Re: CSNo energy

2010-05-08 Thread Annie B Smythe
Tell her to get the pre methylated folic acid and 
the coenzymated B vits, I think it will make a 
marked difference for your friend. The doc is 
going to poo poo any nutrient questions and leave 
her in limbo. and not getting well


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Smitty wrote:

I just received another email from my friend with more
info on her health condition.
Smitty.  Was told I have abnormal homocysteince levels and in researching this
I found this info.  Since my doctor, with ultrasound, also found a shadow on
my kidney which he is monitoring, thought this was interesting.  Also, my mom
died at age 55 of a heart attack, so I'm glad I am getting help on this
condition. Thyroid is fine in my case.  You may want to pass this on to friends.
 Will ask my dr about the type folic acid he has prescribed.
According to the American Heart Association, homocysteine levels
correlate with genetic factors as well as diet. A diet low in folic
acid and B vitamins has notable links to an increased level of
homocysteine in the blood. Family attests that other causes
include medication use, low thyroid hormone levels, psoriasis and
kidney disease

On 5/8/10, sol wrote:

NO! No iron unless previous complete blood iron panel with ferritin shows it
to be necessary. I say this because you did not distinguish between women
still having menses, and post menopausal women. Excess iron is too risky to
just start taking it without knowing one's iron status, which requires a
complete iron panel (total iron, hemoglobin, hematocrit, transferrin
saturation, ferritin) at the minimum.

 Carol Ann wrote:

And for a woman in particular, a extra little Iron for the blood would not


Good list

--- On *Fri, 5/7/10, Rowena /* wrote:

   Virgin coconut oil.
   Magnascent iodine.
   Review sleep protocols.
   Review minerals and trace elements. Magnesium, etc.
   Ginseng, probably.
   Parasite protocols.
   EFT protocols. (Emotional Freedom Technique).
   Vegetable juicing.
   Aloe vera.
   Only do half what you think you can do.
   Any vitamin B etc. products could be dissolved in DMSO and applied
   through the skin.
   Liposomal supplements


   On 8/05/2010 2:45 AM, Smitty wrote:

   I have a friend who is a little enemic  taking B-12 shots
   and folic acid. She is tired and no energy.
   Any ideas  to improve her condition ?


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   List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSNo energy

2010-05-08 Thread Annie B Smythe
Oh I forgot, TMG will help lower homocysteine 
levels too, but it will NOT do her any good at all 
and will be a waste of time and money until your 
friend gets  Folic Acid  and B Vit levels 
normalized as TMG requires folic acid and B vits 
to do it's thing, and a sulfur source. The Folic 
acid leveles and the B vits are the critical 
things and should be the priority right now. 
Benfotiamine is a fat soluble form of B1 that will 
help protect the brain and kidneys, it has been 
proven in scentific studies. It might be a good 
idea for her to get that separately. A good dose 
of Lugol's every day will incite abnormal cell 
apoptosis if she has a growth in the kidney. If 
it's just a kidney stone malic acid will help 
dissolve it, malic acid is derived from apples 
mostly, and it can also be had from Apple Cider 
Vinegar. Malic acid capsules can also be bought.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Smitty wrote:

Thanks to all for your info helping my tired friend.
You people are the greatest  !!

Tell her to get the pre methylated folic acid and the coenzymated B vits, I
think it will make a marked difference for your friend. The doc is going to
poo poo any nutrient questions and leave her in limbo. and not getting well


 Smitty wrote:

I just received another email from my friend with more
info on her health condition.
Smitty.  Was told I have abnormal homocysteince levels and in researching


I found this info.  Since my doctor, with ultrasound, also found a shadow


my kidney which he is monitoring, thought this was interesting.  Also, my


died at age 55 of a heart attack, so I'm glad I am getting help on this
condition. Thyroid is fine in my case.  You may want to pass this on to


 Will ask my dr about the type folic acid he has prescribed.
According to the American Heart Association, homocysteine levels
correlate with genetic factors as well as diet. A diet low in folic
acid and B vitamins has notable links to an increased level of
homocysteine in the blood. Family attests that other causes
include medication use, low thyroid hormone levels, psoriasis and
kidney disease

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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSLiposomal Encapsulation Technique

2010-05-08 Thread Annie B Smythe
Supposedly it has to do with uptake by body cells. 
Liposomal is supposed to be utilized by the body 
cells much better, therefor a much lower dose is 


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

polo wrote:

Thanks for the reply, but that link does not really address my question. 
It is referring to the regular absorbed Vit C in the gut at an average 
of 19% as compared to Liposomal Vit C in the gut at 93%. Ok, I can 
easily buy that fact, what I am wondering how can, 5 grams of liposomal 
C, even at 93% availability to the blood stream, produce an effect 
similar to 50 grams of intravenously given Vit C?
After all, if 93% of the 5 grams of liposomal Vit C gets into the blood 
stream---it would be 4.65 grams. Understand what I am saying? So how can 
5 grams of liposomal Vit C equal 50 grams of intravenous Vit C? I would 
say it would be quite logical for 5 grams of liposomal Vit C at 93% 
absorbability to equal 4.65 grams of IV vitamin C. Now that sounds 
reasonable to me.

- Original Message -
*From:* Garrick
*Sent:* Saturday, May 08, 2010 2:35 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSLiposomal Encapsulation Technique

*Increase Absorption Dramatically* - Regular vitamin C is absorbed
at approximately 19%, the balance remains in the gastrointestinal
tract to attract water and loosen the bowels. Nanotechnology,
liposomalized vitamin C is absorbed at 93%, measurable in the blood
stream. A 390% increase in absorption! Get IV results with oral dosage!

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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSNo energy

2010-05-07 Thread Annie B Smythe
Get the already methylated version of Folic Acid. 
A good portion of the population has a MTHF defect 
that prevents proper methylation of folic acid. 
The methylated version is already in its 
methylated state so it goes right to work.

There are a lot of things that cause loss of 
energy, hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, iron 
deficiency, on and on and on.

She might want to try the coenzymated version of 
the B vits too. They're already in the proper form 
for the body to use them.

Sublingual would probably be best to get around 
any gut absorption issues.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Smitty wrote:

I have a friend who is a little enemic  taking B-12 shots
and folic acid. She is tired and no energy.
Any ideas  to improve her condition ?


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Re: CSOrgonite/Marshall

2010-05-06 Thread Annie B Smythe
Just a general reply, but heck even science these 
days says there may be 12 or more dimensions, that 
they know nothing about. I think they're going to 
find that those dimensions have their own 
inhabitants good and bad. Science based on what 
can be observed with the human senses is 
necessarily flawed because there are things we 
can't directly observe, our senses are too 
limited. And no one yet has invented a gadget 
capable of detecting what we can't. Yeah we can 
get EMF data, and other data but it isn't quite 
enough to prove anything to die hard empirical 


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Carol Ann wrote:

And i agree thirdly. For all practical purposes, the meta physical 
planes are no different than the physical/material would not 
jeopardize or willingly expose themselves by knowingly going into  
neighborhoods that are infested with drugs, gangs or denizens of 
physical darkness on the material plane. If they did, it would not be, 
without having sufficient swat team backups.  In notorious 
neighborhoods, most cops won't even get out of their patrol cars.
Unless of course, they wanted to be a Savior, and we all know what 
eventually happens to Saviors.
Its commonly said, As above, so below

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..

--- On *Thu, 5/6/10, Golden Aldi /* wrote:

From: Golden Aldi
Subject: Re: CSOrgonite/Marshall
Date: Thursday, May 6, 2010, 8:38 AM

Hi Marshall,
I'm with you and Boddhi. I haven't had much of any experience worth
mentioning, but I would never provoke. Its not a part of my nature,
and I find being provocative is projecting negative energy, and
there's enough of that out there.
I'm also interested in acquiring some orgonite, since I have not
been able to make any of my own, but that is my goal, to make my
own, and spread the stuff around, and educate other fellow human
beings here in Germany. 99% are so clueless, and I haven't been able
to hook up with the other 1%.

On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 6:53 AM, Marshall Dudley

bodhisattva wrote:

I do not recommend you try entity removal yourself unless
you are absolutely sure of your spiritual power - and have
no major doubts or chinks in your armor. (character flaws)

I agree with you there.   I don't have that much trouble with
evil spirits, basically human spirits that were wicked when
alive, I find that asking for protection and surrounding oneself
with light works quite well and I keep my home filled with
orgonite so they can't get me or my wife when I am not paying
attention. Also I have a very powerful guardian angel.  However
I will NOT take on demons.  If they can't get you directly they
will go after loved ones and friends.  I simply cannot expose my
family and friends to anything like that.  Our paranormal group
has lost two members to demons, a priest and a demonologist when
they did exorcisms.   I have only taken on one demon and that
was by accident, didn't know what we were dealing with until
after the fact, and we did not take it on directly, but rather
were working to free subordinate spirits from its grasp, and had
asked it to be bound until the captured spirits could go to the
light, which most did.  One of the most amazing set of
recordings we have ever gotten, as 16 or so spirits saw the
light, were greeted by loved ones, and proceeded to the light,
with us recording what they had to say the whole time.  Anyway
once we were done apparently the demonic presence was released,
but had lost most of its power without the subjugated spirits,
and was really pissed.  He was throwing dishes and silverware
all over the house and the people had to leave eventually
abandoning the house.  That was before we knew about orgonite.

We have some members that I feel are reckless that will
challenge a spirit, and try to really provoke it. There is one
spirit at TMG that resides in the lady's bathroom that has
scratched 3 of our investigators at different times when they
provoked it. I feel that is lowering your vibration and opening
yourself up for attack and will not do it, and have never been
attacked. I would never ask to be attacked or provoke, but some
of the fellow investigators do, and I think it is foolish.

I will be contacting you off list to order.  Also I would like
to discuss the construction of the hhg with you, I 

Re: CSOrgonite/Marshall

2010-05-06 Thread Annie B Smythe
OOps, I have my SO and CS emails in one folder, 
didn't notice where it was going:)

I'll move it to the OT list.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Marshall Dudley wrote:
I would really like to respond to this, but this topic is being 
discussed on the off topic list, not here.


Annie B Smythe wrote:
Just a general reply, but heck even science these days says there may 
be 12 or more dimensions, that they know nothing about. I think 
they're going to find that those dimensions have their own inhabitants 
good and bad. Science based on what can be observed with the human 
senses is necessarily flawed because there are things we can't 
directly observe, our senses are too limited. And no one yet has 
invented a gadget capable of detecting what we can't. Yeah we can get 
EMF data, and other data but it isn't quite enough to prove anything 
to die hard empirical scientists.


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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSOT - GMO Problems

2010-05-06 Thread Annie B Smythe
Not only soldiers, but their kids have suffered 
from various abnormalities.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh wrote:
Don't know much about this stuff-- Just remeber the mention of Agent 
Orange years ago on the news, wasn't that what made so many soldiers 
sick  When I tried to read the article you referred to discovered 
they had pulled the website

- Original Message -
From: Hanneke
Date: Wednesday, May 5, 2010 9:32 pm
Subject: Re: CSOT - GMO Problems

Are you saying that you couldn't access the article I referred to about 

The article you posted is  dated March 2007.  I am not a fan of Rima 
Laidbow.  Some of her info however is well documented.

At 10:39 AM 6/05/2010, you wrote:

yanked by webhost after Big Pharma Slap *...* 

Mar 14, 2007 *...* Dr. Laibow just sent out a followup newsletter to 
let all of us know her site, *HealthFreedomUSA*.*org*, the site of the 
Natural Solutions *...**healthfreedomusaorg* 
-yanked-by-webhost-after-big-pharma-slap-newsletter - Cached 
- Similar

- Original Message -
From: Hanneke
Date: Wednesday, May 5, 2010 7:17 pm
Subject: Re: CSOT - GMO Problems

 That's perhaps why Monsanto 'improved' their Round Up, now
 containing up to 70% Agent Orange

 At 08:39 AM 6/05/2010, you wrote:
 Looks like the weeds have outsmarted Monsanto. But I feel sorry
 for the
 - Steve N

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 List Owner: Mike Devour


Re: CSMeat claimed as invention by Monsanto

2010-05-04 Thread Annie B Smythe
Not only that but fluorides, and other chemicals 
in the water and food, and plastics and just about 
everything cause ill health effects. And many of 
them are estrogemic or intergere with normal 
hormone functions of the body.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Peter Converse wrote:
Sowas Kurt right all along with his rants (a couple of years ago) 
about how they were trying to depopulate planet earth??

seems like Monsanto's found a great way to mess with sperm counts 
among male soy eaters and, as well, among  the male offspring of female 
soy eaters.

...and what about elevating estrogen levels to insidiously cause cancers 
in women?

I wonder if it works as well with wheat, corn and rice when they're 
engineered to be round-up ready?


- Original Message - From: Ode Coyote
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 10:43 AM
Subject: Re: CSMeat claimed as invention by Monsanto

  The real conspiracy is to turn us all into sleepy girls.

But we remain unconvinced that transgenic soybeans are strictly 
equivalent to conventional ones. For one, the amino acid composition 
of engineered soybeans is likely to differ.
Here's why. To create Roundup Ready soybeans, Monsanto's genetic 
engineers boost the activity of a gene which makes critical amino 
acids like **trytophan** [The thanksgiving turkey sleepy drug]. The 
fact that these amino acids are in greater abundance inside plant 
cells not only confers resistance to Roundup® herbicide, but likely 
shifts plant metabolism as well.
One of the main biosynthetic products of soybean metabolism is a class 
of compounds called isoflavonoids.

 These plant substances, because they have a remarkable similarity to 
our body's own estrogens, are called phytoestrogens.
Estrogenic substances play critical roles in controlling sexual 
differentiation. Hence, it is essential to know how much or little 
phytoestrogen is present in soy products.
 A recent non-industry research team headed by Dr. H. Sandermann and 
working in Germany found data that suggests Roundup Ready soybeans 
may have elevated phytoestrogens.
These researchers discovered that glyphosate treatment of legumes 
(fava beans in this case) like soybeans increases the level of plant 
 If confirmed, this study provides disturbing evidence that transgenic 
crops are not only different, but may well have a dramatic impact on 
the health and well-being of those who rely on soy protein as a major 
part of their diet.
While increased amounts of phytoestrogens in adult diets may protect 
against certain malignancies or provide other benefits, equally 
benevolent effects are unlikely if such estrogenic substances enter 
the diet of newborns.


 Soy beans already have Phytoestrogens in them.MORE?

..I like girls just fine, sleepy or not and half of us say it ain't so 
bad to be one.
..just so long as they don't look like soy bean gobbling female 

[er, no thanx given there ]


At 03:05 PM 5/2/2010 -0400, you wrote:
They already own the patent on every soybean in the world!  GM is 
Roundup Ready this means they can spray Roundup on soybean crops 
and only the weeds will be killed.  How much Roundup are we getting 
with soymilk, beans, etc???

On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 2:02 PM, Bob Banever wrote:


 Monsanto is THE most evil company on the planet.  They are 
tryoing to poison the entire human population with their GM foods.  
They are a bunch of nazis, nothing more and nothing less.

- Original Message - From: Annie B Smythe

To: CS List
Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2010 9:55 AM
Subject: CSMeat claimed as invention by Monsanto

Meat claimed as invention by Monsanto 

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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Day Sutton

CSMeat claimed as invention by Monsanto

2010-05-02 Thread Annie B Smythe

Meat claimed as invention by Monsanto

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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Re: CSAnnie - pitcher filter type?

2010-04-29 Thread Annie B Smythe

It's a Seychelle Large Family Pitcher. :)

Cheapest one I found was on eBay.

