODBC SDK, use non-threaded option if you get
 pthread errors)
 Client-side ODBC - OpenLink MT Client
 DSN (in odbc.ini) configured with:
 Host = windows box below
 ServerType = odbc
 Database = server-side DSN below (foo)
 Environment variables in your PHP script:
 (ODBCINSTINI is optional)

 Windows Server
 Server-side ODBC: OpenLink MT ODBC Agent (choose Access in the selection
 foo - DSN configured with the Microsoft driver for Excel that can open

 All components are available as free downloads from OpenLink's website.
 Free support is available at

 Hope this helps!

 Best regards,
 Andrew Hill
 Director of Technology Evangelism
 OpenLink Software
 Universal Data Access  Data Integration Technology Providers

  -Original Message-
  From: Paul G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 5:29 PM
  Subject: [PHP-DB] FreeBSD 4.2 and ODBC
  Hi All,
  I'm just new to this list and I'm hoping somebody might have
  information leading to a PHP that can access an MS Excel
  Spreadsheet. FreeBSD 4.2, PHP 3.0.18 (for gif GD), Apache1.3.12.
  I have had no luck getting any of the ODBC functions to work with
  this OS (odbc_connect, php compiled with and without --with-iodbc
  switch results in Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined
  function odbc_connect() ). I also had no luck compiling iODBC,
  which resulted in syntax errors and ultimately stoppage.
  Wondering if anybody has a gem out there. |:) Ever pull something
  like this off? Got any ideas?
  Thanks Alot!

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[PHP-DB] Trouble with date column

2002-01-08 Thread Nally, Tyler G.


My boss is going through the tutorials starting at ...

... and currently stuck at ...

The boss is using phpMyAdmin to access the database, and everything
has been working just fine until it gets to a database query
where it's using a date column (JokeDate) in the where clause.

The query is shown below and the phpMyAdmin error is
also shown...

  WHERE JokeDate = 2000-01-01

  MySQL said: 

  Lost connection to MySQL server during query

The database table is defined thusly:

   ID int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
   JokeText text,
   JokeDate date DEFAULT '-00-00' NOT NULL,

With three rows of information in it.

Even if I change the query to :

   select * from Jokes where JokeDate = 2001-01-01
   select * from Jokes where JokeDate = '2001-01-01'
   -or even-
   select ID, JokeText, JokeDate from Jokes where JokeDate = '2001-01=01'

... it just doesn't work and it returns the Lost Connection error.
If I select on a different column (like ID or JokeText) it works just

The MySQL database is 3.22.26a running on a Solaris through iPlanet
webserver on a test machine/database and Apache on production

Any help.  Thanks in advance.
__   _Tyler Nally
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RE: [PHP-DB] How to insert to DB from txt??? Please help

2002-01-04 Thread Nally, Tyler G.

How about

LOAD DATA INFILE 'filename.txt'
FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','    comma delimited for tabs use '\t'
LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'    *nix line terminator, for Dos/Win use
IGNORE 1 LINES  use if the first line of the file has col.
  (column1name, column2name, column3name, column4name);

__   _Tyler Nally
   / /__   _(_)___       _ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 -Original Message-
 From: Kelvin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 11:44 AM
 Subject: [PHP-DB] How to insert to DB from txt??? Please help
 Hi everyone,
 I have a txt file which is contained the following:
Now, I need to read the data from that file and than 
 insert it into the
insert into Table (name,pass,phone,somethingelse)
Could someone help me out here, How to write the code?
I know how to read from a txt file, but I don't know how 
 to separate the
 data determine by ,
Please help, I'll be very appreciate.Thanks
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RE: [PHP-DB] Re: parse error

2001-12-13 Thread Nally, Tyler G.

Not sure but if line 358 is...


.. as it says below, then the  before the no needs 
a beginnnig to it somehow.  It's like a html-tag that's
only half baked.

