Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It is the art of living right? That is what is important. Most of my life is 
also spent doing creative things alone, I relate to that too. Any performance 
is the tip of the iceberg of our creative lives. 

Yes, I  understand the issues you have with the word "art" over the last 2,245 
posts where you have made this point. We seem to see the word differently, have 
you noticed this? I'm good. You?

---In,  wrote :

 Very nice story about moving people Curtis, that's a rare talent not many have 
and I admire you for that. Doing creative stuff is about moving others, one way 
or the other. Personally I'm more happy if people just go some where else and 
let me do my creative thingies alone, I'll invite them in when later. 
 I never had any doubts about your communicative skills, it's when you claim 
it's "art" you tend to exaggerate.


---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
 "Selling your musical taste as more than that isn't gunna get any traction 
from my fans here."
 So, you have fans here now ?  We know this place is populated by some pretty 
weird souls but who would have guessed they are your fans !

 M: Here in the world where people book my show which was the original context 
before you clipped it out to do your internet troll thing.

 I've been indulgent of your reaching out and being shitty to a stranger on the 
internet because it has given me a chance to reflect on my career. You are 
showing up as you and I am showing up as me here.

 Last night at my show I put percussion instruments into people's hands,many of 
whom had never played instruments, and certainly never at a public show. I set 
up a rhythm for them from Cameroon, straight  8s, sort of fast like they do in 
the villages there. Some people played claves, (African and Cuban), one played 
an amazing instrument from the Gnowa people called a krakeb which are huge 
metal castanets meant to symbolize how these people were brought as slaves from 
other parts of Africa to Morocco in slave's chains. Some played traditional 
bones which they were trying to figure out as they played,clicking to the 
simple accessible rhythm. One played the Agogo metal bell from a place in 
Africa where such a simple instrument can choreograph the movements of hundreds 
of people at a time, cutting through even the drums in syncopated messages for 
their feet and hips.  


 I played a number of instruments over this community of rhythm.One was a Mvet 
from Cameroon, a 4 stringed lute favored by pigmies as well as the story-teller 
shamans in Guinea, a beautiful odd instrument amplified by large gourds on a 4 
foot stick of bamboo. I played an African gourd banjo in the style of one of 
the last traditional black banjo players in Virgina and sang his song 
Roustabout. For a moment, in that urban wine bar, the barriers between audience 
and performer fell away as they always do in all traditional African 
performances. People who felt they had no rhythm or musical talent discovered 
that they had just had a string of shitty music teacher who had put up a wall 
between them and their human birthright. Strangers who would not give each 
other eye contact on the Metro were checking with each other without words, to 
make sure they were rhythmically in synch. 


 Picking up a Brazilian berimbau, one of our planets most primitive but 
compelling instruments, derived from hunting bows played around the campfire of 
hunters and gatherers in our distant past, I sang the song I felt fit best, 
John Lee Hooker's "I'm in the Mood."

 When the audience left last night some people came up and hugged me. I could 
see in their eyes that this was as a special night for them as it was for me. 
They had experienced their musical selves, without judgement, and it made them 
feel wonderful.

 So please continue, Nabbie, what was it you wanted to say.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-31 Thread nablusoss1008
Very nice story about moving people Curtis, that's a rare talent not many have 
and I admire you for that. Doing creative stuff is about moving others, one way 
or the other. Personally I'm more happy if people just go some where else and 
let me do my creative thingies alone, I'll invite them in when later. 
 I never had any doubts about your communicative skills, it's when you claim 
it's "art" you tend to exaggerate.


---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
 "Selling your musical taste as more than that isn't gunna get any traction 
from my fans here."
 So, you have fans here now ?  We know this place is populated by some pretty 
weird souls but who would have guessed they are your fans !

 M: Here in the world where people book my show which was the original context 
before you clipped it out to do your internet troll thing.

 I've been indulgent of your reaching out and being shitty to a stranger on the 
internet because it has given me a chance to reflect on my career. You are 
showing up as you and I am showing up as me here.

 Last night at my show I put percussion instruments into people's hands,many of 
whom had never played instruments, and certainly never at a public show. I set 
up a rhythm for them from Cameroon, straight  8s, sort of fast like they do in 
the villages there. Some people played claves, (African and Cuban), one played 
an amazing instrument from the Gnowa people called a krakeb which are huge 
metal castanets meant to symbolize how these people were brought as slaves from 
other parts of Africa to Morocco in slave's chains. Some played traditional 
bones which they were trying to figure out as they played,clicking to the 
simple accessible rhythm. One played the Agogo metal bell from a place in 
Africa where such a simple instrument can choreograph the movements of hundreds 
of people at a time, cutting through even the drums in syncopated messages for 
their feet and hips.  


 I played a number of instruments over this community of rhythm.One was a Mvet 
from Cameroon, a 4 stringed lute favored by pigmies as well as the story-teller 
shamans in Guinea, a beautiful odd instrument amplified by large gourds on a 4 
foot stick of bamboo. I played an African gourd banjo in the style of one of 
the last traditional black banjo players in Virgina and sang his song 
Roustabout. For a moment, in that urban wine bar, the barriers between audience 
and performer fell away as they always do in all traditional African 
performances. People who felt they had no rhythm or musical talent discovered 
that they had just had a string of shitty music teacher who had put up a wall 
between them and their human birthright. Strangers who would not give each 
other eye contact on the Metro were checking with each other without words, to 
make sure they were rhythmically in synch. 


 Picking up a Brazilian berimbau, one of our planets most primitive but 
compelling instruments, derived from hunting bows played around the campfire of 
hunters and gatherers in our distant past, I sang the song I felt fit best, 
John Lee Hooker's "I'm in the Mood."

 When the audience left last night some people came up and hugged me. I could 
see in their eyes that this was as a special night for them as it was for me. 
They had experienced their musical selves, without judgement, and it made them 
feel wonderful.

 So please continue, Nabbie, what was it you wanted to say.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]
--In,  wrote :
 "Selling your musical taste as more than that isn't gunna get any traction 
from my fans here."
 So, you have fans here now ?  We know this place is populated by some pretty 
weird souls but who would have guessed they are your fans !

 M: Here in the world where people book my show which was the original context 
before you clipped it out to do your internet troll thing.

 I've been indulgent of your reaching out and being shitty to a stranger on the 
internet because it has given me a chance to reflect on my career. You are 
showing up as you and I am showing up as me here.

 Last night at my show I put percussion instruments into people's hands,many of 
whom had never played instruments, and certainly never at a public show. I set 
up a rhythm for them from Cameroon, straight  8s, sort of fast like they do in 
the villages there. Some people played claves, (African and Cuban), one played 
an amazing instrument from the Gnowa people called a krakeb which are huge 
metal castanets meant to symbolize how these people were brought as slaves from 
other parts of Africa to Morocco in slave's chains. Some played traditional 
bones which they were trying to figure out as they played,clicking to the 
simple accessible rhythm. One played the Agogo metal bell from a place in 
Africa where such a simple instrument can choreograph the movements of hundreds 
of people at a time, cutting through even the drums in syncopated messages for 
their feet and hips.  


 I played a number of instruments over this community of rhythm.One was a Mvet 
from Cameroon, a 4 stringed lute favored by pigmies as well as the story-teller 
shamans in Guinea, a beautiful odd instrument amplified by large gourds on a 4 
foot stick of bamboo. I played an African gourd banjo in the style of one of 
the last traditional black banjo players in Virgina and sang his song 
Roustabout. For a moment, in that urban wine bar, the barriers between audience 
and performer fell away as they always do in all traditional African 
performances. People who felt they had no rhythm or musical talent discovered 
that they had just had a string of shitty music teacher who had put up a wall 
between them and their human birthright. Strangers who would not give each 
other eye contact on the Metro were checking with each other without words, to 
make sure they were rhythmically in synch. 


 Picking up a Brazilian berimbau, one of our planets most primitive but 
compelling instruments, derived from hunting bows played around the campfire of 
hunters and gatherers in our distant past, I sang the song I felt fit best, 
John Lee Hooker's "I'm in the Mood."

 When the audience left last night some people came up and hugged me. I could 
see in their eyes that this was as a special night for them as it was for me. 
They had experienced their musical selves, without judgement, and it made them 
feel wonderful.

 So please continue, Nabbie, what was it you wanted to say.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-31 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/30/2014 10:47 AM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Pays better, too.

/There is NOTHING nuttier than to give $10,000 just to watch a guy 
calling himself "The Zen Master Rama" slowly lift up off of a sofa in 
the middle of the desert in front of 200 drug-crazed hippies.

And, there is the added benefit that when you tell people what you do 
for a living, when you walk away as an artist they're not snickering 
at you behind your back, saying, "Could you *believe* that idiot? He 
actually believes that he's a 'Certified Governor' of something he 
calls the 'Age of Enlightenment'. What a nut job."

Then again, even being snickered at as a 'Certified Governor' is 
better than the uncontrollable laughter you'd hear behind you if you 
had told them you were a 'Raja' of the 'Global Country of 
Enlightenment." Possibly the ONLY thing Maharishi excelled at was 
creating the dumbest job titles in human history.  :-)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Beautiful, well done Barry.  This is the real you.  Damn, but you live for 

 I'm so glad you're past any residual anger or resentment towards MMY, and the 

---In,  wrote :

 From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 4:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form 
of mental illness
   Ha ha ha ha! Certified Arts Integration performer!!! That's better than 
being a RE-certified Governor!!! 

Pays better, too. 

And, there is the added benefit that when you tell people what you do for a 
living, when you walk away as an artist they're not snickering at you behind 
your back, saying, "Could you *believe* that idiot? He actually believes that 
he's a 'Certified Governor' of something he calls the 'Age of Enlightenment'. 
What a nut job."

Then again, even being snickered at as a 'Certified Governor' is better than 
the uncontrollable laughter you'd hear behind you if you had told them you were 
a 'Raja' of the 'Global Country of Enlightenment." Possibly the ONLY thing 
Maharishi excelled at was creating the dumbest job titles in human history.  :-)



 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 10:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form 
of mental illness
   Might as well eat your heart out Nabby, your limited opinion about the 
nature of art does not count:

 Curtis Blues 
 Curtis Blues 
Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society. His musical programs 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society.

 Note that the link goes to the Arts Council of Fairfax County, Virginia. 
Curtis is a recognised artist, and you just have a bee in your bonnet. Wake up. 
I do not see why Curtis needs to change his view to support your myopic view of 
the world. I think Curtis is an artist, and I normally do not listen to blues 
music, though I have a certain fondness for Billie Holiday.


---In,  wrote :


You claim you produce art. I claim you produce noise and that your ego is out 
of control. It's not complicated.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 It's obvious by now that you won't change

 M: You mean adapt a non native English speakers' misuse of the word for my job 
title in every organizations that books my shows? That was never on the table. 
What you need to do if you want to use English is to brush up on the 
adjectives. That let's you apply whatever personal standards you want to 
personalize a generic word like "art." For example you could say that is 
groundbreaking art or shitty art, or even life changing, mind boggling, 
awesomenest ever art. But you don't get to miss-appropriate a generic term for 
a human activity as if your taste is the definition of the word. Again, that is 
where adjectives allow you to personalize your feelings about the activity.

 N:will continue to try to convince yourself by saying, dammit: "I'm an artist, 
I'm an artist, I'm an artist, I'm an artist" forever till you pop. 


 M: Actually, just like Maharishi claimed, I didn't name myself that, this is 
how the arts groups refer to me as so people know what I do when they want to 
hire me. 


 N: Good luck with that. 


 M: Having excellent luck with that, thanks.


 N: This "discussion" has hereby ended from my side.

 M: This discussion was never open from YOUR side. We both know that.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 What is art and what isn't always is a hot theme and will probably never end.

M: Popular among people who don't produce any. Most of my social life is with 
artists and the topic has never come up.

N: And there will always be greedy persons who try to capitalize on that word 
to make a living, happens everywhere.

M: I know those artists raking in the cash, big problem. I share your disdain 
for people trying to make a living. I mean why aren't they just eating brioche? 

I think the problem is a lack of a central control over the us

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Have you been watching Lena Dunham's "Girls"?

On 10/30/2014 02:50 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

"Selling your musical taste as more than that isn't gunna get any 
traction from my fans here."

So, you have fans here now ?  We know this place is populated by some 
pretty weird souls but who would have guessed they are your fans !

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread nablusoss1008
"Selling your musical taste as more than that isn't gunna get any traction from 
my fans here."
 So, you have fans here now ?  We know this place is populated by some pretty 
weird souls but who would have guessed they are your fans !

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I would often play to the dancers on gigs.  It got them more into the 
music.  I also had a girlfriend who was a very good dancer and was fun 
to play to.

On 10/30/2014 01:06 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Fascinating distinction. This is why I do my own drumming. It lets me 
go with the feeling of the moment.

Lately I've been studying African and Afro-Caribbean rhythms. Very 
challenging but also stimulating to my whole sense of rhythm. I wish I 
was a dancer, that is how to groove these in better.

---In,  wrote :

Always a problem with figuring out whether a performer wants you to 
comp or be the time keeper. These days I might ask.  I backed James 
Caan once for some "3/4 blues" but it was more like "3/4 1 and 7/8s". :-D

On 10/30/2014 11:49 AM, curtisdeltablues@... 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

That is so badass I can hardly stand it. I didn't know that about
you. Guys like Lighting just went where they felt like it
whenever they wanted. I miss some of the raggedy irregularity of
those guys. Can't imagine backing him though!

 wrote :

Here's someone I once giged with though a bit of a nightmare for
any drummer as he tended to drop beats. :-D

On 10/30/2014 10:37 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

That would be one weird film :-)

Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues.


Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues.

Went to visit the Grandparents in old town, and ran into Curtis
Blues, before we knew the kids were part of the band. See the
CNN piece on him at the bottom ...

View on

Preview by Yahoo

 wrote :

Now I wonder what Nabby would think of your music if David Lynch
decided to use a cut of it in a film? ;-)

On 10/30/2014 08:17 AM, curtisdeltablues@...
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

What happened to the guy who said that the conversation was
over from your side? I guess you are seeking some closure
you haven't gotten yet. Let's see if I can help.


 wrote :

You claim you produce art.

M: I claim that my music is my art. I make living as a
musical artist. Because you erroneously conflate this with
me saying I make life changing, ground breaking, masterful,
mind blowing, art you have contrived something to criticize
me for beyond offering your personal opinion about a video
you saw. I simply say that this is MY art. It is how I
represent my inner life into a form of sound that is shared
with others. The people who pay me to perform it and who
buy my CDs like it, I acknowledge that you have weighed in
that you don't like the videos you saw of my performance,
and most people say :" Who?"

N: I claim you produce noise

M: What aspect of this point do you think I have missed? I
get it, you have an unfavorable opinion about a video you
saw. Check. Message received. You seem to be looking for a
different outcome than me recognizing your opinion. Do you
think perhaps I might use your opinion to stop working in
this field? Do you think with your feedback I will change
my musical focus, take up the violin perhaps?

I have enjoyed this chat as a writing prompt for
considering this public job I do. What you don't seem to
realize, as you strive to influence me with your opinion,
is that before I ever stand in front of other people to
judge my art, I have already spent countless hours passing
the audition of my toughest critic, me. Any performing
artist spends 99 per cent of his or her time alone
mastering their art to their own satisfaction. I play the
way I like, that is why I am at peace with people who don't
like it. Of course I don't usually hear from them so this
has been a bit of an opportunity for reflection and I thank
you for that.

And despite your persistently curmudgeonly view of my work,
I get a lot of positive feedback because I put on excellent
shows. I work hard at it like most conscientious people in
their jobs and I get the job done. Performing is a weird

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Fascinating distinction. This is why I do my own drumming. It lets me go with 
the feeling of the moment.

Lately I've been studying African and Afro-Caribbean rhythms. Very challenging 
but also stimulating to my whole sense of rhythm. I wish I was a dancer, that 
is how to groove these in better. 

---In,  wrote :

 Always a problem with figuring out whether a performer wants you to comp or be 
the time keeper.  These days I might ask.  I backed James Caan once for some 
"3/4 blues" but it was more like "3/4 1 and 7/8s". :-D 
 On 10/30/2014 11:49 AM, curtisdeltablues@... mailto:curtisdeltablues@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   That is so badass I can hardly stand it. I didn't know that about you. Guys 
like Lighting just went where they felt like it whenever they wanted. I miss 
some of the raggedy irregularity of those guys. Can't imagine backing him 

 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Here's someone I once giged with though a bit of a nightmare for any drummer 
as he tended to drop beats. :-D
 On 10/30/2014 10:37 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
   That would be one weird film :-)
 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues.

 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues. Went to visit the Grandparents in old town, 
and ran into Curtis Blues, before we knew the kids were part of the band. See 
the CNN piece on him at the bottom ...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Now I wonder what Nabby would think of your music if David Lynch decided to 
use a cut of it in a film? ;-) 
 On 10/30/2014 08:17 AM, curtisdeltablues@... mailto:curtisdeltablues@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   What happened to the guy who said that the conversation was over from your 
side? I guess you are seeking some closure you haven't gotten yet. Let's see if 
I can help.
 ---In, wrote :

 You claim you produce art.
 M: I claim that my music is my art. I make  living as a musical artist. 
Because you erroneously conflate this with me saying I make life changing, 
ground breaking, masterful, mind blowing, art you have contrived something to 
criticize me for beyond offering your personal opinion about a video you saw. I 
simply say that this is MY art. It is how I represent my inner life into a form 
of sound that is shared with others. The people who pay me to perform it and 
who buy my CDs like it, I acknowledge that you have weighed in that you don't 
like the videos you saw of my performance, and most people say :" Who?" 
 N: I claim you produce noise
 M: What aspect of this point do you think I have missed? I get it, you have an 
unfavorable opinion about a video you saw. Check. Message received. You seem to 
be looking for a different outcome than me recognizing your opinion. Do you 
think perhaps I might use your opinion to stop working in this field? Do you 
think with your feedback I will change my musical focus, take up the violin 
 I have enjoyed this chat as a writing prompt for considering this public job I 
do. What you don't seem to realize, as you strive to influence me with your 
opinion, is that before I ever stand in front of other people to judge my art, 
I have already spent countless hours passing the audition of my toughest 
critic, me. Any performing artist spends 99 per cent of his or her time alone 
mastering their art to their own satisfaction. I play the way I like, that is 
why I am at peace with people who don't like it. Of course I don't usually hear 
from them so this has been a bit of an opportunity for reflection and I thank 
you for that. 
 And despite your persistently curmudgeonly view of my work, I get a lot of 
positive feedback because I put on excellent shows. I work hard at it like most 
conscientious people in their jobs and I get the job done. Performing is a 
weird line of work in that your job performance review is simultaneous to you 
doing the job. But even if audiences took your POV and rejected my music, I 
would still be playing it this way. I would just not be getting paid for it! 
Like most people with a desire to express themselves through art,  I would only 
perform for myself and whatever girlfriend I was torturing with my music at the 
time. The positive or negative feedback from other people doesn't change an 
artist's need to express their inner life the way they do.
 You don't seem to understand this fact about artists. So instead you are 
caught up in a world of thinking your harsh statements should affect me in some 
way. Art doesn't come from that place you can reach with your words. It isn't 
sustained by people appreciating what an artist produces. Artist

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Always a problem with figuring out whether a performer wants you to comp 
or be the time keeper. These days I might ask.  I backed James Caan once 
for some "3/4 blues" but it was more like "3/4 1 and 7/8s". :-D

On 10/30/2014 11:49 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

That is so badass I can hardly stand it. I didn't know that about you. 
Guys like Lighting just went where they felt like it whenever they 
wanted. I miss some of the raggedy irregularity of those guys. Can't 
imagine backing him though!

---In,  wrote :

Here's someone I once giged with though a bit of a nightmare for any 
drummer as he tended to drop beats. :-D

On 10/30/2014 10:37 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

That would be one weird film :-)

Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues. 


Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues. 

Went to visit the Grandparents in old town, and ran into Curtis 
Blues, before we knew the kids were part of the band. See the CNN 
piece on him at the bottom ...

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

 wrote :

Now I wonder what Nabby would think of your music if David Lynch 
decided to use a cut of it in a film? ;-)

On 10/30/2014 08:17 AM, curtisdeltablues@... 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

What happened to the guy who said that the conversation was over
from your side? I guess you are seeking some closure you haven't
gotten yet. Let's see if I can help.

  wrote :

You claim you produce art.

M: I claim that my music is my art. I make living as a musical
artist. Because you erroneously conflate this with me saying I
make life changing, ground breaking, masterful, mind blowing,
art you have contrived something to criticize me for beyond
offering your personal opinion about a video you saw. I simply
say that this is MY art. It is how I represent my inner life
into a form of sound that is shared with others. The people who
pay me to perform it and who buy my CDs like it, I acknowledge
that you have weighed in that you don't like the videos you saw
of my performance, and most people say :" Who?"

N: I claim you produce noise

M: What aspect of this point do you think I have missed? I get
it, you have an unfavorable opinion about a video you saw.
Check. Message received. You seem to be looking for a different
outcome than me recognizing your opinion. Do you think perhaps I
might use your opinion to stop working in this field? Do you
think with your feedback I will change my musical focus, take up
the violin perhaps?

I have enjoyed this chat as a writing prompt for considering
this public job I do. What you don't seem to realize, as you
strive to influence me with your opinion, is that before I ever
stand in front of other people to judge my art, I have already
spent countless hours passing the audition of my toughest
critic, me. Any performing artist spends 99 per cent of his or
her time alone mastering their art to their own satisfaction. I
play the way I like, that is why I am at peace with people who
don't like it. Of course I don't usually hear from them so this
has been a bit of an opportunity for reflection and I thank you
for that.

And despite your persistently curmudgeonly view of my work, I
get a lot of positive feedback because I put on excellent shows.
I work hard at it like most conscientious people in their jobs
and I get the job done. Performing is a weird line of work in
that your job performance review is simultaneous to you doing
the job. But even if audiences took your POV and rejected my
music, I would still be playing it this way. I would just not be
getting paid for it! Like most people with a desire to express
themselves through art,  I would only perform for myself and
whatever girlfriend I was torturing with my music at the time.
The positive or negative feedback from other people doesn't
change an artist's need to express their inner life the way they do.

You don't seem to understand this fact about artists. So instead
you are caught up in a world of thinking your harsh statements
should affect me in some way. Art doesn't come from that place
you can reach with your words. It isn't sustained by people
appreciating what an artist produces. Artists live in the world
beyond all the rise and fall of outer opinions. Many great

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
That is so badass I can hardly stand it. I didn't know that about you. Guys 
like Lighting just went where they felt like it whenever they wanted. I miss 
some of the raggedy irregularity of those guys. Can't imagine backing him 

---In,  wrote :

 Here's someone I once giged with though a bit of a nightmare for any drummer 
as he tended to drop beats. :-D
 On 10/30/2014 10:37 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
   That would be one weird film :-)
 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues.

 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues. Went to visit the Grandparents in old town, 
and ran into Curtis Blues, before we knew the kids were part of the band. See 
the CNN piece on him at the bottom ...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Now I wonder what Nabby would think of your music if David Lynch decided to 
use a cut of it in a film? ;-) 
 On 10/30/2014 08:17 AM, curtisdeltablues@... mailto:curtisdeltablues@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   What happened to the guy who said that the conversation was over from your 
side? I guess you are seeking some closure you haven't gotten yet. Let's see if 
I can help.
 ---In, wrote :

 You claim you produce art.
 M: I claim that my music is my art. I make  living as a musical artist. 
Because you erroneously conflate this with me saying I make life changing, 
ground breaking, masterful, mind blowing, art you have contrived something to 
criticize me for beyond offering your personal opinion about a video you saw. I 
simply say that this is MY art. It is how I represent my inner life into a form 
of sound that is shared with others. The people who pay me to perform it and 
who buy my CDs like it, I acknowledge that you have weighed in that you don't 
like the videos you saw of my performance, and most people say :" Who?" 
 N: I claim you produce noise
 M: What aspect of this point do you think I have missed? I get it, you have an 
unfavorable opinion about a video you saw. Check. Message received. You seem to 
be looking for a different outcome than me recognizing your opinion. Do you 
think perhaps I might use your opinion to stop working in this field? Do you 
think with your feedback I will change my musical focus, take up the violin 
 I have enjoyed this chat as a writing prompt for considering this public job I 
do. What you don't seem to realize, as you strive to influence me with your 
opinion, is that before I ever stand in front of other people to judge my art, 
I have already spent countless hours passing the audition of my toughest 
critic, me. Any performing artist spends 99 per cent of his or her time alone 
mastering their art to their own satisfaction. I play the way I like, that is 
why I am at peace with people who don't like it. Of course I don't usually hear 
from them so this has been a bit of an opportunity for reflection and I thank 
you for that. 
 And despite your persistently curmudgeonly view of my work, I get a lot of 
positive feedback because I put on excellent shows. I work hard at it like most 
conscientious people in their jobs and I get the job done. Performing is a 
weird line of work in that your job performance review is simultaneous to you 
doing the job. But even if audiences took your POV and rejected my music, I 
would still be playing it this way. I would just not be getting paid for it! 
Like most people with a desire to express themselves through art,  I would only 
perform for myself and whatever girlfriend I was torturing with my music at the 
time. The positive or negative feedback from other people doesn't change an 
artist's need to express their inner life the way they do.
 You don't seem to understand this fact about artists. So instead you are 
caught up in a world of thinking your harsh statements should affect me in some 
way. Art doesn't come from that place you can reach with your words. It isn't 
sustained by people appreciating what an artist produces. Artists live in the 
world beyond all the rise and fall of outer opinions. Many great artists were 
only appreciate after their death, Robert Johnson included. He was not popular 
in his day. He was struggling till the day he died.
 That is one of the many reasons I devote my life to bringing the gift of the 
arts into schools. It is a gift of self expression that can infuse a life with 
meaning and beauty. So I accept your opinion, but reject your view of art as an 
elitist activity for a certain few who are deemed (who deems them again, you?) 
worthy of using the word art. You are on the wrong side of the hater fence 
Nabbie. Not about my music, you are welcome to your judgement, but about the 
concept of how the activity of p

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
--In,  wrote :
 One must give you credit for not giving up, or is it an inability to face 
reality.  I never mocked street-corners quite the contrary, I believe that's 
where your entertainment belongs. Judy can defend herself when she returns, but 
she has a talent for smelling a lie when she sees one, and she caught you in 
the act more than once. She will (certainly) correct me if I'm wrong but I even 
believe she called you a compulsory serial-liar and one that would try to bend 
a story backwards 180 degrees when caugth in the act.  
 Anyways, the most clownish lie is the one you keep telling yourself.

 M: So now your are going with insults previous posters have hurled at me? Ok, 
if that is all you got.

 But since we are on the subject of liars... since the guy who posted the video 
you continually attributed to me very clearly put his picture, name and 
comments below the video...

 And as far as where my music "belongs", it was good enough for the National 
Theater in D.C. and Wolf Trap National Performing Art Center, the most 
prestigious venues in my area. Selling your musical taste as more than that 
isn't gunna get any traction from my fans here.






---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :

 Funny, you compare yourself to Robert Johnson now ?

 M: No but you were making fun of me playing in he same places and conditions 
he did.

 N: One wonders what else is wrong with you other than a oversized ego.

 M: Does one?


 Judy repeatedly call you a blatant a liar,

 M: She did indeed, it was part of her ad hominem attack instead of rational 
argument program.

 N: but you are fooling only yourself after all those years saying to yourself 
"I create art" over and over again. All others has to do is watch the videos 
you for some unknown reason and voluntarily posted on youtube, like this one 
that in 5 years has reached a surprising 506 viewers:

 M: Look at the name under the video and his commnents dimwit. It was posted by 
a proud dad whose kids were in my show. It is amazing that it got that many 
views considering the small number of friends it was intended for. Look at the 
kids engaged by music created before their father was born.

 The CNN video he refers to has a broken link. Here it is:
 Curtis Blues Busking
 Curtis Blues Busking 
Acoustic Blues preservationist Curtis Blues performs in Old Town Alexandria, VA 
to keep the blues alive.

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 





 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues.
 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues. 
Went to visit the Grandparents in old town, and ran into Curtis Blues, before 
we knew the kids were part of the band. See the CNN piece on him at the bottom 

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 





---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

I doubt you listened to the stuff he put on youtube.  This is merry 
entertainment for street-corners and parties

M:Where exactly do you imagine guys like Robert Johnson performed?

 and has nothing to do with art however much Curtis tries to convince himself 
of the contrary.

---In,  wrote :

 Might as well eat your heart out Nabby, your limited opinion about the nature 
of art does not count: 

 Curtis Blues
 Curtis Blues 
Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society. His musical programs 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society.

 Note that the link goes to the Arts Council of Fairfax County, Virginia. 
Curtis is a recognised artist, and you just have a bee in your bonnet. Wake up. 
I do not see why Curtis needs to change his view to support your myopic view of 
the world. I think Curtis is an artist, and I normally do not listen to blues 
music, though I have a certain fondness for Billie Holiday.


---In,  wrote :

You claim you produce art. I claim you produce noise and that your ego is out 
of control. It's not complicated.

---In F

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread nablusoss1008
One must give you credit for not giving up, or is it an inability to face 
reality.  I never mocked street-corners quite the contrary, I believe that's 
where your entertainment belongs. Judy can defend herself when she returns, but 
she has a talent for smelling a lie when she sees one, and she caught you in 
the act more than once. She will (certainly) correct me if I'm wrong but I even 
believe she called you a compulsory serial-liar and one that would try to bend 
a story backwards 180 degrees when caugth in the act.  
 Anyways, the most clownish lie is the one you keep telling yourself.


---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :

 Funny, you compare yourself to Robert Johnson now ?

 M: No but you were making fun of me playing in he same places and conditions 
he did.

 N: One wonders what else is wrong with you other than a oversized ego.

 M: Does one?


 Judy repeatedly call you a blatant a liar,

 M: She did indeed, it was part of her ad hominem attack instead of rational 
argument program.

 N: but you are fooling only yourself after all those years saying to yourself 
"I create art" over and over again. All others has to do is watch the videos 
you for some unknown reason and voluntarily posted on youtube, like this one 
that in 5 years has reached a surprising 506 viewers:

 M: Look at the name under the video and his commnents dimwit. It was posted by 
a proud dad whose kids were in my show. It is amazing that it got that many 
views considering the small number of friends it was intended for. Look at the 
kids engaged by music created before their father was born.

 The CNN video he refers to has a broken link. Here it is:
 Curtis Blues Busking
 Curtis Blues Busking 
Acoustic Blues preservationist Curtis Blues performs in Old Town Alexandria, VA 
to keep the blues alive.

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 





 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues.
 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues. 
Went to visit the Grandparents in old town, and ran into Curtis Blues, before 
we knew the kids were part of the band. See the CNN piece on him at the bottom 

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 





---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

I doubt you listened to the stuff he put on youtube.  This is merry 
entertainment for street-corners and parties

M:Where exactly do you imagine guys like Robert Johnson performed?

 and has nothing to do with art however much Curtis tries to convince himself 
of the contrary.

---In,  wrote :

 Might as well eat your heart out Nabby, your limited opinion about the nature 
of art does not count: 

 Curtis Blues
 Curtis Blues 
Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society. His musical programs 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society.

 Note that the link goes to the Arts Council of Fairfax County, Virginia. 
Curtis is a recognised artist, and you just have a bee in your bonnet. Wake up. 
I do not see why Curtis needs to change his view to support your myopic view of 
the world. I think Curtis is an artist, and I normally do not listen to blues 
music, though I have a certain fondness for Billie Holiday.


---In,  wrote :

You claim you produce art. I claim you produce noise and that your ego is out 
of control. It's not complicated.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 It's obvious by now that you won't change

 M: You mean adapt a non native English speakers' misuse of the word for my job 
title in every organizations that books my shows? That was never on the table. 
What you need to do if you want to use English is to brush up on the 
adjectives. That let's you apply whatever personal standards you want to 
personalize a generic word like "art." For example you could say that is 
groundbreaking art or shitty art, or even life changing, mind boggling, 
awesomenest ever art. But you don't get to m

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Here's someone I once giged with though a bit of a nightmare for any 
drummer as he tended to drop beats. :-D

On 10/30/2014 10:37 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

That would be one weird film :-)

Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues. 


Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues. 

Went to visit the Grandparents in old town, and ran into Curtis Blues, 
before we knew the kids were part of the band. See the CNN piece on 
him at the bottom ...

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

---In,  wrote :

Now I wonder what Nabby would think of your music if David Lynch 
decided to use a cut of it in a film? ;-)

On 10/30/2014 08:17 AM, curtisdeltablues@... 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

What happened to the guy who said that the conversation was over
from your side? I guess you are seeking some closure you haven't
gotten yet. Let's see if I can help.

  wrote :

You claim you produce art.

M: I claim that my music is my art. I make living as a musical
artist. Because you erroneously conflate this with me saying I
make life changing, ground breaking, masterful, mind blowing, art
you have contrived something to criticize me for beyond offering
your personal opinion about a video you saw. I simply say that
this is MY art. It is how I represent my inner life into a form
of sound that is shared with others. The people who pay me to
perform it and who buy my CDs like it, I acknowledge that you
have weighed in that you don't like the videos you saw of my
performance, and most people say :" Who?"

N: I claim you produce noise

M: What aspect of this point do you think I have missed? I get
it, you have an unfavorable opinion about a video you saw. Check.
Message received. You seem to be looking for a different outcome
than me recognizing your opinion. Do you think perhaps I might
use your opinion to stop working in this field? Do you think with
your feedback I will change my musical focus, take up the violin

I have enjoyed this chat as a writing prompt for considering this
public job I do. What you don't seem to realize, as you strive to
influence me with your opinion, is that before I ever stand in
front of other people to judge my art, I have already spent
countless hours passing the audition of my toughest critic, me.
Any performing artist spends 99 per cent of his or her time alone
mastering their art to their own satisfaction. I play the way I
like, that is why I am at peace with people who don't like it. Of
course I don't usually hear from them so this has been a bit of
an opportunity for reflection and I thank you for that.