But I also just bought a counter top 50 GPD RO 
unit. Easy peasy to set up and use, no fooling 
about with plumbing under the sink, in fact my 
daughter hooked it up in less than 10 minutes, and 
it's doing a bang up job:)


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

jessie70 wrote:

Annie what water pitcher are you using? Jess

-Original Message-
From: Annie B Smythe []
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 9:14 PM
Subject: Re: CShypothyroid

If you don't take enough selenium with the Iodine 
it WILL cause you grief and CAN damage the 
thyroid. I've upped my dose to 50 mg per day of 2% 
Lugol's, I started with 5 mg and worked my way up 
slowly, and I take 400 - 600 mg of the 
selenomethionine form of Selenium daily. When I 
don't take the Iodine I feel like crap. My thyroid 
felt swollen on one side and I had a small nodule 
on my thyroid which is slowly shrinking. The doc 
did not do a thyroid antibody test but he did say 
I had elevated antibodies according to my lab 
results. When I first started taking the Iodine my 
thyroid swelled some, but it is now a normal size. 
I feel physically much better. Detox/herx symptoms 
can be a bear but if you take extra magnesium, vit 
C, selenium, zinc and copper, and manganese, and 
use sea salt and plenty of water this can be 
reduced greatly. That and backing off on the dose 
until you feel a bit better. If you have a lot of 
toxins to detox the detox pathways can be overcome 
and this causes the detox/herx symptoms, or a 
viral load die off, or candida/fungus die off. The 
  minerals the shepherd the halides, mercury and 
other stuff out are the ones I've listed above. 
You don't have a chance to get too much of them 
because the get used up binding to toxins and 
carrying them out, usually through the urine. And 
the body needs some of them for regular 
maintenance and enzyme production. I also added 
milk thistle, and dandelion to my regime to 
support the liver, and R ALA to boost glutathione. 
It also helped that I found a pitcher that filters 
everything including 80 - 90 % of fluoride from my 
tap water. And cutting out MSG, aspartame, and 
breads made from brominated flours, as well as all 
soft drinks, and upping my pure water intake to 
nearly 90 0z per day. I also added vit D3, and sea 
salt to my regime quite a while back and cut out 
almost all the processed salt.

Those with autoimmune hypothyroid issues MUST take 
the selenium, it's NOT an option, or it WILL cause 
problems, especially with antibodies. I get so 
tired of people not doing it the recommended way 
and then saying it's harmful. Or expecting it to 
work over night. Stephanie's(The Iodine list Mom) 
husband took at least a year to bring his Hashi's 
antibodies down to nothing. So it's a long term 
thing, and sometimes in the interim the thyroid 
usually WILL swell to grab more Iodine, when it 
has enough it will start to reduce in size. My 
thyroid kind of went up and down in size for two 
months or so before it settled down. But man oh 
man the detoxing I was doing during that time.

I won't say that my thyroid swelling up even more, 
like that didn't scare me to death, it did, but I 
was also told that it would go back down again, 
and it did.

But I guess everyone gets to health in their own 
way, there are many choices out there and a lot of 
research. I researched Iodine, the recommendations 
of nutrients to take with it and why, and the even 
the reports against it, thoroughly for several 
months before I made the decision to buy the 
Iodine and give it go. I haven't been sorry yet. 
Well except for an initial bad detox/herx 
reaction, LOL. I haven't lowered my thyroid med 
dose yet, I still have to get blood work done to 
see what my TSH, T4, T3 levels are doing.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Alan Jones wrote:

How high was your dosage, and for how long did you take it?


On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 8:06 PM, Craig Chamberlin 

Having been hypothryoid and having done this, I would *highly* that
folks with that condition look into the high iodine dosing.  I am no
longer hypothyroid and it cleared up a lot of other issues for me.

Another case of varying mileage.


needling around wrote:

Being hypothyroid and having done this, I would not recommend it
to anyone. It can also lead to thyroid nodules and autoimmune
thyroid issues.
- Original Message - From: Shirley Reed
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 7:50 PM
Subject: CShypothyroid

 Hypothyroidism can be fairly quickly reversed

Re: CSStatistics, and Death.

2010-04-22 Thread Annie B Smythe
Malic acid will soften and dissolve gallstones, 
either buy it as malic acid tabs, capsules, or 
drink a quart of apple juice every day for a 
couple of weeks or so. Then you can drink coconut 
oil 8 oz or some such to help flush them out. 
Apple Cider Vinegar will work too, but the 
concentrated malic acid works faster.

Swanson's metal shield is cheap and works great 
for detox. You don't have to spend a fortune to 
detox.It has both fulvic acid and humic acid, one 
helps nutrients enter the cells and the other 
pulls metals from the system.

Beyond a Century has pure Shilajit powder with no 
added fillers or anything, for 8.50 per 50 grm, 
you take 250 mg twice a day.  This stuff works! 
I've been using it for nearly a month now and zowy 
what a difference! I would never ever have thought 
something so simple would make that much of a 
difference in the way I feel but it darned sure 
does. And it doesn't break your pocket book. It 
might take a week or so of steady use, maybe less 
time for some or a little more time for some, but 
it has really kicked in the last couple of days. 
My body temp has risen to normal and stayed there. 
My brain seems clearer. It's worth the price just 
for that by itself. It helps detox the body and 
feed the cells.

If you take R ALA or ALA it's important to take 
something to make mercury exit the body, R ALA and 
ALA knock mercury and stuff loose from the brain. 
Or at least that's what I understand.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Kirsteen Wright wrote:

On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 1:54 AM, bodhisattva wrote:

It looks a really interesting site and the tea looks good but Im not in 
the habit of putting any capsule in my body unless I have an idea what's 
in it. Any idea what's in the detox capsules and the bottle? I couldn't 
find the info.



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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSH202 - again

2010-04-17 Thread Annie B Smythe
A pinch of good ol' sea salt will do it. Not 
enough to make the water salty just add a few 
trace minerals. Or you can buy an ionic trace 
mineral and add a couple of drop per gallon.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Leslie wrote:
OK. What should I do to add some minerals. You mentioned some filter and 
adding Clay? Would appreciate some suggestions and simple directions for 
me and reasonable px. Thanks.

- Original Message - From: Bob Banever
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2010 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: CSH202 - again


  You can remove fluoride from your drinking water with a good (at 
least 6 stage) reverse osmosis filtration system.  I have a 
remineralizing filter as the last stage in mine to add trace minerals 
lost in the filtration. These are usually volcanic or clay minerals 
that do not contain fluoride. Good luck

- Original Message - From: sol
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2010 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: CSH202 - again

I drink only distilled water and have done for several years now. 
I've not noticed any problems with mineral levels in my annual blood 
work. Everyone has to make their own decision on this issue, but 
after extensive online research, I personally decided (for myself ) 
that it is better to drink clean water, without pesticides, cysts and 
spores, lead, fluoride, chlorine, and so forth. There is  naturally 
occurring fluoride in the water here which I do not want. 
Distillation is one of the very few ways of removing fluoride from 
water, regular filtering does not remove fluoride, that is faucet 
filters, shower filters, Brita type filters, none of those remove 
There are multiple products on the market which can be added to 
distilled water to add minerals back in, but I do not use any of them 
If your mouth is dry overnight, you probably are getting dehydrated, 
but I don't believe that is because of drinking DW. I get dry mouth 
overnight but have done for umpty ump years, decades before I ever 
tasted a drop of DW. My husband has dry mouth and he doesn't drink 
any DW.


Leslie wrote:
I have started drinking distilled water only. Should I be taking 
extra minerals?? Our water is terrible and bad things added also 
like Chlorine.

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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSwhere is everyone?/...TAITP~WBSF?

2010-04-13 Thread Annie B Smythe


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Dok Dallas wrote:

SECOND-POSTING First Time was Too-Long to, Trimmed it Back Some.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hi Dee, Annie, (...others Fearing; Body-Snatch/Brain-Drain, 

Trust ME, after Reading through Comedy~Seisure...SERIOUS-STUFF...BELOW!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Get Excited...when someone asking 'questions' 
like...Where, are-People-Hiding?
WATT's...GOING-ON Here? Why, wasn't I Informed-Earlier...Better turn-on 
Now OK...since MEMBERS Posting...and late-word from Home-Land-Defense of

As (some) may-recall...after the 911-ATTACK(s) in USA few 
years ago...Security

needed to be upgraded and NEW measures implemented...using the latest HIGH
TECH/(State-of-the-Art) Bio-Nano-Sensor to assist in [Surveillance  

BioSensor-Technology/(BS~T) and Nano~Nano's...from MORK/(Robin Williams)
OK, off-record...I'm (retired) Aero-Space/Engineer  50's~80's 
TV Sit-Com-Junky!
So Scientific-Research-Community/(SRC)  Aero-Space-Defense-Industry/(ASDI)
delivered Secret Satellite-Based-People-Tracking/(SBPT) System...April 
1, 2010.
News Media, General Public...even General 
Electric/(company?) Left-in-the-Dark.
bUt Government...totally-concealed all Development 
Funding/(and Production) of,

what later became know by TS code-name as Welfare Program [TAITP~WBSF]?
When I first read Dee's where-is-everyone? posting...realized 
this would maybe
perhaps be best-timing I would ever-get, to (accidentally) share 
IF NEVER see me POST again...either 'Men-in-Black', or Mike~Dev...Got-to-me!
TAITP~WBSF deciphered: [Their-All-In-Their-Places~With-Big-Smiley-Faces] ;~}
LoL...My Kinder-garden teacher had kids singing song...with 
similar wording.g 
Dok Dallas
P.S. As to answering (potential) Real CS/EIS Issues...I'm no GURU, or SWAMI

so feel-free to SEEK 2nd Opinion G Ode saying-nothing...maybe a cover-up?
Dok's, been Brewing CS/EIS (16~17+ years)...early 199x's and slight YELLOW
and GOLDEN tint back-in-early 'DaZe'...was how we knew our BREW was-done
before using any trode-voltage ckt's, or EC/IONIC 
Conductivity Buy?
If it's it's (by optical-interference) off 
your larger Ag particles,
but if it's a CLOUDY Yellow (or any other Colors)...then lQQk 
for Real-Problem?
If you get Tyndall, using RED Laser, you have some-degree of (larger) 
and can-go-by what Neville said, about evaluating (brightness), 
for an-estimate?
(See Marshall has been posting-info on Particles-Size 
vs Photo-Spectrometry~) 
FYI: Using a Blue 405-nm Laser, or even Green 
LD...can-detect smaller...Size!

Have gone down to 385-nm (non-laser) light source, using special TRIX  PMT.
(Not sure Particle(s) Size PEAKING at 405 nm, but-maybe...Marshall knows?)
Adding few-drops of H2O2 to EIS (ONLY-24hr after Ending BREW cycle) it will
be able to trigger a CATALYTIC reaction with (metallic) Silver 
to Bust-Up stable

LARGER PARTICLE...back down in Size to smaller (one/two) Atom Particles?
Tyndall will become LESS apparent (using RED), but 405~Blue still Detecting!
As long as it's only-slightly Yellow (and don't Smell/Taste like P*ss), 
it's GQQD
to use for ANY application you wanted, but for INTERNAL use...It's UP-to 
While Neville DOWN-under may G use reservations...I prefer, Splash-a-Dash
of 3% (food-grade) Hydrogen Peroxide into NIX Silver-Nuggets, to TINY  

Never hurts to keep everything including Ag~electrodes LABORATORY KLEEN
as others mentioned, RINSE (x2) by DW after using H202  Q-TIP on Trode(s).
NOTE: Drug-Store (3%) Hydrogen Peroxide MAY...contain a 
little, Acetanilide?  
H2O2...clears Yellow  Free's-IONS..?
In some parts of the World (other than USA)...may 
find Tin-salts...other...Stuff?
Back in 1800's Acetanilide was used like Aspirin...Close relative, to 
(Not sure how much, in bottle of 3% H2O2, but suspect NOT~HEALTH Issue?)  
FYI: I'm of IRISH/(Humor/Extrovert{;-}}) 
CS in Irish-Wiskey  Beer...Pineapple, CoCoNut, Rum...for PinaColloidal G
Irish Whisky was introduced keep US-Irish...from Rulling 

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Re: CSwhere is everyone?

2010-04-12 Thread Annie B Smythe


*Twirls fingers in the air*

Oh swami of lost list members, can you tell me 
where the wandering ones are?

*listens closely*


Did you hear that?

What was that? Was that you Swami?

Ohhh my, the dog let out a snore, LMAO.

Nope, the swami isn't telling tonight..


Sorry Dee :D  I know your questions are important, 
but I couldn't resist *Giggles insanely*


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

Can anyone tell me where Ode and Marshall and everyone are please?  Its just I 
have some questions to ask about CS and no-one seems to be picking up!  Thanks 

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Re: CSFwd: phenomena

2010-04-09 Thread Annie B Smythe
Hm, well I understand that iodine is an oxidizer, 
maybe that why the clearing effect? If you had 
added ascorbic acid, I wonder if it would have 
cleared it up too. DMSO is a solvent, so maybe it 
dissolved some of the plastic into your solution. 
I read on the labels of the DMSO jars now safe 
for DMSO storage or something like that.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

Has anyone any ideas?  dee

Begin forwarded message:

From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Date: 8 April 2010 09:27:20 GMT+01:00
Subject: phenomena

Hi folks, at last a silver-related question lol!  I put some 20ppm CS in a 
plastic pot along with about 25% DMSO which after a few hours turned almost black.  
This I assumed was because there was something in the plastic pot that I had not 
quite got out--I am always putting different stuff in these pots!  I then put in a 
couple of drops of nascent iodine which normally doesn't colour the water (like 
Lugols does) and within hours it had almost completely cleared!  Can any of you 
brainy folks out there explain this?  dee

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Re: CSA whistleblower claims ,the drug industry wants to keep us sick?????

2010-04-08 Thread Annie B Smythe
I'm a little less charitable. I believe for most 
it's just plain laziness. They don't want to put 
in the effort it takes to LEARN what they need to 
know, to take intelligent informed action, unless 
their comfortable little world, provided to keep 
them content, is upset (and usually by then it's 
too late). They actually prefer to let others make 
decisions for them and tell them what to do 
instead of using the minds they have to winnow out 
the lies and BS. That's why we call them sheople. 
A herd blindly following ill chosen shepherds. And 
this occurs in every area; economic, health, 
education, religion, and etc.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Richard Goodwin wrote:

You are right.  There is something about most people that makes us want to be taken care of -- 
perhaps it's a desire to return to the warm loving safety and security of our childhood in our 
parents' arms, if we had that, so we never stop looking for new parents long after we 
are all grown up.  Whatever it is, it causes us to give our trust to anyone who professes to know 
more about something than we do, and to be willing to take care of us -- teachers, 
doctors, religious leaders, political leaders, etc.  Instead of seeing those people as servants or 
hired help, which they actually are, we prefer to idolize them and subjugate ourselves to their 
opinions and their wills.  And of course any time you give your freedom to someone, they will 
certainly use it, not for your good, but for their own benefit.

But that's why we're all here -- to learn how to help ourselves using, among 
other things, Colloidal Silver.


- Original Message 
From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Sent: Thu, April 8, 2010 8:26:35 AM
Subject: Re: CSA whistleblower claims ,the drug industry wants to keep us 

The trouble is Dick, then they say you are just lucky!  I know, I meet it all 
the time.  I cure my dog myself even with things like abscesses etc., but 
friends still trot off to the vets - 'just in case!'  dee

On 8 Apr 2010, at 01:24, Richard Goodwin wrote:

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CSScientists develop environmentally friendly way to produce propylene oxide using silver nanoclusters

2010-04-08 Thread Annie B Smythe
Oh but haven't you heard? Nano silver is the 
deadliest stuff.(sarcasm)

Scientists develop environmentally friendly way to 
produce propylene oxide using silver nanoclusters

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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Re: CSA whistleblower claims ,the drug industry wants to keep us sick

2010-04-07 Thread Annie B Smythe
Yeah Dee, it's just a confirmation for me too. You 
can find the whole talk by this same guy on you 
tube if you put his name in a search on youtube. 
Heck, that is if you can get youtube across the pond:/


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

This is such an eye opener Annie, but doesn't surprise me at all I have to say! 

On 6 Apr 2010, at 20:00, Annie B Smythe wrote:

Got this in an email this morning, thought y'all might find it interesting and 

A whistleblower claims the drug industry wants to keep us sick.
Video is in English,_%D7%A4%D7%95%D7%A8%D7%96%D7%90%D7%A7_%D7%94%D7%A9%D7%97%D7%99%D7%AA%D7%95%D7%AA_%D7%91%D7%97%D7%91%D7%A8%D7%AA_%D7%AA%D7%A8%D7%95%D7%A4%D7%95%D7%AA_%D7%91%D7%A9%D7%91%D7%93%D7%99%D7%94.html

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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Re: CSA whistleblower claims ,the drug industry wants to keep us sick?????

2010-04-07 Thread Annie B Smythe
I have no idea, it works okay for me. I just 
clicked it and the page came up.