__   _Tyler Nally
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  / / _ \/ __ `/ / __ \/ __ \ / __ \/ ___/ __ `/  317-860-3016
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 -Original Message-
 From: Rob Day [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 5:37 PM
 Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Re: parse error
 Sorry for not giving enough info. This is right in the middle 
 of the script.
 I do have the opening and closing tags. It must ne something else.
 -Original Message-
 From: Matthew Crouch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 4:04 PM
 Subject: [PHP-DB] Re: parse error
 you haven't shut your script with the ? before starting your 
 HTML, near as
 can figure it
 Rob Day wrote:
  I've written a small script that processes a form from a 
 webpage and sends
  the submitted data as an HTML e-mail that has the form all 
 filled out
  already. I've gotten smaller versions of this script to 
 work without any
  problem just to test the idea.I can't figure out why I'm 
 now getting the
  following error:
  Parse error: parse error in 
  on line 358
  Here is the offending code:
  353 if ($moderation == no){
  354 $message .=  checked;
  355 }
  357$message .= '
  359pAnswer yes if you want all postings to 
 the list to be
  sent to
  360  a moderator for approval before distribution to the
  Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  Rob Day
  Web Team Leader
  Texas State Library and Archives Commission
  phone: 512.936.4463   fax: 512.463.5436
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RE: [PHP-DB] RE: Getting apache to recognizeindex.php....

2001-12-04 Thread Nally, Tyler G.

Luke M. said:

 Find the DIRECTORYINDEX attribute in httpd.conf and add 'index.php' to
 the list:
 DIRECTORYINDEX index.html index.php index.wml homepage.html 
 homepage.shtml index.cgi homepage.cgi index.htm \ Index.html
 Homepage.html Index.shtml Homepage.shtml Index.cgi Homepage.cgi

Another thing to note... the closer to the beginning of the DirectoryIndex
directive, the higher the precedence it takes.

What that means is, a single directory can have any one of the 
above files in it... the one that Apache will use *first* when accessing
the directory name is the one that it *matches* in the directoryindex
list *first*.

So, if for example, you have four files from the above mentioned list
(homepage.shtml, index.shtml, index.cgi, and index.php).. the one it'll
use first when deciding which one to run when just the directory is
accessed would be index.php because it's the second entry of the 
list (above) and the first entry (index.html) doesn't exist in the

__   _Tyler Nally
   / /__   _(_)___       _ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / / _ \/ __ `/ / __ \/ __ \ / __ \/ ___/ __ `/  317-860-3016
 / /  __/ /_/ / / /_/ / / / // /_/ / /  / /_/ /   American Legion Website
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   //  //   

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Re: [PHP-DB] PHP/MSQL/HTML and Javascript

2001-11-22 Thread Jason G.

I don't know much about javascript, but I would do the following:

1. Figure out what javascript data structure you are going to use to hold 
the data.
2. Figure out exactly how it should be coded.
3. Simply write your PHP script to output your javascript as in 2.

The hard part of the matter (which is not very hard) is to figure out how 
to do the javascript.  Create a static page on your local hard drive with 
hard coded javascript data structures.  When you figure out how to do it 
like that, then add the PHP to generate the page in that format.

By the way, I am going to soon need to do something similar - where the 
user gives several inputs in a row, and then the data is packed and posted 
to a php script - which outputs another batch of questions.  If you are 
running a slow connection, or the server is loaded, then having to reload the
page each time you type a word or two could get quite frustrating.  So, let 
me know what you come up with if you have the time.

-Jason Garber

At 10:29 AM 11/22/2001 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi, out there
Has anybody found a way to pass variables between javascript and php?
Here's what I want to achieve:
1.  I want to display a mysql_query result record-by-record
(first/prev/next/last buttons) without re-querying.
2.  I want to use a static html-form and plug the data into input
name=field_# type=text value=
 via event triggers
3.  I read the query result into an php-array and want to pass
array_values[1-n][1-m] to query_result_for_field
4.  Obviously, I can increase/decrease values of javascript
 Obviously, there's a php array and I can set I php-array-counter
 BUT: I can't achieve to pass either value to the other
5.  I know, that php parses html first and then comes javascript,
but the array is there and I can use the java-
 script to place anything into this.form.elements[field#].value
6,  The whole thing is about NOT reload/refresh the page/re-query
but placing values via javascript.objects
 and triggers into an otherwise static forms-fill-in
Has anybody got a clue on that or is it really simply not possible due
to 5 above?

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Re: [PHP-DB] date help

2001-11-18 Thread Jason G.


