Re: [QUAD-L] Environmental Control Units (mattress)

2007-01-21 Thread delimited4
 The ultimate test, get your aid to sit test it before you get into it. Their 
butts feel when it is deflated. 
-Original Message-
Sent: Sat, 20 Jan 2007 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Environmental Control Units (mattress)

Hi Dana,
I couldn't find the post about a device to tell if your cushion's air is 
leaking, but if you go to this Site it will show you how to check your ROHO 
cushion to be sure you have the correct amount of air in it for proper setting.
Hope this helps.
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
Texas, USA


I'm asking if anybody on the list remembers a post from somebody telling, some 
kind of the device could buy to put on your Roho that would tell you if you 
were losing the air.  Does anyone remember that post?  I saved it and your 
favorites in a computer that is no longer with me.
It would be so great to have some device that would help you know, when you are 
losing air because of a leak.
Thanks everybody.

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Re: [QUAD-L] Environmental Control Units

2007-01-15 Thread delimited4
 Mines a TEMPEST. I don't think a lot of it. I've gotten great deals from ebay 
too. I hope you have great luck with yours. 
I'm told that waiver will replace my mattress, but they will only get a piece 
of junk generic hospital bed mattress. I have to have two stage 4 decubitus 
ulcers to get a low air loss mattress which would heal the wound and keep me 
from getting other sores. They will gladly pay hundreds of thousands to doctors 
and nurses to heal wounds with expensive dressings that don't work at all, but 
they won't pay $2500 for a mattress that resolves the problem. 
There are 3 university studies saying that low air loss mattresses are the only 
treatment for skin ulcers that has a positive effect in 100% of the cases where 
the patient doen't die before the wound heals. There were no dressings that had 
that sucess rate. No nursing tschniques have that success rate. 
I suggested to the woman in columbus, Ohio that waiver doesn't believe in 
preventative medicine. She replied that the rules were made by lawyers. Why are 
lawyers running medical programs? Does this define malpractice?
-Original Message-
Sent: Sun, 14 Jan 2007 3:40 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Environmental Control Units

What brand is your mattress?  I managed to get a Masonair for a little over 
$150 on eBay.  So far so good, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Yes Dan, my air mattress is alternating preasure and low air loss. Its not very 
good at the air loss part but it will not completely deflate for a couple 
hours. It is one of those ebay specials a sister got me for $500. It draws 
about 250 watts (Maybe a little less.) and runs pretty good on a 12 volt 
battery for about 5 hours. It would probably run longer if I wouldn't move the 
bed so often.
-Original Message-
Sent: Sat, 13 Jan 2007 8:30 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Environmental Control Units

Do you use an air mattress that is constantly defusing air?  Does the inverter 
power the air mattress very long?  What do something like that cost?  Dan 

I sure feel silly. When power goes off here I have a flashlight I can shake and 
radio/cd player. When things get bad, I have a 1000 watt power inverter for the 
wheelchair batteries to operate my bed and whatever else. (I know it doesn't 
add life to my batteries.) I try to be positive and name the mice that are 
wondering What did I do this time?  
-Original Message-
Sent: Sat, 13 Jan 2007 7:57 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Environmental Control Units

Yes, it has the automatic lock off control.  It is powered by natural gas.  Dan 

Make sure that you have an automatic cut-off/lock-out switch, so that you are 
not sending volts back into the electric company's power line.  That is how 
repair people are injured while trying to restore your normal power.  Is your 
Generac, powered by natural gas or fossil fuel?
In a message dated 1/13/2007 6:39:42 P.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
We just purchased a at Generac generator.  It is wired in to our electric 
system and when the power cuts out the generator starts up.  Although we 
initially had trouble with the system  It turns out that a clamp was installed 
incorrectly by the manufacturer.


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Check out the new AOL.  Most comprehensive set of free safety and security 
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Re: [QUAD-L] UPS and standby generators

2007-01-15 Thread delimited4
There are some other options you might be interested in. First, if a hurricane 
is coming, leave! Second, only stay if you have a cat-5 house. You can have an 
electrical bank made from 12 volt deep cycle batteries that recharge from the 
normal power system and use a small generator to recharge them during and after 
a storm. Generators that use gasoline use a lot of gasoline. If you have an 
electrical power bank of batteries then you can recharge from solar or wind, as 
well as off the grid or a small gasoline generator. This way your home is half 
way off the grid. This can be expensive at first, but in the long run, you'll 
probably break even. Wood pellet heating and hot water systems can really rape 
the power company but you have to fill the hoppers.
Ultimately, you can be pretty independant of the power company but it rerquires 
some effort and expense on your part.  By combining several power options you 
can create a home that is almost immune to hurricanes and your aids will want 
to stay with you during those events. 
You should discuss what you want with some local electrical contractors. I've 
seen florida homes that actually create more energy than they use and sell the 
excess to the power company. Because they are Cat-5 houses, they incorporate 
several ways to get the energy needed to ride out the storm in comfort. This 
can look really good if you ever sell the place.
If you could write it off as a medical expenditure, that would be the cherry on 
-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] UPS and standby generators

What then would be the best source for alternative fuel for your application.  
If fossil fuel, could you fill and refill the fuel tank when necessary?
In a message dated 1/15/2007 3:04:09 P.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
My only problem or better yet concern is that if it is powered by natural gas, 
this wouldn't help me very much if you the event of a hurricane, they shut off 
the natural gas supply.  They often do this to prevent disastrous leaks and if 
the natural gas company loses power, no natural gas.


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Re: [QUAD-L] Supra-pubic question

2007-01-13 Thread delimited4
I'm glad to  hear you have solved that problem. It must suck to have a sack of 
rocks where your suppose to have a water bag. It should be a headsup to the 
rest of us to get our bladders checked every year to 18 months. We loose 
calcium at a remarkable rate compared to any other people beside astronauts. 
Calcium leaves via kidneys and bladder. When mixed with other solid 
particulates that kidneys extract, you get some rocks! I am sure you will feel 
much better. I haven't used any anisthesia for cysto yet. I heard the first 
doctor to do a cystoscopy did it on himself in the late 1700s. I figured it 
must not be that painfull. Now I know better. I don't let them use a general 
because if they break something I want to be able to yell.
I had versid last time and was pretty wacked but able to speak. It wore off way 
too fast and by golly, I hadn't quite cleaned my bowel before surgery. Doctor 
earned his money. 
50, C-5, 31 years post
-Original Message-
Sent: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 7:20 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Supra-pubic question

Well, the only clear catheter I have used was a silicone product, so I have no 
idea how well the latex works. I myself am allergic to silicone catheters, but 
it seems as if the majority of people do not have this problem.
I did, however, just get back up in my chair again after recuperating from 
cystoscopy - lithotripsy. Fortunately I only had to undergo a spinal block, so 
I was able to get home quite a bit quicker than I had originally anticipated. 
They removed a ton of stones from my bladder and right now my catheter seems to 
be going it much easier. When my urologist saw how many stones were in my 
bladder during the original cystoscopy, she said my problem putting in the 
catheter was most likely the result of too many stones. Thankfully she has been 
correct on this point.

You guys are making me nervous! I've had a SP for 2 years now and only 1 or 
maybe 2 UTIs and no real problems changing it - every 3 weeks. From the 
beginning, I've used the brown rubber latex type. The new batch they just sent 
me are clear see through latex. Should I be concerned? How many of you all use 
these clear latex types?

Dan V   

At 12:57 PM 1/7/2007 -0800, B. Kimberlin \(Quadius\) said something that 
elicited my response:

Just curious, are you using a silicone catheter or latex.  I had an allergy to 
the silicone catheter and they cost me significant problems.  1.  The skin 
around my suprapubic light to adhere to my catheter as well as my bladder skin. 
 2.  I continuously felt as if I had a UTI.  3.  Had extraordinary difficulty 
getting new catheters in after removing the older ones.
Once I switched back
to latex, I had no difficulties, except the occasional stone.
Danny Hearn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  Hi all, The last few months the tissue around my supra-pubic has been 
bleeding more than it used to. Has anyone else had that problem or know of a 
product that may help that?? It seems a while back I think someone said they 
spayed miricle mist on theirs and it seemed to help, if anyone knows -- please 
post.  Thanks ALL and hope we all have a good new year ahead of us !
Dan H. 

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Re: [QUAD-L] Environmental Control Units

2007-01-13 Thread delimited4
Yes Dan, my air mattress is alternating preasure and low air loss. Its not very 
good at the air loss part but it will not completely deflate for a couple 
hours. It is one of those ebay specials a sister got me for $500. It draws 
about 250 watts (Maybe a little less.) and runs pretty good on a 12 volt 
battery for about 5 hours. It would probably run longer if I wouldn't move the 
bed so often.
-Original Message-
Sent: Sat, 13 Jan 2007 8:30 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Environmental Control Units

Do you use an air mattress that is constantly defusing air?  Does the inverter 
power the air mattress very long?  What do something like that cost?  Dan 

I sure feel silly. When power goes off here I have a flashlight I can shake and 
radio/cd player. When things get bad, I have a 1000 watt power inverter for the 
wheelchair batteries to operate my bed and whatever else. (I know it doesn't 
add life to my batteries.) I try to be positive and name the mice that are 
wondering What did I do this time?  
-Original Message-
Sent: Sat, 13 Jan 2007 7:57 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Environmental Control Units

Yes, it has the automatic lock off control.  It is powered by natural gas.  Dan 

Make sure that you have an automatic cut-off/lock-out switch, so that you are 
not sending volts back into the electric company's power line.  That is how 
repair people are injured while trying to restore your normal power.  Is your 
Generac, powered by natural gas or fossil fuel?
In a message dated 1/13/2007 6:39:42 P.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
We just purchased a at Generac generator.  It is wired in to our electric 
system and when the power cuts out the generator starts up.  Although we 
initially had trouble with the system  It turns out that a clamp was installed 
incorrectly by the manufacturer.


Check out the new AOL. Most comprehensive set of free safety and security 
tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free 
AOL Mail and more.

Check out the new AOL.  Most comprehensive set of free safety and security 
tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free 
AOL Mail and more.

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Quad Longevity

2007-01-07 Thread delimited4
I am amazed quadmedic. I see my doctor for a flu shot every year and let him 
ask some q's. tell him about any problems. I usually e mail him about day to 
day stupid stuff, perscriptions etc. 
He had me do a series of x rays last fall and see how all the bones that broke 
were doing after 30 years. I have intense bouts of pain and seeing as the 
cartilage from midback down is largly just cartilage in name only, I figured 
the pain was from that. My bones are severely decalcified and arthritic. Some 
never healed very well after my accident. When I say pain, y'all do know I 
don't mean what AB's talk about? I often think I could handle the pain if only 
I didn't go intro convulsions and get those thrilling headaches.  
I have some pills to get my blood preasure down now. I always had low blood 
preasure but when I'm in pain it skyrockets   
 I wondered if any of you long term quads are having these problems and finding 
better solutions than vicodin and valium cocktails with a few hits of herb. 
As far as quad longevity as a topic, hell, nobody expected me to live. I've had 
my affairs in order for so long it's become a joke to be greeted with, Are you 
still alive?' 
Linda, as a fellow escapee from the nursing home system, I know how courageous 
you had to be to leave and do it on your own. They had me so afraid of being 
alone. You know, I enjoy my time alone. When I have an accident, well, there 
are so many things worse than that.  
john in Cincinnati, OH
31 years post, C-5
-Original Message-
Sent: Sun, 7 Jan 2007 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Quad Longevity

Haven't seen a Doctor in seven years ... 


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MissLiz wrote: 
I hope women see their gyno regularly and if not why not?
Over 40 have mammogram
I see my urologist 1 a year
My primary if I’m sick.

Sent: Saturday, January 06, 2007 11:53 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Quad Longevity
In a message dated 1/6/2007 10:52:30 P.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
i see my doctor twice a yr for bloodwork unless i need to see him for a uti.
Is that primary doctor or all doctors?

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Re: [Norton AntiSpam] Re: [QUAD-L] Bad News

2007-01-05 Thread delimited4
 No, I'm very sorry for your friends dad, but a severed spinal cord is 
permanent. There is still no treatment available like stem cells or anything. 
Just get use to a new life with new rules.
-Original Message-
Sent: Fri, 5 Jan 2007 1:24 PM
Subject: RE: [Norton AntiSpam] Re: [QUAD-L] Bad News

I don't know all the details right now but I'll keep you updated.
My question was, is it possible at all to recover from a severed cord or is 
that final?
My initial thought is no it isn't but hey I've seen some strange things happen.
Mark Jackson
- Original Message - 
Sent: 1/5/2007 11:45:30 AM 
Subject: [Norton AntiSpam] Re: [QUAD-L] Bad News

What level Mark.  So sorry about your friends father.  What a blow.  My neck 
was severed at C45.  Is that what you're asking?
My condolences,

Check out the new AOL.  Most comprehensive set of free safety and security 
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AOL Mail and more.

Re: Fwd: [QUAD-L] I Regret The Passing Of........

2006-12-30 Thread DeLiMiTeD4
I know Houston will be missed. He had a lot of  years as a quad. I hope it was 
peaceful. I hope someone was there. I know I dread the idea of being alone at 
that moment. My doctors as well as my own experience lets me know that 
traumatic quads rarely live as long as he did. He never seemed to be bothered 
by being a quad, just inconvenienced by the many issues and constant petty 
problems that associate with many of our lives. It takes a lot to face this 
life, let alone, to stare it down for forty years. I could never judge him or 
any of you. I have the deepest respect for all of you. There is bravery 
involved in telling society that you want a life and then grasping one from 
what little is left. Houston did it everyday, and he didn't hesitate to remind 
us that he was still here and he MATTERED! I never met him face to face, but 
I'd like to think he was my friend as much as he was a friend to everyone he 
tried to help on the list.

31 years post

In a message dated 12/30/06 17:30:06 Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  I wondered what happened to Houston myself.he moved here to St. Louis and 
said he was getting some good physical therapy at St.Louis Rehab, then I never 
heard from him again, he was a bit down about the caregiver situation but I'm 
not sure if he was still in St. Louis or had gone back to Indiana..Sorry 
too to hear the sad news.  Dan H.

Thank you for an information about Houston.  So sorry that we didn't know that 
he was sick or what ever happened.  I remember his last posts he had moved and 
was living with his sister and having problems getting care quickly.  I sure 
hope it wasn't from care issues.  He will certainly be missed.

Has anybody heard about Reuben?  I think he was in the hospital?

Thank you.
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2006 10:41:44 EST
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] I Regret The Passing Of

The Quad-List had two members with Houston in their profile.  One in Indiana 
and one in Illinois (Chicago).
It was the Houston, in Indiana that passed on December 25.  Details are not 
currently available at this time.
The Saturday news article said that a service for Houston would be held this 
morning at 11am at St. Phillips Lutheran Church in Gary, IN

In a message dated 12/30/2006 9:34:16 A.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
How sad. Does anyone know what happened? Was he sick? Was this Houston88?

Dan V

Re: [QUAD-L] PWC scheme busted

2006-12-27 Thread DeLiMiTeD4
Is there any irony in the fact that this guy was a psychiatrist.  I actually 
think most doctors are solicited with so many bribes that anything they do can 
be construed as taking a bribe. 
I always have to have a doctor and a physical therapist along with a social 
worker sign off on my wheelchair. This makes me wonder about some states and  
so called medicare rules. 
I'm sure this is a minor crime. I read Medicare was being ripped off for 14.5 
million dollars a day way back in the 70's. I even read about a quad that 
trafficked in blue under pads.
I sure hope nobody ever finds my used latex glove collection.

C-5 quad post 31 yrs, 

In a message dated 12/27/06 13:33:00 Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
This crap is why we have problems getting what we really need.

Mark Jackson

Re: [QUAD-L] New Years Resolutions

2006-12-21 Thread DeLiMiTeD4
I tried that one the last few years, always seem to give it up for lent.


In a message dated 12/20/06 16:15:30 Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Hi Dillon,

I am taking the, Be Nicer to Others in Your Life, idea as a concept that I'm 
making into my New Year's Resolution this year.  My life will be better because 
of it.  Take care and stay strong.