And despite your persistently curmudgeonly view of my work, I get
a lot of positive feedback because I put on excellent shows. I
work hard at it like most conscientious people in their jobs and
I get the job done. Performing is a weird line of work in that
your job performance review is simultaneous to you doing the job.
But even if audiences took your POV and rejected my music, I
would still be playing it this way. I would just not be getting
paid for it! Like most people with a desire to express themselves
through art,  I would only perform for myself and whatever
girlfriend I was torturing with my music at the time. The
positive or negative feedback from other people doesn't change an
artist's need to express their inner life the way they do.

You don't seem to understand this fact about artists. So instead
you are caught up in a world of thinking your harsh statements
should affect me in some way. Art doesn't come from that place
you can reach with your words. It isn't sustained by people
appreciating what an artist produces. Artists live in the world
beyond all the rise and fall of outer opinions. Many great
artists were only appreciate after their death, Robert Johnson
included. He was not popular in his day. He was struggling till
the day he died.

That is one of the many reasons I devote my life to bringing the
gift of the arts into schools. It is a gift of self expression
that can infuse a life with meaning and beauty. So I accept your
opinion, but reject your view of art as an elitist activity for a
certain few who are deemed (who deems them again, you?) worthy of
using the word art. You are on the wrong side of the hater fence
Nabbie. Not about my music, you are welcome to your judgement,
but about the concept 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
--In,  wrote :

 Funny, you compare yourself to Robert Johnson now ?

 M: No but you were making fun of me playing in he same places and conditions 
he did.

 N: One wonders what else is wrong with you other than a oversized ego.

 M: Does one?


 Judy repeatedly call you a blatant a liar,

 M: She did indeed, it was part of her ad hominem attack instead of rational 
argument program.

 N: but you are fooling only yourself after all those years saying to yourself 
"I create art" over and over again. All others has to do is watch the videos 
you for some unknown reason and voluntarily posted on youtube, like this one 
that in 5 years has reached a surprising 506 viewers:

 M: Look at the name under the video and his commnents dimwit. It was posted by 
a proud dad whose kids were in my show. It is amazing that it got that many 
views considering the small number of friends it was intended for. Look at the 
kids engaged by music created before their father was born.

 The CNN video he refers to has a broken link. Here it is:
 Curtis Blues Busking 
 Curtis Blues Busking 
Acoustic Blues preservationist Curtis Blues performs in Old Town Alexandria, VA 
to keep the blues alive.
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues. 
 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues. 
Went to visit the Grandparents in old town, and ran into Curtis Blues, before 
we knew the kids were part of the band. See the CNN piece on him at the bottom 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

I doubt you listened to the stuff he put on youtube.  This is merry 
entertainment for street-corners and parties

M:Where exactly do you imagine guys like Robert Johnson performed?

 and has nothing to do with art however much Curtis tries to convince himself 
of the contrary.

---In,  wrote :

 Might as well eat your heart out Nabby, your limited opinion about the nature 
of art does not count: 

 Curtis Blues 
 Curtis Blues 
Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society. His musical programs 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society.

 Note that the link goes to the Arts Council of Fairfax County, Virginia. 
Curtis is a recognised artist, and you just have a bee in your bonnet. Wake up. 
I do not see why Curtis needs to change his view to support your myopic view of 
the world. I think Curtis is an artist, and I normally do not listen to blues 
music, though I have a certain fondness for Billie Holiday.


---In,  wrote :

You claim you produce art. I claim you produce noise and that your ego is out 
of control. It's not complicated.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 It's obvious by now that you won't change

 M: You mean adapt a non native English speakers' misuse of the word for my job 
title in every organizations that books my shows? That was never on the table. 
What you need to do if you want to use English is to brush up on the 
adjectives. That let's you apply whatever personal standards you want to 
personalize a generic word like "art." For example you could say that is 
groundbreaking art or shitty art, or even life changing, mind boggling, 
awesomenest ever art. But you don't get to miss-appropriate a generic term for 
a human activity as if your taste is the definition of the word. Again, that is 
where adjectives allow you to personalize your feelings about the activity.

 N:will continue to try to convince yourself by saying, dammit: "I'm an artist, 
I'm an artist, I'm an artist, I'm an artist" forever till you pop. 


 M: Actually, just like Maharishi claimed, I didn't name myself that, this is 
how the arts groups refer to me as so people know what I do when they want to 
hire me. 


 N: Good luck with that. 


 M: Having excellent luck with that, thanks.


 N: This "discussion" has hereby ended

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread nablusoss1008
That would be one weird film :-)
 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues. 
 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues. 
Went to visit the Grandparents in old town, and ran into Curtis Blues, before 
we knew the kids were part of the band. See the CNN piece on him at the bottom 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 Now I wonder what Nabby would think of your music if David Lynch decided to 
use a cut of it in a film? ;-) 
 On 10/30/2014 08:17 AM, curtisdeltablues@... mailto:curtisdeltablues@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   What happened to the guy who said that the conversation was over from your 
side? I guess you are seeking some closure you haven't gotten yet. Let's see if 
I can help.
 ---In, wrote :

 You claim you produce art.
 M: I claim that my music is my art. I make  living as a musical artist. 
Because you erroneously conflate this with me saying I make life changing, 
ground breaking, masterful, mind blowing, art you have contrived something to 
criticize me for beyond offering your personal opinion about a video you saw. I 
simply say that this is MY art. It is how I represent my inner life into a form 
of sound that is shared with others. The people who pay me to perform it and 
who buy my CDs like it, I acknowledge that you have weighed in that you don't 
like the videos you saw of my performance, and most people say :" Who?" 
 N: I claim you produce noise
 M: What aspect of this point do you think I have missed? I get it, you have an 
unfavorable opinion about a video you saw. Check. Message received. You seem to 
be looking for a different outcome than me recognizing your opinion. Do you 
think perhaps I might use your opinion to stop working in this field? Do you 
think with your feedback I will change my musical focus, take up the violin 
 I have enjoyed this chat as a writing prompt for considering this public job I 
do. What you don't seem to realize, as you strive to influence me with your 
opinion, is that before I ever stand in front of other people to judge my art, 
I have already spent countless hours passing the audition of my toughest 
critic, me. Any performing artist spends 99 per cent of his or her time alone 
mastering their art to their own satisfaction. I play the way I like, that is 
why I am at peace with people who don't like it. Of course I don't usually hear 
from them so this has been a bit of an opportunity for reflection and I thank 
you for that. 
 And despite your persistently curmudgeonly view of my work, I get a lot of 
positive feedback because I put on excellent shows. I work hard at it like most 
conscientious people in their jobs and I get the job done. Performing is a 
weird line of work in that your job performance review is simultaneous to you 
doing the job. But even if audiences took your POV and rejected my music, I 
would still be playing it this way. I would just not be getting paid for it! 
Like most people with a desire to express themselves through art,  I would only 
perform for myself and whatever girlfriend I was torturing with my music at the 
time. The positive or negative feedback from other people doesn't change an 
artist's need to express their inner life the way they do.
 You don't seem to understand this fact about artists. So instead you are 
caught up in a world of thinking your harsh statements should affect me in some 
way. Art doesn't come from that place you can reach with your words. It isn't 
sustained by people appreciating what an artist produces. Artists live in the 
world beyond all the rise and fall of outer opinions. Many great artists were 
only appreciate after their death, Robert Johnson included. He was not popular 
in his day. He was struggling till the day he died.
 That is one of the many reasons I devote my life to bringing the gift of the 
arts into schools. It is a gift of self expression that can infuse a life with 
meaning and beauty. So I accept your opinion, but reject your view of art as an 
elitist activity for a certain few who are deemed (who deems them again, you?) 
worthy of using the word art. You are on the wrong side of the hater fence 
Nabbie. Not about my music, you are welcome to your judgement, but about the 
concept of how the activity of producing art at any level enriches the human 
spirit. It exists way beyond the ability for you to influence. It would enrich 
your own life if you could step out of the judgmental cage of your 
greatness-or-nothing view.
 N: and that your ego is out of control. It's not complicated.
 M: Here you are just being silly and trying to be mean. It is complicated. I 
have a realistic view of wher

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread nablusoss1008
Funny, you compare yourself to Robert Johnson now ? One wonders what else is 
wrong with you other than a oversized ego. Judy repeatedly call you a blatant a 
liar, but you are fooling only yourself after all those years saying to 
yourself "I create art" over and over again. All others has to do is watch the 
videos you for some unknown reason and voluntarily posted on youtube, like this 
one that in 5 years has reached a surprising 506 viewers:


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

I doubt you listened to the stuff he put on youtube.  This is merry 
entertainment for street-corners and parties

M:Where exactly do you imagine guys like Robert Johnson performed?

 and has nothing to do with art however much Curtis tries to convince himself 
of the contrary.

---In,  wrote :

 Might as well eat your heart out Nabby, your limited opinion about the nature 
of art does not count: 

 Curtis Blues 
 Curtis Blues 
Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society. His musical programs 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society.

 Note that the link goes to the Arts Council of Fairfax County, Virginia. 
Curtis is a recognised artist, and you just have a bee in your bonnet. Wake up. 
I do not see why Curtis needs to change his view to support your myopic view of 
the world. I think Curtis is an artist, and I normally do not listen to blues 
music, though I have a certain fondness for Billie Holiday.


---In,  wrote :

You claim you produce art. I claim you produce noise and that your ego is out 
of control. It's not complicated.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 It's obvious by now that you won't change

 M: You mean adapt a non native English speakers' misuse of the word for my job 
title in every organizations that books my shows? That was never on the table. 
What you need to do if you want to use English is to brush up on the 
adjectives. That let's you apply whatever personal standards you want to 
personalize a generic word like "art." For example you could say that is 
groundbreaking art or shitty art, or even life changing, mind boggling, 
awesomenest ever art. But you don't get to miss-appropriate a generic term for 
a human activity as if your taste is the definition of the word. Again, that is 
where adjectives allow you to personalize your feelings about the activity.

 N:will continue to try to convince yourself by saying, dammit: "I'm an artist, 
I'm an artist, I'm an artist, I'm an artist" forever till you pop. 


 M: Actually, just like Maharishi claimed, I didn't name myself that, this is 
how the arts groups refer to me as so people know what I do when they want to 
hire me. 


 N: Good luck with that. 


 M: Having excellent luck with that, thanks.


 N: This "discussion" has hereby ended from my side.

 M: This discussion was never open from YOUR side. We both know that.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 What is art and what isn't always is a hot theme and will probably never end.

M: Popular among people who don't produce any. Most of my social life is with 
artists and the topic has never come up.

N: And there will always be greedy persons who try to capitalize on that word 
to make a living, happens everywhere.

M: I know those artists raking in the cash, big problem. I share your disdain 
for people trying to make a living. I mean why aren't they just eating brioche? 

I think the problem is a lack of a central control over the use of the term to 
describe this human activity. I'm thinking something along the lines of a 
re-certification course that they can pay for to use the word "art." (Patent 

 N: My statement about your music is my personal and passionate opinion after 
having seen the videos you posted.

M: Gosh Nabs, I don't know how to tell you this but... inspiring people to 
personal passionate feelings IS the goal of my art. Just say'n... 
 ♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby Click to listen at CDBaby
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In Fairfield

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
So what do you consider art? A film where you watch a guy eat a can of peaches 
for half an hour and nothing else happens? 

 From: nablusoss1008 
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness


I doubt you listened to the stuff he put on youtube.  This is merry 
entertainment for street-corners and parties and has nothing to do with art 
however much Curtis tries to convince himself of the contrary.

---In,  wrote :

Might as well eat your heart out Nabby, your limited opinion about the nature 
of art does not count:

Curtis Blues
   Curtis Blues  
Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society. His musical programs 
View on Preview by Yahoo
 Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society.

Note that the link goes to the Arts Council of Fairfax County, Virginia. Curtis 
is a recognised artist, and you just have a bee in your bonnet. Wake up. I do 
not see why Curtis needs to change his view to support your myopic view of the 
world. I think Curtis is an artist, and I normally do not listen to blues 
music, though I have a certain fondness for Billie Holiday.


---In,  wrote :

You claim you produce art. I claim you produce noise and that your ego is out 
of control. It's not complicated.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

It's obvious by now that you won't change

M: You mean adapt a non native English speakers' misuse of the word for my job 
title in every organizations that books my shows? That was never on the table. 
What you need to do if you want to use English is to brush up on the 
adjectives. That let's you apply whatever personal standards you want to 
personalize a generic word like "art." For example you could say that is 
groundbreaking art or shitty art, or even life changing, mind boggling, 
awesomenest ever art. But you don't get to miss-appropriate a generic term for 
a human activity as if your taste is the definition of the word. Again, that is 
where adjectives allow you to personalize your feelings about the activity.

N:will continue to try to convince yourself by saying, dammit: "I'm an artist, 
I'm an artist, I'm an artist, I'm an artist" forever till you pop. 

M: Actually, just like Maharishi claimed, I didn't name myself that, this is 
how the arts groups refer to me as so people know what I do when they want to 
hire me. 

N: Good luck with that. 

M: Having excellent luck with that, thanks.

N: This "discussion" has hereby ended from my side.

M: This discussion was never open from YOUR side. We both know that.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

What is art and what isn't always is a hot theme and will probably never end.

M: Popular among people who don't produce any. Most of my social life is with 
artists and the topic has never come up.

N: And there will always be greedy persons who try to capitalize on that word 
to make a living, happens everywhere.

M: I know those artists raking in the cash, big problem. I share your disdain 
for people trying to make a living. I mean why aren't they just eating brioche? 

I think the problem is a lack of a central control over the use of the term to 
describe this human activity. I'm thinking something along the lines of a 
re-certification course that they can pay for to use the word "art." (Patent 

 N: My statement about your music is my personal and passionate opinion after 
having seen the videos you posted.

M: Gosh Nabs, I don't know how to tell you this but... inspiring people to 
personal passionate feelings IS the goal of my art. Just say'n...

   ♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby  
Click to listen at CDBaby  
View on Preview by Yahoo

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

That's what Cartier-Bresson said of his work during numerous interviews. 
Ofcourse his work is artistic, he simply had other and higher ideas about what 
art is, ideas he tried to fulfill late in life, nothing of which came close to 
much of what he produced with a camera. 
The work of Edward Steichen is wonderful and is reaching astronomical prices 
these days.
"Calling Curtis an amateur musician is just like calling yourself a 
non-professional photographer." 
If he makes a living from it he obviously is a professional, is&#

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread nablusoss1008

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

---In,  wrote :

I doubt you listened to the stuff he put on youtube.  This is merry 
entertainment for street-corners and parties

M:Where exactly do you imagine guys like Robert Johnson performed?

This entire thread could be reduced to this one statement from Nabby, and this 
perfect response from Curtis. 

Utter, complete ignorance meets real knowledge and experience on the Internet 
and, rather than being open to learning from it, tries to put it down. It 
doesn't end well for the ignorant one. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Thanks to anartaxius for posting this and for your inspiring words Ann. I 
believe that blues gives voice to the indomitable human spirit, so it is as 
relevant today as when it was created. It has gone all over the world to shape 
modern popular music, and fills my life with meaning every day. Blues was the 
party music of its day, discussing relationships, having fun and why my 
kind-hearted woman or man, studies evil all the time!  Facing the ups and downs 
of life with the equanimity of humor. I liked how you said it: "music as real 

 Keep up the good work, Curtis. Keep singing, and playing and making music 
about life, and people and all the trouble and the joy they can get themselves 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Might as well eat your heart out Nabby, your limited opinion about the nature 
of art does not count: 

 Curtis Blues
 Curtis Blues 
Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society. His musical programs 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society.

 Note that the link goes to the Arts Council of Fairfax County, Virginia. 
Curtis is a recognised artist, and you just have a bee in your bonnet. Wake up. 
I do not see why Curtis needs to change his view to support your myopic view of 
the world. I think Curtis is an artist, and I normally do not listen to blues 
music, though I have a certain fondness for Billie Holiday.

 Cool, nice find. Curtis is, of course, an artist. Whether Nabby likes his 
music or not is Nabby's business. Nabby might hate all Blues music, not just 
Curtis'. But Curtis passionately pursues his art and this has resulted in his 
passion spilling over into many aspects of his life including his teaching and 
this is great. I also love the fact that his preferred musical genre is a sort 
of step into the past where he then becomes a sort of preserver of rare and 
beautiful things - a curator of sorts. This music is very much worth preserving 
and promoting as it speaks so much to history and the human condition. Curtis' 
preferred style of blues reveal much about life and human beings and their 
perpetual struggles as well as their small victories. Music as real life.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]

---In,  wrote :

I doubt you listened to the stuff he put on youtube.  This is merry 
entertainment for street-corners and parties

M:Where exactly do you imagine guys like Robert Johnson performed?

 and has nothing to do with art however much Curtis tries to convince himself 
of the contrary.

---In,  wrote :

 Might as well eat your heart out Nabby, your limited opinion about the nature 
of art does not count: 

 Curtis Blues 
 Curtis Blues 
Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society. His musical programs 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society.

 Note that the link goes to the Arts Council of Fairfax County, Virginia. 
Curtis is a recognised artist, and you just have a bee in your bonnet. Wake up. 
I do not see why Curtis needs to change his view to support your myopic view of 
the world. I think Curtis is an artist, and I normally do not listen to blues 
music, though I have a certain fondness for Billie Holiday.


---In,  wrote :

You claim you produce art. I claim you produce noise and that your ego is out 
of control. It's not complicated.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 It's obvious by now that you won't change

 M: You mean adapt a non native English speakers' misuse of the word for my job 
title in every organizations that books my shows? That was never on the table. 
What you need to do if you want to use English is to brush up on the 
adjectives. That let's you apply whatever personal standards you want to 
personalize a generic word like "art." For example you could say that is 
groundbreaking art or shitty art, or even life changing, mind boggling, 
awesomenest ever art. But you don't get to miss-appropriate a generic term for 
a human activity as if your taste is the definition of the word. Again, that is 
where adjectives allow you to personalize your feelings about the activity.

 N:will continue to try to convince yourself by saying, dammit: "I'm an artist, 
I'm an artist, I'm an artist, I'm an artist" forever till you pop. 


 M: Actually, just like Maharishi claimed, I didn't name myself that, this is 
how the arts groups refer to me as so people know what I do when they want to 
hire me. 


 N: Good luck with that. 


 M: Having excellent luck with that, thanks.


 N: This "discussion" has hereby ended from my side.

 M: This discussion was never open from YOUR side. We both know that.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 What is art and what isn't always is a hot theme and will probably never end.

M: Popular among people who don't produce any. Most of my social life is with 
artists and the topic has never come up.

N: And there will always be greedy persons who try to capitalize on that word 
to make a living, happens everywhere.

M: I know those artists raking in the cash, big problem. I share your disdain 
for people trying to make a living. I mean why aren't they just eating brioche? 

I think the problem is a lack of a central control over the use of the term to 
describe this human activity. I'm thinking something along the lines of a 
re-certification course that they can pay for to use the word "art." (Patent 

 N: My statement about your music is my personal and passionate opinion after 
having seen the videos you posted.

M: Gosh Nabs, I don't know how to tell you this but... inspiring people to 
personal passionate feelings IS the goal of my art. Just say'n... 
 ♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby Click to listen at CDBaby
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 That's what Cartier-Bresson said of his work during numerous interviews. 
Ofcourse his work is artistic, he simply had other and higher ideas about what 
art is, ideas he tried to fulfill late in life, nothing of which came close to 
much of what he produced with a camera. 
 The work of Edward Steichen is wonderful and is reaching astronomical prices 
these days.
 "Calling Curtis an amateur musician is just like calling yourself a 
non-professional photographer." 
 If he makes a living from it he obviously is a

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 --In,  wrote :

 Now I wonder what Nabby would think of your music if David Lynch decided to 
use a cut of it in a film? ;-) 

M: That would make his head explode! Seeing Paul Maccartney playing a cigar box 
guitar recently was great. The primitive stuff still has a voice today.

 On 10/30/2014 08:17 AM, curtisdeltablues@... mailto:curtisdeltablues@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   What happened to the guy who said that the conversation was over from your 
side? I guess you are seeking some closure you haven't gotten yet. Let's see if 
I can help.
 ---In, wrote :

 You claim you produce art.
 M: I claim that my music is my art. I make  living as a musical artist. 
Because you erroneously conflate this with me saying I make life changing, 
ground breaking, masterful, mind blowing, art you have contrived something to 
criticize me for beyond offering your personal opinion about a video you saw. I 
simply say that this is MY art. It is how I represent my inner life into a form 
of sound that is shared with others. The people who pay me to perform it and 
who buy my CDs like it, I acknowledge that you have weighed in that you don't 
like the videos you saw of my performance, and most people say :" Who?" 
 N: I claim you produce noise
 M: What aspect of this point do you think I have missed? I get it, you have an 
unfavorable opinion about a video you saw. Check. Message received. You seem to 
be looking for a different outcome than me recognizing your opinion. Do you 
think perhaps I might use your opinion to stop working in this field? Do you 
think with your feedback I will change my musical focus, take up the violin 
 I have enjoyed this chat as a writing prompt for considering this public job I 
do. What you don't seem to realize, as you strive to influence me with your 
opinion, is that before I ever stand in front of other people to judge my art, 
I have already spent countless hours passing the audition of my toughest 
critic, me. Any performing artist spends 99 per cent of his or her time alone 
mastering their art to their own satisfaction. I play the way I like, that is 
why I am at peace with people who don't like it. Of course I don't usually hear 
from them so this has been a bit of an opportunity for reflection and I thank 
you for that. 
 And despite your persistently curmudgeonly view of my work, I get a lot of 
positive feedback because I put on excellent shows. I work hard at it like most 
conscientious people in their jobs and I get the job done. Performing is a 
weird line of work in that your job performance review is simultaneous to you 
doing the job. But even if audiences took your POV and rejected my music, I 
would still be playing it this way. I would just not be getting paid for it! 
Like most people with a desire to express themselves through art,  I would only 
perform for myself and whatever girlfriend I was torturing with my music at the 
time. The positive or negative feedback from other people doesn't change an 
artist's need to express their inner life the way they do.
 You don't seem to understand this fact about artists. So instead you are 
caught up in a world of thinking your harsh statements should affect me in some 
way. Art doesn't come from that place you can reach with your words. It isn't 
sustained by people appreciating what an artist produces. Artists live in the 
world beyond all the rise and fall of outer opinions. Many great artists were 
only appreciate after their death, Robert Johnson included. He was not popular 
in his day. He was struggling till the day he died.
 That is one of the many reasons I devote my life to bringing the gift of the 
arts into schools. It is a gift of self expression that can infuse a life with 
meaning and beauty. So I accept your opinion, but reject your view of art as an 
elitist activity for a certain few who are deemed (who deems them again, you?) 
worthy of using the word art. You are on the wrong side of the hater fence 
Nabbie. Not about my music, you are welcome to your judgement, but about the 
concept of how the activity of producing art at any level enriches the human 
spirit. It exists way beyond the ability for you to influence. It would enrich 
your own life if you could step out of the judgmental cage of your 
greatness-or-nothing view.
 N: and that your ego is out of control. It's not complicated.
 M: Here you are just being silly and trying to be mean. It is complicated. I 
have a realistic view of where my artistic contributions fit into the history 
of my genre. Do you know who is the most humble concerning their own musical 
talent and Robert Johnson's greatness? The guy who  plays his music  every day 
with respect and wonder that such an artist might be forgotten in this 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Now I wonder what Nabby would think of your music if David Lynch decided 
to use a cut of it in a film? ;-)

On 10/30/2014 08:17 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

What happened to the guy who said that the conversation was over from 
your side? I guess you are seeking some closure you haven't gotten 
yet. Let's see if I can help.

---In,  wrote :

You claim you produce art.

M: I claim that my music is my art. I make  living as a musical 
artist. Because you erroneously conflate this with me saying I make 
life changing, ground breaking, masterful, mind blowing, art you have 
contrived something to criticize me for beyond offering your personal 
opinion about a video you saw. I simply say that this is MY art. It is 
how I represent my inner life into a form of sound that is shared with 
others. The people who pay me to perform it and who buy my CDs like 
it, I acknowledge that you have weighed in that you don't like the 
videos you saw of my performance, and most people say :" Who?"

N: I claim you produce noise

M: What aspect of this point do you think I have missed? I get it, you 
have an unfavorable opinion about a video you saw. Check. Message 
received. You seem to be looking for a different outcome than me 
recognizing your opinion. Do you think perhaps I might use your 
opinion to stop working in this field? Do you think with your feedback 
I will change my musical focus, take up the violin perhaps?

I have enjoyed this chat as a writing prompt for considering this 
public job I do. What you don't seem to realize, as you strive to 
influence me with your opinion, is that before I ever stand in front 
of other people to judge my art, I have already spent countless hours 
passing the audition of my toughest critic, me. Any performing artist 
spends 99 per cent of his or her time alone mastering their art to 
their own satisfaction. I play the way I like, that is why I am at 
peace with people who don't like it. Of course I don't usually hear 
from them so this has been a bit of an opportunity for reflection and 
I thank you for that.

And despite your persistently curmudgeonly view of my work, I get a 
lot of positive feedback because I put on excellent shows. I work hard 
at it like most conscientious people in their jobs and I get the job 
done. Performing is a weird line of work in that your job performance 
review is simultaneous to you doing the job. But even if audiences 
took your POV and rejected my music, I would still be playing it this 
way. I would just not be getting paid for it! Like most people with a 
desire to express themselves through art,  I would only perform for 
myself and whatever girlfriend I was torturing with my music at the 
time. The positive or negative feedback from other people doesn't 
change an artist's need to express their inner life the way they do.

You don't seem to understand this fact about artists. So instead you 
are caught up in a world of thinking your harsh statements should 
affect me in some way. Art doesn't come from that place you can reach 
with your words. It isn't sustained by people appreciating what an 
artist produces. Artists live in the world beyond all the rise and 
fall of outer opinions. Many great artists were only appreciate after 
their death, Robert Johnson included. He was not popular in his day. 
He was struggling till the day he died.

That is one of the many reasons I devote my life to bringing the gift 
of the arts into schools. It is a gift of self expression that can 
infuse a life with meaning and beauty. So I accept your opinion, but 
reject your view of art as an elitist activity for a certain few who 
are deemed (who deems them again, you?) worthy of using the word art. 
You are on the wrong side of the hater fence Nabbie. Not about my 
music, you are welcome to your judgement, but about the concept of how 
the activity of producing art at any level enriches the human spirit. 
It exists way beyond the ability for you to influence. It would enrich 
your own life if you could step out of the judgmental cage of your 
greatness-or-nothing view.

N: and that your ego is out of control. It's not complicated.

M: Here you are just being silly and trying to be mean. It is 
complicated. I have a realistic view of where my artistic 
contributions fit into the history of my genre. Do you know who is the 
most humble concerning their own musical talent and Robert Johnson's 
greatness? The guy who  plays his music  every day with respect and 
wonder that such an artist might be forgotten in this generation.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Thanks to anartaxius for posting this and for your inspiring words Ann. I 
believe that blues gives voice to the indomitable human spirit, so it is as 
relevant today as when it was created. It has gone all over the world to shape 
modern popular music, and fills my life with meaning every day. Blues was the 
party music of its day, discussing relationships, having fun and why my 
kind-hearted woman or man, studies evil all the time!  Facing the ups and downs 
of life with the equanimity of humor. I liked how you said it: "music as real 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Might as well eat your heart out Nabby, your limited opinion about the nature 
of art does not count: 

 Curtis Blues
 Curtis Blues 
Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society. His musical programs 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society.

 Note that the link goes to the Arts Council of Fairfax County, Virginia. 
Curtis is a recognised artist, and you just have a bee in your bonnet. Wake up. 
I do not see why Curtis needs to change his view to support your myopic view of 
the world. I think Curtis is an artist, and I normally do not listen to blues 
music, though I have a certain fondness for Billie Holiday.

 Cool, nice find. Curtis is, of course, an artist. Whether Nabby likes his 
music or not is Nabby's business. Nabby might hate all Blues music, not just 
Curtis'. But Curtis passionately pursues his art and this has resulted in his 
passion spilling over into many aspects of his life including his teaching and 
this is great. I also love the fact that his preferred musical genre is a sort 
of step into the past where he then becomes a sort of preserver of rare and 
beautiful things - a curator of sorts. This music is very much worth preserving 
and promoting as it speaks so much to history and the human condition. Curtis' 
preferred style of blues reveal much about life and human beings and their 
perpetual struggles as well as their small victories. Music as real life.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread nablusoss1008

I doubt you listened to the stuff he put on youtube.  This is merry 
entertainment for street-corners and parties and has nothing to do with art 
however much Curtis tries to convince himself of the contrary.

---In,  wrote :

 Might as well eat your heart out Nabby, your limited opinion about the nature 
of art does not count: 

 Curtis Blues 
 Curtis Blues 
Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society. His musical programs 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society.

 Note that the link goes to the Arts Council of Fairfax County, Virginia. 
Curtis is a recognised artist, and you just have a bee in your bonnet. Wake up. 
I do not see why Curtis needs to change his view to support your myopic view of 
the world. I think Curtis is an artist, and I normally do not listen to blues 
music, though I have a certain fondness for Billie Holiday.


---In,  wrote :

You claim you produce art. I claim you produce noise and that your ego is out 
of control. It's not complicated.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 It's obvious by now that you won't change

 M: You mean adapt a non native English speakers' misuse of the word for my job 
title in every organizations that books my shows? That was never on the table. 
What you need to do if you want to use English is to brush up on the 
adjectives. That let's you apply whatever personal standards you want to 
personalize a generic word like "art." For example you could say that is 
groundbreaking art or shitty art, or even life changing, mind boggling, 
awesomenest ever art. But you don't get to miss-appropriate a generic term for 
a human activity as if your taste is the definition of the word. Again, that is 
where adjectives allow you to personalize your feelings about the activity.

 N:will continue to try to convince yourself by saying, dammit: "I'm an artist, 
I'm an artist, I'm an artist, I'm an artist" forever till you pop. 


 M: Actually, just like Maharishi claimed, I didn't name myself that, this is 
how the arts groups refer to me as so people know what I do when they want to 
hire me. 


 N: Good luck with that. 


 M: Having excellent luck with that, thanks.


 N: This "discussion" has hereby ended from my side.

 M: This discussion was never open from YOUR side. We both know that.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 What is art and what isn't always is a hot theme and will probably never end.

M: Popular among people who don't produce any. Most of my social life is with 
artists and the topic has never come up.

N: And there will always be greedy persons who try to capitalize on that word 
to make a living, happens everywhere.

M: I know those artists raking in the cash, big problem. I share your disdain 
for people trying to make a living. I mean why aren't they just eating brioche? 

I think the problem is a lack of a central control over the use of the term to 
describe this human activity. I'm thinking something along the lines of a 
re-certification course that they can pay for to use the word "art." (Patent 

 N: My statement about your music is my personal and passionate opinion after 
having seen the videos you posted.

M: Gosh Nabs, I don't know how to tell you this but... inspiring people to 
personal passionate feelings IS the goal of my art. Just say'n... 
 ♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby Click to listen at CDBaby
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 That's what Cartier-Bresson said of his work during numerous interviews. 
Ofcourse his work is artistic, he simply had other and higher ideas about what 
art is, ideas he tried to fulfill late in life, nothing of which came close to 
much of what he produced with a camera. 
 The work of Edward Steichen is wonderful and is reaching astronomical prices 
these days.
 "Calling Curtis an amateur musician is just like calling yourself a 
non-professional photographer." 
 If he makes a living from it he obviously is a professional, is's his claim 
that he creates art that piss me off. In my ears it's mostly noise and believe 
me, I like m

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: "Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]" 

To: ""  
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness

Ha ha ha ha! Certified Arts Integration performer!!! That's better than being a 
RE-certified Governor!!! 

Pays better, too. 

And, there is the added benefit that when you tell people what you do for a 
living, when you walk away as an artist they're not snickering at you behind 
your back, saying, "Could you *believe* that idiot? He actually believes that 
he's a 'Certified Governor' of something he calls the 'Age of Enlightenment'. 
What a nut job."

Then again, even being snickered at as a 'Certified Governor' is better than 
the uncontrollable laughter you'd hear behind you if you had told them you were 
a 'Raja' of the 'Global Country of Enlightenment." Possibly the ONLY thing 
Maharishi excelled at was creating the dumbest job titles in human history.  :-)

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness

Might as well eat your heart out Nabby, your limited opinion about the nature 
of art does not count:

Curtis Blues
   Curtis Blues  
Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society. His musical programs 
View on Preview by Yahoo
 Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society.

Note that the link goes to the Arts Council of Fairfax County, Virginia. Curtis 
is a recognised artist, and you just have a bee in your bonnet. Wake up. I do 
not see why Curtis needs to change his view to support your myopic view of the 
world. I think Curtis is an artist, and I normally do not listen to blues 
music, though I have a certain fondness for Billie Holiday.


---In,  wrote :

You claim you produce art. I claim you produce noise and that your ego is out 
of control. It's not complicated.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

It's obvious by now that you won't change

M: You mean adapt a non native English speakers' misuse of the word for my job 
title in every organizations that books my shows? That was never on the table. 
What you need to do if you want to use English is to brush up on the 
adjectives. That let's you apply whatever personal standards you want to 
personalize a generic word like "art." For example you could say that is 
groundbreaking art or shitty art, or even life changing, mind boggling, 
awesomenest ever art. But you don't get to miss-appropriate a generic term for 
a human activity as if your taste is the definition of the word. Again, that is 
where adjectives allow you to personalize your feelings about the activity.