You said that you are using MySQL.  Create 2 columns like:


Use the MySQL UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function, comparable to the PHP time() 
function (number of seconds since 1-1-1970 12:00:00 AM).

UPDATE table SET last_login_ts=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() where ID=12345;

-Jason Garber

At 02:45 PM 11/17/2001 +, Srinivasan Ranganathan wrote:

I need to store the date and time of sign-up and date
and time of last successful login in a mysql database
and calculate how long the user has been using a site.
how do i do this?

thanks in advance

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RE: [PHP-DB] Why use MySQL with PHP

2001-11-16 Thread Nally, Tyler G.

Hmm it's not PHP functionality that makes
html ugly as shown at  It's the person's
html/php coding ability to avoid coding mistakes.

Basically, PHP gives functionality.  A part of that functionality
is for the php programmer to make correct HTML as output so
the browser will render a page as output correctly.  If the
php programmer is a real bonehead and he/she can't instruct
php to return good HTML that doesn't make a HTML validator 
from coughing up errors, it's not PHP's fault, it's the coders.

I've been programming PHP for quite a while now and I can't
think of a single regular thing in PHP that'd cause any 
browser (Netscape or IE) to hang.  Any time that I've had
problems, it's because I didn't know the limits of what I
was coding to try and do something that is outside the 

Whether it's storing information in a database, retrieving
information from a database, sending PHP headers to redirect
to another page or sending PHP headers to set a cookie, etc.
You have to know when you can do things in PHP and when you
can't.  If web pages hang in a browser, it's the buggy PHP 
code that is interpreted that's causing the problems.  Not 
PHP itself.

It's like putting gasoline w/ water in a gas tank.  It's not
the engine's fault it's spitting and sputtering.  It's the
fuel supply.

Tyler Nally
American Legion Website

 -Original Message-
 From: Sheridan Saint-Michel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 6:02 PM
 To: B. van Ouwerkerk; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Why use MySQL with PHP
 Tell me about it.  You ever try running through ?
 It's not pretty.
 Sheridan Saint-Michel
 Website Administrator
 FoxJet, an ITW Company
 - Original Message -
 From: B. van Ouwerkerk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 12:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Why use MySQL with PHP
  I just remembered, the only bad thing I can think of about MySQL...
  website locks up Netscape =)
  PHP qualifies for this too. looks pretty messy in NS.
  By the way, both doesn't break NS..
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[PHP-DB] what's a GOOD starting HOURLY rate for a PHP/MYSQL job?

2001-11-08 Thread leo g. divinagracia iii

okay, you consultants...

i'm gonna venture at work to do some side jobs here for some online
dynamic web pages.  but what would be a good starting pay rate?

or would you contract for the entire job?  what about a per PAGE/SCRIPT


Leo G. Divinagracia III

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RE: [PHP-DB] sending bulk emails

2001-11-02 Thread Jason G.

I just encountered the same problem...

I made a MySQL table with an email_id, email, and sentdate field.

   set_time_limit(10); //Give script 10 more seconds to run

   SELECT email_id, email FROM thelist WHERE sentdate=0 LIMIT 1

   if record not found, then break;

   then I use the mail function to send it

   UPDATE thelist SET sentdate=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE email_id=$email_id

   then I use the sleep() or usleep() function to wait a second or so (so I 
do not use too much bandwidth)


-Jason Garber

At 07:26 AM 11/2/2001 -0600, Rick Emery wrote:
Opswe've just armed a potential spammer...

-Original Message-
From: Russ Michell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 6:20 AM
To: Cami
Cc: PHP DB list
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] sending bulk emails

  Does anybody know how to send bulk emails using php?
Don't do it!!

But of you must - I guess you could build an array containing email
addresses, names, etc - taken
from form input or a database or whatever and then loop the arrays mailing

$mail = mail(;
for($i=0; $i$email_array_name;$i++( {
 $mail .= $values,;
$mail .= \$subject\,\$body\,\From: $from\);;

Something like that anyway (that's just off the top of my head)


On Fri, 2 Nov 2001 11:26:22 - Cami [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi guys,
  Does anybody know how to send bulk emails using php?
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   Believe nothing - consider everything

   Russ Michell
   Anglia Polytechnic University Webteam
   Room 1C 'The Eastings' East Road, Cambridge



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Re: [PHP-DB] Variables in a loop

2001-10-30 Thread Jason G.