With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
Texas, USA

Dillon Ewa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Being nice and considerate to one another doesn't cost a dime and yet is more 
valuable than most gifts one receives.  A smile, and yes even a phone call can 
do wonders for someone's self-worth.  To be appreciated, to be missed means a 
lot to me and all of us and especially those feeling kind of down and alone.  
Sounds like a good idea.


kaye allard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I think that phone chain idea is great.  A friend of the family has been 
sitting for months waiting for a hip replacement.  She called me the other day 
with a raspy voice from dehydration because she hadn't been drinking.  She 
wanted to limit trips to the bathroom.  It was a shock to hear that.  She 
should have been in a hospital, getting adequate food, drink and assistance.  I 
got my mom to call her, my mom called her family, and now she's in the 
hospital- AND she has a pressure sore.  She could have wasted away to nothing 
if my mom didn't call her family.  She's very stubborn AND doesn't have enough 

A general act of kindness, once a month, once a week, once a day.  Think of the 
effect on your fellow mankind.  Random acts of kindness, can be so rewarding. 
Can you imagine holding a door open for a TAB, and smiling?  Perhaps, a peer 
counselor.  There are always a need.  Stuck at home?  Start a telephone chain.  
Once a day. Once a week, you just call and say hi.  You call just to make sure 
the person is ok.  It doesn't hurt, and seldom costs.
Help out at your local elementary school.  Teach a kid to read.  Teach a kid to 
add and subtract.  Who knows, ya might be teaching a future President.
A Happy New Year, don't have to be prosperous if you are healthy.
Best Wishes

In a message dated 12/19/2006 10:06:10 A.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
I'm trying to make some good New Year's Resolutions for 2007 and I was 
wondering what everyone else is planning to do? We all know the standard 
resolutions such as eating healthy and exercising more but I wanted to see if 
there were any creative ideas out there. What's new for you in 2007?

Hope you have a Happy Holiday and a Healthy New Year!


Life is 440 horsepower in a 2-cylinder engine. 
-Henry Miller 

Re: [QUAD-L] New Years Resolutions

2006-12-19 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I'll try to be considerate and say nice things, but last time I smiled at a kid 
she broke out in tears. lol


In a message dated 12/19/06 18:27:58 Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Being nice and considerate to one another doesn't cost a dime and yet is more 
valuable than most gifts one receives.  A smile, and yes even a phone call can 
do wonders for someone's self-worth.  To be appreciated, to be missed means a 
lot to me and all of us and especially those feeling kind of down and alone.  
Sounds like a good idea.


kaye allard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I think that phone chain idea is great.  A friend of the family has been 
sitting for months waiting for a hip replacement.  She called me the other day 
with a raspy voice from dehydration because she hadn't been drinking.  She 
wanted to limit trips to the bathroom.  It was a shock to hear that.  She 
should have been in a hospital, getting adequate food, drink and assistance.  I 
got my mom to call her, my mom called her family, and now she's in the 
hospital- AND she has a pressure sore.  She could have wasted away to nothing 
if my mom didn't call her family.  She's very stubborn AND doesn't have enough 

A general act of kindness, once a month, once a week, once a day.  Think of the 
effect on your fellow mankind.  Random acts of kindness, can be so rewarding. 
Can you imagine holding a door open for a TAB, and smiling?  Perhaps, a peer 
counselor.  There are always a need.  Stuck at home?  Start a telephone chain.  
Once a day. Once a week, you just call and say hi.  You call just to make sure 
the person is ok.  It doesn't hurt, and seldom costs.
Help out at your local elementary school.  Teach a kid to read.  Teach a kid to 
add and subtract.  Who knows, ya might be teaching a future President.
A Happy New Year, don't have to be prosperous if you are healthy.
Best Wishes

In a message dated 12/19/2006 10:06:10 A.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
I'm trying to make some good New Year's Resolutions for 2007 and I was 
wondering what everyone else is planning to do? We all know the standard 
resolutions such as eating healthy and exercising more but I wanted to see if 
there were any creative ideas out there. What's new for you in 2007?

Hope you have a Happy Holiday and a Healthy New Year!


Life is 440 horsepower in a 2-cylinder engine. 
-Henry Miller 

Re: [QUAD-L] Got one

2006-12-13 Thread DeLiMiTeD4
So venison hot dogs can turn you into an ultra right wing conservative that 
wants to destroy America though propaganda and the gradual deterioration of 
rights guaranteed by the constitution? Or are you saying The people at Fox News 
eat venison hot dogs? lol


In a message dated 12/13/06 09:11:32 Eastern Standard Time, wheelchair writes:
Hiya Anne,
Downtown, ya know, the big city, lol.  It was on FOX NEWS CHICAGO in the 
morning, Tuesday.
They had a dozen hot dogs on set that they consumed during the morning tv 
I'm sure if you visit their website and ask, they will be more than happy to 
Personally, I'm a kosher Red Hot person myself and look forward to my trips to 
one of the factory delis on Pershing Road on the near South Side.
Best Wishes

In a message dated 12/13/2006 7:43:11 A.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
Where in Chicago can you purchase hot dogs with deer meat? Sounds interesting…I 
love trying new things :o)
Happy Holidays!

Re: [QUAD-L] Agency Help Over the Holidays

2006-12-03 Thread DeLiMiTeD4
A tip on how to make it over 24 hours without help. You can attach a second 
drainage bag to the main bed bag doubling the amount of urine it can hold. 
Simply attach the second bags intake line to the drain line from the first bag 
and unlock the first bag. It should drain easily into the second bag as it 
fills. Yes, a third bag can be attached the same way. Before emptying the bags, 
ask the aid to empty the intake lines. It helps limit the mess they seem to 
think we can't smell. Two water jugs and some fruit on the bedside table help 
make it through. I also have some pills that make it possible to just about 
sleep through most holidays.

I try to do all my Christmas gift giving by Christmas eve so Christmas day 
isn't a big deal if nobody shows up. The agency is aware there's nobody 
scheduled for Christmas Day. All my aids have let me know they can't come. I 
won't be surprised if nobody shows up but it isn't as though it is some sudden 
thing. My agency stopped holiday pay. Why should they want to work. 

I don't know why syringo%^^% begins to be painful after so many years of not 
bugging us. I don't know what to expect next. My doctor isn't sure either 
because he has no information on quads that have lived over 30 years as quads. 
He wants to do tests, but I'm not ready to be a guinea pig at this moment and 
wouldn't you know it, they can't do the tests during the holidays.


In a message dated 12/03/06 16:47:20 Eastern Standard Time, DAANOO writes:
Hi Linda,

How could you be alone for so long?  I would be on the phone every hour calling 
them and trying to make a complaint to someone that was in charge of their 
agency.  That is so cruel and life-threatening, anything could happen.  Could 
you call anyone to check my view so you could eat?

I am so sorry Linda that you had to go through that.  That agency should be 
fined and I would probably see if I could find another one, is there any more 
in your area?  I remember you writing a while back that a couple of your aides 
had problems, want an car accident and the other one was in some kind of 
psychiatric rehab.  How are they, did they come back?

Hi Lori,
Believe me, I thought that I was going to have a panic attack. I took little 
sips of my water, just enough to wet my dry mouth  I didn't want to drink too 
much, fear of filling my UDBag. Thankgoodness I have a 4000cc bag. Yes I was 
afraid my bag was going to burst or I would have autonomic dysreflexia, luckily 
I didn't. I am on M-W-F bowel program, so that wasn't a worry. Then 5pm Sunday 
a CNA showed up  brother was I pissed off!!! On Monday the Nursing Agency was 

 Dear Linda,

If I were left for that long alone I would be dead.  In fact, I would not make 
the first 24 hours because my urinary bags would be overfull leading to 
autonomic dysreflexia leading to death in a short period of time.

 Who helped you with urinating and/or bowel routines in that timeframe?  Who 
helped you get drinks and food?

PS-- please forward this to the list if you would like so that they will know 
your answers if they have the same questions.
---Original Message---

Date: 12/2/2006 1:03:54 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Agency Help Over the Holidays

I agree with you, all states should hold these Agencies more responsible. I 
know my last agency left me from Friday nite until Sunday with no help. I had 
dropped my mouthstick  my lifeline button was not close enough to reach. I 
just layed in bed  did a lot of meditating  singing.

Re: [QUAD-L] Agency Help Over the Holidays

2006-12-02 Thread DeLiMiTeD4
I can't count the number  of Christmas days I've spent in bed becauswe aids 
ditched and agencies couldn't get anyone here
I really don't like Christmas much. It's like a bad few weeks when I'm supposed 
to understand that the rest of the world is having fun and would I please not 
pester them. I get tired of hiding how I feel about them all. Why do I have to 
be understanding when those idiots send me get well cards for Christmas. I must 
have that spirit again. Maybe I can get over it by Christmas?

31 years post 

In a message dated 12/02/06 22:09:32 Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I hope you get the nursing services you need, especially at this time of year.  
I have had , as I'm sure we have all experienced, nurses and attendants bail 
out on many times for which I had to cancel my appointments for care, changed 
times for meetings and so on but thankfully never during Christmas holiday.  I 
wish the best and hope you find someone dependable not only during the holiday 
season but throughout the year.

David K. Kelmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Hi Linda,

They do it that way because the State of Texas makes them do it, or the State 
will fine the Agency.  All states should put stronger controls in place for 
certain programs for the disabled..

With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
Texas, USA

David your nursing agency has the right idea, that's cool. Wish every agency 
did the same, then we wouldn't be left in bed on Holidays. When I was working, 
I always worked part of the holidays, it was part of Nursing!

Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Fw: panel calls for big changes in medicaid

2006-11-29 Thread DeLiMiTeD4
We never have any trouble building aircraft carriers that the navy doesn't 
want. We have tons of money for foreign aid. Congress has never not voted 
itself a pay raise. We are involved in military actions that are best described 
as questionable and extremely expensive. We waste money building bridges to 
islands that have a population of less than 50 people. If 10% of the senseless, 
useless pork was eliminated from the budget, we wouldn't have a problem paying 
medicaid or medicare. Why does Washington always believe that the poor and 
handicapped are the problem. They spend nothing on preventative medicine and 
then don't understand why so many people are in Emergency Rooms for healthcare.
I don't know what the answer is, but I know the people we keep sending to 
Washington DC don't have a clue as to what to do. 


In a message dated 11/29/06 03:09:15 Eastern Standard Time, DAANOO writes:
Sounds like there may be changes for Medicaid recipients with getting ready for 
the baby boom, so Medicaid does not become bankrupt.

Subj:Fw: panel calls for big changes in medicaid
Date:11/28/2006 12:31:48 PM Eastern Standard Time
To:micassa list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message - 
From: joe harcz 



Written by ROBERT PEAR 

Thursday, 23 November 2006 

A federal advisory panel says that long-term care for aging baby boomers 
threatens to bankrupt Medicaid, and it recommends sweeping changes to rein 
in costs, 

including greater use of managed care for the sickest Medicaid recipients. 

The proposals set up a likely clash between the new Democratic Congress and 
the Bush administration, which has sent strong signals that it will seek big 

savings in Medicaid next year. 

Panel members adopted the recommendations last week, by a vote of 11 to 1, 
and are drafting a report to be submitted next month to 

Michael O. Leavitt, 

the secretary of health and human services. Mr. Leavitt created the panel in 
May 2005 and is receptive to many of its proposals. 

The panel, known as the Medicaid Commission, said states should have more 
freedom to alter benefits and eligibility for the program, which serves more 

50 million low-income people. 

Moreover, it said states should be allowed to enroll some of the sickest 
Medicaid recipients, including nursing home residents and people with 

in managed care plans. 

The panel said such plans would provide a medical home and better 
coordinated care for people entitled to both Medicaid and Medicare. Care is 
often fragmented 

now because Medicaid pays nursing homes while Medicare is the primary payer 
for doctors and hospitals, and in many cases clinical data is not shared, 

the panel said. 

People enrolled simultaneously in the two programs account for 13 percent of 
Medicaid recipients, but more than 40 percent of Medicaid costs. Medicaid, 

which is financed jointly by the federal government and the states, covers 
two-thirds of the nation's 1.6 million nursing home residents. 

The anticipated costs for long-term care services in this country threaten 
the future sustainability of the Medicaid program, the panel warned. It 

that the federal government and the states provide new tax incentives for 
people to buy private insurance covering the costs of long-term care, so 

would not rely so much on Medicaid. 

Public policy should promote individual responsibility and planning for 
long-term care needs, said the panel, led by former Gov. Don Sundquist of 

a Republican. 

More generally, the panel said states should be free to consolidate or 
redefine eligibility categories and should be given greater flexibility to 

Medicaid benefit packages. 

The proposals drew a swift negative response from 


who will be responsible for Medicaid in the new Congress. Representative 

John D. Dingell 

of Michigan, who is in line to become chairman of the Energy and Commerce 
Committee, dismissed the panel as a hand-picked commission stacked against 



Max Baucus 

of Montana, the Democrat in line to lead the Finance Committee, said many of 
the proposals would make it more difficult for the most vulnerable 

to get comprehensive care. 

John C. Rother, policy director of 


the lobby for older Americans, said, In some states, flexibility means 
cutting benefits. 

But Christina Pearson, a spokeswoman for Secretary Leavitt, said, He 
definitely supports more flexibility for states to meet the needs of 
different population 


Grace-Marie Turner, a commission member, said, People who rely on both 
Medicaid and Medicare are the most vulnerable beneficiaries, but in most 


Re: [QUAD-L] need info about syringomyelia

2006-11-27 Thread DeLiMiTeD4
Dear Bobbie,
My only advise is to try to take the least you can to get along. I know we are 
all addicted to something for spasms. Pain pills are an addiction you can fight 
with the rest of your life. The side effects are nightmares in themselves. I 
know the pain your dealing with and Hydrocodone only works when it is not to 
bad. I wish you the best of luck.


In a message dated 11/25/06 14:44:41 Eastern Standard Time, Bobbie299 writes:
Hi All,
I'm have more and more pain from my syrnix, weakness and unbearable pain in 
my left arm. I'm going to see my rehab Doctor Friday Dec. 1 for a skin check on 
my butt and options with my syrnix. 
  Any advice out there? Any do's or don'ts? 
It hurts the most when I turn on my right side. I can't turn on my right side 
because of my pressure sore on my right side AND because of my urostomy pouch 
on my right side. I also get terrible pain in my left arm when I life my upper 
body up with my floor trapeze so that Pete can boast me up in bed.
  Also, dose anybody have a really good web site for syringomyelia?
   Help ~ Bobbie

Re: [QUAD-L] A.D. - help

2006-11-16 Thread DeLiMiTeD4
I always seem to get AD in episodes. I'll go a few months with nothing but a 
few moderately high blood presure events, then suddenly, i start getting the 
real high blood presure and the seizures and stuff, but docs say take atenelol, 
and check bowels, bladder and sources of pain. The folks in the ER are just 
about useless until your stroking or your heart is in some major malfunction. 
Never thought about taking nitro. 
The side effects of some pain meds can trigger AD. Isn't that a crock.  

31 years post

In a message dated 11/16/06 11:11:27 Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Depends on the cause.  I’ve had it linger for a month or more.  I would get it 
very bad.  

Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] A.D. - help
In a message dated 11/15/2006 4:56:26 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
Has anyone else had lingering effects after AD?
Does the AD go completely away after you relieve the cause?
I've had a few A.D. attacks. They were from a kinked foley  once from a bad 
bag that had a fold at the top  wouldn't let anything drain. Mine went away 
within a couple minute, although from such a terrible headache,,,I would get 
sleepy afterwards. I don't believe it lingers for anyone after relieving the 
cause. Sounds like you have something else going on.

[QUAD-L] Bladder training neurolic bladder functioning

2006-11-10 Thread delimited4

Without becoming a total bore on this subject, I'm wondering if doctors even try to encourage blader training and the use of condom catheters anymore. It can be a rather long process, but when done right, it can eliminate a lot of those nasty infections. Even if your not using an external cath, try once a day, tapping around your lower abdomen to cause a spasm in your bladder muscles that empties your bladder more thouroughly. This helps to eliminate the bugs that are giving you the UTI's.

Women don't have a choice for external catheters, but guys should give it a good try. The health benefits are beyond measure. If you have a problem keeping the catheters on, there is some new adhesives that really work.