Here's the first segment of the talk on YouTube, 
maybe this one will work better for you.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Marlene Hanson wrote:
Do you know why the address will not come up for me? What do I ask for 
on you tube? Thank you Marlene

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Re: CSA whistleblower claims ,the drug industry wants to keep us sick?????

2010-04-07 Thread Annie B Smythe

Ooooh thank you Sunny:)


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Sunny wrote:

Better link to the same man, filmed by others.  Better vid.
sunny x

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CSA whistleblower claims ,the drug industry wants to keep us sick

2010-04-06 Thread Annie B Smythe
Got this in an email this morning, thought y'all 
might find it interesting and informative.

A whistleblower claims the drug industry wants to 
keep us sick.

Video is in English,_%D7%A4%D7%95%D7%A8%D7%96%D7%90%D7%A7_%D7%94%D7%A9%D7%97%D7%99%D7%AA%D7%95%D7%AA_%D7%91%D7%97%D7%91%D7%A8%D7%AA_%D7%AA%D7%A8%D7%95%D7%A4%D7%95%D7%AA_%D7%91%D7%A9%D7%91%D7%93%D7%99%D7%94.html

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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2010-04-05 Thread Annie B Smythe
Ahhh but there's a magic word called class action 
lawsuit and lots of money hungry lawyers that 
will take the suit if they smell money in the water;)


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Lisa wrote:

Here here!

I SO agree...the only problem is that these small farmers don't have the
funds to take on Monsanto who will throw 20 or more lawyers at them. 

I so wholeheartedly agree though -- the farmers should be suing Monsanto for
contaminating THEIR heirloom corn with THEIR bogus GMO crap!


-Original Message-
From: Annie B Smythe [] 
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2010 11:20 AM

To: CS List

What did I say not long ago? Yep, I believe ALL 
the GMO so called test fields were placed where 
they could contaminate regular fields, not just 
rice. I'm waiting for the lawsuits against 
Monasanto. I hope so many farmers sue them they go 
bankrupt. Yeah, I know that's terrible but so is 
what those companies are doing to us, food crops, 
the entire environment, animals and insects.

An Arkansas court has ruled that Bayer CropScience 
intentionally contaminated US rice supplies with 
its unapproved GM rice. The court ordered the 
company to pay a farmer who suffered losses when 
his rice was contaminated with Bayer's GM product, 
a total of US$1.3 million.


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2010-04-04 Thread Annie B Smythe
What did I say not long ago? Yep, I believe ALL 
the GMO so called test fields were placed where 
they could contaminate regular fields, not just 
rice. I'm waiting for the lawsuits against 
Monasanto. I hope so many farmers sue them they go 
bankrupt. Yeah, I know that's terrible but so is 
what those companies are doing to us, food crops, 
the entire environment, animals and insects.

An Arkansas court has ruled that Bayer CropScience 
intentionally contaminated US rice supplies with 
its unapproved GM rice. The court ordered the 
company to pay a farmer who suffered losses when 
his rice was contaminated with Bayer’s GM product, 
a total of US$1.3 million.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSFYI Wilson's Temperature Syndrome

2010-04-04 Thread Annie B Smythe
I'm hypothyroid, and my temps taken at the 
doctor's office just four months ago were around 
97.3 and that was during the day, not a waking 
temp. My temps rose after I started using a 
thyroid glandular product with iodine and adrenal 
support in it. I dropped thirteen pounds doing 
nothing in six weeks, and my temps rose to 97.2. 
Then finally my TSH was pretty high, and the doc 
prescribed a thyroid med(I insisted on armour). My 
temps have hovered around 96.2 during the day and 
that is throughout my entire life, and the doc 
only ever checked TSH and said everything was 
alright. A body temp of 96.2 on a summer day is 
not alright! I am so angry and disgusted with the 
medical profession it's not even funny. When 
someone shows up with those kind of low body temps 
consistently there is something not right, and 
they didn't bother to find out why. And of course 
I was a kid and didn't know any different. The 
internet is the best thing that ever happened to 
me, when I got my first computer I started to 
learn things that really opened my eyes to what 
they were doing and what they were all about.. To 
think I trusted those AMA quacks all my life, 
until that point and thought I was the reason I 
couldn't drop weight like every one else, and 
gained weight so easily it was scary. I fasted for 
two weeks one time when I was around 15 YO, and 
gained weight! I did not lose one pound in two 
weeks. The doctors kept telling me I was lying 
when I told them I really didn't eat much, which 
was true, if I had eaten like everyone else I 
would have been the size of a barn. They told me 
to exercise more and I was already doing an hour 
of PE at school(we were required to take an hour 
of PE until the tenth grade) and walking three 
miles a day on my own after school. And no, my Mom 
did not buy junk food, and we had a huge veggie 
garden.. It took me three or four times the amount 
of time it took everyone else to lose a pound 
using the same amount of effort. That made me feel 
like there was something inherently wrong with me 
as a person and that I deserved what I got. 
Needless to say, I had a miserable self image from 
all that rot.  I wish I could sue the daylights 
out of them for the harm they did to me growing 
up. So yeah, the majority of them are quacks and 
they'll destroy you, body and soul, and finally 
kill you, if you listen to them and trust what 
they say.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Gina Moore wrote:

A low body temp is a sign of hypothyroidism according to Broda Barnes , 
MD.  It can be missed by the traditional TSH and T4 tests.  (Read 
‘Hypothyroidism Type II’ by Mark Starr, MD.)  I’m on the fence with some 
of the Wilson ’s Syndrome things, but it works for some people – the 
idea is good, I’m just now sure about the treatment.  I have low body 
temp and it only came up when I replace the hormones I was missing – T3 
(Cytomel) being the primary one.


In my research, I found that ADHD can be from low cortisol, which can 
eventually cause thyroid to go low (which would cause the low temp).  I 
have an ADHD child, and had his diurnal cortisol checked and it was very 
low all day.  I’m trying to get him off the meds and do more natural 
things, but it’s difficult.  Takes time and patience, which I have 
neither!  LOL!


Some sites to consider…


Just my 2 cents from the year and a half of research on thyroid/adrenals 
I’ve done.  No medical advice given!



* From: * Steve G []
*Sent:* Saturday, April 03, 2010 9:01 AM
*Subject:* Re: CSFYI Wilson's Temperature Syndrome



That's an interesting website.  I'm not sure what to make of it 
though.   My temperature has hovered around 97 degrees since I was a 
teenager.  The only thing I've ever heard about that is that this is 
common with people who have ADHD, which I have.  My 17 year old daughter 
has the same two issues.

Steve G


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Re: CSFYI Wilson's Temperature Syndrome

2010-04-04 Thread Annie B Smythe
You may have a problem converting T4 to T3 which 
is fairly common. I take Armour which is a 
prescription standardized med made from porcine 
thyroid glands. It has the full array of hormones 
is it. T4, T3, T2 and T1 and perhaps some 
calcitonin. I'd heard horror stories about 
synthroid and when my doc tried prescribing that 
to me I flat out refused it. I've been doing 
extremely well with Armour. I don't have the 
symptoms anymore, and I'm fine tuning the dosage. 
But I did have to switch to Erfa(Canadian Armour) 
recently because of the Armour, 
naturethroid/westhroid shortage..  No more fuzz 
brain, and achy muscles, joints, weakness, or 
alligator skin. But I also take an adrenal support 
supplement as well. My body temps have risen 
steadily. I also use a progesterone cream, I have 
an excess of estrogen. And of course I take Iodine 
too. Everything all natural no synthetics at all.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh wrote:

what product are you on?  My temps barely reaches 97 during any day and 
I have a horrible weight problem.  I'm on Synthroid.

I'm hypothyroid, and my temps taken at the doctor's office just four
  months ago were around 97.3 and that was during the day, not a
  temp. My temps rose after I started using a thyroid glandular
product with
  iodine and adrenal support in it. I dropped thirteen pounds doing
  in six weeks, and my temps rose to 97.2 


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Re: CSFYI Wilson's Temperature Syndrome

2010-04-04 Thread Annie B Smythe
If you meant the OTC glandular. I used a couple of 
different ones. Natural Sources Raw Thyroid, and 
Nutri Meds Thyroid, and Nutri Meds Whole Adrenal, 
and the Cortex Plus for any short term extra 
stressful events. Sometimes when you start taking 
thyroid meds it stresses the adrenals because 
they've been overworking because of the 
underworking thyroid gland, trying to take up the 
slack until they just plain get exhausted. It 
might be wise to use the adrenal support for a 
week or so before starting the thyroid supplement. 
And you may need to continue taking the adrenal 
support if you've had adrenal exhaustion for any 
extended length of time, or for any extra 
stressful life events, good or bad.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh wrote:

what product are you on?  My temps barely reaches 97 during any day and 
I have a horrible weight problem.  I'm on Synthroid.

I'm hypothyroid, and my temps taken at the doctor's office just four
  months ago were around 97.3 and that was during the day, not a
  temp. My temps rose after I started using a thyroid glandular
product with
  iodine and adrenal support in it. I dropped thirteen pounds doing
  in six weeks, and my temps rose to 97.2 


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CSGary Schwartz discusses the G.O.D. experiments on the Natural News Talk

2010-04-01 Thread Annie B Smythe
Gary Schwartz discusses the G.O.D. experiments on 
the Natural News Talk

This could be interesting.

Not doing the religious talk thing, and not gonna 
discuss it, just a notice about an interesting show.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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Re: CShypothyroid

2010-03-28 Thread Annie B Smythe

You can read about it here:)


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Leslie wrote:
Is Iodine good for breast cancer? My daughter has a lump in her breast 
and also is overweight so could be the thyroid. I have the iodine but 
was afraid to take it internally and just swab it on.

- Original Message - From: Annie B Smythe

Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: CShypothyroid

Gina, the liver needs vit A for a lot of things including other 
hormones, and the reuptake of estrogen to deactivate excess and remove 
it through bile and urine. Better do some more reading on Selenium and 
why we take it with Iodine, I think has a list 
and the reason for each, or maybe it was the Iodine Gruop. I've read 
so much over the last year I don't remember where all my sources are. 
I have no problem at all with my thyroid hormones and I take 200 - 600 
mg per day. If there were a problem it would have shown up by now. It 
also depends on the form of Selenium you use. You can find people to 
say bad things about anything. I read and researched the pros and 
cons, everything I could get my hands on really, before I ever started 
taking the Iodine.

Someone just posted recently on another group that high Vit C intake 
is bad for you. So you see, you can find bad info anywhere. The best 
thing to do is dig for yourself and then you'll know. I'm satisfied 
that what I'm doing is good for me. I've done my research and I do my 
best to keep up with the latest studies and news about all this stuff.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

sol wrote:

Gina Moore wrote:
Selenium can inhibit the conversion of T4 (storage hormone) to T3 

I recently found a tidbit that may affect thyoid conversion problems 
for many..T4 to T3 conversion does not take place when there 
is vit A deficiency.


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CSDietary Supplements to Support Promote Detoxification

2010-03-25 Thread Annie B Smythe
Dietary Supplements to Support  Promote 

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CShypothyroid

2010-03-25 Thread Annie B Smythe
Gina, the liver needs vit A for a lot of things 
including other hormones, and the reuptake of 
estrogen to deactivate excess and remove it 
through bile and urine. Better do some more 
reading on Selenium and why we take it with 
Iodine, I think has a list 
and the reason for each, or maybe it was the 
Iodine Gruop. I've read so much over the last year 
I don't remember where all my sources are. I have 
no problem at all with my thyroid hormones and I 
take 200 - 600 mg per day. If there were a problem 
it would have shown up by now. It also depends on 
the form of Selenium you use. You can find people 
to say bad things about anything. I read and 
researched the pros and cons, everything I could 
get my hands on really, before I ever started 
taking the Iodine.

Someone just posted recently on another group that 
high Vit C intake is bad for you. So you see, you 
can find bad info anywhere. The best thing to do 
is dig for yourself and then you'll know. I'm 
satisfied that what I'm doing is good for me. I've 
done my research and I do my best to keep up with 
the latest studies and news about all this stuff.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

sol wrote:

Gina Moore wrote:

Selenium can inhibit the conversion of T4 (storage hormone) to T3 (active
I recently found a tidbit that may affect thyoid conversion problems for 
many..T4 to T3 conversion does not take place when there is vit 
A deficiency.


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Re: CShypothyroid

2010-03-24 Thread Annie B Smythe
If you don't take enough selenium with the Iodine 
it WILL cause you grief and CAN damage the 
thyroid. I've upped my dose to 50 mg per day of 2% 
Lugol's, I started with 5 mg and worked my way up 
slowly, and I take 400 - 600 mg of the 
selenomethionine form of Selenium daily. When I 
don't take the Iodine I feel like crap. My thyroid 
felt swollen on one side and I had a small nodule 
on my thyroid which is slowly shrinking. The doc 
did not do a thyroid antibody test but he did say 
I had elevated antibodies according to my lab 
results. When I first started taking the Iodine my 
thyroid swelled some, but it is now a normal size. 
I feel physically much better. Detox/herx symptoms 
can be a bear but if you take extra magnesium, vit 
C, selenium, zinc and copper, and manganese, and 
use sea salt and plenty of water this can be 
reduced greatly. That and backing off on the dose 
until you feel a bit better. If you have a lot of 
toxins to detox the detox pathways can be overcome 
and this causes the detox/herx symptoms, or a 
viral load die off, or candida/fungus die off. The 
 minerals the shepherd the halides, mercury and 
other stuff out are the ones I've listed above. 
You don't have a chance to get too much of them 
because the get used up binding to toxins and 
carrying them out, usually through the urine. And 
the body needs some of them for regular 
maintenance and enzyme production. I also added 
milk thistle, and dandelion to my regime to 
support the liver, and R ALA to boost glutathione. 
It also helped that I found a pitcher that filters 
everything including 80 - 90 % of fluoride from my 
tap water. And cutting out MSG, aspartame, and 
breads made from brominated flours, as well as all 
soft drinks, and upping my pure water intake to 
nearly 90 0z per day. I also added vit D3, and sea 
salt to my regime quite a while back and cut out 
almost all the processed salt.

Those with autoimmune hypothyroid issues MUST take 
the selenium, it's NOT an option, or it WILL cause 
problems, especially with antibodies. I get so 
tired of people not doing it the recommended way 
and then saying it's harmful. Or expecting it to 
work over night. Stephanie's(The Iodine list Mom) 
husband took at least a year to bring his Hashi's 
antibodies down to nothing. So it's a long term 
thing, and sometimes in the interim the thyroid 
usually WILL swell to grab more Iodine, when it 
has enough it will start to reduce in size. My 
thyroid kind of went up and down in size for two 
months or so before it settled down. But man oh 
man the detoxing I was doing during that time.

I won't say that my thyroid swelling up even more, 
like that didn't scare me to death, it did, but I 
was also told that it would go back down again, 
and it did.

But I guess everyone gets to health in their own 
way, there are many choices out there and a lot of 
research. I researched Iodine, the recommendations 
of nutrients to take with it and why, and the even 
the reports against it, thoroughly for several 
months before I made the decision to buy the 
Iodine and give it go. I haven't been sorry yet. 
Well except for an initial bad detox/herx 
reaction, LOL. I haven't lowered my thyroid med 
dose yet, I still have to get blood work done to 
see what my TSH, T4, T3 levels are doing.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Alan Jones wrote:

How high was your dosage, and for how long did you take it?


On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 8:06 PM, Craig Chamberlin 

Having been hypothryoid and having done this, I would *highly* that
folks with that condition look into the high iodine dosing.  I am no
longer hypothyroid and it cleared up a lot of other issues for me.

Another case of varying mileage.


needling around wrote:

Being hypothyroid and having done this, I would not recommend it
to anyone. It can also lead to thyroid nodules and autoimmune
thyroid issues.
- Original Message - From: Shirley Reed
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 7:50 PM
Subject: CShypothyroid

 Hypothyroidism can be fairly quickly reversed simple by
ingesting sufficient iodine.  The Yahoo Group named  iodine
 can get you up to speed on iodine in very short order.   pj

Alan Jones

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Re: CShypothyroid

2010-03-24 Thread Annie B Smythe

Yes PT here ya go:)


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

needling around wrote:
Would you mind sharing the address of the iodine list.  I was taking 
selenium and I was under the care of 2 alternative doctors and I still 
ended up with a problem.  At this point I am taking time release T3 for 
Wilson's body temp syndrome and it is the first thing that has helped.  
They think the problem might be in the conversion from one form to the 
other.  All of the other things, I do.