If you have a string that is the name of an input field, you can do one of 
3 things:

$sName = input.$i;  //result = input1
$sName = input.$i;  //result = input2

1: Variable Variables
$value = $$sName;

2: If you posted the form
$value = $HTTP_POST_VARS[$sName];

3: If you used GET with the form
$value = $HTTP_GET_VARS[$sName];

-Jason Garber

At 09:10 AM 10/30/2001 +0100, * RzE: wrote:
Original message
From: LeTortorec, Jean-Louis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 04:03:45PM -0500
Message-ID: 615315231286D21182E40008C7B1EED23C6E76@COMPAQ3000
Subject: [PHP-DB] Variables in a loop

  I'm trying to write a loop to read variables I receive from a form:
  form ...
  input name=a1 value=..
  input name=a2 value=..
  input name=a3 value=..
  input name=a4 value=..
  I'd like to get something like:
  for ($i=1; $i=10; $i++) { $tab[$i]=a.$i ;}
  The expression a.$i is actually a string, not a variable.  Any idea 
 how to
  read the value of that string?
  Thanks for your help.

/Original message


Why don't you just use an array?

form ...
input name=a[] value=..
input name=a[] value=..
input name=a[] value=..
input name=a[] value=..



* RzE:

-- Renze Munnik
-- DataLink BV
-- W: +31 23 5326162
-- F: +31 23 5322144
-- M: +31 6 21811143
-- Stationsplein 82
-- 2011 LM  HAARLEM
-- Netherlands

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Re: [PHP-DB] keys in mysql

2001-10-23 Thread Jason G.

You read the mysql manual.

Look up alter table.

ALTER TABLE mytable ADD KEY keyname (keyfield1, keyfield2);

-Jason Garber

At 08:33 PM 10/23/2001 -0700, søren eriksen wrote:
How do I set up secondary keys in mysql?

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RE: [PHP-DB] wildcard in mysql search with php

2001-10-18 Thread Nally, Tyler G.

 From: Thomas omega Henning [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Subject: [PHP-DB] wildcard in mysql search with php

 Is there a way to use wildcards in search in a mySQL db?
 e.g. I have a dbase of over 24000 records and i can only search exact
 matches is there a way to search something like this : 
 *admin* in mySQL? Or
 i have to do it by hand in PHP?

Sure... you do it like this...

  search column_name
from table_name
   where column_name like '%admin%'

__   _Tyler Nally
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RE: [PHP-DB] Sessions and Frames

2001-10-18 Thread Nally, Tyler G.

The manual says...

   Remember that the header() function must be called before any actual
   is sent, either by normal HTML tags blank lines in a file, or from PHP.
It is a
   very common error to read code with include(), or require(), functions,
or another
   file access function, and have spaces or empty lines that will output
   header() is called. The same problem exists when using a single PHP/HTML

So, an example of what it's complaining about below leads me to
believe that you've already written some ouput to the browser which
effectively ends any possibility to do any HTTP HEADERS.

My guess is that something like this is happening

headtitletitle of page/title/head
More HTML stuff here

... Whereas the following would be what  is acceptable ...

headtitletitle of page/title/head
More HTML stuff here

__   _Tyler Nally
   / /__   _(_)___       _ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / / _ \/ __ `/ / __ \/ __ \ / __ \/ ___/ __ `/  317-860-3016
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 -Original Message-
 From: Dobromir Velev [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 3:50 AM
 Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Sessions and Frames

 Every different page in a framset is loaded separatly so the
 only thing you
 should be aware of is not to output anything before the session stuff.
 Also you can use the output control functions lie ob_start -
 check the PHP
 manual for more info.

 Dobromir Velev

 -Original Message-
 Date: Thursday, October 18, 2001 8:28 AM
 Subject: [PHP-DB] Sessions and Frames

 I have a site that is successfully using sessions and authentication.
 However, I am working on another site, and it uses Frames. 
 The first site
 does not use frames, so including the unit that has the
 session stuff first
 works.  But on the frames site, it gives the following error  :
   'Cannot add header information - headers already sent by '
 I know that this is when something is trying to print before
 the session is
 I just don't know how to accomplish this if the page I am
 loading is inside
 a frame... so by the time the session stuff starts, html is
 already output
 to the browser.
 thanks for any help you can give.
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RE: [PHP-DB] Re: UPDATE table Problem

2001-10-18 Thread Nally, Tyler G.