The smple fact is if you have an indwelling foley, you have a UTI. If you have an indwelling foley you should be taking anti-infectives and high dose of vitamin C, 3 to 6 grams per day. (I favor mandelamine because it creates a hostile place for bugs in your kidneys and bladder.) Try to always have the same person help you when changing a catheter, the best person is a family member because you already share many of the same germs. A different nurse or doctor each time is asking for trouble. Irrigate regularly (twice a week for most and again, a loved one should help or they need to do sterile technique.) and if it isn't showing signs of clogging up, don't change because of a schedual.

I still believe in bladder training so that your bladder, even with an indwelling catheter will void as completely as possible at least once a day. 

You should all have a broad spectrum anti-bioticon hand and understand when to use it, how to use it, and what it does.

Don't drink water insanely, but drink plenty of the clear stuff. Soda pop causes your bones to leach calcium even faster which cause kidney and bladder problems as well. 

john in cincy

31years post 


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Re: [QUAD-L] durable medical equipment

2006-11-02 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

In Ohio, you can get new wheelchair batteries once a year. A new power wheelchair once every 7 years, a new hospital bed mattress every 4 years and a new hospital bed every ten years. Sounds like Stalin's five year plans doesn't it. These were made up by lawyers for handicapped people who just keep draining the system for every dime that could have been given to Exon/Mobile, or gone to pay for more warrentless wiretapped phones.


In a message dated 11/02/06 14:56:21 Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Does anyone know how many times/years it is in order to get assistance for durable medical equipment? (Ex: hospital bed; wheelchairs?)
I'm talking medicaid/medicare here.
Julie C5/6 post

Try Search Survival Kits: Fix up your home and better handle your cash with Live Search! 

Re: [QUAD-L] Tax deduction

2006-10-24 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I've never heard of it and I've done taxes for quite awhile. I'll admitt I've never had a relative as a primary caregiver, but I haven't seen anything that fit that description. You can deduct your expences as long as they equal 7% of your gross income.


In a message dated 10/24/2006 6:53:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Quite some number of years ago I heard someone say there was a tax deduction if a family member was the primary caregiver of a permanently disabled quadriplegic. I remember the sum being around $10,000, but until recently I never had a family member living with me while they were serving as my caregiver. Has anyone else heard of anything like this?


2006-10-24 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Economics! Some quads have enormous settlements and are not particularly concerned with living problems that confront quads that rely on medicaid. I would like to see an assistive living center for quads. I've seen attempts to build them but the ACLU claimed it discriminated against people that suffered from other disabilities. Diseases like drug addiction and alcoholism, mental retardation, all of which when combined into that structure altered it into a handicapped slum where no aide wanted to work. If you can find one that doesnt use public money you can do it.


In a message dated 10/24/2006 4:40:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Maybe we should all get together and form our own community and have our own laws. If the Amish and the polygamist can do it,,why can't a quad group do it ? It would be different.

Re: [QUAD-L] Hot Dog!

2006-10-24 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Congrats! I hope your dog is as wonderful as those I've seen at work.


In a message dated 10/24/2006 3:10:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 10/24/2006 1:03:23 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

We just got a phone call last night saying our service dog will be here Nov 11th.

Eric W Rudd


2006-10-23 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I have a cousin that's a cop, another is a deputy Sherriff and an uncle that is a captain of the guard for the Sheriff's dept' where they handle prisoners all day. In this part of the country pot laws are looked at as just plain stupid ways to fill jail cells. They could go set up a watch on a nightclub where extacy and coke are being sold in bulk to teens or they could bust the 40 yldguy sittin at home, watching cartoons, eating a twinkie. Pot is no longer a big money crime drug. So many people grow their own and theres virtually no violent crime attached to it. It is Kentucky's #1 cash crop. The reduculous part is when I see them smuggling it in from mexiico when everyone knows, Canada has the good stuff. The best stuff comes from basements and is grown using hydroponics. In any case, I don't buy it or sell it. An ounce lasts me about 6 months. 
If they choose to arrest me for it I'll cost them about $6500a day to keep in custody at a local hospital and I haven't got the money to pay a fine. 
The only reason pot is illegal is because a study done in the 1930's stated that marijuana made blackl and hispanic men want to rape white women. Thiswas also a time when it was illegal to marry between races in many states.
Just think of all the space we would have in jails and prisons if we dumped that one stupid law and taxed the stuff. It isn't even addictive. The US government has not recognized any medical studies that show it has a medicinal value and has misspent billions of dollars eradicating a weed thats native to the western hemisphere while subsidizing tobacco and alcohol which are both addictive and poisonous.
Teach the dog a practical job and have him sniff out money


In a message dated 10/23/2006 12:21:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time, LadyOnWheels725 writes:

Hi John,
My nephew is a chief investigator with the police department and he has a drug dog. When you get a dog like this they live with you and become part ofyour family.Our house is where all the family comes to eat and congregate. We have them over ever week or 2 to eat and watch a game or race and the dog comes along. When Jimmy needs to go places without the dog he will have a 
" play date " at our house. We have often said that the dog could bust us for all the meds we keep in our house. I bet he would let Jimmy know if I tried to hide some " pot " in this house. At the University of Mississippi ( Ole Miss ) they do grow pot there for the school of pharmacy.


2006-10-23 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

It's usually called a kong. Its a chew toy the dog associates with play and affection with is his reward for performing tasks. Amazingly enough, service dogs for the blind rarely rely on such toys. The service dogs are so much smarter than drug or bomb dogs that they are often capable of getting their own food and water. 
I'm not putting drug dogs down because they do a fabulous job, and the bomb sniffers have saved thousands of lives. I'm sure some are probably as smart as service dogs. I did see a guy on tv who had his dog trained to sit in front of people with the largest amount of cash when given the command "where's the money?". lol
I do love dogs and wish I had one.


In a message dated 10/23/2006 6:00:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Drug dogs are rewarded with playtime. When they find, they play. If they don't find... they don't play. Chasing the ball is one game to consider.


2006-10-22 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

My two cents on pain,
I never had much painuntill almost 15 years post. The doctors were always tellin me its in my head, and I would smirk, like DUH! So I started smoking pot and it helped me get to sleep, I swear ItWorked. I began using advil and aspirin cominations then tylenol. Y'all can say it doesn't do anything but it would take the edge off and I'd stop sweating and shaking. The doctor that I have now was horrified and asked if I'd ever had anything else that worked (beside pot). I had vicodin from my sister one night and I slept better than I could remember. I told him about it and my tylenol habit and he gave me a script for 240 vicodins a month and glyco-lax for the side effect. These aren't the strongest but as I deform and grow older I am starting to feel the old pain again.
You guys have described your pain as pins and needles. Some of you don't even try to describe it and I think I know what your feeling. I feel as if I'm slowly twisting and being bent. I begin to sweat and loose the ability to concentrate. Now what I'm feeling turns to full blown dysreflexia episode. There is no scale of pain because I'm on the verge of a stroke and breathing has become difficult. At this point I drop 3 valiums and 2 hydrocodones. 
Roll it back to where I feel like I'm being bent and twisted,,take 2 hydrocones. episode subsides. Although I will still need to lay back and relax, but I think it is from the hydrocone causing me to be drowsey.
I don't know if this helps anyone but my point is, don't wait to take the pain meds even if it is a slight overdose.


In a message dated 10/21/2006 4:41:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Thanks CorieI agree , Hard to understand why some people must endure so much pain., I guess we will just try to hang in there and take life a day at a time. Dan***Corie Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Hi Dan...I wanted to respond to your post because my pain has increased as time has gone by. I have been injured 13 years and my pain started a couple months after my injury and has gotten steadily worse over the years. I have severe burning and needles basically from my chest down to my feet. I have tried all kinds of medication and none have helped or only helped a little and for a short time. I also tried Lyrica, but it did not do anything for my pain. I have heard from other people with spinal cord injuries who have pain that some people's pain gets less over the years and others get worse, so I'm not sure why some people are forced to endure this horrible pain and that it gets worse. Also, like you and Ron (and others on the list), I also have a syrinx, which I found out about five years ago. I had the shunt surgery done, hoping it would reduce my pain, but did nothing for it. Fortunately I haven't lost any function.Anyway, just wanted to pass on my experience...Corie

- Original Message - 
From: Danny Hearn 
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 6:50 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] LYRICA
 Kathy and others.has your pain increased as time has gone by ? I just passed 9 years as a quad, I thought In time things would get better but it seems to be the opposite. The 1st 3 or 4 years I could sleep like a baby most of the night but now I suffer most the nights in pain getting very little good sleep rest-- I feel exhausted all the time. I take amitriptyline ( elavil ) at nights to sleep and it helps some. At night it seems my blood does not circulate good, I think I may try one of those air pressure relief electric mattresses that shift your weight when I can afford it, I know a few of the quads say they really help. Anyway I'm just curious to know if most of your pain levels increased -- got better -- or remained about the same ??? Dan[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Hi Ron,
I had been taking neurotin for 7 years and it had increased to 1200 mg 3x a day. My neuropathy really covers me all over and I can take different muscle relaxers , pain pills, and botox shots
and still have pain.
My doctors had told me about lyrica and it is the "new" miracle medicine that is suppose to work wonders. I have been on it for 6 weeks and they have raised it once. I am taking 300 mg 2x a day and they say it can be increased a lot more. My baclofen has also been increased to 20 mg 3x aday. Right now I am super sensitive to touch. Bathing is horrible, I can't stand the feel of the bath cloth and towel going up and down my skin. I am crying by the time I am dressed. Then I have to take the pain pills.
The pain clinic is a new doctor to me and he says if I will hang in there he believes that lyrica will solve my pain when we find the right dose. I wish they could increase it faster.
Kathy in Mississippi


2006-10-14 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I think straight cathing causes your uti's. If you don't have a residual of 150cc's or more then your just introducing bacteria to your bladder. I only catheterize for specimens and I rarely get 100 cc's. My UTI's always seem to occur after they need a specimen. 


In a message dated 10/14/2006 9:01:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I just obtained another uti.
I believe the uti's are coming from not emptying my bladder all the way.

I use a condom catheter all the time but i straight cath every morning and night to completely empty my bladder.
Well, last friday and monday night my aide them nights had a broken finger and i did not getthe bladderempty.
Now, Thursday/Friday, i have a uti.

Does anyone think this would cause it?
Or is it just circumstances?

Derrick C-5


2006-10-14 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I've tried that. My legs spasm in my sleep and the line gradually gets pulled a little more and more and then I'm waking up in a puddle. I just use the silicone freedom caths since my skin suddenly decided it wouldn't tolerate latex comfort anymore. The best way to put condoms on is to have a sweet friendly aide that enjoys the job. I'm a C-5 with no finger control, and even if I wasn't, I still think thats the best way.


In a message dated 10/13/2006 7:13:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

i HAVE DISCOVERED IT TO BE EASIER to put the condom cath on pointing down, I run the tube between my legs and under my knee. Then I put the bag on the floor. The other thing I have discovered is barrier wipes, used on my penis before applying Wide Band, or similar "extra adhesive styly external cath.

Last night I discovered another trick. My urnal was full, I had already removed the external, and needed to empty. I connected a condom cath the usual way, but instead of putting it on my penis I wrapped the sticky part arround the funnel end and straight cathed right into the bed bag.

Re: [QUAD-L] Indwelling Foley

2006-10-14 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Theres a guy in felicity that told me he began with a 12 french about 20 years ago and now hes using a garden hose *wink*


In a message dated 10/14/2006 4:13:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Yes, I have had an indwelling Foley for more than 15 years. I started using a 16 French Foley but increased the size to an 18 French because of problems I have had with sentiment
DillonJulie Pittman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i have had to up ,y folley to a 16f with 15cc's of saline. it has helped wih leakkage.
julie c5-6 11 yrs. post injury

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: quad-list@eskimo.comSubject: [QUAD-L] Indwelling FoleyDate: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 12:40:07 EDT

Anybody use an indwelling foley for 15+ years?

Did you ever need to go to a larger size, and what size do you use?


Re: [QUAD-L] Bummed

2006-10-14 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

It sucks but in Ohio that is all the notice they have to give. New medicare rules are hurting some companies and of course some companies get caught ripping off medicare and medicaid and then they have no choice. Just be real sweet and nice and ask ur facilitator or social service worker what companies are in good standing and cover your area. Trust me, you gotta sound like a suck up here. If you have an aid that u really like ask them if she/he would be allowed to work with a second agency so you can get them on . Some agencies love it if you bring in aides that can cover some of your hours. It is only a hassle, don't let it depress you. Sometimes these changes turn out to make your life better. 

I know,,, you really need a hug.


In a message dated 10/14/2006 4:38:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

That lawful! Did they tell you way you going to be drop. I would get a lawer to see what you can do. Good Luck!
Wheelchair WarriorLINDA FERRELL [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Guys,
I just received a letter yesterday from my Nursing Agency that they are dropping me, plus all Medicaid, Medicaid Waiver  Choice Clients. I have 30 days to change services. So it's a bum day!

Re: [QUAD-L] UTI + hemorroid

2006-10-14 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Once I started using the glyco-lax my hemmoroid problems were solved!

I'd do a commercial for them. I cant help thinking of Johnny Cash singing "Ring of Fire" when I take it. 
Wish I had my pot back so I didn't have to take narcotics so much.

john 31 years post C-5 Addicted to pharmacuticals. Dependant on a dissintegrating healthcare system. 

In a message dated 10/14/2006 2:47:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hi Derrick...Straight cathing and any type of indwelling catheters does increase the chance of UTI's but as far as the hemorrids go, my doctor prescribed a tube creme, I think its called PROCTOZOLI used to bleed a lot and have a bad time but we now use that if hemorroids are getting bad or bleeding-- since using that as needed after bowel routine is done, My problems with that have been fine for about 2 years now.Dan H.

Re: [QUAD-L] UTI + hemorroid

2006-10-14 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Derrick, Ask your doctor about Mandelamine and high dose vitamin C. (anti-infective instead of anti biotics) Your residual is too high to stop catheterizing. Have you tryed bladder thumping? You need a more effective stool softener or your going to have a colostomy. Mirilax, or glycolax and take a stress formula multi-vitamin with iron. The hard part is moving around more. 

Good luck 

In a message dated 10/14/2006 2:26:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

i have residual of 300cc's of urine left after voiding/pissing..
I void at 600cc's.
I have had problems ever since my injury 9 years ago.

I drink plenty of fluids.
No urologists wants me to take an everyday antibiotic but i get a uti every 3 months or less.
I end up with taking Cipro mostly.

I have a bleeding hemorrhoid that has my blood down so low that I'min a need of a transfusion.
The doc tells me if they cut them that there is a great chance i will lose control of my sphincter muscle.
Not a good thing imop.

Has anyone had this sugery?

- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] UTI

I think straight cathing causes your uti's. If you don't have a residual of 150cc's or more then your just introducing bacteria to your bladder. I only catheterize for specimens and I rarely get 100 cc's. My UTI's always seem to occur after they need a specimen. 


In a message dated 10/14/2006 9:01:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I just obtained another uti.
I believe the uti's are coming from not emptying my bladder all the way.

I use a condom catheter all the time but i straight cath every morning and night to completely empty my bladder.
Well, last friday and monday night my aide them nights had a broken finger and i did not getthe bladderempty.
Now, Thursday/Friday, i have a uti.

Does anyone think this would cause it?
Or is it just circumstances?

Derrick C-5


2006-10-13 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I've seen some amazing rigs and rituals that people use for hanging bedbags so they fill with comfort and avoid back preasure. After 31 years I have this down to a simple matter of water always seeking the lowest point. When you lay in bed route the catheter over your leg and into a loop on the bed. The loop should be large enough that the line hanging down never drops below the bottom of the bag and the higher the more comfortable it will be. Those little green clips with rubber bands keep the loop from falling off the bed. As it fills with urine it creates a mild vacuum that actually helps condom catheters stay on better.This same vacuum also aids in draining the bladder and keeping it draining without any backup.
I've seen hospitals and nursing homes where the bag line lays on the floor and then goes back up to the bag. This is uncomfortable and very likely to pull off external catheters. Gravity loops are working best when full of urine. Do not play with them and empty them as this eliminates its vacuum effect.