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CSFor the list members that live across the pond

2010-03-22 Thread Annie B Smythe
London rail project faces centuries old anthrax 

This is an idiotic thing to do. Anthrax spores can 
live for centuries, and I trust no reports about 
safety when it comes to companies and money. Just 
be aware please, if you live in the area, or know 
someone who does. I'm concerned for the people who 
live close to this project.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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CSKid does an experiment with CS and wins sxience fair award

2010-03-22 Thread Annie B Smythe
This is a PDF file and a download window will pop 
up when you click on the link, you need a PDF 
reader to view the article. :)

The experiment and results are very interesting. :)

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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2010-03-22 Thread Annie B Smythe

Has anyone on the list ever used Indium?

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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Re: CSAnother place to get the movies

2010-03-19 Thread Annie B Smythe
I wouldn't even eat one McDonald's meal a day. 
Their meat is NOT meat, and their food and every 
other fast food joint's food is full of MSG, and 
yeah a whole lot of grease. Anyone who thinks 
eating fast food every day is healthy needs a 
reality check. I have seen and know people that 
eat fast food nearly every day of the week, 
whether it's breakfast, lunch, or dinner. The 
unhealthy kind of fat alone is enough to keep me 
away.  There are kids that eat hamburgers and 
pizza every day in school. In my town that's 
exactly what they serve, yeah they offer the 
regular lunch too, but what kid is gonna choose 
veggies over a burger and fries, or pizza? And he 
didn't eat every meal supersized. He only got 
supersize if they asked him if he wanted it, which 
may have been 50% of the time. And he ate every 
item on the menu at least once. Did you actually 
watch the film? The rules were laid out at the 
beginning. And the lab results on his blood and 
such weren't faked.
So three meals a day for 30 days or One meal a day 
for 90 days, still getting way more calories and 
fat than anyone needs at one sitting. Not to 
mention the HFCS in the sodas, and the brominated 
bread of the buns, and the high salt content. 
McDonald's even admits their chicken isn't chicken 
and their food is unhealthy. I avoid fast food 
like the plague.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Ode Coyote wrote:

  Super size me has a fatal flaw in the original premise.
Eating 3 supersized meals a day *at home* would make you fat.
No one in their right mind would ever eat that much food in a day.
Just one of those is enough food for an entire day.
The subject in the film had to force feed himself just to choke it all 

And the very idea that you NEED to eat 3 meals a day is ridiculous.
If working heavy labor, maybe, but even then a full tummy can be very 
uncomfortable so a very light breakfast and lunch works best, then load 
on the calories after work.


At 04:06 PM 3/18/2010 -0500, you wrote:
Hey y'all Snag Films has the Supersize Me, and The Future of Food 
documovies. Another way for the folks over the pond, and elsewhere, to 
get to see them:)

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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Re: CSAnother place to get the movies

2010-03-19 Thread Annie B Smythe
Well if you watched the film, he set up rules for 
the experiment at the very beginning. He had to 
eat three meals a day, he had to eat every item on 
the menu, and he could only supersize the order if 
they asked him if he wanted to supersize it. He 
stuck by the rules for the experiment. Overall I 
think he did a great job of showing how unhealthy 
the stuff is. Even the doctors were surprised at 
the damage the stuff was doing to him, and he was 
a fairly healthy guy to begin with. If you're not 
healthy then I imagine the damage is much greater.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

sol wrote:

Annie B Smythe wrote:
I wouldn't even eat one McDonald's meal a day. Their meat is NOT meat, 
and their food and every other fast food joint's food is full of MSG, 
and yeah a whole lot of grease. Anyone who thinks eating fast food 
every day is healthy needs a reality check.
I was not addressing any of those points, only the factual lies in the 
movie SuperSize Me. Whether fast food is healthy is a whole other issue.

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Re: CSAnother place to get the movies

2010-03-19 Thread Annie B Smythe
Well the way I see it, if he ate less than he 
claimed, that only makes the food worse not 
better. And I don't listen to one person who makes 
a splash by trying to debunk. That's as bad as 
listening to one debunker about CS or anything 
else. So we will have to agree to respectfully 

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

sol wrote:

Annie B Smythe wrote:
Well if you watched the film, he set up rules for the experiment at 
the very beginning. He had to eat three meals a day, he had to eat 
every item on the menu, and he could only supersize the order if they 
asked him if he wanted to supersize it. He stuck by the rules for the 
experiment. Overall I think he did a great job of showing how 
unhealthy the stuff is.
Sinece he won't let anyone see his food original or copies of his 
original food logs who knows what he really ate? Certainly from what I 
see in Fathead his math does not add up. There is apparently no way he 
could have eaten only what he said he ate and consumed the number of 
calories he claims. So if that is true, he MUST be lying. At any rate he 
fudged his math, and it is hard to believe so many people just swallow 
it without at least checking his arithmetic.


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Re: CSAnother place to get the movies

2010-03-19 Thread Annie B Smythe
The point of the movie was to demonstrate how 
unhealthy the food is, and he did that, whether 
the calories match up according to whomever or not.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

sol wrote:

Annie B Smythe wrote:
Well the way I see it, if he ate less than he claimed, that only makes 
the food worse not better. And I don't listen to one person who makes 
a splash by trying to debunk. That's as bad as listening to one 
debunker about CS or anything else. So we will have to agree to 
respectfully disagree.

Not to carry this on forever, but I have my own standards for 
debunking. If someone points out a lie in something, that I can 
confirm with a few seconds on my calculator, I believe the debunker and 
not the liar.


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Re: CSto PT

2010-03-18 Thread Annie B Smythe
How do y'all get those? I deleted one 
experimentally, but did not get any message about 
receipts. I use Thunderbird, so maybe that has 
something to do with it. You may be able to set 
your mail program to individually send or not send 


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Frank wrote:

Hi list,
I am having the same problem and is usually caused by the sender 
requesting (demanding) acknowledgment of receipt.
This sender is the only one with such an annoying requirement and it has 
nothing to do with my computer.
Of course one can always exclude this type of messages by shunting them 
to the disallowed list.


*From:* needling around
*Sent:* Thursday, March 18, 2010 9:23 AM
*Subject:* Re: CSto PT

You would have to check the settings in your computer.  I have nothing 
to do with that.  I have written to the list owner to see if there is a 
setting he can use for the read receipt.  This is the only list there 
seems to be a problem with.


- Original Message -
*From:* Nenah Sylver
*Sent:* Thursday, March 18, 2010 10:22 AM
*Subject:* CSto PT


Whenever I delete your emails I get a message asking me if I’d like
to send a receipt to you that lets you know I have deleted your email.


I find this pop-up message rather annoying. Is there any way you can
change your email settings so we don’t have to get this?




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Re: CSsoy lecithin

2010-03-18 Thread Annie B Smythe

Naw Dee, I take 3 tablespoons a day, no problems:)


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

has anyone ever had a bad effect from this?  thanksdee

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Re: CSreceipts on FreX list

2010-03-18 Thread Annie B Smythe

Err, what's the  FreX list, please?


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

needling around wrote:

I think it is interesting that you don't get these on the FreX list.

- Original Message -
*From:* Renee
*Sent:* Thursday, March 18, 2010 12:49 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSOT- CAN-C and Bright-eyes

Yes, I could shut mine off, but as you say--there are certain emails
I get than I DO need to acknowledge receipt for.  So, guess I'll
just say no from now on to your emails. :-)

Chronic pain does NOT belong in your body.  The Am Wand helps
you get rid of it quickly and easily.  Get the wand here 
/---Original Message---/
It is not done 'by email', it is automatic and I need it for

non-list emails. This is the only list that does not automatically
remove it, but I believe you can set your computer to ignore it so
you won't see it.

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List Owner: Mike Devour

CSAnother place to get the movies

2010-03-18 Thread Annie B Smythe
Hey y'all Snag Films has the Supersize Me, and The 
Future of Food documovies. Another way for the 
folks over the pond, and elsewhere, to get to see 

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSreceipts on FreX list

2010-03-18 Thread Annie B Smythe

Thank you Chuck:)


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh wrote:

Computer pgm utilizing RIFE frequencies for healing.

Software and development announcements for Frex, a popular Resonance
Initiated Field Effects (RIFE) program for generating health and
wellness in people. Frex is a great educational tool for people to
learn about frequency therapy. 

Giraffiti:   Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.

On 3/18/2010 4:47:18 PM, Annie B Smythe (

what's the  FreX list, please?


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Re: CSreceipts on FreX list

2010-03-18 Thread Annie B Smythe

Mike is good that way:)


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Renee wrote:

Right!  But, I see that it's fixed now, because this message I had a 
receipt pop up, but the ones you wrote after this are fine. :-)
Good work Mike!

Chronic pain does NOT belong in your body.  The Am Wand helps
you get rid of it quickly and easily.  Get the wand here 
/---Original Message---/
I think it is interesting that you don't get these on the FreX list.

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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSOT- CAN-C and Bright-eyes

2010-03-17 Thread Annie B Smythe
Steve would the MSM or DMSO have to be medical or 
pharmaceutical grade? And what if you used MSM, 
DMSO in a contact lens sterile saline solution? Is 
the 99.9% stuff alright? And my MSM is kind of 
crystalline rather than powdery. Is it possible to 
get SOD to add to the mixture?

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Norton, Steve wrote:

Here are some options:

Reversal: of cataracts observed in small trials using 2-3 eye drops of well 
shaken mixture (below) 3x day.  (May be slight temporary burning from DMSO.)  Takes 
1-6 months (Alt 1/02 p.55).  Do not use if you have an eye infection.
1/2 oz. 99.99% DMSO
1/2 oz. distilled water

An ophthalmologist has developed a formula for dissolving cataracts without 
surgery. Combining DMSO with super oxide dismutase (SOD), this eye doctor's formulation 
works against glaucoma too.

When eye drops containing the proper amount of MSM are applied, the membrane 
becomes permeable, and this has reversed the problem. It is also important that the 
eye remain flexible so that the muscles can alter its contour and focus as needed. 
In the event that its membranes and muscles become rigid and tough, the eye will not 
be able to focus properly, resulting in blurred vision. The MSM in eye drops soothes 
and softens the membranes, permitting fluids to pass through the optical tissues to 
stabilize the pressure, repair any damage, clear up red spots and bloodshot vessels, 
and remove floaters and other particles in the eye.
In one case, a 15 percent solution of MSM in isotonic saline was a soothing treatment for the eye following accidental injury due to particulate matter in the eye. In a test with an irritated eye of a rabbit, the eye cleared when treated every hour with a 10 percent aqueous solution of MSM. Be assured, the concentration in the MSM eye drops you get will be sufficient. 
Here is how to make the cataract solution form MSM. Just remember to use 
the pure powder. You can make the 15% solution by mixing 1.5 grams of MSM 
in 10 ml of water (two teaspoons). Its best to make small batches for 
freshness. Use 2 to 4 times daily.

This patent recommends in one formulation combining MSM with EDTA.

- Steve N 

From: larry tankersley [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:50 PM

Subject: CSOT- CAN-C and Bright-eyes

Hey Folks;
  Has anyone had experience using CAN-C or Bright-eyes for cataracts? Or other 
  I've been dealing with a retina detachment [twice now]  since Dec. and the gas bubble they inject causes a rapid increase in the cataract. I'd really like to skip the operation. TIA 
larry tankersley, Gainesville FL. USA


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2010-03-16 Thread Annie B Smythe

Thank you Bob:)


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA AMC wrote:

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Here is site

-Original Message-
From: Annie B Smythe [] 
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 2:53 PM

Subject: Re: CSFW: Distiller (UNCLASSIFIED)

Wow Bob where did you get a distiller for 65.00? 
If you don't mind sharing?

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

sol wrote:
 Just curious Bob, how many times do you run your distiller per day or 
per week?
  Mine broke in the 6th or 7th year. I should explain the still pot 
and fan in the top still worked fine, but the plastic spout began to 
disintegrate, and my husband repaired it several times, but finally it 
disintegrated to where there wasn't enough left to repair.  I could have 
used it without the spout being there, but that would have exposed the 
hot newly distilled water to a lot of air contamination, and since I 
needed ultra pure DW for making CS, it didn't seem worth having it 
splashing around.
  We decided to use commercial distilled to get past the order and 
mailing crunch of Xmas, but it has worked so well I never did order 
another distiller.


Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA AMC wrote:

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Lowest prices I have seen as low as $65 for distiller
I bought one years ago and it still works great.
Only thing I do not have as some newer models do is a blocker
On intake for steam to keep boiling from splashing into
Condenser. I avoid this by just putting 3 quarts water Instead of 4.
Bob blocked

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE


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Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Re: CSCross Post on Cheap Ultrasonic Cleaners

2010-03-15 Thread Annie B Smythe
That's very interesting, if it's just a frequency 
generator, would Rife frequencies work?


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Norton, Steve wrote:



*From:* Norton, Steve
*Sent:* Monday, March 15, 2010 8:42 AM
*Subject:* WARNING liposomal vitamin C




Thanks for the warning and for the info on the construction of the cheap 
ultrasonic cleaner. I have a number of unused ultrasonic humidifiers and 
have considered removing and using the ultrasonic transducers for 
several other applications. It appears that they may indeed be suitable 
for use in ultrasonic cleaner applications easier than I thought if all 
you have to do is glue the transducer to the bottom of a metal pan.


-  Steve N


*From:* [mailto: *On Behalf Of *Paul
*Sent:* Sunday, March 14, 2010 5:23 PM
*Subject:* WARNING liposomal vitamin C



I bought a cheap Chinese ultrasonic bath to make liposomal vitamin C a
few months ago. It worked quite well for that purpose, but I found that
it wasn't sealed very well, and when pouring out the contents, some
liquid could find its way inside the unit. I should have done something
about this, but didn't. A few days ago my unit caught fire, probably due
to this poor design, and if I had left it unattended, it could have been
much more serious.

I have since bought a more expensive ultrasonic bath which seems to work
better, and is well sealed so that liquid can't get inside.
Not just a case of buy cheap, get cheap, more buy cheap, burn your
house down!

I just thought I should pass this around in case anyone else has bought
a cheap ultrasonic bath.
It should be possible to seal around the metal bath part using a hot
glue gun, or other sealant.

Incidentally, when I took the gadget apart I found it is simply a
frequency generator, an amplifier and an ultrasonic transducer glued to
the bottom of the metal bath.




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List Owner: Mike Devour


2010-03-15 Thread Annie B Smythe
Wow Bob where did you get a distiller for 65.00? 
If you don't mind sharing?

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

sol wrote:
 Just curious Bob, how many times do you run your distiller per day or 
per week?
  Mine broke in the 6th or 7th year. I should explain the still pot 
and fan in the top still worked fine, but the plastic spout began to 
disintegrate, and my husband repaired it several times, but finally it 
disintegrated to where there wasn't enough left to repair.  I could have 
used it without the spout being there, but that would have exposed the 
hot newly distilled water to a lot of air contamination, and since I 
needed ultra pure DW for making CS, it didn't seem worth having it 
splashing around.
  We decided to use commercial distilled to get past the order and 
mailing crunch of Xmas, but it has worked so well I never did order 
another distiller.


Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA AMC wrote:

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Lowest prices I have seen as low as $65 for distiller
I bought one years ago and it still works great.
Only thing I do not have as some newer models do is a blocker
On intake for steam to keep boiling from splashing into
Condenser. I avoid this by just putting 3 quarts water Instead of 4.
Bob blocked

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE


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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSThe Future of Food

2010-03-15 Thread Annie B Smythe
I'm sorry, I forget all the time that we have 
members all over. I don't have an alternate link 
for those films. There are programs out there that 
will allow you to watch Hulu for other countries. 
I don't know the names but you can do an internet 
search and find them:) There are also programs you 
can find that let US folks get the UK shows played 
on the I Player:) Sigh, I guess I'm goinf to have 
to download the files and put them in a media 
share site for sharing at some point when I find 
one that will allow me to uploads more than a 
limited size in uploads. I didn't cheak youtube 
for those either.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Sunwaterclear - Sunny wrote:

RE US and UK..having been in both worlds.. there are a lot of BBC links 
from the UK including ability to watch BBC shows online that don't work 
here.   Hulu is one xample of the vice versa situation. Couldn't access 
it from UK IP. know why, must be some international agreement... crazy 
eh.  Don't think it's about them keeping the film close... You may need 
to google it and check it out in the UK DVD rental.   I found it on 
Netflix here... so we're gonna have to rent it as we can't view online 
in regular hours!