[*NOTE* - I sent this yesterday.  Since I didn't receive a copy
 back from the listprocessor, I assumed that it was lost somewhere
 along the way. --TGN ] 

Hmm I'd first put a or die clause onto
the clause...

   $updated = mysql_query($update_query); this because I suspect that it's dying before it can
execute ...

   $updated = mysql_query($update_query) or die (Invalid SQL

... what I would currently suspect to find would be the 
'times_visited' column is numeric instead of alphanumeric.
When the update happens, it chokes at having the value your
setting for 'times_visited' quoted with apostrophes

Originally, it looks like this...

   $update_query = update guestbook set last_access=now(),
times_visited='$times' where guest_id='$g_id';

.. if times_visited is numeric, I'd change it to ...

   $update_query  =  update guestbook ;
   $update_query .= set last_access=now(), ;
   $update_query .= times_visited = $times ;
   $update query .=   where guest_id='$g_id';

As another note, if the column last_accessed is of a timestamp
data type, then you can do the following update to cause it to
automagically update with a now() value being put into it as well.

   $update_query  =  update guestbook ;
   $update_query .= set times_visited = $times ;
   $update query .=   where guest_id='$g_id';

This works because timestamp column types that aren't mentioned
directly in the update/insert query types are automatically set to
the current system time (which would be a now()).

__   _Tyler Nally
   / /__   _(_)___       _ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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/_/\___/\__, /_/\/_/ /_(_)/_/   \__, /
   //  //   

 -Original Message-
 From: Thomas omega Henning [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 12:13 PM
 Subject: [PHP-DB] Re: UPDATE table Problem
 Dear Sir George Liomis,
 But there is still the update command issue why didn't my 
 update command
 work when i tryed it in my php source it didn;t work but in 
 the mysql shell
 it updated it for me. Is it a bug in php 4.0.5? that it 
 doesn;t send it 2
 the server?
 Sir Thomas omega Henning
 George Lioumis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 news:003f01c156d7$f218e640$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 Dear Sirs!!
 I've ended up with a conclusion after MANY hours in front of my PC.
 The problem was not the query but the $guest_id.
 In a first query, I was getting the guest_id from the DB with 
 the following
 $get_guest_id_query = select guest_id from guestbook where
 username='$username' and password='$password';
 $result = mysql_query($get_guest_id_query) or die (mysql_error());
 The problem was that $result was not in fact what I wanted 
 (ie: guest_id).
 So the following query refused to do its job!
 $update_query = update guestbook set last_access = now() where
 $udated = mysql_query($update_query) or die (mysql_error());
 Below, you can see the correct code:
 if ( ($submit== Login) and ($username != ) and ($password != ) )
  $guest_id = mysql_query(select guest_id from guestbook where
 username='$username' and password='$password') or die(mysql_error());
  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($guest_id))
  $g_id = $row[guest_id];
  ///set $g_id as global (inter-page!!) variable.
 if ($g_id = 1) ///user authenticated...
  ///Find user's last access time...
  $prev_access_query = select name, mail, times_visited, 
 last_access from
 guestbook where guest_id='$g_id';
  while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result))   -The 
 correct way to get
 geust_id from the $results!!!
  echo BGuest: /B;
  echo $row[name];
  echo  with mail: ;
  echo $row[mail];
  echo BRentered this site in: ;
  echo $row[last_access];
  echo .BRThis Guest has visited ;
  $times = $row[times_visited] + 1;
  echo $times;
  echo  times this site.BRBR;
  } ///while
  $update_query = update guestbook set last_access=now(),
 times_visited='$times' where guest_id='$g_id';
  $updated = mysql_query($update_query);
  if ($updated)
   } ///if($updated)
  } ///if($g_id)
  } ///if ($submit)
 Hope this helps a bit!!