Re: [QUAD-L] Supra-pubic question

2006-10-13 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Do any of you tap around your bladder to cause muscle contractions? I have done this since erehab. It causes the muscles to contract and the sphincter to release the urine in several flows. Because of it I can use an external catheter and avoid all the infections from indwelling catheters. It is just a gentle serious of taps on the tummy and then the bladder muscles contract and empty it.
By the way, the sediment is usually caused when you have a bladder that is not emptying. This allows bacteria to grow in the bladder, often causing stones to form which in turn cause more bacteria to grow. I'm still a proponent of anti-infectives and large doses of vitamin C.
For those of you on anti biotics, try that new Dan-active from Dannon between doses and see if it really helps avoid the constipation and the runs that are so common with anti biotic use. I personnally just use acidophalous capsules between any anti biotics that I take


In a message dated 10/12/2006 7:13:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In addition to spinning the catheter, I would recommend pulling it slightly up. I have also had problems with the catheter adhering to the bottom of my bladder. Additionally I have to make sure the tubing is going straight to the bag in order to get drainage. I have cut a 2000 bag for my wheelchair and I utilize a 4000 cc bag for my bed. The only difference is my bed bag is in a basin at the foot of my bed so that the tubing is as straight as possible without being too taut.
What size is your catheter? Right now I'm utilizing a 22, but I may have to go down to a 20 because there is some scar tissue which is making it difficult to insert the size22 which I have been using for at least four years now. Good luck.Quadius (I have had my suprapubic for 11 years now.)Dylan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hey Friends,I've had the suprapubic for emptying my bladder for about a year and a half now and it has worked pretty well. Within the last week or two it has stopped working efficiently and I'm not sure what the problem is. I've been using catheters of all sorts for twenty years now so I'm quite familiar with all of the things that can go wrong with them. What is happening now is that the thing will just refuse to flow. I'm drinking plenty, the catheter is well irrigated and clear, and yet the liquid still will not flow. I'll even start everything new (bag, catheter, etc). irrigate a few times; and then by the end of the day, or in the early morning, (especially if I'm not careful and fall asleep too deeply, and wake up with an extreme case of it) I'll find myself with increasing levels of disreflexia(you know, the kind that makes your body convulse every 15secs or so and leaves you with the headache from hell). Until I use the 60cc syringe to draw the liquid out. There are usually about 3 syringe-fulls in the bladder by that point. When I begin to irrigate it can be quite difficult to pull, but the strange part is that the urine is clear, with little/no sediment build-up. After the initial difficulty in starting the emptying pull, the pull becomes easy as it normally was. The other strange thing however, is that if I stop drawing the liquid out, it just refuses to flow out on its own, as it normally used to.I did subsequently make some changes to my arrangements, and they did seem to help things a little bit, but the flow-stoppage is still happening. I cut the bed bag from the tubing and now have the tubing going in as direct and as downhill a path as possible into an open container (and this did work for awhile but the flow is still negligible and still ends up with me having the distended bladder problem).I seem to remember the urologist saying that I would likely have to increase the size of the catheter as I aged, so that might be the solution, but I've made the earliest MD appointment I could for Dec 12, and a phone conversation tomorrow.I pretty much value you alls' experience over anything else so I'm wondering if any of you have experienced these symptoms. And if so, what can be done to fix the situation? I would like to know if this is a unique experience, or if other quads have adapted to similar situations. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.DylanPS. Oh yeah, on a completely different topic, do any of you play World of Warcraft by an chance? If you do, and you want to, send me an email. I have been playing for over a year now and I can't believe how far I've gotten, considering I'm a quadriplegic. Its great fun, and just as in the real world, we have to find ways to adapt to our handicaps and I've figured out ways to work around my shortcomings so that I can at least contribute to a team effort. Its fun and challenging. 

Re: FW: Re: [QUAD-L] chair

2006-10-08 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I'm pretty certain it won't move in the elevated position and it won't elevate when it's not level. It does allow to to elevate to reach things. The safetys are probably set by a computer. Maybeit can move slowly while elevated. All elevating chairs that I've seen have tilt sensors and use large batteries to achieve alow center of gravity.


In a message dated 10/8/2006 7:27:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I need an elevating chair in the worst way. It would help me enormously in my job (teaching), and would help in everyday life (I think).From: "Jeremy Dickinson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: "William Willis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]CC: quad-list@eskimo.comSubject: Re: [QUAD-L] chairDate: Sun, 8 Oct 2006 18:32:20 -0400It looks nice but top heavy. I wouldn't drive it.On 10/8/06, William Willis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Anybody familiar with this chair? Looks interesting. - 23 - FloridaC-3 Quad since 4/12/01OI Type IV since 7/29/82

Re: [QUAD-L] Door openers

2006-10-08 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I lived in a building with a security door that worked normally for normal people. It had a storm door and a regular door, or so it appeared.You had to have a credit card and swipe it for the door to work. If you were ion a wheelchair it would open itself automatically and if your card told it you needed no help it simply unlocked and functioned normally. Smoke sensors inside the building could cause the door to open itself automatically. The door was equiped with 2 cameras and could be opened by people in their appartments and by a security person in the building. 
Unfortunately, It was built in a community where I was mugged and robbed 3 times in the 5 years I lived there. I always carried 10 dollars for them to steal, but one guy stole my wheelchair. My wheelchair now has a panick button that goes off at about 150 db. I've heard it tested and it should get some attention after i've been shot. lol
Somedays there is no gravity, the world just sucks.


Re: [QUAD-L] Insurance / Doctors

2006-10-06 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I just call my doctors assistant and let him know my chair is having a problem. The guys at Care Medical simply call my doctor and tell him what they need a script for. My doctor doesn't fix wheelchairs. Hes like me, hes got to trust them to do it right. I feel fortunate that they do what they say they will quickly and get my chair back to me then worry about the idiots at medicare and medicaid. I haven't met anyone at medicaid or medicare that has impressed me with their mental accumen, in fact, I think they get hired because no other agency would have them. The state of ohio appoints "lawyers" to run medicaid. I've written the governor on several occasions to find out why he doesn't appoint doctors to the state attorney general's office, but I onlyt get back form letters explaining how insignificant the charges of accepting bribes are that he pled guilty to.

I applied for a job working for the state of Ohio. I'n my application I pointed out that I'm highly qualified because I'm an accountant that can read above a 2nd grade level and I can't get off my ass come hell or high water.

I suppose I need to molest an animal or a child to qualify.Pt, two things I can't do!


In a message dated 10/5/2006 9:12:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 4:55 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; quad-list@eskimo.comSubject: Re: [QUAD-L] Insurance / Doctors

What about looking for a different doctor, he doesn't seem to understand your needs. Doctors should not need to see every time you need something, especially with just the basics of needing a wheelchair repaired. Companies do take so long to get parts. My medical supply company calls the doctor gives a prescription for me, usually . The wheelchair company I deal with is Apria.

Sorry you're having to go through so much, that is so unfair. Our wheelchairs are our legs. It is really ridiculous. What we have to go through and how long we have wait just to get parts.

Re: [QUAD-L] seizures

2006-10-05 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I had a resistant infection that caused me to be admitted a few years ago. The doctor was having Macrodantin pumped in by IV as well as taking it orally. I was not getting better and my legs were beginning to swell after 2 days when I asked to see the PDR because I was having trouble breathing. (had not seen the doctor since check in) PDR listed as a reason to discxontinue Macrodantin, edema, and pulmonary edema. I asked the nurse to contaxct my doctor and discontinue the IV. She said she would try. Two hours later I was having a lot of trouble breathing and no nurse had returned. When meds were being passed out I was informed the doctor had doubled the macrodantin orally and by IV. I refuaed my meds and told the nurse that if she didn't disconect the IV I would. I signed the AMA order and a resident visited me and read the PDR in my room. after which he agreed with mer and ordered an asthma treatrment to help me breath better. The next morning I was awakened by a furious doctor that was inconsolable atbeing told his affiliation with a drug company was clouding hismedical judgement. 
I asked him to appologize or leave my room and never return. I've never seen him since and I advised medicare and medicaid not to pay fior my stay since the infection that I had resonded well to keflexwhich is both cheap and generic.
Choose your doctors wisely grasshopper,,lol


In a message dated 10/4/2006 12:22:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 10/3/2006 9:11:09 P.M. Central Daylight Time, DeLiMiTeD4 writes:

I'm too old to be a teaching object for doctors that are more interested in the stock market and their teachers that aren't going to miss another 10 am tee off. Does any of this sound familiar?


Hospitals and nurses follow written doctor's orders. They are required by law to do so.
If it is written in the doctor's orders, the nurses and aides must follow those instructions.

If it is not written in the doctor's orders, then hospitals and nurses do the best they can or are able.


Re: [QUAD-L] seizures

2006-10-03 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

After 31 years as a quadriplegic, I don't even talk to doctors that think my life will improve after a stay in the hospital. I'm sure they have learned tons in the past ten years but I also know they can give me a preasure sore in under a half hour while they discuss a miracle with an associate. Going to the hospital is like choosing a bride at a whorehouse. It's fun at first but they can't do the day to day stuff. When they say they can, they are lying.
I do like the food at hospitals, they way it sits across the room by the door slowly getting cold and then the aid asking why I didn't eat it? The wheelchair accesable bathrooms that have a four inch step over into the shower. Teaching 4 new people every day to use a hoyer lift, or the way my bowels move freely while a nurse wanders the hallways in search of someone else to do a digital stim. I do love the solid hour of privacy that I get when I press the call button after waiting 3 days to get a call button I can use. Waking up to the sight of eight student doctors that have a combined IQ of 72. 
I'm too old to be a teaching object for doctors that are more interested in the stock market and their teachers that aren't going to miss another 10 am tee off. Does any of this sound familiar?


In a message dated 10/3/2006 9:06:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Neuro Science has learned more about the brain in the last 10 years, then all of what was known in the last 100 years. Neuro Stims now all but eliminate those nasty seizures. There is a science research team in Canada that is attempting to get a patent on their latest results on both Neuro Stims and Neuro Infusion Therapy. We continue to learn with each mistake and each day.

In a message dated 10/3/2006 5:03:23 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I'm a newly diagnosed epileptic, had 1 Grande Mall seizure, and many petite mall attacks. I've just started taking epileptic medication to get them under control. Is that any use?!

Love Smurf, xxx

Re: [QUAD-L] Whassup?

2006-10-03 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I just got one


In a message dated 10/3/2006 8:50:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Did you get 2 of these? One from the Quad-List and One from Me."S. Dial" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Hm, odd. I got your reply John from ur email but not mine or anything else from quad-list.


All-new Yahoo! Mail - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster.

[QUAD-L] Re: seizures

2006-10-03 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Dearest Smurff,
You start getting a sense of it coming on. Yes the drugs work. They need to build up a level in your system depending on what your trying. If your not satisfied don't hesitate to tell your doctor. I've tried a bunch over the years and transitions to new drugs are the most difficult times. Keep notes about the attacks and what you remember and felt before it happened.
I wish you the very best.


In a message dated 10/3/2006 9:06:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time, wheelchair writes:

In a message dated 10/3/2006 5:03:23 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I'm a newly diagnosed epileptic, had 1 Grande Mall seizure, and many petite mall attacks. I've just started taking epileptic medication to get them under control. Is that any use?!

Love Smurf, xxx

Re: [QUAD-L] did i get dropped or did y'all get quiet?

2006-10-03 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Okay! I don't know what I missed but I gotta pay more attention.

In a message dated 10/3/2006 4:03:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

no honey, it's because i forget what we were talking about. and then of course - while we chat and you get frisky, i keep looking back at those pictures i have in a special place 

In a message dated 10/2/2006 5:59:18 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, DiannaL767 writes:

In a message dated 10/2/2006 11:34:22 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 The good part is - a book lasts me longer than most people !!! 
is that why it takes you so long to respond when i'm conversing with you thru instant messaging?!!! not interesting... :-(

Dave C3

Re: [QUAD-L] did i get dropped or did y'all get quiet?

2006-10-02 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

What, no epileptics? I have these great siezures now and then from my brain injury. I usually don't remember much. With neurontin they are milder and I just seem to blackout for about 5 to 10 minutes. I still get some bad ones now and then, but as long as I take about 60mg's of valium they don't last too long. Always feel like I ran a marathon afterward. Sure freaks everyone else out. 
I was starting to think you guys didn't have siezures. I use to take a med for my blood preasure during the siezure but they stopped it because they thought it was setting up the next one.A friend of mine takes methadone and says it controls his. I'm guessing he takes a bit much because hes pretty far out in left field most of the time. I don't think he would know if he had a siezure. 

Re: [QUAD-L] Preventative meds to help prevent UTIS

2006-10-02 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Yes Dan, It helps alot. I used Mandelamine and vitamin C all the years that I had an indwelling cath and it helped to prevent the awesome infections. It isn't an anti biotic so you don't build resistance to them and they work well if you do get an infection. 


[QUAD-L] did i get dropped or did y'all get quiet?

2006-10-01 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Do I need to rejoin the list again? and Uhm, instructions please?


Re: [QUAD-L] Fastest MWD Chair?

2006-09-28 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

If your not gona wear a helmet and you haven't got insurance, maybe 9.5 mph is about as fast as you should go. Don't forget roll cages and nerf bars and signalling lights. Your going to break your neck!

In a message dated 9/28/2006 12:17:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
my 626 goes 9.5mph...not near what I would like!Greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

What is the fastest mid wheel drive chair? It seems 6.5 / 7.5 is tops?
I know you start to fish tail at higher speeds compared to rear wheel drive.


Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Testing

2006-09-27 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

In a message dated 9/27/2006 6:25:14 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I have not been getting any post for several days.

Just testing. Testing.Dana


2006-09-25 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I don't object to the ad since frankly, I wouldn't be in a wheelchair if it weren't for a drunk driver. I do think that as groups go, MADD is little more than a group of wealthy people that donate their time and money to other wealthy people while praying they don't get caught driving under the influence. Their bulk membership is made up of people that feel they shouldn't have to attend AA meetings. After all, hypocrisy isn't something that people do, it is a way of life!


In a message dated 9/25/2006 10:34:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I don't understand your objection to this ad, River. For some it's reality. All I saw was a young man in what appeared to be a hospital room looking out the window.

Bill age 56C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68Leesburg, FLOn the other hand, you have different fingers.

- Original Message - 
From: River Wolfe 
To: Quad List 
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 5:54 AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] MADD

Hello everybody We just wanted to let you know that MADD has an outrageous commercial out involving people with disabilities. The link is . If anyone has time please write MADD a letter. Their address is: MADD National Office 511 E. John Carpenter Frwy. Suite 700 Irving, TX 75062

Re: [QUAD-L] MADD-Commerical

2006-09-25 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I know some folks on here got settlements after their injuries but I can honestly say my life was not affected in any good ways by a SCI. It didn't end my life but it sure didn't improve it. If it stops one more idiot from driving drunk, run the ad. Lets not pretend we have an alternate lifestyle that is OK once your use to it. In case you still think your normal I suggest you climb some stairs.


In a message dated 9/25/2006 1:08:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Begin forwarded message:

From: River Wolfe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: September 25, 2006 12:34:41 PM EDT
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] MADD-Commerical
Hi everyone, 

I look at this commercial and I look at the message just beyond the image on the screen. As a person who has led a full life AFTER disability (including dating and relationships) I find the implication that after disability ones ability to attract and obtain relationships, offensive. TRUE, but offensive because it promotes the notion that WE ARE NOT desirable.

Notice that the message needn't be explained; all you need is the image to get the message. Everyone is familiar with the stereotype presented in this ad - if your is body different (in this case disabled) you will be alone and isolated, unable to obtain the dream of a relationship and everything a relationship promises. Do we really want to encourage this stereotype?

On this list the topic of dating and sexuality comes up all of the time. We all moan and groan about how we are no longer attractive to others, and feel isolated. Why do you think we feel so alone and have a difficult time attracting others?

Unless we confront the media and the message, we will continue to feel the pain associated with the stereotype.