*/A peek into our world/*..

Feed the Future - Forest gardens - Sustainable Lifetime Food for All

*Feed the Future-* *The blog* In depth articles *-* forest gardens, 
natural wellness, human consciousness WHAT has to happen for us to 
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/Tune in and friend us on *Facebook* Pierre Soleil return to earth/


*From:* Sandee George
*Sent:* Mon, March 15, 2010 8:14:11 AM
*Subject:* Re: CSThe Future of Food

Annie this link is only for those within the US not International so if 
you would mind cutting and pasting it or putting it into an Adobe reader 
file and send it to me I would appreciate it very much - I am sure it is 
very interesting which is why they want to keep it close smile

Take good care and have a wonderful day

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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSCross Post on Cheap Ultrasonic Cleaners:COMMENT

2010-03-15 Thread Annie B Smythe

Thank you Brooks:)

I figured it would be more expensive to use Rife 
frequencies, but was just curious if it could be 
done, since frequencies are frequencies, well of 
different shapes and etc., but still frequencies 
all the same:) I got to thinking about it, and the 
curiosity was eating me alive, LOL.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Brooks Bradley wrote:

  Dear Annie,
Rife Frequencies are the result of imposing (mixing) one frequency 
(usually somewhere between about 10 cycles per second to 20,000cps)upon
a single carrier wave in the Megahertz range [some use around 11,000,000 
cps and some use about 27,000,000generally) which results in a 
modulated output
of a distinctive square wavewhich contains thousands of secondary 
frequencies occurring within each square wave envelope. The real problem is
determining the genuinely effective resultant frequency which actually 
destroys the pathogen. That is, there is NO PRESENTLY EXISTING 
methodology for determining which specific frequencyEXACTLY--- (from 
among the thousands present in the plasma field---that is creating the 
resonance which destroys
the pathogen.) The only thing one knows, for sure, is the INPUT 
FREQUENCY imposed on the carrier wave..not the actual KILLING 
frequency. This said, one could...if they possessed an acceptable Rife 
Generation System with an ADEQUATE power amplifier.and a 
precise/stable Frequency Generatoruse it to drive

a piezoelectric (crystal) or even a well-filtered magnetic transducer.
Ultrasound generators for US Cleaners generally employ frequencies 
between 20 KHZ (20,000 cps) and 40 KHZ. Both the wave shape (sinusoidal 
or square)
and the power levelshave definite effects upon the efficiency of the does the type of transducer being used (piezoelectric or 
Piezoelectric transducers (crystals) are more efficient at using square 
wavesthan are any of the wire-wound component assemblies presently 
used in many cheaper units. Most of the more acceptable units are driven 
by about 38 KHZ power signals. Many magnetic transducers become VERY 
inefficient at frequencies this highif only because of the powerful 
resistance (Inductive Reactance) to the rapidly changing voltages.
I do not mean to pontificate, but sometimes we are lead to OBVIOUS 
conclusions which are not altogether reliable. That is why I have taken 
the time to elaborate, somewhat, on this aspect of the two technologies.
Bottom Line: It is MARKEDLY less expensive to purchase an acceptable 
Ultrasonic Cleaner.than ANY form (Gas Plasma or Contact Plate) of 
Rife Generation system. (about $80.00 versus $1000. plus).

Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--

*Subject : *Re: CSCross Post on Cheap Ultrasonic Cleaners

*Date : *Mon, 15 Mar 2010 13:50:23 -0500

*From : *Annie B Smythe

*To : *

That's very interesting, if it's just a frequency

generator, would Rife frequencies work?


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Norton, Steve wrote:







  *From:* Norton, Steve

  *Sent:* Monday, March 15, 2010 8:42 AM


  *Subject:* WARNING liposomal vitamin C








  Thanks for the warning and for the info on the construction of
the cheap

  ultrasonic cleaner. I have a number of unused ultrasonic
humidifiers and

  have considered removing and using the ultrasonic transducers for

  several other applications. It appears that they may indeed be

  for use in ultrasonic cleaner applications easier than I thought
if all

  you have to do is glue the transducer to the bottom of a metal pan.




  - Steve N




  *From:* [mailto: *On Behalf Of *Paul

  *Sent:* Sunday, March 14, 2010 5:23 PM


  *Subject:* WARNING liposomal vitamin C






  I bought a cheap Chinese ultrasonic bath to make liposomal
vitamin C a

  few months ago. It worked quite well for that purpose, but I
found that

  it wasn't sealed very well, and when pouring out the contents, some

  liquid could find its way inside the unit. I should have done

  about this, but didn't. A few days ago my unit caught fire,
probably due

  to this poor design, and if I had left it unattended, it could
have been

  much more serious.


  I have since bought a more expensive ultrasonic bath which seems
to work

  better, and is well sealed so that liquid can't get inside.

  Not just a case of buy cheap, get cheap, more buy cheap, burn

  house down!


  I just thought I should pass this around in case

CSFor our icuraably curious researchers:)

2010-03-15 Thread Annie B Smythe
10 Search Engines to Explore the Deep End of the 
Invisible Web

I am insatiably curious. I research and read 
articles on everything from A - Z.

Computer tech to Physics and everything in 
between. The deep web is an invaluable tool for 

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSVitamin D

2010-03-14 Thread Annie B Smythe

l...@chuck :D

Chuck your darned signatures keep me in stitches. :D


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh wrote:

I knew it, I knew it

I no longer subscribe to reincarnation.
 The renewals were killing me!

On 3/13/2010 2:45:03 PM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick ( wrote:

Oh for goodness sake--what is going on?  Now I have increased mine and
hubby's levels to 4000 units per day and this article says you can actually be 
worse!  Has anyone (Brooks-help!) *anything* that can dispute this, because I 
am rapidly coming back to the opinion that I should stop ALL supplements.  And 
just sent off for the ultrasonic cleaner too!  Damn!  dee

On 12 Mar 2010, at 23:08, Pat wrote:

I am 60.  I get over 2,000 units vitamin D a day in pill form.

I'm in the western part of South Carolina, USA at Latitude: 34.8525.

Two years ago, I hadn't

heard about vitamin D deficiency, but luckily my doctor made me get the 25-
hydroxy vitamin D blood test and a vitamin B-12 test.  I was astounded
when my vitamin D level was 14.  So, the next summer it was 55, then last
February it was 46.  I'm not taking less than I was last year, but I've
not been able to sit in the sun as much, I guess.
I'm thinking about calling the doctor's office back and asking the nurse
to make sure she read it right.  She was stuttering around about the date,
then she just said
it's normal level.  I said I need to know the number, so she came up with 25.

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Re: CSBrain Fart Formation from Them-ion oxidized US-ions

2010-03-14 Thread Annie B Smythe
That's the one that had me laughing til my sides 
hurt yesterday! :P:


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Kathryn Clayton wrote:
I am sooo stealing this for a tagline... thanks, Chuck! 


On Mar 13, 2010, at 1:54 PM, wrote:

Ever notice that all of the instruments seeking intelligent  life in
 the universe are pointed away from earth?

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Re: CSVitamin D

2010-03-14 Thread Annie B Smythe

Oh that article would be good, thank you:)


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Hanneke wrote:
I had been reading up on  Vit D supplementing  the other day, and now I 
wished I kept this one article. Will do a search. If  I can find it 
again, will post the reference.

It stated that safe levels for supplementing are: 1000 IU per 25 pounds 
of bodyweight.

I take 6000 IU daily, if I don't forget.  No need to panic now. There 
will be plenty of time to do that afterwards ;)

At 06:15 AM 14/03/2010, you wrote:
Oh for goodness sake--what is going on?  Now I have increased mine and 
hubby's levels to 4000 units per day and this article says you can 
actually be worse!  Has anyone (Brooks-help!) *anything* that can 
dispute this, because I am rapidly coming back to the opinion that I 
should stop ALL supplements.  And I've just sent off for the 
ultrasonic cleaner too!  Damn!  dee

On 12 Mar 2010, at 23:08, Pat wrote:

 I am 60.  I get over 2,000 units vitamin D a day in pill form.  I'm 
in the western part of South Carolina, USA at Latitude: 34.8525.

 Two years ago, I hadn't heard about vitamin D deficiency, but 
luckily my doctor made me get the 25-hydroxy vitamin D blood test and 
a vitamin B-12 test.  I was astounded when my vitamin D level was 14.  
So, the next summer it was 55, then last February it was 46.  I'm not 
taking less than I was last year, but I've not been able to sit in the 
sun as much, I guess.  I'm thinking about calling the doctor's office 
back and asking the nurse to make sure she read it right.  She was 
stuttering around about the date, then she just said it's normal 
level.  I said I need to know the number, so she came up with 25.

 I don't know yet how much it cost for the test, but last time I 
think I paid about $47 for itbut it was discounted because of the 
Blue Cross/Blue Shield agreement, I'm sure.  It's not cheap!

 I hesitate to take much more vitamin D, preferring to get it through 
the natural sun when I can.  This article turns everything topsy-turvy 
and I don't know if I should believe it.


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Re: CSPotassium Deficiency Information

2010-03-14 Thread Annie B Smythe

Ode, LMAO, you're a character;)


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Ode Coyote wrote:

At 07:15 PM 3/13/2010 -0700, you wrote:

Ode Coyote wrote:
My blood sugar has been high all my scrawny life and I wasn't raised 
with any sweets at all.
Every time it gets tested, the doc scratches his head and sends me 
out the door with instructions to fast for a day and come back.
 I come back and he scratches his head again, checks blood flow to my 
feet, calls it exceptionally great and sends me away without further 
In 50 years NO ONE has ever bothered to tell me what the heck they 
see. [ I only assume it was unchanged after fasting and nothing like 
what they expected to see. ]
From personal observation of energy levels, I don't start losing 
energy till about the 2nd day of not eating anything, nor have I ever 
felt a sugar rush

Have you ever asked for the actual numbers?

##  Always so glad to get out of there, never thought to nail the docs 
down till after I was gone.

 Thing is, the numbers had THEM puzzled and I'm not so interested in the 
numbers as why they're puzzled.
Apparently, the numbers didn't mean anything to them and worked for me 
just fine, all my life.

I'll try to remember the next about another 20 years. [If I 
live that long..and not so sure I want to.]

 A death wish is a handy thing to have eventually get 
what you want if you wait long enough.
Meanwhile, take life as it is, have some fun with it...and keep that 12 
gauge handy.
I am not the body I occupy and what fun is a car you are afraid to drive 
for fear of scratching it?

If it gets too beat up and wore outget another one!


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CSVitamin D

2010-03-14 Thread Annie B Smythe
Ok so the whole letter is 18.9 kb, too big to cut 
and paste, as the end limit is 18 kb:) So here's 
the link:) The latest Vit D Council newsletter 
with some of the newest research results. Some 
info on Genes and D absorption, and body weight 
and dosage, and etc.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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Re: CSVitamin D

2010-03-14 Thread Annie B Smythe
You're welcome Dee, 2 or 3 tablespoons of Lecithin 
is not an extremely high dose Dee, I wouldn't 
worry about it.
My Lecithin granules say take a tablespoon at a 
time, and I know people who take two or three 
tablespoons at a time. If you're not drinking the 
whole mixture you made at one time, it isn't going 
to harm you at all. I'm quite sure if there were 
any harm from it Brooks would have said something 


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

Thanks for this Annie.  I am now really bothered about the LET vit C thing and 
lecithin.  dee

On 14 Mar 2010, at 17:24, Annie B Smythe wrote:

Ok so the whole letter is 18.9 kb, too big to cut and paste, as the end limit 
is 18 kb:) So here's the link:) The latest Vit D Council newsletter with some 
of the newest research results. Some info on Genes and D absorption, and body 
weight and dosage, and etc.


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CSThe Future of Food

2010-03-14 Thread Annie B Smythe

Movie found on Hulu:

Full documantary movie on GMO

Supersize Me is found there also:)

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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Re: CSVitamin D

2010-03-13 Thread Annie B Smythe
You're talking about oxidation and free radicals 
and that's why you take vitamin c. If that was the 
case then all the adipose tissue under the skin 
would go rancid. We take antioxidants to prevent 
that and the body makes its own antioxidants as 
well. Glutathione and other substances. Vitamin E 
is antioxidant, and etc.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Ken  Nancy Bagwell wrote:

With that logic, wouldn't any oil (even from food) go rancid in the 
body after ingestion?

-Ken Bagwell

*From:* Dorothy Fitzpatrick
*Sent:* Fri, March 12, 2010 10:15:54 AM
*Subject:* Re: CSVitamin D

I don't take Omega 3 because of the risk of it going rancid in the body 
after ingestion, if not before.  My husband had a couple of ischaemic 
attacks when given this--on two occasions with gaps in between.  I 
haven't given it to him since and he has been ok (touch wood)  dee

On 12 Mar 2010, at 17:25, Marshall Dudley wrote:

  although I found a number of products that combine these two I could 
not find any references that indicate that Omega 3s improve the 
absorption of D3 ( or is it the other way around? ).  Does anyone have a 
site that talks about this?


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Re: CSPotassium Deficiency Information

2010-03-13 Thread Annie B Smythe
No Ode, it's not fructose it's not ftuctose itself 
that's the culprit, rather HFCS. It changes from 
something good that's found in fruit to something 
else entirely when they process it. And it ends up 
conataining mercury a lot of the time.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Ode Coyote wrote:

 So it's fructose that's the shouldn't eat fruit or 
you'll get fat.

..or is it just plain too much sugar of all sorts?
..or something else that's unique to the individual and just not simple.

My blood sugar has been high all my scrawny life and I wasn't raised 
with any sweets at all.
Every time it gets tested, the doc scratches his head and sends me out 
the door with instructions to fast for a day and come back.
 I come back and he scratches his head again, checks blood flow to my 
feet, calls it exceptionally great and sends me away without further 
In 50 years NO ONE has ever bothered to tell me what the heck they see. 
[ I only assume it was unchanged after fasting and nothing like what 
they expected to see. ]
 From personal observation of energy levels, I don't start losing energy 
till about the 2nd day of not eating anything, nor have I ever felt a 
sugar rush

Odd Ball?  No surprise there.


At 11:01 AM 3/12/2010 -0500, you wrote:
The question is does it contain corn syrup which is nearly 100% 
glucose and great energy food for the body when expending a lot of 
energy since glucose is what the body burns, or high fructose corn 
syrup which is nearly 100% fructose and is converted by the liver into 
fat which is stored, causing the body to produce more insulin because 
it expects at least some glucose with the sweet taste, and thus makes 
you hungry leading to obesity both ways.  It is implicated in much of 
the obesity of Americans, or any culture where they drink lots of soft 


Ode Coyote wrote:

 What's wrong with Glucose? [Can't live without it ]
 Skip a few Snickers and you'll be fine.


At 02:51 PM 3/11/2010 -0600, you wrote:
I wouldn't touch gatorade.  Have you checked the ingredients?   Yes, 
you'd get potassium, but also lots of things you probably aren't 
wanting, including sugar/corn syrup.Sara


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Re: CSVitamin D

2010-03-13 Thread Annie B Smythe
Yeah and tell that to all the grannies that cured 
out of sorts with a good dose of cod liver oil. 
It worked. Cod liver oil is full of Vit D, Vit A, 
EPA and DHA. I can remember my great grandmother 
talking about dosing her kids with it when they 
got out of sorts. My grandmother, her daughter, 
said it worked even though she hated the taste.

You can over fo anything, but if you don't get any 
sun and you're not taking vit D or eating liver 
regularly, or something of that nature. You know 
you're not getting enough vit D.
Vit D has been an overlooked vitamin for a very 
long time. Everyone has been hollering 

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh wrote:

By now there must be hundreds of articles and studies (and even more personal 
experiences) that draw the opposite conclusion from the article in Science 

 Ken  Nancy Bagwell wrote: 

I wouldn't put too much stock in one article just yet.  i'm already a bit 
suspicious of the claim though.  This winter was the first time that me and my 
family have taken a high dose vitamin D supplement.  My wife ALWAYS gets at 
least one cold per winter, and I usually get one or 2.  My two little children 
also had colds last winter.
Well, the only thing we've changed in our supplement routine was adding 5000 IU 
for us adults, 2000 iu for the older child, and 1000 iu for the baby.  guess 
what...not one cold or flu at all this year.  And that's with the H1N1 scare 
too.  We took extra high dose  for the first few days too to build up D levels.