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Re: [PHP-DB] date

2001-10-18 Thread leo g. divinagracia iii

depends on how you are entering data...

if through a client, then you have to format it as MYSQL wants it.

if you're going through PHP (afterall, this is a PHP DB list...  ;-)),
then accept it anyway you wanna, through a form on a web page, then your
script will handle the convertion on how MYSQL wants it...

and yes, the date thing going from PHP to MYSQL and visa versa was a
toughie for me to grasp.  then i read a chapter on a book that made

ax wrote:
 if i unput the values 10/10/2001 into mysql database, would mysql or php
 recognize that as a date??
 i am a bit confused. i inserted few dates in the above format and asked
 mysql to list them by date and it does not seem to work.
 any suggestions?? please :)

Leo G. Divinagracia III

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[PHP-DB] Storing HTML in database

2001-10-02 Thread Nally, Tyler G.


I'm trying to store HTML (that is cut-n-paste from source)
into a textarea field on a web page.  As it's submitted to
the php page that processes it, the database column that
it ends up with strips the  and  out of the html
so that it doesn't end up in the source.  

Example I can cut-n-paste... the following into a textarea...

--original test html code
ithis is supposed to be in italics/i
bthis is supposed to be bold/b
   td align=left valign=topColumn 1, Row 1/td
   td align=left valign=topColumn 2, Row 1/td
   td align=left valign=topColumn 1, Row 2/td
   td align=left valign=topColumn 2, Row 2/td

... and process it with htmlentities() by the receiving php page 
as it will show...

original code as received and displayed in php processing page--
ithis is supposed to be in italics/i
bthis is supposed to be bold/b
   td align=\left\ valign=\top\Column 1, Row 1/td
   td align=\left\ valign=\top\Column 2, Row 1/td
   td align=\left\ valign=\top\Column 1, Row 2/td
   td align=\left\ valign=\top\Column 2, Row 2/td

Which I can deal with easily enough... but when the same 
is posted, processed (w/ htmlentities), and retrieved from the
MySQL database, I receive the following 

--original code as retrieved from database--
 i this is supposed to be in italics /i 
 b this is supposed to be bold /b
   td align=\left\ valign=\top\ Column 1, Row 1 /td
   td align=\left\ valign=\top\ Column 2, Row 1 /td
   td align=\left\ valign=\top\ Column 1, Row 2 /td
   td align=\left\ valign=\top\ Column 2, Row 2 /td

What am I doing wrong?  This just can't be rocket science.
There's probably something essential that I'm missing.

Thanks much
__   _Tyler Nally
   / /__   _(_)___       _ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / / _ \/ __ `/ / __ \/ __ \ / __ \/ ___/ __ `/  317-860-3009
 / /  __/ /_/ / / /_/ / / / // /_/ / /  / /_/ /   American Legion Website
/_/\___/\__, /_/\/_/ /_(_)/_/   \__, /
   //  //   

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Re: [PHP-DB] Check Boxes/UPDATE

2001-10-02 Thread Jason G.


Assuming that you have a variable number of records being displayed out of 
the database:

As you write out the HTML, give each checkbox a name containing the ID# of 
the record that is being written out.  Ex:
input type=check name=chkAuthStatus_1203 checked
input type=check name=chkAuthStatus_1204 checked
input type=check name=chkAuthStatus_1205 checked

Use code like the following to Write and Read the web form...


//Get the DB result
$dbResult = mysql_query(SELECT id, authstatus, whatever, whatever2 FROM 
table WHERE whatever);

//Get the row count
$nRowCount = mysql_num_rows($dbResult);

//Scan the result
for($i=0; $i$nRowCount; $i++)
 //Get the current row as an object
 $oRow = mysql_fetch_object($dbResult);

 //Format the checkbox name
 $sCheckName = chkAuthStatus_ . $oRow-id;

 //When Writing out the Web Form, use this
 $sChecked = ($oRow-authstatus ? ' checked' : '');
 echo input type=\check\ name=\$sCheckName\$sChecked;

 //When Reading in the web form, use this
 //If the checkbox variable isset(checked) then set the 
 //Otherwise set the authstat= 0
 $authstatus = (isset($$sCheckName) ? 1 : 0);

 //Update the database
 mysql_query(UPDATE table SET authstatus=$authstatus WHERE 


-Jason Garber

At 03:22 AM 10/3/2001 +0100, Matt C wrote:
I have a page of jobs with AuthStatus set to 0. Basically I want to list 
each job title with a checkbox next to it. This I have done.