How many of us thought "hmmm I'd better not WHATEVER (in my case hike) because I might become paralyzed"?. Of course we avoid (some of us anyway) drinking and driving because it's illegal. Very few young people avoid it or will be persuaded to avoid it because they don't want to become paralyzed or otherwise disabled. The legal threat is a bigger threat.

So the argument that a teen or young adult is going to be affected by this ad is weak at best.

Think about it and be honest with yourself.


Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: pretty lil wheelchairs

2006-09-25 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

My wheelchair is just black so it shows all the dirt and dust. It has scrapes and scratches because the idiot that drives it keeps hitting stuff/furniture/people. There's a bag on the back filled with useless stuff except a stadium blanket for when I'm outside and freezing. Sometimes the tires have dirt on least, I hope its dirt. It didn't have a flexible frame when I got it but it has one now!
Originally I ordered the chair with a pink paintjob and a purple roho seat. Roho said they didn't have purple so I figured the pink would suck and asked them to redothe chairin black. They were happy and I even got it a month sooner. I've had it 2 1/2 years and the lady at Medicare says it has to last 7years. I reminded her that the warranty was only for 90 days. She reminded me that she didn't make the rules and only god will ever know who is truly responsible for them. I corrected her and said I'm certain that Satan has reserved a high position in hell for the persons that made the rules that she enforces and she hung up. They hate it when you know the truth. Actually, my chair may last 7 years if I die in the next year or so. It's not a bad chair, but if you drive a car 5000 hours a year and have a minor wreck each week, it may not last quite 3 years and cars are built, designed and engineered far better than wheelchairs. Just what are the chances of this thing lasting 35,000 hours and surviving 350 some wrecks and other road hazards. ( I'm being generous, I have significantly wiped this chair out once and the back fell off last month, FROM OVERUSE!!!).
My wheelchair was tested for endurance by a comatose butterfly.


In a message dated 9/25/2006 5:02:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Blue Opal,
It changes color depending on the angle of the sun.
(Don't know if they charged the VA more for it)

In a message dated 9/16/2006 11:52:12 A.M. Central Daylight Time, LadyOnWheels725 writes:

Hi All
Just wondering,,,My chair is red and black,,what color is your chair  I have heard talk about the model and seating, but never the color. Did anyone do any special paint job ? 
Kathy in Mississippi

-- Forwarded message --From:[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Date:Sat, 16 Sep 2006 12:52:12 EDTSubject:Fwd: (no subject)

-- Forwarded message --From:[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Date:Sat, 16 Sep 2006 12:16:18 EDTSubject:(no subject)

Hi All
Just wondering,,,My chair is red and black,,what color is your chair  I have heard talk about the model and seating, but never the color. Did anyone do any special paint job ? 
Kathy in Mississippi

Re: [QUAD-L] Whassup?

2006-09-20 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Well,, I see you.
Are you getting this?


In a message dated 9/20/2006 12:06:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Haven't got any mail from quadlist in 5 days ...

StephanieSwamp Sista

Re: [QUAD-L] (no subject)

2006-09-20 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Ye! you did it!


In a message dated 9/20/2006 12:07:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Re: [QUAD-L] RE-The sediment in my urine

2006-09-18 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

At a certain point, I believe all of us quads start to decalcify. That is, our bones leech calcium out of our systems. This shows up as that crudy sediment. By the way, Carbonated drinks are documented to accelerrate this propblem in normal people. Most juices are very high in sugar and I try to avoid gaining weight as my quadgut already makes me appear fat. I use an external condom and rarely get a bladder infection.I do still get periods when my urine is high in sediment and the sediment is almost 95% calcium. I haven't been catheterized since 2000. I know thats no help to the ladies. The persistant irrigation with vinegar and sterile water is the smart move. When done daily thereslittle chance to start growing anything serious. 
It is important to check for cyctitis and stones as well as bladder cancer. I hate going for tests too. 

I wish you all the very best,

In a message dated 9/16/2006 8:51:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Whatever is in your urine, comes from what you eat, drink or how your body is processing.. or not processing. Change some of your habits and see what happens in 7 days.
Vinegar in your diet, won't hurt and just might help.

In a message dated 9/16/2006 7:14:40 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dilllon, I had to have a suprapubic put in about 10 1/2 years ago and have had relatively no problems, until recently. I also suffer from intermittent sediment problems, but now I use a 22 and it does help significantly. There is some smell occasionally, but this is usually when I have drank too many Mountain Dew's (yes I know they're terrible for me). The major problem I have experienced recently is that my stoma seems to have constricted a little over the last year and I am now having some difficulty getting the 22 in. May eventually have to go back down to a 20 until I can have my urologist take a look at what the problem is right now.

Re: [QUAD-L] RE-The sediment in my urine

2006-09-18 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I didn't mean to say cranberry juice wasn't good for you. I was saying my choice is to avoid the high calories of most juices. There are vinegars that you can drink like wines. You won't get drunk but the pH is fabulously balanced. It is an aquired taste, but hey, worth a shot. Actual numbers on a high sediment sample I tested was 68 percent calcium and 22 percent dead white blood cells(puss). The rest was composed of bladder and kidney tissues that are common with an indwelling catheter that irritates the tissue it is in contact with. 
If you have had a catheter indwelling for 30 years you may want a biopsy to test for cancerous cells. While your discussing these points with your urologist, ask about using anti-infectives. (mandelamine, etc.)
I've read studies that say vitamine C can help your body absorb calcium. I haven't read anything requarding SCI's and the use of vitamin C. I take about 2500 mgs a day. If anyone is aware of a down side to large doses of vitamin C, please let me know. 31 years and I haven't had a single cavity to fill.


In a message dated 9/18/2006 5:11:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time, DAANOO writes:

I recently bought some cranberry juice, I guess that is not good either?

Along with grapefruit juice. I usually don't drink juice, but I do drink some carbonated drinks, because I don't like water, what about you? I drink a lot of bit of Minute Maid lemonade and Crystal light , which is not carbonated, but I really like.Dana

Re: [QUAD-L] The sediment in my urine

2006-09-14 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Do you irrigate your bladder. Whrn you say you flush, I'm guessing you mean you irrigate. Different solutions may be helpfull. Adding vinegar to the sterile water can be usefull. Like others have said, you need to talk to a doctor that treats quads and paras. I have a great respect for Uro's that treat female paras because they know its a battle. I do wish you the very best.


In a message dated 9/14/2006 11:13:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Subject: [QUAD-L] The sediment in my urine 

 Hello everyone,   I need your help. For the past two years I have suffered from  alot of sediment in my urine. I have tried flushing the Foley,  taking tablets of vitamin C, cut out calcium and have drunk lots  of water but my problem still persists.   My Foley has clogged more times than I can count and I am tired  of being soaked with urine. Is there any advice or suggestions  any of you could offer me such as diets, drugs or anything that  has benefited any of you with similar problems. I would be most  appreciative.  Thanks   Dillon  

Re: [QUAD-L] Flat tire

2006-09-14 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

It isn't a real suspension, but I know what your talking about. I live near a company that makes castors. They have lots of specialty castors including torsion loaded castors and spring loaded. If I could find someone to raise the front castor arms I could try this idea. the big drive wheels in center under the chair should be mounted on separate sprung drop arms with a sway bar device connecting them so they react together in the most violentbumps.I was at the placewhere I got the chair and the guy told me how that more than voids any service contract. My chair is beginning to need lots of service. It is 2 1/2 years old and it has to last seven years according to the nice folks at medicare. Everyone at the wheelchair shop is taking interest in finding parts to replace stuff we can see will obviously fail. i'm allowed new tires each year so I ordered them since my tires (even the castors) have no sign treads ever existed. 
Don't forget preventative maintenance!! 

Ithink a lady I talked with a few months ago may have passed. If not please drop me a line as I lost my address book when my computer was repaired. Otherwise, I mention you all every night in my prayers.

peace and love,

In a message dated 9/14/2006 11:46:16 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Jkrocks writes:

Everything we need to do as quadriplegics is always a compromise. My Invacare wheelchair has 2" suspension which works really well going over door thresholds but cruising down the sidewalk or a dirt road it does not too much at all. My tires also have the inserts, which makes for a harder ride but it's better to give up the ride then it is to have a flat tire. I also run two sets of tires throughout the year. I have my old tires that are basically bald that I run in this summer so I do not track so much dirt into my house and I have my new rear tires that I run in the winter time to give me more traction in the snow.

Re: [QUAD-L] Recovering

2006-09-13 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

You have all our best wishes for luck with your new pump.


In a message dated 9/13/2006 2:16:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I'm home since Tuesday morning. Pain isn't bad right now. The pump is in and working!! After surgery I went probably 19 hours without a spasm. Compared to the day before surgery, I'm almost spasm-free! I go in tomorrow to get the pump adjusted. 

So far I'm thrilled! Wrth it completely. It is a little bigger thanI thought it would be, but still worth it!!

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.littlequad

Re: [QUAD-L] Roho or Jay gel????

2006-09-13 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I hate when the damn seat deflates. I don't like the jay seat because in 2 hours it feels like contoured cement. The roho is tested every day when my aid drives it into my room. She cvan feel it, I can't.


In a message dated 9/13/2006 3:11:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I have been on the roho for about 31 years, I first had a gel cushion although it was not Jay. I did try to Jay cushion for a short time, but did not feel as comfortable. I go by Robo only I have had a number of breakdowns because it went flat. I didn't know it was flat, of course. It should have some system to let you know when it is losing the air, since we cannot feel.

You just have to be careful and check. I oftentimes look at my full-length mirror to see if I am sitting straight and if the cushion looks fullWhat do the rest of you to do safe check your Roho?

 I was getting a lot of break downs from my Jay Cushion but now since they
give me this Deep Contour Jay Cushion I have had no break downs what so
ever and I sit every bit of 10 hours a day in my chairtaking the very important
weight shifts every 2 to 2 1/2 hours in between for 15 to 18 minutes. It's been
6 years now since I got this new Deep Contour Jay Cushion.~LittleQuad~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
i'm extremely active but don't transfer and have tried all cushions but the mapped one... and so far the roho is month makes 8 years on roho...RONALD L PRACHT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

WellI think that the Roho cushions give you better protection against skin breakdown if you are at high risk. These cushions have two drawbacksthe first being they will puncture and need to be refilled occasionally, the second is if you can transfer they make it harder. 

The Jay gel cushions offer easy transfers, and are maintenance free besides an occasional wipe down. They give good skin protection as am nine years into my injury with no buttocks breakdowns.

In short if you need ultimate protection on your but and dont care about the downsides a roho is for you. If you are more active or have more function a gel will meet your needs.


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Re: [QUAD-L] Help,,very bad non stop spasms

2006-09-13 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I am coming up on 31 yerars in the chair and have exactly the same problem. I generally take hydrocodone and diazepam. (I tried baclophen and got no relief). My doctor feels I can judge my needs better than he can. After this long, I'm not prone to self destructive behavior so the arguements against giving me a supply of these drugs doesn't exist. They are cheap and work pretty well. If you are like me, you have arthritis by now. The really harsh spasms are probably Autonomic Dysreflexia. In my opinion you should be dealing more aggresivly with it. At the very least try some arthritis strength pain killers and see if you get some relief and yes, take the whole baclophen. Don't hesitate to get your hips and spine X-rayed to see if this is the source of pain. Just cause you don't feel pain like you use to doesnt mean pain doesn't exist for you. Being addicted to some pills is nothing compared to a stroke.
I could be wrong but what your describing sounds exactly like how my pain tolerance failed or pain increased. 


In a message dated 9/13/2006 6:29:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hi,Been a quad for over 30 years. Now all of a sudden i have non stop spasms that take only 20 minutes off at the most and 1 hour at night.Went to a new Dr. who says he dosent know why they are happening all of a sudden. I had some spasms before of course but NOT this constant and severeDr. gave me 5 mg of Bacofan to take.I just took one and see no difference in them at all.I wanna finally get some type of sleep tonight or i will go nutsShould I not take the half of pill and take the would 10 mg tonight.Im really at wits end and desperate.[Please tell me these spasms wont last forever and ruin my life.ThanksJohhnyJohnny

Re: [QUAD-L] The sediment in my urine

2006-09-13 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

A larger diameter catheter. If your taking calcium, you may want to stop. If you could get on a bladder regime you could avoid that with an external catheter. The infections stop happening too. good luck.


In a message dated 9/13/2006 7:40:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hello everyone,
I need your help. For the past two years I have suffered from alot of sediment in my urine. I have tried flushing the Foley, taking tablets of vitamin C, cut out calcium and have drunk lots of water but my problem still persists.

My Foley has clogged more times than I can count and I am tired of being soaked with urine. Is there any advice or suggestions any of you could offer me such as diets, drugs or anything that has benefited any of you with similar problems. I would be most appreciative.ThanksDillon

Re: [QUAD-L] Accessible Home Ownership Seminar

2006-09-12 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

When they build handicapped housing in california, do they make it earthquake proof?


In a message dated 9/11/2006 9:22:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi everyone just wanted to let you all know about a great upcoming event! Recently, a friend and colleague of mine told me about a seminar this Saturday on accessible and affordable home ownership in CA. Stephen Beard is a Realtor in the San Francisco Bay Area who specializes in accessible housing. This gentleman is so great to work with! He really cares about the community and is constantly looking for ways to help people lead more independent lives. Check out the information regarding the seminar in his e-mail to me below. Have a great day and take care.

:o) Anne -- --

From: Stephen Beard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006 4:01 PMTo: Anne TripicchioSubject: Accessible Home Ownership Seminar

Hi Anne, 

I'm excited to announce that I will be co-hosting a seminar on accessible and affordable home ownership this month in Hayward CA.. 

In cooperation with the Communtiy Resource for Independent Living (CRIL), we will be presenting a a seminar on many of the critical issues of concern for people with disabilities who are interested in home ownership. The seminar will include information on California's terrific 3% home loan for people with disabilties and their families. It will also show that owning one's own home is a real possibility for people of modest means and dealing with disability.

It is being held at the First United Methodist Church in Hayward on Saturday September 16th. Click here to view and print a flyer containing all the details. However, if you cannot view the flyer, all the pertinent information is described below.

If you or anyone you know might be interested in attending, please contact me at the number below. I'd also greatly appreciate it if you could print and post a copy of the attached flyer on your office bulletin board or forward this email to anyone and everyone you know who might want to attend.

DATE: Saturday September 16th, 2006
TIME: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
LOCATION: First United Methodist Church, 1183 B Street, Hayward (near the intersection of 2nd and B Streets)

A light lunch will be served 
Please refrain from wearing scented products to this event.

Thanks so very much,

Stephen Beard

Re: [QUAD-L] Flat tire

2006-09-12 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Air filled suck when they go flat and slime works as long as its a small hole but I've managed to tear open tires and inner tubes. The silid tires ride like junk and then have the nerve to come off on hot summer days. I can't believe nobody has combined a tubeless tire with softfill so if ur tire goes flat it looses preasure and not shape allowing you to stilltravel on it. I still don't know why they refuse to put suspensions on chairs making them harder to tip sideways and not tilt the person in it so violently. Roho seats should have low air loss features. Am I the only person that sends my ideas to the manufacturers? j/k Most chair makers want to hear your ideas.
I'm sure these improvements will come. My 1st chair had 2 six volt batteries and someone had to lay it back. Electromechanical actuators were only new to wheelchair manufacturers.


In a message dated 9/11/2006 1:26:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I used to use air but changed to solid..never ever worry about flats or my wife frustrated having to add airplus they last much longer , the ride is slightly more rough but not much different to most quads. Dan[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Maybe that is why SLIME is so popular and approved. Buy the big container, and follow the easy instructions.

In a message dated 9/11/2006 12:15:53 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I tried the solid inserts before and it was like riding with iron wheels. It killed my back! It didn't take me long to go back to air plus the solid inserts were very hard to put in and even harder to take out.Dan V

Re: [QUAD-L] Can You Read This?