-Ken Bagwell

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Re: CSVitamin D

2010-03-13 Thread Annie B Smythe
Swanson has several to choose from, but I bought 
the Twinlabs orange flavored last time for my 
granddaughter, and the regular unflavored for the 
adults, it had the highest EPA and DHA amounts per 
serving and the price is almost the same as 
Swanson's brand. And the A and D are from the fish 
oik, not stripped out of the oil and added back 
with synthetics, like a lot of companies do. The 
natural A and D are imnportant. It's the 
synthetics you run into problems with just about 
every time. :)
They test their oil for impurities and so forth. 
And although I'm very satisfied with Swanson 
products, I don't like their Cod Liver Oil. But 
Swanson has the best price I can find on Twinlabs 
brand, I think they also carry Carlson's brand.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Leslie wrote:
Annie, where do you buy a good cod liver oil? I have been reluctant 
recently of buying flax seed oil or others because I read where it is 
very bad to take old oils. Thank you, Leslie
- Original Message - From: Annie B Smythe

Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: CSVitamin D

Yeah and tell that to all the grannies that cured out of sorts with 
a good dose of cod liver oil. It worked. Cod liver oil is full of Vit 
D, Vit A, EPA and DHA. I can remember my great grandmother talking 
about dosing her kids with it when they got out of sorts. My 
grandmother, her daughter, said it worked even though she hated the 

You can over fo anything, but if you don't get any sun and you're not 
taking vit D or eating liver regularly, or something of that nature. 
You know you're not getting enough vit D.
Vit D has been an overlooked vitamin for a very long time. Everyone 
has been hollering ANTIOXIDANTS! LOL.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh wrote:
By now there must be hundreds of articles and studies (and even more 
personal experiences) that draw the opposite conclusion from the 
article in Science Daily.

 Ken  Nancy Bagwell wrote: =
I wouldn't put too much stock in one article just yet.  i'm already a 
bit suspicious of the claim though.  This winter was the first time 
that me and my family have taken a high dose vitamin D supplement.  
My wife ALWAYS gets at least one cold per winter, and I usually get 
one or 2.  My two little children also had colds last winter.
Well, the only thing we've changed in our supplement routine was 
adding 5000 IU for us adults, 2000 iu for the older child, and 1000 
iu for the baby.  guess what...not one cold or flu at all this year.  
And that's with the H1N1 scare too.  We took extra high dose  for the 
first few days too to build up D levels.

-Ken Bagwell

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Re: CSVitamin D

2010-03-13 Thread Annie B Smythe
Twinlabs uses the A and D from the fish oil:) Not 


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Alan Jones wrote:
Most cod liver oils have their natural vitamins A/D stripped and are 
replaced by synthetics.  See the Weston A. Price web site for more info.

On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 11:44 AM, Leslie wrote:

Annie, where do you buy a good cod liver oil? I have been reluctant
recently of buying flax seed oil or others because I read where it
is very bad to take old oils. Thank you, Leslie


Alan Jones

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Re: CSVitamin D

2010-03-13 Thread Annie B Smythe
I guess that's alright if you can afford their 
godawful high prices.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Barbara wrote:

That's true.  The only one good company in US is Green Pastures.  They 
have naturally processed, fermented cod liver oil, that has natural 
vitamin A/D still in it. 
WAPF chapter leader for Tampa Bay in Florida went out there to the plant 
and spent a day or two with the owner and she is recommending their Blue 
Ice, fermented CLO. 

Most cod liver oils have their natural vitamins A/D stripped and are

replaced by synthetics.  See the Weston A. Price web site for more

Alan Jones

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Re: CSVitamin D

2010-03-13 Thread Annie B Smythe
Well that's not what the Twin Lab label says. So 
Weston can take a leap. I tend to look askance at 
ANYONE who makes pitches for very high priced 
products. They also recommend either Now or 
Natural sources if I remember correctly, as a Good 
source, and I see nothing on the label to reassure 
me on either of those products. Carlson's is 
fairly high priced also. Twin Labs label says they 
get their Vit A and D from the fish oil. Hard to 
see how that can be synthetic. I don't trust any 
one source for info. I read something and then do 
my own research.

Anyway if you look at your list you'll see Twin 
Labs at the bottom on the Good list:) So either 
their information is wrong, or their list is 
wrong. Either way it is inaccurate, so as far as 
I'm concerned it's a questionable source of 
information. If they mess up on something that 
simple how much have they messed up the accuracy 
of their information?

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Alan Jones wrote:

Weston A. Price claims Twin Labs uses synthetic:

As of Spring, 2009, we recommend the following brands of cod liver oil. 
Sources of high-vitamin fermented cod liver oil and high-vitamin cod 
liver oil with natural vitamins added are in the BEST category; sources 
of processed cod liver oil with synthetic vitamins in the right 
proportions are in the GOOD category. We do not recommend brands of cod 
liver oil that have only low levels of vitamins A and D.

  In the United States

*BEST (Available Online/Mail Order):*

* Green Pasture Products: Blue Ice High-Vitamin Fermented Cod Liver
  Oil, (402) 858-4818,
* Dr. Ron's Ultra-Pure: Blue Ice High-Vitamin Fermented Cod Liver
  Oil, (877) 472-8701,
* Radiant Life: Blue Ice High-Vitamin Fermented Cod Liver Oil and
  Premier High-Vitamin Cod Liver Oil, (888)
* Azure Standard: Blue Ice High-Vitamin Fermented Cod Liver Oil,
  (541) 467-2230,
* Natural Health Advocates: Blue Ice High-Vitamin Fermented Cod
  Liver Oil, 888-257-8775,
* See our list of local chapter leaders who sell fermented cod liver

*GOOD (and available in Stores):*

* Carlson's soft gel Cod Liver Oil 1,000 mg capsules
* NOW double strength Cod Liver Oil capsules 
* Sonne's Cod Liver Oil
* Twin Labs Cod Liver Oil 

On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 12:16 PM, Annie B Smythe wrote:

Twinlabs uses the A and D from the fish oil:) Not synthetic.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Alan Jones wrote:

Most cod liver oils have their natural vitamins A/D stripped and
are replaced by synthetics.  See the Weston A. Price web site
for more info.

On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 11:44 AM, Leslie wrote:

   Annie, where do you buy a good cod liver oil? I have been
   recently of buying flax seed oil or others because I read
where it
   is very bad to take old oils. Thank you, Leslie

Alan Jones

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Alan Jones

Re: CSVitamin D, Vitamin A, and Cancer

2010-03-13 Thread Annie B Smythe
We was it natural vit A, or synthetic. That's 
the question. People have been using Cod Liver oil 
for centuries, and liver is chock full of the 
stuff. Vit A is required by the body for eyesight 
and the synthesis of T3 from the T4 thyroid 
hormone. I'be never heard of a case of toxicity 
from eating liver or natural A from Cod liver oil, 
but I have for synthetic Vit A.

I also read a paper somewhere refuting the 
painting of natural vit A with the same brush as 
synthetic vit A.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Pat wrote:
This Vitamin D Council newsletter was interesting, concerning vitamin A and cod liver oil.  
I'll try to copy and paste, but it might be too long.

The Vitamin D NewsletterFebruary 2010

Vitamin D, Vitamin A, and Cancer
A Remarkable Paper
A few weeks ago, the British Medical Journal published a 
remarkable paper, remarkable that it studied more than 500,000 subjects, remarkable that it had 56 (fifty-six) authors, remarkable that it 
confirmed low vitamin D levels obtained in the past are a risk 
factor for developing colon cancer in the future. However, the most 
remarkable part of the paper is that the 46 scientists minimized the 
true significance of their own research. They found that vitamin A, even in relatively low amounts, appears 
to thwart vitamin D's association with reduced rates of colon cancer. Jenab M, et al. Association 
between pre-diagnostic circulating vitamin D concentration and risk of 
colorectal cancer in European populations:a nested case-control study. BMJ 2010;340:b5500.
This is a prospective nested case-controlled study, which means it 
uses subject's vitamin D blood samples obtained and frozen in the past 
and then reviews their medical records into the future to see who gets 
colon cancer, comparing the study subjects to similar members of the 
group that did not get the illness. Dr. Mazda Jenab and his 45 
colleagues from the International Agency for Research on Cancer 
confirmed that low vitamin D levels are a risk for colon cancer in a 
dose response manner; those with the highest levels were about twice as 
less likely to develop colon cancer compared to those with the lowest 

Vitamin A and the U-shaped Curve
However, hidden on page eight is one sentence and a small table, 
which shows that the benefits of vitamin D are almost entirely negated 
in those with the highest vitamin A intake. And the retinol intake did not have to be that high in these older adults to begin to negate vitamin D's effects, about 3,000 IU/day. Remember, young autistic 
children often take 3,500 IU of retinol a day in their powdered multivitamins, which doesn't count any additional vitamin A given in high, single doses.

Pancreatic Cancer
This is the largest study to date showing vitamin A blocks vitamin 
D's effect and explains some of the anomalies in other papers on vitamin D and cancer. For example, Dr. Rachael 
Stolzenberg-Solomon of the NIH conducted two similar studies on pancreatic cancer, with startling 
different results. Her first paper showed high vitamin D levels tripled 
the subsequent risk of pancreatic cancer, her second paper showed no 
effect. The difference, the first was conducted in a cod liver oil 
country, Finland, the second in the United States. Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ, et al. A prospective nested case-control study of vitamin D status and pancreatic cancer risk in male smokers. Cancer Res. 2006 Oct 
15;66(20):10213–9. Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ, et al. Serum vitamin D and risk of pancreatic cancer in the prostate, 
lung, colorectal, and ovarian screening trial. Cancer Res. 2009 Feb 15;69(4):1439–47.

Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is another 
good example. Ten similar studies have been conducted on vitamin D blood levels and the risk of subsequent prostate cancer. Dr. Lu Yin of the 
German Cancer Research Center reviewed them in detail. Eight of the 
studies found no relationship but two studies found a U shaped curve, 
that is, an increased risk of prostate cancer at both lower and higher 
vitamin D levels. You guessed it; both of these studies were from Nordic countries where cod liver oil consumption is rampant. Yin L, Raum E, Haug U, Arndt V, 
Brenner H. Meta-analysis of longitudinal studies: Serum vitamin D and prostate cancer risk. Cancer Epidemiol. 2009 
So why is there no relationship between vitamin D levels and the 
future risk of prostate cancer? All the subjects had their vitamin D 
levels checked in the late 1980s or 1990s, well into the sun-scare but 
before the vitamin D revolution.
So how did these older people get high levels of vitamin D back then? Multivitamins? No, they only contained a meaningless 400 IU. Vitamin D 
supplements? No, they were not widely available back then and only 
contained a meaningless 200 to 400 IU of vitamin D if available. 
Sunshine? Maybe, but I doubt it. Studies have 

CSVitamin D and Calcium Interplay Explored

2010-03-12 Thread Annie B Smythe

I thought this article was fortuitous:)

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Vitamin D and Calcium Interplay Explored

ARS News Service
Agricultural Research Service, USDA
March 12, 2010
--View this report online, plus photos and related 
stories, at
--Follow us on Twitter at


Increasing calcium intake is a common--yet not 
always successful--strategy for reducing bone 
fractures. But a study supported in part by the 
Agricultural Research Service (ARS) underscores 
the importance of vitamin D and its ability to 
help the body utilize calcium. The study also may 
explain why increasing calcium alone isn’t always 
successful in dealing with this problem.

Currently, calcium intake recommendations are not 
tied to vitamin D status, which may explain why 
markedly different recommended calcium intakes 
exist among countries. In the United States, the 
recommended calcium intake is 1,200 milligrams 
(mg) daily for adults aged 50 and older.

The body's skeleton needs adequate dietary calcium 
to reach its full potential in terms of bone mass. 
Still, many other factors affect bone mass, such 
as exercise, smoking and vitamin D--the latter 
through its effect on calcium absorption and 
direct effect on the skeleton.

The study involved a close look at about 10,000 
men and women aged 20 and older participating in a 
nationally representative survey. Coauthors 
included nutrition specialist Bess Dawson Hughes 
with the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research 
Center on Aging (HNRCA) at Tufts University in 
Boston, Mass. Dawson Hughes is director of the 
HNRCA Bone Laboratory.

Blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D are used as 
the primary indicator of vitamin D adequacy. 
Within the study sample of U.S. adults, a large 
fraction of younger and older adults were below a 
suggested desirable serum vitamin D concentration 
of at least 75 nanomoles-per-liter (nmol/L).

The study supports the idea that correcting 
inadequate blood levels of vitamin D is more 
important than increasing dietary calcium intake 
beyond 566 mg a day among women and 626 mg a day 
among men for better bone mineral density. For 
example, a higher calcium intake beyond 566 mg a 
day may only be important among women whose 
vitamin D concentrations are low (less than 50 
nmol/L), according to authors.

Details of this study can be found in the 
publication Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.

ARS is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) 
principal intramural scientific research agency. 
The research supports the USDA priority of 
improving nutrition and health.


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Information distributes to subscribers on weekdays.
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CSVit D and insulin sensitivity

2010-03-12 Thread Annie B Smythe
I've been following Vit D research weekly, with 
great interest. The last article about insuling 
sensitivity is mind boggling, and something new I 
hadn't heard about before.

Vitamin D improves insulin sensitivity

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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Re: CSVitamin D

2010-03-12 Thread Annie B Smythe
I take 10,000 IU a day with my Omega 3s, for 
better absorption, until my next D level check:)


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh wrote: you need to take sublingual ones or a spray like Mercola does.

I have only taken Life Extension's capsules (also favored by prostate cancer doc Snuffy Myers) and my last OH-D was 75. 

 Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote: 

Not to be rude, but how old are you Pat?  I ask because on the D3 council site, 
they recommend at least 2000 units for anyone over 60.  Also you have to be 
careful what type of pill you take.  Some of them are virtually destroyed by 
stomach acid so you need to take sublingual ones or a spray like Mercola does.  

On 12 Mar 2010, at 03:50, Pat wrote:

I was disappointed today to find out that my 25-hydroxy vitamin D test 
showed my vitamin D level to be only 25.  I was so sure it would be high that I almost didn't request one.  Since last fall I've been taking at 
least 1,000 units D3 plus the D3 in my multivitamin and calcium pills.  
When the day is warm enough, I go out with a jacket and shorts to get 
some sun.  It's been a very cold winter for here, though. 

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Re: CSPotassium Deficiency Information

2010-03-12 Thread Annie B Smythe
It also causes diabetes according to the latest 


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Marshall Dudley wrote:
The question is does it contain corn syrup which is nearly 100% glucose 
and great energy food for the body when expending a lot of energy since 
glucose is what the body burns, or high fructose corn syrup which is 
nearly 100% fructose and is converted by the liver into fat which is 
stored, causing the body to produce more insulin because it expects at 
least some glucose with the sweet taste, and thus makes you hungry 
leading to obesity both ways.  It is implicated in much of the obesity 
of Americans, or any culture where they drink lots of soft drinks.


Ode Coyote wrote:

 What's wrong with Glucose? [Can't live without it ]
 Skip a few Snickers and you'll be fine.


At 02:51 PM 3/11/2010 -0600, you wrote:
I wouldn't touch gatorade.  Have you checked the ingredients?   Yes, 
you'd get potassium, but also lots of things you probably aren't 
wanting, including sugar/corn syrup.Sara


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Re: CSVitamin D

2010-03-12 Thread Annie B Smythe
Vitamin D3 is a fat soluble vitamin and I can't 
remember where I read it, but it said if you take 
a dry form you need to take it with a fat source 
to get good absorption. Otherwise you're wasting 
your time.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Nenah Sylver wrote:

[Marshall] although I found a number of products that combine these two 
I could not find any references that indicate that Omega 3s improve the 
absorption of D3 ( or is it the other way around? ).  Does anyone have a 
site that talks about this?