N:will continue to try to convince yourself by saying, dammit: "I'm an artist, 
I'm an artist, I'm an artist, I'm an artist" forever till you pop. 

M: Actually, just like Maharishi claimed, I didn't name myself that, this is 
how the arts groups refer to me as so people know what I do when they want to 
hire me. 

N: Good luck with that. 

M: Having excellent luck with that, thanks.

N: This "discussion" has hereby ended from my side.

M: This discussion was never open from YOUR side. We both know that.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

What is art and what isn't always is a hot theme and will probably never end.

M: Popular among people who don't produce any. Most of my social life is with 
artists and the topic has never come up.

N: And there will always be greedy persons who try to capitalize on that word 
to make a living, happens everywhere.

M: I know those artists raking in the cash, big problem. I share your disdain 
for people trying to make a
 living. I mean why aren't they just eating brioche? 

I think the problem is a lack of a central control over the use of the term to 
describe this human activity. I'm thinking something along the lines of a 
re-certification course that they can pay for to use the word "art." (Patent 

 N: My statement about your music is my personal and passionate opinion after 
having seen the videos you posted.

M: Gosh Nabs, I don't know how to tell you this but... inspiring people to 
personal passionate feelings IS the goal of my art. Just say'n...


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Ha ha ha ha! Certified Arts Integration performer!!! That's better than being a 
RE-certified Governor!!! 

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness

Might as well eat your heart out Nabby, your limited opinion about the nature 
of art does not count:

Curtis Blues
   Curtis Blues  
Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society. His musical programs 
View on Preview by Yahoo
 Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society.

Note that the link goes to the Arts Council of Fairfax County, Virginia. Curtis 
is a recognised artist, and you just have a bee in your bonnet. Wake up. I do 
not see why Curtis needs to change his view to support your myopic view of the 
world. I think Curtis is an artist, and I normally do not listen to blues 
music, though I have a certain fondness for Billie Holiday.


---In,  wrote :

You claim you produce art. I claim you produce noise and that your ego is out 
of control. It's not complicated.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

It's obvious by now that you won't change

M: You mean adapt a non native English speakers' misuse of the word for my job 
title in every organizations that books my shows? That was never on the table. 
What you need to do if you want to use English is to brush up on the 
adjectives. That let's you apply whatever personal standards you want to 
personalize a generic word like "art." For example you could say that is 
groundbreaking art or shitty art, or even life changing, mind boggling, 
awesomenest ever art. But you don't get to miss-appropriate a generic term for 
a human activity as if your taste is the definition of the word. Again, that is 
where adjectives allow you to personalize your feelings about the activity.

N:will continue to try to convince yourself by saying, dammit: "I'm an artist, 
I'm an artist, I'm an artist, I'm an artist" forever till you pop. 

M: Actually, just like Maharishi claimed, I didn't name myself that, this is 
how the arts groups refer to me as so people know what I do when they want to 
hire me. 

N: Good luck with that. 

M: Having excellent luck with that, thanks.

N: This "discussion" has hereby ended from my side.

M: This discussion was never open from YOUR side. We both know that.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

What is art and what isn't always is a hot theme and will probably never end.

M: Popular among people who don't produce any. Most of my social life is with 
artists and the topic has never come up.

N: And there will always be greedy persons who try to capitalize on that word 
to make a living, happens everywhere.

M: I know those artists raking in the cash, big problem. I share your disdain 
for people trying to make a living. I mean why aren't they just eating brioche? 

I think the problem is a lack of a central control over the use of the term to 
describe this human activity. I'm thinking something along the lines of a 
re-certification course that they can pay for to use the word "art." (Patent 

 N: My statement about your music is my personal and passionate opinion after 
having seen the videos you posted.

M: Gosh Nabs, I don't know how to tell you this but... inspiring people to 
personal passionate feelings IS the goal of my art. Just say'n...

   ♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby  
Click to listen at CDBaby  
View on Preview by Yahoo

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

That's what Cartier-Bresson said of his work during numerous interviews. 
Ofcourse his work is artistic, he simply had other and higher ideas about what 
art is, ideas he tried to fulfill late in life, nothing of which came close to 
much of what he produced with a camera. 
The work of Edward Steichen is wonderful and is reaching astronomical prices 
these days.
"Calling Curtis an amateur musician is just like calling yourself a 
non-professional photographer." 
If he makes a living from it he obviously is a professional, is's his claim 
that he creates art that piss me off. In my ears it's mostly noise and believe 
me, I like much music that by many is considered "noise" or weird Collection of 
Again, and for the last time; Cl

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]

---In,  wrote :

 Might as well eat your heart out Nabby, your limited opinion about the nature 
of art does not count: 

 Curtis Blues 
 Curtis Blues 
Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society. His musical programs 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society.

 Note that the link goes to the Arts Council of Fairfax County, Virginia. 
Curtis is a recognised artist, and you just have a bee in your bonnet. Wake up. 
I do not see why Curtis needs to change his view to support your myopic view of 
the world. I think Curtis is an artist, and I normally do not listen to blues 
music, though I have a certain fondness for Billie Holiday.

 Cool, nice find. Curtis is, of course, an artist. Whether Nabby likes his 
music or not is Nabby's business. Nabby might hate all Blues music, not just 
Curtis'. But Curtis passionately pursues his art and this has resulted in his 
passion spilling over into many aspects of his life including his teaching and 
this is great. I also love the fact that his preferred musical genre is a sort 
of step into the past where he then becomes a sort of preserver of rare and 
beautiful things - a curator of sorts. This music is very much worth preserving 
and promoting as it speaks so much to history and the human condition. Curtis' 
preferred style of blues reveal much about life and human beings and their 
perpetual struggles as well as their small victories. Music as real life.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
What happened to the guy who said that the conversation was over from your 
side? I guess you are seeking some closure you haven't gotten yet. Let's see if 
I can help.

---In,  wrote :
You claim you produce art.

M: I claim that my music is my art. I make  living as a musical artist. Because 
you erroneously conflate this with me saying I make life changing, ground 
breaking, masterful, mind blowing, art you have contrived something to 
criticize me for beyond offering your personal opinion about a video you saw. I 
simply say that this is MY art. It is how I represent my inner life into a form 
of sound that is shared with others. The people who pay me to perform it and 
who buy my CDs like it, I acknowledge that you have weighed in that you don't 
like the videos you saw of my performance, and most people say :" Who?" 

N: I claim you produce noise

M: What aspect of this point do you think I have missed? I get it, you have an 
unfavorable opinion about a video you saw. Check. Message received. You seem to 
be looking for a different outcome than me recognizing your opinion. Do you 
think perhaps I might use your opinion to stop working in this field? Do you 
think with your feedback I will change my musical focus, take up the violin 

I have enjoyed this chat as a writing prompt for considering this public job I 
do. What you don't seem to realize, as you strive to influence me with your 
opinion, is that before I ever stand in front of other people to judge my art, 
I have already spent countless hours passing the audition of my toughest 
critic, me. Any performing artist spends 99 per cent of his or her time alone 
mastering their art to their own satisfaction. I play the way I like, that is 
why I am at peace with people who don't like it. Of course I don't usually hear 
from them so this has been a bit of an opportunity for reflection and I thank 
you for that. 

And despite your persistently curmudgeonly view of my work, I get a lot of 
positive feedback because I put on excellent shows. I work hard at it like most 
conscientious people in their jobs and I get the job done. Performing is a 
weird line of work in that your job performance review is simultaneous to you 
doing the job. But even if audiences took your POV and rejected my music, I 
would still be playing it this way. I would just not be getting paid for it! 
Like most people with a desire to express themselves through art,  I would only 
perform for myself and whatever girlfriend I was torturing with my music at the 
time. The positive or negative feedback from other people doesn't change an 
artist's need to express their inner life the way they do.

You don't seem to understand this fact about artists. So instead you are caught 
up in a world of thinking your harsh statements should affect me in some way. 
Art doesn't come from that place you can reach with your words. It isn't 
sustained by people appreciating what an artist produces. Artists live in the 
world beyond all the rise and fall of outer opinions. Many great artists were 
only appreciate after their death, Robert Johnson included. He was not popular 
in his day. He was struggling till the day he died.

That is one of the many reasons I devote my life to bringing the gift of the 
arts into schools. It is a gift of self expression that can infuse a life with 
meaning and beauty. So I accept your opinion, but reject your view of art as an 
elitist activity for a certain few who are deemed (who deems them again, you?) 
worthy of using the word art. You are on the wrong side of the hater fence 
Nabbie. Not about my music, you are welcome to your judgement, but about the 
concept of how the activity of producing art at any level enriches the human 
spirit. It exists way beyond the ability for you to influence. It would enrich 
your own life if you could step out of the judgmental cage of your 
greatness-or-nothing view.

N: and that your ego is out of control. It's not complicated.

M: Here you are just being silly and trying to be mean. It is complicated. I 
have a realistic view of where my artistic contributions fit into the history 
of my genre. Do you know who is the most humble concerning their own musical 
talent and Robert Johnson's greatness? The guy who  plays his music  every day 
with respect and wonder that such an artist might be forgotten in this 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Hmmm. Now that it's been proven that Nabby knosw nothing whatsoever about 
Curtis, I think it's safe to assume that he similarly knows nothing about 
"Maitreya," the "Space Brothers," and who created crop circles, and that we can 
ignore him as the posturing know-nothing he is. 

Oh. Wait. Everybody ALREADY assumed that. Never mind.  :-)

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness

Might as well eat your heart out Nabby, your limited opinion about the nature 
of art does not count:

Curtis Blues
   Curtis Blues  
Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society. His musical programs 
View on Preview by Yahoo
 Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society.

Note that the link goes to the Arts Council of Fairfax County, Virginia. Curtis 
is a recognised artist, and you just have a bee in your bonnet. Wake up. I do 
not see why Curtis needs to change his view to support your myopic view of the 
world. I think Curtis is an artist, and I normally do not listen to blues 
music, though I have a certain fondness for Billie Holiday.


---In,  wrote :

You claim you produce art. I claim you produce noise and that your ego is out 
of control. It's not complicated.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

It's obvious by now that you won't change

M: You mean adapt a non native English speakers' misuse of the word for my job 
title in every organizations that books my shows? That was never on the table. 
What you need to do if you want to use English is to brush up on the 
adjectives. That let's you apply whatever personal standards you want to 
personalize a generic word like "art." For example you could say that is 
groundbreaking art or shitty art, or even life changing, mind boggling, 
awesomenest ever art. But you don't get to miss-appropriate a generic term for 
a human activity as if your taste is the definition of the word. Again, that is 
where adjectives allow you to personalize your feelings about the activity.

N:will continue to try to convince yourself by saying, dammit: "I'm an artist, 
I'm an artist, I'm an artist, I'm an artist" forever till you pop. 

M: Actually, just like Maharishi claimed, I didn't name myself that, this is 
how the arts groups refer to me as so people know what I do when they want to 
hire me. 

N: Good luck with that. 

M: Having excellent luck with that, thanks.

N: This "discussion" has hereby ended from my side.

M: This discussion was never open from YOUR side. We both know that.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

What is art and what isn't always is a hot theme and will probably never end.

M: Popular among people who don't produce any. Most of my social life is with 
artists and the topic has never come up.

N: And there will always be greedy persons who try to capitalize on that word 
to make a living, happens everywhere.

M: I know those artists raking in the cash, big problem. I share your disdain 
for people trying to make a living. I mean why aren't they just eating brioche? 

I think the problem is a lack of a central control over the use of the term to 
describe this human activity. I'm thinking something along the lines of a 
re-certification course that they can pay for to use the word "art." (Patent 

 N: My statement about your music is my personal and passionate opinion after 
having seen the videos you posted.

M: Gosh Nabs, I don't know how to tell you this but... inspiring people to 
personal passionate feelings IS the goal of my art. Just say'n...

   ♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby  
Click to listen at CDBaby  
View on Preview by Yahoo

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

That's what Cartier-Bresson said of his work during numerous interviews. 
Ofcourse his work is artistic, he simply had other and higher ideas about what 
art is, ideas he tried to fulfill late in life, nothing of which came close to 
much of what he produced with a camera. 
The work of Edward Steichen is wonderful and is reaching astronomical prices 
these days.
"Calling Curtis an amateur musician is just like calling yourself a 
non-professional photographer." 
If he makes a living from it he obviously 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Might as well eat your heart out Nabby, your limited opinion about the nature 
of art does not count: 

 Curtis Blues 
 Curtis Blues 
Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society. His musical programs 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
Curtis Blues, a certified Arts Integration performer, was named the Blues 
Artist of the Year by the Washington DC Blues Society.

 Note that the link goes to the Arts Council of Fairfax County, Virginia. 
Curtis is a recognised artist, and you just have a bee in your bonnet. Wake up. 
I do not see why Curtis needs to change his view to support your myopic view of 
the world. I think Curtis is an artist, and I normally do not listen to blues 
music, though I have a certain fondness for Billie Holiday.


---In,  wrote :

You claim you produce art. I claim you produce noise and that your ego is out 
of control. It's not complicated.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 It's obvious by now that you won't change

 M: You mean adapt a non native English speakers' misuse of the word for my job 
title in every organizations that books my shows? That was never on the table. 
What you need to do if you want to use English is to brush up on the 
adjectives. That let's you apply whatever personal standards you want to 
personalize a generic word like "art." For example you could say that is 
groundbreaking art or shitty art, or even life changing, mind boggling, 
awesomenest ever art. But you don't get to miss-appropriate a generic term for 
a human activity as if your taste is the definition of the word. Again, that is 
where adjectives allow you to personalize your feelings about the activity.

 N:will continue to try to convince yourself by saying, dammit: "I'm an artist, 
I'm an artist, I'm an artist, I'm an artist" forever till you pop. 


 M: Actually, just like Maharishi claimed, I didn't name myself that, this is 
how the arts groups refer to me as so people know what I do when they want to 
hire me. 


 N: Good luck with that. 


 M: Having excellent luck with that, thanks.


 N: This "discussion" has hereby ended from my side.

 M: This discussion was never open from YOUR side. We both know that.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 What is art and what isn't always is a hot theme and will probably never end.

M: Popular among people who don't produce any. Most of my social life is with 
artists and the topic has never come up.

N: And there will always be greedy persons who try to capitalize on that word 
to make a living, happens everywhere.

M: I know those artists raking in the cash, big problem. I share your disdain 
for people trying to make a living. I mean why aren't they just eating brioche? 

I think the problem is a lack of a central control over the use of the term to 
describe this human activity. I'm thinking something along the lines of a 
re-certification course that they can pay for to use the word "art." (Patent 

 N: My statement about your music is my personal and passionate opinion after 
having seen the videos you posted.

M: Gosh Nabs, I don't know how to tell you this but... inspiring people to 
personal passionate feelings IS the goal of my art. Just say'n... 
 ♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby Click to listen at CDBaby
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 That's what Cartier-Bresson said of his work during numerous interviews. 
Ofcourse his work is artistic, he simply had other and higher ideas about what 
art is, ideas he tried to fulfill late in life, nothing of which came close to 
much of what he produced with a camera. 
 The work of Edward Steichen is wonderful and is reaching astronomical prices 
these days.
 "Calling Curtis an amateur musician is just like calling yourself a 
non-professional photographer." 
 If he makes a living from it he obviously is a professional, is's his claim 
that he creates art that piss me off. In my ears it's mostly noise and believe 
me, I like much music that by many is considered "noise" or weird Collection of 
 Again, and for the last time; Claiming to be an artist just because others are 
willing to pay for it is just foolish and comes from an ego out of control.

 M: No Nabbie, I don't

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]

---In,  wrote :

I can't remember his exact words but an old art teacher of mine defined art as 
being "something that someone does that helps them better understand the world 
or themselves". He put it a bit more eloquently but I like it as a description. 
I can see how the painters I know are struggling to put their emotions, 
philosophy and politics into visual form so that someone else can get an idea 
of what their inner vision is. Musicians are artists for the same reason, ideas 
and ways of thinking and feeling get passed on. That it can transform the world 
hardly needs saying. 

 Art becomes a success when the person doing it feels they've nailed their 
aims, that's the struggle - getting good enough - what other people think is 
irrelevant as he considered it nothing to do with them. Of course, people like 
seeing what others think and feel and if it successfully communicates great 
truths then it will be more successful. The only thing we can say for sure is 
that we all see it differently. 

 Sorry if you've already gone over this, I haven't read the whole thread ;-)

 I believe that visual artists attempt to show more about the thing they are 
rendering than portraying their inner state through the representation of a 
thing. I am not convinced that visual artists are so all about themselves but 
more about revealing some deeper condition or truth about a thing - be it a 
portrait of a person or a landscape. Art is often meant to enhance ones' 
knowledge and appreciation of creation and when an artist is successful at 
capturing that extra something then all are enriched. I guess you could also 
say that one can also appreciate the person within the artist when they are 
capable of deeper revelation through their work. That flatiron building photo 
is extraordinary in that it creates not only a visual but a real visceral 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-29 Thread nablusoss1008

You claim you produce art. I claim you produce noise and that your ego is out 
of control. It's not complicated.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 It's obvious by now that you won't change

 M: You mean adapt a non native English speakers' misuse of the word for my job 
title in every organizations that books my shows? That was never on the table. 
What you need to do if you want to use English is to brush up on the 
adjectives. That let's you apply whatever personal standards you want to 
personalize a generic word like "art." For example you could say that is 
groundbreaking art or shitty art, or even life changing, mind boggling, 
awesomenest ever art. But you don't get to miss-appropriate a generic term for 
a human activity as if your taste is the definition of the word. Again, that is 
where adjectives allow you to personalize your feelings about the activity.

 N:will continue to try to convince yourself by saying, dammit: "I'm an artist, 
I'm an artist, I'm an artist, I'm an artist" forever till you pop. 


 M: Actually, just like Maharishi claimed, I didn't name myself that, this is 
how the arts groups refer to me as so people know what I do when they want to 
hire me. 


 N: Good luck with that. 


 M: Having excellent luck with that, thanks.


 N: This "discussion" has hereby ended from my side.

 M: This discussion was never open from YOUR side. We both know that.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 What is art and what isn't always is a hot theme and will probably never end.

M: Popular among people who don't produce any. Most of my social life is with 
artists and the topic has never come up.

N: And there will always be greedy persons who try to capitalize on that word 
to make a living, happens everywhere.

M: I know those artists raking in the cash, big problem. I share your disdain 
for people trying to make a living. I mean why aren't they just eating brioche? 

I think the problem is a lack of a central control over the use of the term to 
describe this human activity. I'm thinking something along the lines of a 
re-certification course that they can pay for to use the word "art." (Patent 

 N: My statement about your music is my personal and passionate opinion after 
having seen the videos you posted.

M: Gosh Nabs, I don't know how to tell you this but... inspiring people to 
personal passionate feelings IS the goal of my art. Just say'n... 
 ♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby Click to listen at CDBaby
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 That's what Cartier-Bresson said of his work during numerous interviews. 
Ofcourse his work is artistic, he simply had other and higher ideas about what 
art is, ideas he tried to fulfill late in life, nothing of which came close to 
much of what he produced with a camera. 
 The work of Edward Steichen is wonderful and is reaching astronomical prices 
these days.
 "Calling Curtis an amateur musician is just like calling yourself a 
non-professional photographer." 
 If he makes a living from it he obviously is a professional, is's his claim 
that he creates art that piss me off. In my ears it's mostly noise and believe 
me, I like much music that by many is considered "noise" or weird Collection of 
 Again, and for the last time; Claiming to be an artist just because others are 
willing to pay for it is just foolish and comes from an ego out of control.

 M: No Nabbie, I don't say I am an artist because I make my total living from 
it, that is what makes me a professional musician. The word artist is my job 
description in the agencies who get me business as an artist on their roster of 
artists who offer serves in the arts to people who want to hire artists to 
perform art in artistic venues. 


 The ego out of control is the person who believes that his subjective opinion 
about what art he prefers should be the deciding factor in using a word that 
relates to the product created by people in the arts. You are imposing 
subjective snob standards because no one told you that you are not in charge of 
what is and is not, art.

 Consider this your notice.






 Karlheinz Stockhausen - Mittwochs-Gruß 
 Karlheinz Stockhausen - Mittwochs-Gruß Mittwoch aus Licht - Mittwochs-Gruß 
The greeting of the opera WEDNESDAY from LIGHT. The Wednesday Greeting consists 
of the electronic music from the fourth s...
 View on 
 Preview by Yaho

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-29 Thread nablusoss1008
You claim you produce art. I claim you produce noise and simple nonsense and 
that your ego is out of control. It's not complicated.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 It's obvious by now that you won't change

 M: You mean adapt a non native English speakers' misuse of the word for my job 
title in every organizations that books my shows? That was never on the table. 
What you need to do if you want to use English is to brush up on the 
adjectives. That let's you apply whatever personal standards you want to 
personalize a generic word like "art." For example you could say that is 
groundbreaking art or shitty art, or even life changing, mind boggling, 
awesomenest ever art. But you don't get to miss-appropriate a generic term for 
a human activity as if your taste is the definition of the word. Again, that is 
where adjectives allow you to personalize your feelings about the activity.

 N:will continue to try to convince yourself by saying, dammit: "I'm an artist, 
I'm an artist, I'm an artist, I'm an artist" forever till you pop. 


 M: Actually, just like Maharishi claimed, I didn't name myself that, this is 
how the arts groups refer to me as so people know what I do when they want to 
hire me. 


 N: Good luck with that. 


 M: Having excellent luck with that, thanks.


 N: This "discussion" has hereby ended from my side.

 M: This discussion was never open from YOUR side. We both know that.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 What is art and what isn't always is a hot theme and will probably never end.

M: Popular among people who don't produce any. Most of my social life is with 
artists and the topic has never come up.

N: And there will always be greedy persons who try to capitalize on that word 
to make a living, happens everywhere.

M: I know those artists raking in the cash, big problem. I share your disdain 
for people trying to make a living. I mean why aren't they just eating brioche? 

I think the problem is a lack of a central control over the use of the term to 
describe this human activity. I'm thinking something along the lines of a 
re-certification course that they can pay for to use the word "art." (Patent 

 N: My statement about your music is my personal and passionate opinion after 
having seen the videos you posted.

M: Gosh Nabs, I don't know how to tell you this but... inspiring people to 
personal passionate feelings IS the goal of my art. Just say'n... 
 ♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby Click to listen at CDBaby
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 That's what Cartier-Bresson said of his work during numerous interviews. 
Ofcourse his work is artistic, he simply had other and higher ideas about what 
art is, ideas he tried to fulfill late in life, nothing of which came close to 
much of what he produced with a camera. 
 The work of Edward Steichen is wonderful and is reaching astronomical prices 
these days.
 "Calling Curtis an amateur musician is just like calling yourself a 
non-professional photographer." 
 If he makes a living from it he obviously is a professional, is's his claim 
that he creates art that piss me off. In my ears it's mostly noise and believe 
me, I like much music that by many is considered "noise" or weird Collection of 
 Again, and for the last time; Claiming to be an artist just because others are 
willing to pay for it is just foolish and comes from an ego out of control.

 M: No Nabbie, I don't say I am an artist because I make my total living from 
it, that is what makes me a professional musician. The word artist is my job 
description in the agencies who get me business as an artist on their roster of 
artists who offer serves in the arts to people who want to hire artists to 
perform art in artistic venues. 


 The ego out of control is the person who believes that his subjective opinion 
about what art he prefers should be the deciding factor in using a word that 
relates to the product created by people in the arts. You are imposing 
subjective snob standards because no one told you that you are not in charge of 
what is and is not, art.

 Consider this your notice.






 Karlheinz Stockhausen - Mittwochs-Gruß 
 Karlheinz Stockhausen - Mittwochs-Gruß Mittwoch aus Licht - Mittwochs-Gruß 
The greeting of the opera WEDNESDAY from LIGHT. The Wednesday Greeting consists 
of the electronic music from the fourth s...
 View on

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In,  wrote :

 It's obvious by now that you won't change

 M: You mean adapt a non native English speakers' misuse of the word for my job 
title in every organizations that books my shows? That was never on the table. 
What you need to do if you want to use English is to brush up on the 
adjectives. That let's you apply whatever personal standards you want to 
personalize a generic word like "art." For example you could say that is 
groundbreaking art or shitty art, or even life changing, mind boggling, 
awesomenest ever art. But you don't get to miss-appropriate a generic term for 
a human activity as if your taste is the definition of the word. Again, that is 
where adjectives allow you to personalize your feelings about the activity.

 N:will continue to try to convince yourself by saying, dammit: "I'm an artist, 
I'm an artist, I'm an artist, I'm an artist" forever till you pop. 


 M: Actually, just like Maharishi claimed, I didn't name myself that, this is 
how the arts groups refer to me as so people know what I do when they want to 
hire me. 


 N: Good luck with that. 


 M: Having excellent luck with that, thanks.


 N: This "discussion" has hereby ended from my side.

 M: This discussion was never open from YOUR side. We both know that.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 What is art and what isn't always is a hot theme and will probably never end.

M: Popular among people who don't produce any. Most of my social life is with 
artists and the topic has never come up.

N: And there will always be greedy persons who try to capitalize on that word 
to make a living, happens everywhere.

M: I know those artists raking in the cash, big problem. I share your disdain 
for people trying to make a living. I mean why aren't they just eating brioche? 

I think the problem is a lack of a central control over the use of the term to 
describe this human activity. I'm thinking something along the lines of a 
re-certification course that they can pay for to use the word "art." (Patent 

 N: My statement about your music is my personal and passionate opinion after 
having seen the videos you posted.

M: Gosh Nabs, I don't know how to tell you this but... inspiring people to 
personal passionate feelings IS the goal of my art. Just say'n... 
 ♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby Click to listen at CDBaby
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 That's what Cartier-Bresson said of his work during numerous interviews. 
Ofcourse his work is artistic, he simply had other and higher ideas about what 
art is, ideas he tried to fulfill late in life, nothing of which came close to 
much of what he produced with a camera. 
 The work of Edward Steichen is wonderful and is reaching astronomical prices 
these days.
 "Calling Curtis an amateur musician is just like calling yourself a 
non-professional photographer." 
 If he makes a living from it he obviously is a professional, is's his claim 
that he creates art that piss me off. In my ears it's mostly noise and believe 
me, I like much music that by many is considered "noise" or weird Collection of 
 Again, and for the last time; Claiming to be an artist just because others are 
willing to pay for it is just foolish and comes from an ego out of control.

 M: No Nabbie, I don't say I am an artist because I make my total living from 
it, that is what makes me a professional musician. The word artist is my job 
description in the agencies who get me business as an artist on their roster of 
artists who offer serves in the arts to people who want to hire artists to 
perform art in artistic venues. 


 The ego out of control is the person who believes that his subjective opinion 
about what art he prefers should be the deciding factor in using a word that 
relates to the product created by people in the arts. You are imposing 
subjective snob standards because no one told you that you are not in charge of 
what is and is not, art.

 Consider this your notice.






 Karlheinz Stockhausen - Mittwochs-Gruß 
 Karlheinz Stockhausen - Mittwochs-Gruß Mittwoch aus Licht - Mittwochs-Gruß 
The greeting of the opera WEDNESDAY from LIGHT. The Wednesday Greeting consists 
of the electronic music from the fourth s...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 Interesting that Cartier-Bresson spent a lot of time drawing and painting, 
especially after he retire

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-29 Thread salyavin808

I can't remember his exact words but an old art teacher of mine defined art as 
being "something that someone does that helps them better understand the world 
or themselves". He put it a bit more eloquently but I like it as a description. 
I can see how the painters I know are struggling to put their emotions, 
philosophy and politics into visual form so that someone else can get an idea 
of what their inner vision is. Musicians are artists for the same reason, ideas 
and ways of thinking and feeling get passed on. That it can transform the world 
hardly needs saying. 

 Art becomes a success when the person doing it feels they've nailed their 
aims, that's the struggle - getting good enough - what other people think is 
irrelevant as he considered it nothing to do with them. Of course, people like 
seeing what others think and feel and if it successfully communicates great 
truths then it will be more successful. The only thing we can say for sure is 
that we all see it differently. 

 Sorry if you've already gone over this, I haven't read the whole thread ;-)


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 What is art and what isn't always is a hot theme and will probably never end.

M: Popular among people who don't produce any. Most of my social life is with 
artists and the topic has never come up.

N: And there will always be greedy persons who try to capitalize on that word 
to make a living, happens everywhere.

M: I know those artists raking in the cash, big problem. I share your disdain 
for people trying to make a living. I mean why aren't they just eating brioche? 

I think the problem is a lack of a central control over the use of the term to 
describe this human activity. I'm thinking something along the lines of a 
re-certification course that they can pay for to use the word "art." (Patent 

 N: My statement about your music is my personal and passionate opinion after 
having seen the videos you posted.

M: Gosh Nabs, I don't know how to tell you this but... inspiring people to 
personal passionate feelings IS the goal of my art. Just say'n...

Thanks for promoting my CD online:

♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby 
 ♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby Click to listen at CDBaby
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 That's what Cartier-Bresson said of his work during numerous interviews. 
Ofcourse his work is artistic, he simply had other and higher ideas about what 
art is, ideas he tried to fulfill late in life, nothing of which came close to 
much of what he produced with a camera. 
 The work of Edward Steichen is wonderful and is reaching astronomical prices 
these days.
 "Calling Curtis an amateur musician is just like calling yourself a 
non-professional photographer." 
 If he makes a living from it he obviously is a professional, is's his claim 
that he creates art that piss me off. In my ears it's mostly noise and believe 
me, I like much music that by many is considered "noise" or weird Collection of 
 Again, and for the last time; Claiming to be an artist just because others are 
willing to pay for it is just foolish and comes from an ego out of control.

 M: No Nabbie, I don't say I am an artist because I make my total living from 
it, that is what makes me a professional musician. The word artist is my job 
description in the agencies who get me business as an artist on their roster of 
artists who offer serves in the arts to people who want to hire artists to 
perform art in artistic venues. 


 The ego out of control is the person who believes that his subjective opinion 
about what art he prefers should be the deciding factor in using a word that 
relates to the product created by people in the arts. You are imposing 
subjective snob standards because no one told you that you are not in charge of 
what is and is not, art.

 Consider this your notice.






 Karlheinz Stockhausen - Mittwochs-Gruß 
 Karlheinz Stockhausen - Mittwochs-Gruß Mittwoch aus Licht - Mittwochs-Gruß 
The greeting of the opera WEDNESDAY from LIGHT. The Wednesday Greeting consists 
of the electronic music from the fourth s...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 Interesting that Cartier-Bresson spent a lot of time drawing and painting, 
especially after he retired from photography, so calling himself not an artist 
is rather peculiar. There are lots of photographers that 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-29 Thread nablusoss1008
It's obvious by now that you won't change and will continue to try to convince 
yourself by saying, dammit: "I'm an artist, I'm an artist, I'm an artist, I'm 
an artist" forever till you pop. 
 Good luck with that. This "discussion" has hereby ended from my side.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 What is art and what isn't always is a hot theme and will probably never end.

M: Popular among people who don't produce any. Most of my social life is with 
artists and the topic has never come up.

N: And there will always be greedy persons who try to capitalize on that word 
to make a living, happens everywhere.

M: I know those artists raking in the cash, big problem. I share your disdain 
for people trying to make a living. I mean why aren't they just eating brioche? 

I think the problem is a lack of a central control over the use of the term to 
describe this human activity. I'm thinking something along the lines of a 
re-certification course that they can pay for to use the word "art." (Patent 

 N: My statement about your music is my personal and passionate opinion after 
having seen the videos you posted.

M: Gosh Nabs, I don't know how to tell you this but... inspiring people to 
personal passionate feelings IS the goal of my art. Just say'n... 
 ♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby Click to listen at CDBaby
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 That's what Cartier-Bresson said of his work during numerous interviews. 
Ofcourse his work is artistic, he simply had other and higher ideas about what 
art is, ideas he tried to fulfill late in life, nothing of which came close to 
much of what he produced with a camera. 
 The work of Edward Steichen is wonderful and is reaching astronomical prices 
these days.
 "Calling Curtis an amateur musician is just like calling yourself a 
non-professional photographer." 
 If he makes a living from it he obviously is a professional, is's his claim 
that he creates art that piss me off. In my ears it's mostly noise and believe 
me, I like much music that by many is considered "noise" or weird Collection of 
 Again, and for the last time; Claiming to be an artist just because others are 
willing to pay for it is just foolish and comes from an ego out of control.

 M: No Nabbie, I don't say I am an artist because I make my total living from 
it, that is what makes me a professional musician. The word artist is my job 
description in the agencies who get me business as an artist on their roster of 
artists who offer serves in the arts to people who want to hire artists to 
perform art in artistic venues. 


 The ego out of control is the person who believes that his subjective opinion 
about what art he prefers should be the deciding factor in using a word that 
relates to the product created by people in the arts. You are imposing 
subjective snob standards because no one told you that you are not in charge of 
what is and is not, art.

 Consider this your notice.






 Karlheinz Stockhausen - Mittwochs-Gruß 
 Karlheinz Stockhausen - Mittwochs-Gruß Mittwoch aus Licht - Mittwochs-Gruß 
The greeting of the opera WEDNESDAY from LIGHT. The Wednesday Greeting consists 
of the electronic music from the fourth s...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 Interesting that Cartier-Bresson spent a lot of time drawing and painting, 
especially after he retired from photography, so calling himself not an artist 
is rather peculiar. There are lots of photographers that think photography can 
be an art. I have always thought of it this way. Take this atmospheric 
photograph of the Flatiron Building in New York City made in 1904 by Edward 
Steichen. Just like music, painting, sculpture, photographic images can have 
compositional and tonal integrity.