2006-09-12 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I still think spelling is important. While it is possible to make out what your saying it is very uncomfortable. As a brain injury surviver I don't like it when people suffle the letters. lol


In a message dated 9/11/2006 2:18:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid, too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe tuo fo 100 anc. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it. ONLY FORWARD IF YOU CAN READ THIS 

Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Assistance for a mobility van

2006-09-09 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I have a friend here in ohio that has been a quad for about 14years. He is one of those that got a generous legal settlement. He is also very frugal when it comes to vans. He bought a 4year old Custom raised roof van that a mechanic checked out as in perfect shape. He got it for $14,000. He then had a braun lift installed and universal tie downs and a belt to restrict him in case of an accident. Altogether it was under 19 grand and it. He paid almost the same amount for his chair. 
The nice thing about vans is they loose value on the market very fast in the first few years. This makes it easy to find good deals on vans a few years old. Most states have programs to assist you in altering transportation to be used for him.
Many states will help much faster if he decides to goto college. Often they pay the entire bill since public transportationfor handicapped is usually just a political money toss and so few ever live up to the stickers that they have stating they are accesible. 

good luck

In a message dated 9/8/2006 1:43:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hello, well we are looking for a used van,"not for him to drive"but to take him to his therapy andto the doctor when needed, and to the park when needs to get out. This is the hardest thing that anyone should have to go through"as you all know". I cry everyday. but im just so glad he is still alive. Just a quick overview of what happend.
 My son was involved in a 2 car accident in he was in a coma with a brain injury and broke C1-C2 and C6-C7.. the doctors gave us no hope. He came out of his coma right after they were trying to make us make the decision.. he was on a ventilator for two months in ICU. They fused his neck from the base down to C-7 no movement at all..We then sent him to Craig Hospital in Denver Colorado on our own dime.. where he got thee best quality care available. they weened him off the vent,no more treich, and re-did his fused neck and tookthe hardeware out down to C-5 he has alot more neck movement now.
he has movement with his right arm and can work his power chairwith a joy stick and feed himself at times. He is getting some feeling down his left arm now. His spirit is highand he is a fighter thank god. We pray for him everyday. we are saving money and having garage sales as fundraisers.But i was curious if there might be any foundations that help out with this sort of thing? i read all your post and have learned alot and am very very glad i found you... 
 thank you and god bless Dennis [EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hold your horses, Partner!
You just might be buying the horses before you've seen the cart, kart or van. With a post injury of only 6 months, he is more interested in regaining his strength, stamina and his confidence. I'd wait atleast 3 years before you decide on a new van that may cost in excess of $43,000 dollars. Now if you are merely looking for a used transporter to haul him to physical therapy... that is one thing. But if you want to place him in the driver's seat at 6 months post-injury, I ask that you reconsider... at this time.

Voc Rehab is one agency. But they won't consider him... or her for atleast 2 years post.
Voc Rehab pays for the modifications, but not the base van.

Tell us a little about your son and how he was injured. We will then have alot more credible info for you.
Best Wishes

In a message dated 9/7/2006 4:14:12 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

hi everyone, my son has just recently got out of the rehabilitation hospital. He had a brake at c1-c2, c6-c7... they said he is more a c5-c6 complete .. his injury was in march 06. he is 23.. I have a question about mobility vans and if there is any type of help or grants thatsomeone could getto assist financiallyfor a van. we dont have the money to buy one outright at this time and its hard to see him staying home all the time. i am so full of questions. this is an elite group we joined. thank you very much for any info provided dennis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [QUAD-L] Does Your Chair Stink?

2006-09-06 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

My chair doubles as an incense burner. It smells like opium. What should I do?


In a message dated 9/6/2006 9:21:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Does You Chair Stink? 
You know what I mean, lol. Do you own one of those stinky/ smelly chairs?
Wheelchairs are like shoes for their users and while many TABs have many different shoes for various occassions, chair users usually have only one electric wheelchair... and that's it.

It sits to reason that one you have only one chair and spend the entire day in it, 7 days a week, its going to start harboring odors. From food, spills, leakages, medication and that nasty stuff you rolled over a couple of weeks ago that you thought was harmless.

That odor, could be harboring some pretty dangerous bacteria. From the cushion, to the armrest, to the joystick or mouth and chin controllers.

How would you de-louse your chair? Or do you really care.Who do you assist to de-odorize your chair. Cleaning the crumbs and spillages from your chair before the stinks begins.

Does your chair stinks??? Now who's going to be the first to admit it, lol.
Ask someone else. does my chair really stink... or smell?

Best Wishes

Re: [QUAD-L] syrinx question

2006-08-31 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I was under the belief that syrinx formed where the flow of spinal fluid was interupted or altered although I couldn't tell you if the tissue was starved of fluid or flooded by it.


In a message dated 8/31/2006 10:11:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Ron, the doctors told me that they don't know why they grow or spread up and down the spine..some peoples will stay the same size pretty much forever--others will grow very fast, while others will slowly grow or spread over many many do what you like as it seems there are no clear answers on this-the doctors still don't know why some get them and others don't. Dan[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Sidewalk opinions are great, but when you want expert answers to a question like that you should go to Dr.Bart Green at the Miami Project. Dr. Green accepts emails and will often personally answer those questions. Try it.
Best Wishes

In a message dated 8/31/2006 12:28:12 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I know only a few of us have spinal syrinxes, but Im one of the few. Do you guys think that swimming and lifting weights will make the syrinx grow? I keep trying to continue my rehab twice a week, and wheel a few miles in an attempt to keep weight off and stay healthy.Somewhere in my mind I keep thinking im going to possibly screw myself over with even worse pain or loss of function. Maybe W or Lori and others could give me their thoughts. thanks guys

Ron c7

Re: [QUAD-L] Leg bag opener

2006-08-26 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

it really is the last word when your in some pr***s office and ya just want them to remember you.


In a message dated 8/26/2006 3:17:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I couldn't live w/omine
Where do you empty it when it's raining or there is a snow storm or just on a sunny day?

Re: [QUAD-L] question

2006-08-24 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

If you feel depressed to the point you will tell us, I think you might talk to a shrink. Depression is an illness like a UTI or a bedsore. Talk to him andtry something short term to see if your better. Good lord yes I get depressed! 


Re: [QUAD-L] Chair back preferences

2006-08-21 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I'd like to say, DAYUM! You made an EJ last 29 years. 
Positioning is extremely important and articulated chairs need special checking to be sure your body articulates with the chair. Most leg supports are often just heel pads and are not even contacting the leg in a way to prevent problems. The heel pads don't protect your toes and I know I'm not the only one that's ever bumped my toe while manuvering and s ince I can't feel it, well, you guys can imagine what I've done. My big tip here is you can get a flat piece of metal the size of your footand 8 small bolts to attach it to the heel plate with. Even if it isn't pretty it beats clobbering your feet. I'd rather bump into anything but my poor feet. 


In a message dated 8/21/2006 4:58:24 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Lori,I had an Everest and Jennings power wheelchair from 74-03, and I always had back neck and shoulder pain and I felt hunched over plus needing to be pulled up in my care, all the time, which I don't experience in my Permobile. I seemed to fall over and much more, not staying straight. I still have a world that is a problem because of my broken left leg. That was not repaired because of osteoporosis and the hip disintegrated causing me to lean to the left.It was so interesting to hear that you had the same problems with your chair.

Has anyone ever gotten a Permoble from Medicare. I just wondered what will happen when I go from the insurance to Medicare, when my stepmother retires, I have always wondered.

Thank God my insurance changed.


Re: FW: Re: [QUAD-L] Where Is Everyone?? ~ sweating

2006-08-20 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

One pee's!


In a message dated 8/19/2006 3:22:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ironic that sweating is natures way of removing some of the toxins that build up in your body, in addition to its cooling. What do you think happens to those toxins when one doesn't sweat?

Re: [QUAD-L] Psycho-somatic Weather

2006-08-20 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

If it was 106F here I'd have to put on a sombrero and go out. I've had people tell me i'm hyper-sensative and it is probably all in my mind. This doesn't make it any more comfortable. The reason I don't look at X-rays of my back, hips and knees is so I don't get a brainfull of pain. I use to concentrate on my big toe, trying with all my might to move it. After an hour or so it would feel like it had been crushed. 
I don't know what really hurts and what my mind is making me think hurts.(at this point one of you would slap me in the back of the head)
If I get to concentrating on other stuff I can go a few hours without any pain meds but then I begin to have siezures. I have never been able to ignore that. Nurontin helps a lot but mostly, just try not choking on it and wait for it to stop. 
Rumor has it that Chris Reeves stroked during one of these events. There's something to look forward to.
I do enjoy the heat if not the direct sunlight. My skin uses any reason to curl up n fall off. I use SPF 500 so I can hang around the nuclear waste. No wonder land is so cheap here? 
I watched and talked to the kid next door as hebuilt an adobe dog house for his pitbull/german shepard. It really looks cool but the dog is upset now that he knows his owner is illegal. Isn't Caerar Milan started as an illegal too?

I hope this day finds all of you well and happy,

Re: [QUAD-L] Fast Chairs?

2006-08-20 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I want a chair where the castors are uneffected by ruts. I do like the 6wheel configurations that have been stolen from swedish designers. lol (that would pi** off someone but i still think it's true) I personally think there must be a way to improve this outdoors as much as six wheels helps indoors. I still don't know why it can't have an onboard charger so it can be plugged in anyplace with a 110 outlet. If y'all don't have a power release for your urine bag, you must get one! It is the ultimate last word when you really want the last word. lol


In a message dated 8/19/2006 5:00:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Danny,

On my Q6000 the suspension has "Active-Trac® ATX Suspension with integrated rear dual-strut suspension and articulating caster beam."

I haven't put it to any real hard tests yetbut it does ride nice going where I have taken it.

With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 30 Years PostTexas, USA

Re: [QUAD-L] New wheelchair wheelie wheels question

2006-08-16 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Any chair worth it's salt can flip itself. I'd highly recommend you keep the wheelie bars.


In a message dated 8/16/2006 8:10:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Just got a new electric .wheelchair Question on those back wheelie wheels things.Do i really need them,they seem tO Be a pain in the butt.I never had to worry before about them when they were not on about tipping back.Did any of you guys.thanksJohnnyJohnny

Re: [QUAD-L] Hemorrhoids

2006-08-11 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Hemmoroids? OoYes! Been there done that. I recommend mirilax and go easy on the stimmulation. Be sure to get the suppository up high. Try using an extra preperation H between bowel movements. Drink plenty of water. If it doesn't clear up you might want to talk to your doctor. You won't enjoy anything he does so, truly, eat salads with spinach. 
If your just getting blood in your stool and you have no hemmoroids, go see your doctor now. He will probably want a sample. 
Whatever happens, Good Luck!.


In a message dated 8/11/2006 11:40:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi...anyone dealing or have dealt with this. I think I have them...noticed blood in my bowel program.

Hope everyone is well.

Paul c5/6 Injured 11/05/03
San Diego, CA

Re: [QUAD-L] What happen?

2006-08-07 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Gosh,, the things I could say about religion and politicssure wish I had more to say about sex.
I don't watch PBS often, too many commercials. I don't think the gov't should subsidize a toy for the rich and British. If I want culture I'll grow some. 
How can you tell if blue man isn't being plagiarized?
Oh yes!, I'm a pinko liberal SOB that thinks we are responsible for each other as well as what we do.


In a message dated 8/6/2006 9:07:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You didn't run anyone away, Carol. :o) I'm still here! I just don't have anything to say regarding politics or religion, but I'm game for other topics! Right now, I'm watching The Blue Men concert on PBS - anyone else viewing this? It's an awesome show, man,I'd love to be able to see these guys live!


Re: [QUAD-L] What would you have done.

2006-08-07 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Some folks just don't know how to travel.


In a message dated 8/7/2006 9:35:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Your subject line asks "what would you have done?" That depends on which perspective one is coming from. Had I been the quad I probably would not have made such a dangerous trip and instead have some arrangement made to move my mother closer to me. Had I been you, well... I don't know what your role is/was in this situation so I can't answer that question.

Sounds like a nightmare for everyone involved.


On Aug 6, 2006, at 10:52 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This week has been crazy. Let me try to explain

Mr. X of New Jersey called a couple of months ago to tell me that he was coming to Chicago for a week to visit his aging Mother and celebrate her 100 year birthday and see a couple of Chicago baseball games before returning to New Jersey. His method of travel was AMTRAK.

Mr. X is a 62+ C5 quad, trach user, prostate cancer and bad lungs that need mechanical cleaning 4 times a day. Mr. X chose to travel with his girlfriend which is 1/2 his age and his mentality. Mr. X doesn't wish to fly so its AMTRAK for him to Chicago. His arrival was supposed to be a week ago Friday at 9am. He actually arrived 3 hours late and his lung cleaning broke down 1/2 way to Chicago.He uses a Permobil wheelchair and hehad 16 pieces of luggage 6 critical and 10 bags of clothes and tubes. No charger for his chair or cell phone. I proceeded to take Mr. X and his 1/2 x girlfriend
to an assisted living center in a community North of the city. My plan was to leave the van with him to use while he was in town. I used public transportation to work my way back to my office some 65-70 miles away.

6 days later, I had heard nothing from Mr. X or his 1/2 x girlfriend. I call the center where I dropped him and discovered that he left the center the day after I dropped him and hadn't
return, but my van was still at the center. I called his 100 year old mother only to discover that he was admitted to the city hospital on the past Saturday and was still there.
I used public bus to find the hospital that was 3 miles away and  yes he was there in the pulmonary ward and isolated. He missed his Thursday Amtrak departure and the hospital didn't know when he would be released because of his condition. Mr. X made a command decision that he would release himself the next day and asked me to be at the hospital at 9am to help 1/2 x to remove his luggage from the center he wasn't staying at. The center bill had been prepaid so he didn't receive a refund. I headed by to the hospital with his 16 bags and he was signing the release papers against the wishes of his doctors and nurses.
They were concerned that fluid would build up in his lungs during the 15+ hour return to NY and AMTRAK would not stop the train if there was a 911 event. You can imagine the tensive
situation of this. He signed the paperwork anyway and was released... under written protest.
I took Mr. X and 1/2 x and 16 bags to the AMTRAK Station 90 minutes before the train was to leave. There must have been 250 people standing in lines, on a Friday before the weekend, waiting to take the train to New York. I caught a red cap and loaded 10 tag'd bags on his cart and said that they were going to NY. The other 6 bags with critical needs I keep for the Xs to take on the train. 60 minutes later 1/2 x comes out of customer service crying and having a tissy fit. Apparently when they missed the train on Thursday, they thought that they would be rescheduled to the next day. AMTRAK didn't think that way and placed them on a train leaving "this" Thursday.

So here's the situation for those who haven't kept up with this story. Every hotel and motel is booked solid for the Lollapaloza Music Fest. Mr. X and 1/2 x have no where to go and no place to stay. The Amtrak train leaves full without them and its 8pm in Chicago on a Friday NIght. He hasn't had his lungs suction'd and the sitution doesn't look promising.


I take Mr. X and 1/2x back to the hospital emergency room and advise them that his running a temperature and needs his lungs cleaned. I got him re-admitted thru the ER and finally got to leave about 1am on Saturday. I called him today Sunday and asked how he was doing.
The original cultures from his previous stay had finally come back and the bacteria was ID'd and Mr. X was on 3 IV drips. 1/2 x was sleeping by his bedside.

I told him that I would call him Wednesday this week while I was on my way to St. Louis to see how thing were going.

I only ask that you think of this ... the next time you plan on traveling.

Re: [QUAD-L] What would you have done.

2006-08-07 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

That is one more thing I hate about Amtrac!


In a message dated 8/6/2006 10:55:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

This week has been crazy. Let me try to explain

Mr. X of New Jersey called a couple of months ago to tell me that he was coming to Chicago for a week to visit his aging Mother and celebrate her 100 year birthday and see a couple of Chicago baseball games before returning to New Jersey. His method of travel was AMTRAK.

Mr. X is a 62+ C5 quad, trach user, prostate cancer and bad lungs that need mechanical cleaning 4 times a day. Mr. X chose to travel with his girlfriend which is 1/2 his age and his mentality. Mr. X doesn't wish to fly so its AMTRAK for him to Chicago. His arrival was supposed to be a week ago Friday at 9am. He actually arrived 3 hours late and his lung cleaning broke down 1/2 way to Chicago.He uses a Permobil wheelchair and hehad 16 pieces of luggage 6 critical and 10 bags of clothes and tubes. No charger for his chair or cell phone. I proceeded to take Mr. X and his 1/2 x girlfriend
to an assisted living center in a community North of the city. My plan was to leave the van with him to use while he was in town. I used public transportation to work my way back to my office some 65-70 miles away.