Marshall ,

Vitamin K helps Vitamin D absorption. Vitamins A and D are in symbiotic 
relationship to each other—the more D you take, the more the body can 
tolerate A. And I believe that iodine and calcium are also synergistic 
with Vitamin D, though you’d have to do some research on this.



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Re: CSVitamin D

2010-03-12 Thread Annie B Smythe
Any fat source will work. Maybe a half teaspoon of 
olive oil or something, or yeah natural butter:)
Or take it with your bacon in the morning, or a 
cup of raw milk that hasn't been defatted .


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Marshall Dudley wrote:
Now that is true. I take the gelcaps that are full of oil though. And a 
fat source can be butter, olive oil, flax oil, fried food or whatever.  
I thought this was specific ot the Omega 3 fatty acids.


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Re: CSPotassium Deficiency Information

2010-03-11 Thread Annie B Smythe
I use potassium bicarbonate. I don't get enough 
fresh fruit and veggies, well raw that is. I like 
the alkalizing effect of the potassium 
bicarbonate. Kills two birds with one stone. And I 
hesitate to believe there's any more potassium in 
fruits and veggies than there are minerals and 
vitamins with the depleted soils. And everyone 
can't afford organic, It's pricey. That's one 
reason I want to grow my own this year:)

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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Re: CSPotassium Bicarbonate Source?

2010-03-11 Thread Annie B Smythe
Beyond A Century has it, and I think it was Steve 
that found it even cheaper on a wine making site, 
or similar:)

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh wrote:

Hi Annie (or anyone else who knows),

Here's the question- Where do you get your Potassium Bicarbonate? Thanks 
in advance :-).
An interesting addendum to the Potassium discussion- when I was younger 
(~30 years ago or so), I could not take Potassium. The 3 or so times I 
tried, it made me very sick and nauseous. I had thought it would be a 
good thing, but at that time I guess it wasn't. From what I know now, I 
probably was not able to find the right form in which to ingest it, as 
at the time, some things were hard to find. Anyone who took vitamins at 
that time was still labelled a health food freak. Ha. 
Nowadays, Potassium is one of the things which helps me most, along with 
Magnesium. I'm still looking for the rest of whatever will help, but 
Potassium was instrumental in stopping my feet (Left foot, the two 
outside small toes) from burning so badly it kept me awake at night and 
often made it hard to walk. I figured it out from taking Emergen-C (One 
of the versions of it used to have higher Potassium than the others). It 
stopped that burning, and was the only thing that did.
Stay well,

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Re: CSliposomal Vit C

2010-03-10 Thread Annie B Smythe
No it doesn't. Brooks said we could get around 70% 
Lip C making it at home, and I'd use the ratio he 
recommended since we don't have commercial 
machines. I trust Brooks a lot and he's been DOING 
the research for more years than I've been alive 
probably. Anything he says weighs heavily in 
knowledge base because he's done the actual grunt 
work in research and actually seen the results. 
And I know Steve does his reading and has done 
some experimenting, and so does Marshall and some 
others. Ode is a mine of info on some things; We 
have some very knowledgeable members here that 
have been around quite a while and they keep up 
with new research and info. I'd trust them too. In 
fact this is the first place I usually come with a 
question about something for which I have no 
knowledge. And a lot of times they can point me to 
solid info in a confusion of contradictory sources.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Ole Alstrup wrote:

The ratio of phospholipid and vitamin C in the commercial Livon Labs 
product is 1:1. There is also 12% alcohol, I dont know if this is 
strictly as a preservative or if it plays a role in the liposomal effect.

*From:* Dorothy Fitzpatrick
*Sent:* Wed, 10 March, 2010 15:42:15
*Subject:* CSliposomal Vit C

Well folks, I have just attempted the first version of this.  I used 
three tblspns. of lecithin in one cup of warm DW plus one level teaspoon 
sodium ascorbate in half a cup of cold DW.  I blended it in my Magimix 
which was not so successful, as it all came up and out of the top, so I 
had to tip quite a bit off!  The result is a sort of creamy liquid with 
a bit of foam at the top which tastes not bad.  I have put it in the 
fridge in a jar with a lid.  What am I now expecting, and does this 
sound right or not?  Thanks.  dee

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Re: CSliposomal Vit C

2010-03-10 Thread Annie B Smythe
Go back to Bradley's Lip C recipe post Dee, where 
he gives instructions. He knows what he's talking 
about, he's not just guessing. This is the recipe 
he/they used in their research.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

So would that mean that I have to have the same amount of lecithin as Vit C?  

On 10 Mar 2010, at 14:48, Ole Alstrup wrote:

The ratio of phospholipid and vitamin C in the commercial Livon Labs product is 
1:1. There is also 12% alcohol, I dont know if this is strictly as a 
preservative or if it plays a role in the liposomal effect.

From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Sent: Wed, 10 March, 2010 15:42:15
Subject: CSliposomal Vit C

Well folks, I have just attempted the first version of this.  I used three 
tblspns. of lecithin in one cup of warm DW plus one level teaspoon sodium 
ascorbate in half a cup of cold DW.  I blended it in my Magimix which was not 
so successful, as it all came up and out of the top, so I had to tip quite a 
bit off!  The result is a sort of creamy liquid with a bit of foam at the top 
which tastes not bad.  I have put it in the fridge in a jar with a lid.  What 
am I now expecting, and does this sound right or not?  Thanks.  dee

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Re: CSliposomal Vit C

2010-03-10 Thread Annie B Smythe
Heh, you said GI adventures. *snicker* Yeah, I 
knwww I have a juvenile sense of humor, so 
shoot me, LOL ;


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

sol wrote:

Saralou Pedigo wrote:


According to Mr. Bradley, you're only going to get about 20% 
encapsulation when using a blender or mixer of any sort rather than 
the ultrasonic bombardment.  Not sure why you'd bother.  I suppose 
some is better than none.
IF the percentage of encapsulation was that low, would not the finished 
product separate? I only mix mine a minute or so, and there is very 
little foam and no separation even after a week in the refrigerator.
I use room temp distilled water. My body's reaction to taking up to 4.5 
C grams worth of my mix says it must be well encapsulated, as sodium 
ascorbate by itself in FAR lower doses gives me severe GI adventures. My 
liposomal C doesn't speed up GI transit time at all.


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Re: CSliposomal Vit C

2010-03-10 Thread Annie B Smythe
There's one post where he talks about the 
reaction, and foaming. I don't recall right off 
the bat everything it said, but if you check the 
archives It should be there:) If it's mixing and 
not separating you should be fine, although your 
actual Lip C may not be as high a percentage. If 
you can take it without gastric adventures then 
you're probably absorbing it one way or the 
other.:) The way the Lip C manufacturers are doing 
the encapsulation is mechanical, but at a much 
higher PSI. Even if it's just emulsified and 
buffered and not a very high percentage of Lip C, 
if you're actually absorbing it, it's all good:)


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

Well, I have done it just as he said, but in a Magimix.  I did get a bit of 
foam--which then dispersed.  The liquid has remained like a creamy (slightly 
orange) milk and has not separated.  Is this right do you think?  dee

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Re: CSliposomal Vit C

2010-03-10 Thread Annie B Smythe

Distilled Water:)


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Steve G wrote:

  Now I have to go through the archives and find out what DW means.

--- On *Wed, 3/10/10, Dorothy Fitzpatrick /* wrote:

From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Subject: CSliposomal Vit C
Date: Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 9:42 AM

Well folks, I have just attempted the first version of this.  I used
three tblspns. of lecithin in one cup of warm DW plus one level
teaspoon sodium ascorbate in half a cup of cold DW. 

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2010-03-08 Thread Annie B Smythe
What gets me is the nay saying about DMSO and not 
a word about the hundreds of toxic chemicals we're 
exposed to very day of the year that end up in out 
bodies without our consent. They're far more 
dangerous than DMSO could ever be. It's straining 
at fleas and swallowing camels.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Sandy wrote:
  As to veterinary grade DMSO I hardly think horse owners would use an 
impure product on their million dollar race horses and I think I'm worth 
at least that much so have no fears using it.  :)

When one takes into consideration DMSO is used for preserving frozen 
human embryos and frozen transplant organs the boogeyman scare tactics 
about it's dangers to the human body fall somewhat flat. Dr. Stanley 
Jocobs who has done extensive research on DMSO and it's many benefits 
has found it does no damage to any human systems. He in fact takes DMSO 
as a preventative measure everyday and has done so for many years 
without any damage.

There is no doubt that before one uses DMSO they should research and 
find out the proper ways to use it and should use a reliable authority 
[Dr Stanley Jacobs] to gain their knowledge from. DMSO is to be 
respected but so should CS, Vitamins and certainly any chemical drugs 
and foods etc. one puts in or on one's body.

I personally pay very little attention to what the naysayers have to say 
about DMSO.


--- On *Mon, 3/8/10, Norton, Steve /* wrote:

From: Norton, Steve
Subject: RE: CSDMSO
Date: Monday, March 8, 2010, 10:14 AM

Christopher Scipio's objections seem to fall into the following

* Only pharmaceutical grade DMSO (USP) which is 99.9 pure is safe for
use with humans
* Industrial and veternarian grade DMSO which is only 99% pure is impure
and unsafe to use
* There are no studies showing DMSO is effective against herpes
* It is dangerous because the solvent properties of DMSO allows
contaminants to be absorbed through the skin and transported into the
*On exposure to air it forms a very high and toxic level of peroxides.

Personally, I find nothing alarming in his arguments. Yes, you need to
take care when using DMSO to not contaminate the DMSO or the skin where
the DMSO is applied. Ok, so be careful. I found nothing online regarding
the formation of very high and toxic level of peroxides. Actually, I
often combine DMSO with hydrogen peroxide so I guess that would not
bother me.

Seems alarmist to me but each to his own.

- Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick [
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 5:47 AM
To: /mc/compose?
Subject: CSDMSO

Has anyone heard of Christopher Scipio?  Just that I have just read a
damning indictment of DMSO by him in the treatment of herpes and
wondered if anyone has any knowledge of him--or is he just another
Quackwatch crank?  dee

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CSSmartStax Corn: Corporate War on Bees

2010-03-08 Thread Annie B Smythe
This email I'm posting is a response to whomever 
it was that said that there was no harm to bees 
and other beneficial insects from GMO crops. There 
is wealth of information at the ISIS website about 
GMO crops. This is an excerpt from the report. To 
read the rest of the report go to the links 
provided in the article.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

The Institute of Science in Society
Science Society Sustainability

This article can be found on the I-SIS website at

ISIS Report 08/03/10

SmartStax Corn: Corporate War on Bees

US regulatory agencies are aiding and abetting in 

bees and more Prof. Joe Cummins

SmartStax corn

Smartstax is a genetically modified (GM) corn that 
has eight
GM traits combined or ‘stacked’ together, six for 
resistance (Bt) and two for herbicide tolerance. 
stacked GM trait crops on the market only have up 
to three
traits each. SmartStax was created through a 
between Monsanto and Dow AgroSciences, allowing 
the two
corporations to share GM traits. The traits are 
together using crosses between existing transgenic 
lines rather than using genetic transformation of 
a single
maize strain. Interestingly, a collection of old 

brought together with traditional crosses are being
described as the ‘new’ technology.  Monsanto and 
Dow are
predicting that SmartStax will be the largest 
launch of a single GM corn because it will replace 
a lot of
the existing GM corn varieties on the market. The 
benefit of Smartstax maize is that it provides 
above and
below ground insect protection along with 
tolerance to two
herbicides (glyphosate and glufosinate) [1]. 
tolerance and insect resistance genes are 
engineered in
redundant combinations in the belief that it will 

establishment of resistances to herbicides and the Bt
proteins among weeds and insect pests respectively 
[2]. The

USDA provided a premium reduction in the cost of crop
insurance for farmers growing  Smartstax maize 
while the US
EPA  granted a reduction in the size of the refuge 
area set

aside from 20 percent to 5 percent, which constitutes
substantial government financial incentives for 
Smartstax maize [3]. It is supposed to protect 
growers of

Smartstax maize from the uncertainties of climatic
instabilities associated with global warming. The 
USDA crop
insurance program covers organic farmers too, but 
fails to
protect the organic premium on price and will not 
the crop loss from pollen contamination from GM 
Organic and conventional growers are placed at a 
disadvantage in comparison to growers of 
Smartstax  corn.

Read the rest of this report here

Or read other articles about GM corn

Or read other articles about disappearing bees

This article can be found on the I-SIS website at

All new articles are also announced on our RSS feed

ISIS is an independent, not-for-profit
organisation dedicated to providing critical public
information on cutting edge science, and to 
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Re: CSScientists find why sunshine vitamin D is crucial

2010-03-08 Thread Annie B Smythe

Very Interesting Steve :) Thank you.

That might explain why with proper levels of 
vitamin D cancers don't develop.
Another tick on the cancer is an immune system 
problem side.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Norton, Steve wrote:

The researchers found that immune systems' killer cells, known as T
cells, rely on vitamin D to become active and remain dormant and unaware
of the possibility of threat from an infection or pathogen if vitamin D
is lacking in the blood.

When a T cell is exposed to a foreign pathogen, it extends a signaling
device or 'antenna' known as a vitamin D receptor, with which it
searches for vitamin D, said Carsten Geisler of Copenhagen University's
department of international health, immunology and microbiology, who led
the study.

This means the T cell must have vitamin D or activation of the cell
will cease. If the T cells cannot find enough vitamin D in the blood,
they won't even begin to mobilize.

- Steve N

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Re: CSLugols

2010-03-05 Thread Annie B Smythe
I use 2% that I get from Swanson, because I'm too 
lazy to look up the ingredients, buy them, and 
make my own right now. It's the cheapest I can 
find right now at 10.00 and change for a 2 oz 
bottle. But you CAN get the stuff and make your own:)


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Kirsteen Wright wrote:
I've never used Lugols or any kind of iodine. I can find it in 1%, 3% or 
7% strngths. Which is the best to go for.

Many thanks

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2010-03-05 Thread Annie B Smythe

I am extremely curious about this Ormus material.

Have any of you guys experimented with M-state, 
orme, ormus silver?

Or is it just a colossal hoax?

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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Re: CSTake a stand now and reject Mon San To's GMO drive

2010-03-04 Thread Annie B Smythe
Yeah but most of them don't have the potential of 
contaminating and screwing up every food crop on 
earth. Of causing a planet wide decimation of 
heritage crops. They're so sure they know and 
they've made claims in arrogance, and with no 
knowledge of long term effects. And they've tried 
to suppress any study that shows ill health 
effects from their tampering.

Take round up ready GMO crops. The plants have 
actually become more resistant , and the 
resistance has spread to other weeds. They've 
opened up Pandora's box and they're not going to 
be able to contain it. It is the height of 
arrogance to introduce genetic material that they 
KNEW would spread and contaminate other plants. 
There is no way to control the spread of it. And 
maybe that's what they want, for their genes to 
end up in everything so they can claim they own 
it. And then charge everyone money for having 
their genes in everything from garden roses to 
backyard gardens.

They don't care if they should do what they're 
doing, they did it because they could. The guys at 
the top aren't scientists either, they're not 
interested in how or why it works or doesn't. 
They're CEOs that are only interested in profiting 
from the science, not what ill effects might 
result from their tampering. This is the same 
company that says BPA is safe.

And I suppose the broken eggs idea is a real 
comfort to all those Indian farmers who trusted 
Moronsanto about GMO cotton and committed suicide 
because they went broke because of crop failures 
and having to buy seed every growing season, 
farmers in poorer countries can't AFFORD to buy 
seed every growing season and the specific 
expensive chemicals required for use on them. The 
crop yields were miserable, much much less than 
Moronsanto promised in their glowing sales pitches.

Moronsanto has proven to be a liar in the past, 
and I don't trust anything that comes from them. 
They poison people and the environment with their 
chemicals and they could care less as long as they 
rake in the bucks. If their lips are moving 
they're lying.

I'm glad that a seed bank was created to preserve 
heritage seeds. Because I think at some point 
we're going to need it. It's the height of 
stupidity to use and endanger the world's food 
supply to test new unproven technology.

I liken it to them creating a new virus and then 
indiscriminately spreading it in the population at 
large. It's dangerous and reckless to proceed in 
that manner.