 Calling Curtis an amateur musician is just like calling yourself a 
non-professional photographer. In photography as well as music there are 
amateurs who are more capable artistically than professionals, but they do not 
make their living that way. A professional has to produce consistent results 
day in and day out, they have to be reliable. Bad musicians sing and often play 
out of tune, so it is less likely they could survive professionally. 
Photography is so common place, and cameras ubiquitous today, that it is 
probably difficult for photographers with the run-of-the-mill stuff that just 
about any idiot can produce photographica

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In,  wrote :

 What is art and what isn't always is a hot theme and will probably never end.

M: Popular among people who don't produce any. Most of my social life is with 
artists and the topic has never come up.

N: And there will always be greedy persons who try to capitalize on that word 
to make a living, happens everywhere.

M: I know those artists raking in the cash, big problem. I share your disdain 
for people trying to make a living. I mean why aren't they just eating brioche? 

I think the problem is a lack of a central control over the use of the term to 
describe this human activity. I'm thinking something along the lines of a 
re-certification course that they can pay for to use the word "art." (Patent 

 N: My statement about your music is my personal and passionate opinion after 
having seen the videos you posted.

M: Gosh Nabs, I don't know how to tell you this but... inspiring people to 
personal passionate feelings IS the goal of my art. Just say'n...

Thanks for promoting my CD online:

♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby 
 ♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby Click to listen at CDBaby
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 That's what Cartier-Bresson said of his work during numerous interviews. 
Ofcourse his work is artistic, he simply had other and higher ideas about what 
art is, ideas he tried to fulfill late in life, nothing of which came close to 
much of what he produced with a camera. 
 The work of Edward Steichen is wonderful and is reaching astronomical prices 
these days.
 "Calling Curtis an amateur musician is just like calling yourself a 
non-professional photographer." 
 If he makes a living from it he obviously is a professional, is's his claim 
that he creates art that piss me off. In my ears it's mostly noise and believe 
me, I like much music that by many is considered "noise" or weird Collection of 
 Again, and for the last time; Claiming to be an artist just because others are 
willing to pay for it is just foolish and comes from an ego out of control.

 M: No Nabbie, I don't say I am an artist because I make my total living from 
it, that is what makes me a professional musician. The word artist is my job 
description in the agencies who get me business as an artist on their roster of 
artists who offer serves in the arts to people who want to hire artists to 
perform art in artistic venues. 


 The ego out of control is the person who believes that his subjective opinion 
about what art he prefers should be the deciding factor in using a word that 
relates to the product created by people in the arts. You are imposing 
subjective snob standards because no one told you that you are not in charge of 
what is and is not, art.

 Consider this your notice.






 Karlheinz Stockhausen - Mittwochs-Gruß 
 Karlheinz Stockhausen - Mittwochs-Gruß Mittwoch aus Licht - Mittwochs-Gruß 
The greeting of the opera WEDNESDAY from LIGHT. The Wednesday Greeting consists 
of the electronic music from the fourth s...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 Interesting that Cartier-Bresson spent a lot of time drawing and painting, 
especially after he retired from photography, so calling himself not an artist 
is rather peculiar. There are lots of photographers that think photography can 
be an art. I have always thought of it this way. Take this atmospheric 
photograph of the Flatiron Building in New York City made in 1904 by Edward 
Steichen. Just like music, painting, sculpture, photographic images can have 
compositional and tonal integrity.



 Calling Curtis an amateur musician is just like calling yourself a 
non-professional photographer. In photography as well as music there are 
amateurs who are more capable artistically than professionals, but they do not 
make their living that way. A professional has to produce consistent results 
day in and day out, they have to be reliable. Bad musicians sing and often play 
out of tune, so it is less likely they could survive professionally. 
Photography is so common place, and cameras ubiquitous today, that it is 
probably difficult for photographers with the run-of-the-mill stuff that just 
about any idiot can produce photographically today. Most people can tell the 
difference between a good musician and a bad one, but most of them cannot tell 
a good photograph from a bad one, in part because photography is a very 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-29 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I figure art is a 'practice makes perfect' type of thing - past lives. I 
naturally express myself through drawing, painting, free-form ceramics, wood 
carving, photography, video, etc. Seems to take a highly developed sense of 
eye-hand coordination, so that what the eye sees, the hands can duplicate, with 
tools.  It was something I was born with, and have always treated it pretty 
casually, since it is so accessible. I also made the decision in high school 
not to follow it as a career, because my best chances for success, and a steady 
paycheck, would have been in commercial art, and in my youthful idealism, I 
considered that a form of prostitution. So it has always accompanied me, with 
my interest growing or waning over the years. 
---In,  wrote :

 My best friend in high school was a gifted artist, and the best ceramicist in 
the school. 

 He could center the clay immediately, make thin walls, lips, lids with ease, 
while I would struggle with each of those things.

 I am still in awe of artists who are able to draw or create art with ease.

 I may have told this story before.  In the fifth grade, there was a kid, Chris 
Hagelin, who even at that age was a gifted artist.

 He died of a brain hemorrhage that summer.

 I remember a picture of the headless horseman he made.

 At the St. Louis Zoo, there is a fountain made of animal figures our sixth 
grade class in remembrance of him.


---In,  wrote :

 When I was trying to make a living doing "art," I met "real artists" who were 
so artistically superior that I was ashamed to present my stuff -- and yet most 
could not make a living selling their art.   At one time I was in three 
galleries and never came close to selling enough to "cut it." I met one guy who 
had major works in many museums and still couldn't sell enough to quit his day 

And the gallery owners are all about the money.  I had one tell me, as he 
looked at one of my canvases, "Oh, I couldn't sell this.  Purple never sells."  

Try to use purple after that.  The true artist is up against such a wall of 

Each one is like a preacher on a stump in the public square -- speaking an 
unknown dialect.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-29 Thread nablusoss1008
What is art and what isn't always is a hot theme and will probably never end. 
And there will always be greedy persons who try to capitalize on that word to 
make a living, happens everywhere. My statement about your music is my personal 
and passionate opinion after having seen the videos you posted.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 That's what Cartier-Bresson said of his work during numerous interviews. 
Ofcourse his work is artistic, he simply had other and higher ideas about what 
art is, ideas he tried to fulfill late in life, nothing of which came close to 
much of what he produced with a camera. 
 The work of Edward Steichen is wonderful and is reaching astronomical prices 
these days.
 "Calling Curtis an amateur musician is just like calling yourself a 
non-professional photographer." 
 If he makes a living from it he obviously is a professional, is's his claim 
that he creates art that piss me off. In my ears it's mostly noise and believe 
me, I like much music that by many is considered "noise" or weird Collection of 
 Again, and for the last time; Claiming to be an artist just because others are 
willing to pay for it is just foolish and comes from an ego out of control.

 M: No Nabbie, I don't say I am an artist because I make my total living from 
it, that is what makes me a professional musician. The word artist is my job 
description in the agencies who get me business as an artist on their roster of 
artists who offer serves in the arts to people who want to hire artists to 
perform art in artistic venues. 


 The ego out of control is the person who believes that his subjective opinion 
about what art he prefers should be the deciding factor in using a word that 
relates to the product created by people in the arts. You are imposing 
subjective snob standards because no one told you that you are not in charge of 
what is and is not, art.

 Consider this your notice.






 Karlheinz Stockhausen - Mittwochs-Gruß 
 Karlheinz Stockhausen - Mittwochs-Gruß Mittwoch aus Licht - Mittwochs-Gruß 
The greeting of the opera WEDNESDAY from LIGHT. The Wednesday Greeting consists 
of the electronic music from the fourth s...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 Interesting that Cartier-Bresson spent a lot of time drawing and painting, 
especially after he retired from photography, so calling himself not an artist 
is rather peculiar. There are lots of photographers that think photography can 
be an art. I have always thought of it this way. Take this atmospheric 
photograph of the Flatiron Building in New York City made in 1904 by Edward 
Steichen. Just like music, painting, sculpture, photographic images can have 
compositional and tonal integrity.



 Calling Curtis an amateur musician is just like calling yourself a 
non-professional photographer. In photography as well as music there are 
amateurs who are more capable artistically than professionals, but they do not 
make their living that way. A professional has to produce consistent results 
day in and day out, they have to be reliable. Bad musicians sing and often play 
out of tune, so it is less likely they could survive professionally. 
Photography is so common place, and cameras ubiquitous today, that it is 
probably difficult for photographers with the run-of-the-mill stuff that just 
about any idiot can produce photographically today. Most people can tell the 
difference between a good musician and a bad one, but most of them cannot tell 
a good photograph from a bad one, in part because photography is a very 
mechanical profession compared to playing an instrument, which requires some 
considerable skill to be even barely competent.

 I think your criticisms of Curtis's ability is far off the mark. Perhaps you 
are discombobulated by his intellect, which is certainly more powerful than 
yours or mine. This can be very annoying if you have a strong emotional 
attachment to TM.

---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
You are right, different instruments obviously need different approaches to 
training. My suggestion was a hint only, to sit down and listen to one note at 
the time which should be done regardless of instrument and would benefit any 
amateur who often tries to accomplish too much too soon.

M: This is called every day of my life Nabbie. Check out Well Worn Blues and 
Love in Vain even in preview on CDBABY on my Well Worn Blues CD and you will 
see an example of what you are talking about. The start of Well Worn Blues is 
being played on a single string diddley bow on a board I made to preserve the 
tradition of single string i

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-29 Thread salyavin808

---In,  wrote :

 These are really nice photos here. 

 Thank you.

 The composition is good. 

 That's the first essential, there's a few tricks you can deploy to get people 
to look at the pictures for longer, the rule of thirds, leading lines etc. The 
aim for me is a balance between two or more things so that the eye wanders 
about within the frame instead of sliding over without latching on to anything.

 This is one of the first things poor photography lacks. These are also 
technically competent, which is fortunately much easier to achieve these days.

 One of the problems with digital cameras is that people can get great results 
in auto without really knowing what it is that the camera is doing. The problem 
comes when you get a situation like my Trafalgar square shot, without knowing 
what setting to override you wouldn't get that result, in fact there were a lot 
of photographers there with much flasher cameras than mine who weren't getting 
the length of the exposure right and so missed out on those colours.

 There was also a few thousand people watching a very loud football match on a 
giant screen just to the right of the shot. I was lucky to get the composition 
I did. And without a tripod!

 I often get asked to teach people how their new camera works and when you look 
at a modern DSLR in the context of learning the basics it's almost like they 
are designed to baffle and make you think photography is so much harder than it 
actually is. I tell them to set it to manual and use the centre weighted 
metering so it's just like the old Pentax I used for 20 years after my Dad gave 
it to me. It's the only way to learn photography as there are only 3 parameters 
that affect the outcome of the picture, shutter speed, aperture size and film 
speed (ISO) if you don't know how changing those affects the picture you can be 
baffled forever by all the scene modes on cameras and miss out on some neat 
creative essentials that can make or break a difficult shot.

  I have put up a few snapshots occasionally but I tend to delete them after a 
while. I don't like things circulating on the Internet though for most of the 
things I have posted it probably would not matter that much. 

 I know what you mean, I haven't had anything nicked yet but I know some really 
good photographers who spend a lot of time in court trying to get copyrighted 
pictures back. Having large files on the net is asking for it unfortunately, 
most unfair if you are trying to make a living. One guy had some photos stolen 
and used on a government tourist website, which is a real bloody nerve of 
someone and when he complained they just offered him the measly rate they'd pay 
a photo library as compensation! Which wasn't enough as his stuff is proper 
art, nothing like my happy snaps, and he exhibits all over Europe, so he has a 
reputation to protect and long fight on his hands I suspect.

 I've only got a couple I put on a camera tech site to see how they looked 
compared to everyone elses.

 When I was younger I used black and white film, but now digital cameras shoot 
everything in colour even though some have black and white settings, it is 
better to convert digital colour to black and white after the fact when one has 
more control. Photographers should study art, and old paintings from all 
schools in my opinion. Composition is primarily a function of luminance forms 
which is basically black and white, masses of light and dark and grey. Colour 
is a secondary consideration in composition, like the icing on a well made 
cake. One of the main differences between photographers with lousy 
compositional skills is the difference between object-oriented or content 
oriented photography and image or field or framing oriented photography. In the 
former the 'shooter' focuses on some object they find interesting or a patch of 
colour. In the latter the photographer arranges all the elements of the scene 
in the bounding frame of the camera, he/she is not pointing at a specific 
object (even though there may be a primary subject, such as a portrait of a 
person), rather the relationship between the elements in the scene are 
consciously photographed, and this is a function of basic forms.   

 Most of my photos are landscape shots where I go for maximum drama, a nice 
leading line through the shot and some nice stormy light, can't go wrong! I 
also like cityscapes with no people in them, bit tricky in London but I manage 
by getting up ludicrously early!

 A few more:

















Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-29 Thread salyavin808

---In,  wrote :

 Thanks for clearing that up.  All beautiful and I guess if I had any smarts I 
would have noticed the style difference. Did you take the cloudy shot in black 
and white or desaturate it in Photoshop? I always wonder which is better.

My fault for the confusion, it was late and I didn't think before posting and 
only realised when I looked at it afterwards.

 The cloudy one was processed in Adobe Lightroom which is a simpler program 
than Photoshop, and basically used for converting Raw files, which is where the 
camera remembers all the data captured by the sensor instead of you getting the 
finished J-peg from the camera and trying to adjust that later. 

 The advantage with Raw files is that you get much more freedom in deciding all 
aspects of picture, white balance, exposure, contrast and colour saturation can 
all be widely adjusted afterwards. Or as here converted to B&W, the cool thing 
is you can alter each colour so it's effect is the same as in the old days when 
we used to use different colour filters to change a B&W shot - a red filter 
turns a blue sky black for instance.

 But the best thing about Lightroom is that it saves the original so you can 
have another go later when your skills improve. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
These are really nice photos here. The composition is good. This is one of the 
first things poor photography lacks. These are also technically competent, 
which is fortunately much easier to achieve these days. I have put up a few 
snapshots occasionally but I tend to delete them after a while. I don't like 
things circulating on the Internet though for most of the things I have posted 
it probably would not matter that much. When I was younger I used black and 
white film, but now digital cameras shoot everything in colour even though some 
have black and white settings, it is better to convert digital colour to black 
and white after the fact when one has more control. Photographers should study 
art, and old paintings from all schools in my opinion. Composition is primarily 
a function of luminance forms which is basically black and white, masses of 
light and dark and grey. Colour is a secondary consideration in composition, 
like the icing on a well made cake.
 One of the main differences between photographers with lousy compositional 
skills is the difference between object-oriented or content oriented 
photography and image or field or framing oriented photography. In the former 
the 'shooter' focuses on some object they find interesting or a patch of 
colour. In the latter the photographer arranges all the elements of the scene 
in the bounding frame of the camera, he/she is not pointing at a specific 
object (even though there may be a primary subject, such as a portrait of a 
person), rather the relationship between the elements in the scene are 
consciously photographed, and this is a function of basic forms.   

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness

Thanks for clearing that up.  All beautiful and I guess if I had any smarts I 
would have noticed the style difference. Did you take the cloudy shot in black 
and white or desaturate it in Photoshop? I always wonder which is better.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Wow Richard, those are gorgeous. I'll bet in print they are even better.

Oops, I thought that would happen. Should have separated the four at the bottom 
and put my name on, just in case

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

On 10/27/2014 12:38 PM, anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

>>I read somewhere on FFL you
were a photographer. Are you an artist or a hack (just
taking soulless pictures for money)? I do not believe
you have ever given us a sample of your work. I am sure
there are critics in the audience who would be glad to
evaluate your artistic ability.
>I've been a subscriber
to this group for years and I've never been able to get anyone
to show their work, except for a few posted photos by Ann, a few
animations by Barry2, and a few sunset photos by Jim. I've
always assumed the only professional performer on this list was
Curtis. Rita and I both went to art school and have
worked as professionals for most of out lives as graphic artists
or designers. We look forward to seeing your work. 
>Photograph by Richard J. Williams, 2013
Very nice. I like taking photos when I'm strolling about. But I aint no pro, so 
don't be getting harsh on me:









Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Great story. I think that is why I have gravitated toward groups of teaching 
artists in the last 7 years. They not only can perform or create art, but they 
enjoy discussing it. It is like they have both sides of their brain hooked up. 
I'm sure you have been around musicians with such an anti-intellectual bias it 
is uncomfortable to talk with them, even after performing with them. I guess 
jazz guys might be more intellectual, but for the most part blues guys are 
often suspicious of people who read too many books!

Being able to present to people is skill that opens up so many doors. I also 
had a public speaking course in high school and it was a game changer for my 
whole life, in and out of he movement.

---In,  wrote :

 For almost the same reason I had to play emcee for some of the groups I played 
in during the 1980s because the other musicians weren't good at it.  But I was 
the first person to pass the intro lecture part of TTC.  One of the course 
leaders asked how I got to such an advanced state and that was because 
(apparently like no one else there) had a public speaking class in high school. 
 That class was great fun.  I gave a talk on capital punishment and brought in 
one of my cymbals and hit it to open the talk as the class was gabbing amongst 
themselves.  Then I opened with "if you think that was shocking" and went into 
descriptions of different methods of capital punishment including the popular 
Indian one of having an elephant stomp on the prisoner's head.
 On 10/28/2014 06:33 PM, curtisdeltablues@... mailto:curtisdeltablues@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   M: I feel lucky that I was able to make the jump into educational 
entertainment because, like you, I have musician friends still banging the club 
circuit and living off of girlfriends and wives. In many ways I should thank 
Maharishi because it was because of the presentation skills I developed as a TM 
teacher that made me confident to go into teaching performances. So many 
musicians would rather work at Starbucks than speak in front of a group in 
between songs. Yea, Mahesh! 

 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Thanks, I was curious to see how things were going in your venue.  From what 
I've seen and heard you do that venue quite well.
 Yes there is software development outsourcing to the Philippines too.  BTW, 
I've also read that is a good place to make your retirement fund stretch.
 Studio work came because the leader of the jazz trio I played in owned part 
interest in a recording studio so we got the sessions there.  Then there was 
some other recording work that came from that.  It was very political venue.
 I was surprised that my old friends didn't find some sidelines for themselves 
too.  One does do graphic arts which keeps him out of bankruptcy.  These guys 
really liked to perform though and I was more into writing and arranging. 
Another friend I worked with in the software industry who was a semi-pro 
musician took up banjo a few years ago and is now writing some banjo 
instruction methods for Hal Leonard.  His gig in the software industry was 
technical writer.
 I played a few of those weird casuals.  One was a wedding reception catered by 
one of the premier restaurateurs of Seattle, Victor Rosselini,  who came over 
as we were playing and asked us to go through the food line because no one was 
eating!  Another gig was in the high rent Broadmore district of Seattle where a 
neurotic trophy wife was trowing a Christmas party for the who's who of the 
city.  She was upset because we were dressed too casually.  But the keyboard 
player soon found her favorite tune and every time she passed by broke into it 
giving her all smiles. On our break her husband hung out with us because she 
was driving him nuts! 
 On 10/28/2014 03:24 PM, curtisdeltablues@... mailto:curtisdeltablues@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Probably depends on what ecological niche you occupy. You were much more 
diverse in your talents than I am musically, so your opportunities would be so 
different. My stubbornness to only play acoustic blues as a solo act kinda 
forced me into certain directions to make it work. I rely on a few agents in 
different states for the majority of my work.
 Since your day the tyranny of the record labels is replaced by the tyranny of 
social media which opens up the field on one hand and shuts out the money on 
another. There is always a phenom in the Philippines who is more amazing than 
whatever we do! And people know about that little F'er now and he will work 
practically for fee! (That sounds like the programming world too right!)
  But indie artists can now self produce their own shit, find a niche market 
and roll with it. That is kind of my world. I still play an eclectic array of 
gigs in any week which I find stimulating and challenging both. Same old 
formula as in your day p

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
My best friend in high school was a gifted artist, and the best ceramicist in 
the school. 

 He could center the clay immediately, make thin walls, lips, lids with ease, 
while I would struggle with each of those things.

 I am still in awe of artists who are able to draw or create art with ease.

 I may have told this story before.  In the fifth grade, there was a kid, Chris 
Hagelin, who even at that age was a gifted artist.

 He died of a brain hemorrhage that summer.

 I remember a picture of the headless horseman he made.

 At the St. Louis Zoo, there is a fountain made of animal figures our sixth 
grade class in remembrance of him.


---In,  wrote :

 When I was trying to make a living doing "art," I met "real artists" who were 
so artistically superior that I was ashamed to present my stuff -- and yet most 
could not make a living selling their art.   At one time I was in three 
galleries and never came close to selling enough to "cut it." I met one guy who 
had major works in many museums and still couldn't sell enough to quit his day 

And the gallery owners are all about the money.  I had one tell me, as he 
looked at one of my canvases, "Oh, I couldn't sell this.  Purple never sells."  

Try to use purple after that.  The true artist is up against such a wall of 

Each one is like a preacher on a stump in the public square -- speaking an 
unknown dialect.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
For almost the same reason I had to play emcee for some of the groups I 
played in during the 1980s because the other musicians weren't good at 
it.  But I was the first person to pass the intro lecture part of TTC.  
One of the course leaders asked how I got to such an advanced state and 
that was because (apparently like no one else there) had a public 
speaking class in high school.  That class was great fun.  I gave a talk 
on capital punishment and brought in one of my cymbals and hit it to 
open the talk as the class was gabbing amongst themselves.  Then I 
opened with "if you think that was shocking" and went into descriptions 
of different methods of capital punishment including the popular Indian 
one of having an elephant stomp on the prisoner's head.

On 10/28/2014 06:33 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

M: I feel lucky that I was able to make the jump into educational 
entertainment because, like you, I have musician friends still banging 
the club circuit and living off of girlfriends and wives. In many ways 
I should thank Maharishi because it was because of the presentation 
skills I developed as a TM teacher that made me confident to go into 
teaching performances. So many musicians would rather work at 
Starbucks than speak in front of a group in between songs. Yea, Mahesh!

---In,  wrote :

Thanks, I was curious to see how things were going in your venue.  
From what I've seen and heard you do that venue quite well.

Yes there is software development outsourcing to the Philippines too.  
BTW, I've also read that is a good place to make your retirement fund 

Studio work came because the leader of the jazz trio I played in owned 
part interest in a recording studio so we got the sessions there.  
Then there was some other recording work that came from that.  It was 
very political venue.

I was surprised that my old friends didn't find some sidelines for 
themselves too.  One does do graphic arts which keeps him out of 
bankruptcy.  These guys really liked to perform though and I was more 
into writing and arranging. Another friend I worked with in the 
software industry who was a semi-pro musician took up banjo a few 
years ago and is now writing some banjo instruction methods for Hal 
Leonard.  His gig in the software industry was technical writer.

I played a few of those weird casuals.  One was a wedding reception 
catered by one of the premier restaurateurs of Seattle, Victor 
Rosselini,  who came over as we were playing and asked us to go 
through the food line because no one was eating!  Another gig was in 
the high rent Broadmore district of Seattle where a neurotic trophy 
wife was trowing a Christmas party for the who's who of the city.  She 
was upset because we were dressed too casually.  But the keyboard 
player soon found her favorite tune and every time she passed by broke 
into it giving her all smiles. On our break her husband hung out with 
us because she was driving him nuts!

On 10/28/2014 03:24 PM, curtisdeltablues@... 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Probably depends on what ecological niche you occupy. You were
much more diverse in your talents than I am musically, so your
opportunities would be so different. My stubbornness to only play
acoustic blues as a solo act kinda forced me into certain
directions to make it work. I rely on a few agents in different
states for the majority of my work.

Since your day the tyranny of the record labels is replaced by
the tyranny of social media which opens up the field on one hand
and shuts out the money on another. There is always a phenom in
the Philippines who is more amazing than whatever we do! And
people know about that little F'er now and he will work
practically for fee! (That sounds like the programming world too

 But indie artists can now self produce their own shit, find a
niche market and roll with it. That is kind of my world. I still
play an eclectic array of gigs in any week which I find
stimulating and challenging both. Same old formula as in your day
probably, keep your overhead low, save when the money is pouring
in and don't let the business end of the business crush your
personal growth in areas less commercial.

I know you toured but I think you were also a session guy right?
That is a different world from what I do. I know so many great
musicians who went into computers and found it very satisfying,
playing gigs on the side. In many ways the day job is a huge boon
for focusing on your personal musical development. I recently
expanded my world by adding African musical instruments into my
show so I can get paid to do what I love learning about. I am
exploring the roots of blues in specific African countries and
music style that came to the New World in the various waves of
slave ships. Cub

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
M: I feel lucky that I was able to make the jump into educational entertainment 
because, like you, I have musician friends still banging the club circuit and 
living off of girlfriends and wives. In many ways I should thank Maharishi 
because it was because of the presentation skills I developed as a TM teacher 
that made me confident to go into teaching performances. So many musicians 
would rather work at Starbucks than speak in front of a group in between songs. 
Yea, Mahesh! 

---In,  wrote :

 Thanks, I was curious to see how things were going in your venue.  From what 
I've seen and heard you do that venue quite well.
 Yes there is software development outsourcing to the Philippines too.  BTW, 
I've also read that is a good place to make your retirement fund stretch.
 Studio work came because the leader of the jazz trio I played in owned part 
interest in a recording studio so we got the sessions there.  Then there was 
some other recording work that came from that.  It was very political venue.
 I was surprised that my old friends didn't find some sidelines for themselves 
too.  One does do graphic arts which keeps him out of bankruptcy.  These guys 
really liked to perform though and I was more into writing and arranging. 
Another friend I worked with in the software industry who was a semi-pro 
musician took up banjo a few years ago and is now writing some banjo 
instruction methods for Hal Leonard.  His gig in the software industry was 
technical writer.
 I played a few of those weird casuals.  One was a wedding reception catered by 
one of the premier restaurateurs of Seattle, Victor Rosselini,  who came over 
as we were playing and asked us to go through the food line because no one was 
eating!  Another gig was in the high rent Broadmore district of Seattle where a 
neurotic trophy wife was trowing a Christmas party for the who's who of the 
city.  She was upset because we were dressed too casually.  But the keyboard 
player soon found her favorite tune and every time she passed by broke into it 
giving her all smiles. On our break her husband hung out with us because she 
was driving him nuts! 
 On 10/28/2014 03:24 PM, curtisdeltablues@... mailto:curtisdeltablues@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Probably depends on what ecological niche you occupy. You were much more 
diverse in your talents than I am musically, so your opportunities would be so 
different. My stubbornness to only play acoustic blues as a solo act kinda 
forced me into certain directions to make it work. I rely on a few agents in 
different states for the majority of my work.
 Since your day the tyranny of the record labels is replaced by the tyranny of 
social media which opens up the field on one hand and shuts out the money on 
another. There is always a phenom in the Philippines who is more amazing than 
whatever we do! And people know about that little F'er now and he will work 
practically for fee! (That sounds like the programming world too right!)
  But indie artists can now self produce their own shit, find a niche market 
and roll with it. That is kind of my world. I still play an eclectic array of 
gigs in any week which I find stimulating and challenging both. Same old 
formula as in your day probably, keep your overhead low, save when the money is 
pouring in and don't let the business end of the business crush your personal 
growth in areas less commercial.
 I know you toured but I think you were also a session guy right? That is a 
different world from what I do. I know so many great musicians who went into 
computers and found it very satisfying, playing gigs on the side. In many ways 
the day job is a huge boon for focusing on your personal musical development. I 
recently expanded my world by adding African musical instruments into my show 
so I can get paid to do what I love learning about. I am exploring the roots of 
blues in specific African countries and music style that came to the New World 
in the various waves of slave ships. Cuba is so much ore pivotal than I had 
 But here is a chuckle from your days gone by: Person calls you for a private 
party gig. Here is what they want, play classical during cocktails, soft rock 
and oldies during dinner, entertain the toddlers while the parents set up the 
dance floor, then play every song they ever heard JUST LIKE ON THE RECORD. And 
BTW, you can rap too right because Uncle Whoever wrote a cute rap for the 
birthday girl. And after a prolonged fist fight haggle over your pittance of a 
fee, you get to the gig and it is a freak'n mansion with the asshole who 
chiseled you out of your regular fee lighting his cigars with hundred dollar 
 On the plus side he hot 3rd wife corners you in the bathroom before you leave. 
Gotta keep our eye on the little positives right brother!

 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 So how i

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In,  wrote :

 That's what Cartier-Bresson said of his work during numerous interviews. 
Ofcourse his work is artistic, he simply had other and higher ideas about what 
art is, ideas he tried to fulfill late in life, nothing of which came close to 
much of what he produced with a camera. 
 The work of Edward Steichen is wonderful and is reaching astronomical prices 
these days.
 "Calling Curtis an amateur musician is just like calling yourself a 
non-professional photographer." 
 If he makes a living from it he obviously is a professional, is's his claim 
that he creates art that piss me off. In my ears it's mostly noise and believe 
me, I like much music that by many is considered "noise" or weird Collection of 
 Again, and for the last time; Claiming to be an artist just because others are 
willing to pay for it is just foolish and comes from an ego out of control.

 M: No Nabbie, I don't say I am an artist because I make my total living from 
it, that is what makes me a professional musician. The word artist is my job 
description in the agencies who get me business as an artist on their roster of 
artists who offer serves in the arts to people who want to hire artists to 
perform art in artistic venues. 


 The ego out of control is the person who believes that his subjective opinion 
about what art he prefers should be the deciding factor in using a word that 
relates to the product created by people in the arts. You are imposing 
subjective snob standards because no one told you that you are not in charge of 
what is and is not, art.

 Consider this your notice.






 Karlheinz Stockhausen - Mittwochs-Gruß 
 Karlheinz Stockhausen - Mittwochs-Gruß Mittwoch aus Licht - Mittwochs-Gruß 
The greeting of the opera WEDNESDAY from LIGHT. The Wednesday Greeting consists 
of the electronic music from the fourth s...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 Interesting that Cartier-Bresson spent a lot of time drawing and painting, 
especially after he retired from photography, so calling himself not an artist 
is rather peculiar. There are lots of photographers that think photography can 
be an art. I have always thought of it this way. Take this atmospheric 
photograph of the Flatiron Building in New York City made in 1904 by Edward 
Steichen. Just like music, painting, sculpture, photographic images can have 
compositional and tonal integrity.



 Calling Curtis an amateur musician is just like calling yourself a 
non-professional photographer. In photography as well as music there are 
amateurs who are more capable artistically than professionals, but they do not 
make their living that way. A professional has to produce consistent results 
day in and day out, they have to be reliable. Bad musicians sing and often play 
out of tune, so it is less likely they could survive professionally. 
Photography is so common place, and cameras ubiquitous today, that it is 
probably difficult for photographers with the run-of-the-mill stuff that just 
about any idiot can produce photographically today. Most people can tell the 
difference between a good musician and a bad one, but most of them cannot tell 
a good photograph from a bad one, in part because photography is a very 
mechanical profession compared to playing an instrument, which requires some 
considerable skill to be even barely competent.

 I think your criticisms of Curtis's ability is far off the mark. Perhaps you 
are discombobulated by his intellect, which is certainly more powerful than 
yours or mine. This can be very annoying if you have a strong emotional 
attachment to TM.

---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
You are right, different instruments obviously need different approaches to 
training. My suggestion was a hint only, to sit down and listen to one note at 
the time which should be done regardless of instrument and would benefit any 
amateur who often tries to accomplish too much too soon.

M: This is called every day of my life Nabbie. Check out Well Worn Blues and 
Love in Vain even in preview on CDBABY on my Well Worn Blues CD and you will 
see an example of what you are talking about. The start of Well Worn Blues is 
being played on a single string diddley bow on a board I made to preserve the 
tradition of single string instruments from the history of blues. 

Wont cost you a penny!

♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby
 ♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby Click to listen at CDBaby

 View on http://www.cdb

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/28/2014 5:30 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Wow Richard, those are gorgeous.

Which one?

I'll bet in print they are even better.

Now I'm confused.  There are no prints - I am a painter.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

On 10/27/2014 12:38 PM, anartaxius@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


I read somewhere on FFL you were a photographer. Are you an
artist or a hack (just taking soulless pictures for money)? I do
not believe you have ever given us a sample of your work. I am
sure there are critics in the audience who would be glad to
evaluate your artistic ability.

/I've been a subscriber to this group for years and I've never
been able to get anyone to show their work, except for a few
posted photos by Ann, a few animations by Barry2, and a few sunset
photos by Jim. I've always assumed the only professional performer
on this list was Curtis. //Rita and I both went to art school and
have worked as professionals for most of out lives as graphic
artists or designers. We look forward to seeing your work. /

/Photograph by Richard J. Williams, 2013/

Very nice. I like taking photos when I'm strolling about. But I
aint no pro, so don't be getting harsh on me:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Thanks, I was curious to see how things were going in your venue.  From 
what I've seen and heard you do that venue quite well.

Yes there is software development outsourcing to the Philippines too.  
BTW, I've also read that is a good place to make your retirement fund 

Studio work came because the leader of the jazz trio I played in owned 
part interest in a recording studio so we got the sessions there.  Then 
there was some other recording work that came from that.  It was very 
political venue.

I was surprised that my old friends didn't find some sidelines for 
themselves too.  One does do graphic arts which keeps him out of 
bankruptcy.  These guys really liked to perform though and I was more 
into writing and arranging. Another friend I worked with in the software 
industry who was a semi-pro musician took up banjo a few years ago and 
is now writing some banjo instruction methods for Hal Leonard.  His gig 
in the software industry was technical writer.

I played a few of those weird casuals.  One was a wedding reception 
catered by one of the premier restaurateurs of Seattle, Victor 
Rosselini,  who came over as we were playing and asked us to go through 
the food line because no one was eating!  Another gig was in the high 
rent Broadmore district of Seattle where a neurotic trophy wife was 
trowing a Christmas party for the who's who of the city.  She was upset 
because we were dressed too casually.  But the keyboard player soon 
found her favorite tune and every time she passed by broke into it 
giving her all smiles. On our break her husband hung out with us because 
she was driving him nuts!