6 days later, I had heard nothing from Mr. X or his 1/2 x girlfriend. I call the center where I dropped him and discovered that he left the center the day after I dropped him and hadn't
return, but my van was still at the center. I called his 100 year old mother only to discover that he was admitted to the city hospital on the past Saturday and was still there.
I used public bus to find the hospital that was 3 miles away and  yes he was there in the pulmonary ward and isolated. He missed his Thursday Amtrak departure and the hospital didn't know when he would be released because of his condition. Mr. X made a command decision that he would release himself the next day and asked me to be at the hospital at 9am to help 1/2 x to remove his luggage from the center he wasn't staying at. The center bill had been prepaid so he didn't receive a refund. I headed by to the hospital with his 16 bags and he was signing the release papers against the wishes of his doctors and nurses.
They were concerned that fluid would build up in his lungs during the 15+ hour return to NY and AMTRAK would not stop the train if there was a 911 event. You can imagine the tensive
situation of this. He signed the paperwork anyway and was released... under written protest.
I took Mr. X and 1/2 x and 16 bags to the AMTRAK Station 90 minutes before the train was to leave. There must have been 250 people standing in lines, on a Friday before the weekend, waiting to take the train to New York. I caught a red cap and loaded 10 tag'd bags on his cart and said that they were going to NY. The other 6 bags with critical needs I keep for the Xs to take on the train. 60 minutes later 1/2 x comes out of customer service crying and having a tissy fit. Apparently when they missed the train on Thursday, they thought that they would be rescheduled to the next day. AMTRAK didn't think that way and placed them on a train leaving "this" Thursday.

So here's the situation for those who haven't kept up with this story. Every hotel and motel is booked solid for the Lollapaloza Music Fest. Mr. X and 1/2 x have no where to go and no place to stay. The Amtrak train leaves full without them and its 8pm in Chicago on a Friday NIght. He hasn't had his lungs suction'd and the sitution doesn't look promising.


I take Mr. X and 1/2x back to the hospital emergency room and advise them that his running a temperature and needs his lungs cleaned. I got him re-admitted thru the ER and finally got to leave about 1am on Saturday. I called him today Sunday and asked how he was doing.
The original cultures from his previous stay had finally come back and the bacteria was ID'd and Mr. X was on 3 IV drips. 1/2 x was sleeping by his bedside.

I told him that I would call him Wednesday this week while I was on my way to St. Louis to see how thing were going.

I only ask that you think of this ... the next time you plan on traveling.

Re: [QUAD-L] Invacare tdx Wheelchairs

2006-08-04 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I got a TDX 3 a few years ago. I would think it would pay for the TDX 5. Not sure if this has brushless gearless motors tho. Whatever you get make sure it takes the big batteries. These 24 nf's are the size above a barbi car. Besides, bigger batteries stabilize your chair by lowering your center of gravity.


In a message dated 8/4/2006 3:41:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Yes, I can execute major curbs when I attack them from an angle. I don't think that public insurance will pay for a tdx 5 because it has geareless brushless motors or has thatchanged 


On Aug 3, 2006, at 1:14 PM, Greg wrote:

I thought the tdx 5 was supposed to be able to go up a 4 inch curb?

Re: [QUAD-L] Life is wonderful

2006-08-03 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Dial the power back a little toward the tortise when your trying not to jerk. If you are using an unprogrammed drive selection it will jerk a lot. I have drive 1 for indoor speeds and power with drive 2 to go outside. Drive 3 wasn't programmed so it jerks a bit when I try using it. Drive 4 just replicates the controls for the seat, tilt and recline, etc. TDX 3 is the best chair I've had even if it is underpowered. I know the new ones are better but I've had this 3 years and I can get a new chair in 4 more. I dont think it'll make it 7 years. You wouldn't believe the crap i've had in the past.


In a message dated 8/3/2006 1:04:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I have a tdx 3, I don't like it much. It feels strong and well built, but itdoes not have the new steering electronics. So when driving straight, itveers to one side. Then to adjust it back, it jerks over. No smooth turning.You can't just glide side to side. You jerk left, then jerk right.GregI have a tdx 5. I love this chair. handles great, gearlessbrushless motors are so smooth and the truetrack keep it going straight.

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy

2006-07-26 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Just explain that you can't be born again because born again christians get e/thing they want and your spine won't heal no matter what you believe or what BS healer you go to. I can't be born again because I believe in what jesus said about rich folks. Frankly the born again thing always comes across to me like the pyramid scheeme of christian cults. Beware false prophetsCareful of groups that already know who is going to heaven and hell and why.


In a message dated 7/25/2006 7:42:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
i loved "dark shadows". i was a teenager from the farmlands and foothills of nj. stop laughing. i loved vampires and particularl barnabus collins.i am totally with you on the religious issue. one of my sons has a very hard time with me as he is born again.the voice activated works really well with you or you with it or together. ok, Angie.alan

Re: [QUAD-L] conspiracy

2006-07-24 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I'm satisfied that GW Bush was caught by 9/11 with his pants down. One of those events that was hard to fathom even with warning. All big events like that arer predictable with hiindsight and I'm sure someone saw it coming and nobody listened to him while he screamed "I told you so!" into a cell phoneas the building collapsed. But I do believe that the invasion of iraq was a conspiracy. I believe the Israeli response to hesbollah is not a conspiracy. (just an inept reaction by a very paranoid gov't trying to prove it thinks it might have an idea. I believe sending any aide to the middle east is just, pissing in the wind


In a message dated 7/24/2006 3:11:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I hate to think it, but does anyone suspect that Bush might have been involved in causing 9/11? I didn't think that when it happened, he seemed genuinely upset, and stepped up to take action. That's why I'm wondering now. Cuz that attack basically made him acceptable and respected by America. What are anyone's thoughts on this.  I'm not saying I think he was involved, but conspiracy is always hiding somewhere in the government and politics. Even if the President doesn't know it. -Angelique 
RollinOn wrote: 

Re: [QUAD-L] Viewing the Big Picture

2006-07-23 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

It is not ok to kill people. We are talking about exploiting the availability of human tissue. Just stem cells. These are not and never will be humans. These are unassigned cells. They have no thoughts, no ambitions, no sense of self, and most importantly, no womb.
If I gave you all the pieces of a an automobile, you would not own a car. Even a good mechanic would only own junk because of the lack of tools. It isn't the big picture, its the small minds.


In a message dated 7/22/2006 11:36:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Since you said please...Innocent people are not purposely being targeted to be killed. At least not by U.S. military. The U.S. military uses every option available to avoid killing innocent people. In the case where those soldiers are accused of raping that girl and killing the family, if they are found guilty after an investigation and court marshal, then they should get the death penalty. Removing the stem cells from a human embryo means it is purposely being killed. President Truman weight the options and decided to use 2 atomic bombs to try to end WWII. It was his decision alone to make. Some say he was right, some say he was right to kill a few thousand people to end the war where many were being killed. Over 60 years later some people think he made the wrong decision, but the rest of the world had to live with his decision.Like President Truman's decision to use the atomic bombs, it was a tough decision to make. Unlike President Truman's decision, Congress had the chance to override President Bush's decision but failed to do so. At 03:11 PM 7/22/2006, RollinOn wrote:
But it's ok to kill innocent civilians in the name of Freedom? How come nobody will answer that question?It's being done by the same man, right?Why is it ok to sacrifice Iraqi people?I guess calling them collateral damage makes it ok?I'm just curious on what makes killing these people so different so please answer.
Jim Lubin [EMAIL PROTECTED] disAbility Resources: http://www.makoa.orgPlease Help: Inkjet  Toner Cartridge Recycling 

Re: [QUAD-L] So, what do ya think of stem cell chat?

2006-07-23 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I don't think I've changed anyone"s mind about stem cells. I think everyone here has there opinions. I'm sure the moral arguement against use of embryonic stem cells wouldn't exist if they caused hair to grow on bald people , or guarenteed weight loss while imcreasing the size of your penis/boobs. The agonizingly stupid part is that someday it probably will effect a cure for those conditions as well.


Re: [QUAD-L] Emailing: Our_tax_dollars_at_wo

2006-07-23 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I think Bush would violate any or all morals to justify his morals. God only knows what he believes. White house leakls are good if they are authorized. Lies are good if they advance his position. Killing is good if it advances his position. But taxes on rich are bad!


In a message dated 7/23/2006 8:01:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

how about this?

The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:Shortcut to: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled.

Re: [QUAD-L] Viewing the Big Picture

2006-07-23 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

He was wahabi and bath and you are right! I didn't care what saddam did as long as he did it to his friends, the kuwaitis, the saudis, the kurds and the iranians. Why should America care if we are buying oil from a sadistic rotten dictator, instead of another sadistic rotten dictator. A little history. We dealt with Saddam while knowing about his gas attacks. We knew the kuwaitis were stealing oil from iraq for eight years during the iraq iran war. He asked our ambassador to iraq rwo days before invading kuwait, "does America have interests in the stability or the direction of the kuwaiti royal family?" she ansered, "no.". 
Kuwaiti's are sunni and wahabi and for the most part, they are relatives to many of the sunnis in southern iraq as the border is completely unnatural. America is vitally interested in selling oilfield and pipeline equipment to kuwait. Kuwait's sole value to the US is as an oil distribultor. Kuwaitis tend to dislike Americans.
Saudis are a joke. Saudis hate Americans and tolerate us because of money. Saudis feel this way about all westerners and even many muslims. Saudis support 99% of all anti western terrorism, even though they may hate the terrorists. ie: palestinians, hesbollah, hamas. Alquaeda was welcome in Saudi society untill after the invasion of afghanistan by US. Obviously, it is merely underground.
In the 1970's the US supported the Shaw of Iran. (we did put him in power) We were building him a nuclear power plant, No Shit! He made Saddam look like a piker. He even tortured Americans..and got away with it! iranians are mostly shi'a and for some reason most of them are not anti western, but the theocratic gov't they have is radically anti western, and building a nuclear power plant without American help.
Wahabi teachings that go on in most sunni areas teaches that muslims such as shi'a are better than Christians but should be beheaded for the way they interpret the q'uran. 
Palestinians are sunni, shi'a and christian and largely despised in many arab countries. Jordanians know that the respect they get from other arab states comes from the respect the people show their king (go figure). It does earn them cheap oil.
If,in 1991, America's responce to the Iraqi attack on Kuwait had been to do nothing. Or to do nothing on promise of 10 dollar a barrel oil for 25years, we would have lost nothing and harmed no one in the middle east. We would have been viewed as an honest broker. 
We put infidels in their holy land in 1991. Not for business. We put them their to kill muslims. 
Let us take great shame in our foriegn policies. We no longer just lie to the arabs and muslims,,now we lie to ourselves. 
We can't wash the blood from our hands while we kill more of them each day.
Bring our troops home Mr Bush. You wouldn't like an arab democracy anyway.
P.S. Read about Arab American relations. It is all about money, except the part about religion.


In a message dated 7/23/2006 8:07:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Not an evil dictator, really? You missed all the reports huh? Kuwaties got in his way, Kurds were gassed in very large numbers. He shot, killed, raped, plundered hundreds of thousands of his own countrymen so he was certainly evil. He might not have been the MOST evil dictator on the planet but it's hard to find a 'good' reason to go after the MOST evil. This war was fueled by oil, revenge, and wmd talk. Edie Amin simply killed his own citizens. No oil, no thumbing his nose at the US, no real threat to anyone outside his own country. He was evil but we didn't care.

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-21 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

What disease or ailment was ever cured by the church? Relkigion only tells you who to hate, not how to get better.


In a message dated 7/20/2006 1:54:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
(O'C, I'm copying this from comments I made on another list to respond to you)At 07:35 PM 7/19/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Where were these EXTRA embryos headed otherwise Jim? I thought 'we' were going to try to use these EXTRA embryos that were going to be destroyed for medical research BEFORE we destroyed them. I thought 'we' were going to make eyeballs, kidneys, and neurons with these stem cells before we flushed the leftovers. I'm sure I'm missing something here. Please fill in the blanks.O'CI've never thought of myself as part of the "Christian Right" as you say (I am a Roman Catholic) but agree with president Bush on this and I will explain way.I do belive that a human egg and human sperm make a human being from the time they are joined, from that point the zygote contains all the 46 chromosomes need to be human. It's called an embryo after about 10 days. Being a human, it is entitled to protection to life from the Government. Therefore, the Government should not be funding the destruction of life for the purpose of research.Now your opinion of when a human is a human and entitled to protection obviously differs from mine and president Bush. You can decide for yourself when a human becomes a human that is entitled to protection. Some people thing after birth and not before. I'm against IVF treatments as well because it creates extra embryos in the process. As for using those extra embryos in research for the possible benefit of others, just because they are going to be destroyed anyway, following that reasoning, here's my problem with that. A person with a traumatic brain injury or in a coma being kept alive on ventilator will never be completely healed and will die without the life-support, so why not harvest their body parts to improve someone else's life? I see both equally wrong. The Nazi's conducted medical research on the people they were going to kill anyway. I see it as the same.Now, if scientist want to use stem cells derived from a human egg and another cell, somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), I don't consider that a human and have no problem with research on those stem cells.

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed- (lets pray not)

2006-07-21 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

The federal gov't is funding 25million. the stem cell lines the feds insist to be used are contaminated and useless. People wouldn't starve in california of they werent anorexic or bulemic. Maybe stem cell theray will cure that?


In a message dated 7/20/2006 2:43:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Since you want to compare Bush to Hitler and said it took several nations to prove him wrong...As far as standard of morality when it comes to doing medical research on human embryos, as far as I have been able to find so correct me if I am mistaken, Canada and the European Nation countries also do not fund research on human embryos. Only China and South Korea do.Bush only put a restriction on federal funding when it comes using human embryos. He did not outlaw there use. The federal gov't is funding a few hundred million in stem cell research. This bill would not have increased that amount. The state of California alone is funding $6 billion in human embryonic stem cell research. That $6 billion in California tax payer dollars could have been spent to feed the hungry you mentioned but the California voters decided that funding stem cell research was more important. So the hungry, sick and poor have to live with the moral standards of not one person but of the 7,009,814 people in California who voted for Proposition 71: Stem Cell Research. Funding. Bonds, not the 4,859,401 who voted against it.

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-21 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Without a womb its just a bacterial gue on the floor.


In a message dated 7/20/2006 3:34:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
no, an individual sperm only contains 23 chromosomes need to be human. That is where I draw the line. It's a human when a human egg and human sperm combine to have the 46 chromosomes need to be human. It may seem ridiculous to you but It's basic biology. You apparently think it takes longer in the development cycle to be considered a human. At 11:48 AM 7/20/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If we talk about the "potential" of 5-day old, 200 cell, unimplanted zygotes, then let's talk about the "potential" of an individual sperm. Isn't it the same potential? Where do you draw the line? It's really pretty ridiculous. It's time to use common sense. Those ready-for-destruction zygotes should be used, it's immoral not to. Sandy 
Jim Lubin [EMAIL PROTECTED] disAbility Resources: http://www.makoa.orgPlease Help: Inkjet  Toner Cartridge Recycling 

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-21 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I have brain damage and I still can't figure out what your arguement is? You just keep saying everyone is wrong. No IV clinics now? Keep embryos frozen? How many chickens do eat for breakfast? I use to call 'm eggs. Can't tell when a rooster gets loose, huh?