What I really don't understand is how do I make it so that the rows in my 
table for all the different records when ticked are updated to 1?

Please help.


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Re: [PHP-DB] problem with WHILE loop

2001-09-30 Thread Jason G.

the mysql_query function returns a Result Identifier.  For every row in the 
result (found by mysql_num_rows), you must call one of the the row 
retrieval functions (mysql_fetch_array, mysql_fetch_object, etc...)  These 
functions automatically advance the row position in the Result.

Replace the code with this:


   $dbResult = mysql_query(select id,title from table1);
   $nRowCount = mysql_num_rows($dbResult);

   for($i=0; $i$nRowCount; $i++)
 $aRow = mysql_fetch_array($dbResult);
 $title = $list_row[title];
 echo($title br\n);


-Jason Garber

I prefer mysql_fetch_object() personally...

Replace the code with this:


   $dbResult = mysql_query(select id,title from table1);
   $nRowCount = mysql_num_rows($dbResult);

   for($i=0; $i$nRowCount; $i++)
 $oRow = mysql_fetch_object($dbResult);
 echo($oRow-title br\n);


At 08:32 PM 9/30/2001 -0500, you wrote:
I have the following code on a page:

   $list = mysql_query(select id,title from table1);
   $list_row = mysql_fetch_array($list);
   $title = $list_row[title];

   while($list_row)  {
   echo($title br\n);

For some reason, when I load the page, instead of a list of the titles from
table1, I get the title from the first row of table1 repeated over and over.

Obviously I'm doing something wrong, and it's probably something really
dumb, right in front of my face... but I can't find it!  help?


Eric Schwinder
 AT = @
 DOT = (well... you know)

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Re: [PHP-DB] mysql_fetch_array() doesn't work

2001-09-27 Thread Jason G.

echo a href='$PHP_SELF?offset=$i*$step' target='_top'

Missing end quote and semicolon on this line may be the reason...

Try properly indenting and formatting your code.  Also take advantage of 
going in and out of php mode to seperate your code from your display of 
instead of this:
? echo(td align=\center\ width=\$nWidth\$sContent/td); ?
Try this:
td align=center width=? echo($nWidth); ?? echo($sContent); ?/td
Or even this:
td align=center width=?=$nWidth??=$sContent?/td

It makes it MUCH easier to read and maintain, and seperates the PHP code 
from the HTML content as much as possible.

Any questions, please ask me.

-Jason Garber
Lead Programmer -

At 12:48 PM 9/27/2001 +0800, you wrote:
System: PHP4.06 + Mysql3.23.41 Win32 + Apache 1.3.20 Win32 + Win98

When PHP is running at the line: $arr=mysql_fetch_array($res);
The IE always show info as below:
Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_STRING' or `T_VARIABLE' or
`T_NUM_STRING' in c:\program files\apache
group\apache\htdocs\web\site1\list.php on line --[the number of line]

What's the problem wiht mysql_fetch_array() or other?
What does the T_STRING' or `T_VARIABLE' or `T_NUM_STRING' mean?


The full code below:

echo Failed linking to database.;
echo Failed linking to database.;
$query=selct count(*) from users where sign=1;
$pages=ceil($all/$step);   /*the number of pages needed to listed */
$query=select user_id, user_name, time, status, comment from users
where sign=1
order by user_name
limit $offset, $step;
echo tabletd align=centerUser/td
td align=centerAdded time/tdtd align=centerStatus/td/tr;
for($i=0; $i$num; $i++) {
$arr=mysql_fetch_array($res);   /* HERE is line where the error occurs!!!
echo trtd align=centera href=\profile.php?id=$arr['user_id']\
echo td align=center$arr['time']/td;
echo td align=center$arr['status']/td/tr;
echo tr colspan=3td$arr['comment']/td/tr;

echo /tablebrbrbr;

echo tabletrtd align='center';  /* show others in multi-pages */
for($i=0; $i$pages; $i++){
echo a href='$PHP_SELF?offset=$i*$step' target='_top'
echo ($i+1)./a;
echo nbsp;nbsp;;
echo /td/tr/table;


create table users (
user_id int not null auto_increment primary key,
user_name varchar(30),
time datetime,
status tinyint(1),
comment text,
sign tinyint(1) default '1'

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