On 10/28/2014 03:24 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Probably depends on what ecological niche you occupy. You were much 
more diverse in your talents than I am musically, so your 
opportunities would be so different. My stubbornness to only play 
acoustic blues as a solo act kinda forced me into certain directions 
to make it work. I rely on a few agents in different states for the 
majority of my work.

Since your day the tyranny of the record labels is replaced by the 
tyranny of social media which opens up the field on one hand and shuts 
out the money on another. There is always a phenom in the Philippines 
who is more amazing than whatever we do! And people know about that 
little F'er now and he will work practically for fee! (That sounds 
like the programming world too right!)

 But indie artists can now self produce their own shit, find a niche 
market and roll with it. That is kind of my world. I still play an 
eclectic array of gigs in any week which I find stimulating and 
challenging both. Same old formula as in your day probably, keep your 
overhead low, save when the money is pouring in and don't let the 
business end of the business crush your personal growth in areas less 

I know you toured but I think you were also a session guy right? That 
is a different world from what I do. I know so many great musicians 
who went into computers and found it very satisfying, playing gigs on 
the side. In many ways the day job is a huge boon for focusing on your 
personal musical development. I recently expanded my world by adding 
African musical instruments into my show so I can get paid to do what 
I love learning about. I am exploring the roots of blues in specific 
African countries and music style that came to the New World in the 
various waves of slave ships. Cuba is so much ore pivotal than I had 

But here is a chuckle from your days gone by: Person calls you for a 
private party gig. Here is what they want, play classical during 
cocktails, soft rock and oldies during dinner, entertain the toddlers 
while the parents set up the dance floor, then play every song they 
ever heard JUST LIKE ON THE RECORD. And BTW, you can rap too right 
because Uncle Whoever wrote a cute rap for the birthday girl. And 
after a prolonged fist fight haggle over your pittance of a fee, you 
get to the gig and it is a freak'n mansion with the asshole who 
chiseled you out of your regular fee lighting his cigars with hundred 
dollar bills.
On the plus side he hot 3rd wife corners you in the bathroom before 
you leave. Gotta keep our eye on the little positives right brother!

---In,  wrote :

So how is the music biz these days? I've been hearing that old 
musicians I know and used to work with in the Seattle area are having 
a tough time getting work and they're exceptional players (some played 
with famous folk).  I'm glad that I stopped depending on music for a 
living back in the late 80s.  Writing software to me was like writing 
music. Unfortunately there is not much work for old programmers these 
days either.

On 10/28/2014 11:20 AM, curtisdeltablues@... 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

At least you can avoid purple to fit in. I've had booking agents
tell me that my act is a ha

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread nablusoss1008
That's what Cartier-Bresson said of his work during numerous interviews. 
Ofcourse his work is artistic, he simply had other and higher ideas about what 
art is, ideas he tried to fulfill late in life, nothing of which came close to 
much of what he produced with a camera. 
 The work of Edward Steichen is wonderful and is reaching astronomical prices 
these days.
 "Calling Curtis an amateur musician is just like calling yourself a 
non-professional photographer." 
 If he makes a living from it he obviously is a professional, is's his claim 
that he creates art that piss me off. In my ears it's mostly noise and believe 
me, I like much music that by many is considered "noise" or weird Collection of 
 Again, and for the last time; Claiming to be an artist just because others are 
willing to pay for it is just foolish and comes from an ego out of control.

 Karlheinz Stockhausen - Mittwochs-Gruß 
 Karlheinz Stockhausen - Mittwochs-Gruß Mittwoch aus Licht - Mittwochs-Gruß 
The greeting of the opera WEDNESDAY from LIGHT. The Wednesday Greeting consists 
of the electronic music from the fourth s...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 Interesting that Cartier-Bresson spent a lot of time drawing and painting, 
especially after he retired from photography, so calling himself not an artist 
is rather peculiar. There are lots of photographers that think photography can 
be an art. I have always thought of it this way. Take this atmospheric 
photograph of the Flatiron Building in New York City made in 1904 by Edward 
Steichen. Just like music, painting, sculpture, photographic images can have 
compositional and tonal integrity.



 Calling Curtis an amateur musician is just like calling yourself a 
non-professional photographer. In photography as well as music there are 
amateurs who are more capable artistically than professionals, but they do not 
make their living that way. A professional has to produce consistent results 
day in and day out, they have to be reliable. Bad musicians sing and often play 
out of tune, so it is less likely they could survive professionally. 
Photography is so common place, and cameras ubiquitous today, that it is 
probably difficult for photographers with the run-of-the-mill stuff that just 
about any idiot can produce photographically today. Most people can tell the 
difference between a good musician and a bad one, but most of them cannot tell 
a good photograph from a bad one, in part because photography is a very 
mechanical profession compared to playing an instrument, which requires some 
considerable skill to be even barely competent.

 I think your criticisms of Curtis's ability is far off the mark. Perhaps you 
are discombobulated by his intellect, which is certainly more powerful than 
yours or mine. This can be very annoying if you have a strong emotional 
attachment to TM.

---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
You are right, different instruments obviously need different approaches to 
training. My suggestion was a hint only, to sit down and listen to one note at 
the time which should be done regardless of instrument and would benefit any 
amateur who often tries to accomplish too much too soon.

M: This is called every day of my life Nabbie. Check out Well Worn Blues and 
Love in Vain even in preview on CDBABY on my Well Worn Blues CD and you will 
see an example of what you are talking about. The start of Well Worn Blues is 
being played on a single string diddley bow on a board I made to preserve the 
tradition of single string instruments from the history of blues. 

Wont cost you a penny!

♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby
 ♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby Click to listen at CDBaby

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Regarding your last question. I'm certainly producing "soulless pictures for 
money". There is no artistic merit in this whatsoever, though I do try to make 
every picture "sing", if not able to do that to some extent I would have no 
 Art in photography ? There are many but I like to mention Cartier-Bresson for 
many reasons, one being that he strongly denied that he was an artist :-)
---In,  wrote :

 Okay Nabbie, I listened to the Robert Johnson recording and to some of 
Curtis's recordings on YouTube.

 This is regarding you one note theory of music here. Granted some instruments 
tone productions can be a thing that must be practised, sounding a note on a 
violin is rath

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Thanks for clearing that up.  All beautiful and I guess if I had any smarts I 
would have noticed the style difference. Did you take the cloudy shot in black 
and white or desaturate it in Photoshop? I always wonder which is better.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Wow Richard, those are gorgeous. I'll bet in print they are even better.

 Oops, I thought that would happen. Should have separated the four at the 
bottom and put my name on, just in case

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 On 10/27/2014 12:38 PM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] 
   I read somewhere on FFL you were a photographer. Are you an artist or a hack 
(just taking soulless pictures for money)? I do not believe you have ever given 
us a sample of your work. I am sure there are critics in the audience who would 
be glad to evaluate your artistic ability.

 I've been a subscriber to this group for years and I've never been able to get 
anyone to show their work, except for a few posted photos by Ann, a few 
animations by Barry2, and a few sunset photos by Jim. I've always assumed the 
only professional performer on this list was Curtis. Rita and I both went to 
art school and have worked as professionals for most of out lives as graphic 
artists or designers. We look forward to seeing your work. 
 Photograph by Richard J. Williams, 2013

 Very nice. I like taking photos when I'm strolling about. But I aint no pro, 
so don't be getting harsh on me: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread salyavin808

---In,  wrote :

 Wow Richard, those are gorgeous. I'll bet in print they are even better.

 Oops, I thought that would happen. Should have separated the four at the 
bottom and put my name on, just in case

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 On 10/27/2014 12:38 PM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] 
   I read somewhere on FFL you were a photographer. Are you an artist or a hack 
(just taking soulless pictures for money)? I do not believe you have ever given 
us a sample of your work. I am sure there are critics in the audience who would 
be glad to evaluate your artistic ability.

 I've been a subscriber to this group for years and I've never been able to get 
anyone to show their work, except for a few posted photos by Ann, a few 
animations by Barry2, and a few sunset photos by Jim. I've always assumed the 
only professional performer on this list was Curtis. Rita and I both went to 
art school and have worked as professionals for most of out lives as graphic 
artists or designers. We look forward to seeing your work. 
 Photograph by Richard J. Williams, 2013

 Very nice. I like taking photos when I'm strolling about. But I aint no pro, 
so don't be getting harsh on me: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Wow Richard, those are gorgeous. I'll bet in print they are even better.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 On 10/27/2014 12:38 PM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] 
   I read somewhere on FFL you were a photographer. Are you an artist or a hack 
(just taking soulless pictures for money)? I do not believe you have ever given 
us a sample of your work. I am sure there are critics in the audience who would 
be glad to evaluate your artistic ability.

 I've been a subscriber to this group for years and I've never been able to get 
anyone to show their work, except for a few posted photos by Ann, a few 
animations by Barry2, and a few sunset photos by Jim. I've always assumed the 
only professional performer on this list was Curtis. Rita and I both went to 
art school and have worked as professionals for most of out lives as graphic 
artists or designers. We look forward to seeing your work. 
 Photograph by Richard J. Williams, 2013

 Very nice. I like taking photos when I'm strolling about. But I aint no pro, 
so don't be getting harsh on me: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 On 10/27/2014 12:38 PM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] 
   I read somewhere on FFL you were a photographer. Are you an artist or a hack 
(just taking soulless pictures for money)? I do not believe you have ever given 
us a sample of your work. I am sure there are critics in the audience who would 
be glad to evaluate your artistic ability.

 I've been a subscriber to this group for years and I've never been able to get 
anyone to show their work, except for a few posted photos by Ann, a few 
animations by Barry2, and a few sunset photos by Jim. I've always assumed the 
only professional performer on this list was Curtis. Rita and I both went to 
art school and have worked as professionals for most of out lives as graphic 
artists or designers. We look forward to seeing your work. 
 Photograph by Richard J. Williams, 2013

 Very nice. I like taking photos when I'm strolling about. But I aint no pro, 
so don't be getting harsh on me: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Probably depends on what ecological niche you occupy. You were much more 
diverse in your talents than I am musically, so your opportunities would be so 
different. My stubbornness to only play acoustic blues as a solo act kinda 
forced me into certain directions to make it work. I rely on a few agents in 
different states for the majority of my work.

Since your day the tyranny of the record labels is replaced by the tyranny of 
social media which opens up the field on one hand and shuts out the money on 
another. There is always a phenom in the Philippines who is more amazing than 
whatever we do! And people know about that little F'er now and he will work 
practically for fee! (That sounds like the programming world too right!)

 But indie artists can now self produce their own shit, find a niche market and 
roll with it. That is kind of my world. I still play an eclectic array of gigs 
in any week which I find stimulating and challenging both. Same old formula as 
in your day probably, keep your overhead low, save when the money is pouring in 
and don't let the business end of the business crush your personal growth in 
areas less commercial.

I know you toured but I think you were also a session guy right? That is a 
different world from what I do. I know so many great musicians who went into 
computers and found it very satisfying, playing gigs on the side. In many ways 
the day job is a huge boon for focusing on your personal musical development. I 
recently expanded my world by adding African musical instruments into my show 
so I can get paid to do what I love learning about. I am exploring the roots of 
blues in specific African countries and music style that came to the New World 
in the various waves of slave ships. Cuba is so much ore pivotal than I had 

But here is a chuckle from your days gone by: Person calls you for a private 
party gig. Here is what they want, play classical during cocktails, soft rock 
and oldies during dinner, entertain the toddlers while the parents set up the 
dance floor, then play every song they ever heard JUST LIKE ON THE RECORD. And 
BTW, you can rap too right because Uncle Whoever wrote a cute rap for the 
birthday girl. And after a prolonged fist fight haggle over your pittance of a 
fee, you get to the gig and it is a freak'n mansion with the asshole who 
chiseled you out of your regular fee lighting his cigars with hundred dollar 
On the plus side he hot 3rd wife corners you in the bathroom before you leave. 
Gotta keep our eye on the little positives right brother!

---In,  wrote :

 So how is the music biz these days?  I've been hearing that old musicians I 
know and used to work with in the Seattle area are having a tough time getting 
work and they're exceptional players (some played with famous folk).  I'm glad 
that I stopped depending on music for a living back in the late 80s.  Writing 
software to me was like writing music.  Unfortunately there is not much work 
for old programmers these days either.
 On 10/28/2014 11:20 AM, curtisdeltablues@... mailto:curtisdeltablues@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   At least you can avoid purple to fit in. I've had booking agents tell me 
that my act is a harder sell because I am white! Skin melanin as artistic 
street cred, who knew?

 ---In, wrote :
 When I was trying to make a living doing "art," I met "real artists" who were 
so artistically superior that I was ashamed to present my stuff -- and yet most 
could not make a living selling their art.   At one time I was in three 
galleries and never came close to selling enough to "cut it." I met one guy who 
had major works in many museums and still couldn't sell enough to quit his day 
 And the gallery owners are all about the money.  I had one tell me, as he 
looked at one of my canvases, "Oh, I couldn't sell this.  Purple never sells."  
 Try to use purple after that.  The true artist is up against such a wall of 
 Each one is like a preacher on a stump in the public square -- speaking an 
unknown dialect.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Excellent post, on all levels. I reply mainly to point out how well you nailed 
it in those last two sentences...

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 6:59 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness

Interesting that Cartier-Bresson spent a lot of time drawing and painting, 
especially after he retired from photography, so calling himself not an artist 
is rather peculiar. There are lots of photographers that think photography can 
be an art. I have always thought of it this way. Take this atmospheric 
photograph of the Flatiron Building in New York City made in 1904 by Edward 
Steichen. Just like music, painting, sculpture, photographic images can have 
compositional and tonal integrity.

Calling Curtis an amateur musician is just like calling yourself a 
non-professional photographer. In photography as well as music there are 
amateurs who are more capable artistically than professionals, but they do not 
make their living that way. A professional has to produce consistent results 
day in and day out, they have to be reliable. Bad musicians sing and often play 
out of tune, so it is less likely they could survive professionally. 
Photography is so common place, and cameras ubiquitous today, that it is 
probably difficult for photographers with the run-of-the-mill stuff that just 
about any idiot can produce photographically today. Most people can tell the 
difference between a good musician and a bad one, but most of them cannot tell 
a good photograph from a bad one, in part because photography is a very 
mechanical profession compared to playing an instrument, which requires some 
considerable skill to be even barely competent.

I think your criticisms of Curtis's ability is far off the mark. Perhaps you 
are discombobulated by his intellect, which is certainly more powerful than 
yours or mine. This can be very annoying if you have a strong emotional 
attachment to TM.

---In,  wrote :

--In,  wrote :

You are right, different instruments obviously need different approaches to 
training. My suggestion was a hint only, to sit down and listen to one note at 
the time which should be done regardless of instrument and would benefit any 
amateur who often tries to accomplish too much too soon.

M: This is called every day of my life Nabbie. Check out Well Worn Blues and 
Love in Vain even in preview on CDBABY on my Well Worn Blues CD and you will 
see an example of what you are talking about. The start of Well Worn Blues is 
being played on a single string diddley bow on a board I made to preserve the 
tradition of single string instruments from the history of blues. 

Wont cost you a penny!

♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby
  ♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby 
Click to listen at CDBaby  
View on www.cdbaby.comPreview by Yahoo   

Regarding your last question. I'm certainly producing "soulless pictures for 
money". There is no artistic merit in this whatsoever, though I do try to make 
every picture "sing", if not able to do that to some extent I would have no 
Art in photography ? There are many but I like to mention Cartier-Bresson for 
many reasons, one being that he strongly denied that he was an artist :-)

---In,  wrote :

Okay Nabbie, I listened to the Robert Johnson recording and to some of Curtis's 
recordings on YouTube.

This is regarding you one note theory of music here. Granted some instruments 
tone productions can be a thing that must be practised, sounding a note on a 
violin is rather complex. But many instruments such as the piano, just about 
anyone can strike a note and it sounds the same. It is the relationships 
between the notes that make music not just one note. Beauty in a single note is 
in the eye of a beholder. Take the saxophone. This was originally intended to 
be a classical instrument, but for the most part it ended up in jazz, brass 
bands, on the popular side of the tracks. Classical saxophone playing is 
generally very smooth and mellow. While jazz players are often rather raspy in 
tone. You have to consider the style of music being played. If you consider 
'beauty of tone' as a criterion, most jazz saxophonists sound like crap next to 
a good classical player. But the classical player probably could never 
replicate the style of the jazz players. 

YouTube is not the best way to hear music. It is compressed and often recopied 
and recompressed many times. Consumer video recorders have microphones that 
have distorted frequency response, often boosting the highs, and they are 
recorded at the camera location, not with optimum placement. 
The Robert Johnson recording is a solo, and 1936 rec

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
So how is the music biz these days? I've been hearing that old musicians 
I know and used to work with in the Seattle area are having a tough time 
getting work and they're exceptional players (some played with famous 
folk).  I'm glad that I stopped depending on music for a living back in 
the late 80s.  Writing software to me was like writing music. 
Unfortunately there is not much work for old programmers these days either.

On 10/28/2014 11:20 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

At least you can avoid purple to fit in. I've had booking agents tell 
me that my act is a harder sell because I am white! Skin melanin as 
artistic street cred, who knew?

---In,  wrote :

When I was trying to make a living doing "art," I met "real artists" 
who were so artistically superior that I was ashamed to present my 
stuff -- and yet most could not make a living selling their art.   At 
one time I was in three galleries and never came close to selling 
enough to "cut it." I met one guy who had major works in many museums 
and still couldn't sell enough to quit his day job.

And the gallery owners are all about the money.  I had one tell me, as 
he looked at one of my canvases, "Oh, I couldn't sell this.  Purple 
never sells."  See?

Try to use purple after that.  The true artist is up against such a 
wall of ignorance.

Each one is like a preacher on a stump in the public square -- 
speaking an unknown dialect.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
At least you can avoid purple to fit in. I've had booking agents tell me that 
my act is a harder sell because I am white! Skin melanin as artistic street 
cred, who knew?

---In,  wrote :

 When I was trying to make a living doing "art," I met "real artists" who were 
so artistically superior that I was ashamed to present my stuff -- and yet most 
could not make a living selling their art.   At one time I was in three 
galleries and never came close to selling enough to "cut it." I met one guy who 
had major works in many museums and still couldn't sell enough to quit his day 

And the gallery owners are all about the money.  I had one tell me, as he 
looked at one of my canvases, "Oh, I couldn't sell this.  Purple never sells."  

Try to use purple after that.  The true artist is up against such a wall of 

Each one is like a preacher on a stump in the public square -- speaking an 
unknown dialect.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I appreciate your points, thanks for making them, and agree with them as 
factors in what is preserved in recorded music, especially what is captured by 
videos and then compressed on Youtube. 

But I am not sure this level of acoustic reproduction is what Nabbie is 
objecting to in my music. I think it is the style of what  he calls "screaming" 
but which is technically called belting that is part of what he doesn't like. 
Since I spent a year with a classical singing teacher to refine this sound I 
consider it an important part of my acoustic blues preservation work. There was 
an open throated style that guys like Charley Patton and Son House had that 
most people who perform blues don't study these days. It requires you to find 
your own relaxed singing voice for maximum volume in outdoor settings and is an 
important part of my busking performances.  It allows me to sustain high volume 
for hours It is not a modern style. It will not be everyone's favorite since it 
is different from the sound people used on mikes later on. (Howlin Wolf is an 
exception.) We don't have a record of how Robert sounded in this kind of 
setting, we only have him right next to a mike. But in context, it turns 
outdoor performance into a high paying gig. In recording sessions I mostly use 
a different range of my voice because it is almost impossible to recreate the 
conditions of outdoor performance inside.

His other objections to "Look on Yonder Wall" by Elmore James being too fast 
would look silly if compared to the original rather than a completely different 
artist with a different song. 

My push back on his concept of what art is has similarities to what I object to 
in his other interests in subjectively based knowledge claims. Everyone wants 
to have their opinion taken as a fact but I don't believe the world really 
works that way. And believing that one's personal standards and preferences 
make one able to declare one person's work "art" and another's, NOT art has 
been and continues to be one of the worst human ideas for the arts ever. Guys 
like Nabbie were the first to condemn the acoustic blues as worthless back in 
the day. It was only a handful of preservationists who ignored that view and 
saved the blues for us today. It was literally being thrown out 78 by 78 
record. Now Robert Johnson is still regarded as a primitive folk musician by 
many musical academics.

Thanks for continuing the rap. Your kind intentions are greatly appreciated.

---In,  wrote :

 Okay Nabbie, I listened to the Robert Johnson recording and to some of 
Curtis's recordings on YouTube.

 This is regarding you one note theory of music here. Granted some instruments 
tone productions can be a thing that must be practised, sounding a note on a 
violin is rather complex. But many instruments such as the piano, just about 
anyone can strike a note and it sounds the same. It is the relationships 
between the notes that make music not just one note. Beauty in a single note is 
in the eye of a beholder. Take the saxophone. This was originally intended to 
be a classical instrument, but for the most part it ended up in jazz, brass 
bands, on the popular side of the tracks. Classical saxophone playing is 
generally very smooth and mellow. While jazz players are often rather raspy in 
tone. You have to consider the style of music being played. If you consider 
'beauty of tone' as a criterion, most jazz saxophonists sound like crap next to 
a good classical player. But the classical player probably could never 
replicate the style of the jazz players. 

 YouTube is not the best way to hear music. It is compressed and often recopied 
and recompressed many times. Consumer video recorders have microphones that 
have distorted frequency response, often boosting the highs, and they are 
recorded at the camera location, not with optimum placement. 
 The Robert Johnson recording is a solo, and 1936 recording technology loses 
both deep bass and much of the high frequencies (and an abrasive was added to 
the shellac of 78rpm records to keep the needle from wearing them down too 
quickly). His sound on the reproduction on YouTube is dead because it has been 
processed to remove the noise of that technology.  So when you compare the 
musical sound of different musicians, you have to account for how the recording 
technology, and the recording engineer affect the final sound.

 Studio recordings tend to be different than live recordings. The atmosphere is 
more relaxed in a studio recording, and the need to project to an audience is 
absent so the sound might be more intimate. A completely acoustic performance 
without amplification requires projecting to the audience, and such a 
performance might sound a bit more intense than one in a more intimate setting.

 Comparing solo guitar and voice with what Curtis does with additional 
instruments is not a telling comparison. The ability to play slowly is nice, 
but a

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread Duveyoung
When I was trying to make a living doing "art," I met "real artists" who were 
so artistically superior that I was ashamed to present my stuff -- and yet most 
could not make a living selling their art.   At one time I was in three 
galleries and never came close to selling enough to "cut it." I met one guy who 
had major works in many museums and still couldn't sell enough to quit his day 

And the gallery owners are all about the money.  I had one tell me, as he 
looked at one of my canvases, "Oh, I couldn't sell this.  Purple never sells."  

Try to use purple after that.  The true artist is up against such a wall of 

Each one is like a preacher on a stump in the public square -- speaking an 
unknown dialect.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Interesting that Cartier-Bresson spent a lot of time drawing and painting, 
especially after he retired from photography, so calling himself not an artist 
is rather peculiar. There are lots of photographers that think photography can 
be an art. I have always thought of it this way. Take this atmospheric 
photograph of the Flatiron Building in New York City made in 1904 by Edward 
Steichen. Just like music, painting, sculpture, photographic images can have 
compositional and tonal integrity.



 Calling Curtis an amateur musician is just like calling yourself a 
non-professional photographer. In photography as well as music there are 
amateurs who are more capable artistically than professionals, but they do not 
make their living that way. A professional has to produce consistent results 
day in and day out, they have to be reliable. Bad musicians sing and often play 
out of tune, so it is less likely they could survive professionally. 
Photography is so common place, and cameras ubiquitous today, that it is 
probably difficult for photographers with the run-of-the-mill stuff that just 
about any idiot can produce photographically today. Most people can tell the 
difference between a good musician and a bad one, but most of them cannot tell 
a good photograph from a bad one, in part because photography is a very 
mechanical profession compared to playing an instrument, which requires some 
considerable skill to be even barely competent.

 I think your criticisms of Curtis's ability is far off the mark. Perhaps you 
are discombobulated by his intellect, which is certainly more powerful than 
yours or mine. This can be very annoying if you have a strong emotional 
attachment to TM.

---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
You are right, different instruments obviously need different approaches to 
training. My suggestion was a hint only, to sit down and listen to one note at 
the time which should be done regardless of instrument and would benefit any 
amateur who often tries to accomplish too much too soon.

M: This is called every day of my life Nabbie. Check out Well Worn Blues and 
Love in Vain even in preview on CDBABY on my Well Worn Blues CD and you will 
see an example of what you are talking about. The start of Well Worn Blues is 
being played on a single string diddley bow on a board I made to preserve the 
tradition of single string instruments from the history of blues. 

Wont cost you a penny!

♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby
 ♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby Click to listen at CDBaby

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Regarding your last question. I'm certainly producing "soulless pictures for 
money". There is no artistic merit in this whatsoever, though I do try to make 
every picture "sing", if not able to do that to some extent I would have no 
 Art in photography ? There are many but I like to mention Cartier-Bresson for 
many reasons, one being that he strongly denied that he was an artist :-)
---In,  wrote :

 Okay Nabbie, I listened to the Robert Johnson recording and to some of 
Curtis's recordings on YouTube.

 This is regarding you one note theory of music here. Granted some instruments 
tone productions can be a thing that must be practised, sounding a note on a 
violin is rather complex. But many instruments such as the piano, just about 
anyone can strike a note and it sounds the same. It is the relationships 
between the notes that make music not just one note. Beauty in a single note is 
in the eye of a beholder. Take the saxophone. This was originally intended to 
be a classical instrument, but for the most part it ended up in jazz, brass 
bands, on the popular side of the tracks. Classical saxophone playing is 
generally very smooth and mellow. While jazz players are often rather raspy in 
tone. You have to consider the style of music being played. If you consider 
'beauty of tone' as a criterion, most jazz saxophonists sound like crap next to 
a good classical player. But the classical player probably could never 
replicate the style of the jazz players. 

 YouTube is not the best way to hear music. It is compressed and often recopied 
and recompressed many times. Consumer video recorders have microphones that 
have distorted frequency response, often boosting the highs, and they are 
recorded at the camera location, not with optimum placement. 
 The Robert Johnson recording is a solo, and 1936 recording technology loses 
both deep bass and much of the high frequencies (and an abrasive was added to 
the shellac of 78rpm records to keep the needle from wearing them down too 
quickly). His sound on the reproduction on YouTube is dead because it has been

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 --In,  wrote :
You are right, different instruments obviously need different approaches to 
training. My suggestion was a hint only, to sit down and listen to one note at 
the time which should be done regardless of instrument and would benefit any 
amateur who often tries to accomplish too much too soon.

M: This is called every day of my life Nabbie. Check out Well Worn Blues and 
Love in Vain even in preview on CDBABY on my Well Worn Blues CD and you will 
see an example of what you are talking about. The start of Well Worn Blues is 
being played on a single string diddley bow on a board I made to preserve the 
tradition of single string instruments from the history of blues. 

Wont cost you a penny!

♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby 
 ♫ Well Worn Blues - Curtis Blues. Listen @cdbaby Click to listen at CDBaby
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Regarding your last question. I'm certainly producing "soulless pictures for 
money". There is no artistic merit in this whatsoever, though I do try to make 
every picture "sing", if not able to do that to some extent I would have no 
 Art in photography ? There are many but I like to mention Cartier-Bresson for 
many reasons, one being that he strongly denied that he was an artist :-)
---In,  wrote :

 Okay Nabbie, I listened to the Robert Johnson recording and to some of 
Curtis's recordings on YouTube.

 This is regarding you one note theory of music here. Granted some instruments 
tone productions can be a thing that must be practised, sounding a note on a 
violin is rather complex. But many instruments such as the piano, just about 
anyone can strike a note and it sounds the same. It is the relationships 
between the notes that make music not just one note. Beauty in a single note is 
in the eye of a beholder. Take the saxophone. This was originally intended to 
be a classical instrument, but for the most part it ended up in jazz, brass 
bands, on the popular side of the tracks. Classical saxophone playing is 
generally very smooth and mellow. While jazz players are often rather raspy in 
tone. You have to consider the style of music being played. If you consider 
'beauty of tone' as a criterion, most jazz saxophonists sound like crap next to 
a good classical player. But the classical player probably could never 
replicate the style of the jazz players. 

 YouTube is not the best way to hear music. It is compressed and often recopied 
and recompressed many times. Consumer video recorders have microphones that 
have distorted frequency response, often boosting the highs, and they are 
recorded at the camera location, not with optimum placement. 
 The Robert Johnson recording is a solo, and 1936 recording technology loses 
both deep bass and much of the high frequencies (and an abrasive was added to 
the shellac of 78rpm records to keep the needle from wearing them down too 
quickly). His sound on the reproduction on YouTube is dead because it has been 
processed to remove the noise of that technology.  So when you compare the 
musical sound of different musicians, you have to account for how the recording 
technology, and the recording engineer affect the final sound.

 Studio recordings tend to be different than live recordings. The atmosphere is 
more relaxed in a studio recording, and the need to project to an audience is 
absent so the sound might be more intimate. A completely acoustic performance 
without amplification requires projecting to the audience, and such a 
performance might sound a bit more intense than one in a more intimate setting.

 Comparing solo guitar and voice with what Curtis does with additional 
instruments is not a telling comparison. The ability to play slowly is nice, 
but a pro has to be able to handle rapid passages with ease, and without making 
serious errors. Now I can play slowly, because I am not that skilled, and have 
no other choice, lacking technical fluency. Five-year-old children can play the 
piano far better than I ever will. I am pretty good with single notes too. I 
can play them loud, soft, and in between. 

 There are kinds of music I like, music I like less, and music I do not like, 
but I do not consider those performing music I do not like as crude etc., 
because I have not really investigated their artistry and style; some of these 
musicians seem to be fantastic in their technical ability. I mostly listen to 
Western European music, Bach, Handel, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven and so forth, so 
I have a musical bias, I almost never listen to pop, jazz, musicals, rock, or 
blues. Learning something about the style of a particular kind of musics helps 
to appreciate more, even if in the end, you do not like it. For example, I do 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yep, Nabby's posts rock.

---In,  wrote :

 Nablusoss, I know you stated that you don't care, but just want to say, 
contrary to what turq suggested, there is at least one FFL person who enjoys 
some of your posts: I enjoy the crop circle pictures and the info from Creme 
and bits about aliens. 

 On Tuesday, October 28, 2014 5:06 AM, nablusoss1008  


You are right, different instruments obviously need different approaches to 
training. My suggestion was a hint only, to sit down and listen to one note at 
the time which should be done regardless of instrument and would benefit any 
amateur who often tries to accomplish too much too soon.
 Regarding your last question. I'm certainly producing "soulless pictures for 
money". There is no artistic merit in this whatsoever, though I do try to make 
every picture "sing", if not able to do that to some extent I would have no 
 Art in photography ? There are many but I like to mention Cartier-Bresson for 
many reasons, one being that he strongly denied that he was an artist :-)
---In,  wrote :

 Okay Nabbie, I listened to the Robert Johnson recording and to some of 
Curtis's recordings on YouTube.

 This is regarding you one note theory of music here. Granted some instruments 
tone productions can be a thing that must be practised, sounding a note on a 
violin is rather complex. But many instruments such as the piano, just about 
anyone can strike a note and it sounds the same. It is the relationships 
between the notes that make music not just one note. Beauty in a single note is 
in the eye of a beholder. Take the saxophone. This was originally intended to 
be a classical instrument, but for the most part it ended up in jazz, brass 
bands, on the popular side of the tracks. Classical saxophone playing is 
generally very smooth and mellow. While jazz players are often rather raspy in 
tone. You have to consider the style of music being played. If you consider 
'beauty of tone' as a criterion, most jazz saxophonists sound like crap next to 
a good classical player. But the classical player probably could never 
replicate the style of the jazz players. 

 YouTube is not the best way to hear music. It is compressed and often recopied 
and recompressed many times. Consumer video recorders have microphones that 
have distorted frequency response, often boosting the highs, and they are 
recorded at the camera location, not with optimum placement. 
 The Robert Johnson recording is a solo, and 1936 recording technology loses 
both deep bass and much of the high frequencies (and an abrasive was added to 
the shellac of 78rpm records to keep the needle from wearing them down too 
quickly). His sound on the reproduction on YouTube is dead because it has been 
processed to remove the noise of that technology.  So when you compare the 
musical sound of different musicians, you have to account for how the recording 
technology, and the recording engineer affect the final sound.

 Studio recordings tend to be different than live recordings. The atmosphere is 
more relaxed in a studio recording, and the need to project to an audience is 
absent so the sound might be more intimate. A completely acoustic performance 
without amplification requires projecting to the audience, and such a 
performance might sound a bit more intense than one in a more intimate setting.

 Comparing solo guitar and voice with what Curtis does with additional 
instruments is not a telling comparison. The ability to play slowly is nice, 
but a pro has to be able to handle rapid passages with ease, and without making 
serious errors. Now I can play slowly, because I am not that skilled, and have 
no other choice, lacking technical fluency. Five-year-old children can play the 
piano far better than I ever will. I am pretty good with single notes too. I 
can play them loud, soft, and in between. 

 There are kinds of music I like, music I like less, and music I do not like, 
but I do not consider those performing music I do not like as crude etc., 
because I have not really investigated their artistry and style; some of these 
musicians seem to be fantastic in their technical ability. I mostly listen to 
Western European music, Bach, Handel, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven and so forth, so 
I have a musical bias, I almost never listen to pop, jazz, musicals, rock, or 
blues. Learning something about the style of a particular kind of musics helps 
to appreciate more, even if in the end, you do not like it. For example, I do 
not like rap, but it takes a tremendous amount of rhythmic and verbal and 
literary skill to produce it.