In a message dated 7/20/2006 7:11:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I think both are wrong. I don't think they should have created them in the first place for IVF, but since they exist then keep them on life support (i.e. frozen) indefinitely. They are not something that should be killed (i.e. by removing stem cells) to possibly make another persons life better. I have a moral problem with taking one life to improve another persons life.Embryos left over from IVF are not the only source for stem cells. (2006.06.27: Research on Alternative Sources of Pluripotent Stem Cells, )So I feel those sources should pursued since there would be no moral or ethical concerns. I'm all for scientific advancement that does not conflict with my morals and ethics. At 12:47 PM 7/20/2006, RollinOn wrote:
Let me get this straight, if you throw the embryos in the trash they're called left over waste.If you research them, your killing human beings.
Jim Lubin [EMAIL PROTECTED] disAbility Resources: http://www.makoa.orgPlease Help: Inkjet  Toner Cartridge Recycling 

Re: [QUAD-L] Viewing the Big Picture

2006-07-21 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I simplify the moral question easily by asking myself, is there a moral reason not to use tissue from a dying "human"? We do transplants and it is never questioned. On many death penalty cases the personto die is allowed to offer organs to be donated. A baby born with no brain donates heart and lungs to one child, kidneys to two other children, liver to another abnd pancrease to still another and finally the corneas were taken. Donating tissue is a good thing? 
Suddenly, out of the right comes the fundamentalists who suggest that taking tissues that would be destroyed is unholy and immoral because these are babies we are killing. An embryo has no brain, no organs, andif it weren't for the skilled doctors, nobody could prove these were stem cells. 
Does any of these folks want to lend a womb for the embryos? No. Anyone want to cleanup the lab or baptize the embryos? No.Are the embryos a result of abortion? No. 
Are we treating these embryonic cells with respect as we wash them down the sink? Not at all.
If we use these tissues to improvethe lives of the living, are we not giving the cells life. Have we not afforded these cells an amount of respect they would have otherwise been denied?Yes. We do allmost all of us respect and praise those that give of themselves for thebenefit of others? Yes?
We are being told this misguided rag of lies by people that then turn around and talk about giving being a wonderful thing. Explain why these embryos, that will otherwisebe destroyed, can not be allowed the one christian act that they can do, thatis "give"?

Refusing to support Stem cell research on religous grounds is hypocrytical for Christians. Therefore, typical of our president.


In a message dated 7/21/2006 4:10:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
The Stem Cell "Dilema"In my opinion, the deeper issue requires an insight into how an "Inch" keeps turning into the horror mile.Org "Roe vs Wade" was nothing more than lifting the restriction on abortion during the 1st tri-mester That inch was twisted into a "Constitutional Right" to the point of argueing for sucking the brains out of the skull just before birth. Approx 47,000,000 abortions have been committed, and a good portion of those were AFTER that 1st tri-mester.Org "Child Abuse" laws were about "real" abuse, now they've been taken so far as to punish parents who "ground" their brats, after every other form of "attitude adjustment" has been declared "child Abuse". Since mom can't wash out the mouth of her brat, society now is forced to endurelistening to teenagers AND CHILDREN who could make a sailor blush. There is no "Seperation of Church and State" clause in the 1st Amendment, however the part of "prohibiting free exercise thereof" is totaly ignored. Now its been twisted into prevention of "exercise thereof", declaring a public place can't allow it.Our modern "Indoctrination Centers" aka "Public Schools" have robbed an entire generation of the truth in favor of "Political Correctness". So a whole generation can't see how wrong those decisions are.For this reason, too many people don't have the knowledge required to see through sound bite news and political issues.Remember, the USA wouldn't exist w/o "Christianity", as "FREEDOM" in itself is derived from "Freedom of Choice", and our "Bill of Rights" got their seeds from such Christian philosophies including "Love thy Neighbor". Check for yourself at "Organized Religion" is a man made Idea, and that is a whole can of worms which divides and seperates instead of just following the basic principles.For that reason I consider myself a Christian, but I don't believe in organized religion.But I do see the possibility for abuse if the "Inch" is given regarding embryoninic research.This is based on the previous abuses, not my religious views.Today "disgaurded fetuses" tomorrow it could be embryo's created just for harvesting.Believe me, THAT is a real moral dilema. One where human life has no value.Stunt 

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

The "moral" right have hijacked the republicans and turned them into idiots. If using embryonic stem cells is killing life then is washing them down the drain holding them in high esteem. By Bushes reasoning we should be closing invitro-fertilization clinics. Fat chance. Who are the boobs, morons, mental defectives and slack jawed mouth breathers that follow him in his fear of science, logic and history. 


In a message dated 7/19/2006 6:35:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sad isn't it.


---Original Message---

Date: 07/19/06 17:33:33
To: RollinOn; Quad List; Rick Caseltine
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

yes, mark. right on. whatever rove says, bush does. that's why they won't let him speak on his own. look what happens when he gets caught speaking without a rove script. he gets caught saying sh*t.


- Original Message - 
From: RollinOn 
To: Quad List ; Rick Caseltine 
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

What hypocritical moron we have leading us!
He candrop bombs on innocent women and children and systematically lie to the whole world but this is "Morally Wrong"!
We need a leader!


---Original Message---

From: Rick Caseltine
Date: 07/19/06 16:06:08
To: Quad List
Subject: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

Bush uses first-ever veto to kill stem cell bill 32
minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AFP) - USPresident George W. Bush
used his veto for the first time since taking office,
blocking a bill that would have expanded federal
funding for embryonic stem cell research.

"It crosses a moral boundary that our decent society
needs to respect, so I vetoed it," Bush said in
remarks at the White House, saying that in rejecting
the legislation he is "keeping the promise I made to
the American people.

"As science brings us ever closer to unlocking the
secrets of human biology, it also offers temptations
to manipulate human life and violate human dignity,"
said Bush.

"Our conscience and history as a nation demand that we
resist this temptation," Bush said.

The stem cell research endorsed by the Senate on
Tuesday would have used embryos -- some consisting of
just a handful of cells -- left over from in vitro
fertilization (IVF) procedures.

The president had long vowed to veto the bill because
of his deeply held moral beliefs that destroying human
life is wrong -- even in its earliest form, and even
in the interest of research that could lead to
potentially life-saving medical breakthroughs.

Bush made the announcement at a White House signing
ceremony for alternative bioethics legislation known
as "The Fetus Farming Prohibition Act," making it a
crime to initiate a pregnancy for the sole purpose of
obtaining human organs or tissue for research.

Present for the announcement were several families
with "snowflake babies" -- children conceived via
donated embryos left over from IVF treatments.

The president vetoed the Stem Cell Research
Enhancement Act despite widespread support by the US
public and ardent backers in Congress, who on
Wednesday urged Bush to reconsider his stance.

Stem cell research advocates say the technique shows
promise for the treatment of degenerative diseases
such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and for diabetes.

The bill would have lifted rules set by Bush in 2001
making federal funds available only for research on a
small number of embryonic stem cell lines which
existed at that time.

Government money is barred from supporting work on new
lines derived from human embryos -- a restriction that
opponents say hampers overall research.

In London, Martin Rees, the president of the Royal
Society -- Britain's de facto academy of sciences --
said the US policy "is slowing down the global effort
to develop therapies for a range of diseases and

"If the present restrictions remain, it would surely
mean that the United States will continue to fall
behind in this important and exciting area," said

The Senate approved the measure by a 63-37 vote -- a
margin too small to override a presidential veto.
Nevertheless, 41 Senate Democrats sent a letter to
Majority Leader Bill Frist, urging him to lobby
support among congressional Republicans to overturn
Bush's veto.

"We are pleased that you supported this important
legislation and know that you recognize the enormous
potential of this research for discovering new cures
and therapies for diseases such as diabetes,
Parkinsons disease and spinal cord injuries.

"The only chance for overriding this veto rests with
you and the Republican caucuses in the House and the

"Millions of patients and their families across the
nation cannot afford to wait any longer for the
enactment of this urgently needed legislation," the
Democratic lawmakers wrote.

"We are counting on your leadership to help ensure
that this legislation becomes law so that we may
finally clear the way for 

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

he just made it impossible to do stem cell research in a facility that accepts gov't funding. A little technicallity that makes 97% of the medical fasilities in the US unavailable for this research.I hope he watches his children die of a slow debiltating disease that would have been curable in 5 years.


In a message dated 7/19/2006 11:44:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

George Bush did not kill research on stem cells,he just refused to fund it with taxpayers money. Like many other sickness and diseases, researchers continuing on with private donations and private fundraisers. Any person who wants to sit around and wait for the government to take action on important issues that they may benefit from I suggest is wasting their time. Most cures in this country have been discovered through RD of private companies in the perseverance of medical scientists and doctors funded by private donations.

T. Houston C5 C6

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

The last cure medicine came thru massive gov't effort. Remember polio. Yup. Last time medicine cured anything. Of course, people still refude the vaccine for their children because it would be God's will if they became infected. You don't see many refusing penecillan to fight syphilus, even tho several churches denounced it for destroying a curse from god. 
Our president has signed 10 billion in research for a "small" thermo-neuclear device as a bunker vaporizer. How freakin humane can this SOB get? 
It is only immoral to kill people untill they areable to to be terrified by their demise? Our president won't burn in hell, he is Satan!


In a message dated 7/19/2006 11:47:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 7/19/2006 10:44:08 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Most cures in this country have been discovered through RD of private companies in the perseverance of medical scientists and doctors funded by private donations.

T. Houston C5 C6

That I could agree on, if they applied the same principles to war. Keep all government money out of it. (I'm only wishing, lol)

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-20 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

What BS! The NIH also claims there is 22 existing stem cell lines that can be purchased to use to study. These stem cell lines where all contaminated by 2001. But they will still sell you the left over slime. 
Right now several scientists at several large universities are gathering embroyonicstem cells from monkeys, dogs and cats,so they can develope therapies to use on humans after Bush is gone. I do hope the advances that come from this are denied to the morons that fight so hard to stop it. Most of the therapies are at advanced stages. 

Remember, Vote NO on right wing religous fundamentalism.


In a message dated 7/20/2006 1:34:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
That's not completely accurate, see the NIH funding guidelines regarding "What if a scientist is conducting research with both federally fundable and non-federally fundable human embryonic stem cells?" At 06:39 AM 7/20/2006, Bill_J wrote:
Bush did kill research on embryonic stem cells to this extent: ANY institution, public or private, that receives government money for any reason CAN NOT use embryos for stem cell research or they would forfiet the government money. This means any university that accepts students on government grants or loans, any drug company that recieves government money for RD of ANY kind; "any form of government funding" disqualifies nearly everyone.

Re: [QUAD-L] Transportation Crisis in Jacksonville, Fl

2006-07-18 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I have to agree. If your van is useless to you then get it out of your name untill it is repaired or sold and you can try to get another van. Keep something around in case you need to evacuate. Don't be ashamed to ask local churches for help fixing your van. I've heard of churches lending money at very low rates to assist handicapped who worked and payed them back. In fact, 0% loans are common. 

good luck,

P.S. I prefer begging myself. It helps people to feel better about themselves. A good day can make help a lot of folks feel better.

In a message dated 7/18/2006 10:07:29 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Just finished a telephone call with Jacksonville- CIL, and was advised of a major transportation crisis in that area of the country. The transportation company is near bankruptcy and has a list of reasons to disqualify people from using it.
Bottom lines is that its much more rewarding to battle with a solvent transportation company, rather than one who is ready to closes its doors to everyone.
Maybe, the best short answer to your problem is selling that old broken van to a friend for $1. This way you have no ownership, and thus requalify for that failing transport company, until it closes its doors. After that, your friend can resell the van back to you.

Its merely fighting fire. with fire.
Best Wishes

In a message dated 7/17/2006 5:44:32 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

This is the e-mail I sent maybe something will happen.Austin

Re: [QUAD-L] Transportation Crisis in Jacksonville, Fl

2006-07-18 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

It helps churches feel better about themselves , too


In a message dated 7/18/2006 11:15:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time, wheelchair writes:

In a message dated 7/18/2006 10:14:31 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I have to agree. If your van is useless to you then get it out of your name untill it is repaired or sold and you can try to get another van. Keep something around in case you need to evacuate. Don't be ashamed to ask local churches for help fixing your van. I've heard of churches lending money at very low rates to assist handicapped who worked and payed them back. In fact, 0% loans are common. 

good luck,
Sell it to the church and let them repair it and sell it back to you when they are down.

Re: [QUAD-L] Wal-Mart

2006-07-17 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Don't kid yourself, you will pay for it. You get lower prices and higher taxes and lower property value while loosing the mom and pop stores that made the community nice to live in. 


In a message dated 7/15/2006 5:15:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Yes you're right poor people don't pay taxes and the most common job in walmart is a sales associate which pays less than poverty wages and the second most common job a cashier pays even less.
This leaves the majority of people that work for the largest company in the world living below poverty and 46% of their children areuninsured or on public assistance so how can this be good forcommunities?
How can the largest company on the planet have the mostpeople on public assistance?


Re: [QUAD-L] Wal-Mart

2006-07-17 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Americans aren't jobless and walmart could pay for healthcare and beatup insurance companies too, dave.


In a message dated 7/15/2006 6:26:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Americans are jobless because they won't work for the same wages. 
I think all US-WALMART employees pay US taxes. If you mean the Chinese workers, NO Chinese worker pays US taxes. American companies can get on WALMART's shelves, they just have to follow Walmart's rules. The internet is also as great place to hawk one's wares. Bossing Walmart around is a poor substitute for smarting up and beating them at their own game. 
Are you suggesting that Walmart should dismiss all foreign labor and hire only American workers at whatever the Americans will consent to work for because that's the loyal thing to do? You think they should voluntarily or be forced to hire expensive labor and live with the losses? Are you ready to pay more for everything on the shelves at Walmart? 
After forcing Walmart to do the loyal thing, will you go after the oil industry to roll back prices to the 1950 level? They are both in the fantasy realm you know. 

Re: FW: [QUAD-L] For Those Who Live DownUnder!

2006-07-17 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

I hope nobody gets the idea that I'm a republican, but What would mankind do to combat global warming? Mt pinatubo belched out more greenhouse gasses in 3 weeks than mankind could create in 200 years. Methane pockets under the north sea rupture regularly from volcanic activity and a small release is more than man can create in a thousand years.

The real truth is that these temperate years that we have enjoyed over the past couple centuries are abnormal, not normal. We have tried to calculate solar magnetosheric cycles over the past 40 years only to learn our data is in total error. A few big solar sun spots can alter the average temerature of the earth for many years in the future. All in spite of the global gas content. 

In a message dated 7/16/2006 12:38:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 7/16/2006 11:02:55 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Same here in KY. So far this has been the hottest year on record nationwide. Can you spell global warming? George W can't.

GW, won't agree to that statement. He feels that it would cause panic in North America
and Republican would lose their voting edge. Wait until he's up to his lips in ice cubes before he truly understands.

Re: [QUAD-L] For Those Who Live DownUnder!

2006-07-17 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

The man who as governor of texas executed more death row prisoners than any other and as president has gotten more of our troops killed for non-sense, somehow, believe that using some gue thats being flushed down the drain at a fertility clinic, is immoral and against life. I hope when they find it cures stupidity that his family is denied access to it!


In a message dated 7/16/2006 1:59:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
George W can't spell. Can't even say nuclear. Just read he will veto HR 810 if senate passes it. He doesn't want to hurt those little cells. We are alive, but I guess we don't count.Alanquad 25 yrs.- Original Message - From: "William Willis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: quad-list@eskimo.comSent: Sunday, July 16, 2006 12:02 PMSubject: FW: [QUAD-L] For Those Who Live DownUnder! Same here in KY. So far this has been the hottest year on record  nationwide. Can you spell global warming? George W can't.From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: quad-list@eskimo.comSubject: [QUAD-L] For Those Who Live DownUnder!Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2006 11:56:05 EDT 

Re: [QUAD-L] I Wonder Why

2006-07-17 Thread DeLiMiTeD4

Sandy, You missed the big convo about stem cells about a year ago. There are a lot of folks that think the president is right because he is a very moral man ,,in the mind of some people. Nevermind the science, its immoral to change gods punnishments. Same arguement they had against using cadavars. These aren't cells, these are babies! These are miracles! Yada yada
Just write politicians and who knows, maybe we will walk in time for all the fundamentalists to destroy the planet in the name of god.
Try reminding them that god said rich people will not enter heaven, so why take moral advice from people who are going to burn in hell.


In a message dated 7/16/2006 6:46:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Lately there have been several posts about stem cells that generated NO discussion. STEM CELLS GROW NERVES! It can change our life in our lifetime! I feel no passion, no fervor, no excitement from this group. There are more discussions about Walmart. I don't understand it. I just wonder why??? Sandy 

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