I am scientifically minded and have taken many 
science courses over the years, with the exception 
of chemistry. And you cannot convince me, no 
matter what you say or how you justify it, that 
they did not know that their crops would 
contaminate every field around them for hundreds 
of miles.  Anyone who knows anything about plants 
and genes knows that pollen is spread far and wide 
by birds, insects, and even the wind. Pollens can 
be spread far and wide in the wind. We gett grit 
and dust in the US from Africa for heaven's sake. 
So it's not too far a stretch to realize that 
pollens can be carried for great distances.  Birds 
fly great distances, and migrate. And bees can 
travel a bery long distance. Butterflies, and 
other insects flit from one filed to another with 
no concern about fences.They KNEW it would happen, 
and they deliberately contaminated other people's 

There is a lot of skulduggery involved in the GMO 
seeds, and the USDA even owns patents as well from 
what I understand. So it's about money plain and 

There needs to be a law enacted that anyone who 
takes a job at the FDA or the USDA cannot be hired 
if they worked for a company that creates a 
conflict of interest, or might benefit from the 
person taking a government position.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Richard Goodwin wrote:

The beginnings of any new field of science are full of unknowns and 
mistakes.  But over time, we learn, while trying to minimize mistakes.  
If we let our fears prevent us from ever exploring the unknown, then we 
would never have gone to the moon, or anywhere else.  We wouldn't have 
any technology, or medicine, or colloidal silver.

It is reasonable to stop moving in a wrong direction.

It is not reasonbale to stop moving altogether.


*From:* Alan Jones
*Sent:* Thu, March 4, 2010 11:11:28 AM
*Subject:* Re: CSTake a stand now and reject Mon San To's GMO drive

This is the crux of the problem, the arrogance of these scientists. 
 Yes, they THINK they know what the modification will do, but from what 
I've been reading, they're wrong.  AS USUAL.


On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 8:39 AM, Richard Goodwin wrote:

I would agree that it would not be a good idea to genetically modify
stuff blindly without having any idea what the modification will
do.  *But as far as I know, they DO 

Re: CSGMO foods

2010-03-04 Thread Annie B Smythe

Here's another:

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Sunwaterclear - Sunny wrote:

So Not Man owns 90% of all seed genes.  Some of them are engineered to 
be sterile, so you have to buy and buy.. BTW Monsanto created DDT, Agent 
Orange and Aspartame.  Do you want such people in charge of what you eat?
Seeds guaranteed non GMO and un So Not Man tainted.  Deadline for orders 
March 10  If you are planting and 
haven't bought seeds yet, these are the people to buy from!  No 
affiliations - wish there were! 
with love and hope


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*From:* Golden Aldi
*Sent:* Thu, March 4, 2010 2:23:52 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSGMO foods


It's not GMO involvement, that kills, but Monsanto's pesticides... its 
on the plant, in the soil and IN the plant.

Who owns ScienceDaily, anyway.


On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 4:11 AM, Steve G wrote:

There are two main theories about the bee population problem.

One is a nasty parasite - read about promising developments at this
site -

There is also a theory that certain pesticides interfere with the
honeybees' ability to find their way home.   Having some trouble
finding a site for that.

No evidence of GMO involvement.


--- On *Wed, 3/3/10,
/* wrote:

Subject: CSGMO foods

Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2010, 9:50 PM

Makes me wonder if the GMO food is what has affected the bee
Something to look into, if it's truly affecting mice and pigs
this way.


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Re: CSTake a stand now and reject Mon San To's GMO drive

2010-03-03 Thread Annie B Smythe
It's not just mice, other animals and even insects 
have had major problems with GMO crops. Like bees 
and other beneficial insects. Go to GM Watch 
website and read the reams of research and studies 
that have been done.

I've been reading about GMO crops for years and I 
believe they're dangerous to the entire food 
chain. Not to mention telling farmers when their 
crops are contaminated with that junk that they're 
infringing on patents. The companies that made 
that junk need to be sued for caontaminating other 
people's fields. I cannot for the life of me 
figure out how a judge can expect a farmer to 
control the GMO junk that gets blown into his 
fields. It's a miscarriage of justice and allowing 
companies to own genes and plants like that is 
dangerous to the food security of the entire 
world, nit just us. And allowing any company to 
control food supplies is obscene and a 
Dictatorship in the making. If you can control 
food and water you can control whole populations 
and countries. And it looks to me like that's 
exactly what these companies are doing and the US 
government and others are skipping down that 
garden path like a bunch of brainless robots.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh wrote:

I don't know which statement/question you're referring to, but my point is that 
just because something has a particular effect on mice it's by no means a 
foregone conclusion that it will have the same effect (or any effect) on 
humans.  Cancer has been stopped many times in mice by many substances, but 
very few of them have the same effect in humans.
 Richard Goodwin wrote: 

I can't detect any logic in that statement/question...


- Original Message 
Cc: jr orrilia
Sent: Wed, March 3, 2010 7:17:41 PM
Subject: Re: CSTake a stand now and reject Mon San To's GMO drive

It said that their organs eventually shut down, so, if it does that to mice, it 
will do this to humans also.

So if a substance cures cancer in mice it will do it in humans?

 jr orrilia wrote: 

Studies were done on mice that ate GMO foods and died shortly after.  It said 
that their organs eventually shut down, so, if it does that to mice, it will do 
this to humans also.  This would be the perfect plan to make sure humanity 
remains sick and remain a prisoner of the big pharmaorrilia

From: William Corley
Sent: Wed, March 3, 2010 2:15:41 PM
Subject: RE: CSTake a stand now and reject Mon San To's GMO drive

You would do well to become better educated on GMO.

Bill Corley
The only thing more powerful than walking your talk is walking your walk
without having to talk the talk.  
   --  Alan Cohen

-Original Message-
From: Steve G [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 12:05 PM

Subject: Re: CSTake a stand now and reject Mon San To's GMO drive

I have absolutely no concerns about Genetically modified fruits and

In my mind genetically modified means that there has been an organized
hybridization effort as opposed to the natural course of evolution which
does the same thing, but by accident rather than by design.

Big deal.

--- On Wed, 3/3/10, Sunwaterclear - Sunny wrote:

From: Sunwaterclear - Sunny
Subject: CSTake a stand now and reject Mon San To's GMO drive
To: Silver List
Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2010, 10:02 AM
This is so important that I am reposting it on all the lists I belong to. I
think you all know that I am not a sp mmer.  

I know that many of you on this list are very concerned about natural
wellness and this includes the food that you eat. There is an urgent
requirement now to stand up and speak out about GMO.

I just submitted my comments to the USDA telling them to protect the
integrity of organics by not approving the use of genetically-modified (GMO)

The USDA has alarmingly and mistakenly announced that they do not believe
that consumers care whether or not GMO's are a part of our food supply and
our agricultural production. Approving GMO alfalfa would significantly harm
the integrity of and access to organic food, as well as the livelihoods of
organic farmers.  

We need to show them that we do indeed care! 

Please take a moment to submit your comments to the USDA by following this
link from Food Democracy Now! Then please pass this on. Every voice counts!

Thanks!  And please, please, forward this to everyone you know

A peek into our world.. 

Feed the Future - Forest gardens - 

CSDMSO and Iodine

2010-03-01 Thread Annie B Smythe
Okay folks, I read about this somewhere last week, 
and tried it. It works great for me.

Since I had my two children, over twenty tears 
ago, I get a case of hemorrhoids every so often. I 
know, I know, I'm working on getting the blood 
vessels strengthened so that won't happen. I've 
tried a lot of things, but Silica, Gelatin, and 
Serrapeptase, along with Turmeric, after some 
trial and error, seem to helping the most. I'm 
adding grape seed extract and pine bark to that, 
to see what happens.

Anyway, I read somewhere that Lugol's and DMSO 
would do the trick. And by golly it does. It's the 
single most effective combo I've found to date. 
EMU oil helped a lot but didn't heal the area, 
although it did relieve pain, itching and and some 
of the swelling, for periods of time. I did have 
to reapply it several times a day though.

The Iodine and DMSO mixture is actually shrinking 
and healing the tissues. It's absolutely amazing. 
And the pain relief is near instantaneous upon 
application. And I apply it ONCE a day, every morning.

Now I know someone is gonna ask. So here's what I 
did. I had approx a fourth of a 16 oz jar of DMSO 
gel that I've been using, and I added three full 
droppers of Lugol's 2% to that. It will liquefy, 
so don't worry about it. Clean and dry the, e, 
area. Wet your fingers well with the mixture or 
use your choice of applicator, and apply liberally 
outside and a little inside. Lord have mercy I 
almost fell over from the sudden relief. I kid you 
not. Instant relief, well for me it worked that 
fast. YMMV.

I'm gob smacked that such a simple thing worked so 
very very well. And o so happy to have tried 
it out. I had tried DMSO by itself, and it didn't 
work all that well for me, but add the Lugol's and 
they're a dynamite combo.

Ya know what, this may work on spider veins, and 
varicose veins as well. Haven't tried that yet.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSHair Loss - link here

2010-03-01 Thread Annie B Smythe
Thank you Steve, you're an amazing, never ending 
source of info:)

Much cheaper to make my own.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Norton, Steve wrote:

Here are some interesting links. The first one provides a LOT of info on 
laser/LED treatment theory. The second link provides DIY info on making your 
own unit for hair treatment that can also apply to healing units in general. 
The third is a cheap source for LEDs and 10 mw laser diodes. On the last one 
you will need to look for the laser link on the left.
I was shocked at the prices online for commercial LED/laser healing units. WOW!

 - Steve N

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Re: CSDMSO and Iodine

2010-03-01 Thread Annie B Smythe
I'd try straight Lugol's on them and see if 
that'll shrink them, or try the DMSO and Lugol's. 
And the mixture didn't burn me at all. I 
understand the Lugol's applied to keloid scars 
will reduce them. It might take a while, but I've 
read that it's effective. I haven't tried it 
myself yet. Although, I do notice that a scar that 
I've had on my forehead for years seems to be 
flattening out since I started taking the Lugol's 
internally. And I've been taking Lugol's for 
months now. Patience is required :)

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Donna wrote:
Any idea for venereal warts? I have a friend that has them all around 
the rectum and has tried the stuff the doctor give but it just made them 
smaller and now her doctor wants to burn them off and she wants to try 
to get rid of them herself.

Any suggestions I will pass on to her.
That area I have no idea because I know stuff would burn and smart 
there.and it is such a delicate area.

Donna ACS

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CSPublic Meeting to Address Codex Committee on General Principles

2010-03-01 Thread Annie B Smythe

Public Meeting to Address Codex Committee on 
General Principles

Mon, 01 Mar 2010 15:08:37 -0600

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Office 
of Food Safety today announced a public meeting to 
provide information and receive comments on agenda 
items and draft U.S. positions that will be 
discussed at the 26th Session of the Codex 
Committee on General Principles (CCGP), to be held 
in Paris, France, April 12 - 16, 2010.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSSweeteners , where to get XYLITOL

2010-02-27 Thread Annie B Smythe

Swanson has it.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Tel Tofflemire wrote:

Go to
 Xylitol is a sweetener made from biomass,  From a company called 
Emerald Forrest , I have used it for many years, it is used by millions 
of Diabetics successfully. I used to have  to buy it in Sweden , but a 
few years ago they put a plant in Colorado. 
Xylitol  from this plant is all natural and made from Birch Bark.   It 
is very low in carbs and Calories. In Cooking Xylitol is one to one in a 
recipe that calls for sugar, and it tastes just like real sugar (without 
the fat left on your bones.) 

Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

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Re: CSherbal-medicines reference website

2010-02-22 Thread Annie B Smythe

Thank you Ode:)

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Ode Coyote wrote:

  Good reference


At 10:26 AM 2/21/2010 -0600, you wrote:

Cool, I love poke root. Much undervalued and even worse, surrounded by 
fear from people who never used it.


- Original Message -
From: mailto:stephen.nor...@ngc.comNorton, Steve
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 10:11 AM
Subject: CSNatural treatments for cancer confirmed


Looks like Pokeweed is getting some good press

 - Steve N

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Re: CSHair Loss - link here

2010-02-22 Thread Annie B Smythe

LOL, Ode. Where did you find that?

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Ode Coyote wrote:


Laser Therapy Pen Specifications:

Wavelength: 635nm

Output Power: 5mw

Price $199 plus shipping.

 for a standard red laser pen that even takes expensive Lithium 

How about $15 and free shipping using 2 AAAs or even less in some places 
with several beam splitter lenses..but uses 1.5 volt button cells.


At 02:43 PM 2/21/2010 -0800, you wrote:
My wife and I have also found low level laser therapy works well. Some 
folks on the silver list have also used red LED lights for hair 
growth. I designed my own laser unit and find it penetrates a little 
better than LEDs. Both will work though. works well for 
pain relief too

 Annie B Smythe wrote:

Just take zinc too or the balance will get out of
kilter and deplete your zinc , and make sure your
iron levels are okay. Too much copper without Iron
can deplete iron. And big doses or B12 can do the
same. A good rule of thumb is approx 2 mg copper
to 50 mg zinc.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Leslie wrote:
 Hi, When I saw Hair Loss I wanted to mention that Utopia is advertising
 an elec. cs generator that makes copper also. I asked just what was
 copper for and I was told it was for hair loss and energy. I would like
 to know if any have any comments on copper. Thanks, Leslie

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Re: CSweird!

2010-02-22 Thread Annie B Smythe
No loading thing in my message. He just said his 
emails had stopped and to put him back on the 
list. But then again, I run my email program 
sandboxed so who knows.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

I got a strange email from Medwith J Robert with something about caveats, which 
started doing a 'loading' thingy so I deleted it.  Has anyone else had this?  

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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSHair Loss - link here

2010-02-21 Thread Annie B Smythe
Just take zinc too or the balance will get out of 
kilter and deplete your zinc , and make sure your 
iron levels are okay. Too much copper without Iron 
can deplete iron. And big doses or B12 can do the 
same. A good rule of thumb is approx 2 mg copper 
to 50 mg zinc.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Leslie wrote:
Hi, When I saw Hair Loss I wanted to mention that Utopia is advertising 
an elec. cs generator that makes copper also. I asked just what was 
copper for and I was told it was for hair loss and energy. I would like 
to know if any have any comments on copper. Thanks, Leslie

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Re: CS(LL) Have you heard of this name change ?? Sweeteners.

2010-02-21 Thread Annie B Smythe
I quit drinking anything but water and tea/coffee. 
Yeah coffee/tea isn't the greatest either, but it 
is my guilty pleasure:)


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

I have a friend like this Rowena, but she will not listen to me.  She has type 
11 diabetes and is on BP meds Metformin and something else, also statins and 
pain killers for her neuropathy, but still she keeps swigging diet Coke!  dee

On 21 Feb 2010, at 10:39, Rowena wrote:

Reposted in plain text.

It is true, apparently, that they use sweetener as well as sugar, and I read 
that the reason is that it is cheaper for them to sweeten the drinks with the 
chemicals than with the real sugar.  They don't necessarily identify the fact 
that sugar is not the only sweetener, either, at least not where I live. 
Probably if it is below a certain quantity they don't need to report it, and 
let's face it, very little chemical  is needed to sweeten it.  There is a 
pretty horrific list of tales people tell of their symptoms when using Splenda, 
for instance, which I looked up after the aspartame articles.

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Re: CSWater - Magnesium Bicarbonate

2010-02-21 Thread Annie B Smythe


I have two liters of the magnesium carbonate in 
the fridge. What is the Cayce Hoxsey mix, and do 
you add it to the magnesium carbonate? :)


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Rowena wrote:

Worth researching if you haven't heard about it is Magnesium Bicarbonate 

Mg(OH)2 + (CO2)2 -- Mg(HCO3)2
 People make it with Milk of Magnesia in carbonated water.
MoM being unavailable in Oz, I have been using Alkamag to  make it.
One can add flavourings; I usually add Aloe Vera juice, Magnascent and 
Cayce Hoxsey Mix in the mornings.


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CSHair Loss

2010-02-21 Thread Annie B Smythe
Okay, so I found this website while researching 
DHT and what causes elevated levels and the 
connection with Iodine and the thyroid.  The 
second page talks about the thyroid hormones and 
Insulin resistance and T4 and how it's all 
related. :)  Very interesting and informative read 
with research and reference links. And although it 
talk about men mostly, I'm sure that elevated 
levels of DHT in women can cause hair loss as 
well, especially as those who have thyroid 
problems usually have an upset in the hormone 
balances in the HPA axis.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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