 I read somewhere on FFL you were a photographer. Are you an artist or a hack 
(just taking soulless pictures for money)? I do not believe you have ever given 
us a sample of your work. I am sure there are critics in the audience who would 
be glad to evaluate your artistic ability. W

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Nablusoss, I know you stated that you don't care, but just want to say, 
contrary to what turq suggested, there is at least one FFL person who enjoys 
some of your posts: I enjoy the crop circle pictures and the info from Creme 
and bits about aliens. 

 On Tuesday, October 28, 2014 5:06 AM, nablusoss1008 


You are right, different instruments obviously need different approaches to 
training. My suggestion was a hint only, to sit down and listen to one note at 
the time which should be done regardless of instrument and would benefit any 
amateur who often tries to accomplish too much too soon.Regarding your last 
question. I'm certainly producing "soulless pictures for money". There is no 
artistic merit in this whatsoever, though I do try to make every picture 
"sing", if not able to do that to some extent I would have no clients. Art in 
photography ? There are many but I like to mention Cartier-Bresson for many 
reasons, one being that he strongly denied that he was an artist :-)
---In,  wrote :

Okay Nabbie, I listened to the Robert Johnson recording and to some of Curtis's 
recordings on YouTube.
This is regarding you one note theory of music here. Granted some instruments 
tone productions can be a thing that must be practised, sounding a note on a 
violin is rather complex. But many instruments such as the piano, just about 
anyone can strike a note and it sounds the same. It is the relationships 
between the notes that make music not just one note. Beauty in a single note is 
in the eye of a beholder. Take the saxophone. This was originally intended to 
be a classical instrument, but for the most part it ended up in jazz, brass 
bands, on the popular side of the tracks. Classical saxophone playing is 
generally very smooth and mellow. While jazz players are often rather raspy in 
tone. You have to consider the style of music being played. If you consider 
'beauty of tone' as a criterion, most jazz saxophonists sound like crap next to 
a good classical player. But the classical player probably could never 
replicate the style of the jazz players. 
YouTube is not the best way to hear music. It is compressed and often recopied 
and recompressed many times. Consumer video recorders have microphones that 
have distorted frequency response, often boosting the highs, and they are 
recorded at the camera location, not with optimum placement. The Robert Johnson 
recording is a solo, and 1936 recording technology loses both deep bass and 
much of the high frequencies (and an abrasive was added to the shellac of 78rpm 
records to keep the needle from wearing them down too quickly). His sound on 
the reproduction on YouTube is dead because it has been processed to remove the 
noise of that technology.  So when you compare the musical sound of different 
musicians, you have to account for how the recording technology, and the 
recording engineer affect the final sound.
Studio recordings tend to be different than live recordings. The atmosphere is 
more relaxed in a studio recording, and the need to project to an audience is 
absent so the sound might be more intimate. A completely acoustic performance 
without amplification requires projecting to the audience, and such a 
performance might sound a bit more intense than one in a more intimate setting.
Comparing solo guitar and voice with what Curtis does with additional 
instruments is not a telling comparison. The ability to play slowly is nice, 
but a pro has to be able to handle rapid passages with ease, and without making 
serious errors. Now I can play slowly, because I am not that skilled, and have 
no other choice, lacking technical fluency. Five-year-old children can play the 
piano far better than I ever will. I am pretty good with single notes too. I 
can play them loud, soft, and in between. 
There are kinds of music I like, music I like less, and music I do not like, 
but I do not consider those performing music I do not like as crude etc., 
because I have not really investigated their artistry and style; some of these 
musicians seem to be fantastic in their technical ability. I mostly listen to 
Western European music, Bach, Handel, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven and so forth, so 
I have a musical bias, I almost never listen to pop, jazz, musicals, rock, or 
blues. Learning something about the style of a particular kind of musics helps 
to appreciate more, even if in the end, you do not like it. For example, I do 
not like rap, but it takes a tremendous amount of rhythmic and verbal and 
literary skill to produce it.
I read somewhere on FFL you were a photographer. Are you an artist or a hack 
(just taking soulless pictures for money)? I do not believe you have ever given 
us a sample of your work. I am sure there are critics in the audience who would 
be glad to evaluate your artistic ability. What do you consider to be art in 
the field of photography? If we are discussing art versus non art, there

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-28 Thread nablusoss1008

You are right, different instruments obviously need different approaches to 
training. My suggestion was a hint only, to sit down and listen to one note at 
the time which should be done regardless of instrument and would benefit any 
amateur who often tries to accomplish too much too soon.
 Regarding your last question. I'm certainly producing "soulless pictures for 
money". There is no artistic merit in this whatsoever, though I do try to make 
every picture "sing", if not able to do that to some extent I would have no 
 Art in photography ? There are many but I like to mention Cartier-Bresson for 
many reasons, one being that he strongly denied that he was an artist :-)
---In,  wrote :

 Okay Nabbie, I listened to the Robert Johnson recording and to some of 
Curtis's recordings on YouTube.

 This is regarding you one note theory of music here. Granted some instruments 
tone productions can be a thing that must be practised, sounding a note on a 
violin is rather complex. But many instruments such as the piano, just about 
anyone can strike a note and it sounds the same. It is the relationships 
between the notes that make music not just one note. Beauty in a single note is 
in the eye of a beholder. Take the saxophone. This was originally intended to 
be a classical instrument, but for the most part it ended up in jazz, brass 
bands, on the popular side of the tracks. Classical saxophone playing is 
generally very smooth and mellow. While jazz players are often rather raspy in 
tone. You have to consider the style of music being played. If you consider 
'beauty of tone' as a criterion, most jazz saxophonists sound like crap next to 
a good classical player. But the classical player probably could never 
replicate the style of the jazz players. 

 YouTube is not the best way to hear music. It is compressed and often recopied 
and recompressed many times. Consumer video recorders have microphones that 
have distorted frequency response, often boosting the highs, and they are 
recorded at the camera location, not with optimum placement. 
 The Robert Johnson recording is a solo, and 1936 recording technology loses 
both deep bass and much of the high frequencies (and an abrasive was added to 
the shellac of 78rpm records to keep the needle from wearing them down too 
quickly). His sound on the reproduction on YouTube is dead because it has been 
processed to remove the noise of that technology.  So when you compare the 
musical sound of different musicians, you have to account for how the recording 
technology, and the recording engineer affect the final sound.

 Studio recordings tend to be different than live recordings. The atmosphere is 
more relaxed in a studio recording, and the need to project to an audience is 
absent so the sound might be more intimate. A completely acoustic performance 
without amplification requires projecting to the audience, and such a 
performance might sound a bit more intense than one in a more intimate setting.

 Comparing solo guitar and voice with what Curtis does with additional 
instruments is not a telling comparison. The ability to play slowly is nice, 
but a pro has to be able to handle rapid passages with ease, and without making 
serious errors. Now I can play slowly, because I am not that skilled, and have 
no other choice, lacking technical fluency. Five-year-old children can play the 
piano far better than I ever will. I am pretty good with single notes too. I 
can play them loud, soft, and in between. 

 There are kinds of music I like, music I like less, and music I do not like, 
but I do not consider those performing music I do not like as crude etc., 
because I have not really investigated their artistry and style; some of these 
musicians seem to be fantastic in their technical ability. I mostly listen to 
Western European music, Bach, Handel, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven and so forth, so 
I have a musical bias, I almost never listen to pop, jazz, musicals, rock, or 
blues. Learning something about the style of a particular kind of musics helps 
to appreciate more, even if in the end, you do not like it. For example, I do 
not like rap, but it takes a tremendous amount of rhythmic and verbal and 
literary skill to produce it.

 I read somewhere on FFL you were a photographer. Are you an artist or a hack 
(just taking soulless pictures for money)? I do not believe you have ever given 
us a sample of your work. I am sure there are critics in the audience who would 
be glad to evaluate your artistic ability. What do you consider to be art in 
the field of photography? If we are discussing art versus non art, there must 
be some general criterion or criteria by which to evaluate it.

---In,  wrote :

 "If Curtis were as bad as you say, what do you think he should do to improve?"

 Good question. First of all I'd recommend practise, practise, practise. He 
could start by hitt

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Okay Nabbie, I listened to the Robert Johnson recording and to some of Curtis's 
recordings on YouTube.

 This is regarding you one note theory of music here. Granted some instruments 
tone productions can be a thing that must be practised, sounding a note on a 
violin is rather complex. But many instruments such as the piano, just about 
anyone can strike a note and it sounds the same. It is the relationships 
between the notes that make music not just one note. Beauty in a single note is 
in the eye of a beholder. Take the saxophone. This was originally intended to 
be a classical instrument, but for the most part it ended up in jazz, brass 
bands, on the popular side of the tracks. Classical saxophone playing is 
generally very smooth and mellow. While jazz players are often rather raspy in 
tone. You have to consider the style of music being played. If you consider 
'beauty of tone' as a criterion, most jazz saxophonists sound like crap next to 
a good classical player. But the classical player probably could never 
replicate the style of the jazz players. 

 YouTube is not the best way to hear music. It is compressed and often recopied 
and recompressed many times. Consumer video recorders have microphones that 
have distorted frequency response, often boosting the highs, and they are 
recorded at the camera location, not with optimum placement. 
 The Robert Johnson recording is a solo, and 1936 recording technology loses 
both deep bass and much of the high frequencies (and an abrasive was added to 
the shellac of 78rpm records to keep the needle from wearing them down too 
quickly). His sound on the reproduction on YouTube is dead because it has been 
processed to remove the noise of that technology.  So when you compare the 
musical sound of different musicians, you have to account for how the recording 
technology, and the recording engineer affect the final sound.

 Studio recordings tend to be different than live recordings. The atmosphere is 
more relaxed in a studio recording, and the need to project to an audience is 
absent so the sound might be more intimate. A completely acoustic performance 
without amplification requires projecting to the audience, and such a 
performance might sound a bit more intense than one in a more intimate setting.

 Comparing solo guitar and voice with what Curtis does with additional 
instruments is not a telling comparison. The ability to play slowly is nice, 
but a pro has to be able to handle rapid passages with ease, and without making 
serious errors. Now I can play slowly, because I am not that skilled, and have 
no other choice, lacking technical fluency. Five-year-old children can play the 
piano far better than I ever will. I am pretty good with single notes too. I 
can play them loud, soft, and in between. 

 There are kinds of music I like, music I like less, and music I do not like, 
but I do not consider those performing music I do not like as crude etc., 
because I have not really investigated their artistry and style; some of these 
musicians seem to be fantastic in their technical ability. I mostly listen to 
Western European music, Bach, Handel, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven and so forth, so 
I have a musical bias, I almost never listen to pop, jazz, musicals, rock, or 
blues. Learning something about the style of a particular kind of musics helps 
to appreciate more, even if in the end, you do not like it. For example, I do 
not like rap, but it takes a tremendous amount of rhythmic and verbal and 
literary skill to produce it.

 I read somewhere on FFL you were a photographer. Are you an artist or a hack 
(just taking soulless pictures for money)? I do not believe you have ever given 
us a sample of your work. I am sure there are critics in the audience who would 
be glad to evaluate your artistic ability. What do you consider to be art in 
the field of photography? If we are discussing art versus non art, there must 
be some general criterion or criteria by which to evaluate it.

---In,  wrote :

 "If Curtis were as bad as you say, what do you think he should do to improve?"

 Good question. First of all I'd recommend practise, practise, practise. He 
could start by hitting one note at a time, just one note and listening to it, 
how it sounds, vibrates and how the sound slowly disappears. Just that, very 
simply and innoscently create one sound, and then listen to it, how pleasing is 
that sound, does it sound better doing it in another way ?  And again, and 
again, and again. By doing this one acquires an understanding of the basics and 
a love for the note itself. Without this basics one is lost and will never 
achieve anything. One should understand that the ability to play fast on any 
instrument is not the same as playing music. To be able to play slowly is the 
hallmark of a professional.
  Many amateurs, like Curtis, make this mistake; they skip the basics and try 
to convey too much.
 I recomme

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-27 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Schneider is certainly a true believer, but why do you call him a "jackass?" 


---In,  wrote :

 The fact that they had that jackass Bob Schneider, a cardiologist, doing a 
lecture on Vedic psychiatry which was primarily more Movement bullshit of think 
sweet thoughts, don't think negative thoughts, read Hindoo scriptures and do TM 
- that says what the Movement really thinks and is doing about TM suicides than 
the community meetings they are participating in ONLY to save face and put on a 
good show until they can get the people suffering from depression alone to tell 
them its their fault, their karma, they just aren't pure enough yet, so more TM 
Siddhi practice and some yagyas as well as a good big fat donation to the 
Movement will cure them. 


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 9:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form 
of mental illness


---In,  wrote :

 Oh no no no no Sal! Haven't you read Share's gushing posts about what a grand 
effort the TMO is officially putting forth to combat suicides in Fairfield??? 
They certainly don't need to admit TM isn't the cure for all things. They are 
doing all SORTS of fabulous things, all created and orchestrated by the 
magnificent TMO!!


 I'm sure we'll see whether what they offer officially is of any worth. Seems 
to me that if they break down the mystique of TM as the single greatest thing 
for human development then it will only be a matter of time before someone 
questions the validity of their position on the unified field of consciousness 
and all that that entails. Maybe they'll even start to wonder about the ME or 
yagya's, from small acorns can mighty oaks grow. Or the other way round of 
course! There is no excuse for continuing to preach an all encompassing world 
view without any evidence to back it up and still call it a science.

 Shorn of the religious hyperbole the TMO might become a more realistic school 
of thought and might do more good in the world when it isn't scaring off anyone 
who doesn't like the sight of crowns and ranks of chanting Hindoo boys and 
teaching astrology in schools.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 9:05 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness


---In,  wrote :

 salyavin808 asks:
 So, what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are they going to do 
about it? 
 Dateline Fairfield, Iowa. The meeting? It was one in a continuation of working 
meetings held about mental health in the community that have been ongoing for 
months now most every Tuesday going under the working banner of the Fairfield 
Mental Health Alliance. These are working meetings of people who are interested 
in being activley involved in helping with communal mental health. On 
alternating Tuesdays are working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays 
is the large group meeting where the committees bring their work. The larger 
meetings are very business like organized by agenda. A lot has been done 
[accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months to facilitate mental 
health in to the community. 
 The meetings are open to interested people who would be actively involved. 
They are not gripe sessions where people just hate, bitch and complain, but 
working meetings looking for action steps to work on and facilitate. Different 
aspects have been focused on and worked on within the ongoing previous meeting 
process. Last month before this last meeting the other night was the 
presentation and distribution of the campus guideline for psychological health 
treatment. That was a historic meeting and showed the work of a lot of people. 
 This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting down to 
the cultural things that may underlie meditator communal mental health. 
Everything came on to the table. It was really well facilitated.  Evidently it 
is now time in the process to really consider elements of our culture.  There 
were about 40 people around the room of various ages and rank in the community. 
The meeting had a cross-section representation of students, graduates of the 
whole school system, long-term community meditators, campus people, and 
movement leadership. 
  It was extremely well facilitated lasting within and hour or so such that 
everyone was asked to speak and participate in a series of rounds around the 
room where everyone was asked by the facilitator who ran the meeting to respond 
to particular questions in short and those comments were captured on whiteboard 
and poster boards by scribes in front of everyone to be kept and read through 
out the meeting. 
 Starting with a question some

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
The fact that they had that jackass Bob Schneider, a cardiologist, doing a 
lecture on Vedic psychiatry which was primarily more Movement bullshit of think 
sweet thoughts, don't think negative thoughts, read Hindoo scriptures and do TM 
- that says what the Movement really thinks and is doing about TM suicides than 
the community meetings they are participating in ONLY to save face and put on a 
good show until they can get the people suffering from depression alone to tell 
them its their fault, their karma, they just aren't pure enough yet, so more TM 
Siddhi practice and some yagyas as well as a good big fat donation to the 
Movement will cure them. 

 From: salyavin808 
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness


---In,  wrote :

Oh no no no no Sal! Haven't you read Share's gushing posts about what a grand 
effort the TMO is officially putting forth to combat suicides in Fairfield??? 
They certainly don't need to admit TM isn't the cure for all things. They are 
doing all SORTS of fabulous things, all created and orchestrated by the 
magnificent TMO!!

I'm sure we'll see whether what they offer officially is of any worth. Seems to 
me that if they break down the mystique of TM as the single greatest thing for 
human development then it will only be a matter of time before someone 
questions the validity of their position on the unified field of consciousness 
and all that that entails. Maybe they'll even start to wonder about the ME or 
yagya's, from small acorns can mighty oaks grow. Or the other way round of 
course! There is no excuse for continuing to preach an all encompassing world 
view without any evidence to back it up and still call it a science.

Shorn of the religious hyperbole the TMO might become a more realistic school 
of thought and might do more good in the world when it isn't scaring off anyone 
who doesn't like the sight of crowns and ranks of chanting Hindoo boys and 
teaching astrology in schools.

 From: salyavin808 
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 9:05 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness


---In,  wrote :

what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are they going
to do about it? 

Fairfield, Iowa.  The meeting?  It was one in a continuation of
working meetings held about mental health in the community that have
been ongoing for months now most every Tuesday going under the
working banner of the Fairfield Mental Health Alliance.  These are
working meetings of people who are interested in being activley
involved in helping with communal mental health.  On alternating
Tuesdays are working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays is
the large group meeting where the committees bring their work.  The
larger meetings are very business like organized by agenda.   A lot has
been done [accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months to
facilitate mental health in to the community. 
The meetings are open
to interested people who would be actively involved.  They are not
gripe sessions where people just hate, bitch and complain, but working
meetings looking for action steps to work on and facilitate.
Different aspects have been focused on and worked on within the ongoing previous
meeting process. Last month before this last meeting the other night was the 
presentation and
distribution of the campus guideline for psychological health
treatment. That was a historic meeting and showed the work of a lot of people.  

This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting down to 
the cultural
things that may underlie meditator communal mental health.
Everything came on to the table.  It was really well facilitated.  Evidently it 
is now time in the process to really consider elements of our culture.  There 
were about 40 people around the room of various ages and rank
in the community. The meeting had a cross-section representation of 
students, graduates of the
whole school system, long-term community meditators, campus people, and
movement leadership. 
 It was extremely well facilitated lasting
within and hour or so such that everyone was asked to speak and
participate in a series of rounds around the room where everyone was
asked by the facilitator who ran the meeting to respond to particular questions
in short and those comments were captured on whiteboard and poster
boards by scribes in front of everyone to be kept and read through
out the meeting.  
Starting with a question something like, in only a few limited words and
without statement what do you see the problem is here in the

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread nablusoss1008
This will do as a headline: ""dilettante: : a person whose interest in an art 
or in an area of knowledge is not very deep or serious."

 "You who have never been at one of my shows or even listened to my CDs have no 
clue how deep this river runs."

 That's right, my opinion is formed by the stuff you voluntarily and for some 
obscure reasons post on youtube. That is more than enough to form an opinion.
 I also see that you continue labelling yourself as an artist. It's strange but 
hardly surprising. It's as if you're saying to yourself over and over again, 
dammit, "I'm an artist, I'm an artist, I'm an artist" trying to convince 
yourself that it's true. Well, I beg to differ, and think you can live with 

 Websters definition of art is good. Hopefully, in your own ears what you do is 
"beautiful" and "skillfull". There will always be those who clap their hands or 
donate a dollar. It doesn't necessarily mean they have a clue or even think 
that they are enjoying "art". But if it makes you happy to think so, why not, 
at least it doesn't hurt anyone. There are worse things going on than some 
fellow living in delusion of self-grandiosity.

---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
 I respect you for making a living from being independent. What I object to is 
your insistence again and again on using the words "art" and "artist". You must 
have some nerve to use those words about yourself and the stuff you are doing. 

M: I already tried to help you with your word comprehension problem. Let's see 
if Mr. Dictionary can help: Webster

"ART : something that is created with imagination and skill and that is 
beautiful or that expresses important ideas or feelings"

What you are trying to do it to impose your personal standards as the arbiter 
of what is and is not art. Your snob take on the term was the enemy of guys 
like the blues men whose music I preserve. Even your beloved Jimi faced this 
kind of criticism.

Turns out that the field of art is bigger than just what you prefer. One of my 
goals in schools is to fight this presumptive elitism in art so that people can 
feel encouraged to express their feelings in art without the tyranny of such 
judgement that kills creativity.

Do you know who I find are the biggest purveyors of your view of art? People 
who don't create any themselves. 

My art form is music. I am a teaching artist in schools. My CDs are my artistic 
expression. I create and appreciate art every day of my life. I actively 
promote the view that art is a human birthright, not some elitist cocktail 
party with velvet ropes with a guy like you with a sour face saying: "I don't 
think you can come in to my private party." You are not in charge of what is or 
is not art.

The blues represents the opposite view at its core. All my heroes in the blues 
where self taught folk musicians. They faced the wall of such pretensions of 
what art IS their whole lives and made very little money because of it. I 
champion all the music styles that are from the people's hearts directly 
without the stamp of approval from people who think THEIR opinion defines art.

You personally don't like my music. OK I can live with that. But please don't 
try to elevate your opinion to being more than that. My music is my art. Take 
it or leave it, but save the lectures about what is real art for the kind of 
people who don't work in the field every day.

N: It undermines whatever else you have to say because you have glued 
dilettanterie to your endeavors, at least in my opinion.

M: There are online dictionaries you know.
"dilettante: : a person whose interest in an art or in an area of knowledge is 
not very deep or serious."

I make a living as an expert in 1920's and 1930's acoustic blues through 
educational performances of the style. I am fucking serious about it. You who 
have never been at one of my shows or even listened to my CDs have no clue how 
deep this river runs.


 And since you mention a great american photographer and artist Ansel Adams, 
even Cartier-Bresson claimed he himself was not an artist. He was a great 
artists by any standard to most of us ofcourse, but he had higher ideas about 
the word "art". That's real humility, something you perhaps lack.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :
 The noise you produce was even worse when playing inside a room with a 
microphone in a video you probably deleted.  For good reasons.
M: I haven't deleted any videos but then I don't post all of the ones of me. My 
two CDs are at I have sold thousands of them and won some awards 
for them. I am very proud of them. Each contains 6 original songs and 6 covers 
songs preserving the acoustic blues era and performed live as a one man band in 
the studio. With Christmas coming I'm sure you will want to buy several for 
your family and friends. Curtis Blues | CD Baby Mus

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
--In,  wrote :
 I respect you for making a living from being independent. What I object to is 
your insistence again and again on using the words "art" and "artist". You must 
have some nerve to use those words about yourself and the stuff you are doing. 

M: I already tried to help you with your word comprehension problem. Let's see 
if Mr. Dictionary can help: Webster

"ART : something that is created with imagination and skill and that is 
beautiful or that expresses important ideas or feelings"

What you are trying to do it to impose your personal standards as the arbiter 
of what is and is not art. Your snob take on the term was the enemy of guys 
like the blues men whose music I preserve. Even your beloved Jimi faced this 
kind of criticism.

Turns out that the field of art is bigger than just what you prefer. One of my 
goals in schools is to fight this presumptive elitism in art so that people can 
feel encouraged to express their feelings in art without the tyranny of such 
judgement that kills creativity.

Do you know who I find are the biggest purveyors of your view of art? People 
who don't create any themselves. 

My art form is music. I am a teaching artist in schools. My CDs are my artistic 
expression. I create and appreciate art every day of my life. I actively 
promote the view that art is a human birthright, not some elitist cocktail 
party with velvet ropes with a guy like you with a sour face saying: "I don't 
think you can come in to my private party." You are not in charge of what is or 
is not art.

The blues represents the opposite view at its core. All my heroes in the blues 
where self taught folk musicians. They faced the wall of such pretensions of 
what art IS their whole lives and made very little money because of it. I 
champion all the music styles that are from the people's hearts directly 
without the stamp of approval from people who think THEIR opinion defines art.

You personally don't like my music. OK I can live with that. But please don't 
try to elevate your opinion to being more than that. My music is my art. Take 
it or leave it, but save the lectures about what is real art for the kind of 
people who don't work in the field every day.

N: It undermines whatever else you have to say because you have glued 
dilettanterie to your endeavors, at least in my opinion.

M: There are online dictionaries you know.
"dilettante: : a person whose interest in an art or in an area of knowledge is 
not very deep or serious."

I make a living as an expert in 1920's and 1930's acoustic blues through 
educational performances of the style. I am fucking serious about it. You who 
have never been at one of my shows or even listened to my CDs have no clue how 
deep this river runs.


 And since you mention a great american photographer and artist Ansel Adams, 
even Cartier-Bresson claimed he himself was not an artist. He was a great 
artists by any standard to most of us ofcourse, but he had higher ideas about 
the word "art". That's real humility, something you perhaps lack.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :
 The noise you produce was even worse when playing inside a room with a 
microphone in a video you probably deleted.  For good reasons.
M: I haven't deleted any videos but then I don't post all of the ones of me. My 
two CDs are at I have sold thousands of them and won some awards 
for them. I am very proud of them. Each contains 6 original songs and 6 covers 
songs preserving the acoustic blues era and performed live as a one man band in 
the studio. With Christmas coming I'm sure you will want to buy several for 
your family and friends. Curtis Blues | CD Baby Music Store
 Curtis Blues | CD Baby Music Store 
Listen to and buy Curtis Blues music on CD Baby, the independent record store 
by musicians for musicians.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


Reflecting on my job through this discussion has been interesting. One aspect 
of my job is public and because everyone believes their opinions are so 
precious they share them freely. It is a big obstacle for many artists and some 
are tormented by it long into their rise to fame and fortune. The key is to 
focus on your own artistic standards and the people who you solicit opinions 
from: people you trust and people you pay. I paid a producer to help me with my 
second CD and the results were so much better than my first. The advice was 
invaluable and helped me grow as an artist.

Imagine this Nabbie. Some guy you have never met, a friend of a friend on 
Facebook sees a shapshot you took on vacation posted by someone else. It may or 
may not have been the one you would have chosen but they posted it so you live 
with it. The gu

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
salyavin, from my own experience I think that TM is necessary for emotional 
good health. But it's not sufficient. Just as it's not sufficient to deal with 
a toothache or a broken finger or a floundering marriage. Anyway, ALL the 
issues that have been brought up here, have been brought up in these meetings, 
and often more than once. The whole process is very encouraging and exciting 
and makes me feel happy to be part of these organization as it goes through its 
growing pains.

 On Sunday, October 26, 2014 8:27 AM, salyavin808 


---In,  wrote :

Oh no no no no Sal! Haven't you read Share's gushing posts about what a grand 
effort the TMO is officially putting forth to combat suicides in Fairfield??? 
They certainly don't need to admit TM isn't the cure for all things. They are 
doing all SORTS of fabulous things, all created and orchestrated by the 
magnificent TMO!!

I'm sure we'll see whether what they offer officially is of any worth. Seems to 
me that if they break down the mystique of TM as the single greatest thing for 
human development then it will only be a matter of time before someone 
questions the validity of their position on the unified field of consciousness 
and all that that entails. Maybe they'll even start to wonder about the ME or 
yagya's, from small acorns can mighty oaks grow. Or the other way round of 
course! There is no excuse for continuing to preach an all encompassing world 
view without any evidence to back it up and still call it a science.
Shorn of the religious hyperbole the TMO might become a more realistic school 
of thought and might do more good in the world when it isn't scaring off anyone 
who doesn't like the sight of crowns and ranks of chanting Hindoo boys and 
teaching astrology in schools.
  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 9:05 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness

---In,  wrote :

salyavin808asks:So,what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are 
they goingto do about it?
DatelineFairfield, Iowa. The meeting? It was one in a continuation ofworking 
meetings held about mental health in the community that havebeen ongoing for 
months now most every Tuesday going under theworking banner of the Fairfield 
Mental Health Alliance. These areworking meetings of people who are interested 
in being activleyinvolved in helping with communal mental health. On 
alternatingTuesdays are working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays 
isthe large group meeting where the committees bring their work. Thelarger 
meetings are very business like organized by agenda. A lot hasbeen done 
[accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months tofacilitate mental 
health in to the community. The meetings are opento interested people who would 
be actively involved. They are notgripe sessions where people just hate, bitch 
and complain, but workingmeetings looking for action steps to work on and 
facilitate.Different aspects have been focused on and worked on within the 
ongoing previousmeeting process. Last month before this last meeting the other 
night was the presentation anddistribution of the campus guideline for 
psychological healthtreatment. That was a historic meeting and showed the work 
of a lot of people. 
This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting down to 
the culturalthings that may underlie meditator communal mental 
health.Everything came on to the table. It was really well facilitated.  
Evidently it is now time in the process to really consider elements of our 
culture.  There were about 40 people around the room of various ages and rankin 
the community. The meeting had a cross-section representation of students, 
graduates of thewhole school system, long-term community meditators, campus 
people, andmovement leadership.  It was extremely well facilitated 
lastingwithin and hour or so such that everyone was asked to speak 
andparticipate in a series of rounds around the room where everyone wasasked by 
the facilitator who ran the meeting to respond to particular questionsin short 
and those comments were captured on whiteboard and posterboards by scribes in 
front of everyone to be kept and read throughout the meeting. Starting with a 
question something like, in only a few limited words andwithout statement what 
do you see the problem is here in thecommunity culture with mental health? 5 or 
so words. It went aroundthe room. Then once everything was on the boards in 
front ofeveryone came the next question, in a word how do you feel now about 
allthat was said? It went around the room to everyone includingmovement 
leadership. 'Hopeful' was a common comment among a range offeelings.Lastlarge 
question of the group was something like, in five words whatshould be done to 
effect change in the communal culture? Again 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Hey MJ, I'm just balancing out your gushings, if that's what we could call 
them! Still wishing you more peace and happiness...

 On Sunday, October 26, 2014 8:12 AM, "Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

     Oh no no no no Sal! Haven't you read Share's gushing posts about what a 
grand effort the TMO is officially putting forth to combat suicides in 
Fairfield??? They certainly don't need to admit TM isn't the cure for all 
things. They are doing all SORTS of fabulous things, all created and 
orchestrated by the magnificent TMO!!

  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 9:05 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness

---In,  wrote :

salyavin808asks:So,what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are 
they goingto do about it?
DatelineFairfield, Iowa. The meeting? It was one in a continuation ofworking 
meetings held about mental health in the community that havebeen ongoing for 
months now most every Tuesday going under theworking banner of the Fairfield 
Mental Health Alliance. These areworking meetings of people who are interested 
in being activleyinvolved in helping with communal mental health. On 
alternatingTuesdays are working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays 
isthe large group meeting where the committees bring their work. Thelarger 
meetings are very business like organized by agenda. A lot hasbeen done 
[accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months tofacilitate mental 
health in to the community. The meetings are opento interested people who would 
be actively involved. They are notgripe sessions where people just hate, bitch 
and complain, but workingmeetings looking for action steps to work on and 
facilitate.Different aspects have been focused on and worked on within the 
ongoing previousmeeting process. Last month before this last meeting the other 
night was the presentation anddistribution of the campus guideline for 
psychological healthtreatment. That was a historic meeting and showed the work 
of a lot of people. 
This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting down to 
the culturalthings that may underlie meditator communal mental 
health.Everything came on to the table. It was really well facilitated.  
Evidently it is now time in the process to really consider elements of our 
culture.  There were about 40 people around the room of various ages and rankin 
the community. The meeting had a cross-section representation of students, 
graduates of thewhole school system, long-term community meditators, campus 
people, andmovement leadership.  It was extremely well facilitated 
lastingwithin and hour or so such that everyone was asked to speak 
andparticipate in a series of rounds around the room where everyone wasasked by 
the facilitator who ran the meeting to respond to particular questionsin short 
and those comments were captured on whiteboard and posterboards by scribes in 
front of everyone to be kept and read throughout the meeting. Starting with a 
question something like, in only a few limited words andwithout statement what 
do you see the problem is here in thecommunity culture with mental health? 5 or 
so words. It went aroundthe room. Then once everything was on the boards in 
front ofeveryone came the next question, in a word how do you feel now about 
allthat was said? It went around the room to everyone includingmovement 
leadership. 'Hopeful' was a common comment among a range offeelings.Lastlarge 
question of the group was something like, in five words whatshould be done to 
effect change in the communal culture? Again timewas taken to go entirely 
around the room and the answers wererecorded by scribes on boards in front of 
the whole group to read.That went around the whole room and everything was said 
without comment or discussion.  It just moved around the room to everyone.  
These werepertinent action points. Inthe end of the meeting then everyone was 
asked to come forward and physically vote with a limited number of hash-marks 
to what they felt were themost important points offered in the meeting. That 
data then willsubsequently generate a report with priority for a future 
meetingabout what it might take to change the culture of the movement 
aroundmental health. It was all very open and very well done.  Communal process 
to continue,,# #Now, as the science evidently does seem to indicate do take 
some quiet time for effective transcendent meditation for the welfare of your 
mental health and go forth and havea better day. JaiGuru Dev,-Buck in the Dome
Good for you guys for taking it seriously, it seems to me that for there to be 
an actual organisation to confront the issue means there must be quite a 
problem. Or is it that the usual therapies and professionals that the average 
person goes in search of aren't there due t

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
A persistent fallacy with you, Michael.  You assume that anyone who is a 
supporter of the movement, or who has goodwill towards the movement, must 
somehow be a regular meditator, of if they are a teacher, go to be 
re-certified, or if they have learned the siddhis, they must practice them. 

 It really only demonstrates an inability on your part to make fine 

 And again, one can't help but wonder how this plays out in real life, when so 
much of success in relationships, as well as earning a living, requires basic 
skills in this area.


---In,  wrote :

And I'm very much part of the Movement but never had the time nor the 
opportunity to do the rectification 


 You are so full of shit - if you really were part of the Movement you would 
have gotten recertified - you don't because they won't take you because you are 
a Benjy Creme fanatic and you know it. You are part of the Movement only in 
your own mind.
 My guess is you have this fantasy that when Maitreya shows himself, he will 
call upon all the TM governors to have some sort of big shot important role in 
administering the new world order.

 Jesus, what a pathetic individual you are. The very Movement you adore and 
blabber about all the time despises you because of your "other spiritual 
teachers" addiction. Yet you cling to a fantasy world that will never manifest.

 I gotta hand it to you though, you are living life the way the Movement taught 
you - with no sense of real reality and living in a dream world of your own and 
your non-existent Master's importance.

 From: nablusoss1008 
 Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 6:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form 
of mental illness


---In,  wrote :

 From: nablusoss1008 
 Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 10:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form 
of mental illness
   The noise you produce was even worse when playing inside a room with a 
microphone in a video you probably deleted.  For good reasons. You see now that 
I find you extremely pretentious and perhaps, though I doubt it,  understand 
why I find your critisism of Maharishi as silly as your playing. 


Just as a question, Nabby, what do you think that people on this forum think of 

 I have no idea, nor do I care much. 

Essentially, I'm asking you to "self-rate," the same thing I've asked of Jim 
Flanegin and that he's been too terrified to ever do. I'm asking you to tell us 
what YOU think other people on this forum think of you, and how believable they 
find you.

 Same as over. 

1. Do you think that there is ANYONE on this forum (or anywhere else) who finds 
your stories about Benjamin Creme and the Any-Day-Now appearance of Maitreya 
believable? If so, who are these people so we can contact them to confirm this? 

 Could be, I'm not sure. 

2. Do you think there is ANYONE here who finds the stuff you write about crop 
circles believable and believes that they were created by 'Space Brotherws?' If 
so, please give us their names. ( The people who believe this, not the names of 
the Space Brothers. :-)

 Problem with the majority of posters are they are closed-minded, probably due 
to lack of progress. The only poster here that seems remotely open to these 
facts is Rick Archer. There are probably others but the don't excactly voice 
their opinion. Not that is matters much. 

3. Do you think there is ANYONE on this forum who feels that you are a good 
example of what TM does for a person? Again, give us names please.

 I have no idea, nor do I care. 

4. Do you think there is ANYONE on this forum (or anywhere else) who feels that 
you are even SANE? Names, please. 

 I have no idea, one can only hope :-)

5. Do you think there is ANYONE on this forum (or anywhere else) who actually 
CARES what you think of Curtis, me, or MJ? Again, we'll wait for you to supply 
names, if you dare. 


 The question came up by anartaxius so I Guess so. 

6. Finally, do you think you'd still be welcome in Vlodrop or in any official 
TM flying facility? 


 Absolutely. My standing in the Movement is without blemish and I can join any 
flying-facility anytime I like, internationally a letter of approval is 
necessary and no problem at all. 

I'm really interested in your answer to the last question, because I've been 
contacted by someone in Europe who has offered to give me your real name and 
the real story of why you are no longer part of the TM movement and are instead 
hiding out in Norway. It'll be interesting to compare this person's version 
with your own. 


 Yeah right. These people are as non-excistent as Your "lurking reporters". And 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/26/2014 9:03 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Jeez, Michael, doubling down on your idiocy, doesn't somehow make you 
look clever, or smart.

/It's starting to look like a FFL war on women. If Judy was still around 
she would have taken this rumormonger to task a long time ago. /


It,.. unfortunately..just makes you 
look.more idiotic.

Sorry about that.

---In,  wrote :

Oh no no no no Sal! Haven't you read Share's gushing posts about what 
a grand effort the TMO is officially putting forth to combat suicides 
in Fairfield??? They certainly don't need to admit TM isn't the cure 
for all things. They are doing all SORTS of fabulous things, all 
created and orchestrated by the magnificent TMO!!

*From:* salyavin808 
*Sent:* Sunday, October 26, 2014 9:05 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a 
form of mental illness

---In,  wrote :

So, what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are they 
going to do about it?

Dateline Fairfield, Iowa. The meeting? It was one in a continuation of 
working meetings held about mental health in the community that have 
been ongoing for months now most every Tuesday going under the working 
banner of the Fairfield Mental Health Alliance. These are working 
meetings of people who are interested in being activley involved in 
helping with communal mental health. On alternating Tuesdays are 
working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays is the large 
group meeting where the committees bring their work. The larger 
meetings are very business like organized by agenda. A lot has been 
done [accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months to 
facilitate mental health in to the community.
The meetings are open to interested people who would be actively 
involved. They are not gripe sessions where people just hate, bitch 
and complain, but working meetings looking for action steps to work on 
and facilitate. Different aspects have been focused on and worked on 
within the ongoing previous meeting process. Last month before this 
last meeting the other night was the presentation and distribution of 
the campus guideline for psychological health treatment. That was a 
historic meeting and showed the work of a lot of people.

This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting 
down to the cultural things that may underlie meditator communal 
mental health. Everything came on to the table. It was really well 
facilitated.  Evidently it is now time in the process to really 
consider elements of our culture.  There were about 40 people around 
the room of various ages and rank in the community. The meeting had a 
cross-section representation of students, graduates of the whole 
school system, long-term community meditators, campus people, and 
movement leadership.
 It was extremely well facilitated lasting within and hour or so such 
that everyone was asked to speak and participate in a series of rounds 
around the room where everyone was asked by the facilitator who ran 
the meeting to respond to particular questions in short and those 
comments were captured on whiteboard and poster boards by scribes in 
front of everyone to be kept and read through out the meeting.
Starting with a question something like, in only a few limited words 
and without statement what do you see the problem is here in the 
community culture with mental health? 5 or so words. It went around 
the room. Then once everything was on the boards in front of everyone 
came the next question, in a word how do you feel now about all that 
was said? It went around the room to everyone including movement 
leadership. 'Hopeful' was a common comment among a range of feelings.
Last large question of the group was something like, in five words 
what should be done to effect change in the communal culture? Again 
time was taken to go entirely around the room and the answers were 
recorded by scribes on boards in front of the whole group to read. 
That went around the whole room and everything was said without 
comment or discussion.  It just moved around the room to everyone. 
 These were pertinent action points.
In the end of the meeting then everyone was asked to come forward and 
physically vote with a limited number of hash-marks to what they felt 
were the most important points offered in the meeting. That data then 
will subsequently generate a report with priority for a future meeting 
about what it might take to change the culture of the movement around 
mental health. It was all very open and very well done.  Communal 
process to continue,,

# #
Now, as the science evidently does seem to indicate do take some quiet 
time for effective transcendent meditation for the welfare of y

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread nablusoss1008

I respect you for making a living from being independent. What I object to is 
your insistence again and again on using the words "art" and "artist". You must 
have some nerve to use those words about yourself and the stuff you are doing. 
It undermines whatever else you have to say because you have glued 
dilettanterie to your endeavors, at least in my opinion.
 And since you mention a great american photographer and artist Ansel Adams, 
even Cartier-Bresson claimed he himself was not an artist. He was a great 
artists by any standard to most of us ofcourse, but he had higher ideas about 
the word "art". That's real humility, something you perhaps lack.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :
 The noise you produce was even worse when playing inside a room with a 
microphone in a video you probably deleted.  For good reasons.
M: I haven't deleted any videos but then I don't post all of the ones of me. My 
two CDs are at I have sold thousands of them and won some awards 
for them. I am very proud of them. Each contains 6 original songs and 6 covers 
songs preserving the acoustic blues era and performed live as a one man band in 
the studio. With Christmas coming I'm sure you will want to buy several for 
your family and friends. Curtis Blues | CD Baby Music Store
 Curtis Blues | CD Baby Music Store 
Listen to and buy Curtis Blues music on CD Baby, the independent record store 
by musicians for musicians.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


Reflecting on my job through this discussion has been interesting. One aspect 
of my job is public and because everyone believes their opinions are so 
precious they share them freely. It is a big obstacle for many artists and some 
are tormented by it long into their rise to fame and fortune. The key is to 
focus on your own artistic standards and the people who you solicit opinions 
from: people you trust and people you pay. I paid a producer to help me with my 
second CD and the results were so much better than my first. The advice was 
invaluable and helped me grow as an artist.

Imagine this Nabbie. Some guy you have never met, a friend of a friend on 
Facebook sees a shapshot you took on vacation posted by someone else. It may or 
may not have been the one you would have chosen but they posted it so you live 
with it. The guy posts pictures by Ansel Adams next to yours and begins to 
offer you advice about lighting and composition and tells you that you suck as 
a photographer. Now inside you are thinking that you have to please yourself 
and your boss and you make good money, so who cares what this guy thinks, right?

That's my world. I have many temporary bosses who I have to please with my 
music and since you don't buy my CDs or hire me for shows, your opinion about 
my music is none of my business, literally. 

But you took some time to form an opinion and I appreciate that. My problem is 
not people who don't like my music, it is people who have never heard it. That 
is a huge problem for any artist because we are all working a numbers game. We 
need to find the people who dig what we do. I am making a comfortable living 
from those people now. But I have to find the other people who are like them. 
That is the hardest part of making a living in any art form. And that is why I 
say: thanks for your opinion, but excuse me there is a customer behind you and 
you are blocking my view.

I have pushed back a bit on some of your criticism of my busking show because 
most people do not understand what busking is and what it takes to make 
substantial money at it. Most musicians who try it don't take the time required 
to master it as a separate art from just playing music. To survive you have to 
play flashier and  because people didn't pay to see you. You have to sing and 
simplify your playing in a way that can be sustained for hours at high volume. 
It is never your best artistic work. Then you have to take a huge humility pill 
that most of the people who pay you are paying for your interaction with them, 
not the music. The show is bigger than your playing. You have to engage them 
while playing at the same time. It is F'n difficult and can only be learned on 
the job.

But after years of practice the rewards are that you are auditioning for people 
to hire you for private parties and festivals so you pick up work that way, you 
can make an hourly wage equivalent to a high level computer programmer, sell 
thousands of CDs to people who would otherwise not know you exist, and meet 
interesting people from all over the world who love this kind of music.

You, Nabbie, are just one of the thousands who pass by without giving me a 
thought, or who decide they don't like what I do.To make a living as an a

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Jeez, Michael, doubling down on your idiocy, doesn't somehow make you look 
clever, or smart. 

 It,.. unfortunately..just makes you 
look.more idiotic.

 Sorry about that.

---In,  wrote :

 Oh no no no no Sal! Haven't you read Share's gushing posts about what a grand 
effort the TMO is officially putting forth to combat suicides in Fairfield??? 
They certainly don't need to admit TM isn't the cure for all things. They are 
doing all SORTS of fabulous things, all created and orchestrated by the 
magnificent TMO!!


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 9:05 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness


---In,  wrote :

 salyavin808 asks:
 So, what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are they going to do 
about it? 
 Dateline Fairfield, Iowa. The meeting? It was one in a continuation of working 
meetings held about mental health in the community that have been ongoing for 
months now most every Tuesday going under the working banner of the Fairfield 
Mental Health Alliance. These are working meetings of people who are interested 
in being activley involved in helping with communal mental health. On 
alternating Tuesdays are working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays 
is the large group meeting where the committees bring their work. The larger 
meetings are very business like organized by agenda. A lot has been done 
[accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months to facilitate mental 
health in to the community. 
 The meetings are open to interested people who would be actively involved. 
They are not gripe sessions where people just hate, bitch and complain, but 
working meetings looking for action steps to work on and facilitate. Different 
aspects have been focused on and worked on within the ongoing previous meeting 
process. Last month before this last meeting the other night was the 
presentation and distribution of the campus guideline for psychological health 
treatment. That was a historic meeting and showed the work of a lot of people. 
 This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting down to 
the cultural things that may underlie meditator communal mental health. 
Everything came on to the table. It was really well facilitated.  Evidently it 
is now time in the process to really consider elements of our culture.  There 
were about 40 people around the room of various ages and rank in the community. 
The meeting had a cross-section representation of students, graduates of the 
whole school system, long-term community meditators, campus people, and 
movement leadership. 
  It was extremely well facilitated lasting within and hour or so such that 
everyone was asked to speak and participate in a series of rounds around the 
room where everyone was asked by the facilitator who ran the meeting to respond 
to particular questions in short and those comments were captured on whiteboard 
and poster boards by scribes in front of everyone to be kept and read through 
out the meeting. 
 Starting with a question something like, in only a few limited words and 
without statement what do you see the problem is here in the community culture 
with mental health? 5 or so words. It went around the room. Then once 
everything was on the boards in front of everyone came the next question, in a 
word how do you feel now about all that was said? It went around the room to 
everyone including movement leadership. 'Hopeful' was a common comment among a 
range of feelings.
 Last large question of the group was something like, in five words what should 
be done to effect change in the communal culture? Again time was taken to go 
entirely around the room and the answers were recorded by scribes on boards in 
front of the whole group to read. That went around the whole room and 
everything was said without comment or discussion.  It just moved around the 
room to everyone.  These were pertinent action points. 
 In the end of the meeting then everyone was asked to come forward and 
physically vote with a limited number of hash-marks to what they felt were the 
most important points offered in the meeting. That data then will subsequently 
generate a report with priority for a future meeting about what it might take 
to change the culture of the movement around mental health. It was all very 
open and very well done.  Communal process to continue,,
 # #
 Now, as the science evidently does seem to indicate do take some quiet time 
for effective transcendent meditation for the welfare of your mental health and 
go forth and have a better day. 
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome

 Good for you guys for taking it seriously, it seems to me that for there to be 
an actual organisation to confront the issue means there must be quite a 
problem. Or is it t

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/26/2014 5:09 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
I'm really interested in your answer to the last question, because 
I've been contacted by someone in Europe who has offered to give me 
your real name and the real story of why you are no longer part of the 
TM movement and are instead hiding out in Norway. It'll be interesting 
to compare this person's version with your own. 

Maybe it's time to review what we know about the TB:

 * /Kicked out of the TMO and the Rama cult; an informant living in
   Netherlands who reports to a science magazine using an alias.///

Interesting. It looks like to me a clear case of cognitive dissonance. 
Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/26/2014 7:08 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

And I'm very much part of the Movement but never had the time nor the 
opportunity to do the rectification

You are so full of shit - if you really were part of the Movement you 
would have gotten recertified - you don't because they won't take you 
because you are a Benjy Creme fanatic and you know it. You are part of 
the Movement only in your own mind.

There is only one thing that has been established beyond a doubt:


My guess is you have this fantasy that when Maitreya shows himself, he 
will call upon all the TM governors to have some sort of big shot 
important role in administering the new world order.*/


Jesus, what a pathetic individual you are. The very Movement you adore 
and blabber about all the time despises you because of your "other 
spiritual teachers" addiction. Yet you cling to a fantasy world that 
will never manifest.

I gotta hand it to you though, you are living life the way the 
Movement taught you - with no sense of real reality and living in a 
dream world of your own and your non-existent Master's importance.

*From:* nablusoss1008 
*Sent:* Sunday, October 26, 2014 6:40 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God 
is a form of mental illness

---In,  wrote :

*From:* nablusoss1008 
*Sent:* Sunday, October 26, 2014 10:53 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God 
is a form of mental illness

The noise you produce was even worse when playing inside a room with a 
microphone in a video you probably deleted.  For good reasons.
You see now that I find you extremely pretentious and perhaps, though 
I doubt it,  understand why I find your critisism of Maharishi as 
silly as your playing.

Just as a question, Nabby, what do you think that people on this forum 
think of YOU?

*/I have no idea, nor do I care much./*

Essentially, I'm asking you to "self-rate," the same thing I've asked 
of Jim Flanegin and that he's been too terrified to ever do. I'm 
asking you to tell us what YOU think other people on this forum think 
of you, and how believable they find you.

*/Same as over./*

1. Do you think that there is ANYONE on this forum (or anywhere else) 
who finds your stories about Benjamin Creme and the Any-Day-Now 
appearance of Maitreya believable? If so, who are these people so we 
can contact them to confirm this?

*/Could be, I'm not sure./*

2. Do you think there is ANYONE here who finds the stuff you write 
about crop circles believable and believes that they were created by 
'Space Brotherws?' If so, please give us their names. ( The people who 
believe this, not the names of the Space Brothers. :-)
*/Problem with the majority of posters are they are closed-minded, 
probably due to lack of progress. The only poster here that seems 
remotely open to these facts is Rick Archer. There are probably others 
but the don't excactly voice their opinion. Not that is matters much./*

3. Do you think there is ANYONE on this forum who feels that you are a 
good example of what TM does for a person? Again, give us names please.

*/I have no idea, nor do I care./*

4. Do you think there is ANYONE on this forum (or anywhere else) who 
feels that you are even SANE? Names, please.

I have no idea, one can only hope :-)

5. Do you think there is ANYONE on this forum (or anywhere else) who 
actually CARES what you think of Curtis, me, or MJ? Again, we'll wait 
for you to supply names, if you dare.

*/The question came up by /anartaxius so I Guess so.*

6. Finally, do you think you'd still be welcome in Vlodrop or in any 
official TM flying facility?

*/Absolutely. My standing in the Movement is without blemish and I can 
join any flying-facility anytime I like, internationally a letter of 
approval is necessary and no problem at all./*

I'm really interested in your answer to the last question, because 
I've been contacted by someone in Europe who has offered to give me 
your real name and the real story of why you are no longer part of the 
TM movement and are instead hiding out in Norway. It'll be interesting 
to compare this person's version with your own.

Yeah right. These people are as non-excistent as Your "lurking 
reporters". And I'm very much part of the Movement but never had the 
time nor the opportunity to do the rectification courses though offers 
to take it comes at regular intervals every year. With the new prices 
I also doubt there would be room for the amount of Teachers we used to 
have. Thus I do not teach anymore nor do I participate in any 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/26/2014 8:27 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
Shorn of the religious hyperbole the TMO might become a more realistic 
school of thought and might do more good in the world when it isn't 
scaring off anyone who doesn't like the sight of crowns and ranks of 
chanting Hindoo boys and teaching astrology in schools.

/Prejudice is judgments toward people or a person because of their 
religion, gender, political opinion, social class, age, disability, 
sexuality, race or ethnicity, language, nationality or other personal 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/26/2014 8:09 AM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Oh no no no no Sal! Haven't you read Share's gushing posts about what 
a grand effort the TMO is officially putting forth to combat suicides 
in Fairfield??? They certainly don't need to admit TM isn't the cure 
for all things. They are doing all SORTS of fabulous things, all 
created and orchestrated by the magnificent TMO!!

/Except, there is no "TMO", that's just a straw man you made up in order 
to change the subject from the issue at hand. Use your head - if there 
was a "TMO" there would be one organization to administer the movement 
world-wide with a director and a capable administration.

For those unfamiliar with the term, a "straw man" is a common type of 
argument that someone brings out to intentionally misrepresent the 
original topic of the argument.
It's like when two people are debating something and one guy is losing 
the argument big time, so he tries to change the subject to cover his 
losses. //

The only thing that has been established here is that you and Turq 
appear to have some kind of mental illness, maybe related to obsession 
or cognitive dissonance.

How's that Kung Foo working out for you?/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Oh no no no no Sal! Haven't you read Share's gushing posts about what a grand 
effort the TMO is officially putting forth to combat suicides in Fairfield??? 
They certainly don't need to admit TM isn't the cure for all things. They are 
doing all SORTS of fabulous things, all created and orchestrated by the 
magnificent TMO!!


 I'm sure we'll see whether what they offer officially is of any worth. Seems 
to me that if they break down the mystique of TM as the single greatest thing 
for human development then it will only be a matter of time before someone 
questions the validity of their position on the unified field of consciousness 
and all that that entails. Maybe they'll even start to wonder about the ME or 
yagya's, from small acorns can mighty oaks grow. Or the other way round of 
course! There is no excuse for continuing to preach an all encompassing world 
view without any evidence to back it up and still call it a science.

 Shorn of the religious hyperbole the TMO might become a more realistic school 
of thought and might do more good in the world when it isn't scaring off anyone 
who doesn't like the sight of crowns and ranks of chanting Hindoo boys and 
teaching astrology in schools.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 9:05 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness


---In,  wrote :

 salyavin808 asks:
 So, what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are they going to do 
about it? 
 Dateline Fairfield, Iowa. The meeting? It was one in a continuation of working 
meetings held about mental health in the community that have been ongoing for 
months now most every Tuesday going under the working banner of the Fairfield 
Mental Health Alliance. These are working meetings of people who are interested 
in being activley involved in helping with communal mental health. On 
alternating Tuesdays are working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays 
is the large group meeting where the committees bring their work. The larger 
meetings are very business like organized by agenda. A lot has been done 
[accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months to facilitate mental 
health in to the community. 
 The meetings are open to interested people who would be actively involved. 
They are not gripe sessions where people just hate, bitch and complain, but 
working meetings looking for action steps to work on and facilitate. Different 
aspects have been focused on and worked on within the ongoing previous meeting 
process. Last month before this last meeting the other night was the 
presentation and distribution of the campus guideline for psychological health 
treatment. That was a historic meeting and showed the work of a lot of people. 
 This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting down to 
the cultural things that may underlie meditator communal mental health. 
Everything came on to the table. It was really well facilitated.  Evidently it 
is now time in the process to really consider elements of our culture.  There 
were about 40 people around the room of various ages and rank in the community. 
The meeting had a cross-section representation of students, graduates of the 
whole school system, long-term community meditators, campus people, and 
movement leadership. 
  It was extremely well facilitated lasting within and hour or so such that 
everyone was asked to speak and participate in a series of rounds around the 
room where everyone was asked by the facilitator who ran the meeting to respond 
to particular questions in short and those comments were captured on whiteboard 
and poster boards by scribes in front of everyone to be kept and read through 
out the meeting. 
 Starting with a question something like, in only a few limited words and 
without statement what do you see the problem is here in the community culture 
with mental health? 5 or so words. It went around the room. Then once 
everything was on the boards in front of everyone came the next question, in a 
word how do you feel now about all that was said? It went around the room to 
everyone including movement leadership. 'Hopeful' was a common comment among a 
range of feelings.
 Last large question of the group was something like, in five words what should 
be done to effect change in the communal culture? Again time was taken to go 
entirely around the room and the answers were recorded by scribes on boards in 
front of the whole group to read. That went around the whole room and 
everything was said without comment or discussion.  It just moved around the 
room to everyone.  These were pertinent action points. 
 In the end of the meeting then everyone was asked to come forward and 
physically vote with a limited number of hash-marks to what they felt were the 
most important points of

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In,  wrote :
 The noise you produce was even worse when playing inside a room with a 
microphone in a video you probably deleted.  For good reasons.
M: I haven't deleted any videos but then I don't post all of the ones of me. My 
two CDs are at I have sold thousands of them and won some awards 
for them. I am very proud of them. Each contains 6 original songs and 6 covers 
songs preserving the acoustic blues era and performed live as a one man band in 
the studio. With Christmas coming I'm sure you will want to buy several for 
your family and friends. Curtis Blues | CD Baby Music Store 
 Curtis Blues | CD Baby Music Store 
Listen to and buy Curtis Blues music on CD Baby, the independent record store 
by musicians for musicians.
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Reflecting on my job through this discussion has been interesting. One aspect 
of my job is public and because everyone believes their opinions are so 
precious they share them freely. It is a big obstacle for many artists and some 
are tormented by it long into their rise to fame and fortune. The key is to 
focus on your own artistic standards and the people who you solicit opinions 
from: people you trust and people you pay. I paid a producer to help me with my 
second CD and the results were so much better than my first. The advice was 
invaluable and helped me grow as an artist.

Imagine this Nabbie. Some guy you have never met, a friend of a friend on 
Facebook sees a shapshot you took on vacation posted by someone else. It may or 
may not have been the one you would have chosen but they posted it so you live 
with it. The guy posts pictures by Ansel Adams next to yours and begins to 
offer you advice about lighting and composition and tells you that you suck as 
a photographer. Now inside you are thinking that you have to please yourself 
and your boss and you make good money, so who cares what this guy thinks, right?

That's my world. I have many temporary bosses who I have to please with my 
music and since you don't buy my CDs or hire me for shows, your opinion about 
my music is none of my business, literally. 

But you took some time to form an opinion and I appreciate that. My problem is 
not people who don't like my music, it is people who have never heard it. That 
is a huge problem for any artist because we are all working a numbers game. We 
need to find the people who dig what we do. I am making a comfortable living 
from those people now. But I have to find the other people who are like them. 
That is the hardest part of making a living in any art form. And that is why I 
say: thanks for your opinion, but excuse me there is a customer behind you and 
you are blocking my view.

I have pushed back a bit on some of your criticism of my busking show because 
most people do not understand what busking is and what it takes to make 
substantial money at it. Most musicians who try it don't take the time required 
to master it as a separate art from just playing music. To survive you have to 
play flashier and  because people didn't pay to see you. You have to sing and 
simplify your playing in a way that can be sustained for hours at high volume. 
It is never your best artistic work. Then you have to take a huge humility pill 
that most of the people who pay you are paying for your interaction with them, 
not the music. The show is bigger than your playing. You have to engage them 
while playing at the same time. It is F'n difficult and can only be learned on 
the job.

But after years of practice the rewards are that you are auditioning for people 
to hire you for private parties and festivals so you pick up work that way, you 
can make an hourly wage equivalent to a high level computer programmer, sell 
thousands of CDs to people who would otherwise not know you exist, and meet 
interesting people from all over the world who love this kind of music.

You, Nabbie, are just one of the thousands who pass by without giving me a 
thought, or who decide they don't like what I do.To make a living as an artist 
means that you keep your head straight about who you are trying to please. I am 
not trying to convert unbelievers, I just need to find the people who hear me 
and feel the way I do about this music and how I play it. I know you were 
hoping to make me feel badly about what I do, but I am afraid that ship sailed 
long ago.

 N: You see now that I find you extremely pretentious
M: Says the guy who doesn't play giving musical advice to someone who makes 
their living from it...

N: and perhaps, though I doubt it,  understand why I find your criticism of 
Maharishi as silly as your playing. 

M: Well you have had ample opportunity to counter anything I have posted about 
Maharishi with a reasoned argu

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Oh no no no no Sal! Haven't you read Share's gushing posts about what a grand 
effort the TMO is officially putting forth to combat suicides in Fairfield??? 
They certainly don't need to admit TM isn't the cure for all things. They are 
doing all SORTS of fabulous things, all created and orchestrated by the 
magnificent TMO!!

 From: salyavin808 
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 9:05 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness


---In,  wrote :

what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are they going
to do about it? 

Fairfield, Iowa.  The meeting?  It was one in a continuation of
working meetings held about mental health in the community that have
been ongoing for months now most every Tuesday going under the
working banner of the Fairfield Mental Health Alliance.  These are
working meetings of people who are interested in being activley
involved in helping with communal mental health.  On alternating
Tuesdays are working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays is
the large group meeting where the committees bring their work.  The
larger meetings are very business like organized by agenda.   A lot has
been done [accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months to
facilitate mental health in to the community. 
The meetings are open
to interested people who would be actively involved.  They are not
gripe sessions where people just hate, bitch and complain, but working
meetings looking for action steps to work on and facilitate.
Different aspects have been focused on and worked on within the ongoing previous
meeting process. Last month before this last meeting the other night was the 
presentation and
distribution of the campus guideline for psychological health
treatment. That was a historic meeting and showed the work of a lot of people.  

This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting down to 
the cultural
things that may underlie meditator communal mental health.
Everything came on to the table.  It was really well facilitated.  Evidently it 
is now time in the process to really consider elements of our culture.  There 
were about 40 people around the room of various ages and rank
in the community. The meeting had a cross-section representation of 
students, graduates of the
whole school system, long-term community meditators, campus people, and
movement leadership. 
 It was extremely well facilitated lasting
within and hour or so such that everyone was asked to speak and
participate in a series of rounds around the room where everyone was
asked by the facilitator who ran the meeting to respond to particular questions
in short and those comments were captured on whiteboard and poster
boards by scribes in front of everyone to be kept and read through
out the meeting.  
Starting with a question something like, in only a few limited words and
without statement what do you see the problem is here in the
community culture with mental health?  5 or so words.  It went around
the room.  Then once everything was on the boards in front of
everyone came the next question, in a word how do you feel now about all
that was said?  It went around the room to everyone including
movement leadership. 'Hopeful' was a common comment among a range of
large question of the group was something like,  in five words what
should be done to effect change in the communal culture?  Again time
was taken to go entirely around the room and the answers were
recorded by scribes on boards in front of the whole group to read.
That went around the whole room and everything was said without comment or 
discussion.  It just moved around the room to everyone.  These were
pertinent action points.  
the end of the meeting then everyone was asked to come forward and physically 
vote with a limited number of hash-marks to what they felt were the
most important points offered in the meeting.  That data then will
subsequently generate a report with priority for a future meeting
about what it might take to change the culture of the movement around
mental health.  It was all very open and very well done.  Communal process to 
# #
Now, as the science evidently does seem to indicate do take some quiet time for 
effective transcendent meditation for the welfare of  your mental health and go 
forth and have
a better day.  
Guru Dev,
-Buck in the Dome

Good for you guys for taking it seriously, it seems to me that for there to be 
an actual organisation to confront the issue means there must be quite a 
problem. Or is it that the usual therapies and professionals that the average 
person goes in search of aren't there due to the self-help nature of the town 

There are many paths to wellness, everyone has to find their own way I think as 
we all respond in different ways and h

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I just came across this, Barry, some sort of self-rating scale you wanted me to 
participate in, regarding my perception, of those reading, of me? What an waste 
of time. Actually, just make 'em up for me - I think it matters to you, a lot 
more than it does to me. 

 Again, its that spiritual criminal, Lenz, peeking through. That horrible 
person was all about making people supremely self-conscious and insecure about 
their place, with regard to everyone else, as if he had the right. What an 
excellent way to drive oneself crazy. He used it, to control others. It must be 
hellish, to continuously wonder what others think of you, and use it as a gauge 
of one's self-esteem.

 Just live life, and self-correct, according to the consequences you produce; a 
skill that you are obviously far short of mastering, Barry. :-) 
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 From: nablusoss1008 
 Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 10:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form 
of mental illness
   The noise you produce was even worse when playing inside a room with a 
microphone in a video you probably deleted.  For good reasons. You see now that 
I find you extremely pretentious and perhaps, though I doubt it,  understand 
why I find your critisism of Maharishi as silly as your playing. 


Just as a question, Nabby, what do you think that people on this forum think of 

 I have no idea, nor do I care much. 

Essentially, I'm asking you to "self-rate," the same thing I've asked of Jim 
Flanegin and that he's been too terrified to ever do. I'm asking you to tell us 
what YOU think other people on this forum think of you, and how believable they 
find you.

 Same as over. 

1. Do you think that there is ANYONE on this forum (or anywhere else) who finds 
your stories about Benjamin Creme and the Any-Day-Now appearance of Maitreya 
believable? If so, who are these people so we can contact them to confirm this? 

 Could be, I'm not sure. 

2. Do you think there is ANYONE here who finds the stuff you write about crop 
circles believable and believes that they were created by 'Space Brotherws?' If 
so, please give us their names. ( The people who believe this, not the names of 
the Space Brothers. :-)

 Problem with the majority of posters are they are closed-minded, probably due 
to lack of progress. The only poster here that seems remotely open to these 
facts is Rick Archer. There are probably others but the don't excactly voice 
their opinion. Not that is matters much. 

3. Do you think there is ANYONE on this forum who feels that you are a good 
example of what TM does for a person? Again, give us names please.

 I have no idea, nor do I care. 

4. Do you think there is ANYONE on this forum (or anywhere else) who feels that 
you are even SANE? Names, please. 

 I have no idea, one can only hope :-)

5. Do you think there is ANYONE on this forum (or anywhere else) who actually 
CARES what you think of Curtis, me, or MJ? Again, we'll wait for you to supply 
names, if you dare. 


 The question came up by anartaxius so I Guess so. 

6. Finally, do you think you'd still be welcome in Vlodrop or in any official 
TM flying facility? 


 Absolutely. My standing in the Movement is without blemish and I can join any 
flying-facility anytime I like, internationally a letter of approval is 
necessary and no problem at all. 

I'm really interested in your answer to the last question, because I've been 
contacted by someone in Europe who has offered to give me your real name and 
the real story of why you are no longer part of the TM movement and are instead 
hiding out in Norway. It'll be interesting to compare this person's version 
with your own. 


 Yeah right. These people are as non-excistent as Your "lurking reporters". And 
I'm very much part of the Movement but never had the time nor the opportunity 
to do the rectification courses though offers to take it comes at regular 
intervals every year. With the new prices I also doubt there would be room for 
the amount of Teachers we used to have. Thus I do not teach anymore nor do I 
participate in any international projects mainly due do to work load.
 I've posted this information before, BTW.

---In,  wrote :

 M: Thanks for the well intentioned advice Nabs. I'll take it to heart. What I 
am getting from you is that when I am singing outside without a mike to an 
audience many meters away, I should sound more like a guy sitting in the corner 
of a quiet recording room inches from a mike. And when I am covering a fast 
Elmore James song I should play it like another song that is slower.

You got some mighty fine ears on ya boy!

---In,  wrote :

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread nablusoss1008

Comments below.
---In,  wrote :

 From: nablusoss1008 
 ---In,  wrote :

 6. Finally, do you think you'd still be welcome in Vlodrop or in any official 
TM flying facility? 


 Absolutely. My standing in the Movement is without blemish and I can join any 
flying-facility anytime I like, internationally a letter of approval is 
necessary and no problem at all. 
Easy to say, difficult to prove, especially for someone who "never has the 
time" to do anything to do what his supposed teacher (MMY) told him to do. So 
what you're saying is that you have CHOSEN to disregard your teacher's 
instructions and have CHOSEN to never do your TMSP program in a group, rather 
than having been prevented from doing so. All while putting down those who 
might have done the same. Interesting. 


 That's partly right I suppose. But Maharishi didn't order us to do the 
re-certification. It was an offer and those who for some reason hasn't done it 
can't teach but it doesn't mean we are out of the Movement in any other way 
than the teaching part. The re-certification courses is still open to all 
Teachers and is offered several times a year. I haven't found the time to do 
it, but it doesn't mean I won't some time in the future.

I'm really interested in your answer to the last question, because I've been 
contacted by someone in Europe who has offered to give me your real name and 
the real story of why you are no longer part of the TM movement and are instead 
hiding out in Norway. It'll be interesting to compare this person's version 
with your own. 

 Yeah right. These people are as non-excistent as Your "lurking reporters". And 
I'm very much part of the Movement but never had the time nor the opportunity 
to do the rectification courses though offers to take it comes at regular 
intervals every year. 

Right.  :-)  By the way, the word is "recertification," Nabby, not 
"rectification." The former refers to the course you would have had to take to 
still be considered a TM teacher and thus still part of the TM movement. The 
latter involves having things shoved up your rectum. :-)


 Point taken regarding spelling. Again, not having taken the re-certification 
course doesn't mean you're out of the Movement.

Thanks for playing, though. At the very least you've got more balls than Jim 

However, I've noticed that despite many requests you still haven't posted any 
links to any of the photographs you consider YOUR art. Should we assume that 
this is because you're still an amateur and thus ashamed of them, or that it's 
because you're afraid to expose yourself to the same kind of criticism you've 
been aiming at Curtis? Curious minds want to know...  :-)

 That's because, contrary to your friend Curtis, I don't consider myself an 
artist, as I have stated here before.  It's an description reserved for those 
very special voices in the world having something very unique to say. Playing 
the guitar on street corners doesn't make you an artist any more than 
exhibiting photographs in galleries a few times as I have. 
 I'm a commercial photographer selling my work to clients and thus make a 
living out of something I enjoy. They are happy, I am happy and that's all. It 
certainly doesn't make me an artist.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]

And I'm very much part of the Movement but never had the time nor the 
opportunity to do the rectification 

You are so full of
shit - if you really were part of the Movement you would have gotten
recertified - you don't because they won't take you because you are a Benjy
Creme fanatic and you know it. You are part of the Movement only in your own

My guess is you have this fantasy that when Maitreya shows himself, he
will call upon all the TM governors to have some sort of big shot important
role in administering the new world order.

Jesus, what a pathetic individual you are. The very Movement you adore and 
blabber about all the time despises you because of your "other spiritual 
teachers" addiction. Yet you cling to a fantasy world that will never manifest.

I gotta hand it to you though, you are living life the way the Movement taught 
you - with no sense of real reality and living in a dream world of your own and 
your non-existent Master's importance.

 From: nablusoss1008 
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 6:40 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness


---In,  wrote :

From: nablusoss1008 

Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness

The noise you produce was even worse when playing inside a room with a 
microphone in a video you probably deleted.  For good reasons.
You see now that I find you extremely pretentious and perhaps, though I doubt 
it,  understand why I find your critisism of Maharishi as silly as your 

Just as a question, Nabby, what do you think that people on this forum think of 
I have no idea, nor do I care much.

Essentially, I'm asking you to "self-rate," the same thing I've asked of Jim 
Flanegin and that he's been too terrified to ever do. I'm asking
you to tell us what YOU think other people on this forum think of you, and how 
believable they find you.
Same as over.

1. Do you think that there is ANYONE on this forum (or anywhere else) who finds 
your stories about Benjamin Creme and the Any-Day-Now appearance of Maitreya 
believable? If so, who are these people so we can contact them to confirm this? 
Could be, I'm not sure.

2. Do you think there is ANYONE here who finds the stuff you write about crop 
circles believable and believes that they were created by 'Space Brotherws?' If 
so, please give us their names. ( The people who believe this, not the names of 
the Space Brothers. :-)
Problem with the majority of posters are they are closed-minded, probably due 
to lack of progress. The only poster here that seems remotely open to these 
facts is Rick Archer. There are probably others but the don't excactly voice 
their opinion. Not that is matters much.

3. Do you think there is ANYONE on this forum who feels that you are a good 
example of what TM does for a person? Again, give us names please.
I have no idea, nor do I care.

4. Do you think there is ANYONE on this forum (or anywhere else) who feels that 
you are even SANE? Names, please. 

I have no idea, one can only hope :-)

5. Do you think there is ANYONE on this forum (or anywhere else) who
actually CARES what you think of Curtis, me, or MJ? Again, we'll wait for you 
to supply names, if you dare. 

The question came up by anartaxius so I Guess so.

6. Finally, do you think you'd still be welcome in Vlodrop or in any official 
TM flying facility? 

Absolutely. My standing in the Movement is without blemish and I can join any 
flying-facility anytime I like, internationally a letter of approval is 
necessary and no problem at all.

I'm really interested in your answer to the last question, because I've been 
contacted by someone in Europe who has offered to give me your real name and 
the real story of why you are no longer part of the TM movement and are instead 
hiding out in Norway. It'll be interesting to compare this person's version 
with your own. 

Yeah right. These people are as non-excistent as Your "lurking reporters". And 
I'm very much part of the Movement but never had the time nor the opportunity 
to do the rectification courses though offers to take it comes at regular 
intervals every year. With the new prices I also doubt there would be room for 
the amount of Teachers we used to have. Thus I do not teach anymore nor do I 
participate in any international projects mainly due do to work load.
I've posted this information before, BTW.

---In,  wrote :

M: Thanks for the well intentioned advice Nabs. I'll take it to heart. What I 
am getting from you is that when I am singing outside without a mike to an 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: "Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]" 

To: ""  
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 12:46 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness

Ha ha! I love it! I would be mighty interested in knowing th eanswer to #6 as 
well - appalling that Nabby lives in Norway - a fine country and one much too 
good for him. 

It is interesting that he has not chosen to live in London, next door to his 
much vaunted Benjy Creme, so he can haunt his doorstep and try to get a peek at 
Maitreya when he comes over to Benjy's flat for tea.

There seems to be plenty of Benny Creme craziness in Norway:

Maitreya steps forward! The Norway Spiral (Star Sign) Heralds "New Age Messiah"

Maitreya steps forward! The Norway Spiral (Star Sign) He...
By Benjamin Creme | Update: For more on this story 
check out Terry Melanson's post The Latest Shenanigans of Benjamin Creme, the 
so-called ...  
View on www.redicecreation... Preview by Yahoo  
 Here's another one you'll like, Michael. I just love the photo of Creme being 
supposedly "overshadowed" by Maitreya. Perhaps THIS is one of Nabby's "art" 
photographs. :-)

The Latest Shenanigans of Benjamin Creme, the so-called “prophet of Maitreya” - 
Conspiracy Archive

The Latest Shenanigans of Benjamin Creme, the so-called ...
Originally Published at Conspiracy Archive on 2010/02/02 Creme, according to 
Share International, being overshadowed (i.e. possessed) by Maitreya. Spooky 
View on www.conspiracyarc... Preview by Yahoo  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: nablusoss1008 

---In,  wrote :

6. Finally, do you think you'd still be welcome in Vlodrop or in any official 
TM flying facility? 

Absolutely. My standing in the Movement is without blemish and I can join any 
flying-facility anytime I like, internationally a letter of approval is 
necessary and no problem at all.

Easy to say, difficult to prove, especially for someone who "never has the 
time" to do anything to do what his supposed teacher (MMY) told him to do. So 
what you're saying is that you have CHOSEN to disregard your teacher's 
instructions and have CHOSEN to never do your TMSP program in a group, rather 
than having been prevented from doing so. All while putting down those who 
might have done the same. Interesting. 

I'm really interested in your answer to the last question, because I've been 
contacted by someone in Europe who has offered to give me your real name and 
the real story of why you are no longer part of the TM movement and are instead 
hiding out in Norway. It'll be interesting to compare this person's version 
with your own. 

Yeah right. These people are as non-excistent as Your "lurking reporters". And 
I'm very much part of the Movement but never had the time nor the opportunity 
to do the rectification courses though offers to take it comes at regular 
intervals every year. 

Right.  :-)  By the way, the word is "recertification," Nabby, not 
"rectification." The former refers to the course you would have had to take to 
still be considered a TM teacher and thus still part of the TM movement. The 
latter involves having things shoved up your rectum. :-)

Thanks for playing, though. At the very least you've got more balls than Jim 

However, I've noticed that despite many requests you still haven't posted any 
links to any of the photographs you consider YOUR art. Should we assume that 
this is because you're still an amateur and thus ashamed of them, or that it's 
because you're afraid to expose yourself to the same kind of criticism you've 
been aiming at Curtis? Curious minds want to know...  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Ha ha! I love it! I would be mighty interested in knowing th eanswer to #6 as 
well - appalling that Nabby lives in Norway - a fine country and one much too 
good for him. 

It is interesting that he has not chosen to live in London, next door to his 
much vaunted Benjy Creme, so he can haunt his doorstep and try to get a peek at 
Maitreya when he comes over to Benjy's flat for tea.

 From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

To: ""  
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 6:09 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness

From: nablusoss1008 

Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness

The noise you produce was even worse when playing inside a room with a 
microphone in a video you probably deleted.  For good reasons.
You see now that I find you extremely pretentious and perhaps, though I doubt 
it,  understand why I find your critisism of Maharishi as silly as your 

Just as a question, Nabby, what do you think that people on this forum think of 

Essentially, I'm asking you to "self-rate," the same thing I've asked of Jim 
Flanegin and that he's been too terrified to ever do. I'm asking
 you to tell us what YOU think other people on this forum think of you, and how 
believable they find you.

1. Do you think that there is ANYONE on this forum (or anywhere else) who finds 
your stories about Benjamin Creme and the Any-Day-Now appearance of Maitreya 
believable? If so, who are these people so we can contact them to confirm this? 

2. Do you think there is ANYONE here who finds the stuff you write about crop 
circles believable and believes that they were created by 'Space Brotherws?' If 
so, please give us their names. ( The people who believe this, not the names of 
the Space Brothers. :-)

3. Do you think there is ANYONE on this forum who feels that you are a good 
example of what TM does for a person? Again, give us names please.

4. Do you think there is ANYONE on this forum (or anywhere else) who feels that 
you are even SANE? Names, please. 

5. Do you think there is ANYONE on this forum (or anywhere else) who
 actually CARES what you think of Curtis, me, or MJ? Again, we'll wait for you 
to supply names, if you dare. 

6. Finally, do you think you'd still be welcome in Vlodrop or in any official 
TM flying facility? 

I'm really interested in your answer to the last question, because I've been 
contacted by someone in Europe who has offered to give me your real name and 
the real story of why you are no longer part of the TM movement and are instead 
hiding out in Norway. It'll be interesting to compare this person's version 
with your own. 

---In,  wrote :

M: Thanks for the well intentioned advice Nabs. I'll take it to heart. What I 
am getting from you is that when I am singing outside without a mike to an 
audience many meters away, I should sound more like a guy sitting in the corner 
of a quiet recording room inches from a mike. And when I am covering a fast 
Elmore James song I should play it like another song that is slower.

You got some mighty fine ears on ya boy!

---In,  wrote :

"If Curtis were as bad as you say, what do you think he should do to improve?"

Good question. First of all I'd recommend practise, practise, practise. He 
could start by hitting one note at a time, just one note and listening to it, 
how it sounds, vibrates and how the sound slowly disappears. Just that, very 
simply and innoscently create one sound, and then listen to it, how pleasing is 
that sound, does it sound better doing it in another way ?  And again, and 
again, and again. By doing this one acquires an understanding of the basics and 
a love for the note itself. Without this basics one is lost and will never 
achieve anything. One should understand that the ability to play fast on any 
instrument is not the same as playing music. To be able to play slowly is the 
hallmark of a professional.
 Many amateurs, like Curtis, make this mistake; they skip the basics and try to 
convey too much.
I recommend you to listen to the video I posted by Robert Johnson. Where is the 
showmanship in this ? There isn't any because his heart is in it. When you 
listen to this, perhaps you better understand my disgust when fellows like 
Curtis comes along claiming to play the blues.

Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936)

  Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936) 
This Song contains the only guitar solo Robert Johnson ever recorded. I very 
good example for his amazing talent. He plays rhythm and lead guitar on one 
View on   Preview by Yahoo   

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The difference between an amateur and a professional is the professional makes 
his living at it. An amateur does not necessarily mean unskilled. I have to 
leave for New York City in a couple of minutes so I do not have time for 
additional comments at this time. I will listen to the video later.

---In,  wrote :

 "If Curtis were as bad as you say, what do you think he should do to improve?"

 Good question. First of all I'd recommend practise, practise, practise. He 
could start by hitting one note at a time, just one note and listening to it, 
how it sounds, vibrates and how the sound slowly disappears. Just that, very 
simply and innoscently create one sound, and then listen to it, how pleasing is 
that sound, does it sound better doing it in another way ?  And again, and 
again, and again. By doing this one acquires an understanding of the basics and 
a love for the note itself. Without this basics one is lost and will never 
achieve anything. One should understand that the ability to play fast on any 
instrument is not the same as playing music. To be able to play slowly is the 
hallmark of a professional.
  Many amateurs, like Curtis, make this mistake; they skip the basics and try 
to convey too much.
 I recommend you to listen to the video I posted by Robert Johnson. Where is 
the showmanship in this ? There isn't any because his heart is in it. When you 
listen to this, perhaps you better understand my disgust when fellows like 
Curtis comes along claiming to play the blues.

 Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936)
 Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936) This Song contains the only guitar 
solo Robert Johnson ever recorded. I very good example for his amazing talent. 
He plays rhythm and lead guitar on one inst...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread nablusoss1008


---In,  wrote :

 From: nablusoss1008 
 Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 10:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form 
of mental illness
   The noise you produce was even worse when playing inside a room with a 
microphone in a video you probably deleted.  For good reasons. You see now that 
I find you extremely pretentious and perhaps, though I doubt it,  understand 
why I find your critisism of Maharishi as silly as your playing. 


Just as a question, Nabby, what do you think that people on this forum think of 

 I have no idea, nor do I care much. 

Essentially, I'm asking you to "self-rate," the same thing I've asked of Jim 
Flanegin and that he's been too terrified to ever do. I'm asking you to tell us 
what YOU think other people on this forum think of you, and how believable they 
find you.

 Same as over. 

1. Do you think that there is ANYONE on this forum (or anywhere else) who finds 
your stories about Benjamin Creme and the Any-Day-Now appearance of Maitreya 
believable? If so, who are these people so we can contact them to confirm this? 

 Could be, I'm not sure. 

2. Do you think there is ANYONE here who finds the stuff you write about crop 
circles believable and believes that they were created by 'Space Brotherws?' If 
so, please give us their names. ( The people who believe this, not the names of 
the Space Brothers. :-)

 Problem with the majority of posters are they are closed-minded, probably due 
to lack of progress. The only poster here that seems remotely open to these 
facts is Rick Archer. There are probably others but the don't excactly voice 
their opinion. Not that is matters much. 

3. Do you think there is ANYONE on this forum who feels that you are a good 
example of what TM does for a person? Again, give us names please.

 I have no idea, nor do I care. 

4. Do you think there is ANYONE on this forum (or anywhere else) who feels that 
you are even SANE? Names, please. 

 I have no idea, one can only hope :-)

5. Do you think there is ANYONE on this forum (or anywhere else) who actually 
CARES what you think of Curtis, me, or MJ? Again, we'll wait for you to supply 
names, if you dare. 


 The question came up by anartaxius so I Guess so. 

6. Finally, do you think you'd still be welcome in Vlodrop or in any official 
TM flying facility? 


 Absolutely. My standing in the Movement is without blemish and I can join any 
flying-facility anytime I like, internationally a letter of approval is 
necessary and no problem at all. 

I'm really interested in your answer to the last question, because I've been 
contacted by someone in Europe who has offered to give me your real name and 
the real story of why you are no longer part of the TM movement and are instead 
hiding out in Norway. It'll be interesting to compare this person's version 
with your own. 


 Yeah right. These people are as non-excistent as Your "lurking reporters". And 
I'm very much part of the Movement but never had the time nor the opportunity 
to do the rectification courses though offers to take it comes at regular 
intervals every year. With the new prices I also doubt there would be room for 
the amount of Teachers we used to have. Thus I do not teach anymore nor do I 
participate in any international projects mainly due do to work load.
 I've posted this information before, BTW.

---In,  wrote :

 M: Thanks for the well intentioned advice Nabs. I'll take it to heart. What I 
am getting from you is that when I am singing outside without a mike to an 
audience many meters away, I should sound more like a guy sitting in the corner 
of a quiet recording room inches from a mike. And when I am covering a fast 
Elmore James song I should play it like another song that is slower.

You got some mighty fine ears on ya boy!

---In,  wrote :

 "If Curtis were as bad as you say, what do you think he should do to improve?"

 Good question. First of all I'd recommend practise, practise, practise. He 
could start by hitting one note at a time, just one note and listening to it, 
how it sounds, vibrates and how the sound slowly disappears. Just that, very 
simply and innoscently create one sound, and then listen to it, how pleasing is 
that sound, does it sound better doing it in another way ?  And again, and 
again, and again. By doing this one acquires an understanding of the basics and 
a love for the note itself. Without this basics one is lost and will never 
achieve anything. One should understand that the ability to play fast on any 
instrument is not the same as playing music. To be able to play slowly is the 
hallmark of a professional.
  Many amateurs, like Curtis, make this mistake; they skip t

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: nablusoss1008 

Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness

The noise you produce was even worse when playing inside a room with a 
microphone in a video you probably deleted.  For good reasons.
You see now that I find you extremely pretentious and perhaps, though I doubt 
it,  understand why I find your critisism of Maharishi as silly as your 

Just as a question, Nabby, what do you think that people on this forum think of 

Essentially, I'm asking you to "self-rate," the same thing I've asked of Jim 
Flanegin and that he's been too terrified to ever do. I'm asking you to tell us 
what YOU think other people on this forum think of you, and how believable they 
find you.

1. Do you think that there is ANYONE on this forum (or anywhere else) who finds 
your stories about Benjamin Creme and the Any-Day-Now appearance of Maitreya 
believable? If so, who are these people so we can contact them to confirm this? 

2. Do you think there is ANYONE here who finds the stuff you write about crop 
circles believable and believes that they were created by 'Space Brotherws?' If 
so, please give us their names. ( The people who believe this, not the names of 
the Space Brothers. :-)

3. Do you think there is ANYONE on this forum who feels that you are a good 
example of what TM does for a person? Again, give us names please.

4. Do you think there is ANYONE on this forum (or anywhere else) who feels that 
you are even SANE? Names, please. 

5. Do you think there is ANYONE on this forum (or anywhere else) who actually 
CARES what you think of Curtis, me, or MJ? Again, we'll wait for you to supply 
names, if you dare. 

6. Finally, do you think you'd still be welcome in Vlodrop or in any official 
TM flying facility? 

I'm really interested in your answer to the last question, because I've been 
contacted by someone in Europe who has offered to give me your real name and 
the real story of why you are no longer part of the TM movement and are instead 
hiding out in Norway. It'll be interesting to compare this person's version 
with your own. 

---In,  wrote :

M: Thanks for the well intentioned advice Nabs. I'll take it to heart. What I 
am getting from you is that when I am singing outside without a mike to an 
audience many meters away, I should sound more like a guy sitting in the corner 
of a quiet recording room inches from a mike. And when I am covering a fast 
Elmore James song I should play it like another song that is slower.

You got some mighty fine ears on ya boy!

---In,  wrote :

"If Curtis were as bad as you say, what do you think he should do to improve?"

Good question. First of all I'd recommend practise, practise, practise. He 
could start by hitting one note at a time, just one note and listening to it, 
how it sounds, vibrates and how the sound slowly disappears. Just that, very 
simply and innoscently create one sound, and then listen to it, how pleasing is 
that sound, does it sound better doing it in another way ?  And again, and 
again, and again. By doing this one acquires an understanding of the basics and 
a love for the note itself. Without this basics one is lost and will never 
achieve anything. One should understand that the ability to play fast on any 
instrument is not the same as playing music. To be able to play slowly is the 
hallmark of a professional.
 Many amateurs, like Curtis, make this mistake; they skip the basics and try to 
convey too much.
I recommend you to listen to the video I posted by Robert Johnson. Where is the 
showmanship in this ? There isn't any because his heart is in it. When you 
listen to this, perhaps you better understand my disgust when fellows like 
Curtis comes along claiming to play the blues.

Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936)

  Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936) 
This Song contains the only guitar solo Robert Johnson ever recorded. I very 
good example for his amazing talent. He plays rhythm and lead guitar on one 
View on   Preview by Yahoo   

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-26 Thread nablusoss1008

 The noise you produce was even worse when playing inside a room with a 
microphone in a video you probably deleted.  For good reasons.
 You see now that I find you extremely pretentious and perhaps, though I doubt 
it,  understand why I find your critisism of Maharishi as silly as your 

---In,  wrote :

 M: Thanks for the well intentioned advice Nabs. I'll take it to heart. What I 
am getting from you is that when I am singing outside without a mike to an 
audience many meters away, I should sound more like a guy sitting in the corner 
of a quiet recording room inches from a mike. And when I am covering a fast 
Elmore James song I should play it like another song that is slower.

You got some mighty fine ears on ya boy!

---In,  wrote :

 "If Curtis were as bad as you say, what do you think he should do to improve?"

 Good question. First of all I'd recommend practise, practise, practise. He 
could start by hitting one note at a time, just one note and listening to it, 
how it sounds, vibrates and how the sound slowly disappears. Just that, very 
simply and innoscently create one sound, and then listen to it, how pleasing is 
that sound, does it sound better doing it in another way ?  And again, and 
again, and again. By doing this one acquires an understanding of the basics and 
a love for the note itself. Without this basics one is lost and will never 
achieve anything. One should understand that the ability to play fast on any 
instrument is not the same as playing music. To be able to play slowly is the 
hallmark of a professional.
  Many amateurs, like Curtis, make this mistake; they skip the basics and try 
to convey too much.
 I recommend you to listen to the video I posted by Robert Johnson. Where is 
the showmanship in this ? There isn't any because his heart is in it. When you 
listen to this, perhaps you better understand my disgust when fellows like 
Curtis comes along claiming to play the blues.

 Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936)
 Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936) This Song contains the only guitar 
solo Robert Johnson ever recorded. I very good example for his amazing talent. 
He plays rhythm and lead guitar on one inst...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
nablus, you are editing this post implying that I've said things that I 
haven't.  I think you've made clear  your opinion. 


---In,  wrote :

 Curtis got a lot of enthusiasm, one must give him credit for that.  Enthusiasm 
is the hallmark of an amateur, restraint that of an artist.
 By claiming to be an artist he makes a fool of himself, much like the clown on 
the video.
---In,  wrote :

 Really nice Curtis!  I was smiling from start to finish.  And real nice 
interaction with the audience.

 Yes, the 5-year-olds were smiling.

 IMO, I think you artist performance has continued to improve.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 I still object to you demand to be taken seriously music-wise. 

 M: I never demand anyone to take me seriously music-wise. I am satisfied and 
my paying customers are satisfied, that is good enough for me.



 N: But let not me be the judge, anyone interested can make their own opinion:

 M: Fair enough. Here is something more recent, 2008, but I also dig that old 

 I am a fan of all the guys you posted. Music is not a zero sum game, there is 
room for lots of artists. I am able to play a bit more enthusiastically these 
days than the 4 dead guys you listed however.


 Curtis Blues, one man band, on Robert Johnson's 100th birthday.
 Curtis Blues, one man band, on Robert Johnson's 100t... This is a short film of Curtis 
Blues discussing and performing the Walking Blues by Robert Johnson on Robert's 
100th birthday May 8th 20011. Award ...

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 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues.
 Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues. 
Went to visit the Grandparents in old town, and ran into Curtis Blues, before 
we knew the kids were part of the band. See the CNN piece on him at the bottom 

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 Preview by Yahoo 


 Now a few of those not making noise on street corners pretending to be artists:
 R.L. Burnside: See My Jumper Hanging On the Line (1978)
 R.L. Burnside: See My Jumper Hanging On the Lin... R.L. Burnside at home in 
Independence, Mississippi, shot by Alan Lomax, Worth Long, and John Bishop in 
August, 1978. For more information about the America...

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 Preview by Yahoo 

 Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936)
 Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936) This Song contains the only guitar 
solo Robert Johnson ever recorded. I very good example for his amazing talent. 
He plays rhythm and lead guitar on one inst...

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 Preview by Yahoo 

 Music Maker Blues Foundation - Jazzwoche Burghausen 2011 fragm. 1
 Music Maker Blues Foundation - Jazzwoche B... Music Maker Blues Foundation - 
Jazzwoche Burghausen 2011 DVD - - It Hurts Me Too - Old 

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 Preview by Yahoo  
Mick Taylor & Albert King.wmv
 Mick Taylor & Albert King.wmv Mick 
Taylor & Albert King, 1982 Jammin With Blues Greats

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 Preview by Yahoo 

Gary Moore - Covers-Solo At Montreux (favorites)
 Gary Moore - Covers-Solo At Montreux (favorites) Montreux Jazz Festival, 7 July 1990 
"The Messiah Will Come Again" (Roy Buchanan) Personnel: Don Airey - Keyboards 
Andy Pyle - Bass guitar Gr...

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The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze (Music Video) 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I think we got it nablus.

---In,  wrote :

 First of all I do not regard him as an musician, he's an enthusiast. On that 
 1. He plays technically like an amateur, I've seen 10 year olds play better. 
2. He can't sing and compensate by screaming. 3. He's a copycat without an 
original bone to his playing. 4. There is no feeling in his music which he 
tries to  compensate by loudness, noise and showmanship.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
poor Michael.  trying to salvage some measure of credibility. 

 look Michael, don't even worry about.  expectations of your ability to 
maintain any degree of objectivity, are, well, nil.

---In,  wrote :

 but they were not organized by MUM and they still resist the whole thing - if 
not they wouldn't be putting forth this bullshit "Vedic psychology"


 From: "Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 8:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form 
of mental illness
   Steve, just to set the record straight concerning MJ's allegations: all of 
these meetings are held on the MUM campus; the large group meetings are 
co-chaired by an MUM leader and a community psychologist; James Bedinger has 
not been in attendance at any of the meetings; the incredible meeting last week 
was chaired by a long term MUM and community leader. 

 On Saturday, October 25, 2014 4:38 PM, "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 

   well, you are the foremost scholar on the movement, of course, no matter if 
you are 1500 miles and 15 years removed, you still appear to know what goes on 
on every level of the organization.

 One burning question though.

 When one of your TM alerts comes in, at say 2:00 in the morning, you do right 
then and there get up to check it out, or do you at least wait until you wake 

 Just curious.

---In,  wrote :

 the most salient point of all this is that it is being done OUTSIDE the 
Movement - it is NOT being conducted by the Movement, nor the university thou 
they may be involved to some extent (you know Beddinger has to be there to take 
names). The Movement will NEVER acknowledge anything this sensible unless they 
are forced to.


 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 8:17 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness
   salyavin808 asks:
 So, what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are they going to do 
about it? 
 Dateline Fairfield, Iowa. The meeting? It was one in a continuation of working 
meetings held about mental health in the community that have been ongoing for 
months now most every Tuesday going under the working banner of the Fairfield 
Mental Health Alliance. These are working meetings of people who are interested 
in being activley involved in helping with communal mental health. On 
alternating Tuesdays are working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays 
is the large group meeting where the committees bring their work. The larger 
meetings are very business like organized by agenda. A lot has been done 
[accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months to facilitate mental 
health in to the community. 
 The meetings are open to interested people who would be actively involved. 
They are not gripe sessions where people just hate, bitch and complain, but 
working meetings looking for action steps to work on and facilitate. Different 
aspects have been focused on and worked on within the ongoing previous meeting 
process. Last month before this last meeting the other night was the 
presentation and distribution of the campus guideline for psychological health 
treatment. That was a historic meeting and showed the work of a lot of people. 
 This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting down to 
the cultural things that may underlie meditator communal mental health. 
Everything came on to the table. It was really well facilitated.  Evidently it 
is now time in the process to really consider elements of our culture.  There 
were about 40 people around the room of various ages and rank in the community. 
The meeting had a cross-section representation of students, graduates of the 
whole school system, long-term community meditators, campus people, and 
movement leadership. 
  It was extremely well facilitated lasting within and hour or so such that 
everyone was asked to speak and participate in a series of rounds around the 
room where everyone was asked by the facilitator who ran the meeting to respond 
to particular questions in short and those comments were captured on whiteboard 
and poster boards by scribes in front of everyone to be kept and read through 
out the meeting. 
 Starting with a question something like, in only a few limited words and 
without statement what do you see the problem is here in the community culture 
with mental health? 5 or so words. It went around the room. Then once 
everything was on the boards in front of everyone came the next question, in a 
word how do you feel now about all that was said? It went around the room to 
everyone including movement leadership. 'Hopeful' was a commo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Share, what other conclusion is there to draw other than this guy is a total 
idiot.  There was never much interest on his part to try to keep facts 
straight, but this fabricating out of whole cloth is an escalation. 

 His behavior is that of a spurned lover, so it does elicit some measure of 

---In,  wrote :

 Steve, just to set the record straight concerning MJ's allegations: all of 
these meetings are held on the MUM campus; the large group meetings are 
co-chaired by an MUM leader and a community psychologist; James Bedinger has 
not been in attendance at any of the meetings; the incredible meeting last week 
was chaired by a long term MUM and community leader. 

 On Saturday, October 25, 2014 4:38 PM, "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 

   well, you are the foremost scholar on the movement, of course, no matter if 
you are 1500 miles and 15 years removed, you still appear to know what goes on 
on every level of the organization.

 One burning question though.

 When one of your TM alerts comes in, at say 2:00 in the morning, you do right 
then and there get up to check it out, or do you at least wait until you wake 

 Just curious.

---In,  wrote :

 the most salient point of all this is that it is being done OUTSIDE the 
Movement - it is NOT being conducted by the Movement, nor the university thou 
they may be involved to some extent (you know Beddinger has to be there to take 
names). The Movement will NEVER acknowledge anything this sensible unless they 
are forced to.


 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 8:17 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness
   salyavin808 asks:
 So, what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are they going to do 
about it? 
 Dateline Fairfield, Iowa. The meeting? It was one in a continuation of working 
meetings held about mental health in the community that have been ongoing for 
months now most every Tuesday going under the working banner of the Fairfield 
Mental Health Alliance. These are working meetings of people who are interested 
in being activley involved in helping with communal mental health. On 
alternating Tuesdays are working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays 
is the large group meeting where the committees bring their work. The larger 
meetings are very business like organized by agenda. A lot has been done 
[accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months to facilitate mental 
health in to the community. 
 The meetings are open to interested people who would be actively involved. 
They are not gripe sessions where people just hate, bitch and complain, but 
working meetings looking for action steps to work on and facilitate. Different 
aspects have been focused on and worked on within the ongoing previous meeting 
process. Last month before this last meeting the other night was the 
presentation and distribution of the campus guideline for psychological health 
treatment. That was a historic meeting and showed the work of a lot of people. 
 This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting down to 
the cultural things that may underlie meditator communal mental health. 
Everything came on to the table. It was really well facilitated.  Evidently it 
is now time in the process to really consider elements of our culture.  There 
were about 40 people around the room of various ages and rank in the community. 
The meeting had a cross-section representation of students, graduates of the 
whole school system, long-term community meditators, campus people, and 
movement leadership. 
  It was extremely well facilitated lasting within and hour or so such that 
everyone was asked to speak and participate in a series of rounds around the 
room where everyone was asked by the facilitator who ran the meeting to respond 
to particular questions in short and those comments were captured on whiteboard 
and poster boards by scribes in front of everyone to be kept and read through 
out the meeting. 
 Starting with a question something like, in only a few limited words and 
without statement what do you see the problem is here in the community culture 
with mental health? 5 or so words. It went around the room. Then once 
everything was on the boards in front of everyone came the next question, in a 
word how do you feel now about all that was said? It went around the room to 
everyone including movement leadership. 'Hopeful' was a common comment among a 
range of feelings.
 Last large question of the group was something like, in five words what should 
be done to effect change in the communal culture? Again time was taken to go 
entirely around the room and the answers were recorded by scribes on boards in 
front of the whole group to read. That went around the whole room and 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of mental illness

2014-10-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
M: Thanks for the well intentioned advice Nabs. I'll take it to heart. What I 
am getting from you is that when I am singing outside without a mike to an 
audience many meters away, I should sound more like a guy sitting in the corner 
of a quiet recording room inches from a mike. And when I am covering a fast 
Elmore James song I should play it like another song that is slower.

You got some mighty fine ears on ya boy!

---In,  wrote :

 "If Curtis were as bad as you say, what do you think he should do to improve?"

 Good question. First of all I'd recommend practise, practise, practise. He 
could start by hitting one note at a time, just one note and listening to it, 
how it sounds, vibrates and how the sound slowly disappears. Just that, very 
simply and innoscently create one sound, and then listen to it, how pleasing is 
that sound, does it sound better doing it in another way ?  And again, and 
again, and again. By doing this one acquires an understanding of the basics and 
a love for the note itself. Without this basics one is lost and will never 
achieve anything. One should understand that the ability to play fast on any 
instrument is not the same as playing music. To be able to play slowly is the 
hallmark of a professional.
  Many amateurs, like Curtis, make this mistake; they skip the basics and try 
to convey too much.
 I recommend you to listen to the video I posted by Robert Johnson. Where is 
the showmanship in this ? There isn't any because his heart is in it. When you 
listen to this, perhaps you better understand my disgust when fellows like 
Curtis comes along claiming to play the blues.

 Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936)
 Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues (1936) This Song contains the only guitar 
solo Robert Johnson ever recorded. I very good example for his amazing talent. 
He plays rhythm and lead guitar on one inst...

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